That Night in The Bass-Ment

by LegionofPony

First published

Rarity has a one-night stand with a stallion she met at a club and invited to her bed. Later, she finds out that it being only a one-night stand was a mistake.

Rarity goes to the popular nightclub 'The Bass-Ment' with her friend Coco Pommel during Spring, at her friend's insistence, and meets a rather handsome stallion there. After talking for a while with him and more than a few drinks, a tipsy Rarity offers this mystery stallion to come back to her place to spend the night, then for some 'fun'.

After their passionate one-night tryst, Rarity leaves without a word...but later regrets that decision to make it a one-night stand when she finds out she's indeed carrying more than just lingering feelings for the stallion.


This story contains: anatomically accurate mare (including teats) and stallion, an alcohol-induced one-night stand including consensual fellatio, male-on-female horn-play (horn fellatio) which leads to vaginal orgasm, magic play including deep vaginal penetration, a really horny mare in a 'silent' estrus, light bondage, light femdom, very dirty talk including an impregnation roleplay, loss of virginity (male), vaginal sex including internal cumshot(s), excessive cum/light cum inflation, slight cervical penetration, unplanned impregnation(s), pregnancy, vaginal pregnancy sex, breast-play, cunnilingus, and a romantic relationship between two separate mare and stallion couples, including having foals. Y'know, the usual fare for my writing.

As of 10/2/2016, this story has over one thousand views! Thank you all, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Please feel free to comment on what you liked or disliked about the story, any mistakes I made and the like, and if you like the story gimme a thumbs up please!


This story was commissioned by 'Nian'. Thank you!

Cover art made by me from screencaps from the show modified by me, as well as the background by 'matty4z' of DeviantArt.

Raving Nightclubs, Appletinis, and Meeting a Sexy DJ Stallion

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"Come on Rarity, it'll be fun!" Coco Pomelle said as the named mare and she ate brunch together, brushing her two-tone light-blue mane out of her eyes with her light-amber hoof as she looked to her white-coated friend and fellow business-pony, "This nightclub is the place to be seen in Canterlot, and everypony who is anypony will be there this weekend! You have no idea what I had to do to get these passes for us for tonight..."

Rarity scrunched her muzzle as she looked at the two golden-colored tickets Coco had placed on the table between them, seeing 'The Bass-Ment VIP Pass: Admit One' engraved into it, with Coco Pommel and Rarity's names and Cutie-marks engraved beneath on either. " Not to sound ungrateful but...'The Bass-Ment'? It sounds like a very...uncouth, loud club the likes of which somepony like Vinyl Scratch would own." Rarity said with a bit of huff, looking once more to her friend whilst curling her own curly violet mane around a hoof, seeing a light blush grow on her face.

"Well...uh...a Miss Vinyl Scratch does indeed own it..." Coco said, following it with a chuckle, "...but just think of all of the possibilities for your business there. Just think of all of the well-known ponies who may be interested in some outfits from your Spring collection. Or, dare I say, think of all of the wealthy, handsome, available stallion bachelors who go there? Don't think I haven't seen all of the stallions you've been looking up and down, and I know it's not just because the mating season's coming up in a week or so."

Rarity's white-furred face flushed red as Coco said that, with her not realizing just how obviously she'd been eyeing up some of the most handsome stallions of Canterlot. "Coco!" Rarity reproached, seeing the other mare look away with a light blush of her own.

"What? All I'm saying is that'd be as good a place as any to meet a special somepony." Coco said, still looking away, "Besides, even if you don't find 'the one', maybe you could just find somepony to...have fun...with throughout your estrus when it comes like you've told me you've done in the past?"

Rarity was beet-red at this point in embarrassment, the redness bleeding through her usually white coat. "Coco..." she groaned out, "is this public restaurant really the best place to be discussing my past and future...'sexual exploits' or romantic desires, or our upcoming...estruses? They are most unsavory topics for two upscale fashionistas after all..."

Coco simply smiled. "Well, either way, I think the club would still be a nice time to break loose from the monotony of your dress designing, and dress selling for me...not to sound ungrateful for the job you gave me or insulting of your exuberant inspiration of course. Anyhow, if you'd like to come, I'll be waiting outside at seven PM sharp and will be wearing the wide-brimmed green hat from your new Spring lineup." Coco said, before calling for the check and surprising Rarity as she paid the full amount. "I really hope you come. Now as nice as this brunch and chat with you were, I've got to go take care of some things back at the shop before I go to the club tonight. After all, your business won't run itself!" Coco said as she stood and took her ticket, leaving the other behind as she dismissed herself.

Rarity looked at the pass and sighed softly. She was never one to disappoint a friend's desires after all and wouldn't want to start now. "I'll see you there!" Rarity called out before Coco left and, despite the smile and happy nods it got from her friend, she almost regretted it as she did.

~ ~ ~

Rarity looked up to the nearby clock tower, seeing it was seven-twenty PM. Fashionably late, as she liked to think. She looked around the throng of ponies at the club's entrance but couldn't find Coco anywhere amongst them, quickly establishing that she'd likely gone inside already. Already she could hear the bass music pumping and winced; she was well over ten meters away after all and it sounded like she was sitting right next to the speakers; she'd never much liked club music.

As she bypassed the large, bald, and rather intimidating-looking bouncer-pony, she got a nod of approval from him at the VIP pass around her neck as he escorted her to the door and opened it. As she stepped inside, she was instantly assaulted by very heavy beats of techno music, making her wince slightly at the nearly-overwhelming volume. Once more, she regretted her decision to come.

The musky scents of many sweaty stallions and mares, smoke-machine smoke, spilled alcohol, and even the unmistakable scent of at least a couple of mares in heat were very present as Rarity stepped inside the main room, the strobe light flashing rapidly as the other colors of magical lighting swung around rapidly in the otherwise dim room all in time with the rapid beats of the music. It was all meant to give a very trance-like experience to anypony watching it but in Rarity's case, all it gave her was light nausea. She looked around what must have been at least one hundred ponies for Coco through the moderately-thick smoke and dim lighting, but couldn't seem to find her.

Deciding she could find her later, and knowing Coco knew she'd decided to come and would likely be looking for her too, Rarity decided to go to the most brightly-lit – and least loud – area of the club to be seen most easily: the bar, seeing a small faux fish-tank back-lit and making it like a beacon. She decided she may as well have a few drinks and mingle with the club's clientele since she was here after all. As she slid onto a stool the bartender, a rather handsome-looking younger stallion, smiled to her and asked her order.

"I'd like one gin with tonic and one vodka appletini please." Rarity said, getting a nod from the bartender as his golden magic whipped to the bottles of alcohol and did a rather impressive spinning show with them while he prepared her drinks, Rarity giving a couth applause as he finished and the finished drinks were placed before her. She glanced around once again to see if Coco was nearby and, still not seeing her among the crowds, lit her horn and levitated her glass to her lips, taking a dainty sip of her 'tini.

With her appletini finished and a Carribouean* rum mojito ordered while she nursed her gin, another pony walked to the bar and sat on the stool beside her, with Rarity noticing that the live music had stopped and a clearly pre-recorded mix was playing instead as she saw the DJ stand now unoccupied. Looking to her side to see the newest patron, she saw he was a twenty-somethings, moderate height and build unicorn stallion with a light opalish-gray coat and a dark-grey mane styled in a mohawk. She also noticed that his eyes, mostly hidden behind a large pair of dark sunglasses, were a moderate cerulean-blue, a color quite similar to her own of azure-blue.

"Hey Counter, night going well?" The barkeep responded with a smile and said it was booming as always. "Great to hear they're keeping you busy. Could I get one gin and tonic, a vodka appletini, and a shot of Carribouean rum please?" the newly arrived stallion said to the stallion behind the bar that he clearly knew, getting a nod as the 'keeper prepared his drinks. Rarity very quickly noticed his order was very much like her own.

"I must say, you've got a good taste in drinks," Rarity said, giving a small smile as she also noticed the casual yet fashionable suit-top and white tie he wore, "and a fine sense of fashion as well." The handsome stallion looked over to her, noticing her own glasses on the bar and selections of drinks, and chuckled.

"Hey, you too," he said in his mid-baritone voice as he noticed her drinks, giving a small smile of his own and showing his pearly-white teeth, looking over the casual light-blue evening gown Rarity had chosen to wear, the pinned-up mane-style she had. He lifted his thick shades to get a better look at her and let Rarity see him fully in turn, and as she did, gazing into his beautiful deep-blue eyes. Rarity was almost swooning over him already. To her, he was indeed one of the most handsome stallions she'd seen in a long time!

"So, uh, what brings you here?" Rarity asked, trying to make small talk, watching her compatriot down the shot of rum he'd ordered on the side before sipping at his appletini.

"Well, I was the DJ here tonight. The usual DJ, DJ-Pon3, had to call off sick so they called me, her vice-DJ, in instead. I'm off-hours now." he said, his head slightly bobbing in time to the beat of the music and he finished his drink, "I can't really hold a candle to DJ-Pon3 though. She's, like, the goddess of club music. Matter of fact, this is her stuff playing now."

Rarity wasn't much of one for club music, much preferring classical, but even she had to admit that this song indeed had quite a nice beat. It was a calmer song than the more hardcore tunes this DJ beside her was dishing out earlier, and she had to admit it had a very nice rhythm. "Yes, I suppose it is...rather nice." Rarity said, smiling as they'd found some common grounds beside their choices in alcohol.

"So, where did you get that fine suit-top if I may ask?"


An hour later, and with many empty drink glasses in front of her and him both, Rarity had a light blush on her face and was lightly swaying on her stool, now talking to this handsome, still-unnamed DJ stallion about the disastrous Grand Galloping Gala she'd attended those many years past with a few verbal slurs here or there. Coco had still not found her and Rarity decided to give up and just let her do her own thing, figuring Coco had gotten pre-occupied with something, or even somepony given the time of year, and knew she could always talk to her the next day about it. After all, the same had happened to her.

Rarity knew she herself was borderline drunk at this point, the stallion before her also likely at least a little tipsy himself given his own very loose speech and occasional slur, or sway on his stool. Rarity had stopped ordering drinks at that point after her fifth, instead simply talking about this or that with the handsome stallion she'd become quite interested in while the now-calmer music played, the ponies growing tired and the crowd thinning. As Rarity looked up at the clock behind the bar and noticed it was already two AM, she bit her lower lip. Nearly seven hours had passed already, and all she'd done was speak with this stallion and drank with him. Coco still hadn't shown up.

"Well, look at the time..." Rarity said with a hint of disappointment, realizing that the Carousel Boutique back in Ponyville was supposed to be opening at 8 AM, giving a quiet groan as she stood from the stool and stretched her back. A series of quiet pops and cracks came from it and all four legs as she hadn't stood since this stallion had come and sat beside her.

The stallion indeed looked up to the clock himself and chuckled, before looking to Rarity again. "You're not much of a night-owl, are you miss?" he asked just as Rarity swayed hard, nearly falling over as she'd stretched again, "...or much of a drinker?"

Rarity simply gave a shrill giggle in response, it being much louder than she'd expected it to be, and shook her head 'no'. "N-Nah, I d-don't drink too of'n, an' definitely not this much." Rarity mumbled her eyes lidded now at the very attractive stallion before her, "Well, was nice talkin' to ya," she said before getting a nod from him; "we should totally do this again sometime though."

The stallion nodded again then sighed, scratching his head and mussing his mane as he realized something. "Ugh, this is gonna suck. I've gotta head all the way back across town to get to my flat. Didn't really consider travel for this gig, did I?" he groaned to himself more than her, with Rarity considering how hard it is to get a taxi even during the day-time in Canterlot, let alone on a weekend night after such a huge party...and that's not even considering a hotel or motel room. Plus, Canterlot was a rather large city and would likely take hours to traverse from end to end...

"Well, perhaps you could board with me tonight?" Rarity asked, seeing the stallion's eyes sparkle at the prospect.

"Really, you'd do that for me miss?" he asked, before receiving a nod from Rarity.

"Yes, well, I don't see why not. You seem like a nice enough pony and a gentlecolt to boot, and I'm sure you'll respect me and my home, right?" Rarity asked and received a nod from him. Upon seeing no dishonesty from him, she continued; "Very well. Let us go, shall we?"

Rarity then walked to the curtained door of the club and looked back to her to-be guest, with him then following behind her and out into the cool Spring night, Rarity deeply breathing the fresh night air in then out with a with a happy sigh. "Do follow closely. My place isn't too far and I would hate for you to get lost." Rarity said, leading on, with the stallion noticing her curled, violet tail quickly swishing behind her. Whether it was from excitement, irritation – or something else – he couldn't be sure. After all, mares swished their tails when sexually aroused as well...

~ ~ ~

Rarity and her guest arrived at her hotel room after a little bit of stumbling along the way, with Rarity opening the door with the key from her Bit-pouch and both nearly toppling inside. As he stumbled in, the stallion looked around the room and realized that this was indeed a rather upscale hotel, with many things gold-tinted or made of marble or granite, the beds looking like they were indeed made of clouds that were magically enchanted so non-Pegasi could also enjoy sleeping on clouds as well, with the sheets upon them looking to be a royal-purple silk.

"Wow, I never thought I'd be in a hotel as nice as the Bitz Hotel..." the stallion said, "Wait, isn't this hotel invite only?"

Rarity simply grinned. "Well, yes it is. Though, having connections with Princess Celestia certainly has its charms."

As Rarity said that, the stallion's jaw dropped. "Woah. No way! You know Princess Celestia?!" he asked, literally awestruck.

"Why yes I do. She's indeed a personal friend of mine in fact!" Rarity said, letting out a small laugh at his shocked expression.

"There's no way!" the stallion countered, but couldn't see any dishonesty from her, "Wait, you really are?"

Rarity simply nodded again, "...and I am friends with Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Prince Shining Armor as well. In fact, Princess Twilight Sparkle is one of my best friends as well!"

"Wow..." the stallion said, shaking his head to get out of his stupor. Rarity simply grinned at the handsome stallion's attention.

Rarity yawned, once more stretching as she glanced over to her bed, with it looking more inviting than ever as her back and rump ached from sitting for too long on the hard barstool. "Well I don't know about you, but I'm going to lie down. These beds are made from cumulus clouds imported directly from Cloudsdale and designed for sleeping on, so they should be most soft..." Rarity said as she slipped out of her dress and loosed her manestyle to let her mane flow freely, giving a most unladylike moan of relief as she laid upon the cloud-bed now unclothed, rolling around as she felt it contouring to her every bare curve whilst she laid on her back; "Ooooooh yes they are..."

Eyeing his own bed, the stallion approached it and prodded it with a hoof, feeling a gentle electric tingle go through it as he did. "Is the...electricity normal?" he asked, getting a nod from Rarity, her eyes still closed.

"Mmm-yes. You've never slept on a cloud bed, have you?" she asked, getting a head shake 'no' from the stallion. "The electricity comes with the clouds naturally and helps to relax your muscles as you rest, giving you a most magnificent night of sleep; it's almost like you're being massaged all night long, then you wake up feeling wonderful, with all tension gone." Rarity said, before hearing the stallion's own relieved groan as he himself laid down after disrobing himself, enjoying the gentle tingles all over his back as he stretched out and rolled around slightly, happily nickering in contentment.

As she looked at him, Rarity couldn't help but study every inch of his now-uncovered body, noticing at last that his Cutie-mark was indeed three stars arranged much like her own of three diamonds was, his tail spiked like his mane was. This stallion certainly chose to look his best. "That's an interesting Cutie-mark you have. May I ask where you got it?" she asked, knowing that talking about one's Cutie-mark was always an interesting topic when trying to learn about somepony.

The stallion smiled, always happy to tell his Cutie-mark story and not knowing of a pony who wasn't. "Well, back when I was a little foal, I really liked to be the center of attention and craved the spotlight, wanting everypony to know who I was and to become somepony. I also idolized DJs and practiced endlessly with my keyboard whenever I could. So one day there was a DJ competition here in Canterlot and I finally got the courage to try out for it. When I got up there and showed them the mixes I'd been practicing I felt like a colt possessed, my hooves doing things I'd not even practiced yet! When my beats finished, I was awarded to two tens and one nine from the judges, then I saw a bright flash from behind me....and that's when my Mark appeared." the stallion said as he gestured to his Mark. "I still haven't learned what the stars mean yet, but I know it has to do with my music." he said before looking over to Rarity.

The stallion was subconsciously looking over Rarity's own unclothed form, his eyes trailing down her body as she lay on her back, from her face, chest, belly, then all the way to her plump, nubile teats, them being just visible as her up-curved tail hid the rest of her modesty, and finally down to her plush-looking, rounded flank. He quickly learned that what he knew already was only more true as he saw more of her now uncovered; that she was a very sexy mare. With a blush, the young stallion looked away, giving the mare her deserved privacy. It wouldn't do him much good popping a boner in front of such a beautiful, important mare that he'd only just met after all, he thought; that it would only lead to an awkward situation, his embarrassment, and probably being kicked out of his graciously offered room for the night. None of which he wanted.

"So, um, good-night?" the stallion said, getting a muffled 'mmhm' from Rarity, who now lay on her belly with her face buried in the pillow, her tail resting to the side away from him. As he noticed that, and the stallion found that she still wasn't looking at him, he decided to see more of this beautiful mare. As he shifted slightly, he could just see through a curve in her tail, revealing to him what his stallion instincts called his eyes to; her pert vulva, a neat crevice between two plump-looking lips, ever-so-slightly spread as she was relaxed and revealing to him a small sliver of her pink entrance through them. It was then that he realized he'd never actually been alone with a mare in her bedroom at night like this before besides his mother and sister; that it was just the two of them alone.

