Something's up with SweetieBelle,

by RainbowDash22222

First published

This is certainly a mystery,

(I'll give you a sneak peek) "Sweetie Belle, would you be a dear and get the gold silk from my room?" Rarity said as she was busily rushing away to fill out her order for a VERY important customer, Photo Finish! "Sure thing sis! ......Wait, did you say GOLD silk?" Sweetie Belle said with a grave look on her face. "Yes Sweetie Belle, is that a problem? Or should I get it myself?" "Oh no! I mean, oh no, you should continue working on the order while I as a good sister, go and get the silk." Sweetie Belle said with a fake grin on her face. "Oh thank you Sweetie Belle! I do need to continue working on my masterpiece!" Sweetie Belle gulped as she ran into her sister's room. ( End of the sneak peek! If you want to know what happens, well YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT -.- Bye! Rainbow dash OUT )

Chapter 1. Regret

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Sweetie Belle ran into her sister Rarity's room. "Oh Celestia! Why did I cut the gold silk for my Cutie Mark Crusader clothes! Why didn't I just use blue? Or green? Or maybe Pink? No I had to use Gold! Ugh stupid stupid me!" As Sweetie Belle was Facehoofing herself Rarity was still waiting for the gold silk. "What's taking Sweetie Belle so long? Maybe I should check on her," Rarity started walking towards her room and Sweetie Belle heard hoof steps. "Oh no! Rarity's coming! I have to hide the silk before she find's out!" Rarity clopped into the room "Sweetie Belle, did you find the gold silk? Sweetie Belle?" "Right here sis!" Sweetie Belle said as she was closing the closet door quickly. "Sweetie Belle, what in equestria were you doing?" Rarity said with her eyebrow raised "Oh uh... nothing. I was just organizing your closet for you! And I want it to be a surprise," Sweetie Belle started pushing Rarity out of the room. "Ok Rarity keep working on the masterpiece! Bye!" As Sweetie Belle closed the door and sunk to the floor Rarity was curious about what Sweetie Belle was up to. She thought to herself *What could she be hiding in there? Hmmph.* Rarity trotted off to work more on the special dress for Photo Finish. To be continued...

Chapter 2. Suspicion

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"That was close! Phew! Good thing she went out of the room, I need to get Scootaloo and Apple Bloom's help before Rarity find's out!" Sweetie Belle ran out her sisters door and almost got to the door BUT.... Rarity stopped her almost... "Sweetie Belle! No running in the shop! And aren't you supposed to be getting my silk? Sweetie Belle! Come back! Oh, forget it. I'll just look for the silk my self then! Hmmph!" Rarity trotted into her room looking anxiously for the silk, meanwhile, Sweetie Belle was heading towards Sweet Apple Acres to get some advice from Apple Bloom, "Applejack!" "Huh? Whoa!" Sweetie Belle tumbled over Applejack, "AppleJack! I'm sorry! I'm looking for Apple Bloom! Do you know where she is?" Applejack got up, "Yeah, she's over there sittin' under the tree 'Readin' as she likes t' call it. Whatever it is." Applejack went about her business while Sweetie Belle ran over to Apple Bloom. "Apple Bloom! Apple Bloom! What..... are you doing?" "Huh, oh I'm doin' this fancy thing called readin' it's actually neat! Th-The- C-C-Cow- Wen-Went- T-To Th-The...." "Apple Bloom! I need your help! You know the Cutie Mark Crusaders outfits I said I was making," "Yeah, what about em?" "Well, I accidently used Rarity's special gold silk for a very important customer! And I don't know how to tell her, I need some help. Your honest Apple Bloom! What would you do?" "Well, I would explain t' Rarity what happened and I would confess what happened." Sweetie Belle just stood in silence, "Are you kidding me? That would be to hard to do! I'm gonna go get Scootaloo's advice!" Sweetie Belle took off for the park, Scootaloo's usual spot. "Ok, but remember my advice! Now, back to this fangled dealy called a book, An-And Th-The- C-Cow" To be continued....

