My Little Apples

by Ashura

First published

This is the story of how two little ponies changed a womans life from boring to better, and from better to beautiful.

"Hi!" OK, good start. "My name is Sarah, I'm a 22 year old student. Um... I've never done anything of note... I don't have any particular talents except drawing stuff. And I like ponies. I used to think that they were boring, and then something happened that changed my mind forever. I'm here to tell you a story. There have been similar cases with other people. This is MY story. And it all started with a cardboard box...".

A Surprising Discovery

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I guess I should start at the beginning. My name is Sarah, and this is my story. It all started 14 years ago, with one decision that changed my life forever.

14 years ago

Now, keep in mind that I'm just your regular college student. And I never expected anything like this to happen to me. I mean, who would, right? I live in a small flat that my parents are helping me pay for that has several broken light bulbs and a very small shower. Let's just say it's a good thing that I'm not claustrophobic. My flat was on the outskirts of town, a thirty minute bike ride away from the college where I was studying to became an animator. I would constantly watch cartoons on my small television set, not because I particularly enjoy the cartoons that are playing, because I'm studying the different ways each show's characters are drawn. I would always have paper and a pencil close by so that I could practice replicating the characters on the screen. The cartoon I liked to practice the most with was My Little Pony. It had a style of animation that I didn't see in many other shows. And so I would watch it every time it aired and practice drawing Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight and other ponies from the show.

Every day I would get up, take my shower, go study, come back home to drop off my stuff and I would practice drawing characters before having to leave for a my nights shift at some pretty popular fast food joint that everyone seems to enjoy eating at for some strange reason. But I'm not going to complain, as long as I can pay for everything I need, it's fine by me.
After watching Teen Titans for half an hour, I realized that I would have to leave in the next ten seconds unless I wanted to be late for my shift. I jumped off the couch, my sketches of Star Fire with Robin and Beast Boy with Raven falling to the ground. I quickly slipped on my trainers and hopped onto my bike. I pedaled as hard as I could, promising myself that I would not leave home this late ever again.

I arrived with a few minutes to spare. My shift was uneventful, as always. People came, ordered, and left. It went on until eleven at night. No one ever comes for food that late in the night. But I had to stand there and wait just in case someone did show up, as unlikely as that was, if I wanted to get paid. At around two in the morning, my boss came over to me, handed me my salary for the night and told me I could go home. I thanked him and went to get changed back into my regular clothes. I left the restaurant through the back door and went to unchain my bike. I passed by the large bins on my way to my bicycle and I couldn't help but think: And that's where the food we make comes from.
I walked up to my bike as I took out the key that would allow me to unlock the bike chain. As I fumbled with my keys, I heard a loud thump coming from behind me and a bright light that illuminated the whole alley and made me drop my keys.

“That's just great.”

I bent down to pick up my keys and then turned around to try and find the source of the light. At first I thought it was a car, but I didn't see one so I looked for another explanation. There were no street lamps here and it couldn't possibly have been lightning because it was a clear night.

“So where did the light come from?” I asked myself.

I headed towards the back of the alley and started looking around. After searching for five minutes, I decided to give up when I noticed a big card board box. Now normally, I would just have dismissed this as somebody's trash, but this box was intact.

“Why would someone throw away a box that isn't completely useless?” I wondered.

I moved closer to the box to see if there was anything inside it. The box shook just as I was about to lift the lid. I stopped.

“If there's a rat in here, I swear I'm going to scream.” I said to no one in particular.

I reached out my hand, flipped open the box and looked inside.

“You've got to be kidding me...”

Inside the box were two ponies, but not as you would see them in a field. These were cartoon ponies.

The Change's Beginning

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Chapter 1:

I stared at the two ponies inside of the box, and tried to think of a reason why this couldn't be happening. One of them looked like a baby pony, it had a pale yellow coat and a dark pink mane and tail. The baby pony had a small, pink bow in her mane. The older looking pony had an orange coat with a mane and tail the color of straw. She had, on her head, a cowboy hat. Both of them were asleep for the moment. That's when I realized that I thought I knew what was going on.

