No Clop November - Don't Call it a Cumback

by StarkyShy

First published

30 participants, 30 days to make it through the month without giving into your base urges and clopping. The prize? An orgy with all the other winners. It sounds easy until you realize just how horny you and everyone else around you is because of it.

Twilight Sparkle invites some of her friends from all over Equestria for a fun challenge.

The premise is simple: Just go the full month without clopping, and at the end, you get to join all the other winners in a huge celebratory orgy.

If only it were that easy...

Every day provides a different challenge for our thirty participants as they try to keep their horniness in check. Will they make it in? Or will they clop out?

This is a love letter/spiritual sequel to Frist's long running series, No Clop November, which he retired a couple years ago. So I decided to pick it up myself and make a whole, very very very long story based off what he and several of his guest artists have done.

A lot of this is based off the work they've done, but it's not necessary to know the whole mythos to enjoy the story.

And like that mythos, all characters are depicted as adults. Yes, even the non-participants.

Prologue: For Play

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“So, we’re really doing this?”

“Well, I think it’s a little late to turn back now.”

Twilight Sparkle looked out at the room she was about to address. Creatures from all corners of Equestria and beyond had gathered in her castle, making idle chitchat at different tables as they waited. It felt a little silly, knowing what she gathered them all here for.

“Alright, go get ‘em, girl,” Spike said, giving her a playful smack on her flank to push her forward.

With a blush already on her cheeks, Twilight stepped up onto the stage and cleared her throat to gather their attention. “Hello, everyone, glad to see you all made it!” she excitedly clapped her hooves together. “Thank you to all of you for agreeing to participate in this year’s No Clop November!”

“WOOOOOO!” With a loud and boisterous cheer, Pinkie Pie set off her party cannon, sending an unsubtle amount of white confetti raining down on the whole room.

“It’s been a while since our last competition, so I thought we could have a little fun bringing it back! I’m sure most of you also missed the little reward that followed on December first.” she added with a wink.

The room was filled with cheeky grins and chuckles, though a few pairs of eyes looked down at the floor in disappointment.

“Now, before the month actually starts, I think it’d be a good time to get familiar with the ones you will hopefully be sharing victory with. That’s why I brought you all together here, after all. Wouldn’t hurt to start planning ahead of time!”

Eager chatter lit up in the crowd as everyone started looking around and eyeing each other up. Shining Armor gave his wife Cadence a playfully possessive hug, Soarin’ gazed at the mares with hungry eyes, Ocellus’s wings buzzed with excitement.

“Now hold on a bit, princess.” A cat’s paw raised up high in the air, drawing the attention over to him. “I got the basic gist of it through the letter you sent me, but I’m afraid that the details have eluded me. The name of the game is pretty obvious, but I doubt it’s as simple as that.”

“Well, Capper, the whole goal of No Clop November is to, obviously, not clop during the entirety of November,” Twilight began to explain. “Edging is fine, but you’re not allowed to purposefully and consciously bring yourself to an orgasm at any point during the month.”

“Purposefully? You saying that ponies just shoot off by complete accident or something?”

“Well, wet dreams tend to happen when you get pent up for a week or two, but as long as you don’t consciously orgasm during the entire month, you get to join the other winners for some celebratory sex at midnight on December 1st.”

“Uh-huh...and what’s to stop us from, say, enjoying some self-indulgence in secret, then just saying that we didn’t?” Capper said with a sly smirk on his face. “...Hypothetically speaking, of course.”

Twilight responded with a smug grin of her own. “Oh don’t worry about that, we have ways to keep track of who is and isn’t still in. There won’t be any cheating.”

“Ooh, yeah, about that!” Silverstream piped up, frantically waving her hand in the air. “What exactly are we gonna do to handle how we know who’s still in for this year? Are we going back to the cum jar thing, or Miss Cheerilee’s chalkboard, or-”

“Do not worry yourselves over that!” A booming voice echoed through the room, turning heads in all directions. “Let that matter fall to...The Great and Powerful Trrrixie!” On her own cue, the magician burst through the door in a cloud of smoke, riding atop a cart covered with a blanket.

“Trixie had an idea on how to handle eliminations this year, and I have to admit, it’s a pretty good method,” Twilight nodded. “and hopefully a very motivating one, too.”

Trixie yanked off the sheet with an exaggerated flourish of her hooves, revealing thirty uniquely color-coded firework rockets.

“Ooh! What do they do?” Silverstream hovered over the cart, trying to find the one that was supposedly designated for her.

“And uh, how exactly is that going to keep score?” Gallus asked, poking the blue, golden-tipped one with his claw.

“Care to find out for yourself?” Trixie challenged, raising an eyebrow with a smug grin on her face.

“Well, there’s not much time left until November officially starts, so why don’t you all take the time to get to know each other a little better?” Twilight suggested. “Good luck, everyone!”

Once Twilight hopped off the stage, the room was filled with chatter.

Zecora approached a brown pegasus she had spotted from across the room. “Miss Daring Do, I’ve enjoyed all your books, but I didn’t think the real deal had such shocking good looks.”

“Ahah, shocking good looks, huh?” the pegasus blushed from the sudden, forward advances of the zebra. “Never met a zebra that introduced herself by flirting with me before. What can I do for you?”

“My name is Zecora, and it’s quite nice to see, someone else with an interest in the ancient like me,” she said with a formal bow. “There is a small favor that I’d like to ask, I believe only you could be up for the task.”

“Something only I could do, huh? Sounds to me like you’re asking for something dangerous then...” Daring smirked, tilting her pith helmet down to partially obscure her eyes.

“To make sure that you’re not on the fence, I promise you won’t be without recompense.”

Gallus looked around the room, muttering to himself. “Let’s see...twelve, thirteen, fourteen…”

Sandbar noticed Gallus pointing his talon at the various mares that surrounded them. “Whatcha doing, Gallus? Eyeing up someone you’re interested in?”

Gallus absentmindedly nodded along. “Something like that, yeah…”

Sandbar tried tracking Gallus’s line of sight to figure out who he had his eyes on. “You making goo-goo eyes at Professor Applejack again?” he joked, elbowing him in the ribs.

“W-What do you mean ‘again’?” Gallus sputtered out, his cheeks blushing in feverish denial.

“Heh, well good luck to y-hhuuuuwah!” Sandbar was suddenly lifted off the floor, his lungs in danger of being crushed by a hug from behind, courtesy of Yona.

“This year gonna be great! Yona will win, just like last times!”

“Y-Yeah...I’m...sure you will...Yona! Gghhk!” Sandbar grunted, his voice clearly strained as his hooves helplessly kicked in the air.

“Sandbar better win with Yona too!” Yona turned Sandbar around so that he was facing her before giving him another air-squeezing hug. “Yona wants to have lots of fun with Sandbar in December!”


“Yeah, good luck to you too, buddy,” Gallus snarked back.

Sunburst and Starlight walked around the cart of fireworks Trixie rode in on, trying to find the ones that were designated for themselves. “So, these were all Trixie’s idea, huh?”

“Looks like. I’m pretty sure Twilight helped her a little bit with magically linking them to the competition, but I think Trix did most of the work.” Starlight said, peering over his shoulder.

“You didn’t help her out at all?”

“Well it was like, the middle of September when we were hanging out. I brought up the fact that November was coming up soon. Then she gasped, started screaming ‘IDEA IDEA IDEA IDEA IDEA’ and ran off,” Starlight chuckled. “Guess she wanted to keep it a secret.”

“You guys curious about the fireworks too?”

The two unicorns turned around to meet a third one. “Oh, hey Sunset! How’ve you been?” Starlight asked.

“Eh, same old stuff. I’m getting used to switching between two legs and four legs though. Takes less time to adjust whenever I go through the portal, so that’s nice.”

Sunburst let out an impressed, low whistle. “I can’t imagine getting used to that…”

Sunset wrapped her hoof around Sunburst’s shoulder. “Oh, I should totally take you through sometime! There’s a lot of weird artifacts and stuff that I know you’d geek out over! Hell, it might even take your mind off being so pent up!”

“Ahaaah...m-maybe next time.” Sunburst laughed nervously. The idea of a new world was enticing, but needing to learn how to walk again? Not so much.

The unicorns looked at the cart of fireworks, their heads tilted slightly askew in curiosity.

“What do you think Twilight meant by them being motivating?” Sunburst pondered out loud.

“I can think of a few ideas…” Starlight said with a wince.

Sunset nodded. “And I’m hoping I’m not the one that sets the example for everyone else...”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna remained at their table, coy smiles on their faces as they watched all the others around them chatting and planning. “So, any ideas for this year, Luna?”

“Nothing aside from the usual, sister. Why? Did you think of something?”

Celestia glanced over to her old student laughing with her friends. “You could say that…”

The sound of heavy hoofsteps interrupted her train of thought. The sisters turned to see a stallion just as large as them approaching.

“Uh...hi there, princesses. It’s nice to meet y’all here,” the stallion said, doing an awkward bow.

“You must be Troubleshoes,” Celestia smiled, waving her hoof. “It’s quite nice to meet you, too.”

Troubleshoes awkwardly looked around at nothing in particular, afraid to look either princess in the eyes. “I didn’t really expect to see all sorts of royalty participating in this kind of thing, it’s mighty humbling just to be surrounded by all of them, kinda makes me feel like I don’t belong here...”

“There’s no need to be worried, Troubleshoes. We’re all here for the same reason as you: to have a good time with a friendly competition.”

“Indeed,” Luna chimed in. “Our status means very little in this competition, especially during the celebration at the end.”

“Is that the reason you wanted to speak to us? Perhaps you wanted to see if one of us could handle a stallion as large as you?” Celestia fluttered her eyelashes as leaned forward on the table. “A rather forward approach, but not an unwelcome one, I have to say…”

“, that’s! I...uh...w-what I meant was…” The stallion’s face instantly started to burn red as he stuttered and stumbled on his words, trying to piece together an explanation.

Celestia quickly burst out into a giggling fit upon seeing how flustered she made him. “Relax, I’m only teasing! Still, I sincerely hope to see you make it to the end of the month.”

“U-Uh, yeah, you too!” Troubleshoes managed to spit out. “I-It was a pleasure meeting you two, but I’ll leave y’all to your conversation…” he chuckled nervously.

As Troubleshoes walked away, Luna turned to her sister and shook her head with a smirk on her face as she nudged her with her elbow. “You’re so cruel, Tia…”

When Troubleshoes managed to collect his thoughts, his face lit up with hope. “Heh, maybe my luck’s finally turning around!” The instant the sentence left his lips, his hooves got wrapped up in one of the tablecloths, sending him tumbling into one of the pegasi.

“...Shoulda saw that comin’,” he muttered to himself as he stood up, helping the other stallion to his hooves. “Sorry ‘bout that.”

“Aw, don’t worry about it,” Soarin’ said, dusting himself off. “I’ve been through crashes worse than that.”

As he stretched out his wings to check if they were still good to fly, a kirin rushed up to him. “Oh my gosh, are you alright?!”

“Yeah, I’m good, pretty sure nothing got broken at least,” he joked. “I don’t think we’ve ever met before, so...I’m Soarin’.” He extended his hoof out.

The kirin shook his hoof with what might have been a little too much eagerness. “I’m Autumn Blaze, so is this like, your first time doing one of these?”

“Nah, Princess Twilight invited me to do one a few years ago. It was fun, but life as a Wonderbolt can get kinda stressful, ya know?”

“Oh totally! You get so pent up that sometimes you feel like you’re gonna explode and it drives you absolutely crazy! And then you just wanna do it right there but you think about how you’re gonna miss out on the orgy at the end and you just baaaarely stop yourself but you can’t stop thinking about it anymore. I’ve SO been there before. Though this is only like, my second time participating in a No Clop November, so I don’t wanna say I’m like an expert at it or anything.”

Soarin’ let out a short nervous laugh, taken back by just how much this kirin could talk. “Seems like we’re both still pretty new to this, huh?”

“Yeah…” Autumn gasped with excitement. “But maybe we could stick together and help keep the other one from getting too horny! Cause like I’m preeeetty good at keeping my cool but sometimes I just go ‘Auuuugh I wanna be ridden like right now’, and I gotta think of something else to get my mind off it, but that sometimes that leads to me getting horny all over again and I just go crazy!“

“Uh...You sure that wouldn’t just tempt us more into just giving in early?”

“...Shoot, you’re probably right. Hm…hold on, lemmie think of another idea...”

The dragons and the changelings shared a table. The leaders, Ember and Thorax sat next to each other, with their students Smolder and Ocellus at their respective sides.

Smolder climbed up onto the table, pumping her fist into the air. “Aw yeah, I’m so ready for this!”

“Wow, you already have a plan for the month, Smolder?” Ember asked.

“Oh, I don’t need to plan for that,” Smolder scoffed, dismissing Ember with a wave of her claw. “I’m planning on what I’m doing for the orgy at the end!”

Ocellus raised a curious eyebrow. “You seem rather confident that you’re gonna make it...”

Smolder half-heartedly shrugged. “Why wouldn’t I be? This is gonna be soooo easy!”

“Heh, you’re not worried, are you, Ocellus?” Thorax grinned, looking down at her.

“Of course not. We changelings are gonna do this easy!” She gave a quick side-eye to Ember and Smolder. “Dragons, on the other hoof…”

“Hey!” Smolder stomped across the table to stare Ocellus down. “I know that I’ll be way better than you this year!“

“Oh yeah?” Ocellus pressed her hooves against the table to lift herself up, meeting the dragon at eye-level.

Thorax let out a somewhat nervous chuckle at the rising tension, shaking his head. “I don’t think there’s really a way to measure that-”

Ember put her claw up. “Hold on, Thorax, I wanna see where this goes...”

“Since we’re both so confident that we’re gonna make it, why don’t we do it during the orgy at the end?” Smolder crossed her arms.

“...I’m listening.”

“Well the rules are gonna be simple, whoever makes the other cum more times is the winner.”

“And the prize?”

“Loser has to do anything the winner says for the rest of December!” Smolder grinned. “And I mean anything.”

“Deal, you’re on!” Ocellus stuck out her hoof, which Smolder shook with a fierce vigor.

Ember smirked as she rested her elbow on Thorax’s shoulder. “Oh this is gonna be fun…”

Cadence observed from a table in the corner of the room, watching all the others excitedly planning the month with each other. All the hugs and coy looks they were giving made her shiver. Her hooves trembled against the table, the tips of her wings twitched, shaking a few feathers loose.

Shining put a hoof on his wife’s, hugging her with the other. “Breathe, hon, you’ll be fine.”

Cadence closed her eyes and took a couple deep breaths in order to recollect herself. “Okay...I’m good. Thank you, dear.”

Cheerilee approached the couple at the table. “Oh hey! It’s great to see you two here! So, it looks like you’re the only married couple in this competition, huh?”

“Looks like, yeah…” Shining nodded.

“You know, I was always curious, is it awkward knowing that if one wins and the other one doesn’t, they’ll be having sex with a bunch of other ponies and such? Doesn’t it make you a little bit jealous?“

Shining shook his head. “Naw, we both know it’s part of the competition.”

“We’re totally fine with what happens during the month.” Cadence put her head on Shining’s shoulder. “So long as Shining is still mine at the end of the day.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet! Well, good luck to you both!”

“Oh, I’ll be fine. Cady on the other hoof…”

Cadence gave her husband a quick elbow to his ribs. “You’re one to talk, Mr. Chastity Shield!”

Shining playfully stuck his tongue out. “You’re just jealous that it works.”

Cadence leaned on the table, resting her chin on her hoof. “Mmhm, why don’t you tell Cheerilee about all the failed attempts?”

“Oh, I think one of my friends told me about the train incident…” Cheerilee took a seat next to Cadence, copying her smug pose. “I wonder if it was all true the way she described it.”

“H-Hey, it didn’t fail, it just had a...slight malfunction, that’s all!”

As Twilight and Spike joined their best friends at their own table, Rainbow Dash backflipped into the air. “Aw yeah, this is my year, I can feel it!”

“You say that every year, Dashie!” Pinkie giggled.

“S-So? I really mean it this time!” Dash grumbled, crossing her hooves.

“I wish that the timing were a little bit better for me, though. I’m taking on several commissions at once, and I’d love the stress relief,” Rarity lamented, before quickly straightening herself up. “Not that I intend on losing, of course.”

Applejack chuckled, putting her hind hooves up on the table. “Heh, Ah’m glad cider season’s comin’ to an end. Gonna be a smooth and stressless November for me.”

“Great, some of us here still have to work year-round no matter what, ya know.” Rainbow grumbled, forcibly pulling the brim of Applejack’s hat over her eyes.

Pinkie leaped into Fluttershy’s hooves, knowing that she’d instantly scramble to catch her. “Soooo, Fluttershy, who are you planning on getting laid with?”

Fluttershy’s cheeks instantly burned red with blush. “Oh gosh, I haven’t even thought of that yet!”

“Oh, excellent point, Pinkie Pie!” Rarity looked around the room. “So many options to choose from…”

Spike gave Rainbow a sarcastic, teasing grin. “So, Dash, what’s your winning strategy this year?”

“Dunno. I was planning on dropping by Quibble’s to hear him nitpick things I like until I was too angry to think properly, but he said gonna be busy trying to teach Wind Sprint more stuff about buckball.” she let out a dejected sigh. “So I guess I’m just winging it this year.”

“You sure that isn’t gonna be dangerous for you?” Applejack snorted.

Dash shrugged. “Eh, I’m sure I’ll do fine.”

Pinkie and Fluttershy exchanged knowing looks, trying to stifle their giggling.

“So, what made ya wanna start doing this again, Twi?” Applejack asked. “Ya miss the exciting challenge?”

“There’s a lot of good memories to be made, Applejack. It’s nice to see everyone enjoying each other’s company, making connections they might not have made before,” Twilight explained. “...That and the reward at the end is a lot of fun, too,” she sheepishly added.

“Well, now ya just gotta last long enough to see it,” Applejack laughed.

“Yeah...This is gonna be a long month…”

Day 1: The Hard Part is Starting

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Pinkie Pie grinned to herself as she rummaged around in her closet. “Oooh, this is gonna be so good!” She lifted up an entire stack of boxes that were stored in the back and carried them downstairs.

It didn’t take long for her to notice the massive stallion standing at the store front’s counter once she got down. “Heya, Troubleshoes! Can I help you out?”

“Hello there, Pinkie Pie. I’m just waiting for Mrs. Cake, she said she was working on my order.”

“Oh yeah! Mrs. Cake told me she ran out of eggs and went all the way to Sweet Apple Acres to get some fresh from their coop. Shouldn’t take longer than thirty more minutes.”

“Figures...” Troubleshoes grumbled to himself, his mood souring considerably.

Pinkie’s face suddenly lit up with inspiration. “Hey! While you wait for her, you can help me out!”

“Uh, help out with what, exactly?”

Pinkie pushed the pile of boxes towards him. “Well, I’m planning all the things that everyone can do during the December orgy! And there’s like, a LOT of time to do them!”

“Wait, you’re planning already? It’s only the first of the month...”

“I know that it’s suuuuper in advance, but think of all the fun we can have together!” Pinkie opened up one of the boxes, and the contents instantly started popping out the moment the lid was open.

Troubleshoes looked around the floor. A variety of blindfolds, gags, whips, and piles of rope had scattered about. The stallion was left speechless. He obviously knew what he was looking at, but what could he possibly say?

Pinkie was busy picking up the scattered blindfolds. “Yeah, I wanted to make it so that before it hit midnight, we’d all put these on and walk around. That way, when it came time to start screwing, we’d all have sex with the ones literally closest to us! But noooooo, Twilight said it was ‘too dangerous’,” she grumbled, crossing her hooves and pouting at her plans already being spoiled.

“That’s...probably for the best,” Troubleshoes said, wincing at what kind of disaster he’d cause if he was pent up and blindfolded.

“Well, anyway, I’ll still be bringing these to the orgy at the end. Some of us are reeeaaally kinky, so I wanna spice things up this year!”

Pinkie opened up the next box, and plastic bottles and tubes of varying shapes and colors flew out of the box and onto the floor like confetti. Looking around at the mess, Troubleshoes couldn’t believe that many bottles could fit into that single box.

Troubleshoes leaned down to examine the mess, it didn’t take much guesswork to figure out they were all different varieties of lube. Oil-based, water-based, and especially flavored ones galore.

“You liiiike?” Pinkie teased, nudging the massive stallion in the ribs.

Troubleshoes let out a sharp huff, still looking at the labels on the bottles. There were so many varieties of flavored lube. There were the classic fruit ones like apple, strawberry, and cherry, more intricate ones like cupcakes, smores, and key lime pie, but hayburgers, diet root beer, and deep-fried lollipops? Most of these he would’ve sworn never existed had he not been looking at them right now.

“That’s one of my favorites,” Pinkie noted, grabbing the cupcake bottle. “So? What do you think? I figure it’s gonna be especially useful for you!”

“Hm?” Troubleshoes turned his head to look at her. “Why’s that?”

“Well, you’re pretty much the biggest pony in all of Equestria, and you are absolutely packing a real pony pounder!” PInkie said, spreading her hooves wide. “Someone, say, a super-cute party pony, miiight be curious and see how much she could fit inside of her, right?” She wiggled her rump up in the air to demonstrate.

“I...guess so…” Troubleshoes’s cheeks started burning red, looking around to check if anyone else might be walking in to see what he was currently seeing.

“Now, it might not all fit in, but the only way to know is to try. And if you make it as slippery and slidey as possible, then it’ll be that much easier to get into her!”

An all-too familiar stir started happening between Troubleshoes’s legs. “Er, Pinkie? I think you should save this talk for another ti-”

“Plus, since they’re flavored, she could have a lot more fun licking around that thick shaft…” Drool started to drip out from the corners of her lips. “That cupcake flavor going aaaall the way down…”

Unfortunately, Troubleshoes started to visualize the scene with Pinkie. He let out a small shudder as his cock started stiffening up. “L-Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here…”

Pinkie was far too busy fantasizing to listen. “Just one loooong lick of tasty, sweet goodness from the base all the way up to kiss the head…Aw yeah, that’d be goooood...”

The mental image began intruding past all other thoughts, and the more Pinkie described her horny tangent, the clearer it got in Troubleshoes’s head. He could see himself looking down, and Pinkie was there, lapping at his slick, lubed-up shaft. “M-Maybe we should put these away for now-”

“Ooh, maybe since it’s so big, we could use different flavors,” Pinkie mused, ducking down for a peek at the goods. “I’m thinking chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry for a neapolitan kind of thing, or bananas, maple syrup and cookie dough, or maybe we could just skip the lube entirely, cause I got a loooot of chocolate syrup that I can go through-”

“Uh, y-ya know what, Pinkie? I think I’ll just wait somewhere else until Mrs. Cake returns!” Troubleshoes bolted out the door, practically tripping over his own hooves as he sprinted away.

The heavy hoofsteps snapped Pinkie out of her trance. “Whoopsie! Shouldn’t go too crazy on the first day!” she giggled to herself.

As Pinkie started to gather everything that spilled out of the boxes, Roseluck entered and saw Pinkie surrounded by bottles of lube and various BDSM toys and absolutely zero context as to why.

“...I’ll...come back later,” she said, backing up with a fully red face.

Day 2: The End of the Rainbow

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Twilight casually walked down the halls of her castle, her nose deep in another book as she automatically wandered around her own home. It was only when she heard the familiar voices of her friends that caused her to pause in front of her throne room door and lift her head up.

Her mind quickly rewound through the day, trying to remember if at one point she let anyone inside, but came up with nothing.

She opened up the door to find her Ponyville friends sitting at their respective seats around the table, stacks of bits in front of them. Twilight was quick to notice that there were two empty seats.

“Hi, Twilight!” Pinkie casually waved.

“...What are you all doing here?” Twilight asked suspiciously as she approached the table.

Spike casually waved a dismissive claw. “Oh, I let them in while you were taking one of your cold showers.”

“We were just makin’ our yearly wager,” Applejack explained. “Ya wanna join in?”


“Oh, it’s just something the rest of us have been doing for a while,” Rarity explained. “We’re making our guesses on what day Rainbow Dash is going to lose this little challenge.”

“You’ve been making bets on when she’d lose? That’s-wait what do you mean ‘a while’?”

“We um, kinda only did it as previous winners,” Fluttershy nervously giggled. “Oh! But you can totally do it with us now this year!”

“Yeah, come on, join the fun!” Pinkie said, egging her on.

Twilight took a seat at her own throne. “Fine, is it just...picking a date and that’s it?”

“The main rule is no sabotage of any kind,” Rarity explained. “Dash’s downfall must be of her own accord, without any direct temptation from us. We can still talk and do other things with her, of course, but we cannot intentionally cause her to lose.”

“Course, if someone else happened to get her to clop out, that’s a different matter entirely.” Applejack grinned.

Twilight nodded along. “Makes sense, so is that all there is to it?”

Spike leaned back, propping his feet up on the table. “Pretty much, we just pick a date and whoever guessed the closest wins the whole pot.”

“So we’re just...running off the assumption that Rainbow Dash is going to lose again this year?” Twilight furrowed her brow, displeased that her friends were assuming the worst in her.

“Oh please, Twilight, have you seen her performance in previous years?” Rarity scoffed. “Her endurance may be impressive, but she has no impulse control whatsoever!”

Applejack chuckled. “Yeah, she’s bound to crack eventually, the question’s just a matter of when.”

“She said she didn’t have a specific strategy this year,” Spike noted, tapping his foot on the table’s surface.

Pinkie briefly sputtered with a giggle. “That’s not very helpful, it’s not like any of her strategies worked before.”

Fluttershy tapped her chin with her hoof. “She said that the Wonderbolts were going to start practicing for their upcoming shows in a couple of weeks...It could happen then.”

“Ah, good point, Fluttershy!” Rarity chimed in. “I can absolutely see all the physical activity getting to be too much for her, especially in the locker room! That would give a good timeframe, but still so many options that it wouldn’t be easy to narrow down...”

Twilight was stunned by the strategic discussion her friends were giving. “You guys put a lot of thought into this, huh?”

Applejack gestured to the amount of bits they were all wagering. “When there’s this much on the line, ya gotta do your research!”

Pinkie turned to Fluttershy. “Hey, is your brother going to be in town any time this month?”

“Riiiight,” Spike nodded. “Nothing turns Dash off more than Zephyr Breeze in any sort of capacity.”

“Zephyr said that he’d be away for the month at his job, but...I can never tell when he might just drop in for a ‘surprise visit’...” Fluttershy sighed. “I can’t make any guarantees.”

The entire table looked down in deep thought as they tried to strategize, going through all the possibilities they could.

“Ah’m gonna say day 10,” Applejack said, breaking the silence by pushing her bits towards the center of the table. “Girl’s gonna crumble fast this year.”

“Applejack, please. Have a little faith in our friend, why don’t you?” Rarity shook her head in disapproval, before putting her bits in. “Obviously she’ll fail on the 17th. The stress from all the Wonderbolts’ training will be her demise.”

“I’m gonna pick the 28th!” Pinkie said, haphazardly throwing her money in. “I just have a good feeling that something big will happen on that day. Not like in a Pinkie Sense sort of feeling, just a regular gut feeling.”

Spike slid his pile of bits in next. “I think it’ll be the 14th. Without a plan, she’s not gonna know what to do, and she’ll give in quick.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I think Dashie has been improving, little by little. Even without her previous strategies available to her, she’s shown some more restraint. I believe that she’ll make it to at least the 24th this year!”

Finally, Twilight weighed in on her bet, teleporting her own bits to put into the pile. “I think she’ll go on the 19th. Like Rarity said, there’s a high chance of her going out when she goes back to Wonderbolt HQ, but she might last a bit longer. However, Soarin’ is also participating with us as well, and his horniness might inadvertently lead to her downfall. Possibly his own, too.”

With a collective revelatory “Ohhhhh”, the others nodded at Twilight’s logic.

Twilight looked at the massive amount of bits put on the line. “So...where are you girls keeping the bet money safe?”

“Mayor Mare’s gonna hold it till it’s time for the payout,” Applejack explained.

They stared at all the bits piled up in the middle of the table, each one of them imagining what kind of spoils they could get with the earnings should they win.

Day 3: A Powerful Third Legacy

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Just outside of Ponyville’s Town Square, Starlight Glimmer carried a few boxes to a caravan parked nearby. “This the last of them?”

Trixie popped her head out of the caravan’s window, looked into the boxes, then nodded approvingly. “Yep! That should be good! There’s enough in there to last at least a few weeks.”

“Is that all you need?” Starlight looked at the pile of cardboard boxes stacked just outside the caravan. “You don’t want to grab anything else?”

“Nope, that should be everything Trixie needs before she sets off! Thanks for helping me pack, Starlight!” She jumped out of the caravan, picking up a few of the boxes with her magic to put inside.

“No problem, but you still never told me exactly where you were going, you know…” Starlight said, helping her friend move the rest of the boxes.

“Trixie is embarking on a journey, Starlight,” Trixie spread her hooves out with grandiose gestures. “One of personal discovery and growth, a long and winding road where at the end, she will emerge a greater and more powerful pony.”


Trixie’s hooves fell down flat to her sides. “...I’m taking a vacation to go around Equestria as a tourist instead of a performer, Starlight. Gonna get some sweet, peaceful alone time on the road.”

“Well if you’re going sightseeing, why are we packing your caravan with so much food?”

“It’s a very long walk between cities, Starlight, it’s tiring, travelling for hours on end.” she explained, taking out a few boxes that were already inside to reorganize. “Plus, Ponyville’s food is a lot more affordable compared to other cities like Manehattan or Las Pegasus. It’s not all just for the trip.”

Starlight tilted her head, watching Trixie shove boxes back into her cramped shelves. “You should’ve told me that it was a vacation sooner! I would’ve loved to go around Equestria with you!”

Trixie’s eyes quickly darted from side to side. “Er...Trixie kinda had been planning on a relaxing solo trip for a while, she didn’t know if you were gonna be busy or not.”

“Well yeah, but you know I can always set aside time for you, Trix.”

“As lovely a sentiment as that is, Trixie’s not sure we’d all be able to fit in the caravan with all the food...Besides! The students need you for advice and stuff! That or stress relief during finals week,” she said with a wink.

“Heh, I guess that’s true…” Starlight chuckled.

Trixie managed to shove rest of the boxes of food inside. “Trixie’ll be back before the end of the month. We’ll have plenty of time to hang out before then, okay?”

“Sounds good!” Starlight looked over towards Twilight’s castle. “Are all those fireworks you made gonna be fine over at Twilight’s? I feel like leaving them out in the open like that is-”

“Dangerous?” Trixie smirked. “There’s nothing to worry about, Starlight. Twilight helped with the enchanting process. There’s no fuse to light, so the only one that can set off a firework is the one it’s designated towards.”

“If you say so…” Starlight looked over and saw one last box to the side. Unlike the ones Trixie was packing in, this one was clearly more worn out. “Hey, what about this box over here?” she asked, lifting it up with her magic.

“Wait, don’t touch that-!” Trixie’s horn lit up, trying to pull the box towards her.

The two opposing magic forces quickly ripped the weaker box apart, and an obscene amount of dildos tumbled out onto the ground. There were horsecock molds of varying sizes, though most of them fell in the larger range. Some had suction cups at the end, some doubled as vibrators, some had a little fluid tank to simulate orgasm, some were molds of other species like dragons and gryphons.

For an entire minute, the two stared in silence for what felt like the most uncomfortable hour of their lives.


“...Okay listen-”


“Oh please, Trixie wasn’t going to use these on the trip!” Trixie scoffed. “It’s like you don’t even trust her at all!”

“Yeah, I’m just gonna take these off your hooves then to save you some space…” Starlight said, gathering up the dildos with her magic.

Trixie’s own magic aura took hold of half the pile, trying to wrestle them away. “Oh, so you can have them all to yourself for the month? I don’t think so, sister!”

Meanwhile, at the changeling kingdom, King Thorax was in the middle of dealing with one who’s very reluctant to call herself a guest.

“I see the decor hasn’t improved at all since I’ve left.”

“Right, did you come here just to insult our interior decorators, Chrysalis, or did you actually have something you wanted to say?” Thorax flatly asked, crossing his hooves.

“There’s plenty of choice words that I have for you, Thorax,” Chrysalis hissed as she stamped towards him, but stopped herself before getting too close. “But that will be for another day. I only came here to talk about the competition.”

Thorax quizzically tilted his head. “What, you’re upset that you weren’t invited this year?”

“Obviously, but that’s not the point. I wanted to make sure you intended on taking it seriously.”

“W-What do you mean?”

“Just think about it, an entire competition dedicated to repressing your horniest and lustful desires for an entire month.” Chrysalis tilted her chin up in order to look down on him. “The others are already predicting that the changelings will give in faster than anyone else.”

Thorax shook his head in disbelief. “Is that what they really say about us?”

“If you bothered to listen to the voices behind your back, you’d know.”

Chrysalis walked to the left and transformed into an Abyssinian. “So, you don’t have high hopes for those changelings either, huh?” the cat said, pointing a finger at the ground towards the presumed other half of the conversation.

While transforming into an orange unicorn mare, she walked to the right. “Well, even if they don’t feed on love anymore, they’re still particularly sensitive to it. So I don’t think they’ll last long. At least, that’s what I’m gathering from what that one dragon told me…”

“No, I...there’s no way they said any of that!” Thorax said, horrified at the idea that any of his friends would speak so poorly of them.

“Feel free to believe what you want to. The fact remains that I expect you to represent the changelings well.” Chrysalis took a quick glance behind her to one of the stone fixtures. “That goes for her, too.”

“Ocellus, are you eavesdropping?” Thorax leaned to the side, trying to spot where she was from his throne.

“I-I’m sorry! I just wanted to make sure that things were gonna be okay...” Ocellus hung her head low as she emerged from her hiding spot.

“Well, at least I don’t have to waste my breath.” Chrysalis turned to face Ocellus. “You already know of the expectations I have of you. It’d be in your best interest to live up to them.” She turned her back on her and Thorax, about to make a prompt exit.

“Wait!” Thorax called out, making her pause and turn around. “You know, you’re still welcome to stay here, right?”

Chrysalis’s face softened for a moment, but she didn’t bother responding to Thorax’s offer with anything but her departure.

Day 4: We Can, Working Out

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“O-kay! We’re totally gonna do this! We’re gonna win!” Silverstream cheered, pumping her fist as she shouted in the middle of the hall.

“Yak and hippogriff gonna win!” Yona shouted, echoing her friend’s sentiment with a hearty ground-shaking stomp.

Silverstream flew in front of Yona, butting foreheads with her. “We’re gonna come out on top this month!”

“Nothing stop us!” Yona reared up like she was ready to charge.

“So bring it on! Give us your worst, we can take it!”

Yona threw her head back and yelled at the top of her lungs. “YONA AND SILVERSTREAM INVINCIBLE!”

“Yeah! That’s the spirit! So! How are we gonna get through the month?”

“Yona has no clue.”

“Oh…” Silverstream’s mood deflated a bit, the motivated momentum they had hitting a dead stop. “Hmm, well it’s not going to be easy, we’re definitely going to be tempted by a lot of hot and sexy stuff, how are we gonna push past it?”

“Ooh, Yona know! We need to get stronger!”

Silverstream tilted her head quizically. “Stronger? What do you mean?”

“If bad thoughts get in our heads, we push them out!” Yona said with a stomp of her hoof. “We work out bodies so that we get stronger. That way, we push out any naughty thoughts we want to!”

Silverstream gasped, squishing Yona’s cheeks together in absolute awe of her wisdom. “Yona, that’s a brilliant idea!”

“Yeah, yaks have best ideas!” she nodded, beaming with pride.

“Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go outside and get our bodies moving!”

The pair dashed through the halls, making a beeline for the doors, pushing past other students along the way, including one of the professors.

“Where are you two heading off to in such a rush?”

“Oooh wait wait wait!” Struck with inspiration, Silverstream skidded to a halt and walked backwards to talk to her teacher. “Professor Applejack! Professor Applejack! Can you help us out?”

“Sure, whatcha need, girls?”

“Well see, Yona had this GREAT idea to start doing workouts so that we can keep our minds focused during the month!” Silverstream pumped her fists in demonstration as Yona trailed back.

Applejack smirked and nodded in agreement, “So, that’s your plan, huh? Can’t say it’s a bad strategy.”

“Yeah! And you’re like, insanely strong and stuff, so you MUST know how to build some muscle!” Silverstream looked at Applejack excitedly, her wings slowly lifting her off the ground.

Applejack gave her a modest blush and chuckle. “Heh, Ah dunno about that, Ah’m pretty sure Rainbow Dash’d know more about a workout routine than me. Ah got these hooves from bucking trees ever since I was young.”

“That what make Professor good coach!” Yona chimed in. “Professor working out her whole life!”

“Heh, well, if y’all are so insistent, Ah’ll see what I can do…”

“YESSSS!” Silverstream flew up in the air with an ecstatic twirl. “Let’s do this! We’re gonna be invincible!”

The three went outside to the school’s running track, with Applejack bringing a whistle and some water buckets with her.

“Alright! What are we gonna do first? Weightlifting? Extreme hula-hoops? Blindfolded boxing?!”

“First we gotta stretch out.” Applejack lifted up one hind leg, slowly kicking it out behind her.


Applejack clicked her tongue in disapproval. “You two are complainin’ now, but you’ll complain a whole lot more if you’re hurting in the morning. Now c’mon, stretch out your legs.”

As Silverstream kicked out her feet, Yona struggled to lift her legs as high as she saw Applejack. “Yaks...not flexible…”

Applejack rocked her body back and forth, lowering her flank and puffing her chest out, then backing up, sticking her toned butt in the air to stretch out her front hooves.

Yona and Silverstream mirrored Applejack’s actions, though their positioning meant that the former was giving the latter a very up-close and personal view of her rear end.

“Oh so that’s what Sandbar...ok I get it now…” Silverstream murmured to herself, the first thing she’s said quietly all day.

“Alright, now that we’ve stretched out our legs, time to put them to use, let’s get some laps around the track!” Applejack stomped her hooves down on the ground.

Yona and Silverstream made a mad dash, hooves and claws scrambling as they sprinted from the grass to the track.

“Remember to pace yourselves, you two! Still got plenty more after you’re done!” Applejack called out, watching the girls circle around the track.

Silverstream was already outspeeding Yona by quite a bit due to going at a full sprint, but hearing Applejack got her to slow down.

Yona was running at a steady pace, and the distance between her and Silverstream was slowly but surely shortening.

Applejack turned to keep the two in sight, continuing to cheer them on whenever she noticed either of them getting fatigued. “C’mon, just cause it’s getting colder out doesn’t mean ya can’t break a sweat! Let’s go go go!”

“Yona...not...meant...for...speed…” the yak was dripping with sweat, practically shaking the ground with every step she took.

“ we...have” Silverstream gasped for air, slowing down even more by asking the question, a good amount of her energy already spent due to the initial sprint, now running alongside Yona.

“Only five more, and then you can take a break!”

Silverstream leaned against Yona for support, trying to focus herself on the track ahead. “C-C’mon Yona! Coach Applejack is gonna make us...invincible!”

“YAAAAAAAH!” Side by side, Yona and Silverstream charged forward on the track.

“Heh, Ah dunno about invincible,” Applejack mused to herself. “But they sure got the spirit, at least. Wouldn’t hurt me neither to get a little more exercise in…” She went into a full sprint, joining her students in the remaining laps.

Day 5: G's Spot

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Over in Griffonstone, Gilda and Rainbow Dash entered the griffon’s home after a tiring afternoon of high-adrenaline aerial tricks and races. “It’s always nice whenever we get to hang out, Gilda.” Dash said while stretching her wings. “I don’t know why we don’t spend time at your place more often.”