As he felt that distinct feeling of somepony looking at him, he looked up – and saw the mare's large blue eyes meeting his own. Instantly he gasped softly and looked away, feeling a heavy blush forming on his face at being caught leaning and staring at her spmewhere most inappropriate. He anticipated hearing her calling him a pervert, screaming at him to get out of the room, his muscles already tensed and ready for a hasty retreat. What he did not expect, however, was for her tail to remain unmoved despite a small swish of its tip, nor the lidded eyes she met his with as he dared to glance back.

"Darling, it's rather chilly tonight. Would a big, sexy, warm gentlecolt such as you mind accompanying me? I'm afraid that this little old blanket won't be enough to warm me up." Rarity said as she kicked the thin blanket off of herself, her eyes still lidded as she looked at the stallion, her tail starting to swish more as she gave a gentle shiver. "You wouldn't want a mare to be all cold and alone all night, would you? I assure you this bed is large enough for two."

The stallion had stood from his bed and looked over at her, seeing Rarity's tail had stopped its movements and sat to the side furthest from him as she'd noticed him looking at her, exposing her slit once more to any casual observers; she wasn't quite fully flagging to him, but her tail's position left nothing under her tail to the imagination should he want to look, nor her seeming intentions. As he saw that seemingly provocative gesture mixed with her clearly provocative gaze, the stallion took a few subtle sniffs in her direction, trying to find the tale-tell scent of a mare being in heat but not finding it; all he smelled was a gently-sweet scent of an aroused mare, but not the unmistakable, musky scent of estrus.

"Don't think I don't see you sniffing around there handsome. No, no you sexy stud I'm not in my estrus and won't be for two more weeks, though honestly..." Rarity said, before looking over the stallion now standing beside her bed from the tip of his muzzle all the way down to his Cutie-mark, taking in the details of the fairly muscular unicorn stallion, "though honestly, you wouldn't be the worst stud I could choose if I were wanting a foal..."

The stallion simply blinked, unsure how exactly was he supposed to respond to that. "Um...thanks?" he offered, getting a flutter of the eyelashes from Rarity.

"Oh come now, must I spell it out for you? You're an attractive stallion and I offered you to share my bed with me..." Rarity said, patting the bed beside her, "...and want to share my body with you too."

The stallion's jaw dropped.

Cool Nights, Warm Stallions, and Hot Passion

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The stallion went stiff at Rarity's offer to 'share her body with him', and in more than one way. He winced as he tensed up, then felt his penis drop in reaction to the very sensual situation and offer, not to mention the scent of an aroused, ready-to-mate mare nearby, his body reacting beyond his control. Besides, he hadn't 'gotten off' by himself in a good week.

Rarity noticed the stallion tensing up, as well as peeking under his barrel and between his stifles, seeing the emergence of his flat, pink glans. Rarity voiced her approval with a purr. "Hmmmmmm, looks like somepony likes my offer?" she asked in a lascivious voice, catching the stallion looking like a colt caught taking cookies from the cookie jar.

"I...I...uh..." the young stallion stammered, totally at a loss for words as Rarity continued to swish her tail, wafting her aroused scent over to him, his mind continuing to slowly cloud over as his instincts took hold to all of the signs her readiness; her willingness for him to have sex with her.

"Oh come now, surely a handsome young stallion as yourself knows what to do in such a situation as this, with a mare such as moi just laying here asking you to join her in bed like this?" Rarity teased, now hiking her tail up more as she now fully flagged it over her back and spread her legs more, noticing the stallion tilting his head to see more of what lay underneath as she showed it willingly, "Now be a dear and come closer, let me have a good look at what you're packing between those stifles hmm? After all, I showed you mine, now you should show me yours. That's only fair, is it not?"

The stallion remained planted, still as tense and nervous-seeming as ever.

"Come now, surely this isn't your first time being asked to a mare's bed, right?" Rarity teased, knowing that surely a stallion bachelor as handsome and available as this one was probably more experienced in the sack than she was.

Then she saw the stallion wince.

Rarity winced herself as she realized that she'd hit the nail right on the head. "Oh is your first time, isn't it my dear?" The stallion, hesitantly, nodded. "Oh look at me, carting you along like a common stallion of the night...oh, what you must think of me just asking you to...just climb on me like some...some breeding stud..." Rarity fussed, quickly lighting her horn and summoning some white stick candles and matches the hotel had kept in her room at her request, pulling the thick curtains closed with another spell whilst lighting the candles, placing them on either of the two table d'nuits to the sides of her bed.

Rarity remained laid on her belly all the while, before rolling over on her side, exposing her soft white underbelly and chest to the stallion now as she looked at him with lidded eyes. "Now now don't worry darling, I've learned my lesson. Everypony's first time should be special, and I'll make sure yours is too...if you'd like to join me."

The stallion's cock couldn't be any harder at this point; this very beautiful mare was literally offering him the best time of his life and offering to be his first. How could he refuse?

"You're, um, you're sure you're not in your heat, right? You're safe?" he asked, getting a quiet huff from Rarity as she then lit her horn.

Rarity concentrated on a simple contraceptive spell virtually every of-age unicorn knew, feeling the normal heat from its casting in her lower belly for a moment before she nodded to the stallion. "There. I cast an anti-foal spell on myself, so even if I am in my estrus I cannot get pregnant by you." Rarity said, before nodding towards herself, "Now, care to begin, or shall we simply...go to sleep?" she asked teasingly, following with a playful chuckle that showed she wasn't serious.

Apparently, the stallion knew this offer was too good to pass up. He climbed upon Rarity's bed at her earlier request, with her guiding him so his crotch was facing her top-half, then making room for him to lay on his back. "Mmm, there we are darling." Rarity said contentedly as the stallion lay before her, laid out on his back and exposed – and her voice became a pleased coo as she saw what lay between his legs.

His stallionhood wasn't the largest she'd even seen, or had inside of her for that matter, but it certainly wasn't tiny. He was a good few inches above average, twelve inches at her best guess, about average girth, and was a healthy pink from base to tip, no mottling whatsoever. She could tell by the sight of his package and his lightly-musky scent just how virile he was, his balls lightly swollen in his arousal, ripe with a week's worth of unspilled seed. "Ah young and potent, just how I like my bed-mates. A virgin, however? This shall be a first for me." Rarity growled sexily, noticing a throb from his stallionhood as she did.

"I...uh..." The stallion semi-responded, his mind overwhelmed by the sensual situation he suddenly found himself in, the feeling of Rarity's hooves stroking and rubbing over his hyper-sensitive chest, an erogenous zone for all stallions, and belly making flickers of sensation go down his spine.

"Well, you look more than ready. Let's start with giving your lovely pas-si-petit 'étalon' un peu d'attention, no?" Rarity asked in another sexy growl, tossing in some dirty talk she'd learned from her visit to Prance and earning another flex of his penis from it; "Je vais sucer ton bite, et bien..."

"Eh...uh-huh..." the stallion responded, not knowing Prench but definitely able to tell by her tone and the look she was giving him, and his cock, that Rarity was saying some really naughty things to him in Prench.

After turning off the lights with her magic so only the two dim candles remained lighting the room, having seen what she'd wanted to now, she noticed the stallion tense again. "Relax dear, let me take good care of you...I promise you'll love it." Rarity said, before giving his stallionhood a small rub along its underside with a hoof.

The stallion reacted with a sharp gasp and just-as-hard thrust of his hips as he felt his first-ever touch of a mare in such a way, his back leg twitching in reaction, making Rarity smile. She continued to softly rub his warm, hard cock with her soft, manicured-smooth hoof, feeling it softly pulsing under her touch with each one. "" the stallion gasped out as he felt strong tingles rolling up and down his back, only added to by the cloud-bed's own electricity.

"Mmm-yes, I'm sure this feels rather nice. I've heard stallions are most sensitive underneath aaaaand..." Rarity paused, before tracing his medial ring with a hoof-tip, earning another sharp gasp and gentle buck of his leg and hips; "...along the medial ring as well."

The stallion could only watch with mouth agape as Rarity lit up her horn and started to softly rub along his length with her magic, the light, passive tingle of her spell making him let out a gasp at the friction and utterly new sensation it brought with it, making him squirm lightly under her ministrations as her hoof kept its movement up too. Her magic felt so much more...gentle than his own in this respect, so much better.

"Oh, dear, if you think that feels good, this is only the's..." Rarity said as she lightly increased the power of her rubbing - only for her to suddenly feel a wet warmth slowly encasing her horn, making her spell's effects end abruptly. Rarity's eyes crossed as she let out a cross between a moan and a whicker as she felt white-hot pleasure directly inside her head at that stimulation, her mind buzzing as the unicorn had bent over and now started to softly suck her horn while she still channeled magic through it, "...ooooh f-fuck..."

The stallion stopped after a moment, leaving Rarity gasping for breath even at the brief, intense sensation of him sucking her horn. "While I may be a virgin, I know why we're taught not to touch a fellow unicorn's horn while they're casting a spell; I know that it gets really, really sensitive to the touch while magic's in it. Gentle touches..." he said, softly stroking her horn with a hoof, earning a few sparks of magic from its aura and a shudder from her; "...feel really good, while harsher touches or strikes hurt." Fortunately for Rarity, he didn't give an example of the latter. Instead, he simply turned so he was laying on his belly now, his cock trapped between his belly and the electrically-charged cloud-mattress, and suddenly took Rarity's horn back into his mouth, earning a gasp from her as those intense tingles went through her skull again.

"A-aaah, d-darling, I'm supposed to be pleasing y-yo-oooooh-you, n-not..." Rarity struggled to speak, but her mind was a fog of pleasure as the stallion softly bobbed his muzzle on her horn, his drool trailing down her horn and into her mane, but she simply couldn't care at this point. Rarity's breaths were shallow gasps as his tongue's tip traced the spiral of her horn, her subconsciously keeping a reserve of magic in it, her magical aura making his cheeks glow a gentle blue in the dark room as he suckled her horn.

It was a strange feeling for the stallion as he did this, feeling the hard but smooth texture of Rarity's tingly, warmly-glowing horn in his mouth as he licked and softly bobbed on it, but the pleasured gasps and whimpers from her was worth the weirdness, as were as the pleasured squirms he got from her. Besides, it was only fair to return the generosity she'd given him.

After a while the feelings intensified even more, Rarity panting like a dog on a hot summer's day and pushing her, fortunately short, horn further into his muzzle on reflex as the stallion kept suckling and licking it, encasing it in wet warmth. Rarity felt like she was being bred right then and there as her vaginal muscles started squeezing down on nothing, her clit winking frequently to the stallion who was indeed in front of her. She knew there was some connection between the portion of the brain that caused magic to be formed and the portion that caused sexual pleasure and climax, and Rarity didn't mind that fact at this moment at all.

Finally, Rarity could take no more. "D-dear, I'm going to-ah t-toooooo..." Rarity stammered out after only a minute of the intense stimulation before her eyes crossed and she whinnied in pleasure when he bit down on her horn-base, seemingly accidentally; that light surge of pain mixing into her intense pleasure set her over. Her eyes sealed closed as she was set over, her horn shooting out a large pulse of magical energy, making the stallion feel a strong static tingling in his mouth and throat as well as taste the ozone-like flavor of base magic. Pulling back off of her horn while Rarity still twitched at the feelings of her intense release, her mind a haze of pleasure – and between her legs soaked with her fluids as she'd actually physically climaxed and squirted as well during her horn-gasm – the stallion coughed up blue smoke, the other physical result of a horn-gasm.

As soon as he pulled off her horn, Rarity collapsed in a twitchy, relaxed mush-pile on the bed as her horn-gasm and full-body orgasm tapered off, her mind reeling from the intensity of having both at once, her clit and pussy still contracting and winking on occasion; she felt as though her entire body and brain had had an orgasm. "Ooooooh-mi-gooosh" Rarity moaned out as her head and vision finally cleared some, seeing the stallion looking back at her with an expression crossed with surprise at what had just happened...and concern. "That's the first horn-gasm I've ever had. That was....oof." Rarity finished by letting her muzzle bury into the mattress with a soft poomf, no words able to accurately describe what she'd just felt.

The stallion only blinked. "Well, I've only heard about ponies saying how amazing it felt, and seen a few giving each other these 'horn-jobs', but this is my first time doing it for somepony. I thought it only appropriate, given your generosity to me earlier, inviting me to stay here and all, then me as well. But...that magic thingy you did when you, um, 'finished' in my I going to, like, grow another hoof from it or something?" he asked, though was only semi-serious. "Are you OK as well? That looked...pretty intense."

Rarity chuckled. "No dear. From what I read that was just a sudden release of base magic that built up in my horn while you were...erm...sucking it. It's perfectly harmless as it was a neutral magic, meaning nothing harmful will happen to you and it will simply be absorbed into your own magic pool." she explained, getting a relieved sigh from the stallion at the assurance he wouldn't grow a third eye or something; "As for me...oh Celestia, I feel better than ever! I don't think I've ever reached such an intense climax that fast before!"

The stallion smirked, this beautiful mare saying that he'd made her climax, powerfully, in record time for her was quite a boost to his confidence. "So, um..." the stallion said, feeling his member throbbing harder than ever into the mattress at the knowledge he'd made this beautiful mare pleased to an orgasm, as well as the tingling along its entirety from the cloud all this while; "...what now?"

Rarity's eyes lidded once more, the brief if intense orgasm that had accompanied her horn's surge only making her that much more horny and ready for more...but first she had a score to settle; it was 1-0 after all. "How about I continue where I left off earlier..." Rarity offered, nudging against his side to get him to expose himself again, "...and I thank you in kind for your 'horn service' earlier."

Nodding, the stallion rolled over so he was on his back, exposing his hard-as-ever stallionhood to her, Rarity licking her lips hungrily as she eyed his length. As though she'd done it a million times, although this was only her fifth, Rarity sunk her head down and felt the stallion's thick, flat flare part her lips and spread open her jaws fairly wide, earning a muffled moan from him as she did. She also lit up her horn and took his balls into her aura, giving them a soft rub and squeeze, getting a nervous tense from him at the feeling of such a powerful force at his most sensitive parts, but soon he relaxed as she only continued to gently rub them and sending a tingle of pleasure to join the one from her warm mouth on his flare and slowly sliding lower.

The stallion's mind blurred as he felt Rarity sinking deeper, and deeper, and deeper on his rod until her lips met his medial ring, at least seven inches in her muzzle already and she was still sinking deeper. As he felt his ring pop inside her mouth and a quiet moan from her at the sensation of the cock that was deep in her muzzle and flavor of his member and pre, the distinct taste of a virile stallion. Rarity kept bobbing her head slowly, her hooves softly rubbing over his chest while her magic kept softly kneading his foal-orbs.

Deciding that it was only fair to return the favor of pleasure but unable to physically, the unicorn lit his own horn and targeted Rarity's teats with his own magic after first trailing it down her belly, playing with them briefly before sliding down a bit and finding her clit just as it winked. Rarity nearly bit down in response to the surprise surge of pleasure from his tingly magic touching her most sensitive pleasure nub but, thankfully for the stallionhood involved she resisted, instead only pulling back and once more lowering on his cock slowly as her clit gave a series of winks in response.

As Rarity kept slowly blowing him, the stallion, in turn, slid his own magic up to Rarity's lower lips, playing the thick rod of solidified magic he'd formed between them as though he were hot-dogging her, making her gasp softly and shudder at the sudden pleasure. Taking that as a positive, the stallion paused, considering something. "Y-you're not a virgin, r-right? I can go inside you?" he asked, not wanting to give her a surprise defloration. Rarity found it a quite uncouth question to ask a mare but, given the circumstances...

Rarity pulled off of his stallionhood, to his displeasure, and looked at him with hooded eyes. "Darling, no, I'm not a virgin. Please, feel free to be a naughty stallion and use your magic in me. It's been quite a long time since I've felt another's magic like this, but do start gently please."

As she spoke and gave her consent, Rarity was rewarded as she felt the warm, tingling sensation push past her lips. She gave a quiet groan of pleasure as he slowly slid that magic tendril into her entrance, with his magic feeling good but nowhere near as good as a real cock. Still, the relief it gave was better than nothing....and sucking him off was making her rather horny. As he slowly slid deeper and spread her wider, 'feeling' with his magic as her tight insides spread, he heard her moan again as she took his flare back into her muzzle, reciprocating the wonderful sensations his magic was giving her passage.

Slowly they continued, the stallion slowly increasing his pace of pushing his magic into her until Rarity met his cock's base and the stallion's magic bottomed out in her and gently tapped her cervix, making her gasp as she felt something so deep inside of her. The stallion, in turn, moaned as he felt what must be Rarity's throat squeezing on his flare while her tongue played over what of his shaft she could reach, using the tip to semi-circle his medial ring when she pulled out some to breathe, sending intense tingles through him as she did.

"Oh by Celestia, this is the best thing I've ever felt..." the stallion moaned out as another throb of his penis sent a small dollop of his pre-cum onto Rarity's tongue, which she happily gulped down. Rarity smiled at his exclamation and kept licking at his glans process for more pre, sending another thunderclap of pleasure through him. The stallion countered by making the magic-rod under Rarity's tail start to push in and pull out in a thrusting movement, feeling the resistance to it leaving her as he tried to pull it out, her strong muscles holding tight. He could only imagine how great they would feel squeezing his dick like that, though thankful he knew that he likely wouldn't have to merely imagine it soon.

