Tornadoes In Los Angeles

by Brony_Headbanger

First published

You and Sunset Shimmer take a Trip to L.A. with friends. But Los Angeles is being destroyed by a swarm of tornadoes, and there's no place to hide.

You, Sunset Shimmer, and friends went on a trip to Los Angeles for a vacation in the summer time. But after your stay for a few days. Tornadoes are rampaging in L.A.

Now being trapped in Los Angeles by a swarm of tornadoes, there is no place to hide. And there's only one option, survive the "Tornado Apocalypses."

{Taken in Equestria Girls} {You x Sunset Shimmer, and the Main Six}

Chapter 1

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You're in Canterlot High School, and you're taking a test. Yes, a test. It's almost the end of the year, and you have to pass this class in order to graduate. You, Sunset, and the others have been planning to go on vacation for a while now. Since that it's about to be summer break. You can't wait.

Finally, after a thirty minutes of your test. You turn it in to your teacher. If you pass this class (and not go to summer school) It's goodbye junior year, hello senior year.

After five minutes of your teacher grading your test.

"Alright class. I'm sorry but non of you passed except one." She looks at you, and hands you your test. You made an 80.

"Yes!" You yelled.

"Only he made an 80, and you all made 60's? Really? What have you been all doing?" Said the teacher looking at the class. They all looked at each other, twirled their thumbs and what not. The bell rings. "I'll see you all in summer school." She said to the class. "Except you." She said smiling at you. "Congrats."

"Thanks." You said smiling. "I hope your summer will be awesome."

"Your too." She said smiling. "Got any plans?"

"I do." You said smiling. "Me, my girl, and our friends are going to Los Angeles for a vacation."

"That sounds like fun."

"I know right?" You said smiling.

"Who's your girlfriend again?"

"Sunset Shimmer." You said as you can't wait for you and her to hang out.

"Well I hope you have fun."

"Thanks." You said as you grabbed your stuff and ran out the door. "See ya!"

"Bye, have a great summer!"

"You too!"

* * * * * *

As you ran outside. You see, Sunset Shimmer, and your friends. You ran up to her and hugged her.

"Hey." She said as she saw you, hugged you and pecked you on the lips. "How'd it go?"

"I passed."

"Dude, that's awesome!" Said, Rainbow Dash surprised. "Now we don't have to cancel our vacation!"

"I know right? And I was the only one who passed."

"For real?" Said Sunset all surprised.

"I'm for real."

"Damn." She's really proud of you that you don't have to go to summer school, so are the others.

"Um, are you sure that your parents are okay if you come with us?" Asked, Fluttershy as if she thinks your parents are uncomfortable about this trip you're going to with your friends. You're only gonna be gone for two weeks.

"I hope so." You said as you and, Sunset are holding hands. "But hey, my parents are dick heads. They can hate all they want." Everyone giggled at what you said.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Said, Twilight getting excited. Isn't that, Pinkie's job to get all excited and what not? "Lets get packing!" She said as you all ran home.

You drove Sunset home, you two chatted in the car a little bit. "So, when are we leaving again to go to the airport?" You asked.

"I think around 5:00 AM." Sunset said as she looked at her watch. "I can't wait."

"Me neither." You said as you pecked her on the lips. "We all gonna have a same room?"

"Yeah, remember. Applejack and, Rainbow picked it out. They said it's gonna be fun, and maybe..." Sunset get's closer to your ear and whispers. "We might have a little fun time when no one's there." Oooooh, she got you good.

"Aight." You said as you played it cool on the outside, but you're getting to excited on the inside. This will be the best vacation ever.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow. We better get packing."

"Yeah, right." You said as if you forgot all about it when Sunset told you that you two might have a bit of fun when no one's in the room. She gets out of the car, blows you a kiss and waves you goodbye. You did the same, and sooner, you're out of the driveway on your way home to get packing.

* * * * * *

You're at home, waiting for your parents to get off work so you can ask them to barrow one of your briefcases or vacation bags so you can leave tomorrow morning.

Finally after two hours, their both home. You can barley hear a car door shut from outside your house when everything is completely silent. First your dad walks in, then your mom.

"Hey guys." You said with that smile.

"Hi, honey. How was school?"

"Awesome. I was the only one who passed that test today."

"That's great," said your mom as she's very proud of you. "I'm very proud." Yep, thought so.

"So, I got a question."

"Is it about that trip to Los Angeles with your friends and your girlfriend?" Your dad asked.

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"Well honey," Your mom said as she walked beside your dad. "You've been planning it for months now, and since that you passed the test. I guess we can let you go."

"Alright!" You said as you got up quickly. "Can I borrow one of your briefcases?"

"Yeah, there should be one in our closet." Your mom said as you ran to the bedroom. You looked in their closet, and after about a minute of searching, you found a rolly one. Perfect.

You ran upstairs to get ready for the best trip of your life, and to get ready to go to the airport tomorrow morning. So you have to get up early.

* * * * * *

Two hours had passed. Did you pack everything you need? Let's see. You got the clothes that you need, tooth brush with your tooth paste, magazines just in case, cell phone on your nightstand (which has to be full charged if you don't want it to be dead on the plane on your way there, same with your iPod.) Ipod, and ear-buds on your nightstand. Swimming trunks, a camera wouldn't help either.

So it looks like you have everything you need. Good, you're ready. You hope that tomorrow's gonna be an awesome day. You, your friends, and your girlfriend, Sunset Shimmer, who will be with you the whole time.

Sweet! This trip is gonna be awesome!

You look at your clock on your nightstand. It's 11:00 PM. Oh shit, you need to get to bed. You set your alarm to 2:00 AM. So you can get up, and get ready to leave for the airport. Your friends, and Sunset will be picking you up at 4:00 AM, and your flight leaves at 5:00 AM. So yeah, there's plenty of time. And rest is the most important thing.

Chapter 2

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Damn alarm. Oh well, time to get ready to leave for the airport. You turned off your alarm clock, and you stretched your limbs. Joints popping, scratching the tiredness out of your eyes. You make your way to your dresser to find some pants, next you walk to your closet to find a nice shirt. Bingo.

After picking the clothes of your choice to leave in about an hour, you head for the shower. Turning on the water to as hot as you can stand it. Feeling the warm water running down your body as you're getting prepared for the city thats... not that great. But the beach is. Los Angeles.

You remember the stories on L.A. about this and that, gangsters and what not. So you might wanna stay out of the city as long as you can while you're down there. But hey, a beach is always nice. Is it not? You remember the last time you went to the beach with... your last girlfriend before, Sunset Shimmer.

* * * * * *

At last, the rest of your luggage is downstairs. You're almost ready. All you have to do is brush your teeth, tell your parents goodbye, and you're off to Los Angeles.

After your teeth had been brushed. You just received a text. It's, Rainbow Dash.

"On our way."

"Aight." Was your response. "You guys almost here?"

"About to pull up."


You went to your parents bedroom so you can tell them that you're leaving.

"Mom? Dad?" You said as you shake them.

"Oh, hi honey." Said your mom.

"Hey, buddy." Said your dad. "What is it?"

"I'm leaving to Los Angeles with my friends, and girlfriend."

"Alright honey. You got everything you need?"

"Yep, my clothes, tooth brush, magazines, my iPod. Everything."

"Alright honey. Becareful."

"I will, I'll see you guys in a couple weeks."

"Bye buddy."

"See ya." You said as you shut your parents door.

* * * * * *

You walk outside, and you see a car pull up. Yes, it's your friends. Their here just on time. You open the van door.

"What's up, bro?!" Said, Rainbow Dash on the other side of the van. "You ready?"

"Hell yeah." You said as you climbed in and shut the door. "Where's, Sunset?"

"We're pickin' her up right now." Said, Applejack in the front seat.

"Sweet!" You said as you plugged your ear-buds in.

"And, sugarcube." Applejack said getting your attention. "You alright about what happened a few months ago?"

"Applejack, I don't think he wants to talk about it." Said, Twilight as if, Applejack's making you uncomfortable about what happened to your first girlfriend.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You said with that sad tone. Man, it was the toughest thing in your life.

* * * * * *
Six Months Earlier.

You're in the gym ready to pack up and go home. You played in the band as the lead guitarist and vocalist. Your girlfriend, Jessica, is the rhythm guitarist in your band. You and her had a tone of fun playing music, and she loved your friends.

"Hey, babe." She said getting your attention.


"I gotta get home. If I'm late again, mom will kill me."

"Alright," You said smiling. "I'll see ya tomorrow."

"K." She said as she pecked you on the lips. "Bye."

"Bye." You said as you waved her goodbye.

"Man, you two do make a good couple." Said, Jack the bass player.

"Yeah they do." Said, Mason on drums.

"Thanks guys." You said as you start packing your instruments as. Mason's getting ready to pack his double-bass drum set in his mini van.

A few minutes had passed as you're chatting with your band. Until, Sunset Shimmer runs inside.

She hollers your name to get your attention. "It's, Jessica!" You can tell by the look on her face that something happened. You ran outside with her. Oh no...

She's been hit by a drunk driver. "Oh my god! JESSICA?!?" You said as you, Sunset, and the others ran with you. You see, Jesica in her car with blood smeared all over her face.

"Ah just called an ambulance!" Said, Applejack. "They'll get here. It'll be fine."

Jessica barley looks at you with those haft lidded eyes of pain. You pulled out your pocket knife to free her from the tight seatbelt.

"Jessica." You said with tears in your eyes. "It's okay, I'm here. Just... Just stay with us." But fortnightly. "Jessica?"

She's dead. You immediately bring her out of the car and did CPR on her. "No! Come on! Come on god dammit!" You yelled as you're trying to bring her back. The others watched in shock.

After two minutes of pounding her chest and what not. She's not coming back. You burst into tears deeply.

"Oh my god!" Sunset said as she brings you in for a hug, same with the others. "We're so sorry."

After her funeral. You were in deep depression, you didn't go back to school for two weeks after what happened. Jessica's death hit you hard like a freight train slamming into a brick wall. Your parents felt really bad for you about that, but they did tell you that there's a tone of fish in the sea which cheered you up a bit. But maybe not as... her. Man.

After you returned to school. Your friends did felt bad for you, so did the entire school. She was popular, you were too. And that's also how you got, Sunset Shimmer to be your girlfriend a few weeks later. At least that made you happy.