“It’s cause this city still fuckin’ sucks,” Gilda bluntly replied as she closed the door.

“Yyyyeah. I mean, look on the bright side!” Dash hopped on the couch, pointing out the window. “When I first came here, the place looked like a tornado ran through it! ...And now it totally doesn’t!”

“Yeah, thanks for the kind words. Surprisingly, griffons aren’t too keen on home renovations, Dash.” Gilda rolled her eyes, sitting down next to her, putting her legs up on the table.

“Hey, baby steps. It’s already an improvement that your hometown looks like there’d be someone living there. I’m sure it’ll look even better the next time I visit!” Dash nudged Gilda with her elbow. “Then maybe we’ll be spending more time over in Griffonstone instead of Ponyville!”

“You have a cloud mansion, Dash, I’m never gonna be able to compete with that.”

Rainbow Dash dismissively waved her hoof, trying her best to not brag about herself. “Yeah, but we’ve hung out at my place like a hundred times!”

“And it’s still awesome every time because it’s a fucking cloud mansion.”

“Fine, jeez! We’ll hang out at my place next time.” Dash grumbled with a roll of her eyes, slumping in her seat.

“So, how are you doing so far?” Gilda asked. “You know, with the whole no clop thing.”

Dash flashed her a confident grin. “I’m great! I feel good about this year!”

“Yeah yeah, don’t get ahead of yourself,” Gilda scoffed. “You didn’t even make it a full week yet.”

“Aw, c’mon, G!” Dash leaned over, putting her head on Gilda’s shoulder, trying to put on her best innocent, sparkly-eyed look. “Don’t ya have a little faith in me this year?”


Rainbow’s expression immediately went flat. “Wow, thanks…” She pushed herself away with a pout.

“I don’t get why you’re still fuckin’ trying,” Gilda shrugged, shaking her head. “It has never ended well for you.”

“Yeah, but the awesome orgy at the end-”

“That you’ve never been able to take part in?”

Rainbow crossed her hooves. “It’ll be awesome when I finally take part in it…”

“‘Finally’ she says,” Gilda mocked, rolling her eyes in complete disbelief at Dash’s confidence. “Do you even have a plan this year?”

“I just figure that the less I think about it, the better I’ll do,” Dash nodded to herself with a cocky smirk.

“Alright, so basically you have no plan, got it.” Gilda stretched her legs, lounging with her hands behind her head.

Rainbow threw up her hooves in frustration. “Well what am I supposed to do? If I just don’t focus on it, then I won’t be tempted to give in!”

Gilda’s paw idly tapped against the table. “Yeah? What are you gonna do if you see something that turns ya on? You’re not gonna be able to just avoid that, y’know.”

Dash’s eyes quickly darted down, then back up. “I’m just going to remind myself that I’m screwing myself over if I don’t resist. I have plenty of wingboner-killing stuff in my mind, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

“Heh, kinda makes me wish I was invited to join you this year,” Gilda smirked. “Would’ve loved to see you at the orgy this time.”

Rainbow’s focus started to trail down once again. “Well, there’s still December if you’re down for it.”

“Heh, until then, I guess I’ll just be getting myself off all on my own, with no best bud to help me through those long, lonely nights where I could really use a pegasi’s tongue deep inside me…” Gilda smirked. “I wish I knew a pegasus who had a need for the magic touch of a griffon…”

“Oh shut up…” Dash muttered, already feeling her wings twitch behind her back.

“How am I gonna go on?” Gilda fake-whined, a claw going down to her crotch to teasingly fake fingering herself. “Oh, I’m sooooo fucking needy!” the griffon moaned, thrusting her hips and curling her paws while looking at Dash with an insufferably smug grin on her face.

Dash subconsciously watched as Gilda’s toes slowly wiggled back and forth. “Yeah, nice try G. But I’m not gonna be that easy to break this year.”

Gilda lightly punched Dash in the shoulder, “Ha! We’ll see how long that tough girl act’ll last.”

“Mmhm…” Dash nodded, the tone in her voice indicating that her mind was already wandering off somewhere.

Gilda finally took notice of what Dash had been staring at. “Well, I know what’ll make you lose right away, the fact that you’re still a fuckin’ perv.” She swung her legs around, plopping her paws right down on Dash’s stomach.

Dash's body and mind froze up, now completely unable to get her focus off of Gilda’s deceptively soft paws. “U-Uh…”

“Yeah, that got your attention, didn’t it?” Gilda shuffled her feet up Dash’s chest, her toes getting closer to her face. “You think I don’t know your weaknesses?”


“Excited now, aren’t ya? I barely did anything, and you’re already turned on…”

“Ggghk, damnit G, c-cut it out!” Dash protested, putting her hooves on Gilda’s ankles in an attempt to wrestle her paws away from her face, though very little effort was actually put into it.

“Why? Don’t you want them? You loooove whenever you get a chance at my paws. I bet you want me to smother your face so bad,” Gilda taunted. Her paws just barely covered up how madly red Dash’s cheeks were getting.

“S-Shut up!” Dash blurted out. She tried thinking about having a stupid argument with Quibble Pants over pointness trivia, but those paw pads started squishing against her cheeks, winning the fight for her attention.

“C’mon, Dash, you know you wanna…” Gilda teased, wiggling her toes, tapping them against her cheeks. “If ya drop out now, I’ll let ya play with them whenever ya want until the new year.” She slid her paw down, the tips of her toes just barely touching her lips. “Whaddya say?”

The offer was already enough to make Dash start reconsidering her options. “Damnit, that’s not fair!”

“Heh heh, what was that about not being easy to break, again?”

Day 6: Hypothetically Speaking

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Sandbar shoved his dorm room door open with an anguished groan. “Ugh, I haaate studying for finals!” he whined, flopping down face-first onto his bed.

“Eh, they’re not so bad,” Gallus shrugged as he closed the door behind them. “It’s not like the tests have even been that hard, anyway.”

“For you, maybe,” he muttered into his pillows.

Gallus gave Sandbar an encouraging pat on the back. “You’ll do fine. C’mon, I had an idea about the no-clop thing.”

Sandbar lifted his head up. “What, you figured out a winning strategy or something?”

“No, just listen. There’s thirty total participants, right? And out of those thirty, nine of them are guys,” Gallus said, pacing back and forth in front of the bed. “That leaves twenty-one girls. So hypothetically speaking, every guy would get at least two girls at the orgy.”

“That’s...assuming a lot of things, dude,” Sandbar sighed. “You’re not seriously thinking all thirty of us are gonna make it are you?”

Gallus held up a claw in defense. “I already know that’s not gonna happen, but like, we got no idea who’s gonna make it, so why not imagine the best case scenario?”

Sandbar looked off to the side. “You’re also assuming that every guy is going to want two girls…”

“Fine, jeez, it’s not a perfect idea,” Gallus rolled his eyes. “Then what would your ideal group be for the orgy if, hypothetically speaking, anyone you wanted made it in?”

“Oh, I dunno, I guess I’d go with Yona-”

“Pff, c’mon, man,” Gallus scoffed, playfully giving Sandbar a shove. “It’s the one day of the year you could be with any other hot girl, get a little ambitious, why don’t ya?”

“You didn’t let me finish. I’d go with Yona and Princess Celestia.”

“...Yeah, that’s definitely ambitious.”

“It’d uh, be a little presumptuous to ask to top the princess of Equestria, right?” Sandbar nervously laughed, starting to blush. “I mean, I guess it wouldn’t be bad to just have her do whatever she’d like with me…”

Gallus let out a little chuckle of disbelief. “Both of those two together would absolutely crush you. Like, your body might physically break from being double-teamed. You realize that, right?”

Sandbar punched the mattress with his hooves. “Yeah, and?!” he huffed in a very overly-defensive tone.

Gallus rolled his eyes. “Alright, your funeral. Asking Yona’s a no-brainer, but how are you gonna convince Celestia to fuck ya?”

Sandbar’s face went blank. “...Fffuck, I dunno, you said this just was a hypothetical, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but she’s a part of your ideal orgy, isn’t she? You’re gonna have to ask her, ya know.”

Sandbar started to sweat. “I...I mean I guess?”

“C’mon, pretend I’m Celestia and it’s November 30th.”

Sandbar stood up and cleared his throat. ”Uh...Hey, Princess! I know this is a long shot, but…” The earth pony’s cock was already starting to twitch just imagining what she might do to him. “I’d really like it if you could join me and Yona in-I mean, it’d be an honor if we could...Oh fuck it, this is stupid, can we just study for finals instead?”

Gallus nearly collapsed to the floor from laughter. “PFFF HAAAHAHAAHAHA! Aw, you’re a wreck!”

“Whatever, I still got like 3 weeks to figure it out,” Sandbar grumbled, feeling his cheeks burning red with embarrassment. “What about you? If you actually won, who would you go with?”

“Alright, so if I could pick, I think I’d go with Headmare Twilight and...Cheerilee. I’ve seen her around town, and I...think she’s kinda cute.”

Sandbar barely managed to stifle his laughter. “Why does that not surprise me in the slightest?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Surely it’s not a coincidence that both mares that you listed are Ponyville’s teachers?” Sandbar leaned in, cocking his eyebrow.

Now Gallus was the one with burning red cheeks. “Y-Yeah? So?”

“What, you think that them being teachers means they’re gonna teach you more about sex?” Sandbar joked. “That your fantasy? You want an intimate lesson in sex-ed?”

“S-Shut up, it’s not like that!”

“Just say it’s for your teacher kink, dude,” Sandbar chuckled. “At least I can admit my choices are because they’re huge and I want them to absolutely wreck me.”

“And I can ask my choices without turning into a nervous, babbling idiot!” Gallus countered.

“Oh yeah? What’s your pitch gonna be? ‘Please, Headmare Twilight? I’ve gotten straight A’s for the semester!’” Sandbar was barely able to get through his imitation without cracking up.

As the two traded verbal blows over their hypothetical horniness. A sudden knocking at the door told the two that their argument was getting a little too heated.

Gallus opened the door, praying that it wasn’t one of the professors that heard.

Unfortunately, the one standing outside their door was Professor Fluttershy. “Is everything alright with you two? I could hear you both shouting about something from all the way out here.”

“Uh, yeah! We’re fine! Nothing to be concerned about!” Sandbar said, desperately trying to hide his erection and praying that they didn’t need to go into the details.

Fluttershy tilted her head, unconvinced. “Are you sure? It sounded like you were arguing...”

“Oh, that?” Gallus scoffed, trying to play it off. “We were just...talking about the whole competition thing.”

“Hm? What about it?”

Gallus looked over at Sandbar, only getting a confused shrug in response, then turned back to Fluttershy. “Well we were wondering, if, hypothetically speaking, everyone made it, and you could be with anyone during the orgy, who would you pick?”

Fluttershy’s face naturally started getting as pink as her mane. “Oh…! Hm, I never really thought about it yet, I’ve just been trying to put it in the back of my mind.” She tapped her chin with her hoof, giving the question a bit of thought. “I guess I’d go with Rarity and Autumn? Are you planning on asking everyone this?”

Gallus frantically shook his head. “N-No, we were just thinking out loud. Any, uh...particular reason why you picked those two though?”

“Well, they’re both very...passionate, for one thing,” she said with a little giggle.

“Aw come on, you can’t just say that and not elaborate on it!”

“Well, for one, Rarity is one for sensual passions. She said that she had a very special, tender massage session planned if we both made it.” Fluttershy’s wings happily fluttered. “Autumn is enthusiastic and creative, and very much down for anything, so...”

“Oooh!” Sandbar perked his head up.

“Oh! I don’t want to get ahead of myself,” Fluttershy blushed, trying to push her thoughts back. “I’ll leave you two be, just...try not to cause such a racket again when you talk about this sort of thing, okay?”

“Yeah, we promise, thanks, Professor Fluttershy!”

Sandbar waited until he was sure Fluttershy couldn’t hear before he spoke up again. “You know all this talk about what and who you’d do doesn’t matter in the slightest unless you win, right?”

“What, you don’t think it’s motivating?”

“I dunno, if you’re already making plans on where your cock is going...” Sandbar shot Gallus a horrendously smug grin. “...It sounds like you’re counting your chickens before they hatch.”

“Oh shut the FUCK up.”

Day 7: Mare In Heat 451

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Daring Do pushed on, deeper into the jungle, rustling through the tall grass and plants as she stayed ever vigilant on her latest mission.

On the surface, her goal seemed simple. That zebra back in Ponyville had told her about a special fruit growing in the jungle that she needed for one of her brews. All the adventurer needed to do was make the long trek over, find some, and bring it back.

Of course, it was never going to be that easy. Zecora said that the fruit was exclusively found in a jungle hundreds of miles away from where she lived. The closest village was a good twenty miles away, and the locals had no need to travel and explore it. She was essentially going into uncharted territory.

Just the way she liked it.

All Daring Do had to go off of was a picture of what the fruit looked like. Bright red, long, and bumpy according to the drawing Zecora had shown her. Still, she had no idea where the fruit was, so it was a blind search through a seemingly endless jungle.

Thankfully, this mission was not going to be impeded by the likes of any archenemy of hers. They didn’t know where she currently was, and getting this fruit would have no impact on their plans. There’d be no dealing with any high-speed pursuits or intense brawls or perilous rope traps. Not that any of that would be a problem, she had been put in so many snares and hogties that it was barely an inconvenience to her.

Despite that, Daring couldn’t let her guard down completely. Being alone only lowered the sapient threat. Her ears were always on the alert for a distant growl or a rustling in the bushes that she didn’t make. She had yet to see any animals other than the occasional tropical bird or bug, and she hoped to keep it that way.

The harsh sunlight was unrelenting, and beat down on her through the trees whenever it was able to. She had packed enough rations to last a few weeks, but she was hoping to get the job done as fast as she could. She fanned herself with the brim of her pith helmet as she looked around in one of the clearings, deciding where to search next.

Thinking back, Zecora was pretty sparse on the details of her mission. She knew why she asked Daring Do specifically to go out, finding something in a far-off land in uncharted territory was right in her wheelhouse. She asked Zecora what the fruits were going to be used for. She responded with “My potion needs a bit more kick, the fruits I described might do the trick”. As for the matter of payment, the zebra had said something along the lines of “A mutual benefit for all these chores, you scratch my back, and I scratch yours.”

Rhyming couplets always seemed to be associated with cryptic hints, no matter where she went. She had a pretty good idea what the potion was going to do, but it wouldn’t matter if she didn’t find the fruit.

The adventurer wished she could put her wings to better use. She couldn’t just charge through the unknown while searching, and an aerial view wouldn’t do her much good if the fruit was growing underneath all the foliage.

Even while staying vigilant for threats, it gave Daring Do plenty of time alone with her thoughts. She could think and plan for the weeks ahead, which was desperately needed, given how busy she would be later.

While the solo venture gave her time for peaceful thinking, she found herself wishing that Zecora had accompanied her, if nothing else but to at least be a second pair of eyes to help identify what she was looking for. The company wouldn’t be that bad either, spending time with someone who also seemed to keep to themselves. It’d be welcoming to just be alone, together.

But the heat was starting to get to her, and the sticky feel from the humidity wasn’t helping either. Even with her helmet thankfully providing a bit of cover, the sun beating down drenched her clothes with sweat. The little reprieve she could get was taking a break right underneath the trees. She could sit down in the shade and cool off in the middle of her search. Being alone still had its share of benefits, as it also gave her total privacy. There would be no one around for miles to see her undo the buttons on her sweaty shirt, allowing her body to breathe just a little easier. And for some more much needed relief, she could rest her exhausted body at the tree trunk, letting her poor hooves relax for just a minute as she indulged in a slow and sensual rub of h

“Damnit!” Daring quickly scribbled the last paragraph out from her notebook. She looked back through the pages, trying to see if anything else slipped past, before closing her book in frustration.

“Ugh, I gotta get this done so I can write properly again…” she muttered to herself, pushing herself back up and continuing her trek through the jungle.

Day 8: Body Check

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“Ugh, so bored,” Smolder groaned, smacking her forehead down on the school library’s desk.

“C’mon, Smolder,” Ocellus chastised, putting another stack of books down. “We still have a lot more to do for our final project.”

“We’ve been working on it for like, two hours straight,” the dragon mumbled, not bothering to look back up at what she assumed was more work coming towards her.

“Fine, we can take a break for like, fifteen minutes, but we still gotta finish this on time.”

Smolder’s posture and attitude instantly changed, perking her head up with a wide grin. “Finally, the most exciting thing you’ve suggested today!”

Ocellus let out a small disapproving grunt. “Well, this thing is gonna be due by the end of the month, so I’d really like to show Professor Rarity everything we’ve learned about-”

“Ah ah ah!” Smolder leaned back, propping up her feet where her head once was. “No thinking until break’s over.”

“Alright, alright!” Ocellus shrugged in resignation, pushing her stack of books aside. “...So...are you still holding up alright for the month?”

“Oh that? Pshh, haven’t even thought of it since we started!” Smolder scoffed.

Ocellus leaned in closer, unable to stop the smug grin on her face from growing . “You suuuure? Because I remember last Thursday in Professor Applejack’s class when you couldn’t keep your eyes off Spike’s-”

“Hey, that wasn’t me giving in or anything, that’s just enjoying the view!” Smolder blurted out.

“You were definitely enjoying it, all right!”

Smolder let out a huff of smoke from her nostrils as she crossed her arms. “Whatever, I’m still totally gonna win!”

“Oh yeah?” Ocellus stood up, her lower half turning a very familiar purple, complete with a long scaly tail. “You sure about that?”

Smolder’s cheeks started turning red. “H-Hey, that’s not fair!” she protested. Her eyes tried to focus on the half that was still changeling, but kept getting drawn back down to the draconic butt.

“What’s wrong, Smolder?” Ocellus giggled, turning around to show off her tail, shaking her rear from side to side, swinging her tail like a pendulum. “Don’t you like what you see?”

Smolder’s eyes kept following Ocellus’s dragon hips, crossing her legs and clenching her teeth to resist her growing urges. She gripped onto the edge of the desk to make sure that her hands stayed put. “Hrrrgh…”

“We still got 13 minutes left until our break’s over,” Ocellus teased, grabbing onto her new shaft, giving it a few slow strokes. “I bet all this work has gotten you soooo stressed out, and so very pent up...”

“D-Damnit!” Smolder’s hands started to tremble. The longer she stared, the more she started to take notice of how accurate the dragon half of her was.

“Yeah, you like? Looks just like the real deal, right? I’ve been practicing. Though I guess it’ll be a bit of a waste if you’re gonna crumble that easily.”

“Hey! I’m not out, yet!” Smolder protested, her eyes still fixed on Ocellus’s dragon dick. “...Did you say you were practicing?”

“Mmhm! Takes a bit to really get the details in, but I think it’s paying off!” Ocellus grinned.

“So...who else can you do?” Smolder asked. It was a bit of a risk, but at this point, any other kind of distraction would be a welcome one.

“Oooh, lemmie think…” Ocellus gave Smolder some relief by changing her lower half back to consider the possibilities.

Smolder let out a quick and quiet sigh of relief. “How about someone that isn’t in our usual friend group?”

Ocellus gave Smolder a knowing grin. “You mean like a kirin?” She instantly transformed, gaining a long, orange mane that wrapped around her head, a curved and branched horn, cloven hooves, and green scales on her muzzle and back. “How do I look? Good?”

Smolder nodded in approval. “Yeah, you just like her!” She stood up to examine, walking behind her to lift up her tail. “Dunno if it’s all accurate, though...”

“Hey! Claws off the goods!”

Smolder rolled her eyes. “C’mon, I just wanna get a better look! Hm, looks similar enough to a pony’s…”

“Woah, did I, uh...walk in on something I shouldn’t have?”

Smolder and Ocellus froze in place, and turned their head towards the open doorway to see a very concerned orange unicorn.

“Oh, no, this is just...uh, we’re not gonna…” the two stammered, trying to explain themselves. Ocellus quickly transformed back in a panic.

“So....what exactly were you two doing then?” Sunset asked, cautiously approaching them. “I dunno what kinda policies Twilight has in this school, but I figure ‘no sex in the library’ might be a given.”

Smolder quickly took a step away from Ocellus. “We weren’t gonna do that! Ocellus was just showing me all the cool creatures she can turn into!”

Sunset’s attitude quickly turned around. “Ohhh, cool! I’ve always wanted to ask a changeling to do that stuff, I just figured it’d be kinda rude, ya know?”

Ocellus transformed back to her changeling form. “Yeah! Just a little thing I’ve been practicing for the orgy.” She changed again, this time into Smolder.

“Oh that definitely leads to a ton of fantasy fulfillment...” Sunset nodded, looking at the identical-looking dragons. “Hm, how about a real challenge? How about you turn into a totally new species?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Sunset reached into her backpack, pulling out her cell phone. “Hold on, lemmie get it…”

Smolder and Ocellus became instantly entranced by the mysterious object, moving in to get a closer look. “Woah, what’s that, Sunset?”

“Oh, this is just a neat little device that came from the other side of the portal,” Sunset explained, turning her phone on. “It, uh, works a lot better over there, so I don’t tend to use it much when I’m here.” She swiped through her gallery, though it was rather cumbersome with hooves.

Once Sunset found a good enough reference, she showed her phone to Ocellus. “You think you can replicate that?”

Ocellus tilted her head while looking at the picture. It looked like Sunset, but taller and oddly not covered in fur or feathers or scales. “That’s a weird looking body, but I’ll try...”

After studying the photos for a few minutes, Ocellus started her transformation. Her height now doubled Sunset’s, standing on two legs instead of all fours. Her hair reached down her back, ears on the side of her head instead of near the top. Long arms and legs, with fingers and toes like Smolder, but rounded ends instead of pointed claw tips. “Is this right? Did I miss anything important?”

Sunset looked back and forth between her phone and Ocellus. “Yeah, I think that’s good...” She tilted her head, putting her focus on her chest. “I really thought they’d be bigger than that, do my boobs look smaller from that camera angle?” she wondered to herself.

“That is so freaky,” Smolder winced. “I mean, not even a tail?”

Ocellus cupped her breasts from underneath, jiggling them up and down. “These are weird, I’ve never had them so close to my head before…”

Sunset stood on her hind hooves, putting a front hoof on Ocellus’s breast. “Huh, nice and squishy, too...”

“You two are so weird...” Smolder muttered, shaking her head as she saw Sunset essentially feel up herself, before joining in and giving Ocellus’s breasts some squeezes of her own.

“Aaaah! H-Hey! These are sensitive!” Ocellus protested, backing away and covering up her nipples. She quickly turned over to Sunset. “These are supposed to be sensitive, right?”

“Oh yeah, totally.”

“What else ya got? There’s gotta be more cool stuff we can make Ocellus transform into!”

“Well, let’s see…”

Sunset pulled out her phone, scrolling through her gallery. Most of them were nude photos of either her or the counterparts of Twilight and her Ponyville friends, but eventually Sunset got to a photo that was very clearly taken at a Canterlot bedroom, something that made Ocellus and Smolder’s eyes widen in shock.

“Oh fuck!” In a panic, Sunset fumbled with her phone, struggling to either swipe to the next picture or turn it off, cursing her hooves for the entire few seconds it took. “F-forget you saw that!”

The two only saw the photo for a brief moment, but the combination of white, blue, green, and pink made it unmistakeable who the subject of the photo was.

“Hey, I think we just found our next changeling challenge,” Smolder grinned. “What do you think, Ocellus?”

“Oh I can definitely do that!” Ocellus giggled, already making room for herself. Within seconds, she had already transformed into Princess Celestia, although without any of the golden regalia. “What do you think, Sunset Shimmer?” she asked, now imitating the princess’s noble voice.

“...Damnit.” This was definitely going to come back to haunt her later.

Ocellus wrapped her hoof around Sunset. “Relax, there’s no need to be nervous, though you do look awfully cute when you’re flustered…”

Sunset’s face instantly turned red. “ know what? I think I hear Twilight calling me, soI’mjustgonnagonowbye!” She quickly bolted out of the library as fast as her hooves could carry her.

Sunset was barely out of the doorway when Smolder and Ocellus burst out laughing, collapsing to the floor in wheezing hysterics.

Day 9: Can't Improve Upon Protection

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In the Crystal Empire, Sunburst had spent most of the day reading dusty old scrolls. He had hardly strayed from his desk as he let all the papers he had already read pile up.

The only thing that got him out of his seat was a knock at the door. He sprung up excitedly and rushed to greet his visitor.

At the door stood the prince himself, Shining Armor. “Huh, only took you a few seconds that time,” he said with a teasing smirk. “And here I figured it’d take you at least a minute or two to respond.”

“Ha ha,” Sunburst dryly laughed. “C’mon in, we got a lot of work to do.”

Shining and Sunburst went into the living room, sitting down on the couch together.

Sunburst clapped his hooves together. “Alright! So, what’s the plan for this year?”

“The good ol’ Chastity Shield spell, obviously.” Shining said, gesturing to his crotch. “Being able to essentially just forget about being horny has been working well so far...Mostly. It’s kinda hard to keep it from swinging around when you can’t get a feel for where it is. Plus it’s still prone to backfiring due to how much magic it takes to keep it up.”

“So...what do you think we can do to fix it?”

“I...have no idea.” Shining shrugged. “If we weaken the effect, then it just makes it more tempting to give in. Not to mention that every little tweak we do only increases the magic load. I have to train some new recruits later on, and it won’t look good if I can’t use my magic.”

“Maybe instead of making alterations, we just start from scratch?” Sunburst suggested. “Think about a solution from a totally fresh perspective?”

“Alright, what can we do to get through this month without blowing it?”

The two stallions sat there pondering how they could last without magically locking up their dicks.

“What if we dulled our libido?” Shining finally spoke up. “If we never get horny, then we won’t have any reason to clop, right?”

“Err, I’m not too practiced in the art of emotional magic. Plus, that could definitely backfire if something went wrong. All our horny desires have to go somewhere, and one accidental release of a week’s worth of horniness would spell certain doom!” Sunburst winced.

“Okay, how about negative reinforcement? Like if our hooves get anywhere close or if we try to magically stimulate it, then it gives us a zap or something.”

Sunburst quickly shook his head. “There are far too many ways to get yourself off without the need to touch yourself. Plus, if we block using magic on it, how are we gonna remove the spell?”

Shining slumped down on the couch. “Yeah, you got a point…”

“Oh! What if we made them detachable?” Sunburst suggested. “We could just store them somewhere safe and then grab them once the month is over!”

“We’d still have to go to the bathroom.” Shining instantly countered.

“Right, nevermind.”

“Not to mention the fact that they’d need to be reattached properly, the looks we’d get walking around with absolutely no junk, how we’d get them back if they got lost, or worse, someone stealing them and then using them for-”

“Alright, alright, I get it! I already scrapped the idea!”

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, racking their brains trying to come up with new ideas, but coming up with nothing.

“...Do we even need to improve the Chastity Shield spell?” Sunburst asked. “I mean, if it works, it should all work out, right?

“It’s true that it works, but it can always be better.” Shining nodded. “The problem is, it takes up a lot of energy to keep up. Any less we put in and it doesn’t work nearly as well. It feels like we can only pick between effectiveness or efficiency...”

Sunburst let out a deep exhale, trying to figure out how to get past their conundrum. “Wait...what if we’re overcomplicating things?” he thought aloud, the gears starting to turn in his head.

Shining raised a curious eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Well, the spell right now turns it invisible to everyone that looks. But it only matters to you knowing if you’re hard or not, right?”

Shining nodded in understanding. “Oh, so we could expend less energy making the spell about personal perception instead of a general field one!“

Sunburst clapped his hooves. “Exactly!”

The two stallions got to work, writing down their ideas on how the spell would actually work before they properly cast it. After a few minutes, they were finally ready to start testing.

Sunburst sat up straight, looking down at his flaccid dick. “A-Alright, here goes nothing!” He stuck out his tongue in concentration, his horn aglow with yellow. With a bright flash of light, his genitals had disappeared from his eyes. “ worked! I can’t see it anymore!” He nudged the area where it once was, feeling a small, slightly fuzzy sensation as feedback. “Can barely feel it, too!”

“Could’ve fooled me,” Shining chuckled. From his point of view, Sunburst was just stroking his cock, making it slowly rise up.

Shining gave Sunburst’s cock a few test strokes, making sure not to go too overboard, just in case something went wrong. “How’s that feel? Good? Or…”

Sunburst watched as he essentially saw Shining Armor poke away at thin air. “I can feel...something. But just barely.”

“Alright, let me try.”

Shining concentrated on his own dick and performed the spell, smirking upon seeing its success. “Hah, and it didn’t feel nearly as taxing,” he noted, now also fiddling around with his pseudo-invisible dick.

Sunburst looked over to see Shining shaking his cock back and forth, giving him a fresh sense of perspective of what he probably looked like. “So, should we call this a success?”

“So far, yeah!” Shining nodded. “Now this month won’t be nearly as hard!”

“Y-Yeah! Erm...Speaking of hard...” Sunburst gestured towards Shining, noticing that he was at a full erection, already forgetting the fact that Shining would be completely unable to tell.

“Oh, am I? Didn’t even realize.” Shining wiggled his hips in his seat, barely feeling a stir in his loins. “I guess that’s also a good sign though. Besides, you’re plenty hard yourself,” he said, pointing his hoof at Sunburst’s own erection.

Sunburst let out a concerned yelp. “Should we be worried about that? I mean, if it goes off without us being aware of it, would it still count, or-” Sunburst did a double take, his sights fixed on Shining’s shaft. “Is it me, or...did it just get...bigger?” He swore that it grew a whole two inches in length the last time he looked.

“You’re gonna have to tell me,” Shining shrugged. “Though yours is definitely twitching right now,” he said, not realizing that his cock was doing the exact same thing.

Both stallions sat there in silence, staring at the other’s shaft, watching how twitchy and stiff it had gotten, showing no signs of going soft, completely unaware that the staring was part of what kept them hard in the first place.

Though the fantasies of what each of them would do to a cock that large certainly didn’t help matters either.

“...Should we...go back to the drawing board?” Sunburst asked, finally managing to concentrate.

“N-Nah, I’m sure this’ll be fine for the month...Probably.”

Day 10: Day to Day Advice

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The doors to the Canterlot throne room opened up, letting a single royal guard through. “Your highness, your visitor has arrived and is waiting for you.”

Princess Celestia smiled and nodded at the guard. “Excellent, you may send her in.”

Shortly after the guard had left the room, Celestia’s visitor was allowed to enter, none other than her former student Sunset Shimmer. “Heya, Princess. It feels like forever since we saw each other.”

“It’s so wonderful to see you again, Sunset,” Celestia stood up from her throne, walking down the steps to give her a hug. “I assume we have much to catch up on.”

“Oh, definitely, how about we move somewhere else? I bet you’re tired of sitting in this room all day.”

“I’d thought you’d never ask!” Celestia sighed in relief, discarding the royal princess voice she had been using before, now sounding much more energetic. “C’mon, let’s get going!”

Sunset let out a little nervous laugh as Celestia started skipping ahead of her. No matter how many times she saw it, it was still disarming to see her so giddy and energetic.

“You must have been quite busy during your time on the other side of the mirror,” Celestia said as she and Sunset exited the throne room, returning to her more regal voice while the royal guards were still within earshot. “Why don’t you tell me about some of the adventures you’ve had?”

“Oh, where do I even start?! Alright, so, this one time at summer camp…”

The two walked down the castle halls, with Sunset recalling tales of all the wild things that have happened in the human world, mostly involving the powers that she and her friends had gained. Though without Equestrian magic causing as much havoc as it did before, Sunset may have embellished a few details.

“...And then Pinkie just blew it up!” Sunset explained, a wide grin on her face. “Rarity couldn’t get it out of her hair for weeks!”

“It’s nice to see that you still get into your fair share of trouble even when I’m not around.” Celestia giggled.

“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” Sunset huffed.

“Oh, nothing,” Celestia ruffled up Sunset’s mane. “I’m just glad to see that despite how much you’ve changed, you’ve still stayed the same in many ways.”

“Well, what about you? I mean, I’ve been talking about all the stuff I’ve done, but you must’ve been up to something interesting, right?”

Celestia thought for a moment. “Hm, I’m afraid my daily life isn’t quite as exciting as yours, Sunset. Too many meetings and delegations, it’s all terribly boring stuff, I’m afraid.”

Sunset scoffed. “C’mon, that seriously can’t be all you do every day! No secret double life you live when no one else is looking? Or blasting your magic at a terrifying monster that threatened Equestria? Or a prank you played on Princess Luna?”

“Hmhmhm, now that you mention it...” Celestia gave a sly grin, leaning down to whisper something into Sunset’s ear.

Sunset’s jaw dropped, dumbfounded by what she was hearing, but the more she listened, the bigger her grin got. “Nohoho way, you didn’t!”

“I did,” Celestia winked. “You could ask Luna to confirm it for yourself, though she may not be particularly happy to admit it.”

“I can’t believe you got away with it!” Sunset leaned on Celestia, still blown away. “Especially since-”

“Excuse me. Your highness?” A guard interrupted, walking up to Celestia. “Your package.” He gave her a small cardboard box.

“Ah, perfect, thank you very much,” Celestia nodded, bowing her head to the guard as she took the box from him.

Sunset curiously tilted her head, looking at the box. It didn’t look particularly special, it just seemed like an ordinary box of crackers.

“Oh, this? This is just my secret weapon for the month,” Celestia casually replied, opening the box to take a bite out of one of the crackers. “It’s how I’ve gone undefeated so far.”

Sunset’s eyes squinted as she tried to figure out the logical reasoning behind what Celestia had said. “Graham crackers prevent you from being horny?”

“Mmhm,” Celestia stated rather matter-of-factly. “Luna uses it, too.”

Unconvinced, Sunset tried to figure out what the secret was behind Celestia’s secret weapon. “So, are these like, specially baked with ingredients to dull the libido?”

“Nope, these are just regular graham crackers you can buy from pretty much any store in Equestria.”

Sunset started examining the box for any sort of clue. “...So...what’s so special about them?”

“Nothing!” Celestia grinned wide, making Sunset even more confused.


Celestia offered the box to Sunset. “Why don’t you try some for yourself? Maybe you’ll see what I mean.”

Sunset took a graham cracker out of the box, examining it from all angles, still thinking of how it could have possibly made Celestia some sort of chaste juggernaut before reluctantly biting into it.

“How does it taste?”

“They’re crunchy, but like...pretty bland?” Sunset said with a mouthful of cracker before swallowing. “Bleh, not a lot of flavor. It feels like it takes forever to finally eat one.”

“But you’re not thinking any particularly sexy thoughts right now, are you?” Celestia winked.


Celestia pulled Sunset closer. “It may not be the most glamorous method, but it does keep my focus on something else. And it certainly doesn’t hurt to pretend that it secretly does have magic libido-dulling ingredients in there either.”

“Well, I dunno if I wanna spend the whole month munching on bland crackers,” Sunset said. “I still need a surefire way to get through this month. Some other sort of motivation or deterrent or distraction...”

“Well, I’m more than happy to assist you, Sunset. Though spending so much time together might make me the wrong type of distraction.” Celestia playfully stuck out her tongue, bumping her flank against Sunset.

Sunset felt her heart skip a beat and the blood rush to her entire face. “Wuh-huh?”

“Oh relax, Sunset, I’m only teasing!” Celestia giggled. “You do show off a much cuter side when you’re embarrassed, though.”

“WHAT?!” Sunset sputtered, nearly choking on air.

“Hm? Did I say something wrong?”

“No, it’s just...nevermind.”

Applejack gave the sturdy apple tree another strong buck, the rest of the apples falling down into the bushel. “Whew, that should be the last of them…”

She wiped the sweat off of her brow as she looked at the now emptied acre of trees. Cider season being done only meant the busiest work was behind her. There was still plenty of work to be done on the farm. She looked back up at the skies. She had just enough time to drop these apples off at the barn before she had to rush over to the school to help Silverstream and Yona with their training.

It was a lot, but she just needed to keep her focus on what was ahead of her, and she’d be just fine...

As she started pushing the day’s harvest towards the barn, she heard her name being called. It didn’t sound like Big Mac, Apple Bloom, or Granny Smith. She turned around to see who made their way onto the farm.

“There you are, Applejack!” Rarity exclaimed. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”

“Well, ya found me, Rare. So whatcha need?” Applejack pushed the bushels a little bit further along the path.

“Well, I wanted to make sure you were okay,” Rarity said. “You’ve been working all day all by yourself out here!”

Applejack wiped some more sweat away. “Yeah, guess so. Ain’t easy, but nopony else is gonna get it done. Still got plenty of things to do, so...” she started to go back to her work, but Rarity quickly stopped her in her tracks.

“Oh that simply won’t do!” Rarity interjected, standing in front of Applejack’s path. “You need to take a break!”

“Wha-Rarity, I promise I’m not overworking myself!” Applejack rolled her eyes, trying to push past her.

“Hmmph, you always say that,” Rarity huffed. “But you’ve just finished up a day’s worth of work, and you’re immediately going off to exercise some more!? It’s like you’re actively trying to make yourself busier!”

“Says the pony who’s swamped with dress work.” Applejack rolled her eyes. “Ah’m gonna be fine, these hooves have been through worse.”

“Honestly, Applejack. You’re going to collapse soon if you keep this up. What’s wrong with taking a break every once in a while?”

Applejack gave a reluctant sigh. “Fine, Ah guess it wouldn’t hurt…Ah can go in and get a quick drink and rest my hooves-”

Rarity grinned and shook her head. “That won’t be necessary. We can relax right here, right now.”

Applejack raised a suspicious eyebrow. “Wait, how are we gonnaAAAH!” Rarity had suddenly pounced on top of her, pinning her to the dirt with a surprising amount of strength.

“Hm, a bit too sweaty for my liking, but I suppose I can make exceptions…” Rarity mused, dragging her tongue up Applejack’s neck.

“Aaah...W-What’s gotten into you?!” Applejack grunted, flinching as she felt Rarity’s tongue against her cheek.

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m helping you relax…” Rarity giggled, giving kisses and nibbles to Applejack’s neck.

Applejack couldn’t stop the little moans escaping her lips. “H-Hey...Ah don’t neeeeed-aaah! Thiiiis…!”

“No, but I bet you want it, don’t you? You’ve been working so hard, it’s only fair that you get rewarded for it.” Rarity dived down, locking her lips with Applejack.

Applejack widened her eyes in shock, but found herself slowly closing her eyes, gradually giving into the passion of the moment. “Nngh, Rarityyyy…”

Rarity slowly moved her head down Applejack’s body, planting kisses on her the entire way down, stopping at her crotch. “Yes, Applejack?”

“D-Damnit Rarity, you’re gonna make me...lose…!” Applejack grunted, her freckles showing bright against her red cheeks.

“But you’re not asking me to stop, are you?” Rarity gave a quick flick of her tongue to Applejack’s clit, chuckling to herself. “Ah, I think I figured out why you’ve been running yourself ragged.” She gently grazed her hoof against Applejack’s pussy. “Trying to distract yourself by making yourself too tired to clop, hm?”

“Gaaah…d-didn’t wanna lose before Rainbow Dash...” Applejack grumbled, covering up her face with her hat.

Rarity giggled as she licked her lips, teasing Applejack’s vulva with just the tip of her tongue. “I’m not gonna let you until you say so…” she taunted with a singsong tone.