It wasn't long until the stallion gently tapped Rarity's head with a hoof, getting a thousand-yard stare from her lidded eyes as he kept his magic pistoning inside of her at a now-moderate pace, feeling as her body had adapted to being spread and was squeezing less tightly now on his magic, her breaths turned to light pants. "I'm going to finish soon," the stallion warned her softly, before feeling Rarity pull off of him as she felt his flare starting to swell up in her muzzle, both knowing that that only happened when the stallion was getting close to orgasm.

Despite Rarity stopping and leaving the stallion right on his edge he didn't mind, knowing that once he finished once he was generally done for at least an hour when he masturbated...and also knew much was likely to come still. Rarity's panting became quiet gasps with each so-deep thrust of his magic into her now." F-faster! S-so close..." Rarity whimpered as she grasped for his hoof, which he gave her, her simply needing an anchor in the bliss she was floating in.

The stallion obliged her request to speed his thrusts and, not ten seconds of the rapid magic-fucking he gave her later, Rarity tensed and the stallion found himself no longer able to remove his now-hilted magic as Rarity milked it for all it was worth. Her inner muscles clamped on and kneading the pseudo-cock for the seed it simply couldn't give, intense pleasure and muscular spasms rolling through her whole body as she whole-body-orgasmed again.

The stallion couldn't help but smile as he saw her blissed-out expression of orgasm, her face blushed red as he felt her squeezing his magic so tightly, knowing he'd brought her this kind of pleasure not once but twice now, and, as this mare had said, this was only the beginning. Rarity meanwhile squirmed this way and that, simply not able to hold still at the intense tingles that rolled through her again and again, the light static feeling from his magic keeping her orgasm going for a good few seconds more.

Eventually, Rarity relaxed and slumped to the bed panting as she swam through her afterglow, a look and small smile of pure happiness on her face. Meanwhile, she felt a powerful desire to have this handsome stallion inside of her, his big cock inside her pussy and her squeezing on it. After a short rest, the occasional contraction still going through her lower body post-orgasm, Rarity decided to voice what she'd been thinking. "Darling, I know this is your first time, but I was thinking maybe...we could try something just a little...kinky for the actual sex?" she asked, getting a surprised look from the stallion, "Now wait, I just ask you hear me out, it's nothing too 'extreme'." Rarity said, before getting a nod from her bed-mate. "OK. I was just thinking...maybe we could try some minor bondage? I could tie your hooves to the bedposts with a silk sheet and...perhaps gag you, on top for the start at least?"

The stallion blinked, his jaw clenched as he considered just how kinky this was. To him, he'd never thought of his first time having sex involving being tied down with a mare on top of and 'riding' him, but he was open-minded. Plus he felt comfortable around this mare, and he was always a stallion to follow his instincts about a pony's intentions. "Sure, I guess we could try that..." the stallion said, with Rarity smiling softly at his agreement.

"Wonderful! Darling, I'm going to make this the best night of your life..." Rarity cooed as she gave the stallion a soft kiss on the nose, "Now, just lay down on the bed with all four legs outstretched. I'll do the rest." The stallion obeyed, his body straddled on the bed as he lay on his back, stretching out and his still-throbbing, mostly-flared cock standing proud as he did as told. Shortly after he heard a quiet snip of scissors and saw Rarity cutting up one of the spare bed-sheets into strips, almost in awe as she destroyed something so expensive.

Rarity must have seen his expression, as she simply waved a hoof at him. "Oh don't worry, I'll pay for it," she assured, before then levitating one of the four strips of silk to each of his four limbs, "now do tell me if I make this too tight." Rarity proceeded to tie each leg to the bedposts, starting with the back and ending with the front, giving a kiss or lick on his stallionhood or balls as she tied his back legs with her magic, getting a squirm or moan from him at that, then giving the stallion a kiss on the nose as she tied his front.

After a short while the stallion was loosely trapped to the bed-frame, the impromptu ropes were loose enough and had enough leave to be comfortable but not enough for him to move freely or reach far. Of course, Rarity left his magic and torso unrestrained, not having the proper equipment to silence his magic nor fully tie him down, nor having any desire to. She wanted him to enjoy himself too after all. "Alright my little captive, you all comfy?" Rarity said, giving him a wink to let him know it was an act and receiving a nod to her question, "Good. Now you're going to breed me, and you're going to like it, my little stud."

The stallion blinked again, feeling his penis throb and leave a thick glob of pre on his belly as she spoke like that, giving a quiet, deep breeding whinny in response. Rarity simply smirked. "Oh yes, does my big handsome stud like me talking about how he's going to give me his seed? How he's gonna cum deep inside me and make me swell up with his baby? How he's gonna sire my foal..." Rarity growled into the stallion's ear, with him nodding rapidly as his cock flexed and flexed, so aroused that it almost hurt. "Tell me you want me to mount you. Tell me you want me to ride you and take all your cum in me. Tell me you wanna knock me up." She climbed on top of him now and pressed her soaked crotch into his lower belly just short of his cock, grinding her silken wetness into his fur and matting it as she slowly rubbed his chest with her hooves.

The stallion was beyond aroused at this point, wanting, needing to feel something wet and warm wrapped around his cock again, his hips rocking towards her. He knew she'd cast a no-foal spell on herself and that her talk was just that, talk, but it none-the-less called to his deepest instincts as he smelled and felt an aroused, willing mare atop him asking for his foal. "I...I want to have sex with you," the stallion replied meekly, receiving a shake of the head 'no' from Rarity and confusing him.

"I'm afraid that if your heart's not in it, I simply cannot continue," Rarity said with a mischievous grin, continuing to grind her soaked crotch against his lower belly, just shy of his flare, "come now, I'm sure you can ask me better than that? I am basically giving you my womb for your child for the next eleven months after all..."

Getting into the breeding fantasy Rarity had started, the stallion whined needily, his hips trying to thrust up but failing to accomplish anything with her weight pinning him down. "Not until I say you can darling..." Rarity teased, continuing to rub her oozing snatch on his belly, turning the stallion on more than he'd ever been before, "ask me properly and I'll give you your treat."

"P-please have sex with me?" he asked feebly, not sure how to react to being dominated like this.

"Ask me to fuck you; to take your big, lovely cock in me and milk you of all of your cum deep inside of my body! My fertile womb!" Rarity exclaimed, getting much more into the part as she started to grind harder on him, extremely turned on herself.

"F-FUCK ME! PLEASE!" the stallion nearly screamed, begging like a mare in heat asking for her stallion to mount her. Apparently, this is what Rarity wanted to hear as she then lifted her rump up, letting him feel the warmth and slipperiness of her lower lips rubbing along his cock's underside, her feeling it throbbing constantly in response as she lubed him up. He was full of virility and just waiting to fill her full whenever she chose for him to. She liked that feeling.

"Mmm, since you asked so nicely..." Rarity said lasciviously, stopping her grinding when she reached his swollen flare again, before shifting her body so she pressed his cockhead into their bellies, her chest grinding against his and making him groan as she rubbed the powerfully erogenous zone. Soon Rarity rose herself upright and this time magically aligned his head to her snatch, a stream of her arousal streaming down his cock as she met his eyes and placed both hooves on his chest for balance. She quickly slid a gag made of silk into his mouth when he opened wide to accept it and tied it around the back of his head, then slid his cock inside herself.

Mounted Stallion, Riding Mare, and A First Time

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The stallion's breath caught in his throat as the new best thing he'd ever felt rocked through his body, Rarity's slick lower lips sliding down his cock, his flare popping past them and inside of Rarity's entrance; a hot, squeezing, wet vice gripping and clenching down on his cock, with that feeling being so instinctively perfect to the stallion, like he should be nowhere else in the world right now than medial ring deep in this mare.

"Oooooo-mmmmph~!" the stallion moaned out in pleasure through the gag, feeling her slowly sliding deeper on him, encasing more and more of his sensitive spire into her warmth.

Rarity moaned herself at the initial penetration, the teasing having worked her up more too and made this moment all that much better, her loosened inner muscles even still squeezing him tightly in a welcoming hug. Rarity always loved the feeling of becoming one with the stallion, the feeling of them spreading her open for the first time, with this time being even more special since she was his first ever. She'd just taken his virginity and she smiled as she realized that thought; she was his first and he would always remember her for it. Now she just had to make it something worth remembering.

As she locked her eyes onto his she slowly kept her body sliding down his spire, the stallion squirmed against his bonds as he pushed up against her drop on reflex, with that hilting him entirely into her. Rarity was somewhat disappointed at that however, with the first penetration with a stallion not something she liked to approach with impetuousness, though the shockwave of pleasure rolling up her spine as he docked himself fully into her more than made up for it. The eagerness of the stallion did as well.

Both were still for the moment, Rarity panting already as the stallion never lost his lock on her blue eyes, her feeling her pussy gently squeezing against his cock on reflex to being spread open, the more-than-sufficient spreading his warm stallionhood gave her making her mind go numb. "Mmm, and pop goes your cherry dear. You're no longer a virgin..." Rarity teased softly, feeling him so embedded within her, as though they were only one pony.

The stallion finally couldn't take it anymore as his eyes closed and his head rolled back, giving quite a contented moan as he felt her warm insides kneading him, never feeling something quite like it before. Sure, he'd used his magic or hooves to masturbate before and that always did the job, but THIS...this felt like her body was literally milking him for his sperm.

"Mmmm, there we are dear... your cock all nice and cozy inside me...?" Rarity cooed out, brushing a hoof over her lower belly and, upon pushing down slightly, felt a certain hardness that could only be this stallion's cock, the particular thickness identifying his flare nearly a third of the way up her abdomen, "...oh by the Sun you're a big one...I'm surprised you fit all the way." That compliment earned her a flex of his penis inside her, earning a burst of pleasure for both.

"Mmm-MMMMM~...!" the stallion barely managed to get out, his hooves wanting to mount her, his mouth to bite her crest, anything to help him bear with the absolute ecstasy of being hilted in his first mate, feeling her inner warmth softly rippling around his entire length at once. The silk strips tying his hooves to the bedposts and in his mouth didn't allow him to however, keeping him bound and at Rarity's whim. He wanted to grab her hips and pound into her with wanton thrusts until he reached his climax deep inside of her but knew he couldn't; he was in this mare's total control. A feeling he was coming to somewhat like.

"Mmm, you feel wonderful big inside little ol' me..." Rarity said in a husky tone, her hooded eyes meeting the stallion's wide ones and seeing in them that primal need to rut his mare and finish within her, having no intention of denying him that; "...oh don't you worry, the time will come for you to give me your cum. Do we really want it to be over so quickly though my dear? Shall we not enjoy the act of you getting me pregnant instead of us just breeding animals?" Rarity asked, choosing her inflections carefully as she rotated her hips and ground her pussy-lips against the stallion's pelvis, hearing him groaning and feeling a surge of her own pleasure as she rolled his dick around inside of her...though being rutted like an animal was becoming incredibly more enticing to her. Still, she wanted the stallion to remember how intimate his first time with a mare was, not to remember her just being a quick rut. "Mmm, let's enjoy this."

The stallion eagerly nodded. He was more than wanting to mate this beautiful mare, to fill her full of his seed and share his moment of ecstasy with her. To please her as well as he could.

Rarity wasn't entirely sure why she was putting on a show like this for this stallion, talking of her getting pregnant by him even out of her estrus and with a magical contraception active, on top of her not being ready for foals yet. All she knew was that talking this dirty to a stallion was something she always immensely enjoyed and he apparently was as well, her sexual urges burning like a fire in her pelvis as she was filled so full of a flesh-and-blood cock for the first time in many, many months.

After simply enjoying the feeling of his thick stallionhood spreading inside of her for a while, letting the stallion undoubtedly enjoy the feeling of her tight inner muscles' gentle squeezing on him throughout the grinding on his crotch and leaving his groin soaked in her honey, Rarity finally lifted herself from him. The stallion nearly panicked as he felt that perfectly-encasing warmth leaving his wet member exposed to the comparatively cold room, his hips humping up on instinct to remain in her hot passage – but Rarity countered that with lifting her hips faster and pushing down on his chest a bit harder to get his attention.

"Uh-uh-uuuuuh, not so fast mister..." Rarity teased, hearing a desperate whine from the stallion and feeling a series of throbs from his half-embedded cock in reaction, "I control how fast we go, yes?" The stallion reluctantly nodded as he felt the mare continue to raise herself up off of him until only his flare was inside of her, only for her to slowly – agonizingly slowly – slide down his mare-honey saturated length once more, letting out a rather unladylike moan as she felt his medial ring rub her clit again on its way in nearly a full minute later.

Rarity kept slowly rolling her hips like that, admiring the effect her actions and body was having on the mystery stallion; she heard a quiet gasp each time she slowly impaled herself fully on his spire, letting out a contented coo or quiet sigh of her own as she felt so full of stallion-meat once again, letting it press to her deepest barrier and letting the thrill of him being so deep inside of her settle in before slowly lifting herself from him again - only to repeat it over and over again, slowly increasing her pace with each drop.

The stallion himself was in bliss every time Rarity engulfed his entire length into herself once more, his whole body thrumming in pleasure at this mare taking him as her mate. All the while Rarity would bend her neck and softly give the stallion's chest, neck, or muzzle gentle kisses or bites, watching as his eyes alternated from being open and unfocused in primal satisfaction or closed shut as he was once more buried in her hot, ribbed, gently rippling passage balls-deep, with her using her learned muscle control for his pleasure as well as her own.

"How does it...feel to...b-breed a mare, hmm? How does it feel...knowing that with each...and every...drop she makes on're painting...her pussy...white...with your c-cum...?" Rarity asked, pausing in her speech to drop down to his medial ring again, going just past it before rising herself again, choosing to increase the pace again, "M-making y-your foal...go into...her womb?"

Her body's guest didn't seem to mind in the least that she'd sped up, with him indeed keeping his hips rolling opposite to her movements, her allowing him to as her own pleasure rose higher from each return motion from him; each pulse of his rock-hard member in her marehood reminding her what – or rather who – was soon to come, but she was sure she'd beat him.

"F-fuck, you feel how t-tight I'm squeezing your big, hard dick in me, hmm? You know what that means, right?" Rarity asked, virtually flopping in his lap with each rapid drop now, her hooves rapidly rubbing his chest as she squirmed around and tried to maintain her balance, it becoming harder and harder with each drop as her mind fogged over with her lust; "I-it means you're gonna make me cum with that fucking massive horsecock!" Rarity exclaimed, her drops on him becoming frenzied as she felt her internal squeezes on him growing rhythmic.

The stallion didn't know how to respond to that so he didn't; he just continued to enjoy his first time as Rarity kept riding him like a bull and rubbing his chest, with that additional stimulation to such a sensitive place only making the tightness grow in his pelvis. He knew he was going to cum soon, the rapid drops and harsh bolts of pleasure rolling through him making it so, with Rarity slowing then stopping as he felt her growing tighter around his glans.

Rarity sat on him, completely embedding him in her as their pelvises met, feeling him starting to flare and pulse in her tightly squeezing, nearly-orgasming passage, but with him not throbbing quite with the intensity of a stallion's orgasm. "Mmm, I bet you're tired of being told what you can do, huh; tied down with me controlling how fast we go, me being on top.... I bet you'd love to mount me and pound me into the mattress like your instincts demand huh?" Rarity asked, then feeling a series of eager throbs inside her at the presented offer, the stallion nodding just as eagerly, "Mmm, I bet you do...I could feel you humping up at me with every drop I made on you, being a naughty stallion and disobeying me. Lucky you I like a naughty, adorable stallion..."

Rarity pulled him out then climbed off of him, almost regretting it as she felt an uncomfortable emptiness in her belly; its warm, hard companion of the last twenty minutes being extracted from her with a quiet schlick, her pussy then drooling the concoction of her built-up arousal and his pre-cum that had formed at her entrance down onto his belly and cock. "Feel how wet you made inside of me?" she asked, getting a dazed nod from the stallion; "Mmm-good, now mount me and make my pussy soaked inside and out with your cum..." Rarity then untied the stallion with her magic and ungagged him, with him almost instantly getting up from the bed, her giving a look between his stifles and seeing his glans fully and rather impressively flared now, slapping his belly with dull, wet thuds in his eagerness; "...and you better not pull out when you cum! I wanna feel your foal being pumped into me, you sexy stud!"

The stallion was more than eager to oblige her as his mind was running exclusively on instinct now, wanting, needing to mount and breed his mare now, to flare in her and have that massive swelling keep his seed deep inside her womb where it was needed; to claim her body for his could-have-been foal.

"Make me your broodmare."

As Rarity said that last statement, she took his place on the bed laying on her back, winking her pussy to him and turning him on even further somehow. The stallion walked up to her, finally giving her pussy a taste, that final stimulus of her flavor making him rear up and virtually pounced on Rarity, his hooves to either side of her on the bed as he started to roughly thrust. His flare started tapping all over her flank, thighs and even between her teats and along her belly a few times; everywhere except where he was seeking.