* * * * * *

After you arrive at, Sunset Shimmer's house to pick her up for the trip to L.A. you did waited a few minutes till she finally came out of her house with a couple of briefcases. You helped her out.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Hey," She said as she stole a kiss from your lips. "How are you?"

"I'm doing awesome." You said as you smiled at her. She never gets tired of that. You helped her with her luggage. So it wont be a pain for her.

Finally, you and her sat together in the van. "LOS ANGELES, HERE WE COME!" Yelled, Pinkie Pie as she pulled out of, Sunset's driveway and head to the airport. It's 2:40 AM right now. So there's plenty of time to kill.

* * * * * *

You're at the airport. How long do you have till your flight leaves? Lets see. It's 4:00 AM right now. So you have an hour. You all quickly got your stuff out of the back, and head inside. Damn, this place is packed. You put your luggage in the x-ray thing, walked through the metal detector after you put your phone, and iPod in a case so they can scan it. You're clear.

After everything has been taken care of, you all got your plane tickets and sat down in the waiting area for about an hour till your flight has been called, and boarded the plane. You and, Sunset gladly sat together as you two held hands the entire time before the plane took off. You look at your watch, 4:59 AM. Yep, right on time.

5:00 AM. The plane starts its engines, and out of nowhere you feel a massive tug as you jerk back. The plane has taken off. Los Angeles, here we come.

Chapter 3

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Two hours on the plane. You can see the sun barley shining from where you're flying. You're holding, Sunset's hand as you're listening to your music, and flying to L.A. with her. This is amazing. When you look out the window, it's not so bad. Looking at the ground that's thousands of feet below you. Can you see your house from up here?

To bad you have to power down your cell. But hey, at least you get to listen to your awesome, brutal, metal tunes. That's always nice. As, Sunset's asleep for the trip, she leans on your shoulder. Which makes you smile, and she's not letting go of your hand. You lean on her, as you felt her moan in response, probably. So you too decide to fall asleep for the trip, it's amazing. I bet you're wondering what the others are doing on the plane right now. They are behind you, but you're not gonna bother looking. You're just proud to have Sunset on your side after your last girlfriend passed away.

* * * * * *

A few hours later.

As you were looking at a magazine and still have your tunes in your ears. From the corner of your eye, you can see the tall sky-scrapers from this amazing view. You must be in Los Angeles. Correct?

You felt a tap on your shoulder. "We're here." Sunset said with that smile on her face.

"Sweet." You said as you went back to the awesome view of L.A. And the beach. God, the beach. You can't wait to see, Sunset in her awesome swim-suit.

After a few minutes of thinking about your girl in a swim-suit. You felt a massive shove. but no one touched you. You must of landed. So that's why the ground got closer and closer.

* * * * * *

A few minutes have passed as you, Sunset, and the others got off the plane.

"Oh wow, I never knew Los Angeles can be... so big." Said Rarity as if she's never been to a big city like this before.

"It's L.A. Rarity." You said. "It's how it is."

"Right." She said as she's a bit embarrassed at what she just said. You turned your phone on and texted your parents that you just landed in Los Angeles, California.

Their response was "K. Have fun."

"Oh wow," Fluttershy said as she's in shock. "Los Angeles's airport is... so bigger then ours."

"It is." You said as you also notice the size of the building. "Anyways, lets get our bags and get to our hotel."

"Alrighty then." Applejack said as you all went to the bag... whatever you call it to get your bags.

In no time, you picked up your bags. But wait, the van is like how many miles away? Oh man, now there's no car for you all to get to your hotel with. Perfect.

"Can we rent a car?" Twilight asked. Not a bad idea. But how much will it cost to rent one?

Finally, you rented a van to place your stuff in. A car is just too small to place all that in. Especially what, Rarity carries with her. You know how she is.

* * * * * *

You arrive at a... beach house?

"Oh yeah, we forgot to tell ya'll." Applejack said. "Since that we needed out of the city, Dash and I chose a beach house."

"Hm, why not." You said.

"Oh yes, it is certainly not a bad idea." Said, Rarity as she got out of the van and breathe in the cool L.A. air. "~ahh."

"Yeah, I'm not much of a city girl." Fluttershy said as she got out of the van and also breathing the L.A. air and stretching her limbs.

"Hey, if you guys are cool with it, I'm cool with it." You said with a smile. "I haven't thought of this but, why not?" You and, Sunset got out of the van, and stretched your limbs while breathing the cool Los Angeles breeze from the splashing Pacific. "You guys wanna check the place out before we start unpacking?" You asked.

"Sure. Lets check it out." Said, Rainbow dash as you all walked inside the hou-HOLY SHIT IT LOOKS AMAZING!!!

All of your jaws dropped as you walked into the beach house. "Whoa." You said as you held, Sunset's hand a bit tighter. You were happy you helped save enough money for a vacation... like this. And you're also happy that you brung your guitar with you too. So you can play some badass metal without disturbing anyone. Or plug your ear-buds into the amp.

"Oh my goodness!" Rarity said as she ran to the sofa. "The couch is amazing!"

"The view of the ocean's nice." Said, Fluttershy as she looked outside. "I can't wait to go for a swim."

"Neither can I," Said, Rainbow Dash as she sat beside, Rarity with a soda in her hand. "This is gonna be a blast."

"Speakin' of havin' a blast." Applejack said getting all of you her attention. "Lets check out the whole place." Not a bad idea.

You all looked through the place. Hang on a second. There's eight of you. But there's only seven rooms. Damn.

"It's alright." Sunset said as she hugged you. She starts to whisper in your ear. "You can sleep with me." Wow, hearing that made your face turn a bright red. She then pecks you on the cheek. Wow, this is... gonna be one awesome vacation.

Chapter 4

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As the day goes on in your first day in Los Angeles. You all hanged out for a bit as you went shopping, and some other stuff before you could spend the rest of the afternoon on the beach. Even though it's like a 15-20 minute drive from your beach house to the city. It's pretty amazing on how... awesome it is to hang with your friends on a good vacation like this. It's like senior trip except that you'll be a senior next school year.

You all went to this store and that store, ate at a restaurant. Though the waiter did ask you why you'd be hanging with a bunch of girls for. You told her that their your friends, and, Sunset's your girlfriend. They all laughed, same with the waiter.

* * * * * *

Finally, after your shopping in the city was complete for today. You, and the others hanged at the beach house. While you sat in the living room playing your guitar as, Rainbow, and Applejack watch TV.

"Oh, I love this show." Rainbow Dash said as she turned up the volume to the TV. Is she watching "16 and Pregnant?" God, you hate that show so damn much. Hey, you're in a beach house full of girls. Get over it, you're gonna be stuck with a bunch of girly stuff for two weeks. Maybe.

As you were sitting there, you put your guitar back in it's case and you just sat there on the couch not saying anything. Waiting on someone to say "Lets go do something." But no one speaks out. It's just the sound of the TV, and the others walking around and chatting.

"Anyone wanna go to the beach?" Said, Sunset as you then felt a bit of heat going through your face.

"Mm, Ah guess a swim wont be bad." Said, Applejack as she got up from her seat.

"Yeah, I guess." Said, Rainbow as she got up as well. She turned off the TV and as they all were going to their rooms getting ready. They noticed your not moving a muscle. "You gonna get ready?" Rainbow asked you.

"Uh..." Was all you can say as your face starts to turn red.

"Are you blushing?" Rainbow asked you as she's teasing you. "Oh my god, he's blushing!"

"What's wrong, buddy?" Applejack said as she approached you. "You don't like seeing girls in their swim-suits. Ah bet you do."

"Uh..." Your face got even redder then before. You can hear them giggle as they see your blushing face. Sure, you've been planning to see, Sunset in her swim-suit. But you've never been this nervous in your whole life on... seeing a hot girl in her swim suit. All you can do was gulp.

Rainbow Dash throws you your trunks. "Come on, lets get ready!" She said as the others went to their rooms to change. You went into a bathroom to change.

"Hey, Sugarcube. We was just messin' with ya. Don't be hatin'."

"I'm not. Trust me." You said with a shaky voice, and you shiver a little when you get to see them... in their swim-suits. Oh god. Thinking of, Sunset Shimmer in her swim-suit... makes you blush even more. Damn.

* * * * * *

A few minutes after you came out of the bathroom with your swimming trunks, and with your shirt on. Also with your awesome towel. You waited on the others to get out of their rooms. And what not. So you put your music in your ears so time would go by faster. Though you did feel a little ner-

You felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around. It's, Sunset Shimmer and her... amazing... swim-suit. "You like?" She said smiling while looking at you.


"I think he likes your look, Sunset Shimmer." Said, Rarity as she approached behind her.

"I think he does too." Sunset Shimmer said as her devious grin doesn't leave her face. You can hear the others giggle in the background when they notice your blushing. Oh damn. The others look great, but, Sunset Shimmer is... she's hot as hell.

As you and the others are walking down the wooden path to the beach with the crashing waves and that... amazing breeze flowing in your face feels amazing. Especially the sun that's beaming down on you. Awesome.

You all set your beach stuff down as you help the others set up the sun umbrella, and laied the towels down on the sand so you can sit on it. Rarity does the same next to your sun umbrella. She just lays there like it's all cool, while you watch the others go in for a dive. Man, you wish you brought a friend over as a guy, do you? Oh well, at least their your friends, and Sunset Shimmer's your girlfriend. What can go wrong?

You put on your sun scream lotion and put on your sunglasses as you lay back on the towel. Feeling the hot sun in the shade as you're enjoying yourself. Sweet.

"Hey, slowpoke!" Yelled, Rainbow Dash as she gets your attention. You raise up and lower your sunglasses a bit. As if you're giving them that. "The hell do you want?" look. "You getting in or what? The water's fine!" Damn it. Why not join them anyway. You sat up and you went to the water. Feeling the warm pacific water as it reaches your feet. You step in further, then further, then further until you literally sink in and start to swim through the waves and fighting through the ocean waves. You did taste some salt water in your mouth, which is nasty as you try to spit some of it out.

"Bout time you made it, babe." Said, Sunset Shimmer as she hugged you and pecked you on the lips. "What took you so long, I was getting all lonely in the water with them."

"Well excuse my rudeness." You said playfully as you stole a kiss from her. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. You're not gonna hate me forever are you?"

