A Boy's Dazzling Girls

by Wildcard25

First published

Spike's world turns upside down when he meets a trio of girls who saved him from drowning years ago claiming to be his new brides.

Being a member of Cryptid Club at school is the only excitement in Spike's life, but when a trio of girls calling themselves his wives come into his life. Spike discovers the truth about what happened to him years ago that almost cost him his life.

Rated for humor and sexual scenarios.

Idea given to me by alphasteel

Cover art by chibi-jen-hen

A New Club

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One afternoon out on the open sea was a cruise ship sailing away. On board were many tourists looking to get away for some R&R. Running around the deck were two children a boy about six years old, and a girl about nine years old. The boy had green hair done up in spikes and matching colored eyes, and the girl had long dark purple hair with a single pink streak in it, and violet eyes.

"Hey, Twilight!" the boy called out, "You can't catch me! You can't catch me!"

"Oh, yes I can, Spike!" the girl named Twilight replied to the boy she chased.

The two laughed, until they ran right into a taller boy about fifteen years old. He had cerulean colored eyes, and his hair was a combination of cerulean, sapphire, and dark phthalo blue. He looked down at the two sternly, "Twilight. Spike." he addressed them.

"Hi, Shining Armor." they greeted him.

The boy, Shining Armor sighed, "Guys, mom and dad told you not to play around out here on the ship. It's dangerous."

The two looked guilty, and answered, "We're sorry, big brother."

"Oh, how can anyone stay mad at you two?" he ruffled their heads, "Just try and stay out of trouble, all right?"

"We will." they answered, before going off.

The two kids walked along ship before Spike looked out into the water, "Twilight, look!"

Twilight went to the railings and looked out at the sea, "It's beautiful."

"And big." Spike added.

Twilight looked down into the water, "Did you know that there are more than 230,000 species of marine life in our worlds oceans?"

"I did not." Spike answered, while sounding intrigued.

"Yes. They range from all kinds." Twilight began listing them off, while Spike started to drown her out.

Spike was too preoccupied as he was looking down into the water. Suddenly he spotted three figures moving about in the water below and he gasped, "Twilight, I think I saw something!"

"What is it?" Twilight asked, as she looked down in the direction Spike was looking.

"Something was moving down there in the water. Right there!" Spike started leaning forward past the railing while pointing downward.

"Spike, don't get so close!" Twilight cried, as she tried to pull him back, but he had already leaned too far forward and fell off the ship. He screamed as he plummeted into the sea with a splash, "SPIKE! Someone help! My brother's gone overboard!" she screamed, attracting her brother, her parents, some of the tourists, and the ship crew.

"Someone fell overboard?" a crew mate asked.

"My brother!" Twilight cried.

"Spike?!" her father Night Light gasped.

"My baby!" Twilight's mom, Twilight Velvet cried.

One of the workers turned to another, "Tell then captain to stop the boat, then head for the rescue boat!" the workers went to work, as the tourists were in a panic along with Twilight and her family.

Down in the water, Spike was sinking as he looked up seeing the light from the sun beaming down from the surface. As he continued to drift down into the water, he thought to himself, 'I'm gonna drown and die. Why did this happen?' he suddenly could three three figures swimming above him, 'What's that?' he thought to himself. He could see the figures looked like human girls, but their bottom halves looked like fish tails, 'Who're they?' he thought, as the figures were swimming down to him. He could make out who they were as he started losing consciousness.

At first all he could see was darkness, until he started spitting up water. His vision started coming back slowly, until he could see his siblings, parents, and several crew mates and tourists looking down at him in concern, "Sonny, are you all right? Can you hear me?" one of the crew mates asked.

"I hope I didn't swallow any fish down there." Spike groaned.

The crew sighed in relief that he was awake. Twilight Velvet embraced him, "Oh, Spike. You had me so worried!"

"Mom, not so tight!" he groaned.

"Oh, I'm sorry." she said, while lightening up on the hug.

"What happened?" he asked the people.

"You were really lucky, kid," one of the workers began, "Most people would've drowned like that. Thankfully we saw you drifting on the water, and we pulled you right out."

Spike thought back remembering what he last saw in the water, "But those three."

"Three what?" a crew member asked.

"Three girls. I think they saved me."

"Impossible," another crew mate said skeptically, "No human can swim out here without a life vest."

"I saw they had tails for legs." Spike said.

"Tails for legs?" Twilight asked.

"You might be talking about mermaids, Spike." Shining Armor said.

"That's what they were," Spike confirmed, " And they were pretty."

"Boy, I think you've been down in that water so long you started seeing things." a tourist said.

"Well, he almost drowned. Can ya blame him?" another tourist asked.

"But it looked real." Spike assured.

Twilight giggled, before looking over at Spike's shoulder, "Spike, what's that?"

Spike looked at his right shoulder seeing what looked like a bite mark. When Velvet and Night Light saw it, they looked concerned, "Looks like a bite." Night Light said.

"Was it a shark?" a tourist asked.

"That's too small to be a shark bite, and if it was it would be messier than that." Another tourist replied.

"All right, everyone back it up." The captain said, making the tourists give them some room.

"Come on, Spike. Let's take you back to the cabin for some rest." Velvet said, as she and Night Light led their younger son away with Twilight and Shining following.

As Spike walked with his family he recalled what he saw in the water, and thought to himself, 'Thank you so much, whoever you three are.' he smiled happily.

Seven Years Later

The sound of a digital alarm clock went off waking up Spike who was asleep in bed. He groaned before reaching over to his dresser and tapped the snooze button on his cellphone's alarm clock. The now thirteen year old boy rubbed his eyes before looking around his room loaded with super hero merchandise ranging from comics, action figures, posters, and models. The boy yawned before rubbing his eyes, "Sometimes I hate mornings." he groaned, before a knock was heard at his door.

"Spike, are you up yet?" came a girl's voice.

"I am, Twilight!" Spike answered.

"Well, hurry up and get ready. I won't be tardy because of your slacking!"

"All right, I'm coming! Jeez," Spike muttered to himself, as he got out of bed and got changed. After getting dressed he stood before a mirror and smiled to himself before saying, "Oh, yeah."

He left his room and ran into his older sister Twilight who was now sixteen years old. She stood taller than Spike, and sported a C-cup rack. The older girl greeted her younger brother, "Morning, sleepyhead." she giggled.

Spike rolled his eyes, "Give me a break, Twilight."

"Come on. We better get going." Twilight said, as she walked downstairs with Spike following behind.

Later on the two were walking to school, with Spike trying to keep up with Twilight who was power walking, "Twilight, we still got plenty of time until class."

"That's no reason we can't show up before that, Spike." she replied.

"You do know perfect attendance won't do you that much good on your college application." Spike noted.

"You'd be surprised, Spike." his sister replied, while Spike rolled his eyes.

They approach the school which was two individual buildings connected by a link, "Well, I'll see you later, Twilight." Spike told her.

"Have a good day, Spike." Twilight said, as they each went into the individual buildings.

Spike walked through the Junior High Branch of the school, passing multiple students, getting ready for class, or lounging about in the halls. Suddenly a voice spoke out to him, "Hey, Spike!" Spike looked over and saw his two pals, Featherweight and Pipsqueak.

"Feather! Pip! What's up, my bros?" Spike asked, as they fist bumped.

"Just the same old." Pip answered.

"I just got a new camera," Featherweight showed them, "I can't wait to grab some action shots of the sports teams for the next edition of the CHS Gazette."

"Is the cheerleading squad the first team on your list?" Spike nudged him.

"Of course. Have you seen the outfits they wear?" Featherweight asked, while on the verge of salivating, "Wonder if they'll give me their numbers if they like my shots."

"Keep on dreaming, Feather." Pip said with doubt.

"What? You don't think I have a chance?" Feather asked, getting up in Pip's face.

"Well, you have less chances than me or Spike." Pip replied.

"Hey, speak for yourself!" Spike shot.

"Are you ladies done yapping yet?" came another voice, as the three saw the fourth member of their entourage, Tender Taps.

"Tender, what's up?" Spike asked.

"We'll be up if we don't get to class soon," Tender answered, "You know how Professor Flintheart is about tardiness." the boys shuddered, and hurried off to class.

Later on during lunch period, Spike and his boys were sitting at a table enjoying their lunch, with Tender speaking up, "I tell ya, guys. The dance club's been running us harder for the up and coming dance show."

"If anyone can blow away the competition, it's you, Twinkle Toes." Spike joked.

Tender frowned, "I told you not to call me that!"

"Hey, Spike!" cried a female voice.

Spike and his friends looked over seeing two sixteen year old girls running up to them. The first one sported a C-cup rack, and had pale, light-grayish cyan with white highlights colored hair, and her eyes were brilliant gamboge. The second girl bore a D-cup rack, and had moderate cobalt blue with very light fuchsia stripes colored hair, and her eyes were colored moderate arctic blue, "Lyra? Bonbon?" Spike addressed the two.

"Hi, Spike." Bonbon greeted him casually.

Pip, Feather, and Tender whispered amongst themselves, "High school girls! Here at our table!" Feather whispered.

"There is a God!" Pip added.

"Thank you, God." Tender thanked.

Spike ignored his friends, and spoke to the girls, "What're you doing here?"

"I have exciting news," Lyra began while acting excited, "Principal Celestia has approved of my idea for the Cryptid Club!"

"The what?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Spike, I brought this up to you a month ago. A club that focuses around the study of cryptozoology, urban legends, and paranormal activities." Lyra explained.

Spike thought back before answering, "Oh, that club. And?"

"And you're one of it's first members!" the girl cheered.

"Say what?" Spike did a double take, "I never agreed to that!"

Lyra grinned, "I thought you might say that, which is why I had Bonbon record your answer."

Bonbon held up a cassette recorder, and pressed they play button to play the message, "Sure, Lyra, if Principal Celestia actually goes through with your club idea, I'll join."

Spike listened to his voice and replied, "Don't you know when someone's being sarcastic?"

"Too late. It's already been decided." Lyra smirked.

"Sorry, Spike." Bonbon shrugged.

"What if I have my own stuff to do?" Spike asked.

"Come on, your schedule's about as open as mine." Pip spoke up.

Spike turned to Pip and spoke in sarcasm, "Thank you, Pip!"

"Then it's decided!" Lyra clapped her hands, "You'll meet up with us after school in room 303 in the high school section. You better show up." she warned him.

"Trust me, you better." Bonbon added.

"All right, I'll be there." Spike sighed.

"Great! See you then!" Lyra left with Bonbon.

"Well, about time you joined a club, Spike." Tender said.

"How is being part of a supernatural study club going to help with my school standing?" Spike asked.

"Even the littlest or pointless of clubs can help." Feather answered.

"Says the guy who works on the school paper," Spike noted with stink eye, before sighing again, "What have I gotten myself into?"

After school, and most of the students were clearing out, Spike was walking into the high school section of the school building. As he walked through the halls he looked around at all the older students feeling like a minority due to his size. He finally found the room where the club was being held, and knocked on it.

"Come in."

Spike opened the door and went inside. He saw the club room was decorated with pictures of monsters and supernatural creatures on a cork board, with myth and folklore books piled on shelves in a disorganized fashion. He saw Lyra standing by a podium, with Bonbon sitting on a table counter, and sitting in a chair at the table was another girl reading a book.. She was sixteen years old with a DD sized bust hidden underneath a dark purple turtle neck sweater. She had bushy eyebrows, and wore big black glasses with the bridge of it taped together. Her eyes were dark purple, and her hair was colored in a mix of brilliant amaranth, moderate purple, and grayish violet. Her bangs were tied upward with beads.

"Moondancer?" Spike asked the third girl.

Moondancer lifted her head up from the book and answered, "Hey, Spike. How're you?"

"I'm ok. You're part of this club too?"

"Yeah. I don't really have a lot of things to do outside studying. So I thought a simple club like this would help pass time." she answered.

"Well, it's nice to see an old friend will be suffering, I mean studying with me." Spike said. Moondancer couldn't help but chuckle.

Lyra spoke up, "Welcome, everyone, to the first ever meeting of the newly established Cryptid Club!" Bonbon clapped, while Moondancer and Spike slowly applauded, "Now then, as I'm sure you know the focus of this club is to monitor any possible paranormal activities or supernatural occurrences that may be happening in the city and such."

"In other words we'll be going on wild goose chases?" Moondancer asked dryly.

"Don't be so skeptic, Moondancer," Lyra replied, "There is activity out there. Many have chronicled events pertaining to it throughout history. And so will we."

"Do you even know what we're going to even do first?" Spike asked.

"As it so happens, yes. Bonbon, care to explain to them our first case?" Lyra asked.

Bonbon got up and looked through some notes she had on her, "There have been reports of strange noises coming from the ocean close to the beach for the past several nights."

"Strange noises?" Spike asked, "What do they sound like?"

"Many have claimed they sounded like vocalizing." Bonbon explained.

"Could just be people singing on the beach." Moondancer suggested.

"That's why we're going to find out what it is. If it's not of this world then we'll go down in history." Lyra stood proudly with a flag waving behind her.

"And if it's not?" Spike asked.

Lyra answered, "Then we move onto another case." Spike and Moondancer face faulted, "Ok, you guys go home and grab any essentials. We meet by the beach at Four O'clock sharp. Any questions?" Spike raised a hand, but Lyra cut him off, "You're all dismissed." she left the club followed by Bonbon. Spike looked at Moondancer who shrugged, and they left the room as well.

Spike returned home and went to his room. He emptied his backpack of his books and packed a few snacks and comic books in it. Twilight who was passing by, poked her head into his room, and spoke, "Where are you off to?"

"Club activity." he answered.

"Club activity?" she asked, before gasping, "Spike, have you joined a club?"

"Against my will, but more or less."

Twilight smiled, and went over to Spike hugging him from behind, "Oh, Spike, I'm so happy for you!" she cheered, while unintentionally pressing her bust into his back.

"Twilight, too close!" Spike cried, while blushing at the feeling of her rack pressed into his back.

"Sorry about that," she let him go, "So what club is it? Cooking, Science, Math?"

"Try the Cryptid club."

Twilight raised a brow in confusion, "Cryptid club?"

"Yeah. Something Lyra Heartstrings pitched to Principal Celestia who just approved it."

"I see. Anybody else in this club?" she wondered.

"Me, Lyra, Bonbon, and Moondancer." Spike listed off.

"Just you four?"

"Well, it just started so don't expect too many." Spike replied.

"True. So what'll you guys be doing?"

"Scoping out any sights where reported unnatural activity took place. Yeah, I know it sounds like a big waste of time, but it's not like I'll be doing anything better." he sighed.

Twilight smiled, "Well, as long as you're participating in something it'll do something for your school participation."

"Right. Well, I better get going. Don't know how long I'll be gone. So tell mom and dad I may be missing dinner."

"Just try not to stay out too late." Twilight warned him.

"I know, because it's a school night." Spike said with air quotes, before grabbing his skateboard and left his room. Outside he got on his board and boarded off into the city.

As Spike skateboarded along, he reached the beach area and saw Lyra, Bonbon, and Moondancer setting up chairs. He got off his board and walked down to the beach, "Hey, girls."

"Spike, glad you made it." Lyra greeted.

"Everything's all set up, as you can see." Bonbon showed him.

"Nice." Spike said, as he took a seat on one of the chairs.

"So answer me this, Lyra," Moondancer began, "If the occurrences happened at night, then why're we here so early?"

"To make sure we don't miss a thing." Lyra answered.

"Well, let's make sure we don't stay out too late," Spike said, "I have a curfew without supervision."

"I know. My parents would freak if I stayed out too late too." Bonbon agreed.

"Ok, guys. If it gets too late and nothing happens we'll pack it in." Lyra promised.

"Thank you." Moondancer said.

"Until then, we can just relax." Spike said, as he grabbed a soda from the cooler Lyra brought.

The group sat around on the beach relaxing with Spike reading one of his comics, and Moondancer nose deep in a book. Occasionally, Bonbon would go and pick up extra food for the club whenever they got hungry.

When nighttime rolled in, the club members were sitting around a lantern that was lit. Moondancer looked at her watch, and spoke to the club leader, "Lyra, it's already eight, and nothing's happened."

"Hate to say it, but we came out here to find nothing." Spike added.

"They're right, Lyra," Bonbon agreed, "We can't stay out here any later, and it's already getting cold. Let's call it for a night."

Lyra looked around seeing her friends were getting bored, and she couldn't deny it either that nothing's been happening since the sun went down, "All right. Pack it in, guys. We'll check around here another night."

Spike and Moondancer sighed in relief, as they started folding up the chairs. Before they could leave, they suddenly heard the sound of vocalizing echoing around the beach, "Wait, you hear that?" Bonbon asked.

"I hear it too." Lyra listened.

"So do I." Moondancer agreed.

"Yeah, and me..." Spike was cut off, as he clutched his right shoulder and groaned. This caught the attention of the three girls.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Lyra asked in worry.

"Are you ok?" Bonbon asked in concern.

"My shoulder, it's burning." Spike groaned, while clutching his right shoulder.

"Let me have a look." Moondancer said, as she removed Spike's jacket to see the marking on his shoulder was glowing a bit, "Whoa." she gasped.

"Freaky." Lyra gasped.

Bonbon looked around the beach, trying to pinpoint the source of the singing, "I don't see anyone out here but us."

Suddenly the singing ceased, and at the same time, Spike's mark stopped glowing, "Oh, finally." Spike sighed in relief as the burning sensation stopped.

"Spike, where did you get this mark?" Lyra asked, while inspecting it.

"I had that when I was six, on that day I fell overboard on a cruise ship." he answered.

"How did you get it?" Moondancer asked.

"Doctors say it was a fish bite. But not lethal."

"Why was it glowing?" Bonbon wondered.

"I have no idea." Spike replied.

"Whatever it is, it must've been connected with the singing that just happened." Lyra suspected.

"What do we do now?" Moondancer asked.

"Not much we can do." Lyra answered.

"Why don't we go home and talk about this tomorrow?" Bonbon suggested.

"Excellent idea, Bonbon." Lyra agreed, as the four packed it in and headed home. As they left, they were unaware of three figures watching them from the ocean.

When Spike returned home, he went inside finding his parents and Twilight watching the news in the living room, "Cutting it kind of close, aren't you?" Velvet asked.

"Sorry, mom." he answered.

"You look tired, Spike." Twilight noted.

"Sitting out on the beach for hours doing nothing but waiting will do that to you." he answered, "I'm going to bed. Night." he retreated to his room, where he dropped his backpack on the floor and dropped down on his bed falling asleep.

The next day at school, Spike was walking the halls with his boys, discussing the events of last night leaving out what happened with him, "You spent all that time on the beach without seeing a single girl in a bikini?" Feather asked.

"I know, it's a sad story." Spike sighed.

"But at least you got to hang out with three older and attractive girls." Tender noted.

"True, though it wasn't as fun as it sounds."

"Maybe one day you'll get lucky." Pip cheered him up.

"Yeah, that'll be the day." Spike answered in sarcasm, until three voices cried out.

"SPIKE!" Spike turned around and saw three sixteen year old girls he's never met before running up to him. One of them had purple hair with turquoise highlights done up in pigtails, the second had cerulean hair with dark blue highlights done up in a ponytail, and the third had big poofy hair colored orange with gold highlights. What they had in common was not only did they have E cup sized busts, but also wore a red gem necklace. Spike was taken by surprise, as the three jumped Spike tackling him to the floor.

"Ow!" he groaned. He looked up seeing the three girls looking down at him with excited looks.

"Spike, it really is you!" the poof haired girl began.

"Been a long time." the pig-tailed girl added.

"You look so handsome now." the pony-tailed girl finished.

"Um, do I know you three?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Yeah. Well, not directly." the pony-tailed girl answered.

"We met you years ago when you were just a kid." the poofy haired girl explained.

"That time you fell off a boat." the pig-tailed girl added.

Spike was lost for words at what these girls were saying, and how they knew about the incident where he almost drowned. But he could tell something was definitely up.

Mermaid's Chosen Love

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Spike laid on the floor of the school hall, looking up at the three beautiful girls who pinned him down. So much was rushing through his mind it was almost too much for him to handle, "How do you know about the time I fell overboard?"

"We were there. We just told you." the pony-tailed girl answered.

"There how? Were you passengers on that cruise?" Spike continued to question them, while trying to keep himself together as their busty racks pressed down onto his body.

"I'm afraid not." the big haired girl answered.

Spike finally noticed all the students present in the hallway were looking down at Spike with mixed looks of envy and jealousy. The boy spoke to the three wanting to avert the students attention, "Listen, could you three let me up? This isn't the kind of place to be doing this," The three abiding by Spike's wish got off him, so he could get back on his feet, "Ok, start over. Who are you three?"

The big orange haired girl answered, "I am Adagio Dazzle. And these are my sisters."

The pig tailed girl spoke, "Aria Blaze."

"And I'm Sonata Dusk." the pony tailed girl giggled.

"All right. And you remember me from that incident seven years ago?" the boy inquired.

"Uh-huh." Aria nodded.

"But I don't recognize you three from the ship."

"We weren't on the ship, silly." Sonata replied.

"Well, then where else could you have been?" Spike asked while getting agitated.

"Sorry, but this isn't the time to discuss it right now," Adagio replied, "We'll talk after school. Right now we need to meet with the principal for registration."

"See you soon." Aria winked, as the three walked away with a sashay of their hips.

Spike's eyes were glued to the sight, until he heard his boys speak up firmly, "Spike!"

Spike turned to see his boys glaring daggers at him, "What the hell was that about?!" Featherweight demanded.

"How do those girls know who you are?" Pip inquired.

Spike got nervous from their angry looks, and answered, "I'm honestly just as surprised as you. I don't even know those three."

"Well, they sure seem to know you." Tender replied, while crossing his arms.

"I can't believe you've been holding out on us!" Pip whined.

"Pip, it's nothing like that!" Spike said in exasperation, while noticing the other student started walking away and gossiping among themselves. He sighed knowing he wasn't going to hear the end of this any time soon.

As the day went on, Spike spent his classes and lunch period pondering on what those three girls meant, 'They were there the day I drowned, but they weren't on the cruise,' he recalled what he told everyone that day on how he survived, 'Wait a minute, could they... No, it couldn't be.' he dismissed the idea and continued to enjoy his day.

After school, Spike walked his way to the club room where Lyra, Bonbon, and Moondancer were waiting, "Good, you're here, Spike," Lyra began, "Now I know last night's stakeout was a long shot."

"More like a misfire." Spike snarked.

Lyra ignored Spike's remark, and continued, "But I promise you next one will be better."

Moondancer sighed, "Don't tell us you already got another sighting."

"Well, you'll be happy to know there is no stakeout tonight," Lyra answered, "I have a previous engagement with my family. It's family game night, and I promised not to miss it."

"What a relief." Spike said to himself.

"So until tomorrow you're all dismissed." Lyra dismissed them.

"See you later, guys." Bonbon took her leave followed by Moondancer.

Spike took his leave and walked out of the room. After leaving the building, he saw the trio of girls from the hall waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. Seeing them, he thought to himself, 'Oh, great. It's them. What do I do now? Well, if I avoid them I'll never know how they met me. Might as well get it over with,' he thought before reaching the last stair, "Uh, hi, girls." he greeted them.

"Hi, Spike." Adagio greeted.

"We're so relieved," Sonata began, much to Spike's confusion, "We thought you weren't going to meet up with us."

"Well, you girls piqued my interest. You have answers about my past, and I want them." Spike replied.

"And we'll tell you everything." Aria promised.

"But not right here," Adagio said, "Let's go someplace more private, shall we?"

'Private?' Spike thought, as several ideas ran through his head like the possibility of a love hotel. Before he could answered, Aria and Sonata took his arms and dragged him along.

"Come on!" Sonata called.

"Hey! Don't drag me!" Spike protested, as he tried to keep up with them.

The girls led Spike through the city all the way back to the beach the club was staking out last night, "You're bringing me back here?" he asked.

"We know a place here where no one will find us." Aria said, as they walked along the beach with the girls trying not to get too close to the water. The four walked, until spotting a cave on the other side of the beach.

"There it is." Sonata said, as the four went inside.

"I didn't even know this place existed." Spike looked around the cave.

"Not many do. Which is good for us." Adagio said, as the three took a seat on a boulder, while Spike sat on the opposite side of them.

"All right, talk. Who are you three and how do you know about me and that day I almost died?" Spike demanded.

"We already told you our names," Sonata replied, "But in case you don't remember, I'm Sonata, that's Adagio, and..." Sonata had her mouth clamped shut by Aria who spoke to her.

"He knows that already, Sonata."

Adagio nodded, "And we also told you, Spike. We were there the day you drowned."

"How? You weren't on the boat, so where else could you have been?" Spike asked, as his patience was wearing thin.

"We were in the water with you." Aria answered, hoping to calm him down.

"In the water?" Spike repeated, "Impossible. If I couldn't swim out there no way any of you could."

"Don't you remember us swimming down to help you?" Sonata asked feeling hurt.

"Huh?" Spike raised a brow, before realizing what Sonata meant, "No that can't be. I was a kid. I was obviously seeing things."

"You weren't seeing things, Spike," Adagio replied, "That was us."

Spike looked at the three, before speaking, "You are the mermaids that saved me?"

"Right-o!" Sonata cheered.

"But that's impossible. Mermaids aren't real!" he denied it.

"He doesn't believe us?" Sonata gasped.

"Of course he doesn't," Adagio replied, "He's a surface dweller after all. Not many believe in what they cannot see or have never seen before."

"So maybe we should give him proof?" Aria suggested.

"Excellent idea," Adagio smirked before turning to Sonata, "Sonata."


"Sit there, and don't move."

"Ok... Wait, what?" she asked, before Aria restrained her from behind, as Adagio pulled out a water bottle from her backpack, "Hey, how come I have to be the one to give proof?"

"You want him to believe, don't you?" Aria asked.

"Well, yeah..." Sonata trailed off, until Adagio stood before her with the bottle of water uncapped.

"Then hold still." the lead girl poured some of the water on Sonata's leg.

Spike watched as the water made contact with Sonata's leg, her body began to glow. When the glow died down, Spike's eyes widened in shock at Sonata. The girl lower half suddenly became a mermaid tail colored arctic bluish white, and she was no longer wearing a top, but rather a bra made from seashells in the same color as her mermaid tail. Spike eyed Sonata up taking in what he was looking at and processing it, while also feeling aroused by her hotness. He finally shouted, "Holy crap!"

"Now do you believe us?" Adagio asked.

"What? But how? You were just..." Spike stammered.

"You see we can retain human form, but if we get ourselves wet by water we turn back into our mermaid forms." Aria explained.

"And we can only regain our human legs after we've dried off." Sonata added, while trying to dry off.

Spike calmed down, before speaking, "Ok, you got my attention. You're all mermaids. I can believe it now. And it was you three that saved me?"

"Yeah. How many times do we have to tell you?" Aria asked getting annoyed.

"Though why?" Spike asked, "Not to sound ungrateful, but why go out of your way to help a boy like me?"

"You didn't deserve to drown like that," Adagio began, "Many people have died out at sea the way you have, but we couldn't let someone so young go the way others have."

"Well, thanks." Spike said.

"Plus we really wanted to see you again. So we left a little calling card if you will." Aria said.

"Calling card?" then boy asked.

"That mark on your shoulder." Adagio pointed to him.

Spike lifted his short sleeve up showing them the mark, "This? That was you?

"Uh-huh." Sonata admitted.

"Wait. You bit me?" Spike asked in shock.

"We prefer the term 'mark'," Adagio answered, "And specifically, Mate Mark."

"Mate Mark?" Spike asked feeling nervous.

"Yes. We've labeled you Spike, as our life long partner." Adagio declared.

"You mean like marriage?" Spike asked, while beginning to sweat.

"That's right." Aria smirked.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You can't honestly expect me to accept this!" Spike waved his hands around in protest.

"That's mermaid law." Sonata replied.

"We would've brought you to live with us, but you were simply too young to reproduce." Adagio said.

"I was six, so of course I couldn't. And wait, brought me to live with you?" Spike asked, "You mean you weren't originally planning to send me back to the surface?"

"Not important now." Aria replied, as Spike scowled.

"But now that you're finally a teenager, you're more than capable of performing such a task." Adagio said.

"Hold it. If you all mate marked me, then why do I only have one bite?" Spike looked at his mark.

"We combined our energies so only one of us needed to mark you on behalf of all three of us." Sonata explained.

"I was the one to initiate the mark." Adagio winked.

"Plus we really needed to do it." Aria said.

"Why?" Spike wondered.

"Well, ya see, our kind is on the verge of extinction." Adagio explained.


"Yeah, it's so sad!" Sonata bawled on Aria, who comforted her.

"You see over the years mankind has hunted our species intentionally or unintentionally." Aria elucidated.

"Whoa." Spike gasped.

"So we feel it is important for us to repopulate our kind." Adagio said.

"Can't you repopulate with any of your own species?" Spike wondered.

"Not so many mermen are our ages, and the current ones aren't our type." Aria answered.

"Picky much?" Spike muttered.

"So we've decided to try our chances with a human, and trust us it's taken us a long time." Adagio added.

"A long time? How long?" Spike asked.

"We may look sixteen, but we're actually over a hundred," Sonata explained, "The age process for merfolk is slow."

"Good to know." Spike replied, still feeling creeped out by all he was being told.

"But we can't just mate with any human," Adagio continued, "The one of our choosing must be pure of heart in order for us to give birth."

Aria added, "If the chosen one is not worthy or pure, then it is our law to drown them."

"You have a lot of strict rules." Spike shivered.

"The mark we left on you not only stands for the symbol of our marriage, but can also determine if you're pure of heart." Adagio explained.


"We'll show you," Adagio turned to her sisters, "Sing." the three vocalized.

Spike remembered that sound from the beach last night, "That singing was you three?" he asked, before groaning as his mark started to glow like before, "Oh, man that stings!"

The trio stopped singing, "It also means you're pure of heart." Sonata said, as she finally got dry enough to regain her legs and clothes.

"Even after all these years." Adagio smiled.

"Question. How did you girls find me?"

"We waited over the years hoping to find you again since that day, but never did." Aria answered.

"We even ventured out on land asking all around for the whereabouts of the boy with your description." Sonata added.

Spike asked dryly, "So you just walked around asking complete strangers if they've seen a boy who would've been just about anybody?"

"Well that was one method. Other times we'd sing at night in various places we traveled to hoping to feel your presence through your marking," Adagio answered, "But last night when we were doing our routine melody, we could feel your mark glow. We knew for sure it was really you. We popped our heads out of the sea and there you were."

"We did some digging on you and had ourselves enrolled at your school." Aria added.

"Pretty cool, right?" Sonata asked.

"Yeah... Cool." Spike replied sheepishly.

"And now that we've found you, we can truly be happy." Adagio embraced him, followed by the others.

"Girls, please!" Spike protested through muffles, as his face was being smothered into their busts. The girls eased up so he could speak, "I can't just marry you three I'm under age. And I'm not eloping. My parents would kill me."

"We hear you, since we understand the surface world has its own set of rules." Adagio admitted.

"But still we've marked you so you're all ours." Aria smirked.

"Oh, terrific." Spike sighed.

"It's not so bad." Sonata replied.

"Yeah, how do you figure?" Spike inquired.

"Well, think about it. You got three beautiful attractive girls who want to be with you." Aria began.

"Think of how popular you'll be." Adagio smirked.

"Popular in the wrong ways." Spike replied, remembering the envious looks he received from his friends and half the male student body.

"Trust us, you'll learn to love it." Sonata assured him.

Spike sighed knowing he couldn't change their minds, "Very well, think what you want. Just don't tell anybody at school about this."

"We wouldn't think of it." Adagio replied.

"Good. Last thing I need is to be taken in for questioning." Spike feared, as he envisioned himself being questioned by the fuzz via good cop and bad cop routine.

"Oh, this is so great!" Sonata cheered.

"You know, this calls for a little musical number." Adagio turned to her sisters.

"You're gonna sing?" Spike asked nervously.

"Duh." Aria replied.

"Please, I don't want my mark to burn again." Spike pleaded.

"Don't worry, it only glows if we want it to when we sing." Adagio promised him, making Spike feel relieved. So Spike got comfortable, as Adagio continued, "Consider yourself lucky for you get to be the first every audience to us 'The Dazzlings'." And with that the three girls began to sing.


Spike listened to the trio sing, feeling as if their voices were soothing his very soul. He thought to himself, 'Wow. Those three really have some set of pipes. I guess mermaids really do have voices of goddess'.' he continued to watch them, as they moved their bodies to the rhythm. Through a combination of their beautiful voices, swaying hips, and shaking breasts Spike couldn't help but feel flustered.

When the three finished, they took a bow while Spike applauded. Adagio spoke, "I take it you were satisfied?"

"You three were awesome. You should really be making music." Spike answered.

"You're sweet." Sonata smiled.

Spike checked his watch, "Oh, I gotta get home. Will you girls be ok?"

"Don't worry about us." Adagio said.

"Yeah, we're staying with an old surface friend while we're here." Aria added.

"Others know what you are?" Spike wondered.

"Only a few." Sonata admitted.

"Well, just keep the fact your mermaids on the D.L at school. And don't mention to anyone about wanting to be my brides." Spike warned them.

"You have our word." Adagio promised.

"Good. Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Spike said, as he got up.

"A moment, Spike," Adagio said, as the three approached him, "We want to give you one last thing."

"What?" Spike asked, and suddenly to his surprise found Adagio claiming his lips in a passionate kiss. It happened so fast, Spike couldn't protest or resist. When they parted, Aria smirked and threw her arms around Spike kissing him as well. After Aria, Sonata pulled Spike close and gave him a kiss too. When they parted, Spike stood bearing a flabbergasted look on his face before speaking to the three, "I got to go." he ran off not wanting them to see the blush on his face.

The Dazzlings watched him head out, as Adagio spoke to her sisters, "He's so adorable."

"And hot." Aria smirked.

"And cute." Sonata giggled.

"We've picked a keeper, girls." Adagio said, as the girls chuckle with each other.

As Spike ran he thought to himself, 'I just received my first kiss from three hot older girls. I'm so damn lucky.'

Spike returned home and saw Twilight sitting down while reading a book, "Hey, Twilight." he greeted her.

"Hi, Spike. I thought your club meeting was cut short today."

"It was, but I went elsewhere just to pass some time." Spike answered, not daring to tell her where he was.

"Well, just make sure you got all your homework done." she reminded him.

"Don't pull a mom on me," Spike groaned, "So anything happen to you today?"

"Well, we got three new students in my class." she replied.

Spike did a double take, "Three new students?"

"Yeah. You wouldn't believe how many boys were drooling over them. I mean how lovesick can a guy get?" she chuckled.

Spike chuckled sheepishly, "Yeah, how?" he headed for his room. He closed the door and let out a sigh of relief, "I definitely cannot tell Twilight about this. If she found out, she'd never let me out of her sight or let me hear the end of it," he looked at his shoulder mark, "All this time I thought it was just a bite, but it's always been a mate mark. This is going to be a long complicated school year."

Join the Club

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As the sun rose up, Spike was awoken by the alarm on his phone. After hitting the snooze button, he got up and got ready before heading out with Twilight. As the siblings walked to school, Spike spoke up, "I hope Lyra doesn't make us wait on the beach until sundown again."

"What're you complaining about?" Twilight asked, "Aren't you just going to do the same thing you did there and read comics?"

Spike looked up at her, and answered, "Nevertheless."

Twilight suddenly smirked, and nudged him playfully, "Or is it you don't want the girls to know about your more private comics?"

Spike glared at her, "Don't even go there, Twilight."

"I'm just messing with you, Spike." Twilight giggled, while ruffling her brothers head.

Spike sighed, as they walked along, until three voices called out, "Spike!" Spike's eyes widened, as the sibs turned and saw Adagio, Aria, and Sonata run over before stopping before them.

"Morning, Spike." Adagio greeted him.

"Uh, morning, girls." Spike replied nervously, before turning to Twilight who was confused.

She looked at Spike, "How do you know them? And how do you three know my brother?" she asked the Dazzlings.

"Oh, morning, Twilight. How're you?" Sonata asked cheerfully.

"I'm fine, I just... Hey, don't change the subject. I'll ask again, how do you know Spike?" the girl inquired.

"Oh, Spike is your brother?" Aria asked, "We had no idea." she smirked and winked at Spike.

"We actually met Spike after school yesterday." Adagio began.

"Is this true?" Twilight asked Spike, who answered quickly.

"Yes. Saw them after school yesterday." the last thing he wanted to tell her was the truth about them and himself.

"Since we're all on our way to school, why don't we walk together?" Sonata suggested.

"And excellent suggestion, Sonata. Come on, Spike." Adagio took Spike's hand, and dragged him along close to her.

"Not so tight!" Spike cried, as Twilight tried walking with them, but was blocked off from getting close to Spike by Sonata and Aria.

'Who do they think they are?' Twilight thought in irritation.

As they reached school, Adagio spoke to Spike, "Well, we better get to class. We'll see you around ok?" she winked flirtatiously.

"Uh, right." Spike answered, bashfully.

"Later." Aria said, before following Adagio.

"Bye-bye." Sonata followed her sisters.

When the trio left, Twilight turned to Spike looking very suspicious, "So, Spike. Care to tell me what that was all about?"

"What was what?" Spike asked nervously.

"That! Why is it the three new girls in my class are all of a sudden hanging off you like you're their boy toy or something?" she demanded.

"Honestly, I wish I knew." Spike played ignorant.

"Have you been doing something you shouldn't be doing, Spike?" Twilight squinted her eyes at him.

"Twilight, you know me better than anyone."

"Even so. For as long as I've known you, you've never had girls throw themselves at you."

"Well, maybe I'm finally getting lucky enough to be noticed. Ever think about that?" Spike retorted.

Twilight sighed, "Whatever. I'll see you later, Spike."

"Later, Twilight," Spike said, as the sibs went their separate ways. He sighed to himself, and thought, 'Jeez, never knew Twilight to be that overprotective. And besides despite them being mermaids and over who knows how many years old, I actually like the idea of girls being into me. Oh, well. I'll deal with them later.'

When school came and went, Spike left class and headed for the club room. He entered to see the other three members there, "Hey, girls."

"Hey, Spike." Bonbon greeted happily.

"So now that Spike's here, what're we doing today, Lyra?" Moondancer inquired.

"Well, we're once again scoping out the beach for any possible signs of activity," Lyra explained, resulting in the other three groaning, much to her irritation, "Don't worry, we're not staying out late this time. Just three hours tops. I promise."

"We'll hold you to it." Spike said.

"Then it's decided we'll meet at the beach at four. See you all then," Lyra dismissed them. As Bonbon and Moondancer left, Spike stayed behind, "Everything ok, Spike?"

"I'm just curious, Lyra. Can we really keep this club going with just us four?" Spike inquired, "I mean sooner or later something might come up and the school will have to cut one of the lesser clubs lose. And this club will most certainly be the first hit."

Lyra smiled and answered, "I hear your concern, Spike. Trust me Bonbon and I have been talking to students all around into joining it."

"And how's that working out?" Spike asked.

"It's slow, but I have a feeling we'll pull through." Lyra answered confidently.

"For your sake it better." Spike said, as he got up and left the room.

Spike walked home and went inside to see a few pairs of shoes at the door, "Huh, Twilight has her friends over." he went to his room and decided to relax for a bit before heading out to the beach.

After getting enough rest he grabbed his skateboard, but just when he opened his bedroom door it slammed open and something tackled Spike to the floor, "Ow." he groaned, before looking up to see a girl was on top of him with her face very close to his own.

The girl had pink hair in a poofy fashion, blue eyes, and a well endowed figure. She greeted Spike with a big smile, "Hi, Spike!"

"Pinkie, you really shouldn't surprise someone like that." Spike said.

"But I love to surprise people, silly," the girl named Pinkie giggled, before gazing down at Spike, "You have beautiful eyes."

Spike felt flustered, before shaking it off and spoke, "Pinkie, you better get off me before someone comes in and sees our compromising position."

As if on cue, Twilight walked in and noticed her friend practically straddling Spike. The sight of this got Twilight red in the face, and shouted, "What is going on in here?!"

"Twi, it's not what you think." Spike said dryly.

Rushing into the room were the rest of Twilight's friends being four more girls. One had blonde hair and wore a brown stetson hat, the second had rainbow colored hair, the third had long pale pink hair that practically covered one side of her face, and the fourth had elegantly curled purple hair. One thing the four of them had in common with Twilight and Pinkie was that they had well endowed figures. They were Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity.

"Whoa, bad timing?" Rainbow asked with a chuckle.

"Spike and Pinkie Pie are..." Fluttershy started getting flustered.

"Honestly, have you two no self respect?" Rarity sighed.

"And with the door opened no less?" Applejack shook her head.

"Whoopsie." Pinkie grinned.

"Pinkie, please dismount. I really have to bail." Spike said.

"All right." Pinkie got off Spike, so he could get up.

"Are you going out again, Spike?" Twilight asked.

"Lyra has us scoping out the beach again for more leads on possible mermaid sightings." Spike explained.

"That's sure to be fun." Pinkie smiled.

"Or a wild goose chase." Rainbow replied.

"Just make sure you're home on time." Twilight waved a finger at Spike.

"Don't worry, this time we don't plan to be staying out too late." her brother assured him.

"Is it just you and the club?" Twilight asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Spike wondered.

"No reason." Twilight asked, as she looked away.

Spike rolled his eyes knowing what she was suspicious about, but said nothing. He grabbed his skateboard and spoke, "See you all later." he headed out.

Applejack was curious and spoke to Twilight, "What were ya so suspicious about, Twilight?"

"Yeah, you sounded like Spike was doing more than just club activity." Pinkie noted.

"It's nothing." she replied.

"Come on, Twi. We know when something's up." Applejack told her.

"Talk to us, darling." Rarity beckoned her.

Twilight sighed, "All right. I just have this feeling the three new girls have their eyes set on Spike."

"The new girls?" Fluttershy asked.

"You mean, Adagio, Aria,, and Sonata from class?" Pinkie asked.


"And why would you think that?" Rainbow inquired.

"Maybe because while we were walking to school this morning, they just showed up out of nowhere and started getting too chummy with him while acting like they didn't want me near him. I didn't even know they even met." Twilight said with irritation.

"Well, that is unusual." Applejack admitted.

"Yeah. I mean what're the odds of Spike getting hit on by older girls?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, we did, remember?" Fluttershy reminded her.

"That was years ago, and it was just us messing with him." Rainbow retorted.

"Actually, I wasn't really messing with him." Rarity admitted.

"Oh, that I needed to hear." Twilight said in sarcasm.

"Sorry, Twilight." Rarity said sheepishly.

"My point is, I don't want them going after Spike if they're just looking to get something out of him."

"Like money?" Pinkie asked.

"That or anything else."

"Twilight, we know you're Spike's big sister, but you can't keep coddling him forever." Applejack told her.

"Says, the girl who barely let's Applebloom out of her sight?" Rainbow teased.

"Hey, that's different. That little sis of mine's always getting herself into the darnedest of troubles." A.J argued.

"Same with Sweetie Belle, unfortunately." Rarity sighed.

"Well, Scotaloo tends to be that way too." Rainbow admitted.

"Mostly due to the fact you're such an influence on her." Applejack noted, making Rainbow Dash cringe.

"Point being, Twilight," Rarity continued, "Spike is growing up and will be in high school soon enough. So you better get used to him seeing other girls."

"Yeah, save the worry stuff for your parents. Let them be the concerned ones." Rainbow added.

"Aren't I entitled to be concerned for my brother?" Twilight inquired.

"Of course you are." Fluttershy answered.

"Just don't go so over protective you start following him like a stalker." Pinkie warned her.

"All right. I'll give him his space. But if there's any signs of those three trying anything indecent with my bro, they're going to be in for it." Twilight promised them.

Rainbow laughed, "You think you can go postal on anyone with those scrawny arms?" Twilight's face turned red in embarrassment but didn't dignify her with an answer.

Later Spike had boarded all the way to the beach where he saw his fellow members were waiting, "Hey, girls," he greeted, "So, Lyra, what are we going to be looking for again?"

"Any possible signs of mermaid activity. If any of you see any kind of evidence give a text." Lyra instructed.

"Well, guess we should start looking." Moondancer sighed.

"Agreed." Bonbon nodded, as the four split up to patrol different sides of the beach.

As Spike walked along the shore, he took the occasional glance out into the ocean. He thought to himself with the Dazzlings on his mind, 'Those three really came from all the way out there. I hope they didn't leave behind anything that could give themselves away.' he suddenly her his cellphone beep. He checked to see a text from Lyra, "Meet me down by the big rock. I may have found something." Spike curiously ran down the beach kicking up sand.

He, Moondancer, and Bonbon arrived close to the big rock close to the shore seeing Lyra. Bonbon addressed her BFF, "What's going on, Lyra?"

"My friends, I have found solid proof of the existence of mermaids. Behold!" she held up a little scale colored arctic bluish white.

Spike eyed the scale and recalled it was the same color as Sonata's mermaid tail. He felt nervous hoping it wouldn't get traced back to Sonata, until Moondancer spoke up sounding deadpan, "You found a colored rock. Oh, joy!"

"This is not a rock, Moondancer," Lyra replied seriously, "This is a bonafide mermaid scale."

"How can you be sure it's bonafide?" Spike asked pretending to be skeptical.

"Because I checked the book," Lyra pulled out a book on lore, before flipping it to a section on mermaids, "The properties of this scale are exactly like how they're described here."

"Are you sure they're not just from a regular fish?" Bonbon suggested.

"Bonnie, help me out here." Lyra pleaded.

"Look, maybe it's a mermaid scale or maybe it's not," Spike spoke up, "Let's just say we finally got possible proof of mermaids existence and call it a day?"

"Correct. The fact we have proof here proves that mermaids are real. Congratulations, club mates. Next time we're on the hunt for another sighting of anything else we'll get even more undeniable proof." Lyra declared.

"Booyah!" Bonbon cheered in support.

"Yay." Moondancer said dryly.

"Can't wait." Spike finished trying to sound excited.

Once the club members were dismissed, Spike decided to go and grab a quick bite at a Mega Burger. He saw sitting in a booth enjoying his meal, until he heard a voice speak up, "Hey, Spike."

Spike quickly looked up seeing Adagio, Aria, and Sonata carrying food trays with Burger meals like he had. Spike immediately became shocked, "Girls! What're you three doing here?"

"We just dropped in for a bite." Aria answered, as the three sat down at the booth with Adagio sitting next to Spike.

"Hope you don't mind some company." Adagio said, as she flirtatiously brushed her left breast against Spike's shoulder turning him red in the face.

"Uh no-not really no." Spike stammered, while trying to keep himself together.

"That's great," Sonata said, as she took a bite out of her burger, "Mm, yummy."

"So what've you been up to?" Aria inquired.

"I was just finishing up with my club, actually." Spike answered.

"You're in a school club?" Adagio asked with interest.