Realizing the stallion's dilemma after having her ass poked and her nether burning for about ten seconds, and remembering he was indeed an inexperienced virgin who was mounting his first mare, Rarity finally lit her horn and 'felt' around his lower belly until she sensed something hard and thick held in her magic. As she dragged that up to her soaked, winking clit and rubbed its flat head all over it, she inhaled sharply at the sharp pleasure that surged through her as his glans hit her clit square on the head during a wink. That did it. "Oh f-fuck I'm so horny..." Rarity moaned out, sounding like a mare in heat now begging her stallion to breed her; "f-fuck me! Fill me with your massive cock and make me cum!" All of Rarity's usual poshness and mannerisms were gone now, the pleasure and need to be cum inside of making Rarity's base instincts overwhelm anything else.

Sensing Rarity's desperation and his own matching it, the stallion thrust his hips forward sharply, getting very pleased, guttural moan from Rarity as he filled her from flare to base, his very tip kissing the entrance to her womb. Not needing any more encouragement besides the tightly clenching, nearly-hot walls surrounding and kneading his stallion-meat, he started to harshly rock his hips back and forth on instinct, his thrusts nearly being robotic in nature.

"F-Fuck me...! Harder!" Rarity cried out as she felt his giant flare pop inside her as he humped forward, quickly being filled again as he slammed all the way home, only to pull back and slam into her again. Usually, Rarity would criticize her bedmate and suggest something more loving than this animalistic rutting...but that's not what she wanted this time. She wanted this, needed him to claim her. She wanted her stallion to breed her, to plant his seed deep inside of her. "You're going to make me swell up really big with your foal, aren't you?'ll even give me...t-twins!" she encouraged, the thoughts of getting knocked up almost intoxicating now, her needing to feel him cum deep inside of her as she felt him flaring.

It wasn't long after that before the stallion started giving his all to every uneven thrust, grunting with each, before Rarity quickly felt his whole length throbbing hard each time he hilted in her, each one nearly in time to her own milkings and winks on his cock, both ponies nearing their own point of no return as the other's body coaxed them closer.

"C-CUM! Cum-in-me-cum-in-me-cum-in-me!" Rarity chanted as she felt the stallion's flare somehow grow even more and spread her even wider, his flare's ridges catching her deepest walls with each pull out, reminding her just how deep his swollen head was as it nuzzled right up against her cervix with each hilt.

The stallion was only too eager to comply, his humps deep and short now, keeping as much of his length inside of her as he could. Finally, the stallion could take no more, having tested his limits already and not able to endure any more of the heavenly stimulation. All logic was gone from his mind and replaced by his instinct to breed, with him not even considering the possibility of this mystery mare actually getting pregnant with his foal as he hilted and held. "G-gonna c-cum in you b-beautiful...gonna g-give you m-my f-f-foaaaaaaal~!" he exclaimed, and with that, he let loose.

"Y-YES! Knock me up!" Rarity cried out in sheer bliss as she felt his heavily swollen cockhead resting just outside of her womb when he'd hilted, the hard nub of his urethra pressing right into her cervix in a perfect fit as it pulsed rhythmically now, his balls pulling close to his body and now resting against her stifles; his body telling her he intended to give her exactly what she'd asked for. A few throbs and pulses later, it happened.

A particularly hard throb and stiffening of his cock was followed by a deep moan as the stallion pressed down on Rarity and held her firmly between him and the bed, instinctively making sure she couldn't physically escape him before he'd seeded her even if she tried; not that she'd even dream of it of course. As Rarity felt the first massive glob of his semen slam deep into her belly, possibly even into her womb itself, her eyes glossed as the stallion started trembling and giving quiet whimpers, squirting and pulsing more of his first orgasm to another into her. He looked into her beautiful blue eyes as he came inside of her, claiming his first mare ever.

The stallion could do nothing but clench onto Rarity's sides to keep his sanity, the best feeling he'd ever felt before rolling through him again and again with each spray of his seed into her warm depths...and they never seemed to end, with him feeling so deeply satisfied as he finished hilted inside his mare and felt her walls milking him of his load. As he gazed into her pleasure-filled eyes while he gave her his seed, he felt his heart throb as he connected with her on a very deep level in that moment; feeling something beyond simple physical pleasure.

Rarity meanwhile was utterly satisfied as she felt this stallion's warmth pooling in her belly and that pool only growing more with every throb of his cock along her whole passage, her need she'd been feeling to be filled up now being sated. As she met his partially closed eyes while he filled her belly with his warmth, she felt a spark of sorts ignited in her, making her feel like she'd known this stallion her entire life...and wanted to know him forever more.

Rarity felt herself tensing up before cumming again on reflex to the warm, thick, and undoubtedly very virile semen whitewashing her insides as his swollen flare stretched her innermost marehood so perfectly wide. His whole length was form-fitted by her canal, making her whimper lightly as this stallion claimed her, her body kneading every sperm it could from him as she climaxed - and he had a lot to give. She felt her inner muscles and whole lower body spasming in reaction to the stallion pumping that warmth into her, her clit winking against his sheath constantly and ramping her pleasure even higher, him pinning her down so ferally as she gazed unto his face, before finally her head flopped back onto the mattress, and his beside hers.

Eventually, the stallion's dick stopped its pulsing, with him now simply remaining hilted to her core and keeping his large load deep inside of her on instinct, his thick flare creating a seal around her cervix and not letting anything escape her womb just as nature had intended, his glans wrapped perfectly by her deepest walls. Rarity's passage meanwhile kept squeezing him as she came, her whimpering out as unbelievably high pleasure rocked through her, making her bite her lower lip to cope as she was now filled completely and contented, her breeding urges all but gone now.

The duo remained silent as he simply remained mounted on her, with him then pulling his softened length out of her some time later, its task completed being proven by the gentle swell in Rarity's lower belly and the small white stream coming from her spread pussy. After the stallion dismounted her with a loud, wet schlick when his swollen flare popped out, Rarity nearly collapsed given how relaxed and tired she now was feeling, the alcohol and sex making her want to sleep even as she laid draining the excess of his sticky gift onto the bed.

"Say, um...would you like to lay with me? Please?" Rarity asked, receiving a nod from the just-as-tired stallion, with both then relaxing, unintentionally matting the expensive silk with their respective fluids. As they lay facing each other, Rarity still draining their mixed emissions as she lay on her belly, she once more met his eyes. They were such a simple part of a pony, but so much was expressed through them. Happiness, As Rarity looked into those blue pools, she had a sudden urge. Something simple, especially after what they'd just done.

"Um..." Rarity said somewhat shyly, turning onto her side and him responding by turning to face her, "may I by any chance ask for...a kiss?"

Rarity was surprised when the stallion let out a chuckle, giving a quiet huff. "Well no need to mock me, all you needed to say was no..." she chided, before seeing the stallion smile and shake his head.

"No, no, I wasn't saying I wouldn't," he explained, "it's just I'm kind of surprised you'd be so hesitant to ask for that after we litearlly just had sex with me tied down, then you were begging for me to 'fuck you' and cum deep in you, and I did." He chuckled again, before then leaning forward and meeting his muzzle to hers, nuzzling affectionately.

Rarity could swear her heart was melting at that affectionate gesture, then she indeed did melt into his embrace as he met his chest to hers, wrapping his hooves around her back as he pulled her in close in a snuggle, their chests and bellies pressing together...and the stallion realizing just how bloated her lower belly was as it pressed against his. "You know, I've never been this close to a mare before..." he said, softly playing with Rarity's now-frazzled curled mane as he inhaled her scent intermingled with his; "...and I've never kissed one either. Can you show me how?"

Rarity only grinned sexily in response. A moment later she moved their muzzles so her lips connected with his, with him giving a small whinny of surprise. It wasn't unpleasant by any means, not causing him orgasmic levels of pleasure but certainly enjoyable...but the sudden feeling of soft lips on his own, the flavor of a mare in his mouth, was all fairly overwhelming...even after he'd just half-rutted her brains out. The duo softly kissed for a while before Rarity broke it with a yawn, the stallion's following hers as his exhaustion from a full day of DJ-ing, drinking, and ending with his first time having sex all building up to leave him drained.

"Well I'm beat, gonna go to bed." the stallion said simply, before moving to leave the bed, "Thank you for everything tonight and...thank you for being my first." He said it sincerely, nuzzling Rarity affectionately before he moved to stand...only to be held back by a soft pair of hooves wrapped around his chest.

"No, don't go. Stay with me, please. Like I said earlier, I'm cold and need a nice warm stallion to warm me up, and these beds are big enough for we just proved." Rarity nearly begged, not wanting this handsome stallion who had just mated her to leave her so soon, wanting to feel the warm body of a bedmate against herself at least until the afterglow ended...and possibly even all night.

The stallion instantly stopped trying to get up and instead cuddled up against his bedmate for the night, feeling her hooves once more wrap around him before she nuzzled into his chest, sighing contentedly before she even knew she had, a warm feeling in her chest glowing now as she was so close to him. He in turn wrapped himself around her as she turned around, her becoming the little spoon in their cuddle...before his now-hard cock slid between her legs and tapped her belly with a flex.

"Ready again so soon? I like that in a stallion..." Rarity cooed, feeling the so-warm virility of this stallion once more against her lower lips.

"I... I'm too tired, even if my body wants a 'round two'...sorry..." he mumbled sleepily, now burying his muzzle into her mane.

"Mmm, me too...but..." Rarity said as she got an idea then. A naughty idea. She lit her magic so his stallionhood was softly gripped by it, making him gasp as the still-oversensitive flesh was assaulted by her magic's gentle tingle.

"W-What're yo—ooooooooooh..." The stallion started, only to trail off in a moan as he felt himself sliding into Rarity's warm, kneading, seed-coated foal-passage again as she lowered her hips on him, both giving a shudder as he was hilted again within seconds, pressing the seed that had leaked into her passage right up against her cervix again.

"Mmmmmmm, there we are..." Rarity moaned herself, feeling so utterly, perfectly filled again, having a stallion's virility still packed inside of her entirely once more and making her mind happily pulse with each beat of his heart, "How about...we sleep like this?"

The stallion softly nodded, feeling her kneading him inside her ever-so-gently again on reflex; knowing it probably wasn't enough to make him orgasm again, but was enough to keep him hard all night in all likelihood. "M-mmmmkay..." he muttered out in fatigue and pleasure, feeling another soft tingle go down his spine as she gave a soft squeeze on his member of her own will, his hooves trailing down to her lower belly and feeling the soft bump he'd left in her, that his flare kept there now, softly rubbing the gently-swollen belly filled with his cum and plugged up again to keep it from escaping.

"Goodnight, handsome stallion."

"Goodnight, beautiful mare."

Moments later both fell asleep like that, his stiffness buried inside of his mare to the hilt, keeping his virile cum in her womb as her muscles softly hugged it all night long; a stallion being one with a mare in the most intimate way possible as they slept.

Before he fell asleep however, the stallion vowed to himself to ask this mare on a date after they woke up, knowing he may very well love her; that he may well love his first sex partner ever.

Mornings After, Hard Decisions, and A Big Surprise Two Months Later

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Rarity awoke to the bright morning sun in her face with a quiet groan, her head and body aching moderately despite the cloud-bed's electricity, with her lower belly feeling very full, and her lower body's fur and her muzzle feeling matted down with the dried remains of sticky fluid. More importantly, she felt something hard and fleshy still gently pulsing with a heartbeat inside her pussy, as well as a heavy warmth even deeper in her belly; a large pair of hooves surrounding her chest. Felt a large, furry chest pressing into her back. Then she remembered the previous night: she remembered the lovely stallion whom she'd talked to at the bar for hours then invited home when she was half-drunk, invited him to share her room...then bed. Then her body, which he was still currently occupying.

Rarity blushed lightly as she felt what was his semi-hard penis and rather prodigious load of semen deep inside of her, possibly even bigger since he'd probably cum inside of her again while they'd slept. Then she remembered that she'd been his first. She remembered how he'd ravaged her the previous night with that very thing, his sizable member spreading her open as he'd submitted to his primal instincts. She thought of how much of his cum he'd shot so deeply into her and still compacted into what must be her uterus by his cock's sheer length and the quantity he'd cum, his flare still spread wide inside of her, encouraged by her body's instinctive kneading. She could never be more thankful for contraception magic and that she wouldn't have to worry about having a foal by him from that lovely, warm creampie deep inside of her womb.

Rarity then carefully extricated herself from his hooves then let out a quiet, displeased moan as his still-flared cock was pulled out of her with some difficulty, trailing with it a small pulse of pleasure through her and a small stream of his and her cum drooling out of her and onto the mattress. She then wobbled her way to the bathroom, her legs still slightly shaky from just how rough she'd ridden him, and how hard he'd fucked her at her demand for that matter. She went into the shower, intent on cleaning their sticky cum from herself, her entire crotch and lower belly clumped with so much that the feeling was virtually making her gag.

As quickly as possible Rarity got into the steamy shower, letting out a pleased coo as the hot water washed over her still-sore body, making pleasant tingles roll through her. As she bathed, she thought about that stallion now resting in her bed, how handsome he was and what a personality he had. She, however, also thought of her dream to one day marry a noble stallion, to be deemed a title, perhaps a duchess or maybe even a princess, if only by title. To have foals of noble blood by him, and to live a life of riches and glamor like she'd always dreamed. One that simply could not be possible with a lowly budding DJ as her husband.

As she finished washing herself of the last night's emissions, Rarity stepped out of the shower and spent the next hour preparing herself for the world, applying makeup and curling her hair just right. As she stepped out of the bathroom, she felt her heart throb as she saw the stallion now uncovered with his hard dick still pressed into the mattress, making her nearly tempted to wake him up and go another round. Instead, she went over to the stationary desk and, reluctantly, picked up a quill in her magic:

[center]Dear Mystery Stallion,

I wanted to thank you for last night, but hope you can understand that I have other obligations to attend to now. Last night was wonderful and I will never forget it, or you. I'm heading back home now, but I do hope we can meet up again like this again in The Bass-Ment next time I'm in Canterlot. When you read this, also please be a dear and return the hotel key to the drop-box before you leave.

Rarity then kissed the letter where a signature would go with her red-lipstick-covered lips, leaving a distinct red kiss-mark on it. She walked up to the still-sleeping stallion who had showed her such a good time and kissed him softly on the cheek as well, with him stirring in his sleep as she did, her leaving him with the mark of her lips as well as placing the folded letter on the pillow she'd slept on. As she gathered her few things, including the silk strips she'd cut the sheet into last night and noted to pay for before she left the hotel, and quietly and packed them away, she gave one final look over her shoulder as she carried her bags in her magic, giving a quiet sigh as she felt her stomach twisting, like when she was doing something she would later regret.

Rarity thought of the hug they'd shared after they'd had sex, the cuddling they'd done all night. The kiss they'd shared. How close she'd felt to him all last evening and night. Regardless she had a business to run, and as such turned and stepped outside, leaving the stallion as she closed the door behind her.

Instantly, she regretted it.


Rarity headed down the hallway to where Coco was staying, wanting to say goodbye to her friend and thank her for making such a wonderful night out possible for her. When the knock went unanswered, Rarity became quite worried for her friend when she heard a muffled moan coming from inside the room. Fishing out the spare key for her hotel room that Coco had given her, Rarity let herself in. When she did, she was quickly assaulted by the earthy-musky scent of an Earth-pony mare in heat as well as the musk of a stallion, combined with that distinct scent of sweaty sex. As she'd opened the door, the moans became even louder, the passion in them now obvious. In the entryway of the roomwas a wide-brimmed green hat from her new Spring lineup. The hat that she had given to only one pony prior to its yet-to-be-announced release. Coco Pommel.

"C-Coco?" Rarity whispered more to herself than aloud, approaching towards the bedroom. She stopped herself when the loud, rhythmic creaking of a mattress became audible, the moans even more impassioned and joined by deeper ones that could only be a stallion's. As she looked to the wall she saw a shadow silhouette of a mare atop another pony on the wall outside the bedroom, backlit by the morning sun. She watched the mare shadow rising and lowering, with what was obviously a stallion's cock joining the shadows.

"Y-YES! PLEASE! C-CUM IN ME AGAIN, JUST LIKE L-LAST NIGHT! OH F-FUUUUCK, I CAN FEEL YOU F-FLARING S-SO DEEP INSIDE ME M-MOON! I-I NEED YOUR CUM! I'M SO...H-HOT INSIDE, C-COOL ME DOWN! YES, YES...YE-YEEEEESSSSSSS~!" Rarity heard Coco's voice crying out in a needing, desperate tone she'd never heard her use before, before then hearing the two mating ponies cry out together in what was clearly orgasmic bliss, watching the mare's silhouette dropping down fully on the stallion's and remaining planted while letting out a loud squeal of relief.

As she realized what she'd just witnessed, blushing and getting rather horny from walking in on what was very likely one of her best friends possibly, likely unintentionally, being bred and filled with a foal, Rarity was almost tempted to go in and join them. Refusing her sudden burst of desires, Rarity turned tail as she felt her own cum-filled nether growing moist again, leaving in a hurry with her tail between her legs to keep her drippings contained without saying goodbye.

After all, she could always write her a letter saying the same thing.


Hours later the stallion awoke, reaching a hoof over to hug the beautiful mare who was sharing his bed and to thank her again for the previous night. He'd planned to ask her to be his marefriend after that wonderful time and the closeness he felt for her, feeling a fondness for her that he'd never felt for another mare, but he'd fallen asleep. He could swear he loved her, this mystery mare who'd swooped him off his hooves and been his first time.