"Nah," She said as she splashed some water on you. "But you get some of that."

"Oh it is so on." You said as you splash some more water on each other. It's a battle of your lives. Boyfriend against girlfriend. It was fun, till you ducked under. Grabbed her legs and you surfaced right in front of her. Sunset Shimmer pecks you on the lips.

"Alright, you win the game, babe." She said as she brings you in for a hug and you two are looking into each others eyes, as the wind flips your hair. Then you kiss again, and again.

"Looks like someone's having fun!" Said, Rainbow Dash getting into your little... kissing scene. This has been something you didn't expect in your whole life as your friends are now teasing you about her. Is that why they invited you to go to Los Angeles with them?

You and, Sunset just stood there looking at them as if you think that their crazy. Which to you, almost all of them are.

Oh well. Hater's gonna hate, this is Los Angeles, California. Not a shity country state.

You and, Sunset sink into the water until your heads are floating on the surface. You both kiss again and again as the ocean waves hit your faces, and the breeze cooling you down from this what, hundred degree heat? If not a little bit hotter? 115 maybe? You don't know. But hey, you gotta remember, it's Los Angeles, it's always hot down in, California. Is it not?

As you and, Sunset locked lips for a few seconds before breaking the kiss herself. She looks into your eyes. "Wanna head back to the house? I got something special for ya." Oooooh, this is interesting.

You smirked at her as your excitement fills. "Aight." You said as both you and, Sunset Shimmer walk out of the water. As you both dry yourselves off, and pack most of your stuff. You head back to the beach house. Leaving your friends for some fun. Thank god you don't have any neighbors beside you so no one would watch them. That's always good.

Chapter 5 {Mature}

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You follow, Sunset Shimmer back to the beach house. It's now just you, and her all alone while the others are at the beach just splashing around and what not. You have your shirt on. and Sunset still has on her swim-suit. Damn she looks sexy as hell.

"Like what you see, big boy?" She asked with that... that tone in her voice. You can't help but blush and slowly nod in silence. "Good boy." She said as she walks to you and brings you in for a hug, then kisses you on the lips. You respond back in kind as your tongues are now connected. She moans in your mouth as you bring her in tighter.

She breaks the kiss and looks into your eyes. You do the same. By your blushing face she hopes that she's thinking what you're thinking, and what's already going through your mind right now.

"Let's go in our room." You slowly nod as if you are feeling a bit nervous. But screw it, she's about to give you something special. She grabs your wrist and pulls you to the room you both are sharing. She tackles you down on the bed as she steals peck after peck from you on the lips. You can already feel your shorts getting uncomfortable as she rubs her crotch with yours. You let out a weak groan as she did that, but she doesn't stop. Not yet.

She breaks the kiss, and as she did. She lifts herself up, now standing on her feet. She shuts the door and locks it, so nobody can come in without knocking.

As she went back to the bed, she starts to- Wait, is she putting her hands behind her- The lace of her bra comes down. Oh god, this is...

As her bra comes loose she tosses it on the floor. Oh god, she's...SHE'S... Oh god your shorts are feeling more uncomfortable. Next she places her hands to the lace of her panties and she starts to pull down to the floor. Good lord, she's completely naked. This vacation is awesome.

She comes to your, places her hands on the waist band of your shorts and pulls down. Leaving your little friend standing proudly as she brings it to your ankles, then tosses them on the floor. You sit up right so she can take your shirt off. You've been working out for quite a while now and she holds you off.

"Hang on a second." She walks to her briefcase to search for so- good god, she's got a nice ass. She knows you're starring so she starts wiggling it a little. "I know you like that, don't you." She said as she's looking back at you.

"Y-Yes." Was all you could say. You can't help but blush even more. Finally, Sunset pulls out an object from her briefcase of hers. It's something plastic and... wait, is that a condom? "What is that?"

"Oh this thing?" She said showing it to you. "This thing is to keep me from getting pregnant." Yep, it is a condom. She puts it on your member so when you two are finished, she wont get pregnant. If it doesn't break that is.

She lays you down when your head rests on a pillow. She kisses peck after peck on your lips till your tongues meet. She breaks the kiss and looks at you with that devious smirk.

"You know." She said in that soft tone. "I heard people say if you want something, you gotta earn it."

"Huh?" She starts lifting herself till her wet folds are right over your face.

"If you wanna fuck me, you gotta pleasure me first." She said as she wiggled her ass. Damn, she got you good. But if you really want to fuck her, you gotta do what she tells you to do. You put your hands on her hips, bringing a tongue out to give it a slow, long lick. She moans out and your member twitches in excitement. Your lust taking you over immediately.

You inserted a tongue inside her. She clamps down on the intruder and she cries out as she holds onto the bed frame.

"Ahh...Mmmm..." She moaned. You picked up the pace with your tongue as she cries out even more. You close your eyes as you move your tongue as deep as it would go.

After about how long now? Her inner walls start clamping down on you as she's crying out, screaming your name, telling you that she's close. You pick up the pace as good as you can. Sunset cries out as you feel something warm and wet hit your mouth, it spills down your throat as you swallow every bit of it. Some still on your mouth as you wipe it off with your hand as she lifted herself off of your mouth.

She's panting and looking down on you. "How did I do?" You asked.

"I... I guess you get your reward, big boy." She said giggling. She starts to lower herself as now her folds are above your awaiting member. They make contact as you and her both gasp when the condom on your member made contact with her wet lips.

She tries her best to separate her folds as she lowers herself some more. Finally you're inside her, she lowers herself even more, all the way to the base. You and her both moan out as she clamps down on you. She's so tight.

After you both calmed down a minute, she leans forward to give you a long passionate kiss. She begins to move up and down on you as you're now moaning in each others mouths. She picks up the pace, your moaning increases, filling up the room as you hear the wet slapping of your hips. It's driving you crazy.

Sunset breaks the kiss and looks down on you as you both moan out in pleasure. She screams your name. "I'm... I'm... I'm cumming!"

"M-Me too!" You moaned. You grabbed her hips and start slamming into her. You both moaned out even louder as you can feel yourself get closer to climax. Your moanings soon turn into cries as finally, you reached your peak as you came inside the condom you're wearing.

Finally as you both calmed down. She sits on you for a minute till she gently pulls off of you. Slowly but surly, and after about what feels like what, two, three minutes. You're out of her. Good, it didn't break. So you don't have to worry about her getting pregnant.

She collapses on top of you as you put your arms around her. She does the same. She kisses you on the lips as she looked at you for a second. "Hang on." She said as she got up, and took the condom off of you. She walks out the door and you hear what sounds like a flushing sound. She now comes back with an empty condom in her hand as she lays it down on the dresser. She comes back to lay back on top of you and you put your arms back around her as you bring her in tight for a hug.

"I love you." She said as she took a kiss from you.

"I love you too." You said as you took a kiss from HER lips. You and her sat up for a minute as, Sunset brings the covers over both of your bodies. She hugs you tight until she'll probably drift herself off to sleep. You just held her in your arms as you hear what sounds like snoring, or heavy breathing.

You then feel your eyes start to get heavy as well. Maybe a nice nap wont hurt as you shut your eyes, and have, Sunset Shimmer in your arms.

Chapter 6

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"Whoo-wee. What a swim." Said, Applejack as she put a towel around her neck.

"I know, tell me about it." Said, Rainbow Dash as she took a seat on the couch and turned on the TV. "Today has been awesome."

"Speaking of that." Rarity said as she asked where you and, Sunset are.

"Oh their probably in their room. He's probably showing her what hes got." Said, Rainbow as if she's hoping that everyone knows what she means. Everyone just giggled a little bit at that.

"Show her what, Rainbow Dash?" Your voice popped out of nowhere. She turns around. You and, Sunset are standing there in the doorway, and you two are dressed up.

"Oh hey, what did you two do in there, huh?" Said, Rainbow giggling. "Did you bang her good?"

"Yes he did." Said, Sunset Shimmer as now everyone's faces turns to shock.

"H-He did for real?"

"Yeah. I did, and it felt good." You said when their faces are into deep shock.

"Uh... okay then." Said, Rainbow Dash as you and, Sunset both high fived at that. You got her good, and yes you did bang, Sunset good.

* * * * * *

As the night arrives, you all sat around and hanged out. Playing jinga as the night goes in the beach house that's not far from downtown Los Angeles.

Everyone dressed in their P.J.'s except you. you're in your blue jeans, and shirt still. And bear footed. Hearing the sound of your friends (and girlfriend) playing the game , and your badass electric guitar riffs. When it was your turn, you just put the pick in your mouth for something to hold it, and try your best to not knock the tower down.

You pulled out a piece from the middle of the tower slowly. Veeeeery slowly. You pulled it out, it hasn't fallen yet.

You hear, Rainbow's phone going off, she's got a text.

"Who is that, Rainbow?" Asked, Fluttershy.

"Scootaloo." She sighed. "She's saying that she misses me."

"I get messages like those from, Sweetie Belle when I'm on trips like this too." Said, Rairty as she looked at her phone. The last time, Sweetie Belle texted her was two hours ago.

"Yeah, ah also get' em from, Apple Bloom. She's always a... you know."

"Yeah, I think we know what you're talking about AJ." Said, Twilight as she pulled the last brick from the tower. Finally, it falls. "Damn it."

"A cry baby AJ?" You asked her as your fingers moved on the higher frets on the guitar.

"You can say that." She said as she finished the sentence with your name. "How do ya know?"

"Before, Jessica died. I use to hang out with them all the time in gym. When you was gone for about a week to go... somewhere, I can't remember. She was crying on time and said that she misses you."

"Wow," Said, Applejack.

"Yep. She used to have a crush on me too."

"Did you date her?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No, I was with, Jessica then."

"Oh, right." She said as if she feels bad. "Ugh, why did I ask that?! I'm sorry if I-"

"Rainbow," You cut her off. "It's okay. I know it was tough for me when she went. But hey, I have, Sunset Shimmer now." You said as you hugged her.

"Oh stop it." Sunset teased as she blushed a little. She does love your sweet talk.

"Well that's always nice." Said, Applejack. "But were really sorry it happened to ya , sugarcube."

"Like I said. It's okay." You said giving a warm smile. You do remember one time when the crusaders found out about your last girlfriends death. Apple Bloom tried to comfort you as much as she can. She was really sweet to you. Though she did understand that you needed to be alone for a while, and you weren't ready for a next relationship for a while. And a few weeks later, that's when, Sunset Shimmer popped in to cheer you up on a date.