Applejack growled, her hooves trembling as she mentally struggled with herself. The entire time, Rarity kept her on edge, teasing her with light kisses around her crotch. She felt her dipping her tongue in, just for a brief moment, but never going in deep enough to give her any real pleasure. “F-Fuck, just do it, Rarity! A-Ah don’t care anymore! Ah need it!”

A satisfied Rarity quickly complied, finally plunging her tongue deep, letting it explore Applejack’s inner folds. She held down Applejack’s thighs as she slurped away.

Applejack threw her head back as she bucked her hips. Rarity’s tongue sent electric pleasure through her body. The humiliation of defeat, like everything else, became a fuzzy haze in her mind as she fully gave in to whatever Rarity wanted. “Nnngh! T-Thank yoooou! Fuuuck! F-Feels soooo goooood! Aaaah! AAAAAHN!!”

Over at Twilight’s castle, the cart of Trixie’s fireworks sat on top of one of the balconies. There was a rumbling coming from the cart, and a single firework was set off, seemingly on its own without a fuse or spark.

The orange rocket adorned with a distinct 3 red apples on the side flew high into the air, letting out a loud whistling sound for anyone nearby to hear, before exploding in grand fashion.

From the explosion came the sparks, which formed in quite accurate detail the exact face of a certain apple-farming mare at the time of climax, all the way down to the sweat dripping down her forehead and past her freckles, and there it lingered for a full minute before finally fading away.

Several of the other participants looked up at the sky to see the impromptu fireworks show. Regardless of their distance to Ponyville, they could see the image clearly.

“ that...?” Thorax squinted, looking upward. He felt an entire shudder going through his body alongside an uncomfortable stir between his legs. “...Oh...that’s not gonna be good for me…”

Rainbow Dash pumped her hooves up high. “Woohoo! Not first to go!”

Yona and Silverstream looked back and forth between each other and the skies with unease.

“...That not good.”

“I’m...guessing Professor Applejack might be a bit late for our training today.”

Sunburst’s jaw dropped in horror. “Oh...Oh that’s way worse than I thought it’d be,” he shuddered.

As soon as she heard the bang, Trixie looked towards the sky, cheering once she saw the face it made. “Ha! It works!”

Celestia and Sunset looked out the window, watching the firework show above Ponyville. Despite the distance and the brightness, they could see the flashy image of Applejack’s sweaty, lustful expression in broad daylight.

“...That might help as a good deterrent.” Celestia winced.


Day 11: Heat Seaking Missus

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The train screeched to a halt at Ponyville’s station. As the doors opened, several creatures flowed out, including Princess Cadence, arriving at the small town without a pair of guards at her side.

Cadence walked through the bustling streets of Ponyville. Most of them were simply going about their business, buying things at the market, basking in the comfortable autumn weather, or chatting with a friend.

While the massive behemoth that was Twilight's castle stood nearby, that wasn’t Cadence’s intended destination today. Instead, she headed for one of the many identical looking homes in town, and knocked on the door.

After a few seconds of waiting, Cadence was face-to-face with the town’s schoolteacher, Cheerilee. “Oh! There you are, Princess Cadence! Please, come in!”

Cheerilee stepped aside to let her guest into her humble house. “So! How was the trip?”

“It was fine,” Cadence shrugged. ”Though I couldn’t help but notice there were a few ponies staring at me for most of the ride. I mean, not in like, a completely creepy way, but it’s like I could see the stars in their eyes when they were looking at me.”

“Oh? Maybe they were surprised and excited to be sharing a train ride with a princess,” Cheerilee suggested, leading her to a table already set up for teatime.

“Doesn’t Twilight use the train all the time? I figure a good amount of Equestria would be used to riding with one of the princesses by now.”

“Well, you have to remember that not everyone is friends with all the Princesses of Equestria,” Cheerilee said, sitting down opposite Cadence.

Cadence nodded. “I guess you have a point. Even I’d be shocked if I saw Princess Luna on a train to Appleoosa.”

Cheerilee started pouring the piping hot tea into some cups, offering one to the princess. “So, things are nice and peaceful at the Crystal Empire, I take it?”

“Mmhm! We don’t have much coming up in terms of holidays or celebrations, it’s a little boring, but I prefer the nice and calm. We do have a diplomatic meeting with the changelings coming up soon, it’ll be nice to catch up with Thorax again.”

“Oh that’s sweet! What are you two going to be talking about?”

“Thorax says there’s still quite a lot of changelings that are apprehensive about leaving the hive. We were going to discuss ways to make the Crystal Empire more inviting for them.” Cadence took a sip of tea. “We’re hoping it’ll serve as a sort of transition for them. The Empire is a mostly isolated place, but still way outside of the changeling hive. Plus I want to show that there’s no bad blood between us and them, you know?”

“That sounds like a fantastic idea! Maybe you two could go ask Twilight about letting them come to Ponyville next?” Cheerilee suggested.

“Well, give it a bit of time,” Cadence giggled. “Thorax is kind and all, but he’s still trying to get used to being a leader.”

The two mares both took a sip from their teacups, sighing in satisfaction.

“What about you?” Cadence asked, helping herself to the nearby cookies. “Anything exciting coming up in Ponyville soon?”

“Well, the Applewood Derby is coming up soon, so I get to break out the old cheerleader outfit again,” Cheerilee said with a mischievous smirk on her face.

“Oh, really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wearing it before.”

“I can put it on for you now if you want!” Cheerilee said with perhaps a little too much enthusiasm in her voice.

Cadence, sensing the obvious excitement from Cheerilee, shrugged and nodded along. “Well, no better time than now, I guess.”

Cheerilee rushed off, only taking a few minutes to put on her outfit. “Tada!” She stepped back into the room, showing off her outfit with a flourish of the pompoms on her hooves.

It took a few moments for Cadence to take in the entire look. “I can see why it’s so popular,” She noted, her eyes trailing down to the skirt that just barely covered her cutie mark.

“Putting this on just fills me with energy!” Cheerilee grinned, twirling around, the momentum lifting up the skirt frills with each counter-turn. “It’s like I’m going back to my high school days!”

“I can imagine,” Cadence quietly thought to herself, munching on one of the cookies to keep her mouth busy.

Cheerilee sat back down at the table, fussing with the bow behind her mane. “So, what’s Shining Armor getting into while you’re here with me?”

“Eh, he’s probably still tinkering on his Chastity Shield spell with Sunburst.” Cadence playfully rolled her eyes. “If something hasn’t gone wrong already, I’m guessing it will pretty soon.”

The two started giggling at the mental image of the stallions in the aftermath of the spell backfiring, trembling with horny desperation and panic.

“How are you doing so far, by the way?” Cheerilee leaned on the table, winking at Cadence. “Still hanging in there?”

“Y-Yeah! I’m doing fine!” Cadence quickly forced a grin on her face, nodding with too much enthusiasm to compensate.

“That doesn’t sound fine to me, sweetie,” Cheerilee teased, leaning in closer. “What’s gotten you so worked up? Is it the outfit?”

“No, it’s just the whole ‘love princess’ deal. The usual,” Cadence sighed, slumping in her seat.

“Ahhh, that thing.” Cheerilee nodded. “You’ve been sensing a lot more than just love lately, huh?”

Cadence covered up her head with a heavy sigh. “On any other day, it wouldn’t be such a problem, but it’s like I get more and more sensitive to the lustful feelings from others the longer the month goes on!”

“Doesn’t help that you’re interacting with friends who are willingly keeping themselves pent up for a whole month, right?”

“Exactly! And since I don’t get an outlet either, it’s like I’m struggling for ten at the same time!” Cadence lay face-down, screaming her frustrations into the table.

“So...yesterday when Applejack…”

Cadence let out a shudder. “Don’t remind me. If it’s gonna be like that for the whole month…”

“Yeesh, don’t envy you there,” Cheerilee winced. “Still, it must feel ten times more amazing to finally let it all out, right?”

Cadence let out a weak chuckle. “Heh, I suppose it does. You’ve got a real knack for finding the bright side in things, Cheerilee.”

“It’s what I’m here for,” she winked, offering the princess more tea.

Cadence straightened herself up and took another sip. “It’s still not going to be an easy rest of the month though. I’m struggling plenty without feeling all the horny cravings of everyone else.”

Cheerilee shook her tail from side to side. “You suuure the outfit doesn’t have anything to do with it?”

“Heehee, I’m sure. Buuuuut maybe I should stay in my castle when the Applewood Derby starts, j-just to be safe…”

Day 12: Feelings For 'im

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Down in one of Ponyville’s cafes, Ember and Thorax sat down at one of the outdoor tables. Though the local dining experience wasn’t the purpose of their meeting.

“I still don’t get why we have to meet here of all places,” Ember grumbled, drumming her claws on the table.

“It’s a nice neutral meeting spot. None of the scary lava pits from your place, and none of the super-cutesy decorations from my place.” Thorax explained. “Plus it’s always so nice and pleasant here!”

Ember looked around, seeing ponies happily skipping around and singing songs. “If you say so…”

“C’mon, isn’t it nice to get out of your kingdom for a while?”

“I guess, but…” Ember noticed a lot of pony eyes staring in their direction. “Doesn’t this make it look like...we’re on a date or something?”

“Why? Do you not want to go on a date with me?” Thorax teased, resting his chin on his hooves as he waggled his eyebrows.

Ember’s cheeks instantly turned pink. “No! I-I mean, that’s not what this is! We’re not on a date, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to! But I-ugh, shut up.”

Thorax started snickering. “Wow, I didn’t think that’d get you so worked up!”

Ember snorted black smoke from her nostrils as she crossed her arms. “Whatever, just tell me what you called me here for.”

“Well, I just wanted to catch up a bit. How are things going for you in the dragonlands?”

“...Fine enough, I guess…” Ember’s expression softened up, turning to face Thorax. “Garble and his friends still like to cause trouble, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“What kind of trouble?”

“Drop-kicking each other off the cliffs over the lava pit, playing chicken while lava surfing, throwing whatever they can find into the volcano to see if they can set it off, dumb stuff like that.”

“Are you doing anything about them?”

“Eh, honestly, they’re not hurting anyone but themselves, so it’s not a huge deal or anything,” Ember shrugged. “But if they do something out of line, I can always yell at them so they get scared, which is always fun!”

Thorax nervously nodded along. Ember was looking way too happy at the idea of terrorizing someone. “Riiight, well, the hive’s been doing alright so far. Pharynx is trying to increase security, so the others are helping out by growing some thorny vines that they can use. The others like it because they can grow stuff, Pharynx likes it because it’s sharp and pointy.”

Ember cocked her head to the side. “What are they gonna do, make armor wrapped with the vines?” she sarcastically suggested.

“Ooh, that’s a good idea!” Thorax clapped his hooves together excitedly. “I’ll tell him when I get back!”

Ember playfully rolled her eyes. “Anything else happening over there?”

“Hm, I’ve been seeing Ocellus transforming into different species, when I asked her about it, she said it was practice for ‘when she beats Smolder this year’.”

“Oh yeah, the bet that they made. I remember seeing Smolder lifting up rocks with her legs, she said she wanted to make sure she had the stamina to ‘totally crush Ocellus’.”

Thorax’s bright smile turned into a worried grin. “You don’t think they’re taking it too far, do you?”

Ember shook her head, subconsciously grabbing onto Thorax’s hoof. “I’m sure they’re just really excited about the competition. Besides, it’s not like they won’t be friends anymore when it’s all over.”

“Heh, you’re right. I don’t know why I’m so worried.” Thorax’s eyes quickly darted over to look at Ember’s hand, but decided to keep quiet.

“Maybe it’s cause you’re getting too stressed,” Ember said. “You’re probably trying to focus on everything at once. Just take it one problem at a time or something.”

Thorax nodded in agreement. “There’s just been a lot of stuff I have to deal with. Ocellus though, I’ve never seen her so excited before. She’s been really pumped up about the little side competition with Smolder.”

“Yeah, well, the feeling’s mutual I guess,” Ember chuckled. “Smolder’s just been full of energy.”

“Hah, the more they talk about it, the more I actually wanna see who wins.”

The two started visualizing the culmination of their students’ efforts. Ocellus transforming into different species with varying cock shapes and sizes, Smolder having an unrelenting grip, wrapping her legs around Ocellus’s waist to try and take control. Of course, the projected winner was different in each of their fantasies.

“Well, why should they get all the fun?”

“W-what do you mean?”

Ember grinned, a fire alight in her eyes. “If you really wanna see who’d win between dragons and changelings, we could always join in...”

“Ahehehe, I don’t know if I can handle that kind of intensity yet…” Thorax nervously laughed, the idea alone making him shiver.

“Fine, fine. We’ll leave it to those two then. Still, if you ever change your mind, I’d be more than happy to help you get through the month.”

“Hah, I’ll think about it.” After a minute of sitting around in the cool open air, Thorax spoke up again. “You know, this could still be a date if you want it to be.”

Ember blinked in confusion. “What? Why would I want it to be a date?”

“Well, for starters, you’re still holding my hoof,” he smirked, watching Ember’s cheeks get pink again.

Trixie walked through the cave, her hoofsteps echoed around. Her horn was lit up as the only light source around. She didn’t know what’d be scarier; being alone, or not being alone.

She eventually stumbled upon what felt like the end, a mysterious light shining from above over a large underground lake.

Trixie looked around, before sitting down at the water’s edge, extinguishing her horn light. “So this is it, huh?” she mused to herself. “Thought it’d be more guarded than this…”

She gave the water a curious poke, watching the ripples spread to the other edge of the lake. “How is this supposed to work…?”

She leaned over, staring down at her wobbling reflection in the lake. Her heartbeat started pounding in her ears, fearing that there was something below that would pull her under.

As the water began to calm, Trixie got a better look at her reflection. Her mane had a few frayed ends from all the cave trekking. She ran her hoof through her hair, trying to fix it. As she checked the back-half of her mane, her reflection pointed out another tangled end, and without thinking, she moved her hoof to fix it.


Trixie’s reflection leaped out of the water, appearing as a fully living, breathing pony that pounced on top of her.

Trixie yelped in shock, suddenly face-to-face with what she originally thought was just a reflection, feeling the water drip onto her body. “Um...are...are you?”

The pony nodded her head. “Trixie’s you, of course.” She leaned in closer, her lips hovering over her ears. “Now, let’s get down to business and get to why you came down here in the first place…”

Trixie’s heartbeat accelerated, her breathing became heavy and shaky. “Trixie needs the pleasure…”

“...And who would know what you want better than yourself?” the reflection grinned, completing the sentence. “Trixie can give you all the little things you want, and all the things you didn’t even know you wanted…”

“Well, who is Trixie to deny somepony who knows her so well?” Trixie reached her hooves up, wrapping her hooves around her doppelganger’s neck, pulling her in for a deep kiss.

The reflection naturally reciprocated, crouching down to lock lips with Trixie.

The tongues of the two Trixies pushed against each other, two of the exact same egoes in a constant struggle for dominance, neither one willing to concede to the other. Eventually, it became more than a battle of tongues, their horns rubbed against each other, setting off a few magical sparks from the friction.

The cave echoed with identical sounding moans as the Trixies rolled around the edge of the water, fighting to be the one on top. Their hind hooves kicked around, trying to wrap around the other one to hold on.

Eventually, the two broke off their kiss simultaneously to take a quick breath.

“You’re pretty good,” Trixie grinned, looking down at her reflection.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” The doppelganger smirked back.

Trixie turned around, facing her reflection’s hind hooves. She spread her hooves apart, licking her lips as her hoof rubbed the clit, knowing exactly where to touch without looking. “Well? Trixie’s waiting for you…” she said, looking behind her shoulder as she shook her hips.

The reflection shivered, looking up at Trixie winking in front of her. “O-Of course, Trixie always gets to go first…” She lifted her head up, flicking her tongue against her clit.

Once she started to feel the tongue, Trixie got to work pleasuring her mirror image, lowering her neck to slowly lick the clit of her reflection.

The reflection buried her muzzle into Trixie’s marehood, her tongue running against her inner walls.

“’re so good at thiiiiis…” Trixie muttered, rocking back and forth on her caravan’s hammock. Her head sleepily bobbed back and forth, letting out quiet little moans in her sleep.

Day 13: Wearing Your Heat on Your Sleeve

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Rarity was frantically pacing across her boutique’s floor, in a mad rush to multitask across the whole room. A little adjustment to the buttons on a mannequin here, then a few more lines on the sketch paper there, then to work on the seams over on the sewing machine...

“Alright, that dress is done, but I need to make sure it fits her soon. I have to add the diamond sequins on that...Oh! And I need to fix the stitching on that one…” She had gotten herself into a manic rhythm, but at the pace she was running around, she was sure to collapse at any moment.

The ringing of her door’s bell finally snapped her out of her vicious cycle, as she turned with a surprised yelp to see who had entered.

“Ah, pardon me, did I arrive at a bad time?” Princess Luna stood at the door, clearly put-off by the state of disarray she had caught Rarity in.

“P-Princess Luna!” Rarity sputtered, frantically searching for a brush to fix the frazzles in her mane. “No, it’s totally fine! I just...wasn’t expecting your arrival, is all!”

Luna quizzically tilted her head. “You did summon me for my dress fitting today, did you not?”

The gears started cranking double-time in Rarity’s mind as she remembered what day it was. “Oh! That was today today! I, er, forgive me, I’m just having a little bit of trouble keeping up with everything as of late!”

“If you’re busy, I have no problems with rescheduling-”

“Oh no no no not at all, dear! Not after you came all this way!” Rarity insisted. “Just stand over there on the podium and I’ll be ready to take your measurements!”

As Rarity slipped behind the curtain, Princess Luna stepped onto the stage, with only the trio of reflections on the mirrors to keep her company.

After a short wait, Rarity stepped back out with her notepad, measuring tape, and a fully-fixed mane. “Now then, let’s get started!”

With her magic, Rarity started taking the measurements of Luna’s proportions. “So, Luna, what is the ideal look you want for this outfit?” she asked as the tape stretched from her hoof to shoulder.

“Well, I would like for the dress to reflect the beauty of the night sky. Though I don’t want to have myself be the center of attention because of it. I’d rather they be reminded of the natural wonder of the night by looking at it. I apologize if that sounds contradictory-”

“Ah, so subtle, but still stunning,“ Rarity noted, wrapping the measuring tape around Luna’s stomach. There were a few ideas on the design and color scheme already forming in her mind.

Luna nodded. “This event is going to take place outdoors, so ideally I’d like it short enough so that it won’t get dirty or tangled up in things easily.”

Immediately, several mental designs were either adjusted to accommodate, or scrapped entirely. Though Rarity didn’t show any frustration on her face, she just adjusted her glasses as she measured the base around the princess’s wing. “I see, I see, anything else?”

“Well, could I ask that it be more...comfortable to move in?” Luna sheepishly asked. “I know it sounds a bit silly, but many of my dresses are uncomfortably stiff.”

“Of course, dear! That should be easy enough!” Rarity nodded, now measuring Luna’s flank.

“I appreciate it, Rarity,” Luna sighed in relief. “If I’m going to be wearing this dress for hours at a time, I would at least like to feel like I can move around without anything tearing!”


Luna took notice that the measuring tape was wrapped around her flank for much longer than usual, and Rarity’s tone sounded oddly distant. It almost felt like the tape was squeezing her… “ everything alright back there, Rarity?”

“Hm? O-Oh, yes! Sorry, I was just...deciding on what sort of fabrics to use!” Rarity cleared her throat. “It will take me a bit to get the full design ready, but I can show you a few fabrics I think would be to your liking!”

“By all means, please, go ahead.”

Rarity turned Luna around to face the mirrors as she got the fabrics. She draped some cloth over Luna’s neck. “Now this one is purple on one side, and black on the other. So we could make it layered.”

Luna looked at herself through the mirrors, trying to visualize what the full dress would look like. “I see, what else did you have in mind?”

Rarity swapped out the cloth for a much darker shade of purple. “What about this one? It’s a bit darker, but we could decorate it with some strategically placed gems around the waist to make it look like a starry sky.”

“I’m rather fond of that idea,” Luna nodded, looking at her flowing mane. “You could really make it look like the night sky on my dress?”

“So long as you’re not asking me to be astronomically accurate,” Rarity teased. She held the fabric across Luna’s back, getting a few of the small sparkling gemstones from her stash, lining them up down her sides. “The light could shimmer across your dress, like the stars twinkling in the sky.”

“Or, alternatively, we have this.” Rarity displayed the final bit of cloth, some translucent cyan silk. “I figure with winter soon approaching, it would be appropriate to emulate the northern lights with this.”

“Oh, and it has its own little sparkle to it, too!” Luna noted, beaming with excitement. “Do you mind letting me see how it looks on my body?”

Rarity held the fabric up to Luna’s side. “I think it looks absolutely dazzling with your coat, darling.”

Luna turned to get a better view through the mirror. “Indeed, I think this is the one I’d like for my dress.”

Rarity slid the fabric back to cover the flank. “And just look at how it complements your cutie mark!”

Luna was too focused on the fabric to see that Rarity had started caressing her flank with her hooves.

“Hm, yes, this is going to be fantastic…” Rarity murmured, squishing her cheek against Luna’s firm buttcheeks. “I can see it now…”

Luna finally took notice, seeing through the mirror’s reflection that Rarity was making hungry, lustful eyes right at her cutie mark, all while sighing things that she wasn’t completely sure were about the dress. “Er...Rarity?”

“Absolutely divine…”

With a roll of her eyes, Luna gave her a quick hip check to snap her back to reality.

“Eep! Huh?”

“Well, I have the utmost confidence that you’ll make a stellar outfit. Hopefully the proportions of my flank won’t be too much of an issue for you,” she teased.

With a massive blush as red as her glasses, Rarity nervously laughed and excused herself back behind the curtains.

“So, Daring Do. You thought you could take what I have rightfully stolen for myself?” Caballeron grinned, laughing above the captured pegasus.

Daring struggled against the ropes, but Cabelleron’s henchponies simply pulled tighter, undoing any progress she might have made.

Cabelleron dangled a medallion in front of Daring’s face to taunt her, smirking as she tried to bite it out of his hooves. “I have to admit, capturing you was almost too easy this time!”

The henchponies quickly tied Daring Do up, starting off by wrapping rope around her wings, making sure that she couldn’t spread them out to fly. They tied her front hooves to her sides, strapping them to the ropes around her wings, and then tied her hind hooves, wrapping rope around all the way up to her haunches.

Despite Daring’s best efforts, she couldn’t fight through all of Caballeron’s ponies. The ropes squeezed against her body, restricting her movement, but not her breathing. She could only grunt and writhe around as they finished tying the ropes tight. “Nnngh, you know I’m getting out of this, right?”

“Unfortunately for me, yes.” Caballeron gave a reluctant shrug. “However, I’m confident that these ropes will keep you occupied for quite a while!”

As Daring lay near-immobile on the floor, Caballeron lifted up her chin. “You know, I do quite enjoy seeing you like this…”

“Yeah? And I like seeing you humiliated…” Daring scoffed, straining her body to try and either break free or slip out of the ropes. But with the sheer amount of ropes she was tied up with, it wasn’t going to be an easy job.

Caballeron chuckled. “Well, it seems you’re in quite a bit of a bind right now!”

“Rrgh, you’re still here to gloat?” Daring wriggled on the ground, bending and curling as she kept attempting to break out.

“I suppose I could flee while I still can, but watching you attempt to escape is much more entertaining!” He crouched down to watch her struggle. “Tell me, how does it feel, Daring Do? I’ve had you tied up so many times, I’m afraid I’ve lost count!”

“Can’t say it’s a nice feeling...” Daring grumbled, trying to kick her hooves.

“Oh? I thought you’d be used to being in this situation by now!”

“The same way you should be used to me kicking your sorry flank at least once a month?”

“...Touche.” Caballeron clicked his tongue. “Still, you aren’t enjoying the feeling of rope around your hooves yet? How tightly it hugs your fur?”

Daring tried to shimmy her way out of the ropes, but they were wrapped too tight for her to get anywhere. Even the little restricted kicks of her hooves didn’t get her any headway on loosening the ropes.

“Do you not enjoy the feeling of being restricted?” Caballeron continued, pacing around the explorer as she wriggled around. “The feeling of total helplessness and peril? Such a thrill-seeking pony like you must enjoy knowing imminent doom is coming closer and closer...Does it not get your heart racing?”

Caballeron rolled Daring Do over to the cliffside, holding her right at the edge so that she could see how far down she might fall.

“I wonder what would happen if I rolled you off...Would you scream in terror, or delight?”

Daring Do suddenly awoke with a shudder. She looked around as her tired brain tried to put everything together. She was still in the jungle, but it was the middle of the cold night instead of the warm, sticky afternoon. She looked down, sensing a familiar tingling and wetness from her crotch.

“...Always cuts off at the fun part...” she muttered to herself, lying back down to try and fall back asleep.

Day 14: Catnipped

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Capper looked at the various bottles lined up in front of him, each of them filled with some unknown liquid or powder or fruit he didn’t know the name of. “Now, which one did you want me to grab again?”

“The red one from the shelf up top. Do not spill a single drop,” Zecora instructed, not looking up from her cauldron.

Capper was in the middle of reaching for the bottle when the ominous warning made him hesitate. “...Why? Is it gonna explode or something if it does?”

“No explosion or any pain, but a spill would leave a nasty stain.”

“Ah, fair enough. Would hate for that to happen.” Capper gingerly grabbed the bottle and walked it over to the zebra.

Zecora added a couple drops into the cauldron, the liquid inside turning pink. “Thank you for helping me when I was in need. It’s easier to brew with hooves more freed.”

“Well, I suppose there are worse ways to spend my vacation than assisting such a lovely zebra such as yourself,” Capper shrugged with a sly grin on his face, leaning over the bubbling brew. “Now, uh, remind me what you’re making again?”

“A friend has a nasty crick in his spine, this is to make sure his back will be fine,” Zecora explained, sprinkling in some powder.

Capper clicked his tongue. “That’s an awful lot of back medicine you’re making, that friend of yours has gotta drink all of this?”

“The potion won’t work overnight. Repeated doses will make things right.” Zecora added a few more chopped logs to the fireplace, making the cauldron burn hotter. “Though this potion will help for sure, it’s time and patience that will be the cure.”

“So it’s a gigantic painkiller,” Capper mused. “Well, better than spending a month or two in agony, I guess. What’s next?”

“Sunfruit juice, it’s in a flask. You’ll find it by the orange mask.” Zecora pointed to another one of her shelves as she continued stirring.

Capper easily found what Zecora asked for, but took some time to stand in front of the mask, amused. “Heh, I’m surprised you have something like this in your house, what with your whole rhyming shtick and all.”

“I admit it complicates things a touch, I just don’t describe its colors as much,” Zecora gave a sheepish blush.

“Ahh, fair enough." Capper grabbed the juice, handing it over to Zecora. “So, what’s a pretty gal like you doing living all the way in some dangerous forest?”

As she added a few drops to the mix, Zecora chuckled. “The wildlife might be intimidating, but I’ve found no better place for potion creating.”

Capper turned to look out the window, unconvinced. “You sure? I guess the view is nice, but...what, are there important ingredients out here that you just gotta be closer to? I know that cute little yellow pegasus doesn’t live that far from here...”

“While ingredients here are faster and cheaper, my reasons for staying here are far more deeper.” Zecora scooped out a spoonful of the brew, examining it for a bit before dropping it back into the cauldron to stir some more. “All the tonic and potion-making is not an easy undertaking. The ingredients on my shelves and table have a tendency to be unstable. One mistake can fill the room with a devastating BOOM!” she stretched out her hooves in a dramatic fashion.

“Ah, so it’s for the safety of everyone else that you do all the dangerous stuff out here.”

“You can imagine the kind of nightmare if I settled in town square,” Zecora nodded.

“So you’re like this town’s own little miracle worker, aren’t you?” Capper smirked. “A reclusive star…”

“Miracles? Of that I doubt. I simply try my best to help out.”

“You sure?” Capper’s long and fluffy tail began wrapping itself around Zecora’s hind leg. “Cause from what I’m seeing, you’ve pretty much got a potion for everything. I figure you’d have the whole town under your exotic charms.”

“My time in Ponyville has been a fair share,” Zecora responded by flicking her tail against Capper’s outer thigh. “It’s you, my friend with the exotic flair!”

Capper flinched, caught off-guard by Zecora’s reciprocation. “Well, I admit that I’m quite the interesting specimen, but you’re the girl with a sultry voice and a magic touch, so-”

“Surely you must realize that you’re also considered quite a prize! A dashing cat wandering the streets, wanting to woo everyone he meets.” Zecora tapped her hoof on his chest. “I’ve seen you flirting from the start, trying to win a tender heart.”

“Well, I’ve yet to meet a mare that didn’t deserve to be called beautiful.”

Zecora chuckled, taking a step closer towards him. “You’ll soon be surrounded by mares in heat. I hope that tongue does more than talking sweet.”

Capper found himself backing up the more Zecora advanced, feeling excitement in both his chest and his loins.

“Of course, temptation would be a shame. I’d hate for you to lose this game. You’ve gotten this far without breaking a sweat, but you’re not quite out of the woods just yet.” Zecora’s tail brushed against Capper’s inner thigh.

All of Capper’s fur started standing on end. He had nowhere left to back up, and Zecora continued to advance onto him. “Woah now, are you asking for a demonstration?”

Zecora stood on her hind legs, leaning forward onto his chest to better make eye contact. “I’m sure you’ve had your share of thrills, I’d love nothing more than to test your skills…”

Capper could feel the zebra’s hot breath on his chest, her tail constantly teasing his thighs. He looked deep into Zecora’s fluttering eyes as he found himself getting closer and closer to her face.

Just as quickly as it started, Zecora’s seductive grin turned into a silly smile. “But all of that will have to wait, we’ve yet to reach the proper date,” she giggled, giving Capper a very unsexy boop on the nose before turning back around towards the cauldron.

Capper stood with his back against the wall for a good few seconds before he finally straightened himself up and cleared his throat. “You certainly are full of surprises, I like that! If things are always this exciting around here, I might stick around to help you out for more than just today…”

Zecora looked over at a few of the half-filled bottles on the table as she went back to stirring. “My gratitude you’ve more than earned! I promise the favor will be returned.”

Day 15: Coming of Sabotage

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Gallus let out a long, heavy sigh as he sat down at one of the study hall tables. His beak was buried in a particularly large textbook, with a notebook full of quickly scribbled information on the table in front of him.

From outside the study hall, a pegasus peered around the corner, sizing up her target. Cozy Glow looked around the rest of the room, it seemed Gallus was all alone, giving her the perfect opportunity to strike.

“Heh heh heh heh…”

“I should’ve known that you’d be here,” a voice sneered behind her.

Cozy leaped up in shock. “GYAH!” She turned around, seeing the tall, dark, and imposing figure of Chrysalis. “...Oh. It’s just you.” She shrugged and went back to her birdwatching.

Chrysalis growled at the pegasus’s utter lack of respect for her presence. “What are you even doing?”

“Shhhshhshh!” Cozy pushed her behind the corner, pointing at the griffon, still buried in his book. “That one.”

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. “What about him?”

Cozy grinned, rubbing her hooves together. “Well, he’s participating in the no clop thing, so I’m just culling the numbers a little bit!”

“...It’s been a boring month for you, hasn’t it?”

“So what if it is? I hate being bored!” Cozy looked at Chrysalis defensively. “What are you doing here, anyway?”

Chrysalis scoffed. “As if I need to explain my motivations to you. I just happened to be passing by.”

“Yeah, just passing by Twilight’s stupid friendship school just like any normal ugly bug would,” Cozy muttered to herself.

Chrysalis took another look at Gallus. “You honestly think you’re going to get him with your feminine charms or whatever the hell you think you have?”

“Um, yeah? Like it’s hard? I’m fucking adorable!” With a turn in place, Cozy fluttered her eyelashes and pouted her lips, her pupils grew as she wiggled her flank to look more innocent.

Chrysalis looked down with a simple click of her tongue. “You and I must have very different definitions of that word.”

“You just watch me!”

Cozy quietly strolled into the library, already in full puppy-dog eye mode. Gallus was still head-down at the table studying. She was easily able to sneak up and stand up on the table right in front of him. “Heya, Gallus! Whatcha doing?”

“Gyuh!” Gallus nearly threw the book in the air, clutching onto his chest. “Oh geez, it’s just you, Cozy. I’m studying for finals, do you mind?”

“Aww, that sounds like a real pain!” Cozy said, her voice practically dripping with honey. “What’s the subject?”

“It’s for Professor Fluttershy’s class. I gotta write a whole report about relationships between different species of animals!”

“Well that sounds like fun!” Cozy walked around the table. “What’s got you so stressed out about that?”

Gallus sighed with a twinge of annoyance in his voice. “Just, I don’t know, I can’t seem to concentrate on this thing at all, and I only have a week to get this done.”

Cozy over-exaggerated her frown. “Oh golly, that DOES sound like it’d be awfully stressful.”

“I know, so I’d appreciate it if I could just-”

“But! Lucky for you, I think I can solve this little problem of yours!” Cozy grinned, forcing Gallus’s book shut.

Gallus looked up with suspicion. “...What do you mean?”

“Well, you can’t concentrate if you’re always so stressed, sooooo…” Cozy’s innocent act instantly swapped over to a flirtier one, putting a hoof on his chest. “Why don’t we just get rid of that stress?”

Gallus’s body tensed, looking up at Cozy’s lidded eyes. “…”

“You must be really stressed after studying for so long, huh, Gallus?” Cozy whispered into his ear. “Why don’t you let me help you get some...relief?”

Gallus could feel Cozy’s wing wrap around behind his head. “I...I guess that wouldn’t hurt…”

Cozy gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Thattaboy, you must’ve been working so hard in class, you deserve a little reward for everything you’ve done.”

Gallus flinched at the kiss, feeling a powerful stir in his loins. He instinctively began crossing his legs. “C-Cozy...are...are you?”

“What? I’m just being a good friend!” Cozy turned around, raising her flank up to Gallus’s eye-level, her tail still covering up her goods. “So? Whaddya say?”

A mad blush quickly spread to Gallus’s cheeks. He was unable to keep his eyes off Cozy’s flank. He gripped onto the table, tempted to use his claws to brush the tail away. He tried to remind himself of the deterrent from last week to keep himself strong. To tell himself how embarrassing it’d be if everyone saw his cum-face in the middle of the day, just like how they saw Applejack’s...How sweaty and horny the fireworks made her look in the sky, if he could’ve seen the real thing...Nope, that only made things worse.

“Come on...there’s no one else around…” Cozy grinned, looking behind herself to see how flustered she was making him. She wiggled her hips a little more, hoping that Gallus would take the bait.

Gallus let out a shuddery huff, quietly cursing himself. His cock twitched as he found himself leaning in closer. “I...uh...fuck...uh...Igottago!” He pushed the table away, bolting out of the library, leaving his book behind.

Silverstream was strolling down the hallway when she saw Gallus. “Hey Gallus! I’m going to meet with Yona to-”

“SORRY NO TIME GOTTA GO” Gallus screamed as he sprinted past.

“Well, his loss!”

“...Damn.” Cozy’s seductive look instantly fell apart to a harsh scowl.

Outside of the library, Chrysalis waited for Cozy with a smug look on her face. “Well done, you little succubus.”

“Shut up, I almost had him,” Cozy grumbled bitterly.

“Did you? I couldn’t tell.”

“Whatever, I bet I can still get the others.” Cozy rolled her eyes, trying to hide her blushing cheeks. “I’ll still do a better job than you, anyhow!”

Chrysalis gave a little laugh of disbelief. “Is that so? I look forward to seeing you try dethroning the best.”

Smolder lounged around in a currently unused classroom, idly staring out the window, enjoying the silence and solitude. She pressed her cheek against the glass, trying to ignore maddening horny twinges she kept feeling. She looked down, trying to keep her claws away from her crotch.

Her moment of contemplation was quickly interrupted when Rarity casually strolled through the door. “Oh! Apologies, Smolder, I didn’t realize this room was occupied!”

Smolder yelped and rolled off the windowsill, catching herself before falling on the ground. “Woah hey, Professor Rarity! What are you doing here?”

“I was trying to find a place to make some last-minute adjustments to this dress, and well...I thought this might have been a good place to go for some peace and quiet.” Rarity said, showing off the outfit.

“Oh yeah, totally. That’s why I usually come here,” Smolder nodded, trying not to look at the dress’s frills and diamond-sequined patterns.

“Well, I’d hate to bother you,” Rarity said, starting to back away. “...Unless, you’d care to help me out?”

Smolder started to sweat a bit. “Uh, help out with what, exactly? I don’t know a lot about fashion and stuff like that.”

Rarity giggled and shook her head. “Oh, you won’t have to do any of that! I just need to see how it will look on you!”

Smolder’s heart skipped a beat in her chest. “M-Me?!”

“Mmhm. It would truly help if I actually see it in motion. All up to you, of course.”

Smolder took a quick look outside the window and out of the door, making sure there wasn’t another soul nearby. “...Fine.”

Within minutes, Smolder was in Rarity’s dress. She tilted her head down to see all the little frills and details. It felt so nice and easy to move around in.

“So, what do you think?”

“...It’s nice, I guess…” Smolder said, secretly admiring the lacework on the hem.

“Just nice, hm?” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t you tell me how you really feel about it? Every bit of feedback helps, you know.”

Smolder shuffled around, not wanting to give too much away. “Uh...the...lacework is nice?”

Rarity, lifted up the bottom of the dress with her hoof. “Hm, I do believe you’re right. It’s impeccable work, the color lines up with the dress perfectly, and it gives you a very cute charm while wearing it!”

Smolder gulped, already feeling herself blushing.

“Of course, I don’t think I can attribute all of that to the dress, you always give off a cute charm,” Rarity said, lifting the dress up further, going past Smolder’s knees.

Smolder held the dress down, not wanting to expose how wet she was. “P-Professor Rarity?”

“You’ve always had that sort of allure about you, Smolder,” Rarity cooed, squishing her cheeks between her hooves. “The kind that’s irresistibly cute…”

Smolder’s breathing started to increase. “You really think so?”

“I know so, dear.” Rarity gazed deep into Smolder’s eyes, her face slowly getting closer and closer.

Smolder could feel Rarity’s breath against her cheeks. Her mind raced with wild fantasies and desires. The way Rarity stared and smiled warmly at her, the way her hoof was slowly rubbing her inner thigh, making its way higher…

Before she knew what was going on, Smolder had found herself passionately making out with Rarity. She held Rarity’s cheeks in her hands, pulling her head closer to her lips.

Rarity didn’t seem to mind Smolder’s boldness. In fact, she started leaning in, making Smolder tilt backwards further and further until she finally stumbled onto her back.

Smolder looked up to see Rarity looming over her, lifting up the dress and slowly tracing her hoof against her lower lips.

“W-Wait, P-Professor Rarity! What a-aaabout the dress?”

“That can all be fixed later. Just focus on the now, darling.”

As Rarity kept teasing her nethers, Smolder opened her mouth to tell her to wait, to remind her of the competition. But the way her hoof moved, it was almost better than her own claws. “A-Aaaaah…Oooh...”

Rarity kept rubbing her hoof against Smolder’s folds, leaning in to continue the kiss, using the volume of her moans to gauge where to keep rubbing.

Smolder closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Rarity’s neck. Her entire focus was on Rarity and her magical hoofwork. “Nngh! Fuck...that feels...amazing…! Rrrrgh!”

Rarity quickly pulled away from the kiss, focusing her hoof on a single spot of Smolder’s where she heard her moan the loudest. “That’s it, dear. Give me more of those cute little dragon moans of yours…”

“Gaaah! Y-Yes! Nnnnf! Haaangh!” Smolder’s mind started getting fuzzier. She pounded the floor with her fists, thrusting her hips upward. The dragon closed her eyes, allowing Rarity to take her wherever she desired.