As he heard the distinct crinkle of parchment and felt it instead of a mare beside him, he opened his eyes to see that the bed was empty save for him, seeing the mare's bags and clothes gone as well. As he found a closed note on the pillow beside him instead of the mare he felt so much fondness for the previous night, he picked it up and opened it, feeling his heart wretch, tears coming to his eyes as he read it.

"I will find you again my love...I promise you." he whispered aloud, letting the letter fall to the bed before galloping outside, hoping he could find her before she left Canterlot.


Rarity stepped off the train in Ponyville, heading towards her Boutique to open it and start the day. As she cantered, realizing she was running late, she found all she could think about is the stallion she'd shared herself with so fully the previous night; how handsome he was, how he'd made her laugh and been so focused on pleasing her when they'd had sex. How she'd been his first. How he'd never forget her; how she'd never forget him.

As Rarity slowed to a walk, she felt tears forming in her eyes, her mascara starting to streak down her white cheeks as they were loosed, her stopping as she felt her own heart wretch in her chest, only then realizing just what a mistake she'd made. "By the Sun what have I done..." she whispered, standing there crying as she considered the wonderful stallion who could have possibly been hers.

~ ~ ~

Rarity sat in the Ponyville Hospital doctor's office, waiting her turn to be seen. It was about seven weeks after she'd spent that wonderful night with the mystery DJ stallion, had sex with him and had him finish within her, then left him with but a note and a kiss on the cheek. She'd been experiencing a week of severe morning heartburn and powerful stomachaches and cramps, with it sometimes evolving to nausea and vomiting, as well as an increased appetite and odd cravings – mostly for chocolate-covered radishes, oddly enough.

Doctor Stable stepped in with a smile, Rarity returning it even as she held her aching stomach. "Hm...what seems to be the problem Miss Rarity?" the doctor asked, flipping through her charts with his magic, "...let's see, morning sickness, increased appetite, steady weight gain. Ah yes, I have a good idea just what's causing this, but first let's do the full physical you requested."

"Oh please doctor, this simply cannot continue! I cannot run my boutique with such horrid issues as these...and I certainly cannot model my designs if I'm getting...fat..." Rarity said dramatically, her hoof's cannon on her forehead, striking quite the pose as she lay on her back.

Stable simply nodded passively at her drama, then got to work. He performed a simple physical, noting a particular swelling and firmness to the touch in her lower belly, collected a cup of urine from Rarity, then went off to the lab and left her alone in the examination room again.

Within ten minutes Stable returned, wearing a very bright smile. "So, whatever is wrong with me Doctor? Am I alright? Am I going to die?! Do I have some horrid, rare disease with no cure?!" Rarity asked, acting as though she were on her deathbed despite the practitioner's cheery disposition.

"Well, no. Quite the opposite in fact. As I suspected, you're a perfectly healthy young mare in prime condition, having top marks in every category according to the physical I performed." Doc started, his smile widening a bit. "In addition to the physical, and according to the symptoms reported by you, I took the liberty of collecting a sample of urine from you to perform a standard pregnancy test as well. Miss Rarity, it came back positive through all three checks I put it through. Congratulations, you're about seven to eight weeks pregnant!" Stable said, showing her the positive pregnancy test results and also giving a big, genuine smile; he always loved delivering this kind of news, even if the mothers sometimes didn't like receiving it.

This was one such case. "H-HOW?! HOW AM I PREGNANT?!" Rarity exclaimed, asking herself more than the doctor, "I...I ALWAYS USE PROTECTION! MAGICAL PROTECTION!" Rarity stopped, sobbing once. "H-how am I going to have royal foals with a prince now? How am I going to have my happily ever after without my prince..."

The doctor took a step back at the yelling, wincing and his ears folding back at the volume and tone of her voice. "M-Miss I assure you, getting pregnant during an estrus season unexpectedly is perfectly normal and common," Stable assured her, putting a hoof on her shoulder, "Sometimes estrus just sneaks up on a mare and she mistakes the symptoms of a minor estrus as simply feeling frisky. Since you're surprised, I suspect you didn't know you were ovulating at the time of intercourse?" he asked, seeing Rarity lightly trembling now, visibly upset.

"N-no, this...I didn't want this at all. I'm...not ready for a foal!" Rarity exclaimed, knowing her whole career and very life would be changed by this. "S-so I'm really pregnant..." Rarity muttered, the doctor nodding as she rubbed over her lower belly, her foal-filled lower belly; " I used the simple 'Starswirl Anti-Foal' spell on myself before...and I wasn't even in my estrus week happened."

"Well Rarity, were you perhaps inebriated at the time of casting? Tired? Even a little bit distracted? That particular spell is the fairly complex original version of the common contraception spell used today and requires full focus to get all of the steps right, unlike its other easier, refined version. One mistake, and it won't work. This is why we tell even the most experienced unicorns to use physical condoms as well, or a second foal-preventing spell cast by another unicorn, so that way if one fails, there's less of a chance of an unplanned pregnancy." Doc explained, with it dawning on Rarity that she was pretty out of it when she'd tried to cast the spell...realizing now that it was the one she'd learned from Twilight during some inane conversation instead of her usual contraceptive spell; casting it when she horny and apparently in estrus, enamored, and drunk...not in her right mind.

"Also," the doctor continued, "regarding you not feeling 'in season' at the time of your foal's conception...perhaps you were in what we doctors call a 'silent heat', meaning that except for a mare desiring sex strongly and an overwhelming desire to have a stallion ejaculate within them, there are no telling scents or too-obvious behaviors from her. Matter of fact, I've gotten a couple of other cases just recently in which a mare came in here with the same symptoms as you, and her heat had come earlier this year than she'd expected given the sun being closer to the planet this year, causing more UV ray which trigger estrus and ovulation....more than a few, now that I think of it." the doctor said, his hooftip tapping his chin as he pondered, before continuing. "But really, silent heats are actually not too uncommon themselves."

"S-so, what now?" Rarity asked, looking on the verge of tears. In a moment, her whole life had shifted course. A foal. She was going to have a child in about more nine months and she was nowhere near prepared for it. She didn't even know the name of its sire! She would have to take time off of her job for trips to the hospital both for checkups and the birth, would not be able to model her own designs while carrying...not to mention all the time she'd need to dedicate to the foal for the rest of her life...

"Well, since you didn't know you were pregnant until now, I should probably first ask you if you intend to keep it." the doctor asked, with Rarity sensing he was asking her if she wanted to self-abort* it.

"N-no, no...I can't do my child." Rarity said instantly, knowing that despite her being able to end this pregnancy any time she wanted to by herself, she knew she couldn't live with herself if she ended an innocent life for her own selfish reasons. The life of her own child.

"Right, great to know. Now that I know you're going to go full-term, I'm going to write you a prescription for prenatal vitamins to keep you and the foal healthy since you're keeping it. The reason for the severe morning sickness, in addition to the natural hormonal changes involved with a pregnancy, is likely because you probably haven't adapted your diet to properly reflect that you're carrying now, which may have been aggravating your stomach more. The odd cravings are also related to the hormonal changes and your body's deficiencies because of the foal's needs." Rarity nodded, knowing she ate a lot of things that probably weren't the best for an upset stomach, let alone a carrying mare. "I'm also prescribing a pregnancy-safe anti-nausea medicine to help with the morning sickness, and will also give you a pamphlet of the proper diet for a pregnant mare. Also, stress strongly contributes to pregnancy symptoms, so try to keep calm as much as possible. No more freak-outs or drama like earlier either, for the sake of your child and yourself."

Rarity simply nodded, still shell-shocked this was actually happening right now.

"Oh and off the record, since this wasn't a planned studding, I'd like to suggest you inform the most likely sire - or sires, if there are multiple, again not uncommon - that you are carrying his foal even if it was a one-time thing...n-not that I'm saying that it was, but it's not at all unusual. As a proud father of two, I know I'd be devastated if I found out years later I had a foal and never got to see them being born or growing up. Of course this is your choice, but give it some thought."

" don't even know the sire's name..." Rarity said despondently, remembering back to the only possible sire for her foal. She'd not had sex since the mystery stallion had taken her that night, her having no desire to even look at another stallion in a sexual way. She was confused at first, not knowing why she didn't have her usual libido during mating season when all the mares, including her best friends whom she sometimes had 'heat-buddy relations' with during their generally-shared estruses, went into heat and the stallions into rut, but this answered everything. Why she couldn't get her thoughts off of that stallion who had given her a wonderful night and had stolen her heart, and why her heat hadn't come this month. She loved that young, handsome DJ, the father to her child, and planned to find him again. "...but I plan to rectify that."

"Also, Rarity? A little personal advice off the record: don't think that you need a prince to get your happily ever after. My wife isn't an official princess, but I'd never take one instead of her. She's my little princess though," Stable said with a wink, "Sometimes we make our own princes or princesses, our own happy endings, instead of them coming and swooping us off our hooves. Now though, off that tangent, let me get you those prescriptions written, and you can be on your way."

Gravid, Searching, and a Chance Encounter

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"Oh I'm so glad the mares who are going to be having foals this year are loving the new maternity fashions I created. I see you're even wearing one yourself. I must say, the blue truly goes with your eyes." Rarity said as she looked over to her heavily-pregnant guest, who was wearing a winter dress from Rarity's new line of 'Maternity Made Magnifique: by Rarity' dresses, coats and gowns, as well as an assorment of comfort clothes for when around town or home.

Since she'd gotten pregnant over eight months earlier, Rarity had gone into a creative frenzy upon learning that she, among many other mares, had gotten pregnant because of their estruses coming early thanks to the sun indeed being quite close to the planet this year. When asked to comment about why that was so, Princess Celestia, who rose the sun each morning and indeed controlled the celestial ball of fire, seemed to change the subject, instead talking about how much Equestria's population had dropped in the past ten years...

"Well, it's very comfortable...and beautiful. I must say, when Dark Moon and I found out I was expecting after...that night I learned that we seemingly got pregnant together...I was worried I couldn't find anything comfortable to wear that didn't look like a shower curtain," Her guest paused to giggle, "Also, I know it's been a few months since, but thank you again so much for the constant adjustments I needed for my wedding dress to make room for my swelling middle. It would seem that little Miss Lacey Havelock and Miss Satin Seam needed more room," she said, giving her large, twin-filled belly a happy rub as she said the names that she and her husband Dark Moon had chosen for their twins. "I hope my next pregnancy isn't with twins though. Four foals would be one too many for us I think. Three would be perfect, though"

"Well, I'm glad I only had one foal. That's more than I expected as it was." Rarity said, though there was no malice in her voice. She'd chosen to carry full-term after all, and was happy she had; indeed she was somewhat excited she'd be having a foal now. She thought of all of the new dresses and gowns she could make for her daughter-to-be and dress her in, hoping she could one day become a fashionista just like her mother. Though if anything, she was glad she would have a constant companion to be with her; somepony to love and love her back, somepony to teach and nurture like she had her sister Sweetie Belle when she was much younger.

"Oh I know how you used to be about getting pregnant unexpectedly. I'm just glad you finally came to terms with it and are happily carrying now! I'm also happy you could also have been my bridesmaid at my marriage ceremony...when I became one with the stallion I've been quite interested in since I met him at the Fashion Festival in Manehatten last year," her guest continued, a dreamy expression on her face, "As you know, Dark Moon and I worked together on a fashion project at first, became fast friends, then he asked me on a date. I learned that witch Suri Polomare intimidated him so badly after our first date when she learned we were a couple that he called it off between us...but when we met at that club again, it was like that lost spark rekindled into a fire...or my estrus, in my case." Noticing the look on Rarity's face, she stopped there, a blush burning on her face.

"Oh it was nothing Coco, I'm only too happy to help a friend...and to be offered such a once-in-a-lifetime privilege, how could I refuse?" Rarity said with a smile, looking at her very gravid friend. She knew about how Coco Pommel and Dark Moon had met, with the mare retelling the tale at any given opportunity. She was also quite aware that her friend's rather large belly carried the fruit of their love, twin fillies, one an earth pony like her mother and the other a unicorn like her father.

"I know, I know, Element of Generosity and all of that," Coco teased, getting a roll of the eyes from the white-coated unicorn sharing tea with her in the living quarters of Carousel Boutique. "How are you and your own little one doing? Have you come up with a name for her yet? Has she been causing trouble?"

Rarity scrunched her muzzle at the sudden influx of questions, looking back at the rather large foal-bump she had, looking a month farther along than any other mare her stage did since she seemed to carry big. She also had been lucky though, as her body had grown into a gorgeous maternal figure instead of making her look fat as she'd feared when she'd first started showing; her natural curves were only accentuated by the bulge of her belly, the 'foal fat' her body retained positioning itself mostly into her flank and the rest giving her the look of puffy plushness instead of being overweight; making her look almost like a curvy, pregnant Unicorn-shaped marshmallow. A marshmallow currently wearing a rather warm blue silk robe given the chilly winter weather, a thick blanket draped over her rounded womb to keep her unborn foal nice and toasty too.

"The doctor said she's a perfectly healthy little unicorn filly, and I'm also healthy as can be as well. Those prenatal vitamins seem to be working well, as well as my diet. No more heartburn I was having for that time, and I'm at the correct weight as well even if I look a little, well, fat. No, I haven't thought of a name for her yet, and yes she does get herself into some trouble. She's quite a rowdy little one, kicking and squirming all the time..." Rarity said affectionately, petting her belly as, as if on cue, her filly kicked; "I swear she's going to be another little Applejack or Rainbow Dash released upon the world. I can only hope I can handle her, and instill at least a little refinement into her."

"Heh, that sounds fun, given how 'uncouth' you always say those two friends of ours act. So anyways, Rarity, how has your search been going for DJ Stud Heart-Throb?" Coco asked as she shifted gears for the conversation, with that being their nickname for the nameless stallion who had given Rarity her foal those eight months ago. The one she'd still been unable to find.

"Well, I searched all over Canterlot for him the first week I found out I was with his foal. I then asked around The Bass-Ment and learned Miss Vinyl Scratch had gone on tour to Saddle Arabia for the following three months! I, of course, could not travel that distance and keep my shops closed that long, not in the depths of the new Summer fashions! I asked the club manager and give her a description of the stallion, but she said that since he wasn't employed by her, simply working for experience, she wasn't concerned about him up and leaving one day and she didn't have any information on him besides his stage name of 'DJ Rising Star'. Then, after Vinyl returned those months later, I finally was able to ask her about him, but she claimed he had been her vice-DJ and had simply left one day and not come to work, then the same thing that the club manager told me..."

Rarity paused to sip her luke-warm tea, grimacing and adding another lump of sugar. Coco shifted to get comfortable, adjusting the blanket covering her very large filly-bump.

"So, I continued looking in Manehatten, and have even asked around Fillydelphia and here in Ponyville, but really I've all but given up after eight months of near-constant searching with no leads. He seems to move around a lot and seemingly never uses his real name. It's either Mister 'Rising Star' is not known by anypony personally, is secretly a criminal though I doubt that one, has given up on his DJing career, or has stuck to underground clubs or private affairs. Sometimes I think...I'll never find him..." Rarity finished with a pout, tears coming to her eyes.

Coco placed her hoof on her friend's cannon comfortingly, offering a small smile. "Hey, like our friend Pinkie Pie says, 'never give up'." Coco said, offering a small smile and squeeze on her friend's hoof, "If the fates want you to be together, you will be. Just like how the fates wanted Dark Moon and I to 'meet' at that club...then in the alley...then in my hotel room three more times...'meeting' me so hard, so many times...such a stud..." Her face went into a dreamy expression as she seemingly remembered that night fondly, and what had followed.

"Yes, well that's encouraging, to put my faith in fate..." Rarity said sarcastically, getting flustered again as she too remembered what she'd walked into as she'd gone to say goodbye to Coco; how she may very well have been there when the foals now growing within her friend's belly were planted there, "...I haven't been so lucky."

"You can only keep looking right? One pony can't simply disappear off the face of Equestria after all, can he?" Coco asked.

Rarity sighed. "With this one, I'm not so sure..."


Coco had to leave the Boutique to go take care of some things, something about going to pick out some things for her foals for when they were born, parting ways with a hug and leaving Rarity to her work, and wishes of good luck finding DJ Stud Heart-Throb.

Work as always was soothing to her, the only sounds in the boutique being the quiet hum of the sewing machine as it sewed the seam of a delivery blanket, and her own voice as she softly hummed to herself a nursery rhyme her mother had sung to her when she herself was a foal, it seeming only appropriate.

Hours had passed and she hadn't received a customer yet, unsurprising given it was the dead of winter and a light snow was falling outside. Rarity kept humming softly as she worked, in high spirits today as she sewed. All of the clothing and blanket orders she was crafting for several soon-to-come foals were custom-made or embroidered with their to-be names on them, and they made her think of her own little filly who would be born within the next two or three months, and whom Rarity was yet to choose a name for. The little filly who would forever change her life, all thanks to a one-night stand with a stallion she may never meet again despite her intense desire to find him again. The little filly she loved already.

The soft ding-a-ling of the bell at the front door some time later roused her from her concentration and pleasent reverie, stopping her humming dead, the soft metal tinging alerting her of a customer coming in. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique; where everything is chic, unique, and magnufique!" Rarity said, reciting her shop's slogan in a singsong as she walked to the front counter, her focus on the parchment in front of her face of a dress design she'd been working on, distracted, "How may I help you today?"