As you all rebuild the jinga tower. Twilight went first since that she lost. Slowly pulling out a brick from the middle. Yes, it didn't fall, she put it on the top.

"Beat that." She smirked.

"Alright." Said, Applejack as she took a block and placed it on the top. The battle goes on with AJ and Twilight. This is gonna be fun.

* * * * * *

Finally, after thirty minutes or less. The game is almost over. Applejack makes a move. One wrong move, and it's all over. She takes a block from near the bottom. Bad idea if you ask me. As she slowly takes it out.


The tower falls. "Damn it!"

"I win!" Twilight said. Though she did congrats Applejack on a good game.

You all put the stuff up for tonight and decided to hit the hay. So that's what you all did when they went to their rooms and you all telled each other good night.

You and, Sunset are in your room as, Sunset lays in the bed. And you watch TV with her. You hear your phone go off while it's charging. You pick it up, it's your mom.

"Hi honey. How's Los Angeles?"

"It's awesome!" Was your response.

"I'm glad to hear that you're having fun. What are you doing right now?"

"Watching TV. Getting ready for bed."

"Alright. Good night."

"Good night."

"Was that your mom?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, it was."

"What did she say?"

"She asked me how Los Angeles is. I told her it was awesome, that's all."

"I bet she's glad you're having fun." Sunset said as she hugged you and kissed you on the lips.

"Oh, she is." You said as you stole another kiss from her. "Well lets get ready for bed. I'm feeling tired. But you can stay up if you want."

"Nah, I'm getting ready to hit the hay myself. Good night, babe." Sunset said as she kissed you on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." You said as you kissed her back. And you two dozed off to sleep.

Chapter 7

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The next morning you wake up. Having the Los Angeles morning sun beaming down on your face.You covered your face with the pillow, till after a few minutes you decide to get up and walk to the living room of the beach house.

As you got there. You notice that Applejack is eating an apple. Rainbow Dash eating some waffles. Fluttershy eating cereal. Twilight eating cereal also. Rarity's probably still asleep, same with, Sunset Shimmer.

"Oh hey, what's up, man." Rainbow Dash said as she saw you. "Good morning."

"Sup guys?" You said as you rubbed the tiredness off your eyes. "What's cooking?"

"Whatever's in the freezer." Applejack said as she opened the freezer to see what you all have. You grabbed a box of waffles, and grabbed you a plate from the cabinet.

After your waffles are done cooking, you went to the bar that's sitting on the kitchen in your beach house. So far, your first day in, Los Angeles is pretty good. No, pretty awesome. Just think. The awesome hot weather outside, the city has great shops, it's all gonna be good for the next thirteen days. What could go wrong?

"Good morning, babe." Sunset said as she walked up behind you and gave you a hug.

"Morning, Sunset. Sleep well?"

"It was alright."

"Good." You said as you pecked her lips. "Love you."

"Love you too." She said as she pecked your lips back, and went to get herself some breakfast.

"So, any plans today; besides going to the beach?" You asked. Applejack puts a hand to her chin to think.

"Hmm... Don't know. But ah was thinkin' we was gonna do a little bit more shoppin'. What do ya'll think?"

"Sounds good with me." Said, Rainbow Dash.

"Eh, I guess it can't hurt to go... shopping." You said as you tried too get that word out. "Why not see what, Rarity thinks. She's not awake yet."

"Good point." Said, Applejack as she took a bit at her apple.

After a minute of silence, and hearing nothing but food being munched on, and drinks being slurped. "Whoo. Best sleep I ever had." You hear, Rarity coming down the hallway. "Oh good morning, everyone." She yawned. "What's for breakfast?"

"Suit yourself." Applejack said as she opened the fridge. Rarity looks in the fridge to see what's good. She picks out sausage. Guess you've better get to eating some more before you leave in a few hours.

* * * * * *

Noon. You all went out to the stores in L.A. hoping to find something awesome to wear. Like, maybe a band merch? Who knows. You've been here for a day now. Do they have "Hot Topic" here?

You pull up at a mall. Lets hope there's a Hot Topic here. You followed your friends to the inside of the Los Angeles mall. Damn, it's freaking huge. You all walk around. Going store after store. Until.


"Alright. Go check it out." Sunset Shimmer said as she followed you inside. It's awesome. The band merches are awesome, and they look like their brand new. But there was one that you saw, and you had to get it. You got your hands on it. It's the merch that you don't have, and it looks badass.

You walk out of the store with the bag in your hand, and, Sunset walking beside you.

"What'cha buy?" Said, Applejack. You pulled out your band merch that you picked out. "Well."

* * * * * *

You're now back at your beach house as you're now washing the band merch you bought so you can wear it tomorrow. As it was done being washed you tossed it in the dryer, and you sat beside your friends, and girlfriend. She puts her arm around you as you did the same when you're watching a TV show.

"What's this show?" You asked.

"The Walking Dead." Sweet! You love The Walking Dead. It's like the best show on TV. You watch as, Rick and, Daryl move around the prison with a couple of prisoners as they figure out how to shut off all the alarms, and what not.

As the day went on, you all played another game. It's called "Clue." You hate that game. You kept losing over your friends before them.

But hey, sometimes there's no need to hate something when you lose it. But that's how people are. You know?

Chapter 8 {Tornado Warning}

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It's been a week since you came to L.A. with your friends, and Sunset Shimmer. It has been awesome. Until that one night where it begins to rain as hard as it is. Man, this storm is gonna be tough tonight.

"How bad is it gonna be out there?" Asked, Fluttershy as if she's worried something might happen.

"Oh, Fluttershy, darling. It'll be alright. It's just a storm."

"Yeah," AJ said getting in the conversation. "Nothin' bad's gonna happen. Hopefully this storm will blow over tomorrow so we can all have a good time at the beach."

"I know right?" Said, Rainbow Dash as she takes a drink of her soda. "I'm not staying in here all damn day tomorrow."

"Yeah. I like to go to the beach tomorrow if it's dry enough." You said as you tuned your guitar.

"Really." Rainbow said. Oh no, she's not gonna... "Is it because you like to see, Sunset Shimmer naked again?" They all giggled.

"Uh... N-N-No." You said as you blushed.


"AAAHHH!!! Screamed the girls.

"WHAT THE FUCK!! That scared the living shit out of me!" You blurted.

Applejack is starting to get that worried look on her face. "Maybe we should check the weather."

"Good idea." Said, Twilight as AJ picks up the TV remote and...

"Welcome to the Los Angeles news. Tonight is gonna be a big one. A severe thunderstorm warning will issued until tomorrow morning. So this storm is pretty bad, so stay inside at all times."

"Well damn." You said as you threw the remote on the couch. "There goes our beach plan for tomorrow morning."

"Hey cheer up, babe." Sunset said as she hugged you from behind. "There's always the next day."

"Yeah true."

* * * * * *

The Next Morning.

You, and the others are fast asleep. And the storm still hasn't blown over. This has been one hell of a storm all night.

RIIIIINNNNNNGGGG. Goes your phone.

As you start to wake up. You look at the time. It's 6:55 AM and... your mom's calling you?

"Yeah, hello." You said in a tired voice.

"Oh thank god!" Your mom said in a worried tone in her voice.

"Mom? What's going on?"

Sunset wakes up. "Who is that?"

"It's mom." You said to, Sunset as if there might be something wrong. "Mom, what are you doing calling me? It's seven AM."

"I'm sorry honey. You need to turn on the weather channel now!"


"You've been issued a tornado warning." Huh? A tornado warning? That's impossible.

"Mom, there's no way that a tornado's gonna hit L.A."

"What is it?" Sunset asked as she's trying to go back to sleep.

"Mom says there's a tornado warning here."

"Huh? A tornado in Los Angeles?"

"That's what I'm asking." You said as you and, Sunset are both confused. You turn on the TV.

"We see on the radar that we have a cyclonic system moving across the L.A. bases. It looks like that we have a tornado warning."

BANG! Goes the storm outside as you can tell the wind begins to pick up.

"Hang on a minute." You hopped out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Sunset chases after you. You opened the door to outside. Good, no rain. You walk till you reach the end of the front yard. As lightning cracks and the thunder roars. "Babe, what are you..." Sunset stops beside you.

As you see the sun over the horizon as the storm clouds take over. You start to see some spinning action in the sky. Until.

"Wait, is that a..." You and, Sunset start to see a tornado form. It stretches over the city. As it touches down. Ypu and Sunset looked at the tornado as lightning cracks, and the wind starts to pick up, quick.

"Oh shit." Said Sunset.

"This is bad." You immediately say, and you get back on the phone with your mother from home.

"Mom..." You said over the phone. "I'll call you back."

"Why honey?"

"It's here."

"Oh my god. I gotta call your father." Your mom hangs up the phone as you did too.

"Sunset, go get the others. This is gonna be bad."

* * * * * *
Mean While. At your fathers work place.

"I'm telling you John. It's not gonna work." Your father says as he walks down the hall with his work buds.

John gets your fathers name to get his attention. "I know, sir. But this is gonna be great. I guarantee it." Your father and his work buds walk to the big work area. He notices that everyone huddled up on the TV.

"Hey, boss?" Your father said as he grabbed his attention. "What's going on here?"

"They've just issued a tornado warning in Los Angeles."

"Wait. Tornadoes in Los Angeles?"

"Yes sir."

"Oh no." Your father went to the TV. "Oh no." He starts freaking out.

"What's wrong?"

"My son's in Los Angeles."

"Breaking news. We are going live from Los Angeles where multiple vortexes are touching down. Okay, we are now going live from our news helicopter from Los Angeles."

Chapter 9 {Tornado Warning Prt, 2}

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"Applejack." You said shaking her to wake her up, and trying not to raise your voice so she wont smack you upside the head.

"Wha-What is it, sugarcube?" Applejack said waking up and scratching the tiredness out of her eyes. And also the loud thunder and the winds picking up. "It's like seven in the morning."

"Sorry. but we need to get to shelter now."


"A tornado's here."


'BANG!' Goes the thunder.

You hear Sunset Shimmer running through the whole beach house as she's waking everybody up.

Applejack calls you by your name. "Wh-What's going on?"