"Yes, well drafted against my will, but more or less."

"What kinda club is it?" Sonata asked.

"A Cryptid Club. It's sole focus is to monitor any possible paranormal activities or supernatural occurrences in the city. In other words, proving the existence of creatures from lore. Much like yourselves." he whispered the last part.

"Us?" Sonata gasped, and shivered.

"Yeah. And I have a feeling you girls may want to really keep a low profile more than ever." Spike warned them.

"Why?" Aria asked.

"I think my club found one of Sonata's mermaid scales down by the big rock at the beach."

"What?!" the three gasped, as Adagio and Aria turned to their sister who smiled nervously.

"And on another note, don't get my sister mad." Spike begged.

"Why do you think we got her mad?" Adagio asked in confusion.

Spike rolled his eyes, and spoke in sarcasm, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because you three got all clingy to me this morning while acting like you were trying to keep her from being anywhere near me."

"We did that?" Sonata asked in confusion.

Spike sighed, "Yes, you did, Sonata. Point being next time we're around Twilight, behave."

"If that's what you want, then we'll be better for you." Adagio promised.

"Thank you, girls. I really appreciate this." Spike smiled.

Aria seeing this smirked, "You know something, Spike?"

"Hm?" he raised a brow, as Aria leaned over and whispered.

"When you smile like that, you look real sweet." Aria licked the bottom of Spike's earlobe.

Spike backed into the end of the booth on the window side gawking and stammering with a blush on his face. Aria snickered at his reaction, while Adagio frowned and Sonata pouted. Adagio spoke to her bold sister, "Aria, that was a underhanded move."

"And you promised you'd be fair like us." Sonata complained.

"Oh, well, guess I couldn't help myself." she chuckled.

"Well, then I'm next!" Sonata cried, as she grabbed Spike's face from across the table bringing him over to her and licked his earlobe as well. This in turn made Spike's sweat bullets, and was suddenly pulled over by Adagio who initiated her own lick to his earlobe.

"Mm, that felt good." Adagio giggled with Sonata.

Spike's face was pure red, and wanted to get out of there before anyone in the place could see him, "Gotta go, girls. Later!" he left the place and skateboarded home. When he finally calmed down he recalled how each lick sent a shiver through his body, and thought, 'Actually, that felt kinda good.'

The very next day after school. Spike and Moondancer entered the club room to see Lyra and Bonbon were waiting, "So what's on the agenda today, Lyra?" Spike inquired.

"Actually, I have good news for all of you."

"Good news?" Moondance raised a brow.

"What is it?" Spike inquired.

"We have three new members joining us today." Lyra explained with excitement.

"Three new members?" Moondancer asked.

Spike tensed up at the number three, but thought, 'No, it couldn't be,' The door to the club room opened, and stepping in were Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, 'It could.' he thought in shock.

"Hey, everyone." Adagio greeted.

"Welcome. So glad you made it," Lyra welcomed them inside, "Even if anyone knows who you are please introduce yourselves."

"Of course. I'm Adagio Dazzle."

"I'm Aria Blaze."

"And I'm Sonata Dusk.

Adagio spoke as the three stood together, "And together we're The Dazzlings!" they struck a pose each.

"What's that some sort of Charlie's Angels meets Spice Girls title?" Moondancer asked.

"Clever, but no." Adagio replied.

"Hi, Spike!" Sonata waved at him.

"Hey, girls." Spike waved nervously.

"You three already know Spike?" Bonbon asked the Dazzlings.

"Yeah. We've hung out after school since we started attending." Aria answered.

"Well, you'll be doing that a lot more now that you're part of our club," Lyra began, "But you swear to help us uncover the mysterious truths out there in the world?"

"I solemnly swear." Adagio swore with a raised right hand.

"I swear." Sonata raised her right hand.

Arai raised her hand and answered, "I'd swear but standards won't let me."

"Then welcome aboard!" Lyra cheered, before turning to Spike, "See, Spike. I told you we'd get new members eventually."

"Right. Listen, could I speak with our three new members privately, Lyra?" Spike requested.

"Ok, just be sure to make it quick. We got a lot to talk about."

"No problem." Spike pulled the Dazzlings outside and closed the door before speaking to the three, "Girls, what're you doing here?"

"We thought about joining your club so we can be closer to you." Sonata answered.

"I told you this club is to discover the existence of anything supernatural and paranormal."

"Yeah, we know." Aria remembered.

Spike face faulted, "Don't you three think it's dangerous to attend a club dedicated to uncovering the existence of creatures like you?"

"Don't worry, we're survivors." Aria assured him.

"Besides, we believe the best place to hide is right under one's nose." Adagio put in.

"Yeah, they're so caught up in trying to find something they're too distracted to realize it's right in front of them." Sonata giggled.

"I still think you're taking a big risk with this." Spike voiced his concern.

"You're worth taking the risk for, Spike." Adagio said, as she and her sisters smile sweetly at Spike making him fall for their charm.

Spike sighed being unable to resist their charms, and spoke, "All right."

"Yes!" they cheered, before embracing Spike all around smothering him into their mounds.

As Spike found himself in marshmallow hell, it got worse when the door opened and Lyra stepped out with Bonbon and Moondancer, "All right, you guys, we gotta get..." Lyra trailed off, as the three saw Spike and the Dazzlings in their compromising position.

"In the middle of something we see?" Moondancer crossed her arms.

"This isn't what it looks like." Spike answered with a muffle.

"Well, get in here before someone sees you all!" Bonbon ordered, as they brought the four of them back into the club room.

Spike watched seeing the Dazzlings interact with the other three, and thought to himself, 'Maybe this won't be so bad.'

Dinner at Spike's

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One day after school, all the clubs were just finishing up their activities. Spike was leaving the school building, and thought to himself, 'What a day it's been. Between Professor Flintheart's lectures, and Lyra talking about vampires and werewolves I am drained.'

He walked to the nearest gas station and went inside it's store. He walked along the aisle and grabbed a bag of chips before going to the Icee machine. After filling a cup up with soda flavor he put the top on and went to the counter, "Just these?" the cashier asked.

"Uh-huh." Spike confirmed.

"Actually, add these to it." came a voice, as suddenly three more Icee drinks were placed on the counter next to his.

Spike was taken aback, as he looked to his right seeing the Dazzlings leaning against the counter, "Girls?" he asked.

"Hey, Spike." Aria asked.

"So all your orders together?" the cashier raised a brow.

Spike sighed and answered, "Yes, please."

"That'll be 10.33."

Spike was about to pay, until Adagio stopped him and spoke, "Allow us." The boy saw Adagio pay for them all, which made him feel grateful they weren't looking to mooch off him.

Later the four were sitting on a bench by the park enjoying their drinks, "How'd you girls even know I was there? Were you stalking me?"

"Of course not." Sonata answered.

"That'd be crazy." Aria replied.

"We obviously had the same thing in mind. All the more reason we're so compatible." Adagio smiled.

"You'll never let up on that, will you?" Spike asked dryly.

"Probably not." Sonata took a gulp, and cried before clutching her head.

"Brain freeze." Spike chuckled.

"Amateur." Aria sighed.

Adagio spoke to Spike, "Club activity has been amusing since we joined. Though there's only so much your friends know about the other creatures out there that can't be found in their sources."

"Such as?" Spike asked.

"Vampires for one thing don't die through a stab to the heart. You have to behead them."

"Behead them? Just like that?" Spike asked in disbelief.

"That's right," Sonata nodded, "And while it's true the sun is bad for them, they can still walk out into the light, but they need to be covered up a lot otherwise they'll get worse sunburn than humans do."

"Ouch." Spike cringed.

"Just a bummer we can't say that ourselves otherwise we'd risk blowing our own cover." Aria said.

"Well, let Lyra believe how history portrays monsters and such. After all it's not like we'll be seeing any of those creatures in real life." Spike said.

"Don't be so sure, Spike," Aria replied, "I mean you ran into us, so there's a good chance you may end up seeing other species."

"Well, I ran into you three because you came looking for me." Spike reminded them.

"Even so there's always a chance some other creature may looking into finding new territory." Adagio noted.

"As fun as it's been talking about club stuff after school, I really should be heading home," Spike got up, and was about to leave until Sonata took his hand, "Hey, Sonata!"

"Sorry, Spike. But do you think it'd be ok if we came to your place?" she requested.

"What?" Spike asked in shock.

"Yeah, I've always wondered what your place is like." Aria agreed.

"May we please join you, Spike?"Adagio pleaded, "We promise we'll behave."

Spike saw all three of of them giving him puppy dog eyes, and sighed, "All right," the girls cheered, "But don't make a spectacle of yourselves."

"Ok." they answered.

"Come on let's go," Spike said, as the three followed him. As they walked, Spike thought to himself, 'I have a feeling things may get hectic.'

When they arrived at Spike's place, the Dazzlings looked at it, "So this is where you live?" Aria asked.

"That's right." Spike confirmed.

"It looks neat." Sonata said.

"Agreed." Adagio confirmed.

"Come on in," Spike said, as he showed them inside, "I'm home!" he called out, as he and the girls removed their shoes and entered the living room.

The first person to greet him was who else but Twilight, "Hi, Spike, how was... Today?" she stopped and saw the Dazzlings standing beside Spike.

"Afternoon, Twilight, how're you?" Adagio greeted casually.

"I'm fine, but what brings you girls by?" Twilight asked with a twitch of her eye.

"I invited them," Spike spoke up, "They didn't have much going on after school so I hung out with them today."

Twilight's eye stopped twitching and spoke calmly, "I see. Well, in that case welcome to our home, girls."

"Thanks." Sonata smiled.

"Love what you've done to the place. It's homey." Adagio admitted.

"Spike, is that you?" Velvet asked, as she and Night Light came into the room. The first sight they saw was the guests Spike had brought home, "Oh, I didn't know you were bringing company."

"Yeah, sorry for not giving you the heads up, mom." Spike said pretending to sound sheepish.

"Well, aren't you gonna introduce us to your lady friends." Night Light playfully nudged Spike.

Spike rolled his eyes, "Mom, dad, this is Adagio, Aria, and Sonata. Girls, these are my parents."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." Adagio greeted the adults restively along with her sisters.

"And it's very nice to meet you girls as well." Velvet greeted.

"Spike didn't mention he had such pretty friends." Night Light continued to tease his son who turned red in the face, while Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Well, we transferred to school a few days ago, and we're in the same club as Spike." Aria explained.

"Well any friends of our children are welcome here. Please, girls, make yourselves at home." Velvet said kindly.

"Thank you, ma'am." Sonata replied, as Spike began showing them around with Twilight casually following.

The trio of girls took notice of some pictures of Spike, Twilight, and their family hanging on the wall. Aria took notice of a picture of Shining Armor standing next to a girl with hair colored moderate violet, moderate rose, and pale gold, "Who's this happy couple?" she asked the siblings.

"That guy's our older brother Shining Armor." Spike answered.

"And who's the lucky lady with him?" Adagio eyed the girl in the picture.

"That's his girlfriend, Cadence," Twilight explained, "And soon to be fiance."

"Fiance?" Sonata asked.

"Well, good for him." Aria clapped a bit.

"How long have they been seeing each other?" Adagio inquired.

"Since Twilight and I were kids." Spike answered.

"Well, you two must be very happy for your brother." Sonata said.

"We are." Twilight confirmed.

"Come on, girls. On with the tour." Spike said, as he showed the girls along leaving Twilight who still felt skeptical of the three.

Spike finally showed the trio his room which they marveled upon, "Wow, so this is your room." Sonata said, while looking around.

"Not bad." Aria smirked.

"Quite the collector, aren't you?" Adagio said while looking over Spike's collection of magical girl models.

"Guy's got to have some kind of hobby." Spike shrugged.

"And this room is very clean," Sonata noticed, "You must really love to keep it tidy. You always expecting someone special in here?" she smirked with her sisters.

"Not exactly. I just like to keep it clean otherwise my mom and my sister will nag me if I don't." the boy replied.

"Well, it's all still good." Aria said, while taking a seat in Spike's rotating chair by his desk.

Sonata looked over some of Spike's comics, "You certainly love the super hero types. Along with these cute and sexy magical girls. I didn't know you were into that sort of thing." she grinned.

"Hey those are personal!" Spike snatched them from her, "I don't let just anybody to look at these," he put them away, before plopping down on his bed to relax for a bit. He relaxed for a minute, until he saw Adagio climb atop and got in the straddling position, "Uh, Adagio, what're you doing?" he asked with a faint blush.

"I just wanted to see how it would feel to be in this kind of position with you." Adagio said, while looking down at him smiling.

"Well, you know the feeling so maybe you should dismount now." Spike suggested hoping to control his incoming erection.

"Are you kidding? I wanna savor this moment." Adagio smirked.

"Hey, don't do it too long, I wanna try it!" Aria said.

"Me too!" Sonata whined.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Twilight came inside, "Spike, mom says dinner will be ready shortly." she stopped and gasped at the sight of her brother on the bed being straddled by Adagio, "What is going on here?!" she demanded.

"Honestly, sis, this isn't what it looks like." Spike answered calmly.

Adagio smirked, and decided to tease Twilight, "Actually, I was just about to take advantage of Spike until you interrupted."

"Take advantage?!" Twilight cried in outrage.

Aria and Sonata laughed, "I can't believe she actually believed that!" Aria said between laughs.

"You should see the look on your face!" Sonata chuckled.

Twilight was dumbstruck, "Wait, you were just playing me?"

"Of course I was," Adagio answered before thinking, 'Though not really.'

Twilight sighed in relief, before speaking, "Anyway, mom says dinner will be ready shortly. And you three are welcomed to join us."

"Really?" Sonata asked with joy.

"What's on the menu?" Aria asked.

"There's no seafood is there?" Adagio asked with a little worry.

"No, why do you ask?" Twilight wondered.

"We just don't really eat anything that comes from the sea. Particularly fish." Sonata explained.

"I can respect that." Twilight nodded.

"Yeah. Even Twilight has a food she's not fond of." Spike spoke up.

"Spike." Twilight said firmly.

"What's that?" Adagio asked.

"She's afraid of quesadillas." Spike smirked at her.

The trio looked at Twilight who shouted, "No I'm not! They're just so... cheesy." she shudders.

"What's wrong with cheesy?" Sonata asked.

"There's only so much cheese I can take," Twilight answered, before changing the subject, "Anyway I'll go let mom and dad know you three will be staying." she left the room.

"Man, Spike, your sister is a barrel full of laughs." Aria chuckled.

"I know. She's fun to tease when the moment calls for it." Spike agreed.

Later on at the dinner table, the Sparkles, and the Dazzlings were enjoying their lasagna dinner, "Mm, this is delicious, Mrs. Sparkle." Sonata smiled.

"Thank you, Sonata. It's my own recipe." Velvet admitted.

"That's my wife for you." Night Light said, as he chuckled while Spike and Twilight felt embarrassed.

"So, girls, where are you three living right now?" Velvet inquired.

Adagio answered, "We're living with our Uncle Allegro in the city."

"What about your parents?" Twilight asked, until she saw the three sisters look down sadly.

"We're afraid they died years ago." Aria sighed, as Spike looked taken aback having never heard of that.

"Oh, my gosh I'm so sorry." Twilight said feeling like a jerk.

"It's ok. It wasn't easy but we've accepted it." Sonata sighed.

"How did it happen?" Spike asked.

"They were quite fond of scuba diving," Adagio explained, "On one of their dives, they got tangled in some strong seaweed and their air tanks got cut leading to..."

"Oh, girls." Velvet gasped.

"But if it was any consolation we knew they loved us as any parent would for their child." Sonata admitted.

"So what does your uncle do for a living?" Night Light asked.

"He owns an antique store in town. You won't believe some of the rare valuables he's got there." Adagio answered.

"You'll have to show me some time." Twilight said, much to the girls surprise.

"Really?" Aria asked.

"Yeah. I mean I like antiques." Twilight admitted.

"Well, you'll love our uncles shop then," Adagio smiled, "You might even like it too, Spike."

"We'll keep it in mind." Spike replied.

After dinner, Spike walk the girls to the doorway, "So we'll see you tomorrow, Spike?" Sonata asked.

"At the club." Spike confirmed.

"Great." Aria smiled.

"We'll see you tomorrow. And thanks for dinner." Adagio said.

"No problem." Spike replied, before they each pecked his cheek leaving him red.

"Goodnight, Spike." they said before taking their leave.

"Goodnight." Spike bid them adieu before going back inside.

As he headed for his room, he was stopped by Twilight, "Spike, a moment please?"

"What's up, Twilight?"

"I want to apologize. I was skeptical of those three because of how they were throwing themselves at you. But after seeing how nice they've been, despite the teasing. I think they're ok in my books."

"Really? Thanks, Twi." Spike smiled.

Twilight suddenly gave him a warning look, "But if I catch you in a position like that with them again, don't think I'll let it slide."

"Thanks for the heads up," Spike said a bit nervously, before going to his room. As he plopped onto his bed, he thought about what the Dazzlings said, "Their parents are dead. Though if I know them enough, they didn't die exactly how they told mom and dad. Maybe they'll tell me the truth about them when they feel up for it." he decided to relax the night away, while thinking about the three.

The Next Investigation

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One night out in the woods close to the city, two men were sitting by their campfire cooking up some fish, "Boy we caught us some whoppers today, eh, Jed?" one of the men asked.

"You said it, Joe," Jed answered, until he heard a sound and looked around their campsite cautiously, "You hear that?"

"Hear what?" Joe asked in confusion.

"I thought I heard something." Jed said, as he continued to look around.

"Your ears are deceiving you, Jed. It's nature working it's magic," Joe said as he got up, "Speaking of nature, it's calling." he left the camp.

As Joe was off by a tree taking care of his business, he suddenly heard Jed screaming bloody murder. He zipped up, and called out, "Jed? Jed!" he ran back to camp. When he returned he looked in horror as the whole campsite was trashed, and worse Jed laid on the ground with his body looking torn to shreds as if he were mauled by a wild animal, "Oh, no! Jed!" he got down to his side, "Who did this?" he asked in fright, until he felt something was behind him. He slowly looked back while gasping, until he screamed as everything went dark.

The very next morning, as Spike and Twilight were walking to school, they noticed in one shop was the news on TV. The footage was of the campsite in the woods that was taped off with trails of dried blood on the ground, "Wild bear attack?" Spike asked.

"Well, what else could have done that?" Twilight asked rhetorically.

"Yeah. What?" Spike asked, as they continued on their way to school.

The day went by as it always did, and when class was over Spike headed for the club room. As he walked the hall, he was met up with the Dazzlings. Adagio spoke up, "How was class for you, Spike?"

"Still boring. Yours?"

"Likewise." Aria answered.

"I just slept through the whole thing." Sonata added.

"Wish it were that easy for me." Spike replied, as they entered the club room.

As they entered, Bonbon, Lyra, and Moondancer were sitting down at the table, "Good, we can start today's meeting." Lyra began.

"And what is today's meeting about?" Aria asked.

"Well, I'm assuming you all saw this morning's news footage about the campsite in the woods?" Lyra inquired.

"Uh-huh." Sonata nodded.

"Couldn't that have just been a bear or wolf attack?" Spike wondered.

"Under normal circumstances, yes," Bonbon admitted, "But Lyra and I have done some research and have concluded this wasn't an ordinary wildlife attack."

"Ok, geniuses, so what're we dealing with?" Spike asked.

Lyra answered, "We got us a Hidebehind."

"A what?" Spike asked in confusion. Moondancer pulled out a book on creatures and opened to a section to show them the picture.

The bookworm girl began to explain, "The Hidebehind is a mysterious nocturnal creature. They're known to prey upon humans that wander the woods at night. It's said after they kill their prey they drag the bodies back to their lairs to feast."

"Yikes," Spike gasped, "Though why are they called 'Hidebehind'?"

Bonbon answered, "A Hidebehind is famous for its ability to conceal itself. It does so by literally hiding behind anything to keep itself hidden. It can hide behind the smallest or funkiest shaped objects around."

Lyra nodded, "A creature like this is an excellent stalker since not many have actually seen it and lived."

"And it can no doubt be the best at hide and seek." Sonata spoke up, while Adagio and Aria rolled their eyes.

"So what're you suggesting, chief?" Aria asked Lyra.

"This weekend we're going to take a camping trip in the woods and see if we can find some trace of the Hidebehind." Lyra answered.

"A camping trip?" Spike asked.

"Ooh, sounds fun!" Sonata cheered.

"Lyra, speaking hypothetically, what do we do if we were to actually run into a Hidebehind?" Spike inquired, while his eyes shifted to the Dazzlings.

"According to the book, the Hidebehind's nose is sensitive to the smell of alcohol. It acts as a repellent to it." Lyra explained.

"Good plan. But there's a problem with it," Moondancer began, "We're underage to buy said product. And do you think our parents are going to buy it for us?"

"Moondancer's got a point, Lyra." Spike agreed.

"Well, we..." Lyra trailed off, until Adagio spoke up.

"Don't worry. Our uncle has a huge collection of wine and alcohol imported from around the world. I'm sure we could convince him to loan us a bottle or two."

"Really?" Bonbon asked.

"Uh-huh." Aria confirmed.

"Then that's taken care of, and now we'll need supplies for the trip this weekend," Lyra began listing off tasks for the group, "Aria, Sonata, Moondancer, you three are in charge of getting camping gear."

"On it." Sonata saluted.

Lyra turned to Spike and Adagio, "Spike, you and Adagio are in charge of getting food for our trip. Just the essentials."

"And what're you going to be doing?" Spike asked suspiciously.

"Bonbon and I have a special project to do." Lyra answered, as she slid close to Bonbon.

"You guys better get going, and we'll meet up again Friday." Bonbon instructed.

"Come on. Let's go." Moondancer said, as she, Aria, and Sonata left.

"We'll see ya soon." Spike told the two, as he and Adagio left.

With Lyra and Bonbon being the only two left, Bonbon spoke to her best friend, "Did you really have to tell them we were doing a special project?"

"It was to get them to leave." Lyra answered.

"And what if they ask what it was?"

"We'll just tell them it was something private between us," Lyra replied, "Now come on, we can still use this room for another hour before we have to officially close up."

"All right, Lyra." Bonbon smiled, as the two started removing their shirts.

Meanwhile, Spike and Adagio were at the local grocery store buying some snacks. As Spike was buying the essential foods that didn't need to be frozen or refrigerated, he noticed Adagio was putting a lot of blue cheese in the cart, "Adagio, what're you doing?"

"Stocking up." she answered, as she dropped some more blue cheese in the cart.

"This is a lot of blue cheese, and I don't think the girls will want to eat something like this so much." Spike said.

"It's not for us, Spike. It's to protect us from the Hidebehind."

"Excuse me?" Spike asked in confusion.

"While the book is right about alcohol being like a repellent to the creature, blue cheese is actually poison to it." Adagio explained.

"Poison? Seriously?"

"You're talking to a mermaid, Spike," the girl reminded him, "I know more about cryptid creatures than any of your books do."

"Point," Spike admitted, "But will Lyra, Bonbon, and Moondancer believe it?"

"That's up to them."

"Do you even think we'll find it out there?" Spike asked.

"It's possible if it comes out to eat close to where we may set up."

"Then let's hope whatever spot we choose isn't close to it's lair." Spike said.

"Don't worry," Adagio began, as she held Spike close while pressing her bosom into, "If we do I promise to take care of you."

"Adagio, we're in public." Spike said in a muffled tone.

Adagio finally released Spike from her bust, allowing him to breathe, "Come on, we should get a few more essentials." she suggested, as the two continued to get their shopping done.

Camping Trip

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Friday afternoon at school, classes let out for the day. As Spike was walking the hall with Featherweight, Pip, and Tender, the boys were gossiping about their day, "I actually scored a snapshot of the cheer squad, guys." Feather showed them it.

"Oh, nice." Spike said in joy.

"And in the right pose too." Pip added.

"I know, get a load of those legs." Feather said, while holding in the urge to salivate.

"So any plans for this weekend, fellas?" Tender inquired.

"I'm binge watching that new series online called Abnormal Anomalies," Pip answered, "Second season is being released in two months, so I wanna go back and make sure I have everything that's already happened memorized and in case season 2 has any specific callbacks to what happened in the first season."

"And I got to find some new juicy gossip for the paper," Featherweight answered, "Who knows maybe somebody important in school is breaking up with somebody?"

"That would be hard hitting news," Tender chuckled, before turning to Spike, "How about you, Spike?"

"Actually, I'm going camping tonight." he answered.

"Family camping trip?" Pip asked.

"No, club activity."

"You're going camping with the Cryptid Club?" Featherweight asked.

"Yeah. Another stakeout for a possible anomaly." Spike replied.

"What're you hunting for, fairies?" Tender asked.

"No. A hidebehind. Which Lyra believes is the source behind the recent disappearances in the woods."

"Lyra may be hot, but sometimes I wonder if she's alright upstairs." Pip said in worry.

"I feel the same way." Spike replied, until a voice called out.

"Hey, Spike!" it was from Twilight who was with her friends by her locker.

"I'll see you guys later," Spike told his boys, before going over to his sister and her group, "Hey, girls. What's up?"

"We were planning heading over to Sugarcube Corner for a bite," Twilight began, "You wanna join us?"

"They got a new cake recipe on the menu." Pinkie Pie temped him.

"Plus, you'll get to sit with a couple of hotties while you're at it." Rainbow flirted with him.

"Rainbow Dash, please!" Rarity pulled her away from Spike, "But what they said, it would be nice if we all got together."

"So how about it, Sugarcube?" Applejack inquired.

"If you want to at least." Fluttershy finished.

Spike remembering his plans answered, "As tempting as that is I already made plans today."

"What kind of plans?" Pinkie asked, as she leaned too close into him.

"I'm going on a camping trip with the Cryptid Club tonight."

"Wait, what?" Twilight asked in confusion, "When did you plan this?"

"Twilight, I told you three days ago. Remember?" Twilight thought back and recalled a moment where Spike was trying to talk to her about something, but she was far too deep into one of her books to even fully hear what he was saying and just answered as if it was all right. Spike gave her a dry look, "You weren't really listening, were you?"

The girls looked at Twilight with equal dry looks, as the brainy girl laughed sheepishly, "I may have drowned it out a bit."

"A bit?" Spike asked before sighing, "Honestly, what if I was telling you I was going to do something dangerous and only you could stop me, but weren't listening?"

"He has a point, Twilight," Rainbow agreed, "You've got to make sure your head isn't just in the book your reading."

"Ok, my bad," Twilight sighed, "And did mom and dad approve?"

"Of course they did." Spike assured.

"What's this camping trip even for with your club?" Applejack asked.

"Lyra wants us to find traces of some mythological creature she believes is out in the woods." Spike explained.

"Typical Lyra." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"I assume you've packed all the essentials?" Twilight asked, going into task master mode.

"Yes, Twilight. I've been ready for the last three days." Spike assured, while sounding annoyed.

"I better do an inspection just to be sure." Twilight volunteered.

Spike cut her off, "That won't be necessary. I know you're all about making checklists and such, but could you just take my word for it once?" he pleaded.

Twilight seeing how serious Spike was about this, answered, "Alright, Spike. I'll take your word for it."

"Thanks, Twi," Spike hugged her which earned some coos and gushes out of the other girls, "I'll see you later, Twilight." he hurried off.

Twilight sighed, "Alone in the woods with the club."

"Is that a problem, Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, no. None at all, other than the fact he'll be all alone with girls." she replied while sounding suspicious.

"And how is him being with us any different?" Pinkie asked.

"It's different because he knows us better," Twilight answered, "But with Lyra, Bonbon, Moondancer, and not to mention the three new girls I worry for him."

"Twilight, Spike's in a Cryptid club, not a Harem club." Rainbow replied.

"Besides do you honestly believe Moondancer, Bonbon, and Lyra would think about trying anything with him?" Rarity inquired.

"It's not those three I'm worried about. It's Adagio, Aria, and Sonata." Twilight said suspiciously.

"And you've gone back to your state of being too overprotective for your own good." Rainbow said.

"Even so, I doubt those three would be willing to do anything so long as Lyra and the others are around to keep an eye on them." Rarity noted.

"I hope so."

"Come on, some cake will put these thoughts out of your head." Pinkie said, as she shooed Twilight along followed by the others.

At Spike's place, he had grabbed his camping bag with the essentials, while he knew Adagio had the rest of the essentials they bought from market. Once finished he picked it up, and spoke, "All good." he left his house and started walking.

Upon reaching the park entrance to the woods, he saw the rest of the girls waiting for him were waiting for him, all carrying camping bags and the rest of the supplies. He stopped before them and spoke, "Hey, girls. See you're all packed."

"You bet." Lyra nodded.

Spike turned to the Dazzlings, "Can I assume your uncle lent us the alcohol we need just in case?"

"He came through." Aria said, while holding up a cooler.

"And we got regular drinks for ourselves," Sonata held up another cooler, "And I marked it so we know what we can drink and what we shouldn't drink." she grinned.

"Good. I'd hate to end up drinking while underage. In fact if I did and got caught I'd be in deep shit with my family." Spike shuddered at the thought.

"Which is why we labeled the coolers." Adagio replied.

"Are we going to be going in or what?" Moondancer asked, while feeling impatient.

"Yeah, we'll need to find a spot and make camp before nightfall." Bonbon reminded them.

"Agreed. Let's go, guys!" Lyra declared, as they marched into the woods.

They hiked all around while also checking out the scenery. Lyra looked at some trees closely, "No unusual scratch marks. Guess the hidebehind hasn't been this way."

"Or anything else." Moondancer said.

"What else could there be?" Lyra asked.

"Like say, regular animals like bears or wolves." she answered bluntly.

"Well, there haven't been any reported bear or wolf sightings here so I think we'll be good." Lyra replied, as they pressed on.

They came to a clearing in the woods and scoped it out seeing they were close to the river and near the trail. Bonbon spoke up, "Looks like as good a place any any to make camp."

"Agreed. All right troops let's set up here." Lyra declared.

"Righty-o!" Sonata gave a thumb's up.

And so everyone got to work with the Dazzlings setting up the pop-up tent, Lyra and Bonbon were rolling out the sleeping bags, and Spike and Moondancer were out gathering firewood. As the boy and bookworm were out picking up sticks to burn, the boy was about to walk over by a bush, until Moondancer called out, "Spike, stop!"

Spike stopped in place and looked back, "What is it?"

"Don't go any further than that."


"Look down." she instructed.

Spike looked down and saw a patch of poison oak, "Whoa. Missed that." he backed away from it.

"Got to be careful out here. If this 'hidebehind' doesn't get you the hazardous plants and insects will." Moondancer warned him.

"Right. Thanks for the heads up about that poison oak, Moondancer."

"It was nothing." she answered, until Spike got close to her making her nervous.

"I mean it. If it weren't for you I'd be itching up a storm. It's a relief we have someone in the club who knows so much."

Moondancer felt flustered, and stammered, "I just know basic fundamentals."

"And they helped. Come on, let's get back to camp." Spike said, as he carried his share of the firewood back.

Moondancer watched him leave and thought to himself, 'Wow. I didn't realize how cute Spike really was. Did I just say he was cute? I've never felt... Am I really just seeing that about him now?'

"Hey, Moondancer, you coming?" Spike called out.

Moondancer snapped out of her thoughts, and saw Spike far ahead, "Yeah! I'm coming!" she followed Spike back to camp.

When nighttime rolled in, the club crew was sitting around the campfire keeping warm while toasting marshmallows. As Spike roasted his marshmallow he enjoyed the soothing sound of nature from the crickets chirping to the gentle wisp of the trees, "I tell ya, girls, this was a great idea."

"Yeah. Even if there isn't a hidebehind, this was a great night for camping." Sonata agreed, opening a can of soda.

"While I wish we'd see some sign of a hidebehind, I won't deny this is good." Lyra admitted, as she relaxed.

"Just like when we were relaxing on the beach that night while looking for mermaids." Bonbon reminded her.

Upon hearing that, Spike and the Dazzlings kept their cool not wanting the girls to know the truth. Spike spoke up, "Pardon me, girls. Call of nature." he got up.

"Grab a bottle of beer to use for repellent just in case." Lyra instructed.

"And take a pack of blue cheese with you." Aria added.

"All right." Spike grabbed a bottle of beer and put it in one pocket, and then a pack of blue cheese for his other pocket. He then walked away from camp.

Moondancer spoke to Adagio, "I fail to see how blue cheese is poison to a hidebehind."

"Have you tasted the stuff?" Aria asked.

"Yeah. Gross." Sonata agreed. The girls said nothing more, as they continued to enjoy camp.

Meanwhile out in the woods, Spike was relieving himself by a tree while sighing in relief, "Sweet relief," he zipped up his shorts and was ready to head back, until he stopped and stood still. He started hearing a rattling noise that didn't sound like any forest animal noise. He slowly reached for the bottle in his pants and pulled it out. He uncapped it, and stood ready should anything happen. Suddenly on impulse, he jumped to the side before something could pounce him. He looked to see a spectre-like beast that was a bit gangly.

"Mother of God." Spike gasped upon seeing the very creature they were looking for. The creature growled at Spike and was ready to pounce again, only for Spike to hold the bottle out to him, "Care for a swig?!" he called.

When the fumes of the alcohol entered the hidebehind's nostrils, it backed off while making a panicked sound. Taking advantage of the monster's weakness, he ran away from it and back to camp. As he got closer he called out, "Guys! Guys!"

Hearing the cries of their friend, the girls looked and saw Spike returning and looking scared, "Easy, Spike. What is it?" Bonbon asked.

"I saw it! I saw it! I saw it!" he explained frantically.

"Saw what?" Moondancer asked.

"The hidebehind!"

"What?!" the girls gasped, as Lyra shot up, "Where?"

"Back there. I used the alcohol to escape."

"We got to do something." Aria suggested.

"Agreed. Now that it knows we're here it won't stop until it eats us." Adagio added.

"Correct. We have to destroy it," Lyra said, before sighing, "Though I wish we could take it back as a captive."

"And how would we?" Moondancer asked rhetorically.

"Guys, that thing will eventually follow me back here." Spike reminded them.

"He's right. Lead the way, Spike." Lyra instructed, as the boy led them back the way he came.

As they walked, while using flashlights to see all around, Spike spoke, "Be careful if what the legends say it could be hiding behind anything."

"How will we know where it is then?" Bonbon asked.

"Before it attacked, I heard a rattling sound almost like a maraca. We hear something like that we'll know it's coming." the boy explained.

They suddenly started hearing the sound Spike told them to listen for, "A sound like that?" Sonata asked.

"Bottles out." Lyra instructed, as they each pulled out a beer bottle and popped the caps off.

They held their bottles out hoping the stench would drive it off, until an arm swatted at them knocking them to the ground. In the process the Dazzlings, Moondancer, and Bonbon dropped their bottles and the contents poured out. They looked up seeing not one but two hidebehinds next to each other, "There's two of these things?!" Spike gasped.

"Well, this is unexpected." Lyra said feeling surprised.

The two monsters growled, as they moved in further ready to pounce. One of them got closer to the group than the other. Aria quickly grabbed one of the blue cheeses she had on her, "Hey, gangly, how about some calcium?!" She threw the blue cheese at the one hidebehind who had its mouth opened and ready to bite, only for it to swallow the blue cheese..

Spike prayed it would work, and suddenly to everyone's surprise the hidebehind started making gagging and spazzing sounds. As it did it moved around strangely and making odd gestures like in an old cartoon short, before falling on its back while holding a flower up, "It got him!" Spike cheered, while Bonbon, Lyra, and Moondancer felt relieved and surprised it worked.

"One down and one to go." Adagio said, as they saw the second one looked ready to attack.

"Blue cheese." Lyra said, as they tried to throw the food into the hidebehind's mouth. Unfortunately the monster swatted it all away.

"Now what?" Moondancer asked.

Adagio looked down seeing a stone by Spike's foot, "Spike throw that stone at it."

"What? That'll only make it mad." Spike replied.

"I have a plan. So do it." she said.

Spike sighed, but trusted the mermaid and picked it up, "Hey, freak!" he threw the stone at the hidebehind's head. The creature turned to see Spike and Adagio and growled at them, "Now what?" Spike asked Adagio.

"Now we run!" Adagio shouted, as she grabbed Spike's hand and dragged him off into the woods.

The hidebehind took chase, and the girls watched in shock. "Adagio! Spike!" they cried.

"We have to go after them!" Lyra ordered.

"Then come on!" Bonbon called, as they tried to catch up, but the hidebehind was so fast they couldn't keep up.

As Spike and Adagio continued to run through the woods, Spike looked back seeing no sign of the beast, "Adagio, it's gone."

The two stopped as Adagio spoke, "Not gone, just hiding." They watched until a shape creeped out from behind a tree. The hidebehind had an odd shape with tree branches sticking out from odd angles.

"Now what? We're out of ammo." Spike reminded her.

"Just get behind me." Adagio instructed.

"What're you planning?"

"Trust me." Adagio assured him. So Spike got behind her as the hidebehind approached. As it got closer, Adagio took a deep breath and began vocalizing. Spike listened while feeling moved, but saw the hidebehind looked as if it was in a trance. Adagio stopped singing and spoke to Spike, "This way come on!" They ran away.

As they ran, Spike asked, "What did you do back there?"

"The Siren's lure," Adagio explained, "Known to merfolk and siren folk. A special singing spell that can entrance victims."

"Now that's handy." Spike admitted.

"Problem is it's not as effective on other creatures as it is on mortals."


"That hidebehind won't be hypnotized for much longer." Adagio explained.

"Oh, that's comforting." Spike replied in sarcasm.

They ran until they bumped into something. The creature turned around to reveal it looked like a fat bear in shape but completely hairless except for its prominent eyebrows and bristly hairs on its chin. It had dark, smooth, and extremely tough leather-like skin. The creature growled at them, and the two screamed and ran from it.

"Now what the hells that thing?!" Spike asked in fright.

"A Gumberoo, a creature that's always hungry and devours anything that looks like it could be food!" Adagio explained, as they ran.

"Now we got two monsters after us! What do we do?" Spike asked.

Adagio answered sounding less worried, "We get them to fight each other."

"Huh?" Spike wondered.

"Hidebehinds and Gumberoos have a snake & mongoose relationship." the mermaid explained.

"They do?"

"Yes. Can't stand one another."

"So if we get them to see each other they'll forget about us?" Spike inquired.

"Let's hope." Adagio replied, as they ran from the second monster.

As they ran, they could hear the familiar rattling sound, "Right on time." Spike said, as the hidebehind jumped out from behind a boulder and blocked their path.

The two heard the gumberoo closing in, and Adagio grabbed Spike and jumped to the side. As they did the gumberoo had leaped forward hoping to get the two, but ended up tackling the hidebehind instead. Adagio and Spike got up and watched the two monsters go at it like a pack of beasts. The gumberoo kept tackling the hidebehind while sinking it's teeth into it's arm. The hidebehind cried in pain, but tried ringing the gumberoo's neck in response.

"An epic fight between two rivaling creatures." Adagio told Spike.

"Amazing." Spike said, as he used his phone to film the fight.

As the two monsters fought they ended up rolling and backing away from where they started their brawl. Spike and Adagio followed them only to see the creatures were nearing the edge of a cliff, "Come on just a bit further." Adagio pleaded.

The two monsters were so caught up in their squabbling they didn't realize they were reaching the cliff, and by the time they figured it out it was too late and they were both sent plunging to their doom. The teens looked over the edge seeing it had to be a thousand feet drop to the bottom of the canyon below, "Think they survived?" Spike asked.

"Not likely," Adagio answered, "And even if they did I doubt they'd try to escape until one or the other was dead."

"Well, at least we won't be seeing them again," Spike said in relief, "Come on, we need to get back to the others." Adagio nodded, as they headed back to find their friends.

As they walked, Spike called out, "Lyra! Moondancer! Bonbon!"

"Aria! Sonata!" Adagio called out.

"Spike! Adagio!" came the others voices.

"Come on." Spike told Adagio, as they followed their voices.

When they saw flashlights shine in their direction, they followed it and found their friends, "There you are. We were worried about you." Lyra told the two.

"What happened?" Bonbon asked in equal worry.

"We took care of the second hidebehind." Adagio explained.

"How?" Moondancer inquired.

"He found someone new to play with." Spike answered.

"I don't understand." Sonata said in confusion.

"Maybe this will shed some light." Spike showed them the footage on his phone

They watched it, as Bonbon asked, "What's that thing?"

Lyra gasped in shock, "It's a gumberoo!"

"Look at them go." Sonata said, while enjoying the show.

They watched the footage up to where the two creatures fell off the cliff, "Those two won't have a comfortable landing." Adagio assured them.

"This is great!" Lyra cheered, "We saw not one but two hidebehinds and a gumberoo! And we got it on tape here!" she pulled Spike into an embrace, "Thank you, Spike! Thank you!" she started kissing his cheek multiple times making him blush, while Moondancer and Bonbon were surprised. The Dazzlings on the other hand watched with frowns on their faces, while Aria had her hands clenched. Lyra finally pulled herself off Spike and held his phone while marveling at the footage, "You have any idea how famous we'll be once we show this footage to the school if not the news media?"

Spike and the Dazzlings got nervous at the idea, until Spike spoke up, "I think we should hold off on that, Lyra."

"But why? We have the proof."

"It still dark out, and they might think it's staged footage. What say we gather more evidence of the existence of other creatures before publicly announcing anything?" he suggested.

Lyra pondered on Spike's idea, before answering, "Good point. If we want to be taken seriously we'll need proof of the existence of more creatures. Hey! Maybe we can get some hair samples of the other hidebehind. That'll add to some evidence."

"It's a start." Adagio replied.

"Then come on!" Lyra cheered, as they hurried back to the sight where the other hidebehind was to get some sample of its fur.

Afterward they returned to their camp and laid down to watch the night sky, "Wow look at all those stars." Aria said in wonder.

"Despite how we could've died here tonight, seeing all this afterward was worth it." Moondancer admitted.

"I'll say. Though if Twilight or my folks knew what happened here, they'd never let me leave the house again." Spike joked, and the girls laughed.

"Well, everyone, I declare the case of the hidebehind to be closed," Lyra began, "Don't know what we may find, or if we find anything next, but one thing's for sure. We'll face it as a real team."

"Took the words out of my mouth, Lyra." Adagio replied.

The group continued to gaze up at the stars before linking hands knowing they were not just club members but friends and comrades as well who would do anything for the other.

Adagio date

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Monday at school, Spike was walking the halls until Pip, Featherweight, and Tender approached, "Yo, Spike!" Tender called.

"Hey, guys." Spike greeted them, as they walked together.

"So how was your weekend?" Featherweight asked.

"Yeah, see any monsters lately?" Pip joked, as the three laughed.

Spike rolled his eyes, "Yuck it up, you clowns. Because I actually did see something out there. In fact I saw more than one."

"Yeah right." Tender called a bluff.

"I don't expect any of you to believe me, but I saw what I saw."

"And what exactly did you see?" Pip asked.

"Two hidebehinds, and a gumberoo," Spike explained, "I consider myself lucky to be standing here. Because those beasts never stop until they get their prey."

"Are you for real?" Featherweight asked.

"I'm always for real."

"I'm still calling bull crap." Tender continued to be skeptical.

"And as I said, I don't expect you to believe me." Spike replied.

"Well, believe this, we gotta get to class or we'll be dealing with our own beast named Flintheart." Featherweight said, as they hurried to class.

Afterward, Spike joined the girls in the Cryptid Club room. The Dazzlings were kicking back, while Moondancer was nose deep in a book, and Lyra and Bonbon were looking over notes. Lyra spoke up as Spike entered, "Welcome, Spike. Take a seat."

Spike took a seat, and asked, "So what's on today's schedule?"

Lyra answered, "Well, after what we've been through on the weekend we can take this moment to continue to relax."

"I'll say. Three monsters were out there," Bonbon added, "We did not come as prepared for three."

"And yet we took one down, and turned the other two against each other." Adagio noted.

"Agreed," Lyra nodded, "And if this event proved that creatures like that really do exist then who knows how many more are out there."

"So how can we be certain there will be another one to look into?" Moondancer asked.

"Pay close attention to the paper articles and news footage about strange phenomenon. Even if the press and media try to candy coat and cover it up suspect anything." Lyra explained.

"No prob, chief." Aria replied.

"Let's just hope whatever we do face next is easier to catch or destroy." Sonata said.

"And we'll have to make sure to catch it all. So we'll need a camera man," Lyra turned to Spike, "You good with a camera, Spike?"

"I have filmed some online videos before." Spike admitted.

"Do you have a camera?" Bonbon inquired.

"Yeah I do."

"Good. From this point on we'll have you film our investigations." Lyra declared.

Spike rolled his eyes, and spoke to himself, "Once again I'm roped into something with no one asking about my own opinion."

"You should be honored, Spike." Sonata said.

"How would this be considered an honor?" he asked dryly.

"You'll be filming history." Sonata smiled.

"Exactly," Lyra agreed, "We catch these things on tape, and show them to others we'll be famous."

Moondancer looked up from her book, "What happens if we're dragged off by some government agency who wants us to keep anything on the hush?"

"They will never silence us. After all The Truth is Out There!" Lyra declared, while putting her foot up on the table. Sonata clapped at her enthusiasm.

"Well, whatever is out there I'm certain we can handle it." Adagio winked at her sisters and Spike.

"Right." Spike answered, going along with it.

After clubs let out, Spike walked outside the school seeing Adagio waiting, "Hey, Spike." she greeted.

Spike walked down and spoke, "Hey, Adagio. Where are Sonata and Aria?"

"Sonata's gone off to get herself tacos, and Aria headed back home. I decided to stick around and wait for you."

"Well, I'm glad you did." Spike admitted.

"You are?" Adagio asked curiously.

"There are things I still want to know from you. Can we go someplace to talk?"

"Sure," Adagio answered, as she held Spike's hand, "Come on" she dragged him off, as he tried to keep up with her.

Soon the two were at a coffee shop sitting in a booth in the back for privacy. As they enjoyed their coffee, Adagio asked, "So what did you want to know?"

"What you did back there in the woods to the hidebehind. You called it The Siren's Lure?" Spike asked.


"What exactly is the Siren's Lure?"

"As I stated, it's a special singing spell known to us merfolk and siren folk to entrance victims."

"So it's just as legends say. You can use your voices to lure sailors and such to their doom?" Spike asked.

"Mosty siren folk do that. Those guys just are so so manipulative and troublesome." Adagio sighed.

"And it works best on mortals than it does creatures like yourselves?"

"Precisely. A mortal can be under the influence of it for several hours unless something snaps them out of it, like a big hit to the head or the one casting it on the victim is interrupted." she continued to explain.

"And it only lasts for a short time if done to other creatures?"

"Yes. Turns out our powers don't work well on other mythological creatures."

"Who knew?" Spike asked.

"One doing it alone is effective enough, but if me and my sisters did it together we could bring an entire crowd of people under our spell."

"That scares me." Spike admitted in worry.