"Hello, I just need the third button on my suit fixed and the right sleeve mended," a stallion's voice came, Rarity's ears perking up at it. It sounded familiar, like somepony she held a fondness for but hadn't seen in a long while, though wasn't familiar enough that she knew the name or pony to put with it. As she looked up to the owner of the voice, with the parchment having mostly hidden all but the outermost curves of her gravid belly, she softly gasped as she met eyes that almost mirrored her own. A cerulean blue meeting hers of azure; a pair of eyes she could never forget.

As both ponies looked past each others' eyes, Rarity saw her patron was a twenty-somethings, moderate height and build unicorn stallion with a light opalish-gray coat and a dark-grey mane and tail styled in a mohawk. The same stallion she'd been looking for the past eight months. The same stallion who'd stolen her heart that night at the club. The same stallion she'd shared his first time having sex with.

The stallion whose foal that virgin ejaculation had created in her womb, and whose foal she still bore.

Both simply stared for a moment in a daze, with the stallion in turn looking over Rarity's plush, soft-looking and curvy body, and especially her swollen, clearly third-term-pregnant midsection, with her looking mostly the same she had that night they'd spent together save that obvious baby bump and being slightly more...poofy. "I-uh..." the stallion stammered, breaking the awkward silence, seeing a spark of excitement lighting in Rarity's eyes - before that spark suddenly exploded.

"OH-MY-GOSH-I-FINALLY-FOUND-YOU!" Rarity exclaimed, her magic ending and dropping the dress design parchment on the floor, with it now totally forgotten. The stallion flinched at the sudden exclamation, but he couldn't help but feel the same way; wondering if this was indeed the same mare he'd been seeking for many months, steadily losing faith in finding her. Could she truly now be here before him, he wondered.

" found me?" he asked, puzzled. As Rarity looked over him more, she considered she may have the wrong stallion, so she put that to the test.

"About eight months ago, did you by any chance DJ for 'The Bass-Ment' club in Canterlot? Did you meet a mare who you then shared a...bed with? A cold mare who needed a warm stallion, and a bed with...silken straps...?" Rarity asked, seeing a spark of confirmation in his eyes as he nodded, "I'm that mare darling."

The stallion rubbed an eye with his knee before looking again. She, the mare who had haunted his dreams and been the object of his eight month search, was right here in front of him. "Y-you're really her, aren't you?" he asked, reaching out a hoof as though to touch her, but shying away at the last moment, as though shed disappear again if he made physical contect with her, like she had in his dreams. Rarity pushed her head over the counter and made contact with his hoof, him feeling the same soft fur he had that night, memories rushing back to him as he now smelled her so-distinct scent more clearly and linked that with his memories. Better yet, she didnt disappear. She was real, this was real. At long last. "I...I found you too..."

"Yes, I am that mystery mare who took your virginity," Rarity said with a fond chuckle, "Oh, and are you by chance in a hurry? I was kind of hoping we could perhaps...catch up?" Rarity asked quickly, having been passively repairing the stallion's suit while they'd talked, the simple job of refitting a button not taking much concentration at all after doing it thousands of times before. The stallion shook his head as his finished suit now lay on the counter, with Rarity noticing that it was the same one he'd worn that night she'd spent with him. The same one that had ended up on her hotel room floor.

"No, I'm in no hurry. Wow, you work really fast."

"It's my passion, dear. My job and my special talent." Rarity said with more than a hint of pride, "Also darling you look absolutely chilled to the bone! May I offer some you some tea?"

The stallion nodded.

"Please do follow me, have a seat." Rarity said as she guided the stallion to the small kitchen she had, waving a hoof towards her dinette table and levitating the half-full tea kettle along with the other essentials for proper tea, setting down the cream and sugar as she poured him and herself a steaming glass.

Rarity then realized something: she didn't even know this stallion's name, the name of her foal's sire and the object of her affections. "So, um, I don't think I ever caught your real name that night," Rarity said, pouring some cream into her tea and dropping two lumps of sugar in as well, stirring it well before lifting it to her lips and taking a dainty sip. "Would have certainly made finding you easier, Mr. 'Rising Star'."

"Yeah, thats my stage name as you probably well know. I don't think I know yours either," the stallion admitted, rubbing the back of his head with a hoof, "That night was so surreal, you know? It's like it didn't even happen and was all just a dream, but...but now you're right here, and I know I'm not drunk now."

"No dear, I'm here, and that night was quite real," Rarity said, taking a seated bow, "Je m'appelle Rarity, fashionista and owner of this boutique and its Canterlot Carousel branch." Rarity said, finally telling this stallion whom she'd spent a heated night with, and had a foal by, her name.

"I'm, uh, I'm Neon Lights," the stallion said, placing a name to the sexy stud of a stallion that Rarity had been chasing after and seeking for these long months; the stallion who had haunted her dreams for so long and was now in front of her, within reach.

"Neon Lights..." Rarity said aloud, looking over the stallion who held that name, "...well I would say 'nice to meet you', but I'd say we're...quite well acquainted, non?" She chucked, before lidding her eyes, "After all, we did share more than just a room and bed..."

As that name Rarity finally clicked in Neon's head, his eyes widened. "W-wait, you're THE Rarity? The Bearer of the Element of Generosity? The national HERO?!" Rarity simply nodded with a grin. "Holy hay, I lost my virginity to THE did I not recognize you sooner?!" Rarity nodded again with a small chuckle and lidded eyes. Neon looked faint at that fact. "Not to sound lewd, but It's just too bad it was just the one night. I could swear I loved you that night, even not knowing your name or who you were. But now it looks like you've gotten another stallion, given you're with his foal now," Neon said, finally bringing up the elephant in the room despite sneaking peeks all the while at her foal-swollen belly, looking a bit sad, "I can understand now why you left small-fry me alone in your room the next morning, but it's not surprising that a wonderful, beautiful, important mare like you would be in a relationship with somepony just as important by now, and even starting a family with him."

"Yes, t'was a rather lovely night was it not?" Rarity asked, glowing a bit from the compliments and implications he may very well have had feelings for her as well, and wondering if he still did, before settling on a way to break the delicate news to him; "Then too, I'm not in a relationship with anypony. Though about the foal, funny thing how the 'impregnation' act I was putting on when you were breeding me actually came true, huh?"

Neon stared blankly for a moment before the implications finally clicked, his face going pale. "W-wait, are you saying..." he asked, pointing a hoof at Rarity's swollen belly.

Rarity nodded. "Yes, she's yours. I'm over eight months along and, from her development, I learned that this little unicorn filly was likely conceived within a day of the date we'd had sex, and I didn't have sex with anypony else during that estrus."

" A mare's scent isn't exactly subtle when she's in heat and fertile, especially not to a stallion's nose."

"According to my physician, I was apparently in what he called a 'silent heat' when we had sex and didn't know it, meaning I was near ovulating but didn't have the scent that accompanies an estrus usually. Turns out you really did 'breed this mare' and 'gave her your foal' when we had sex. She's your daughter Neon, no doubt about it." Rarity explained, smiling softly.

The stallion went a little more pale upon learning he was very likely the sire to a foal, needing to make sure. "S-so you're sure she's mine? No possible other stallions...involved?" he asked, Rarity giving a shake of her head 'no'. "But wait...what about the contraception spell you used?"

"Well, as it turns out, it has a very high rate of being miscasted when being used by anypony not fully concentrated...or drunk...or in estrus. It didn't work, as you can see."

"Oh. So...I am her father?" the stallion asked unsteadily, looking faint as he got a firm nod from Rarity. "W-wow..."

Rarity flashing a nervous smile at him, in the back of her mind hoping he wouldn't just bolt for the door upon learning it was his foal she was carrying. When he didn't, she brought up a thought; "I wasn't kidding that night, when I said you weren't the worst sire I could choose," she said, and Neon could swear she was flirting with him, seeing her tail swaying back and forth on occasion just as it had in the bar...and bedroom, "you are quite the handsome little stud after all, and undoubtedly our little filly shall be quite a beauty," She glanced to the table, seeing the teapot and their cups empty, "Oh but look at that, we're all out of tea. I shall make us more." Rarity said, then turned with the kettle in her magic's aura, levitated it over to the sink, and filled it with water before then placing it on the stove to boil.

Neon turned and looked back to watch Rarity, seeing that her rump was facing him as she got the tea leaves from a shelf and taking that opportunity to look over the curvy mare. She was almost more beautiful to him now than she had been the first time when they'd had sex, holding a certain glow about her now that she was carrying a new life within her.

Rarity's tail was swishing quickly and with each swish the stallion's eyes were drawn to the motion and he got a look under her tail, seeing her teats were swollen now, as a pregnant mare's get, with that fact quite arousing his attention and keeping him focused then on her rear. He also noticed that her marehood was actually starting to grow moist even now with the next rapid swish...though he chalked that up to her being pregnant and her hormones running rampant, or her tail rubbing against her more-sensitive marehood. He'd read somewhere that some mares actually were often sexually aroused during pregnancy for just those reasons.

As Rarity's tail suddenly flagged up and Neon saw a wink of her clit at him, his breath caught in his throat, getting a full view of her wet, swollen lips. Surely it was unintentional, a muscle twitch or something, he rationalized. That didn't stop the stirring in his sheath, however, in reaction to that instinctive offer of a mare to a stallion for him to breed her, Neon struggling to keep his penis in its sheath.

Neon hadn't had actual sex since he had apparently bred Rarity that night either after all, only having his hooves or magic whenever the urge struck him. That, of course, was nowhere near as satisfying as a flesh-and-blood mare's pussy surrounding him that time, of finishing deep inside of her warm foal-tunnel; the very mare whose foal that act had conceived standing only a scant few hoofsteps from him. These thoughts didn't help his growing 'problem' under the table at all.

As the kettle started to whistle, Rarity took it off the stove and tossed the tea-bags in, letting them steep as she walked back over to the table, her gait being slightly waddling. Neon found her pregnant walk kind of cute, with the fact she was carrying his foal still something he was having trouble comprehending. He was going to be a father to a daughter soon. Him! This mare was carrying his filly! He smiled at the thought, even while he wondered why she'd kept it; why she'd kept the foal of a stallion she didn't even know, and whose conception was unintentional.

Rarity came back to the table, rubbing her swollen belly and stifle against his shoulder as she passed, flicking Neon with the tip of her tail before sitting down, making the stallion's now-hard penis throb under the table. She poured a fresh glass of tea for both, taking her own and blowing on it. "So..." she started, looking over the attractive stallion across from her with lidded eyes, seeing him smiling brightly for some reason, " what? We're two star-crossed lovers who have found each other again, the fates bringing us together after giving us a foal..."

"I...uh..." Neon stammered, looking at the beautiful, pregnant mare in front of him, his mind focused only on one thing as his fully erect penis was being, almost painfully, bent under the table now. Something about how Rarity looked now, that certain plumpness of her flank and plush yet lean look of her body, or perhaps the fact that it was his foal she was carrying, made Neon even more turned on by her than ever before. "Well, um...n-not to imply anything,'re a very beautiful mare and...and..." he stammered out, though from the look on Rarity's face, he could tell she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Oh? Me? I'm just a...a fat broodmare..." Rarity huffed, losing her smile as she looked down at and poked her large pregnant belly, "...a fat, ugly mule..." Rarity had been having more and more trouble with the fact she was gaining weight while pregnant, how she'd grown heavier despite it being only natural. She now felt she lacked some of that 'fabulousness' she'd taken for granted before, viewing her current form as a fat, ugly broodmare with odd cravings all the time despite actually being very fit for being in the start of her third trimester. She couldn't imagine how anypony could find her attractive at all, sexually or otherwise.

Neon's jaw literally dropped. "U-ugly?" Neon stammered, rising to his hooves as though to climb on a soapbox, "No Rarity, you're not ugly at all! Not only are you as beautiful as ever, have this, I don't know...this glow about you now that you're carrying a foal. M-my foal. This lovely, luminescent look about you that says 'I'm carrying another life within me, and I'm proud of it'. Rarity, you're more attractive and sexy than ever to me."

Rarity was somewhat taken aback by this. This handsome stallion was calling her – fat, pregnant her – beautiful. Not only that, he was saying she was more beautiful now that she was heavily pregnant! "Darling, I believe you're mistaken...I'm ugly and fat..." Rarity said, her eyes welling with tears, "Worse yet, I'm pregnant for ponies' sake! Pregnant mares are not sexy."

Neon huffed again, coming up with an idea; he only hoped this went over well and worked the way he hoped. Otherwise, he'd be lucky to only get a hoof across the face and yelled out of the boutique. "Rarity, if you're ugly and not sexy..." he said, before standing out from behind the table, showing his full erection to her, "...then how could you possibly make me like this? I don't know if it's just because it's my foal you're carrying, but you make a very sexy mother."

Rarity blushed but her eyes were instantly drawn to that heavily-hanging pink cock; the very same cock that had given her her foal. "I...I...d-darling, I..." Rarity stammered, not sure how to react to him showing her this, showing her that she was still very sexy to at least one stallion; the only stallion who really mattered to her. As she saw his hard-on for her, because of her being pregnant, the tears she held back before started to flow as she stood and walked over to him, wrapping a hoof around his neck in an embrace, holding him tightly as she cried into his shoulder. "T-thank you, thank you s-so much..." she whispered happily, with Neon lifting a hoof and hugging Rarity back, letting her cry against him, knowing they weren't tears of sadness and smiling because of that.

After Rarity recovered herself a couple of minutes later, she broke the hug and wiped her eyes with a hoof, smiling brightly now and feeling as beautiful as ever. As she looked down to see he was still hard, her expression changed from happy to sultry. She'd gotten an idea on how to thank this stallion properly for giving her some of her confidence back, as well as relieve herself of certain...long-unfulfilled urges.

"Say, how about I help you get rid of that not-so-little boner you've got there?" Rarity purred in a lascivious tone, her eyes lidded and a small, sexy smile on her muzzle, "After all, it is I made you get it..."

"I'd like that very much, under one condition," Neon said, seeing Rarity cock her head slightly in question, "that I get to please you first."

Rarity smiled widely as she remembered the previous time they'd had sex, how much pleasure he'd brought her as he'd knocked her up. She was only too eager to experience that pleasure again. Her hormones were raging as between her legs grew even more wet in anticipation of what was soon to commence, so many months with only a lifeless, uncaring dildo to help her through her pregnancy-hormones-induced sexual urges culminating to make her very horny at the prospect of inviting the stallion she may very well love to her bedchamber; to receive his seed within herself again, even if it wouldn't take root this time. After all, it already had, and was fruiting quite well. She gave Neon a brief kiss on the lips before walking towards the front door and locking it, changing the sign to 'Closed'. "As you wish. Follow me upstairs to my bedroom, if you will."

Neon only too eagerly followed as Rarity headed to the back room towards the second-floor stairs, his hard stallionhood slapping his thighs as he moved at a trot to catch up. After all, he'd not had real sex since his first time with this mare over eight months ago. This mare he would be proud to call his own.

Making Love, Pillow-Talk, and Promises

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It was only a minute until Rarity and Neon arrived in her room, Rarity eagerly leading the way, her tail between her legs to catch her now-flowing fluids so she wouldn't make a mess on her floor.

Neon looked around the room, finding the walls were a Perchian* bluish, the floor a darker phthalo blue with a floral design near the work desk. On the desk were several spools of thread and a half-finished dress, many recieving blanket and newborn-foal-sized clothing, as well as a sewing machine and bolts of the same color fabric as the them, with many more of other colors in the cubby-holes within it. Beside the desk were several faceless, pale plastic clothes-poniquins with one fashion piece or another posed on them, most winter colored and themed. Behind that was a pink-and-white terrace that covered the whole back wall, several windows letting in the bright afternoon light.

After looking around, getting an impatient huff from Rarity as he did, Neon was following Rarity closely and it wasn't long until they reached her large bed. Rarity wasted no more time, eight months already gone. Walking to the four-post bed and laying on the red silken sheets upon it, her back resting upon it and her croup on its edge, her legs spread wide and her tail dropped down over the side as her pregnant belly loomed like a mountain above her; the very definition of 'presenting herself'.

Neon wasted no time either approaching the bed, getting close to her soaked nether. At long last he had a chance to rub her belly, feeling the firmness beneath the skin and coat, but also pliant as he pushed gently on it with his nose and felt it give some. As he rubbed the side of his muzzle and his cheek against her belly, Rarity adapted a soft smile at the sensation, feeling her foal moving around in reaction to the vibrations. "Mmm, I think she's happy you're here..." Rarity cooed, feeling him continue to nuzzled and rub her swollen midsection.

"...and I'm happy to be here." Neon said, in awe that he was actually feeling his foal moving. As he saw Rarity shifting uncomfortably and smelled her arousal, as well as feeling his own arousal swollen heavily beneath him, he decided to get on with what she'd asked for. After all, there was plenty of time for cuddling and belly rubbing later, he hoped.

"May I please you as I asked to earlier, Rarity? I'venever done this for a mare before, but for the mother of my foal, i want to try." Neon asked softly, giving her pregnant belly a soft kiss, getting a nod from her before then nuzzling down lower.

A soft smile crossed Rarity's face as she felt his warm breath on her belly and soaked crotch, making a shudder going through her as she felt a soft twinge of pleasure that made her clit wink. Her tail swayed and brushed teasingly against his chest as she felt his muzzle sniffing her swollen vulva briefly, then nuzzling against her swollen teats, sending another small thrill of pleasure and anticipation through her as he finally rubbed against her sensitive mound.