“I know! The oil they use for their fries! It must have gotten into the air somehow and I breathed it in! I always thought that there was something fishy about their oil...”

My attention was brought back to the box by the sound of the older pony sneezing. Which caused the pony in question to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes and then jumped onto her four hooves as she took in her surroundings. Her green eyes focused on me almost immediately. She was looking at me with a defiant look in her eye but she was shaking because of the cold. She stood still, not moving a single muscle, just starring at me. I starred back, wondering what to do. The little filly gave another sneeze that made her fall backwards. When she looked back at me, the look of defiance was gone, all that was left was sadness. I looked at her and pity welled up in my heart. I took a step towards the little pony and raised my hands.

“It's OK, I'm not going to hurt you.” I said.

The filly just looked at me, unsure whether she should run away or just stay where she was. I took off my jacket and took another step towards the orange pony. She flinched as she saw me come towards her with my jacket in front of me. She closed her eyes and looked away. I kept walking until I was close enough to reach out and wrap my coat around her. She opened her eyes and looked at my jacket curiously. Then she looked up at me with what looked like hope in her eyes. I smiled at her with what I hoped was an encouraging smile. I suddenly remembered that there was a second pony in the cardboard box, so I went over to it to get a better look. Inside, the baby pony was still asleep, a hoof stuck in her mouth just as a baby human would suck on it's thumb. I got down on my knees so that I could pick up the young pony more easily. I felt something brush against my side, I turned my head and saw the orange pony looking at the yellow pony curiously. I still didn't know what I was going to do with them but maybe a good first step would be to get them out of the cold. I didn't know how I would transport both ponies to my house on my bike. I could probably put in the older one in the basket that was in front of my bike.

But what about the younger one? I looked around the alley, looking for something that could help me carry the baby, without needing to hang on to it, and protect it from the cold. I started rummaging through all the trash that littered the street, the filly watching me all the while. Finally, after several minutes of searching, I found something that I could use. I was an old shoulder bag that was covered in dust and smelled like cats. It may not have been perfect, but at least it didn't have any holes. All I had to do was place the baby pony inside and slide my arms through the holes. The opening of the bag would be facing me, so little wind would get in but the pony would still be able to breath. I moved back towards the box and knelt again. I reached out towards the filly baby and gently lifted her out of the box to place her in the shoulder bag. I got back to my feet and started heading for my bike. I heard the gentle clopping of hooves on the street and new that the older one was following me.

I unlocked my bike and put down the bag so that I could pick up the other pony and put her in the basket. I bent down and reached out for the orange filly but she took a step back, a look in her eyes that clearly showed she didn't trust me quite that much yet.

“It's OK.” I said in the calmest and most reassuring voice I could. “I'm just going to bring you back to my place where it's warmer then it is here.”

I don't know whether she actually understood anything I had just said, but she took a few hesitant steps back towards me. Maybe it was just the tone of my voice that convinced her that I wouldn't harm her. I picked her up and placed her in the basket. I told her to stay in the basket, hoping that she would understand what I was saying, and bent down to pick up the shoulder bag. I slipped it on, climbed onto my bike and started pedaling. As we rode, the orange filly was looking at every building and street lamp that we passed with a smile on her face. It was the first time I had seen her smile ever. I couldn't help but smile too, and I kept on smiling as we crossed the sleeping town.

Home Sweet Home

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Chapter 2

I slowed my bike as we approached my home, the little orange filly still observing her surroundings. I stopped in front of my buildings shared garage and walked up to the large door. I put the bike up against the wall and opened the garage.

“They really need to install one of those things that let you open the garage electrically.” I said as I struggled to open the heavy door.

Once I had finally managed to open the garage. I went back to my bike and brought it inside. I put it up against the wall again and closed the door. It shut with a loud bang, causing me to curse under my breath.

“Damn... I hope that didn't wake my neighbors, I have enough problems to deal with as it is.”

