An Unexpected Summon

by Oldtakufanboy

First published

It was a normal miserable day, until I was summoned by the queen Umbra

It was a normal miserable day in the crystal empire, as I and some other slaves were working on a sculpture for Queen Umbra. It was getting dark and out of nowhere, I am ordered to meet the queen herself. That's unusual; what would the queen want with a miserable peasant such as I? Perhaps I'm gonna die or she's promoting me, I dunno.

Origins/The Summoning

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It was a normal day at the Crystal Empire; slaves working their asses off, feeling miserable, and feeding off of crappy crops that tasted bitter. I know what you're thinking, how did a human make it here to this depressing place? Let me explain:

It all began on a Friday and I just got back from my work as a cashier down at Walmart. My wife Teresa, was making me dinner and tonight was special because it was our fifth anniversary. We had a great night together as we enjoyed a bowl of shrimp scampi, watching our favorite film The Shawshank Redemption, and had a great deal of sex afterwords. It was one of the best nights I had until I woke up the next day and found myself in the Crystal Empire. I was surrounded by anthropomorphic ponies that have never saw a human in their life.

I was feeling the same, as I rushed away from the crowd, but was stopped by two giant crystalized monsters. They were as tall as a truck, had jagged sharp teeth, glowing red eyes, and were carrying large hammers with a spike on the other end. I was terrified to the bone, as they grabbed me by the arms and marched me over to the castle. As we make our way to the throne room, they pushed me in and locked the doors on the other side. I was standing in the throne room wearing a white shirt and my black boxers chilled to the bone.

I walked along the red carpet in the dark crystallized room and looked around at the painting to my left and right. Each painting got worse as it went. The first two paintings showed many unicorns, pegs, and ponies living in harmony. Then next few paintings showed something evil; an evil mist-like being has come from the depths of the snow and has attacked the crystal empire by making the clouds block the sun, bringing out large crystals from the ground outside and within the empire. More paintings showed a crystal that seemed to be its weakness, but it eventually failed as it shows it crashing down to the ground shattered in pieces. The mist-like being begins to show a feminine unicorn with long black hair, glowing green eyes with purple mists glowing around the eyes, a red horn, gray bikini armor, a velvet robe, and was holding onto a spear. The final paintings show the three unicorn/pegasi-like beings imprisoned as the crystal tyrant laughs in victory and another painting of her reign of the empire itself.

I then stopped and looked up ahead to see none other than that tyrant from the paintings. She looked down on me with confusion and with amazement. She reveals her name to me as Queen Umbra, ruler of the crystal empire and shall soon rule more of Equestria. I told her my name, John Conrad, and let her know a little about me and what I am. She accepted me into society, but was forced to do miserable work like every other pony in the empire. I helped with crops and dealt with selling them.

I became roommates with a family that has two fillies. The father gave me more history on why the empire is like the way it is. Queen Umbra came from the depths of hell and was causing havoc among the empire. Three powerful alicorns called Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were supposed to stop her, but their weapon, the crystal heart, was destroyed and therefore, no one can stop Queen Umbra. She vanished the three alicorns to the lowest level of the lowest dungeon where they were fed the same junkie shit that I eat along with everypony else. And thus, I lived my life as a slave for the past five years.

I am now thirty years old, my black hair gotten longer as a rocker, I'm growing out my mustache, but shaving away the beard. My muscles have been growing more and more as the past month goes by; I'm now helping out working with Queen Umbra's statue that is close to the castle. I can often see her while I work looking down upon her empire from the balcony of her room. I know I should fear her, but she looks beautiful as the wind flies through her mane. I really shouldn't think of her that way, but there's some sort of attraction I have for her.

As I continue to chisel the eye with sweat beaming down my face, the bell from bellow my ladder starts ringing, meaning that it's break time. I place my tools in the tool bucket and came down the stairs holding onto the handle. As I make it down the ladder, I straighten out my raggy gray shirt and dusted off my legs of my pants. I walk over to a close by establishment that sold water or a refreshing beverage of berry juice. The empire has changed since I arrived here, well a little. Ponies begged the queen for better food and drinks and so, she accepted and things began to get a whole lot better. It almost seems like as though ponies never knew the terror that Umbra put us all upon, but of course no one will forget that she's a wicked ruler. I've seen some harsh things around here that no pony or human should witness: a pony being stabbed to death by crystal monsters. It was a middle-aged mare who stole something from Umbra's castle and she ran as quick as she could, but eventually she was caught. She was stabbed many times all over her body until she was nothing but a bloody corpse. It was sickening and I puked along with many other ponies. Luckily, no one has ever stole from Umbra ever again.

I walk into the establishment and sat on a table wiping the sweat off of my forehead. Coming towards me is Strawberry Punch, a mare who works at the establishment. She has pink fur, light green hair and tail, orange pupils, and has such a positive attitude. Out of all the ponies here, she always manages to bring a smile to everypony's face, including myself.

"Hey there, John," said Strawberry Punch, as she pulls out a piece of paper, "what would you like to have?"

"I'll have a berry punch and a bowl of salad, please," I asked, as she writes down my order.

"Okay, will be done soon, Johnny," she said with a wink before walking off.

I sit on my table and looked around to see people chattering and some sulking in despair. I really feel bad for those that feel that way; it's painful to see them look down. I want to ask them what's wrong, but it's none of my business, so I let it be and think about work or something else. I then notice a couple sitting together being all lovey-dovey. Seeing couples around the empire makes me think back to my wife Teresa. I think back about when we went out on our first date. We went to France and enjoyed an amazing dinner at this establishment completely different to this one I'm at now. There was live music, relaxing atmosphere and many lovers close to one another. France was a perfect trip for us to go on and things went perfect. I even remembered our first kiss there, it was like a dream come true.