He met her eyes and read the need in them, Rarity's need for him to satisfy her; a need he was more than willing to fulfill. “Ready?” Neon asked simply, and when Rarity eagerly nodded her consent, he tasted her again for the first time in many months as he pushed his tongue against her vulva and dragged it up its length. The subtle taste of sweet roses mixed with mare coated his taste buds as he felt the softness of her lower lips on his tongue again, with him quickly noticing she indeed tasted different now that she was pregnant.

It was just a soft lick but Rarity reacted strongly to it, eagerly pushing back against Neon's muzzle as her clit winked and kissed his nose. Neon felt for the first time since they'd done this that everything was as it should be right now; he was with this mare again, the mother to his foal, and nothing else mattered to him now. As he heard another moan from Rarity he surrendered himself entirely to the moment, letting the memories of their first time come flooding back to him as they so often did in his loneliest times. He took in the sensations of simply pleasuring his mate, continuing to softly lick her, Rarity's needing marehood drooling her fluid down his chin and winking now as Neon licked her nether-lips and between them into her entrance, lapping up as much of her profuse, tasty fluids as he could.

When he paused to catch his breath some time later, Neon noticed a drop of Rarity’s fluids hanging off her clit and shining softly in the evening sunlight streaming in from her window, as though tempting him to come and get it. Seeing that as her body challenging him, Neon took Rarity's clit into his mouth and suckled on the large heart-shaped nub, tasting the sweetness of Rarity and earning a gasp of surprise from her at the suddenness of the action, as well as the huge burst of pleasure it caused her.

Neon watched Rarity's reaction to the almost-overwhelming sensation of having her most sensitive of areas suckled so suddenly, watching as his actions made Rarity slam her forehoof hard several times onto the bed, clearly trying to cope with the intense pleasure such stimulation was giving her. He knew it wasn't in pain though, the quiet, very-pleased-sounding nickers and the whispered 'more!' coming from her making such evident.

As Neon took her clit into his mouth, Rarity deflated at the burst of pleasure it caused, slamming her hoof on the bed as wave after wave of intense pleasure spread from between her legs and up her spine. Her raging hormones and being so long without a real stallion to satisfy her amplified the pleasure beyond what she'd ever felt before from her magic, hoof, dildo or even Neon before during her estrus, making her only able to pant as she felt her clit trying to wink in her stallion's mouth, feeling the tip of his tongue tracing circles over the nub and making her tremble as she nearly came on the spot.

Neon pulled off of Rarity's winking clitoris after a moment, not wanting to set her off so soon. As he pulled off the small nub, he instead spread Rarity's swollen petal with one of his hooves, causing the mare to sigh at the spreading sensation it caused. Neon’s tongue then dove right in, going as deep into her flowing tunnel as it could go then slowly dragged back out, curving upward to trace along her anterior wall. The flavor and scent of the mare's desire overtook Neon’s senses as the sound of her soft but long moans titillated Neon’s ears, making Neon more then eager to keep going and keep pleasing this mare.

"Oh..f-fuck you're good..." Rarity moaned out in a rather unladylike display of lust, helpless to do much more than willingly take whatever he was giving her, her belly making getting up or moving much quite the chore. Seeing her swollen teats covered in a smattering of her honey from when she was standing, it having leaked down onto them, Neon pulled out of her again and instead grabbed a nipple in his mouth, sucking softly and getting a quiet pleasured whinny from Rarity. She quickly found out that they'd gotten so sensitive given her maternal state, that it almost felt like he was sucking on her clit again, "Ohhhhhh....k-keep sucking there...p-please..."

Rarity lasted minutes into the heaven that was Neon's service on her slit, teats, and finally, after much teasing, her inner passage. The once-leisurely pace of licks and teases slowly escalated to a series of gentle prods or swirls inside her, making the white-coated mare moan in contentment as her needs were at long last being tended to, begging her stallion to keep going; as if he would stop if she didn't spur him on.

Neon had no intention of stopping though, pleasing this mare of his dreams as he was once more given the opportunity to, the consistent sensations bathing Rarity in gentle, warm pleasure, his tongue caressing every inch of her lower self. Neon would occasionally lick over her clit, even focusing on it a couple times, and every time he would get a jerk of the leg or gasp from her at the sudden burst of pleasure, making his hard stallionhood throb in reaction, a large bead of his pre-cum on the tip.

Rarity held on as long as she could through the swiftly-building pleasure as Neon's tongue lapped out her cove or wrapped her clit or breasts in its soft warmth, the mare displaying very strong self-restraint; she was always on the precipice of release but never quite let herself plunge into the sea of pleasure waiting below. A sudden, unexpected suckle on her clit harder than any before finally set her over that edge over a half-hour later however, finally making her fall off the precipice and into roaring waves of pleasure beneath her with a full-body shudder and a very deep moan.

Rarity’s head lulled back as she let out a long-winded moan, splashing her fluids against Neon’s face as she landed into the soft embrace of orgasmic bliss. Her passage repeatedly clenched on the source of her pleasure, locking his tongue inside her as she floated in the soft waves of pleasure, her body trying to milk it as though it were a penis. She ground her oozing slit against his muzzle throughout, trying instinctively to get him deeper and get more pleasure, his tongue constantly twisting in her as his hooves rubbed over her cutie marks, making it feel even that much better. She felt her orgasm spike higher still after, another massive burst of sensation flowing through her as Neon's hoof then moved to rub her winking clit, making her bite her lip as she saw flashes of black.

It was a full thirty seconds of pure bliss, feeling her companion licking her lips and entrance gently as he brought her down from her high, before Rarity finally came out of her blissful state, a soothing afterglow started and making her tensed muscles relax. Yet even after such a lovely, well-needed release she still felt horny, her urges only slightly less intense now, knowing she was ready for what was to come.


Neon felt Rarity’s passage contracting against his tongue, feeling the warmth of her thicker orgasmic liquid-pleasure drooling down his chin and everything felt so right at this moment. Neon only focused on the mare in front of him as his love was pleasured; he heard her moan of release and felt her clenching on his tongue, loving the sounds of her being so happy because of him. He felt his member throb and hollowly slap his underbelly, reminding him quickly of his own intense arousal.

Rarity stood up again with much effort and walked before stopping in front of him, her pussy inches from his muzzle as he'd turned to her. She then swished her tail, permeating the air with the scent of her arousal and getting him even more riled up, her look back at him alone begging him to take her. She felt her heart swell and butterflies in her stomach as she looked back at Neon with a sultry look in her eyes and swished her tail to the side then over her back, exposing herself fully to him and winking her clit to show her willingness again.

Rarity's eyes started welling up at the emotional intensity of the moment, whether it was simply because of her hormones or because she was so glad this was actually happening she couldn't be sure, it being a short while more before she could finally speak what she needed to say. “Mmm, you're definitely a natural at pleasing a mare. Oh but come now, I've been looking forward to this moment for over eight months and I'm sure you have as well! Don’t make me wait any longer, darling! Make love to me and make me cum to your huge cock again. Fill me up with your cum again!” Rarity said in a sheerly lustful tone, bending down her front slightly as she braced for him, her pregnant belly weighing heavily beneath her, "But...just don't go too deep or rough. Don't need our little filly getting hurt after all. Plus, it's hard enough holding myself up as it is!"

Neon nodded his understanding and had no hesitation as he approached and climbed onto Rarity's proffered back, Neon's hooves gripping around her chest gently and placing his head to the right of hers as he mounted her. In response Rarity nuzzled against his muzzle then gave him a soft kiss as reassurance, “Neon, I want that big, wonderful thing in me. Fuck me like you mean to breed me again! Make me your mare again just like when you gave me your foal!” she exclaimed, feeling his hips shifting in response.

Neon felt a shudder roll through him as he was reminded of the fact that her foal was indeed his, starting to softly hump against her rear, smearing pre-cum all over Rarity's inner stifles and flank as he tried to find his target without the use of magic. Soon after, Neon felt Rarity’s swollen lower lips graze across the tip moments later, then positioned the head in between and slowly pressed inside her immediately, giving her what she'd begged for and what he himself desired very much.

Rarity and Neon both gasped softly, Rarity following that with an extended moan as she felt Neon slowly sink into her, plunging his rod ever deeper until he'd nearly hilted her. When he stopped there, she could feel his rapid, excited heartbeat inside of her passage, each throb of his heart barely detectable through his penis as she so tightly clenched around it, but even still adding a whole new layer of symbolism to this.

She was becoming one with him as closely as physically possible, their bodies and hearts joined together as one.

Rarity felt Neon stay like that and whimpered softly as he did. “Please, make me yours again.” she begged, the wait almost too much to bear as she felt him inside her but not moving, her lust at an all-time high from being spread like that. Shortly after she finally felt him pull out of her and softly ease himself back in, starting a slow rhythm. She gritted her teeth at the sensation of being filled up and spread again as pleasure started to again roll throughout her, so much more intense than with his tongue yet still not enough.

"M-more!" Rarity demanded and felt Neon get deeper with each thrust, feeling pure pleasure each time he entered her. After a number of slow thrusts, she felt him sharply enter her suddenly...and whinnied as she felt an intense bolt of pleasure and pain trace the length of her spine when his medial ring rubbed against her clit and he so fully filled her entire passage at once.

"T-too deep!" Rarity warned upon feeling that twinge of pain, with Neon immediately pulling out some and mumbling an apology, Rarity accepting it and permitting him to start again and keep his thrusts a little more shallow. As he heard Rarity moan again when he did just that, Neon nuzzled her cheek. After a few more thrusts Neon had stopped instantly, feeling his flare at its fullest, nearly on the edge of his release. She felt so tight and hot inside just as he remembered, her inner muscles massaging his cock inside of her as they contracted and relaxed around him, adjusting to accommodate his girth. Each squeeze made pleasure surge through him as Neon's member was welcomed deeper, her powerful muscles trying to pull him further into her of their own accord even as he rested, pulsing shots of his pre into her and making her even more wet inside.

After a moment of adjusting and allowing her on-the-edge stallion to calm down, feeling his swollen flare stretching her inside, Rarity nuzzled her cheek against Neon's, growling her desires to him; “Take me when you're ready, stud.”

Neon needed no further encouragement and pulled out fully before giving another sharp, nearly hilting thrust into his love, careful not to go too deep as she'd warned him. As Rarity moaned, followed immediately by a throaty 'more!', Neon didn’t need to be told twice and started humping deeply into his mare, causing her to groan softly with each thrust, overtaken by the intense pleasure radiating through her body. Rarity almost collapsed to the floor from the bursts of pleasure she was getting as sometimes his medial ring rubbed her clit, her instead locking her wobbly hooves into place, bracing herself against his thrusts.

Neon continued to screw Rarity like that for many more minutes, each thrust slow but rather deep, his balls slapping against her swollen breasts with each hilting. A while into their lovemaking, Rarity started to moan out his name, her cries of 'yes!' or 'More, Neon! Faster!' urging him to embrace his instincts and rut her as hard as his hips would let him, so he did for a short while.

As Neon started to hump into her like a stallion possessed, Rarity reached over and kissed him on the lips, holding that kiss as she was claimed by him again, feeling a warmth in her that she'd only felt the previous time she'd kissed him like this.

As Rarity kissed him on the lips Neon slowed down again, then instead increased his pace slightly over time, picking up speed while holding Rarity to him in a tight embrace, apparently trying to make himself last longer for her. When she broke the kiss to pant for air, Neon planted kisses all over her muzzle, neck, and crest while Rarity meanwhile squeezed around his slowly pistoning member, reacting to each thrust by pushing back against him and occasionally grinding her hips against crotch when he held still for a moment to stop himself from peaking. She could feel every feature of his cock as it journeyed through her passage, feeling the medial ring or point of his flared glans rubbing that special spot inside her passage that she’d only found before with her magic; each rub ramping her pleasure higher for a second.

One last deep thrust, one last rub on her clit and G-spot and it was too much. Rarity cried out Neon's name again as her vaginal muscles squeezed tightly around his whole length, him being forced to stop dead in her as she clamped down hard and constantly, a wave of orgasmic pleasure once again forcing her into a sensual overload of bliss. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH NEON LIIIIIIIIGHTS!" Rarity screamed out as she came, waves of pleasure overwhelming her and making her nearly collapse once more.

As Neon heard her cry that out, that she loved him, he wondered if it was genuine or just a reaction to being given such pleasure. Either way, he felt himself pulsing inside of her as he endured the clenching of her orgasmic canal on his quite-sensitive cock, his hips still humping against her on reflex to such intense stimulation even as he was trapped in place.

As Rarity calmed down Neon started up again, humping into her as she simply took it, completely pleasured as he kept thrusting through her afterglow. Neon’s resolve was finally starting to crack as the pressure in his pelvis soon reached a critical point, thinking he'd done rather well for this only being his second time.

"I-I'M CUMMING...!" Neon warned, holding himself back until he her response, needing to make sure it was OK to finish inside of her again.

"Well, you can't exactly get me double pregnant!" Rarity quipped, bearing her passage down on him constantly and intentionally, earning a long moan as she perfectly crushed his fully-flared and pulsing cock inside of herself, feeling it spreading her inner passage taut and sealing her up for his soon-to-come load; "Finish in me again, sexy. I wanna feel your hot cum inside me, filling me up!"

At the overwhelming sensation of being milked inside of her prefect warmth and indeed being asked by the mare he thought he loved to finish for her, Neon finally could take no more and he thrust into Rarity hard for the last moments of their coupling, gripping her tight to hold her in place and keep himself balanced as he finally rutted her as his instincts demanded, getting the last little bit of sensation to finally set himself off.

The sudden increase in pace and pleasure caused Rarity to nearly scream at the suddenness and intensity of the sensations, her head once again lowering nearly to the floor as she was so heavily stimulated once more, unable to catch her breath as his flaring head stretched her open further, getting so BIG inside her as he filled her inner passage so much and making her feel utterly full every time. She knew what was coming next and mentally braced herself for it, anticipating the hot cum coating her already-pregnant passage.

" me..."

With one final thrust, Neon pressed himself into Rarity as far as was allowed to then lost control, the pressure in his pelvis releasing and instead replaced with a wave of extremely intense pleasure as Neon's swollen cockhead sealed her passage tight, the deep moan and eager tense from her telling him she knew exactly what was about to happen.

"Y-yes, cum in me! Make me cum!"

Neon indeed released with a grunt, shooting his first spray of virile seed inside of Rarity and causing her to cum again, at least judging by the increase in her wetness and milking as well as the adorable little whinny she made; the warmth and thickness of his seed, as well as the idea of this actually happening again, set Rarity over her limit again. Neon partially collapsed upon Rarity's haunches as he released his pent-up load, his back legs wobbling from the intensity of her kneading, her body milking his sizable load into her passage and encouraging him to empty his balls into her.

For the first time in months, Neon felt intense pleasure at his orgasm, something more then the endorphins making this climax beat all the others he'd had by his hooves or magic since in spades and making his head jerk back at the intensity. The pleasure that his affections for Rarity gave him nearly made him pass out and spend all night inside her again only to awaken to see her beside him in bed, sleeping peacefully. To be with her as she so deserved. To be her stallion.

"N-Neon..." Neon barely heard through the blood rushing through his ears, Rarity apparently cooing his name as he pumped and pumped more of his seed into her, whitewashing her walls in his thick spunk.

Neon couldn't help but smile at hearing her moaning his name out; Rarity moaning out the name of the stallion who had sired her foal and was once more reenacting its conception.

Rarity mewled out Neon's name again as another wave of pleasure flowed through her, her mouth barely even able to form it as orgasm had overtaken her again when he'd started filling her up, making her milk his spurting member as her body encouraged him just keep pumping his seed into her until he had nothing more to give. She sprayed her juices on him for her third time that evening, giving his already-saturated crotch a fresh coating of mare-honey and making most of it instead drip off and land in the large puddle of her previous releases on the floor.

An eternity of mind-blanking pleasure later Rarity started recovering from her orgasm, sensations other than pleasure at long last coming back to her. She could feel the sticky warmth of Neon's seed filling deep inside of her passage again, each and every one of the pulse after pulse his penis made inside her, with each sending another spurt of his virile seed deep into her and reminding her of when she'd been given his foal once more. Each squeeze of her passage on his spraying member let her feel every vein along its shaft and every ridge on his glans digging into her inner passage, it throbbing as her tunnel held it in a vice-grip, her feeling the warmth of his hot breath on her neck and back as his teeth bit softly on her crest to cope with his own orgasm.

While it wasn’t the absolute flood she’d desired like her first time with Neon, his present release wasn’t small either. He shot into Rarity for a solid ten seconds, filling her entire passage so much that some leaked around his flared head with a soft thrust from him, dripping out of her to mix with her juices on the floor, unable to go into her womb where they were naturally meant to. While he'd filled her, Rarity turned her head and met her muzzle with his, giving him a rough kiss as he kept unloading into her, unable to contain her passion anymore being in this much pleasure.

Neon felt as Rarity's tongue slid into his mouth, feeling as their tongues met and danced as his orgasm finally started to taper off, the bursts of pleasure finally becoming less overwhelming for him in tandem with his shots of semen into Rarity becoming smaller and smaller.

As he held her close to him and Prench-kissed her, his stallionhood still flared and throbbing deep inside of Rarity's pussy, all Neon could think of was just how much he loved this mare. How much he loved this mare carrying his foal.