“That’s it...perfect…” Rarity chuckled, kissing and nibbling Smolder’s neck, using the tip of her hoof to rub Smolder’s dripping dragonhood in quick little circles.

“Naaah! Aaaaah! F-fuck! Ooooooh!” Smolder could barely hold it in for long. With a loud cry of pleasure, she climaxed, making very clear stains on her frilly dress and leaving Rarity’s hoof dripping wet.

Another firework from Twilight’s castle had been set off, this time an orange one with purple dragonic wings flew into the air and exploded in grand fashion to detail the sky with Smolder’s face, adorable blush and grin and all.

Ember was one of the first to look up towards the sky, staring at Smolder’s face with a mix of surprise and confusion. “Huh...well, shit.”

“...You know, I really thought you’d be the first out of all of us to be up there,” Sandbar said, smirking at Gallus.

“You keep talking like that and I’m gonna go find Troubleshoes.”

“Alright alright I’m sorry!”

Gallus looked back up towards the skies. “Hey, uh...where’s Ocellus right now?”

As Smolder laid on the floor, basking in the afterglow, Rarity gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Keep the dress, darling. Consider it a memento of sorts, and as an exchange for keeping this our little secret.”

“All too easy...” Rarity chuckled to herself as she walked out the door.

Day 16: Hard to Fit In

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Up high in the sky, a group of pegasi zoomed around at breakwind speeds. High above the clouds, the Wonderbolts raced around a set of rings in the sky.

Leading the pack was the group's newest member, Rainbow Dash, flying with a competitive smirk on her face as she was confidently ahead of the other pegasi. She had gone around the track a couple hundred times so far, but she wasn’t nearly done yet. Still, staying in first place after all this time hadn’t even made her break a sweat yet.

She took a quick look behind her, just to quickly check if anypony was close to catching up. Sure enough, the moment she looked over her shoulder, she saw Soarin’ slowly approaching, but by the look on her face, he was struggling to speed up enough to catch her.

In a bit of unsporting conduct, Dash lifted up her tail to wiggle her flank and taunt him.

Dash’s teasing proved to be more effective than she expected, as she could practically see the blush bleeding through Soarin’s outfit. Getting flustered enough that she saw him slow down significantly.

Rainbow nearly stopped to taunt her competition some more, but took the opportunity to further extend her lead.

Once Rainbow completed the five-hundredth lap, she finally came down to the elevated ground for a well-deserved rest. The fatigue had certainly gotten to her once the adrenaline wore off, as even shaking her head shook plenty of sweat off.

As she watched the rest of her team completing their laps and landing next to her, the harsh screeching of a whistle could be heard ringing through the skies.

“Alright, that’s it for today! Wonderbolts dismissed!” Spitfire yelled at her saluting team. With another quick blow of her whistle, the entire line fell out of formation, headed towards the locker room.

“Whew, what a workout!” Dash whistled, wiping some more sweat off of her forehead.

“You’re telling me!” Soarin’ sighed, stretching his wings out wide. “You look like you’re eager to get home.”

“Well, yeah. The Applewood Derby’s coming up in a couple days. Gotta help Scootaloo do the finishing touches on her cart.”

“Oh yeah, that’s the Ponyville race thing you guys do, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, pretty sure Thunderlane is doing it with his brother Rumble this year. It’s gonna be great! All of the crusaders decided they wanted to compete for ‘Fastest Cart’ this year, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Applejack and Rarity finish before me! Hope I’m not too burned out to help Scootaloo make any last minute changes, though.”

“Yeah, I swear, I thought my wings were gonna fall off after two-hundred laps…”

“Hah, c’mon, I thought you were tougher than that!” Dash teased, elbowing Soarin’ in the ribs.

Soarin’ shot back with a cocky smirk. “You’re one to talk! I saw your face while you were doing wing-ups. You looked like you wanted to quit after only a hundred!”

“Yeah? I hope you got a good look at my ass while you were eating my dust during all those laps!”

“It wasn’t the only thing I saw…” Soarin’ muttered to himself, darting his eyes away.

“Yo Crash! Nice flying today!” Fleetfoot said as she passed by the two.

“Thanks!” Rainbow flashed her a grin. “Felt pretty good up there!”

Fleetfoot broke out into a fit of giggles. “I’m sure it did. I’m impressed how well you can fly while in heat.”

Dash froze up in horror. “W-What?”

“Oh yeah, Soarin’ said that while he was trying to catch up, you lifted up your tail and practically winked at him through the suit!”

Dash turned her attention over to Soarin’, staring at him with her jaw dropped.

Soarin’ grinned sheepishly as he shrugged. “Sorry, but...It’s true…” was his only defense.

Rainbow’s tail instinctively moved to cover up her crotch. As the adrenaline rush was wearing off, feelings of arousal and embarassment started to take place.

“It was...really easy to see underneath the outfit…” Soarin’ winced.

“Of course, I was behind Soarin’, and the moment he saw you, it was like, instant boner!” Fleetfoot laughed, now throwing him under the bus.

The locker room was aglow with chatter and giggling as Soarin’ considered shoving himself into his own locker out of shame. Even Dash couldn’t help but smirk, taking a small comfort knowing that she wasn’t alone in her kind of misfortune.

“Hey, consider yourself lucky, Crash. Only Soarin’ got to see you horned out of your mind.” Fleetfoot turned to yell at the rest of the locker room. “Yo, raise your wing if you saw Soarin’ being too hard to fly during laps!”

The amount of wings that suddenly shot up into the air made Soarin’ collapse to the floor in shock.

“Yeah, see? Good luck you two, you’re gonna need it,” Fleetfoot chuckled, moving off towards the showers.

The locker room was filled with chatter among the running showers and slamming lockers, most of it directed towards the two aroused pegasi, and none of it remotely kept quiet.

“They’re doing the no clop thing, right?”

“Doesn’t look like they’re doing all that well, hehehe.”

“These tight suits aren’t doing them any favors...”

“They’re certainly doing me a big favor…”

“I don’t know why Crash doesn’t just give up now. She’s not gonna last, especially if she gets to see what Soarin’s packing every day at practice.”

Dash tried to shut out all the talk, this was gonna be the year, for sure. “You alright?” Dash asked as she helped Soarin’ up to his hooves.

“Yeah...Ugh, this month is gonna be harder than I thought,” he groaned. “I didn’t realize how pent up I’d be after a couple weeks…”

“Yeah, welcome to my world....”

The chatter in the locker room came to a halt once Captain Spitfire walked in. She quickly made her way over to where Dash and Soarin’ were standing.

“Good job out there today, you two. Aside from some...outfit issues, I see,” she said with a more casual tone in her voice.

“T-Thank you, ma’am…!”

Spitfire leaned in closer. “Look, I know what’s going on and I’m not gonna stop your fun, but just make sure that it doesn’t interfere with your duties here. If your wings are too stiff to fly, there are gonna be worse consequences than not going to an orgy, ya got it?”

“Yes ma’am!” The two quickly straightened their backs and saluted.

“Good, that’ll be all.” Spitfire turned and walked out of the locker rooms, though she didn’t leave without lifting up her tail and swaying her hips, just to make the two regret the tight uniforms even more.

“I knew you could do it, hon,” Princess Cadence giggled, giving her husband a kiss on the cheek. “You’re amazing!”

“Well, it definitely wasn’t easy…” Shining said, laying down on their bed to relax. “But thanks, sweetheart.”

“Oh, don’t be so modest!” Cadence teasingly trailed a hoof down his chest. “You’re the new hero of Equestria, after all.”

“Heh, being called that’s gonna take some getting used to.”

“I bet you’re so sore after all that fighting…” she cooed into his ear. “You deserve to just relax.”

Shining stretched out his hooves a bit. “Mmm, I can definitely do that…” He smirked, closing his eyes.

As Shining’s body began to relax, he could feel Cadence’s hoof rubbing his chest and her lips planting kiss after kiss on his neck. He started lightly chuckling, happily settling down on the bed.

He could feel both of his wife’s hooves rubbing his body down. He could feel the stirring in his loins as she kept moving her hooves lower and lower. As he slowly got more erect, he could feel Cadence’s hoof start stroking his shaft with a single hoof. The kisses on his neck became slower, sensual licks.

Shining eventually raised an eyebrow, though he kept his eyes closed. He could feel four hooves touching his body, stroking his chest, sides, and shaft all at once. It was odd, but he certainly wasn’t going to complain about Cadence’s skillful hoofwork.

But then he felt a fifth hoof touching him.

One was nice, two was normal, three was impressive, four was kinky, but five hooves? He needed to open his eyes to see what was going on.

As Shining opened his eyes, he was greeted with the other princesses at his bedside. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence giggled upon seeing Shining’s confused face.

“Huh? When did you two-”

“Is it not appropriate for a hero of Equestria to be appreciated to the fullest extent?” Luna smirked, giving a kiss to his shaft.

“We just wanted to show how thankful we are to you, Shining.” Celestia accentuated her gratitude with a slow teasing stroke to his shaft.

Shining Armor shivered. The appearance of the princesses was certainly a shock, but he definitely wasn’t complaining. He laid back and closed his eyes to relax again, letting the mares do what they pleased to please him.

As Cadence continued to kiss his cheeks, Celestia and Luna lapped at his shaft, slowly running their tongues up and down, watching his cock twitch with each lick.

Shining started to shudder, turning his head to the side to lock lips with Cadence. “Nnnf, how’d you make this happen?”

“You think I can’t pull a few favors for the hero of Equestria?” Cadence giggled. “C’mere!” She wrapped her hoof around the back of his head, pulling him in for a deeper kiss.

Celestia and Luna continued to worship Shining’s cock, their hooves stroking the base of his shaft as their tongues each took a side of his shaft. Each lick drew a bit more pre out of Shining’s trembling tip.

Shining moaned and shuddered into Cadence’s lips. His body squirmed as the royal sisters got him closer and closer to orgasm. As Cadence broke the kiss, Shining’s moans intensified as he could feel her gently nibble at her neck. “Nnnf...Ah! I...I’m getting so close…!”

Cadence gently stroked the underside of Shining’s chin. “Then, how about one more guest that wants to show her love?”

Shining looked down at his crotch, Celestia and Luna hungrily gazing at his leaky shaft, taking turns kissing, licking, and stroking his cock. His shaft twitched and throbbed at each touch. “Nnngh...S-Sounds good…”


The new voice he heard gave Shining the shivers. He knew that deep voice from anywhere.

From seemingly nowhere, a familiar black crown emerged into view. Chrysalis pushed the royal sisters aside, wanting Shining’s cock all to herself. Her long, forked tongue wrapped around his shaft, squeezing his cock with just her tongue.

“Haaah...gaaah! H-Holy shit…!” Shining gasped, watching as Chrysalis didn’t hesitate to take his entire length into her mouth.

Outside the bedroom, another Luna watched the scene unfold, snickering to herself without fear of anyone inside listening in. “Oh, wait until Tia hears about this…”

Day 17: Burning Desires

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Troubleshoes took a moment to take in the sights and find a calmness in the tall trees and plant life around him. Compared to the mostly arid deserts of Appleoosa, the Kirin Village was a literal breath of fresh air.

As he walked around the town, he came across someone that was certainly not a Kirin, but a purple alicorn.

“Oh, hey Troubleshoes! What brings you to the Kirin Village?”

“Howdy, princess.” Troubleshoes gave Twilight a respectful bow. “Just thought it’d be nice to see the sights and all. Keep my mind off of everything going on so far. What about you?”

“Well, I’m here because Autumn Blaze invited me over,” Twilight explained. “She said she came up with an idea that might help for the month, and wanted me to see a demonstration, you wanna come with?”

Troubleshoes pensively looked side to side, “Well, guess it couldn’t hurt…”

The two walked over to the edge of the village, where they came across the kirin in question, who began excitedly jumping in place upon spotting Twilight.

“Oh! There you are! I’ve been waiting, like, all day for you!” It wasn’t difficult for her to notice the massive stallion behind her. “Oooh, I remember you! You’re that huge guy that I saw all the way back at Twilight’s castle!”

“Er, yeah, that’s me. Name’s Troubleshoes. Pleasure to make your acquaintance miss-”

“I’m Autumn Blaze! Though my friends just call me Autumn, or Blaze. Though I’ve never heard them call me something like Audie. Do you think that they should? Would it even catch on? Ooh, what about AB? That’d be-”

“Autumn.” Twilight quickly interrupted before she went off on an unstoppable tangent about nicknames.

“Right! Sorry!” Autumn sheepishly grinned. “So! I think I figured out something here. Like, no clopping for a month is hard, right? It just seems like you get turned on by things you didn’t even think would turn you on!” she said, talking to her audience like she was trying to sell something.

Twilight and Troubleshoes sat down and nodded along, trying to figure out where this was all going.

“Well! I think I found a trick that will take all those horny urges away! I call it Extreme Temperament Arousal Venting!”

“That’s a mouthful…” Troubleshoes muttered to himself.

Autumn looked at her unconvinced audience and took it in stride. “Alright, let me demonstrate. Just gotta get horny first.”

Autumn set her sights on Troubleshoes, her eyes going naturally where they’d go on such a big stallion. “Perfect! Troubleshoes! You. Are. Huge. And I’m not talking about just how tall you tower over me and Twilight!”

Troubleshoes flinched, his cheeks starting to burn red. He already knew where this was going.

“Like, I know it’s not even like, hard yet, but WOW. I don’t know how you don’t trip over yourself every day!”

“I...kinda do…” the stallion shamefully admitted. Though most of his stumbling wasn’t the result of being well-endowed.

“Well, that’s a small price to pay for having that cannon between your legs!” Drool was starting to form at the corners of Autumn’s cheeks as she walked closer. “I don’t know how mares and stallions aren’t throwing themselves at your hooves just to get a closer look at that thing!”

Just hearing Autumn talk about it so earnestly started to give Troubleshoes a stirring in his loins.

“Ooh, perfect! Maybe we’ll get to see it in all its glory!” Autumn grinned, excitedly trotting in place. “I know that we still got like a couple weeks left to go but oooh already I wanna just see how much I can fit in my mouth!”

Twilight uncomfortably glanced between the two, wondering if she needed to intervene.

Troubleshoes couldn’t stop his body, the more Autumn gushed about him, the harder he got. “ this...supposed to go anywhere?”

“Oh you bet it’s going to go places! I got a few places it can go right now!” Autumn blurted out, tongue fully out of her mouth. She was about to lunge at the stallion before she stopped herself. “Nope! Can’t do that yet.”

Both Twilight and Troubleshoes let out a sigh of relief at Autumn finally showing some restraint.

“But GAAAH do I wanna!” Autumn growled, her eyebrows starting to catch fire as her teeth turned jagged and sharp.

Twilight instinctively started backing away, urging Troubleshoes to do the same.

“Rrrgh! Every day I feel so pent up! It’s driving me crazy! Every day feels like it lasts forever when you’re so horny and you can’t do anything about it! It’s taunting me and the fact that I can’t do anything about it makes me wanna…!”

With a distorted cry aimed at the sky, her ordinarily cream coat and green scales turned charcoal black. Her mane and tail were replaced by blue flames. Sharp fangs extended out as her eyes glowed a bright white.

“WHAT IN THE-?!” Troubleshoes scrambled to back away, but stumbled over himself and fell.

Autumn Blaze shot a pillar of fire out from her mane, and just as quickly as she transformed, she changed back. “Whew, alright. I’m good now.”

Though Troubleshoes was horrified by what he witnessed, Twilight was more concerned than anything. “So...that’s the trick you wanted to show?”

“Pretty much!” Autumn grinned. “Don’t even feel horny anymore! And it is great!”

“And how do you expect those of us that aren’t kirin to do this?”

Autumn looked at Twilight with a sheepish realization on her face. “...Oooooh riiiiight. That’s a good point. Well now I feel silly for wasting your time.”

“Well, I don’t think your strategy isn’t completely useless,” Twilight reassured her. “Venting your sexual frustrations could work to get rid of stress. Just, not all of us can release that stress in a flaming inferno, is all.”

“Really? So you think it could work out?” Autumn grinned. “What do you think, Troubleshoes? Yes or no?”

Still shaken up by the experience, Troubleshoes slowly and hesitantly nodded. “Uh, I think that it might be a little dangerous for somepony like me, but-woah woah!” His attempts to stand back up resulted in him falling back on his rear, sliding down the dirt path.

Twilight and Autumn dove out of the way, watching him slide down towards the Stream of Silence.

“Hurry! We gotta go get him before it’s too late!” Twilight cried out, breaking into a sprint.

“We really gotta rope that place off better,” Autumn muttered to herself, shaking her head as she joined the chase.

The two tried to catch up in time, but it was too late, Troubleshoes had flipped into the stream with a massive splash.

“Are you okay, Troubleshoes?!” Twilight asked, standing safely on the riverbank.

Troubleshoes stood up, dripping wet. His tall stature meant he was only halfway submerged. He looked at Twilight, only blinking in response, neither smiling or frowning.

Seeing Troubleshoes dipped into the stream got Autumn curious. “Are you feeling...horny?”

Troubleshoes looked over at Autumn, giving her a half-hearted shrug.

“We gotta get him back to normal…” Twilight sighed.

“WAIT!” Autumn gasped in epiphany, but quickly dismissed her idea as soon as she thought it up. “No you’re right, I’d rather never go through that again. I’ll go get the cure.”

Outside the School of Friendship, Silverstream’s run around the tracks had quickly turned into a straggling walk. “Can’t...feel...legs…” she wheezed, falling onto her belly.

Once she got her strength back, she crawled over to the bleachers, practically pouring the jug of water into her mouth.

“ good...” She leaned back against the seats, staring out at the track.

As the runner’s high started to wear off, Silverstream looked around. Her usual workout partner Yona was studying with Ocellus for Professor Applejack’s class, but that wasn’t going to stop her from getting fit.

Still, running around all by yourself didn’t have nearly the same appeal. A quick look around confirmed that there was no one else around. No one to run with, no one to encourage her as she ran, or to discourage her to-

Silverstream looked down to see her hand slowly creeping down to her crotch. “Aaah! No! Bad!” She slapped her own wrist, chastising it like a misbehaving dog. Her hand still persisted, trying to get a good rub in, causing more wrist slaps to herself.

“Rrrgh! I want to, but I shouldn’t!” She groaned to herself, holding onto her own hands to try and gain her self-control back. “There’s only two weeks left...but that means there’s only two weeks left!”

She banged the back of her head against the seats in frustration. “Whyyyy? I wanna do it, I wanna do it soooo bad!”

Silverstream got on her knees, screaming at the sky. “Just give me a siiiiign!”

As if someone had actually listened to her, a cardboard box landed with a heavy thud in front of her.

“Ooh!” Silverstream looked up, trying to see who dropped the box, but the skies were still clear as far as her eyes could see.

With a shrug, Silverstream opened up the box, her jaw dropping upon viewing the contents. The box was half-full of dildos of all sorts of shapes and sizes and different varieties of lube. Silverstream reached into the box, holding two of them in her hands. “W-Woah…” She rummaged around in the box, wrapping her hands around each of them until she pulled out one that felt good to grip onto.

“Oooh, nice…!” she grinned, practically drooling over the white dildo she held in her hands.

She leaned back and spread her legs, preparing for insertion. Though the doubts still lingered in her mind.

“...Wait, am I really gonna do this?” She looked back and forth between the dildo and the box. “I wanna last the whole month...buuuut who else is gonna test all these out?”

With an eager grin, Silverstream shoved the dildo in, immediately eliciting a horny cry of pleasure. “Haaaagh…Oooh, this is a good fit...”

Silverstream slowly slid the rest in, shuddering and keeping her legs spread out. “Woooaaaah fuck this is amazing!” Eventually, she took the whole length, her whole body was already dripping with sweat from the workout, doing this only made it more intense.

“Aaah...Y-Yes!” Silverstream slowly pulled the dildo out, leaving only an inch inside before pushing it back in, getting into a solid back and forth rhythm.

As Silverstream felt herself getting closer to climax, Silverstream stopped her hand, slowly pulling the dildo out. “W-Wait...I...I can’t…” She placed the dildo to the side…

...And then reached into the box to grab a bottle of sea salt flavored lube.

“Not without being prepared!” Silverstream picked up a longer green one, and slathered it with the lubricant, sliding it inside her once it was nice and slippery.

Silverstream used both hands to pump the silicone cock in and out, moaning and panting while still very much out of breath. She kicked her legs up in the air, screaming her heart out in the empty field.

The cart of fireworks rumbled again, a pink and blue firework soared up high, the following explosion showing Silverstream’s sweaty face and wide, excited grin for all to see.

Ocellus and Yona dropped their books to rush to the window.

“Uh...that might be Yona’s fault…” Yona winced, feeling a few pangs of guilt.

“Wait, how?”

Cozy looked at the sky with a maniacal grin on her face. “HOOYAH! Suck it!” she cheered, sticking her tongue out at Chrysalis and pumping her hooves in the air and thrusting in a blatantly disrespectful celebratory dance.

“...It’s plain to see that you just got lucky...” Chrysalis grumbled.

Day 18: Blue Travelers

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“Huh, Trixie swore there was more in here…”

Trixie shrugged, closing the box before getting back in front of her caravan, continuing on the path. According to the sun in the sky, she was still westward-bound. Trixie let out a lonely sigh, all the scenery started to look the same. Nothing interesting to catch her eye, and no one around to make pleasant conversation with.

She looked up at the sky, same clouds, same sun, the only thing that changed was the silhouette of a dragon that was getting closer by the second-

“OH SHIT!” Trixie squeaked in panic as she flinched, hiding by using her magician’s hat as a shield. She heard the dragon landing in front of her, preparing for the worst.

“Oh, hey! I thought you looked kinda familiar!”

Trixie stopped cowering to look up from her hat, feeling relief when she saw it was a friendly blue dragon that she encountered. “Oh, we’ve met before, haven’t we? You’re Dragon Lord Ember, right?”

“Yeah, and you’re The Great and Powerful Trixie, aren’t you?”

Trixie blinked in surprise. “Wait, you remembered Trixie’s name? Aren’t you usually terrible at remembering pony names and faces?”

“Well, nopony else says their own name as often as you do,” Ember explained. “It’d be hard NOT remembering it.”

“YES! Finally, someone gets it!” Trixie felt tears welling up over this newfound sense of validation. She quickly cleared her throat, composing herself. “So, what can Trixie do for you?”

“I was flying around when I just spotted you all alone,” Ember shrugged. “Just wondering where you were going, seeing as most of the towns and stuff were behind you.”

“Well, if you must know, Trixie was setting off on a long journey to a special journey to the western parts of Equestria!” she explained, spreading her hooves wide.

“Why don’t you just teleport yourself all the way over?” Ember asked, unfazed by Trixie’s bravado. “Some of you ponies can do that, right?”

Trixie hesitantly cleared her throat. “Well, it’s not that Trixie couldn’t, but teleporting me and all my stuff such a long distance takes up a lot of energy! It’s much more efficient to walk all the way over.”

“I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Twilight and Starlight do long distances with no problem, though,” Ember said innocently.

Trixie could feel a vein pop on her forehead as she tried to suppress her rage. “Well, Trixie also believes that the journey is just as important.” she said through gritted teeth.

“Mmm, I guess you have a point,” Ember nodded.

“Admittedly, it has been a bit lonely travelling all alone. Though now that you’re here, would you mind travelling with Trixie to her destination?”

Ember scratched her head. “I dunno, how far are we going?”

Trixie grinned, seeing that she potentially snagged a travel companion. “It’s not too far. Trixie already walked most of the distance. It shouldn’t take more than a day or two!”


Trixie could see Ember was still not entirely convinced yet. “Oh! Wait! Let me tell you about where we’re going!” Trixie leaned over and whispered something to her.

Ember’s eyes instantly lit up with excitement. “Why didn’t you say that in the first place?! Let’s go!”

“Perfect! You can go inside or hop on the roof if you want.”

Ember perched herself on the roof of Trixie’s caravan. It took a bit for her to adjust to the added weight, but soon Trixie was off, with her new travel partner literally in tow.

“So, you’ve been to this place before?” Ember asked, watching the scenery go slowly by.

“Mmhm!” Trixie nodded. “It’s one of Trixie’s favorite places in Equestria!”

“Well, the way you described it, I’d be going there every day if I could!” Ember was completely unaware of how much she was drooling.

Trixie looked behind her shoulder “Yeah, Trixie isn’t surprised.”

Ember peered over, looking down into the caravan. “So what’s in here, anyway?”

“Only the finest of tools Trixie needs to put on the most eye-catching shows the likes of Equestria has ever seen!” Trixie boasted, puffing her chest with pride.

“Really? Cause it looks like a box of dildos to me,” Ember said, pointing inside.

Trixie felt her heart drop in her chest. “WHAT!?”

“Yep, there’s a lot in there, too. Is that part of the show?” Ember reached in, grabbing a few in her hands and pulling them out to examine them.

Trixie angrily stuttered, popping out of her harness to retrieve her sex toys. “Aaaah you saw nothing!”

“Well, it’s a bit too late for that,” Ember shrugged.

Trixie cried in anguish, going back to pulling the cart. The scenery slowly changed from vibrant greens to ashy grays.

“Now this is something I’m more familiar with!” Ember nodded happily.

Trixie clicked her tongue in annoyance. “Well, since you saw it already, do you mind if I ask you something?”

“I...guess not?”

“Okay, so...what does dragon dick feel like?”

Ember started madly blushing. “W-What?”

“Well, you already saw it. There’s a few in there that know, dragon-based,” Trixie sheepishly explained. “Trixie was just wondering what the real thing is like, is all.”

Still reeling from the bluntness of the question, Ember looked side to side. “Um...I guess they feel nice? Well, the ones that can fit, anyway.”

Trixie’s ears perked up. “What do you mean? You’ve had some that haven’t fit before?”

“Well, dragons come in a lot of different sizes,” Ember explained in a matter-of-fact tone. “There’s plenty of dragons out there where their junk alone is like, three times my size.”

“Ah, true. But the ones that do fit, though? Are they accurate to what you’ve seen?”

Ember grabbed the dragon dildos from inside the box, examining them closely. “Pretty accurate, yeah,” she nodded. “I’m not going to test how they feel inside me. Still wanna win this thing, ya know.”

“Fair enough.”

“What about you?” Ember asked, reaching into the box again. “How do these pony dildos feel?”

“Ah, Trixie likes them nice and thick,” Trixie nodded to herself. “Though it’s admittedly been a while since she’s had the real thing…” she let out a heavy sigh.

Ember rested her head on her hands, now kicking her feet back and forth in interest. “Oh yeah? Who are you hoping to experience the real thing with?”

Trixie leaned her head to the side in contemplation. “Well, there’s not that many stallions, so Trixie can’t be picky. Perhaps Sunburst or Soarin’ would be the ideal pick. Shining Armor would be nice, just to get a taste of some married stallion fun. Trixie wouldn’t mind Sandbar, but he’s probably looking for somepony bigger, and Troubleshoes would probably wreck me, but he’s not exactly off the table...”

“You’ve been thinking about this for a while, huh?”

“Of course!” Trixie beamed with pride. “Trixie has been preparing for quite some time! What about you, anything you wanna try out at the orgy?”

“Hm, I haven’t given it that much thought yet. I guess Thorax and that big, dark blue pony would be pretty fun.”

“Ah, Princess Luna?” Trixie nodded along. “Not a bad choice at all.”

Ember squinted her eyes. From her position, she had a pretty good view of Trixie’s rear, and she didn’t seem to be hiding her arousal at all. “Of course if that doesn’t work out, I could always show you what a dragon tongue feels like. Bet you don’t have that in your little box of toys.”

Some major renovations had been made to Ponyville, though only temporarily. Dirt paths looped around town square, with bales of hay on each side. Wooden arcs bridged over the paths to allow easier access.

Cheerilee stood near the banner posts, a megaphone in her hoof. “Alright! We’re almost ready to begin! Racers, to the starting line!”

Ponies began lining up underneath the checkered flag banner, each of them riding in a hoof-made racing cart.

“Hope you’re ready to lose this year, Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom smirked, tapping on the side of her own cart with her hoof.

“Ha! As if! You don’t know speed like I do!” Scootaloo scoffed, already leaning forward.

Rarity leaned forward, “See, Sweetie Belle? You just let those two destroy each other, and then you’ll win and get two awards at once!”

“I heard that!” Rainbow Dash and Applejack said simultaneously.

Cheerilee was quick to interrupt. “I’m so excited to get the Applewood Derby underway!”

Scootaloo leaned her head over the side of her cart, then turned to Rainbow Dash. “Is it just me, or did Cheerilee’s skirt get shorter since last year?”

Dash turned her head to get an eyeful of Cheerilee’s partially exposed flank. Her tail was automatically lifting up the skirt, having it barely cover her cutie mark. She swore she saw a quick flash of light blue as the skirt suddenly lifted up further, exposing her mare bits.


“Ok, so not just me then.”

Applejack started snickering, only riling Dash up further.

“Hey, at least I’m still in, unlike somepony I know…”

Now it was Rarity’s turn to giggle, looking at Applejack with a knowing grin on her face.

“Lousy little-Ah’ll show you…”

“Alright! Let’s not wait any longer!” Cheerilee was quick to intervene again, not wanting to make too much of a scene at the starting line. “On your marks, get set...GO!”

With the cheering of the crowd spurring them on, the carts sped off, with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo’s carts rushing off the starting line first, and the others coming in from behind.

As the crowd rushed to the next intersection of the track to watch the carts go by, Cheerilee could sense something go overhead and land near her.

“Sorry, I’m not interrupting or getting in the way of anything, am I?” Soarin’ asked, noticing that the crowd was starting to turn and look at the Wonderbolt in uniform rather than the race.

Cheerilee turned and gasped in shock. “O-Oh! Not at all! What brings you all the way here to Ponyville?”

“Just wanted to check out the race. Heard Dash talking about it and I wanted to check out what she and Thunderlane were up to.”

“Well, you’re more than welcome to stay and watch!” Cheerilee smiled, turning around to the track. “There’s plenty to enjoy at this event.”

Soarin’ absentmindedly nodded, his eyes transfixed on Cheerilee’s skirt and how little it covered. “Mmhm…”

Cheerilee took a quick look behind her, smirking to herself upon seeing where his eyes were leading. Though when she turned around, she found she was also unable to take her eyes away from him, particularly how form-fitting his uniform was.

The two continued to ogle each other up, neither one willing to admit what they were doing or stop the other one from doing it.

Soarin’ was the first to break the silence. “S-So…! This is a pretty nice track you got set up…!” he said awkwardly, rubbing his back legs together.

“Thanks! It took a bit to set up...we like to change it up every year!” Cheerilee replied, swearing to herself that she saw Soarin’s uniform get even tighter.

“Well, it’s definitely well designed!” Soarin’ managed to look away just for a second. “Looks like there’s a lot of good places to get a good view of the action!”

“I could take you to a much better viewing spot!” Cheerilee blurted out almost too quickly.

Soarin’ could feel his wings twitching behind his back. “Y-Yeah! That sounds great!”

Amidst the cheering crowd, Cheerilee and Soarin’ snuck away from the track. With Cheerilee leading the entire time, he got a good and long look at just how wet the teacher was. Not that his own bulge and stiff wings were being subtle either.

Once they were far into one of the alleyways, Cheerilee did a full turnaround. “S-So…! The view’s real nice from here, isn’t it?”

“U-Uh-huh…” Soarin’ let out a shaky huff, already trying to shuffle out of his uniform.

With eager eyes, Cheerilee watched Soarin’ slowly get out of his tight outfit. The stripping started at the head, and slowly worked its way down, with Cheerilee quivering in anticipation.

All her waiting finally paid off when Soarin’s dick was finally freed, bouncing out and dripping with pre. “I...I don’t think I can wait anymore…!”

“Then let’s not wait!” Cheerilee was quick to get on her back, spreading her hooves.

Soarin’ carefully positioned himself above the mare, then penetrated her, slowly thrusting his hips back and forth. Even with his eagerness, he still wanted to make the moment last.

Cheerilee let out a loud, sultry moan, reassuring herself that everypony was still watching the race that was hopefully far from finishing.

“Haaah… good!” Soarin’ huffed, trying to keep eye-contact with her as he gradually sped up. “Been so...pent up!”

“I-I can tell!” Cheerilee’s heart was pounding, the size of Soarin’s shaft inside her made her breath shaky. “OooOOOoooh you’re really paaaaAAAaaacking!”

After only a dozen thrusts, Soarin’s eyes widened in panic. “S-Sorry…! But I think I’m gonna…!”

“It’s okay! W-We can always just-Ah just do it already!”

With a combined cry of ecstasy, two fireworks went off in tandem, shooting off from Twilight’s castle and even crossing paths on their way up. The ensuing explosions and the visual of both Soarin’ and Cheerilee’s faces sparkling in the sky was certainly an attention-grabber.

“Woah, a twofer.” Spike said, letting out a low whistle as he looked up, noting Soarin’s gritted teeth and Cheerilee’s frazzled mane still being adorned by the cheerleader bow.

Most of the carts had already crossed the finish line, with the drivers and passengers staring up at the sky and quickly realizing Cheerilee was nowhere to be found.

“So, uh...who won?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Depends on what you define as winnin’...” Applejack muttered.

Day 19: Paws For Alarm

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Rainbow Dash angrily rolled around on the white and fluffy clouds above Ponyville. “Ugh, this sucks!” she grumbled to herself. She let out a dejected huff as she lay on her belly, slowly watching the day go by with nothing to do.

All the free time in the world and nothing to do with it. She lazily laid low, slowly grinding her hips against the fluffy cloud. Even the little thrill that she was getting from humping was enough to make her wings titter. She could still remember in great detail the moment Cheerilee’s skirt got lifted, how wet she was when she saw her marehood in full view, and how hard Soarin’ was through his flight suit. Maybe if she edged herself a bit, she could get rid of some of the stress...

“Damnit, no!” Dash smacked herself in the face, flipping over onto her back to deny her any more pleasure. She put her hooves over her face and cried in anguish. “Gaaaah I fucking haaaate this!”

Rainbow gave herself a few more slaps to focus herself, trying to keep her mind on unsexy thoughts. She racked her brain, trying to remember if anyone she knew was free to hang out today and give her a nice distraction.

Fluttershy was out with Discord, Rarity was still working on Luna’s commission, hanging out with Applejack would be a disaster now that she had nothing to lose, Daring Do wouldn’t be back for a couple days, Gilda was definitely out of the question. All she’d do was tease her non-stop with those stupid paws of hers. Those stupid...soft...squishy...

“FuuuuUUUuuck me!” She had no idea how she was gonna get through today, let alone the rest of the month. She dipped her head back down into the cloud to muffle her screaming.

“So tell me, is that a thing you ponies typically do around here?”

Dash poked her head up. “Oh, uh, hey Capper. Long time no see.”

The cat put his hands on hips, grinning as he looked up to the sky. “Hey there, Rainbow. Why don’t you come down here so we can catch up?”

“Boy am I glad to see you!” Rainbow sighed in relief as she leapt off the cloud, using her wings to slow her descent as she landed on her hooves. “How’s the Equestrian experience treating ya?”

“Not bad, you’ve got a nice place going on around here,” Capper nodded. “Though it’s a lot more...colorful, than I’m used to.”

“Huh, Tempest said the exact same thing.”

“Really?” Capper raised an eyebrow. “I thought she’d fit right at home here.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. I guess being so battle-hardened changed her a bit.”

“Well anyway, how have you been holding up?”

“I’ve been alright, I guess. Just bored,” Dash casually shrugged, pretending that she wasn’t screaming in horny anguish just a few minutes ago.

“So, you normally scream into the clouds when you’re bored?” The corner of Capper’s lip turned up in a slight smirk.

Rainbow instantly cringed. “Ugh, fine. I’m still struggling this month and I don’t know if I’m gonna make it!”

“Wait wait wait,” Capper warned, taking a wary step back. “You’re not gonna leap onto me and ride me like no tomorrow right now, are you?”

“What? No!” Dash blurted out defensively. “Sweet Celestia, I’m not that desperate! ...N-not yet at least…”

“Well if it’s bothering you that much, why don’t you just get yourself off right now and you can enjoy the rest of the month?” Capper suggested.

“Because, I really wanna be able to make it this time!” Rainbow stamped her hooves. “I’ve been trying for years and I still haven’t gotten to the end yet!”

“No offense, but is it really that important to you that you win this thing?” Capper asked. “I thought it was just a fun little event.”

“Yeah! I wanna finally prove to everyone that I’m able to do it! I don’t even care about the orgy!”

Capper simply raised a skeptical eyebrow in response.

“...Okay yeah I do, it sounds awesome,” Rainbow Dash immediately sheepishly admitted. “But my point still stands! After nothing but losing year after year, I wanna finally taste victory!”

Capper thought for a few moments before making his response. “Well, if nothing else I admire your tenacity. You’re just gonna keep trying until you finally get what you want, no matter what. I like seeing that trait in others.”


“I mean, it’s usually cause I call those kinds of folks ‘suckers’, but…”


Capper went over to a nearby tree, pressing his heels into the ground as he leaned back. “If you really wanna make it to the end, maybe you shouldn’t make such a big deal out of it?”

Dash tilted her head to the side, her eyes briefly darting down. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I guess it’s not really my place to say, but maybe you’ve been stressing yourself out because you’re constantly focused on the competition,” Capper shrugged, curling and uncurling his toes.

“But I’ve been trying to not think about the competition the whole time!” Dash interjected, trying to keep her eyes up.

“There’s a difference between trying not to think about something, and not worrying about it,” Capper explained. “If I told you to not think about Pinkie Pie, who’s the pony in your mind right now?”


“So just relax, Dash! There’s not much time left, I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

“Huh, that’s really good advice, thanks Capper. I think that’s really gonna h-” Dash’s genuine thanks was cut off when Capper suddenly lifted up one of his legs, pressing his paw against her cheek.

“...Of course, won’t help much if you’re just horny all the time, and it won’t stop everyone else from having their own fun,” Capper teased, tapping her nose with his toe.


“!” Dash sputtered out, completely dumbfounded as she felt the cat’s paw rub up against her cheek.

“When you’ve spent some time as a con artist, you tend to pick up on the little things.” Capper chuckled. “Keep going Dash, I’m sure I’ll see you there at the end.”

Day 20: Dream Mare-athon

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Princess Celestia looked out the window, watching the stars twinkling in the sky. “It’s already dark, are you ready yet, sister?”

“Just a moment! It’s gotta be around here somewhere!” Luna was busy rummaging underneath her bed, shaking her butt in a rhythmic fashion back and forth.

Rather than being embarrassed or horrified, Celestia shook her head with a soft chuckle. “Luna please, have you no sense of decency?”

“You’re one to talk when you’re the one who’s been practically begging me to do this for a week now,” Luna shot back.

“Are you sure it’s even down there? I could just give you mi-”

“Found it!” Luna crawled back out, an unopened box of graham crackers held with her magic.

“About time,” Celestia playfully rolled her eyes. “If we miss out on all the good stuff, I’m blaming you.”

“It’ll be fiiiiine,” Luna reassured her, playfully smacking her sister on the flank. “Now let’s do this.”

Princess Luna stayed close to Celestia as she casted the Dreamwalker spell. The world around them slowly became enveloped in pitch black, swallowing up the sky, the mountains on the horizon, the room they were in, and eventually, the sisters themselves.

The sisters soon found themselves in the realm of dreams, already surrounded by white dream bubbles as far as the eye could see.

