A new world, a new mind.

by Thadius0

First published

When your 'father' proclaims you to be the most successful experiment to date, you tend to be angry. When Arceus takes you away from him, you rejoice. When you're turned into an Abra in a Ponyta world, you tend to be confused.

Vincent Nurem, a.k.a. 'Subject 37,' had never been normal. Never been outside the plexiglass and plastic that encompassed his world. Everything was white walls and floors and neon lights for him.
The few friends he had were Pokemon that were also test subjects for his father. And the three of them had no problems understanding each other, thanks to what his father had done to him.
But when Lord Arceus pulled off his plane-shift, Vincent and his friends finally got to set foot outside the facility his father kept them in. And upon seeing the small horde of Ponyta that greeted him, the three of them decided one thing.
If this is some sort of shared dream, they would dream big. But if it turns out it isn't, dream bigger.
After all, Viva Los Pegasus.

Side story to A New World, A New Way.

Chapter one - Is this some sort of Trick Room?

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The first thing that made itself known to Vincent as he awoke was an unusual scent. For the past fifteen years of his life, all he ever smelled was the scent of clean. Disinfectant, soap, water, polish...everything in that lab had been the same, except for the food. That just smelled like 'bleh'. It theoretically had all the nutrients a growing body needed without sacrificing on the taste. Of course, it would be hard to sacrifice something you didn't have...

The next thing to come through to his mind was touch. Namely, the idea that something that wasn't his standard-issue cot was what he was resting on. It was...smooth, composed of many parts, yet at the same time, there was a grainy, rough surface underneath it.

Hearing kicked in next, the sound of air moving past at a leisurely pace also different from what he was used to. When the air conditioning came on in the facility, everyone knew it was on by the sound of so many moving parts. This...this was the air wanting to move, and making a gentle breeze while doing so.

Memory activated then, and Vincent recalled the night previous. Same as it ever was, get tested to see which particular portions of his genetic code were changed from the norm, converse with Lucy and Sam, the Riolu and Scyther that father was also testing, and then be escorted back to his room. But just as his head hit his pillow, there had been a voice in his head.

Not unusual. The headaches came and went and carried all sorts of voices. Sometimes they made sense. Sometimes they didn't. This one was one he'd never heard before, though. It sounded...old, powerful. Caring. Vincent tried to recall what it had said, and was surprised that he could do so without any difficulty.

Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home.

The idea thrilled Vincent, but he swiftly shot it down. How many escape attempts had the trio thought of? And every time, father or one of the staff would find out and put a stop to their plans. Still, the amount of unusual sensations...

And that was when Vincent opened his eyes, and saw the blue sky above him.

Blue! For so long the ceiling had been white, perforated by the occasional air vent and light housing. To see an actual blue sky with white fluffy clouds could mean only one thing.

I'm outside!

"Ha! We're outside! Lucy, Sam, we're out..."

Vincent had picked himself up and looked around to find that he and his friends were indeed outside, on a grassy plain. Grass, he realized. I was sleeping on the grass and dirt. Which means somebody carried me here! And if they're asleep as well, then it means that somebody carried us all out of there, and left us here...wherever here is.

And then Vincent looked down at himself, blinked twice as he moved the yellow thing that had taken the place of his hand, and started to scream.


Lucy had been having a good dream. Which surprised her, honestly. Most of her dreams were about her days in the facility, seeing as how it'd been all she'd ever really known. But this dream had been good.

It had involved her and two Lucario playing with her, teaching her, and generally caring for her like a family should. And near the end, the adult male had said a simple phrase.

Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home.

What had really awoken her hadn't been the dream ending, but the screaming starting. She jolted up and looked around, stunned by what she saw.

The outside world! Sam had told them repeatedly that there was one, and that one day, he would take them both to it. Speaking of Sam, there he was, waking up as well, probably due to that Abra screaming his head off. Sam walked up to the Abra and gingerly took a hold of it, placing just enough pressure on its shoulders to let it know that it really needed to stop flailing and screaming.

"Why are you screaming? Who are you? Do you have a name, even?"

The Abra took a few deep breaths before it said a simple, world-shattering set of phrases.

"Hey Sam, it's Vincent. So how about this outside world, huh?"


To say that Sam was surprised would be an understatement. He'd been taken when he was young and brought to the facility, where he'd met and rapidly befriended not only a Riolu, but a young human boy as well. The human was an oddity, because he could understand them both when they were talking. Sam had regaled them with tales of the outside world, and when he found out that neither of them had any idea what he was talking about, the Scyther vowed then and there to get them out one day.

Apparently, today was that day. At least, if what the Abra had said was true.

"How can you be Vincent? Vincent is a human, you're an Abra!"

The Abra rolled its eyes before returning to examining himself. "Gee, tell me something I don't know. Like where we are, or where we're going."

Sam shook his head. "This is all very, very strange." The Scyther then raised his head and looked around the plain before noticing something that the other pokemon had missed until now. "Hey, a road!"

The other two looked over and saw what Sam had pointed out. Indeed, a dirt road wound its way past them, from one horizon to the other. The Riolu and the Abra looked at each other, then at the Scyther. The Scyther looked from the Riolu to the Abra, and eventually the Riolu joined in the Abra-stare-fest. After a few moments, the Abra caught on and sighed.

"Okay, so you all don't trust that I'm who I say I am, I get that. But we're friends! Poke-friends forever, PFF's, right?"

The term got an immediate reaction. Sam relaxed his stance, whereas Lucy rushed forward and hugged the young psychic fox. Taken aback, the Abra could only pat her on the back a few times while his mind rebooted.

"Anyways..." He coughed a few times, which eventually caused Lucy to notice what she was doing and let go. "We're outside. Let's see where that road goes."

Sam nodded once at the sentiment. "Roads imply civilization. Which implies a town at one end or another. Which implies authorities that will be able to do something about your father. We can worry about the whole," and here Sam gestured at Vincent's new form with one long claw sweep, "You being an Abra bit later. Right now, I just want to see that man behind bars."

Vincent nodded, then yawned. "D'you think I could get a lift while I take a nap? I'm suddenly very tired."

Sam nodded and gingerly picked up the small psychic type before setting him on one shoulder. After a second's hesitation, Lucy was placed on the other one, and the bedecked Scyther made his way down the dirt road, not caring where it went.

It was far better than where they had been, after all, and that's all that mattered.


It had taken Sam a good two hours of walking, but the Scyther had eventually located a group of buildings on the horizon. Taking them to be a town, he quickened his pace, only to find himself confused by what he saw.

Ponyta. A veritable horde of Ponyta and what looked like minature Rapidashes. And that wasn't to mention the ones that had wings! It all seemed highly unlikely if not downright impossible, and that was before the impossible coat and mane colors, or the mark on their flanks.

Sam sighed and jostled Vincent slightly, waking the psychic from his rest. The fox yawned while stretching before looking around, taking note of the odd Ponyta. "Well...okay, suddenly I'm thinking this is some sort of massive shared dream or hallucination. I mean, being outside was bad enough. Being an Abra nearly tipped the scales, but things that aren't, can't be real, tears it."

Sam thought for a moment, then shook his head. "I feel tired from carrying you, and Lucy's still asleep. If it were something like what you describe, things would be even more unbelievable in one way or the other. Let's just treat things as real for now."

Lucy yawned, then roused herself more fully and looked at the city and inhabitants, her eyes widening in surprise. "Where are we, and why are all the Ponyta shaped and colored funny?"

Vincent shook his head. "I don't know. Isn't there some sort of sign? That's how things usually work, right? Cities have signs telling others the name of the place?"

A moment of looking showed the trio a sign off to the side of the road. A rather simple one, truth be told.

Welcome to Los Pegasus!

It was then they realized the trouble they were in. Because none of them had heard of that name before.


They had, quite carefully, snuck into this town, and found an alleyway to hide in. Said alleyway was, thankfully, devoid of other presences. They were thankful for this because they needed to hash out how they were going to live here.

"Okay, so, to recap. We're in a place we've never heard of, where the dominant life seems to be ponyta-shaped creatures. Said creatures don't understand us, based on observation of their interactions with other pokemon." Vincent paced as he worked out what had happened to the best of his ability.

"We also," Sam interjected, "Have no food and very little local money, and what little we have is based on pure luck. Apparently one dropped coin is not a cause for concern, and so they overlook it. But that's good for us, and so we have a small pile of twenty coins now."

Lucy looked up from the pile of coins she'd been stacking and nodded. "Yeah-huh. Real shiny, but they aren't tasty."

Vincent nodded and smiled at her before looking at the coins. "The questions are, how do we turn this small pile of coins into food, what can we do to get more, and where will we get shelter? The locals don't seem to like pokemon."

Sam shook his head, but something caught his eye, and he turned to look. Slowly, he started to grin, before turning to look at Vincent. "Well, what we're going to do is scavenge while we try to get you trained in your psychic capabilities. After all, if you're really an Abra now, this town is just a pile of money waiting to happen."

Down the road, a neon sign blinked, slowly spelling out the word CASINO...

Chapter two - Paydays are hard to come by sometimes. Sometimes.

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The training the trio of escaped test subjects went through was short and to the point. Since Lucy and Sam already knew their own abilities, they needed to help Vincent figure his out. Sam was the most qualified of the three there to do so, seeing as he actually remembered the outside world and other Pokemon.

The first ability they decided to focus on was one every Psychic should know: the ability to link with the mind of another, so that verbal speech was unnecessary. It would help them get by in this new land, for sure. Especially if it was populated entirely by little off-color Ponyta and Rapidashes that couldn't understand pokespeak.

"Okay, trying something different now."

With that, Vincent closed his eyes and extended his right hand towards Lucy. After a moment, the hand lit up with an eerie blue blow, which then faded.

Testing, testing. Can you hear me Lucy?

The little Riolu nodded her head at the voice in her head that sounded a lot like Vincent. "Yup! I can hear you! I think it worked!"

Vincent opened his eyes and smiled, then staggered and clutched his head. "Oww...I could...I could see through your eyes as well, and the feedback loop...not as bad as my headaches, but not pleasing either."

Sam blinked before chuckling at the psychic fox's predicament. "So you had no problem forming a bond with her, until you opened your eyes and realized the depth of it? Simple solution then. Just don't open your eyes!"

Vincent sighed but acquiesced, closing his eyes before frowning. "Now what, genius? I can't see her to target her and form the bond!"

Sam hummed at that before picking the little psychic type up and placing him on one of his shoulders. "How about this? Think you could form a bond with me?"

The transformed human stiffened at that before shaking his head. "I think it'd be a bad idea. Psychic is weak to Bug, you know. It'd probably snap instantly."

Lucy stepped in with a simple, childlike idea. "Silly! Just use him for a moment to find me, then use that to aim for me! It doesn't need to last long, just long enough!"

The Abra shrugged before placing his left hand on the neck of the bipedal bug he was currently sitting on. Another glow emanated from his hand, covered the Scyther's head, then vanished before reappearing around the Riolu sitting just a small ways away. The Riolu giggled at the sensation. "That tickles, Vincy!"

I...I think I've got it working. I can maintain a small communications bond with all of you, that seems to have no strain. I can only use Lucy's eyes, though. Your type makes it impossible for longer than a second, Sam. And I think so long as I have a communications bond with Lucy, I can use her eyes at any time, so long as I keep mine closed...I'm probably going to end up napping if I remain immobile and keep my eyes closed, though. If I open them, the feedback loops will come crashing down around me.

Sam whistled, impressed with the rapid development of Vincent's skills. "Not bad." Seized by a sudden burst of mischief, the Scyther picked the Abra off of his shoulder and put the psychic fox atop his head like a hat. "Now, my new hat, we must go forth and conquer this town!"

I don't like the sound of this! How are you planning on doing this, Sam? Are you going to abuse my abilities that I don't really have a handle on? I can't even do that other thing you said all Abra can do yet!

"Don't worry, Vincent. We'll only need Teleport if things go very bad. Lucy has a handle on our coins, which should get us in the door. I only hope they haven't heard of psychics yet, otherwise we'll be laughed out with less than we went in with."

You've explained nothing, Sam!

"Have you heard of blackjack?"


How do you know about blackjack?

It was a thing I read about once, when I wandered into a pokecenter before your father caught me, Sam mused back. The book said that there were once a wide variety of games that humans would bet money on, before they realized that Psychic-types could help their trainers cheat.

Which is what we're doing now.

To survive, yes. What does that Ponyt- sorry, pony, have?

Lucy, look at him for a moment?...A five and a ten.

The trio had located a suitably shabby-looking Casino, and with ample display of cute eyes from Lucy, sharp edges from Sam, and a bit of telepathic trickery on Vincent's part, they had bluffed their way in past the doormare and to a blackjack table. Vincent had begun to passively absorb knowledge from the ponies around him, which is how he'd learned more about the land they were in.

Apparently, this was Equestria, home to the Sun and Moon alicorns on high, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. There were normal Earth ponies, Pegasus ponies, and Unicorn ponies. Pegasi could fly and manipulate weather, Unicorns could use 'magic', and Earth ponies were very tough indeed. All of them eventually earned a 'cutie mark' that told the pony what they would be best and happiest doing. Vincent would have rolled his eyes at the thought if they'd been open. Sounded a bit like predestination, which he never believed in. After all, if it was destined for him to remain in his father's cage, then there would have been no point to all the escape attempts.

Getting back on track, this particular city was known as Los Pegasus, and if there was something you wanted, then there was a pony who knew where to find it, or a pony that knew how to find that pony. Vincent felt sick to his stomach just skimming the minds that Lucy had glanced at, and none of them were the 'dealers' themselves. He didn't even want to think about what he'd see if his father were somehow in front of him now...

But the most important thing is that aside from a few quick glances around themselves at the sensation of unseen eyes watching their every move, these ponies hadn't even heard of Pokemon, much lest Psychic types. Which meant that their minds were open books to even Vincent's budding abilities. A fact Sam was abusing as the young Psychic kept feeding information into their communication links.

They'd only come in with twenty 'bits,' but that pile had grown rapidly to something kith and kin to a small fortune. Of course, the Scyther was careful: he threw a hand for roughly every one he took, but only small amounts. The pile in front of the betting bug kept growing. In this round, it was down to him and the dealer, who was even now hesitating, but eventually nodded and took a card.

Seven. The pegasus groaned and tossed the cards onto the table, leaving a grinning Scyther and a small fortune of bits, which were rapidly scooped up. Vincent projected Sam's 'voice' so that all nearby would have the illusion of hearing it, rather than just Pokespeak. 'A good game, ponies! But I think that's as far as I'll push my luck today. Anyone have a cart or large bag I could use to carry this all in?'

One was angrily thrust at the bipedal bug, who rapidly took the hint that he was no longer welcome here. The coins were shoved into the sack post-haste, and the three pokemon made their way to the door. They'd almost made it out with all their winnings as well, but it was not to be. Two unicorns, one red with a blue mane, the other blue with a red mane, stepped out from the shadows and barred the way.

"You're gonna stay here until the management says you can leave," the red one said. Vincent only now noticed they had golden eyes, the pair of them.

"Yeah, and management says you can leave when that bag is a lot lighter, and not before," the blue one rejoined.

Sam growled and passed the bag on to Lucy before raising his arm-blades. The message was clear: you want it, come take it. A fight seemed sure to erupt, but then something happened.

Vincent felt more than saw the large something clap Sam on the shoulder, and everyone turned to look at who it was. A large, bipedal blue Tauros? No, a quick link revealed that it was a minotaur, and Vincent would have gotten a name as well, if not for the fact that it soon became unnecessary. No need to ask when it's being shouted at you, after all.

"Iron Will says this one and his friends go freely. Or does Iron Will need to remind Corporal and Punishment exactly what he can do?"

Chapter three - Your Hidden Power is quite dangerous...

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There was utter silence for a minute. None dared to move. The ponies looked at the pokemon, then at Iron Will, then at the pokemon again. Iron Will and Sam looked at the ponies, and Lucy staggered under the weight of the coins. The ponies snapped their eyes to her, and a decision was made.

"Take the small one," Corporal said.

"We'll get the money back and more besides," Punishement agreed.

At those words, a lot of things happened very, very fast.

First, the horns of the ponies lit up, and an aura appeared around Lucy and the coin bag. In response, Iron Will reached out and touched somepony. Namely, the blue-on-red colt and his horn. The sudden pain of the punch disrupted the aura, and Lucy dropped, while the bag hovered in midair. Sam, seeing Iron Will's tactics, took the horn to be a weak spot, and attack the red-on-blue colt's horn. He ducked the first swing, but the backswing connected, and the bag fell back into Lucy's arms as the magic was broken. Sam smirked in triumph.

And then Vincent opened his eyes. Instantly, the feedback loops crashed down around him, causing him pain, far worse pain than his headaches had ever been. And the pain made him lose control of his budding Psychic powers. Whether it was planned on his part or not was irrelevant now, as his entire form glowed an eerie blue, which spread rapidly throughout the establishment.

The first thing it touched was the two colts in front of them. They were picked up and tossed aside, clearing a path for the party to leave the casino. Then Vincent turned his eyes back to the games and tables, and the glow spread again, this time to cover the money on the tables. With a flick, all of it was tossed upwards to the ceiling before it floated back down, causing the dealers and runners of the games no end of grief. The glow spread to the ceiling and the lights, and in a second, all was thrust into darkness.

Even the eerie blue glow faded, and Sam felt the Abra land back on his head. Which meant one thing. Grabbing a hold of Lucy and the bag in his left claw, he placed the right one across the minotaur's shoulders and pushed him out the door. "Time to go!"

Of course, he wasn't quite aware of the fact that the communication relay had snapped, so it came out as "Scyther Scythe!"

Nonetheless, Iron Will got the message, and the unusual party of gamblers burst onto the Los Pegasus scene. Iron Will grabbed a hold of Scyther's claw and pulled down one street. "This way! Iron Will has a plan!"

Sam voiced his approval and moved Lucy to a shoulder. Keeping his left claw up to pin Vincent to his head, the Scyther then followed the running minotaur. It took them five minutes of nonstop, all-out racing through the streets, but the trio and Iron Will finally arrived at a somewhat-shabby looking apartment house. Pressing a button got a buzzing sound, and the iron gate in front swung open, a fact the pokemon were thankful for.

Ascending a few flights of stairs brought them to Iron Will's home in the city, which was rapidly opened to the new members thereof. With a mighty slam, the door was closed, locked, bolted, and barricaded. Sam breathed heavily for a moment or two before remembering that he had brought others with him. He lowered himself to let Lucy and the bag she was carrying off before looking around for a couch or a similar soft surface. Iron Will raised an eyebrow before pointing through one doorway. The Scyther walked through it to find a bedroom, and Vincent was carefully slid off his head. The little Abra was still breathing, which meant that his burnout hadn't burned his mind out of his head, but who knew when he'd recover?

"Iron Will has saved you from the Casino Trap. Now Iron Will would ask questions of you, strange creatures."

Sam turned to look at Iron Will, then said a simple phrase in Pokespeak. Lucy dropped the coins with no small amount of clatter, and the little Riolu appeared between the two bipedal forms. Saying a few things got Lucy to nod before she jumped up on the bed with Vincent. Then, the worst game of charades ever began.

Lucy attempted to say a normal sentence to Iron Will, but stopped midway and shook her head. Pointing at her throat, then Vincent's head, then her ears, she started talking again before nodding. It took a few repetitions, but the meaning sunk in.

"Iron Will thinks he understands. Until that one wakes up and does his magic, Iron Will and you will not be able to talk normally."

The pokemon looked at one another, shrugged, and nodded at the minotaur. The only question was...

When, if ever, would Vincent wake up? Because they could recall that underneath his little performance...his display of raw, unfettered power at the Casino...

...He'd been screaming, in their minds...


Within another casino on the strip, in the dead of night, a slot machine sparked. A few errant bolts of electricity passed through it before it halted. And then, strange noises came from within it. If a Pokemon were to stand near it, they would hear a very interesting set of words.

"ErrOR...ErRoR...eRrOr...Subject tw-two...subject f-four...subject eiiiiight...subject sixteeeeen...subject thirty t-two...subject sixty foooour..." A pause, and then... "Error: there are not m-more than thirty-seven SUBjects...reidentifying self....self reidentified...self is identified as subject sixTEEN. Error: cannot con-con-con-connect to main laboratory database. Error: Cannot locate the subJECts."

Another pause then. Eventually the strange voice would speak again. "Error: the data within this device is corRUPted...the odds of winning are not-not balanced...Error: the money used to p-p-play this machine is not sent to the main c-c-collection POINT. Attempting to fix ma-ma-machine in acc-accordandandance with prrrrrime directiiiiive: repair all daaaamaged data..."

The lightning would arc for a while yet, and it was a good thing nobody was playing that particular slot machine...


Vincent groaned and held a hand up to his head. Ow. Ow ow ow. I thought the headaches were gone.


The young Abra was suddenly the victim of a Riolu hug, a powerful and ancient dark art known only to cute and cuddly things the world over. Nations had bowed their heads to the power of a Riolu or similar cute thing making a face at them with outstretched arms (or other appendages, for the ones who had no arms).

Vincent had no choice but to reciprocate, albeit awkwardly. "H...hey there, Lucy. How long was I out for?"

Lucy sniffed into his chest armor before she lifted her head to reply. "Twelve hours. It coulda been worse, Sam keeps saying. I don't know how, but I'm glad it isn't. I'm glad you're back, Vincy."

Vincent chuckled and hugged the Riolu a little tighter before letting her go. "Glad to be back. Think you could get Sam in here? In fact," Vincent trailed off as he looked around, "where is here?"

"Ah, easily answered. This is the home of Iron Will, the minotaur who aided us."

Sam had appeared at the door, which gave Vincent a start, but he calmed himself quickly. "Sam, what in the world happened? All I can remember before this sensation of unyielding pain was those two colts stopping us from leaving the Casino..."

Sam sighed. "That's a long story. Think you could set up the links between us and our host?"

Vincent blinked, but extended a hand towards Lucy. The moment it lit up blue, though, the Abra winced and drew his hand back while shaking his head. "It hurts to push the power out. I could, maybe, maintain a link. One. Is our host not a pokemon, is that why we need them?"

"Iron Will would like to know if your friend is up yet!"

The trio of pokemon stared at the suddenly appearing minotaur in the doorway, before Sam looked back to Vincent and deadpanned. "You tell me."

Chapter four - A Nasty Plot begins to form...

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One cup of water, one ice pack, one tablet of headache medication, and one Abra sitting on Iron Will's head later, the pokemon were ready to talk to their host. The reason for all of those items was quite simple: Water to help combat dehydration, which would only make Vicent's headache worse. One tablet of headache medication because none of them knew how his body would react to more, so he couldn't just 'take two and call in the morning' until they knew how he'd react to one, and proximity to Iron Will's brain would make forming a link easier, so that the minotaur could understand the pokemon.

...The ice pack was just to round out the cliches to begin with, but Vincent would be lying if he said it didn't help.

"So once again, now that we can talk to you properly, thanks for looking out for us and our friend."

The minotaur waved a hand at the Scyther. "Iron Will was merely doing as his morals told him to: Help the helpless. And while Iron Will does believe that you could have taken those ponies, it would not have been without casualties."

Lucy and Vincent shuddered at the idea. They'd already lost so much, it would have been cruel if they'd lost each other. Vincent made his 'voice' known then. Regardless, thank you Iron Will. So, what would you like to know?

The minotaur looked upwards towards his new hat before looking at the other bipeds in the room. "Let us start simple. What exactly are you?"

Sam picked up the thread of conversation then. "Pokemon. Members of a race of species from...what I'm gathering is another world. Right Vincent?"

So far, yes. And normally, I'm not one of them.

Iron Will looked up again. "What do you mean, little fox?"

Somehow, Vincent sighed through the mental connection, and then he realized Sam and Lucy would be confused if he didn't speak aloud. Bracing himself, he opened his mouth. "I mean that normally, I'm not an Abra. Something...happened."

Lucy nodded and chipped in her two cents. "Yeah-huh! I was having a nice dream, and then this really old voice came in and said something about resting and waking up on a new world."

Sam appeared startled at that. "Wait. Wait wait wait. Was it something like...Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home?"

Vincent nodded. "Same here. And when I did wake up, I turned from the human I had been into the Abra you see before you. Someone or something is responsible for moving us here...moving us all here...and changing me in the process."

Iron Will slowly nodded. "So someone forced you all from your home?"

...At this, Sam laughed, followed by Vincent. Eventually they got a hold of themselves, but it wasn't without the odd stare from Lucy or Iron Will. Sam replied first. "That place was as much our 'home' as this place is to you. Only difference is, you have the choice to leave."

Vincent nodded and frowned as he began to recount their experiences. "My...'father', Doctor Nurem. A pokemon researcher, who is probably infamous for asking one question and not letting any of society's morals or rules or ethics stop him from answering it. 'Let's see what happens, shall we?'" The little Abra shuddered at the memories, while Sam picked up Lucy and cradled her gently.

"Do you see these little bumps on her arms?" Iron Will nodded at the Scyther's question. "Those are supposed to grow into proper arm spikes when she gets older, and she's supposed to have one on her chest as well. She'll be lucky if that happens. The 'good doctor' put her under for a procedure to modify her skeleton, make it denser, more resistant to change. She might never get her marks of adulthood. We don't know."

The minotaur growled at the thought of someone experimenting on a child in such a fashion. "And you two? What did he do to you?"

Sam sighed and looked at the ground, while Vincent answered for him. "Father injected him with a cocktail of serums. In the end, it made his exoskeleton harder, but it made his flying so much more difficult as well, due to the added weight. Once again, there might be a way to fix it. But we just don't know if it'll work..." The Abra looked up and whistled. "Or if there's any Metal Coats here, or things that could function as them."

The Scyther looked up, as though he hadn't thought of the idea himself. "A fair point, Vincent. We'll have to look into it later..."

The minotaur looked up again. "And you, little one? What did your father do to you?"

Vincent merely smiled. "Gene therapy. From when I was little enough to the day when we left, it was injections, test, and more injections and more testing. From what I can understand, he wanted to bridge the gap between Pokemon and humans. Either it was meant to make a way for humans to understand Pokemon, or it was meant to give humans the powers of Pokemon. So there was probably a bit of Pokemon in my DNA. It'd make sense. Far back as I can recall, I could understand these two. Of course, the downside made itself evident eventually."

Sam and Lucy nodded at the story. They'd only lived it so many times...and relived it in their nightmares. When Vincent got old enough, the 'good doctor' had failed to see a need for anesthetic. After all, all creatures had pain tolerance for a reason, according to him. Iron Will grunted and waved a hand around. "What was the downside?"

"Headaches," the little Abra replied. "Headaches and voices in my head. I was actually glad when I arrived here, even if it was in a new body, because the headaches and voices stopped. And then what do I go and do?" Here, Vincent laughed a few times. "I go out and give myself headaches while listening to voices in my head!"

Iron Will laughed along with the fox. "It is good to test your limits, especially in a new body. So...what can you do? Iron Will assumes that you," here he pointed at Sam, "are no slouch in a fight, and that this one's," now pointing at Lucy, "sheer cuteness would disarm any foe."

Sam and Lucy preened a bit at the praise, and Vincent nodded. "Well, when I recover, I can maintain a communications link between a fair few creatures, and I can even borrow Lucy's eyes to see with, which allows me to make quick links for the purpose of gathering surface information with anyone she looks at. Can't do it with Sam, our types are incompatible. You...maybe." And here the psychic sighed.

Iron Will got over his slight panic at the thought of his mind and eyes being 'borrowed' and inquired. "What is the matter? Those sound like formidable powers indeed."

Vincent nodded. "Oh, they are! They also require that I keep my eyes shut so that the feedback loops don't start to pile up and snap the connections, and I can't even do the most basic move that all Abra know yet, but sure, communications and spying? I can do that!"

Iron Will blinked, then slowly grinned. "You mean to say that when you are back to normal, little one, that your mind is your most dangerous asset?"

Vincent slowly nodded. "I'm a Psychic, it's what we do. I'm getting used to my strength, but little things like mind links aren't an issue..."

Iron Will nodded. "Very well. Iron Will will help you recover, and in exchange, you and your friends will help Iron Will."

Sam cocked his head to one side. "Help you with what?"

At this, Iron Will sighed. "Iron Will was once motivational speaker for the ponies. Help them stand up, be assertive. Thought it would be good for them, but one little pegasus took it too far. And when Iron Will went to collect, she made Iron Will see the light. Was not teaching ponies to be assertive, was teaching ponies to be bullies. So Iron Will took his belongings and money and decided to see all of Equestria. See what living in pony lands was like for little ponies. It was good and grand!"

Iron Will looked to the apartment around him and shook his head. "Then Iron Will came here one night and got drunk. Next thing Iron Will knows, Iron Will has very few of his belongings or money, and they were replaced with massive hangover. Iron Will was able to afford this place, but rent is coming due."

Iron Will looked up at the Scyther, his face and eyes alight with determination. "Iron Will will help you all recover, house you, but Iron Will needs money to leave this place. Help Iron Will to claim enough to leave, and Iron Will will pass this place on to you afterwards. It is not much, but it could house you while you figure things out yourself. With your abilities and Iron Will's understanding of the locals, there is not a casino that could resist us!"

Silence reigned for a minute before Vincent spoke up then.

"This...is the start of a beautiful friendship, I think..."

Sam chipped in then. "That, or this will end terribly."

Vincent waved off the Scyther's concerns. "You have yourself a deal, good sir."

And that was when the mental communique from Lord Arceus came crashing down on everyone, causing a feedback loop in Vincent's head near instantly. This time, he focused the energy into a single, coherent blast, and aimed away from everyone.

Pity. It had been such a nice wall...

Chapter five - Quite a Psyshock

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During the Abra's latest fit, Sam and Lucy worked with Iron Will to come up with a plan. The first part was for Iron Will to take a good portion of the bits the pokemon had collected and use them to repair the wall, along with paying off the rent for a little while. Doing this ate up over half their 'acquired' funds, but the leftovers were more than enough for Iron Will to enact the next part in their glorious plan:


While the Scyther had initially resisted the idea of getting dressed up, Iron Will explained the reason behind it while looking for something the giant bug-type could wear and make work for him.

"If you just walk in like you are, then your claws will be the only reason the bouncers let you in. You need to dress up, make them underestimate you, and then they'll feel bad for even thinking of trying to stop you. After all, you're clearly cultured, you're wearing something to fit in!"

Sam sighed in exasperation, but nodded and gently prodded a black bow tie. Iron Will picked it up and held it against the Scyther's neck before nodding. "This looks like it will work with your colors...then again, black works with most every color. And it does add a little something...very well, Iron Will agrees. And what about your little friends?"

Lucy had been left back at the apartment to watch over Vincent. Small she may have been, but she was still a Fighting-type, and could pack a punch, especially with the moveset the doctor had drilled into her. Granted, she'd not had much chance to practice giving her punches, but the theory was still there.

Sam looked around the accessories before noticing something and perking up. Motioning for the minotaur to follow him, the pair walked over to an array of hats. Many types, styles, and colors were there, but the Scyther had eyes for only two of the hats on display.

For Lucy, he'd picked out a cream-colored sunhat that would be just a touch too large for her cranium. He could just see her in it, it flopping over her head and face before she reached up and tilted it back...It almost made him smile thinking about it. Iron Will had no such reservations, and chuckled as he picked it up. "For the little one with skeletal problems?"

Sam nodded, then held up the black top hat he'd picked out for Vincent. Something about it just screamed class, and it also seemed like something he would actually wear. Iron Will looked at the hat and held a hand to his chin. "Hmm...yes, Iron Will sees the little psychic wearing something like this...but it seems to be missing something..."

Sam tilted his head to the side, before realizing that yes, there was something that they could get for Vincent while they were out, but they'd not find it here. Performing a series of gestures, Sam pointed at Iron Will, nodded, then made a wide, sweeping gesture with his claws before shaking his head. Iron Will tilted his head to the side while he worked out what the Scyther had 'said.'

"You...agree with Iron Will...but don't think we'll find what we need here?"

Sam nodded, and Iron Will hummed. "Where, then?"

Sam merely pointed to the door that led out, and Iron Will sighed. "Let Iron Will pay for these things first, then you can lead Iron Will to where you think something for the little psychic can be found..."

The checkout process was remarkably quick, though it may have had something to do with the large bug with scythes for arms standing next to the minotaur. All the ponies parted around them, and the duo couldn't stop a small smile from crossing their faces. Once they were outside, Sam looked up and down the street before he saw a store selling what he knew Vincent would love, now that he was a Psychic-type. More specifically, he knew he would get the significance of giving these things to a little Abra.

The fearsome twosome walked into the housewares store, completely startling the pony behind the counter, and went straight to the silverware section. Sam pointed at the spoons, and Iron Will picked them up before laying them down on the shelf, one next to another. The Scyther ran one claw over the row of spoons, muttering 'scythe' at each one, before pausing in the middle.

This particular spoon appeared to be...slightly dented in the middle, making it look as though something tried to twist it. There was also some sort of aura or energy around it, making it seem like a boulder about ready to roll down a hill.

Sam nodded at that one, and Iron Will carefully picked it up. None of the others met with his standards, so he merely gestured to the rack and flicked his right claw up and down once. Iron Will, thankfully, caught on.

"This spoon and one other?"

Sam nodded, and Iron Will picked up another spoon before turning to the pony behind the counter. "How much for these two spoons, little pony?"

The mare behind the counter gulped and replied in a shaky voice. "Uh, five bits for the normal one, and you can have the dented one for two...it just won't flatten out, no matter how hard we try, but we'd still like to get something for it, even though we just fo- I mean, made it the other day..."

Iron Will nodded and took seven bits out of the bag and dropped them on the counter. "Have a good day, little pony."

Sam merely smiled, nodded, and thought of Vincent's reaction when he was presented with a Twisted Spoon...


The Abra had been brought around after another few hours of sleep, and he reported that his headache was as bad as ever. Iron Will decreed that a good meal and a little more medication, combined with rest, would see him through this pain, and the pokemon nodded their heads at this. Sadly, there wasn't much to go around, because they needed to save some funds for the next casino trip, but the quartet made do.

Waking up the next day brought a welcome surprise to the little Abra, in that his pain was gone now. Or at the very least, unnoticeable. He'd been about to re-establish the communication links when Iron Will pulled out the accessories that Sam and him had picked out. Sam looked suitably dapper in his black bow tie, Lucy looked adorable in her cream sunhat, and Vincent just looked at the top hat with a faint look of shock on his face. Sam gently shook Vincent by the chest armor, which broke him out of his stupor. "Vincent? Everything okay?"

Vincent slowly nodded. "It's just...me getting gifts doesn't happen often...I don't recall the last time, actually..."

Sam smiled. "Then look inside and tell me what you think of it then."

Vincent turned the hat over to find the spoons that the Scyther had picked out the other day stuck inside. The fact that there were two of them, and that one was twisted, didn't escape him, and the little Abra looked up to the Scyther with an expression of shock. "You? How? Twisted Spoon? Where?"

Sam shook his head while still smiling. "Doesn't matter. You deserve some kindness. Plus, it's good to get some practice, right?"

The little Abra picked up the Twisted Spoon, shuddered at the sensation of power, and then put it back in the hat. "Not until I can at least Teleport and stop the feedback from causing me so much pain. I'd rather not give my powers more of a boost...that'll just put more at risk when it all comes crashing down."

Sam nodded at the sentiment. "Still. At least you have it for when you're ready."

Vincent nodded, placed the hat on his head, and closed his eyes to form the links. His hands glowed blue, and there were similar flashes from the heads of the others. Testing! Can you all hear me and understand each other now?

Sam sounded off first. "Read you loud and clear."

Lucy nodded. "Yup! You're getting real good at this!"

Iron Will looked around for a moment, before realizing that it was the little fox's doing. "You are highly talented, little one. And Iron Will is glad to not be left out of conversations anymore."

Iron Will picked Lucy up and set her on his shoulders. "Iron Will has a plan. You can use the eyes of this one to gather information, and Iron Will is more approachable to pony-folk. Iron Will will play cards with ponies, and you will feed Iron Will information so that Iron Will can win a good amount of bits. You and the mighty warrior will wander the casino and play other games."

The bug and tiny fighter exchanged a quick look before nodding, and Sam placed a claw on Iron Will's right arm. "Just so you know, if anything happens to her, I will hold you accountable."

The minotaur nodded once, slowly. "Iron Will will guard her."

And thus, the quartet left to take on another casino.


Vincent's time in the Monte Colto casino was proving to be rather boring. Beyond sitting on Sam's head and feeding information on the cards of others to Iron Will, there was nothing for him to do. At least Iron Will was playing intelligently and throwing hands more often than winning them, making others bluff and toss more of their bits onto a pot he was sure to win. Even with the help Vincent was giving him via Lucy sitting nearby and looking at other players, it was quite odd. Iron Will was very good at this whole betting thing...

...It was almost like he'd done this before...

Vincent was snapped out of his musing by the sounds of commotion coming from somewhere. Sam, what's that? What's going on?

...It looks like some ponies are arguing near the slot machines. Should we take a look?

Why not? It's more interesting than trying to find a game where we have an even chance of winning...

The Scyther and his behatted Abra-hat made their way over to the slot machines, where two ponies were arguing.

"Sir, you cannot have won so much from one machine! It's simply unlikely!"

"Are you telling me these machines are defective because I've been winning? That seems suspicious to me!"

Vincent ignored the both of them in favor of the sparking machine, even though he couldn't, at the moment see it. More specifically, he was interested in the sounds coming from the machine. The sounds that he could understand.

"ErrOR...U-U-User is satISfied, but ow-owner is not-t-t-t. Must re-re-rework the data a-a-again..."

Vincent knew that voice. He'd not met the owner of it often, but he knew it all the same. He softly reached towards it with a tendril of power and felt a mind. Bit? Bit, is that you?

The machine sparked, and from its form, a red sphere with a blue stripe arose. Two blue ovals for arms and one blue oval for a tail appeared around it, followed by a red head. A red horn grew from it, and a blue beak extended. A yellow eye with a black series of rings opened up, and the creature looked down on the little ponies around it. Then it noticed the Scyther and Abra standing nearby, and it floated over. To the ponies, it was saying something along the lines of "Por, Pory, Porygon-gon-gon...Zee zee zee zee..."

To the pokemon, it was something a little more comprehensive. "Subjects identifiiiiied. Subject thirty-six-six-six, iDENTified. Partial identifica-ca-cation of subject thirty sev-sev-seven." It was silent for a moment, then tilted its head. "Error: Abra knew of subject thirty-ssssssseven's term of endear-dear-dearment for this subject...insufficient eviDENce for a meaningful conCLUsion..."

Sam spoke up then. "Bit? Bit, you were upgraded to a Porygon-Z in the transfer?"

The Porygon looked from Vincent to Sam then. "Subject thirTY-six is corrrrrrect. When this sub-sub-subject awoke within this plaaaaaace, it was a Por-Por-Porygon-Z." It tilted its head back to the correct position, and from somewhere in its body, a dinging noise was heard. "Con-con-conclusion is being rrrrrreached. This one reCEIved a com-com-communication from Lord Arceus...if subject thir-thir-thirty seven was changed upon coming to this wor-wor-world, an Ab-Ab-Abra would make the most seeeeense, considering the Doctor's ex-ex-experiments."

Vincent nodded as the Porygon-Z stuttered out its conclusion. Yes, I was changed into this when I came here, Bit. And hopefully, father didn't come with us. A smile crossed his face at that. And since I'm his direct descendant and you can't find any staff, power over you would pass to me, wouldn't it?

He hadn't wanted to pull that card, but the Porygon-2 from his time in the lab had only followed the rules, never thought outside them. Hopefully, the Porygon-Z would be just as much a stickler... There was the sound of ticking coming from the Porygon-Z before eventually it dinged again. "Sub-sub-subject thirty-seeeeven is cor-cor-correct. Hello, mas-mas-master Vincent. What shall I-I-I do for yoooooou?"

At this point, the ponies were becoming rowdy. "That thing came out of our busted machine! It's that thing's fault!"

The pony that had been winning looked pleased at the prospect, but the casino staff closed ranks around the trio of pokemon. Sam and Vincent gulped and shared one sentiment. "This won't end well..."

At that point, the Porygon-Z looked at the ponies and its eyes glowed. "Act-act-activating preLIMinary defeeeeeeenses of master Vincent! Tri-tri-TRI-ATTACK!"

A red, yellow, and blue orb began circling the Porygon-Z's form, while Sam and Vincent gulped at the name of the attack. They shared another sentiment then. "This REALLY won't end well!"

Chapter six - Some Close Combat was not on the menu!

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“Shit! Kasai! Protect!” A voice commanded from behind them before shouting. “POKEMON RANGERS! FREEZE!”

An Arcanine leapt into the circle of ponies, scattering them as a mystic barrier appeared around him and absorbed all three ‘attacks’ into its surface. Hearing that someone had the unruly Porygon-Z's attacks handled, Vincent turned around and 'felt' another mind in the same direction the Arcanine had come from. Reaching out with a tendril of power, he 'spoke' to the mind.

Pokemon rangers? Never heard of you. But I will try to help. Bit, calm down! No need for violence!

The Porygon-Z ticked a few times before letting out a dinging noise and hovering near Vincent. “Un-Un-Understood, master Vincent. Staaaaandby mode initiated.”

The Ninetails smiled before beginning to bark out orders in a language the ponies could understand. Vincent was puzzled, he hadn't set up any communications links with them... “Okay everyone, nothing to see here, please leave this portion of the casino on order of the Las Pegasus guard.”

The ponies grumbled but slowly moved off, and Sam shifted his attention between the two 'authorities' from Earth that had somehow followed them. “So...now that we’re nowhere near the ‘good doctor’, we meet authorities? Great. Just great.”

Sam, you still haven’t explained. Just who are the Pokemon Rangers? Vincent was confused, the Scyther hadn't explained much about how the outside world actually functioned. He merely said that once they got there, right after the authorities were found and directed to father's lab, they'd have a lot of fun together to make up for the time in the lab.

“I can answer that,” the Ninetails said with a small smile as she stepped forward, keeping her posture as nonthreatening as possible, which didn't fool the Scyther for a moment. “The Pokemon Rangers are, or rather were I suppose, an organization devoted to helping find and stop Pokemon abuse in all it’s forms. I’m Ranger Abby and this is my mate, Ranger Kasai.”

Silence reigned for a minute, but anyone who looked at the Abra would notice one thing. He was shaking for some reason. Inside his head, Vincent's past welled up within him, all the things he'd been forced to see...or take part of...


"A pity," Doctor Nurem said, while looking at the now-limp form of a Gyrados that had lightning rods sticking out of its back. "It would appear grafting a new type to a specimen is not as easy as that."

His gaze then turned to a fishtank holding a Magikarp. "Or perhaps I need to try earlier in its evolution line..."


"Interesting results, wouldn't you say so, subject thirty-seven? Even without wings, a Charizard is still technically of the Flying type, or else the electrical security system wouldn't have been as effective as it was..."

The still-smoking form of the wingless Charizard lay on the floor, and the doctor continued his speech. "On another note, it seems the security system is still a touch too high. Send a note to subject sixteen, tell him to recalibrate it to non-lethal levels..."


"How curious, it still became a Porygon-2, but it is behaving even more erratically than a Porygon-Z would. I will have to run it through a variety of tests to see where its power lies. But make another Dubious Up-Grade in the meantime, assistant..."

The Porygon-2 looked up to the young boy on the other side of the glass and managed to croak out a single sentence. Or more accurately, a few words. "H-H-Help meeeee, plEASE..."


“Are you okay kid?” Kasai asked the Abra, his eyes widening in concern. Sam was worried as well, the last time he'd failed to respond to stimuli had been the last casino, or more accurately, what happened after... “Do you need an aspirin?”

...Where were you? With those words, the Abra jumped off the Scyther’s head and floated an inch off the floor. When my father cut Lucy open and altered her skeleton so much that she might NEVER get her marks of adulthood and made me WATCH, where were you? The Abra’s arms were glowing an eerie blue at that statement.

Abby was silent for a moment, and Sam shuddered. During the time in the lab, Vincent had gotten like this sometimes, and usually he wasn't able to do much. Human body and all. But now that he was an Abra...The Ninetails started trying to defuse the situation. “We were looking for you, Vincent, your mother informed us of your kidnapping and we’ve had teams looking for you your entire life. I’m sorry that we didn’t get to you in time but-”

He cut her off. When he strapped Sam to a table and prepared a cocktail of drugs to see what would happen to a bug-type's exoskeleton and put my damn hand on the plunger and made me push it, where were you?! Now the Abra’s legs were glowing blue and he was hovering a good half-foot off the floor.

Abby and Kasai began to back away, neither stupid enough to remain too close, though really, they probably knew from experience that backing up a foot wouldn't do anything to protect them from the Psychic Pokemon’s powers. Sam was starting to get worried. This was bad, this was very, very bad. Even in the lab, he'd not been like this!

“We weren’t there,” Abby said, not apologizing, but stating facts. “We were looking, but we weren’t there when you needed us.”

“Understatement of the century,” Sam muttered. “I was the only one who knew there was an outside world out of the three of us.” Those were interesting and good memories for the others, though slightly sad for him. They were always smiling and going oooh and aaah at the idea of so many wonders outside of the walls. And he vowed after a session where he explained about the wonders humans used to live comfortably that he'd make sure they got to see them one day.

The Abra hadn’t finished. When he subjected me to tests and experiments and injections every day of my life and stopped giving me anesthetic for it...when I kept getting headaches and heard voices in my head...when what little staff he had also thought of me as a freak just because I could understand Pokemon because of HIS EXPERIMENTS, WHERE THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU?!

At this, the entire Abra’s form was coated in that blue aura and he’d done something Abra weren’t known for doing: He opened his eyes, which were now glowing white. The feedback snapped the communication links instantly, but he was still up, still angry, and now hovering a good foot off the ground.

“Kasai... get ready to Protect again,” Abby muttered to the Arcanine. “And then, see if you can get an opening to Crunch, it’s a Dark Type move so it might snap him out of this.”

“Right,” Kasai said, lowering his body.

The Porygon-Z looked at the Arcanine and its eyes flashed. “Would-would-would not adviiiiise that. Master Vincent has fif-fif-fifteen years of RAGE to work ooooooout...and as my new masTER, I must now de-de-defend him…” Thus saying, the Porygon-Z took up place next to the angry Abra.

“Right... I did not think we’d need backup for this,” Abby grunted as the pair began to slowly retreat, never taking their eyes from the suddenly-hostile and tense situation.

“Get Axel and come back?” Kasai grunted in reply.

Just...Go...AWAY! I dealt with him for FIFTEEN YEARS without you, I don’t need you NOW! The Abra pointed his arms at the pair of fire types, and the sensation of something terrible about to happen increased. At that moment, within the Abra's hat, the spoons were jarred loose. Both the normal...and Twisted one, amplifying the outburst to come.

“Run!” Abby barked, turning tail, Kasai right beside her. They didn’t make it very far.

A wave of blue erupted from the Abra, knocking over every slot machine and hurling it five feet away from their resting place, bowling Abby and Kasai over. A yell erupted from the blackjack tables, and the minotaur and Riolu came running in the opposite direction.


(Three minutes ago, at the blackjack tables...)

Iron Will looked across the table to the pony who he was competing against for a rather large pot. The minotaur narrowed his eyes at the pony, then looked at his cards. Lucy glanced at the equine, and words filtered into Iron Will's head. Ten and a five.

The minotaur looked at his cards again, which were two nines. He hummed for a moment, then tossed five bits on the pile. "Iron Will calls," he rumbled, and the pony grimaced. The stallion looked at the pile of bits in the center, then at his cards, and then at the pile of bits in front of him. He hummed as well before tossing five bits in. "Call," he said, and the dealer nodded. Both parties flipped their cards over, and Iron Will smiled before helping himself to the pot.

Just then, the minotaur felt the connection in his head snap with a scream of rage, and he jolted a bit before looking at the Riolu. "Something happened," he muttered, before sweeping all the bits into his sack and rushing towards the slots. It was where the other two had been headed not too long ago, after all...


“What did you two do?!” Lucy barked at them. The sunhat she was wearing utterly failed to defuse the situation.

“Nothing!” the Ninetails barked back, dodging a slot machine as it slammed into the ground where she’d been only a second earlier as the Abra’s power swirled through the room, picking up all sorts of things and sending them spinning chaotically around the room.

“Fuck, he’s going to kill someone!” the Arcanine added, a chair slamming into his side and getting a yelp of pain out of him as he stumbled to the side. “Ow!”

“Iron Will does not know what to do, little fighter! And Iron Will cannot understand you anymore! Any ideas are welcome!” The minotaur was panicking; he was strong and tough, but the power of the psychic was apparently not to be underestimated.

Lucy looked to the minotaur and grumbled before looking at the pair of fire-types. “Vincent either opened his eyes, snapped the connections, and caused himself a lot of pain, or something set him off. Which one is it?” Either way, a lot of power was being fed into his abilities, and he would need to be stopped somehow. Of course, the third option was that the Twisted Spoon was in use, but Vincent had already said his mind about that, so it was highly unlikely...

“We didn’t mean to set him off,” the Ninetails explained rapidly, dodging a blackjack table. “We just said that we were Rangers and he started screaming in our heads about all the awful things that had happened to him.”

At that, the Riolu blinked, looked to the both of them, and snarled. “And well he should have. Where were you?! We’ve had a terrible life, and you show up when we’re trying to make a better one...yeah, that was going to happen.” It was only thanks to Sam talking to her during the times when they were allowed to interact that she knew what the Rangers were, and she didn't have a lot of love for them.

“Look, we can discuss the failings of the Rangers, and there were many, believe me, I know, later,” the Arcanine shouted before he unleashed a jet of flame and reduced a chair to cinders. “But at the moment I’m more concerned about your friend over there leveling the building and killing everyone!”

Lucy thought for a moment. “I think I can get him to stop. He always listened to me before…” Every time he'd fallen into silence while staring at nothing, a kind word, a soft touch, or even just the Riolu being there had snapped him out of his introspection sessions.

With that, the Riolu tugged on Iron Will’s arm and led the minotaur into the heart of the chaos, calling out along the way. “Vincent! Vincent, I’m coming in, and I’m bringing Iron Will with me!”

With that, the storm lessened a bit, before dying down entirely. Lucy? Lucy, are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?

The minotaur and the Riolu made their way to the center of the storm, to see Sam, Vincent, and a Porygon-Z standing in the middle, unharmed for the most part. "Yeah, we're fine Vincent...but who's this?"

Sam blinked and looked at the Porygon-Z before looking back at Lucy. "Surely you remember Bit?"

Lucy blinked as well before rushing up to the Porygon-Z and hugging it gently. "Oh Bit...It's so good to see you..."

"It is good-good-good to seeeeeee you as WELL, sub-sub-subject thirty-FIVE."

Lucy smiled and chuckled a bit. "Oh Bit, you never change..." Just then, she heard the sounds of the Rangers approaching, and she turned to Vincent, a plan forming in her mind.

“Vincent, there’s more than one way to get away from them. Why don’t you try that move?”

...You’re right… The Abra looked at the Rangers, an expression of rage on his face still. If I see you two again, it’ll be too soon. Sam, Bit, Iron, Lucy, form up, let’s try this.

The Ninetails and Arcanine looked panicked, and the Ninetails tried to talk Vincent out of Lucy's plan. “Stop, we just need to talk with y-”

The five of them had no intentions of staying, the starting foursome had discussed how to do this once, should they need to and get the chance. Sam laid a claw on one shoulder, while Iron Will laid a hand on the other. The Porygon-Z grabbed a hold of the Abra from behind once he saw what was happening, and Lucy hugged the Abra’s front, the only spot left for her to cling to him. And I REALLY don’t want to see or hear from you again. Not now, not EVER. Hell, I’d rather Arceus damn me himself than I end up talking to any authorities from there ever again. Goodbye. TELEPORT!

Arceus blinked and looked at the ceiling, which caused Mew a bit of concern. She hovered in front of her father’s face and waved her tail back and forth. Dad? You okay?

Arceus blinked again and looked at his daughter. Oh, sorry, yes, I’m fine. I just had the strangest sensation of wanting to banish a fox to the Shadow Real- I mean, Distortion World…

The five blinked out of existence in a flash of light, leaving the Rangers in the middle of a wrecked casino floor, alone. In another part of the city, the fivesome appeared in Iron Will's apartment, stumbling a bit and slightly queasy, but hardly any worse for wear. It was probably only due to the heat of the moment that Vincent had managed to pull the move off in the first place, much less land them all in the room. Those of them that had stomachs took a moment to settle them.

Except, of course, for Vincent, who blacked out once again. Sam and Lucy sighed and shared one sentence in Pokespeak. "Oh, not again..."

Chapter seven - Get some Rest

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Surprisingly, it only took the Abra an hour and a half to wake up from the latest bit of exertion. When he did, it was to the sensation of being hugged and cuddled close by Lucy. It was still slightly weird to be the same size as her, but the affection hadn't changed from their days in the lab. They'd always seen each other as siblings, and comforted one another when they got too deep into their memories.

"Lucy?" Vincent muttered as he moved to return the hug, which caused her to start a bit, but she relaxed after a moment.

"You were really scary, Vincent," the Riolu muttered. "Sam said you got really really mad and broke the connections on purpose. Why would you do that?"

Vincent shook his head and groaned as the pain hit him. "I...I remember seeing an Arcanine and a Ninetails...they said something, and after that, everything is covered by...a sort of red haze. I can't remember anything past that except for you telling me to Teleport. Did it work?"

Lucy sighed, but nodded. "Yeah. You pulled it off and got us from the casino to here in one go."

Vincent nodded, but suddenly sat bolt upright. "Bit! I remember Bit! Is he here?"

"Ye-Ye-Yes, master Vincent, I am HERE." The Porygon-Z drifted from a corner of the room to in front of the duo and bobbed its head at Vincent. The sudden arrival startled the Abra, but he quickly calmed himself and smiled.

"Bit, it is wonderful to see you, and to see you upgraded as well. Did it help you any?"

The Porygon-Z tilted it's head to the side and emitted a ticking noise while it considered the question. "Ha-ha-half of the erRORs were corrrrrrected when this sub-sub-subject was transFERred and upgraaaaaaaaaded. Errors still pre-pre-present in many SYStems."

The Abra frowned at that. "Don't you have some way to correct them yourself? That's an ability you should have, right?"

Bit let out a few dinging noises at that. "Self-self-self repair is a FUNction this suuuuuuuubject possess, but Doctor Nur-Nur-Nurem forbade this subJECT from using iiiiiiiiiit."

Vincent's frown deepened, but waved a hand at the Porygon-Z. "Then as your new master, I command you to fix the rest of your errors and get back to me when that's done."

At that, the Porygon-Z resumed it's normal stance and hovered back until it was in a corner again. "Beginning self-self-self diagNOsis and reeeeeeeepair. This u-u-unit shall reMAIN in standby moooooode until repairs are complete. Estimated time un-un-until comPLEtion: six hooooooours."

Vincent sighed and turned back to Lucy. "Okay, Bit's looked after. So what about you, Sam, that Iron Will guy, what happened to me?"

The Riolu sighed and hopped off the bed. "I'll go get them, and hopefully you'll not go crazy from having one link up..."


The story had been relayed to the little psychic as to what he'd done when angry, and he was slightly shaking in fear when he heard the extent of the damage he'd inflicted. "I...I did that?"

Sam nodded at the question. "You seemed really mad at the Rangers. Why?"

Vincent took a deep breath at that before replying in a voice near devoid of emotion. "Because in all the years I spent with him, they never found me. Never found us. I mean, just by the sheer amount of bodies he left in his wake, unless father was incinerating them or having them dumped miles away, someone should have found us before this...this world-shift happened."

Iron Will hummed at that. "Perhaps your father was clever enough to evade them, but Iron Will thinks it more likely that they simply did not have enough members on staff to catch him. It always comes down to a problem of not enough of something. Not enough time, not enough money, not enough people."

The Abra sighed at that and looked down to the floor. "I...I know that it wasn't their fault they couldn't catch him. But suddenly having someone to blame...it gave me a place to put all that...blame and anger that had been building up all those years. It could only have been worse if I found him again..."

Sam drew close and laid a claw on the Abra's right shoulder. "I swear to you, if we ever encounter him here, I'll take his head off myself." At this, the claws glinted ominously, and those that saw it gulped. The Abra shuddered a bit, but sighed and nodded at the sentiment.

"Come, little ones. Let us eat. We did well at the tables today, and Iron Will will go out and get some food for us."

Dinner that night was a simple affair, but filling. At least, for those that could eat. Vincent picked at his food and left in the middle, stating that he wasn't hungry. The rest of the diners looked at each other and gulped as well. Suddenly, the sense of foreboding in their guts were more filling than any meal could have been...


Vincent sighed for the umpteenth time while staring at the ceiling. He was trying to get to sleep, but for some reason, all he could think about was his life in the lab and the pain it had caused him...or the sensation of anger he'd felt at the Rangers.


"Why...why would you do that to the Pokemon?!"

"To know. To understand. To comprehend."

"...Know...Knowledge shouldn't come at the expense of life!"

"...That...is your...and your alone...very, very weak opinion, subject thirty-seven."



"Hi, I'm a Riolu! But they all call me Subject Thirty-Five."

"That's silly. You should have a name."

"Well...huh. Never thought about that. Can you give me one?"

"Yeah...I'll call you Lucy!"

"Huh...That's a nice name. So what's yours?"

"They all call me Subject Thirty-Seven, but I think my mom called me Vincent. Dad sometimes calls me by that name, but not often."

"That's silly. Hey, would you like to be my friend?"

"...I'd like nothing more."



"Begin the operation."



"Well, hello there little ones. What are your names?"

"I'm Lucy, and this is Vincent!"

"What's your name, sir?"

"...Wait, you understood me?"

"Yeah, I always have. The other humans think I'm weird, but why wouldn't you want to understand Pokemon? They have so much to say!"

"Some of us, anyways. I'm Sam."

"Cool name. Wanna join us for our make-believe session?"

"...Why don't I tell you a story instead?"


"And now, subject thirty-seven...inject the serum."

"I will not! This is wrong, and if you could hear them, see them as more than just subjects, then you would know that too! Hey, hey let me go! Sam, no, I swear I'm not doing it, I swear it isn't me, it's him!"

"Let the record show that subject thirty-seven injected the serum into subject thirty-six himself."

"I...I don't...blame you..."


At least the bed was comfortable, even if it wasn't exactly lulling him to sleep.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Lucy poked her head in. "Vincent? You okay?"

The Abra looked up from his lying down position and waved Lucy over. "No...I'm not. I'm not sure I ever will be."

The Riolu jumped up on the bed and hugged him close. "Is this about us coming here and you being an Abra, or..."

Vincent shook his head. "I was already half-mon anyways, or didn't you hear what the staff kept taunting me with?"

Lucy drew back and shook her head. "What they called you didn't matter. What that..." Here she shook a bit in suppressed rage, but continued anyways. "What that man did to you doesn't matter. You chose to become our friend. That would have happened even with a communication barrier."

Vincent blinked, but looked at the Riolu with a new view of her maturity. "When did you become so...deep?"

Lucy sighed at the question. "I think somewhere between the house and the latest casino, I began to realize the...depth of what we were forced into, what we had gone through. I...I'm dealing with it, but it's...it's not pretty."

Vincent sighed again and held Lucy close, hoping that proximity would help her deal with all the terrible memories she must have had. The two little Pokemon cried softly into each others' shoulders, and would have done so until they fell asleep, but this time, there was an interruption.

A soft series of knocks on the front door of the apartment.

Chapter eight - Bearing a common Grudge

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The knocking noise from the front door of the apartment gave the Abra and Riolu pause, even as they heard their minotaur host going to the door. With a slight crack, Iron Will looked through the door to the other side to see a bipedal creature, mostly green and white, standing there in front of him. Its arms seemed to end in a pair of giant blades, though there were also fingers there. At the moment, its fingers appeared to be nervously fidgeting with each other, it was wearing a woolen sweater with what looked like Celestia’s cutie-mark. “Yes? Can Iron Will help you?”

Um... yes... I... I don’t have anywhere to stay and... well... I don’t want to sleep on the street sir, the creature ‘said’ submissively in Iron’s mind. I was wondering if I could... possibly stay here for the night? I... I promise I will be gone by morning.

Iron Will looked at the creature and sighed. “Another psychic...very well. So long as you are careful and help out with the translating for the others. Little Vincent is tired right now.”

In answer, the creature clasped its hands together and gave Iron a bow. I will... I will do what I can, sir, he said.

Iron Will opened the door wider then and stood back to let the creature within. “Do you have a name? Iron Will can’t just call you ‘you,’ after all.”

Luke... my name is Luke, the creature answered softly, reminding Iron for all the world of a certain yellow pegasus. Thank you so much for letting me sleep here... Mr. Will. The creature walked into the apartment.

Lucy and Vincent were still on the guest bed, with Bit the Porygon-Z hovering in the corner, still repairing himself under Vincent’s order. Sam the Scyther was sitting at the kitchen table, but perked up when he saw the Gallade enter the apartment. “Ah, another Pokemon, and a psychic to boot. Hmm...I don’t recall seeing any of your line in the lab...you’re not from Nurem’s lab, are you? That’d be horrible.”

“Nurem? No... I don’t think so... I’ve never even heard the... the name before,” Luke said nervously, fidgeting with his fingers again. “I... I’m Luke, hello.”

“Ah, yes, where are my manners?” Sam chuckled a bit. “My name’s Sam. Bit unoriginal, but my...my first trainer was a younger kid, before…” The Scyther trailed off, then shook his head. “Anyways!” Here the Scyther pointed into the guest bedroom. “That’s Lucy the Riolu and Vincent the Abra on the bed there. We three tend to share it, pretty easy with them at that size. Iron Will has his own room...somewhere in here. I...I suppose we can offer you the couch and a blanket.”

“If not... I can sleep on the floor,” Luke answered, still fidgeting, this time his fingers moving to the sweater. “I have slept in worse places by far... a bed is not always better.”

Sam nodded at that, knowing all too well himself. After all, when in a lab, you don’t always wake up or pass out in the best of places… “Right. Oh, nearly forgot. Bit the Porygon-Z’s hanging around here somewhere. Not sure, Vincent said something about having him fix himself and I sorta lost track. Let me find that blanket for you. Do you want anything else while I’m up? A drink, something to eat? Not all of us finished dinner…”

“A glass of water would be nice... if you have anything light, I could have that too though I don’t want to burden you any greater than I... than I have already,” Luke said, looking down as he fidgeted. “So...sorry... I’m naturally nervous...”

The Scyther sighed and directed the Gallade to sit at the table where Vincent’s half-eaten meal laid. “Start in on that, then, and I’ll be back with some water.”

The Gallade did so, using his psychic energy to pick up individual vegetables and eating them slowly one at a time, his control superb. Sam came back and slowly placed a glass of water in front of him, taking extra care to not shatter the glass with his arm-blades. “Got a lot of practice...the both of us, I see. Mine came from the doctors’ testing...and yours seems to be just a part of who you are…”

Luke finished a bite he was on and brought the glass up to his lips and took a sip. “Not quite... but close enough. I suppose something that you’ve been doing since you were a Ralts kind of becomes a part of you...”

The Scyther whistled at that, then cast a quick glance at the guest bedroom, where the two child-like Pokemon had started to nod off. “Hey, don’t suppose you could stick around in the morning? Vincent...wasn’t always an Abra, and all the things that happened to him plus his powers is not a good combination. I can’t teach him control...or how to deal with the things his ‘father’ did to him…”

“I have nowhere else to go at the moment... so I will stay until you grow sick of me,” the Gallade said, a thin smile crossing his lips as his fingers fiddled with the sweater.

Sam smiled and extended one arm towards the latest psychic-type to be housed under the roof. “Well then, welcome to our highly damaged family.”

What could almost be called a smirk crossed Luke’s face and he bowed his head, his energy wrapping around the Bug Type’s extended arm very lightly and giving it a shake. “My thanks.”

Vincent couldn’t sleep. Then again, that’d been a problem ever since they’d left the ‘lab’ of his ‘father’. It was getting easier and easier to not think of those places as his home...or as people he cared about anymore.

Rolling out of bed and walking to the kitchen for a quick drink of water brought him some relief from the brewing headache, but not enough. He paused on his way to the bathroom for another tablet of headache medication. The Abra’s eyes passed over the couch and the form he knew was resting on it. Another psychic, he thought to himself. Maybe...maybe he could help?

The little fox walked up to the couch and moved around to the front, observing the sleeping Gallade for a moment. How would I go about it? Hi, my father was a sociopath who tortured me and other pokemon for fifteen years in the name of science, can you help me cope?

That is... unfortunate to hear, a new, slightly nervous, yet incredibly strong in its ‘presence within his head’ voice spoke out in his mind. But I believe I could help.

“Gah!” Vincent said, falling back in shock, before remembering something vital. “Oh yeah. Psychic. Shoulda known.”

That... and you’re thinking out loud, the Gallade replied.

The Abra rubbed his head while looking at the apparently not-sleeping Gallade on the couch. “Yeah, see, been an Abra for all of three days...well, maybe four, depending on if it’s after midnight or not. Not got a handle on these sorts of powers or the rules regarding them. I’ve mostly been using them to skim information from other minds and form links in my family’s head so Iron Will and the ponies can understand us.”

It’s fine, the Gallade said. I am Luke... and you are Vincent unless I am mistaken. It is nice to meet you.

Vincent smiled at that. “Yeah, well, it’s nice to meet you too Luke.” At that, the little Abra hopped up to a mostly-empty section of the couch, only brushing up against the Gallade with his tail that he wasn’t used to yet. “So...you said something about how you could help me cope? Cause...nearly every memory I have of that man is terrible…”

I believe I can, Luke answered, opening his eyes to look down at the Abra. I spent the first six years of my life as a whore. Or I suppose that the word is ‘sex slave’ now...

The little Abra shuddered at the thought. “Not...entirely unfamiliar with the idea...but Sam didn’t go into great detail, either. Yet, if you think it’s something that’s on par with my memories, I don’t think I want to know. Just…” The little psychic sighed and looked at the floor.

To his surprise, Vincent experienced something quite like the sensation of hands rubbing over his back, sending relaxing signals down his spine. The first step is to relax... you cannot hope to master your powers if you are tense. Let the pains flow out of you... like water down a mountain, escaping from the bowels of the earth.

The little Abra sighed at the sensation. “Oh, that feels goooood…” He sighed and looked up to the Gallade with a smile. “Thanks, I feel a lot better now...I mean, the things I’ve seen are still there, and I still remember them when I look at my family, but...it doesn’t feel as bad anymore, remembering…”

Good, Luke said, a bit of warmth entering his voice as he closed his eyes. Now then... this is going to feel a bit strange... but allow it to happen please. It will not hurt you.

At this, the Abra actually panicked. So many sessions with his father had begun the same way! Then he took a deep breath and calmed himself, slowly. This was not his father. This was not that lab. He was safe here. There wouldn’t be any tests, any injections. “Um. Word that better please, or explain what you’re doing, cause my heart is going a mile a minute here.”

It is easier to show than to tell, just know that I will be here for you as it happens, the Gallade replied and suddenly, Vincent was no longer in the apartment.

In fact, he was someplace that he had no idea how to properly describe. A roaring sound filled his ears and a billion droplets of water crashed down on his head and back, beating away further tension. Before him was a breathtaking mountain valley in the middle of fall, the leaves on the trees casting an orange and red reflection over the whole world. He couldn’t stop himself from saying one word in reflex at the sight. “Beautiful…”

It is, isn’t it? Luke asked from beside him. Vincent turned his head to see that the Gallade was sitting crosslegged beside him beneath the waterfall, the water droplets slamming into him unnoticed. It was one of my favorite places before we were brought here.

Vincent cocked his head at that. “So...this is a memory. Your memory.” At the Gallade’s nod, Vincent continued. “So why did you share it with me? Why...are we here?”

Three reasons really, Luke answered with a small smile, water pouring over him. One, it is a better place to practice your powers and calm yourself than the apartment. Two, it is impossible to build a wall against bad memories unless you have good memories to build on so I thought I would share one of my favorites with you. Three, I love the view, heh.

Vincent nodded at the reasons and looked to the sky. “Can...Could I show you my favorite memory, then? Is this place malleable for me?”

I don’t know, the Gallade said, a small smirk on his face. Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn’t.

Vincent frowned and closed his eyes, thinking of the memory he wanted. To the Gallade’s surprise, the wonderful view was not replaced slowly by walls of white and neon lights, but by a different outside setting. A small grassland with a few clouds in the sky, and a road in the distance. The Abra opened his eyes to see this view and smiled before laying back in the grass and watching the clouds drift by.

Luke joined him. This is a good memory, the Gallade said. What is it from?

Vincent smiled and closed his eyes. “Our first moment here.” Gesturing with one hand, he continued. “Over there is where Lucy woke up, and just in front of me is where Sam was. They were skeptical I was still me, but then I reminded them we were poke-friends forever. PFF’s. Something I came up with in the lab, we would say it to each other constantly, drive the researchers batty trying to figure out what it meant. Heh,” he laughed a bit before sitting up. “This is where my family...figured out it was free. Figured out we finally had hope. Didn’t matter if I was an Abra. We were free.”

What a wonderful tale, Luke said. And a wonderful memory as well. Though perhaps it would be better if you spoke like a true psychic Pokemon. I do not want you to get the wrong idea when I say this, but the other way is inferior.

Vincent held a hand to his head before blinking and pulling it away. “Huh...was about to say I still had a headache, but here, that doesn’t seem to matter, does it?...” At the Gallade’s almost mischievous almost-smile, the Abra pouted a bit. “Oh, like you’ve explained the rules at all.”

The rules are there for you to discover yourself, I’m merely here to keep you from doing something unwise, the Gallade answered, his almost smile still in place.

“Fine…” The Abra closed his eyes then. Testing...testing...is this thing on? I hope so, I only use it all the time…

I can hear you, Luke assured him with a small nod. Now then my young Abra friend. What would you like to do? This is the world of the mind, it is to turn a human phrase ‘your Cloyster’.

The Abra looked about and shuddered. I...I want to be able to deal with my memories from the lab. Not…not all of them, not right now. But the memories of what Sam and Lucy and Bit had to go through. That way I don’t remember whenever I look at them.

Alright, I will be here for you as you go through them, Luke said, placing an invisible hand on Vincent’s shoulder. Now... where will we start? After all, you will never be able to wall off your memories if you do not face them first.

A silver screen appeared before the duo then, and Vincent shuddered. Chronologically, I saw Bit’s fate first, even if I hardly saw or interacted with him again. The few times I did, I didn’t realize it was him running the lab’s mainframe. Eventually we reconnected, but not to the degree that Lucy or Sam and I did. I think I was purposefully kept away from him as much as possible…

I see, the Gallade said with a small nod. Now... concentrate on the memories and let them fill this screen.

The memories began to play then, of what had happened to Bit, as told from Vincent’s perspective…

“Did you manage to procure the test subject I requested, assistant?”

Doctor Nurem was glaring at a younger man, who held up a pokeball and nodded. “It wasn’t easy, sir. They recognized me. But I eventually managed to obtain a Porygon.”

“Excellent,” the doctor responded. “Perhaps you aren’t totally useless after all. Strap it down there, and I will begin the experiment.”

A flash of red light, and the Porygon was free for all of two seconds before the assistant began securing the Program Pokemon to a steel table. “What? Where’s my trainer? Who are you? What are you doing?!”

Vincent held a hand up to the glass and fought back tears. He’d seen this too many times. He knew that the Pokemon didn’t have too great a chance of surviving what his father had cooked up to do to them on that particular day.

“Loading Dubious Up-Grade. Begin sequence.”

The table under the Porygon flashed once, twice, and then streams of light emitted from it and forced their way into his form. It...it looked like an Evolution, but…

...But there was something wrong about it. Possibly the way the Porygon was screaming the entire time. “No no no no no no no NO! SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP MEEEEE!”

The memory broke there as the Porygon’s voice became less and less understandable…

Vincent was shaking, shivering slightly at having to recall that day. The experiment had succeeded, naturally, otherwise, Bit wouldn’t be here. But he’d been broken that day, forced into a half-life, where his only real use was to keep the mainframe running better than himself...

He blinked twice as Luke’s power touched him very faintly in the center of his forehead.

And be at peace, the Gallade’s voice spoke in his mind. The pain and terror lessened and faded, until the little psychic fox wasn’t shaking anymore.

That...what was...how did you?...I still sometimes have nightmares of what they’ve been through, and you just...wiped it away… The little Abra was confused, to say the least, as to how someone could be so powerful.

I have hidden it away in your mind Vincent, Luke answered simply. It will not trouble you unless you think of it, but I warn you, it is best to build your own wall upon good memories. My seclusions will only last for so long before they collapse and the memory comes rushing back to you even stronger.

Still, any...any relief from these memories, even a little, will let me function, let me form good memories. So thank you. Vincent looked unsure, but slowly walked over towards the Gallade and sat closer.

You’re very welcome, Luke said with a small smile, this one actually appearing on his face. With practice, I’m sure you will be as strong as me. After all... trauma can forge the strongest swords.

Silence reigned for a moment before the Abra spoke again. Are you doing something similar to yourself, then? Suppressing your own memories of your own life?

Yes, Luke answered with a small nod. Or, mostly. I long ago found some kind of peace with them, but... I would rather not have my evolution to a Kirlia replaying in my head at all times.

A strangled laugh echoed through the area. Yeah...not all experiences that help Pokemon grow and evolve are good ones. Like Bit’s. He’s...still broken. But not as bad. Or if he is, I can’t tell anymore. Porygon-Z’s are erratic, so maybe that helped? At least he’s trying to fix himself now. I’ll be happy if he stops referring to us as Subjects. Does NOT help the suppressing.

Indeed... Luke let out a sigh. Now... I’m sure you have noticed a slight difference between me in here and me ‘out there’, haven’t you?

The Abra tilted his head to the side. You’re...less shy, I think? Less hesitant. You simply know things and act on them here. Is...no, there IS a reason for that...let me think…

Luke simply smiled and closed his eyes as he lay in the grass, letting the little Abra figure things out.

Hmm. In the real world, you’re hesitant, but here, you’re all confidence...There’s a disconnect there. Something about the real world makes you shy and careful, or maybe something about this world fills you with confidence. This is a realm of the mind...so...you are who you want to be here? The little psychic tried to puzzle out the reason and rules, guessing mostly, but hoping he was right.

Correct, Luke said with a nod. That, and have you ever heard the phrase that ‘your mind is a fortress’?

Vincent waved a paw in a ‘so-so’ fashion. I know of it, but dad didn’t have many living psychic test subjects. Well...maybe me. If what Bit says is true, then the Pokemon DNA he was using to alter mine might have been an Abra’s. Would explain quite a bit.

Of course, Luke said, nodding again. You see, to humans, it is merely a figure of speech, but to us psychic types it has a very literal meaning.

The world shifted around Vincent and suddenly he was on a balcony overlooking a great fortress. It was made of large white stone slabs and built atop a mountain. The whole structure was majestic and graceful yet had a hard edge to it. Large walls were raised around it and went on for miles and miles.

This is what your mind should look like by the time you reach your final evolution... it is how you will fight other psychic Pokemon if they try to besiege your mind. A place to flee to if inner conflicts become too great or if bad memories overwhelm you. Build it strong, upon happy memories and it will keep you safe all your life.

Vincent looked at it in awe. By Arceus…

Arceus grumbled to himself. I really wish the mortals would stop invoking my name. Now that I can hear it, it feels like my ears are burning near constantly!

The little Abra looked at the fortress and sighed. I...I have too many bad memories, I think. If I could just get rid of the ones around my adoptive family, the only ones who cared...I might have a foundation. But all the things I’ve seen...they’ll stay with me forever. I...I know it, somehow.

Yes, yes they will, Luke said with a simple nod. And yet, as I said, trauma forges the strongest swords.

Vincent turned to Luke and blinked. You mean...use them? Use them to motivate me?

It’s what I did, Luke said with a nod. It is why my trainer is who she is and why I stay with her.

The little fox smiled. Well, until you got here, but no worries on that front. Once my family and I help Iron Will get enough bits to get on his way, we’ll help you find her. She’s likely a Pokemon as well...at least, if what Arceus said and what happened to me are any guidelines, so it might be a bit difficult. But hey, my family all showed up near one another. Surely your trainer is close.

Oh, do not worry, I know where she is, Luke answered, a ghost of a smirk crossing his lips. The Abra’s eyes narrowed at that, and the area around them turned stormy.

...Then you lied to us. You DID have a place to stay. You came to us on purpose. Why?

Because I sensed a little psychic in pain, the Gallade answered calmly as the stormy clouds disappeared and were replaced by a brilliant sun. A pain that I can at the very least emphasize with.

Vincent blinked again and sighed. Sorry...It’s just...here, let me tell you about Lucy. Maybe then you’ll understand why I’m so...suspicious.

The silver screen appeared again, and the fox recanted his tale. Lucy was a little Riolu that dad’s team brought in one day. We played together when they allowed us to interact, and she told me what they were doing to her, and I told her what they were doing to me. My tales were far less interesting, naturally. The same tests, over and over. I didn’t even realize then that understanding Pokemon was something humans couldn’t do...at least, not without effort. Dad and his team were drilling moves into her, preparing her body for the procedure they had planned. The only one they couldn’t force her to learn was Aura Sphere, but she still learned three others. Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse...and Earthquake. She was resilient before, but once they put her under the knife…

“Subject thirty-seven, please follow me. Subject thirty-five, please follow my associate.”

Vincent got up and slowly made his way to the first of the two lab assistants. “Where are we going?”

“You’re going to observe another experiment,” the first one said as Lucy was led away. “Your father requested it personally.”

Vincent sighed. He’d grown numb to the idea by now that he might have to watch another Pokemon suffer before dying. He only hoped they died quickly so that he didn’t have to hear their screams in his dreams. “And Lucy?”

“She’ll be fine,” the assistant dismissed. A short walk brought them to the observation room, and Vincent’s blood ran cold.

There, being dragged in, kicking and screaming, was Lucy. “Hey! This isn’t my room, or the training room! What are you doing? Lemme go! Lemme go!”

“Please restrain the subject,” Doctor Nurem’s voice rang out from the intercom. The assistant attempted to comply, but Lucy hit him with a Force Palm, the move she was using until she could learn Aura Sphere. The assistant doubled over in pain, and the Riolu made a run for it.

...Only to be swept up by a mechanical arm and deposited on the table, then rapidly restrained by automatic straps. “Sub-sub-subject restRAINed, doooooctor.”

“Excellent work, subject sixteen.” At this, the doctor entered the room and pulled gloves over his hands. Heading to a tray where his surgical tools were lying, he hummed for a moment. “Begin recording. Experiment number seven zero five, skeletal modification and densification on a prepared Riolu test subject, known at this time as subject thirty-five. I will attempt to alter the species’ famed ‘spike’ features and make the subject more resilient to bone fractures.”

“LUCY!” Vincent pounded on the glass for all he was worth, causing no damage whatsoever. “DAD, NO!”

“Begin the operation.”


The memory broke off there…

Vincent was shaking even heavier than the last time, sweat running down his body and his breath came in gasping heaves.

Be at peace, Luke’s mental voice permeated Vincent’s mind, and when he opened his eyes, he found them once again beneath the waterfall. After a moment to catch his breath, he nodded a few times.

...So. Yeah, that was the last time I trusted a researcher. I questioned them constantly and became suspicious of every time they asked me to change rooms. Lucy survived, clearly, but...we don’t know if the damage will heal when she evolves. If she’ll ever get her marks of adulthood. One thing we do know, she’s damn hardy. The Abra chuckled. Sam accidentally hit her a bit too hard one day, and she just walked off what should have embedded her in a wall. Every cloud, huh?

That is a good way of looking at it, for example, I can hold my breath for nigh on ten minutes thanks to my past, Luke said, nodding his head. As for your friend, I cannot help as far as her evolution goes. My trainer does her best to help all Pokemon she finds, but she is not a scientist.

Vincent shook his head. We’ll just have to find out, but Sam doesn’t know the secret, and I failed to look it up...or it was hidden from me. I mean, we know what Riolu evolve into, but not how or when, so we can’t check ourselves…

If I recall correctly, it must be day time, and they must have a very close friend nearby, Luke answered, frowning slightly. Though I could be wrong. So, are there any more memories you would like controlled for a time? Dawn is approaching us and I would very much like to not have your friends strike me out of fear that I have done something to you.

Vincent sighed as the screen reappeared. Yeah, Sam. He was introduced to us, and took on a big brother role to us both. He knew about the world outside the lab and regaled us with so many stories. Once we heard about them, we told him we wanted to see them ourselves, and he promised us that we would one day. That was the start of us planning to break out of that place, and we drew up so many plans. And then came the day when dad decided to subject Sam to a similar treatment that Lucy had been through, but this time, it was so much worse for me…

“Come along, subject thirty-seven.”

Vincent sighed at that. “Dad, you can call me by name, you know.”

The doctor didn’t even hesitate. “And you can follow instructions put to you by your betters, but you only listen to me for some reason.”

Vincent rolled his eyes but smirked. “So what you’re saying is if I listen to your lackeys, you’ll all call me by name? Cause that didn’t happen before.”

“Bargaining is not permitted, subject thirty-seven,” the doctor decreed, and the two of them walked into his surgery room. Once again, Vincent’s blood ran cold.

He’d been expecting to see a Pokemon being experimented on, yes. That’s what father did. Constantly. What he hadn’t been expecting was to see Sam strapped to that table. Vincent whirled on his father with an expression of shock and anger, but the doctor didn’t notice.

“Beginning experiment seven one five. After the success of modifying another Pokemon’s skeletal structure, see experiment seven zero five, I began looking into modifying bug types. All previous bug types were too small, too soft. This one appears to be large and resilient enough to withstand the procedure.”

The doctor picked up a syringe and a vial of liquid and filled one from the other while continuing to narrate. “However, I wish to see if the full effects of experiment seven zero five can be achieved by a simple solution that I have devised. It would cut down on cleaning surgical tools if it worked.”

And then the doctor did something he’d never done before. He put the syringe in Vincent’s hand. Vincent stared at it, shocked, barely registering the next words that came from his father’s mouth.

“And now, subject thirty-seven...inject the serum.”

Vincent was silent for a moment before he shook his head. "I will not! This is wrong, and if you could hear them, see them as more than just subjects, then you would know that too!”

At that, the doctor came over and grabbed a hold of Vincent’s arm, guiding the hand holding the syringe to Sam. “Hey, hey let me go!”

The doctor didn’t listen and jabbed the Scyther by proxy before also injecting him with Vincent’s hand. “Sam, no, I swear I'm not doing it, I swear it isn't me, it's him!"

“Let the record show that subject thirty-seven injected the serum into subject thirty-six himself.”

Sam weakly turned to look at Vincent and croaked out a single sentence. “I...I don’t...blame you…”

The memory broke off as the Scyther began to shudder and shake…

This time, when Vincent returned he saw something new. Luke was standing before him. His eyes closed, his shoulders rocking slightly, his hands clenched into tight fists. It was the first time that Vincent had seen the Gallade have any expression on his face other than wry amusement or simple acceptance.

...Luke? The Abra was still feeling the effects of the memory, but he wanted to be sure his mentor in the realm of psychic powers was okay as well. He reached a hand out to the Gallade before going for broke and softly hugging him. It’s...it’s okay, Luke. It’s a memory. It’s just a memory. A terrible, terrible memory, but just a memory of mine.

I know. Luke’s voice resounded in Vincent’s head. It was full of unimaginable rage. Vincent. Would it trouble you over much to see your father torn limb from limb?

The Abra chuckled. Well, Sam already said that if we ever meet him here, he’s taking the ‘good doctor’s’ head from his shoulders, so I say, get in line.

The Gallade nodded very slightly and to Vincent’s surprise, a perfect replica of his father appeared in front of them. Then, with deliberate movements, the Gallade swung his sword arm, incredibly powerful, yet remarkably thin, blades of psychic energy lancing out and slashing the man to bloody pieces.

And for the life of him, Vincent couldn’t bring himself to care. And it wasn’t only because this was a place of the mind. It was because he knew it was no less than the man deserved, if they ever met him again.

...If I gain as much control of myself as you do, I swear, I’ll do that once a night. At least.

The Gallade let out a breath and the pile of limbs disappeared. I would not advise it. As much as bad memories are a way to strengthen your walls through motivation... revenge is not a worthy goal to work for. At least, not entirely. He let out another breath. Only when you need to relieve stress or when your anger becomes overwhelming... but as I said, do not make revenge your goal, for those who follow that path oftentimes lose themselves in the process.

The little psychic nodded slowly at that before sitting down and thinking. Hmm…

Slowly, around the Gallade and Abra, two shapes formed. Once they were complete, the Abra smiled. Lucy and Sam were now in his mind, and he had his answer.

Them, then. All of us, together, one family. We’ll live together in this land, we’ll find a way to take back the years he stole. We’ll live a new life here...That’ll be my reason to get stronger, to control myself.

The Gallade smiled. Good. Then he put a hand on Vincent’s shoulder. I have done all I can do for you Vincent and now I must leave. A word of advice though, find a career that does not involve robbing casinos. Else, we may just meet again and we both know who will win between the two of us when Abby is arresting you.

The landscape became turbulent as the Abra looked at the Gallade. So you are-! You and her, working together! I should have-!

Yes, for I have caused you a great deal of harm, Luke said simply. Great misfortune and torture I have rained down upon you, torn your mind asunder and left you to rot as a vegetable.

...The Abra narrowed his eyes even further. I’m not sure I know who you are. But if you know that Ranger, then I tell you this: we have one more stop...and once Iron Will has enough to leave Las Pegasus, so too will my family have enough to live elsewhere. It’s hardly our fault if they haven’t heard of psychics.

True, it was just a thought, Luke said calmly as the world around them returned to Vincent’s grassy field. But think on this while you are robbing casinos, though the Rangers and the world failed you... do you really want this world as your enemy?

The Abra shook his head as behind him, a hallway from his darker memories formed. I will not make this world my foe, unlike him. And maybe, just maybe, when that Ranger can explain why she and her organization never caught him, will I forgive them. I seek enough to live the life I was denied. And I will get it.

I would suggest performances personally, at the moment, Pokemon are oddities and the ponies are very curious about what we can do, surely you could make enough money that way, Luke suggested. As for why they never found you... do you have even an inkling of how big the world was?

MY WORLD WAS SMALL! The lab hallway slammed down around them. I was forced to watch Pokemon suffer and die at the hands of that man for all my life! When it wasn’t me on the table, it was those I barely knew, or those that I DID! He murdered HUNDREDS of living, sentient beings, and treated them like ANIMALS because he COULD! Ghosts of Nurem’s victims whipped past, each one screaming in agony. There had better be some DAMN good reasons why I wasn’t found for so long!

Your world was small, the outside world was immense, larger than you can imagine, Luke said calmly, completely unaffected by the imagery around him or the anger in the words. Your father was smart. For every lead, there was a dozen false ones. Every time we came close, there was a way out, sometimes several. In the end, there was only so much anyone could do to find him, try as we might.

The Abra glared up at the Gallade, a representation of the Twisted Spoon Sam had given him in one hand. And you have the gall to tell me that what I’m doing has to stop? I...will...not. For the sake of my family, I will NOT stop until we can live comfortably. Somewhere without others, where we can help each other with our issues. Try to stop me, and you’ll find all of us formidable opponents.

Luke looked down at him, a faint line of pity in his expression. Very well then Vincent. Despite how this ended, I hope you at least enjoyed our time together and take my advice to heart.

The psychic fox laughed once at that. It was fun up until you showed your allegiance, true. And I’ll take some of your advice to heart, yes. But like I said, I’m not done. Not yet.

As you wish, the Gallade said, nodding his head calmly. Before I go, I would tell you why I follow Abby. It is because it was she who rescued me from my Hell, and she would have done the same to you, opportunity permitting, because she cares and loves all Pokemon.

At that, the Abra looked aside and the hallway melted back into the field. From your time as a...slave, right? At Luke’s nod, the Abra sighed. ...Fine. One clue, one hint. And if she truly cares and CAN stop us, then after, we’ll go with her, on the condition that Iron Will gets the help he needs to escape the city and return to his homeland.

The Gallade smiled very slightly. And that hint is?

Royalty visits this casino, and so will we.

I see, the Gallade said with a small nod. Then he did something that he had not done in all the time that Vincent had known him. He reached down and placed a hand on the Abra’s shoulder. Be at peace.

The world around Vincent vanished.

Chapter nine - An admirable Pursuit

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Vincent awoke the next morning sprawled out on the couch in Iron Will's apartment. He yawned a few times, smacked his lips, and then everything he and Luke had done came rushing back to him in one fell swoop.

Those memories! Those techniques!...

...That allegiance. He was allied to the Rangers who-

The Abra breathed deeply a few times, forcing himself into a state of calm. No. Be tranquil, be at peace. Your mind is your sanctum, do not let your heart corrode its walls. Luke is a member of the Ranger's team and was doing what he could, what was in his nature, to try and end this little spat we're having. But I will not be stopped. Not yet. I still owe Iron Will, and after that, my family needs funds to start a new life in this new world.

Just then, the sounds of the others waking up filtered into the Abra's ears. First was Iron Will, who yawned mightily. Then it was Sam, who said something about no blame needed before he realized he was awake. And after that was Lucy, who asked a simple question.

"Vincent? Vincent, where are you?"

Vincent spoke up then, to allay Lucy's fears. "Over here, Lucy."

The little Riolu walked over from the guest room and noticed the Abra sitting on the couch. "Whatcha doin' out here? And where's that Gallade?"

Sam and Iron Will had walked into the main room by now, and Vincent replied to Lucy's question by shrugging. "No clue. He and I had a little talk last night when I couldn't sleep, and when I woke up this morning, I was here and he wasn't."

The Scyther narrowed his eyes at that, but shrugged as well. "He did originally say he would be gone by morning. I had hoped he would teach you a few things about control first, though."

"Oh, he did," Vincent said, before reaching out with one hand and causing his hat to fly across the room and hit him in the face. At the sight of a top hat plastered over his mug, the others sniggered a bit. The Abra was still for a moment before reaching up and slowly moving the hat to the top of his head. "Just, apparently, not enough."

Sam nodded, impressed by the display of power. "You seem to be a bit more under control now. Did he really help that much?"

Vincent paused for a moment before nodding. "He told me several things, and I'm trying to take them to heart. They're not easy, but they're doable, and they're help me control myself and regulate my powers."

The minotaur moved to the kitchen and made a simple breakfast of cereal and milk for all four present, and this time, they all ate. Vincent wiped the milk off his mouth and sighed, thinking about how much more difficult today was going to be, now that the Ranger probably knew where they were going.

"Okay," Vincent said, catching the attention of all present. "First thing's first. Is Bit ready?"

The others exchanged a glance before realizing that none of them had an answer to that question. And then another voice spoke up, providing that answer.

"Y-Y-Yes. I'm ready."

The Porygon-Z commanded the attention of the room, and the others gladly gave it. He was floating only an inch or so above the floor, and his head was downcast, as though weighted down by something terribly heavy. Before anyone could speak so much as his name, he continued talking.

"I'm...still going to s-s-stutter a bit, but that's normal. And I've finally put my mind back in order. All I can say is, I'm s-s-sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I know my mind wasn't exactly whole, but I still r-r-remember everything I did back at that lab."

Before they could object to Bit beating himself up, the Porygon-Z floated forward and grabbed Vincent in a tight hug with his arms and tail. "I n-n-never said it, but I always appreciated our interactions, few as they w-w-were. Even when I was like t-t-that, I liked talking to you, because you reminded me of my old t-t-trainer. So, thank you Vincent. Thank you for keeping me mostly s-s-sane, even when it looked like I wasn't."

At this, Vincent reciprocated the hug, and from the table, a soft 'aww' was heard, which the little Abra agreed with. A heartwarming moment that was long overdue. Eventually the two parted with a soft nod to the other, and Bit took up position slightly behind Vincent.

"Okay, plan. Iron Will, you will go about buying your way into a high-stakes poker game."

The minotaur nodded and put on his red tie. "Iron Will is ready. Do you think you can borrow Iron Will's eyes for long enough, little Vincent?"

The Abra nodded once. "Long enough for quick glances at any rate. Just keep studying your opponents and nothing will seem odd. But if I miss telling you about someone, let me know, and I'll remedy the situation."

The minotaur nodded again, and the Abra turned to Lucy and Sam. "You two will be on the blackjack tables. I can only borrow Lucy's eyes, but I should be able to hear the both of you, and I won't be able to do both Lucy and Iron Will at the same time. It'll be an interesting mental juggling act, for sure."

The Riolu scampered off for a moment, then came back with both her sunhat and the Scyther's tie, which the minotaur proceeded to affix to the bug's neck. As they did that, Vincent put his top hat back on and looked over to Bit. "You and I will be on slots. I shouldn't need to move much, if at all, to keep up the act of actually playing. And I'm going to need someone who can actually interact with machines with me."

The Porygon-Z nodded once. "Understood. Am I t-t-to assume that I will be evening odds again, like I was when you f-f-found me?"

Vincent nodded as well, then frowned. "I think you need an accessory, though. Otherwise they might just assume you're just another Pokemon, not one that belongs with us."

At this, Iron Will perked up and looked over at the Porygon-Z, humming a few times. Eventually he snapped his fingers. "Iron Will has an idea." At that he left the kitchen and went to his room, where the sounds of rummaging were heard for a little while. Eventually they culminated in a 'Aha!'

Silence passed for a moment before the minotaur returned from his room, carrying something that caused everyone to smile. "Oh yes, that's perfect. Let me just set up the links and we can be on our way..."


"Sir, we've received warning about that one entering the casino, and twice as many warnings about him playing cards."

The doorstallion was pointing a hoof at the Abra who was in the grip of the monocled form of Bit. Iron Will looked at the pony and grumbled. "First of all, little pony, it was told to us by their resident deity that they're just as intelligent as any other pony. So talking like the rest can't hear and understand you is just plain rude."

Indeed, Sam and Lucy were looking at the pegasus on duty with slight expressions of disgust. "And second of all, Iron Will agrees that he should not even be near the cards, which is why his friend there is going to take him to the slot machines and look after him there. But third, he's not even awake right now!"

At this, the minotaur plucked the Abra from the grip of Bit and held him by the tail, to which Vincent did nothing but hang there limply, twisting a bit in his grip. After a few seconds, the minotaur returned Vincent to Bit, who took a hold of him gently. The doorstallion, thus subdued and outwitted, bowed his head and allowed the five entry to the Crown Jewel.

You are so lucky that I actually am asleep, you know.

At this, the others started a bit, but kept walking towards their designated spots. Then how are you talking to us, if you're asleep?

Well, I'm only kind of asleep, the Abra admitted to the Scyther, sounding sheepish as he did so. It's a psuedo-sleep, a waking lucid dream, a thing-that-is-not-but-is. Or if you prefer actual words and definitions, think of it like reaaaally deep meditation. I'm using it to both be limp in the waking world while monitoring the links and getting the rest my body needs to function. Think of it like drinking a cup of coffee right before going to bed. You'd end up both wired and tired.

You speak as though you have experience with that sort of state, Iron Will mused.

More than I'd care to, Vincent admitted. And while this state is currently a fluke, hopefully it'll be one I can replicate. Anyways, are we all ready and in position?

A round of affirmative answers met him, and the robbing of the Crown Jewel began in earnest.

Vincent juggled the card games in his head, focusing when he was needed for Sam and Lucy as often as possible, but also didn't neglect Iron Will when a new hand in his poker game started. Bit, on the other hand, had glanced around to make sure nobody was looking, before he inserted himself into the slot machine in front of the Abra. Every so often the little psychic type would pick up a coin, put it in the slot, and 'pull' the lever. Half the time, he would lose, while the other half, he would win. Small amounts, but they were wins nonetheless. Bit had just been about to inform Vincent of the fact that none of the bits taken in by the machine were going to the main collection point when the Abra suddenly sat bolt upright and turned his head to the entrance, sending a slight thrill throughout the psychic network, which only compounded when he informed the rest as to why he was doing it.

They're here. The Rangers are here!

The Rangers are here? Lucy growled over the link.

Yes! And I can either help you all, or help myself, I don't have enough power to split between the two-

Vincent felt one of the links cut out then; Bit hadn't been using it anyways, and he heard the reasoning shortly thereafter. "I will be f-f-fine, Vincent. T-T-Talk with them, at least."

Vincent sighed and would have rolled his eyes if they weren't shut, but extended his awareness towards the entrance of the casino. He knows, he felt Luke say.

Indeed I do. Vincent went over how he knew, and came up with a metaphor. Pony minds are...well, there are differences between them based on age or tribe or their own beliefs, but at their core, there is the herd instinct. The desire to belong. Pokemon...are something different. You are like fires amidst a grassland.

I suppose we are, he heard their leader say. Now, you have two choices as far as this goes, and personally, I’d like you to pick the first one. Option number one: you surrender yourself and I do my absolute best to make you pay the very least you have to to the places that you’ve destroyed as collateral. Option two: my team beats you.

Oh, really? Vincent replied, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. Did you think I was going to walk off without making things right? I am not him. I will never be him. A spike of anger flared up, and Vincent breathed deeply a few times to get himself under control again. I would have paid anyways. A generous enough donation to see them through the trouble I caused. But I am not stopping. His hands clenched a bit at that. We owe Iron Will for taking us in and housing us, and passage back to his homeland isn’t cheap. And then...I would see my family safe. Comfortable. And for that, I would do anything. Damn your rules and your morals. These three mean more to me than such ideals!

Okay, we’ll do it the hard way, but never say I didn’t give you the chance. Luke, take him and the Porygon Z, Kasai, you and I have the Riolu. Lex, you and Rill have the Scyther, and Axel, take the minotaur if he tries to help them.

Heads up, my friends, we have incoming!

Vincent felt all the links snap then, and he hadn't been the one to do it. But just before Lucy's did, he felt her surprise and shock at something. Curious, the Abra opened his eyes and glanced her way. And that was when a light began to shine from near the blackjack tables. A few gasps came from the surrounding ponies, and Vincent smiled.

Well done, sis. Well done.


By the time the two fire-types arrived, Lucy had finished her Evolution. The first thing she noticed was that she was taller. Then she caught sight of her chest fur and smiled. A thought struck her, and she held a paw up in front of her face. She nearly cried out in joy at the sight.

They were smaller than they should have been, but her spikes were there. Then she caught sight of the Arcanine and Ninetails, recognized them from the last casino, and growled out her accusation.

“Where. Were. You. Eight years ago when the doctor put me under the knife, and I feared that I might never get these,” and here she gestured to her chest and displayed her paw-spikes, “where were you or ANY of your organization?”

“Taking down various less well hidden bad guys,” the Ninetails said blandly as the two of them split apart and began to circle her. “You can’t blame the rangers for not finding you, the world is just too big and there weren’t that many of us. I’m sorry for what happened to you but Kasai Firefang!”

Lucy blinked in surprise as the Arcanine attacked from behind. His fiery fangs sunk into her shoulder even as his weight bore her down. She turned her head to look him in the eye as she prepared her fighting-type move. “Did he tell you nothing? That madman did so much to me...true, this stings. But you don’t compare yet! Force Palm!”

Lucy brought her right hand up and hit the Arcanine between the eyes, causing him to let out a small yelp and go flying away. Lucy smirked and was prepared to follow it up when the Ninetails let out a gout of fire towards her, even moving in a step to distract her from the Arcanine. Lucy struggled to her knees and crossed her arms in front of her face, attempting to take the brunt of the attack with something other than her head, even as the time in the lab's simulator ran through her mind. “Grr…. This was a simulation... For fire-types... EARTHQUAKE!”

Lucy brought up one leg and slammed it back into the ground, sending rumbling throughout the entire building. The Ninetails let out a bark of surprise as her legs gave out beneath her and she fell to the tiled floor. Lucy smirked and again prepared to follow up on her latest move before an incredibly loud Growl surged through her ears and she felt herself stiffen. A mighty weight slammed into her steel hard skin and sent her crashing to the ground face first. Oh right, the Arcanine as well, she recalled. No fair.


Meanwhile, at a private poker game, one minotaur had finally finished his latest hand and won a good pile of bits. More than enough for the little ones, he thought to himself. Now to leave it as a gift to them and catch Iron Will’s ride out of here. If Iron Will goes now, Iron Will should have just enough time to-

The sounds of battle filtered to his ears, and he sighed. Not again, he thought. Wasn’t there enough of that at the last casino?

He picked up his bits, swept them into a bag, and exited the room to see the familiar canines fighting a form that vaguely resembled Lucy...if she were taller and more grown-up. They appeared to be winning.

At the same time, a pair of others, one remarkably like a dragon of some sort and the other... vaguely pink, were in the middle of attacking Sam, the dragon spewing blue fire and the pink one lashing out at Sam with fleshy ribbons. Lastly, he saw that Luke was making his way through the slot machines, clearly looking for someone, and Iron Will had a hunch who it was that was being hunted.

“Hmm,” he mused. “Iron Will does not like the looks of this. Iron Will’s friends are being attacked. Should Iron Will interfere now or later?”

“Depends,” a new voice, deep and very intense asked, causing Iron Will to turn his head to see a large golden reptile with an axe growing out of his skull approaching him. “Do you want to fight me now, or later?”

Iron Will looked the reptile up and down, then chuckled. “Iron Will is no spring chicken anymore, and Iron Will was never a dragon-fighter. But Iron Will has a few questions for you, if you are allied with the ones attacking the little ones.”

The dragon seemed to almost pout. “Oh come on... I was hoping for a good fight,” he grumbled. “Fine, what do you want to know?”

The minotaur looked over at the slots and seemed...very, very sad. “Will you help them?”

“You mean the Abra and his friends?” the dragon inquired with a frown. “If yes, then yeah, that’s kind of why we’re taking so much interest in em. We’re Pokemon Rangers, it’s our job to help Pokemon.”

Iron Will nodded and removed his bit-bag from his belt. “Will you give this to them, in thanks for what they’ve given Iron Will? Iron Will has to go, or else his ride home will leave without him.”

This time, the dragon actually pouted. “... sure. Go ahead...” he muttered as he stuck a taloned hand out. “Man... I wanted a good fight.”

Iron Will smiled. “Just because Iron Will does not wish to fight you now, does not mean that will always be true. And there are other minotaurs in the world, you know. Iron Will merely seeks to return to old haunts and old homes first. Come find Iron Will when all this blows over.”

At this, the dragon perked back up and grinned. “Awesome!” he enthused as he accepted the bag of bits. “Also, if you’re going home, I recommend going out the back.”

Iron Will looked over at Luke and nodded. “Iron Will figured that much out, but thank you.”


Gah! What was the advice for dragons? Oh yeah...don't! Especially with my handicap!

Sam grumbled as the Flygon taunted him with something he would never have while launching Dragon Breath after Dragon Breath at him. Namely, flight. “Get down here!” he cried while pointing his scythes at her.

“I do not believe that would be wise of me!” the Flygon shouted back. Just then, Sam felt something fleshy tighten around his ankle and jerk his feet out from underneath him before letting go as another torrent of Dragon Breath rained down on him.

“Grr…” I do have that move, one that helps with the Fairy type at least. The Scyther’s normally useless wings started to glow. “I suppose I have one thing to thank the damn doctor for! Steel Wing!”

The bug’s back appendages shone with a metallic light as he launched himself at the Sylveon across the way. Turning so that his back was towards the fairy-type, he made sure to draw his wings across Lex’s form. Flawless execution!

“AH!” The Sylveon shouted in pain as the steel edged wings cut into his skin, drawing blood.

“LEX! FLAMETHROWER!” Sam’s world suddenly became even hotter as a blazingly strong Flamethrower washed over his back, sending him tumbling to the ground as the heavy weight of the Flygon slammed into him and began to tear at his melting chitin with her strong Dragon Claws.

“Get off me you crazy lady! X-Scissor!” With that, Sam drew his scythes across the dragon atop him, hoping that she’d flinch at least. I can't take too much of that, reinforced chitin or not!

Unfortunately, the move had the opposite effect and the Flygon’s eyes narrowed as the scythes glanced off of her scales. Whooops... Then, the dragon drew her head back. “FLAMETHROWER!” she shouted before she bent her head down right in Sam’s face.

“Oh crap. Agility, don’t fail me now!” Sam squirmed for his life, trying his hardest to get out from under the enraged dragoness atop him, feeling the power of the move fill him and hoping it was enough. What did I do to you?!

Thankfully, the fire move missed, barely, and Sam’s cheek felt as if it had been stuck in a blast furnace as the shiny Flygon’s claws closed around his neck and forced him into the ground. “Stay down or I will kill and eat you,” she growled dangerously.

Sam glared back up at her. “And how are you any better than Nurem? Oh wait, at least you’re telling me what you’re going to do! I suppose you have that on that sociopath! Arceus, why did I ever WANT to go to the authorities if they were going to treat his victims like this?”

The Flygon’s weight lifted from him but it was replaced a second later by four fleshy ribbons which then brought him up to float in front of the Sylveon.

“In her defense. You did hurt her mate, that’s me by the way,” the Sylveon said casually. “She’s a little overprotective of me, like anyone would be.”

Sam grumbled. “Great. Six years after the damn doctor catches me, you lot find me. Why couldn’t you do it sooner? Vincent was traumatized, you know. I was a brother to him, and that’s nothing compared to what my original trainer had to have gone through when he found me missing!”

The Flygon frowned at him and cocked her head to the side and let out a small sigh. “I apologize for my anger... you did hurt him. As for your reasoning... I am a fairly literal Pokemon, I know this, but you cannot blame us for not finding you. To do so is flawed logic, after all, the world we were on was huge and there were many, many places to hide compared to how many Rangers there were. What happened was awful, but no one other than Nurem was responsible for it.”

Sam sighed at that. “There’s more than enough blame to go around...but yes. I don’t suppose it was your fault if you were truly trying. Just...go easy on the boy? He was there the longest out of all of us…”

“We don’t have much control over that but considering that Luke is the one doing the incapacitating, you shouldn’t have much to worry about,” the Sylveon stated before he glanced over to where the two fire-types had Lucy. “Speaking of which... where is Luke?”

So he was on their side! Sam chuckled to himself about how well they'd been played. Well done, mister psychic. Well done indeed.


Vincent watched Luke make his way down one row of the slot machines. The larger psychic-type was clearly looking for him.

You know that there’s no point to any of this correct? Vincent heard him ask. You’re only making your friends suffer.

It’d take a lot to make them really suffer. Vincent recalled the experiments they'd survived. Sam’s chitin is thick...which is why he can’t actually fly. Lucy’s bones are dense and she just evolved, hopefully gaining her spikes. I don’t actually know, you see. Once I told them you were here, they all did the same thing. They broke the links of their own accord.

Of course. They’re your friends. But if you had simply surrendered then none of them would have to be beaten. Was that resignation in his mental voice?

While he was a monster, I have no doubt father drilled moves into them that would give them at least some chance. The Gallade had come too close, time to Teleport. That machine looked like a good spot. A moment of being dizzy later, and Vincent was looking at the Gallade from behind. And besides, if you’re going after Lucy and Sam, then you’re missing the real target.

No. I know who the real target is, the Gallade said softly. Though I will once again offer you the chance to surrender yourself and Bit so that I will not be forced to harm you, Vincent.

Harm? You want to take me in so I’m not harmed? Vincent shook his head; hadn't they explored quite a few of his memories together? Shouldn't he know this already? A...a bit late for that, remember? I’m already harmed, already broken. But I do thank you, Luke. I can at least hold myself together now. Those things happened, they aren’t happening. They are what was, not what is. I’ve begun my own path, but my first step is simple. My family and I, we’re taking enough to start a life, and we’re not letting anything stop us.

Luke walked by one of the machines Bit had worked over, which chose that moment to spark up. A golden screen appeared, and the Gallade stopped in his tracks as the sparks died down.

Bit, please don’t make me harm you.

“A-a-apologies. Did not mean to attack. Was working on an interesting d-d-dilemma. Needed more machines in good condition. Sadly, t-t-testing leaves them inoperable, volatile. Unclear why this happens.”

The form of the Porygon-Z rose from another machine, which started to spark as well, and Bit turned to look at the Gallade.

That is unfortunate, the psychic said, bowing his head slightly as he fidgeted with his sweater. But still, do not make me hurt you. I would not like to.

The Porygon-Z looked at the Gallade and sighed. “D-d-do not attack Vincent, and I will not defend him. Now, if you’ll p-p-pardon me, I must determine where the bits from these machines are g-g-going and coming from, if not the main collection point.” At this, the Porygon-Z turned to the next machine down the line. “My best guess at this p-p-point is that they are being used to launder the money. I saw something similar at the last casino, but did not have t-t-time to figure it out. I hate not knowing t-t-things.”

I understand the feeling, Luke said as he continued to walk along towards Vincent’s mind, his eyes glancing back and forth between the Porygon-Z and the area ahead of him. When I was first freed by Abby, I experienced something similar... anything that did not involve male genitilia and my face or rear was a blessing.

Gah! The idea imprinted its way into his mind before he could stop it, and Vincent flinched. That wasn’t something I needed to know!


That’s understandable, the Gallade continued. It was worse when I evolved into a Kirlia, there were three of them. All heaving and grunting, my poor little body in their grip, hating myself with every thrust.

Vincent winced as he pictured how that would even work, and began to feel sick to his stomach. Must clean mind...must clean mind… Something occurred to him then. Namely, that the Gallade could probably hear and feel him, like he had last night. Wait...wait wait wait. You’re doing this on purpose! Time to move. If he was using his past to get a bead on him, then Vincent had to move before he was found. That machine looked good. A moment later, and he was a few rows over.

You’re trying to find me, so you’re thinking these things to provoke a reaction! Try it again, and two will be able to play at that game. You think Sam’s the only thing in my memory vaults that you could end up reacting to? Vincent even then began dredging up some of the worse memories of his time in the lab.

Try if you’d like, he heard the Gallade reply, and Vincent shrugged. Throwing himself at the other psychic's mind made him feel like he was knocking up against a solid steel door. One word was his answer as to why he couldn't get anywhere. Fortress.

Vincent growled, but decided on another tactic. Fine. I’ll recount them, then. A tale for yours. Did I tell you about the time father cut -

And receiving off, Vincent heard, which caused him to curse in his head. Damn, there are more tricks to this than I thought!. Bit looked at Vincent with a wry sense of being amused.

“A good choice, all things c-c-considered. The experiments are a part of my memory, and I know which one he would have gone w-w-with. Even I’m repulsed by it.”

I had assumed as such, the Gallade said while fidgeting with his sweater. So, Bit, have you been enjoying your newfound freedoms?

“It was...different, not being a part of the m-m-mainframe." Not being a part of something greater. "But even when I arrived, I was still d-d-damaged." Understatement. "It is only thanks to V-V-Vincent that I am whole again. He exploited some of my p-p-protocols and told me to repair myself. For the first time in years, I can say t-t-that I am me once more.”

That’s wonderful to hear, Bit, the Gallade commented, hesitating for a moment before he placed a psychic hand on Bit's back and gave a singular stroke. An odd sensation, to be sure, but comforting nontheless. Being whole is a very important part of oneself. Though I have to ask, if you don’t mind me doing so... is your stutter on purpose, or are you still partially damaged?

The program turned to look at the Gallade with one eye. “H-h-half dozen of one, six of the other. A Porygon-Z is expected to and tends to develop at least one er-er-erratic trait. I decided to keep the stutter because t-t-they were all used to it, and it freed me up to repair all the important s-s-systems.”

Ah, good, I was worried that you were still suffering, the psychic said softly, which prompted a shake from the Porygon.

“I am. I always am. Those ex-ex-experiments are a part of my memory. I can tune it out a b-b-bit, but they’re in there. I can hear them s-s-screaming, feel myself restraining them. I s-s-suffer constantly.” I can never...never forget them, or my part in them.

And not only him, Vincent interjected. I’m subject thirty seven, and there are three others here. That means that there are thirty-three living test subjects in this world who ALSO suffered, Luke.

Yes. I had anticipated that, the Gallade replied, turning to his right to stare right at Vincent's hiding space. Vincent paused. Luke couldn't see him from there, could he? However I fail to see what there is to be gained from a Focus Blast.

The Gallade’s right hand extended and a blast of fighting energy struck the Porygon-Z in the chest and sent it tumbling to the ground. Vincent gulped at the attack. Fighting would take Bit down quickly, but hopefully-

“Ow. Ow ow ow.” Bit slowly rose up and sighed before looking at the Gallade again. “You’re really doing t-t-this? Fine. T-T-Tri-Attack!”

The colored spheres spun into existence and rushed at the psychic.

Protect, the Gallade said calmly, absorbing the spheres. Focus Blast. The second blast hit the Porygon-Z again and this time it went down harder. Time to move again, don't think about Bit being down, don't...

“F-F-Fine. I know when I am beaten. But if you think I will let you at V-V-Vincent that easily, all I can say is Ice Beam.”

The ice rushed out from around the Porygon-Z and impacted not the Gallade, but the floor, turning it into a skating rink. Their contingency plan...which seemed to not be working. The Gallade's feet scrambled for a moment before a blue light covered his body and he levitated off of the ground.

A good effort, I apologize for the necessity of my attacks against you Bit, the other psychic said, which only reminded Vincent of what had just happened..

Bit! No...no. Must be calm. Must be...calm. Vincent took his hat off and reached into it while recanting his new mantra. His hand brushed against the Twisted Spoon, and he felt the power fill him. My mind is a fortress, my heart, its weapon. And with that, the Spoon was revealed.

*Thbt, Thbt*

...What...was noise...

A pair of darts hit the Abra, one in either shoulder and the Gallade hovered walked calmly towards him. Please put the Spoon down Vincent.

Vincent's eyes were wide as his left hand went to his shoulders and felt the darts. Tranq...uilizer? Panic filled his mind then, it was an innate reaction to being tranquilized. No...No no no...no, we weren’t done. We weren’t done!

Even as the world faded around him, he recalled all the other plans he had, along with all the other times he'd been put out by tranquilizers, and was filled with rage and fear at both being denied, and being denied in such a fashion.

The psychic floated forwards and plucked the rapidly fading Abra out of the air, taking ahold of the Twisted Spoon before he glanced at Bit who was starting to move again. Peace Bit, we are done here.

“Y-Y-You are, but I still do not understand these machines. I must know where the b-b-bits go and come from...but not like this.” he said, while rubbing at his chest with one of his arms. The damage was severe enough to impede him, he would need rest.

I’m sure you can find out later, I would suggest asking permission beforehand though so that none of my Team is called to investigate, the Galade suggested as he lowered himself out of the air on the far side of the ice path.

“That would defeat the p-p-purpose,” the program said as he floated towards the psychics. “If they are w-w-warned, then the testing parameters are affected. An honest result becomes impossible t-t-to obtain.” That had been one of the first rules of testing: the subjects must not know they're being tested.

Then it may become one of life’s mysteries, the Gallade said softly with a hint of a smile. Now come, we should leave before Vincent regains consciousness. I do not anticipiate him being pleased by the way he was shut down today.

“Affirmative,” the Porygon-Z nodded. “Especially considering his p-p-past. Also, I despise mysteries and s-s-surprises.”

Elsewhere across Equestria, a pink party pony turned rapidly in one direction and glared.

Chapter ten - Time to Recover

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The room that the five Pokemon were in had very few features. In fact, it was noticeable for its lack of features. Four beds were dotted around, but only three were in use, and all of them were nailed down. Sam lay on one, muttering about how the dragon he’d been fighting was lucky his chitin was so thick or else she’d be seeing murder charges. Lucy lay on another, looking at the ceiling, deep in thought. Bit hovered in the middle of the room and recanted a string of numbers to himself, occasionally interrupting a string with a different one. The other inhabitants learned to tell after a while.

And Vincent’s small form occupied a third bed. The darts had been removed, but if someone looked, they could see his eyes moving rapidly beneath the eyelids and the occasional jerk from his arms or legs.

Luke sat on the bed beside the Abra, a soft look of concern on his face, his lips frowning faintly as he looked down at the little Abra. Lucy looked over at the small psychic fox and frowned. “What move did you use to put him down like that?”

I did nothing... he was hit by a pair of tranquilizer darts, Luke answered without looking up. If he had, he would have seen the other three pokemon look at him at the same time.

“That...was a bad idea,” Sam pitched in.

“A seriously bad idea,” Lucy added.

“T-T-The amount of times Vincent was tranquilized unexpectedly and awoke to an experiment going on ex-ex-exceeds one hundred,” Bit finished.

Ah... I thought it better than using Night Slash to incapacitate him, Luke murmured, his lips turning up into a frown.

“Well,” Sam said as he made to move before halting with a hiss of pain. “Depends. Did you want to break his mind, or his body? Cause one of them is more easily fixed.”

Neither... that was the point... not hurting him, Luke replied, frowning as Vincent gave off a particularly strong jerk. Ultimately though, it appears that there was no better way to avoid that.

And that was about when the little Abra woke up, screaming bloody murder. “NOT AGAIN! NEVER AGAIN! I WAS FREE, DAMMIT!” Vincent sat bolt upright, his hands lashing around him as he threw off adversaries from his nightmare.

You are not in the lab Vincent, Luke’s gentle voice spoke in his mind, and Vincent looked around as that gentle tone brought him back to reality.

“Wait. If...if you’re here, then it wasn’t a dream, it was all real, and we’re all still free, and…” With that, the Abra threw himself at Luke and proceeded to hug the living daylights out of the Gallade. “Oh, thank everything that is good and right that we’re all still free! I had the most horrible nightmare that it was all a drug-induced hallucination test!”

Luke clearly fought down the urge to flinch in surprise at the Abra’s sudden grasp but closed his eyes and used his energy to gently pat Vincent on the back. No indeed, this is real life Vincent... though I hate to inform you that you are not exactly free.

Bit nodded at the words. “We face serious ch-ch-charges for what we did, Vincent. Perhaps we c-c-can mitigate some of them with you answering a simple question when the Rangers come in. Should we send Luke here to r-r-retrieve them?”

Vincent considered, then slowly nodded. “Yeah...but I still feel the need to hug something. That was a terrible nightmare…”

Lucy slowly got up and made her way over to the Gallade. Extending her arms and making a ‘come on’ motion with them, Luke got the idea and carefully unwrapped Vincent’s arms from around him with his power and sent him into Lucy’s grasp. The following scene would be forever etched into the memory of the inhabitants as one of the more heart-warming things to exist as the Abra hugged and cuddled his ‘little sister’.

Luke smiled slightly and then frowned. It seems that Abby has left us, she’s out on a patrol at the moment. Captain Ace of the Guard is here though.

Vincent nodded into the embrace. “Still...If we’re going to be asked questions or whatever, better get it done now...or in a minute. Still need hug.”

Take your time, the Captain is doing repetitive paperwork at the moment, I can call her at any moment, Luke said. However, Lucy shook her head, then motioned to the door with her muzzle.

The Gallade smiled faintly and got up from the bed, walking out the door and leaving the little family to themselves.

“Are you okay, Vincent?”

The Abra nodded and hugged Lucy a little tighter. “I’m...I’m getting better. It was just...so soon, so real...I was convinced I was back there again.”

Bit hovered a little closer and tilted his head as he considered the problem. Then, in a lightly jesting tone, he delivered his version of a joke. “The odds of this being a ma-ma-mass hallucination on our parts or even a holographic projection are less than point oh five percent.”

Silence reigned for a moment before the Abra started to chuckle. “Always knowing just what to say, eh Bit?”

“I try, sir.”

Captain Ace walked into the room, black mane back, green eyes looking over the group. “Let’s see here, your charges are as follows. Stealing, assaulting several officers of the guard, resisting arrest and destruction of property,” the Captain said, looking over the group before her. “Ordinarily, you’d be in Court right now and probably already be sentenced, but because of who and what you are, I’m not going to send you there right now. That, and you’re not actually Equestrian citizens. So, what does that mean for you?” she inquired, giving them all a look. “It means that you’re going to have to find some way to earn the money back for the casinos you robbed along with pay for the damages you caused. You will do this while being escorted by an officer of the Guard, in this case, most likely Luke.”

The four criminals looked at one another and nodded before Vincent spoke up. “Any ideas on how that would work? Because with Sam as he is, I’m pretty sure our options are limited.”

“Well, you could volunteer to help fix the damage that you caused at the casinos,” Ace said with a small shrug. “That would at least mean that you didn’t have to pay them back for that. As for the actual money? I’d suggest getting jobs of some sort.”

The Abra hummed at that. “Hmm...some things do come to mind...Well, maybe with Lucy’s help, the repair work would-”

“I have to leave,” Lucy said softly, and every other noise stopped. Vincent worked his mouth a few times, but the Lucario held a paw up in his direction to keep him quiet.

“I have to leave. I was taken when I was a Riolu, and I wasn’t taught anything by my parents before. Just because I have these now,” and here she showed off her spikes, “doesn’t mean I know anything about being a Lucario. I have to learn these things, and I can’t learn them here.”

Lucy walked over to Vincent’s bed and knelt slightly before placing a paw on his shoulder. “You said we mattered more to you than anything else. You matter more to me. But I can’t help you, can’t defend you, unless I learn this. And face it, you need it.” At this, she cast a glance over to the captain. “If that’s alright with you, that is. I would come back and still serve whatever I must, but I need to learn this, for his and my sake.”

Ace frowned. “What would happen if you didn’t learn?”

Lucy sighed. “I would be useless. Worse than useless. All I know of combat was taught by a simulator. All I know of life came from a screen and interacting with Vincent in the lab. I have to learn these things, otherwise I’ll never be able to help them the way they deserve.” Her eyes turned pleading as she looked more fully at Ace. “Please. Let me learn this from one of my own.”

Ace closed her eyes for a moment. “This is very irregular, if there was any other circumstance, I’d deny you... but... I’d rather not have a God angry with me because I was keeping one of his subjects from succeeding...” the mare let out a sigh. “I’ll need your word that you’ll come back, and I’ll need you to allow me to cast a spell on you that will make sure that you do when your ‘mission’ is successful.”

The Lucario nodded once at both halves of the condition. “Your spell is fine, so long as it doesn’t interfere too much. I’d prefer a reminder rather than control, for instance. And you needn’t worry overmuch. I would always return…” here she smiled. “For my family.”

“Very well,” Ace’s horn glowed once and Lucy felt a strange tingling sensation trail down her spine before it vanished altogether. “There, when you have completed your mission that tingling sensation will begin again, the longer you take to return, the worse it will get. It will however stop when you go to sleep so have no fear of that, and it will never become painful, just insistent.”

Lucy nodded once and looked around. “Can I have my hat, please?” At Ace’s frown, Lucy crossed her arms. “It was the first thing I got in this world, it means a lot to me. I think it was my first gift ever, actually.”

“Fine... I’ll make sure you get it,” Ace said, closing her eyes slightly again, working with Pokemon was beginning to give her headaches. And it was only about to get worse, not even a translation spell could get rid of Bit’s stutter, as she’d discovered.

“Captain, who would I t-t-talk to about the slot machines on the strip being used to launder b-b-bits?” As the heads in the room turned to him, Bit continued. “It is the only logical c-c-conclusion I can come to with the data available.” At this, his tone turned wry. “I prefer not to consider the il-il-illogical ones.”

Ace frowned deeply at him. “What do you mean?”

“The bits ta-ta-taken in at the last two casinos I was present in were not delivered to the main co-co-collection point for such things. Also, the bits being paid o-o-out were, again, from elsewhere in the building. Con-con-conclusion: the bits being paid out at the casinos from the strip are from criminal fam-fam-families or illegal activities, while they take in other bits to re-re-replace them.”

Ace blinked twice. “... this week keeps getting better and better,” she grumbled before shaking her head. “I’ll have one of my detectives come in and talk to you about that later, Bit. For now, I’m going to leave you with Luke and he’ll tell me about any further plans you come up with.”

Vincent perked up at one particular word and turned to Luke as the door closed. “Detective... that’s a person who uncovers secrets, right? Goes in, finds out things that others try to cover up... works for money for clients and occasionally the police?”

Yes, though in the Guard like the Police it has a slightly different meaning, Luke answered, fiddling with his right arm. Do you wish to become one?

Sam chuckled. “Yeah, kid had an active imagination in the lab. Blessing, really. Kept his spirits up when he was allowed to visit me or Lucy. Filled his head with tales, and one of them was about detectives and all the crime they would uncover. I think his other one was about pirates.”

“Hey! Pirates are cool! You said so yourself!” The Abra pointed an accusing finger at the injured Scyther, who chuckled.

It is an admirable goal... that much is true, Luke said slowly. But to be a real detective takes... training. Lots and lots of training Vincent... I know that you are intelligent, but at the moment, your mind’s walls are paper thin and your only attack is the ability to teleport. Granted, that can be a very useful skill... but not at the level you are at.

Vincent breathed deeply twice before nodding. “I...I know. But I’m willing to try. And I’ve got a bit more control over myself than you might think. I maintained a connection, small one, with my family and Iron Will in the casino. I can skim minds, which, might I say, from a human perspective, is awesome. Plus, the ponies haven’t experienced Psychics before.” The small form glared up at the Gallade and crossed its arms in defiance. “I’m willing...no. I’m going to try...as soon as we get our things back, including the Spoon.”

Actually, I will be keeping the spoon, the Gallade said simply. You are not ready for it yet and you should not rely on a crutch like it at your level.

Vincent blinked at that, but nodded. “I...I kinda just wanted to make sure it was looked after. Was probably going to give it to you anyways. I mean, can you imagine a pony picking it up?”

Luke nodded his head. Indeed, he said before a light smile touched his face. Do not worry, I will be looking after it... I will keep it safe.

The Abra looked up to the top his head as well as he could before looking back at Luke. “But I would like my hat back, at least. I liked my hat.”

I think that much I can manage, Luke said, and Vincent felt a bit of dry wryness in his voice before he looked at Bit and Sam. Sam... I would like to apologize... on behalf of my friend Rill for the amount of damage she did you.

“No worse than what happened once the change was stable for a week,” the Scyther muttered. “Damn doctor took a blowtorch to it to determine how thick and resistant it was. Still, could sure use some healing right about now. Got anything for it?”

Luke smiled lightly and lifted up a hand to point at him. Heal Pulse, he said before a band of pink energy leapt out of the hand and wrapped around Sam’s chest. The wounds slowly faded as though they’d not been there, leaving only a faint mark on top of chest in the vague pattern of the attack. The Scyther slowly sat up and ran a claw over the mark before nodding once.

“Eh, chicks dig scars. Plus it’ll remind me to not go after a dragon again.” Thus saying, Sam blinked once before turning to the Gallade. “Random question, but you wouldn’t happen to know if there are any Metal Coats in this world, do you? I’d like a shot to evolve like Lucy, see if it helps with my...issue.” Thus saying, he buzzed his wings once and smiled sheepishly.

I would not know, Luke said apologetically. But... I will remember to look.

The Scyther nodded and walked over to near Vincent’s bed, where he was staring at Lucy. Lucy was staring back, and still had a paw on one of his shoulders.

“Why?” he asked, and a moment passed before she replied.

“You,” she answered as another moment passed before she stood up, nodding at Luke, and making her way to the door.

Luke just nodded back at her and then returned his gaze to Vincent. Now seems to be a fine time to get your mind more practice. Shall we?

Vincent shook his head. “Not here. The plan was for Iron Will to leave after our latest run, and judging by the fact that he’s not here, I assume that worked. He was going to leave the apartment to us, and we have a few weeks before rent is due again. I’d...I’d rather go back to what’s become our new home before we do more training.”

Luke frowned but then nodded. Very well, I will inform the Captain. He was silent for a moment before he looked at them. Okay... I shall teleport us now if there are no complaints.

Bit ticked for a moment, considering that he hadn’t yet talked to a detective. “Will they know where to fi-fi-find us? I still wish to pass on in-in-information.”

Luke was silent for a moment longer, winced once, and then nodded. Yes, they will know... I believe that Captain Ace was not prepared for this type of situation... when she took up her job.

At this, Sam smirked. “The day someone can prepare for Arceus is a dark day indeed. Let’s go.”

Luke nodded and they were simply in the apartment. Those that had legs stumbled a bit at the sudden transfer, while Bit merely blinked once. “Ack, I still am not used to Teleporting,” Vincent muttered.

You will grow used to it... in time, the Gallade answered before gesturing towards the couch. Shall we?

The Abra sighed, but hopped on top of the couch and relaxed. “Fine...get this over with…Hey Sam, go down to the station and pick up our things? We seem to have left without them.”

The bug nodded and looked to the Gallade. “Will they give us all our things back, or will we have to put up a…” at his near-glare, the Scyther changed tactics. “A big, legal fuss?”

It will most likely be okay... though I do not know the proper procedure here, Luke answered, shrugging slightly. Sam shrugged and grabbed a hold of one of Bit’s arms.

“C’mon, two Pidgeys with one Geodude.”

And thus the psychics were left alone in the apartment.

The two were in Vincent’s field again, looking at the clouds. This...I will never get tired of this, Vincent said quietly. Our first moment of real peace, of freedom. Of tranquility. I will cherish it forever.

As well you should, Luke stated within his mind. Now then. We will start by creating a small wall. Imagine it in your mind, create it on top of this memory.

The Abra nodded and closed his eyes. At the edge of the field, a single block materialized, slowly. Hmm...I don’t just want a wall, Vincent thought. After all, a wall can be made of many things. I want a strong wall. A wall made of peace and tranquility is well and good, but those things can be broken. I want a wall that’s...secure, stable.

Around the two, the image began to shift, turning from the field to the apartment they were even now in. Colors bled, furniture sprung from nothing, and in the end, the two were, again, on the couch.

Ah, Luke said, nodding slightly.

Vincent opened his eyes and was slightly shocked. So shocked that he spoke out loud. “What? I didn’t want to wake up. I just wanted something I thought of as secure, but nothing was coming to mind…”

Luke just looked at his pupil, raising an eyebrow slightly but saying nothing.

Vincent slowly looked around and thought of a good way to test something. “If we were still in that mind-realm, then you wouldn’t mind me hugging you, would you?” And with that, the Abra stood up and slowly made his way closer.

The Gallade smiled slightly and opened an arm for him. Vincent took advantage of it and hugged the Gallade, not as tightly as before, but enough to be noticed. Eventually, his mental voice rung out again. So...we are in the mind realm...which means this is the place I consider most safe and secure? Bizarre…

Not especially, Luke answered as he wrapped his arm around the Abra. The only other memories you have are of a place where you never had any control over your life. Of course this place is secure to you, Vincent.

At that, the Abra pulled his head back and tilted it to the side. Now that I think about it, Arceus did say something about only the worthy being the ones pulled along for the ride with the Pokemon, right? At Luke’s blank look, Vincent’s tone turned sheepish. I...maaaay have had a slight fit and passed out when his voice was directly in my head. That part of that day’s still a bit of a blur.

Ah, that makes sense, all things considered, Luke said with a small nod as he released Vincent from the warm hug. So; your wall.

Work with me here, Vincent said as he waved an arm around them. That is what he said, right? Something about only the worthy humans coming with?

Your father is not here Vincent, Luke assured him comfortingly, knowing the heart of the issue on the Abra’s mind. And if he was, I would kill him myself.

But that’s just it! The scenery around them began to change rapidly. He was about as unworthy as you could get! So if he’s not here, this entire world is safe and secure! Images of everything the little Abra had seen in this world began to blur around the pair rapidly, and Vincent couldn’t stop himself from feeling giddy. And if this entire world is safe and secure, then I can use every memory of my time here to build that wall!

I wouldn’t, Luke stated, which caused the scenery to halt where it was. Curiously, that was somewhere between the first casino the company of Vincent had visited and the apartment.

...Okay, there’s probably a really good reason for that, and since you’ve been a psychic-type pokemon all your life, I’ll defer to your expertise. Why shouldn’t I do that? The Abra sat himself down on the floor and looked up to Luke.

I’ll leave that up to you to figure out, Luke said, giving him a smile. A part of being a Psychic type is critical thinking after all. I will give you a single hint though; sand.

The Abra grumbled as the world around them slowly returned to the apartment, with them on the couch again. Sam told me of beaches, never been to one. Sand, sand castles. Or do you mean sand’s properties?

The Gallade smiled and his hand was suddenly full of sand, which then trickled out of it and fell to the floor. Vincent blinked but looked up to the Gallade. ...Aaaand while that was an answer, it wasn’t very useful…

You are building a castle Vincent, Luke said casually. Keep that in mind.

Vincent looked at the sand, then at the room around him, and began to think. ...Two things come to mind, and I don’t like either of them. Either I have to be picky about what I use because otherwise it will all come crashing down because of ‘structural weakness’...or I have to be picky about what I use because the memories I use will be used up in the forging of my defenses…

The firstly was partly right, the second is completely wrong, Luke answered with a small nod. Tell me Vincent, how many things can you truly concentrate on at one time?

Vincent thought, and the scenery shifted again. First, to an alleyway in the city. When I started, it was hard to maintain even basic communication links, or to borrow Lucy’s eyes so I could still see. The scenery shifted again, this time to the second casino they’d hit, the Monte Colto. But I got better. Links became easier...though I still had to have my eyes closed. And finally, the Crown Jewel’s slot section. I even managed short range Teleports before, well, the Abra sported a small grin, you caught me. So I’d say I can concentrate on quite a bit.

You miss my point, Luke said. You do not build ‘walls’ on every memory in your mind because it will be like you’re building a castle in an ever shifting desert. You will never be able to hold up a wall of any kind if you spread it out between every memory you’ve ever had since coming to Equestria. Pick the strong ones. The proverbial bedrock, else it will blow away and erase your efforts. Plus, it’s hard to dig through bedrock, sand can be moved.

The Abra nodded at the Gallade, and the scenery changed again. This time, it was as though the apartment was outside the field, and when Vincent opened his eyes, he shook his head. No...I can’t combine them...though it’d be nice. And if I have to choose one… here he looked up to Luke, who gave a soft nod, then I choose Security over Tranquility.

The field faded, and the two were, again, on the couch in the apartment.

Good, Luke commented with a small nod. The first thing you should go about constructing is your ‘keep’. Your final point of defense should someone assault your mind, your last bastion of safety should all else fail, retreat to your keep. The world around them shifted and Vincent found himself standing in what appeared to be a memory of Luke being hugged by a tall blonde woman. For example, my keep is centered around my first real hug after Abby rescued me.

Vincent looked at the memory and smiled. So...Safety for the bedrock. Would Tranquility or Happiness be good for such a Keep? If so, I’ll still have to pick and choose, I’ve had so many such experiences since coming here…

Luke remained silent for a moment and then reached out to gently touch the Abra’s shoulder. Pick only memories that mean a great deal to you Vincent. The ones that changed your life.

At that, the scenery shifted again, to the holding cell that they’d been in. Everyone else was still there, but fuzzy. Only two beings were in focus, and everything they said could be heard clearly.

“Why?” the Vincent on the bed asked of the Lucario in front of him. And his voice rang out again. Why would you leave after you evolved?

“You,” she replied, and her voice rang out again. You said words to make me evolve, and you’re probably listening now. Until I can say those words back, I have to go. Take care, Vincent.

As the Lucy in the memory stood up and walked out, Vincent’s voice rang out again. She...she cares enough to go learn how to properly defend me. Even if she has to go halfway across the world, I know she’ll come back. She’s my little sister, after all. We’ve always been there for one another.

The Vincent next to Luke smiled and nodded. That was when I realized how much my family cared about me. Just like how I’m willing to do anything for them, they’re willing to do anything for me.

Luke nearly smiled at the thought, then waved a hand at the memory. I have a slight confession to make...about what happened directly afterwards. At the wave, Vincent’s form blurred, but Luke’s came into focus.

The Lucario nodded at the Gallade, and her voice rang out again. Arceus help me, Luke, but if he comes to any harm while I’m gone, type-disadvantage or not, I will beat you back into the old world with my own two fists. Sam and Bit I can trust, but you...

Luke smiled faintly and nodded. This is a good one to make a wall from.

Vincent looked at Lucy’s new form and sighed forlornly. I just hope...that she does, and can, return…I wouldn’t blame her if she walked off into the sunset...

Do you really trust her so little after all you’ve been through together? Luke asked blandly.

It’s not a question of trust, Vincent replied. It’s a question of if she can or does ever find training. Lots of Pokemon came with us, she could easily be attacked. If she finds training, I know she’ll do well, I know she’ll return. It’s the things she can’t control I worry about.

Luke looked down at the Abra and then touched his shoulder calmingly. She will be fine Vincent. Have faith in her and in Arceus who brought us here.

Her and Arceus I trust. It’s the world I don’t. The scenery shifted to the field, but the horizon seemed...somehow threatening. Like she said, we have very little life experience, and it’s a big, new world out there. If there was anything I could have done to help, if there’s anything I can do…

Vincent, I know that this is going to be an unfamiliar concept to you, and believe me, it was for me as well... but sometimes you just have to believe that things will work out for the best, Luke told him quietly. I was kept awake for days and days at night after Abby saved me fearing and dreading what would happen if I was ever captured again. What would happen if that vile Absol ever found me and forced himself upon me again.

The world around them shifted to show a snarling Absol leering down at a cowering Kirlia.

Eventually, Abby talked to me about it...

The scene shifted so that the same Kirlia was sitting shivering against Abby’s side, holding onto her leg for dear life as he sobbed.

“Luke... look at me,” the woman’s voice, not all that disimilar from the one the Ninetales possessed now, yet quite a bit younger. The Kirlia did so hesitantly, tears falling from his eyes. “I will never let anyone hurt you ever again the way they did. I will personally kill them with my bare hands if anyone touches you in a way that you don’t like. I will drive my Ranger’s knife through their heart for you,” she said quietly as she stroked his back slowly. “But there will be times that I’m not there and do you know what you do then?”

The Kirlia shook his head, biting his lower lip.

“You believe that you can do it, you work your hardest at becoming the strongest damn Gallade on the planet and you make them sorry yourself,” Abby instructed him softly, staring down at him. “And at the very least Luke, I’m not going anywhere. You’re going to be fine Luke, sometimes you just have to have a little faith okay?”

The memory froze and dissipated, leaving the two psychics in the field again, with a normal horizon once more.

Faith, huh? The Abra mused as it held a hand to its chin. It...It’s going to be a bit of work. But her coming back...that’d be a start, I suppose. And until she does...will you help?

Of course I will, Luke answered with a smile as he bent down and gave the Abra another hug. It is why I volunteered to stay with you for a time.

Only one of them noticed as a wall silently started to form at the edge of the field, and it caused him to smile at his charge’s progress. It was small yet, but it was progress.

The bug-type tapped his right scythe on the counter, irritated that he would have to wait for another ‘translation spell’ or Psychic to make its appearance before he could ask for their things. A door opened on the right wall, and Lucy walked out in her sunhat that somehow still worked for her new form.

“Lucy,” Sam greeted.

“Sam,” Lucy replied. “They know what we want, and they’re bringing them now. Well, except for the Spoon you found. Both it and the normal one will be delivered by the Rangers to Luke later. They’re taking no chances.”

“Do you think you can succeed?” the Scyther asked, which caused Lucy to hesitate for a moment before she shook her head. She didn’t reply until she was nearly out the door.

“It’s not about whether or not I think I can. I have to. There’s no choice involved.”

With those words, the Lucario was gone. The door in the wall opened again, and a unicorn walked out with a box in its ‘magical grasp’ that had the effects of the Pokemon that had been brought in. It was going to take a while to adjust to the ‘ponies’ and ‘magic’ bit, Sam knew. The Scyther carefully took the box, checked to make sure the hat, monocle, and tie were still in it before nodding in thanks at the pony.

“Don’t mention it,” the pony replied before turning and leaving. Sam made to do the same, but was stopped by an unfamiliar voice.

“Hey, you’re one of those guys we beat into the floor earlier, right?” Sam turned his head to see a large golden Haxorus walking towards him, a large bag in its claws. “Pretty stupid of you guys really.”

Sam shrugged. “My first trainer was an old man who only really wanted someone to talk to and pass his ‘gentlemanly rogue’ ways on to. He died peacefully in his sleep. My second was supposed to be his grandson. Never got that chance before I found myself in Nurem’s grasp, so the only real ‘battles’ I’ve been in are simulations. Add in the fact that I can’t actually fly, and yeah, I was gonna be beaten. I knew it going in, I was just trying to buy time for Iron Will.”

“That was the minotaur thing, right?” the Haxorus asked with a raised eyebrow. At Sam’s nod, he continued. “Well then, he said for you to have these,” he said before he thrust the large bag of bits into Sam’s surprised arms. “Next time, fight better,” he added before starting to walk off.

Sam opened the bag and was surprised by how many there were. “Are you sure? I think the guards would have kept some of this to pay for the damages if they knew how much was in here. Why do this for us?”

“Because I was asked to and I’m a Ranger’s Pokemon,” Axel replied, as if it was that simple, before walking off.

Sam thought for a moment before realizing the right thing to do. He turned to the counter and tipped the bag so that half the bits fell out. “A down payment,” he said, even though he knew the pony behind the counter wouldn’t understand.

“Um. I’ll...tell the captain...later. She’s in a mood.”

Figuring that would be as good as he would get, Sam shrugged and noticed Bit coming out from that same door again. “You good?”

“They have b-b-been informed of the data I collected, yes. However, two does not a pat-pat-pattern make. Should I acquire more, then it will be cau-cau-cause for action.”

Sam nodded at the sentiment. “Home then, Bit?”

Bit nodded once. “Home.”

Lucy looked back at Las Pegasus and smiled, holding her sunhat to her head with one paw. “Take care, Vincent.”

A Butterfree floated past and chatted wildly. “Oh wow, another Lucario! Hey, why are your spikes so small?”

Lucy instantly bristled at that. “They’re a memento of my past, and…” What the bug had said suddenly clicked. “Did you just say another Lucario? Where did you see one before?”

“Oh, I saw two of them! They were in a rocky area over that way,” the Butterfree gestured aimlessly. “They were talking and shouting a lot, but there were definitely two of them.”

A couple, perfect. She could learn from them what she needed to know. “Thank you for your assistance,” Lucy replied, and began walking towards a quarry in the distance she could vaguely see.

Chapter eleven - A Calm Mind makes for easier training

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Sam and Bit walked back into the apartment to see Luke and Vincent sitting on the couch, their legs crossed and eyes closed. "Training going well?"

That depends on your definition, the Gallade said, opening his eyes and nodding at the box in Sam's grasp. Your things?

Sam nodded and set the box down on the floor. "My tie, Bit's monocle, Vincent's hat, and a surprise gift from Iron Will."

Oh? This time Vincent opened his eyes and looked at the Scyther. What did that Minotaur leave us?

"A bag of bits. Apparently passage back wasn't as expensive as we thought. He left us quite a lot of them."

The top hat was coated in a blue aura and flew to land on top of Vincent's head before the Abra hopped off of the couch and looked into the box. The bow tie and monocle were secondary to the large sack that was in the middle. Carefully drawing it open revealed a small mound of currency, and Vincent whistled. That...that must be everything that Iron Will took in that poker game.

And...what will you do with them? The feel of a psychic 'hand' on his shoulder made Vincent turn to look at Luke, who was even now standing up from the couch to walk over.

Before Vincent could even form a plan or line of thought, Sam coughed to gain their attention. "Actually...I gave half to the police department." At their blank looks, the Scyther shrugged. "Figured it'd be the right thing to do. Smooth over relations between us."

A wise idea...though I don't know how Ace will react... The Gallade fidgeted with his sweater. And the rest?

Vincent picked the bag up, hefted it a few times, and nodded. Living expenses. Food doesn't come free. The Abra looked up at the Gallade and smiled. Along with other things that I may think up.

Before the Gallade could respond, the little psychic walked into the kitchen. C'mon, let's eat.


(Meanwhile, at a training ground only a half-day's walk away...)

Lucy looked down at the entrance to the quarry from her position at the top and saw something she could only claim to have seen in her dreams. A male and female Lucario. They were working with the ponies to help move and occasionally break heavy rocks, and after a moment's observation, Lucy noticed that the male of the two seemed to be more...comfortable with his power.

Lucy made her way down to the entrance of the quarry at the base of the hill and was stopped by one of the ponies. One without a horn or wings, with a brown coat, tan mane, and green eyes. He had a hard hat on to go with his stern expression. "Another one, eh?"

Lucy nodded before remembering that the ponies wouldn't be able to understand her. Fortunately, that didn't seem to be too big an issue. "You here to help as well?"

Lucy pondered how best to answer that question before it came to her. She placed a paw on her chest, nodded once, then pointed deeper in the quarry and nodded twice before cocking her head at the pony before her.

He, thankfully, got the idea. "You want to see them?" At her nod, the pony grunted. "Can't very well stop you. Just don't cause trouble, and help if you can."

Lucy nodded again and walked in, looking for the two she'd seen. After a minute of searching, she found them sitting cross-legged in front of a boulder. Internally, she debated how to best go about introducing herself, before she heard the male speak up.

"Why did you come?"

His eyes opened and glared into Lucy's, and she felt herself shiver a bit. Before she could answer, the female's opened as well and fixated on her spikes. "Your spikes are small. Why?"

Lucy sighed. "Does the name Nurem mean anything to you?"

The two Lucario in front of her winced at that. "Deepest apologies. I suppose that explains a bit..."

The female nodded once. "How long ago were you taken?"

Lucy sighed and looked to the ground. "When I was a Riolu. When I had scant memories of my parents."

She breathed deeply once, twice, and looked up. "That's why I'm here. Just because I have these," she said while showing off her spikes again, "doesn't mean I know anything about being a Lucario. I don't know anything about life, or battle, or the things a Lucario should know. I need to learn from one about what it means to be a Lucario, and you were the first I found. Please, teach me."

The two looked at one another before the male spoke again. "I understand why you wish to learn. But why did you not begin your search upon the day of the shift?"

The female nodded. "Assuming that you were a captive of Nurem's until the day of the shift, why did you not seek aid until now?"

Lucy picked her hat off her head and looked at it. "Because I wasn't a Lucario until recently. And only now do I realize the depth of my not knowing."

The male smiled a bit. "Ah, it is always a wondrous thing when one of us Evolves. What was the tipping point for you?"

"Two sentences were said to me. Said with such power and meaning that I had no trouble believing them." Lucy closed her eyes and recalled the words Vincent had said. "'I would see my family safe, comfortable, and for that I would do anything. Damn your rules and morals, these three mean more to me than such ideals!'"

The pair before her shared a glance at that. "Who said that to you?"

Lucy opened her eyes and looked at the female. "A little Abra who I thought of as a brother for all our time together. And until I can say those words back to him with any real power behind them, then I can't go back." She looked to the male and included a hint of pleading in her voice. "Please. Teach me."

The two looked at each other again, and they both nodded. "I'm Maylene," the female said.

"And I have no name," the male said.


Sam, Bit, Luke, and Vincent all sat around the table, eating a simple but filling supper. Vincent was practicing his fine control, which ended with interesting results. Half the time, he managed to actually eat the food he was controlling. The other half of the time, the food ended up somewhere else in the room. On someone else's plate, on the refrigerator, impacting the ceiling, and one unfortunate time ended up with a carrot and someone's nose.

All the Pokemon there vowed to not mention whose nose it was or how the carrot impacted it, but anyone who cared to look would have seen a carrot sliced into very fine bits, and those bits scattered around one particular chair.

So, Vincent broke the ice after dinner, did you and Bit look for jobs?

Sam grunted and nodded. "I'll be helping to fix up the casinos we turned into battlegrounds, and for afterwards, the Monte Colto expressed an interest in hiring me on as part of their security team."

Bit, surprisingly, nodded as well. "When I made it known my talents lay in pat-pat-pattern recognition and calculation, along with almost anything advanced enough to with-with-withstand my presence, the guard decided that my services could be worthwhile, but only on a con-con-consultation basis."

Considering that the rent is paid up for a little bit...those sound like more than enough...especially should Vincent actually become a detective. Luke laid his hands in his lap and fidgeted slightly. Speaking of which...we should get to your next bit of training.

Vincent sighed and made his way to the guest bedroom. Fine...Not letting up for even a moment, are ya?

Luke nearly smiled and got up from the table as well. Not until you've learned to control yourself, no.

Bit and Sam looked at each other and shrugged, after which the bug-type moved to the master bedroom and laid down to sleep. Vincent laid his small form down on one of the pillows, at which Luke actually did smile. The Gallade looked to the dining room slash kitchen and brought a chair floating in. Carefully positioning it close to Vincent's sleeping form, Luke settled himself near the little Abra and closed his eyes. While he didn't need to be close, it would help...


"I suppose the first question is, where do we start?"

Lucy grinned at the nameless male Lucario. "At the beginning, of course."

The two in front of her blinked before the male spoke up again. "You...really don't know anything about combat? At all?"

At those words, Lucy waved one paw in a 'so-so' fashion. "I've experienced the simulator, had moves taught to me. But I've only been in one 'real' fight, and I got beaten pretty easily in it. I can use my moves easily, it's using my moves and thinking on my feet that's hard."

The female, no, Maylene, Lucy corrected herself, got up and walked around her. Lucy rotated her head to try and keep the other female Lucario in sight, which seemed to please the male. "Hmm," Maylene said. "Well, apart from her smaller spikes, she seems to be a fine specimen of a Lucario, in good health and fitness."

"Yes," the male said. "I'd come to that conclusion myself." Lucy only just noticed that the organs on the back of his head were floating and slightly glowing, or that his eyes were closed. Just as she went to comment on it, the phenomena stopped, and the male opened his eyes. "We can test your durability, strength, speed, and power tomorrow. You should get some sleep, it's getting late."

Lucy's grin was mischevious, and the other Lucario there shivered a bit upon seeing it. "Oh, we can test durability right now."

Maylene paused at that. "Excuse me?"

Gesturing to her chest, Lucy looked directly at the male while saying the next phrase. "Hit me."

The male blinked twice at that before slowly getting up and walking over to her. He looked Lucy up and down before tilting his head to one side and blinking. "You are certain? You, who have only been in one real fight, wish for me to test your durability by hitting you?"

Lucy nodded again, and the male bowed his head. "I see." He then drew his fist back, somehow caused it to glow for a moment, and said "Power-up Punch."

The glowing fist impacted Lucy's chest five times in rapid succession, and she leaned backwards slightly as she took the attack. Breathing deeply for a moment, she leaned forward again and gave off a cocky smirk. "That it?"

Maylene frowned and turned to the male Lucario. "You didn't hold back?"

The male shook his head. "Indeed not. She wanted to test her durability, and test it I did. It would appear you have a few things to thank that...psychopath for."

Lucy nodded and rubbed her chest once while wincing. "Yeah...I mean, if you hit me again like that, I'd definitely feel it. But as it stands, I'm pretty hardy. Sam hit me once by accident when I was a Riolu wanting to get the drop on him. What should have at least broken a bone just caused me to bounce off the wall giggling and asking for another ride."

Maylene looked between the two other Lucarios and grinned. "Say...think we should give her the same treatment I gave you?"

The male nodded. "It was my plan." At the male's devious grin, Lucy felt a chill race down her spine. "Rest well, female, for tomorrow you aid the quarry in its operations."

Lucy snarled at the two opposite her, which caused them to flinch and take a step back. "I have a name. Two, in fact, but if you use one I'll hit you until you stop using it. The doctor called me subject thirty-five, but my brother called me Lucy. Use my name, or I'll use my fists."

The male slowly nodded. "Very well, Lucy. But I still advise rest. I was being serious about helping the quarry."

Lucy sighed. "I had a feeling you'd say that."


Vincent was stunned. He was in the field, but ringing it were no small amount of white stones, perfect for building a wall with. While they had been placed somewhat haphazardly, he could tell by the amount that he had more than enough for his wall. Security, stability...I have those things now, don't I?

Indeed, Luke's voice came from behind him. But a wall is nothing without mortar to hold it together. Brace yourself, Vincent, for now we must begin tempering the emotions of your heart and drawing them out.

The Abra turned to look at the Gallade and cocked his head to one side. Tranquility, Stability...these things aren't enough on their own, so...what else is needed?

Resolve, the elder of the two replied while bowing his head. And I apologize in advance for doing this, but it must be done.


At that, the scene shifted, to the one that Luke had helped him suppress first: that of Bit in his Porygon form on top of the steel table. Vincent was watching from the sidelines as his father began to push the button that would seal Bit's fate, and suddenly felt an indescribable anger welling up within him. Before he could act, however, the memory shattered, and returned full force.

Wha...the block...it wore off...

Why did you seek to stop him? It was only a memory. Even if it were reality, if you changed it, then things would be different, would they not? Why did you seek to change that which was not real?

The Abra glared up at the Gallade, but couldn't quite find the words he needed. The elder psychic sighed once. Again.

The next memory, that of Lucy being held down by restrains as the doctor prepared his scalpel, swam into focus. Once again, Vincent found himself on the sidelines, and once more, before he could act to prevent the act of cruelty about to happen, the memory shattered, and he felt it again.

Why? Why do you seek to change the past? Only Celebi has that power. Why do you defy your memories?

The young fox panted as he held himself up, barely, with his arms. Be...because...

The Gallade shook his head and waved a hand. Once more. With feeling.

The final memory, that of Sam about to be injected, surfaced, and this time, Vincent did act. With a mighty yell, the syringe was torn from his other self's hands and plunged into the doctor's eye. With a scream and a sound of an almighty screech, the memory fractured, leaving behind a very angry Abra, and a blank-looking Gallade.

Why do you seek to defy what happened?

BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS TO! The Abra all but roared back. Yes, they happened, I admit it! But if someone doesn't seek to defy him and his work with every waking breath in their body, then our time there was for NOTHING! If he succeeded in breaking us, then in the end, no matter how many worlds away we might be, he'll have WON! I seek to defy my memories because that's the RIGHT thing to do! Not because it is easy, but because I HAVE TO!

There was silence for a moment as another scene swam into view, that of the Crown Jewel, pre-fight. The other Vincent was sitting on a slot machine with his eyes closed, but his voice at the time rang out loud and clear.

I would see my family safe. Comfortable. And for that, I would do anything. Damn your rules and morals! These three mean more to me than such ideals!

The Gallade smirked and gently rubbed between Vincent's ears. You possess a lot of resolve, Vincent. Perhaps a skewed moral compass, but you can hardly be blamed for that. But when you determine something is right or wrong and worth fighting for or against, then Arceus help whoever you single out.

Vincent turned and gently hugged Luke, who watched as the blocks started to pick themselves up and form the rough shape of a wall around the clearing...

Chapter twelve - Developing Extrasensory powers isn't easy

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The trio of Pokemon who actually slept awoke bright and early the next morning. Much to the Scyther's displeasure, it would seem. "Gah...someone turn down the sun, I want to sleep in..."

"Unlikely to hap-hap-happen," Bit replied. "Seeing as there is a res-res-resident deity in charge of proper solar cycles, she will likely take her du-du-duty more seriously than your morning shuteye."

Bit's reply only caused Sam to groan again and roll over before he blinked his eyes open. "Fine. I'm up. I don't like it, but I'm up."

We are up as well, Luke pitched in from the guest bedroom.

Fooooooood, Vincent added before shuffling out of the room towards the kitchen. The more adult Pokemon shared a look and a smirk before following the Abra to the table. Partially because they wanted to see him try to cope with the kitchen when he was half-awake at best, and partially because they knew that if left to his own devices, his food would be the only one that he retrieved. The little psychic had developed quite an appetite since Luke had started pushing him into using his powers on a regular basis.

After a short breakfast that surprisingly did not end up all over the room due to mismanaged psychokinesis, the foursome looked at one another across the table. "Well, I have to go out and help the Monte Colto today, they're far worse off. Plus, if I do, they might consider me more seriously for that job they talked about."

"I too must go, but my destination is the sta-sta-station. There are approximately one hun-hun-hundred reports to go through in my efforts to find any form of pat-pat-pattern."

Bit, a moment, please? Luke stood from his spot at the table before motioning to the couch in the other room. Vincent, you as well. This is the next step...

Vincent sighed but moved to sit on the couch. Jeeze, it's not like the building will fall down around us if I don't get a handle on my powers.

Oh really? The Gallade had what could almost be called a smirk on his face. I can tell when something...like, say, a wall...has been blasted, Vincent.

At that, Vincent stiffened before sitting back on the couch. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Luke's almost-smirk grew at that before he motioned for Bit to come closer. Now, I want you to try keeping a link with Bit up as he goes to the station. Something like this comes naturally to both Psychics...and you, it would seem.

Vincent gulped at the enormity of the task before him before he nodded and closed his eyes. A paw was extended in Bit's general direction before both it, and Bit's head, lit up in blue light. After a moment, it faded, and the connection was established.

Very good. Now...keep that up for as long as you can, Vincent. I will be here to watch over you.

Bit nodded a few times before leaving, closely followed by the Scyther.


Lucy stared at the rock in front of her. The rock the ponies were trying to break apart. The rock they'd passed on to the Lucario couple she'd met here. The rock that they'd passed on to her and told her to break. The rock that was easily twice as tall as she was, and that thick around as well. That rock.

"You expect me to break this thing?"

"Of course not," the male Lucario replied, causing Lucy to sigh in relief before he continued. "I expect you to break it in one strike. Two, if you must."

Lucy sputtered a bit at that. "What sort of training is this?!"

"None, this is a test to determine what you know about strength." The way he calmly responded to all her questions was getting under her skin, but Lucy held her irritation in.

"Fine," she muttered darkly before walking up to the rock, tapping it a few times before deciding on her mode of attack. Two if she had to, huh? Two would work.

"Force Palm," Lucy said, starting up her mode of bolder pulverization. With a short, quick, yet still mighty punch, cracks appeared in the stone, spiderwebbing the boulder from its point of impact to about ten inches away. The ponies whistled a bit, but the male didn't move. Lucy smirked a bit and raised one foot off the ground for her next attack.

"Earthquake," she said simply, and that got a reaction from her instructor. With an almighty slam, Lucy brought her foot down on the already weakened boulder, causing it to collapse into a pile of pebbles and gemstones. A rumbling echoed through the quarry, and a few loose stones tumbled down slopes before it faded. The ponies applauded Lucy for her move once the earth stopped shaking, and several started to pick through the rubble the boulder left behind. The male Lucario slowly advanced on Lucy and stopped a short distance away. He looked from her to the boulder a few times before he asked his question.

"What was that?"

Lucy shrugged. "Me breaking a boulder in two moves."

Silence reigned for a minute before the male would speak up again. "You really don't know anything about being a Lucario, do you?"

Lucy shook her head. "We went over that already."

The male sighed and facepawed. "I have my work cut out for me if you don't even know about the Aura, how to read it, or how to use it."

Lucy considered his words and slowly shook her head. "Noooot ringing any bells there."

The sigh was louder this time.


Sam carefully heaved and pushed another slot machine upright. Looking behind it, he saw it wasn't quite where it needed to be yet. The Scyther shrugged and carefully grabbed a hold of the one-armed bandit before starting to move it to be in line with the others. As he did so, Sam saw two ponies talking to one another on the edge of his vision. While this normally wouldn't be a cause for concern, he noticed they were a part of the casino staff and that they were making every effort to not be overheard, at least by ponies.

"What do you mean, the family's pulling their support?" the first pony asked.

"Keep it quiet!" the second pony hissed while casting a glance around. Upon seeing no other ponies, the second one softly replied to the first. "That's all they said. When they heard about the damages, they were all smiles and willing to help. When they heard the damages were to the slots, they pulled a one-eighty faster than a pegasus and said 'you're on your own.' I'm tellin' ya, there's something about that that doesn't sit right with me."

"Me either," pony one replied before looking around. Upon catching sight of Sam, the Scyther acted as if he was simply trying to move his slot machine into place. The pony's eyes narrowed, but he turned around again and resumed talking to his compatriot. "Did you hear that rumor about that thing that came outta the machines?"

"Yeah," pony two nodded slowly. "Heard it through the grapevine that whatever that thing was, it was looking at our slot machines like they were a two-bit con-pony."

Silence reigned for a minute as Sam picked a new machine to maneuver into position while still eavesdropping on the casino staff.

"Maybe we're better off without the family," the first one said.

"Maybe we are, maybe we aren't. All I know is my paycheck's not as large as it once was. What does that creature know, anyways?"

More than you'd think, Sam thought. This...this is something Luke and the others need to hear. I'll tell them when I get home.


Bit paused in his parsing of the guard's data. It wasn't quite a voluntary pause, one that he'd take to better cross-reference the information he was practically absorbing. It was one of shock.

While Bit had fixed himself, there was a significant portion of his memory that held a copy of all the information the lab's mainframe had on it at the time of the transfer. He'd been slowly deciphering the information so that he could give a summary of everything that Nurem had done to the Rangers, and he had come across...something startling.

Something dated fifteen and a half years ago.

Vincent had apparently picked up on his shock and sent a pulse of thought across the still-active link. Bit? You okay?

I am fine, Vincent. That was an upside of thought-transference, Bit mused. No stutter there. I have something to show you when I return, but I am fine otherwise. Please inform Luke he may want to be present as well. The information could be startling, and you will likely need a stabilizing factor nearby.

Silence reigned for a moment inside the Porygon-Z's head before Vincent's voice rang out again. He said he would be there and be near. Just what is this information?

Something I honestly did not expect to find, Bit replied. Now if you'll pardon me, I must return to work.

And return Bit did, but something bothered him out of the corner of his eye for the rest of the day.

Something that looked like a stack of audio files.

Something that started with RUPERT_NUREM_AUDIO_LOG_1 and continued for a good, long while.

And it sent chills throughout his body whenever he considered what could possibly be on those audio logs.

Chapter thirteen - To Curse a name, you must know it...

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The four Pokemon of the apartment came together again slightly before dinner. Two had burdens to share, one was curious, and the last was cautious of exposing his charge to so much excitement at once. So...who wants to go first?

At Sam's startled expression, Vincent pointed a hand at the Scyther. Oh don't even try. I of all people should know when you have something you want to say. We only spent years together in a lab.

Sam weakly chuckled at that and rubbed the back of his head with one claw. "Eheh. Point." The bug sighed and looked to the floor. "Turns out, Bit's guess was right. Some sort of 'family' was going to help the Monte Colto with the damages...right up until they heard that the slot machines were damaged. Then they pulled their support."

That...is troubling. Luke pulled a bit at the collar of his sweater and frowned. Did they say what 'family' they were looking to?

Sam shook his head, and Bit sighed. "Such information would have hel-hel-helped, but we can make do without it."

Yes...though I will pass a message on...to Abby and the others. Luke motioned at Bit with one hand then. I believe you had something to share as well?

Bit sighed at that before straightening his form. "In the course of my re-re-repairs, I came across something of value. A memory dump of everything on the main-main-mainframe. I have been wor-wor-working on it in the background, attempting to gain a com-com-comprehensive list of everything the doctor did. However, I was sur-sur-surprised by a piece of data that was ol-ol-older than Vincent."

At that, the other three Pokemon stiffened before Vincent asked a question. A piece of data older than me?

"In-in-indeed. To be more precise, it appears to be an au-au-audio log, the first of many. I am prepared to play them back for you, if you wish to he-he-hear it."

Silence reigned for a minute before the Abra stiffly nodded at the Porygon-Z. Bit nodded back and his form changed. His eyes, which had been a series of black circles superimposed over a yellow one, shifted. Now they resembled black PLAY arrows. The blue band of his body thinned until it was barely visible, and as a familiar, yet oddly emotional, voice emanated from Bit's form, the line moved to mimic the audio waves of what the voice was saying.

"Begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated August third, 5001..."


Lucy sat with her legs crossed and grumbled at her instructor. The male had told her to begin meditating, yet once she sat still for longer than a minute, a sharp pain from somewhere on her body as he attacked would snap her out of her tranquility. "What do you actually want me to do?" she groused.

Surprisingly, she got an answer she could understand. "I want you to try and get in touch with the Aura. It is something all Lucario can do. Once you can, you will be able to dodge my attacks."

"And how am I supposed to do that if you keep attacking me, or don't even tell me how?" Lucy questioned the other Lucario as she made herself comfortable again.

This time, the male blinked twice before shaking his head. "Right, I forgot...okay, think of it like seeing without eyes, hearing without ears. It's a form of energy that all living beings give off and permeates the world itself, and Lucario can pick it up, thanks to these." Here, the male lifted one of the organs on the back of his head for a second before letting it fall. "So close your eyes and listen."

Lucy sighed as she finally resumed her meditative pose, but closed her eyes again and tried to do as her mentor suggested. Surprisingly, she felt a tingle at the back of her skull, and did her very best to not lose that sensation. An image swam into focus in her mind, one that resembled the nearby area. The colors of the world were muted, but she could see her mentor clear as day. It was like he was a bright light in this washed-out world.

Suddenly, she saw his image rushing towards her, one paw pulled back in preparation for a strike against her. Without really thinking about it, she moved to the side slightly, causing his attack to miss. The shock of actually dodging his attack snapped Lucy out of her new mental state as she opened her eyes, only to be greeted with a punch to the stomach.

"What was that?" Lucy groaned out as she rubbed where her latest reminder stung.

"That was you getting in touch with the Aura. At least, for the first part. It'll come easier now, and you should be able to dodge attacks. The time will come when you'll learn how to manipulate it and not drop your connection out of shock, like you did for the second bit."

Lucy sighed, but smiled. This wasn't as hard as she thought.

"Of course, such training is typically long and intensive, sometimes taking years before a Lucario is ready..."

Or maybe it was.


"Everyone knows of the Mewtwo event, when man tried its hand at playing Arceus. What I propose is simpler and similar to what they did there.

There exists a divide between Man and 'mon. Pokemon have vast powers and access to moves of frighting capacity. What is it about them that allows this? Their bodies, their minds? Or is it in their very genetic code?

I propose a series of tests involving the manipulation of a human's genetic structure, in an attempt to give a human not only the genetic code of a Pokemon, but access to its powers as well. Think of it. A human firefighter putting out a fire with water that he can conjure himself. A human farmer who can grow far more crops than would normally be possible because of his access to Growth. A human psychic who can read the minds of criminals to determine who was guilty or innocent.

Of course, the government sees the military applications of my idea and supports them heartily. Whereas I...there's another reason I'm interested in it.

A human who could use Heal Pulse or Recover, or even be effected as much as a Pokemon is by those moves. No more need for doctors for any save the worst or rarest of cases. No more need to drag the wounded to a temple and pray that the local Legendary will take notice of your case. And you could even help those cases too delicate to move. The applications of that would be staggering. Especially to mother.


Mom was in an accident not long ago, and though the doctors did everything to repair her body, her mind slipped into a coma. Swelling in the brain, they say. I...I want to save...no, I have to save her. This project is one of my only avenues left, I could never afford treatment for her otherwise. I merely hope to garner enough interest that I can save her. End log."


In a perfectly legitimate export/import business in Las Pegasus known as PegasusAir, one unicorn mare was at her desk doing paperwork. That is one rule of businesses, especially legitimate ones: paperwork must be done. The corollary to that rule was, of course: paperwork left to its own devices will slowly start to multiply until all available space between the in-tray and ceiling are occupied.

A set of three knocks from the executive's door caused her to raise her head and look at the pegasus mare on the other side. "Yes Quick? What is it?"

Quick Note, the secretary, looked at the clipboard and cleared her throat. She really only wanted to say this once...no, that was a lie, she didn't want to say it at all, especially to her boss, but she knew that not saying it would bring wrath and ruin down on her head when her boss found out anyways. "Um...three casinos that we were using to launder our money have been hit lately. And in two of them, the slot machines were damaged."

The mare behind the desk paused at that, concern flitting across her features at lightning speed. "Has anypony been investigating the machines?"

"Noooo..." Quick drew out, which prompted a sigh of relief from the head of the company, before the secretary continued. "But one of those new creatures...Pokemon, they're called? Yeah, one of them is probably on to the slot machines. And some of our informants say that particular one has been seen walking in and out of the guard house."

The boss mare cursed under her breath. "Is there any way to beat them? We can't have random creatures poking around our casinos and going to the guard."

"Well..." Quick pulled out another sheet of paper and scanned it. "It was involved in the brawl in the Crown Jewel and beaten easily, so we could run down the list of gambits until one sticks..."

The unicorn mare hummed a moment and nodded. "Go ahead. Get this thing either under our hoof, or out of the picture."

They didn't call her Business Mind for no reason, after all...


"Begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated February fifth, 5002.

I received a large amount of support for my project. I even had so many willing test subjects that I had to pick and choose who to use. I tried to pick only those that were hardy in either, but preferably both, body and mind.

My thoughts, however, drift to a hospital bed, of my mother still occupying it. It has been six months and in that time, mother has barely shown any signs of life. The courts are whispering about beginning the process to declare her legally brain-dead.

Jeanne has given birth to a boy, who we've named Vincent. He has my eyes, but his mother's hair. And when I hold him, one thought fills my head.

If the process works...I could try it on him. And if it works on him, then it could work on mother.

I realize, of course, that it's highly unethical to do it on any infants at all, much less my own son, but...

...but to save her, I would do anything. End log."


Lucy blinked at the revelation presented to her. "Wait. You mean you weren't always a Lucario, or even a Riolu?"

Maylene nodded. "I was one of the humans brought here and transformed. To be honest, while I am annoyed, I'm coping. I'm learning more about what it means to be strong now that I can understand Lucario. Plus it could be worse. I could have ended up with more legs, or less."

The male nodded. "It helps that we found each other soon after waking and that I was her partner for most of her life. We managed to convince each other that we were who we said we were relatively quickly, and Arceus' message helped clear up a lot of our questions."

Lucy blinked and smirked. "And...before that?"

Maylene flinched a bit, but replied. "We eventually found our way here, which was a blessing. The ponies feed us in exchange for our work at the quarry, and Lucario trains me."

"Trained," the male cut in. "And now I train you. Though I do hope you're listening in to the lessons I give her as well, Maylene. Even if our regimen has been interrupted, it doesn't mean you can't learn from someone else's lesson."

Maylene sighed before smiling and nodding. "It actually has helped, you know. After all, I didn't know anything about being a Lucario either, and your lessons weren't sinking in. Seeing it as you would teach another Lucario rather than your partner slash sister helps me quite a deal."

"True," the male nodded. "And you're learning what power is."

The other female sighed. "But you're barely teaching me anything."

"I'm having that problem as well," Lucy pitched in.

"Because power does not mean having strength," the male responded while closing his eyes. "It means having strength and knowing when not to use it."

The other two Lucario blinked at the sentiment.


"Begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated March tenth, 5002.

The subjects have taken to the treatments, and so far there are no signs of rejection among them. Without my wife's knowledge, I've begun exposing Vincent to the same treatment. If someone related to me by blood in one direction can withstand such treatment, then someone related the other way can also withstand it, or so I hope. End log."

"Begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated April ninth, 5002.

Vincent is still doing fine, so I've administered the same treatment to mother. It should take, and if it bonds with her, then it should be possible for Pokemon moves to be as potent on her as they are on other Pokemon. It should be possible to heal her with a few moves from...what? This...this can't be right..."


A trio of ponies, one pegasus mare, one unicorn stallion, and one earth pony mare, made their way to the Guard office and walked up to the front desk. One of them was all smiles, which fooled nopony present, especially as his companions bore no expression at all. The three of them were known as the Troublesome Trio. Usually, whenever something happened that interfered with PegasusAir's or some other corporation's operations, legal or otherwise, these three would show up and ask to see the 'offender', imaginary or not.

The pegasus was known as Frigid, and she was known for two things. The first was her ability to deal with cold fronts and snow with no more difficulty than a normal pegasus would express at bucking clouds out of the sky. The second was for the way she failed to react to anything emotionally. Her coat was white while her straight mane and tail were sky-blue. Her mark was of a blue snowflake.

The earth pony was known as Level Head, and she had an unusual set of talents as well. She never dropped anything she carried, ever. Even when all logic and magic dictated that she should have dropped at least a dozen parcels in the course of her work, she retained the only perfect record on file. She also looked at every situation logically, though she had been reported to react emotionally in a few situations, which also seemed to effect her odd balancing power. Her coat was grey while her mane and tail were black. Her mark was of a perfectly level line on top of a triangle.

The unicorn of the bunch, he was the scary one. His sunflower-yellow mane and tail, along with his peachblossom pink coat would normally seem more at home on a mare, but anyone who knew him knew better than to point it out. Ever. He was simply known as Tolerance, and his talent lay in finding out what another pony was comfortable with and easing them into situations they normally wouldn't be found in. He'd been laughed at as a colt for his color scheme, and...well, he'd rapidly learned the dark side of his talent by persuading his bullies to experience more pain than they'd ever felt before quite rapidly. His mark was of one pony talking to another, a rather unassuming one. But that only hid the danger he represented.

All three were known throughout the town as 'enforcers for hire', but only PegasusAir could afford them with any regularity. The mare behind the desk quailed at the sight of Tolerance, even though he was all smiles.

"Hello," he said, his voice as smooth as silk. "I hear that this is the place to go to for some information about Pokemon working with the guard. Specifically, about stopping it."


"Be...begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated April tenth, 5002.

The test subjects are dead. Rejection finally set in in all of them, across the spectrum. The divide between human and Pokemon is too wide to be bridged without direct intervention from a Legendary. What...what fate have I condemned my mother and son to?

...I should make arrangements. End log."

"Begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated August fifteenth, 5002.