"Don't worry, we wouldn't dream of doing that. Because if word got out the MerQueen would not be pleased with us exploiting our gift so recklessly."

"MerQueen?" Spike asked.

"Yes. Queen Novo rules the merfolk. She is nonchalant but very egotistical when it comes to her subjects and herself. But despite that she is just and fair when she knows something is wrong and concerns the safety of her subjects and those she deemed worthy of her help."

"Sounds like quite a ruler."

"Indeed, but one thing you don't ever want to do is interrupt her when she's in the middle of a beauty ritual. Trust me, she will not be merciful to anyone who does that."

"Sounds like Rarity when she doesn't get her pamper package at the spa on time." Spike said, while shuddering at the thought.

"Despite that, you'd love the kingdom we're from. It's beautiful."

"I've seen a few mermaid movies enough to believe that." Spike replied, with one special Mermaid movie on the mind.

"Right." Adagio replied, as she relaxed, "It's nice that it's just you and me today, Spike. A chance to be together with you without extra wheels." she said with her sisters on her mind.

"I actually agree. It's hard to get to know you girls if you're always together. Getting to know you individually will help me better understand you girls."

"So you really want to get to know us?" she tempted him, while batting her eyes.

"You've marked me down as your mate and with your mermaid rules it's obvious there's no way for me to get out of it. So I might as well make the most of getting to know you girls as a whole and as individuals."

"Good to hear. Well, I should begin. My name's Adagio, I like singing, doing karaoke, burgers without pickles, and my favorite animal is weasel."

"Weasel?" Spike raised a brow.

"Yeah. They're sly and mischievous. Like me." she grinned.

"Right." Spike replied. He knew getting to know the girls individually was going to be more interesting than he anticipated. But he didn't mind at all. He then thought of something else, and spoke, "Are you and your sisters going to be ok now that Lyra wants me to start filming our investigations? I mean wouldn't that be dangerous for you three?"

"You only have to film what we're investigating. And as long as she and the others don't know of our existence we're in the clear." Adagio replied.

"Even so I'm still worried about the possibility." Spike said, until he found Adagio moving to his side of the booth and embraced him.

"It'll be ok," she soothed Spike, as he relaxed in her warm embrace, "Aria, Sonata, and I are good at covering our tracks and keeping a low profile. So long as we don't use our powers in front of them then they won't know."

"Logical." Spike admitted, while enjoying himself.

"And we'll always have your back, Spike. Just like we know you'll always have ours in return."

"You bet." Spike nodded. Adagio smiled, as the two sat together and enjoyed each others company.

Aria date

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At Spike's place one evening, he was in his room at his laptop playing an RPG online game with his buds, "All right, guys. We're here at Gosallus Stronghold. Now to get past the army of Troll Warriors will require strategic thinking and..."

"LEROY JENKINS!" Pipsqueak shouted, as he moved his character to fight their enemies.

"And Pip just went ahead of us." Spike finished dryly.

"Come on!" Tender called, as they fought their enemies, before advancing.

"So any plans tomorrow night?" Featherweight asked, "It's Friday, you know?"

"Have to visit my grandma, and trust me not the place I wanna be," Pip began, "Her place always smells like onions and garlic and that's enough to make anyone gag!"

"You, Tender?" Featherweight inquired.

"Late night dance lessons. If I'm going to make Dancing with the Stars when I come of age I need to be ready years in advance."

"Good luck with that." Spike joked.

"And what about you, Mr. Popularity?" Tender asked.

Spike rolled his eyes, and answered, "Honestly I got nothing. Probably going to spend it binge watching Intergalactic Space Princesses."

"I'd rather stay at home and do that then go to my grams." Pip replied.

Suddenly, Spike's bedroom door opened, and Twilight stepped in, "Spike, mom wants you to take out the garbage?"

"Can't it wait? I'm in the zone!" Spike complained.

"You're free to tell her that." Twilight replied.

Spike groaned, "Hang on, guys. Don't move onto the main boss without me."

"Well, be quick before Pip goes rushing in again." Tender replied.

Spike got up and left his bedroom before tying up the garbage bag and taking it outside to put in one of the garbage bins. He was about to go back in, until he heard a voice, "Evening, handsome."

Spike jumped in fright before turning around and saw Aria leaning against the house next to Spike's, "Aria, I didn't see you there." he panted.

"Sneaky is something I'm good at." Aria smirked.

"What're you doing here?"

"Just came to see what you were doing."

"Just taking garbage out." he answered like it was obvious.

"I can see that," she noted, "But I really stopped by to ask you if you had any plans tomorrow night?"

"None specific, why is there something you needed?"

"I was hoping you and I could hang out tomorrow after class." she explained.

"Just us?" he inquired.

"Yeah. I mean you got to hang out with Adagio by yourself, didn't you?"

"How do you know that?"

"Adagio's been boasting about it since that day. Got annoying after awhile," Aria began, "So I figured is she could have some alone time with you, I should as well."

"All true, I mean it wouldn't be fair." Spike admitted.

"So you up for it tomorrow?"

"Sure. Count me in." He agreed.

"Awesome. Catch you tomorrow." Aria pecked his cheek before hurrying off.

Spike put a hand to the cheek he got kissed at and used his other hand to wave, "Bye." he said.

The next day, during Phys Ed, Spike and his class were doing sit ups. The boy looked left to right with his three comrades on either side, while talking about what happened last night after he took the garbage out, "You got a date with Aria tonight?" Pip asked.

"Yeah. She just came to me and asked me." Spike confirmed.

"Do Adagio and Sonata even know about it?" Tender inquired.

"I would assume so, since Adagio spared no expense in blabbing my date with her to them."

"Probably a means to get them jealous and all," Featherweight suspected, "You know that's how things work in a harem genre anime."

"Except this is real life, Featherweight." Spike reminded him.

"In real life girls get jealous if the guy they're into goes out with another girl close to them." Featherweight countered.

"He's got you there, Spike." Pip agreed.

Before another word could be said, Coach Iron Will bellowed, "Less talking more working, ladies!" the boys picked up the pace with their sit ups.

Later on as school was letting out, Spike went to his locker before seeing Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, "Hi, Spike." Twilight greeted him.

"Hi, Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity."

"How're you doing this afternoon, darling?" Rarity inquired.

"Not bad. You girls?"

"Awesome as always." Rainbow boasted.

"You heading home now?" Twilight wondered.

"Actually, I made plans."

"What kind?" Rarity asked curiously.

"He's going out with me." Came Aria's voice as she came over.

"Hey, Aria." Spike greeted.

"Hey, Spike." she said, while leaning against the lockers.

"Aria, what're you doing here?" Rainbow asked.

"Like I said, Spike and I heading out."

"To do what?" Twilight crossed her arms in suspicion.

"Nothing adult rated, I assure you." Spike answered.

"Well you never know," Aria teased, "One thing leads to another, you know?"

Twilight started getting red in the face, until Spike spoke, "She's joking! Aren't you, Aria?" he gave her a glare.

"Of course I am. Lighten up, Twi." Aria replied, as the girl sighed.

"Just make sure you're not out late because I won't cover you for mom and dad. I've already done that twice in the last week." Twilight warned him.

"I understand and I'll be fine. Later, girls." he walked off with Aria.

"Once again you're too easy to get your buttons pressed." Rainbow told Twilight.

"Oh, shut it." Twilight denied.

Outside the school Spike and Aria began walking down the block, "So did you, Adagio, and Sonata get into some big fight when Adagio told you about our date?"

"What do you ask?" Aria raised a brow.

"After watching you three up close and how you can got into petty squabbles, I tend to pick up these kind of hints."

"That noticeable?" she asked humorously, "Relax, we didn't throw any punches or kicks. Just a bit of a scuffle but nothing serious. I mean we're sisters it's what we do."

"Understandable. Twilight and I have our sibling scuffles but I still love her."

"Same with me, Adagio and Sonata." The two smiled, and pressed on.

The two teens had decided to go to the mall, and were shopping in the music store. As Spike was looking at some CDs, Aria walked up to him and held up three individual CDs with a different pop star on the covers, "Spike, who do you prefer? Sapphire Shores? Countess Coloratura? Or Songbird Serenade?"

Spike answered, "Aria, that is a near impossible question to answer."

"I know, but still out of all of them who would you pick?" she insisted.

Spike looked at the three pop stars, before answering, "I'd go with Coloratura."

Aria looked down at the picture before asking suspiciously, "You're not just choosing her because she has a hot body, right?"

Spike blushed, while shaking his head, "I like her for her music too, and not just because she's hot."

"So you admit she's hot." Aria accused.

"Who can deny she isn't?"

Aria shrugged, "Touche. Even I'm jealous of her beauty. In fact I envy all three of these stars for their beauty."

"Hey I think you look good." Spike said.

"Do I?" Aria asked, as she got closer.

"Of course."

Aria smirked, "Glad you admitted that. I feel better now."

Spike rolled his eyes, and muttered to himself, "Women always needing to beat your inner thoughts out of you."

Aria patted his shoulder, "Come on, Spike. I'm just busting your chops a little."

"So that's what it was?" Spike asked dryly.

"Hey, a girl can have some fun, can't she?"

"Of course."

"Come on, let's go pay for these and grab a bite." Aria said, as Spike smiled, and did just that.

After exiting the shop, they went to the food court and were sitting at a table having a burger and fries each, "Mm, nothing beats a good old Belch Burger." Spike said, before taking a bite.

"I hear ya. We'd never have this kind of stuff back where we're from." Aria agreed.

"And, Aria, do I have to remind you about how you say things around my sister?"

"What do you mean?" Aria asked curiously.

"The way you spoke about us to my sister once again puts you on bad terms." Spike warned her.

"Maybe your sister needs to learn to have a sense of humor." Aria retorted.

"Yes I know, but that's a certain kind of humor she doesn't find so amusing. So I say again try and behave."

Aria smiled, "All right. For you. But how do you deal with he eggheaded nature?"

"It's not easy, but I manage. What about you?"

"Between Adagio's bossiness and Sonata's clueless nature sometimes I feel I'm the only normal one in the family."

"And yet you still love them." Spike smirked.

"Yeah. I can't imagine my life without them even if they have those flaws."

"I feel the same with Twilight and Shining Armor. Siblings, am I right?" Spike joked.

"Yeah." Aria agreed, as they continued eating their burgers.

As it was getting late the two walked back to Spike's place before stopping out front, "Well, I guess I'll see you around, Aria."

"Yeah. You too," Aria answered, as she pecked his cheek, "And once I tell this to my sisters, you can bet Sonata's going to be asking you for a date as well."

"I'll be ready." Spike replied.

Aria started walking away, before turning back, "And I thought our date was fun." she hurried along. Spike smiled, before going inside.

As he walked down the hall toward his room, he passed Twilight's. The door was open, and she noticed him and spoke, "You're back. How was it?"

"It was good, Twilight."

"Well, I'm glad you had fun." she admitted.

Spike raised a brow, "You're not going to try and make accusations or assume the worse?"

"Har-har." she replied sarcastically.

Spike chuckled, before heading to his room. He plopped onto his bed, and pulled out the three CDs he bought at the music shop, "Sapphire, Countess, or Songbird... Decisions-decisions," he said to himself. He finally held up the Sapphire Shores CD, before placing the other two down on his bed. He looked at the two covers and spoke, "Sorry, Countess. Songbird. But I'm in a Sapphire mood tonight." he popped the CD into his player and began listening to the music while nodding his head to the rhythm.

Sonata date

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One afternoon at school, Spike was hanging with his buds in the hall way during a free period, "This has been quite a day, hasn't it?" Spike asked his friends.

"Yeah, a surprise quiz by Ms. Cheerilee, extra laps in Coach Iron Will's class, and the list goes on." Pip sighed.

"When I get home I'm doing nothing but vegging out on my couch." Tender said.

"Sounds like a good idea." Feather agreed.

"If only I could do the same, but quite frankly my days haven't been so to myself." Spike explained.

"What does Twilight have you running to the dollar store to get more pens and pencils?" Tender asked rhetorically.

"Don't be ridiculous," Spike replied, "She has a years worth of each."

"So then what's got you so tired?" Pip asked.

"And don't say it's because of-" Tender was interrupted by Spike.

"Club activity, and not to mention Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, following me around like love sick puppies."

"I thought they're more like smitten kittens." Feather said.

"Call them whatever you want, but one thing's for sure the more they spend with me the more envious glares I receive from the older male student body."

"Sucks to be you." Tender said.

"I know." Spike sighed.

"Come on, we better get to our next class." Pip said, as the boys headed for their next period.

When school let out, Spike left the building only to get grabbed from behind by Sonata, "Hi, Spike!" she cheered.

"Sonata." he greeted her.

"Whatcha doing?" she asked slyly.

"Nothing, I was just planning on heading home."

"What? That's no fun." Sonata whined.

"Well, what do you suggest I do?" he asked rhetorically.

"How about you come grab a taco with me?" she offered.

"A taco?" Spike asked, before pondering, "Well, we haven't eaten since lunch. So I guess I could join you for one."

"Yes!" she cheered, before grabbing his hand, "Let's go!" she dragged him along.

"Hey, don't drag me!" he protested, while trying to keep up with her.

Soon the two were at a Taco take out joint, while sitting at a booth enjoying a taco each, "Mm, so delicious." Sonata salivated, "Did you know the taco was the first human food I ever tried when me, Adagio, and Aria came to the surface world?"

"I had no idea. No wonder you're so hooked on them." Spike noted.

"I especially love Taco Tuesdays, where taco's are half off or have other great deals."

"Gotta love deals," Spike admitted, "You know Sonata, you're much easier to get along with than Adagio and Aria."

"Are you saying you don't get along with them?" Sonata asked in worry.

"Oh, no, I get along with them ok. I'm just saying you're more easy going and happy."

Sonata smiled, "Thank you. It's not always easy getting along with Aria and Adagio. Mostly because I've always been regarded as the baby of the group."

"The baby?" Spike asked.

"Adagio and Aria always treated me like the baby of the group because I don't always know as much as they do or they don't think I'm as mature as they are."

"Hey, that's how siblings are," Spike admitted, "Take a look at me, I have an older sister and a brother. And each one likes to tease me on various occasions."

"So I've noticed with you and Twilight."

"But you know no matter how many times we treat each other like pests, we still love each other. And I'm sure no matter how many times your sisters may treat you like a nuisance they still love you to."

Sonata nodded, "Yeah. They were always there for me whenever I was bullied by others."

"Older siblings, you can't live with or without them." Spike joked.

"And that's a fact." Sonata laughed followed by Spike.

Later the two exited the Taco place, as Spike spoke, "You gonna be all right finding our way back?"

"Of course. Trust me no matter how many times Adagio and Aria have asked me that before I always find my way."

"I'll take your word for it." Spike said.

Sonata smiled, and kissed Spike's cheek, "We should really get together more often when it's just the two of us, Spike."

"Uh, right." Spike answered.

"Well, see you around." Sonata said, as she skipped off happily with herself. Spike couldn't help but smile at her before he started for home as well.

The next day after school, Spike was walking to the club room, "Lyra said there would be a big surprise today. Can't wait to see what that surprise is." he said sarcastically to himself.

So Spike opened the door to the club room and entered. Upon stepping inside he saw not only the other six members of the club, but six more figures in the room with them. The group consisted of four girls and two boys, all who appear to be the same grade and age as Spike. Spike looked at the six new students in confusion, "What the?"

"Ah, Spike, you made it," Lyra said, as she walked over to him and brought him forward, "Some exciting news. We have six new members joining the club today!" she cheered.

"Six?" he asked in disbelief.

"That's right. May I introduce you to Gallus," she began introducing them

Gallus was a boy with light blue hair with golden yellow tips. He was wearing sneakers, jeans, and a yellow short covered by a blue jacket. The boy turned to Spike and spoke, "Sup, man?"


Smolder was one of the girls, wearing sandals, orange pants, a red shirt, and had moderate cerise colored hair, "How's it going?" she asked.


Yona was a stout girl with brown hair and long bangs tied in pink bows. Her attire included sneakers, jeans, and a tan blouse, "I'm so glad to meet a another club member!" she declared.


Ocellus was the third girl with short pink hair, and her attire was composed of red sneakers, a red skirt, and a light blue blouse. The girl looked at Spike timidly before waving, "Hi."


Sandbar was the second boy with a mix of bluish green and light green hair, and his clothing was composed of sneakers, jean shorts, and a yellowish green shirt, "Nice to meetcha."

"And finally, Silverstream." Lyra finished.

Silverstream was the tallest among the new members, and last of the girls. She wore slip on shoes, jeans, a pinkish purple shirt, and her hair was colored aqua and arctic blue. She ran to Spike and started shaking his hand, "Ohmygosh! I am so happy to meet you, Spike Sparkle. Lyra, Bonbon, Adagio, and the others have said nothing but great things about you. Aside form the fact you were the only boy in this club. Well, until now that is." she giggled.

"Thanks. I guess." Spike said, while recovering from dizziness.

"Now we have a total of thirteen members in our club," Moondancer began, "And with this many, we won't have to worry about the club being removed from lack of members."

"Which is good news for us." Aria said.

Spike looked at the six new students, "Why have you six suddenly decided to join the Cryptid Club?"

"Well, we each transferred in a few days ago." Sandbar began.

"And we were each looking for some after school activity." Smolder added.

"Unfortunately all other clubs and groups were filled." Ocellus put in.

"Then we see flyer for Cryptid Club." Yona continued.

"We went to see Lyra about it and she signed us all up as members." Gallus said.

"So here we are." Silverstream smiled.

"And do you believe in what this club studies?" Spike asked.

"I do." Silverstream answered.

"I'm curious about this and decided to check it out." Sandbar said.

"Same here." Gallus agreed.

"Unbelievable." Spike said flabbergasted.

"Come on, team let's celebrate!" Lyra cheered.

"I'm down with that." Sonata agreed.

"Then let's party!" Adagio declared, as everyone started celebrating.

Spike looked around and couldn't help but smile, and thought, 'I hope these six will be prepared if we happen across another monster or something.'

"Spike come on!" Bonbon called.

"Group picture time!" Lyra announced.

Spike went over the the group and joined them for a group picture that was eventually hung in the club room. In the picture, Spike was in the center with the Dazzlings sitting or standing close to him.

A New Sighting

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Inside the Cryptid club room after school, the members were gathered together. It started of as a small club, but with the recent addition of six students named Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus, Yona, and Silverstream the club doubled in size.

As Spike sat down looking at everyone in the room, he thought to himself, 'I can't believe we got six new members here. I thought for sure this club was going to be a lost cause, because very few students actually believe in the supernatural. Though if they knew find out the stuff they study is real, he wondered if they'd regret joining.

"All right, everyone listen up. We got us a new case." Lyra began.

"A case?" Smolder asked.

"Ooh, what is it?" Silverstream asked in excitement.

"There's been reports of something lurking in the mountain outside the city," Lyra explained, "Many people had been hiking up there in the last week, but disappeared with no body turning up."

"So people go missing, does that really mean it's something that calls for our investigation?" Spike asked rhetorically.

"Would it help if we told you this has happened before up there?" Bonbon asked.

"It what?" Spike wondered.

Bonbon continued, as she pulled out a laptop to read the information, "This had been happening for the last 23 years, with long gaps happening between years, and especially during the winter."

"Why winter?" Ocellus wondered.

"We wondered why as well," Lyra admitted, "So we've done some more research and found this interview with someone who didn't disappear. The article reads this guy and his friend were out hiking up the mountain and staying at a family cabin, but they were attacked a viscous creature that made off with one of them. Some people thought it was just a bear, but the survivor kept telling them it wasn't a bear, because it was smart enough to have unlocked the door, it roared like no man or animal, and it moved like lightning."

"What does that mean for us?" Sandbar asked.

"After taking all this evidence together, we've concluded what this perpetrator is." Bonbon continued.

"And..." Spike asked wanting them to get on with it.

Lyra answered, "We're dealing with a Wendigo."

"A Wendigo?" Yona asked.

"What exactly is a Wendigo?" Gallus asked, while resting his chin on his hand. Moondancer pulled out a book on lore, and flipped to her designated page. She put the book down before the group showing them a depiction of said creature.

"According to legend, Wendigo's are humanoid creatures over hundreds of years old, approximately fifteen feet fall, and look like emaciated people in a more disgusting way," the girl in glasses explained, "Lore states that a wendigo was once in its time a human who after being forced to eat human flesh to survive, they become monsters that retain little of the human features they once possessed. After their transformation, they begin to crave human flesh and feed solely on it."

"So they're cannibals?" Ocellus asked sounding frightened.

Adagio answered, "Yes, only far worse than an average cannibal because they're rarely satisfied with their meals and constantly search for more. According to which these creatures are strong and fast, making it nearly impossible to spot before getting caught by it."

Aria added her two cents, "They use their speed to prey upon victims and use their sharp claws to immobilize their captives."

Finally Sonata had her knowledge to share, "A wendigo also knows how to last long winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time. When it's awake, it keeps its victims alive by storing them so it can feed whenever it wants."

"So it's a human hoarder?" Smolder asked.

"Exactly," Lyra confirmed, "Which means there's an off chance some of the recent disappeared people could be alive. At least if the wendigo isn't monstrously hungry."

"So is there any way to stop such a creature?" Sandbar asked.

"Unfortunately guns and knives have no affect on it." Bonbon sighed.

"Well, we can't exactly get access to such weapons anyway." Gallus noted.

"The only other option is to torch the sucker." Adagio spoke up.

"Torch it?" Smolder asked.

"Yes," Lyra nodded, "Wendigo's are extremely sensitive to heat, and won't go near anyone around open flames."

"So another night hunt?" Spike asked.

"I'm afraid that's a no," Lyra answered, "Wendigo's are the ideal hunter given their strength and speed. At nighttime they are at their peak, especially since the dark makes it harder to spot them. So we're going to have to go on a daytime hunt."

"A hunt?" Ocellus asked in worry, "You're actually suggesting we take this thing down?"

"It's the only way to keep others from suffering like the other people have." Aria replied.

"Shouldn't we tell the cops or something about this?" Silverstream asked.

"Like they'd believe us?" Moondancer asked, "It's a Cryptid club, remember? To cops and other authority figures, we're just a bunch of kids trying to get attention."

"Hey, let's back it up here," Gallus interrupted them, "Now we're actually going to believe that a Wendigo it out there in the mountain hoarding people?"

"The clues and details are spot on." Sonata reminded him.

"She does have a point." Sandbar agreed.

"I joined this club thinking we're just learning about the supernatural, but hunting it?"

"We're really trying to prove the existence of them by gathering evidence." Moondancer explained.

"Killing them is strictly to keep other people safe." Bonbon added.

"You sound like you're starting to not believe in our club or what we do." Lyra squinted her eyes.

"Well, how can I not? It all sounds like a lot of made up crap."

The group gasped, at what he said, until Lyra spoke up, "Well, it looks like we're going to have to make a believer out of you, and all of you." she motioned to the rest of the newbies who felt scared of Lyra's serious tone.

Spike turned to them, "Trust me I was skeptic myself, but after our run in with both a Hidebehind and a Gumberoo I believe in the supernatural."

"Choice is yours, Gallus," Adagio began, "Join us on our trip and find out the truth, or stay here and remain a skeptic."

"Same applies to the rest of you." Aria told the other five newbies.

One by one the new members agreed to join leaving Gallus the last. As everyone looked at him awaiting an answer, he caved in with a sigh, "All right, I'll join."

The club smiled at his choice, as Lyra spoke, "Then everyone be sure to pack, because this Saturday morning we're going on a hike."

"Better stock up on some matches, lighters, and gasoline." Sonata suggested.

"We'll need a lot of that." Spike joked, and they laughed before taking off.

As Spike left the school, the Dazzlings followed, "So you think we stand a chance of finding this Wendigo before it tries to pick us off?" he asked them.

"Well, you heard what we read from lore, they're the ideal hunters." Adagio reminded him.

"But lucky for you, you have three mermaids on your side." Aria told him.

"Right, but you know I feel bad for how wendigo's came to be," Spike confessed, much to the sisters surprise, "I mean they were once humans until they resorted to cannibalism which turned them into what they are. Imagine what they used to be and how they could've ended up that way."

"It's human nature to survive by any means, even if it means resorting to cannibalism." Adagio reminded him.

"I know, human nature, survival of the fittest, do or die. I get it," Spike sighed, "I just hope when we kill it, the poor soul will be at rest."

"We can only hope for that." Sonata said.

"I hope so too." Spike agreed, as the four continued to walk off before parting ways. Saturday was going to be another epic hunt like before, and they needed to be prepared for the worst.

Wendigo in the Mountain Trail

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Early Saturday morning, Spike and the Cryptid Club had boarded the bus to take them up to the mountain trail in hope of finding their mysterious wendigo. When they reached the bus stop, they got off and looked up the mountain trail.

"Alright, everyone, this is it." Lyra told them.

"Somewhere in there lies our wendigo." Sonata said.

"We need photographic evidence of it, and then we take it down." Spike added.

"I'm getting goosebumps at the thought of it." Ocellus trembled.

"Don't worry, Ocellus," Sandbar began, "As long as we stick together, we'll be fine."

"Sandbar's correct," Adagio confirmed, "There are safety in numbers."

"So what're we waiting for?" Smolder asked rhetorically.

"Yeah, let's go!" Yona cheered.

"Everyone have their supplies?" Bonbon asked, as everyone showed their backpacks filled with the essential equipment.

"Then we're all set." Moondancer confirmed.

"Come on, team. Let's move." Aria ordered, as they headed up the mountain.

As they reached the starting point of the trail, they saw it was taped off by the cops, "Looks like the fuzz have already marked this off." Gallus noted.

"Well, that's not stopping us." Lyra said, as they stepped over the taped off area, and continued onward up the trail.

As they followed the trail, Ocellus spoke, "You know this isn't so bad. I'm enjoying this nice hike."

"Just remember to keep your eyes peeled and your ears opened." Adagio warned her.

"Adagio's right," Lyra agreed, "A wendigo is fast and strong. It can come from anywhere at anytime."

"If it really exists." Gallus replied still keeping up his skeptical attitude.

The girls didn't bother getting into an argument, as they had to focus on the matter at hand. Spike however looked around the forest area surrounding the mountain in case he did see something. His last encounter with the Hidebehind and Gumberoo taught him about keeping a very close eye on your surroundings.

They kept walking until they stopped upon a spot that looked like a camp site was previously set up, "Looks like the scene of the crime." Spike noted.

"What do we look for now?" Yona asked.

"Any possible clues that can help with our investigation." Lyra instructed, as the club members looked around the campsite.

"I hope we don't find feces samples." Sandbar told Gallus.

"If we do, you're handling it." Gallus replied.

"Guys! Over here!" Silverstream cried.

Everyone raced over to where Silverstream was standing by a tree, "What is it, Silverstream?" Bonbon asked.

"Look what I found!" she motioned to the ground.

They looked down seeing a foot print in the ground that looked too big to be human, "That's not a human footprint." Sonata said in worry.

"Think it belongs to our wendigo?" Sandbar asked.

"Without a doubt." Moondancer answered, while looking through one of her books on wendigo to match the foot shape and size.

"Well, it's a lead." Lyra took a selfie of the footprint with her phone.

"There's more here." Ocellus called, as she went further to reveal tracks belonging to whatever made the footprint.

"If we follow these it should lead us right to it." Adagio said.

"Do we really wanna do that?" Ocellus asked nervously.

"We've come this far. So we have to see it through." Lyra answered.

"Otherwise our coming here would've been pointless." Aria added.

Spike answered, "They're right. Besides this is the focus of the club. And as much as a pain in the ass it sounds we should see it through."

The newbies seeing how right the others were stayed on board, "So we going or what?" Gallus asked.

"Let's go." Lyra instructed, as they followed the trail.

They walked through the forest while following the tracks, "Do we remember what we discussed about how to deal with a wendigo in the club room?" Lyra asked the members.

"Blades and bullets have no affect on it." Gallus answered.

"So we have to set it on fire." Sandbar added.

"Correct." Bonbon confirmed.

"Good thing we brought the essentials." Aria revealed the bottles of fluid in her back pack.

"And we also have to be quick about it." Moondancer added.

"Because wendigo strong and fast." Yona noted.

"That's right." Lyra nodded in confirmation.

"Well with all of us here, it can't grab us all at once," Sonata began, "So if it tries to go after one of us the rest can distract it so the others can douse it and light it up."

"Logical." Spike agreed.

"Hold up." Lyra stopped them as they stopped in place.

"Why're we stopping?" Moondancer asked.

"We're here." Lyra answered.

"Here where?" Gallus asked, as Lyra motioned to a cave up ahead.

"Looks like we found the wendigo's bachelor pad." Spike said.

"Are we going on?" Ocellus asked, while hiding behind Yona.

"We have to." Adagio reminded her.

"I was afraid of that." Ocellus trembled.

Yona feeling bad for Ocellus, spoke up, "Yona will stay outside with Ocellus."

"Very well, but be prepared for anything," Lyra warned them, before turning to the others, "Grab your torches." they each pulled out a flashlight and entered the cave.

As the club walked through the damp dark cave, Spike couldn't help but plug his nose, "Oh, what reeks?"

"I really don't wanna say it." Lyra warned them.

"Then don't." Gallus replied.

"Rotting bodies." Lyra finished, making the others looks sick.

"Smells like it's getting worse." Moondancer gagged, as she shined her light in a corner of the cave to reveal a skeleton with torn clothes and flies buzzing around it.

Sonata screamed in fright, as the others jumped at how loud she was, "Man, she can scream." Smolder told the others.

"Sonata!" Adagio and Aria scolded her.


"You wanna keep it down?" Bonbon whispered.

"Yeah. We don't wanna attract any unwanted attention." Lyra added.

Spike looked ahead as a look of shock grew on his face, "Uh-gu-gu-gu..."

The group looked at Spike, "What's up with you, Spike?" Moondancer asked.

"I think we just got our unwanted attention!" Spike cried as he pointed behind them.

The group looked back, as Sandbar shined his light on a tall humanoid creature that looked like the depiction of the thing they were on the look out for. The wendigo growled at them, as Silverstream screamed, "Wendigo!"

The wendigo roared, and tried to slice at them with its long nails, but luckily they ducked the strike, "Out of the cave!" Spike screamed, as they ran back the way they came with the wendigo following them.

As they ran for the exit, Lyra spoke to Gallus, "Is that proof enough for you?!"

"Ok, I believe!" Gallus cried.

Outside, Ocellus and Yona were waiting, until they heard their friends screams, "It's them." Yona gasped.

"What're they screaming for?" Ocellus asked.

They saw the group emerge from the cave in fright, "The wendigo's right behind us!" Smolder cried.

"The what?" Ocellus and Yona asked, until they saw the creature step out of the cave.

The two looked at the creature in shock, as Yona asked Ocellus, "We should run, right?"

"Right." Ocellus agreed, and the two followed their friend while screaming.

They ran through the woods, as the wendigo was smashing trees that stood in its way from reaching its targets. Spike spoke to Lyra and Bonbon, "If we're going to stop that thing, we need to act now."

"Agreed. Everyone, split up!" Lyra ordered.

"What?" Ocellus gasped.

"Are you crazy?!" Gallus asked in shock.

"Just do it!" Bonbon ordered, and they split up into groups.

The wendigo stopped and looked around before following the trail of Ocellus and Yona. The girls ran until a big log was thrown at them, "Hit dirt! Yona tackled Ocellus to the ground before the log crashed into a tree.

The two looked up and saw the wendigo standing above them and raised it's right claw. The two feared the inevitable strike, until Gallus called out, "Hey, no brain!" he chucked a rock at the wendigo's head getting his attention. Gallus laughed a bit at the monster who roared and started pursuing Gallus. The former skeptic ran for it, while Spike, Sandbar, and Smolder stood behind one bush while holding onto a vine, while on the opposite side were the Dazzlings holding the other end.

"Get ready to pull, girls." Spike called to the Dazzlings.

"You got it." Aria called back.

As Gallus ran over the vine, Smolder shouted, "Now!" they each tugged on their ends of the vine making the wendigo trip over it. As it hit the ground, the group tried tying it's legs together with the vine, but the creature's legs were strong enough to break out of the bindings.

"Run-run!" Sandbar shouted, as they ran from the wendigo who got back on it's feet. As Spike, Smolder, and Sandbar ran, the Dazzlings stayed behind, "We'll distract it!" Adagio told them, as the three ran further.

As the wendigo closed in on the sisters, they stood together and vocalized which emitted sound waves. Their voices hypnotic ability hit the wendigo who began straining in pain from the sound the three undercover mermaids were making with their voices. As the Dazzlings had the wendigo in pain, Sonata quickly took a selfie of it as evidence.

Adagio motioned her sisters to follow her, and they ceased their singing and made a run for it. As they ran, Aria spoke, "That should keep him dazed for awhile."

"And hopefully long enough for us to torch it." Sonata added.

"It will." Adagio confirmed, as they met up with the others.

"Hey, where's the wendigo?" Lyra asked.

"It's right behind us." Adagio answered.

"We better get someplace else." Moondancer suggested.

"Not yet," Aria said, "We have to coat it with the fluid and light it up now while we can."

"What if we're not fast enough?" Ocellus asked.

"Trust us, we will be." Sonata assured them.

The group was concerned, but trusted their fellow club members and got ready for an ambush. As they waited, Spike whispered to the Dazzlings, "What'd you do?"

"We sang it a very ear splitting lullaby to distort its senses." Adagio explained.

"It won't be snapping back to normal for awhile." Aria added.

"Well, let's hope this works." Spike said, as they hid in the bushes.

Up in the tree was Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona, Gallus, Silverstream, and Smolder each holding cans of lighter fuel. They all heard stomping, and saw the wendigo stumbling around trying to regain its senses. Sandbar whispered to his friends, "Steady... Almost..." the wendigo finally was right under them, "Pour it on."

The six poured fuel from their cans down onto the wendigo coating it with the substance. The wendigo felt the fluid drip all over his body, and was unprepared for what was coming next. Spike, the Dazzlings, Moondancer, Lyra, and Bonbon popped out of two bushes each holding a lit match, "Let's cook." Lyra said, as they flicked their matches at the wendigo. As each flame came into contact with the fluid coated monster, its whole body was engulfed in fire.

The monster screamed in pain as it stumbled and ran around the clearing before falling flat and burned to death. As the members climbed down from the tree and watched the monster burn with the others, Spike spoke to Gallus, "So skeptic now?"

"That... was... wicked!" Gallus cheered, "I mean I was scared as hell, but in the good way now."

"Yeah. We stopped a monster!" Silverstream cheered, as she danced with Smolder.

"Yona loves this club!" Yona cheered.

Lyra spoke with pride, "You all did well."

"But we didn't get any evidence of it." Moondancer reminded them.

"Oh, yes we did," Sonata said, as she showed the selfie, "Before it chased us I managed to snatch a shot."

Bonbon looked at the wendigo's painful look in the picture, "Did it's vision get distorted from the camera's flash?"

The sisters looked worried knowing it was their singing that distorted it, but Adagio answered, "Actually, yes. Guess it couldn't handle flash photography."

"This one's going in the log book." Lyra said, while marveling at the picture.

Moondancer spoke to the newbie members, "Well, you survived a wendigo hunt. Now that you know what we're dealing with do you still wanna be members?"

"You bet!" Silverstream.

"Now that we know cryptid creatures really do exist, I wanna prove their existence to the world." Sandbar added.

"Yona wants to help too!"

"I've already been proven their existence, so I may as well see how many more exist." Gallus added.

"Should be interesting." Smolder put in.

"I'll stay too." Ocellus finished.

"Wise choices." Lyra smiled.

"We better go back to the cave and see if there are any survivors." Bonbon suggested.

"Agreed." Lyra confirmed, as they went back to the cave.

They entered and went further into it seeing more skeletons littered around that looked long since dead, "Doesn't look like that wendigo wanted to save any for a late night snack." Spike looked around.

"So we were unable to save the recent disappearances?" Sandbar asked in worry.

"I'm afraid so." Moondancer confirmed feeling equally dismal.

"Still, with the wendigo dead we'll have saved a lot more people from ever being eaten by it again." Lyra noted.

"So are we going to tell the press about this or what?" Smolder asked.

"Not yet." Bonbon answered.

"What?" Gallus asked in confusion, "After all this we're not going to tell anyone?"

"Not at the moment," Lyra explained, "We wanna fill our log book with undeniable proof of more creatures, that way we have more sources."

"Lyra's right," Spike agreed, "If we show just on wendigo picture to the cops or media they'll just laugh at us."

The six new members exchanged looks and knew how right Spike was, "So we just gotta wait and gather more evidence form other creatures?" Smolder asked.

"Exactly." Moondancer confirmed.

The six sighed, as Adagio spoke, "Don't feel glum. Think of this as undercover work. Like we're the FBI or something."

"Well, that does make it sound more exciting." Sandbar admitted.

"And when the time comes we'll let the world know what's out there." Lyra promised them.

"But for now let's savor today's victory." Spike said.

"Yeah!" the six agreed.

"This calls for a celebration!" Aria cheered.

"Party at Spike's place!" Sonata called.

"What?" Spike asked in confusion, as they paraded back. Spike sighed, and spoke to himself, "Never a dull moment with this crowd." he chuckled to himself before following them.

Later on back at Spike's house, Twilight was in the living room reading, until the door opened, and Spike stepped inside, "I'm back."

"Hey, Spike, I didn't hear ya leave this morning." Twilight greeted.

"Yeah. Had to do some early work with the club."

"What kind of work?" she asked.

Silverstream popped in, "We stopped a monster!" the rest of the club piled in much to Twilight's shock.

"Wait, you what?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Just as she said, Twi." Spike answered.

"I didn't believe it at first, but it was real." Gallus added.

"We're gonna be in Spike's room celebrating." Aria said, as the group went for Spike's room.

Before Spike could follow, Twilight pulled him back, "What is going on here?"

"What? Just club activity partying." Spike answered, while trying to brush it off.

"Are they serious about you guys stopping a monster?"

"What if they are?" Spike questioned her.

"Spike, if you're doing dangerous work I don't want you getting hurt from it." she warned him.

"I'm more than capable of handling myself, Twilight. Besides, the club and I are more prepared than you think." he went to his room leaving Twilight more confused.

Soon enough everyone was in Spike's room, taking a seat on the bed or the floor. Each one had a root beer bottle and held them high, "A toast to our latest discovery!" Lyra declared.

"Cheers!" they clinked their bottles together and took a swig.

"I wonder what creature we'll be investigating next time?" Smolder wondered.

"It all depends on what presents itself." Bonbon answered.

"Let's hope the next thing we investigate isn't so savage." Ocellus said.

"I hear ya." Sonata agreed.

Spike looked around at everyone enjoying themselves, and thought, 'With new members in this club taking on any dangerous monster or creature are better odds. Though I wonder if Twilight's gonna keep getting on my case about this?'

Besties Date

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One Sunday morning, Spike was cleaning up his bedroom while listening to music. As he danced around in the middle of cleaning, he grabbed a comb and pretended to use it as a microphone while lip singing. He was so into it, he didn't realize his sister and her friends standing in the doorway. They watching while trying to suppress their laughter.

Finally Spike ended up spotting them and stumbled back before turning off his music, "Twilight! We've been through this. You have to knock!" he said.

"And I did, but you didn't answer. So we entered." Twilight explained.

"And it's a good thing we did," Pinkie added, "That was quite a performance."

"And a hilarious one too!" Rainbow laughed.

"Yuck it up, Dash." Spike warned her.

"Sorry about that, Sugarcube." Applejack apologized.

"And if it's any consolation I thought your performance was magnificent." Rarity told him.

"Yes. It was very good." Fluttershy added.

"Well, thanks."

"And I'm proud to see you're finally cleaning up this trash heap you call your room." Twilight looked around.

"Trash heap?" Spike asked sounding insulted, "I'll have you know I take excellent care of my room. I mean we can't all have a completely neat organized room like yours. I'm surprised you don't use a label maker to label all your stuff."

"I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer." Twilight pouted, while her friends giggled to each other.

"Anyway, my room is clean, so now I can go out," he picked up his skateboard, "Catch you ladies later."

"Make sure you're not out too late, Spike." Twilight warned him.

"Yes, mother." Spike answered sarcastically. Twilight blushed from embarrassment, while the girls laughed.

Out in town, Spike was skateboarding around, and occasionally hitching a ride on the back of a moving car to help him move along. He soon arrived outside the burger joint and decided to grab a bite. He went inside and made his order. Once he received it, he picked a booth and sat down, "Mm, Double XL Burger, XL fries, and large drink. My fave."

"This booth taken?" came a voice.

Spike looked up and saw Lyra and Bonbon each with a tray of their own orders, "Girls, hey. No, please sit down." he insisted.

"Thanks." Bonbon said, as the two besties sat opposite side of Spike.

"So how're you two doing today?" Spike inquired.

"Oh, we're doing great." Lyra answered, "So what brings you here?"

"I had to grab a bite after cleaning up my room," he began, "Between my parents and my sister telling me it needs to be cleaned it's enough to drive ya mad. It's wasn't even that bad."

"You don't leave your clothes lying around the floor do you?" Bonbon asked, "Because that's enough reason for others to nag you into cleaning."

"No. I have a hamper for that," Spike assured them, "At least I had to when Twilight forced me to buy one." he muttered.

"Well, some people take the smallest messes so seriously." Lyra shrugged.

"And that's a fact," Spike replied, "So what've you girls been up to?"

"Still going over various study lessons with the new club members." Bonbon explained.

"Among them, Ocellus seems to be the expert behind the monster and creature facts." Lyra added.

"A bookworm, huh? Just like Twilight." Spike snickered.

"Yeah. Ya got that right." Bonbon laughed.

"Smolder, Silverstream, Sandbar, and Yona seem very gung ho about it," Lyra noted, "Gallus, however, only feels motivated if it truly peeks his interest."

"Yeah. We all could see he's a skeptic, at least until we found the wendigo." Spike recalled.

"Exactly," Bonbon nodded, "Still they're learning well."

"That's good." Spike said.

"But you know we also need to improve as well." Lyra told the boy.

"Improve how? More studying?" he groaned at the idea.

"Not exactly," Lyra continued, "The three of us, Adagio, Sonata, Aria, and Moondancer are already prepared enough in the knowledge field concerning creatures compared to the new members. What we need is physical training."

"Physical training? Isn't that what P.E class is for?" Spike asked rhetorically.

"The stuff we do in that class isn't enough. We need to hone our reflexes and skills that the class can't teach us," Lyra explained, "And I know a good enough activity to help us with that."

"Do I dare ask?" Spike asked, as the two girls smirked.

Next thing Spike knew, he, Bonbon, and Lyra were in a dark maze area with lights shining all around. Each of them was wearing laser tag gear, and carried a blaster, "Laser tag?" Spike asked them, as he dodged a shot from another player before shooting back and took out the bogey.

The three hid behind cover, as Lyra answered, "Yeah. I mean it's like avoiding the wendigo, hidebehind, and gumberoo.

"You have to be quick and clever to outsmart them." Bonbon added, as she nailed an opponent with a laser shot.

"Would be nice if we had real lasers to fight them if they got too close." Spike said, as they crept around.

They kept their eyes peeled for any remaining opponents. Spike spotted someone about to shoot at Lyra and Bonbon, "Girls, look out!" Spike said as he shielded them taking laser thus eliminating him from the game.

"Spike!" the girls gasped, before frowning at their opponent. They went on a warpath and took out all the remaining players leaving their team the victors.

The three left the laser tag room victoriously, "That was an awesome win," Spike began, "You girls went all bad ass on those guys."

"we do make a good team." Bonbon admitted.

"All three of us do." Lyra added.

"And thanks for what you did for us, Spike. You know taking that blow for us." Bonbon said.

"Hey, no problem. I mean you'd do the same for me, wouldn't you?"

"You bet we would." Lyra assured.

"That's what friends do." Bonbon added.

"Best friends." Lyra put in.

Spike smiled, until he saw the two smiling happily at him, "What?" he asked.

"We just want to thank you again for helping us make our Cryptid Club so popular." Lyra began, as both placed a kiss on Spike's lips leaving his face red.

"Wha-buh. I.." Spike stammered in shock, while the girls giggled.

"We'll see you around ok?" Lyra asked.

"Uh, sure." Spike answered.

"Later!" Bonbon said, as the two girls took off. Spike waved by still feeling flabbergasted, before smiling.

"That actually felt good." he turned and left for home as well.

Later on, Lyra and Bonbon were in the park hanging out at a gazebo all to themselves, "That was fun, wasn't it?" Lyra asked Bonbon.

"The best." Bonbon agreed.

"Spike really is a team player, and good friend," Lyra continued, "His courage and loyalty may be what the newbies need next time we're facing a creature that comes after people."

"That's for sure."

"Plus, I never really knew how cute he was up until he joined the club." Lyra noted.

"Really? I thought it was just me." Bonbon said.

Lyra shook her head, "You know maybe next time we should invite him for a threesome."

"Maybe, but for now let's just stick to our normal routine." Bonbon said, as the two girls kissed and began making out.

Bookworm's Date

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At the public library one day, Twilight Sparkle and Moondancer were busy going through various books just for studying. Moondancer whispered to Twilight, "So, Twilight, how's Spike been doing lately?"

Twilight looked over at Moondancer, "You're asking me? Don't you two attend the same club together?"

"Yeah, but I never really have too big of a chance to talk to him privately."

"I can imagine the way Adagio, Aria, and Sonata surround him so much."

"I know. Watching them constantly shoot looks at Spike during club time gets annoying," Moondancer continued, and thought to herself, 'Especially since I want to be alone with Spike once in awhile.'

"But to answer your question, Spike is doing good. As good as a teenage boy can get." Twilight answered.

"Understandable." Moondancer replied.

"Why, did you want to go out with him or something?" Twilight teased.

"What?" Moondancer asked a bit loud, but quickly covered her mouth, "I mean, what're you talking about?"

"Come on, Moondancer, how long have we known each other?" Twilight asked rhetorically.

"Since we were kids."

"Exactly. I know when something piques your interest. And you appear to be interested in Spike," Twilight deduced, "If you want to go out with him, just ask."

"Really? You don't mind if I asked him?" Moondancer asked.

"I'm his sister, but I'm not his keeper or anything." Twilight answered trying to prove her friends wrong about how possessive she is when it concerns Spike.

"Well, if you think so I'll take the chance and ask him myself. Thank, Twi." Moondancer said, as she got up and left the library.

Twilight sighed and thought to herself, 'I hope Spike says yes. Having him hang out with others besides those Dazzlings will do him some good.'

Moondancer left the library, pulled out her cellphone, and began texting Spike, "Spike, are you doing anything right now?" She waited for an answer, before a new text message popped up from Spike.

"Not at the moment no. Why?"

Moondancer began texting back, "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to check out the comic book shop and see what new issues of what are in yet." she sent the message.

Spike replied back with a message, "Sure. I'll meet ya there. Ok?"