"Here's your drink, Johnny," said Strawberry, as she places my drink down.

"Oh! Thanks Strawberry," I said, as I flipped her a bit.

"What's up, Johnny? You look sad. Something wrong?"

"It's nothing," I replied.

"Come on, Johnny," said Strawberry, as she takes a seat, "something is bugging you. What is it? Tell me."

"... I miss my wife."

"You are married?"

"I was, until I somehow got here. I miss her very much, including my family and friends."

"What's she like? Your wife?"

"Teresa is such a nice woman. I met her during my break from work and it all started out as an accident when my coffee slipped out of my hands and spilled onto her dress. I was so sorry that I gave her a bunch of napkins and I promised her that I'll be in her debt. She told me to go with her to pick out a dress and that I should pay it. It all started out awkwardly, but as time went by, she and I would often meet down at that same coffee shop and talked until my break was over. Three months later, I got the guts to take her on a date to a place called France. It was a perfect place for our romance to grow bigger. We eventually fell in love that day and it was our first kiss."

"D'awwww, that's so sweet," said Strawberry, as she clasps her hands, "when did you propose to her?"

"We went out to a restaurant close by to where I live and took her there. I was very nervous if she'd say 'yes' or 'no', but she eventually agreed to be my wife. We got married a month later and I felt like the happiest man on Earth. My life was amazing, until I got here. Now I'm a slave like everypony else to Queen Umbra. Now you know my story."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Johnny. It must be very hard to find a woman here, huh? I think you need to move on. You can't think about the past and think about now. Go find a mare and marry her. There are plenty of fish out at sea."

"You sound like my mom," I said with a chuckle.

"Oh shut up."

"Thanks for the pep talk, Berry. I'll take your advice and probably over the weekend find a cute mare to talk with."

"That's the spirit," said Strawberry, as she gets up from her seat, "now wait here a moment, I'll be back with your salad."

She walks away, as I smile back at her.

"She's right," I thought to myself, "I do need to move on. I'm sorry, Teresa. Forgive me."

I waited another five minutes until my salad was done. It was just as good like any other day; salad with a dressing that tasted like fruit. It tasted delicious with the salad and I'm glad I buy this during break.

When my break was over, I paid and went back up the ladder with my tool bucket. As I get to the top, I go back to sculpting the eye. I'm sculpting the pupil and making it look exactly like hers the way I met her when I first arrived here. I want it to look dangerous, yet beautiful. I then look back up to the balcony and to my surprise, I can still see Queen Umbra up there looking around her empire. I went back to chisel more on the pupil, but was distracted by Queen Umbra. As I continue to stare up at her elegance, I notice her head looking down towards the area where I was. I flinched and went back to chiseling.

"I hope she didn't see me looking up at her," I thought to myself with a gulp, "maybe not. There's no way she can see me from all the way up there. I bet she's just looking around her empire. Right?"

I look back up there, but she was gone. It was as if she wasn't there at all. I give out a sigh of relief and went back to working on the pupil.

Hours later, my shift was up and I walked back home. I made a good amount of bits and wanted to buy some flowers for the table. I walked over to the closest flower store and noticed quite a lot of beautiful flowers. Weird, I wonder who gets these plants? There's not a lot of sunlight out here. I bought some roses and a vase. The vase had a sun-like pattern to it and the roses were as red as velvet cake.

"I'm home!" I called out, as I close the door behind myself.

"Johnny's home! Johnny's home!" said the Dimlight and Gleamlight.

I love these two twins; they were like the kids I never had. It makes me wonder if Teresa wanted to have kids or not. If I can be great with these two fillies, then I can absolutely be a great father figure to my kids.

Dimlight is the youngest by five years old and she loves to play 'go fish' whenever she liked to. Her fur is light gray, dark blue hair and tail, pink pupils, and she doesn't have her cutie mark yet. Gleamlight is ten and she's mature for a ten-year-old. She likes to clean, cook, and care for a pony if they are sick. Her fur is dark green, light blue pupils, light dark yellow hair and tail, and she has a cutie mark of a cleaned plate. I'm glad she and her sister are raised by great parents.

"Hey there you two," I said, as I kneeled down and gave them hugs, "where's mommy and daddy?"

"They're gonna come home late," said Gleamlight, "they need to work more on the crops down at the fields. As for you, you need a bath, you reek of sweat."

"Stinky," said Dimlight, as she pinches her nose.

"You're right," I said, as I got up to my to my feet, "I guess so."

"Also, shave your mustache. It looks bushy."

"Who do you think you are? My mother?"

"Just do that, please. When you're done, dinner will be ready."

"Okay! Okay! I'll do it," I said with a chuckle, as I walk down the hall towards my room to grab me some clean clothes before going into the shower.

"Hey Johnny!" called out Gleamlight, "are those flowers?"

"Oh! I almost forgot," I said, as I hurried back and handed her the flowers, "take these and put them in the living room."

After getting cleaned and trimming my mustache, I walk to the dining room, with the table for three. Gleamlight and Dimlight sat on their seat with empty plates, waiting patient for me to come down.

"Let's eat," said Gleamlight, as the two fillies began to eat.

Tonight, we're eating pasta with mixed sauces. It's red sauce and white sauce mixed together. I'm glad I told her to mix them, my dad showed me that when I was a kid and I loved it ever since.

"Mmm," I said with delight, "this tastes delicious."

"I'm glad you told me about mixing those two sauces."