It's...strange, really. By now, I would expect to see some signs of rejection in Vincent, and other than crying a little more than he did before I gave him the treatment, he appears to be doing fine. Jeanne has noticed I'm not as active with him as I used to be, and she's been asking questions. I've been dodging them for now, but I can't do it forever. End log."

"Begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated September twentieth, 5002.

By all logic, Vincent should be dead. His body should have rejected the treatment and self-destructed in an attempt to get the foreign DNA out of its system. And yet he lives on, hale and hearty.

Meanwhile, mother is degrading. The doctors and nurses don't see it, but I do. In another month, she will be dead, and if Vincent isn't by then...

...He is the key. It's him, him specifically. Something about him allows him to bridge the gap between humanity and Pokemon. I have to know!

...Arrangements must be made, different ones this time. If I can devise a cure from my son, I can still save her! End log."

"...Begin...Rupert Nurem...audio log...dated October thirty-first, 5002.

...I just got the call. Mother is dead.

Meanwhile, my studies on my son's blood and tissue have failed to provide me with an answer. I have failed in my quest to replicate the results, but the samples I have sent to my investors have kept them interested. True, thirty-six subjects have died, but I have provided proof, evidence, that one yet lives. I just don't know how yet.

Jeanne will be distraught, but I believe it is time Vincent and I disappeared.

...No, not Vincent. This will be easier if I start calling him what he is. Subject thirty-seven. End log."

Chapter fourteen - Do not Harden your heart, let your emotions out

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Vincent sat on the couch, quivering in suppressed rage. Sam had backed up a step at the sight of the young Abra in a similar state as he had been at the Monte Colto, and Bit had even stopped playing back the audio files for the moment. Out of genuine concern, Luke had moved to nearly place a hand on Vincent's shoulder. Vincent...

A wordless shout of rage was all the answer the other occupants of the apartment got before the small psychic pulled off a Teleport, vanishing from the couch in a blur of motion and color. Luke sighed and looked at Bit and Sam. Wait here...I'll go find him...

The Scyther and Porygon-Z nodded once at the Gallade before he vanished, also Teleporting to where the signal led, which was up. Up on top of the apartment building, and there, looking out over the city, was an Abra. Vin- Luke started.

He didn't even get to finish before the Abra turned to look at him, yelled again, and vanished, but this time...

The signal led to all over the city. Looking at one of the locations in question, Luke saw an Abra sitting on top of one building, leaning up against the door to the roof. And there, on another, merely lying down. Tens of Abras at least, at that was just in viewing distance.

It would appear that in his rage, his desire to not be found unlocked another of an Abra's gifts. However, instead of teleporting so quickly that he appeared to have made copies of himself, Vincent went and made illusions of himself and spread them all over the city while teleporting to another location. The order of operations was important in this case.

Luke frowned while thinking on the situation. He couldn't let Vincent be in his condition, he'd clearly been a good deal unstable. Yet unraveling this illusion of his would prove bothersome, and the longer he took, the greater chance Vincent could do some harm to either himself or someone else...

Then Luke noticed something about the illusions and slightly smiled. They were well-made, yes. But none of them felt anything, and it was Vincent's heart and mind that Luke was interested in. He could still track those, and they were burning as bright as any fire...

...And hadn't even moved all that far. Luke elected to walk over to the Abra and wait this time. One of them would give in and break the ice first, and Luke was determined for it to not be him.

The two watched as the sun set on the horizon, and Vincent sighed at the sight. It's beautiful, the Abra observed.

Luke nodded once, before catching himself and replying. Good sunsets usually are, he replied.

Silence reigned for a minute more as the stars started to come out. Vincent looked up to watch it happen with wide-eyed wonder. I wanted to see things like this for so long. All it took was going to another world to get my wish.

Luke, wisely, chose to say nothing again. Vincent's hands curled into fists and he started to shake again. That...that cold, emotionless, all around horrible person I call father can't possibly be the same person as what's in those recordings. He just can't be.

Why not?

Vincent turned on Luke, his eyes ablaze with power barely restrained. BECAUSE I COULD HATE THE MAN I KNEW! The man we're learning about, I can't hate him! He had reasons, emotions, a bloody HEART! He did what he did in an effort to save not just his own mother, but people world-wide! Didn't you hear the reasons behind his project? If it worked, he would have been saving countless souls across the globe! I CAN'T HATE THAT!

Vincent's eyes dimmed and he looked to the roof beneath his feet. I would have to be some sort of monster to hate that.

After another moment passed, the Abra felt something genuinely shocking to him. Luke was touching him, one hand on one of his shoulders.

During the day, the Gallade had explained that his past had left him with a, not quite a phobia, but a strong dislike to being touched. He rarely initiated or accepted such contact with any sort of social grace. However, he realized that other Pokemon placed great importance on touching and being touched by others, which was why he had developed his 'psychic hand' technique.

For Luke to actually use touch, physical contact, in an attempt to comfort him...

Vincent looked up to see Luke's face, full of concern and sorrow. There is still a difference between the man you know...and the man who made these recordings. Something changed him...and we have yet to find out what. Though...we have at least learned one thing about him.

The younger psychic blinked at that. What have we learned about him?

The corners of the Gallade's mouth turned up. We learned where you get your resolve from. If there is anything you can take away from this...take comfort in that.

Vincent laughed at that. A strangled, weak thing, but it was a laugh. Fair enough, I suppose. And you're right...something had to have happened. The psychic fox stretched a bit before nodding at the Gallade. Shall we, then?

Luke looked around the cityscape below and was puzzled for a moment. Where did all of your illusions go?

Oh, those? Vincent waved a hand around. I didn't put a lot of strength behind them, so they vanished...I think ten minutes after they were made? Sounds right. Vincent prepared his Teleport again, but paused and looked up at Luke. And Luke?


Vincent smiled. Thanks for caring.

The little Abra vanished, leaving Luke alone for a moment. ...You don't have to thank me for that, Vincent...

A moment later, the Gallade was gone as well.


"Begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated December third, 5002.

I'm getting less and less funding for my project that revolves around subject thirty-seven, so I've had to start looking for others in order to keep the lights on in my lab. Fortunately, I am still a talented doctor and a man of science besides. And there are so many trainers in this world, willing to pay anything for that extra edge over their rivals. It helps that I can deliver, and that my methods and machines are capable of being taken out of the lab. I'll...I'll stick to simple enhancing for now. I think I still need a break from genetic manipulation for a while. End log."


"Well, I'd say it was a moderate success, our trip to the station. Wouldn't you?"

There was a reason Tolerance worked with Frigid and Level Head: they were the only ones who could stand him. Both in attitude and in terms of his magic. It worked with his words: he got in your head and made you think that what he was saying was the best idea you'd ever had. It took time to really work on a pony, but for simple things such as information gathering or spreading, he was a pony to be reckoned with.

Also, his nigh-continuous cheery, upbeat attitude just bounced off of them. One didn't feel, and the other took pride in thinking things through logically. They also were the ones who kept him on task, while he was the one to look at doing a task in a new, unexpected fashion.

A frightful team they were indeed.

"We failed in our objective," Level Head stated calmly. "Pokemon, specifically the one we were sent to find, are still going to be working with the Guard. Your honeyed words did not stop that from happening."

"Oh, pish posh," Tolerance waved off her objections. "We learned a lot! One of them cursed a mare, ponies are upset, and most importantly, our target is not a full member of the Guard or even an auxiliary like the ones currently there. Just a consultant, and consultants can be bought."

"And if not, then I am willing to learn if these Pokemon have organs or nerves anything like a pony's," Frigid added. The lack of emotion behind her declaration only made it more menacing.

"A good thing I know where to go, then! We'll head over to where our target is first thing in the morning. I don't know about you two, but I'm tired."

"How did you learn our target's location?" Level was puzzled, she hadn't seen such an important piece of data.

"When I was leaning over the counter, I caught a brief glimpse of a picture of our target, along with the words CURRENT RESIDENCE. Seems they have a file on him thanks to that little casino fracas, a little something I had been hoping for. In the meantime, Frigid, you should see about printing disinformation, get in touch with our contacts with the local newspapers. Try and convince them that printing anti-Pokemon sentiments for the next while would be a good idea."

"Easily done, but they will ask for a reason."

Tolerance smiled all the wider. "Why, just because we're concerned citizens of Las Pegasus, of course. After all, haven't these creatures caused enough harm already? Property damage, theft, and now directly harming ponies? No no, working with the Guard isn't enough anymore to convince us that they mean us no harm. The risks seem to outweigh the benefits at this juncture. And Level, get in contact with our lawyers, see to it that we can find enough precedence to remove them all legally if need be."

"Ahh, a standard three-prong plan. I understand."

Tolerance smiled. "First we attempt to bribe. Then we attempt to shame and humiliate. And if even that fails, the courts will prevail. Assuming that they're civilized, they'll bow to our rules."

"And should that fail?" The question, surprisingly, came from Frigid. She didn't tend to ask questions.

Tolerance tsked and pursed his lips. "Well," he said, "then we can't guarantee their safety anymore, can we?"


"Begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated February sixth, 5003.

Work was started, though abandoned, on a machine that could teach any Pokemon any move. Such a thing was far too complex, even on the drawing board. I would need renovations done to the lab to house even a fraction of the processing power it would require. That, or re-purpose the simulator. Hmm...a project for another time, perhaps.

Subject thirty-seven is a year old today. And still, he does not die. Nor does his blood or tissue provide any clues.

I have begun looking in to greater and greater modifications done to trainer's Pokemon. We are advancing beyond simple stimulation of the proper muscles or training in the use of the proper attacks. Now, they are asking for true modifications done to the Pokemon, ones requiring surgery and anesthetic. My element. End log."

"Begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated June fifteenth, 5003.

There was an accident in Surgery the other day. Well, I say accident. What I mean is that the Grumpig I was working on woke up partway through the procedure and started flinging things around with its powers. The wounds I received have healed...though not all of them. My assistants tell me that because of both the nature of my injuries as well as the nature of my 'attacker', mental damage is highly probable. They said to me that keeping a record of my experiences is the surest way to monitor how my mind works on any given day, and should any damage occur, that I will be able to catch it. I told them I already keep one. End log."


Lucy sighed as the work for the day finally finished, along with her training. "Just so you know, I'm unofficially on a time limit here."

The male tilted his head to one side at that. "Oh?"

Lucy weakly laughed. "Yeah...our little ragtag family sorta caused a ruckus back in town. And I'm only allowed to be here until the time comes when my training is complete. After that, I have to go back and take my deserved punishment."

"At least you have some sense of justice," the male snarked. "For a while I was afraid that your time with Nurem had changed you too much."

Lucy snarled at that before replying. "Yes, my time with that madman did change me. And while I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone else, I like to think that so long as this training is successful, that I came out ahead in the end. That I came out with a family that not even Arceus himself would break apart. We found one another again here, after all. Sam, Bit, myself, and Vincent."

The male blinked rapidly at the last name before starting to growl. "Vincent Nurem? The son of the monster?"

Lucy blinked before backing up a touch. "Yeeeesss..."

The male got to his feet and looked to the horizon, where the lights of Las Pegasus were faintly visible. "An Abra, you say? I'll go deal with him persona-"

He never got to finish that statement, because that was when Lucy knocked him off his feet with a Low Sweep. "What are you doing, you crazy fe-"

The male's eyes widened as he saw Lucy bringing back one paw that was aglow with strength. "Brick Break!" she screamed, and it took a burst of Extreme Speed to get out from under her attack.

Lucario scrambled to his feet and looked at Lucy, whose eyes were practically aglow with power. "You. Will not. Touch him."

He scrambled for an argument that would make her see reason. "But he's the son of the monster that did horrible things to you! He carries his blood! How can you trust someone related to him that-"

Lucy pulled out a Quick Attack, rapidly closing the distance between the two of them and embedding the male in a quarry wall with a Focus Punch. As he lay there trying to get his bearings back, he felt more than saw the female grab a hold of him again. Once the world stopped spinning, he noticed he was hanging limply in her grasp.

"Now," Lucy began, "I'm not sure what he did to you. I'm not sure what you heard. But get. Your story. Straight. The doctor was the monster. Vincent was just as much a victim as any other one of us that fell into his grasp. His father didn't even refer to him by name. Tell me that you intend to hurt my brother again, and I will find a way to hurt you more."

Lucy dropped the male on the ground and walked off to her sleeping area. A moment later, Maylene's voice rang out.

"Y'know, I only have two things to say to you, Lucario."

The pile of male Lucario on the ground groaned as his partner slash sister walked out from behind a nearby boulder.

"The first is that, quite simply, I'm disappointed in you. You could have asked me when we arrived, and I would have told you all the stories about Nurem, not just the distorted ones you heard from, I'm guessing, victims or other trainer's Pokemon. You would have known that Vincent was just as much a victim of his father as any other, and this wouldn't have happened. Or, you could have left your prejudices at the door, and actually judged the kid by interacting with him instead of his lineage. You had options, and you chose not to use them."

"Yes," the male said, picking himself up slowly. "I get it. I was behaving as terribly as any human-"

Maylene cut him off with an unamused look. "No, you were behaving worse. You were assuming, which is the fastest way to find yourself in that sort of situation, especially if you act on those assumptions."

Maylene breathed deeply for a moment and looked at her partner slash brother harshly. "As such, the first thing I want to hear out of your mouth tomorrow to her are the words 'I'm sorry,' am I understood?"

The male whined but nodded. "And the second thing?"

Maylene reached behind her and batted at one of the Aura-sensing organs on the back of her head. "You're sure the Aura can't lie?"

"It's an expression of one's deepest soul and feelings, even if they themselves don't realize it. It's impossible to lie and not have the Aura know about it. Why?"

Maylene looked to where Lucy had been before she walked off. "That was not familial love that flared up before she defended Vincent. At least, I'm guessing it wasn't, it's hard for me to tell emotions properly through this as of yet. All I know is that it was a pretty big explosion of pink light that was rapidly restrained into a white-hot flame that surrounded her entire form."

The male blinked before groaning and facepawing. "Oh sweet Arceus on high, what did I step into?"


"Begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated November first, 5003.

I am recovering from yesterday's drink to my mother's untimely end, and repairing the damage I did in my altered state. Fortunately, the contracts were easy enough to save with the simple explanation of me being drunk and highly emotional. I can't picture another reason I would turn down any contracts for something as simple as body modification to Pokemon.

Subject thirty-seven continues to grow, and had his first interaction with a Pokemon today. Surprisingly, he not only asked questions, but got answers, and seemed to carry on a conversation with the Growlithe in question. Perhaps the Abra DNA in him is doing something after all. We will have to continue to monitor him. End log."

"Begin. Rupert Nurem audio log, dated April second, 5004.

First, memo to self. April fools day is no longer to be celebrated in rooms with extremely delicate or sensitive equipment. The Simulator Room alone will take the better part of a day to be repaired.

Second, seeing as how subject thirty-seven has yet to exhibit any powers unique to Pokemon, we will have to see about triggering them through his emotions. A new policy is in place: he will watch the surgeries that take place at this lab.

Third, the military has taken interest in my work once more. This time, they want to know if there's any way I could add or remove resistances to particular types to particular Pokemon. I admit, the idea sparks my curiosity. While subject thirty-seven may be the only success from modifying humans to such a degree, I never did try it the other way. Perhaps I should remedy that. End log."


The Porygon-Z halted in the playback of the files and stared at Vincent's small form as it sat on the couch, tears gathered at the corners of his eyes. "There is only one more r-r-real file of interest. All the ones between the la-la-last one I just played and the one I sp-sp-speak of merely grow more cold and dis-dis-distant regarding both you and the lab policy. Eventually, for every con-con-contract he took up, both trainer and mil-mil-military alike, he would send an as-as-assistant out to find a particular Pokemon so he could ex-ex-experiment on it, regardless of if it was wi-wi-wild or not."

Vincent nodded and looked up to Bit. "Can you?"

Bit nodded one more time and the voice emanated one more time.

"This...this is probably the last time I'm going to sound like this. The date is October thirty-first, 5007."

And yet, surprisingly, the voice was again full of emotion. Vincent vaguely remembered that day, his father was nowhere to be seen, either then or the day after. The playback continued.

"I've just noticed that I've...I've run out of liquor here, and there seems to be a policy against buying more, especially for me, as it seems to turn me into an 'emotional old fool who cancels contracts on a whim.' I...I remember everything. Everything I've done. And I can finally pin down what's happened to me."

Was that actual remorse in his voice?

"I had already been deadening my heart for a while, but that...that Grumpig I was working on. Either the injuries from all my surgical tools, or his powers hitting my brain in just the wrong way. I...I know that I can't feel anything except curiosity, the desire to accumulate knowledge, when I'm not drunk anymore. There's no right or wrong to my mind when I'm sober anymore. And for someone of my considerable training, that's dangerous. To not feel restrained by society, but want to know more about the world around you. That is incredibly dangerous, and so...in what might be my last moments of lucidity, I make this statement."

No. No it couldn't be.

"The man who once was Rupert Nurem is dead. He died a while back, a little at a time, when his mother was in an accident that rendered her comatose. To be completely honest, I had every hope, every faith, that my plan around giving humans the powers of Pokemon would work, but for some reason, only Vincent lived. Vincent...he's made me proud, you know? Even under these circumstances."

This couldn't be what Vincent thought it was.

"Did you know I never once actually said his name around him, yet he still knows it? He seems to be slightly telepathic. In times of great stress or anger, he'll hear voices which are actually the surface thoughts of those around him. He plucked his name from my mind. I could not be more proud. The downside to such powers appears to be crippling headaches, which is typical for an Abra exerting itself. Vincent, if you're hearing this...then you likely already know the story. And I...I am so sorry."

The little Abra vaguely noticed a psychic hand on his shoulder.

"There are so many things I should never have done. So many things that I think are going to happen once I become sober again that I should apologize for, but will never get the chance to. I don't know why you lived, but I am happy that you did. I hope that one day, you'll either escape or be released. I'm...I'm writing a routine into the mainframe now. Should you ever be released, a copy of all these audio files will be sent to Hoenn TV, and from there, to news corporations everywhere. You...you deserve to know, to be free of my shadow. I'm truly sorry son. For what it's worth...I do love you. Good...goodbye."

And for the rest of the night, all he knew was sorrow.

Chapter fifteen - Your Disarming Voice holds no power here...

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The next morning was relatively quiet, at least to start with. Bit had somehow unearthed an ‘alarm clock’ function, though. It was only due to it not being set that they escaped with their ears intact.

Y’know....I’m starting to agree with Sam…, the Abra muttered as another spoonful of cereal vanished. We need curtains, at the very least…

I would not worry... long about it, Luke replied in his mind as he levitated individual bubbles of cereal and milk up to his mouth. When you evolve, you will become a very... light sleeper anyways so there is not much point in trying to resist the sun’s rising.

But that’s just it! Vincent replied, his latest spoonful hovering halfway to his mouth. I loved getting as much sleep as I could back then, and this much sun in my eyes, while appreciated, is starting to tick me off just a bit. Curtains is definitely going on our list. Nice, big, thick curtains. Especially if I evolve anytime soon.

Luke simply chuckled softly in his mind and ate another bubble of cereal. You should try this method... it is very good for your skills.

Maybe when I’ve got a bit more control...or you let me at coffee. Seriously, first the doctor, now you. What’s so wrong with me drinking the stuff?

As a psychic type you should do your best to make sure that your mind is running on one singular speed, Luke explained. Coffee may speed it up for a while, but once that wears off, you will be sluggish and slow and hence lead to more mistakes.

Vincent went to glare and reply, but was interrupted. Namely, by a knock knock at the front door. The little Abra looked at it, then at his flatmates.

I wasn’t expecting anyone, were you lot?

Sam and Bit shook their heads before Vincent looked over to Luke.

A unicorn, he’s here to ‘chat’ with us about the money laundering operation, Luke stated before glancing at Bit. He believes that we can be... bought.

Bit shook his head, which was an odd sight, as it was not connected to the main body. “I served a mad-mad-madman for quite some time, not knowing or caring about what I was do-do-doing. Now that my faculties are re-re-returned to me, it will take more than money to turn my ey-ey-eyes.”

I had assumed so... I will answer it, Luke said, getting up from the table and... a change rolled over him. His back became a little less straight, his fidgeting fingers increased their speed, and his eyes began to dart from one side of the room to the other nervously. Say nothing of what I have told you.

Vincent looked at the change, then the front door, and quickly scampered over to the couch so that he could get a good view. Bit and Sam decided to hide in the main bedroom until they were called for: they’d assumed that Luke was a part of the Ranger team and Vincent’s mentor for a darn good reason, and they weren’t eager to see what it was. Ready, Vincent called out, getting small noises of confirmation from elsewhere in the apartment.

Luke nodded shakily and walked to the door, opening it with his hand. “He-hello? Can I... can I help you... sir?” he inquired of the pink unicorn as he fiddled with his collar.

The unicorn looked at Luke’s form and nodded once while smiling. “Why yes, you can, good sir,” he said, his words carrying just a touch of his magic. “I understand that this is where the creature who was involved with the slot machines at the Crown Jewel resides. I’m here to talk to him on behalf of the casino. Could you let me in?”

“I’m... I’m sorry sir... Brit is gone at the... at the moment,” Luke answered, his hands beginning to fidget even more and his tone became even meeker. “Perhaps... perhaps you could come back some other... time maybe? I mean... I don’t mean to sound rude... but... I’m not really supposed to... to let ponies in here unless I’m... I’m told to.”

The unicorn blinked at the refusal and quickly crossed his eyes to make sure that yes, his magic was working. Then it was back to smiles and attempting to influence the one in front of him. “Oh dear. Perhaps one of his associates then? I really want to pass on the message, and it has to be done in private. Maybe the blue one, or the green one, or the little yellow one?”

“They’re all... out sir...” Luke answered, his back hunching a little as if out of a fear of reprisal. “I’m so... so very sorry. You’ll have to come back some... other time I guess.”

The unicorn blinked again before his horn pulsed once, letting out a wave of yellow light through the apartment. He then smiled quite insincerely at the Gallade before him. “Then what, may I ask, are those three life-signs in the apartment behind you? Intruders, guests?”

“Fish sir... have you... never seen an aquarium?” Luke asked and the slight sound of water trickling from another room drifted through the unicorn’s ear.

“Mmm...but one appears to be all on its lonesome in the living room...now why don’t you come clean and tell me where they really are?” The unicorn couldn’t get more fake with his smile if he tried.

“It’s a predator fish sir... if it was with the others it would eat them,” Luke explained quietly, looking away slightly. “I’m very sorry but... I really shouldn’t keep the door open any longer... the air-conditioning will leak out.”

“Very well,” the unicorn sighed and looked aside. “I suppose I can give you a part of the message, then. And do make sure they get it, will you? PegasusAir would love to have a word with them, especially...Brit, was it? Yes, especially that one.”

The unicorn turned around and slowly walked off. Just as he reached the stairs, he cast one last gaze back at the door and descended.

Luke shut the door and his posture changed back to his normal, slightly fidgety self. Ah, that was refreshing.

Just then, a burst of laughter came from the couch as Vincent practically fell off of it. Oh...oh that was good! Me, a predator fish! Ready to eat the other two if we were placed next to each other! Ahahahah!

Luke smiled. I hope all three of you enjoyed that, he said; he’d been silently beaming it into Bit and Sam’s minds.

Sam and Bit emerged from the bedroom, slightly sour expressions on one of their faces. “You realize that he’s going to be insufferable for at least a day, right?”

Vincent, now is the time to work on your wall building, Luke told the Abra. When Sam, Bit, and I are done talking, I will destroy your wall. You have that long.

The little psychic fox breathed deeply a few times to get himself under control. Yeah, I hear ya...just...one more moment. That’s going in the vault...Oh man...

Vincent hopped up on the couch and resumed his normal meditative pose, only snickering once before slipping off. Predator fish. Heh.

Luke looked over at Sam and raised an eyebrow very slightly as his right hand pulled at his sweater.

“Yeah, I’m starting to think that working for them at all is a bad idea as well. I’d ask if your friends could get me training or a spot with the Guard, but that’d be presumptuous of me.” The Scyther looked out a window and sighed. “Is it wrong to think that life back…there was less complicated?”

Not at all, Luke answered. Life was simple but it was also unchallenging for you in terms of personal accomplishment other than staying alive... you can gain no joy from a life like that.

“Studies show that life be-be-becomes more complex for beings the more life-fo-fo-forms interact with one another,” Bit chipped in. “Also, we should both inform Ab-Ab-Abby and Ace about PegasusAir and these a-a-attempts to gain an audience with me.”

That... and make sure that they have enough mental defense to withstand that unicorn’s probing, Luke agreed with a small nod.

The Porygon-Z looked to the door and ticked a few times. “Was unaware po-po-ponies had abilities of the Psychic ty-ty-typing. Logic dictates th-th-that you return to Abby at this ti-ti-time and work on their defen-fen-fenses while we defend Vincent.”

Not an option really... or needed for that matter, Luke replied. They’re going to try again in a few minutes I’d imagine, at least, that’s why they’re standing around in the lobby below us... as for Abby and her team... they all have mental defenses in place... Abby’s is especially effective.

Bit looked back to Luke and what could almost be mistaken as a concerned expression flitted across his eyes. “Query: how then am I to a-a-attend my usual data parsing with Ace? If the lobby is not an op-op-option…”

Vincent, care to answer? Luke inquired of the Abra who he knew was at least sort of paying attention.

Eh, you’re not addressing the real problem, Luke. Yeah, I could probably plonk him down outside of the station. And sure, if I kept a link up with him, I might-could drag him back. But not only does distance decrease accuracy...bet you didn’t even notice that half my illusions from last night were hanging off a building or in thin air...we’ll still have three ponies in the lobby harassing other ponies. They need to be dealt with sooner or later.

A soft smile touched Luke’s lips. Very well, what do you propose we do about them?

You’re the Psychic, more importantly, the more educated of the two of us. While an idea is brewing in my head, I’d like to run it by you first. Mainly so you can spot the holes and patch them up. I was thinking of using my illusions…

In what way? Luke inquired.

Well, so long as they kept thinking they almost ‘had’ me right before I vanished, they wouldn’t stop chasing me, right? But are they the types to hold me hostage to try and force Bit’s cooperation?

Perhaps, they seem the type, Luke said, his voice becoming caustic. Cowards.

Everyone has their own way of doing things, Vincent replied. So I was thinking a merry chase up and down the apartment building...culminating in them being led off the grounds, of course…

Tolerance sighed as he looked over to Frigid and Level Head. “Well, I learned two things today.”

“The first being?”

Tolerance looked over to Level and smiled. “Well, that this is indeed the place the one we’re looking for calls home. Goes by the name of Brit, if his doorpo-...gah. If the one that answered the door is to be believed. Somehow he got out before we got in.”

“Unlikely,” Frigid replied. “We left for here at dawn’s first light. Unless this Brit can fly and went out the window, he should still be here.”

Level head nodded at the conclusion her companion reached. “What else did you learn?”

Tolerance looked at his horn and sighed again. “That apparently whatever it is that answered the door can cause my Influence magic to bounce off him.”

That got a reaction. The other two in the lobby jolted and looked upstairs quite warily. “You are certain?” Level inquired.

Tolerance nodded. “Threw everything I could into my voice to just be let in so that I could drop off our message, got nowhere. It was like trying to influence you two mares, except whatever it is actually had emotions. I think.”

“For such a creature to be immune to your talent…” Frigid trailed off.

He’d probably have to be either highly trained or just lucky, Vincent’s voice pitched in, and the other ponies in the lobby stiffened and looked over to where it came from. There, sitting on the stairs was the little yellow fox-creature they’d heard about. He hadn’t been there a second ago.

Oh wait, was I supposed to say that yet?

Tolerance walked up to the creature slowly and looked into its closed eyes with his own. “You’re friends with him, are you?”

Yup! One of my best friends from before this whole craziness happened.

“You’ll do,” Tolerance said while reaching out with a hoof.

Which passed right through the illusionary body, leaving the stallion to faceplant on the stairs. As he picked himself up and grumbled, he heard a laugh from behind him.

Geeze, you’re slow. I’ve been over here the whole time!

Now the creature was sitting where he’d been a moment prior, and Frigid launched herself at it, only to slam into the wall at speeds not advised for cranial integrity. Once again, the image of the yellow fox blurred and vanished, this time appearing near the front door.

Or have I? Maybe I’ve been over here!

Level Head calmly walked up to the creature and sat before it. “Illusions,” she stated. “A very potent defence mechanism. None of these are real, are they?”

The form of Vincent wavered and vanished, but the voice remained. Wow, you’re good. Y’know, if not for the whole ‘we need to talk to your friend’ act, I’d love to actually talk to you. But you are, so...Luke? I think my plan fell apart.

Then adapt, came another quiet voice.

Right. Hey, any of you been Teleported before?

Before Tolerance could reply, he was suddenly two feet in the air in the lobby, with a stomach that seemed ready to reject its contents. After gravity noticed his predicament, he realized that one axiom of pilots everywhere:

Gravity is a cruel and harsh bitch.

You know, he could have imbedded you half in a wall... the voice of the one from the door said quietly in his mind. It is not a... pleasant experience.

Luke! I would never do that! Tolerance sighed a bit at that before Frigid suddenly was dropped on top of him, upside down, and Level Head on top of her. Now, if I could find a sufficiently large lake, I might have a target for all three of them.

Well, they are your trash to dispose of how you’d like... Luke replied, his voice dripping with both sincerity and scorn. Though, if they return to menace us again...

Technically, isn’t this my ‘turf’? I mean, yeah, you’re the elder, but I WAS here first. Shouldn’t that count for some- Oh look! Water treatment plant! Including...yup! Target acquired!

Ah, allow me to help you with a bit of power, wouldn’t want half of them to go without the other, Luke rejoined.

“Now see here, you two...mind-meddlers! Not only is that MY job, but you can’t just treat us like this! We’re ponies, we have rights!”

The yellow one will make for a good hostage, the green one has swords for arms and the blue one has freaking spikes! Tolerence’s own voice played through his head, down to the inflection. Yes. You have the same rights as criminals.

Besides which, if you honestly thought any of these ‘creatures’ were powerless, even moi, then I am all too happy to burst your bubble! On three?

Of course, Luke replied. One. Two. Three...

Tolerance, Level Head, and Fridgid’s heads hit the floor unconscious.

Now our only problem is getting them to the Rangers. Did you tell them?

Not yet... Abby has been having some problems so I’ve been keeping quiet, Luke answered as the three unconscious ponies appeared in front of him on the floor. Problems of self-identity are best solved uninterrupted.

Vincent reached over and stopped himself from giving the Gallade a hand on his shoulder just in time. Hey. If she’s anything like me, then not only is she wondering what you’re up to with me here, but she’d probably like to see you again. Who knows, there might be something she needs your help with. Hang out with her for the day, reconnect. I’d...I’d do it with Lucy if I could.

Luke smiled faintly. Thank you Vincent, though this almost sounds like an attempt to get rid of me so that you can practice on your wall work without me looking in on you all the time.

The Abra coughed a bit at that. Okay, that was half of the reason. But if you insist, I’ll go out on the town as well, no wall work while you’re out. Been meaning to anyways, I have some shopping I’d like to do...not only for curtains, before you ask.

A quiet chuckle sounded in Vincent’s mind and Luke gave him a smirk. What? There is very much something I’d like to do. Plus, if PegasusAir is targeting Bit, then we all need to shake up our schedules, make ourselves unpredictable. Like, I dunno, stop going to the Guard station or the Monte Colto. Why make it easy for them?

Very well, I will return tonight. Luke touched him lightly on the shoulder with his actual hand and then vanished, taking the three unconscious ponies with him.

Vincent smiled, then looked over to Bit and Sam. Whaddya say guys, a day of shopping and avoiding casinos this time?

He got two weak chuckles for his wit, and the trio went out on the town.

At the quarry, if you hadn't seen two of the Lucario fighting just the other day, then you could almost call what was happening now a dance. A very heavy-handed combat-oriented dance, but a dance. All the partners knew all the moves, and each performed perfectly.

The male would aim a punch at Lucy, and she would lean back or turn the paw aside, before replying with a kick of her own. He would bounce back and use his momentum to aim a punch at Maylene, and she would lean aside before bumping him out of the way. Then the two females would nearly exchange blows, each one moving just enough to dodge the latest strike before a return was fired off. The male would force himself back in, and the triangle of combat reformed, each of them comfortable with their forms and strength.

It was mesmerizing to the ponies of the quarry. Especially since previously, only the male of the trio had shown any real proficiency in his powers. Eventually, however, he slipped up.

He landed just a touch too close to Lucy, and she capitalized on it. With a Low Sweep, the Lucario was on his back, and he saw Lucy's paw aglow with power. He braced himself and closed his eyes, only to feel a slight tapping on his muzzle. Cracking one eye open revealed a glowing bone in Lucy's hand that faded rapidly, though her look of amusement stayed.

"Apology accepted," she said, before offering a paw to the downed male. With a sigh and a grunt, he was heaved upright.

"I dread to think what Vincent will have to do to earn your forgiveness should he ever misstep," the male groused, causing Lucy to cock her head in confusion.

"Vincent's my brother in all but blood. If he missteps in anything, I'll correct him far more gently than I would a stranger."

Maylene rolled her eyes, thankful that Lucy wasn't looking at her. Keep on saying that.

"Regardless," the male said. "You have gotten in tune with the Aura as much as a Lucario normally is. For now, your training must proceed without me, though I will still be nearby if I am needed."

Lucy was escorted to yet another boulder, and then told what she needed to do.

"This is the difficult part of your training. You must not only get in touch with the Aura, but manipulate it to form an attack capable of breaking this stone."

Lucy gulped, but nodded and closed her eyes. This...promised to be intensive. If only because of the Lucario's next words.

"Doing such a feat is not something all Lucario master. The Aura tends to fight back during a Lucario's first attempts to form an attack with it. Overcoming the resistance and forming a worthy blow tends to take at least twenty tries before a Lucario can do it with only a moment's notice."

Intensive indeed...

Chapter sixteen - A few Presents never went amiss

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Curtains, check!

Sam grumbled under the weight of the large, thick, black cloth draped over one shoulder. "Why did I ever let you talk me into this?"

Because you like sleeping in as well, and I promised to get some for all the windows, including yours. Should we drop that off now?

The Scyther grumbled a little more, but nodded. "Got your link with Bit up?"

Yup! Hang on...

After a quick Teleport to the apartment to drop off the curtains the trio had purchased, the bug and psychic fox teleported back to the Porygon-Z, startling nearby ponies who hadn't seen the vanishing act. "You are getting very good at con-con-controlling your powers, Vincent."

I try. Okay, next on the list?

"Food." Two grumbling stomachs answered the declaration, and Bit chuckled. "For both the ho-ho-home and you two, it would seem."

Hey, it IS lunchtime...howzabout lunch out?

"Sounds like a plan," Sam agreed.

Just then, an enticing aroma wound its way past the noses of the two who actually ate food. With almost comedic timing, they raised their heads, sniffed, and looked around for the location that had produced so alluring an aroma. What they found was stunning.

A nearby cafe was busy manufacturing discs of pastry covered with tomato sauce and shredded cheese. Topping it off were olives, onions, peppers, and mushrooms. The spices and herbs sprinkled throughout the disc of appetizing starch caused the mouths of the bipedal bug and psychic fox to water quite a bit.

Without even noticing, the duo had moved closer to the cafe, taking in the sights and smells of the pizza, which only caused their stomachs to growl a little more. A griffon with a chef's hat on came closer to the duo and greeted them heartily. "Saluti, and welcome to Fredrick's! I am the owner and head chef, and you are curious about these pastries, are you not?"

Pizza. This is pizza, isn't it, Sam?

"Yes. How did this get here? Who brought the idea here?"

The griffon winced a bit before scratching at the back of his head with one claw. "Ahah. Well, I freely admit that I am not the progenitor of this wonderful creation. The one you seek is another of your kind, and she is in the kitchen at the moment, and asked to not be disturbed while she was cooking. Rather forcibly insisted in fact." The half-lion flinched at the memory.

At that moment, a voice rung out, another slightly familiar one. It took him a moment, but when it started singing, Vincent finally placed it.

"La donna é libera, Qual piuma al vento, Fredrick, the next set is ready! Muta d'accento, E di pensiero..."

The griffon turned to look back at the kitchen and sighed. "Ah, always when I'm greeting."

Sir? You understand her? Vincent was confused, there wasn't another Psychic around, at least, if he was correct about the owner of the voice.

The male griffon turned back and shook his head at the pair in the doorway. "Not in the sense that I understand you two, but she and I, we have learned how to talk to one another. One chef to another. The inflection in her voice just now indicated I have more food to pick up."

If you could, sir? Tell her that there are two here waiting to see her.

"I am...uncertain as to whether or not she will respond favorably while she is in the middle of cooking." The griffon actually paled at the thought of disturbing his newest chef.

Vincent sighed. Tell her there are two here waiting to see subject twenty-nine, and I guarantee you'll have to get out of her way before she goes through you.

The griffon looked at Vincent with a slightly curious glance before nodding and going into the kitchen. The sounds of muffled conversation were heard for a moment before a sharp clatter of dishes on the floor rang out. Anyone who understood Pokespeak heard the next part loud and clear. For those that didn't, it was something akin to "Sand Sandslash?"

"He said what?"

For a moment, there was silence, and them from the back came the sound of footsteps. The door swung open, and from the kitchen emerged a three-foot tall mouselike creature. Its chest fur was cream, and the fur covering the rest of her body was tan. The spines on her back were a vivid red, and the beady black eyes were focused on Sam and Vincent. The claws on its forelimbs were clicking up against one another, practically sending sparks flying, and the creature seemed to be shifting on its hind paws as it studied the two before her. And then the shiny Sandslash spoke.

"I don't know who you two stronzi think you are, but you better have a maledettamente buona reason for knowing that number."

Vincent smiled and hopped off of Sam's head, coming to a gentle floating stop before touching down on the floor. Hello Mary. It's been a while, hasn't it?

At this, the Sandslash blinked before drawing closer to the Abra. "Vincent? Vincent, is that you? It sounds like you..."

Indeed it is...little greenie. Sorry for pulling your number out, but-

Anything more Vincent was about to say was cut off by the Sandslash running forward and catching him in a bear-hug. "Oh little Vincent! It is so good to see you again! Let me take a better look at you!"

The enthusiastic Sandslash held Vincent at arm's length and looked him over with a critical eye. "So this is what Arceus meant by 'those who underwent changes when they arrived here,' eh? That god, what a burlone! Still, at least the little human from all those years ago now has la ragione for understanding Pokemon. So how are you, little Vincent?"

Vincent carefully extracted his self from the Sandslash's embrace and checked himself over. Satisfied with what he found or didn't find, the Abra looked back up at the Sandslash named Mary. I'm...coping. It helps to have friends. Oh! That reminds me! I don't think you two have met, have you?

Sam stepped forward and nodded. "Sam, and since we already heard or knew yours, I'll share mine. Thirty-six."

Mary winced at that, but extended a claw towards the towering bug. "Always good to see another superstite of the Doctor's. What was yours, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Exoskeleton modification. Can't fly, but can take a few blows. Yours?"

"Making my claws sharper, more dangerous. When I evolved, I gained a misura of control over them, but they can react to my moods. Still, having them makes chopping ingredients a bit easier. It's chopping everything else I have to be careful of."

Vincent looked around the small cafe and whistled. Look at how far you've come. From that little green Sandshrew who spoke a language I could understand only half the time we talked to a chef in another world, passing on the recipes of ours.

Mary laughed at that. "And look at you. What once was a little umano is now a psychic force to be reckoned with in the making."

Sam and Vincent's stomach chose to rumble then, reminding them of why they had originally come into the cafe. Mary laughed at that and turned to go back into the kitchen. "An order of cheesy breadsticks and a large pizza for the three of us, I think. We should decisamente spend some time together, and lunch sounds good to me as well."

The bug and psychic fox found a table with an additional chair, and it wasn't a minute later that Fredrick came by and dropped off a basket of 'cheesy breadsticks'. Vincent picked one up and bit into it, relishing the sensation of melted cheese being contained by a starchy exterior. Drawing it back to look at it, he mused about its composition out loud. So is it a cheese, or a breadstick?

Sam shrugged. "Why not both at once?"

Vincent stared at the bug, then at the breadstick, then back at the bug, and a smile threatened to split his face in half. Oh...ohohoh...ahahahahah! Oh, thank you for that idea!

Sam was about to ask what the idea was before Fredrick and Mary came to the table. Mary pulled up the last seat, while Fredrick placed a large pizza in front of them. "And for the trio of Pokemon, a pony-friendly pizza! Dig in!"

It was even more delicious than Vincent had imagined.


Business Mind was not a happy mare.

Oh, certainly, she was pleased as punch that the Earth Pony Brigade case had been busted wide open. With them out of the picture, she could see herself buying, renovating, and then making use of their warehouses. Plus, her runners would no longer have to go around that particular stretch of city, or make mad dashes into and out of it. While PegasusAir didn't discriminate with their hiring practices, the EPB was none too happy that she'd decided to put the name of something that wasn't an Earth Pony in her company's name.

Her response to their continued bickering was simple: Had they ever heard of anything but a Pegasus creating a Sonic Rainboom?

No, the EPB being taken down was good news.

What was bad news was that the enforcers she'd hired hadn't reported back yet. Typically they either had results by now, or dropped in with a status update. For there to be nothing at this hour...

Quick Notes knocked on the door, and Business Mind looked up. Quick was wearing that face again, the one which said she wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Um...One of our informers said he saw the Trio at an apartment building being bounced around like balls before they disappeared. And then the Pokemon in question was seen walking around later without a care. Generally, I think they bit off more than they could chew..."

Business hissed and let thumped the desk with a hoof. An idea percolated in her mind, one she wasn't shy about using.

"I'm the head of an import and export company, right?" At Quick's nod, Business snorted and continued. "Then send out word to the warehouses, small gangs, large gangs. We're exporting these Pokemon. Fifty bits a head, more if they give anypony any trouble. By the end of this week, I want this city back under my hoof."


Thanks for lunch, Mary!

"Anytime, you two! Though next time, I ask you bring bits, eh? Addio!"

The Scyther and his Abra-hat left the cafe feeling far more full than they had going in, to see Bit hovering near a street-light. Upon catching sight of the two exiting, the Porygon-Z hovered close and nodded. "I took care of the food shop-shop-shopping for the home while you were within. Was your time there spent in re-re-refueling you?"

"Yeah, and we met someone as well. Mary."

The Porygon-Z's eyes dimmed a bit, and if you looked close, you could see the image of files flickering past before they brightened again. "Ah yes, experiment six-six-six hundred and forty-one. Claw mod-mod-modification on a Sandshrew. Would lead to the subject be-be-becoming subject twenty-nine, along with the third of five e-e-escapees." Bit's tone turned a bit wry for the next portion of information. "The Doctor really should have che-che-checked the sharpness and strength of the claws before lock-lock-locking her in a standard isolation u-u-unit."

Vincent laughed a bit at that. Yeah, he really should have. Oh well. Next thing on our list then, Bit?

The program dinged once before replying. "Ac-ac-accessories as gifts for the two who are not he-he-here. Most likely to be ac-ac-accepted: Scarves."

Chapter seventeen - Quashing what you feel is not advised

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The sounds of frustration that had overtaken Lucy's area of the quarry suddenly and quite quickly went silent. The male Lucario perked up at that and looked over to the direction where she'd been before closing his eyes and getting in touch with the Aura. What he saw stunned him.

The area nearest Lucy's form was being sucked clear, siphoned, of all the Aura. She was drawing it in with every breath, and compressing what she had with every exhale. Between her paws, a blue sphere began to form. She moved her paws towards the boulder, then thrust her right one at it. The sphere followed the motion, and the boulder detonated.

Shards of rock rained down, followed by gemstones of all shapes and colors. Sitting on the ground, glinting in the sunlight, was a silvery, steely container. Lucy opened her eyes, and looked from where the boulder had been, to her paws, to the object on the ground. She didn't seem to know what to talk about first. The male had no such compunctions and walked up to the object, poking it with one foot and feeling the power it contained.

"A Metal Coat," he commented. "Interesting. It appears that Arceus brought more than just Pokemon and humans with us."

"I could have told you that," Lucy said. "We found a Twisted Spoon back in town. Can I have that?"

The male turned and tilted his head. "Why do you want it? To power up your Steel-type moves?"

Lucy shook her head at that. "Nah, but I know someone who'd appreciate it for its other properties."

The male blinked a few times before nodding. "Ah, someone who requires it to Evolve. Very well. It is yours by right, after all. You did break the boulder, and I doubt the ponies will have much use for it."

Lucy smiled and put the Metal Coat within her sunhat. It'd do to carry it back to town with. The male wasn't quite done, though.

"When you formed the attack, what thoughts were running through your head? Knowing those might make it easier, faster, next time."

Lucy pondered with one paw to her chin. "Who I am. Why I was learning from you. What was most important to me. Those sorts of things."

The male nodded once. "Those are the sorts of things the Aura asks from those who would wield it: be sure of and true to yourself before it will help you in such a manner."

Lucy nodded again, but this time sat and closed her eyes. "In that case, I better get a head start. Until I can snap off an attack like that with as little delay as possible, then I need to keep at it."

The male smiled and nodded. "And thus, you search to define yourself. Take care, the journey may not reveal pleasing things."


Luke stared at the strip of cloth in his hands. It was green and red, patterned in square sections, and nearly three feet long, feeling rather thick, and it would probably be very warm. Vincent had placed it in his grasp with his powers while putting a blue and black one in the guest room.

The scarf was nearly a match for his chest spike and body, and that fact did not elude him. Nor did the sentiment behind the words Vincent had said when giving it to him.

Here you go, to keep your neck warm come winter. Sorry it doesn't go with your sweater, but at least it goes with you.

You... you didn't have to do that... I.... thank you Vincent. The Gallade ran a hand over the fabric, stunned that his student would do something like this.

Didn't have to, true. Wanted to, though.

I... I don't know what to say... it is a truly marvelous gift Vincent... thank you. Luke carefully wrapped it around his neck before smirking. Although...if you think you're getting out of training, think again.

Vincent groaned, but acquiesced. Fine...more sleep-training, then?

Luke nodded and pulled his chair out from the dining room, setting it near the bed the Abra had claimed. Indeed. Brace yourself, I will give you five minutes to form your wall...and then I'm coming in.

More than enough time, Vincent replied before nodding off. Luke merely smirked at his student's cocky behavior.

We'll see, he thought to himself.


A startled cry brought Maylene and Lucario running over to where Lucy had staked out her area to sleep at. The female was laying on the ground, curled into a ball, softly sobbing. Maylene grabbed her by the shoulders, causing Lucy to flinch away. "Don't touch me!" she screamed out before resuming her cry.

"What is it?" Lucario asked. "What happened?"

"I...I wanted to take a shortcut, so I looked at myself with the Aura Sight..."

Lucario winced at that, and Maylene noticed. "What? What's so bad about that?"

"Looking at one's self with the Aura reveals everything about you. Good and bad. It cannot lie. And you cannot forget it."

Maylene gasped and gently placed a paw on Lucy's shoulder. She flinched, but not away, and kept sobbing. "It's a lie, it has to be. There's no way I can be that...that..."

Lucario closed his eyes, then cocked his head as the organs on the back glowed slightly. "I see nothing wrong with you."

"But that's just it!" Lucy screamed. "There should be! I was a captive of that man for so long! I've had so much about me changed! I should be broken, shattered, there should be some flaw on me when I look at myself with the Aura! Instead, I'm this...this burning, shining star! That can't be right!"

Lucario smiled softly and placed a paw on Lucy's other shoulder. "A simple truth to the Aura, then. The souls that love, truly and completely, burn the brightest and are the most beautiful."

Lucy blinked at that before tilting her head to the side. "What does that...who could I possibly...?"

Maylene sighed. "You're sure you're not a full Steel-type? You're certainly as dense as one."

The female on the ground snarled at the insult. "What do you mean? You know?"

"Well gee," Maylene said in a mocking tone. "You've only claimed that you're here for him ever since you arrived. You've known him most of your life. Oh, and let's not forget that he said words to make you evolve. Simple words, but it was him saying them that made you realize how much he cared about you."

Lucy shook her head. "No. No, that can't be right. It can't be. I can't be in love with him. I just can't be."

Maylene bristled a bit at that. "Why? Is it because of that stupid Pokephillia law?"

Lucy blinked at that and uncurled before looking up at the former Gym Trainer. "What? What's that law?"

"A silly law that humans instituted," Lucario said. "One that prevents humans and Pokemon from having any physical relationships."

Lucy blinked again before frowning. "That sounds like a moronic, speciesit law. You can't place a law on the heart and expect it to listen. It's the most illogical thing in the body. The day a heart bows to the laws of the world is a dark day indeed."

The female Lucario shook her head to clear it before resuming her line of thought. "No, I can't love him because he's my brother. It would just be wrong."

Maylene and the male Lucario blinked once at Lucy's refusal of the Pokephillia law, and Maylene smiled. "Like you just said, the day the heart bows to the laws of the world..."

Lucy shook her head. "No, no no no..."

"Plus," the male Lucario added, "if I'm not mistaken, you're not actual brother and sister, you merely define your bond as such because you were brothers and sisters in captivity."

"As well," Maylene finished. "Bonds can evolve, just like you. Would you have Evolved if it were Bit or Sam saying those words?"

Lucy shook her head, both in response to Maylene's question and in denial. "No, but that's because I don't...care about them...as deeply..."

Lucy's voice trailed off as the point started to hit home and resonate within her heart. Maylene asked a set of simple questions then. "Vincent matters more to you than such ideals as rules or morals or laws, doesn't he? If it were him or the world, which would you choose to stay with?"

Lucy sobbed quietly and looked up at Maylene, who proffered a paw to the other female. Lucy pulled herself up and stared Maylene in the eyes. "You're right," Lucy whispered. "Because I would choose him. His heart is strong, even after everything that's happened to him. And that's what matters, and probably what earned him mine."

Maylene softly smiled, and the male Lucario nodded. "Then tell him," the male said.


"Soon. Once you think yourself ready, then your training will be done, and you must return."


Luke appeared on the road outside the clearing to see a wall as tall as he was surrounding the formerly serene area. Ah, you have been working hard, haven't you?

There was no reply, and Luke merely shrugged. Very well, let us see how strong your wall is.

Luke extended one hand, and a block started to shift from the wall. Once it was an inch out, an image blasted its way into Luke's head. It was a memory of a young Vincent looking at a Ekans without a lower jaw. It appeared to have...melted off. And then the voice of the Doctor was heard.

"Poison sac modification was a failure. Far too acidic."

Luke focused and cleared his head, causing the memory to drift off. An impressive defense. Or is it an attack?

Why not both at once?

The Gallade smirked a bit. An interesting idea, it makes for a formidable defense indeed. Where did it come from?

Oh, from the day on the town. It was such a compelling concept, I had to apply it here. I'd be doing someone a disservice if I didn't.

Luke blinked, and then the smirk returned; time to teach Vincent the true rules. With a thought, he was floating, and hovering over the wall that Vincent had erected. The sight of the little Abra sitting in the clearing with a dropped jaw and a blank stare was amusing. Slowly, the little mind rebooted at the sight of a flying Gallade that just completely obsoleted his defenses.

...I think...I get it now. The only real rules here are the ones you impose.

Luke smiled and nodded. Indeed. Though a stronger Psychic will simply impose their rules over yours. However, when you Evolve, your powers will grow considerably. And considering the trauma you've been through...I'd be surprised if there was much besides a Metagross or a Legendary that could give you trouble in your final state, assuming you keep up with your training.

The smile that adorned Vincent's face then was nearly sharklike. Sam always did say I had an active imagination. Telling me that there are no rules...that was probably the wrong thing to say.

As the landscape shifted and changed, for a single, solitary moment, Luke was both very, very proud of Vincent.

And very, very afraid of what the little Psychic would cook up now. It wouldn't present a threat to him, but the boy had just been handed the mental equivalent of a match and a pile of oil soaked wood.

Chapter eighteen - Directed Rage is a powerful weapon indeed

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Vincent woke up, realized the curtains stopped the light from hitting his eyes, smiled, rolled over, and closed his eyes again. The little psychic battle he'd had with Luke was incredibly satisfying and fun. He was aware that the Gallade had been holding back all along, but it was amusing watching him trying to navigate the nonsense his defenses had become. One of his favorite weapons had been the rain of pizza. The Abra sighed softly as he tried to return to the land of dreams.

That was about when Bit's alarm clock function went off. Apparently someone had set it the other day, and Vincent had a pretty good idea who it was. The Abra shot a glare at Luke, who was even now smirking slightly at the grumpy form of Vincent. You did this. I know it.

I have no idea what you're talking about, Luke replied, his smirk never fading. Besides which...is it not time for breakfast?

Vincent grumbled but acquiesced. I'll get you back for this. Just you wait.

As you said last night...bring it on.

Breakfast was an...interesting affair. Sam watched as Luke demonstrated his bubble technique, but Vincent had cooked up something new based on it. A bubble of milk and cereal hovered over his head, and portions of it detached themselves periodically and flew into his mouth.

Your control is impressive. And you understand...the real rules. Yes. I think...that your training is complete.

This nearly startled the Abra into dropping the bubble of cereal and milk, but he regained control quickly enough that nothing went splat. Once it was hovering over his head again in a spherical shape, Vincent looked at Luke with wide eyes. What? You're...you're leaving, aren't you?

Luke nodded his head and finished his breakfast before replying. You now are not a danger to yourself...or to others. I feel as though I could leave you...and that there would be no accidents on your part when I do. My staying would provide no benefit. You know how to wield your power...and how not to.

Vincent sighed and polished off his cereal before walking over to the Gallade. I'm going to miss you, though. Besides my family, you're one of the first ones who cared, y'know.

The Abra spread his arms slightly, the universal signal for 'hug?'. After a moment's hesitation, Luke nodded, but didn't have much of a chance to brace himself. Vincent jumped up to the Gallade's chest and, mindful of the spike in the middle, proceeded to hug Luke. After a few moments of hesitation, Luke softly returned the gesture before looking to Sam and Bit with an expression of 'please get him off now.' Sam merely laughed while Bit nodded and gently grabbed a hold of Vincent before peeling the smaller psychic from the larger one.

Luke softly patted Vincent's head with a psychic hand. Take care, my student. And remember, so long as you keep those you hold dear close to your heart...then they're never really gone.

Vincent nodded a few times and watched the older psychic walk out the door. It wasn't until it clicked softly shut that he even began to sniff sadly, but a deep breath or two to keep himself in check saw any signs of sadness buried for the moment.

I'm...well, I'm not fine, but I'll cope. I always do. C'mon, let's get those links up. Bit, you can head back to the station, but Sam, you need to look for other work.

The other two inhabitants of the apartment nodded even as their heads briefly glowed the same blue as Vincent's hands. "Can do. Won't be easy, but I can do it."

And thus the little psychic was left alone in the apartment for the first time.


Lucy breathed in deeply and let it out slowly, focusing her mind on the task at hand.

Before her were three boulders, easily as large as the ones she'd had to break already, if not larger. She was to break all of them with Aura Sphere, as quickly as possible.

She turned to face the first of the line and breathed deeply again. She turned her thoughts to the Aura and began to shape it, mold it into an attack. She could feel it start to ask her its questions, in its own way. She answered as well as she could.

I sought knowledge for power, and I sought power that I might defend Vincent.

The first attack was formed and fired at the first boulder. She paid the exploding rock no mind and turned to the second in the line. She began to form another Aura Sphere, and felt it ask her another question. Once again, she answered it.

I seek to defend him because he matters more to me than anything else. Rules, laws, morals. Even the world. We have been there for each other, and I will be there for him, no matter the situation. Should he call, I will answer him.

The second boulder detonated, and Lucy turned to the third. This time, she answered the question before it was even asked.

I am Lucy the Lucario, and I will never turn my back on my family OR my love!

This time, it answered her in turn.


The third boulder disintegrated, and Lucy panted a bit at the exertion. Maylene and the male Lucario stepped forward and nodded at her in unison.

"You're ready," the male said.

"I doubt I could have trained you any better were I still human," Maylene added.

Lucy looked at both of them before looking back at her work. She then looked at her paws and realized that yes, she was ready. She looked back at the duo she'd been training with and smiled softly. "Thank you, both of you. I have someone to go find now. Take care."

"Oh don't worry, I'll keep this lummox from assuming anything again," Maylene said while grabbing a hold of the male's head and giving him a noogie. "Bring your friends around sometime, if you can. We'll probably still be here."

The male squirmed his way free and glared at Maylene. Lucy laughed at the sight, and a slight tingling made itself known over her body. The spell was kicking in. She turned to the entrance to the quarry. It was time to make her way to Las Pegasus. To her family.

To home.


Sam wasn't having much of a good day. As it turns out, being a giant bug with swords for arms tends to be a detriment to being hired in a mostly pony-run world. Who'd have thought?

At least Mary was willing to talk to him before her lunch rush began.

"I'm telling you, Mary, those papers aren't doing me any favors in getting employed. Not only do some places not need me, but if some clearly do, the ponies aren't willing to give me a chance at all. How is a Scyther supposed to cope?"

The shiny Sandslash hummed and put a paw to her chin. "Well, for me, it was molto semplice. Fredrick was moaning about how he couldn't come up with any pony-friendly pasti, and I was looking for shelter. We couldn't understand one another, or more accurately, he couldn't understand me, but I made him some ottima salsa di pomodoro, and he saw the value in keeping me around."

Sam groaned a bit. "That doesn't help me at all. Nobody wants to hire a giant bug with swords for arms." The Scyther looked at Mary to see her slumped forward a bit, her gaze locked on to something in the distance. He grew concerned when she didn't blink, and waved a claw in front of her. When she didn't respond, he carefully checked her over, and was surprised by what he saw.

There, sticking in her tail, was a small, red dart. It reminded him of a tranquilizer dart. But...who would use one on Mary?

A slight vibration on his back armor gave him an answer, and he turned around to see a pegasus colt with a blowgun in a nearby alleyway. The pony seemed shocked at something located near Sam's feet, and he looked down to see another red dart lying on the cobbles. Looking back up revealed that the pony had recovered enough to load another red dart into the blowgun and raised it up to his mouth again. Sam raised his claws and said a simple word. "Don't."

The pony didn't listen and fired again, this time hitting his chest armor and having it bounce off. Sam sighed and walked forward. "Why didn't you listen? Now I'm gonna have to knock you out and drag you down to the station, and Ace is going to be such a bi-"

Whatever Sam was about to say never crossed his lips, as a dart found its mark in his neck just as he entered the alleyway the colt was located in. In seconds, he was out.

The last thing he felt was a sensation of terror through the psychic link, and all was blackness.


Bit, Sam's just...I don't know what's happened, but I know it wasn't good!

Describe it, please.

Vincent breathed deeply and calmed himself. He was talking to Mary at the Cafe, then he noticed that she wasn't responding. When he went to look at why...that's where things get blurry. His mind is shut down, but the link is still active. I can pinpoint where he is, but he doesn't respond to my pings. What is going on?

The silence across the link lasted for a good five minutes. Eventually Bit spoke up again. The most likely conclusion is that he was taken as part of PegasusAir's operation to export Pokemon from the city so they may regain some measure of control over it. This campaign of theirs seems to have stemmed from the desire of the manager to eliminate evidence of their operation by attempting to get at me...I feel so...guilty.

Don't! Vincent shot back instantly. Don't ever feel shame or guilt for the actions of another! This was not your fault, you didn't do this to Sam, or Mary...or anyone else they've tried to take. Blame them, not yourself, and then act on that blame!

...You are right. I assume you are tracking Sam's location with your link even now and intend to Teleport in and out to rescue both him and Mary?

Yes, why?

Take me with you.

Vincent was stunned for a moment before he could reply. Bit, if this is about you feeling guilty-

It is not. It is because I can still provide aid, if only as a distraction. Which you will need, at the very least. Please, allow me to help. I would be remiss if I did not.

Vincent sighed, but extended one paw and yanked Bit to the apartment. Fine, you're coming with, Vincent said, which caused Bit to turn around and look at the Abra on the couch. But the second you get in more trouble than you can handle, I want you to run, understand?

Bit nodded. "Un-un-understood."

It took another five minutes for Sam's end of the link to stop moving, and Vincent nodded once. Okay. Let's try and make this as quick as possible. I'll grab Sam...and any other Pokemon I see, and get them to safety. If I end up needing it, you distract them. Understand?

Bit nodded again, and Vincent motioned him closer. The two clung to one another, and Vincent flung them through a Teleport to Sam's location.

They came to within a warehouse, in front of a box that had bars on one side to allow others easy viewing of the contents. The one they were looking at was empty. The duo turned to see Sam and Mary in another, still out cold.

Gah...Okay, let's see here. I'll Teleport in and see if I can't rouse them. Keep a look out for me, Bit.

Bit nodded once, and Vincent warped the five feet he needed to wind up in the cage. Placing a hand on both their heads and closing his eyes, Vincent caused his arms to glow blue before shaking his head. No good, whatever they used to knock them out was some high-grade stuff. It'd take a few minutes worth of work to purge it out of one of them, and-

"Look, it's that blue and red one the big boss mare wants!"

"Get him and we're set for life!"

A small gang of ponies rapidly gathered ten feet away from Bit, who stared at them calmly. He then looked at Vincent and sighed. "I am sor-sor-sorry I have to do this, Vincent. But this is the on-on-only way I can buy you enough time. Think well of me."

Before Vincent could question what was going on, Bit had turned back to the ponies and closed his eyes. Then he raised off the floor a good five feet, and things just got weird from there.

First, his head was kept perfectly stable, but his body rotated clockwise. Second, Vincent picked out that the colors on his body were inverting, then returning to normal, quite quickly. And finally, there was the rapid ticking noise that culminated in a ding.

The twirling stopped, the ticking stopped, the colors returned to normal, but Bit didn't come down. Only once everything was in its proper orientation again did the Porygon-Z speak. And while Vincent was startled by the lack of a stutter, the ponies were scared of what that voice was saying.

"Simulator systems: Engaged. Combat mode: Online. Moves: Loaded. Missions: Protect family. Defeat ponies. Save Pokemon. Download activated: Special Attack raised one stage. Mercy setting..."

Here Bit opened his eyes, and for the first time since waking up from the Crown Jewel, Vincent was afraid. Bit's eyes weren't normal anymore. They had been black circles set inside one another over a yellow one.

Now the yellow background was red, and cross-hairs connected the black circles.


Elsewhere, a brown-coated earth pony stallion would pause in his repairs on one of Derpy's clocks and shudder briefly.

Chapter nineteen - Payback, with interest

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Lucy sighed softly as she looked up at the slightly-familiar sign welcoming her back to Las Pegasus. It seemed so long ago, yet was also such a short time, that she’d been a Riolu and was standing here with Sam and Vincent. The start of something new for them all. And now she was wiser, stronger, and-


She couldn’t quite explain where the feeling came from, but she dodged to one side all the same to barely catch a glimpse of a red dart shooting past. Tracing its trajectory back led to her looking at a pony with a blowgun. The Lucario put two and two together rapidly and put on a burst of Extreme Speed. The colt looked shocked that the Pokemon he had been aiming at that was previously twenty feet away was now in his face. He didn’t have time to think very much longer, as the Pokemon drew her fist back, causing a glowing bone to materialize in it. A second later saw him flying over the city, and he was glad of his wings. It’d make landing not so painful. Assuming he didn’t black out.

Lucy growled to herself. Just what in Arceus’ name is going on here? The tingling intensified a notch, and the Lucario scratched idly, trying to get the sensation to stop. Gah! Get Ace to remove the spell first, then figure out why I was attacked.

It was an...interesting ten minutes walk through the city. She was shot at no less than two more times, but she moved just enough to cause the darts to miss before shooting a glare back at the ponies who shot at her. Either they worked for the casinos she’d been at and were blaming her, or something else was going on.

When she arrived at the Guard station, all was...bedlam. Bedlam was a good word for it.

Guard ponies were scrambling this way and that in a chaotic fashion, though there was a note of order and organization to it all, mostly centered around Captain Ace. The dark haired unicorn was shouting using a voice amplifying spell of some sort so that she could be projected around the entire station lot as guards brought in wounded ponies along significantly less injured Pokemon.

“Ace!” Lucy barked out upon taking the scene in fully. “Get your damned spell off me and tell me what in Arceus’ name is going on!”

Ace spared her a glance at the large bipedal dog and shook her head, her horn shining. “I don’t know what you’re saying but I’m guessing you’re here because you’re done, I don’t know where your friends are out in this mess so you’re out of luck,” the Captain said before shouting some more instructions to other guards. “The spell is gone, please try not to add to my workload here,” she added before she turned her back on Lucy.

Luke, Lucy thought. If there’s anyone who could help, it would be him. Actually...Luke, can you hear me now?

Why yes... yes I can... I’m currently watching over Abby’s sleep and trying to help her have good dreams... what do you need Lucy?

A moment of your time. What in the world is going on? I leave to train with a pair of Lucario, and I come back to the blowgun brigade.

It seems that Bit... stirred up a hornet’s nest... the boss of a shipping company was responsible for the discrepancies he found. I believe that this is her attempt to eliminate him, though it is so widely spread that I’m not sure why she bothered at all, Luke replied within her head.

Gah...this is stirring up baaad memories, Luke. Tell me you know where they are. Please.

I will send you to them if you’d prefer that to running, Luke answered and Lucy couldn’t tell if he was joking or not.

At that moment, outside, a large, multi-colored beam of light erupted into the sky. After a moment, it tapered off, leaving silence in its wake. Even Ace was stunned.

Luke, I have good news and bad news for you, Lucy thought, slightly shaken, an undercurrent of fear in her tone. The good news is, you don’t have to send me anymore, I know where they are. The bad news is that apparently, Bit found the Simulator Room in his functions somewhere, and is now using it to its fullest potential. Help?

Of course... Luke appeared before her, a small frown on his face. Shall we?

(Meanwhile, in the warehouse in question…)

Bit glanced from opponent to opponent, sizing each of them up, before he decided on a course of action.


The attack burst out of the hovering program and struck his foes, inciting paralysis in them, granting him a moment of respite. Likely scenarios all end in this unit being brought down eventually. Changing odds. Bringing local law enforcement to scene.

Bit pointed his head up and charged up another attack while the ponies still struggled with slight muscle paralysis. “SIGNAL BEAM.”

The wave of light erupted from his nose and penetrated the roof easily, the noise of which brought Vincent out of his stupor. He looked from the knocked-out forms of Sam and Mary before sighing and placing his hands back on their heads. Really wish I knew Heal Pulse or Recover right about now, would make this a lot easier!


A wave of what could only be described as pure shadow expanded out from the Porygon-Z and struck the ponies, causing them to cry out and collapse once more. The program nodded once in satisfaction at its work.


Bit floated off, likely looking for more targets. Vincent sighed and concentrated again. I could really use some help...either with Bit or these two…

Vincent, what did I tell you about projecting? Luke’s voice asked from ‘behind’ him.

Luke? The little fox perked up. Oh Luke, please let that be you. We really need you in here right about now!

I’m here... as is an old friend, Luke’s voice said as every pony in the room suddenly froze.

Vincent slowly turned around in the cage Sam and Mary were in to see the familiar Gallade he’d come to know over the past few days, as well as a Lucario. A Lucario in a cream sunhat and with smaller spikes than the norm. One he’d called sister.


The Lucario smiled softly while keeping an eye on the ponies. “Hey Vincent. We can catch up later.” Her eyes flicked over to Sam’s knocked out form as well as Mary’s before she reached up to her sunhat. After a moment, she withdrew a Steel Coat from underneath it and tossed it to the Abra in the cage. “To Sam, if you’d please? That should help him at least.”

Perhaps you’d like to disable the ponies? Luke suggested almost conversationally. I cannot keep them completely immobile for long with their numbers, or knock them unconscious for that matter.

Let me just kick this towards Sam, then sure. Lucy, you can take half. I’ll take the others. And once we do, can you help out Mary, Luke? I think she got darted as well. The Steel Coat was rolled towards the unconscious Scyther, and one it made contact, both the item and the bug started to glow. Hardly anyone was looking at the phenomena, though. They were too busy with the ponies.

Lucy smiled again and held out one paw. “Bone Rush,” she stated simply, and a glowing bone materialized in her grasp. “Let’s see how many I can knock out before it vanishes.”

While the Lucario enjoyed her more physical sport, Vincent turned to the ones he’d claimed and smiled as well before Teleporting in front of them. Hello. My name is Vincent Nurem. You attacked my family.

His entire body started to glow an eerie, eldritch blue before he said the next sentence. You shouldn’t have done that.

The ponies screamed their throats raw as images forced their way into their heads. Vincent was showing them of the time his father had developed a passing interest in the Ponyta family. Specifically, seeing how their fiery manes and tails worked.

It wasn’t pretty, to say the least, and the similarity between that family and the ponies had several losing their lunches before passing out.

Reluctantly, Luke released the ponies he’d been holding frozen and then suddenly appeared among them, psychic energy swirling around him in a million blue blades as he knocked one after the other unconscious using very little effort it seemed.

Meanwhile, Bit the Porygon-Z was floating down one row, looking at the crate/cage combinations and blasting open the ones with Pokemon in them. “TARGETS FOUND AND RELEASED. LOCATING MORE PONIES.”

Bit eventually came back to where Vincent was to find that others had joined him. “IDENTIFY YOUR PURPOSE HERE.”

Bit...you don’t need to do this...you can stop now… Luke tried to appeal to the Porygon-Z’s good nature while taking in the difference in his eyes.


Vincent gulped once and held out one hand that was alight with blue energy. Bit...don’t make us stop you.

“AS IF YOU COULD.” The Porygon-Z locked eyes on all those present and finally settled on Luke. Bit backed up a touch before talking again. “DO NOT INTERFERE.”

I am afraid you must be stopped, Bit… The Gallade took one step forward and held out a hand. Focus Blast.

The orb of Fighting-Type energy gathered at Luke’s outstretched hand before flying forward and impacting the rogue program. Bit took the hit and spun around a few times before replying.


Vincent gulped a bit at that, even as Bit turned back to face Luke. In the next moment, he stood stock-still and slowly turned his head to the right, looking at one particular office. One that had a view of what was going on.

That was about when a familiar voice spoke up. “Oh good. Air Slash!”

Vincent turned back to see a Scizor jump up at Bit’s form and draw its claws over the Porygon-Z. Landing and turning back to the others, he gave a cheeky wink and spoke up again. “Hey, thanks for the Steel Coat, whichever one of you gave it to me. What say we knock some sense into Bit here?”

Luke merely responded by readying his arm-blades, and Lucy nodded before dropping into her ‘ready’ stance. The Porygon-Z reoriented and focused on the Scizor.


Lucy responded by summoning a bone to her paw and smirking at Bit. “Y’know, I’m pretty sure that a normal family shouldn’t enjoy the task of beating sense into another family member...but then again, normal went out the window a while ago!”

Lucy threw the bone at Bit, causing him no small amount of distress as he fell to the ground. Landing weakly in front of Luke, he managed one final sentence. “CONVERSION 2...ROCK TYPING GAINED…”

Focus Blast, Luke said simply, and as the orb coalesced, he looked down at Bit with a frown. I am sorry it came to this Bit.

The attack impacted the program, knocking it out of the fight this time. Lucy sighed and looked around. “Okay, we get the Pokemon out of here, we deal with the ponies we find, and we call it a day?”

Sam nodded and proceeded to the cage he had been in, which now sported a large hole that he’d torn through the bars. Luke looked around and then asked a very pertinent question.

Where...did Vincent go?

Business Mind threw together her suitcase, making sure all her pertinent paperwork was packed. This was supposed to be a nice and tidy operation! They were supposed to slowly bring in the Pokemon so that she could ship them out of the city without anyone noticing! She was supposed to retain control over this whole event!

Those damn gangs had gotten too greedy and stupid for their own good! So eager for their 'easy' bits! And when the one target she really wanted shows up, what does it do? Blast them all, bring friends in after it, and now the entire warehouse was a write-off. She still had a chance to get out, though...

Hello there, Business Mind.

The unicorn mare stiffened before slowly turning around and seeing the small yellow fox sitting at her desk. The little psychic carefully observed the brown unicorn mare with a black mane in front of him. His eyes flicked over to her mark, that of a ledger, before he looked back into her blue eyes.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear, miss Mind. You started this little campaign in an effort to get at my family. And in the process, you've hurt so many others. That, in my book, makes you quite the terrible pony.

She swallowed and attempted to rebuke the little psychic while thinking of a combat spell. "I wasn't in control at all, I swear. Which, ironically, is what this little campaign was about. Finding your friend, getting rid of the Pokemon...I wanted control over the city again. I wanted to be back where I was a week ago. All I did was send out the word. Those ponies," and here she jabbed a hoof towards the window, "those stupid gang ponies were greedy and went after their fifty bits a head before I could figure out a means, a method, to relocate Pokemon with minimal fuss. Even I could see that our darts were only rated for ponies and pony-shaped life-forms."

That does not absolve you of any blame. In fact, in your attempts to run from it, you have only damned yourself further.

Vincent's arms were coated in a blue aura before Business Mind was flung into a wall and pinned there. The little psychic slowly got up and stalked towards the mare. When his face was six inches from hers, he continued his rant.

By all rights, by every right, I should tear your mind apart, piece by piece. I should make you pay, make you suffer for what you did and in what name you did it for.

"You don't know what it's like!" Business cried out, trying to buy her freedom with both words and a spell on her horn. "To be raised to inherit a crime family, to be told this is what you are going to do when you grow up, to enjoy the feeling of control, and then have it ripped away from you! You don't know that at all!"

DON'T I?! I have the exact opposite problem, you know. I HAD NO CONTROL OVER MY LIFE! You have enjoyed and squandered something I would have given an arm and a leg to have even a MOTE of!

The Abra paced back and forth in front of the trapped mare, muttering as he did. Not even he would complain if I rendered your mind into scraps of itself. If I tore you to bits and left you to rot. Or if I shared my memories with you of all the horrible things that I've experienced, been forced to see.

Vincent drew close to Business Mind and raised one glowing hand close to her face. But no, that would be cruel and unusual punishment. Instead, retribution and justice will be done upon you as I ferret through your mind for all your little dirty secrets.

The mare tried to put up walls, mental defenses, but under the onslaught of an angry Psychic, they crumbled like dust. Those beneath us even now, those that you paid to have brought to you so you could ship them away. Those families and friends you have harmed by taking their loved ones. You will feel their pain.

And Business Mind screamed as it all slammed into her, and kept coming, and kept coming, drowning her in a flood of pain, hurt, anger, sadness.

She didn't even notice the psychic rooting around in her mind for information. Didn't even notice when he left the office. Barely felt it when the flood stopped, because she still felt those phantom pains. She only really responded when some guard ponies walked in and poked her. Her first statement was a simple one.

"I surrender...just keep that fox away from me."

Vincent smiled as he watched the line of slightly-woozy Pokemon being helped out of the warehouse by the guard ponies. Y'know, I think we did good here today. It was a little rocky at some parts, but we did well.

"Yeah," Sam said, flexing his new claws. "We certainly did. Pokemon rescued, gang beaten. Heck, we even got Lucy back."

The Lucario smirked before rubbing Vincent's head with one of her paws. "Shame about Bit, though."

He'll be fine...probably. Vincent waved off the worries of his sister. We'll just let him recuperate and keep him out of any serious combat situations.

I think...we can permit that, Luke added with a slight nod. He didn't seem...very much like himself. I think a case can be made...for temporary insanity. So long as he's in your care...it shouldn't be a real issue.

Ah well, that's good then. So guys, I've been thinking about a va- why are you all looking at me?

Vincent turned from Luke to Lucy to Sam to notice that they were looking at him, and that somehow, they were brighter.

It took him a second to realize that no, he was brighter. Glowing, in fact.

And then the sensations fully hit him, and he realized what was happening to him.


Chapter twenty - Do not be Astonished at what you have earned

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Vincent's senses reported a variety of things during his Evolution.

The first was a stretching sensation. Like someone had taken a hold of all his limbs and pulled them to their new lengths. It felt something like a balloon being inflated, only the balloon was him.

Speaking of balloons, the second thing he noticed was the feeling of his self gaining mass and size suddenly. Especially in his armor and head areas. Those just seemed to swell up.

The third thing he took note of was that he could suddenly feel more minds than he could a moment before. The odd sensation of his Psychic powers growing and expanding was very weird, but not unwelcome.

The fourth thing he felt was that it should have hurt, all of this going on at once. However, either his nerves were also being rearranged, or there was something inherit to the Evolution process that made it rather pleasant. Like a light tingling on his skin, except all over, all at once. Just...tingling. No burning pain or agony.

Hair growing, bones shifting, mind expanding, muscles rearranging, his entire form being stretched into a new one, and he took this all in absently. All within the glow of the Evolution going on, all he could think of was how much more interesting his life was about to become.

And all too sudden, it was over. Vincent looked over his new form with a slightly manic light in his eyes, which scared his family and Luke slightly as he began to feel himself all over and name off the changes as he took them all in, now that he could feel again, properly.

Legs...taller. Arms, longer. Only natural. Body armor, thicker, bulkier.

"That's what she said," Sam muttered before snickering. Vincent continued his self-assessment without giving any sign he'd heard the slightly lewd comment.

Head... He ran his hands up to his head and whistled. Oooh, larger. Wonder how much potential for psychic power I've got now. New mouth, new teeth! His tongue poked out from his mouth and waggled about, touching all his teeth in turn. He then caught sight of his newest feature and gasped. Mustache. Mustache! Oh, now THAT is a MUSTACHE! Mirror! I need a mirror!

The Kadabra warped away for a moment, leaving a befuddled Scizor, Lucario, and Gallade outside the warehouse with an unconscious Bit nearby. At least he is enjoying his change, Luke said.

"True," Sam said. "But...Well. Some Pokemon change when they evolve. Not only physically."

Luke nodded, and Lucy fought to control herself. Vincent, changing? That...she'd have to delay her plan to talk to him about...things. The sound of Luke's 'voice' brought her back to reality. True, but not all change is a bad thing. Plus, I think it would be very hard...to cause Vincent to lose himself.

Lucy sighed in relief as she considered the Gallade's words. She hadn't changed all that much because of Evolution, after all. Just...well, she'd been taking in everything that had happened to them slightly beforehand, so she couldn't blame one for the other. Nor could she really perceive any real difference in how she thought as compared to before she Evolved. All in all, it seemed Vincent would probably remain the same.

At that moment, the Kadabra warped back wearing his black top hat on his head. Just as I thought, this form is amazing! With a flash of light, Sam's tie was around his neck, and Bit's passed-out form had its monocle on. I mean, just LOOK at what I can do!

Luke smiled briefly before recalling something and slightly frowning. Yes...and you'd best keep doing things...or keep yourself under very strict control.

Vincent tilted his head at that. What? Why?

Kadabra have so much psychic power...it tends to 'leak' out from them in the form of alpha waves. If you don't control yourself, then...clocks will start running backwards, delicate machinery will go haywire...and headaches will start in those closest to you.

Vincent gulped thickly as he ran a hand over his head. Yikes. I'll try. Maybe a few things like...hmm. I'll try them out later. Anyways, I was saying something before this, I know I was. What was it?...

"You were thinking about a va..." Lucy supplied.

The Kadabra pointed at the Lucario and smiled. Yes, I was thinking about a vacation! That was it!

Luke appeared puzzled by this news. A vacation from here?

Vincent nodded. My reasons are twofold. First, I'm not sure if you've noticed this, Luke. But ponies are crazy. All of them, sometimes in little ways, sometimes...not so little.

Luke softly chuckled at the news. Fair enough...and the second?

Vincent looked to the horizon and sighed. I don't want to fall into the same pattern again.

I beg your pardon?

The Kadabra looked to his family before looking back at the Gallade. We just got out of a facility that, for some of us, was all we knew of the world. Now, granted, we're not anywhere near that facility now. But there's a world out there. A huge, wide world. A new world, the likes of which NONE of us have seen. I don't just want to sit idle. I want to SEE IT! Vincent waved one arm at the horizon, as though he were attempting to encompass the entire world in one broad hand gesture. I want to use my new-found freedom and see this world before I settle down as a detective here!

Luke nodded once and smiled. An admirable goal...but before you go to pursue it, permit me to give you something...

The Gallade held out a hand, and in a flash of light, two spoons, one bent, appeared hovering over it. Or rather, return something to you, in honor of your Evolution.

The Kadabra looked stunned for a moment, extended one hand towards the spoons, thought about it, retracted the hand, and then grabbed a hold of his top hat. With a quick swipe, both spoons were safely secreted within the headgear, and Vincent nodded. Not unless necessary will I draw them.

Luke smiled again, wider this time. It is good that you take...so many lessons to heart.

Vincent closed on Luke's form and gave him yet another hug. Take care, teacher. And if it isn't too much trouble, look after our place while we're gone?

The Gallade nodded and cautiously returned the embrace. I will try.

The Kadabra turned back to Lucy and Sam, nodding once at them, and then picked up the limp form of Bit in his Psychic grasp. Shall we away, then, my family?

Lucy sighed and nodded. "Where to, then?"

Sam grinned and flexed, showing off his new form. "Yeah, I assume you have a list of places you'd like to visit...or...do you?"

Vincent hummed and put one hand to his chin before absently stroking his mustache. No, but I can get one...one moment...

A small burst of blue light expanded out from Vincent's head and rapidly swept outwards. After a moment or two, the wave rebounded back into his head, and Vincent nodded before looking back to his family. Right, a list of three locations that we can easily visit, as they're all in Equestria. First up, Manehatten is said to be a popular, thriving city. We'll go there, see the sights, do the touristy thing.

As the quartet wandered their way to the train station, Luke thought of something and frowned.

Where on earth will he get the money to do this?

In a storage unit half a city away from the warehouse PegasusAir had been using, there was one passed-out pony who had been quite thoroughly convinced he was a pumpkin, at least for the next hour. The last rational thought he'd had had been something along the lines of Well that's a curious little yellow fox, wait, why is it glowing blue, what's going o-

The door to the unit had been raised, and any contents that were there had been removed quite completely. The only thing left was the dust and impressions of rather large bags and collections thereof. Along with a note. If one were to read the note, they'd see something along these lines.

To Ace, captain of the guard.

If you're here, then I assume it's because you finally got Business Mind to tell you where all the 'clean' bits were. I got the information from her mind in two minutes and ten seconds.

Oh, not to worry. The casinos she had been using have been paid in full for all the damages, and I only took a ten percent finders' fee. Plus, the 'dirty' money is all yours, and you'll find the leftover bits from this unit with them. Consider it a donation to your retirement fund.

Now if you'll pardon me, I have a country to explore and enjoy.

Vincent walked up to the train station and looked at the colt behind the counter. Hello sir. Four for Manehatten.

The pony behind the desk nodded and pulled off four tickets for the four Pokemon. "Forty bits," the colt said.

Vincent put Bit down and pulled off his top hat. Sticking his hand in and rooting around a moment revealed the normal spoon, and the psychic closed his eyes for a moment. With a flash, a huge piece of wheeled luggage materialized out of nowhere. Another, smaller flash saw forty golden coins appear on the desk in front of the pony, who carefully nudged them before nodding and placing them in his desk and hoofing the tickets over. Sam carefully took his in his right claw, and Lucy grabbed a hold of hers. The last two floated in front of the Kadabra, whose eyes were open and looking at the pony intently.

Thank you. Ah...where might I load our luggage?

The colt pointed at the luggage car down the train a ways. "Best hurry, sir. Train leaves in five minutes."

Not a problem, and thank you.

As Vincent passed Bit on to Sam, the bug hissed in his ear. "When did we get luggage?"

When we took ten percent of the 'clean' bits from PegasusAir.

"And when did you do that?" Lucy nearly shouted into Vincent's ear.

When you weren't looking. I have another two pieces like this, along with a smaller one, sitting in our apartment back home. We will not starve on our little trip around Equestria...but we'd best be careful, otherwise we'll all need high-paying jobs when we come back.

Vincent walked off to summon and load the luggage onto the train, while Sam and Lucy sought out a compartment for their journey. After a few minutes, when the 'All Aboard' call went out, Vincent walked in and relaxed in the center seat, under the window. Lucy sat to his right, Sam to his left, and Bit lay on the floor, still out of it.

Ah well. He'll recover soon, I'm sure.

And the train carried the odd family of Pokemon to the horizon.

Chapter twenty one - Giving some Assurance to they that need it

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It was the middle of the night when Bit finally stirred, which caught Vincent's attention very quickly, as the Porygon-Z was attempting to leave the compartment. The door shut itself in a blue glow of power, which caused Bit to turn and look at the Kadabra with thankfully normal eyes. Why do you seek to leave, Bit?

"I have done someth-th-thing unconscionable. I should pay for my ac-ac-actions."

You will, by being in our custody. At least, until I do this.

The program tilted its disconnected head to one side. "Do what?"

At that, Vincent closed his eyes and sighed before saying the next sentence in a very drained tone. Subject sixteen, this is master Vincent. Enter diagnostic mode. Delete the operating system regarding the simulator room.

Bit's eyes turned green and his body stiffened before he responded. "Operating system deleted. What of the logs and move listings?"

Keep them. The logs for the Rangers, in case they...or really, anyone, wants to know what happened there. The moves for more than yourself; if we can find a way to get them out of your head, then we can teach those who need or want it.

"Understood. Shall this unit drop out of diagnostic mode now?"

If you'd like.

Bit's eyes flashed and returned to their normal yellow. The program shook his head a few times to try and clear the fuzzy sensation from it before locking eyes with Vincent again. He went to speak, but paused upon noticing something shocking.

"I...You just freed up a good bit of memory and processing power. I...think I can...yes, I can talk without the stutter now!"

The Porygon-Z cheered and zoomed around the compartment a few times before stopping and hugging Vincent with his arms and tail.

I'm glad you're happy, Bit. But now I have a question, and you don't need to answer it right now. However, you should at least consider it.

Bit backed up and nodded once. "Whatever you ask, Vincent."

Do you think you'd like to get rid of my access to your other functions, like diagnostic mode? Personally, I dislike having so much power over you.

Bit pondered the question for a moment before shaking his head. "Personally, I much prefer it if you have the access. That way, in case I'm ever malfunctioning again, you can stop me. I trust you far more than the Doctor."

Vincent nodded once, slowly. Very well then. Get some rest...or whatever you do when we're all asleep.

Bit nodded and hovered in the middle of the compartment with his eyes closed. Vincent could vaguely hear the string of numbers that the program was now reciting to himself in his head and sighed. It'd take a lot to get used to these new powers.

And I know you two were awake for that, Vincent thought at Sam and Lucy, who, to their credit, only stiffened slightly before relaxing and mimicking their sleep once more.

Kinda hard not to be awake, Sam thought back. Once Bit started talking and you started projecting your voice around, it was pretty hard to get back to sleep.

My apologies, Vincent thought back. But your thoughts on the matter?

You both made the right calls, Lucy responded. You for wanting to give up your access to Bit's functions, and Bit for trusting you with them.

Yeah, Sam added. Still...woulda been nice if you coulda just tweaked the simulator room's operating system, figured out what the hangup was with him and Conversion 2.


Look, I'm just saying, if you made it so he kept attacking instead of looking for a defense that couldn't have been breached, then maybe that would have been worth holding on to.

At what cost? When Sam didn't reply, Vincent pressed the point. Bit's happier now. He doesn't have to stutter anymore, nor will he need to be kept from combat situations. Plus, all the pertinent information has been saved. He can still be himself, no matter what goes on around him.

...Fine. I get it. He's plenty dangerous enough as himself.

Not the lesson we were going for, Sam.

I GET IT, LUCY! In the end, it should be Bit's choice, and I suppose I can respect both you and him for it. I may not like it, but I can respect it.

Good. Vincent smiled softly and raised one glowing hand. Now is the conversation over and are we going to sleep, or do I have to help you two get there?

No no, I'm fine!

We're fine, brother. Get some sleep yourself.

The family, whole once more, drifted into the land of slumber. At least, those that did sleep.

Vincent woke up, stretched, and looked at the unconscious forms of Sam and Lucy. Looking out the window revealed nothing about how close they were to Manehatten, so he decided to let them sleep in a little longer. A quick pulse of thought at Bit got his attention. Bit, if they wake up while I’m out, let them know I’ll be back soon.

Yes sir.

With that, the Kadabra walked out of the compartment, in search of either a pony who knew when they’d be arriving, or the dining car. He’d only just noticed he was hungry now. A few seconds of flexing his new power got him the location of a conductor, and he headed in that direction.

Ah, pardon me, good sir.

The pony winced at the sudden voice in his head but nodded at the pokemon in front of him. “Yes?”

Do you know how long it’ll be until we arrive?

The pony pulled out a pocketwatch and looked at it. “Well, it’s eight now. Schedule says we’ll arrive at ten.”

Ah, excellent. And...which way to the dining car?

The colt pointed at the door he was standing near. “Two cars down, can’t miss it.”

My thanks. A moment’s worth of concentration had a bit of gold in his hand, which he popped into the conductor’s pocket. For the quick and courteous service.

A quick yet filling breakfast later, and Vincent was back with his family, which was only now beginning to stir. Breakfast can be found two carts down, and we’ll arrive in...one hour and forty five minutes.

Sam grumbled but nodded and made his way out the door. Lucy hesitated for a moment, glancing at Vincent, before following. The Kadabra looked out the window at the scenery passing by, taking it all in calmly.

First, Manehatten, the psychic thought to himself. Then Ponyville. And finally, Canterlot, before returning to Las Pegasus.

The train pulled into the station, and after a moment to allow everything to settle, the odd family of Pokemon disembarked from the massive mechanical vehicle. “Aaah, feels so good to stretch again,” Sam said while flexing his claws. “Wait, let me revise that. It feels so good to be out of that compartment.”

Lucy nodded while performing a few warm-up exercises to keep herself limber. “Yes, it does.” She then turned to Vincent, who had just summoned their luggage from the train and took a hold of one of the pieces. “So where to?”

Sam grabbed a hold of another piece of luggage while Vincent pondered. Don’t know, really. I could just send out a ping, see what I get. In fact, that’s what I’ll do. I oughta get loads of information about what’s what in Manehatten from it.

With that, the Kadabra closed his eyes and held one hand up to his forehead. A blue glow sprang up around both before intensifying, and then Vincent opened his eyes. Ping! he shouted before the wave of light rushed out into the city. After a moment, it rebounded on the psychic, and he nodded. Oooh, loads of things to go see! I got a list of tourist attractions right here, now! As well as the name and location of a good hotel. Sometimes I love being able to skim minds.

The hotel in question let them in and take three rooms with little fuss. As to why they only needed three, Bit didn't really sleep and could just hover anywhere. Apparently, he also had the habit of consuming electricity from street lamps when he needed to recharge himself. Sometimes, though, the lights would burst if he ate from them too long.

Both Sam and Vincent claimed 'not it' for telling Ace that Bit was adding to the city maintenance bill.

The day was filled with many sights, from the Statue of Harmony and the harbor to the central park. Several art museums and outside musicians that filled the city with a feast for the senses. Dinner was a simple affair, a local griffon and pony jointly-run restaurant catered to all their dietary needs. It was such a whirlwind day, Vincent thought he would have trouble remembering everything.

Fortunately for him, his mind was already on it...

Vincent walked out of the hotel, still slightly sore that none of his family would let him near coffee and still insisted he wake up early. Bah. I still say either you should let me sleep in or develop psychic powers to scan the minds of the townsfolk on your own.

Sam shrugged and sipped at his mug of coffee. “But you do it so well! I mean, we had fun yesterday, right?”

Vincent shrugged. A fair point. Okay, fine. I’ll send out another ping while you all finish your drinks.

The Kadabra put a hand to his head and caused both to glow before he closed his eyes. The eerie, eldritch blue light increased drastically before his eyes snapped open again. Ping!

The wave of light expanded outwards rapidly, quickly phasing through solid materials and vanishing from sight. It was only when it rebounded upon him while they were making their way down the street that Vincent got a response.

The slap hit Vincent with what could almost be mistaken as actual force, the way he reacted. Gah! Another Psychic! Oh my, one as strong as Luke, easy! With that, he pulled his top hat off and grabbed a hold of his Twisted Spoon. Not messing around, are you, well, neither am I…

State your intentions, a voice echoed in his mind, and Vincent closed his eyes before answering. He pictured his new body in a dark void, softly speaking his answer to the unknown voice. The mental world formed around him, encompassing him in the darkness.

I sent the ping out to loosely scan pony minds, find what was worth doing during my time in Manehatten. I’ll not be here long, I don’t think. Who...or what are you to turn this on me so easily? You remind me of my mentor…

I had to be good for the kind of job I have. As for what, I don't see the point that can mean anything young Kadabra.

Vincent felt the response, along with the direction it came from. It appeared like a spotlight shining in one, very distant, place in the mental construct he’d made. However, he stood his ground and waited.

So you know what I am. And my age. And if I expend a little power…

The scenery shifted, to that of a grove, with a distant tree growing. Huge. Mighty.

I can see your strength. I’d be a fool to go after you, even with my aid. But what really interests me…

Vincent turned his eyes to the thick branches connected to the trunk and smiled.

Are the ones you’re connected to. What’s the odds that I could reach out and touch someone, mysterious person? And do you think they’d like to see what’s locked up in my head from a first-person point of view? Go on...tell them my name. I’m sure they know the stories...and I’m pretty sure by now you’ve plucked that much from my mind at least…

"You shouldn't say what you plan to do," said a familiar voice for the Kadabra with a yet unheard monotone of a voice, one that he thought of as his brother. "Or else others may take your idea, like this." As to emphasize his point, one of the Scizor's 'claws' found its way around his neck, pinching slightly.

The form of Sam threatening him was something new indeed, but Vincent remained calm. This is my mind, my realm. True, we may be talking to one another, but on this little side of our line in the sand, I determine what happens here.

The form of the Scizor blurred and melted away before Vincent turned his gaze to the tree. Even now, the branches on it were becoming covered in leaves, hiding all but the trunk from him.

Well now, that’s interesting. An attack and a defense. And Luke once told me that he was unusually strong for his sort. So I doubt you’re a Gallade or a Gardevoir. You could be an Alakazam, but that’s not the feeling I got from your latest attack, no. That was cold, emotionless. If you had any feelings in your heart, you’d have known that my family means more to me than anything. We’d never turn on one another. But you...you just don’t care, do you?

A blurry image slowly took the place of the tree, that of a regular Metagross as Vincent began to puzzle out the identity of the one on the other side.

Hello mister number-one non-legendary psychic, how are you?

Quite a smart move, to take hold over your own mind by keeping your emotions in check and your reality in control, a good move indeed, not to mention you also deducted my kind by mere reasoning, fascinating. But just one word of advice: try to keep an eye on your mind as well as your body.

As he heard this, the Scizor's claws pressed against Vincent's skin once more, his real skin.

Vincent cracked an eye open to see Sam’s eyes glazed over slightly, one claw over his neck. With something resembling cold fury, he felt out the link that the Metagross was using and severed it with far more power than he strictly needed. Luke had mentioned that the more you put into controlling someone else and the harder that connection is snapped, the more feedback is generated along the loop. He hoped that the one on the other end got such a headache from this.

You. Just crossed. A damn. LINE. Tell me why I shouldn’t treat you like you’re my father. Give me one DAMN reason why I shouldn’t hound yours for what you just did to my family!

Unbeknown to him at the time, Vincent’s powers started to leak around him, causing minor headaches in the vicinity. He was losing control…

My apologies, I was trying to make a point. You shouldn't just throw threats without knowing who is at the other side.

As the apology rang out, a shiny Metagross appeared in Vincent’s realm, just outside his mental wall.

"Good construction," he admired, "although I think this is an outdated defense mechanism, I can still see its been properly crafted."

However, at that moment, things were happening in reality...


Lucy looked around, taking in the sudden shadow, and not liking it one bit. She liked it even less when she got the funny sensation she should look up, and saw a floating hunk of metal above them. She really hated it when it stopped floating.

“Extreme Speed!” She barked out before putting on a burst of it and dragging Sam’s form out of the line of (presumable) fire. Bit looked up as well and got the idea, hovering away. Putting on another burst of Extreme Speed saw Lucy to covering Vincent’s form with her own, knowing she could take the (presumably incoming) hit better.

And thus she braced and waited...


Vincent was concentrating on his little wall. He hovered over the center of the glade and glared at the Metagross that had appeared. Yes, well, it’s a remnant of when Luke was training me. Taught me to build a wall, then taught me the real rules…

Just then, the stones started to fly around, zooming and crashing into one another. It was a veritable storm of stone centered on the Kadabra. The only real rule is that there ARE no rules! Give me a good reason to NOT pummel you, and I MAY listen!

"How about my half ton body about to crush you...?" The Metagross said while giving a quick look to the real world, "and your sister."

Vincent’s eyes widened at that. No...no no no. Not Lucy...no, she’s not had something so heavy before, no…

He attempted to break out, to get out his mind-realm, but couldn’t. Something was keeping him here, and he had a pretty good idea what. The stones all stopped at once before, somehow, lighting on fire.

You defile my brother, threaten my sister, and deny me the chance to help them...why should I not search for those you were linked to and rend their minds apart in kind? What was that saying Sam told me once? ‘An eye for an eye?’

The stones slowly started to spin again, but they were all between the Kadabra and the Metagross.

I’m finding myself fond of it right now…

"The retaliation would leave the world blind," calmly quoted the steel/psychic as he made a mirror appear before them, outside the rock's trajectory. "Beside, you said it yourself, there are no rules here, no up, no down," the mirror then showed the image of a Lucario clinging to a Kadabra as if her life depended on it, even though it was quite the opposite, yet the scene seemed off, "there is not a 'then' nor a 'will' all there is is the 'now,' and believe me, we can make good use of it."

Then another mirror appeared, this one showing Bit trying to jump into the trajectory as well, yet despite him moving at what looked like the speed of light, it also seemed like he was moving slowly. Very slowly.

"By my calculations, I will make impact in three seconds, maybe less, but here that time can be around two to three hours, time enough for me to make my point." And with that said, the Metagross raised one of his massive legs while adding, "what do you think this grassland is?"

My realm. My sanctum santorum. My ONE PLACE I can be safe. And you are here, defiling it, threatening my family. If you had lived my life, you might see why one like me would respond with suspicion and hostility to your probing, to what you’ve DONE to them, what you ARE doing to them. In fact, there’s an idea. Why DON’T YOU?!

With that, the boulders exploded, releasing their payloads of some of the worst of Vincent’s memories directly at the Metagross. All the experiments he’d been forced to watch, sans those of his family. All the gruesome, gory details. Not a one was left out. Not that he could remember, anyways.

You kept poking me, pushing all the wrong buttons! HERE’S YOUR REWARD!

The massive psychic received the payload of horrors Vincent had to live through, and even some of the feelings the once human kid had to go through as well. As they played back, he remained silent, eyes closed shot, and then he finally spoke.

"The actual applications for metal made out of Bedlum would be revolutionary, the experimentation with Kangaskan's children in order to define if they are related to Kubone aren't all that lost, and the possibilities of humans having Pokemon abilities would have made the world Arceus envisioned so much easier."

He then added with a tad of discouragement, "but trying to make a Jigglypuff with a Exploud's reach of sound is just impractical, and I would even say dumb."

He then give Vincent a long glance.

"I suppose that was your ultimate defense, pitiful, you have much potential, but you are wrong if you think the world, the whole world, has all been living a happy life while you and your family rotted in that laboratory."

As to make his point, the Metagross then made Vincent see a single battlefield, his mind now connected to all of those who were just about to lose their everything, and the despair filled thoughts that clung to them.

Countless screams of 'I don't wanna die!' And 'please Arceus save me!' Or 'why?' But mostly 'mommy!' filled the young mind of the Kadabra.

"The world is a cruel place kid, I am sure you better than no one should know that, but again I told you: don't go around thinking you have the worst story of the world, because there will always be someone who had it worse."

He let his message sink in as he removed the memory, then he proceeded.

"As for this grassland, how do you think there can be space and matter in a place where only thoughts lie?" Before an answer could be given, the larger psychic replied, "The answer is 'it can't,’ so then what is this place made of?"

Again the Metagross provided the answer right away. "The answer is 'yourself'" and then he gave the earth a ground shattering hit, causing Vincent to nearly double over.

"This place is your subconscious kid, make that pain remember it."

Vincent staggered a bit before glaring at the Metagross. Fine. I suppose we both have our horror stories. But if you think I’m just going to SIT HERE while you threaten my sister, think again. I still have a few tricks. And besides, I don’t have to rely on those final memories. After all, you find the idea of metal made from Bedlum so interesting?

With a flexing of his will, the Metagross found the grassland changed to something akin to the interior of a volcano. Then let’s see you melt!

"Anger?" Asked the larger psychic.

Rage. All my rage for the man that my father became. I respect my father. I loathe the doctor entirely. Everything he made me sit through. Everything he did to me, in the name of science. And still, never finding an answer. And now I’m here. So now he’ll never know. Fifteen years of hell for NOTHING! My rage and anger and HATRED for that doctor! I normally keep it on a low boil by reminding myself that he’s not here now, but lucky you! I dragged it all up as a result of reliving THOSE DAMN MEMORIES!

The ‘floor’ of the chamber reacted to Vincent’s words, churning far more rapidly than it had a moment ago. With no interference, this place would erupt quite quickly.

The Metagross sighed at the sight, "Oh my boy how lost are you." And with not another word the magma erupted, melting the whole body of the Shiny pokemon in an instant.

Vincent blinked and looked up to see everything from the scene in the mirror still happening in greatly exaggerated motions. It was like time was still moving slowly. But...that couldn’t be right. If he was free, then time should be moving normally. The only logical conclusion was…

“I’m not free...am I? Y’know, I thought Luke was exaggerating how strong Metagross were. Guess not.”

I just happen to have been through a lot kid, The other psychic’s voice sounded everywhere within Vincent’s mind, And I had to learn that those memories plus the amount of power I have can end in far more destruction when a single moment of control is lost, here.

At this command, a third mirror appeared, showing the scene from before but at a slightly further distance, there, a couple of Ponies, a Unicorn and Pegasus, were holding their heads with their hooves. Not only there, all around the vicinity were Ponies and Pokemon alike in poses of pain, as if something were crushing their skulls.

This required a whole series of extreme events to take place but it still happened, one thing is to keep things under control, and another is to control them.

Then the mirrors were banished.

Vincent gaped at the scene before looking to his hands. “I...did that. Because I couldn’t control myself, I did that.”

He paused for a moment before scowling and shooting a dirty look at nothing in particular. “Then again, I’m pretty sure our little tussle isn’t entirely blameless on either side. I’ll admit to having misstepped, true, but you crossed lines that you should never have even looked for. We both escalated this thing far beyond what it needed to be.”

The Kadabra returned the scenery to his field and looked to one hand where his conjured spoon was before tossing it aside. “Now how about we talk this over like adults? I’m Vincent Nurem. Who are you?”

The space around Vincent began to be filled with what appeared to be metallic sand, the dust coming together at a fast pace until it took the form of a silver Metagross with a golden X.

"Xavier," replied the mercenary as he softly placed one of his massive legs on Vincent's outstretched hand. "And for the record, I did apologize, a couple of times actually."

“‘Sorry’ doesn’t fix what you did. I could share the memories of Sam and I, but the last time I did that, I caused a Gallade to want to murder my father more than I did. Let’s just say, he’ll not be missing his ability to fly. He never had it. And now you turned him on me. He’s consoled me more times than I can count. He’s my big brother in all but blood. And you twisted that to prove a point. I’m sure there were other ways. Plus you decided to drop from the freaking sky on us. Lucy may be dense and capable of taking hits, but I’m pretty sure half a ton of you isn’t something she’s rated for! Yeah, you’ve apologized, but those words mean squat compared to the deeds that preceded them.”

"Agreed, I must admit my curiosity took the best of me," acknowledged Xavier, "but I needed to see your limits and break them, those suffering right now began to do so when I took hold of your brother, if that happens with just one line, I don't think all of them being crossed will end well."

He ponder for a second and added, "Not to mention that having trigger points for anger are highly irresponsible, you can put not only yourself in danger, but those beside you as well, namely your family."

“Excuse me for trying to live a life I never had, alongside my family! Sheesh. If I knew I was going to be attacked just for looking for things to do while in Manehatten, I’d never have come here!”

He waved a hand dismissively. “Whatever. Look, we both did wrong. Probably me moreso, but let’s not ignore what you’ve done either. Now are we in danger of being crushed, or will the flying metallic psychic tank kindly refrain from doing as such so we can be on our way? I’m thinking the first train out of here is our next destination.”

"... I thought you were joking about that. That is even more irresponsible, not to mention childish." Commented Xavier with a tone which seemed to remove Vincent from the previous consideration of before.

"But I guess I shouldn't be one to judge, what I have done was harsh, I agree on that, but can you blame a mercenary for doing what he has been trained to do most of its life?"

Not giving time for Vincent to react, he added, "And don't you say you want to protect your family yourself? I thought your kind knew Teleport." The last part was filled with sarcasm to the brim of every word.

Vincent sighed. “Teleport would be running from the problem, not solving it. And yeah, I kinda can blame you.”

Two images of Doctor Nurem appeared, but one was...kinder, warmer, while the other had a scalpel in his right hand.

“I can blame my father for the choices he made which led to me being the only one to live through that experiment of his. He trained to be a doctor. He chose to enact that experiment. He trained to be a medical genius. He chose to work on that Grumpig, which gave rise to the man I knew. And that man chose time and again to do horrible things...because he could no longer feel.”

The Kadabra locked eyes with the Metagross as he said the next few statements. “You were born a steel/psychic with unimaginable potential. You were trained as a merc. You chose to be a dick, so yes, I can blame you.”

Xavier kept his 'angry' gaze at the Kadabra, and then he began to laugh, "I can't find any fault in your logic, most of the reason why we ended like this was because I kept escalating things. For that I truly apologize.

"But you shouldn't be afraid of running, it can save more lives than you can imagine, but if you prefer," again the Metagross added a bit of sarcasm, "you can call it a tactical retreat."

Then another mirror appeared showing his current trajectory.

"And I would suggest you start now, I passed the point of no return a few milliseconds ago."

And with that, the mindscape broke into tiny, tiny shards.


Vincent blinked before he activated Teleport, feeling Lucy’s form still over his. Remembering where Bit was back from the mirror, and checking himself with a tendril of power, the duo landed on the program Pokemon and Teleported again, this time landing atop Sam. Once more, with feeling, the four of them warped down the street, just in time for a large THUD to rock the surrounding area.

Vincent then recalled that he was still holding his Twisted Spoon...and thought twice about putting it away. As long as he controlled himself, it should be fine. Right?

He turned to look at the Metagross that had just landed and crossed his arms while looking at the damage to the street. “I’m not paying for that, just so you know.”

"I have a good insurance," joked the Metagross with its monotone as he walked out of the crater he just made, "and I am afraid I have to apologize again."

“Yeah, you do, but what was that thing about actions and words?” Vincent pointed to the still slumped form of Sam. “I could try to fix him, but someone just made it plainly clear how little experience I have.”

Xavier analyzed the Scizor's catatonic expression and arched an eyebrow, "you should be able to solve that with ease," yet his eyes shone and Sam began to mumble. "But I presume you are right again."

The Metagross looked around at the still head hurting passerby's, all giving strange looks at the group, specially to a spoon wielding Kadabra, then Xavier sighed.

"And I am afraid you misunderstood, I wasn't apologizing for the missteps I had, but by the one I... We, are about to do."

Vincent glared before he recalled something important. “The ones you’re linked to. They’re coming...or here, aren’t they.”

He sighed before closing his eyes and coating himself in his power. “Am I likely to have to defend myself from them in a similar fashion? Because you and I had so much fun and understanding right from the get-go!”

If the sarcasm were any thicker, the passerby would be able to cut it with a knife.

"Oh no, I wouldn't dare to have that kind of fun," claimed a voice right behind Vincent, at the same time Lucy and Bit fell unconscious, "it would be dangerous for my health!" And then it was Vincent's turn to go down as a Bisharp kneeled before him.

"Sorry kid, nothing personal." He said at the end.

Surprisingly, Vincent wasn’t done. Oh, he was weak. Hurt. But he’d lived under a madman.

He knew pain.

It was a shaky start, but he eventually stood on his two legs again and glared at the one before him and the Metagross standing behind them.

“Yeah...no. Not...not sticking around...anymore. Maybe when you explain the situation to them...maybe we can talk again, Xavier. But until then…”

He held the Spoon out and closed his eyes before whispering a single word.


It coated his family and flung them back to their hotel room while creating half a dozen ‘false’ trails to follow as well. Today was a bust, and when he felt more rested and whole, he’d see about leaving the city entire.

(Somewhere else.
In a certain hotel room.)

"That was awesome!" Exclaimed an excited Hawlucha with a big grin, a Roserade beside her as they sat on Vincent's bed, "can we do it again?"

That was about when four beings flashed into existence in the bedroom and thumped to the floor. Vincent picked himself up and looked at the two on his bed before freezing. One thing came to mind, and his mouth said it before his brain filtered it.

“Who are you and what in the bloody hell are you doing on MY BED?!”

Chapter twenty-two - Unusual Attraction is experienced, not explained

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The Roserade and the Hawlucha looked at the confused Vincent, the weakened Sam and the KO-ed Lucy and Bit. The fighting-flying type stood on the bed while the grass-poision type sat more properly while keeping one of her bouquets close to her face.

"I must admit 'borrowing' a Teleport is fun from time to time," acknowledged the bouquet Pokemon with grace.

"Cierto!" Chirped in the Wrestling Pokemon with glee, "it tickles all over when that happens, I wish Xavier could do that."

Vincent sighed and looked at Sam, who was only now coming around. “Sam, I will explain what happened to you in a moment…”

“No need,” the Scizor growled. “I was merely forced into a back seat, I didn’t stop seeing. If I knew any moves that’d be effective against that Metagross, I’d offer to use them for what he did...making me turn on you like that…”

Vincent winced at the bite in Sam’s tone. “Yes, well...I suppose the fault lies with me for not shielding you well either…”

One of Sam’s claws rested gently on Vincent’s shoulder. “Hey. You’re just getting used to your strength, let alone your new strength. Not your fault if you didn’t think of it to begin with...though I will request you look into it. In the meantime…” Sam’s other claw waved to the two on the bed, “What shall we do regarding them?”

Vincent looked quickly at Bit and had a brainwave. “Watch them. Maybe ask who they are, why they’re here. I have an idea.”

The Scizor moved a few steps closer, positioning himself between his family and friends and the intruders. “You heard the kid…” he said quite simply while flexing his claws.

"Word of advice," offered the Roserade, "don't be so obvious with your planning dear, it makes others aware of your ideas, but with that being said; we normally do this to begin more proper talks, if we wanted to continue this..." A small ball made of shadows began to form on one of the Bouquet Pokemon's bouquets, it was slightly smaller than regular Shadow Balls, yet unlike the regular ones, this one seemed to be made of pure darkness, almost as Dark-type move, "we would have ended this the moment the teleportation ended."

"Vamos, vamos," said the Hawlucha with a peaceful tone, "we are not here to douche each other, okay, we are here to keep you here until our boss arrives, that is how this normally goes."

The grass-poison type smiled at her friend's words, yet she didn't remove the Ghost move, although neither was she pointing it at anyone. "So shall we parley then?"

Sam sighed at the sight. “Great...just bloody great. I mean, yeah, I know a few things that could be useful in a fight…” Here he eyed the Roserade and Hawlucha with a more critical glance, “Especially due to your typing, but I’m getting the sensation I’m outclassed again. It’d be nice to be able to win one of these situations.”

Suddenly recalling something, Sam looked over his shoulder at the knocked-out Lucy and grimaced. “Great...The connection must’ve been cut before I could see how, well…” here he looked over to the barely-standing Vincent sitting near the knocked-out Bit, “that happened.”

He glanced back at the Roserade and snorted once. “Unknown Pokemon in Vincent’s room, half my friends knocked out, and I’m outclassed. So you can see why I might be a bit nervous in this scenario, I’m sure. I’m also pretty sure your idea of parley in this situation is more ‘there there, little boy, sit down and you’ll get a reward while the grown-ups talk.’”

Vincent, meanwhile, had gotten close to Bit and prayed he could still hear his mental voice. Subject sixteen, this is Master Vincent.

The Roserade made the attack vanish and proceeded to laugh, elegantly, but laugh nevertheless. "Now, now, we are used to situations like these, and believe me when I say we have been on both sides of them, but don't worry, we will talk with you properly."

"Not to mention underestimating niños is very dangerous, by the way..." At this point, the Hawlucha seemed to disappear off her spot on the bed, only to stand between Vincent and Bit, "I think my amiga just told you not to be so obvious," then she gently, very gently in fact, took the unconscious body of Bit off the ground and calmly walked back to the bed where she kept Bit on her lap. "And don't worry, I am not going to say something cliche a la movie villain, lo prometo."

"I would recommend using a 'look right, go left' tactic, as our boss calls them." Pointed out the Roserade, quite calmly.

“Properly…” Sam sighed. “Talking with us properly would be a change. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard the stories, but here, I’ll introduce us. I’m Sam, formerly subject thirty-five of Nurem’s lab. The Lucario behind me is Lucy, formerly subject thirty-six. And that’s Vincent, the one who was there longest, subject thirty-seven. As you might imagine, we’ve not had a lot of time to develop people skills. And any time we were talked to ‘properly,’ it ended up being a lure to a trap. So you might begin to understand our trepidation at being ambushed in his hotel room.”

Vincent merely smiled as he got a mental response from Bit. On...online, master Vincent...barely. What can this unit do for you?

“Oh, I’m not worried about him or about being obvious," Vincent chipped in. "That’s subject sixteen, also known as Bit. Also known as the facility’s back-up plan in case anything ever went down. Memory dump in his mind of everything that ever happened there. Including the simulator room, but I had him cut that out of his head on the way over. The operating systems, that is. Funny, did you know my father had him programmed to respond to his voice? Complete obedience. When I told him to fix himself, he left me a key. A very specific key. One I just used. Subject sixteen, emergency Recover.”

Bit’s form glowed white, and he slowly began to hover in the middle of the room again. Blinking revealed that his normal yellow eyes had turned green, and the program turned to look at Vincent before responding in an emotionally dead tone. “Recover successful. Shall this unit return to normal operating mode?”

“If you’d like.”

The eyes turned yellow again, and Bit shook his head before floating back over to Vincent. “What...happened? The last thing I recall was standing next to you and the Metagross talking to us…”

The mercenaries looked a bit sad, and almost guilty, for a second, at the words Sam and Vincent had said.

"We have heard of him..." the Roserade began, shifting her gaze for the first time, "and we do know how some subjects would fight to the death instead of talking."

The Hawlucha blurred again and snatched Bit from the air, but she didn't seem as cheerful as before. "Bounty hunt jobs can be quite messy. But anyway! That is one awesome trick you have there amigo," she praised the Porygon-Z as she sat back on the bed, "I can do it too, but every time I use Roost, I get grounded for a second, that is annoying."

"And I think I may be able to help your friend here," added the Bouquet Pokemon again as she gently pointed at Lucy, "I mean, I do believe you may want to have your whole family to listen don't you?"

Vincent and Sam exchanged a look at the Roserade’s words. Vincent slowly nodded. Let her pass, but watch her. I still don’t trust them...they’ve not even told us their names, or if they even have any.

Sam nodded as well and slowly walked to one side, to allow the grass-type access to the passed-out Lucario.

Bit, meanwhile, turned his disconnected head around and slightly glared at the Hawlucha holding him. “Please refrain from doing that. It is...unnerving, I think is the word.”

“Oh, also,” Vincent pitched in, “I only have memories of what I saw. Bit, quick question. How many unauthorized experiments took place at the lab? Ones with unique test subjects?”

Bit’s eyes flashed once. “Eight hundred and fifty one unauthorized experiments took place with unique test subjects. All the authorized ones were successful because of the unauthorized ones.”

Vincent merely smiled at that. “Bit can’t ever forget. Or rather, he could, but won’t.”

The Roserade merely smiled before replying to the caution that Sam and Vincent had exchanged.

"Don't worry, I will keep a safe distance, see?" The bouquet she was pointing at the remaining KO-ed Lucario sprouted a single vine which made its way towards Lucy, sprouting a small rose as well which began to glow as the room was filled with a soothing scent. "There," she pointed out as the Aromatherapy took care of the remaining family member.

On her end the Hawlucha let go of Bit, "de acuredo, but why is it unnerving?" She obliviously asked.

"Not to mention what do you mean with he could, but he won't?" Asked a mental voice which wasn't Xavier's. Then a tapping came from the window, where a Bisharp was currently awaiting atop the shiny Metagross. "By the way: can I come in? It’s quite windy here."

Lucy slowly began to stir as Bit replied to the question the Hawlucha had posed to him. “I am still not used to not being a part of the mainframe. Physical contact is a thing I have not had for a while. When warned, I can handle it...but it sends...what is the phrase? Ah yes, shivers through me when I am not.”

Vincent merely glared out the window and pointed his Spoon at it. “You can either wait out there or go in through the lobby. I remember you, and if you think I’m being harsh, just ask your friend that you’re sat on about what I think about words making up for deeds.”

The Kadabra turned away then before replying to the question, not caring who heard the response. “And the answer is simple. Bit’s a program. Some of his functions only I can edit, thanks to that whole ‘he sees me as his proper controller thanks to father’ bit, but one of those things he has proper control over are the logs of what happened. We chose, together, that he wouldn’t forget until we found someone to hold accountable. After that, it’s his choice.”

Lucy sat up and looked around now that the Aromatherapy had worked, highly confused as to what was going on. “...Okay, Sam, explanation?”

Sam merely shook his head. “Just hang on, the ride’s not stopping yet.”

"So you get excited then?" the Hawlucha questioned Bit, her friend beside her bouquet palmed.

The Bisharp hung his head in defeat. "Okay, you do have a point, and for the record, he already showed me what happened... The whole fire blocks of memories included, so I can see why you are mad at him, but I have talked to him, properly, so he regrets what he did."

The mercenary then looked up at the window with an apologetic look and tone. "And I am really sorry for what happened and for what you’ve been through, if its of any consolation, you would be a good mercenary, well, at least as the ones I like."

“Not the words I would use," Bit clarified. "The most easily relatable are: Uneasy, goosebumps, and a shiver running down my spine. The last two are hard to properly relate, due to my lack of those things, but they should paint a picture. It’s not quite a phobia, but it does provoke a similar reaction.”

Vincent cast an eye at the window and kept his glare on. “Actions, words, one’s louder. Your friend there, Xavier? Yeah, if we could actually talk again, maybe I could forgive him. You knocked out my sister. I don’t forgive easily.”

Lucy stiffened a bit at those words and glared out the window as well, the organs on the back of her head glowing in response to her thoughts about just firing an Aura Sphere out the wall. Only Sam’s claw on her shoulder restrained her.

"And how is that different from getting excited?" The Wrestling Pokemon asked again, only for the Roserade to put a bouquet over her shoulder. "Darling, just drop it... Please!" The Bouquet Pokemon said to her friend.

The Bisharp seemed surprised Lucy didn't actually shout at him. After a moment to process said shock, he began explaining himself.

"I did wrong, and I apologize, but try to look at the situation from my perspective; I just arrived, everypony and 'mon looked to be in pain and shooting daggers at you, not to mention some Pokémon seemed happy to return the gesture in kind, and I had no idea of what just happened. The only thing I could come up with was taking you all somewhere else, and by the eyes you were giving Xavier here," he patted the Metagross on the head, "I was sure you wouldn't have come peacefully if I asked you to."

He let his words sink in and added, "Not to mention I am currently making you look left."

Again he let the words sink in as the rest of his current team, minus a Noivern, entered the room and sat on the bed without being noticed by the small family.

Vincent stiffened before sighing. “If I turn around, will I like what I see?”

Sam and Lucy goggled at the sight of a team of Pokemon suddenly appearing in the room. Sam looked at the Scizor with a sense of bemusement, Lucy examined the Greninja wearing what looked like a wide vest, and both of them were puzzled as to how the vest-wearing Excadrill had managed to sneak in.

“Um...probably not,” Sam replied.

“Definitely not,” Lucy added.

Vincent sighed again and remained looking at the wall. “I’ll just keep looking here, then. Lucy, you told me yesterday, but do tell the man at the window...what did you do to the last one who insulted or offended you deeply?”

Lucy stiffened a bit before nodding and glaring out the window. “I was training with Maylene and her Lucario, and the male had some interesting ideas as to what being the son of the doctor mean for Vincent’s personality. As a result, I punched him into a quarry wall, and wouldn’t forgive him fully until I bested him in our sparring match the next morning.”

“And what do you think it would take to forgive the one at the window, who snuck up and knocked you out?”

Lucy pondered the question for a moment, or at least made a show of it. “Eh...two or three Aura Spheres to his face, in an area where I wouldn’t have to worry about property damages.”

The unknown Scizor returned the look Sam was giving him with a calm chuckle, "Such a youngster," he said to himself. The Greninja just kept his emotionless expression in response to the visual examination. However, the Excadrill was the most boisterous of the lot. "You guys should have seen Edge trying to get here!" Exclaimed the excitable Subterrene Pokemon as he pointed at the door, which on cue, swung open and revealed a blind Noivern glaring, somehow, at said Excadrill.

"Well excuse me for getting stuck in this tiny Pony structure!"

The Bisharp chuckled, and then he replied to Lucy's statement, "Sounds totally fair, but just so you know, I didn't knock you out," he then shamelessly pointed at the room, "it was Pancha."

"Judas!" The Wrestling Pokemon exclaimed.

The Sword Blade Pokemon didn't seem to mind, "So I take it we are making some progress then, I mean: you are asking for a condition for forgiveness, that is a start."

The Aura pokemon turned to the now-named Pancha and put on a burst of Extreme Speed. In a moment, she was standing next to the bed, with her target in one paw. “Well. Thank you for the information.”

Vincent merely chuckled. “Forgiveness, absolution, all debts square...call it what you will. I’d merely like to be able to leave with my body and mind intact, along with good memories of Manehatten. This was our first stop on our trip ‘round Equestria, now that we have the freedom to actually go places. As it stands, I think this part will be known as, ‘oh, it was a wonderful stay, until the second day happened.’”

Bit observed the now-named Pancha being picked up and turned to the Roserade. “Is it wrong I find this fitting?”

"I think the word you are looking for is ironic dear." Rouge replied.

"Come on, I was just following orders..." Pancha replied with a fake smile, the whole group didn't seem to mind.

"You reap what you sow," pointed the Excadrill with a grin.

Pancha glared at the Excadrill, but grinned right after. "He was the one who took care of the other one!" She exclaimed with childish glee.

The Bisharp, Greninja, Roserade and Scizor let the duo handle their mess, Edge on her side was enjoying what she was hearing. "Oh, now things turn interesting."

"Well, that is sad," replied the Bisharp to Vincent, "one must enjoy their vacations, more when you just happen to have them in like, for ever!" He then stood atop Xavier, who remained cryptically silent, and then proceeded to give Vincent and his family a humble bow.

"Why don't we start over again, hi: I am Weiss, leader of Checkmate, a mercenary guild under the wing of the Griffin Empire. These here are my colleges and, as in your case young Kadabra, my family: I believe you already know Pancha, this is Rouge, Simon the Driller, Char, Greninja and your new door is Edge."

The clothed Bisharp pointed at each member as each name was listed, the pointed in turn replied.

"Hola!" Cheerfully replied Pancha, despite been under Lucy's grip.

"Charmed," said Rouge with an elegant wave of her bouquets.

"Nice to meat'ya!" Replied Simon.

Char and Greninja simply nodded, although Char added a smile. Meanwhile Edge seemed to get stuck on the door frame.

"And this big fella is Xavier, but I think you know him too."

Vincent finally turned around to see the madhouse his room had become and groaned. “Housekeeping is going to complain, I’m sure…”

After the introductions, he cracked a wan smile and pointed at himself. “Vincent Nurem, first and longest survivor. Also known as subject thirty-seven. Father wanted to bridge the gap between man and ‘mon, and injected me at a young age with Abra DNA. I’m the only one that lived out of the thirty-six others he tried it with.”

Sam nodded and put one claw over his chest. “Sam, also known as subject thirty-six. The doctor strapped me down and injected me with a cocktail to strengthen my exoskeleton. I lost my ability to fly, but I can take a few more hits than normal. Sorta prepared me for the Metal Coat Lucy found the other day.”

Lucy turned to the rest of the room before introducing herself. “Lucy, subject thirty-five. Skeleton modification, which, yes, is the reason my spikes are smaller than others you’ve seen. Still, helps me a bit. Fighting-types tend to be surprised I can shrug off their first hits.”

Bit took his turn. “Bit, also known as subject sixteen. Vincent named me that because I would repeat a string of numbers in the facility, and it reminded him of operating systems. I believe he came up with it after he heard me repeatedly say ‘eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four.’ My test was simple enough, in theory: Combine an Up-Grade with a Dubious Disk, then feed the result to my base Porygon form. I turned into a Porygon-2, and for the next eight years, I was a part of the mainframe, keeping it in better order than I was. Also, Lucy, if you would handle giving an Aura Sphere to Simon, I would appreciate it.”

'So he continued then...' Weiss thought, glad Xavier was covering their thoughts. "That was one long introduction," the Bisharp calmly said.

Simon on his end laughed. "If that is what you need for us to get even," the Excadrill opened his vest and give his belly a sound slap, "fire at will then!"

Pancha on her end seemed to notice what Lucy said. "Anda, she is right," and taking her captor's hand, she moved it around with just enough force for her to let go of her grip and properly look at the spike on it. "This looks kind of adorable don't you think?"

Lucy smiled at the enthusiasm of the Excadrill before glancing down at Pancha. “It’s also a sore spot for me, so if you don’t mind, please don’t stare.”

The mercenaries seemed to have turned from cold blooded soldiers for hire, into simple doofuses.

"... Why..." Began Xavier, Weiss and co. stiffened at the mental sound of his voice, "why do you keep your numerical record? It is illogical to think you keep any kind of fondness of them, so why keep them?"

"Buddy..." Weiss facepalmed, are you even trying to get this over with?

Vincent stiffened for a moment before turning to the window and answering Xavier.

“Someone has to remember. Remember what he did. Remember, and fight it with all our breath, otherwise, in the end, he won and was successful in breaking us. We keep our numbers of our subject listing because it’s better than keeping our numbers of our experiment listing. Bit, recall. Unauthorized experiments with unique test subjects.”

“Eight hundred and fifty one.”


A pause, and then, “Three hundred and forty-two.”

“What of Lucy’s, or Sam’s?”

“Lucy, seven hundred and five. Sam, seven hundred and fifteen. Between the two, the doctor made the transition to bug-types in an effort to duplicate the success of experiment seven hundred and five. Seven hundred and fifteen was the first success, and led to a variety of successful, authorized experiments.”

“Living test subjects?”

“Thirty seven.”


“Five, all from confinement.”

Vincent stared at the Metagross in the window. “Someone has to remember. We choose the less gruesome memory.”

The Shiny seemed to ponder over the reply. "That still sounds..." He seemed to say something else, but he refrain himself of doing so, and instead added, "no, it is not my place to question your reasons."

"You’ll have to forgive our tactician, he can return to his cold, Steel-type, self when curiosity pokes him enough. But still, back on topic; would you guys really want to get even?" Inquired Weiss calmly.

"We would be more than happy to oblige!" Again shouted Simon with a pose.

"As soon as someone gets me out of here!" Added Edge with a frown.

Vincent pondered over the question for a moment before nodding and replying to the room as a whole. “Yeah. I mean, you’re not like the doctor. Nor do I recall seeing you lot around the facility, which is good. Means that you probably weren’t in there. I made it a point to try and at least talk with all the living subjects. So not only were you not in there for ‘work’, but you probably didn’t work for him. I think once Lucy gets her ‘revenge’ we can probably call this all a misunderstanding.”

Lucy nodded and quickly snatched up Pancha again. “One each. You, him,” here she pointed at Simon, “and...Vincent, do I want to hit the one in the window?”

“He hit me,” Vincent cooly replied. Lucy stiffened at that and glared at Weiss.

“Two, maybe three for you,” she said in a voice that could freeze water. Nobody touched her lo- brother.

Sam turned to Edge and frowned. “We...might all have to help get you out. How did you even get in?!”

Bit pondered the question Sam had stated out loud before shaking his head. “It is an illogical query: more data is required. Namely, the state of the hall.”

"Is... Quite okay... I think." Slowly replied Edge as she sort of honestly replied, as she didn't see anything happen, although she did hear some windows being broken. "As for how I got in: are you calling me fat!?"

Before Bit could answer, Greninja shook his head, a look of 'if you value your life' on his eyes.

Pancha seemed to agree with Lucy's assessment. "Well, one seems fair enough..." Pondered the Fighting-Flying-type.

"Only one!?" Exclaimed, yet again, the Excadrill with extravagant tone. "Come on, I can take more than that!"

Weiss on his end only felt his eye twitch. "That is why I hate to get in the middle of couples..." Yet he didn't back away. "Where then?"

"I would say the beach is a proper place, is spacious and soft enough for any impact to take place." Suggested Xavier.

At Weiss’ words of them being a couple, both Lucy and Xavier stopped for a moment before looking right at him. Lucy’s maw gaped slightly that someone could possibly know, whereas Vincent merely laughed. “Hah, us, a couple! That’s rich! That’s nearly as good as the final night of Luke training me! Oh, that was a laugh as well, an exercise in the insane!”

Lucy recovered thanks to Vincent interrupting her state of panic and merely glared at Weiss. The sort of glare that females everywhere had learned to give males. The one that said ‘we will have words later.’

Bit and Sam looked at each other, then at Edge. “Not saying you’re fat, or big, or large, or any of these things,” Sam said carefully.

“It merely seems that this building was not built for Pokemon like dragons in mind,” Bit added. “Although...we may have an answer in Vincent’s Teleport…”

Vincent, hearing his name, turned his eye to the Edge in the doorway and whistled. “Yeah...that’s the only way I can think to get you out.”

He raised his Twisted Spoon and looked at the others. “Is everyone okay if I make a quick trip to the beach with this one then?”

Weiss looked at Lucy with fright, actual and real fright, he motioned his lips saying 'why is it my fault he hasn't noticed it!?' In response to his panic, Xavier chuckled.

"I would go anywhere with you if you can take me out of here!" Exclaimed Edge with some thankfulness.

The rest of the mercenaries nodded as well. Vincent put his free hand on the Noivern in the doorway and closed his eyes, coating both himself and her in his power, causing them to glow an eerie blue. “Back in a flash, assuming I don’t miss! You never know, distance decreases accuracy something awful. Fortunately, the beach is a big target, with an ocean right next to it. TELEPORT!”

The two vanished even as Edge started to voice an objection to the Kadabra’s words. Lucy took this moment to glare at Weiss and Xavier before 'thinking out loud'. It had worked with Luke, it stood to reason it would work with Xavier.

Xavier, can you hear me? If so, I’d rather have my ‘words’ with that one atop you like this.

Sam merely turned to the others in the room and shrugged. “Beach party?”

"As long as I don't swim!" Bolstered Simon with excitement.

"Child," added Rouge.

"If I can bring some things from the mini bar, I am in," Char replied cooly.

"I wanna build a sand man!" Chirped Pancha.

Xavier let the group plan the party as he made a single and private line before adding 'He is all yours.' And let the flustered female have her words with the Bisharp.

"... Traitor..." Was all Weiss could say.

I’ll make it as simple as I can, Weiss, Lucy thought at the Bisharp in the window. He doesn’t know. I realized it when I was out training. Were it Bit or Sam who said the words Vincent did to make me realize just how much he cared and mattered to me, I doubt I would have Evolved. And while I will tell him, soon, I was not planning on it being now. His heart and mind remained unbroken throughout our captivity, and we were always there for one another. He sees me as a sister, I know he means more to me than that. If even that bond is ruined due to your interference, trust me when I say this: I will find a way to make you pay.

With that, Lucy turned and joined in on the planning. Sam looked at the other Scizor, then at one corner. “Holy Arceus, we have a mini-bar? Why didn’t I know this before now?” Realizing something, he turned to Char and grimaced. “Keep it away from Vincent, please? I don’t even wanna imagine him with a hangover.”

The Red Comet smiled slightly and replied, "That won't be a problem," then added, "yet I would advise trying to teach him one day, after all: better drunk with family and friends than with strangers."

Weiss was surprised by Lucy's reply, in fact he expected something more 'dangerous,' however he looked directly at the Lucario's eyes and replied, I understand your fears, and I apologize for that. But... If I can give you a word of advice, don't take too long. Even if he means so much to you, you don't know how he sees you. You see, right now I am in some sort of a problem with love too, I won't get into details, but I ended ignoring the feelings of a very lovely and pure soul, and I feel terrible about it. Point is, you should stop looking for the best moments and just be true to yourself. That is all I can say.

Lucy merely nodded as the words sunk in. I do understand what you are saying, but I had hoped to ease him into the idea of loving someone, understanding his feelings on the topic...and now I have to scrap a good portion of my ideas and work on new ones. It’s not unsalvageable, but it’s the next best thing, she thought back.

Sam chuckled and rubbed at the back of his head with one claw before replying to the other Scizor's advice. “Eheh, point. For a kid of fifteen, he’s not very world-wise. I’m not looking forward to quite a few talks...he sees me as his big brother, y’know? I’m barely older than him. Can you imagine giving those sorts of ‘talks’?”

Rather odd how both conversations, heard and unheard, centered around Vincent’s inexperience…

Bit hovered behind the mini-bar and looked at the bottles. “My word, there is a selection here. I do hope they’re not expensive.” At that, he stopped for a moment. “And now that I’m thinking about it, I should check on our bits. One moment.”

"You guys have money?" Simon questioned.

Char, for his part, chuckled at Sam's worries. "Trust me, I was along a Veteran warrior and a similar brother when we had 'that' talk, boy I prefer to teach about drinking any other day of the week..." He then looked at Sam, and for a second, he saw a little mirror on him. "Say, I could give you a couple of tips, Arceus knows I would have a life so much easier back then if I had some of those."

Okay... And how the idea department is going? Weiss asked with a hint of curiosity in his mental 'voice'.

"...you know, I suddenly felt left aside." Pointed out Rouge.

"You could always take my place on the firing wall," Pancha pointed back .

"Never mind!"

Sparse, Lucy replied to the Bisharp. Hoping to show him I care, and just how much, via the things we find to do in town. Yesterday was simple yet enjoyable, and the beach would have been a nice time. Now I’m worrying how he’ll take my actions; if he’ll see I care, or if he’ll brush it off as it being a silly idea thanks to what you’ve said. His reaction to your accusation was not reassuring.

“Yes, we have money,” Bit replied to the Excadrill's questioning, “And yes, I am aware of the irony of my name and the name of the currency.”

“Yeah,” Lucy pitched in. “There was a thing down in Las Pegasus, some sort of smuggling crime family that operated under the name PegasusAir. We helped bring them to light…”

“Mostly me, accidentally,” Bit put in.

“And then we busted them up when their leader decided that having Pokemon in the city was detrimental to her operations. Vincent apparently got the location of the ‘clean’ money from her mind, and, well…”

“He took a ten-percent finders fee,” Sam said before turning to Char. “And anything you can show me would be welcome.”

Lucy walked off while still maintaining a hold of her first target and waving at the Roserade with her free paw. “C’mon, let’s go find my little brother.”

You should start by stopping your habit of calling him that, finished Weiss as he asked Xavier to take them down.

"Si señora..." Replied Pancha with a defeated tone. Rouge just patted her friend.

"You guys got a percentage!?" Asked again Simon as he followed the rest. "We defeated a whole invading force under a mountain in just a morning and didn't get a single coin!" Arms waved around to make his point.

"My young friend," Char placed a claw over Sam's shoulder and completed, "you better get yourself a notepad, because this is going to take a while, first off: what does he know?"

A few moments later, the room was empty.

“You didn’t hear us properly,” Lucy replied to the Subterrene Pokemon as the large party of Pokemon made their egress from the hotel.

“He took a ten-percent finder’s fee. I’m pretty sure Ace’s scream will be legend when she finally finds where the bits were. She may even demand them back when we return to Las Pegasus,” Sam finished.

“As well, Vincent’s kinda...well, he knows of the regular Pokemon. Legends were regarded as mere myth at the facility,” Lucy added, holding her free paw to her chin.

“Accessing reasoning for that: audio file. It is dated on a Halloween night: If the legends were fucking real, why didn’t one stop me or save my mother?!”

Bit’s proclamation killed the conversation for a few minutes as the troop made their way towards the beach. Sam awkwardly coughed to break the ice again. “So! He’s not stupid, far from it. He’s merely been fed information through a screen. I think the ‘talk’ portion was only scheduled for when he came of ‘age.’ So...probably nothing regarding that.”

The group did get an awkward vibe from the recording, although mostly because they knew the owner of the voice, they heard things like that many times back on Earth after all.

"Then you better get yourself a notebook instead, this is going to be a long talk..." Char replied as he opened one of the bottles he had took from the mini bar before leaving.

"Oh, so the old 'sticky hands' trick huh?" Mentioned Simon in response to the story of the bits. "I doubt we could have done that and still have our title."

"I for once, am glad we didn't do something like that, otherwise," the Roserade then tapped her hat gently, "we wouldn't become Griffenheim citizens, not to mention we may get a proper paycheck once we come back."

"Yeah, besides, we only get one mission so far: to show off!" Added Pancha. "That is one ease trabajo alright!"

Weiss was at ground level by the moment they get to the lobby, Xavier on his end was as well on his four legs.

"Okay then, the beach is that way, shall we?" Pointed Weiss.

The party of Pokemon made their way through the street with little incident: it’s remarkable how quickly ponies clear out of the way of a group of Pokemon with a goal, and one could almost be startled by the speed Pokemon would stand to one side at the sight of Xavier.

“I think you’re scaring them,” Sam stage-whispered.

Lucy barked a laugh at that. “How did Vincent say Metagross were described?”

Bit dinged as he accessed his files. “The only non-legendary psychic capable of even standing up to some of them. On one of their bad days.”

Lucy nodded at that. “So yeah. I’d be surprised if they weren’t scared.”

Sam turned to Char and sighed before picking up the conversation about how to talk and 'talk' with Vincent. “I’m not ignorant either. Some day I’ll tell you about the old man who ‘adopted’ me and taught me a variety of things that a young Scyther probably shouldn’t know. It’s just...parsing that for Vincent isn’t going to be fun…”

Bit turned to the trio that had responded to the comment about Vincent essentially helping himself to mob money and dinged again. “It is only marginally better than what we were doing before: using Vincent’s powers to cheat at card games. He thought that since ponies hadn’t heard of Pokemon or psychics yet…” The program let the sentence hang there, the implications clear.

The three looked at Bit, and said in unison, "Been there, done that."

"And we got AWAY with it!" Proudly added Weiss.

"I have never cared for what others think about me," commented Xavier, but added with a more serious tone, "but if I ever had to fight a Legendary," a hint of personal pride on his voice as he finished, "it would be a bad day for him or her indeed."

Back with both Scizor, "Well, if you already know the awkward way, what is so troublesome for you then?" Char questioned Sam.

It was a good thing he was already red, nobody could see Sam’s cheeks flush in embarrassment. “What he taught me was more about the quick seduction rather than actual romance or relationships. Or...to put it another way, he was likely a very, very dirty old man. He liked having an ‘apprentice in being a gentlemanly rogue’ and made it a habit of his to at least try and understand me. That’s...not something I want to teach Vincent.”

Lucy was thankful for Sam’s words, though she didn’t outwardly show it. “Well,” she slowly said to the Metagross, “not caring about what others think of you...hang on, didn’t we just get done with a situation where such a skill might have been, I dunno...useful? After all, if you cared, we might’ve avoided any escalated conflict between our two parties.”

Bit sighed and dinged again before replying to Weiss. “We nearly did, but apparently, some Pokemon Rangers got dragged in as well. One made it her business to stop our business, and she had a Gallade on her team. You can probably tell what happened from there.”

The beach was nearly visible, if the Pokemon closed their eyes, they would be able to smell the salt on the breeze much more clearly now.

"That was an intentional show of power," replied Xavier calmly to Lucy's words as if were not a big deal, "I had no intention to prove anything of myself besides my superiority, it is standard procedure."

"That and his curiosity took the best out of him," Weiss added, "if it is of any consolation, that is one of the greatest compliments one can get from him."

"We can start from there,” Char replied to Sam's explanation, "you know what to avoid, now let's focus on the good parts that you know."

"Hey!" Chirped Pancha, "I can see the ocean!"

The mercs smiled at the sight, save for Simon, he just sweated a little. Vincent’s voice could vaguely be heard, and after a moment of searching, both him and Edge could be seen in the middle of what looked like a decent-sized crater. “Never...again. Maybe on my own, but never again with someone else! Especially a dragon!” The Kadabra’s voice had an edge of panic to it.

“You really should stop complaining,” Edge calmly said.

“It was a huge fall!”

“I’ve had worse.”

“I haven’t, and I’m lucky to be alive!”

“Are you implying me catching you was luck?”

“I’m implying either of us surviving appearing upside-down was luck!”

"Any landing from which you can walk away of is a good landing." She defended.

“And you’ve had much experience landing on your side?! No, wait, I don’t want to know.”

Sam and Lucy couldn’t stop themselves, they laughed at the imagery the two of them bickering conjured up. Bit merely recorded the data, although if you knew what to look for, you could almost say he appeared happy as well.

After a few minutes to set up, Lucy stared at the lineup before her. One Hawlucha, one Excadrill, and one Bisharp. To keep things interesting, she hadn’t told them in which order she was going to throw her Aura Spheres at them. Then again, she did want to save one in particular for last…

She closed her eyes and felt for the Aura, shaping the attack with practiced ease. She considered, then threw the sphere of blue power at Pancha first.

It flew the short distance across the sands and impacted the flying/fighting’s frame before detonating.

From the ones on the fusilation line, only Simon looked eager about the incoming punishment.

"Come on!" Exclaimed the Excadrill with excitement.

Weiss just kept his face as neutral as possible, wishing for things to just end quickly.

Pancha on her end was simply repeating a single oration, "San Pedro del tamborazo, librame del chi-WAA!" She couldn't finish oration number 33 as the Aura Sphere hit her clean on the chest. Once the dust settled she replied, "that didn't hurt!" More in surprise than any kind of taunt.

Lucy frowned at that before shrugging. “Probably wasn’t going to, true. Still, had to try. Either because of your experience or resistances, it probably wasn’t going to do much to you.” The Lucario turned her eyes to Simon next and nearly grinned at his enthusiasm. “Well, let’s see if we can’t fix that problem…”

As Lucy prepared another attack, across the beach a small ways, Vincent was reclining against Edge’s form and just taking in the sight and sensation of the beach. “This...I really, really enjoy things like this. Just moments of tranquility with those that I either call family or feel safe around.”

Edge on her end was simply marveled by what she was seeing at the moment.

"By Rayqaza's awesomeness, I missed how colors were," she proclaimed almost at the verge of tears, as she had managed to borrow Vincent's eyes, somehow she managed to befriend the now Psychic-type easier than the rest of her team, most likely because she hadn't actually attacked him or his family so far.

Bit nodded absently while taking the scenery in, in his own way, of course, before turning to Rogue. “Query: what did you or, more generally, the outside world, know of the doctor? I ask to know what sort of reactions Vincent might earn from tossing his last name around.”

Rouge on her end pondered over Bit's query, then she replied. "The popular world saw him as a revolutionary scientist, the more shady world, that being the one we are from, knew him either as a miracle bringer or a soulless maniac, in either case he was seen as a demon though." She gave Bit a gentle pat on what she thought was his shoulder and added, "If I was being sincere, I would try to keep his last name a secret, or at least not shout it every time he got emotional."

Xavier was merely floating above the group, keeping a shady place for them. Sam and Char been the only ones quite further away, apparently talking about something very important.

“Yeah, just, y’know, stop trying to look around? Gives me a dizzy spell something awful. Let me know if you want to see something different, and I’ll oblige you.” Vincent put one hand to his head in an effort to steady it from some unseen malise. “Um...if it isn’t too offensive? I’m...pretty sure Noivern aren’t...normally sight-impaired…”

Edge moved her long neck and placed her face right before Vincent, "well most Noivern doesn't have these on their eyes," she pointed at her eyes with a wing. "And I can't promise much," she returned her head to her previous position, "I am able to see after years, I think you can understand my feelings of freedom, boy."

Bit dinged a few times before sighing. “I could play back the file, but the general consensus is that after the death of his mother, Rupert began to harden his heart, and a Grumpig only helped accelerate the process, either with some physical trauma to the head or via its psychic powers. Turning him truly into the doctor, the one that only wanted to sate his curiosity. And stopping Vincent from saying his last name may prove to be...difficult. He seems set on ‘taking it back from his father,’ as he claims it.”

"Yeah, our side of the world knows that," replied back Rouge, "actually, the people who really knows what the doctor did are actually few, problem is that those few may had the name on a very, VERY, bad light. But, taking that name back is a very commemorable goal, I wish him luck doing so."

Lucy smirked at Simon and poured just a touch more power into her attack. Just a bit. This one seemed to want to take a massive amount of punishment just to prove he could, so she’d try to oblige. Once it felt ready, she fired her next orb of doom across the beach to impact the Excadrill.

Not moving a muscle and keeping his blazing gaze at the super effective attack, Simon let the Aura Sphere hit him right on the face, a slightly stronger -Boom!- filling the beach. Again the Pokemon had to await for the dust to calm to see what happened, what come out was a smiling Excadrill softly patting his helmet-like horn.

"Well, wasn't that one good way to clean my nose!" He joked as he continued to laugh loudly.

Weiss couldn't stop to smile at his friend, but began sweating right away as he remember there was no other targets left.

Lucy sighed at the lack of any visible marks on her targets. “Is it me or you? Am I exceptionally weak, or are you lot exceptionally strong? I mean, I had been expecting something...”

She shrugged her shoulders and cast her gaze to Weiss then. “Two down…”

"Don't worry lady, we have to be this good for our job!" Simon replied to Lucy's concerns with yet another laugh.

"Now only one left!" Chirped Pancha while adding a little song, "dale, dale, dale, no pierdas el tino!"

"... You fucking people..." Weiss said to himself as he looked at Lucy charging yet another attack.

The Lucario began to bring her aura around both her paws, took aim, flexed her body, and then!

"HOLD IT!" Weiss exclaimed as he raised a hand. He took a few steps away from the line and removed his coat, a constant sound of metal screeching sounded off as he tossed it, a metallic -thud- coming from the cloth as he returned to the line.

"There... It would have been cheating to keep the orichalcum coat on," he said as he awaited for the inevitable.

“That makes sense,” Bit answered the Roserade. “The audio files I have in my memory were set to be sent out should Vincent ever be released, so that he would not have to live in his father’s shadow. The last act of his dying humanity. The only reason they would need to be sent out would be if someone somewhere were keeping the truth away from the world…”

Vincent gulped before poking the dragon again. “Yeah, I get that, I really do. And hey, at least I’m getting experience in linking with others, I think I’d gotten complacent about that…but...how, if you don’t mind me asking, did it happen, Edge? Please tell me it wasn’t father…”

Edge chuckled as she patted Vincent on the head with her tail, "kid, your dad wasn't the only demon out there. But it wasn't such a bad thing now that I think about it." She commented. "But if you want to know..."

Vincent listened intently to Edge’s story, glad that for once, it didn’t feature his father’s name.

"Well, there are always those on high places enjoying their life because of the deeds those on our world did." Contemplated Rouge, "you know...? Being able to be like this, work for a nation without having trouble worrying about having to end some life's at the end of the day just because someone didn't like how someone else looks... Is really, how your friend said... Liberating?"

“Yes,” Bit replied. “Though it’s also a tiny bit scary for me. I was a part of the mainframe, I had access to so much, I could hear everything from the computers. The rush of information...most wouldn’t be able to understand. Yes, I was broken, made to serve a madman at the very sound of his voice, but at the same time, there was beauty there as well. Here I am both more and less. Myself, and tiny.”

Lucy shrugged slightly at the discarding of the coat by the Bisharp. “Fine, if that’s how you want to do it. Let’s get yours out of the way then.” With that, she finished forming the dual attacks over her paws, breathed in for a moment, and on the exhale, shot both of them at Weiss.

"What are you babbling about!?" Proclaimed Rouge with slight disbelief at Bit's words, "you miss having so much information? Well that is simple to fix, tell me; how much information do you think this mere moment holds?"

Bit turned to Rogue before turning back to the horizon and absently thinking out loud. “The information that existed in any given moment during my time in the mainframe was only limited to whether or not I could secure an outside connection to update myself. Here...I hear nothing. Nothing but the world.”

Weiss didn't expect Lucy to throw both at the same time, yet he did what Shredder and Simon had taught him to do for years, he clenched his teeth, fixed his grounding and keep his eyes wide open as both attacks hit him.


Weiss didn't manage to remain standing as he slowly fell into the sand. He didn't say a thing, he merely began to bring himself back up, walked back to his standing point and simply give a single look at Lucy which said only one thing: ready.

Lucy smirked a bit at Weiss’ reaction to the dual attacks before frowning as he drew himself back up. Recalling the words of her mentor, she shook her head and dispelled the Aura coating her. “You okay? I’m fairly certain just shrugging an attack like that off isn’t something well-advised for one like you.”

Weiss chuckled at Lucy's words, although this seemed to bring some pain to him, he let the stinging sensation pass and simply said," you said three to four, I am still standing and I give my word I will properly take responsibility for my and my team's actions, now shoot!" He demanded.

Lucy sighed and shook her head. “No, I said two, maybe three. But my mentor taught me the meaning of power. It’s not about having strength.” She crossed the distance between the two of them and extended her paw. “It’s about having strength and knowing when not to use it. And using it to hurt you more...that’s not how I should use it.”

"And isn't sound itself a form of information?" Retorted the Roserade as she removed her hat, pointing a bouquet at Bit, "doesn't my flower's perfume hold chemical chains?" She then pointed around them, "isn't this very view something worthy to record?"

Bit was struck dumb by the words of the Roserade and looked at the scene around them again, taking it in in a new light. “...Why did I not see it before? Life is information! I...I’ve been blind, haven’t I?”

"You just became free Bit," Rouge added as she placed her hat back on her head, "it is only natural for you to long for the old and safe days of before, even if it’s only a little bit." She then sighted, "looking on life with a new light isn't easy, but I like to believe..." She then looked up and right at Bit, "life is worth living it, don't you think?"

Weiss let out a long breath, letting his serious self go as he replaced it with the pain of the moment. "Does that mean we are even then?" He asked hopefully as Simon and Pancha get hold of his beaten body.

“For now,” Lucy agreed. “But I’m sure you understand the conditions.”

Lucy then shot Weiss another look, one that probably chilled the air a few degrees. She may have wanted to hit Weiss a few more times, but she could see he was barely standing. That, and her mentor would probably not forgive her if she brought serious harm to someone that wasn’t fighting back.

"I guess that is a start, but I must say there is no point if you still have to use those eyes at me," Weiss was carefully taken before Lucy, "so how about this, once I get better we have a match? No restrains from my part, does that sounds okay for you?"

Bit sighed, and had he the muscles or face for it, he would have smiled. “Yes...life is always worth living. And who knows? Maybe I’ll find a computer here in Equestria on our little jaunt. It’d be nice to make a backup of the information I have. Or have a device capable of withstanding my presence.”

"I wouldn't have my hopes too high here dear," commented Rouge with a smile, "the more advanced thing I have seen here are trains. Steam powered trains must I add."

Bit nearly cursed before he simply sighed and shook his disconnected head. “Ah well. I possess knowledge. All we require is a technically minded pony...along with a generator to run one. Things just keep getting complicated. But, seeing as it’s not really important, I can shelf it for now.”

Lucy considered the offer Weiss had made before sticking her paw out. “Sure, but not while we’re on vacation, okay? I’d like to do as little of that as possible. You can look us up in Las Pegasus.”

"Sounds like a plan Bit, I wish you the best of luck." Rouge commented as she held a bouquet at the program.

"It’s a date then," joked Weiss, "now if you don’t mind, I am going to pass out now..."

And true to his words, he plummeted to the ground, although he did not pass out.

"Please tell me we got some food!" He yelled as he felt his stomach ache.

At the call for food, and the sound of several other stomachs rumbling, Vincent looked up at Edge and smiled. “Yeah, I know what you’re saying. Family isn’t defined by blood. Although yours seems to be defined by their stomachs.”

The teenaged Psychic got up and stretched before looking at the assorted partygoers. “Alright, I know what Sam and Lucy like, plus I’ve been here for a day and can Teleport, meaning I know where to go. So who on your team is coming with?” he questioned the Noivern.

As if Teleport was one of his moves, Simon appeared before Vincent with a claw well raised.

"That is one, but we may need more than just you two to carry it all back." Edge said as she gave Simon and Xavier a glance, "my team does move by their stomach, as you wisely pointed out."

"Not to mention the others are arriving," mentioned Xavier, at last.

“Eh, I can send and conjure things if I know where they are or have a really strong link with the recipient. Don’t even want to imagine sending soup to, say, Simon here. It might arrive upside-down like we did.” The Kadabra stroked his mustache and looked up at Xavier, grinning. “Oy! Get your shiny self down here and let’s see if we can’t form a relay for sending food back for you lot!”

He’d ask about 'the others' later. If it became relevant.

Xavier just give Vincent an 'angry' eye and said, "you really think I need to get down to do something as simple as generating a psychic beacon for you to send the items while I reorganize them over here?" Despite this, he landed all the same, "you truly didn't learn much about me in our little discussion then."

"Xavier, can it!" Commanded Weiss from the ground, "and get started with the food! And bring some beer!"

"I am fine with some salad," commented Rouge.

"Meat!" Said Pancha and Simon at unison.

"I will do with fruit, thank you." Added Edge with a grin.

Vincent looked up at the Metagross and shrugged. “Well I just figured you might want to be here to catch them in case, despite your beacon, things do come out upside-down…”

He then turned to the Greninja and cocked his head. “Um...okay, going to ask you to come with me. Both because you didn’t say anything, which I’m guessing is just your way, but also because I need someone on your team to pick out things they like...and whatever you’d like.”

The Kadabra then extended his left hand towards Greninja while his right held his normal spoon, which even now glowed blue as he prepared his Teleport move. Greninja didn't make any kind of indication of having heard what Vincent said, yet he shone for a second, changing his dark typing so Vincent could teleport him. He took Vincent's hand and merely give him a 'so-so' sign with his other hand. With a flexing of the Kadabra's will, Greninja and Vincent disappeared from the beach to go shopping for food for the party of Pokemon on the beach.

“Hello?” An elderly voice called. “Is everything alright? I know I heard fighting.”

Lucy, Sam, and Bit turned to look at the origin of the new voice, which Bit naturally made creepy by not rotating his body as well. An elder looking Conkeldurr, supporting his weight on a single column instead of the usual two, was making his way towards the group. Lucy blinked a bit but nodded and replied to his question.

“Ah, yes, everything is fine. In fact, the fighting was myself setting all accounts square between our two ‘families,’ isn’t that right, Weiss?”

"What she said..." Replied the Bisharp as he remained flat on the floor. "Is the food here yet?"

At that moment, a few bowls of salad popped into existence nearby before they were caught by Xavier’s grasp and lowered to the sands.

“A bit,” Sam replied. “Who ordered salad, again?”

With a courteous, "That would be me, thank you dear," Rouge picked one of the bowls and began to eat.

Bit turned the rest of his body around and floated close to the elderly Conkeldurr. “Information exchange proposed. This unit is designated as Bit. The Lucario is Lucy, and the Scizor is Sam. Yourself, sir?”

The Conkeldurr smiled. “I am Professor Hastings, head of the Pokemon Ranger Union... Or I was.” He shook his head. “A pleasure to meet you all.”

An instant reaction was provoked from the aforementioned trio, in that they stood stock still. Sam and Lucy slowly turned to look at Hastings and worked their mouths a few times. They’d mostly gotten over their hatred due to their run-in with Abby, but...they didn’t know about Vincent. Bit beeped a few times before replying. “Advice proffered. Flee. Before the one on the other end of the link feeding us food returns.”

Hastings blinked in confusion. “I’m sorry?”

Bit beeped a few more times and made to reply again, but before he could, four bowls of pasta with some sort of tomato sauce atop it appeared and were gently set into the sand. Lucy picked one up and began eating some with a fork that had been included. “This is actually really good, Vincent took us to the place that does these last night. Anyone up for pasta?”

"Just put one bowl here..." Said Weiss with exhaustion. After which, a few pizzas with differing toppings popped in.

“Oh sweet, pizza!” Sam exalted before helping himself to a slice. “But yeah, Hastings? You really don’t want to be here when Vincent and Greninja get back. Vincent more so. He had a run-in with a Ranger named Abby back in Las Pegasus...nearly took the damn casino down.”

“Abby Trombley?” Hastings asked, stroking his beard. “I was hoping to find her, Top Ranger and... wait, why did he try to level a casino?”

“He didn’t,” Lucy said, slowly picking at her food. “It was a bit of...pent-up anger. Quite a bit. He’d never met a Ranger before, and when he learned what they were supposed to do, he became angry that they’d failed before Arceus shifted us here. His rage tapped into his psychic powers and, well...I snapped him out of it. I always have.”

Hastings looked at the Lucario in curiosity. “I don’t know how we’ve failed your friend, but I think I would like to talk with him, perhaps I can clear a few things up,” he chuckled. “After all, she may be a Top Ranger, but Abby doesn’t know everything about the Union.”

Bit dinged once as he recited what had been said that day. It wasn’t in Abby’s voice, but her words were unmistakable to those that had been there for them. “‘The Pokemon Rangers are, or rather were I suppose, an organization devoted to helping find and stop Pokemon abuse in all it’s forms.’” He then leveled a glare at Hastings. “You failed. You did not find us.”

There was a short silence. "Awkward... " commented Simon as he took another slice.

At that, Vincent and Greninja popped back in with a few more bowls of pasta and another pizza held by the two of them. “Decided to make the last trip ourselves guys! Oh, who’s this, a new addition?” The Kadabra looked at the Conkeldurr with a raised eyebrow as he set the pizza down.

As soon both reappeared, Weiss made a single hand sign which told the whole Pokemon team to huddle.

“So, I take it you’re this Vincent I’ve been hearing about then?” Hastings asked.

Vincent smiled and decided to go for a hammy introduction. “Indeed I am good sir! As my family has probably already introduced themselves, allow me to say my name is Vincent Nurem!” He tilted his top hat towards the elder. “And you?”

Hastings mouth hung open and his column/walking stick fell to the ground. “N-Nurem?” He asked.

Vincent chuckled a bit. “Ah yes, allow me to clarify. My father was Rupert Nurem, and due to an...accident involving a Grumpig, its psychic powers, and quite possibly some surgery equipement, his already-hardening heart turned him into the Doctor that is infamous. I’m his son, his first real victim, I suppose.”

Hastings gulped, realizing what Lucy and the others had been talking about. “I see,” He shook his head before picking up his walking cane. “I am Professor Hastings... head of the Ranger Union.”

"... se armo la gorda..." Whispered Pancha as Weiss facepalmed.

It was probably a good thing Vincent didn’t have any form of weather-related moves, Sam would reflect. Otherwise, the sky probably would have gone dark at that statement. The boy who had been jovial a moment before and understanding went limp for a moment, staring in disbelief. “You.”

His hands then clenched and unclenched a few times as he screwed his eyes shut, both trying to stay in control while getting very, very mad. To his credit, only a little power leaked out. Sam got a headache, as he was closest, but nobody else suffered. “Do you realize how much hell I went through in there?”

Hastings chuckled nervously and cleared his throat. “Well... we knew that your father was experimenting, though we weren’t aware of the details-”

Hastings got cut off abruptly. “Details?” Vincent said darkly. “Details? Oh I can give you details. Subject Sixteen, this is Master Vincent! Access logs of experiments!”

Bit dinged and his eyes turned green while his tone became flat. “Logs accessed. Which would you like to view?”

Vincent glared at the Conkeldurr. “Experiment 654! Recite parameters, subject, and fate of subject!”

“Parameters of test: Attempt fifteen at changing a pokemon’s type through external body modification. Subject was a wild Charizard who had its wings amputated. Fate of subject: death via electrical containment system.”

“Experiment 711!”

“A Ledyba, exposed to the sixth iteration of the Doctor’s exoskeleton strengthening serum. It was far too effective. She was crushed under the weight of her own shell and it is unclear if that or the mercy killing injection afterwards was the deathblow.”

“Experiment 342!”

At that, the program paused for a moment before replying. “This unit, in Porygon form, was exposed to a blend of both an Up-Grade and a Dubious Disk. The result was a highly corrupted and erratic Porygon-2, which would serve within the computer’s mainframe from that point on.”

Vincent directed another, harsher glare at Hastings then. “Where were you for any of that, any of that which I had to watch?! I saw so many die because of him, and where were your Rangers?!”

Hastings took a step back, but steeled his nerves and leaned forward on his cane. “Now see here,” He began. “I am truly, truly sorry that you had to experience all of that, I am filled with regret that we were unable to bring your father to justice.” He shook his head. “But we tried to find you, yet our leads always dried out before we came to any results and I couldn’t send my Rangers out willy nilly across the planet searching for a compound we had no idea how to find.”

Hastings shifted his cane to his other hand and continued. “There were countless other problems to deal with, other forms of Pokemon abuse, natural disasters, various criminal organizations,” He cleared his throat. “And on top of all that, we had to track down Pokephiles,” He shuddered at the word. “So I apologize, but-”

“Wait, Lucy interrupted. “You tracked down those...for the crime of following their heart?”

Vincent blinked as he made the connection and growled. “Now,” he said, in a deceptively sweet tone, “I’ve met Luke, Abby’s Gallade friend. So we can’t say that him doing what he did was wrong, Lucy.”

Lucy blinked and turned to Bit, who didn’t respond. She then turned to Sam, who winced. “Eh...Let’s just say there’s those who don’t take no for an answer and took what should only be given from Luke. Repeatedly.”

Lucy shuddered as she made the connection as well. Vincent, however, wasn’t done. “So, is my sister right? Did you track down and try to break apart those that only committed the ‘crime’ of falling in love?”

Hastings rolled his eyes. “You sound like that Phillips imbecile from a few days ago,” He shook his head. “We did not break apart ‘love’, we rescued Pokemon from abusive Trainers who warped their minds and hearts into thinking that they loved them.”

Vincent smiled. It wasn’t a kind smile, especially with the blue glow filling his eyes. It was one most knew to run from. It just screamed ‘I have snapped.’ “Not denying that! My entire world, after all, was a facility hidden from your view, apparently! So clearly I don’t know how the outside world works! But Lucy, question, since you seemed to know about this. Actually, that is a good question. How do you know about this, and what’s your stance on it?”

Lucy shrugged. “Maylene and her Lucario partner trained me in being a Lucario. It came up... and they were both against it. They were surprised I was as well. I think my exact words were...’You can’t pass a law on the heart. The day the heart bows to the law of mortals is a dark day indeed.’”

Hastings looked shocked. “First that troublesome Champion,” He muttered under his breath. “Please understand, a union between humans and Pokemon is not something intended to happen, they cannot produce offspring and, to repeat, Trainers CAPTURE, their Pokemon, and often at a young age.” He raised an eyebrow. “Does it sound like a healthy relationship to fall in love with someone who’s been around you, guiding you, basically your entire life?”

Lucy winced at that, but Vincent didn’t catch it. “Sam!” The Scizor turned to the still-fuming Psychic. “You’ve had the most experience outside those walls. Tell me, what do you think of the Professor’s claims?” He had also, apparently, reverted to calling Hastings by his title.

The Scizor rubbed the back of his head with one claw and was grateful for his red exoskeleton, nobody would see him blush for the first bit. “Well...humans didn’t seem to have any ban on same-gender relationships, from what I remember. Plus, the old guy I was living with sorta adopted me. I was going to be ‘captured’ the day after he passed so that I could be given to his grandson, and he explained the process to me to remove my trepidation.”

The Scizor took a deep breath. “If the Pokemon struggles, then they can break free of the ball in the initial capturing stage. Plus, if they believe their trainer to not be of sound mind or heart...they can always break the ball. The right pressure in the wrong place, and it shatters remarkably easily. As well, you could always simply run. If the ball can’t find you, it can’t grab you, and there is some sort of maximum range. In truth, one of the real reasons Pokemon stay with humans...is because they want to.”

The Kadabra turned his gaze back to the transformed Professor. “So if Pokemon are intelligent, and they clearly are, as we’re talking to them. And they possess the ability to make judgement calls about their trainers. Which is occasionally doubtful, some might not be mature enough. And they know these things. Then why the hell would they allow themselves to remain in what is essentially a hostage situation?!”

Hastings waved his hand, having heard such excuses hundreds of times before. “Allow me to reiterate, a trainer goes out and catches a young pokemon, essentially a baby, and captures them, they treat them with ‘respect’ and ‘love’ all the while raising them to their final form where one of them will admit that they’d fallen madly in love with the other, and don’t care what the law says. If it’s the Pokemon, the ‘trainer’, if they can be called that, fakes uncertainty, before coming to terms with their true feelings,” He sighed. “If it’s the ‘trainer’ the Pokemon will often fall for the trap, otherwise, the human either continues trying or starts over with a new Pokemon.”

Vincent had taken off his top hat and set it, upside down, on the sand. “Hmm. That would indicate that you think that every single case of ‘Pokephilia’ that has ever crossed your desk, you have been right to follow up and ‘fix.’ Am I right? You seem to have left yourself no middle ground there.”

Hastings glared at Vincent. “Yes, every case-”

“Bit. Recall. The message from Arceus. What would have been right: Telling us this beforehand and letting us get our affairs in order, or what he did?”

Bit beeped a few times. “The correct thing to do, if one were to enact a plan such as his, would be to at least give this world some warning. Judging by the content of his message, he did not.”

Vincent then pulled his Twisted Spoon from his top hat. The feeling of dread in the area increased drastically in response. “Even Arceus gets things wrong. Who are you to claim otherwise? What sort of man places himself above a god?”

Hastings closed his eyes and chuckled. “Please, Arceus may think of himself as a god, but he is nothing more than a powerful Pokemon, messing around in Human affairs for his own reasons.”

AND YOU AREN’T?! I’m not sure if you listened or looked in a lake lately, but wake the hell up! We’re both Pokemon, this is a new world, and your views and laws and morals hold no ground here!”

Sam pitched in, despite the fact that Vincent was glowing blue. “Yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised if, in a generation or three, ‘Pokephilia’ first became identifiable with just the term ‘sex’ and then fell out of use entirely.”

Hastings huffed and stamped the ground with his cane. “Not if I have any say in the matter.”

Who said you would?

At that, Vincent pointed his Spoon at Hastings, and his cane was coated in the same aura before being yanked from the massive Fighting-type’s grasp. “Hell, by our typings and the fact that I’m very familiar with my Psychic powers thanks to Luke, I could probably beat some sense into you, or until you were black and blue. Whichever came second.”

Hastings held his arms out to steady himself, his bulky body finding it hard to remain upright without a cane. Vincent closed his eyes and breathed deeply once, twice, as the training sessions with Luke came back to him, and the cane was floated back. “But that would be cruel. I could make you relive what I remember, seeing all those deaths...and those that had the misfortune to live long enough to have to be put down.”

Hastings, now leaning on his cane, gulped. Vincent shook his head again. “But that would be excessive. Bit, recall. How many unauthorized experiments with unique test subjects?”

“Eight hundred and fifty one.”

Weiss took a deep breath at the quite overwhelming number. Hastings’ eyes widened at the number, he knew there had been a lot of experiments but that many… “How many lived?” Vincent shot off next.

“Thirty-seven. Five escaped from their confines.”

The young psychic glared at the older Conkeldurr. “Eight hundred and fourteen dead. Find a way to atone for that, I dare you. Because I’m willing to bet that if you pulled even so much as one more ranger from your damn Pokephilia hunt to find the Doctor when the bodies first started to show, it’d be far, far lower. I might have even tasted fresh air before this happened.”

Hastings couldn’t think of anything else to say. “I...”

“Their blood is on your hands as much as it was on his. His for doing the deed, you for not stopping him.” Vincent turned to his food, long forgotten and cold, and found he wasn’t hungry. Shrugging, he turned back to the Fighting type and put his Spoon back in his hat. “Oh, and if I find that you’ve tried to get your ridiculous views passed as law before you find a way to make up for what you couldn’t do? I’ll find you, and we’ll start from what I can remember seeing and go from there.”

While Hastings had primarily worked in the lab back at the Union, he had been in the field enough to know when it was dangerous to continue what you had been doing. This was one of those times. Turning back around, Hastings lumbered back the way he had came. He paused momentarily and said. “I’m sorry.” Before continuing on his way.

“Sorry doesn’t bring back the dead!” Vincent screamed. “Sorry doesn’t undo what he did to them all, to me! Sorry can’t make up for fifteen years of HELL!

Hastings cleared out of there faster than any Pokemon his size should have been able to move. The Kadabra, now burnt out, collapsed to the sand, crying as he recalled the things he’d been threatening Hastings with. Lucy was there in a moment, holding Vincent in a hug that he desperately needed. With a few sobs, he choked out a simple phrase. “Subject sixteen, you may resume normal operations.”

Bit dropped back into his normal mode, his eyes turning yellow and glaring at where Hastings had been before seeing the mood of the beach party had been thoroughly soured. Weiss didn't said anything, he merely walked over the food Vincent had left, a slice of Pizza, and pick it up. Only to call Xavier beside him. As soon the huge Metal-type floated beside him, Weiss left the slice flat over his sun-heated head.

"That should make it hot again in no time!" Proclaimed the Bisharp with a smile.

"You know I could have heated it by making its molecules vibrate right?" Retorted Xavier with little enthusiasm over his new role as a stove.

"It’s funnier this way." Retorted Weiss calmly. "Say, anyone want their meal hot again?" He asked to the whole group.

Vincent hiccuped a few times before shaking his head. “Not...not hungry anymore. I...I shouldn’t have threatened him with that…”

Lucy shot Weiss another Look, one that said ‘I am comforting this male and your efforts are not currently appreciated.’ “Maybe it’s time we considered moving on, Vincent. I’m pretty sure you’d rather not meet him again,” the Lucario suggested.

The Kadabra breathed deeply a few times and nodded. “Yeah...We probably should. We did most of the touristy things yesterday, today was going to be a quick sweep to see if we’d missed anything, and then we’d move on anyways...I think we should check the timetable at the train station, at least.”

"Young man!" Exclaimed Simon as he walked over to the hugging 'siblings.' "You just had a heart breaking experience, and you think walking away is the answer?"

As the hot blooded Pokemon said this, Weiss and Xavier made a quick escape, not wanting to get mixed on the resulting chaos. And before anyone could reply, the Subterrene Pokemon shouted. "Of course you don't!"

Right after that Simon raised one of his massive claws, the team already awaiting for the worse when their comrade suddenly turned around and slapped his own rear, using his other claw to make a taunting expression while giving a raspberry. "What you do is laugh at the world and walk forward!" He said with his tongue out and proceeded that way. "You did what you thought was right and let him walk away. That needs a lot of power to be done, so don't let such an old fashioned gramps ruin your day out."

With that said, Simon faced towards Vincent and Lucy again and offered them his massive claw to pull themselves up with. "A man's way is to know when to fight, but even more to know when NOT to fight. And you young man, just learned a great lesson of life, don't let sadness took over that achievement!" The last part was said more as a command than as a compliment. But the look the Excadrill give them surely showed how happy he was for them.

Vincent took a hold of the proffered claw and drew himself and Lucy up from the sand. “I...thank you. I think I needed that. No, I know I did.” With that, the Kadabra tilted his top hat towards the Excadrill and smiled. “I think I can see why you’re so integral to your team, besides your massive endurance. You don’t let anything get you or others down, do you?”

The Subterrene Pokemon let out a strong laugh as he placed his claw, not delicately, over Vincent’s shoulder. "Damned I’d be if I ever did that!" He then did the same to Lucy, "As your sister brightly said: the day that the heart bows to other's laws is a sad day indeed!" With that proclaimed he then give them a hug which would make a Ursaring jealous. "Now stop being so down you two and enjoy what is left of the day!"

“Hey, there’s an idea,” Sam posited. “What say we show them a few sights before we call it a day?”

Vincent looked over at Sam and then at Weiss. “Well? Think you have the time to do the tourist thing?”

Weiss smiled at the Kadabra and replied, "We would be honored." He then took the pizza off Xavier's head. "And you sure you don't want some grub, it’s hot again!"

As if on cue, a new group arrived at the beach, a Yellow Pony covered with a coat and a sunhat, a Togekiss, a Sylveon, a Zoroark, and a Golduck. The group seemed to have been running to get there for some reason and time. "One... Hour..." Gasped the mare as she walked towards them, an exasperated expression on her eyes. "I couldn't leave you guys alone for a simple hour!"

Guessing what she was talking about, Weiss simply said. "We didn't start it this time."

“To be fair,” Vincent pitched in, catching on quickly, “It was a fault on both our sides. Xavier and myself escalated it far more than it had to be, far faster than we had any right to.”

Lucy smirked a bit. “At least we made up afterwards. That’s the important bit, surely.”