“Alright, let’s see who’s horny tonight!” Celestia excitedly grinned, prancing ahead, taking quick glances at each of the bubbles that passed by, trying to find one that’d be the most likely to lead to a wet dream.

“Ah, Tia, over here! Look, look!” Luna called, pointing to one of the bubbles in the opposite direction she was running in.

Celestia walked over to see what Luna was getting so excited over. The dream bubble gave a preview of what was inside. It appeared to be Ocellus, and the look on her blushing face said that she was no doubt in the middle of something steamy.

Without delay, the sisters leaped inside.

Celestia and Luna found themselves in the dorm rooms of the School of Friendship, a place that radiated an atmosphere of cozy comfort.

The sisters took light steps, making sure to avoid being detected in someone else’s dream. They eventually found the room that Ocellus was in, slowly opening the door and poking their heads inside.

They found Ocellus lying on the lower bunk bed, letting out breathy huffs. She leaned her head back, letting out a quiet moan, despite seemingly being the only one around.

The changeling was in the middle of pleasuring herself, but peculiarly, her lower half didn’t seem to belong to her. Instead of the usual teal carapace, Ocellus had a light-green body and a meaty horsecock from the waist down.

Ocellus didn’t notice the sisters’ entrance, more focused on stroking herself with both hooves at once. “Haaangh...oh Sandbar...y-you’re so big…” she huffed, making huge strokes from the base to tip.

“So this is the kind of stuff Ocellus fantasizes about…” Celestia mused to herself.

“This should be interesting…” Luna said, taking out a few crackers to munch on.

Ocellus slowed down her strokes, wanting to savor the moment just a little bit longer. The feeling of a horsecock in her hooves was still a bit unfamiliar to her. Her hooves fumbled around a bit with such a large shaft to handle.

“Something tells me that she’s embellishing details just a little bit…” Luna giggled.

“Oh hush, Luna. What’s wrong with a little fun in your fantasy?” Celestia playfully elbowed her.

Ocellus let out little moans, shuddering as she struggled to get a good grip. She gently held it at the base between her hooves, slowly sliding upwards. “ good…J-just a little more...but...!” Once she reached the cockhead, the amount of pleasure was too much to hold in her hooves. “Naaah! H-How does he do it?”

“Lots of practice, I’m guessing,” Celestia snarked, getting a snorting giggle out of Luna.

After looking at her own hooves for a few seconds, she had an idea. With a little bit of changeling magic, her teal hooves transformed into orange hands. With her new fingers and opposable thumbs, she gripped onto her cock, grinning in satisfaction and pleasure as she started stroking herself with much more ease. “Aaah...thank you Smoldeeeerrr!”

“Lucky...” Luna muttered under her breath as she chomped down on some crackers.

“Odd, but creative,” Celestia nodded with approval, her mind wandering to ponder if Sunset was capable of something similar.

Ocellus used her thumb to rub at her cockhead, her moans getting louder as she started arching her back, humping into her other hand. “Nnngh! Aaaagh! Oh fuck! Aaah it’s so sensitiiiiiive!”

She slowly got into a rhythm, stroking with her left hand while rubbing the head with her right, though she didn’t get much time to get used to it, as the pleasure overwhelmed her. Ocellus threw her head back with a shaky moan, Sandbar’s cock erupting with cum, hitting the bottom of the top bunk, the rest spattering over her.

Ocellus fell backwards and basked in the afterglow, cute little moans escaping her lips, one of Smolder’s hands still holding onto Sandbar’s slowly going flaccid cock.

“Hm, might be a while until she’s ready for a round two.” Luna noted, whispering to her sister.

“Well then, the night’s still young, let’s see who else is having pleasant dreams tonight…”

Luna and Celestia hopped out of one dream bubble and straight into the next.

They found themselves in another familiar locale in Ponyville, just outside Twilight’s castle, sometime mid-afternoon. The sister quickly took their hiding place up in the clouds as the castle’s residents walked out.

“Alright, ready?” Spike asked, stretching out his wings.

“Yep, just like we practiced.” Twilight nodded, her wings opening up.

The two took to the skies, not noticing the princesses during their ascent. They landed on the highest cloud they could, with Spike landing on his back.

“Alright, let’s get started.” Spike slightly spread his legs out to make room for Twilight’s head.

Twilight rested on Spike, facing his feet. She leaned forward, peppering his crotch with a few light kisses. “C’mon, let’s get the little guy out.”

“H-Hey! It’s not that small!” Spike started blushing furiously, protesting by giving Twilight’s flank a light smack.

Twilight flinched with a light squeak, grinning as she saw Spike’s erection slowly poppint out. “I dunnoooo, it looks pretty small to meeee!~” she teased.

“Aw, this is adorable!” Luna cooed.

“Yeah, I’m sure that’s what she said,” Celestia giggled, immediately receiving a flurry of annoyed smacks from Luna’s cracker box.

Twilight slowly teased Spike’s cock until his erection was out at full length. She gave it a long lick from base to tip. “There we go…”

“Hnnnf...C-Careful now, we’re not even at the main event yet…R-Ready?”

Twilight opened her mouth, putting just the tip inside. She wrapped her front hooves around Spike’s knees. “Mmhm!”

“Alright, here we go…!” Spike grabbed onto Twilight’s hind hooves, giving them a slight tug to pull Twilight’s pussy closer to his mouth. Once he gave her lips a lick of confirmation that he was ready, Twilight started flapping her wings, slowly carrying them off of the cloud.

Celestia squinted her eyes in suspicion as the couple took off. “What are they...ohhh!”

Spike and Twilight held onto each other tight now that they were left unsupported. Twilight slowly worked her head down Spike’s shaft, fitting more down her throat while still concentrating on flapping her wings to stay airborne.

Spike’s tongue reached deep into Twilight’s folds, using the little forked tips to run against her inner walls.

“Hnnnff…” A chill went down Twilight’s spine as she continued to swallow down Spike’s shaft, already halfway through.

Spike leaned his head back to take a breath. “H-Holy shit…” he huffed, before using his tongue to slowly tease her lips.

The amount of movement and wiggling that went on during their sky sixty-nine made the two naturally start to tilt and lean in different directions, but the two coordinated their wing flaps to make sure that they stayed upright.

Celestia and Luna watched intently, chomping on their graham crackers like popcorn. Each little tilt made them lean forward and gasp, wondering if they had forgotten to flap their wings in the heat of the moment, but sighing in relief to see them stabilize themselves.

Twilight had managed to get the entire length down, lips kissing his pelvis.

“’re so g-good at this…!” Spike grunted, he could feel himself nearing the edge of a climax, so he needed to make sure Twilight wasn’t left hanging. He buried his face into Twilight’s crotch, reaching his tongue as deep as it could go.

“HNNNNFF!” Spike’s tongue reaching deep inside her marehood made Twilight’s body tense up, she had no time to prepare, only cum. She shuddered, wings flapping erratically as she climaxed, nearly losing her grip on Spike’s legs.

Twilight’s throat taking Spike’s entire length finally paid off, as he shot his load all the way down. He arched his back upward as he groaned into Twilight’s pussy.

Their post-climax flying was much less stable than before, with significantly more wobbling and dipping in altitude as Twilight slowly swallowed Spike’s entire load and freed her mouth.

They landed on another cloud, both of them lying on their back as they caught their breath. “Fuck...that was harder than I thought…” Spike panted.

“But soooo worth it…”

Celestia was practically squealing with delight. “Oh, that was so cute to watch!” She hugged Luna tight. “We have to try that out sometimes!”

“Well, we might have an opportunity later,” Luna chuckled. “I think we have enough crackers for one more dream...”

“Perfect. Let’s get going then!”

Right before they left the dream bubble, Celestia quickly flew past the couple. “Hi, Twilight! Hi Spike! Great technique! Proud of you two!”

Twilight and Spike did double-takes as they watched Celestia suddenly disappear from view.

The third dream they went into was a bit more peculiar than the others. The sisters found themselves in someone’s bedroom. Though the furniture around was unlike any seen in Equestria. It felt all too small and delicate to be used by a pony’s hooves.

On the bed were two figures. One was easily recognized as Pinkie Pie, but the other was harder to tell. They were tall and orange, with a mane that resembled Sunset Shimmer’s, but in a form that was unfamiliar to them, but the voice that came out was unmistakably hers.


Pinkie shuddered in ecstacy, leaning her head against Sunset’s bare chest. Her only response was a somewhat delirious giggle.

“What the…” Luna squinted her eyes, turning to her sister. “Do you have any idea what’s going on?”

“Nnnnot really?” Celestia shrugged, chomping on another cracker. “Looks fun, though.”

Sunset made half-hearted attempts to push Pinkie away, but each time Pinkie just slammed her face back into her bosom like they were magnetically attracted.

“I’m probably not going to remember this in the morning anyway, but why?” Sunset half-heartedly threw her hands up in resignation.

Pinkie squealed, using her hooves to playfully drum on her breasts like bongos.

Sunset groaned in annoyance, grabbing Pinkie by the shoulders and holding her at arm's length. “Pinkie, this is weird. You know this is weird, right? I’m not stopping you but I need you to acknowledge that this is weird.”

Pinkie’s only response was to point at Sunset’s breasts and grin. “Tiddies…”

“...Close enough…” Sunset sighed, dropping Pinkie, who instantly went face-first into Sunset’s cleavage, making muffled happy and horny noises.

Pinkie started singing to herself, giggling as she kept her face pressed up to Sunset’s chest. “Biiiiig sun tiddies make me wanna go brbrbrbrbbrbrbrbrrbrbbrbrbr!”

“Aack! P-Pinkie! Quit ihihit!” Sunset sputtered, caught off-guard by the motorboating.

“Cushiony goodies gets me feelin’ brbrbrbrbbrbrbrbbrbrbr!”

Luna tipped over her box of crackers, with nothing but crumbs falling out. “Well, I’m out. I suppose we should head back to restock,” she said, standing up. “Maybe Shining Armor is having the same dream…”

“Hold on, Luna.” Celestia quickly pushed Luna’s flank back down. “I just wanna see what happens next…”

Day 21: Writer Blocked

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Daring Do wiped the sweat off her brow. The short trek through the Everfree Forest posed no difficulty to her, especially compared to the adventures she’s had over the years. But after what she had to struggle through, she was more relieved that it was almost over.

Thankfully, the giant tree hut surrounded by masks and dangling bottles wasn’t hard to miss.

She looked back in her bag, making sure that the fruit was still there in one piece. She quickly knocked on the door. “Hey Zecora! I’m finally back, I got what you were looking for!”

Without much delay, Zecora opened the door. “Why if it isn’t Daring Do! What a delight to reunite with you!”

“Yeah, long time no see.” Daring reached into her bag, pulling out the fruit. “I really hope this was worth the long trip.”

Zecora grinned with delight. “Ah, you’ve fulfilled my request! Come inside and be my guest!” She stepped aside to let Daring Do in.

Daring stepped inside, admiring the exotic decorative flair. Some of the masks seemed familiar from places she’s visited, others still kept that air of complete mystery.

With the fruits in her possession, Zecora put them on a table near the cauldron. “I hate to say you look rather rough. I hope the adventure wasn’t too tough.”

Daring casually scoffed with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “Pff, nah, it wasn’t too bad. I’ve certainly had adventures that’ve left me worse for wear.” She took a seat nearby to rest her hooves. “So, what exactly are those things you asked me to get?”

“These fruits you brought are hard to find, but they’re perfect for the brew I had in mind.” Zecora explained. She started squeezing the fruits over the cauldron, letting the brew soak up the juices. As she began stirring the cauldron, she swayed her hips from side to side.

The rhythmic shaking was undeniably catching Daring’s attention, her eyes watching her flank go back and forth, making her slowly rub her inner thighs together until she caught herself, shaking her head back to attention. “Uh-huh…” she nodded, clearly unsatisfied with the answer. “So what exactly are you making?”

Zecora looked behind her shoulder, amused at how distracted Daring Do was, knowing that she’d be grateful for her help. “You’ll appreciate this, I think. I’m making a libido-dulling drink.”

“Oh, why didn’t you tell me that from the start?” Daring sighed in relief. “I mean, I’d have helped anyway, but telling me that would’ve given me a lot more motivation,” she cleared her throat in an attempt to save face.

“I’m sorry if you thought this was a ruse, I wanted to reward you with something you’d actually use.”

Daring sheepishly chuckled. “Well, I’m definitely not going to turn down something like this! It’s, uh, admittedly been difficult. Y’know, being out in those hot jungles all by yourself, the heat starts to get to you. I’ve been trying to write to keep my hooves busy, but it’s been hard to think straight when you’ve got other things on your mind.” She tilted her hat forward, barely covering her blushing cheeks. Even now, the uncomfortable twinges of arousal were constant. She was still able to keep control of them, but they were still ever-present in the back of her mind.

Zecora softly chuckled in understanding. “Just rest yourself, it will take a while, but I’ll make sure you’re repaid for your arduous trial.”

Daring eagerly kicked her hooves up to rest them on a nearby table. “So, how’d you figure out how to make this potion, anyway?”

“To my delight, or perhaps my terror, I found my success through trial and error,” Zecora winked. “I’ve tested ingredients and dosage amount, thankfully all when failure didn’t count.”

“I’d hope so!” Daring watched Zecora squeeze more of the fruit juice into the cauldron. “Gotta say, getting the fruits wasn’t as difficult as I’d thought it’d be. I’m pretty sure you could’ve done it yourself if you wanted to.”

Zecora nodded in agreement as she continued to stir, the contents of the cauldron turning from hot pink to a cooler, but still bright blue. “True, I could’ve set off on that mission, but you’re more suited for an expedition. You’ve yet to see that jungle before, didn’t you enjoy a new place to explore?”

“Hah, got me there. Was pretty nice to go somewhere new and not need to save Equestria from an artifact of doom.”

Zecora finished stirring, grabbing a ladle to pour it into a small wooden cup. “Here’s your reward, enjoy the taste! Don’t let a single drop go to waste.”

Daring gratefully took hold of the cup, but noticed that Zecora didn’t bother with pouring a cup for herself. “Aren’t you going to drink some?”

“That drink will certainly do the deed, but I save this for those with a greater need.” Zecora politely shook her head. “I’m satisfied helping others to their goal, I’ll get by on self-control.”

Daring let out a chuckle of disbelief. “You’re really something, Zecora. Well, cheers.” She quickly downed the cup, letting the taste swirl around in her mouth before swallowing. Slightly bitter, but still had that natural fruit sweetness to it.

Zecora sat herself down at the opposite end of the table. “I’d be remiss if I hadn’t checked, is the potion taking its effect?”

Daring let out a deep exhale. It wasn’t immediate relief, but she could feel the warm tingling in her crotch fading away. “Phew...yeah, I feel a lot better now. Like I can actually concentrate on writing for once!”

“Well, now that my brew is down the hatch…I think you’re also quite the catch,” Zecora said, fluttering her eyelashes.

While the potion dulled Daring’s libido, it didn’t stop her from getting flustered. Her wings didn’t pop out, but the blush on her face was undeniable. “J-Jeez…way to test out if the thing works...”

“Test or not, my words are true, I’m quite interested in knowing you.”

“” Daring contemplated what it’d be like if she was an author of romance novels instead of adventure. Perhaps then she’d have better words to say.

Zecora nodded in earnest. “You’re determined and smart with an adventurous flair. Around these parts, I’d say that’s quite rare. I feel we’re alike in several ways, I promise this is more than faint praise. A secluded life with plenty of history, I’d love to know more to uncover that mystery.”

Daring Do nervously rubbed her hooves together. “Well, I don’t really have anything else planned for the rest of the month, so I’d be more than happy to tell you a bit about me, especially to thank you for the help...A-And I wouldn’t mind getting to know you too...”

Day 22: On Guard

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A shrill whistle could be heard through the Canterlot Courtyard. Immediately, a group of armored-up mares and stallions lined up and stood straight and tall.

It wasn’t long until somepony approached the group standing at attention. A white stallion in distinct purple and gold-plated armor with a sparkling shield emblem on his chestplate walked into view.

“So, you’re the new recruits, huh? You wanna be part of the royal guard?” the stallion said, looking over each of the ponies in line. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

Some of the ponies exchanged looks, staring at the stallion in awe, trying to whisper to each other without having him notice.

“I-Is that Shining Armor?”

“Yeah, that has to be.”

“He’s the one that’s going to be training us?”

“Jeez, I hope he doesn’t go too hard on us…”

Shining couldn’t hear the conversations going on, but he could still see them getting distracted and not standing at full attention. “I hope you don’t expect things to be easy. The life of a royal guard will challenge you, and it’s up to you to keep Equestria safe. I expect more than the best out of all of you, understood?”

“Y-Yes sir!” The line of recruits quickly saluted.

Shining smirked. “Good, now, I expect you’re all prepared for the intense work you have ahead of you. You’re going to be sweating and running until your hooves want to collapse!”

There were a few nervous looks from the guards in training, some of their hooves starting to tremble.

“If you want to serve under the princesses, you’re going to need to prove your worth!”

As if on cue, Princess Celestia herself landed in the courtyard. “That’s right. That’s why Shining Armor is here to make sure you meet the high standards the job requires.”

As most of the guards started gasping and clamoring, Shining Armor quickly bowed down. “Ah, P-Princess! What brings you here?” The slight amount of panic in his voice indicated that Celestia’s entrance was just as unexpected to him as the rest of the recruits.

“Well, I just wanted to oversee you training the recruits today. That won’t be a problem, will it?” Celestia smiled warmly. “After all, they’ll be important to me and my sister if they prove themselves.”

“Um, it’s no problem at all!” Shining looked back at the recruits. “So! Do you still think you’ve got what it takes?”

“Yes sir!” All the recruits shouted at once.

“Good! Now let’s see what you can do. Let’s start out with a hundred laps around the place. Let’s go!”

As he watched the recruits scramble to start running as fast as they could, Shining turned to the princess. “Alright, so what’s the real reason you came down here?”

Celestia looked down at Shining coyly. “Whatever do you mean, Shining?”

Shining squinted his eyes, slowly shaking his head. “On any other day, I’d have believed you wanted to oversee me training them. You’re up to something, I just don’t know what...”

Celestia merely giggled. “Perhaps instead of trying to find some sort of ulterior motive I have, perhaps you should be directing your focus towards them.” She pointed her hoof towards some of the trainees, sweating and panting as they galloped, clearly not used to the weight of their armor yet.

“Hey!” Shining shouted. “Are you slowing down already? We just started!”

As Shining watched the ponies try speeding up, Celestia’s horn started to faintly glow, the princess barely able to contain the grin on her face.

“Come on! I better not see any of you trotting already!” Shining chastised. His focus stuck to the recruits running around, but he definitely felt it. There was a slight tingling at his crotch, though that was probably the side effects of the Chastity Shield, probably best not to pay attention to it, especially not while training the recruits.

Shining continued to watch the Canterlot recruits run laps. Many of them eventually slowed down their pace due to fatigue until he spoke up to motivate him. All of it seemed natural, though he was starting to wonder why they always kept staring back as they passed.

At first, Shining assumed it was because of the presence of Princess Celestia. He couldn’t really blame them. Shining turned his head to see if Celestia was doing anything in particular that was catching their attention.

Celestia was just standing there in place, her long horn wrapped in a yellow magical aura.

Now Celestia had Shining’s attention as well. He looked around, trying to see if there was anything around that Celestia was controlling with her magic, finding nothing until he felt another twitching at his groin, this time, getting stronger.

Once he glanced down, Shining’s confusion quickly turned to horror as he realized what Celestia was using her magic for. The Chastity Shield was still in place, as proven by the fact that his cock was still invisible to him.

He couldn’t see what she was doing, but he could feel it. Every single bit of magical stimulation. A slow ring of magical energy wrapped around his shaft, slowly going back and forth. And it felt mind-numbingly good.

Shining’s entire body trembled as he fought the urge to let out a horny shudder. He could feel his cock twitching and throbbing with every single magical stroke.

Shining Armor looked back towards the running recruits. They definitely weren’t directing their gazes at the princess like he thought.

He looked back at Celestia again, seeing that she was sporting a noticeably smugger grin on her face. “Y-You wouldn’t.”

“, I wouldn’t. Though if you’re going to be on edge the entire time, you may as well enjoy the feeling…” Celestia chuckled, stopping her magic’s movement right before Shining went past the point of no return.

Shining quickly pulled his attention back. “Y-You guys are doing great! Keep up that pace!” He shouted, trying to keep a cool head. Questions raced in the stallion’s mind. How did she break through his defenses so quickly? Did he need to go back to Sunburst to try and princess-proof the spell now? How much of his moaning did all the recruits hear?

Once enough time had passed, Celestia started up her magicjob all over again, giving Shining’s cock slow strokes with a ring of magic, always slowing down and stopping before she brought him to climax.

Shining fought to keep his tough-guard look up, but with the constant stimulation, he was breathing heavily and letting out little moans and shivers, constantly fidgeting as he tried to push past Celestia’s meddling.

Celestia had a much better poker face than Shining, keeping her head held high with only a small grin instead of a maniacal smirk as she kept the poor prince edged, speeding up her magic strokes to surprise him, and stopping just before he could climax.

Shining could feel his composure cracking, his hooves trembling underneath him, lowering his head as he tried to keep his shudders and moans as quiet as possible, and then overcompensating by trying to yell something intimidating, only showing the clear waver in his voice.

The princess made sure that Shining’s shaft didn’t get all the fun, her magic caressed and rubbed his full balls, gently stroking and tickling his sack with her magic.

“Nnngh...f-fuck…” Shining could feel his face start to burn up. Thankfully his helmet covered up a good amount of his cheeks, so the recruits didn’t notice the blush that much as they ran past.

Of course, the captain’s cheeks were far from the topic of conversation of the recruits as they ran their laps.

“...You saw it too, right?”

“H-How could I not?”


“You think that’s why Cadence married him?”

“She’s incredibly lucky...cause I’d let that thing destroy my ass!”

“You know when I said I hope he didn’t go too hard on us? I take it back.”

Celestia quietly chuckled to herself. Watching her former and future guards get flustered was so much more entertaining than she hoped it’d be.

“Aaand here we are!” Trixie finally came to a stop in the middle of scenic nowhere. A large open field with a small, fenced-off cottage in the middle. Outside, two gray ponies walked with hammers in their mouths.

“Ah geez...” One of the gray mares grumbled, turning around to yell towards the cottage. “SIS! SHE’S BACK!”

Ember popped her head out of the caravan, looking around. Aside from the house, windmill, and silo, it was surprisingly barren of everything else. Everything except rocks. “Huh, already feels a little bit like home,” she smiled, nodding approvingly.

“And she brought more company too! JUST GREAT!” the pony groaned. “Like I don’t have enough shit to do…” the others could hear her growling as she walked back inside.

“Is...that how ponies usually greet others around here?” Ember asked.

“Just her. Don’t worry about it.”

As Trixie walked closer with the caravan, another pony walked out of the cottage. This one noticeably more clothed compared to the naked pair of ponies Ember saw earlier.

“Hello, Trixie. It’s nice to see you again.” The pony said, her voice dull and monotone.

“Maudie!” Trixie leapt out of her harness to hug the earth pony tightly.

Maud tilted her head to see the dragon head sticking outside. “I see you’ve brought a friend with you this time.”

“Oh! Right!” Trixie stepped aside. “This is Ember, she’s one of Trixie’s friends. Ember, this is Maud Pie and Marble Pie over there.”

Ember stepped out of the caravan, waving hello. “Hey there, it’s nice to meet you!”

“It’s nice to meet you too.” Maud said, her expression unchanging.

Trixie turned her attention back to Maud. “Oh Maud, there was something Trixie needed to discuss with you, do you mind if we...?”

“Sure.” Maud nodded. “Marble, can you show Ember around the place?”


As Maud and Trixie walked back into the cottage. Ember turned to the remaining earth pony.

“So Trixie said that you ponies find some tasty gems here sometimes?”

“Mmhm!” Marble nodded. She walked over to one of the rocks, giving it a few smacks with the hammer. The rock split in two, showing the brilliantly shining purple crystals that covered the entire interior.

“Oooh, I love this place already!” Ember grinned, already starting to drool.

Trixie and Maud walked inside the cottage, going up all the way into the Pie Sister shared bedroom.

“So, uh, Maud, Trixie hopes you don’t mind the surprise visit, but Ember really wanted to see-”

Maud suddenly pinned Trixie up against the wall, staring into her eyes. “I know why you really came here. You want me to ravage your body.”

Trixie started going into a cold sweat. “H-How would you even know such a thing?”

“Maud sense,” she replied.

“Trixie refuses to believe that’s a thing you have.”

Maud took her hooves off the wall, stepping back and holding up a notebook. “I wrote a new set of poems for you.”

Trixie could already feel some of her fur sticking up. “Y-You did?”

Maud nodded, though she put down the book. “But I know you’re still in the competition. It wouldn’t be fair of me to just take you out like that, especially when you’re so close to winning. I know you’d have a lot of fun during those few hours of the orgy.”

Trixie let out a shaky exhale, torn between two equally appealing options. She grit her teeth, she had to stay strong, she told Starlight that she’d return soon, and this was just a quick little stop on her vacation, nothing more.

“Of course, if you did want to just give up now, that means we’d have as long as you’d want to spend together. And I have an entire new book of poems to go through.”

“TAKE ME!” Trixie blurted out, gasping like she was out of breath. She looked at Maud and begged with her eyes, consequences be damned.

Maud opened up the book and cleared her throat. “Rocks. There are many types of rocks.”

“Kiiiiiiiiiii!!!” Trixie immediately collapsed to the floor as every hair on her body stood up on end.

“Some are big, some are small. Some are short, some are tall.”

Trixie’s entire body started tingling as she giggled deliriously, each word out of Maud’s mouth was like sweet honey to her eardrums.

“Rocks can be sharp, rocks can be round, some rocks can be found deep in the ground.”

“Oh Maaaauuuudiiiiieee...Keep gooooiiiiing!” Trixie grinned, rolling around on the floor in auditory bliss. Her hooves hadn’t touched her body at all, but she was already soaking wet.

“Some rocks are smooth, some rocks are rough. Some rocks are gneiss, some rocks are tuff.”

“Ah! D-Don’t stoooop! Eeheehee!” Trixie giggled, wiggling her hooves in Maud’s direction. “P-Pleeaaase!”

“All the time with rocks I’ve spent. I hope you understand my sediment.”

“Aaaah! MaaaAAAaaaaAAAauuuuUUUUuud!”

Unsurprisingly, Trixie’s designated rocket was the biggest one in the batch, finally being free to fly.

“Mmmph, you ponies are wonderful!” As Ember happily chomped down on what felt like an endless buffet of gems, the loud explosion caused her to look up in the sky. “...Does that usually happen when Trixie comes here?”


“Heya Starlight, whatcha thinking about?”

“Oh, nothing much, Pinkie, I’m just wondering where Trixie is. She said she’d be back soon but-”

The pair drew their attention to the newly exploding firework. “Oh, she’s at the rock farm,” Pinkie stated matter-of-factly.

“How do you know that just by looking?”

Pinkie looked at Trixie’s half-lidded eyes and drunken grin. “...Just a hunch.”

Day 23: Meant To Be, Supposed To Be

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Rarity paced back and forth in the spa’s waiting room, huffing impatiently. “It’s not like her to be late. Where could she be?”

“Um, Miss Rarity? I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re going to wear a hole in our carpeting…” Aloe interjected, watching her anxiously run around from behind the counter.

“Ah, terribly sorry, I’m just a little extra bit antsy today waiting for-Fluttershy!” Rarity sighed in relief as she heard the bell ringing, seeing her friend at the door.

Fluttershy was quick to apologize. “Oh, I’m so sorry I’m late, Rarity! I was going to be here on time, but Twilight-”

“You can tell me later, I’ve been dying to get the deluxe treatment today!” She quickly grabbed onto Fluttershy’s hoof, eagerly dragging her into the spa area in the back.

The first order of business was the sauna. Rarity and Fluttershy sat together in the wooden room as Lotus poured the hot water on the heated rocks.

“So, you were saying something about Twilight earlier, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked as the steam started to fill up the room.

“Oh! Right! I was on my way to the spa, when Twilight stopped me on the way over,” Fluttershy explained. “She said that Shining Armor had come over for a surprise visit.”

“Well, that’s nice, but why did it cause such a delay?” Rarity leaned back, relaxing in the steam.

Fluttershy’s face started turning red, and Rarity could tell it wasn’t from the heat of the room. “It’s um...because he was there with her.”

Rarity curiously leaned in. “Oooh? And what’s so special about that?”

“’s b-because…” Fluttershy started squeaking and stammering, covering up her face.

“Fluttershy? Is everything alright? Was it something he did? Was it something you said? Oh, don’t leave me hanging, darling!”

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “Y-Yes...just...I saw the effects of Shining’s…’Chastity Shield’ spell…”

Rarity looked at Fluttershy with a more amused expression. “Ahhh, that explains it. So, what sort of little trick did he have up his sleeve this time?”

Fluttershy nervously pressed her hooves together. “Well, he said that it made it invisible, b-but it definitely didn’t seem that way to me…”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean by that, darling?”

“A-Apparently it’s only invisible to him…” Fluttershy explained. “B-But to everyone else, it’s still there...and...and he’s just...hard…”

“Well, that must have been quite the sight to see.” Rarity let out a low whistle, starting to feel some internal heat. “Though that still doesn’t quite explain why you were so late.”

“You should’ve seen it…I think he’s just...hard all the time with that spell in effect.” Fluttershy’s wings started to extend out, shivering despite the heat of the sauna.

“So, you were so distracted ogling that you forgot all about our appointment?” Rarity grinned, lightly teasing her friend.

“I-I’m sorry!” Fluttershy started hiding behind her wings. “It was just...for some reason, I couldn’t look away! ...I don’t think I’ve seen it so...big before…”

Rarity softly chuckled. “Well, perhaps I’ll have to see for myself if it was enough to be distracting…Is Shining aware of the...side effects?”

“I think so, though I guess he doesn’t mind.” Fluttershy slowly nodded. “...And I don’t either.” she said under her breath.

Rarity still managed to catch what she said, giggling out loud. “Well, I suppose I can forgive you for being late…”

The two leaned back in their seats, sighing as they relaxed in the steamy heat, feeling the stress melting away.

“We’re almost at the end of the month, are you excited?”

“Mmhm! Only a week left to go!” Fluttershy grinned, her wings partially spreading out in a display of growing excitement.

“I’ve got a little surprise ready for our little celebration later,” Rarity teased, waggling her eyebrows.

“Ooh, really?” Fluttershy’s mind started to go through the possibilities, fidgeting in her seat with excitement.

“Just a little something for a ‘stiff wing massage’, if you know what I’m saying.”


Once their time in the sauna was up, a full-body massage was next on the menu. Fluttershy and Rarity laid face down on the massage tables, their bodies already relaxed and waiting as they slid their faces into the holes at the top.

“ have you been doing, Rarity?” Fluttershy asked, turning her head slightly through the hole in the table.

“I’ve been doing...alright,” Rarity said hesitantly. “Finally finished up that commission for Princess Luna, so I’ve been wanting this as a little self-reward. I’ve been feeling so tense lately...”

“Oh, that’s wonderful! I’m sure she’s going to love it!” Fluttershy nodded happily. “And I’m sure she’s going to look wonderful wearing it!”

“Mmm, yes, I’ve had to take plenty of measurements to make sure it fit just right…”

Aloe and Lotus soon came to the massage tables. “Hello ladies! Are you ready for us?”

“Oh yes, please!” Rarity nodded. “Go right ahead!”

The spa twins wasted no time, pressing their hooves into the girls’ backs.

They were immediately met with happy sighs and relaxed moans. Fluttershy’s wings started twitching as she felt Aloe’s hooves get rid of a few knots she didn’t know she had.

“Nnnf...riiight there…” Rarity sighed, her hooves reflexively kicking out.

Lotus pressed harder into Rarity’s back, making her satisfied moans grow louder. “Like this, Miss Rarity?”

“Ohhh yessss…”

Aloe pressed into Fluttershy’s wings, rubbing her hooves into the base of her feathery wings.


“Aaaaah…! Oooh, c-careful...hmm!” Fluttershy shuddered, her hooves trembling as she tried to gesture to her extended wings.

“Of course, Miss Fluttershy. I’ll take good care of your wings,” Aloe reassured her, gently rubbing her hooves all the way to her wingtips.

Lotus kneaded Rarity’s upper back, pushing into her shoulders. “How does this feel, Miss Rarity? Good?”

“Oooh goooood…” Rarity hummed, nearly losing her composure and almost drooling down on the floor.

Aloe moved to the side of the table, rubbing both sides of a single wing with her hooves. “I’m not being too rough, am I, Miss Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy was nothing but squeaks and giggles before she was able to answer. “N-noooo, you’re fiiiiine! Eeee...” Her free wing reflexively flapping around, throwing a few loose feathers about.

Lotus kept applying pressure to Rarity’s back, getting deeper into those tense shoulders, putting more of her weight into keading her tender areas.

“Aaah! Oooh! Ohhh Lotus!” Rarity cried out, starting to pound her hooves against the table.

Lotus stopped the massage, leaning over. “Is there something wrong, Miss Rarity? Do you want me to stop?”

“Aaah, on the contrary...I-I want moooore…I...I need it!” Rarity moaned with a noticeable waver in her voice. She slowly lifted up her tail, biting her lower lip. “P-Please…”

Lotus could sense the desperation in Rarity’s voice. She smiled warmly, knowing exactly what she was asking for. “Of course, right away, Miss Rarity.” She put her hooves on Rarity’s legs, rubbing her inner thighs.

Despite her efforts to hold still, Rarity’s entire body shivered, and her hoof seemed to move on its own. “Ah! Y-Yes...that’s it…!”

“So tense…” Lotus noted, tenderly rubbing Rarity’s inner thighs and stroking her cutie mark.

“Aaaah! Yes! Oooh I deseeerve thiiiiis!” Rarity cried out, shamefully giving into the pleasure. Her hoof slipped underneath her stomach, gently rubbing her clit as she felt Lotus’s hooves press into her hips.

Fluttershy was currently occupied with Aloe tending to her sensitive wings, but she turned her head to the side as much as she could when she noticed how loud Rarity was getting. She saw that her face was nearly fully red, tears of pleasure and drool dropping down as she had her tongue out. “Um...Rarity?”

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy! B-But I need thiiiis! Ooooooh!”

Lotus had already done most of the hard work, intentionally or not. Rarity raised her flank just a bit to speed things up, focusing directly on her clit as the spa pony kneaded her hooves into her cutie mark. “Nnnaah! Yes! Right there! Mmmph!”

It wasn’t long until a white and purple firework shot into the sky. The resulting explosion showed Rarity’s face with her mane pulled back, with extra red sparks to emphasize the intense blush on her face before it just faded away.

“I’m just saying, if I’m jacked up on cider, then I won’t be tempted to jack off!” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Ah said no, Dash,” Applejack grumbled. “Ah’m not gonna be held responsible for whatever you get int-”

Dash’s attempt at bargaining was interrupted by the recently launched firework, causing both mares to stare skyward.

“Serves her right,” Applejack scoffed.

“Pffft...BAAAHAHAHAHAHA! W-What is with that face?!”

Fluttershy let out a deflated sigh, shaking her head. “So much for my happy ending…”

Day 24: Peer Review

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“Thanks for doing some proofreading for me, Dash. Really appreciate it.”

“You know I’d never turn down the chance to get an early copy!” Dash grinned, leafing through the pages of Daring’s notebook. “So Zecora really sent you off on a fetch quest?”

“Yeah, though I didn’t have the time to write about it until a few days ago.” Daring quickly darted her eyes from side to side, not wanting to mention the exact reasons why her writing process was delayed.

“Sweet!” Rainbow had plenty of questions, but she assumed that most of them would be answered in Daring’s draft.

Daring Do took the time to relax, putting her hooves up on Rainbow’s couch, resting her pith helmet on her chest. “This month’s been crazy, hasn’t it, Dash?”

“Tell me about it,” Rainbow sighed. “Just got a week left, though! I swear, if something screws me over when I’m so close to finally winning, I’m gonna...” she let out a groan of frustration.

Daring let out a short, amused chuckle. Rainbow Dash’s struggles sounded just like her own back at the start of the month. Thankfully she could spend the rest of the month in relative relaxation. She had been away on her own for so long, a little bit of social interaction wouldn’t hurt before the big celebration at the end.

It did feel like a bit of a cheat to use Zecora’s libido-dulling potion, but the ability to write without lust clouding her thoughts was worth the competitive pride.


“Oh fuck, what now?” Daring’s head shot up to attention, hoping that Dash was just having those random unexplainable wingboners.

“Uh, Daring? What’s with this bit right here?” Dash turned the book around, pointing to the passage.

As if by some stroke of luck, Daring Do had stumbled upon what she was looking for.

A plant bearing bright red, long, and bumpy fruit. Exactly like the drawing depicted. Success at last.

She began her harvest, grabbing the fruits and pulling them off the plants with a gentle tug, fitting as much as she could in her bag. Zecora didn’t say how much she needed to grab, but better safe than sorry.

Now with her bounty in tow, all that was left to do was get back. She had already made her own path on the way over, backtracking was going to be much easier.

The extra weight of the fruits caused no difficulty to the adventurer. The only real difficulty was enduring the length of the trip back.

Still, that gave her plenty of time for Daring Do to think. What exactly did Zecora mean to give her as a reward? She described it as a mutual benefit, but realistically that could mean anything.

That zebra was certainly a mysterious one. Her initial meeting with her was brief, but it felt like every moment she spent learning about her only gave her more questions to ask.

There was something about her that was captivating. The way she carried herself and talked just caught her attention without fail. She spoke so openly and honestly, but the constant rhyming always made it seem like there was something else just barely hiding underneath the surface, practically begging to be uncovered. It was something Daring Do wanted to find out for herself.

Once she got back, then she could ask all the questions she wanted. Where she was from, what brought her to Ponyville, what kind of places she’s been to, what kind of flowers she likes...

“DAMNIT!” Daring scrambled to grab the notebook out of Rainbow’s hooves.

Rainbow willingly forfeited the book, chuckling with the sense of relief that she wasn’t the only one struggling.

In the dead of night, two shadows snuck around the dorm rooms in Ponyville, keeping close to the walls until they stopped in front of one of the doors.

“This isn’t going to work.” Cozy Glow shook her head.

“You’re just saying that because you’re scared of me taking the lead,” Chrysalis scoffed.

“Well, knowing them, it might work, I just hope it doesn’t to spite you.”

“Just unlock the door.”

Cozy pulled out some thin needles, and stuck them into the keyhole of the lock. After a few clicks, she pushed the door open.

“There, open says me.”

Chrysalis’s horn glowed as she transformed, making sure the magical glow wasn’t visible from inside the room before sneaking inside.

Sandbar slowly turned from one side to the other in his sleep, until he felt something nudging him.

“Saaaandbaaaar…” he could hear a voice calling out to him, one that was very familiar to him.

The sleeping stallion smacked his lips, slowly opening his eyes. He could feel a huge weight looming over him, but with his waking mind and the lack of light, he couldn’t quite tell who it was.

“Yona want you, Sandbar…”

“Nnn...ok…” Sandbar absentmindedly nodded. “What do you want me for?”

“Yona want to ride you, Sandbar! No, Yona need to!”

“But babe...we gotta wait…till the end of the...month...” Sandbar lifted up a hoof, weakly trying to push Yona off of him.

“Y-Yona can’t wait...Yona want pony now!”

Sandbar let out a long yawn. “A-alright...just...don’t wake up Gallus, k?”