Rarity never wanted this to end, disappointed at feeling his throbs slowing. When they were like this it was like they were one pony, sharing the same body and heart. The same heartbeat. She could feel his heartbeat inside her through his cock still buried so deep in her passage, starting off as a thunderous rate just after his orgasm to a much slower thu-thump as they rested.

They stayed joined as one for many minutes, his flare holding his whole hot load deep inside of her until Neon's stallionhood finally softened and slipped out of Rarity some minutes later followed by a shiver from both, a drizzle of his cream from her ending up on her once-clean carpet. After he left her marehood Rarity stumbled to the bed, finally allowing herself to collapse and recover from her total of four orgasms in just under an hour.

Neon soon joined her, both laying there panting, recovering from their intimacy. "So..." Neon said after a few minutes of comfortable silence, looking over to Rarity's head turned away from him as he rubbed her eight-months-foal-swollen belly from behind, "...about that date you promised me before we came up here and made love...when are you available, if you want to follow through with it?"

Rarity simply smiled dreamily as she considered that request. She'd finally found the stallion she'd been looking for for all of these months, but did she truly want to keep him as her own? Did she want to date him and possibly one day marry him, even if he was not a prince or royalty and would never be able to give her the life of a princess or duchess as she'd always wanted since she was a filly? As she turned around and looked into Neon's bright blue eyes, seeing the burning passion he held for her, feeling that same passion leaking from her stretched marehood and feeling it growing within her womb in the form of his foal, she knew the answer, both mentally and in her heart.

"I'm free this whole weekend, and I know this lovely little restaurant that had the most delicious authentic Prench cuisine we could go to." Rarity said, giving and getting a smile in return at her acceptance. She wasn't quite ready to accept this stallion as her husband yet, not ready to claim him as her 'prince', but she at least wanted to get to know him more. She also wanted him to know his child and be a part of her life, even if their relationship didn't work out and they weren't destined to be together. Deep in her heart though, she could feel the bond they had. Whether that bond was as soulmates or merely friends with benefits, that was left to be seen.

As Neon wrapped her in a hug, her feeling his chest on hers, his heart beating like a drum against her chest as he still recovered from their sex, Rarity was satisfied in a way she'd never felt before. In the embrace of this stallion she had such deep feelings for, and knowing he felt the same about her, she felt as though she'd found her own 'prince', his and her little 'princess' growing within her.

After all, as Doctor Stable had said when she'd learned she was pregnant, 'We make our own princes and princesses, and I wouldn't give mine up for the world.' Rarity thought she understood what he'd meant by that now, feeling this stallion holding her so closely, nuzzling lovingly into her mane. She understood that it's not their position of power that made the pony, but the pony themselves. Besides their title, it was what was inside that stallion or mare that really, truly mattered the most.

"How's Saturday? We could also go to a movie after dinner," Neon offered, giving her a soft, affectionate nuzzle into her neck and a soft kiss on her nose.

"I'd like that very much..." Rarity cooed, once more softly meeting her muzzle with his in a gentle kiss, before breaking it not too long later, hoping that he could indeed be her own handsome 'prince' and give her her happily ever after she'd always dreamed up.

" handsome prince."

The look on Neon's face as she said that was priceless.

Epilogue: A Prince, His Two Princesses, and Happy Beginnings

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The bride-to-be looked to her left and right as she walked down the aisle wearing the wedding gown of her own design, recognizing everypony on her side as her extended or close family and friends from Ponyville and Canterlot, including her five best friends in the whole world – Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and finally Princess Twilight Sparkle.

The three other Princesses of Equestria had also been invited to attend and had accepted; Princess Luna sat watching the proceedings, with Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or 'Cadence' as she preferred to be called, and her husband Prince Shining Armor to Luna's left.

On Neon Lights' side were much fewer ponies, just a few of his fellow DJ friends and club ponies or few other friends he'd made through his travels, as well as his parents whom Rarity had met earlier. He never was much of a socialite, always so focused on finding his purpose than making friends, like another certain bookworm-loner-turned-Princess that Rarity knew all too well, and that fact now showing by how few wedding guests he had. He told Rarity that he hoped that could change now, planning to settle down in Ponyville with his wife and daughter, forsaking his nomadic lifestyle for one of stability; of community.

As the wedding song met its end and Rarity refocused her attention, not even really watching where she was going as she'd surveyed the crowd, she found that she stood in front of the alter facing her groom, with Hondo Flanks, her father, having guided her there and smiling as he gave her away to her groom. Neon Lights was standing in front of the alter in a tuxedo, three ponies flanking him to his right, his best men. He eagerly watched as Rarity, his bride-to-be, walked the aisle before ending up right in front of him at the alter.

"Ladies and gentlecolts," Celestia said, standing behind the pulpit and acting as the authority of the wedding herself at Rarity's request, "Today we are gathered here to join these two ponies, Rarity Belle and Neon Lights, together in joyous matrimony. If anypony here has a valid reason they should not be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace."

As they gave a moment for objections, which they all knew wouldn't come, Rarity could only look up into her stallion's eyes through the veil, looking deeply into those deep blues that so strongly looked like her own; looking into the oceanic pools she'd many times before nearly drowned in, almost consumed by them once more before she brought herself back to the surface to breathe, letting out a held-in breath of anticipation in a quiet woosh.

"Very well. As there are no objections, we shall commence. Please bring forth the rings." As Celestia finished and called for the horn-ring, with them being used as a sign of marital unity by unicorns for millennia, Sweetie Belle, Rarity's little sister, brought the pillow with two gold rings, each ring having a careful selection of gems. Rarity's had a pattern of diamonds arranged like those of her Cutie-mark, a ring of smaller diamonds surrounding it. Neon Light's had one moderate diamond in the center of the gold band, and that's all he'd wanted. A simple request for a simple stallion.

At long last, the moment all had been waiting for had arrived. "Rarity, do you take this stallion Neon Lights to be yours, to love and care for, so long as you both shall live?" Celestia asked as she turned to Rarity.

"I do!" Rarity exclaimed, her teary eyes never leaving the eyes of Neon, the stallion she loved and would forever be one with.

Smiling, Celestia then turned to Neon Lights. "...and do you, Neon Lights, take this mare Rarity to be yours, to love and care for, so long as you both shall live?" Celestia asked, getting a nod from him.

"I do." Neon replied meekly, then looking back to his soon-to-be wife, the mare who had stolen his heart and had been the proud carrier of his foal, his daughter, and tied for most beloved pony to him beside her.

They then placed their rings on each others' horns with their magic and after pressed their horn to the other's, the act an ultimate sign of love among unicorns and showing their unity to each other to everypony, a soft glow of their combined magic surging through both their horns for a moment, combining above them in a heart of their joined magical energies and auras' colors.

"Then by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you mare and stallion, Mister and Missus Neon Lights!" Celestia announced, to applause from the crowd. "You may now kiss the bride."

Neon Lights lifted Rarity's vale to the cheers and applause of the audience, gazing into her eyes for but a moment before lowering his lips to her muzzle. His lips landed right on target on Rarity's lips to another round of hooves stomping the floor, whistles, and cheers. They'd had plenty of practice in kissing in the past months, after all.

As he broke the kiss moments later, Neon simply chose to hold his now-wife close to him in an tight hug, his eyes closed, a single tear rolling down his cheek as he felt Rarity's hoof wrap around his crest, with him feeling a certain wetness on his own neck that could only be happy tears of her own. Subsequently, they all heard a rather distinctly stallion's bawling coming loudly from the audience, followed by a quiet shushing. Clearly, Rarity and Neon weren't the only ponies crying at the wedding.

Shortly after, Rarity climbed on Neon's back and was carried out of the chapel, followed by the guests into the front yard. Upon everyone arriving, Rarity tossed her bouquet out into the crowd, all the single mares clamoring to get it, but a blond head popped up victorious, the floral bouquet held Applejack's muzzle. Rarity merely gave the confuzzled mare a wink, knowing she'd had eyes on a particular stallion for quite a while...

The couple then went into their 'Just Married' carriage, seen off with the throwing of rice and joined with cheers. Everypony followed the carriage to the reception hall, eager to get on with the celebration for the new couple.

~ ~ ~

"Congratulations!" Rarity's mother, Cookie Crumbles, said, wrapping Rarity then her husband in a tight, excited hug; "It looks like Silky Beats is excited too! She wouldn't stop squirming during the ceremony!"

As Rarity looked down to her foal, she saw that her daughter was smiling very widely upon seeing her mother and father. "Mama! Dad!" Silky cried out happily, being over six months old now and quite a little talker. She didn't know exactly what had happened, but she sure knew her family was excited and it was quite contagious to the little filly! As Rarity looked down to her daughter, she once more saw her pale-cornflower-blue coat, her mane and tail naturally, lightly curled like her aunt Sweetie Belle's instead of heavily like her mother's, longer and a dark violet-blue instead of Sweetie's short curls of light pink and purple.

Silky's deep-azure-blue eyes, having taken them after her mother, were crinkled up in joy to match the huge smile on her muzzle as she pranced around happily, not knowing why she was happy, but feeding off that everypony else was happy.
Unlike many other species, ponies carried over many traits from their prey-animal ancestors, needing to be able to escape predators very soon after birth, able to walk and non-verbally communicate within minutes of birth, then trot and run within hours. Speaking verbally, however, took a few months generally, but this little girl was right on track.

"Hey my little princess Silky!" Neon cooed, reaching down to nuzzle his daughter's muzzle, rubbing noses with her while she lay on her back. He got a happy squeal from her as he did, her grabbing his muzzle in as tight of a hug as her little arms could muster. Every time Neon saw his foal, his beautiful little girl, or felt her embrace him or show him love – every time he played with her and heard her laugh her clear, beautiful laugh or saw her smile at him – he couldn't believe she was his. He still couldn't believe how such a lowly pony as he could have helped produce such a beautiful little filly with a mare so perfect, successful, and utterly radiant as Rarity, and not only that, he was now married to such a mare!

"Daddy!" Silky cried out again happily, "Dad! Mom! Daddy!" Each repetition got more excited, until finally it ended with another excited squeal, her running around in circles around her parents.

"Well, somepony's excited," Coco Pommel said, walking up with her own two little twin fillies, one a unicorn like her father and the other an Earth-pony like her mother, and husband trailing behind her. Coco was beaming almost as much as Rarity was that her friend was now married to her beloved stallion, "...and I don't just mean your beautiful daughter! You're positively glowing dear!" she said to Rarity, then turned to Neon, "It took you and Rarity long enough to finally tie the knot! It's been nearly a year since you started dating!"

Rarity nodded. "Yes, well as you know, we both wanted to be certain for such a huge step in our lives. We had discussed getting married when I was ten months along with little Silky here, but we just felt it wasn't right, having only gone on a few dates at that time and still wondering how my sometimes-staccato work schedule would affect the relationship."

Neon then took over. "But after Silky was born however, I believe that's when we took our relationship more seriously, both for our sake and our foal's. Then finally, these many months later after her birth, we felt the time was right; that we truly loved each other and wanted to be together forever. That's when I asked for her hoof in marriage, and to be my wife and mare. She said yes, obviously, and here we are." Neon said, and at that, Rarity reached over and gave her stallion another brief kiss on the lips, nuzzling into him affectionately after.

"Yes, well, I suppose not all couples can have the 'true love at first sight' Moonie here and I shared." Coco said, nuzzling her own mate. Meanwhile Coco and Moon's two twin fillies, Lacey Havelock and Satin Seam, ran over to play with Silken Beats, the three having become fast friends when they'd first met each other. As Rarity looked on, she saw the three fillies running at a full gallop, and which one squealed happily she couldn't be sure. She saw again that Lacy Havelock had a brilliant amber coat and her mane was dark aquamarine with a streak of bright cyan; her mane and tail were spiked like her father's, but also longer and hung looser. Satin Seam, meanwhile, had a pale amber coat much like her mother Coco's if slightly darker, her two-tone opal-blue mane and tail mostly straight like her mother's yet slightly spiky like her father's, her hair bouncing stiffly as she ran. Finally, both twins shared the same hue of beautiful blue eyes that their parents did, one's a few shades darker. While not the identical twins Coco had originally thought they might be, she loved them just the same of course.

"I suppose foals will be foals, huh?" Rarity commented, watching as the three ran off and were being watched by Rarity's father; "Didn't I tell you little Silky would be a rambunctious one even while she was still in the womb? I swear she's going to be another Rainbow Dash..." she said, getting a chuckle from Coco and Dark Moon.

"That you did, Rarity, that you did." Coco replied with another chuckle, just as Rarity's quintet of best friends walked up, led by Twilight Sparkle.

~ ~ ~

After many hours of feasting and celebration, and sharing their first dance together as a married couple – with Silken tired out from a long day of playing with her friends and now asleep on Neon's back – Rarity and Neon said their 'farewells' and 'thank yous' before they once more boarded their carriage and now headed off to their all-expenses-paid honeymoon in Canterlot, a generous combined gift from Coco Pommel and Rarity's parents. Silky was meanwhile lifted off Neon's back and left in the trustworthy hooves of Rarity's parents, who had wholeheartedly volunteered to watch her and spend time with their first grandchild while the two took their honeymoon.

They'd also arranged for their other bountiful gifts, which she was just as grateful for, to be transferred to her and Neon's shared home in Ponyville. Though it wasn't a castle with servants like she'd always dreamed of as a filly, nor did this marriage come with a royal title attached to it, Rarity was still very happy. She loved Neon and her daughter, and wouldn't trade them for any prince or duke in Equestria, nor any amount of Bits or any title.

"So, that surely was something else, wasn't it my Prince? Such a wonderful wedding for a wonderful stallion..." Rarity asked, her eyes lidded wearily as the long, emotional day took its toll on her.

"...and such a beautiful mare...we're married now my Princess! I'm so happy..." Neon said, finishing her sentence, reaching for and receiving another kiss on the lips as he said his pet name for her. She'd revealed her old foalhood fantasy to him long ago of marrying royalty but choosing him instead, and he did his best to treat her like the princess she always had dreamed of being, obliging her by calling her by that title and letting her call him her prince in return. Both knew it was only pet names though, not delusionally thinking that they were actually in those positions. "I knew since that first day we met in the bar that we were meant to be together. I'm so happy you finally saw it too."

After another brief kiss it was comfortably quiet for a while save for the occasional bump in the road, the two left to their own thoughts. Neon was wondering as he so often did how he'd been so lucky as to be chosen by Rarity to be sire to her foal, even if that wasn't intentional at the time. At least not consciously, that is.

Rarity, however, made her thoughts more vocal. "So Neon, what would you think if I wanted another foal, then another, until we had at least three little foals running around?" Rarity asked suddenly, taking Neon somewhat off-guard. They'd never discussed having more children besides Silky, though it would seem Rarity certainly had been thinking it. Neon was silent himself as the only sound in the carriage's cabin was once more the muffled sounds made by the hooves of the draw-ponies pulling it, and the occasional jar as a wheel hit a loose rock or bump in the road, thinking about what Rarity had just proposed.

"Well, it is traditional for 'royalty' to have large families, right?" Neon asked with a smile, surprised that he hadn't been tackled on the spot for agreeing to have a larger family by the look on her face...though he himself hoped she didn't want to stop at only three.

"You're the best prince I could ever hope for, never leaving his mare wanting...!" Rarity said in an over-dramatic voice, giving him a genuine smile and another, longer kiss on the lips. She was already thinking of which estrus period would give them the best chance, though she already knew her family to be quite fertile; after all, Sweetie Bell had been unplanned as well. " you think next spring would be the best time to try for another foal? I do believe that is when a mare is most fertile after all."

Neon was somewhat hesitant on trying for another foal so soon, but also knew that Rarity was a famous fashionista, owner of two successful boutiques and seeking to open a third. He knew money would be no issue, and also knew that he would gladly take the role of 'house dad' if so needed. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be right by your side...or on your back as it were." Neon quipped with a quirked eyebrow and cheeky grin, getting a chuckle from Rarity.

"Mmm, and that's just how it will be when the time comes for our second foal; you atop me, giving me your foal as nature intended!" Rarity said, giving a smirk of her own; "'Pounding me into the mattress' and 'putting your foal in my womb', as I believe I said our first night together. If I'm not mistaken, it'll be the same thing we'll be doing once we reach the hotel, save for the 'foal' part." Rarity said, giving Neon the most bedroom of eyes; "After all, you know what everypony says about the honeymoon...and I intend to prove them right."

As Rarity brought up that night they'd met and shared her room, bed, and body, resulting in their bond and indeed their child, Neon smiled brightly, nuzzling against his new wife and hugging her closely to him. "I'm just so glad I met you in that club that night..." Neon said, smiling as he accepted another kiss from Rarity as they embraced, a kiss from his wife and mother to his foal interrupting his speech; a kiss from the mare he'd protect even if it meant he would lay his own life down for her, the mare he loved beyond all others. A mare he'd mount and rut roughly if she so demanded it, its only goal being to try to fill her womb with new life again, or passionately making love to her as he lay her down in his bed, before reaching their peak together with a loving kiss. He didn't know which would come tonight, but the way Rarity was already grinding against him and the scent of her arousal already apparent in the coach, he knew it would likely be both; knowing their life together would come with much love-making but so much more than that as well. Many foals to teach and love, and many days to spend together. As a family. His family.

"...after all, none of this would have happened if not for that night in the Bass-Ment..."