"Now isn't she one smart lady alright," pointed Rouge as she walked to the newcomers. "And even when is a bit late, let me make the introductions, Lucy, Vincent, Sam, Bit, these here are our friends, Daring, Valerie, her mate Sylveon, Roa and Gold."

The Poison-type thought for a second and added. "Well the latter two are more like luggage."

"Oi! We are being held hostage by you bloody mercenaries!" Retorted back the Golduck named Gold.

"You two could learn a thing or two from these youngsters." Deadpanned Rouge.

Ignoring the two 'hostages,' Daring offer the quartette a hoof. "I know these guys can be a real pain in the flank, so I am sorry for whatever they did."

Lucy smiled and took the proffered hoof before shaking it. “Eh, Weiss made up for it. Took a bit of being punched on his end.”

Vincent, meanwhile, drew close to the Golduck and glared while making a guess as to why a mercenary team would take anyone hostage. “Be glad that you’re being treated as well as you are for attacking his family. I would not be so nice.”

"Well, well, isn't this a surprise?" Noticed Char with a smile. "He seems to have found you tolerable Weiss!"

"It may be some insolation though," added Edge.

"Not to mention he must be cansado." Pancha gave her opinion.

"... you fucking people..." Deadpanned Weiss.

Gold on his end didn't know why he was suddenly being glared at when he clearly mention he had been the victim. "But... But..." The agent was at a loss for words, something he was starting to become used to since he 'joined' the mercenaries. However he wasn't the kind to just give up. "But I am a warrior chosen by Arceus himself, I can't be the one wrong!"

He also had to admit he was becoming more and more like his commander as well. In the next moment, Vincent snarled again. “Oh! So Arceus had time to choose warriors from his imprisonment, but none of them had the time or resources or will to come find me or any of the ones I saw pass? Either you’re incompetent or a goddamn liar! So shut your face before I start sharing memories with you that’ll make you shut up!”

"Now, now young man," said the Togekiss Rouge introduced as Valerie with a polite but stern tone fitting of a teacher or a mother. "I am sure you have your reasons to say what you said. But it is not polite to threaten others at the first meeting." She looked at Gold who seemed to be thankful for her rescue and added. "Even when they totally deserve it. So how about we let it go for now and enjoy the sights?"

She looked at Sam as she said this, apparently having been informed about the idea. Vincent merely shrugged as he looked over to her. “You’re with them, right?” At her slow nod, Vincent pointed at Xavier. “Ask him my last name, then. Mentally. You’ll probably understand, then.”

"I already know dear," she clarified as she put a wing on his shoulder. "And you are one strong man for staying sane after what you must have been through." This second sentence was said more with a motherly tone than before.

Then another voice added, "As for how we know, mister Xavier has the habit of filling people in with information when he deems a situation appropriate, and by filling in I mean it literally." The Eevolution placed a paw over his forehead as he finished. "I think I may never get used to the dizziness."

Lucy came up and grabbed onto Vincent from the side, letting him know that she was still there for him. After a moment, Vincent breathed deeply a few times and nodded, now back in control. “Right. Right then.” He then looked at the suddenly quite-large party of Pokemon on the beach and shrugged before turning to Daring. “Anything in particular you want to visit while you’re here, ma’am?”

Valerie couldn't stop looking at how Lucy cared to Vincent and smile widely.

"Wow! Cut the ma'am please." Commanded Daring as she removed the hat she was wearing. "I am not that old. And I would suggest you go and pick someone else, I already know the place after all."

Vincent smiled slightly and waved at the Pokemon of Checkmate. “Allow me to repeat myself. Is there anywhere you want to visit?” The tone and gesture had hopefully done their job of asking the question he’d wanted. Namely, where do you think we can take these guys where damages won’t be an issue?

"Oh... Yeah, that." Noticed the explorer as she bring a hoof to her muzzle and ponder over the options. "Mhm... well, Central Park isn't prone to damages." She finally offered.

"Hey! I did said we didn't blow anything up this time... All Xavier did was land roughly at the middle of the street." Weiss clarified. Sam took this opportunity to snipe at Checkmate with a well-placed observation.

“It’s really telling, you know, when the mare that seems to know you the most, when asked for suggestions to take you all places, suggests only a place where nothing can be destroyed.”

“To be fair,” Lucy countered, “We do the same with you.”

"Oh! Burn!!" Pointed out Simon as he held a claw for Lucy to high five.

"We do know how to properly conduct ourselves though," pointed Xavier calmly.

"We have to in our line of work." Added Char smoothly and added. "Although I have to admit we have really 'let ourselves go' since we get here."

"Bueno, this world seems to be used to chaos." Suggested Pancha as she placed her poncho over her body and get ready for the tour.

Elsewhere, a certain Draconequus would sneeze, causing a small snowball to appear before rapidly melting into a pink puddle in the middle of a hallway. Said puddle would then later trip up Blueblood to the sound of mariachi, bringing a smile to the face of everyone who saw the spectacle.

“Well we can at least visit the park,” Vincent said, “And if the mare comes up with any ideas as to where we can take you lot afterwards, then we’ll add it to the list.”

"Sounds like a good plan." Daring said as she replaced her hat on her head. "And 'the mare’ has a name you know? Although I would thank you if you call me Yearling." She flatly added at the end.

"Ehm... Miss, these claws are heavy you know?" Commented Simon as he remained with his arm raised.

Lucy looked up at Simon’s claws, then at her paws, and then back at the claws before sloooowly shaking her head. “Pretty sure that’d hurt.”

"Aw come on! Where is your sense of thrill?" Simon shouted and then added. "And aren't you supposed to be bullet proof?"

“There’s bullet proof,” Lucy deadpanned, “And then there’s being crushed. But if you insist…” She raised one paw and tapped the upraised claw. “Yay, woo-hoo.”

"That is the spirit!" He laughter as he then pat her on the back, with enough strength to bring a Tyranitar on his rear. Lucy, naturally, faceplanted into the sand.

"Well, I was interested to see one of this world's libraries." Suggested Xavier.

Bit floated closer to Xavier and beeped once. “I too profess a desire to learn more about this world’s literature.”

"The park will do for me as long as it is smashing," pointed Rouge.

"I want to see something awesome!" Chirped Pancha. "Like some lucha!"

Char and Greninja simply shrugged. "I am fine as long we have a calm day." Said Char.

"I wouldn't mind to see some of the more romantic sights" flirted Sylveon as he snuggled Valerie.

"Oh hush you." Replied the Togekiss as she also returned the snuggles.


"No one cares!" Cut the whole team the Golduck's words.

Sam merely shrugged and began helping Lucy up as Vincent walked a bit closer to the Golduck and glared while his eyes glowed blue. Hello there Gold. I’m only going to say this once: My name, my full name, has so many terrible, horrible memories attached to it. Had you attacked my family or Weiss’s in front of me, I would be using them against you. And if you don’t shut up and take your punishment for whatever the hell you did, then I will.

"Can you people please cut out the threatening?" Inquired Gold.

"Let's see..." Began Weiss. "You began to accuse us on sight of Arceus knows what!"

"Then you used your lovely friend here to make an awful illusion of Weiss acting like some brute." Continued Valerie as she kept herself close to the Zoroark.

"And not to mention you refused to give up which led to her go all carnivore on us!" Included Edge.

"So long story short." Commented Rouge elegantly.

"Calladito estas mas bonito." Finished Pancha.

Vincent smiled his mad smile again. Yup, be really glad that you didn’t do that in front of me! Ooooh, the things I have locked up in here...Ever wonder what would happen if you tried to forcibly remove the plant from the back of a Bulbasuar? Cause I saw it happen. And so much more. So shut your damn yap!

The whole group kept silent as they glared at Gold.

"... It was just a slip..." He said to himself before keeping silent.

"Now with that solved." Char clarified. "Let us get going, shall we?"

Vincent turned to Daring and was all smiles, the glow dissipating from his eyes. “Indeed. Daring, Yearling, or merely ‘the one that puts up with them,’ shall we lead them to the park? At least, the ones that want to go. I trust Bit to be able to lead Xavier to the library.”

"How long for us to reunite and where shall we do it?" Xavier inquired as he began to float.

"Mhm, our train goes at night." Weiss remembered. "What about you kids?"

“We were gonna catch the last train to Ponyville, make traveling an overnight thing,” Vincent replied. “Only, I sorta forgot to check the timetable. Xavier, could you…”

"It’s the same one we are taking." Replied the Metagross right away.

“Huh,” the Kadabra replied. “Convenient. Well then, a meet-up at the train station sounds normal enough to go off without a hitch.”

Somewhere, a pony practicing on his cymbals and drum set would execute a perfect rimshot.

"We wanted to have as much time on the day, apparently you kids did as well." Pointed the shiny as he and Bit left. "And you just called one of the worse forces we have ever encountered." He finished as he floated away.

“Oh please,” Lucy said as she and Vincent began walking towards Central Park. “We’re out of that facility, we’re on vacation, our two families have made up from their little spat, what could possibly go wrong?”

The whole mercenary team, Xavier and Greninja included, became livid at Lucy's words. However, the taunting of reality wasn’t done, as Sam walked over to Pancha. “C’mon, let’s go find something exciting to do. I made note of a few places during the tour that we took yesterday. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?”

"Shut up- shut up- shut up!" Proclaimed the Hawlucha as she shook Sam from the neck.

"Kids, we didn't make it this far without making a few... " Weiss slowly replied as he stopped Pancha from shaking the Scizor. "Discoveries. Whenever one of us ever said any of those phrases you just said, things went south so far we would start talking like Pancha!"

“Ah,” Vincent said. “But I think you’re forgetting that we’ve already experienced the worst life could throw at us, me especially. There is very little I properly fear anymore. I think it got burned out of me in that facility. I mean, meeting Luke and Xavier, yeah, I was angry...but afraid? No. I wasn’t scared, because I’ve seen worse. Life’ll have to pull out some weird, new thing if it wants to surprise or scare me.”

Chapter twenty-three - We cry no Fake Tears

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The park was nice, large, relaxing, peaceful, tranquil. Ponies and Pokemon frolicked in it together. It was quite novel, seeing actual frolicking.

...At least, that’s how it was supposed to be. Not two seconds after they’d arrived, Sam and Pancha had decided to see if there were anything ‘exciting’ in the park and gotten out of visual range.

"Well, that was to be expected." Pointed Rouge calmly as they looked at the still disappearing after images of their friends.

"At least from our comrade." Added Char. "I didn't expect your friend to do the same."

“From the way he tells it,” Lucy pitched in, “He always was a fan of the outdoors. Doesn’t even really like the train’s compartments. He’s probably making up for time lost.”

Vincent found a particularly large tree and settled in under it, sighing in comfort. “Whereas I merely like to relax.”

Greninja jumped at a tree branch above Vincent and leaned against the trunk in a similar way to the Kadabra.

"I agree with you both." Weiss commented as he looked at a nearby lake. "It’s nice to have such a time to relax like this."

"You do know we may have more times like these from now one, don't you Weiss?" Asked Char as he stood beside him.

"And I couldn't be more happy about it!" Exclaimed Rouge as she placed herself at the shore, dipping her small feet in the clear water. "Do you know how much I wanted a life just like this?"

It was a good thing she was looking at the water, as she missed the sad look on Weiss's face.

Gold, who decided to keep silent as told, was alongside Roa. Who, it turns out, was happily enjoying her time by talking with Valerie and Sylveon.

Simon on his end was looking at the trees. "A forest in the middle of the city, quite a good idea to keep things 'fresh and calm,’ not to mention it must do wonders with the pollution." He then remembered a little fact. "Oh yeah, no pollution here." And laughed.

The sonorous laugh of the Excadrill caught the attention of a rather big group of fillies being accompanied by a couple of Ponies. Apparently a school trip of sorts. The younger ponies couldn't do anything but stop to look with awe at the hot blooded Pokemon.

"Well hello there children!" Saluted Simon to the group, the fillies replied eagerly while the teachers seemed less eager but just as impressed with the talking 'mon.

Lucy cast an eye over at the children and thought about talking with them, but then realized it wasn’t her job to show off. Thus reassured, she settled herself under the same tree as Vincent, just on the other side, and closed her eyes as well. Sam, meanwhile, had returned from the park exploration with Pancha. “Meh. This park has…” his eyes alighted on the small ponies and he quickly changed tracks. “Had nothing. Where’d the mini-ponies come from?”

"Well, when Mama Pony and Papa Pony love each other very very much..." Pancha began. Sam gave her a quick ‘thwack’ upside the head with his claw before clarifying his earlier question.

“Dirty old man, A, and B, I was talking about a more immediate sense. I swear they weren’t here a minute ago.”

"They seem to have come with them." Pointed Char at the still speechless teachers, as he moved closer to the children's group, the children in response looked at both metallic Bug-types with even more awe.

The males at least. The girls didn't seem to care for them.

"These guys look like robots!" Cheered a couple of colts.

“Ah,” Sam observed. “So many...and only a few adults looking over them...that speaks of a class outing. Are we interrupting?”

"That would depend on the teacher's current state of shock." Included Weiss who preferred to keep himself away of the spotlight.

"They are so cool, and they are red!" Said another excited kid.

The girls, who decided to move on, had finally made eye contact with Rogue beside the lake.

"Are you one of these Pokemon miss?" Asked one of the fillies.

"Well I sure am darling." Replied the Roserade as she let a sweet perfume fill the place.

Vincent cracked an eye open and laughed quietly at the scene unfolding before him. He then noticed Simon nearby and sent a small pulse of thought at the Excadrill. Well, you wanted to show off, I don’t think another chance like this will just come falling into your lap anytime soon…

Simon gave Vincent a burning glance as he shouted, "Who the hell do you think I am!?" And so he jumped high into the air, used his drilling stance and pierced the ground.

There was nothing but small tremors as he continued to gain speed underground. Then another shout could be heard despite coming from below.


As the shout was heard, a small mound began to erupt from the ground.


The mound continued to grow as the ground began to shake more and more. Finally there was a final shout.


Then from the mound erupted as Simon shot like a bullet coming from the depths of the earth, and quickly continued towards the clouds high on the sky. Piercing them as if he were a hot knife on butter and making the whole sky clear as a result. A few seconds later came a brown and red meteorite which hit the ground with a small explosion.

"Was that impressive enough!?" Exclaimed Simon as he walked out of the crater he just made.

The teachers on their end finally fainted while Daring facehooved. The kids erupted in cheers and applause in return.

"And now it seems we are in charge of these kids for the time being." Observed Char.

Oh, that sounds like a recipe for disaster. Don’t you agree, Daring?

"You are kidding right?" Chuckled the explorer. "You are afraid of these toddlers?"

As she said this, the kids realized about their teacher's current condition, thus they began to frolic around both teams. Vincent sighed and closed his eyes all the tighter. TRYING to NAP here. Or at the very least, enjoy myself. He had, quite fortunately, directed his thoughts so that the children couldn’t hear him. Someone who likes kids willing to help? I’m barely past being one myself!

"Actually kid, everyone seems to be busy, well, almost everyone." Replied Weiss from his own, lonely, end. "I mean why do children dislike me? Don't I look cool with this coat or what?"

As he said this, the lonely Bisharp looked around. Rouge was currently making displays of floral life appearing before a small group of girls, while Pancha posed heroically besides Simon. Char seemed to keep some kids in awe with his mere presence and Greninja seemed to be eager to show off his Double Team move. Finally, Edge flew around in a way that could be considered dancing. Yes, each Merc had a small group with them, with the only exception being Weiss. Valerie and Sylveon seemed to keep an eye on the younger ones, a task they greatly enjoyed. Roa was happily helping the couple as she seemed to be less shy around the fillies. Even Gold seemed to have a small group interested in some of his stories. Daring of course was already with another small group too. And even so, there were a couple of child's around, giving interested glances at the other three, hoping they would do something awesome as well or at least share some sort of story.

“Eh...guys?” Sam said while looking over at the others. “Um...you know we don’t have any child-friendly stories...me doubly so…”

Lucy cracked an eye open and sighed at the sight of the children. “Really? I suppose this is our comeuppance for taunting the universe.” She got up and stretched a bit before motioning the kids in closer. “So. What would you lot like to know about us?”

"Wow! This one is a girl." Exclaimed one of the kids.

"So does that mean these two are a couple?" Wondered another.

“It seems that way, I mean she hasn't left the baldie's side so far." Theorized a different one.

"Ugh! Come on! This one looks like a brute kind, I doubt she is the 'girly' type!" Retorted yet another one.

Lucy’s eyes narrowed and she growled in the back of her throat before Vincent’s mental ‘voice’ rung out through the clearing. Hey, little ones? A few things. First of all, we’re not a couple, we, meaning the three of us, Lucy, myself, and Sam, that other giant red insect, are a family. Brothers and sister. Second, Lucy’s very…very protective of me. So, it’s probably a good idea to apologize.


The kids keep silent for a moment.

And then.

"Awwww! See, he cares for you!" Began a couple of girls as they clung to Lucy's sides.

"Although he is sort of dense." Added another girl.

"She just has to keep trying." Commented a tad bigger filly.

On the other side, the boys gathered around Vincent.

"So how come you guys are brothers then?" Began a chubby colt.

"No offense but I don't see the resemblance." Pointed a bespectacled kid.

"And what is with the tattoos on the forehead and belly?" Asked a bulky one.

Vincent chuckled a bit while already racing ahead and censoring his story. In its full version, its a very...very long story. Along with a very adult one. He ignored the moans and plowed on. Suffice to say, it started on Earth, where all the Pokemon originally came from. Once, I was a human, and my father...was a scientist. One who eventually lost his sense of right and wrong.

The kids seem to lose their interest once he said 'adult' and restart their interrogations. "Why do you have a moustache when you sound almost as young as us?"

"And what is with the hat?" Pointed one kid his hoof at the fancy item.

"Are you some sort of aristocratic or something?"

Well, Vincent replied in turn, The moustache is just something that all Kadabra grow naturally, the hat, here it floated off in a quick burst of blue power, and the Spoons floated above Vincent’s head in a similar glow, is where I keep my Spoons, instruments I can use to amplify my powers, and no, I’m not an aristocrat. Though I might not say no if presented with a chance. Now, do any of you actually want me to finish the story?

The boys barely listened to his answers as they began to ask him to levitate more stuff.

On the other side of the tree, Lucy was dealing with her more feminine entourage.

“Girls, please. First of all, none of you have apologized for insulting my brother there, so I’m still a little offended. And second, please keep your speculation to yourselves.”

"How did we offend him?" Asked a confused girl.

"And how are we speculating when it shows all over your face?" Retorted the same big girl of before.

"Like right now!" Pointed a young filly at Lucy's little blush.

Lucy looked to the first one and began answering. “First, you did insult him by calling him bald. Just because we don’t have manes or tails like ponies, doesn’t mean we don’t still have a fur coat. You don’t think that tail of his is so fluffy without there being hair of some kind there, right? And second, no. Just...no. We’re more family than anything like that. Plus, we’re...probably not much older than you lot.” She absently scratched the back of her head as she pondered the idea. “Huh. Evolution messes with our relative ages something awful…”

"So you have touched his tail then?" Asked an unseen filly among the group, the rest turning silent on the spot.

Lucy shook her head at that. “No! I can tell because I have eyes in my head, as could any of you! Sheesh…”

Not far from there, Char had thought it would be more considerate if he stood besides Sam, so that he wouldn't feel left aside. The kids didn't take long to start asking them crazy ideas and stuff. "Do you two fly?" - "does the red makes you go three times faster?" - "if I hit you with a rock will it hurt?"

Unlike the other groups, these little Ponies didn't seem to like to wait for their turn to talk. “Slow down, slow down!” the younger of the two Scizor's said while raising his claws. “Now, one at a time. Please!”

The kids replied with a huddle, occasionally looking up at the duo as they finally came up with a question to start.

"Okay then, we take it you two are of similar species." Began a colt with a big pair of frontal teeth. "So how come one of you is fatter than the other?"

As strong as Sam was, he was easily seen as 'wider' when being put beside the thinner Char. Sam blinked at the blunt question before looking both at himself, then at Char, then at himself again. “I...thought I’d gotten away from that,” he whispered to himself, not answering the colt’s question.

"To answer your query, I am a well trained soldier. It’s only normal for me to look slimmer." Said the Red Comet in a smooth tone, hoping to bust a bit of his new friend's morale.

The kids whispered among themselves at Char words, huddled again, and then asked again.

"So if he is a well trained soldier, than what are you to be this chuby?" Asked again the same big toothed colt.

Tears started to gather at Sam’s eyes as he remembered what had happened. It wasn’t his pain that tormented him. It was Vincent’s from that damn experiment. “Don’t,” he whispered. “Just...no. I thought I was away from that. Better than that.” He clenched his eyes shut, no longer quite paying attention to the world around him.

"First of all kid." Began Char once more with the same cool tone, albeit a bit colder. "You don't cry in front of kids." He said as he placed a claw over his shoulder. "They have no idea of whatever you have been through. Second." He then turned and faced the colt asking. "It’s funny to hear some pony asking about a physical problem when said some pony has teeth big enough to serve as a door."

At the end of his second speech, the kids began to laugh, the colt asking wasn't that eager to ask anymore but he was laughing as well.

"Third." Finished Char to Sam with an even colder voice as he looked at him directly to the eye. "Vincent may be the more powerful one of your team, but you have to be the stronger one. The past is the past, and even when it comes haunting for you, you must remember it is your past, is not from an ignorant brute, not from some sly talker and definitely not from children. That is your past and you have to live with it."

Sam gulped a few times as he got his breathing under control. He then turned to the kids and cracked half of a smile. “It’s a long and painful story about a scientist who lost all morality, kids. This is what he did to me, to see if it was doable.”

"Well that sucks!" Replied a new colt.

"But why didn't you beat him, I mean you have those for more than show right?" Another kid asked while pointing at their big claws.

Char again chuckled as he simply whispered a few lines to Sam. "They don't know about such hardships, there is no way they can understand what you told them. Let alone empathize with you. Keep things to their level."

Sam sighed and shook his head. “He was also very, very smart. Knew exactly how to keep Pokemon where he wanted them kept. We so much as twitched towards the exit, and his security systems would keep us contained.”

The looks on the fillies became interested as they started listening to his story all of a sudden. Sam rubbed the back of his head with one claw and continued his tale. “It probably didn’t help that there was another Pokemon in the system itself. And while the doctor may have gone to sleep, and his assistants as well...Bit never had to sleep. And one of the orders from the doctor was to keep us contained.”

"What is a Bit?"

Char chuckled again. Sam actually smiled and pointed at the colt who’d asked the question. “Now, while the cheeky reply would be ‘wouldn’t you know? They’re your coins!’” Here, the children laughed at the joke, including the one who’d asked. “The answer to your intended question, which should have been, ‘Who is Bit,’ is...well, Bit’s another one of the doctor’s experiments. He’s a Porygon-Z, and technically capable of living inside a computer, or anything advanced enough to hold him without blowing apart. The facility we were in? Bit was basically the second in command. The first being the doctor, of course. When we came here, it broke the hold the doctor had over him, and now Bit listens to Vincent over there.” Here Sam waved a claw at the nearby Kadabra.

A general 'ooohhhhh!' came from the kids, although a few 'what is a computer’ could be heard as well. Sam caught on and thought about it for a moment. “Okay, who here knows what a calculator is?” At the sight of the mass of raised hooves, Sam nodded. “Yeah, it’s a machine made to work out the answers to math problems. Humans, being the inventive monkeys they are,” he got a few chuckles and one 'Oi!' for that one, “Kept making them smaller and smaller and smarter and smarter. Until one day, they figured out how to make the calculators calculate more than just numbers. They put a load of tiny calculators together, wired it up to a screen and a keyboard, and began typing. And the screen began printing the words they were putting into it. With the machines now capable of doing work, well, humans kept improving their invention, which they came to call a computer. In the end, it was one of the backbones of human society.”

"That sounds awesome!" Replied the kids, only to add right after. "What is a screen?"

Char began to openly laugh at that point. Sam waved his claws around as he explained as rapidly as he could get the concepts across. “Think of it like a huge mirror, or black piece of glass, that can display anything from words to numbers. And that’s not all. Hook up a camera, a microphone, and a set of speakers to an advanced enough computer, and you could talk to someone in another region back on Earth. Someone figures out how to make a game? Share the game with your friends half a world away with a simple set of commands. Wanna watch a movie? No problem, just pop it in and grab your popcorn. Computers...yeah. Computers were awesome.”

The kids cheered in agreement. Char did the same, although it was more about Sam starting to get the hang of hanging out with the children.

Back under the tree, a certain Lucario was currently having a rather troublesome dilemma: should she hit or not the girls trying to support her.

“Girls. Girls, please. Girls, please stop drawing up plans and assuming things. Girls, Vincent and I are not a couple!” This last bit was nearly shouted, but Lucy restrained herself. Barely.

"Well du'uh, is quite obvious you two are not yet one, that is why are helping." Pointed out one of the girls.

"Have you tried using your own charms?" Inquired another filly in excitement.

"But how do we know if she is sexy?" Pointed out other girl. "No offense, but how do we even know if she is cute?"

Lucy sputtered a bit at the sheer cunning the girls were displaying. “I...well, it is true that certain species have different standards, however, some things are universal…” She was rambling now, spouting off half-remembered facts that Sam had once shared with her.

"Like?" Asked a lone girl as the rest awaited for her reply.

“Well, generally males look for females they can, uh, wait. Have you lot had ‘the talk’?” Sam had once done it to her, and when she recovered from the sheer traumatizing images, she thanked him for it.

The girls giggled at her question.

"Yeah lady," one began, "it’s part of our course." Despite the prideful attitude and tone she tried to fake, it was obvious that such topic was still alien for them, for some extend at least. Lucy pointed a paw at the one who spoke up.

“Ah. But just because it’s part of your course doesn’t mean you’ve had it yet. And I want honest answers!”

Again, the girls seemed to be taken back from Lucy's sudden turn of the tables, as they looked embarrassed and shy all of the sudden. Yet one lifted her blushing face and replied.

"It was so... Embarrassing!" She squealed as she tried to cover her face with her hooves.

"My dad even used a couple of puppets with me." Added another one.

"Lucky you, my mom is a doctor, she gave me a very detailed book about it." Deadpanned another filly.

Lucy pointed at the ones who spoke up and decided to turn the screws a little tighter. Just one notch. “And now, you are all thinking of your mom and dad doing the things they talked about, because they had to, because you’re standing here in front of me.”

Nothing but silence was her answer. Until a single voice pointed out, "And aren't you thinking about doing the same with your 'brother' then?"

Lucy actually choked up before she replied. “No! At least, not yet. I’d have to…” She trailed off as she realized she caught herself in their trap, but it was far too late.

The little group around her smiled devilishly.

"Oh, so you do find him sexy then?" Asked a girl with glee.

"We couldn't tell if he really was worth it." Noted another while quickly adding. "No offense!"

"But what part do you like about him?" Asked a girl with a tone way too similar to a reporter.

Lucy sighed and crouched slightly. “Okay, Lucarios, which is what I am, actually have a younger form. It’s known as Riolu, and Riolu only Evolve into Lucarios when they have a very, very strong bond with another being, during the day. Vincent...he said a set of simple words, but he said them with such…power, that I realized that he meant them from the bottom of his heart. Were it Bit or Sam, I doubt I would have Evolved, but Vincent…”

"So you like the poetic types huh?" Asked a girl in disbelief. "That is sort of cute." She finished sincerely.

"But even when you like his... Big... Head..." Began another girl as she noticed how Vincent's head was, indeed, big. "What other thing do you like of him?"

"Yeah! That's how you fall for him, but what keeps you there?" Inquired a little tomboy filly.

Lucy smiled. “True, he’s smart. He kept getting fed information, and he’s quite intelligent and is only going to get more clever now that he’s a Kadabra. But I didn’t say the words he said. I...may have to tone them down a bit…” At the giggling of the fillies, Lucy cleared her throat, and they fell silent again. “‘I would see my family safe, comfortable, and for that I would do anything. Darn your rules and morals, these three mean more to mean than such ideals!’” The girls were silent as Lucy explained. “For us, his family, he would do anything. Even during his time under that...horrible scientist, his heart never broke. We were always there for one another, when the memories became too much to bear alone. And here, he continues to care and look out for us. How...how could I not?” She whispered.

"Awww! That is so sweet." Commented a pink coated filly as he gave Vincent a respectful glance.

"I thought he would have said something more romantic." Retorted dryly a filly next to her.

"But..." Shyly began a small child. "Isn't that Stockhooves syndrome? I mean, you said you only knew those three for years so, and as you said, how could you not fall for him, he is pretty much the only option you had."

"Yeah, the red bug doesn't seem to be your type." Added another girl bluntly.

Lucy sighed at the idea, not quite familiar with the phrasing or the concepts behind it. “Okay, tell me up if I’m wrong, but...isn’t that where you form a bond with your captor?”

"Yeah..." Replied the girl slowly.

"We get it, he wasn't your captor." Burst in another filly. "What she’s trying to say is that you only knew him, and the others, you would fall for him. Besides you just said he was there for you. So how do you know you do like him?"

Lucy smiled faintly at that. “First of all, he wasn’t always a Kadabra, he was a human. We weren’t even compatible, and he...probably hasn’t had ‘the talk.’ I’ll have to ask. Won’t that be unpleasant. And second,” she said over the giggling fillies, “I did have another option. I had the option to just walk away, leave, now that we’re in this new world. And for a time, I did.”

"And did you meet another possible special somepony... Ehm... special somemon?" Wondered a girl in confusion. Lucy nodded at her.

“A former human named Maylene had been brought here with her Lucario partner, and they were not romantically involved. I had a male of my own kind in front of me, but it was they who helped me realize what love was. And what I had for Vincent. I trained under them both in learning what it meant to really be a Lucario, and I could have chosen to stay. I chose to return to him.”

"That is soooo cute!" Repeated herself one of the fillies.

"Okay, so you like him. What about him?" Inquired the same annoying one of before. "And don't say he sees you as a sister, there has to be something he likes about you."

“I. Don’t. Know,” Lucy growled out. “Like I said. He hasn’t had ‘the talk’. He’s...oblivious. He’s protective of us...probably because we’re the only ones he ever knew, and wants to keep us close so that he doesn’t wind up alone. It’d be easier to stop a Golem from rolling downhill!” She punctuated her frustration with a punch to the ground, which actually gave way before her paw. The Lucario blinked a few times before chuckling and withdrawing that paw. “It’s...frustrating, putting up with that about him.”

"Mhm... You know, Babs had a good point before." Said one of the girls after a group chuckle. "We don't know if you are pretty or not. What is supposed to be attractive to your kind?"

“Well,” Lucy began listing off, “A Lucario’s connection to the Aura is important; how well you can sense and manipulate it.” To demonstrate, the organs on the back of her head lit up blue, and a slight glow surrounded her form before she killed both. “In addition, your ability to maintain your coat is a good sign,” here she preened slightly; not too bad, but she’d battle for a decent spa. “As well as your sense of justice, that’s highly important. And then there are the spikes. They’re supposed to be a sign of adulthood, rite-of-passage sort of thing, and a lot of importance is attached to getting and maintaining them.”

"The first two won't do." Proclaimed one of the girls. "Neither would the whole justice stuff."

"The coat is a good start, we girls have to look pretty after all." Commented a girl as she rearranged her mane.

"But what was that about spikes? You mean that on your chest?" Pointed a filly at Lucy with her hooves.

Lucy stiffened but slowly nodded while also displaying her paws. “Not just that one, either. And thanks to that…doctor,” she hissed, “mine are smaller than normal. Which, I suppose, is better than none at all. And Vincent…” She sighed and shook her head before softly saying the next bit; the fillies in front of her could barely hear it. “He...had to watch…”

"So you are afraid your chest is small then?" Asked a filly in confusion. Lucy shook her head at that before replying.

“No,” she said, “I know my spikes, the things that are supposed to be a mark of my maturity, are smaller than they should be. I even had Maylene comment on it.”

"Don't you think there can be a way to make them bigger then?" Commented a filly while pondering. "Like pulling them or massaging them?"

"I heard there are some cookies that help with that!" Added another filly quite eagerly.

A short distance away, Sam was grateful, again, for his red shell. It helped hide the blush he would have had otherwise from hearing these sweet little innocent females say such things.

“Girls, no, it’s…” Lucy sighed and hung her head; she didn’t like the idea of crushing their spirits, but she was about to, it would seem... “It’s what that doctor did. He modified me. It’s...It’s not something I can change easily. If at all. It would take probably a few of your doctors to even find a baseline for my kind, considering we’re all entirely new here, and then they’d have to spend time figuring out what was done to me and how easily it could be reversed.”

"Mhm..." One of the girls began to think and finally suggested. "Okay, so you won't be able to grow them in a while. But how do we know he doesn't like your small spikes?"

“True, some colts don’t just look at the size of a mare’s mane."

“Yeah! It’s not the size, it’s whether or not your special somemon likes it that matters!”

"Or do you think he is the kind that likes only looks?" Finished a girl with sarcasm, since all Lucy had told them didn't show such a thing to be true.

Lucy held her paws out in front of her for a moment of peace. “Girls. Ultimately, you’re asking these questions of the wrong ‘mon.” She jerked one paw behind her to point at Vincent entertaining the colts. “Like I said. I don’t know what he likes. He probably hasn’t had ‘the talk’. And broaching the subject around him is going to be so Arceus-damned awkward! I just...I just don’t know how to go about it…” She slumped slightly and sighed in defeat.

"Well, we were asking you if you trust him." A girl said slowly. Lucy nodded once before replying.

“I’d trust him with anything. I just wish that some days I was the psychic, so I’d be able to go about this with a bit of knowledge…”

"Then just trust in yourself!" Cheered the girls matter-of-factly. The Lucario blinked a few times before asking a rhetorical question in the face of their boundless enthusiasm.

“Is it really that simple?”

"Well, it should be. I mean, if you don't trust yourself then who will?" Inquired another filly so sure of herself she could easily be talking about air being what they breath. Lucy smiled and nodded a few times.

“Thanks...I think I needed that. No, I know I did.”

On the other side of the tree, Vincent was levitating his Spoons around, along with his hat. This is not a toy! Psychic is both a type, and the name of a very dangerous battle move! Would you please calm down?!

"Can you lift one of us if you wanted to?" Asked an excited colt, ignoring Vincent entirely.

I could probably juggle you lot if I closed my eyes, grabbed my Twisted Spoon, and really cut loose with all my strength, but that is known to be a bad idea. Anyone have the requisite bravery to ask why? Vincent’s tone nearly shut all the colts up. Nearly.

All the colts silently raised their hooves. Vincent pointed at one, designating him as the current spokes-colt.

The colt smiled widely as the rest just groaned their bad luck. The boy didn't seemed to care as he eagerly asked, "why!?"

My first form was an Abra, Vincent said slowly, so that the words were understood. And it was required that I get a certain amount of rest every day, otherwise my powers would behave strangely. They still did when I got emotional. My current form, a Kadabra, here a few colts said ‘oh’ as they drew the connection between the names of the two forms, has so much psychic power that if I don’t either watch myself or use it up constantly, then things get very bad for those around me. Delicate machinery? Broken. He made a small ‘explosion’ with one of his hands. Clocks? They start running backwards. The same hand made a counterclockwise circle a few times. Oh, but the best part? Headaches for everyone. Your brain is also known as a delicate piece of machinery… He let the words trail off there.

"So..." One colt began. "Is your third form going to be called 'Buu?'”

"Shouldn't his other form have been called 'Bibidi' or 'Babidi' then?" Inquired another boy.

Heh, Vincent chuckled. Nah...My final Evolution is called Alakazam. Not sure if I’ll ever get it, though. Still...I wasn’t born with this power, so learning to regulate it is...let’s leave it at ‘an adventure’.

Another choir of 'oh!' come from the colts.

"And what kind of adventures do you have?” asked one of the youngest member out of the young ones.

Well, let’s see, the Kadabra mused. When I was an Abra, I got a bit emotional down in Las Pegasus and threw around some slot machines. At least, so I’ve been told. I also helped track down a mob boss when she decided that Pokemon should get out of ‘her’ city. And then...well, let’s just leave it at ‘I punished her.’ I’ve got more power than I had before coming to Equestria, but the cost is so much higher as well…

"So you have been a bully then?" Snarled one of the kids.

"Such an adventure then." Added another one as the kids mumble a couple of things to themselves.

HEY! Vincent practically shouted. Okay, first, these things? Here he pointed to his ears. Not for show! And second, NO! Not just no, but HELL NO! In the case of the mob boss, she kept trying to go for my friend Bit because he had information on her operations that he stumbled across. I kept protecting him because it’s what I DO! Would you rather I just toss him to her and let him suffer? We’ve done enough of that, thank you kindly!

"And I am sure you made use of your powers to that." Replied one of the kids coldly.

"Yeah, I bet you couldn't have done much if it wasn't for those powers of yours." Added yet another one.

Okay, fine. Let’s put it to you like this. You three. Here Vincent pointed at three colts, one of each tribe. Say someone older than you is picking on a friend of yours. And none of the other adults are listening or paying attention to when you tell them about it. Do you just stand back and let them suffer? Or do you use your fancy wings, neat magic, or durability to stand up for him or her?

"Can our fancy stuff make machinery go haywire?"

"Or turn time... Clocks... Whatever!"

"Or cause headaches?"

You have a fair point, Vincent conceded. And heck, there’s a reason you all can hear me when my lips haven’t been moving. But I either have to really concentrate or really lose myself in my emotions for that to happen. And I’m typically good about that. It’s not supposed to happen unless I’m using at least one spoon, after all. And if you rag on about my strength being too much, I’ll point out that your fancy things can cause accidents when you’re not watching yourselves. I’m sure there’s more than one instance of a pegasus dropping something from a great height, or a unicorn misfiring a spell, or an earth pony not knowing their own strength...

'He does know they ARE kids right?' Asked Weiss to himself. Only to add why was he so alone right after.

"Yeah, whatever." scoffed one of the colts. "As if our mistakes can throw machines around."

"Or blow things up." tacked on another colt.

"Not to mention the mass hysteria your kind can cause." Finished another one matter-of-factly.

Vincent’s eyes narrowed as he pointed at a unicorn. The first two, we only have to look at a unicorn for. Well...maybe a unicorn. Throwing things like slot machines around should be easier with magic, especially if you have a mark in moving or blowing things up. And for the last remark, I have this to say.

Here he actually stood up and glared at the kids. My kind before coming to Equestria was a human. And despite that, I formed a bond with three Pokemon. A bond strong enough that I call them kin. To disparage Pokemon is to attack my family. I only reacted as badly as I did in Las Pegasus because Business Mind went for my family. For them, I would do anything. Do ponies not feel the same way about their families?

A small pebble smacked Vincent on the back of his head with pinpoint accuracy. From his end Weiss looked coldly at the Psychic-type as he had another pebble ready to Fling at him. As soon Vincent turned to look at him, the Bisharp moved his lips to say a single, soundless, line.

'Calm down!'

As Vincent returned to face the young but annoying colts he found some fear in their eyes as they slightly backed away from him. The Kadabra sighed a bit and sat back down.

I...apologize. Like I said, I wasn’t born an Abra. And my biological father...he wasn’t the dad of the year. I have far too much pain and anger locked up in my heart. That’s...another reason we went on a trip. To try and make some happy memories to replace the bad ones.

"Well... you sure seem to need them." Pointed out the colt closest to him as a group of new murmurs took over the colts as they seemed to have realized they had taken their 'prank' a bit too far.

Vincent closed his eyes and said, quite simply. Fifteen years. So much pain. And without so much as a by-your-leave, Arceus drags us all here without telling you lot first. There’s bound to be...friction, when the world of ponies and the world of Pokemon interact. At least, until the rough edges get smoothed over.

"... I..." One of the colts started, "I would do all I could to help my family."

"Dude, I guess that is a given for everyone." Replied another one with a sarcastic tone.

"But then what are you planning to do from now on?" Inquired a boy with curiosity. "I mean, you said you were a prisoner of some sort, so what will you all do now that you are all free?"

Vincent opened his eyes and smiled at the colts. Take a trip around Equestria, now that we can. And when we go back to Las Pegasus, I plan to look into becoming a detective. But the most important thing is quite simple.

The Kadabra looked up and his smile only grew. We’re going to be there for one another. No matter what.

"Well, I have heard worse plans." Deadpanned a colt.

"And less cheesy." Joked another.

Our darker times are many, Vincent said while not looking at the colts. And when I got emotional, I was recalling only a fraction of mine. It took my family to snap me out of my state. It’s as much for you or any bystanders as it is for us. Frankly, I’m not sure there’s anyone who could help us besides each other.

A sonorous "~ahem~" come from behind the group as a lone Bisharp kept his vigilance.

Well yes, Vincent snarked, there is the ‘beat you into submission’ option, but that doesn’t help in the long run, now does it?

"As far I know, it has worked twice. One by my team and another from whoever this Abby is." Replied Weiss from his place. "So how about learning how to take things more calmly?"

The group of kids chuckled in response.

"So you have been defeated twice?" One of the colts asked.

Well when you’re an Abra, you’re not known for your fighting prowess. Though I will say I pull off a mean set of Teleport tricks. Luke knew his stuff. Took out a three-pony hit-squad by creatively Teleporting around them, making them run into walls trying to grab me, and then dropping them on one another. And in the case of Weiss and his team, let’s face it, they have far more real-world experience that I do. Than...any of us do. The most battle experience any of us had was the simulator. That being said, I like Lucy’s chances against him.

"I take that is a challenge then!" Proclaimed Weiss with surprising joy. "But I presume you want the match once you guys return to Las Pegasus right?"

The kids seemed a bit depressed as their sudden promise of action was suddenly cut short.

I’ll let Lucy decide that...although your face after taking two Aura Spheres to it sorta tells me who might win. And yeah, I have more to see yet. So young ones! Here the group of small ponies turned to look back at Vincent. What is there to see in Equestria?

"You guys could go to Baltimare in the South." Suggested a colt.

"Or you can go see the capital of the Kingdom, Canterlot." Added another one.

"They had to pass through there when coming here from Las Pegasus you dofus!" Retorted yet another.

Actually, Vincent interjected, We took an overnight train from Las Pegasus. Didn’t move off it at all. Woke up in time to eat and get ready before getting off yesterday. So we didn’t spend any time anywhere else.

"...HA!" Triumphantly exclaimed the former colt.

"You could also go to Ponyville as well." Suggested a girl who had joined the group, alongside the rest of the girls and Lucy. "I have bunch of my family there, not to mention the six national heroines live there. And the new princess too!"

"We get it Babs, Ponyville is awesome." Deadpanned, again, a colt.

That’s a lot of good reasons, Vincent said honestly. So that one’s probably on the list. The Kadabra decided to say nothing about how it probably already had been. So, what about this Canterlot place?

"I would recommend the castle's gardens, they are quite delightful. And don't miss a chance to look at the many vitrals it has, they are quite a sight." Replied Weiss with a wide smile. "But aside from that, I am afraid I also went on a tight schedule that time. So I can't be much help there."

...Why do I get the feeling that asking you to be specific about your tight schedule will only invite suffering?

"Of course not!" Weiss retorted calmly. "It may be confusing and startling, but never suffering!"

...Okay then, not asking. Any ponies want to chip in about Canterlot?

“Oh! There is the Sundial as well." Added Weiss as he remembered it as if were just another thing to look at.

"I think meeting the royal princesses would be more interesting than a day only clock." Pointed out one of the kids.

Lucy turned to the child in question and fired on maximum snark. “So nice to hear you respecting your sun ruler. Maybe we should tell her that. Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that your sun is useful for telling time.

"That isn't false though." Pointed other kid while the previous one did all he could to become unnoticeable.

Is there something about this Sundial I’m missing? Vincent mused.

"It’s supposed to be linked to mega stones." Simon answered as he walked past the group, a small mountain of kids on his back.

"... yeah, what he said." Confirmed the Bisharp.

Interesting. Is it something you think we should investigate? Now the Kadabra was sitting forward, his head turned to look at Weiss.

"What? The three stories tall pink diamond with hundreds of thousands of reflections?" Replied the mercenary with sarcasm. "Nah, it’s the stones linked to it what you three should really be looking for."

“Oh, we’ll just put that on our shopping list,” Sam deadpanned. “Tell me, how exactly are we supposed to go about getting those things when we’re on a completely different planet now?”

"..." Weiss keep silent as he looked at Sam with disbelief. He then picked himself up, walked toward the Scizor, and poked him in the chest with his gauntleted hand, a metallic sound coming from it as he raised an eyebrow.

Vincent chuckled a bit. I think what he means is, do you think Arceus would even entertain audiences about such things? I’m of half a mind to see him myself.

"Tell him I say hi." Added Weiss with a smile of his own, a very mischievous one.

...Hey, Pancha, Char, Edge, do you think I should listen to him about that? Vincent was of two minds about whether or not to pass on the message, and sought the opinion of those who knew him.

"Por que no!" Chirped the Hawlucha.

"It may be a good way to start things." Suggested the Scizor.

"Not to mention it would make him less 'lordy' when talking to you." Finished the Noivern.

...Okay then. I’ll at least mention you lot. No promises beyond that. And actually, here the Kadabra looked to the sky and the sun’s lower position in it, it’s probably about time for these young ones to be on their way. As well as us. Any ideas how to wake their teachers up?

"I think our fairy maiden is dealing with them right now." Noticed Char as Valerie talk with the now awake, and less scared, teachers.

"Then I guess this is all for you kids." Proclaimed Weiss. None of the kids seem to hear him. "... fu-...buck you people."

Mayhap one of us, Weiss? The Kadabra made a sound akin to clearing his throat, somehow, and that got the attention of the young ones by projecting his ‘voice’ to include all of them. Children, it’s getting late, and your parents will be worried soon. If you’d be so kind, please find your teacher, so they don’t have to go looking for you.

Weiss merely crunched down and drew circles with a stick as the kids properly listened to Vincent.

As each Pokemon present, plus a mare, had been looking after the fillies, there was no one lost and the class leave the park with no further problems or delays.

"Such a nice bunch." Edge said as she heard them leave.

Lucy nodded absently, forgetting that Edge couldn’t see it. “I’d like to think that was good for all of us. Let us try and paint things in a...is the term foal-friendly here? Foal-friendly light. We won’t forget, but...it helped a bit, sharing, and seeing that the young didn’t care.”

“Yeah,” Sam added. And then he leaned in and whispered to Lucy. ”Don’t think you were so silent, little miss. We’re going to talk, later. You’re just lucky Vincent’s as oblivious as a rock and was occupied with the colts.”

Lucy coughed, blushed, and looked away from both Sam and Vincent. The Kadabra got up, stretched, and looked around. Aaah...whelp. Back to the hotel for us, and then on to the train. Meet you there?

"Sounds good for me." Said Weiss as he raised up and dusted himself off. "But I have to ask; did you kids learn something today?"

Checkmate as a whole, or at least as 'whole' the group was currently, gave the trio a 'we warn you' look.

Lucy looked to the Bisharp and nodded once. Sam shot a look at Char and smiled before replying verbally. “Yeah, a bit.”

Vincent, on the other hand, gave Weiss an unamused look before stating his answer. You know I did. Heck, you were a big part of it. Why are you even asking?

"Huh...?" Replied the mentioned Bisharp. "Oh, you meant the kids!" Then he laughed. "I meant about tempting fate."

Then Rouge smacked him with a vine.

"Of course, we are glad to know you at least learned from this experience."

"I would suggest though." Added Simon, who seemed to have enjoyed the time immensely. "You guys really, really! Need to work on your patience."

“Good luck with that,” Sam said in a tired tone. “Yeah, I tend to enjoy the outdoors and I love my space. But being their big brother figure for so long, I can tell you one thing about those two. They’re less patient than me. And I think they’re making up for their childhoods.”

Lucy and Vincent nodded while smiling all the while. Welcome to the broken family of Nurem, where the only thing keeping us from going crazy is each other!

Again the park was filled with laughter, this time though, it came from the whole team.

"I presume you kids have that part right at least." Say Weiss as he cleaned a few tears from his eyes.

"We aren't precisely sane to begin with, so its good to have someone as nuts to balance us around." Added Edge.

"And it’s never an easy job!" Shouted Simon with pride, oblivious to the incredulous looks he was receiving.

"But with one of you knowing when to keep a cold head, that’s more than enough” agreed Char as he looked at Sam.

"Being the sensible one is not an easy task though." Continued Rouge. "There may be times when just letting go would be easier, but then..."

"Then what difference is there between you and a monster." Solemnly said Edge.

"Unless you are Alice, because sanity doesn't matter as long there is dinero!" Joked Pancha in the end.

Meanwhile in Zebrica, a grumpy Vespiquen sneezed.

Back in the park, the three family members shared a look and a nod. “Eh, we share the cool head, swap the attitude around as needed,” Sam began.

“Rather simple too, we all made the same promise, and we remind each other when we need to,” Lucy continued.

We are not him, we will never be him, and we will bring each other back to reality if we begin acting like him or like he got to us. And for that, I thank you, Weiss. You snapped me back earlier. The Kadabra finished the promise the family made, saying the words ‘he’ and ‘him’ with such venom that none could mistake who he was talking about.

"Don't mention it." Replied Weiss as he offered Vincent a hand. However the tone he used was apologetic, the look of his eyes was regretful and the enthusiasm of the mercenaries vanished. Although just for a second.

"We enjoyed having time to teach, rather than causing chaos for a change." Added Rouge with her usual and elegant personality back in place.

From the slight flicker in Vincent’s eyes, their attitude change probably hadn’t gone unnoticed. However, whether or not he did catch it, there was no mention of it by him. And we enjoyed learning. C’mon guys, you know it’s gonna take a few trips to get everything out.

With that, the trio that made up the family left the park with only a wave in parting to Checkmate.

Vincent sighed for the fifth time as he tapped one foot on the platform. You’d think that, for something that probably has a clock embedded in his code somewhere, Bit would be more punctual.

Apparently, the Porygon-Z had gotten a bit...engrossed in reading the literature that Manehatten had to offer. Sam and Lucy chuckled at the sight of the impatient Kadabra waiting on the arrival of Bit, which caused him to turn and look at them with a raised eyebrow.


“Oh, nothing,” Sam said. “Just, who was it who was complaining about not being able to sleep in the other day? I think it was a little psychic in training.”

“Yeah, you were never the picture of punctuality, Vincent.”

The Kadabra scoffed a bit at that and waved a hand at them. None of us were, but seeing as how the trains here apparently run on time, would it be too much to ask Bit to do the same?

At that moment, the program’s voice came from behind them, startling the small family. “I am not late, or early. I arrive exactly when I mean to, which is three minutes before the train is set to pull out of the station, so that we can board and get comfortable just in time.”

The trio, after recovering from their small heart attack, shot a glare at Bit. Vincent then shot a small pulse of thought down the platform to where Checkmate was, carrying a simple message with it. Dammit all, Xavier, what did you teach Bit while you two were off learning?!

'Timing.' Was all the Metagross replied as the other, and bigger, group approached them. All of them smiling as always, the only exception being those who weren't mercenaries. They didn't seem that different, but they did look like they were afraid of some imminent explosion.

"Our apologies." Said Char as they arrived. "Our friend here had a sort of 'challenge' with your friend about who could consume more information in the library."

"And before you think your boy had it easy, I should mention Xavier never limited how they would get the information." Pointed Rouge.

"Long story short, he began to extract the knowledge from everypony. Thus Bit had to get serious." Explained Weiss with a third chuckle. "He may be quoting a few books from now on."

“Or until I next go into standby mode to sort the information,” Bit replied. “Something I’m good at, and I know quite a bit about this world, now. I merely wish they had a computer system. Then again, I don’t think they quite needed one before.”

“Ah well,” Sam replied. “Maybe we’ve inspired a few young ones from the park by telling them about computers.”

You mean, maybe you did. I do believe the train’s about to pull out, though. Shall we board?

As the train's whistle sounded, Edge made a cringing expression.

"And that seems to be my sign to leave, see you bunch at the fancy city!" And without saying anything else, she left before another call to board hurt her further.

The remaining Pokemon, plus one Pegasus, boarded right after Vincent's family.

'Boy.' Xavier said with a serious tone. 'I have a proposition for you.'

Listening for as long as the ride lasts, Vincent thought back as he settled himself in his seat.

The Shiny Pokemon was too bulky to be on a regular cart. He had to take a cargo 'seat' instead. That, however,didn't stop him from keeping in touch with the rest.

'The ride is around eight to ten hours long. I think that is more than enough time for me to teach you some self-control, as well any other trick I know. As long you are willing of course.’ For the first time in forever, Xavier was using a humble tone when asking Vincent.

...Hmm...so long as we do it while I’m sleeping. I just couldn’t seem to get enough as an Abra, and I think some of that’s stuck with me as a Kadabra. I’d be a fool to turn down any help you’d be willing to provide. After all, you’ve been a Pokemon and a Psychic-type all your life. Even now, Vincent could feel the beginnings of sleep tugging at his mind.

'I am pleased with your reply.' Honestly commented the tactician. 'But I would take this moment to say something to your family, because once we start this, I won't stop.'

Eh, unless it’s vital information I have to pass on, I’d rather we just start. Sam and Bit are used to such things from my time with Luke, and we’ve told Lucy about it, so they won’t be startled at all.

'Even after a couple of years?'

...if you even come close to making me miss Ponyville, I swear, I will break out.

'Eight to ten hours.' Xavier began to explain himself. 'For the mind, that can become to almost a decade.' He let his words to be understood by the sleepy Kadabra before continuing. 'You really don't want to say anything to them before starting?'

...They won’t notice. And if it helps, I’ll bear it. But let’s do try to make it fast from our point of view?

'Kid, I will only be the one teaching, how fast we get results will depend on you.' And with that said time become slower for only the both of them.

Vincent smiled and cracked his neck in the new landscape. “As I told Luke during the last day of my training in Las Pegasus...Bring. It. On.”

Morning brought a rocking sensation to the family of Pokemon, and Vincent stretched a bit before sighing. Yikes. I think I know how Bit feels sometimes. So much information!

‘It will take some time for your body to get used to the new knowledge.’ Clarified Xavier with a more familiar tone. 'I would suggest you to train for real once you can.'

The Kadabra took note of the fact that his family was still asleep and smiled softly. Five and a half relative years had passed between him and Xavier that night, and he regretted none of it. Not if it would help keep them safe. Hey, Xavier? Thanks. Also, how long to Ponyville, do you know?

'It was the least I could do after what we did...' He didn't mean the whole chaos of yesterday though. Real yesterday. 'And we still have a couple of hours before arriving. And we are arriving in Canterlot by the way. I thought you had a better memory that that.' Pointed out the Metagross sarcastically.

I’m not an Alakazam yet, though with your tricks, once I properly integrate them, others might mistake me for one. Besides, I’ve slept through all my train rides so far. Makes it hard to remember the stops between.

'You slept over six weeks in there, I think it’s safe to say you should start working on fixing that sleep issue of yours.' Joked Xavier with a chuckle. 'But being sincere, I must admit your abilities surprise me enormously. I thought you would need a decade to learn what I have to teach, yet you only needed half the time. Once you evolve for a third time, your powers will be so great that only the legendaries will be able to hone them any further.'

Okay, first of all, do not knock the sleeping. I concede I may enjoy my rest a bit more than most, but that’s probably a residue of having Abra DNA fused to my own back on Earth. And second, what can I say? I seem to keep running into a series of very good teachers. Now if you’ll pardon me, I need to locate the dining car. Or Weiss. One for food, and one to say farewell to if you intend to get off at Canterlot.

'He is already in the dining car,' Provided the now appointed teacher. 'And I would have thought you would want to hug your siblings as soon we came back, after all you did nothing but talk about them whenever you could.'

And wake them up before they want to be? Blasphemy! Plus, there’s something you never do to the Subjects. You never…ever, startle them. If you want to live, anyways. With that ominous phrase, the Kadabra started heading to the dining car after quite discreetly plucking it from the mind of a nearby pony engineer.

As Vincent approached the car, Weiss received a quick report from Xavier.

"Welcome back." He cheerfully saluted as he and Char had a couple of drinks on their hands, one of them meant for Vincent. "So how long was it since the last time we talked?"

From your point of view, probably only yesterday. Also, that better not be alcohol: I’m still underaged and I don’t even want to imagine the effects that it would produce in me, and the effects I would produce while it was in me.

"In order: yes it is alcohol, but don't worry, it’s a soft drink. Technically you are twenty one now, so let's celebrate your mental growing. And I am sure Xavier taught you how to keep your mind under control." Listed Weiss matter-of-factly as he kept the drink offered at Vincent.

"Is only sidra kid." Clarified the red comet as Weiss give him an annoyed look.

"Party pooper..."

Being taught is one thing. Applying the teachings and trainings until I do it without thinking about it is another matter altogether. And applying alcohol to the mix beforehand will not help me at all. Soooo, no. Not taking it, though thanks for the offer. I’m still going for my usual breakfast fare until the trainings have had time to assimilate properly into my body. And if I find out that my family’s learned of this thing Xavier and I did before I break the news to them...it will not end well for whoever did it.

"It is your family kid. We have no right to do that." Clarified Char as he took a sip from his own beverage.

"You do know you are resistant to Poison right?" Inquired Weiss a bit sarcastically.

Poison is one thing. I’m not eager to go around testing whether alcohol falls under the typing system by trying to give myself a hangover. There’s a limit to my curiosity, and the line is typically drawn before self-harm comes into the equation. At this, the psychic had finally found a pony who’d give him cereal and milk, and was munching happily on it. Though I wonder if you can say the same. From some of the things I picked up from Xavier, it’s not looking likely…

"It makes things fun!" Proclaimed the former human as he gulped his drink in one go. Only to look disappointed right after. "And to answer your theory: yes. Alcohol is a kind of poison, I’ve been trying to feel at least a bit tipsy, but after a bottle and a half I feel as sober as someone lost in the desert."

"Not to mention it is just sidra." Pointed Char again. "It has less than 5% of alcohol by volume in it."

Interesting. Two thoughts. One, once I properly get myself worked out from that little training session, I may decide to try some. And two, I suddenly feel bad for any human who enjoyed a drink that no longer can because they’re resistant or immune to poison. Besides you, that is, because I have a feeling you’ll work something out.

"I was thinking about getting lost in a desert to real and see if I can get sun drunk." Weiss shamelessly joked.

"I always liked to drink, not so I could get wasted, but as a reminder of how life can have its sour moments." With that said, the Scizor emptied his glass as well and finished. "And as a way to accept them willingly."

A fine way of thinking, Vincent said while nodding. Maybe when I’m ready, I’ll find my own ways regarding drinking and be able to vocalize them half as well as you. But for now...ah yes, my family stirs. They’ll be up in a minute, but that’s a minute I can use to do this.

The Kadabra walked over to stand in front of Weiss and stuck one hand out. While our meeting was less than ideal, I can at least say that we’ll part as better acquaintances, and perhaps if we meet again, we can call one another friend. Here he winked. Especially if you meet me back in Las Pegasus, I know a shiny Sandslash that does a mean pizza.

"It was a quite shocking first impression, I’ll give you that." Complimented Weiss as he took Vincent's hand with his own, no metal gauntlet in the middle. "But I am glad to have been able to meet you, Vincent Nurem. And I look forward to being treated with this pizza." He joyfully added at the end.

Oi, Mary doesn’t do ‘treats’ anymore. She only did it for me once as a gift when we met each other in this new world. She made it quite clear that even I’m expected to pay now afterwards. If you think I’m just going to cover your lunch cost-free, then you’re nuts! Especially considering the size of your team!

"But don't you have like a lot of bits?" Pointed out the mercenary with a grin.

"We can always use the empire's IOU's." Suggested Char.

Might be worth it, Vincent said. Or I might come up with something else you lot can do for me to repay me. You never know.

With that, the Kadabra made his way back to the compartment his family was resting in.

Chapter twenty-four - Meeting a God, rendering Judgement

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The overnight train pulled into Ponyville, and the odd family of Pokemon disembarked while stretching. “I never get tired of saying it,” Sam commented while flexing to make sure all the kinks were worked out, “But while the train is convenient, I really like being out of it when the trip is over. Those small compartments, while nicely furnished, remind me just a bit too much of...there.”

Lucy nodded as the luggage appeared next to the family, taking one of the significantly lighter pieces and pulling it. “It might take us some work to get used to such spaces again. Vincent, how’s your normal information-gathering going?”

The Psychic opened his eyes and looked towards the ominous forest on the horizon. I found where Arceus’ temple is. Some of the locals have been there, and it was near the forefront of their minds.

At that, three stomachs rumbled, and Bit spoke up with just a touch of cheek to his voice. “And how about a place to eat?”

Vincent grumbled a bit, but complied. We can probably grab something quickly at this...Sugarcube Corner. But I would like to pay Arceus a visit.

Lucy and Sam stopped at that, actually stopped, while Vincent kept walking. “Um. You do realize he’s a god, right?”

The psychic waved off his brother’s concerns. They came back fine, and his little speech wasn’t about instilling any reign of terror or anything. I’m certain he’s reasonable.

“Yes…” Lucy trailed off. “But also powerful. You don’t just walk into the den of a god or a Legendary, even with a plan. You bow and hope they don’t blast you.”

The Kadabra tilted his head to one side in slight confusion. Bit did as well, but the program was the one to voice their lines of thinking. “If Arceus has not installed himself as the new god of this world, odds are, he is not likely to at this point in time. His ability to be reasonably talked with must not be underestimated. Especially if all Vincent desires to do is talk with him.”

Vincent nodded at Bit’s words. Exactly. Seeing as how the world isn’t warped or anything, then yeah, Arceus is probably either perfectly capable of being talked with like a normal being, or the jump and his little broadcast drained him. Either way, I only intend to talk at him.

“Don’t you mean, talk with him?”

You heard me.

The short trip into Sugarcube Corner to get sweets for the three that actually ate was nearly suffocatingly sweet. Apparently, it could be worse if a certain pink mare was present at the time, but she was currently in Manehatten on some sort of business. Or a party. Or a business party. Apparently with her, you could never tell.

The Scizor, Lucario, and Kadabra all walked out with a chocolate muffin each, while Bit reported back that he’d found a good place to stash their luggage for the day. With a quick trip, the family’s funds were hidden, and they were on their way to the temple of the Legendary Pokemon.

While the initial going was slightly rough and wild, after only ten minute’s work, the path that Vincent had plucked from the minds of some of the locals was found. A little worse for wear, but it was still mostly there. After what felt like two hours to the quartet, they found themselves...well, they found themselves outside the Temple.

The group stared in awe at the colossal structure, as well as the three beings standing in front of the doors.

“Are they... statues?” Lucy asked.

“Not exactly,” Sam said. He stepped forward and cleared his throat. “We seek an audience with Lord Arceus.”

“State your names,” Regirock stated.

“And your business with our Lord,” Regice added.

Sam held one claw over his chest and bowed his head slightly. “Sam,” he intoned.

Bit beeped once. “Bit,” He replied.

Lucy shrugged. “Lucy.”

Vincent stepped forward and cleared his throat a few times. “Oh wow, been a little while since I used the old vocal cords. Anyways. Vincent Nurem. And that should also tell you my business,” he finished.

Registeel blinked a few times. “Names cataloged, Vincent Nurem... file recognized,” The three Regi’s blinked in rapid succession and stepped aside. “Enter.”

Vincent nodded and looked to the others. “You want to come in?”

The family considered for a moment, then rapidly shook their heads. “Nah, go ahead. I’ll stay out of the line of fire.”

“Mine or his?” Vincent shot back.

“Both,” Sam finished.

“Take care, Vincent,” Lucy added.

As the Kadabra nodded, the Porygon-Z turned to the Regi’s and beeped once. “I am curious about these three and may engage in mutual information exchange while you are gone.”

Vincent smiled and stepped through the doors. The hall was...well, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. One of the things he was sure he wouldn’t ever forget. Massive. Beautiful.

Coming to the end of the hall, and entering a room more spacious than the temples height should have allowed. Vincent looked around, surprised that no one seemed to be there.

“Hello?” He called out.

As the word left his lips, a flash of gold illuminated the door. “Greetings young one,” Arceus said, floating towards Vincent. “I am Lord Arceus.”

Vincent looked up at the floating god and nodded once. “I’m Vincent. Vincent Nurem. And I have...a few questions. Ones I hope...someone will finally be able to answer.”

Arceus nodded. “I’ll answer any of your questions to the best of my ability... so long as it’s not the meaning of life, or some other existential inquiry.”

Vincent weakly chuckled at that before shaking his head. “Nah...I don’t think I need that one answered. Just...why? Why any of this?” He swept his hand around to encompass the room and the world beyond. “Why bring us here, why change us...but most importantly, why did it take this to get me out from under the one my father became?”

Arceus blinked in confusion and closed his eyes, he had taken many memories from his Legendaries, he hoped one of them would... “Oh,” Arceus said suddenly, coming across a file from Genesect. “You are... that, Vincent Nurem.”

“Yeah,” Vincent said. “The one who lived. The one who lived under a monster. The one who saw what unbridled curiosity, untempered by morals, can do. Why did it take this to get me and my family free?”

Arceus sighed deeply. “Well... I was trapped for over five thousand years outside of space and time, it was not an easy task to escape. And...” The Alpha Pokemon shook his head. “I could do nothing from my former position, else your fathers... experiments, never would have began in the first place.”

Vincent, surprisingly, actually glared at the god. “No. Not you or anyone else gets to disparage Rupert Nurem, the man who was my father. I...I identify the two as different people. Rupert became the doctor. The doctor was not my father. My father cared. My father tried to bridge the gap between man and ‘mon. My father wanted to save his own mother. It was him hardening his heart and that accident that killed it completely that turned him into what I remember.”

Arceus looked at the boy in shock, then chuckled. “My apologies, Mister Nurem, I’m afraid my family has not had the best relationship with scientists, so forgive my mistake.”

Vincent nodded absently. “Sam told me of some of the stories, Bit has some news files he never looked at yet. If any of them are true, or if they’re not the entire story, then I can believe it. But…” Here he looked around the hall, noting the many doorways that led to rooms. “You’re not the only one. Your family, not all of them were sealed. True, they aren’t you. But someone could have done something.”

Arceus looked down at the boy sadly. “... Perhaps some... Latios and Latias rescued Genesect from Team Plasma but...” He looked away. “I... I’m sorry to say... I didn’t know, and until recently, neither did most of my family.”

Vincent nodded. “Fair enough. But he started making me watch, you know. Bit gave me numbers, which is well and good. As I can’t recall all of the experiments, nor was I forced to watch all of them. Eight hundred and fifty one. Discounting the thirty-seven living subjects that survived his tender ministrations, that leaves so many dead that I had to see pass. And is also probably why you or others didn’t know.”

Arceus hung his head. “So many... my Pokemon... that is why I brought us here you know? I’ve seen unspeakable things throughout the ages, so much cruelty and pain, enough to drive a normal man insane. For five thousand years I had to watch without being able to do anything short of point a Legendary in the right direction and hope.” He shook his head. “No more.”

“Indeed,” A new voice rung out, “No more. It particularly offended me, you know. Being the lady of life and all, all the things your father did.”

Vincent and Arceus turned to see a tall, thin, deer-like Pokemon entering the room. Her antlers shone brightly, even with the lack of sunlight. “Ah, Lady Xerneas,” Arceus said. “This is Vincent Nurem, we were just... well, I suppose you heard didn’t you?”

“Indeed father,” She turned to Vincent. “Hello Vincent, it’s nice to finally meet you.”

The young Kadabra blinked rapidly at that. “Um. Hello? Going by what you said just now, I’m assuming you know me, but...well, I’m afraid I don’t know of you. Legends were treated as just that at the labs, so...could you introduce yourself, properly, and then explain how you know me? I’m rather confused, I’m afraid.”

Xerneas smiled. “But of course young Vincent,” Craning her head upwards, Xerneas spoke. “I am Lady Xerneas, Life given flesh and guardian of Fairy-kind.” The gems in her antlers flashed all the colors of the rainbow and then some. “As for how I know you... well, that is where it gets complicated.”

Xerneas took a deep breath and began. “You see Vincent, all those years ago, when your father first began his experiments, attempting to mix human and Pokemon DNA well... I was none the wiser, but when his... subjects, started dying, my counterpart, Yveltal, informed me that what seemed to be crossed between human and Pokemon were leaving the mortal world.” She shook her head at the memory. “I was curious but, unfortunately, I was imprisoned at the time.”

Vincent blinked and absently started stroking his mustache as he started thinking out loud. “Okay, so life’s counterpart is death, so that makes sense...And if he told you, then...wait, that’s where things break down. If you were imprisoned, then how do you know of me? We keep coming back to that sticking point.”

Xerneas smiled. “My full title Vincent, I am Life given flesh, my body can be bound but my spirit cannot, to some extent I was able to explore and interact with the world while I was trapped, I don’t recall much, but you I do.”

The Kadabra slowly nodded at that. “Okay, but if your attention was drawn by the subjects dying...then that was when I was…” He trailed off as his eyes widened at the implications.

“When you were just a baby, after your father experimented on you, I saw your life ebbing away, slower than the others, as a childs body is more malleable but none the less, fading.” She looked the Kadabra right in the eyes. “You were going to die Vincent, and nothing any mortal could have done would have saved you.”

Vincent slowly held his hand up to his face, looked at his new form, and looked at Xerneas again. “You?”

Xerneas nodded. “I did what I could, I gave your spirit strength, changed your body wherever possible, made it so you could survive.” She hung her head. “After that, I had to retreat within the tree my body had been sealed in to reenergize, and... I’m so sorry, I tried to convince Calem to take me to you, but he didn’t understand me.” A few tears slid down her muzzle. “He was a good Trainer, but... not the best listener.”

The adolescent Psychic breathed deeply a few times, to keep himself under control. “I lived, because of you. I survived my infancy, because of you. But let me ask you a question. There was one more after me. If you could have saved me, Rupert’s son, or his mother...the one he was trying to save all this time...why save me?”

Xerneas shook her head. “I’m not a Psychic-type, I might have been able to save her life, but her mind was beyond me to repair, and... you had yet to live your life. It was her time, it didn’t have to be yours.”

Vincent swallowed thickly and looked up to Arceus. “A final question, then, if you aren’t offended by the content.”

“Ask,” Arceus said bluntly.

Vincent closed his eyes and balled up his hands. “What is the fate of Doctor Nurem? I want to know. I want to close that chapter of my life forever. And until I do, there’s going to be this spectre behind me. This is something I think only you can answer.”

Arceus’ eyes glowed gold as he searched for the answer. “Vincent,” Arceus began. “I want you to know... I’m sorry for everything.” He took a deep breath and began. “When I transferred beings over, I had to separate the worthy, from the unworthy. People who were fair, kind, and just, who treated Pokemon as equals, in all honesty, a fair majority of the human population,” Arceus tone darkened. “I left those who tortured my Pokemon, who treated them as tools, the man behind the creation of Mewtwo, the ones who caused the cataclysm involving Groudon and Kyogre... men... like the man your father became.”

Vincent nodded once. “If he’s left behind, well and good. But I met a mercenary group in Manehatten. Mercenaries. Morally grey. They that take jobs for money, Arceus. God you may be, but perhaps a few slipped through? And I’d hate it if anyone from the labs found me again.”

Arceus shook his head. “You mean Checkmate don’t you?”

Vincent laughed a bit. “Okay, yeah, fair enough. I spent the day with them, they turned out to be nice. And then I met Hastings.” The mood was instantly soured. “I think you can figure out how that meeting went.”

Arceus cleared his throat and explained. “Well... Checkmate, specifically their leader Weiss, are friends with one of my Legendaries, Latias, she knows all their secrets and she personally vouched for them in the transfer.” He sighed. “Hastings, though he may be... set in his ways, devoted his life to helping Pokemon and, despite everything, he did a lot of good.”

The young psychic shook his head. “Abby was a better choice, in my opinion. She was the first Ranger I ran into, and she cares about all her partners. If Hastings had ever removed his head from his own behind to see how wrong he was on any of those cases he pursued, then maybe, just maybe those resources could have been put to finding the doctor.”

“I know, it angered me to no end what the Rangers did, well most Rangers, there were quite a few who were nowhere near as bad as him.” Arceus sighed. “But that’s beside the point, I dare say Vincent, unless one of the lab workers was secretly a crime fighting vigilante, a saboteur, or something of the like, then none of them made it here.” He looked directly at Vincent. “That includes your father.”

“Good,” He said. “And also, I’d like to thank you for not simply...unmaking people like him. After all, he cared, once. And hell though it may have been, I came out of it with a broken little family. The only thing that I could use now would be knowledge that the other,” here he counted off before nodding, “Thirty-two surviving test subjects, especially the other four escapees that I haven’t met yet, are alive and well. But not all of them appreciated me talking with them, so I’ll let their fate be something I not meddle in.”

Again, Arceus’ eyes glowed gold. “Four... seven... ten... twelve... twenty-five... thirty-one...... thirty-two.” The Alpha Pokemon’s eyes returned to normal. “All of them made it to Equus, and are... relatively well.”

Vincent blinked at the god’s answer to his question, but nodded and smiled. “Well. Thank you for the knowledge.” At that, he then turned to Xerneas and had a sudden thought. “Wait. How well do you know me? I mean...from that one moment, you then said you went back to your prison. What else of my life do you know?”

Xerneas sighed. “I could hazily feel you through the prison, being the last being I encountered before my full retreat within, and from the energy I left in you.” She shook her head. “I felt your pain Vincent, up until you came to Equus I could, at least vaguely, feel what you felt.”

Vincent went to try and wipe at Xerneas’ eyes before pausing and shrugging. “Sorry for when he stopped using anesthetic, then. Along with all the torture he put me through. I think only Luke really knows much of anything that happened to my family there, and Xavier knows of everything I can remember. Threw it at him, and he didn’t flinch. I’m sorry you felt any of it.”

Xerneas smiled softly. “It’s alright, it meant I knew you were still alive.”

“To quote the doctor, ‘Life is an interesting phenomena, a technically repeatable experiment filled with things I don’t understand yet. Let’s fix that.’” He chuckled a bit. “So...morbid question. How bad was it? If you hadn’t stepped in, how bad would it have been?”

“As an infant, you had a few weeks at most.” Xerneas said. “Otherwise...” She bit her bottom lip. “Unless I had managed to get to you, you had a year or two at most left in you.”

Vincent blinked. “Wait...even then, I was still dying?” He held a hand over his chest, suddenly very thankful. “You...were still saving me, even after all that time?”

Xerneas nodded again. “Humans weren’t meant to be given the kind of power you were, some are born with it, but only a Legendary could truly grant such a power. Otherwise...” She looked away. “My energy kept you alive, but I couldn’t give enough, not in my weakened state, to last a lifetime.”

Vincent, at this point, felt nothing but gratitude, and actually, gently, put one hand on Xerneas’ head and turned it to where they were looking at one another again before smiling. “Thank you. I lived because of you. And while that’s a double-edged statement, in that I experienced hell because I lived, I also found my family because I lived. I found out the truth because I lived. And I’m in a new world, without my father, because I lived, because of you. Thank you.”

He then looked up at Arceus and said, quite cheekily, “Sorry m’lord, but I think I’ve found a new favorite in her.”

Arceus chuckled. “I can’t say I blame you for that.”

Vincent nodded and looked to Xerneas again. “Come visit me sometime? Once I’m done with my vacation, I’m going to set myself up as a sort of private eye in Las Pegasus. My door’s always open to you.”

Xerneas smiled. “I would love that.”

Vincent turned to leave, but just before he reached the doors, he turned to look at Arceus over his shoulder. “Oh, and if anyone gives you any guff, Arceus? Feel free to use what could’ve happened if Hastings hadn’t been so set in his ways in regards to my story as motivation. The elderly clung to what was rather than accept their youth’s views, and spent so many resources fighting things that weren’t...really wrong. I can’t say he was entirely wrong, I met Luke. But if he had tried...really tried. Maybe I would have seen Xerneas’ prison on the old world.”

Arceus nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Vincent smiled. “Thanks. At least some good came out of my story. And if you need details, Bit’s got them.”

And the young psychic left the Hall of Legends, in a far better mood than he’d entered it with.

Upon his exit, the Kadabra saw Sam reclining against a tree, explaining some of the stories regarding the Regi’s to Lucy. Bit was hovering near the trio, and Vincent couldn’t make heads or tails of what they were actually saying, or what sort of language they were saying it in. “Um...Bit? What are you doing?”

After a few more seconds, Bit turned his head to Vincent and blinked. “Conversing with the Regi Trio. I was exchanging information with them. Apparently, Arceus may have some interest in the victims of the Doctor. Contacting families and next of kin.”

Vincent nodded slowly at that. “Oooookaaaay, but ‘exchange’ implies that you’re receiving something in return...are you?”

Registeel blinked a few times. “We have agreed to share with him the history of planet Earth, dating back to the creation of Pokemon.”

Vincent whistled while Sam attempted to do the same. “You’re not going to lord this knowledge over others, are you?”

Bit shook his head. “I do not possess the capacity to hold all the knowledge they would give me. Or all the knowledge even one of them would give me. I am merely getting the highlights. I am also choosing...to continue to remember, even after I pass the knowledge on.”

The mortals in the clearing nodded at that. “Someone has to,” Vincent whispered before patting one of Bit’s arms softly. “Well, just let me know when you’re done.”

“The exchange was a good portion completed already. Roughly half an hour more will see it through.”

“Were it the full version,” Regirock said.

“Imparted unto us by our father, Regigigas,” Regice continued.

“And imparted to him through Lord Arceus,” Registeel added.

“It would take several days and nights to complete,” They finished together.

Lucy shivered at that. “Okay, can I just say? Creepy.”

Sam nodded slightly. “Very unnerving. Which is probably why they did it.”

Vincent got a...look to his eyes then. And then he cleared his throat before speaking up. “Allow me to inquire, if you would. I presume, then, that you will be omitting the knowledge of how Arceus got sealed from the retelling. Assuming you even have it.”

The three Regi’s blinked in sequence. “That knowledge was not shared with us.” They said together.

“We are aware of when Lord Arceus was sealed.” Registeel said.

“And what the humans did to trap Lord Arceus” Regice continued.

“But the details of how they did it are not in our collective memory banks,” Regirock finished.

“Good,” Vincent said. “Because the last time mortals meddled in his affairs, it ended up with us here. If I may pass on a bit of advice, if your...father, you said? Regigigas, knows? Then I advise him to try and get rid of it. The only one who should know should be Arceus. I dread to think what would happen if a pony got it into their heads to mess with him…”

Registeel blinked a few times, then dinged twice. “Your advice has been sent to our father, as well as Lord Genesect.”

“In case either of their memory repositories contained the information,” Regice added.

Vincent smiled. “Well then. Back to waiting?”

Sam and Lucy nodded, and Vincent walked the short distance to join them in the waiting game.

After a short while, something else emerged from the temple. A purple, almost robotic looking insect-like Pokemon with a cannon on its back.

“Who’s that?” Vincent asked while practicing his control exercises.

“No idea,” Lucy said, doing a similar thing with her Aura sight. “But judging by both his aura and the fact that he walked out of the temple, I’m going with a Legendary.”

Sam shrugged. “No clue. Buuuut I’d bet twenty bits that might be the Genesect that the Regis were talking about.”

Vincent shook his head. “No bet.”

The Pokemon walked over to the Regis and seemed to ask them something, when Regirock pointed towards where Vincent and the others were waiting, it nodded to the trio before walking over to them.

“Greetings,” It said in a tone more robotic than Registeel’s. “I am Lord Genesect,” He seemed to scan the group before focusing on Vincent. “You are the Vincent Nurem correct?”

“Yes,” Vincent replied. “And I’m willing to take a shot in the dark here, but this isn’t exactly what we’d call a social call, is it?”

The Steel type chuckled. “I suppose not. First off, I would like to assure you, only Lord Arceus knows the details of the ritual or spell used to seal him, neither Regigigas nor I have that information.”

Vincent pondered for a moment, then shook his head. “Not quite good enough. You’d have to...drop some sort of censorship curtain on all the humans involved and what they were doing around that time. Otherwise, others may extrapolate. For example, if one came from a village where more Hard Rocks were being purchased, someone could suppose that a quantity of Hard Rocks were used. And so on. Even the tiniest detail could be crucial.”

Genesect’s body hummed as he ran a quick search. “File date, year 0000, Arceus was sealed by the high priests of his temple for interfering in events in the Hoenn region, current High priest-”

Genesect made a high pitched noise between a buzz and a beep. Lucy covered her ears.

“Data unrecognizable,” Genesect stated.

Vincent cleaned one ear out, trying to get some feeling back into it. “Oooookay. All well and good then...perhaps. Just...I’d advise keeping a very tight hold on that information. Anything to do with from before he was sealed. The Doctor used to say ‘The repeatable results are often times ruined because you do not look at the fine details.’ And this is one result I’d rather not have repeated. Ever.”

Genesect nodded. “I will compare files with Regigigas and see what has not already been deleted.” Genesect straightened up. “Second off,” He said. “I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for what you went through back on Earth, the files I... liberated, from the Union and various police branches did not agree on where you could be located, and the Doctor evidently used a system unconnected to the world wide web.” Before Vincent could reply, he added. “And I say this as someone who has gone through what you have all experienced,” He looked down at his claws sadly, as if remembering.

Vincent was silent for a moment before he replied. “Arceus said he didn’t bring the Doctor here. So that means you aren’t him. Which means it isn’t your fault for what he did. And I thank you for trying. But, apparently, the world is vast, and he was smart. Dangerously so. Perhaps, if the Ranger Union was willing to stop listening to Hastings and his views about how ALL Pokephilia is a terrible thing that must be stopped, you could have coordinated better and found him.”

Genesect nodded, the court files from the Ranger Union had been... irritating, to say the least. “True,” He buzzed sadly. “The Rangers had reports that they did not look into, insubstantial, they were labeled, for both our cases.”

Vincent thought for a moment before pointing at the exchange just finishing up. “I think, if you want to make amends for what you couldn’t have helped, the Regis just came into a boatload of information regarding his victims, thanks to Bit. It might take you a while, but...someone should tell their families.”

Genesect hummed and, despite the expression locked on his face, seemed to smile. “I had hoped to find a place in this new world,” He said. “I believe this will be a good way to start.”

“What better way than to travel it?” Vincent retorted. “Kinda why we’re here. We’re seeing the main sights, now that we can. The Temple or Hall or call it what you will was another stop for us. Canterlot’s our last trip before we go back to Las Pegasus...and if you find yourself there, I know of one escapee who lives there. Mary, a Shiny Sandslash. She makes wonderful food. You should say hi sometime.”

Genesect nodded. “I think I shall do just that,” He turned back to the Regis and said. “Thank you for the advice Vincent, on everything, and I wish you all good luck in whatever the future may bring.”

Bit floated over and nodded at Genesect. “Lord,” he acknowledged before turning back to the three who’d waited. “The information exchange is completed. I will have to review and properly file this information later.”

Nodding to the group one last time, Genesect walked back over to the Regis and, after a short conversation and a pause, headed back into the temple.

“So!” Vincent suddenly stated. “We can either try to Teleport a vast distance all at once…”

The argument Vincent had had with a certain Noivern the day prior regarding appearing upside-down and landing sideways quickly surfaced and made his family shake their heads.

“Ooooor we can walk for two hours back to town.”

Sam and Lucy sighed at the thought of more walking.

After a long walk back, the party of four emerged from the Everfree in the middle of the day. Okay, switching back to this, Vincent stated, his arm already glowing blue. So let’s see what there is to do in Ponyville. If anything in particular. Ping!

A wave of blue psychic power erupted from his cranium and rushed out, looking for surface thoughts to bring back to the boy. Unfortunately, just like in Manehatten, someone noticed.

In a flash of blue, a Gardevoir and a Gallade, along with a Houndoom, appeared in front of the group. Vincent sighed. Again. A-freaking-gain. Why can my plans to find entertainment while in a pony town never go unnoticed? He looked at the Gallade and hummed. Well, he said while shifting his eyes to the Gardevoir, While you aren’t Luke, there are two of you...this could be very bad for me.

The Gardevoir sighed. “Only if you attempt to harm me or my mate.”

Lucy shook her head. “He would never,” She defended Vincent. “He was just scanning minds for things to do while we were in town. We plan to move on at sunset, and we’d prefer to not be bored.”

Vincent nodded. Luke also told me I either have to rigidly control myself as a Kadabra, which is a bad option in my book, because it’d be more devastating if I lost it for even a second, or do things and keep doing them. I choose this option.

The Gallade smiled. “Hey, no harm no foul,” He said with a shrug. “We just felt your ping and figured we’d check it out.”

Vincent smiled at that. Well then. My family?

Sam nodded. “Sam,” he said while extending one claw.

Lucy shrugged and stuck out one paw, the smaller spikes suddenly very obvious. “Lucy,” She stated.

Bit beeped once and stayed where he was, though he did quickly look at all of them. “Bit,” he proclaimed.

The Gallade smiled again. “I’m Gene,”

“Belle,” The Gardevoir said.

“Fang,” The Houndoom said, eyeing Vincent and the others.

And my name is Vincent, Vincent Nurem. A pleasure to meet you.

Gene thought for a moment, he felt like he had heard that name before. “Well Vincent,” He said, shaking off the feeling. “If you’re looking for something to do, there’s a bowling alley, a roller rink, a library... and a bake shop home to one very.... excitable Pony.”

“We went,” Sam deadpanned.

“Their muffins were delicious,” Lucy mused.

Apparently, she wasn’t there early in the morn. Something about business elsewhere. Or a party. Apparently with her, it’s hard to tell.

Gene and Belle chuckled. “Yeah, that’s Pinkie Pie,” Belle said. “And she was in Manehattan, we were with her actually, on a mission of sorts from the Princess.”

Bit blinked, everyone blinked. “Yeah,” Sam said. “Okay, Vincent, I’m going to clock out, head over to the roller rink.”


“You being of interest to Arceus and Genesect, that, I can handle. Us barely missing this mare, fine! But everyone we bump into having connections? Too much! I need to relax!”

The Scizor walked off and was rapidly lost in the town. A moment passed before Lucy thought to speak up. “He...doesn’t know where it is, does he?”

No. No, I don’t think he does.

Fang chuckled to himself.

“Anyway,” Gene said. “You met Arceus?”

And Xerneas, and Genesect, and the Regi Trio. Personally, I like Xerneas more. Only makes sense, really.

“I suppose she’s easier to deal with huh?” Gene asked, remembering their recent dealings with Arceus.

Well, that. But it might have something to do with her holding me together for fifteen years.

Even Lucy was taken aback by the news. “Wait, you mean she’s...?”

Oh, did I not tell you? Vincent looked confused for a moment. Whoops. Yeah, she’s the reason I didn’t die like the rest.

Bit dinged a few times. “Information recorded. It all does make sense now.”

Gene and Belle looked at each other in confusion. “Okay... what?” Gene asked.

Eh...long story short, father tried to bridge the gap between man and ‘mon. Vincent waved one hand in a so-so fashion. His intentions were sorta noble and sorta selfish. Thirty six volunteers lined up to be injected with Pokemon DNA...and without mum knowing, he injected me as well when his original batch didn’t die. And when I didn’t die either, he injected his own mum...just as the original specimens self-destructed.

All three Pokemon were staring at Vincent with looks of horror. “That’s just... I don’t...” Belle stammered.

“And I thought my mother was bad,” Gene muttered under his breath.

Hey, imagine being able to use Water Gun as a human! Fires wouldn’t be an issue. A lawyer with psychic powers? Case closed! Buuuuut...humans weren’t meant to have the powers of Pokemon. His intentions were noble. He cared. He just...didn’t let the law stand in his way when it came to his mother’s last chance of living.

“Alright, alright,” Gene said. “Don’t get too defensive,” He smiled at Belle. “And being part Pokemon... that might have changed a lot huh sweetie?”

Belle smiled. “I’d think so.”

Yeah. Turns out, only Legendaries can bridge the gap. Had we stayed just one more year… The Kadabra drew a line across his throat. Xerneas wouldn’t have been able to keep me alive, imprisoned as she was.

“Yikes,” Gene said. “Well... one more good thing about coming here I guess.”

Vincent smiled and quickly hugged Lucy. Yeah. Not only do I live. Not only am I free of him. But my family is still here, and all the ones who survived him are out there somewhere as well. Speaking of. Vincent released Lucy and looked at both her and Bit. Wanna go find Sam and make sure he isn’t up to something that we’ll need to pay to fix?

Bit dinged a few times before increasing his hovering height. “I will attempt to locate him and guide him to his destination, then I must profess an interest in the library.”

Lucy sighed, but nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on our idiot big brother.”

Vincent grinned and nodded. Thanks sis.

The Lucario and Porygon-Z walked and floated off, leaving Vincent alone with Gene, Belle, and Fang. He looked at the three with a wide smile. A really wide smile.

“Vincent?” Gene asked, taking a step back. “What’s with the creepy smile?”

Sam was our only source of stories from Earth. And he got taken years ago, and I wasn’t thinking straight when I met Checkmate or Hastings. I was just swept up in being free around Abby and Luke and Kasai. I’ve only just now realized that you have a lot of stories you could tell me that I haven’t heard yet!

The three stared at him in shock. “Abby?” Belle asked. “Abby Trombley?”

Vincent blinked and stroked his mustache. Yup, met that particular Ninetails at Las Pegasus, along with her Arcanine friend. We had a few bouts...but we made up. Eventually. The city should calm down from that mob family takedown soon enough. Probably.

The trio were silent for a moment. What do we address first? Some of our best friends being in Las Pegasus? The fact he probably met Weiss? What Hastings said?

I’m not surprised Abby’s a Ninetails, Fang said.

Is that really what you took from that conversation? Gene asked.

I got more that he called Abby and Kasai friends, Belle chimed in.

Realizing that they had been quietly staring at Vincent throughout their conversation, the three of them smiled at the Kadabra. “Sorry about that,” Gene said. “It’s just that... we know Abby, I’m glad to hear she’s alright.”

Vincent nodded. Working with the Guard last I knew, helping smooth over Pokemon-Pony relations. I almost feel bad about Bit kicking up that Beedrill nest that was PegasusAir, but then I remember that they tried to ‘export’ Pokemon from the city when things didn’t go their way.

Again, the trio fell silent. We’re going to Las Pegasus aren’t we? Fang asked.

After the World Summit Twilight keeps talking about, Gene said. “Anyway, Vincent, you said you wanted to hear some stories? Alright, we’ll tell you about what’s happened recently, then you can answer a few of the questions we have about some of what you just said.”

Hey, I’m perfectly willing to clarify! You just have to be clear with what you want...and perhaps we can find some shade. The Kadabra looked around before pointing at a nearby park. That looks good. Shall we?

“Sure,” Gene said, motioning towards a particularly shady tree. “We can sit over there and chat for a bit.”

Vincent made himself comfortable, shifting a few times and closing his eyes. Ooooh. Bliss. Finally out of that darn lab. The outside is so interesting...and less likely to... Here he shuddered a bit before shaking his head. No...just calm. Just peace.

“I suppose you met Luke didn’t you?” Belle asked.

Guy’s a fortress. Seriously. If I had to pit him against anyone...hell, I’d only do it with Xavier, Checkmate’s Psychic, tactician, and Shiny Metagross. And even then, I’m not sure who’d come out on top. Still, kind, gentle. First one who cared. Taught me about my powers and the rules regarding their use...namely, there aren’t any save my morals.

Belle nodded. “Anyway, anything you want us to tell you about specifically? Or should we just start at the top and work our way down?”

Hmm...Actually, yeah. What do you all know of Genesect? I got that he’s a legend, but beyond that…

Gene sighed. “Juniper and Iris told us a bit about him; apparently, Team Plasma wanted to make the ultimate killing machine and revived some kind of extinct Bug Pokemon no one had ever seen before, then they... upgraded it, turning it into a cyborg.”

Bleh. Reminds me of Bit. Was a Porygon, got fed an Up-Grade and a Dubious Disk on the same disk. Forced him into Evolving. Was NOT pretty. Spent the rest of his time in the mainframe.

Gene nodded. “Alright... though I’d assume having a laser cannon surgically grafted onto your back might be a bit more... painful, especially if the tapes Juniper heard were anything to go by.”

The younger boy cracked an eye open and looked over at both fully Evolved forms of the Ralts line. I was an Abra, I Evolved. I assume you both have...it’s painless. Imagine going through it and feeling everything that was going on. Those screams of Bit’s won’t leave me. Or any of the others.

Gene and Belle looked at each other. “Okay, new rule,” Belle said. “No more comparing how horrible anything was... at least not in the sense we’ve been talking about.”

“And for the record, I didn’t Evolve,” Gene said. “I woke up like this just outside of town two weeks ago.”

Vincent nodded. Fair enough. I’ll try, anyways. So, that was some information on Genesect, and I can probably extrapolate the rest. Since he came with Arceus, I’m going to guess that at least one broke free and became the Genesect of today. So...what would you like clarified next?

“How’d you come to meet Checkmate?” Gene asked.

Heh. Same way I met you, only with a lot more punching. Xavier noticed my ping and decided to test me. Our little mental fight quickly spiraled out of control and spilled over to the physical world. After a lot of talking, a lot of negotiation, and Lucy getting to fire Aura Spheres at Weiss’ face, all was declared square and we parted much better acquaintances.

“Alright,” Belle said. “And just so you know, no one really knows what happened with Genesect, the Ranger Union only found the lab AFTER whatever happened... blew it up,” She shrugged. “Most of the notes were damaged, the members missing, including the lead scientist, but from what they could scavenge they managed to piece some basics together.”

Vincent chuckled. Y’know, after coming across a reference in some audio files, I asked Bit about the Mewtwo event...I mention it because that’s sounding a little similar to what seems to have happened to that lab…

Gene nodded. “Yeah, Team Rocket grew a new Pokemon from Mew’s DNA, which destroyed the lab it was grown in, disappeared and other than it being in a Gym in Kanto for a few months, no one really knows where it got off to.”

Vincent chuckled again and hummed. Hmm...Fang, question for you, then. I’m guessing these two travel together because they’re in love. Where’d you come into the picture?

“Gene’s my trainer,” Fang said. “He found me in Mauville, that’s a city in Hoenn, and took me in,” Fang moved a bit and laid his head on Gene’s lap. “The people of Hoenn... aren’t really that sympathetic of Dark-types, and after a few years on the streets,” He looked up at his trainer. “This guy found me in an alley, took me to a Pokemon Center, and I’ve been on his team ever since.”

Aww, Vincent cooed. Sounds like the nice version of what Sam went through with that old guy he keeps mentioning. Whenever I ask for details he just keeps muttering something about telling me when I’m older…

Gene chuckled. “Yeah, after Belle, Fang was the first Pokemon to join my little family,” He smiled and patted the Houndoom on the back. “He was just a little Houndour pup when I found him, and I couldn’t leave him there.” He lifted Fang’s head and, in an incredibly ridiculous voice said. “No I couldn’t, no I couldn’t.”

Fang rolled his eyes and smirked before licking his trainers face, Gene let go in response.

Yup, definitely a family. Sam and Lucy’ve done similar to me. Lucy likes to say that it’d have happened even if I couldn’t have understood them all along...but let’s admit it, you’d probably give up an arm and a leg to have known what they were saying at all times, right?

“Ever since Belle Evolved into a Kirlia I could,” Gene said. “Psychic type and all that... and since I always had her out with me, it was never really a problem,” He tapped his chin, then added. “Of course, that didn’t stop Mage from messing with me, she’d just make her plans when I wasn’t looking.”

Really, always had her out...heh. I feel better about that verbal beat-down I gave Hastings now.

“Ug,” Belle said, pulling her legs to her chest. “Don’t mention him.”

Gene pulled Belle into a hug and kissed her cheek. “Don’t worry love,” He turned to Vincent and explained. “We had a run in with him a few days ago and... it didn’t go well.”

It didn’t go well for him when I met him. Ooooh...I actually felt some of my stress and anger melt away when I realized who he was and his stance on things. Especially when I acted on it... His tone could almost be called dark or menacing at those words.

Belle perked up. “Is he a vegetable?” She asked. “I promised Gene I wouldn’t lobotomize anyone, but did you?”

Heh. The Kadabra leaned forward and made exaggerated motions. First, we tried reason. Aaaand that flopped.

“Not surprised, he didn’t listen to a Princess of the subject,” Gene said. “Or two of his own Top Rangers.”

Then I tried getting Lucy to tell him where she got her stance from. Turns out, it was someone named Maylene. And then SHE pitched in that you can’t pass a law on the heart. He still ignored it, naturally.

“Maylene... she’s one of the Gym Leaders from Sinnoh,” Gene said. “Cynthia told me a bit about her, didn’t know she was on our side though.”

Hastings went to the ‘they can’t procreate’ argument, along with how a ball supposedly overwrites a Pokemon’s will, at least in his eyes. Sam pulled out same-gender relationships not being heresy, and also described the weaknesses of a Pokeball from a Pokemon’s view.

“Wish he’d drop the first one,” Belle said, smiling at Gene. “It doesn’t even hold any weight anymore.”

“And half my team chose to join me,” Gene said. “I’m not even sure why he tries that one, it was disproven back on Earth... after a few incidents where Pokemon really didn’t want to be captured.”

And THEN the old geezer has the gall to think himself to be perfect, that every Pokephilia case that crossed his desk was right for him to pursue! Wanna know how I broke that argument of his?

“Very much so,” Belle said with a smile.

Arceus was wrong to do this without telling someone, especially the people here already. If even God can be wrong, who the hell is he to claim otherwise? What sort of man places himself above God?

“The same kind who calls God, “A very powerful Pokemon,” and nothing more.” Gene said.

He even pulled that on me! Said Arceus was meddling in human affairs for his own reasons! Aaaand that was when I really snapped, cause so was he.

Gene and Belle chuckled. “Alright, enough about how much of an idiot Hastings is,” Gene said. “We promised to tell you about what you missed, any other questions you’d like answered?”

Yeah, just one. Do you think he actually cared? Cause...I think I broke him with what I eventually did.

“Who, Hastings?” Gene asked. “I don’t know, Lunick and Solana say he really does care for Pokemon, but it’s hard for me to judge him, considering he had Rangers hunting me down so they could arrest me and take Belle and the rest of team away from me.” He pulled Belle and Fang into a hug.

Crud. Now I feel bad…

“Unfortunately, I’m sure he’ll bounce back,” Belle said. “The only reason your words did the damage they did was because they came from you and I assume Hastings knew about what happened to you.”

It wasn’t a word. It was a number, and blaming both of them for it, Vincent whispered. One for causing it. One for not stopping it.

“I don’t know what you said to him,” Gene said. “But I’m going to assume it was something... terrible, and... I don’t know what he’ll do really.”

I told him to atone for the ones he didn’t save. Eight hundred and fourteen.

“That... might do something... but other than giving him a deep sense of failure, I don’t know how he’ll respond,” Belle shook her head. “By this world's standards, he has a messed up set of views, I don’t know what that will do to him, or how’ll he’ll try to ‘atone’.” She bit her lip. “I just hope he doesn’t try to atone in a way that he thinks is right.”

Oh no, Vincent said, devoid of emotion. I made it very clear. His old views held him back. If even one more Ranger had been assigned. If those resources were spent on finding the Doctor...who knows what could have been. That number might have been far lower. And I promised him something else too.

“I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you threatened him,” Fang chimed in.

Threats are delivered to intimidate, there may not be any force behind them. No, I promised him that if he tried to take his...antiquated world views and put any force of law behind them here, that I’d show him my life. From what I could remember onwards, until he realized just how badly he’d failed there.

Gene smiled. “Well, good news there, we’ve met the Princesses of this place,” He looked towards Canterlot. “And there’s no way they’ll listen to someone like him.”

Vincent merely shook his head. Vigilante justice is still justice, at least in his eyes. That’s what I was aiming to ever prevent from cropping up. He doesn’t need to get the Princesses...just like-minded former humans.

Gene had to stifle a laugh at the mental picture of a Conkeldurr in a black mask and cape perching on the edge of a rooftop.

“I doubt he’d be stupid enough to try that,” Belle said with a laugh.

Never said he was unintelligent. Stubborn, oh yes. Mountains could learn about not budging by listening to him. The Kadabra got up and stretched, popping a few joints. Oooh, that feels good. Anyways, I better go round up my family if I want to find them before damages start accruing. He’d walked a few paces before turning back and looking at the three under the tree for a moment. Oh...and Gene, Belle?

“Yeah?” They asked together.

If he gives you any trouble, go for the cane. It might not stop him, but it will make him look ridiculous. I may or may not be speaking from experience.

The pair smiled and laughed, picturing the Conkeldurr attempting to keep his balance. “We’ll keep that in mind,” Gene said.

So will I...can’t get it out, or stop laughing. Anyways, my vacation ends with me back at home base in Las Pegasus. Look me up if you’re in the neighborhood, I’ll see about finding Abby if you turn up on my door.

“Thanks,” Belle said. “If things go well, we might stop by in a few weeks.”

And the Kadabra whistled as he pulled his Twisted Spoon out from his hat to help him in his search for his family.

“Been nice talking with you Vincent,” Gene said, standing up and heading back towards town, Belle and Fang at his side.

And you. Take ca- Oh Sam! What did you DO?!

A flash of blue signaled his departure.

Gene and Belle looked at each other and shrugged. “Come on, we told Rarity we’d get those stones over to Twilight’s when we got back, she’ll be expecting us soon.”

Chapter Twenty-Five - Detect his strength

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The odd family of Pokemon disembarked from the train from Ponyville and did their customary stretches after being free to roam once again. The city they found themselves in seemed to be the definition of ‘high society’. At least, the parts around the palace in the distance did. Everything here seemed to be...well, similar to how it had been in Manehatten, but there was this element of ‘more’ to it. It was intangible, yet present. “Anyone else get the feeling we should be more dressed up than we are for even walking around in this city?” Sam questioned.

At those precise words, Vincent smirked and flared one hand up. With a flurry of flashes, Lucy was wearing her sunhat, Bit was wearing his monocle, and Sam found his neck encircled with his bowtie. Vincent’s top hat had already been on, and the Kadabra gave his mental ‘voice’ an edge of smugness to it. Anything else you’d like to mention?

“Besides the luggage?” Lucy deadpanned. “No, I think we’re good.”

Ah, thank you for reminding me. Another trio of flashes saw the family’s rolling luggage summoned from its position in the train and placed besides them. We really should introduce concepts like lighter money to the ponies, you know, Vincent mused.

Bit dinged a few times as the idea wove its way into his mind. “An interesting...and useful idea, with both pros and cons. Perhaps we should mention it to someone...later. For now, I believe we are on a vacation. How goes the information gathering?”

Was just about to, Vincent replied as his head and right arm glowed blue. He closed his eyes and focused his mind before snapping his eyes open again. Ping!

The wave of blue light rushed out from the Kadabra’s cranium, into the city beyond, in search of surface thoughts about the city to bring back to the boy. Third time’s the charm?

Really, if he’d learned anything from Checkmate, he would have known better.

There was a moment's pause, then the sound of a clearly irritated voice responded.

“And what in the name of Arceus do you want!?” she snapped. “I have been up all night, re-organizing hundreds of memories... this had better be important!”

Vincent blinked at that before executing a portion of his training. Deepening the links between his family and himself and then shielding their minds and the links from detection, he carefully responded to the sound of an angry female.

Eheh. Actually, this couldn’t be more UNimportant, and I apologize for disturbing you. I’m new in town, you see, and wasn’t planning on staying long. So I sent out a wave of psychic energy to gather loose thoughts about what there was to do in town from the ponies who live here. Once again, sorry.

There was a pause and then Vincent could hear the voice sigh. “I.. sorry for snapping... it’s been a rough couple of nights.” She paused again before continuing, “Do you have a healer on you by chance? I could really use the help...”

Vincent shook his head before replying to the voice. My apologies, no. While in theory I could know Recover, that wouldn’t help you. My family...actually. There may be a roundabout answer in Bit, but not an easily accessible one. It would involve somehow getting at the list of moves the Simulator room had, then finding Heal Pulse, if it existed there, and teaching it to Lucy. Not an easy order.

She groaned, “I have no idea what you are talking about, but the answer seems to be no... ah, wait.” The voice was suddenly cut off, only to return a moment later. “Well, it would seem the cavalry has just arrived. Thank you for considering anyway. Oh! I haven’t introduced myself, I am Gardevoir, or just Gardy for short. Wha? Oh, yes... of course Mistress...” She cleared her mind as a Heal Pulse washed over her, and then she resumed her talk with Vincent, sounding much more coherent.

“My Mistress has invited you and your family for lunch. Would you care to join us Mr...?”

In order, yes, I figured you were a Gardevoir. You remind me of Luke...or Gene, or Belle. Vincent chuckled at the memories. Ah, the ones who cared. And...I’m not certain it would be wise to tell you my name, especially my last one, as it has a few negative connotations, but if you insist… The Kadabra trailed off as he mentally prepared himself for either extreme reaction.

“Well then, Mr. Kadabra,” Gardevoir chuckled. “Should you decide to join us, we will be eating here.” The vision of a cafe appeared in Vincent’s mind, a large cafe called ‘The Daily Grind’. “It’s a rather laid back little place with excellent coffee. Hopefully we shall see you there~” And with that, the connection was severed.

Pity, Vincent mused. I was at least going to throw her a bone with my first name. Ah well. Come along, I’ve picked up the location of a hotel nearby.

And with that, the small family went off to secure a room for their funds.

The small family had checked into the hotel and booked three rooms, eating up only a small portion of their bits, thankfully. Bit himself didn't need to sleep and said he would find his own accommodations, if he needed them. After going over the directions that had been passed on to him, Vincent led his family to the small cafe. Sam entered first, followed by Lucy, then Vincent, and finally Bit brought up the rear. Within, the family saw two Gardevoirs, one of them Shiny, a Luxray, an Absol, a Sylveon, and an Earth Pony. Once the smell of coffee hit their noses, the Scizor and Lucario turned to the Kadabra and said one word in unison.


...Never let me have any of that stuff...I swear, one of these days, I WILL have a cup of coffee! Anyways, we’re looking for a Garde- oh hello, we just found one… Vincent's eyes landed on the pair of Gardevoir, wondering which one was the one he'd 'talked' to. The fact that the Kadabra hadn’t actually opened his mouth and was still ‘heard’ didn’t pass by anyone.

“And here they are, the mysterious, nameless Kadabra and his friends,” the Gardevoir giggled. “Mr Kadabra, this is my Mistress, Lady Diantha and our friends.”

Vincent grumbled a bit. I would have given you my first name to chew over, if only to avoid that introduction, had you stayed connected a moment more, you know. I’ll still do it now, but I’ll withhold my last name for the time being. I’m Vincent. The one floating behind me is Bit, the Lucario is Lucy, and the Scizor is Sam. And we’re not just friends.

“Indeed not,” Lucy said. “We’re family. Brothers and sister. We’re there for one another, no matter what.”

The Earth Pony smiled and then walked up to Vincent, shaking his hand rather vigorously. “Well howdy Mr. Vincent, ah’m Apple Fritter and this here as mah kin.” She pointed around the table, “The moody-lookin’ Absol is Selena.”

“I’m not moody...” Selena grumbled.

“The little pink one is Rika,”

The Sylveon smiled before locking eyes on Lucy’s hat. “That... that hat is simply adorable~”

“Should have seen me in it as a Riolu, then,” was the retort.

“An’ the banged up Luxray is Seth. Jus’ go easy on im, he’s had a rough couple o’ days.”

“That’s an understatement,” Seth groaned. “But regardless, hello to all of you.”

Vincent sighed at the sight. I am sorry that I can do nothing. Like I said, we have no real ‘healer’ in this family. In theory, if I could somehow access the list of moves from the Simulator room that’s still stored in Bit’s head and use that to teach Heal Pulse to Lucy, we’d have an answer.

“Don’t worry about it,” Seth replied. “These injuries are mostly muscle pains and over exposure to magic, Heal Pulse wouldn’t do a whole lot. The doctor’s say I should recover in a few days.”

Vincent nodded and looked to the pair of Gardevoir before smiling softly. So. Still want that last name? Or do you think you can guess it?

“I could pull the information from your mind,” she said aloud, rather than using telepathy. “But that is a rather severe breach of privacy and my personal ethics. Should you refrain from telling us, that is your own choice and one we will not force...”

I withhold telling my name for a simple reason: I know not how everyone will react to the one that bore it before me.

“Everyone has a secret or two,” Seth replied, sipping at his coffee. He gave a content sigh and smiled. “Don’t worry about it.”

Vincent nodded again and the family of Pokemon sat down at a table. Well, those that had legs. Bit opted to hover and observe. It’s just...the last time I shared my name, it turned a peaceful situation sour real fast. However, my visit to a certain God has done much for my anger, so unless any of you are Rangers, I think I can do so without too much anguish.

“No Rangers here, just a League Champion and a Pokemon Rights activist. So, I take it you used to be a human as well then?”

Vincent gave off a strangled laugh at that. Not wholly. Not completely. And it’s all thanks to what he did. The Kadabra waved a hand to encompass Lucy and Sam in his next statement. You’re looking at my broken little family of the ones who survived. The family of Nurem.

“Nurem?” The Luxray frowned before he replied to the latest name-drop. “Sorry kid, never heard of him before. What about you Diantha?”

The shiny Gardevoir set down her teacup and sighed. “Unfortunately, I have heard that name before. Nurem was the name of a scientist whose experiments were... ghastly to say the very least. You were survivors of his? I can only speculate at what horrors you must have endured.”

Sam winced at the thought of his experiment again. “Yeah...but we’ll give you two hints for free. We all Evolved in this world, yet our issues from his experiments remain.”

“And,” Lucy chipped in, “One of us has lasted longer than the others. Bit confirmed it. Care to guess?”

And it was for a very good reason, Vincent mused, thinking over his visit with Lady Xerneas.

“Well, I’m going to guess that’s it’s you Mr. Vincent,” Seth said. “Though it makes me wonder what your role in all this is.”

Oh that’s easy! Vincent said in a slightly-too-chipper tone. Madam Diantha, what do you know of the Doctor’s first experiment?

“Not much I’m afraid, I only know of the name and what his experiments were like. I know nothing of the actual details.” She had an inkling that she wasn’t going to like what Vincent had to say next.

Oh, details were easy to retrieve. Bit was in the mainframe for eight years, after all. He’s got records. But there’s a very good reason I was called Subject thirty-seven all my life. Before...when Rupert Nurem had a heart and actually cared, he tried something daring. Something bold. Something I think quite a few would love to have had. He tried to bridge the gap between man and ‘mon.

“Bridge the gap?” Seth drank from his before responding. “Okay, I’ll bite, but I think the answer isn’t going to be sunshine and rainbows.”

Indeed not. Genetic manipulation. He was rather good at such things. Somehow he got volunteers for it, hale of mind and body. They practically threw themselves at the chance. He wanted to create humans with not only the ability to understand Pokemon, but use their powers as well. Think on it...on what such a world would have been.

“That... would have been both a good and a bad thing, power is a double edged sword after all.” the banged-up Luxray shuddered at the thought, then a question occurred to him, and he asked it aloud. “I wonder if you could catch ‘em in a Pokeball?”

We’ll never know, Vincent solemnly replied. For the gap is too great to be bridged by man. Only a Legendary has that power. However, it was a...delayed reaction. After his test subjects didn’t die, he tested me. And after I didn’t die, he tried to do what he set out to do: save his ailing, comatose, brain-dead mother...just as the first thirty-six test subjects self-destructed.

Seth just went wide-eyed as he dropped his mug, shattering all over the floor. Rika looked like she was going to be sick and Selena just remained silent. Diantha’s reaction was the most unique... she moved over to where Vincent and his family sat and pulled them into a hug.

Bit picked up the narrative. “Rupert Nurem then became convinced that the answer he sought lay within his son, and proceeded to run as many tests as he could think of to extract an answer before his mother died. Sadly, he didn’t before he ran out of time, and the lady died, truly and completely, on the next Halloween night. And thus, the moniker of Subject Thirty-Seven was attached to Vincent, and the doctor never referred to him by name, so as to make it easier on himself.”

Seth moved off of his chair as a unicorn came out and cleaned up his broken mug.

“Seth...” Selena said. “He never even knew his parents. They passed away not long after he was born and the Ranger’s covered up the whole thing.” She looked out the window at the Luxray sitting on the grass. “Perhaps this topic should be put away for now...”

More than willing to, Vincent replied. If, uh...you could help free us? Indeed, Diantha hadn’t let go, nor did it look like she was going to anytime soon.

“Yeah... if I did that...” Selena looked at Rika, whose ribbons were twitching, fighting the urge to hug everyone. “That’s a fate that you will just have to deal with,” the Absol said with a smile.

Diantha eventually let go, and Rika quickly replaced her as Seth walked back inside, a large Charizard behind him. The unicorn eyed the fiery dragon warily, but just smiled and greeted him anyway.

“Sorry about that,” Seth replied, sounding a lot better. “Oh, and this is Ignis, the best brother one could ask for.”

Sam glared at the Sylveon holding his family captive as well as he could before leaning in and whispering two sentences. “I know Steel Wing. Please stop for now.”

Rika turned and smiled, almost sadistically. “And I have a Fire element Hidden Power, but alright. But you get extra hugs later~” she giggled and bounced to the other side of the table.

Ignis sighed and shook his head. Suddenly he caught a faint scent and looked at Vincent’s group. “This will sound a bit strange,” he said with a deep voice. “But have you encountered a Noivern called Edge?”

Selena visibly flinched at that. Vincent nodded as he recalled the events of days previous. Checkmate...they were okay. After their initial ‘greeting’ anyways. Someone needs to put them through some form of therapy until their first reaction to everything isn’t ‘Punch it.’ Heck, we could all use it, but good luck finding a starting point with us! His strangled laugh did nothing to ease the sudden tension.

“I see...” Ignis replied. “Well, I owe her a rematch at some point.”

“And I owe her a beating...” Selena muttered under her breath. “Stupid, fight-happy flame brain!”

“You say something?” Ignis asked Selena, who simply shook her head.

“Nope, not plotting the death of a dragon, not at all...” Ignis shuddered.

Vincent’s reaction, however, was worse, as he turned to Selena and growled. I consider them one step away from friends, and I’ve precious few of those. So, care to rephrase that sentence? The Kadabra’s eyes were glowing blue, and the ‘pressure’ around him had increased drastically.

“Well, I could have said that better, but she did ‘mark’ my mate, so I owe her some... remuneration.” Selena replied. “I do apologize however.”

Xavier, their Metagross tactician, put me through a psychic battle’s paces and tried to crush me and my sister during their ‘hellos’, Vincent deadpanned. And like I said, though their first instinct was to ‘punch it’, we eventually walked away nearly friends. So...once more, with feeling?

“I do apologize, and ‘technically’ Ignis wasn’t my mate at the time... So yes, I’m sorry.” She laughed at Vincent’s story though, “It would seem our own little Checkmate member acts no different though. The first words from her mouth was that her team wished Seth dead... Rika here, persuaded her otherwise.”

Seth shuddered for a moment. Lucy and Sam had finally finished off their own cups of coffee by this point in time, and Lucy spoke up next. “Eh, I could have handled it, I’m sure.”

“Lucy,” Sam replied, “You can take a hit, sure. But I’m pretty sure a Metagross dropping from the sky isn’t something you should be eager to test yourself with.”

Bit dinged next. “The odds of you surviving the impact as calculated were less than ten percent.”

“This Xavier sounds tough!” Ignis grinned, his tail flame flaring slightly. “I want to fight him!”

Selena sighed and poked him, “Really? Can’t you just be satisfied with beating Moltres?”

“Until I defeat Arceus himself... NEVER!” Ignis roared, spooking several customers and causing Seth to growl, putting a paw on his head.

“Not. So. Loud,” he hissed, earning a sheepish look from Ignis. “So... how are you liking Equestria?” Seth asked.

What we’ve seen so far is enjoyable, Vincent said. Even if it has been merely Las Pegasus, Manehatten, and Ponyville. We’ve seen plenty of sights and met quite a few new faces. Including Xerneas, Vincent let that hang there, waiting for someone to take the bait.

“Xerneas!?” Diantha exclaimed, “You actually met Xerneas?”

Seth smiled, “I’ve met Arceus, Mewtwo and a bunch of other Legendary Pokemon... and I kinda attacked Arceus when I met him.”

“I can’t believe he let you get away with that,” Fritter sighed. “Y’all are crazy Seth. But I do appreciate that gift he gave me.”

Lucy held up a paw and began ticking off names, making her smaller spikes suddenly evident to anyone who cared to look. “Regirock, Regice, Registeel…”

“Vincent said he met with Xerneas and Arceus,” Sam pitched in.

Bit dinged once before adding the last name. “As well, advice was exchanged between the family of Nurem and Lord Genesect.”

But in my eyes, Vincent finished, none come before Xerneas. Hell, even invited her to look me up in Las Pegasus someday. My door’s always open to her.

“It’s funny huh?” Seth grinned. “Meeting a Legendary back on Earth almost never happened, and now they’re like our next door neighbors.” The unicorn came over to them, all smiles despite a broken mug and spooked customers.

“You guys want anything else?” she asked. “I sell lunches here too! Just tell me what you want and I’ll try and make it.”

Lucy and Sam exchanged a look and a nod before looking at Vincent, who sighed. Fiiine...three of your best pasta dishes. Gonna need more bits…

A flexing of his will brought a piece of luggage from their apartment to sit nearby, and the Kadabra muttered as he rummaged through it.

“Don’t worry about it,” Diantha said. “We invited you so it’s our treat, okay?”

Vincent blinked a few times before smiling and taking a few coins out anyways. Should still give the mare something for her quick, here he looked over at Ignis before continuing, And courteous service, despite everything.

“It’s fine,” the mare giggled. “You should meet my friend Silvermane, he’s much more rowdy than your dragon friend here. Though I do need to replace that mug...” She smiled and took a single Bit. “Now I’ll get started on lunch, it so happens I’m quite good at pasta dishes... and for you and your friends Fritter?”

Seth gave the Apple mare his best puppy dog eyes and it took a full two seconds for her to cave in. “Yeah, yeah.” She got up and headed to the kitchen, “C’mon Mocha, ah’ve got a few new recipes to teach you.”

“Apple Fritter is the best cook in Canterlot, probably all of Equus.” Seth said. “Once you’ve had something made by her, then no other meal can compare.”

“I beg to disagree,” Sam said. “A Shiny Sandslash down in Las Pegasus does a mean pizza, and just loves to cook dishes that will make anyone’s mouths water. She might have some trouble changing her recipes to be more pony-friendly, but I think the griffons will eat it right up as-is.”

“You’ll have to take me back there when we return,” Lucy mused. “Which one did you say she was?”

“Twenty-nine, third of five escapees,” Sam replied.

“Meat~” Seth drooled. “Well, I guess we have to visit Las Pegasus at some point huh?”

“And Ponyville again, along with a bunch of other places.” Rika counted. “Plus we still have the Pokemon Contest to organize-” She quickly put a paw to her mouth. “Oops, that was supposed to be a secret.”

The family exchanged a look before shrugging. Bit dinged once. “We are good at keeping secrets,” He replied. “In fact, I essentially am information given form. I can assure you, should you desire for this to not be known, it will not.”

“Thank you,” Rika sighed. “It’s hush hush right now, but we plan on holding a Pokemon Contest...” she paused for a moment before asking, “Do you know what they are?”

The family shook their heads in unison. We were captives of a madman, Vincent replied. And Bit was second in command in keeping us where we were meant to be. I was given what was deemed pertinent information through a screen. Contests weren’t one of those things.

Sam spoke up next then. “While I had the most time outside of the walls, my experiences...let me leave it at ‘a dirty old man adopted me’.”

“And I was taken when I was still a Riolu,” Lucy replied.

Bit came down a short ways before replying. “They were merely being talked about before I was...taken.”

So no, Vincent summed up, None of us know.

“Oh...” Rika’s ears drooped. “Sorry...” Then she picked herself right back up again. “Seth? SethSethSethSethSeth-”

The Luxray clamped a paw over her mouth. “I already know what you’re going to ask and yes, I’ll send them an invitation and tickets once the Contest is finalised.”

“Yay~” Rika cheered.

Heh, Vincent laughed. The most I can offer in exchange is aid in meeting any number of my ‘contacts’. Though I do seem to be accruing them. Checkmate, Abby, Gene...and of course, we can’t forget Mary, who does the best pizza.

“Don’t worry, we have the... announcement... all planned out,” Seth grinned.

At that point, Mocha came out with the pasta dishes Vincent and his family had requested, and they all eagerly dug in. Mmm! Bright side of psychic powers: talking while your mouth is full!

“True words, well thought,” Gardy replied. Seth tried to reply too, dropping crumbs everywhere.

“Very classy,” Diantha deadpanned.

Fritter just chuckled and dug into her own food, opting to have a pasta dish like Vincent. She hummed happily, letting the savoury flavours fill her mouth and belly.

Hmm...better than Manehatten’s, but not better than Mary’s. Sorry Mocha, but Mary’s had a few years and a lot of practice with her claws as culinary instruments. A solid second.

“Well thank you for the praise Vincent,” Mocha smiled. “I may have to visit your friend Mary and see if she’ll impart some tips and tricks.”

Sam swallowed his mouthful before saying a simple word. “Meat.”

Lucy nodded and cleaned her mouth before expounding on it. “Quite a few Pokemon are at the very least omnivores, with even more carnivores. Mary will have a bit of work making her foods pony-friendly. But in that department, take heart, Mocha, for you’ve a lifetime of experience over her.”

“You think I can’t handle meat?” Mocha laughed. “I serve Griffons too, so I’ve made a meal or two that most ponies would lose their lunch over.”

“I’ll be back later for one of those dishes,” Seth said, licking his bowl clean. The door rang as another patron walked, or rather, floated in. A lovely-looking Florges.

Vincent shrugged at the thought. Just take care in how you ask. From what we gathered, she managed to supplant a griffon chef in his own restaurant by sheer stubbornness. It’s only when she showed off her skills that they started to get along, and afterwards it was very clear that she was the one in charge. He then turned and looked at the new arrival. Ah...greetings. Might we inquire as to your name?

The Florges gave a single look at the Kadabra and then looked to Seth, “So you’ve been here the whole time?” she said with a haughty tone. “I have searched half of Canterlot for you lot.”

“I left a note,” Seth replied. “And don’t be so rude, introduce yourself to our guests here.”

Titania turned back to Vincent, “Humph, very well. I am Lady Titania, Queen of the Checkmate Guild. You are?”

Bit beeped and turned his disconnected head in her direction. “Bit.”

Sam nodded as he pushed his empty bowl forward. “Sam.”

Lucy shrugged as she wiped the last of the sauce from her mouth. “Lucy.”

And Vincent merely smiled. Oh well hello there. Perhaps we should be on guard, my family. At the eye-rolls of the others, Vincent laughed slightly and continued. My name, dear wayward Queen, is Vincent. Vincent Nurem.

“Nurem...” Titania tapped her chin. “That name strikes a chord...” She pondered for a moment. “Oh! That rather demented human scientist. How is it you know him?”

Seth and his group suddenly backed away from the table at that rather blunt question. Well that’s rather simple, Vincent said in his too-sweet tone. I’m only his son.

Titania paused before replying. “Well, how interesting,” she replied. She looked over at her friends, “And what’s wrong with all of you?”

“Just wondering how much longer you’ll be a colossal idiot,” Seth replied matter-of-factly.

“Humph, how rude!” Titania scoffed.

To be fair to him, you are picking at fifteen years worth of pain and anger and hate in a Psychic shell, Vincent pitched in, and that familiar ‘pressure’ around him started to grow again. Tell me, how well do you know the stories? Cause if you knew them well enough, you’d know what I’ve seen.

Titania paused, clearly taking in the new situation. “I’ve heard as much as any other member of my team. And I seem to have struck a nerve, so I think I’ll take my leave.”

“That is the best thing you’ve said today,” Seth called out, now on the other side of the room.

I’ll make you a deal, little Queen. We both get ourselves under control and act like sane ‘mon for one day, and at the end, I’ll tell you about my time with Weiss and the other members of Checkmate I ran into. The Kadabra breathed deeply a few times, and the pressure vanished from the room.

Titania halted in her retreat. “Well,” she coughed. “I appear to have acted rashly and ill-becoming of a Queen. Please accept my heartfelt apologies and let us talk.” She seemed to recall something and suddenly turned to Diantha. “Ah, also, your Tyrantrum is awake and wishes to see you.”

“Tyra’s awake!?” Diantha raised her hand to teleport. “Ah, sorry to duck out like this, but something rather important has come up. It was nice to meet you friends, let’s do it again soon.” With that, she and the other Gardevoir vanished.

Vincent chuckled and motioned for Seth and his friends to come closer from their places on the other side of the room. Very well then, let’s talk. Specifically, where’s the Sundial? Or anything else worth seeing while my family and I are here? Weiss mentioned it, and my curiosity has only grown between then and now.

“Arceus’s crystallized ego?” Seth chuckled. “Yeah, we can take you there... hmm, and other places?”

“There’s the Palace?” Fritter suggested. “Afternoon Court is in an hour or so. Maybe we could take them to meet the Princess?”

“That could work too,” Seth nodded. Vincent thought about the matter, but shook his head.

We’ve already seen to it that the logs of what happened...there...were passed on to the Regi Trio, and from there, to Arceus and Genesect. That’s the only reason I could see us needing to see any authorities in this land. Though I’ll not say no to a simple tour of the palace, assuming they give those…

Seth seemed unsure as he replied. “Maybe, I’ll ask Grissom later. How long will you be in town?”

“Today, at least,” Lucy said. “Longer if necessary, but we’ve a home back at Las Pegasus we’d like to get back to sooner rather than later. Think of us as tourists, if it helps.”

“Honestly, I haven’t seen much of the town myself, despite waking up here.” Seth laughed dryly. “The museum is closed due to... problems. Same for the Airship yards.”

“Well there’s the theater district,” Rika suggested. “Or Artists Alley, you get to see a lot of street performers, painters, musicians, that sort of thing. It’s also the place a musical number is most likely to take place.”

The family of pokemon blinked a few times at that before sharing a glance. Riiiiiight, Vincent drew out. Well, just keep the location of any libraries away from Bit. He tends to...not literally, consume information, and then we end up with him quoting books for the rest of the day.

“Libraries?” Fritter said, “Y’all mean like the Canterlot Royal Archives? It’s the biggest library in Equestria.”

Bit’s head was suddenly very close to Fritter, and after a moment, the rest of his body followed. “Please enlighten this unit as to the location of the Canterlot Royal Archives.”

I warned you, Vincent said.

“R-right...” Fritter said, slightly unnerved. “It’s right next to the castle... can’t miss it.”

And with that, Bit was gone, almost as though he knew Teleport. Lucy and Sam sighed, but Lucy spoke up faster. “Not it.”

“Oh come on! I dragged him out of Ponyville’s library!” The Scizor waved his claws around in agitation.

“Yeah, and now you can track him down and drag him out of this one too.” Lucy was ever so slightly smug.

Sam grumbled and stalked off out the door, muttering under his breath, but giving a wink to the Lucario as he passed her.

Rika looked at the two, tilting her head in confusion before questioning what she'd seen. “So um, are you and Sam...?”

Lucy gagged and shook her head violently. “No! We’re not like that. Arceus’ sake, he’s like an older brother to me and Vincent!”

“Oh! My mistake,” Rika giggled and looked at the Vincent. “I see...”

Lucy looked over to Vincent, who was apparently engaged in negotiation with Titania at the moment, before leaning in a bit towards Rika. “Yes, but he’s thicker than lead. Which is why I’m looking forward to the Sundial. I’m thinking there...I might be able to talk about it with him.”

Rika nodded, placing a sympathetic ribbon over Lucy’s shoulder. “I know your pain,” she muttered, looking at Seth chatting with Fritter. “At least you don’t have competition.” She suddenly perked up. “Sunset! We have to go to the Dial at sunset!!”

Vincent turned to the talking duo at that, his eyebrows perked. Well, that’s one plan made: the Sundial at sunset. Seems...fitting, I suppose. Any more?

Rika laughed, a laugh that was borderline maniacal. “Alright, so the Sundial is set, but we need something...” After a moment, Mocha offered a suggestion.

“What about visiting Canterlot Falls? They can be quite the sight this time of year.”

“Sounds inviting,” Lucy said with a nod. “How about a museum and a dinner restaurant, to round out our trip?”

“Like I said, the museum is closed unfortunately.” Seth replied. “But if you don’t mind a few broken windows, I might be able to get you in.”

Vincent shot Seth a deadpan look before replying. I’ve already been on the wrong side of the law in Equestria, I’ve no desire to repeat the experience. We’ll skip the museum. Music, then. Perhaps directions to the theater district?

Seth gave him a confused look before he realized what had been implied. “What! Oh, no! I didn’t mean like that. I know a few of the Royal Guard, and I could probably ask them if we could look around. But a busted up museum isn’t fun, so music is a good idea.”

“Pity,” Lucy mused. “We come to town right after…” Her eyes widened as she made the connection between Seth’s injuries and the museum’s state. “Oh. Is...that what happened?”

“Yeah...” Seth sighed, “Some Unicorn got it in his head that it was a good idea to brainwash Pokemon and get them to steal for him... confronting him was...less than pleasant.”

Selena hung her head, “Son of a Beedrill used me to attack my friends...”

“Yup, shouldn’t have trained you so well,” Seth chuckled. “And we didn’t think he had magic like that either. Controlling muscles, rather than the mind. Marionette Magic he called it.”

While Lucy growled in the back of her throat at the thought, Vincent’s reaction was more profound for a simple reason:

He’d lived under such a madman and seen what he did to his less than useful ‘tools’.

The thought of that, coupled with someone being forced to attack their friends and the memory of Xavier doing something similar to Sam triggered a slight surge in his psychic strength. Briefly, until the Kadabra got his self under control again, there was the incredible sensation of even the air having far more weight to it than usual. Of power hanging in the air.

“Too bad we didn’t have a powerhouse like you two nights ago,” Seth replied tersely, feeling the pressure come off of him. “Well, we had Mewtwo... but if he’d gotten involved, then I doubt there’d be much of Canterlot left.”

My apologies, Vincent said. My emotions and my memories, when coupled with my new powers...are not always the best combination. What you just said triggered...something from our past. Control comes faster these days, but there will still be surges. He shook his head a few times and smiled. Anyways. Plans?

“Of course,” Seth said. “So Canterlot Falls, then the Sundial. Followed by a nice dinner and a night at the theater... sound good?”

Lucy looked to Rika with a raised brow, seeking advice on the matter. The Sylveon nodded, leading to the Lucario nodding in turn before voicing her agreement. “It sounds agreeable to me,” she stated.

“So it’s a date.” Seth smiled, missing the small squeak from Rika and Fritter turning her head, a small blush gracing her cheeks. “But should we wait for Mr. Sam and Bit?”

If we do, we’ll be waiting all day. Nothing gets between him and more knowledge except operating hours. He even traded for information with the Regis while I was seeing Arceus and Xerneas. Vincent sighed at the Porygon-Z’s antics. I think he misses being a part of the mainframe…

“Well I suppose you could tell our plans via telepathy anyhow,” Seth said. “Well then, let’s get underway shall we?” He moved to the front door, holding it open for the girls. “Ladies first.”

Lucy nodded at the others, letting them go first., though she would quickly catch up to Rika once they were all out. Someone to aid her in her endeavor? Yes please!

Why do men do that? Do you know? Vincent mused. I’m aware it’s a custom, but not of the reason behind it…

“To be honest, I don’t really know myself,” Seth chuckled. “I was taught to be polite by my adoptive mother, and it just stuck I suppose. Maybe Bit could tell you? I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d picked up trivia like that.”

He did get into an ‘information-off’ with Xavier in Manehatten, the Kadabra mused. Plus there was Ponyville’s library.

“How awesome was that place!?” Seth grinned ear to ear. “I mean, a library inside a tree? Irony at it’s finest!”

“My brother has a love of strange and unusual architecture,” Ignis explained.

Ah. Two words, then, the Kadabra said while smirking. Sugarcube. Corner.

“Utterly brilliant!” Seth laughed. “Ponyville was delightfully quirky.”

Meanwhile, Lucy and Rika were exchanging tips, tidbits, and most important of all, tricks that the Lucario would need to know.

“So please enlighten me how we’re going to get it through Vincent’s head what I see him as,” she groused as the enormity of the task settled back in her head.

“You could just do what I did,” Selena said. “Seeing as how I actually have a mate and Rika here... does not.”

“Hey!” Rika pouted, but it was true. “All you did was pin Ignis to the ground and kiss him!”

“It worked didn’t it?” Selena argued.

“At this point,” Lucy sighed, “I’m not sure there’s a lot else that’ll get through that...thick stubborn head of his! He said Hastings could teach mountains about not moving due to his stubbornness. Vincent could teach anyone to be invisible by just not noticing them!”

“Yeesh, is he really that bad?” Rika looked at the Kadabra. “Now even I’m thinking you should just grab him by the mustache and kiss him... but that’ll probably just confuse and even scare him off. It worked on Ignis cause he’s an idiot.”

The Sylveon thought for a moment before speaking up again. “Well, okay. We’ll use the Falls as an experiment, see if Vinny’s good at picking up on subtle romance or at least the mood. If that fails, we may need to resort to more drastic measures.” She gave Lucy a firm look. “But I swear by the time the night ends, that Kadabra will be all yours~.”

Lucy blushed, but held up a paw. “Answer me one question. Are the falls known to be relaxing? Soothing, even?”

“I... have no idea,” Rika confessed. “Hey Fritter? What are the Falls like?” she called out.

“Um, Ah know that some Unicorns use it fer meditation, and that a lot of painters will sit there fer hours just staring at em.”

Lucy nodded at the meditation line and turned back to Rika. “Five bits says he’ll use this as a chance to take a nap.”

“Seriously?” Rika sighed.

“I know Vincent,” Lucy replied. “And while he likes to blame that whole ‘being fused with Abra DNA for most of my life’ for it, I think he’s just lazy. So if you’re gonna try anything, you’ll have to keep him from napping first and foremost. I’ve tried, it doesn’t work.”

“Well, with Ignis around, being quiet is all but impossible... but then he’d probably nap too.” Rika growled slightly. “Okay, so we need to liven things up... let’s see what’s there when we get there. Maybe there’s something I can work with.”

Seth looked at the girls chatting away ahead of them. “What do you suppose they’re planning?” he asked aloud.

I don’t ask, Vincent replied. If I can’t hear it with my ears, then when it comes to my family, I don’t pry. I keep links active with them, yes. But I don’t pry into their minds. It’s not my place.

“Well, I can respect that,” Seth nodded. “But when Rika gets involved... just, be on your guard.”

The Kadabra looked at the Luxray before slowly extending one hand. Hello, perhaps I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Vincent fucking Nurem, on guard is my default state thanks to what I’ve been through!

“Okay, okay,” Seth chuckled.

So Ignis, if I understood Seth correctly, you beat up Moltres?

“Hell yeah I did!” Ignis thumped his chest. “Though I did a lot of training before hand. Fought against a flirty Noivern and a hardheaded Blastoise. Had a lot of smaller, less intense battles too, but the one against Moltres was intense.” He chuckled at the memory, “Shaymin and Celebi sure as hell didn’t appreciate the area of forest we turned to ash though.”

I see, Vincent mused. What can you tell me about the Legendaries you’ve met? They were treated as just that at the facility: Legends, nothing more. So my knowledge about them is somewhat…lacking.

“Well, Moltres was pretty gracious about her loss, and it sure as hell didn’t stop Reshiram from utterly curb stomping me.” He winced at the beat down he got from her. “Meloetta healed me up after the fight and I stayed for a bit, but honestly, I didn’t talk to that many of them.”

“Ignis only tends to remember Pokemon that give him a good fight,” Seth said.

Heh, with his personality, I can understand that. The Kadabra looked to the sky and sighed wistfully. Whereas I...do you know what Alakazams are famed for?

“IQ greater than a supercomputer and they never ever forget, thanks to continuously multiplying brain cells,” Seth replied, quoting the Pokedex. “Am I right?”

Close, Vincent replied. The line I recall reading said they can remember everything that happened to them from the time they hatched as an Abra.

“Well, you weren’t born an Abra right, maybe it won’t be the same? But look on the bright side, if you ever got married, you’d never forget an anniversary.”

...That would require someone to want this broken little psychic-type… Vincent quietly said. I don’t think the demand is high for those that ought to be seeing a psychiatrist.

“There’s always someone... just gotta keep your eyes and ears open,” Seth replied, earning a laugh from Ignis. “What?”

“Nothing, just thinking you should practice what you preach sometime,” he laughed loudly.

Vincent perked a bit at that. Wait...what? Someone is interested in both of us?

“Like my brother said, there’s always someone.” Ignis replied. “Sometimes they’ll be strangers at first, or they could be ones that have been beside you all this time. It’s all a matter of perspective and just going for it. You may not find ‘the one’ right off the bat, but life is nothing if a harsh teacher. Learn and grow, and eventually...” Ignis trailed off as he gazed at Selena.

“That... was pretty deep,” Seth said, amazed.

Hidden depths lie to everyone, it would seem. And as to the words themselves...I’ll keep them nearby should such a matter arise. I doubt it, though. I really do.

“Like I said,” Ignis smiled, poking Vincent on the forehead. “keep you eyes, ears... and your mind open.” He turned to his brother and frowned, “And that goes double to you. Just how long are you going to drag your feet? You have some beautiful girls that adore you you know.”

Seth just sighed. “I... I know, I just... I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to hurt them.”

“Deciding to do nothing isn’t a decision,” Ignis said.

Actually, Vincent chipped in. It is. The worst decision. The decision to do nothing is the equivalent of saying ‘oh I hope this blows over without me doing anything, because I’m scared that if I do anything, I’ll only make it worse.’ It’s the cowards’ decision. And you don’t strike me as a coward, mister Seth.

“I guess I have some things to think about then.” Seth replied with a soft smile. “I’m glad to have met you Vincent. I think you and I will be good friends.”

Chapter Twenty-Six - Sketching the future

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Suddenly, the sound of rushing water that had been steadily growing louder had a source placed to it. Canterlot Falls emerged into the line of sight for the party of Pokemon and one mare, an awe-inspiring, peaceful sight.

And immediately, Vincent’s eyes snapped to a set of nearby trees, picking out one to rest under.

“Eyes and ears open... remember,” Ignis whispered.

My eyes won’t be open much longer if I have my way, the Kadabra groused back. I enjoy my naps. Perhaps a bit too much, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying them.

Rika looked at the drowsy Kadabra, “That can’t be good, we need something to keep him awake.”

“Anyone know Wake-Up Slap?” Lucy questioned of the gathered ‘mon.

Seth shrugged, “I have Thunder and Discharge.”

Rika looked around and saw something that sparked some inspiration. There was a stallion offering to paint ponies portraits. “Hey Lucy, why don’t you and Vincent get a portrait? Commemorate your visit to Canterlot?”

Lucy grinned wickedly and grabbed a hold of Vincent’s left arm. “Not a bad idea.”

Wait, I didn’t agree to this! Lucy, what’s gotten into you? Vincent was a bit concerned that his ‘sister’ was acting odd and that his planned nap was being interrupted.

“Oh shush and let’s talk to the stallion,” she replied as they drew closer to him. "Pardon me, sir, but would you be willing to paint a picture of us as a souvenir of our time here?"

The stallion turned and nodded at the couple, beaming brightly at the request. "I would love to! If you two will just strike a pose..."

Lucy giggled a bit, and Vincent turned to see that she wasn't the only one. Rika seemed to be having her own giggling fit while Seth was questioning her. At that point, Vincent got a slight bit of revenge and his voice rang out to Seth and Rika. Well then, if it’s such a good thing, why don’t you join us? After all, we shouldn’t be the only ones with such a portrait…

“That’s a brilliant idea!” Rika cried out. “Hey, ponyboy can you do us next?”

“For a few Bits, yes Ma’am,” the stallion nodded.

Seth just sighed and nodded as well. “Well, I suppose it couldn’t hurt. Really wish I still had my camera though.”

Two challenges presented themselves to Vincent and Lucy. The first was Vincent finding a pose that he wouldn’t be tempted to nap in, as he doubted Lucy would want a picture with him featuring closed eyes. The second was Lucy finding a pose that wouldn’t broadcast all of her intentions right off the bat. She settled for hugging Vincent from the side, as she’d done that enough to snap him out of his darker memories when necessary, and Vincent shrugged before pulling out his Twisted Spoon and striking a stance himself.

“A Twisted Spoon?” Seth murmured. The stallion motioned for the other pair to come over as he set up a second canvas, and levitated over some more paint.

“What kind of artist would I be if I couldn’t paint more than one picture at a time?” he chuckled. Rika grinned gleefully as she wrapped her ribbons around Seth, smiling broadly.

You’d have to ask Sam where he found it, Vincent replied to the Luxray's question. And speaking of, Lucy found a Steel Coat while she was off training for ‘im, so I’m guessing Arceus brought quite a lot more than just us here.

“Interesting, yet another question to add to the growing list I need to ask Arceus when I see him again.” Seth mused. “And Rika, watch those ribbons!”

“Eheheh,” she giggled, retracting the one that was making its way towards his flank.

“Ah, such wonderful muses!” the stallion sighed as he painted. “I think I shall find more Pokemon couples to paint after this!”

Vincent sighed, somehow, and replied to nobody in particular. Why does everyone think we’re a couple? We’re brother and sister more than that. First Weiss, then you...and I get the nagging feeling that I’m forgetting something…

The stallion seemed to not notice the Kadabra’s comment, smiling happily.

“Oh shush and accept the compliment,” Lucy retorted while shooting a quick glance at the stallion and shaking her head. The more others pointed it out to Vincent, the more she feared he’d react negatively.

“Ah, well my mistake...” the stallion said.

The others had decided to sit in the shade, Ignis was now snoring happily under a tree while Selena, Titania and Fritter just chatted amongst themselves.

So while we wait, Vincent said while holding his pose, Titania, what would you like to know first and foremost?

“Well,” Titania pondered. “Where is Weiss right now? Where did they end up when we arrived in Equestria?”

No clue about the where they are or where they were when they arrived, though by a phrase one of them said, I’m guessing he and a good portion of your fellow members arrived in Griffon lands. The Kadabra was honest with what he knew and didn’t know. Better to have her angry about the truth than happy about a lie.

“Griffon lands?” Titania was confused until Fritter explained.

“Y’all might have seen one or two around Canterlot. Big fellas with wings and beaks. They come from a land known as Griffonia, across the sea.”

“Across the sea!?” Titania sighed. “Great... just, great. How the hell do I get there?”

You failed to ask the right question, you know. Vincent said with a hint of cheek to his voice.

“What do you mean by that?” Titania asked, a slight hint of irritation in her voice.

You asked where they are and where they were when they arrived. You failed to take into account that I ran into them, and we’re not across the sea now, are we? Nor have I been across one. So the right question is…

“Well... I did ask where Weiss was right now,” Titania replied.

And I did tell you I didn’t know. In order to know, I would have to have been with him yesterday when I decided to go to Ponyville, and he and the ones with him decided not to go. But once again...the correct question stares you in the face.

Titania blinked before replying to that. “I see Xavier taught you how not to get to the point either,” she snarked.

Lucy sighed before explaining. “Actually, he picked that up from interacting with Bit when he was less than sane. And allow me to decipher it for you. We don’t know where he was when he arrived, though we have a pretty good guess as to the general region. We don’t know where he is, because we didn’t ask about his future plans. And the reason we still met him and haven’t crossed an ocean to do so is because we met him, here in Equestria. Therefor, the correct question is: Where did you meet Weiss? Or perhaps: How do you know him?”

Vincent nodded slightly as Lucy explained the reason behind his cryptic words. I do try to encourage others to ask the right questions. Whether or not they get the answer they sought is up to them.

“And that’s pure Bit right there,” Lucy said with a deadpan in her voice.

“You have my deepest sympathies,” Titania nodded. “Well then I shall ask, where and how did you meet my Guild Master.”

Manehatten, Vincent replied. I sent out a ‘ping’ to find things to do on our second day there, and Xavier picked up on it and decided to say hello. Out of curiosity, is your guild’s reaction to strange things always ‘punch it in the face’?

“In our line of work, if we don’t hit first then the enemy will... and we have a lot of enemies.” Titania nodded. “I am sorry about their foolish actions though.”

Huh. Well, this is a new world. One with, if Arceus is to be believed, far fewer foes. Possibly. Perhaps we can find a therapist for our issues. But frankly...I’m not sure anyone would know where to start with them…

“We are alike in some ways,” Titania said. “We are accustomed to a way of life that is less than pleasant, and adjusting to a more peaceful one is... difficult.”

Easy enough for me, really, Vincent replied. All it took was a visit to Arceus and being assured that none of the Doctor’s staff or he himself came with, and I could finally learn to relax. Right up until everyone decided to pick up on my Pings, that is.

“Maybe y’all need a more subtle way of getting info,” Fritter laughed. “Like reading a notice board or simply askin’ somepony.”

That’s one way of doing things, Vincent replied. And were I still an Abra, I certainly would. But unless a Kadabra either exercises strict control, or keeps burning off their excess power...it...doesn’t end well.

“I’m kinda glad I didn’t pick Espeon as my evolution choice,” Rika said. “Being Psychic sounds... difficult.”

“He had some training in it,” Lucy said. “He only got headaches and heard voices when he was human, but it did prep him for the sudden...shift.”

Indeed, and I’ve had a series of good teachers in getting acquainted with my power.

“Sorry I can’t assist,” Seth said. “I barely know how to control my own form, let alone teach someone else.” He sighed as he looked at his paws, “It took me two days to learn how to even walk without falling over my own feet.”

Lucy snickered at the thought. “I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t, but for some reason, I find the idea of a load of humans going from biped to quadruped...or more, or less, highly entertaining to think of.”

“Yeah, laugh it up,” Seth pouted, but he had a small smile on his face too.

“Aaand done,” the stallion beamed. “I think they turned out wonderfully!”

Vincent and Lucy’s portrait was lovely. The two of them standing together, the roaring falls behind them and the sweetest smile on Lucy’s face. Vincent looked quite dapper in his hat and holding his Spoon up.

“Wow, they look great!” Rika beamed. “You’re really good Mister.”

Indeed, quite a nice portrait, my good stallion. How much is owed for this?

“Hmm? Well I’ve never painted a Pokemon before, and I think that I may just turn this into a new opportunity for me. Why don’t you take these as my thanks!”

Seth smiled graciously, but still dropped a pawful of Bits into the stallion’s bag. “We shall happily accept. Best of luck with your new venture.”

Vincent carefully took a hold of the picture and nodded before five coins appeared in his other hand. Indeed, you should be paid for the materials if nothing else. And take care.

He then turned to the others and nodded once. If there are no objections, I’ll pop off to the hotel room to drop this off carefully. Back in a moment.

“Ah, wait!” Rika said. “If it’s not too much trouble, can I go with you and drop this off at home? I can show you where it is.”

Not a problem, and I should have offered. Just grab ahold… The Kadabra proffered a glowing blue hand to the Sylveon.

“Such a gentlemon,” she giggled, taking his hand with one of her ribbons. “Let’s go!” The duo flashed out of the park, leaving Lucy and Seth behind.

“Well,” Seth said as they stood there. “You seem to be getting along well with Rika, Miss Lucy.”

Lucy smiled softly while picking her words carefully. “I think we’re kindred spirits, of a sort. Sisters to those who had no other. Helps that we understand one another about certain female things as well.”

“I’ll admit that I don’t know the female mind all too well,” Seth said with a smile. “And it certainly beats the constant bickering she gets into with Selena.” He sat down on the cool grass, sighing at having to stand up so long.

“But I couldn’t ask for a better sister, as lively as she is.”

“Those closest to us are ever thus,” she responded. “They may have their flaws, but we’d not trade them for the world. Vincent’s seems to be his obliviousness to anything of an adult nature…” Here she grinned and winked at Seth. “Something you share with him, if someone is to be believed.”

Seth blushed and looked away, “I... I’ve had my share of ‘adult situations’,” he replied. “It’s... a little complicated.”

Lucy sighed and nodded. “It always is,” she muttered. At that moment, the Sylveon and Kadabra flashed back to the park, a little dizzy, but none the worse off.

I really need to practice Teleporting with others long distances. It shouldn’t be this disorienting.

“Maybe Gardy could help you? She and Diantha teleport all over the place.”

Myself, fine. Inanimate objects, no problem. But it’s when you add another living being to the mix that I start having troubles. Edge is just damn lucky I was aiming for the beach…

Titania perked up at hearing a teammates name. “What was that about Edge?”

Vincent turned to Titania and gulped a few times to settle his stomach. Edge, somehow, showed up in the hotel where we were staying, and the best solution at the time was my Teleport. I’m thankful I aimed for the beach, because we appeared upside-down over it. Distance played a part, but only a minor one. I really need to figure out multiple-people Teleportation…

“Heh,” Titania laughed arily at that thought. “I wish I’d seen that.”

Selena poked at Ignis to wake him up. “C’mon sleepymon, let’s go.”

“Geh, five more minutes!” he grumbled.

Vincent blinked as the irony of the situation sunk in before smiling. Oh well, I was going to tell Titania about my little tussle with Xavier, but if you really don’t want to get up…

Selena frowned and then raised a paw and slapped Ignis right on the thigh. The dragon yelped and got to his feet. “Alright, alright. I’m up!”

“You were saying?” Titania asked sweetly.

Vincent grumbled a bit before acquising. Guy is a fortress. Seriously. Managed to make it seem like half an hour had passed in the span of a few seconds. I thought Luke had exaggerated how powerful Metagross were...he proved me wrong. And I’m pretty sure there’s not a whole lot outside of a Legendary that could stand up to him. Anyways...where next?

“It’s still a bit until sunset, but the Sundial is a fair walk from here.” Fritter looked at the map she got from Mocha. “Let’s just take our time and enjoy the sights while we walk.”

I can agree to that, Vincent said. After all, part of taking a tour of a city is to see it. I trust in your judgement, Miss Fritter.

“Well then, let’s go!” Fritter beamed. Ignis grumbled about not getting enough sleep, but followed anyway. Seth winced slightly, but continued gamely on.

“You alright?” Fritter asked, letting the Pokemon lean against her.

“Yeah, just a little sore is all.” Seth smiled. “I’m still good to go.”

“Pokemon bodies can take a surprising amount of punishment if you aren’t used to them,” Lucy commented absently. “Weiss, even in the form of a Bisharp, took two Aura Spheres and was able to drag himself upright and enjoy the rest of the day.” It was only after she said it that she realized that their company might not enjoy such an observation.

“Comparing Weiss to a normal human isn’t really fair,” Titania chuckled, “Not when you have a Pokemon like Shredder training you.”

“And Control didn’t really let me hold back against him either,” Selena said quietly. “Running back into a burning building to save our last family member was probably the tipping point though.”

...Y’know, we keep slipping back into stories that shouldn’t have happened, Vincent observed. And here I thought we were here to enjoy ourselves...Sheesh. If Simon were here, he’d say something to get us back on track while laughing, I’m sure. I...yeah, all those guys were okay once I got to know them.

“Is it weird to be missing a mercenary band?” Lucy mused.

“I would have yes, before coming to Equestria,” Seth chuckled. “But now... weird is the new normal for us I think.”

I’ll take weird over normal any day, thank you, Vincent said. Especially our normal.

“So what’s Las Pegasus like?” Rika asked, “Is it different to Canterlot or Ponyville?”

“Bright lights, gambling, and gangs everywhere,” Lucy said. “Seriously, you either watch yourself or you end up offending a criminal of some degree.”

As Bit will attest to, Vincent chuckled. Good news is, there’s one less mob boss in the world thanks to our bumbling. We’re hoping some of the anti-Pokemon sentiment that had been brewing thanks to them dies down before we return. And if not, that’s their problem.

“Well that’s... something.” Rika replied. “Seriously, are we just trouble magnets or what?”

As they walked, Rika eyed a clothing Boutique, and she started to smile.

“Idea~” Rika sang out. “Us girls need to look good, how about a small stop for some shopping therapy?” She looked at the boys and smirked, “Well, it’s not like you get a say in the matter anyhow.”

...Seth, we’re outnumbered, aren’t we? Even if it was only one of them, we’d be outnumbered, I feel.

“Hopelessly and utterly,” Seth replied. “We have little chance of survival and I just want you to know that I consider you a friend...” Seth swallowed and looked at the store, as Ignis booked it for parts unknown... bloody traitor.

Aaaactually… Vincent laid a glowing blue hand on Seth’s back and smirked. Please hold onto your lunch.

“Vincent, don’t you-”

Lucy’s statement was cut off by a bright flash of light as both the Luxray and Kadabra vanished in a Teleport to somewhere that was not here.


“Well how do ya like them apples?” Fritter pouted.

“But... but, I wanted to put Lucy in cute outfits for Vincent,” Rika teared up. “So that’s how it’s gonna be, well two can play at this game Mister!”

She closed her eyes and after a moment, a loud ‘pop’ filled the air as Gardevoir teleported in, a sickly-looking Luxray and a disorientated Kadabra behind her.

“Welcome back boys~” Rika smiled all-too-cheerfully.

Vincent looked at the girls as his eyes swam a bit before blinking and shaking his head. Mmnope! Sorry Seth, but the feeling of dread hasn’t vanished, and I doubt I could take you with and still get away from Gardevoir, so...Take care!

With that, the Kadabra closed his eyes and said a few words before Teleporting again, this time creating dozens of ‘false’ trails over the city, leaving Seth to his fate.

“Seriously!?” Rika shouted. “Wha- I just... GAH!!”

“I think I’m gonna hurl,” Seth groaned.

“He did warn you before he tried to take you away,” Lucy commented before turning to Gardevoir and raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

“I merely wished to assist in this endeavor,” Gardevoir replied. She used a Heal Pulse on Seth, ridding him of the nauseating feeling. “But it seems that Mr. Vincent is much more stubborn than I expected.”

“We’re just lucky we found something for him to do besides nap at the park, otherwise I swear he would have,” Lucy said. “And once he is napping, good luck getting him up.”

“I wonder where he went?” Rika pondered. “Or Ignis for that matter.”

“Ignis will get his later,” Selena growled. “One simply does not ditch his mate like that...” She shot a glance at Lucy, “Ah, well... sorry.”

Lucy merely shrugged and turned to Rika before looking back at the store. “We’re going to need to get back at him in the worst way possible. And fortunately, I know where our bits are. If Gardevoir can pull off a similar trick that Vincent does, we’ve got access to a small fund to use for our revenge…”

“You... I like that plan~” Rika smirked. “Okay Gardy, reckon you can retrieve their funds?”

Gardevoir paused, looking into Lucy’s mind to determine the location and her eyes glowed, a piece of the luggage from the family popping into existence a moment later. “I believe this is what you are looking for?”

Lucy smirked and nodded. “Indeed. Care to help me, girls?”

“Shopping spree~” Rika cheered, dragging the Lucario inside the Boutique. “We’re going to have fun.”

There was only one place Vincent could go, if he was to escape for even a moment. He would have to trust in someone he just met who had also fled, and hope that he wasn't currently flying.


With a flash, Vincent popped into existence a good foot above the Sundial, falling and stumbling as gravity reasserted itself. Ugh. When I find a way to get back at Rika for dragging Gardevoir into this…

Ignis gave a lazy flap and caught Vincent. “Whoa there, that’s a good way to get hurt,” he advised. “You okay there?”

The Kadabra nodded and made sure his feet were stable before replying. Had...had to pick at the seal to even have a chance against a Gardevoir. Especially after I tried that Teleport with Seth. Still feeling a bit...woozy. Just...gimme a moment.

“Gardevoir? Seth? You ah, you didn’t leave those girls behind... did you?”

Tried to take Seth with me to anywhere but there after we saw you running for it. Rika pulled Gardevoir into it, she pulled us back. I couldn’t save him and shake off Gardevoir at the same time, so I went with the selfish option.

Ignis stared for a moment, before letting loose a full belly laugh. “Boy, you have no fear! But I fear that was probably the worst decision you have ever made. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned as they say.”

Vincent tilted his head and said, quite innocently, Then why did you run?

“Because I also have no fear!” Ignis roared proudly. “And Selena’s cute when she’s angry.”

If what you just said is true, I’m pretty sure she won’t see it that way, Vincent mused. And while I do care for Lucy, she’s a sister to me more than anything else. Plus I don’t know the females that Seth seems to have surrounded himself with. So...why would I be afraid?

“Hah! I like you,” Ignis said, thumping him on the back. “But we will pay for our actions... mark my words...” He looked up at the great Sundial, “This here is pretty impressive huh?”

The little Psychic seemed to just now take notice of where he was and quietly whistle. Goodness...and this used to be on Earth?

“Yeah, in the Kalos region. Anistar City if I’m not mistaken.” Ignis touched the surface of the stone and sighed. “Supposedly it’s tied to Mega Evolution, so I came here wondering if there was a way to get my Mega Stone back... but I found nothing.”

Nothing but a nice view. That’s something I can appreciate. Though...Methinks all of those who are looking for their Mega Evolutions here are barking up the wrong tree with this thing, Vincent said as he sat down and just looked at the Sundial.

“Well it didn’t hurt to try.” The dragon sat down next to him. “You need a powerful bond with your Trainer to Mega Evolve, one that joins the hearts of Trainer and Pokemon. Now that we’ve lost that ability, Selena and I, it’s like we lost a piece of ourselves.”

...You know, I just went through this with Titania. You’re not asking the right questions. Think about it, Vincent said while patting the Sundial next to him. I’m sure it’ll come to you.

“Yeah, I got it.” Ignis chuckled. “So tell me little fox, how is it that you know that the Sundial isn’t the answer?”

Simple. It, like us, was brought here. You should be asking the one who did the bringing if what you seek lies with him, or even in this world. If there were a way to sound more smug, passerby would be able to cut chunks of it with a butter knife.

“So Arceus then?” Ignis mused. Seems he’d have to pay God a visit sometime. “Speaking of, how did your meeting with the Great One go?”

He put answers to my questions, which is all I ever wanted in life, really. Especially answers to questions I didn’t know I had once Xerneas showed up. I’ve...I’ve got a lot to be thankful for with her. Vincent trailed off and stared at nothing as he considered what could have been before shuddering. A lot indeed.

“Sounds like it was quite the experience,” Ignis said. “Treasure every moment...Oh boy... uh, yeah... we’re at the Sundial... we, as in Vincent and I, who do you think I meant?”

He shifted his wings and sighed. “Yup, an ill omen indeed.”

She’s found us, hasn’t she. Vincent deadpanned.

“Yeah, they’re gonna meet us here later. It seems that they’re... busy with something as Lucy put it.”

Isn’t the reason we fled because we didn’t want to know? I almost feel sorry for Seth.

“I wouldn’t be, that boy has the luck of a four-leaf clover and a Ponyta shoe put together,” Ignis replied. “If anything, he’s probably the best off out of all of us.”

Vincent looked at the crystalline structure beneath him and sighed. Well...seeing as how you’re the ‘elder brother’ of your group, I have a...nah, you probably don’t want to hear me ask. Forget it…

“Hey now, none of that!” Ignis lightly scolded. “What do you want to know?”

Well… here the tone of the Kadabra’s voice seemed to turn towards ‘embarrassed’ before continuing. While in the lab, I never did get information about anything of an...adult nature. But on our first day here in Equestria, I ran into so many minds in Las Pegasus with things like…that...in the forefront of their brains. Plus on our last day there, I sent out a Ping...I’ve got an understanding as to the mechanics, essentially. One I never asked for. I could do with context, and Sam is probably working out a plan still. But...the images. I need context.

Ignis flinched, his voice noticeably shifted in tone when he replied. “W-well, it sounds like you need help. So I’ll do my best okay? What exactly do you need context with?”

Vincent closed his eyes and asked the question on his mind. Why? Why in the world would two beings choose to...do that? I just don’t understand the reasons…

Ignis took a breath. “Okay, so when you say ‘that’ I’m going to assume you mean, mating?” He paused, presumably to collect his thoughts before giving an answer. “Well, there are a lot of reasons, especially for humans. For Pokemon, the base desire to reproduce is the most common one. But others like companionship and love are there too.” He cleared his throat for the next bit.

“For one, it feels really good, if it’s done properly. The euphoria of being that intimate with the one you love is second to none. Others do it just because it feels good, love isn’t really a factor there.” he put a claw on Vincent’s shoulder and smiled. “It’s not something you should rush into either, when you find someone, somepony, whoever makes you feel that special, and you’re comfortable with them... just let your instincts guide you. The heart isn’t something you can fight against. The hearts wants what the heart wants. That’s all there is to it.”

The Kadabra nodded a few times as the words sunk in. Okay...but how do you know? I mean, how did you know with Selena, how is anyone supposed to know? It’d...help, I suppose, in organizing these images.

“How did I know Selena liked me?” Ignis laughed. “When I arrived at the hospital, she pinned me to the ground and kissed me. That was a pretty good indicator. But for others? Well it depends on the individual I suppose. Seth for example, used to date a Gym Leader named Elesa. They started out with Seth simply asking if she wanted to go to dinner with him. Like I said before, a potential partner could be a total stranger at first, or your best friend.”

He seemed to have an idea, “Alright, how are you with mental exercises?”

Pretty decent, I used to play all sorts of logic games with Bit. Might take it up again.

“Okay, so we’ll try two scenarios then. First... uh, wait. This will sound awkward but, what are your preferences?”

Vincent hummed at that before shrugging. I...have no idea. I only recently found out this was a Thing, after all. I would need to...how does one typically find out?

“Well I suppose one simply knows... but not all the time. Let’s try and simplify it, would you be more comfortable with a male or a female?”

Vincent pictured himself with one of each before wincing and nodding. I think female.

“Alright, that’s a good start!” Ignis beamed. “Now, I want you to picture a female you don’t know very well. Pony, Pokemon, the choice is yours. But try and picture yourself... hmm, let’s try sitting in the park, holding hands.”

The Kadabra’s mind ran through a short list of plausible scenarios before he shook his head. Nothing. Every time I go for it, I end up drawing away. I don’t know them well enough for that.

“Well okay, we’re making progress. That means you’d probably prefer a relationship of trust over love at this stage. Now picture the same scenario, only with someone more familiar.”

Only one face, one form found its way into Vincent’s mind, and he blushed and stammered at the very idea. I...what...but that...okay that can’t be right.

“Okay, you need to be truthful. Who was it you pictured? And how did you feel? Describe the emotion if you can.”

It was Lucy, Vincent said bluntly. And I managed to get as far as us hugging on the bench, but in this context it just feels wrong to think of her like that. I’ve...never thought of her like that. She’s always been like a sister to me.

“Okay, I’ll stop you there. Now you used to be human, so unless she was too, no actual blood bond ties you together. And before you ask, I know better than anyone that Family is more than just blood, I called Selena and Rika my sister’s for a reason you know.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “That aside, how did you feel? Uneasy, Nervous, Nauseous?”

A bit of all of that, Vincent replied. But I don’t understand it at all. I trust her. I always have. Why would I feel that around her?

“Because you care for her,” Ignis said. “The heart is never wrong, it’s simply a matter of listening to it.” Ignis looked Vincent square in the eye, “What you feel isn’t wrong, and it shouldn’t be considered wrong. Lucy has always been by your side right? And you’d do anything for her?” He chuckled and put a wing around him. “That... that’s love.”

There was silence for a moment before the Psychic would speak up again. Well, I feel like a moron for only now learning about one of life’s lessons.

“Don’t be, your... situation, is a pretty understandable excuse.” Ignis looked up again, “Ah, they should be here soon... and apparently you’re in for a surprise.”

...I dislike surprises. It’s going to take a while before I start associating the term ‘surprise’ with anything positive. Lucy would know this. Why is she letting this happen?

“I know my family and they wouldn’t do anything to hurt you and yours.” Ignis chuckled, “Just think of it as as part of growing up boy.”

...Fine. So what’s the big i- Vincent’s words were cut off as he caught sight of Lucy. Perfectly understandable, all things considered.

The Lucario wore a pale yellow sundress, with her usual hat on her head, but it now had a ribbon tied around it that matched the dress. Her fur had been combed and a light amount of makeup applied to her features. Even her spikes had been polished and shone.

“So, how does she look?” Rika asked. Vincent’s jaw hung open as he tried to formulate a reply, but no words could be found. He was instead immersed in the moment, and he wasn’t exactly complaining.

“Um, Vincent?” Rika looked at him.

Ignis nudged the stunned Psychic. “Go on,” he hissed under his breath. “It’s rude to keep a lady waiting.”

Eventually Vincent closed his mouth and coughed a bit before replying. I feel underdressed just being nearby. You know you didn’t have to do this for me, right?

Rika could have screamed. “Okay Luce, you just need to lay on a little charm. Not much, just enough to get him focused on you and only you.”

Lucy nodded before replying with the first thing that came to mind. “I didn’t have to, true. But I wanted to. Besides, don’t we deserve a little happiness now?”

Vincent smiled at the thought and nodded. Well...thank you, then. And sunset approaches...I suppose there was a reason you wanted us to be here, Rika?

Rika beamed from ear to ear, and then the moment occurred. Just as the sun lowered ever so slowly towards the horizon, it’s rays caught the Sundial and a brilliant, stunningly beautiful light erupted from it. Lucy and Vincent looked at one another and both seemed to draw a breath at the same moment.

“Vincent, I-”

Lucy, there’s some-

They seemed to realize that they were talking over one another and stopped at the same moment before laughing. Vincent then lit up an arm and quirked an eyebrow. Lucy nodded, and a glow surrounded both their heads while they conversed telepathically.

The space formed around the two linked minds, and Vincent guided it to form a familiar glade. Lucy opened her eyes to see the peaceful place they'd awoken in upon arriving in Equestria and nodded her head. "This makes a good deal of sense."

"Indeed it does," Vincent said while opening his eyes and lying back, watching the 'clouds' pass by. "The first moment we realized we were free to do as we would. The moment when we realized we were well and truly free. Why wouldn't I enshrine that moment?"

Lucy sat down next to his form and also looked at the sky before asking her question. "Vincent, what do you think of me? When you think about me, what do you feel?"

"You're my sister," Vincent replied, a bit too quickly. "I feel safe around you, and I would never hurt you or allow anyone or anything to hurt you."

Lucy scooted a bit closer and looked the Kadabra in the eyes. "Is that all you see me as?"

Vincent gulped and looked away pointedly before replying. "Why...why would I see you as anything else?"

Lucy sighed and grabbed a hold of Vincent's hands with her paws, causing him to look at her directly before she began speaking. "We were young, silly children, forced together in a facility of nightmares. It was only expected for us to bond as deeply as any brother or sister, but we never were related."

Vincent gulped and moved to respond, but Lucy put a paw over his mouth and kept going. "I have never not been honest with you, so I feel it only fair to say this. Vincent, while our bonds may have been familial, I do...truly and deeply..." She pulled in a large breath before saying the next three words.

"I love you."

The Kadabra gently pulled the Lucario's paw from his mouth before replying. "I love you too, Lucy. At first, it was just a brother-sister relationship...but my eyes have been opened recently as to all the things in life. And while I'm not ready for all the things that a relationship has to offer...for you, I can try. Because I trust you, and I would never hurt you."

The two embraced there in the shared mind-realm before Vincent spoke up again. "So..."

"Ever since I left," Lucy said. "There was a niggling feeling in the back of my head, but it was only while I was training that I truly realized how much I care for and love you."

The shock that it had been that long between realization and confession broke Vincent's hold on the shared realm, and it crumbled around them.

After a moment more, the two of them snapped their eyes open and walked towards one another. Well. So long?

Lucy nodded. “Frankly, I’m a bit peeved it took you so long to notice. Who talked to you about…” Her eyes trailed over to Ignis as she tilted her head in contemplation. “Did you talk to him about ‘things’?” Lucy asked of the Charizard.

Ignis scratched the back of his head. “Well, I may have said a thing or two. He did ask, so I helped... is that, okay?”

Lucy shrugged at the question. “Fine by me. Sam’s probably going to be ticked that you stole his thunder or whatever. Frankly, someone needed to tell him. And Vincent?”

The Kadabra looked back at the Lucario as she grabbed him by the shoulders and smiled. “Thanks for accepting.”

And with that, the two finally kissed.

Rika cheered with all her heart at the sight. Even Seth had a smile on his face while Selena looked up at her Charizard.

“So you had a hand in this then?”

“Yes?” Ignis replied doubtfully.

“Prepare yourself,” she said as she leaned up against him. Her voice dropped to a husky whisper, “You aren’t sleeping tonight.”

“Y-Yes Ma’am!” Ignis said.

At that particular moment, in what had to be the worst case of timing, Sam walked up onto the top of the Sundial, dragging the form of Bit behind him, and catching sight of his two younger ‘siblings’ kissing in full view of anyone who cared to look. He groaned before speaking up. “Okay, who’s the wise guy who told Vincent what everyone else saw?”

Everyone just pointed at Ignis, and Sam shot a glare at him before looking at Bit. “Note: get back at Ignis later when a proper plan has been devised.”

Bit beeped once before replying with as much cheek as he could manage. “Of course. Once we find a way to make sure you wouldn’t get roasted in a single hit, we can get right on that.”

“Ah, just enjoy the moment.” Ignis said, waving a hand dismissively.

“They’re so cute~” Rika squealed.

“Ah have to agree,” Fritter added. “They make a fine couple.”

Vincent disconnected from Lucy before shooting a glare at the kibbitzers. If you all are quite done? Unless you want me to see to it that someone else knows of the affection directed their way, that is. I could do that.

Rika suddenly fell very quiet. “okay...”

Lucy then gave Vincent a smack upside the head. “Don’t you dare. Let’s just savor this and stop threatening others. Now get back over here.”

Another kiss was exchanged between the two at that statement. Only Vincent’s sullen Yes, Lucy was left to ring out atop the Sundial to signify the psychic’s compliance.

Ignis shot a glance at his brother and sighed. If only his issue could be solved so easily.

Eventually the two parted again and Lucy turned to Rika before smiling. “Thank you for your help. I only hope your own love life turns out as well. And don’t you worry, I’ll keep this thickhead on a short leash; he’ll not be threatening to reveal any secrets others don’t want in the near future.”

Oh, is that how it is? We share our hearts and exchange confessions and kisses, and suddenly you own me?

“Oh yeah, forgot to mention that part,” Ignis chuckled. “Once you’re in a relationship, the female is always right. No exceptions.”

Seth put down his massive burden of bags. “I still can’t believe you spent all that money,” he wheezed. Vincent looked at the bags and then to Lucy with wide eyes.

You didn’t, he said desperately.

“Nope, not all of it, and it wasn’t all me.” At his relieved sigh, she continued. “Just one of them. And why don’t you ask the others what they got as well? I’m sure they’d be happy to tell you.”

The Kadabra turned to look at the other females atop the sundial and tilted his head to one side. ...Okay, we still have plenty to live on, though we’re going to need jobs to keep it that way when we arrive. What...possessed you?

Ignis actually answered that one. “I told you that decision would come back to bite you.”

“So. Many. Outfits!” Seth gasped. “I dated a supermodel and even I didn’t think a girl would need that much.”

And suddenly, I don’t want to know. I’m not going to like this whole ‘I own you’ shtick, am I?

Lucy drew close to Vincent and hugged him before replying. “I own you in the sense that I reign in your impulses to lash out at others. And you...you own me, in the sense that you reign in my protective nature when it gets out of control. We own one another.”

...I am totally okay with that.

Seth took a moment to glance at Rika and Fritter.

“So, shall we take a small break to return these items home and then go to dinner?”

Easily done. I’ll take what the ladies decree to your home first, and then whatever Lucy got will go to the hotel room. This’ll also give me the chance to see who spent the most of my money, he growled slightly.

“Relax, ah bought mah items with mah own money,” Fritter giggled. “Rika and Lucy on the other hand...”

“Alright, I get it... I’ll pay him back once I can afford it.” Rika groaned. She hadn’t gotten too much, seeing as how she couldn’t find much that fit her body type. “Sorry Vincent.”

I get along much better with those that ask first, he commented. Buuuut seeing as how this is a Thing that is Happening because of you, you get one pass. One. And you just used it. You won’t have to hurry to pay me back, but I would appreciate it some day. Sooner or later. Now...I can do the Teleport thing, and be back in a moment. Can I trust Lucy to your care for that long?

“She’ll be fine,” Seth smiled. “Don’t tire yourself out though, the night hasn’t even begun yet.”

Vincent smirked before picking at his mental seal slightly, letting the sense of power fill the air as he coated the items in his power. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, he proclaimed before he and the items vanished in a flare of light that left spots behind in the vision of others.

“A little warning would have been nice,” Seth said, rubbing his very sensitive eyes. “That really stings!”

“So?” Rika asked once Vincent was gone. “Are you happy Lucy?”

Lucy sighed and hugged Rika with nearly all her strength, which wasn’t inconsequential. “Yes! I couldn’t be happier, and it’s thanks to you!” She then looked over to Ignis and amended her statement. “Both of you. Hold still, you’re next.”

“I... can’t... breathe...” Rika squeaked, turning a pale blue colour. Ignis was now understandably concerned.

Eventually, Lucy relented on hugging the Sylveon and turned to Ignis. “You finally opened his eyes, and I thank you for that. Come here, you deserve a hug for that.”