"Tasty," said Dimlight before taking another bite.

Before I could take another bite into my pasta, there were three loud knocks at the door.

"Girls, stay here," I said, as I walk up to the door.

I open it and in front of it is a large crystal monster looking down at me. My body began to shake, along with my teeth chattering.

"C-c-can I h-help you?" I stuttered.

"The majesty Queen Umbra wants you at the castle," said the crystal monster in a deep and gruff voice, "if you refuse, I'll drag you by force. The majesty told me not to hurt you, but I shall use force."

"Okay, b-but is it okay if I d-do s-s-something for a sec, p-please?"

"I'll give you a minute."

"Th-thank you," I said, as I quickly went inside back into the dining room.

The girls were standing in front of the table worriedly.

"What's going on?" asked Gleamlight.

"Are we in trouble?" asked Dimlight.

"I don't know girls," I said, as I take a knee, "but I've been summoned by Queen Umbra."

The girls gasped with worry. Dimlight rushes toward me and starts crying.

"Are you sentenced to death? I don't want you to die."

"Don't worry, Dimlight," I said, as I ruffle her mane, "I'm not gonna die. I might have to do something special for the queen."

"You mean it," she says, looking up at me with tears down her face and a sniffle.

"I'm going to be fine."

"Please come back, Johnny," said Gleamlight, as she comes up to me for a hug.

"I will. I promise."

I stood up and walked out of the house towards the crystal monster.

"Okay," I said, as I cleared my throat, "I'm ready."

The crystal monster nodded, as we walk over to the castle. The clouds began to blow away, as the moon began to shine brightly in the sky. As ugly as the days are, night always seems to be the prettiest of times.

"I wonder what the queen wants with me," I thought to myself, "is it for some sort of other job she wants me to do? Is it-wait... is it because she noticed me staring at her from where I sculpted?! Oh please God, no! I hope she doesn't plan on killing me! I wonder if this guy knows?"

I look up at the crystal monster and gulped down the lump in my throat.

"Excuse me, Sir, um... I'm I being sentenced to death?"

The crystal monster didn't respond, making me ever so nervous.

"I swear to God; I hope she doesn't plan on killing me! I didn't do anything wrong!"

As we arrive towards the throne room door, the crystal monster opens the door and looks down at me.

"The majesty is waiting for you," he said, "behave."

"Got it," I said, as I give him the thumbs up before entering the throne room.

The door shuts behind me, as I walked slowly along the red carpet like the day I first came here. Along the sides of the carpet were tall torches lighting my way and by the far end, was none other than the queen herself drinking from a silver chalice.

"Come forth, John," said the queen in a soothing yet demanding voice.

I gulped and continued my way towards her. I felt a chill down my spine the closer I came to her, until I was near her. I was shaking all over; I don't know why she would summon me, but if it's from me staring at her from afar, I must apologize. I fall down to my knees and have my head to the red carpet.

"I'm very sorry, your majesty," I pleaded, "forgive me! I will accept any punishment, just don't kill me, please!"

"What are you talking about?" said Queen Umbra with confusion, "get up. I'm unsure to why you are apologizing for?"

"Huh?" I said, as I get up to my feet, "then may I ask something, your majesty?"

"Granted," she says before taking a sip.

"Why have you summoned me?"

She takes the chalice from her lips and places it down on her armrest.

"I've caught an interest in you," she said, as she stands up from her throne and walks up towards me. When she got close to me, she paces around me like a wolf pack trapping its prey, "you are quite an interesting creature. Do you have a special somepony?"

"N-no. I was once married before I got here."

"You were married? To whom?"

"To another human named Teresa. I haven't seen her in five years and I got good advice from a worker I know that says I need to move on and find someone else... but it seems difficult just to give up on my wife."

"Oh? Well perhaps I can be your special somepony?"

"I don't know who it- wait what?"


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"John," said Queen Umbra, as she places her hands on my shoulders gently, "I want you to be my special somepony."

I'm baffled; why would she want to be with a guy like me? I'm human and she's a powerful unicorn who rules the Crystal Empire. I'm nothing special, nor am I as powerful as she.

"Y-your h-highness," I said with a gulp, "why would you want m-me? I'm a nobody. I'm just a slave to your will."

She takes a finger to my lips, making me silent. She leans her face close to mine, as her eyes glow red.

"You are a somebody," she said, "a lucky one, too."

"How lucky?" I said, as she moves her finger from my lips.

"That this queen has a crush on you."

"What? You... like me?"

"I've been watching you as you work on my statue. You look sexy when you work hard. I also notice you staring at me from afar."

"Crap," I thought with a gulp, "she has noticed me staring."

"I love the way you swipe the sweat off your face," she continued, "makes me wanna get you wet."

"Am I in trouble from staring at you?" I asked.

"No you're not. I like you and I want you."

"You want me?"

"If you refuse, I shall have you killed on the spot."

"Okay then, yes."

"Good boy," she said, as she ruffles my hair, "anything you find interesting about me?"

"Well... when I gaze upon your beauty at your balcony, I love how your hair sways in the breeze. You look like a painting that came to life."

From my words, a flush comes upon her cheeks, telling me that I said something good.

"You find me that beautiful?" she asks.

"I do, your majesty."

"Anything else you find sexy about me?"

"I love the way your eyes glow like rhinestones."

"My eyes are like... rhinestones?"

"Do you not know what rhinestones are?" I asked, "they're diamonds."

"Oh," she said with a few blinks, "why thank you."

"Your hair is like that of a model."

"Okay. Okay," she said, putting a hand up, "that's enough."