"Ok," Moondancer texted back and smiled, "Success!" she cheered, before heading off.

Outside the comic shop Spike had just arrived before looking around for Moondancer, "Where could she be?" he asked himself.

"Spike!" Moondancer called, as she came down the block.

"Moondancer, hey." he greeted.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." the apologized.

"Don't worry. I just got here myself."

"Great. So shall we go in?"

"Let's." Spike answered, as they went inside.

The two looked around the shop seeing many comics on shelves. While Moondancer was a bookworm like Twilight, she did enjoy other things in life like comic books. When Spike found out about that even he was surprised at that. But it also gave him and Moondancer something to bond over.

Moondancer looked at some comics, "Dang, still nothing on the update for Magical Girl Nyan Nyan's newest issue."

"Bummer. But at least the new copy for Super Robot Lizard Squad is out." Spike noted.

"Ooh, I've wanted to see how that goes." Moondancer said with excitement.

"Well, let me buy it and we'll find out together." Spike said, as he went and paid for it.

Later the two were in the park reading the comic while enjoying an ice cream cone each, "Oh, these guys never cease to entertain me." Spike said, as they finished the volume.

"I'll say. Now I can't wait for the next issue." Moondancer added.

"Well, another month and we'll find out what happens next."

Moondancer nodded, and spoke, "It's actually nice that we can do something like this, Spike. I mean outside school and club activity."

"Yeah. And at first I thought you'd just be a friend of my sisters. But I'm glad you and I have something we can enjoy together."

"So am I," Moondancer smiled, until the two looked over and saw a small ball of light flying around closer to the bushes, "What's that?"

"Let's take a look." Spike suggested, as they walked to the bushes.

They looked into it and saw a hollow, "Where does this lead?" Moondancer asked.

"Only one way to find out." Spike answered, as he started crawling through it, with Moondancer following behind.

"Jeez how far does this go?" Moondancer called to Spike.

"With our luck all the way to the next town. Or Wonderland." Spike joked.

"Just keep crawling." Moondancer said dryly.

Spike looked ahead and saw an opening, "I think we made it." the two reached the opening and climbed out of the tunnel. They looked ahead seeing more bushes. They pulled them apart and saw little houses hanging by trees, and flying around were multiple balls of colored lights

"Look." Moondancer gasped.

They saw the balls of light were actually fairies, "I think we found some kind of fairy hollow." Spike gasped.

"It's beautiful." Moondancer said in awe.

Spike quickly grabbed Moondancer and brought her down so they were covered by the bushes, "I don't think these fairies are particularly friends with humans."

"How so?" Mondancer asked.

"I've seen enough media to tell these kind of creatures are the easiest frightened and will flitter away the moment they see something bigger than them." Spike continued.

"Oye! Are ya done gossiping to each other? Because we can hear ya!" a voice with an accent spoke to them.

The two teens jumped and looked up seeing a fairy descend below. He was blue skinned and wore a black outfit. He had a stern expression on his face, which meant he was not pleased, "Who're you?" Spike asked in shock.

"I lead this here fairy tribe. Name's Seabreeze. What're you humans doing in our hollow?" the fairy demanded.

"We saw something fly into the tunnel so we just followed to see what it was." Moondancer explained.

Seabreeze upon hearing that groaned before turning to the various fairies, "What have I told ya about coverin' yer tracks? When comin' home make sure ya weren't followed!" he sighed, before speaking to the teens, "Ya have to excuse the lot of them. They ain't exactly the brightest bunch."

"Right," Spike began, "Listen, we're sorry we trespassed. We had no intention of doing so."

"Well, I can't be too mad. I mean it ain't easy for your folk to actually find our hollow. No one has in hundreds of years." the lead fairy answered.

"Hundreds of years?" Spike asked.

"You fairy folk really do have long lifespans." Moondancer said.

"That we do," Seabreeze answered, as he landed on her shoulder, "Our kind has ben around for ages. In fact it's our job to take care of the land when seasons change."

"It is?" Spike asked.

"Correct. We tend to the leaves and flowers when the seasons change giving them the appropriate color for fall before the frost sets in. And when winter ends, we give the flora life and color again."

"Sounds like a big job for one so small. No offense to any of you." Spike told the fairies.

"None taken," Seabreeze answered, "It's a big job, but it's what we do. Now then, what to do with you?"

"With us?" Moondancer asked.

"You discovered our hollow. Surely ya didn't think we'd let ya walk away now that ya've seen too much." Seabreeze said with a smirk.

"We came here by accident. Please." Moondancer pleaded.

"We swear we'll never tell another soul of your existence!" Spike begged the lead fairy.

The fairies gathered around in a huddle and started debating on what to do. The teens could only wait in worry and hope the cosmos was on their side. The fairies broke their huddle, as Seabreeze spoke, "After talking it over we've decided... To let you go."

"Really?" they asked hopefully.

Seabreeze nodded, "Even from when I first saw ya two I could tell ya had honest hearts. That's another thing about being a fairy. We know the good humans when we see them."

"Thank you, Mr. Seabreeze." Spike replied gratefully.

"Just Seabreeze will do, uh... What did ya your names were?"


"And I'm Moondancer."

"Well, then Spike and Moondancer. We trust you will keep our existence a secret and never tell another soul?"

"We promise." Moondancer answered.

Seabreeze smiled, "Then, we fairies bid you farewell. And if you end up wandering back here again, we'll be sure to have a table set for ya. In case ya ever wanted to have dinner."

"Sweet plan." Spike said, as he and Moondancer went back through the burrow's tunnel.

The teens returned to the park and got themselves together, "That seriously just happened back there, didn't it?" Spike asked Moondancer.

"It sure did." she replied.

"Well, that marks another mythological creature that exists. Fairies."

"We promised Seabreeze we wouldn't tell anyone of their existence, remember?"

"I know. Guess it's something the club itself will never know." Spike said, before smiling at Moondancer, "But at least we'll know it."

"Yeah." Moondancer smiled.

As it was getting late, Spike walked Moondancer back to her place, "Thanks for spending the day with me, Spike. I really enjoyed it."

"Me too. Even up to the point we happened upon a small civilization." he joked, and Moondancer giggled.

The two looked each other in the eyes before they leaned closer and kissed. When they parted, the two looked surprised, "That felt good." Moondancer gasped.

"Yeah." Spike agreed.

"Well, I'll see you in school." she said.

"Later, Moondancer." Spike said, as he took off for home.

At Spike's place, after dinner he washed up and went to his room where he began re-reading the comic he bought, while also thinking about Moondancer, "I've actually spent time with girls that aren't the Dazzlings. It was a good pace, but when I was with those three I almost felt like I liked it more than just as a friendly date. Could I be falling for them the way the Dazzlings are with me? I mean I like the Dazzlings a lot. But I have these feelings for all six girls? The Dazzlings probably won't like that." he feared.

A Haunted Field Trip

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One afternoon at the Cryptid club room, the group was sitting at the table as Lyra laid out some blueprints of a building, “Friends, we may have discovered the biggest supernatural spot yet around here.”

“Where is here?” Yona asked, as they looked at the blueprints.

“This is the old Night Shine Hotel. Conveniently located outside the city.” Lyra explained.

“And why is it the perfect supernatural spot?” Spike asked.

“Moondancer, if you please divulge them.” Lyra ordered.

Moondancer began explaining, “Over fifty years ago, this was the site of a mass murder.”

“Murder?” Ocellus gasped in fright.

“Whoa.” Smolder gasped.

“It all began with a couple and their little girl,” Moondancer continued, “The woman had caught her husband having an affair with the hotels cleaning lady. Something inside her snapped and she went on a killing spree killing her husband, the cleaning lady, and everyone else there. She even killed her five year old daughter in blind rage. When she realized what she did she committed suicide.”

“Crazy.” Sandbar gasped.

“So what happened to the place?” Aria inquired.

“After the bodies were recovered as well as cleaning it up they closed the hotel down never to be used again.” The brainy girl concluded.

“And it is still standing to this very day.” Bonbon put in.

“A house like that is bound to be haunted.” Adagio said.

“For real?” Gallus asked.

“Well, why not?” Lyra asked.

“A place like this is worth scooping out.” Bonbon admitted.

“Think we might run into some ghosts?” Sonata asked.

“With our luck we might.” Spike replied.

“Which is why we should bring the essentials for exorcising a ghost.” Lyra stated.

“Aria, Sonata, and I can supply the equipment.” Adagio said.

“Perfect. We will check this place out Saturday. And be prepared for whatever.” Lyra warned them eerily.

“See you then.” Bonbon said, as the group left the room.

“An actual haunted hotel?” Sandbar asked the group.

“This is definitely gonna be one for the book.” Spike said.

“But what if we do run into ghosts?” Yona asked terrified.

“If we could handle a wendigo, ghosts shouldn't be too big a problem.” Smolder replied.

“And imagine what we might find while we're there.” Silverstream said sounding excited. Spike rolled his eyes and left school to head home.

Upon entering his house, he walked for his room he saw Twilight and her friends getting a snack from the kitchen, “Hi, Twilight. Hi, girls.”

“Hi, Spike!” the girls greeted him.

“How was your day, darling?” Rarity inquired.

“All good.”

“And how was your club activity?” Pinkie wondered.

“Same old, but Lyra's found a new spot for us to check out.” he explained.

“What spot is that?” Rainbow asked.

“Me and the club plan on checking out the Night Shine Hotel this Saturday.” Spike answered.

“What?!” the girls gasped.

“Tell me you're joking.” Applejack hoped.

“Because if you are then that's not funny.” Pinkie added.

Spike was taken aback by their reactions, “I assume you all know about it's history?”

“Well, duh.” Rainbow replied.

“What is Lyra thinking?” Twilight asked rhetorically.

“Hey, it's our club's job to investigate anyplace that might lead to the paranormal and such.” Spike reminded them.

“Still going to a place like that isn't safe.” Fluttershy warned him.

“Are you girls actually afraid ghosts might be there?”

“Of course not.” Twilight replied.

“But that place has been shut down for years. It's a walking hazard zone.” Applejack said.

“Not to mention it has to be loaded with filth and dust.” Rarity added, while making gagging noises.

“Plus there's the chance of you getting arrested for breaking in.” Pinkie finished.

Spike rolled his eyes, “Alright, you made your point... But you know I'm still going, right?”

Twilight sighed, “Unfortunately,” Spike was about to head to his room, until Twilight continued, “However, we will be accompanying you.”

“We will?” the girls asked.

“What?” Spike asked in confusion, “Twilight, I don't need supervision.”

“Then don't think of us as that. Think of us as observers.” she said.

“I'm not even sure Lyra would even agree to having non-club members joining us.”

“Actually, I just texted her, and she said the more the merrier.” Pinkie grinned.

Spike looked dumbfounded, “You gotta be kidding me.”

“Looks like you're stuck with us, Sugarcube.” Applejack smiled.

“Even if I know it'll be filthy there I will gladly accompany as well for you Spike.” Rarity said.

“I'll be fine if I'm with all of you.” Fluttershy said.

“And how often does anyone get a chance to check out some super creepy supposed haunted place?” Rainbow asked rhetorically.

“It's bound to be tons of fun!” Pinkie bounced.

“Well, girls looks like we're going on a little field trip with the Cryptid club this Saturday.” Twilight told the girls.

“Oh, joy.” Spike said dryly, as he walked on to his room.

Later that night, as Spike was on his bed reading comics, there was a knock at his door, “Spike, it's me.” came Twilight's voice.

“Come in.”

Twilight entered the room, and spoke, “How're you doing?”

“Peachy.” Spike said, as he turned a page of his comic.

“Listen, I don't want you to think us coming along is just for us to keep an eye on you.”

“How else should I see it?”

“Well, think of it as all of us doing something together,” she sat at the edge of Spike's bed, “I mean think about it. When was the last time you and I did something together?”

Spike thought about it and realized it had been awhile since he did anything with Twilight. As kids they were inseparable, but lately they've drifted apart due to Twilight being with her friends, and Spike with his club activities, “Good point.”

“So, yeah, think of this as a chance for us to do something together like we used to.” she told him.

“Well, all right, but don't you dare embarrass me in front of my club-mates. Especially the latest group that joined.” Spike waved a finger at her.

“I promise, Spike. And I'll make sure the others do to.” Twilight smiled, as she embraced Spike who returned the gesture.

“Thanks, Twilight.” Spike smiled.

“Goodnight, Spike.”

“Goodnight, Twilight.”

Twilight left Spike's room, as Spike continued to kick back and relax, but was still concerned, “I hope that place isn't actually haunted.”

Ghost of the Hotel

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It was one night, as Spike, Twilight, her friends, the Dazzlings, and the Cryptid Club were in Applejack’s truck driving out of the city and through the woods with their destination being the Night Shine Hotel, reportedly by legend to be haunted.

The truck ended up pulling into the parking lot outside the hotel which looked scarier in person, “This is it?” Sonata asked.

“This is it.” Lyra confirmed.

“Whoa.” Spike and Sandbar gasped, as they piled out of the truck and walked up to it.

“You do know that it's locked up tight?” Applejack reminded them.

“Chillax, I got this one.” Aria pulled out a lock picking kit, and picked the doors lock before it clicked.

“Torches everyone.” Bonbon said, as everyone pulled out a flashlight and turned them on.

“Here we go.” Spike said, as they opened the door and walked inside.

They entered the foyer and looked around the pitch dark room that was indeed dirty and dusty, “Ugh, what a dump.” Smolder looked around in repulse.

“Quite so.” Rarity gagged, while trying to keep away from all the cobwebs.

“Just what you'd expect from a haunted place.” Spike told them.

“Yeah, they're all the same. Cold and Spooky.” Rainbow joked.

“HELLO!” Pinkie shouted scaring everyone, as Pinkie's voice echoed through the run down hotel.

“Thanks, I may never get the hiccups again.” Gallus said sarcastically.

“So where do we even start looking?” Applejack asked.

Moondancer pulled up the map of the building, “Well, we best look around here, and start from top to bottom.”

“Then we better move.” Adagio said, as the group started walking around the foyer while shining their lights all around.

They walked up the stairs leading to the upper floors, while taking notice of all knocked over food carts, trays, and other hotel equipment used by the staff, “It is such a shame this place had to close down because of what happened.” Rarity said disappointingly.

“Would you ever wanna stay at a place that was the site of a mass murder?” Twilight asked rhetorically.

“Good point.” Rarity admitted.

As Silverstream walked, she saw a rat run right past her feet, and she screamed while jumping into Sandbar's arms, “What? What is it?” Sandbar asked frantically.

“I just saw a rat!” she cried.

“For a second I thought it could've been something else.” Pinkie said in relief.

“Something else?” Fluttershy asked, as she and Ocellus trembled.

“Let's not jump to any conclusions this quickly.” Twilight dismissed their worry about it being something else.

As they walked past another hall, a faint moan could be heard. The group raced back to the other hall and looked down in, “Did you all hear that?” Yona asked.

“I sure did.” Spike agreed.

“Maybe it was the wind.” Twilight relied.

“Twilight, it's never just the wind.” Rainbow reminded her.

“Whatever it was sounded close.” Lyra said, as they proceeded forwards while keeping their ears opened.

They walked past several rooms, before Spike spotted one partly opened, “Hey, guys. This one's opened.”

The others went back to Spike as he opened the room. They shined their lights inside and looked around. Lyra suddenly gasped, “Do you realize what room we're standing in?”

“What?” Aria asked.

“This is the room where it all went down,” Lyra began, “This is where the first murder took place.”

“Where the woman murdered her husband, her child, and the cleaning lady.” Adagio noted.

“It must've taken the people hours to clean this place up after that mess.” Rainbow joked.

As they continued to look around, Sandbar suddenly heard a child's whimpering. He peeked out of the room and looked down the halls right from left. When he looked to the left again he spotted a little girl with curly hair and big bright eyes, “Hey!” Sandbar called, only for the girl to turn tail and run away, “Come back!”

The others came to Sandbar, as Spike spoke, “Sandbar, who're you talking to?”

“There's a little girl in here.” he answered.

“What?” the group asked.

“How'd a kid get in here when the door was locked?” Smolder asked.

“I don't know, but she looked scared.” Sandbar recalled.

“We better find her.” Bonbon said.

“She ran this way.” Sandbar led the way down the hall.

They stopped upon hearing the whimpering sound, and peeked into another room seeing said girl was curled up on the floor as moonlight shined down through a window onto her, “That's her.” Sandbar confirmed.

They approached slowly, as Twilight spoke up, “Um, excuse me.”

The girl looked up and gasped in worry, “It's ok, darling. We're not going to hurt you.” Rarity promised.

“We just wanna help.” Sonata said.

“Help?” the girl asked.

“That's right,” Lyra assured her, “My name's Lyra. This is Bonbon, Moondancer, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Spike, Gallus, Sandbar, Smolder, Yona, Ocellus, Silverstream, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.”

“I'm Cozy Glow,” the girl introduced herself, “It's very nice to meet you all.”

“Feeling's mutual.” Pinkie smiled.

“What're you doing here all alone?” Moondancer asked.

“I was dared to come in here by others, but they tricked and left me in here,” Cozy whimpered, “I've been trying to find a way out, but I couldn't find one.”

“Poor thing.” Rarity said in sorrow.

“Don't worry, we'll help you get out of here.” Spike offered.

“You will?” Cozy asked hopefully.

“Of course.” Twilight agreed.

“Thank you all so much.” Cozy got up and went to them.

Suddenly the group noticed their breath, “Did the temp suddenly drop?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah, it's getting cold.” Yona added.

“Lyra, we may have to postpone our investigation here until Cozy Glow is safe.” Bonbon noted.

Lyra sighed, “You're right. Come on, guys. Back to the entrance.”

So they all headed down, as Sandbar spoke to Cozy, “Was that moaning sound you?”

“Moaning? I didn't moan, just cried a bit.” Cozy explained.

The group was concerned, but saw the entrance up ahead, “We'll take Cozy back to town and notify the cops.” Applejack told the group.

Before they could reach the door, it slammed shut, “Hey!” Spike called, as he and Smolder ran to it and tried opening it to no avail.

“It's locked!” Smolder gasped.

“We're trapped!” Fluttershy cried.

“There's got to be another way out.” Adagio said, as they started looking around the foyer.

Twilight looked down at Cozy who was looking at the floor, “Don't worry Cozy, we're going to get you out of here?”

Suddenly Cozy snickered, much to everyone's confusion, “Why would I want to get out of here? I'm where I want to be!” she looked up revealing her eyes were glowing red. She let out a diabolical laugh, as her body was phasing in and out causing several stuff around her to levitate and swirl around the girl.

The group backed away, as Spike spoke to everyone, “I think we found a ghost here.”

“Cozy, you're really a ghost?” Moondancer asked in shock.

“Yes. And I've been here for decades capturing any foolish mortal stupid enough to try and come here.” the ghost girl explained.

“But why?” Twilight asked.

“I'm a ghost, it's what I do.” she answered dryly.

Lyra looked Cozy Glow over and gasped, “Are you the child of the woman who killed her husband, herself, and everyone here?”

“Why yes, yes I am. As for mother? The details of her mass murder spree here was greatly exaggerated.” Cozy explained.

“What do you mean?” Gallus asked, as everyone was confused.

“My mother didn't murder my father and everyone else. I did it!” she declared.

“You?” the group gasped.

“Yona so confused.” Yona said not understanding anything.

“Why would you commit something so horrible?” Fluttershy asked the ghost.

“My parents and I were always traveling on business. I never had a chance to make a single friend. And when the opportunity came we just picked up and left never to go back. My parents didn't care about my desires, only their own! When we came here, I saw so many people and children my age here. It was the perfect place to make friends. But I knew none of us would be here forever. Soon I or anyone else would leave. Then I had a genius idea.”

Pinkie spoke up, “Let me guess. You had everyone murdered here including yourself while you'd pin the blame on your mom so you and their spirits could be here forever and ever.” she grinned.

Everyone including Cozy blinked in shock, “Well... Yes.” Cozy admitted.

“How did you frame your mother?” Lyra asked.

“And how could you?” Applejack asked in shock.

“Simple, I had murdered everyone else in the hotel leaving her the last one. She saw I was not the daughter she thought I was so she aimed to finish me. But in the end we both dealt a blow to each other. And everyone foolishly passed it off as her killing everyone because she thought daddy had an affair with the maid.”

“How would they have thought of that?” Sonata asked.

“When I killed my daddy first, I killed the cleaning woman after and set them up in a compromising position to make the police deduce that theory.”

“Girl, you are twisted.” Aria said while sounding disturbed.

“Call me what you will, but you will remain trapped here for eternity with me and all my other friends!” Cozy laughed as the moans of all the lost souls who were murdered in the hotel could be heard around them.

"So that's who was moaning before." Spike gasped.

"I knew we shouldn't have come." Fluttershy clung to Rainbow Dash.

The group huddled together knowing they were in deep trouble, and had to find some way out of this mess or risk being stuck in the hotel forever.

The Exorcism of Cozy Glow

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What was supposed to be a simple haunted house exploration turned into a ghost scare. The ghost of a child named Cozy Glow who murdered her parents and everyone at the Night Shine Hotel, trapped the explorers inside the hotel intending to keep them there forever.

Cozy Glow was flying right towards the group who didn't know what to do, until Moondancer, Lyra, and Bonbon screamed, "I LOVE YOU, SPIKE!"

"EH?!" everyone else looked oddly at the three, who in turn looked oddly at each other.

Their shock couldn't last forever as Cozy was getting closer. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata knew it didn't matter at this point, so they jumped in front to shield everyone and let out an ear splitting screech that started distorting Cozy who screamed while covering her ears.

"Make it stop!" she cried, as she phased in and out before vanishing completely and everything that was levitating up fell to the ground with a thud or shatter.

"What the hell happened?!" Rainbow gasped.

"She's gone." Pinkie answered in shock.

"Not gone. Just scared off." Aria corrected.

"But she'll be back, and angrier." Adagio warned them.

"What did you three do just now?" Twilight asked the trio.

"Yeah that was some pitch you three made." Gallus added.

The trio knew they could no longer hide their secret confessed, "That was the Sirens Screech." Adagio explained.

"Sirens Screech?" Rarity wondered.

"Yeah. It's a technique we know that can distort the senses of anyone living or dead." Sonata explained.

"What in tarnation are you three?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"We're mermaids." they answered.

"Mermaids?" the group asked.

Spike spoke up and answered, "Yes. Mermaids. And not just mermaids. They're the one's who saved my life years ago. You remember the incident on the cruise ship, Twilight?"

"Yeah, you fell overboard and... Wait, you weren't making it up?" she asked in disbelief.

"Nope. I mean I thought I did back then when no one believed me, but I was right all this time."

"And we're also betrothed to Spike." Sonata put in.

"Sonata, not the best time!" Spike glared.

"Betrothed?!" the girls gasped.

"Um, can we dial it back, people?" Smolder asked.

"Yeah. We still have to find a way to get out of here." Sandbar reminded them.

"Before Carrie's Child comes back." Gallus added.

"Everyone start looking for a way out while we get the door opened." Spike ordered, as they split up to try and find an exit.

As Spike, Yona, Twilight, and Applejack tried prying the door open, Twilight spoke to her brother, "If we get out of this alive, we're going to have a long talk about this betrothed thing."

"It's not like I had a choice." Spike replied like a victim.

"Why do you say that?" she asked.

"I was marked as territory so to speak." he explained, making her more confused than before.

As everyone was checking to see if the windows would open, they suddenly felt another draft, "Guys, I don't think we're alone again." Bonbon warned them.

Everyone huddled together, and saw phasing in and out before them was a man and a woman, "Everyone, listen." the man began.

"Who're you?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Don't be afraid. We're not going to hurt you." the woman explained.

"That's what they all say." Lyra said suspiciously.

Spike got a closer look at them and spoke up, "Wait a minute. You're Cozy Glow's parents, aren't you?"

"We are." the woman confirmed.

"We know the truth. She framed you." Lyra told the woman.

"I know. She fooled everyone." the mom answered.

"When she died her spirit was twisted and warped by greed and anger over the decades." the father explained.

"While we remained trapped here against our will unable to ascend." the mom added.

"She said you guys never cared if she made friends and kept on traveling to keep her from doing so." Moondancer spoke up.

"It's the opposite," the mom replied, "Whenever she tried to make friends, all the kids parents came to us saying she was threatening them to be her friend while acting sadistic about it."

"Sounds like you two gave birth to the Anti-Christ." Adagio said.

"We knew our daughter was difficult to handle and understand, but we never imagined she would go so far to murder her own parents and so many more." the father said in disbelief.

"Well, she did. And now she's got us trapped." Ocellus said in worry.

"Not quite. You can put an end to her and free us and all the other trapped souls here." the father explained.

"How?" Fluttershy asked, as Lyra spoke in realization.

"We have to exorcise her."

"Yes. It's the only way," the mother answered. Suddenly the adult ghosts looked around feeling something, "She's coming back!"

"Quickly run!" the father ordered the group who made a run for it down a hall, as the ghost parents phased out.

As the group ran down the hall and made turns, they saw the lights flickering on and off, signaling the ghost was on their tail, "Quick in here!" Rainbow called, as they ducked into the ballroom.

They closed the doors and started catching their breath, "We can't keep dodging this poltergeist forever." Sandbar said.

"I know. We have to do what Cozy's parents suggested." Bonbon replied.

"We need to exorcise her." Lyra explained.

"And how?" Twilight asked.

"We have to trap her spirit in a seal to hold her, and use an exorcism incantation." Adagio explained.

"Anyone know a good one?" Pinkie asked the group.

"We do." Sonata answered on behalf of her sisters.

"And I even brought the right supplies for this." Adagio said, as she pulled out some chalk.

"Chalk?" Rarity asked.

"Not just any chalk." Aria replied.

"That chalk is infused with magic capable of binding anything unearthly within it." Sonata explained.

"And I always carry this around just in case." Adagio pulled a big book out of her backpack.

"What book is that?" Twilight wondered.

"A book of exorcisms and spells." she explained.

"Let me see." Twilight looked at the pages but saw there were no words, just strange figures.

"It's written in a language known only to merfolk." Adagio explained.

"We got get the trap ready." Lyra instructed everyone.

"But we also gotta lure her here." Bonbon added.

"I'll do it." Spike volunteered.

"Spike?" Twilight's friends asked.

"No, it's too dangerous." Twilight tried to talk him out of it.

"Don't try stopping me, Twilight," Spike warned her, "No ghost is gonna mess with my friends. And if it's an eternal friend she's after well I'll give her one."

Twilight seeing there was no talking him out of it, sighed, "Be careful."

"I will." he promised, as the siblings embraced.

"The minute you see Cozy Glow you run back here as fast as you can." Adagio ordered.

"Understood." Spike answered, as he walked out of the ballroom.

"Come on, let's get started." Lyra said, as they started working on drawing a seal.

Spike had walked along the dark quiet hall keeping his eye peeled. He felt no chills around him, and knew she wasn't close. He sighed, "Alright, I'm running out of patience..." he put his hands to the sides of his mouth and called out, "COZY GLOW!"

Suddenly the lights flickered around him and appearing before him was Cozy Glow, "You called?" she asked while bearing a grin.


Cozy looked around, "Where are the others?"

"They got lost. But listen I came to tell you that I surrender."

"You what?"

"Yeah. I give. I'll be your eternal friend here and never leave." Spike declared.

Cozy was curious, before smirking, "I knew you'd eventually accept your fate. I didn't wanna have to kill you like I did everyone else who resisted."

Spike nodded and continued, "Hey, let's play a game of tag. You're it!" he turned tail and started running.

Cozy watching him run smirked, "Here I come, like it or not." she followed Spike.

Back in the ballroom, the group was on standby waiting for their prey to take the bait and fall into their trap. As they waited both Fluttershy and Ocellus were looking nervous.

"I got butterflies in my stomach." Ocellus said.

"Me too." Fluttershy agreed.

"I'm worried about Spike." Rarity told the girls.

"He'll be fine. I know he will." Adagio promised.

"I do too." Twilight agreed.

"Shh, you hear that?" Moondancer asked.

They heard the sound of running, "Spike's coming." Sandbar gasped.

"Get ready, everyone." Sonata warned them.

The doors opened, as Spike ran in, "All right this is it." he told them as he went to their sides.

They watched Cozy Glow flying into the room, "I found you!" she snickered.

"And we got you!" Aria countered while sounding smug.

"Huh?" Cozy asked, as she tried to get closer to the group only to be repelled back by some unseen force, "Ow! What is this?" she tried moving but kept getting repelled, "I'm trapped!"

"Gotcha!" Lyra told her, as they pulled a carpet to reveal they drew a pentagram seal on the floor.

Cozy Glow was shocked before looking at Spike who was smirking at her, "You tricked me!"

"For an deceased murdering sociopath child you're not really that bright." Spike chuckled.

"Adagio, now would be a good time to read that exorcism." Rainbow told her.

Adagio nodded and started reading the exorcism in the native tongue. As she chanted it, Cozy Glow was phasing in and out, as she screamed.

"It's working!" Gallus gasped.

"Keep it up!" Applejack ordered the older mermaid.

Adagio kept chanting, but Cozy Glow was roaring, "I will not go!" her aura was getting stronger by her anger and was trying to get out of the barrier.

"She's trying to get out!" Pinkie cried.

"Now what?" Yona asked in worry.

Cozy smirked seeing she was about to get out of the seal, despite Adagio's fast chanting. Suddenly everyone heard the moans of two familiar ghosts, "COZY GLOW!" appearing were the ghosts of her parents.

"It's them." Spike gasped.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Cozy Glow asked in shock.

"Sweetie, it's time to end this." her mom began.

"You've made enough people suffer. Now you must face the consequences of your actions." her father ordered.

"No! I won't stop! I won't!" Cozy threw a tantrum. Her parents knew what they had to do as they flew into the seal and embraced Cozy glow from both sides to keep her in place, "Let me go-Let me go-Let me go-Let me go-Let me go-Let me go-" she continued to struggle to break free of her parents embrace.

Finally Adagio finished the chant, as Cozy Glow and her parents glowed before vanishing. Suddenly they could see the spirits of all the deceased people of the hotel ascending into the afterlife, while the ghosts themselves thanked the students before parting onto the next life.

When the place fell silent, the group looked at each other awkwardly until Spike spoke, "Well... I say that worked out well, didn't it?" the other said nothing and felt it was time for them to leave.

Once they left the hotel they were back on the road heading home, "I can't believe we witnessed actual ghosts." Ocellus said in disbelief.

"And an exorcism." Sandbar added.

"This has to be the best and craziest night ever." Smolder said amazed.

"Even more crazy that three of our classmates and club mates are actual mermaids." Lyra motioned to the Dazzlings, "So that scale we found came from one of you?"

"Correct." Sonata confirmed.

Twilight spoke up, "Yes, that's all fascinating, but now that we're out of harms way. Spike, we're going to have a long talk about this. You and your mermaid friends." she said sternly, while Spike gulped, and the Dazzlings were concerned.

Coming to a Decision

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After escaping the haunted hotel, the group of students were on their way home, but they decided to stop at the local playground that was vacant and no one could disturb them. They got out of the truck and sat around the jungle gym, with Spike and the Dazzlings standing before the group, with Twilight looking very stern.

“So, you all wanna explain to us how this all happened?” she asked her brother and the trio.

Adagio spoke up, “Well, Twilight, as you know that day when Spike fell off the ship he could've drowned, but we saved his life.”

“I appreciate that, but what is this talk of him being betrothed to you?”

“Yeah. If there's going to be a wedding I want all the info so I can cater to it,” Pinkie added, until everyone gave her a look, “What?”

Aria answered, “We merfolk can see the good and bad in people. And we saw your brother was a kind soul. And we could tell he was raised by kind people.”

“So we mate marked him officially making him our future husband.” Sonata finished.

“Mate marked?” Fluttershy asked.

“This,” he showed everyone the mark on his right shoulder, “We all thought some random fish bit me when I almost drowned, but it was them marking me.”

“But there's only one,” Rarity noticed, “Shouldn't you have three of those if all three marked you?”

Adagio answered, “My sisters and I combined our energies so only one of us needed to mark him on behalf of all three of us .”

“So you coming to school all this time was just to find Spike?” Rainbow asked.

“That, and we always wanted to see the surface world.” Sonata answered.

“Plus, Spike's marriage to us is essential to our people.” Aria added.

“Essential?” Silverstream asked.

The trio nodded, “Our kind is under the threat of extinction after so many years of being sought out and hunted by others, and becoming prey by other ocean dwellers.” Adagio explained.

“And you can't repopulate with any mermen?” Smolder asked in confusion.

“We can, but none of them back home are appealing to us.” Sonata replied.

“Point is, Spike is our future mate. As is the law of the ocean.” Adagio told the group.

The group was in shock, until Aria turned to Lyra, Bonbon, and Moondancer, “Although what you three said back in the hotel about loving Spike. What exactly did you mean by that?”

“And don't tell us it was a spur of the moment.” Adagio added, while sounding suspicious.

Twilight and the others were also curious, until each of them confessed, “I really meant it.” Moondancer admitted.

“So do we.” Lyra said on behalf of herself and Bonbon.

“And since when were you three suddenly into him?” Adagio asked while crossing her arms.

“When we asked if he liked to go out with us.” Bonbon said for herself and Lyra.

“And me.” Moondancer answered.

The trio turned to Spike in shock, “Spike, you were seeing other girls behind our backs?” Aria asked sternly.

“I thought it was just between friends.” Spike answered in defense.

“Well, they sure seem to have more than 'friends' on the mind.” Sonata noted.

Twilight interrupted them, “Alright! Point is, Spike, you can't seriously be willing to accept this, are you?”

“I admit I was shocked at all this when they told me, Twilight. And they agreed that we can't get married now. So we just started as boy and girlfriends. Wow I feel weird saying that last word so casually.”

“Spike, I don't think you should be associating with the Dazzlings anymore.” Twilight spoke.

“What?” the trio gasped.

“That's not fair!' Sonata argued.

“Who're you to tell Spike who he can or cannot see?” Aria argued as well.

“An older sister who wants what's best for her little brother.”

“Sounds more like you only want what's best for you.” Adagio squinted.

“And that's to not let Spike be happy.” Sonata continued.

“That is not true. Don't try to twist my words.” Twilight argued, until Spike broke them up.

“That's enough!” he turned to Twilight, “Twilight, I love you like a sibling would. But this is my choice. And I chose to be with them. Sure I'm still concerned about this whole marriage between them, but I got to know these three better and quite frankly I think they're awesome mermaid or not. Because if it weren't for them I wouldn't have survived being killed by two Hidebehinds, a Gumberoo, a Wendigo, and a few minutes ago a poltergeist. But if you can't see that then that's your problem.”

The group was stirred by what Spike said, as the boy turned to A.J, “Thanks for the lift, but I think I'll walk home the rest of the way.” he started walking off.

“Spike.” Twilight called to him.

Spike turned back and spoke, “And don't think about telling this to mom or dad, because you know as well as I do they won't believe it.” he continued on.

Twilight watched, as her brother walked home into the night, as Moondancer spoke up, “I should probably go my own way too.” she took off.

“As should we.” Lyra said, as Bonbon spoke to A.J.

“Thanks for driving us this far.” the two besties took off.

“We better go too.” Adagio said, as she and her sisters left giving Twilight one last disappointed look.

Twilight looked around seeing the seven go their separate ways, and spoke to her friends, “Did I take it too far?”

“We know you was just looking out for Spike, Twi.” Applejack admitted.

“But you really didn't have to act like you were his keeper telling him who he could and couldn't speak with.” Rarity added.

“Sure he and the Dazzlings never told us who they really were, but hey it could've been worse.” Rainbow noted.

“Yeah, the Dazzlings could've been succubi instead,' Pinkie put in, before muttering, “Which would probably be better for Spike.”

“We know you care about, Spike, Twilight, but you can't keep him from doing everything you don't approve.” Fluttershy said.

The younger students felt awkward having to just listen to them, and Smolder spoke up, “I don't know about you guys, but I'm out of here.” Smolder said, as she took off.

“It past Yona's bedtime, anyway.” Yona agreed before leaving.

“I'm beat myself.” Sandbar took off.

“See you later, girls.” Silverstream left.

“And good luck working this out.” Gallus told Twilight, before leaving.

“Bye.” Ocellus left.

Twilight sighed, “What do I do now?”

“Well, you can't go talk to Spike again right now he's far too upset.” Pinkie reminded her.

“Just give him some space, Sugarcube. He'll come around eventually.” Applejack suggested.

“I hope so.” Twilight sighed sadly, as the girls got back in the truck, and Applejack drove everyone back home.

In Spike's bedroom, the boy was recalling all that happened tonight and sighed, “Great, the three girls I'm supposedly betrothed to have revealed who they are, my sister doesn't approve, and now my three other older female club mates have the hots for me. God this sucks big time.” not wanting to worry about it anymore, he decided to just turn in for the night and worry about it later.

The next day was dark and rainy, and at Lyra's place she and Bonbon were sitting around still stirred by what happened last night after their haunted hotel exploration, “You think our confessing drove a wedge between Spike and the Dazzlings, or even us and Spike?” Lyra asked her friend.

“I don't know, Lyra. I mean we couldn't keep that secret about loving Spike forever.” bonbon answered, as Lyra sighed.

“I know. It was bound to slip out eventually. I just wish the timing wasn't so hectic.”

The two suddenly heard a knock at the door. Lyra got up and answered it, seeing the Dazzlings and a sheepish Moondancer standing outside, “Girls, what's going on?” Lyra asked, as Adagio answered.

“We have to talk.” Bonbon and Lyra could tell from Adagio's tone and her sisters stern expressions they meant business.

Meanwhile Spike was sitting in a booth at a local diner by himself. Despite the weather being messy he didn't want to be at home with Twilight there. He sat down eating his burger and fries while enjoying a shake.

He sighed and thought to himself, 'Why does my life have to be so complicated. Especially if it involves women?'

He was suddenly brought out of his thoughts, by familiar voice, “Hey, Spike!” Spike looked up and saw his friends Pip, Tender, and Featherweight were by the cafe entrance wearing rain jackets and umbrellas. After shaking their umbrellas dry and bound them up they went to the booth.

“Guys, what's up?” he asked.

“We went to your place to see you, but you weren't there.” Tender began.

“Twilight told us you were going out, but you didn't tell her where.” Pip added.

“Luckily we knew you'd come here even on a dismal day like this.” Featherweight finished.

“Nothing gets past you guys.” Spike said dryly, before eating a fry.

“So is something up?” Pip asked, “Twilight looked really depressed when we asked about you.”

“Good, at least the guilt is finally sinking into her.” Spike replied.

“Guilt?” Featherweight asked.

“Did something happen between you two?” Tender asked.

“It's hard to explain.”

“How's that?” Pip wondered.

“Look. There's a lot of crazy stuff involved, and you won't believe me if I tell you.”

“Try us.” Featherweight took the challenge.

Spike tired of keeping secrets confessed about the Dazzlings, the club activities, and what went down between him and everyone last night, “So there you go.” he finished.

The boys were in shock, while Pip blinked his eyes, “So you're engaged to a trio of mermaids.” he began.

“Moondancer, Lyra, and Bonbon also have the hots for you.” Tender continued.

“And you and your clubs have really been dealing with monsters?” Feather finished.

“Yes. You can laugh now, I won't blame you.” Spike answered, while feeling too down to care.

“Well, actually, Spike... We believe you.” Tender admitted.

Spike did a double take, “What? You do?”

“Yeah. I mean you sounded so damn sure.” Pip added.

“And what would you have to gain by making up something like that?” Feather asked.


“Plus I always felt something enchanting about the Dazzlings.” Feather admitted.

“Yeah. Well, I doubt I’ll be able to see them again.” Spike grumbled.

“Hey, Twilight may be your sister, but what right does she have to tell you who you can and can't see?” Pip asked.

“I know, but still with all that's happen. I don't know what's going to happen next.” Spike said, until he heard his phone ring. He checked his messages and gasped.

“What is it?” Feather asked.

“It's from Lyra. She wants me to meet her and Bonbon at her place.” he explained.

The boys were curious, “Did she say why?” Pip asked.

“No.” Spike answered.

“Are you going to go?” Tender inquired.

“I'm not sure. I mean with all that's happened. I don't know if I should be around those two or even Moondancer.”

“Spike, you can't hide from them forever.” Feather warned him.

“Sooner or later you have to face this all.” Pip added.

Spike right, “Right. Ok, I'll go.”

“Good luck.” the boys said, as they left Spike. Spike paid for his order and left the diner.

He walked to Lyra's place and rang the bell. Lyra opened the door, “Spike, come in.” she showed him inside so he could dry off, “Sounds like it's coming down out there.” she noticed.

“You bet it is.” Spike confirmed.

Lyra brought Spike into the living room where Bonbon was waiting with Moondancer, “Spike.” they greeted.

“Girls,” he greeted back, before speaking to Lyra, “Ok, I'm here. So what?”

“We need to talk about our relationship.” Lyra began.

“Relationship?” Spike asked in confusion.

“That's right. After we confessed we can't pretend it happened.” Moondancer stated.

“So all six of us have come to an agreement.” Bonbon finished.

“Wait? Six of us?” Spike looked around seeing it was just the three of them and him.

Stepping into the living room was the Dazzlings, “Hello, Spike.” they greeted.

Spike yelped, “Girls! Uh, what're you doing here?”

“We gathered the girls over here to discuss the matter of your heart.” Aria explained.


“Yes. And we've all come to an agreement.” Sonata put in.

“What agreement?”

Adagio spoke, “We've accepted that Lyra, Bonbon, and Moondancer have fallen for you, and we're willing to share you with them.”

“Wait. You what?” the boy asked flabbergasted, “You just agreed like that?”

“Actually, we did a lot of debating over what to do.” Bonbon explained.

“We debated until we came to this agreement.” Moondancer added.

Spike turned to the Dazzlings, “But I'm Mate Marked thanks to you girls.”

“Yes, but the truth is it only applies to us by our Merpeople Law. It doesn't mean you still can't find love with those on land.” Adagio explained.

“Sweet loophole, huh?” Sonata smiled.

Spike looked back and forth between the Dazzlings, and his older clubmate girls, “You all are seriously ok with wanting to share me?”

The girls nodded, “We will if you'll have us.” Bonbon answered, as she Lyra, and Moondancer were curious about his answer.

Spike looked to the Dazzlings who smiled and nodded. Spike feeling more confident smiled and answered, “Well, Lyra, Bonbon, Moondancer. If you three really want me even though I'm betrothed to three mermaids, I would gladly accept your love. However, I don't wanna have to see all six of you bicker senselessly every time I'm seen with either one of you. Even though I know there will be times where you may get on each others nerves when it'll concern me, you must remember this. I have enough love for all of you.”

The six girls smiled knowing how right he was, “Thank you, Spike.” Lyra said, ad Bonbon and Moondancer smiled.

Adagio spoke, “So then, how about we seal our deal with Spike and make it official between us all?”

“I'm down with that.” Bonbon answered.

“Same.” Moondancer agreed.

Spike was suddenly confused again, “What do you mean seal our deal?”

“Oh, I think you already know what it means, Spike.” Aria smirked, as all six girl started removing their clothes one piece at a time, much to Spike's shock.

“Whoa-whoa. You wanna do this here? But, Lyra, your parents.”

“Are out right now.” she replied.

“Trust us, Spike. After what we've been through you'll probably need this more than us.” Sonata said, as the girls were all finally naked.

Spike looked in awe at the six girls who just revealed their naked bodies to him. He gazed lustfully at the six enormous pairs of breasts on full display and deep down wanted them. The girls went to Spike, as Adagio spoke, “Now it's your turn.” the girls started undressing him, until he was in his birthday suit like the rest of them.

Adagio kissed Spike, while Aria and Sonata made him fondle their racks. Moondancer gave Spike a kiss as well, before smothering his face into her bosom. Both Lyra and Bonbon performed a three way kiss, while rubbing their bodies against his. Sonata and Aria then took their turns to kiss Spike, before Lyra spoke, “Spike, we all love you so much.” the girls nodded in confirmation.

Spike smiled, “I love you girls too.” And with that the seven of them engaged in what was probably the best orgy Spike could've ever dreamed of in his sexual fantasies.

Sometime later, Spike returned home, and saw Twilight sitting down as if she was waiting for him, “Spike, can we talk, please?” she asked.

Spike not wanting to give her the cold shoulder any longer decided to hear her out, “Sure.” he sat down beside her.

“I wanted to tell you I'm sorry,” she confessed, as Spike looked at her in surprise, “It was all so much to take in, and I said things without hearing what you truly thought about all this. I was acting more like a mom than a sister. And I'm not your mom. I still find it hard to believe you have three mermaids who've labeled you as their lover, and that three of my classmates also have it in for you. But that's all for you to deal with. It's not my place to meddle in it. Could you ever forgive me?”

Spike deciding to not hold onto such a grudge smiled and spoke, “Hey, that's what siblings are for right?”

“Yeah.” Twilight smiled, and the two embraced, “By the way, how are you going to handle having six admirers. Especially since three of them already have you marked for marriage?”

“Actually, I just came back from talking with them about it.” he answered.


“All six of them have decided to share me.”

“What?” Twilight asked in shock.

“I know. I wasn't expecting this, but they agreed to share me. And I for one ain't complaining. Because I'd prefer that over a slaughter fest between them.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled, “Spike, I swear what am I going to do with you?”

“Just love me like a sibling should.” he replied, and the two laughed.

When Monday morning came, Spike was walking with Twilight and her friends, as Spike narrated, “And so now all six girls have confessed that they're into me. And I'm relieved we don't have to keep the secret about the Dazzlings being mermaids anymore.”

The Dazzlings, Bonbon, Moondancer, and Lyra came around the corner and smother Spike with affectionate hugs and kisses much to Twilight's annoyance, and the other girls amusement and shock. After school Spike was waving bye to his boys, before walking to the club room, “The Club is still active, and now that we know we have mermaid allies to help us in our researcher Lyra is ten times as excited as before. And now we do more than just study creatures or simply go on mere explorations on certain sightings. Now we make it our personal mission to find any dangerous creatures lurking about in the city and deal with them. I mean we're a Cryptid Club after all.”

Spike entered the club room where everyone else was gathered. He high fived Sandbar and Gallus, before sitting down with everyone else eager to know what their next big case or exploration was going to be. Spike looked at his six admirers and they smiled at each other.

A Pair of Twins

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One morning, Twilight and Spike were on their way to school, as Spike narrated, “Hey, it's Spike here. In case you're not caught up in the latest I'll give you a the short run. When I was a child I was saved from drowning by three mermaid sisters called the Dazzlings who mate marked me making me their beloved future husband. Years later they've come back to me and now the four of us are part of our school's Cryptid Club, with three more girls named Lyra, Bonbon, and Moondancer who also have it bad for me. Not to mention six other students.”