Rika inhaled a massive gulp of air as Ignis shrugged and surrendered to the Lucarios iron grip. If one listened, they might hear the sounds of bones creaking...

All too soon, Vincent flashed back to the top of the Sundial, startling Lucy into releasing Ignis. Once she realized who it was that had reappeared, the Kadabra was subject to the overly-affectionate Lucario’s hug as well.

Guys...guys...guys, I can feel bones shifting. Guys?

Ignis and Rika chose to wisely ignore his pleas, they weren’t going back for seconds anytime soon. Seth just chuckled and walked over to him. “Um, Lady Lucy, we do need our friends conscious if we are to go to dinner this evening.”

She sighed, but released Vincent from her embrace for the time being, though the Kadabra did notice that he’d apparently lost the use of his left hand. Mainly because Lucy’s right paw was already in it. Not that he was complaining.

So...do we have a restaurant picked out?

“Ah... well...I think we may have a problem there.” Seth replied.

Vincent and Lucy winced at the thought, but Sam chuckled. “Um, Vincent, there’s this thing attached to your neck, you may want to use it and see if there’s a restaurant nearby that’ll serve us.”

“The snark is strong with this one,” Selena smirked.

The Kadabra chuckled a bit at the point the Scizor had made. Fair enough, and assuming Gardevoir doesn’t interfere again, it should be easy to find a restaurant. A mass of blue light coalesced on Vincent’s cranium before he simply stated Ping, sending the energy outwards in search of a good place to eat that would serve them.

“You actually say ‘Ping’?” Seth asked. “So do we have a winner?”

The light bounced back after a moment, and Vincent closed his eyes to sort through the images before nodding. Yes we do...and yes, I do. Seemed the most appropriate name to give this little trick of mine. No use in combat, but wonderfully useful in situations like this one. The psychic began to walk down the sundial, Lucy walking with him. This way, he said.

Seth just shrugged and his group followed their new friends, curious as to where they were leading them. It was a merry path down quite a few streets until they reached an establishment that seemed to border two distinct ‘sections’, one of ‘Pony’ and one of ‘Griffon’. The building in question had a sign out front labeling the building as ‘The Gilded Feather’, and the smell of something quite familiar trickled its way past Seth’s nose.

He inhaled deeply and moaned happily, “Meat... I smell wondrous meat!” Ignis and Selena tilted their heads and also sniffed.

“Well I’ll be a Mankey’s uncle, it is meat!” Ignis beamed.

“It’s a Griffin place,” Fritter said. “Ah wouldn't be surprised.”

And fortunately enough, the ones running the show don’t mind who walks in the door; as long as you have bits and can indicate what you want, they’ll serve you. Vincent then placed a hand on his throat and cleared it a few times before actually speaking. “Now then, shall we?”

“Oh wow, so you can actually talk too?” Rika giggled. “I thought you may have forgotten.”

“Rika... be nice!” Seth warned. “Now I agree with Vincent, let’s go see what this place has to offer.”

“Quite a bit, but act surprised,” Vincent said. “I figured my habit of not talking might get on their nerves. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s to not get on the nerves of strangers if at all avoidable.”

Bit took this chance to nod and make his silent escape. He’d made a promise to not return to the Archives to Sam while being dragged from them, true. But he still had to sort through all the data, so he’d get a start on that while the others refueled themselves.

“Fair enough, to be perfectly honest, I am starting to get a slight headache.” Seth said. “But that could also be me just overexerting myself today.”

“Y’know, I never was much of a meat lover,” Rika admitted. “How about we go to the pony side Fritter?”

“Yeah, sounds good.” the Apple mare agreed. “Sorry y’all, don’t let us ruin yer meal though.”

The party of Pokemon were greeted at the front door by a griffon, who looked up with wide eyes at the size of the party. “Table for six, then? Griffon or Pony?” she asked.

Vincent quickly counted and nodded. With Rika and Fritter taking a different side, that left Sam, Lucy, himself, Seth, Ignis, and Selena on the side with the meat. “It would seem so, and Griffon for us. Pony for these other two,” he said while pointing at Rika and Fritter.

The door Griffoness nodded and looked at something before grabbing a stack of menus with one claw. “Right this way, then. We have just such a table ready, and someone will be out to see to your other friends shortly.”

After a short walk through what could only be described as a preview of things to come for the meat-lovers, they found themselves at a circular table with a folded menu in front of each of them. “Someone will be out to take your drink order shortly, and in the meantime, why don’t you peruse our selection?”

“Thank you,” Seth replied, taking a seat next to Sam. Lucy and Vincent were seated together, as were Ignis and Selena.

“Looks like we’re the odd ones out huh?” Seth mused.

“Tell us something we don’t know,” Sam said before picking up the menu. “Ah...yeah, let’s keep the alcohol away from the psychic for the time being…Hmm. What do you think?”

“Age issues aside,” Seth responded, drooling on the menu. “Is there any particular reason?”

“Well he’s not had any yet. That, and I’m sure you’ve noticed his slight control issues. He may be working on them, but I’m leery of exposing lowered inhibitions to such a delicate system.”

“That’s... a really good point.” Seth said. “I think I may avoid the stuff too. I still get the occasional... hiccup, with my lightning. The last thing we need is an indoor thunderstorm.”

The Scizor winced as he thought of such a thing. “Well then. Water, juices, soda. Have you had any of the local fare?”

“I’ve tried non-alcoholic apple cider, its pretty damned good.” Seth replied. “But everything else I’ve had isn’t on the menu here.”

“We’ll go for a round of non-alcoholic cider, then. Seems a safe bet. And...oh my.” Sam’s eyes lit up as he looked at the rest of the menu, and he had to remember to close his mouth when he saw the list of options.

“Seth, I think you’re going to love it here.”

“Huh? Why?” Seth asked, having his menu stolen by Ignis. Sam rolled his eyes and passed his over, having already chosen his own meal.

Seth scanned the menu and his tail wagged slightly. “Ooh~ Bacoonnnnn...”

Vincent wisely decided to keep his mind to himself about how this meat got here, considering quite a few species in Equestria and beyond seemed capable of expressing themselves as well as any other. “Hmm. Well...How about we try something simple, Lucy? This cheeseburger option sounds interesting.”

The Lucario nodded as she perused her own menu. “We really should read up on the different dishes a bit more. But that sounds enjoyable.”

“Yup, gonna get some bacon. Then I think I’ll go with this chicken dish!” Seth said.

“I’ll get the same,” Selena replied. “Actually, I’ll go with the duck... I haven’t had Farfetch’d in ages.”

“Something tells me it won’t be the same,” Sam interjected. “And I’ll go for their ‘hot wings’. I always did like my spice.”

Vincent rolled his eyes before snarking at his ‘older brother’. “Make sure you get a large glass of milk, you also like to bite off more than you can chew...like trying to cram half a plate in at once.”

“One time!” The Scizor shot back.

“I know that feeling,” Selena nodded, shooting a blaming look at her mate.

“What!?” Ignis scoffed. “So I tried to eat my own body weight in food. Who hasn’t done that before?”

“Most people,” Selena replied dryly.

Vincent looked thoughtful at that. “It’d depend on your body weight and what you were, I suppose...I think a thing like a Gulpin might have an easier time of it.” At that moment, a griffon visited the table.

“Hello, and welcome to The Gilded Feather! What can I get you for drinks?”

“We’ll take a round of your non-alcoholic cider please?” Seth answered. “Oh, could we also get some garlic bread sticks?”

“Of course sir!” the Griffon replied. “I’ll be right back, you all hang tight, okay?”

This, of course, gave the Pokemon time to fire more shots across the table. Sam looked at Ignis with his head tilted to one side. “Yeah...I can’t see it.”

“See what?” Ignis responded.

“How you thought you could do something like that,” Sam replied. “Then again, maybe you just thought that you could crush Moltres under your bulk at the time?”

“Not cool,” Ignis replied. “And this was a long time ago, when I was still a Charmeleon.”

“He almost pulled it off too,” Selena muttered. “It was the single most disgusting thing I have ever seen... And I got swallowed by a Swalot once!”

The Kadabra shot Sam a Look and turned to Selena. “Okay, if you say so. And yeah, form plays a big part in such a ‘challenge’,” he finished. “Though, let’s try not to do such a thing here? I’m pretty sure my wallet would cry if we did.”

“Yeah, I was young and stupid, so no repeat performances... ever!” Ignis agreed.

At that moment, the griffon returned with a basket of bread and a few mugs of cider, and another one was carefully balancing the rest of it in its claws. The drink was distributed to the Pokemon, and the family nodded and toasted one another.

“To a fine day,” Sam said.

“To a wonderful future,” Lucy rejoined.

“And to the family I could never live without,” Vincent finished.

“To well-earned happiness,” Seth smiled.

“To new friends!” Selena cheered.

“And newfound love,” Ignis said, nuzzling Selena.

“And now to you, our orders,” Vincent said. “Myself and Lucy shall be having cheeseburgers.”

“And I’d like to try your hot wings,” Sam added.

The griffon nodded and smirked slightly. “So one order of hot wings and one glass of milk for the giant bug type, check. Two cheeseburgers and fries for the couple, check. And you three?”

“One of your chicken kiev’s and a side of bacon, potato and vegetables.” Seth said.

“And we’ll take the duck, roast vegetables and rice.” Ignis said.

“Chicken and sides for the cat and duck with sides for the other couple,” the Griffon noted. “Will that be all?”

“I believe so,” Seth nodded. “You guys good?”

“I think so,” Vincent said. “And thank you for thinking ahead with Sam’s hot wings order.”

“It is no problem sir, standard procedure when someone is daring enough to make that order.”

“Now that’s service!” Seth smiled. “I’ll make a note to come back here at some point.”

Sam, meanwhile, was grateful for his exoskeleton. He had a feeling he’d be sweating up a storm otherwise that might belie how nervous he suddenly was about his order. “I’m sure it’ll be f-” He cut himself off with a head shake before finishing that sentence. “Mmmnope, I learned from our time with Checkmate, not finishing that sentence.”

“Probably wise, but I think Murphy’s already been invoked.” Seth chuckled. “And you’re quite allergic to fire, so have fun with that.”

The Scizor merely moaned and thunked his head into the table before speaking into it. “Why couldn’t I be protected on the inside as well…”

“Heh, I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Ignis laughed and then smirked. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

At that, the Charizard was on the receiving end of two deadpan stares and one glare. “Please tell me he didn’t,” Vincent said.

“I could, but I’d be lying,” Lucy replied.

“...This is revenge for the weight comment earlier, isn’t it?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Ignis whistled innocently.

“...Yeah, that didn’t work when I tried it on Luke, and I don’t even need to touch my powers to know a fib when I hear one,” Vincent said. “I’m all for tormenting the klutz here, but I’d appreciate it if you dialed it back a notch.”

“Alright,” Ignis replied more truthfully. “I’ve had my fun.”

Fate, apparently, was only getting started. A griffon came out with a tray holding two burgers and the plate of hot wings that the small family had ordered. “Our apologies, sirs and lady, but it’ll be a few minutes before yours are done. Meanwhile, these are hot and ready for you all right now.”

The plate of what could only be described as ‘spicy scent warfare’ was placed in front of Sam while Vincent and Lucy merely tried a fry each and hummed at the taste. “Um...where’s the milk?”

“Coming,” was the short reply before the griffon went back to wherever he’d come from.

“I... would not recommend getting anywhere near those until you get that milk,” Ignis said warily. “I’m a Fire-type and even I can tell it’s warm.”

Sam, ever-curious, put one claw close to the hot wings before drawing back. “Yeesh. Okay, whatever they’re using, I want to know about. If only so I know what to avoid.”

Just a short ways down the table, Lucy and Vincent had begun attacking their burgers with gusto.

Seth stomach rumbled loudly as he watched the others eat. It seemed like an eternity before the Griffon returned with their food, as well as Sam’s milk.

“I apologize for the wait.” he replied. “Here is your order, I hope you enjoy it to the fullest.”

“I think I very much will~” Seth purred as he eyed his food with a predatory stare.

Sam, his confidence bolstered by the fact that there was a cup of milk out, slowly grabbed one hot wing in one claw, pinched it ever-so-gently, and devoured the thing in one bite. After a moment that seemed far too long, he slowly reached out, grabbed the milk, and took the smallest of sips.

“...It’s only bad once it’s past your tongue,” he said with a raspy voice. “Then it burns.”

Ignis just chuckled and tried his duck, his powerful jaws crunching through the bone as he swallowed the whole thing. “Ah, delicious!”

“You’re a goof,” Selena sighed, her eating style was much more delicate. Meanwhile, Vincent and Lucy had managed to polish off their food and were now attempting to clean the other of any condiments stuck in their fur.

“Look, just tilt your head this way.”

“I can’t do that and get that mustard.”

“How did you even see that, I’m yellow all over.”

“Hold still, and you’ll find out.”

Seth just stared at them, a strip of bacon hanging from his mouth. Ignis just smirked, chalking it up to young love.

“Ah, you two do realize you're in public... right?” Selena asked, seeing as how the boys refused to speak up.

“Sooner started, sooner finished,” Lucy shot back. “Besides, if I don’t get this now, it’ll bug me all night.”

“Yeah, it’s just us wiping condiments off one another. There’s nothing wrong about that. I said tilt your head, I almost had the ketchup that time.”

“They have no idea that they’re grooming each other right?” Ignis said. “And how intimate that is for a Pokemon?”

“At least they’re not using tongue,” Seth said, finishing off his meal.

Sam finished the last hot wing, last of his milk, and pointed at Ignis first, then Seth. “Tell...them…” he croaked out through his destroyed throat. “Soon.”

“True enough,” Ignis laughed. “Um, guys? Having fun with with your very intimate public displays of affection?”

The two had finally finished grooming one another to the other’s satisfaction before the words sunk in and they looked from Ignis to each other and back again. “Um…” Lucy said.

“I’m missing something, aren’t I?” Vincent questioned.

“Not just you,” Lucy added. “Help?”

“Grooming your mate is considered quite intimate for Pokemon,” Selena stated. “And apparently from the stares we’re getting, it’s the same for Griffons... You two were about one step away from just rutting each other on the table.”

“Leave it to Selly for brutal honesty!” Ignis laughed.

Sam coughed a few times and turned to the room at large before pointing at the young couple. “Young...new...didn’t know. Please...forgive...also...more...milk?”

The restaurant patrons gave varied responses, from indifferent shrugs to nervous chuckles. Their waiter soon returned with another glass of milk, along with a full pitcher. “Congratulations on surviv- I mean, finishing your meal. Consider it on the house.”

Sam nodded and drank from the glass before poking at the young couple that were giving nothing in particular the thousand-yard stare. They failed to respond to the stimuli, and Sam frowned. “Problem...Vincent was...our Teleporter…”

“And now he’s quite broken.” Seth finished. “Well, I can give ours a call if she’s not busy. But I think I’ll have to walk this meal off, I’m quite stuffed.”

“Go home, fall into food coma?” Ignis asked.

“Happily so,” Seth grinned and belched loud enough to rattle the glasses on the table. “Ah, my compliments to the chef.”

“Yer welcome!” An old Griffon yelled from the kitchen.

Fortunately, the belch shocked Vincent back long enough to make a simple statement. “Check please.”

The waiter returned with the bill and some complimentary mints for everyone, along with a few napkins for the ‘young couple’. This only caused them to blush all the brighter.

“Dinner and a show,” Seth chuckled.

Vincent shot a glare at Seth that could probably be felt with actual physical force. “It’s not like anyone gave me the ins and outs of Pokemon relationships dos and donts. Nobody bothered to explain it to either of us. I just...felt an urge to clean off her face, and went with it. If you’d like to continue on this line, I could make you pay for your entertainment.”

“Okay, I get it.” Seth replied.

“And those would be those ‘instincts’ I mentioned,” Ignis explained. “While not bad, you just need to learn where and when. Dinner at a public restaurant is not a good place for that.” The dragon looked to Sam, “I guess you have a new job ‘Big Brother’.”

Sam finished his current glass and sighed. “Barely older than them. My role by default. Don’t ask how I know.”

“Still, once your throat has recovered, we’ve got a lot to go over,” Vincent said. A short burst of power brought an appropriate amount of bits from their stash to the table. “Though I’d not be adverse to a small talk until we have to part for the night.”

“I’ll be glad to help,” Ignis agreed. Selena nodded too, looking at Lucy.

“And you might need some advice from a female perspective, hm?”

The small party of Pokemon made their way out of the restaurant to re-encounter Rika and Fritter just outside, waiting for them.

“So uh, we heard a small rumor while we were eating,” Rika said. “About a certain couples... affection towards one another?”

“Don’t... just, don’t go there.” Seth warned. “It was an honest mistake. Now, where would we like to go?”

Bit also rejoined the party and dinged to make his presence known. “Suggestion: both families retire for the night, meet up again at Mocha’s the next morning. It is quite late.”

As if on cue, Apple Fritter yawned. “Yeah... I gotta work in th’ mornin’...”

“That sounds good,” Seth agreed. “Today sure has been something though.”

“Yeah,” Lucy said while grabbing a hold of Sam’s right arm. “And we’ll make sure the societal missteps don’t happen again. Right, ‘brother’?”

Sam gulped nervously before replying. “R-Right…”

Vincent put a hand to his head to warn the others before switching his speaking modes. Until the morning, then?

“Yup, until then.” Seth nodded. “We have to help Fritter set up, so let’s say... around tenish?”

Easily done.

“Assuming you don’t sleep in,” Lucy tacked on. “See you at Mocha’s, then. Take care!”

“You as well,” Seth echoed.

“Have fun~” Rika giggled. “Don’t keep him up all night~”

“Goddamit Rika,” Seth groaned, smushing her head with a paw. “Just... ignore her.”

And so the two families parted ways for the night.

Chapter Twenty-Seven - In Spite of opposition

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Vincent awoke early the next morning to see Lucy's form taking up the other half of the bed. He sighed softly and brushed one hand down the side of her face. Goodbye for now, my love. I hope to return afore you awaken, but I must leave. You and the others have kept me from something for far too long...

Being as silent as possible, the Kadabra removed himself from their shared bed and tip-toed to the doorway. Silently opening and closing it brought him to the hotel's hallway, and it was there that he finally felt safe in using his Teleport move to go to one particular place. One that he'd been to yesterday. Mocha's cafe.

His aim was slightly off, he appeared a good fifteen feet down the road from it, but such an obstacle was not insurmountable. Upon arriving at the front doors and passing through them, he cast a quick glance around the room before nodding. Excellent, they’re still not up… Seth, Ignis, Selena, and Rika apparently were, though, and then Vincent saw the one who ran the place nearby, and thus attempted to gain her eye. Miss Mocha, could I ask you for a favor?

“Oh, good morning... um, Vincent right?” she asked. “What can I do for you?”

Yes I am, and I would like to ask you for your finest cup of coffee, ma’am. It’d be my first.

“Your first cup of coffee?” Mocha said.

“It’s not his only first~” Rika giggled.

Indeed. I would appreciate a nice introduction to the drink I’ve not yet had.

“Alright, we’ll start you off slow. No need to give a greenhorn a triple expresso.” She laughed as she prepared a standard flat white. “If you like it, I’ll make you some other types to go.”

My thanks. Luke said something about how I should take care around things that altered how the mind works...but I should at least try it once before forming an opinion. Vincent had settled himself in at one of the tables and kept a wary eye on the front door.

After a minute or two, Mocha brought over a small cup with the liquid, as well as a separate jar of cream and sugar. “This particular type is usually served black, but if you find it too bitter, then add some of these okay?”

The psychic-type nodded and took a sip of the drink before making a face. Goodness, that is bitter. He then put a spoonful of sugar into the drink and stirring before trying again. This time, he nodded. Ah, much better. And I don’t see why others have tried to stop me from having any before now…

The Kadabra polished off the cup before nodding once. My thanks for the experience. Any others you would recommend?

“Well, you could try my namesake, a mocha latte?” she suggested. “It’s topped with chocolate powder and is a lot sweeter than a standard coffee.”

That sounds quite delicious, Vincent replied. I wouldn’t say no to such a drink...though I could also do with something to eat…

“Alrighty, one mocha and what would you like to eat? Any preferences?”

“You think he’s even noticed that we’re sitting here yet?” Seth asked out loud.

Something that would go with it, he said with a hint of cheek before it vanished. I trust your judgement.

“Alrighty then!” she said chipperly and disappeared into her kitchen, delicious scents soon wafting out from it.

“Hey Vincent!” Seth finally called out. “Having a good morning thus far?”

Indeed I am, the Kadabra said without turning. And to answer your earlier question, I did notice, but in case you don’t remember yesterday when we first arrived, my family’s kept me from trying coffee ever since I had free access to it. This is one of the few times I’ve been up before them, so I am bound and determined to try it today. Thus, Mocha came before you. I would apologize, but I am still trying to keep watch as well. For all I know, Sam or Lucy will come in any second now and stop Mocha from giving me any more.

“Never!” Mocha called out. “Discovering coffee for the first time is a magical experience and I will let nopony come in between that!”

“There’s your answer,” Seth chuckled. “So, how did you sleep?”

Wonderfully, Vincent sighed as he recalled the night previous. Though the hotel was curious as to why we no longer needed one of our rooms. Waking up with Lucy there was...I’d trade nothing for it.

Rika’s eyes widened and sparkled like the stars. “You already did ‘that’? Ooh~” she giggled as she bounded across the room to hug him. “I’m so proud~”

...It was just us sharing a bed, and just that, Vincent said as he tried to move against his captor. While I may have an understanding as to the...mechanics...I’m not ready for something like...that, yet. So...why are you so huggy?

“She’s always been like that!” Selena said, peeling the ribbons off of Vincent and shooing the Fairy away. “Sorry, personal space isn’t in her dictionary. But I do think a congrats is in order though. It sounds like you took a big step forward.”

From a know-nothing lab-rat, to a Kadabra needing context for the images in his head, to having a girlfriend I love and know like no other beside me? I think that’s more than one step, the Kadabra in question chuckled. But yes, my eyes are open, my heart is hers. And I thank you all for your ‘interference’, he finished.

“So we ‘interfered’ huh?” Seth smirked. “Well I always did have a habit of sticking my nose into other peoples’ business.”

Mocha soon emerged, a slightly larger cup of coffee this time, along with a plate of sunny-side eggs, lettuce, tomatoes and some hash browns.

“There we are, a meal fit for a Princess,” she giggled. The psychic type nodded at her and began to dig into the breakfast.

Mmm...okay, point to you. You’re good at this breakfast thing. I’m not sure if Mary knows any such recipes.

“I’m very glad to hear that!” Mocha beamed. “If you need anything else, just give me a shout,” she said before returning to her cleaning.

Will do, Vincent noted. Mmm...so how about you lot? How goes your recovery, Seth? Any better today?

Seth showed his lack of bandages. “Yup, I’m doing a lot better now. Just needed a good night’s sleep.”

“Yeah,” Rika muttered. “In Apple Fritter’s bed.”

“And she took the couch,” Seth replied. “You heard her, she wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Sounds like you either need to hash out who shares what bed, Vincent pitched in, Or you need more of them. I’m not sure which option would hurt less.

“I’m fine with the couch, just as I have been.” Seth replied. “My fur is so plush, I think I could sleep comfortably anywhere. But Fritter said I needed a proper bed last night and ordered me to use hers.”

“We sleep in the guest room, Selena, Titania and I.” Rika explained. “We got a reward for helping return the Crown Jewels, and we’re gonna add an extension to the house.” She sipped her hot chocolate before continuing. “We were originally going to get our own place, but then Fritter would have been all alone... and none of us wanted that. So in the end, we moved in with her.”

By now, the psychic had polished off his meal and moved on to the coffee, sipping slowly and savoring the taste. Oh that’s good coffee...And your explanation gives me some ideas for what to do back at Las Pegasus...plus it explains how you intend to house Ignis, for when he decides to stop looking for a fight for a few days at a time.

Seth and Selena burst out laughing. “Oh, that’s never gonna happen. But he has promised to stay in Canterlot with us.”

...Why do I suddenly get the feeling that switching my ideal career from ‘detective’ or ‘private eye’ to ‘insurance salesman’ would be a more lucrative move?

Seth seemed to think for a moment before replying. “You want a partner? That sounds like a solid plan,” Seth mused. “So how long do you think until your buzz is killed by some siblings of yours hmm?”

Well, I never took down my communications link with them, so I can still passively obser- At that particular moment, one of the links spiked up with concern, anger, worry. Vincent's eyes snapped fully open as he realized whose it was. Oh dear. Lucy just woke up. Aaaand I think I’m in trouble.

Ignis paled, “You... you snuck off...?”

“Without telling your new girlfriend?” Rika concluded. “Well... while we have the time. What would you like on your tombstone?”

Yes, I snuck off. She and Sam have kept me from having any coffee since we got here, and I still don’t...see… At that moment, the Kadabra’s eyes widened slightly. Oh...dear. What is...is this what coffee does?

The Kadabra could feel the rush of energy work its way up his spine and hit his brain, granting his powers an extra 'kick'. Already he could feel far more minds than normal: it was as though he were holding two Twisted Spoons. He could tell that he was hurtling towards a cliff, metaphorically speaking: too long like this, and he'd start causing headaches and breaking delicate machinery.

“You think Mocha has good insurance?” Selena wondered as she watched the caffeine kick in.

“And I just got out of the hospital,” Seth muttered. “Now I’m gonna go back, from either a pissed off Lucario, a caffeine crazed Kadabra or a furious, yet adorable Unicorn...”

Sparks of eldritch blue energy buzzed around Vincent’s form, and for a moment longer, the Kadabra merely watched the spectacle. I feel...so awake, so alive now. Though, the extra energy could be a problem…as well as Lucy coming here in the next two minutes...

“So what should we do?” Seth asked, watching the light show.

“This may have been a bad idea,” Ignis said.

“Maybe Lucy will save us?” Rika asked hopefully.

“You’re all a bunch of friggen idiots,” Selena muttered, going back to her coffee.

While I don’t agree with the strength of the statement, Selena has the gist of it. Just...one moment...have to do this right. With that, the Kadabra summoned his Twisted Spoon and held it to his head, his eyes shut, focusing on the technique he and Xavier had come up with to help him adjust his strength as required. Strengthening psychic seal.

With those simple words, the lightshow vanished. Vincent shook his head a few times to clear the sudden feeling of dizziness as his powers were cut dramatically, but then smiled and set his Spoon down. And that’s another trick I have to thank Xavier for, he said as he leaned back in his chair, now restored to his normal levels of operation.

“Impressive,” Seth whistled as his ears twitched, hearing some irritated muttering that was growing closer. “But I believe that you still might be screwed.”

Indeed, an irritated female Lucario burst into the shop, her eyes landing on Vincent’s form near-instantly. “YOU!” She shouted. “Do you have any IDEA the panic I felt when I woke up to you MISSING?!”

She’d rapidly closed the gap and was now shaking the Kadabra back and forth as she continued to berate him. “You don’t just wake up and walk off! You never do that! I was worried for you! Why would you do that to me?!”

Seth stood up to intervene slightly. “I’m sure Vincent is very sorry Lucy. He is new to the whole relationship thing and I’m sure that it won’t happen again... will it Vincent!!”

Indeed not. I am sorry Lucy. I merely awoke first and took this chance to finally try something that I have been denied for far too long.

The Lucario took in those words, realized where she was standing, and slowly let go of the Kadabra before taking a few steps back. “You didn’t.”

I did.

She then turned to Seth and his friends and said, in a very even tone, “And why did none of you stop him from having any?”

“We didn’t think there was any harm,” Rika shrugged. “Unless he’s allergic to coffee... are you allergic to coffee Vincent?”

No. Sam and Bit merely took my mentor Luke’s, a Gallade, advice far too seriously when I mentioned it once. He said I should avoid adding such a thing to my system until I was used to how my new form worked. They then told Lucy, and together have kept me from trying any.

“Ah, is that all?” Seth said. “I wouldn’t worry Lucy, he seems to be perfectly fine, despite having two cups already.”

Lucy took another, closer look at Vincent, and nodded slowly. “Very well...but if anything happens to make me think otherwise, while I’ll blame him first, I’ll blame all of you second.” She then took a seat and looked at the Kadabra’s empty plate. “So, what do you recommend for breakfast?”

Already having prepared in advance, Mocha floated out four plates of the same dish she served Vincent. “I have one for your buggy friend when he arrives too,” she tittered.

“Wow, thanks Mocha!” Seth grinned before digging in.

Another point in your favor: customer service. Mary is an excellent chef, but if you aren’t a friend of hers and try to enter ‘her’ kitchen? She doesn’t take kindly to that…

“A kitchen to a chef is like their home,” Mocha said. “Intruding uninvited is often considered a great insult.”

“Cilan said the same thing to me once,” Seth replied. He wondered if that trio of brothers were in Equestria somewhere. “Well, thank you for the food though. It’s delicious.”

A fair point, Vincent said with a slight laugh. After all, we all have those little places where we like to consider ourselves safe. Those places that are truly ours. Now that I find myself in possession of such places, I find myself eager to return to them…

“That’s a nice answer,” Rika said. “All these little ‘hiccups’ aside, Equestria really is a nice place huh?”

Far nicer than anything I’ve experienced, Vincent said, which caused a slight wave of wincing throughout the room as Rika remembered who she’d been talking to. But in all fairness, yes. What little information I have regarding Earth places it as second to Equestria.

Lucy nodded and talked, her food already gone. “If this is a place without your father and anyone like him likely to have come with us, then yes, this world is already better for it.”

...Did you even taste your food?

“I like this girl,” Ignis grinned, patting Lucy on the back. “Platonically of course,” he added when Selena and Vincent glared at him.

“So is there anything else you’d like to do today?” Seth asked. “Canterlot is a big city, there’s probably still a lot to see.”

In which case, we can make a return trip, the Kadabra said while smirking. And while I would like to see the Museum, if it’s still likely to be closed, then a quick trip through...Artist’s Alley, was it? Will have to do for today. I already miss Las Pegasus, and we’ve only been gone five days.

“Actually, I got word that the museum re-opened today,” Seth grinned. “They still hadn’t fixed the windows, saying they’d take months to repair...”

“But then Sethy got the brilliant idea of asking Dialga to help.” Rika exclaimed. “He simply wound time back on the museum to before the attack. And hey presto! All is well.”

Vincent blinked a few times before turning to Lucy. Note: do not mess with time or those that control it. That’s scary powerful right there.

Lucy nodded her agreement as Sam calmly walked into the room. He eyed Lucy and Vincent, Vincent’s empty cups, and Seth’s group before saying anything. “...And how is there still a building?”

“Because it seems you were concerned over nothing,” Seth replied. “Vincent here is cool, aside from a small light show earlier and possible enlightenment...”

It wasn’t like I could see forever, the psychic said with a wave of his hand. Though I was definitely picking up on more minds than usual. Had it gone on any longer, yeah, I would have been concerned.

“So…” The Scizor began. “All that worrying and keeping you away from caffeine?”

Oh don’t get me wrong, before it was probably a good idea, especially when I was an Abra. But now that I can handle it properly, I may take a cup in the morning to aid my brain in starting up.

Right on cue, Mocha came back over to the table and passed Vincent a piece of parchment with some instructions on it.

“Theses are recipes for three of my personal blends,” Mocha said. “Flat White, Mocha Latte and Mint blend, most of my others are a bit of a secret and would require me to personally teach you. Oh, and I also wrote down decaf variants~” The list contained specific brands and types of coffee beans to use, as well as preparation instructions. The psychic picked the list up and scanned it a few times before nodding at the mare.

My thanks. How much do I owe you for this fine morning? At those words, Vincent picked up his Twisted Spoon again in preparation to summon what he needed.

“Hmm, 25 bits should cover the cost of the meals,” Mocha said. “The coffee’s on the house today, well for you anyway.”

Seth looked at the spoon, “Why don’t you just carry around a small pouch?” he asked. “It must be easier than having to Teleport money all the time.”

First, it helps me burn off power. A Gallade helped me when I was an Abra to refine all that I had been into someone who could come to terms with what had happened. Just recently, Xavier and I exchanged notes, and I learned quite a bit from that Metagross. And secondly, at this moment the required bits flashed onto the table, We happen to have quite a bit of bits. I might tell you the story later, but carrying them all around everywhere would be cumbersome.

“Fair enough,” Seth replied, fishing around in his bag for his own money. “I wish I could levitate things... would make life so much easier.”

Tell me, what do you recall of a Kadabra’s power...and what happens if they don’t watch themselves? Vincent’s ‘voice’ had gone sickly sweet again.

“I know, I know,” Seth responded. “But until you find out, you Psychic’s and Unicorns still make it look easy.” Seth looked at Mocha, who was cleaning a small stage at the back of the cafe. Several large instruments floated around her, including a cello and a small piano while she hummed happily, sweeping up the dust with a levitating broom and dustpan.

Powers of the mind are not to be taken lightly. How do you think I feel knowing that if I don’t watch myself, my family will be in pain because of me? And thus I ‘talk’ constantly, I Teleport our money in when we need it. I do half a dozen things to burn off the power I have...to keep those I hold dear safe from me. You should be thankful you are not a Psychic type.

“I wonder if Gardy has to do the same stuff?” Rika wondered.

“In a way,” the aforementioned Pokemon said as she teleported into the cafe. “We Gardevoir also manipulate gravity, but most of my excess power goes into telepathy and floating.” She raised the hem of her skirt slightly, showing that her pointed feet weren’t actually touching the ground. “I am surprised you do not do it also Mr. Vincent. A good deal of power can be burnt off with self-levitation.”

Vincent smiled at that. I would, but I know that the less physically active I am, the worse it will be for me. While I have power, to rely on it to even move, much less hold up my head as Alakazam are said to need to do, is a terrible place to find ones’ self. I’d like to be able to walk around without needing to propel myself with my mind, thank you kindly. I didn’t need to do so in the facility while I was human, and I’ll try my hardest to thwart that from ever happening. Besides which, what if I encounter a particularly physically-minded foe? I’d like to be able to move and run fast enough to get away or deal with them. Cover all my bases, as it were.

Gardy nodded and she seemed to stumble for a second as she switched on her personal gravity, allowing herself to stand under her own strength. “I too can stand just fine, but...”

“Ten bits says she does it to look all mystical,” Rika giggled, but Gardevoir remained silent as Rika’s eyes widened. “Uh, I wasn’t actually being serious...”

Gardy cleared her throat and spoke verbally. “Regardless, I have come to inform you that the last of the victims have been cured and most of them are awake or have even been discharged by now.”

“And Heath?” Seth asked, his tone filled with concern.

“Also doing fine,” Gardy responded. “He was awake for a while, but has resumed sleep again. Injuries aside, he suffered severe smoke inhalation, it will still take a few days for him to recover.”

“Alright, thanks Gardevoir,” Seth said and with a nod, the Psychic vanished as quickly as she arrived.

“Well that’s good news,” Selena said. “We should go and see him later.” Seth simply nodded in response.

A steadily growing ticking noise could be heard, and Vincent merely rolled his eyes and pointed one hand at the door. Bit, we’re in here, cut out the cheesy noises.

Indeed, the Porygon-Z floated into the room and dinged a few times. “Apologies. Some sounds are simply associated with certain actions. Though why the action of searching for you causes this unit to play a ticking noise is unknown at this time.”

Fair enough, perhaps you’ll untangle the reason with time. Now...someone said something about the museum possibly being open again?

“A ticking when you search?” Seth pondered. “Maybe it works like the Itemfinder device? Well, whatever... onwards to adventure and whatnot!”

“I think all of our lives could do with a little less adventure thank you,” Selena muttered.

A chorus of “Agreed!” came from Vincent’s table. “Besides which, didn’t you just get done with an adventure at the museum?” Lucy questioned.

“Yeah, let’s use the museum for what it’s actually for: teaching life-forms that aren’t Bit about things. I’m sure he already knows a good deal about what’s in there.” Sam pitched in as he pushed his empty plate a few inches forward.

Bit ticked for a moment before letting out a beep. “Incorrect. While a good deal of information was filed and cross-referenced, I do not currently possess up-to-date information on what lies within the local museum.”

Fancy that, Bit not knowing something.

“Ooh, oooh!!” Rika bounced up and down in a very Pinkie-esque manner. “I have an idea on something we could do as well~”

“First, sit down, you’re giving me motion sickness,” Selena said. “And second, I know I’m going to regret this but what is your idea?”

“We could show them our routine!” Rika exclaimed. “We need to practice it anyway.”

“Urgh, I knew I was going to regret it,” Selena sighed. “Fine... I suppose we could do that.”

“She protests, but she really does enjoy it,” Ignis laughed. “She’s really adorable when she gets all tsundere like that.”

“W-what the hell, moron!” Selena blushed. “Don’t go spouting stuff like that!”

Vincent looked at Ignis, then at Selena, and then at Lucy. She herself had done something similar, starting at Selena, then going to Ignis, and then ending with Vincent. “I’m going to put it down to ‘love is blind,’” Lucy said.

I was going to put it down as ‘different strokes for different folks,’ Vincent countered.

“And I’m going to say you two couples are perfect for each other, and I don’t care what we do, so long as it’s no longer here,” Sam chipped in. “No offense to you, Mocha.”

“None taken,” Mocha smiled.

“Well let’s get going then,” Seth said. “First stop, the museum!”

The museum had been interesting, especially seeing Vincent’s face when they hit the weather section. Physics in Equestria were seriously nerfed.

They ended meeting Fritter and then they all headed back to the Sundial one last time; it was also a nice spot for Rika and Selena to do their routine.

“Okay, you guys ready for a treat?” she asked. “You’ll be the first ones in Equestria to see this!”

A quick shared glance amongst the family brought on a wave of slight nods between them. “Ready,” Lucy said.

Do show us, Vincent added.

Seth had retrieved a gramophone from Fritter’s place and put a record on it. A jaunty little classical tune began to play, specifically, a song titled ‘Dance of the Sugarplum Breezie’. He was quite surprised to find an Equestrian variant of the song he would use in Contests.

“Alright, Rika use Misty Terrain. Selena, Razor Wind!”

Rika hummed as the ground around her with a blanket of pale, pink mist. Selena then used a weak Razor Wind, causing the mist to swirl and ripple like the sea.

“Now use Will-o-Wisp, and Rika, you use Swift!

Selena let out a haunting low howl as ethereal wisps of flames danced around her and then shot towards Rika. The fairy activated her Swift, and Pixelate turned it into a Fairy Type move as golden stars rained down on the wisps, shattering them into sparkling embers, which then fell into the mist, causing it to take on an azure hue. The mist swirled and then enshrouded Selena.

“This part is where i would Mega-evolve her, but I can’t do that right now.” Seth explained. “Rika, use Moonblast!

The Sylveon nodded as she aimed into the sky and fired several of the attacks, the orbs of lunar light hanging in the air like lanterns.

“And for the finale, Selena, Play Rough!” The mist burst as Selena leapt from it, her legs sparkling with a pink light as she leapt from one orb to the other, her movements were precise and stunningly beautiful, like she was dancing in midair. She finally landed near Rika, and both Pokemon took a bow as the Moonblasts shattered, raining down like countless tiny stars.

“Well?” Selena panted. “What did you think?”

Bit was, for once, speechless and not making any sounds. Sam likewise just stood there, his jaw slightly agape at the spectacle he’d just been witness to. Vincent blinked a few times and smiled softly while putting a hand on his chest. Lucy’s reaction was the most telling, however.

She merely turned to Vincent and said a simple phrase. “We need to come up with one.”

He turned to Lucy and stared for a moment before replying. I’m fairly certain a routine like that isn’t something you just ‘come up with’. And while I agree that was a splendid performance, it would likely take us quite some time to do anything near their level.

“Sooner started…” Lucy led, which prompted Vincent to sigh before he finished it.

Sooner finished. Fine, it’ll go on my list of things to do.

“It took a really long time to perfect, I wish we could have done it properly though.” Rika sighed.

“The hardest part was that last bit, where I dance on the Moonblasts,” Selena explained. “Being weak to Fairy type moves, just one missed step resulted in a lot of pain.” She spoke from experience and a lot of time spent in the Pokemon Center. “But I think it was totally worth- Yip!” She yelped as Ignis scooped up the Absol and placed a deep kiss on her lips.

“You are my beautiful Dark Fairy Queen,” he smiled. “I think I fall even more in love with you every time I see it.”

Seth chuckled at her protests as Ignis lavished her with kisses. “Well I’m glad you guys liked it, something unique for your vacation huh?”

Indeed, something that I will hold dear for quite some time. I’ve precious few good memories, but each one added is a beauty.

Lucy nodded at Vincent’s words and hugged the Kadabra from behind. “Thank you all for a lovely time in Canterlot,” the Lucario said. “But I think it’s high time we caught a ride home.”

Indeed, one will be leaving within the hour. We should just about catch it if we were to leave within the next few minutes.

Seth nodded, a slight frown playing as his features. Rika just teared up and leapt at Lucy, hugging her tightly. Selena and Ignis were a little more reserved, but they still looked a little upset.

“Alright, but you four better believe that we’ll come and visit as soon as possible!” Seth said adamantly. The Kadabra chuckled and pointed at the Sylveon hugging Lucy.

Was already counting on it. Or perhaps you’d like to come with right now? It certainly seems one of you wants to.

“I am really tempted to take you up on that offer,” Seth replied as they walked, Rika having switched to hugging Sam and Bit. “But there’s still a lot of loose ends to tie up here in Canterlot.”

And you lot have given me an idea of something to try in Las Pegasus, one that might be necessary depending on the local’s stance on certain issues. But hopefully when the time comes that we do meet again, my schedule will be clear.

“I gave you ideas?” Seth replied inquisitively. “I get the feeling that my life is not going to be quiet anytime soon, but I can’t wait regardless.” He pried his overly affectionate Sylveon away from a grateful Scizor and placed her on his back.

Sometimes it’s not about whether or not you can take the time, but whether or not you can make the time, the Kadabra replied, looking first Seth, then Rika in the eyes, hoping that they both took to heart his advice regarding certain matters.

His subtlety wasn’t over-looked by Rika and she hopped down and stood in front of Seth. “I want to make something clear,” she said. “And while my new best friend Lucy is here as a witness, I’m going to say it.” She took a deep breath, held it for a moment and released it as her face flushed a deep crimson hue.

“I’m not going to lose to Apple Fritter, understand! I will fight, not actual fighting, but you get my drift, to win your heart!”

Seth sat down very quickly as he blushed.

“I think I have a few things to discuss later, with both you and Fritter,” Seth replied. He regained his composure and nodded, “I owe you two at least that much.”

Lucy, meanwhile, drew up next to Rika and laid a paw on her head. “While you didn’t hear our confessions,” the Lucario whispered, “There are three words that are the most important that you haven’t said to him in this context. They’re scary and will change quite a lot of things once said, but you should at least make the effort if you mean it.”

Rika nodded, a huge grin on her face. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, but no sound came out. She looked at Lucy and Vincent, two that once considered the other a dear sibling, and now they were lovers. Selena and Ignis were in the same boat, and now they too were together. She swallowed and after a reassuring nod from Lucy, she spoke.

“I-I...” She looked at the Luxray that sat before her, waiting patiently for her to speak. If he refused her, surely he would have cut her off by now, or changed the subject.

“It’s because you care that they’re so hard to say,” Lucy mused at Rika's hesitation. “Vincent and I had some similar problems...but then we realized the important thing. The other one cared just as much as we did and would never hurt us, intentional or otherwise. Then the words came free and clear.”

Rika nodded, “With all my heart, I couldn’t feel this way about anyone else...” She looked at Seth, tears stinging the corners of her eyes. “I love you, so, so much!”

Seth nodded, taking a step forward and holding his precious Sylveon tightly against his chest. “I know, I think I might have always known... but-”

“I know, you don’t feel that way about Pokemon,” Rika whispered. “But, I can’t change how I feel and I know I’m being a little selfish... but all I want is a chance.”

Seth nodded, holding her and closing his eyes. “I’ll give you that chance, with our new friends, our new family as my witnesses. I promise you that much. We’ll start over okay?”

“Thank you,” Rika whispered. “I’ll do my best~”

“Out of respect for both of you,” Sam stated, “I’ll not pass on any of the advice the old man would have given me. Though you can be sure I’m going to ask plenty of questions when we next see one another.”

Bit beeped a few times before chipping in his two bits as well. “Suggestion: Relationship is already founded on trust. While a gradual attitude re-adjustment may be necessary for Seth to see Rika in a romantic light, she must not over-exert herself in trying to hurry the process along. That is doomed to fail. She must simply be herself.”

And when did you get so world-wise about romance?

“Canterlot’s Archives have quite the selection of romance novels. Reasons unknown,” the Porygon-Z responded.

“Yeah, thanks you guys,” Rika sniffed, pulling away from Seth. “I’ll do my best and bag my sexy kitty~”

Seth just groaned and shook his head. “Well we still have a lot to discuss, but our friends have a train to catch and we’re holding them up.”

“Alright,” Rika waved a ribbon dismissively. “It’s not the end of the world if they miss it anyway.”

“Rika... are you holding us up so they’ll stay longer?” Seth asked dubiously.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Rika said, whistling innocently.

...Okay, didn’t work on Luke, isn’t gonna work on me. That’s one of the go-to phrases for trying to fib. Not only am I a Psychic and could therefore simply know if you’re lying, I know Teleport as well. The only reason we haven’t flashed away is because we enjoy your company.

“Aw, I love you guys too~” Rika cooed, hugging them again.

“C’mon, let’s go,” Seth chuckled, dragging her off of them and resuming their walk to the station. It felt no time had passed at all once they arrived, the absurdly feminine-looking train already at the station.

“I feel my masculinity slipping away just looking that thing,” Seth said dryly.

“We dislike it for other reasons,” Sam said simply.

Lucy nodded as they approached the ticket booth. “While it’s a comfortable moving box, it’s still a box which we can’t safely leave for hours at a time.”

“Something to look forward to when Vincent here becomes an Alakazam then,” Seth replied. “I’ll bet he’ll be powerful enough to simply teleport to another city.”

I’ll be happy when I learn how to Teleport another without causing motion sickness in either of us, the Kadabra replied as he came back with four tickets in his grasp. He gave one to each of his family members and nodded once. A moment more while I give our luggage to the stallion in charge of such things.

Seth had also bought them a few trinkets, like a replica of the Sundial. Considering what happened there, it made for a very sentimental gift. “So what’s the plan once you get home?” he asked Sam.

“I’m going to ask the griffon who owns the restaurant Mary works in if I can become a waiter there. She’s good when she’s in the kitchen, but she’s not the easiest ‘mon to get along with. Her spiky exterior is more than physical,” the Scizor replied.

“Sounds like a good plan,” Seth nodded. “And if you guys ever need any help, were only a letter away.”

Bit dinged a few times before replying. “While the letter is an effective means of communication in Equestria, I still contain information. I am hoping to get a rudimentary computer functioning within the next year for my own useage. I predict an even fifty-fifty odds of success to failure.”

Seth looked at his large and fluffy paws. “I used to dabble in basic programming, but I can’t type with these anymore. Ah well.”

The Porygon-Z looked Seth over and ticked while he considered the situation. “Plausible solution to former humans dilemma, for those that lack hands: Voice commands.”

“That might work, but one would need to program a voice command system and construct an interface first.” His body sparked momentarily, “Plus I run the risk of blowing a computer up until I have control of this first.”

At that moment, Vincent returned and sighed. The second issue, I cannot help with...though, were you to arrive in Las Pegasus and still be having issues, I could look up Luke. As to the first, well...father solved that one, didn’t he, Bit?

“Indeed he did. And as per societal interaction protocols this unit has observed: you get three guesses as to what he used it for, and the first two don’t count.”

"Hmm, I’m guessing it involves you in some way Bit?”

The program dinged once in response to Seth's question. “Correct so far.”

“Well I’m guessing you must have voice command systems installed, you could copy those. All you would need is a microphone as an interface.”

There would be a grave weakness in any voice command system based on the one embedded in Bit. All I would have to do is say one line… the Kadabra trailed off there and let the sentence hang.

“Do you know what the Doctor used those commands for now, Mister Seth?” The Porygon-Z actually hung his head at that question.

Seth’s eyes widened, “Oh crap, I-I didn’t think... I’m so sorry,” he apologized.

Not your fault, Vincent said, brushing off the Luxray’s concerns. You didn’t know, couldn’t have known. And we’ve already exploited the system to do some good for Bit. But he trusts me with such power over him, and I keep hoping to prove myself worthy of that trust.

Seth nodded, they certainly were an interesting bunch. “I’m sure you’ll do just fine. You have family and a lot of new friends to pick you back up should you fall.”

Lucy nodded and hugged Vincent again, this time pecking him on the cheek. “Yup. He’s here for us, and we’re here for him. I just wish we could be there for the other survivors...or even knew where they were…”

Sam waved one claw. “Eh, they preferred their isolation, and I can’t blame ‘em. The only ones who might know them well enough to identify them are Vincent and Bit. If they seek us out, I’ll change my tune, but as is, I think we should let them be, wherever they are.”

“Besides,” Seth said. “You and I, we’re magnets for trouble so they’ll probably find you at some point. And if I come across any who are looking for guidance, I’ll do what I can to help.”

Quite frankly, that’s all I could ask, and I’m grateful. But for now, I think we should board. As if on cue, a stallion shouted “All aboard” at that moment.

Seth stopped Vincent as the rest boarded, “If you’re not adverse to it, can I offer one last piece of advice?”

I promise to listen until I have to get on, the Kadabra replied.

“It’ll be brief,” Seth replied. “Just this, The past is what shapes you, it made you who you are... but you are the one who shapes your future. If you keep that in mind, I have no doubts that you’ll be just fine.”

Just because I saw what I did and bear his name, it does not mean I am my predecessor, or that I will act in such a manner. He ruined the name of Nurem to those that knew. I intend to take it back. I heard every one of their screams, you know. That’s more than enough to motivate me. Eight hundred and fourteen. Someone must atone for the ones that passed. If not me, who?

“What I simply meant was that infinite futures lay open to you. I know you are not your father, but shouldering that burden alone, I don’t think anyone could bear such a weight.” He looked at Sam, Bit and Lucy, watching them through a window. “They are as much a part of it as you, and I know that they won’t let you go at it alone. Neither will I.” Seth placed a paw on his shoulder and nodded. “I promise you that I won’t forget what you told me. I’ll remember them and I promise you that I won’t let something like that happen again. Not now and not ever!”

Vincent actually smiled at that and placed a hand on the paw. I...thank you. I needed that. Just...be on the lookout for subject thirty-four, also known as the final escapee. She was a Gible, but once she Evolved into a Gabite, she managed to break free of the containment systems. And she always was angry before, but after her operation… here Vincent shuddered. It took me to calm her down even a touch. For some reason, she only liked me. Probably because I was still a kid then. Her name was Christine, at least, I called her that. NEVER call her by her number. You’ll know it’s her if she’s not only constantly angry, but also if her colors have been...altered. Father dabbled in genetic manipulation with her, and it sort of worked…

The stallion called “All aboard” again, and Vincent hopped on the train, but turned to look at Seth. Just be very very careful! She was spliced with another Pokemon’s DNA, and this time, it worked to an extent!

“Wait, what Pokemon?” Seth called out, but his voice was drowned out by the whistle. The group waved their goodbyes as the train pulled away from the station.

Vincent closed his eyes and looked for Seth's mind, pushing the information that he'd need forward. She was fused with Kecleon DNA, she has the ability of one! After which, he sagged back in his seat and sighed.

Yeesh, that was not easy. I hope some of it got through.

“What were you telling them about?” Lucy was sitting, well, the correct term was snuggled, up next to him.

Thirty-four, Vincent said, and the other occupants of the room turned to look at him.

“Why did you have to bring her up?” Sam groused.

Someone needed to be warned about her. People in positions of authority or close to them are the best choice, Vincent explained. Plus, now that we know that all of the subjects made it, thanks to Arceus, she’s really the only one to watch for.

Bit dinged in agreement, and Lucy chuckled. Sam groaned again. “Why?”

I did slightly lie to them, I admit. I told them that she only calmed down in my presence.

Sam sighed and rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m sure the truth is going to be so much better once she finds me and starts trying to woo me again.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight - Chip Away at their misconceptions

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The odd family of Pokemon arrived late in the evening in Las Pegasus, and they were too tired to do much more than go home and go to bed. Upon arriving at their apartment, Vincent's eyes landed on a fresh note, and he pulled it close to himself and scanned the thing.

To Vincent-

I'm sorry I couldn't stay for your whole vacation, but Abby is really pursuing the idea of setting up a new Ranger base in Equestria, and has requested that I go along with her. I did make sure to talk to the landlord, and he understands the situation properly now. I may or may not manage to return to visit you, but in case I don't: It was a pleasure training you, and I do appreciate your gift to me. Take care, Vincent.

At the final lines, Vincent remembered that he had something for Lucy and smiled softly. Lucy, I have a gift for you. With a soft tug, the yellow and blue scarf appeared in his hands. The Lucario carefully took the scrap of cloth and wrapped it around her neck, then wrapped her arms around Vincent's neck.

"Thank you, my love."

A slight thrill ran up Vincent's spine at those last two words, and he sighed softly at the feeling of warmth in his chest. A slight cough from Sam brought them out of staring into each others' eyes, and they saw the Scizor smirking slightly.

"Take care tonight, you two."

Vincent blinked a few times at that before realizing what Sam had just implied and started stammering. I...but...what?...

Lucy shook her head and gently pushed Sam towards the guest bedroom. "Keep your mouth to yourself."

And while the young couple shared the master bedroom and cuddled during the night, neither of them stopped blushing.

Morning brought a snickering Scizor to the breakfast table, along with a Kadabra and a Lucario that shot him a glare every time he did. Seriously, we didn't do anything last night, Sam.

Sam eventually got himself under control and nodded. "If you say so, sure. I believe you."

"We didn't," Lucy said. "We're not at that stage yet. Neither one of us are ready or want a relationship like that. I'm happy with reciprocated feelings for now."

And that's about all I'm ready for, Vincent finished.

Sam sighed. "Fine, I'll ease up on the teasing. But we need to talk about work."

Lucy tilted her head to the side, prompting the elder brother to explain. "Well, Bit probably still can take up his job with the Guard," the Scizor said. "And Mary and Fredrick will likely give me a chance. So that leaves you two."

I have an idea, like I've said. Lucy, I'm not sure...

She shook her head. "I'll leave you to your idea while I look for something to do in town. Just promise me you'll be careful."

Vincent smiled and nodded before giving Lucy a peck on the cheek while she wrapped him up in another hug. I don't intend to do anything terribly dangerous or to go very far. Nonetheless, I'll take every precaution.

The Lucario returned the peck and released the Kadabra before leaving the apartment. She was followed shortly by the other members of the family, leaving Vincent alone in their home. The psychic sighed before perking up, recalling the magnitude of the idea he'd had.

First things first, find the landlord...

Mary looked at Sam before shaking her head slightly. "You. Want to work here."

Sam nodded. "I'm aware I have a history, but-"

"You knocked your little sister into a wall," Mary deadpanned.

"She survived!"

The Sandslash was not amused. "Only because of what that psycho did to her."

The Scizor pointed a claw at Mary before replying. "And it's only because of what he did to me that I'm so clumsy. I need more practice in moving with a thick exoskeleton if I'm to break that habit, and being a waiter here would be perfect!"

Mary sighed before nodding. "As well as being a relay between myself and Fredrick thanks to little Vincent's link."

Sam grinned. "So?"

Mary waved a paw at him before nodding. "You can try. If you make too much trouble, Fredrick or I will let you know."

Sam gave off a mock salute before replying. "I won't let you down."

"You do, and you'll be out of a job faster than playbird goes through females."

Vincent had finally located the landlord of the building, who seemed both peeved and delighted to see him. "Oh? You're back here?"

The Kadabra nodded before replying to the Earth Pony stallion. Indeed I am, and I have a proposition for you.

"Can't be any worse than all my other tenants leaving. Your little group is the only one left in the building."

Vincent frowned at that, muttering the next words. Why in the world would all the others leave?...

The landlord heard him and sighed. "Because ponies are skittish about Pokemon at the moment. Not until the World Summit is over, with the issue being dealt with in one fashion or another, are any likely to return. A good number of them have fled the city."

The psychic sighed and shook his head. They still have such a stigma about us because of that mare?

"To be fair," the sky-blue stallion said, "Pokemon seem to possess quite a deal of power, even the smallest ones. It's understandable that we'd be wary of you."

Which makes my idea all the more needed.

"What idea?" The stallion brushed a forelock of yellow mane from in front of his eyes.

Refitting the building so that it can work on and with Pokemon and their powers.

The pony blinked a few times before responding. "That's...possible?"

Not only possible, but plausibly very profitable.

The Kadabra could see the lights in the pony's eyes light up at the thought of the building becoming cheaper to maintain. "Profitable? Do tell."

It'll take a little investment, but it'd pay off fast. A generator and capacitor in the basement, outfitted to store the power from Electric-types. A furnace that Fire-Types can power, to aid in the building's heating. Air conditioning kept constantly chilled by Ice-types. A water tower on the roof, kept full and maintained by Water-types. Vincent painted a picture for the pony, and it was a wonderful one indeed. However, the pony gained an edge to his eyes before replying.

"And what would you want in return for this?"

It's simple, the psychic returned. While I will provide a good portion of the funds to help with the refit, I want to become a partner in this operation.

The pony's glare was shrewd as all get-out, and Vincent clarified. I want to show that ponies and Pokemon can, should, work together. Both in the refit and in business. I want to show the whole city a better way than fear and misunderstanding.

The stallion slowly raised a hoof to his chin and hummed. "That sounds interesting. More profit for me, an example for the city. You're sure this can be done?"

Reasonably so. It'd be nice if we had some Berries for the roof, make a nice garden for it, The psychic mused idly. What he wasn't expecting was a response. He got one, however.

"Well then, I guess I got here just in time."

Both pony and Pokemon turned to the front door of the lobby to see a tall, deer-like being with glowing antlers standing just outside the building. Vincent smiled and rushed towards the door, jumping up and dangling from the Legendary's neck. Xerneas, you came!

"I did say I might, did I not?" To say she was amused would have been a gross understatement. "And I brought you a gift."

The smaller Pokemon dropped back to the ground and looked over Xerneas again, this time taking notice of a brown bag she was carrying on her back. It seemed to be filled with roundish objects, and the Psychic quirked an eyebrow.

You brought us some Berries? You didn't have to do that, you know. You didn't have to bring us anything. You being here is enough.

"True enough," she replied. "But I had hoped that you would not only appreciate the Berries, but prove adept in growing them. Arceus is going to show off at the Summit shortly, so I asked for a small sample to bring to you before making my way here to take you up on your offer to visit. A rooftop garden sounds perfect. What else are you doing at this building?"

I hope to refit this whole building so it runs with and off of Pokemon's power. I hope to bring to light that we not only can, but should, work together.

The Lady of Life nodded, pleased at the young one's response. "I see. What help do you need besides these?" The bag was gently lowered towards the ground and pulled into the building by Vincent's power before the Kadabra made to respond.

A generator, a capacitor, a heater modification, something for an air conditioning system, and a water tower.

The Legendary nodded thoughtfully. "Well, let's see about procuring parts for the first two, then I, sadly, must be going."

The psychic frowned, but gave Xerneas another hug, this one much more subdued. Well, who says we can't talk while we procure those things, then?

Xerneas laughed slightly as she returned the gesture. "Lead the way, little Vincent. You're more likely to know where to go than I am, with your psychic powers."

With those words, the psychic and the Legendary went out on the town.

Lucy was not a happy 'mon. The glares she'd been getting from the ponies were indicative of their mood and attitude towards Pokemon. Along with their blunt refusal to hire her for any of their positions. No matter how much she showed off that she'd be perfect for them, they seemed to be disinclined to have anything to do with her. She had just been about to head back to the apartment when she saw an infuriating sight.

Vincent, walking down the street with another Pokemon. The two of them were talking like friends, laughing and joking. The very sight of her new boyfriend talking with someone else so casually sent a spike of ire into her heart and a slight growl to the back of her throat. She decided to walk up and introduce herself, but before she got within five feet, Vincent turned to her and smiled.

Lucy! Perfect timing, I was just talking about you! I'd like you to meet the Lady of Life, Xerneas.

The Lucario smiled a tight smile and nodded at the Legendary. "Pleased to meet you," she said. She instantly recognized that this was the Legendary who had been responsible for keeping her brother/boyfriend alive for the past fifteen years. She also realized that either one of them might have heard the slight growl that she had been unable to keep out of her voice, or the animosity she was even now trying to keep out of her mind. Xerneas had not been deserving of her jealously, yet she'd still felt it.

"Ah, your sister figure who is now your girlfriend? Pleased to meet you, little Lucy."

Lucy forced her grin to grow a notch as she nodded at the deer-like Pokemon. "As am I, my lady. I am glad to know you are escorting my brother through the town today."

Why don't you join us, Lucy? We could use your help in carrying the parts when we find them.

"An excellent idea, Vincent! What say you, Lucy?"

While there was nothing more that she wanted to do than walk away and deal with her conflicting emotions, for Vincent, she grit her teeth a little harder and nodded. "Of course I can help, Vincent. I seem to be having no luck, so I'd be more than willing to aid you in your project."

Today promised to be interesting.

Chapter Twenty-Nine - Knock Off your prejudices

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Bit hummed contentedly to himself. The information he had compiled had finally been properly cross-referenced and filed into a dossier on Equestria as a whole. From everything as fundamental as the laws of physics here to things as complex as societal interactions. There was even a section on this 'magic' the locals were capable of harnessing. Properly organizing all the information freed up a good deal of processing power, but he still needed a computer in the near future. His memory was starting to fill up at an alarming pace. Still, he could do his job for Ace at a much increased pace, now that he didn't have that process running in the background.

His work was abruptly interrupted, by Ace. "Bit, you have a visitor."

The Porygon-Z's head turned to look at the mare before beeping. "Who is it?"

"Identified himself as Genesect."

At that, the rest of his body turned and his eyes widened a fraction. "Lord Genesect is here? Did he say why?"

Ace shrugged. "He just said he wanted to see you."

Bit processed the new information and came to a conclusion. Namely, that seeing the Legendary would be in his best interest. He floated out to see the large purple Bug-type standing in the lobby, giving his lack of an expression to the mare behind the desk. Upon catching sight of the Porygon-Z floating out, Genesect seemed to perk up a bit. At least, as much as anyone with their sorts of facial structures could do.

"Ah, greetings. You are Bit, the Porygon-Z associated with Vincent, correct?"

Bit dinged once before responding. "Indeed, Lord Genesect. Might I inquire as to the purpose of your visitation to me?"

Genesect nodded. "You may. While I am on a slight journey to find those families who were victims of the Doctor, I have come to the realization that there are former humans and Pokemon like yourself who simply cannot do without modern conveniences from Earth. So I came here to the guard station in Las Pegasus in search of you. Just my fortune that you would happen to be here. As you would say, I propose an information exchange. On my part, I offer the knowledge of Earth's more useful devices, to be used and disseminated as you see fit."

Bit ticked while he considered the offer. It was everything he wanted, but the question remained. What would he proffer the Legendary in exchange? The answer came to him like a Thunderbolt, and he dinged several times. "This unit has a simple object to proffer in exchange for such information."

Genesect's eyes flashed once before he replied. "What would that be?"

"A dossier on my time in Equestria so far," Bit replied.

Genesect nodded once, slowly, before replying. "That sounds interesting. What sort of information is in this dossier?"

Bit would have grinned. "All sorts."

Sam was not having a good day. Neither were Fredrick or Mary, to be honest. His new shift had started simple enough, with him bringing food out to the ponies and Pokemon that came in, but once the griffon and Sandslash had tried having him bring out a few drinks to a young couple, well...

It was just luck on his part that those ponies had been incredibly forgiving for being splashed with cider. Sam wasn't even sure how he'd managed to trip and coat them that badly in it. But while the pony couple had been very forgiving, Mary and Fredrick...not so much. Even if they couldn't understand one another, the two of them somehow knew exactly what to say to cut to the quick when berating him.

"How in the world did you screw up that badly?"

Sam cringed from the griffon's question. "I'm sorry!"

Mary threw in her two bits as well. "What, did you decide that your time here was too boring, and want to liven it up a little?"

Sam shied back a step from the angry Sandslash. "I'm sorry!" he repeated.

The both of them sighed. Fredrick muttered some observations then. "You were doing just fine with the food, even in rush hour. Something about rushing you with liquids resulted in this..."

The griffon would shake his head then. "Can't be helped. We'll switch jobs for today. I'll seat the customers, you can bring the food out." The airborn feline then gave Sam a harsh glare. "You can bring out the food, right?"

The Scizor quickly nodded his compliance, and the griffon muttered before moving out into the restaurant as a whole. Mary waited all of five seconds before asking Sam another question. "So, seriously, what happened out there?"

The bug-type gently knocked one of his claws against his body, and a soft ringing sound echoed for a moment. "That," he replied, "Is the sound of an armor and body I'm not used to yet. It was only after a lot of self-examination exercises that I managed to be not quite so clumsy as a Scyther. My body says one thing when I go to move, but my armor begs to differ."

The grin on the face of the Shiny Sandslash could almost be described as sadistic at those words. "Oh, is that all? Well, we can work on that after hours."

For some reason, Sam felt a chill go down his spine...

Vincent was enjoying his time on the town, regaling Xerneas with some tales of his family's travels through this new world, along with some of the...lighter stories from the lab, few as they were. Lucy, when prodded, offered her input on what few tales involved her, and the Lady of Life smiled and commented on the tales the young Kadabra kept sharing with her, occasionally posing a question of her own.

You should have been there, Xerneas! It was beautiful. If there were a more perfect moment than that one, I don't want to know!

The Legendary chuckled at that. "Good to know that Arceus bringing that over wasn't entirely for bragging purposes, I suppose. After all, if you can find such a location perfect for romantic purposes, who's to say others won't as well?"

Lucy smiled, a tight, thin thing, as she fought her own protective, jealous instincts. This was Xerneas, the one who'd been keeping him alive all that time. She should be thankful that the Legendary took the matter as seriously as she did, even in her prison. Without her, Vincent likely would not be alive to this day. And there was no indication that there was anything beyond a desire to catch up with the one she'd saved and kept saving all those years ago.

So why did she feel the urge to snarl near constantly?

The three Pokemon neared a large scrapyard, and Vincent held a hand up before speaking to the ones accompanying him. Hang on, this is where I'm most likely to find generator and capacitor parts for the home. Plus, while I'm here, I'll ask someone about modifying the heater in the basement. It'll just be a minute.

Before the other two could get a word in edgewise, the psychic had walked through the chain-link gate and into the scrapyard proper, leaving the Legendary and the Lucario on the other side. Lucy sighed and looked to Xerneas, who was looking at her. "Um, listen, Xerneas, about..."

"I know."

Such a simple statement could not have inspired a greater reaction than that one. The female Lucario stiffened. "You do?"

"Indeed, and I find it admirable that you've kept yourself in check for so long, but you really have nothing to fear from me on that front, little Lucy. All I desire with Vincent is a friendship, nothing more." She looked away for a moment before continuing. "There...could never be anything more."

Now curious, the Lucario perked her ears forward. "Oh?"

The Lady of Life nodded absently before replying. "It's simple math. No matter how long he'll live...how long any of you will live, the truth remains, I am an immortal. And while I do care for all living creatures...I couldn't truly share my life with any but an immortal as well. I can have friends amongst the mortals, yes. But any attempt to have more than a friendship with one is destined to tear my heart asunder as they pass in front of my eyes."

Lucy actually felt her jealously melt away, to be replaced with empathy for the Legendary. She drew closer and gently guided Xerneas' head so that the two of them were looking at one another again. And then the Lucario hugged the patron of the Fairy-types, catching her off-guard for a moment. "Wha...why are you-"

"Shh," Lucy shushed Xerneas. "Just enjoy it for a moment."

Surprisingly, she did just that. "This...is nice. Thank you."

Lucy nodded and then let go of Xerneas. "You need to find something more than just a friendship with someone, immortal or not."

The Legendary moved to protest, and Lucy held up a paw to silence the coming objections. Begrudgingly, Xerneas nodded, and Lucy continued. "I understand, I do. Or rather, I can imagine. The pain you must feel as your friends are buried before you. But until you do share your life with someone...you're never really whole."

Xerneas actually muttered and took on a slightly angry expression. "How can you claim to know a fraction of my pain, yet still tell me I need to share myself with another?"

Lucy didn't seem worried at all. In fact, she smiled. "Two reasons. One, Vincent spent a little time with every Pokemon that he could. Even when he eventually learned they were going to die, he spent time with them. He has such pain in his heart...and yet, he's happy now. I'd like to think I'm part of the reason. If he can do it, I'd like to think that you can, too."

Xerneas winced at the explanation. "And the other?"

Lucy softly touched Xerneas' chest before saying the next part. "Because, even it were for a short while, it would make you happy. Which would make Vincent happy. Which is all I really want."

It took the Legendary a moment to puzzle out the logic behind the second reason, and when she did, she chuckled. "Selfish and altruistic at the same time. Well done." The Lady of Life sighed and looked to the horizon for a moment before nodding. "I will...consider your words and advice, Lucy. Thank you."

Lucy smirked. "Anytime."

Once again, Equestrian Timing reared its head, and Vincent walked out of the scrapyard with a large heap of parts on a pallet, held in his psychic grip. Gah...this is heavy! Little help here, Lucy?

The Lucario ran forward and took a hold of the jack that was barely visible under the mound of metal. The weight was substantial, but not something she felt she couldn't haul back to the apartment. "All of this, for those projects?"

Yeah, Vincent groused, But it turns out that in order to do the heater modifications, I'll have to hit up the utilities department in town, and they'll send a pony 'round. Nobody here knows how to do central air conditioning, and the water tank is probably going to have to be something we order and have delivered, along with a fair bit of piping. Still, I have leads on this stuff, and we can probably ask Bit if he knows how to do these sorts of things when we get back.

With those words, the three made their way back to the apartment. Vincent idly wondered how Bit and Sam's days had went.

Sam stood in the alley behind the restaurant, facing down Mary.

She didn't move. She didn't twitch. She didn't even blink. Sam felt safe for the moment. Then he exhaled.

Instantly, Mary was there, in his face, drawing her claws back for a powerful Scratch attack. He could see the edge on those claws, and it was not a dull one!

"DODGE!" she screamed at him, and he hastened to comply, successfully not tripping over his own two feet for once. This did not earn him any concessions, though, as the Sandslash then moved to Tackle his legs, trying to make him lose his footing.

Sam didn't even think, he just reacted, and twirled around the little hedgehog. His wings, useless though they were, shot out and started to fan the air, attempting to stabilize him after his sudden move. It worked, and the Scizor now stood where the Sandslash did, staring at her as she turned to face him again.

"Are we done now?" he asked, flexing to make sure he hadn't pulled anything. He winced as the damage report came in, but kept it mostly under control.

Mary shrugged. "For now. I'll see about letting playbird have you try again with the drinks tomorrow, and we'll keep up these sessions if we have to. I am not having you spill things on anyone anymore."

Sam groaned as the thought of more training hit him.

Bit was ecstatic. Sure, he could feel the stutter coming back, but he had all the information he could have wished for. Before, it was merely a fifty/fifty chance that he could get a computer functioning by the end of the year.

Now, he knew that, given two weeks and the proper parts, a rudimentary computer could be built by him. One that could at the very least serve to store information. Or...

Oooh, that was an idea! Perhaps he could supplement or even add to the functions of one of the machines by integrating 'magic' into it! Crystals and gemstones seemed to be prime materials to serve as 'magic' batteries. He would have to procure a few, along with an amicable, talented unicorn for the 'spellweaving'. With 'magic', so many hurdles seemed suddenly surmountable. Such as the problem of connecting two of any machine together to form a rudimentary Internet, or of setting up a series of servers. If there were a way to do such a thing with 'magic'...

Bit could have his mainframe again!

The very idea sent thrills through his body, and he shuddered at the thought.

Yes, Life Itself was comprised of observable information that could be measured and stored. But a Porygon's place was in the realm of numbers, machines, and cold logic and calculations. Spending as much time away from the mainframe as he had was not advised for a number of reasons. He would still take that advice from Manehatten to heart, though.

He wouldn't spend all his time in a mainframe. Just the time when his family was asleep.

He paused for a moment, concerned, before nodding and accepting what he had just thought. Yes, his family. He might not have been as big a part of it as the others were, but he cared for them all the same. Maybe when the time was right, he could be called a brother as well?

He could only hope.

The sun was slowly going down, and Vincent stood at the front door of the building, a frown on his face. Xerneas stood outside, facing the small psychic, a smile playing on her face. Are you sure you have to go?

The Legendary nodded before stepping close and dipping her head down to nuzzle at the Kadabra. "Sadly, yes, I do." She then nudged him with her muzzle and winked before continuing. "Besides, you have enough female companionship here already."

To their credit, it only took the young couple a moment before they would instinctively react with a blush to that statement. The Lady of Life giggled and stood back up, catching the sunlight in her antlers and sending a wash of color over the front of the building. "Rest assured, though, little Vincent. Should you have need of me, merely send word to the temple, and I will answer as fast as I may. It's the least I can do."

Vincent shook his head and stepped forward, hugging the Legendary across her chest before replying. I'll try not to. I'd rather you enjoy your time here than spend it all with me. There must be something here you want to do.

Xerneas softly sighed and draped her head over Vincent's shoulder before answering his statement. "Spending time with you is enjoyable enough for me...but very well. I will attempt to find something else to do than sit in the Temple all day."

That's all I ask. The Kadabra released the deer-like Legendary and ducked out from under her head. Though I most certainly will send you an invite for when the refit is done, so that you can see the place in all its glory for yourself.

Xerneas nodded once, a soft smile on her face. "I look forward to it. Until we next meet, Vincent."

The Legendary turned and walked down the street, slowly fading from view. Not too long after, Sam showed up, sore and tired.


The Scizor held up one claw to stop the question Lucy had been about to pose. "I don't want to talk about it."

After that, he merely walked inside and fell into a heap in the lobby. "Here's fine," his voice, muffled by the floor his face was buried in, rang out. "I really don't want to move right now, so here's just as good as anywhere."

Lucy rolled her eyes and started to drag her klutzy older brother upstairs to his bed. Vincent had been about to go lend a hand when Bit showed up, eying the pallet of parts on the front lawn. "Query: Purpose of these parts."

They're to help us build a Pokemon-friendly generator and capacitor for the building, Bit.

The Porygon-Z dinged a few times before making his reply. "Suggestion: you allow this unit to handle the construction and rewiring of this building. It can be done in one night if this unit does not stop."

Vincent was hesitant, to say the least. You're sure?

At the Porygon-Z's nod, the Kadabra shrugged. All right, if you think you can handle it, then I leave it in your hands, Bit. I don't need it to be done right now, so don't feel obligated to do it in one night.

You could almost see the program smile, if you knew where to look. "Have no fear, this unit will take the utmost of care while attempting to not sacrifice speed in the process."

And so, every other Pokemon in the building turned in for the night.

Chapter Thirty - A Toxic first impression

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The small family woke up the next morning, ready for whatever life would throw at them. After a short breakfast, Vincent came up with an idea for the first portion of the day.

Why don't we all go see Mary real fast, see how she's getting on with all the distrust the ponies are throwing around?

Sam shrugged, it didn't sound like such a bad idea to him. Plus, maybe Mary would go a bit easier on him if he brought Vincent around. "Sounds like a good idea to me."

Bit beeped once before shaking his head. "I desire to find a scrap yard, along with estimates for the projects I have planned."

Vincent nodded slightly before tilting his head. How did the modification go?

"Well enough. I tested it with a Charge Beam, and nothing blew. We should still get an Electric-type to stress-test it later."

The trio of Sam, Lucy, and Vincent would see Bit off at the front door before turning and walking the Scizor to work. It was only a ten minute walk now that they knew where it was, and Vincent was greeted with a bone-crushing hug once they arrived.

"Little Vincent! It has been too long since you last came by! And look at you now! A Kadabra, eh?"

Vincent grunted, but returned the hug. Yes, I'm a Kadabra now, Mary. And I'm sorry for not coming by before we left to tour Equestria.

Fredrick came out at the sounds from the front of his restaurant and caught sight of the small party of Pokemon before smiling. "Vincent, I thought you were back once Sam showed up, but it is still nice to see you again." His eyes then caught on Lucy, and his expression turned...the only word for it was seductive. "Oh, and who is this beauty you have brought back with you?"

The Lucario growled and hugged Vincent close before she responded. "Lucy, and I'm his girlfriend."

The griffon blinked before shrugging and dropping the look. "Fair enough. You got a cute one, Vincent."

Lucy blushed, while Vincent merely smirked. Indeed. And thank you for employing these two.

Fredrick sighed and rolled his eyes. "Mary is a pleasure to employ. Sam, not so much."

Ah. Big brother made a big mess? Can I ask you to take it easy on him, maybe let him try again?

The griffon hesitantly nodded. "One more chance. But if he trips up, he's being regulated to dishwasher."

Sam looked up from the podium he was stationed behind and saw a mixed party enter the diner. Not only Pokemon, but ponies as well, ones that resembled Zebstrika’s. What had Vincent called them? Ah yes, they were just zebras, that was it!

The new group, which consisted of three Pokemon and five zebras, entered in a militarized march of sorts. They kept close to themselves, with the zebras keeping their swords in eyesight. The zebra’s armor looked tough as nails. The Pokemon wore immaculate blue uniforms with Arceus’ symbol sewn into them. They kept a wary eye on everyone as though they feared an ambush. The Pokemon were as such: Two Linoones and a Loudred.

The Scizor smiled and made sure to keep his claws closed for the time being, so as not to be seen as threatening. “Hello, and welcome to Fredrick’s,” he said, thankful for Vincent’s communication link that made him understandable to things that weren’t Pokemon. “My name is Sam, and I will be your buffer between you and our chef.”

“I heard that!” Mary shouted from the kitchen.

“Will you be dining as one party?” Sam continued, acting as though the Sandslash had said nothing.

One of the zebras, who wore a much more elaborate uniform, nodded. “I think that would be best.” His voice made it sure that he was the leader of the group.

Sam nodded in turn and counted out eight menus before grabbing them gently in his left claw. With his right, he motioned for the party of zebras and Pokemon to follow him. It was only a short walk to to a perfectly round table with eight seats at it. “Will this do?”

“Most certainly,” the zebra said as they took a seat. “I will have to say that we don’t have such nice places in Zebrica. Can’t afford to have them.”

Sam grinned. “Well, I do hope you enjoy your time here. Can I start you off with something to drink while you peruse the menu?”

“PERUSE?!!!” the Loudred spoke up, making everything shake. “HE’S SPEAKING FANCY!!!”

“Private, inside voice,” the zebra in charge grunted, glaring at his subordinate. “Water will do.”

Sam nodded. “Fredrick will have that out in a moment.” He then rubbed the back of his head with one claw. “I’m...sort of clumsy, and not allowed to handle drinks anymore.”

The zebra chuckled. “I was too, once upon a time. I was able to get past that eventually. Of course, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t, being a soldier and all.”

The Scizor nodded and walked towards the kitchen, exchanging a few words with the griffon there. “Eight waters for the party of zebras and Pokemon.”

“Zebras?” Fredrick was puzzled for a moment before shrugging. “Eh, while it’s unusual for them to leave their homeland, it’s no more unusual than it is for a griffon to leave. Eight, you said?”

Sam nodded, and Fredrick pulled the glasses off and began filling them. In nearly no time at all, they were ready, and a tray prepared. “Think you can handle this one?”

Sam blinked a few times before grinning. “I’ll try.”

The Scizor gently grabbed ahold of the tray and slowly walked towards the table. He made it without incident and placed it on the table, letting the ponies and Pokemon grab their own glasses. “How is it going with you lot?”

“The same as usual,” the zebra replied between sips. “Guarding the king, fighting monsters, avoiding death at every corner. Not a whole lot of peace back home. Glad I got on Commander Sev’s good side.” He took another sip of the water. “Water’s also cleaner...Huh? Strange thing that is.”

Sam shrugged. “So have you made your decision? If not, can I recommend a pizza? Mary’s quite good at them. Something about her sauce.”

“Pizza, pizza, pizza,” the Pokemon chanted.

The zebras looked...confused. “I have no idea what a pizza is, but it must be good.” The commanding zebra said. “Just put that under Sergeant First Class Perui.”

Sam nodded and made another suggestion. “While she does that, we do have some warm cheese breadsticks. Would you care to eat some of those in the time it takes for your pizza to cook?”

The zebra looked confused. “Okay, how much food do you guys have in this country? Pizza, cheese breadsticks? I’d be lucky to get some buttered hay back home.”

Sam laughed at that. “Mary’s the reason we have such a variety. She was a talented chef back on Earth, and she brought the recipes with her. So is that a yes?”

“Yes,” the officer grumbled. “Sorry about that outburst of mine. It’s just...we don’t have a lot of food period back home, so anything we can get is good in our books. A few of the ‘cheese breadsticks’ would be wonderful.”

Sam nodded again and went back to the kitchen, placing the order with the Sandslash. “A pony-friendly pizza that Pokemon would find palatable, and I’ll take this basket,” the Scizor said.

“On it,” Mary said. “Tell them twenty minutes, but I’ll try to have it done sooner.”

Sam nodded again and walked back to the table, placing the basket of breadsticks on it. “Here you are, and Mary says it’ll take twenty minutes for your food to be ready. Try not to fill up on these.”

The zebra’s jaw dropped. “Try not to fill up?....” He worked his jaw. “Never thought I’d hear that.” The other soldiers were too busy gobbling up the breadsticks to listen.

“Simple reason, ask the Pokemon. What happens if you fill up on the appetizer?”

“We don’t have appetizers in Zebrica. You should count yourself lucky to have a meal.”

Sam put a claw to his head and hummed. “Perhaps you should swing by my place later. Might be able to help with that. Anything else?”

“No,” the officer said, before taking a few bites out of a breadstick. “Strange but good.”

Sam nodded again and walked off, leaving the soldiers to themselves for the next twenty minutes.

Vincent and Lucy had parted ways not too long ago with a final hug, her going off to find a place to work, and him going off to find some large plant pots for the roof. They would, however, need more than that. They'd need the proper dirt as well for the Berries to grow in, and that was surprisingly difficult to find. While a fair few Earth Ponies had a connection to the earth, not all of them were gardeners or farmers by any stretch of the imagination. Those that were only knew what was right for their particular crop of choice. He would need to find someone adept in growing berries, then adapt that to the Berries Xerneas had dropped off.

By heavily abusing his ability to scan minds, he eventually found a pony who knew a thing or two about growing berry bushes, and managed to procure enough dirt for his plant pots of choice. He had to use quite a bit of strength to get both himself and all of the pots back home upright, but he'd rather suffer from a bit of a headache from improperly picking at the seal than have to clean up the roof from spilled dirt.

A quick Teleport later saw him near the utilities department of the city, the place where the water, gas, and electricity was managed. A quick round of back-and-forth got the Kadabra promises of a water tank for the roof being delivered, along with a crew of workponies to not only install it, but also the new piping that they'd require. It would, however, take a few days for the parts to be delivered. In the meantime, though, they'd get their pony who knew how to work on heaters out to his place today.

With nearly all of his tasks taken care of, the psychic returned to the lobby of the building he'd claimed as his home and reclined in a chair. And now we play the waiting game...

Sam walked back to the table, carrying out a steaming hot pizza sliced into eighths. “And here you are, one pony-friendly pizza!”

“Oi, Sam! Your shift is over!”

Sam sighed at that. “Oh really? Already?”

“Yeah,” the Sandslash shouted back. “Go home and hug little Vincent for me!”

“Will do. Will do.”

The group looked at each other. “Vincent?...As in Vincent Nurem?” the officer questioned aloud. The Scizor nodded absently before replying.

“Yeah, little Vincent Nurem. I know the kid. And he really needs help these days.”

They went silent. “Well, that was easy.” The Linoone said, blinking in confusion.

Sam blinked before shrugging. “Well, I have to go home. Kid’s running around ragged organizing things. Take care you lot, I’ll make sure Fredrick remembers to tell you where I live. Xerneas dropped off some Berries recently, you could take some back with you.”

Sam turned and walked off, humming all the while as he returned home. Vincent was there, arguing with a pony about what he wanted done to the heater and why he wanted it done in the first place. Upon his entry to the home, the Scizor saw the Kadabra pause in the arguing and turn to him with a smile. Sam, if you could? There are some pots of earth up on the roof that might just work for the Berries.

The Bug-Type nodded and moved to go upstairs. "I can try growing them. No promises. It's probably a good thing we have so many."

"Look, I'm just saying, I don't think there's a call for that much garlic in that sauce!"

With those words, the griffon was on the receiving end of one of the more powerful slaps that Mary could give. He was just lucky she'd made sure her claws were dull for it, otherwise blood would have been drawn. Fredrick walked out from the kitchen rubbing one claw over his other arm. “Sheesh, for a little Sandslash, she sure does hit hard. All I did was make a suggestion…”

He then perked up and took notice of the party of eight. “Oh, you must be the ones Sam was talking about! I am Fredrick, the manager of the building.”

At the very moment the zebras saw him, they all tensed. Zebras never seemed to have the best view of griffons, given the savage war a few hundred years ago. The zebra populace was apparently raised on acts of viciousness committed by his 'brethren'. They all kept their hooves near to the hilt of their swords. The Pokemon soldiers looked confused by their fellow soldier’s actions.

Fredrick noticed and waved a claw. “Oh pish posh. I know our kind don’t tend to get on, but I have a simple policy, one that’s proved useful for ponies, zebras, minotaurs, Pokemon, all sentient creatures. Live and let live. The past doesn’t define the present unless you refuse to learn from it.”

“As long as you don’t try to eat me, we’ll be fine.” One of the other zebra soldiers, a mare, spoke up. A slight snarl lit her face. Fredrick chuckled and winked at her before replying.

“So long as you don’t try biting me first, then we’re good.”

“You griffons always draw first blood,” the mare grumbled. Fredrick chuckled, low in his throat, before replying.

“My dear, I don’t bite unless you want me to. Though I don’t imagine ponies like it rough…”

“I feel like I’m missing something,” the mare looked to her comrades in confusion. They didn’t seem to want to get in the middle of it. “Don’t ignore me.”

“Ah, nobody had a talk with you about the birds and the bees?” The griffon merely shook his head. “So tragic, and at your age!”

“The birds and the bees?” The mare stopped to think, before her eyes widened. “Wait, that’s that Equestrian saying for….” She scowled. “Oh you’d like that, wouldn’t you overgrown chicken.”

“Only if you’re offering,” he shot back. “I make no distinctions, especially for unappreciated beauty. Always did like a female in uniform as well. And I’ve had no complaints as long as I watched my claws on a female’s more sensitive regions.”

The mare sputtered, blushing a deep crimson. “You...I...Ugh.” She drew her sword. “Sh-shut up. I’ve got a weapon.”

“Pulling out the big guns already?” The griffon waggled his eyebrows, completely shameless. “If you wanted to be in control, you could just ask. I have an outfit that’d fit you just fine.”

“Whatever outfit you’re talking about surely isn’t meant for an officer of his majesty’s service,” the mare shot back, still blushing.

“True,” the griffon conceded. “I mean, unless you like to proclaim that you’re a Dom outside of the bedroom. More than one mare has looked very arousing in it, though.”

“Dom?” The mare looked perplexed. “Okay, do you Equestrians like just making things up? I don’t know what the hay you are all on about half the time...And I am not arousing!”

The griffon gave her form a critical eye before replying. “I disagree. Perhaps it’s the cultural taboo, but there is something about a zebra that sings to my blood. Especially the thought of laying with one. Add in the mare in uniform bit, along with the fact that because of you being in an armed force, you take good care of yourself, and well...it’s only because we’re in public I’m restraining myself from being even more lewd.”

The mare sputtered, unsure of how to respond. Fredrick leaned in a little closer and whispered in her ear. “And Dom means Dominatrix. One who controls how any encounters happen, and ‘punish’ the other party for being ‘naughty’. Often times in very...very painfully exciting ways. Is that the reason you pulled a sword, to take control from the start?”

She answered by putting her sword next to his neck. “Maybe, but I don’t think you want to find out, chicken.” She whispered back.

“Oh no, I really would,” he whispered back. “After all, I was born here. My parents flew here long ago, tired of the conflict, and they taught me my values. I get along with anyone and everyone, even Zebras. Yes, our two races have a long history, but I’ve no part of it. You’d not be the first Zebra I’ve lain with, though if you want, you could be the latest.”

“Latest? We zebra mares don’t just throw ourselves at every male. Do you take me for a harlot?” Her sword flexed dangerously close to his skin.

“I take you for a very arousing and interesting mare, one that doesn’t seem to know what she does to those that can appreciate said beauty. And I would love to show you a good time, be it sexual or non. Entirely up to you.” Fredrick was seemingly unconcerned with the sword on his neck; if she did anything, he had friends to avenge him. Though he hoped it didn’t come to that.

“I think that would be a good idea,” the officer said, much to the mare’s dismay. “We do need someone with more intimate knowledge of this city. Isn’t that right, Corporal Elire?”

“Yes sir,” Elire grunted. She pulled her sword away, but kept her glare on the griffon. “You got lucky, but if you try something, I’ll show you how I killed those Hyena Dogs back in my home country.”

“Well with a statement like that,” Fredrick said with a sigh, “Then I guess I can forego kissing your hoof, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, and giving you a tour of the city. Pity, zebras come through so rarely. Ah well.” He turned to leave at that, mentally counting back from five. Five, four, three, two...

“Corporal,” he heard.

“Fine,” Elire got up from her seat, sheathed her sword, and trotted over to the griffon. She held up her hoof. “You can bleeding kiss it. Just take me out for this tour already.”

Fredrick smirked and grabbed a hold of her hoof with one claw, bringing his beak down and gently kissing it. While he did so, he made sure to run his talons gently through her leg fur, letting her feel his claws run along the skin ever so softly. “Elire. A beautiful name for a beautiful zebra mare. It just rolls off the tongue. As is my custom, I will permit you to ask any question of me, which I will answer honestly, as long as you do so in kind for myself.”

Elire glared at him through a thick blush. She scrunched up her muzzle. “Any question?”

“Any at all, dear Elire,” Fredrick nearly purred. The difficult ones were always more rewarding when they gave in. Plus, he had a very specific set of questions in mind to ask her. He hoped she took the bait.

Elire glanced at her commanding officer, who nodded. She turned attention back to the griffon. “So….you like zebras, huh?”

“I like all walks of life, it’s just how I was raised,” Fredrick replied. “I was taught to judge others by who they were, not what. Even had a zebra godfather growing up. Called him Uncle Nenny. Nenwef never got tired of me cawing his name.” He then grinned sharkishly. “My turn. Why do you automatically assume the worst of me when the largest weapon I could conceivably have, a kitchen knife, wouldn’t do anything to your armor, even if I walked out with it?”

Elire scowled. “Because we zebras still remember the war. Jordan belongs in Zebrican hooves.”

Fredrick merely smiled. “Ah. But that is there. That is then. That is not here, that is not now. To assume the worst of every griffon you meet because of Jordan is to discriminate and hate them merely because they have beaks. I will agree that there are some truly barbaric members of my species, and should you be called to fight against my supposed ‘homeland’, I will not begrudge you for it. But until then, you really should stop being so speciest. You’ll alienate what few good griffons there are by that behavior.”

“Bah,” Elire scoffed. “A griffon nearly cut off my head not but a few days ago. Not to mention killed half my regiment on their claws, beaks, and swords….Of course, you aren’t as ‘evil’ looking as those guys.”

“Indeed not. I even keep my claws dull. See?” The griffon displayed his other hand, claws up and barely reflecting any light. “Besides, I already told you. Equestria-born, raised to be accepting of all walks of life. All and any meat I serve here, I make sure to obtain the proper documentation for. But I do believe it was your turn.”

Elire thought for a second before speaking up. “You seemed rather calm when I put my sword to your neck. Is Equestria that dangerous?”

Fredrick smirked at that. “No, I just knew you wouldn’t do anything. Murder wouldn’t look too good, reflected back at the Zebra empire. Especially on Equestrian soil. So much as a drop spilled, Mary would hear me cry, run to find Sam, and then Vincent would come by in a flash. And he would see to it you never left in your right mind.”

Elire grit her teeth. “I am a soldier of his majesty’s army. I can take whatever you throw at me, be it spells or spears.”

The griffon cast his eyes over to the Pokemon and asked, rather loudly. “Would you be able to hold off a Kadabra, trained to hone his heart and mind to be fine weapons? I doubt it. Vincent likes me for both housing Mary and employing two of his friends. I am protected by extension, and I know this.”

“Oh,” Elire snorted. “So what you’re saying is that a little mare like me can’t handle stuff like this ‘Kadabra’ on her own? Or are you saying I wouldn’t have a choice but to go out with you?”

“Oh no, if you desire not to see me again, that’s your prerogative,” the griffon said with a wave of his claw. “I merely know that any who harm me will be rendered mindless until they’re brought to the Guard by Vincent. I am an Equestrian citizen first and foremost. Born and raised. Though if you think you actually could take a Kadabra, just look at your Pokemon allies and ask that question.”

“NOPE!” The Loudred threw up his arms and ran out. “NOPE! NOPE!” Before coming back and taking the pizza and then running out.

“Coward!” the commanding zebra screamed at his soldier. “You were not dismissed, Private!”

Elire sighed. “Your question.”

Fredrick hummed. “While there are so many questions I could ask that would put a blush on your face, I think...yes. Has anyone ever actually told you you’re beautiful before me?”

Elire did indeed blush and looked away. “No. Never really mattered back home. It was just survival...though I’m glad I didn’t get spotted by one of those bratty nobles.” She shivered at that thought. “I don’t know what would have happened then.”

“A mare like you? You’d either find a way out of it, or have his privates in a jar to display to any other would-be suitors. Nobles. Bah,” Here the griffon waved dismissively. “They forget the word has more than one meaning. It is your deeds, not your blood, that defines you.”

Elire chuckled. “Yeah,” she stopped to think about her question. “How did you get involved with these Pokemon?”

“Ah. Mary showed up on my doorstep one day and refused to leave. I almost kicked her out of my kitchen, but then noticed she seemed to be making a red sauce. Once I tasted it, I knew I had to have her in my kitchen, and I haven’t regretted it since. Vincent and Sam showed up a few days later, and the three of them acted like old friends. The two of them only recently got back from some sort of tour around Equestria. Was quite a surprise to see the Scyther and Abra I knew now a Kadabra, Scizor, and accompanied by a Lucario as well.”

“It’s a good thing you didn’t throw me out,” came from the kitchen. “Your definition of a white sauce is something my grandmother would not spit on!”

Fredrick sighed. “And some days I think that setting up one of Vincent’s links would be both a bane and a boon. I can’t understand her, but I just know that statement was derogatory.”

“She hates your white sauce,” Elire answered. “Yeah, we got little ‘psychic chips’ in our heads to understand Pokemon. Helps with organizing the new mixed army. You can’t have half of it unable to talk with the other.”

Fredrick’s eyes widened at that. “Would only that Vincent knew how to do it. He claims his current version is something he focuses on in the background to burn power off. If he knew how to simply enable translation, all of Las Pegasus would be over their issues by now!”

“Yeah,” Elire said. “But I do have to warn you. That Gardevoir who did it was quite creepy...Also, he didn’t like it when people called him a she. I have no idea why they kept doing that. Mostly Pokemon, or those ‘human’...Pokemon. Still unsure of that one.”

“Maybe just let him look at your heads, then,” Fredrick suggested. “He might be able to recreate it by examining it. My question, I believe. Do you truly hate all griffons?”

“Never met any griffons until a few days ago,” Elire gave him a deadpanned gaze. “And all of those guys were all ‘Blood for Ragnoros’ and all that. And you are flirting with a mare on duty. Not exactly the best thing to do.”

“Ah,” the griffon said slyly. “But the ones you did meet would not dare to flirt with a dangerous mare, they would rather kill her for their supposed god. I do hope your initial meeting has not soured your opinion of all griffons, otherwise I am wasting my time talking to this vision of beauty.”

“Wasting your time?” Elire glared at him. “I am not a waste of time, chicken.”

“I am wasting mine if you think me not worth yours,” he riposted. “If you think that no matter what I do, I will never be of interest to you, then yes, I am wasting my time. For under that wonderful exterior would lie a heart of stone that I could never bring any amount of joy to. So answer me truly: do you hate all griffons?”

“Heart of stone?” Elire grit her teeth. “Okay pal,” she poked his chest. “I’ll answer it now. No I don’t hate ‘all griffons’. That’s just stupid. I’m not going to hate some little chick or something like that...and don’t you think this is going to stop me from getting back at you for calling my heart like stone. Just for that, I am going to prove you wrong. I’ll let you take me out and all that. Whatever you want. Prove to me that griffons can be gentle. Prove to me that they are actually nice and I’ll prove my heart is much softer than stone.”

“Magnificent!” If Celestia herself were in the room, she would be the only thing capable of outshining the beaming griffon. “But I do believe it is your question, my date. That is, if you wish to continue this game of back and forth.”

Elire gulped, just realizing she just roped herself into a date with a griffon. “Fine...by any chance, would you know where Vincent Nurem lives? We have...an urgent need to know.”

“Little Vincent?” Fredrick hummed and put one claw to his beak. “Yes...He, Sam, and Lucy all live in the same apartment. Said he had a plan for it, now that the ponies have fled until after the World Conference. Would make working on and in it easier, he claimed. Two blocks south, then five east. It’s known as the Ricardo building, though he and the pony landlord were going to rename it when the work was done.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, the other soldiers arose from the table and made their way to the door. “Thank you for the information, civilian.” the officer said. He glanced at Elire. “Keep an eye on him.”

“Bucking hay,” Elire scowled as she watched him go. “Plothole.” She shifted nervously on her hooves, being left alone in unfamiliar territory. Her body was tense and her tail kept brushing along her scabbard. The feeling of the griffon’s claws on her neck caused her to look back at him, and his eyes sparked with mischief.

“My question. Where shall we start our day on the town? I can close up early for a mare like yourself.”

“As long as it’s not a bedroom, I’m fine.” Elire grumbled, blushing a little at the contact.

“Never!” Fredrick started. “If that is a destination, it should be a final one. You’re in control, and should you say ‘no’, I’ll listen. Though, keep in mind, you’d best be specific, otherwise our day together ends early, before I can show you all the pleasures Las Pegasus has to offer.”

“I dunno,” Elire shrugged. “Maybe a good bar? That’s pretty much the only place I really go anyways. We don’t have really that much of what you call ‘attractive places’ in Zebrica.”

“A fault of my supposed ‘kinsmen’, I take it?”

“Nah, we’re not exactly the richest country in the world….Okay, we’re not exactly rich...Okay, we’re not exactly anything really. I make less bits in a week than your guardsponies do in a day.”

“Then dear zebra,” Fredrick said as he held the front door open for her and slightly bowed his head. “Allow me to show you why I love this town. Mary! I’m going out on a date! Close up and behave yourself!”

“Try to not be a total you on the date! This one sounds like a keeper! You don’t need to go scaring her off with your stories of past dates and why they didn’t end well!” came from the kitchen.

Elire laughed. “Oh, I like her.”

The griffon merely grumbled. “I’m glad someone gets along with her. Someone who can understand her, anyways.”

“I heard that!”

Vincent looked the pony up and down and sighed. You’re sure you can’t do it for cheaper?

“Mnope,” the pony replied. “You want to modify that furnace so that it can get up to those temperatures, it’s gonna cost you. Especially because I have to talk to the grid and let them know of the increased demands from this building. A portion of what you pay me is going to go to them, to help pay for the first month.”

Oh, is that all? Vincent’s ears perked. We’re actually going to provide for such extremes ourselves, no increase required.

The pony stuttered a bit, and the psychic smirked. So, how much cheaper is the modification now?

The stallion grumbled, but eventually relented. “Yeah, you just saved two hundred bits.”

Fantastic! With a flash, the pony’s fee was before him, and he sat himself down, using his hooves to separate the stacks of coins and count them. I believe you’ll find this to be in order, good sir.

Eventually the Earth Pony nodded and put the bits in his saddlebag. “Yeah, I can have those parts here in a day for this price, and installed before nightfall. You’ll be here?”

I don’t plan to go anywhere else until this plan is done, so no.

The stallion nodded and made for the front door. “Take care then, mister Vincent. I wish you the best of luck in this plan of yours. It’ll be an interesting study if it works, especially here!”

Oh, I hope so!

A moment passed in blissful silence as the Psychic organized his plan ‘out loud’. Furnace, check. Generator, already seen to. Must see someone about the possibility of air conditioning, I do not want to spend any time in this city without it, especially in summer. The modifications to this building are nearly done to make it comply with some of Earth’s standards, and afterwards...afterwards comes the greatest ‘experiment’ of all, doesn’t it?...

Breaking his train of thought, was a Machamp, wearing a blue uniform, smashing through the building’s wall right next to the door. “OH YEAH!”

Vincent stared for a moment before replying. Well, now I see why ponies have such a low opinion of Pokemon. His right hand lit up with a blue glow, and the Machamp suddenly found himself restrained by a similar glow around his legs. Now, mind telling me why you destroyed that wall when there was a perfectly good door there?

Just then, a little Kirlia wearing a similar uniform, walked in through the front door. “Because reasons...Really, really stupid reasons.”

...Okay, fair enough. ‘Reasons’ seems to be the answer to a lot of the questions we have these days. You know him?

“Not really,” the little Kirlia shrugged. “He’s just one of our soldiers...and why aren’t you talking with your mouth?”

I prefer to burn off my power rather than risk headaches in those closest to me, or have clocks running backwards, or have delicate machinery be fried. A Kadabra is a dangerous thing, and I strive to not be. Why are you here?

“We’re here for Vincent Nurem,” the Kirlia beamed. “We’re here to bring him to justice...Do you know where he is?”

Here Vincent laughed a few times and rubbed the back of his head with his free hand. Eheh...yeah, that’s me. Is this about that casino? Or that other casino? Or even the other, other casino? Cause I could have sworn me and Ace had made up about those.

“Nope,” the Kirlia shook her head. “You’re a Nurem, that’s why we’ve got to stop you….You aren’t experimenting or anything are you? That would make this so much easier if you weren’t a mad scientist.”

Well we are running a new social experiment here, trying to get a building to run purely on poke-power, get the ponies to accept...wait. What did you say? The Kadabra looked fully at the Kirlia, his eyes wide. Is...is my last name the reason you’re here?

“W-w-well,” the Kirlia muttered, a little scared of the older, bigger Kadabra staring at her like that. “Yeah.”

“Do we need more justification, human?” In slithered a large Seviper. He sneered at Vincent. “I had hoped I was wrong, but here you are.” An edge hit his voice. “Scaring my little sister. Oh how appropriate for one such as you.”

The Kadabra screwed his eyes shut as he realized why they were here. His memories bubbled to the surface, and he felt his powers respond. You dare. You dare accuse and lay all that blame at my feet.

“I dare where others will not,” the Seviper answered, putting himself in between his sister and Vincent. “I dare fate and the very universe for I am Commander Sev, leader of the Pokemon Liberation Army. I dare to stand up for our kind in the face of scientists who would shred us into pieces for amusement.”

YOU DARE! IN MY HOUSE?! Vincent had snapped his eyes open, and his entire form glowed blue. You dare to do this in MY HOME, MY SANCTUM? YOU DARE BRING THAT BLAME HERE?!

Sev blinked in confusion. “Yes, I do dare. I made that perfectly clear. No need to shout, geez.” He rubbed his ears. “And I thought Explouds were bad.”

Oh really? Well it’s about to get a whole lot worse! With that, his Twisted Spoon appeared in Vincent’s hand with a flash, and he brought it to his head. Anything you want to say before I do this? I’ll be sporting and give you a moment to speak your mind.

Sev’s mouth hung open for a bit, before he began to question the air as though expecting an answer. “Is he always like this? I mean, I haven’t even begun my rant. Usually it goes on a little longer with some witty banter before we come to blows, but this. Amateur kid.” The Seviper returned his gaze to Vincent. “You need to work on this aggression. I mean, you don’t even know me, I barely got here and I haven’t even done anything except order one of my soldiers to break through that wall.”

“With an unlocked door beside it,” the Kirlia chipped in.

“How was I to know?” Sev shot back.

“You could try the handle,” she crossed her arms.

“I never try the handle,” Sev scoffed. “Unless I know it to be safe.”

“Your definition of safe isn’t exactly safe, big brother.”

“My safe is the safest safe that has ever been safe,” Sev rolled his eyes and looked at the watch. “And oh look, it’s half past five. Glorious. Nurem’s son has wasted my day.”

I’VE wasted YOUR day? I’VE done NOTHING! I’M going to have to pay to fix that wall, and I’m sick and tired of the reactions to my last name! Let me show you who and what you’re dealing with, if only so you’ll sit down, shut up, and listen to MY story, and not HIS! Releasing psychic seal!

In Vincent's mind, his Kadabra self looked up at a large, wooden door with a key already in the lock. With a flick of his will, the key was turned, the door opened fully. The seal was broken, the power he'd accrued under Xavier's training free to flow once more.

It took a form, molded itself to resemble an Alakazam, and looked down at Vincent. "Why have you undone the seal? To win a fight with a Poison-type?"

"No," Vincent said, "To win every fight against this Poison-type. To make him realize that there is no fight. To make him realize I am in charge in this house, and that I am not the Doctor. He will listen to me if I hold my true strength."

The form nodded and dissolved into glowing blue motes, merging with Vincent and leaving a faint voice behind. "A fine reason indeed..."

With that, the Kadabra emitted a pulse of blue light, and a very familiar sensation crept up the spines of those present, especially Sev’s. It was the sensation of being in the same room as an Alakazam in all its power, and sparks of blue energy danced around Vincent’s frame.

Commander Sev instantly coiled up as if to strike. His tail gently moved his little sister backwards. “Stop this, young one. Stop this at once. I will not stand for this.”

Oh that’s funny. See, you’re not in control anymore. I am. And I will not stand for quite a few things. Vincent counted them off, causing glowing blue numbers to float in the air. I will not stand for the way Las Pegasus treats Pokemon. I will not stand for my home and property being damaged. I will not stand for any harm to my loved ones. And I WILL NOT STAND for being blamed for fifteen years of HELL! I AM NOT MY FATHER, I AM NOT THE DOCTOR!

“First of all, that is one wall, counting one wall,” Sev scoffed. “You make it out as if that is something to really get angry about. My mother never whined when I broke through a wall.”

“Yes she did,” the Kirlia pointed out from behind the snake.

“I was trying to make a point that would get to him,” Sev explained. “But it was never ‘I am da ultimate warrior’ or whatever you are trying to do. Second, I know you aren’t your father. I came here to stop you from being him. Very big difference.”

Oh, he did that for you already! What do you know of his very first experiment? Cause I had to have audio files dug up and recited to me, so I know it. But I want to know if you do! Go on, share with me what you know of the horrors of Doctor Nurem! I bet I can beat you!~

“I barely even know the guy,” Sev said honestly. “I heard he was some scientist or something from Doctor Raziel. Raziel seemed quite taken with Nurem’s work, so I figure he must have been pretty bad. Though I doubt he was ‘Raziel’ bad.” He shivered a little. “I am so glad we killed him.”

Then I’ll say this: Rupert Nurem’s first experiment was genius! Inspired! A work of art! ...Or it would have been, had it actually worked. He attempted to bridge the gap between humanity and Pokemon by genetic manipulation. He hoped to give humans Pokemon DNA and Pokemon powers.

Sev’s fangs bared, flexing on their own accord. “An affront to Arceus! He will be shredded by my blade...Once I get Giratina to open the portal back there.”

“He won’t,” the Kirlia muttered.

Oh I agreed with you wholeheartedly! See, he didn’t know it at the time, but only a Legendary can do as such. However, thirty-six volunteers, hale of mind and body, still lined up to be treated. Rupert’s motives were noble. He wanted to not only bridge the gap, but help his ailing, comatose mother who could not be moved from her hospital bed. He gambled based on what he knew and what he could do. And five months after the experiment started, he did the unthinkable. Guess!~

“Let’s see,” Sev tapped his chin. “Unthinkable? Scientist. Unthinkable. Scientist….He became a Twilight fan.”

More easily forgiven that what he did. He decided to expose his one-month-old son to the same treatment.

“His child?” Sev seethed in rage. “He dared to experiment on his child!” His tail lashed at the ground. “ALL OF MY HATE!”

I agree again. Once the child and the test subjects both showed no signs of rejection, Rupert treated his mother at the six month mark for the original test subjects. And that was when it all went to hell, because the test subjects tore themselves apart during the rejection, which set in that very night. He had unwittingly damned his own son and mother to a similar fate.

“He sounds incompetent,” Sev scoffed. “A threat he would not be. At least Doctor Raziel had ‘results’ from his experiments….though they tended to be extremely deadly. To everyone really, but he never really cared. As long as he got results, he didn’t care how many of his men were slaughtered. Hell, I have footage of him gleefully looking over some of his soldier’s corpses because it proved how dangerous his top experiment ‘Roa’ was.”

Ah ta ta! Vincent waved a hand back and forth. I’m talking about Rupert Nurem, not Doctor Nurem. The two are different beasts, and I’ll tell you how one became the other, maybe. But yes. Five months later, Rupert noticed a curious thing. The child, which by all rights should be dead by now...wasn’t. Showed no signs of it, while his mother wasted away during the initial throes of rejection. He tried his damndest to get a reason as to why the boy yet lived, but ran out of time before his mother died. Undeterred, he gave the boy the title of ‘Subject Thirty-Seven’ and began his life of science, away from all others, in earnest.

Vincent then smiled and mockingly held out one hand towards the Seviper. Hello, I’m Vincent Nurem, also known as Subject Thirty-Seven. How the hell have YOUR last fifteen years been? Cause my father eventually became the Doctor that yours so looked up to, and when he did, he tried to torture ‘my latent powers’ out of me in OH so many ways!

Sev frowned. “You think you are the only one with a terrible father? You think you are the only one who has suffered. How utterly selfish of you, boy. I am Commander Sev, son of Command Viper. The same commander who hated humans with such a passion he led an army to an island and butchered all the humans there. The same commander who raised me, beat me, made me into the commander I am today. Do not mock me with your woes. You had a hard life, but have you ever lost your friends?”

Eight hundred and fourteen, Vincent interjected. Eight hundred...and fourteen. Eight hundred and fifty one unique test subjects were forced into those halls. Thirty seven lived. Five escaped. Eight hundred...and fourteen dead. And while some of the memories are blocked or half-formed, I have this horrible, terrible sensation that should I ever Evolve again...I’ll see them all pass before me.

“You blocked the memories of your dead?” Sev hissed in anger. “Never. I would never block them out. I would never block out the memories of Sharp, who bravely blew himself up to destroy an aircraft carrier from Team Rocket, or Hound...my best friend, who I ordered to defend a position….that didn’t need defending! He did it anyway because he was my friend. And you know what happened? They ran a bloody tank over his body! I remember each and every face of my soldiers. I remember their wants, desires, EVERYTHING! NEVER FORGET, FOR THAT MEANS THEY DIED FOR NOTHING! FIGHT ON!”

The Kirlia quickly rubbed Sev's side, calming the thrashing snake. “Calm down, big brother. It’s over.”

I didn’t do it on purpose, it happened because I couldn’t bear to look. What fifteen-year-old kid wants to remember every single mutilation he’s been forced to watch in the name of ‘science’? So I remember their species, their experiment number, and the short time I had with each one...before I move on to the next. And the ones I do remember, I would not wish on anyone. An Ekans with his lower jaw melted off because of his own poison sacs being modified...a Bulbasaur slowly withering and dying because his plant was removed...a wingless Charizard being shocked to death during his escape attempt, because it was thought without his wings, he would no longer be a Flying type… The Kadabra trailed off as a tear fell down his cheek. I don’t forget them totally. Just how the most terrible deaths happened.

Sev was silent in confusion….before he spoke. “Was he high? No seriously, he sounds high to even think that taking a Charizard’s wings makes him not a Flying type. How the hell did he even become a doctor? Are the humans just handing them out like candy...I will never understand them.”

Type modification was one of his less successful areas of study. Mostly because he used physical manipulation to try and achieve that. And you...you dare think that just because I have his blood that I could ever be anything like him. Vincent glared at Sev before looking away. Y’know what? I...just no. Reform psychic seal.

The Kadabra stopped glowing, and the pressure in the room eased up a notch before he looked back at the snake. Actions, not your lineage, makes you who you are. Deeds are what define you, not blood. And I am tired of dealing with you. I try to make a home here for Pokemon so that we can show Las Pegasus that we can co-exist, and you break into it and denounce my bloodline. Just...go. I never want to see you or your soldiers again.

“You think to tell me what to do?” Sev’s tone wasn’t angry, just curious.

I think people tell you what to do all the time, you just never listen. So open up your ears and hear these words: You are not welcome here, nor will you ever be, because of what you have done. Return, and I will eject you forcibly and KEEP you there until I can get a damn RESTRAINING order!

Sev was silent for a moment. He just studied Vincent, looking him over, before he started laughing. I mean, laughing hard. “Your spirit, human. That is what I wanted to see. You think I do not already know this lesson? HA! My father was terrible. I took his position, but I am not him. I may have had assumptions, but I see you are no scientist. I merely wanted to see with my own eyes.”

“And the door?” Lia asked.

“I thought he would need a bigger one,” Sev grinned. “You should thank me, Vincent. I have solved that issue for you. Though, I would suggest having a better reason for a restraining order than a hole in the wall and some unpleasant words. I have quite a few companions who have done so much worse. You’re lucky I didn’t bring Rio with me. He would have trashed this place solely for the hell of it.” He laughed again.

When I was an Abra, I was trained by a Gallade, Luke. He was a victim of the worst sort, but as he said, trauma forges the strongest swords. Recently I was trained by a Metagross, and I learned his tricks. Had I truly wanted to harm you, Sev, I would have locked you in your own mind until you died of old age. But I learned something important from a lot of people. Power isn’t having strength. True power is having strength...and knowing when not to use it.

“Huh,” Sev thought for a moment. “My master says that all the time. I have no idea why. Seems kind of pointless when it is best to hit your enemies hard and fast...and you could have tried, Vincent. I have had an Alakazam try and pilfer my mind. He got nothing from me!...and I’m perfectly fine...Fine…” He huffed.

Pilfering and locking you in a illusion that life is going on with you are two separate things. And the reason behind the saying is simple. Yes, you could use strength to slay a foe. Power is not doing so and making peace with them, turning them to your side. Power is withholding your strength, using it only when absolutely necessary. Vincent seemed to wobble a bit at that. And now that I’ve both unleashed and reshackled my true strength, I know its meaning in full. Just...go. I have memories to cry over. A wall to fix. And I have to deal with the fact that there are people and Pokemon like YOU in this world. A shame I’ve not tried any alcohol yet, I could use some, I think. You broke into the first place I could consider ‘safe’ since Earth and dare to think yourself the moral victor. Congrats, bully. You win, I’m broken.

The Kirlia frowned and walked up to Vincent. She just stared at him for a few seconds before hugging him. Of course, she couldn’t wrap her arms all the way around him given her size. “Nope, you aren’t broken and you don’t have to cry. You can get through hard times...I did and I’m younger than you, mister Vincent. If someone like me can pull through, so can you...and don’t mind my big brother. He’s not really a big meanie, he just seems like it.”

“Not a big meanie,” Sev huffed.

Vincent awkwardly embraced the Kirlia. I...I could get through this easier, were Lucy or Sam here, but Lucy’s looking for a job, and Sam is supervising the Berries up top that Xerneas dropped off, he won’t be down for a while yet. I have a family to help me, they’re just not here right now. So...thanks for the sentiment, but I still have the dead to mourn.

“Then why are you frowning?” she asked, curious. “I know a lot of Pokemon who are dead, but I still smile. They wouldn’t want you to frown. My mommy says the best way to mourn is to be happy and live your life to fullest, because friends and family don’t like to see us mope.”

The Kadabra sighed and shook his head. I might get to the point where I can mourn them with a smile, but...it’s still so fresh for me. This sense of freedom. And two weeks and change is barely enough time to come to terms with that. Plus I’m remembering more and more as the days go by. Every day, another one flashes before me. At least. I could always understand Pokemon, thanks to what he did. I...I could always hear their screams…

Vincent shook his head again and released the smaller psychic before turning towards the stairs. You all can show yourselves out. I’m tired. Tired of you, tired because of you, and tired of dealing with you. You’re hardly any better than the ponies. You judged me on what I was, not what I’ve done. And words never can make up for deeds in my book.

The Kirlia sniffled. “You hate me? Just...just because of a wall? My big brother just wanted to help and he didn’t know and you hate me? Hate him? You’re being a big meanie.” She wiped away a few tears. “You aren’t the only one who suffered. You think we’re bad or something? Then look at my brother! He risks his life for others. He saved me when I was kidnapped a few days ago. They hurt me, they beat me, they made me feel terrible, but my big brother rescued me. You can’t hate him.”

Vincent turned back around and gently wiped away some of her tears. Little one, I can’t hate you. You didn’t do anything wrong, and you even stuck up for your ‘brother.’ I don’t even hate him or his men, but I can’t forgive him so long as they proffer simple words to make up for their deeds. Had I wanted a larger door, I would have paid a pony to come and do it properly. Both because I don’t know if such a thing MUST be done properly, and because I want to build a better relationship between us and the ponies. No, I don’t hate you. Or him. But I do strongly dislike him for what he’s had done and what he did because of my name. And until he can make up for it, I don’t want to see him or his men again. You...you can come back if you want.

“But...but he’s always like this,” the Kirlia sniffled. “He can’t help it. He’s my big brother. I love him, even though he’s broken. You could tell that if you looked at his mind...It’s so shattered. That Alakazam broke him...and he’s...I’m sorry.” She hugged Vincent again, burying her crying face into him. “We’ll fix the wall. We’ll make it up to you. We didn’t know.”

Vincent gently held the Kirlia while looking at Sev. Do you truly care for her and still know absolute right from absolute wrong?

“Do I care?” Sev snarled. “You think I do not love my family? Wrong. I love my family more than anything. I would gladly put myself on a pike then let something happen to them. That is not up for debate.”

...Then we aren’t so different after all. Lucy Evolved when I said that I would do anything for my family, damn the rules, laws, and morals. And there’s a disturbing trend that I think you should know, mister Seviper.

“What is it? Are Taco stands becoming unpopular? Are they going out of business?” Sev looked frantic. “NOOOOO!”

Worse than that. Similar words I have heard, but not from you. Resolve of such caliber was shared by Rupert Nurem as well. He who would become the Doctor. He swore to do anything to save his mother, damn the rules.

“Well it’s a good thing I don’t science,” Sev grinned. “I leave that up to my scientists...who do scientist things….like build giant catapults so I may taunt Rayquaza into doing my bidding. One day he will listen...or get hit by my exploding boulders...whichever comes first.”

Not the point, Vincent said. Resolve like ours can inflame us to great deeds, mighty or terrible, things that can change the earth. But stray but a little, and good and evil no longer matter, only the deed itself. Do not become like the men you hate. Hold true to the laws and rules...and your family. Never lose your heart, or else they will win in the end.

Vincent released the smaller Psychic and nodded at the Pokemon in the lobby. One chance. I give you all one. Chance. Don’t make me regret it, or by Arceus, I will GO to his home and ask that Xerneas come back with me to keep watch for you all and stop you from returning.

“I can go for one more chance…..” Sev paused. “I forget your name.”

“Vincent Nurem,” the Kirlia grumbled.

“Oh yeah….Oh yeah. Sorry, names can be a bit tricky for me since….” Sev hummed. “Yeah, since that one incident that I intend to ignore. So……...Nice mustache.”

Vincent gave off a weak laugh. Yeah. Fifteen and facial hair. Whatta world. He then yawned and when he next spoke… “Well, I’m tired. Sam’s coming down with a few Berries for your zebra friends, and I really need to rest. Like I said. One chance, you lot.”

“Except for Lia,” Sev proclaimed. “She shall have...a much higher number that I’m too busy to count to…..You know, this was quite anti-climactic. I was expecting an epic fight or something...a bit jipped, but I did get to finally eat at a Tacobelle, so it wasn’t all bad. You would make a fine carpenter…”

“Negotiator,” Lia put in.

“Negotiator in my army,” Sev smiled and shooed him on. “But you can think on that later. For now, rest young one. You need it for tomorrow will be more grandiose...well, hopefully. By the way, if you ever see Palkia, tell him it was I who stole his cake!” Sev laughed and shot out the door. “SOLDIERS! FIX THAT WALL!...and make it metal. Something bulletproof.”

“They don’t have guns here, big brother.” Lia shouted out to him.

“Then make it shoot lazers!” Sev shouted back.

“...Little one, I regret giving him a chance already.” Vincent stated.

Lia giggled. “He’ll grow on you. He does so for everyone. He’s a big softie on the inside.”


“Yeah, he says stuff like that all the time,” Lia sheepishly grinned.

Vincent blinked slowly before sighing. “Not...gonna ask. Too tired right now. Can’t brain properly. Going up to nap. Say hi to Sam for me.”

Author's Other Notes:
Let me just pull up what I can of Fredrick's backstory here...
"Mother taught him to respect and appreciate females, Father taught him honor, his godfather Nenwef helped him hammer home respect for all walks of life...and when he grew into an adolescent, he picked up lessons in seduction. Nearly every lesson of seduction. There isn't a species he hasn't had in his bed. He does have a few rules, though. No taken females, no means no, and nobody too young. Other than that..."
Now if you'll pardon me, I have some tags to add before I add the second half...

Chapter Thirty-one - Charm your way into good graces

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Vincent turned and walked up the stairs, and not a moment later, a Scizor with barely-noticeable thicker chitin walked down and looked from both the Kirlia in the lobby to the hole in the wall. Slung across his back was a huge brown sack of some sort, filled with round objects. “Do I...want to know?”

“That depends,” Lia grinned deviously. “Do you like having your sanity?”

Sam slowly blinked before extending a claw. “Permit me to introduce myself. Sam, also known as Subject Thirty-Six. Sanity’s not something I was exposed to in large doses if you know our story.”

“I’m Lia,” the little Kirlia smiled cutely at him and shook his claw with her hand. “I’m a general in my big brother’s army.”

“Nice to meet you Lia. And I’m guessing we could swap horror stories all day, but that’s not why I’m here. I said I’d have some Berries for some Zebras I met, any idea if they’re here?”

“They’re right outside,” Lia chirped. “My big brother is having them repair the wall...and trying to get them to install lasers in it. Preferably green ones.”

Sam blinked a few times and actually looked at the hole before pointedly looking back at Lia. “Nope. Not asking. Not even thinking of going out there anymore until the crazy has passed. Do you think you could get one of them to come in so I can avoid going out?”

“Crazy passed?” Lia sent him a deadpanned gaze. “You don’t know us well enough, do you?” She shook her head. “But I can get one of them in here. PERUI, FRONT AND CENTER!” She roared in her voice.

As quick as lighting, one of the zebra soldiers was before her saluting. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Berries,” Lia pointed at the bag Sam was carrying. This prompted the Scizor to shrug it over his shoulder and drop it to the ground before them.

“Now we’ve only just started, really, but we do have a few extras, so we can give you a few basic ones for yourself. These grow quickly as compared to local crops, and ponies and Pokemon alike should find them enjoyable.” Sam pulled out a clawful carefully. “Cheri, Chesto, Persim, Oran, Leppa, Aspear, Pecha, Rawst.” He then carefully put them back in the bag and nodded. “Take care of them, and they’ll take care of you.”

“Well….” Perui blinked slowly. “There goes the starvation problems...Lucky Equestrians have everything.”

Sam shot a deadpan glare at Perui before opening his mouth. He then seemed to reconsider and closed it before shaking his head and looking at Lia. “Think he should know?”

Lia just shrugged. “Eh, if you want.”

Sam nodded and turned back to Perui before crouching down so that they were eye to eye. He then began to whisper so that the others would only just be able to hear him. “One I consider my little brother was forced...forced...by a madman to inject me with a solution that, for all he knew, would end up killing me. Say we have it easy again, I dare you.”

Perui looked at Sam with wide eyes. “What the hay? Inject? Kill? Solution? That stuff happens in Equestria?”

“It happened on Earth,” Sam gently corrected. “Us and thirty-five others had the misfortune to not die at the hands of that psychopath. Eight-hundred and fourteen found release from him in death. We’re not native Equestrians, and we have not had it easy. Nor does every pony. They have a better shot, true, but we’ve seen the darker side. You’re just as speciest towards ponies as they are towards Pokemon.”

Perui huffed. “Well excuse me for not exactly being all friendly with ponies. They don’t have to worry about death twenty four seven. They have cushy lives and full bellies. You had a hard life, I understand. You aren’t native and they fear you. I’ve lived my whole life here and I am a zebra. You wouldn’t see us building such great cities like this one. Oh yes, we’ve got some, but they don’t flash and dazzle and pour booze at every corner.”

“Vincent said a few things to me when we were allowed to interact,” Sam mused. “And this one fits well with our constant attempts to escape. Along with your situation. ‘Be the change you want to see in the world. The past only defines the future if you let it.’”

He then stood back up and stared down at Perui before expounding on the saying. “You’re caught in an endless cycle of ‘this is what was, this is what is, this is what will be, and this is my role because of these things, and I will perpetuate this cycle for the next...and the next.’ If you don’t act to make a better, brighter future, then you better start looking in the mirror, all you zebras, as to why you don’t seem to see one. We were caught in a security system that never shut off and kept us shut in, and we never lost hope.”

“We haven’t lost hope,” Perui shot back. “We have our King and the Commander. They’ll fix it.” He grabbed the bag and put it over his shoulder. “And I’ll fight and die to make it happen. I’m a soldier. That’s what I’m supposed to do.”

“Don’t place your hope in people,” Sam said softly. “Place your hope in your home, your nation, in the idea of a brighter tomorrow. People can be killed. Ideas...ideas don’t die unless you let them. Fight for your leaders, but place your hope in the intangible things you fight for.”

“I fight for my king and the commander,” Perui frowned. “If they die, Zebrica’s bright future dies with them. That’s a fact.”

“Only if you let it,” Sam repeated softly. “Had I died before I got Vincent or Lucy out, they would have kept fighting, kept trying, because I gave them hope for their future. They would never have let my death stop them. You can’t kill an idea. Hope for that, and fight for the ones that would see it come to life.”

“We don’t have enough hope to go around in Zebrica,” Perui snorted. “Not now. Maybe in times to come...I have to help fix the wall and get these berries back home to feed my kin.”

Sam nodded once. “Plant the seeds and save some. Best start a stockpile early. Never know what will happen. And try to hope again. The greatest crime is choosing not to. It’s essentially giving up on life, but marching on anyways because you’re not ready to die.”

“I’ll die when I raise that damned Alpha Dog’s head on a pike,” Perui grinned. “I’ll die a happy stallion. No regrets there.”

“There’s a Hyena Dog, a really big one, that’s trying to raise an army,” Lia explained. “He’s been a big pain for Zebrica in the last few years, but we stopped him...for now.”

Sam nodded and winced while rubbing at his neck. “I can understand, believe me. Anyways, do take care. I have to go back and make sure the Berries are doing alright up on the roof.”

The Scizor turned and walked up the stairs, and then a Lucario with slightly smaller spikes walked in through the front door, an exasperated look on her face. “Do I want to know?” she asked the room at large.

“That depends,” Lia grinned deviously. “Do you…”

“Oh buck this,” Perui interrupted, storming off. “That catchphrase gets old quick.”

Lia shot her tongue out at him. “Big meanie.”

Lucy looked at the retreating Zebra and raised an eyebrow in Lia’s direction. “I’m guessing he has issues?”

“Don’t we all?” Lia shot back, tilting her head cutely to the side.

“Fair enough,” Lucy chuckled. “Okay, two questions. Are the ones out front fixing the damage or making it worse? I couldn’t tell.”

“Making it better…” Lia started. “Unless you don’t like green lasers.”

Lucy open and shut her mouth a few times before shaking her head. “Nope, not continuing that line of questioning.”

“A lot of people don’t,” Lia offered. “So don’t feel bad about it.”

“I get the feeling you do this a lot,” Lucy mused. “Second question. Is Vincent alright?”

Lia started to sweat and looked around. “Ummm….yes.”

Lucy noticed and sighed before placing a paw on the little Psychic’s shoulder. “Look, I just want to know where my boyfriend is and if he’s unharmed. Everything else is fixable, in time.”

“Well, my big brother got one of his soldiers to bust in a new wall...mostly to make a bigger door...and he distrusts new doorknobs sometimes. That and he thought Vincent could be like his daddy, but we talked it out and that isn’t true. So now he’s sleeping, we’re fixing the wall, and we’re all bestest friends.”

Lucy breathed deeply a few times and pointedly looked away as she got her protective instincts under control. “Just so you know? Insinuating that Vincent could ever be like the Doctor is near the top of the list of ‘horrible things I would hurt you over doing.’ But if you and he talked it out and he saw fit to let you all remain, I’ll withhold my anger. For now.

“...You still seem angry,” Lia looked a little frightened, ready to bolt if the stranger tried anything to hurt her. “Maybe we could go get ice-cream or something. That always makes me happy.”

Lucy breathed deeply a few more times and took her paw off of Lia’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. My protective nature flares up something awful concerning threats and insults made to Vincent. He’s fine, so that helps. But calling him that hurts him on a level most couldn’t understand. The kind of hurt I am lucky if it goes away. So...please, don’t mention it around him again? He calls himself by his last name because he’s trying to take it back from his father, not tie himself to him.”

“I understand what you mean,” Lia said. “My big brother hates it when people say he’s just like his daddy….His daddy was very mean and hurt people all the time because he didn’t like humans, but he’s dead now so we don’t have to worry. A human shot him….and please don’t scare me like that, miss pretty lady.”

Lucy smiled. “I’m sorry. I’m Lucy. And it was an instinctive reaction. I’m getting better about controlling them, but sometimes, someone pokes just the wrong button, even by accident.”

“I know,” Lia nodded. “I have some friends who are Lucarios...they like to beat each other though, but that’s only for fun and one of them is about my age. He acts weird and keeps turning red when we talk.”

Lucy paled and tried to not think of certain things. She didn’t want to have to explain anything, thank you kindly, and she didn’t know how powerful this psychic was. “Interesting. Well, I have a boyfriend to comfort, so if you don’t mind…”

“What’s it like to have a boyfriend? I asked miss Belle and she said being in love is great.”

Lucy sighed happily as she thought about Vincent. “Having a boyfriend that genuinely cares about you for you...it’s almost indescribable. It’s one of the best things to have happened to me, and I’m glad someone finally got it through his thick head that I liked him like that. I also thank him every day that he accepted my confession for him, and he thanks me back for accepting his.”

“That settles it!” Lia proclaimed. “I, Lia Joy, will get a boyfriend….Now I think I need to just find one. My friend Lu, he’s the Riolu I was talking about, he’s great with finding things...when he isn’t being shy. I don’t know why he does it. Everyone else says he isn’t.”

Lucy merely facepawed and groaned underneath it. “Far be it from me to meddle...but I feel like I have to, kid, otherwise my situation will repeat itself.”


Lucy nodded and removed her paw. “Someone finally got it through to Vincent that love can be found in the unexpected places. Both far...and very, very near to you. Something you could stand to learn as well, it seems.” She made sure the bait was nice and thick.

“Both far and very, very near to me?” Lia tapped her chin and gasped. “A mystery! It’ll be like one of those Agatha Christie novels.”

Lucy sighed and took a knee. “No...it’s a metaphor, kid. Finding love far away means looking for it all over. Whereas finding love nearby means it was always there in a person close to you, you just didn’t think to look there. Which one do you think applies to your situation and mine?”

“Well you fell for, let’s see, your brother?” Lia eyes widened. “But I only have one brother….ewwww. No, not Sev.”

Lucy sputtered a bit. “Okay, three things. One, please don’t go poking into my head again without my permission. Two, Vincent and I aren’t related by blood, we merely called each other brother and sister, because we were brother and sister in captivity. And three, you don’t have to look that close, but you have mentioned someone close to you multiple times...someone who shows all the typical signs I did when I loved Vincent and he didn’t know it.”

“Sorry, miss Lucy,” Lia wrung her hands. “I sometimes forget about the ‘no reading minds without permission’ rule my mommy said. And my brother and me aren’t related by blood. My mommy is Nurse Joy, so she’s not either. And are you implying Lu? You can’t be. He’s my best friend.”

Lucy merely smiled wide before replying. “And what do you think Vincent and I were before we became boyfriend and girlfriend? Strangers? A relationship built on trust is best, because you know the other person would never hurt you. Friendships evolve, bonds change, over time, much like Pokemon do.”

“But we’re just friends….” Lia frowned. “He never said anything about that kind of stuff.”

Lucy gently got to her knees in front of the Kirlia and smiled a far softer smile. “Because he’s afraid of losing you if he does,” Lucy said. “He’s afraid that if he tries to change the bond between you, that you won’t like it, and he’ll lose you as a friend. So though he may stand idly by and not say it, rest assured, he does like you. He just can’t say it without fear.”

Lia crossed her arms and pouted. “Fear? I wouldn’t hate him. I’d never ‘not’ be his friend….but are you really sure he like likes me?”

Lucy nodded before explaining. “I was like that around Vincent. I wanted to talk to him, wanted to tell him how I felt, but I was afraid, constantly, of losing my brother, my best friend, forever. That he wouldn’t, couldn’t, return my feelings in the same way. It would have hurt worse than anything if he didn’t, and the fear kept me silent. The fear of losing him to another, of spending my life alone because the one I loved didn’t love me back. The same fear holds your friend Lu now...and the question you have to ask yourself is, what are you going to do about it?”

Lia stomped a foot in determination. “Be his girlfriend, kiss him, and then when we get older, go to another room and make weird noises….I have no idea why though.”

Lucy stifled a laugh and desperately kept the imagery out of her head. “You’ll find out when you’re older. But I’d ask your mother over your brother. Perhaps by mentioning you’re going after a boyfriend, she’ll open up about what adults do in that other room to make those noises. But if she doesn’t, you’d best respect that.”

“Okay,” Lia nodded. “So...should I just go up and kiss him and say he’s my boyfriend now?”

Lucy shook her head. “Nope. Ask him what he thinks of you...then of what he really thinks of you, and if he tries to deflect the question, tell him how you feel about him. That’ll draw his own confession out. Or at least, it did for me.”

Lia frowned. “Well, I kind of already know what he thinks, but I didn’t know he liked me like that. I mean, he did try and save me from those Hyena Dogs. He was so brave.” She swooned a little. “Oh my gosh, I am an idiot for not seeing this before.”

Lucy gently bopped Lia on the nose. “Yep. But the reason you’re asking is because ‘supposedly,’ you don’t know about his feelings. You want to get him to confess, not confess that you already know about his feelings. That undermines it totally. Make him confess to you, and do the same for him. And from there, love is an adventure you take together.”

“I kind of just want to relax for a bit,” Lia sighed. “Maybe we could travel down a slow moving river in a small boat so we could cuddle. Something nice, with slow music and no monsters. For the love of Arceus, I am sick of monsters ruining everything.”

“A good first or second date idea,” Lucy commented. “Buuut you’re not going to snag your boy sitting here. Oh, and word of advice? If your brother is protective of you, then never leave your boyfriend alone with him unless you want to torture him.”

Lia blanched. “Duly noted.”

“Now g’on,” Lucy said with a wink before standing straight again. “Go get your boy. I have to make sure mine is still as intact as he was this morning.”

“I will,” Lia grinned. “And you’re invited to the wedding. Oh, it’s going to be so big and awesome. You’ll love it.”

Lucy merely sighed as she watched the Kirlia run out the front door with a skip in her step.

“Was I that young?” She questioned herself before shaking her head.


“So my lady zebra,” Fredrick said as the duo returned to his restaurant, “What did you think of your tour of the sights of Las Pegasus?”

“Not bad,” Elire smiled. “Not bad at all, chicken.”

“I’m glad to have lived up to your oh-so-high expectations, mi’lady,” Fredrick shot back. “Might I offer you a nightcap before showing you home?”

“You mean the blimp?” Elire shook her head. “Nah, we’re here overnight. I was thinking of finding a little hotel to stay in. One of those fancy ones. Might as well make use of some of the king’s money while I can.”

Fredrick tutted in the back of his throat. “Pity. I can only think of three that are any good, when you look behind the scenes at how they’re actually run, and you have to make a reservation at least a week in advance to have a room.” He then looked around shiftily and sighed before hanging his head. “And if I proffer the first alternative that comes to mind, I believe I’ll end up with a hoof to my beak.”

“You mean your place?” Elire asked. “Hey, I don’t want to spend another night with a bunch of sweaty guys who snore all night long. I’ll take what I can get.”

Fredrick smirked slightly. “Oh good. I live upstairs, so not much travel time to get you there.” With that, the griffon opened up a door in the back of the kitchen to reveal a set of previously-unseen stairs. “Ladies first.”

“Only because you like peeking,” Elire chuckled as she trotted up.

“My dear, I do not peek. I only observe such delicacies when freely proffered. I’ll have you know I avert my eyes from such locations when a female goes before me, unless she’s going before me to my bedroom for very different reasons than you are. By the way, first door on the right.”

Elire hummed as she came to the door. “I bet you couldn’t wait to get me in there,” she smirked.

“Quite true, but seeing as how you’ve expressed no such interest in myself with word or deed, I’ll be in the guest bedroom just across the hall,” the griffon said. “I do hope my housekeeping meets with your approval, mi’lady.”

Elire rolled her eyes. “Oh shut it with the chivalry and help me out of my armor. Chafes like nothing else.”

“Were I not chivalrous, I would be betraying some of the things my father imparted to me, so no, I don’t think I shall stop,” Fredrick said while winking. “Though as you request, I shall aid you in removing your gear. Talons do make such a task far easier.”

Elire snorted, whipping her tail across her backplates. “We’ll see.”

In just a moment’s time, Fredrick had located and pulled apart one of the straps keeping her back armor together. “You were saying, milady?” Were his voice any more smug, she could have tasted it on the air.

Elire pouted. “Okay, you won that.”

The rest of the straps came apart in a trice, and the back armor thudded off of her form into the ground. “You know, I was dreadfully wrong earlier,” the griffon said in a hushed tone. “You’re not beautiful. You’re a goddess.

“Oh stop it,” Elire grunted. “I’m not that pretty. You don’t have to make up stuff like that.”

“Beauty is more than just what you look like. It’s how you hold yourself, take care of yourself. It’s what you do throughout your entire day and life that defines who you are, and taking pride in that and your self? That is true beauty.”

“Well….” Elire didn’t know how to respond, other than to blush. She then noticed that the griffon had placed his rear half on the floor and carefully positioned his front legs between that and her eyes, shifting slightly to keep it there.

“I apologize, milady, but it seems a situation has developed, and I must leave you for the night to avoid offending you.”

“Well, you’re not offending me. Quite the opposite really….and you mean those things you said? No lies?”

Fredrick nodded and carefully lifted one of his talons to his chest. “My word as an Equestrian Citizen, dear lady. I never lie about a lady’s beauty. It would be an offense against that which my mother taught me. Still, I should leave you be for the night.”

“You don’t have to go,” Elire spoke up. “I’m used to sharing a room.”

Fredrick sighed before accepting his fate regarding saying the next words. “Including sharing the room with a very aroused male?”

“I’m in the army,” Elire deadpanned.

“Ah,” Fredrick nodded. “But here’s there only the one bed, barely large enough for two. I can tell you right now, we share that bed, you will feel things regarding griffons you did not know before. Things you may not want to know.”

“I can take it,” Elire snorted. “And if it’s too small, I’ll just lay on you. You seem big enough.”

Fredrick blinked a few times before giving his largest grin. “Who was it who said that zebras don’t just throw themselves at strangers?”

Elire sputtered, blushing. “I am not throwing myself onto you, chicken. I am simply resting with you in close proximity. Besides, I haven’t even done that stuff yet so I wouldn’t know exactly how to do it.”

“Hm,” Fredrick said with a nod. “I can offer you lessons, of a sort, that would keep your maidenhood intact, but still give you pleasure like no other. True, ‘twould be frustrating for me, but a mare like yourself deserves to know.”

“Pleasure like no other?” Elire chuckled. “You? Really? You’re pulling my leg.”

Fredrick’s grin grew wider as he held up his talons and said, “You have no idea what I can do to you with these. Even dull.”

“I’m not afraid of your claws.”

“Oh no,” he said, his expression never faltering. “But by tomorrow morning, you’ll wonder how you lived without them, if you let me. How much of what happens tonight depends on you, but I would be so very remiss if you did not walk out my door a wiser mare for your time here.”

“A wiser mare?” Elire looked him over before sauntering over to the bed, her flank shook too and fro slightly as she walked. She hopped onto the bed. “Prove it, chicken. Come on.”

Fredrick walked up behind her and sighed softly. “By all that is good, I’m not sure what I did to deserve another zebra in my bed, but I will make sure you remember this time, milady Elire. Now…” He brought his claws close to his prize. “This is how I start for mares like you...don’t be afraid to scream or yell, it lets me know I’m doing a good job.”

“I doubt you’ll get more than a squeal out of me,” Elire shot at him playfully, whipping her tail gently across his beak.

“Oh don’t worry,” the griffon said softly as he began his most pleasant task, “I’ll be keeping score.”

“No, I’ll be keeping score,” Elire smirked. “Maybe you’ll be the one screaming by the night’s over.”

“That would require you to reciprocate, with experience,” Fredrick mused. “And I’ve already stated that tonight is going to be about teaching you, the virgin, about sex. Now shush and take your lesson, teacher’s order.”

“I don’t remember these kind of lessons in school.” Elire grinned. “Is there going to be a pop quiz later?”

“Only if you’re a very good or very naughty mare,” the griffon whispered right in her ear. “Now how about this for variety?”

“Oooh~ Elire likes. Elire likes very much.”

“They always do.”

Lucy sat next to Vincent, holding him as he slowly began to cry himself out. There was more this time, I know it. Picking at or removing the seal for even a short period of time is starting to look like a bad idea. A very bad one. I'm remembering more and more, and it hurts.

The Lucario sighed and held her boyfriend a bit closer. "What is it you say? Somebody has to remember? Remember, and fight their legacy?"

The Kadabra sniffed once before nodding and adding to his sister's statements. Otherwise, they died for nothing. The things I've seen and heard...I'm not a real doctor, but I would be surprised if the things he did weren't at least applicable to a medical school here.

Lucy smiled and softly beeped the Kadabra's nose. "First a detective, then a landlord, now a doctor? Make up your mind as to what you want your job to be, Vincent."

He groused at that. Hey, I already have. Landlord is going to be a full-time thing. I might look into becoming a private eye once things settle down in Las Pegasus, but even if I do, it'll only be a side job. Improving public relations between ponies and Pokemon...that's my real goal. That's what I want. The fact that I'd be darn good at being a private eye is only a side benefit.

Lucy chuckled softly. "So you'd go looking for the secrets of others, eh? What about your own? What secrets do you have, my love? What do you want?"

The Pyschic sat up and hugged Lucy close before replying. I have all I want right here, he said.

He didn't see Lucy's small frown, though...

Elire panted on the bed, Fredrick not far from joining her. He’d nearly had to wear himself out, but, personal mission accomplished: he had a still-technically virgin mare in his bed that was all worn out, sticky, sweaty, and very, very happy. He smiled before sighing and turning to the door. Time to head back to the guest room. She’d thank him later, he was sure.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Elire spoke up. The griffon turned back to see she’d propped herself up with one hoof.

“To my bed,” he replied. “I’ve done all I can while making sure you retain your maidenhead, and you’ve no experience in reciprocation, so I’m off to deal with my issues in isolation.”

Elire glared at him. “No, you’re dealing with your issues here. That is an order.”

“First of all, not in your chain of command,” Fredrick shot back. “And second, you just watching won’t be very worth your while. And I’m not forcing you into anything, so I really see no reason to remain.”

“Hmph, don’t see any reason to remain,” Elire scoffed. “You really are a chicken, you know that?”

“I am NOT touching you like that without permission,” the griffon stated plainly. “That’s the fastest way to disrespect both my parents teachings and the law. And you’ve said nothing regarding giving me such permission.”

“You just finger fucked me,” Elire rolled her eyes. “Permission was given.”

“For that, yes. This,” he gestured to his lower half, “is a bit more bothersome.”

“Oh for the love of our gods,” Elire tackled him, pinning him to the bed. “Do I bucking have to talk baby talk to your face to make you see the bucking obvious?”

“No, just give me permission to buck you, the still-technically-virgin, into next week with all of me. Otherwise I’ll pick myself up and walk out that door.”

Elire growled and kissed him hard. Pulling back she looked him in the eyes. “Do it. Do it so hard I won’t be able to walk straight for days. Just bucking do it, chicken.”

Fredrick grinned and grabbed a hold of her flanks with both claws. “Well then, hold on to your name and mine, cause I’d like for you to remember something when all’s said and done.”

Vincent had recovered rather quickly, all things considered. He walked down to the foyer and saw that the wall had been patched up. This gave him hope for a moment, and then he walked out the front door.

A green beam of energy shot right over Vincent’s head. “YES!” Sev shouted. “The lasers work….Now I just need to make them not shoot the owners.”

Vincent slowly raised a hand. Question. Why are there lasers, and do they pose a danger?

“No,” Sev said, before a Sableye soldier was struck with one of the lasers, throwing him to the ground. “Possibly….He’s not dead.”

“Owww.” The Sableye groaned. “It’s alright.”

...Please tell me there’s some sort of targeting system hooked up to them. Please. To say the Kadabra was desperate would be like saying water was slightly damp.

Sev blinked slowly for a few seconds. “A targeting system?....That could work.”

...Might I inquire as to just what the hell you ARE using for them to aim, then?

“Motion sensors,” Sev moved his head out of the way of a blast. “Very slow motion sensors apparently. I’ll need to get new ones.”

Vincent merely smiled as he felt a certain connection come close. Oh, that’s okay. One of my friends is here, he can help. I’ll have him work on it. Oh Bit! Take care on the approach, we apparently have lasers now!

A Porygon-Z floated into view from down the road and calmly dodged an incoming laser. “Interesting. These devices, when linked, could be useful, were I manning them. Or even if I merely rewrote whatever they are using to aim. What are they using, do you know?”

Motion sensors. Old ones or slow ones, take your pick.

Bit nodded and drew close to the house, searching for a laser. It took a moment, but when he located it, he blinked a few times and shook his head. “I do not possess sufficient functions or permissions on my own, the ones regarding security systems have been locked. Vincent, if you would?”

The Kadabra sighed and said the next words in a very drained voice. Subject sixteen, this is master Vincent.

The Porygon blinked again, his yellow eyes turned green, and he held himself ramrod straight. “Online, master Vincent. What can this unit do for you?”

This building now possesses a laser defense system, but the motion tracking it uses is old and outdated. Upgrade it and take command of it, to fire only on mine.

The Porygon-Z nodded once. “Understood.” He then turned back to the laser and scanned it. “Estimated time for upgrade: Ten minutes, with the proper parts. Where can this unit obtain said parts?”

“Proper part?” Sev thought out loud. “Perhaps we could use scrap, like most of the parts were made up of, or some of the king’s own more ‘unique’ additions. Or buy them.”

Bit turned his head first, and then his body, in Sev’s direction, before dinging once. “If this unit is directed to the proper scrap materials, then the parts can be either found or made. Where is this scrap?”

“Private First Class Snore!” Sev shouted.

Just then, a burly Snorlax came along, carrying quite an odd assortment of junk, placing it at their feet. Bit dinged at the sight, his eyes bathing the pile in a green glow as he scanned it, before letting out a chime.

“Parts or the correct scrap detected. Please stand back while this unit proceeds to work.”

“You cannot order me,” Sev shot back…. “Everyone stand back while he does his thing. This is my idea!”

As the Pokemon stood to one side, Vincent looked on with an aura of extreme sadness. Even as Bit pulled metal from the pile and began to use his...unique assortment of moves to fuse and weld the parts to the lasers, Vincent didn’t cheer up at all.

The Doctor broke him, he whispered. An Up-Grade and Dubious Disk at the same time. Imagine Evolving, but still feeling it all happening. The pain was second to what the Doctor did next. Bit was stuck in the mainframe of the lab for the next eight years. Programmed to respond to the Doctor’s voice. Forced to do his every order.

“I will make sure to add that to the ever larger points against humanity,” Sev hissed in anger. “But why are you moping still? I built you a laser house. A LASER HOUSE! A smile would do.”

Because I had to use HIS system. I wish it was never there. I wish Bit was free to access all of his functions. I...I loathe having this power. Having Bit TRUST me with this power. I could order him to do anything, and he would. I could tell him to delete his own memory, to save himself the pain...and he WOULD. Nobody should have that level of control over another.

“Well then why don’t you mozy onto a train and ask Arceus?” Sev asked. “Poof, problem solved………..On second thought, that is kind of cheap.”

No kidding, Vincent said. Plus, you’re talking about the wrong Legendary. Genesect would probably be our best bet. Or the Regis. Or their ‘father,’ Regigigas. They deal with information in a similar manner to Bit. But Genesect is on a little mission right now, most likely, and good luck getting the Regis to feel anything.

“Then you are in a pickle,” Sev said. “A very bad kind of pickle. The kind of pickle that has been left out for too long in the sun, thrown into the garbage, taken out and bitten and then thrown into the woods because the guy realized that he was eating out of the garbage.”

...Your metaphors tend to get away from you, I’ve noticed. Perhaps that’s what she meant by ‘he grows on you.’ Vincent actually laughed. It was a weak and strangled thing, but it was there. And yes, we are in a spot of bother. One of our own doing. Someone has to find the families of the victims and tell them their fate. Genesect volunteered.

“And what was Bit doing when you talked with Genesect?”

Giving that information to the Regi Trio in exchange for a highlighted history of Earth, as told by the Regis.

Sev frowned. “All of Earth’s history?”

Not all, Vincent clarified. Just what the Regis had access to before they were sealed, and only the highlights. There is no way he could hold ALL the information without a computer to dump it into.

“Good,” Sev huffed. “If there is one thing I would like nothing better for is that my father is forgotten. I do not want his history marring my own.”

Vincent slowly turned to look at the Seviper before laughing, long and low.

“What’s so funny, human?”

The Kadabra finally got himself under control before looking at Sev with a twinkle in his eye and a smile. And with those words, I forgive you. For we’re far more alike than we realized.


Vincent laughed again before waving his hand. No, no. I mean that quite frankly, the only thing that could please me in my life more than Lucy and I becoming a thing is for the connotations between my last name and the last one to hold it to be forgotten forever.

“What last one? I only know of one Nurem and he’s right in front of me. Do not think of confusing me, for I cannot be confused.”

Vincent blinked a few times before sighing. I’m not sure if you’re being the sort of honest that I was looking for, or just being yourself.

Sev laughed. “Perhaps both, human. Besides, there may have been more Nurem’s on Earth, but here, you are the only definition of the name ‘Nurem’. Make the most of that….and don’t become a scientist. You are a much better baker….”

“Negotiator.” Lia shouted.

“I know what I said,” Sev shot back.

I actually would appreciate it if you stopped using the word human when you spoke to me. Both because I am a Kadabra now, and because I was sort of half-Abra my whole human life. It’s only thanks to Xerneas I lived.

“Eh,” Sev shrugged. “Force of habit….human.” He laughed again.

Vincent sighed and rolled his eyes as Bit dinged a few times and floated closer. “Upgrade complete, master Vincent. When shall the system be set to fire?”

Grant control of the system to your normal level of functioning, Vincent started, and I’ll set it when you drop out of administration mode.

Bit beeped alarmingly. “Warning: you are about to give control of the [laser defense system] to this unit’s normal level of function. Please confirm with your voice identity code if this is what you wish to do.”

Subject sixteen, this is master Vincent. Give your normal level of operation control of the laser defense system.

The program would whirr and grind alarmingly for the next few moments, and would fall silent for about ten seconds afterwards. Just as one of the soldiers would think to ask ‘that’ question, the Porygon-Z spoke up again. “Transfer complete. Shall this unit drop out of administration mode?”

If you’d like.

Bit blinked, his green eyes returning to their normal yellow before closing while his head shook a few times. “Well, that was in-”

He cut himself off as he realized what was new in his systems. “You...gave control of the lasers to me?”

You gave control of yourself to me, Vincent replied. I’m trying to return the gesture. Is it working?

Silence reigned for a second before Bit lunged at the Kadabra and gripped him in a death-hug. “I...I don’t know what to say.”

Sev watched the duo in silence for a while. “Do you need a moment?”

Bit shook his head and detached himself from Vincent a moment later. “No...I’m good. And thank you all for installing it. And thank you, Vincent, for trusting me. I will try to prove myself worthy of that trust.”

You already have. The Kadabra turned back to the Seviper and his troops. Well...I wouldn’t call us friends, precisely. But I do have a saying for the parting that I think fits. ‘Let us part much better strangers, and look forward to the next meeting, whenever that may be.’

“We all shall,” Sev grinned. “But let it be known that I am the best stranger.”

Vincent sighed, but smiled and nodded. Just...take care out there. I would like to meet you in the flesh another day.

“You will. I very much doubt anyone will pierce this hide anytime soon.”

And with a final exchanging of pleasantries, the odd family saw the army of zebras and Pokemon off.

Meanwhile, in a certain bedroom, two lovers, one new to the game, and one an old hat at it, had finally finished their romp. Only one of them was still remotely capable of complex sentences.

“So, how was that?” Fredrick asked of the zebra mare now lying beneath him.

Elire just smiled and cooed as she nuzzled underneath his chin.

“I have to say, were I ever the type to consider settling down with just one partner, you would definitely be the one,” the griffon idly stated, drawing his claws down her stomach.

“M-m-maybe you should,” Elire breathed out, rubbing her muzzle in the nape of his neck.

“I probably should look into it,” he conceded. “And you’re definitely one of the best I ever had. Not only are you a smart military mare, but you’re funny, witty, and capable of handling even half of my tricks before you got to this state. Doesn’t hurt that you’re drop-dead gorgeous out of your armor. Seriously, how did you not get snapped up back home?”

“I...I never really thought about it,” Elire blushed and looked away. “Never came up.”

“It really should have,” Fredrick stated. “Otherwise all the males back home were doing you a disservice by not complimenting you when they saw you. So how was your first sexual experience, my dear Elire?”

“Best thing ever,” Elire nuzzled further into him. “Thank you so much.”

“Oh don’t thank me yet,” he said with a wicked grin. “That was round one. Give me ten minutes, and we can go again.”

“Ten minutes?” Elire softly whined, pecking his beak.

“It takes time for males to recharge,” he whispered into her ear. “Though, considering it’s you, I might be able to cut it down a few. Just keep being your sexy self, and we’ll be going again in seven, max.”

“Hmmm,” Elire rubbed her cheek against his. “You do know how to make me feel special, don’t you?” She gently whispered.

“It is a trick I picked up: always compliment the lady.” He rubbed one claw down her side before continuing. “But another is to never, ever lie. All the things I said just now? True. Were you the sort to try for it, you might-could tame this wildcat. The stallions of the town would thank you if you did, I’m sure.”

“Maybe I will,” Elire smirked. “You do need someone to keep you in line. Someone with the proper...training.”

“Heh,” Fredrick laughed. “Perhaps I should train you, then. Actually, let’s make a wager, shall we?”

“Do go on,” Elire rubbed her hooves softly over his chest.

“If you can remember and say more than just my name and yours after the next round, I’ll go steady with you and train you in all the ways I know of how to keep up with me and my...wonderful, devious tricks for bed.”

“I’ll take that wager.”

“Aaah, but fail, and I don’t go steady with you, my dear. At least, not until you succeed, and I’ll always let you try again.” Here he softly nibbled at her neck with his beak.

Elire moaned with his touches. “I’ll remember, you cheeky chicken. I’m not just going to give you my virginity and walk away….You’re lucky my sword isn’t here….maybe I can use yours.”

“Oh look at that, yes, you may. And you would not be the first.”

Elire lightly conked him upside the head. “I think it would be in your best interest ‘not’ to mention that so casually. I am no throwaway harlot.”

“Neither were any of the others. Beautiful in their own rights, but apparently they all had one major flaw.”

He leaned in and whispered the next line as their lovemaking resumed. “They weren’t you.”

“A...AH! a little heavy on the cheese,” Elire chuckled through her moans.

“Yes, well, only you have a chance to tame this cat,” Fredrick stated. “But I’ll not make it easy on you!”

“I like a challenge~”

No further intelligible words were exchanged that night, nor did they need to be.

Morning came, bright and early to Fredrick’s. He groaned and felt something shift under him. Something warm and furry. His mind snapped back to the night previous and smiled. Such a beautiful mare. He then frowned as he noticed something. Which one of us won? I can’t recall…

Elire yawned, coming back to the waking world. “I’m up…” She nuzzled the griffon on top of her. “Morning.”

“Good morning to you as well, milady. The bathroom is just down the hall if you wish to freshen up, and I’ll see about breakfast...assuming the little chef will let me in ‘her’ kitchen.” Fredrick got off of Elire and stretched in his room, hearing several joints roll and pop before he was done.

“So,” Elire yawned. “Did I win that wager? This is your game afterall.” She got up and started to stretch. Though, she took it slowly.

“You know,” he said, “It was such a whirlwind night, I can’t recall the end of it. And seeing as how you can’t either, or you wouldn’t have asked, I’m forced to call a tie.” He drew closer to her form and smirked wickedly.

“As such,” he breathed while nibbling at her ears, “I’ll refrain from sleeping with another until you return to me, but you’d best try your damndest when you do, because the wager will resume then.”

“A tie?” Elire gave him her best puppy dog pout. “Are you sure? I’m pretty sure I was winning, you chicken.”

“Pretty sure. If I can’t recall the end of our second session, it’ll have to go down as undecided. Though, if you’re willing to put breakfast off for a bit, the shower is big enough for two…”

“Hose me down, feather head~” Elire giggled and squirmed out from under him. She flicked her tail and winked back at him. “Don’t keep me waiting.” She laughed and trotted into the shower room.

“Oh don’t even bother closing that door, I am right on that pretty little tail of yours.”

The sounds from the shower woke Mary up, who grumbled, then slowly walked from the second guest bedroom, the one she’d commandeered once she started living there, and down to the kitchen. Morning-after pancakes, her special recipe. Probably a contributing factor that she’d seen the same mare come back to him three times.

It took the two of them at least half an hour before they came down. Possibly because they were getting dirty at the same time as they were getting clean. The griffon looked both enthused and sad, if such a thing could be possible, whereas the zebra was smug and happy as all get-out.

“So my dear Elire, you appear to have finally won my little wager.”

“There was no doubt about that,” Elire smirked.

“Oh, there was in my mind,” Fredrick countered between bites of pancake. “I was hoping to get you back to being insensitate, like after our first round, but clearly, when I was describing your list of virtues, I should have added, ‘Has the stamina of five mares’ in there.”

“When you have to run miles of desert with Hyena Dogs on your tail, you grow a little Stamina.”

“An excellent exercise regimen, perhaps I should augment my own with some jogging every once in a while. After all, I’m going to need to if you intend to keep me for yourself and return home at the same time.”

Elire tapped her chin. “Who knows really. The king is rather lenient. Perhaps I could convince him of a post here. A liaison of sorts.”

The griffon chuckled, low in his throat. “Oh, I bet you would. And what would you be doing at this post, miss liaison?”

“Teaching a few Zebrican tricks to some of the locals.”

Fredrick reached over and ran one claw down her neck. “Would one of them be how best to squirm and moan under a larger gryphon?”

Elire mock glared at him. “Don’t push your luck.” She leaned into his touch.

“Oh, my dear, sweet lady. I never push my luck. I make openings to exploit.” He ran his claws back up and scratched behind her ears.

“Exploit away~”

“Only if you promise to come back to me, however long or whatever it takes. Then I’ll gladly take you again and again before you simply must go…” The claws had drifted to her tail and toyed with it.

“I’ll come back,” Elire purred. “You bet your beak I will.”

“Then an honest bird I shall remain. Bolt down your breakfast, milady, and let us retire to my room for however long we have…”

“You had me at ‘then’,” Elire nuzzled him. The pancakes vanished in a flash, and Mary was stunned for a moment.

“Playbird, going steady?” She then scoffed. “Yeah, when Spoink Fly.”

She then began to wish for earplugs as the sounds from above drifted down to her kitchen.

“...Okay, maybe when Slugma Swim.”

Lucy knelt, her head bowed in what she hoped was the right direction to be facing Arceus' Temple. She didn't know if that would help any, but she wanted to take every precaution as she softly whispered her prayer.

After Vincent had brushed her off, she'd gone to Bit with a simple question. If there was anything in any of his files that he could dredge up that Vincent might want from Earth that he didn't currently have. Only one thing came up. A name.

"Arceus," she whispered. "I don't know if you can hear me. I don't know if you can help. I don't even know if what I'm after is even possible anymore. But if there is even the shred of a chance, I beg you...please. Jeanne. Jeanne Nurem, she once was. She gave birth to Vincent fifteen years ago. Please Arceus, if you can...a mother deserves to see her child again after so long."

Author's Other Notes:
...I feel dirty...

Chapter Thirty-Two - Beat the opressive Heat Wave

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The next morning seemed to dawn far too early, as the apartment building seemed to be baking from the inside out. Apparently, while only a small increase in heat had been scheduled, a heat wave had forced its way in, and now the city was about to be far too hot for any sane being to stand.

Bit, you need to procure some parts for the AC today.

The program nodded and made to leave, but Vincent held up a hand and cleared his throat. Before you go, I'd like to try something.

Bit turned his disconnected head back around and tilted it to one side. "Please define."

I'm going to try teaching Lucy Heal Pulse from your head.

The two 'mon stiffened at the declaration, but slowly, Lucy nodded. "We may need such a move in the future."

Bit ticked for a few seconds before dinging. "I will attempt to make the inside of my head easily accessible for such an endeavor."

The lobby was then home to a blue flash of light, and two groans. Lucy was clutching her head as information seemed to appear inside of it, and Vincent was merely moaning in pain. Good Arceus, but is that how you see everything, Bit?

The program dinged once. "That is mostly correct." And shortly thereafter, Bit left the apartment building, in search of parts.

It was afternoon by now. Vincent sat in the lobby of the apartment building, hot and tired. How long is it going to be before Bit comes back with the parts? This is what I wanted to avoid!

Lucy sat nearby, panting in an effort to get some cool air in her lungs. A futile effort that was based on there being cool air. “No idea…”

Sam merely lay on the floor, his wings fluttering weakly in an attempt to regulate his body temperature. “Hate my shell now…”

A wave of psychic power washed through the lobby, carrying a familiar word with it. One that caused Vincent to smile. Ping! it said to him.

Vincent replied in kind, quickly putting his own spin on the return. Pong! he sent. Well, my teacher...what brings you here, Vincent thought to himself. Meanwhile, the Kadabra was talking out loud to his family. “Well, Checkmate is checking in at the moment.”

Lucy groaned and Sam raised one claw in response.

It was a good half-hour before the next pulse came, informing Vincent of Checkmate's closer approach, and he decided to greet them personally. With a flexing of his power, the Kadabra appeared just between the group and the front door. My apologies, air conditioning is something Bit is working on today. I have no idea when he’ll be back with the proper parts. Or if he’ll be back with the proper parts. The only thing I can offer you is some rooms to lay yourself down in at the moment.

“That will do, as long we have a bed for him.” pointed Weiss, both figuratively about their situation and physically about a rather banged up Scizor laying on Xavier’s head.

Vincent gently pushed the front door open and gestured for them all to enter. Just find a room and set yourselves up...except for the third floor, that’s where we sleep. And seeing as how we don’t have everything refit yet, I think we can forget rent or the need to be repaid for now. As long as there aren’t any damages, that is.

The mercs did as they were told, as they entered the apartments they seemed to notice the whole remodel that was going on. Xavier said, with curiosity and a bit of admiration, “A good call should I say, this solves the problem of housing Pokemon and give your family a proper income.”

The mere act of leaving the scorching sunlight and walking under the slightly less hot shade of the building seemed to do a world of good for the mercs.

“By the way, how has life been treating you and your family?” asked Weiss casually as he checked on Char, who was still unconscious.

Well enough. Ran into a few interesting faces, had a lovely time in Ponyville and Canterlot, and once we got back here, I began refitting this place so that ponies could see what working with Pokemon had to offer them. If only we’d thought to set Bit to gathering air conditioning parts yesterday instead of letting him do...whatever he was doing, we could be beating this problem too.

Lucy slowly got up and walked over to Char before nodding and closing her eyes. “It’s not all bad, though. You did ask him to teach me this move this morning, and while it tingled a bit, it’s about to prove useful. Heal Pulse.”

The wave of energy left the Lucario and impacted the downed Scizor. The healing move didn’t take long to wake Char as he soon opened his eyes and sprang right up, wings flaring and claws wide open as he looked around in the search of any kind of foe.

“...easy there…” slowly said Weiss as calm but seriously as possible, an aggressive Char apparently wasn't something to take lightly. “We are safe. We are at Vincent’s home, you remember Vincent right?”

It seemed to take a moment for the Scizor to realize the truth behind Weiss' words, and none of his teammates relaxed at all until he did. “... so… he…” The Scizor began.

“Yes, he got away.” Simon replied from his end with a defeated tone.

“It’s still okay buddy.” Weiss said with the same tone of before. “We made it out alive, we will later see what happened, but for now let’s take it easy okay?”

Char nodded, seeming to accept his defeat. He then turned to the group and said, “I see the ‘doc’ is not yet with us, so I take it one of you healed me.” He then turned to Lucy and Vince, “I thank you, and I apologize for what you just saw.”

Lucy shrugged and returned to where she’d been sitting. “You seem to forget that we’ve our own share of terrible memories. More than once, we’ve woken up, screaming, in the middle of the night.”

Fortunately, it’s been happening less and less.

Sam panted from his position on the floor before responding as well. “Though this day is definitely going in the ‘terrible’ list. Where the hell is Bit?!”

Sadly, there was no suddenly appearing Bit to relieve Sam of his woe. Vincent merely shrugged. I could find out, but I swore that unless you lot tried to get my attention, I’d let my family’s minds be their own.

This only caused Sam to let out another groan.

“Yeah, we do have our shares of jump frights, but is rare to see Char here getting one of those, but either way, we will get even soon.” proclaimed Weiss matter of factly. “So back to you kid, you mention meeting some people at Ponyville and Canterlot, did you visit our mighty deity as well?”

Vincent smiled softly. Indeed I did. And I got all the answers I was after, along with a few I wasn’t. Father and all his staff are not here. The subjects are, which is a slight cause for concern, especially number thirty-four, but we’ll deal should Christine show up. And Xerneas is the only reason I lived all that time. She did what she could to keep me intact on Earth...and my door is always open to her.

“You hear guys, we held the same honor than a legendary!” Weiss joked, the group laughed back in a funny but kind way. “Did you happen to give my regards to lord Arceus?” The once human teased.

I did mention you, and he said something along the lines of your connection to Latias being one of the reasons you were allowed to come with, Vincent replied, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Had I known you had so many friends in high places, I would have put out a red carpet.

“You will remember it next time” he pridefully and nonchalantly replied. “So you owe your life to a legendary, makes sense.” Kindly added the merc. “I presume that makes her okay in our list as well. But now that we talk about lists and friends lets go talk about foes, I take these subjects are okay so long we don’t poke them too much. The only exception being this Christine, anything we should know?”

“Besides not killing her.” Joked/added Rouge as she seemed to be way better by now.

Sam pushed himself into a crouching position as he realized where the conversation had turned. “Don’t…”

Vincent didn’t seem to take any notice. Well, the Doctor never really lost his love of genetic manipulation, so for her, when she was a Gibel, she underwent a series of treatments to fuse Kecleon DNA with her own. It messed up her colors something fierce...and when she Evolved into a Gabite, she learned to control her camouflage. She has the red stripe of a Kecleon that she can’t hide, along with more anger issues than you could shake a stick at. She only really calmed down around me.

Lucy pitched her two bits in then, smirking all the while. “Or Sam. She has a thing for Sam.”

The elder brother of the family groaned as that fact made itself known. “Why…”

“She sounds like Scylla alright… minus the love issues.” Concluded Simon. “But hey, look at this way, there is at least one person who found you attractive!”

“Okay, anger issues, capable to become invisible save a red line and a pseudo legendary. Its surprising we haven’t heard of her already.” Listed and admitted Weiss. “If we ever see her, we would be sure to give her a proper guidance… would you like it to be toward or away from you Sam?” He however couldn’t seem to resist teasing him at the end.

Sam eventually pushed himself to a kneeling position and glared at everyone in the lobby. “You guys suck…”

She liked the ‘taller, dashing swordsman’ who told us all ‘tales of the wonders of the outside.’ I’m afraid she developed a crush on an ideal of him, rather than the actual him. She escaped recently enough, probably to try and find authorities to bring back. Here, it is a wonder that we haven’t heard of her before now. Maybe she was dumped in a wilderness.

“Because her working through her issues and settling down somewhere else is so likely,” Lucy snarked.

She once used Flamethrower on an aide for merely looking at her for too long, Vincent deadpanned back. I’m afraid that if she learns where we are, she’ll come anyways. And holding the information from her is sure to end in pain for someone. Might as well direct her here anyways.

“Don’t I get a say?...”

“No,” Lucy said with a grin. “Besides, if it came to keeping everyone else safe and you miserable, or letting everyone be in danger because she freely roamed away from you just so you could be happy, we’d pick the first option every time.”

“Okay, chaos for LP it is then.” admitted Pancha with a serious expression.

“You have no idea of what they just said do you?” added her Poison-type friend.

“But I have a doubt,” inquired Char, “If she idolizes the ‘swordsman’ then would she still like the ‘scissor-man’? I mean, by what you said she seems to be quite fixated on that idea, so much so that the actual Sam may not be enough to calm her down from now on.”

A fair point, Vincent conceded. However, she will at least calm down for me. She did before, simply because I wasn’t like the others. And if you keep what Sam is away from the topic of conversation, she’ll likely come along.

“Plus, once she sees Sam’s a Scizor now, she’ll likely stop and reconsider her crush. Either she’ll try getting used to him for him or she’ll drop the matter altogether.”

Sam actually blinked at that, having not considered the likelihood that Christine could see reason. “Worth a shot,” he concluded.

“Or she could throw an angry fit and level the city, it won’t be the first time a pseudo has done it.” Simon pointed out.

“That is what happen to Hill Town” Added Char.

“Where?” asked Sam.


“That is also a possibility.” Acknowledged Xavier, returning to the topic of Christine, “If she were to go crazy with anger and denial, do you guys think you could stop her?”

Vincent merely smirked and raised one hand. Release Psychic Seal.

A wave of blue burst from the boy as he assumed his full power for a moment. He let the mercenaries feel the strength he and Xavier had worked to hone, the strength that could make him be mistaken for an Alakazam already, before he spoke again. Reform Psychic Seal.

The pressure died off as quickly as it came, and Vincent spoke three words then. Yes, I can.

“Good, you can, how about them?” pointed Weiss at Vincent’s siblings.

“At best, we could delay her,” Lucy said. “But that’s not what we would have to do at all.”

Sam shook his head and pointed one claw at it. “Links. Vincent could hear us if we spoke loud enough.”

And for something like Christine, I would respond instantly. I’ve gotten very good with Teleport lately. Multiple people is still something I have to focus on, but going to my family? No problem at all. The moment they clap eyes on her, I would know.

“Mhm…” Weiss stood up as if he were thinking, walking around and considering what they just heard. After a moment, he turned to look at Vincent with the same jolly air as before.

“That won’t do.” He said matter-of-factly, “Yes you can teleport as soon your family gaze upon her, but as far as we know she is hard to see. Not to mention has a tendency to act rashly.”

“Besides, there is no such thing as a fail proof plan, I think I can be proof of that right now.” added Char with slight sadness.

“So tell you what guys, how about we give you ‘lot’ some training?” Finished the leader with a smile.

Vincent blinked before looking at Xavier. I...think I can sit this one out, thanks to what you and I did. Sam and Lucy, though…

The two siblings seemed to realize that their ‘younger brother’ was throwing them under the metaphorical bus, and turned to look at him at the same time. “Wait...what?”

Vincent merely smiled at their shared sentiment and turned to Weiss with a mock scowl on. Now take care with them, I’ll want them back in one piece before nightfall!

“I make no promises, after all.” Weiss stood up once more in a militaristic stance. “That would depend on how well they perform.”

“And I thought you didn’t catch any of Shredder’s traits…” said Pancha with a bit of fright.

“We will need a good place to throw them down.” Pointed Simon.

“Don’t you mean a place for US to throw YOU down?” inquired Sam, only to receive a rather blank look from the hot blooded Pokemon.

“You heard me right.”

“So any ideas?” asked Rouge.

Two separate crime families were taken down before we left on our tour, Vincent replied with a wave of his hand. I’m sure it won’t be hard to find an abandoned warehouse that no pony would mind you using as a battleground.

At that moment, Vincent 'felt' Bit's link coming towards the apartment building, and decided to inform the others. Oh, on a lighter note: Bit’s coming back with all the parts he thinks he needs. So when you do get back, I’m fairly sure we’ll have air conditioning!