I turned back to my bike so that I could take the orange filly out of the basket, but she wasn't in the basket anymore.

“This is just wonderful...”

I looked around the garage to try and find out where she had gone. I finally found her in the corner furthest from me, that look of defiance back in her eyes. I sighed, this was going to be complicated. How do I get her to trust me enough that she'll come with me? I can't just take her, she could probably knock quite a few of my teeth out with those hooves of hers.

“It's OK. You don't have to be scared of me. I'm not going to hurt you.”

She kept staring at me with that look. I sighed again.

I had hoped that just saying that would work because it works in cartoons. And she is a cartoon character after all. But no luck, I'll just have to think of something else. I started pacing around the cold room, trying to think of a way to get her to come into my house where it's warmer and better lit up. Because the bad lighting had always scared me somewhat... And maybe it would scare the little pony? I stared at her, thinking.

I don't want to traumatize her, she could panic and trash the garage. And then I'd be in serious trouble. She might even attack me out of fear. I bit my lip, hesitating on whether I should do it or not. Turning off the lights and leaving the room wasn't exactly a master plan, but I didn't have any better ideas. I headed for the door that would lead me to the stairwell, opened it and stepped out of the garage, flipping the light switch as I left.
I waited in front of the door, hoping that my plan would work, that she would come out. I didn't have to wait very long, it took her less then a minute to come rushing out of the garage. I could hear her hooves striking the cemented floor... hard. Was she charging at me? I couldn't be sure what her intentions were and I couldn't even see her to avoid her. Before I could do anything, she zoomed out of the garage and clung to my leg as if her life depended on it. She was looking at the dark and cold garage, as if something would come out of the shadows and eat her.

I got down on one knee and put a hand on her back, gently rubbing it so that she would calm down. She turned her head towards me and looked at me, the expression of mistrust had disappeared, at least for now. It had been replaced with a much softer look, in eyes that were now staring at me. I smiled at the pony and she turned to look back at the garage.

“It's OK, there's nothing in there that wants to hurt you or can.” I said, still rubbing her back.

She let go of my leg a few minutes later and I got back up. I picked up the pony that could potentially knock my teeth out and carried her up the stairs.

By the time I'd reached my floor, I was puffing for air. She was heavier then she looked. I put her down on my welcome mat and fished out the key to the front door from my pocket. I slid the key into the lock and opened the door. I walked through and then held the door open, waiting for her to follow me in. I don't know if it was the warmth or the long, dark, grey corridor that convinced her to come in. But come in she did. I lifted my arm up, showing her the direction of my living room, a couch with a table and chair. She followed the direction my arm was pointing towards and then looked at me.

“Go ahead, it's better over there.” I said reassuringly.

The orange filly looked towards the living room and then trotted towards the couch. She jumped onto the couch and just lay down, looking at me the whole time I walked towards her. When I got to her, I saw that she was still shivering slightly so I picked the blanket that had fallen off the couch when I rushed to get to work... Was that really only 3 hours ago? I wrapped the blanket around the filly who looked at me gratefully and then rest her head on her hooves.

Soon, I heard soft breathing coming from the filly. She had fallen asleep. I guess it had been a long and eventful day. I couldn't help but smile, this was such a nice moment. And the moment was immediately ruined when I remembered...

“The second pony!”

I jumped off the couch and ran back down the stairs to the garage. I opened the door and flipped the switch to turn the light on again. I ran to the bag that I had left hanging on bike's handle bar. I gently took the bag off the handle and looked inside. The baby pony was fast asleep in the bag, her hoof in her mouth and a peaceful look on her face. I broke into a smile again.

“Phew...” I whispered to myself.

I went back up the stairs and returned to my living room. I gently took her out of the bag, taking care not to wake her, and sat on the couch next to the other pony. And that's how I slept. A pony in my arms and another on my left.