"S-sorry," I stuttered.

"Since you made me happy tonight," she said, as goes to my side and falls.

I quickly grab her with my arms and held her up like I was her knight in shining armor.

"I'd like you to clean me," she said with a smile.

Looking down at her sharp teeth, I know she's trying to seduce me. I decided to go along with it and held her up with the support of her arms around my neck. She's a bit heavy, but I've held up many bags of cement before, so this isn't a big problem.

"As you wish, your highness," I said gently, "also, where is the bathing room?"

"Out the throne room, take a right down the hall and the bathing room shall be on our left," she said.

I nodded, as I walked down the red carpet. As I walked, I look down at the Queen, giving me that dreamy stare.

"Do I look amazing?" I asked with a wink.

"You like a knight in shining armor," she said with a glint in her eye.

"And that makes you my princess."

"You are quite the charmer," she said with a giggle.

"I'm just doing this so I can live," I thought to myself.

I stood quietly, as I sat beside Queen Umbra relaxing in the tub full of bubbles while holding onto a black towel. She leans her head back, dipping her hair into the warm water. She looks up at me before lifting her head up, making me stand up straighter.

"John," she said, "care to scrub my head?"

"Oh! Y-yes," I said, as I hurried over to the cabinet near the sink and pulled out the shampoo and body wash.

I walk back and place the towel below my feet until she wanted to get out and dry herself. I squeeze out the shampoo into the palm of my left hand before placing the bottle down and rubbing my hands together. I reach down to her hair and gently scrubs her head, making sure I don't fuck things up. As I continued, I can hear her giving out little coos of relaxation. Makes me feel so much better to know that I'm doing okay.

"I love your hands," said Queen Umbra, as she tilts her head a little to the left, "feels good."

"Thank you," I said, as I moved a hand to behind her left ear.


"S-sorry, your majesty," I said, as I pull my hand away from behind her ear.

"No. No need to be sorry," she said with a giggle, "you just surprised me is all."

"May I?"

"As you were."

I went back to scrub behind her ear, making her give out another coo and a twitch from her ear.

"Ohhh," she moans, "I like that. Do my other ear."

She tilts her head to the right, making me scrub behind the other. Her left leg in the tub shifts, as she gives out a relaxed exhale. I move my hands away from her head and stood up.

"I'll right back, your highness," I said, as I walked over to the cabinet, "gonna get a sponge."

"No need for that," she said before I could open the cabinet, "I'll just dip my head in."

She closes her eyes and slowly dips the back of her head into the water. I walk back to the side of the tub as she pulls her head out of the water with her wet hair dripping. She leans up higher, until her breasts became nearly exposed.

"Because you are so good with my hair," she said, as she places a finger against her cheek, "I'd like to see what will happen if you clean my body with those magical hands of yours."

"I'll get right to it," I said, as I took a knee to reach for both the sponge and body wash.

When I brought them to me, I look to my left and close to me was a stool. Perfect; now I don't have to be on my knees or stand up while cleaning her. I reach a hand out and grabbed the stool by the handle. I bring it up to myself and sat on top. I reach back down for the body wash and sponge and started pouring the cleaning liquid onto the sponge itself. Queen Umbra raises her left arm, as drops plopped back into the water from her wet fur. I take her arm softly and scrubbed away. As I scrubbed her arm up and down, I look towards Queen Umbra as she looks at me with those luring eyes. I really should pay attention to cleaning, but her eyes are so distracting, like a moth getting attracted to light.

"It's rude to stare," she said, with a snort.

"Sorry," I said, as I look back at her arm and started making my way to the back of her hand.

As I finished her arm, I go the other side, along with the stool and started scrubbing away. As I held her other arm, I began to start taking notice of her right leg, as it sticks out from the bubble bath with a few patches of bubbles still attached to her wet fur. The leg then lies against the rim of the tub, as water drips from her fur to the tiled floor.

"Do you like my legs?" asked Queen Umbra, making me stop my scrubbing and look back at her, "aren't they good?"

"Y-yes, your highness," I replied.

"Don't be shy. Tell me the truth."

"They're amazing legs. I mean it."

She giggles before moving her arm away from me and back into the bath. I dare not question it, but I have a feeling I know where this was going.

"Good boy," she giggled, "if you like my legs so much, how about you clean them now?"

"As you wish," I said, as I stood up and walked behind her to put on more body wash to the sponge. I put the body wash back down and went back to cleaning. I move my chair further down and began scrubbing her right leg.

"Ohhh," she coos, "that feels great. You are the best scrubber that I ever had, John."

"Thanks, your highness. Also, you may call me Johnny if you'd like."

"Johnny... I like that."

I smiled, as I went further down her leg and towards her hooves, which looked filthy. I don't say anything, but I went along with cleaning them.

When done cleaning her legs, I grab ahold of both the sponge and body wash to put them away.

"Hold it," said Queen Umbra before I could get over to the cabinet, "you're not finished yet."

"Wh-whatever do you mean?"

"I'd like you to strip."

My mouth gapes open before the sponge and body wash fell to my feet.

"Why? It's embarrassing."

"I'm naked in front of you and I'm not the least bit embarrassed. Now do it."

I gulped before taking my hands to the bottom of my shirt and slowly pulling it off to show off my chest. I toss it aside, before looking back at Queen Umbra with a look that says 'impressive'. I could notice at the corner of her mouth, that she's drooling.

"Um, your highness? You're drooling a bit."

"No I'm not," she said kid-like, as she wipes away the drool.

"You like?" I asked, as I flexed.

Her eyes lit up with amazement.