"Come on." You said as Applejack got up, and as you walked out, she put some clothes on.

"What's happening?" Fluttershy asked getting worried.

"For real," Said Rainbow Dash in a pissy mood. "I was getting some good sleep. What the fuck!"

"Sorry." Sunset Shimmer said as she tries to find a safe place to be in. "There's a tornado here and we have to take cover."

"What?" Said Rainbow Dash like she's getting annoyed by all this "Tornado Joke." "Come on Sunset Shimmer. There can't be a tornado here."

'BANG!' Goes the glass shattering. The winds suddenly pick up quick.

"What was that!?!" Pinkie yelled. As she looked out the window. "OH MY GOD!?! TORNADO!!!!" As you looked out the window where Pinkie is. You can see that there's already two tornadoes on the ground. This is bad.

"IN HERE!" Sunset yells as everyone went inside a little vent thing. Is this really a good idea?



"THE BATHROOM?!? "THERE'S NO WINDOW THERE! LET'S HIDE IN THERE!" They all had to agree, cause they now know that the walls could fall down on top of you as you're inside that vent.

They followed you to the bathroom. As you walked in there and sat down near the toilet, and everyone else is trying to get comfy as they sat down with their backs on the walls.



The brutal winds are starting to tear the roof off of the beach house. This is bad, this is really bad. You all could get sucked up in the sky at any moment.

Suddenly, before the whole roof can come off. The winds suddenly stop. It's dead silent. hearing nothing but the panicking from Rarity, Twilight, and also Fluttershy, who is now scared out of her mind. You look up. The tornado stopped.

You sat up. "Is everyone okay?" You asked hoping that you didn't lose anyone.

"Yes." Everyone said as they gave you a thumbs up, and their shaking. Good, everyone's still alive. And the winds are still going around. Everyone gets up, as for Fluttershy. She's shaking like she just got out of a block of ice.

"Oh-Oh-Oh m-my g-g-goodness!" As you helped Sunset Shimmer up. You and her went to comfort Fluttershy as Rarity does her best to.

"it's okay Fluttershy. It's okay, it's gone." Sunset said as she put her in for a hug.

"Yeah. It's over." You said as you did the same. As you try to calm your friend down.

"Hey guys. Look." Rainbow Dash said as she opened the bathroom door. You can see the outside pretty well while you try to calm Fluttershy down. The beach house is in peaces. The car's around a tree, and... god it's awful. This must be Los Angeles's first tornado.

Finally Fluttershy has calmed down, and you got up and walked outside.

"Oh my god." Was the only thing you could say. But what's also weird about this. The clouds aren't moving. Something's wrong. Usually when the storm's over the clouds move on to somewhere else. What's going on?

Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer walk beside you. Your phone's starting to go off.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Oh thank god!" You hear your dad say on the phone. "Are you and your friends okay? I heard a tornado hit your beach house. Are you safe?"

"Yeah dad. We're fine."

"Okay good. Listen, do- g- ne-" The phone starts to glitch.

"Dad? Dad? Hello?" *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* "Dad?"

"What happened?" Rainbow Dash asked you in a worried tone.

"The line cut out." You said as you put your phone in your pocket. This is bad. What was your dad trying to tell you? Everyone is now standing beside you as you stare at the destroyed beach house. Man.

'BANG!' goes down the wall of the bathroom as you're standing outside of it.

"Can we go into town to get a plane?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Where are we gonna get a car?" Sunset asked facing Pinkie. "Our car's totaled. It's like right around that tree."

"Oh." Pinkie said.

"There's a van." Rainbow Dash said as she pointed at a van that's only covered in some debris, and it's only like what. Thirty feet away from the beach house? Well... was a beach house?

"Where did that come from?" You asked a bit curious.

"I have no idea." Said Rainbow. "But I just wanna go home now." She starts running to the van.

"Good point." You said as you ran beside her. Same with the others. After about a few seconds of running, you finally reached the van. You all got in it and off you go to the airport. I bet you're thinking "Screw our luggage. We're getting the hell out of here."

* * * * * *

Ten minutes have passed. The sky still grayer then ever, and you're trying to get to the airport. Until you see a vortex start to form in front of you. Pinkie Pie stomps on the breaks as a tornado touches down right in front of you. But thankfully, it's only like two hundred feet away.

"You gotta be kidding me." You said as Rainbow Dash opened the door. "Rainbow, what are you-"

"Hold on!"

"Rainbow, don't!" You said as you walked out. The others did the same as you watch the tornado that's spinning faster than a blender head straight towards a tall sky-scraper. This is bad.

"We have to leave now!" You said as loud as you could through the brutal winds. You can also see two people that you don't know holding a camera.

You get their attention. "Hey, what the hell are you guys doing?!? Run for cover! You can't stay here! Get out of here!"

"Okay." One of them said as they start running off. They get into their car. Are they that stupid?

"Oh my god! OH MY GOOOOD!!!" You hear Rainbow Dash. You turn around and you see the tornado ripping the sky-scraper to shreds.

"WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!!" You said as you and everyone else got into the van. Pinkie starts it up, turns around, and floors it.

"Oh-Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!" Shrieks Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy. It's going to be fine. I promise." Said Twilight as she tries to comfort her friend. You look outside and see various tornadoes forming really fast like never before. This storm's not over yet.

"Oh my god." You said as you see multiple vortexes touching down. Even though what you all are doing is the stupidest thing to do. but hey, it can be worth it to try and get away.

"This is insane!" Said Applejack as she looks around. "OH SHIT, THEIR EVERYWHERE!"

"WE CAN'T OUT RUN THEM ALL! WE'RE DOOMED!" Yelled Pinkie as she tries to calm herself. But it's no use. Then she finds an exit to the airport. But will you go because off all this?

* * * * * *

You're on a freeway that's right next to the airport. As you look out the window, you see two tornadoes hitting "Los Angeles International Airport." Oh no, it looks like you're stuck in L.A. for a while.

"Oh my god." Pinkie said as she took her eyes off the road.

"PINKIE!!" Rarity yells in the front seat getting her attention. She sees a car flying towards them as a tornado that's further away, but on the freeway tosses it.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!" Pinkie swerves around a couple of times the flying vehicles almost hits your van. You watch the vehicles go flying by as you look out the window.

"Whoa, oh shit."

"We need to get out of here!" Rarity yells from the top of her lungs. Pinkie stops for a second and she quickly looks around for an exit. She knows if she gets closer to that tornado that's blocking the freeway. You all would get sucked up, and it's game over.

"Here!" Pinkie yells as she finds an exit. Where does this take you? As Pinkie floors it, Sunset Shimmer holds you tight. You put your arms around her to calm her down. She must be scared. You can tell by her heavy breathing.

"It's okay, I'm here." You said as you comforted her. She looks up at you and smiles. She knows you won't let anything happen to her as you're holding her like you did with your last girlfriend.

She knows she's safe.

* * * * * *

Pinkie follows the road as the tornadoes that's further away are now surrounding you all. Even though you're still not outside of downtown Los Angeles, you don't know where Pinkie's going when she follows the road. But you didn't bother asking. Cause she might say "Don't know."

You continue to hold Sunset Shimmer in your arms as she holds you tight. Pinkie still follows the road as tornadoes move place to place as their further away from you. You continue to look out the window as you see two tornadoes swerving around. but they are far away. Maybe like a million feet? You hope.

"OH SHIT!!" Said Pinkie as she stomps on the breaks. You jerk forward. You look out the windshield and notice that a power-line has been knocked down.

"How are we gonna get threw that?" Rarity asked worried.

"I. Don't... Know." Said Pinkie as her voice rises in pitch in worry. This has gone from bad... to worse. There's no way around the power-line. And who knows what will happen next. Will a tornado head to you? Will one touchdown on top of you? You don't wanna know. You look out the window as you see one tornado start to move in your direction.

Oh no.

Chapter 10 {Tornado Warning Prt, 3}

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Oh no, there's no way out, nor no way through that power-line. You can see that the tornado is headed straight towards you, and the others. Does this mean you're screwed? You hope not.

"Th-Th-Th-the t-t-tornado's headed this way!" You hear Fluttershy as she goes into panic. The others looked outside, along with you. You start to feel the car shaking a little as you see the tornado destroy a bridge, than a few houses. You look around at outside to find some sort of safe place to hide, you found something. It looks like an underground shelter. Maybe from World War II?

"Everyone get out, now!" You said as everyone got your attention.

"Babe, are you crazy?" Sunset said as she face to you.

"I might be, but there's an underground shelter over there. If we run to it, maybe the tornado can go right through us and we wont notice. But if we stay in this van." You face to the outside world when the tornado's getting closer and closer, the van starts to shake a little bit rougher through the brutal winds that's getting stronger. You face Sunset and the others. "We're all gonna die."

"He's got a point." Applejack said.

"Then can we at least GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!?!?!" Pinkie yelled as the tornado rips through something that you can't even see, but you can see debris flying around.

"Okay, lets go!" You said as you opened the van, and everyone gets out. "THIS WAY, COME ON!" You yelled at the top of your lungs, as you helped Sunset Shimmer out of the van. you all ran to the... what looks like a bomb shelter that's just only across the street, and the tornado's right in front of you, but only like what... one, two hundred feet away? Except that it's moving faster?

As you all ran as fast as you could, you look back and you see the van getting tossed into the air.

Rainbow Dash opens the heavy door. "Come on, go, go, go." She tells the others as you and Sunset ran to the shelter. "COME ON, HURRY!" Rainbow Dash yelled through the brutal winds.

You look up and you see the van coming down to Rainbow. "RAINBOW, LOOK OUT!" You yelled as Rainbow sees the van, she closes the door shut and the van is now blocking the door. "RAINBOW!!"

All of a sudden, you hear Sunset screaming from the top of her lungs. You look to where it came from and she's about to be lifted into the air. No, you're not losing her too. You rushed over to her and grabbed her wrists.

"I GOTCHA!" You said as you grab a hold of her. "I won't let go." Sunset's now into panic, you feel your feet start to slip as the tornado is about to be right above you. Sunset holds your wrists as tight as she can as you still held on to hers.

All of a sudden, the wind dies down all of sudden. You and Sunset collapsed onto the ground. As you were on the ground, you can see the tornado is starting to disappear. You and Sunset pant in exhaustion, and the scared look on her face.

"You okay?" You whispered. Sunset nods.