Chapter 3. What

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Sweetie Belle was heading over to the park to see Scootaloo and to her surprise she saw scootaloo skating up and down along the side walk. "Scootaloo!" "Huh?" Sweetie Belle tumbled over Scootaloo causing her to wreck. "I'm sorry Scootaloo! I just need to ask you a question! Second time I've tumbled on somepony today." Scootaloo got up and gave Sweetie Belle a sharp look "Why did you have to do that?! I was in the middle of my signature move! It would of been awesome!" Sweetie Belle got up too. "I'm sorry Scootaloo, I didn't mean t" "Save it. Just what's your question?" "Oh right, the question, ok. *Says fast* "The cutie mark crusader outfits I was making I accidently used Rarity's special gold silk for a very important customer and I don't know how to tell her and what should I do?" Scootaloo just stared for a moment. "Uh, can you repeat that?" Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. "I accidently used Rarity's special gold silk and now I don't know how to tell her! If it where you, what would you do?" "Well, I wouldn't tell her, I would just keep it a secret and make more gold silk, I know how you can do it!" "Um... Scootaloo, are you sure I shouldn't tell her? I mean that would be smart to do." "No! Don't tell her! She'd get angry with you! She would get so angry she wouldn't let you go outside to play anymore!" Sweetie Belle gulped hard. "Now come on! I know a way to make the gold silk," Scootaloo left her scooter in the park and ran off as Sweetie Belle quickly followed. Mean while, Rarity was still looking for the gold silk. "Ugh! Where did I set it? Hmm," Rarity pondered a moment, "Maybe she put it in the closet!" "Rarity opened the closet and got trampled over by a pile of mess and fabrics galore! "Sweetie Belle said she cleaned the closet! Ugh! Nevermind, I just need to look for the silk! Photo finish will be here soon!" Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo ran to Fluttershy's house and knocked rapidly. "Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Fluttershy!" The girls said anxiously. Fluttershy opened the door. "Oh, hello girls." "Fluttershy! Do you have some extra sparkles, yellow paper and glue?" Scootaloo asked. "Why yes, now that you mention it. I do have some extra sparkles, yellow paper, and glue. Why do you ask?" "Fluttershy, can we borrow it?" Said Sweetie Belle. "Sure, wait here a moment." Fluttershy walked back into her cottage and got a jar of sparkles, some yellow paper, and some glue. "Here you are girls. Now be careful with the glue now, don't get any of your hooves stuck." "We wont." Then Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle dashed off to the park. To be continued......

Chapter 4. Improvising

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Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo got to a park bench and Scootaloo began working. "Sweetie Belle, hoof me some glue!" "Ok," Sweetie Belle gave Scootaloo some glue. "Ah ha, there we go. Perfect!" *Shows messed up piece of yellow paper with glue hanging down and sparkled sprinkled all over. Sweetie Belle's mouth dropped wide open in surprise. "Huh? What'd ya think?" "Uh.... it's nice.." "Come on! Let's get it over to Rarity's and then it'll all be over!" Scootaloo ran to her scooter. "Oh Celestia, what have I gotten myself into," Said Sweetie Belle. "Come on slow poke! Let's get goin'!" Sweetie Belle trotted over to the scooter and hoped on. Scootaloo flapped out her wings and began riding. Meanwhile, Rarity was still looking for the silk. "Ugh! Where could I, or Sweetie Belle, of put it!" Rarity dug through the piles of fabric, pin cushions, and designs. "Ugh! This will take forever! And I only have a half an hour left!" Then Scootaloo appeared and stopped right outside Rarity's door. "Ok Sweetie Belle! Take the Gold Silk. Hurry!" Sweetie Belle grabbed the yellow paper dripping glue and sparkles and ran inside. "Rarity! I have the gold silk!" Rarity turned around. "Oh thank Celestia! I was looking all..... over.... Sweetie Belle. This is some yellow paper with glue dripping off it and some sparkles, where's the real silk?" To be continued.....

Chapter 5. Confession

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"Uh....." Sweetie Belle's mouth became silent. "Well?" Rarity said anxiously waiting for an answer. "Ok, I have a confession. I accidently used your special gold silk for my Cutie Mark Crusader outfits! I didn't know you were using it! I'm sorry." Sweetie Belle's head dropped in depression and tears came out her eyes. Rarity gasped. "Oh Sweetie Belle, your more important that gold silk! I can replace it. But I wish you would of told me in the first place." Rarity dried Sweetie Belle's tears. "Really? I'm sorry sis. I wish I would of told you in the first place too." Rarity and Sweetie Belle hugged. "Come on Sweetie Belle, wanna help me make some dresses?" Sweetie Belle nodded and got right to work. "Dear Princess Celestia, I learned it is important to tell the truth even though sometimes it's very hard. Your loyal subjects, Rarity and Sweetie Belle. The End.