"Perhaps I can show you a gun show later?" I asked, as I dabbed.

"Enough of your... sexiness," she said, as a flush reveal upon her face, "get nude."

I went along with it and pulled my pants down, but stopped. I was now wearing my boxers.


"Are you sure you want to see me nude?"

"Yes. What are you embarrassed about? Is your thing small?"

"It is not! It's normal to a human, but I don't know what you'll think of it."

"Then let me see it. I'm losing my patience."

I let out a sigh and grabbed my boxers by the corners and slowly pull them down. I am fully exposed and she is looking directly at my member.

"That's what you were hiding? It looks cute."


"It looks like a mushroom," she said with a giggle.

I can feel the adrenalin coming, but I let out a sigh and instead tapped my foot.

"Well? What now?"

She smiles and lifts her hand up. She points down, making it very obvious to what she's talking about.

"You sure about that?"

She nods with a twinkle in her smile.

"Also," she said, holding a finger up, "bring me the sponge, the shampoo, and body wash. I'm going to clean you now."

"Huh? O-okay," I said with confusion.

I grab ahold of the three things and walk close to the tub.

"Set them down," she said, "I'll grab them myself."

"May I ask something?"


"How should I... get in with you?"

"Oh? Curious now? I'd like you to lay against my bosom."

My cheeks began to feel warm. She wants me to lie against her? My mind scrambles on, so I slap my cheeks to keep the dirty thoughts out of bay.

"Get in the tub," said Queen Umbra with a purr in her voice.

I lift a leg up and dipped it into the warm and bubbly water. It felt so good, that I quickly went in and turned around to lay against Queen Umbra's bosom. As I lay against her warm and furry body, my mind felt at ease; it was as though all my troubles flew away. I look up at her, as she looks down at me with a soft smile.

"How do you feel?" she asks.

"I feel... like I drifted off to a better place, your majesty. Thank you."

"I should be the one thanking you."

Her arms slowly brush against my body, as she places her hands upon my chest. She then starts to rub them, making moans of pleasure. She fingers slide along my skin within the water to reach my nipples to give them a pinch. I let out a squeak, making her giggle behind me.

"Don't like that?" she asks.

"It stings."

"May I feel more of your chest?"

"... Do as you please."

I was somewhat getting into her feeling me. Perhaps it's because I haven't felt a woman or mare's touch in years. The way her fingers slide along my wet skin was something new. I never had sexual encounters in a tub before and neither has Teresa wanted to shower shag with me. Queen Umbra is very forward into this.

As I laid there against her bosom, her hands began to go further down towards my hips. She giggles, as she slides her hands toward my butt and giving my cheeks a squeeze. I flinched a little, as she starts to fondle them. I feel like a woman being violated.

"You have a nice and soft ass, Johnny," she said with a purr, "I'm gonna now grab ahold of your cock now."

Crap! Now she slides her hands toward my slightly erect member and started to grip it gently. I give out a moan, as she begins to use the tips of her pointers and gently rub the head up and down.

"How does it feel? Do you like it?"

"Y-yes, your m-majesty," I replied with a moan, "I love the way you do that."

"I can tell. Your cock is getting harder every second."

She wasn't joking; little by little, my member began to get harder and harder, until it was fully erect.

"It got bigger," she said, as she begins to stroke it with her right hand, "I'm gonna count to ten and when I do, I'll stop jerking it. I want to wait till bath time is over, okay?"

"Y-yes, your majesty," I replied, as I clenched my hands.

"Stop calling me 'your majesty'. It's becoming a bore to me. Call me Umbra."

"Y-yes, Umbra."

"Good boy. Let's begin: one... two... three... four... five-"

As she continued with each number, she picks up the pace within the water of her hand job, trying to make me feel like releasing at any moment. It's impossible for me to hold it in, but luckily, I'm not feeling the release, so I'm good.

"Seven... eight... nine... ten. All done."

"That felt great, Umbra. Thank you."

"Your welcome, Johnny," said Umbra, as she leans up a bit to grab ahold of what I think is to be the shampoo, "I'm now gonna clean your hair. Now relax upon my bosom and enjoy."

I can feel the dripping of shampoo onto my head before she tosses the shampoo bottle aside. Using both of her hands, she slides them around my scalp, as the shampoo makes way all around for it to do its magic by cleaning my hair.

"That feels really good, Umbra," I said, as I shut my eyes slowly.

"Why thank you," she said happily, "I wanted this to be a thank you for cleaning me."

"Is it bad that I already took a shower before I was escorted here?"

"Not at all. Think of this as a vacation."

"I like the sound of that."


She continued around my scalp, but then she goes around to the back of my ears; the same way I did while cleaning her hair. I felt goosebumps go all around my body for about a second.

"Okay, I'd like you to move your head off my bosom and dip it into the water," she ordered, "your hair is wonderful by the way."

"Thanks and will do, Umbra."

I bent my legs and pulled my body away from Umbra to dip my head into the warm water. I stayed in that position for ten seconds and then pushed myself back onto Umbra's bosom. Somehow, being with Umbra reminds me of being with Teresa again. Like Teresa, she teases me a lot. I still remembered her out of nowhere talking about my sex life; I flipped out so badly that she laughed at me and saying that she was just kidding.

"Would you like me to clean your body?" she asked.

"No thank you," I said, "I feel re-refreshed. You know, you almost remind me of my wife Teresa."

"How so?"

"You tease me. Teresa teased me a lot."

I look up at her, noticing that her cheeks are flushed.

"You're so cute," she said, as she brings her head down to my forehead and gives it a kiss.

