Sunset's Life After Graduation

by AllegroShine

First published

Sunset Shimmer decided to get married to Adagio Dazzle. Meanwhile, Sunset want's to start a family with Adagio Dazzle.

Sunset Shimmer & Adagio Dazzle got married and a new change begins in the first chapter. The Mane 6 are really angry, but Sunset didn't cared about having a baby looking like Adagio Dazzle. Meanwhile, Sonata tell's Aria she's moving out to stay with Sunset and Adagio. Uh oh... this might not end well... or will it?

Chapter 1

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'' Morning Adagio.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Morning Sunset.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Adagio, have you ever thought of having a baby or it's to early?" said Sunset Shimmer.

'' I was thinking about it and I want to have one, so, I decided to schedule for today at 1:00.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

At the patient room,

'' Sunset, what brings you to the office today?'' Twilight Sparkle asked.

'' We want to have a baby.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Okay, Adagio, we are going to take some blood from you.'' said Twilight Sparkle.

'' Sunset, here's the pill to take before you go to bed. Once you do that, come back next week for an ultrasound.'' said Twilight Sparkle.

Next week,

'' Okay Sunset, the due date is properly in April but its hard to tell the gender.'' said Twilight Sparkle.

At home,

'' How can I tell your sisters and my friends that I'm pregnant? I know your sisters, especially Aria, will be really mad at me and properly want to try to kill me.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' How about this, for 3 months, we won't tell Sonata and Aria.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

3 months later,

'' Well Sunset, it looks like 2 girls.'' said Twilight Sparkle.

At home,

'' How about this, one of the baby's room can be some flames and a sunset and the other one can be diamonds and music notes.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' That's a great idea!'' said Adagio Dazzle.

At Sonata's house,

'' Ugh, I can't believe that Adagio made Sunset pregnant. And left our band. We were supposed to be a band forever, but no, she had to leave the band so she can be with our rival, Sunset Shimmer.'' said Aria Blaze.

'' Yeah with 2 girls.'' said Sonata Dusk.

'' I know a plan.'' said Aria Blaze.

''What?" said Sonata Dusk.

'' We can try to have a baby.''' said Aria Blaze.

''Great idea!'' said Sonata Dusk.

Chapter 2

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At Sunset and Adagio's house,

'' Well, how about Allegro Shine?'' Sunset Shimmer asked.

'' Perfect.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' How about Melody Diamond for the other one?" Adagio Dazzle asked.

'' Even more perfect!.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset gasped.

'' What's wrong?'' Adagio Dazzle asked Sunset Shimmer.

'' Feel my belly.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

Adagio felt the belly and smiled.

'' It's one of them kicking for the first time!'' said Adagio Dazzle.

''I know it's kinda hard since your friends (properly ex-friends), got real furious at you, cause, when I told Sonata and Aria, Aria was real, real furious that she slapped me, and for Sonata, she said she was glad and want to help, so that's why she is coming over here to stay cause, Aria was hitting her.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Poor girl.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' I know. She has to go through her life with abuse.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Something tells me that we tell the police about it.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Hmm. You're right.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

At Sonata's house,

'' I told you Aria, I'm going to stay at Sunset and Adagio's house cause I had it with you bossing me around, telling me what to do, calling me names, and abusing me.'' said Sonata Dusk.

'' Whatever.'' said Aria Blaze. Aria Blaze slapped Sonata Dusk.

At Adagio and Sunset's house,

'' Sunset, I'm going out to Sonata's house.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Okay, but be careful.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

At Sonata's house,

'' Sonata? What happened?'' Adagio Dazzle asked.

'' Aria Blaze beat me up and a little bit more, I properly could've died.'' said Sonata Dusk.

'' You poor thing. Come on Sonata, Let's go to your new home.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' At Adagio, Sunset and Sonata's house,

'' Adagio what happened to Sonata?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

'' Aria Blaze beat her up cause she told her that she was coming to stay here with us.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' There is something else that you properly want to know.'' said Sonata Dusk.

'' What is it?" Adagio Dazzle asked.

'' I'm pregnant.'' said Sonata Dusk.

'' I think we need to check out and see if the baby's okay.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Me too.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Wow. Sunset, you're having twins?" said Sonata Dusk.

'' Yeah, and she said that it'll properly be here by April.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Okay, I think we can use some good night sleep.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

Chapter 3

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''Well Sonata, the baby's fine, but when you have the baby on March 9, you will need a c-section.'' said Twilight Sparkle.