"Thank you." She said as she hugs you tight and sobs on your shoulder. You hug her as tight as you can, you also felt tears running down your face.

"I couldn't," You said as you can't keep control of your voice. "I didn't wanna lose you, not like Jessica. I just can't."

Sunset holds you tight as you both lie on the ground in each others arms, glad that she's okay, and you're more than happy that you didn't lose her like what happened to Jessica. As you look at the door, you're actually at the back door to the bomb shelter. So Sunset must of found another way in, and she tried to get you and her to safety when the van blocked the entrance.

"Oh thank God." You hear Applejack said as she hugged you both. "We heard you screaming from inside, you alright?"

"Yeah, were fine." You said as you and Sunset got up.

"The wind was... was..." Fluttershy said as she started shaking. She's scared out of her mind big time.

"We almost got pulled out from how strong that wind was." Said Rainbow Dash. "And sorry if I shut the door on you." She apologized to you.

"It's okay Rainbow." You said smiling at her. "That van could of crushed you, and you would've been dead when that van landed on you. I'm just glad everyone's safe and sound." You said as you held Sunset Shimmers hand and smiling at her.

"Hey, look." Rarity said as she pointed at the sky. The sun's coming out. It's all over. "So, if the storm's now over. how are we going to find a way home? The airport's destroyed." Yes it is. You saw the airport getting torn to shreds by those violent tornadoes. Since that there's no way home, you need to think of an idea. But what? The van's totaled, a plane is never an option, and Canterlot is... how far away from L.A.?

"We'll find a way home," You said as you held Sunsets hand. "We will. We just have to find a way, that's all."

You start to see a helicopter fly over the skyscrapers, that must be a news chopper. Even though they can't see you, an idea hits you.

"I got it." You face Rainbow. "Rainbow, can you fly a helicopter?"

"I've only had a couple of lessons, why?"

"I think we found out way home."


"Since that the planes are destroyed, why not get a helicopter?"

"Yeah," Said Rainbow Dash. "It's our only hope."

"Alright, lets find one, and head home." You said.

"But there's only one problem." Twilight said grabbing your attention


"How are we suppose to get there if we don't have a car?"

Oh, right, a car. Damn it.

* * * * * *

After walking around the street for about a few minutes or so. You find about every car you see totaled. Great, no way to the get to a helicopter.

"Hey, look!" Pinkie said pointing at a car. It looks... fine. Only that there's a few dents here and there, and it's covered in debris.

"Okay, help me get all of this off." You said as everyone helped you get the debris off of the car. You open it, it looks like you all can fit in it. You think. You look over to the right side of the steering wheel. Good, the keys are still in it, but does it work?

You crank up the car. It works.

"Sweet. Everyone get in!" You said as you take the drivers side. You start to drive off to a helipad that you're hoping to find.

After a few minutes of driving, you look up and down, all around. It feels like that you can't find one. Maybe all those tornadoes had destroyed it.

"Is that one of them?" You hear Twilight ask that question. You look over to where she's pointing at. It looks like there's a couple of helicopters sitting there. How come they've been left untouched from those terrible tornadoes? That's weird.

You parked the car in front of one of them. "Come on, I hope they can get us out of here." Rainbow said as she gets out of the car and runs to the chopper. She takes the pilots side.

"I hope I still know how to do this." She said as she flicks switches, and presses buttons. "Sweet!"

"Hey!" You hear a man call out from no where. "What the hell do you kids think you're doing?"

"Trying to get home." You said as you walked up to him.

"Do you even know how to fly that thing?"

"No, but she does." You said pointing at Rainbow Dash in the pilots seat.

"Let me take you home." He said.

"Excuse me?"

"Let me take you back home, since that there's no lanes around here... anymore... probably. I'll take you."

"Are you sure?" You ask the man. He nods while he puts a smile on his face. You and Sunset look at each other, and you both nod.

After you all are in the helicopter. You can hear Pinkie yell as the chopper lifts off the ground.


"We're going home." You said as you held Sunsets hand. "We're going home." As you fly in the sky, you can see the view of L.A. how bad it was when those tornadoes hit.

And since you're in a helicopter, it may take a little bit to get home from how far away you are. But you're just happy that Sunset Shimmer's by your side after the terrifying storms is now over.

Chapter 11 {Tornado Warning Prt, 4} {Bonus Chapter}

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A week has passed since the devastating tornado disaster in Los Angeles. You all sat at Pinkie Pie's house just watching the news channel about the Los Angeles tornadoes last week. They've been showing that ever since you returned from there.

"So here what you can see is what's left of downtown Los Angeles." You hear the news reporter on the TV as they show the skyscrapers that have been hit. But you can see that it has dozens of holes on each one. Shouldn't some of them collapsed already from how strong the wind was there?

"Their just showing the same thing over, and over, and over again." Said Rainbow Dash as she puts her arms to her lap.

"Was it really that bad?" Fluttershy asked when took a sip of her tea.

"It could of been." You said as Sunset leans beside you. "I mean look on the bright side. At least we still have each other, right? Like just be happy that we got out of there alive. Even when there was like twenty tornadoes that nearly killed us. Mother nature doesn't even have the balls to kill all eight of us."

Everyone smiled at your statement. Even Sunset Shimmer. They probably have to admit, you do have a point there.

"I think he's right." Twilight said as she petted her dog Spike. That dog always freaks you out sometimes on how it looks. "I'm so glad that we got out of there safely. If we didn't, I wouldn't see my little Spike again." She said as she hugged her puppy.

"Ah know. Even if we didn't make it out also. Ah wouldn't see Apple Bloom, nor my family again. When ah got home, they all got worried when they saw what happened. This is somethin' that I'll never forget." Said Applejack as she hides her face with her hat. Damn those tornadoes really hit you guys hard.

"And if it wasn't for you." Sunset Shimmer said as she faces you, you look down on her when her head's laying on your shoulder and she helds your hand. "I would of gotten sucked up if it wasn't for you. Thanks for saving me, I know how hard it was with Jessica, but I'm really glad that you were there for me." She said as she pecked you on the lips. Everytime you think of Sunset almost getting sucked up by that tornado, that always made you want to cut all of that out with a knife. You just can't stand thinking about that. Especially what happened to Jessica six months ago.

As the afternoon sun beams down onto the living room floor of Pinkie's house, the weather comes on.

"Ugh!" Rainbow Dash said in frustration. "Damn weather advertisements! Getting sick of hearing the same fucking thing every five minutes. ALways showing that it's sunny everyday, and it rains the next day!" Damn. Rainbow must be in a pissy mood after Los Angeles. "I have to admit. Los Angeles was the worst vacation we ever had!"

"Aw, don't feel bad Rainbow." Fluttershy said as she sat with her friend. "There's always next time."

"Yeah. Next time, we're going to Hawaii."

"Alright, maybe we'll go to Hawaii next time." Sunset said as she leans closer to you.

"Now here's our weather forcast for this afternoon, and tomorrow. It looks like we're gonna have a really stormy night. And if we look at our radar, we can see that an EF3 tornado was spotted twenty-six miles from Canterlot. If this tornado's in your sight, then you must take cover immediately.

"Oh my gosh! IS it coming towards us!?!" Fluttershy said when she starts to panic.

"It's alright, Fluttershy." Applejack said as she puts an arm around her. "There ain't gonna be no tornado coming this way. That one's way far away from us, we'll be fine."

"I hope so. I don't wanna be in another one! Tornadoes are scary!"

You and Sunset looked at each other. If only there's some way to stop tornadoes from destroying everything.

* * * * * *
Night falls. And the storm was worse than you think. It's raining hard outside, and the wind isn't really that heavy. You all are chilling into the living room playing guitar hero. While you're on your laptop just searching some famous gameplays on YouTube. Like maybe Markiplier, or PewDiePie.

Pinkie and Sunset Shimmer are battling for their lives on the song that their playing in the game.

"So." Rainbow Dash said getting your attention. "Wha'cha watching there, huh? You looking up some porn?"

"No." You said as your face turns red. Man you can't get use to their teasing, can you?

"Oh don't tease him, Rainbow Dash." Said Rarity as she got in the conversation. "But I bet we should show him some lesbian porn. I bet that'll turn you on, huh darling?" She said as she faces you. That just made you blush like mad with nothing to say.

"I think you're right." Sunset said as she sat beside you. "Doesn't it?" She whispers in your ear with that devious grin on her face. You just stay silent.

"Hey, lighten up, bro." Rainbow said giving you a playful punch when the lightning flashes and barley hearing thunder. "We're just teasing ya."

"Mmm..." You groaned as you went back to watching the YouTube video.

"Huh. What's this?" Said the game player on YouTube when he found something. "I think this is a... HOLY FUCK!" He said as he got spooked. That made you giggle.

"So..." Pinkie said as she grabbed your attention. You pull out an ear-bud and look at her. "Lets see how you can handle this game since that you're so good at guitar playing."

"Are you sure, Pinkie?" Twilight said. "He'll beat your ass at this."

"Oh please, Twilight." Pinkie said. "I think I can take him."

"Alright." Twilight said as she rolled her eyes. You sat the laptop on the couch, and you grabbed the guitar controller... or whatever you call it. It's not a actual guitar, okay? You get in position beside Pinkie. You chose "guitar". Pinkie chose "Bass."

Now you both are battling for your lives in the game. Pinkie missed a few notes while you didn't miss a single one. You played "Expert" and Pinkie only played on "Hard."

"Damn it!" Pinkie said as she missed like a bunch more notes.

"You were saying?" You said as you looked at Pinkie. You're not even looking at the screen. And you're still going for it, not missing a single note.

After a few minutes, the round ends. You won by... However many notes you hit. Pinkie only hit thirty.

"Damn. I'll get you next time! J-Just because you play guitar doesn't mean that... Ugh, who am I kidding!" She said as you handed Twilight the guitar controller, and you went back to your laptop.

"Damn dude. When did you play like that?" Rainbow said to you.

"I play guitar, remember?" You said as you crossed your arms. "Never mess with a guitar player."

"I feel you, bro."

"Me too." Applejack said as she sat beside you. "Ah hate to have a guitar battle with you. Ah mean, you're amazing at it. I'm serious."

"Thanks AJ." You said as you gave her a playful punch.