My face felt warmer than ever; I felt as though I was standing near a boiling pot smelling what was within it.

"Okay," she said, as she gives out a stretch of her arms, "I feel like getting out. I'll be waiting for you in my chambers. First, I'd like you to clean the floors in here, okay?"

"Anything for you, Umbra," I said, as I raise my body off of her and walked out of the tub, "also, may I borrow one of your towels?"

"For you, yes," said Umbra, as she gets out of the tub all wet with her fur flopped down.

I looked away, as I walked over towards the towel rack near the window and began drying my head. From my right, Umbra reaches for a towel and starts doing the same as she looks at me with glowing eyes.

"Johnny," she said sexily, "I want you. I want you to take me to a whole new world in my chambers."

"Dear God," I thought to myself, "I'm definitely gonna get laid again, but with the queen. I better not screw up."

"See you then," she says, as she sways her hips towards the door.

"Damn, that ass of hers is hypnotic too."

In Her Chambers

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After dealing with cleaning up, drying myself, and dressing back up, I make my way towards the west wing where I can see Umbra in her chambers. As I walked up the stairs, by heart thumped; I was so nervous that I'm about to have sex with the queen herself. My mind is going crazy of what kind of sex act she wants to do with me. Does she like bondage? Does she like S&M? What's her kink? I guess I'll have to find out once I arrive at her chambers. I then made a stop to look outside the embrasure, the sun has disappeared behind the snowy mountains. Looking outside at that Mountain-side made me remember an old memory; the memory was that of when Teresa and I took that late hike in the woods. I wanted to shed a tear, but I held it back. I couldn't let Umbra see me crying.

As I make it up to the top, I stood in front of a dark red crystal door with sharp pointed red stalagmites pointing around the doors edges. I take a hand and gave the door a few sharp knocks.

"Is that you, Johnny?" said Umbra on the other side.

"It is, Umbra," I said, as I cleared my throat.

"Come on in. I have two surprises for you."

I gulped, as I reached the red ruby doorknob and gave it a twist to the left. I push the door slowly and what caught my eye was Umbra wearing velvet bra and panties. Her hands on the other hand were suspicious; she appears to be hiding something behind her back.

"Do I look sexy in velvet?" she asked, as she makes her way toward me.

"Like a model," I said, as I close the door behind me, "also, what do you have behind your back."


She slowly brings her hands up and opens them to me. In the palms of her hands were what I could guess are fortune cookies. However, unlike a normal fortune cookie, these cookies had a strong sweet scent to them. They smell like a usual doughnut.

"These are fortune cookies that I got from earlier today. I wanted to share one with you once you came."

"Well... thanks Umbra."

I held out my hand, as she drops it onto my hand. Before eating, I crack mine open and pulled out my fortune. It read, 'you will find happiness with a new love'.

"Damn," I thought, "even the ponies are against me."

"What does yours say?" she asked.

"It says that I will find happiness with a new love."

"Oh? How unusual."

"What does yours say?"

Umbra cracks open her fortune cookie and reads it quickly.

"It says that I will find my one true somepony."

"That's cute."

"Looks like I'm gonna make both our fortunes come true," she said before throwing in the remains of the cookie in her mouth and chews away.

I did the same, as Umbra makes her way toward her bed and sits down by the end of it. She looks over to me with glowing eyes and with a lick of her lips.

"Come and sit," she said, as she pats an empty spot for me to sit.

"Okay," I said, as I make my way toward her and sat down.

My head was spinning; telling me that this isn't right. I shouldn't be cheating with my wife. I still love her and I'm about to break our marriage if I do this. My eyes began to go blurry as a tear begins to fall down my left cheek.

"Johnny," said Umbra surprised, "what's wrong?"

"This isn't right, Umbra," I said with a sniffle, "we're gonna have sex."

"What's wrong with sex? I like you and you like me."

"I'm sorry to say this, but I miss my wife a lot. She was my everything and now I'm lost to her. You remind me little of her, but I'm a married man."

Umbra looks away from me, but looks back at me with flopped ears.

"Am I ugly?"

"No! I never said you were! You're gorgeous, but I can't break my marriage. I know I haven't seen her in five years, but I just can't move on. It's difficult. What if you were married and you were transported somehow to another world and are being forced to fall in love with someone?"

"I... I never thought of it that way... I... I'm sorry."

I wipe my tear away and began to notice Umbra beginning to cry. Tears rolled down her cheek before she covers her face with her hands.

"Don't cry, Umbra," I said, as I put a hand on her shoulder, "why cry? There are plenty fish out at sea."

"It's... it's just that... I don't know who else to love, but you. You are the first person I fell in love with. You are sexy and you are kind to me. I've never felt this... what do I call it?"

"It's called love," I said, "you love me."

I scoot closer to her, as our skin touched one another. I wrap my arm around her, as removes her hands from her face and rests her head upon my left shoulder.

"You know; a good mare did tell me that I should move on. Perhaps I should. Even if I do like you, I'll lock away my memories of my wife behind. I need to keep the past behind me. In other words, hakuna matata."

"Hakuna... matata?" she said, as she takes her left hand and gently places it on my arm.

"It means no worries, Umbra. Many kids back home know what it means."

"I like the sound of it," she said with a giggle.

I make Umbra lock eyes with me and rest my hands on both shoulders.

"Umbra, I can tell that somewhere deep in you, you are a kind mare. Perhaps you can chill down with this whole world domination thing? It's making everypony think of you as a monster with no heart, but I don't see that. I see a mare who is lonely and doesn't have a pony to talk to. In short, I would like to be your friend and lover."