The eyes of an Earth Pony

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Chapter 3

Thank goodness it's Saturday today, I don't think I would have been able to face going to my classes after last night. I had fallen asleep the in armchair that was next to the couch. When I brought the baby pony, that I know remembered was called Applebloom in the show, back to the living room. I sat down on the armchair and just thought about what on earth I was going to do with these two.

“I'll figure it out in the morning.” I told myself. “I just need a good night's sleep”.

And with that being said, I fell asleep right then and there, Apple Bloom sleeping peacefully on the floor. I spread out a blanket so that she would be comfortable and folded it over her so that she wouldn't be too cold.

I woke feeling particularly well rested, which is strange considering the fact that I fell asleep at around 3:30 am. I didn't open my eyes, I just sat there, enjoying the feeling of the sun coming in through the window warming me up. But the sun wasn't the only thing I felt. There was something pressed up against my thigh. I opened my eyes to see what it was. It was the orange pony, Applejack. She must have gotten off the couch at one point and came over here. I stretched out my hand and started running it through her straw colored hair. She didn't wake up, but a smile slowly spread across her face. And across mine too. And there I sat until the two ponies woke up.

The sun was high in the sky by the time they got up. Or more specifically, by the time Apple Bloom got up. I was just sitting in my armchair, stroking Applejack's mane when Apple Bloom started to cry. I gently lifted Applejack's head off of my lap, picked up the baby pony and brought her with me to the kitchen so that I could see if I had anything that I could feed her. Once both the ponies were fed, only then would I decide what to do with them. Leaving them hungry while I thought would have been cruel.
Anyway, I seem to remember that in a particular episode of MLP that babies drank milk, just like human babies. That was the good news, the bad news was that I didn't have any baby formula.
I stood there, thinking about how to procure some baby formula without leaving these two alone, while Apple Bloom nibbled my hair.

“I guess I'll just have do that thing where customers call the supermarket and tell them what they want.” I said to myself.

I fished my mobile phone out of my pocket and unlocked it. I brought up the dial pad when I realized that I didn't know he number. Thankfully, I had Internet so I looked it up.

“0...666...237...250” I muttered as I entered the number.

I waited silently as the phone rang. Finally, someone answered.

“Good morning, my name is Elliot. How may I help you today?” said a young sounding man on the phone.

“Um.. Yes, hello. I need some baby formula, some milk, sliced whole wheat bread and some marmite please.” I said, ticking off the items as I ran the list through my head.

“Would you like to try out our express delivery system?” asked Elliot.

“Umm...” I could hear Apple Bloom start to cry in my ear. Better make it fast. “Yes please.”

“Very well. We will have your shopping at your door in 40 minutes time. Thank you for choosing Harry's superstore for your needs. The best supermarket around.” Said the man.

The only supermarket around, I thought, as I hung up the phone.

Almost an hour later, the doorbell finally rang. I ran to the door as I tried to calm Applebloom. I almost opened the door when I realized exactly what I was carrying in my arms.


I ran back to the living room and put her down next to Applejack, who was still sleeping comfortably in the armchair.

“Don't fall off.” I said. I didn't know what that would achieve. I just hoped that she would understand. She looked at my with wide eyes as I left the room, gurgling away happily.

I ran back to the door and pulled it open, out of breath.

“Hi!” I said as I took deep breaths.

“Good morning! I'm Elliot. I have what you ordered.” Said the man. I was right, he was young. Barely any older than I am by the look of him.

“Thank you.” I replied as he handed me my groceries.

“Just doing my duty.” said Elliot. “Thank you for using Harry's Superstore for your shopping needs. Have a nice day!”

Elliot turned and walked back to his van. I rolled my eyes. His duty? Seriously? I shut the door and started heading back to the living room when I heard a soft thump. Apple Bloom started crying not long after.
I rushed back to the living room to find out what had happened. Apple Bloom had fallen of the armchair. I hurried to where she had fallen and picked her up so that I could calm her. I looked her over to see if she was hurt but she looked perfectly fine. I inspected the area where she fell, there was a bunch of pillows there that were very conveniently placed. I don't remember putting those there... And where's Applejack, by the way?