Internally, Chrysalis was ecstatic at how easy it seemed. She grinded her hips against Sandbar, sliding back and forth on his limp shaft.

Sandbar let out half-hearted grunts of arousal, his mind still half-asleep. The feeling of Yona’s hips was definitely doing the job of getting him hard, but the pillows were so soft…

Once Sandbar was fully erect, Chrysalis wasted no time riding the sleepy stallion, though she slowly bounced up and down in order to make sure that she didn’t accidentally break his waist with all the yak weight she was throwing around.

“Hnn...gosh that feels good…” Sandbar moaned, closing his eyes.

Chrysalis let out a soft, sinister chuckle, already eager to rub her victory in Cozy’s face, until she realized that Sandbar wasn’t moaning anymore. Instead, all she heard was snoring. She looked down, finding that he had fallen back asleep while still inside her.

“...Fuck, it won’t count if he’s still asleep.” Chrysalis was about to wake Sandbar up again, but the grumbling from the other bed told her she didn’t have much time left. She quickly shifted back, crawling out of the dorm room before Gallus woke up.

“ back…” Sandbar mumbled, listlessly waving his hooves in the air.

“Shaddap…!’ Gallus climbed down from his bunk, his eyes barely open. “I was having a great dream about Professor Applejack until ya fucking ruined it…” he grumbled, his brain still mostly asleep. Neither of the guys noticed the open door in their dorm room.

As the former queen was exiting, Cozy Glow watched at the door with a smug grin on her face.

“Shut up, I still have a Plan B,” Chrysalis preemptively replied.

Cozy broke into the next room, with Chrysalis transforming and sneaking in.

Yona found herself woken up by a deep voice in her ear.

“Oh Yoooonaaaa…”

Yona let out a snort as she opened her eyes to something big and green standing in front of her. “S-Sandbar?”

The pony in front of her looked like Sandbar, same messy green hair, but he was twice the size of the stallion that Yona was used to, with a rippling physique and rugged facial hair to boot.

The stallion chuckled. “Who else would it be?”

“P-Pony huge…” Yona managed to stammer out.

“Been working out. Now come on, let’s have some fun before you wake up for real.”

It only took a few seconds of tired thinking for Yona to believe the lie. She turned around, inviting Sandbar for a ride.

Chrysalis was thankful that these tired minds were so easy to trick. With Yona standing up, there was hopefully less chance of her falling asleep.

Yona could feel Sandbar mounting her, prompting a quiet moan of pleasure. “Oooh...pony really huge…”

“I thought you’d like it that way…” Sandbar chuckled, giving Yona a playful slap to her butt.

As Yona felt Sandbar start thrusting, Yona’s butt started bouncing.

Sandbar kept his hooves on Yona’s hips, trying to go along with her rhythm as he pumped his thick shaft in and out.

“ dream ever…!” Yona was practically jumping in place, causing the whole bedroom to rumble.

Chrysalis looked over to the bunk bed, hoping that all this shaking and noise wouldn’t wake Ocellus up. But so long as she succeeded in her plan, she could probably make a hasty escape and cut her losses there. She could sense Yona getting close, she just needed a little push to get there.

“Aaaaah!” When Yona felt Sandbar go in as far as he could, she let out a happy cry of pleasure. She started bucking around, causing even more localized tremors.

“W-Woah, woaaaaah! Yaaah!” Chrysalis tried to hold steady, but even while half-awake, the yak’s strength was overwhelming. One good lift of her hind legs sent her flying out.

As soon as she saw Chrysalis’s forced ejection, Cozy closed the door. “Golly! Zero for two tonight, that’s impressive!” she grinned, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Shut up, you still haven’t beaten me yet.”

All the shaking and yelling finally woke Ocellus up. “Ugh...what’s going on?” She grumbled, peering over the edge of her bunk, rubbing her eyes.

Yona looked around confused, also starting to fully wake up. “Wait, where Sandbar go?”

“You were just dreaming, Yona…” Ocellus sighed. “Just go back to sleep…”

Day 25: Dragon Romping

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“CANNONBALL!” Smolder called out before taking a running leap off the cliff into the lava pit, tucking her knees in to ensure the maximum splash zone.

Spike and Ember shielded their faces from the ensuing lava that flew everywhere.

“Nice, I think it went higher than last time!” Ember grinned.

“Awesome!” Smolder swam to the edge of the lava to climb out and jump off again.

As they waited for Smolder’s next attempt, Spike turned to Ember as they relaxed on the edge. “So, how was your trip to the rock farm?”

Ember half-heartedly shrugged. “Well, the journey wasn’t anything that interesting, if I’m being honest. But being there! Oh it was great!” the dragon was already starting to salivate just recalling her journey.

“Heh, so Trixie wasn’t a pain to travel with or anything?” Spike chuckled, stretching out his wings.

“Eh, not really.” Ember shook her head. “She was the one preventing the trip from being boring.”

“How so?”

“Well, aside from telling me all about the cool things at the rock farm, I got to look around at all the stuff inside her caravan, and she was telling me like where she got it with like this big story of her traveling around Equestria to get it. She even performed a few of them for me, which was neat to see her special talent.”

“Oh cool, your own private show, huh?”

“Yeah, I tried to ask about how all her tricks worked, but she wouldn’t tell me. She just kept insisting that ‘it’s maaaagic’ like that was supposed to be enough of an explanation,” Ember said, waving her hands with a sarcastic flourish.

“A magician’s gotta have her secrets,” Spike shrugged.

“The box full of dicks, however, she was more than happy to tell me about in great detail.”

Spike let out a wheezing laugh, the sheer bluntness of Ember’s statement catching him off-guard.

“HERE I GOOOOO!” Smolder yelled, sprinting off the edge, diving down before curling up to make another towering kersploosh.

“Jeez, that one got some distance…” Spike noted.

“Haaah, that was a good one…” Smolder swam over to the edge of the pit, joining Spike and Ember. “So what’d I miss?”

“Oh, I was just talking about all of Trixie’s dildos.”


“Surprisingly, Trixie had a lot to say about each of them. Like how each one felt, which ones she’s used the most. I dunno if she was trying to trick me into trying them myself, but she was almost as enthusiastic talking about sex than her magic tricks.”

Smolder snickered. “Maybe it’s just being pent up that’s getting to her.”

“Yeah, I agree with that. Would explain a lot, honestly. Anyway, once we got to the rock farm, oh it was amazing!” Ember gushed. “Like, it was dusty and full of rocks, it just needed some lava and mountains and it would’ve been just like home!”

Spike playfully rolled his eyes as Smolder listened intently.

“Oh and the food they had, it was amazing! One of those ponies cracked a rock open and they were just full of little gems! And the place was full of them! It was like the ultimate feast!”

Smolder’s jaw dropped. “No way! That sounds awesome!” She turned to Spike, elbowing him in the ribs. “How come you didn’t tell us this place existed?”

“Cause’ I knew that if you did, you’d wanna spend your whole life there.” Spike snarked. “I don’t wanna hear it from Pinkie in the future how much trouble you’d be giving her sisters.”

“In the end, it was definitely worth the trip. Maybe Trixie could take me there again sometime.” Ember grinned, already imagining going through another full course of geode gems.

“Considering the firework display we saw, I’m pretty sure Trixie’s gonna want to return pretty soon,” Spike said, chuckling along with Smolder.

“Yeah, I was kinda busy eating to see what exactly happened with her,” Ember admitted. “So I guess it worked out.”

“You think that Trixie travelled all the way over there just to intentionally lose?” Smolder wondered out loud.

“I doubt she masterminded her own demise like that,” Spike shook his head. “If she did, she probably would’ve done it waaaay earlier in the month.”

“Alright, that’s it. One of you has GOT to take me there sometime!” Smolder said, looking between the other two dragons.

“So it’s my understanding that it’s pony custom to visit other farms to have sex right?” Ember asked, looking at Spike. “Cause I’m totally down for that part of pony culture.”

A bewildered Spike slowly shook his head. “No, that’s...wrong.”

Ember sank a little lower into the lava. “It’s hard to believe that this month’s almost over.”

“Tell me about it, it’s been driving me crazy.” Spike nodded, leaning his head back to blow smoke out of his nostrils. “But it’s totally gonna be worth it. Still got a ways to go before it’s finally over, though.”

Ember nodded in agreement. “Yeah, no reason to despair over it when we’re so close to finishing.”

Smolder sighed, crossing her arms. “Wish I didn’t cave in so easily,” she grumbled. “I wanted to make it, but Rarity just...rrrgh! She was just too tempting!”

Spike’s body tensed up, blinking in confusion. “Wait, what?”

“Well, she-” Smolder paused, blushing as she had to explain her own undoing in a way that wouldn’t be completely embarrassing. “I remember her coming into one of the classrooms and...she just...she got me, ok?”

“...Wait, what?”

“C’mon, don’t make me explain how-”

“No I heard it,” Spike interjected, cutting through Smolder’s words. “But I was definitely out gem hunting with Rarity the whole day when you got eliminated.”

“What? You gotta be lying or something, cause I swear she was with me!”

Spike simply shrugged. “I dunno what to tell ya, but I know she was with me that day. Went to her house that morning and everything.”

“That doesn’t make sense, how could Rarity be in two places at-” Smolder’s confused expression suddenly turned deadly serious. “Oh. Oh she’s doomed.”

Spike and Ember watched as Smolder wordlessly climbed out of the lava and flew off.

Spike glanced over to Ember. “Should...we do something about that?”

“Eh, I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.”

“I hope…”

Day 26: Trying To Keep Cozy

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“Nee-heehee!” Cozy giggled, giddily gliding through the halls, holding a paper bag with a massive grin on her face, flying over the other students until a voice calling out her name stopped her dead in her tracks.

“Hey! Cozy!”

There was a brief moment of panic on Cozy’s face before she slipped back into a more innocent-looking smile as she turned around. “Oh, hiya there Starlight! Is there something that lil’ ol’ me can do for you?”

“I’m just wondering where you were headed off to,” Starlight said, already squinting her eyes in suspicion.

“Oh, I’m just going to meet a friend of mine!” Cozy answered, putting on her most saccharine smile.

Starlight slowly tilted her head. “Riiiight...Well, the other students have been telling me that they’ve seen you sneaking around the place. I don’t wanna believe that you’re up to something, but…”

“Who, me?” Cozy began fluttering her eyelashes, slowly trying to tuck her bag away underneath her wing. “Do you really think that I’d be planning something baaaad?”

Starlight silently looked at Cozy with a raise of her eyebrows.

“...Alright, fair enough.” Cozy’s act dropped just for a second of pure honesty. “But I really am just going to meet a friend today, though!”

Starlight’s attention switched over from Cozy’s face to her wing. “What’s in the bag?”

“My lunch.”

“It’s 2:05.”

“I had a late breakfast.”

“...Where are you meeting your friend at?”

“What are you, a cop? I’m not doing anything wrong by meeting with my friend, am I?”

Starlight sighed. “No, I guess not. Alright, you can go. Just don’t get into any trouble, okay?”

Cozy instantly perked back up. “Alrighty! I’ll do my best!” she grinned as she turned back around, rolling her eyes and scowling once she was walking away from Starlight.

The pegasus reached her destination back in front of the dorms, meeting up with her friend.

“So what’s your big plan?” Chrysalis asked sarcastically. “I doubt anything your brain could think of would ever topple the willpower of a changeling.”

Cozy showed off the paper bag, taking out a marker and writing “FOR OCELLUS” on it. With a sinister grin, she unlocked the door and threw it inside, locking it back up.

“...What’s that going to do?”

“You’ll see.”

A couple hours later, Ocellus returned to her room, ready to finally relax after a long day. She immediately noticed the paper bag lying in the middle of the room apparently addressed to her. She looked inside the bag, only finding a DVD case inside.

Curious, Ocellus took a closer look. The cover was a dark creature with a bright flash of light obscuring its head. The title of the film was apparently called “The Thing”. She turned the box over to look at the description, but it had been obscured by some sort of mysterious stain.

“...Huh…” Ocellus shrugged. Maybe Yona left this as a gift for her or something. She opened up the case and put the disc in her TV, sitting down on Yona’s bunk bed to watch.

Cozy and Chrysalis were watching from outside the window, making sure they were out of view of Ocellus.

“What’d you do?”

“Shh shh shh! It’s starting.”

The television screen started to flicker. With the opening scene set in a snow-covered tundra.

Chrysalis’s jaw dropped, recognizing the scene instantly. “You fucking didn’t.”

Cozy silently rubbed her hooves together, grinning in delight.

Ocellus was confused, but kept watching. The film started out relatively slow, but gradually upped the tension with each passing scene. The changeling soon found herself gripped by the story with each minute that passed, especially by the eponymous Thing in question.

Every scene that starred it captivated the changeling. She was unable to look away every time it was on screen, especially when it began its transformations.

“I...still don’t get what the appeal of this is.” Cozy frowned, realizing that what they were doing essentially boiled down to watching a movie from afar. “I’m like, pretty sure this is supposed to be a horror movie.”

“Then you’re an uncultured fool,” Chrysalis scoffed, already starting to salivate at the corners of her mouth. “But one day you might understand.”

“I really hope I don’t…”

Ocellus was transfixed on the screen. As the creature kept transforming and the movie’s tension kept growing, she felt her heart pounding in her chest, so much so that she could hear it in her ears. Her own hooves started to trail lower and lower.

“Ooh, the good part’s starting!” Cozy finally snapped to attention.

“Ohhh, we were already at the good part…” Chrysalis moaned, already starting to rub and pleasure herself.


Without her realizing it, Ocellus’s hooves had moved down to her crotch, slowly spreading her hooves apart and teasing her vulva.

“I can’t believe you’ve done this,” Chrysalis shook her head in disbelief. “I’d be furious at you if this wasn’t so hot...”

The more Ocellus watched, the more she subconsciously indulged in self-pleasure. Her slow rub got faster as the movie went on, which only increased in intensity every time the creature was on screen.

Cozy was ecstatic her plan was working, but with the moaning changeling queen next to her, she was starting to have a few regrets.

Ocellus finally realized what she had been doing with her hooves, letting out a gasp and a moan. “Oh...oh no…!” Even with this awareness, she couldn’t stop looking away from the screen or rubbing her pussy.

“It’s happeniiiiiing!” Cozy grinned.

“I...I can’t stop! Oh my gosh! Aaaah!” Ocellus’s face was flush with a heavy blush. Her breath became shaky as she let out a loud scream, eyes still glued to the screen.

The cart at Twilight’s castle got one firework lighter as the light blue one shot into the air, turning into an explosion displaying Ocellus’s hard blush, deep stare, and drooling smile in cinematic-quality levels of lust.

Thorax tilted his head up to watch the fireworks, starting to blush himself. “Ahh...yeah, that’d do it...Wait.” He quickly rushed off to his bedroom in a panic.

Smolder looked up towards the skies, pumping her fists in the air. “HOOYAH! I knew she’d pull it off! Revenge, sucker!”

As Chrysalis basked in her own little afterglow, Cozy Glow started celebrating. “Ha! That’s another one! And as gross as it was, you’d be out, too!” she laughed, poking the changeling’s nose with her hoof. “That means I win! In your FACE!”

“Nnf...I feel like that’s a hollow victory,” Chrysalis grumbled, biting her lip. “I tried seducing them, you just dropped something in their path.”

“All I’m hearing is bitter talk coming from a LOSER!”

“At least my methods actually took effort,” Chrysalis scoffed.

“I made the effort to steal those boxes of sex stuff and get that stupid movie in my hooves!”

“...That’s a good point, where’d you even get the DVD?”

“Pff, like I don’t know that you keep a copy by your bedside,” Cozy scoffed.

“Wh-You broke into my home?!”

“What, like it’s hard?”

Day 27: Overheated

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Over at the Crystal Empire, Cadence and Thorax sat across from each other at a table in a private room in the castle.

“So, I think I can make an announcement that there will be a few changelings walking around the empire for a couple days, and that it’s not a reason to be concerned,” Cadence said, nervously tapping her hooves against the table.

“Right, and I can pick some of the more friendly changelings to be the first ones to go,” Thorax nodded. “They’d be volunteering of course.”

“Mmhm. I can’t exactly control the behavior of my subjects, but I think that integrating a few at a time will keep them at ease. Especially compared to if we just brought half of the hive at once.”

“Yeah,” Thorax chuckled. “So, um, when do you think we could start?”

“Well, that depends on how fast you can get your volunteers. I think we could aim for a couple weeks from now to test things out.”

“Sounds good! I think we could meet a little before that just to fine-tune the details a little more, you know, so that we’re all prepared for this to happen.”

Cadence enthusiastically nodded. “Great! So it sounds like we’re done here!”

Both of them leaned backwards, relaxing their tensed bodies and sighing in relief after what felt like an eternity of diplomatic discussion.

Cadence looked back up, seeing that Thorax was still sweating bullets, despite all the difficult parts of their meeting being over. “Are you doing alright?”

“Y-yeah,” Thorax wiped some of the sweat off his forehead. “I-It’s just…”

“The month’s really getting to you?” she guessed.

Thorax sheepishly blushed and giggled. “Uh-huh…”

Cadence gave him an empathetic nod, her pink cheeks getting a shade redder. “I hear that. Just seems like everyone’s at their horniest near the end. They’re all so close, and just...imagining what they wanna do most at the orgy. It’s...powerful, almost overwhelming.”

“Yeah...all their feelings are getting so strong, it’s like I can directly feel them too...”

Cadence closed her eyes for a while. “It’s been getting...rough, being around Shining Armor and Sunburst. That Chastity Shield spell works great for them, not so much for me,” she smiled weakly.

“I think mine’s even worse than that.” Thorax looked down on the ground. “You know how Ocellus went out yesterday?”

“I remember seeing the fireworks, yes.”

Thorax pressed his hooves together. “Well, turns out she got her hooves on a...specific video. I dunno how she found it, but...when she came back into the hive, I could feel like, a whole lot of love coming off of her. I think she might have watched it multiple times...”

Cadence couldn’t help but giggle a bit. “Seems we’re both feeling the aftermath of everyone else, huh?”

“Thankfully it’s almost over for all of us,” Thorax smiled. “Even if it feels like forever away…”

Sunburst was walking down the streets, taking deep breaths and muttering to himself.

“Ok, I’m ok, only a few days left. Four days left, I can do this…!” he huffed, trying to ignore everyone walking past and giving him stares, either for talking to himself, or the effects of the Chastity Shield.

“Aaaand I gotta stop talking to myself.” Sunburst said, still completely out loud as he tried to make his way back home.

Once he finally got back to his house, he saw someone standing in front of the door, a somewhat familiar looking kirin. “Uh, hello?”

The kirin turned to look at Sunburst, her face immediately lighting up as she rushed towards him. “Oh THERE you are! I was waiting out here for what felt like forever! I was starting to think that like maaaaybe I was sent to the wrong house but nope, here you are!”

“Um...Hi Autumn? What are you doing in front of my house?” The kirin village was a considerable distance from the empire, seeing her here and alone was confusing, to say the last.

“Right, you would totally be wondering that. Well, Twilight said that you and her brother were working on like, a way to not be so horny soooo I figured I’d drop by here to see if maybe one of you could help me out, cause I’m like suuuuuper horny right now and I wanna make it stop!”

Sunburst blinked, pausing to fully take everything Autumn said in. “A-Alright, I...think I can do something to help?” The gears in his head began turning. All this time, he’d been focusing with Shining on a male Chastity Shield. Could he modify it to work for a female? Or would he have to start all the way from scratch? The idea was certainly worth exploring, even if it was several weeks in.

As soon as Sunburst opened the door, Autumn rushed in, excitedly looking around at everything. “Ooh, are these all your notes?” She stared at the whiteboard intently as if she could understand what she was looking at.

“Um, yeah, it’s part of the spell Shining Armor and I were working on, it’s supposed to-”

“WOAH…” Autumn turned around, her eyes going straight down to admire the side effects.

“Yeah, it’s invisible to me, but in exchange, apparently it magnifies it to everyone else as a side effect. I don’t know what a spell like this would do for you, but…”

Autumn was barely listening as Sunburst thought out loud, completely transfixed by the magic going on between his legs. “Oh, the things I would do to that! I only need to last a few more days, but…! Auuugh, why can’t it be the end of the month already? There’s so much that I wanna do that I’m not allowed to!”

Sunburst’s pupils shrank when he saw the kirin’s teeth get sharper. “Um, hey, you’re not gonna…”

“S-Sorry! Just, I’ve been so pent up lately, and my usual methods aren’t working as well as they used to!” the kirin nervously chuckled. “But...first Troubleshoes and now’s like I’m being taunted by what I can’t have! Just waving it right in front of me like that when I just wanna jump on top of it and-”

“WAIT WAIT NO NO NO NO NO!” Sunburst screamed, grabbing hold of Autumn as she slowly started to transform. “DON’T SET ANYTHING HERE ON FIRE! PLEASE!”

“B-But, how am I...supposed to…?” Autumn grunted, barely able to keep herself from setting her mane aflame.

“I don’t know, just anything but what you’re about to do!”

As soon as those words left Sunburst’s mouth, something else decided to fill up the space, as Autumn opted to push her head forward and lock lips with him, pushing him onto his back.

“Sorry!” Autumn immediately apologized as she broke the kiss. “I-It was just the first thing I could think of!”

Despite her apology, Sunburst could still feel Autumn on top of him, shifting her weight to rub herself against his shaft. It was a numb feeling, but he could still tell what was going on.

“Ooooh, it feels even better than I thought it would…” Autumn huffed, lifting herself up into position to take his dick.

“W-Wait, what about-”

“I...I don’t think I can stop myself!” Autumn was already halfway done with sliding Sunburst’s shaft inside, her moans getting louder and louder.

Sunburst laid there awkwardly. He could feel the kirin deriving great amounts of pleasure from bouncing on him, but he could barely feel a thing. The spell was working, but what if he came from this anyway, eliminating him while getting nothing out of it? He should probably try and take her off.

...On the other hoof, she might set all these important scrolls and antiques on fire if she did. Better they get stained than singed. Maybe he should lower the shield spell just for a bit...

“AAAAAaaaAAAAH!” Sunburst’s screams started matching Autumn’s volume as all the sexual pleasure started hitting him at once. “This...this feels...aaaaamazing!”

“Ohhh I! Missed! This! Feeling! So! Much!” Autumn cried, drooling with each bounce.

Sunburst began thrusting upwards. “Nnngah, can’t believe...I was this pent up!”

Autumn looked down at Sunburst with desire in her eyes. “I...I think I’m gonna cum! Like, now!”

“Fuuuhuuuck! M-Me too!”

Autumn leaned forward, locking lips with Sunburst once again as Sunburst emptied his load inside her, only pulling back once he finished firing off, the excess cum leaking out onto the floor.

Cadence and Thorax looked out the window up to the skies, their bodies starting to tremble as the fireworks went off.

“...Oh fuck.”

“I-Isn’t Sunburst here in the empire today?!” Thorax asked, starting to hyperventilate.

“All that passion being released at now?” Cadence cried, feeling her juices dripping down her legs and onto her chair.

Thorax nervously fidgeted with his hooves, trying to keep them busy so that he wouldn’t do anything else with them.

Cadence took a shaky breath and locked eyes with Thorax with a deadly seriousness in her eyes. “...Run. Save yourself.”


“JUST GO! B-Before it’s too late!”

Thorax scrambled for the door as Cadence’s hoof went towards her pussy. Just the simple touch was enough to make her shiver. She was already soaking wet. “Guh! Aaah, that’s the stuff!”

Cadence only needed a few strokes of her hoof. But the electric amount of love and lust that surrounded her made each little rub felt like a lightning bolt of pleasure surging through her whole body. Once she started, it was like her body moved automatically to finish the job for her. “Aaaahn! Oooh, s-sorry Shiny...!”

Meanwhile, Shining Armor could only watch in stunned silence from Ponyville as three fireworks went off in quick succession, seeing Autumn and Sunburst passionately making out, followed by Cadence closing her eyes with her tongue sticking out. His own facial expression constantly changed from confusion to intrigue back to confusion again as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on back home.

Day 28: Something Big

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Zecora sat in the comfort of her own hut, meditating peacefully in front of her bubbling cauldron. Her mind was calm and clear as she focused on the soft bubbling of her own brew.

The tranquil moment was cut short as she heard something crashing through her door, disrupting her and forcing her eyes open. What she saw was a massive and very well-endowed stallion. A few beads of sweat were dripping down his face as he tried and failed to hide his throbbing erection.

“Z-Zecora, right?” The stallion asked. “I heard that you were making potions to help with know...Do you think you could make one for me?”

Zecora merely smiled at the sudden intrusion. Helping out ponies like Troubleshoes was what she was here for. “I can help, but I have to know,” she stood up, walking to her cauldron to prepare. “Why didn’t you just ask a few days ago?”

Troubleshoes grit his teeth. “Been trying to just stick it out myself this year, but I’m not afraid to swallow my pride and ask for help. D-Don’t tell me you ran out already…!”

Zecora looked at her supply, finding a few small fruits left from Daring’s expedition. “There’s just enough for one more brew. Just sit tight and I’ll make it for you.”

The stallion sighed in relief, his luck finally seeming to turn around for once. “Oh thank Celestia! I-I mean, thank you, Zecora.”

“If you could grab the things I need, I’ll have this potion at a faster speed,” she said, already putting a few ingredients into the mix.

“Uh, sure. Guess it’s the least I can do…”

“First, some powder is a must,” Zecora pointed up to one of the bottles hanging from the ceiling by rope. “The red one there will cure your lust.”

Troubleshoes reached up, grabbing the bottle with ease. “There ya go, anything else?”

“Next, the brown flask, the one that’s round. The top shelf over there is where it’s found.” Zecora instructed, pointing over to one of the walls in her hut.

Troubleshoes walked over to the shelves, his naturally tall stature made it easy to see what he was looking for. There was only one brown and round flask on the top shelf, all he needed to do was reach up and grab it.


“Owww!” The stallion winced in pain as the top of his head smacked the bottommost shelf, causing everything above to start rattling, teetering off the edges. He scrambled to quickly catch everything before they fell, sighing in relief.

As he started putting things back, he looked at his hooves, his pupils shrinking in fear. Of course he had to be holding two identical-looking flasks.

He looked between the two bottles, but there was no way he could remember which one came from which shelf. He was already so horny that focusing was difficult.

He hesitantly put the one in his right hoof back up on the middle shelf, giving the other to Zecora, who poured it in without a second thought.

The way Zecora didn’t seem to react, he must have made the right choice after all.

Zecora grabbed the last of the fruits, squeezing all of them into her cauldron, turning the brew from a bright pink to a deep, dark blue.

After a bit more stirring, Zecora poured it into a cup. “Drink up now, don’t delay, and those horny feelings should go away!”

Troubleshoes greedily drank from the cup as soon as it was offered, looking down at his cock to see the potion work its magic.

The seconds ticked by, and Troubleshoes had yet to go flaccid. “Uh...When’s it supposed to work?”

“It should have already gone into effect.” Zecora frowned. “Perhaps your size is why you’re still erect.”

Troubleshoes grunted in annoyance. He still wasn’t feeling any less aroused. If anything, he was feeling hornier than ever. He could feel his cock throbbing, begging him for attention as pre started to dribble down.

The stallion did a double-take, he was watching himself leak pre without any direct contact. “Z-Zecora? Is this normal?”

Zecora looked just as surprised and concerned as he was. She grabbed the flask that Troubleshoes gave her, pouring a drop on her hoof. “Ah…”

“W-What? What happened?”

The zebra turned to Troubleshoes with a wince. “I don’t think you’ll like the answer. You’ve turned the inhibitor into an enhancer!”

“You mean I just made myself even hornier!?” Troubleshoes could feel his heart drop in his chest. “Th-Then hurry up and fix it already!”

“I’m fresh out of my ingredient, I cannot cure your predicament.”

“Then what the hell am I supposed to do?” The stallion sat still, afraid that any sort of movement would set him off. His mind began to get clouded by more impulsively horny thoughts, just looking at Zecora made him run through several different positions of him railing her.

“I suggest you run and isolate. The only surefire cure is to wait. If you can resist your own temptation, you’ll surely wear out the potion’s duration!” Zecora started making distance between herself and the leaking, throbbing stallion, just in case. “I’ll make it up to you when this is done. For now, save yourself! RUN!”

Troubleshoes grit his teeth, standing up with shaky breath. He started with small steps, putting one hoof in front of the other while trying to keep his mind as pure as he could. The moment he stepped hoof outside, he started sprinting, trying not to brush his throbbing, dripping erection on anything as he tried to find a place to wait out the massive storm.

“So, how you holding up, Sunset?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Gnuf, mnnf nff hrnfy,” Sunset replied with her mouth stuffed.

“Geez, that’s a lot of crackers…” Pinkie noted, looking at the box she was carrying with her magic.

Sunset swallowed and cleared her mouth. “Sorry, just...trying to keep my mind off things until it’s finally time.”

“OUTTA MY WAY! OUTTA MY WAY!” Troubleshoes yelled as he ran through the middle of town, catching the attention of everypony he crossed paths with while leaving a trail of pre behind him.

“...Aaaand stuff like that’s not helping.”


“Huh, guess I was right,” Pinkie said, watching Troubleshoes sprint past.

“About what?” Sunset and Rainbow asked simultaneously.

Troubleshoes kept barreling through, trying to find some sort of sanctuary. “MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT!”

“BUH.” Sandbar gasped, already instinctively turning around to follow the stallion.

“Nope, come on,” Gallus shook his head, standing in the pony’s way and forcibly pushing him in the opposite direction. “Not letting you lose now, buddy.”

“B-But he! I! There! BIG!” Sandbar stammered.

“I know. I saw it too. We’re moving on and pretending we didn’t, though.”

“But I could help him!” Sandbar kept trying to turn around, always being spun back the other way in an instant. “Let me help him, damnit!”


“Oh Fluttershyyyy…”

Flutteshy could hear two distinct, familiar voices on each side of her, singing seductively by calling out her name in her ears. Her entire body shivered as she felt them get closer.

“I can tell your body is so tense…You’ve practically been working yourself half to death, dear!” she could hear with a gentle hoof touch to the middle of her back, slowly tracing around in little circles against the middle of her back.


“Oooh, speaking of tense…” Fluttershy felt a second pair of hooves start touching and stroking her wings. “How stiff are these wings, huh?”

Fluttershy could only let out a squeak, covering her increasingly reddening face with her hooves.

“Oh yes, I think your wings have so much tension in them, we must do something about it…” the voice said.

“Aaah...eee…! W-Wait! Ra-Aaah!” Fluttershy gasped, though her protests went mostly unheard as those hooves kept stroking her wings, making her moan and shudder to the touch.

“Aww, you need to relax, Fluttershy!” She heard the other giggle. “Just let us get rid of alllll the stress in ya!”

On one wing, she felt soft, delicate strokes, starting from the base and going all the way up to the tip. On the other, more playful and deeper rubbing as the pair of hooves began ruffling up her feathers. On their own, it would’ve elicited tiny gasps from the reserved mare, but both at once drew out powerful moans. “Nnngah! O-Oh my gosh! Aaah! Rarity! Pinkie! P-Please!”

Both mares behind her chuckled. “Wow, Fluttershy, your wings are super-duper sensitive!” Pinkie noted, giving her wings a quick nibble to tease her.

“EEEEEK!” Fluttershy’s body tensed as she let out a high-pitched squeak. “P-Pinkie waaiiiiit!”

Pinkie kept going, nibbling on the top of her wing, moving from mouth from side to side like she was eating corn, running her hooves in her plumage just to get a few extra cute gasps and titters out of her.

Moan after moan escaped Fluttershy’s lips as she was still getting aroused by Pinkie’s playful antics. Each little nibble gave her tingles that made the rest of her body tremble.

“Pinkie, you have to treat a pegasi’s wings with care!” Rarity chastised. “Do it like so…” To demonstrate, she held Fluttershy’s other wing between her hooves, rubbing her hooves in circular motions as she worked her way up to the wingtip.

“G-Girls...I...Ohhh! Aaah! I’m gonnaaahaa...” The pleasure was overwhelming for the pegasus. She tried to say something to Rarity and Pinkie, but her mind was a hazy mess of pulsing pleasure. She couldn’t properly get the words out, and eventually completely forgot what she wanted to say. Anything that came out from her mouth now was completely unfiltered.

“AAAH! YES! MORE! I...I want more! I need more!”

Fluttershy found herself back in her bed as the sun began to rise over the horizon. Her blanket and most of her pillows had been launched from the mattress, and more notably, her wings were at their full length.

“Hmhmhm, soon, Fluttershy…” she quietly told herself as she gathered up her fallen pillows and blanket, confidently pushing her wings back down to her sides.

Day 29: Losers' Lament

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Cheerilee let out a long, heavy sigh, idly looking up at the clear and cool skies as she sat down at one of Ponyville’s restaurants.

“Hey Cheerilee, whatcha up to?”

Cheerilee snapped out of her sky-watching. “Oh! Hello, Sunburst. I’m just...enjoying the nice and cool weather while it lasts,” she said with a slightly forced smile. “Won’t be long until it’s winter, you know.”

Sunburst let out a short, awkward laugh. “Hah, wish I could say the same. Even with the Crystal Heart in place, the empire is still pretty chilly year-round. Um...Mind if I sit with you?”

“Go right ahead!”

As Sunburst sat down across from Cheerilee, she went back to gazing up at the sky, taking an occasional sip from her drink.

Curious, Sunburst started looking up as well, trying to see if there was something special up there he needed to be looking at as well. “What...what are we supposed to be looking at?”

“Ah, sorry, I’m not looking at anything in particular. Just...lost in thought today, I suppose.”

“What’s on your mind?”

“Just a little disappointed I didn’t make it this year, that’s all.” Cheerilee started to blush. “It’s a little silly, I know…”

“No, I totally get it.” Sunburst nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “I-It would’ve been nice to join everyone else in that orgy…”

Cheerilee started to smile sheepishly. “I guess going out wasn’t all bad, though. Even if I missed a lot of opportunities, I still get to say I got laid by a Wonderbolt...”

“Oh yeah! That was definitely a shock, learning that both of you eliminated each other.” Sunburst tried to hide his smile, though he was doing a poor job at it. “At first I just thought it was just a crazy coincidence,! Those were some faces of passion right there...”

“I’m sure it was nothing compared to the faces of all the ponies waiting for me as we returned back to the finish line,” Cheerilee joked. “There was a looot of explaining to do…”

“Yeesh, don’t envy you there.”

“It’s probably stinging you a little bit more, considering you and Autumn were so close to the end.”

Sunburst nonchalantly shrugged. “There’s always next year. Besides, Autumn was more than willing to make it up to me.”

Cheerilee leaned in closer on the table. “Oh? Do tell!”

As Sunburst was about to recall some fond memories, some familiar voices caught both their attention.

“Pfft, you should’ve seen their faces when I came back with Cheeri-Oh hey! Didn’t expect to see you two together!” Soarin’ and Autumn ran over to the table.

“Yeah, same here!” Sunburst waved. “What are you guys doing here?”

Autumn immediately took a seat next to Sunburst. “I was gonna tell Soarin’ here the story of how we got each other out by getting each other off!”

“Heh, I was gonna tell the same story to Cheerilee over here.”

“Speaking of, you two weren’t the only ones that clopped out that day,” Cheerilee interjected. “Was Princess Cadence there with you?”

Sunburst’s blush got deeper. “No, but she was in the castle. So it must’ve...y’know, rubbed off on her.”

“Ahhh, I just thought it was a threesome sorta thing.” Soarin’ nodded. “Like you tried to one-up me and Cheerilee or something.”

“Oh, when we looked up and saw Cadence got eliminated, we had that moment of panic like ‘Aw fuck, did we make that happen?’ We felt soooo bad about it! Buuuut then we continued fucking. I...I was really pent up that day.”

The four of them began to laugh. The absurdity of each of their situations and how seriously they took it started to settle in.

“Heh, what a strange group we make together,” Soarin’ chuckled.

“Even if we didn’t make it this year, it was still nice to catch up with all of you. Twilight did a great job bringing us all together,” Cheerilee said, looking between the three of them.

“Yeah, shame we can’t reap the full benefits of it, though,” Sunburst sighed.

Autumn suddenly gasped, a huge smile appearing on her face. “You know, just cause we’re out doesn’t mean we can’t have our own fun...”

“Come on, Applejack! I said I was sorry!”

“Ah know, doesn’t mean I still can’t be bitter ‘bout losing...” Applejack grumbled.

“...Would a trip to the spa help make it up to you?” Rarity asked, smiling sweetly as she rubbed up against Applejack’s side. “I’ll pay for the deluxe treatment for both of uuuus…”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Feel like you just wanted an excuse to go to the spa...but yes, that’d be nice.”

The pair made their way to the spa, settling themselves in on the massage tables.

“Heh, gonna go for a repeat of last week?” Applejack teased.

“Ha ha,” Rarity laughed dryly. “Even if I did, I hardly think it matters...”

The two could hear another mare moaning loudly, seemingly without regard for anyone else in the room. “Ohhh yeah...right there…!”

Applejack and Rarity looked over, trying to see who was getting their happy ending. Evidently, Trixie was just very enthusiastic about getting her horn filed.

“Oh, hey Trixie, didn’t expect to see ya here.”

“Nnnf, well, Trixie needed this after all the work she’s done...” she said, not looking back so that her horn filing was done properly. “Are you two doing the same?”

“Kinda, Rarity’s doing this to apologize for getting me out first,” Applejack said with a smirk.

“Ah, that was a wonderful day,” Trixie snickered. “One where all of Trixie’s efforts finally came to fruition, forever immortalized by your incredibly horny and needy o-face!”


“Though I must say, the fireworks were a lovely addition to the game.” Rarity chimed in. “They certainly added an extra level of excitement!”

“Why, thank you! Trixie worked very hard at getting them all set up!” she beamed.

“Heh, gotta admit, it was pretty funny seeing your face all giggly and dizzy like that,” Applejack chuckled.

“At least Trixie’s didn’t look like she was caught in a wind tunnel while getting off...”

Applejack and Trixie bursted out in laughter, recalling the sight of Rarity’s face lighting up the skies while Rarity huffed.

“So close...I was so close!” Cadence sighed, gazing up at the skies as she leaned against the balcony.

“Still hoping that you weren’t the last one out, huh?” Shining snarked, seeing his wife in the same place he saw her ten minutes ago.

Cadence laughed sheepishly, stepping away from the railing as if she wasn’t already caught. “A mare can dream, can’t she?”

“You know, I really did think that you, Sunburst, and Autumn all just decided to give up with a very pent-up threesome,” Shining chuckled. “Though finding out that you just got overwhelmed by them having sex seemed more like a thing that’d happen to you.”

“I’m sure that’s what everyone else thinks happened, too,” Cadence smiled and rolled her eyes as her husband continued to deservedly tease her.

“Well, I’ll try to have some actual threesomes during the celebration to make up for it.”

“Thanks, my ever-supportive husband.” Cadence playfully rolled her eyes.

“It was awfully nice of you to give Thorax a chance, though,” Shining put his hoof around her shoulder. “You could’ve easily just let him lose alongside you.”

Cadence gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Well, if you get the chance, you could ask him to make it up to me through you.”

“Heh, any other requests, dear?”

“Actually…” Cadence pressed her hooves together. “Do you think you could modify that Chastity Shield to work for mares?”

Shining tilted his head to the side, giving the idea some serious thought, though he couldn’t resist throwing in a little more snark. “I dunno, you’ve been pretty eager to make fun of me during all of my test runs. Are you sure you wanna give all that up?”