Twilight and Spike go their separate ways with their friends to their first period classes, "Originally the club was meant to study cryptic and supernatural creatures, but once the secret of the Dazzlings was revealed, as well as the existence of other creatures, like ghosts, wendigos, hidebehinds, and gumberoos our club has secretly become an investigation and possibly elimination group."

At lunch period, Spike was sitting with Pip, Featherweight, and Tender Taps enjoying lunch, "It's not so bad though. My three friends, Pip, Feather, and Tender also know of the Dazzlings secrets and agreed to have my back should I need them for something. Same for my sister Twilight and her group of friends. With our secrets out things should be easier for all of us. At least I hope so."

After school, Spike decided to join his six ladies for a drink at the coffee shop. As each of them sat at a booth enjoying their coffee, Spike spoke up, “I hope to God I passed that math quiz.”

“Why, it's not like it's the end of the world.” Aria replied.

“You don't have a super intelligent girl for a big sister,” Spike reminded her, “Twilight has such a habit of correcting any questions I got wrong.”


“It's true. I've seen it happen.” Moondancer confirmed.

“Well, I think we should take this time to stop and appreciate that we've been able to relax for club activity.” Adagio spoke up.

“I hear you,” Bonbon agreed, “I mean after the whole ghost fiasco, I'm actually relieved we're not dealing with things that go bump in the night.”

“And it does give us further time to research more creatures that we're not aware of thanks to the Dazzlings knowledge.” Lyra smiled.

“You're welcome.” Sonata replied.

“Though I'm surprised Twilight and the girls haven't decided to join the club now that they know the truth.” Lyra admitted.

“Too much for them to handle,” Spike explained, “Plus they already have their own activities during and after school.”

“Well, if they're ever in need of something fun tell them they're welcome to join the club hunts any time.” Lyra said.

“I'll be sure to run it by them.” Spike answered, as they continued to enjoy their coffee.

Later on as they went their separate ways, Spike was walking back home, “Man, ever since my sister and everyone else found out the truth about the Dazzlings, and them accepting Moondancer, Lyra, and Bonbon who love me too things have felt a lot easier. Things may actually be looking up for me again.”

Suddenly he stopped and heard moaning sounds. Spike curiously sought out the sound before looking down an alley and saw two girls down on their knees, “Oh, my gosh. Are you two ok?” he ran to them and got down to their level.

The girls lifted their heads up to show their faces, and Spike was lost for words. One of them had light brilliant and pale yellow hair, and her eyes were colored moderate lime green. Her attire was composed of white slip on shoes, a white skirt, and a pink top with an exploding star symbol on it. The second girl who looked a bit pale had dark blue hair that was slightly curled at the tips, and her eyes were colored brilliant amber. Her attire included pinkish purple boots, dark blue pants with a tear on each pant leg, a belt with a crescent moon buckle, a light purple short strapless halter neck sleeveless shirt, and three light purple arm bands on her left arm

Spike blushed upon eye contact and thought, 'So cute.' he suddenly glanced downward and saw both girls sported an E-cup sized rack like the Dazzlings, but looked like they could border an F-cup. He blushed at the sight of them, before quickly pulling his eyes back up.

“We're sorry.” the blonde girl spoke.

“We just had a dizzy spell,” the dark haired girl answered, “But we're ok now.”

Spike helped the girls to their feet, as they suddenly embraced him warmly while rubbing their racks against his chest, while Spike himself turned bright red some more while trying to keep himself together.

“Thank you so much for coming to help us.” the blonde began.

“You must be such a caring person.” the dark haired one added.

“Yeah. I've been known for that.” Spike answered nervously.

“What's your name?” the dark girl asked.

“I'm Spike.”

“Spike. Such a cute name.' the blonde said.

“And who're you girls?”

“I'm Sunshine Smiles,” the blonde began, before motioning to the dark one, “And this is my twin sister.”

“Moonlight Raven. Nice to meet you.”

“Twins?” Spike asked in confusion while looking the two over, “But you don't really...”

“We know. We get that a lot,” Moonlight admitted, “But I assure you we are twin sisters.”

“Good to know. Will you two be all right on your own?”

“We'll manage.” Sunshine admitted.

“Ok, then. I'll be on my way.” Spike started walking.

“Bye!” they called, as they watched him leave.

When they were alone, the two looked at each other smirking, “My God, Moonlight, isn't he the most handsome boy you've ever seen?”

“Oh, yeah. He truly speaks to my soul.” Moonlight fanned herself.

“Think he might be the right one?”

“I'm not sure. We might have to keep a closer eye on him.”

“I do hope he's the right one for us.” Sunshine said hopefully.

“Me too.” Moonlight smirked, as she licked her lips.

That night in Spike's room, the boy was sleeping peacefully, until he started tossing around. Deep in his dreams, Spike saw Sunshine and Moonlight standing above him looking amorous.

“Sunshine? Moonlight?” he asked in confusion.

“Hiya, handsome.” Moonlight greeted.

“Hello, Spike.” Sunshine greeted.

The two got down so they could both straddle Spike, much to his shock and arousal, “Oh, Spike, we want you.” Moonlight began, as she lifted her shirt up to reveal she was wearing a lacy purple bra.

“Holy...” Spike panted, as Sunshine removed her own shirt to reveal she was wearing a hot pink bra.

“You can't deny your manly urge to have your way with us, Spike.” Moonlight began, as she started running her index finger on Spike's chest enticing him.

“Because we want it too.” Sunshine added, as she started running her ringer down Spike's torso as well.

'Damn, this is getting hot.' Spike thought to himself.

Things got hotter for the boy, as the two removed their bras to reveal their bare breasts to him. Spike panted heavily, as they each took a hand and planted them on a breast each.

“You've got our hearts beating so quickly, Spike.” Sunshine began.

“Mine's got that same feeling.” Spike admitted, as he couldn't help but squeeze their racks making them moan.

“Oh, that's so good.” Moonlight moaned.

“Harder, please.” Sunshine begged.

Spike couldn't help but laugh in enjoyment, until he suddenly felt a chill. Suddenly he woke up and sat up in bed, and shivered, “Why's it so cold?” he looked over and saw his screen door was open, “Huh. I thought I closed it?” he got up and closed the screen door, “Man that was some dream. It felt more real than dreams normally feel,” he suddenly looked down and saw he still had an erection, “Great, I got to deal with this now that the dream got me all heated up. Oh, well.” he went to a drawer and reached under some clothes before pulling out a dirty magazine and left for the bathroom.

Unknown to him, outside his bedroom and flying above the Sparkle residence were Sunshine and Moonlight who now had thin and long gray tails, bat-like wings, and longer finger nails.

“Oh, if only it could've gone on a little longer.” Sunshine whined and pouted.

“I know. It was getting so good,” Moonlight agreed in equal disappointment, “He has such good hands.”

“For real. No matter. We still have other ways to get close to him.” Sunshine reminded her sister.

“Agreed. Tomorrow is another day.” Moonlight agreed, as the two flew off into the night.

Mermaid vs Succubus

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The next day, Spike was walking with Twilight to school, before he met up with his boys, “Hey, guys. Another glorious morning, huh?” he asked.

“If by glorious you mean enduring the torture of Professor Flintheart in first period then yes. Glorious.” Pip answered sarcastically.

“Come on, once we clear his class we're home free.” Spike reminded him.

“Unless he were to suddenly substitute for every other class.” Tender noted.

“As horrifying as that thought is it wouldn't be possible.” Feather reminded him.

“Yeah. You can't have one guy sub for so many classes at the same time.” Spike added.

“Thank goodness for that logic.” Pip said, as they hurried for class.

They entered the classroom, and took their seats. Soon enough Professor Flintheart himself walked inside. He was a tall dark sinister looking man who screamed terrifying, “Quiet, class,” he said sternly, and they all fell silent, “Before we begin today's lesson, I have been asked to introduce you to two new students who will be joining us. Come in, girls.”

All eyes fell on the doorway, as two new girls entered the room. But to Spike these girls weren't exactly new. They were none other than Moonlight Raven and Sunshine Smiles. The sight of them got the boys drooling puddles, while the girls looked envious of their physiques.

The twins stood before the class, as Moonlight began, “Nice to meet you. I'm Moonlight Raven.”

“And I'm her twin sister Sunshine Smiles!” the brighter twin cheered.

“We hope you'll be very kind to us.” Moonlight said, as she secretly winked at Spike who blushed.

“Thank you, girls. Now please take your seats so we can begin. We have a lot to cover.” Flintheart said, as the students groaned.

Afterward, Spike and his boys were walking the halls to their next class, Tender spoke up, “Did you see those girls?”

“And they're twins.” Pip swooned.

“Gorgeous twins.” Feather added.

Spike was deep in thought on the situation, 'Can't be coincidence, can it?'

“Hey, Spike!” Pip called, as he snapped out of it.


“What do you think of the new girls?” Pip asked.

“Me? Well, there's no denying that they're hot.” he confessed.

“Hot? Dude, they are blazin'.” Tender replied.

“Flintheart's class just became more bearable.” Feather put in, as they continued on.

At Lunch period, Spike took a table and waited for the girls of the Cryptid Club to show, until he saw Sunshine and Moonlight approach, “Hi, Spike!” Sunshine greeted.

“Hi, girls.” he greeted while still surprised to see them.

“May we sit here?” Moonlight asked.

“Uh, sure.” he answered finding himself unable to turn them away.

The two sat down surrounding Spike on both sides, “So you girls, attend this school?”

“Yeah. We just transferred.” Sunshine explained.

“What luck you attend here too.” Moonlight added.

“Yeah, how lucky.” Spike answered, still finding something fishy about this.

“Hey, Spike!”

Spike and the twins looked over and saw the girls from the Cryptid Club approach, “Hey!” Lyra called.

“Oh, hey, girls.” he greeted.

“Sorry we took so long.” Adagio began.

“Yeah, almost lost my history book.” Moondancer said.

Suddenly the club girls noticed the unexpected company with Spike, “What's this?” Aria asked.

“These are transfer students...” Spike began, until Adagio interrupted.

“We know who they are.”

“But why're they sitting here with you?” Sonata asked suspiciously.

“Our first class this morning was with Spike, and we decided to join him for lunch.” Sunshine explained.

“Plus this isn't the first time we met him.” Moonlight added.

“What do you mean?” Bonbon wondered.

“Yesterday I met them when they had a dizzy spell.” Spike explained.

“He helped us in a time of need.” Sunshine said.

“He's such a kind and caring soul.” Moonlight put in.

“Well, no denying that.” Sonata agreed, as Adagio and Aria scowled at her.

“I hope you don't mind it if they sit here with us.” Spike said.

“Well, no problem.” Lyra said, as they all sat down.

“So where are you two from?” Moondancer asked the twins.

“We came from out of state.” Moonlight explained.

“It's a small town, hardly anybody knows about it.” Sunshine added.

“So what made you decide to come here?” Spike wondered.

“Change in scenery.” Sunshine answered.

“Yeah. We wanted to be someplace where action and fun are happening.” Moonlight said.

“Well, the city here is full of fun.” Spike answered.

“So we've heard.” the goth sister replied.

Sunshine put an arm around Spike much to the Dazzlings jealousy, “So, Spike, feel like showing us around after school today?”

“Huh?” he asked in confusion.

“What?!” The Dazzlings gasped.

“I'm afraid, Spike won't be able to, because we have club activity after school.” Lyra explained.

“Oh, that's right. You girls lead a Cryptid Club.” Moonlight said.

“That's correct.” Adagio confirmed.

“Well, I'm sure Spike can miss one club meeting to help out two transfer students, right?” Sunshine asked, as she glanced as Spike releasing a glimmer from her eyes.

Suddenly Spike's eyes went blank as he spoke, “Sure. Missing one club meeting won't do too much damage. Besides I'm sure you girls can get me updated on what you'll discuss next time.”

“Spike?” Lyra asked in confusion.

“Great. So we'll see you after school.” Moonlight said, as she and Sunshine finished their lunch and got up to leave.

“Until then!” Spike called, until he saw the scorned looks on the club girls faces, “What?”

“Spike, you are too nice for your own good.” Bonbon said, while the Dazzlings looked a bit more suspicious as they watched the twins leave.

When classes let out, Twilight and her friends were walking down the hall, until Rainbow noticed Spike with the twins, “Hey, isn't that Spike with the new girls?”

“What?” Twilight asked in confusion, as she looked ahead seeing her brother with the twins.

“What's he doing with them?” Applejack wondered.

“Getting lucky of course.” Pinkie shrugged.

“Pinkie!” Twilight chided her.

“Just saying.”

“Think we should go talk to him?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Oh, heaven's no, Fluttershy,” Rarity replied, before smirking, “We should do a little investigating.”

“Investigating?” Applejack asked, sensing Rarity was up to something.

“Oh, yes. After all Spike does have club activity after school and yet he chose to skip it to hang out with the new girls. It's a mystery.” she said mysteriously.

“I'm all for investigating.” Pinkie voiced her approval.

“So am I,” Twilight agreed, before noticing the others giving her looks, “Just to see why Spike would skip the club he's so into.”

“Well, we better hurry otherwise they're getting away.” Applejack said, as they hurried to catch the three.

In the club room, the girls waited until their younger students entered the room, “We're here.” Sandbar said, before they looked around the room.

“Spike isn't here yet?” Smolder asked.

“He's not attending today's meeting.” Bonbon answered.

“Why not?” Yona asked in confusion.

“He's entertaining our new transfer students.” Moondancer explained.

“Those twins we've seen wandering around?” Gallus asked.

“That's right.” Lyra answered.

“You know we've been noticing those two have been watching Spike closely every time they're close by him.” Ocellus said.

“They have?” Sonata asked.

“Yeah. Should we have said something earlier?” Silverstream asked.

Adagio kept looking back on how Spike just immediately decided to play hooky from the club when the twins asked him, or rather sweet talked him into it. Spike may have been a real nice guy, but even he wouldn't have given in that easily. She suddenly recalled how Sunshine looked Spike in the eye seeing a particular shimmer and glow and gasped.

“Succubi!” the others got startled.

“What?” they asked.

“I figured out why Spike dropped club activity to join those girls.” the head Dazzling said.

“What're you talking about?” Gallus asked.

“Moonlight Raven and Sunshine Smiles are Succubi.”

Aria and Sonata gasped, “For realzies?” Sonata asked.

“No mistaking it. I saw the way Sunshine looked at Spike like she was using hypnosis charm.”

“This is dangerous.” Aria said in worry.

“Hold up, what're we talking about again?” Gallus asked in confusion.

Moondancer pulled out the monster book, and started flipping through the pages. When she reached the right monster she showed them the image and explained.

“Succubi or a succubus is a demon or supernatural entity that look like incredibly beautiful women and have the ability to charm men into submission through hypnosis. They also like to appear in males dreams to seduce them, usually through sexual activity.”

“There are sex demons in lore?” Sandbar gasped.

“Yes,” Adagio confirmed, “Those sluts also like to have children with mortals, because they cannot have offspring with their male counterparts the incubi. Some traditions believe that repeated sexual activity with a succubus may result in the deterioration of health or mental state, or even death.”

The group gasped, “You don't think Spike already...” Ocellus couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence.

“Let's not even think about that,” Lyra said, before turning to Adagio, “You don't think they're trying to lead Spike on, do you?”

“It's what a succubus does.” Adagio answered.

“We better find them and put a stop to them.” Aria suggested.

“Agreed,” Lyra confirmed, until she checked her phone and saw a text, “A message from Twilight?” she looked at her message and became shocked.

“What is it, Lyra?” Bonbon asked.

“Twilight and her crew are following Spike right now.”

“They're what?” The Dazzlings asked.

“You better tell them not to make a move until we get there.” Adagio ordered. Lyra nodded, as she messaged Twilight back.

Meanwhile Twilight and her friends had been following Spike and the twins through the city, and were currently keeping their distance from Spike, Sunshine, and Moonlight while they were sitting down on a bench while looking out at the river.

The girls monitored Spike and the twins, while noticing they all looked happy and laughing with each other, “Nothing so suspicious here.” Fluttershy noticed.

“Looks can be deceiving, darling.” Rarity replied, as she kept her eyes on their targets.

Twilight checked her phone and saw a reply from Lyra. When she read it her eyes widened and she almost screamed loudly, until the girls clamped her mouth shut, “Twilight, what's wrong with you?!” Rainbow whispered.

“Those girls Spike is with aren't mortals.” Twilight answered.

“What're you talking about?” Applejack asked with a raised brow.

“According to Adagio, Sunshine and Moonlight are succubi. Sex demons!” Twilight voiced her shock.

“Sex demons?” Pinkie asked.

“Wow. Your bro is uber lucky now.” Rainbow said in disbelief.

“Not helping, Rainbow,” Twilight spoke through her teeth, “We gotta do something.”

“Twilight, even if what Adagio says is true, we mustn’t spring in like a swat team.” Rarity warned her.

“Besides, he doesn't look like he's in any trouble.” Fluttershy reminded her, as they watched.

Spike was sitting with the twins on the bench looking like he was enjoying himself, 'I don't know why I suddenly decided to skip the club today, but I'm starting to feel glad I did. These girls are all right.' he thought to himself.

“So, Spike, why did you join a Cryptid club again?” Sunshine asked.

“Well, originally it was against my will, but over time I started enjoying it.” he admitted.

“And is all you do study any supernatural creatures?” Moonlight asked.

Spike didn't know how to properly answer it given all that's happened as of late. He eventually decided to come clean, “That was it's original focus, but... Well, you probably won't believe me.”

“Come on, tell us.” Sunshine pleaded.

Spike sighed, “We now hunt supernatural creatures that may be a threat to our community.”

The girls looked hurt, “We see.” Moonlight replied.

“Mostly we've just dealt with ravage beasts and a ghost.” Spike continued.

Upon hearing that the girls perked up, 'So only mindless ones and ghosts.' Moonlight thought.

'Chance restored.' Sunshine thought, as Moonlight spoke up again.

“What if they were creatures more sentient?”

“As in talk and think?” Spike asked.

Sunshine nodded, “Yes. Like a regular person. Would you kill it on sight?”

“Well, depends if they did anything that doesn't sit well with the club like murder the innocent. Why so interested?”

“Because we have a confession, Spike.” Sunshine answered.

“What?” he asked.

“We're not normal girls.” Moonlight said, as she and her sister stood before Spike.

“What do you mean?”

The twins concentrated and their Succubi tails and wings appeared startling Spike, 'Those wings. Those tails. Just like in the dream.' he thought.

Off to the side Twilight and her friends gasped as they saw the two reveal their supernatural parts, “Holy...” Rainbow gasped.

“Cool.” Pinkie gasped.

Spike spoke to the two, “Girls, what're...”

“We're succubi, Spike.” Moonlight answered.

“No wonder I felt so wooed by you girls. It's your natural charm.” he said in surprise.

“We wanted to tell you sooner, Spike. But we were afraid of what you'd say.” Sunshine explained.

Twilight not hearing what their conversation was ran over, “Spike get away from them!”

“Twilight?” Spike asked in confusion, as the twins flew into the air before Twilight could tackle them.

“They're monsters.” Twilight accused.

“Rude much?” Moonlight scowled while crossing her arms.

“Well, you two are.” Rainbow noted, as the girls made themselves known.

“Have all of you been spying on me?” Spike asked in outrage.

“Well, this time we had a better reason.” Rarity answered.

“Because Lyra warned us what they were.” Twilight explained, while glaring up at the two.

“And how would she know?” Moonlight asked.

“Because you two ain't the only ones not from around here.” Came Adagio's voice, as the whole cryptid club approached.

“Oh, boy.” Spike feared the worst.

The Dazzlings stared up at the succubi twins, as the two eyed them suspiciously before sensing their aura coming from the gems they wore around their necks, “You. You're mermaids.” Sunshine gasped.

“Guilty.” Aria confirmed.

“What're you doing with our Spike?!” Sonata demanded.

Your Spike?” Moonlight asked.

“That's right. Our Spike.” Adagio confirmed.

“And ours.” Lyra said on behalf of herself, Bonbon, and Moondancer.

“Are you going seduce him until he dies?” Ocellus asked in worry.

“Not until he dies, but he is who we've been looking for after so long.” Sunshine explained.

“Looking for what?” Gallus asked.

“Spike is whom we've selected to be our beloved.” Moonlight declared.

There was an awkward silence with a single cricket chirp, until the girls cried, “WHAT?!”

"Not again." Spike groaned.

“You've gotta be kidding.” Applejack said in disbelief.

“Your beloved?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, and it is essential.” Sunshine said.

“What do you mean?” Sonata asked.

“Our species has been thinning over the years, and we need to quickly find more men to produce offspring with us.” Moonlight explained.

“So he's just some sex toy to you?” Twilight asked angrily while Spike looked at them like his heart was crushed.

“No!” they declared, “He is nothing like that to us.” Sunshine answered.

“When we first met him, he went out of his way to help us when we pretended to have dizzy spells.” Moonlight answered.

“When we saw him we could tell he was special. So we ventured into his dreams last night to determine him. And we loved what we saw.” Sunshine added.

“Wait a minute. That dream last night was real?” Spike asked while blushing, as everyone looked at Spike.

“Your mind is completely dirty.” Twilight said, making him cringe.

“It was real,” Moonlight confirmed, “You are a kind soul, Spike. And we know you would treat us well.”

“You two are a little late.” Sonata said.

“Yeah. Spike's already been mate marked by us.” Aria added.

“It's true.” Spike confirmed sheepishly.

The two growled in frustration before calming, “No matter. When we set our eyes on something we dive in.”

“Not if we can help it!” Adagio growled, as the Dazzlings took formation and released sonic screams from their mouths at the Succubi who dodged, and extended their fingernails making them long and sharp.

“Be careful, those nails are sharp enough to cut through metal.” Aria warned the others.

“Come sister.” Moonlight told her twin.

“Yes.” Sunshine agreed, as the two flew down to attack the Dazzlings who were dodging while also trying to knock them away with their siren voices.

Spike watched in horror as the two sides of supernatural beings clashed all because of him, 'No I don't want this to happen again.' he thought in guilt.

As the Dazzlings dodged the twins who tried to cut them with their nails, Sunshine spoke, “What could you ocean dwellers possibly want with Spike of all people?”

“Yeah. Aren't there any sailors for you to snatch?” Moonlight snarked.

“Hey, that's a hurtful stereotype.” Sonata whined.

“Our business is our own.” Adagio argued.

“So is ours.” Moonlight frowned, as she and Adagio clashed hand to hand.

“You know this is an awesome fight.” Sandbar admitted.

“I'll say it is,” Lyra said, as she recorded the fight, “An epic clash between two different creatures. Mermaid and Succubus!”

“Will you focus?!” Twilight shouted.

As the five creatures fought to their hardest, the Dazzlings linked hands and produced an extra powerful siren scream that distorted their senses and the air cutting force from it was enough to shred their clothes to the point they were almost naked. With the twins distorted Adagio ran to Sonata who gave her a boost followed by Aria. The two mermaids were boosted up to the twins level and delivered a pounding punch at them sending them crashing to the ground.

When the two mermaids landed, the trio walked up to the sisters who were on the ground battered and bruised.

“Now what to do with the two of you?” Adagio asked.

The two looked up at them frightened, “No, please no more.” Sunshine pleaded.

“We give.” Moonlight pleaded along.

“You're not getting off that easy.” Twilight said, as she stood with the Dazzlings.

“How about we break those nails off your hands and use them to clips your wings and tails?” Aria asked sadistically.

As they closed in on the twins, Spike slid in and blocked their path, “That's enough! All of you get back!” he ordered, forcing them to stop and leaving everyone confused.

“Spike, these girls tried to brainwash you.” Twilight reminded him.

“I know they did that to make me play hooky from the club, but it wore off and I actually wanted to get to know them,” Spike explained, before turning to the Dazzlings, “And if you think about it, they're no different from you three,” the Dazzlings were confused, “They want to help their kind by repopulating just like you. So you have a common cause. The time I spent getting to know them here before they revealed their true selves was enough for me to see they're both good people deep down. I think what they need the most is a friend or more.”

The group was moved by Spike's claim, while Sunshine and Moonlight's lip quivered before they burst into tears and hugged each other.

The Dazzlings sighed, as they stood down, “Typical Spike always coming to others defenses.” Adagio smiled.

“His kindness knows no bound.” Sonata added, as Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

“Relax, we weren't really going to hurt them. We just wanted to spook them.” Aria chuckled.

Twilight sighed before smiling at Spike, “You really know how to sway people, Spike.”

“It's a talent.” Spike admitted, as Rarity went to the twins who stopped bawling.

“Come along with me, girls. I'll do something about the state of your clothes. After all, we can't have you half naked in public like this.” Rarity brought the two to their feet and showed them off.

Lyra looked at the footage on the camera, “This is going in the archives.”

The next day, the group met up outside the school, as Spike asked Rarity, “They just left after you fixed their clothes?”

“That's right. I don't know where they went.” Rarity confirmed.

“I just hope they're staying out of trouble.” Twilight hoped.

“You and me both.” Applejack agreed.

“Good morning, everyone!” Sunshine’s voice chimed, as she and Moonlight approached.

“Girls, good morning.” Spike greeted.

“Good morning, Spike, everyone.” Moonlight greeted.

“We almost thought you two went back where you came from.” Smolder said.

“Not a chance.” Moonlight replied.

“We've already declared Spike as our destined one and we're sticking by it.” Sunshine explained, as the sisters embraced Spike from both sides burying his head in their racks.

“What?!” The Dazzlings, older club girls, and Twilight asked in shock.

“I'm confused.” Spike answered all muffled.

“The way you defended us yesterday made our hearts flutter.” Sunshine swooned.

“And your words just spoke to my soul,” Moonlight added, “So it looks like your stuck with us.”

“Hold on!” Adagio tried to argue, until Sunshine cut her off.

“And also, we've decided to join the Cryptid Club.”

“Huh?” Spike and the younger students asked.

“Permission granted.” Lyra confirmed.

“Seriously?” Moondancer asked.

“Hey, we already have three mermaids in the club, having two succubi in it will make it better.” Lyra explained giddily.

“Don't hog, Spike!” The Dazzlings ordered the twins as they joined in the smother fest.

“What is happening here?” Twilight groaned.

“You may end up having eight new sisters-in-law, Twilight.” Pinkie smiled.

“Please don't say that.” Twilight shuddered.

Preparing for the School Festival

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One day at school, several students were staying behind to decorate the place. The occasion? It was the annual School Festival. Every year around this time the clubs of the school would put together some form of entertainment for their classmates as well as the various guests who come for fun.

Inside the Cryptid Club Room, the group was racking their brains together while trying to come up with an idea, "Everyone, come on!" Lyra ordered, "The Festival is coming up and we still don't even have an idea."

"Kinda hard since our idea has to be related to our club activity." Gallus reminded her.

"Yeah, I mean what're we going to do take people on monster hunts?" Smolder asked rhetorically.

"Highly unlikely." Moondancer replied, as she was reading a book.

"We have to have something soon." Yona reminded everyone.

"If we don't have an idea before the festival it's gonna be such a bummer." Moonlight groaned.

The group sighed, as their brains were on hiatus. Sonata was flipping through a magazine, until she happened upon an article for a cosplay cafe and a light bulb popped into her head.

"O.M Gosh! Guys, I got it!" Sonata cheered.

"Oh, this ought to be good." Aria said dryly.

"What is it, Sonata?" Spike asked.

"Look at this." Sonata showed them the article.

"A cosplay cafe?" Ocellus asked.

"Yeah! Maid Cafe's are extremely popular in Japan. And so is cosplay. What if we had a Monster Cosplay Cafe here?" she asked.

The group were surprised at that, until Lyra spoke up, "Sonata, you may be onto something."

"Cosplay is a great way to show off your looks." Sunshine noted.

"But who's going to cook?" Silverstream asked.

"I can," Spike volunteered, "I happen to know plenty in culinary arts."

"And we can cosplay as monsters." Adagio added.

"Don't we need costumes for that?" Gallus asked.

"Not to worry, G," Spike replied, "I have a friend who can help us with that." he smirked.

Later on the Cryptid Club walked to Carrousel Boutique, and entered the shop seeing Rarity organizing outfits, "Rarity!" Spike called.

Rarity spun around, "Spike! Hello, everyone!" she went over and hugged Spike, "What brings you all here today?"

"Well, Rarity we finally figured out what we're going to do for the School Festival." Bonbon began.

"You have? That's wonderful, darlings! The others have already figured out what they're doing for their own clubs. Twilight is doing a Constellation in the classroom diagram for the Astronomy club. Rainbow Dash is hosting a soccer showcase for the Soccer club. Pinkie's having a Baking Session for the Cooking club. Fluttershy's taking animals from the Animal Shelter to use for a Petting Zoo. And Applejack's going to be showing everyone how she makes her family's famous apple pie."

"Yeah, I know." Spike replied.

"So what will you all be doing?" the fashion girl inquired.

Lyra answered, "We're going to do a Monster Cosplay Cafe."

Rarity gasped, "It's ingenious! And just right for your club."

"I was the one who suggested it." Sonata spoke up.

"Since we need costumes, we were wondering if you'd..." Spike began, but Rarity cut him off.

"Say no more, Spike. I'd be delighted to help you all."

"Thanks, Rarity," Lyra said, "The Cryptid Club owes you for this."

"No trouble at all, Lyra. Always glad to help out friends. Now then, let's get you all settled with Monster Chic." Rarity said, as she went into designer mode.

And so Rarity went to work helping the club members with their costumes and what monster would best suit them.

Later on, Twilight and the rest of the girls entered, and saw Rarity setting up a runway, "Rarity, what're ya doing?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"Girls!" she cheered, "You're just in time for the show."

"Ooh, I love shows." Pinkie smiled.

"What show are you talking about?" Twilight wondered.

"The Monster Cosplay Fashion Show, darling."

"Monster Cosplay?" Fluttershy asked.

"Why do I have a weird feeling about where this is going?" Twilight asked in concern.

"Just enjoy it, Twilight," Rarity said, as she spoke like an announcer, "And welcome, ladies, to the Monster Cosplay Fashion Show! Here our schools adored Cryptid Club shall be sporting monster cosplay for their cafe idea. Let's bring on the models!"

the girls sat down and watched the runway as three silhouette's were behind a curtain. Rarity announced, "First up that trio of girls with voices as soothing as harps all the way from the sea. Let's welcome Adagio, Aria, and Sonata the mermaids!"

The curtain opened up to reveal the Dazzlings dressed in fake seashell bras, and were wearing fake mermaid tails to conceal their legs, while their feet were free allowing them to walk but were covered in shoes designed to blend in with their mermaid tail dresses.

The trio walked down the runway and posed, as Pinkie applauded, "What do you think?" Aria asked.

"You girls look lovely." Fluttershy marveled.

"Thanks." Sonata smiled.

"This way we can be who we really are and yet not." Adagio explained.

Rarity spoke up as the curtain closed again, "Coming up next those buxom twins who love to charm men. The Succubi Sisters Sunshine Smiles and Moonlight Raven!"

Stepping out were the twins wearing corset tops with Moonlight's being black and Sunshine's being red. Sticking out of their butts were fake devil tails, on their back were fake wings, and they were wearing headbands with little horns on them.

"Men don't stand a chance against our charms." Moonlight said flirtatiously.

"Be a bad boy and we have to punish you." Sunshine added in the same flirtatious tone as her sister.

Rarity applauded, "Fabulous, darlings. Now let's welcome the two Besties themselves, Lyra and Bonbon the vampiress'.'

The curtains opened and out stepped Lyra and Bonbon dressed as sexy vampire ladies, "We want to suck your blood!" Lyra spoke with a Transylvania accent.

"Do not resist." Bonbon said with an accent as well.

"Ah!" Pinkie and Fluttershy panicked, as they hid behind Rainbow and Applejack.

"Get a hold of yourself, you two." Applejack told them, as Rainbow laughed.

"Coming up next that bookworm who loves sticking her nose in a book as much as our Twilight. Moondancer the Fox girl!" Rarity announced.

Moondancer came out dressed as a sexy fox girl with fake ears and a tail. She hugged herself feeling embarrassed, "Please, don't laugh." she pleaded.

"Why would we laugh at all?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, you're adorable, darling." Rarity cooed.

"Really?" Moondancer asked with a blush.

"And now let's hear it for the shy little girl who's always insightful, Ocellus the zombie and accompanying her they hyperactive Silverstream!"

Ocellus and Silverstream came out wearing fake tattered clothing while sporting make up to make them look like zombies and had fake stitching marks on their faces and arms.

The girls let out zombie moans, while walking like said creature, "Wow. It's like how Twilight is after pulling an all nighter." Rainbow joked, and the girls laughed.

"That is not me!" Twilight argued.

"I'm just messin' with ya, Twi," Rainbow calmed her, "Mostly."

"Lovely, aren't they?" Rarity asked, as the two girls smiled.

"Thank you, everyone. I do like how I turned out." Ocellus looked herself over.

"Same here," Silverstream agreed, "I mean... Brains." she said like a zombie.

"Coming up now we have that fiery girl whose not afraid to speak her mind, Smolder the Lamia!" Rarity continued.

Coming out next was Smolder dressed as a Lamia while dragging a fake tail behind her, "Hey, guys. How does it look?"

"Good one, Smolder." Rainbow said.

"Not bad at all." Applejack agreed.

"And now let's bring out another pair sporting a real couple's monster get up. Let's hear it for Sandbar and Yona the creations of Frankenstein!"

Sandbar and Yona walked out arm and arm dressed as Frankenstein's creation and the creation's wife respectively.

"Oh, don't they look adorable?" Rarity cooed.

"They really do look like a married couple." Pinkie noted.

The two teens blushed sheepishly, "Ya think?" Sandbar asked.

"Yona embarrassed."

As the two joined the others, Rarity continued, "Next we have the cool sarcastic boy Gallus who comes out at night on the full moon as the werewolf!"

Gallus came out dressed as a werewolf, before pretending to howl at the moon. When he finished he spoke to the fourth wall, "I always wanted to do that."

"Hope you don't have fleas." Rainbow joked.

"If you do, I have flea powder." Fluttershy offered, making Gallus roll his eyes.

Rarity cleared her throat, "And now, here we have making his debut. Your friend and mine. Our one and only beloved Spikey-Wikey. The Dragon!"

Spike stepped out dressed as a purple dragon, "Hey, girls. What do you think?"

"I like it!" Pinkie cheered.

"It's so cute." Fluttershy smiled.

"Spike, you look perfect." Twilight applauded.

"Thanks, everyone. With these costumes our Monster Cosplay cafe should be a hit." Spike said.

"I'm sure it will," Rarity said, "and I shall help out as well."

"You, Rarity?" the girls asked.

"I may not be in their club, but since I provided them with their costumes I felt I should still help out. And I have just the costume to wear." Rarity went behind a changing screen and came out dressed as Elvira.

The group was surprised at how Rarity looked, while Spike looked down at her chest, 'Is she not wearing a bra?' he thought to himself. When his girls noticed this, they pinched his arms snapping him out of it.

"You all can call me, Elvirarity." Rarity flirted.

"This is definitely a new look for you, Rarity." Applejack admitted.

"Thank you, Applejack. So how about it, may I help out?" Rarity asked the club.

Lyra answered, "With a look like that you'll definitely help bring in the customers. You're in!"


Lyra spoke to the club members, "Well, gang. We look the part, now we just need to decorate for our cafe setting."

"I can help with that." Pinkie offered.

"Thanks, Pinkie." Spike said.

"So let's get to work!" Bonbon declared, as the club raised their fists high.


School Festival

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It was the day of the School Festival, and all around campus students and clubs were entertaining guests and others engaging in the activities the students were sponsoring.

Inside a large room, it was decorated to look spooky and scary with bats and spiders hanging from the ceiling, fake cobwebs on the wall, pumpkins carved with scary expressions, etc.

The members of the Cryptid Club were hard at work doing their jobs while in costume. Spike was acting as chef, while the girls and the boys were busy waiting on tables and delivering orders. As they worked they had spooky music playing from such classics as Thriller, Monster Mash, Bump in the Night, It's Terror Time Again, and so much more.

To spice it up they even did a photo shoot where guests could get their pictures taken with several of the club members.

Out in front, Rarity in her Elvira costume was advertising in a spooky voice, “Step inside, boys, girls, and adults of all ages. Come dine in the Cryptic Cafe; hosted by the experts in all things supernatural.” she winked, as more people started pouring in.

Inside the room, Lyra was taking an order, “What'll ya have, boys?” she asked two boys.

“We'll have two orders of the Dragon Stew.” one answered.

“Coming up.” she left and gave the order to Spike.

“Here I am in my element.” Spike said, as he was making some stew along with other tasty delicacies.

All around the room the rest of the girls, Gallus, and Sandbar were busy with orders, until they saw someone else enter. To everyone's shock it was Professor Flintheart.

“Professor Flintheart!” Bonbon gasped, “What a surprise.”

“It is, isn't it?” he replied.

“What brings you here, sir?” Sonata asked nervously.

“While I find the choice in costume design for this cafe disorienting for school grounds, I am famished,” he admitted, “I heard this club activity was attracting a lot of attention so I decided to see it for myself.”

“Well, come in, sir,” Moondancer said, as she seated him, “Anything to drink?”

“Some tea, please. Chamomile.”

“Coming up.” she left to get him his tea.

Spike looked over seeing Flintheart, 'Oh, boy. Just act natural.' he thought to himself before keeping to his job.

After ordering up, Flintheart ate his meal in peace, before paying his bill, “Well, what did you think, sir?” Lyra inquired.

“What I think?” he asked, before answering, “I think... Your cafe idea was very satisfying. Keep up the good work.” he said before taking his leave.

“Wow. Professor Flintheart actually liked something.” Sandbar said in shock.

“I have no words.” Gallus added.

“Come on, back to work.” Lyra nudged them along.

Later on, who should enter but Twilight and the rest of the girls, “Hey, everyone.” Applejack called.

“Twilight, girls,” Spike greeted, “What're you all doing here?”

“Yeah don't you have your own activities to manage?” Sunshine asked.

“We're all on break right now.” Rainbow answered.

“And we decided to see how your club activity is going.” Twilight said.

“I told them, everything's going great,” Rarity told the club, “Why, girls, you should've seen it. Professor Flintheart stopped in moments ago.”

“What?!” Pinkie shrieked.

“Professor Flintheart?” Fluttershy gasped.

“And we missed it?” Rainbow complained while pulling down her face.

“Did he chew ya out for your costumes?” Applejack asked.

“He just said it was disorienting to be wearing around school.” Moonlight replied.

"Which I found to be an insult to my creativity." Rarity huffed.

“Other than that, he enjoyed the service.” Ocellus said.

“Oh, now I’m really depressed I missed it.” Rainbow grumbled.

“If you are all hungry please take a seat.” Spike offered.

“Don't mind if we do.” Twilight said, as they sat down including Rarity who decided to take a break from standing outside the cafe.

Yona took their orders and delivered it to Spike who got to work again. As the girls watched Spike cook, they were impressed.

“Spike, when you cook ya make it look like an art.” Applejack said in awe.

“That's because to me cooking is an art.” Spike admitted.

Twilight spoke to Sandbar and the others, “It's true. He takes pride in his cooking. One time someone said his stew was average he locked himself in his room for hours.”

Spike looked away pouting, “That person was such a philistine.”

“Well, you know we love your cooking.” Fluttershy assured him.

“So do we.” Sunshine added.

“We had to taste it ourselves before we added it to the menu.” Silverstream explained.

“Yona felt like her mouth would burn off.” Yona added with a shudder.

“Still it was very tasty.” Smolder said.

“As is everything else he's made.” Aria said.

“Here you go.” Adagio said, as she, Smolder, and Moonlight presented the girls with their food.

“Yummy!” Pinkie cheered.

“Looks tasty.” Rainbow admitted.

Moondancer looked around seeing the others were looking tired, as was Spike, “Lyra, if I may make a suggestion. Might I suggest we close up shop for awhile and take a break to see the festival?”

Lyra looked around, “Hmm, we have been working non-stop for awhile. Ok. After the current customers finish we'll close up.” the club members sighed in relief, as they finished up their current jobs.

Once they finished, and the remaining customers took their leave, the group got out of their costumes and into normal clothes. After putting up a 'Be back later' sign outside the cafe, they started walking.

As the group walked ahead, Spike walked side by side with Rarity, “So be honest, Spike. How did you like my costume?” Rarity asked, as she walked closer rubbing her shoulder with Spike's.

“Uh, it looked good, Rarity. Like how the others looked.” Spike answered nervously.

“I'm so glad you think so.” she pecked his cheek making him blush.


“Relax, darling. I have no intention of stealing you away from your 'harem'. But that doesn't mean I can't do a little harmless flirting from time to time. Remember you always loved how much I'd tease you.” Spike said nothing as he continued on feeling embarrassed enough as it is.

And so they looked around the school seeing all the different activities sponsored by the other students from food, games, music, etc. They stopped at Twilight and the other girls festival activities, until they stopped for a break.

“We should be heading back to the club room and reopen the cafe.” Lyra suggested, as some of them sighed.

“Our break felt too short.” Smolder complained.

“Time flies when you have fun.” Sandbar reminded him.

“And that's a fact.” Spike agreed.

“Good afternoon, Cryptid Club.” came a woman's voice.

The club members looked over and saw two very attractive ladies approach. They were none other than Principal Celestia and Nurse Luna. Both sisters and the two with the most authority in school.

“Principal Celestia! Nurse Luna!” Spike gasped.

“We were just on a short break before returning to our club's activity.” Bonbon explained.

“Yes, we've heard how popular your Monster Cafe is among the gossipers.” Celestia noted.

“Even Professor Flintheart wouldn't stop mentioning how much he enjoyed it.” Luna added.

“That still shocks us.” Aria said, as her sisters giggled.

“My sister and I will have to stop by later and check it out ourselves.” Celestia suggested.

“We'd be honored to wait on you.” Yona said happily.

“Then we'll see you all later.” Luna said, as she and her older sister explored the festival.

“Serving both the principal and the nurse of our school?” Spike gasped at the idea, “I'm really gonna need to make sure my cooking is at its best.”

“Well, we better hurry and be prepared when they come to it.” Lyra suggested, as they headed back to their cafe.

As they were getting closer to their cafe, they heard a whirring sound, “What's that?” Silverstream asked.

Moondancer reached into her pocket and pulled out an electronic device with a few small glowing bulbs atop it with all bulbs lit up, “What's that?” Sunshine asked.

“My EMF meter.” Moondancer explained,

“EMF meter?” Gallus asked.

“Electromagnetic fields.” Moondancer explained.

“What does it do?” Ocellus inquired.

“It tracks high Electromagnetic fields which is commonly given off by spirits.”

“As in ghosts.” Sonata said.

“After our encounter with Cozy Glow in the hotel I felt it's best we had something like this in case we ever run into any spirits again. Good thing I decided to keep in on me.”

“But if it's going off that means...” Lyra gasped.

“We got ghosts nearby.” Moondancer confirmed.

“Track them, Moondancer.” Lyra ordered, as they followed Moondancer who was checking the readings.

They saw the readings were strongest outside their club room, “In there?” Ocellus gasped.

“Our own club room is haunted?” Spike asked.

“Well, this is a surprise.” Adagio sighed.

“Let's move in quietly.” Lyra hushed them, as they creaked the door open, and peeked inside.

They looked and saw four ghosts sitting at a table relaxing. The club members were in shock at the sight of them and debated on how they were to handle them. Suddenly one of the ghosts spoke up, “You may as well come inside. We heard you coming down the hall.”

The group was surprised, but decided to enter, “Uh, hi.” Spike greeted.

“Hi, yourself.” a second ghost answered.

“Who're you four?” Moondancer asked.

“This here's Ray, Winston, Egon, and you can call me Pete.” one of them answered.

“You're ghosts.” Ocellus began.

“Well, obviously.” Egon replied.

“But what brings four ghosts like you here?” Sandbar asked.

Silverstream gasped, “Did you four die here?”

“Not at all.” Winston answered.

“We just like to come here during the festival every year to watch.” Ray explained.

“And you guys really made our afterlife by making a cafe dedicated to the supernatural.” Pete added.

“Well, we're glad to see you appreciate it.” Moonlight said.

“So you're not looking to haunt our cafe?” Yona asked.

“What do you think we are barbarians?” Pete asked rhetorically.

“We just come and go every year. We never stay in the same place for more than a week.” Egon explained.

“Sometimes we wish we had one chance just to mingle with the public.” Winston said.

“But as you know, ghosts and mortals don't mix well.” Pete added.

“No denying that,” Spike agreed, until an idea came to him, “Wait a minute. How would you guys like a chance to perform for the public?”

“What?” the ghosts asked.

“Can you guys sing and dance?” Spike questioned.

“You're darn right we can.” Pete replied.

“Spike, what're you planning?” Bonbon asked, as Spike smirked.

Later on, as everyone gathered into the gymnasium for the party send off, Principal Celestia spoke into the mic, “Welcome, everyone to the party send off for the School Festival. We're so glad to see so many of our students put so much hard work and effort into making all this happen. And a thanks to all those who attended. For our send off, our school's own Cryptid Club have arranged some last minute entertainment. So I hope you'll all enjoy.” she waked off, as the lights went out leaving everyone in the dark.

Spike's voice came on a mic speaking eerily, “Nice of you to join us in our scary jamboree.”

“We have gathered with us some friends from the great beyond to help our Cryptid Club put on one last performance.” Lyra spoke in a similar tone.

“Give it up for the ghostly Quartet.” Adagio finished in the same tone.

Music started playing, as smoke screen filled the area. The people were concerned until appearing out of thin air were the four ghosts wearing exterminator garb with an anti-ghost badges on their suits. They did a small dance before singing to the crowd.


The crowd of people were impressed by it and started dancing along. As the faculty joined in Professor Flintheart was trying his best to remain indifferent about the whole thing, but was nudged by Nurse Luna to lighten up. When he saw the other faculty members were partying it up he rolled his eyes and danced like they did.

Spike and his club joined in the fun as Twilight and the others danced to them, “Awesome party, guys!” Rainbow cheered.

“I love it!” Pinkie beamed.

“And the best part is no one knows the truth about them.” Sunshine noted.

“Killer special affects, guys.” a student commended the club who shared smirks with each other.

Spike ended up dancing with each member of his harem, while making sure none of them started fighting for him.

When it came to the big finale, the ghostly quartet posed, as Pete spoke, “Thank you, everyone. You'd been a great crowd!”

“But now it is time for us to go!” Ray called.

“If we're lucky we'll come back next year.” Egon said.

“Until then.” Winston finished, as the four ghosts faded away.

“They're gone.” a student gasped.

“How did they do that?” another asked in confusion.

Principal Celestia spoke to the Cryptid Club, “I just want to say this has definitely become a school festival in years. I'm sure our students and faculty will look back on this day and remember it as the best fun they've ever had.”

“We hope so too.” Sonata said.

“And thanks for making this club official, Principal Celestia.” Spike thanked her.

“You're welcome, Spike.”