I glanced around the room, searching for the orange filly. I heard a door open and close and saw her trot back in the room with my pillow. She looked at Apple Bloom, who was still crying as I held her in my arms. Applejack looked at the stack of pillows and saw the clear shape of a baby pony embedded in it. She spat out the pillow and glared at me. She didn't need to say anything, her accusing eyes said it all... You shouldn't have left her alone.

Magic Toast

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Chapter 4

Applejack and I spent the next two minutes starring at each other. Guilt in my eyes, anger in hers. I just stood there, Apple Bloom cradled in my arms. She had stopped crying and was now just looking around her as if nothing had happened. Applejack looked at the baby pony and then trotted over to me. She stopped in front of me and looked up at me. She opened her mouth and spoke for the first time.

“Ah'll hold her fer now.” It wasn't a question.

I was so surprised to hear her speak, and English no less, that I crouched and handed Apple Bloom over. Applejack extended her hoof and cradled the baby in her leg. She went returned to the armchair and climbed on to it. Once she was comfortably sitting down, she held Apple Bloom in her front hooves. She looked down at the pony and all the anger was replaced by the most peaceful expression I had seen on her face yet. Her lips twitched upwards slightly as Apple Bloom gave a small yawn. She looked up at me. It seemed that she had forgiven me, or at least her anger at me had subsided somewhat.

I watched as Applejack rocked Apple Bloom, who had fallen back to sleep, her hoof in her mouth. It seemed that human and pony babies weren't that different. I approached the two ponies and knelt in front of the young farm pony. I looked her in the eyes and hoped that she understood English as well as she spoke it.

“I'm sorry.”

Applejack blinked and just sat there, holding on to Apple Bloom. What she did next surprised me just as much as when I had found out that she could speak. She got up, holding her baby sister with her right hoof and skipped from the armchair onto my bent knees. She gave me a quick nuzzle as she hopped off of me. She put Apple Bloom down gently on the pile of cushions and trotted towards the bags that were in the hallway, undoubtedly looking for some form of food. I picked up Apple Bloom before getting up to follow Applejack to the bags. I wasn't going to leave her alone again.

Applejack poked the bag with her nose, obviously curious about what they contained. I opened the bag and pulled out the diapers.
“I'll have to look up how to do this... Don't you just love the Internet?” I asked Applejack.

She just gave me a confused stare.

“What's tha'?” inquired the orange farm pony.

“Um... I'll explain later.”

I reached in again and pulled out the toast bread, marmite and milk. I put down all three items on the table and opened up the packet of bread. I took out two slices and went to put in the toaster. Applejack followed me and jumped up on one of the chairs that were placed around the small kitchen. She couldn't quite see over the top of the counter so she put her front hooves on the surface so that she could get a better look.

“What are ya doin'?” she asked.

“Huh? Oh... I'm toasting some toast.” I explained.

“Oh... What's tha'... thing, fer though?” she insisted.

“Um... Making toast?” I answered.

“Oh...” she said.

I could tell that she still didn't really understand so I slid the pieces of toast in the toaster and explained.

“You saw how I put those two slices of bread in right?” Applejack nodded. “Great. Now, what happens is that when I pull down on this switch, heat will start to go through these metal... things. And they in turn will heat up the toast and lightly toast it where there 's contact.”

That was the simplest explanation I could think of. I wasn't going to explain where the heat came from. Electricity would add another quarter hour to this discussion. And then I'd have to use a microwave to heat up the toast... And then I'd have to explain how that works too.

“But... Where does the heat come from?” asked Applejack

I stared at her. I answered with the easiest explanation I could think off that wouldn't include an extra 15 minutes of talking instead of eating.

“It's magic.” I said

“Oh!” she exclaimed. "Ok."

I smile and turn towards the toaster, ready to catch the pieces of toast on a plate.

An Unexpected Morning

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Chapter 5

After having fed the two ponies. I decided to try and find out more about what had happened and how they got here.