“Well, your way’s been doing better than my way, so I concede,” Cadence said, overexaggerating a bow to match Shining’s playful jabs.

“Hehe, we can start workshopping some ideas later.”

Over at the study hall, Ocellus, Smolder, and Silverstream sat at the same table.

The changeling and dragon kept exchanging awkward looks. There was one little issue that needed to be resolved now that the month was coming to an end, though neither of them felt brave enough to bring it up.

Silverstream looked between the two, finally speaking her mind. “So, how are you two going to do the whole thing you bet on when neither of you are gonna make it to the orgy?”

Well, that was one way to finally break the tension.

“Heh, I guess we both kinda forgot that we’d have to actually make it before we could actually compete against each other,” Smolder weakly chuckled, crossing her arms.

“Yeah, though I guess the whole thing was a moot point halfway though,” Ocellus shrugged. “Since I wasn’t the one that went out first.”

“And I wasn’t the one so scared of losing that I had to cheat…” Smolder said through gritted teeth.

“Hm? Did you say something?”

“Nope, it’s nothing.”

“So...does that mean you’re both losers?” Silverstream asked.

“I mean, we could just do it anyway? Just the two of us?” Ocellus suggested.

“Nah, it’s not the same,” Smolder shook her head. “Guess the battle between changelings and dragons will have to conclude some other time.”

Both of them slumped in their seats in disappointment, until Ocellus suddenly perked back up again.

“...Wait, Ember and Thorax are still in, right?”

Smolder slammed her hands on the desk, standing up straight. “Ocellus, you’re a GENIUS! We gotta go tell them!”

“The fight has found a way to continue!” the changeling declared. “And now you’re going down for sure!”

“We’re pitting Thorax vs. Ember, you’re SCREWED!”

Silverstream watched as her friends ran off, laughing and exchanging playful jabs, though she didn’t seem to mind being ditched. She shrugged it off and returned back to her room.

She reached under her bunk, pulling out a slightly stained cardboard box, and dumping its contents on the mattress.

“Welp, I still got all the time in Equestria to enjoy this!” The hippogriff greedily looked over her collection of newly-found sex toys, trying to decide which combination she wanted to go with next.

Day 30: Finish Them

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Troubleshoes laid as still as he could. The only movement from the massive stallion was the blinking of his eyes, the slow rise and fall of his chest as he breathed, and the constant throbbing and twitching of his perpetually erect dick.

After the whole mess with Zecora, taking the train all the way back to Appleoosa was out of the question. Thankfully, Princess Twilight was kind enough to offer him a room to wait out the remaining days.

He wasn’t sure whether the potion’s effects had worn off yet. His erections had died down from time to time, but soon he’d just find himself stiffened up again, throbby, leaky, and needy.

It was the last day, but how much longer would it take until he could finally be free of this torture?

He didn’t dare move more than he needed to, especially when he felt like he had hair-trigger sensitivity. All he could do was watch and pray that it went away soon.

Troubleshoes was in an agonizing position. He tried to remind himself that he shouldn’t give in and start clopping because he was so close to the orgy, but thinking about the orgy would almost certainly keep him hard.

Maybe it would just be easier to give up. He wasn’t sure if he could even lay there for however many more hours it would take.

Troubleshoes’s mind was torn. He knew how close he was to winning, but he felt so pent up and helpless. It was so lonely and agonizing, but if he could stick it out for just a little longer, he’d be in fantastic company.

Maybe he could just edge a bit to relieve some of the tension...Just a few little strokes wouldn’t get him off, right?

He slowly placed his hooves on the base of his cock. Even the simple act of touching made it throb.

“F-Fuck...I gotta...I just gotta…!”

Losing at the very end wasn’t the goal, but he needed to relieve himself somehow. He just needed surgical precision to properly edge. His hooves moved at a glacial pace upwards, trying desperately not to push himself over the edge.

As he let out a relieved shudder, something burst through the bedroom door, startling him into instinctively trying to hide his massive erection, as impossible a task as it was.

“Big pony! Everyone else waiting for you!”

Troubleshoes turned his head towards the yak. “I-It’s almost over? Did I make it?”

Yona nodded her head enthusiastically. “Come on! Join other winners in celebration! Time to smash!”

“Oh thank Celestia!” The stallion let out a huge sigh of relief, standing up and racing with Yona all the way down the castle, making a leaky trail behind him.

Troubleshoes and Yona entered the massive castle room. “Yona brought big pony! Now all winners here!”

“Thanks, Yona!” Twilight said. “Alright, only a few more minutes until midnight!” she announced. “Everyone get ready, cause I know you’re all excited!”

“FUCK YEAH! I FINALLY DID IT! This fucking rules! The impossible is fucking possible, baby!” Rainbow Dash cheered, already getting into a preemptive celebratory aerial dance, twirling and flipping and thrusting her hips. “Go Dashie! Go Dashie! Go Dashie!”

As Rainbow continued to cheer for herself, Fluttershy pulled Spike and Pinkie into a huddle. “So...I guess…no one won the bet?” Fluttershy said, looking between the two to see if they had any answers.

Spike shrugged. “I...guess we didn’t account for the possibility that Rainbow would actually pull through. Heh, who would’ve thought?”

“Sooo...who gets all the money?” Pinkie asked. “Cause that’s a loooot of bits we put in the pot.”

Rainbow dropped into the middle of their huddle, oblivious to the conversation. “Hey, whatcha talking about?”

“Oh, uh, we were just figuring out what each of us wanted to do first!” Spike said, quickly covering up for all of them. “Don’t wanna leave anyone all by themselves at the start, you know!”

“Ooh, good point!” Dash nodded, looking around the room. “Yeah, I should start doing that too! Pinkie, I might need the blindfold and ropes later for something.”

“Can do, Dashie!” Pinkie saluted as she watched Dash fly off.

Spike looked back towards the two mares. “ what?”

Pinkie shrugged. “Eh, we can figure it out when we’re done.” She pulled out some boxes out of nowhere, lifting them over her head. “Hm, these feel lighter than usual…” She shrugged off the oddity as she followed behind Rainbow, joining in with some celebratory cheers.

“Well, I’m not surprised you’re here, Zecora,” Daring smiled. “Still glad to see ya, though.”

“As am I, Daring Do. I’m pleased to help you make it through!”

“Yeah, I don’t think I could’ve made it if you didn’t help out,” Daring sheepishly admitted, rubbing her hind legs together. “Really starting to feel the potion wearing off now, cause WOW am I horny!”

“Well, that your libido’s no longer subdued,” Zecora put a hoof underneath Daring’s chin. “I cannot wait to see you express gratitude.”


Daring and Zecora could feel a paw on their backs. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything, ladies!”

Zecora looked up and smiled. “Not at all, my Abyssian friend, it’s good to see you at the end.”

“Well, I didn’t think it was so difficult, but admittedly, not a total walk in the park,” Capper casually shrugged. “I’m just itching to see what kinda fun is gonna go down, though.”

“Well, I guess you’re more than welcome to join us!” Daring invited.

Capper turned to face the adventurer, his face lighting up. “Oh, hey! So that’s the pony you’ve been trying to be sweet on, huh?” Capper said, making Zecora start blushing as hard as Daring Do was.

Yona left Troubleshoes’s side to join Gallus and Sandbar, the latter of whom had been staring slack-jawed the moment they walked in the room. “See, Sandbar? Yona brought big pony just like Sandbar wanted!”


“...You alright, buddy?” Gallus asked, waving his hand in front of Sandbar’s face.


“Welp, he’s broken. Should probably smack him back to reality,” Gallus chuckled, his smirk quickly turning to panic when he saw Yona winding up. “YONA THAT’S JUST A JOKE!”

“I want,” Sandbar managed to say, his hooves trembling underneath him.

“Oh, he can talk now, that’s progress.”

“I want,” Sandbar repeated, starting to walk towards him, his eyes locked on the leaking, throbbing prize.

“Woah, buddy!” Gallus wrapped his arms around Sandbar’s chest, trying to hold him back. “You better let him take it out on someone who can actually take it first!”

“I don’t care if I can’t walk ‘till Hearth’s Warming! GIMMIE!” Sandbar protested, pushing his way forward.

“Yona, help!” Gallus cried out, being dragged by the paws until the stallion was body-blocked by the yak, impeding his horny advances.

Meanwhile, Troubleshoes had found himself once again meeting with Princess Celestia.

“Looks like you made it, Troubleshoes! Well done!” Celestia beamed. “And from the looks of it, not a second too soon,” she noted, looking down below.

“Ahehe…T-thanks...It definitely wasn’t easy...” the stallion’s breathing was still heavy. The effects of the potion was starting to wear off, but that didn’t stop him from being horny altogether. He was still sweating up a storm.

Celestia giggled. “Well, remember what I said before the start of the month? If you wanted to see if one of us could handle that size of yours?” She walked over to his side, wrapping a wing around him. “Well, we could find out together, if you wanted.”

“A-Are you sure? Wouldn’t want to hurt ya or nothing…” Troubleshoes chuckled nervously.

“I appreciate your concerns, but I’m more experienced than you’re giving me credit for,” she winked.

“Ah, damnit! He slipped through!” they heard a distant voice yell, shortly followed by a heavily blushing stallion standing in front of two ponies that towered over him.

“U-Uh...Hey, Princess! I know this is a long shot...”

Shining let out a sigh of relief. “Still got it!” he chuckled to himself.

“Hello, Shining,” Luna greeted, approaching him from behind. “I see your Chastity Shield strategy is still working for you.”

“Yep!” Shining beamed with pride. “Still got room for improvement, but I consider this year another win!”

Luna softly giggled. “So long as it works.”

“So, you and Celestia enjoyed watching everyone’s dreams?”

“Indeed. They’ve been getting quite...imaginative, to say the least,” Luna said, unable to hide her blushing.

Shining briefly looked around, trying to determine if anyone else could be within earshot. “So, uh...if by any chance you saw one of those dreams of mine, is there a chance you could-”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Luna winked, cutting him off to spare him an embarrassing explanation.

The prince sighed in relief. “Well, guess I better lower the shield to get ready for the night ahead…” Shining’s horn lit up as he deactivated the Chastity Shield, feeling the effects of nearly an entire month’s worth of pent up horniness at once.

His entire body tingled as he let out a sudden heavy, horny shuddering that even caught Luna off-guard.

“...Hooboy, glad I put it up,” he said, instantly sweating bullets.

Starlight and Sunset were busy finishing up some last second preparations, setting up all the remaining fireworks by pointing them outside the windows.

“Aaaand, I think that’s it!” Sunset declared.

“Whew, a lot of us seemed to make it this year!” Starlight sighed with relief.

“Yeah, guess these fireworks really helped.”

“I’d be excited to see what the display’s gonna look like, but hopefully I’ll be busy by the time they’re going off,” Starlight joked, wiping some sweat off her forehead.

“Oh yeah? Who are you going for first? I was gonna see if I could go with Celestia but…” Sunset looked over to see Sandbar nervously talking to Celestia and Troubleshoes. “She seems to be a bit busy right now.”

“Well, I was planning something with Trixie and Sunburst, but…” Starlight rolled her eyes as she made an adjustment to her own firework. “You can see how that turned out…I didn’t get enough time to make a backup plan without them.”

“Well, Twilight had an idea that she wanted some unicorns for, if you’re down for it,” Sunset suggested. “Might as well, right?”

“Unicorns specifically?” Starlight raised an eyebrow. “Well, yeah, might as well see what she has planned…”

Thorax and Ember met up with each other, both of them with an amused smile on their faces.

“So, I’m guessing Smolder ran up and told you something yesterday, huh?” Thorax asked, barely able to keep a straight face.

“Yeah,” Ember nodded. “Something about continuing the fight in her stead. I’m guessing Ocellus asked the same thing from you.”

“Mmhm. What was their original bet again? Whoever makes the other cum more wins?”

“You think we should take them up on their request and do it for them?” Ember asked, wondering how Thorax felt about settling some supposed score between Ocellus and Smolder.

“I mean, I’m not going to turn down having sex with you,” Thorax blushed. “Why would I?”

Ember was surprised at how willing Thorax was to go along with things. “Wait, really? You wanna settle it for them by trying to see which one of us makes the other cum more?”

“Well…” Thorax smirked. “Who says we have to keep count?”

“Woah-ho-ho!” Ember laughed, playfully elbowing him in the ribs. “I didn’t know you had that kind of side to you, Thorax…!”

“Okay! In just a few more seconds, we’ll all have won No Clop November! Get ready!” Twilight put her hooves around Sunset and Starlight as everyone began to count down the final seconds.


Pinkie put on the widest grin she could as she held flavored bottles of lube with both hooves, looking like she was ready to burst.


Thorax and Ember exchanged smirks, bumping their hoof and fist respectively.


Fluttershy’s wings popped open with an excited pomf.


Sandbar found himself squished between three different massive bodies in his own personal massive heaven.


Twilight, Starlight, and Sunset’s horns lit up with magic, each of them starting to meet at one point, giving all three of them tingles that traveled all the way down their bodies.


Rainbow was trembling with excitement, pumping her hooves excitedly as she felt Daring Do’s hooves wrap around her and a pair of paws placed on her muzzle.


The Orgy

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The moment the clock hit midnight, everyone was in a rush to get it on. A whole month’s worth of pent-up horniness being let out all at once caused excited cheers and moans to echo through the entire room.

Gallus frantically looked around the room, already seeing that pretty much everyone had grouped up after Sandbar got away from him.

“Damnit, I don’t wanna wait any longer!” He griped, trying to see if there was some sort of group he could potentially slip into.

“Then let’s not delay, shall we?” Gallus heard a booming voice from behind him. Before he could turn around, he was lifted off of his feet and flipped onto his back.

As he tried to get his bearings, Gallus looked up to see a tall figure looming over him. “P-Princess Luna?”

“Indeed,” The princess grinned. “It seems you’re quite lonely for your big victory celebration. Would you mind if I accompany you?”

Gallus took a quick look at Sandbar currently trying to straddle Celestia. “...Yeah, this works.”

“Excellent…” Luna turned around, her crotch looming over Gallus’s face. “Then how about we get to work?”


Gallus was already hard, but the view he was currently getting made his cock twitch with desperation. “Guh...yeah, sounds good…”

Luna slowly lowered her body down, being careful not to accidentally crush or smother him. “How’s the view, Gallus?”

“H-Holy fuck…” Gallus muttered, watching Luna’s full moon get closer and closer. Once he was within distance, he lifted his head up slightly, giving the princess’s pussy a lick.

Luna let out a little shudder. “Well, you’re certainly eager…” she chuckled, licking her lips as she set her sights on Gallus’s cock. “Just be careful not to get too excited…”

Gallus could feel Luna’s lips wrap around his cockhead. His hot and heavy breath hit her pussy before he gave her marehood another slow lick.

Luna slowly made her way down, making sure not to go too fast and accidentally making him shoot off within seconds.

The more of Gallus’s shaft Luna took down, the more Gallus reciprocated, giving more quick licks.

Princess Luna easily fit Gallus’s whole length in her mouth, her lips kissing his waist. Her own wings slowly extended out in response to Gallus’s tongue.

In an attempt to keep up, Gallus tried to get his tongue deeper inside Luna’s folds, putting his face closer without trying to poke her with his beak. The griffon could feel Luna’s tongue rubbing up against his shaft. “Gaaangh...Fuuuuuck!”

Luna let out a few short chuckles, still going at her own pace. She could tell that Gallus was trying to keep pace, and was curious to find out what he’d think up to please her.

The thrill of 69’ing a princess was mixed with the pressure of meeting her possibly high expectations. Gallus figured that he needed to do something that would wow her, and fast. Especially with the slow sucking he could feel her doing. As he took another long lick, he finally came up with an idea.

As Luna bobbed her head up and down, she could feel one of Gallus’s hands spreading her flank apart. It was enough to make her pause, but what gave her a shock was the feeling of his other hand penetrating both holes at once. Her whole body tensed up, with her wings spreading to their full length as she let out a loud moan.

Gallus had put two fingers into Luna’s pussy, and one into her ass, smirking to himself when he saw the reaction it got.

After the initial surprise wore off, Luna was pleasantly surprised at Gallus’s work, bobbing her head faster, her tongue grazing against his cockhead.

“Nnnf...f-fuuuck!” Gallus rubbed his fingers inside Luna’s spread pussy, sneaking in a few licks whenever he could, but with the princess moving her head like that, it was hard to concentrate.

Luna could feel Gallus throbbing right at the edge, and with one last lick against his shaft, he erupted with a groan. She made sure not to let a single drop go unswallowed.

Once she was done, she lifted up her head, letting out a few needy moans. Even after his climax, he was still servicing her, feeling his talons and tongue gently stroking her inner walls. The simultaneous rubbing and licking quickly brought her to her own climax.

Two of the blue fireworks aimed out of the windows finally set off, flying up into the sky to display the faces of Gallus in Luna not in defeat, but of victory.

Gallus flopped down onto his back, already covered in sweat and marecum. “Fuck...this is awesome…!”

“Alright girls, just stand like this,” Twilight instructed, standing in a triangle formation with Starlight and Sunset. “Now slowly lean your head forward…”

The two unicorns did as instructed, making sure to not knock their skulls together until the tips of their horns touched at one point.

“...Twilight, this doesn’t feel particularly sexy…” Sunset said.

“Hold on, we’ll get to it. Just...follow my lead.”

Starlight looked over at Twilight. “What? That doesn’t help us know what to-WOAH!” Twilight’s horn lit up with her magical aura. The princess’s magic shot down the horns of the unicorns, spreading across the rest of their bodies.

“Hooooly fuuUUUuuuUUuuck!” Sunset shivered, feeling Twilight’s magic surge through her whole body, but the moment she recoiled and took her horn away, the sensation wore off. “A-Alright, I get it now…” Sunset put her horn back in, lighting up her horn with Starlight.

“Ohhhhhh! That’s the stuff...” Starlight huffed, trying to keep her horn still, though her hooves were already trembling.

Each of them now had two different sources of magic running through them, travelling down their horn and pulsing throughout their bodies with little tingles, the tingling getting stronger once the magic reached their groins. Their whole bodies experienced a powerful, yet soothing sensation, like a full body massage, except for the particularly erogenous zones, which felt like powerful waves of pleasure.

The challenge was staying still enough and concentrating on keeping the magic up to reciprocate to the other two. The pleasure was enough for them to want to throw their head back and moan, but breaking contact meant losing the magical stimulation.

Twilight stamped her hind hooves in delight. “Aaaah! Ohhh, this is s-soooo much better than I thought it’d go!”

Starlight found it hard to keep her eyes open, slowly losing her mind in pleasure. “!”

“D-Damn...Both your strong! Guh…” Sunset grit her teeth. The magic output from both of them was starting to physically overwhelm her. Her hooves were starting to buckle underneath her.

Neither of the magical mares had physically touched themselves, but they were all soaking wet, secretions dripping down their legs and creating a puddle.

“T-Twilight?” Sunset opened up one eye, still trying to force her legs to stand strong underneath her.

“Y-Yeah, Sunset...I-I’m really close!” Twilight moaned, flapping her wings.

“I...I know...but what’ll-nnngh! What’ll happen to our magic once we cum?”

Twilight’s eyes shot open in horrified revelation that she was so horned up that she actually forgot to plan for something. “U-Uhhh...just try not to aim it at anyone?”

Even Starlight managed to let out a stifled chuckle. “A-Alright...well, better get ready!”

As the three mares approached a simultaneous orgasm, the magic auras began to converge and cover their whole bodies instead of just their horns. The combined powers had altered their spell to send that same powerful pleasure wave that used to be just for their pussies and spread it. Just for those few precious moments, their entire bodies became erogenous zones, and the screaming and moaning from the unicorns was more than enough proof of its effectiveness.

Eventually, the pleasure became so overwhelming that Sunset was the first to climax, falling to her stomach as she squirted. Starlight was next to go after a few seconds, falling down onto her flank, then her back, her legs twitching and spreading out as she came. Finally, with twitching and shuddering wings, Twilight screamed as the spell was released, flying out the window alongside the three fireworks.

“We...we need some more unicorns next year…”

After having enough of standing in the middle of Yona, Celestia, and Troubleshoes in excitement and basking in the view, Sandbar wanted to actually get to the action.

“Um...ok!…u-uhhh...” Sandbar stuttered nervously. This whole setup was his idea, he had most of it planned out in his head. And yet, standing there, surrounded by these three that were literally looking down on him, it’s like he had forgotten everything.

Celestia gently chuckled, lowering herself to be at eye level. “There’s no need to be so nervous, Sandbar. Though you may want to hurry, I’m not sure Troubleshoes can wait much longer.” She gestured over to the larger stallion, heavily breathing and fidgeting around.

“S-Sorry…” he apologized, visibly dripping with desperate sweat.

“N-No, it’s my fault!” Sandbar objected, looking at Troubleshoes’s massive, throbbing erection. He quickly turned around, putting his flank in the air. “M-Maybe we should start with having you relieve that me…”

Celestia and Yona glanced between Troubleshoes’s dick and Sandbar’s butt, not needing long to compare sizes. “Won’t big pony break Sandbar?” Yona asked.

“Er...perhaps we should let Troubleshoes warm up on a body that can take it first…” Celestia suggested. “Yona and I can entertain you in the meantime.”

“A-Alright,” Sandbar nodded.

Celestia moved in front of Troubleshoes, pushing her tail aside. “You’ve been waiting long enough, big guy, c’mon!”

“Y-Yes, ma’am!” Troubleshoes initially reared back in excitement, but stopped himself before he made a disaster of himself. As eager as he was, he carefully mounted Celestia, sliding his massive length in, bit by bit.

“Whew!” Celestia shuddered as her wings fluttered. “G-Good thing you went in slow…”

“Hm…” Sandbar tilted his head, watching Celestia and Troubleshoes with a bit of envy, before getting an idea on how he could still get involved. He laid down on his back in front of Celestia, his head facing hers. He spread his legs apart, letting his shaft stand tall. “Yona? You wanna…?”

Yona eagerly stepped in front of Sandbar. “Yes! Which end Sandbar want?”

“Mmm, whichever one’s fine with you.”

Yona kept Sandbar’s legs spread apart, giving Sandbar’s shaft a lustful lick. “Yona hungry…”

Sandbar grit his teeth, looking up towards Celestia. “P-Princess?”

Celestia tilted her head downwards as Troubleshoes slowly inched his way in. “Yes, Sandbar?”

Sandbar could feel his heart pounding as he hesitated. The gaze of Celestia’s meeting his was starting to paralyze him. Before he had any more time to think of regrets, he reached upwards, grabbing Celestia by the cheeks and pulling her head down for a kiss.

Celestia’s eyes opened wide, startled by the sudden forward approach, but when Sandbar finally broke the kiss, she simply giggled. “Well, that was rather bold of you. Perhaps you’d like to try again?”

Sandbar let out a sheepish squeak as Celestia lowered her head, inviting another makeout session.

Troubleshoes finally got his full length inside the princess, causing her to moan into Sandbar’s mouth. The large stallion couldn’t help but chuckle a bit in relief, excited that there was something out there that could finally take his whole stallion shaft.

Yona started out by kissing the tip of Sandbar’s cock and slowly running her tongue over the head. “Mmm, pony already leaking!” she teased before wrapping her lips around his dick.

Yona’s tongue made Sandbar’s hooves twitch. His lips pressed against Celestia’s, letting the princess take control of the kiss.

As she leaned into Sandbar’s kiss, Celestia noticed that Yona was understimulated in comparison, and opted to correct it. Her horn lit up, surrounding the Yak’s pussy with a yellow aura as she spread her lips apart.

Yona instantly perked up, feeling wave upon wave of warm pleasure. She let out a little moan as she pushed her head down a little further.

Now that Troubleshoes was confident that Celestia could handle his full length, he slowly pulled out, thrusting back and forth at a slow pace. Both to pace himself and not blow his load before he got a few humps in, and to just make sure that he wasn’t going to ruin her ability to walk afterwards.

Feeling Yona’s lips slowly make their way down Sandbar’s shaft made him shiver. Though he was busy with kissing Celestia to voice his pleasure in any other way than moaning.

Celestia was tasked with pleasuring three at once, but it was hardly taxing on her. Even without getting a good look at it, her magic could easily penetrate and rub against the yak’s inner walls, giving her a constant pleasuring sensation. Sandbar seemed to enjoy the passionate kissing. Celestia made sure that she didn’t overwhelm him, concerned that he might faint at any moment from excitement. Taking on Troubleshoes took the most concentration, he fit, but was much larger than any stallion she was used to, but she welcomed the excitement of the challenge.

Troubleshoes slowly but surely began to get into a rhythm. Thrusting his hips deep into Celestia became more natural, and thus, smoother. He felt relaxed enough to rest a bit more of his weight on her back.

It felt like the more of Sandbar’s cock Yona took in, the more pleasure she felt from Celestia’s magic. Her head bobbed up and down, going the full length each time, feeling the tip touch her throat when her head was down. Her hooves pressed down on Sandbar’s thighs to keep him still as she worked. The magical tingling at her pussy got stronger, making even the yak’s legs tremble underneath her.

Sandbar broke the kiss to catch his breath and moan somewhere that wasn’t inside Celestia’s mouth. He was panicking every time he felt the princess’s tongue brush against his. He looked back up towards Celestia, lying on his back a blushing sweaty mess. After a bit of rest and moaning as Troubleshoes and Yona pleasured Celestia and Sandbar respectively, Celestia lowered her head back down, now aiming to nibble Sandbar’s neck.

“Haaaaah! F-Fuuuck!”

Yona freed her mouth just for a second to let out a sultry and loud moan. “Aaaah! Princess strong! So good!” She gave Sandbar’s shaft a slow lick, starting from his balls, going all the way up to the tip. Celestia’s magic hit her with nonstop waves of erotic pleasure to her entire inner walls, making her shudder until the yak couldn’t resist, throwing her head back and stomping her hind hooves with a powerful climax.

The licking from Yona and the nibbling from Celestia kept Sandbar squirming. The feeling of Yona’s tongue lapping at his balls finally set him off, shooting his seed straight up into the air with a huge grin on his face.

Troubleshoes was thrusting himself into Celestia at a decent pace. He could feel his cock throbbing inside of her. “H-Here it comes, princess!” he warned, pulling back one more time before pushing in, cumming inside her.

The stallion’s load was warm and sticky, and perhaps too much for Celestia’s body to fully handle with the cock inside. As the cum started to drip down her legs, Celestia pulled her head back with a moan, her wings unfolding and stretching out to lengths that would easily eclipse other ponies.

As four more fireworks went off in the sky, the group took a moment to rest. “Well, I think he’s nice and warmed up,” Celestia panted, wiping some sweat away from her forehead with her wing. “If you still think you’re up for it, he’s all yours, Sandbar.”

Sandbar’s hooves were trembling. Even after he came, Troubleshoes’s cock was massive. “A-Alright...let’s do this…!”

Amidst a particularly high-pitched squeal from Sandbar, Shining Armor approached Fluttershy, looking from side to side. “Hey, um, Fluttershy? You’re not busy, are you?”

“I guess not…” Fluttershy shrugged. With both Rarity and Autumn out, her plans were shot. “Did you, um, want to do something?” She looked down at Shining’s erection, and it was just appetizing to look at since the last time she saw it.

“I, uh...was wondering. Since you’re a pegasus…” Shining tapped his hooves together. “Do you think we could try doing it in the air?”

Fluttershy’s wings started to twitch. “Oh, um...but what about your airsickness?”

“Pfff, what, that?” Shining scoffed, trying to play things cool. “I’ll be fiiiiine, I only get airsick at really high altitudes.”

“Well...I dunno, wouldn’t Rainbow Dash be better for something like this? She’s a lot stronger than I am.”

“Well, I was gonna ask, but…”

Shining Armor and Fluttershy looked over at where Rainbow Dash was, who was busy with a face full of Capper’s paws.

“...Ah, that’ll take a while,” Fluttershy nodded in understanding. “Alright, I guess I’ll try my best…”

“Thanks, Fluttershy! I promise I’ll be gentle.” Shining stood behind the pegasus, gingerly standing up, placing his hooves on Fluttershy’s flank.

Fluttershy spread her hooves apart, trying to make things easier for Shining. She felt the tip of Shining’s cock push through her pussy lips, prompting a little squeak out of her.

Shining Armor slowly inched his way inside, gently putting more and more weight onto her until he was comfortably laying down on top of her, making sure his hooves weren’t in the way of her wings. “Is this good?”

“I think so…” Fluttershy extended her wings out, slowly giving powerful flaps to try and get the weight of two ponies off the ground at once.

Slowly but surely, Fluttershy had picked herself and Shining Armor off the floor, trying to concentrate on staying balanced above all else as she made her ascent.

Shining felt his hooves being lifted off the ground, trying to stay in the same position inside of her while they rose up. His heart was already starting to race even though they only got a meter or so off the ground.

Fluttershy stopped before either of them hit the ceiling, lowering the strength of her flaps to maintain their height. “I-Is this high enough?”

Shining looked down, already feeling a bit dizzy and a little nauseous. “Mmhm...a-are you gonna be ok?”

“Yeah...just...gotta keep flapping my wings…Y-You can start whenever you want…!”

“Alright, if you say so…” Shining still had his hooves dangling around Fluttershy’s shoulders, careful not to interrupt the rhythm of her wing flaps. He slowly started thrusting his hips, doing quick little humps inside Fluttershy to warm up.

Fluttershy had to put most of her concentration towards staying balanced and airborne, but the little hip thrusts from Shining certainly held her attention. “Aaah! Oooh…!”

Shining slowly pulled his hooves back behind Fluttershy’s wings, the only thing keeping him from falling down was his hooves on her back and his cock inside her. The fall wouldn’t hurt too badly, he’d have plenty of time to react if he did, but the added level of danger was also exciting.

To make things easier on Shining, Fluttershy tilted her body forward, hopefully to help make him feel like he wasn’t completely dangling.

Shining had a proper grip on Fluttershy’s flank now, making it much easier for him to pull in and out, not getting into a proper thrusting rhythm now. “Hhhf...fuck…”

Fluttershy started to sync up with Shining, her wings flapping down with force every time that Shining thrusted inside of her. “O-Oooh, Shining! I-It’s like you’re a natural!”

“ excited...feels like I’m actually flying for once…” Shining chuckled, still getting the sense of vertigo every time he looked all the way down to the floor.

“Mmmph...thank goodness...your Chastity Shield worked so well…!” Fluttershy gasped, feeling Shining thrust with a little more force each time. “Eeee! So big!” She was beginning to sweat, the pleasure and fatigue making her flapping more erratic.

Each of Shining’s humps made a satisfying plapping sound. His hooves wiggled as they dangled in the air. “H-Hey, should we maybe start lowering? I-I’m getting close…”

“O-Ok, I’ll try…! Hnnnf!”

Fluttershy spaced out the time between flaps, slowly losing altitude while still getting pounded by Shining. The prince hadn’t slowed his own speed, causing an orgasm seconds into their descent.

The feeling of Shining shooting off inside her made Fluttershy’s body tense up with a surprised moan. Her hooves started kicking as her wings flapped erratically, making what was meant to be a smooth landing much more bumpy.

As Fluttershy and Shining went down, their fireworks went up.

Both of them landed on the floor, a bit sore, but mostly fine.

“Oof, are you alright, Fluttershy?”

“Y-Yeah...that was exciting!”

“Heh, I’m impressed you kept us up there the whole time! You’re pretty strong, Fluttershy!”

“Oh, maybe we could try it outside, where we could get above the clouds?”

“Er...maybe in a bit?” Shining laughed nervously.

Pinkie hopped in-between Ember and Thorax. “Oooh, hey Ember! Ya wanna try something out with me?”

“Uh, well Pinkie, me and Thorax were gonna-”

“Eh, go have fun,” Thorax shrugged. “We got all night to do what we wanna do!”

“Well...alright…” Ember quickly found herself being pulled away.

Pinkie reached into her boxes, pulling out a doubleheaded dildo, and strawberry-frosting flavored lube.

Ember pointed at the dildo. “Hey, I think I saw that with Trixie!”

“Yeah, she agreed to a little trade for now. She was gonna use some of my lube with Sunburst, but that means I got my pick of some good ones!”

“Cool! I was kinda curious to try some of them when I was traveling with her,” Ember grinned.

Pinkie eagerly slathered the dildo with lube, covering it all over, until even her hooves started to smell like frosting. “Alrighty! Let’s do this!” She placed the dildo between her and Ember, spreading her hooves wide.

Ember put her hand around the dildo, finding it hard to get a good grip because of the lube, but she managed to slide a fair amount into her pussy with ease. Once she was settled in, Pinkie immediately hopped on.

The pony laid on her side, lifting a hoof in the air and over Ember’s leg. The lube made it incredibly easy for her to slide in and out. Plus the smell of frosting was a sweet bonus. “WoooaaAAAaaah!”

Ember mimicked Pinkie’s actions to the best of her ability, the ease at which she could slide the dildo past her folds surprised her. “W-wow! This lube stuff really works!” She panted.

“I know, right?” Pinkie tail began to wag, trying to react to Ember’s movements, sliding the dildo in whenever Ember pulled out to maximize the length that she could take.

“ this like...the standard size for you ponies?” Ember huffed.

“M-More or less!” Pinkie grinned. Even though she was already dripping with sweat, she was still pumping herself on the cock with as much energy as before.

Ember looked down at the dildo between them, exhaling a bit of smoke out from her nostrils as she slid the dildo and and out, often going past the halfway point. “D-Damn…!”

“Heehee, is it bigger than you’re used to?”

“N-No, it’s just...I’ve never had it feel so slippery and good before!”

Pinkie’s face lit up, starting to speed up and desync from Ember. “Oooh! Never tried lube before?”

“N-Not really…! Dragons-aaah! Dragons typically do it raw!” Now that Pinkie was going at a different pace, the pony’s flank would occasionally collide with Ember’s.

“Oh! Do you wanna borrow some for when you do your thing with Thorax? I got tons of flavors you can try!”

Ember grinned wide. “T-That sounds good! Do ya have ruby flavored? I’ll also settle for topaz!”

“Uh…” Pinkie’s excited grin finally began to crack, knowing that her vast array of flavors didn’t account for a dragon’s palate. “I’ll see!”


Ember and Pinkie synced up again, but this time pushing the dildo into themselves at the same time, bumping their butts together as they competed to see who could get the most into them, and possibly get off first. Ember had the natural dragon strength, but Pinkie had the speed and bounciness to take advantage of whenever Ember had to pull back.

The two locked eyes, taking deep and heavy breaths. Ember’s eyes darted down, and grabbed onto Pinkie’s leg. With a forceful tug, she brought both of them together to meet in the middle.

“W-WoooaaaAAAAHH!” Pinkie yelped. Both mare and dragon shuddered on impact, letting out a cry as they climaxed, sending two more rockets soaring into the midnight sky at the same time.

After a moment to recover, Pinkie sprung back up, wrapping her hooves around Ember, something the dragon lord just learned to accept at this point. “Woo! That was a rush! I’m gonna go see who else wants to put this stuff to use! Have fun, Ember!”

“Hey...uh...Thorax?” Spike looked towards the changeling, now suddenly getting apprehensive. “I was wondering if…”

“Alright, what weird thing do you want me to turn into?” Thorax asked, looking at Spike with a smirk.

“Aw, c’mon dude, I just wanna have a good time with your natural self!” Spike flashed his friend an innocent smile.

Thorax raised his eyebrow, unconvinced.

“...Can you do a tentacle?”

“Pfft, is that all?” Thorax chuckled. “All the kinky power in the world at your clawtips and you choose to cum from a single tentacle dick?”

“We can do other stuff later!”

“Fiiine, c’mere.” Thorax sat up straight, spreading his legs apart.

As Spike sat down in front of Thorax, Thorax wrapped his hooves around his chest, slowly leaning backwards until he was on his back, Pulling Spike upwards so that the dragon’s butt was on the changeling’s stomach.

Spike looked down, watching Thorax’s dick get longer, thinner, and more flexible, ending with a more pointed tip.

“That tentacly enough for ya?” Thorax teased, wriggling it back and forth.

“Hfff...f-fuck yeah…” Spike nodded, his cock almost at its full stiff length already.

“Alright, here we go…” Thorax wrapped his dick around Spike’s shaft, gently squeezing and pumping it.

“Nnngh, this is so hot…” Spike leaned his head back, shooting smoke from his nostrils into the air.

“Geez, I can already sense that you’re close…” Thorax huffed, though he was hardly one to talk. Each stroke he was giving Spike was reciprocated back towards him. Combine that with being in extremely close proximity to the dragon and Thorax was practically on edge already.

Spike reached behind his head, wrapping his arms around Thorax’s head for support. “Haaah...well, don’t rush me, alright? I wanna...nnf! S-Savor the moment…”

“Y-Yeah, me too…” The tip of the tentacle started wiggling against Spike’s cockhead, making both of them shudder and goran.

“Ffffuuuuck!” Spike clenched his fists, staring down at the tentacle that slowly pumped his dick.

Thorax couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. “Y-You’re so weird, Spike…”

“Oh yeah?” Spike turned his head to shoot Thorax a grin. “This feels way too good to be your first time, s-so you’ve definitely done something like this before, unless you’re somehow a natural at using a weird tentacle dick...”

Thorax tried to let out a sheepish laugh, but he was too caught up in their horny pleasures.

“Gnggh...A-Almost there!” Spike gasped, his feet curling as he felt the tentacle squeezing up and down his shaft, dripping with pre.

“M-Me too...aaah!” Thorax leaned forward, his tentacle dick slipping and sliding all over Spike’s, each rub and stroke giving him an equal dose of pleasure.

Once he felt the tip of the tendril circling around his cockhead, Spike arched his back and shuddered, shooting his seed high into the air. Thorax, being hit with all of the dragon’s love and lust, came at the same time, shooting a sticky substance out from the tentacle tip.

After a brief bask in the afterglow, with Spike’s belly covered in their cum, Thorax nudged Spike’s neck. “So...what other ideas did you have planned?”

“Heh, well...uh...this is gonna sound weird, but…”

Daring Do, Zecora, Capper, and Rainbow Dash were piled up in a nearly tangled, horny, chain.

Rainbow Dash laid on her back, with Capper’s paws firmly planted onto her face, shuddering as she felt the pads squish against her cheeks. Her hooves wrapped around Capper’s ankles, pressing them further into her face.

Zecora was at Dash’s other end, burying her muzzle in the pegasus’s pussy, giving her slow licks to her inner walls.

Daring sat between Zecora and Capper, using her wings to pleasure both of them at once. Her right wing stroked and tickled Zecora’s slit, while her left wing wrapped around Capper’s dick, stroking with her soft plumage.

Capper made sure that both the pegasi were entertained. All he needed to satisfy Dash was offer his paws to her. A bit odd, in his opinion, but it seemed to make her more than satisfied. For Daring Do, he made sure that she wasn’t left out, using his fingers to play with her pussy. “You having fun, down there, Dash?”

“ much fun…” Dash moaned, the tips of her wings jittering. She pressed her lips against his paw pads, planting a kiss on each of his toes.

“Heh, glad to hear it.” Capper turned to Daring. “So did you know that she liked this, or what?”

Daring shrugged, a few of her feathers teasing the tip of his cock. “Nope, it’s news to me.” She looked over to her other side. “This a good pace for you, Zecora?”

“Mmmhmm…” the zebra nodded, slurping away at Dash’s pussy. The soft stroke of Daring’s feathers made her shudder.

“Yeah, I guess I wouldn’t bother trying to make rhymes in the middle of eating someone out either…” Daring chuckled.