“I mean it. Being in this club has meant so much to me, and all those I get to be with because of it,” Spike smiled at his girls who blushed, “Now let's keep this party going!” the group cheered and partied on.


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One day after school, inside the Cryptid Club room, the club members were sitting around discussing business as usual.

“Ok, now that business is concluded, any plans this weekend?” Lyra inquired.

“Pretty much nothing.” Moonlight answered.

“Yeah. Kinda dull.” Sunshine sighed.

“I got nothing either.” Gallus admitted.

“The highlight of my weekend will be rearranging my manga collection.” Spike sighed.

“More reading for me.” Moondancer put in.

The Dazzling sisters smirked, knowing the time was right for what they had planned, “Sounds to me like your weekends are pretty much the pits.” Adagio began.

“What do you guys have something better?” Smolder asked rhetorically.

“Well, how would you guys like to join us on a little field trip?” Aria asked.

“Field trip?” Yona asked.

“To where?” Ocellus asked.

“Our home.” Sonata answered.

“Your home?” Bonbon asked in surprise.

“You mean Atlantis?” Moondancer asked with her eyes beaming.

“Actually its sister city; Seaquestria.” Adagio replied.

“You're inviting us to your undersea home?” Lyra asked.

“Yeah. I mean it's not Caesar’s Palace, but it's good for what it is.” Sonata explained.

“A chance to see an under water city,” Lyra beamed, “What an opportunity!”

“It does sound awesome, but how're we suppose to get there?”

"The beach of course,” Aria answered, “It's the closest there.”

“And how're we even supposed to breathe under water?” Sandbar asked.

“Yeah. We don't have gills.” Moonlight informed.

“Don't worry, we'll take care of everything. You all make sure to bring swimwear.” Adagio ordered.

“Very well,” Lyra confirmed, “If all is said and done, club dismissed.” and with that the club members took their leave.

Spike walked out of the room and down the hall deep in thought, 'Their home. A kingdom of merpeople. I can't wait to see what that's like.'

That night at Spike's place, he was in Twilight's room talking to said girl about his plans on Saturday, “You mean you guys are actually going to an undersea civilization?” the girl gasped in disbelief.

“That's what the Dazzling's said. And I'm actually looking forward to it.” Spike admitted.

“Wow, and entire kingdom of sea people. Imagine how much to be learned from it. Spike, I want you and the others to take accurate notes and report back to me with as much as you can.” Twilight instructed.

“Great, now my sister's giving me homework.” Spike said dryly.

When Saturday came, the members of the Cryptid Club arrived at the beach, where the Dazzlings waited, “Good to see you all could come.” Adagio commended them.

“You bring what we asked for?” Aria asked.

“Yeah, we're wearing them under our clothes.” Lyra confirmed.

“Good. Follow us.” Sonata said, as the trio led their fellow club mates to the cave close to the beach.

“This is the closest entrance to our home.” Adagio explained.

“Ok, so let's get ready.” Spike said, as the club members started removing their clothes to reveal they were wearing their swimwear underneath.

Spike was in a pair of purple shorts, Gallus' were blue, and Sandbar's was green. Lyra was wearing a mint green bikini, Bonbon was wearing a cream colored bikini, Yona was wearing a red one piece, Ocellus was wearing a blue one piece, Smolder was wearing an orange one piece, Silverstream was wearing a pink bikini, Moondancer was wearing a red bikini, Moonlight was wearing a bikini colored purple with dark blue patterns on it, and Sunshine wore a bikini colored pink with yellow patterns on it.

Spike glanced around feeling aroused by how hot Moondancer, Sunshine, Moonlight, Lyra, and Bonbon looked in their swimwear. This of course didn't go unnoticed by the Succubi twins.

“Look, girls, I think Spike's captivated by our swimsuits.” Sunshine said, as she put an arm around Spike making the side of her breast.

Spike blushed from the contact, and Moonlight got on his other side rubbing herself against him, “Can't blame him when he's got so much to be grateful for.”

The other three were envious of what the two were doing, as Spike was blushing madly. Before they could join in, Aria spoke to the twins, “Hey, slut-cubi, get it together!”

“Party pooper.” Moonlight said, as she and her sister pouted and removed themselves from Spike.

The Dazzlings dove into the water and popped out revealing their mermaid tails and shell bras, “So that's what you three really look like?” Bonbon asked.

“Yes. As gorgeous as we look as humans, now you see our true natural beauty.” Adagio boasted, while running a hand through her hair.

“Gag.” Moonlight whispered to Sunshine who giggled.

“Step lively, everyone.” Sonata said, as the group stepped into the water until they shoulder deep.

“So how can you help us breathe the water?” Spike asked.

“Come closer, and we'll show you.” Adagio beckoned him.

Spike swam closer to the trio, and suddenly each Dazzling put their lips to Spike much to his and the others shock. When they parted, a bubble appeared around Spike's head.

“Hey, what is this?” Spike asked as he felt the bubble.

“We created an air bubble for you through lip contact.” Sonata explained.

“With it you can breathe under water.” aria added.

“Would this bubble work in deep space?” Spike wondered.

“Wouldn't know. We've never had to use it for someone going into space.” Adagio admitted.

“Ok, everyone step up to receive an air bubble.” Sonata told the rest of the club.

“Do we need to get it through lips?” Yona asked.

“Afraid so.” Adagio admitted.

“Well, ok.” Ocellus said, trying not to think too hard about the method.

Aria spoke to Gallus and Sandbar, “And don't you boys get any ideas. We're taken.”

“Wasn't even thinking about it.” Gallus replied.

“Sure you weren't.” Sonata said slyly.

And so the Dazzlings each supplied the rest of the club members with air bubbles through lip contact. Sandbar and Gallus despite knowing it meant nothing to either of the Dazzlings felt satisfied that they got some kind of kiss. Silverstream, Yona, Smolder, and Ocellus were trying hard not to think too hard on it and just went with it. Sunshine and Moonlight despite their rivalry with the Dazzlings couldn't help but enjoy the soft lips against their own, as did Moondancer. Lyra and Bonbon being the bisexuals they were enjoyed it very much.

Soon the whole club minus the mermaids had air bubbles around their heads, “Everyone ready?” Adagio asked, “Ok, follow us.” the trio dove deeper into the water, as the others dove in and followed.

They followed the Dazzlings under the cave through a tunnel with the bubbles working like a charm, “Man, these bubbles really work.” Sandbar said.

“And this means we saved a lot of money on diving equipment.” Lyra put in.

“How far do we have to swim, anyway?” Moondancer called to the Dazzlings.

“Not much farther. We're meeting someone at a rendezvous point to take us the rest of the way.” Adagio explained.

“And who are we meeting?” Spike inquired.

“A good friend of ours.” Sonata answered, as they reached the end of the tunnel.

They stopped and looked around, “I don't see anybody but fish.” Bonbon said, as fish swam past her.

“She has to be around here.” Sonata said.

“Since she's like you, Sonata, she probably got lost.” Aria replied.

“You take that back!” Sonata snapped, but before the two could argue, a female voice cried out happily.

“Girls!” the Dazzlings were tackled by something that swam right at them.

The others saw the Dazzlings were embraced by a mermaid the same age as the older girls and well endowed like the Dazzlings. She had a light gambogeish gray tail and seashell bra, and her hair was long and colored light arctic blue.

“Oh, I missed you guys so much!” the mermaid cheered.

“We missed you too, Skystar.” Sonata groaned from the tight hug.

“But could you please let us go before you break us?” Aria pleaded while groaning.

Skystar released them before seeing the others, “Oh my gosh, are these them?!”

“Yes, Skystar, they're our guests from the surface world.” Adagio answered.

Skystar swam around them shaking their hands, “So nice to meet you! I'm Princess Skystar.”

“Wait, a princess?” Smolder asked.

“That's right.” she said in sing song.

“Sweet!” Silverstream cheered.

“An actual mermaid princess.” Lyra said astoundingly.

“Come on, you have to come see our home.” Skystar said, as she showed the others the way.

They followed the mermaid princess all the way to an undersea kingdom where merfolk and even fish were living together in harmony.

“Check it out.” Spike gasped, as the club looked around.

Skystar spoke to the Dazzlings while motioning to Spike, “So is he the one?”

“That's him.” Sonata confirmed.

“Wow. He's so hot.” Skystar fanned herself.

“Isn't he?” Aria smirked.

They continued to swim through the kingdom as several merfolk looked to the members of the club and were astounded by their appearances. Even some mermaids felt flustered at the sight of Spike, Gallus, and Sandbar. Even mermen were captivated by the girls.

Skystar led them into a castle and reached the throne room. They saw seated on a throne was an adult mermaid who was more well endowed than the girls. She had a light fuchsia-ish gray tail and shell bra, and her hair was long and was a gradient of brilliant fuchsia to strong mulberry.

The club members were awed by the adult's beauty, as Skystar spoke to her, “Mom! Mom! Look at this!”

The woman sighed, “I swear, Skystar if it's another shell...” she noticed the others, “What? Surface dwellers? Skystar, what've you done?”

“Your highness.” Adagio spoke up.

“We're back.” Sonata greeted.

“Adagio, Aria, and Sonata. You girls are a sight for sore eyes.” she swam down from her throne.

“Queen Novo, we told you we were bringing our friends from the surface world to our home.” Aria reminded her.

“Huh? Oh, right. Sorry with all the stuff I have to go through it's hard to keep track of everything,” the Queen said, before floating to the club members, “Welcome to Seaquestria, land walkers. I am Novo, queen of the merpeople.”

Adagio started introductions, “And these are our friends from the high school we've been attending. This is Lyra, Bonbon, Moondancer, Gallus, Smolder, Sandbar, Yona, Silverstream, Ocellus, Sunshine, and Moonlight.” the group waved, as the Dazzlings swam to Spike.

“And this here is Spike.” Sonata told the queen.

Novo swam closer to Spike who looked nervous from being so close to someone so much older and hotter than the girls he's used to, “So this is the boy you marked years ago?”

“Yes, ma'am.” Adagio confirmed.

Novo continued to inspect Spike from all sides before speaking, “Now this is a good looking boy, even with two legs. Girls, you found a keeper.”

“Thank you, your highness.” Sonata said, as the Dazzlings smiled at her approval.

“So I guess you don't allow people from the surface in your kingdom much, do you?” Sandbar guessed.

“We're a very secretive race, hon,” Novo explained, “For years our kind has been hunted by greedy people. At first we all used to live above the water, until people decided to hunt us for fun or other things. It got so bad we had to flee into the water far below. But we've still kept vigil over what goes on above water. It amazes me to see how different people are compared to back then. Of course there are still some greedy people, but many of them no longer consider us real.”

“Which is good news for you that they don't go looking for you.” Silverstream said.

“But the girls mentioned your club is focused on the study of creatures like us?” The queen said.

“Not just mermaids, but all matter of creatures. Like Sunshine and Moonlight here are Succubi.” Lyra explained, while presenting the twins.

“Succubi, huh?” Novo eyed the two, “I thought you two looked too gorgeous to be mere mortals.”

“Why thank you.” Moonlight replied, while the other girls felt a bit insulted.

“Well, if you're willing to learn more about our species and knowledge you're welcome to check out our library.” Novo offered.

“Fascinating.” Moondancer said sounding intrigued.

“Now. If ya'll excuse me. I got a date with a seaweed wrap and a deep tissue massage.” she swam away.

“Well, everyone, let's go mingle.” Lyra instructed, as they split up.

“Come on, Spike. You're with us.” Adagio said, as she, Aria, Sonata, and Skystar dragged him off.

Spike swam around following the four mermaids while admiring the beauty of the sea kingdom, “Wow. Such a shame not many don't have the chance to come down this deep. Everything looks so much beautiful down here.”

“When you're born and raised down here, the beauty just looks normal.” Aria said.

“I know,” Skystar added, “It's what I always tell Shelly and Sheldon.”

“Who're Shelly and Sheldon?” the boy wondered.

“Oh, they're my friends. Let me show you,” she reached down and picked up two clam shells with sticker eyes on them, “Meet Shelly and Sheldon.”

“Uh, hi.” Spike greeted awkwardly.

“So can I ask, what's the surface world like?” Skystar asked Spike.

“Well, it's different. As I'm sure you can tell we move on legs and feet by walking and running and not swim around.” Spike started.

“I'm amazed you can breathe up there.” the princess said.

“Well, air's good for us, just as water is good for all of you.”

“I also hear it gets real hot during some seasons.” Skystar noted.

“It does, but as long as we stay cool it doesn't bother us.”

“I've always wanted to see the surface world up close like the Dazzlings here. But my mom can be too overprotective.” Skystar sighed.

“That's having a queen for a mom for you.” Spike replied.

“Besides, we all know you're not quite ready for it.” Adagio told Skystar.

“But you're getting there.” Aria admitted.

“Thanks.” Skystar smiled.

They swam around some more seeing each of their friends enjoying aquatic living. Silverstream was making shell necklaces and bracelets for Smolder and Ocellus, Yona was swimming with the fish, Sandbar and Gallus were playing some sea sponge volleyball with the mermaids, Moondancer was studying the marine plants, Sunshine and Moonlight were rejecting the romantic gestures by some clueless mermen, and Lyra and Bonbon were doing interviews with several of the merpeople.

“I'm surprised you girls decided to come up on land just to be with me.” Spike told the Dazzlings.

“What do you mean?” Sonata asked.

“I mean it feels so peaceful down here.”

“True, but no world is perfect. Not even here.” Adagio replied.

“But being here does have its perks.” Skystar said.

“Such as?” Spike asked.

“Well, why not let our friend Sam the Crab tell you. He's putting on a show today.”

“A show? This could be interesting.” Spike admitted.

Soon the merpeople and the club were gathered around a clearing, as a merman spoke into a mic, “Presenting, Seaquestria's top composer, Sam Crab!”

The merpeople applauded, as a light shined down on a red crab who swam up to the mic, “Thank you. Thank you, mon,” he spoke in a Jamaican accent, “Today is an extra special event because we are joined by some very special guests form the surface world!”

A spotlight shined down on Spike and the rest of the club who waved, “Welcome, my friends. How're you enjoying your time down here?” Sam asked.

“We've been enjoying it very much, thank you.” Lyra answered.

“We've been learning so much from all the folks.” Moondancer added.

“And having tons of fun!” Silverstream cheered.

“This is a real beautiful place.” Spike admitted.

“That it is, my boy. But allow me to enlighten you on just how beautiful it really is under the sea.” And with the a band started playing some music, until Sam began to sing.

(Under the Sea)

The merpeople cheered and applauded the composer's melodious melody, especially the humans. They particularly enjoyed all the different types of fish and marine creatures playing their own rendition of surface instruments.

When it got around the finale Sam beckoned the Dazzlings and their friends form the surface to join them and they began rockin' out right down to the final verse before posing together. The performance left all of Seaquestria cheering their hearts out.

Later on, the group presented themselves before Novo and Skystar, “It's been a lot of fun, but we really must get back up top.” Lyra told the two.

“Oh, do you have to go?” Skystar asked disappointed.

“Afraid so.” Sandbar admitted.

“But don't worry. We'll be sure to come back and visit.” Spike promised.

“Alright!” Skystar cheered.

Novo spoke to the Dazzlings, “You three continue to stay out of trouble.”

“Yes, ma'am.” the trio answered.

Novo swam down to Spike, “And, Spike. Take care of them, will you? I cherish all my subjects. And I wouldn't want anything to happen to either of them.”

Spike looked to the Dazzlings before smiling at the queen, “You can count on me, your highness.”

Novo smiled, and embraced him, “Thank you so much.” Spike blushed, as the queen's impressive bust pressed into his bare chest.

“No problem.” he stammered.

When she released him, Novo turned to her daughter, “You can show them the way back, right?”

“I'm on it, mom!” Skystar saluted.

“Then until next time, friends.” Novo bid them a farewell, as they swam back the way they came.

That night at Spike's place, Twilight walk walking by the bathroom, until the door opened, and out came Spike wrapped in a towel, “Jeez, Spike did you really have to shower for half an hour?”

“Hey, when you've been under the sea for awhile it takes awhile to get the salt water scent off your body.” Spike argued.

“Valid.” Twilight admitted.

“And here. I made you something.” Spike said, as he handed her a necklace made of small shells.

“Spike, it's beautiful.” Twilight marveled.

“Thanks. A friend I made down there helped me make it.” Spike smiled.

“Hope I can see what it's like too.” Twilight said.

“Next time, I'll ask the Dazzlings.”

“Thanks, Spike.” Twilight smiled, as Spike went for his room.

Soon he laid in bed reminiscing about the fun he had with the club under water, “I wonder if I would be asked to move down there when the Dazzlings and I have to make our marriage official. Nah, that wouldn't be fair to the others. Well, whatever happens I'll never forget Seaquestria for sure.”

Concert Tour

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As school let out, Spike headed to the club room. Upon entering he saw everyone was already there, “So, what's today's topic?” the boy asked, as he took a seat near the Dazzlings.

“Actually, instead of cryptids and myths, we're going to talk about something different today.” Lyra began.

“What do you mean?” Smolder asked.

“Take a look at this.” Bonbon said, as she laid out a poster.

The group looked and saw the poster depicting two teenage girls. One girls who was on guitar had brilliant sapphire blue eyes, light cerulean eyeshadow, pale cyan skin, and her hair was light brilliant cerise with light brilliant magenta and pale blue violet highlights. The girl on a drum set had brilliant cobalt blue eyes, pale yellow skin, and her hair was very light blue violet with very pale cyan and light brilliant magenta highlights. The two each had two little hearts painted on their cheeks.

Spike and the rest of the group was surprised at the girls on the poster, as Spike spoke up, “Post Crush in concert?!”

“Coming here?” Sandbar gasped.

“Wow!” Silverstream cheered.

“Kiwi Lollipop aka K-Lo.” Smolder began.

“And Supernova Zap aka Su-Z.” Ocellus added.

“Those gals are awesome.” Gallus said, as he smiled at the image.

“In so many ways.” Spike added, while taking quick glances at their D-cup racks.

“Yes, we know they're the greatest duo in the music bizz, but getting tickets isn't an easy feat.” Moondancer reminded them.

“Moondancer right. This is expensive.” Yona noticed the price.

“Money's not going to be a problem.” Sonata replied.

“How do you figure, Sonata?” Lyra inquired.

“Maybe it's because we know them.” Aria replied, grabbing their attention.

“You know Post Crush?”

“How?” Sunshine asked.

Adagio spoke up, “The truth is, Post Crush are merpeople just like us.”

“What?” Moonlight gasped.

“Are you serious?” Spike asked.

“Oh, yeah. They left the sea before we did to pursue this band dream.” Aria explained.

“And they really made it big.” Sonata added.

“If you guys want, we can get you backstage to see them.” Sonata offered.

“Really?” Sandbar asked hopefully.

“We were planning on visiting them anyway.” Adagio put in.

“Any chance my sister and her friends can join us?” Spike requested, “They're big fans too.”

“I don't see why not.” Adagio replied.

“Awesome!” Bonbon cheered.

“And another chance to see more mermaids who migrated from the sea.” Lyra put in. Spike smiled while looking all around seeing how happy the club looked and knew his sister and her friends would be overjoyed as well.

Later on, Spike returned home and could already hear the sounds of Twilight's friends coming from her room knew he could tell them all at once.

He went to the door and knocked on it, “Twilight, it's Spike. May I come in?”

“Sure, Spike.” Twilight answered.

“We're decent!” Pinkie called, making Spike blush.

“Pinkie!” the girls chided her.

Spike rolled his eyes, and opened the door to see Twilight and the girls lounging about Twilight's bedroom, “Hey, girls.” he greeted.

“Hi, Spike.” they greeted back.

“Did you need something?” Twilight asked.

“Not really, but listen have you girls heard about Post Crush in concert?”

“Of course we have.” Applejack answered.

“It's all anyone is talking about.” Rainbow put in.

“And we're so excited!” Pinkie cheered.

“Well, what would you say I could get you girls a chance to meet them in person?” Spike began, as the girls looked to him in confusion.

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, as it turns out the Dazzlings know Post Crush personally.”

“How do you mean personally?” Rarity inquired.

“Apparently Post Crush's two performers are also mermaids.” Spike confessed.

“What?!” the girls gasped.

“Yeah, the club and I felt the same way.” Spike admitted.

“This is unbelievable.” Twilight said in disbelief.

“Who would've thunk it?” Applejack asked the girls.

“Hold it!” Pinkie spoke up, before getting close to Spike, “Back to getting us to meet them up close.”

Spike smiled nervously, as he backed away, “Well, the Dazzlings were planning on visiting them and offered me and the club to meet with them. And I asked them if I could bring you along, if you don't have anything else to do.” he was answered, with the girls crowding around Spike hugging them.

“Thank you so much, Spike!” Rarity began.

“You truly are awesome.” Rainbow held him close.

“You're so thoughtful!” Pinkie hugged him tight, before Twilight took him from Pinkie and hugged him more loosely.

“Spike, you're the best.” she said.

“No problem.” he replied.

“I can also use this as my own chance to learn more about life under the sea from another mermaid's POV.” Twilight added.

“Yeah-yeah. Well, I'll call Adagio and let her know you guys are available.”

“Thank you, Spike.” Fluttershy said happily.

“Any time.” Spike said, before taking his leave and going to his room.

After Spike completed his homework, he made the call to Adagio to tell her, Twilight and the girls were on board, “Yeah, Adagio. So we'll be ready. Ok, bye.” he hung up and looked up at his ceiling and thought.

'Meeting Post Crush, now that's something to really look forward to. If I can get an autograph from the two I should frame it.' he knew meeting them as a band would be one good part, and was eager to hear how they got involved in the music business.


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It was the day of the concert, and outside Spike and Twilight's place the sibs were waiting until Twi's friends and the Cryptid Club members showed up.

“Morning, you two.” Lyra greeted.

“Morning.” the sibs greeted.

“Oh, I'm so excited!” Pinkie cheered, “We're going to see PostCrush!”

“I know!” Silverstream cheered equally excited.

“You two ready?” Adagio asked Spike and Twilight.

“We sure do.” Spike confirmed.

“Always.” Twilight added.

“Then let's go!” Sonata cheered, as they headed off.

As they walked through the park, they saw a lot of workers setting the stage up and the area surrounding it for the concert tonight.

“This place looks like it's coming along nicely.” Applejack looked around.

“It certainly is.” Rarity agreed.

“So where do you think we'll find PostCrush?” Ocellus asked.

“How about there?” Yona motioned to a trailer with the bands picture on the door.

“Good eye, Yona.” Sandbar commended her, making her blush.

As they proceeded towards the trailer a voice called to them, “Hold it!” they stopped in place as a security guard approached.

“Um, morning?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Where do you all think you're going?” the guard asked suspiciously, while crossing his arms.

“To see PostCrush.” Moondancer asked with a nervous smile.

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” the guard blocked them.

“I believe K-Lo and Su-Z are expecting us.” Adagio spoke assuredly.

“Like I haven't heard that before.” the guard continued to be skeptical, until someone spoke out.

“Actually, she's telling the truth.”

Everyone looked at the entrance of the trailer that was opened and stepping out from it was the duo themselves.

“It's PostCrush!” Pinkie and Silverstream cheered.

“Wow.” Spike and Gallus gasped seeing how beautiful they were up close.

“Ladies, you mean to say?” the guard began.

“Yes. They're our guests.” Su-Z confirmed.

The guard sheepishly turned to the others and spoke, “My apologies. Please, go right in.” he permitted them access.

“Thank you.” Sunshine said, as they walked past them and followed PostCrush into their trailer.

When they were inside the trailer for privacy, the Dazzlings cheered as they hugged the two, “Kiwi! Supernova!” Sonata cheered.

“We sure missed you girls.” Aria admitted.

“We missed you three too.” K-Lo replied happily.

“Well, it looks like you two achieved your dream of making it big.” Adagio told them.

“We sure did.” Su-Z answered.

K-Lo looked a the other guests, “So these are the friends you made while you were on the surface?”

“Correct,” Adagio confirmed, “This is Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Lyra, Bonbon, Moondancer, Sunshine Smiles, Moonlight Raven, Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus, Yona, Silverstream, and this is Spike.”

The two girls smiled at them, as K-Lo spoke, “Well, it's very nice to meet you all.”

“Please, the pleasure's all ours.” Spike replied.

“We're so excited to actually meet you. AH!” Pinkie let out a fan scream.

“We can tell.” Su-Z replied, “So Adagio, Aria, and Sonata told you the truth about the both of us?”

“More or less.” Applejack answered.

“You two are also mermaids?” Rarity asked.

“We sure are.” K-Lo admitted.

Su-Z turned to the twins, “And you two are succubi?”

“Yes.” Moonlight answered.

“Hope that's not a problem for you.” Sunshine said nervously.

“Don't worry, we're not prejudice.” K-Lo assured.

“That's a relief.” Moonlight said.

K-Lo and Su-Z walked around Spike, as Su-Z spoke to the Dazzlings, “So he's the one you three marked?”

“He sure is.” Aria confirmed.

“He does look like quite a catch, doesn't he, Su-Z?” K-Lo asked, as she leaned against the boy making him blush, which only increased as Su-Z leaned into him.

“He sure does.” she agreed, as Spike laughed nervously.

“Watch it, you two.” Adagio warned them.

“Yeah, we saw him first.” Sonata reminded them.

“And yet you're willing to share him with two succubi, and three mortals.” K-Lo noted.

The Dazzlings looked embarrassed, “Yes.”

Suddenly barking was heard, and a small fluffy dog with light heliotrope colored fur while wearing a light blue bandanna with a heart on it around it neck came scampering in. The dog went to Su-Z who got down to the dog's level and scratched underneath her chin, “Hello, Princess.”

“Oh, my goodness!” Fluttershy gasped, “Is she yours?”

“Yes. Everyone, this is Princess Thunder Guts.” Su-Z held the dog out to them.

“She's so cute.” Ocellus smiled, while scratching the dog's head.

Rainbow spoke to Applejack and Twilight, “How can a dog like that have a name like Thunder Guts?” the two shrugged.

Princess panted happily, until she saw Spike. She barked happily and jumped from Su-Z's arms and into Spike's much to his and everyone's surprise. Princess started licking Spike's face, as the boy chuckled.

“Friendly pooch, aren't ya?” he asked the dog.

“Looks like Princess has really taken a liking to you, Spike.” Su-Z smiled.

“Look out, or you might have more competition.” Rainbow teased Spike's lovers.

“Oh, shut up.” Aria replied.

Rarity walked around before spotting a collection of enamel pins in a display case, “Oh, my. What a fascinating display of pins.”

“Thanks,” K-Lo replied, “Been collecting them since we first came on land. I collect many types of anything retro, collectible, popular, or ones I just think look good.”

Rainbow gasped, as she looked at one, “Wow! You got a Daring Do pin?”


“How much?” Rainbow asked desperately.

“Sorry, not for sale.” K-Lo smirked.

“Aw.” the sports girl groaned.

“So what made you two decide to leave your home and come upon dry land?” Twilight inquired.

“I'd also like to know.” Lyra agreed.

K-Lo spoke, “Well, much like our fellow mermaids here we were also curious about life on the surface. So one day we ventured out to see the world.”

“There was so much to see and do,” Su-Z added, “I even gave art school a try... Of course I dropped out.” she said sheepishly.

“That sucks.” Gallus said.

“It wasn't so bad,” Su-Z admitted, “We started getting involved in the music world, and we really nailed it.”

“Now we're living it up on tour.” K-Lo added.

“We're seeing all the sights, and meeting so many people.” Su-Z finished.

“Very interesting.” Lyra admitted.

“Indeed.” Twilight agreed.

“And from what Adagio's told us you Cryptid club members have had a taste of the supernatural and other things outside your succubi members.” K-Lo said.

“You know it.” Spike confirmed.

“To actually see real monsters up close and performing an exorcism on a ghost, while befriending other ghosts is definitely something we never would've imagined happening.” Bonbon said.

“Well, as you witnessed they are out there, each creature more dangerous in their own ways as others.” Su-Z said.

“But with these girls at your side you'll know how to handle them.” K-Lo said, while holding Aria and Sonata close.

“No denying that.” Spike agreed, making the Dazzlings smile happily.

Later that night the park was being filled up with PostCrush fans who were gathering before the stage eager to see the musical duo themselves.

“Attention music lovers!” an announcer's voice came all around, “Give it up for the Musical Diva's themselves, PostCrush!”

The fans cheered and applauded, as K-Lo and Su-Z rose up from the stage with their instruments ready. K-Lo stepped up to the mic and spoke, “Good evening, everybody!” the fans cheered, “Are you all ready for a good time?”


“Well, so are we. Because we got a treat for you tonight.” K-Lo continued.

Su-Z spoke up, “Joining us tonight are some very special people. Come on out, everybody!”

Walking out on stage was the Dazzlings, Spike, the girls, and the club members. The crowd applauded, as K-Lo spoke, “Yes, give them a big hand. Our friends here have decided to help make this a memorable concert for you all. Especially since three of them are like family to Su-Z and I.” she looked to the Dazzlings who smiled.

And so both K-Lo and Su-Z began playing, and the music got the others moving to the beat.

K-Lo: Always first place, never second best

Only high stakes, we aim to impress

And there's no room for mistakes

Yeah, we're flawless everyday, 'cause

PostCrush: We're all about perfection

Projecting that pure reflection

Exceeding your expectations

K-Lo: Yeah!

PostCrush: Be the true, true, true original

Dare to be what you are meant to be

Working hard, that's our thing

All this way, we're perfect, perfectly true

True, true original

True, true original

True, true original

We're perfect, perfectly true

K-Lo: Oh-oh, true original

Oh, oh, hey, hey

(We're perfect, perfectly true)

True original

Oh, oh

Oh, oh

As the duo performed, the others were dancing to the rhythm, while looking out at the audience who were wowed by their performance and even shooting them love-struck looks. The group decided to fill in the next verse.

Group: But it's not about perfection

Set off in your own direction

Shake off the expectations

The group continued to dance while joining in Post Crush singing.

PostCrush: You're the true, true, true original

Dare to be who you are meant to be

Free yourself, do your thing

All your way, you're perfect, you're perfectly you

True, true original

True, true original

True, true original

You're perfect, you're perfectly you!

When they finished, the crowd cheered for everyone on stage, as Spike and all his friends looked excited, “We just rocked tonight!” he told everyone.

“Yeah, you did.” Su-Z confirmed, as she beckoned the group to come over.

“Get over here and take a photo with us.” K-Lo said.

The group went over to the duo as a photographer got out his camera, “Now this is a perfect moment.” Twilight said, as the whole group posed when the photo was captured.

The next day at school, Spike, Sandbar, and the rest of the younger students were heading for the club room.

“I still can't get over last night.” Smolder began.

“I know.” Yona agreed.

“I'm gonna remember the PostCrush concert forever.” Sandbar said.

“And not just because we each have a photo to remember it.” Gallus put in.

“Well, come on let's see what today's meeting is.” Spike said, as they opened the club room door.

They looked inside seeing their eight older members, but what caught them all off guard was seeing K-Lo and Su-Z kicking back.

“Hey, guys.” the duo greeted.

“What's going on here?” Gallus asked in confusion.

“What're you two doing here?” Spike asked in disbelief.

“We've transferred.” K-Lo began.

“Our tour's been put on hold so we can go to school like regular teens like the Dazzlings.” Su-Z added.

Spike looked to the trio, “Did you know about this?”

“They talked to us last night after the concert and if they wanna experience what it's like being real human teenagers then they should try it.” Adagio said.

“It's called living in the now after all.” Aria added.

“And they decided to join our club to help us investigate and eliminate any monsters causing trouble.” Lyra finished.

“And while we're here please call us Kiwi and Supernova.” K-Lo insisted.

Su-Z got up and went to Spike, “But you can call us by our PostCrush name's any time, Spike.”

Spike looked confused, as K-Lo went to his other side, “We'll make an exception for you.”

“Did I miss something?” Spike asked nervously.

“Of course not,” K-Lo began, “After spending time with you yesterday both before and after our concert we're seeing why the Dazzlings think so highly of you.”

“And we like what we see.” Su-Z added.

“Hey, give him some breathing space!” Sonata called as the Dazzlings and the Succubi sisters try to pull the two away from Spike, while Lyra, Bonbon, and Moondancer were shocked to see they have more competition again. Spike on the other hand knew he was gonna be hearing more from Twilight when she found out.

Pool Cleaning

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At Spike's place one Saturday morning, the young teen was currently playing a first person shooter video game, and looking in the zone.

"Yeah! That's right, run you mountain goats!" Spike called at his TV, while blasting some enemies, "Oh, you're not getting away from me that easily! Take that! Yeah!" he cheered.

Suddenly his phone went off. Spike paused his game and answered the call, "Hello? Lyra, what's up? What?! Lyra, it's Saturday. I don't do work on weekends! Bring what? Ugh, fine I'll be there." he hung up. He saved his game before packing his backpack while mumbling.

As he left his room with his skateboard, Twilight noticed him, "Spike, where are you off to?"

"School." he answered dryly.

"On a Saturday?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Lyra's orders. Club meeting."

"I hope there's no problem." Twilight said in concern over the possibility of another supernatural creature spotted somewhere close by.

"You and me both." Spike replied, as he left the house and headed for school.

When Spike arrived at the school he found the rest of his fellow club members with their own backpacks, "Hey, Spike." Sandbar greeted.

"How's it going?" Spike asked.

"Could be better." Gallus replied.

"Yeah. I mean it's Saturday and we're at school." Smolder added.

"It don't feel right." Yona said.

"Why are we here, Lyra?" Aria asked sounding bored

"Follow me." Lyra said with a smile, as they followed her.

Soon they were inside the school's pool area, with the pool water-less but dirty, "Ugh, that is nasty." Supernova gagged.

"So what're we doing here?" Kiwi asked.

"Well, as you know the swimming season will be starting soon and they need to pool to practice." Lyra began.

"And Lyra signed us up to clean it today." Bonbon added.

"What?!" the members asked in shock.

"So you interrupted our weekend without our approval just to clean the pool?" Moonlight asked irked.

"Isn't this school staff's work?" Adagio asked.

"I know you're all livid on that, but I assure you we're getting something out of it." Lyra continued.

"And that would be?" Silverstream asked.

Lyra smirked and answered, "We get first shot at the pool for the day!"

This suddenly brightened the spirits of the club members, "Really?" Sunshine asked excitedly.

"That's a generous reward." Ocellus admitted.

"So, we take it you're all in?" Bonbon asked.

"You bet we are!" Silverstream answered.

"Sure thing." Moondancer added.

"Well, then let's all get ready." Lyra instructed.

So the boys and girls went to the locker rooms and changed into their phys Ed attire. When they came out they grabbed all the cleaning supplies. As Ocellus started using the hose to water down the pool floor and walls, the Cryptid club started scrubbing it.

As Spike scrubbed he looked to the five mermaid girls, "Are you girls sure you'll be ok doing this? I mean if you get wet-"

"Don't worry, as long as we stay behind the water." Adagio assured him.

"Alright, Ocellus, start hosing off that area." Lyra instructed.

"Ok." Ocellus was about to aim the hose on the spot, but started slipping on the wet pool floor and lost control of the hose.

"Incoming!" Sonata cried, as the five mermaids head for cover when the water ended up spraying Moondancer who shielded herself.

Ocellus quickly grabbed the hose to control it, "Moondancer, I'm so sorry!" Ocellus apologized.

"It's ok. I wasn't hurt," Moondancer began until she looked down and saw her shirt was so wet, it was see through. She quickly crossed her arms over her chest, "Nobody look!"

The Dazzlings looked to each other and nodded, and they blocked everyone's view of her, "Don't worry, you can work behind us." Aria said.

"Thanks, girls." Moondancer said gratefully.

"Alright, back to work." Lyra instructed everyone.

"Sooner we get it done, the sooner we can have fun." Sandbar said, as they continued scrubbing the pool.

After scrubbing it top to bottom, they started filling the pool with fresh clean water and started filtering it. Once it was all finished, the club looked at the pool all set and ready for the swim team. But before that, for them.

After stepping back into the locker rooms to get changed again, everyone came out in their swimsuits. Spike wore purple trunks, Sandbar worn green ones with turtles decorated on them, and Gallus wore blue ones with a feathery pattern.

The older girls were all in two piece bikinis. Adagio's was colored in a mix or yellow, red, and orange, Aria's was a mix or purple and violet, and Sonata's was a mix of blue, aqua, and arctic blue. Moondancer's was red, Moonlight Raven's was a mix of black and blue, Sunshine Smiles' was a mix of yellow and pink, Lyra's was minty green, Bonbon's was yellow, Kiwi's was pink and blue, and Supernova's was blue and red.

Silverstream wore a magenta colored two piece bikini, Ocellus was wearing a green one piece swimsuit, Smolder was wearing an orange two piece bikini, and Yona was wearing a tan one piece swimsuit.

"Ok, everyone. Have as much fun to your hearts content!" Lyra announced, as Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, and Silverstream dove right in. Yona gained some distance and ran for the pool.

"Cannon ball!" the big girl announced as she hit the water causing a big splash that washed her friends down the pool.

"I give you a perfect ten, Yona!" Sandbar announced.

"I try." Yona answered.

Spike chuckled while shaking his head, until Adagio spoke up, "So, Spike. What do you think of our swimsuits?"

"Hot enough for you?" Aria asked, while posing.

"Because we hope it is." Sonata added.

"You three look amazing." Spike admitted with his cheeks looking pink.

"So what about us?" Kiwi asked, as she and Supernova posed together.

"You two look great. Though I'm surprised the five of you are wearing them," Spike admitted, "I mean, if you get wet you turn back into your mermaid forms."

"Under normal circumstances, yes." Adagio confirmed.

"But with special mermaid seals placed on our swimsuits, they keep us from changing back into mermaids even when we get wet." Kiwi explained.

"So we can have a fun swim as regular human teenagers." Sonata smiled.

"That's neat." Spike admitted.

"Hey, Spike." Lyra called, as she and Bonbon posed for him.

"How do we look?" Bonbon inquired.

"You two look gorgeous." Spike admitted, as he eyeballed the besties up.

"You're so sweet." Lyra smiled.

"And how about us?" Moonlight asked, as she posed with Sunshine resulting in their breasts pressing close together.

Spike blushed at the two succubi flaunting their sexual charm, and spoke, "You two really have my attention now." Sunshine smiled happily, while Moonlight gave a small smile.

Spike turned his attention towards Moondancer who looked a bit sheepish, "And you look great too, Moondancer. It really suits you."

"Oh, gee, Spike." Moondancer said sounding embarrassed.

"Come on, bums, let's go!" Aria called, as she and her sisters dove into the pool.

Bonbon and Lyra went for the kiddie dive and dove off it, while Moondancer, the succubi sisters, and Post Crush jumped in.

Spike looked up at the high dive and smirked. He started walking to it, as the rest of the club watched, "What's he doing?" Smolder asked.

"He's going for the high dive." Ocellus gasped.

"Is he serious?" Moondancer gasped.

"He's got balls." Moonlight said sounding wooed.

Spike climbed the ladder up to the high dive. He walked to the edge of the board and looked down seeing how high he was, "Wow, it's a lot higher up than I thought." he said to himself coming to regret his decision.

"Looking good, Spike!" Kiwi called from below.

"Be careful up there!" Sunshine called.

Spike was nervous from the statements the two of them said, but calmed and relaxed himself before looking down and was ready to dive.

"Man overboard!" he shouted, before jumping off the board and plunged down hitting the water.

The group cheered and applauded, as Sonata spoke, "I hope he had protection. I mean you hit the water at that speed Faust knows what happened."

Spike surfaced and gasped for air, "Spike, are you ok?" Silverstream asked in concern.

"That was some drop." Gallus said impressed.

"My heart was racing." Spike panted.

"You definitely ruled that dive." Moonlight said.

"Come on, everyone. Swim is in session." Lyra declared, as they had fun in the water splashing about and lounging.

Spike floated in the water while watching his fellow club mates relax and have fun with Smolder and Silverstream turning Gallus' inner tube over making him fall into the water. Sandbar was helping Yona swim, with Yona looking very grateful. Ocellus was floating atop the water relaxing.

He enjoyed seeing his friends so relaxed after all the weird stuff they've done since joining the cryptid club. Suddenly he saw his lady friends swimming over to him.

"Hi, Spike." Adagio greeted.

"Hey, girls. How is it swimming with your legs instead of your tails?" he asked.

"It's awesome. Kiwi admitted.

"Even though we swim faster with our tails, this does feel good." Sonata added.

"You having fun?" Bonbon asked, as she scooted closer to Spike allowing her breast to rub against his arm.

"Oh, yeah. Sure." Spike answered, while trying to keep his hormones under control.

"Good," Lyra said, as she leaned on him, "You hoping for tit slip or something?" she teased making him blush.

"I am not answering that." he replied.

"Why, you got something to hide?" Moonlight asked, as she also leaned on him.

"Don't worry, you don't have to hide it." Sunshine assured him.

"Because when the others leave, we got something planned for you." Adagio said.

"What do you mean?" he asked looking around.

"That's our secret." Moondancer motioned to be silent.

Spike was confused wondering what his ladies were planning, but had a feeling he'd know soon enough.

As afternoon rolled by, Sandbar and the rest of his friends left the pool, but Spike and his girls stayed behind.

"So now that it's just us what do we do?" Spike asked them.

"Well, Principal Celestia never said what time we had to be out of here, and we have to give the key back to her come Monday." Lyra began.

"And?" Spike asked wanting to know more.

"Since it's just us, why don't we do a little skinny dipping?" Bonbon suggested.

Spike blushed while stammering, until he found his voice, "Skinny dip, here?"

"Of course." Adagio answered.

"Are you all ok with this?" he asked them all.

"We sure are." Sunshine assured.

"Even me." Moondancer admitted.

"Come on, Spike. We know you want to." Aria flirted with a shake of her hip.

Spike looked around at the girls knowing he hasn't had personal alone time with them for awhile. And this time he had Post Crush a part of it.

"Ok, let's get to it." Spike said eagerly.

"Yes!" the girls cheered, as they headed back towards the pool.

As they stood by the pool, Spike watched as the girls started removing their bikinis. When they were done, Spike eyed all ten girls naked bodies with their impressive busts leaving him mesmerized.

"Like something you see, Spike?" Adagio flirted, while hefting her breasts.

"I sure do."

The girls giggled, as Kiwi spoke, "Supernova and I know this is your first time seeing us naked."

"So what do you think?" Supernova asked, while rubbing her butt against Kiwi's thigh.

"I think I should let my friend answer for me." Spike dropped his trunks leaving his manhood exposed.

Supernova and Kiwi blushed at the sight of Spike's joystick, but were just as drawn to it as he was to their breasts.

"Wow. Now that's a national treasure." Supernova gasped.

"I'll say." Kiwi agreed.

"So we gonna dive or what?" Moonlight asked.

"Right, though aren't you girls going to change back into mermaids?" Spike asked the Dazzlings and Post Crush.

"Not after we add this little serum to the pool." Adagio held a vial containing a pink liquid.

"What is that?" Spike asked in concern.

"Another special concoction that'll keep us from turning back into mermaids when we come in contact with water." Adagio explained.

"Will that have any affect on me or any other non mermaids?" Spike motioned to the others.

"None at all." Sonata assured.

"And it won't affect the water permanently." Aria added.

"Well, if that's what you want." Spike said.

Adagio nodded on behalf of herself and her fellow mermaids, before pouring the pink stuff into the pool water as it spread.

"Come on!" Sunshine cheered, as they all jumped in.

They all surfaced and floated in the water, "Feels good to swim all natural." Moonlight admitted.

"It sure does." Moondancer agreed, as she swam around.

"And with just us here it feels better." Spike added, as he and the girls swam around.

As Spike drifted along in the water he watched the girls fooling around with each other like Supernova and Kiwi massaging Sunshine and Moonlight's boobs. Suddenly someone hugged him from behind.

Spike looked back to see it was Moondancer, "Gotcha." she said.

Spike smiled, "You got me all right." he spun around to face Moondancer.

"You know, Spike, earlier today when I got sprayed with the hose and needed the Dazzlings to cover me?" she began, "If the others weren't there I would've just taken my shirt off and continued cleaning."

The young man blushed at what could've been, "Thank you for sharing that with me."

"Any time." Moondancer said, as she went forward and kissed Spike who returned it.

"Hey, don't hog him to yourself, Moondancer!" Lyra called, as the girls swam over to Spike.

Lyra pulled Spike closer to her before rubbing her breasts into his chest, "How's this, Spike?"

"Feels good." Spike answered, as he enjoyed himself.

"And how about this?" Bonbon asked, as she got behind Spike and started rubbing her breasts on his back.

Spike was too comfortable to even answer, as he just relaxed as the soft yet wet breasts of the two besties smothered his front and back.

"Don't leave us out on this." Moonlight said, as she and Sunshine swam over to Spike to have a turn. Moonlight pulled Spike closer and spoke, "Here's a little something special for you, Spike." Moonlight buried Spike's face.

As Spike tried to speak, his voice just sounded muffled. Sunshine then took Spike and buried his face into her own breasts, "Don't forget these. Let me be your second course." she told Spike making sure to keep his face deep into her cleavage.

Kiwi turned to her friend, "Supernova, we're still new to this harem. So we got a lot of catching up to do if we wanna be in Spike's better graces."

"So let's go for it." Supernova said determined.

The duo pop stars swam up to Spike tugging him away from the Succubi sisters, "If you liked that, Spike, then you're gonna love this." Kiwi said, as both she and Supernova surrounded his head with their boobs.

"How is it?" Supernova asked him.

"I definitely feel comfortable." Spike admitted.

"We're glad you feel that way." Kiwi said, as she and Supernova smothered him.

The Dazzlings soon enough pulled him closer to them after letting Post Crush have their fun, "Hope you had fun, Spike." Adagio began.

"Because this is where the real action begins." Aria said, as the trio surrounded Spike and started rubbing their bodies against him.

"We've never been able to do this in water before with human bodies." Sonata said.

"And how does it feel?" Spike asked, while relaxing.

"Better than we could've imagined." Adagio answered.

"Especially with the right person." Aria put in.

Spike smiled, as all his lady friends gathered close to him, which made him feel warmer in the water.

When nighttime fell, the moon shined through the window of the pool area. Spike and the girls were sitting at the edge of the pool looking up at it, with Spike in between Kiwi and Supernova, while the Dazzlings were behind him.

"Beautiful night, huh?" Spike asked the girls.

"I love it." Moonlight said.

"It's beautiful like you, Mooney." Sunshine said, as she hugged her sister pressing her boobs against her.

"I'm really glad I could be here tonight with all of you." Spike said, looking around at all his lady friends.

"And we're glad to be here with you, Spike." Adagio said, as she kissed him.

"We wouldn't give this day up for anything." Sonata said giving Spike a kiss.

"Not even to be permanently human." Aria finished, as she gave Spike a kiss.