"Applejack? Can we talk?" I asked

Applejack turned her head and looked at me. She hoped down from her chair and trotted back to the couch where Apple Bloom lay sleeping. She jumped onto the couch and I sat in the chair across from her.

"So... Do you have any idea how you ended up here? On Earth?" I started. Maybe I could have started with a better question, but I didn't really know what was going on. So finding relevant questions wasn't easy.

"No, I don't. All ah remember is someone screamin' and a flash of light. Sorry." replied the orange pony.

"Right... Well. If you don't know, I guess we're not going to find out anytime soon. But what a.bout before the flash of light? Where did the both of you come from?" I smiled, curious about their home.

"Ah... Ah don't remember..." she repeated.

"You mean you have no memory of anything from before the flash?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Not a thing." she stated with a sad little smile.

"Do you at least remember your name? Or who she is?" I asked, gesturing towards Apple Bloom.

"AH DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING! ALRIGHT!?" she shouted at me suddenly. I looked at her in shock as she got of the couch angrily and trotted away. She looked at one of my potted plants angrily. She turned her back to it and pulled one of her back legs in. I realized what she was about to do and before I could say anything she kicked it. I watched as it sailed across the room and crashed through the window. That was my favorite plant. I turned my head around to face Applejack. I looked at her hooves. Those things are deadly. I thought to myself.
She had her back to me now. Just sitting next to a small pile of dirt and a few lonely leaves.

That was... unexpected. I didn't mean to upset her like that. I was just surprised that she didn't remember anything whatsoever.

Yes, I know that you didn't mean it! But you're suppose to go tell her that!

Woah! Who are you?

I'm your conscience, we don't talk much. But I'm irrelevant to the story. Just go talk to her!

Story? What do you mean story?

Forget it! You won't understand yet! Just go talk to Applejack!!

Alright! Fine! Why'd my conscience have to be so pushy? I wondered with a pout.

I heard that...

Oh go bother my subconscious and leave me alone.

I can't. He never listens to me.

But my conscience's comment fell on death ears. For I had already gotten up and walked cautiously towards Applejack. When I reached her, I didn't hear any crying. Maybe she wasn't that hurt. I thought hopefully.

Or maybe she cries on the inside.

Oh, shut up.

I got down on my knees next to her. Whether she noticed my presence or not, I had no idea. So I just started with what I did know.

"You're name's Applejack. And the pony drooling on my couch over there is Apple Bloom, your sister."

She lifted her head and looked towards where Apple Bloom was napping.

"Mah sister? Are ya sure? She doesn't look anything like me..."

"I'm sure Applejack."

She looked me straight in the eyes. I can't even begin to describe the depth of the emotion those eyes held. I guess she did cry on the inside.

"I don't know anymore then you do about what happened, but I promise I will do what I can to find out. Maybe this has happened before. If it has, there's probably something on Internet about it." I said reassuringly.

I didn't expect what happened next. I guess you could call it an unexpected morning. Applejack rushed onto my lap and wrapped her hooves around my waist. But I noticed she still wasn't crying. No wonder she lost it like she did. All those pent up emotions had to come out some time. She must be more afraid then I thought. I wrapped my arms around her too.

"It'll be ok." I told her.

And there we sat in silence... Until she asked me a question.

"Sarah? What the hay is internet?"

I almost laughed. And so I explained what Internet was. I won't lie, I wasn't looking forward to having to explain it to Apple Bloom.

A Walk In The Park

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Chapter 6

After having explained what Internet is and what it could be used for, I thought that it might be a good idea to take Applejack and Apple Bloom out to get some fresh air. I could probably hide Apple Bloom in a stroller. And I knew where to get one. But hiding Applejack would be more difficult. I needed to find her a disguise. Maybe I could try and find a small dog costume. She's the right size and build, for now anyway.
I looked at Applejack. It could work. If anyone looks to closely, I could just say that she ran into a wall. Which explains why her face is flatter then a dog's should be. I knew where to get what I needed. I was worried about leaving them alone, but I would have to if I wanted to go out and buy the necessities. No small shop has a delivery service.