"Y-you would like to be my friend? Lover?"

I nodded, giving her a soft smile. She gives me a friendly smile before bringing her face close to mine and our lips touching one another. Her lips felt warm to the touch and could taste the cookie from a minute ago that we ate. I didn't care; the inside of her mouth tasted sweet. We pull away from one another to take a breath.

"I'd love to," I said, "but I want you to know that my love for my wife will be with me forever."

"I can handle that. I know you miss your wife, but you need to move on."

"Hehe. You're right."

Her eyes glow red, as she gives me a lustful smile.

"Also, I love when your eyes glow like that," I said, as I gave her nose a boop, "very sexy."

"Oh?" she said with a blush.

"And you are a sexy human."

I smiled before I wrap my arms around her back and her doing the same, but wrapping her arms around my neck. We bring our lips close to one another and began to go further deep into the kiss. Our tongues fought for one another, like a war to claim a kingdom. She brings her tongue further into mine, but is stopped, as I make it past hers and into the moist canners of her mouth. We pullout heads back, along with a strand of our saliva, but breaks. We look at one another and smiled.

"I love you," said Umbra.

"I love you too," I said, "let's make tonight worth it."

I take my hand and place it upon her leg covered breast, making her give out a squeak as I gave it a few squeezes. I grab the other and gave them both harder squeezes. Umbra tilts her head and moans, as I played with them. She takes her arms off of me and places them on her sides.

"Unhook my bra," she moans, "I love to feel your hands upon my skin again."

"As you wish, your majesty."

I take my hands off and bring them behind her back to unhook the bra. The bra comes off with a snap, making it flutter off her fur and onto her legs. Her large breasts are fully exposed, showing off her now hard pink nipples.

"They're double D's, in case you are wondering," said Umbra, as she pulls her breasts up and down.

"They look amazing and they are my favorite cup size."

"Really? Would you like to play around more with these puppies? Go right ahead."

I take my fingers and give her nipples a pinch, she squeaks loudly and grips onto the blanket.

"Why do my nipples?" she moans, as I give them another pinch.

"You did the same to me. I'm returning the favor."

I take my fingers away from her nipples and began to squeeze her breasts together before bringing my head close to her nipples and giving them flicks of my tongue. Her nipples felt harder than ever; her nipples are more sensitive than mine.

"You are such a tease," she moans, as she takes her hands and place them on my chest, "also, why don't you take your shirt off."

I pull away from her, as she takes her hands off of me. I grab the bottom of my shirt and pulled it off, revealing to her yet again my abs. I toss it aside and look back at her to see her drooling yet again over my chest.

"You're drooling again," I said, bringing Umbra back to reality.

"Am not!" she lied, as she wipes away the drool.

I bring my body close to hers, as her breasts squeeze against my skin, feeling not only her hard nipples, but her soft fur as well. I bring our bodies backwards till we lie on our sides and give each other more kisses. I give her a kiss on the nose, before she does the same. I give her a give her cheek a kiss, she does the same. Feeling her body against mine is bringing someone else for the fun: my member. I can feel my pants getting tighter until I notice the bulge.

"Are you excited?" she asks, as she looks down at the bulge, "I want to see your cock again, but this time, I want you inside me."

My member got harder than ever from her words; it was as if my member had a mind of its own. I got up from the bed and began to unbutton my pants, including my boxers before tossing both aside. As I look back at Umbra, I can tell she was ready too; her woman hood was getting her velvet panties all wet.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's excited," I said, making her blush.

"How about you pull them off?" she asked.

"As the queen demands."

I grab ahold of Umbra's legs and pulled her down near the end of the bed, making her give out a little yelp. I grab the sides of her panties and slowly pull them down, showing her wet pussy that dripped with excitement. I toss them aside and grabbed ahold of my cock, ready for the real sex to begin.

"Are you ready, Umbra?" I asked.

"Yes, Johnny," she says slowly, "take me away."

I bring the head of my member and slowly pushed it in, making Umbra give out a gasp. I slowly stuck my member further in and feeling Umbra's inner crevices. Her pussy was like a magnet, forcing my cock to go further within her. She gasps ever so louder and grips onto her breasts.

"Your cock is within my pussy," she moans, "fuck me. Fuck me harder!"

I grab her hips and thrusted harder inside of her, making her moan along in the process. I love hearing the sound of flesh against fur; it was unusual, but it felt good. I can feel my body sweat, as drips of it fall from my forehead and a little onto Umbra's fur. With our bodies so close together, it feels as though we became one.

"I (hah!) love you (hah!) Johnny," she moans, as I picked up the pace.

"I (hah!) love you (hah!) too."

The sounds of our sex filled the room, along with the sound of the bed creaking back and forth. I take my hands off her hips and have them slide under her to carry her while fucking her. She gives out another squeak and the sex became more pleasurable for the both of us. I feel my cock touching her womb, as she wraps her hands around my neck.

"(Hah!) This feels (hah!) so good (hah!)" she moans, as her panting became more erratic.

I then began to feel it; the feel of cum building up within my cock.

"Umbra," I said, "I'm about (hah!) to cum!"

"Do it! Cum inside me!"

I fucked her as fast as I could before I grunted, releasing my man milk within her. I take our bodies to the bed and dropped her before I sat down at the end of the bed panting.

"(Hah!) That felt (hah!) amazing (hah!)," I panted before looking back at her.

Her pussy was leaking a little, as cum escapes from her pussy and drips a little onto the covers. She leans her head up at me and wipes the sweat from her forehead.

"Johnny (hah!) would (hah!) you like (hah!) sleep here (hah!) tonight?" she asks.