"Neither would we." Supernova told Spike, as both she and Kiwi kissed him, while pressing their bare breasts into his chest.

Spike relaxed, as Moondancer, Lyra, Bonbon, Sunshine, and Moonlight kissed him as well. The group continued to watch the moon shine through the window and reflect off the pool water.

Children's Christmas Party

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It was December and the holidays were upon everyone. At the Canterlot Youth Center, everyone was decorating the place with Christmas decorations. In the kitchen area behind the counter Pinkie and Applejack were baking up Christmas treats.

“Mm, these cookies look yummy.” Pinkie salivated.

“Don't get any ideas, Pinkie,” Applejack stopped her, “Remember they're for the party.”

“I know.” Pinkie answered with a pout.

Soon everyone was taking a break as the Cryptid Club were sitting at a table relaxing, “Who would've thought putting together a party for kids could be this tiring?” Gallus groaned.

“I hear ya.” Spike agreed.

“But at least we're halfway done.” Silverstream reminded them.

“And we'll be ready for when the kids arrive.” Ocellus added.

“Yona absolutely love Christmas time.” Yona said happily.

“Same with us.” Bonbon added, as Lyra was looking at something in a book.

“What're you reading about Lyra?” Sandbar asked.

“Oh, just about another cryptic figure from lore that's involved with Christmas.” the girl answered.

“Which?” Moondancer asked.

“This guy.” Lyra showed them a picture of a demonic goat man carrying a sack.

“What is that guy?” Gallus asked in shock.

“That, Gallus, is Krampus.” Lyra answered.

“Krampus?” Ocellus asked with a shiver.

“According to legend, Krampus is a goat man demon who comes around at Christmas time to punish naughty children by stuffing them in his sack and takes them away to the underworld.” Lyra answered creepily.

“Isn't them getting coal punishment enough?” Silverstream asked in concern.

“Are you talking about Krampus?” Adagio asked, as she, her sisters, Supernova, and Kiwi approached.

“You girls know of him?” Spike asked.

“Oh, yeah, he doesn't really take them to the underworld,” Sonata explained, “He shows kids visions of what will happen to them if they keep on being naughty. So in actuality he's teaching them not to be bad.”

“Well, that's a relief.” Silverstream sighed thankfully.

“Guess this book doesn't have all the facts.” Moondancer said in disbelief.

“Which is good news for us.” Lyra said, as she took notes.

“Lyra, can you not think of the club for now?” Bonbon asked, “It's Christmas.”

“Yeah. A time for being together.” Sunshine added.

“With the ones you love.” Moonlight added, while leaning close to Spike who smiled.

“And let's not forget doing this gives us community service credit.” Spike put in.

“Which is good news for my college application.” Twilight said, as she and the girls walked over.

“Everything's just about finished now.” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, yes. It all looks fabulous.” Rarity marveled.

“So you all ready for tonight's Christmas performance?” Spike asked the girls.

“We all sure are.” Rainbow answered.

“It's going to be the best Christmas Celebration ever!” Pinkie jumped.

“Then don't you think we should make sure everything gets finished?” Aria asked.

“Quite right.” Adagio agreed.

“So let's do it, ya'll.” Applejack said, and they all got right to work finishing the center up.

Soon enough all was ready and just in time, for school buses arrived with several school children dismounting and escorted inside by the adults. Once inside the youth center, the students were showing the kids around introducing them to so many Christmas activities. At one table kids were decorating cookies with Pinkie and Applejack, Rarity was at another table helping kids make arts and crafts, Supernova and Kiwi were helping photographers who were taking pictures of kids with Santa Clause.

Spike and everyone else were all walking around the center bringing in supplies and taking them to others. Spike leaned against a support beam and looked around seeing all the happy faces of children.

“Now this is what the holidays are all about.”

“It sure is.” Adagio confirmed.

“So do you merpeople cerebrate something like this in the sea?”

“Oh, yes. Only instead of Santa Clause, we have Santa Jaws.”

Spike did a double take, “Say what?” Adagio giggled.

“Hey, you two.” Twilight approached, “The pageant's coming up. We gotta get to our places.”

“Ok, Twilight.” Spike said, as she and Adagio headed backstage to the stage set up in the youth center.

Soon the Cryptid Club members gathered the children together so they could watch the stage. Twilight stepped out and spoke into the mic.

“Good evening boys and girls and welcome to our Christmas pageant. Tonight we have some exciting talented people who've come together to give you all quite a show. Without further adieu, let's welcome our opening act, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata with All I Want for Christmas is You.” Twilight went backstage.

The kids applauded, as the curtains opened up to reveal the Dazzlings wearing cute elf costumes, while each held onto a mic. When the music started they began singing.

(Mariah Carey: All I Want for Christmas is You)


As the trio sang, the kids clapped in enjoyment, as the rest of the audience enjoyed the show.

Backstage, Spike was slipping into a green hairy costume, while putting on a Santa coat and hat, “Oh, wait until the kids see me. Hope I don't get too much hate.”

When the Dazzlings finished, the children applauded and cheered bringing smiles to the Dazzlings faces. The three did a bow before going back stage.

Twilight came back out and addressed the crowd, “How's that for an opening? That really brings in the holiday cheer.”

Backstage, Spike spoke to the trio, “Girls, you were all amazing.”

“Thanks, Spike.” Aria said, as the three kissed him.

“Good luck out there.” Sonata said.

“Thanks.” Spike said, as he got himself ready.

He listened, as Twilight was ready to announce him, “Next we have a story about a familiar character who hated Christmas. Hated it so much he tried to steal it. Singing about that green grump himself, Spike as the Grinch!”

The kids cheered, as the curtain opened up to reveal Spike who was dressed as the Grinch pretending to be Santa. Spike began to sing while doing a few dance moves.

(Thurl Ravenscroft: Mr. Grinch)


As Spike danced his girls fanned themselves from his performance, as Sandbar spoke to his friends, “He's really rockin' that outfit.”

“He's gotta be burning underneath all that hair.” Gallus said.

When Spike finished the children cheered and applauded, as Twilight stepped out, “Thank you, Spike. And remember this kids, although the Grinch started out mean and vile. He learned that Christmas doesn't come from a store, but it means a little bit more. And that got his heart to grow three sizes that day.”

Spike smiled at Twilight and bowed to the audience, and went backstage. Once in back he started removing the costume and panted, “Glad to finally be out of this, I thought I was gonna die from heatstroke.”

“Go outside without a coat, that'll cool you off.” Supernova suggested, as she and Kiwi laughed.

“Very funny,” Spike replied dryly, “Well, good luck to the both of you.”

“Thanks.” the two hugged him, and got their instruments ready.

“And now folks, here to bring you Jingle Bell Rock. PostCrush!” Twilight announced.

The crowd cheered as K-Lo and Su-Z were all set up and began rocking out.

(Electric Mayhem: Jingle Bell Rock)


The audience was rocking out with them, along with everyone backstage. When the duo finished up everyone cheered. Later on Twilight stepped back on stage and spoke.

“Everyone, this has been a joyful Holiday treat for all of us. And we wanna all give you a big hurrah with all who helped make all this possible. And so their friends who were sitting in the audience got up and joined her and everyone else on stage.

They stood together before the children, as music started playing. And they all began singing together.

(GLEE: Welcome Christmas)


The children smiled happily feeling the Christmas spirit within them. When the group finished the kids cheered and applauded, and the teens took a bow.

“Thank you, everyone and Merry Christmas!” Twilight announced.

“Merry Christmas!” the others cheered.

Later on, all the kids were escorted home, while the teen stayed behind to clean up, “Now that was an awesome party.” Rainbow said.

“It so much fun.” Yona added.

“And the children all seemed to love it.” Rarity said.

“Especially our performances.” Spike put in.

“You can say that again, Mr. Grinch.” Moonlight replied.

Pinkie came out with hot chocolate on a tray, “Hot chocolate and marshmallow break!”

As everyone decided to break, Spike and his girls stood behind for a bit, “I really am glad I could spend the holidays with all of you.”

“We feel that way too, Spike.” Adagio agreed.

“And we hope to have many more like this in the future.” Moondancer added.

“As one big happy family.” Bonbon said.

Spike smiled and nodded, until Sunshine looked up and gasped, “Look.”

They looked up and saw some mistletoe hanging above them, “When did that get there?” Spike wondered.

“Who cares?” Kiwi asked rhetorically.

Spike nevertheless have his girls a kiss each, “Merry Christmas, girls.”

“Merry Christmas, Spike.” they replied.

“Hey, you all comin' or what?” Applejack called over.

“Coming!” Lyra answered, as they all hurried over to their friends.

Last shot was of a Christmas card featuring everyone close together wearing Santa hats.

A Treasure Map

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It was Spring Break, and while others were off on vacation to enjoy the weather and sites, Spike was not so lucky.

Up in his family's attic, he and Twilight were looking over stuff. As Spike picked up a box, he placed it on the floor grumbling.

“Man, why do we have to work in the attic when we should be out there having fun enjoying our spring break like everyone else?” he complained to Twilight who had just placed a box down on the floor.

Twilight sighed at her little brother's frustration, “Spike, I know this is the last thing you wanna do to start spring break. But look at it this way, the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can do what we want.”

“I guess.” Spike sighed, still miffed about having to work during their break from school.

“Besides, you never know what sort of cool stuff you could find up here,” Twilight said, as she opened a box and pulled out a small hand print turkey arts and crafts, “Like stuff from our childhood. Remember this?”

“Hey, my hand print turkey!” Spike cheered, as he took the arts and crafts project, before shaking it around making turkey gobbling sounds.

“Cute.” Twilight giggled.

Spike looked into the box, “Hey, you're right, this has some old school stuff of mine.”

“And here's one with my stuff,” Twilight opened a box, and pulled out a telescope, “My first telescope. Oh, I remember all those nights I would sit out in the back looking up at the stars with this.”

“Hey, look at this. I invented this in shop class.” Spike held up two blocks of wood.

Twilight gave Spike a dry look and spoke in a tone to match, “You invented wood?”

“It's a bug killing system. I even wrote directions on one,” Spike explained, “Put bug on block A and push block B down until crunching is heard... Rinse and repeat.”

“Wow, you should bring that on Shark Tank.” Twilight said sarcastically.

Spike squinted at his sister, and spoke in suspicion, “You're making fun of me, aren't you?”

“Not at all.” Twilight replied with a fake smile.

Spike rolled his eyes, as the two continued picking up and taking down boxes to reorganize. After moving more boxes, Twilight spoke up, “Hey, Spike I'm getting a drink, want one?”

“Sure, thanks.” Spike replied, as Twilight went down the stepladder.

Spike deciding to take a break sat down on something covered by a tarp, “It's spring break and I'm stuck in the attic. I should be out there having fun. Anything's gotta be better than this.” he got up before looking over at what he was sitting on. Curiously he removed the tarp to reveal a big black trunk with a lock on it.

“I don't remember us ever putting this up in the attic. And why would it need a lock?” Spike wondered to himself. Consumed with curiosity, he grabbed a crowbar laying around and used it to break the lock off.

When he opened the trunk he saw it was loaded with old coats and jackets dating back hundreds of years ago, “Jeez, not even Rarity would want anything like these in her shop.” Spike picked one of the coats up, as something fell out of one of its inside pockets. He looked down seeing it was a rolled up parchment. He picked it up and unraveled it. When the parchment was unraveled it revealed a map of an island surrounded by water, and on the island was a trail with an X marking a spot.

“No way!” he gasped, “Is this a real treasure map?”

“Spike!” came Twilight's voice from downstairs.

Spike jumped at the sound of his sisters voice, rolled up the map and pocketed it in his pants. As Twilight came up she gave him a water bottle, “Here you go.”

“Thanks, Twilight.”

“Listen, mom and dad said we've worked long enough for now.”

“So we can call it quits?” Spike asked hopefully.


“Awesome!” Spike cheered, “I got someplace to go, so I'll catch you later!” he left the attic, as Twilight watched him looking confused at his sudden desire to get out.

As Spike left the house he headed down the block, “There's one person who can confirm if this map is legit or not.” he told himself as he hurried.

Around the corner walked the Dazzlings who were taken by surprise as Spike ran past them, “Spike?” Sonata asked in confusion.

“Where's he off to in such a hurry?” Aria wondered.

“Let's find out.” Adagio suggested, as they ran after him.

When the three finally caught up to Spike, Aria spoke, “Yo, Spike!”

“Oh, hi, girls.” he greeted, while still hustling.

“You training for a marathon?” Sonata asked.

“No. I just have to get to Moondancer's.”

“Why's that?” Adagio asked suspiciously.

“I found something in my attic, and I need her to see if it's legit.”

“What did you find?” Aria asked.

Spike looked around seeing nobody else was outside. So he stopped to catch his breath, before gathering the trio around closer, and whispered, “I may have found a treasure map.”

“Treasure map?!” Sonata asked loudly, only for Adagio and Aria to clamp her mouth shut.

They looked around seeing nobody was around to hear them. They sighed in relief, before unclamping Sonata's mouth, “Are you sure about this?” Adagio asked.

“I won't know for sure until Moondancer gets a look at it.” Spike answered.

“Well, let's go together.” Sonata suggested.

“Ok, come on.” Spike said, as he and the Dazzlings ran off again.

The four finally arrived at Moondancer's place, and Spike rang the bell. The door opened, and Moondancer stepped out, “Spike, girls? What's going on?”

“Hey, Moondancer, up for studying something that could be a rare find?” Spike smirked, as he pulled out the rolled up map. Moondancer looked curious wondering what Spike was getting at, but let the group in all the same.

Later on inside the brainy girl's room, the map was laid out on a table, as Moondancer was looking it over using a magnifying glass while surrounded by notes. As she studied the map close, Spike and the Dazzlings were off to the side giving her some space to concentrate.

Eventually Moondancer put the magnifying glass down and turned to her guests, “Well, Moondancer?” Spike asked.

“What's the word?” Aria inquired.

Moondancer spoke, “What we have here... Is an authentic, legit, treasure map.” she smiled brightly.

“You're serious?” Adagio gasped.

“As a heart attack.”

The four surrounded the table to look at the map, “This is just amazing!” Sonata gasped.

“Whoever left this up in my family's attic in the past must've forgotten it was there.” Spike suspected.

“Wonder who it belonged to?” Aria said.

“Well, look down here.” Moondancer picked up the magnifying glass and held it over something written in the bottom right corner of the map.

They looked seeing the name 'Captain Hoofbeard', “Captain Hoofbeard? Who is that?” Spike asked Moondancer.

Moondancer pulled out a book from her bedroom's shelves, and opened it up to a page with the image of a a man dressed in pirate garb and had long black hair with a red streak tied into a curled ponytail, “Captain Hoofbeard; one of my most notorious pirates in history, and captain of the Salty Sea Dog.”

Adagio looked closer, “According to this he sailed around the waters close to the town. He must've hidden his old treasure map in the trunk you found in the attic.” she told Spike.

“And the coat it was hidden in is the one he's wearing right here.” Spike motioned to the black coat Captain Hoofbeard was wearing.

“So it is real.” Aria said in disbelief.

“It appears so.” Moondancer confirmed.

“This is unbelievable. We should try to find it!” Spike said in excitement.

“So do I!” Sonata cheered.

“Hold on, you two,” Moondancer stopped them, “It may be real, but we have no idea where this island could actually be located.”

“Maybe not us,” Adagio began, before smirking, “But we know someone who might.” Spike and Moondancer were curious.

Later on they were at an antique store owned by the Dazzling's Uncle Allegro. Inside the shop, Spike and the girls were seated, as a middle aged man with dark hair came over. He wore brown slip on shoes, jeans, a purple shirt covered by a dark blue vest. He pulled up a board featuring a huge map of the waters outside the city with plenty of notes corked to it.

“So, what've you got, Uncle?” Aria asked.

The sisters uncle answered, “Captain Hoofbeard did in fact sail around these parts hundreds of years ago, when the city was much different. He was both honored and respected by various pirates, and yet despised by other rivaling pirates and the law itself. But as notorious a pirate he was, he had a deep respect for us merfolk. He even had a relationship with one, just like you do Spike.” he winked.

Spike laughed sheepishly, before wondering about something, “So how did the map get locked in a trunk in my attic?”

“The house you live in, had in fact once been a home Hoofbeard was held up in. When he suspected his rivals were coming for him to find his map, he hid it up in the attic hoping no one would ever find it or go looking for it there.”

“Obviously his plan worked.” Aria said.

“This island on the map, do you have any idea where it might be located?” Moondancer asked the uncle.

“Fortunately, it's not too far. It's somewhere off the coast of the city going east,” Allegro began, as he showed them the map on the board, before grabbing a pointer stick, “If my own calculations of the map are correct. The island should be right around here.” he pointed to a spot on the map somewhere off the city's coast.

“Shouldn't be too long a boat ride.” Spike inspected.

“And fortunately, our uncle owns a boat for us to use.” Sonata added.

“Now hold on there, Sonata,” Allegro stopped her, “What makes you so sure I'm going to just loan you all my boat to go on some treasure hunt?”

“Because you love us?” Sonata smiled brightly.

“That may be, but this island is dangerous. You have no idea the kind of things you could run into out there.”

“Need I remind you, Uncle, that we've been dealing with dangerous creatures in our school's club?” Adagio reminded him of their exploits.

Allegro nodded recalling all the creatures and discoveries Adagio and her sisters have been dealing with since joining their school's club to help Spike and his friends, from hidebehinds, gumberoos, ghosts, wendigos, and befriending two succubi.

“You bring up a good point, Adagio.”

“Plus this could be a great find,” Moondancer added, “If we find it, we'll be famous.”

“And that could give our club some good publicity.” Spike put in.

“Do you even know how to read a map or anything?” Allegro challenged the two humans.

“No, but I do.” Aria reminded him, “You taught me how to read a map and use a compass.”

“And we know how to work your boat.” Sonata added.

“Please, Uncle, for us?” Adagio pleaded, as she and her sisters gave their uncle puppy dog eyes.

Allegro tried to resist, but he inevitably caved in, “Oh, ok. You got me.”

“Yes!” Spike and the girls cheered.

“We should make this into a Cryptid Club adventure.” Sonata suggested.

“Why not? I'm sure Lyra, Bonbon, and the others would love to search for some treasure.” Spike said.

“And it's a relief they haven't gone anywhere over spring break.” Moondancer put in.

“I”ll send them a text now.” Spike was about to send a group text, until he, and the girls suddenly received an alert.

They checked and saw it was from Lyra, “Lyra wants us to get down to Sugarcube Corner right away.” Spike said.

“What could be up?” Sonata asked.

“Let's go and find out.” Moondancer suggested, as they grabbed the treasure map, pocketed it in Moondancer's bag and hurried.

“Thanks again, Uncle!” Adagio thanked him.

“No problem, Adagio.” Allegro answered.

Spike and the girls ran before arriving at Sugarcube Corner, outside was Lyra, Bonbon, Kiwi, Supernova, Sunshine, Moonlight, Gallus, and the other members of the club, along with Twilight, and her friends comforting Pinkie Pie.

“What's going on?” Spike asked in concern.

“Oh, Spike, it's horrible.” Twilight said.

“What is it?” Moondancer asked.

“Sugarcube Corner is going out of business!” Pinkie bawled.

“What?!” Spike and the girls asked in shock.

“That can't be.” Moondancer said in disbelief.

“I'm afraid it is so.” came Mrs. Cake's voice, as she and her husband approached looking glum.

“Mr and Mrs. Cake?” Sonata asked in concern.

“We couldn't keep up with our payments due to increase in taxes,” Mr. Cake sighed, “If we don't get the money in four days, the bank is closing us down.”

“And I'll be out of my part time job!” Pinkie bawled her eyes out, as Applejack and Rarity calmed her.

“There-there, sugarcube.” Applejack rubbed her back.

“It's going to be alright, darling.” Rarity calmed her.

“How?” Pinkie asked.

“It'll take a miracle to raise up enough money to pay off the back taxes.” Mrs. Cake expressed her doubt.

Spike and Moondancer started thinking about it, until they came to a conclusion. Moondancer spoke up, “Cryptid Club members!” Lyra, Bonbon, and the rest of the club turned to her, “Meet me at my place asap for an emergency meeting.”

“What? But it's Spring Break!” Smolder complained.

“This is of vital importance, Smolder!” Spike ordered, making the girl back off.

“Uh, alright.” Smolder replied taken aback by Spike's insistence.

So the club followed Moondancer, while Twilight and her friends stayed behind to console Pinkie and the Cakes.

Later back at Moondancer's, the club members were gathered in the girls room, as Spike started explaining to them what he, the Dazzlings, and Moondancer have been up to in the last few hours.

“A treasure map?” Sandbar asked in shock.

“You're serious?” Gallus asked equally surprised.

“Uh-huh, according to Moondancer, and the Dazzlings Uncle Allegro it's legit.” Spike confirmed, as Moondancer showed them the map.

“The island is somewhere east of the coast.” Moondancer explained.

“So there is a treasure.” Ocellus gasped.

“O.M.Goodness!” Lyra and Bonbon gasped.

“That's just wild.” Moonlight gasped in her monotone voice.

“So exciting!” Sunshine cheered.

“And it's the answer to the Cakes prayers.” Adagio added.

“If we can find the treasure, we can give it to the Cakes to pay off the back taxes so they can keep Sugarcube Corner, and Pinkie can keep her part time job.” Spike explained.

“That's assuming the treasure really is there.” Kiwi reminded them.

“It has to be,” Spike said in determination, “Sugarcube Corner is a special place not just to us, but everyone in the city. The Cakes worked their lives to make that place as special as it is. For it to suddenly go out of business is a humongous slap in the face!”

“Spike's right,” Sandbar agreed, “We owe them so much for providing us with some of the tastiest sweets ever.”

“And a good place to hang out.” Silverstream added.

“Yona all for treasure hunt!” Yona cheered.

“How're we going to get there?” Smolder asked.

“Our uncle owns a boat,” Adagio explained, “We'll use it to get to the island and search for the treasure from there.”

“And you really think we can find it before pay day?” Gallus crossed his arms.

“We have to try.” Spike answered.

“Agreed,” Lyra stood up, “Club, we have a new mission. Find this treasure and save Sugarcube Corner!”

“For Sugarcube Corner!” Silverstream and Sunshine cheered.

“For Sugarcube Corner!” the others declared, as they looked to Smolder and Gallus.

The two realizing how important this was to their favorite sweet shop declared, “For Sugarcube Corner!”

“Let's pack the essentials we need and meet down by the docks bright and early tomorrow.” Adagio instructed.

Lyra nodded, “Cryptid Club, dismissed!”

So everyone left, as Spike spoke to Moondancer, “You better keep the map with you, Moondancer. It'll be safe here.”

“Sure thing, Spike.” the girl nodded.

“See you all tomorrow.” Spike said, as he left the house and headed for home.

As Spike walked, he thought to himself, 'We have to find that treasure. Sugarcube Corner's fate hangs in the balance. And we're not going to let it down.'

To the Island

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Early next morning, Spike had already packed the essentials he needed for this treasure hunt. But when Twilight saw him taking off she like always stopped him.

“Where do you think you're going?” she asked.

“Twilight, this is important. And I don't have time to debate with you.” Spike said, trying to get past her.

Twilight who had been blocking Spike spoke, “If this is another one of your club activities, then you guys picked a fine time for it.”

“It's not about looking for some cryptid,” he argued with Twilight, “It's about saving the Cakes shop, and Pinkie to keep her job.”

“What?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“That's right. The club and I have a plan to keep the Cakes from losing Sugarcube Corner. But I don't have time to explain, because everyone's waiting for me!” he pushed past Twilight.

“But, Spike!” Twilight tried to stop him, only for Spike to take off.

“We got this!” he called back to Twilight who just stood outside the house dumbfounded. What could her brother and his club be up to that could help Sugarcube Corner?

Soon, Spike arrived at the docks where he found the rest of the club members all packed as well, “Spike, ya made it.” Sandbar said.

“What kept you?” Moonlight asked.

“Had to get past Twilight.” Spike replied.

“Typical.” Smolder rolled her eyes.

“So which mode of transportation is ours?” Spike asked looking at all the parked boats.

“This one right here.” Allegro approached while showing them a pontoon boat parked close to them in the water.

“Big enough to hold us all.” Spike inspected.

“And we got plenty of gas for two trips.” Aria put in.

Spike turned to Moondancer, “Moondancer, you got the map?”

“In my bag.” Moondancer motioned to the bag on her back.

“Well, are we getting this hunt on the way or not?” Gallus asked, as everyone was in agreement.

Allegro spoke to them, “Are you all sure you wanna do this?”

“We're sure, Uncle.” Sonata confirmed.

“This isn't for us, it's for Sugarcube Corner.” Adagio added.

“There's always a chance it might not be there.” Allegro warned them.

“We have to try.” Spike replied.

Allegro sighed, and smiled, “Then all I have left to say is good luck, and be careful.”

“We will, Uncle.” Adagio said, as she took the boat keys from Allegro.

As everyone got in the boat while sitting their bags down, they took their seats. Adagio started the boat, as Allegro untied it from the docks post. Adagio looked back to everyone and spoke, “Everyone ready?”

“We're good to go.” Lyra gave her the thumb's up.

“Alright, here we go!” Adagio called, as she started steering the boat forward getting further and further away from the docks. Once they were far enough, Adagio picked up the speed and the boat took off, as Allegro watched them speed off into the distance of the ocean.

Later, as the group continued driving off the coast, they took the time to appreciate the salty sea air and wind blowing in their faces.

“You know this is a good relaxing ride.” Bonbon admitted.

“It's a perfect day to be at sea.” Spike agreed.

“And I have to admit, this is much better than spending Spring Break doing nothing.” Gallus added.

"Better than doing spring cleaning at my place, with my sister giving orders." Spike replied.

As Moondancer checked the map, she spoke up, “The island shouldn't be too far ahead now.”

“Just gotta keep our eyes peeled.” Sunshine said, as she looked around.

As Ocellus started looking through binoculars she looked up ahead and saw some land on the horizon, “Land ho!” she announced, grabbing everyone's attention.

“You see it, Ocellus?” Supernova asked.

“Yes, dead ahead!”

Everyone looked ahead, as the boat kept moving before they spotted some land, “There it is!” Adagio gasped.

“The island!” Kiwi cheered.

“We're doing it!” Yona cheered.

They sped the boat up getting closer and closer. As they got close enough, Adagio slowed it down as they got closer to the beach. Once they were close enough the parked the boat and dropped the anchor. The club members grabbed their bags and got off the boat. As they walked onto the beach they looked around.

“If only we weren't on a mission, this could be the perfect secluded location for a private beach party.” Sonata sighed.

“When we get back we'll have a chance to have something like that.” Lyra assured her..

Sandbar looked to Moondancer who pulled out the map, “So, Moondancer, were do we begin looking?”

“Well, we start by following this trail leading through the jungle.” Moondancer explained, as they looked ahead into the jungle seeing how dark and thick it was the further it goes.

“Oh, dear.” Ocellus spoke in worry.

“Don't worry, as long as we have our essentials and tools, we'll make it.” Adagio promised.

“We better get going.” Lyra said, as they started.

As they passed a tree, Moonlight got an idea, “Hold on.” she spoke up, as everyone stopped. They watched as Moonlight took out a pocket knife and started carving something in it.

“Moonlight, what're you doing?” Silverstream asked.

“In case anything should happen, and we get lost, we should make a trail of markings to help us find our way back to the beach. Like so.” Moonlight revealed, as she carved the initials C.C into the tree.

“C.C for Cryptid Club.” Lyra gasped at Moonlight's idea.

“Awesome, sis!” Sunshine cheered.

“That'll certainly come in handy.” Adagio admitted.

“Come on, let's keep moving.” Moondancer instructed, as they continued on the trail, with Moonlight and even Sunshine marking several trees they passed with their clubs initials.

As they trekked through the jungle, everyone looked around seeing the trees were so thick there wasn't as much light as they wanted. They listened in hearing many bird calls that didn't sound like any birds they've heard before.

“Let's hope there aren't too many wild beasts on this island.” Ocellus feared.

“You and me both.” Silverstream replied.

“Relax, you guys. Let's just think of this as a brisk nature walk.” Lyra said, as they pressed on.

“Yeah. Let's not look at the negatives, and just appreciate it for what it is.” Spike agreed.

Moondancer, while looking at the map spoke up, “Ok, you guys. Keep an eye out for the next landmark.”

“Which is?” Smolder asked.

“It's a rock formation called Grandpa's Nose.”

“Grandpas Nose,” Spike began, “Looking for Grandpa's Nose.”

The club members looked around as they trekked, before Sandbar looked to his right and saw a rock formation that almost looked like an old man's face with a long pointed nose, “There it is!”

“Good eye, Sandbar.” Kiwi commended him.

“Looks kinda like my grandpa's face.” Spike joked, and the group laughed.

“Well, we're still on the right trail.” Bonbon said.

As they kept moving, Supernova stopped, “Hey, do you all hear that?”

“Hear what?” Gallus asked.

“Listen closely.” Supernova said, as they listened in.

“Sounds like a waterfall.” Moondancer suspected.

“Let's follow it.” Lyra said, as they followed the sound of flowing water.

Soon they found a waterfall flowing into a creek, and not too far from it was a clear area, “This is perfect, wouldn't you say, Lyra?” Bonbon asked.

“Yes,” Lyra confirmed, “It's the perfect place to stop and camp for the night.”

“In that case we better get to work in setting up camp before it gets dark.” Moondancer suggested.

“Agreed,” Lyra confirmed, “Sandbar, Yona, Smolder, you three start gathering firewood.”

“Yes, ma'am.” Sandbar saluted.

“Just try not to go too deep into the jungle.” Adagio warned them, as the three set out to gather the wood.

Aria spoke up, “Spike and I will get water from the creek. Be right back!” she grabbed Spike and dragged him off.

“Hey, no fair!” Sunshine called out in protest.

“So uncool.” Moonlight crossed her arms and shook her head.

“Alright, let's each work together in setting up the tents and getting the fire pit ready.” Lyra instructed the rest of them who all got to work.

Over by the creek, both Spike and Aria were busy filling everyone's canteens up with clean fresh water, “Make sure they're all filled up, Aria.” Spike instructed.

“Yeah, I know,” Aria replied, “Isn't it exciting though?”

“What is?” Spike asked.

“We're all here on a hopefully deserted island looking for treasure.”

“Well, it does make me excited. I mean, who knows what else we could find here,” Spike admitted, “Although I just want us to get the treasure and get back to civilization in one piece.”

“Don't worry about it,” Aria said slyly, “If anything threatens you, the girls and I will protect you.”

“This feels like a reverse fairy tale scenario,” Spike joked, “I'm the prince in distress, and you girls are my lady knights in shining armor.”

Aria laughed, “That's the perfect way to describe our relationship,” Aria then looked down at the creek, and back at Spike, before smirking and gasped, “Oh, I slipped!” she slipped off the ledge and landed in the creek.

“Aria!” Spike gasped, as Aria surfaced before flipping her mermaid tail around.

“Oh, drat. I'm all wet,” she said in a faux grumble, “Looks like someone's going to have to carry me back to camp so I can dry off.” she smiled at Spike.

Spike shook his head in disbelief, “You little sneak. Oh, alright, come here.” Spike put the filled canteens into his bag, as Aria swam closer to the ledge.

The boy reached down, as Aria put her arms around him, and Spike picked her up and out of the water, “See, even you're the knight in shining armor when you need to be.” Aria told him.

“Thanks for this.” Spike replied, as Aria kept her arms wrapped around his neck before pulling him into a kiss.

Spike kissed Aria back, before they came up for air, “Anytime.” Aria replied, as Spike walked back to camp with Aria in his arms.

When they returned they saw Sandbar, Yona, and Smolder return with enough firewood, while the others were almost finished with the tents.

When Adagio noticed Aria in mermaid form while being carried by Spike, she spoke, “What happened to you?”

“Fell into the creek.” Aria answered.

“Jeez, and you call me a klutz.” Sonata said.

The other girls knew it was no accident, but just let it be. As Spike sat Aria down on a log, the group was starting to dry her off, until her tail transformed back into legs again.

“That's more like it.” Aria said, as she spread legs around.

“Hey, Spike, can you help me with this tent?” Sonata asked, as she was struggling to pitch one of the tents up.

“Coming.” Spike went over, and started to help Sonata.

As they were setting up the tent from the inside, they made sure it was stable. Soon enough it was perfectly upright, “Alright, that should hold it.” Spike told the girl.

“Thank you so much, Spike. Oh, I tripped!” Sonata pretended to trip over her foot and fell forward.

“Sonata!” Spike lunged forward and grabbed Sonata, “You ok?”

“Yes. I'm fine. And I liked where you caught me.” she smiled.

Spike suddenly realized something soft and squishy was in his hand. He looked down seeing he caught Sonata by her breast in order to keep her from falling onto her face. Naturally Spike blushed, before letting go.

“Sorry about that.”

“Don't be,” Sonata gave him a lidded stare, “After all we're mates. It's natural to act naughty like that.”

Spike chuckled sheepishly, until Kiwi called from outside the tent, “Hey, if you two are done in there get out here so we can start the fire.” The two left the tent to join the others.

Soon it had gotten dark, and everyone was seated around the campfire roasting marshmallows, “Well, not bad for a first day.” Lyra told the group.

“So far at least.” Bonbon said.

“Yeah. Right now we just got lucky,” Adagio confirmed, “We have no idea what else could be living on this island the further we go.”

“She's right,” Moonlight agreed, “So tomorrow when we continue on we should all remain vigilant.”

Everyone nodded, as Sandbar spoke, “In any case it was still a fun ride here.”

“And we got plenty of exercise from the hiking.” Silverstream put in.

“I just hope we can find the treasure and get back in time.” Moondancer said.

“Yeah, we only have a few days.” Ocellus added.

“And the Cakes are counting on us.” Spike finished.

“Well, regardless of the stakes, coming out here was still a good thing.” Sunshine said, while looking up at the clear sky filled with stars.

The rest of the club smiled in agreement and looked up at the night sky feeling calm and relaxed. Gallus soon spoke up, "Hypothetically, if we got stranded here, you think we'd be able to survive without going insane or turn on each other?"

"I'd rather not think about that." Sandbar replied.

"And technically, we could get off the island." Moonlight said motioning to herself and her sister.

"That's right. We can fly." Sunshine reminded them.

"And we can always just swim back." Adagio said on behalf of herself and her fellow mermaids.

"That's good for you, but what about the rest of us?" Smolder crossed her arms.

"We'd come back with help." Aria assured them.

"Plus we couldn't leave Spike out of all of you behind." Sonata said, making Spike smile sheepishly.

Soon enough everyone had went to their tents, with some doubling up. Spike was in his own tent laying down, until he heard footsteps outside. He sat up and saw shadows moving outside his tent. He got nervous, as he saw the opening being unzipped, and who should enter but the Dazzlings, Post Crush, Lyra, Bonbon, Moondancer, Sunshine, and Moonlight.

“Hi, Spike.” they whispered.

“Girls, what're you all doing?” Spike whispered back.

“Now that the others are asleep, we felt it was the right time for us to slip in here.” Lyra explained.

“Plus it didn't seem right for you to sleep alone.” Kiwi added.

Spike blushed, “Well, thank you.”

“But before we turn in, let's have a little fun.” Supernova suggested, as the girls all started to remove their tops and their bras leaving the group of girls with their breasts hanging out.

Spike's eyes bulged at the sight of the numerous pairs of boobs shaking and bouncing right before him. The look on his face was all the girls needed to know they got him in the right mood.

“Come here, Spike.” Adagio said, as she took Spike's head and hugged it burying his face into her cleavage.

Spike enjoyed the soft sensation of putting his face in Adagio's boobs, until he was tugged away by Aria, “Dagi, don't hog all the man meat!” she protested with a pout, before smiling at Spike, “Don't worry, Spike. You'll feel just as good here.” she buried Spike's face into her own boobs.

“My turn!” Sonata called, before taking Spike from Aria and buried him into her own rack, “Ah, this is good. Feel free to motorboat me, Spike.” she winked making Spike pant.

Moonlight then took Spike from Sonata, as Sunshine laughed, “That's the problem with you three. You should know how to work together when pleasuring your mate.”

“Like this.” Moonlight sneered, as both she and her sister embraced Spike's from both sides causing his head to get smothered in between both their busty racks together.

“Good enough for you, Spike?” Sunshine gave him a lidded look.

Spike's libido was going crazy from the constant face to breasts contact, and it wasn't stopping there, as Kiwi and Supernova took him from the succubus sisters.

“Fortunately, we know exactly what you mean.” Kiwi told them, as both she and Supernova hugged Spike's head from both sides as well with Spike once again enjoying being surrounded by soft fleshy airbags.

'At this rate I could die of suffocation, and I wouldn't care.' Spike thought to himself.

“Three can play at that game!” Bonbon called, as she and Lyra took Spike from the band girls and smothered the side of his head into their racks.

“See, we're just as capable.” Lyra sneered at the others, while they rubbed their racks all around Spike's head.

Moondancer pouted, “Ok, all of you had your fun, now it's my turn!” she took Spike from her fellow classmates and smothered Spike's face into her boobs, “There, Spike. Enjoy yourself.”

The girls all laughed with each other over how much fun they were having with Spike, as Spike himself felt absolutely at peace. Soon Spike laid back, as the girls all piled around him and started to kiss him with Spike kissing each of them back. He decided to let them all share his tent with them in the end.

As they were all having their fun, up on a hill overlooking the camp was a figure shrouded in the darkness. As the figure looked down at where the Teens were, it turned around and left without saying a word.

To the Treasure

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The sun rose over the island, and as Spike slept peacefully inside his tent with his many lovers snuggled around him, while everyone else were in the other tents, they were suddenly awoken by the sound of an air horn. The loud noise caused several birds in a particular area to scatter in fright, while the club members jerked around startled in their tents. They poked their heads out of the tents to see Bonbon holding an air horn.

“Rise and shine, campers!” she announced.

“What're you trying to do blow our ears off?!” Smolder shouted.

“I thought I was having heart attack.” Yona said.

“Bonbon, I told you not to bring that with you!” Lyra chided her.

“If I didn't we'd all sleep in, and waste the day.” Bonbon replied with a smug expression.

Lyra gave her an annoyed look, as Spike yawned, “Alright, give us a moment.” he said, as they poked their heads back into their tents.

Once they were all fully dressed they began taking down their tents and loading up all their stuff, “Ok, we've come this far since we started yesterday,” Lyra began, “If we keep this up we can find the treasure no problem.”

“So let's get back on the search, Moondancer.” Adagio motioned t the girl who pulled out the map.

“This way.” Moondancer motioned down a path.

“Moonlight, Sunshine, you two keep marking trees in a trail for us.” Lyra instructed.

“Yes, ma'am.” Moonlight nodded.

As they continued on with the trail, the succubus sisters started making trees with their club initials. They walked before noticing the trail started looking like a cobblestone road.

“Road's changed.” Sandbar noted.

“What does it mean?” Gallus asked the mermaids.

“We must be getting closer.” Adagio suspected.

Moondancer nodded, “We're coming up on the pirate graveyard.”

“Pirate graveyard?” Ocellus and Silverstream gasped.

“Charming.” Kiwi said dryly.

They pressed on, before coming up on what was the pirate graveyard. The trees were without leaves, and the ground was dried out. But what was most shocking to them was scattered all around the area were the skeletons or pieces of bones wearing what little remains of their pirate outfits.

“Oh!” Bonbon covered her mouth.

“Disgusting.” Spike felt nauseous.

“Looks like these guys all had bad days.” Gallus said sounding disturbed.

“What happened to them all?” Sunshine asked.

“Killed each other trying to find the treasure, my hunch.” Aria suspected.

“Or something else could've gotten to them,” Sonata added, as everyone looked at her, “What, you never know.”

“What I know is the jungle in there is looking thicker,” Supernova looked ahead, “We won't be able to get through there easily.”

“Then we're gonna need help,” Spike said, as he walked up to a skeleton and took the sword out of its holster, “Sorry, buddy. But I'm gonna need this.”

The rest of the club seeing Spike was right, each went to a skeleton who still had its sword on them before taking it.

“Gross.” Ocellus shuddered, as she took the blade off the skeleton.

“Ok, everyone armed and ready?” Kiwi asked.

“Ready!” they confirmed.

“Then let's keep moving.” Adagio said, as they continued on.

As they walked closer to the thicker branches and bushes, they started chopping away to clear themselves a path.

“It's starting to feel like we're in a Daring Do story.” Moondancer realized.

“Yeah, except this is real.” Lyra nodded.

'Which means the kind of things Daring deals with in her adventures are more real here.” Silverstream said.

Spike who had been walking behind Lyra and Bonbon up front saw where they were heading and shouted, “Girls, hold on!” he wrapped his arms around the two pulling them back causing everyone behind him to pull to a halt.

“Spike?” Bonbon gasped.

“What is it?” Lyra asked in confusion.

“Look at what you could've stepped in.” Spike motioned to the ground.

They looked down and saw they were almost going to step into quicksand, “Whoa, almost missed that.” Lyra gasped.

“Good eye, Spike,” Bonbon smiled, before looking awkward, “Though you can let go of us now.”

Spike looked and saw after wrapping his arms around the two to keep them from stepping into the quicksand, he realized he had been holding onto their breasts. He quickly let go and waved his arms around, “Sorry about that, I just reacted too fast I didn't look where I grabbed!”

“Don't worry, you stopped us from stepping in quicksand.” Lyra eased him.

“Let's go around it.” Kiwi said, as the group walked around the quicksand.

Once they were away from the quicksand they kept moving making sure to be aware of all their surroundings. As they walked Ocellus looked up at one of the trees and suddenly saw something moving within them. The girl blinked and saw the branches were still. Dismissing it thinking it was just her seeing something, she followed the others.

They kept walking, as Ocellus looked over and thought she saw something peeking through one of the bushes, before shaking.

Yona who had been closest to her spoke, “What wrong, Ocellus?”

“I have this strangest feeling we're not alone here.” she answered.

“What do you mean?” Spike asked, as they all stopped.

“I'm saying I think we're being watched.” Ocellus explained.

The group stood together back to back while looking all around them. When it looked like everything was all right they sighed in relief.

“Guess I must've imagined it.” Ocellus said.

“Obviously.” Gallus replied.

“Guess being out here for so long is starting to get to us.” Spike suspected, as they were about to continue on, until something dropped down in front of them blocking their way.

The group screamed, as Bonbon cried, “What the hell is that thing?!”

“No idea, doesn't matter!” Lyra cried.

The creature lunged forward to attack, only for Spike, Lyra, and Bonbon to slash it away with their pirate swords pushing it back. The creature however continued to try and lunge at them, but they kept swatting it back with their swords.

“That thing's persistent.” Moondancer said.

“I'll cut him down.” Moonlight extended her nails, before lunging forward and cut the creature in half.

“Well, that takes care of that.” Gallus said in relief.

“Um, I don't think so.” Sandbar moaned.

They looked and saw the two halves of the creature pulled themselves back together, and it got back up ready for round two.

“It regenerates, terrific.” Kiwi said dryly.

“Then let's cut it down so much it'll never pull itself back together!” Smolder called, as they all used their swords while Moonlight and Sunshine used their sharp nails to cut the creature down into smaller pieces.

They thought they finished it, but to their shock, the pieces started reassembling together again restoring the creature.

“Well, that didn't work!” Moondancer cried.

The creature started jumping around doing flips. When Gallus tried to swipe at it, the creature bent backwards like it was doing the limbo, and avoided the sword strike. When it swatted Gallus to the ground, the Dazzlings unleashed their hypnotic song hoping to distort it, but to no avail.

"That thing sure is flexible." Gallus said, as he got up.

“Our voices don't even work on it.” Sonata gasped.

“Whatever it is, it lacks sentience.” Adagio noted.

“It's like a puppet or something.” Moondancer added.

As they kept trying to slice its limbs off, they just kept reattaching, “It no use, it keeps regenerating!” Supernova gasped.

“There's got to be some way to neutralize it.” Lyra said, as they dodged the creature as it tried to jump on them.

Suddenly Spike was struck with inspiration, “I know what to do.” he picked up a rock, and tossed it at the creature's head grabbing its attention, “Hey, freak job, come and get me!” Spike started running, as the creature took off for him.

“Spike!” the group called, as they ran after them.

As Spike ran with the creature in hot pursuit, he picked up the pace. Suddenly he stopped and stared the creature down, “You want me? I'm all yours.” he stood his ground.

The creature charged in Spike's direction only for it to get stuck in place. It looked down and saw it had walked right into the quicksand trap Spike and the others avoided.

“Gotcha!” Spike smirked.

The club arrived and saw the trapped creature trying to escape, but it was futile. The creature ended up sinking down into the quicksand. When it was gone everyone sighed in sweet relief.

“That was freaky.” Silverstream said.

“What was that thing?” Gallus asked.

“And where did it come from?” Moondancer asked.

“Didn't feel too much like a zombie.” Kiwi said.

“And yet it lacked sentience.” Aria noted.

“Whatever it was, I hope we don't see any more of them.” Supernova said.

“You and me both.” Bonbon agreed.

“We better get moving.” Lyra suggested, as they all agreed and continued on.

They trekked through the jungle while hoping not to run into any more of whatever the creature was that got the drop on them.

As Moondancer looked at the map, she spoke up, “There should be a cave around here. And that's where the treasure is located.”

“Keep an eye out, gang.” Lyra instructed, as they all looked around.

As they looked all over the area behind trees or boulders, they came up with nothing. Spike sighed as he paced around, “Jeez, you'd think finding an entrance to a cave would be EASY!” he screamed the last word as he fell through a hole in the ground that had been covered up by fallen leaves and debris.

Everyone hearing Spike looked over, and cried, “Spike!” they ran over and called down the hole.

“Spike!” Kiwi called.

“Spike, are you all right?” Adagio called.

Can you hear us?” Sunshine called down.

“Check it out!” came Spike's voice.

“Huh?” the group looked at each other.

Lyra jumped down the hole and landed safely seeing Spike standing off to the side, “You found the entrance to the cave, Spike!” she cheered.

“I stepped into it that time.” Spike joked.

“Come on down, everyone!” Lyra called up to them.

One by one everyone jumped down and landed safely, “So this is the cave, huh?” Sandbar looked around.

“Gives me the creeps.” Silverstream said.

“Everyone, torches out.” Lyra instructed, as they reached into their bags, and pulled out a flashlight each.

“Treasure could be anywhere down here.” Spike looked around.

“So let's start looking.” Adagio instructed as they followed the tunnel while keeping their lights shining.

As they followed the dark tunnel they found more skeletal remains of pirates who were long since dead, “Got to give these guys props,” Gallus admitted, “They made it a lot farther than the ones back up there did.”

“I'm starting to bet that creature back there we faced was partly responsible for their demise.” Sonata said.

Well, at least it won't be bothering us.” Aria reminded her.

“This tunnel could go on for miles.” Moonlight sighed.