"Hey Applejack?" I called.

"Yes?" came the reply.

"I need to go out and buy a stroller for Apple Bloom and a disguise for you. Will you be ok on your own for a little while?"

"Umm... Ah think so. But you'll come back, right?" She asked slightly worried.

"Of course I will. I live here, remember?" I replied teasingly.

And so I left, making sure that the blinds were lowered and the door was locked. I got on my bike and rode to the nearest market. Thankfully, I live in a student area. So things were cheaper around here. I walked into the second hand store that had literally everything. I was greeted by the man who owned the store. He greeted me like all the people who walk into his store. With a frown. He was always doing that for some reason. This guy desperately needed something in his life to cheer him up. Maybe one day I would sit him on a chair and make him watch something funny and uplifting.
I explored the shop until I found an old stroller. I looked in every dirty corner of his store, and Luna be praised (Where did that come from?), stuffed in a small box, was a dog coat. This coat even had a hood with a nose warmer, so a flat face wouldn't be a problem. I paid for it and then rode home on my bike as fast as I could, slightly worried that something may have happened while I was away.

Five minutes later I was back home, having narrowly avoided several car accidents because who needs traffic lights anyway. I put my bike in it's usual place and walked to the stair that would take me to my flat. I started the arduous climb up the grey, dull staircase. These stairs are worse than that really dangerous "staircase" from The Lord of the Rings. I couldn't see anything, you never knew what you might find in these stairs. I'd once accidentally stepped on one of my neighbors, a student like me, who was asleep on the lading in front of his door. Someone had taped a note to his forehead that said "I lost my key". Possibly himself.
Anyway, I finally reached my floor. I squeezed three fingers in the ridiculously small pocket of my jeans and started fishing for my keys. Why couldn't they make normal sized pockets on women's jeans? Was it that hard to do? I felt my key ring and clenched it with all three fingers. I slowly pulled out my key, I didn't want it to get caught on my jeans and fall back in the pocket again. My keys safely in my hand, I unlocked the door and walked in.

"Applejack? I'm home!" I called out closing the door behind me. I entered the living room and found Applejack dangling her ponytail above Apple Bloom, the baby pony gurgling happily at the distraction and trying to catch the hair with her tiny hooves. Applejack turned her head towards me and stopped swinging her hair.

"Is everything ok?" I asked the orange pony.

"Yup! Everythin's just dan... Ow!" she exclaimed all of sudden. I rushed over to see what was wrong and saw that Apple Bloom had, finally, managed to grab a part of Applejack's ponytail and was pulling it towards her, trying to get it into her mouth. I slowly pulled the strands of hair out of her grip (How do ponies hold on to things anyway?) so as to not cause Applejack any more harm or upset Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom gurgled on happily and Applejack just looked at her like if she were looking at a horrendous monster. She turned her attention back to me and asked:

"What did you go an' do?"

"I went to buy a disguise for you so that you can walk... Um. I mean trot (I guess) around without causing other people to bother you or be bothered by you." I replied as I pulled out the full body dog coat.



"Why would people be bothered by me?" She asked.

Bollocks. I turned around to face her. Worry had etched itself on to her face.

"Um... I don't actually mean bothered. I just mean people might find it strange to see a pony walking around in the middle of town. Here, ponies are usually found on farms. It's the other people, not you."

"Oh. Ok then." She said. Applejack still looked a bit worried, but less so than before.

"Come on." I said with the most encouraging smile I could produce. "Let's get this on you so that we can go stretch our legs."

She seemed to relax at that. Maybe going out more often would be a good idea. I get the feeling that Applejack is more of an outdoors pers... pony. I hope Apple Bloom will be more of an indoor type and stay out of trouble.

I helped Applejack get into the coat, pulled the hood over her head and slipped the nose warmer on.

"How does it feel?" I inquired.