About a few more minutes have passed by, and Sunset and Twilight are now having a battle of their lives on "guitar hero." You're just sitting on the couch watching as you take a sip of your soda. While the storm's still above your heads. From the corner of your eye, you could of swarn that you saw Fluttershy whisper in Rainbow's ear.

Rainbow Dash is giggling really hard right now, but you ignored it. Fluttershy and Rainbow switch places and Fluttershy is now sitting right next to you.

"So..." Fluttershy said as you faced her.


"I have a question to ask you." She said as she scooted closer.

"What's up?"

"While we were in Los Angeles before those tornadoes hit, how much did you like Sunset Shimmer's pussy?"

"What? Aw come on not you too."

Fluttershy and Rainbow are now laughing like hell after Fluttershy asked you that really odd question. You groaned a bit from it and blushed.

"Ooo, FLuttershy. I didn't know you can be so... teasingly to him." Rarity said as she joined Fluttershy and Rainbow.

"Mmm..." You groaned again. 'Why do they tease me so much about sex?' You think to yourself. 'Or maybe when I fucked Sunset that day when tornadoes hit a week later. Ugh! I wish that I can go into a hole and stay there for a million years.'

"Yes!" Twilight said as she won the game. "Eat that, bitch!"

"Alright, maybe next time." Sunset said as she put the guitar controller down. Same with Twilight, and now you all are hanging out in the living room as lightning flashes, and the thunder roars in the night sky.

"So what else do you guys wanna do?" Twilight asked. You just sat there still while everyone puts a finger to there chin to think.

"I know." Pinkie said as she thought for a minute. "How about we let Sunset and him make out in the bathroom together. And they can both do it."

Everyone giggles as you try to ignore it. It just makes you shiver for some reason. Is it cold in here to you?

"Oh yeah." Sunset said as she gets on her feet and walks towards you. Everyone else just giggles away. Sunset sits on your lap. "You want to, don't you?"


You can already feel the tightness in your pants as her voice lowers in volume.

"Oh my god!" Rainbow laughs. "I think he's getting turned on already! This is great, someone get a camera and post this to YouTube!"

You now go into a panic on the inside and feel embarrassed as they might really do that.


"AAAAHHHHH!" You all screamed and the lights flickered. Now leaving Fluttershy shivering like she just got out of a frozen lake.

"Damn." Applejack said as she looked outside. "Looks like it's gettin' worse out there." Pinkie Pie looks outside with her through the window.

"Huh, looks like it is every minute or so." Pinkie gets in idea. "I know, how about we take shelter upstairs." What? Is she insane? "So we can leave him and Sunset alone down here." Pinkie said when she lowered her head and whispered in your hear. "Won't that be nice?" You did not expect that.

"Good idea, Pinkie." Said Rainbow Dash as she leads the way. "You two have fun." Aw great. Now everyone except Sunset are now going upstairs to leave you two be.

"Oh we will. And I'll make sure he'll enjoy every bit of it." Sunset said as her eyes never leave you. This is already turning you on. Now with the others upstairs, it's just you and Sunset. No one else.

"So what. We just gonna sit here or something?" You said as you already feel chills going through your body. Even though it's like seventy degrees in the living room.

Sunset whispers in your ear. "Even better." More chills go up your spine when she said that. She begins to lower herself as you watch her slowly go down. She sees a bulge in your dark jeans. She puts her hand on the button of your pants and begins to undo them. She goes with the zipper next. Slowly sliding the zipper down.

She puts her hands to the waistband, and she starts to pull while your hips are not going anywhere. You're frozen by this fire trying to strip you down. But this is five million degrees hotter than fire. With only your pants just moved a few inches, along with your underwear. You erect member is free from the prison, standing up proud.

"Much better." Sunset said as starts to take off her jacket. She tosses it to the couch. You can tell from that tang-top she's wearing, she's not wearing a top. She starts from the bottom of it, and starts to pull it over her head. You can see her little breasts just saying hello.

Sunset puts one of her hands to your shaft and begins to stroke it slowly. You start to moan and hiss through your clench teeth. Your hands start gripping the couch as she strokes your hard shaft. Her hand feels so warm and it's so soft around your sensitive place. She begins to pick up the pace as her eyes doesn't leave yours. She bites her lower lips and she starts to groan when she pounds your little friend.

"Enjoying yourself?" You hate to admit it. But you really do. All you can do is nod and blush while your breathing comes in hot. "That's good. That's really good." With that she stops her stroking and lowers her head to the tip of the head of your cock. She begins to breath on it, teasing you. You gasp as she did so. She takes it in your hand again and she wraps her lips around it, kissing the tip and stroking it slowly. You can't help but moan on how amazing this really feels. Sunset is really good at this, and really good at teasing you when she knows how to turn you on. She now takes you in her mouth and moves her head up and down. You try your very best to hold back your scream of pleasure.

Forget her teasing you, this feels so amazing. You put your hands to her head as she moves a bit faster, and closes her eyes when she knows what she's doing. You look to the staircase hoping that no one's watching you both. Thankfully, no one's at the staircase. You're probably thinking that they left the door open to maybe listen to you being tortured by Sunset's sexiness.

As Sunset is still going on with her rhythm of her head, and as her head reaches the tip. Just in time for you to thrust gently into her mouth. She moans in surprise and just leaves you be at it. She looks at you with haft lidded eyes, telling you that you're doing an amazing job.

No time later, you can feel your something rushing inside you. And you thrust a bit faster. Trying your best not to choke her with your sensitive dick.

"...Mmm... Mmm... Mmmm... Mmm... Oh shit..." You said through clenched teeth. You look into Sunset's eyes as you're still thrusting gently into her mouth. "C-Can I...?" You ask her. She nods her head and you go a bit faster, and faster. Sunset is just taking it, and she puts her hands on the cushion of the sofa.

And no time later has passed as you feel it getting closer and closer to climax. You start to moan a little louder as you finally blow into her mouth. You can hear her swallow every bit of your semen when you slow down your rhythm, but going slower with every rope of semen that escapes you.

You sit back on the couch panting as Sunset releases you from her mouth. She's looking into you eyes.

"You did great, babe. I like that a lot." You just smile at her as Sunset gets on you pull your pants back on, and Sunset puts her tang-top like shirt back on and she gets on your lap and lays her head on your chest. "I love you."

"Love you too..." You said as you still feel exhausted from releasing into her mouth.

* * * * * *
9:30 PM.

It's been an hour when Sunset gave you a blowjob. Even though the others did tease you about it, even Fluttershy. It really sucks that you still have to get use to their jokes sooner or later.

You all sat into the kitchen just having a snack while you have a little drink of soda. Your phone starts to go off.


"Hey sweetheart." Your mom said as you got her call.

"Oh hey mom. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just sitting here watching TV. I was just calling and letting you know if you heard of anything about tonights weather."

"Yeah. A tornado was spotted like thirty miles from here about a few hours ago. Now the weather channel's been showing crap like that every five minutes or so. How's dad?"

"Well. The phones are out at his work place. I can't get in touch with him."


"Yeah. Listen, it's getting pretty bad out there. Are you at Sunset's?"

"No. We're at Pinkie's just chillin'."

"Alright. You'll probably have to stay there for tonight. It's getting bad out there."

"Are you at home?"

"I'm still at work. I should be home in a fe-" The line cuts out.

"Hello? Mom? Hello?" You look at your phone, and noticed that it's still fully charged. The line did cut out. You look out the window as the lightning flashed and the thunder roared. "Oh shit." You whispered.

"What." Sunset asked you.

"The line cut out."

"Really?" Sunset said as looked at you.

"Yeah. Hang on a minute." You start to run to the front porch.

"What are you doing?" Sunset said as she followed you. You opened the door, and the wind is pretty rough. The heavy rain dripping on your face like bullets, and the lightning and thunder going mad.

"Hey!" You hear Sunset's voice from behind you. "What are you doing? Get back in here!" You did as you were told when you took one last look at the night stormy sky. Then you head back inside before things got worse.

A few minutes have passed and you try dialing your moms number again. It just beeped, it doesn't say "Line busy."

"Still dead?" Rainbow asked you.

"Yeah. I don't know what's going on, there's no way it can go out in a storm like this."

"Is there a tornado heading this way?" Fluttershy asked getting scared.

"It's alright Fluttershy." You said. "There's not gonna be one here."

"Well just in case, why not turn on the TV to see what's going on." Rarity said.

"Good point."

So you grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. It's a bit staticy from the storm outside, and you can't even barley tell that their saying when their voices glitch from the TV.

"Open sesame." You said randomly to the TV. "Tell us about the goddamn weather."

"Well great." Applejack said. "Ah don't even know what their sayin'."

"Niether do I." Said Fluttershy. "I hope it doesn't go bad."

"It'll be alright, FLuttershy." Twilight said as she put her arm around her friend. "I promise everything's going to be fine."

"Easy for you to say." You said. Until... You hear what sounds like a siren going on.

"What is that?!" Fluttershy said getting really scared.

"Aw. You gotta be kidding me!" You said as you hear the same thing and feel like getting frustrated. "How the hell should this be happening?!?"

"Hang on now, Sugarcube!" Applejack said immediately. You look outside to see where the siren sound must be coming from. But even though it's to dark outside to see, and the lightning's not helping. You ran to Pinkie's utility closet to get the stuff you need.

A flashlight, a lantern, and a blanket. As you got to the living room and set the stuff down, you notices that the sirens stopped. Was that a tornado siren.

"Don't tell me." You said as you look out the window.

"Wh-What is it?" Fluttershy asked as if she's really hoping that there's no tornado coming your way.

"I don't know. I'm not trying to scare you, but that siren that we just heard, we may be under a tornado watch. Or worse." You pause. "A warning."

You hear Fluttershy gulp as you said "Warning." You hate to admit, but you're scared too.

"Lets just chill for a bit. Okay?" Everyone agrees with you, and you just chilled for a few minutes.

* * * * * *

It's already been a few minutes when the TV is still feels like it's about to go out. Pinkie and Rainbow are sitting on the floor just chilling. While Pinkie gets up, and she walks to the window.

"Wow." Pinkie said as she looks outside.

"Ugh! I'm board." Rainbow said as she gets up, and she pulls out an object. She starts to swing it around as you all watched. "It's twister guys. It's a twister. Aaahhh!" She than hits a lamp.

"What the fuck, Rainbow."