“Does the map say anywhere it could be located, Moondancer?” Lyra asked.

Moondancer pointed her flashlight at the map to check it, “Nothing. Only that this has to be where it's located.”

“This could take awhile.” Aria sighed.

“Good thing, these dead guys left plenty of shovels.” Sandbar motioned to several shovels laying around close to the skeletons.

Lyra looked at one skeleton that was lying on its side with its arms pointing in one direction. She looked seeing another skeleton in the same position with its arms pointing to another skeleton just like the other two, “Guys, look!”

They looked to the club president who spoke, “Those skeletons, they seem to be pointing in the direction to one another leading further down the tunnel.”

“You're right, they are.” Bonbon realized.

“Which means?” Yona wondered.

Moondancer gasped, “Yes! They're pointing to the direction of the treasure!”

“Let's follow the directions.” Supernova said, as the group followed each skeleton pointing in one direction which led them to another pointing them further.

They kept following the trail, until they stopped and saw up ahead on a pile of stones was a big treasure chest, “Oh, my gosh, that's it!” Sandbar gasped.

“The treasure!” Silverstream cheered.

“Let's get it!” Gallus called, as they started to race over, until Spike called.

“Wait!” they stopped in place, “Don't you know in Daring Do, there's always some kind of traps surrounding treasure or artifacts?”

The group recalling that kind of fact were glad Spike stopped them when they did. Spike taking a chance picked up a rock and tossed it at the chest. Everyone braced themselves for the worst but saw no reaction.

“Well, at least the chest itself isn't booby trapped.” Sonata sighed in relief.

Everyone started to toss rocks at the spot surrounding the chest seeing nothing happened. They sighed in relief seeing there were no traps surrounding the chest either. Still the proceeded with caution, as they approached the chest. When they stood before it, Sandbar jabbed a shovel at the old rusted lock breaking it off.

“Wait,” Spike stopped them before they could open it, “I want you guys to know if nothing's in there, I'm still proud to have had this adventure with you all.”

The group smiled, “Yeah, so are we.” Adagio agreed.

“But it would be nice if it wasn't empty. I mean, we got to save Sugarcube Corner and all.” Sunshine reminded them.

They nodded, as they gripped the top and lifted the chest open. When they did they were met with the bright glow old gold coins, jewels, diamonds, and rubies. The chest was in fact filled with the treasure they had been hoping for.

“It's beautiful!” Smolder gasped.

“We found it!” Bonbon cheered.

“We actually found it!” Kiwi cheered, while hugging Supernova.

“Like whoa!” Moonlight gasped showing more excitement than ever before.

“There is definitely enough here to help the Cakes.” Moondancer inspected.

“Maybe we can keep a bit for ourselves?” Gallus hoped.

“We'll see about that after we get out of here.” Spike reminded him.

“Right, it's gonna be tricky carrying this back to the boat.” Lyra noted.

“Luckily we left plenty of marks.” Moonlight replied.

They closed the chest, as Aria and Yona grabbed it by the handles, “First thing we got to do it get the chest out of this cave.” Aria said instructed.

Sandbar was the first to turn around to look back the way they came, only for his eyes to widen in horror, “Guys, that might be easier said than done!”

The group curious about Sandbar's shift in tone looked and to their own horror saw the same creature they dealt with earlier, only this time, there was an army of it. Some on the ground, and some clinging to the walls and the ceiling of the cave like spiders.

“Oh, come on!” Spike shouted in frustration.

Get off the Island

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The Cryptid Club's path to where they entered the cave was blocked off by an army of that one monstrosity they thought they dealt with.

“There just had to be more of it!” Aria shouted in sarcasm.

“How're we going to get the treasure out of here now?” Spike asked.

Moonlight and Sunshine stepped forward, “We'll deal with them.” Sunshine answered.

“You guys find another way out and get to the boat. We'll catch up.” Moonlight added.

“Wait!” Adagio said, as she, her sisters, and Post Crush approached, “We'll help too.”

Aria took the keys to the boat and tossed them to Spike, “If anything happens get yourselves out.”

“But, girls...” Spike tried to stop them.

“Don't worry, we can handle this.” Sonata assured him.

“Hurry!” Kiwi called, as the monsters attacked.

The succubi twins like before flew around using their nails to cut several of the monsters to pieces, but they kept restoring themselves. The five mermaids used their siren song to distort the creatures, but they recovered and their limbs morphed into swords and axes while trying to chop at the girls.

“Come on, we have to move!” Spike ordered the others, who all picked up the chest and started moving together further down the tunnel.

As the seven supernatural creatures held back the monsters three of them managed to sneak their way past them. Supernova after dodging an ax chop from one of them noticed this.

“They've gone after the others!” she cried.

“We got to help them!” Sonata gasped.

“Well, these guys sure aren't giving us a chance!” Aria reminded them, as the monsters continued to keep the girls preoccupied.

Meanwhile further down the tunnel, Spike and the others continued to carry the chest, while hoping to find an exit.

“There's gotta be some other way to get out of here.” Moondancer said, as they looked around.

“Wait look there!” Ocellus pointed to a tunnel where they saw light.

“Daylight!” Silverstream cheered.

“Let's go!” Sandbar ordered, as they carried the chest.

Spike looked back and suddenly saw the three monsters that snuck ahead of the others were catching up to them, “Might wanna double time it!” he called.

The others seeing what he meant, picked up the pace, but the creatures were moving faster. As they got closer, Spike drew his sword and spoke, “You guys go on ahead!”

“We can't leave you too!” Bonbon cried.

“I'll catch up!” Spike answered, as the group pressed on leaving Spike to deal with the three.

The three monsters attacked Spike who like before used his sword to slice at them, but no matter what limb he severed from them, they just reattached.

'I got to slow them down.' Spike thought to himself before looking up at the ceiling seeing a crevice in it. He smirked, and tossed his sword up into the crevice making it spread further, before the rocks cam tumbling down from the ceiling and landed on top of the monsters burying them. Spike quickly ran down the tunnel to catch up to the others.

When they saw him return, Lyra asked, “What happened?”

“I 'rocked' them to sleep.” Spike joked.

“Look, we're almost there.” Smolder said, as they reached the end of the tunnel.

As they exited they saw they had reached a hillside and could see the island from where they stood, “What a view!” Yona gasped.

“Look, there's the beach!” Bonbon motioned to the beach area where their boat was still parked.

“We got to get down there.” Sandbar said.

“And how, since we're carrying a chest with us.” Gallus inquired.

“There must be some way,” Moondancer looked around trying to get inspired. She suddenly spotted an old wagon where some skeletons looked like they have commandeered before they died, “That may work.”

The quickly loaded the chest onto the wagon before pushing it closer to the hill, “Ok, guys be ready to jump in.” Moondancer said, as they got the wagon closer to the edge.

“Now!” Lyra ordered, as they piled in before it started sliding downhill.

They screamed while holding onto the wagon and the chest while praying they didn't crash into anything.

“I think I'm gonna be sick!” Gallus covered his mouth.

“Me first!” Yona covered her mouth.

Spike looked ahead, “I can see the beach, we're almost there!” the group cheered, until several of the monsters jumped in front of the wagon scaring them.

The creatures jumped onto the wagon, as Spike, Lyra, Bonbon, Gallus, and Smolder used their swords to swat at them and push them off.

“No free rides!” Smolder told one of the creatures before knocking it off the wagon and it rolled down the hill.

As the group kept the creatures off, Ocellus looked ahead and screamed. Everyone looked ahead seeing a boulder up ahead that looked like it could be used as a ramp.

“Everyone hang on!” Bonbon shouted, as they hung on.

The wagon rolled off the boulder ramp and was suddenly airborne, “Geronimo!” Spike shouted, as the other creatures were knocked off.

As they started coming down they were dropping right down at the beach, “Everyone, jump out!” Sandbar called, as they started bailing out with Spike and Gallus grabbing the chest and made it out together.

The wagon landed on the beach with a crash putting it to pieces, while everyone landed on the sand looking unharmed.

“Everyone all right?” Lyra asked, as they got up.

“I'm ok.” Bonbon answered.

Everyone else voiced their confirmation of being ok, as Gallus saw the boat, “Come on, we need to get the chest on board.”

“Oh, we can't leave the girls here.” Spike said in worry.

“Well, it'll take forever to try and go back to them.” Moondancer reminded him.

“Not if we follow the marks.” Spike reminded her.

“The marks the twins left, of course.” Lyra recalled, as they were prepared to follow the same marks on the trees.

Unfortunately they didn't get far, as the monsters appeared before them and surrounded them, “Oh, no.” Ocellus gasped.

What made it worst was, they saw seven of them were dragging Adagio, her sisters, the succubi sisters, and Post Crush all tied up.

“Girls!” Spike cried.

“We tried holding them off, but they wouldn't stop.” Adagio voiced her guilt.

“We're sorry.” Sunshine cried.

“So this is it, huh?” Silverstream asked the club as the monsters surrounded them.

“I never thought I'd go out like this.” Sandbar sighed.

“Hey, no one gets to choose how it happens.” Moondancer replied.

“At least we'll go together.” Lyra sighed, as the monsters were closing in around them.

“And to think we only wanted to help the Cakes save Sugarcube Corner from being closed down!” Spike cried in frustration, “And we failed!”.

Suddenly Ocellus noticed the monsters who were closing in stopped in place, “Um, why aren't they moving?”

Everyone looked and saw they had indeed stopped in their tracks, “They stopped?” Bonbon asked.

“But why?” Moondancer asked.

“You've passed the test.” a voice spoke up from around them.

The group looked around feeling frightened enough, as they saw appearing before them was a ghost that looked like a familiar pirate captain.

“No way!” Gallus gasped.

“Captain Hoofbeard?” Yona asked.

“Aye, the very same, lass.” the ghost pirate confirmed.

“What's going on here?” Spike asked.

“Well, me lad, allow me to tell ya,” the captain began, before motioning to the seven monsters who released the captive girls who got up and went to the rest of their club mates, “I wanted to make sure if someone went looking for my treasure be it accident or discovery I wanted to make sure they wanted it for a noble selfless cause. All the bones you saw on this island were those driven mad with greed. I may be a pirate, but I had my honor unlike a lot of those scalawags back then. These monsters you see here were actually my guardians whom I left to protect the treasure from other greedy folk. But when you confessed you wanted to save someone's shop from going out of business, you proved yourselves worthy of taking it. And for that I commend you all for being selfless.”

“Suagrcube Corner means a lot to us.” Moondancer said.

“And a lot of others we know back home.” Spike added.

“If there was any chance to help it we had to take it.” Lyra put in.

Hoofbeard nodded, “Then you may take my treasure and return home. And as for me, I can finally rest in peace.” he glowed before vanishing.

When he did, all the guardians fell limp and collapsed to the ground, “What happened to them?” Sandbar asked.

“They served their purpose.” Adagio answered.

“Now they are no longer needed.” Kiwi added.

Spike looked at everyone, “Hey, what's say we get off this island and head home?” he asked.

“Best thing I've heard all day.” Moonlight agreed, as they all nodded, and headed for the boat.

Once they refueled they were off on the water and sailing away. Spike looked back at the island, while thinking about all that's happened, “You know, I'm actually gonna miss the island.”

“What?” Gallus asked in disbelief.

“You can't be serious.” Smolder said.

“Aside from almost getting killed, it really wasn't such a bad adventure.” Spike explained.

“It did put our survival skills to the test.” Moondancer agreed.

“And we succeeded.” Sonata added.

“And now that there are no scary guardians there, we could use it as sort of a safe house or something if we need to lay low for anything.” Lyra noted. Everyone couldn't help but look at the positive now and decided one day they would return depending on the reasons.

Later on back in the city, Twilight and her friends were at Sugarcube Corner pooling together what little money they could. Unfortunately it wasn't even close to being enough.

“Man, this alone could only get us a single sundae.” Rainbow sighed.

“So it's over?” Fluttershy asked in worry.

“Ah can't believe it.” Applejack sighed.

“Oh, thanks for trying, girls,” Mrs. Cake thanked them despite knowing it was hopeless, “At least we'll always remember how loyal and dedicated you all were to our place no matter what.”

Mr. Cake sighed, “Guess we'll have to start from scratch all over again.” The Cakes looked dismal, until they heard the door bell ring, and they all saw Spike and the club dragging a chest inside.

“Don't lose hope just yet you two.” Spike told them.

“Spike, you're all back.” Twilight gasped.

“Where were you all?” Rarity asked.

“Like I told Twilight, we were out looking to save Sugarcube Corner.” Spike answered.

“And we found the way.” Lyra added.

They opened the chest to reveal the treasure. The sight of the gold, jewels, diamonds, and rubies surprised everyone, especially Rarity.

“Oh, my goodness!” Rarity looked down, “Is this all real?!”

“It is.” Aria confirmed.

“We fought tooth and nail just to bring it here.” Moonlight said.

“But how?” Fluttershy asked.

“We'll explain, later.” Bonbon said.

“But for now, it looks like the Cake's shop is here to stay, and Pinkie can keep her job.” Spike said, as a grin grew on Pinkie's face.

“Yes!” she cheered happily.

The Cakes looked at the treasure, and then at each other before smiling with joy. They embraced and laughed, while dancing around.

Some time later, a whole news crew was out in front of Sugarcube Corner, with the Cakes and the Cryptid Club out front being interviewed, and several pedestrians from around town were gathered around while being kept back so not to get in the news crew way.

“I'm reporter Media Scoop coming at you live from Sugarcube Corner, where once this favorite teen hot spot that served the best sugary treats in the city was merely days away from shutting down. But with the help of this ragtag group of teens, they were able to provide the Cake's with what they claim to be treasure belonging to legendary Pirate Captain Hoofbeard. And here we have one of the teens now, Mr. Spike Sparkle.”

Spike stood beside Media Scoop with the rest of his club waving from the background, “Mr. Sparkle, is it true you and your friends ventured to an island where you found Captain Hoofbeard's treasure?”

“That's the truth, Ms. Scoop,” Spike claimed before pulling out the map, “It all started when I found this authentic treasure map in my attic. At first my friends and I were planning to go and take the treasure for ourselves. But when we learned Sugarcube Corner was going to be shut down, we changed our plan and decided to look for it to save the shop, and we succeeded.”

“Just what are you all anyway?” Media Scoop asked.

“Uh?” Spike asked, before looking at the group who nodded to him, “We're Canterlot High's Cryptid Club. Looking to study anything supernatural related and prove their existence, regardless of how many don't believe.”

“And there you have it, folks.” Media Scoop told the viewers.

“Spike, get over here, they're going to take our picture!” Sandbar called him over.

Spike went over to the club who stood before Sugarcube Corner with the Cakes, before a photographer took their picture.

The next day, at Sugarcube Corner, the whole place was packed with customers thanks to the publicity from the interview yesterday. Mr. Cake had just hung up the front page article that had the picture of the club and them in front of the shop that was now in a frame.

As Spike and the girls shared one booth, Gallus, Sandbar, Silverstream, Ocellus, Smolder, and Yona shared another. Pinkie came skating by carrying two trays that had several milkshakes on them.

“Milkshakes on the house for Sugarcube Corner's saviors.” Pinkie told them.

“Thanks, Pinkie.” Spike smiled.

“Thank you. For saving my favorite place and my job.” Pinkie hugged Spike happily, as he returned it.

Spike and the whole group raised their milkshake glasses high, “A toast,” Lyra began, “To the Cryptid Club.”

“The Cryptid Club!” they all announced, before enjoying their milkshakes on a successful treasure hunt.

A Captive Attraction

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One night at Moondancer's home, the busty bookworm as in bed naked while pinning Spike to her bed and kissing him while rubbing her rack against his chest.

When they broke their kiss, Spike panted, “That felt good.”

“It sure did.” Moondancer agreed with a smirk.

“Who would've ever imagined behind that reclusive bookworm was a naughty girl?” Spike teased, while groping her left breast.

Moondancer moaned, and answered, “You bring this out of me, Spike.”

“I can't take all the credit,” Spike replied, “After all I have help in that.”

On cue, the Dazzlings who were naked like the with Sonata and Aria having their hair down, “That's right.” Sonata confirmed, as she pressed her breasts against Moondancer's left elbow.

“Spike isn't the only one here that can turn the heads of a girl.” Aria said, while pressing her breasts into Moondancer's right elbow.

Adagio who was pressing her breasts into Moondancer's back whispered sultry into her ear, “And you like it, don't you?”

“Mm, yes.” Moondancer moaned.

“We all do.” Came Lyra's voice, as she, Bonbon, Sunshine, Moonlight, Supernova, and Kiwi popped in while also naked.

“Yeah, after all this is what being a harem is, right?” Sunshine asked while smiling.

“It sure is, sis.” Moonlight agreed, as she snuggled up to Spike and kissed him.

The girls all cuddled up closer to Spike who couldn't be happier, “Thanks for letting us stay the night, Moondancer.” Spike told her.

“Be glad my parents are gone tonight, and it's still Spring Break.” she replied.

“Won't be for much longer.” Kiwi reminded them.

“Yeah, we only got a few more days left.” Supernova added.

“And the trip to the island took up half of it,” Bonbon put in, “Not that I regret it. It was to save Sugarcube Corner after all.”

“I know,” Spike agreed, “Which is why we got to make the most of the last days of break we got.”

“Music to my ears.” Adagio smiled.

“Well, we won't be able to do much unless we rest up for the night.” Moondancer told them.

“Moondancer has a point.” Bonbon agreed.

Lyra nodded, “Let's get some sleep. Goodnight, Spike.”

“Goodnight, girls.” Spike said, as he kissed all ten of them, and they fell asleep together.

The next day, Spike and his girls were out in the city, before happening onto an attraction, “Flim and Flam's Fun Fair.” Bonbon read.

“It's supposed to be a lot of fun.” Lyra said.

“Such a shame the others are too busy to be here.” Spike noted.

“Yeah, but it's better this way.” Kiwi replied.

“Yeah, we get to enjoy this day with you ourselves.” Sunshine said, as she linked onto Spike's left arm.

“What she said.” Adagio agreed, as she linked onto Spike's right arm.

“Well, come on, let's go!” Sonata cheered, as they hurried into the fair grounds.

And so Spike and the girls were out having fun from riding rides, playing games, and enjoying food. Lyra even won a hot dog eating contest without even throwing it all afterward. Spike as always noticed the looks of jealousy many guys were giving him due to being seen with ten super hot girls. But he paid them no mind and just enjoyed himself.

The group walked through the fair feeling good about everything, “Oh, Lyra, I still can't believe how fine you are after downing all those hot dogs.” Sonata laughed.

“Just like you and tacos, I can stomach as many hot dogs.” Lyra replied.

“Just try to take it easy for the rest of the day.” Bonbon warned her.

“Yeah. Sooner or later that will come back to bite you.” Supernova agreed.

“And when it does I hope I'm far away from you.” Moonlight put in.

“Ha-ha.” Lyra laughed sarcastically.

“Hey look at that.” Sunshine motioned ahead to a tent.

The group looked seeing a sign, “See the great wonder. The likes of which you've never seen. Once in a lifetime.” Spike read.

“What does that mean?” Aria asked.

“No idea.” Lyra replied.

“Maybe we should check it out?” Moondancer suggested.

“Could be fun.” Adagio replied, as they walked into the tent and took a seat.

Soon the place filled with people who were eager to see what was being advertised. Stepping out were two red haired men that looked like identical twins, except one had a mustache.

“Good day, everybody and welcome to the show!” the first one began, “I am Flim, and this is my brother Flam!”

“So good to see you all!” Flam said excitedly.

“You chose a good time to come to our fair, for we have our newest and greatest attraction ever!” Flim continued.

“The likes of which no one has ever seen!” Flam added.

“Bet we could top that.” Spike whispered to the girls who giggled.

Suddenly a cage with a sheet over it was brought out, “From out of the deepest of lands from far away, we give you a creature of beauty and destruction!” Flim announced, as he and Flam grabbed an end of the sheet each.

“Behold, the kirin!” the tugged the sheet off to reveal a creature that looked like a tall equine but had a bushy mane that wrapped around its heads, long ears, a curved/branching horn, scaly carapaces on its muzzle and back, a thin tail, and tufted, cloven hooves. The creature's coat was amberish gray with light goldish gray scales, its mane and tail were moderate opal and grayish turquoise, its horn was dark and moderate crimson, and its eyes were moderate amaranth.

The crowd of people gasped, while Spike and his girls were lost for words.

“Beautiful.” Spike gasped.

“Oh, no.” Adagio whispered, as she, her sisters, the twins, Supernova, and Kiwi were shocked.

“That's right, the kirin,” Flam began, “A beautiful creature of lore, but with a very fiery attitude.”

Flim whispered to the kirin, “Do it.”

The kirin sighed, before suddenly became engulfed in flames taking the crowd by storm, “Don't worry, folks the cage is completely fire proof.” Flam assured everyone, as the kirin still engulfed by flames walked back and forth to show off.

Spike, Lyra, Bonbon, and Moondancer watched along with the rest of the audience still excited, while the cryptid girls were worried. As the show ended, Flim announced.

“Well, thank you, everyone. You were a terrific audience. Next show will be in one hour!”

Spike and the girls watched the kirin lay down looking sad much to their confusion, as the cage containing the creature was taken backstage.

When the group left the tent with the rest of the audience, Lyra spoke, “Those two really know how to make something look like an authentic kirin.”

“Yeah. Even I believed it.” Moondancer agreed.

Spike looked to the Dazzlings, the twins, and PostCrush, “Girls, are you all ok?”

Adagio looked around, before she and the others dragged their human friends behind another tent, “Hey, what's going on?” Bonbon asked.

“Guys, that wasn't a fake.” Adagio began.

“What?” Spike asked.

“That was a real kirin.” Kiwi explained.

“Again, what?” Moondancer asked.

“You're serious?” Lyra asked.

“As a heart attack.” Sonata confirmed.

“How did those two catch a kirin?” Spike asked.

“I don't know, but that kirin is bigger than an average one. It's an alpha. And a female too.” Sunshine explained.

“How those two caught an alpha kirin even we have no idea.” Moonlight added.

“She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment.” Adagio said.

“She needs to be with her own kind.” Supernova said.

“We should talk to her while we can.” Spike suggested, as they snuck back to the tent.

They peeked in the back seeing Flim and Flam were counting their profits, before seeing the cage containing the kirin who was still lying down looking sad.

Bonbon finger motioned them to keep quiet, as they followed her. They snuck past the two brothers, before making their way to the cage.

The kirin saw them, but before she could react, Spike shushed her, “It's ok. We don't wanna hurt you.”

“We just wanna help.” Moondancer explained.

The kirin got up and spoke in a beautiful female voice that sounded Chinese, “Oh, you have no idea how horrible it is being put on display here for others amusement. I am Rain Shine, leader of my kirin tribe.”

“I'm Spike, this is Lyra, Bonbon, Moondancer, Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Kiwi, Supernova, Moonlight, and Sunshine.”

Rain Shine noticed the cryptid girls, before speaking to Spike, “I see you're friends with mermaids and succubi.”

“I am, and like you they don't like the idea of creatures like them being treated like this.” Spike answered.

“Rain Shine, how did you get like this?” Lyra asked.

“I was kidnapped by a poacher a month ago, and sold to these greedy men who want to use me to make a profit.” she explained.

“The nerve.” Moonlight frowned.

“Don't worry, we'll find a way to get you out of here somehow.” Spike promised.

“You will?” Rain Shine asked with hope.

Before Spike could answer, Flim called, “Hey, you kids, get away from the attraction!”

The group gasped seeing they were spotted by the brothers, “Let's go!” Bonbon called, as the group made a run for it, but not without Spike looking back at Rain Shine giving her look that said they would be back.

When they left the fair grounds knowing Flim and Flam wouldn't follow them, the group caught their breath.

“That was close.” Moondancer said.

“Too close.” Lyra agreed.

“What do we do now?” Sonata asked.

“Exactly what we promised,” Spike began, “We're gonna break Rain Shine out of here. And we're gonna do it tonight.”

“I agree with Spike.” Adagio nodded.

“Me too.” Moonlight agreed.

“Same here.” Kiwi agreed on behalf of herself and Supernova.

Spike looked seeing Lyra and the others nodded in agreement as well, “Well, then, girls. Tonight we're rescuing a kirin.” the group smirked.


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At Spike's place, Spike was in his room packing some supplies in his bag, all while Twilight was sitting down watching him.

“Explain to me what you and your club are doing again?”

“We're busting a kirin out of that Fun Fair in town.” Spike explained.

“And you guys are absolutely sure it's a real kirin?” the brainy girl inquired.

“The girls confirmed it, and they wouldn't lie about it,” Spike assured her, “Rain Shine is the kirin leader, and she needs to get back to her tribe. She shouldn't be forced to be caged like an animal and forced to perform for a captive audience.”

“You're really taking this personal, Spike.” Twilight noted.

“Let's just say I can't stand to see someone being locked up and forced to do something against their will.”

“Well, I just hope you and the girls know what you're doing. Otherwise you could get arrested.”

“It'll be worth it.” Spike replied.

“Well, if you're so sure. Then I shouldn't stop you.”

Spike smiled, “Thanks, Twilight.”

Twilight got down and hugged her brother, “Just be careful, ok?”

Spike hugged her back, “I will.” he promised.

When nighttime rolled in, Spike hurried back to Flim and Flam's Fun Fair, and waited outside the entrance. He saw his girls arrive..

“Good, you made it.” Spike said in relief.

“Ok, everyone, ready?” Lyra asked.

“Always.” Adagio confirmed on behalf of her and her fellow mermaids.

“So are we.” Moonlight said on behalf of herself and Sunshine.

“Then let's suit up.” Bonbon instructed.

They reached into their bags and pulled out black jumpsuits. They each slipped into their suits and zipped up. They then put black ski masks over their heads to conceal most of their faces.

“Ok, we move in quietly.” Lyra instructed.

“Then let's go.” Spike said, as the group crept onto the fair grounds.

They walked around looking around at the quiet empty area that was no longer bustling with the sounds of kids having fun on rides or people enjoying themselves.

“It's kinda creepy sneaking around a fair when it's closing time.” Sonata whispered.

“What, getting scared, Sonata?” Aria teased.

“No!” Sonata said a little loud, only for Supernova and Kiwi to cover her mouth with their hands.

“Shh!” they shushed her, and Sonata smiled sheepishly.

“Come on, you guys, keep it down.” Bonbon whispered, as they continued on.

The group stopped and hid around the corner of a stand before peeking out and saw Flim and Flam entering a office trailer to no doubt count up their profits.

“Ok, while they're distracted.” Spike whispered, as they moved in.

They reached the tent where Rain Shine was put on display and saw her asleep in her cage. They crept up to the cage, and Spike whispered, “Psst! Rain Shine! Hey, Rain Shine!”

Rain Shine stirred before opening her eyes, and saw the group standing before her outside her cage. She got up in fright, but before she could scream or make a sound, Spike waved his arms, “Hold it! Hold it! It's us!” Spike removed his mask to show her.

Rain Shine seeing Spike's face suddenly calmed down, “Spike? Girls?” she saw the others nod in confirmation, “You came back?”

“Of course we did,” Spike answered, “We're getting you out of here no matter what.”

“Getting the key to this cage won't be easy, those two horrible men have it in their trailer.” Rain Shine warned them.

“That won't be necessary,” Spike replied, as he pulled out a lock pick, “Girls keep an eye out, I got a lock to pick.”

The girls nodded, and stood watch in case Flim and Flam came out. Spike started picking at the lock trying to get it to click open.

As the girls watched, they saw the bros silhouette's in the window and appeared to be heading for their trailer door, “Spike, they're coming!” Kiwi warned him.

Spike ceased the lock picking and took cover behind the cage, as the girls took cover behind some crates. Flim and Flam exited their trailer, as Flim spoke.

“Once we ship out in the morning, we'll be raking in some new customers.”

“Agreed, brother,” Flam agreed, “Our Kirin attraction has been our best money making event ever.”

Spike watched from his hiding spot and frowned, “You dicks.” he said quietly to himself.

“I say this calls for a late night snack, don't you?” Flam asked his brother.

“I say yes.” Flim agreed, as the two left to grab a bite.

When they were out of sight, the girls and Spike came back out and Spike resumed picking at the lock for Rain Shine's cage.

“How's it coming, Spike?” Kiwi asked.

“Almost got it,” Spike said, as he kept fiddling with the lock before they heard it click, “Yes!”

They opened the cage doors, allowing Rain Shine to step out, “I'm free?” she asked.

“Yes you are.” Adagio confirmed.

“Oh, thank you all.” the kirin said gratefully.

“We're not out of the woods just yet.” Bonbon reminded her.

“Sooner we get away from here the better.” Moondancer added.

“So let's go.” Lyra said, as they were about to hurry off.

Unfortunately as soon as they stepped around the corner of the tent they saw Flim and Flam aiming flashlights at them.

“Well, looky what we have here.” Flim said smugly.

“Fair closed hours ago, kids.” Flam told the group.

“Really? Guess we missed the memo.” Aria said in sarcasm.

“And what's this?” Flim asked in faux shock, “You're stealing our star attraction!”

“Rain Shine doesn't belong to any of you!” Spike responded, as he shielded the kirin from them.

“We purchased her fair and square.” Flam argued.

“She's a living creature, and has rights as do us.” Lyra argued back.

“Oh, please.” Flim replied.

“Look, we could stand here all night arguing, but we don't have all night.” Adagio told the adults.

“So step aside and let us pass.” Moonlight added.

“No can do.” Flam said, as they stood their ground.

The group blinked, “Clearly you have no idea the odds are against you.” Moondancer noted.

“It's all of us against you two.” Sunshine reminded them.

“Oh, my it looks like she's right, Flim.” Flam said.

“Indeed. So perhaps, we should even the odds.” Flim smirked, before pulling out a whistle and blew into it.

Suddenly coming out from hiding in several parts of the fair grounds, were these little green creatures with green bodies, pointy ears, and big noses. Each one carried a club, and started jumping around making noises.

“Oh my gosh!” Moondancer gasped.

“Are those...” Lyra asked in shock.

“Goblins.” Adagio answered.

“How?” Spike asked the bros.

“We found these guys last month, at first they tried to rob us, but we make a deal.” Flim explained.

“What kind of deal?” Kiwi asked while crossing her arms.

“They work for us as security, and assist us in picking up loose change.” Flim said, with a smirk.

“By loose change you mean pick-pocketing.” Sunshine frowned.

“You say tomato, I say to-mah-to,” Flam continued, “And in return we pay them in chocolate.”

The group looked in disbelief. Bonbon looked down at the goblins, “Chocolate? Really?” she asked dryly.

“Chocolate good.” one of them answered.

“Good!” the rest of them agreed.

“Well, can't deny that.” Aria admitted.

“No matter,” Adagio spoke up, “You and your goblins aren't stopping us from taking this innocent creature back.”

“You honestly think you can take on all of these?” Flame asked rhetorically while motioning to the pack of goblins.

“Actually, we can.” Moonlight replied, as she and Sunshine revealed their succubus parts.

“What the?” Flim asked, as he and his bro were in shock.

“Succubi!” one goblin gasped.

“And not just that.” Supernova said, as she, Kiwi, and the Dazzlings stood together.

“You deal with mermaids too.” Sonata warned them.

“Succubi and mermaids?” Flim gasped, “Brother, we hit the jackpot!”

“Quite so. With them added to our main attraction we'll be set for life!” Flam declared in joy.

“Yeah. Not happening.” Adagio answered dryly.

“Take 'em!” Kiwi called, as the mermaids and succubi went on the attack against the goblins.

“Rain Shine, come on!” Spike said, as he, Lyra, Bonbon, and Moondancer helped the kirin get around the fighting.

Suddenly they were blocked off by Flim, Flam, and a few more goblins, “Sorry, but the exits closed.” Flim replied.

Spike frowned wanting to deck the bros, until Rain Shine stepped forward, “I'll deal with them.”

“Rain Shine?” Lyra asked in confusion.

“We kirin may be a peaceful type, but even we have our dark sides.” Rain Shine smirked, before her eyes started to glow and her body was engulfed in flames which surprised the bros and goblins.

“She's on fire!” Spike gaped.

“How?” Moondancer asked.

“Of course,” Lyra recalled, “Kirin have two sides, the gentle side, and their fiery sides known as Nirik.”

Rain Shine spoke to her former captors, “I will never be your prisoner again!” she started jumping around spreading some flames causing the two and their goblins to run for cover to avoid getting burned.

“Take it easy, Rain Shine, or you'll burn the place to the ground!” Bonbon warned her.

Rain Shine eased up making sure not to spread too much wildfire, but the goblins were afraid of getting burned by her.

Back with the others, the succubi sisters flew around trying to slice at the goblins who were trying to hit back with their clubs.

One managed to jump onto Sunshine's back, making her frown, “No free rides!” she flew faster right past a banner causing the goblin to hit it and fall off Sunshine.

Moonlight kept throwing goblin after goblin off her, before she stared them down and smiled, “Time for some charm.” she activated her charm and the goblins suddenly felt love-struck by her, “You boys wouldn't dare hurt little old me, would you?”

“No. Never!” the goblins responded completely under her spell.

“Right. You'd rather attack each other instead.” Moonlight coerced them.

The goblins turned to each other and began attacking one another knocking themselves out in the process leaving Moonlight proud of her work.

The Dazzlings and PostCrush was knocking and punching goblins jumping at them, while avoiding the club swings.

“Don't touch me!” Kiwi ordered the creatures, “Who knows where you've guys been.”

“Let's give them something to really listen too.” Aria said, as the five stood together and let out their siren wail agitating the goblins ears. Eventually they fell down unconscious, and the mermaids ceased their wailing.

“These guys have been neutralized.” Sonata told her fellow mermaids.

“Let's check on the others.” Adagio ordered, as they hurried and found their four human friends with Rain Shine whose fire has gone out.

“I think I burned out my flame.” Rain Shine panted.

“But we're still burning.” Flim said, as he and Flam grabbed some catch poles to restrain Rain Shine and closed in on her and the teens.

Spike frowned, before whispering to his gals, “Girls, I'm about to do something crazy.”

“Spike, what do you mean?” Lyra asked in concern.

“Leroy Jenkins!” Spike shouted, as he ran at the bros.

Flim and Flam were taken aback, as Spike charged them and tackled them back, “Maybe I should've joined football.” Spike told himself, as he pushed the two back.

“Go Spike!” Bonbon cheered.

Flim and Flam stood their ground and started pushing Spike back, “You're becoming a real pain, boy!” Flim warned him.

“Funny, so are the both of you!” Spike said clonking the sides of their heads together.

The two rubbed the bruises on their heads, until they saw Spike and the girls running off with Rain Shine, “They're getting away!” the two grab their catch poles and ran after them.

As the two followed the group around a corner of a stand they ended up standing into a rope trap that bound their ankles together, and were hoisted up by Rain Shine.

The two dangled upside down as Spike, and all his girls looked up at them, “Well, looks like the trappers became the trapped.” Adagio joked.

“Good one, Adagio!” Sonata laughed.

“Please, let us down!” Flam pleaded.

“I don't know, why should we do that?” Spike crossed his arms.

“Please, we beg you.” Flim pleaded.

“If we let you down, will you let Rain Shine go free?” Lyra questioned.

“Never!” they announced.

“Then enjoy the feeling of the blood rushing through your heads.” Bonbon said, as they were about to leave.

“No! Don't leave! We promise we'll let her go!” Flim cried.

The group stopped, as Spike spoke, “Good.” he motioned to Rain Shine who released the rope making the two fall to the ground.

“Oh, thank you.” Flam said gratefully.

Spike then looked to Sunshine and Moonlight, “Grab 'em!” the bros screamed as the succubi sisters flew at them.

The next thing Flim and Flam knew they were locked in the same cage they held Rain Shine in, “Hey, what is this?!” Flim demanded.

“We said we'd let you down, we never said we'd let you free.” Spike replied.

“This is where guys like you belong.” Bonbon told them.

“Enjoy it.” Moondancer said, as they began walking away despite the bros pleading to let them out.

They all looked around at the unconscious goblins, “What do we do about them?” Supernova asked.

“Leave them to me.” Rain Shine said, as her horn glowed, and a circle of flame appeared around the goblins who vanished into thin air.

“What'd you do?” Spike asked.

“I teleported them to a cave in another land. They'll have to get their chocolate elsewhere,” Rain Shine joked, and the group laughed, “I thank you all for freeing me. How can I ever repay you all?”

“It's what we do, Rain Shine.” Spike replied.

“You have the right to freedom as do any of us.” Adagio explained.

Rain Shine smiled, before giving Spike and each girl a friendly nuzzle, “I will make sure your story is told to my tribe for years to come. Farewell, my friends.” Rain Shine took off into the night.

“There she goes.” Sonata said.

“Uh-huh.” Kiwi agreed.

“We did good tonight, girls.” Spike told them.

“We sure did.” Lyra nodded.

Moondancer yawned, “I don't know about you guys, but I am beat.”

“Same here.” Bonbon agreed.

“Come on, let's head home.” Spike said, as they all hurried off for home.

After Spike returned home and entered the house, he walked past Twilight's room, and his sister took notice of him, “Spike! You're back!”

“Hey, Twi.” Spike yawned.

“So how'd it go?”

Spike smiled, “Mission accomplished.”

“Well, that's good to hear.” Twilight replied.

“Yeah. Tell you all about it tomorrow. Right now I need some sleep.” Spike said, as he retreated to his bedroom.

The next day Spike saw on the front page of the paper was Flim and Flam being found locked in the cage and being courted off for claiming a bunch of teens and their kirin had did this to them. Spike smirked knowing justice was indeed served, and Rain Shine was back with her fellow kirin safe and happy.

Together Forever

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As school let out Friday afternoon, Spike and his fellow club mates were just about ready to close up shop.

“Well, I'm out of here. See you on Monday.” Gallus said, before taking off.

“Later, Gallus.” Silverstream said, before she grabbed her bag and took off as well.

“Yona, how about I walk you home?” Sandbar offered.

Yona smiled, “Yona love that very much.” the two left together, as Ocellus and Smolder took off as well.

Spike had just finished putting his stuff in his bag before speaking to the girls, “Well, I'll see you all around.” he was about to take off, until Adagio spoke up.

“Spike, wait!”

Spike looked, “Yeah, Adagio?”

The group of girls were exchanging looks to each other, until Adagio spoke up, “We were all hoping you'd join us tonight at school.”

“What are we holding a séance?” Spike asked jokingly.

“Nothing like that.” Bonbon replied.

“We were hoping you'd join us for a night swim in the school's pool.” Lyra requested.

“Tonight?” Spike asked curiously, as the girls nodded, “But it's Friday, the place'll be locked up.”

“Not necessarily.” Moonlight answered, as she showed him a key to the school's lock.

“You didn't.” Spike said.

“I did.” Moonlight replied smugly.

“What's the occasion?” the teen boy wondered.

“No occasion.” Kiwi answered.

“We just felt like we could all use a little time alone together.” Supernova added.

“And being just at someone's home doesn't feel enough.” Sunshine added.

“So how about it?” Moondancer asked.

Spike thought about it before giving them an answer, “Sure thing.”

“Great. See you then!” Sonata cheered, as they all took off.

When nighttime arrived, Spike snuck out of the house and hurried off back to school. When he arrived, he saw his ladies at the entrance waiting for him.

“Hey, girls. Waiting long?”

“Not at all.” Aria replied.

“Well, come on. Let's go in.” Moonlight said, as she unlocked the gate and they all slipped in.

They made their way to the indoor pool area, “Water still looks good.” Moondancer inspected.

“And that suits us just fine.” Adagio replied.

“Come on, girls.” Lyra said, as they all started stripping down with Spike watching them.

Soon all girls were naked with their clothes off to the side. Spike stared at his girls naked forms and as always felt aroused, as a blush grew on his face.

“Honestly, Spike we've known each other for a year now, and you still get that way when you see us naked?” Aria asked with a smile.

“Hey, I can't help these things.” Spike argued.

“Regardless, we're glad we can get that kind of reaction out of you.” Lyra said, as Bonbon nodded, while putting an arm around her bestie.

“Well, don't leave us in our birthday suits alone.” Kiwi said,

“Take it off!” Sunshine cheered.

Spike shook his head while chuckling, before stripping down as well. Once he was bare like the girls he motioned to the pool, “First one in!” he dove right in, with the girls following in tow.

Upon hitting the water the Dazzlings and PostCrush's legs turned back into mermaid tails. The fiver mermaids swam through the water like the fish people they were. They leaped through the air as Spike and the other girls watched marveling at how beautiful their jumps looked.

They landed back in the water before swimming up, “That felt so good.” Sonata smiled happily.

“Got that right.” Aria agreed.

“Felt like forever since we could do that.” Supernova said.

“I thought it was beautiful.” Spike confessed.

“Really?” Kiwi asked.

“Most definitely.” Lyra agreed.

“Oh, you guys.” Sonata said, as the mermaids swam closer embracing Spike, their succubus and human friends.

The group of friends continued to swim around enjoying themselves with every so often, the girls started messing around with each other. Sonata swam up behind Sunshine and groped her rack making the bright succubus laugh and moan. Spike watched to see Bonbon and Lyra passionately make out in the pool, while knowing they wanted him to watch the show.

Moonlight swam up to Spike wrapping her arms around him, “Why watch a make out, when you can do it yourself?” she said seductively.

“Are you offering?” he asked rhetorically.

“Maybe.” she smirked.

“Come here.” Spike said, as he and the brooding succubus started to make out while Moonlight pressed her rack against his chest to keep him excited. Spike wrapped his arms around her waist wanting to keep the sex demon closer.

Soon they parted for air, and Moondancer swam over, “Cutting in.” she nudged Moonlight aside, and swam up to Spike kissing him and rubbing her breasts against his chest as Spike returned the passion.

“Oh, Moondancer,” Spike panted, “Who would've ever imagined behind that reclusive bookworm demeanor was a horny girl.”

“I'm full of surprises.” Moondancer smirked, as she continued to make out with Spike.

After plenty of swimming, Spike and the girls were sitting on the ledge of the pool with their feet in the water, while the five mermaids sat sideways keeping their lower halves out of the water since their tails became legs again.

“This has been such a good night.” Spike told the girls.

“Got that right.” Kiwi agreed.

“I'm really glad we could all be here together like this.” Sunshine told everyone.

“We all feel that way.” Adagio replied.

As they relaxed, the girls took notice of Spike staring off as if he was deep in thought, “Spike?” Bonbon asked.

“Hm?” he looked to the girls.

“Are you ok?” Lyra inquired.

“Oh, fine. Just thinking.” he answered.

“About what?” Sonata wondered.

“About how far we've all come,” Spike replied, “To this day I still think back to that day I almost drowned.”

The girls listened, as Spike looked to the Dazzlings, “If it weren't for you girls I wouldn't be alive today. I owe you three so much.”

“Spike, it was our pleasure.” Adagio answered.

“Plus it would be uncool to let a kid drown.” Aria added.

“So uncool.” Sonata put in.

Spike scooted over and pulled all three into a hug, “Even so. What you girls did for me is something I could never hope to show how I truly appreciate it. That's why I want you three to be with me forever. Mate marked or not.”

The Dazzlings smiled and blushed at Spike's words, before the boy leaned forward and started to kiss Adagio's lips. The oldest sister returned to kiss and wrapped her arms around Spike rubbing her boobs into his chest.

When they parted, Aria claimed Spike's lips while taking his hands and making him fondle her rack. The two moaned during their make out, while Spike mentally reveled in feeling up Aria's breasts. When the two parted, Sonata took her turn and began to kiss Spike, as the boy reached down and felt up her hot ass. Sonata moaned, as Spike squeezed her cheeks prompting her to slide her tongue inside.

When Spike and Sonata came up for air, the three sisters and Spike smiled at each other knowing their love was eternal. Spike turned to face Sunshine and Moonlight, “Sunshine, Moonlight, even though the two of you hypnotized me when we first met I actually felt glad that a pair of succubus sisters found me worthy of being targeted.”

“What can we say?” Moonlight began, “We have great tastes.”

“And there was no way we'd ever lat a catch like you get away.” Sunshine added.

“You couldn't lose me no matter what.” Spike told the two.

The twins smiled, and spoke together, “We love you, Spike!”

Both sisters went on either side of Spike each taking a hand and planting it on one of their breasts, while both took a turn alternating between making out with him.

Spike thought to himself in enjoyment, 'I love twin action.' he continued to fondle Sunshine and Moonlight who were reveling in Spike's touch.

Afterward, Spike turned to PostCrush, “I never would've imagined two pop star rockers like yourselves would be mermaids either.”

“Well, we're good at maintaining an image.” Kiwi admitted.

“Not to mention I never thought two pop stars could fall for me.”

“Well, why not?” Supernova asked, “You're proven to be the kindest, sweetest, and most handsome guy we ever knew.”

“Careful or you might increase his ego.” Bonbon teased, making Spike give her a dry look.

“But Supernova's right,” Kiwi agreed, “Among the boys we've ever seen you are one in a million.”

“Oh, you two.” Spike smiled, as the two hugged him from both sides rubbing their breasts into his arms. Spike alternated between kissing the two who kissed him back.

“We'll really be looking into writing a song about our love for you.” Kiwi promised him.

“And if it becomes a number one hit you'll be famous like us.” Supernova added.

“And possibly the enemy of every fan boy of yours.” Spike noted.

“Who cares how they feel?” Kiwi replied, as both pop star mermaids gave Spike a kiss.

Suddenly Lyra, Bonbon, and Moondancer slid over to Spike. The boy spoke to them, “I still think back to when you started this whole cryptid club, Lyra. I thought it was just going to be some boring after school meeting.”

“So did I.” Lyra confessed.

“But look at how far it's come,” Bonbon noted, “We all thought we'd just study cryptid's and prove they exist. But now we've fought against monsters, ghosts, and other things.”

“Not to mention we saved a kirin.” Moondancer put in.

“And found buried treasure.” Spike added.

Lyra nodded, “This whole club became more than what any of us could've imagined it'd be.”

“And I would join it all over again if it meant being with all of you.” Spike finished, as the three human girls smiled and leaned closer each giving Spike a kiss, as he felt each of their bodies up.

After giving his human girlfriends some love, the rest of his lovers gathered around him, “Being with you has been the best thing to ever happen to us all, Spike.” Sonata said.

“And we hope to continue to stay this way forever.” Adagio added.

Spike nodded, “I hope so too.”

The girls all piled around Spike making sure their naked bodies pressed up against him, while Spike wrapped his arms around Adagio and Bonbon. They sat close together, while reminiscing about all the fun and excitement they had together in the club.

From facing a wendigo, hidebehind, gumberoo, exercising the ghost of an insane child, rescuing Rain Shine, partying with ghosts during Halloween, and even finding lost treasure of a famous pirate captain.

Spike looked down at each of the girls and thought to himself, 'Girls, I don't know what the future holds in store for us all. But whatever it dishes out we'll face it together. And I love you all.'