"Well. It fits ok. But it's really warm too. Are we leavin' soon?" She asked.

"Yes, we are. Just give me a second to get Apple Bloom in the stroller."

I picked up the young filly and gently placed her down in the stroller, making sure she was properly strapped in. I went into my bedroom and grabbed a blanket to put over her. It would serve the dual purpose of keeping her warm and hiding the fact that she wasn't a human baby. I returned to the stroller and placed the blanket over the baby pony.

"Ok Applejack. We can leave now." I said with a smile. I walked to the door, pulling the stroller behind me, and opened it. I walked out of my flat and pressed the button to call the lift.

The lift arrived and we all got in, I pressed the button for the lobby. The lift started it's slow descent, thankfully there was no irritating shopping music. I hate those jingles. The doors opened with a ding. Applejack stepped out, followed by myself. I buzzed the door so that it unlocked and we all stepped out into the sunlight. Of course being Britain, there wasn't really any sunlight. It just wasn't dark. I made sure that Applejack's muzzle was well hidden and that Apple Bloom was invisible. I started walking towards the park, the two ponies in tow. I was right, there weren't a lot of people walking in the streets, but I would panic inside every time we did cross someone. But they would hardly give us a second glance. Sometimes, not even a first glance. So I eventually relaxed, and made my way to the park.

We arrived at the park a few minutes later, and I was relieved to see no one there. I went to the nearest bench and sat down there. I enjoyed the feeling of not standing for a few seconds. Then I realized that Applejack was just staring me. She looked confused.

"Do you... Um... need something Applejack?" I inquired.

"Um... No. Ah... Ah just want to make sure that Apple Bloom is ok. Here."


I looked at Applejack closely. While it was understandable that she might not want to leave her sister alone, considering that I didn't have the best record of looking after her. But Apple Bloom wouldn't be out of her sight if she went to play on the park. Maybe she was worried. She did look a bit apprehensive. Maybe she's scared off walking off on her own. She's never been alone since she got here. And she doesn't remember anything from before she arrived.

"It's ok Applejack. There's nothing here that can hurt you." I say

"Are ya sure? Um... Ah mean. Of course there ain't. I was just keepin' an eye on AppleBloom."

"Don't worry Applejack. I've got her."

I smile at her, hoping to reassure the orange pony. She looks at me and Apple Bloom, then looks to the park.

"Ok then." Applejack walks off towards the park. I watch her as trots around it for minute. She finds the ladder leading up the platform that precedes the slide. I watch her try to climb it several times but she falls off every time. I should of seen that coming. This isn't a park for ponies.

I see her turn around with her back hooves facing the ladder. I guess she's giving up. I expect her to start walking. But she doesn't. Instead she seems to be pulling her back legs in, as if she was planning to... Oh no... Before I could stop her, her hooves shoot out from their usual position on the ground and hit the ladder with a loud clang. denting several of the rungs.
I look around guiltily. I hope that people just assume that a drunk went at that ladder with a crowbar. I focus my attention back on Applejack. She seems to have moved on to a set of swings. She climbs on and tries to sit up on one. But the seats being made of rubber makes that impossible. So she just ends up lying on her stomach and using her hooves to propel herself forward, with the occasional squeak of the chains rubbing against the wood. I watch her, smiling a bit, when...


Apple Bloom had managed to get a hold of a few strands of hair and was currently chewing on them. I looked down at the little filly. Well. I guess that means she's hungry. I gently extract my hair from her mouth and fish through my bag for the milk bottle that I had brought with me. I grab the bottle and put the end bit in Apple Bloom's waiting mouth. I hold on to the bottle for the first few seconds and then she grabs the bottle herself. Well. She can clearly handle this by herself. I smile at her as she drinks the milk. She's so adorable. I could have stared at her all day. But then I realized that I couldn't hear anything other then birds tweeting. The sound of a pony playing on a swing was horribly absent. I look up and turn my gaze towards towards the swings. No sign of the orange pony anywhere. Ok. Time to start panicking.