“That sounds like a good idea.” Weiss then looked at the rather large group and added. “I think we can split for now, so who wanna kick some butts?” Asked the leader.

Rouge, Pancha, Simon and Char raised their respective appendages.

“Good, now who wants to give Vince and Bit a helping hand with these contraptions of his?”

Xavier and Greninja nodded, but not only they seemed to want to help as Roa also held one of her claws up.

“...if is okay with mister Vincent… of course…” she stuttered right after.

“That is up to Vince, so the rest will stay and laze off right?”

The rest being Daring, Valerie and her husband, along with Surskit just grunted in agreement. Although the Fairy/Flying-type seemed surprised and proud about Roa’s interest to help out.

More hands are always welcome. Though, fair warning: if Bit tells you to move, no second-guessing him.

Speak of the devil, Bit appeared at the doorstep, dragging a rather sizeable cart full of parts behind him. He beeped once at the sight of Checkmate before commenting on the situation.

“Greetings again, Checkmate. If you will kindly move out of the way, I have parts to take to the basement.”

“Greetings to you too Bit.” Saluted the former human as the rest did as well in their own ways. The ‘lazy’ group then replied to Bit’s words and moved to lay down somewhere else, while Xavier, Greninja and Roa waited for instructions, the latter one seemed slightly afraid of something, though it was uncertain what precisely.

“Okay, and this is our cue to go. So will you come on your own?” joked Weiss, sort of.

Sam sighed as he moved to stand up more fully, only to stop and shake his head. “Too hot. Bit?”

The Porygon-Z nodded once and aimed his beak upwards. “Ice Beam, dispersal mode.”

With that, the room quickly became host to temperatures more befitting wintertime as flakes drifted through the air around the program. Sam and Lucy sighed in relief before nodding at the mercenary group as a whole.

“Okay, and now we’re ready,” Lucy said.

“Yeah, this should last us a good while,” Sam finished.

The group felt revitalized with the sudden drop of temperature to the point they almost regretted leaving.

“Okay, but we are not taking the walking route.” Said Simon as he open the nearest window and shout, “Hey Edge!”

“WHAT!?” come an annoyed reply from somewhere out there.

“We need a transport!” was all explanation the Steel-type give, shortly after the large head of the team’s Noivern hung down the window.

“Where to?” Asked Edge with slight excitement, while also adding a casual, “and how you doing there, Lucy, Bit, Sam, Vincent.” The last name included a playful blind blink.

Lucy merely growled before pointing at the Noivern. “Mine. Go get your own.”

Now now, Lucy. You can’t blame her for not knowing. It’s not like we’re wearing giant signs or anything. The Kadabra gave the Lucario a hug before nodding at Edge. Do take care with them, Edge. I’d rather they come back in one whole piece.

The mercs, more accurately Weiss and Char, froze at this sudden show of possessiveness.

“Now, correct me if I am wrong but: did she just show some jealousy… and from Edge of all 'mons?” inquired Weiss.


“That does seem to be the case.” Added the Claw Pokemon with a slightly intrigued look. “But jumping to conclusions is not a good habit, so would you kids mind enlightening us on these events?”

Vincent chuckled. Ah, well, one part of it is we finally confessed to one another, after a Charizard named Ignis helped me put quite a few things I didn’t understand to context.

“And another part of it is that same Charizard telling us about his run-in with you, Edge,” Lucy added, a slight growl in her voice.

“I wouldn’t get any closer, Edge,” Sam added. “Lucy’s rather protective of Vincent anyways. Until the early stages of this new relationship of theirs is past the ‘want to make up for lost time’ stage, they’re probably going to jump at everything.”

Bit had nearly hauled the cart through the entryway of the apartment building before turning his head back to the party and dinging once. “Isn’t that our default state?”

We’re getting better, Vincent said with a bit of a sulk.

“Hey, lil' Vince is cute, but not that kind of cute.” Replied the dragoness with a dismissive tone. “No offense Vince.”

“Well congratulations kids!” voiced out Simon with his normal voice, which was close to a shout, while giving the duo a couple of back breaker palms, the rest congratulated the young couple in similarly euphoric ways, although not as damaging or dangerous.

All but two Pokemon.

“So correct me if am wrong again but… you rejected our invitation for a drink," Char started.

At these words, the mercenaries looked at Vincent with disbelief, surprise and exaggerated hurt expressions, although none seemed to be angry.

“Telling us you were ‘too young’ for that,” Weiss continued.

“And now.” Concluded Char, “you go and tell us you now have a girlfriend.”

Simon brought the couple together so he could whisper to them, “You shouldn’t have done that.” rather dramatically.

Lucy merely smirked before turning to Char and Weiss. “Sadly, we have a previous engagement. But if any of your friends here desire to take Vincent out on the town, all I ask is that you bring him back in one piece before morning.”

Hey! I’m not okay with this!

Sam ignored the protests. “Yes, and do make sure the boy doesn’t do anything Lucy will make him regret later. I’d rather he only have to congeal once.”

Oh not you too!

The smiles on the two ‘siblings’ of Vincent could not be wider or more Sharpedo like if they tried.

“We have authorization guys!” proclaimed Weiss as the males cheered, minus Xavier and Greninja.

Meanwhile Char placed a claw on Sam’s shoulder. “Be sure that we will take proper care of him.” he said matter-of-factly at the end.

“Daring, I want the strongest things one can buy in this world!” ordered Weiss towards the mare on the ground.

“You do realize this is the capital of sin right?” she asked back without raising her head.

“Your point is?”

“Just checking.”

Bit merely shook his head at the antics of the Pokemon in the lobby, though there was a slight smile in his eyes, if you knew where to look. “While the coming intoxication of Vincent may be something to celebrate for some of you, I must proceed to install this central air conditioning unit. Any who wish to accompany me had best do so now.”

Greninja just took hold of the rough blueprints that had been sketched up the night before while Xavier took most of the equipment with his psychic grasp, Roa simply followed them, not sure of what to do.

“Okay, we can celebrate latter tonight, as for now we march to hell!” he finished dramatically as he jumped out the window and landed on Edge’s back. The rest of the smaller mercenaries following shortly after.

Meaning Char would go on his own. “So shall we then?” He offered a claw to the Steel-type siblings.

Sam nodded and proceeded to walk out the front door, followed shortly by Lucy. Vincent merely grumbled and went to the stairs. I’m going to hang out with the Berries. Maybe by the time you lot come back, you’ll have forgotten some of this madness.

“You wish!” sarcastically shouted Weiss back as they left.

Vincent hadn’t left the room yet when a ribbon like limb took hold of his hand.

“Wait, mister Vincent, I couldn’t help but hear you talk about some berries.” Inquired the Sylveon with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

“I apologize for my husband.” Valerie quickly added. “He is quite a fan of the fruit.”

Vincent merely nodded once. Xerneas dropped them off the other day. Managed to get some pots and earth for them and set up a rudimentary rooftop garden. I’ll probably look into getting a greenhouse installed up there in the near future so that we can control the environment up there. If you’ve any expertise to lend in the art of growing them, it’d be most welcome.

Valerie just facewinged as the glimmer in Sylveon’s eyes became a blinding light.

“My good sir, I think you and I will get along just fine.”

Lucy and Sam led the small group of mercenaries to a large, abandoned warehouse. They paused briefly at the doors and shuddered slightly before nodding and pushing one open each and looking inside. Seeing that it had been cleared of all the crates that used to be in there, the siblings nodded and turned back to the mercenaries.

“Unless someone is using this to store air, we should be good,” Sam snarked.

“Until the whole thing comes crashing down on us,” Lucy said. “And with your luck…”

“I already said I tripped and it was an accident!” The Scizor defended himself. Lucy rolled her eyes and walked in, closely followed by her older brother.

“That is a good start.” Pointed out Char as he followed the siblings in, Weiss and co. meanwhile landed close by. “I take you are still adapting to your new exoskeleton then.” he inquired.

Sam merely nodded. “Yeah...I mean, I’d gotten used to adjusting myself when I was a Scyther, but not only is it now made of metal, my exoskeleton is thicker than my instincts say it should be. Trips, spills, fumbles...I’ve gotten a little training in how not to mess up, but anything you can impart would be a boon.”

“Surprisingly enough, this isn’t such a rare case for newly evolved Scizors, I have even heard some Pokemon become really clumsy once there is a drastic change on the Evolution. Especially when a new type is added. All we have to do is work on your coordination," Char said.

Sam rotated all his joints, prepared for what his mentor in dealing with his new chitin was about to impart to him. Meanwhile Char began to circle around Sam, carefully looking at him as he stretched.

“Mhm… definitely, the extra weight may be a problem, but I don’t see any strain on your limbs and joints, so its all a matter of balance.”

Once he was done, he took a small rock of rubble from the ground, a rather flat one, and place it over Sam’s head.

“Let’s start with something simple: keep the rock there,” was all he instructed.

Sam shifted slightly near constantly, trying to both keep the stone on his head and keep Char in his field of view. “Okay…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t throw any attack at you, at least not yet,” calmly said the older Scizor to the younger one. “I first want you to keep your balance as centered as possible, then we work on keeping it while moving around.”

Sam decided to start mimicking Vincent during his meditation sessions, and held himself perfectly still while breathing as slowly as possible.

“Good start, keep your mind focused on your breathing and burn the idea of this balance in your memory with each of them.” Praised the veteran. After a few minutes of Sam holding still, Char spoke up again.

“This seems to be enough. You have a good balance, at least when standing. But now I want you to go and walk all over there,” he pointed at a wall, “and walk back while carrying the stone, that is all.”

Meanwhile, with Lucy...

Lucy shook her head as the memories of what this place had been used for not a week ago kept filtering in. Heck, the hole in the roof from where Bit had used Signal Beam was still there.

A whistle sound all over the place as Simon looked at the walls and ceiling. “This was one heck of a battle.”

The rest of the mercenaries nodded in agreement as they could follow what seemed to have happen by the damage the warehouse sustained.

“A raid?” Inquired Weiss.

Lucy nodded absently. “Thankfully, not only were the ones responsible taken care of, but the one who did most of this damage was...dealt with.” She sighed and looked away from the hole, back to the group. “Fortunately enough, Vincent knew what to do, and had Bit cut out the operating system for the Simulator room. Now he can’t go all ‘rage mode’ on us anymore.”

The merc group seemed surprised at this news.

“So Bit was capable of going all haywire?” Asked Pancha.

“You can do it as well. What is so impressive about it?” Pointed out Simon.

Lucy nodded again, this time walking to a nearby wall and sighing.

“He was the backup plan for everything...everything...at that facility. The fact that the Doctor broke him so badly just makes me...argh!”

With that, she punched the wall, putting a perfectly circular hole through it while only getting a bit of dust and dirt in her fur. She blinked at the sound of destruction before withdrawing her arm and smiling sheepishly.

“Heh. Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget myself.”

“Welp, I see a problem alright.” Pointed out Simon with very little delicacy, “she has a mood problem as bad as Vincent, no offense.” He quickly added.

“That…” added Weiss as he looked at the new hole on the wall. “And she needs to learn how to control her strength as well.”

“Then it’s back to the basics for her as well.” Acknowledged Rouge as Pancha tried to pretend she understood what were they talking about.

“Very well, first thing on the schedule: bring me as many stones you can find, no matter the size as long they fit on your palm.” Ordered Weiss. “Think you can do that?”

Lucy shrugged, not certain of the purpose of the exercise, but began to walk around gathering stones. “And no offense taken. We aren’t exactly the most...stable of individuals. It’s going to take time before our reaction to those times isn’t anger.”

As Lucy gathered up stones, Weiss replied to her statement. “Knowing how to hit is one thing, but knowing when not to hit is even more important. That is what we will start with. Then we will pass to make you spar with us.”

“Tranquila, we will go ease on you!” Pancha chirped.

“As Maylene’s Lucario said. Power is having strength, and knowing when not to use it. I think...I think prodding my more sensitive points until I failed to react would help,” Lucy said, casting a gaze between the hole and Weiss before nodding once as she presented the stones she'd gathered. “This is going to suck, but I’m ready. I hope.”

The mercenaries looked at each others and nodded.

“We will… eventually. But for now.” Weiss took one of the stones from Lucy’s paws and threw it at the other side of the room, hitting the wall on the other side with a sonorous ‘crash.’ “Now we work with your body, we are going to throw these rocks at the wall, all you have to do is catch them.”

“Pretty simple right?” Asked Rouge with her elegant tone.

“The tricky part however,” added Simon with a smile, “Is that you mustn’t crush them when you catch them.”

However, neither of the siblings were told that the wall Sam was going to walk to and the wall Lucy was going to ‘protect’ were the same wall.

Lucy walked over to the wall and turned to face Weiss and his group before closing her eyes. On the back of her head, the Aura-sensing organs lit up with an eerie blue glow, and it was only then she said “Ready.”

Sam meanwhile looked at the wall and nearly nodded before recalling that there was a stone on his head. He merely started to take his steps, slowly and cautiously.

Each member of Weiss’ group took a couple of stones and prepared themselves to begin their assault in their own unique way. Weiss held them as anyone would hold a stone, Simon had them placed them between his fingers/claws, Rouge made a slingshot out of one of her vines and Pancha held a small boulder over her head with both hands.

“... dear, we are supposed to be teaching her, not crushing her.” the Roserade pointed out.

Char on his end just waited for the chaos to start as Sam took slow steps, ignorant of his sister standing not far from him, and the firing squad aiming at his general direction.

“We can be really evil when we want to.” Char hummed to himself with a chuckle.

Chapter Thirty-Three - Increasing the Stored Power

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In the basement of the apartment building, Bit was taking on that most important of roles: supervising. “Xavier, if you will lower those components another inch, it will match the designs I have within my systems. Greninja, Roa, if you can locate the blueprints again, it will be most helpful.”

Once again, if you knew where to look, you could see a slight smile in the Porygon-Z’s eyes. He was in fact thoroughly enjoying this.

Xavier moved the pieces just as Bit commanded, an interested look in his glaring eyes could be seen as well, although not as euphoric as Bit’s.

“I see you did take some time to put this up, is this system going to be patented in the near future?” asked the shiny Pokemon as Greninja kept the blueprints in sight with a steady hand, Roa on her end wasn’t faring as well as her arms constantly shaking.

“I-is this alright herr Bit?” asked the Zoroark timidly.

“That is fine, Roa. If you and Greninja will observe, Vincent and I drew up plans to install a new system of ventilation through the building so that the cool air this unit will produce can easily be moved around as required. I need you two to go to the places marked on the blueprints and begin installing these vents, along with the preliminary wiring.”

Bit’s beak then began to glow as he moved his head into the unit, to where the components touched the containing wall. “Charge Beam, focused mode. I believe the humans called this technique ‘arc welding.’”

With no more warning, the Porygon-Z began to fuse component and container with nothing more than raw electrical power.

“But why building a whole new system for the building when you could have used the original ventilation?” asked Xavier with curiosity as he looked at the positions Bit was mentioning on the blueprints. “Using the old one would also prove to be cheaper.”

Bit somehow replied while keeping his head focused. “Because linking the two systems would not be a good idea if a Fire-type were to be helping with the heating while an Ice-Type was helping with the air-conditioning. Keeping them separate minimizes the chances for anything to happen. It may be expensive, but it works.”

“Ingenious.” Admitted Xavier. “This will be a truly organic, self sustainable building. Something not even we had back home. But I find strange most equines have left their apartments so abruptly only because of the upcoming World Summit. Did something happen here to move them like that?”

“There was the event with PegasusAir. The manager of the shipping company was not, how to say...completely clean. She imported and exported everything. Everything. I stumbled across one of their money laundering operations in a casino, and that set them off. They desired to be rid of Pokemon in this city...and we took her down. Next part please.”

The story was abruptly interrupted by the program Pokemon requesting the next component for the air conditioning unit. “Here,” Xavier replied as he held the piece with his psychic grip. “I understand this Pegasus Air way of operations, but I do not see what does this have to do with the current state of Ponies towards Pokemon.”

“Thank you. Resuming Charge Beam.” The glow from within the unit resumed as the program picked the tale back up.

“Well, she employed a Trio to strike at us, me specifically. And one of their tactics was to have the newspapers print ‘disinformation.’ Attack stories on Pokemon. Apparently, they sell well, and the ponies see no reason to stop disliking us. Until we prove that we’re here to stay, and that we can offer so much more if we work together, do I think they will cease this senseless hatred. I think that’s done. Give it a minute to cool, and then we can install the cover over it. Where is the cover?”

The Metagross gave Bit the piece he was asking for as he give his point of view, “Control over information can win wars, definitely the head of this mob was somepony… did I just said that?” asked the Pokemon before continuing, “that it was a quite brilliant pony. The mere fact of the lasting results of the events you just described are proof enough of how right she was. Evil and greedy, but still quite brilliant. Hard to believe she would make such a mistake as to openly attack all Pokemon on sight.”

“She didn’t,” Bit said as he wedged the cover mostly into place. “But the gangs and the ones she employed did. They were greedier. She offered them fifty bits for every Pokemon they knocked out and brought to her to be ‘exported’ from the city. They snapped it up, and made the mistake of going for Sam. You don’t hurt a member of the family of Nurem.”

Bit’s eyes briefly flashed red as the concentric black rings were momentarily connected by a set of cross-hairs. “You never hurt a member of the Nurem family.”

“So I heard.” half joked Xavier. “So this boss is a female, intriguing. It appears this world posses a strong favor over females in contrast to our more masculine world. I wonder if these cultural phenomena will clash with one another at one point or if they will mix in the future.”

He give another thought and added, “I wonder if that would ever influence physically asexual creatures such as ourselves.”

Bit gave off his best attempt at a shrug. “No idea. Extrapolating on the future is pointless...until Vincent learns Future Sight, anyways. Or until an audience with Dialga is something that is easily granted.”

The program then turned back to the device they were working on and nodded. “Resume Charge Beam.”

As he welded the cover for the more delicate pieces into place, the program then asked a question of Xavier. “Information requested. What have you and the various members of Checkmate who accompanied you here today been up to since our last meeting?”

“Same thing of before, looking for this being who seems to be scheming something evil.” The tone Xavier was using didn’t show any kind of excitement or interest, in fact he seemed bored. “Is nothing we haven’t done before so there is little to say. We are in this situation because Daring Do is currently our employer.”

Xavier was silent for a moment before continuing.

“As a matter of fact, we are supposed to be contracted by the Griffin Empire, but we decided to help Daring on her little search mostly because we needed to go and find the rest of our team. So far we have found three of them since we left Griffenhiem.”

“I…” For a moment, Bit thought he heard actual emotion in Xavier's voice. “I must admit thought, it has been thanks to her than we became able to travel around these new lands and meet so many new persons. And I mean persons who don’t want us dead. Is quite a heavy change.”

Bit was silent for a moment as he considered the words of the Metagross. Eventually, he found something for the situation.

“As has been said before...This is a new world. The views, laws...and even morals from back on Earth...need not apply if you do not wish them to. Granted, re-inventing one’s self is no easy task. But it is one that both of our families apparently need to take up.”

The program fell silent as he continued the welding. Xavier again was silent for a moment before something unusual, he laughed, wholeheartedly.

“I must admit your knowledge little program. Even when I am supposed to be smarter, your mere and simple line of reasoning has few failures in it to argue against.”

He stopped to laugh and continued with his normal tone.

“Re-inventing myself huh? That is something I have done before, many times. I presume that is true to you and to most machine-like Pokemon. So can I, I’m not afraid of changing one more time. No, what intrigues me about this new world is how will it change my comrades. So far we have met one member who had been quite determined about her quitting the team.”

“She was in her right to do so, so we had no reason to stop her, although that didn’t stop Simon giving her a piece of his mind though. This facts are irrelevant as of now, but eventually all of my comrades will start to think about their position on this world and if they want to re-invent themselves. That is a thought I found intriguing, while my boss found it terrifying.”

“Vincent was ecstatic,” Bit mused as he pulled back from the unit, nodding once at his work. “Mainly because it meant he was no longer on Earth. Most humans seem to think that their ‘self’ is sacrosanct, that it must not be defiled or altered in any way. If Weiss is like that, I propose another ‘simple’ line of thinking.”

The program was smug as he recited another phrase to Xavier. “We all of us change every day in little ways. It is the process of growing and becoming a wiser, better individual. Change doesn’t have to be something that terrifies you. It can just as easily be for the better.”

“Is not that kind of change what scares him.” Xavier replied with his monotone, “but the fact of losing what he consider a family for years. I presume that even your brother would be scared of such idea.”

The Metagross lifted up the blueprints and asked, “Where next?”

Bit dinged as he looked the blueprints over. “Next, we would need to install the auxiliary refrigeration units. I believe they’re the large, clunky objects that were left on the cart.”

As the items in question were pointed out, the Porygon-Z sighed. “And you are far more correct than you know. I dread to imagine what would have happened had Vincent woken up alone in that field…”

Xavier’s eyes glowed for a moment and then Greninja, with Roa, left.

“I think it would have been good for him to form a character.” Admitted Vincent’s second teacher, “the kid is kind and bright, but also way too attached to his family, it wouldn’t be bad for him to learn to deal with others on his own.”

He thought for a moment and added, “Then again, he could have leveled the city if it wasn’t for you all, so I guess it was providence which brought you all together. A truly powerful show of that force known as luck. I doubt there could be someone luckier than you four.”


Elsewhere, a red cap wearing Pikachu sneezed quite loudly around his rather large family.


“I only hope we can have a bit of that luck and find the rest of our comrades, even I worry for their unknown circumstances.” Xavier looked at the Program Pokemon and asked, “If I were to make a petition, would you mind taking care of any of our comrades if you ever were to found them?”

“We already met a Queen, a Florges, named Titania in Canterlot. She was in the care of Seth Crescent and his family.” With a slight twinkle in his eye, the Porygon-Z turned to look at the Metagross. “So long as their first reaction to something new and strange is not ‘punch it,’ I think that can be arranged. Just arrange the auxiliary units like so,” Bit finished by pointing at the blueprint. “I’ll need a wire run between them and the main unit, after which I’ll have to weld a cover over them with enough space for a vent to run between it and the main unit here.”

“I know, she sent a message to all mail offices in the continent.” Replied Xavier as he did as instructed once more, placing both the cover and the wire with his mind. “She has never been one for subtlety. We will go and see her once we make our way back to Canterlot.”

“And I can’t promise my team will react another way, we do have to ‘punch first’ in order to survive.” Joked the shiny Pokemon.

Meanwhile Greninja and Roa returned with the piece Bit required.

“Charge Beam, Focused mode,” Bit said, taking up the welding role once more. “The only thing remaining once this is done is to run a cable from the generator in the next room over to the main and auxiliary units here, so that they have power.”

The program then fell silent as he contemplated what the Metagross had told him, before issuing a slight warning. “I do hope they know enough to not do it upon seeing our new residence. It has lasers now, ones that I control. And while they aren’t deadly, they also aren’t something that tickles upon getting hit with one. If they prove too unreasonable or violent…”

He let the sentence hang there as he focused again on his welding.

“Ooooohhhhh! So those ARE lasers!” commented Roa with slight fascination.

Xavier only chuckled, “And then you all will have a new hole in the wall. So be careful of how you deal with these guys, some are calm enough to understand, others... “ the silence the shiny Pokemon made was quite unsettling, “let’s just say the money of all the casinos won’t be enough for the repairs.”

Greninja only gave the tactician a blank look and sighed, he then looked at Bit and waited for further instructions.

Bit connected the final few cables and nodded, opening the main chamber of the main unit. He turned his disconnected head to Greninja and spoke. “Activate the generator.”

He then turned to Roa. “Monitor the units, make sure there’s no smoke or sparks.”

After which, he looked at Xavier. “Violence wouldn’t be our first recourse. But it seems to be a familiar language to the members of Checkmate. I merely thought to inform you of the lasers before one of your friends complained about being hit by one.”

Xavier simply smiled as Greninja and Roa did their part, or at least part of it.

“So I have to watch this… and stop it from turning into fire?” asked Roa with a doubtful voice.

“Power online,” Bit said, hearing the units kicking on. “Commencing with programming the units. One moment…”

Bit was silent for quite a while, before speaking up again. “Programming completed. Commencing with planned move to test the unit: Ice Beam, Focused mode.”

A beam of near solid blue light left the Porygon-Z’s ‘beak’ and impacted within the main unit. After which, he swung the door closed and nodded.

“Roa, the programming I set to the units should have the auxiliary units turn off if there is a detected source of cold air within the main unit. Tell me, do you hear them on at all?”

“... was?” asked the very confused Zoroark.

“He is asking if there is any sound coming from the thing you are looking at.” clarified Xavier.

“Oh, right…” a quick glance later, “is buzzing a bad thing?”

Bit shook his head and floated closer. “Interesting, it would appear as though this wire was slightly loose. A reason why the programming didn’t take. One moment.”

With a spark of electricity later, the wire was properly welded, and the unit stopped buzzing. “Excellent. Would you care to go upstairs and tell us if the air-conditioning is working?”

Without anyone noticing, a certain Ninja Pokemon had vanished from sight.

Xavier chuckled again as he added, “Greninja says is working just fine, and that he may stay up there for some minutes.”

“Excellent,” Bit proclaimed. “Then I declare the installation to be a success. All that remains is to install keypads in the apartments, so that the tenants may decide what temperature they desire and ‘order it up’, so to speak. Roa, if you would be so kind as to place one in every apartment, I will affix them to the walls and program them later.”

The Illusion Pokemon smiled, nodded, and then left with the pile of the keypads to place one in each apartment.

Xavier chuckled for a third time, a personal record. “I admit we are rather comfortable when visiting the Nurem family.” And then continued the work.

Moving from one pot to the next, Vincent idly checked the Berries. It was a distraction, really. He needed one, considering what his family had just volunteered him for. The other one took the form of the Sylveon who was practically salivating at the sight of the not-yet-ripe plants.

...You know it’ll be a few days before they’re ready, right?

Sylveon snapped out of his little trance and wiped some drool off his face. “Sorry about that, it’s just that it’s been so long in the harsh desert… it does wonders for a thing like hunger.”

“There, there dear. This is Vincent’s crop, you don’t want to be rude and ruin his hard work do you?” Added Valerie as she hovered besides them both.

“Very true my dear, so what should we do mister Vincent?” asked the Fairy-type as he did his best to not bite one of the Berries.

Well...mostly what I’ve done is look for a pony who knew what she was talking about regarding growing local plants, get a mess of pots, and stick a Berry in each one. Any advice beyond that is most certainly welcome. I mean, beyond the watering them bit. I’ve...never grown Berries before, so I’m kinda flying blind here…

The Kadabra rubbed the back of his head with one hand as he finished his statement, signaling his lack of knowledge to the others via his awkwardness.

“Well, I see the earth is okay. Quite a good choice I would add.” said Sylveon as he inspected what Vincent had so far. “Say, how do you plan to irrigate them?”

The Kadabra blinked and looked at a nearby watering can. Huh. Currently, we’re doing it manually...but if we intend to expand operations up here, we could probably use some sort of sprinkler system...maybe a greenhouse? Hadn’t thought of that…

Vincent absently stroked his mustache while muttering about how to best get a greenhouse on the roof.

“The sprinkler sounds like a great idea, but I wouldn’t recommend a greenhouse.” A long ribbon limb wiped out some sweat off his face as he said this. “Greenhouses are meant to keep crops warm in cold environments, I doubt such thing is needed here, although I do think a little roof over them would help. Too much sun can also be a bad thing.”

The Psychic blinked at the words of the Sylveon and looked at the roof in a new light. Yes...hadn’t thought of it like that. Hmm. A piece of shade...Ah! Idea! A piece of tinted glass, perhaps? No...what’s the word I’m looking for? Polarized? Bah...I want a piece of glass that can serve as a piece of shade for the Berries, but what I want, I don’t quite know the word for, and it irks me!

Vincent started to mutter again, this time conjuring up ideas every half-sentence before casting them aside.

“You mean filtered glass.” Corrected the Sylveon. “It’s good for shade, but also lets some sun rays to pass by. It’s the best thing you could get for a situation like this.”

“Well, I never expect you to be so knowledgeable regarding the how’s and do’s of a crop.” admitted Valerie with a smile.

“How else would I get those gorgeous Rosely berries?” replied her husband with his elegant tone, “I would definitely won’t get them from the market!”

Vincent turned to Sylveon and then, without even a moment’s hesitation, hugged him.

Ah! Thank you! And now that I know…

The Kadabra frowned as he considered, all while not letting go of the Eevolution.

...Drat. I doubt anyone stocks any such glass. Do you know how it’s made?

Sylveon didn't seem to mind sudden hug, in fact he returned it right away.

“I am afraid I do not know such, I would suggest asking the Pony folk if they know what such glass is. I wouldn’t doubt they already have it though, these creatures are quite impressive.”

“We are happy to see you enjoy your work mister Vincent.” Added Valerie with a smile of her own. “As the old proverb said: those who enjoy their job will not work a day of their lives.”

“I must admit her poetic side is quite cute.” Flirted the male fairy with a purring tone. “Don’t you agree mister Vincent?”

Hey, she’s your wife, not mine, Vincent said with a shrug. He then seemed to realize that he was in fact hugging another being that he didn’t seem to know all that well and gently set the Sylveon down before letting him go. The Kadabra coughed awkwardly, turning back to the pots with the Berries in them before replying to Valerie.

And it’s not that I enjoy my work...I’m merely thankful for anything that helps me get one step closer to my goal of making the ponies see that we can...and should, work together.

“Don’t worry, I am sure you will be doing things like this one day with your beloved lady of steel sooner or later.” Replied the eeveelution with a bit of obviousness.

Valerie seemed to focus on the last line Vincent had said.

“That is one honorable goal indeed. I wish I knew what to do in this new world myself.” She didn’t seem stressed by such thoughts though. “We are following Checkmate mostly because we have nothing else to do.”

“I am simply following my gorgeous mate.” Finished Sylveon with little to no shame.

Vincent smirked before turning back to the pair and winking. You didn’t hear this from me, understand? There’s a trainer up in Canterlot who’s going to try and bring back Pokemon Contests. His name’s Seth, and if he asks how you know, you could tell him I told you...but don’t go spreading the knowledge around just yet, it’s supposed to be secret for a while. If you’re hard up for things to do, I could think of worse places to be or worse people to be with.

“Well isn’t this some astounding news?” replied Valerie as she clapped her wings. “I hope I could join, but we would need Mawile to properly perform.”

“We can always try with you instead my dear.” Suggested her husband. “Mawile is cute in her own way, but you had nothing compared to her before coming here, so I don’t see why you shouldn’t give it a try as well.”

“Maybe because I don’t know how to actually perform dear?” Deadpanned back Valerie, although the tone was still quite joyful. “How about you mister Vincent? Will you participate?”

The Kadabra shook his head as he replied. Sadly, I think the refitting of this apartment building will take quite a bit of work and money. By the time it’s done, we probably won’t have nearly enough time for any of us to come up with a routine. Of course, Seth was also looking for more hands in the organizing of the contest…

Vincent let the bait dangle there. He hoped it wasn’t too obvious.

“He is looking for people to help organize the event?” Asked Valerie with even more dilated eyes, her husband didn’t seemed to be too behind on his enthusiasm as well.

“Does that mean we could help with things like lighting and stuff?” asked the eeveelution.

You’d have to check with him, Vincent said, a small bit of mischief evident in his eyes. But I can’t imagine organizing something on this scale is going to be easy at all. Play your cards right, and you’d probably end up helping him with this first Pokemon Contest in Equestria.


“Oh, I hope we can make it in time… think we can convince Weiss?” inquired Valerie.

Sylveon did seem to lose some hope at the mere thought.

“Well, they ARE mercenaries, so I doubt they have contests in high regards. Not to mention this whole Tlalo-whatever doing Arceus know what.”

Crud, he was losing them! Think, Vincent, think!

I might be able to spare you enough for two train tickets there, the Kadabra said, summoning twenty Bits to his right hand in a neat stack. And...oh, this’ll be rich...when you get there and find Seth, he’s a Luxray by the way, and his family, find the one known as Rika and tell her that she can pay me back by agreeing to at least give you two a shot, if not a helping hand. She’ll know what I mean, especially if you mention a shopping trip.

“Oh is a lovely gesture on your part mister Vincent,” admitted Valerie, “But I would like to take a chance and bring Checkmate with us. They do deserve some new experiences in life don’t you agree?”

“I couldn’t have said it better my dear.” added her husband. “And I would also like to point out that we know about mister Seth’s current form. My lady was able to see him once, although she was unfortunate about properly meeting him.”

“We will have a proper moment for that dear, we will.” Valerie finished.

The Psychic shrugged as he looked over the Berry plants. Fair enough, but the offer remains in case they say no.

He then walked over to one of the pots and pulled the watering can over to him. Any other tips you could give me regarding caring for these? We’ve only so many Berries to spare…

“Well, you could get some compounds, like manure or fertilizer, to increase the growing of the berries. Other than that: just be sure to give them lots of love!” FInished the Sylveon as his ribbons made a heart shape over his head.

“And may I ask, mister Vincent, what do you plan to do with the berries once they are done?” asked Valerie with curiosity as she helped with the watering as well.

Grow more, the Kadabra answered simply. With the surplus, though...I’ll give some to whoever decides to return to the apartment building. With so many ways for Pokemon and ponies to contribute to the running of this building, I hope for both of them to come here.

Nodding once at nothing in particular as he lay out his reasoning, the Psychic cast an eye back to the pair of Fairy-types. You know, since you seem to know so much about this...if this thing with Seth or Checkmate doesn’t work out for you, I’m fairly certain I could try to get you a place here if you want one. As long as you help with the garden.

“We truly appreciate the offer mister Vincent.” Said Sylveon with a sincere smile.

“But I am afraid this… place,” added Valerie as she look around at Las Pegasus. “Is not exactly of our style. We used to live in Laverre City you see.”

“It’s a polar opposite to this one.” Explained Sylveon as he had understand how little Vincent seemed to know about the world, their world at least.

Ah. Nodding once, Vincent sighed. Ah well. It would have been nice to have someone who knew what they were doing helping us. Well, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, but for now, let us finish with these Berries.

“Don’t worry mister Vincent, I am sure you can find someone even more experienced on this than us.” Said Valerie with a cheerful tone.

“Definitely… although having a permanent supply of berries just for living here does sound tempting.” Finished Sylveon with an almost sad look.

Sam took a step forward and heard the sound of incoming stone. He glanced to the right and saw Lucy standing there with her eyes still closed. He then recalled that he was supposed to keep the stone atop his head and decided to do one thing. Trust his ‘little sister.’

Lucy’s head snapped towards the threatened Scizor, her paws raised. She put on a burst of Extreme Speed and was between the rock and the Bug-type in an instant. Bursts of aura flashed from her paws, stopping the rocks while only slightly cracking them.

She then opened her eyes, casting a glare at the ‘firing squad’. “You...do realize how stupid a move that was, right?”

“You do realize you failed don’t you?” asked Weiss back as he looked at the cracked stones.

“Helping you to stay calm would also be a good training.” Added Rouge.

“If that is even possible.” Taunted Simon

“Besides, we are doing this for your own good!” Cheerfully joked Pancha.

“Not to mention we aren’t aiming anywhere in particular. If your brother gets hit it would be because of two reasons, one,” he played with another rock in his hand. “He had bad luck, and two,” then said rock impacted the wall behind the siblings quite hard, “you didn’t do your part.”

“Any more questions?” asked Simon as the group took a firing stance once more.

“You just did a good thing though.” Char praised Sam, “trusting in your team is a good call, however it won’t count in my evaluation over you. If you want to pass this little test, and thus move forward to more physical training, you have to be able to dodge the stones without Lucy’s help.”

Sam blinked before smirking. “Oh? Mary’s been helping me quite a bit. If it’s me dodging you’re after…”

His wings started to beat as he ducked his head, before tossing it up quite sharply, sending the stone flying. After which, the Scizor started to duck and twirl around the incoming rocks. Some came quite close to hitting him, but he managed to get by, barely. Sam came to a stop at the other side, looking up at the incoming rock from the start, and positioned his head just right to catch it.

“How’s that?”

“Well, that is quite the feat.” Praised Char once more. “To use your wings for balance and propulsion is a very smart thing to do, now try to come back here on a zigzag pattern, and do not throw the pebble this time.”

Lucy frowned before thinking about how to pass this challenge effectively. An idea came to her, and she focused the aura inwards, towards bolstering her own systems. Perhaps by controlling it more directly, she’d be able to avoid cracking the stones. She started to crack them less and less before finding the ‘sweet spot’. Once she hit it, though, she started to get bored, and thought of a question to ask them.

“Yeah, I’ve got a question. When Vincent and you parted ways last time, he picked up more power than normal...and recently, he said something about a psychic seal? What is that all about?”

“You will have to ask Xavier himself. He doesn’t like to talk much about his own Psychic Seal that much, we are still quite surprised he taught such a thing to Vincent.”

As they noticed Lucy had caught on their regular throws, the group decided to increase the difficulty as they now were throwing the stones with enough strength to break them at the mere impact.

“Now stay sharp! We are merely starting too!” Commanded Simon.

Lucy and Sam exchanged a look and nodded, the unspoken communication coming through loud and clear. Sam’s wings kept beating, propelling him on the path his mentor had picked out, but he didn’t quite dodge the stones this time. In fact, when one was about to hit him, he only barely jerked out of the way before smashing it himself with one of his claws, in order to make Lucy’s job easier.

Lucy, on the other hand, focused both her Quick Attack and Extreme Speed into herself, increasing her reaction times. That still left her the problem of the stones cracking upon being hit by her, and it took her a moment to come up with a solution.

Namely, don’t hit them. Let them hit her.

Her body functioned as a shield for the wall as the rocks impacted her frame, sending slight shudders through it. She knew she could take it, but for how long, was the important question.

“Not bad.” Praised Char for a third time. “I think we can move to more direct actions now.”

The execution squad on their end didn’t seem as happy.

“Does that count?” asked Simon with confusion.

“I think it does, although I would dare to say is not exactly what we expected.” Added Rouge.

“I would dare to say she found a plot hole in our idea. It’s not entirely a bad move, but is definitely dangerous in the long run. Especially if they were burning rocks instead. But we don’t have Burton to help us this time so we have to give her a slide and move on to the next subject, agreed?” He raised a hand.

The rest did the same, although not happily.

“Good, now to more direct stuff.” Said Weiss as he let the stones he had left fall. “Next subject, combat simulation.”

Sam tilted his head slightly and let the stone fall to the ground while rotating all his joints. Lucy hopped from behind a stone and landed next to him, doing similar warm-up exercises.

“You should know,” Sam started. “While we’ve recovered a fair bit from our time, that phrase still has a negative connotation with us.”

“One thing I learned from my time in the simulator,” Lucy said while raising one foot, “Is to get in the first shot. Another was Earthquake!”

She slammed it back into the ground, causing the nearby scenery to rumble as the attack took form.

“Then I presume we will have little problems with the next exercises.” Char said as he used a different word, but added. “Yet I would greatly suggest you try to get over those triggers. I understand that remembering the past is important. But being tied down to it is just dangerous.” And with nothing else to add, the Red Comet left the place, as he would like to have his training with Sam at a different place. “No offence miss Lucy, but I doubt we want to get into each other’s training from now on.”

Sam quickly followed after Char, hoping to avoid the fight to come, along with any of the fallout.

On Weiss' side, the Earthquake was a move they didn’t expect Lucy to make so casually. Luckily it wasn’t strong enough for Simon to feel it, yet Weiss did fall to the ground.

“A little warning next time!” shouted the former human from the ground. “Next phase, you versus Pancha!” He commanded.

Needless to say, the Wrestling Pokemon was pumped up. “Alright, time for some action!”

“Wait!” said Weiss as he stand up, dusting himself off. “The point will be giving Pancha a single but direct hit. That is all.” He then turned to the Flying/fighting-type and added, “You can’t hit her, but you can counter and dodge, got it?”

The news seemed to be a bit disappointing for Pancha, but she cheered up soon enough. “Okay then, this still looks promising!” And so she waited for Lucy to attack.

Lucy closed her eyes, the organs on the back of her head lighting up. “A Lucario taught me how to read the Aura, you know. Landing a hit is going to be a fun exercise for me, if short.”

Lucy was in Pancha’s face in seconds, a paw drawn back for a Force Palm.

Pancha didn’t stop smiling as she merely twirled around Lucy’s palm in a fashion to make her seem to be dancing instead of having dodged a move.

“Knowing where everything is, is one thing.” Said Weiss from his end as he looked for a place to seat at. “reacting to all is another.” He finally found a spot and sat comfortable as he made sure no debris would fall on him. “And hitting a member of Bishop is a whole different level.” He finished.

“Have any fours?” asked Simon as he and Rouge decided to pass their time with some cards.

“Go swimming.”

Lucy smirked in kind and swept out her right foot in a Low Sweep towards the Hawlucha. “This is more Vincent or Bit’s field, but the Aura helps fill in gaps by telling me what you intend to do. They’d be able to see two or three steps ahead, but one is more than enough for me.”

“That is not bad reasoning,” acknowledged Weiss, “but that would mean Pancha knows what she is going to do next.”

As to prove his point, Pancha seemed to be happily moving around at her own mental beat as she avoided Lucy’s flurry of attacks, even when many of them grasped on her feathers, none made direct contact. Lucy seemed to grow weary of the mercenary’s antics as she charged an Aura Sphere on one paw and used it as a boxing glove against the Hawlucha, hoping the special ability on the attack would secure a hit.

The sphere was doing its job as Lucy’s fist followed her erratic movement and was about to made a direct impact when the female Pokemon twirled again, sweeping one of Lucy’s feet and making her fall on her stomach, the Aura Sphere ‘cushioning’ the fall wasn’t precisely a good thing either as the resulting detonation proved.

Outside, the Scizors winced at the sound of an explosion coming from within. “Seems they have started.” Pointed out Char.

“Yeah, little sis was never one for half-measures. I think they had to repair the room half-a-dozen times because she punched or kicked too hard.” Sam flexed his wings and kept rotating his joints, waiting for the instruction to begin.

“Okay, I think you have stretched long enough.” Joked Char as he could see the apprehension building up on his fellow Scizor’s face at each explosion coming from the warehouse. “But don’t worry, I won’t be as drastic as my comrades.”

The Claw Pokemon snapped his neck a couple of times as he thought what to start with.

“Mhm… you already know how to use your wings for balance and propulsion, so I guess we can speed things up, and you also show potential, so I would give you the training Lala went through.”

The veteran gave Sam an inquisitive look as he grinned and asked. “Think you will be able to handle it?”

Sam gulped, but gave a hesitant nod. “I’m willing to let a Sandslash with claws that haven’t met their match train me in being nimble, if only to avoid having my armor scratched by said claws. I think I can handle this...and if not, I’ll let you know if it becomes too much.”

“That is the spirit.” Said Char with the utmost care as he placed a claw with absolute care over Sam’s shoulder. The he said a single word. “Dodge.” At this point, his other claw had become a blur.

Upon hearing that word, Sam instinctively ducked his head and stepped back from his fellow Scizor. “Not you too! Did you and Mary go to the same dojo or something?!”

“Then I have to meet this Mary at least once.” Char calmly said as he lifted his claw from the ground, a massive hole having been left in the concrete by it. “She seems to be quite knowledgeable about training regimes.”

And he appeared before Sam as a Bullet Punch glowed on both of his claws. Again, a single line was said.


Sam kept leaning back, seeing each claw as it was rocketing towards him and taking measured steps back, not wanting to use up all of his space. “Pancha might like her, the two seem like kindred spirits. Now when are the real attacks going to happen? I haven’t even had to touch Agility yet!”

“That sounds dangerous.” Calmly said Char as he keep throwing his claws around Sam’s body, he didn’t seemed to be that focused on making impact, unlike his comrade. “I bet she can become quite frightening as well then.” As he said this, the bolley of Bullet Punches stopped while the mercenary twirled on one of his legs, now giving Sam a simple but clean kick right on the chest. “And I think I told you to dodge!”

Sam wheezed a little as Char made contact. “Fine. Agility it is, then!” The altered Scizor’s form blurred slightly, and the mentor suddenly had a slightly harder task on his claws.

“It’s a good speed, I give you that.” Admitted Char, but then he brought his own Agility burst to bear, following Sam a step ahead of each of his own movements. And even when he was no longer attacking him, his mere presence behind him was enough to preach his teaching.

Sam gulped as he kept feeling his mentor’s presence nearby. “Oh yeah. Y’know, funny thing, usually when I pull this with Mary, it’s enough to get her to stop...don’t suppose you’d be as obliging?”

“I’d like to remind you she was teaching you how to move, I am teaching you how to survive.” Said calmly Char, then the warehouse came down. “And I think that is our cue to leave this here, we will continue this another time.” And with nothing else to say both Scizors dashed at the rubble.

(Wait...what? Rewind that by about five minutes!)

Lucy groaned as the impact from her own attack hit her, before turning to look at the still standing and slightly smirking Pancha. She blinked as an idea occurred to her, seeing another loophole. The Lucario parted her jaws slightly, causing a slight glow to build up in her mouth.

“Lucy? You okay?”

The female Lucario just smiled wider and let loose the Dragon Pulse directly at the flying/fighting type.

Pancha took the attack head on as she blinked a few times to remove the soot from her eyes while she coughed a small cloud.

“I’m afraid that doesn’t count… but it was nice thinking.” Weiss admitted while Pancha looked at the afro which appeared over her head.

“Hey, me gusta!” she admitted.

“Technically,” Lucy said as she pulled herself up, “You said I had to hit her. You never said how. Oh how I wish Heal Pulse could work on me.”

“And they are at it too.” Noticed Simon as another explosion could be heard.

“I said hit her directly, as with your fists, special attacks won’t count!” clarified Weiss.

“Come on, this is fun Lucy: si se puede, si se puede!” Cheered Lucy’s opponent.

Lucy growled slightly as her minor victory was snatched from her. “Fine...give me a second to recover...and I can go again. I either hit my target quickly, or I get tired. Denser bones and all.”

“We have some time,” said Weiss carefreely.

“Ehm… no we don’t,” said Simon. “Remember the whole Tlaloque stuff?”

“Oh, right, ehm… Pancha you can attack now!” He added.

“Okay!” happily replied the Hawlucha, only to turn to look at Lucy with a slightly more sinister look in her eyes. “I am sorry mi’ja, but this will hurt!” The sound of knuckles being cracked made her sentence all the more scary.

Lucy’s eyes widened at the sound of the Hawlucha getting ready to hit her, and she drew on her training sessions with Maylene and her partner. “Oh this is going to be interesting.”

The Lucario’s form glowed a slight blue as the organs on the back of her head started to blaze. “It’ll only hurt if you can catch me, and I have no intention of going slow!”

Once again combining both Extreme Speed and Quick Attack, Lucy seemed to teleport while leaving a glowing blue afterimage behind.

As soon Lucy seemed to teleport, Pancha kept her stance as if nothing had happened, calmly looking at the vanishing after image, until suddenly she turned and raised a claw, grabbing a still speeding Lucy by the snout.

“Who said I needed you to be slow?” she asked as she then proceeded to slam Lucy on the ground with enough force to cause a new, but weaker, Earthquake. A cloud of dust followed right after. Then the dust dissipated to reveal Pancha was no longer around, but she made sure to show where she was as she shouted.

“Flying Press!”

Lucy looked up to see the incoming Pancha, and her session with the rocks flashed into her head.

Don’t try to hit the rocks, let them hit you.

Assuming the rule was still ‘Hit Pancha directly,’ she could use this. She could very much use this. Just when she knew the Hawlucha couldn’t pull out of the attack, Lucy put on a penultimate burst of speed to dodge out of the way. She was saving the last dregs of her energy for a final, cheeky move.

The Lucario pulled herself up and turned to face Pancha again, one paw raised. “Well?” She said while curling it a few times, the universal signal for ‘bring it.’

“Not bad.” Said Simon over his Battleship board.

“She is still alive, that is indeed a reason worth praising.” Complimented Rouge. “H-5”


“But this may soon end.” Added Weiss.

“Very well then, because you asked for it, here comes my ultimate move!” Ass she said this, light began to gather behind her. “Ssssssssssssskkkkyyyyyy…!”

“And this is over.” Said Weiss calmly as he stand back up, as he could almost predict what would happen next.

Lucy merely smirked, having already prepared her move. Or rather, prepared the stage. She was standing in front of one of the support beams for the roof. The roof that Bit had damaged. All it would take is an ‘ultimate move’...and Pancha was providing.

“Again, not a bad idea.” Said Weiss as he looked at Lucy’s plan: wanting for Pancha to hit the pillar and then get the roof to restrain her. “But...!”

Then it all ended.

“Attack.” Came Pancha’s cheerful voice, but not from where she was, but right behind Lucy and the pillar.

“Pancha may not be the fastest of the team, but she sure is the stronger Bishop.”

With seconds of delay, Lucy could feel the impact of the Sky Attack as it make her collide and blow the pillar to smithereens, gravity didn’t take long to play its part as well.

“Simon!” Weiss shouted before the roof hit the ground, which it did in less than a few seconds with a very sonorous crash.

(Ah, that's what happened. Okay!)

“And here I was hoping she would hold herself back a little.” Said Rouge as she and Weiss walked out the dust caused by the sudden demolition.

“Pancha, show some restraint?” asked Weiss with incredulity. “Is that even possible?”

“Hey! Showing restrain is far more difficult that you think.” Defended the also not so good at restraining Simon as he came out of the ground with Lucy.

“That was so awesome!” Exclaimed Pancha with little to no concern.

Lucy growled and struggled free of Simon’s grasp before walking up to Pancha and cuffing her upside the head. “You ruined my plan completely! My bones are dense, you know this, and you still threw me into the pillar! I had been counting on you hitting it, which would have only made it crack and slowly break! Throwing me into it made it happen far faster!”

Sam raised a claw and opened his mouth before seeming to reconsider and lower it while shaking his head. “Nope. Not asking. I know better.”

“You are welcome.” Sarcastically said Simon.

“Hey! Is not my fault that thing was so freaking weak!” Said Pancha on her defense, not seeming to mind one bit about her current hold.

“You sure learn fast boy.” Said Char with a chuckle as he too keep his mind away of whatever happened.

“We have caused enough… redecoration for one training season.” Said Weiss, “How about we continue this another time?”

“Assuming you’re still here,” Sam said. “Lucy, what were you thinking?”

The Lucario growled again. “I was trying to get her to hit the pillar, so only a small section of the roof would fall in and restrain her, so I could...land...a hit…”

Lucy blinked and held her paw up to eye level, the same paw she had just used to cuff Pancha, before grinning wildly. “Oh. Oh tell me I did not just complete your little challenge Weiss.”

“Well I be damned!” Said Simon with surprise.

“We never did said the match was over…” Weiss seemed to think for a minute before saying, “You pass kid.”

“Congratulations!” Applauded Pancha, still under Lucy’s paw.

“Dear, you do realize you just took a building down with her, right?” Asked Rouge with disbelief. “As in you literally use her to hit the main pillar down!?”

“Ah, little details. I give my all and yet she come through it, I say this niña deserves my recognition!” Retorted Pancha.

“And she is still alive too so, that is a plus right there.” Added Char.

“I’d suggest leaving the building out of the retelling when you inform Vincent as to what we’ve been up to,” Sam said.

Lucy nodded in agreement, before realizing the lateness of the hour. “Hey, didn’t some of you have a plan for him tonight?”

“Oh yeah!” Said Simon with a very slow pronunciation.

“I think he will find out eventually, but I don’t see why we should be the ones telling him.” Weiss shrugged their concerns off as they began to walk away, some of the remnants of what once was a warehouse still falling apart.

“So with the boys out, tonight…” Began Rouge, only for Pancha to catch on her line of thought and finish her sentence.


Lucy blinked a few times, the concept not something she was familiar with. “Um?”

Sam just laughed. “Oh boy. I can already see me talking to Ace about the destruction these two separate groups are going to wreak. ‘No officer, what Vincent was doing was completely unrelated to what Lucy was doing.’”

“Sounds like any of our group vacations.” Coolly said Weiss.

“And who is this Ace?” asked Simon with curiosity. “She sounds quite important.”

“Oh you know, only the local captain of the guard around here,” Sam said. “She and her husband trade off the day and night shifts. And she may or may not be holding a grudge against us for those things we told you about earlier in Manehatten.”

“Oh! The royal guard.” Said Weiss with fake respect. “Yet another one we must definitely not cross paths with.”

“Don’t worry dear, we won’t be having such a night as the ones this ruffians will be having.” Said Rouge in a protective manner.

“We are going to get this town so hammered!” Exclaimed Pancha.

“Ehm, I did said the ruffians will be the ones doing the havoc didn’t I?” added the Poison-type.

Lucy smiled weakly and nodded, already trying to determine if she could put on another burst of speed and whether it would be enough to get away from this madness. “Sounds...fun,” she tersely said.

“Don’t worry dear, she had some exercise today, she won’t be as lively.” Asure Rouge to Lucy.

“So who is up for some Tequila!” Shouted Pancha, which made her friend facebouquet.

Sam laughed and shook his head. “Well I hope you all have fun and take care while you educate those two. I’ll not be joining you. Someone needs to be sober and look after the apartment building, and if you intend to intoxicate the younger kids, then that duty will fall to me.”

Lucy gulped at the thought of being forcibly introduced to alcohol. “Traitor,” she hissed.

Weiss laughed at Lucy’s words. “Welcome to the betrayed crowd, how does it feel?” he asked with sarcasm.

And so they left the rubble behind.

They arrived at the apartment house to leave Sam there, as they also find out that Daring had been diligent on her own mission, and now had a couple of boxes with many different liquors.

“Let’s see…” Said the leader as he inspected the contents. “We have scotch, whiskey, rum, tequila,” the bottle was tossed to Pancha who greedily grabbed it, “cider, eggnog, some colas, and mineral water.”

“I would say we are ready to go.” Concluded Simon with a happy grin.

“I would suggest we also bring some snacks,” said Gold.

“That is actually a good idea… wait, you are coming too?” asked Weiss.

“Well, I helped with this selection, so I think I deserve to be part of this hangover as well.” He said as he kept a bottle of ginebra in his hands.

Sam merely waved at the two parties as they took the youngsters out of the apartment. “Take care, and try not to kill them by alcohol poisoning. I’ll want them back by morning.”

Bit came down after having finished installing the last keypad and beeping. “Building is wired, and the ponies that Vincent asked for are in the basement modifying the heater. Once this is done, all that will remain will be the water tank on the roof to obtain, as well as the piping to hook it into existing systems, and the building will be ready for occupation once more.”

Vincent perked up at that and turned to look at the program. Ah, wait, add a thing to that list. Filtered glass for the roof, to serve as shade for the Berries, and enough supplies to hold it up above them.

The Porygon-Z dinged after a moment. “Added to the ‘to-do list’. I will see about obtaining these things tomorrow, assuming nothing else comes up.”

Lucy looked at Pancha and Rogue before whimpering. “Uh...you will be careful with us, right?”

“Don’t worry dear.” Said Valerie as she flew besides Lucy, a reassuring smile on her lips. “I will be there to be sure you keep to a good and moderated limit.”

“Same goes from me.” Said Valerie’s husband as he stood beside Vincent.

“You guys didn’t think we would be sitting this one out, did you?” Asked Daring as she too sat beside Lucy, Roa whimpering behind them all.

“I-if is okay with you of course…”

“What about you two?” Said Weiss to Xavier and Greninja.

“I am immune to such things like alcohol, so I think my presence in this evening of yours will be pointless. However, I will keep a mind link so I can assist you in case Vincent proves to be unable to keep his alcohol.” Was the rather short reply the Metagross give.

Greninja on his end just give a negative wave of his head as he simple stayed close to Bit, as if saying we would prefer to help the program.

“Okay then, I presume Edge will be going with you girls as well.”

On cue, Edge perched herself by a window, a party hat already adorning her head. “Where do we go first?”

Vincent and Lucy blinked, hell, Bit blinked at the sight of a party hat atop the Noivern’s head that actually fit her. Bit then turned and started to go downstairs while muttering something that sounded like ‘nope’ over and over again.

Sam just chuckled at the sight and waved one claw at the assembled ‘mon. “G’on, get outta here you lot. And make sure you don’t break anything that you can’t afford to replace.”

Greninja seemed to smile as he went down after Bit.

The group let out a collective ‘Allright’ which varied depending on each individual, some were eager, others afraid, but most of them were happy. Happy to know that even after such a dimensional change, both groups who once lived on the dark side of the world, were now enjoying each other’s companies.

“And I don't promise to not break something!” Shouted Simon at the end as both parties left the apartment

The boys took the closest road which would lead them to the desert, asking Vincent to use a ping to know any good spot to get wasted without wasting the city, but also without being a waste of their night.

The girls on the other hand left towards the lively city, the lights already inviting them to do all sort of things.

Chapter Thirty-Four - Induced Amnesia

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“Okay miss Lucy, this is your town so what should we start with?” Asked Valerie.

“I would say we can leave the drinking for last, although we can get a cup or two.” Added Rouge.

“Ehm, I don’t want to be the materialist of the group but: how are we paying for this?” Asked Pancha.

“Isn’t obvious?” Replied Edge as she walked behind the group. “We have a best seller writer's credit, the money of a mob group and the best currency of all.” She made a dramatic pose before saying the next part, “Imperial I.O.U.s!!”

“Just don’t go and empty my account.” Said Daring with sarcasm while also adjusting her pith hat.

“Just to ask…” timidly asked Roa, “What is alcohol?”

“Sam told me once,” Lucy said while pulling a face of disgust. “Apparently it lowers inhibitions. Depending on how much you drink, you can either just be a little tipsy, or you can make all sorts of...interesting decisions. I would honestly prefer to not have any, but I don’t think I’m getting a choice,” she finished while shooting a slight glare at Pancha. “As such, I’ve no idea which of these places would be best to visit.”

Roa trembled, a lot, at Lucy’s explanation. Yet, Valerie seemed to catch on to her trepidation as she placed a wing over her shoulder.

“Don’t worry dear, you don’t have to drink if you don’t want.”

“Yup, the one we are getting stoned is miss dense here.” Joked Pancha.

“Darling, wrong ‘poison.’” Clarified her friend.

“So if none of you girls wanna pick a place, then it falls on me to lead this into a good night!” Proclaimed Daring quite heroically. “I say we first assault… there!”

A raised hoof pointed at a rollercoaster right on the middle of a miniature version of Manehatten.

“That should be enough to raise the adrenaline a bit.” Proudly said the explorer, only to receive a scoff from Edge.

“That, please, I can fly faster in my sleep.”

“Okay, you can sit this out if you want.” Calmly said Daring as she continued to walk toward the uncanny attraction. “It’s okay to be ‘scared’ after all.” She taunted at the end.

“Oh you did not!” Edge proclaimed.

Lucy sighed at the sight of the rollercoaster before turning to Roa and softly shaking her head. “Yeah...it’s not for everyone...but I’ll give it a shot. One.”

“One is all we need!” Replied Pancha with a grin as she pushed both Lucy and Roa toward the huge contraption. Edge, surprisingly, was going behind them as well.

“Oh yeah, we are going to have so much fun with this…” she said with very faked enthusiasm. “huhu!”

The line was long, yet the attraction was so fast it took them only a few minutes to reach the carts. Surprisingly, again, there was a cart large enough for Edge to fit in, apparently it was made for larger creatures like Minotaurs and Griffins. Although Edge still had to use four seats instead of one.

“I know is redundant but I have to ask,” shouted Daring among the excited screams from the rest of the Ponies, and Pokemon, taking the ride. “Have you girls ever been on one of these before?”

“I get kicked out of amusement parks because I never drop them!” Honestly replied Pancha.

“I am the one who ends making her ‘drop them’” Added Rouge.

“My life is a rollercoaster.” Colly, but nervous, said Edge.

“Why would people find these interesting?” shouted Roa as the carts began to back down.

“They are nice once you get over the initial fright!” Reassured Valerie, although she didn’t seem as calm.

“I’ll let you know when that happens,” Lucy said, eying the thing with more than a hint of trepidation. Being a fighting-type from birth, she had more than a slight fear of heights.

A constant ticking resounded as the machine dragged the carts to the start of the fall. Then there was the sound of steam being magically pumped into the catapult, and finally a couple of Pegasi flew by to take a last inspection. With a hooves up gesture, the team cleared the area.

There was nothing but a single ‘clang’ sound, and then the carts were propelled by the steam and let gravity do the rest. First there was a long perpendicular fall, followed up by a couple of tight turns, a small drop and a pronounced climb, only to fall once more and directly into a double 360° loop. Finally was another tight turn, but at this point, the force behind their speed was definitely weaker. At last the carts stopped and the security belts were released.

“That was so amazing!” Shouted Pancha as she literally jumped off her seat. “Let’s go again!”

“Come on dear, we still have a long night to go…” calmly replied Rouge as she did her best to keep her food in her stomach. “Besides, you can come back later, okay?”

“Okay…” sadly accepted Pancha, “But we have to come together right!?”

‘DEAR ARCEUS NO!’ Mentally shouted the Roserade.

“That was quite exciting I must admit.” Acknowledged Valerie.

Meanwhile Edge was doing her best to keep her food in her stomach, the noises which came from the nearest bush would seem to mean she failed epically.

“So much noise…” she upchucked before continuing with, “why do people like this!?” and more of her previous meals fell into the shrubbery.

“Oh come on, it wasn’t that bad, right girls?” Asked Daring to Lucy and Roa.

Lucy was holding on to a nearby bench, breathing heavily. “I thought...I thought we hadn’t taken any drinks yet...why is the world spinning if that’s the case…?”

“...” Roa kept silent as she looked at the rollercoaster, her fur bristling at the screaming sounds coming from another ride, and then she turned with a sharp smile, “THAT WAS SO AMAZING! The adrenaline pumping and the constant movement, the constant screams at each new turn and the huge amount of fear roaming on the air! Oh! it was almost as going into a hunt! Although I was trying to keep my food from going out instead of making it go in. das ist die beste Sache überhaupt!

“And we have a winner!” Proclaimed Daring as she hold Roa’s paw up. “Sorry Pancha, but she beat your enthusiasm fair and square.”

“You win now, but I shall prevail!” the Hawlucha replied quite dramatically, meanwhile her friend looked more calm now that there was somemon looking forward to ride with Pancha again instead of her.

“But enough of this, the adrenaline is good to go, now lets get us some endorphins!” And with that said, Daring guided the group towards their next, and probably more interesting, destination: the night clubs.

Lucy slowly seemed to regain control of her stomach and noticed their destination before sighing. “Let’s get this over with…”

Almost a block away from the nearest club, Edge stopped once more. “Nope! We are not going there!” She redundantly proclaimed.

“Ahg! What now?” Exasperatedly asked Daring.

“I am sorry but we aren’t even there and I am starting to hear the wubs, and trust me, you don’t want me dizzy when we start.” Edge explained.

“Are you kidding me!? It’s a night club, all night clubs have loud music at this hour! Where to you want to go, some country club or something like that?”

“Hey, I am sorry, but I see through these,” points a wing at her ears, “So I have to be careful with them!”

“Perhaps, I should be able to assist you in this.” Said Valerie as she flew close to Edge, “Now hold still my friend, this will only last a second.” And then her body shone. “There you go.”

“Okay, what…” the dragon paused for a moment, and then, in a much louder tone, asked, “WHAT DID YOU DO!?”

“Yeah… that… explain.” Said Daring with curiosity.

“Not much really, just a dafting spell, it may not be too useful in normal occasions, but it is just what we need right now.”

“THAT IS AWESOME!” Shouted Edge again.

“But why is she screaming this laut?” Inquired Roa as she kept a paw on her ear.

“I would dare to say that is because she has such a good hearing, that she found having a more normal level of audition similar to being actually, well, daft!” Valerie explained.

“You will tell me how you learned that, but later. For now, there is a club with our names on it!” And with nothing else to add, they once again made their way toward one of the many night clubs.

“Your names?” Asked a rather tough looking Earth Pony with an earpiece, a similar looking Toxicroak standing right beside him as they both took care of the door.

“I am Celestia’s 1000th nice.” Said Daring as she put the hundred bit bill on the stallion’s hoof.

“A good number.” He happily replied, “This way ladies.”

The group make it in with no other problem as the other guard gave them a “Enjoy the night!” with a playful wink.

They went through a long and dark hallway until they reached a door which seemed to be pulsating with each soundwave.

“Okay girls, this is it. You are ready?” Daring asked to the group, but actually she was looking at Roa and Lucy.

Lucy sighed but nodded once before looking at Roa with a raised eyebrow. The Zoroark swallowed audibly, despite the vibrating sounds around them, and nodded as well as she turned to Lucy, “W-we girls have to stay together, r-right…?” she timidly asked.

“That is the spirit!” Daring and Pancha, for some reason in unison, replied as they both kicked the doors open, letting the full blast of the dubstep hit the group head on and the spinning light show from the magical light blind them as they made their way in.

The place was packed to the brim with many creatures, both from Equus and from Earth, and yet they all seemed to be females, as this appeared to be a female only club, although there was a stallion or two.

“Okay, good start for you girls.” Screamed Daring as loudly clear as she could. “This place is rather ‘clean’ from any lecherous hunter. But that means we chaperones would be on our own…” she said at the end mostly to herself.

Rouge and Pancha seemed to catch on to this as well, as they too seemed slightly disappointed.

“Ah well, let’s look for a table!” Ordered the explorer.

“What did I get dragged into?” Lucy muttered to herself. “Why did I let myself get dragged into this?”

It took them almost half an hour, and a very intimidating glare from Edge, for the girls to get a seat. A rather comfortable table close to the stage, as it appeared the club had some sort of event despite having a DJ playing, yet pretty far away from the bar.

“Well, I guess it could be worse, we could have no table.” Admitted Daring as she then said. “I will be having a beer, you girls?”

“A pina colada for me.” Asked Edge.

“I would like a mint julep.” Properly requested Rouge.

“Charro negro!” Barged in Pancha.

“I think… I will have… this one!” Said Valerie while looking at the little menu they had on the table, and which no one had cared to look at before. “A caipirinha, it such a nice sounding name.”

“That only leaves us with you two,” said Daring as she looked at the neophytes. “I guess we can start with something soft, how about some cider?” she suggested.

“Whatever won’t ruin the experience for me,” Lucy replied. “I’d like to form an honest opinion on my own, and not because the drink was supposed to taste like fire.”

“So you want something strong, but not that strong?” Inquired Daring with a grin.

Roa, meanwhile, looked at the menu as well.

“Strong enough to feel, but without an aftertaste that will make me regret it,” Lucy shot back.

“If that is what you want then, an appletini for you it is, and you Roa?”

The Zoroark yelped at the question, and just put her finger on the first thing she found: a cola.

“Okay then.” said Daring simply as she and Rouge went for their drinks, leaving the girls waiting and Roa with a slight sense of defeat. Lucy went to place a paw on the Zoroark’s shoulder in a comforting fashion.

“It’s okay, like I said, it’s not for everyone.”

Roa just smiled back at her new friend.

A few minutes and some elbow punches later, Daring and Rouge were back with the drinks.

“Well, isn’t it getting crowded all of a sudden.” Pointed out the Roserade as she placed the drinks on the table.

“So it seems huh?” Noticed Daring as she did the same. “I presume it has to do with the stage.”

With the drinks in place and all the girls sitting around them, Daring held up her beer and proclaimed. “Before we start I would like to give a toast, so who goes first?”

Lucy nodded and held her drink up. “To new friends in this new, yet now familiar, world. May our bond never weaken.”

“Good start,” proclaimed Daring as Edge used her wings to hold her straw up, since her wings didn’t let her raise her beverage in such a crowded place.

“For new thrills, may bright skies shine upon us and strong wings carry our dreams!”

“For peace.” Calmly said Rouge, “a luxury we haven’t experienced until now. May it keep lasting for now and more.”

“For the heck of it!” Proclaimed Pancha. “May we enjoy this noche to its fullest, and hopefully we may remember it.”

The group laughed nervously.

“For love.” added Valerie as she raised her drink with both wings. “May it keep us company all day and night. And may it find those good girls who still have to have one true love.” she giggled as she looked at the lonely ones, namely the rest of the group. Save Lucy of course.

“For… family…?” slowly said Roa, “as it’s not made by blood ties…” she smiled warmly as she finished. “but by the people who are there for you. May it keep growing stronger and larger.”

Valerie couldn’t stop herself from hugging the PLA member after her words.

“Ahem,” now was Daring turn to begin. “For adventure, because what would life be without it? Lets make out of our lives the greatest stories this world have ever witnessed!”

And thus, the girls gave in unison a “Cheers!” and proceeded to take a few sips from their own beverages. Some more than others, as both Daring and Pancha placed their now empty glasses on the table with a sonorous ‘clung.’

“Ah! I been missing this thing.” Daring exclaimed, “how about you?” she then asked of the Lucario.

Lucy softly swirled her appletini while contemplating the flavor. “Sweet, a hint of bitter, and while I can taste the alcohol, it’s not overpowering. Not a bad introductory drink.”

“Wow, since when did you turn into Bit?” asked Pancha with confusion.

At the mention of the program, Lucy seemed to slump a bit. “I...had him play back some files from his time in the mainframe. The Doctor had a ritual when he had alcohol: one drink a year on Halloween. Whatever was wrong with his head...the alcohol helped him to ignore it for that night. I was expecting something similar, but I don’t feel it ye-”

The Lucario trailed off as she seemed to waver in her seat, apparently losing her center of balance. “This is...different…”

“I’m willing to bet that is a new record in lightweights.” Pointed Edge out.

“What kind of drunk you girls think she is?” Proposed Pancha, “my money is on a crying one!”

“Darling please!” retorted her friend. “Is not polite to make such things to a lady. Besides she is obviously the friendly one.”

“I only hope she isn’t the angry or aggressive one.” Said Daring as someone decided to join Lucy that surprised her.

“Yo girls, have you noticed how flaring these lights are… oh wait they are the roof lights… then why are they moving?” Asked a now more than tipsy Valerie.

“Oh right, I forgot.” Mentioned Edge. “Weak to poison.”

Lucy turned to look at Roa and the only words that could be used to describe her at that moment were ‘interested’ and ‘intrigued’ “Hey Roa...did you know you’re fluffy? C’mere…”

“... eh?” Roa asked back, even though she didn’t back away from Lucy.

“You know my husband has this odd fetish, he likes to go and make me use these toys to…”

“Okay! that is for another night!” Cut in Daring before anything could be said. “Jeesh, I knew we would have to take care of Lucy, but I didn’t expect to baby sit Valerie as well.”

“But that is strange.” Noticed Pancha. “Her drink is still full.”

At a glance it seemed that she had given just a sip to her glass and that seemed to be enough.

“Let me see…” Said Edge as she took a small amount, only to puke it right away. “Ppppfffff!” What the heck is this thing? Sugar covered in sugar!?”

“My turn.” Said Rouge as she took a sip from the glass in question. “Well the sugar levels are definitely high and… oh my” suddenly, a couple of her petals changed colors. “This thing has quite the punch.”

“Explain…” said Daring as she took a small drink of the same glass.

“Roserades change their color and perfume depending on the toxins of the ground, the more dangerous the poison, the more drastic the change!” Valerie quickly replied without taking a breath. “What…? I have to know these things to protect my hubby from those ugly Poison-types… no offence Rouge… please don’t hate me!”

“None taken.” Said Rouge with chuckle. “It appears Valerie is a talkative kind of drunk.”

“You don’t say!” Proclaimed Edge.

“And what kind is Lucy then?” Asked Roa, still under the Lucario’s paws.

“Y’er fluffy,” Lucy said simply, pawing at the Zorark’s fur. “Fluffy and warm. Why can’t Vinny be this fluffy?”

“The curious one.” Calmly replied Daring. “Relax, as long as her curiosity is satisfied she won’t do anything drastic.”

Pancha on her end snorted, “Heh, Vinny. I knew she had nicknames for him.” Then Pancha smirked. “Say, Lucy, do you have any other curiosities regarding ‘Vinny’?”

Lucy nodded, not even looking at Pancha, more interested in hugging Roa from behind so that she could get closer to the fluff she was so enamored with. “Oh yeah, I know loads of things about Vinny. Whatcha wanna know?”

“My stars, Pancha! How did you even consider this,” said Rouge surprised. “I am impressed with how smart you can be. Would it be because of the alcohol?”

“Hush!” Replied Pancha, “Is there anything in special that he likes to do to you? You know…” and then she waited.

Lucy, somehow, blushed even more, and shook her head. “Nah, we haven’t done anything like that yet. Vinny said something about wanting to find some brain bleach first...get the images out of his head from when he pinged the city the first time.” Her look then turned sultry. “I offered to let him show me what he meant...but he just stuttered and changed the subject.” She huffed and went back to examining Roa’s fluffy coat. “Why does he have to be such a nice guy about that? ...If he wasn’t I probably wouldn’t love him as much, come to think of it…”

“Auch, can’t blame him if the first thing he saw was the cream of the crop in the city of sins.” Said Daring as she returned to the table with a new beer, as well as a big bowl with cheese nachos. “Here, eat.” She ordered rather than offered.

“But you know dear, being a good mate isn’t only doing what the other tells you to do.” Pointed out Rouge as she took another sip. “I mean, I am sure there had been times you have been the one ordering him around. How do you feel in those times?”

“s’not really all that different,” Lucy said in between bites of her chip. “I was always the one he listened to before, when he got lost in the past...though now it’s nice to know that he’s listening to me for me. I reign in his anger, he reigns in my pro...pro...my guarding instincts. We’re good for each other.”

“So you both have a balanced role as the leader then?” Asked Daring.

“Then you can make him show you, can’t you?” Asked Pancha with an evil grin.

Lucy blushed again before slowly shaking her head. “I...I respect him too much to force him into anythin’. We basically grew up together. I don’t wanna force him before he’s ready.”

“That is actually very mature from you dear.” Praised Rouge.

“It’s a young love, what would you expect?” Retorted Daring, as they both missed the Hawlucha getting up out of her seat with Valerie’s little kicker with her. “It’s not like she is going to push him down and get her way with him.”

“That is actually not such a bad idea.” Said Pancha as she sat back, the drink on her claws. Although there seemed to be a bit missing. Not to mention Lucy’s drink seemed more sucrose by now. The Lucario picked her drink up and knocked it back, draining it and its addition, before setting the empty glass back on the table.

“Sweet,” she commented before turning back to Roa. “So much fluff. I must know the secret of being fluffy.” She resumed pawing at the Zorark with one paw.

By the time the girls noticed what Pancha had done, they could only glare at her.

“The idea is to make her have a good time, not make her have a good time she won’t remember!” Said Daring between her teeth.

“But I am curious though, didn’t Weiss say Steel-types are immune to this?” Asked Rouge.

“I think is because she isn’t a full, ugly Steel-type, those mean dangerous things…” Interrupted Valerie once more with her wise insights. “She is mostly biologic inside, not like those… what was I talking about again?”

“Okay, that makes sense.” Daring said. “But will she stand what you just gave her?”

“Only one way to find out,” replied Pancha while turning to Lucy, “Say, Lucy, what would you like to do to Vinny?” A suggestive tone accompanied those words.

Lucy seemed to slow in her pawing of Roa’s fur while she thought about the question. “I...I wanna know what he saw...then I wanna replace all those images with memories of the two of us, but he’s being stubborn and thick again...why’m I listening to him about it again?”

“Because you love him?” Stated Rouge.

“But don’t you wanna have proof of how much he loves you!?” Quickly added Pancha.

“Okay, that’s it, will you cut it out-auch!” Daring tried to stop the inquisitive Hawlucha, but as soon as she raised a hoof to her, an unseen blur with her exact shape and proportions gave her a smack.

“I...I do love and care about him, and I know he loves me too...but he’s being real stubborn...’s not the first time I asked to know what he saw and he brushed me off...why can’t he give me an answer? What’m I doing wrong?” To say Lucy was confused would be understating it mildly.

Daring and Rogue looked at one another before nodding and turning back to the Lucario.

“Well… you are being too supportive of him.” Daring began.

“Y-yeah, you shouldn’t keep yourself from having your way from time to time. I mean, a relationship is a game of two, if only one keeps winning then that is not a fair game.”

“What they are trying to say is: be more assertive!” Finished Pancha in the end.

Lucy slowly sat more and more straight in her seat as the words sunk in. “Assertive?” She nodded a few times. “Assertive.” She slowly braced herself and started to stand on shaky legs. “I...I can do assertive. I’m gonna go home, I’m gonna find Vincent, and if he won’t tell me what he saw, I’m gonna have to guess and KEEP guessing until he tells me. But no matter what...I am gonna have him tonight! How’s that for assertive?!”

“That… is a good start.” admitted Daring. “But I am afraid he is not home right now, remember?”

“Yes, we are still on a ladies night, and we have only just started.” Added Rouge while she and Daring put her back in her seat. ‘I can only imagine how this will end, oh Arceus this night is going to be too long.’ She thought.

“But, you can use your time tonight to keep planning. I mean…” repeated Pancha again, “I am sure there are other things you wanna try, don’t you?”

Lucy slowly nodded, before frowning and shaking her head. “I don’t know what he’s got in that big head of his...I’m gonna need something big to get it out of there...maybe you girls can help me?”

“Depende, which head are we talking about?”

“WHAT MY FRIEND MEANS!” Quickly cut in Rouge, “Is that you need to focus on what you want first, so tell us: what do you want?”

“Some cuddling through the night, some kissing session or maybe something more intimate- oh buck!” Daring cursed.

Lucy slowly started to smile even as the blush intensified. “Yeah...Sam told me about that already, girls. And that’s exactly what I want...but how to best go about doing it is the question.”

“Well… that is direct.” Admitted Daring yet again.

“Would you like it to have a romantic memory then?” Asked Rouge as she sent Pancha for more things to eat, the Hawlucha obliged as she mumbled under her breath.

“Empolladas, engreidas, me quitan mi diversión…”

“Romance would be nice,” Lucy slowly answered, before saying, with a bit more steel in her voice, “Mostly I want him to give in. If I can get him to agree just once, I’m sure he’ll see things my way.”

Rouge thanked her lucky stars that Pancha was away, as this was most likely the moment she was waiting for.

“I am sure you could put him into Submission, and then have your way with him.” Started Rouge.

“But then what do you think he will feel about you?” Completed Daring. “If you want to have him, you have to work for it hard.”

“Oh no, hard is the reward she will get!” Joked Pancha as she returned with some fries, more nachos and some tacos, a Vine Whip to the face being her welcome gift.

“So, how do you think you can make him to give in, without resorting to force!” Finished Daring more to Pancha than to Lucy.

“I get it, I get it. Oye Juan para que escuche Manolo.” She replied.

A plan slowly formed in her head, and Lucy smiled. “I’m gonna need to se...se...trick him. Good thing the boys are getting him drunk, but how do I go about tricking a psychic?”

“...” Daring looked at Rouge and Pancha, “Don’t look at me, I never been with a telepath before.”

“One trick is to be subtle,” Began Rouge after some thinking, “little hints here and there. Random shows of appreciation, making him think of you more than normal. So when the moment comes by he has nothing but you on his mind.”

“Or you could just go and tell him what you want. Fair and square.” The glare Pancha got from her friend may mean she didn’t approve her words. “Come on, he is a psychic, he will know sooner or latter. Best to be swift and direct, even if he can see it, he won’t be able to avoid it.” She proudly finished off.

“I guess there is indeed something in the drinks.” Added Daring as she too found Pancha’s increased rate on her ideas quite shocking. Lucy nodded and pointed at Pancha before replying.

“That. That right there. That sounds good. I want to make him want what I want...was that understandable?”

“Absolutely!” She chirped. “Now don’t just go and drop the bomb on him too suddenly. If the moment isn’t right, he would just Teleport away. Just as Rouge said, give little hints and stuff asi, but once he starts to think something is up, you come out and tell him what you want!”

At this point, Pancha stood up in the table and pointed directly at Lucy.

“So tell me, Lucy… do you have a last name?” The Lucario shrugged, and Pancha picked up the thread once more. “What is it that you want!?”

“Vincent,” Lucy said simply, before dropping back into her sultry expression. “All of Vincent, tonight.”

“Por eso manta, no va a ser esta noche.” Replied Pancha and then shout again, “I did not hear you: what do you want!?”

Lucy growled and grabbed the Hawlucha before drawing her close. “I’m going to get laid by Vincent tonight, and I’m not shouting that to the world. The table will do.”

“Good enough… but I told you already it is not going to be tonight.”

“Now you two, get down.” Said Daring calmly. The sudden return of Lucy’s reserved self was a good sign. “We don’t want trouble. Besides, we are all cheering for you both.”

“Indeed.” Added Rouge, “It would be terrible if such a lovely couple such as you two didn’t get to feel the wonderful experience which is to fully love one another.”

“Not to mention it’s only a natural thing to want.” Added now Edge, which got a confused look from the rest. “She finally passed out.” Was all the explanation she gave as Valerie was comfortably snoring on her seat.

“And I think I speak for all of us when I said your children would be way too adorable!” finished Pancha, which cause the girls to be scolded with gazes again. “What, too soon?”

“A bit,” Lucy said. “But I think you all are underestimating me. When I want something, I take it. While I may have to trick it out of Vincent this time, I’m going to start doing that the moment I see him again.”

“Properly making sentences, no longer losing her balance, she stopped playing with Roa’s fur…”

Dank Arceus!

“Yup, I say she is back to being sober… almost at least.” Proclaimed Daring as she took what was left of Valerie’s drink and put it far away from Lucy. “So what do you think of alcohol?”

Lucy blinked a few times as she considered the question. “It’s...an interesting experience. Loosening of my inhibitions to talk about those sorts of things.” A thought crossed her mind, and she smirked. “If Vincent is still drunk when he returns home, though? Let’s just say, you’re going to be thankful for the soundproofing that’s already in place.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure.” Joked Daring as she remembered a bad time she had. “Let’s just say soundproof rooms aren’t exactly hit-proof.”

“But if you do score tonight I would like to point out it was all our doing!” Proudly said Pancha while adding, “So I’ll want details!” And then another Vine Whip whacked her head.

“I apologize for her, she does get carried away, as you may know.” Apologized Rouge. “But… if you don’t mind, I would like to know how things turn out if possible.” She quickly raised her bouquets and added, “Nothing personal of course, just how things turn out before and after you, lets call it, score.”

“I for one would be glad to sleep outside tonight, I am sure there will be a lot of noise I wouldn’t feel comfortable hearing.” Pointed Edge out.

Lucy shrugged. “Fair enough, though if you do come up with something that could be better than what we have for soundproofing, do let us know.”

“You guys can always try with your mental selves.” Said Pancha, yet again.

“How many of these are we going to tonight? I already lose count.” Added her friend.

“Sorry but I didn’t get it, what does she mean?” Asked a confused Daring.

“You see, the realm of the mind is a place where Psychic-types can be for thinking and meditating if they want. But they often bring a mental representation of their body.” Explained Rouge.

“Not to mention some Psychic-types can bring in others if they want.” Added Pancha.

“Indeed, this trick was originally made so two Pokemon could train without having to use their actual bodies. Since the mental version of both bodies is identical, the reactions and stimuli is just the same as in real life.”

“Which is quite useful when you want to get intimate but don’t have the time to, like that convenient service we had back in Oblivia, that Sigilyph sure had a big-auch!” The Hawlucha then received yet another whack. “I was going to said mind!”

“Oh, sorry, my bad.” Said Rouge, not sounding sorry in the least. “But yeah, some Psychic-types can make use of their minds that way, I have heard some even prefer that form than direct contact as it brings both souls more closer than with their actual bodies.”

Lucy shook her head at that. “Nope, our first is going to be all physical. If I have to tie him to the bed, I’m going to get that sort of first time from him tonight.”

“Someone is dead set on course.” Said Edge with a chuckle.

“Is alright! Show us that fighting spirit!” Proclaimed Pancha as she nudged Lucy, but quietly added, “But once you are done with that aplenty, I highly suggest you two go and try the mind route as well. You will be surprised of what can one ‘learn’ there.” She chuckled as well as he finally added. “And if you ever get a girl, I want her to be called like my abuelita Maria!”

Lucy gently cuffed Pancha. “My family, my decision. If that even happens, anyways. So...any tips for my planned encounter, girls?”

The girls smiled warmly as they knew Lucy was asking while in possession of her senses now, thus there was no reason for them to not help her out.

“This drinking stuff is crazy.” Said Roa to herself as she took care of the unconscious Valerie. “But it sure brings people together, I may want try it one day.”

Vincent looked at the mug in his hand, the amber liquid sloshing around as he rotated it gently. “And you’re sure this is a good idea?” Under Xavier’s instruction, he wasn’t to touch his mental powers while intoxicated, because in an unstable state, it made controlling them that much more difficult.

“Of course it’s not!” Simon shouted back as he held his own mug filled with some Vodka. “Why else do you think we came all the way here, to the middle of no where, to have you try some booze?”

“Not to mention you passed up the chance of drinking almost harmless cider back then, so now you have to endure some good old whiskey.” Added Weiss.

The Kadabra sighed. “Fine.” He then took a deep breath and threw the glass back, but he was stopped by Char before any of the alcohol touched his lips.

“Easy there kid, you don’t want to hit it so quickly. Besides there is something you may want to know about sharing a drink for the first time.” Said the Scizor calmly as he looked at Vincent.

The Kadabra looked confused at Char’s words, but waited for him to explain himself.

“Thank you.” Said Char as he moved around the little campfire they had made to keep the cold at bay. “You see, alcohol is bitter and makes people act dumb, most of the time that’s it, so why do we drink it?”

The rest of the group apparently decided to keep silent and let Char give his little speech. Vincent slowly looked at the cup in his hand to the people around him before smiling.

“For the company,” he softly said.

At his reply, Vincent received a soft, yet bone-crushing palm from Simon. “See? I told you guys he was a keeper!”

Char chuckled at the Excadrill’s antics and proceeded with his talk.

“That is true, the company. It makes us remember than even in the bitterness of life, there is something worthy to look forward in it.” He then looked up to the starry sky and continued. “We have been through a very painful life, all of us.” The group keep a moment of silence, serious silence.

“Yet we have found comfort in the ties of our friends, our comrades, or our family.” the last part was probably meant for Vincent, “So to honor these ties, we drink this sour and bitter liquid as an oath, an oath that acknowledges each and every one of those who stand here are brothers and sisters, or at least we were if there were any.” Char joked, causing a couple of laughs to erupt from the group. “As I was saying, such uncommon family may have no ties in blood, but we can forge even tighter ties with our actions than those of blood would ever prove.”

Finally, Char raised a claw high into the black night and proclaimed.

“Let us all share a drink this night and become a family with ties stronger than anyone, or else may you run away and never return if you were to leave this cup filled. So with nothing else to add: gentlemon, cheers!”

And at the signal they were clearly all waiting for, the group took the contents of their respective poisons and drunk them down in one go.

“AH! That is the good stuff!” Proclaimed Simon as he patted his belly.

“So young Vincent,” now asked Weiss, “would you like to be part of us? Or will you leave us hanging?”

The Kadabra gulped before downing a large swallow of his whiskey. There was silence for a moment, and then he spoke up again.


At that word, the group erupted in cheers and applause.

“That is how life is supposed to taste like little Vincent!” Cheered Simon the Kadabra once again. “Yet we found joy in this fire, am I wrong?” Asked the boisterous mercenary to the group and receive a joyful choir of ‘Hu-ha!’ in response.

“Okay, all the drama is done, so what do you feel Vincent?” asked Weiss once the euphoria died down enough for him to ask.

“...Nothing yet. Is that normal?” The little psychic looked into his mug with a slight frown.

“Normally, one would be mumbling incoherently by now, but since you are a Psychic-type, I doubt this ‘poison’ would be enough to do anything to you, at least until you increase the dose.”

“...And I guess I’m not going to be allowed to leave until I do that,” Vincent deadpanned. “Can I at least get something that doesn’t burn on the way down?”

“Nope!” Replied Weiss. “But you can soften it down with some cola!”

At this, Simon took a bottle of the soda and poured it in Vincent’s mug while also adding some of the whiskey.

“Here you go, a Black City’s special!” proclaimed the barmon with a stylish smile.

“It’s good to take this challenge head on, but just doing that is a tad boring don’t you all agree.” Said Char. “So how about we get to know you a bit better Vincent?”

“Other than the sad stories please.” Quickly added Gold. “What? This is supposed to be a party isn’t it?”

“Not all my tales from then are terrible,” Vincent said. “It’s only when they ended that they became that way. I was friendly with all of them. Kind. I didn’t tell them what was going to happen.” He took another sip of his drink, grateful for the soda in it. “Nobody deserved to know that sort of fate...and not all of them experienced it, after all.”

“Yes we know, we have heard them, or rather had them projected on us.” Said Weiss quite solemnly. The mere memory seemed to cause the rest of the team to shiver at it. All save Gold and Sylveon.

“Ehm, are we missing something?” Asked the eeveelution.

“When Xavier and Vincent… met, he got to see through all and every experiment little Vincent went through.” Explained Weiss.

“Nothing our metallic tactician can’t shrug off though.” Added Simon.

“True. But then we became close with you Vincent and with your family. So we thought it was unfair for only you three to know that pain.” The mercenary let his words sink in. Vincent’s eyes widened in shock and he nearly dropped his glass.

“You...once I calmed down I regretted even inflicting those memories on another. Once the training sunk in, I knew I had to stop using them as a weapon, because even dragging them up caused me so much pain. Why...why would you do that?!” His voice had raised in pitch ever so slightly towards the end.

Because, as you yourself told me once: they had to be remembered.

The mental voice of Xavier echoed in his mind.

Their lives were filled with pain and may have had a terrible end. But they were not all pain, nor were they all darkness. There was a small shimmer of light which helped them through their agony. You.

“You kept them company and were kind to them.” Added Char, showing that Xavier was talking to more than just Vincent.

“You gave them a reason to not let go of this world.” Said Simon.

“And you decided to keep them living, even if that meant having to carry the pain of their departures.” Finished Weiss.

You took their pain, so the world won’t forget Vincent, but at the same time, when you and your family came to this new world: you gave them freedom.

“I still don’t fully understand what is going on here.” Said Sylveon with confusion, “But, I do understand you have been through much suffering mister Vincent, yet you have managed to keep this smiling attitude despite that. You deserve all of my respect for that.”

Vincent sighed, but smiled. “I...I’m not sure whether to thank you or punch you for that.” He took a sip of his drink before continuing. “Maybe I’ll decide after this drink.”

“It won’t be the first time we deserve that though.” Weiss said.

“And definitely won’t be the last!” Joked Simon.

Char then turned to Sylveon and Gold and properly explained to them.

“As you may understand. Vincent had seen many friends go. He showed this to Xavier one time, and again as I said, since we forged this little tie with him, we decided to know this pain as well. So we asked Xavier to show us what Vincent had shown him.” Again, Simon shuddered at the memories.

“But, we do have our share of bad dreams too, so I am sure it won’t hunt us for too long… I hope.” Said Weiss.

Vincent then turned to the two who had yet to hear his full name and gave off a wry smile. “Oh, were we never properly introduced? My name is Vincent. Vincent Nurem. Subject 37, first and longest survivor of the Doctor of the same name. How’s your life been treating you?”

Sylveon did react to the name, but seemed a bit confused and sad. He muttered something to himself. Gold on the other hand, seemed utterly shocked.

“Nurem, as in that Nurem… the savage who mutilated thousands of our kind… THAT NUREM…?” Scratch that, Gold seemed to be utterly furious for a moment.

“Never mind…” he finally said after some deep thinking. “I’ve seen you and what you have done, I have no reason to blame you for what that monster did.”

“Yeah,” Vincent said before knocking back the rest of his drink. “Now think, how do we both have the same last name? And I’m still a subject. Chew on that for an answer. You won’t like it.”

“... what do you mean by-oh my!” Gold suddenly got the idea, looking very angry again. “How in the name of fuck! does someone experiment on his own son!?”

“There Gold, it’s all done now.” Sylveon said in a soothing tone to the Golduck, although he couldn’t stop looking at Vincent with more sadness than before.

“Bit knows,” Vincent said while looking into his glass. “I know too, as does Sam...and Luke. We were all there for the retelling. And I’d recite it too, but I suddenly stopped caring thanks to this wonderful little concoction. The past belongs with him: hopefully dead on Earth. Can I get another?”

“That is the idea little Vince, that is the idea.” Said Simon as he poured more liquid on Vincent’s mug.

“So we all know the sad story.” Said Weiss definitively. “So: shall we please go to the happy ones?”

“Sure, which one do you wanna know?” Vincent sipped at his new drink and nodded.

“Well, we know you and Lucy hitched up. But we don’t know how you reacted, was it too intense or did you blow up another street?”

Sylveon and Gold looked confused again.

“Oh come on, you two were there!” Simon shouted.

“It was actually just right,” Vincent said. “I mean, Seth and his family interfered and made it plain as day to me, plus I needed a little help putting some...things to context, but Lucy and I confessed to one another atop the Sundial at Sunset. If there were a more perfect moment, I don’t want to know about it.”

Simon opened his mouth, and then Char claw shut it tight.

“That is… rather normal.” Admitted Weiss. “So there was no mental blast, no threat to someone’s life, not even a little bit of action?”

“Nope,” Vincent said while taking another sip. “The biggest mental hurdle, a Charizard named Ignis helped me get over. Mostly. I think. Okay they’re still up there, but I’m working on it.”

“Things?” Asked Char while Simon began to experience some severe deficiency of oxygen.

“You know how my Ping works?” Vincent questioned.

“Do we look like Psychic-types?” Asked Weiss.

“You catch the collective mental images and information of those around you in a defined perimeter.” Quickly said Gold. “What… I can use Psychic too, you know.”

“That’s how it should work. I can get away with not defining the limits, or only doing it vaguely,” Vincent said. “Yeah...Luke raised a good one. So imagine letting a Ping loose in Las Pegasus near dusk, when you’re looking for ‘things to do.’”

“Oh my Arceus…!” Was all reply Char gave as the idea finally settled in, which also made him release Simon.

“Huh...that sure... must have been… educational…” Said the Excadrill between breaths.

“Try ‘scarring.’ It was my crash course in the Pidgeys and the Combees,” the Kadabra replied with a voice that was drier than a desert.

“Well, Xavier did tell you not to pick into others' minds.” Added Weiss. “Karma?”

“If it is, then I think I’ve suffered more than enough. Because there weren’t just ponies in Las Pegasus when I let it loose. And pony-on-pony is only one section.”

“I can imagine.” Said Weiss dryly as he took a sip from his drink.

“Not to also mention those of many-on-many,” Added Simon with a laugh. “Those are fun!”

“Regardless of what my comrade said,” Continued Char, “Why haven’t you asked Xavier to help you remove those memories?”

“Despite his helping me, what with all of that training, the first thing I remember when I entertain that notion is the feeling of my brother’s claw around my neck.” Vincent took another sip before continuing. “It’s a silly thing to remember, I know, considering everything that happened afterwards, but it’s still enough to make me not want to ask.”

The mercenaries chuckled. “Not the first time Xavier has gained someone’s distrust.” Admitted Weiss. “But then again, it’s not that common for him to get so attached to someone.”

“I would even dare to say he is almost emotional with you.” Added Simon.

“You three do realize he is currently hearing us as we speak, right?” Inquired Char.

“Been there,” Said Gold with a shiver. “I am just glad to be away from Gard’s mental ‘protection.’”

“Glad to be away, period.” Vincent drained his glass again and squinted into it. “Are they supposed to go this fast?’

“That depends on each one and the kind of drink.” Replied Char.

“But you know, you should go a bit slower here, this IS your first drinking night after all.” Said Simon with worry, even though he offered to refill his mug.

“If there is no pain in the head by the next day, then it doesn’t count as a first drinking night.” Replied Weiss solemnly as he empty his mug.

“Well, that has a bit of truth.” Admitted Sylveon as he open some snacks and offered them to the group. “How will he know how to behave from now on if he doesn’t fully know how bad this can be?”

“But he is still technically a minor.” Pointed Gold.

“Also technically 21, at least mentally, thanks to what Xavier and I did. Physically is a bit of a stretch, I know, but I was well aware of what I was getting into.” He set the drink down and took a few snacks before continuing. “After all, if I didn’t, I could have Teleported away before we even left the city.”

“You could have tried!” Joked Simon with a sinister smile. Then he received a claw to the head.

“Then there would be no meaning for this gathering.” Scolded Char.

“True, there is no point in enjoying a drinking night if one is forced into it.” Admitted Weiss.

“But you guys did force him.” Added Gold.

“In any case!” Barged in Weiss, “We have yet to hear about this information in your head little Vincent. I mean, I know what is there, but we still want to know what do you want to do with that information?”

Vincent slowly shook his head as he took another sip of his drink. “I want it gone. I had no right to it in the first place...and I’ve gotten a lot better with my pings since. I’ll not look for any replacement, and quite frankly, it’s just holding me back at this point.”

“I can understand why would you want to get rid of such shameless and perverted images, but why is it holding you back?” Asked Sylveon with curiosity while drinking some soda.

“Quite simply, Lucy’s trying to be a bit more intimate with me, but every time she tries…” The Kadabra held one hand up to his head for the next bit. “One of the thousands of images in my head interrupts, and I flinch away. It’d be easier if they weren’t there.”

“This is an outrage!” Exclaimed Sylveon back, “to be unable to hold the one you love most because of the sinful actions of some perverted adulterer.” At this words, the Intertwining Pokemon placed a paw over Vincent shoulder. “But fear not mister Vincent, as I am sure you and your lady are destined to one another and thus the providence will be at your aid!”

“... you guys are sure he hasn’t drunk anything?” Asked Weiss.

“All… extravagance aside, I think he is right.” Admitted Char as he placed a claw on Vincent’s other shoulder. “You two deserve to be happy.”

“So lets see what can we do…” Start Simon, “Maybe make you like the images?”

“Then he would be nothing less than a pervert.” Replied Weiss.

“How about he places Lucy as every female?” Suggested now Gold.

“I doubt he would like that on the scenarios where there are is only one ‘Lucy’ and more than one ‘Vincent.’ If you catch my drift.” Replied Weiss again.

“I’d normally suggest a Psychic Seal,” Vincent said, “But I don’t want them just to be repressed. As Bit would say, the files have been marked for deletion. How best to do that to myself is the question.”

“Well…” Gold took another long drink and then continued, “I am not entirely a Psychic-type. But I do know how to use some mental tricks, even though I am not at the level of you or Xavier. And please let us not talk about Gard.” And then he shivered again. “What I mean is that I may be able to help you locate said ‘files’ so you can properly delete them.”

“That...sounds good," Vincent slowly said in reply. "So long as we target only the things that simply must go...I see no reason why this can’t work.” Vincent took another sip from his drink before setting it down and patting the ground next to him, a gesture for Gold to come closer.

The PLA member obliged, yet somemon else raised a new question. “But doesn’t mister Vincent have these strong mental walls protecting him, wouldn’t they react on instinct when they feel their master’s memories to be in danger?” Sylveon spoke up.

“True, they may react like some anti-body.” Acknowledged Char.

“Think there is a way to lower them?” Asked Weiss.

“How about a battle!” Suggested Simon with way too much enthusiasm.

“... how about something which doesn’t kill him?” Retorted Weiss.

“Y’all are over-complicating it,” Vincent said. “I made them. And while I might be… slightly… ooh that’s a new feeling.” The Kadabra shook his head to clear it of the slight fog that had settled in. “Okay, so I may be a tiny bit tipsy. But I’m pretty sure asking nicely will still get you everywhere. I made them to react to hostile intent. If I go in with you, that’ll count as ‘non-hostile.’ Or should. Never done this before.”

“Still this may be a painful event, it is a stranger mind entering your own.” Said Simon as he gave Vincent a new mug, with less cola and more whiskey.

“Wasn’t that bad when Xavier helped train me,” Vincent said, taking another sip of his drink and sticking his tongue out. “Bleh. What’d you do, switch to a soda with less sugar in it? In any case, it’s to prevent the future from hurting near as much, so I’ll deal.”

“If you insist then…” And Simon left Vincent’s side, although not before pouring some more whiskey in his mug.

“Okay, first of all, and sorry if I repeat myself, but I am not very experienced in this, so this may actually hurt…” And with nothing else to add, the Golduck placed a hand right in front from the Kadabra, as he slowly make his way toward his mental realm. Only to hit a mental wall, quite hard.

‘Ouch! You said you would be helping!’ Mentally shouted the spy.

‘Try knocking and asking,’ Vincent said back. ‘They’re partially reflexive, I can’t control all of it until I’m made aware of ‘where’ they are.’

A moment more passed before the Golduck spoke again. ‘So can I pass now?’

With him asking politely, Vincent found the walls in question and created an opening in front of Gold.

‘Yeah, good enough. Found ‘em. Get in here,’ Vincent replied as he more fully concentrated on his mental realm. Appearing in the glade, he cast his eyes outwards, seeing the Golduck at the fringes of his mind. He then cast his gaze up and started grabbing a hold of the images that plagued him.

Gold moved across the mental path as he began his journey inwards. ‘What do these memories look like? Some people figure them as images, others like books, what do you figure them as?’

‘Well, you see those walls around us now? Eight hundred and fourteen. Think about that number and my past and you’ll know what each stone is. That’s a good portion of my memories.’

‘So there are almost a thousand bad memories in here.’ Replied Gold. ‘And only one of them is the one I am looking for, speaking about finding a needle in a haystack.’

‘Don’t, and I mean DON’T! mess with the wall. You’re in, but if you start testing my defenses, my influence will count for nothing...’ Vincent idly replied as he grabbed a hold of more memories, finally snagging the last one. Though they were slippery and quite uncooperative, causing vague flashes of themselves to go through his head, trying to make him drop them.

‘Okay, why am I hearing voices inside of someone else's head!?’

‘Well I would hope you could hear my voice, it’s only my head, after all! Look for me. Follow the path, it’s made of the memories of my time here. I have the folder of images I want taken out in hand...but holding them isn’t exactly pleasing for me!’

After a few moments, Gold neared the final gateway to the glade that Vincent thought of as his core.

‘... do I really have to go through there?’ Asked Gold as he looked at the final gate.

‘Sadly, yes. My final gate is comprised of what happened to my big brother. I...apologize in advance. Had I known I would have others visiting me, I would have never set it up like that.’

‘... I bloody dislike you...’ Said Gold as he let things end and pushed the sticky stone. Vincent closed his eyes as he thought about what the Golduck would see.

Gold would find himself taking the place of Vincent, a syringe in his hand, Sam the Scyther strapped to a table, and an elder male human talking to him. “Subject thirty-seven, inject the serum,” the human would say. Vincent knew this, he'd set it up like that so that anyone who passed that gate would feel what he felt that day.

‘... WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?’ Vincent winced as the mental voice of Gold rang out before falling silent as the memory replayed. ‘And how am I supposed to go through this?’ Asked Gold after a moment longer.

‘Part of my training with Luke was to try and fight my memories and deny them. Because otherwise, why was I alive? In a moment, he’ll notice that you’re not doing as he’s telling you to, and draw closer. Were I stronger when it was happening, I’d have killed him then. You have that option...or you could let it play out.’ Vincent replied. Gold was silent for a moment before he shone with power and turned an attack onto the representation of Doctor Nurem.


At this word, the doctor was sent flying into the wall, yet instead of hitting it and falling to the ground as it should, the body of the human shattered the wall entirely as the whole memory turned into dust.

‘... how… was t-that…?’ Asked Gold with a tired voice.

‘Good, but I would have jammed that damn syringe into his eye,’ Vincent said. ‘He jammed it into enough subjects, after all. Only fitting. I’m just through there.’

Finally, Gold reached Vincent’s mental form. ‘You know, this is a bit too epic for just helping someone to get laid!’ was the salute Gold gave. ‘Now what?’

Vincent held out a hand and concentrated, causing an overstuffed manilla folder to appear in it. ‘Here they are. All the memories that I really, REALLY shouldn’t have and don’t want.’

Gold took the envelop and thought what to do with it. He cast a quick look at it before it burst into fire, the ashes drifting away in the wind. Vincent looked to his mind, finding no trace of the memories, causing him to smile and hug the Golduck. ‘They’re gone! Finally, they’re gone! I can’t remember a single one of them! Oh, thank you!’

‘Well yeah, you know me, I couldn’t let a lad such as yourself be burdened with such worries.’ Replied Gold, quite proud and full of himself.

A second later, a sort of roar could be hard, quickly making its way towards the pair. ‘... what was that…?’ asked Gold with a dry throat.

‘My influence wearing off. Oh dear. That sounds remarkably like Chip the wingless Charizard. He did not go quietly into that good night. No indeed. He fought tooth and tail against the security system, which shocked him to death...’

As if on cue, a massive, bloody, and slightly battle-scarred Charizard head poked its way into the glade and glared at Gold. “INTRUDER!” it bellowed.

‘... daddy, I don’t want to meddle with other’s minds anymore.’ Thought Gold aloud. ‘Exit-way-yesterday!’ He quickly exclaimed as he began to run away from the manifestation of Vincent’s mental defense.

‘You have options! Either you can get thrown out by me or him! The only promise I can make is that I’ll try to be gentle!’ To say the Kadabra was frantic would be like saying the ocean was damp.

‘Then do it now!’ Exclaimed Gold as he dodged the barrage of flaming balls raining at him.

‘Right, I do hope you’re not afraid of heights!’

‘... why do I suddenly feel the zombie Charizard isn’t such a bad way out...’ said Gold as the ground under him changed. From a glade to a strange wooden platform.

‘Going up! The shock of falling will get you out!’ And indeed, the platform under Gold sprang up with a cartoonish sound effect, launching him high into the sky.

‘The whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!’ Gold wasn’t able to finish his sentence as he was propelled high into the mental sky.

Back in the real world, Vincent broke into a smile and closed the short distance before repeating the hug he’d given to Gold in the mind realm. “That’s...that’s such a load off my mind. You have no idea.”

Gold didn’t seemed to mind the hug, but possibly because he was muttering to himself.

“He'll be fine.” Said Weiss without knowing about what happened in the few seconds they were out.

“So you are ready for some action then?” Asked Simon as he added, “You know, some good old ‘Bow-chika-bow-wow?’”

Vincent pulled back from Gold slightly and turned to Simon, slightly blushing. Whether it was because of the booze or the embarrassment was uncertain. “I...wha...you…” He shook his head a few times before replying. “Good Arceus, you don’t just spring that on someone who’s effectively been made a mental virgin again!”

“You know, when one thinks about it properly, this is a bit like cheating.” Said Char with a smile. “Removing a mistake from your memory is not exactly fair.”

“Ignore him, mister Vincent.” Retorted Sylveon right away. “As I said before, you deserve the pleasure of discovering the wonders of love with your beloved one, and trust me, it’s a once in a lifetime experience!”

“Come on guys, give him some space.” Intervened Weiss. “So he is ready to go all the way with Lucy, congratulations by the way, but that doesn’t mean he is now ready for that. It’s a big step and all, so give him some time okay?”

“Yeah,” Vincent said with a nod. “Plus I’m pretty sure that if I still had that information and cared to...some of it could serve as blackmail information. Think about it: city of sin? I’m glad it’s gone, really. Information is power, and I’ve more than enough of that on my own.”

“A shame though, you could have used a couple of those ideas for yourself.” Said Simon casually.

“... I have to agree.” Said Char, to everyone’s surprise. “Love is about commitment and fortitude, but it also requires constant experimentation and new ideas in order to avoid becoming repetitive.”

“... you lost me at ‘Simon is right’” Said Weiss. Vincent pointed at Char before replying.

“You have a point, but it’s a journey we should take together,” he retorted. “So if you’ll kindly butt out of how we choose to do things…”

“Said the boy who pinged himself into this trouble to begin with.” Calmly retorted the Scizor. “And may I add that it was all by his own.”

“Yeah, get a girlfriend of your own, then I’ll listen to your advice on relationships,” Vincent said coolly before taking a sip of his drink.

Then Simon and Weiss went speechless. “I’m a widower.” was all Char said with a very, very cold voice. Vincent sputtered and spat out the sip he’d been taking, coughing profusely.

“Oh shit. I...I did not know. I...get the feeling that ‘sorry’ wouldn’t do much. Just tell me she wasn’t one of his victims, please.”

“...Say Simon, think you can show me that awesome stuff you were working on?” Asked Weiss in an overacting manner.


Sylveon only smiled as he took a hold of the still shocked Gold and followed the two.

“...” Char remained silent until he finally spoke. “She passed away from an illness, it was peaceful.”

Vincent looked back in his glass. “I...would ask. But I’ve no right to intrude. Frankly, I’m going to drink until I forget the depth of my misstep.” With that, the Kadabra knocked the rest of his glass back and took note of the fact that Simon had taken the booze with him. “Hey, c’mere! Bring the liquor back!”

Without looking back, Simon threw the bottle right into Vincent’s legs, with just enough force to arrive without shattering.

“That is what I mean boy.” Said Char a bit less angry, but still a bit cold. “We make mistakes, and we have to live with them. Erasing them won't make you better.”

Vincent picked the bottle up and started to drink from it, a little at a time. “Yeah...but something like a relationship with Lucy, I deserve to start that off with a fresh slate. Any mistakes I make during it, sure, I could change...but I won’t. And the ping was before we were in a relationship, so I see no problem with getting rid of those memories.”

“You can lie to yourself all you want.” Replied Char as he took the bottle from Vincent and took a deep drink of it, then he turned his back. “But the fact I want to make understood remains. Living life means getting used to screwing up. Big time, even. And who knows, maybe one of the greatest failures may become one of your greatest victories.”

Vincent took the bottle back and took a deep draw from it before pulling off. “Yeah, no. An entire city’s worth of intimate moments. The city of sin’s bedroom activities. I don’t recall them anymore, and that’s fine and dandy with me. I get to replace them instead. Really, the only things that could have worked would have been me removing the memories, or sharing them with Lucy. I’ll give you a hint as to what I wasn’t going to do.”

Char took the bottle again and took another long drink, “Illuminate me, then.”

Vincent smirked and gently tugged the bottle back. “Can’t, I forgot them! Or if you’re asking why I wasn’t going to share them with Lucy...I respect her too much to make her bear my burdens. We’ve all got our own weights already. I’ll carry mine without forcing her to carry any more than hers. Hell, if I can find a way to lessen her load in life, I probably will.” He then took a swig from the bottle and started to sway a bit more than normal.

“And what if she would have asked you, or rather, ordered you to tell her?” Inquired Char as he took the bottle again. “I know you want to protect her, but what do you think she wants? To be protected? I am sure you know the answer already, so why keep her out then?”

“Because it was my screw-up. I hadn’t known about those...sorts of things before. I got a crash course in the more intimate aspects of life, and for all I know, Lucy doesn’t know what she’s getting into. Not fully. I’d rather we be on the same footing, like we should be, than I be more experienced and act on knowledge that she’s not ready for.” Vincent seemed to have noticed the lights of the city in the distance and was looking at it unerringly.

“And what makes you think she doesn’t know?” Asked Char as he made Vincent look at him, “She may know more than you even acknowledge her capable of. Trust me, women can look frail and calm, most of the time in your case, but they too have their own questions and worries, and they too look for answers. Either we know it or not.”

“Fair point,” Vincent said while snagging the bottle back and draining it considerably, wobbling as he did. “But what’s done is...ish done. I know how things work, I didn’t lose that...but I don’t know the details of every other being’s shex life. Ish better this way.”

“I think you are no longer at the point of listening to reason.” Admitted Char, “You, however, must remember this: you love her enough to take the whole world down. And she loves you just the same. I hope you can think about that while you go to sleep.”

“Whaddya mean, sleep? I’m not sleepy. Now make the world stop spinnin’...” To say the small psychic was wobbling would be a vast understatement.

“By the look of your balance, I would say you will find out soon enough, not to mention the spinning will end by then.” Pointed out Char as he took the bottle and drunk what little was left of it. “But I have to praise you, to get like this after a whole bottle of whiskey, that is a merit on its own.”

The Kadabra put one hand on the ground to steady himself as he breathed deeply. “Oh...man. This feels weird...and now I know...what Xavier meant about...my pyschic powers tonight. Don’t...don’t want to imagine...what would happen…”

“I presume we would have to put you to sleep then.” acknowledged the Scizor, “in the ‘still been able to wake up’ sense of course!” He then placed a claw over Vincent’s hand and gently make him look up. “Now breath slowly and try not to think on the stars.”

After a few minutes, the Kadabra stopped wobbling as terribly as he had been, and nodded slowly at the Scizor. “Thanks,” Vincent said. “And sorry for my comment earlier.”

“You didn’t know.” Calmly replied Char. “Besides, I am used to receiving harsh words from a bunch of maniacs.” He smiled at the thought. “It’s interesting actually, to be the voice of reason among such a less than normal family.” He then added. “Well, one of the three voices of reason actually.”

“Welcome to reality, normal is overrated,” Vincent said as he began to struggle to his feet. “‘sides, I’m pretty sure normal went out the window when Arceus said ‘Hey Earth! Fuck you! I’m taking my kids and we’re going somewhere more fun!’”

“I presume you are right,” Said Char with a chuckle as he quickly stood up and helped Vincent stay on his feet. “Or maybe even long before that, when a certain cosmic egg decided to give life to an omnipotent and immature being.”

Vincent took a look around and asked a very simple question. “Where’d everyone else go?”

“I think they either expected me to go ballistic over your comment, or you to go soper nova on alcohol.” Replied Char as the rest of the drinking gang appeared in the distance behind a small boulder.

“So we don’t need to be worried about the landscape then?” Asked Simon as he keep his hoodie tightly over his head. Vincent waved one hand at them in a dismissive manner.

“Nah...but I’m gettin’ cold. Maybe we should start headin’ back?”

“A long walk in the coldness of the night is a good remedy for alcohol.” Admitted Weiss as he dusted himself off. “And I am sure we have plenty of time for you to get back to your senses.”

“So Mister Vincent, how are you feeling?” Asked Sylveon with worry.

“Dizzy...a bit slower than normal, and every so often, the world seems to tilt. But I think that’s normal for the amount I drank. Right?” Vincent leaned to one direction for a moment before correcting himself and standing mostly straight again.

“Actually, we should be carrying you by now, if not worrying about alcohol poisoning.” Admitted Simon.

“You have to thank your typing.” Added Gold, who seemed to be over the whole zombie Charizard fright.

“So: was it as bad as you thought?” Inquired Weiss as he patted Vincent on the back. The smaller ‘mon stumbled for a moment before catching himself and shooting a very slow glare at the Bisharp.

“Watch it...and no. Fa-the Doctor had a ritual. A drink a year on Halloween, if Bit’s files are right. It...helped him ignore whatever was wrong with his head, brought Rupert back for that night. I was looking into why anyone would drink…” here the psychic looked at Char with a smile. “And I found quite a few reasons. So, thanks for that.”

“Any time kid!” Said Weiss while patting the doozy Kadabra again, a tad bit stronger as well.

“If you want, we can make our own ritual as well… but does it have to be once a year?” Inquired Simon as his face showed a slight red coloration, probably because of his own drinking.

“Three guesses as to why he chose that date. Hell, any date you choose, I could attribute to something horrible that happened there. Let’s..." Vincent suddenly had a plan. "Idea. Assuming one of us has funds, any day you come to Las Pegasus? We drink!”

At these words, the Excadrill’s replied enthusiastically in an instant. “I WILL MAKE THIS TOWN MY NEW VACATION CENTER THEN!” and then placed one of his large claws over Vincent’s shoulder, not gently though. “I promise to visit you guys whenever I can!” Tears dripping off his smiling face.,

“I think that what our friend wants to say is that we would be honored to make such a ritual with you.” ‘Translated’ Char.

“That is quite the honor indeed, it would be the first time someone does invite us while knowing what we do for a living.” Admitted Weiss. “But… I guess our rep doesn’t count anymore over here… right guys?” The mercenary asked with not much resolve on his own.

The Kadabra picked himself up from the ground while shooting a glare at Simon, after which he looked at Weiss. “In the words of the immortal Arceus, ‘This is a new world, get the hell used to it.’”

“Ye-yeah… That is what his gloriness said right…?” Asked Simon with a radical return to his normal voice, which also seemed slightly unsure.

“We may have a new world young Vincent.” Added Char, “But our past may come after us eventually. That is inevitable.”

“Well… things got depressing quite quickly.” Intersected Gold. “And here I thought the kid here was the brooder.” He then pointed at Vincent.

“Let them be mister Vincent.” Said Sylveon. “I know these people have a good heart, that is why they worry about their past misdeeds.”

“Nah,” Vincent said while shaking his head. “I don’t hold it against ‘em. But that might be ‘cause what I learned from Luke’s training. I don’t let the past define me. It happened, yeah. It’s not happening, it doesn’t affect me unless I let it. I use it, harness it, but I’m not that kid anymore. I defy what happened there, ‘cause otherwise, it’s like I never left. Yeah, their past might catch up with them. Unless they defy it, try to make amends for it, make up for what they did...atone! That’s the word I was looking for!” He then walked closer to Sylveon and wrapped an arm around the eevolution as they began their walk back to the city.

Meanwhile the Mercenaries slowed down for a second before chuckling. “Atone, such a hard concept to do, yet we are so willing to.” Said Weiss lowly.

“Why not start with whatever you did with Latias that made you such a person of interest to her and go from there?” the psychic innocently questioned.

“I… I didn’t do such a great thing…” the mercenary replied calmly and yet slightly embarrassed at the same time. “In fact… I think I may be the second most horrible person in her life…” His tone was clearly sad.

“Feh, you’re not the Doctor, you can still atone.” The group fell silent for a good portion of their walk back.

“So how do you girls feel?” Asked Daring as they finally reached the Nurem’s apartment.

“I feel quite well actually.” Replied Valerie, as awake as ever. “Only problem being that void in my memory after the first sip. Seriously, I thought I knew how to hold my alcohol,” she cutely pouted at the end.

“Thank Arceus you didn’t end taking ‘your alcohol’ all over us.” Replied Edge who had her hearing back at normal levels.

“As a certain Dragon did?” Teased Pancha as she dodged a Dragon Tail.

“Come on girls, act your age.” scolded Rouge. “But I agree this was a night worth to remember, or won’t you agree Lucy?”

The Lucario nodded once. “Okay, so, we’re all read up on the plan, right? I act tipsy to get Vincent to take me to bed. You all are going to need to agree on how much I ‘supposedly’ drank.”

“Enough to leave you senseless?” Inquired Pancha with a childish smile.

“We do know the plan dear, you don’t have to worry that much for us.” Rouge said calmly. “In fact, I am more worried about you. You sure you want to do this right now?” She asked kindly.

“I know what I’m getting into,” Lucy replied. “And there’s nobody else I would rather do it with. With Vincent, you have to be blunt, and I’ve tried hinting already. Yes, I want to do this now.”

“Just making sure darling, nothing more.” Rouge replied as she patted Lucy on the head.

“We already know how straightforward you can be to suddenly get all wet tail and run from your own idea.” Added Daring with a sonorous chuckle.

“Tell me about it.” Said Pancha as she tapped the top of her head.

“But now the question is: how are you feeling about this?” Asked Edge.

“Nervous,” Lucy replied honestly. “You only get one first time, after all. And I’m not sure what sort of state he’s going to be in. But even if you offered me anything else, I’d stay right here. Now if only the rest of my body would listen when I say there’s nothing to worry about…”

“Been there!” Replied all girls back, only each one was colored a different shade of pink or red.

“But I still thinking you are over-thinking this a bit too mucho niña, love is love, stuff from the heart.” Pointed Pancha out as they reached the apartment building with a laser installed wall. ”Planning this much will only lead to either failure or underwhelming expectations.”

“Okay… is she still drunk?” Asked Daring.

“I can hardly tell.” Replied Rouge with a shrug.

“I’m not expecting much,” Lucy admitted. “Especially considering I don’t know what state your friends left him in. Hell, I’ll settle for ‘conscious enough to react and remember.’”

“Lets hope he isn’t as such though.” Said Daring. “It would be sad for him not to remember his first time with you, his one true love.” The last part was said with overacted fairy tale tone.

“Not to mention it would be a bit rude on your part,” Said Edge from one of the windows, as she climbed up the side of the building and used the windows to keep chatting with the girls.

“Yeah, there is that as well,” Pointed Rouge out. “Wouldn’t you prefer to have him a bit awake first?” she hold one of her bouquets up and added, “I can help with that.”

Lucy considered for a moment before holding her paws only the slightest bit apart. “Only a little, and only if he really needs it. If he’s too awake, he might actually manage to Teleport away before anything gets started.”

“Sounds fair, and legal, enough to me.” Said Daring as they reached the apartment both families were using at the moment. “We are back!” Exclaimed the explorer as she open the door.

Sam and Bit were in the lobby, and both of them looked at the door at the exclamation of Daring Do. Upon seeing her family waiting for her, Lucy immediately adopted a slightly drunken expression and started acting in an exaggerated manner.

“Sam! Bit! So nice to see you guys!”

The Lucario then grabbed a hold of both ‘mon and pulled them into a hug. Well, as much of a hug as one could do with a Porygon-Z, anyways. Sam looked over Lucy’s head to her entourage. “And...how much did she have?”

“A couple of appletinis,” replied Daring, “poor girl can’t hold her alcohol.”

“Not to mention she gets quite nice and calm once she gets like this.” Added Pancha.

“Hey, wait,” Lucy said, pulling back and frowning. “Where’s...where’s Vinny? Shouldn’t he be back by now?”

Bit ticked for a moment while he considered the question. “Vincent has not yet returned. Yours is the first party back.”

“Makes sense,” Said Edge from her window, “They did said something about having their party away from anything they could damage.”

“And… how was your day boys?” Inquired Rouge, trying to give Lucy some time, as it would be too obvious to have her acting for too long.

“It went well,” Bit replied. “The Central Air Conditioning is installed, the Heater modifications were made, and the Generator continues to perform adequately. This house is quite nearly ready.”

“More importantly,” Sam said, “Nothing blew up or caught fire. Which you know could still happen, given our luck.”

“These devices do not possess the requisite explosive charges to randomly explode. Should I rectify that?”

“Darling, you really need to go and learn about sarcasm.” Aided Rouge.

“And our guys?” Asked Pancha as she noticed the lack of the rest of their actual team.

‘I and Greninja are in the apartment Vincent gave us for the night,’ Replied the shiny one as he then focused his link to Lucy. ‘And I know you are going through a lot of emotions right now young one, all but drunkenness.’

‘Ruin my plan, and I swear to Arceus I will complain to Arceus...or would Cresselia be a better choice? Either way, I will get on a train to the temple. You have been warned.’

‘And I could turn you into a vegetable before you had even left that room,’ calmly replied Xavier, but then he chuckled. ‘I do not wish to interrupt the happiness of my pupil, especially when he holds you in such high regard. So all I will say is this: he likes that you keep trying, despite his hang-ups.’ Then he added, ‘But like me, he will be able to notice your current mental state, so…’ the Metagross proceeded to place a mental filer around Lucy’s thoughts, ‘this is handy when doing undercover missions,’ and with the equivalent of a mental wink, Xavier said, ‘Good luck.’

“Is anyone hungry? Because I am starving!” Said Pancha loudly as she made herself the new center of attention.

“You guys know of any good restaurant with delivery service which also works late at night?” Asked Rouge.

Sam hummed for a bit. “Weeeeell, if you ask real nicely, maybe Mary will make a pizza for you. Buuut...she’s probably asleep. Twenty-nine, third of five. Her claws haven’t met a match yet. Feeling brave?”

“Maybe if Shredder or Lala were around.” Said Rouge with a shiver. “But for now, let’s settle for some other fast food shall we?”

“Please tell me there are tacos in this world!?” Exclaimed Pancha as she clung to Daring.

“Of course they exist, but I still don’t know where to get some.” Replied the explorer as he turned to look at Sam and Bit. “Any suggestions?”

The two looked at one another before both shrugged. Okay, one shrugged. The other did the best he could. “I’m no chef,” Sam said.

“I am information given form, not ability. I believe that were I to try to cook at this point, without practice, the resultant food would not be edible. As well, I do not require ‘food’ in the traditional sense, so I do not make notice of places to obtain it,” Bit replied.

“Ah for the love of…!” Exclaimed Valerie, with a bit of tiredness. “Don’t you guys have a phone guide?”

Sam shrugged again. “Maybe? We’re new to the whole ‘we own a building’ thing. Check your apartment, there probably will be one in there somewhere.”

“...” Valerie then floated to the nearest phone and took it, only to toss it at Daring, “Ask the operator for a food establishment working at these hours.” Then she turned towards both Sam and Bit, “You two really need to learn about how to be proper hosts.” Her reply came with the eyes only a mother could give.

Daring, meanwhile, did as asked and was currently calling at some place called ‘The Dragon’s bun.’

‘Target approaches.’ Said Xavier’s mental voice as a head’s up.

“Hey look,” corroborated Edge from the window, “isn’t that Vinny and our guys?”

“So I said, I said to the little Growlithe, g’on, go get the ball! And he went to go for it, and guess where it was?” Vincent’s voice was unmistakable.

“And where was it?” Asked Char with a parental tone as he entered the apartment with Vincent on his back. Weiss, Simon, Gold and Sylveon were not far behind.

“Night girls, how was your party?” Asked Weiss with a slightly absent tone.

“All okay.” Replied Rouge calmly.

“IT WAS AWESOME!” Added Pancha.

“In my hand! Oh he didn’t like that! But the one time I did throw it after he complained, I beaned an aide, right as he was entering the room! That was awesome, especially when the little guy jumped ‘im and started licking his face!” Vincent then seemed to notice where they were. “Home! My own bed!”

Lucy turned to look at Vincent and ‘unsteadily’ made her way over. “Vinny!”

The Kadabra slid off of Char and looked at the Lucario. “Lucy! It’s so good to be home!”

Lucy then ‘tripped,’ falling to one knee in front of Vincent. “Ack!”

Vincent took notice of Lucy’s seeming state and looked to the other females in the room. “How...much did you give her?”

“Ehem…” Rouge calmly cleared her voice as she replied, “Not more than you had I see.”

“How was your night boys?” Asked Daring to the new arrivals.

“It was...decent. Is decent the right word to use?” Vincent said while helping Lucy back to her feet. “Sheesh. However much you gave her, I’d give her a glass less next time.”

“That seems to be a good idea,” Replied Rouge as she too helped Vincent with Lucy. This done, she suggested to him, “Vincent, why don’t you be a good mate and take Lucy to her room?”

“Was gonna do it anyways,” Vincent muttered. “C’mon up, love. Bed’s calling my name too, let’s get you in it so you stop tripping and falling.”

“Okay Vinny,” Lucy said as the pair slowly made their way up the stairs.

Sam and Bit exchanged a look before looking at the gathered Mercs. “This unit would like to know what ulterior motives are in play,” Bit stated.

“How about we explain to you over dinner…” began Daring as they waited for the sound of footsteps to get further away, once there was also the sound of a door closing she added. “So who is up for eating out.”

Before either Bit or Sam could reply, Pancha said with a serious tone, “It wasn’t a question.” And opened the doors.

Sam gulped and followed meekly, whereas Bit merely dinged. “This unit does not eat traditional food...but for information, will follow you anyways.”

And so Checkmate and half of the Nurem Family left the apartment building…

(The OTHER half, however...)

Vincent slowly helped Lucy up the stairs, grunting at her weight with every step. "Okay, note for later: we don't drink on the same night ever again. It'd be a lot easier to carry you with my powers than doing this."

Lucy giggled a bit at the Kadabra's observation. "It's a good plan...if we can remember it..."

After what seemed like an eternity, the two of them arrived on the third floor, and Vincent reached for the doorknob while also keeping Lucy mostly stable with the rest of his body. A short moment later, and the two of them stumbled into their apartment. With a quick kick behind him, Vincent shut the door and kept dragging Lucy's body to the bedroom they both used.

Another short balancing act later, Vincent and Lucy nearly fell into their shared bedroom, and the door shut behind them. Vincent propped Lucy up against one side of the bed and gave her a quick shove, causing her to flop back onto it. She giggled as Vincent grabbed her feet and shoved her onto the bed. The Kadabra then hopped up and made sure her head was resting on a pillow before nodding and falling down next to her. "G'night, love."

Lucy waited all of a minute before rolling over and enacting part two of her plan. Her left paw started to stroke Vincent's face as she whispered into his ear. "Vinny..."

She noticed his ears twitch, and one of his eyes cracked open, looking at her. "Lucy?"

She giggled and hugged him closer before licking his face. Vincent sputtered, then realized what she just did. "Uh...Lucy, did you just-"

The Lucario cut him off by nodding and repeating the motion. "What are you trying to do, Lucy?"

"I'm trying to seduce you, Vinny," She retorted. "Why? Is it working?"

Vincent paused for a moment before his reaction made itself known to the Fighting-type. She looked down and grinned. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Vincent questioned. "I mean, we've both been out drinking. Who's to say that our actions-"

Lucy cut him off by putting a paw to his mouth and shaking her head. "My actions are my own, Vincent. I just hope this is memorable enough that you'll recall it in the morning."

Chapter Thirty-Five - Raise no Uproar over what has happened...

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The next morning was...interesting. Interesting seemed to cover quite a few situations in this new world. Bit was hovering in the middle of the living room, reciting his numbers to himself, and Sam sat at the kitchen table, slowly stirring a cup of coffee. Vincent and Lucy had yet to make an appearance. From one side of their shared bedroom door, if you knew what to look for...well, the signs were really, really obvious.

Beyond said door, Vincent stirred, feeling another body next to him and pulling them closer with one arm. Said body shifted and let out a little moan. "Vincent..."

At the tone in which his name was uttered, the Kadabra snapped his eyes open, the previous evening coming back with perfect clarity. "Oh."

He looked over at Lucy's dozing form, noticing that there were still stains in her fur coat. Checking himself, Vincent sighed as his memories reflected what had really occurred. He then reached out and gently shook Lucy awake. "Lucy. Lu. Sis, c'mon, wake up."

Lucy slowly stirred before cracking an eye open. Upon catching sight of Vincent, she smiled and closed the eye. "Morning, love."

Vincent sighed and poked the Lucario, causing her to let out a small yip. "Lucy, do you remember last night?"

Lucy grumbled a bit, but upon hearing the question, sighed and nodded. "Best. Night. Ever."

Vincent blinked at that before putting on a slight glare. "You weren't drunk at all, were you?"

The Lucario seemed to hear the steel in his voice and turned to look at Vincent, a sheepish expression on her face. "Uh...not...really?"

Vincent sighed at her admission and shook his head. "We're...going to talk about this later."

As though that had been their cue, both Pokemon's stomachs started growling. Lucy coughed lightly and looked up at the Kadabra. "Perhaps after breakfast?"

Sam had just raised his cup to his mouth and taken a sip when the sounds of hushed conversation trickled into the main apartment. The Scizor carefully set his mug down and adopted a neutral expression before closing his eyes, appearing to have dozed off in his chair.

“Okay, Bit’s reciting, and Sam seems to be sleeping. Let’s sneak in, grab some food, and sneak back.”

“Agreed, we have a few things to talk about still.”

Sam waited for the sounds of a cupboard opening before cracking his eyes open, seeing both the Lucario and Kadabra with their backs turned and raiding the cereal cabinet.

“So how was it, Lucy?”

The rate at which the boxes were dropped and his little siblings whipped around bordered on sonic speeds. Both of them were in a bit of shock and embarrassment, judging by their wide eyes and flushed cheeks. Vincent spoke up first. “Sam, I know you have a few things you probably want to say…”

The Scizor waved a claw. “Nah...just lemme know when I’m going to be an uncle. I have to have time to make the adjustment, after all.”

His offhanded comment brought on a fresh wave of embarrassment, in the form of two Pokemon sputtering. Sam then downed his coffee and gave a wink to the younger pair. “Now play nice, you two. Especially you, Lucy. I need to head into work, and I’m sending Bit out to see about those things on the to-do list.”

Indeed, at the Scizor’s statement, Bit snapped himself out of his recitation and nodded at Sam. “Agreed. I shall see about the filtered glass and water tank today, see if there is anything to be done.”

The young lovebirds were left alone in the apartment again, and Sam chuckled as he closed the door behind him. “Took her long enough.”

If the tongue could let someone see his mouth, Sam could have seen Greninja’s celebratory smile as the Ninja Pokemon seemed to be currently guarding the door to the room his team was using. As it stood, the Ninja Pokemon just seemed more cheerful than usual.

‘I would say that for her, it may be long enough.’ Came Xavier’s mental voice. ‘I am afraid we may not be here once you return. So on behalf of my team: we thank you for your help in our moment of need.’

Sam flinched slightly at the sound of the Metagross’ voice in his head before replying out loud. “Yes, well, don’t thank me, thank Vincent...assuming you stick around long enough to do so. And if you could pass on my thanks to the rest of your team for nudging them together, that’d be fine by me.”

‘You are welcome...’ Came a rather tired reply from the minds sort of awake at the other side of the door, via Xavier’s mental link. ‘So they said. But still, I think you own our thanks as much as Vincent. I would just want to ask for one thing.’

“I’m listening, beyond that, I make no promises,” Sam replied with more than a bit of steel to his voice. Vincent wasn’t the only one that could hold a grudge.

‘Take care of him...’ Was all the Metagross said in what could only be described as a paternal voice. ‘I know you have done it before and will more likely do it from now on, but...’ and more amazingly yet, Xavier seemed to be at a loss for words.

“Already was planning on it. He’s a lot more stable now, but the kid needs all the help he can get. Whether it be from his teachers or his family...I think the pain is nearly completely gone now. He’s moving past it at an incredible clip. I used to be afraid of him falling back into his memories of the darker times, but then Lucy confessed to him. Such a positive influence on each other, those two are...I’ll look after him, but I’m not certain he’ll need it for much longer.”

‘That is to be expected, but I still felt I had to ask you for this.’ Replied the tactician. ‘He has to find his own way, and I am sure Lucy will only help him to become a more stable and powerful mind. But in the meanwhile, since I can’t be here, I am entrusting him to you. Even when you already had him in your custody to begin with.’ Finished the Metagross with his regular monotone back in place.

“Yeah, yeah. Figured that much...I’ll do this for you, if you do a favor for me in kind.” Sam said, now in the lobby of the building.

‘I am listening’ Replied Xavier.

“Ask Bit for a list of survivors. If you run into any, try to make sure they’re taken care of? We know they’re here, thanks to Arceus, but where is a mystery. They don’t need to be shepherded here unless they want to know where Vincent is, but after the life they’ve had…” Sam trailed off as he considered the things that had happened in those walls.

‘I will,’ came Xavier's simple reply.

“Thank you,” Sam said. “You don’t need to take care of them yourself...but making sure they have a roof over their heads would be a good step. They could do with a little safety, security, and happiness in this new world. The Doctor is not here. His staff are not here. We are...and that’s all we need. I’m sure carrying that message to them would bring a smile to all their faces.”

“From mercenaries to shepherds, we sure have changed,” Said Char as he noticed Sam get down the lobby, as he was currently and calmly sitting at the reception desk while reading the news. “Bit asked me to see if anyone arrived.” He said as all explanation.

“At least until the young couple upstairs overcome their shame and get ready for the day?” Sam shot back with a low chuckle. “Well done by the way. I was going to give it another week before I got involved.”

“I am sure you could have done it okay,” Admitted Char as he left the newspaper down, “You are quite balanced for someone who has gone through the life you all had. To say you deserve some recognition is an understatement Sam.”

“We’re probably only as well-adjusted as we are because Vincent interacted with us more,” Sam admitted. “It might be that we owe our sanity to him. He tried with the others, but some of them preferred to be alone...and some were just plain mad. If there’s a better way to repay him than by being there for him now, I don’t know it.”

Char chuckled lightly at Sam’s reply, “You know, I sort of envy you.”

“Grass is always greener on the other side...right up until you hop the fence and see how many brown patches there are,” Said Sam with a hint of cheek. “Anyways, I have to get in to work soon...so thank you again, and take care out there.

“Farewell then, until next time we meet,” Replied the veteran as he held a claw towards Sam. The younger Scizor met the claw with his own, a slight ringing noise echoing as they met for a second, and after that, only the veteran remained in the lobby.

Vincent set out the bowls for breakfast, and Lucy poured the cereal in and took her seat. Vincent added the milk and spoons, and took his seat, which was opposite the table from Lucy. Until the two of them had talked, he wasn't sure how close he wanted to be. "Okay, let's go over all of what happened last night. You weren't actually drunk."

Lucy gave a small nod. "When we did what we did, no. When the girls and I went out on the town, yes. It's what led to that. They unbottled my urges, and then I acted on them."

Vincent sighed. "Whereas I was drunk. Not enough to forget, but enough to lower my reaction times, make running unfeasible."

"I was counting on it," the Lucario countered. "You were avoiding the issue, so I took matters into my own hands."

Vincent sighed again, and then there was a knocking on their door.

“Coming through.” Came the voice of Weiss before he opened the door. “Please don’t shout me out!”

Vincent and Lucy both looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Yes?” Lucy said.

“Can we help you?” Vincent tacked on.

Weiss looked over his raised arm and sighed in relief, “Nothing, just some bad memories… anyway! Can I please have some coffee?” he asked very politely.

Vincent pointed over at their coffee-maker on a nearby counter. “Sam made half a pot and only had a cup. I’ve had one as well, and so long as you leave one for Lucy, feel free.”

“Thank you.” He gladly said as he passed by them, grabbed a mug, poured some coffee in it, passed by them again and politely asked. “So are you guys okay to take us to this pizzeria you all talk about?” He asked with the warmest of smiles while his cup began to shake in his hand, just slightly though.

Lucy and Vincent exchanged a look, and Vincent sighed. “We...have a few things to talk about still. I could tell you where it is, if that would suffice. As well, someone needs to be home in case Bit actually finds the things he’s looking for today.”

“Okay then,” Said Weiss as some sweat started to come down his face, “... so where is it?”

“Five blocks west, two blocks north. Known only as Fredrick’s, named after the griffon who runs it,” Lucy said, before asking the critical question. “Are you...okay, Weiss?”

“Why of course, better than ever in fact.” Said the now slightly green Bisharp, “So if you two will excuse me…” and headed to the door, fast.

Vincent and Lucy exchanged another look and a shrug as the leader of the mercenaries left their apartment. If he said he was fine, he was fine, and it wasn’t their problem.

"Okay, so let's agree to one thing right now," Vincent stated. "No more drunken sex."

Lucy nodded. "Fine by me. I just took advantage of the situation to show you what you were missing out on."

Vincent sighed. "And can we please go back a few steps in this whole intimacy thing? I'm really not used to it. Like maybe tonight, a little bit of physical fun, but only a little, and slowly build up to what we did last night again?"

The Lucario frowned. "We're going to have to define just how many steps back we take this."

And so the haggling began...

In the middle of the afternoon, Vincent called a halt to the haggling over affection and cast his mind towards those of Checkmate's. They appeared to be at the train station, and Vincent became an impartial observer to what was going on, a set of ears and a mouth without a body.

“You think they will come to see us go?” Simon's voice rang out.

“Well, Sam is working, Bit is working on the house and Vincent and Lucy are working each other out, so I wouldn’t be too surprised if they didn’t come. Not that I blame them though.” Char summarized, “they are now normal members of this world.”

True, while I can’t see you off... Vincent held his head as the familiar headaches started up again. Owch, and doing this with a slight hangover hurts...I can at least give you some parting words. Thank you for visiting, Checkmate...my friends. I hope to see you again some day. Vincent’s ‘voice’ rang out among the team after Char’s words.

“Would you look at that, he is acting more like Xavier every day.” Joked Pancha.

“I think the pleasure has been ours as well.” Said Weiss with his calm, elegant tone. “I am sure we will be more than glad to stop by your place if we ever have the chance. Of course if that is okay with you two.”

You are always welcome to return...in fact, if there’s an apartment open when you do, it’s yours for the night...for a few bits, of course. By the time you do pay another visit, the house will be operational again, and we can’t just give away shelter during operating hours. Still, our door is open to you and whoever else you pick up on your journey through this new world. And ladies? Vincent allowed them a moment to respond to his suddenly too-sweet tone.

“We have an empires’ account on our back niño, I am sure we can repay your kindness.” Said Pancha with her cheerful tone.

Rouge added “What is it dear?”

Lucy told me of your role in the actions of last night...while I approve of the result, I do hope you don’t intend to plot or scheme around me or her again. That would not be a wise move. His voice had suddenly turned as hard as nails for a moment before returning to a cheerful tone. Now do take care on your journey, and if I meet any wayward chess pieces, I’ll hold on to them until I can get a message to you!

“We only promise not to unless your lady asks for help, as she did last night.” Replied Daring nonchalantly.

“And I would be grateful if you take care of anyone from my ‘family’ mister Nurem.” He said very respectfully. “We would just ask you to please not be as cryptic as some of our other members had been when giving us the news.”

Hmm...but this presents a problem. If you’re constantly moving around...idea. Xavier, how hard do you think it would be for us to set up a permanent relay between our minds? That way, I could tell you right off the bat if I find anyone.

‘With a normal mind would be impossible without proper equipment and gadgets, but with your mind...We could make use of a ‘empty memory’ to keep a link with each other. Somewhat similar to voicemail. We can leave a thought there and see it when we ‘think’ about it.’ Xavier explained and proposed.

“Thank you for saving us the trouble of knowing how that works.” Said Weiss, “and I do mean it.”

The only slight issue might be what might happen to said ‘empty memory’ should I ever Evolve again, but for now, let us make use of your plan...aaaand I’ve only just thought about it, but this is probably going to sting, isn’t it?

‘Like placing a needle on one of your lobes, but it wont last.’ Xavier replied. ‘And we can create a new ‘memory’ if it happen to be erased when you evolve, but I hope it doesn’t. I would like to know when that happens.’

“Call me a Goldeen and put me in a fish bowl, he is really caring for him!” Exclaimed Simon.

‘Are you ready then?’ Xavier asked.

Let me just... the Kadabra grabbed a hold of the couch a bit more firmly before replying again. Okay, braced. Do it now before I have second thoughts.

And then a ‘memory,’ or more literally, a part of each of the psychics’ brains were subjected to a sudden application of psychic powers, forcing a link to be generated between the two so no matter where, both pieces could contact with each other. Needless to say, it hurt just and exactly as Xavier said it would.

‘Done’ was all that was said by Xavier about the experience. Vincent was a bit more vocal however.

Son of a Mightyena, that hurt! Oh hell, ow ow OW! Okay, if I ever say I want to do this again, somebody slap me, because I’ll have clearly taken leave of my senses! ...On the bright side, I...think I can work with this so that it won’t hurt nearly as badly should I decide to try making translation a permanent thing for the ponies and Pokemon of Las Pegasus.

‘Ah… a mental chip!’ Xavier recognized the line of thought Vincent was on, ‘an interesting technique, one people can easily abuse, so I trust you to use it wisely.’

“We don’t use it because it can be ‘hacked’ by other psychics, or on some cases, cause a ‘total wipeout’ order on our brains. So thanks, but the old mind link is okay for me, thank you very much.” said Weiss.

Fair enough...which is why I’m going to devote a portion of my time to making sure they not only work, but are secured from such simple tampering. It...might take me a while, and a few sessions with Bit to come up with ideas. But thank you for visiting and the ideas you’ve helped churn up, as well as all the help and ‘help’ you’ve been.

An unfamiliar mind appeared on his 'mental horizon', and with a flicker of effort, Vincent determined that it was the conductor for the train they were all waiting on. I’m afraid, however, your train approaches.

As Vincent finished talking, a shrill, distant whistle was indeed heard.

“So it seems.” Pointed out Char.

“We have been happy to have a proper time with you ‘lot’ specially since we didn’t fight over anything this time.” Said Weiss.

“We did take a building down though.” Said Simon.

“And we sure enjoyed our girls night!” commented Pancha.

“We truly did, and I look forward for the next time we can share a similar evening.” Added Rouge.

“I wish you luck with your building mister Vincent.” Said Valerie.

“And your berries.” Added Sylveon.

“Specially the berries!” commented Edge.

“And if you happen to meet anyone from the PLA, just don’t bee too harsh with them.” Said Gold coolly.

“Th-thanks for everything, I really enjoyed knowing you mister Vincent.” Said Roa more than a hint of joy to her voice.

“I see why Sam said such things about you.” Commented Char, “you have this uncanny ability to make people like you.”

“Is one of the best out there!” Admitted Gold, “the commander sure knows about it.”

“Well, the train is here and our time is running short. So see you later guys, and congratulations on your ‘grand opening’!” Daring teased. The collection of minds moved, presumably onto the train, before anyone else spoke up.

“I really thank you kid, for being so damn nice to a bunch of mercenaries like us. I hope we can return the favor one day… one day…” Weiss said sadly.

‘I hope we can keep in contact if we need to, even if is to know about idle things or to help with your progress about your psychic designs.’

Or if it’s just to warn me about when you intend to visit, so I can warn the bars about needing to stock up before you do.

‘I will try.’ Said Xavier with a chuckle.

And so the two families parted ways once more, but unlike last time, they did look forward to meeting again in a near future.

(Meanwhile, in the nearby desert...)

A Leavanny wiped the sweat off her brow as in the distance, a glimmering city appeared. "See? I told you I could protect you four through the desert."

Behind her trailed a Meowth, who flopped down on top of the sand dune she'd climbed onto. "Yeah, but you sure picked the scenic route."

"Meowth, please treat her with a little respect for guarding us," a male Roserade said, his leaves noticeably wilted from the heat he'd experienced over the last few days.

"Yes, she's more than earned her pay...once we're safe in that city, that is," a female Pyroar said, looking hardly the worse for wear, though there was definitely sand in her coat.


Chapter Thirty-Six - An Infestation of new faces

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Vincent sat in the lobby of the apartment building, his head hung and being held up by his hands at the persistent haggling his sister figure-turned-girlfriend was putting up. While he wanted to step back quite a ways...quite a ways indeed, she wasn't one to take no for an answer...

"Come on, a little hugging, a little grooming, what's so wrong with that?"

He lifted his head and shot her his best deadpan before replying. Canterlot.

At that, she blushed through her fur. "Oh. Yeah."

There was a set of knocks on the front door, and the Kadabra turned from the Lucario in the lobby to the portal to the outside, his interest peaked. Yes? Who is it?

The doors were pushed open, and a small party of Pokemon walked in. First was a Leavanny, and the way it held itself broadcast both 'female' and 'trained warrior.' Vincent had been around Checkmate long enough to be able to pick up on that. Her arm-blades were just a touch on the larger than normal side, and she seemed to prefer to keep them close by her side, if not folded up entire.

The next was a female Pyroar with more than a bit of sand in her coat. Despite this, her mane held a shape similar to a crescent moon, with only a few strands out of place, the length nearly matching her entire body. She seemed to hold herself with an air of confidence while also giving a critical eye to the entire lobby and the 'mon in it.

After her was a Roserade, seemingly sapped for energy by the time spent outside. Once said grass-type stepped inside, however, it perked up and sighed. "Oh that's much better," the Roserade said, identifying itself as male from the tone in his voice. "It's so nice to step into an air-conditioned place after that ghastly trip through the desert. Even if it turns out to just be for a moment, it's a much-needed moment."

"True enough," the Pyroar said, "But let's see about securing lodgings here. We could do with a new base of operations in this new world, and this place seems ideal."

Falling back first onto the floor with a thud, an unusual-looking Meowth voiced his agreement. "Personally, I'll take the air conditioning. You two can try and sweet-talk the owner into letting us stay."

"Wobbuffet!" A Wobbuffet said as it too walked into the building, standing just behind the Pyroar.

Vincent gave the unusual gathering a critical eye before turning to Lucy. Why does this sound like the beginning of a really bad joke?

Lucy hummed and shrugged. "A Leavanny, Pyroar, Roserade, Meowth, and Wobbuffet all walk into an apartment building..."

But the Lucario and the Kadabra duck? Vincent finished with a chuckle before turning back to the gathered 'mon. So what brings you all here?

The Leavanny nodded and stood to one side, the better to let Vincent access her charges. "These four wanted escort through the desert to a safe haven in this city, and I proffered my services so long as they told me what I wanted to know." At that, she seemed to remember the question she'd asked them, and turned to the four behind her. "Speaking of, we're here now, so please. Where is Shredder?"

"In the griffon empire, serving under their Empress," the Pyroar said.

At that, the Leavanny twitched slightly, but the Roserade didn't seem to notice as he pitched his two bits worth in. "Yes, she's across the ocean, serving a mighty ruler."

The Leavanny twitched again and brought her arm-blades upwards, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "You mean to tell me that if I had walked in the other direction when we first met, instead of escorting you across the desert but going across the ocean instead, I could be with her by now?"

The Pyroar and the Roserade exchanged a look and gulped, but the Meowth spoke from his place on the floor. "Yeah, you could be. But then how would we have gotten through the desert? It was a joint effort to keep it from you until we got here."

At those words, the Leavanny smiled a small, dangerous smile, and took a single step towards the assembled 'mon. "You don't trick a member of Bishop and gloat about it to their faces. You're about to find out why," she said, raising her arm blades even higher.

At those words, Vincent turned to face her, his eyes glowing blue. You dare? In my house?

She had been about to reply when she heard, then felt, the room groan at the Kadabra's words. Sparks of blue energy jumped off his form, vanishing quickly once they were separated from his body. At the reaction she had provoked, the Leavanny decided to close her mouth and back up a step. Vincent nodded and turned to the four who had accompanied her.

Three of them had looked at the psychic with dropped jaws. The Wobbuffet had interposed itself between the Pyroar and the Kadabra, arms spread wide. "Wobbuffet?" it asked, and Vincent smiled and shook his head.

My apologies. I am still getting used to my strength. But let us make one thing perfectly clear, all of you.

Vincent looked back to the Leavanny before turning to the group and saying the next bit. Within these walls, the past is the past. Let it lie on Earth, forgotten. In this new world, we have a chance to remake ourselves, so we should. The first rule of my house is quite simple: you shall not attack another without just cause.

The Bug/Grass type opened her mouth for a moment before looking around and shaking her head. "Forget it. If you intend to protect them, then I'll just leave."

I wouldn't do that so quickly, wayward chess piece. Weiss would not appreciate it if you left a safe haven so soon after entering it.

The Leavanny paused and looked at the Kadabra before nodding slightly. The psychic then turned back to the foursome, who had lined up in front of him. Vincent walked to one end and began interviewing the Pokemon. Do you have a name?

The Roserade nodded. "I'm James."

...I'm assuming you were once human, then. Any others amongst you that once were?

The Pyroar nodded as well. "I'm Jessie."

Vincent turned back to the Roserade and nodded. Do you have any experience with your new body or gardening in general?

"Why yes," James replied with a bit of surprise, "I'm quite a good gardener. I get along very well with both plants and Grass-type Pokemon."

"You are?" Jessie questioned with more than a bit of curiosity.

"Of course," James said, turning to look at her. "Did you think I pulled those roses out of nowhere all those years?"

The Pyroar looked to the Meowth, and the two shared a look of shock at something they hadn't known about their friend.

"Why do you ask?" James said in the ensuing silence.

We have a rooftop garden that could use your expertise, then. That will be the way you contribute to the running of apartments, should you choose to stay.

The Roserade nodded once and smiled. "More than willing to help with something I'm good at," he said. The psychic nodded in turn and walked to the next in line, the Pyroar.

How good are you at controlling your new form, Jessie?

"Well, I can do a few of the more physical moves, but using my fire is an exercise in patience," the female Royal Pokemon said with a bit of a huff. The Meowth smirked before speaking up.

"Yeah, and you're so well known for your patience," he snarked. The Pyroar turned and swiped a paw just in front of his face, causing the smaller feline to flinch back, which in turn caused the larger one to snicker.

Well, if you're willing, Bit could probably find a use for you. Even if it is just for hauling things.

Jessie blinked and sighed before hanging her head. "I've done worse for a roof over my head...though not many come to mind. " She then lifted her head and cocked it to one side in curiosity. "Out of curiosity, where will this roof over our heads be located?"

The Kadabra idly stroked his mustache as he turned the question over in his head. Hmm...I'd like to keep you nearby, in case you need us...how about the fourth floor? Right in the middle of the house...and I'll put you on the side opposite of us, so you won't hear anything we'd rather you didn't.

"That sounds very generous," James said. "All in exchange for helping to keep this place running?"

As long as you do your best, you'll have earned that apartment. Vincent then turned to Meowth. And you...well I can tell right off the bat that you're not a normal Meowth. Most aren't comfortable being bipedal for any length of time.

In response, Meowth puffed his chest out and smirked, casting a glance at Jessie and James. "Five minutes, and this guy notices that I'm special. Why'd you only mention it rarely, huh?"

Vincent's ears twitched as he looked over the Meowth, his expression turning to one of disbelief. Did...okay, say something else.

Meowth turned back to Vincent, his head tilted to one side in confusion. "What do you want me to say?"

The Kadabra grinned a very wide and manic grin, one that unnerved Meowth just a touch. Enough to cause him to back up. Oh, sweet Xerneas, but you just spoke in English, didn't you? It took me a moment to make the distinction, but I did!

Meowth slowly nodded as he replied. "Yeah, I can speak English. What about it?"

Little Meowth, with your permission, I'd like to root around in your head for your language center. I promise to be careful.

In response to that, Meowth backed up and placed both of his forepaws on his cranium. James was at his side in an instant, holding the feline close with one arm while shielding him with a bouquet in the other. "Why do you need to root around in his head for that?" he asked.

"Yes, what's so special about Meowth's head that you have to look in it?" Jessie tacked on. Vincent sighed as he looked out to the city.

I'm not sure if you noticed, but the ponies of Las Pegasus and Pokemon...don't exactly get along. Even after the World Summit. The psychic then looked back at Meowth before continuing. A part of it could be because we don't understand one another. At least, not without a psychic or their magic nearby. I'm trying to come up with a design for a 'psychic chip' that will enable translation between ponies and Pokemon no matter the circumstance, but you...you've already bridged that gap. No need to reinvent the wheel, if you'll let me at your language center.

After a moment, Meowth walked out from James' protective embrace and walked towards the psychic, a paw on his chin, humming. "It's really that bad out there that you think you need to poke inside my head?"

At this point, it couldn't hurt, Vincent replied. But that can wait a little while. Not too long, though. His eyes then landed on their final compatriot, who had resumed standing nearby, merely watching the events take place.

And you...you intrigue me.


Mostly because you choose to say only your name. I'll have to have a proper conversation with you later. The Kadabra nodded and gestured for Lucy to come join him. My name is Vincent, and this is my companion, sister figure, girlfriend...call her what you will, it will likely fit or earn you a punch to the face. Her name is Lucy.

"Charmed," Lucy said. "If you're done with them for now, Vincent, I can show them to their apartment, and then Jessie and James to their workspaces."

Of course, Vincent said, turning to Jessie. Bit wanders the streets in the daylight hours, looking for parts for either his projects or mine, but at night he works in the basement.

The Pyroar nodded at the psychic's words as the group was led off upstairs. Vincent then turned to the Leavanny that had been standing nearby, listening to everything that had been said. "And myself?" she asked.

First, your name, wayward Bishop. Then I shall present your options as I see them.

She nodded and made a slight bow towards the Kadabra. "I am Lala, ranking member of Bishop in the mercenary guild Checkmate. Those four said they would tell me where Shredder was if I escorted them to a place of safety on the other side of the desert, and this seemed to be the first safe haven I could find for Pokemon in this city."

Hmm...I am sorry they took the actions they did, but I'll have them being productive members of society in no time, Vincent replied. Now, your options. First, you could leave to find this Shredder in the gryphon empire. Which promises to be a long journey, and you can't even be certain she'll still be there once you arrive.

"A fair point," Lala conceded. "Next?"

You could simply leave and strike your own path in this new world, but I get the feeling you won't.

She grinned and shook her head. "You guess right. You've met with Weiss, and said something about how he wouldn't be happy if I just wandered off."

Indeed not. I made him a promise that I would look after any chess pieces that found their way to me, and if you will permit it, I shall extend that promise to you as well.

Lala paused, seeming to consider the words of the psychic before nodding once. "I shall remain until Weiss returns to Las Pegasus. Beyond that, I cannot promise anything. What would you have me do to repay you?"

Merely help keep us safe, Vincent replied. As a member of Checkmate, your power is not to be underestimated. Individually, we can do amazing things. But together, we could do anything.

Lala smirked at that before looking around the lobby. "Don't suppose there's an apartment on the ground floor that's open for anyone to use, is there?"

Make yourself at home, the psychic replied, to which the Leavanny replied by nodding again and walking off. Vincent closed his eyes and accessed his link with Xavier, composing a short message of both a mental snapshot of Lala and text to go with it.

Teacher, Lala, Bishop, arrived in my home, escorting four other 'mon through the desert. Have a hold of her for now. Please advise.

That done, the Kadabra opened his eyes and sighed, sitting on one of the benches and running a hand through his mustache as the turned the situation over in his mind. I could have sworn there was a reason those names were so familiar to me...Maybe I just heard something like them in one of Bit's few news bursts.

Jessie, James, and Meowth arrived at the rooftop garden, panting and out of breath for the moment. "These new bodies can take quite a bit of punishment, but it's going to take a while before we can run any marathons in them," Jessie said.

James just gave a wordless grunt of approval with her sentiment, and Meowth pulled himself up, having caught his second wind. The moment he did, his jaw dropped at the sight of what was being grown in this garden. "Guys. Guys, you're going to want to see this."

Jessie slowly pushed herself up and turned to look at whatever it was Meowth had seen. "What is i-" she cut herself off mid-word as she too dropped her jaw. James managed to stand up straight again and glanced at whatever it was that had his teammates so captivated. The moment he did, he too couldn't look away.


Rows and rows of Berry plants.

His mouth not only hung open, but salivated at the thought of so many Berries being grown here. He then frowned as a thought occurred to him. "How did they get a hold of so many Berries?"

Lucy shrugged and spoke up from her spot near the door. "Ask Xerneas, she's the one that brought them over. They're your charge now, James. Do you think you can handle it?"

James turned to look at the Lucario and nodded rapidly. "Oh yes, I can help with these...though if you intend to expand operations, I could probably do with an assistant at some point."

Lucy frowned but nodded. "Fair enough, I'll bring it up to Vincent then."

Once the Fighting-type had walked off, James turned to Jessie and Meowth, to find that they hadn't looked away from the large crop of Berries. "What are you two doing?"

"Do you smell that, James?" Jessie asked.

"It smells of earth and growing plants up here," the Roserade replied.

"Funny," Meowth said. "I smell...opportunity."

Chapter Thirty-Seven - The faintest hint of Foul Play

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"You can't possibly think this is a good idea, Jessie," James said, sticking one of his bouquets into her face for emphasis. The other was swept around to encompass the rooftop garden. "Bad enough that we withheld information from that highly trained warrior of a Pokemon until she escorted us across the desert, but now you want us to fall back into our old ways? How is this in any way acting worthy of a second chance?"

"Don't be ridiculous, James," the Pyroar said, flicking her mane from over one shoulder to the other, trying to find a comfortable position for it. "The psychic clearly has far too many Berries up here to be able to keep proper track of. Once the plants bear fruit, you can replant the bare necessities...but we'll be taking the excess and selling them to both the natives and the Pokemon."

"Think of how many Pokemon there have to be in the city alone, wanting a taste of home! And just imagine what would happen if any of these Berry's effects could effect a pony! These Berries could be miracle cures for all sorts of ailments for them!" Meowth painted a compelling picture, James admitted, but he still shook his head.

"This Vincent, he took us in and offered us shelter, not only from our past, but also from the wrath of that Leavanny. This is how you choose to repay him?" James sighed and shook his head. "Count me out of it, then."

"Ah, but you're forgetting something," Jessie said with a smirk. "Even if only me and Meowth were to take some, what are the odds that you won't seem guilty by association? You heard and felt what he did in that room to get that Leavanny to back off. Do you really want to be the only scapegoat around?"

"I'm fairly certain telling the truth and continuing to stay on to help grow whatever you leave behind would be more than enough for him to stay his hand," James said, though there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

"Think about it," Meowth said, smirking a bit at having sown the seeds of doubt.

"Yes, you have until the bushes bear fruit," Jessie continued, idly flicking her tail. "After which, all bets are off."

With that, Jessie and Meowth made for the stairs, and James sighed before turning his attention back to the Berries. "Which gives me, what, two days?"

In the dead of night, when everyone but Bit was asleep, a certain God finally got around to answering a certain prayer.

In his defense, he'd been busy as of late, dealing with both reasonable, and completely bullheaded, heads of state.

His form flitted across the globe, searching the minds of those he ran across, seeking one in particular and coming up empty.

Somewhere over the sea, he paused for a moment and reconsidered his approach. Doing it this way would mean it would be years before he found the one he'd been asked to find.

A solution presented itself. From out of nowhere came the Plates, spinning around his form. He fed a bit of his power into them and absorbed the energy they gave off in response to being activated by their master, assuming as much of his true power as he possibly could in this moment, without reabsorbing his children, of course.

His form blazed golden, and his search resumed, ending this time in two and three-quarters seconds. Once the mind had been found, he lowered himself to the ground she was resting on and coated both of themselves in his power before warping space and time around the pair of them.

Softly, the Alpha Pokemon laid an elderly, sleeping, female Bellossom at Vincent's front door, nodding once and casting a gaze at the third floor. "I agree, Lucy. She does deserve this," he said in a hushed tone, before winking out of existence and returning to his temple.

Sam came down after his early-morning breakfast and coffee and absently nodded at the figure behind the desk. "Mornin'," he said.

"To you as well," a feminine voice replied, causing Sam to pause and look over who he had just greeted again. When he did, he was certain his eyes were comically bulging as he drank in her form.

It was a Leavanny with significantly larger arm-blades than normal, ones that reminded him of his previous state as a Scyther. She appeared to be reading a newspaper at the moment, delicately holding it in said arm-blades. Sam slowly walked up to the desk and smiled at her before trying one of the moves the old man had passed on to him.

"Goodness, but if Arceus himself didn't have a hand in your creation, then I have no idea how you became so beautiful."

"You should stop while you only have one scratch on your armor to worry about," she replied.

Sam blinked before looking at his chest armor, noticing a long, fresh mark in it. "Huh," he replied. Then he realized that it was only the two of them there, and he winced. "Yikes! How...I didn't even see you move!"

"Comes with being a member of Bishop and Char's daughter," she replied, turning the page.

Sam winced again at the conjured memories of the training he and Char had gone through. Or more accurately, the training the older Scizor had all but forced him through. "Yeah, I can see that," Sam said before shaking his head. "Fine...but this isn't over."

"I look forward to your next attempt. Perhaps I shan't even reprimand you for it," she said, a bit of a smile on her face.

Sam sighed, a hint of a smirk playing across his face before he opened the front door and all but tripped over the Pokemon on the other side. Catching himself before he hit the ground, the Scizor looked at the Pokemon before turning back to the Leavanny behind the desk.

"Go get Vincent or Lucy, I think they're going to want to handle a new tenant showing up like this."

She nodded and went upstairs to retrieve one of his siblings, leaving Sam alone with the Bellossom. He gently gathered up the Bellossom and placed it on one of the couches in the lobby, taking care to not jostle her too badly. Just as he turned to leave, he saw the Leavanny returning with a slightly-grumpy Vincent in tow, sipping from a mug of coffee.

So this is why you interrupt my breakfast? Before either of them could justify their actions, Vincent continued with, I agree, I should look into this.

The Kadabra set his mug to one side and shook the Bellossom awake. She blinked a few times before sitting up and looking around. "This...this isn't where I went to sleep. What happened?"

"Calm yourself," Vincent said, using his actual voice for a change, "you are safe here. My name is Vincent, what is yours?"

The Bellossom froze before turning to look at the psychic, her eyes wide and slightly teary. "Vincent? Vincent Nurem?"

Vincent seemed to stiffen before nodding. "How do you know that name, ma'am?"

Sam had been mentally preparing himself for one of a number of reactions. Screaming, cursing, crying, all of which would require him to separate the two.

What he hadn't been expecting was for her to latch on and hug his little brother, all while saying, "My Vincent! My little Vincent!"

"Ma'am! Please, calm down! I don't recall any living Bellossom from my time on Earth, so how do you know me?"

She drew back a bit and kissed him on both cheeks before replying. "Of course you wouldn't recognize me, either here or on Earth, I fear, but maybe you'll recognize my name? I'm Jeanne, dear. I'm your-"

"Mother," Vincent finished, his eyes wide in shock and his body limp. "How did you get here?"

She shrugged and resumed holding Vincent close. "All I know is, I have my baby boy again, and that's all that matters right now."

Lucy had silently come down after Vincent and seen the whole reunion from the stairwell. The Lucario smiled a soft smile before whispering her thanks to Arceus for hearing her prayer.

Bit hovered outside, a piece of parchment in his grasp, preparing to do something probably ill-advised. But if it worked, it would be, as the more organic would say, so cool.

"Activate lasers. Prepare to fire on minimum power in this pattern."

The house responded as the wall around the door began to draw on the stored power and the defense system came to life. The green lasers pointed at the top of the parchment Bit was holding and waited. He took another moment to calculate the correct power levels for this operation of his, and adjusted them downwards another notch.


The streams of green lanced from the house to the parchment and began to slightly burn words into it for approximately ten seconds. After which, the systems shut off, their task done. Bit turned the parchment around in his grasp and read the words burned into it.

Greetings and salutations, your majesty.

It has come to the attention of this unit that you are one of the most, if not the most, prestigious magical researcher in this day and age. However, I am uncertain as to the protocols regarding obtaining an audience with you, mostly due to your quite recent ascension. Therefor, a middle ground between begging in person and finding one of your aides to schedule an appointment was struck: This letter.

This unit would ask you when you next have an opening in your no-doubt hectic schedule, as I desire to learn from you about the natural phenomena known as 'magic', not only in how the native pony populace utilizes it, but I also seek instruction in using it myself. I proffer in exchange for your teachings knowledge of some of Earth's more useful devices, both in how to build and how to operate them. Is the proposed exchange agreeable to you?


Bit, the Porygon-Z

Reading over the letter twice, Bit nodded to himself and proceeded to head to his nearest post office. The sooner this letter was sent, the sooner it would arrive, and the sooner he would get a response regarding these matters. If there was indeed magic everywhere in this world, it would be a shame to not use it.

Chapter Thirty-Eight - Trying to Ingrain herself into his life

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Sam had gone to Mary and told her about the sudden family reunion that had taken place, and the Shiny Sandslash waved off his attempts to explain with a smile before sending him back home. The Scizor returned to the apartment to see that Vincent had taken a seat in some of the lobby furniture, the elderly Bellossom sitting in his lap and smiling at both him and Lucy. "Funny, I only recall giving birth to one, but it would seem I have a few more children now."

Sam was puzzled for a moment before he picked up on what Jeanne had said. "Huh...so you don't mind that he calls us his brother and sister?"

"Absolutely not, dear," the Grass-Type said with a shake of her head. "From what I've heard, you could use a little love, and I have plenty to give."

"While we still don't know how she got here," Vincent said, holding up a glowing blue hand, "She did let me look to confirm that she is who she says she is. I say we take this miracle and roll with it."

Lucy's smile grew by another notch before she awkwardly coughed to get the attention of the others. "So! Now that you're here, what would you like to see first, ma'am?"

The elder of the group frowned softly. "Can't I just sit here with my son after so long spent searching for him?" With that, she turned around and hugged the Kadabra, causing a fresh wave of smiles to erupt from the three siblings in the lobby.

Vincent gently pushed his mother back before smirking. "While I would love nothing more than to catch up with you, I have half a breakfast upstairs growing cold. So why don't you let Lucy and Sam show you around our place of residence and business?"

The Bellossom sighed before nodding her acquiescence to her son's wishes. "Fine, but the last stop will be your place, young man, and we are going to catch up when I get there." With that proclamation, the grass-type jumped down to the floor, her one foot of height suddenly even more obvious. She looked up at the two taller 'mon and smiled. "So which one of you two is carrying me?"

Bit dinged a few times as he hovered outside the apartment he had been informed that held his new assistant. He already had been told a few things about her, namely her name, form, and that she had once been human. Frankly, even if she had been, a Pyroar assistant was something that could not be underestimated. Their breath could superheat some metals in an instant, and they were far stronger than he was. Welding and carrying things back to weld was no longer an issue.

Slightly perturbed by the fact that his assistant had yet to make an appearance, Bit did his best impression of a Staravia looking for insects and began tapping his beak into the door multiple times. Approximately twenty-three seconds later, a male Meowth answered the door. "What?!" he all but demanded.

Bit tilted his head to one side and ticked as he considered the Pokemon in front of him. "My apologies, I was informed that Jessie was here."

The female Pyroar he'd been looking for came out from one of the bedrooms, yawning widely. "I'm here. Why are you knocking so loudly? Who are you, even?"

"I am identified as Bit," the Porygon-Z said, "And I came here looking for you, as I was informed you were to be my new assistant."

Jessie blinked a few times before nodding once. "Right, that Kadabra said something about you...wasn't expecting a Porygon-Z, but it makes sense in retrospect."

She then turned to the Meowth before stating something. "Tell James that I'm off helping Bit when he comes down, then."

The connections were made with a speed that would have put most computers to shame. Jessie, James, and a Meowth companion? There were several news files in his memory banks that correlated. Bit's voice turned even more dead and emotionless, and unknown to him, his eyes flickered red for a second. "Jessie, let us away, we must purchase some more supplies for this home."

The Porygon-Z turned and floated off, and Jessie followed after him. Meowth shuddered briefly, as he had seen the Porygon-Z's eyes change.

"That guy ain't normal...are any of them?"

"Yeah I got filtered glass," the Earth Pony stallion said. "Perfect for the sorts of gardens you're talking about. How much you need?"

Bit ticked for a moment as he calculated the area of the garden. "The garden at the moment takes up one hundred square feet. Should we need to expand, we can return to purchase more, but that is the amount we require, and soon."

The pony let out a low whistle at the estimate. "Jeeze...I think I can set you up with enough to cover it, but it's not going to be cheap."

"Oh come now," Jessie said, all but purring. "Surely a skilled craftsman such as yourself can procure such fine goods with a minimum amount of fuss? This is a matter of survival for those plants."

The orange stallion turned a deadpan gaze to the Pyroar, unimpressed with her attempts to get a deal. "Lady, it's because I'm a fine craftspony that I know the value of my work." He paused for a moment and rubbed his chin with a hoof. "Still, if you really need it, now, I suppose I can knock off a few Bits...Eighty-five sound good?"

Bit ticked, running the current budget against this newest expense. "This will work. If you could place it in the wagon attached to my assistant, we will be most grateful."

The red-maned stallion nodded and walked into the shop, yelling for an assistant himself before the door swung shut. "So," Jessie began.

"I know who you are," Bit stated, looking at her with his full force.

Jessie gulped, suddenly very nervous. "Ah, really? Don't know what you're talking about. Just a normal Pyroar, heh..."

"Do not lie to me. Jessie, James, and a Meowth. Three names that turn up frequently in my archives." The program paused for a moment, and when he spoke again, it was like the temperature in the air dropped five degrees. "Tell me, how has this new world been treating you, Rocket member?"

Jessie sighed. "Found out already? It's not a record by any means, but-"

"Allow me to inform you: I care for Vincent more than any being in this world or any other. He helped keep me sane in the dark times. Should you be planning anything that would harm him, I will not hesitate to load up Hyper Beam for use on you."

Jessie looked to Bit and saw his eyes had turned red and gone cross-haired. She suddenly had a vision of Bit stumbling across them in the middle of their planned Berry heist and turning the three of them to ash with nary a thought. "Noted," she said.

Just then, the stallion came back, and his assistant with him, a load of wrapped glass on a pallet they were carefully moving. Fortunately, the assistant was a unicorn, and could move it, one pane at a time, into the wagon attached to Jessie. Each one merely reminded her that this position could be permanent...or very, very temporary.

"And this is the rooftop garden," Sam said, gently setting the Bellossom down. She stretched a little bit and looked at the pots with Berries in them, taking it all in with a small sense of wonder.

"And where did you get so many Berries?" She asked. Lucy shrugged.

"Ask Xerneas," she said, and a Roserade popped its head up from between two rows of plants, eyes wide with curiosity.

"Excuse me? Did I hear you correctly? Did Xerneas herself really give you these Berries? I thought I was hearing things the first time, but you truly mean it?"

The Lucario nodded. "Said something about trusting Vincent with them, or something to that extent."

The Roserade put one of his bouquets to his chest, suddenly feeling very faint. "Oh dear me. This is such an honor."

At that moment, a Meowth walked up the stairs behind the small family and over to the Roserade. "Hey James, Jessie is out helping Bit at the moment. Thought you should know."

James nodded once before returning to the plants, his doubt suddenly amplified. Jeanne, however, seemed to stiffen and glare at the pair near the plants before turning back to the siblings. "Why don't we move on, dears. I think I've seen enough for right now."

Even as Lucy took up the duty of carrying her down to their apartment, Jeanne did not lose any of her cold fury.

She knew those names, and she'd be damned if she just let them be...

Of course, once the glass had been delivered to the apartment, Bit had gone to a local construction crew, and they had assured him that not only could they have a water tank for the roof that could last for at least twenty years and be easily accessible for maintenance installed, along with all the requisite plumbing to make it their primary water source, but they could get it done in two days. Three if the delivery company dragged their hooves on the parts.