''Can we have some time alone?'' Sonata Dusk asked.

'Sure. Take ll the time you need.'' said Twilight Sparkle.

''Sonata, we're sorry about that.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

''I'm just glad we always have each other.'' said Sonata Dusk.

''Sonata? Are you okay?" Adagio Dazzle asked.

''I'm fine.'' said Sonata Dusk.

'' Well, before you got here, she told me it's going to be a girl.'' said Sonata Dusk.

''Guys, why don't we name her Heather Melody Song?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

''Sunset, that's beautiful.'' said Sonata Dusk.

'' Heather! There you are!'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Guys, this is Heather Alicen Kelley Swedenburg.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

''Heather, I didn't know you had a baby.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Yeah, I gave birth to her March 10, the day after my birthday.'' said Heather.

''Her?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

''Oh, meet Alexis Victoria Swedenburg.'' said Heather.

'' We should hang out.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

''Yeah.'' said Heather.

'' Well it's nice seeing you guys again.'' said Heather.

''Nice seeing you too.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

Outside on the back of the hospital,

'' Spike, there is something strange about those 4 girls.'' said The other Twilight Sparkle.

Bonus Chapter!

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'' Adagio! Open up!" said Aria Blaze extremely mad.

'' Aria?!? What are you doing here?'' Adagio Dazzle asked.

'' I'm really mad at you, Sonata, and Sunset.'' said Aria Blaze.

'' Aria, I can't believe I'm saying this but, when I went over to your house, I saw Sonata by a door shivering. She was all covered up in bruises. I can tell deep inside, she was real hurt. And she was pregnant! She had to have to have a C-section! A C-SECTION!!! The doctors said she almost didn't make it!'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Well, she is the worst!" said Aria Blaze.

'' I know you think she is the worst, but, she was helping us getting magic, she loves tacos as much as I do, and then there's you. Nothing much about you but, has a very, very, very bad attitude.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' What did you say?!?" said Aria Blaze.

'' I said, you have a very, very, very, bad attitude and you're THE WORST, NOT SONATA!" said Adagio Dazzle.

'' I never, ever, liked you Adagio. I mean, you always lead in our songs.'' said Aria Blaze.

'' You know what, get out of my house, and I better not see you, ever again!" said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Fine, but next time, I'll make sure you will be come unpopular.'' said Aria Blaze.

'' It's okay my little Allegro and Melody. I'll never let her or anyone hurt you.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

7 months later,

'' Meet Senza Glare and Harmony Star.'' said Sonata Dusk.

At home,

'' Girls, I heard some pretty bad news.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' What is it Sunset?" Adagio Dazzle and Sonata Dusk asked.

'' Aria was killed in a very bad car crash. They said she was drinking while driving her Ferrari LaFerrari and crashed into Twilight's Lamborghini Gallardo. Twilight is okay. But Aria's Ferrari was totaled out.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Oh who care's about Aria's part?" said both Adagio Dazzle and Sonata Dusk.

'' I'm just glad we're a family.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Me too.'' said both Adagio Dazzle and Sunset Shimmer.

'' Me too.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

Bonus Chapter Part 2

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'' Hey, why don't we all go out for some pizza?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

'' Okay, but what about Allegro, Melody, Senza, and Harmony?" Sonata Dusk asked.

'' We can bring them along for their first day out since they were born!" said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Well, okay!'' said Sunset Shimmer.

''I'm in!" said Sonata Dusk.

At Magical Pizza 101,

'' Um, 2 Large Pizzas, half Pepperoni / Sausage.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Sure thing. Coming right up!'' said Delancy.

'' You guys can go pick a booth, I'll go make the drinks.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Hmm, I'll just do a Coltacola for Sunset, and Hawaiian Punch for Sonata, and Sunkist for me.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

At the table,

'' Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Flutttershy!?!'' said Sunset Shimmer surprisingly.

'' Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack!?! What are you doing here?" Adagio Dazzle asked.

'' Oh hello Sunset.'' said Rarity.

'' Guys, look, Sunset, Adagio, and Sonata have their own responsibility's to take care of now. Sunset has choose to marry Adagio, and we didn't like the fact she was marring Adagio. And now look, Sunset, Adagio, and Sonata have their kids to take care of. Can we give it a rest?" said Twilight Sparkle.

Bonus Chapter Part 3

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'' Twilight, who says we have to listen to you? You and Flash got married, then have 2 kids, and then now all of a sudden, you have a huge mansion and a Lamborghini! A LAMBORGHINI!'' said Rarity.