"Hey sorry, Pinkie."

"You're gonna wreck the whole house before this is over!"

"Hey, it just needs a new light-bulb. DO you have one? Somewhere, anywhere?"

"I saw a few in the utility closet when I was grabbing the stuff. I'll get one." You said as you got up and head to the kitchen. Everyone else follows you. "Okay, there's gotta be some bulbs in here somewhere." You said as you continue to search. As you were, you hear that same whooshing sound. Is Rainbow playing with her thing again? "Damn it, Rainbow. Will you stop playing with that fucking thing?"

"I'm not."

"Oh." You said as you went back to searching. Then something hits you as you continue to hear that familiar whoosing sound. "Wait, what do you mean you're not?" You asked as you turned around. Rainbow shows you the object in her hand. You look around. No one's touching anything. Wait, if no one's doing anything. Then who is?

The sound gets louder and faster. Until the whole house starts to shake like an earthquake.

"Oh shit!" You yell as you see everything shake and the sirens go off again.

"Oh my god! It's here!" Fluttershy panics.

"You gotta be kidding me!" You said as you ran up the stairs. You enter Pinkie's room as it appears to be fine for some reason when you got up there. You look out the window hoping for a better view of what's going on outside. Still nothing. The house begins to shake again. "Oh shit." You muttered to yourself as you rush back downstairs.

Not even a second has passed when everyone begins to panic.

"There you are!" Sunset said. "We just turned on the weather channel, and the whole thing just went blank!" She said as she pointed at the TV. On it, it reads "TORNADO WARNING" as it flashes.

"Oh shit. This is bad! It's already here!" You said as you try to talk through the brutal winds, and the house is rattling like a baby playing with its rattle a little to rough.

The lights start to flicker as you all start to scream. A picture frame hits you on the head and you fell down the stairs.

"Ow!" You said as you hit your head on the floor.

"I can't stay here!" You hear Fluttershy. "I gotta go home! Angel!" As she runs, you grab her by her feet. And you both make eye contact when she falls to the floor. You didn't mean to thought.

"Listen to me! Listen to me, alright?"




"Alright. You're not going anywhere, it's too dangerous outside, alright?"

"Okay!" Fluttershy nods as you can hear glass breaking, and the winds getting stronger inside the house. You get up and you look out the window. And you can barley see it. A tornado is just outside of Pinkie's house. But this one's way bigger then the one's that were in Los Angeles.

"Okay. Pinkie, is there a basement?!"

"Yeah! Why?"

"We have to go down there! We need to, now!" You rush to the basement door and you start to open it. As you did, you look to where FLuttershy's staring outside the window. She sees the tornado.

"Oh my gosh!"

"Fluttershy, what are you-" You were cut off as you start to see glass starting to crack. Fluttershy doesn't notice. You run to her. "Fluttershy, duck!" You said as you ducked her head down.

BANG! Goes the window. You just saved Fluttershy from death wile everyone just watched you save her life. You picked her up and you took her with you and the others down the basement.

"Come on, Come on!" You said as you closed the door behind you.

"How big is it?" Applejack asked.

"You don't wanna know!" You said as you looked at AJ.

"Whoa. This tornado's bigger then the one's in Los Angeles!" Pinkie said as she looked out the window.

"Pinkie. Get away from the window!" Rarity said as soon as she grabbed her and moved her out of the way. The window breaks and a piece of glass hits your arm from where you're holding Fluttershy.

"FUCK!" You screamed as you feel pain, and blood rushing out.

"In here!" Sunset screamed as you all rushed to the bathroom where she pointed at. You all rushed in there and you sat down. Fluttershy's scared out of her mind. You're in deep pain from the glass that stabbed you. This must be an "F5" the most powerful tornado in the world.

"Are you okay?" Sunset asked you. You nod you head. She looks at your arm. "You're bleeding!"

"Yeah. I didn't get away from the window in time." You said through clenched teeth. The house shakes even more, and the winds start to pick up. Everyone starts to scream out of their minds as the brutal winds take over.

"HOLY SHIT!" You said as the winds pick up. This is the strongest tornado you've ever been in. This one's way powerful then the one's in L.A. for sure. Crashes can be heard, glass breaking, jet engines and freight trains are heard through out the house. Even though Pinkie doesn't live near train tracks, and it's impossible to hear a plane through a tornado (Which would probably get sucked in anyways depends on how high it is.)

Lightning flashes every second and the tornado's already closer to you probably. All of a sudden, the winds stopped. Has it passed?

"Is that it?" Rainbow asked.

"Please tell me it's over!" Fluttershy said and Twilight tries to calm her dog down. It's impossible to tell. You quickly opened the door, and you take a look outside from the hole in the house of the basement that the tornado has made. You see some swirling action from far out. You look back, there's another one. You look through it, and as you did, you look up when the rain's still dancing on the ground. Oh no. It's not gonna last. You're in the eye, so you better get inside quick.

"Well?" Sunset asked.

"You better hang on." You said as you sat down beside her.

"Why?" Twilight asked when rain drops hit the bathroom and you see a small trapped door like in the bathroom. You open it as you feel the wind start to pick up again. You open the door.

"Get in, hurry!" You said as everyone got in the trapped door and you locked it. Soon, the wind picks up again. And you all held onto whatever's there. The house begins to shake again. This has to be one of the largest tornadoes in history. Not like from the "May 3, 1999" tornado.

Everyone screams out of their minds as the really brutal winds take place around the house. Until you hear a really loud bang. Somthing must of exploded.

Out of nowhere. The lock on the door starts to get loose from the terrifying winds.

"Guys!" You said as loud as you can through the winds. "Hang on to something!" The lock comes loose and the door opens, leaving the winds getting even more stronger.

Everyone screaming. And Fluttershy screaming from the top of her lungs. Twilight holding her dog Spike. Applejack holding onto her hat. Rainbow holding onto something as tight as she could as the 300 mile an hour winds take over. Whatever you were holding onto that's attached to the wall is starting to come loose slowly. Oh no.

As soon as the winds are starting to die down. It beginning to give out.

"Oh shit. It's not gonna last!" You said as Sunset looked to what you were talking about, and she notices.

"Take my hand!" She yells. As soon as the object snapped and flew out of the celler. You grabbed Sunset's hand just in time. Now she's holding onto you, trying her best not to let go.

Finally, the winds begin to die down. Faster then you think, the winds suddenly stopped. You all start to calm down a little from the horrifying terror that just happened.

"Everyone alright?" You asked. Fluttershy's so scared, she can't even speak.

"Oh Spike. I'm so glad you're alright." Twilight said as she hugged her dog.

Applejack holding onto her hat. Rainbow still holding onto the thing attached to the wall. Pinkie doing the same. You winced as your arm still feels the pain from that glass piece.

"Yeah. We're okay." Sunset said as she holds you and hugged you and starts to cry. "I'm so glad you're okay." Tears start to hit your shoulder.

"Me too." You said as you hugged her back. As you both break the hug, you all walked outside to see that... whoa. As you hold your painful arm, your jaws start to drop. Pinkie's house in now gone.

"Oh shit. Where's my van?" Pinkie said as she looked at the empty driveway. Her van's gone.

"Forget about your van, Pinkie." Sunset said to her. "You just survived an F5."

"And Pinkie. How did you get that storm celler in the bathroom in your basement?" Rainbow asked her.

"After that horrible tornado in Los Angeles. I decided to build one just in case one comes here and it did. And now... my house is gone." Everyone gathers around Pinkie Pie, same with you as you put your un-painfully arm around her.

"Pinkie. I'm sorry to ask, but is there a first-aid kit in your celler?"

"Yeah." Pinkie said as she notices that you're in deep pain. "There should be one in one of the cabinets. Sorry if I forgot that you're in pain, it's just that-"

"I understand, Pinkie." You cut her off as you smiled the best yo can. "It's okay..." Before you know it. Sunset's back with the first-aid kit. Rainbow helps her out as they try to stop the bleeding on your arm.

After about two minutes, your arm is now secured.

"There we go." Rainbow said as she looked at the bandaging on your arm.

"Thanks guys." You said as you looked at it also. Until Sunset brings it in for a little kiss when a mother would kiss her child's bruised hand.


You blushed. "Thanks." You said as Sunset giggles. As you look up, you noticed that the moon'e starting to come out. "So now what?" You ask.

"I think we have to find someplace to stay." Sunset said as everyone agrees.

"But first." You said to them. "Why not head to Fluttershy's to see if Angle's alright."

"*gasp* Angle! My pour darling!"

"Her house isn't far from here. It's like ten blocks." Rainbow said as she ran and you all follow her. You can hear Fluttershy saying "Please be okay. Please be okay!"

* * * * * *
Finally. You reached Fluttershy's house. Her house is gone too.

"Angel!" Fluttershy said in tears. You start to charge for the concrete floor of what use to be Fluttershy's house. You noticed that there's also a little celler, you can hear whimpering. You open the door as it's been hit by tons of debris from that powerful tornado.

You open it. Angle's okay. But he does have an injured foot.

"Hey Angle." You said to him. "It's alright. I'm gonna get you out, okay?" You grabbed the cage that he's in and you take it out as slowly out of the door as possible. How was he safe from this terrifying tornado? That's a really good question. This celler must of been strong as hell you're thinking.

You walk up to your friends, Sunset Shimmer, and Fluttershy. You see her face lit up as she sees that Angle's alright.

"Oh Angle!" Fluttershy said as she ran to you and pulls Angle out of his cage. "Mommy's here. Oh thank goodness you're alright." She sees the cut on his leg. "Oh my goodness, your leg."

"Want me to put the cage back?" You asked.

"Please." Fluttershy nods. "I wanna hold him. He could of gotten killed. I'm so happy he's safe from harm." You ran back to the celler and put the cage back where it was, and you followed your friends to... wherever you're going.

"So where are we going now?" You asked.

"I have no idea." Sunset Shimmer said as she held your hand. "Where ever the wind takes us I guess."

"And Fluttershy." You said getting her attention. "Where are your other animals?"

"Oh. There at some other place far from here. I asked one of my friends to keep an eye on them for a little while when I get the house cleaned up. But I didn't get it cleaned in time because of this."

"I see." You said as you feel bad for her. But she really doesn't like Angle out of her sight. But either way. You're all just happy that you're all safe and sound. Wonder what you're parents are gonna say.