Thus assured and paid, Bit took Jessie with him to a gardening store for sprinklers, so that watering the Berries would not be as much of a chore. Once they were loaded into her wagon, they were off again, this time in search of lumber to hold up the glass. She took this chance to speak up to the Porygon-Z. "I don't suppose sorry would be enough?"

He paused at that, nonplussed for a moment. "For what are you apologizing?"

"For my first impression being...that. I've been a Rocket member for quite a while, and it rarely occurred to me how infamous I was becoming." She sighed and shook her head. "Quite often, there have been times when I didn't know when my next meal would be, or where I could safely lay my head. To be offered this much charity for so little is...more than a bit jarring."

Bit turned to look at the female Pyroar, and those that knew where to look could see actual sorrow in his eyes. "I...apologize as well. For quite a while, Vincent has been the only thing keeping me sane. To know that there was a former Rocket member nearby, with his naiveness...I acted preemptively to deal with a shadow of a threat that you represented, and I should not have done that. In the words of Arceus, only the worthy found their way here to this new world...so despite your association, you must have been worthy in some respect."

Jessie actually smiled at Bit's apology, glad she didn't have to worry about a guardian that did not sleep anymore. "Where to next, then?" she asked, genuinely happy to be doing something that would be helpful to her new benefactors.

"And this is where we stay," Lucy said, letting the Bellossom walk freely once more by lowering her to the floor.

Jeanne looked around the apartment and smiled softly. "So you've been here the past few weeks?"

"On and off," Vincent said from the couch. "Here the first week, gone most of the next on a tour around Equestria, and when we came back we bought a good portion of the place and began to renovate it so that Pokemon could help run it and still have ponies live in it."

Jeanne walked over to the couch and pulled herself up before hopping into the Kadabra's lap and hugging him again. "Meanwhile I wander a jungle that is just full of both Pokemon and native creatures. Thank goodness I learned a few things about my new body. Stun Spore and Sleep Powder have never been more useful, I'll wager."

Vincent laughed and just hugged his mother close before making motions that Lucy could sit on the other side. She joined the pair on the couch, hugging Vincent softly, something that caused a slight dark look to pass Jeanne's face for a moment. Once that passed, she was all smiles again. "So mother, what about you? I know so little, even with that peek."

Jeanne sighed and just held a hand up to her head. "Where do I begin...well, before you vanished I was a Pokemon Coordinator. A darn good one too. Once your father took off with you, I became a Pokemon rights activist." She laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes for the next part.

"I just knew that if enough people were looking for not only you, but all the ones he was hurting, he had to be found sooner or later. And you with him."

Sam was suddenly there as well, and the couch groaned from the effort of holding them all. "Well...you got your wish after a fashion," the Scizor said.

"I would have preferred it if it happened back on Earth," Jeanne said simply, "But I'll take what I can get. Anything else, dear?"

Vincent smirked. "Yeah...any chance you're a decent cook? None of us had to learn, and eating raw food is only so good for so long."

Jeanne chuckled before nodding. "Yes, I can cook. But this form...it's not exactly conducive to culinary masterpieces..."

"How about a step-stool, to help you get on top of the counter?" Lucy suggested, and the family shared a laugh.

It was whole and larger than it had ever been, with a member they had never had but needed for a long while, and for the moment, they were content.

Chapter Thirty-Nine - His Rage is not to be underestimated

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In the dead of night, when most souls would be sleeping in their beds, save for the nocturnal ones, two teenaged (roughly) Pokemon lay in bed together. One was just on the cusp of dozing off, and the other was waiting for this moment.

"Vincent," she said, and the Kadabra next to her grunted something unintelligible.

"Vincent," she repeated, a bit more insistently. This time, the psychic opened his eyes and turned to look at the Lucario next to him.

"It is. The middle. Of the night," he stated slowly, in a voice that could freeze lakes solid. This did not deter the fighting-type, however, from giving him a lick across his muzzle. This caused him to sputter a bit and glare, but it was a light one. He sighed and nodded once, briefly. "I suppose I did promise you."

"Darn right you did. I don't care if it takes me weeks or months to get you feeling comfortable with that again, but there will come a time when this bed is used for something other than sleeping."

"Just...ease into it, okay?"

"I'll try."

The sounds of one teenaged, hormonal Pokemon exploring another would barely escape into the night, as Vincent was being quite quiet, but escape they did past the door...to the ears of a certain Bellossom, who scowled before stalking back to her room, muttering darkly.

The next morning brought a wave of warm, delectable-smelling breakfast to the siblings, now that someone who could cook had been found to take up residence with them. The proffered step-stool had been found and placed near the counter closest to the stove, and Jeanne had proven herself an adept cook with what ingredients the trio had. Bit didn't quite count, not having to eat normal food and all. While three of the participants of the early-morning meal were their in their normal 'early morning zombie' states, the newest addition was not.

She was too angry for that.

While it was true she had been a Pokemon rights activist, it was secondary to her real goal: finding Vincent again and bringing Rupert to justice for his crimes against decency and sanity. She hadn't been as big on legalizing some forms of love between humans and Pokemon, but she still paid lip-service to the idea.

She hadn't been quite aware how little she believed in it until she heard the sounds of her son and that Lucario last night. She'd suspected they were a bit closer than siblings from the way they acted around one another, but to be at that stage?

Something about it set her blood boiling.

"You two sleep well?" Sam asked, stirring his coffee gently before taking a sip.

"Never better," Lucy said with a smirk that set Jeanne's right eye twitching.

"I think I'm finally over the worst of my love of naps," Vincent said while munching on some of the breakfast his mother had made him. "How about you, Je-...sorry. How about you, mother?"

"I slept well, though I think we might need to look into proper soundproofing," the Bellossom said in a voice that was more acid than words. "I heard the strangest noises last night."

Vincent and Lucy had the good grace to blush a bit at the accusation in her words, and Vincent leveled his fork to point at the Lucario. "Her idea entire. She saw I was drunk one night and took advantage. Now she's on some sort of mission to get me comfortable with that level of intimacy again."

"Yes, well, we've known each other for so long, this is a natural step," Lucy said, closing the few feet between them and giving Vincent a quick peck on the muzzle. "Granted, we may have skipped a few here and there, but this...this just feels right."

"Well at least it wasn't you that instigated it," the Bellossom began, her eyes screwed shut in anger as her words spilled forth, each one causing a similar expression to grow on Lucy and Vincent's face, "but the fact that you're choosing to continue it, Vincent, makes you no better than a Pokephil-"

"Releasing Psychic Seal!" the Kadabra bellowed, his anger unleashing his full strength against the one that gave birth to him. A wave of blue blasted through the apartment, and the sense of psychic pressure increased drastically in the nearby vicinity. Vincent's eyes blazed blue as he glared at the Bellossom across from him.

"Finish that sentence. I dare you."

Jeanne could barely focus on forming a coherent thought, she was so overcome with panic and fear. She felt like an angry Alakazam was in the room with her, and her mouth flopped uselessly open. "I...I..."

"I had enough of a time talking with Hastings about this in Manehatten, I don't need it from YOU as well!" The Kadabra looked at Lucy, and she gulped, but nodded softly. Sweeping his gaze back to Sam, Vincent spoke in a slightly less harsh tone.

"We'll be finishing this breakfast elsewhere."

The psychic and the fighter vanished in a flare of blue light, leaving Jeanne and Sam alone in the apartment. The Scizor finished off his breakfast and coffee before placing his dishes in the sink and giving the Bellossom a look of disappointment. "I would have expected better of you," he said softly.

"Better?" Jeanne reflexively asked.

"Vincent's a saint for keeping his heart intact after what he's been through. I had hoped he'd gotten that from somewhere."

The Bug left the mother alone as he walked off to his job.

Sam smirked as he hit the ground floor again, ready for round two already. Lucy and him had swapped a few ideas from their training with Checkmate, and he was considerably more ready for the Bishop this time around. He held both Quick Attack and Agility in his mind, focusing on the very essence of speed. He would need it for the upcoming bout, he felt.

The Leavanny was behind the desk again, with the daily paper in her claws once again. She perked up a bit as Sam came around, and the Scizor prepared his improvised move. "Well, oh vision of beauty, I dare say I didn't get your name last time, nor did I get the chance to give you mine. Perhaps we could remedy that?"

He saw, barely, her form twitch, and he jerked his whole body back a step in response. His ploy was successful, earning him no scratch on his armor today. She blinked in response to his success and looked at both her claws, then his armor where she'd been aiming. "That should have worked."

"Little tip for you, beautiful," Sam said, walking up to the desk and giving her a wink. "You're not the only one Char trained."

He was halfway out the door before she spoke up again.


The Scizor paused and turned around, his head cocked to one side. "Pardon?"

"My name. Lala."

Sam grinned and put a claw to his chest before giving her a half-bow. "And mine, dear lady, is Sam."

Whistling all the way to work, Sam mentally ticked off one box on his list.

Step one, get the name of the stunning beauty. Check.

Lucy and Vincent appeared on the roof of the building, looking at the sunrise and catching their breakfast as Vincent pulled it to them from the table. "Reform Psychic Seal," he muttered, and there was an implosion of blue light on his body. His power was thusly restrained once more, and he sighed before sitting down and eating his food. "How could she be so...short-sighted?"

"Hastings," Lucy muttered. "Who's to say his views were limited to him? Others could have listened to him back on Earth. Your mother clearly did." She picked up a forkful of egg and bit into it, saying something under her breath all the while.

The psychic of the duo shook his head. "Be they god or mortal, nobody and nothing is keeping me from you. You're one of the bright things to have come from that hell, the one shining star in all that darkness. I would let the world burn if it meant being with you." He took a sip of his juice and nodded once, firmly, as he finished his sentiment.

"Funny," Lucy replied, drawing his head closer to her and giving him a peck. "I said the same thing to the Aura. Nothing is keeping me from you."

The two fell into an embrace, their breakfast forgotten.

Jeanne muttered to herself, wondering where she had gone wrong. Hastings...he was right, wasn't he? Had to be.

But it wasn't Hastings that brought you all here, a part of her mind said from the depths. It wasn't even him that brought you to your son. He's a mortal, like all the rest, and mortals can be flawed.

But those cases! Those Pokemon! That horrible, horrible abuse that had been heaped on them by-

'Outliers exist in any data set.' Rupert said that often enough when you asked him if his work looked good enough to go forward. If the cases that Hastings touted as his reason for fighting Pokephilia so hard were the outliers...

...Then there were plenty of normal, healthy, loving relationships just below the surface that nobody talked about because...because why?

Because of people like him. And you. People who would break up true, genuine love, because of their beliefs. Beliefs that can't apply in the face of true love, because the heart wants what it wants, and damn anyone else.

...Oh Arceus, what had she just done?

The Bellossom fell to her knees and wept as she realized that not only was she wrong, but she had just tried to tear her son apart from one that he truly loved, all because of her beliefs. Her grossly erroneous beliefs.

Vincent stood in front of his opponent, his Twisted Spoon at the ready. "You're not fooling me. There's a reason you said what you did, and I intend to find out what."

"Wobbuffet," his foe replied, not budging an inch.

"Have it your way," Vincent replied, his spoon now between the two of them and glowing as the Kadabra pushed his power towards the Wobbuffet.

I say, is that really necessary? Trying to force your way into my mind like a brute with a battering ram. Granted, your power lends you one of the larger battering rams I've ever seen, but it is still rather uncouth of you!

The voice was highly unfamiliar, and Vincent smirked, knowing it could have only come from the other one in the room. Wobbuffet blinked a few times as he realized he'd talked 'out loud' to a fellow psychic. Oh damn.

"Yes, quite," Vincent replied. "Now. A few questions for you, and then I'll leave you be."

Fine, ask away. It's only fitting if you are our new benefactor.

"First and foremost, why do you only say your name?"

The Wobbuffet smirked a bit while it answered this question. To mess with the other three, of course! It's all I've said for years, even to Meowth, because I didn't quite like them thinking they knew best as to what I should do. As a result, they let me use my best judgement, and it's saved them on more than one occasion, even if they won't admit it right away. I am a master of deflecting attacks with Mirror Coat and Counter. I even know Bide, something many of my kind cannot boast.

"So a defensive powerhouse," the Kadabra summed up, "One with their best interests at heart. Which would explain why you jumped between them and my little leak downstairs so readily."

There was the sound of a sigh from the form in front of him, and the Wobbuffet nodded once, his entire body bobbing along with the motion. To be more accurate, I jumped between Jessie and you. My priority is to defend Mistress Jessie first and foremost. She was my trainer on Earth, and I always thought highly of her for encouraging me to use my best judgement in battles. Goodness, I'm surprised she used me for as many battles as she did, with my lack of offensive moves. As such, not even my Pokeball could hold me when I thought they might need me. That, and it was fun to figure out the lock from the inside.

"Anything you would like to tell me about the others before I assign you the same sort of duty as Lala?"

The Wobbuffet seemed to think for a moment before nodding once more. They have good hearts buried in them. They just...sometimes need a good, sharp poke to their rears to remember it.

Vincent blinked, but shrugged. "Fine. Should anything happen that results in the apartment being attacked, which is unlikely, but still within the realm of possibility, then it will fall to you to defend us while Lala goes on the attack. Otherwise, a general, non-invasive monitoring of the mental state of the apartment is all I request of you."

Easily done. Take care, master Vincent.

The two psychics nodded a final time at one another before the Kadabra left Rocket's apartment.

Figure out what intrigued him about Wobbuffet, check. Next on his list, Meowth.

Chapter Fourty - Return to make amends

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Meowth lay on the couch in the apartment the former Rockets had been given, his tail flicking back and forth with worry. "You're sure this won't hurt?"

"It'll only hurt if I do it wrong, and I promise to take my time about it," Vincent replied, his regular spoon in his hand. "If at any point it feels more than just odd, actually painful, let me know, and I'll stop whatever it is I'm doing that's causing you pain."

The feline gulped but nodded, ready to see this through. It wasn't exactly every day he had a Psychic poking around in his head, looking for skills he'd learned. Then again, back on Earth, it wasn't exactly uncommon either...just more likely to happen between two Psychic-types is all. "Alright, but if I wake up not remembering Jessie or James, I'm blaming you."

"Noted," Vincent said in a wry tone and closed his eyes, focusing on the brain in front of him. With a slight push, he was in, and looking for Meowth's language centers. Hmm...Visual cortex isn't an issue, English and Equestrian seem to be the same written tongue...Angular gyrus could be necessary if the others fall through...The Wernick's, not needed, Pokemon can understand Equestrian just fine...Broca and Motor Cortex, jackpot! That's the difference I was looking for! Oh my, this will be very helpful indeed! Let's just copy those skills for use in my 'chip' design...

Two minutes later, Vincent opened his eyes again and smiled at Meowth before lowering his spoon. "Done. And might I say, thank you for agreeing to be my test...subject..."

The Kadabra trailed off before laughing, long and low, at the irony of what had just happened. The feline of the pair pushed himself upright before quirking an eyebrow at the Psychic. "Care to fill me in on what's so funny?"

Vincent eventually got his laughter under control and nodded. "It's just...this is my first time being the one running the experiment instead of the one on the receiving end of such experimentation. The irony is palpable."

Meowth awkwardly grinned at Vincent. "So...got what you need?"

Vincent hummed before replying. "Technically I got what I need from you. I still need to work on refining it so that I can apply a 'chip' to Pokemon or ponies to have them understand one another, and I need to make sure they're secure as well. Don't need a rogue Psychic hijacking the mind of someone I 'chipped' because I made it easy for him to walk in."

The feline awkwardly rubbed the back of his head with one paw. "So...we're good?"

The Kadabra blinked a few times before nodding. "Yes, yes we are. I'll just go work on this...and other things. Knock if you need me."

Lucy wandered the streets once more, looking for a place where she could be gainfully employed, when the sounds of conflict reached her ears.

After a moment to process the sounds, she realized they weren't the sounds of conflict, but the sounds of training, like she had undergone with Maylene and her Lucario partner. The thought brought happy memories for a moment, before she realized that these sounds could be useful in finally getting her a job. Assuming of course these particular ponies were amicable.

Following the sounds wasn't exactly easy, the Lucario had to double back a few times and check that she was going the right way. Downtown Las Pegasus was a maze to navigate if you weren't on the main streets, and unlike a certain Arcanine, she didn't have a finely-tuned nose, nor a scent to track in the first place. This did not dissuade her, however.

After ten minutes of searching, slowly narrowing down the area, Lucy found herself looking at an unremarkable building with a simple name emblazoned on it. "The school of Hard Knocks." At first she was skeptical she'd found the right place, but noise from within quickly assured her that she had. Namely, the sound of a pony screaming in pain, and another pony screaming at them.

"You call that a block? A colt could get past that! Take a minute and try again."

Nodding to herself, Lucy pushed the front doors to the building open, and was instantly greeted with silence. She was facing twenty-two ponies. Twenty of them assembled in two even rows facing each other, or rather, they had been a moment ago, and two in various states of examining the others. Mostly Earth ponies and Pegasi, though there were two unicorns in the ranks. Lucy quickly picked out the pony that had been screaming a moment ago to notice that while he was still in pain, he had shut his mouth and was looking at her as well. One of the examiners stepped closer to her, an eyebrow quirked.

"So one of the Pokemon walks through our doors. The question is, why?"

Before she could even open her mouth, one of the students scoffed and spoke up. "Master, why do you bother asking? You know you won't get an intelligent response."

Lucy glared at the offending pony and decided to one-up him. "The word you're looking for is intelligible, you ignoramus."

The fact that she spoke their tongue seemed to send an electric shock through the assembled class, and they quickly set around to muttering. The examiner that had stepped forward raised one of his wings, seemingly calling for silence, which quickly fell throughout the room. "So, you can speak our tongue. Don't suppose you're one of those fancy Psychic types, then?"

Lucy shook her head at that. "No, but I know one. It's thanks to him we're having this conversation, though he's working on a more permanent solution to the communication problem. My typing, if you actually care, is dual. Steel," and here she flashed a smile at the pony before her, "And Fighting."

The other examiner came forward and nodded at what the Lucario had said. "Ah. So that's a bit of the riddle then, but you've still left it unanswered. Why did you come?"

Lucy looked around the room at the students before looking back at the two teachers in front of her. "Would I be correct in assuming that you've had an influx of students over the past few weeks? Ones wanting to know how to fight just in case they have to defend themselves against Pokemon?"

Nearly every student there winced, and the pegasus teacher slowly nodded. "You assume correctly. Why?"

"Well," Lucy said, cracking her neck and rotating her joints, causing no small amount of noise to echo around the area, "I happen to be capable of taking more than one hit in a fight. I think it might be helpful to have a Pokemon around if you're going to teach a Pokemon-defense course. Y'know, help them see how to use these lessons effectively. Heck, if they or you can take me down, I'll be surprised."

"Is that a challenge I hear, little miss?" the Earth Pony teacher asked with a chuckle. More than a few of the students gulped at the tone in his voice, but Lucy merely smiled.

"Why? What do I get if it was and I win?"

The pair in front of her looked at one another and nodded, some unbidden signal to the pegasus of the pair to back up. "If you win," the Earth pony said, "and take me down before I take you down, then we'll let you stay on as a teacher in addition to us, so that our self-defense courses are more all-encompassing."

"Fail," the pegasus said, "and we toss you out for a year to hone your skills before you can come back through those doors."

Lucy thought it over for a moment before smirking and nodding at their terms. "Agreed. I'm Lucy."

"Hard Hooved," the Earth pony said.

"Quick Knocks," the pegasus added.

"And now," Hard said, motioning with one hoof to the students, who seemed to get the idea and moved out of the way rapidly, revealing the ring in the floor.

"The two of you shall enter the circle. First one to pin the other for five seconds or push the other out of the ring wins," Quick stated the terms. Lucy stood at one of the lines drawn on the floor, and Hard stood at the other. They briefly bowed to one another before the Lucario thought of a better stipulation to add to the match.

"I shall not use any of my more...damaging or elemental moves against you. It would be unfair. The most I shall do is augment my own abilities, and only if I feel the situation calls for it."

The Earth pony bowed his head again. "Most kind of you to fight me on even ground. Many Pokemon would not."

"Yeah, well," Lucy said as she got into her fighting stance, "I'm not most Pokemon."

Silence hung in the air for a moment longer, and then the two fighters closed the gap between them. One fighting for a job, the other fighting to prove that his way of teaching was more than good enough.

Vincent sat in his and Lucy's room, working on his latest technique. Pings...they were easier to think of as search engines, and once Bit had helped him with the correct visuals and understanding of all the elements of a good one (and given him a headache in the progress), he'd finally proclaimed that finished to his satisfaction.

No, what he needed now was an attack. And he already had an idea as to what a good one would be. After all, he'd done something similar once before. Who was to say that his defenses couldn't also be attacks, that a shield couldn't also be a sword, or used to bash someone's face in?

Though, with this attack, he was hoping for more damage than that.

Attacks, techniques, could be made. This was a lesser-known fact of the Pokemon world. Flamethrower was a juiced-up Ember at its core. Bubblebeam had come from a Water-type putting way too much power into Bubble, and a curious Kadabra had probably stumbled into Psychic when it was fiddling with Confusion or Psybeam.

This attack, though, wouldn't be making its way into the common Pokemon's mind. So Vincent hoped. It was only going to be comprised of his pain and torment, after all.

An Alakazam can remember everything that happened to it since it hatched as an Abra, Vincent mused, holding his Twisted Spoon and idly playing with it. And trauma forges the sharpest swords. Let's see if I can't use both of those. Hmm...yes...how should I begin...

An image flashed into Vincent's head, one of a cute little Growlithe pup...and its fate, and Vincent nodded. The dead, he said. I'll begin with the dead.

As the psychic began his work, an elderly Bellossom stood outside his door, having 'heard' all that he'd said and silently wondering whether or not it would be a good idea to go in at this particular point in time.

Bit hummed a happy tune as he and Jessie made their way from the scrap yard. The mare running it had been more than amicable to his scrounging and eclectic needs, and most of the parts he needed, he'd procured. The rest could be bought easily. "Finally, my rudimentary computer can start to be assembled."

Jessie had been moaning at the weight she'd been carrying, but at the Porygon-Z's words, perked up a touch. "Really? That's what this is about? Remaking some of Earth's technology?"

Bit ticked as he considered the question before bobbing his head in the affirmative once. "I have been...uncomfortable outside the mainframe, and I have acquired quite the wealth of knowledge. Having even a basic computer handy to dump excess or superfluous data into will be quite useful, and serve as the base for future endeavors."

"How...far do you intend to take this?" the Pyroar asked, a gleam in her eyes as she considered the possible future.

Bit turned his head to look at her, and if one were to look at both his eyes and the way he held his arms and tail, they would be able to tell that not only was he being slightly mischevious, but that he was enjoying it. "Jessie, with the Berries on the roof, the scrap and other parts easily gained, our abilities in the realm of welding metal, and all the time in the world available to me...there isn't much I couldn't build or replicate from Earth."

He turned back to face forward as he continued to lead the way back to the apartment, muttering slightly under his breath along the way.

"That is, once I understand magic and incorporate it into the designs..."

Lucy had stated she wouldn't be using any moves against the pony she was fighting. And she wasn't.

She was only using them on herself, a distinction deception that Bit or Vincent would be proud of her making. Quick Attack, Extreme Speed, even focusing her ability to manipulate the Aura back into herself so that she could dodge the stallion.

Frankly, she needn't have bothered to that extreme, one would have been enough. He telegraphed all his attacks so clearly that a Riolu would have been able to dodge them. And while she could feel her energy behind her moves winding down, she could see that he was taking it worse than she was in the way he started to take more time between his attacks. One more, and she would be able to pin him easily.

The stallion turned and bucked at where she had been a moment ago, and Lucy jumped onto his back, her weight pinning him to the ground. He struggled mightily for a moment, but upon realizing that she wasn't going anywhere, sighed and went limp.

"You beat me, and without throwing a punch either."

"Answer truly," Quick said, "Did you use any moves on him?"

Lucy smirked and shook her head before stepping off the pony. "No, but I also didn't break my word. No moves were used on you, Hard. But on myself..."

The pair of teachers blinked as they realized they'd been hoodwinked and laughed. "Well played!" Quick said. "I say we give her a chance for that alone!"

"Aye," Hard said as he picked himself up on shaky legs. "She's quite good at the art of combat. I say she joins us as a teacher here, let our students get some real experience in defending themselves!"

Lucy smirked and stuck her right paw out to the pair of ponies. "It would be my honor to join you as an instructor in this hall," she said seriously. Quick and Hard looked at one another and nodded, placing a hoof each atop her outstretched paw.

"And it would be our honor to have you," they intoned together, and the students gave them a wave of thunderous applause.

Vincent slowly opened his eyes and held his left hand up beneath them, feeling the gathered moisture there and sniffing slightly. "So...many friends gone. So many out in this world, alone, most likely. So many...I'd nearly forgotten how much it hurt to lose them."

The Psychic shook his head and wiped the tears away as he continued. "Which is why this will be perfect, once I finish it."

"Vincent?" a familiar voice croaked out. He stiffened and slowly turned his sudden glare to the door to see the Bellossom that dared call herself his mother standing there...

...and she seemed to have been crying lately too. He blinked at that before reforming his glare. "You have ten seconds to get o-"

"I'm sorry," she said, and that stunned Vincent for a moment, letting her continue. "I was wrong, and I'm sorry. Please, please believe me when I say that."

The Kadabra closed his eyes and breathed deeply for a moment, reigning in his latent anger. When he opened his eyes again, his glare was gone, replaced with a look of curiosity. "What brought this on, this little revelation?"

The plant shuffled closer to the bed, and Vincent reflexively used his powers to bring her up to the top with him. She walked over and made to hug him, but Vincent stopped Jeanne with a simple raised hand for the moment. She gulped at that, but explained anyways. "Well, partially your father. We'd known each other for years before, and when we asked each other about our days, whenever he said the results from his latest tests in improving a Pokemon's potential were promising and I asked if he thought it was good enough to go forward, he would say that 'outliers exist in any data set.' I simply...applied that to everything that Hastings had said regarding Pokephilia, and realized how wrong he must have been."

Jeanne wrung her hands as she said the next bit. "It...was wrong and foolish of me to accuse you of that. While I may not have believed too strongly either way regarding it, I can see that you and Lucy love each other deeply. Please, please forgive me."

"Why did you say it?" the Psychic questioned his mother.

"Because of those outliers!" she exclaimed. "While most of them were humans abusing or brainwashing their Pokemon - something I know you would never do, even as a human - there were cases, rare but there, of the reverse also happening! A good portion of Pokemon are significantly more powerful than humans, and that's before you take moves into account! I was afraid she could be abusing or brainwashing you, Vincent! You're young, still malleable, and I can't lose you again, I just found you!"

The silence that filled the apartment was nearly a tangible thing as the Bellossom finished her outburst. Vincent just stared at her, nonplussed, not knowing how to best attack that little rant of hers. Jeanne just gave a sad, small smile, before she said a few simple lines.

"But I'm not afraid of that anymore. You two truly love one another, and I would have to be mad to stand in the way of that. Please, forgive an old woman of her fears."

Vincent slowly raised his Twisted Spoon and looked Jeanne in the eye. "Not...yet. I have to look before I can trust you again. My time...there, removed my ability to trust easily, especially those that have hurt me before."

Vincent's words stung Jeanne, and to her credit, she only flinched a bit before she nodded at him. "Whatever you feel you need to do, dear."

The Psychic closed his eyes and pushed his mind towards that of his mother, reciting a small poem as he did to focus his efforts.

Within another's mind

One can always find

The truest expression of the soul.

If you know how to look

It's like reading a book

But doing so will always take its toll.

Now I peer into your heart

To see what sets you apart,

To gaze upon the whole and core of You.

It's said the gateway is the eyes,

In there, there can be no lies,

Whatever I find there, it must be True.

Silence descended, true and utter silence, as even the air chilled while Vincent was looking into the core of his mother, gazing deeply into what made her tick.

What he saw stunned him.

A woman so driven to find her son and bring her former husband to justice that she would do anything...but that was only the surface.

A young mother, desperate and lonely for the life she'd brought into this world that had gone missing...but that was only one layer down.

Protective. Loving. Big mama Ursaring in a little package...but once it was all brought together, he was shocked.

A woman who had found that one of her idols had to be, had to be, wrong, and was still dealing with that fallout, but it wouldn't stop her from her one goal:

Holding her son again.

Hastings had been wrong. She had been wrong, and she would do anything, anything, to make it up to him, so long as she was permitted to stay, to hold her son once more.

Withdrawing from the deepest recesses of her mind, Vincent opened his eyes and studied the Bellossom in front of him. "You can stay," he stated, and she nearly ran forward to hug him, but his left hand quickly stopped her. "On one condition."

"And what would- no," Jeanne said as she realized the most obvious condition.

The Kadabra merely nodded once. "Yes. You have to apologize to the others as well, admit you were wrong. Ask for their forgiveness, it's not mine to give."

The Bellossom sighed, but acquiesced with a head-bob. "I'll...try. But can I have a hug, please? Just in case?"

Vincent smirked and moved his hand out of the way, and Jeanne held her son once more. And for the moment, she was content.

Chapter Fourty-One - Stopping a Thief in action

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Once again, it was the middle of the night, only this time, the setting was not outside Lucy and Vincent's room, but rather, the roof. James was watching the Berry plants, a slightly excited look on his face in spite of the plan that Meowth and Jessie had laid out. The flowers had closed up this morning, and fruit had begun to form. Unless he missed his guess, it was nearly time for-

A flash from the plants cut his thoughts short as the fruits fully formed. The Berries were ready, and he smiled despite himself at having helped bring this about. This...this felt right. Gardening again. Helping to bring good, wholesome things into the world, rather than any of their prior antics, which usually only ended in drama and misery all around. He breathed in for a moment, content with what he had helped do, enjoying the satisfaction of a job well-done.

The moment was promptly ruined by the others showing up. "Is that it?" Meowth questioned. "Are they done now?"

James turned around to see Jessie and Meowth standing at the doorway, looking at him expectantly. Well, one was looking expectant. Jessie seemed to be conflicted about something. The Roserade nodded once, slowly, a decision resolving itself in his heart. "Yes, they just got done. If you wanted to, you could pick them clean right now, were it not for one simple thing." He took a stance between the two standing at the rooftop entrance and the Berry plants, ready to stop them if, no, when he had to.

The felines tilted their heads in confusion, but Jessie seemed to catch on and smile slightly. Meowth, however, was unaware of his companions changing their minds about his proposed plan. "What would that be?" Meowth questioned.

Jessie answered him by standing in front of James, nodding once, and then turning to stand at his side, facing Meowth. "We're done."

The smaller cat blinked a few times in confusion. "Done?" He questioned out loud.

"Think about it, Meowth. It is highly unlikely Giovanni is here. And even if he were, Vincent has proffered us sanctuary. Food, water, a place to rest our heads. Actual sanctuary and safety from others, as he demonstrated." The Pyroar gestured to the city beyond the roof with one of her paws as she continued. "Out there is a world of potential, of fresh starts, for not just everyone else, but us too. We...would be doing a disservice to Arceus himself if we didn't take it. Me and Jessie?"

"Done," Jessie repeated. "Done with Rocket. Done with them and their ideals. We followed them for so long, and this is the first clean chance to break away from them we've had in a while. One with a brighter future on the other side of the break. If you want to follow their ways, that's up to you. But we're not helping you."

The smaller cat's jaw dropped at the proclamation. "You...you guys...what would you even do here? Grow plants and help a Porygon-Z?"

"It's actually not a bad idea," Jessie said with a bit of a smirk. "After all, James helped grow these Berries, and Bit apparently has designs on re-creating some of Earth's technology here on Equus. This is likely to be one of the safer, more well-supplied places in the near future, and one I want to be a resident of."

"But...but the money! The chance to make so much money from this! You're just going to let it slip by?"

"Yes," James said first. "I am. And really, you should have thought of a better argument than that one, Meowth."

Jessie nodded and held a paw up to her chin as she thought. "Actually, considering the water tank they've talked about, the generator, the furnace, the air-conditioning, this Berry garden...if they but expand this garden, then...they won't need much money, if any, to run this place or live here. Why wouldn't we stay here and help?"

"Well," a new voice said from behind Meowth, causing him to yelp and run towards Jessie and James while turning around. This revealed the owner to be an elderly Bellossom, and she was only lightly glaring at the three of them. After a moment for the feline to get his heart back under control, the plant continued.

"Well, kudos to you two for standing up to him, but really, you shouldn't have taken this long to do it."

Before Jessie or James could offer a rebuttal, the Bellossom stalked up to Meowth and glared a very impressive glare for being as short as she was. "And as for you. For even thinking about doing that to my son or this house he's helping run. I should by all rights tell him who you are, then stand back and watch the fireworks."

This left the Rocket trio very nonplussed. "Why would him knowing who we are or were set off any 'fireworks'?" James questioned.

"Oh. Permit me to introduce myself. Jeanne Delaine. At least, that's my maiden name. When I married, I took the last name of Nurem," the Bellossom said with a short curtsy.

The effect her former last name had on the three former Rocket members was akin to an electric current being run through them. "That...explains a few things," James said, muttering and looking to one side as he contemplated the stories of the mad scientist.

"Yes, but it doesn't quite answer the question as to why Vincent knowing who we are would change anything," Jessie tacked on. Jeanne looked at the both of them and crossed her arms while huffing.

"Because the Doctor's first real victim from all of the demented and likely-true stories you heard was his own son," she explained. "It left Vincent with a bitter hatred for those that would abuse Pokemon...I think. I got that impression from him today, at least." Jeanne seemed to think for a moment, then shrug as she continued her little rant. "As such, I can only think that hearing about who Team Rocket was and what they did, assuming he doesn't already know, along with your names and the fact that you were a part of them-"

"-Would really not go over well," James finished with a nod. "Especially our boss's involvement in the Mewtwo Event."

Meowth seemed to finally catch on to what was being said about Vincent and gulped. "But...surely if I mentioned the idea of selling the Berries to the kid, he'd listen?"

"He might," Jeanne said with a shrug before resuming her glare. "But that doesn't mean you get to pressure him or take them for your own. I hear so much as one word of such a thing happening and find out it was you, I'll tell Vincent about your pasts. You can bring it up, but if he says no, then you leave it be."

She breathed deeply for a moment before smiling and nodding at the trio. "I would hate to leave on a sour note, though. I'm a bit too old to be holding a grudge like that anymore. So...take care, you three."

With that, Jeanne left the three former Rockets up on the roof, to ponder just how close they had come to complete catastrophe. If Vincent knew who they were, it would likely end with him either turning his power on them or kicking them out of his home, neither of which were outcomes they wanted.

Unanimously, they decided to leave the Berries be.

Morning brought a surprise to the apartment door of the Nurem family. One in the form of a Roserade and a Meowth. Lucy looked at the two as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes with one paw. The other was busy holding her mug of coffee. "Yes?"

"Well," James began, "It would appear that we've just run out of whatever non-perishable food the last tenants left in our apartment, so we were hoping you knew of a good place to go buy more, so that we could have some form of breakfast."

"Somewhere that wouldn't judge us for being Pokemon," Meowth added.

The Lucario sipped her coffee as she considered the question. "Bit, while being the oddest of the family, does most of our shopping. Mostly because he has more information jam-packed into him about Equestria than we might ever know, so he knows how best to read a shopkeeper and avoid being cheated. I think he's out buying a few groceries for us, actually..."

There was a bang and a clatter from the kitchen before a familiar female voice spoke up. "Lucy, that you at the door?"

The Lucario grumbled a bit before shouting her reply. "Yes, Jeanne!"

"Who was it?"

"James and Meowth, they need a good place to pick up food in town!"

There was a pause before the Bellossom spoke up again. "Why?"

"They ran out before they could have breakfast this morning!"

"Oh is that all! Invite them in, I can make more!"

To say the two former Rockets were stunned by this sudden act of generosity would be like saying Discord mildly enjoyed mayhem; a gross understatement. Meowth and James exchanged a look before giving one to Lucy, who was similarly bemused. After a moment, she stood to one side and waved them in. "C'mon in, guys. Jeanne apparently likes you enough to share our food with you."

The inside of the apartment, while not structurally different from theirs, seemed to be more of a home somehow. More lived-in, warm, welcoming. The Lucario escorted James to the table and pulled a seat out for him, which he sat in absently. She then picked Meowth up before setting him on the couch in the living room. "Sorry, I think the table is a bit too big for you," she stated with a snicker. "Plus, we only have the four chairs for it anyways."

The feline grumbled a bit before sitting back in the remarkably comfy couch. Vincent walked out from the guest bedroom yawning and stretching, and Sam emerged from the bathroom, his armor clean and shiny. Vincent sat at the table while using his powers to snag a cup of fresh coffee from next to the pot, while Sam rolled his eyes and grabbed one gently with his claws. "Showoff."

"Nah. Showing off would be making it from scratch, cup included." The psychic slowly sipped his hot beverage before turning to Lucy. "Morning, love."

"And to you as well," she replied, pecking Vincent on the cheek. Almost immediately afterwards, Jeanne walked out of the kitchen and wiped some sweat off of her forehead.

"Breakfast is done," she proclaimed. "But you're mad if you think I can carry all of it out here by myself. Vincent?..."

With a nod and a flexing of his strength, four plates of food appeared at the table. One appeared in Meowth's lap, and one hovered around Jeanne, making her chuckle before she gently grabbed ahold of it and put it on the couch next to Meowth. She made to jump up and join him there, but the psychic cleared his throat. "Didn't you have something else to say, mother?"

Jeanne sighed and nodded before turning back to the table. "Yes, I do...and the sooner I do, the better." With those words, she stepped closer to the siblings sitting down for breakfast and thought for a moment before shaking her head. "Too complex..." she muttered. "Best to tell them straight."

"Well," she spoke in a louder tone. "The easiest way to say this is simply that I'm sorry for those words I nearly said, Lucy. And I hope neither you nor Sam will hold them against me, as I have no intention to say them again. Please...please give me your forgiveness. I...I don't want to have to leave because of a mistake I almost made."

Lucy and Sam looked at each other, both of them imagining the torture this woman must have been through over the past fifteen years. They shared a slight shudder at the thought, before Sam nodded once, followed by Lucy. "You're forgiven," Sam said.

"So long as that word is never uttered under this roof again," Lucy clarified.

Meowth and James shared a look of confusion before shrugging. Whatever it was, didn't involve them, and hopefully wouldn't. For the time being, they were content with their breakfast, which tasted as wonderful as it smelled.

And so the slightly expanded family came together again.

The installation of the new water tower atop the apartment complex, along with the requisite plumbing, was not without a few hitches here and there, but usually, a member of the crew of ponies had the skills to deal with them as they cropped up, and where they failed, the powers of the family saw them through the worst of it. Vincent shared a hand/hoof shake with the lead pony of the crew and looked back to the complex, smiling all the while. "With this," he said, "The Ricardo building it is no more. Now it needs a new name, to reflect on what it has become and represents."

The others seemed stumped until the Kadabra walked up to the plaque out front, which had a black cloth draped over it. With a flick of his wrist, it was drawn aside, revealing the new name of the building.


Under that, in smaller letters, another sentence explained the name in a bit more depth.

Run by Pokemon, but Pony-friendly as well.

"I like it," Lucy said. "Especially this last bit here."

Her paw pointed out the final line, engraved in even smaller letters.

In this house, all are welcome, so long as they do not attack another.

James and Meowth looked at it and smiled. Apparently Vincent was nicer than they thought. Maybe someday, when he was a bit more...stable, they'd tell him who they were.

"Now all we need are pony tenants and this will show off what we can do," Vincent mused while stroking his mustache. James had a sudden thought and turned to the psychic.

"Oh, I nearly forgot! I checked up on the Berries last night, couldn't sleep, and they're ready to be harvested now! If you'd care to do the honors?"

Vincent's smile could not be wider if he'd tried, and he nodded his head eagerly. "Sounds awesome, James! Anything you think we need up there?"

The Roserade pondered for a moment. "Well, besides your proposed sprinkler system," he said out loud, "We could also do with some sort of compost bin. Would help us keep up with demand, assuming there is one in the future, by giving them all sorts of nutrients. And more variety would be nice as well, I could get some interesting Berry mutations if I had the proper starting set, which would enable us to expand our stores considerably."

"I'll have Bit put it on his to-do list, or have him ask you for more details later," Vincent replied. "Now let's go get those Berries!"

Lucy followed her boyfriend back inside and up the stairs inside while Sam merely chuckled and headed off to work. Jeanne looked over to the two former Rockets and nodded. "Well done, you two. Well done."

With that, the three of them also headed up, to make sure that Vincent didn't end up tearing out anything extraneous in his haste to harvest the Berries.

Chapter Fourty-Two - Drawing the attention of his Outrage

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It had been a few days since the house had reopened, and the family had more or less settled into a routine. Even the former Rocket members...those that woke up in the morning anyways. James and Meowth would come by for breakfast, Sam would go to work afterwards, and Lucy and Vincent would engage in a bit of ‘exploration’ before she, too, had to go. Once Jessie awoke, she and Bit would go out into the city at large, returning after a few hours with more parts for his projects.

James would supervise the new Berry crop, Lala and Wobbuffet would monitor the lobby, and Meowth tended to hang around the basement, with all the newest devices. It was only thanks to the survival instincts of the others that he didn’t meddle with them. Vincent would catch up with Jeanne, slowly thinking of her more and more as his mother as he regaled her with tales of what had happened to them in this new land.

Of course, while he did that, he was also practicing with his powers, feeling more comfortable with them by the day. His reach kept growing, while his fine control slowly improved to the point where he wasn’t accidentally breaching pony minds. He was actually engaging in an exercise to see how far he could extend his ‘reach’ when he ran across a familiar mind.

A very familiar mind. One that had helped train him. It was only because of that familiarity that he recognized it.

Because it wasn’t like it had been. It was now broken, shattered...and Vincent highly doubted Luke had done it to himself. He extended a slightly larger portion of his strength, and made contact.

Vincent felt a wave of panic from Luke as he pressed against the weak barriers of the Gallade’s mind and felt Luke flinching instinctively away.

Please... don’t come... in, he heard Luke broadcast at the ‘intruder’.

Lu...Luke? Luke, what happened? Vincent had felt that it was bad, but this! His shyness, his mannerisms...they were like when he had helped see off Tolerance!

Oh... it’s you Vincent... hello... I suppose... I suppose you would have... would have recognized my mind the moment that I... I came into the city, Luke replied, his mental voice brittle as cracked glass.

You only trained me, after all...Luke, what the bloody hell happened to you? This...oh dear gods. A passive scan showed Vincent the most disturbing thing yet. All your walls, I can sense it from here. They’re all down, even the ones you put up to repress parts of your past...who...who did this to you?

It... it doesn’t matter Vincent... it doesn’t, he said softly. How... how are you?

Luke, you’re not brushing this off. It matters to me. You matter to me. Instinctively he began composing a small information packet for the others of the family. Either you tell me now or I Teleport you in here and give you the big pouty face until you give in.

... it does not matter... Vincent... it truly doesn’t, Luke replied insistantly. Do not worry... I will repair... Mage is helping me... it will just take some time.

I figured out how to best teleport other people, even multiples, Luke. Not all that hard when he figured out what he’d been doing wrong. I’m getting the truth from you or her, then. And while I could just walk in...I respect you too much for that. Make your choice as to who’s telling me, because one of you is.

I...I... I don’t want you to... get hurt Vincent... Revenge is never... worth it... I thought I told you that... Luke trailed off. It is... it is in the pa-past and you need not worry about it. I’m... I’m fine-fine I promise.

Were it something that happened on Earth, I would not be worried. But whoever did this is making you relive all your experiences from there. It happened in this new world, and quite frankly, I will have words for whoever did this. Now either tell me now or be Teleported, my teacher. He pulled his normal spoon from its place in his hat and awaited the response.

... Teleport us Vincent... I could use a hug...I think... Luke told Vincent.

A flash of blue light would surround the pair, and after a slight tugging sensation around their bodies, the ghost and swordsman found themselves in a slightly familiar locale. To Luke, anyways. It was Vincent’s apartment, and sitting on the couch was a certain Psychic, who slowly walked forward and stood in front of his once-teacher.

“Who...did this to you?” he asked softly.

I’d rather... not say... Luke said quietly before smiling slightly. Though you’ve certainly... increased in power Vincent... quite significantly too... I knew you would.

“What he’s saying is that he doesn’t want you to get hurt,” Mage said with a sigh.

“Has he told you what I did when someone hurt Sam before we left on vacation?” Vincent questioned without looking at Mage.

“No, I don’t think so,” Mage said as she came closer to Luke’s side, wrapping an ‘arm’ around him and hugging him.

“I knew it happened because of our links,” Vincent said, tapping the side of his head with one hand. “So I gathered Bit and waited for his unconscious body to stop moving. And once we arrived, all hell broke loose. You don’t hurt a member of the Nurem family.”

A voice spoke up from behind them, once that Luke also knew. The voice of said program Pokemon. “You never hurt a member of the Nurem family.”

Luke turned to see Bit hovering there. Ah... hello Bit... it’s good to see you, he said, a small smile crossing his lips. Have you gotten over your... issues?

“We are not talking about this unit,” Bit retorted, his eyes red and cross-haired. “Vincent stated that you appeared grievously damaged, and this unit can see it in the way you act and your speech patterns that this observation is true. Please enlighten this unit as to who needs to be Hyper Beamed.”

Someone who could redirect the Hyper Beam back at you... as I said... I don’t want anyone to get hurt on my account... I just wanted to see you again... Vincent... Luke said, looking to be on the edge of tears. Please just don’t... just don’t.

“Luke, you should tell them,” Mage said quietly, moving up to give him a kiss on the cheek. “I won’t do it for you but you really should.”

“Indeed,” an older, female Bellossom said as she walked from the master bedroom. “You really should. If you trained him, you know he doesn’t give up.”

Ah... hello Ma’am... I don’t know your name... Luke said slowly, giving her a bow. Another of the... experiments perhaps?

She giggled slightly and shook her head. “Here’s a hint for you. Like father, like son. How would I know that?”

Luke’s mouth opened once and then closed. Ah. I see... it is a pleasure to meet you... Mrs. Nurem... your son is wonderful... though headstrong and... quite impulsive...

The Bellossom nodded. “Like I said, like father, like son. Though, thankfully, Vincent still knows right from wrong. And dear?” She drew closer and laid a hand on his chest, causing Luke to flinch away. “What was done to you? Wrong. Vincent seems to think it needs to be corrected. While he respects you, he won’t stop until one of you tells him who did it. I should know. Rupert didn’t stop until he felt he’d made amends...when he was still human, that is.”

Luke sighed for a moment before he glanced around the room. Perhaps... perhaps it would be easier if I just... showed you... who does not want to see it?

At this, the Bellossom smiled and shook her head. “Thank you for acquising, but no. I’ve no desire to have you in my head at the moment.” A quick glance around the room showed that Bit and Vincent hadn’t moved at all. “I think I’m the only one.”

Of course, and you’re welcome... Luke replied before glancing at Vincent and Bit. What... What I’m about to show you is rather... personal and... dark... but... but if you believe you must see it... do not think ill of me... I... I... I tried.

“I really hope you didn’t forget who you’re talking to,” Vincent retorted. “I think I can take it.”

Bit dinged a few times before nodding as well. “Our opinion of you shall not change. A promise.”

Luke nodded his head and suddenly they were both in Luke’s shoes watching everything that had transpired between the time Mewtwo entered his mind and when Mage finally came to his rescue. That also included every single memory that he’d forced into Mewtwo’s head in response.

After the show, Vincent merely stood there, his fury seeming to have vanished. “He did that?”

Luke nodded, on the verge of tears as Mage comforted him silently.

“Pardon me. I have an appointment to make with a certain ambassador.”

With that, Vincent vanished in a flash of blue light. Bit dinged before shaking his head.

“I shall refrain from joining him for multiple reasons. Not the least of which is: someone will have to look after this apartment while he is away.”

Luke just stood there, shaking as Mage hugged him.

“It’s for the best, I wish he’d brought me along,” Mage told him quietly as she rubbed his back.

But... he... he’s going to get hurt... and... and it will... will be my fault, Luke stuttered.

The Bellossom and the Porygon-Z exchanged a look before the plant started laughing. “Oh, that’s a good one. Vincent getting hurt more than he already has been.”

Something about her tone made Luke’s eyes harden and to her surprise, he raised his voice. HE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT HE’S DOING! HE IS STILL A CHILD GRASPING AT WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A WARRIOR! MEWTWO WILL EAT HIM ALIVE AND IF YOU ARE SO ARROGANT TO THINK THAT YOUR SON IS UNBEATABLE THEN YOU ARE HARDLY FIT TO BE A MOTHER! He stood there panting heavily, staring down at her with an edge of blue in his eyes. He will be hurt and it will be my fault!

Jeanne held a hand to her head and wished for an aspirin before she replied. “Dear, do you know what I did on my second day here? I nearly made the grave mistake of accusing Lucy and Vincent of Pokephilia.” The Bellossom shook her head and lowered her hand. “That caused Vincent to say three simple words. Releasing Psychic Seal. Now while I admit that Mewtwo is powerful, so is Vincent if he has to use such a thing. As well, I'm sure you know the stories.” She hoped the mention of the technique Vincent had used would elicit some response from the angry psychic; it certainly had from her when her son had released it.

Luke blinked and then shook his head. He is still a child... he will be beaten... he will be hurt... I can’t allow that to happen... he is too precious to me for that to be allowed...

The grass-type smiled and drew close to him again. “Would that his own father felt that way...but you’re still underestimating him. Once he did release his Seal, it felt like there was an Alakazam in the room with me. An angry Alakazam, and he wasn’t using his Twisted Spoon then, either. In a tussle between him and Mewtwo, I’m not sure who would come out on top. Especially if he packed both his spoons.”

... I am the same strength as an angry Alakazam... Mewtwo still demolished me... Luke said before glancing at Bit. You saw him... tell her.

“While it is true he tore apart your defenses,” Bit said, “You are overlooking one thing the two of them have in common, but something Vincent has in excess. Their pasts. What was it you said? Trauma forges the sharpest swords?”

“To be honest, dear, I pity Mewtwo. If half of what I’ve heard regarding my former husbands’ experiments are true, then he’s going to have one hell of a journey through my boy’s head.”

Luke just sagged and Mage lead him over to the couch, which he fell into. “It’s going to be fine Luke,” she said gently.

... I hope so... Luke said very quietly. If it’s not... then I may not be able to live with myself.

“You think you’ve got it bad,” Lucy said, only just now walking in. “Vincent gave me a quick burst of information before he left. Something about ‘off to kill Mewtwo for hurting teacher.’ If he’s doing that, I should be by his side. Hello Luke.”

... Arceus will dissipate him from reality if he kills Mewtwo... Luke said softly. It is why I did not when I had my blade at his neck... otherwise I would have without hesitation.

“I’m pretty sure you’re underestimating how much you matter to him,” Lucy retorted. “While it is true you never hurt a member of our little broken family, Sam and I consider you a friend at best. Bit probably likes you a bit more, but then again, he’s friendly with most...if you know what to look for.”

...I’m just his first teacher... and not a very good one if he is still so Taursheaded... Luke replied quietly, looking down at his waist.

The Bellossom drew close and laid a hand on his knee. “Dear, from what I’ve heard, you’re the first one he met who cared about him. Methinks that earned you a place near to his heart.”

“Please don’t touch him,” Mage said, giving the Bellossom an apologetic smile as she removed the hand. “He’s... sensitive to physical contact.”

Thank you Mage... Luke said softly.

“You’re welcome Luke,” Mage replied, moving up to kiss him on the cheek again.

“My apologies,” the grass type said with a small nod. “I should have learned that from the first time you flinched. And think about it, mister Luke. What normal child is not angry…”

She put a hand to her mouth to cover most of her smile before she said the next bit.

“When one of their parents is hurt?”

Luke just stared at her, his eyes widening. ...what? He sounded completely dumbfounded by the very idea.

“Think about it,” she said. “He idolizes you far more than he does his other friends...what were they called?...ah yes, Checkmate. Or those PLA people he met. Or even Fredrick, the griffon who employs two of the former Subjects. He likes you far more than any other male figure in his life, and when he saw you were hurt, wasn’t taking no for an answer as to how it happened.” She cast a gaze over to the ghost. “You can sense emotions with that necklace, right? How did he feel before he left?”

“Unbelievably mad,” Mage answered with a small nod. “And you really should have seen this coming Luke.”

... I just... I’m not worthy of being anyon-

“Hey! Don’t say things like that remember?” Mage said, cutting him off.

Still... out of all the people he could have chosen to be his... ‘father’... he picked me... the damaged... worthless...-

“Luke!” Mage exclaimed.

The Bellossom merely huffed and crossed her arms. “You’re a damn sight better than his actual dad, I’ll tell you that much. Despite his constant differentiation between the two, I know that there were still elements of Rupert in the Doctor. And neither were a father to Vincent. You’ve got that going for you, and quite frankly, I approve.”

Luke just stared at his waist.

“Just don’t try and make any moves on him,” Mage said, giving the Bellossom a small, almost joking glare. “I’ve worked hard for him to actually realize that I liked him.”

“Dear, when I was human, I was pushing forty,” she replied with wave. “I’m not that much of a cougar. Have your boy if you want him that badly. Just keep in mind, you’re probably getting a teenager to look after if you do.”

Mage actually smiled. “So we get to skip the parts where he’s pooping everywhere, great,” she said, doing her best to cheer Luke up, or knock him out of the shock that he was still in.

...grand?... Luke just sat there stunned. I can’t... I can’t believe it... He shook his head and glanced at Lucy. Please don’t give me... grandchildren... for a while please... if you need advice on good alternatives to... vaginial I can give you suggestions...

Lucy blushed before shooting a mock glare at the psychic. “Okay, first of all, please stop poking in my head without my permission. Without Vincent nearby, my defenses aren’t nearly enough to keep you out. And secondly, I make no promises when Vincent is here. It took a lot to get him into bed, and I intend to make the most of it when he’s amicable.”

“By which she means, she got my boy drunk and tricked him, and she’s still dealing with the fallout,” the grass type said with a huff.

“Hey, that wasn’t me, it was Checkmate that did it! I just took advantage of the situation.”

“And him.”

Luke’s expression hardened into a knife. It would be best if you avoided that in the future Lucy. His voice was soft and almost kind... like velvet around a blade.

“Okay, look, I apologized after the fact, and after a lot of talking... seriously, nearly an entire day’s worth… he and I agreed to take it a bit slower in the future. But I finally got him to see me in ‘that’ sort of light, which is what I really wanted.” The fighting-type defended herself.

Drunken sex is hardly the ‘sort of light’ that your first time should be... though there are worse, Luke said before shaking his head. But you are a Lucario so your spots are rather prominent when it comes to pleasure. In fact, there is one located around this area that many do not know of... Luke trailed off as he used his mind to gently pull Lucy’s dreads and pressed against the area beneath them.

She yipped and blushed quite profusely before batting at the Gallade with one paw, causing Mage to snicker. “Quit it! I’m not yours!”

I’m simply supplying you with information that will provide you with pleasure so that you do not take advantage of my... son... again without his permission, Luke said, giving her a vanilla smile. Now then, another little known one is the footpaws, odd as it may sound, Lucario actually have exceedingly sensitive paws that are also zones. He smiled as his psychic energy softly poked a spot on both of her feet.

“Yipe!” Lucy said before glaring at him. “Okay, seriously, stop it. You’re going to take all the fun out of our little nightly exploration sessions with each other if you keep this up.”

Luke nodded and ceased. Just remember Lucy... do not harm him.

“Never,” she replied. “And like I said, no promises on the grandchild thing...I may or may not try to honor your wishes.”

“Though it is nice to see you accepting of what he sees you as,” the Bellossom said. “Now all we have to do is hope he returns the same as he was when he left.”

... if he does not then... Arceus will hear from me... Luke said very quietly.

“Not...what I meant, dear. He’s been practicing, refining a new technique. He finally got all the parts down for his Pings, and he’s been working on a new attack...one that leaves him in tears when it’s over.” The Bellossom sighed and looked at the ground while shaking her head.

“Hmmm, well, whatever the case, I think Luke might need a nap, no matter how much he’ll try and deny it,” Mage said, floating around Luke’s head.

... actually... a nap sounds wonderful... though I do not know how I will drift off to sleep distressed as I am over Vincent... Luke said before shaking his head and glancing at Bit. Is there a free bed somewhere?

“You are currently on the couch,” Bit replied. “It unfolds into a bed, we’ve recently discovered.”

The grass type nodded. “Normally, that’s Sam’s, and I take the master bedroom. I think a bit of shuffling can be done, though. You…” Here she looked up to Mage and winked before continuing, “And your lady friend can have the couch. Sam can have the master bed, and I’ll pop down to the store and get myself a sleeping bag.”

I would not want to kick you out of your bed... or deprive Sam of his... Luke said quietly.

The Bellossom shook her head. “Dear, you matter. Things can be altered for you. All you have to do is ask, and we’d be happy to accommodate you. Besides...were I to do any less for the one my boy so idolizes, I’d have to be heartless.”

A small smile crossed Luke’s face and he nodded, standing and giving her a bow. Thank you dear lady... your generosity is befitting of a queen.

“Yeah, what he said,” Mage agreed with a small chuckle.

The Bellossom motioned for Mage to drift a bit closer, which she did, and wrapped her in a hug. “Think nothing of it, you two. And please, simply call me Jeanne. I would have divorced that monster a while ago if we could find him, so no last name for me.”

As you wish, Jeanne, Luke said softly, gently putting an energy hand on her shoulder. Now then... to sleep.

Chapter Fourty-Three - A Hex unlike any other

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Vincent stood in front of the gates to Canterlot Castle, having arrived the next day in the middle of the morning. He was now staring at the guardsponies, his cold fury making his voice deep and menacing. I’d like to make an appointment with a certain ambassador, he said.

Before the guards could answer, there was a deep rumbling. Leave us. In a blue flash, Mewtwo appeared above Vincent and the guards, the Legendary looking down at Vincent.

The guards shared a look, then galloped off back towards the castle. Vincent glared up at the Legend, his defenses feeling the strength but holding, for now. Hello Mewtwo. I’d like to state, right now, that I don’t like you. Just so we’re under no illusions.

Mewtwo nodded. I’ve been understandably been getting a lot of that lately.

Yes, well, my reasons are twofold. The first one is quite simple. I dislike the way you do things. Reaching and making sure that his spoons were his hat with his powers, Vincent continued. You use your strength to get what you want or what interests you...without ever thinking of others. Without thinking that you could be wrong, and that your status as a Legend will protect you. I’ve seen it happen from the mind of another, so don’t dare say you didn’t.

Sighing, Mewtwo settled on the ground, his eyes never leaving Vincent. I’ve been lectured by Lord Arceus and Mew, and been threatened by Miss Trombley and Mage because of what I did, and I believe the Princesses no longer like me, he scoffed. If you only intend to ‘tell me off’ for what I did, you’ll find that you are a bit late, if you want to take some kind of revenge on me... well then you’ll have to get in line.

Tell me, Mewtwo, did Arceus or Xerneas tell you about me? If not, I’ll take the chance to introduce myself. My name is Vincent fucking Nurem. You hurt the first one to actually care about me. The Twisted Spoon appeared in Vincent’s right hand with a blue flash, and his eyes narrowed just a bit more.

Mewtwo’s eyes narrowed as well. I know of you, Vincent Nurem, Genesect kept me posted on his attempts to find you, he rolled his eyes. And I apologize for what happened with Luke, I made a mistake and I understand I have to live with what I did. Mewtwo turned away from Vincent with a flick of his tail. So please, don’t push this, you will not like how it will end if you continue.

You should have thought of that before you violated Luke in a way his rapists never did. Release Psychic Seal. Vincent’s strength caused a flash of blue to overtake the area as he assumed his real power. You’re no better than the damn Doctor. You did it without thinking, without caring. You’re no better than the ones that made us!

Mewtwo froze in place. His powers flared and he clenched his fists. Don’t. You. Dare. Compare me. To. THEM! He turned back to Vincent, hatred in his eyes. I AM NOTHING LIKE THAT MAN!!

I look at you and see the damn Doctor! Always wanting to know why without caring that the ones he hurt had feelings, souls, lives outside of his experiments! Tell me I’m wrong, then, that you cared, that you used your damn heart before tearing down and destroying Luke! Lie to me, I dare you!

Mewtwo glared at the boy for a moment. No. He turned away. I will indulge you no longer.

You talk like you have a choice. You ripped Luke’s away from him. High time I returned the favor. Vincent closed his eyes and braced himself before reciting his newest technique. Total Recall. I call upon the eight-hundred and fourteen…

Mewtwo sighed and gathered his memories, of his own time as an experiment, of those he’d gained from Genesect, as well as Luke. Don’t bother, I let my guard down once, it will not happen again.

Vincent snapped his eyes open and continued. I call on the thirty-three survivors, I call on my family, and I call on my own time in those walls. I call on fifteen years of hell, Mewtwo. And despite all of it, I seem to have come out with more of a heart than you. Let’s see how you fare.

Mewtwo sighed, then threw his memories back at Vincent. Enjoy being Rocket’s slave. Enjoy watching your only friends die... enjoy knowing you killed the man who considered you his son.

Surprisingly, Vincent barely flinched. My only friends dying? That was a near-weekly thing. Rocket’s slave? Father never called me by name, only by number. Killing the man who was my father? Rupert died a while ago, and you just destroyed the only replacement I have. If that’s all you’ve got, Mewtwo, then this is gonna hurt you more than me! Vincent held up a glowing hand, ready to push his memories onto the Legend.

Mewtwo’s eyes widened and he pushed harder against Vincent’s memories. I WON’T BE BEATEN AGAIN! AND NOT BY A MERE CHILD!

Luke did what he could, but the fact that you’re still standing and were only given words to reprimand you means you still won. He’s a shell of his former self. I’m not only going to make you pay for that, I’m going to make you sorry you ever did it. Vincent’s rage against Mewtwo provided him with more strength than he should have had. The spoon in his hand glowed brightly as he pushed harder. Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Or would you rather pick a number between one and eight-hundred and fifty-one?

Mewtwo growled. Don’t even try it... I will not be... beaten... Mewtwo found himself struggling to keep the memories from penetrating his mind.

Oh really? Looks like I’ll have to pull out the big guns. Let’s start with the fate of my older brother and work back, then. The worst betrayal of all of them! And once your resolve is broken...once you’ve seen what I’ve seen and felt what I felt...once you realize that despite all of that, I came out still strong, still with a bloody heart...once you beg for me to stop...will I tell you no.

Mewtwo glared at Vincent. You... won’t... beat me... he growled as the memories began to leak into his mind. NO! he screamed. I WILL NOT BE A LAB RAT AGAIN!

I SAID THE SAME DAMN THING EVERY DAY, AND IT DIDN’T MATTER! I was just a thing to him! I was powerless! We of all ‘mon should understand that feeling, Mewtwo! AND YOU MADE LUKE RELIVE THAT, YOU TORE DOWN ALL HIS WALLS AND MADE HIM REMEMBER THE PAST HE WAS REPRESSING! So now, have a past so much like yours, FREELY GIVEN! The image of Doctor Nurem swam into view, telling Mewtwo to inject the serum into a strapped-down Scyther.

Mewtwo growled and swiped at the memory. I will NOT! A psychic force wave blasted out from Mewtwo. I will not harm them anymore!!

Too. Damn. LATE! You harmed Luke. How many others have you harmed by not caring? By not using that damn organ in your chest that pumps blood around? How many have you hurt because you didn’t feel? We have completely different issues, I’ve just realized. You hurt others carelessly because you don’t feel. Whereas I...I hurt others because I cared too much. It used to be that any mention of my past caused an episode. I’m better now, because of Luke. Because of the one YOU BROKE! A whirlwind of blue energy had centered itself around the Kadabra. I. Will not. STOP. You hurt one near and dear to my heart, so I intend to make you feel, if only for a moment, the pain that I felt when I realized he was so damn BROKEN!

Mewtwo shook his head, aside from the memories Vincent was force feeding him, his own were beginning to leak to the surface. Of the Pokemon he had hurt under Giovanni’s command, of his attempt to destroy humanity, of the clones he had brought into existence, of the near death that had resulted from his battle with Mew. I... I... I...

Are you sure Arceus brought only the worthy souls with him? Or do you think you got a pass because of your status as a Legend? Strongest psychic you may be, but like all things, you can, and clearly are, flawed. You did not care then. And until you can care, you are no Legend of mine. Father was right, I suppose. The Legendaries are better thought of as myths. The Kadabra scowled at Mewtwo, the storm of energy dying around him as his emotions started to reign themselves in.

Mewtwo’s eyes snapped open as he finally managed to throw off Vincent’s memories. ENOUGH!!

Vincent shrugged. Fine. I leave you with this line, then, Mewtwo. Until you can find a way to atone for what you have done, what makes you better than the ones that made us? With that, the younger psychic nodded and turned to leave. Reform Psychic Seal, he muttered, and his strength was once more reigned in.

Mewtwo glared at Vincent and considered his options. If I Mega Evolve now, I can... The Legendary huffed. Forget it. He turned and made his way back towards the castle.

Now I go to face judgement, Vincent said sadly. Give me strength, Xerneas, but I must face judgement for my actions.

The exhausted Kadabra walked off the train and concentrated for a moment, picking out his apartment from the many in the city and warping himself to the front door. With a soft click, the front door opened, and he walked his way up to the third floor. “Well, here goes nothing,” he muttered as he walked back into the home of his family.

Upon entering, he saw that Sam, Lucy, and Jea- his mother, were all sitting close to one another. He was about to wonder where Luke was when he was suddenly pulled off of his feet and into an honest to Arceus physical hug by Luke.

If you EVER do something that stupid and reckless on my account or anyone elses I’m going to turn you into a flower! Luke exclaimed in his mind as he pressed Vincent against his sweater.

“And hello to you too, dad,” Vincent said without thinking. “How has your time with the rest been?”

To his surprise, Luke just smiled. It has been... very nice actually, he smiled and hugged Vincent tighter. My son.

Vincent blinked a few times before smiling. “Heh...well, glad we got that out into the open, at least. Now do you want to hear about it all, or will the highlight reel do?”

Luke set him down and shook his head, just smiling. I’m serious Vincent... do not get cocky about how much power you have.

“It’s not being cocky if you can back it up,” Vincent retorted. “Here, feel. Release Psychic Seal.

A small glow of blue overtook the Kadabra’s form as he let his power free again.

Luke let out a small sigh as he surveyed the power and then closed his eyes for a moment. Psychic Seal restore, he said and to Vincent’s surprise, the energy rushed back into him. Protect those weapons precious to you Vincent.

The Kadabra blinked a few times as he pondered what just happened. “Okay...so why didn’t he try that to get me to stop?” the smaller psychic muttered. “It’s like he either didn’t know about Psychic Seals and how they work, or he...couldn’t fight back against what I was doing…”

I do not know, I was never within his mind... Luke said before shaking his head. At any rate Vincent... just because you have power does not mean that you are unstoppable. Please don’t make me worry again.

Vincent nodded slowly before bringing a hand up to Luke’s face. “I know I’m not unstoppable. But if I don’t use this power to bring some manner of right or justice to this world...then how the hell am I any better than the one that made me?”

You CAN use the power Vincent... you just need to know how to focus it... how to protect it... how to... nurture it, Luke frowned for a moment. Glowing blue with energy is all well and good until someone who isn’t but is more powerful than you sneaks a hit in and takes you down because you thought them weak.

“Xavier helped me with my defenses,” the Kadabra said. “They’re on automatic now. A good bit of my power is channeled into maintaining them...and they’re really quite potent. It’s...it’s the attacking others bit I hate…” Vincent lowered his head as tears started to form. “I’ve...I’ve only one real attack that I came up with, and it hurts. Both me to use, and the one I use it on.”

That was not what I meant but I will help you with actual attacks, Luke said softly. What I meant is that when you have your Seal unbound, you must not show that it has been unbound. Tell me, what is more dangerous? A Ralts with the power of a Gardevoir who appears frail or a Gardevoir with the same power?

Vincent nodded once. “The one that can hide it, of course. It’s just...mine is strong out of necessity...I set it to break, slowly, as what Xavier taught me has time to sink in. How to wield my power without harming others, how to hide it...The more time I spend using my power, especially unsealed, the more the lessons will sink in.”

Hmmm... we will cover this more in depth later, at the moment the rest of your family is waiting for you and I’m obstructing them, Luke said, stepping aside. Oh, and when you have a moment, I have a technique that can clear away the intoxication of alcohol to prevent further... accidents.

Vincent blinked a few times before blushing and looking away. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Mhmmm, Luke hummed in his head before gesturing towards the rest of his family. Now go.

Luke stood nearby and coughed awkwardly, gaining the attention of his family. Lucy immediately pulled him onto the couch, where he was wrapped up in a hug from both his girlfriend and his mother.

“Never again,” Lucy said. “At least, never again without me by your side, understand?”

Nodding once, he was then subjected to the concerns of his mother. “Are you alright, Vincent?”

“Yes mother. I’m...fine.” He answered back.

The two females exchanged a look before screeching in his ears. “WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!”

Shaking his head to clear the momentary ringing noise, he glanced at both of them before looking at Luke. “I thought I went over that. I was thinking that, Legend or no, he had to pay for what he did. And I made sure he did. I...hope I never have to use Total Recall again, but I will if I have to.”

Jeanne stiffed for a moment before nodding. “Fair enough. You’ve fought hard for this little piece of comparative heaven, I should expect you to defend those that you hold dear just as fervently.”

Lucy frowned before speaking her mind. “How...far back does it go?”

“All of it,” Vincent whispered, and suddenly the hug was much stronger.

Jeanne chuckled before looking at Luke. “I told you. I feel sorry for Mewtwo.”

Do not encourage his recklessness... Luke muttered.

The Bellossom got off the couch and walked over to Luke before huffing. “The sooner you realize that the boy takes after his father in the most important aspects, the better. When he was himself, Rupert would move heaven and earth to win my approval and forgiveness, and damn anyone and anything that got in his way.”

... Luke just sighed mentally and shook his head. I will withhold my feelings for the moment.

“Bad idea,” Jeanne replied quickly. “He did this for you. And if he’s anything like his father...he’s going to expect some reaction from you for it. A task, a punishment. Something, anything. Not giving him one will cause things to become...interesting around you.”

I gave him a reaction already, I was referring to ending my argument with you by allowing you to continue as you were, Luke stated plainly.

“Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m furious with him too. But I think not being there for fifteen years, despite my best efforts, will diminish any reaction from me in his eyes. I can only encourage him to be good at this point. I can’t actually expect my disapproval to mean anything to him.” The Bellossom shuddered at a memory. “I learned that much right quick.”

Then please allow me to administer... discipline... where you can not, Luke said slowly.

“Just keep in mind one thing, dear.” The Bellossom turned her gaze to Luke, and it was not warm or motherly. “I might not have been there, but that is still my flesh and blood on the couch. If I think you’re being too hard on him, I will step in.”

Of course, you have that right, Luke replied as he glanced towards Vincent. Now go love your... or is it ‘our’ perhaps? son.

“Never stopped,” Jeanne muttered as she hopped back on the couch. Sam drew closer to Vincent in response, and merely looked down at his little brother.

“So?” The Scizor said.

“Went there, had some words, we had a little tussle, and I made sure he’ll remember me,” Vincent replied. “Hey, where’s Mage? I’m pretty sure she was here when I left.”

She’s off at the Guard station at the moment speaking with Ace’s husband I believe, clearing up a few things while I awaited you here, Luke answered for Sam.

“And Bit is in the basement working on his rudimentary computer, waiting for a response from his letter,” Lucy said. “So we’re all accounted for again. Now...hold still. I have a few days worth of hugs to get in with you.”

Vincent sighed and looked to Luke. “I’d almost rather take whatever you have in mind,” he said.

“Are you saying you don’t like my hugs?” Lucy said with a dangerous edge to her voice.

“Not when I can feel my ribs move under them, no,” Vincent deadpanned back.

Interesting, I may add that to my plans... Luke commented idly within Vincent’s mind alone. The more power you are releasing uncontrollably, the tighter ‘Lucy’ will hug you.

“Please, someone, kill me, end this torture now,” Vincent said in a mock distressed voice.

Lucy just leaned in and whispered in his ear with what could only be described as a husky voice. “Tonight,” she said, and the smaller psychic actually shuddered at the promise in her voice.

If you are that averse to physical contact then you could just do this... Luke told him within his mind and Vincent suddenly felt himself holding himself against his furry chest and Lucy felt the opposite. It is very easy to get lost in simply the feeling of the other.

The young pair blinked in confusion before softly exploring this new sensation together. “I...think you misunderstand what that was, Luke,” Vincent said. “She’s merely...very good at delivering on her promises of that nature. That was anticipation, not aversion.”

Oh. Luke blinked and then blushed. Apologies Vincent, that was ‘me’.... still, it is a good technique to bind you closer together... combined orgasms and all.

“Another time, perhaps,” Lucy said while whispering in Vincent’s ear. “Don’t you dare forget this technique. We’ll not overuse it, but we’re going to try it soon enough.”

“Yes love,” Vincent whispered back. In a louder tone, he asked the room at large, “Any more questions before we all head to bed?”

Not from me, Luke replied. Jeanne and Sam shook their heads, and a soft lick on one of his ears answered whether or not Lucy had any questions.

“We’ll just be heading to the bedroom now kay thanks bye.” All of that was said in a rapid tone as Vincent practically threw their bedroom door open and Lucy bodily hurled him onto the bed beyond. With another rush of power the door was not only closed, but a soundproof barrier sealed the room off from the rest of the apartment. Jeanne looked up at Luke and pouted.

“No fair, you’re better at corrupting him than I am.”

Despite my... time... I know from long experience of Abby and Kasai as well as Rill and Lex along with many others, that when two people love each other sex is quite.... magnificent... I just helped make it even better.

Sam just chuckled and held a claw up to his head. “Remind me to tell you about that old man one day, miss Jeanne. I think he had something for nearly every occasion. Human and Pokemon alike.”

The Bellossom squealed in excitement. “Ammo to even out this little battle as to who can corrupt Vincent more? Yes please, let’s not have the psychic have all the fun!”

Luke just smiled at her. Ma’am, I have seen every sex act, technique, and application in the world, more or less, I do not think you will win this ‘competition’ if you really do wish to call it that.

Sam deadpanned at Luke before replying. “The. Dirtiest. Old. Man. In the. WORLD. Adopted me. Taught me damn near every technique, on paper at least, and had more than enough films of how they should be applied. Despite that, he was kind. I think I can stand with you, and I choose to help miss Jeanne...if only to watch this happen.”

Luke shrugged and walked over to sit on the couch, just barely avoiding touching Sam’s side. Very well then, do as you like... it will not be enough.

“I don’t doubt that,” Sam said.

“But it’ll be more interesting than you running the whole show,” Jeanne filled in.

“Of course, you do realize that if we keep it up…” Sam trailed off.

“We’ll probably both be grandparents very soon,” Jeanne finished.

Luke sighed and just laid back into the couch. Not until Lucy is in Heat.

“You expect her to notice, the way they go at it?” Sam retorted. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened soon, and all Vincent thought was that she was being exceptionally amorous.”

“Yeah, I think the first thing we’re going to hear of it is Lucy throwing up in the morning wondering why,” Jeanne said with a snicker.

... do neither of you know what a bitch in heat smells like? Luke asked rather bluntly. Trust me... Lucy is not even nearing the beginning of a cycle.

“Oh no, I’m aware,” Sam said idly. “I just don’t think Lucy knows what its going to do to her, now that she’s a Lucario. I talked with her, but words can only go so far as compared to experience.”

“As well,” Jeanne filled in, “They’re both, what, relative teenagers? Let them have their fun, dear. Having a kid will be good for them...force them to mature a bit. Might even settle down those urges that make a certain son go off to challenge Legends.”

Or leave... Luke trailed off and shook his head. Please forget I said that, my darkness is showing at the moment... and that’s not good.

Jeanne sighed and shook her head as well. “They love one another so deeply, I doubt either would leave the other. They seem to have claimed this place as their new home...and it would take Arceus to actually get them to move, and you know it.”

True. Luke simply nodded and began looking uncomfortably awkward, wishing more than anything that Mage would return.

As luck would have it, it was then that the Mismagius returned, floating up through the floor. “Hey guys, I’m back,” she smiled and floated over to Luke, kissing him on the cheek. “Hey you.”

Luke gave her a truly happy smile and leaned against her ethereal body, kissing her back on the cheek. Hello, my Angel, he said softly. Did things go well at the station?

Mage smiled. “Pretty well, nothing out of the ordinary,” she paused and glanced around the room, then snickered. “So Vincent’s back huh? How’d it go in Canterlot?”

“Said he used something he cooked up called Total Recall on Mewtwo,” Sam said with a shrug. “Not sure which one to feel sorry for.”

If nothing else... I don’t believe you will need to extract any more vengeance on him for me, Luke said as he softly pulled her down to his chest and put his chin on the top of her head.

Mage pouted for a moment, considering the curse she had been cooking up, then sighed. “Well, that’s good I suppose.”

Luke just smiled and nuzzled into her head more, remaining quiet, simply enjoying the sensation of holding her in his arms and leaving her open for others to speak with.

“Perhaps you’d like to hear what my little boy called Luke today,” Jeanne said with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

Mage raised an eyebrow. “What?” She asked after a moment.

“Vincent actually called Luke ‘dad’ today when he came back,” Jeanne said simply.

Mage blinked once, a look of surprise on her face, then smiled softly. “That’s actually kinda sweet.”

Yes... I was very happy about it... Luke said with a small smile as he hugged her.

“Yes, he’s a darn sight better than his actual dad,” Jeanne said with a huff before looking up at Mage. “Now do take care of this one,” she said with a mock scowl. “I’m sure you realize how special he is, not just to my boy, but in general.”

Mage smiled up at Luke and kissed his cheek again. “Darn right I do, and I promise I’ll take good care of him.”

Much appreciated... Angel, Luke said softly.

At that particular moment, Bit came in for his self-imposed nightly check-up with the family and paused at the scene in front of him. “Did this unit miss something?”

Sam and Jeanne exchanged a look before glancing at Luke and Mage. Their posture just screamed ‘we’re not telling him.’

Nothing of any importance, Luke answered. Simply... small talk and... such.

“How goes your project, Bit?” Sam questioned.

“As projected,” the program replied. “All that remains now is fabricating an adequate power supply system, and testing of my rudimentary computer can begin in earnest. Now please stop attempting to divert the subject. Something seems to have happened. Please inform me.”

From behind the supposedly sound-proof barrier around one of the bedrooms, a rather low and yet loud moan suddenly broke through. “Viiiiiincent!” The female Lucario’s voice was unmistakable.

There was silence for a moment as Bit turned from suddenly looking at the room to the rest of the occupants of the apartment. “Is this unit safe in assuming that Vincent has actually returned and that Lucy is not merely pleasing herself to memories of him?”

He has indeed returned... and I do not advise entering the room at the moment, no matter how little nudity brothers you... Luke answered.

“You have got to teach him to improve that,” Sam muttered.

Luke simply waved a hand at them all, fingers glowing blue. And now the only thing we can hear from the room are cries of actual pain or fear. Sometimes instead of soundproofing, you must go to those you wish not to hear you orgasm, he told them, while also directing at Vincent’s mid-ciotis mind.

Bit dinged a few times before nodding and turning his gaze to Mage. “How goes the healing, Miss Mage?”

Mage sighed. “As well as we could hope for,” she glared at Bit for a moment. “And seriously, just call me Mage, starting it with Miss just... feels weird.”

Bit ticked while shaking his head. “Apologies...that appears to be a part of some subroutine...I will attempt to rewrite it later.” He then tilted his head to one side as he considered the situation. “Is there any knowledge you require as you pursue this goal? If I have it, I will share it, and if I don’t I will seek it during the day.”

Mage shook her head. “I know enough psychology thanks to Twilight... plus a few spells that can come in handy in a pinch, though I’m trying not to use magic too much.”

Bit actually stopped, froze for a moment, before leaning his head noticeably closer to Mage. “Please restate. This unit does not believe he heard you correctly. Not only did you state you studied under Princess Twilight, but that you know how to harness magic?”

Mage raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, I spent a lot of time with Twilight in Ponyville, and I learned a few spells from her too,” she shrugged. “I’m a Mismagius... I knew magic before I came here,” she smiled coyly. “Now it’s just stronger.”

Bit’s body shuddered for a bit as he kept what few emotions he had in check. “When this is said and done,” Bit stated in a slightly deeper voice, “There will be a serious bout of information exchanging between you and me. I have been fascinated by the topic since I regained my sanity here, and I desire to know, to understand, magic.”

“Uhh,” Mage looked around at the others, feeling slightly worried. “Okay... I’ll tell you a bit about magic... later... alright?”

The Porygon-Z nodded a few times as his head realigned itself with his body. “Acceptable. This unit shall return to the basement and resume work on the rudimentary computer if none require me.”

Sam and Jeanne merely nodded in unison. “Fine by me, dear,” Jeanne said.

“Just don’t blow yourself, or more importantly, us, up,” Sam stated.

Mage watched the Porygon-Z as he left the room, then turned back to the others. “Okay, should I be worried about that?”

Jeanne merely shrugged while Sam chuckled. “He got into an information-off with a Metagross in Manehatten which turned into a close-run thing, and he’s read quite a few libraries’ worth since then. He keeps stating that magic is the one thing he doesn’t understand, yet might need to use...yeah, you’ll only need to worry if you try to renege.”

Mage nodded. “Right, so just tell him a bit,” she nodded again. “Good, cause I don’t think I can teach him to use magic... I’m not even sure if he could.”

“He sent a letter not too long ago,” Jeanne supplied. “To Twilight, once he realized she was a prominent magical researcher. He’s waiting to hear back from her, but until then, he mutters and complains about being handicapped as compared to the natives. He wants to understand and use magic...for what, I’m not sure.”

“Probably his computer,” Sam said with a shrug. “Or one of a million projects that could be related to it.”

“Huh... MagiTech,” Mage wondered aloud. “Didn’t work when I tried it, but maybe a Porygon-Z could get it to work.”

“At least, a Porygon-Z here, you mean,” Jeanne said with a smirk. “This world is considerably more magic-rich than Earth, and Porygons and all their line are essentially information given form. If it doesn’t work, I will be surprised.”

Mage chuckled. “Well, it’ll certainly be interesting to see what he comes up with if it works.”

“Probably a magical version of the Internet,” Sam said. “What’ll you bet that he’ll call it BitNet?”

“Ten bits that he will,” Jeanne instantly replied.

Mage shook her head. “I’ll match her against it, I bet he’ll try to pun either ‘internet’ and something to do with magic, or try to make it some kind of pony pun.”

Sam grinned as he put his own wager in. “And I’m willing to bet ten bits that he’ll just try to call it the Internet.”

PonNet perhaps... Luke suggested before falling silent once more.

“Anyways,” Sam said, getting up from the couch and stretching. “It’s been a long couple of days. What say we all get to bed and deal with our little Vincent come morning?”

As good of an idea as I have heard... so long as I am not sleeping alone, Luke said, nuzzling Mage gently as he stood up from the couch.

Mage smiled and nuzzled him back. “Not as long as I’m around.”

The Scizor fiddled around under the cushions of the couch and pulled, dislodging both of them and unfolding the contained bed. “Right, that’s you two. Jeanne, you need any help with your bag?”

The Bellossom shook her head and went off to retrieve it. “I have it, dear. And good night, you two. See you in the morning.”

“Night,” Mage called after her.

Luke smiled and used his power to raise the blankets from the mattress and snuggled down into them, still holding Mage tightly.

Goodnight, Angel.

Mage smiled and nuzzled against him. “Goodnight Luke,” she kissed his cheek. “Sweet dreams.”

And to you as well, he replied before nestling into the back of her neck before he closed his eyes.

Chapter Fourty-Four - When a Lucario is Overheated...

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The next morning brought about an unusual scent to the shared bedroom of Lucy and Vincent. The female of the pair moaned slightly as she stirred from last night’s activities. Luke had been right: even the sensation of touching one another felt...oooh. It sent a tingle down her spine just thinking about it, and she flushed with warmth at the memories.

The feeling of Vincent stirring next to her made her crack an eye open, and her red eyes met with Vincent’s green. “Morning, love,” He said.

Even the sound of his voice...she wasn’t sure what was with her that morning. She just wanted more of Vincent. Lucy pulled herself over the Kadabra and gave him a deep kiss. “Morning to you as well. How good are you with Teleport, again?”

“Could probably pull a ‘mon in here from across the city,” Vincent said. “Why?”

“You’re going to be teleporting breakfast in,” she growled before hunching over him, instinctively hoarding him for the upcoming event. She gave him a long lick up his face, reminiscent of the first time they’d been together, and Vincent shuddered at the conjured memories. He turned a worried eye up to her afterwards.

“Lucy, are you okay? We’ve...not done it in the morning be-”

He was suddenly cut off as she put her head right in front of his and growled low in her throat. “Mine.”

The Kadabra gulped and sent a quick prayer to Xerneas that this, whatever it was, would be over soon.

Luke stirred awake and yawned until he noticed who he was holding. He froze for a very long moment as he stared at Mage’s body before letting out a sigh as his memories caught up to him. Then he sniffed the air. There was the oddest of scents and...

Vincent, is Lucy using you as a toy? Luke asked quietly within his student’s mind.

That’s putting it mildly. This is the second time this morning...I’m not sure what’s up with her! I had to teleport in food and water…she doesn’t seem to want to let me go!

Judging by the smell I would imagine that she’s in heat, Luke explained calmly as a mental groan carried between their link. I rather doubt you are going to be moving much other than directions that she wants you to for the next... week. Lucarios are rather... aggressive when they’re like this.

Wait, as in...oh dear Xerneas...Luke, either kill me now or find a way to tell Sam and Mom about my fate...wait, if she’s...oh dear…

Most likely already pregnant, Luke said, letting out a mental sigh. Congratulations Vincent. My only real suggestion would be either teleporting away from her or letting yourself be used again and again. It is up to you.

After what I just did...what with leaving you all to go hurt Mewtwo...I don’t think she’ll let me out of her siiiiiiiiiight! I know even asking is probably...a bad idea....but anything to help me keep uuuuuup with her would be...appreciated! The Kadabra put a bit of emphasis on certain words as his partner never ceased in her activities.

Hmmm... I can not exactly boost your physical endurance but perhaps you have some... err... toys that could possibly... take the strain off of you? Luke questioned with a small frown. That... or you could use your ‘invisible hands’. It would be a good way to practice your precision control and you have talked about how you have a great deal of extra power.

A frown crossed Luke’s face.

Oh, and you could try her ass with your ‘hands’ now... the unfamiliarity of the sensation might make her stop long enough to ‘gain some control’ for a moment or two and give you time to breathe, Luke suggested.

Tell the others I’m alive, I’m not sure how long it’ll be before I get to tell them in person!

Will do... let me know if you need any lubricants, sex toys, or perhaps a ballgag for Lucy, Luke informed him casually. Oh... and... son? If you need any assistance surviving this... let me know. I have seen heated Lucario crush men’s pelvises.

...Tell Bit to warm up Recover, I may need to learn it...and if you think you can find anything that could actually hold her, I might need it!

Hmmm... perhaps bondage would be a good path to follow... give her the same sexual enjoyments and... well... you would not have to suffer a cracked pelvis or a dislocated penis, Luke hummed out, thinking it over in his mind.

If you start looking, you might find it just as I start really needing some relieeeeeef! A rather loud moan came out from the pair’s bedroom at that last word.

I shall send Bit on this errand... I do not have any bits on me... Also, I suggest pulling out and forcing her onto her knees with your power... then begin plugging her. It will help stave off dehydration, Luke informed him as he searched out Bit. Bit! Vincent has a slight problem concerning the condition known as Heat and Lucy’s entering of it... would you kindly seek out the closest bondage gear shop and purchase the strongest cuffs, chains, ball gags and dildos you can find?

Processing...This unit will likely have to search through many such shops for something rated for a Lucario’s strength, much less Lucy’s strength. Also, this unit shall begin procuring steel plating of the thickest sort it can find.

Good, be as swift as you can... perhaps find some rated for dragons or griffons, Luke suggested before swapping back to Vincent. Have you gotten her off of you?

Just...managed to wear her out for a moment. I think I can sneak out for a bit before she recuperates. With that, the Kadabra popped into the living room, reeking of sex and sweat, assorted fluids dripping off his body.

Luke teleported out of the bed and called a glass of water to his son. Here... you must stay hydrated, he informed Vincent. The smaller psychic grabbed a hold of the glass and downed it in three gulps.

Thanks, he said. I...I think I’m going to need more than just physical support in a moment, though…

Bit is searching out bondage gear as we speak, if necessary, I will help put it on her if you would allow it, Luke informed him. It will allow you to pleasure her greatly without worrying about being killed in the process.

Not what I meant, Vincent said with a sigh. She’s likely already pregnant, you said?

More than likely... you’ve cum within her three times now correct? Luke asked with a small frown.

And that’s not counting last night, assuming it does. I just… the Kadabra heaved another sigh at the thought. Physical intimacy of this caliber was something we’d, or rather I’d, just gotten used to again...and then this happens...I don’t know if I’m ready, dad.

Luke smiled and walked up to Vincent, pulling him into a sticky, slightly awkward on Vincent’s part considering a certain something pressing against Luke’s waist, hug. I do not believe that anyone truly is Vincent... but if there is one thing that I do believe it’s that you will make an excellent father. Luke then bent down and kissed him on the forehead, avoiding juices expertly.

Heh...I know what not to do, at least. Just...will you be there to help?

Luke set him down and to Vincent’s slight surprise found that absolutely none of the juices had actually touched his skin. So long that there is life in my breast, the Gallade answered.

“Viiiiinceeeent…” came from the bedroom, and the Kadabra sighed. Once more unto the breach, I suppose.

Pull her tail and her dreadlocks, it will stimulate her greatly, Luke advised.

That supposed to be a good thing or a bad one? Vincent snarked back before vanishing and placing a soundproof barrier around the room, one that actually worked this time.

“Umm... why was Vincent covered in cum?” Mage asked suddenly as she floated behind Luke. “And I mean other than the obvious.”

Lucy is in heat, Luke explained.

“...” Mage blinked twice. “Wow, poor kid.”

Indeed, Luke agreed, shaking his head.

“‘zat right?” Sam questioned, holding a cup of coffee. “I’m about to be an uncle?”

Yes, Luke stated, nodding as he glanced over at Sam. Congratulations are in order... someone should bake Vincent something fortifying for lunch and dinner... even with the bondage gear that Bit is acquiring, I believe he will be very low on energy by the end of this Heat.

Jeanne yawned as she walked in and observed the small gathering. “Did I miss something? Is it ‘gather in the living room time’ already?”

“You’re going to be a grandmother,” Mage told her with a small smile. “And Bit is out buying bondage gear so that Lucy doesn’t kill Vincent via sexual exhaustion.”

Jeanne blinked and then squeed, hugging herself at the thought. “Oooh, baby Pokemon! Baby Pokemon I’ll be a grandmother to! The very thought is nearly diabetes-inducing!”

Indeed... Luke said slowly before letting out a sigh. What is there to eat?

“On it,” Jeanne said. “Berries or no Berries?”

Whatever makes it taste the best, Luke answered. Whatever ‘it’ is.

“Hearty breakfast then. Can’t imagine my boy had anything worthwhile between bouts.”

“Probably not,” Mage agreed before frowning. “You’re taking about the whole ‘son is in the middle of being used as a sex toy by a Lucario’ thing really well you know?”

“Dear,” Jeanne said as she made her way to the kitchen, “I know how Lucarios get in their Heats. And I know that the two of them are close. But I also know that my opinions regarding their relationship aren’t worth anything. Best to just take it in stride rather than risk him getting mad at me again.”

“Please,” Sam said while drinking his coffee. “He wouldn’t yell at you again. He’d just ignore you.”

“That hurts just as bad,” she whispered before vanishing into the kitchen.

Still alive? Luke silently asked Vincent.

For a...given definition. She’s...insatiable. Not sure...I can get her...to clean up anymore…

Bit, how close to acquiring what we need are you? Luke inquired, stretching his mind to find the Porygon Z’s. His walls may have been broken but that had nothing to do with his reach or power outside of a fight.

Comparative shopping completed. How bad is it?

He appears to be in the midst of his fourth orgasm... which is going to be his last for hours... Luke replied. Lucy may just continue rutting him until he’s unconscious.

Understood. What sort of dragon-rating should I be looking into? Teenager or full drake?

It is my belief that ‘full drakes’ are several tons... I didn’t even imagine that they sold bondage gear for creatures that big... just the teenager I believe, Luke stated.

They sell parts for the full drakes...to properly outfit it, it is recommended to visit a construction yard. But if you believe a teenager is all we require…

It should be enough, Luke replied. Just hurry back as soon as you can.

Understood. Please inform Jessie that I will require her services to haul these things back while I look for the steel plating I earlier thought of procuring.

Who? Luke asked.

My assistant, she lives a floor above and is a female Pyroar. I use her abilities to heat metals, stoke the furnace, and haul heavy things back when I purchase too much.

As you wish, Luke stated before glancing at Sam. Would you please go tell ‘Jessie’ that Bit requires her help hauling something? I do not know her so I will not broadcast within her mind.

Sam nodded and knocked his mug of coffee back. “Tell ‘mum’ that I’ll take breakfast at the restaurant, and sure.”

“Will do,” Mage replied, drifting into the kitchen.

Sam nodded and left the apartment, ascending the stairs for a level before knocking on the door of Rocket’s apartment. “Yo, Jessie! Bit needs you!”

There were several thumps from behind the door before an angry, frazzled female Pyroar poked her head out between the door and the doorway. “It is nine-thirty in the morning. My agreement was to help him during the afternoon and evening. What could be so important as to sacrifice my beauty sleep?”

“Lucy’s in Heat,” Sam stated simply, causing Jessie to blink a few times.

“Okay, and?”

“And Bit’s buying some things for Vincent to use to help restrain her so that he can actually get a moment to himself during it all,” the Scizor said. “However, he seems to have purchased a bit too much…”

Jessie sighed. “Fine, my services as a pack animal are his, after all. I don’t think I’ve ever hauled such...items before. So...where is he?”

Sam blinked before thinking aloud. That is a very good question. Where is Bit?

Luke frowned for a moment before diving into Bit’s mind for an answer and then implanting it within Sam’s. There.

“Seventh and Scarlet,” Sam said aloud. Jessie nodded and left, followed shortly after by Sam. James poked his head out and wondered aloud, “Do we...want to know?”

Most likely not, Luke answered quietly within his head. Forgive the intrusion.

The Roserade blinked a few times before shaking his head. “Forgiven...and should we bother going downstairs for a while?”

I don’t really know... I don’t know how you interact with Vincent’s little family... at the moment Vincent is rather... occupied with Lucy but Jeanne is making breakfast if you eat with the family, Luke answered, unsure if he was really meant to be giving that information.

“Meowth and I do typically take breakfast with them...once she started offering, that is,” James replied, “But if you think we should avoid their home for now, we do have a small stock we can fall back on.”

You should be fine to come down... I am Luke of the Pokemon Ranger in case you were... wondering, Luke added.

James walked back into the apartment and gathered up Meowth from the couch. He then cast a gaze to one corner where Wobbuffet stood, staring at...well, nothing in particular, he assumed. “Keep watch please, Wobbuffet. I’d be most appreciative.”

“Wobbuffet,” was the only reply.

Halfway down the stairs, Meowth woke up from the jostling that he’d been getting. “Wha...oh, we’re going to their place for breakfast?”

James nodded and hummed his agreement. “And apparently something’s up as well. I caught a snippet about Lucy, but don’t ask unless they say something.”

Arriving at the door, James knocked a few times. “Hello? Miss Jeanne? We’re here for breakfast!”

Her voice rang out, muffled by the walls in the way slightly, but still understandable. “Come on in, you ruffians! Sam slipped out, so I’d only have to make so much more for you!”

James pushed the door open and was greeted by a Gallade and a Mismagius in the living room, along with the sounds of Jeanne working in the kitchen. Where Vincent or Lucy were, he had no idea. “Ah, hello. I assume you’re Luke then. I’m James, and this is Meowth.”

Jumping down, Meowth nodded at the pair before them. “Charmed, I’m sure.”

Jessie... James, and... a Meowth, Luke said slowly in both of their minds. Hmm... I take it that if Vincent is housing you... your crimes have been repaid? Luke spoke calmly and quietly.

Meowth and James gulped and looked at one another. “Not... exactly,” Meowth said.

“He said something about how the past belongs on Earth and offered to house us...for as long as we contributed to the smooth running of the apartments,” James continued.

“Frankly, considering the sweet deal he’s got here, we’d have to be stupid to not sign up,” Meowth finished.

“Ummm what’s going on?” Mage asked blankly.

Jessie, James, and Meowth were members of Team Rocket... Luke looked over the two for a long moment before shrugging. So long as you do nothing to harm my son or hurt anyone else without... due provocation... I will have no problems with you.

“Just keep an eye on them when James tends the Berries,” Jeanne said, bringing a few heaping plates of food out. “They realized an opportunity when they saw it and nearly tried to take a few to sell the other night to those missing a taste of home.”

“We apologized, many times,” James said, sulking a bit at being reminded of their most recent crime.

“I know, it’s just in your nature, you ruffian,” the Bellossom said, playfully giving the Roserade a pat on his cheek. “Now eat up. It’s going to be dreadfully warm today, I just checked. Luke, if you would get the rest?”

Luke nodded his head, getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen, returning a moment later with several plates hovering around him without any difficulty. Where would you like them?

“Just put a few at the table for you and your friend, Meowth and I can take the couch,” Jeanne replied, heading to it and pausing halfway up. “Oh. And leave two in the kitchen for when Vincent and Lucy take a break...assuming they do.”

When Bit arrives I plan to separate Lucy from him and put her into the gear... he can eat then and if I keep the gag off, Lucy can as well... Luke stated as he did as instructed, placing the plates on the table as well as sending two hovering back.

James paused mid-bite, and Meowth actually did a spit-take. “Um...is there something we should know about our benefactor?” James questioned.

“Yeah, like why he and his girlfriend need gear to take a break or be separated?” Meowth tacked on.

“Lucy’s in Heat,” Mage supplied, shaking her head. “Really, really, intense Heat too.”

James and Meowth shared a look then, and Meowth snickered. “Oh boy. Her first?” questioned the more feline of the two.

Indeed... Vincent is currently fighting for consciousness, Luke answered. Four times and then some is rather a lot for someone of his body type...

“I thought Psychics preferred to do these sorts of things in the mind,” James muttered as he took a bite of his eggs. “What, is she not letting him?”

She has been riding him ragged... I don’t believe he has the willpower at the moment... Luke answered.

Fortune favored the family, as Bit and Jessie made their appearance at the door to the apartment. Bit dinged once before nodding at Luke. “There is a large wagon in the lobby with all the parts I could find for this most interesting of occasions.”

Luke nodded, gave Mage a kiss on the cheek and vanished. Jessie looked at the breakfasts the rest of the family was eating and her stomach grumbled, causing her to blush in embarrassment. Jeanne merely smiled and looked at Mage. “I always make an extra for her in case she turns up, could you go fetch it?” she questioned the ghost.

“Sure, no problem,” Mage replied, getting up and floating into the kitchen, grabbing a plate and setting it down in front of Jessie. “So... what kind of stuff did you get?”

Bit ticked before reciting the list. “Straps, chains, gags, large dildos, assorted plugs for various orifices, handcuffs from the Guard Station, and really, I must emphasize the straps. Quite a few are recommended to restrain a teenaged dragon, it is my hope they will be enough to restrain a Lucario in Heat.”

Jeanne merely blinked before chuckling at the thought of so many things being paraded around town or being used on Lucy. Meowth actually dropped his fork, and this time James did the spit-take, sending orange juice across the table to coat Luke’s seat. Jessie blushed in embarrassment again. “I’m not sure what was worse. His completely serious attitude to buying all those things, or having to haul them through town.”

“How could hauling them be worse?” James wondered as he used a napkin to clean up his mouth.

“Think about it,” Meowth said. “A Porygon-Z walks into a shop with a female Pyroar behind him and buys all sorts of ‘toys’...”

The Roserade picked up on the implications and blushed straight through his leaves. “Oh my.”

Luke appeared in Vincent’s room and without a second glance hoisted Lucy off of his son, holding her in the air with his power as he began to ‘dress’ her. The enchanted leather straps went around her wrists and legs which were then connected by strong chains to the bed posts as he gently set the lust crazed Pokemon on the bed. Vincent was standing beside it, panting heavily as Luke brought out a plug and gently lifted Lucy’s tail before putting it in the top hole and a large purple dildo was gently shoved into the other, both began to vibrate immediately. Vincent’s breakfast appeared in front of him on the bedside table along with a glass of water.

Are you alright Vincent? Luke asked in concern.

Tired...sore...And I think we could both use a shower… he said between bites and gulps. Thanks for finding that. Think it’ll hold?

Luke looked at Lucy who was writhing in ecstasy and straining against the straps, but making no headway in breaking free. I believe they will, he informed his son with a small smile. Now eat, drink, and occasionally move the dildo back and forth with your mind.

Vincent gulped and softly extended a tendril of power to Lucy’s mind. Lucy, you okay?

If you don’t do as he says, I swear to Arceus I’ll replace it with yours!

Vincent blinked a few times before shrugging. If you say so.

Good, Luke stated before glancing down at Vincent’s sagging... member. I will find some medicine for that, try to salvage some of the skin so that you aren’t in pain for very long.

...Or you could have Bit teach me Recover if he’s back. That’d work too, right? To say that the Kadabra used a bit of snark would be like saying the Lucario was a bit crazed at the moment.

Ah, that could work too, Luke said with a small mental chuckle before looking over at Lucy. Pardon me while I do something. He closed his eyes and withdrew the two vibrating phalluses from Lucy and reached for the small sane part of her brain, jabbing it sharply and making it spring to the forefront of her mind. There, she is free of the Heat for ten minutes or so, feed and water her. Another plate appeared before Vincent along with a glass of water.

“Vincent? Vincent, what...why am I tied up?”

“You’re in Heat, Lucy,” he replied simply as he held up the glass. “Say ah.”

She obediently opened up to gulp down the proffered drink as her eyes started to dart around. “Heat? Sam...Sam told me about it. Said I could get pregnant during it...Vincent, you have to-”

He hushed her with a forkful of food and shook his head. “Too late by four counts, Lucy. At least it’s me, eh?”

She chewed and gulped the food down while shaking her head. “Vincent, I know nothing about being a parent! Neither of us do! Heck, we only just got you used to the idea of sex again! Why are you so...calm about this?!”

Vincent turned to Luke and smiled. “Fatherly advice.”

You have around ten minutes before my help expires and you become heated again, Luke told her, walking over and putting a hand on her shoulder. Eat, drink, and do your best to prepare for what’s about to come.

“Well, you know. Besides yourself,” Vincent said with a bit of a mischievous smirk. “C’mon, open wide, I want to at least toss you in the shower as well...if you hurry I might be able to get that done before you lose yourself again.”

The bound Lucario obeyed, voicing her objections a bit at a time between bites. “Still, I hardly think-” she managed to get out before more egg was shoved into her muzzle. After a moment, she cleared her mouth and continued. “That we’re the best choices for becoming parents.”

“Choice has been removed from the equation,” Vincent said solemnly while continuing to force-feed her. “Besides which, at least we know what not to do. We can hardly do worse than…” He trailed off before shaking his head. “Doesn’t matter. We’ll have Luke and my mother to fall back on for help and advice if we need it.” Half the plate had already gone.

Indeed you will, Luke agreed before glancing down slightly. Now that your mind is with you, are you in any pain from the straps?

The Lucario wiggled a bit, testing them, before shaking her head. “A bit...unusual, but also not painful. Dare I say...erotic? Something about this...excites me.”

Vincent looked at Luke, a worried expression on his face. “Is that normal?”

They sell bondage gear for a reason my son, Luke deadpanned.

“Yeah...just, didn’t seem like her. Someone who’s so physically powerful enjoying being tied up like that.”

“To be fair,” Lucy all but purred, “We haven’t had these things until right this moment.”

It isn’t unusual Vincent also... I do not believe you will have time for a shower so... Luke trailed off, closing his eyes and extending a hand at Lucy. To her surprise, every droplet of any kind of moisture simply rose off of her and into the air. There was quite a lot of it. Then Luke did the same thing to Vincent and the two rather large.... puddles disappeared. ... that will have to do.

“I’m still going to take an actual shower later,” Vincent replied, making sure that the last bite had been swallowed before giving Lucy the rest of her water. “...Maybe another glass for her?”

Luke nodded and got another glass of water. Go shower Vincent... I shall take care of her needs if I lose her.

Vincent nodded and vanished in a flash of blue. Lucy looked up to the Gallade as she began to feel the effects of her Heat taking over again. “Say,” she said in a low voice, “I don’t suppose I could…convince you to let me out of this so I can go pin him to the wall of the shower, could I?”

Luke just tipped the water glass so that she could drink from it. No.

After a few gulps, she pulled back and sighed. “Pity...so what now? You just watch me squirm?” With that, she wiggled a bit, looking for a weakness in the bindings and finding none.

This actually. Luke placed the ballgag over her muzzle and tightened the straps. Then he picked up the dildo with his powers and began to expertly fuck her with it. Amazing that I have returned to this...

You don’t have to if you don’t want to, father, Vincent softly said from the shower. While I might not be able to do much from in here, it’d be better than making you relive...that part of your life.

At least this time I’m doing it for a good reason... Luke replied as he inserted the plug in her butt.

Yeah...and at least I made Total Recall with the best of intentions. Seriously, if you’d rather not, don’t. She’s my...is it mate in the Pokemon vernacular? Anyways, she’s my responsibility.

Take your shower Vincent, Luke stated flatly as he continued his duty.

I learned to take quick ones at the facility. I might have more fur now, but part of it carries over. Just give me a second to dry off and you can be on your way to place a ‘do not disturb’ sign on the bedroom door.

Very well, Luke replied as Lucy came thanks to his ministrations. She is all yours.

Vincent appeared in the room with a blue flash and nodded at the Gallade. “When was that ever in doubt?” he questioned before taking Luke’s place as Lucy’s stimulator.

It wasn’t, Luke said, his voice impassive and incredibly bland. Goodbye. With that, he teleported away.

Vincent turned to the Lucario bound on the bed, who was panting hard thanks to what Luke had done, and sighed. “Well...let’s see how long it takes for you to recover, love,” he said, pulling up a chair and summoning a book into his hands. “Oh. Right. Recover. Bit!”

My mind is prepared for you. Merely form the bridge, and I shall ‘write’ the move into your active memory.

Vincent sighed and closed his eyes, the link with Bit deepening in an instant. Ready, but take care: organic brains aren’t silicon computers!

The warning seemed to get across to the Program, as this time, it stung less when the move was transferred across minds. Done, Bit stated. I must be off to purchase the steel plating.

Vincent shook his head to remove the temporary pain and dizziness from it. “Take...care, buddy,” he slowly said.

“So, how are they, dear?” Jeanne questioned the returned Luke.

Exhausted and... mating again... though this time Vincent is the one in control, Luke answered. Meowth chuckled as he gathered both Jessie and James’ plates.

“Bet he likes that,” the feline commented.

He prefers it to the alternative.

Jeanne blinked a few times before opening her mouth and thinking better of it. “I’ve learned better than to ask.”

“As have we,” the former Team Rocket members spoke up in unison. Bit dinged a few times before heading for the door.

“Come Jessie. If the steel plating I seek is still available, I will require you to haul it back.”

“Out of curiosity, dear, why do you want it?” Jeanne questioned.

“This unit has projected it will be the only thing remotely capable of withstanding their offspring.”

Luke smiled slightly while Mage chuckled. “Yeah, that sounds about right,” she agreed with a nod.

Jessie, James, and Meowth seemed to share a glance before moaning. “Oh good grief, what did I get myself dragged into by agreeing to be your assistant?” Jessie groaned.

“At least they’ll be strong, right?” James countered.

“Let’s just...go. I think I can smell their room from here now. You guys should invest in an air freshener or two or a dozen,” Meowth said, ushering his comrades out.

Jeanne seemed to hum as she considered the idea that industrial-grade materials might be required to contain her grandchildren before shrugging. “Every new parent feels that way, I suppose. He’s just the first one able to actually do it.”

Chapter Fourty-Five - A Dragon's Rage came to Las Pegasus. It was a nice town. Was.

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We are going to begin the next step in your education with the basics, Luke told Vincent as he stood there before the chained up form of Lucy, who was currently drooling around a ball gag. That way, you no longer have to worry about driving yourself insane by accident.

That’d be nice, yeah. But, uh, why are we here? I think such education could best be done anywhere else. Vincent was glancing from Lucy to Luke with no small amount of confusion.

Your first move is to be Hypnosis, Luke replied simply, pointedly not looking at Lucy who also happened to be writhing around a vibrator. You are going to put her to sleep, control her, and make her cease her incessant... craving. For a time at least.

Huh. Well when you put it that way, it sounds logical. Even helpful. How best to begin, then? I assume there’s more to it than merely shouting the name of the move. His regular spoon had appeared in Vincent’s hand sometime during this.

Indeed. May I demonstrate upon her? Luke inquired.

She seems to need it, the Kadabra stated with a small nod.

I thought it best to ask, Luke stated, nodding his head before his power welled around him, despite his current lack of ‘walls’ he was still more than capable of ‘offense’. As the power welled around him, Lucy’s ‘aids’ were removed including the gag.

“Wha...what are you do-” she managed to say.

Pay attention Vincent, Luke instructed as his power reached out and wrapped around Lucy’s mind. Hypnosis, Luke stated quietly within Lucy’s head. The Lucario sagged in her bindings and her eyes half closed.

Interesting, Vincent replied. I think I got most of that...here, take a look? I want to make sure I’ve got it right before using it.

I was not yet finished Vincent, Luke replied, a small mental chuckle rolling over to Vincent as the Gallade closed his eyes and Vincent saw a small spear of power stab into the open flower that was Lucy’s mind. Lucy, say hello to Vincent, calmly.

“Hello,” Lucy responded in a sluggish voice.

That...is impressive. Cutting through her heat like that to find the rational ‘mon underneath. Yeah...okay, I think I could replicate that. Not sure yet. Might have to try it out a few times…

The initial part is the most important, Luke instructed. You must get your target into the trance state you see before you, otherwise the attack will not work. Furthermore, do not attempt to use it on another Psychic type, they will resist easily and more than likely use your ‘expanded borders’ thinness to punch into your mind, the Gallade continued. Lucy, inform Vincent of what you would do to him if he got himself hurt foolishly.

“He’d be the one tied up,” she replied. “And from there, I’d find all sorts of ways to make him understand why doing that is a bad idea.”

Quite so, Luke agreed with a nod of his head. One of the most important things to realize about this power is how easily it could be abused. He gave Vincent an inscrutable look. I know you are not the type to, and I do not suggest it lightly, but this is the type of power that comes with the inherent risk and as such I MUST give you this speech.

The smaller psychic couldn’t look his teacher in the eyes as he replied. Okay, Mewtwo notwithstanding, I would never try to abuse my powers. I...I’ve been through too much of something that wasn’t as invasive as this. So...yeah, no worries there.

Good, and that leads me to my next point. Your move Total Recall? You are not to use it unless your life is actually in danger. To do otherwise is a horrible abuse of power, the type that would get you arrested if we were still on Earth. I am lucky that Mewtwo did not consider filing charges against me for using a move such as that. The Gallade closed his eyes and glanced at Vincent. By using that move, you are making yourself more like Doctor Nurem than any other method available to you.

The warning seemed to sink in, and Vincent’s demeanor changed from self-assured to horrified as he considered the Gallade’s words. I...hadn’t thought of it like that… he whispered. The Kadabra looked up to Luke with a small smile then.

Well, we’d best hurry my training along if I’m not to use that move anymore!

That was about when the roar of a dragon echoed through the city.

Luke blinked. What was that?

I can have a look, Vincent replied, already casting out a ‘line’ to the outskirts of the city. While he didn’t find any dragons, he did run across a Charizard, and began speaking to him right away.

...I assume there’s a good reason that- At that point, Vincent caught on as to who he was actually talking to and altered what he had been about to say. oh hey Ignis! Fancy seeing you all here! He then looked over to Luke and included him in the loop as lightly as possible. Still, you’re interrupting something at the moment…

Luke remained silent, simply listening in.

“Ah, sorry ‘bout that,” the Luxray replied. “It’s just...”

“Where. Is. SAM!?!” The altered Gabite was getting irritated, but it was a voice Vincent knew all the same.

Oh heya Christine. Don’t you remember little ol’ Vincent? I see you still remember big bro. He then looked over at Luke and decided to fill him in. Subject Thirty-Four, but never call her that. A Gibel fused with Kecleon DNA, Evolved to a Gabite, dislikes it when anyone points out her weird patterning. Has quite a few anger issues and a fixation with ‘Sam the dashing swordsman.’

... I dread what will come of this, Luke said dryly within Vincent’s mind. ... at least I have my Angel to protect me...

Even worse, her ability is the same as a Kecleon’s, in every sense of the word. Picking up the thread of conversation with the others again, Vincent chipped in about why Christine may not have believed them when informed he was a Kadabra now. Yeah, her distrust is kinda understandable. So! You lot here for me then? Cause it’d be...let’s go with better, if I came to you instead of the other way ‘round.

Luke frowned for a moment and his power wrapped around Vincent’s form, pulling all of the ‘sex’ off of him. I cannot do anything about the smell, but I can limit the actual exposure, he informed Vincent privately. Though I would recommend heavily against fighting her directly... you will be at severe disadvantage.

In more ways than one, and despite my stunt at Canterlot, I’m not stupid. Vincent took a quick sniff and winced. I think a shower is in order.

“Is there a problem?” Seth asked. “I could help if you need me to, it’s kinda my job now.”

Vincent was silent for a moment as he looked from Lucy to Luke and thought of the implications. Just checking, but it’d be bad, right?

With the condition that Lucy is in at the moment... I doubt she would notice any difference aside from the barbs... but I doubt that he wants to do that to her, Luke replied uncertainly. Or were you referring to something else?

More wondering as to whether a human-turned-Luxray would be able to control himself around this smell, Vincent replied while waving a hand around, though mostly at Lucy’s form.

That mostly depends on the individual... I know nothing about this ‘Seth’ so I suppose it would be up to you, Luke said with a small shrug. ... though I see no real reason to involve him in Lucy’s ordeal.

Fair point… Vincent trailed off while thinking before shaking his head. Nope, gonna keep them as separate as possible. Don’t even want to think about what could be, or how badly she would kick my behind once she cools down and finds out… Vincent trailed off and shuddered at the thought. ...If you knew, you wouldn’t have said that. You really wouldn’t have. I just got done having Luke teach me Hypnosis, so I can amscray for a few hours if need be. Or would you rather wander the city on your own?

“I suppose, Fritter and Rika want to spend some time with me and I think Ignis and Selena could use a little ‘alone time’. Oh, and I’ll keep an eye on Christine as well.”

Works for me. Just, uh… Here, Vincent made sure the line was private as he gave Seth directions to Fredricks, along with what it looked like. Try to avoid this for a bit until I warn Sam at least? It’s where he works.

“So don’t tell Christine then? Got it.” The conversation dropped then, though Vincent kept a ‘tab’ on the group of friends that had entered the city. With his and their luck, he might need it before the day was out.

Shower, Vincent stated, heading out of the room. I’ll not stay away from them all day, and if I do go, I’m going to need a shower beforehand.

More than likely, you will probably not have to do more then wash some water over yourself, Luke said, nodding his head before he turned back to Lucy. Sleep and release.

His words were slightly prophetic, as not even two minutes had passed before another roar was heard. Different from the first, and Vincent sighed as it was more familiar than the first one as well.

Christine… Vincent groaned. I think I might be needed to find her if she’s gone invisible.

... very well, just remember to avoid a direct confrontation, Luke stated, nodding his head as he sat down on the couch and closed his eyes.

After checking with Seth’s family and talking a bit more with them while drying himself off, Vincent vanished in a flash of blue light, leaving Luke in the apartment.

Luke simply kept his eyes closed as Mage floated over and sat in his lap.

“How did the training go?” Mage asked quietly as one of Luke’s hands stroked her side.

Well enough, Luke replied with a small shake of his head. We are going to be receiving company soon. I would like you to make it extremely clear to the Gabite that I will NOT respond well to her advances.

Mage frowned before leaning up and kissing him on the chin. “Of course Luke... no one is getting to you but ME!”

With a blue flash, a familiar Kadabra popped into existence in front of Seth, holding his signature spoon. “I believe this is the point where I ask which way she went?” he stated.

Seth’s nose twitched and he recoiled slightly. “She uh, disappeared over that building there. Couldn’t you just use your Ping to find her?”

“Like I said, every sense.” Vincent idly twirled his spoon while continuing to answer. “I do that once, it’ll probably count as a Psychic-type move...and her typing will change to reflect that. Meaning the next one wouldn’t be as effective, and so on.” Actually, would it? He'd have to look up Color Change in Bit's memory...

“I’m aware of what she’s capable of,” Seth responded. “We... tussled back in Canterlot.” Seth seemed to sniff at the air a few times before continuing. “You know, you’re rather distracting at the moment Vincent?” the Luxray said as delicately as he could.

Vincent felt himself blush and reacted with a muttered, "Darn underpriced shampoos saying they'll get all stench out." He then cleared his throat and spoke up. “I tried, I really did. But I had to take a quick shower, had to once I heard her roar. I’d have made it a little more inclusive, but there’s only so much you can do in one minute. Add to that that your nose is probably more sensitive than it ever was back on Earth…”

Seth reached into his bag and pulled out an odd little device. It pinged as he scanned himself, responding in a mechanical tone. “The sense of smell in Luxray are well developed. Like all feline Pokemon, they possess a special olfactory organ on the roof of the mouth called a Jacobson’s organ.The Luxray grimaces (called Flehman) after smelling something, which passes the scent over this organ. Reproductive status is assessed using this method.”

“Well, there you have it,” Seth replied, quite surprised.

“Called it,” Vincent said, privately also surprised. So Arceus gave him his Pokedex? Interesting. “So am I going alone because I reek, then, or are one of you willing to accompany me so we can properly strategize and bring her back to being level-headed? Come to think of it, what triggered this?”

“Seth here mentioned to that dragon that Sammy is a Scizor now,” Fritter responded. “Apparently, she didn’t take that very well.”

“...No, no it wouldn’t,” Vincent replied. “She liked him because he was her dashing swordsman who made all sorts of promises about what we’d do when we got out while she was a Gible. I think she had an unhealthy fixation with her idea of him - a shining knight -, rather that what he actually was - a subject like the rest of us. So...now I don’t know where she would go. Hmm...Selena, Rika, I’ve just had a wonderful thought about how to bring her in, care to help?”

Selena was in mid-yawn when Vincent asked, causing her to cough. “Huh? What? What kind of help?” She poked at some sort of jewel around her neck.

“I Ping, looking for her, most likely changing her to the Psychic type. Once I find her, I ought to be able to keep track and direct you to her, and well, I’m pretty sure two super-effective hits from you two ought to be able to knock her down a peg or three.” Vincent’s smirk was back, as well as a mischievous gleam in his eyes, as he laid out his just-concocted plan.

“So, basically what Seth and I did the first time?” Selena pondered. “Alright, I can do this myself, Rika’s been hitting the cake recently, might not be able to keep up.”

Rika spluttered and poked her tongue out. “S-shut up! While as true as it may be, shut up!”

Selena nodded to Seth, who wore a smirk of his own. “Alright, will you need a little boost Selena?”

“She’s fast, so most likely...” Selena took a breath as Seth touched the gem around his own neck that Vincent had only just noticed was there.

“When two hearts beat as one, out true power is unveiled! Selena! Mega Shinka!” Seth cried out as a ribbon of light erupted from the two, joining and becoming brighter. Once the light died down, Selena stood proudly in her Mega form.

“Alright Vincent, where is she?”

Vincent smiled and closed his eyes, holding his spoon up and speaking ‘aloud’ as he composed his Ping. Search parameters, Las Pegasus...or as much as I can, anyways. Bring up Dragon-types, especially if the type changes, aaaaand...PING!

The wave of blue erupted from the Kadabra’s cranium and rapidly swept out of view. A few seconds passed in silence as the energy did as its master bid.

“Oh, I see we aren’t the only one’s with new tricks either,” Ignis said with a bemused tone.

“So where am I headed? Selena asked, flexing her wings. The wave of blue light finished rebounding as she finished talking, and Vincent spun to face the south, holding his spoon up and looking at the skyline as he recited the brief burst of information he'd gotten from her mind before he felt her typing change.

She’s on top of the shops of Seventh Street, heading south, still cloaked at the moment. At this rate, she’ll be...oh dear. On top of the Crown Jewel casino in no time. I’d suggest heading that way to intercept right about...now!

Selena gave a single nod as she took off with blinding speed, the inertia causing everyone to stumble a bit. It was barely a minute later that the group felt the aftereffects of one of Christine's favored moves, as the world seemed to shake for a few minutes. Not long after that, Vincent picked up some directed thoughts pointed at his mind.

“She’s down... but we have a problem.” The familiarity of the one sending them, along with the fact that he could only 'hear' what she was sending, clued in Vincent that it was Selena talking to him.

I felt it from here...I assume you’re at the Casino? Inwardly, the Kadabra hoped that she'd been stopped quickly enough that the poor place hadn't been hit too badly.

“Yeah... we are in so much trouble...”

Any victims besides her? Please no, please no, please no...

“Some ponies with bruising and cuts. A lot of them a scared though and I think they’re starting to form a mob...”

I can be there in two seconds...a one and a-

Vincent appeared in a flash of blue, floating serenely in the air before landing and placing one foot on top of the knocked out dragon. “My thanks for taking care of my wayward...what would be the best word to describe her?” He idly stroked his mustache as he pondered the question.

“A pain in the ass?” Selena suggested.

“It works,” Vincent said. “So...ponies, what is your issue? Bring your grievances forward, let me hear them.”

“And how’d I figure you’d be behind this?” One mare stepped forward. “Everytime there’s a disaster here, you seem to be front and center!!”

“To be fair, Ace,” Vincent riposted, “I was helping to clean up the mess this time. I didn’t even start it. Heck, I’d be willing to bet that the Crown Jewel still has bits from my little redistribution packed away, labeled as ‘management retirement funds’ that they could use to fix this mess.”

There was a shout from the crowd as a Luxray leaped over them, landing near Vincent. “This... ah, this is actually my fault Ma’am.”

“And you are?” Ace redirected her anger at the new Pokemon.

“Seth Crescent, Special Operative for her Royal Highnesses, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Seth parted the fur on his chest to show a silver collar with a sun and moon emblem on it. “I am supposed to report to a Captain Ace, have you seen him-”

“Seth,” Vincent said. “Yes. We have. She’s right there. Glaring at you and me now.”

“She? Ooh...” Seth bowed his head. “I am very sorry Captain, it would seem that my superior, Officer Grissom, failed to give me certain information.”

“Grissom... I should have known...” Ace gritted her teeth. “Well, you found me Mr. Crescent, and you appear to have brought quite a hoof-full of trouble with you as well. We should continue this at the station, lest you feel like being lynched?”

Vincent looked at the angry ponies and snorted. “I could take ‘em. Don’t want to, but could. I’d rather see if Recover works on them, though. Most likely won’t, but it’s the thought that counts. And if you think I’m letting you take - ah there we go! - my ‘sister in captivity’ away, well, just look at what happened. I’d rather she wake up with familiar faces. Failing that, Luke could help me keep her subdued.”

“We could use a Heal Pulse user,” Seth said. “Is Lucy available?”

The Kadabra paused for a moment at the question before answering with no small degree of awkwardness. “While I did figure out how to get Bit to ‘teach’ moves...more like bloody write moves into our brains like they were hard drives...and she does know Heal Pulse now, she’s a bit...tied up at the moment.”

Seth blinked a few times and cringed as he put the words together with the smell he'd complained about earlied. “Ah... well, ah, okay then.” He turned to the mob that was forming and touched his collar, before talking with a suddenly very loud voice!

“Attention citizens of Las Pegasus! Medical treatment will be arriving shortly. You have the deepest apologies from Princess Celestia herself, this was an accident involving an unwell Pokemon. Your treatments will be fully paid for by the Crown, so may I please have some order?”

The crowd was understandably shocked, but their anger petered out none-the-less. Seth turned back to Ace and tapped the collar again, after which he talked normally again. “Sorry about that, can we get some ponies from the local hospital here ASAP?”

Vincent raised a blue, glowing hand and quirked an eyebrow at the captain, as if to ask ‘should I?’ He did, after all, have access to Teleport.

“Go ahead,” Ace sighed. “Do try and keep our headaches to a minimum however, I have the feeling mine will grow exponentially soon enough.”

The line seemed to strike a chord in Vincent, as half-a-dozen ponies appeared between him and Ace. “Take your bloody help, I’m taking Christine home to those that can actually help her, you insensitive mare. I’ve been good about keeping myself and my powers in check…”

With that, the two former lab rats vanished, this time to Vincent’s home in the city.

Vincent appeared in the living room of the apartment, with Christine in tow, barely managing to keep the two of them stable throughout the Teleport. It would appear that distance and mass still effected his multi-mon Teleport technique. He'd have to work on it again...

This is her? Luke spoke up from his position on the couch. Vincent nodded at his father figure and gently picked up the mutated Gabite before laying her on the floor between the two of them.

"She needs serious help," Vincent said. "She can't live the way she is...but I don't want to change who she is too much."

Luke brought one of his hands close to the dragon's head and gave a small 'push,' to test her mind. What he found was a roiling sea of anger. Centered in it was a small, rapidly eroding island of sanity. It seemed to have been pinned to a familiar Scyther's form...

He recoiled and nodded, looking over to Mage. Could you aid us, angel?

"Hey, you two are the Psychics here," the Mismagius retorted. "I know a few tricks, sure, but if she's anything like Vincent here, I don't think I'll be much help."

"There's still something you can do with that necklace of yours," Vincent replied, pointing one spoon at it. "Monitor her moods from out here. When you feel her anger dying down to what you think would be healthy enough levels, let me or Luke know, and we'll know we're either on the right track or done."

The ghost blinked a few times before smiling and nodding. "That, I can easily do. And you two take care of each other when you do...whatever it is you're going to do in there."

Nothing too invasive, I hope, Luke said, looking up from Christine to Vincent.

"That's my hope as well, dad. Together, then?"

Vincent reached a glowing blue hand down to Christine's head, the other one extended towards Luke. The Gallade nodded and got off the couch, crouching down and grasping Vincent's right hand with his left before placing his right hand atop Vincent's. Together...oh, and Mage? Please go get Bit if you intend to standby during this procedure...someone will need to be the door guard while you do.

She shrugged, somehow, before floating through the floor. A few minutes passed before she reappeared, nodding at the pair. "He says he'll come up, but that he won't be enthused about it."

"We don't need him happy, we need him here," Vincent said before thrusting himself and Luke into Christine's mind, ready to help her change herself.

Chapter Fourty-Six - Quite the Bug Buzz

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Lala was having a relatively normal day. Greet some ponies and Pokemon, tell them the pricing for an apartment depending on how long they intended to stay, fend off an amorous Scizor, and read an interesting book. All in all, fairly standard for her. And then they walked in. The Sylveon and Earth Pony mare. If she had to pick a time at which everything started to take a turn for the weird, that would be the moment. Lala looked up at them from her book and blinked a few times. “Oh, visitors? Or tenants?” she asked.

“Visitors,” the pony replied, “My name is Apple Fritter and this is my beloved, Rika.”

The Leavanny nodded once before putting her book down. “I am Lala, and behind you by the door is-”

“WOBBUFFET!” the psychic nearly screamed at being mentioned.

Fritter suddenly lashed out in surprise, and stopped her hoof only a few millimeters from Wobbuffet’s face. The force behind the blow still gave off a gust of wind as it stopped, enough to tell the experienced Pokemon that he narrowly avoided being put through the wall.

“Ah- Ah’m so sorry!” Fritter quickly apologized, her accent dropping. “Ah didn’t mean to!”

“Wobbuffet likes sneaking up on ponies and ‘mon alike, and he’s a defensive powerhouse. I keep telling him not to, but he never listens. Though I get the feeling he will after this one. Won’t you?” The Leavanny smirked over to the blue blob, who was wiping off his forehead.

“Wobbuffet,” he said with a slight nod before retreating back to the door.

“Ah really didn’t mean to scare him,” Fritter said quietly, her ears flat against her head.

“Hey, it’s alright,” Rika said, wrapping Fritter up in a hug. “No-one’s blaming you and no-one got hurt. Honestly, I nearly Moonblasted him myself.”

“Like I said, defensive powerhouse. He’d probably walk it off. So!” The Leavanny sat up a bit more straight behind the receptionist desk and looked over it at the guests. “You’ve met me and Wobbuffet. Are you here to see Jessie, James, Meowth, or any of the Nurem family?”

“VINNY’S HERE!?” Rika cried happily. “Lucky~”

“While we weren’t looking for him at the moment,” Fritter said, “We were coming to meet him eventually.”

“Mm. Floor three then. And take care, I think the family is going through something. Sam mentioned something about a Heat when he tried flirting with me this morning on his way to work.”

“You and Sam are an item?” Rika asked earnestly. “How’d he score a cutie like you?”

Despite the slight pause the Sylveon’s words had on her, Lala responded. “I am merely intrigued by him at this moment. It is not every day one finds one trained by their own father, after all. And despite his thicker chitin, he appears to have no difficulty dodging my attacks in the morning as retribution for his...cheesy lines. Such a feat is not easy for anyone. For most, it is downright impossible.”

“I’m so glad Ignis isn’t here,” Rika said with a sigh of relief. She paused and gave the Leavanny a hard stare. “Can I ask something strange? Do you know a Florges named Titania?”

“A fellow guild member, yes. How many have you run into?” To say that Rika had Lala’s interest would be akin to saying Arceus could be kind of a jerk.

"Just Titania," Rika said with a huff. “Waaaaay back when we first arrived on this world.”

The thought of not having any news on her father was slightly disappointing. Perhaps she would ask Vincent to contact Xavier and see if the two of them could pass messages back and forth through them. She waved at the pair with an arm-blade. "Like I said, the Nurem family is on floor three at the moment, apartment 301. Do take care, I’m not sure which member is afflicted with the Heat, but it’s something to keep in mind anyways.”

“Thanks for the tip Miss Lalah,” Rika smiled. And with that, the two girls headed upstairs to see the family. Lala nodded as they passed before returning to her book.

Bit was not pleased with having to abandon his workshop for any amount of time. He could understand the need for a door guard, certainly. But surely he could have sent Jessie over instead? As it was, very few ponies or 'mon bothered the family...

Just then, someone knocked on the door. Perhaps he would have to reassess his previous statement. Bit opened the door and poked his disconnected head out of it, noticing two familiar forms on the other side. “Ah, Miss Fritter, Miss Rika, hello. Is there a reason behind your visit?”

“Itty Bitty~” Rika giggled, grabbing the head and hugging it. “We came to visit like we promised.”

“S’good to see y’all again,” Fritter agreed.

The program ticked a few times as his eyes focused on the Sylveon holding his head. “...I suppose I did something to deserve this,” he grumbled, pulling the rest of his body out and closing the door behind him. “Still, your timing could only have been worse if you arrived some weeks later. Did Lala inform you?”

Rika paused for a second before responding, “Something about a Heat? She didn’t know much herself.” The Sylveon then poked at the Porygon’s head with a ribbon, “And what’s got you all pouty? Did you get locked out of a library or something?”

“I could be assembling my rudimentary computer right now, but the family is busy helping Subject Thir- I mean, Christine. Well, those that can are helping her, anyways. So I am on door duty, as Jeanne cannot reach the doorknob.” The program had hastily corrected himself from slipping back into the way he used to refer to the former subjects.

“Ah, so you can’t tinker?” Rika nodded. “Don’t worry Bitty, when Sethy gets here, you’ll prolly be free to do whatever. He had to go see the Town Guard about something.”

Bit dinged a few times before beeping in a negative manner. “Not advised. Luxray and Lucario share an egg group, and it is currently Lucy who is afflicted by a Heat. None of the family would take it well if something were to happen.”

Rika and Fritter paused and their expressions darkened. “If Sethy were to try anything...”

“That boy wouldn’t walk straight fer a month!” Fritter finished. “Seth is ours, an’ ah think he knows that.” A sly grin made its way onto her face. “An’ ah’d be more worried about Rika, she does like to tease after all~”

“Ooh! I hadn’t thought of that,” Rika giggled.

Bit looked between the two females before performing his version of a shrug; waving his arms up quickly before returning them to their normal state. “Still, the scent is likely to afflict him in some manner. I must remain on guard until Luke, Mage, or Vincent are free, or until Sam returns from work. And seeing as how there is delicate work going on, I doubt they would appreciate you entering at this juncture.”

“So we can’t come inside?” Rika giggled, causing Fritter to groan and facehoof. “Well, what should we do until then?”

“Jeanne is still free,” Bit clarified. “And I think she would not mind giving you a tour of our facilities...assuming one of you gave her a ride. She is a Bellossom, after all.”

“Ah don’t mind,” Fritter said. “One question... what’s a Bellossom?”

“I can show you in a moment,” Bit said before looking at the ribbon around his horn. “Assuming I am free to leave.”

“Ah, whoops?” Rika let Bit go and smiled. “Sorry Bitty.”

Bit did his version of a smile, something you’d have to look at his eyes for, as he briefly altered the eyes to show off small smiles instead of interlocked rings. “Forgiven. One moment…”

With that, the program opened the door and closed it again, to retrieve Vincent's mother. She was easy enough to locate, as she was observing the proceedings in the living room with no small amount of sadness. Bit tapped her once to get her attention, and the Bellossom turned to look at the program.

"Some of Vincent's friends are here, but seeing as how he is occupied at the moment, I suggested that you would be able and willing to take them on a tour of the building."

Jeanne nodded a few times to clear her head before smiling up at the program. "I can do that...and I think I need to get away from this reminder anyways. Thank you for thinking of me, Bit."

Jeanne walked back to the door, and Bit opened it up again, letting her walk out with ease. Jeanne looked up at the mare and the Sylveon that had come to visit, a few stories from Vincent's travels tickling at the back of her brain and making them seem familiar. “Oh, hello there, dears. I’m Jeanne, and if I’m not mistaken, you know the others?”

Rika nodded, “Yes, my name is Rika Crescent and this is Apple Fritter. We met Vinny and the others when they visited Canterlot last week. We might also be responsible for his lovey-dovey-ness with Lulu.”

Jeanne blinked a few times before smiling and making to hug Rika. “And good on you for doing it, they love one another so much that I’m sure they’ll pull through even this with no more sanity lost among them.”

Rika gladly reciprocated the hug, and Fritter spoke up in the meanwhile. “So I take it you’ll be our guide while they’re... intertwined?” the Earth Pony mare asked.

Jeanne giggled a bit before disentangling herself from Rika and responding to Fritter. “While Lucy is a bit...tied up at the moment, Luke, Mage, and Vincent are helping a very strange Gabite. Which is why Bit’s on door duty, normally it’d be Mage. I can guide you around the place, there’s plenty to see. Most of it is in the basement, though there is the garden on the roof.”

Fritter’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Y’all have a garden of the roof!?”

“Well that didn’t last long,” Rika giggled. “Mention farming and she’s in her element.”

“She’ll like it up there, but let’s save that for later, then. James is probably still making sure the plants have water at this time of day, now that I think about it.” The plant looked from the pony to the Eevolution, a spark of mischief in her eye as she asked the next question.

“Sooo...which one of you do I get to ride?”

“Oh my, so forward~” Rika giggled. “You’d never be able to keep up though.”

“Ah’ll be yer method of transportation,” Fritter sighed.

“I just can’t help myself, dear,” the Bellossom said as she drew closer to the mare. “I’ve been trying to compete with Luke as to who can make more dirty jokes, so as to effect Vincent, and sometimes it slips out without my noticing around others.”

“Rika’s the same, ‘cept she just does it cause she’s Rika,” Fritter said, leaning down so Jeanne could climb up.

“Oh hush,” Rika said. “You don’t mind when I talk like that in bed.”

Apple Fritter said nothing, but her red face spoke volumes.

“The basement, then,” the elder of the three said as she settled in on the pony’s back. “There’s a few things down there, and as long as you two promise not to touch, we might be able to look at what Bit’s been up to as well.”

“Fii~nee,” Rika said when Fritter looked at her. “I won’t touch the shiny things.”

“Well then,” Fritter got back up. “Let’s go!”

The trip down was four stories of stairs that, thankfully, were still pony-friendly. Once the small party arrived in the basement, the heater and air-conditioner were obvious, as well as the fact that they’d been modified from anything that could be considered normal.

Fritter looked at the modern conveniences. “Wha? What is half of this stuff?”

“Air con, a heater... ohh, you totally teched out this apartment!” Rika exclaimed. “Aw, I wish we had air-con...”

“It only works because of Bit’s Ice Beam, dear,” Jeanne explained while slipping off the pony. Walking over and opening up a compartment in the side, she continued to explain. “While they have a backup that runs off the generator in the next room, they’d work better if we had an Ice-type to chill the air in here. And the heater,” she continued, walking over to the next one, “Works off of similar principles with Fire-types. Assuming Jessie ever learns how to control her fires, this one won’t be an issue either.”

“Pokemon power huh?” Rika commented. “Well, as long as Bitty doesn’t try and use Sethy as a battery...”

“Ah doubt Bit would do that,” Fritter giggled. “But this is pretty ingenious.”

“He might ask for a quick charge from Seth, but not a whole lot - he doesn’t like using his Charge Beam for the generator. Says something about how he’s just putting power in to take it out later when he needs it again. And the others did ask him to stop siphoning electricity from the city grid for himself as well.” The plant looked into the next room and nodded. “Right, the generator is in here, as well as Bit’s workspace. I’m trusting you two!”

“Hai, we won’t touch!” Rika saluted.

“We promise,” Apple Fritter agreed. “Ah hate it when somepony messes up mah farm tools.”

In the next room, a generator was hooked up to a capacitor, along with a fuse box for the whole building. In another corner…

...Well, it looked like a very primitive computer had exploded and had a few magical additions made to it along the way. Chalk had been used to write out calculations or circle some parts, and wires connected nearly every part of the whole mess.

“This looks... messy,” Rika commented.

“Mah brain hurts,” Fritter said, looking at the mathematical equations. “Wait, are those magic crystals?”

“It’s probably best not to question how he makes his computer, dear. Only that it’s something for him to focus on with all the knowledge Genesect traded with him. Let’s just hope he succeeds, otherwise he’ll be sulky about not understanding magic for days.”

“Seth tried to explain compu-thingies when he showed me his Pokedex... ah still don’t get them.”

“And I find that adorable for some reason,” Rika giggled. “But a magic computer? That would really be something. I know Sethy wants to get phones working more than anything.”

“Bit probably has information on that as well,” Jeanne said with a shrug. “Nobody’s asked because he’s oh-so-busy on his computer.”

Apple Fritter and Rika looked at the cluttered workshop, giving it one last look around before the Sylveon spoke up. “Well, we should probably leave. I think I can feels Bit’s pressure for us to get out from here.”

Jeanne nodded and drew close to Apple Fritter. “A wise idea. So long as nobody touches anything, he’s merely peeved that others enter his workspace. I think his time outside of a computer is negatively effecting him.”

“Heh, well let’s go then!” Apple Fritter said excitedly and trotted cheerfully out of the room. The mare narrowly avoided knocking over a toolbox on her way out, the heavy case caught by Rika at the last second.

“Watch it Appleflank,” she giggled. “That would not have ended well.”

“Eheh, sorry bout that,” Fritter replied sheepishly.

Jeanne sighed and wiped a hand over her forehead at the aversion of the near disaster. Then she took note of where the two had gotten to and jogged after them. “Wait a moment, you forgot about me!”

Apple Fritter paused as Rika lifted the elderly Bellossom up and placed her on the mares back.

“Sorry Jeannie~” the Sylveon giggled.

The plant settled back in on the mare’s back and nodded. “At least you stopped. Right then, to the roof?”

The Bellossom suddenly had to grab on tightly as Fritter practically raced up the stairs. Once they’d reached the top, Fritter practically squeed with excitement when she laid eye on the beautiful garden.

“It’s... amazing!” she whispered.

The noise had drawn the attention of a nearby Roserade, and he stepped out from between two flowering plants. “Ah, hello again Jeanne...and who are they?” he questioned while pointing one bouquet at her companions.

Jeanne hopped down and walked over to the other plant-type. “The mare is Apple Fritter, and the Sylveon is Rika. They’re here to visit and see the things we do and how we do them, James dear.”

Apple Fritter was getting over her initial excitement and was now taking a more professional eye to the garden. “Let’s see, ya’ll have a nice set up here. This glass provides some excellent shade and the layout of the garden itself is good. Not too much space between each plant and... hmm... do y’all have irrigation? Watering this many plants by hoof would be quite the chore.”

“Not yet I’m afraid,” James said with a bit of a slump. “And despite the water tower on that corner,” he pointed it out while continuing, “We have no Water-types in residence to help keep it filled, so at the moment it runs off the city. Had we a sprinkler system like we keep looking for, this would be easy, but Bit’s a bit busy today. Said something about being shanghaied into being a door guard.”

“Vincent and Luke and Mage are trying to help one of the subjects, James,” Jeanne explained. “He was the only one they could ask.”

“Well, why don’t ah help out?” Fritter offered. “Ah know what kinda system would be perfect fer this place. As long as y’all have the Bits that is.”

James blinked a few times before looking at Fritter slowly. “That...would be perfect. I just got done checking for weeds and seeing which ones needed watering, so as long as Miss Jeanne and Miss Rika stay here to keep watch for any Bug-types, I would be willing to look with you. Vincent has given us a few leftover funds, not a lot, to purchase a system that catches our eye. I can go get those and meet you in the lobby if you’d like.”

Rika flexed her ribbons and grinned sadistically. “Oh don’t worry rose-boy, no little buggies will touch these berries.”

Jeanne merely smiled and touched one of the flowers on her head. “I might not be one for combat, but I do know a few incapacitating moves myself.”

Rika tilted her head, “You don’t know any attacking moves?” She was suddenly standing in front of the small plant Pokemon. “Heehee, let’s change that shall we?”

Fritter shuddered and grabbed James. “Okay, we better leave.” She gave her beloved a worried look. “ByeRikahaveagreattimeandtrynottokillher!”

Jeanne looked up and smiled. “Dear, you really shouldn’t have gotten that close. Maybe when you wake up, you’ll be more reasonable. Sleep Powder.”

Rika jumped back and grabbed a nearby Chesto berry, crunching down on it as the sleep begun to take hold.

“Ooh, that’s naughty~” she giggled. “Safeguard!” the aura surrounded her, protecting her from further status effects. “Don’t be like that, I just want to teach you an attack or two.”

“Pity,” Jeanne said. “Status moves like that are all I know. And I’m of the opinion that you’re a bit too enthusiastic in your approach. But there’s one thing that I have over you still.” The Bellossom was still smiling, even as she described her situation.

“Yeah, sorry... I get a bit...” Rika hung her head as she trailed off. “Nevermind, I’ll just... stand over there...”

Jeanne drew close and laid a tiny hand on Rika’s leg. “Dear, you just need to calm down a bit when you get like that. I didn’t say I didn’t want to know, I merely didn’t want to be subject to more pain than I’ve felt before. Which would be an achievement, by the way, considering who I was married to.” She then huffed and crossed her arms while muttering.

“Wha? NO! Nononononoo! I wasn’t going to hurt you!” Rika gasped as tears stung the corner of her eyes. Jeanne wordlessly opened her arms, the universal signal for ‘hug.’

Rika nodded and hugged the little Grass-type. “Sorry, I’ll try to be... calmer in the future.” She nodded a few times before continuing. “Okay, moves... I can do that.” She closed her eyes as she seemed to think before a small smile grew on her face. “Yeah... that’ll do nicely~”

“Let’s not forget to keep watch as well. I’m not sure how many Bugs James has to fend off, but it’s not a few.”

Jeanne and Rika were rudely interrupted by a new voice that came from above them, with a droning wingbeat accompanying it. “Oh, you know, just a Ledyba or two a day tend to wander up here, but that was then.”

Rika glanced upwards, a small scowl on her face. “Now what?”

The next thing either of them saw was a small swarm of Ledyba, and in front of them were half-a-dozen Ledians as well. The one in front spoke up next. “That’s mostly because the others can’t fly up here as easily...oh, and did I happen to mention I’m tired of hearing my little brothers and sisters cry about not getting any of the largest garden in the city?”

Rika sighed before trying the diplomatic route, “This is a private garden, but once it’s harvested I’m sure it’s owners would share should you ask. Vinny wouldn’t be so heartless as to turn away starving children.”

He seemed to think about it for a moment, even humming, before shaking his head. “Nah, this way is easier, gets more food in their bellies. And hey, thanks for telling us that the usual defender is out. This’ll be a snap.” He raised his right arms to the sky before pointing them at the garden below. “Go for it!”

With those words, the swarm descended. There was a blur from Rika, as one of her ribbons snapped like a whip and a nearby cinderblock fell, neatly cleaved in two.

“Last. Chance.” she said, taking a breath. At her display, the swarm had stopped, but the Ledians landed around the pair of Rika and Jeanne, apparently not impressed.

“Okay, so you know a move or two,” the original leader stated. “Just means we need to get you out of the way before we get at the Berries.”

Rika shuddered. “Calm, calm... must remain calm. Jeannie? I’m finding this most difficult at the moment. Please let these gentlebugs know that I’m trying my very best not to embarrass them in front of their kids.”

“Shh dear. I think I can get them to back off.” The elderly Bellossom walked forward to the de facto leader and smiled. “Now I’m going to tell you two things, two very small things. And then I’m going to let you judge how to best handle the situation,” she said calmly.

“And what’s that?” he questioned.

“First, this garden is property of Vincent Nurem.”

At that statement, silence descended on the roof, save for the droning wings from above. The Ledian in front of her gulped thickly before daring to speak up again. “And...second?”

Jeanne actually glared before replying. “And second, he’s my son. So which is worse? The situation you were just in, or the situation you’re in now?”

After another moment, the Ledian on the roof took off like shots, leading the swarm up and away. “We’ll be back!” was the sentiment, though whether it would be in peace or with a larger swarm was unknown. Jeanne sighed and slumped a little, thankful her bluff had worked.

“Seriously!?” Rika said, “How often does that actually work?”

“More often than you’d think, considering who I was once married to,” Jeanne said sadly. “He used to be so nice, so devoted...and then…” This time it was the Bellossom who was nearing tears.

Rika didn’t ask, she just hugged. “It’ll be alright, you have your son back at least, and from the looks... and smells, I’m guessing you’ll have grandkids before long.”

Jeanne hiccuped before nodding. “I hope they’re as good as their father...and I hope Lucy returns to rationality soon, I can’t wait to hug her again for making my boy so happy.”

“The first Heat for a canine or feline Pokemon is always the worst, you should have seen mine...” Rika remembered that night. “It shouldn’t last too long.” She cast a glance at the retreating bugs, well at least they wouldn’t be a problem... for now.

“So. You were planning a thing, am I right? Something about teaching me a move, maybe?”

“Yeah, I’m thinking... Solar Beam!”

“Sounds involved…” Jeanne said. “Are you sure you can do that?”

“Well, the concept should be similar to Moonblast, and if I were a Leafeon, then I could learn it.” She looked around, “It’s nice and sunny out, so absorbing sunlight shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Just remember dear, I’ve no practice with offensive moves…” Jeanne made sure she wasn’t standing under any of the glass and looked back to the Sylveon.

“Well, you’re not gonna be using it right off of the bat... unless you’re some sort of savant,” Rika motioned for Jeanne to stand in the sun. “First you need to practice absorbing sunlight.”

“Easy enough,” the Bellossom said while making sure that her skirt was still clean enough from the earlier altercation. “I could stand in the sun all day.”

“Easier said than done,” Rika replied. “Absorb too much and you run the risk of exploding!”

The elder of the pair blinked before looking at Rika with an expression that just screamed ‘I do not believe you.’ “You’re joking, right?”

“Wow... you are a tough nut to crack,” Rika smiled. “Yes, I am kidding, but just standing there won’t do anything. You need to focus and absorb the solar power... umm...” She seemed to be thinking of how best to explain the idea. “Sorry, this is the first time I’ve had to instruct a human before.”

“Bet it’s novel, doing things the other way around, isn’t it?” Jeanne couldn’t quite contain the snickers. “Imagine the number of Pokemon teaching their Trainers on the first day. Oh, the irony!”

“It is pretty funny,” Rika giggled. “You should have seen Seth back then. He really wasn’t used to having four feet, and he constantly fell over... still does on occasion.” She smiled as she described his situation before continuing with her instruction. “Okay, let’s continue. First, close your eyes and tell me what you feel, standing in the sun like that.”

Jeanne did as she was bid and hummed a little before responding. “Warm...happy, for some reason...oooh, and it tingles a bit. I’d put it down to just being a Grass-type, but I would have to have some basis for comparison.”

“Okay, that tingling is good. It means that you’re absorbing small amounts of solar energy. Focus on that feeling, see what happens.”

Unconsciously, the Bellossom stretched out her arms and did a small turn so she was more directly facing the sun, sighing as she did. “You’ll tell me when something starts happening, right?”

“Like your flowers lighting up like a Christmas tree?” Jeanne heard the Sylveon ask in a slightly disbelieving tone.

“Yes, something like th-...it’s already happening, isn’t it?” Well, this got interesting.

“Okay, this is happening a lot faster than I thought it would,” Rika said calmly. “You already seem to be building up a Solar Beam... now you need to discharge that energy. I’d say stop, but you have too much already, so you’ll need to use it. Hmm, okay! I want you push the energy down, kinda like... taking a wizz.”

“Dear, you need to work on your analogies,” Jeanne said with a wince. “And if it went ‘down,’ wouldn’t it hit the roof? Or are you merely telling me to harmlessly release it?”

“Release, yeah, that sounds better. You should feel a warm, fuzzy feeling all over if you do it right.”

The tingling she had been feeling from earlier grew a bit in intensity, before starting to lessen and dissipate. “Done,” she said, opening her eyes at last. “That felt...very rewarding, for some reason.”

Rika nodded and sighed, “That’s because instead of learning Solar Beam, I have no idea how, but you used Synthesis instead.”

“Just my luck,” the Bellossom said with a sigh. “I tried to use things like Magical Leaf and Vine Whip when I first got this body, but all I managed to do was things like Stun Spore and Sleep Powder. I got very good at those, though.”

“Well, Bellossom can’t learn Vine Whip,” Rika pointed out. “But you seem to have an affinity for status and healing. Maybe you could learn Protect or Safeguard?”

“Maybe,” Jeanne said with a shrug. “Still not giving up on Solar Beam, though. I’d like to have at least one move in my repertoire should I need it. So...while I sit over here and practice, anything else you want to know, Miss Rika?”

“Hmm, well you have the energy absorption down, maybe Giga Drain might be an option as well?” Rika sat down, yelping when she sat on a particularly hot section of concrete. “Owwie, um, well... how did you find Vinny?”

“No idea,” Jeanne said, slowly turning in place. “Went to sleep in a jungle one night, woke up on their front door the next morning. Was quite a surprise when my son was the one who woke me up, but I’ve stuck by his side ever since...except when he took after his father and went up to Canterlot on his own, but that’s another story.”

“Vinny came back to Canterlot?” Rika tilted her head. “He never came and saw us, what was he doing there?”

“Saying ‘hello’ to a certain ambassador for breaking his replacement father figure,” Jeanne said blandly. “He also used something he calls Total Recall. Go on, guess why he didn’t say hi.”

After a moment to think, the fairy spoke up again. “Did he go to see Mewtwo?” Rika asked, “Cause after the incident with those mind-controlled Pokemon, I didn’t think Mewtwo would want to see anyone for a while.”

“He certainly took interest in Luke, a Gallade, and the first one Vincent met who actually cared about him. Enough of an interest that the poor dear was a broken shell of a ‘mon. Vincent went out to correct that. As said by both him and Bit, you don’t hurt a member of our family and not expect some form of payback.” Jeanne’s face now had a scowl on it. “The boy is as headstrong as Rupert, and it’s probably only thanks to the others that he’s still sane.”

“But why would Mewtwo...?" An expression of shock danced across Rika's face before she asked another question. "This Luke... did he have particularly strong mental defenses?”

Jeanne turned back to Rika and nodded. “At least, when he was normal, or so Vincent tells me. Vincent’s run into two psychic tutors, and he holds Luke dear to his heart. Apparently, Luke could stand toe-to-toe with a normal Metagross, and the Metagross Vincent met, one Xavier....it’s likely only a Legendary could do the same with him. He just keeps running into gifted teachers, my boy. It’s almost enough to make me wonder what he’ll be like as an Alakazam.”

Rika gulped, “A few days ago... there was, an incident. A Unicorn brainwashed a bunch of Pokemon, up to and including an Alakazam. He used magic that replaced the victim’s memories, and also applied strong mental defenses to stop his work from coming undone.” Rika’s ribbons lost their life as they drooped to the ground, her glossy gaze just staring off into the distance. “Mewtwo offered to help us, and it was thanks to him tearing down the mental walls of the Alakazam we captured that we were able to discover Control’s plans... but that was a trap and some of us almost died. But, if Luke was wandering around the castle... there’s a chance that Mewtwo mistook him for another victim, and Mewtwo himself became a victim of his own curiosity...”

“Well, he got that curiosity cured, that pesky cat,” Jeanne said, grinning sharkishly. “Unless Vincent was lying about how far back through his memories his move went, then I can’t see Mewtwo being curious ever again.”

“Sweet Arceus,” Rika sighed. “You know, I think I’m going to leave this topic alone. What about you? Any questions for this now terrified Sylveon?”

“Hmm, just a few, dear. See, it’s been a long time since my last, ahem, encounter, so I need to brush up on my lexicon if I’m to stand any chance in that apartment. Luke and Sam have histories, but I’m mostly stuck with what little I knew before Rupert. Any chance you could help?”

“Um, let’s pretend I have no idea what you’re talking about?” Rika replied dryly. “What kind of help?”

“That little joke when we met? That’s about the limit of my double-entendre skills. It’s been a while.” Jeanne finished her small dance and looked to the Sylveon with a sigh. “It’s no fair that the males in the apartment are better at that than me...I need something to fight back with.”

“Um, well...” To be honest, Rka had nothing. “I don’t really know any...”

“So what was that with Apple Fritter, then?” The Bellossom tilted her head to one side in curiosity.

“Did I say something weird?”

“I quote, ‘You don’t mind when I talk like that in bed.’ I figured that meant you knew something.”

“Oh, ah, I just say stuff like how beautiful she is and that she tastes like apples and ah...” Rika blushed furiously as her face turned bright red and her words trailed off. Jeanne merely chuckled and hugged the cherry-red Sylveon.

“Oh, you’ve got it bad, don’t you? Well then, when you calm down, why don’t you tell me which of your family would be better suited to this, if not you?”

“Selena, definitely Selena,” Rika squeaked. “She looks tsundere on the outside, but she a real perv.”

“Mmm. How will I recognize her?” Jeanne still hadn’t let go, thinking that Rika might need the comfort for the moment.

“Huh? Oh, Selly’s an Absol and the one that beat Christine... twice.”

“Ah, excellent. Well then, I should probably meet her for a few reasons.” At that point, the Bellossom slipped up onto Rika’s back and patted her a few times. “So why don’t you show me where she is, dear?”

“I don’t know where she is,” Rika said, “Her and Ignis went off to find something to do before we came here. Maybe Vincent could spare a moment to find them?”

“They’re a wee bit busy working on fixing Christine as much as they can. The two main issues are her obsession with Sam’s Scyther form and her out-of-control anger...individually, Vincent could handle either, but together?...Still, a ride back to the lobby at least, that way I can ambush them as they come in, would be appreciated.”

“Righto then, off to the lobby!” She headed downstairs just as the front door opened, revealing a tired-looking Luxray.

“SETHY!!” Rika seemed to forgot all about her passenger as she leapt forward, hugging the Luxray. Said Bellossom found herself a victim of physics, as holding on tighter to her ride only ended up with her on Seth’s back once it came to a sudden end.

“Oh dear, terribly sorry about this,” she said from her new perch. “Some days I wonder what Arceus was thinking, turning me into a Bellossom.”

The Luxray who was apparently Seth nodded, “Turning a lovely lady into a lovely flower... I think it’s fitting. Oh, my name is Seth Crescent, might I ask yours?”

“I’m Jeanne, and I think I got that much from Rika here. Rika, darling, I don’t think Seth wanted to be mummified just yet.”

“Mmnope, wanna hug~” Rika cooed. Seth sighed, but didn’t bother prying her off.

“Well, I can tell from here that Vincent is still... busy,” Seth commented. “Is there somewhere we can go until it’s safe to return?”

“Bit’s on door duty, dear. Unless you have a penchant for ignoring those interested in you and going after the female in Heat, you should be fine. And even if you do, I’m sure Rika and Fritter will catch you before you get too far.”

“I-what!?” Seth took a step back. “I would never do such a thing!”

“Seth’s pretty loyal,” Rika agreed. “I know I don’t have to worry about him, but we should find Selly and Iggy, they still don’t know where we are.”

Jeanne giggled and put a hand over her mouth. “Oh, apparently you didn’t know. This is Las Pegasus, dear. You can find anything for the right price. How long ago was it that you lost track of them?”

“Shortly before we separated... so about an hour or so?” Seth replied. “Ignis wouldn’t be too hard to find, he’s not exactly subtle.”

“As that roar proved,” Jeanne deadpanned before brightening up. “Bet you five bits they found a bar already~”

“None of us drink, so I doubt it.” Seth thought for a moment, “Selena’s been feeling out of sorts lately, so Ignis is probably trying to cheer her up. Hmm...” Seth tapped his chin with his paw as Rika finally let go of him. “Is there a bakery around here?”

“None that I know of, but there is a place that does remarkable Italian food, thanks to their chef. Does that help?”

“Yep, that might do it,” Seth nodded, “Would you like a ride Mrs Jeanne?”

“To Fredrick’s and Sam and your friends, hopefully, then?” She inquired semi-sarcastically as she settled in on top of the Luxray.

“Lucky, Sethy’s fur is simply divine~” Rika cooed. “I love riding him.”

Seth smirked as he leaned in close, “And maybe soon, I’ll ride you?”

That did it, Rika’s face erupted red and she nearly fainted on the spot. Jeanne merely chuckled and leaned over so that both of them could hear her. “You sure I need to go all the way to Selena to get tutored in how to best make a double-entendre? I think I could pick up a few things on the walk over, dear.”

“Hm, what’s that?” Seth asked. He looked to Rika for an explanation, but the Sylveon just stood there, her mouth slightly open and her face bright red.

“I’ll explain on the way over. That is, assuming we’re all going, and that’s not just an impressive sculpture designed to look like the cutest Sylveon ever.” Saying that Jeanne was enjoying teasing Rika would be a slight understatement.

“She is pretty adorable,” Seth agreed. He leaned down and placed his head under her belly, hoisting her onto his back. “Okay, please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take off. This is the express route to find our acquaintances, bathroom breaks will be permitted. Get comfy and enjoy your ride~”

Jeanne gulped audibly and tightened her grip on Seth’s fur. She hoped it would be enough to keep her attached for the ride...

The storm had finally died down within Christine's mind. Vincent had more than enough power on his own to do such a thing, but not enough practice in using it nearly as well as Luke could. It would be like comparing a sledgehammer and a surgeon's scalpel. Instead of just forcing her personality into being something nicer, she was led along that path.

For a good portion of the time she was under, all Vincent really had to do was hold her metaphorical hand down memory lane and emphasize the good things that had happened to her, even in that horrible place. Luke's guiding touch let him know when he was trying a bit too hard, and when Vincent felt it, he eased off of whatever tack he was on.

Slowly, they came to the crux of the matter, that of Sam's Scyther form, and her obsession with him, her idea of him being hers...

Chapter Fourty-Seven - Happy Hour was never so somber

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Seth trotted lightly out of the door, his passengers barely felt the large Luxray moving. “Okay Mrs. Jeanne, where are we headed?”

“Fredrick’s is five blocks west and two north of here,” the Bellossom said, still hanging on and expecting the worst to happen at any moment.

“Alrighty then,” Seth turned and headed down the street with a brisk walk. “So tell me, how do you know Vincent?” the Luxray asked.

“She’s his mommy!” Rika answered, causing Seth to stumble slightly before he responded to that.

“Oh? Ah, okay then. Nice to meet you Mrs. Nurem.”

“Dear, I dropped that name when it became apparent that Rupert was well and truly gone." Which was about when he took Vincent and left, now that I think about it, Jeanne mused to herself. "If you must give me a last name, my maiden name was Delaine. I’d prefer it if you simply called me Jeanne, though.”

“My apologies,” Seth replied. “I’m surprised Vincent chose to keep his name as well, but to each their own I suppose.”

Rika wrapped a ribbon around his waist and another around Jeanne. “How did your visit with the Guard go?”

Seth sighed, “Yeah... we’ll talk about that later. Once we find the others... and where’s Fritter?”

“Off helping someone named James buy some sprinklers for a rooftop garden,” Rika explained. “You should see it, it’s really pretty...” her mouth suddenly fell open, “And I ate a berry from that garden... Vinny’s gonna be mad.”

“Second growth, dear, " Jeanne reassured the Sylveon. "Had you done it a little while ago, yes, he would. But we’ve already had one harvest, so he’ll just be peeved you didn’t ask first. I’d be more worried about James finding out, honestly. He puts so much effort into the garden, he’ll notice right off the bat.” She pictured the Roserade seeing one of his precious Berries suddenly missing and snickered to herself.

“Well, we still have to pay Vincent back as well,” Seth added, “Well... Rika does anyway.”

“But Lulu said I could,” she countered. “Serves Vinny right for ditching us like that! But yes, I do have his money,”

“Oh good,” Jeanne said, perking up a bit, recalling the steadily-depleting funds Vincent had mentioned the other day. “The budget was starting to get a little tight...though now I’m curious as to what you did that ended up with you owing him money…”

“Well, when we were trying to get Vinny to notice Lulu, we were gonna take him to a clothing store and have Lulu model for him... but he ditched us, teleported away and left us girls, oh, and Seth, all alone.”

“So,” Seth continued. “Lucy decided some revenge was in order in the form of a small shopping spree... Rika and Lucy may have gone a little crazy with their spending.”

Jeanne hummed for a moment before nodding. “Not saying I don’t understand, mind you, but if it got to the point where you owed him enough money to make a dent in his finances, perhaps you should tone it down next time?”

“Eheh, yeah... but I worked hard to make that money back... and that mare takes a lot of photos...” Rika shuddered. “But at least I can pay him back and get back into his good books.”

“Dear, as long as you can’t answer a few questions in the positive, I think it’s impossible to get into his bad ones, and I think you also know what they are.” Jeanne’s voice had turned sad again as she thought about them herself.

“I have a general idea,” Seth said as they rounded a corner, revealing a sign in the distance, “Hm, I think we’re almost there.”

“Yep, that’s the place,” Jeanne said, pausing for a moment. “Oh, and by the way...try to not tell Sam unless he asks about Las Pegasus’ newest visitor?”

“Can do, unless Ignis is there and already told him,” Seth shuddered. “That will not end well...”

“Well if they’re here and they talked about it, then by all means, answer his questions. I’m predicting the first one already. ‘What in the hell were you thinking, bringing her here?!’” Jeanne leaned back and even made minor snapping motions with her arms to imitate Sam with a bit more accuracy. The imitation caused Rika to giggle and even Seth chuckled a bit.

“Well, cause your little brother told us to,” Seth replied to ‘Not-Sam’ as they walked inside, only to be greeted by the Scizor in question. Said Scizor looked up from the podium his forehead had been resting on and affixed the Luxray with a glare almost worthy of the move named as such.

“You brought. A mentally unbalanced. Mutated. Gabite. Who has a fixation on my Scyther form. Here. Why?

Seth blinked and then noticed an Absol and Charizard in the corner, waving nervously. “...Um, cause Vincent told us to?”

“Vincent’s policy regarding the other Subjects is ‘live and let live.’ If they want to come after him, fine. If they want their solitude, fine. I find it highly unlikely that he did more than warn you about her and tell you how to best calm her down or subdue her. Why did you bring that ticking time bomb here?”

Seth seemed to pause for a moment before replying. “Well, once she found out that we knew you, it was either bring her here or have her destroy Canterlot... What was I supposed to do?”

“Drag her in chains to the temple of Legends and have them fix her issues, from the things the Doctor did to her own brain?” Sam questioned with no small hint of sarcasm.

“Because...” Seth applied his paw to his face. “Because even though I was talking to Arceus yesterday, I appear to be the stupidest Pokemon alive.”

“Not debating that,” Sam replied. “Hell, at this point, I’d settle for Mewtwo taking notice of her, if only to hopefully cancel out one of them in the resulting explosion of egos.”

“I got enough of that when she met Ignis... that fight didn’t last long though.” Seth sighed, “Well, I’m not Dialga, so unless I suddenly evolve into one, there’s not a whole lot I can do about it.” The Luxray's snark was showing now.

“You could take her back. Please say you’ll take her back. I would love it if you took her with you when you left.” Sam had walked out from behind his podium at this point, probably to ready himself for begging and pleading with the Luxray.

“Okay, look. If Vincent can’t help her, then I’ll find someway to get her help from Arceus or something... though I think I’m tapped out on favours at this point.” Seth backed away from the pleading Scizor.

“Really, any sort of help to make her not a danger to others would be great,” Sam said. “Plus, I hear Mew is far more reasonable than most.”

“Like I said, if Vincent can’t do anything then I’ll try,” Seth replied honestly. He looked around the restaurant and his stomach rumbled. “Well seeing as how we’re here and I haven’t had lunch yet...”

“Sam! Are you chatting instead of seating the customers again?” A shout came from the kitchens at this point, and the Scizor groaned.

“I’m talking with the imbeciles who thought it’d be a good idea to bring Thirty-Four here, Mary!”

“Huh? Is that the Sandslash that you mentioned last time we met?” Seth asked.

At Seth’s question, the Shiny Sandslash walked out of the kitchen while running a cloth over her claws. “Oh, so these are the ones responsible for that fracas, eh? They’re just lucky I didn’t have a quiche in the oven, I’m certain it would have fallen if I did!”

“I tried to take her out as quickly as possible,” the Dark-type spoke up. “Didn’t expect her to use Earthquake, she didn’t use that last time...”

“Not your fault, little one,” Mary said with a wave of her other paw. “The Doctor liked teaching that move to those of us that could learn it. Even I know it, but I don’t fight. I cook instead. His other ‘favored’ moves were Flamethrower and Dragon Pulse.”

“I don’t agree what that doctor did,” the Fire-type said, “But I can’t argue with his choice of moves.”

Seth took a position at their table, along with Jeanne and Rika. “So what’s good on the menu?” Seth asked.

Sam exchanged a look with Mary, and after she nodded once, the Bug rehearsed the usual spiel. “Well for appetizers, Mary does wonderful cheese breadsticks. And I’m sure you’ve already heard about her pizza. We have pony-friendly and non.”

All the Pokemon exchanged a look and nodded. “Pizza!” they said collectively. Sam chuckled and turned to the Sandslash, who smiled herself.

“Pizza is twenty minutes, breadsticks will be ready in five, and in the meanwhile, this overgrown suit of armor is going to get your drink orders...and a pillow for you, mister Luxray.”

“Just call me Seth, Miss Mary,” The Electric-type responded.

“Very well, Seth. But that doesn’t change the time at which your food will be ready,” the Sandslash said with a wink before darting back into her kitchen. Sam had returned from a very brief sonjourn to a closet with a pillow in claw. He placed it near Seth so the Electric-type could position it how he wanted before standing at attention to take their drinks down.

Seth sat his butt on the cushion while everyone had ordered drinks. After all of Seth’s Pokemon had ordered a round of cider and Jeanne had ordered some lemonade, Seth finally got a turn.

“Hmm, actually, I think I’ll just take water,” he said.

“Got it, one water, one lemonade, and three ciders,” Sam said. “Be right back.”

With that, the large red form was gone again, almost too quickly for one of his size or weight.

“So who’s the lady?” the Absol asked. “Don’t tell me Seth got another girlfriend?”

“While that would depend on the two he has being willing to share him,” Jeanne said, “I’m afraid that I’m not interested in him like that, if only because I was probably old enough to be his mother back on Earth. My name’s Jeanne dear, what’s yours?”

“Heh, I was just teasing. My name is Selena and this is my mate, Ignis.”

The Charizard gave a small nod, “Nice to meet you Ma’am.”

“Ah, so you’re the one I was told to talk to regarding reclaiming my ability to use double-entendres!” Jeanne brightened up a notch instantly and walked over to sit next to Selena, though not between her and Ignis.

Selena just blinked looked at Seth. “Must you constantly find the strangest Pokemon to become friends with?” She gave an exasperated sigh, “I get the feeling that there is a long story behind this. Abridged version please?”

“I’m competing with Luke and Sam as to who can make Vincent flustered with words alone during Lucy’s first Heat and losing horribly,” the Bellossom stated bluntly.

“Hmm, teasing Vincent? A noble cause I suppose,” Selena smirked. “Okay little Bell, what do you want to know?”

“I’ve been out of the dating scene for fifteen years,” Jeanne stated dryly. “Anything would be good at this point.”

“Fifteen? That’s almost as old as I am!” Selena gasped. “Well, okay... uhh, where do I start?”

At that particular moment, Sam came out from the kitchen with a load of fresh hot cheesy breadsticks and their drinks. He fumbled for a second, but caught himself before anything spilled. “Darn exoskeleton,” he muttered. “I bring breadsticks and beverages for you all!” he proclaimed while setting them in the middle of the table.

Seth chuckled, “I may have something to help you out with that actually, but we should wait until you finish first.”

“I bet he’s used to finishing first!” Selena chuckled. Jeanne blinked before joining in with the laugh.

“Oh you’re good,” the plant said.

“Very good,” Sam joined in. “The old man woulda loved you, if he could have understood you.”

“It’s a gift,” Selena replied. “But thanks Sam, you’ve been great! But I’m here now and that means your reign of terror is over.”

“Reign of?...oh. Are you still upset that I stopped helping you directly and started to compete with Luke instead?” the Scizor asked the Bellossom.

“Yes,” Jeanne huffed. “So I’m getting re-educated. It’s only a little embarrassing.”

“You mean in the same vein that realizing your son is probably going to get more sexual experience than you is a little embarrassing?” Sam innocently questioned.

“Oh, someone’s jealous~” Selena cooed. “Careful Sam, red armor looks better than green.”

“Just because Lala hasn’t returned a line of mine without a swipe from her arm-blades doesn’t mean I’m jealous of Vincent. I’m actually happy for the pair of them, means I get to be an uncle. Means the pair of them might finally start acting normal,” the Scizor replied.

“Hmm, well... I got nothing for that one,” Selena shrugged and took a bite of her cheesy bread. Sam shrugged as well and walked off, leaving the party of Pokemon to their food.

Jeanne gently took the smallest breadstick there and nibbled on it, savoring the taste. “Mmm, soft and fluffy on the inside, cheesy core, a small coat of herbs on the crust…” she muttered out loud. “Mary is very good, I’m quite happy we came here.”

“I’ll admit, this is pretty tasty,” Seth agreed. “Too bad Fritter isn’t here.”

“We could probably take some home if we asked,” Jeanne said with a wave. “Assuming they don’t vanish en route.”

“No promises,” Ignis swallowed a whole roll. “These are pretty good, my compliments to the chef.” He called loud enough for Mary to hear.

“Oh you think that’s good? Give the pizza another ten minutes, and we’ll see what you think of me then!” was Mary’s reply.

“Meat~” Ignis drooled. Selena just shook her head and sighed.

“Well I suppose I can’t fault you,” a small smirk crossed her lips as she spoke loud enough for Jeanne to hear. “Even I crave a little meat every now and then~”

The Bellossom smirked and nodded slightly, making a small note to herself. “So while we wait, care to tell me your impressions of my son? I’d like as many second opinions as possible, considering his past...and present.”

Everyone paused as a painful silence filled the room. Selena placed her forelegs on the table and shrugged. “Well? Who wants to take this one?”

Seth sighed and nodded, “I’ll go first.” He stopped for a second to gather his thoughts before continuing. “Vincent has suffered quite a bit in his life, that should go without saying... but he’s making the most of his new life here, just as all of us are... though, I do have one small complaint...”

“I can pass it on to Luke if it’s serious enough, though I’m willing to guess it has something to do with a lack of restraint on Vincent’s part.”

“In a way,” Seth nodded. “I’m not sure he realizes that he’s doing it, but his past is somewhat of an uncomfortable subject, and yet he never fails to bring it up in casual conversation. A lot.”

“Not to mention that he seems to use the Nurem name to get his own way, and I fear that one day he’s going to get in over his head.” Selena sighed. “I’m going to flat out admit that Vincent Nurem is not my favorite person in the world, I can tolerate him and I’ll do nothing to hurt him. Should someone attack him, then I’ll help defend him... But should he threaten my mate or my family...” Selena’s horn begun to glow slightly with deep purple hue, “He will learn why Psychic’s fear the Dark!”