'' Come on Adagio and Sonata, let's just get this pizza to go cause all the argument is going on, the girls look like they are being bothered with that.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

At home,

'' I can't believe that they're first day out was a bummer.'' said Sonata Dusk.

'' Girls, you know that application I sent in 3 months ago? Well, they just accepted us!'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Shut up! No way!" said Sunset Shimmer.

'' I can't believe our dreams of becoming a actress, singer, and Fashion Designer payed off!" said Sunset Shimmer.

'' They said we have to move from Canterlot, to Applewood.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' And I almost forgot, one more friend can come with to accomplish his/ or her plans!'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Well, how about Heather? She's willing to help us with anything. Plus, she's the only good friend we have. The rest are just Frenemies.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' I agree.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Me too.'' said Sonata Dusk.

'' Then, It's official! Let's call Heather and tell her the good news.'' said Sunset Shimmer.


'' No way! Shut up! I was looking to do that dream! Of course i'll come!" said Heather.

'' Okay, we'll leave in the morning.'' said Sunset Shimmer.


'' Sunset? Have you seen Adagio?" said Sonata Dusk.

'' No.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Hey, Twilight just texted me. She said that Adagio is in a race car race!'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Then what are we waiting for! Let's get the Lamborghini, and dress up sexy. And enter that race!'' said Sonata Dusk.

At the Champion Race,

'' Hello everybody! Welcome to Canterlot's 5Oth Annual Race. And I'm your host, Tina Fey.'' said Tina Fey.

'' And I'm the Co-Host, Amy Poehler. Now, let's introduce our racers!" said Amy Poehler.

'' Here's Rainbow Dash in her Lamborghini Countach!" said Tina Fey.

'' Here's Trixie Lulamoon in her Chevy Camaro!" said Amy Poehler.

'' Here's Lyra Heartstrings in her Bentley Continental GT!'' said Tina Fey.

'' Here's Delancy in her Chevy Corvette!" said Amy Poehler.

'' Here's Diamond Tiara in her Lamborghini Miura!" said Tina Fey.

'' Remember those when I was a kid.'' said both Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

'' Here's Sweetie Belle in her Toyota Supra!" said Amy Poehler.

'' Here's Applejack in her Ferrari LaFerrari!'' said Amy Poehler.

'' And we have 3 now racers this year!'' said Tina Fey.

'' Give it up for Sunset Shimmer, in her Lamborghini Veneno! Sonata Dusk in her Lamborghini Gallardo. And Adagio Dazzle in her Lamborghini Diablo!'' said both Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

'' Let the race begin!'' said both Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

Bonus Chapter Part 4

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'' Woah, looks like Sunset's in the lead, following behind, Adagio, and Sonata!'' said Tina Fey.

At home,

'' Adagio, you did great!'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Yeah, why don't we tell our audience on the other side of the computer/laptop/phones, or IPad's about the time we got married.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

1 year ago,

'' We are gathered here to celebrate the marriage Ms. Shimmer and Ms. Dazzle.'' said Princess Celestia.

'' Ms. Shimmer, do you accept this woman, Adagio Dazzle to be your lovely husband?" Princess Celestia asked.

'' I do.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' And do you, Ms. Dazzle, accept this woman for your lovely wife?" Princess Celestia asked.

'' I do.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Does anyone object this 2 to not get married?" Princess Celestia asked.

'' Me!" said Aria Blaze.

'' Princess Celestia, this girl has been trying to let Sunset & Adagio to not get married ever since they announced they will get married.'' said Twilight Sparkle.

'' It's true!'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Yeah!" said everyone.

'' Then if it is, Guards!, escort this girl, and put her in Tatarus!'' said Princess Celestia.

Bonus Chapter Part 5

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'' Sunset, Allegro and Diamond are dying to get their own sibling. Should we have 2 other kids?" Adagio Dazzle asked.

'' Okay, we'll make them tonight.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Okay.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Mom! Can we invite Melanie, Lexi, Alexa, and Delancy for our sleepover?'' Both Allegro Shine and Diamond Melody asked.

''Sure!'' said Sunset Shimmer.

When Sunset had to use the restroom, she grabbed a pill that'll make you pregnant.

The next day,

As soon as Sunset woke up, she felt horrible. Luckily she took a pregnancy test.

'' Adagio! It worked! We're having 2 girls!'' said Sunset Shimmer excitedly.

9 months later, Sunset named her 2 daughters, Sapphire Blaze and Jade Sunlight.