Capper traced a finger around Daring’s lips, stopping at the top to rub her clit with his fingertip, before he jolted in surprise. “Woah there! Felt a tongue!”

Dash’s response was just to moan even louder as she dragged her tongue up Capper’s foot. “Hnngh...fuck…”

Capper felt another tingle go down his spine, both from Dash’s tongue and Daring’s wing. “You’re really into this, aren’t ya?”

“I think these are my favorite pair of paws right now…” Dash mumbled without thinking.

“Oh?” Capper raised an eyebrow, wiggling his toes. “Who am I competing with, Rainbow? That other gryphon over there?”

If Rainbow wasn’t so preoccupied, she’d perhaps be embarrassed by what she just blurted out. Instead, she just stuck her nose in between his toes.

Zecora lifted her head to let out a sultry moan. “Oh the wonders this month brings! Miss Do, you’re quite skilled with those wings!”

Capper nodded with a huff. “Gotta agree with her,” He lightly thrust his hips with his cock enveloped in the mass of feathers wrapped around him. “Hhhgh...Damn…!”

The little extra upping of pleasure on Capper meant that he curled his hand just a little bit more, sliding more of his fingers into Daring’s pussy. “H-Hah, you’d be surprised at how much we pegasi are capable of with these wings of ours…”

Each of Daring’s wings was doing a different motion to demonstrate her point. Capper’s cock was wrapped up in Daring’s wing. Whenever her wing moved to pump him, or if he decided to thrust his hips, his cock was hit with a full wave of feathers brushing against him from all angles, from the tip all the way down to his full balls. With Zecora, Daring only touched her with the tips of her wing. It slowly flapped up and down, each individual plume brushing against her marehood. The adventurer made sure to do full strokes, making sure that each feather touched her clit on the way down, and back up.

Capper shuddered, making sure to keep up with Daring’s pace. Surrounded by so many with hooves, his fingers were considered a magic of their own. Just the simple act of toying with Daring’s vulva made her moan, sticking a finger or two caused her to tremble. Though even with the intense fingering, Daring never wavered with her wing strokes.

Zecora was busy with her muzzle buried inside Dash to fully vocalize her pleasure to Daring for her wingwork, but her raised, wagging tail and muffled moans was more than enough to let her know. The zebra made sure to get her tongue deep inside Rainbow Dash, making slow slurps to each side of her inner walls, pulling back just a bit to run her tongue over her clit.

Rainbow Dash was in absolute heaven. Whenever she felt Zecora flick her tongue against her clit, her wings stretched out as far as they could. Zecora was eating her out like her life depended on it, with her hooves kicking about as she let out horny shudders into Capper’s paw pads. Being able to indulge in a somewhat shameful pleasure of her in full felt so cathartic. A small part inside her wondered what would’ve happened if she took up Gilda’s offer early in the month. But knowing her, the gryphon would probably make her work for her paws. Capper was quite open to let her do whatever she wanted to take in all his squishy and soft goodness.

Daring noticed that both her wings were getting sticky. “Heh, wonder which one of you I’ll make cum first?” She teased, speeding up the speed of her wing flaps.

“Y-Yeah? I’m willing to bet that it’ll be you,” Capper huffed, focusing his fingertip on the pegasi’s clit, rubbing in tiny circles.


Zecora gave Rainbow Dash some slow, long, passionate licks, humming and moaning inside of her. She closed her eyes shut, already feeling the heat from herself, and from Rainbow Dash.

“Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck OH FUUUUCK!” Rainbow Dash held onto Capper’s ankles, screaming into his soles as she squirted all over Zecora’s muzzle.

Capper was next to go. The feeling of feathers wrapping and caressing his balls was too much for the Abyssian to handle, covering Daring’s wings with his cum. “ close…” he softly chuckled.

Capper’s orgasm causes his hand to twitch a bit, causing Daring to shoot off next, her wings fluttering against the genitals of the two she was stimulating.

In the final bit of the chain, Daring’s twitching wings wiggled against Zecora’s clit, making her the last to orgasm, throwing her head back to let out a deep moan. Each of their respective rockets going off in succession.

Despite each of the winners finally getting their climactic reward and all of Trixie’s fireworks set off, it didn’t mean the party was over.

“Wait wait wait, hold on,” Sunset grabbed onto Thorax’s hoof. “I...uh...really wanna try something.” She teleported in her phone, showing the changeling a picture.

“That’s kind of a weird looking body…” Thorax initially commented. “N-No offense.”

“I’m getting that a lot, recently…”

“Hold on, that shouldn’t be too hard to replicate…”

It took a bit, but Thorax transformed into Sunset’s taller, more bipedal form, already stumbling onto his butt from the shift in center of balance. “I-Is this alright?” Thorax asked, now speaking in Sunset’s voice.

“Mmm, yeah...this is good…” Sunset nodded, gently pressing a hoof down on his shoulders to keep him sitting down.

Thorax tilted his head down, cupping his breasts in his new hands. “This is...weird.”

“I know,” Sunset chuckled, toying with the breasts with her hooves. “Do me a favor and use those fingers of yours to...y’know.” She said, shaking her hips side to side.

“R-Right…” Thorax gave his fingers a few test curls, just to make sure he got the hang of his hands before he reached around, inserting his index and middle finger into her pussy.

“Haaangh! Yeah, j-just like that!” Sunset huffed, pressing Thorax’s breasts together. Part of her was telling her this was somehow wrong, but it felt too good to stop.

Thorax let out a shaky moan, his knees trembling as he felt Sunset’s hooves caress his chest. “Aaaah...your breasts are s-so sensitive!”

“Y-Yeah they are…” Sunset leaned forward, flicking her tongue against Thorax’s nipple.

“Gyaaaah!” Thorax leaned his head back and screamed, unintentionally plunging his fingers deeper into Sunset.

Sunset’s hooves nearly collapsed underneath her as she leaned onto Thorax for support. “Holy fuuuuuck!”

The two regained their bearings, staring at each other in complete silence for a moment.

Sunset gazed back down at Thorax’s chest again, giving his nipples a slow lick.

Thorax let out a wavering shout, kicking out his legs, plunging his fingers deeping inside Sunset as reciprocation.

“Nngh! L-Learning a lot about myself today…” Sunset muttered to herself. “Alright, gotta be gentle with these babies, then…” She leaned into Thorax’s chest, letting her mind fade into a pleasurable fog as she rubbed and teased Thorax’s breasts.

“Hnnn...aaaah...Oh gosh…” Thorax murmured, leaning back and panting heavily.

Sunset focused on just one of Thorax’s breasts, rubbing her cheek against the squishy tit. “Oh yeah...that’s the stuff…”

Thorax closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of this form as Sunset toyed with it, the fact that this was in the top five of his weirdest transformations was more of an afterthought.

Sunset’s horny haze was interrupted by hearing a very familiar sounding moaning, and the unmistakable intense scent of frosting.


“Pinkie!” Sunset instinctively yelled, seeing the pink pony take a spot on Thorax’s other breast.

“What? It’s only weird when I do it?!”

“...Yeah, fair enough…”

Both girls proceeded to partake in basking in the bouncy and soft sunny bosom, pressing their heads against Thorax’s breasts.

Thorax looked down at the two ponies at his chest. “...Girls, I’m turned on, but I am thoroughly confused by all of this right now.”

“Well, Shining Armor? Is it almost everything you’ve dreamed of?”


Shining Armor laid on his back, looking down and watching as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna took turns lapping at his stiff cock. “Hnnn...this feels amazing…”

“Anything for the Hero of Equestria,” Celestia giggled, playing into the role she was given.

Luna nodded in agreement. “Indeed, we want to provide you with the most deluxe relaxation that we can offer. It’s the least we can do to repay you for your heroism.”

“Nnnf, I-I really appreciate it, you two…” Shining said with pure sincerity, closing his eyes and shuddering.

“And we’re more than happy to appreciate you…” Luna grinned, planting a kiss at the base of his shaft.

“Hhhf...oh fuck...that’s the stuff…”

Celestia slowly ran her tongue up her side of Shining’s dick, giving a few flicks with the tip of her tongue to the cockhead.

Shining did his best to keep still and not kick his hooves out, especially with the princesses on top of him. “Fuuuck! D-Do that again, that’s so good!” he gasped, his whole body jolting with pleasure.

Luna eagerly obeyed, mirroring her sister’s actions on her side, slowly dragging her tongue upwards until both of them were flicking their tongues against the tip of Shining’s dick.

“Anything else we can do for you, our glorious and mighty and incredibly well-endowed savior?” Celestia asked, really hamming up her delivery. “Just let us know, and we will do our best to deliver!”

At this point, Shining was starting to regret asking them to recreate one of his dreams, especially knowing how much of a tease Celestia was. But at the same time, those tongues were heavenly enough for him to push past the embarrassment and ribbing he was getting. “Th-This is fine...just...oh gosh, those tongues are amazing!”

“Better than Cadence’s?” Celestia teased, giving his shaft another look, watching Shining’s cheeks quickly turn pink.

“…Well, um...” he stammered, not wanting to badmouth his wife, even during a mutually-agreed orgy.

“It’s alright to say if we are, Shining,” Celestia grinned, playfully nudging his shaft with her cheek. “She’s not going to hear you say it.”

“Well, all these other ponies might…” Luna chuckled, joining in on the teasing.

“I...uh...ah, damnit…”

“That’s alright, you can tell us after we’re finished with you,” Luna winked, before moving up to start taking his length down her throat.

“Nnngh! H-Holy-!”

As Luna slowly inched her way down, Celestia planted kisses on his shaft just before they passed by Luna’s lips, a process that didn’t require the need to slow down or adjust for the experienced princess.

Once Luna had taken Shining’s full length, Celestia occupied herself with his balls. First by nuzzling his sack with her nose, then planting a few kisses here and there.

Shining laid back down on the floor, at a loss for words yet again, though this time out of horniness rather than embarrassment. “Nnnf! Aaah! Oooh!”

Luna let out a soft moan as he sucked Shining’s dick, bobbing her head up and down as her tongue swirled around his shaft, feeling him throbbing against her lips.

While Luna worked her magic with her mouth, Celestia’s horn started to glow. As she kissed and nuzzled Shining’s balls, she used her magic, a sensation that Shining was all-too familiar with.

“Haaaahn! Oh fuck, that’s gonna make me-!” Shining’s eyes shot wide open, feeling the familiar tingle of Celestia’s magic. At least this time, he didn’t have any defenses that could be penetrated, and could enjoy the sensation for once. With a satisfied groan, he shot off a load straight into Luna’s mouth.

As Luna wiped her lips clean, Celestia leaned over the prince. “Now you can tell us if it was better than Cadence or not…”

“EEEEYAAAAAAH!” Fluttershy let out a loud squeal, her entire body trembling as she laid on her back. Her hind hooves kicked out as her wings popped out. Her cheeks were a full pink with a huge smile on her face.

And after the squeal...came a laugh. “HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Capper and Spike were on each side of her, skittering their claws against her stomach with one hand, holding down a front hoof with the other to prevent her from squirming around so much.

“Heh, didn’t expect the quiet one to laugh so loud...or kick this much.” Capper chuckled, tapping his fingers across the pegasi’s tummy.

“Yeah, she’s like, super ticklish,” Spike nodded, digging his claws into her side.

“AIEEEEHEEHEHEHEHEEHEE!” Fluttershy’s wings twitched with excitement, letting out peals of helpless laughter.

Capper took a look at Fluttershy’s face, watching tears and sweat drip down her cheeks. “You sure this is, y’know, doing it for her?”

Both guys took a quick look at Fluttershy’s crotch. Without even touching her there, her pussy was soaking wet. “Oh yeah, totally.”

“Heh, alright then. In that case...” Capper dug both his paws into Fluttershy’s stomach, drumming his claws across her exposed tummy.

“YAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Fluttershy’s entire body stiffened up, but only for a brief moment. Not once did her hooves try to hit or push away Capper or Spike’s arms, keeping her body open as much as she could, fighting against instinct.

Spike’s hands moved a little bit lower, going from her side down to her wing, running his fingers through her feathers.

The feeling of claws skittering against her wings made Fluttershy start thrashing, kicking and flailing her hooves and wings around without any sense of self-control. “AAAHAHAAAHAHAAA OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!”

Capper wraps tail around hooves “Woah there,” Capper chuckled, dodging a few of the kicks. “You gotta learn to keep still, Fluttershy! Or maybe you need us to do that for you...” He wrapped his tail around the pegasi’s hind hooves, squeezing them together before joining Spike in running his fingers through her other wing.

“Eeep!” Fluttershy looked up with a nervous anticipation, feeling the movement of her hooves get a lot more restricted, before falling back into hysterics due to the doubling of her wing tickling. It was certainly no intense wing massage from Rarity, but this was certainly a good substitute in terms of extreme pleasure.

Spike noticed that the intensity of Fluttershy’s laughter would jump at random intervals. He looked over at Capper, and he didn’t seem to be moving his fingers at an inconsistent pace. Then he took a look at Fluttershy’s hooves, with the tip of Capper’s tail brushing against the underside every so often, drawing a squeal out of her every time.

“Ohhh, I see…” Spike grinned, going to Fluttershy’s raised hooves, poking and skittering at the soft underside.

“GYAAAHAHAHAHAEEHEEHEE! NAHAHAHA MY HOHOHOHOHOHOOOOVES!” Fluttershy’s laughter skyrocketed. The gentle brush of Capper’s tail followed by the skittering of Spike’s pointy claws drove her crazy.

Capper looked up to see Spike really drawing the laughter out of Fluttershy, and decided to join in and double down. His tail swept over each hoof, dancing his claws across to make sure that they were put under constant tickly stimulation.

Fluttershy wildly pounded her front hooves on the floor without any worry that she’d accidentally punch her ticklers. She tried to say something, anything to either Capper or Spike, but all that came out between gasps of air was more giddy hysterics.

“How long do you think it’ll take if we keep tickling her like this, no contact down there at all?” Spike pondered out loud over Fluttershy’s squealing.

“Mmm, might be a while at this rate,” Capper noted, looking down.

“Well, we got plenty of time...Course, I don’t think Fluttershy will mind at all...”

Dragon Lord Ember was trapped between Twilight and Starlight. With one pony on each side. Both mares were planting kiss after kiss on her cheeks, smothering her with affection.

“ all of this really n-necessary?” She protested, flinching each time she felt a pair of lips touching her cheeks.

“Oh yes, very necessary,” Twilight giggled, planting her next kiss right under the dragon’s chin.

Starlight put her next kiss at the top of Ember’s neck. “Just relax and let us work our magic…”

“A-Alright…” Ember noticeably loosened up, lowering her shoulders and recoiling less whenever she felt another pony kiss. Though it was still a feeling she could never see herself getting used to.

Twilight and Starlight gradually made their way down Ember’s body, alternating with kisses, though taking detours along the way. Down her neck, taking a quick trip down her arms to get to her hands, before going back up to her shoulders, down her chest, around to her hips…

Ember grit her teeth, but even she couldn’t hold back a few reluctant moans. The flurry of kisses on her body felt weird, but oddly pleasant in a way. Enough so that her mind was already in a frazzled state by the time they got to her hips.

The mares stopped kissing when they got to her crotch. They gently spread her legs apart, licking their lips upon seeing Ember’s wet pussy.

Ember had a few seconds to regain her bearings, watching with bated breath as the two stared at her crotch, hunger in their eyes.

Starlight was the first to make a move, putting her muzzle right between Ember’s legs to give her pussy a lick.

“Hnnn!” Ember jolted a little, her feet curling up. She was expecting another kiss, so Starlight taking it up a notch certainly pleased her.

Once Starlight pulled her head back, Twilight took her place, giving Ember a similar lick to her nethers.

“Ohhh fuuuuck!” Ember gasped. Once one mare finished a single lick, she pulled her head back to let the other one have a go.

Both mares worked with frighteningly well coordination. As they worked together to pleasure Ember, they seamlessly pulled their heads back as soon as they were done with a single lick, not once did they hit their heads together on accident.

Even though it was just one lick at a time from two different ponies. From Ember’s perspective, it felt like one pony continuously lapping away at her folds. The tongue never went far into her, but the sheer amount of rapid laps to her pussy kept her plenty pleasured.

Twilight and Starlight started to get a little creative, changing up the ways they stimulated her. One would poke her with the tip of her tongue and get a little deeper, or push her muzzle in and let out a moan inside, or just plant another kiss, lips to lips, each one only lasting a second before swapping out.

Ember was a blushing, flustered mess, hugging herself as her shudders turned to loud moans, squirting over the muzzles of both mares.

“So? How was it?”

“Nnnf, that was amazing!” Ember moaned. “I think Twilight was the best at using her tongue!”

Both mares paused to look at each other in confusion. From literally anyone else in this room, that would be considered a clear and obvious complement...

“Oh! Professor Dash! Professor Dash!” Yona waved, trying to get her attention.

“Yeah, Yona? What’s up?”

“Yona wanna try scissor! And Professor Dash look strong enough to handle yak legs!” Yona said bluntly.

Dash simply chuckled and shrugged. “Heh, well, when you put it that way, let’s do it!”

Rainbow Dash landed on the floor, laying on her side and lifting her hoof up high. “Ready when you are, Yona!”

Yona scooted herself on the floor, inching herself forward until she finally locked legs with Rainbow.

After a bit to line themselves up and adjust for the size, Rainbow started grinding her hips, rubbing her vulva against Yona’s.

“Nnnf! Pony good at this!” Yona grinned, starting to move her hips along with Dash.

“Heh, we just started!” Dash grunted. She wasn’t used to the quite frankly massive physique of a yak, and found herself starting to lose control due to the massive amount of muscle in Yona’s legs.

Yona started off slow, still trying to get used to the motions, letting out a short grunt each time she felt her lips rub against Dash’s. Once she started to find her rhythm though, she really started to get into it, rocking her hips with much more passion.

“Wooaaaah!” Yona was moving her hips with so much force, Dash’s upper body was getting dragged along. She flapped her wings in order to counter the yak’s wilder thrusting and hopefully gain a little bit of control back.

All the extra effort Dash was making to stop being swung around translated into extra pleasure from Yona, feeling her grind up against her body, making louder, more excited moans.

Dash finally managed to balance herself, but she still needed to flap her wings in order to hold her own against Yona’s strength. The yak’s thrusting hips made her shudder, electric pleasure resonating throughout her entire body as she began to sweat.

“Yaaaahaaaa!” Knowing that she didn’t need to hold back was a bit of a relief to Yona. Even if she was the only yak present, it felt fantastic to cut loose. She threw her head back with a happy excited squeal, rocking her hips against Dash’s.

Dash could feel how wet Yona was. Each little thrust of the hips from either of them was hot pleasure on their nerves. She was still riding off the adrenaline of finally being able to make it to one of these orgies, and with the way Yona was moving, that high wasn’t going away any time soon.

“Nnnf, Professor Dash expert at scissors!” Yona gasped, pounding the floor with her hooves, starting to feel her legs being moved about, a sign that she was losing a bit of control in the fight for dominance.

“Heh, don’t think I’m done with you yet!” Dash winked, still breathing heavily. She wrapped her front hooves around Yona’s leg, lifting it up to start grinding on her pace.

Thanks to all the exercise and stretching during the month, Yona was a lot more flexible than she or Dash expected. “Woaaaah! Y-Yes!” Even though she was losing the dominance, Yona was all too eager to keep fighting and grinding her hips against the pegasi’s.

Pinkie looked at Troubleshoes with hungry eyes. “Theeere you are, big guy!”

“O-Oh, hey Pinkie Pie!” Troubleshoes greeted, a bit fatigued from previously unloading into both Celestia and Sandbar.

“You remember our conversation back at the start of the month, riiiight?” Pinkie batted her eyelashes, leaning on the stallion’s massive figure.

“Uh...yeah,” he nodded, recalling how she had inadvertently started making the month a hellish gauntlet of endurance. “Something about using all that flavored lube on me…”

“Oh goodie, you remember! Well, you also said that we should save it for another time, and guess what? It’s another time!”

“Heh, so it is,” Troubleshoes chuckled. “Well, if you really want to, Pinkie, but it’s definitely a lot to take in…”

Pinkie nodded in understanding. “I figured it might be a lot for one pony. Luckily, there’s a lot of ponies here!”

Troubleshoes watched as Zecora and Daring Do stood with Pinkie Pie. “O-Oh…” He could already feel his cock twitching back to a hardened state.

“I said I’d apologize somehow. What better way than right here, right now?” Zecora said, already setting her sights on the stallion’s growing erection.

Daring tilted her head. “Well, Pinkie said she might need help to take care of something big, and I think she was pretty accurate…”

“Oh, we’ve got a loooot of work to do…” Pinkie giggled.

Troubleshoes sat down on his butt, letting his cock stand stiff and tall for the mares to admire.

All of them watched as Troubleshoes’s cock went fully erect, almost with no effort on their part. Even the mostly composed Zecora started to salivate.

Pinkie brought back the boxes of flavored lubes. “Alrighty, girls! Pick a flavor and let’s get to work!”

Each of them looked inside, examining their choices, and in Daring and Zecora’s cases, questioning how some of these flavors even existed, before taking their pick and surrounding Troubleshoes’s erection.

The three of them slathered their lube on Troubleshoes’s dick, making the stallion shuddered, first from the coldness of the lube, then from the feeling of three different pairs of hooves rubbing up and down his shaft.

Pinkie had chosen the cupcake flavor, one of her personal favorites. Daring Do chose strawberry, out of familiarity. Zecora decided to be more experimental and grab the hayburger flavor. The different lubes had some overlap with each other, mixing the scents together. Cupcake and strawberry was a natural combination, but Zecora’s choice of hayburger definitely made an interesting mix of scents.

“Hhhhf…A-Aaah...” Troubleshoes rolled his neck. The scent of all three lubes together was powerful, but the mares’ hooves working their magic was even more so. The lube made it all the easier for them to slide their hooves up and down, pumping and stroking his massive shaft.

Once that cock was covered from base to tip with lube, with some of it dribbling down onto his balls, it was finally time for the taste test. All three mares leaned in, taking eager laps at the shaft.

Troubleshoes grit his teeth, going from tender rubs to needy, hungry licks frazzled his brain, especially at the different, varying speeds that the mares were going.

Pinkie’s licks were quick and short at the base and at his balls, very familiar with the flavor and eager to lick it all up. Daring’s were a lot slower going up the shaft, taking in the taste of his shaft as well as the strawberry flavoring. Zecora didn’t seem to care about the taste, but more on pleasing him, with the flavor as more of a bonus. The zebra went all the way up his length each time.

Troubleshoes panted heavily, sweat dripped down his forehead and onto his stomach as he watched the three lap away at his cock, the dribbling pre began to mix with the lubes, eagerly slurped up by one of the mares.

The scents weren’t the only thing that mixed, in certain places, the flavors even combined. A few curious licks for discovery, quickly followed by eager lapping in the same place where the lubes overlapped, with interested and satisfied moans.

Troubleshoes’s entire body tensed up. The feeling of two or even three tongues taking turns licking the same place drove him wild, making his cock throb with each pass of one of their tongues. “Gaaah! Oh shit!”

Zecora pulled her lips away just for a moment to turn to the party pony. “I’m quite intrigued, Pinkie Pie. There must be other flavors we can try!”

“Oh, don’t worry about that! There’s a lot of flavors to choose from…”

“H-Hey Gallus, how you holding up?”

Gallus shrugged, turning around to face Sandbar “I’m doing great so far! What about-HOLY MOTHER OF-!”

Sandbar’s back half was practically painted with cum, dripping out of his ass and down his hooves on both sides. The poor stallion had difficulty even standing, let alone walking. Even still, he had a smile on his face, though it looked like he was going to collapse at any moment.

“What the absolute fuck happened to you, dude?”

“I got exactly what I wanted,” Sandbar weakly chuckled, nudging his head towards Troubleshoes’s direction.

Gallus’s jaw hung agape. “I...I mean I’m happy for you, I guess? But also holy fuck?”

“H-heh, don’t worry about me. Uh, how was doing it with Princess Luna?”

“Dude, it was awesome!” Gallus gushed. “I had no idea that eating out a princess would be so good! Like, holy fuck it feels great just to be here!”

Sandbar nodded his head. “Yeah, glad you made it to see how awesome it was! Now if you’ll excuse me, I only made out with Celestia, so I’m gonna go ask if we can do it for real.”

As soon as Sandbar took a few steps, his legs gave out from under him. Gallus was quick to catch him before he fell, and got a closer look at the damage in the process.

“I-Is it still leaking out of you? Holy shit, how can you even stand right now?”

“Hey, we only get one night, I’m making the most of it!” Sandbar said defensively.

Gallus looked at his friend, bewildered. “Fine, jeez. Now that you mention it, I think Headmare Twilight’s free now, too...”

“Well, Miss Cheerilee isn’t an option, but I think Headmare Twilight’s free now.”

“Aw, we should totally like double up! C’mon, let’s go-” Sandbar tried to stand up, but Gallus gently, but firmly laid him down on the floor.

“Don’t.” Gallus sternly commanded. “Just...stay there, I’ll get them!”

Rainbow Dash gave a quick tug at the rope between her teeth until it was taut. “Nngh. There we go, tight enough for ya, Daring?”

“M-Mmhm…” Daring nodded, feeling the rope wrap tight around her, securing her front hooves down to her sides, lying on her stomach, already with shaky breath.

The amount of rope that coiled around her also served the bonus of wrapping around her wings as well, something that Rainbow Dash was certainly aware of.

“It’s so tight, isn’t it? You can barely move at all...” She said, walking circles around the bound pegasus. “And I still got plenty of rope left…”

Daring grit her teeth, fidgeting around. Dash’s words rang true. No matter how much she struggled, she couldn’t move her hooves or her wings. She got chills down her spine whenever Rainbow Dash talked behind her, completely helpless and unable to turn around to face her. The way her voice trailed off made her bite her lips to muffle a moan.

She was no Applejack, but Rainbow Dash could still tie a pretty tight knot. Even she could tell how much Daring’s wings were struggling to pop out from within the rope coiled around her. Her hoof gently brushed against Daring’s pussy as she leaned on top of her back to whisper in her ear. “Jeez, you’re already wet, and I barely started, huh?” She asked, getting comfortable in the role of her kinky captor.

Daring huffed and groaned, slowly and reluctantly nodding in agreement. Dash’s breath ran hot against the back of her ear. The tips of her back hooves slowly wiggling back and forth.

“Maybe I should stop right now…” Rainbow smirked, slowly lifting herself up.

“N-No!” Daring blurted out, her cheeks turning red because of how desperate and helpless she had become. “I...I…”

“What was that?” Rainbow leaned back in with a sadistic grin on her face. “You need to speak up…”

“I...I…” Daring swallowed her pride. “I need it! P-Please, Rainbow Dash…!”

“As you wish…” Rainbow gave Daring a quick kiss on the cheek, grabbing another line of rope, already having a plan on what to do next.

She sat by Daring’s hind hooves, slowly wrapping the rope around, making another coil around her hooves.

Daring felt a little rebellious, actively squirming and kicking her hooves as much as she could to disrupt Rainbow’s effort.

The kicking managed to keep the rope around her hooves loose, but Dash had a quick solution to punish her. Reaching into Pinkie box of toys, she pulled out a blindfold. She sat down on Daring’s back, putting the cloth over her eyes.

Daring didn’t have the time to fight back. Once her vision was obscured, the blindfold was already being tied tight around her head.

“Well, that seemed to get your attention, didn’t it?” Rainbow turned back around, leaning forward to trace her hoof around her pussy lips. “If you want more, you’re gonna be good and stay still.”

Daring jolted, the blindfold added another sense of helplessness and made a surprised squeak come out from her lips.

“Now then, where were we…?” Rainbow Dash kept looping the rope around her hind hooves, pulling the rope tight before tying the knot.

“There we go…Now you can hardly move at all, can you?” Dash taunted, going back to barely touching Daring’s wet pussy.

“Guh…” Even with her hooves and wings immobilized, she could curl her body just a little bit.

“Completely helpless…” Dash continued. “Can’t flap your wings, can’t wiggle your hooves, can’t escape…”

Daring shuddered, forced to hear Dash tease her about her situation, feeling the hoof gently trace around her marehood, slowly making her more needy. “Haaah...f-fuck…”

“There’s nothing stopping me from doing anything I want…” Dash said with a sing-song voice, slipping her wing inside her slit, letting the feather slide up before she pulled her wing back and gave her flank a forceful slap.

“Hnnngh!” The feather teasing made Daring shiver, but the spank made her tense up.

Dash repeated the process of slow teasing to her pussy, followed by another quick slap against her cheek. “I wonder how it feels for you, to be completely helpless to what I’m doing. To struggle and struggle to try and break free of those ropes…”

Rainbow never got into a consistent rhythm, so each slap from her wing came out of nowhere, always drawing a horny yelp out of Daring Do when it hit. “Haaah! D-Dash...I...Fuuuck!”

“You’re so close to cumming, and I’ve barely done anything yet…”

Daring could feel Rainbow Dash stand up, and heard her walking off to the side, rummaging around in Pinkie’s box of sex toys. With the blindfold on, and the rope wrapped tight, all she could do was lie there in anticipation.

“Well now, let’s see what this can do…”

Princess Celestia turned her head. “Is there something wrong, Gallus?”

“No, I’m just...realizing how weird this all is.”

Both the griffon and the princess laid on their backs, side by side, their legs being spread apart by Twilight and Sandbar respectively.

“You would be bottoming for Headmare Twilight,” Sandbar smirked.

Gallus turned to Celestia. “Is there a way you can make sure he doesn’t walk until Hearth’s Warming?”

Celestia merely giggled, letting out a little “ooh” of delight once Sandbar penetrated.

Twilight put her hoof on Gallus’s chest to balance herself as she sat on Gallus’s cock, her wings already starting to tremble.

Sandbar began thrusting his hips at around the same time Twilight began raising and lowering herself on Gallus.

“S-So, whaddya think, Gallus? Everything you thought it’d be?” Sandbar asked.

“Nngh, y-yeah, for the most part…” Gallus nodded, trying to keep his breathing calmed. “I figured winning would be great, b-but this is awesome!”

“I know, right?” Sandbar chuckled, making deeper thrusts inside Celestia.

“It’ was easy...All the stress of being so horny and pent up all month!” Gallus moaned. “Fuck, it was driving me crazy, but knowing it was all for doing this? Totally worth it!”

“Well, I’d be a lot less stressed if someone didn’t give so much material to study for finals.”

“Hey, don’t bring me into this!” Twilight protested, prompting a bit of chuckling from the other three.

Celestia looked up to Twilight. “What about you, Twilight? Did you get through the month alright?”

“What, me? Psssh, it was no problem!” Twilight scoffed, brushing off the issue in the tone of voice that clearly showed she was lying.

Celestia playfully rolled her eyes. “Well, I’m happy that you succeeded all the same.” She let out a shudder as Sandbar thrusted again, her wings rubbing against the floor. “Oooh, Sandbar! I’m impressed! You must be making Yona very happy with skills like that. Of course, being so cute doesn’t hurt either...”

Sandbar’s face instantly became flushed with embarrassment, laughing nervously and frantically looking around as a defence mechanism. “! Ah…” He was so flustered that he had completely frozen in place, only moving again after a little tap to his flank from Celestia’s hoof.

Watching Sandbar get so easily worked up got a hearty chuckle out of Gallus. It felt nice to be on the other side of the teasing equation for once.

“What are you laughing at Gallus?” Twilight’s voice suddenly got stern, immediately catching the griffon’s attention. “Do I have to put you in detention for your behavior?”

“N-No, Headmare Twilight!” Gallus blurted out without thinking. And just like that, he was back to being humiliated. He’d be more furious at Twilight if that threat didn’t make him start throbbing.

Twilight grinned, putting a little more pressure on Gallus’s shoulders as she raised and lowered her flank with just a little bit more force. “Good, I’m glad you’ve learned your lesson.”

Gallus looked away and grumbled, but couldn’t hide the red on his cheeks.

Celestia and Twilight exchanged glances and giggled. “So, Twilight, did I ever tell you about what happened when Shining Armor was training the new recruits?”

“No, but he sure told me all about it,” Twilight smirked. “I’m guessing he might’ve left out some details, though.”

“Did he say something along the lines of how he fought valiantly against my magic?” Celestia’s horn lit up, with Sandbar’s cock being the intended target of her stimulation.

“HoooOOOOOooollly FUCK!” Sandbar collapsed on top of Celestia’s stomach, panting heavily and sweating up a storm as he pulled out, leaving Celestia’s pussy dripping with cum.

Gallus’s jaw was dropped in a stunned silence. He felt foolish enough to ask for that spell to be done to him, but smart enough to not say anything while he was still inside Twilight.

“Mmm, something like that,” Twilight nodded. “I’m sure you can give us the whole story. With demonstration, of course.”

“Alright, you ready?” Ember grinned, stretching her calves in preparation.

“Y-Yeah.” Thorax nervously nodded. “ should we start this?”

Before Thorax got distracted trying to think of how to get into position, Ember took initiative and tackled him, pinning the changeling to the ground.

“Betcha I can make you cum more!” Ember teased, tracing a finger down his chest.

“Betcha can’t!” Thorax chuckled. The surprise tackle took some of the nervous edge off.

Ember lifted her butt up, wiggling it as she lined up her hole with Thorax’s dick, before sitting back down.

Thorax shuddered. Ember was looking down at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes. It gave him chills all over just staring back at her.

Ember started to bounce up and down on him, softly chuckling. “Heh, if you’re already like this, then I’m pretty sure I’m gonna win for sure!”

Thorax was already breathing heavily. “You sound awfully confident even though w-we just started…”

“Well, yeah.” Ember puffed out her chest with pride, still holding onto Thorax’s shoulders. “I can easily overpower and top you whenever I want, so I think it’s pretty clear…”

“Mmm, I see…” Thorax nodded along, feeling Ember’s grip, but not the pressure of being pinned down.

Ember kept her pace of bouncing up and down on Thorax’s cock. “Heh, I can already tell you’re close...this is gonna be-”

Before Ember could finish her sentence, she could feel Thorax’s body push back, putting his hooves on her shoulders as he suddenly sprang up, planting a kiss on her lips.

Hearing Ember gasp in surprise gave Thorax a bit of confidence as he took advantage of the situation to flip the dragon around, putting her flat on her back.

“Guh! W-Woah!” Ember panted, looking up at Thorax in shock, still trying to process everything that just happened to her.

“What was that you were saying again?” Thorax chuckled, thrusting into her.

“Heh...well played…” Thorax managing to top her got the dragon excited, already planning on retribution when the right time struck. Though the way Thorax was thrusting, it was pretty difficult to think clearly.

Thorax hadn’t pinned down Ember yet. The thought of transforming his hooves into a griffon or dragon’s claws crossed his mind, but he was more focused on pleasuring Ember than keeping her held down.

Meanwhile, Ember’s moans had been steadily increasing, arching her back as she blew smoke out of her nostrils. “Haaangh...f-fuck!” Her hands found a place on Thorax’s hooves, but it was more for grip than for pushing him away.

As he started to get into a rhythm, Thorax closed his eyes, grunting and shuddering. “Nnngh...Y-Yeah!”

That moment of relaxation when Thorax closed his eyes was exactly the moment Ember was waiting for. She reached up higher to grab onto his back, kicking her legs up to wrap around his waist, twisting her body to flip their positions once more.

“Yaaaah! Oof!” Thorax found himself looking up at the familiar sight of a confident Ember riding his dick.

“Heh, no big deal,” Ember smirked.

“Yeah?” Thorax took a few deep breaths. “How’s about this big deal?”

Ember could feel a tingling inside. “W-WOAAAH!” The dragon froze up. Thorax’s dick transformed into a thicker, longer horsecock while inside her, instantly stretching and pushing against her inner walls. “O-OH SHIT!”

Thorax gave Ember a cocky smile of his own, wiggling his hips around. “Heh heh heh…”

“Oh, you’re in for it now!” Ember huffed. She slowly adjusted to the new size and shape of Thorax’s cock, raising and lowering her body with clenched teeth.

“AaAAAaah!” Thorax’s entire body shuddered, kicking his hooves. Ember fighting back made it difficult to regain some sort of advantage and get back on top.

Ember leaned forward, panting and drooling as she felt Thorax’s thick horsecock push deep inside her. But she refused to give in and let Thorax top her again.

Thorax tried to throw Ember off by transforming his cock multiple times as he thrusted and she rode him. From a griffon dick, to a buffalo’s, a diamond dog’s, a tentacle, his original cock shape. Doing so while in the middle of fucking took a massive amount of energy out of the changeling.

Thorax’s efforts started to pay off, as the constant changes made it near impossible for Ember to adjust, allowing Thorax to flip over again.

“FuuuUUUuuuUUUuck!” Ember moaned, half out of pleasure, half out of frustration.

Now back on top, Thorax slowed down the rate of his transformations, but he didn’t stop entirely. It kept Ember on her toes, and hopefully distracted enough to stay in this position.

Ember pounded her fists on the floor, the different dick sizes making her squirm and kick her legs. Frustrated, Ember shot her head forward to start nibbling on Thorax’s neck.

“AaaaAAAAH!” Thorax immediately crumbled. His body releasing tension with the nibbling as Ember turned the tables on him again.

Before they continued, they both took a moment to catch their breaths, with Ember laying on top of Thorax, all sweaty and fatigued.

“ many times did we cum so far?” Thorax asked.

“Dunno…” Ember smirked. “We might have to start keeping count sometime soon.”

“Mmm, maybe.”

“Well...let’s see if I can get another one right now…” Ember went back to nibbling on Thorax’s neck, getting another moan out of the changeling.

Epilogue: Afterglow Aftermath

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Rainbow Dash woke up with a tired groan, the bright sun shining through the window and hitting her straight in the face. Still groggy, she looked around to check her surroundings.

She was still in Twilight’s castle, lying on the floor with Gallus’s paws on her chest. Dildos and blindfolds and lube bottles were scattered about, as well as so many stains she was happy she didn’t need to clean up. A majority of the other winners were gone, but there were still a few who had yet to wake up, like Ember and Sunset.

She took another quick look around, making sure no one else was watching, before getting a quick facefull of Gallus’s paws once more before quietly sneaking out to not wake the others.

As she walked through the halls and straightened out her mane, she saw Fluttershy and Pinkie walking toward her, the latter carried a massive sack on her back, but still bouncing across the floor like it was nothing.

“Oh, hi Rainbow! So, did you enjoy yourself last night?” Fluttershy said with a wink.

“You bet I did!” Rainbow grinned as she stretched out her wings. “That was fucking awesome!”

“Well, we’re all super happy you made it to the end!” Pinkie nodded. “Speaking of, here ya go, Dashie!” She bumped the bag off her flank and in front of Rainbow.

“Uh...thanks?” Rainbow took a curious peek inside, finding a massive amount of bits. “Woah...What’s this for?”

“Oh, it’s just something from us! Think of it as a congratulatory reward!” Fluttershy explained. “For, um...winning!”

Rainbow took another look, doing a quick count of all the bits in the bag. As she turned her head back up to ask why she’s getting paid money among various other questions, but Pinkie and Fluttershy were already walking away.

“So, now that that’s done...what are we going to do for our bet next year?”

“I dunno, Cadence and Sunburst haven’t won in a while…Maybe one of them?”

“Ooh, maybe we should bet on which one of us can get Shining Armor out!”

Dash was still half-asleep, but she was still cognizant enough to put two and two together. “...Wait a minute! Was there a betting ring on whether I’d lose!? Did you guys not think I’d make it? HEY! COME BACK!”