Jeanne pulled herself up onto the table and walked over to stand in front of Selena, pouting and crossing her arms. At that moment, everymon at the table realized that despite her short stature, despite the fact that she wasn’t there for the majority of his life, Jeanne was still a mother. And there was one thing a good mother didn’t tolerate, even in idle: threats to her family.

“Stun spore,” she said, aiming it directly at the Absol.

A soft ringing sound filled the room, filling the inhabitants with a gentle warmth as Rika activated her Heal Bell move. “Jeannie,” she said shortly, “You wanted our opinion and you got it, no-one is threatening your son, and I’m sure Selly is very sorry about being just a little scary.” The Sylveon turned to her sister, hoping the Absol would just back down.

Selena sighed as the Paralysis was cured, “Fine, you know what. I don’t care anymore. All I meant was that you can’t threaten someone when you don’t get your own way.” The Absol stood up and shook herself of the tingling remains of the Stun Spore before heading for the door. “I need to cool down, later...”

“Well there goes that chance,” Jeanne said, frowning, before looking at the other occupants of the table. “And as Rika can testify, I wouldn’t, couldn’t, have hurt her. I just wanted her to sit still and listen while I talked. Paralysis would have kept her here. Now I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t matter if I explained.”

The Bellossom suddenly jumped as Selena put a paw on her shoulder. “Then simply ask next time. Honestly, now I know where your son gets it from.”

After taking a few breaths to calm herself down, Jeanne turned back to the Absol and smirked. “Fine, maybe I will. And at least he takes after me in some respect...now, where to start?” After a short hum, Jeanne shrugged and started at the beginning.

“From what I can tell, from the way he’s focused on doing things his way constantly, and by the stories he’s told me, he’s both enjoying the feeling of being able to do whatever he pleases, and is trying to take back his father’s last name. I prefer to distance myself from it...as much as possible.” Here she winced, recalling the rooftop incident not too long ago, before recomposing herself and continuing. “Add in the fact that he keeps running into highly skilled trainers for his newfound powers, along with how he seems to have been raised by those he associated with in the facility...and quite frankly, I’m not sure how he’s not stark raving mad with power. I’m willing to take what I can get, considering I haven’t seen him in fifteen years, and leave the discipline to Luke, because at least Vincent listens to him.”

Seth nodded, “It seems I have quite a few things to talk to this Luke Trombley about.” He took a sip of his water and hummed happily. “That said, Vincent is also quite kind and caring when he wants to be and will go to outstanding lengths to protect those close to him. While I fear some repercussions for bringing Christine here, I think Vincent is happy to help another Pokemon that shares his experiences.”

“Plus Vincent and Lucy together is just the most adorable thing ever!” Rika cooed happily as Selena took her seat again.

“Dear, you don’t need to tell me any of that, I know it quite well,” the Bellossom dismissed with a wave. “Kudos to those of you that got them together...even if I did almost say the P-word in front of them…” she muttered the last part, then spoke up. “There is nobody that Vincent would not think of harming if someone dear to him was harmed as well...especially Lucy or Luke.”

Ignis looked back at the kitchen, his round stomach rumbling loudly. “I wonder where our pizza could be?” he sang.

“Nearly done, you arrogant Snorlax!” was the reply. “Just a few finishing touches left now that it’s out of the oven!” Mary sang back to the Charizard. Indeed, just a moment later, Sam’s form came out from the kitchen, carrying a tray with the creation on it. Jeanne quickly hopped back into her place off the table, and once it was laid out before them...

“Oohhh~” Ignis wasted no time in helping himself to a large slice and wolfing it down. Seth just facepawed at the cheesy-faced Charizard as Rika dished out portions to everyone else.

“So, any idea how long Vinny’s gonna be... occupied?” Rika asked. “We can’t stay in town for more than a few days.”

“If you had any hope of seeing him not stained or smelling like various things, forget it,” Jeanne said before taking another bite. After swallowing, she continued. “This is only the second day of Lucy’s first Heat, and while she has ways to be entertained besides him, she still prefers it au natural. Like as not, it’ll go for near a full week.”

“Mother of Mew,” Seth sighed. “Well, my main reasons for coming have already been accomplished for the most part. I’ll be meeting with Captain Ace again tomorrow and Christine is taken care of. Honestly, we could leave right now but I prefer to get things done in person.”

“What did you talk about with the Captain?” Ignis asked.

“Well, mostly it was about various laws in Equus and about the current state of things here in Las Pegasus. Our little team that’s going to be set up in Canterlot is just the first. My mission here was to determine how badly the city needs their own division, and from the sounds of it... they need it a lot.”

“It’s hardly Vincent’s fault that all the interesting things seem to happen around him,” Jeanne said. “It just seems that way because he’s one of the few ‘trouble magnets,’” and here the Bellossom gave a wink to Rika, letting her know who’d she’d stolen the phrase from, thanks to Vincent’s stories, “that stuck around here.”

Seth nodded, “The hard part will be find willing and capable recruits. Captain Ace will have the final say on who gets in, but I can offer suggestions...” He gave Jeanne a look that screamed ‘Any ideas?’

“Well,” the plant hummed while making sure her face was clean of any errant sauce, “Lucy was an instructor, however briefly, at a dojo where ponies were learning self-defense before her Heat hit. Three guesses why the ponies were there. I’d suggest starting there, either with the ponies, or their tutors.”

“That could work, I’ll let Ace know.” Seth scratched at his chin and hummed thoughtfully. “I was actually thinking of suggesting Lucy.”

“Well,” Jeanne snickered, “Not in her current state, I’d hope! Nor at any time in the near future either, considering what’s to come!” She hugged herself and cooed slightly. “Oooh, I almost can’t wait!”

“I’m kind of curious actually,” Selena said, feeling in a much better mood now she had some food. “Do you think they’ll have Abra’s that can read the Aura? Or Riolu’s that can use Psychic abilities?”

Jeanne blinked and hummed at that. “Not sure, myself. It’s not like this is something anyone’s tried before or is well known, thanks to the fact that they barely share an Egg Group and no Egg Moves...All I really know is that I’m certain I’ll be thankful for Bit looking into steel plating soon enough.”

“And after this... we head for the Crystal Empire,” Seth mused. He pulled out a familiar device from...somewhere, and booted up a holographic map. Jeanne made the connection once she saw the name Las Pegasus on it: it was a map of Equus, and that was plainly a Holocaster. So he'd gotten his things back? “It’s pretty far too, couple of days at least,” the Luxray commented, snapping her back to reality.

At that point, Sam came back and looked at the demolished pizza before chuckling. “Well, guess it was silly thinking there would be any left. Did you enjoy it at least?”

“Immensely,” Ignis replied happily.

“And now for dessert~” Rika giggled. “I’ll have everything with sugar in it!”

Sam did his best impression of quirking an eyebrow that he didn’t have as he looked over to Seth, clearly asking if her selection was right, sane, or possible. Or any combination of the three.

“Sounds about normal,” Seth chuckled. He glanced at the menu and decided, “We’ll have apple pie with ice cream. Let’s see how it stacks up to Fritter’s.”

“Oh that’s not fair,” Selena said. “Yeah the pizza was nice, but that Sandslash stands no chance with an apple dish.”

“Good thing she’s mostly on appetizers and main courses, then,” Sam retorted. “It’s Fredrick who’s better at the desserts, and it’s a division they agree on. So am I getting one of everything, or just a round of apple pie?”

“Everythinggggg~” Rika moaned like a zombie before being squished under one of Seth’s massive paws.

“Just the pie will suffice please Sam, or would you like to unleash a sugar-crazed Rika upon the city?”

Arceus bless, but the Scizor actually seemed to consider it for a moment before shaking his head. “Another day, perhaps. I’ll tell Fredrick apple pie with ice cream for five, then.”

With that, he was off to the kitchen again, where the sounds of work were immediately resumed.

“Aww, you never let me have any fun,” Rika pouted from under his paw. The Bellossom decided to give the Sylveon something fun to do.

“I wonder how ticklish those pawpads of his are,” Jeanne mused not-so-innocently from her seat.

Seth’s eyes went wide and he moved his paw... Rika was faster. Her ribbons shot forward and tickled the sensitive paws mercilessly, the normally stoic Luxray bursting into fits of laughter.

“I’ll... get you... for this!” he said in between laughs.

“Rika...” Selena warned.

“Hahah! Take this!” the Sylveon didn’t let up.

“You really shouldn’t do that,” Selena continued.

There was a final burst of laughter from Seth and then a bright flash of light and a loud ‘crack!’ as he accidentally unleashed a Discharge attack, shocking the poor Sylveon until she was left standing with charred patches or fur and her ribbons twitched with residual lightning.

“Shocking...” she rasped before falling over.

“Told you so,” Selena said calmly.

“Oh dear,” Jeanne said with a small smile. “Well, at least you know one weak spot, mister Seth, and I’m sure Rika’s learned a valuable lesson. Now all you have to do is keep her from telling anyone else.”

Selena just groaned at the antics and turned to her mate, only to see the Charizard on the floor as well, it would seem that sitting next to Seth had not been a good idea for the half Flying type.

“And this is why we can never go anywhere nice,” Selena sighed. “Well these three will be out for a minute or two. Anything else you’d like to learn Lady Jeanne?”

“Actually, there’s something I think you need to know,” the Bellossom said, her voice ice-cold. She hadn’t quite forgotten Selena’s little stunt earlier. “Vincent went back to Canterlot a few days ago. Remember when I said he would stop at nothing should someone harm someone he cares about?”

“What did he do?” Selena asked.

“Mewtwo mistook Vincent’s newest father-figure, Luke, for someone he needed to investigate. Luke’s a Gallade, by the way, with the mental defences of a Metagross, or so Vincent says. Mewtwo tore his walls to shreds.” The Bellossom took a sip of her drink, so that the Absol could process what had just been stated.

“And if I know Vincent, I’ll bet he tried to tear Mewtwo a new one,” Selena said dryly. “And that would also explain Abby’s disliking of the mention of Mewtwo.”

“Mm, not tried, dear. Did. Though I get the feeling one of them was holding back, Vincent used something he calls Total Recall on that curious cat.” Jeanne locked eyes with the Dark-type then. “While Luke is properly teaching him and reprimanding him for going so out of line, I want you to think very carefully. He does care. He would never fire the first shot. But start something with him or his family, and I get the feeling I know who’ll fire the last.”

“I fear you still misunderstand,” Selena sighed, more irritably this time. “I do not want to start anything with Vincent, I merely pointed out that he seemed to enjoy bringing up his past with a ‘poor me’ speech every time we spoke. Seth considers Vincent a friend and I will extend the same courtesy, That is all.”

The plant’s expression got even angrier then. “Put yourself in Vincent’s shoes...or Lucy’s, or Sam’s, or Bit’s, or even Luke’s! Their past is such a large part of them! They can’t just get over it! It’s not like moving a box, where you carry it for so long and then just put it down when you’re done! They will be haunted for the rest of their days! I expect all of them to develop an aversion to needles, medical equipment, even hospitals and doctors in general! The least you could do is understand that!

She mellowed for a moment before continuing. “While they’re broken, they’re not irreparably broken. We’re working on it, slowly. Healing takes time for wounds of the mind and heart. Thank the powers that be that they have each other...otherwise they might well have gone truly mad.”

Selena took a sharp breath, seeming to tremble for a moment. Jeanne had seen that look too many times before...both in those that she'd tried to help back on Earth...and recently, in her own son. The Absol was so lost in thought she didn’t even notice the streams of tears running down her face, but the Bellossom did, and walked over to encompass as much as she could of Selena's front in a comforting hug. She had been wrong: this girl wasn't one she would have to worry about. She was one others should be worried for.

“Poor dear...I didn’t know. You’ve had your own past of darkness, darker than your own typing, haven’t you? I’m sorry...and don’t worry, I at least am educated on what an Absol actually is. I don’t hate you for what you are. Now what you’ve said, that might need a bit of polishing…”

Selena hiccuped before replying. “I bet... Vincent’s enjoying a good polishing now...”

“Mmm...while I appreciate the joke, it’s unlikely. He’s working to fix the one you brought in. Now dear, make me a promise?”

“I promise to at least try,” Selena said in a drained, tired voice.

“Whatever brought this,” and here Jeanne pulled back a notch and reached up to wipe away the Absol’s tears, “on? Tell someone. Not necessarily me, not necessarily now. But keeping it all bottled up like this is very, very unhealthy. Trust someone with your sadness. It’ll be a lot lighter that way.”

“Mhmm,” Selena nodded ever-so-slightly. Jeanne, however, wasn't buying it until she heard the promise repeated. Came with dealing with Vincent...and Bit. Mostly Bit.

“Say it,” the Bellossom said. “Say your promise out loud.”

Selena tensed up, emotions flashing across her face for a few seconds before she reacted...though probably not to the current situation. “I promise Momma,” Selena whispered as she held the Bellossom tightly. “I promise...”

“That’s very flattering, Selena, but I think you’ve got the wrong mother,” Jeanne said, wondering how long she could hold her breath.

Selena’s eyes shot open as she suddenly dropped the Grass-type unceremoniously on the floor in shock. “Wha? Ah... I ah,” she suddenly turned a nice shade of red before bolting from the restaurant.

Seth groaned as he finally got back up, “Urgh... where’d Selly go?”

“She seems to have come down with a serious case of red-face,” Jeanne said before looking over at the Luxray. “Who wants to go get her before the pie comes out and Rika steals Selena’s slice?”

“I’ll keep it safe,” Seth said, looking at the still-stunned Sylveon. Ignis was also getting to his feet, and at that time, Jeanne noticed how quiet the restaurant had become.

“Well I’m not running any marathons when I’m a foot tall,” the Bellossom retorted, looking both at Seth and Ignis. “So if it’s not you going after her, then…”

“Ahh, I’ll goooo~ Rika picked herself up off of the floor. “What’d she run off for anyhow?”

“It’s her story to tell,” Jeanne said softly, hoping the tone would convey the meaning behind the words.

“Alright,” Rika nodded. “I’m her big sister, so I’ll handle it. Save me some pie though?”

“Yeah, it’s not like our marefriend can’t whip one up at anytime or anything,” Seth deadpanned.

“Both our families seem to be such wonderfully dysfunctional things, don’t they, Mister Seth?” Jeanne said with a sad chuckle as she reclaimed her seat. “One crossed wire, one wayward word...and this happens.”

“And it just so happens that we push each other’s buttons more easily than most,” Seth replied dryly. “Well, at least life isn’t boring and I’d much rather deal with your family over Titania’s any day of the week.”

“Oh man...” Ignis laughed. “I seriously thought Edge was going to be killed when she said, to my mate, that she marked me as hers.”

“Yeah...” Seth agreed.

“How does that trio of old curses go?” Jeanne muttered, thinking back on an old adage her grandmother had once told her. “‘May you live in interesting times,’ that’s one. Check! ‘May people in high places take notice of you,’ that’s two, and check again! What was the last one, I seem to have forgotten...”

“I do not know I’m afraid,” Seth replied. “Sounds like a saying that’s a bit before my time.”

Jeanne suddenly recalled that it had something to do with Jirachi, the Legendary associated with wishes. “...ah yes! Had to do with wishing! ‘May you get exactly what you wished for!’ And I think that’s a check for that one as well,” The grass-type finished. “Interesting times abound, and Arceus himself heard Vincent at the temple. Getting exactly what I wished for by finding him, so I think our family qualifies for all three of those curses.”

“Hmm, I’m now a Pokemon and in a polygamous relationship.” Seth counted, “got to meet Cynthia, Alicorn Princesses and Arceus. And... well, I wished that those that loved their Pokemon would find happiness... does that count?”

“Have you gotten it yet?” she countered his counter, smirking mischievously.

“If what I smelled on Vincent is anything to go by,” Seth grinned like a Cheshire cat. “Then I’d say that wish came true and then some.”

“Ah, but not for you, not yet, you’ve not gotten exactly what you wished for if we’re going by that standard,” said the plant, doing a remarkable impression of a Sharpedo with her grin.

“To be honest, I’ve never been attracted to Pokemon, I could appreciate what others would see in them, but never felt a desire to be with one myself... well, until now anyway.” Seth seemed to think on something pleasant for a moment before he continued. “Rika is... well, she’s special. I didn’t fall in love with her right away... and well...”

Ignis suddenly went very pale. “Oh please tell me you’ve at least told her you loved her!?”

“I did when we confronted Applejack about our relationship, but I guess I really haven’t said it directly to them,” Seth replied.

Jeanne blinked before facepalming as well as she could. “Dear, if I knew how,” she muttered before removing her hands and continuing, “Then I’d find a way to tie you to a chair and tickle-torture you until you said those words to her. Be glad I don’t know Vine Whip.”

“I was getting to that!” Seth replied. “The right time just... hasn’t come up yet.”

Ignis sighed, facepalmed and then sighed again for good measure. “You think Vincent was dense to romance... He is nothing compared to this idiot. Look, I’m going to ask you this straight Seth. Do you love those girls?”

“Of course I do!” Seth almost shouted. “I’d do anything for them!”

“Ah good, so you pass the ‘Rupert’ level of clueless at least,” Jeanne said. “I had to corner him and extract his confession forcibly. Now, define ‘anything,’ mister.”

“Well, ahh... I haven’t done anything... ‘intimate’ with them yet, aside from hugs and more than a few kisses.” Seth seemed to flush a little at the Bellossom's words.

“I meant more along the lines of if they said ‘jump,’ would you say ‘how high,’ or would you simply jump on principle?” The Bellossom elaborated, drawing a confused expression from the Luxray.

“I’d probably wonder why in the world they’d ask me to jump, then I’d jump as high as I could.”

Jeanne nodded and backed up a step, letting Ignis take center stage again. “And if they got into any sort of trouble?” Ignis asked. Though he already knew the answer to this one.

“Really?” Seth deadpanned so hard it caused pan genocide. “Did you seriously just question if I’d protect the ones I loved?”

“Excellent,” Jeanne pitched in, “You’re nearing ‘Vincent’ levels of ‘I’m a clueless numbskull who can’t say three words.’ Now all we need to do is get it in your head that perfect moments for love confessions are made by the love confession, and we’re golden.”

“You really missed out on Vincent’s and Lucy’s confession huh?” Seth chuckled.

“I heard about it secondhand,” she commented. “Now answer me this: had you not interfered and they said nothing, would it be anything more than just another sunset near the Sundial? If they had said three words then, it would have been perfect then, and if not, whenever they chose to confess, location and preparations be damned, it would also have been perfect. Love isn’t something you wait for. It’s something you seize.”

Princess Cadence suddenly felt very proud for some reason...

“Damn...” Ignis whistled.

“I... have no idea how I’m supposed to respond to that,” Seth admitted.

“Simple, you prove me right, or wrong, whichever, when Rika comes back by walking up to her, saying those three words, and giving her a kiss,” Jeanne commented. “If I’m right, then nothing can go wrong. If I’m wrong, which I find unlikely, then you can always try again. You won’t know unless you take that first step.”

“You know... I’ll do that,” Seth nodded. “But I’ll wait until I see Fritter again, the three of us are in this together. I won’t tell Fritter that I love her, nor will I tell Rika.” Seth smiled warmly, “I’ll tell them that I love the both of them!

And that was when Equestrian Comedic Timing struck again, as Sam appeared at last with a tray containing the pie the party of Pokemon had ordered. “Really hope you’re talking about something other than me and the pie here,” he commented.

“Sam... I’m going to forget that comment because Thunder’ing you would damage the pie. But no, I’m talking about Rika and Fritter.”

“Ah, good, was wondering when you’d get a clue,” the bug said before gently placing the tray down and lifting the cover, revealing the five plated slices of pie. He then did a slight double-take as he realized he had more pie that ‘mon. “Uh...do I want to know? Wait, better question, are they coming back?”

“Uh, I really don’t know,” Seth replied. “Could we have two of those to go, along with another couple of cheesy breadsticks?”

“Can do,” Sam said. “I’ll take two of these back and start wrapping up your order so Fredrick can give you the bill and your leftovers.”

“Thanks... oh, uhh, sorry about scaring off all of your customers as well.” Seth looked around the empty establishment.

Sam looked about as well before leaning in and whispering not-so-conspiratorially. “They’d already paid and were on their dessert courses, actually. They just stuck around because they were curious about you and your earlier display. Thanks for clearing them out.”

“Earlier display? Ohh, the Christine thing.” Seth nodded, “I guess you’ll get an early mark then, just be warned, Chrissy is at the apartment right now.”

“Guessed as such, and it was more ‘this Pokemon can speak for the Princess’ that they were curious about, if the few whispers I caught were any indication,” the Scizor clarified. “But I should be in back. I’ll send Fredrick forward in a bit!”

The steel/bug turned and left three pieces of pie on the table, taking the other two back to the kitchen. Seth seemed to think this information over before smiling widely and chuckling slightly.

“Uh, bro?” Ignis said warily. “Only insane people smile like that.”

Jeanne sighed and took a bite of the pie in front of her, humming happily as she did. “Mm, better than I expected and better than what I could make, that’s for sure.”

“You should ask Fritter to give you some recipes,” Seth suggested. “Your family would love you forever~”

“They already do, seeing as how I’m one of the few there that know how to cook,” the plant retorted with a smirk. “Still, this is quite interesting. Maybe I should ask the bird how he does it.”

“It isn’t bad,” Ignis said. “Quite good actually... but Fritter’s? Well I guess we’re a little spoiled in regards to dessert.”

“Well if you really want to know,” A voice said from nearby, causing the others to take notice of the stealthy griffon. “There was this one time I took a vacation to this charming little desert town called Appleloosa.”

“Appleloosa?” Seth repeated, “That’s where Apple Fritter was born. She wants to take us there sometime, eventually... and hope the town hasn’t been eaten by a Steelix or something.”

The griffon shrugged his wings. “Wouldn’t know myself, this was about two, three years ago. Paid a visit during a slow period for a week or so, and ran into a few members of the Apple family. More than a few attractive mares…” The half-lion, half-eagle sighed at the memory before continuing. “Got a few cooking tips from them and learned more than my fair share about how to properly work with the fruit of their family in exchange for services rendered.”

Seth took note of the birds tone, “Do I really want to know what you mean by ‘services’?”

“Let’s just say the last I knew they were looking into getting Pegasus coltfriends,” the bird said with a wink before placing a box on the table. “Your pie, and,” here he placed a basket of breadsticks on top, “Your breadsticks. For the pizza, pie, and extra appetizer, it’d normally be about thirty-five bits...but I think I can cut it down to twenty-seven, as long as you promise to make sure everything gets where it needs to be and have one of the family return the basket.”

Seth placed thirty five Bits on the table and nodded. “A tip as well, for the excellent meal.” He looked at the two remaining Pokemon at the table. “So where should we go now?”

“Wherever you like, dear. I’m not needed back at the apartment until dinner, I’d guess.” The diminutive plant smoothed out her skirt before looking back at Seth.

“I’d like to find Fritter and Rika as soon as possible, but i haven’t a clue where they are and the one Pokemon that could find them with a mere thought is rather busy at the moment...” Seth just shrugged, “I guess we could just go back to the apartment, they’re bound to turn up there soon anyway.”

“Likely, anyways. We’ll have to put you somewhere where you can’t smell the things going on in our apartment, I fear. How about we follow your nose?” The Bellossom had walked in front of the Luxray and was eyeing his back, ready for another ride back to the apartment.

“I really don’t think I’ll do anything,” Seth replied. “Just because I can smell her, doesn’t mean I’ll jump her. Like I said before, I’m not attracted to pokemon, Rika is the exception.” Seth laid down so the Bellossom could climb up onto his back, but instead, she was picked up by the Charizard.

“Oh my!” She looked up into Ignis’ face and smiled. “Well, how forward of you. Do be careful, won’t you?”

“With a delicate flower such as yourself?” Ignis smiled. “Always. I just thought you might like to experience flight.”

“I got over my fear of heights ages ago. My fear of falling, however…” She trailed off before smirking again and looking at Seth as well as she could. “Meet you there?”

Seth grinned and Ignis grinned wider as the two Pokemon begun to stretch. “Well?” Seth said, “Should we burn off this meal?”

Ignis nodded, holding onto Jeanne. “Sometimes I really wish I knew Vine Whip,” the Bellossom muttered. “It’d be so useful…”

“Race you!” both boys cried as they bolted from the restaurant. Ignis took to the sky with a powerful flap of his wings and soon the entire city of Las Pegasus could be seen below them.

“Heh, quite the sight from up here huh?”

“Y-Yes,” Jeanne managed to say after making sure her heart was back in its proper place. “And I will admit, it’s quite...liberating, being up here. Um...one question, dear. Do you even know where we’re going?”

“Not a clue,” Ignis laughed without a moments hesitation. “Seth gets a little handicap in that regard. Makes him think he’ll actually win.”

“Ah. Would you like me to show you, or would you prefer to guess? I’m good either way, this is quite the experience.”

“Hmm, well given what I heard from an earlier conversation.... I’d say your place is that one down there with the roof garden?” He pointed at an apartment with the claw that wasn't holding her.

“Close dear, you forgot about the water tank as well as the filtered glass over it. We’re more...there. Oh, is that Apple Fritter and James, installing a sprinkler system?”

“Huh? Oh, you seem to be right. Okay, now let out a loud roar!”

Were Jeanne able to actually turn and look, she was certain that her gaze would have chilled Ignis by a few degrees. “You’re joking. You’re joking, right? I’m a plant, I don’t do loud, fearsome roars.”

“I never joke... except when I’m joking,” Ignis replied seriously. “It’s fun, just do it.”

Sighing, Jeanne took a deep breath and looked to the roof in question. “JAAAAAAAAAAAAMES!” she screamed for everyone to hear, especially the Roserade in question.

The Roserade dropped the hose he’d been carrying, yiped, and hid in the stairwell leading to the roof within three seconds, leaving a confused Apple Fritter behind. The mare looked up to see Ignis let out a massive roar and suddenly dive towards the roof, carrying a shrieking Jeanne along for the ride. She calmly stepped to the side as Ignis landed with a loud thump and looked around.

The grass-type jumped to the roof and shot a glare behind her before looking up at Apple Fritter. “Next time he tries to talk me into doing something, slap one of us,” she stated.

“Oh you had fun,” Ignis laughed. “And we beat Seth back too, so bonus points.”

“Do ah even want to know?” Fritter sighed, tightening a loose pipe with a wrench.

“Probably not, no,” Jeanne said. “Now if you’ll pardon me, I have a fellow plant to wrangle and apologize to.”

With that, the elderly Bellossom walked over to the stairwell to retrieve the gardener she’d accidentally scared off. She found him not far from the rooftop doorway, clutching at his heart and breathing deeply.

"I'm sorry, dear," Jeanne said, touching him gently on the leg. "Ignis prodded me to, but I shouldn't have listened."

"For..." The Roserade gulped and turned towards her, smiling. "Forgiven. It's just, for a moment there, you sounded so very much like an older, angry Jessie. I've heard her scream my name so many times in such a tone, my first reaction was to panic. Then I remembered that she's helping Bit by this point in the day, and I calmed down."

"Ah," Jeanne said, smiling and nodding. "Well at least you still have some survival instincts."

James laughed slightly. "True, otherwise how would I have survived as long as I did?" With that, he straightened himself out a bit more and stretched, before jerking his head at the stairs and leaning closer to Jeanne's form. "I'll carry you back down to your family, ma'am. It's the least I can offer you."

The Bellossom bowed before the Roserade picked her up and began the trek down quite a few flights of stairs.

It is done, Luke proclaimed. We have done what we can to stabilize her, son.

"Yeah, she seems a lot less mad from out here," Mage's voice chipped in from the real world.

Vincent looked around the Gabite's new mental landscaping, and was pleased to see it becoming less and less hostile, more and more calm and peaceful. "I'm surprised this was in here," Vincent mused idly. "She usually was too angry to show many more sides of herself."

All of us have hidden depths that we show only to those we trust, Luke's voice returned. Come out and we shall begin bringing her around...something else I think you need to know how to do effectively.

Vincent nodded and propelled himself out of the dragon's mind, ready to help awaken his wayward 'sister'...

Chapter Fourty-Eight - A Final Gambit for her mind...

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Lala had just gotten to a very interesting part in her book as the Luxray from earlier reappeared. “Ah, and you must be Miss Lalah,” he smiled. “My name is Seth Crescent, a pleasure to meet you.”

“The correct pronunciation is ‘Lala’,” said Leavanny emphasized. “And likewise. I assume you’re related to the others that have paid a visit today?”

“My apologies Miss, and yes, if you’re referring to the Sylveon and Earth Pony that were here before. I hope she was able to find her.”

“Mm. Well, you are the first one back by foot, mister Seth,” Lala commented as she returned to her book. “Call me if you need me for anything.”

“I will, thank you Miss Lala,” Seth replied and headed up the stairs.

The idea behind this is simple in theory, but often difficult in execution. The technique for Hypnosis, if performed in reverse and properly, should bring her out of this deep sleep we have placed her in.

Vincent nodded at his father's words and slowly brought his mind to bear again, gently easing Christine's mind back to the waking world. Just then, there was a knock on the door. “I wonder how she’s doing?” Vincent heard Seth ask.

Recovering from our impromptu mental surgery, Vincent replied. She’ll be a better ‘mon for it.

“A better... Vincent! What did you do!?” Seth’s mental tone sounded a little concerned.

Toned down her anger issues. Helped her see the truth about Sam, rather than her idealized version. All in all, made sure she would be healthier in the days to come.

“...Vincent, let me inside please.”

Iiiiii’d really rather not, the Kadabra thought back. Lucy was still in Heat after all. Seriously, you had to deal with her. Do you think it’d be good for, oh, the world in general if we didn’t intervene?

“Vincent. Door. Now.” he paused for a moment. “Please.”

Silence reigned for several moments more, before the Psychic opened the door with a soft click. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, he said quietly said as it swung open. Seth walked inside, and the smell hit him the moment he walked in.

“Ah,” *cough” “Well... that’s a thing...” Seth grunted. “Okay Mr. Nurem,” the Luxray said. “Can you explain why you Psychically lobotomized Chrissy?”

“I did no such thing,” Vincent said, softly stroking her neck. “She refused to see Sam as anything but her shining swordsman and defender. One who would always be there for her. I merely helped her see the truth. That he was just another captive.”

“And this was your go-to plan? Rather than talking to her first?” Seth sighed as he ran a paw through his fur. “I promised her that nothing would happen to her, then I have to attack her with Selena and now you go and do this?” He closed his eyes to think for a moment. “And how do you suppose she’ll react to your, ‘help’?”

She was not a happy ‘mon, mister Crescent, Luke stated from his position on the couch. Nobody with that much anger could be. All that rage and frustration...a small amount is understandable, given their shared histories...but unless something was done, she would be incapable of living in society for very much longer after learning about Sam’s Evolution.

“Look, I’m still a little uneasy about what you’ve done and until she wakes up, I’m withholding a final verdict. But you had best give me your word now that she’ll be fine from here on out," Seth stated.

“Of course she will,” Vincent said, as though offended. “I defend those that seek shelter here. But,” here he turned back to Christine and sighed. “She has to not be a danger to others or herself. She has to be able to control herself. Otherwise, I couldn’t in good conscious house her here.”

“She was fine when she stayed with us though, well... she hated Titania, but Titania has that effect on some people.” Seth shook his head and then a bolt of lightning rippled across his body, the smell of slightly singed fur overpowering the other scent. “Ah, better. Anyway, she was actually quite pleasant most of the time. Except on the train... she did not like the train.”

“We still don’t,” Vincent said. “Tight, confined cubes that you cannot leave. Just a wee bit too familiar for us to be at ease.”

Seth nodded and looked at the Gallade, “I take it that your name is Luke?”

That is...correct, Mister Crescent, Luke said, opening his eyes and fidgeting a bit. And while I...did not initially approve of my...son’s plan, once we looked a bit deeper...I saw it was necessary, but that the lightest of touches….would be required.

Seth nodded, “Well, I don’t know how you know my last name, but I will trust you, if only because Abby gave you such high regards. Oh, she and Kasai say ‘Hi’ by the way.”

Thank you for the message, Luke thought.

“And it’s really rather easy when the kiddo shares his stories about who he spends his time with with us,” the Mismagius snickered.

“Plus, two of us are Psychic,” Vincent pointed out.

“Please don’t read my mind without asking...” Seth looked down at the silver collar around his neck. “I guess it doesn’t block Psychic power... I’ll need to get that fixed.”

He snorted as the scent returned once more. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. There’s only so much I can take of this, and I highly doubt you want me here tasting your girlfriend all night.”

Vincent blinked a few times as he processed that statement. “I...have nothing to say to that. You go ahead,” he stated blandly.

“I really should have worded that better,” Seth groaned. “Could you tell me when Christine wakes up please. I’d like to see her.”

It will be only...a short while now, Luke said. Indeed, Christine started to twitch as she came back to consciousness.

“But, we should do this elsewhere,” Vincent stated dryly. “Preferences?”

“Anywhere is fine,” Seth said. “I’ve only been to the Guard Station and the place Sam works.”

“Vacant room on another floor, coming up,” Vincent stated, both his hands aglow. One rested on the dragon while the other pointed at the Luxray.

Seth braced himself for a Teleport, and after a second, the trio were in another room. “I will never get used to that,” he muttered, blinking and shaking his head.

“I said the same thing,” Vincent commented as the dragon began to rouse more the more she recovered.

Seth walked over to the dragon and placed a paw on her shoulder. “Hey there sleepy-head,” he said gently.

“Five more minutes,” she grumbled. “Don’t wanna put up with flower-head.”

Seth chuckled and smiled. “She hasn’t changed one bit.” he leant in close with a small smirk on his face. “Rika’s gonna hug you if you don’t get up~”

“I’M UP!” Christine shouted, bolting upright. Eventually she realized she wasn’t where she last remembered being before adopting a look of confusion.

“...Okay, what happened? Last thing I remember is falling asleep on the train.”

Seth seemed to pause for a moment before plowing on. “We’re in Las Pegasus, to see Sam remember? You got upset though, and Selena had to stop you...” He sighed, “Some ponies got hurt though. Nothing serious, so don’t worry okay?”

Christine took the news in blankly before turning to the Kadabra next to her. “Aaaand you are?”

“Heya Christine,” Vincent said. “How are you?”

After placing the voice, the Gabite picked the Kadabra up and gave him a gentle hug. “Okay, hearing about it, one thing. Actually hearing you here? Much better.” She then put the psychic back down and glared at him. “That’s your only freebie, though.”

“Rika’s gonna be jealous,” Seth chuckled. He swallowed the lump in his throat and prepared for the worse. “So... how do you feel?”

Christine tilted her head at the Luxray. “I don’t get it. I feel fine, but you’re asking that question, which means I probably shouldn’t...so what am I missing?”

“Nothing,” Seth said a little too quickly. “Just wondering if you were still anxious to meet Sam again.”

“Guy practically raised us,” Christine said. “Granted, it wasn’t exactly the best of upbringings, but between him and Bit, we got enough to live. Yeah, where is this brat’s older brother?”

“Still here,” Vincent said, only slightly miffed.

“Not now, the grownups are talking,” Seth said. “He’s here in the city, but he’s working right now. He should be home later.”

“Cool,” Christine said. “So...maybe I should learn where I am more specifically and what I’ve missed? Just an idea.”

“Well, as I said, you’re in Las Pegasus and Selena did a good job of wiping the floor with you.” Seth looked at Vincent, “I believe he can tell you what happened after.”

“I thought it would be best to bring you here to recover,” Vincent said, carefully stating the truth without going too far into it. “So I did, and Mage, Luke, and I monitored your recovery. At some points it was touch and go, but we did manage to return you to health. And while we were doing that, we did help adjust your anger issues just a touch.”

“...You did what.” she stated rather than asked.

“Your anger getting out of control is sort of what caused you to go off once you arrived,” Vincent dryly commented. “You can still get mad, but I’d rather you not get so mad you use Earthquake in a populated area ever again.”

Arceus bless, but the dragon actually looked sheepish at the accusation in the boy’s tone. “Okay, yeah, if I did that, then yes, I agree that my anger was out of control.” She scratched the back of her head as she observed something in her head. “Huh...Selena musta pulled out all the stops...I don’t remember much of the fight at all.”

“Selena. Mega-evolved. Iron Tail to the noggin.” Seth recapped. “That’s probably why.”

“Yup,” Vincent said, holding up one glowing hand. “There wasn’t much left of the day for us to play around with in your head, so it is so not my fault. You should probably be thankful that you don’t remember the fight.”

“Yeah,” the Gabite muttered. “I’d rather forget losing to her altogether.”

“Selena isn’t the type to rub it in,” Seth replied. “I may have gone a bit overboard by Mega-evolving her, sorry about that.” He then seemed to recall something. “Also, Ignis wants to train you.”

“I think she should get settled into here, that is, if she wants to live here, before any major training takes place,” Vincent commented.

“Yeah, and no offense Seth, but if Vincent’s living here with other survivors...well, I already know the kid’ll do what he can for us. If he’s offering me a place to stay, I’m staying.” The Gabite nodded a few times to cement her statement.

Seth fell silent for a moment before he responded to that. “Yeah, I’ll miss you though. I kinda got used to yours and Titania’s fighting.” He laughed weakly.

“I’ll miss you too, you puffball,” Christine commented with an eyeroll. “In fact, you know what? You get a freebie too. C’mere.” She spread her arms slightly in preparation.

Seth hugged the crazy dragon. “Well, you can always visit I suppose. I’ll make sure there’s some pie waiting for you~”

“Only if rose-head is sick,” Christine fired back. “That way I won’t have to do much to avoid her.”

“I’ll send you a message,” Seth chuckled. Christine tapped him on the back with one claw, and he dropped down to end the hug.

“Just don’t tell Rika. I swear, sometimes I see her ribbons twitch towards me, and it’s all I can do to not Flamethrower her.” Christine shuddered a bit.

“Speaking of, I hope she comes back soon... Selena looked so upset.”

Vincent perked up and looked down to the entryway. “Well, while I can’t feel the mind she’s with, she did just enter the building, which are clues enough, I think. Want to go meet them, Seth?”

Seth nodded and opened the door, hoping for a piece of good news today.

He was so not getting his wish.

The three Pokemon headed for the ground floor, and soon discovered Selena and Rika.

Both of which looked like they’d been dragged through hell itself. Countless injuries covered their bodies and the two looked like they could barely stand.

“...What?” Seth just asked. Vincent’s reaction was less verbal, as he quickly controlled his breathing as best he could, but there was still a slight surge in blue light around him.

“Who...did this to you?” he less asked and more intoned.

Selena and Rika shared a look as they leaned against one another. “Huh? Ooh... we did.”

Christine snickered at the thought. “Finally try to hug her one too many times, miss ribbon?”

“Not quite,” Rika groaned. “Sethy... Iron Tail and Shadow Flash really, really hurt.”

“Un. Goddamn. Believable.” Seth sighed. “I sent you to find her, not beat the crap out of each other! What the hell happened?”

“Selly had issues... I helped air them out a bit,” Rika replied. Selena was already on the floor and Rika soon joined her. “Sorry Sethy... nap time... nowww...”

Vincent just snickered. “Is it me, or is this scene, even with them being all banged up, quite adorable?”

Selena muttered in her sleep, something about adorable and death. Seth just nodded and smiled. “Well, at least its better than Selena crying like that. I really wish I knew what Jeanne had said to her.”

“While I could peek, it’d be rude,” Vincent said with a quick flash of blue. “And Lucy’s still...yeah, otherwise we’d have this fixed up. We do have a few Berries they can have...once they wake up, of course.”

“That would be nice,” Seth said as he draped Rika and Selena on his back. “I should fetch Fritter and Ignis too. I think they’re on the roof.”

Vincent raised an eyebrow, as if to say, ‘Are you serious?’ and waited for the Luxray to catch on.

“Oh, right. Teleporter and telepath...” Seth groaned. Today was not his day. “If you wouldn’t mind Vincent?”

“Not an issue at all. You can stay in 203, opposite the Pony landlord, for as long as you need the room, even if it’s just for the hour,” Vincent replied before sending a quick pulse of thought to the roof.

Hey, Ignis, you up there?

There was a brief pause before a voice lazily replied. “Hmmm? huh, oh... yeah?”

“Seth’s looking for you and Fritter, she up there as well?”

“Ah’m here,” Apple Fritter responded. “Just. Gotta fix... this darn water chute.... oh snap.”

“Aaaand she just broke said water chute,” Ignis chuckled. Vincent let out a sigh before smirking and looking over to Seth.

“Apparently Ignis is watching your marefriend get all wet up on the roof,” Vincent commented blandly.

There was a shuffling sound as a low growl emanated from Selena’s throat. She had one eye open and it was enough to make even a Cofagrigus wee themselves. “That had better.. be a joke Vincent...”

“The fact that she seems to have accidentally broken some part of our water tower isn’t,” Vincent grumbled. “Either Bit’s going to have to fix it or we’re going to have to pay someone to.”

“You do realise I’m pretty much a blowtorch with wings right?” Ignis replied. “And it was stuck, Fritter’s just a bit too strong for her own good sometimes. I’ll fix it in a jiffy.”

“Ah,” Vincent blinked before shrugging. “Well, you or the mobile arc welder, either one works for me. And thanks. I’m putting Seth, Rika, and Selena in 203, that is, if he decides to stay for longer than ten minutes. More than welcome to come down when you’re done.” Vincent said this one ‘aloud’ so as to get feedback from both parties.

“Will do, Fritter’s gotta dry out though, she got a bit excited~”


“Heh heh heh.”

“Do I even want to know?” Seth asked.

“Maybe,” Vincent shrugged. “And who just bragged about being a blowtorch with wings? I’m pretty sure you could find a light enough setting or a move without too much burninating to dry off Fritter in an instant.” The last bit he sent to both Fritter and Ignis, in the hopes that doing so would speed up both the repairs and the reunion.

“You want Ignis... to set me on fire?” Fritter felt the greatest urge to break another rigid object with her bare hooves. “We’ll be down in a moment...”

“Depends, does he know Heat Wave? If so, I’m pretty sure that move, by definition, would not set you on fire. Dry you out like a giant hairdryer, certainly. But you’d survive.”

“I hope you like dried fruit, cause that’s all that’ll be left of your garden,” Ignis replied. “I wouldn’t worry, it’s pretty hot up here so she’s pretty much done already.... aaand, okay. That’s fixed too. We’re on our way.”

“Ah, forgot about that...James woulda killed me if that had happened…” The Psychic scratched his head sheepishly as he bowed in front of the stairs up. “Shall we then, Seth? I might even be able to snag a few Berries from the garden that might help. Pretty sure I saw some Sitrus and Oran in there.”

“Yeah, thanks Vince,” Seth nodded and followed the Kadabra. “And I was hoping to finally relax for once...”

“Depending on your definition, I think Selena and Rika are very relaxed! I’ve never seen them so still!” Vincent said with a roll of his eyes. “So where did you go while you were out and about?”

“Well, after my meeting with Captain Ace, we visited a small restaurant where Sam works. Ate some great food and then came here.” Seth tilted his head until his neck gave a satisfying crack. “So, we haven’t seen much of the city.”

“Eh,” Vincent said with a shrug as they reached the second floor. “I live here and I can honestly say that if your intention is to not gamble or drink, then you came to the wrong town.” With a soft click, the door to 203 opened. “That being said, there are some good spots around still.” Vincent smiled as he tapped his head with one hand. “Just have to know where and how to look.”

“I see,” Seth said as the group walked in. There was a thud and a grumble about low ceilings as Ignis and Fritter made their way downstairs, the dragon holding a clawful of Berries.

“I think Ignis beat me to the punch,” Vincent muttered, making a note to either get some signs or see about making certain ceilings not so low.

Ignis looked at his mate and sighed. “I figured something like this would’ve happened. Didn’t think Rika would get involved though.”

“Sisters will be sisters I suppose,” Seth shrugged as he nuzzled Fritter. “Mmm, you smell nice~”

“Ah smell like a wet pony,” Fritter grumbled, but blushed none-the-less. “So what happened to these two?”

“Beat the tar out of each other for some reason,” Seth said. “I’ll know once they wake up.”

Vincent pointedly looked away, even going so far as to send his spoon back to its usual resting place. He wasn’t going to get involved, and hopefully nobody would think to mention his ability to ‘help’. He’d had enough gently correcting Christine today.

Selena was the first to wake up again, groaning softly as Ignis helped her sit upright.

“Urgh... damn that hurts. I forgot how powerful Rika is when she isn’t holding back.”

“All three of you are Champion level, probably stronger,” Seth said. “And what hell happened? Why were you fighting?”

“Not really fighting... per say,” Selena replied. “Just, blowing off steam I guess? Rika was helping me out with something personal, that’s all.”

“And it led to this?” Seth said sternly. “Selena, is this about you-know-what?”

“A little,” the Dark Pokemon replied. “Talking with Jeanne... it made me remember a few things, things I thought I forgot. I’m feeling frustrated alright, just.... let me deal with them in my own way.”

“Mom’s a meddler,” Vincent spoke up, reminding the others that he hadn’t left yet. “She likes to try to steer everyone to the ‘best’ path, but sometimes what she thinks is best and what others want...conflicts. Sometimes she’s subtle, other times, not so much. Guessing this was one of those times, then.”

“You could say that,” Selena replied and winced as Ignis tended to a large bruise on her back. “Ah, oh that’s where that Moonblast hit.”

Rika stirred and reached out with her ribbons. Seth dodged but Fritter was too late as the Fairy grabbed her and pulled the mare over to where she was, kissing her lightly on the lips.

“Ahh, now I feel better~” Rika cooed. “Ooh, wait, no, scratch that. Selena’s claws hurt like a bi-”

“So,” Seth cut her off. “Thanks for letting us stay here Vincent.”

“Not a prob- Oh for Xerneas’s sake! Were she in control, I’d swear she was doing this on purpose!” Vincent groaned and held a hand to his head, shaking it in irritation. “Oh, and by the way? So long as she isn’t shoving her opinion on Pokephillia down your throat,” Vincent snorted, before finishing, “then mom’s usually right. Usually.”

With that, he vanished in a flash of blue, leaving behind very few doubts as to where he’d gone.

Back in Lucy's room, Vincent had taken to psychically manipulating some of Lucy's 'aides' when he had a thought. I wonder if that technique I thought up the other day is still working?

He got his answer when he realized that his ears were smoking. Yes, yes his 'you are being talked about' warning system was still active, but it had also been toned down to something a little more sane than his ears being on fire. With a quick burst of power, the smoke was dealt with, and Vincent was casting out a line towards whoever had triggered his alarm.

“Nope, I agree with Ace, her job doesn’t pay enough to deal with something like that.” Seth's 'voice' came in loud and clear. “Yeeesh, I can still smell it from here. What the hell are they doing up there?” There was a pause before he said, in a more rushed tone, “Don’t answer that!”

“Aww,” Rika's 'voice' pitched in.

“I will, then. The serious answer is: It’s called a Heat for a reason, and check your Pokedex if you’re so curious. Whereas the answer I’m sure Rika was about to give was ‘each other.’” Vincent pitched in.

“Spoilsport,” Rika muttered.

“Are you seriously listening in on us... while having sex?” Seth replied. “I don’t know whether to be impressed or not.”

“First of all, she’s tied up. So I can spare some concentration. And second, I’m working on cribbing a new technique together. For most, it’s just a coincidence that their ears are burning. I’m working on making the sensation something to pay attention to: if my ears are burning, someone within my ‘sphere of awareness’ is actually talking about me. It’s...got some fine tuning to go through yet. That smoke smell is not going to wash away…”

“...Your ears... actually burn? I don’t know who’s stranger... you or Sev.”

“It was just once! ...Though the fact that this time they smoked isn’t much of an improvement. And having met the snake, I can say he’s stranger. Did you know he installed lasers in the front of the building? Ah, but you have a family to get back to. My regards to the rest of them. Do take care...and watch out, I think Bit’s on his way.”

Bit was ecstatic. If what Jeanne and Vincent had said was true, then here was a trainer with his gear from Earth! Exactly the sorts of guidelines he needed for his projects! Once he was released from door-duty, the Porygon-Z practically flew down the flight of stairs and started hammering on the door with his beak. The Earth Pony mare designated as Apple Fritter opened it for him. “Ah, Miss Fritter. Salutations. Did this unit hear correctly? Does Seth Crescent now possess his gear again?” Bit questioned.

“Hey! Me and Fritter get first dibs on his gear!” the voice of Rika interjected as Seth's voice just let out a groan.

“Goddammit Rika... just, come in Bit.”

The Porygon-Z nodded and floated in past the mare in the doorway, coming to a halt in front of the familiar Luxray. “I was informed you possessed no small amount of technology from Earth, including but not limited to a Pokedex,” he stated.

“That would be correct Bit, I was given back my inventory at the time of the transfer. My Pokedex, TM’s and other such items.”

Bit, confronted with a way to achieve all of his goals at once, did something he wasn't known for.

He locked up.

“Vincent?” The Kadabra 'heard' again. “I broke Bit...”

“Huh... Vincent took a quick look into Bit's mind, noticing the halting of all activity. Last time he did this, he was less than sane...oh I see now! The Psychic finally drew some parallels between then and now. He has so many things he wants to work on, he’s having trouble choosing. They’re all labeled as ‘High’ priorities, he literally can’t pick one, so he’s locked up. My suggestion is to offer him a suggestion, see if that snaps him out of it.”

With that, Vincent cut the connection again, and returned to his task.

“How about deconstructing this and learning how to create your own TM’s? Would save on the headaches your teaching method causes.”

At this, Bit resumed moving as though he never locked up, his eyes riveted to the TM that Seth was holding. “That sounds acceptable, Seth. Though I would still appreciate looking at your Pokedex at a later time time to compare relative data values.”

As long as you don’t damage it,” Seth replied. “To me, it’s more than data... it has the memories of my journey with my family.” The Luxray reached into his bag and pulled out the device, along with his XTransceiver. The erratic program Pokemon put one of his arms over his chest with no small amount of difficulty.

“I would never,” he stated. He then tapped his beak to the AC port, causing a small spark to jump between them. “Connection established. Comparing data values. This should only take a moment.” Images flashed across the screen as the program spoke, data being called up and dismissed once the program had finished with it.

‘Entry 001 - We finally started our journey! Just Ignis and me! You just watch, I’ll become Champion easy!

Entry 004 - We caught our first Pokemon today! It was a Psyduck, I named him Drake, after that funny cartoon I like~

Entry 020 - We have our next travelling partner. She’s a little Eevee named Rika. And you wouldn’t believe it, but her mother, an Umbreon named Umbra, she could talk! I saved her life and she entrusted Rika for me to raise. I’ll do my best!

Entry 042 - We have a few Gym Badges now and we’re taking a break in the Hoenn region. I came across an Absol that was being tormented by a small village. Those uneducated idiots actually think Absol’s cause disasters. I saved her and she just kept following me. Guess I have a new partner.

Entry 100 - This is it. We have eight Gym Badges and we’re ready for the Pokemon league in few months. Our dreams will finally happen.

Entry 132 - So I was in the city and saw someone getting arrested, just because they were kissing their Pokemon? What kind of idiot law is that!?

Entry 150 - So it’s official. Even without evidence, those blind, arrogant fools in the League kicked me out. I’m forbidden from taking the League Challenge and obtaining Badges... I... I failed my Pokemon.

Entry 187 - I met this cute girl in Nimbasa today, she’s a Gym Leader and apparently supports my fight to change the Pokephilia laws. She wants to meet me at the Ferris Wheel tonight. Wish me luck.

Entry 204 - This law is so ridiculous! The Rangers spend so much time and resources on something so pointless... Hopefully, if I can accomplish what I aim to do, then maybe they can focus on real crimes...

Entry 222 - We completed our training with Diantha today. It was so hard, she may look pretty, but she is ruthless in her teaching. Oh, and Rika evolved into a Sylveon~

Entry 286 - Well, I had to break it off with Elesa. People stopped coming to her Gym and even the League threatened to take her license, simply because she was dating someone of my... reputation. It’s hard you know... sometimes I wonder... nevermind.

Entry 323 - So many people. So many innocent Pokemon and humans have been hurt by this law. Jayce, Gene, and countless others, all living in fear of this stupid, unbalanced law. Well that’ll change soon. Elly contacted me, she’s arranged a meeting with Cynthia, the Sinnoh Champion. Once we have enough public support, then they'll have no choice but to revise these laws.... It’ll happen. I know it...

{Further Entries Corrupted...}

Bit blinked a few times as he compared what few archives he had from the rare instances he’d been able to sneak onto the wider Internet to Seth’s entries. Considering the...activities going on upstairs, along with those that truly loved one another before the shift, such as Gene and Belle, Bit found himself thankful for the one in front of him. “Data comparison complete.” Turning his head around to look around at Rika and Apple Fritter before continuing his reply. “Take care of him. It would be a shame if one such as him were to befall any misfortune.”

“You don’t have to tell me that,” Rika giggled, hugging her Luxray, Fritter nodding as well.

“Eeyup, count on it Bitty!”

Bit turned his head back around to face Seth, and if you looked at his eyes, they seemed to be...somber, somehow. “Perhaps, had you succeeded,” he whispered, before trailing off and shaking his head. “No matter. I will be taking this,” the program snagged the TM with one arm, “To my lab, or what serves as one. Thank you for the time and information. If there is anything you desire to know in return, all you have to do is ask.”

“Sure thing... oh, you can borrow this as well.” Seth placed the XTransceiver on the table. “It used to be a communications device, so it doesn’t exactly work here. Perhaps you could use it somehow? I know having phones again would be really handy.”

Bit seemed to lock up again, but there was a subtle difference. He was preparing himself to do something he normally didn't do, and before anyone could ask what was going on...

Seth was suddenly the victim of the rare, endangered, Bit-full-body-hug.

“Wha? Whoa... heh, okay. I take it you like it then?” Seth chuckled, placing an arm around the Pokemon.

“This...if I am incapable of rebuilding a computer by the end of the week after looking at this, then I do not deserve to be called a Porygon! This is a gift without measure! This will speed up all my projects!” Bit pulled his head back, the eyes visibly altered to resemble smiles.

“Glad I could help, truly, I really am.” Seth smiled. “I have something for the rest of you as well, but Lucy’s may have to wait until she’s more... presentable.”

“Sethy is like Santa Claus, only more sexy,” Rika giggled.

“Um.. what’s a ‘Santa’?” Bit heard Apple Fritter ask.

“Human folklore. At the moment, unimportant.” Bit finally released Seth and tilted his head in curiosity. “Queries: Will you be leaving the XTransceiver here with your other gifts, or will you be taking it with you?”

“Without the wireless communications network that supported it, the device is a paper weight,” Seth said. “You can borrow it as long as you need to, here’s the solar-powered charger as well.”

“Appreciated,” the program said. “I will endeavor to return it to you in as good a condition as it currently is in, along with bringing some form of infrastructure to Equus so that such things might work again.” After moving the charger to be next to its device, Bit turned back to the Luxray. “Second query: what other gifts?”

Seth beamed widely and pulled out a box. He placed on the table and opened it. “Okay, so first, I have this for Sam. He mentioned about how his exoskeleton was heavier than normal? Well, this little item is called a Float Stone. All he has to do is wear it and his weight will be halved.”

Bit considered the stone and nodded once. “Logical. Should help counteract the negative side-effects of ESS-010. What else?”

“Next, something for you,” Seth pulled out a small black box. “It’s not a Pokemon item, but still useful. A Hard Disk Drive with about two terabytes of storage.” He used to use it for storing legal documents and whatnot.

“I…” Were Bit capable of crying in gratitude, he would be. With something like this, he feared no longer for his memory or mind degrading. “That means more to me than you will ever know, Mister Crescent.” The program felt the need to hug something again.

“And lastly... well, I couldn’t think of something for the remaining three members of your family. But, just before I left Canterlot, some Carbink I befriended gave me the answer.” He took a smaller box out and opened it carefully. Three shining stones were inside, one gleamed a brilliant white, while the others were quite different.

“A Keystone, Lucarionite and Garchompite.”

“That…” Bit considered the stones. “Correct this unit if it is in error, but those help a Pokemon realize all of their energy, Mega-Evolving, correct?”

“You are a ‘mon of science yes? How about a physical demonstration?” The Luxray was grinning at the thought.

“Not necessary. It is just...considering the alterations Sub- Christine underwent, it is dubious as to what effects, if any, the stone would have on her.” Bit ticked as he stared at nothing in particular while working out some calculations. “As well, should Lucy be exposed to that stone while Vincent is holding that Keystone, there is no doubt she could trigger a Mega-Evolution. Whether Vincent would survive it at this time is another matter altogether.”

“Dang,” Seth muttered. “Well, alright. A very controlled environment for Christine, once she evolves anyhow. And yeah, I suppose we should wait for Lucy’s little ‘predicament’ to end, no matter how funny it might be.”

“Quoting: Comedy is tragedy plus time. A shattered pelvis would only be funny long after the fact,” the program stated bluntly.

“But it would be funny,” Seth quoted. “Ah well, we can always show you Ignis or Selly’s tomorrow. So, are these okay?”

“More than okay,” Bit said. “I will take them all to my lab, if that is okay with you, and once the conditions are met, such as Lucy being out of her Heat, or Christine Evolving, I will distribute them. Sam, I will give his as soon as possible. Perhaps I’ll fashion it into a pin for his tie.”

“Very dapper,” Seth agreed. “So, the most obvious aside, how has everyone been? I understand that you had a run in with Rika’s estranged father. Emphasis on strange.”

“Sev was...easily excitable,” Bit conceded. “Vincent’s reply to having a wall knocked in was for him to unleash his strength. Unstoppable insanity met immovable object.”

“Papa...” Rika groaned.

Elsewhere, Sev felt a little proud for some reason. Well, of course he should Sev was Sev!

“That... would have been something alright,” Seth said. “Oh, I met that Sandslash, uh, Mary was it? She seems nice.”

Bit didn’t stop his old habits from reasserting themselves in time. “641, subject 29. Claw modification on a shiny Sandshrew. Claws ended up being sharp enough to cut through most objects, but subject possessed no cont-” He eventually shook his whole form a few times and looked away, ashamed that his old programming had come to the fore. “I...apologize.”

“It’s alright,” Seth nodded. “I didn’t know she could cut through metal, that’s pretty intense. Sam must worry about pissing her off.”

“It is my understanding that she helps ‘train’ him in how to use his armor by attacking him with her modification,” Bit replied, still slightly embarrassed. If he had cheeks that could flush, they would be right now. “It is also my understanding that now that she is a Sandslash, she possesses the control she once lacked over her claws’ sharpness.”

“So she couldn’t before?” Seth shuddered. “Well, I’m sure glad she can now. Still, if she’s training Sam, maybe I should send Heath down sometime? He’s never met another Sandshrew before.”

“Ill-advised,” Bit said. “Mary apparently returned to her old trainer once she escaped from the lab, and with her modification and Evolution from her time there...there has rarely been a more determined and easily-irritated Pokemon chef than somemon who can replace all her kitchen cutlery as easily as her. Were you to introduce the two, it would have to be after work-hours, and for the love of Cresselia, do not have him criticize her cooking unnecessarily if you like him intact.”

“Pft, I doubt that.” Seth smiled, “You see, Heath was a Sandshrew when we got here. Remember that little incident my family had to deal with just before you guys arrived in Canterlot? Well the stallion responsible somehow created Rare Candies using Alchemy. Heath was forcefully evolved, but he still has the mind of a child. Honestly... I just don’t know how to train him as he is.”

“Ah,” Bit said, whirring as he considered the situation. “It is sad that this unit was told to delete the Simulator Room from active memory, otherwise I might be able to help. Then again, it was dragging down my performance quite a bit, and there was that...incident here.” He looked away and muttered something about how he didn’t ‘rage-shift,’ more like he had a case of ‘multiple partition disorder.’

“That’s alright. Diantha is helping at the moment, but perhaps when we visit next?” Seth stretched his cramped leg out. “Ahh, there we go. So, how’s Chrissie doing?”

“Christine is adjusting well to having a stable home that does not promise horror on a regular basis,” the Porygon-Z stated bluntly. “I assume from the time she escaped to now, she has quite a few stories to tell. Moreover, she seems to have lost her fascination with Sam thanks to what Vincent and Luke did. Overall, I project her future as cautiously optimistic.”

“Honestly, the time I spent with her was quite enjoyable. She is sarcastic like all get out, but I consider her to be a good friend of mine.”

“Cept she wouldn’t let me hug her,” Rika pouted.

“I got one,” Seth said and then clamped his paw over his mouth. Rika’s eye went wide as she raced from the room. “Uh-oh...”

“HUUGGSSSS!” Rika yelled from the hallway.

“I really hope Vincent has insurance,” Seth sighed.

Christine was settling in nicely in her new home. The last tenants of this place had cleaned it out, but not cleaned it up at all. And now that she had a place of her own, she wanted to be able to find everything easily. The bathroom and bedroom had been handled with ease, she was now on the kitchen, going over the silverware they’d missed.

“Forks, spoons, knives, serrated knives...huh. Y’know, I’d think if I were leaving, even in a hurry, I’d take my eating implements with…and-Oh Arceus, that reeks! Guess they forgot something in the fridge! Gah, it’s like a Weezing died, a Muk was born from that, then died on his own fumes!” Christine rapidly backed away from her now-a-health-hazard fridge, waving one arm in front of her face to try and get some clean air.

A shadowed whisper sang throughout the building.

“Fee, Fei, Foe, Fum... Imma hug me a silly dragon!”

The mutated Gabite’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks at not only the voice, but what it was saying. “Oh no,” she muttered, looking at both her fridge and silverware drawer, a plan percolating in the back of her mind.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly... stick a cupcake in my eye. You cannot run, you cannot hide. You’re gonna hug me, that’s no lie!”

“All right, Christine. On the one claw, you’ve not been in a real fight for some time, that little brawl with Selena not counting. On the other claw, crazy fairy. Time to put some tricks to work in a more urban environment.” The Gabite breathed deeply once, twice, and on the third time, she said two words.

“Double Team.”

Three images of the dragon appeared in the kitchen, turning it from ‘cozy’ to ‘cramped’ in a second.

There was a sound, like something scratching at the walls before two pink ribbons pierced the illusions as Rika dropped down in front of Christine.


“Not bad,” Christine said, honestly impressed. “But you’re missing one key factor, little fairy.”

The dragon then pointed at her waist. Her lineless waist. “You stopped at two.”

“Aw poop,” Rika cursed. She then found herself flying towards the open, smelly fridge, as the illusion faded, revealing the real dragon behind her, launching Rika with her tail.

Rika grabbed a cupboard with a free ribbon and pivoted in the air as she aimed at the fridge. She opened her mouth and at point-blank range, fired a Moonblast at the offending object, removing it, and the wall behind it from existence…

“Aw come on! I’m sure a Flamethrower or three or five would have cleaned it out! No need to go blasting it that hard!” the dragon groused. “What’m I gonna store my food in now, huh?”

“Eheh, whoops?” Rika giggled. “Um, well... I guess we could go shopping for a new one...!?” she suddenly gasped. “That’s it! Shopping. Just us girls! It’ll be AWESOME!”

The Gabite gave the fairy a half-lidded stare. “Let’s review. I’ve been wild for a while. You seem intent on hugging me. Even coming in here and trying to do so while I’m just getting settled. And when I try to contain you, you vaporize my fridge. And your solution is to take me out on the town to get a new one?”

Rika smiled, before it slowly faltered... “Yeah... I guess you’re right. I’ve been... not a very good friend. Sorry about your fridge too, at least it’s gone, that sludge looked sentient...”

“Okay, I’ll give you that one,” Christine said with a chuckle. “And hey, it’s not all bad,” the dragon tacked on, actually taking a step closer. “You just have to understand that not everymon has as few boundaries as you do towards others. Plus, I have...a slight...okay, major, aversion to Fairies. You, not so bad, even if you are...enthusiastic. Titania, though?” She shuddered and made a ‘bleh’ sound.

“Titania is... special,” Rika nodded. “But yeah, I just thought... that you looked kinda sad sometimes. And, I wanted to show you that there can be people that can love you... you just gotta let them in sometimes.”

The dragon stopped for a moment, tilting her head in confusion. “Who are you and what have you done with Rika? Seriously, you’re serious right now, and it’s weirding me out.”

“I’m allowed to be serious sometimes,” Rika pouted. Christine laughed a little and drew close enough to ruffle the fairy between her ears.

“Okay, yeah, point. And I’ll think about what you’ve said, I promise you that much at least. But first, new fridge. To the town?”

“Yay!” Rika leapt up to embrace the dragon, only to pause in midair and float gently back down to the floor. “Sorry...”

The landshark rolled her eyes and picked Rika up before giving her a hug. “This is your only freebie, understand? From here on out, you ask first.”

Rika squeed and nodded vigorously. “I knew it, you really are warm to huggle~”

“...We do have to go out to get a fridge...and tell someone about the wall, you know. We’re not Vincent, we can’t do it all from in here.”

“Truuuue, or we run like hell and let them figure it out,” Rika suggested... and saw the look on Christine’s face. “Eh, fiiine...”

The dragon set the Sylveon down and the pair made their way to the main door of her apartment, hoping that nobody had heard the sounds of the scuffle.

When the door opened, Seth, Fritter and Bit stood there.

“So uh... who blew something up?” Seth queried.

“I did,” Rika beamed, sounding a little proud. “I destroyed a possible threat to national security.”

Seth looked to Christine, hoping for a sensible explanation. “Eh, to be fair, that thing was definitely a threat to my security, and I’m a citizen of this nation, if that decree from that world Summit thing is right, so I’m willing to give her this one,” the dragon said with a smirk. “Now, Rika?”

“Yes Chrissie?” Suddenly the Sylveon found herself playing the role of a hat.

“Onwards, to shopping!” Christine proclaimed, holding one claw high. Seth watched the two leave...

“Um... what?”

Bit ticked a few times. “It would appear that the two of them have bonded.”

“Vincent?” Seth asked out-loud. “Christine and Rika have bonded... should we be worried about this?”

Nah...they’re on a vector away from us, so we’ll be safe, was the Kadabra’s reply. Now as for the rest of Las Pegasus...I have no idea.

Seth peered inside the apartment and shuddered. “Oh, and Rika blew up a wall. Just FYI.”

Blew up or knocked down? One’s more fixable than the other.

“... Vapourised? Yeah... that sounds about right.”

Oh for the love of- CHRISTINE, RIKA! Get some two-by-fours while you’re out so I can fix the wall someone disintegrated!

“Roger-Doger Vinny~” Rika’s enthusiastic reply came.

“But first we need a fridge for me, that also vanished under some mysterious show-pony’s hat!” Christine tacked on.

...Seth, be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

Chapter Fourty-Nine - Only a Memento remains

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“So uh?” Rika questioned from her perch atop Christine’s head. “Where do we go first?”

Christine hummed and tapped one of her feet a few times. “We’ve got options. We could look in the local junkyard for one that’s only slightly damaged and have Bit repair it, or we could look for a housewares store.”

“Eh, used is a guys thing. Us girls need chic, unique and magnifique!” There was a pause for a moment, before the Sylveon spoke up again. “I wonder where the shops are?”

“You’ve got options there, too. This looks like the touristy kinda place,” the dragon grumbled. “Meaning everything’s gonna be overpriced unless you find an honest shopkeeper.”

The Fairy's slightly sadistic side leaked into her next words. “Oh, I can be very persuasive~”

“Consider who you’re sitting on,” Christine said with a grin. “I’ve got twice as many tricks as I do moves. Maybe I’ll share a few stories to get a better price myself..."

Every shopkeeper in Las Pegasus suddenly felt that honesty was the best policy today...

“Now, do you see a housewares shop from up there?”

Rika hummed as she replied, “Hmm, I see... casinos, a liquor store... Chrysie? What does ‘XXX Mares’ mean?”

“You don’t want to know,” Christine said seriously. “Or rather, I think Seth wouldn’t forgive me if I let you go there. Nothing selling anything like toasters or light bulbs?”

Christine's hat hummed as she presumably looked around again. “There’s a big department store down that way... I think. Let’s go see.”

“And which way is that way?” The dragon groused. “Not Vincent, can’t read your mind.”

“Well that’s a relief, I’m so much cuter than Vinny... and be honest, would you really want to read my mind?” She motioned down the street with a ribbon. “That way.”

“Sometimes the answer is no,” Christine replied as she turned and started to practice her best ‘I am not a terrifying dragon’ walk.

“Um, why do you have this look on your face that seems to say, ‘I’m trying my best not to eat you’?” Rika queried, as several ponies did their best to cross the street when Christine walked towards them.

“Trying to show that I’m not a terrible monster?” Christine replied. “It’s...been a while since I willingly went out in public, after all. Not wanting to ruin my...second, impression,” she finished with a note of sadness as she recalled that there was more of the day she couldn’t recall.

“Ah, yeah... that wasn’t your finest moment,” Rika admitted. “But hey, they aren’t running and screaming so, progress!”

At least until one pony who had been at the scene where Christine and Selena fought recognized her... and ran away screaming.

“Oh goddammit!” Rika muttered.

Christine’s reaction was better than it could have been, seeing as how the worst on the scale was apparently Earthquake. However, her stopping and sighing wasn’t much better. “Told you,” she muttered, the tip of her tail turning blue-ish.

“Look, ponies seem to be easily frightened,” Rika consoled her. “Don’t let it get you down. Keep your head up, cause I’ll fall if you don’t, and keep looking forward!”

“Yeah, and what of the other ‘mon?” Christine muttered, waving a claw at the Pokemon who were also crossing the street, or stopping and staring. “I’m not normal in their eyes, so apparently that gives them license to stare and whisper. And dammit, words hurt.”

Rika didn’t know what to say, but after a moment, she jumped down from Christine’s head and stalked towards the Pokemon, a sadistic smile on her face.

“Well now,” she cooed in a voice that could freeze a Magmar. “Do we have a problem here?” She picked up one of those newspaper dispensers with her ribbons and promptly crushed it like an egg, before dropping the mangled hunk of metal on the ground.

The Pokemon suddenly shook their head and bolted from the the pair like their life depended on it. Rika nodded and returned to Christine’s head. “Well, now we’re both monsters...”

“Heh...well, better together than suffering alone,” the dragon said, going back on her way to the department store.

The store was pretty big, a multi-level building with every store known to pony kind. Rika checked a map and quickly located a household good store. “Okay, we gotta go to the second level, and then down a bit.”

“At once, I’m reminded of some of the caves I’ve been in, with those sorts of directions,” the dragon mused while looking at the same map. “Seriously, unless you already know where to go, it looks like a labyrinth in here.”

“It’s a bit like that,” Rika giggled as she walked alongside the dragon. “Don’t worry though, I went to these sorts of places all the time.” Then a thought occurred to her. “Uh, did you remember to get a top up of the translation spell?”

Christine blinked a few times before swearing. “Dammit. They’re not gonna understand a thing I say, are they?”

“Nope...” Rika sighed. “Now what do we do? I dunno if the Guard here dishes out the spell like they do in Canterlot.”

“...Oh don’t tell me you forgot to get one as well,” the landshark said, eyes widening. “Without one of us to translate the other, we came here for nothing!”

“Well, with Fritter being the only pony I really talk to, there’s no reason for me to get one constantly cast!” Rika replied. “It’s no problem, we’ll just find a friendly Unicorn, and try to see if we can get them to cast the spell. Just might require a little imagination.”

“My charades skill is non-existent, just so you know. With Vincent being the only human I really ever talked with back on Earth, I never needed it.” Christine was now scanning the pony customers, looking for one with a horn that wouldn’t bolt at first sight of her. A difficult prospect, to be sure.

Vincent was showering up between sessions when he felt his ears tingle. Almost automatically, he cast a 'line' out and around, looking for the one that was talking about him.

“Vincent? Did you happen to extend your translator thingy to Christine?” Seth thought idly.

Vincent blinked a few times before facepalming. ...Y’know, I knew I was forgetting to do something...And when I do it, I like to have the ones I’m doing it to right in front of me, in case I need to make any adjustments. Sooo...we might have a slight situation there...

“Ah, I’m sure they’ll be fine... what’s the worst that could happen?”

...My time with Checkmate taught me one thing, Seth. You’ve just doomed us all.

“What the heck?” Rika muttered as the tenth Unicorn just trotted away, shaking his head. “Are these ponies that stupid? All we need is one simple spell!!”

“We shouldn’t need a translation spell to get a translation spell,” Christine agreed with a slight nod, mindful of the Sylveon on her head. “That’s like saying you need to know Dig to get at the secret cave where the TM for it is located.”

“Urge. To Moonblast. Rising,” Rika muttered. “I wish I could use magic, that would make life so much easier.”

“...I’m curious as to what might happen if I were hit with magic, now,” Christine said. “I mean, not curious enough to make the ponies angry enough to hit me with it, but I’d like to know. Maybe then I’d be able to cast a translation spell?”

“Magic type?” Rika tilted her head. “Heh, Pretty Magic Dragon, Chrissie-chan~”

“Aaaaand just as suddenly, you’ve killed my curiosity,” the dragon replied. “Seriously, is there not one non-racist Pony here?”

A petite Unicorn slowly approached the pair. “Um... excuse me? Are you lost?” she asked with a timid voice.

“Rika, this one’s you,” Christine said, picking the Sylveon off her head and putting her in front of the mare. “Seriously, if I ask, she’ll run away screaming. You are far more approachable.”

“Aw, don’t be like that.” Rika petted the dragon on the head. She looked at the mare, well, more of a filly really and nodded her head. She motioned towards her neck and yipped a few times.

“Aw, so cute!” the filly cooed. “Um, Oh? You can’t talk with me can you?”

Rika shook her head.

“Um, okay um...” the Unicorn closed her eyes and focused her magic. After a moment or two, her horn sparked and Rika’s body emitted a pale glow. “There we go,” the Unicorn smiled. “Did that work?”

“Um, I dunno?” Rika shrugged, but the mare smiled.

“It did! And that was my first time casting it too!”

“Well at least one of us can talk with the natives,” Christine said with a small smile, before returning Rika to her role as a hat. “Shall we go shopping, then, now that you can translate for me?”

The dragon felt a small tingle as the unicorn cast it on her too. “Or...that could happen. Thanks kid,” she said, looking down and giving her best non-toothy smile.

“You’re welcome Miss Dragon,” the pony smiled. “Um, your colours are really pretty too!”

“Heh...thanks again. But if you don’t mind, me and my hat need to go get a new fridge for my apartment.”

“Oh, yeah... sorry.” the mare smiled. “My name’s Twinkleshine, by the way.”

“I’m Rika, and this is my ‘totally not a scary dragon friend’ Chrissie!” Rika rubbed Christine’s head. “Do you wanna be friends with us Twinkle?”

The Unicorn blinked and nodded happily. “Yeah, I love meeting new friends!”

“Awesome, then we should hang out sometime... well, you and Christine anyway. I hafta go home soon.” The Sylveon waved goodbye to their new, suddenly made friend before turning back to Christine. “See... thats how you make friends.”

“...It’s like she was another, smaller version of you,” the dragon said. “Are they all like that when they aren’t being judgmental of Pokemon as a whole?”

“Pretty much,” Rika shrugged. “You really should have looked around Ponyville when we were there, instead of hiding on Applejack’s farm the whole time. I bet you would have made a ton of friends.”

“That I would have left behind when we came here,” the dragon countered. “That sound like a fair thing to do to either me or them?”

“It’s called mail and a train,” Rika sighed as they got to the stairs. “What about when I go home? Won’t we be friends anymore?”

“...Okay, fine, I’ll bully Vincent into writing you for me. You at least I can get along with. Flower-head, though…”

“You really don’t like Titania huh?” Rika shrugged. “Well, that’s alright, you can’t make friends with everyone after all.”

“Arceus knows you’ll probably try anyways,” the dragon said with a slight smile. “So, we there yet?”

They stopped in front of a store, one called Fridges and Furnishings.

“I’m guessing that they sell fridges here,” Rika deadpanned.

“Along with other house furnishing items,” the dragon replied. “If I had gotten through more than half my home before I was assaulted by a Fairy intent on hugging me, I might have a more comprehensive list than ‘a fridge.’”

“Eheh,” Rika giggled as she hopped down from her head. “Well... I regret nothing!”

“You might in a minute, depending on their prices,” Christine replied before stepping inside the shop.

The shop owner, a rather portly Earth Pony was quite surprised to see two of those Pokemon creatures walk into his store. Did they come in by accident?

“Hello?” he greeted none-the-less. “May I help you with something?”

“Yeah, this little gal here,” Christine said, motioning to her mobile hat with one claw, “Destroyed my fridge. Granted, it was probably a lost cause anyways, but now I need a new one.”

“Destroyed you say?” the shopkeep raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, that’ll probably do. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Finest refrigerators in all of Las Pegasus! Tell me what you need and I can supply it!”

Christine blinked slowly a few times. “Something affordable, that can hold plenty of food, and won’t break down in two weeks’ time.” She thought it was fairly obvious that was what she was looking for. “Basically a straight-up replacement for my old one, minus the decaying food that the last ponies left in it.”

“Hm yes, sorry, Fresh out of the ones with decaying food until Tuesday,” the stallion joked. “So a simple fridge... well, we have our ‘Neverwinter’ models, they range from bedside to “El Grande’ size.”

“I’d prefer it if it fit in my apartment as well. I get the feeling I’m barely going to fit in there once I Evolve again, so not much bigger than myself if you don’t mind,” the dragon further clarified.

“Okay then,” The pony led them to a row of fridges along the side wall. “We have a variety of designs and features. This one here is a basic model, but why settle for basic right?” He displayed a stunning silver model, “This one here packs an ice dispenser for those hot summer days, as well as a freezer with ‘Crystal Freeze’ technology. Stick your food you want frozen in here and it’ll outlast the apocalypse, guaranteed.”

“...Do you often get apocalypses enough to warrant that guarantee?” the dragon asked with a slight head tilt. “Rika, I don’t want to be in pony-land anymore. Can we go ask Arceus to throw me back?”

“Sorry babe, it was a one-way trip. Think of it this way, if Arceus brought all the ‘good’ with him, what do you suppose is left behind?”

“Point taken,” Christine replied with a shiver. “So back to you,” she continued by returning to looking at the stallion. “Just for future reference, Ice and Dragons do not share a loving relationship. Still, those features sound useful.”

“What did I say,” The stallion grinned like a Cheshire cat. “You have made an excellent choice today Miss. This one can be yours for the low, low price of seven thousand Bits!”

“...I’m just gonna let Rika deal with you on that one,” She said, picking the Sylveon up and placing her in front of the stallion.

“Really?” Rika asked. “Is this gonna be a thing now?” She sighed and looked at the Earth Pony. “That’s a pretty steep price mister, considering that the next model down is only twelve hundred bits.”

“This one is top of the range, you want the best, then you gotta pay for it.”

“Surely we can’t come to some sort of a deal?” Rika pouted adorably. “I bet you’ve never sold to a Pokemon before?”

“Nope, but as long as you have the Bits, then you could be Princess freaking Celestia for all I care.”

Rika frowned, thinking about something or other. It was written all across her face. Eventually, she seemed to get another idea.

“What about in bulk?”

The stallion tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

“Well, my friend here lives in an apartment building that needs serious renovations in the way of white goods. Fridges, ovens, etcetera. Perhaps we could make you our... exclusive client?”

The stallion crunched some numbers in his head. If he could get exclusive rights, he might be able to afford that expansion he’d been dreaming of. Not to mention the first white goods seller in the city to deal with Pokemon.

“Well, that’s certainly something to consider. Who’s the owner of this here apartment?”

“Vincent Nurem,” Rika stated and the stallion paled. The one that took down PegasusAir? The one that freed him from those rotten extortionists?

“Deal. You two ladies definitely got yourselves a deal!”

“Now what does that do for my current situation?” the dragon spoke up. “Stillll fridgeless here.”

“Oh, right. Well, after taking certain considerations into account, along with the current inflation of Equestria currency... two thousand bits for this one. Deal?”

“Depends. Rika, think it’s a fair price? It’s your bits, after all.”

“My Bits? Oh right, I blew the other one up...” She took out her purse and pulled out a slip of paper. “That should be fine. You can charge it to this account.”

The stallion took the slip and read it over. “A Canterlot account? You ladies important or something?”

“Something like that,” Rika grinned. “That has the Royal stamp of authenticity, but you can check it if you want.”

“It looks legit, I’ll file the paperwork and send it through later. You ladies have an address I can send this here fridge to?”

Rika wrote down the address of the apartment and the stallion nodded. “Alrighty, once the paperwork is complete and the account verified, I’ll have the fridge delivered, no extra charge.”

“Thanks Mister,” Rika giggled.

“Outta curiosity,” the dragon prodded, “Why’d you react so strongly to Vincent’s name?”

“Oh, that.” the stallion sighed as he placed the papers on the counter. “There was a mob called PegasusAir, bunch crooks that the cops couldn’t touch. They extorted money from a lot of smaller establishments, like my own, for the simple reason of ‘you pay us to do business in our city’.” He rubbed a foreleg and frowned. “But then that Vincent fellow came along and wiped them out... so yeah, a lot of us little guys owe him quite a bit.”

“Vincent?” Christine laughed. “I know the kid, we were basically captives together. Yeah, he did what he could for us, but he’s no fighter, even if he’s a ‘mon now. You must have your wires crossed or something.”

Rika shook her head, “Uh, you don’t know huh? Vincent is like, crazy powerful.”

He’s also listening.

“GAH!” Christine jerked her head back in reflex before recognizing the voice. “For the love of-!”

“Stop doing that!” Rika yelled back.

Just testing my new technique out! This time there was only a little smoke, so I’m narrowing it down quite a bit! I’ll leave you be now if it disturbs you so much.

The sound of a phone hanging up punctuated the end of his statement, and Christine half-lidded her eyes in irritation. “Okay, crazy powerful, check. But still, I know the kid. He’s not the sort to go charging into battle. More the sort to defend others by throwing himself in the way.”

“He took on Mewtwo,” Rika stated. “So yeah, he’s either powerful or really, really crazy.”

“What the hell did Mewtwo do to make him think challenging a Legendary was good idea?!” Christine shook her head and then put Rika back on top of it. “C’mon, we can walk while we talk. My thanks for the fridge,” she said to the stallion before they left.

“So yeah,” Rika continued her story. “apparently Mewtwo hurt someone close to Vincent, so Vincent decided that a little payback was in order... apparently Vincent won.”

“...So apparently, give a kid some power and something to fight for, and that’s what he does,” Christine said. “Seriously, what and how? That’s...not the Vincent I knew.”

“I have no idea, I only know this Vincent, the one that fights for those he cares about with everything he’s got. But... he can be a little scary sometimes.”

“As his little peek proved,” the dragon said, glancing upwards. “Let’s just be glad he’s on our side.”

“Eeyup,” Rika giggled. “So shall we go home? Or would you like to hang out more?”

“I’d like to actually see the city, actually,” the dragon mused. “Well, see it and remember it this time. You up for a little exploration?”

“Sure,” Rika giggled. “Where to first, oh fearless leader?”

“Wherever looks fun!” the dragon replied eagerly. “Though...hopefully not anywhere I’ve ‘already been,’” she clarified.

“Yeeahhh, let’s avoid that particular street,” Rika agreed. There was a pause before she spoke up again. “Hey there’s one of those ‘XXX’ stores again, but for stallions this time.”

“And once again, Seth wouldn’t forgive me if you walked into any store like that,” the landshark said dryly. “I may be immune to Electric, but that doesn’t mean he won’t try.”

“Fine, I don’t get them anyway,” Rika said. “Hmm, I wonder if this place has...” then she spied something that caused her to scream. “ICE CREAM!”

“...Just so you know, if this ends up hurting me, I blame you in advance,” the dragon said, maneuvering around in search of the shop. “Which way?”

“Silly Chrissie, you can eat ice-cream. I’ve seen Tyra, Diantha’s Tyrantrum devour several gallons of it.” The fairy placed her ribbons on the dragon’s head and turned it. “Thattaway!”

“Oh. How did I not see that before?” She advanced on the shop while still grousing a bit. “I mean it has ice in the name, if that’s not a warning sign I don’t know what is…”

“It’s just frozen yogurt or milk really. I dunno, its just delicious and you need to try it.” She petted the dragons head again. “You’re weak to me, and yet wear me like a cute accessory.”

“Because you fit up there, and with you up there the ponies don’t seem as inclined to run away screaming. Works for both of us.” They’d reached the shop and Christine eyed the door warily. “I’m...not sure about this…”

“It’ll be fine,” Rika assured her. “C’mon, you’ve been a brave girl up until now. You gonna let a little frozen milk beat you?”

“Only ‘cause you lot hammered it into my head that burning things that annoyed me was a bad idea. If only because someone has to pay for the property damage.” The landshark sighed. “Fine, fine. I’ll give it a shot.”

With that, she clumsily used her claws to open the front door and ducked a little to make sure the both of them got in okay.

A mare working behind the counter blinked as the duo entered, but wasn't entirely worried. This wasn’t the first time a Pokemon had entered her establishment, in fact.

“Vanillish!” the ice-type Pokemon chirped happily as it floated behind her. She’d found this one sleeping in the freezer and first thought that some joker Unicorn had animated one of her desserts. Now he helped keep stock and made for a cute mascot as well. Christine tensed a little bit at the sight of the Ice-type, but kept herself under control. Not a combat situation, not a combat situation...

“Ah, sorry, Chrissie has a slight aversion to your floating mascot there,” Rika said as the mare nodded. Vanillish smiled regardless and floated out back to the freezer, he was getting a bit warm anyway.

“So what can I get for you folks?” the mare asked.

“To alleviate a small problem, can you tell us how ice-cream is made?” Rika asked. The mare blinked, but she got this question a lot from foals.

“Well, In its most basic form, ice cream is a mixture of cream and/or milk, sugar and sometimes eggs that is frozen while being churned to create a frozen product. In commercial ice-cream making, stabilizers, such as plant gums, are usually added and the mixture is pasteurized and homogenized.” She smiled after the brief explanation. “Does that help?”

“...So it’s just cold. Not actual ice at all?” Christine asked with more than a hint of disbelief.

“That’s right,” the mare smiled. “There might be miniscule amounts of frozen condensation, but my ice-cream is one hundred percent natural creamy goodness. If you want a frozen drink, I have a slushie machine here as well.”

“Eh, it’s just, this little pink hat of mine was trying to convince me to try some, and you’ve essentially confirmed that I will likely survive the experience. Ice and Dragons from our world...don’t exactly mix.” the Gabite said. “So what would either of you recommend?”

“How about a simple vanilla one?” the mare suggested. “And a strawberry for you little friend there?”

“How did she know my favourite flavour?” Rika gasped. “Is she Psychic?”

“You are pink,” Christine deadpanned. “Plus with the way you act around sugar, I find it hard to believe that every flavor isn’t your favorite one.”

“Trueeee,” Rika glanced at the cabinet. “Ooh, you have apple flavour!”

The mare glanced at the drooling Sylveon. “Uh, is your friend alright?”

“She’s seeing a member of the Apple family,” the Gabite replied. “I’m...not sure how you should react to that.”

The mare decided wisely that she would not pursue that line of questioning any further. “W-well then. I’ll prepare your order, one moment.” She levitated a scoop over as well as two cones. She scooped up the sweet treats and in a moment, had them ready. “That’ll be five Bits,” she said.

Rika snapped out of her daydream and produced the coins. “Thankies~” she chirped happily as she took her dessert.

Christine awkwardly grabbed hers and tilted her head, examining it from all sides. “Oh-kay…how does one eat this?”

“Well, you can lick it, suck on it or just chomp it down, pretty much however you like.” Rika pressed the treat against her lips, moaning happily as she swallowed some of it, a small amount running down her chin…

“Huh.” Christine brought the odd thing close to her mouth and gave it a clumsy lick, the temperature transferring quickly enough. The taste and sensations…

“Creamy, smooth...bit bland, but not bad,” she commented out loud. “Then again, I assume that the other flavors besides Vanilla offer more in the taste department.”

“Yup,” Rika nodded. “You should try chocolate next, I really recommend that one.”

“Eh...one more, otherwise dinner will be ruined,” the dragon said, eying the cone she was holding again. “Say, this cone thing looks edible too. Is it?”

Rika answered that by crunching down on hers. “I love ice-cream, even the container is edible and delicious!”

The dragon merely shrugged before tossing her treat, cone and all, into her mouth and chomping on it. “Okay, point to you, I probably shoulda tried sweets sooner than this.”

“And you have yet to eat Fritters pie,” Rika pouted. “Ah well, maybe when you visit next, or when we do... whichever come first.”

“...Sometimes I wonder about the things you say,” The Gabite said while giving the opposite wall the thousand-yard stare.

“What?” Rika smirked. “All I said what that you have to try Fritter’s Apple pie... what did you think I meant?”

“Considering the things Sam taught me?” Christine shuddered. “You...don’t want to know.”

“Hmmm, no, I’m curious,” Rika giggled, leaning in close. “What did that pervy bug teach my little Chrissie?”

“What he got taught by the old man who adopted him, probably in an effort to get me to leave him be,” Christine commented, looking at the chocolate tub of ice cream. “And more than that, I’m not sayin’. I like my hide on my bones, thank you.”

“Fine,” Rika pouted. “So, speaking of... what will you do when you meet Sam again?”

“Thank him for caring...and apologize,” Christine said sadly. “I...still remember. I’ve been a terrible Pokemon, haven’t I?”

“Not terrible,” Rika said, hugging her friend. “Just... confused, I suppose. In a life like that, you would want to cling to anything good. Don’t blame yourself okay. I’m sure Sam doesn’t.” She grit her teeth and scowled a bit.

“Yeah, but I clung a bit too hard, didn’t I? I wouldn’t blame him if he did.” Were anyone looking, they would have seen the entirety of Christine’s tail turn dark blue.

“Well, sometimes I wonder if I’m too clingy of Sethy,” Rika said quietly. “But, we are who we are I suppose. Seth loves me because I’m me. And I think Sam is the same...”

“I...don’t think he likes me like Seth likes you or Fritter,” Christine said. “At best, he might see me like a younger sister. At worst...I don’t want to imagine. Do you know that I was the one who always wanted to see him?”

“I had a feeling,” Rika replied. “But hey, you’re a different ‘mon now, and someone as cute as you? How could he resist?”

“Simple, I’m going to apologize, and if he still says no, I’m going to accept that answer. But...it won’t be easy.” Christine looked up then and weakly smiled at the mare behind the counter. “So how about that chocolate? I could do with a pick-me-up.”

“One ‘Heart-Broken’ coming right up,” the mare smiled warmly, filling a double scoop with rich chocolate and red velvet ice cream. “This one’s on the house ‘kay?”

“That’s mighty nice of you,” the Gabite commented as she gave the ice cream a lick, her eyes visibly widening at the taste. “Okay, maybe you were really on to something with your love of sweets,” she commented to Rika.

“And thus the chosen one is awakened to the greatness of sugar,” Rika giggled. “See what happens when you take my advice?”

“Yeah…” Christine commented, still stunned by the sensation. “Do...all sweet things taste this way?”

“No, that’s the best part!’ Rika sighed. “Some Sweets are just an explosion of sugar, while some can have a nice tart or even sour flavour that can compliment them them quite well.” Her eyes widened as she had another idea. “You have Berries at home. I should teach you how to make Poke-puffs!”

“...This sounds like a good idea,” the landshark replied. “Okay, back home then?”

“Yeah,” and we’ll get Fritter to help as well,” Rika said as she hopped back on her new perch. “Hmm, maybe we could get Selly and Jeanne, make it a girls night in!”

“That’s assuming little miss dark and broody wants to help,” the dragon snarked as she nodded at the mare. “Thank you for the service,” she commented before leaving, once more taking care with her new hat.

“Please come again,” the mare called out as they left...

“So yeah, we’re both pretty fast,” Sam commented as he dodged yet another of Lala’s welcoming blows, “But I promise you, I know how to take my time with a beautiful lady like yourself.”

“And yet you so quickly assumed I wanted anything to do with you,” Lala replied as she sat back down, a small smirk playing around her lips. Yes, he’d dodged the frontal blows, but the one on his back should start stinging any moment now…


“And there we go,” Lala said as she pulled open her book again. “Balance has been restored.”

“Oh geeze, that smarts! Attacking me from behind? How does that restore any balance?” Sam reached around with his claws, trying to feel the size and shape of the wound.

“You have been flirting with me non-stop, and dodging my attempts to reprimand you. Finally you are punished for it again.”

Sam’s gaze switched back to the Leavanny as he smirked. “Well then, I’m just gonna have to work extra-hard for you, really build up my speed.”

“Focusing on speed alone will only hamper you,” Lala said, turning the page. “You must also have the stamina to keep going, otherwise I will simply outlast you.”

“Oh I have plenty of stamina,” Sam said in a tone that couldn’t be mistaken for anything but a poor attempt at seduction. “You’d just have to let me show it to you.”

“Show her what Sammy?” a quiet voice inquired from behind him.

Sam turned to see something that he would ordinarily classify as adorable in other circumstances...or with other participants. Rika was being worn as a hat by a familiar Gabite. Christine. And she wasn’t looking too happy at the moment...

“So you were saying?” Rika continued the questioning. “I’d love to hear it, as would Chrissie here.”

“I...ah...that is to say…” He knew better than to say one word. Lala, on the other hand…

“He has been attempting to either woo or bed me for some time now,” she said bluntly while reading her book. “Futile, I might add, but he keeps coming back to try.”

“Well, isn’t that nice,” Rika said. “How about you Christine, how do you feel about that particular turn of events.”

She stood still for a moment or two, before reaching up and removing her hat. “Can you two...give us a minute or two?” The Gabite asked softly.

“Um sure,” Rika replied.

“I can be absent for a time,” Lala said, getting up and heading to her room on the ground floor. “Oh, and while he is someone I abuse on a regular basis, I would prefer it if Sam remained alive. As would Vincent, I’m sure.”

Rika gave her friend one final look and went upstairs. Christine looked at Sam and softly smiled. “So. Scizor now, huh?”

Sam blinked a few times before nodding and flexing his claws. “Yeah, pretty nice. I mean, there have been a few stumbling blocks, like tripping over my own feet, plus, now I can’t ever fly again, I don’t think. But on the whole, I like it.”

“That’s...good,” Christine said. “Listen, Vincent and Luke showed me, quite forcibly, that what I was doing...was wrong. Obsessing, that is.”

Sam blinked again and narrowed his eyes. “And?”

“And I want to say sorry. It...can’t have been easy, putting up with me.”

Okay, this was new. She appeared to be genuinely sorry for what she’d done. “Really? Just like that?”

“Just like that. I realize you probably don’t like me like that...especially if what your crush there just said is true, but I would like for us to be friends still.”

Sam was glad for his red armor when the Gabite referred to Lala as his crush. “Ah, heh…” He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head with one claw. “Friends...like Bit and the family?”

“Bit’s here too?” Christine questioned. “Good thing. Some of the other survivors really hated him. Thought he was just acting insane.”

“Ah...and you?”

“Vincent told me,” Christine deadpanned. “I don’t blame him for a damn thing. So...friends?”

The Scizor considered her outstretched claw for a moment. She seemed to have made peace with her past, and wasn’t promising to return to her ways in the slightest. He gently grasped it with his own and smiled. “Friends. I must say, you’re taking this all very well.”

“Oh make no mistake, I’m probably going to order an entire tub of Ice-cream and binge-eat on the sweetness for a little bit while crying about what the hell I forced you through, or my own unreturned feelings, or the like,” Christine said with a faint smile of her own. “But I am glad we’re friends, Sam.”

The two of them felt a pair of eyes on their bodies and turned to look at the stairwell up. Sitting there was Rika, her ribbons twitching wildly. Christine backed up a step towards the front door, never taking her eyes off the Fairy.




They tried, and their valiant efforts would be recorded for future generations on how to avoid a snuggefairy, but as for right now? The dragon and bug found themselves ensnared in pink ribbons as she dragged them together for a group hug~

“This happen often?” Sam groused. “I mean, you were with her for a while before this, right?”

“Nah, not once while I was there. Dunno why,” Christine replied with an equally annoyed tone.

“Just accept the hugs,” Rika said with a sage-like tone. “Only then can your spirit be truly free~”

“...As long as you promise to let us go,” Sam said, settling back into the hug.

“Eventually,” Rika agreed, but released them shortly after. “So Chrissie? Ice-cream?”

“Ice-cream,” she agreed. “But, um...didn’t get any extra while we were there, and don’t have a fridge myself, so….”

“We’ll order and camp out in our room. After we kick the boys out of course.”

“I should have a problem with this plan, but I don’t,” Christine said, placing Rika back on her head. “Which way, my new hat?”

“Room 203,” Rika replied. “Right below yours now that I think about it.” She smiled at the Gabite and rubbed her head. “I guess you like being on top huh?”

Sam was grateful for his armor again while Christine just blinked and stared for a moment. “Like I said,” she replied, “Sometimes I wonder about you.”

“Don’t wonder, just accept it,” Rika giggled. “Now, let’s go interrupt Sethy’s snuggle time with Fritter. They’ve been cosy together long enough!”

“Fine,” the Gabite muttered with a roll of her eyes as she ascended the stairs. Sam blinked and ran a claw over his chest while he considered the situation. Still alive, still breathing, and he’d had a good talk with the crazy dragoness.

All in all, it could be worse.

Bit answered the door when the knocking came, looking at both the Luxray and the Charizard on the other side. He'd only come up for his regular report, so this time it was bad timing. “Ah, greetings, Seth and Ignis. Might I inquire as to your purpose in coming here?”

“Rika and the girls kicked us out,” Seth replied. “We’re here to extend that invite to Mage and Jeanne, then spend the night doing whatever... probably bug Vincent and Luke.”

“...Have you forgotten about Lucy already?” Bit replied. “I can assure you, unless she is forcibly knocked out, that is unlikely to happen.”

“Vincent knows Hypnosis right?” Seth replied with a smile. “So s’all good little Bit.”

“Ah. I was not aware...yes, that could work. If I am not required, then I leave door duty to the ones here, then, while I go below to work.” Bit seemed almost eager to leave, now that Seth had given him his gifts.

“Excited to start working then?” Seth chuckled.

“Affirmative,” Bit replied, floating out the door, pausing as he hit the stairs. “And thank you, again.”

“I’m glad to have helped Bit, now... let’s see what Vinny’s up to~” the Luxray mused as he walked inside.

That familiar smell was present almost instantly, once again, even through the closed door. Vincent was sitting on the couch, surprisingly not smelling anything like the activities he’d had to have just engaged in, reading the paper and sipping his coffee.

Seth tilted his head as he and Ignis walked in. “That’s some deodorant you’ve got Vincent, if you’re able to mask your scent like that.”

“Yes, well, a certain Luxray told me that I smelled, so I went out and got some better soaps and actually took a shower this time. Plus this round was all hands-off for me, as I had a hunch you and yours might actually want to see me again.” Vincent folded the paper and set it to one side, a slightly amused smile on his face.

“Oh har har,” Seth chuckled. “But yeah, Rika and Christine kicked us out. Oh,” he looked around, but didn’t see the Mismagius. “Have you seen Mage, she’s got an invite to the girls night, along with Jeanne, Jessie and Lala.”

At those words, a certain Grass-type walked in from the kitchen, along with Mage drifting through one of the walls. “What’s that, dear?” Jeanne asked.

“Apparently,” Seth answered. “Rika, Christine and I presume Selena and Fritter are having some sort of Girls Night in our room, you ladies have all received an invitation as well.”

“My, that sounds wonderful,” the elderly Bellossom said, smiling softly. “What about you, Mage?”

“I...Hmm...well, Vincent, promise to look out for Luke?” The Ghost looked over to the Kadabra sitting on the couch.

“Of course,” Vincent replied. “Like you even needed to ask.”

“Then alright then! Let’s go see how quickly they catch on to some of my tricks.”

The Mismagius picked up the Bellossom and the two left the room with no small amount of haste to join the girl’s night one floor below.

“And thus the boys are left to their own devices,” Seth mused. “Oh, did Bit show you what I gave him earlier?”

“He wouldn’t stop talking about it,” Vincent said. “Seriously, thanks. That hard drive will be so useful for a Porygon like him.” The Kadabra got up and stretched slightly, working out a few kinks. “So, what did you have planned?”

“...I knew I was forgetting something,” Seth replied as Ignis facepalmed. “What, normally I’d say to veg out in front of the TV... but we don’t have that.” Seth sighed as he looked at Vincent. “You got any?”

“I’ve been sort of busy,” Vincent said, only tilting his head at the closed door. “Couldn’t exactly form a plan longer than a few hours at most, and that was to keep her sated enough that I didn’t feel bad.”

“You look a bit rough,” Ignis chuckled. “Well, how about we find Luke and James and come up with a plan.”

I am...here, Mister Crescent, the familiar Gallade said as he walked out of the master bedroom. I do hope you come up with a plan...in the time it takes for us to walk one floor, he finished with a slight smile.

“I shall try my best Luke,” Seth smiled. “And please, just call me Seth. We’re all friends here.”

Before we go, though...Vincent? The Gallade looked over to the Kadabra, and Vincent looked puzzled for a moment, before nodding and pulling a spoon out of thin air.

“Ah, right. If leaving the apartment for any extended length of time…” His arm and spoon glowed blue as he focused a technique through them.

...knock Lucy out so she doesn’t end up missing you, Luke finished. A soft ‘thump’ came from the room that was a no-go for most of the males there.

“Done,” Vincent said. “Onwards to James and adventure, then?”


“Shenanigans it is then,” Ignis roared. “It’s just us guys now...”

“Ignis,” Seth warned. “Don’t.”

“What could possibly go wrong?” Ignis smirked and Seth sighed before responding to what his partner had just done.

“Did you learn nothing from when we were all together last time? Or when Checkmate decided to involve themselves with us?”

“Of course I did,” Ignis smiled. “But something interesting always happens...”

“There’s such a thing as tempting fate and doing too much of it,” Vincent idly commented as the loose party of ‘mon ascended a floor. “Seriously, we seem to be trouble magnets individually. Putting us together is asking for it, and saying the magic words? Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t have any plans tonight…”

“Well,” Seth sighed as he looked out a window at the shining city. “It was a nice city...”

“Gah, you lot are such pesimists, you make Luke look cheery,” Ignis offered a look to the Gallade. “Uh, no offense?”

I am quite aware of my own...gloomy attitude, Ignis. Luke said with a slight quirk of his mouth that could almost resemble a smile. However, spending time here...amongst my newfound family...has done much to mend that which was broken. So...none taken.

“Ah, well, glad to hear it!” Ignis beamed.

At that particular moment, Mage floated past, dragging a protesting Jessie behind her, who was attempting to hang on to the floor and scratching it something fierce. Said Pyroar was shooting a glare that all but said ‘speak on this and I will maim you’ to the boys.

“Who was that?” Seth asked as he watched the struggling cat float away. “She looked kinda pissed.”

“Jessie,” Vincent answered. “Bit’s assistant. And I’m guessing she didn’t want to go, but that Mage wasn’t taking no for an answer.”

To be fair...it will take them time to readjust to...this new life you have given them, son.

“New life?” Seth asked. “Does she have a past?”

“Yeah, but unless it comes up, I’m not poking ‘em about it.” The party had arrived at the apartment Mage had just departed from, a Roserade in the doorway thereof. He looked rather...befuddled.

“Vincent, why did that Mismagius carry Jessie off?” he asked.

“Girls night in my apartment, us boys have to entertain ourselves,” Seth replied and introduced himself. “Seth Crescent by the way, you?”

“Ah, the name is James,” the Grass-type said, taking a small bow while running the name through his head. It sounded familiar...very familiar...

“Jessie, James... where do I know those names?” Seth said idly as he closed his eyes to think.

Vincent merely shrugged, while Luke raised a hand and ‘whispered’ two names. Meowth. Wobbuffet.

“Yeah, they usually stay up here with those two as well,” Vincent tacked on in response to his ‘father’s’ words.

The clues being so blatantly dropped caused the Roserade to sweat just a bit more. He’d recalled where he knew Seth’s name from, and if half of it was true...

“...I remember now,” Seth sparked, arcs of lightning coursed across his body as he turned to the Roserade, his eyes glowing a golden yellow. “I remember when you lot tried to steal my Rika from me...”

“Seth, because I care about my home standing and you, I’m going to give you a chance to tell me what the hell is going on before I act,” Vincent said, a spoon being pulled out of nowhere as his form briefly surged with blue light.

Seth ignored the words as he stalked closer to James, “Fortunately, you failed to take into account my Sylveons power, and she escaped.” He was standing over him now, his powerful gaze never leaving the Grass-types. It was deathly silent for a moment, save for the crackles of electricity and the humming from Vincent’s growing power.

“However,” Seth suddenly stepped back, his electricity vanishing. “I am not a foolish individual who would go seeking revenge for something that happened a long time ago. Also, the fact that you are here in Equestria and living with Vincent, tells me that you aren’t truly a villainous person.”

Luke had positioned himself between Ignis and Vincent, on the off chance the Charizard would react to his son’s mannerisms towards the Luxray. Vincent was confused, but powered himself down and sent the spoon back to wherever he kept pulling it from.

James sighed a deep sigh of relief. “Yes, well, thank you for that...it has been a while, a long while coming, but seeing as how we’re here, we decided to formally break all ties with our former boss, and take up new jobs here. I’m the gardener now, and no longer a member of…” James’ eyes darted over to the Kadabra, “them,” he finished, not wanting to take the chance his benefactor knew of Team Rocket.

Seth blinked before replying. “You’re playing a dangerous game Mr. James, but you seem to be telling the truth. That must have taken a great deal of courage, to go against something like that. I suppose I can relate in a way, so you have my respect at the very least.”

“Meowth didn’t help,” he muttered. “I was the first one to want to truly make something here, and it took Jessie siding with me to get him to realize that there was a chance here. Even then, it might have gone south had Misses Jeanne not showed up.”

“...Okay, I’m lost and still being polite here,” Vincent commented. “And both sensations are starting to annoy me.”

Seth nodded and turned to Vincent. “Do you promise not to get angry?”

“...I...can’t promise that. But I can promise I won’t act on my anger.” Vincent said with a soft sigh. “I’ve been told by father over there that I seem to be a wee bit too emotional from time to time, so I can’t promise I won’t get angry. The heart is a fickle thing. But I won’t act on my anger.”

A wise promise indeed, son. And if your actions a few days ago aren’t you being emotional, then I don’t know what qualifies. The Gallade smirked just a little as he commented on Vincent’s promise.

“Well, I suppose that’s as good as I’ll get,” Seth looked at James, who may of been thinking if he could get to the train station before Vincent. “Do you trust me to resolve this?” he whispered to him.

“I trust you’ll try,” James said. “I’ve seen more than enough schemes go haywire to trust that everything will work out perfectly, so I do hope you have an evacuation plan if you fail.”

“Hmm, Discharge and pray we can outrun a teleporter?” Seth chuckled. He turned back to Vincent with a serious expression. “Jessie, James and their friends were once part of a criminal organization that used Pokemon as a means to make monetary profit and I suppose take over the world, a goal that never seemed plausible to me.” Seth let that sink in for a moment before continuing. “But, if what I am to understand is correct, then these three have made a significant change to break away from that life and make a better one, well, a more legal and morally correct one at least.”

Vincent seemed to go calm. Almost too calm as he turned the information over in his head. “And...if what I’ve managed to pull from Bit’s maze of a mind is correct, there were significantly more than a few organizations on Earth...which one did they belong to?”

“Team Rocket,” Seth replied. “While they were one of the longer lasting organizations, they were also one of the least.... drastic,” Seth added. “They were in it for the profit, rather than Plasma’s lofty goal or Team Galactic... I have no idea what those idiots were thinking.”

Vincent breathed deeply a few times as he tried to reign himself in. “Rocket were also responsible for the Mewtwo incident, essentially creating a Legendary,” the Kadabra pointed out, before scoffing. “One which really doesn’t deserve his title.”

Son… Luke nearly put a hand on Vincent’s shoulder, before the younger psychic shot a glare that could melt steel at his elder. After a moment, it softened.

“No. Until he atones, he is no Legend of mine.”

“Actually,” James pointed out, “It was only Giovanni who was responsible for that. Well…” the Roserade looked away and gulped thickly before saying the next bit, “The only one who survived the incident, anyways.”

Ignis huffed as he tapped his foot. “You know, I understand that we may be having a moment here,” he said, waving a claw. “But how much longer to we intend to stand in a cramped hallway, chatting like females about our feelings?”

“Your eloquent words never fail to strike a chord in my heart Ignis,” Seth replied dryly.

“Where would you suggest, oh living blowtorch, for us to go?” Vincent fired off no small amount of snark in his reply.

“Cute,” Ignis replied. “This, coming from a Lucario’s sextoy?” he pondered for a moment, “Well... I have no idea.”

Technically, with the amount of bindings on her- Luke started.

“Dad, shush. They don’t need to know how we keep her occupied,” Vincent cut the Gallade off before turning back to the Charizard. “Preferences, then?” One arm lit up blue as the boy prepared himself for another Ping.

“Somewhere fun,” Ignis said. “And a place we can leave the emotional baggage at the door for a few hours.”

“That doesn’t exactly narrow down the ‘where’,” the Kadabra said. “Las Pegasus is home to more bars, nightclubs, and casinos than anywhere else, but I get the feeling that they may not hold as much interest to a ‘mon so fond of battle like yourself.”

“Liquor doesn’t do it for me, internal body heat burns off the alcohol, so I can't get drunk.” Ignis offered a look to Seth, “And I’d hate to see what he’d be like... well, more like two parts worried, one part curious as to how hilarious it would be.”

“So bars are out. Clubs, maybe if they’re entertaining without alcohol needing to be involved. What about Casinos?” Vincent idly started composing his Ping, narrowing down the search terms one-by-one.

“Clubs? Naw, I won’t dance unless it’s with Selly, and strip clubs are no good since pony plot just doesn't do it for me.” Ignis scratched at his chin, “Why am I the one deciding anyway?”

“Because you were the most vocal about going somewhere,” Seth replied.

“You also seem to be the most picky,” James offered.

“I’m just glad to get out of the house for a few hours at a time,” Vincent said with a nod.

And I will accompany my son...if only so the city is still standing when all is said and done.

“Oh har de har har, dad. You know I wouldn’t level the city. All my stuff is here.” Vincent rolled his eyes as he replied to the Gallade’s surprisingly sarcastic comment.

“I could level it?” Ignis offered. “My stuff isn’t here and I already leveled an airship dock, a large section of forest and reduced a large section of desert to glass when I fought Arceus.”

The other ‘mon just stared at Ignis before Vincent spoke up again. “Don’t think it’s me you’re gonna need to protect the city from.”

Agreed, Luke said with a sigh.

“Does he have an off switch for that fight-happy attitude of his?” James questioned Seth. “Ever?”

“Selena,” Seth simply replied. “Without her, restraint isn’t in his vocabulary.”

“You used to be the same,” Ignis pouted. “Man, you’ve mellowed out...”

“The solution appears simple, then,” Vincent said with a smirk. “Either behave, or we tell Selena on you.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Ignis growled.

“And thus the girl-talk has degraded into child-like banter,” Seth sighed. “So to avoid someone literally ‘spitting the dummy’ can we just all agree to do something!”

I’m up for anything,” Vincent said. “I just need something to look for.”

“You’re always ‘up’ at this point,” Ignis chuckled. “And usually you find it between her legs.”

“...Man was not made to satisfy a female five times in quick succession in one session,” Vincent replied, his eyes half-lidded. “Anything short of another Lucario probably wasn’t.”

As if to answer his question, Seth’s Pokedex pinged. “The average, single mating session of Lucario can last between 7 and 14 hours. And may engage several times a day. While heat for a Lucario female will occur for about one week. The only other Pokemon with mating times that outlast this is Luxray and Pyroar. The females are polyestrous and mating sessions can last several days, with the couple mating between 20 and 40 times a day. The couple will often go without food or water for the entire time.”

Seth just blinked. “..... I’ll be honest here. I have no idea how I’m supposed to respond to that.”

Everyone else appeared to be equally broken for a moment, before Vincent eyed the pack holding the Pokedex. “Okay, correct me if I’m wrong, but that was your Pokedex, right?”

“I seriously regret installing that voice-activation app now,” Seth sighed. “And yes, that is my soon to be destroyed Pokedex.”

“Are you sure it’s reacting properly to the magic of this world?” Vincent arched an eyebrow as he continued his sentiment. “I don’t recall you asking any sort of question...either time you pulled it out, yet it knew what you wanted. Sure it’s not becoming self-aware instead of it being one app?”

“Maybe Bit should look into it, or the app has several key words that activate it.” Seth looked at the device and shook his head. “It was a beta version, so maybe it has a few bugs?”

James coughed then, regaining their attention, before looking at Ignis pointedly. “Have you picked out a theme for where you want to go or do, or will we stand around and talk about random things all night?”

“If random leads to more of that,” Ignis laughed while pointing at the offending device. “Then I’m up for random. Other than that...” Ignis pondered for a second. “We could go get some dinner? I’m getting kinda hungry.”

“Food’s easy enough to search for, especially the sort we all enjoy,” Vincent smiled as he raised a glowing blue arm. “Mary might not take it well, us going to somewhere other than her place, but variety is the spice of life, no? PING!

Saying the last word verbally and mentally, a wave of blue erupted from his form and quickly vanished from view in the close confines. Luke frowned for a moment as the boy performed his vast mental skimming, before replacing it with his standard neutral expression.

“You alright there Luke?” Seth asked, catching the facial expression. The Gallade looked over and whispered to the Luxray while Vincent performed his skim.

He does not quite...understand how to prevent this technique...from being traced back to him. Which will only invite disaster down the road...unless I teach him.

“Ah,” Seth nodded. “Diantha’s Gardevoir used it to find him in Canterlot. She was a little pissed at first and I think Vincent narrowly avoided having his brain lobotomised... but still, we all became friends because of it.”

Thrice, then. Once for Checkmate finding him, once for Gene and Belle, and once for you. A case is made...he must be taught how to best hide his presence and techniques from those that would do him harm. Luke’s expression hardened a touch by the end of his statement.

“Then I pity the fool that tries that,” Seth replied. “Vincent is not an opponent I’d battle lightly, especially now that you and Mage have joined his ranks.”

This is a temporary situation, Luke said sadly. I wish, oh how I wish, I could remain...and I will visit, frequently, but Abby may require my help in the future, so when I am...recuperated, from Canterlot, I shall go to Ponyville and await her there.

“Yeah, I bet her cubs will keep her plenty busy soon,” Seth replied. The wave of blue bounced back into view and impacted Vincent, who shook his head a few times to keep it clear of excess clutter as he took in the information.

“Always interesting, seeing what this brings up,” he muttered. “Okay, we’ve got options, even when I discount a few of them out of hand. Option 1, 2, or 3, Ignis? All of them serve meat dishes and have a pleasing enough atmosphere that the rest of us will join you.”

“Hmm, so pick a door huh?” Ignis pondered his choices. “I’m feeling lucky tonight, I pick number two!”

“Party of five to the first floor, then I’ll lead us to our destination,” Vincent said with a soft smile. “I am so not teleporting this many ‘mon of such girth across the city.”

“I think he just burned you two,” James chuckled.

“Vincent, do not tease the Pokemon that could make you resemble what we are about to go eat,” Ignis warned.

“Hey, teleporting Edge across Manehatten ended up with us upside down. And that was one mon of your size,” Vincent said, giving Ignis a quick glance. “It’s only because of her quick thinking and the fact that we were over a beach that I’m here, I’m sure. Five ‘mon, across a city? We’d be lucky to arrive level with the ground, much less right side up. I’m sure I’ll figure out multi-mon teleportation soon. Just not while I’m...occupied.” With his small explanation finished, Vincent started on down the stairs.

Chapter Fifty - Now boys, Play Nice

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“A thought occurs,” Seth said as they walked. “You used Hypnosis on Lucy, yes?”

“A rather powerful one at that, yes,” Vincent said. “Why?”

“It’s just, isn’t Steel resistant to Psychic?”

“She’s half Fighting too,” Ignis replied. “I wouldn’t worry about it wearing off early.”

Lucarios are affected normally by Psychic-type moves, Seth, Luke replied to his worries. Plus, the amount of straps on her are enough to restrain a teenaged drake, if need be.

“So I noticed,” Seth replied idly. “Well, so what’s this place we’re headed to Vince?”

“It’s in the Gryphon ‘section’ of the city,” Vincent said as they hit the second floor, where the sounds of merriment from behind the door to 203 were present. “So naturally it serves meat, but they’ve co-opted quite a few recipes from across the globe and put their own twist on them. Whereas Fredrick deals in pasta and pizzas mostly, this place has a little bit of everything.”

“That sounds good,” Seth drooled a little. Ignis just chuckled and shook his head.

“Mmhmm. Apparently it started as a butcher’s shop for all the other gyphons, and over time, morphed into a restaurant. Which is why it’s called The Chop Shop to this day. And don’t worry, you two,” Vincent said, eyeing Luke and James with a small laugh of his own, “they have a salad section as well, since occasionally a pony is brave enough to come in.”

Ah, I was about to ask, Luke said with a soft smile.

“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that this body doesn’t seem to handle it very well,” James said with a sigh. “But thank you Vincent.”

“Too bad,” Ignis replied. “You two could use a little more meat on your bones...” He looked at Luke and tilted his head. “I don’t want to come across as insulting... but is there a reason you're sticking to telepathy?”

“Multiple reasons relating to his past,” Vincent said dryly. “And seeing as how Abby rescued him, I’ll let you connect the dots on that one.”

“Past issues, I’ll drop it. Sorry Luke.”

No harm, Ignis. I am...getting better about dealing with it. By then, the party had nearly reached the lobby.

“And he is dealing with it this time, rather than just walling it up,” Vincent said with a bit of bite to his voice. Luke sighed and rolled his eyes.

Sometimes I wonder which one of is is the father and which one of us is the son.

“Yeah, well, let’s see who can act more mature about their pasts and how much it actually affects us,” Vincent said with more snark than normal. “One would think that when you get advice about dealing with your past from several sources, you’d listen, but it takes Mage checking up on you and asking before you do.”

“Everyone has their own pace and means Vincent,” Seth replied. “And take your time, you don’t want those walls burying you.”

“As for who’s the son, Vinny is sporting that impressive moustache,” Ignis said with a light chuckle.

“I’d trim it, but then I’d look like a girl Kadabra, and that would get annoying very quickly,” Vincent groused. “So I groom it regularly.”

And as for your advice, Seth...that is true, but some walls need to stay down this time. Pretending that the past didn’t happen to me...isn’t going to help anymore. Or so everyone keeps saying. Luke sighed as they finally made their way out onto the city at large.

James stretched a bit and smiled. “I don’t go ‘out’ nearly often enough,” the Roserade commented before returning to following Vincent’s lead. “There’s the garden, true, but that hardly counts.”

“Huh, I would’ve thought you and your girlfriend Jessie went out all the time,” Seth replied. James blushed and stammered a few times before gathering himself up for a rebuttal.

“That hardly counts, she was my work-partner first and foremost. Those missions were professional before they were personal. Plus she can barely stand me sometimes. Honestly, your allegation is absurd. If she wanted anything to do with me in such a fashion, she would have asked long before now.”

“Okay,” Sethbegan pointing out some things, “If business was first, did she ever request a new partner, even after your past... blunders? Two, would she still stick with you, even now? If there was more to it than that. Three, from what I saw back on Earth... it was pretty damned obvious man.”

“True that,” Ignis replied, “You’d have been barbequed alive if it wasn’t for her Wobbuffet.”

“And you’re the expert on seeing the obvious all of a sudden?” Vincent asked with a smirk while James fell into silent contemplation.

Seth didn't answer Vincent, instead pressing James. “If you like her, and I think you do... give it a shot. What have you got to lose?”

James idly answered out loud. “True, the Meowth-balloon isn’t here now, so I can’t be interrupted by it exploding for the umpteenth time…”

Elsewhere, a cap-wearing Pikachu sneezed...

“Well, let’s get some food, you could get some flowers that aren’t attached to your arms and we’ll give it a shot!” Seth replied. “As someone once told me, you don’t wait for the moment, you make it happen!”

“Really?” Ignis said. “You’re going with the advice, that you were told yourself only a few hours ago?”

“Shut up,” Seth replied with all the maturity he possessed.

“Food first,” Vincent said. “Romantic subplot later. And speaking of the food, the place should be coming into view around this corner.”

As the party turned down the road, their destination came into view in the distance. It was modeled in the same fashion as Fredrick's was, but it looked...drastically different. Whereas his was meant to only subtly stand out and make it plain that it was a restaurant, this place pulled no punches. Whatever bold statement it wanted to make, it had succeeded and then some. The clearest indication that it was what they were looking for was the sign out front, of a large butcher’s cleaver going through a ham, with the words THE CHOP SHOP put into an arch below them.

“Subtle,” Seth remarked.

“Like a Hyper Beam to the face,” Ignis agreed. “But it smells A-freaking-mazing!!”

“Agreed,” Seth replied, a small puddle of drool already forming at his paws. Vincent and Luke lightly chuckled at their reactions to the restaurant, while James inhaled and sighed as well.

“Yes, this place does smell of quite the feast,” the Grass-type agreed.

“Now let’s get inside before we have to put up ‘floor may be wet’ signs around these two,” Vincent urged.

“Maybe there’s some in Lucy’s room?” Seth asked with total sincerity.

Actually, I had to put down a tarp under her be-

“Aaaand that’s enough of that,” Vincent said flatly.

“True, we have all night,” Seth winked. “Now let’s get some grub!”

The party of Pokemon were greeted by a Gryphon behind a podium once the stepped in. Actually, that’s a lie, that’s what they noticed second. What they were actually greeted with was an even more intense blast of the smells of a gryphon-run restaurant, from the meats to the cheeses and starches, and somehow they even managed to make their salads smell appetizing...though probably not to Ignis. And they were left to wonder that if this was how they smelled, then the taste...

“Imma eat it!” Ignis said.

“Eat what?” Seth asked as he looked at a wall-mounted menu.

“EVERYTHING!” Ignis roared. The gryphons merely laughed at his antics.

“A fine roar, warrior,” the greeter said. “But sadly for you, you cannot eat everything we stock. We need to serve others beyond yourself. Party of five, then?”

“That’s correct,” Seth replied. “We don’t need a reservation?”

“Only if we are exceptionally overbooked do you require one. Today is a relatively normal day, so…” The gryphon checked something behind his podium and clicked his beak once in satisfaction. “You have a choice, booth or table?”

“Well take the booth please, provided they’re large enough," Seth said in reply.

“They should be,” he said, eyeing Ignis before continuing, “So long as your large, hungry friend sticks to an edge should he require room for his wings or tail.”

“Thank you,” Seth nodded. They were shown to the private booth and Set offered the inner seats to Luke and Vincent and James, with Ignis and himself taking the outer ones. They were then passed five menus, and the gryphon bowed once, explaining that their actual server would be here shortly before vanishing.

“Steeaaaakkk!” Ignis stomach rumbled as he gazed at the menu. “I want the biggest slab of meat they have!”

“The pork schnitzel with salad sounds nice,” Seth said. “Hmm, oh, they have apple cider here? I have to try that!”

“I’ll have the chef’s salad,” James said, eyeing it and licking his lips. “Oh, their dressings sound absolutely divine…”

Caesar salad for myself...and I may have to confer with you to work out the best dressings for our dishes, Luke said with a glance to James.

Vincent, meanwhile, was caught in a dilemma:

There was too much that he wanted to try. He kept looking from one thing to the next, not actually making any decision at all, before he just dropped the menu, and his head, onto the table with an explosive sigh.

“Having trouble dear Vincent?” Seth replied, poking the defeated Kadabra with a paw.

“Too many options,” the Kadabra mumbled into the table. “Not enough time.”

“Nor enough stomach capacity,” Seth muttered, looking at every delicious-looking item on the menu... aka, the whole menu. “But, you hardly live that far from it, bring Lucy here on a date or something.”

At the mention of a date with Lucy, Vincent’s mind couldn’t help but flash back to the last time he and Seth had gone out for dinner...and how that had ended up embarrassing for everyone concerned. His cheeks flushed red, visible even through his fur, and he quickly picked the menu up in an effort to hide behind it.

“Without the show I’d imagine,” Ignis snickered. “Though that was pretty damned funny.”

“Well I know what I’m not having at least,” Vincent muttered, glaring at the burgers in particular. “No need for a total repeat…”

The party of ‘mon were interrupted in their banter once a gryphoness came around. “Hello, I’m Wendi, I’ll be taking your orders, starting with what you’d like to drink!” she chirped happily.

“A cider for me and...” he looked at Ignis.

“Uh, I’ll have this one,” he said, pointing to something on the menu.

“If you’re sure, sir,” she said, only hesitating slightly before turning to the others. “And yourselves?”

Water for myself, Luke stated.

“Non-alcoholic cider for myself, please,” James asked.

“Same here,” Vincent chipped in.

“Right, those simple drinks will be out in a minute, and your spirit,” here Wendi looked over to Ignis, “Might take a bit more time to dredge up from where it’s stored.”

“Need some help?” Ignis offered.

“It’ll be fine, we keep it down there for a reason,” she emphasized. “If that’s all, I’ll be right back! You all take a moment and look over the menu if you need to, okay?”

With that, she was off to the kitchen.

“What the heck was that about?” Ignis replied. “Ah well, part of the fun I suppose.” He opened his mouth and blew a few small smoke rings into the air.

Vincent idly looked over at the menu and smirked at what he saw Ignis had ordered, but elected not to tell him. More fun that way, plus it’d be getting the pair of them back for earlier. He then looked back at the rest of the menu and sighed, before perking up at something he saw in the seafood menu. “Coconut...popcorn...shrimp? What in the world?”

“The hell is that?” Seth asked, looking at the item on his own menu. “Do... do those ingredients even work together?”

Vincent cleared his throat before reciting. “Dipped in our special batter and rolled in shaved coconut, our popcorn shrimp is then deep-fried to a crispy golden brown and served on a bed of spaghetti. A sensation that must be experienced to be believed.

“Try it~” Seth dared him.

Vincent turned the thought over a few times before nodding. “Yeah, I think I will. Wouldn’t be on the menu if it wasn’t good.”

Wendi came out then with four glasses. She set the mug of cider with two straws in it down in front of Seth first, then the water went to Luke, and James and Vincent got their non-alcoholic ciders. “Do we need a few minutes still, or do you all know what you want to order?”

“I think we’re good,” Seth replied. “I’ll have the schnitzel with salad and Ignis wants the biggest cut of meat you provide.”

“Ah, the T-bone it is, then,” the gryphoness said with a nod. “There is a challenge on that one. Eat our largest cut of the day in three minutes or less, and your meal is free...only a dozen gryphons have managed it, though.”

“Challenge accepted!” Ignis roared with a flare of his wings. Wendi smirked as he did his little display.

“Had a feeling you’d say that,” she replied before looking at the more vegetarian-minded.

I will be having the Caesar salad with a light oil dressing, Luke said with a nod.

“And I’ll take your chef’s salad, with a nice creamy ranch dressing,” James said before folding up his menu.

“And I have been dared to try this ‘Coconut popcorn shrimp’,” Vincent finished, before snagging all the menus with a quick burst of power and floating them over to the waitress.

“Oh, thank you!" she said, grabbing the menus out of the air, before turning to Vincent. "And you’ve made an excellent choice, sir. One of my favorites. So if that’s all, then I’ll bring your food out in a little bit," here she turned to face Ignis, "along with your drink, sir. Our of curiosity, how did you want that steak cooked? Rare, medium, well-done?”

“Let the chef decide,” Ignis replied. “It won’t stay on the plate long enough to make a difference anyhow!”

“I can believe that,” Seth replied and looked at the waitress. “You sure you want to keep that free meal challenge?”

“It’s a tradition,” Wendi said. “An old one, but one we adhere to. So chef decides on the temperature, then? Very well, but I’ll let you know right now, this one plays dirty.” With that, she vanished back into the kitchen.

“Raw or charcoal, it’ll be in my belly all the same,” Ignis chuckled. “Oh, but no onion, it doesn’t agree with me.”

“So besides tracking down Christine and bringing her here, what’ve you been up to, Seth?” Vincent posed before taking a sip of his cider.

“Well, I joined the Equestrian Guard, and my Pokemon Contest is finally coming along,” Seth sipped at his cider. “I have to leave here by the 28th at the latest to get the final preparations done. Oh, and some guy named Sev of the PLA is Rika’s father...”

Vincent was not a practitioner of the spit-take. Instead of spewing his drink all over the person opposite him, which was James, he instead reacted by being startled, having his cheeks bulge, slightly choking, and then clearing his airway by gulping the cider down and coughing a few times.

All in all, a spit-take might have been easier.

“You mean to tell me mister madness incarnate is the father of that cute little Sylveon?!”

Elsewhere, Discord swore he felt his ears burning...

“Yup, I hate him, he hates me and we both love Rika... it’s a work in progress.” Seth shrugged. “But still, other smaller things happened. Selena fought a Crystal Onix, I got my inventory and Mega Stones back, oh and the strangest thing happened today.”

“You mean besides you turning up with a mutated Gabite? Do tell.” The Kadabra had learned and idly swirled his cider with a straw instead of drinking it before Seth said anything.

“Bit hugged me,” he replied.

“Considering all that you’ve given him, I’m not surprised,” Vincent said. “Seriously, one of the reasons he wants a computer or any hard drive again is so that he can perform regular self maintenance. To include mental check-ups.”

“I’m just glad I could help,” Seth replied.

“I totally want to fight Lucy once she gets the hang of Mega Evolving!” Ignis added. “That should be fun!”

Vincent blinked for a few seconds before shuddering and voicing his thoughts out loud. “Lucy...Mega-Evolving...in her current state…”

I believe there have been mountains that have suffered because of a pair of Lucarios doing such a thing, Luke commented while drinking his water. Emphasis on have been.

“Seth?” Ignis asked idly. “Can you Mega-Evolve Selena tonight? I’m curious about something.”

“Not. Gonna. Respond,” Seth muttered as he drained his cider and ordered another.

James merely blushed and said, “Oh my,” before taking a large gulp of his cider as well.

“Plus, you lot break anything in your room, you’re gonna end up paying for it,” Vincent said. “For you, the stay is free. Anything you break, I have to fix, and it isn’t cheap.”

“I won’t break anything,” Ignis huffed, “Unlike a certain fairy.”

“I cannot believe she did that,” Seth replied. “Or how the hell she and Christine became friends like that. I was about the only one she even talked to before coming here. Hell, I even got her to go outside with me when I went to visit the location for the Contest.”

“I’m gonna put it down to a combination of Luke and I doing excellent work, along with Rika finally wearing her down,” Vincent said, draining his glass.

It helps that she always was what she currently is...it was just buried beneath her anger and frustration. You got glimpses of it, Seth, but hopefully she’ll be more...amenable, more often, now. Luke drank a sip of his water during his statement as well.

“I hope so,” Seth replied. “I will miss her when we go home though, she was fun to be around when she wasn’t pissed off all the time.”

“I’d like to see her become a Garchomp,” Ignis said. “Now that will be interesting.”

“Or apocalyptic,” Seth added. And at that moment, their food arrived.

Placed in front of Vincent with a flourish was a plate of spaghetti, topped by puffed-up shrimp with what looked like whiskers jutting out of them at random angles. Luke and James got a large bowl of salad each, one topped with a creamy white sauce, the other shining thanks to the oil dressing. Ignis had a plate that seemed to take up a fifth of the table, and a T-bone steak sitting on it, barely, that seemed to be covered in herbs and traces of sauces, smelling heavenly to the dragon.

Seth’s meal was a large piece of pork, coated in breadcrumbs and roasted to be a delicious golden brown. The salad was crisp and fresh enough that Seth could think that they were just harvested. Wendi hadn’t come back alone, though. One gryphon was wearing the typical chef’s hat, and another seemed to be handling a bottle and a shotglass.

“So you are the one that thinks he can handle our challenge, eh?” the behatted gryphon asked, pointing a talon at Ignis.

“That’s right,” Ignis smiled. “You think you got the skills to beat the Great and Powerful Ignis Crescent?”

“We shall see,” the gryphon said before waving at the, frankly huge, cut before them. “This is a tradition dating back to when this was a butcher shop. The ponies were not fond of us and attempted to ‘raid’ our establishment many times. If a customer could eat their meal quickly and still get away from the incoming guard, then that customer did not need to pay that day. Over time it has morphed from that to this, as the ponies no longer hate or fear us. Let us see if you can stand up to our traditions, Ignis Crescent!” At this, the chef bowed before returning to the kitchen himself.

“Well then,” Ignis cracked his knuckles and looked at the steak.

“Just to be clear,” Wendi said, “The challenge starts once you take your first bite, whether you use silverware or not. Meat entering the mouth is when the countdown starts. Also,” and here she waved at the other gryphon, who placed a shotglass on the table.

“Your drink, sir,” he said, before pouring out a tiny portion from the bottle he carried. The smell of nearly-pure alcohol hit everyone at the table, causing three noses to wrinkle up before Luke put a small barrier around them.

What...is in that?

“Oh, there’s never anything in minotaur brews,” Wendi said. After a pause, she continued. “Then again, minotaur brews are always 150 proof at least, so...are we good here, gentlemen?”

“And so I looked into the abyss...” Ignis said solemnly, before a wide grin appeared on his face. “And then kicked it’s freaking ass!”

“That... makes no sense,” Seth replied as Ignis lifted his steak and tore a huge chunk out of it, the sound of flesh tearing and bone crunching was enough to make any herbivore in the area shiver with uncertain fear. Afterwards, the dragon paused for a good thirty seconds before he started to chew again.

“Thirty-two,” Wendi said with a smirk as she observed the proceedings. She leaned in to Seth and whispered in his ear, “Like I said, our chef fights dirty.

Seth flinched, likely having not noticed the Gryphon sneaking up on him. “Yeah... but so does Ignis.”

The dragon continued to eat, until a little less than a minute remained and more than a third of the steak remained. “Whew, this is a pretty good feed, I’ll give you that much. I could eat this thing forever!”

“Fifty-five remaining, sir. Sure you don’t want to forfeit now?” Wendi was more than a little cheeky at this point, sure that the restaurant was going to win.

“Quit?” Ignis asked oh so innocently as Seth just groaned and applied his paw to his face. Ignis chuckled lightly as he looked at the monster steak. “This is a fine meal and I give my highest regards to your chef, he has truly managed to impress me. But still...” he lifted the steak and opened his maw and with two massive bites, the steak ceased to exist.

“I never lose!”

Wendi blinked a few times as her worldview rebooted itself. “That...may just be a record,” she said softly.

Ignis smiled and lifted the shot glass to his lips, downing the drink in a celebratory shot...

Then the world stopped...

“Uh, Ignis?” Seth waved a paw. “You okay buddy?”

Ignis’s cheeks bulged and he suddenly belched very loudly! A large gout of azure flames erupted from his mouth, singing a few feathers off of Wendi’s head in the process.

“WHOO! Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Ignis cheered. Wendi reached up and felt the singed feathers before sighing.

“Note to self, include warning before serving alcohol to any dragon, and stand at least ten feet away when they take some,” she muttered.

“Ah, sorry about that Miss,” Ignis apologized. “My compliment though, that steak was quite delicious and this drink pack a little bit of a kick.”

“I... I don’t even...” Seth just shook his head. “I’m done.”

“Aw, don’t be done,” Vincent said, before chomping on one of his shrimp. “These are quite good, you should finish your meal before saying you’re done!

Seth leant down and picked up a leaf of lettuce and begun to nibble on it, it was quite possibly the saddest, yet most adorable thing ever.

“Dude,” Ignis said, picking at his teeth with a claw. “You shouldn’t look so cute. It ain’t manly.”

Vincent swallowed his shrimp before looking over to Luke, who shook his head. Vincent then looked over at Ignis and smiled before shaking his head as well. “There are so many ways to make you eat those words. Be glad we’re being nice.”

Wendi quickly excused herself so that the others wouldn’t hear her highly unprofessional squeal at Seth’s display.

“I dunno Vinny, I’m still a little hungry.” Ignis smirked as Seth started on another leaf. “So entertain me, how exactly would I eat said words? With some seasoning? Or perhaps lightly toasted with a little butter?”

“Just because something looks cute, doesn’t mean said ‘mon can’t act manly,” Vincent said as he chomped on a shrimp. “For example, Snubbull eventually becomes Granbull. Cute to much more manly.

“While Gardevoir and Florges can still be male,” Ignis replied.

Vincent swallowed his shrimp and fired up a comeback. “Get a sufficiently angry Clefairy or Clefable using Metronome, and a cute little puffball can suddenly be the thing that kicks your ass.”

“Well, I can do this,” Seth said, just as Wendi was coming back with an order of drinks. His eyes went wide as they sparkled and the most adorable little meow escaped his lips. Wendi nearly dropped their refills before she hastily composed herself and dished them out before taking a few minutes off to really recompose herself. Stupid sexy lion…

Vincent picked up the last shrimp on his plate and popped it into his mouth. “Fine. One word, then, just one. Rika. Tell me that girl is not as adorable and manly as all get-out.

“First, that’s my girlfriend you’re talking about,” Seth replied. “But yes... you are also correct.”

“Cheater,” Ignis pouted.

Told you,” Vincent said with a smirk as he chewed.

“Says the guy that uses restraints made for dragons on his,” Ignis said.

The training she has undergone would likely render anything less useless, Luke stated. Plus, in her current state of mind, she would only think twice about riding Vincent when he started passing out due to dehydration.

“And now we go right back into TMI Town,” Seth replied. “You are definitely one of Abby’s partners, no doubt about that.”

“Then you’ll learn not to ask one of these days,” Ignis replied as he downed another shot and blew a few rings of blue flames.

James eventually came back down from being red all over and complained out loud. “I’m not sure I want a girlfriend anymore, much less Jessie, if it’ll make me anything like you guys. I just know she’d slap me, repeatedly, if I talked like that around her.”

“She’s a Fire-type, so she’d prolly just Flamethrower you,” Ignis replied offhandedly.

“And this is also why we don’t talk like this around the girls,” Seth added.

“I’ll be sure to make a note of that for when Lucy’s out of her Heat,” Vincent commented, spearing some spaghetti with his fork.

“That would be wise,” Seth said as he finished off the rest of his food and downed his third cider. “Ooh, that’s nice~”

“...Ignis, something tells me letting Seth get as drunk as that was a bad call on our parts,” Vincent commented before munching his forkful of noodles.

“Those are alcoholic ciders?” Ignis replied as Seth poured another, his body sparking on occasion.

“Not that they would do anything for you,” James commented as he looked the scene over, “But yes, they are. Oh dear.”

Seth leaned over to James and took a deep sniff. “You smell pretty!” he giggled.

It might be wise to knock him out at this juncture, Luke mused. At that moment, Wendi returned with two slips of paper.

“The bill,” she stated, holding one out. Vincent grabbed a hold of it with his powers and gave it an idle glance, nodding at the numbers.

“And the second one?” the Kadadra asked. Wendi blushed a little before slipping the second piece of paper to in front of Seth.

“My address. Come look me up some time, big boy,” she said with a wink.

Seth swayed and chuckled as Wendi retreated. “....what?”

“Methinks our waitress has a thing for those of the feline persuasion,” Vincent said as he pulled the appropriate amount of Bits in to pay for their meal.

“I don’t believe this,” Ignis shook his head. “He doesn’t do anything and still gets the girl? Seriously!”

“The birdy was kinda cute~” Seth hiccuped. “I wonder what Fritter would be like as a Peg-pegga... um, hang on, I know it.”

James sighed. “I guess our plans for later are on hold, then, seeing as how we’ll be escorting him home before focusing on anything to do with me.”

Seth begun to spark again and Ignis’s eyes widened as he suddenly grabbed him and literally flew out of the door, before a bright flash and the tell tale crack of thunder caused the whole restaurant to shake.

“And on that note,” Vincent said as he put his fork down on his freshly-cleaned plate. “I think we’ll leave.”

“Indeed,” James agreed.

Agreed, Luke thought, and the remaining threesome walked out of The Chop Shop, walking in no particular direction, just waiting for an after-action report from a certain Charizard.

Said Charizard was sitting on the sidewalk, having taken the full brunt of the involuntary Thunder attack. While not enough to defeat him, it still seemed to wind him, what with him being part-Flying-type. Seth on the other had was sitting in the middle of the road with a confused expression on his face.

“How... did I get outside?” he asked anyone.

“That depends on what you last remember,” Vincent answered.

“I remember Ignis finishing the steak, then some banter about things best not mentioned around foals... then I’m out here.” He looked at the Thunder-fried Ignis and then back to the others. “Okay, what happened?”

“Apparently, unless you specify that you want non-alcoholic cider, then alcoholic cider is what you get,” James answered. “And you had a few mugs worth.”

Ignis saw that you were losing control of your electricity and endeavored to move you to somewhere that would not suffer for your discharge, Luke tacked on.

“And now we know that alcohol and Luxrays shouldn’t mix,” Vincent finished.

“I made a total fool of myself didn’t I?” Seth muttered, then seemed to notice something and tilted his head. “Why is our waitress staring at me from the window?”

“Unless you’re thinking of adding a third, I wouldn’t advise staring back,” Vincent said in a serious tone.

“A third?” Seth mulled over that... “Okay, seriously. What the hell did I do?”

She seems to be attracted to members of the feline persuasion. It probably didn’t help that you apparently used Baby-Doll Eyes while she was passing by, Luke mentioned.

“So I learn a new attack and it gets me another Equestrian admirer?” Seth just sighed as he got up. “Can we just go now please?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” James said, before pointing at Ignis. “Though...that’s going to slow us down…”

“Naw, I’m good,” Ignis said as he got to his feet, “My wings are numb though, so I won’t be flying anywhere tonight.”

“I will never drink again,” Seth muttered. “I can’t believe I acted so stupid, and I hurt someone because of it...”

“Aw, don’t be like that,” Vincent said, patting Seth on the back. “Once you get a bit more control over your new form, I’m sure you drinking won’t be such a bad idea.”

“You found my drunk behaviour, which no-one will still tell me what I did, to be very amusing didn’t you?” Seth replied tersely.

“That’s an understatement,” Vincent said with a snicker. “Consider it payback for not telling Lucy and me exactly what we were doing in Canterlot before it got out of hand.”

Seth frowned before responding to that. “Okay, fine....” He got to his feet, looking back for a moment before continuing on.

Author's Other Notes:

I actually have had the dish Vincent tried in this chapter, it's quite good.~

Chapter Fifty-One - Dealing with Jessie, step one: Flatter her.

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“So where do we go from here?” Seth pondered aloud.

“Depends on where you want to go. I can probably find it in no time,” Vincent replied, idly twirling his signature spoon. “Or if you’d rather just go back. S’up to you and flame-breath here.”

“Well, we still need something for Jim here to win over his catty girlfriend~” Seth chuckled. “What sorta things does she like James?”

“Well,” the Roserade mused, “she did have a preference to Poison-types, snakes in particular for some reason, but beyond that...she liked to maintain her appearance as much as possible. Calling her old or ugly was a quick way to get on her bad side.” James shuddered as he recalled many of the times Jessie had flown into a rage and taken it out on him or Meowth. “It probably has something to do with her history as a Coordinator,” he said afterwards.

“Okay, so maybe some jewelry that would compliment her new form,” Seth said, spinning the idea. “The problem is, will such a store still be open?”

“I can look,” Vincent said, raising one glowing arm. “Just say the word.”

“Go ahead, but try not to draw too much attention to yourself,” Seth replied.

Allow me to show you, son, Luke said, placing one hand lightly on Vincent’s shoulder. A near-invisible blue wave rippled out of Vincent’s form, and the Kadabra made a soft sound at what he was being shown.

“Ah, so that’s...that would have really, really helped to know a while ago,” Vincent said. “Then again, I wouldn’t have met nearly as many people if I had, so…”

“Silver lining?” Seth said.

“We can call it that, sure,” Vincent replied. “It...might take me a few tries to properly integrate this, dad. Plus I’ll have to do this until it’s a habit as well…”

I am willing to show you as many times as you need, the Gallade said with a soft smile.

“So, if I may ask?” Seth said quietly. “How did this whole father/son thing start? Because I am dead sure that you are not Doctor Nurem.”

“He was the first one to care about me,” Vincent replied softly. “The first one to actually act like a father towards me. It wasn’t until he came back from a trip up to Canterlot that I was certain what he was to me...because what Mewtwo had done to him filled me with such a rage…”

Calm yourself, Luke said sternly, turning his grip from light to normal, which got Vincent’s attention. The Kadabra took a few deep breaths and came down from his emotional state.

“Since then, we’ve called each other father and son, and let’s face it, he’s a darn sight better than my actual one, so I’ve no complaints,” Vincent said with a slight smile as the wave finished its sweep and impacted his form again.

“I see,” Seth smiled. “So Vince, what’s the verdict?”

“Apparently ponies aren’t completely unused to the idea of needing a late-night gift to woo your special someone,” Vincent said with a smirk. “Two shops open, one nearby that’s also Pokemon-friendly. Just a few blocks down.”

Ignis groaned as he got to his feet. “...Wait! You went up against Mewtwo!?”

“I was reprimanded quite a few times for doing so, but yes,” Vincent replied as he began to lead them to the jewelry shop he’d found. “I went up to the gates, demanded to see a certain ambassador, and we ended up tussling. Someone had to make him pay for breaking Luke as badly as he did, and Arceus sure as hell wasn’t doing it.”

Ignis nodded, “So you held your own against a Pokemon like that? Vincent, you do realize what that means right? What you have just told me?”

“He wasn’t really fighting back,” Vincent said. “He thought that he could stand against my unleashed power, and that his memories could outdo mine. Had he been actually fighting, well, I’m sure you would have heard about it.”

As would most of Equestria, Luke commented. I believe the last time Mewtwo ‘actually fought’...well, we know about that from Earth.

“You have proven yourself to be quite strong Vincent Nurem,” Ignis said, his tone was suddenly quite serious. “And I have decided, that you will be the first human opponent that I will fight!”

“...He’s joking, right?” Vincent looked to Seth with a raised eyebrow. “I know all of a few moves, most of them ones I cobbled together. Luke’s been training me in proper combat while he’s here, but we’re nowhere near ready for an actual situation yet.”

“And once you are ready, you and I shall battle!” Ignis thumped him on the back, causing the Kadabra to stumble a little. “It will be glorious.”

“He’s never going to give up on this Vincent,” Seth replied, totally used to Ignis’s actions.

“I...have way too much on my plate right now to consider even giving you an estimate, Ignis,” Vincent muttered as he showed the party the jewelry shop he’d found. “There are quite a few things I have yet to do, much less even consider, before I can be judged ‘ready’ for a proper fight.”

Quite so, Luke said, a mischievous smirk on his lips. But since you know where he lives, I’m certain you could seek him out before he battles all the ‘normal’ Pokemon that catch his interest.

“Future battles aside,” Seth replied. “Let’s focus on helping James first hmm?”

“Oh no, please, by all means, continue the banter,” the Roserade said with a wave of his bouquet, trying to mask his own nervousness.

“Banter is done, shopping for a Pyroar is now go!” Seth cheered, pushing the protesting Roserade inside. The two of them were greeted by an Earth Pony mare, her mane done up in a bun as she worked behind the register. Almost two dozen glass cases filled with beautiful jewelry lined the walls of the store.

“Yes?” the shopkeeper asked with an arched eyebrow. “Can I help you?”

“Hello Ma’am,” Seth bowed his head politely. “We’re after a gift today, one to woo a rather fickle female. I don’t suppose you have something that would look good on a large cat? One almost the size of myself?”

“Hmm,” the mare said, eyeing the Luxray’s form a bit more intensely before nodding. “A few pieces do come to mind, but I feel the need to ask if she is exactly like you, or which one of you this present is going to be from.”

“Well, she’s around my height, maybe a little shorter.” Seth said as he described her. “She has tan-coloured fur and a long, red and orange mane. Also, it will be a gift from our rosy friend here.” Then he pulled out his Pokedex. He scrolled through it before stopping and showing the mare the image of a female Pyroar.

“Ah!” the mare said as she looked at it. “Hmm, yes, one piece does spring immediately to mind, for both her and him giving it. Allow me to fetch it.” With that, the mare vanished into the back room, where the sounds of her scrounging around became evident.

“...Okay, and now I’m very much more nervous,” James said, wiping off his forehead.

“As you should be,” Seth replied. “But if you want a happy ending for this, you must have courage!”

“Easy to talk about, far more difficult to find,” James said. “I mean, I don’t even know what I’m going to say to her!”

“That... might be more Ignis’s department,” Seth admitted. “He did help Vincent and Lucy, and who knows, if I know my little Rika like I do, then she’s probably trying to set Jessie up with you as we speak.”

Further banter was cut off as the shopkeeper returned with a box, which she flipped open to reveal what could only be called the necklace.

It was made of green copper, with a polished and cut Fire Stone set in the center of it. Two smaller rose quartz cut into heart shapes were set on either side of the Fire Stone.

“I think this would be perfect,” Seth said.

“I find myself agreeing with you on principle,” James said before looking back up to the mare. “But how about the pricetag?”

“It’s normally 2400 Bits,” the mare replied and then gave James a wink. “But I’ll settle for 2000, how’s that?”

“I…” James looked to Seth with a pleading expression.

“For the love of Celestia... fine, but you owe me Rose-boy!” Seth took out his remaining Bits, just enough to purchase the item. “You had better get this girl of yours.”

“I will try to get someone to take over the garden for me,” James said. “And then I will look for a paying job in the city,” he promised. “I will not let this debt go unpaid.”

The mare counted the bits quickly and nodded twice before closing the box back up and hoofing it over to Seth, seeing as how they were his bits. “Very good, sirs. Anything else?”

“That will be all,” Seth replied. “Thank you very much Ma’am.” He turned to James and handed him the necklace. “Showtime Jim!”

“Ah, thank you for your vote of confidence,” the Roserade said, gently taking the necklace and hiding it in one of his bouquets. “Let’s just hope Ignis hasn’t burned anything down by the time we get there.”

“I resent that!” Ignis said from outside. His hearing could be quite sharp at times. Seth chuckled and nodded his head.

“I just wonder what the girls are up to...?”

“Aw, c’mon Jess!” Rika pouted as the group sat in a circle. “You must like someone!”

The Pyroar pulled a sour face as she sipped the drink she’d been provided - it was just juice, but it was delicious juice all the same. “There was never time for romance in between all the things I did for my job,” Jessie stated, carefully avoiding specific details.

“Pft, seriously?” Rika scrunched up her face. “You’re telling me that the cute little human you worked alongside with for all those years... never once caught your attention?”

“With the way he bungled up everything we tried to do? He’s lucky I didn’t claw his face off without these beauties,” Jessie said, briefly displaying her claws before retracting them.

Jeanne drank her water with a smile before helping herself to some of the ice-cream Rika had ordered. Lala drank hers as well before commenting on the situation. “If there was a larger case of denial, I have yet to hear about it.”

Jessie sputtered a bit before Mage chipped her two cents in as well. “Don’t bother lying to us, especially not when I have this,” she pointed to her necklace. “I can tell how you actually feel, you know.”

“And wasn’t my escape that Meowth’s fault?” Rika asked innocently. “If I recall, he was too busy flirting with me to double check the locks on my cage.”

“He always did have an eye for a pretty...face…” Jessie’s face paled as she realized she’d basically confirmed it for Rika who she was and glanced over at the Sylveon with a small laugh. “Eheheh...hi? Please don’t tell them?”

“Don’t worry, if I held any malice... well, you honestly think you’d still be sitting there?” Rika smiled sweetly, kinda like a cat that was about a half-second away from eviscerating you. “You wouldn’t even be in this world if you were all that bad.” She leaned in close, her face the epitome of seriousness, in all its cute glory. “Now fess up, we all know you like him~”

“I will confirm nothing,” Jessie said, studiously looking away. “And for all I know, this could be part one of an elaborate revenge plot of yours. It’s certainly humiliating enough.”

“Okay, I’m lost. Rika, how do you two know each other?” Christine asked before eating a scoop of chocolate ice-cream.

“We met back in the human world,” Rika admitted the half truth. “We’re old pals, right Jess?”

“Of course,” Jessie said with a fake smile. “Though we never did write and only met the once…”

Mage chuckled as she touched her necklace. “Anxiety, clear as day. What aren’t either of you two telling us?”

“A past that will remain in the past,” Rika said to Mage. “Something I’m sure a most of you will understand.”

Selena coughed a little before Mage responded. “I’ve got more than a little experience with those sorts of things,” the Mismagius said with a nod. “So if you want it dropped, then I’ll drop it...still think we oughta know, though.”

“I as well,” Jeanne said before helping herself to her strawberry ice-cream. “But unlike her, I’ll let you reveal it at your own pace, Jessie.”

Lala’s eyes flashed as she slowly put the pieces together along with all the other clues, and nodded as well, keeping silent on the matter. Christine merely shrugged, fine with it for the time being, but she’d probably ask again later.

“Thank you,” Jessie said. “So, what were we talking about?” She hoped none of them remembered, this evening was awkward enough already.

“About you wanting to do a little ‘gardening’~” Rika giggled. “Y’know, take his flower?”

“I-!” Jessie’s face turned beet red at the implications Rika leveled against her. “So that’s how you win your battles,” she grumbled. “Lure them in with a cute face and then hit them with more experience than they expect you have.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about~” Rika sang.

“Seriously, she just does those things,” Christine said. “It falls to us that have been educated in all things dirty to interpret them...and she doesn’t understand why we keep having to take a minute to respond to her.”

“Though if earlier today is any indication,” Jeanne said with a wicked smile, “Then she’s just as much of a virgin as you are, Jessie dear.”

“So what if I am a pure maiden still?” Rika protested, folding her forelegs. “Christine hasn’t gotten any either!”

“...And how would you know that?” the dragon asked, honestly curious. It might be true, but she’d just like to hear the Sylveon’s reasoning.

“Woman’s instinct,” Rika replied as-a-matter-of-factly and then smirked. “And because you just admitted it.”

“Technically,” Lala pointed out before scooping up some vanilla, “She merely asked how you would know if she was a virgin or not. She said nothing one way or the other as to her status or whether you were right.”

“Mm...I got nothing,” Mage said as she floated her bowl of blueberry closer to herself.

“You’re not denying it,” Selena spoke up. “And as far as I can tell, Jeanne and I are the only ones here with any actual experience.

“I’d love for someone to explain Vincent if I didn’t have any,” Jeanne joked lightly.

“Adopted?” Rika shrugged. “Aaannyway, we’re getting off topic here. We need to hook up Jessie and James, for... reasons.”

“And what, pray tell, are these reasons?” Jessie asked, desperate to delay this madness for as long as possible.

“Because it’ll be fun,” Rika answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And you two would be soooo cute together.”

“I dread the day any male shows any interest in me with you around,” Christine said while helping herself to another spoon of chocolate. “Knowing you, you’d all but force the poor guy to date me for weeks on end.”

Rika turned and gave her the saddest eyes possible, Baby Doll Eyes and Fake Tears.

“B-but... I thought we were meant to be!” Rika cried.

“I’ll just go and tell Seth you’re breaking it off with him, then,” Christine replied, making to get up and go.

“I can share!” Rika sobbed, “You can be my exotic mistress!”

“Tempting,” Christine replied. “But I might just make him mine instead. I mean, he does have something you lack, and you and Fritter can enjoy one another.”

“GAH! You don’t play fair!” Rika pouted, dropping the act. “Not cool Chrissie.”

“And that’s why you don’t get in those sorts of contests with me,” Christine said with a smile. “I mean, seriously, the way I got to Selena wasn’t a clue to you?”

“Whatever,” Rika huggled the dragon and smiled. “You’re still mine until someone else comes along!”

“Like I said, you are sorely lacking in a few pieces of equipment,” the dragon said. “But I think Seth appreciates you as-is, so it’s one or the other. Can’t have us both.”

Rika let Christine go and sighed, playing this game was no fun anymore. “Well, fine... I have Sethy and Fritter anyway!” she pouted as she snuggled up with the Earth Pony mare, who just smiled and rubbed her back.

“Now, ah believe we were all tryin’ to play matchmaker?” Fritter grinned and looked at Jessie.

“Shoot, I’m out of distractions,” she muttered before looking for a viable escape route.

Selena placed herself near the door, while Christine had the window covered, Rika was still blissfully enjoying her marefriend’s cuddle, while said mare just looked at Jessie.

“Now, ya’ll were sayin’?”

“I was saying that your little cuddle-bug there has the wrong idea. James and I aren’t partners in any sense, nor do we need to be,” Jessie retorted. Maybe she could sneak into the kitchen and jump out the window there?...

A tugging sensation on her leg told her that one of Rika’s ribbons had a firm grip. “If you really don’t like him, then just say so and we’ll drop it,” she said with breaking her hug. “But I don’t like it when someone lies to their heart...”

“I…” Jessie sighed. “I can’t say I’m not entirely fond of him. He is enjoyable to work with, despite our constant blunders. But we’ve never had a lot of time for romance before, so I don’t really know his feelings on the matter.”

“Good enough for me, the shipping is back on ladies!” Rika cheered. “New plan for tonight, we get these two together.”

“...why do I get the feeling I’m not getting out of this now?...”

“Because you’ve been around her for longer than five minutes?” Lala suggested to the irritated Pyroar. “At any rate, I am uncertain as to what help I could possibly be.”

“Um... expertise maybe?” Rika answered. “Sorry, I don’t really know much about you yet Miss Lala.”

Christine waved a claw in their general direction as she moved to resupply her bowl. “Look at the way she holds herself, studies everyone and everything, then compare it with flower-head. I drew the connecting line pretty quickly, Rika.”

“Checkmate!” Rika gasped. “I still recall my run in with Roll and Shredder...”

“Indeed, I am a Bishop of their guild,” Lala said with a nod. “My expertise is speed. However, while I am here, I have decided to help keep this place safe. I, too, remain pure, and have no romantic interests, nor any education on the topic beyond the ‘facts of life’ my father gave me. My recommendation would be Sam for this venture, if you wanted a perverted viewpoint...were he not male and banned from our gathering.”

“I wonder what the boys are up to anyway?” RIka questioned. “And if Lulu’s doing alright.”

“Lucy’s fine,” Jeanne replied. “While I don’t know where the boys are going, I do know that Luke has a few pointers he’s shared with Vincent regarding the proper handling of an in-heat Lucario. One is to use Hypnosis to knock her out for a few hours if he intends to be gone.”

“...he’s teaching Vinny how to ‘handle’ Miss Lucy in heat?” Fritter blushed heavily. “Ah... ah don’t know how to respond that honestly.”

“It’s...probably best you don’t ask,” Mage said. “I know the answer, and I can tell you that you don’t want to know it.”

“An’ y’all are okay with that?” Fritter asked. “Is he part o’ yer herd or somethin’?”

“He has a past,” Jeanne answered. “One that left him rather experienced, but it’s also darker than most. That’s all the boys would tell me.”

“You’re not far off the mark,” Mage said with a nod. “And yeah, Luke’s mine.”

“Really?” Rika’s eyes sparkled. “You don’t often see the pairing of a Ghost and a Psychic. Still, you make an adorable couple~”

“Thank you,” Mage said with a slight bow, before turning her attention back to Jessie. “Now about the one we keep trying to make…”

“You are all really set on this, aren’t you?” the Pyroar deadpanned.

“I’m not,” Christine said, back with her ice cream. “Your life is your business. I’m not gonna help them...but I’m also not letting you leave until they’re done or have given up.” With that, the landshark situated herself in front of the door to the rest of the apartment building, shooing Selena back into the circle.

“Oh I’d imagine you’re next,” Selena chuckled to the dragon. “If Rika had her way, we’d all have relationships by the end of the week.”

“I do hope she knows better than to interfere in some of our lives,” Jeanne said pointedly, the flowers on her head suddenly a bit more menacing even with her smiling. Likewise, Lala’s claws never seemed so sharp before.

“But love is so special and everyone should experience it,” Rika sighed. She looked at Jeanne and seemed to remember something. “But I guess I got carried away again, and I ruined the evening as well...”

“It’s perfectly alright to want people to experience love,” Jeanne said. “But sometimes, others don’t appreciate meddling. I learned that myself the hard way…” Her tone turned a bit sombre as she recalled what she had almost done, before she forced herself into perking up. “Still, unless Jessie stops us, I agree with your assessment, Rika.”

“I…” Jessie sighed before hanging her head. “I wouldn’t mind a relationship, no. And I do know James very well, yes. But going about this...doesn’t promise to be easy at all…”

“I have a good feeling,” Rika replied, looking a bit down.

It took Christine coming over from the door and putting Rika back in her position as a hat before the Fairy had a smile on her face again. “You can stay up there until you’re in a better mood, hat,” Christine commented, taking Rika’s place in the circle.

“Fine,” Rika pouted, though there was no real conviction behind it. “So do we have a plan beyond just confessing?”

“Well seeing as how two-thirds of us are virgins and one-third of us haven’t have boyfriends, how about we hear from the ones with experience as to how they did these things?” Christine asked before looking at Mage.

“Pass,” she commented. “You really don’t want to hear it, believe me. It’d just drag us back down, I’m sure.”

“Well, all I did was pour my heart out to Sethy... and that got me a mare as well... still wondering how the heck that happened?” Rika said from her perch.

“Ah second that,” Fritter remarked. “Ah’m still surprised that you and Seth actually agreed to this arrangement... Seth seemed pretty reluctant about it.”

“It’s cause humans have this thing about polygamy,” Rika said. “But it’s common amongst Pokemon so I don’t really mind. You’re really sweet and cute Fritter and I like you a lot.”

Fritter just blushed as she played with a ponytail.

“I think I’m going to take a page out of Mage’s book,” Jeanne said before helping herself to some ice-cream as well. “I’d...rather not walk down that particular branch of Memory Lane just now.”

“Isn’t ice-cream supposed to make us happy?” Rika asked, as she helped herself to some, dripping a small amount on Christine’s head.

“Not when you drop it on me,” the dragon groused, before turning her eyes to Selena. “Well, out with it. How’d you snag testosterone-for-brains?”

“Pinned him down and kissed him,” Selena replied as Rika licked the ice-cream from Chrissie’s scales. “Plain, simple and to the point. Ignis is not the master of subtlety.”

“Amen to that,” the dragon nodded slightly, mindful of Rika on her head. “So between us all, we’ve got no more advice for Jessie here than for her to tell James something along the lines of ‘would you like to go out sometime?’”

“Pretty much,” Rika shrugged. “Wow... we kinda suck.”

“At this point our only hope is for Vincent and the others to have picked up on things and given James a pep-talk,” Mage commented.

“What are the odds on that?” Rika asked, “Vincent and Seth aren’t exactly... cluey on that sort of thing.”

“I’m willing to bet that between the four of his accomplices, at least one of them will have clued in to James’ feelings,” Jeanne said before taking a sip of her water.

“So what do we do until then?” Fritter asked. “Makeovers?” Rika’s eyes shone with a dangerous glint as she laid eyes on the Pyroar.

“Heh, heh, heh....”

“Oh no you don’t!” Jessie said, backing up quickly. “I am just fine as I am! I do not need your help to look nice!”

“Oh, but I want to help you Jessie,” Rika purred. “You at least gotta look pretty~”

“I don’t need your help!” The Pyroar’s mane was dancing wildly in response to its owners’ panic. “I’M WARNING YOU-!”

Author's Other Notes:
I regret putting PegasusAir in my story. Ever since, it's been shipping central.

Chapter Fifty-Two - Dealing with Jessie, part two: Give her a Sweet Kiss

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Seth’s ears pricked up as they neared the Unity Building. “Hmm, that’s an ill omen,” he muttered. “We sure we want to go in there?”

“Unless you want me to drag Jessie out here,” Vincent said. “But that just screams romance.” The latter part of his reply was nearly dripping with sarcasm.

“Well then,” Seth grinned and opened the door. “Let’s get started already!”

The lack of a doormon was slightly unnerving, until Lala descended from upstairs, clearly shocked about something. Upon noticing the returning party of ‘mon, she nodded at them and took her seat, still not paying much attention to anything at all.

“Um, you okay there Miss Lala?” Seth asked in an unnerved tone.

“Oh I’m fine. Just suffering a complete lack of any frame of reference for reality after your pink friend in there broke just about every one of them,” she idly commented while staring at a wall. “I don’t know what you trained her in, but it was very effective.”

“Yeah... I honestly don’t know where she learned that,” Seth admitted. “She made friends with somepony named Pinkie Pie... I think she taught her weird things...”

“Weird does not begin to describe what she did in there.” The Leavanny looked to Vincent and sighed. “If they’re staying any longer than a few days, then I need a raise.”

“Aheh...We can talk about that in the morning,” Vincent’s eyes quickly darted over to Seth, hoping the answer wasn’t ‘yes’ to the question of them staying too much longer.

“A day or so,” Seth replied. “We have a lot to do in Canterlot soon.”

“Perhaps we should see just what chaos little Rika has unleashed this time,” Ignis chuckled. “Plus I wanna tell them about Seth’s new girlfriend~”

“...My what!?”

“If it helps any, I promise to keep my mouth shut,” Vincent said, miming a zipper across his mouth.

I too shall not tell them, if that is your desire, Luke pitched in.

“Much more fun to watch chaos when you don’t have a hand in making it,” the Kadabra observed.

“I will Thunderbolt all of you,” Seth muttered as they ascended to stairs, finally getting to the room. Seth raised a paw and knocked on the door. “Anyone home?” he called out. “I’m here to deliver a group of sexy men!”

“Oh good, send ‘em in!” Christine replied from beyond the door. “Where’d you get them, the red-light district?”

“Nope, these boys are homegrown,” Seth chuckled. “Care to let us in ladies?”

“I dunno, girls. Should we?”

There was a muttering as the girls beyond the door convened as to whether or not the menfolk would be allowed in, before the door was grudgingly opened. Mage floated back to the main room afterwards, snickering as she did. Jeanne sat in the living room with a small smile on her face, and Christine and Selena blocked the door to the master bedroom. Of Jessie or Rika, there was no sign.

“I don’t like this,” Seth muttered. “Just what are you girls up to anyhow?”

“Rika wanted a few more minutes before she felt Jessie was ready,” Christine explained, not budging from the doorway.

“That... I think I know what’s going on here,” Seth smiled. “Alright, we can wait I suppose.” He walked over to Fritter and nuzzled her, “I missed you and Rika though.”

“Phew,” Fritter gasped. “Y’all smell like a brewery, didja go drinkin? Without me?”

“That wasn’t our intention at the start,” Vincent clarified. “Apparently if you don’t specify that you want your cider to be non-alcoholic, they give you the alcoholic version. Guess who slipped?”

“Seth, did you do something silly?” she smiled, nuzzling her Luxray.

“He hit on a Gryphon,” Ignis replied and winced as Fritter slugged Seth in the shoulder.

“Y’all did what!?” She exclaimed, then sighed and seemed to calm down. “Was she at least cute?”

“A little,” Seth replied.

“Well... that’s alright then.” Fritter nodded.

“To be fair, she started it,” James pointed out. “Even slipped him her address.”

“Not. Helping. James... wait, she did what?” Seth blinked. “And you all planned on telling me this when?”

“When the right time for comedy gold could occur,” Ignis answered. “Like now for instance. And again when Rika gets out here.”

“Or we could just let her find the card you slipped under your collar there,” Vincent commented. “Should make for a very fun moment.”

Seth sparked and then sighed. “I give up... Fritter, I need a hug~”

The mare obliged and embraced her Luxray again. Fortunately, at that particular moment, Rika decided to announce her latest work to the men.

The Pyroar looked quite stunning, her mane and coat had been brushed and shone in the light as a light amount of eyeshadow had also been applied. A small red ribbon was tied to the end of her tail and though it was simple, the effect was quite striking.

“I feel ridiculous,” she muttered under her breath so only Rika could hear.

“You look fine,” she whispered back. “And from the looks of it, James thinks so too~”

While the other men had silently appraised the Pyroar’s changed look, James had dropped his jaw and gone nearly slack at the sight of Jessie’s changed appearance for a second time. The first, of course, being when they’d awoken as Pokemon.

“I...thank you, girls. I think I can do this now.” Jessie walked up to James and waved a paw in front of his face to get his attention. It worked, snapping him out of his daze.

“James, I think we should talk.”

James nodded, then looked at the audience they’d acquired. “Perhaps somewhere more private, like the roof?”

Jessie smiled slightly and jerked her head to the front door before heading that way herself.

“And I believe that you have something to say to these two?” Ignis mentioned, pointing at Rika and Fritter.

“Yeah, I guess I do,” he replied... and then looked at everyone else. “I don’t suppose we could have a little privacy please?”

“Lucy will be waking up soon,” Vincent said with a sigh. “So I suppose I can go.”

And my angel and I shall leave you to your own devices, Luke said as Mage wrapped him in a light hug.

“I can wander off as well, dear,” Jeanne said, following in Vincent’s wake as he held the door open for the rest.

“I have a den to make mine,” Christine tacked on as she pulled herself to her feet and stretched before heading out herself.

(Meanwhile, on the roof...)

"Beautiful, isn't it?" James said as Jessie walked through the door he was holding open for her. The Pyroar looked at the garden and tilted her head.

"What, the garden?" she questioned.

"No, the night sky," James clarified. "There are a lot of things we never stopped to appreciate while we were on the job. One of them was how wonderful the stars were back on Earth. Here on Equus, they're both different...yet no less beautiful when woven into a fine tapestry like this one."

Jessie blinked at the deep sentiment behind James' words and looked up, starting to come to the same conclusion that he'd put before her. A new world meant a lot of new things, but one thing that seemed to be a constant was that stars in the night sky were indeed beautiful.

"You're right," she said softly. "We never really stopped to look before. It was almost always about survival or the job, but now that we can...we missed out on a lot, didn't we?"

"I wouldn't say that," the Roserade said, still looking skyward. "There are a lot of things I got to appreciate, if only from afar, on Earth. The stars, the beauty of nature, your beauty..."

Jessie blinked a few times in rapid succession. Did he seriously just say-?

"But I'm not going to miss out on it anymore," James said, reaching into one of his bouquets with the other hand and drawing out a very fine necklace from it. A Fire Stone and two rose quartz, cut and polished and set on a copper necklace. Orange and red and green all bound up in one package, signifying what he hoped for.

"Jessie, it would be my very great honor if you would agree to be my girlfriend."

The Pyroar considered his words for a few moments and sighed before looking the Roserade in the eyes.

"Put it on me," she commanded him, and he hastened to comply with her order. Feeling the weight of the jewelry on her neck made it seem just a bit more...real to her, and she gulped before saying her next words.

"You're lucky I was considering saying something along those lines to you as well, otherwise I doubt we would be here right now...though I will admit, the necklace is a nice touch," Jessie commented, trying to mask her nerves with bluster.

"So..." James trailed off, not quite sure what she was actually saying. Jessie rolled her eyes and used one paw to draw him close to her, before softly pecking him on one cheek.

"Yes, you great buffoon, I will be your girlfriend...though I warn you, it's not going to be easy on you."

James smiled and returned the kiss in kind before just holding her close, reveling in the warmth of someone he cared about so close to him.

...No, someone he loved.

“SOUP’S ON EVERYBODY!!” The walls rattled with the force of the call and several dogs a few blocks away began to howl as Rika decided to wake up the apartment, along with anyone with ears. That paled in comparison to the reaction the others had, though.

A few startled psychic ‘voices’ made themselves known with simple exclamations as Vincent and Luke were rather forcibly jerked out of dreamland. Lucy jolted awake with a jerking motion, and Vincent made sure to calm her down a touch with Hypnosis before gently binding her again. Sam let out a cry as he hit the floor with an audible 'thunk'.

Christine, though…From the doorway to her room, a lance of fire rushed out and hit the opposite wall. It would appear she still had a few startle reflexes that weren’t ‘turn invisible’.

“Nice to see you’re as hot as always,” Rika giggled. “Come and get some breakfast!”

“Once you help me put this out!” the dragon said, pointing at the on-fire wall. The end result was quite simple. The two girls simply ran around like Farfetch’d with their heads cut off until Fritter emerged with a fire extinguisher.

“Really?” she replied as she put out the blaze.

“Fritter saves the day!” Rika cheered.

“Hey, when I get woken up by loud noises, it has never meant anything good in the past,” the dragon defended herself. “Plus I don’t have any moves to put out a fire I’ve started.” At least not one of that size, anyways.

Fritter stared at the destroyed wall. “Whelp, Vinny’s gonna be mad... again.” She sighed as she went back inside to finish cooking. “Two walls in two days, y’all trying to set a record or something?”

“So far it’s one apiece,” Rika giggled as she huggled her dragon friend. “But I win cause I’m cute~”

I’m actually not mad, Vincent’s said, having monitored the situation ever since he heard his name being mentioned. Exasperated, sure. But I understand how this happened. Plus it gives me a chance to replace that wall with something fireproof, like ceramic...especially if this is going to be a regular thing.

“See?” Rika said to Christine. “You have friends that understand you.”

The dragon sighed, but smiled as well. “It’s Vincent. He understands us all, really. Kinda the selling point back on Earth…”

“As long as he came with a gift receipt,” Rika giggled. “Or at least an extended warranty.”