I smile and lay down by her side, giving her a kiss.

"I would (hah!) love too."

She smiles, as we both lie down and slowly drift off to sleep.

I open my eyes and look out to my right towards the balcony to see the sun shining brightly in the sky. That's unusual; usually the sky is mostly cloudy and there's little of sun around the kingdom. I look down to my right and notice that Umbra wasn't near me or within the room.

"Umbra?" I called out, but no reply.

I got off the bed and reached down to at least put on my boxers. I look back at the bed, but noticed a small note on the left drawer. I walked over and read the note:

Please wait in this room. I'm making us some breakfast for the both of us.

love you :heart:
- Queen Umbra

PS: Last night was amazing. You made me a new ruler/mare

I set the note down and went back to the bed and stayed under the soft velvet covers. I lean my head against the pillows and gave out a deep breath, then exhaled.

"What a night to remember."

Suddenly, the door opens, revealing Umbra wearing a dark black robe and holding onto a tray with a warm bowl of porridge.

"Good morning, sexy," she said, as she walks over the bed and hands me the tray.

I grab it, as Umbra gets under the covers and sits close to me. She gives me a kiss on my cheek before bringing the tray back to herself.

"Good morning, Umbra."

"You hungry?" she asks, as she dips the spoon into the porridge and brings it up to her mouth to be blown for cooling, "I made us some porridge to share."

She brings the spoon to me, as I take it into my mouth before she pulls it out.

"Does it taste good?" she asks.

"It's a bit bitter."


"Don't worry. I'm not saying it's bad. It's good."


"Sure. My wife makes porridge just like you."

"What's she like? Your wife?"

"Little by little, you remind me of her. My wife was always teasing me, just like you. Both of you make bitter porridge and you both have the best rack than any other woman or mare I've seen."

"Oh? You like breasts, don't you?"

"I love breasts since I was a teenager. I never told my wife about this, but I'll tell you. When I was a teen, there was this girl with breasts the size of watermelons. Her name is Suzan and she's about a year younger than I. Every guy ogled her in school, including myself. One day, I made a bet with my friends that I should go up to her and grope one of her breasts. I was really to the challenge, but when I finally met her, I was so embarrassed that if I do this at school, I would be a laughing stock and a pervert to all the girls. Bailed on the bet and decided to give up."

"So what did you do?" she asked, as she takes a spoonful of porridge to her mouth.

"This happened unexpectedly. I was walking home from school and I was texting my mom that I'll be home in a bit. Home is about a mile and a half away and I like to walk to and from home to get some exercise. As I texted, I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into someone. The phone from my hand slipped and I couldn't bear to see my phone destroyed. I shut my eyes, but didn't hear a crash. I open my eyes and in front of me was none other than Suzan with my phone between her breasts. It was so awkward that I looked away. What I didn't expect, was Suzan grabbing my hand and placing the phone onto my hand. I never knew about Suzan, but I did learn that day that she was a sweet girl."

"Did you two go out after that?"

"We did, but that didn't happen until a month later. We became a couple and most of the boys became jealous of me."

"Hehehe. That's funny."

"We dated for about three more months, but things began to change when I caught her cheating me with some other buff dude. I was so pissed that I haven't dated ever since, until I became an adult and met Teresa, then finally, you."

"Don't worry, Johnny," said Umbra, as I took the spoonful of porridge into my mouth, "I won't ever cheat on you. You are too good to me than anypony else."

"Thanks Umbra. I love you."

"I love you too."

We both give each other a kiss and went back to eating porridge on a bright and sunny day, which made me want to know what's up with that.

"Say Umbra. Why's it so bright outside?"

"I feel as though this kingdom needs more sunlight. It's starting to look gloomy out there."

"Looks like somepony has gotten soft. I like it when you are such a sweet and kind ruler. Ponies will see you in a whole new way, just like me."

"You're right."

"I think it's time to make things a little less dark, eh?"

"Johnny, I shall take your advice. It's time that I become a much better ruler. I don't want ponies to fear me. I want them to see me as a kind and friendly ruler."

"That sounds perfect."

The Crystal Empire changed after that night; Umbra is now seen as a much friendlier mare. Crops and food began to grow much better and it tasted far better than it was than when I first arrived here. The crystal monsters that Umbra made are now smaller and less menacing. Dark crystals are now taken away from within and outside the empire and are put within the castle. Everywhere I looked, ponies looked so much happier than ever and were becoming friendly with one another. As for the family I lived with, they now live wealthier than ever in a bigger house where there is more room to run around in. It was nice of Umbra to let me go see them whenever I liked to; I told her that they were like a family I never had and their children are like the children Teresa and I couldn't have. It wasn't until a month later that I realized something about Umbra: she became pregnant with our child. I was so happy that I decided to marry her and become a new husband. I brought Umbra over to the family I lived with and they got along so quickly and Umbra was nice with the kids. On the day the baby came, it was a perfect and healthy mare; we gave her the name Umbella. Another thing I should add is that Umbra released the three imprisoned princess. Umbra allowed them to be free if they worked as her advisors; they knew they couldn't defeat her without the crystal heart. They accepted and were given three separate rooms within the castle. They seemed cold at first, but Umbra and the former princess did get along. Every once in a while when I come home from work, they were having a good time chatting away with whatever they liked to talk about. When the statue of Umbra was finished, it stood high and mighty as ponies walk by it or even look upon its grace. Whenever I look upon it, I smile and I say to myself, 'you did great, John. You did great'. I feel like I am the one responsible for making things better and I have; the empire has never looked much better.