“Just go and get Ignis and Selena,” Fritter sighed as she put on another batch of pancakes. The Fairy saluted and barged into the couple’s room, soon earning a shout and muffled curses.

“And to think this is before I give her sugar,” Fritter smiled.

Vincent and Luke walked out of their shared apartment, closely followed by Mage carrying Jeanne, along with Sam. “We heard something about breakfast?” Sam asked. After Fritter let them inside, the group laid eyes on the veritable feast that lay before them.

This looks quite good, Luke commented. Vincent nodded, too afraid to open his mouth at the moment, for fear of getting the floor soaked with his drool. Jeanne sniffed a few times and sighed before turning to Fritter. “You and I must exchange recipes, dear. Perhaps even ingredients, seeing as we have some saved Berries.”

“We have our own Berry garden at home,” Fritter explained. “Titania and Miss Umbra is currently looking after it while we’re on this trip. But ah’m more than happy to exchange recipes with you Miss Jeanne.” She motioned at the table and smiled. “Well, dig in everypony, there’s plenty there. Ah got coffee, tea an’ juice here as well.”

Vincent helped himself to a cup of coffee and finally managed to work his mouth properly. “This is quite the spread...you didn’t have to do this, you know.”

“But ah wanted to,” Fritter said. “And y’all ain’t eaten till you’ve had an Apple Family Feast!”

“Willing to believe th-” The rest of Sam’s sentence got cut off as he put a forkful of pancake in his mouth and moaned. Turning to Jeanne, he said around his mouthful, “Sorry, got a new favorite food.”

Luke sat down as well, helping himself to a small amount of the breakfast food. Surely it cannot be that- Once the pancake was eaten, though, the adult psychic changed his tune. ...Abby could learn a thing or three from you…

Mage was then intrigued and ate a bite before joining her boyfriend in praising the mare. Jeanne quirked an eyebrow and looked at the Earth Pony with half a look of suspicion, the other half curiosity. “What...did you put in these pancakes to make them like them so much?”

“A little Apple Family secret,” Fritter winked. “So unless you wanna join the family, then ah’m afraid ah can’t tell y’all that. But I’ll be more than happy to make as many as you want.”

Ignis and Selena finally emerged, the former carrying the latter bridal-style. But when Selena saw that everyone else was here, she shrieked and ran back into the bedroom.

“Well,” Ignis chuckled. “Morning everyone.”

Everyone else responded, mostly through mouths full of the delicious food. Vincent nodded at the dragon, too busy eying his pancake warily after its effects on the others. Christine had utterly destroyed her plateful, to almost include the plate, once she had some.

“I feel like I should be worried,” the Kadabra said.

“You’d better eat it before someone else does,” Rika said as she hopped into the room, her paws tied up with her own ribbons.

Ignis sat down next to the table and piled some food onto his place. “Ah, I’m starving!”

Vincent took the smallest portion of pancake that could still reasonably be called ‘a piece’ and ate it slowly. After a minute or two, he swallowed his food, looking at nothing in particular as the taste washed over him.

Fritter watched him with a curious expression for a moment before speaking up. "If you don’t like it, ah could try and make something you do,” she offered. The words seemed to snap Vincent out of his trance...and he nearly stuffed the rest of the pancake in his mouth.

MINE! Was all he offered in response.

“Uh... alright then?” Fritter replied, a little taken aback, but smiling all the same. “Ah guess ah should make some more then.”

Selena emerged a few moments later, her face was still red and she refused to make eye contact with anyone. She gave a quiet ‘good morning’ to anyone within earshot as she sat next to Ignis, hiding under one of his wings.

I was actually about to ask you that. Think you could make up a plate for Lucy as well? I’ll take them to her afterwards. The Kadabra swallowed his mouthful with a little bit of work before continuing. “Be a shame to miss this cooking.”

“Ah was already doing that Vince,” Fritter smiled as she filled a container with an assortment of the food. She also had a bottle filled with a sort of juice. “Here you go, one breakfast, fit for a Princess.”

“Much appreciated,” Vincent said, floating both container and bottle over. Taking a more sane and reasonable bite of the next bit of food on his plate, the Kadabra tilted his head to the side as he regarded the bottle. And this?

“A juice fer Pokemon,” Fritter said. “Seth showed me how to make it a few days ago. He isn’t a morning ‘mon, so he showed me this to help him get going.”

Sam chuckled lewdly as he took in the situation. “Oh, Vincent, I think I know why she made that for you,” the Scizor said. “She thinks you need a little help keeping up with Lucy.”

Fritter dropped her spatula as she glared at the Scizor. “A-a-ah said no such thang!” she stammered, her southern drawl much more prominent. “That there drink was fer Lucy, not...” she petered out and turned back to her stovetop silently.

“At least he’s getting some,” Selena commented as she ate. “You just get Cut.”

“The process of wooing a member of Checkmate is apparently full of pain,” Sam said as he sipped some of his juice. “But what can I say? I set my sights high and never give up when I find something worth fighting for.”

“Much like all of us,” Jeanne said after finishing her latest bite. “I’m glad you all got that at least.”

The rest of the Nurem family nodded at Jeanne’s sentiment, as she considered more than just Vincent her ‘son;’ since he considered the others his family, so would she.

“A nice sentiment,” Ignis nodded.

Rika sat on a chair, then to her bound paws. “How am I supposed to eat?” she asked.

“Should’ve thought about that before you woke me with that Arceus-awful racket,” Selena muttered.

“Family,” Fritter sighed as she sat down to the table herself. Vincent raised a glowing blue hand, carefully teasing the knots that Rika had been bound with undone. They were tied with her own ribbons, after all.

“A word to the wise. More than just us survivors dislike being startled, Rika.” Vincent warned, before looking at his clean plate and smiling. “Well...with this, I must be off to feed and take care of Lucy...before ‘taking care’ of Lucy.” The Kadabra vanished in a flash of blue light.

“An’ with that mental image, mah hunger teleports outta here as well,” Fritter mumbled, but took a bite of her toast regardless.

“D’you think he’s on to us?” Sam questioned.

It would be foolish to assume he wasn’t, Luke replied.

“Just what have you two started?” Selena sighed.

“Something that was fun until just now,” Jeanne responded. “What with Vincent entering the fray, it’s all the more important that all parties are properly armed and fortified...and only a few of us can claim that.”

“Sucks to be you then,” Selena shrugged. “Though I bet Lucy’s doing a lot more sucking right now.”

With the gag in her mouth, she actually-

Sam shook his head at the Gallade. “They did not need to know that,” the Scizor cut Luke off. “Hell, I did not need to know the particulars.”

“You know that there are innocent ladies present right?” Rika replied as she finally ate her breakfast with some sense of refinement.

“You? Innocent?” Christine snorted a few times. “Let’s have Vincent have a look at your head and answer that question once and for all. Probably the only thing innocent about you besides your looks is your ‘purity.’”

“What make you say that Christine?” Fritter asked.

“The things she says, the way she acts,” the dragon ticked off on her claws. “I mean, now that I look over the past week a bit more, I’m willing to bet that she knows exactly the effect she has on others. She just chooses to be innocent most of the time.”

“Effect on others?” Rika blinked. “I have no idea what you mean Chrissy.” The Sylveon smiled sweetly as she lapped at her milk, the creamy substance dripping down her chin.

“Yeah, buying that when hell freezes over,” Christine said, looking away after a moment.

“I’ll go and round up some ice-types then,” Rika grinned, licking her lips.

“Rika...” Selena warned

“What?” the fairy replied.

“Ah have no idea what’s going on,” Fritter replied as she drank her tea. “And something tell me ah don’t want to know either.” It still didn’t stop the small blush from gracing the mare’s cheeks.

“There’s more to Rika than meets the eye, apparently,” Jeanne commented before cleaning her place completely.

“And that’s what makes her so dangerous,” Selena muttered, still taking refuge under Ignis’ wing.

“Best of luck Fritter,” Ignis nodded. “You’re gonna need it.”

“I have the distinct feeling I am being picked on,” Rika pouted.

“Probably shouldn’t make it so easy for the rest of us,” Sam said as he stacked his and Jeanne’s plates together. “C’mon, I’ll carry you back up before I go.”

“Thank you, dear,” Jeanne replied before being carried off by the Scizor.

“So what are we gonna do today?” Rika asked as she finished up her food. “Sethy’s gonna be out all day...”

“I don’t know,” Fritter replied as she filled the sink and started the dishes. “I don’t have any plans.”

“We’re just gonna take it easy for a while,” Selena said. “I’m kinda done with excitement, drama and whatnot for a while.”

“I have to go through my room still. I think there’s a closet I have yet to tackle,” Christine said, placing her dishes near the sink and nodding at the mare. “Thank you for the breakfast.”

“It was no trouble,” Fritter replied, hooves deep in water as Rika moved the help the mare. “Ah’m glad y’all enjoyed it.”

Enjoy is an understatement, Luke thought as he floated his and Mage’s plates over. Many could learn from you.

“Yeah, that’s one of the better meals I ever had,” the ghost chipped in.

“Thank ya kindly,” Apple Fritter blushed from the praise. “But my cookin’ t’aint nuthin compared to Granny Smith or my Momma,” her embarrassment caused her accent to increase again, though she didn’t seem aware.

Believe what you wish, Luke thought as he stood. But I tell you now that yours is the best cooking I’ve had in two worlds.

“And he doesn’t say things just to say them,” Mage tacked on before the both of them made their egress.

The mare just hid into her mane and nodded.

“Ah! Cute Fritter is cuuuuute~” Rika giggled as she hugged the mare.

“You two lovebirds enjoy yourselves, but not too much,” Christine commented before she left. “We’ve already got Vincent and Lucy upstairs. If I have to leave in order to get some fresh air and peace of mind, I’m blaming all of you.”

“Amen to that,” Selena muttered as she followed Ignis towards their room. “Good night all.”

“Really now,” Fritter sighed as she continued to wash. “Just what kinda mare do y’all take me for?”

“It’s not YOU I have doubts about!” the dragon shouted before she was fully upstairs.

Lala had been awoken by the dreadful racket, but seeing as how it got her up only marginally before she normally would have anyways, she decided to roll with the weirdness.

“Hello?” the voice of Fritter called from the lobby. “Anypony home?”

The doormon decided to go and greet their visitor, and walked out with a book in hand. “Ah, miss Fritter, hello,” Lala greeted with a nod, taking note of Rika as well.

“Mornin’ Lady Lala,” Fritter smiled. “Ah made some breakfast for everypony today, thought you and Bitty could use some as well.” She placed a large container on Lala’s desk, the warm food gaving off an enticing scent.

“That...was unexpected, but it is not unappreciated,” the doormon said, a slight smile on her lips. “Thank you. Bit is currently downstairs, but I doubt you will meet with success should you try to get him to eat.”

“We’ll see,” the Sylveon giggled. “Fritter’s food is irresistible, much like it’s chef!”

“Are you trying t’kill me with embarrassment today?” Fritter waved a hoof.

"No, then I wouldn’t have a cute marefriend,” Rika replied. “Still, Bitty’s already hard at work this early?”

“You forget what he is,” Lala replied as she opened the container a bit more and inhaling the scent. “Mmm...I may require a plate...and silverware.”

“Ah shoot, ah knew ah forgot something,” Fritter muttered. “One sec, ah’ll be right back!” She yelled as she galloped up the stairs.

Rika, on the other paw, went down to the basement. Not even one minute had passed before the Earth Pony returned with the requested implements, and the Leavanny thanked her before she took the box, served Lala some food, and then went downstairs with it.

"This promises to be enjoyable," she commented, before taking a bite and rephrasing her words. "Most delicious indeed..."

Bit was ecstatic. Not only did he have all the parts he needed, but he also had a computer from Earth nearby as a comparison. He had just begun the final weld to hold the whole thing together when a familiar voice made itself known.

“Knock, knock!” it called, revealing itself to be Rika. “You home Bitty?”

“One moment,” Bit called back. “Currently performing an arc welding technique to fuse two components together. Will be done in approximately fifteen seconds.”

“Kay,” she called back. Bit's focus hadn't wavered from what he was doing, thankfully. Sometime in the middle of his welding, the voice of Apple Fritter joined that of the Sylveon, and Bit mentally prepared himself for all sorts of questions as the final part of his rudimentary computer was finished.

“Welding finished, biological units may enter, but refrain from touching anything, please,” the Porygon-Z called out to the pair outside, who walked inside and gasped at what had been accomplished once he said they could enter. Rika in particular seemed to take a moment to look around in quiet awe.

“Wow Bitty, just what have you been doing?”

“Working,” he said, hovering over his mostly-finished computer. “Thanks to the Xtranciever, I know where I went wrong and corrected my mistakes. All that remains is to attempt to turn this on and see if I can interface with it.” True, it probably looked a little...rough around the edges, but he was concerned more with function than form.

“You did all this in one night?” Fritter asked while eyeing his work. “This is pretty impressive. Even though ah have no idea what it is!”

“A computer,” Rika answered. “I think?”

“Most of one,” Bit said with a nod. “There is not yet anything resembling our Internet of home, so that function and all that depends on it are not installed or built. I will attempt to remedy this problem by utilizing the local phenomena known as ‘magic’...once I understand it.”

“MagiNet huh?” Rika asked. “Hee, I like the sound of that.”

Fritter appeared to be confused for a moment before she grabbed ahold of some sort of container she'd brought down with her. “Well uh, I have breakfast?” the mare offered.

“You brought Seth down to charge the generator?” Bit questioned.

“No, ah have pancakes and…Well... horseapples. Maybe ah should’ve asked first.” Fritter said as she gave Bit's form a bit more scrutiny and seemed to notice he lacked a mouth.

“To be honest, I’ve never really met a Porygon before Bit, so I had no idea,” Rika said.

“This unit consumes electricity to continue its functions,” Bit explained. “Though I have been asked to not siphon any from the city anymore to the point where street lights explode.”

“Well, ah guess Sethy could cook something up later?” Rika giggled.

“Ah guess so,” Fritter agreed. “Ah hope Jessie, James and their friends are hungry.”

“It is likely,” Bit said. “Commencing test.”

The screen for the computer he’d assembled came on and flashed a few times…Before smoke started to come out of the back. “Is it supposed to do that?” Fritter asked, backing away slowly.

“...No, I don’t believe it is,” Rika replied. Fritter seemed to decide a mad dash to the fire extinguisher was necessary. However, before she got there, Bit turned, saw the problem, and sighed.

“Ice Beam,” He stated, and a lance of pure cold and ice erupted from his beak, putting the computer project under a fine sheen. The screen went black as the whole thing died.

“Well, that... could have gone better,” Rika pointed out. Bit was then hugged by the Sylveon again for a short period of time. “It’ll be okay Bitty, you’ll get this solved in no time. I bet on it.”

“She’s right,” Fritter added. “You built this in one night, ah can’t imagine what you’d have done in a week, or a month?”

“I will have to revisit several components,” Bit said, before smiling softly. “Though with actual computers to work with, it won’t be hard. Thank you.” He then pointed at the still-warm food nearby with one arm. “I believe you had somewhere to take that?”

“Right,” Fritter nodded. “Good luck Bit.”

“Yeah!” Rika cheered, throwing a pawful of confetti. “You can do it!”

Fritter looked at her little Pokemon and blinked. “Rika? Where... where did you get the confetti?”

Rika looked around and shrugged. “I dunno.”

Bit paused for a few moments before sighing. “Some Pokemon seem more easily adaptable to the magic phenomena than others. Whether it is the individual or something relating to typing is yet to be discovered…”

“Bitty’s using big words,” Rika moaned.

“C’mon, let’s leave him to his work and go find the others,” Fritter said. “Have a good day Bit.”

“You as well,” Bit replied before turning to his ruined project. “Maybe the power distributor?...”

James had just been about ready to go downstairs and see miss Jeanne about breakfast when a knocking noise came from the door. Curious as to who would be calling on them at this hour, the former Rocket opened it up to reveal a familiar Earth Pony mare and Sylveon.

“Oh, Rika, Fritter, hello again,” he said politely.

“Morning Jimmy!” Rika greeted chipperly. “Room service!”

“She means that I have some breakfast if y’all want some,” Fritter explained. “Ahm not interrupting anything... am I?”

“Maybe Jessie’s beauty sleep,” The Roserade said. “And...thank you. Normally Meowth and I go down to see Jeanne about having breakfast, it’s never been brought up to us.”

“Well it is this morning,” Fritter said, handing him the container. “Everyone else has eaten, so it’s all yours.”

“My thanks,” the Roserade said with a small bow. “First Seth, then you two...you truly are a giving family, aren’t you?”

“It’s the Apple Family way,” Fritter smiled. “But really, we were allowed to stay here free of charge and have caused some minor problems since arriving. So ah really don’t mind at all.”

“It’s just breakfast,” Rika giggled. She gave the Roserade a once over and smiled. “So how’d it go last night?”

“Rika?” Fritter chided her. “Y’all just can’t ask something like that. T’aint proper.”

“Sorry,” Rika replied. “I’m trying not to be such a nosy fairy...”

“I don’t mind,” James said with a sigh. “She’s...willing to give us a shot. But she made it quite clear that I’d best try my hardest.”

“Well then, I’m rooting for you~” Rika giggled.

“As am I,” Fritter smiled.

“Thank you, for both your wishes and the meal,” James said. “Was there anything else?”

“That about covers it,” Fritter smiled. “Y’all have a good day Mr. James.”

“And good luck with your lioness,” Rika giggled.

“And good luck with your lion,” James said with a wink before closing the door.

"James," Jessie groaned from the bed. "Who was that at this hour?"

"Room service, though don't get used to it," James responded to the Pyroar. "Still, it smells delicious. Should I bother plating something up for you, or will you insist on sleeping a little longer?"

The sound of her form hitting the ground made itself known, and her footsteps drew quite quickly towards the door. "I'm up, I'm up!" she said.

Chapter Fifty-Three - Sing a little song

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Luke took Vincent aside once Lucy was fed and tended to, intent on teaching Vincent a technique that was long overdue for him to learn. And now, my son, it is time you learned the move Calm Mind.

Vincent almost automatically reached for his spoon, but Luke gently took a hold of his hand and shook his head. No...for this you should need nothing but your focus.

"Okay," the Kadabra replied. "What do we do?"

Join me in meditation, the Gallade responded, before sitting on the couch. His breathing slowed as he traveled inwards, and Vincent shrugged. Seating himself next to his father figure, the Kadabra deepened his breathing as he turned his focus upon his own mind.

Yes, like that. Look for your inner, peaceful glade. Focus on it...focus on the feelings of serenity and calm. Remove all outwards distractions from your mind. They do not matter, only the peace does.

Vincent breathed in, and all the grass in the glade wavered, leaning in towards him as he did. He breathed out, and a small rush of wind blew out from his form, causing the grass to ripple again. He smiled slightly, and the sunlight overhead grew brighter. This...this was peace. This was calm. He could get used to this.

Unknown to him, his form glowed slightly as the effects of the move boosted his abilities. But then again, he wasn't focused on that at the moment...

Earlier, once Fritter and Rika got home from their date, the pair had decided to help Christine with her room. Rika probably just wanted to spend time with her, but fortunately Fritter knew a few things on making a home feel homely. To be honest, the dragon was glad for the help: she didn't often have the time...or inclination to decorate her dens back on Earth.

The three of them had just gotten to the living room itself when there was a few knocks. Not a moment later, a familiar Luxray peeked in through the door. “Hey,” he said. “I’m back.”

“Welcome back,” Christine greeted. “So how’d it go?”

“Urgh, that mare is really a stallion in disguise,” the Luxray muttered. “But, at least I have a better understanding of how things work in Equestria now.”

Fritter spied the bundle he had tied across his chest. “What do you have there?” she asked, then yelped as the bundle moved!

A pair of pink ears popped out of the satchel and Seth opened it to reveal a small Whismur. "I found her in a back alley,” he explained. “She doesn't know where she is, nor where her mother is.”

“Aw, she’s so cute~” Rika cooed. The Whismur took one look at the Sylveon and scrunched up it’s eyes.

“Aw crap, not again,” Seth muttered as the tiny Pokemon let out an earsplitting wail, the windows rattled and a nearby glass shattered into dust! Rika backed away, while Fritter grabbed her ears. It took a few moments, but Seth finally calmed the Whismur down again and sighed. “Yeah... she does that.”

“Oh that had better not be Wendy,” Christine muttered as she shook the ringing sensation from her head. “That girl loved to put us to sleep as a prank sometimes and draw all over our faces.”

Seth shook his head as he placed the Whismur on his back. “No, she says her name is Aster, and that she hasn’t been able to find her mother since coming to Equestria...”

“Poor little thing,” Fritter said as she petted Aster. Surprisingly, the Whismur didn’t wail again, instead she purred lightly and drifted off to sleep.

“Whoa! Fritter makes an awesome mommy!” Rika giggled, causing the mare to steam and cover her red face with her hooves.

“Okay, point to Fritter, and yeah, if she actually talked to you, then it can’t be Wendy...or isn’t bloody likely, anyways.” The dragon looked around her apartment at the broken glassware and sighed. “Gonna need to replace this…”

“Yeah, my fault, I’ll replace these too,” Seth sighed. “And if her mother isn’t here in Las Pegasus, then we might bring her back to Canterlot with us, maybe try and get in contact with Arceus.”

“I’ll get the dustpan,” Fritter said as she went to sweep up the shattered glass. Another knock on the door revealed Lala, along with a large Earth Pony.

“It seems your new refrigerator is here,” Lala said. “You have to sign for it as well.”

“Ah,” the dragon said, picking up Rika scooting her to in front of the pony, as it had been her who wrote the check originally. “So, together then?”

Rika nodded as the two signed for the new appliance. Another two Earth Ponies brought the heavy device up the stairs, grunting as they moved it through the front door.

“Uh, w-where do you want it?” one said.

“Just through there, in front of the recently-patched wall,” Christine pointed.

“No problem,” the stallions nodded, then nearly passed out when Fritter gave them a hoof. By taking the entire fridge onto her back and walking calmly into the kitchen with it.

“W-well uh...” the stallions just looked at each other while Seth and Rika shared a giggle.

“Yeah, she does that,” Christine said with a smile.

“Noted,” The first stallion nodded. “I wonder if she needs a job?”

“Nope, Fritter is allll ours,” Rika giggled. The stallions sighed, disappointed that they couldn’t get a cute mare to work with them and once the paperwork was done, they were on their way.

“Ah put it in the kitchen,” Fritter said, walking back out. “Pretty fancy-lookin’ too if ah must say.”

“Oh, did we tell Vincent about our little ‘deal’ we worked out with that guy?” Rika asked her draconic friend.

“Don’t think we did,” Christine said, scratching her head. “We probably should, right?”

“I wonder if he’s still busy?” Rika asked and then projected her thoughts. “Hey Vinny, you still banging Lucy?”

You caught me between sessions, was the reply. So why do you need me?

There was a giggle from Rika, before her voice turned seductive. “You caught me, I want you, you sexy Psychic Fox! Why don’t you come over here and I’ll show you a few tricks of my own~”

...Yeah, nice try. I have more than a few things that tell me you’re not being serious, if you ever are, so why do you really need me?

“Geh, Selly is so much better at this,” Rika sighed and continued. “When Christine and I were out shopping, we got a great deal on a fridge... with the promise that you guys would kinda make this retailer your exclusive white goods dealer...”

...Was he at least an honest slash nice guy?

“Seemed to be,” Rika replied. “He was quite grateful to you in particular actually, something about a group called PegasusAir giving him trouble?”

...Thank you for the information, Vincent’s voice had an edge to it before it brightened considerably. And I suppose they would be grateful...maybe I should look into making more such deals. Though I do ask that you not abuse my name to get yourself deals like that again without consulting me first.

“Yeah, sorry,” Rika apologized. “While I have you on the line... I have something for you. A repayment I believe?”

Ah yes! Thank you for reminding me. Though I have to wonder based on your earlier comment if you intend to repay me in bits or with something else...

“Well there’s that~” Rika cooed. “But I don’t think Sethy would approve, so we’ll have to settle with bits... though, you sound a little disappointed~”

Apprehensive, actually. I fear the day Seth or Fritter actually take you to bed and up on any of your offers. I only hope it doesn’t happen here.

“Well, you could fear for Seth maybe,” Rika replied with a smirk that Vincent could feel from his end. “Though, the showers here are wonderful, just enough for an Earth Pony and a little snugglefairy~”

Aaaand that would explain the sounds I heard earlier. Almost thought there was a perverted Ghastly hanging around. So where are the bits then, or did you intend to make good on your earlier teasing?

“The bits are in my room, second drawer in the bedside table,” Rika said, “I’m so leaving the pervy stuff to Selly, I suck at this...”

Seth has something I’m sure he’d appreciate you sucking at more, Vincent shot back. And found and grabbed, thank you Rika.

“GODDAMIT VINCENT!” Rika’s Hyper Voice echoed through the link. “I swear, I’ll sneak into you room and untie Lucy!”

And then I’d make her think you were me, Vincent thought back. That’d last all of an hour, I think, before you’d give up.

“I’m already done,” Rika muttered. She walked over to a corner of the room and sulked, having lost that round miserably.

“What’s her deal?” Seth asked. Vincent decided to fill his friend in on what had just happened.

She just got schooled in the art of dirty-talk, the Kadabra's voice echoed into the Luxray's head.

“I have no idea how to respond to that,” Seth sighed. “And I’m too tired to care either. I think I’ll have some dinner and then I’m going to bed early.”

Fritter nodded as she pet the little Sylveon. “I’ll make you something soon. Let me finish up here first okay?”

“No rush,” Seth said. “Or I’ll cook if you want. You’re always cooking for us.”

Fritter paused, and an expression of dread slowly crept over her face. “Um, iffn’ y’all don’t mind Sethy, ah think you should let me cook.”

Seth shrugged and padded towards over to his room, muttering the whole time about never getting to do anything.

“Whew!” Fritter breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh Seth, before you leave!”

“What is it?” he asked, looking over his shoulder.

“Bit said he could use a charge for some gener-thingy. Reckon you could help ‘im out?”

Seth nodded, “Alright, could you watch Aster for me please?” He placed the satchel around Fritter’s neck and headed downstairs.

Bit had been in the middle of disassembling his computer when a few knocks sounded at the door to his lab.

“Yo Bit, you in there?” the familiar voice of Seth called out.

“Yes,” the program responded. “And it is safe to enter at the moment if that is your desire.”

“Cool,” Seth nudged the door open and walked in side. He looked around and whistled appreciatively. “Whoa, someone’s been busy...”

“Today’s earlier failed test showed me that some of the components I fabricated on my own will likely require replacement or repair.” The computer had been partially disassembled, the offending parts removed and circled in chalk.

“Huh,” Seth looked over the parts, some of them looked a little crispy. “Do you have sufficient heat sinks or cooling?”

“...I had wondered where those parts went,” Bit said, checking his memory and sighing. “It would appear the backup parts were lumped in with the air-conditioning for the apartment during its construction.”

“Well there’s part of your problem, not enough cooling and the motherboard gets fried.” Seth poked at a part idly. “How about water cooling? Would use less energy than a fan and would be a lot easier to fabricate. Plus you have Ice Beam right?”

“The downside is simple to spot: should even one miniscule hole be found, the coolant system will become as much of a problem as this was,” the Porygon-Z responded, picking up a piece of chalk and writing in the need for something to cool the computer with next to it.

‘That’s true, and I doubt ponies could make seamless pipes with their technology...” Seth seemed to think about the dilemma for a moment, before he seemed to get an idea. “Crystals!” he suddenly shouted. “That could work!”

Bit turned towards the Luxray and tilted his head a bit more, wondering what he was talking about. Seth began to explain. “Okay, so when I was in Canterlot, I had a run in with some Carbink that were living in the Crystal Caves. I noticed it was pretty cool in there, but since it was a cave, that was to be expected. However...” Seth took some chalk and drew something up on the board. It looked similar to a cooling unit on a refrigerator.

“Crystals can be enchanted you see, to do various things. Some noble ponies in Canterlot have these Crystal lattices laced in the walls of their homes. These crystals can be charged with heat or cold spells...”

“Intriguing notion,” Bit commented. “I may very well do so...once I understand magic better. I would prefer to be able to do such things myself if possible, so as to keep costs as low as possible during the fabrication of these computers.”

“Cost effective as well...” Seth seemed to ponder for a little longer before shrugging. “Dang... I got nothing now.” He scratched at his head and sighed. “Oh yeah, Fritter said you needed a charge or something?”

“The generator is over there,” Bit pointed in one corner to the generator-capacitor-fuse box setup. “It is modified to accept electricity from electric-type moves, store them, then feed the energy into the apartment house when it is needed. Simply aim at that metal plate.”

“Right here then?” Seth placed a paw against the plate. “Before I start, how much should I pour into it? I’m afraid I don’t quite know my own limits yet.”

“There is a safety feature,” Bit said, turning back to the corpse of his computer. “If it starts to beep at you, then it cannot take any more at this time. I built it in when I was modifying it, and hopefully, that feature works better than this one.”

“I’ll take it slow,” Seth decided. “So, how’s your day been?” he asked idly.

“Disappointing, but fruitful. Before I was forced to freeze my creation, it worked for a moment. I am on the right track, I merely require more cooling...and replacement parts,” Bit said, looking at several charred pieces.

“You’ll get there,” Seth replied. “Don’t try and rush it. Kanto wasn’t built in a day after all.”

“...True,” Bit said as he considered the words. “Still, I have come quite close in a matter of a few days of solid work. To be thwarted this close to the finish line is...irritating.”

“I’ll bet,” Seth replied. “Reminds me of when I had to build a model for a science project at school. But on the day, some kid tripped me, smashed the whole thing that i had spent weeks building... used a lot of glue and tape to fix it, but I couldn’t fix it in time...” He chuckled, “I doubt it really compares to what you’re doing though...”

“At least some of the materials I need can be found or purchased, so I am not doing it entirely from nothing,” Bit commented, dislodging another burned piece and sighing. “Still, the amount of damage inflicted by one careless oversight…”

“Hindsight is a bitch,” Seth quoted. “You’ve learned and now that mistake won’t happen again.” The panel gave a ding as the capacitor was fully charged.

“That seems to be the motto for not only the Nurem family, but many of the ones we run into as well,” Bit commented.

“New world, new rules, can’t be expected to adapt overnight,” Seth said. “All we can do is try and hope the world doesn’t explode.”

“I highly doubt the world is sentient, or knows the Self-destruct move,” Bit mused.

“...I can’t tell if that’s sarcasm or not,” Seth replied.

“Considering the presence of Legendaries such as Groudon and Kyogre back on Earth, it is not outside the realm of possibility,” Bit stated.

“Don’t remind me,” Seth replied dryly. “Anything else you need help with Bit?”

“Not at this time, though thank you for the charge,” the program responded. “That should keep the building and myself powered for some time.”

“No problem,” Seth replied. “Go nuts for tonight and I’ll give it a quick top up before I leave tomorrow.”

“Appreciated,” Bit said with a smile in his eyes. “Take care, mister Crescent.” Seth nodded and left Bit to his own devices.

James and Jessie were looking at a large, tourist-department approved map of Las Pegasus, planning their first real date on the town. "We could go here, see the Crown Jewel once it's repaired," Jessie said. "It sounds high-class."

"And I promise to give over any Bits to you," James said. "I know you'll keep an eye on them and not let me gamble."

"You're darn right I will," Jessie said with a mock-glare. "Honestly, I don't know why you keep allowing yourself to be suckered into such poor investments."

"I'll...answer that one later," James replied, a small blush on his cheeks, before turning back to the map. "Hmm, there are quite a few places we could get dinner at around there...perhaps we should ask Vincent which one is the best option?"

“Some bugs are raiding the berry garden,” a familiar voice called from the stairwell, loud enough to pierce through the walls.

"Oh Arceus-damnit!" James said, jumping down from their couch and stalking to the doorway.

"James, wait for me! I can handle them a lot better than you!" Jessie said, jumping to her paws and racing after him.

"Together then?" he asked as they raced up the stairs.

"Of course, but let's put on a show as well," Jessie said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before he opened the door to the roof. "Give me an introduction, won't you?"

"Gladly," James said, and opened the door to see the swarm of Ledyba, along with their older, Ledian siblings.

"I'm warning you all now," James said, brandishing his bouquets. "Leave, or you will be dealt with."

"We aren't afraid of you!" one of the Ledians stated.

"Yeah!" the rest of them chipped in. James merely sighed and lowered his arms.

"Oh, it wasn't me that was going to deal with you," the Roserade said idly.

"You mean that Nurem brat? You got him up here? We aren't afraid of him either! No matter what he ended up as, we outnumber him!"

James raised an eyebrow at that before laughing and shaking his head. "Oh no, not him either. After all, you've messed with me enough. I'd say it was high time you prepared for trouble, as this garden is mine to look after."

Jessie's voice came from the stairwell then. "Indeed, and they'd best make it double, as I'm not letting you handle this on your own anymore."

The form of the Pyroar walking out got the attention of all the Bug-types up there, and several of them gulped as they realized the situation. None of them could match up against a Fire-type favorably. One of them seemed puzzled for a moment. "Hang on," the Ledian said. "Those words...I swear I've heard them before..."

"To protect our Berries from devastation," James led, a smile on his face.

"To unite all people within this nation," Jessie rejoined, smiling as well, prancing next to her boyfriend, her mane's colors dancing wildly as she fell back into her old, hammy role.

"To denounce the evils of gluttony and greed," James continued, causing Jessie to look at him with shock for a moment. He changed the tune?! Then again, she considered, they'd changed their lives and weren't real members of the team anymore...they could have a different tune.

"To give to those who have true need!" Jessie said, thinking up a rhyme quickly, before naming herself. "Jessie,"

"James," the Roserade replied striking a pose where he brandished both of his bouquets at the invaders. "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!" the Pyroar finished with a roar. Just like the old days!

"Meowth, that's right!" Meowth pitched in, riding atop Wobbuffet's form as they emerged from the stairwell.

Silence reigned for a moment...and then the bugs flew off again, clearly not wanting to put up with Jessie's new form, or the team...Or both.

"Well," Jessie said, blinking a few times. "That was easy."

Atop a cloud above a small hamlet, a pair of eyes watched as a Gardevoir and a Gallade walked hand in hand, a pair of familiar shining stones set in rings adorning their fingers.

“Humanity is destined to follow the path of ruin once more... I must put a stop to this, to preserve this pure and gentle world...”

Chapter Fifty-Four - Cry out your Frustration

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Early in the morning, the routine was fairly standard in the home of Nurem. Jeanne woke up and went to the kitchen to prepare a delicious breakfast for the family. Bit was on door duty while the family roused themselves, and all was normal. Until the lightest of knocking could was heard at the door. Within as little time to spare as possible, the Porygon-Z poked its head out, did a quick sweep of the area, and upon seeing nothing immediately obvious, sat there and ticked as he considered the situation.

With no immediate culprit, the program closed the door. But that was only the beginning of the intriguing morning.

Sam had eventually come to, walked into the kitchen, and aided Jeanne in retrieving the needed ingredients in exchange for his usual coffee. Once he took his seat, though, he saw the cutest yet most determined Whismur climbing up to the top of the table and pound her tiny fists to get attention one she reached her goal.

“Hungry!” she declared, with the tiniest, most adorable voice. A low chuckle came from behind her then, and once she looked around, saw that she was in front of a most amused Scizor.

“And who might you be? You’re not Wendy, that’s for certain; she didn’t talk around others,” Sam said while sipping his coffee.

“Aster!” the Whisper 'mon smiled. “Who’a you?”

“Hello Aster, I’m Sam,” the Pincer ‘mon said, offering her his free (and closed!) claw. “So I can see that you’re hungry, so that answers what you’re doing here. And you’ve already told me who. So how about...how did you get in?”

“D’Porygon let me,” Aster giggled. She took a look at the extended claw and suddenly nommed on it, before scrunching up her face and spitting it out. “Bleh!”

“Well, that’s an...interesting sensation,” Sam commented. “You were supposed to shake it, dear one. It was how the humans greeted one another: handshakes, typically.”

Aster stood up and waddled over to the Scizor, and promptly hugged his face. “Momma give hugs, so I give hugs!” she giggled.

Sam reached up with his closed claw and gently moved the Whismur down to his chest, letting her continue to hug along the way. He didn’t have anything against hugs, but he’d rather be able to talk. “Well, that works too,” he conceded. “So Bit let you in...but how did you get in the building in the first place?”

“Unca Sethy!” she said as she let go and sat back on the table, poking at a plate. “He’s helping me find Mommy!”

“That sounds like Seth alright,” Sam said with a chuckle. “Do you know what your mother is? Quite a few were changed a few weeks ago, and we do have a pretty powerful ‘search engine’ on our side,” the Scizor mentioned. “If she’s here, I’m pretty sure Vincent will be able to find her...unless she’s a Dark or Bug Type, of course.”

“Um... Mommy is... Mommy is...” The Whismur’s eyes began to water as she inhaled deeply...but before she could unleash her cry, she felt herself being softly stroked and petted. For someone with a metallic exoskeleton, Sam could be quite gentle when he wanted.

“I’m sorry, little one. I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he muttered near-silently. “Vincent just does better work if he knows what he’s looking for. A form, a type, a name,” the bug explained.

“Papa Sala!” she said, sniffing slightly. “Mommy always had Papa Sala with her!” She looked at Sam expectantly. “Can you find Mommy Unca Sam?”

“Well,” Sam said with a chuckle. “Not me, no! The reason I keep talking about Vincent is that he’s Psychic, Aster. And Sala...Salamence? Your mother always had a Salamence with her?” Sam questioned. “That...is a good lead...but something that would be better is if you knew what others called your mother. A lot of what a person is is tied up in their name.”

“Mommy’s... name?” Aster blinked. “Mommy is Mommy... but only to Aster!” She scrunched up her face as she thought about the question, before coming up with an answer for Sam. “Z-Zinnia!” Aster finally said. “Mommy’s name is Zinnia!”

“Well,” Vincent said as he entered the dining area. “Glad to know the name of your mother, little one. Also glad to hear a Whismur that talks. Hello there.”

“STRANGER!” Aster blasted the Kadabra with a Hyper Voice, the glancing blow making Vincent stumble. “Save me Unca Sam!”

Sam just laughed and brought one claw over to the Kadabra that was shaking his head. “Aster, might I introduce my little brother, Vincent? And Vincent, this easily excitable little ball of cute is Aster.”

“Charmed,” Vincent said, his ears flipping around as he attempted to work them again. “I didn’t need to hear today anyways.”

Aster looked sad. “Sorry Unca Sam, I didn’t mean to hurt Big Bro VinVin! But mommy told me t’be careful of strangers...”

“...Why do I look at her and think ‘this is what Rika was like when she was her age?’” Vincent questioned as he sat himself down at the table. “And I’m sure that ringing noise is only temporary.”

Sam just ran a claw down Aster’s back to reassure her. “Accidents happen, little one. At least yours don’t seem to involve property damage.”

Aster tummy gave a loud rumble and she looked around. “Want food now!” she said adamantly. After a moment she blinked and looked at both Sam and Vincent sheepishly. “Um, pwease?”

“Oh hello there!” Jeanne said as she came out of the kitchen before looking at her son. “Vincent dear, if you would?”

With a nod and a flash, three plates were in front of the trio of ‘mon at the table, loaded down with Jeanne’s cooking and smelling delicious. Vincent hadn’t been aware that you could make syrup for pancakes out of Berries, but now that he’d tried some...

“Yay~” Aster cheered and opened her maw, aiming for the nearest plate. With almost tornado-like force, she sucked in the entire contents of the dish, swallowing it and belching cutely, all in the space of a second or two. The other ‘mon at the table blinked a few times before looking at one another.

“Come to think of it, we never did watch Wendy eat,” Vincent mentioned.

“Every time we tried, we woke up with scribbles on our faces,” Sam agreed.

The Bellossom just giggled and drew a little closer, just a little. “My, aren’t you a hungry one.”

“Yummy~” Aster giggled, and then turned to face Sam’s plate…

“Now now, dear,” Jeanne chided. “You’ve already had a serving. It’d be rude to take other’s food. You wouldn’t like it if they did that to you, would you?”

“...Nooo” Aster said, closing her mouth. “Can I have a drink please?”

“What would you like?” Vincent asked, holding up a glowing hand.

“Ummm?” Aster thought for a second. “There was something Mommy would always ask Papa Sala for, but no-one would ever tell me what it is!” She paused for a moment before reciting the words. “What’s... ‘The sweet nectar of love’? It sounds yummy~”

“...First Rika, then you,” Vincent muttered. “I’m beginning to think your entire family is out for my sanity. How about some juice?”

“Juice is good too,” Aster said. “Orange please!”

“I think we have some,” the Kadabra said with a nod. With a flash, a cup was on the table in front of the Whismur. Another moment saw the appearance of a container of orange juice, which filled her glass before returning back from wherever it came.

“I’ll get on making more for the rest,” Jeanne said with a smile. “Seeing as how our numbers seem to have increased by one for the morning.”

At that moment, a frantic banging could be heard on Vincent’s door. Bit, still being nearby, opened it and stuck his head out.

Seth was standing there, his fur was all over the place and he looked quite concerned. “Bit! Have you seen a Whismur around here!?”

The program shook his head a few times. “Negatory. No Whismur has been observed by this unit lately.”

Seth groaned, “Could you please ask everyone else here if a Whismur been spotted then?”

Bit rotated his head and was prepared to ask the question before spotting Aster at the table, drinking her juice. With a smile in his eyes, Bit rotated his disconnected head back around to reply to the Luxray. “No need. One has just been observed within.”

“Can I please come inside?” Seth asked.

“I am certain you are perfectly capable of the act of locomotion,” the Porygon responded, answering the question with absolute honesty.

“I am waaay too tired and stressed for this,” Seth muttered as he walked inside. “Aster? Are you here?”

“Unca Sethy!” Aster called from the kitchen. “I’m in here!” The Luxray walked into the kitchen to see Aster on the table, along with Sam and Vincent.

“There you are,” he sighed with relief. “We’ve been looking for you, how and why did you come here?”

“I was hungry and you was asleep,” Aster stated. “So I came here to get something. I didn’t want to wake you up cause you looked sleepy...”

Seth sighed and smiled as he nuzzled the little rabbit. “You’re very sweet and thoughtful Aster, but wake me up next time, we were very worried about you.”

“Kay,” Aster smiled. Seth turned to everyone else.

“Sorry about this guys. I hope she wasn’t any trouble.”

“She’s been a gem,” Sam said, softly rubbing between Aster’s ears with one claw.

“Plus we have a name for me and you to use,” Vincent tacked on. “Zinnia. Ring any bells?”

Seth pondered. “Sorry Vince, never heard of it before.” He looked down at Aster and smiled. “But I’ll try my hardest to find her okay?”

“M’kay,” Aster yawned. “M’sleepy... can we go home now?”

“Sure,” Seth replied and he placed the tired Whismur on his back. “Thanks for looking out for her guys.”

“Not a problem,” Vincent said with a wave of his coffee mug. “I can look for this ‘Zinnia’ in a moment. Need to eat, feed Lucy, and do a few things of that nature before I have a moment to spare.”

“I, on the other claw, have to go to work,” Sam said, getting up and placing on claw on Seth’s shoulder. “Take care, okay?”

“Will do, I might stop by before I go home as well. I need to see if that Sandslash friend of yours will part with some recipes for Fritter and Mocha.”

“So warn the hospital ahead of time, got it,” Sam chuckled as he made his way out the door.

Seth excused himself from the apartment and headed back to his own.

Christine had had enough of the fairy's 'jokes' for one lifetime. She shoved Rika onto her head and stomped downstairs, ignoring the protesting and pleading piece of headware. Once she arrived at the apartment Seth was using, she clapped eyes on Seth within moments. “Oh good, you’re here. Maybe now I can get some answers.”

Seth opened his eyes. “Yes Christine?” he said with all the enthusiasm of a Snorlax being asked to move.

“Well either this little fairy of yours is very bad at sexual jokes, or she actually wants to sleep with me, one of the two,” the landshark said, picking Rika off of her head and holding the Sylveon upside-down, to make her displeasure clear.

“So I’m bad at jokes, which Vincent made abundantly clear,” Rika pouted.

Seth sighed as he looked up from his spot on the carpet. “It’s Rika, I never know if she’s serious or not... but I know that a lot of Pokemon don’t have the same ‘single mate’ attachment that humans do.” He looked at Rika, “You love me don’t you?”

“With all my heart,” Rika replied. “I would never do anything to hurt you... and Chrissie is my best friend, and everyone else is throwing those stupid jokes around!”

Seth chuckled. “I know, and I also remember what you said in bed last night too.”

Rika suddenly turned bright red, but whether it was due to blood rushing to her head or a blush, well that was unknown.

“And I don’t mind, really!” Seth said. “Just because I’m not ready yet, doesn’t mean you two have to hold back either. Just be yourselves okay?”

Rika nodded as she squirmed to be turned right-side up. Christine relented slightly and grabbed her by the back of the neck, still not letting her go, but letting her orientation return to normal. And speaking of orientation…

“Okay, and while I’m not sure how much attachment I would have to a mate, should I ever get one, I will have you know that I know my own preferences, Rika. And as I keep informing you, it’s not my own gender.”

“Fine, I’ll stop teasing...” Rika said. “Everyone else makes jokes and its funny, I make jokes and ohh, I piss everyone off. Shocker!” Her tone turned surprisingly sarcastic, and it was one Christine had never heard from the Sylveon before.

“Rika, I’m not angry. I just wanted to make my stance perfectly clear. You would know if I was angry at you. You’d be on fire,” Christine stated bluntly. “Honestly, I can joke with the best of them, but when you start describing what you’re going to do to me, I have to put my claw down.”

Rika sighed, and after a bit of work, she used her ribbons to pry herself free. “It’s fine, I’m angry with myself... not you or anyone else. I just... I don’t know...” She suddenly ran from the room as Seth sighed.

“She can’t even see why she’s acting like that,” he looked up at Christine. “You know why, don’t you?”

“There are a few things that come to mind,” the dragon said. “But I think, give her a few minutes and approach with a gift of chocolate ice cream, and your little fairy will be willing to talk. And should.” Thinking on one of the plausible reasons, the dragon hastily added, “Though if it comes to a conclusion that involves a lot of noise, I will go out on tour of the city just to get away from all the sounds, I swear to Arceus.”

“I don’t think such drama is needed,” Seth replied, still laying on the floor. “She’ll be back any second now.” As if on cue, Rika walked back inside with as much dignity as she could muster.

“Want ice-cream, I have no money,” she said. “And Christine would get mad if I stole hers...”

“Rika,” Seth said firmly. “Do you not have anything to say to your friend?”

“Like what?” she replied. “That she just decides to stop avoiding me and be my best friend, right before we have to leave her here? Or that I’m probably not going to see her in forever? Or that no matter what I try to do to make her smile, I just screw up and make her uncomfortable instead!?” She was almost shouting by the end... And then seemed to realize that Christine was still standing there.

“Oh Ponyfeathers!”

Christine may not have been the most...sociable being, but she knew as if by instinct, and a lot of observation, a few of the things she needed to do. First, secure the target. With a quick swipe, the Sylveon was in her arms and being hugged against her chest.

Check. Second, weaken the target. The landshark looked over to Seth and nodded while mouthing the words ‘Ice cream,’ to him. He seemed to get the idea as he fetched some leftover ice-cream from the freezer. He brought it over to the dragon, a bit of curiosity evident on his face.

Check. Third, undermine the defenses. “Now who was it who told me about writing and letters? Heck, just because this place is going to be my new home, it doesn’t mean I’m bound to this spot.” The dragon shuddered a bit at some...uncomfortable memories surfacing, before she got herself under control. “Operating under those rules, what are Seth or Fritter or even you doing here, little fairy?” Christine beeped Rika’s nose with one claw as she finished her question.

Rika nodded as she leant into the hug. “I guess my emotions ran away with my sanity again,” she said as she forced a giggle. “M’still gonna miss you though...”

Check. Finally, killing blow. “And I you, Rika. Just because I don’t love you like a mate, doesn’t mean I don’t love you like a friend. Just keep in mind that not everyone can be as loving as you, as easily as you, okay? I like you just the way you are...and I’d prefer it if you stayed that way. Namely, intact.” With that, the ice-cream was scooted closer to the little Fairy. She’d probably need it at this point...

“I went too far... again,” Rika said as she poked at the dessert, not really in the mood to eat it anymore. “But if you still wanna be my friend... then I guess I’m both grateful and surprised.” She sighed and looked back at Seth. “I really don’t know how Sethy and Fritter deal with me...Maybe I am my father’s daughter...?”

“Hey, let’s not go overboard!” Seth quickly stomped on that particular thought. “We love you for you Rika... Always have and always will.”

Between Seth and Christine’s words... Rika just opened the floodgates and bawled. Soaking the dragon she was hugging enough that it turned her into a Water-type…

“After putting up with your family’s antics for as long as I did?” Christine chuckled as she kept gently petting Rika. “I’d have to either be crazy or your friend. And I’ve been crazy before, thanks. No desire to repeat the experience.”

“S-sorry,” Rika giggled in between sobs. “You’re m-my friend. Y-you’re nuts by default.”

“She’s got you there,” Seth chuckled until he realized what she’d said. “Hey, I’m dating you, so what does that make me?”

“Nuts squared,” Christine pitched in.

Rika giggled again, “But I thought his nuts were rounder?”

“I wouldn’t know, I’m not the one sleeping with him,” the dragon retorted.

“Ergh! And I open my mouth again,” Rika sighed. “Pass me the ice-cream. At least if I’m eating I’ll not say anything stupid.”

The ice cream was passed while the dragon kept talking. “See, the way you should have continued that would have been something like...’I wouldn’t know either, he’s being stingy!’ And then we could have ganged up on Seth for not being generous with his nuts.”

“You do raise an excellent point,” Rika said with a mouthful of ice-cream. “Sharing is caring!”

“I have you and Fritter, how much more sharing do I have to do?” Seth replied.

“Silly Seth,” Christine giggled. Actually giggled. “You’re not sharing enough of yourself with these fine ladies. Don’t they deserve some attention from you?” The place where most ‘mon would have eyebrows wiggled as the landshark talked.

Seth’s brain seemed to come to a screeching halt. Rika gave him a half-lidded stare and licked her lips. “I would have to agree Miss Chrissie... While I quite liked the Apple dessert, the main course must truly be... delicious!”

Seth backed away slowly, not taking his eyes off the pair. “And where do you think you’re going?” Christine said, carefully placing Rika and her bowl on the ground before standing up and stretching. “After all, one of your ladies is right here, pining for attention, young man.”

“Ahh...” Seth’s cognitive thought was apparently AWOL. “Wha?”

Rika blinked, her eyes shining as she used Baby-Doll Eyes. “Sethy? You’re so mean~”

“Not to worry, dear. I’m certain we can find some rope somewhere in this apartment, and you can extract some attention from him once he can’t get away.” Christine’s grin was almost as wide as her face.

“Oh but Chrissie,” Rika said as she flexed her ribbons. “Why do we need rope?”

Seth leapt over the two and through the door, crashing into the opposite wall before the sounds of him falling down a few flights of stairs echoed through the apartment. Rika blinked, turned to the door and then burst out laughing.

“Oh. My. Arceus... Did you see his face!?” She couldn’t breathe she was laughing so hard. Christine was in a similar boat, laughing through the tears.

“And for future reference,” the Gabite managed to get out, “Your ribbons are a part of you, that’s why we need rope. One good shock and you’re out for the count. Rope has no such connection.”

“Aw, but I have good special defense,” Rika said. “And maybe some light shocks might feel good~”

“When he’s in fight or flight mode like that, I’m pretty sure ‘light’ isn’t in his arsenal,” Christine warned. “Until he gets used to the teasing...and you get a little bit better at dishing it out,” here the dragon beeped the fairy’s nose, “then you’re going to want to make sure that when he runs for it, you aren’t blocking too many exits.”

“That’s a good point...” Rika noted. “Well, now that Sethy can’t play anymore. Wanna do something before I have to leave?”

“You, little lady, are going to learn how best to tease your lion before you have to go,” Christine said, sitting down and putting Rika in her lap.

“Only you get to treat me like this,” Rika said as she got comfortable. “Last time someone called me a pet... I broke them.” She reached out with her ribbons and grabbed the ice-cream and another spoon, before offering Christine some. “Start the lesson teacher!”

“And the last time someone tried to catch me, their Snorlax launched them into the stratosphere,” Christine said with a smile before humming. “Let’s see...how about we start with some highlights from what Sam was taught and build on that so that you know how best to tease your feline?...”

All good things had to come to an end though, and Seth’s family was preparing to leave Las Pegasus. Rika refused to let go of Christine, as said dragon tried prying her off with a crowbar. Aster sat happily on Fritter’s back while Seth spoke with Vincent.

“Well, thanks for letting us stay... and sorry about the dramas we caused, directly or indirectly...”

“Not a big deal,” Vincent said. “You shoulda been here when I just got here.” The Kadabra whistled and chuckled at the memories. “I’ve done worse, believe me.” Upon taking notice of the Whismur, Vincent remembered his earlier promise. “Oh, Aster?”

“Yeah Big Bro?” she asked with a sweetness that no sugar could ever hope to match.

“Wanna watch me look for your mom?” Vincent raised a glowing blue arm as he talked, already drawing on the power needed for his Ping technique.

“Do I?” she jumped down from Fritter’s back and waddled over to him. He gently bent down and offered his non-glowing hand to her, an unspoken invitation to get a little closer to the action if she wanted.

She took his hand and gulped, before Vincent scooped her up and cradled her against his chest armor.

“Where are you Mommy?” Vincent heard her think. “I miss you!”

Shh, Vincent whispered into her mind. Don’t worry, we’re about to look. I’m strong, but not strong enough to search everywhere, little one. But if she’s in this city, I will find her...unless she’s something that is immune to Psychic, of course.

“Big Bro is in my head~” Aster giggled.

Yup, Vincent laughed back. Now, Zinnia is her name, right? I can look for her, sure...but I want you to do something special as well. Think you’re up for it?

“What do you want me to do?” Aster asked.

Think about your mommy. Think about all the good times you’ve ever had with her. Think about how much you love her. Do that, and no matter the type she ended up as, we should get something, if she’s here. No love is stronger than a mother’s for her child, and it can cut across all barriers if you but reach out to it.

“Okay...” Aster thought hard as images flashed through Vincent’s head. Of a young girl crying as she held a newly hatched Whismur, of the same girl, older this time as she battled a faceless trainer. The times when the pair would share a picnic, or play hide and seek at the Falls.

Then the images of the girl, now a young woman as she ran through some kind of lab, garbed in a red hood. The woman as she plucked the Key Stone of a fallen trainer, and then as she stood before Rayquaza, her crimson eyes blazing with furious determination.

My word, that’s a lot! Okay, here I go…

Vincent took a deep breath and added Aster’s memories to the mix of his technique, deciding to spice it up a little as well. Zinnia! We call to you! Should you be in this city, answer us! Both myself...and your daughter!

“MOMMY!” Aster called out, before the wave of near-invisible blue light rushed away from them. The pair waited for ten seconds, as the power of both Vincent and Aster’s memories pushed the technique to new heights…

...new heights that were sadly, fruitless. It rebounded, carrying no new information back to either one of them. Vincent sighed, dejected that nothing happened. “I’m sorry, Aster. But she’s not in Las Pegasus.”

Aster remained silent for a moment. “It’s... okay Big Bro... thank you for trying...”

Unbeknownst to them, a lithe Dragonite sat on a cloud, as a feeling of nostalgia and great loss washed over her. Her crimson eyes closed as the memories played over in her mind... until she opened them again, looking at a city she could not see. Spreading her wings, she soared into the air and shot off into the wide, blue sky.

“I’ll find you...”

Seth waited as the pair finished their search. “So no luck then?” he asked as Aster climbed back up onto Fritter’s back. “It’s alright, we’ll find her. One way or another.”

“Well considering I just did my Ping while in such a close proximity to her, it’s highly likely that if you run across any Psychic you feel you can trust, they could make their own, similar technique from watching her memories and do a search there as well.” Vincent stated as though it were all rather simple. He’d really rather they avoid going straight to the top for as long as possible...he didn’t really have a lot of faith in a certain god ever since he failed to punish a certain ambassador.

“Right, thanks for the advice...” Seth said as Christine finally freed herself of Rika’s deathgrip.

“Aww... Oh! But you guys totally have to come to the Contest!” Rika said, bouncing up and down. “It’s gonna be AMAZING!!”

“Ah, there is that,” Seth said. “The Contest is scheduled for 5 days from now, I really hope you guys can make it. I know I could use Bit’s help with all the tech that I’ll need to set up.”

“I’ll make sure Bit goes at least,” Vincent said with a nod. “Sam?”

The Scizor shook his head. “Mary believes in a week’s notice before I get any time off. So I can’t go. And depending on circumstances, the program might be the only one that gets to.” The Scizor was of course referring to Lucy’s current state.

“Plus you can’t flirt with Lala either,” Selena pointed out.

“Well, I hope some of you can make it at least,” Seth said. “If you can’t, I’ll be sure to send you a recording of it.”

The train gave a sharp whistle, signalling that it was almost time to leave. “It certainly been as fun as always Vincent,” Seth mused as he held out a paw. “Until we meet again then?”

“Of course, friend,” Vincent replied while giving Seth’s paw a firm shake. “And hey, if you run into Gene, Abby, Sev, or Weiss, say hi for me? I consider them friends...or in the case of a certain snake, friendly enough.”

“Rika’s father? Yeah... he and I have a ‘we tolerate each other for Rika’s sake’ relationship... But don’t worry. I’ll do that. Oh and Captain Ace might be doing some recruiting for a Pokemon Guard here soon, maybe keep an eye out for potential candidates?”

“I’ll try to remember that,” Vincent said as the train whistled again. “But you all better get on, now!”

“Right,” Seth grabbed Rika by the scruff of the neck as she tried to drag Christine with them. Fritter was already onboard, after giving Sam a recipes to give to Jeanne and Mary. Soon, they were all waving from the train windows as it pulled away from the station, and off to home, where many more surprises awaited them...

Chapter Fifty-Five - A Dark Void does not hide you as well as you might think.

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Bit dinged happily as he arrived at the third floor. True, his computer project had failed, but some of the scrap still served a purpose. He managed to catch a hold of not only Vincent, but Christine as well, as both parties awoke and made to go about their day. "Salutations. This unit has just finished installing an external camera in the building, to help me take notice of new arrivals. The monitor for it is currently in the basement, so I will always be present for pricing."

"Wait," the Kadabra said, blinking rapidly. "You installed a camera in the laser-wall?"

"Technically, I repurposed my rudimentary monitor and one of the targeting cameras to give visual feedback, but yes," The Porygon-Z stated.

"That...is damn useful, Bit. Thank you." Vincent had an idea that would hopefully help Christine get over her distrust of strangers. Well, that or it would backfire immensely. He then turned to the nearby Gabite. “Christine, would you mind terribly if I asked you to be the greeter today?”

She blinked a few times at the idea before voicing her own question. “You want me to take Lala’s place...why?”

“Because you need more exposure to ‘mon that aren’t us,” Vincent replied honestly. “Plus, I only said that I helped tone your anger issues down. You still have plenty you need to work on yourself.”

The dragon sighed and hung her head slightly. “Fine, point. I’ll do it...but I’m not gonna be happy about it.”

“That’s all I ask,” the psychic said softly. “If you need me, I’m only a thought away.”

“Assuming you aren’t screwing Lucy at the time,” Christine returned. Surprisingly, Vincent didn’t even blush at the comment before teleporting away. The landshark blinked at that before shrugging and taking her new spot behind the desk.

Things were fairly quiet until about mid-day, when a Sceptile walked in. “Yeah yeah, whaddya want?” she groused. “If you’re here to point and laugh at the freak, I’ve got a move all ready for you.”

Said Sceptile blinked in confusion. “Point? Laugh? Dudette why would I do that?”

“Oh I dunno, everymon else seems to think that I can’t hear them whispering about me, so just get it out of your system.” The Ground/Dragon type raised one arm and looked at it, recalling the other day on the town and her time in Canterlot with ease.

“Dudette,” the grass-type rolled his eyes. “I am not going to make fun of you, ‘cause you’re different. I’m a PLA general. We’re all strange. You should see the Commander. Heck, he’d probably give you a high rank solely because you were different. Me? Aint one to judge on appearances, just actions.”

At that, the dragon blinked before lowering her arm and actually looking at the Sceptile. “...Okay, either you’re just messing with me, or the rest of ‘em were right about how not everymon is an ass.”

“Everyone’s an ass, just some more than most,” the visitor laughed. “Name’s Scep.”

Christine actually laughed with him. “Ain’t that the truth! I’m Christine. So what’re you here for?”

“Some rooms for me and my crew,” Scep gestured out the door. “I’m used to roughing it, but they like it all cozy and nice.”

“Ah. Well, bring ‘em in, and I’ll try to not bite their faces off, as long as they’re half as civil as you,” she said with a wink. “Oh, and so long as you aren’t rude about it, go ahead and ask me the obvious question later...over a drink, though. Long stories deserve one.”

“A drink?” Scep licked his lips. “You’re speaking my language, dudette. It’s been so long since I’ve had a thirst quencher.”

“I know where the booze in this place is kept,” Christine replied. “I can get it easy. But go get your crew, Bit oughta be up here in a few. You saw the camera, right?”

“Seems like something Loom would make,” Scep nodded.

“Bit takes care of the outside defences,” the Gabite replied. “And when he notices new arrivals, he comes up to help handle pricing, along with making offers to the ‘mon that can help keep this place running. Don’t be surprised if he makes a few to your crew.”

“We’re not ones to be tied down,” Scep snorted. “We like to roam...Well, I like to. Most mons don’t really care for me.”

“You’re good in my books; you were at least polite when you first saw me,” she replied with a smirk. “And I’m pretty sure they’re the sort of ‘mon that like to save a few bits on their room. I think that defines everyone, really. G’on, get ‘em in here. Let’s see how this plays out.”

“Alright, alright,” Scep held up his hands and chuckled. “Don’t be so pushy, dudette. I might begin to think you want me outta here. What? Tired of my ugly mug already?”

“More like wanting to get the pain over with. You watch, I’ll bet you your choice of drink they won’t be able to keep their damn mouths shut when they see me.” She recalled the whispered words of not long ago. If it hadn’t been for Rika...

Scep smiled, but activated a Leaf Blade. “I’d like to see them try, but I know they’ll be civil….Well, most of them….Okay, I’ll hit them extra good to teach ‘em better.”

Christine did not reply verbally, instead choosing to rest her head on the desk she was situated behind, sighing while she did.

“And put a smile on that face,” Scep said as he walked outside. “It looks better on you.”

Christine was thankful his back was turned, because she just knew she was blushing at those words. Someone who actually liked her looks?

When Scep called them in, the first thing that happened was a Zoroark walking in, taking one look at the Gabite, and suddenly she was at the desk. Like literally. In an instant. Staring intently at the Gabite.

“GAH!” Christine did not scream, no matter how many testimonies would say otherwise. She reacted calmly and reasonably by jerking her head and entire body back into her chair and scooting it a few feet. “Can I help you?”

“Fascinating. You’re a Gabite, but you’re certainly not a Shiny. Hm...markings like a Kecleon, and other slight differences...a possible evolution or adaptation?” the dark-type analyzed, in a tone that was a bit too familiar for comfort.

“I’m going to take that as a ‘no,’ you can’t be helped,” the dragon deadpanned before looking over at Scep. “She do this a lot?” she asked with a roll of her eyes.

“She can be stupid sometimes,” Scep chuckled. “But she doesn’t mean anything by it.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” she responded before looking to the dark-type in front of her. “And Scep’s the only one I feel remotely comfortable telling...as well as the only one whose name I know,” the dragon prompted.

The Illusion Fox Pokemon blinked for a moment, before realizing what she was doing. “Oh dear,” she gulped, suddenly going straight. “I’m terribly sorry about that. I get caught up whenever I see something that might tie in with my research...well, my research from back on Earth at least. I guess old habits die hard,” she said nervously. “I’m Alice. Its nice to meet you.”

The dragon had noticeably stiffened at certain words during Alice’s speech. Namely, ‘research’ and ‘Earth’. Her tail lashed a little bit, colors dancing along it before it returned to normal. “I’m Christine,” she said in a tone with more than a touch of steel in it. “So, you lot want a room?”

“Er...yes. My team and I would like to rent a few rooms for the next few days. Same for our...benefactors as well,” she said, motioning to the Ponies who had stepped in and stiffened a bit at the sight of the dragon.

A new voice spoke up as a Porygon-Z ascended from the basement level. “Greetings and salutations,” it said, understood by Pokemon and Ponies alike. “This unit is designated as Bit. For how long would you like to stay, and how many rooms will you require?”

“Well…” Alice started, before motioning to one of the ponies.

Seeing the cue, he stepped forward. “Hm...I think we’ll be staying at least 4 days, since I’m going to be doing more than 1 show here. As for rooms...I think 6 or 7 rooms will do. We are a rather large group.”

Bit dinged a few times as he ran the data through his self. “Recommendation: you rent two apartments worth of rooms. Our usual weekly rate is fifteen bits. Eight bits per apartment for half a week comes to sixteen bits, unless one of the Pokemon you travel with has any moves that could make the running of this apartment house easier,” the Program recited. “Two adjacent apartments are available on the fourth, fifth, and sixth floor.”

The group of ponies and ‘mon blinked at the rather...mechanical way that was said. “Er...right. We’ll do that. Anyone want any particular floors?”

There were no answers.

“Alright, we’ve got…” he mentally counted. “14 people in total.”

The Porygon actually blinked at that. “Clarification: you meant you needed six or seven bedrooms?”

“Well...yeah, I figured some of us could bunk together or something,” he said, while the mare next to him nodded in agreement.

Slowly shaking his disconnected head, the Program pointed one limb to the stairs. “The sixth floor is entirely open, and each apartment comes with both a master and a guest bedroom. Four apartments per floor. Eight bedrooms in total. Revised bill: thirty-two bits.”

“That works. So...who’s gonna bunk with who? I’ll be with Quick Storm that’s for sure.”

“We can take an apartment,” Alice spoke up, motioning to herself and the other Pokemon.

“Same here,” some of the ponies said, until they realized that there were 6 of them.

“2 of you can bunk in our apartment,” Quick Storm smiled.

“Yeah, so I guess we’re gonna rent a floor then,” the lead pony chuckled. Then added with a look towards Christine. “Though...you got any other tenants or employees we might want to avoid?”

Christine snorted once as Bit nodded. “The Nurem family takes up apartment 301. The pony landlord is in 202. Lala of Checkmate is beyond that door there,” the program pointed with his other arm at the ground floor door, “and Jessie, James, and Meowth are in 403. Two pony families live in 501 and 502, and the seventh floor is split between Pokemon families and ponies.”

“Alright,” the stallion nodded, before the Ponies all made their way upstairs. Alice on the other hand…

“Excuse me, but I’m pretty sure I heard wrong. Did you say Nurem? Cause there is no possible way HE got brought along here,” she said, though her eyes gained a dangerous glint. Likewise, her team tensed up, while Scep also did the same.

The Porygon-Z responded in kind, his eyes also flickering to their red state. Even Christine’s colors flickered at the accusation in Alice’s voice. “Information freely given: He had a son, nimrod,” the program stated.

“Yeah, and Vincent’s a freakin’ saint compared to the old guy,” the dragon deadpanned. “So would you like to try for strike two, or would you rather shut up now?”

Alice blinked for a moment, before turning to the others. “False alarm guys. Right family, wrong guy,” she said, though she didn’t really need to since the others had remembered that detail too when Bit pointed it out and had dropped their stances. All but Scep. “Sorry about that. Let’s just say your friend’s family name tends to...raise alarms,” Alice apologized, having not noticed Scep still tense.

“We know,” dragon and program stated in unison.

“I was in the mainframe for a while. I know why the name attracts its share of bad press,” the program said. “Vincent, however, is intent on taking it back from the Doctor. Thus, this building.”

“He’s treated us like family,” Christine growled. “We survivors stick together. That means stand down unless you want a Flamethrower up your ass, Scep!

Scep yelped and jumped back in fright. “Well excuse me for being a little paranoid, dudette. I don’t know anything much about this Nurem guy, but we knew about Doctor Raziel….” He shivered, presumably in fright. “I don’t want to end up some experiment….or eaten...but then, he was a bit of a cannibal, so he didn’t care if he ate humans or Pokemon…” He looked around nervously. “So, he’s not any of that?”

“Well...maybe you could call Vincent down? Maybe talking with him will ease Scep’s worries,” Alice suggested.

Bit beeped in the negative. “Ill-advised. Su-” at Christine’s growl, the Porygon-Z hastily changed his descriptor. “Lucy is a Lucario, Vincent’s girlfriend...and in her first Heat.”

The Pokemon all winced at that, while Alice looked a bit...confused. “Er...former human here, and Pokemon mating wasn’t really my area of expertise. Explanation please.”

“Look,” Scep cleared his throat. “When a mommy and a daddy Lucario love each other very much…..They bonk each others brains out for hours, upon hours, upon hours on end, destroying everything in their path with as much violence as possible……” Scep winced. “Yep, that’s Lucario heats….or really any heats. I’m glad we got rid of them with Loom’s pills.”

“...I don’t suppose you have any of that on you right now?” Alice shivered.

“Nope,” Scep shrugged. “Looks like I’m gonna have to chance it….Though, there ain’t any girl that’s gonna put up with me, so I don’t have to worry...ever.” He grumbled.

“Hey, the doc set the bar pretty low,” Christine said. “I know a dozen gals you could win over easy just by saying that you ain’t gonna cut them open or inject them with anything...or I would, if I knew where they were on this damn planet.”

Scep turned green...er. “No...don’t want to think about all that...damn flashbacks. I knew I shouldn’t have looked.”

The dragon seemed to take notice of what she had said and its effects on Scep and coughed to re-attract attention to herself. “And since I know a few of you are probably wondering, the kid apparently came over as an Abra. He’s a Kadabra now, though, and if I know him, he’s been listening ever since Bit came up.”

“I highly doubt he’d heard much from me or my team, seeing as we’re mostly Dark-types here,” Alice pointed out.

“I’m grass...thanks for remembering,” Scep snorted.

“I did say most. Charlotte and Spinner are Bug-types if you recall.”

Got that right, a voice said, everywhere and nowhere, but mostly in their minds. That’s why I waited until Bit came up, he’s Normal-type, I can borrow his ears. Trying to do it with Christine is...ill-advised. And by the way, well done on your anger control, Christine. Welcome, guests. Do make yourself at home. I’d greet you personally, but I have to monitor my love.

“Vincent Nurem, I presume,” Alice said, her voice becoming more...businesslike in a way. “I’d say its nice to meet you, but...we’re not exactly talking to each other directly...of course, the fact that I can still hear YOU is pretty incredible considering the type of Pokemon I ended up,” she chuckled. “Either way, could you talk to Scep for a moment. It would be best if you could calm him down a bit. Unfortunately your...I don’t want to call him your father, seems to be a really bad topic...not that I can blame anyone for that.”

I’d apologize, but you try leaving a Lucario bound and helpless and see how much retribution they promise you! And it’s taking me using Bit as a transmitter to reach you, thanks to your typing. Otherwise, I’d have talked to you all the moment you set foot in the house. And call him the Doctor if you must refer to him. They once were two separate people. As for Scep...that depends on him.

“Well, as much as I like my new body, I didn’t choose it. That would be Arceus. As for Scep…” she turned to see Scep trying and failing to not tremble like a leaf. “...yeah, please do talk. He looks ready to lay an egg.”

Behind Scep, Rascal was rolling on the floor in laughter, while Shade was looking at him in amusement.

“I’m….fine,” Scep tried to stand tall. “I am a high ranking general...of the PLA….I have faced Doctors before…” He couldn’t help but glance at the exit. “And….and….”

At this point, Rascal decided to be an ass, and sneak up to him, before whispering, “Time for the experiment…” in a really creepy tone.

“TAKE RASCAL!” Scep screamed like a little girl. “I DON’T WANT TO DIE!” He made a dash for the exit, only to run into a thin, familiar red line that had appeared in his way. Christine’s form shimmered back into view, and she looked at him with disdain.

“Look,” she said, “If you aren’t going to at least try to listen to him, I’m taking all the booze you try to drink tonight for myself.” She then shot a glare at Rascal who had the gall to whistle innocently and mouthed the words ‘you’re next.’

...Scep, is it? Vincent’s ‘voice’ rang out in the Sceptile’s head.

“And now he’s in my head,” Scep gulped. “Look dude, look. I’m not trying to be a dick. I’m just trying to save my hide.” He looked at Christine. “So, give him a chance?...He isn’t going to do anything?....None of that ‘doctor’ stuff?”

The Gabite had barely opened her mouth before Vincent’s much more...tense voice rang out. You’re confusing me with the man who was my father. The one who injected me with Abra DNA when I was a babe and eventually lost his sense of right and wrong. I’m not him. I won’t ever be him. We made that promise together, and Arceus himself told me he’s not here. But if you still want to leave, I’ll understand.

Scep frowned. “Aww, why’d you have to make me feel all down? I don’t even know who your father is really? Some small shot mock up doctor or something?” Scep shrugged. “Eh, we didn’t think nothing about him. Now Doctor Raziel is where I’m afraid….” He shivered. “Now that was a villain, dude...He’d put your pap to shame...Whoever the fucker is.”

“Actually...its the other way around,” Alice commented, earning a confused look from the Sceptile.

The Zoroark sighed, before explaining. “Dr. Raziel is indeed a very bad man, high on the world’s most wanted list, much higher than some other, more publicly known criminals like say...Phantom Thief Fox, or even Team Rocket. But despite everything, he was only the number 2 most wanted scientist on the list,” she shook her head. “No, that dubious ‘honor’ goes to Doctor Rupert Nurem. Wanted internationally for several hundred, maybe nearly a thousand cases of kidnapping, illegal experimentation, abuse of both human and Pokemon life, hundreds of cases of murder, and a single account of child kidnapping and abuse, with the child in question being Vincent up there,” she listed off. “Raziel was a monster, but compared to him, Nurem...he was considered an abomination.”

“Oh, so he was an asshole,” Scep sighed and gave a thumbs up, to which the Zoroark facepalmed at how...simple a reaction that was. “Kudos for making it, little dude.”

During the speech, Christine had turned away, her colors fluctuating wildly, but her breathing becoming deep and regulated. Bit dinged a few times. “Eight hundred and fourteen,” he stated the number simply.

“Geez…” Scep smacked his head. “I didn’t mean….I’m so….Gah.” He walked over to a wall and smacked his head. “Stupid. I should’ve just shut up…” He smacked his head again. “Oww, why’d you have to make the walls so hard. That hurt.” He clutched his head.

The only reply he got was awkward silence from everyone in the room, so silent, that they could almost hear the crickets chirping.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” Scep looked at them pleadingly. “I’m not a dick. I didn’t...I...gah.” He growled. “This is why I don’t hang around other people. I say...gah. Sorry I even came here. I’ll go find some park and chill there. Maybe I’ll learn to keep my mouth shut.” He stalked over to the door.

“For the record, Scep, we’re only awkwardly silent cause you’re asking why the wall was so hard after you hit it with your head,” Shade trolled.

Christine reflexively stopped the Sceptile by putting her tail in the way and glancing at him over her shoulder. “I...I think I still owe you a drink...and I think I need one right about now,” she stated, shuddering slightly at the memories. “After all, I’m pretty sure you’re still winning our bet from earlier.”

“I don’t deserve a drink,” Scep snorted. “I...I don’t deserve anything really. I’m just some lowly thief...I even made you frown and all that...bringing that up. Aint right and I should’ve known better….Just shows you how stupid I am.”

Everyone is stupid on their own, Vincent said softly. It falls to someone you let into your life to tell you when you’re being stupid, so you can fix it. I learned that one recently enough.

“Huh?” Scep rubbed his chin. “Then I know what to do, little dude. I’ll start all over.” He jumped out the door and...then walked back in. “Hey, I’m Scep.”

The dragon blinked a few times before catching on and smirking, letting out a little laugh. “Hey, I’m Christine. What say we get a drink and ditch these guys?”

At those words, Rascal wolf whistled...and got smashed in the face by Christine’s tail for his trouble, and sailed over the counter. “You were asking for that one, you know,” Charlotte and Spinner deadpanned at their downed friend.

“Totally...worth it…”

Scep smiled wildly. “I like you… I really like you.” He laughed. “Let’s get that drink.”

“Yeah, two seconds. Vincent!”

At that, a small bag fell to the lobby in front of the dragon, clinking as it did. She scooped it up and jerked her head at the door. “C’mon, I know a place.”

And with that, the two were out the door, leaving everyone else to their own devices. “...so...Unity Building, huh? Other than the security system up front, anything else we should know about this place?” Alice commented.

Bit beeped before listing off the features of the apartment building. “A garden on the roof, growing some Berries. A furnace that can run on Fire-type moves, an air-conditioner that can be similarly powered with Ice-type moves. A generator and capacitor that can be used to store excess Electric-type energy, and a water tank atop the roof that is designed for Water-types to fill easily.”

“Ah, I see. Well, I suppose Rascal could help with the air-conditioner,” Alice suggested.

“No thanks. I’m here to kick back and relax,” came the response.

“...nevermind, she sighed. “So...I guess we might as well go to our rooms. Anyone else we should meet before we get comfortable?”

Well there is the issue of-

“WOBBUFFET!” the blue blob took the pleasure of introducing himself from his position of standing quietly in the corner of the lobby. Loudly. At the top of his lungs. Right behind Alice.

Naturally, this had the expected effect. “Er...can someone get something for Alice to land on. I don’t think she should be hanging from that chandelier for much longer…” Shade blinked.

Wobbuffet merely snickered and stood underneath the one he’d just startled, nodding his whole body once. “Wobbuffet,” he stated, holding himself rigid in preparation.

“I don’t know what you said, I don’t know why I didn’t understand what you said, but I got the gist of it. Fine, if you’re asking for it....Payback Cannonball!” Alice shouted, letting go, though not actually using the move, and landed on the Wobbuffet. “You know, is it just me, or have I seen you before?” she idly commented as she could now see the Wobbuffet up close.

The blue blob took the brunt of the attack without complaint, only deforming slightly before snapping back to his usual self. “Wobbuffet? Wobbuffet Wobbuffet. Wobbuffet.” Here he pointed at the other members of her team and nodded, but pointed at her and shook his whole body in the negative. “WobBUFFET.”

I’d apologize for him, but that’d defeat the point. He doesn’t talk, and I’m trying to get him to.

“Well, whatever he’s saying, all I can tell for sure is that he seems to know my team, so I probably met him when I was still a human,” she mused. At that particular moment, a female Pyroar and male, odd Meowth came up from the basement.

“Bit, what is taking so long to deal with the new arrivals?” Jessie asked.

“Huh? Is that…?” Alice blinked, and then Meowth spoke up.

“Probably the amount of ‘em,” the bipedal cat said. “I mean geeze, I thought our circus was bad. These guys only need a tent to surpass us.”

“No way,” Alice blinked again. “Jessie? Meowth? Is that you?”

Jessie and Meowth blinked in turn, looking at the Zoroark before them. “Why is that voice so familiar?” Jessie mused. “I want to say I know you…”

“Well, it HAS been a while. Its me, Alice. Alice Maximilion. We met shortly after you...left your previous employment,” Alice chuckled, while her team smiled as well.

While it was slightly unexpected by almost everyone there, Jessie responded to the revelation that Alice had made it to the new world and come to visit with a hug that most humans would not think themselves capable of surviving. “Alice!” She cheered. “I had wondered about who else made it, and I’m glad to see you’re one of them!”

“Well, last I checked I never did anything too wrong back on Earth, so...yeah. And as you can see, everyone else came too,” Alice smiled as all her Pokemon came up and hugged the former Team Rocket members as well. “So what have you two been up to? Not getting into any trouble I hope.”

“Depends on your definition of trouble,” Meowth said with a snicker. Jessie shot a look up to her passenger before replying to the statement quietly.

“Remind me again, whose idea was that?”

At that, the Meowth fell silent before turning away. “No idea what you mean,” he stated, pointedly not looking at any ‘mon for a moment.

“We’ve been well enough,” Jessie said to fill in the silence. “Vincent offers us shelter and sanctuary, in exchange for services rendered. The only real times of excitement are when Wobbuffet sneaks up on someone. Like I’ve told him not to.”

“Wobbuffet!” the psychic defended himself. He then pointed at some of the Pokemon in the lobby and nodded. “Wobbuffet, wobbuffet.” He then pointed at Alice and shook his head and self before tilting it to one side. “Wobbuffet? Wobbuffet.”

“...yeaaah...still have no idea what you’re saying,” Alice deadpanned, before turning to Jessie. “So...same old same old, then? Guess some things just never change,” she laughed, before adding, “Careful though, you wouldn’t want someone like say...John, or maybe Jonathan to find out you’ve been naughty kids now, do you?”

Or me, but once I found out, I forgave them, seeing as how they listened to reason, Vincent’s ‘voice’ spoke from around them. I’ve...I’ve been doing a lot of that.

“Ya know, for a guy who’s supposed to be having his brains fucked out by a lust crazed Lucario, he sure is talking a lot,” Rascal idly commented, earning him a light smack on the head from Shade.

Well, Lucy is a bit tied up at the moment, which is how I’m able to even withstand her Heat. It’s also why I didn’t greet you in person: someone has to monitor the bindings, make sure they’re not too tight that they hurt her, or too loose that she gets free and ties me up instead.

There was a pause as the new arrivals processed that. Then they all blushed. “Ooooh, so you into bondage then,” Rascal was the first to talk again, before his eyes glinted mischieviously. “Alice is into that too, especially with Spinarak webs,” he laughed, before dodging a Shadow Ball, courtesy of the human turned Zoroark, whose face was bright red through her fur, a mixture of embarrassment at the implication, and indignation at his exaggerated statement.

“I only tie you up in that stuff so you don’t do something stupid...again,” she yelled.

Easy there, a chuckle filled the air. I’d rather not have to explain why any more walls needed replacing to my insurance provider. And sorry to say, but that’s the last thing you’re going to learn about our bedroom practices. Welcome to the Unity Building, and try to leave it intact.

There was the slight sound of static as the mental ‘voice’ cut out this time. Bit blinked a few times before nodding and making for the stairs down. “Arrivals settled, price determined. Returning to computer project.”

“Well, you heard the Porygon. We might as well settle in. It was nice meeting you two again. Tell James I said hi, will you. We might be busy later,” Alice said, before she and the rest of her team made their way upstairs.

Luke was sitting crosslegged on the couch as he felt a sudden... disturbance. It was an odd thing for him to feel that many minds that he couldn’t at the very least peer at on a surface level. There was something to the minds that the highly attuned Psychic could pick up as well, the majority of them were Dark types or Bug types. Ah... company... Luke mused to himself quietly with a small nod. Then something struck him. One or two of them were not only Dark or Bug Types, but were actively covering their thoughts.

Now that is interesting... Luke mused to himself, his eyes remaining closed. Dead Zones were very noticeable if you were as attuned as Luke was and there were very few who were capable of creating them, especially to the point of excluding even him from the surface thoughts. Even more curious, those that did happen to be skilled at it often had very... unseamly reasons for being able to.

In Abby’s case it was to prevent Belle from reading her mind in regards to her being a Ranger, in many others it was not quite as... benign.

My son, Luke called out on their private channel. A word if you have time. He kept his voice carefully neutral.

Let me just...and there we go, she’s sated for the moment. I think I need a shower though. Vincent thought back. So, what is it?

Do you feel the Dead Zone? Luke asked simply.

If you’re talking about how I can’t feel the minds of the Bug or Dark types, then yes, the Kadabra replied as he ran the water for a shower. Figured that was normal due to typing.

Look more carefully, Luke instructed. What do you see?

...Okay, now that is weird. I...I’m getting nothing. Not from the ponies or the ‘mon. Surface thoughts, emotions, names! From the Dark types it’s understandable, at least for me, but I should get something from the bugs!

Correct, Luke said very simply. So. What does that tell you?

...Whoever she is, she and her team have dealt with Psychics before, and they’re in no hurry to lay their secrets bare.

Indeed... which begs one simple question my son, do you know it? Luke prodded, like most of his teaching, he prefered Vincent to find the answers himself.

It begs quite a few of them, father, but they all boil down to one syllable: why? Still, at least I have the art of the negative conversation to fall back on, to keep track of them.

Exactly... Luke fell silent for a moment. Vincent, it is not our place to go reading others minds at a whim, merely skimming surface thoughts is enough to preserve your safety... but when someone is actively blocking you... he trailed off for a moment. That is when you become curious. In my experience, those that do either have a very good reason... or a particularly bad one. And with this many of them...

Like I said, art of the negative. I might not be able to read them, true enough. But thanks to the fact that they’re creating a hole, I can track that hole. If they come too close, I’ll know.

Good boy, Luke said with a smile, nodding his head. If nothing else, their arrival reminds me of something that I have been neglecting... you need to learn how to fight.

Dealing with your teachings on top of Lucy’s Heat? Someone kill me. I’m not going to get any rest between the two of you.

Luke chuckled in his mind. If I wished to I could spin that very strangely, but I will not for your sake. Let’s just say that as much as I love spending time here with you Vincent... I am still going to return to Abby at some point and I would be a very poor example of a father if I did not teach you how to fight.

If you think you can teach a human turned ‘mon things that most ‘mon are born knowing, then by all means. Just...give me a few minutes between Lucy’s ‘sessions’ so that I can relax and clean up?

Oh no, I had planned to teleport you out of your shower and a hundred feet up in the air immediately afterwards to teach you how to levitate properly or risk a concrete nap, Luke said jovially.

Luke! Was that sarcasm, from you? Who are you and what have you done with my father? Vincent asked with a teasing tone as he turned his shower off slowly, clean but enjoying the warmth.

Who said I was joking? came the reply.



...Luke, I swear, you do that, I’ll sic Mage and Jeanne on y-

Vincent suddenly found himself amongst the clouds, confusing a nearby pegasus as he began to fall towards the apartment roof.


The new manager of Crown Jewel looked around happily. After that fiasco a few days ago, they had to close down the casino for repairs, though thankfully the repairs were financed by the money that Pegasus Air had made off of them when the old manager was in control. After the last manager had been arrested, he had been promoted to the new manager, and he was looking forward to running a good as new, and hopefully this time, clean business.

“Sir! Come quick!” came the voice of one of the employees. Blinking in surprise, he ran to where they were calling, the Gemstone Roulette, and one of them was holding a card, which read: ‘The Gemstone Roulette will be mine. Phantom Thief Fox’. “Why me...?” he mentally moaned. Of all the people it could have been, why did HE have to be the next victim of the thief who had recently robbed 3 of Equestria’s Princesses. THE PRINCESSES! With those facts, what chance did his casino have…

Several hours later, it was nearing midnight, yet like any other big city, life was still going at full speed in Las Pegasus. One such example would be Crown Jewel Casino, with a very large number of nobles and other wealthy folks coming in to have a good time with some good old fashion gambling. However, despite the fun atmosphere, it was...dampened a bit by the presence of a good number of the town guard. In spite of that, the three ex-Team Rocket members were enjoying their night on the town, to celebrate an old friend being found again.

Meanwhile, Blackstone and a few of his fellow thestrals had gotten a hold of a very annoyed Bit. “Clarification: why was this unit needed?”

“Well you see,” Blackstone drawled out. “There’s this Pokemon thief calling herself the ‘phantom fox thief’ running around Equestria stealing valuable things,” the thestral explained. “One of said things just happen to be the Crown Jewels of Equestria, like something out of one of those old Carmare Sandyhoof books.” He shook his head. “Now, as to why a state of emergency and a major police force hasn’t been mobilised, I have no idea. I’m guessing someone in middle management is too busy sleeping to put the order out, but eh, that’s what we’re paid to deal with.” The Thestral glanced towards Bit. “Or rather, paid to deal with along with some help eh?”

The Porygon-Z blinked a few times, referencing the crimes with what few reports he had in his database, before beeping. “Very well. Do you want this unit’s expertise in pattern recognition and data referencing to help find them, or did you desire to make use of my more…” His eyes flickered for a bit as he continued, “combative talents?”

“Any help you’d like to offer is great with us,” Blackstone said, shuffling his leathery wings once. “Though, personally I like the idea of having my own personal hovering metallic ‘ball of doom’ floating around, so feel free to fire a few of those freakin’ laser beams around if you want to.”

The program bobbed his disconnected head before reciting the highlights of Fox, or rather, what he had on the Fox’s exploits from Earth.

“Data gathered. Records of Phantom Thief Fox...Records date back 500 years into the past,” he said, his voice tinged with slight surprise.

“Oh good, it’s a family thing,” he said lightly, shaking his head. “That’s not good, means that they’ve got practice and experience at it.”

Bit beeped a bit, before nodding. “Correct. Records depict both male and female individuals as Fox. Accessing data on most recent Fox. Access gained. The latest Phantom Thief Fox was first sighted in Anistar City, Kalos 5 years ago. Exploits include various thefts all over the world, ranging from rare artwork, to fossils. Status of items...all items were returned within days of theft. No damages were found, no signs of forgery. Also, many of the stolen items were found to have belonged to prominent crime lords, all of which were arrested shortly after,” Bit dinged again.

“...So likely as not, she just wants to ‘borrow’ the Gemstone Roulette,” Blackstone filled in. “Well that’s just grand isn’t it? Going to put us through all the hassle of stopping her, wasting our time, money, and experience on her when we could be out doing something useful... typical wannabe vigilante.” The Thestral let out a small sigh. “Right, so, what kind of theatrics can we expect? These types always have theatrics.”

At that moment, a certain trio happened to see them.

“Huh? Bit? What are you doing here? I thought you wanted to continue working on your project?” James said in surprise.

“The guard has requested my presence to help apprehend a certain Phantom Thief Fox, who will apparently be visiting this establishment tonight.”

At those words, Jessie gulped, quite aware of Bit’s moveset thanks to the time she’d spent with him, and just how much power he could focus. “Make sure he doesn’t use Hyper Beam,” she said to Blackstone.

James and Meowth on the other hand… “Wait, you guys are seriously trying to catch Fox? THE Phantom Thief Fox?” Meowth asked incredulously.

Blackstone made to answer, but Bit beeped once, his eyes shifting as he replied. “That would imply that I do not stand an even chance with this thief,” he said, his tone of voice less dead, more menacing, than usual. “Movelist already loaded into active memory.”

“Er...well...I suppose I might as well say it anyway,” James sighed, wondering if he’d had too much to drink, considering he was likely going to say something very stupid. “My advice, don’t bother. The authorities, and even Team Rocket at times, have tried to catch Fox, though Team Rocket was more to get him out of the way...and despite everything, we never even got close. Fox has been around for five hundred years, and not even one of them was caught. The only one to be ‘caught’ so far, was the Fox that came before the previous Fox. And they only found out AFTER the man had died of old age, and by then, it was way too late to get anything out of him. Point is, Fox is THE number one thief in the world. Every last one of them. If five hundred years worth of time, effort, and resources amounted to nothing, what chance do we have?”

“Wellll there’s magic here, which is something that I pretty much guarantee that she didn’t run into on ‘Earth’,” Blackstone commented with a small shrug. “But other then that, we also have Bit here, who is not only a rather good toaster, but also pretty dang good at other things too.”

“Correct,” Bit said. “This unit is a Porygon-Z programmed to be the best security program within the lab in which I was captive, one who honed my own special skills to the point of lethality, and one who will do anything to wrap this up to return to my projects.” Bit looked aside for a moment before nodding at Blackstone. “Direct me to where I need to be. I will aid you in this endeavor.”

“Well, good luck with that. You’ll REALLY need it,” Jessie sighed before the three of them walked away.

“You think he might actually do it?” Meowth idly asked.

“Meowth, Bit thrives on logic and data. Fox...they’ve done what everyone said was impossible on a regular basis, and came out of it looking like they went through a party. I just hope we won’t have to explain to Vincent if Bit comes back a stuttering mess,” James deadpanned, before shuddering at the last part.

The festivities went on for a while, everyone enjoying himself. Everyone except the guards, who were anxiously awaiting their target. Blackstone on the other hand was relaxed and chilling. “Ahhh, my favorite part of a good old stake out, waiting around for whatever’s about to happen, to happen,” he said casually, glancing up to the ceiling where Noi was currently making like a shadow and hiding from the halflight. “You see anything Bit?”

“Nothing out of the ordinary at this time,” Bit replied, right before fate apparently took that cue. The lights went out, plunging the casino into darkness.

“Flash,” Bit responded, lighting up the area around and beneath him by causing his form to glow with an intensity similar to what the lights had been. Blackstone had thankfully shielded his eyes before he started and when it had eventually dimmed down even further he was able to see the room. Those unlucky enough to be looking at where he had been were seeing a few Bit-shaped spots for a minute. However, the scene that was revealed after the darkness was lifted was...no different than it was before the lights went out. That is, until a black shape appeared behind one of the guards.

“There she is!” one of the guards shouted, before charging, and unfortunately, tackled the unwitting guard in the process, ending in a messy dogpile. “Did we get her?” His answer was the black shape slipping through them, revealing it to be a cape, which just floated in space for a moment.

“Do you really want an answer to that?” Blackstone asked the guard rhetorically, rather disgusted by the display. “Congratulations boys, you’ve graduated from Thief Catchers to Cape Catchers, sadly that doesn’t come with any more bits or benefits.”

“Reveal yourself,” Bit stated, his disconnected head swivelling around near constantly as he looked for the one he was supposed to be guarding the Gemstone Roulette from.

As if in response to his words, the cape suddenly twirled into a spiral, before shooting through the crowd and into the middle of the room, and when it uncurled, it revealed the form of a Shiny Zoroark, dressed in a black cape and a black cavalier hat, standing confidently in the crowd, before bowing slightly, much like how a magician would bow on stage.

Bit’s head snapped around to point directly at the Zoroark, his body rotating to join it in its orientation after a second’s time had passed. “Phantom Thief Fox, I presume,” Bit stated.

“Guilty as charged,” Fox chuckled in amusement.

“A cute choice of words,” Bit stated before pointing at the night guard between the Illusion Pokemon and the Gemstone Roulette. Taking this as his cue, Blackstone stepped forward and cleared his throat.

“Do you think you could stop wasting my time and resources on this so that we can go back to doing our real jobs and stopping murders and rapists?” Blackstone inquired, glancing over her with a raised eyebrow. “Or are you really that important?”

“Honestly, not really. But, I’m already here, and like any good magician, the show must go on,” she said, her confident look never once leaving her face.

“Ooooh, you’re a magician, and this is a stage show is it?” the thestral asked, raising an eyebrow further. “Funny, it looked like a robbery, then again, I guess those things can get confusing, robbery, stage show, magic trick, grand theft, tomato, tamaato.”

“...you know, you don’t have to strain yourself for a come back,” she deadpanned.

“And neither do you apparently,” he replied with a small shrug. “‘Cause that sounds practiced, meaning I’m not nearly the first officer’s valuable time you’ve wasted.”

“We’ll see about that,” she chuckled again in amusement.

“So this is your first time?” he asked. “Guess I should be honored by that, sorry miss, I’m a married stallion so I’ll have to turn you down.”

Fox just chuckled in amusement. It wasn’t everyday she dealt wit a cop with wits like that. This was gonna be fun.

“Officer Blackstone, in what condition would you like these thieves?” Bit asked, his gaze never wavering.

“Leave us something to arrest, will you?” Blackstone asked, not glancing away. “And don’t use too many bright lights eh? Being nocturnal, that kinda thing hurts my eyes.”

“That depends entirely on how difficult this becomes,” Bit stated in reply, three colored orbs already rotating around his form as he prepared his favored Tri-attack.

Fox just stood there, her hat tipped over her face, revealing one of her eyes, her seemingly constantly amused expression never leaving it.

All at once, the orbs dissipated as Bit canceled his favored move, going for a super-effective move instead. “Signal Beam,” he said, causing a multi-colored beam of light to leap from his beak towards the Fox.

The attack struck, leaving a trail of smoke in its wake, the thief seemingly taking a direct hit from the attack.

Blackstone, however, hung back and looked around. “Yeah, it’s never that easy, come out miss,” he said with a small shrug as he kept his head on a swivel.

“Very perceptive. Kudos for being the first pony here who didn’t fall for that,” came Fox’s voice, and suddenly, she was standing behind Bit.

He didn’t think, so much as react. “Thunder wave!” The electricity burst from his form and washed through the room, impacting those unlucky enough to not have taken any cover prior to his startled outburst.

The thief’s body hit the ground, electricity crackling from it, but to the surprise of everyone watching, the body revealed to be faceless with the word: ‘Gotcha’ written on it.

Bit returned to his position over the Roulette wheel, keeping his head on a swivel and reacting to the slightest of noises, a bit twitchy as he realized he’d been tricked into incapacitating most of the Guard he’d come to help. “I. Will not. Fail. I. DO NOT. FAIL,” he stated as though they were more laws of physics or the universe than just opinions.

“Now if only I got a penny for every time someone said that,” came Fox’s teasing voice, the thief now standing on the other side of the room.

“I’m guessing you’d have about three in that piggy bank,” Blackstone stated as he got back to his hooves, having dived away from Bit’s electric attack. “Noi! Deafen this vixen!”

To his surprise, Noi didn’t respond immediately. He looked up and saw why. At the moment, there were a pair of ridiculously large spiders advancing on his Pokemon. “Noi!” he exclaimed.

“Ah yes, you didn’t think I came here alone, did you?” Fox chuckled, as she looked up. “Spinaraks 1 and 2, do tie that Noibat up. I’d rather it not interfere.”

“Yes ma’am,” the two of the saluted, before firing matching strings of webbing.

Noi stared at the oncoming netting and then grinned and her ears turned in the direction of the Spinaraks. The netting was inches away from her before a BLAST of physical sound slammed into them, tearing them apart and crashing into the pair of bugs.

“You’ve eaten your last Zubat!” the little Noibat shouted shrilly at them, unleashing another wave of sonic energy at them.

“No, I didn’t think you’d be alone,” Blackstone said with a small smirk as the two Bug Types were put into full retreat. “I planned ahead, imagine that.”

“You’d be surprised how few do,” Fox deadpanned, as the two Spinaraks decided to let go, and fell...right into her hands. “Think fast,” she said, before they both fired webs at Blackstone.

The Thestral flared his wings and launched himself backwards before the webbing could hit him. “Darling, I’ve been on the force for longer than you’ve been alive,” he drawled before Noi let out an angry screech from above. “Think fast.”

And a blast of sound slammed into the Fox’s sensitive ears...and that would have been a problem...if it weren’t for the fact that she simply stood there like it was nothing. If anything, it seemed she was more focused putting something into the Spinaraks’...ears...things...or whatever it was bugs used to hear.

“GUST!” Noi shouted before flapping her wings hard and brewing up a small windstorm around the fox.

“Yeaaah. I think not,” Fox simply said, flicking a pair of metal balls over at Noi, but positioned in such a way that they were aimed ABOVE her. Noi, being an agile little thing, darted away from the metal balls and darted towards Fox, clear Wing Attacks on either wing.

“Freeze,” Fox chuckled. Just as Noi was promptly frozen solid by an Ice Beam from a window, landing on the ground with a clatter.

Which gave Fox just enough time to notice the rather large Thestral’s front hoof before it slammed into her jaw, hard.

Fox grimaced at the pain, but instead of fighting the force, she relaxed her body, rolling with the blow. Still hurt though. “Ouch. Should probably have seen that coming,” she chuckled as she rolled back to her feet, the two Spinarak jumping off her hands.

Blackstone didn’t say anything this time, he simply swept at her across the ground and came up strong, hoof slamming into her crotch followed by one to the stomach.

Unfortunately for him, what happened next completely ruined his awesome moment. Fox burst into a cloud of smoke, revealing another dummy shaped like a Zoroark, only this one had the words: ‘you fell for it’ written on it, as the metal balls attached to it burst, coating him in webbing and nets.

“Well, now that’s just plain cheating the laws of all reality,” the stallion muttered, struggling in the bonds.

“Its all in the Phantom Thief Handbook,” Fox chuckled as she reappeared. “Don’t worry, those will dissolve in time, so no need to worry about it getting stuck in your mane,” she finished, before turning back to Bit. “So...anything else? Or can I go now?”

Bit made the sounds of heavy breathing as he focused his attention on the Fox’s form. In fact, it was a little too foc- “Lock-On,” he stated, smirking slightly.

“Oooh, not bad. Let’s see if you can catch this trick. After all, its showtime,” Fox smirked, her hand on her hat as she said her favorite catchphrase. And with that, she charged forward.

“Zap Cannon,” Bit said in response, his head automatically tracking the form he’d Locked earlier. Normally, he never touched this move because of its inaccuracy, but in this case, he needed not only the damage, but the paralysis effect.

Fox smirked again, seemingly unconcerned with the attack heading her way. However, right before it hit, she vanished.

Bit actually twitched visibly at her disappearance, and decided on a new tactic then. “Dark Pulse. Dark Pulse. DARK PULSE! I WILL NOT LET YOU GET CLOSE, MUCH LESS SUCCEED!”

The waves of pure shadow erupted from Bit’s form and swept through the room, each one meant to find and push Fox back. However there was a notable lack of resistance.

“Nice choice. But there is one flaw,” Fox teased again, before she suddenly dropped from the ceiling, and tagged Bit with a small ball, before jumping away.

Bit’s eyes shifted then, to their red version with cross-hairs. He. Was. Pissed. Or insane. One of the two. Despite that, Fox continued to look on with her amused expression, like she wasn’t staring down an angry Porygon-Z.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” she said.

“ICE BEAM,” he stated, before aiming at the floor around the Roulette Wheel. “AREA DENIAL MODE IN EFFECT.”

The target Fox was so intent on was ringed with ice from the program’s attack. He then turned his gaze back to her, blind fury still driving his actions. “PREPARING SIGNAL BEAM.”

Fox just watched on with her amused expression. “This has certainly been a fun night,” she mused.

Bit took aim, before reconsidering and going back to a move that had almost worked before. “LOCK-ON. NO ESCAPE POSSIBLE NOW. SURRENDER OR FACE MY NEXT ATTACK.”

“Tsk. Tsk. Silly Porygon. Haven’t you learned by now?” she chided, waving a finger. “There is nothing impossible for Phantom Thief Fox,” she said, tipping her hat over her face again.

“ON YOUR HEAD BE IT. ZAP CANNON.” The familiar move came at Fox again, Bit not intent on needing to recharge...or explain the property damage that using a Hyper Beam would bring.

Fox just smirked, before saying, “Checkmate.” Before wrapping herself in her cape. The attack struck, hard, covering her from view.

Bit waited for the smoke to clear, hoping he’d finally done what he’d been asked to.

However, from the smoke, a figure suddenly dashed forward, and before he could react, it tagged him several more times, and with a snap of a finger, he suddenly found himself wrapped in several layers of webbing, before he felt a sharp blow to the top of his head.

“Didn’t I tell you? You didn’t want to do that,” Fox teased, not looking the least bit damaged.

Bit struggled, trying to get his arms, tail, and head free of the webbing. It felt wrong, so very wrong, for his head and body to be this close! “Grrr...DiScHaRgE,” he muttered, hoping that it might help his situation. His body sparked, but ultimately sputtered out, the attack failing to do what was needed.

“Don’t bother. That webbing is a special solution I made myself. Its strong as a Bug-type’s web, while being non-conductive, fire proof, and even ice resistant. Only way you’re getting out is if you had someone with claws get you out, or you wait for it to dissolve within the hour,” Fox simply said as she casually walked over to her target. “Now then, as promised, the Gemstone Roulette is mine. Adieu,” she said, before seemingly floating up to the ceiling, her target securely in her arms, and landing on a balcony, from which she made her exit.

The program’s scream of rage could probably be heard half the city away as he cursed not only Fox, but the ponies that had put him in this situation to begin with. He never failed! Granted, that wasn’t a point of pride, considering his past ‘employment’, but the point stood!

The next morning, the paper arrived bright and early, like usual, and Lala picked it up and took her usual seat behind the desk. The headline was something about how a roulette wheel had gone missing, and she shook her head.

Bit’s form slowly floated in, his head lower than usual as his failure weighed heavily on him. “Hello, Bit,” she said, surprised slightly that she said it first. Upon hearing no reply, she looked up from her paper to see that he was...despondent, crushed. There weren’t many times she’d seen a ‘mon this sad. She put her paper down and walked over to the Program, gathering him up for a hug.

“How did I fail?” he whispered. “How...could I fail?”

Lala connected the dots quickly. “You were there?”

“I tried to stop it,” he said with a nod. “I failed. Miserably. I thought I stood a chance, but James was right. How could I have failed so badly?”

“Sometimes, Bit, you meet someone better than you.” She hugged him a bit tighter before letting him go and nodding. “Doesn’t mean you can’t pick yourself up and try again.”

At that moment, Sam came down from above, noticed the scene, and wisely decided to just keep his mouth shut and go on to work. He stopped, briefly laying a claw on Bit’s form and looking him in the eyes, letting him know he had others to count on, before going on his way.

“Well, at least having you around shuts him up,” Lala joked. “First time he’s not flirted with me.”

Bit gave a weak smile, but it was a forced one. “I...I think I’m going to sit in the lobby for now. At least, until I can compile the data from last night, so that Ace has an answer as to how this could possibly happen.”

“It’s your home,” Lala said softly before returning to her paper. “Do as you will.”

At that moment, some of the new tenants came down. “Morning, everyone,” Alice yawned as her team followed after her. “What we got for breakfast?”

“There are some leftover Berries from the first harvest that James and the Nurem family store in their apartments,” Lala replied while turning the page, making sure the front one was displayed prominently to the lobby. “Though if you’d like to bask in sorrow instead, I think Bit still has plenty on tap.”

“Thanks. Its been a long time since I had some good old Oran Berries. Anything you guys want?” Alice asked her team.

“We’ll go see what else they’ve got, then we’ll decide,” Shade answered, earning a nod from her former trainer.

While walking to get the berries, Alice noticed the paper and asked, “Fox strikes again?”

This time, it was Bit that answered. “Yes. And I failed to stop it from happening. I’ve...never failed in doing what I set out to do before. It’s a...novel feeling. I don’t like it.” He looked up from the floor, looking from the headlines that Lala was reading to Alice’s form, a ticking noise slowly growing louder as he went over the data, especially the information right in front of him. “...Alice, did you ever meet any other Zoroark in your time on Equus?”

“Meet? No. Saw? Yes. There was this Zoroark in Manehattan I saw once. And I saw two more in Ponyville, and of course there’s Fox. A little hard to not see her whenever she makes headlines,” Alice answered.

The information about where Alice had been, along with the list of heists that had been pulled by the Fox in Equus and other Zoroarks, was quickly cross-referenced. “Interesting,” Bit mused. “Several possible options spring up upon this information...do keep an eye out, Alice. Fox seems to be hounding your steps.”

Of course, that was only one option. There were others, ones he hoped were false. But he’d keep an eye out anyways.

“I’ll keep that in mind. That, or she could be running away, and I just happened to be travelling with Sleight Hoof when it happened,” she said.

Bit blinked, but rotated one of his arms in a ‘go on’ gesture, or as well as he could approximate one.

“There’s this Lucario who’s been on her case. I didn’t think much about it when I first saw him in the paper, but the more I read, the more I’m starting to think he might be Jonathan. Jonathan’s the cop who was assigned her case, and he’s been chasing her for 5 years now, and knowing him, something like this wouldn’t stop him. Heck, from the looks of it, he went straight after her,” she then giggled. “He always was cute when he got so determined. Fox may be a lot of things, but I know she’s not stupid. In this world, we’ve all been stripped of most of the things we had access to on Earth. So naturally, Fox lost her hideouts in the process, and is probably now running to keep away from Jonathan.”

Bit dinged a few times before making a sighing noise. “Should I meet this Jonathan, I will attempt to collaborate with him, then. I do hope someone like him would have insight into last night’s...dismal failure.”

“Actually, if you do meet him, tell him where I am. I do miss him,” she said, her cheeks becoming slightly red when she said that.

It would appear that Equestrian Timing still had a sense of humor, at least, judging by the way that Christine and Scep attempted to sneak into the lobby unnoticed at that moment.

“Don’t bother trying you two. You may have washed the sex off, but I can smell the mate scent from up here,” Shade called out from the second floor.

“Mated Pokemon have a scent?” Alice blinked, before going into researcher mode. “That’s interesting. Bit, what do you know about that?”

Bit shrugged and whirred before accessing the relevant files. “Mated Pokemon tend to excrete a fluid during the act of coitus, unique to the ‘mon in question, that marks their mate as ‘theirs’, different from the fluids most would think of. It tends to be located near the salivary glands, and is linked to ‘love bites,’ during which the Marking occurs. The more predatory and monstrous the ‘mon, the stronger the scent of the Mark.”

As he said that, Alice continued to list it down on the notepad she had pulled out from her mane, all the while looking like a kid in a candy store. “Fascinating,” she smiled again, before looking at some older notes. “Now if only I could find more proof about my theory of human and Pokemon relations in their origins. It won’t do much now, but I hate leaving things hanging,” she muttered as she walked up to her room, breakfast all but forgotten.

Bit looked to the Spinaraks and tilted his head to the side. “She is aware that the Legends are on Equus as well, that she could go see them, or that I did and still have information from exchanging with the Regi Trio, right? I could tell her about the origins of humanity.”

The Spinarak twins shared a look, before saying,

“She did.”

“But she-”

“-and we quote-”

“-did not want-”

“-to take-”

“-the easy way.”

Both of them shook their heads. “She’s worked too long on this to just take an easy way out,” they said in stereo. “She’s stubborn that way.”

Bit nodded as well. “Well, I do have the notes from the facility...and there are more than a few things in my archives she might want to know about. But I’ll not talk about them around the others.” The program looked to the ceiling to emphasize who he was talking about.

Near the stairwell, the Gabite and the Sceptile looked at one another with more than a hint of awkwardness. “I...did not know that about out love bites,” Christine said.

“Well….” Scep rubbed the back of his head nervously. “That’s what happens when mons mate, dudette.”

She rolled her eyes before pointing at herself. “Ahem. Former virgin. Raised by a pervert who was raised by a pervert, who probably didn’t know that either. Kinda understandable in those circumstances.” She leaned in close and whispered the next sentence. “The shower was enjoyable with you there.”

Scep blushed heavily. “Yeah…” He gulped. “...It was.”

She purred in the back of her throat. “How long are you here for, again?”

“I think Alice said four days,” Scep shrugged. “Why?” He felt a nervous shiver run down his back.

“Unless you can make a real good case for it, I’m pretty sure you leaving my room is a pipe dream for the next three days,” she whispered before starting to drag her mate back to her room.

“...aww mon,” Scep pouted through his blush. “Well, sacrifices have to be made sometimes.”

There were some very strange things afoot in Las Pegasus and they troubled Luke as he walked into Bit’s room, making sure to make enough noise to alert the Program Pokemon to his presence. He had long ago learned that many prefered other Pokemon to NOT appear suddenly behind them. Bit, may I speak with you? Luke inquired.

Bit turned his head to look at the Gallade slowly, as though his failure weighted it greatly. “I presume you are capable of speech, yes,” the Program stated.

Luke nodded and stepped further forwards. I would like to review the ‘failure’ of the night before, he said simply. I have been working with a Top Ranger for the majority of my adult life and perhaps I can offer some form of aid.

“Even Vincent finds my mind strenuous to traverse,” Bit stated. “And that is when I try to make it easier for him.”

Then perhaps you could play the recording instead? Luke asked. Your mind is that of a computer after all, it is ‘perfect’.

“I...can try to show you the memory, hold it in the forefront of my mind,” Bit stated, his body ticking faster as he considered the option. “But I cannot promise that it will not be painful should you look.”

“I know pain Bit,” Luke said, for once with his real voice as he walked forwards and put his hand on Bit’s forehead. “Show me.”

“I was aware, but it is my duty as your friend to warn you before you look,” the Porygon-Z stated before casting his memory back to last night.

Luke stood there through all of it silent and observing. He did not wince once. When Bit had finished he smiled and nodded his head. “Thank you my friend. I will return to you when I have reviewed this several times. Or to Vincent who can then tell you.” He bowed to Bit before vanishing, re-appearing in front of Vincent.

“How bad is it?” the Kadabra softly questioned, a paper in front of him on the table.

There is a great deal of anguish to his thoughts at the moment. He dislikes failure to a severe degree, Luke informed him before taking Vincent’s arm. We need to train Vincent. This time I will not teleport you above the building.

“Most fathers don’t have to make that promise,” Vincent snarked before drawing his spoon from...wherever he kept it.

At this point we’re both well aware that I’m not ‘most fathers’, Luke said gently in his mind with an amused note before they appeared on the roof together. Walk to the other side of the roof and on the count of three, attempt to kill me.

“...Okay, the moves I know are all Psychic in nature, and you’re part-Psychic, so they’d do nothing to you,” Vincent commented. “The only way I could do that is if I were to, oh, I don’t know, forcibly Teleport you over the street.”

You could attempt such, yes, Luke answered, appearing on the other side of the roof. The overall effectiveness of such a tactic is mixed. He waited for Vincent to get ready before counting. 1.2.3. Go.

“Ack!” Vincent said, instinctively raising his spoon up towards Luke. “Why are you telling me to kill you anyways? You know the only one I would kill without a second thought isn’t here!”

Luke was suddenly in front of him again, and this time a fist was driven into Vincent’s gut hard enough to knock the wind out of him before Luke teleported back to where he’d been standing. Because you cannot kill me Vincent. That means that you have no reason to hold back. Unleash your power on me.

“Don’t…” Vincent wheezed as he attempted to catch his breath. “Don’t do this, Luke. Don’t make me do this. Just because I can’t kill you...you’d be surprised what ‘mon can live through.”

Yes, I suppose throwing your memories around could negatively affect some Pokemon, Luke agreed conversationally. Though I must ask you Vincent... does that not make you just as much of a bully as your father? Before Vincent could react, Luke was suddenly behind him and he was kicked forwards onto his knees, the Gallade reappearing back where he’d been standing before.

“Who said I had to…” Vincent coughed and slowly picked himself up. “Who said I had to show you a damn memory? I could make quite a few of them happen, were I so inclined.” A blue glow slowly seeped over his form as anger weakened the seal.

Try, Luke stated simply, and if Vincent were looking carefully enough, he’d spot motes of shadow appearing around his arms.

Vincent glared at Luke before looking away and sighing. “I can’t hurt you, Luke. Not even now. I just...can’t bring myself to. Even if that was your intent…”

True, but you must learn to fight Vincent, Luke said. And at the level of experience you possess, the only way that you will truly tap into those instincts is if it is a life or death battle. You will not kill me. I will not kill you. BUT it is essential that you feel like you have to.

The Kadabra looked Luke in the eyes before asking a simple question. “You promise? No matter what I do or you do, you promise?”

My son, do you truly believe in your heart that I would kill you? Luke asked him with a smile. And do you truly believe that a novice like yourself could kill me?

“Accidents happen, that’s why they’re called ‘accidents’, not ‘things you plan on’,” Vincent quipped with a soft, jesting smile of his own.

Indeed, but let us try this, Luke said, lowering himself into a combat pose again. Begin.

Vincent closed his eyes, silently reaching for the weakened seal and letting it go, successfully restraining his power to not give off a visible glow in the process. “If you insist,” he commented, before raising one hand and pointing at the gardening tools James used. “Remind me to thank him later.” With that, the Gallade found himself under assault from a shovel, hoe, shears, and even the watering can.

Or rather, he did for a moment. The Gallade moved so quickly that Vincent’s eyes couldn’t keep up with him and suddenly the objects in his control fell to the ground, an aura of Dark surrounding them. Then he was on his back again, Luke looking over him for a moment before he teleported away.

Standing still will get you killed Vincent, Luke said. You can teleport can you not?

The Kadabra picked himself up again and glanced at the out of commision tools. “Well, there goes that option,” he muttered, before turning to the Gallade. “And even if I were to teleport or use illusions to mask which way I went, that wonderful little thing in your chest that you picked up as a Kirlia, or even your own skills, will let you find me. So really, the only reason I would do that in a fight against you would be to dodge your blows.”

Am I to be the only foe you fight? Luke inquired, appearing in front of him again, this time five feet away. You must practice against me as you would anyone else. I will even cease my teleportation if you will start using it yourself.

“Oh well in that case,” Vincent said, his grin slowly growing as he held up a glowing spoon. “You may want to-”

Before he could finish, a bright flash covered the roof, and when it died down, there were about a dozen Kadabras scattered around it, each one looking at Luke. “Shield your eyes,” they said in stereo.

Luke’s eyes, which had closed the moment he saw the spoon glowing, opened and a slim smile crossed his lips. Ah, now you begin to learn.

“Just because you learn a useful trick as an Abra doesn’t mean you can’t keep using it when you Evolve,” they all observed at once, before each one pointed a spoon at Luke’s form.

Luke simply smiled and his arms grew black with Darkness. Come then. Show me your moves!

One of the illusions seemed to glow brighter for a moment, and a piece of tile from the roof was launched at the Gallade’s form. Luke simply side stepped and it shattered. Another Kadabra glowed after a moment, only this time, the attack wasn’t as obvious...until the empty Berry pot was almost at the back of Luke’s head. Time seemed to freeze for Vincent as he watched from amidst the clones. Luke’s body ducked and swiveled, bringing his longer sword arm up to slice the pot neatly in two, the halves sliding to the side of him without leaving a scratch.

“Okay, points for that one, you’re good,” the copies stated. “Almost thought I had you there. Been trying to mask my own thoughts like our guests. Guess I need to work at it.”

I am not reading your thoughts, Luke stated simply. Nor the energy you are dispelling whenever you attack.

“Yeah, control over that much power...ain’t easy,” they all admitted sheepishly. “Not born a Psychic, but I’m getting better at it...slowly. Still, if it’s not the energy and the thoughts, then how are you dodging what I throw at you?”

“Experience,” Luke said aloud, having moved up beside the real Vincent so fast that he’d not seen him coming. “And I listen to the world around me. For example, one reason why I mostly use my mind when I talk is because it is more difficult to track a well built mind than it is for me to find the source of a real voice.”

“Gah!” The shock at being found out so quickly dispelled Vincent’s hold on his illusions, each one fading.

“Brick Break,” Luke said before driving an elbow into Vincent’s shoulder and leaping away.

“Okay, fair enough, I switched over to this thanks to the Dark and Bug types in the house. They drove home that not everyone can hear a Psychic when he ‘talks,’” Vincent stated, stumbling but catching himself. But if you insist...

Please do, Luke replied with a simple nod. It will be a boon to you in combat.

I’m switching back when we’re done, though. Day-to-day life is NOT a combat situation unless you MAKE it one. The Kadabra held his spoon up again and looked at Luke with a small grin.

Luke nimbly darted to the side and then started running at Vincent at a slant, arms glowing. Vincent narrowed his eyes and focused his mind, sending his power out at his father figure in the form of one move that would most certainly make contact. Luke started floating into the air, helpless to continue his rush as Vincent’s Telekinesis took hold.

Ah, you’ve been practicing, Luke noted in approval before a wave of Dark energy washed over his body and he hit the ground lightly on his toes. Wonderful. With that, he darted forwards at Vincent and kneed him in the crotch, leaping away immediately afterwards. My son, you’ve become rather ‘one note,’ that is not good.

Surprisingly, Vincent barely flinched. You’ll have to try harder: I swear I can barely feel those anymore. And it’s thanks to Lucy’s sessions that I have so much practice anyways. Fine control over levitating her ‘toys’ does surprisingly translate to being able to pick up other things as well.

I’m well aware but still... correct me if I’m wrong, but your entire movepool is made up of Psychic moves? Luke asked him slowly.

I’ve been afraid to go back to Bit; even if he does have more TM moves in his head that I could learn, it stings. Vincent idly rubbed his cranium as he considered how he had learned Recover...or bridging the gap so Lucy could learn Heal Pulse.

The Gallade nodded his head. May I enter your mind for a moment? I have a gift for you.

Only if our sparring session is over for the moment. And even then, I might have to guide you so my defenses don’t take offense. Vincent twirled his spoon as he posed the question to Luke.

Consider it suspended for the moment, Luke said with a small nod, appearing in front of Vincent and putting his hand on Vincent’s shoulder. Whenever you’re ready.

Vincent breathed deeply a few times, calming his mind and slowly finding his center, before reaching out from it and making a clear pathway for Luke. Here, he commented.

Luke ‘walked’ into Vincent’s mind and stored a present within it before stepping out. Now search for Charge Beam and do as I do, he said, stepping back.

You didn’t exactly make it hard for me to find it, the Kadabra mused. Though...how one not of the Electric type is meant to generate the power for this move eludes me...

Luke just smiled as his eyes closed and his arms began to spark. Feel the energy around you Vincent. It is just like harnessing Dark or Fairy. It is all energy.

The Kadabra raised an arm and an eyebrow as he concentrated on the electricity in the air, startled that the fur on his arm was starting to rise as well. Okay, well, that’s interesting.

Indeed, now... Luke gestured with a hand and a blast of electricity soared out of it. Attempt that.

That is impressive, Vincent said, his eyes widened in slight surprise. Not sure I can get that to happen right away, but… The Kadabra attempted to direct the building tingle of electricity and managed to only produce a small arc.

Keep practicing that, Luke instructed him with a nod of his head. It will raise your special attack.

Yeah, Vincent agreed with a small nod. I can...sorta feel it. It’s like having a cup of coffee. It seems to be energizing my brain, making it smoother, easier to perform attacks.

Yes, that’s right, Luke said, unleashing more stored electricity in a wide airborne arc.

...Hmm, maybe that’s the reason you waited so long to show me this move...or warned my family so harshly against me having coffee. You wanted me to have a better handle on my powers first. Vincent said with a smirk towards the Gallade.

Luke gave him a full bow. I see you’ve found a method to my madness.

There’s a method to every madness if you look hard enough, Vincent said, looking away as he considered one particular case.

I see, I hope you found them rather easily, Luke said with a nod.

Some are destined to be mysteries, the Kadabra muttered. And maybe they should stay that way for good reason.

Luke nodded and sighed, walking over to his son and pulling him into a hug. Perhaps, he agreed with a small sigh. I hope this training session has helped you.

Training with you is...usually enjoyable. Though usually, you don’t drop me from a hundred feet in the air, Vincent said, leaning into the hug, thankful that Luke was this comfortable with others now.

It’s always good to shake up your life a little, Luke pointed out jestingly. And sometimes that ‘shake’ comes in the form of falling a hundred feet.

I think my life has been shaken up enough as of late, Vincent said in a drained voice. But at least I learned how to stop falling by the end of the third drop.

That you did, and you had this amazing grin on your face too, the Gallade grinned at him as he released Vincent from the hug.

Aww, I was enjoying that, Vincent whined, before his ears perked up and he sighed. Dammit, Lucy calls. I can’t just leave her. See you in an hour or so?

Of course, Luke said. Let me know if you need any ‘help’ with her.

Mage might not take kindly to that idea, Vincent snickered before vanishing in a flash of blue.

Luke just smiled and teleported back to the couch below.

“You know, if you keep on leaving me for hours on end like this I’m going to think you’ve stopped liking me,” Mage said from her spot on the couch.

A father’s duties are never done, Luke said with a small chuckle as he pulled her close to him and closed his eyes. But I think I can make some time to snuggle with you.

Chapter Fifty-Six - The one who Snatched her snatch

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“C’mon, this place is Pokemon-friendly,” Christine said, leading Scep to a particular club. An earth pony and Toxicroak stood guard and glanced at both of them.

“Name?” the pony said.

“I’m Christine, this is Scep, and we’re both here for a good time,” the Gabite said simply, opening up the sack that Vincent had given her. The bouncer looked into it and hummed for a moment before nodding.

“All right, go on in,” they both said. The Toxicroak gave Scep a wink as they passed, mouthing the words ‘good catch’ to him.

Scep blushed. “I…” He tried to say something as he walked past, but nothing came out. Truth be told, no matter what he said, he wasn’t good with the ladies. “Not like that.” He looked away.

“Your loss,” the Toxicroak said, audibly this time. “I’d hit that, pattern be darned.”

Scep glared at him. “Not if I hit it first,” he said without thinking. He might not be good with the ladies, but he wasn’t somemon that let somebody beat him at anything. Even if he was way out of his element. Still, it wasn’t like she liked him like that. They just met...and he was a mess with girls. He walked over to Christine.

The sound of music became louder and louder the deeper in they went, and they eventually emerged in the club proper, to find it only half-full at this time of day. True to her word, there were ponies and Pokemon in the club, both as patrons, and as ‘entertainment’ for the patrons. She barely spared any of them a glance as she walked up to the bar.

Scep was realizing why the PLA never had clubs. Oh he had ‘stolen’ from these places before. Heck, he pilfered a couple of them on the way over. Just a few coins here and there to help him out tonight for whatever happened. The loud noises and such really didn’t do it for him, but he wasn’t going to back out. It wasn’t ‘that’ bad...He just missed the simpler ‘bar’s’ he and the others used all the time. So, he stopped beside her in the bar, letting her deal with...whatever they do at a club bar like this.

“Bartender!” Christine shouted, gaining the attention of the Unicorn manning the drinks. “Strongest rum you’ve got, on the rocks. What do you want Scep?”

“Some whiskey,” Scep answered. That was pretty much the PLA’s staple drink anyways.

“Right,” the Gabite said, repeating it for the benefit of the bartender just in case. “And a whiskey for my friend here.”

“Gotcha,” the unicorn said, whipping two drinks out from the shelves behind him in record time and placing them in front of their respective ‘mon.

Christine lifted hers and looked over to Scep before smirking. “To new starts,” she said, tilting her glass towards him.

“New starts,” Scep tapped her glass with his and then chugged down his drink quickly. He put it down onto the counter in record time.

Christine blinked before starting in on her rum, taking her time. “So go on, I promised you could ask. I mean, I think you already know the answer, but humor an insane girl.”

“The doctor gave you some pretty colors,” Scep shrugged. “Honestly, ain’t my place to guess. Learned that with some of Raziel’s...patients.”

Christine took a bigger sip before placing her glass, hard, on the counter. She turned to look Scep in the eye and took a deep breath before continuing. “Look, just...just ask, okay? I’m ready to answer once, I promise not to break down until I’m done...and Vincent keeps pushing me to tell someone, trust someone besides the family.”

“And you want that someone to be me?” Scep frowned. “Dudette, it’s making you upset. I don’t like that. I prefer smiles on pretty girls.”

Christine blushed a bit, her colors gradually shifting towards red. In response, she picked up her drink and chugged the rest of her rum, causing them to flash back to purple and her to frown. “Damn, I forgot about that,” she muttered.

“Neat trick,” Scep smiled. “I’ve got some friends that could do stuff like that, but that blew them out of the water, dudette...Well, Roa could, but….She doesn’t like to hang out with anyone.” He frowned and twiddled the glass in his hands.

“Makes it a real pain to get drunk when alcohol counts as a Poison-type attack,” she muttered. “I have to find the good stuff to stand a chance.”

“Why’s that?” Scep’s eyes widened. “I...I don’t mean to pry….Sorry.”

In response, the Gabite put one of her claws under his chin and turned his head this way and that. “You’re cute,” she said bluntly after letting go, “but clueless. I keep telling you to ask me plainly, and you keep not doing it. Why would I be mad if you ask a leading question? Go on, finish it properly.”

Scep blushed heavily at her touch and at being called cute. “Okay fine….What did the doc do to you?”

“Fused me with Kecleon DNA, as if you hadn’t guessed,” she stated, flagging the unicorn down again. “Another one for both of us, and something to munch on as well. Chips, preferably.”

“Well, looks like you got some good out of it,” Scep pointed out. “Dudette, that is some sweet powers you’ve got. Makes me want some.”

In response, Christine gave him a look that could only be described as sultry and looked him up and down. “Really now?” She was enjoying teasing him a bit too much.

Scep squirmed under her gaze. He’d never had a girl look at him like that before. “Err….yeah..” He gulped. “I mean...it’d make my life easier, you know?”

“Aww, and here I was thinking you were talking about little old me,” Christine pouted before sipping her drink.

“No…” Scep held up his hands defensively. “I was...It’s cool on you and all that. Honest.”

“Nice save,” she said with a wink. “But it’s brought me my own share of trouble as well.” She swirled her drink before continuing. “Anyone with a brain and enough moves can plan a strategy to bring me down, plus let’s not mention all the trainers who wanted to catch the rare new psuedo-legendary dragon with weird colors. Or the Pokemon that saw it as a curse and shunned me. Honestly, while the invisibility is useful sometimes, it comes with more than a few drawbacks.”

“Well you don’t have to deal with that anymore,” Scep said, gesturing his arms out wide. “Aint no pushy trainers to boss us around. Not anymore and I like it that way.”

“Oh, a wild thing, eh?” Christine giggled and looked Scep over again. “Not bad. But that’s only half the problem.” She sighed before picking up a small number of chips. “Sometimes I think Vincent and the family are going to be the only ones to treat me normally.” She munched her snack slowly as she thought about the past. “It’s a little more than I deserve, really…”

“I’ll treat you all normal like,” Scep smiled. “We PLA are full of weirdos and ‘broken’ mons. Shoot, we even have some humans fighting with us. Everybody’s accepting there.”

“Heh...yeah, I’d probably look into this PLA, but Vincent and Luke are the ones responsible for my ‘rehabilitation’...plus, I owe it to Sam to at least try and be better and show him I can be better.” With that, the rest of Christine’s second drink vanished down her throat. She gave Scep another glance before asking him a blunt question. “So how many females have you ‘known,’ Scep?”

Scep looked at her awkwardly for a few seconds, before downing his glass in one go. “Err...in what way would I ‘know’ these females...I mean, I know a lot of females, dudette.”

She stared at him for another few seconds before blurting her observation out in one go. “Oh sweet Arceus, you’re a damn virgin, aren’t you?”

Scep blushed, looking away from her. “...Maybe….”

She sighed before flagging the bartender down again. “Gimmie something from the Minotaur lands, I want to wake up not knowing who I am. Assuming it works.”

The bartender gulped, but complied, giving the dragon a brown bottle from under the bar. She pried the top of it off and started to drink directly from it. After a few seconds, she lowered the bottle and belched before shaking her head. “Dammit all.” She then looked back at Scep and frowned. “Y’know, if there was one thing I wished we didn’t have in common, it’d have to be that.”

Scep’s jaw dropped. “What?...Is that why’re you’re getting drunk? Dudette, it aint like it’s my fault I haven’t used my junk like that….” He growled and looked down at the bar.

“Ahem. Seeing as how it’s your junk, I would hope you do have a say in how it gets used! Have you even tried?” The Gabite was, well, if there was a way to sit aggressively on a barstool, she was doing it.

“....I prefer to be alone,” Scep snorted. “...Aint nobody got time for me, thank you very much….Well, maybe to smack me upside the head or something after I steal a watch or purse….Can’t help that.”

Christine rolled her eyes before replying. “Translation: Other people piss you off, so you piss other people off and say you’re happy when you wind up alone because of your own damn self.” She took another sip of her drink before continuing. “Now me, I got a fucking excuse. Nobody wanted to deal with the damn damaged Gabite, or if they did, they saw me as a trophy, not a ‘mon. I tried, dammit. I...I tried.” She looked at the bar and took a deep breath. “But nobody listened to me, and I listened to no reason. I’m...I’m trying to be better, to experience more of life. I had hoped you at least knew what I was doing, but I had to get the one damn virgin to walk through the doors.”

“Are you still on that?” Scep frowned, snorting in agitation. “Everyone’s a virgin sometime in their life. Geez, we’re supposed to be having fun. Dudette, this isn’t what I had in mind….And now you’re frowning….Where’s that pretty smile of yours, huh?”

At the mention of it, said smile returned, along with a blush in Christine’s cheeks. “That is so not fair,” she muttered. “Y’know, you’re the first one outside of the families to care about me for me?”

“Then everyone else is an idiot,” Scep said.

Christine tilted her bottle towards the Sceptile. “A-men! To everyone else being a moron!”

Scep grabbed the bottle and put it on the counter. “Amen, dudette. Now let’s not be getting that drunk yet.”

“Aw c’mon! I wanna see if this booze can cut through my Color Change! I still can’t feel a damn thing!” She was torn between looking at the Sceptile and the bottle.

“Ah, ah,” Scep chuckled, lifting up a finger to silence her. “I like you as is. Let’s not be cutting through anything right now.”

At the compliment, Christine’s entire head turned red, the blush slowly working its way down her body. “That has got to be cheating,” she muttered. “Fine, but I am drinking the rest of this later...unless you do.”

“Whiskey is my sin,” Scep smirked. “I aim to keep that. Ain’t got the taste for...whatever stuff they put in this.”

“Actually,” the bartender said, cutting in slightly, “the minotaurs don’t ‘put anything in’ their alcohols. Says it dilutes it. They also don’t accept anything under 150 proof as being an alcohol.”

Scep blinked slowly, slinking into his chair. “The bartender is an egghead,” he put a hand to his head. “I have seen everything.”

“You take this job, you learn things about alcohol from around the world, especially in Las Pegasus. City is Equestria’s Sin City for a reason, green dude,” the bartender said with a shrug. “I have to know what’s legal to serve and what ain’t. What’ll kill my customers and what’ll only knock ‘em over.”

“Well,” Scep said. “I don’t want to be knocked over, dude. I appreciate it. The bartenders back in the outfit just had beer and whiskey. You know, easy to make and all that. Helps when you’re always on the run.”

“Yknow...I’m pretty sure we could swap stories,” Christine said. “I mean, I’m pretty sure there’s more than a few nice and funny ones locked up in this head of mine. What about you?”

“Commander Sev,” Scep sighed. “Just….I am a member of the PLA. We’re the biggest bunch of weirdos alive. ‘Course I know a few, dudette.” He chuckled. “Can’t help it.”

“Well then. Let’s make a game of it, shall we? We swap stories to see who has the funnier ones. The loser of an exchange drinks, and then we go on until someone chickens out.”

“I dunno,” Scep smirked. “I probably beat you by a mile.”

“Oh, then just wait until you hear what I did to the guys running the lab. I was a damn escapee for a reason.” If Christine’s grin was any wider, she could have been mistaken for a Sharpedo.

“I escaped from a ton of stuff before,” Scep said. “I even robbed Giovanni blind right in front of him and got away.”

“Bit was the mainframe back at the lab,” Christine countered. “He was a little broken and nuts, but he was in charge of teaching us Pokemon moves. I find it highly unlikely that I just happened to learn Flamethrower a full week before I was supposed to...and also right before the natural gas lines were being worked on.” She sighed and looked to the ceiling. “That was a pretty explosion.”

“Wish I could have seen it,” Scep nodded. “But me and explosions don’t mix. Ran from too many in my day...Not to mention fire and grass don’t mix.”

“Yeah, too many trainers learned how to bring me down easy after a few rounds.” She scowled before smirking. “I got better, I got clever, I started laying traps. I’d lure them into a cave, then lead them on a merry chase and harry their partners that wouldn’t listen to my warnings. I’d lay pitfalls and snares.” She started laughing before the next bit. “I have no idea how that Snorlax ended up in that tree, but once he stepped off, I swear I heard the Doppler effect take hold as his trainer got flung into the distance.”

Scep laughed and patted her on the back. “Good job, dudette. Reminds me of that one time I snagged a pirate leg on a rope. Decided to follow Fox’s grandpa’s work, and fired a cannon to get myself out of there. It was one of those old types, for show. Got it working no time at all and whisked myself to freedom...and the captain into the sea.”

“Nice,” she said, nodding. “And then there was the time I learned Earthquake. After that, the researchers learned not to enter my room. I’d just knock them down and sit on their heads. Helped out more than once once I was outside for starting landslides. You have never seen a trainer turn white until you see them realize that yes, you are starting an avalanche of rock, just to deal with them.”

Scep chuckled. “Sitting on their heads? Shoot, if only girls wanted to get at me by doing that. Lucky fellas, those chumps.”

Once again, Christine gave Scep a look that would have set him on fire, if looks were capable of such. “Well,” she all but purred, “I gave them the chaste version by sitting on the back of their heads, but if you really wanted a demonstration, you could have just asked…

Scep gulped. “Uh...ehehe,” he chuckled nervously. “Well...about your butt, I MEAN, rockslide...yeah….” He gulped again, trying not to think about her behind...A nice behind at that….a really nice one.

The Gabite smirked before deciding on toying with him a little more. She hadn’t listened to Sam all those years for nothing. “Oh, I just used Dig. Put myself in a nice, tight, dark tunnel until it was safe to come...out. They never knew what hit them, or where I was.” She purposely hesitated there, wanting to see the grass-type squirm a little more.

Scep’s tail wagged a bit and he tried to stop it. “You did that on purpose,” he tried to glare through his nervous blush, but it was pretty futile.

“Sam was raised by a dirty old man, and I grew up listening to his every word. Admit defeat now, and I may have mercy on your poor, poor libido,” the Gabite said while snagging her bottle again.

“I...never lose, dudette.” Scep tried to sound confident. “I can take your flirting.”

“Oh I doubt you can even take half of what I have to offer,” the dragon said, purposely wording it ambiguously. “Though it does amuse me to see you try. By the way, the tail is a dead giveaway...and so is the one in back.” She let her eyes dip for a moment. Of course, there was nothing there, but making him look was half the fun.

Scep crossed his legs. “Rude,” he snorted. “I see your game. Trying to step me off. Ain’t gonna fall for it.” He tried to calm his blushing. “I’m going to win and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.”

“Really?” She took a small sip from her reclaimed bottle and raised what would have been an eyebrow. “Cause it seems like the merest mention of the subject changes you from a Sceptile to a Scizor.” She hesitated for a moment at the mention of a Scizor, but plowed on. “While neither of us has more experience than the other, I’m pretty sure I could get you to blow by words alone, little ‘mon.”

Scep lightly poked her muzzle. “Not in your life. I’m not a little Treeko. I’m a fully evolved mon and I won’t have some sexy vixen try to mess with me.”

The blush resurfaced, but the dragon shook it off. “Oh really, then what was the purpose of this outing besides to mess with each other? And I don’t ‘try’ things. I ‘do’ things. For example, all I’d have to do is give you the barest hint of a glimpse, and I’d know you’d seen it, because you go all red. It’s adorable.”

“I am not adorable,” Scep snorted. “I’m a general in the lord’s service...kind of...technically...Look, you get the point.” He crossed his arms.

Christine poked his nose in turn. “Nope, the way you go red makes me think of a little Grovyle that just learned where babies come from and what he did in the middle of the night during that great dream. It’s just so cute, I can’t help but smile when I see it.”

Scep smiled. “Well, I’m glad you’re happy.”

The Gabite smiled an honest smile then. “And I’m happy that someone cares about me,” she replied. “Now shall I go back to torturing your boner, or do you want to try and change the topic, O apprentice?”

“You should do more than torture….” Scep blinked in surprise at his own words and turned beet red. “I mean...how did you end up here?”

“Maybe if you’re good, or very very naughty,” Christine replied with more than a smirk. “And as for how I ended up here, I assume you mean ‘here’ in the sense of Las Pegasus?”

Scep quickly nodded. “Yeah...that.”

“Well, after walking through the wilderness for a day, I heard the message, as did everymon, I assume,” Christine started before looking to the Sceptile for confirmation.

“Yeah,” Scep rolled his eyes. “Arceus is a dick.”

“Dicks seem to be a popular topic tonight. Anyways!” Christine smirked at the color change she’d brought onto Scep’s face again before continuing her tale. “I eventually found Canterlot after a little while of walking through absolutely nothing that could not be burned or crushed or pushed aside, and once I arrived there, I was...disciplined for my behavior.”

“Sounds like a hectic trip,” Scep said. “Me? Eh, just here and there doing my own thing with the others. No big...honestly, it’s been rather quiet since I got to this world...well, in comparison to the PLA, dudette.”

“Aw, but I was hoping it would be big. But yeah, once Seth and Selena knocked some sense into me, I...followed them here, found out Sam was a Scizor now, and then Vincent and Luke mucked around in my brain. I’m...a bit more stable now. Not obsessed, not always angry...but damn if the words of other ‘mon don’t hurt still.” She took a medium pull from her bottle and sighed.

“You shouldn’t let ‘em,” Scep growled. “Words are just words. Those mons should be the ones to keep their mouths shut and learn some respect. Ain’t right hurting a beautiful girls’ feelings like that. I ain’t ever gonna do anything nasty to you, I promise.”

“You...cheater,” Christine grumbled as the blush made itself evident across half her body. “You’re just saying that to get in my pants. Well, assuming I wore any to begin with.”

“If I did that,” Scep rolled his eyes. “I don’t deserve my junk. A guy like that ain’t worth knowing. I may be a thief, but I’ll at least try my best at the whole gentlemanly thing.”

“I notice that you didn’t deny that you wanted in my metaphorical pants,” Christine observed as she leaned in and winked at the Sceptile. “So I guess you are getting used to my flirting.”

“I get used to a lot of things,” Scep smirked, but he was still blushing like mad and shaking a bit. “I’m a soldier, nerves of steel...Beautiful women are just p-part of the job.”

While the blush and smile had returned and even added a companion in the Gabite’s slightly wagging tail, she still fired back. “Mmm, nerves of steel...steel wire. You’re shaking more than a Drifloon in a sudden breeze. And if beautiful women are a part of the job, then why didn’t you walk in with one?”

“That’s a low blow,” Scep snorted. “I…” He snorted again, before grinning. “I did.” He said proudly. “I certainly did, dudette.”

Not quite catching on, Christine looked around with exaggerated motions. “I don’t see her anywhere…”

Scep rolled his eyes. “Don’t have to be like that, dudette. You know I was talking about you. I wouldn’t mistake you or that cute tail of yours anywhere.”

The dragon turned red all over, grabbing a hold of her bottle again. “More booze,” she stated. “My blood-alcohol content is not unbalanced enough to deal with that Tauros-shit.”

“Well,” Scep put his snout up in the air, grinning. “Maybe I should leave.”

“Yeah, wouldn’t want you to be seen with the freak,” she muttered before sucking the drink straight from its container.

Scep snatched the bottle away. “Learn to take a joke, dudette….And stop getting drunk. I seriously am not that bad.”

“Okay, first, I can’t get drunk. Color Change, remember? Alcohol is a poison...every time I try, it barely buzzes me, no matter what I drink. And second...I know I’m ugly. You can stop pretending now.” To say the dragon was morose would be one of the worse understatements in recent history.

Scep gently grabbed her chin in his hands and brought her face to meet his. “You. Are. Beautiful. I meant that.”

The blush returned, and she muttered something softly. “...again…”

“You are beautiful,” Scep softly repeated. “I mean that truly.”

This time, it lightened a shade, turning the whole of the dragon’s head pink. “Say that one more time, please? I...I want to believe it…”

“You are beautiful,” Scep smiled. “I’m surprised you haven’t noticed...I’m glad I did.”

It was spontaneous, what happened next. But then again, while the setting wasn’t perfect, Christine wouldn’t regret giving her first kiss to the Sceptile who told her that she wasn’t a freak, a mutant, a monster even by Pokemon standards. But beautiful in his eyes.

Scep was taken aback in the first couple of seconds by her actions. She was kissing him? Him of all mon? Surely she could do better...Eh, their loss. He leaned into the kiss...his first kiss.

The dragon kept tongue out of the equation, and held it for what seemed like the right amount of time, before drawing back, but holding on to his shoulders. “Thank you,” she said softly. “I...needed that. You have no idea how much I needed an honest compliment.”

Scep was silent for a moment. He just sat there with a dumb, happy go lucky expression on his face, before he shook his head. “Yeah...still kind of surprised no one’s told you that before. I mean, you are beautiful. You’d have to be blind not to see it.”

“Well,” she said in a tone that actively absorbed moisture from the nearby air. “Y’know how Absols are seen as harbingers of destruction in backwater hick towns?”

“You mean like the time Frank, one of our Absol lieutenants, nearly wrecked Taco Tuesday in a drunk dare...with toilet paper and toothpicks?”

“Yeah, now double it, and apply it in some fashion to everyone that thought I couldn’t hear them.” In the kitchen behind the bar, a pan died due to how much deadpan there was in the dragon’s voice.

“That’s a lot of destruction,” Scep nodded. “Let me guess, they don’t have the best rap so everyone gets on their case.” He snorted. “Stupid, but I know the feeling.”

“Well, like I pointed out, I did my part to escalate the situation, but I never started it. I only finished it, and finished it decisively every time.”

“....Are we going back to the flirting again, or am I a bit buzzed?”

The dragon smirked and climbed up into the grass-type’s lap. “Who said I stopped, and who said they were mutually exclusive? By the way, is that a Super Rod, or are you just really happy to see me?”

“I want to hit you upside the head for that joke,” Scep gulped. “But...gosh yes...yes I am.”

Christine idly played with one of the yellow orbs attached to his back. “Mmm. Glad you finally wised up to what I want,” she muttered. “Nice balls, by the way,” she said, making sure to take notice of where he looked after that statement.

“Ugh,” Scep rolled his eyes through his intense blush. “You...never...stop, do you? I can do it too!...darn, I can’t think of anything right now...Could you stop being so sexy so I can think?...what am I saying?”

The dragon grinned and put her mouth as close to the top of his head as possible, where she assumed his ears were. “Oh, I dunno, something about how you still have some brain function left and how I’m not being distracting enough. I wonder, if I got up for the door and wagged my tail a little too much, how fast would you chase after me?”

Scep growled and grabbed her haunches. “As fast as I could.”

“Good answer,” she said, before turning nigh-invisible, a red line the only evidence of where she was. “Catch me if you can, lover-boy,” was whispered in his ear before the line jumped off his lap, taking her weight with it. She reappeared once at the door, her tail a little too far to one side to be decent, and vanished again.

“Consider yourself caught,” Scep growled and ran with everything he had.

The bartender looked at the pouch left on the bar, considered that it was only slightly not enough for their drinks, and shrugged. Let the lovers chase one another. It’d be bad form to stop one of them now over five bits.

Scep had never ran this fast before, or been this determined to catch someone. He had to catch the occasional agent or someone before on orders, but...that look...that tail shift….That everything...He had to have it. There was no question about that. He was going to get it tonight, if it was the last thing he did. Of course, expecting her to play fair was a foolish thought, as the first thing he noticed upon turning the corner was the red line that she didn’t seem capable of hiding climbing up the side of a building, leaving small indents in her wake.

Scep had to admit, she had a lot of fight in her. He liked that. He really wanted a piece of that, more so than any female he had ever met. How the heck he had fallen for her so fast? Maybe it was because she actually sat with him...Maybe it was destiny….Or maybe none of that fucking mattered right now, because he was going to get that smoking hot piece of tail and make her his. So he climbed up after her. Climbing was his race’s speciality, so he had no problem in catching up with her this way. It was what she did afterwards that was even more stunning.

She’d dropped back into the visible spectrum so he could see her using her fins in a peculiar way. With them and enough speed, she would jump over the alleys between buildings and glide, sometimes even over entire roads. And every time she landed, that tail would wag again. Whether it was a reflex or the thrill of the chase that caused her to do that, he wasn’t complaining.

Still, despite her efforts, he was gaining. While his race prefered climbing, he was adept at running all too well as his time as a soldier. The PLA ran quite often from all sort of foes. He was putting that on full display here. All in all, he was having fun right now and loved this gal all the more for it...Was it love? Felt like it. He was certainly happy. Reminded him of the tales his own parents would tell of their own courtship. Course, they skipped the raunchy parts, but he could tell anyways.

The dragoness turned back after the latest jump and breathed heavily a few times. “Don’t...think I can...keep up that pace...anymore, but I’m not done yet, lover-boy! Sand Attack!” She whipped up a small cloud of dirt and all but flung it at the Sceptile pursuing her, hoping to buy a moment for her next trick.

“Leaf Storm,” Scep smirked. Immediately, a storm of wind and leaves blew away the dirt, and shot out at her and as a few impacted her legs, she flashed green, to signify the type change.

“Aww, but now you’ll see my Double Team!” Her form blurred as a few illusions sprang into being nearby, all three of them grinning at the Sceptile.

Scep cupped his hands together and looked to the sky. “I have no idea what I did to deserve this, but thank you.” He grinned, taking in the sight of three of his lovely lady.

“Mmm,” they said in unison. “Guess right and win your prize, you horny little boy. Guess wrong, and I’ll be long gone.”

“Dudette,” Scep’s grin grew. “I should have you know I use this technique often. I know which one of you fine ladies are the real one.”

“Oh do tell,” each one said, placing their right hand on their hips and raising their metaphorical eyebrows.

“Double Team’s a neat trick, but it has one flaw,” Scep grinned. “The illusions don’t cast shadows.”

All three had time to look surprised before Scep made his next move. Grinning like a devil, Scep used Quick Attack, going after none of the images, but the shadow that lay between two of them. The illusions melted away, including the one keeping the dragoness totally hidden, and she lay on the roof, panting under the one that had finally caught her.

“Oooh. Clever,” she praised him.

“I get that a lot,” Scep chuckled.

“Well, you used your head to catch me,” she stated. “I do believe I promised a reward for your other head if you did.”

Scep blushed. “Y-yeah, you did.”

Taking note of the hitch in his voice, she laid one of her arms on one of his. “Hey, trust me, okay? I was raised by someone who was raised by a pervert. I know what I’m doing. You have nothing to worry about.”

“I was raised on a breeding farm,” Scep glanced away. “I know a thing or two….maybe.”

“Save the cuffs for next time, gotcha,” she said with a wink.

Scep tried to get his bearings. “So...here?”

“Only if you want to do it where all the city can hear us,” the dragon snarked back. “Otherwise, yeah, no problem.”

Scep narrowed his eyes, looked at the city, and growled. “They should mind their own business….Or we could sneak back home...Honestly, I’m a little too flustered to think straight right now...I just want you so much.”

“Mmm, picked up on that,” Christine said with a slight motion of her hips, one that apparently did not go unnoticed. “At least one part of you is thinking straight. And if anything wants to hang around and actually watch us go at it, then I could do with a snack afterwards.”

At those words, there was a small flurry of noise, and the sensation of being watched by anyone at all vanished entirely. When a dragon says she could go for a snack, you make sure you’re not on the menu.

“Mine,” Scep said possively, trying to shield her body from anyone else’s eyes but his own. He growled.

“You sure that’s not what I should be saying?” Even now, pinned under the one she’d chosen, she lost none of her cheeky attitude.

Scep rolled his eyes. “Oh shut up for a moment,” and then he captured her lips in his.

This time, she included not only tongue, but a full moan throughout the kiss while grabbing a hold of him and pulling him down to more fully lie atop her while letting her claws roam over his body. However, all good things would have to come to an end, and she eventually came up for air.

“Speechless?” Scep smirked. “I have that effect.”

“Oh...just...shut...it…” she wheezed, making sure that he was still at attention and not going anywhere anytime soon, thanks to her death-grip.

“Make me,” Scep nuzzled her, looking deep into her eyes.

In response, her tail curled up and brushed against a pair of balls that were not on his back, but ones that he was still attached to nonetheless.

Scep’s breath caught in his throat, before he grinned. “Two can play this game,” he nibbled her neck and brushed his own tail along her inner thigh. This time, it was her breath that caught, and her tail started to go a bit more rigid before she regained control.

“Oh, you’re not bad.” Her breath caught again before she looked back up into his eyes. “Make me a promise?”

“Anything,” Scep said with certainty.

“When the time comes, just...tell me I’m beautiful again? I think...no, I know that I could stand anything, as long as you told me that.” There was a slight hint of fear in her eyes as she started the sentence, and only a little hope towards the end.

Scep brushed his hand along her cheek and kissed her nose. “I will.”

She smiled at that before it devolved into her usual smirk. “Then what the hell are you waiting for, you dirty boy?”

Scep growled and nuzzled her. He straightened himself up and a certain ‘sixth’ limb brushed along her entrance. She responded by arching her back a little more, widening the space between her legs, and shifting around to try and make certain that everything was aimed properly for their first time together. According to her one source, nothing was more embarrassing than missing your target, and she’d really rather he didn’t.

Scep rubbed his member along her sweet entrance a few more times. Partly to get a sense of things and partly to mess with her. Honestly, it was messing with him too, but he could deal with it. He nibbled along her neck, trying to find a good place for a ‘love bite’.

Christine, however, was not patient. “Either you stop teasing me, or I’ll just stick with my claws for rubbing myself,” she growled before one nibble near her left shoulder caused her to moan slightly.

Scep chuckled. “Found it,” and with that said, he pushed in. He very quickly ran up against her hymen, and she gasped as he did. “I’m going to sound like an obvious idiot, but...this is going to hurt...Sorry.”

“Just do it,” she hissed through clenched teeth.

Scep kissed her passionately, before he pushed on through. The pain caused her to scream into the kiss, and a few tears escaped her eyes. Her tail thrashed more than a little bit, and there were definitely a few grooves in the roof now from her legs...and arms.

“I said,” Scep said when he pulled out of the kiss. He put his forehead against hers, so he could stare directly into her eyes. “I’m sorry.” He nuzzled her lovingly, waiting for the pain to go away. “I’m sorry, my beautiful angel.”

“I’ll...forgive you later, if the darn bug was right,” Christine muttered. “Just...let it die down, let me get used to this...Arceus, but this is just...so different…”

“No harm in being different,” a playful glimmer shone in Scep’s eyes and he kissed her nose. “I kind of like it that way.”

“Oh gee, I wonder how I picked up on that,” Christine said with an eye-roll as she briefly added polka-dots to her body, then turned just as green as Scep, before returning to normal.

Scep ran his hands lovingly over her body. His fingers nimbly working her muscles, relaxing them in little ways he’d learned from the professional masseurs he’d met in the army. He never thought he’d get to use their techniques until now. They seemed to do the job, causing the dragon to coo slightly at the relief he was giving her. After what seemed like both too long and too short an interval, she nodded again. “You can...start moving...but start slow.”

Scep nodded and lightly kissed her once more, before starting to move again. Slowly and surely he eased up into her tunnel until he was all the way in. He let himself savor it for a second, being within her completely, until he eased himself out until only the head remained inside. Pushing himself forward, he did it again.

“Fuck,” she hissed. “That is just so...big. I can feel myself stretching out down there! How in the hell were you still a virgin if you’re that big!”

Scep smirked as he kept at his pace. “Gonna sound cheesy dudette, but maybe I was saving myself for the right gal.” He chuckled. “Yep, definitely cheesy.”

“Yes it is, but the important thing is that you saved yourself for me. So get back in there,” she said, reaching up to bring his head down to hers for a kiss again. “If that cock of yours leaves me before I say it can, you will not like what I do in return!”

Scep rolled his eyes and gave a quick thrust, burying himself all the way inside her in one motion. He hissed out in pleasure. Her canal held him so tight and lovingly it was just too much. “Me leave this pussy? No can do, dudette.”

“Good, you’re learning,” she said while trying her hardest to get her legs up and around his waist. “Mine,” she growled as she looked him over again. “You are all mine.

“And you’re mine,” he growled back, biting a bit hard along her neck. His pace picked up a bit, scoring her depths with more and more blows.

She hissed before returning the bite on her neck with one of her own on his, doing her damnedest to exercise muscles she hadn’t been aware existed an hour ago. She wanted to see how long he could possibly last, or how long she could draw it out for.

Scep leaned into her bites, strengthening his own. He wouldn’t be lying if he said that he was losing himself to this pleasure. He was. He wanted to keep pumping into her forever. That was impossible, but hell if he wasn’t going to try. Grinning, he ran his tongue along her skin as his pace grew bolder and faster, trying with all his might to go even deeper.

Christine shivered and moaned at the sensations of his tongue on her skin, instinctively strengthening the bite mark she was making on her new mate. Mine, mine, mine and none others, she thought. Quickly followed by Oh sweet Arceus yes, harder, faster! She used her tail to try and coax him to pound her, but one can only do so much with a tail to get a message across.

Scep growled, this time much deeper and more primal. He wrapped his tail around hers and bit into a sweet spot, marking her as his. His member thrusted back and forth with severity, growing faster and harder. He unknowingly bumped her clit during one of his thrusts, and she screamed as her walls spasmed and a jet of fluid gushed around him. Combined with everything that had been going on, the one touch had set her off slightly. She just hoped he didn’t take too much advantage of it…

Scep noticed what happened and chuckled deviously. He aimed his thrust again and again at the sweet spot. Every time he brushed up against that little nub of flesh, she would have another miniature orgasm, coating him and the roof in more fluid. Of course, the number took their toll on her, and soon she was just a panting, sticky mess on the roof that was holding his cock.

Scep felt proud of himself to have brought her to this pleasure. He rubbed his neck lovingly against her, instinctively cooing as he did so. He wanted to make her happy and he was doing it nicely. It wasn’t enough though. He kept at it, trying to go faster and harder than ever before.

Weakly, Christine tried to string enough words together to make a coherent thought. “Too...too much...how can...too much pleasure...oh Arceus…” She looked down herself to see her mate still going at it. “Ch...change the...angle...need to...rest a bit…”

Scep frowned, inwardly berating himself. He could’ve hurt her for all he knew. He slowed up a tad and changed up his position slightly, so he wasn’t rubbing against her sweet spot anymore.

“Better,” she sighed. “Mmm...yeah, always been...easy to get a small one off...that much, though, never done that much before...how about you, love? You close yet?”

“Getting there,” Scep grunted. “Sorry for….pushing you….”

“You didn’t know. That said, give me a little time, and when you’re nearly done...do it again, or I swear I’ll borrow Lucy’s gear for our next round...and use it on you.”

“Gear?” Scep gulped. “Come...on...Okay, I’ll...remember.” He punctuated the last word with an exceptionally powerful thrust.

“Mm, oh yes, for virgins, we make quite the pair of lovers,” Christine cooed as she readjusted her grip slightly. “Or maybe if you do this well enough, you’ll get to use the bondage gear on me instead, you dirty boy.”

Scep answered with a deep, primordial growl. Nicking at her skin again, he traced his ‘love bite’ with his tongue. He nicked at it a few more times as his thrusts got stronger.

“Closer...closer...don’t you dare let me down, Scep! I’m close too! Oh give me a real one, you darn gecko!” The dragon’s tail was thrashing about madly as she neared her peak.

“Darn gecko,” Scep chuckled, before kissing her. Pulling back, he gave her a small eskimo kiss. “So clever, my beauty.” Scep was having a harder time thinking as his mind was almost completely lost to the pleasure.

“So powerful, my mate,” she responded. “Now show me the depths of your strength.”

Scep pulled her into a deep kiss and, with all his might, hit her sweet spot again. She screamed as a veritable flood of her juices gushed out around his member as she finally achieved a real orgasm. The sensation in turn was too much for him to handle. He growled possessively as his member twitched violently, before he unloaded inside her. The heated sensation of his seed in her canal set her on another miniature orgasm of her own, this time leaking clear and milky fluid from between her legs.

Scep pulled back from the kiss and hissed in pleasure. He kept thrusting, pouring more and more of his essence into her awaiting tunnel. He had never felt higher than he now was.

Christine, likewise, felt that she was no longer merely riding the way of ecstasy that had been building up, but somehow become it completely. Every little motion, every twitch from her mate, sent ripples through her own form, which only seemed to be perpetuating a delicious vicious cycle with no end. And she liked it that way.

Scep wanted to stay like that forever, united with his now mate. However, it couldn’t be so. His thrusts grew less and less and so did his essence. His breathing was ragged as he finished coming down from his high.

The dragoness suddenly found herself covered by a large, leafy-green, breathing blanket as Scep covered her form with his own. She smiled and gathered him close, giving an experimental flex with her tunnel while she did.

Scep’s breath hitched. He smiled and nuzzled her cheek to cheek. He was still sensitive down there, but he was content with just being inside her for a little longer. “Mine,” she whispered in his ear. “You, and this...this is perfect.”

“You deserved it,” Scep’s breathing was getting back to normal, but his heart still beat faster than it had ever gone before. He kissed her nose. She returned it, humming happily.

“So,” she said. “When we get back, I have a place of my own on the third floor, 303. You can come by if you like. I’ll leave the door unlocked.”

“Locked, unlocked, doesn’t matter.” He held her close. “I’m going to get in either way. No locks’ going to keep me away from my mate.”

“You talk like I’m letting you leave my side,” Christine said, giving her mate another flex. “Nope, you’re stuck with me now, dirty boy.”

“Lucky me,” Scep nuzzled her.

There was silence for a moment before the dragoness spoke up again.

“What are we going to tell the others?”

“Huh?” Scep looked confused. “Forgot about them...Completely forgot about them….We’ll just think of something on our way back.”

Christine lifted Scep for a moment to look down at where they were joined and half-lidded her eyes in response. “Before or after we find a hose to wash the mess off?”

“I could’ve sworn it was a hose that got us so dirty in the first place,” He smirked.

“Care to refresh my memory, or are you still tuckered out?”

Scep frowned and moved his hips a little, his member rubbing her insides. “Are you?”

“Oh if you think you can handle me again, I’m sorry to tell you that this time…”

With that, Scep was forcibly removed and slammed into the roof, back-first, Christine straddling his chest and holding him down.

“...That I’ll be the one riding you.”

“Yes ma’am,” Scep grinned.

The dragoness used her tail to find, then aim, Scep’s member, then decided to tease him by having her be just out of reach of his prize. “Hmm. I don’t know that I should give you the pleasure.” Her smirk told him both that she was kidding, but that she also wanted him to say the magic word.

“Oh come on,” Scep whined. “Please sit down.”

“You said the magic word,” she replied, slowly easing him where he belonged before sliding down on his pole. The dragon-type hissed as she was stretched yet again, relishing in the feeling and coming to a stop, enjoying her new seat immensely.

Scep grit his teeth, his hands finding purchase on her luscious bottom. He squeezed them possessively. “Mine.”

Christine responded by giving a flex of her muscles as she slowly leaned back and forth, enjoying the feeling of him touching every last inch of her tunnel. “Mine,” she said simply.

Scep bit his lip in his pleasure. With his hands and hips, he did his best to meet her thrusts. However, every time he thought he had her rhythm, she would change it slightly, smirking all the while at his frustration. Eventually, she leaned in and whispered a simple question. “Whose are you?”

“Yours,” Scep answered simply through the cloud of pleasure.

“And don’t you forget it. I suppose I can be predictable if you ask politely now.” It was official, she was enjoying this way too much, but not enough to stop.

“Please,” Scep whimpered. “Be a little predictable, dudette. Don’t leave me hanging.”

“Only because it’s you,” she said, finding a tempo that worked for her and sticking with it.

“Thank you,” Scep huffed in glee. “Thank you, thank you. Arceus, I love you.”

“And I you, my smart, clever mate.” Christine ran one set of claws down Scep’s face and used the other to stimulate her clit, thereby giving him an even tighter tunnel for a moment or


Scep leaned into her touch, smiling a pleasure, but loving smile. He glanced at her and he had never felt such a fiery desire before for anyone. She was perfect in every sense of the word. She leaned in close to him and whispered another question. “How close?”

“Close enough,” Scep grit his teeth. “But I can last longer if you need me to.”

“The only way I’d let you last longer is if you flip this back to how it was, but I don’t see that happen-”

Scep wasn’t having any of that right now. No, he was going to take charge. He never did like being told what to do. With her on the bottom, he pulled her into a deep kiss and thrusted without abandon. She squealed like a madwoman as he did, either protesting or enjoying the rough treatment. Or both. She eventually came up for air again, and one word passed her lips.


Scep answered with a wide grin. He pounded harder and faster than ever before. His member hit depths as far as it could reach. He loved it. Unknowingly, Christine’s tail had curled up and was playing with her mate’s testes, lightly tickling them on every thrust, trying to coax him to more and higher heights.

Scep’s growling came back in force and he nicked his mate’s ‘mark’ once more. He gave himself into his more animalistic traits and pounded her harder than ever. She swore that there was no more room left in her tunnel for him to be filling, and she wasn’t sure if that was good or not! “Finish, damn you, before I break!”

With that, he smashed into her sweet spot like before, but even harder than last time. The convulsions around his pole made him feel like he’d stuck it in a warm, wet, fleshy vice for a moment as she wrung him like a dishtowel for everything he had. Her screams could probably be heard across the city, and the fluid that coated his crotch felt like it might never end. Scep dug his teeth into her ‘mark’ and let loose once more. His white fluid shot burst after burst into her depths, causing both sets of liquid to ooze out around his cock and drip to the roof below.

“That...was great,” Christine summed up with as much of her brain was active at the moment.

“Yeah,” Scep panted. “So...what now?”

Something very important suddenly made itself known to Christine, causing her to mutter two words. “Oh fuck.”

“....Round three?”

Christine rolled her eyes. “Not the issue. We’re compatible, and I think my season was about to start soon.”

“Oh….OH.” His eyes widened. “So you could be……?”

“Well maybe not after the first one, but the second probably cinched it,” the dragoness clarified. “I guess I got lost trying to get someone to share this pleasure with me that I forgot about my season starting soon, or compatibility.”

“Eh,” Scep said. “Stuff happens. You just have to adapt, dudette.”

She responded by punching him lightly in the shoulder. “And you just have to agree to come back and check up on me. If this takes, I expect a father in the kid’s life.”

“Oh I’m definitely coming back,” Scep placed a hand on her stomach. “And I’m going to be there for them and you if that happens...A little sappy, but true.”

“Y’know, you use that word ‘if’ like I intend to let you leave. By now, the damage is probably already done. Once we get back to the apartment? You’re going to be making sure, mister.”

“I’ll make sure,” Scep kissed her lips lightly. “I’ll definitely make sure.”

She responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a cuddling session. “Mine,” she said.

“Yours,” he chuckled and wrapped his arms around her lovingly.

With that, the two drifted off into a blissful nap of post-coitous euphoria.

Author's other notes:
I don't feel bad about the title name at alllllllll!

Chapter Fifty-Seven - Too much Frustration leads to mistakes

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Ace held a hoof to the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache coming on already. Her husband had already told her the details up until he’d been bound and gagged, something that had caused her to snort much to his annoyance, by throwing himself straight into a targeting dummy.

As such, the only one who could tell her more about the heist that she could talk to was Bit. Which was always fun, like pulling dragon’s teeth. The only ‘silver lining’ she could find in all this was despite the damage to the main room, the Casino wasn’t nearly as damaged as the first time Pokemon had crashed it. By some miracle, a majority of the machinery and gambling tables that weren’t in the immediate vicinity of the fight had come out relatively unscathed. That, and the fact that the Gemstone Roulette had been in their lobby when they opened the Guard Station this morning.

This whole thing is freaking ridiculous... it’s a pain in my flank, a waste of my time, along with every other honest Guards’, Ace thought to herself as she walked down the corridor toward Bit’s desk. I really can’t stand the idea of someone like this ‘Fox’... running around my city causing pointless problems just to get a laugh.

Her teeth ground just thinking about it. She’d devoted most if not all of her life to cleaning up Las Pegasus, and Celestia help her it hadn’t been easy. Nor was she nearly close to being done as of the arrival of Pokemon, as displayed by the Pegasus Air incident. Now however, things were so much more complicated. Not only was she dealing with day to day crime, simpering mob bosses, hostile mob bosses, the occasional costumed idiot who thought that they were a hero, murderers, and all other brand of pony crime... but she also had to deal with Pokemon. And apparently, arrogant, showboating, foxes as well.

“So, tell me, clearly, what happened from when the operation started to when Fox left the building,” Ace asked as straightforwardly as she could as she arrived in front of Bit’s desk, temporarily pushing the thoughts to the side.

Bit dinged once, his normal attitude back in place, and he began reciting timestamps and events from the previous night. “At exactly 11:30 PM, the guards and this unit were stationed in the Crown Jewel Casino’s main hall in key locations around the Gemstone Roulette,” Bit started, though he shot a quick glare at said Roulette that was sitting nearby. “Shortly after, there was a momentary blackout, likely caused by Fox in order to place herself in the building. Following that…” at this point Bit got a bit...flustered, as he now had to describe his rather quick descent into madness. That, and the seemingly impossible feats Fox had pulled that seemed to defy all conventional logic. By the time he was done giving the play by play, Ace sighed.

“So you don’t know how she did the things she did.” The mare let out a grunt. “Right then. Let’s try this another way. How would you have done what she did?”

Bit considered for a moment before an idea came to him. “A Zororak’s natural Ability is that of Illusion: if she has experimented with it, then she could easily hide her own presence. The dummies...only one move comes to mind. Substitute. It cuts the user’s own health to create a dummy that takes blows for them. Combined with the Spinarak and time and effort, she could have created the webbing balls beforehand. After which, the result is last night’s...fiasco. And all of that is guesswork, but I am ninety-percent certain that is how she accomplished those things...assuming Fox is a she. With Illusion, Fox could be a he under a very sophisticated veil.”

“I see...” Ace closed her eyes. “So basically she’s a stage show magician with a few tricks that only her Pokemon abilities let her accomplish?”

“Along with five hundred years of history,” Bit recited for the mare like he had for her husband. “Seeing as how no Phantom Thief Fox from Earth was ever caught while they were playing the role, their training is clearly not to be underestimated.”

“My husband got bound and gagged by someone who isn’t me last night, I think that much is clear,” Ace said dryly. “However...” she closed her eyes. “Is there any known ‘nullifier’ for the illusion powers of A Zoroark, or am I going to have to dig out my spell books?”

“Upon being successfully damaged, a Zoroark must drop its Illusion,” Bit stated. “As well, there is a move in my memory that suppresses Abilities. It is known as Gastro Acid...but sadly, it is not one I can use. Nine families of ‘mon learn it naturally, one can have it bred into its memory, and quite a few can be taught it...but none of the Nurem family satisfy those critera.”

“Right, next question,” Ace asked slowly as she thought that over. “Do her illusions last through anti-illusion spells?”

“Unknown,” Bit stated, slightly irritated at the content of the question. “There was little to no magic on Earth, and I have yet to make any significant headway in understanding the phenomena myself, despite its status at the head of my list of things to accomplish.”

Ace was quiet for a moment before nodding. “Okay. Thank you Bit.” She smiled. It was the same kind of smile that someone took when they’d just bit into a steak... or salad in this case. “Next question... how likely is it that the Fox will try for another place in my city?”

Bit considered the question before beeping in the negative. “Unless Fox sends out a ‘notice’ beforehand, not very. Fox likely will be around for a few days to observe your reactions to what has been done, but this generation’s Fox does not steal without sending out advance notice.” He tilted his head before making another observation. “It is likely as not that Fox considers the entire thing a mere game. It makes the most sense at this juncture.”

“I picked that up from what my husband said,” Ace said. “How do you suppose she would react if things continued ‘business as normal’?”

“Seeing as how Fox’s preferred targets on Earth were generally items or targets that would attract attention...or were secretly criminals...” Bit said, ticking faster and faster as he got into a mindset unlike his own, “Then most likely Fox would not be overly enthused with your lack of response. If you are attempting to provoke the thief…” he trailed off, not sure if he should be liking where this track of thought was going.

“Oh, I’m not merely provoking her...” Ace smiled. “I’m examining her. Every normally scheduled patrol is made up of at least three members, almost always there is at least one unicorn, one pegasus, and one Earth pony. Of late, we’ve extended that patrol size to five or six depending on the number of Pokemon that squad has living with them. Now... not every unicorn can be Twilight Freaking Sparkle and carry around an Ursa Minor... but it’s rather easy to send out a spell every ten minutes to see if they can’t detect an illusion of some sort, wouldn’t you say?”

“While I agree with you on principle, Ace,” Bit stated, before shaking his head, “That is being quite speciest and narrow-minded. You would detect any and all illusions. What of unicorns with talents for such things? What of unicorns who are merely trying them out? And not every member of the Illusion Fox family is Phantom Thief Fox. Assuming she is a female, she is in the minority for her species: over eight-five percent of Zoroarks are male. Again, assuming Fox is female.”

Ace just smiled. “We’re not breaking the illusions Bit,” she said easily. “We’re just doing a few city-wide scans. Not to mention that we know the difference between unicorn illusions and your brand of illusions, or will once we feel them. No, in this case we’re just practicing and getting a feel for it.” She shook her head. “Trust me, I do not need a ‘espionage and abuse of public trust’ lawsuit on my hooves at the same time as this.”

“That still leaves you with the backlash that may occur from the Zoroarks that are not Fox, should they find out. Getting a feel for where they are is well and good, but moving on them will end in failure a vast majority of the time, unless you have some sort of ‘gender detecting’ spell as well,” Bit stated with as much snark as he could muster.

“We won’t be moving on them,” Ace said rather flatly, not liking his snark, there were only a very few she took snark from. “At least, not until the night of a heist. And yes, actually there are gender detecting spells.”

“Interesting,” the Program mused before shrugging. “And we are assuming there will be another heist done by the Fox. There is a very likely chance that the thief will simply grow bored and move on to another town.”

Ace shrugged. “Honestly it’s a no lose situation in my mind,” she said. “My unicorns get a review of their illusion detecting spells, something that they always need as good guards. Furthermore, we get to see if Pokemon are immune to our illusion detecting spells and possibly give us something to help against the Fox if she decides to stick around. Honestly though, I don’t know why she’s bothering with Las Pegasus, we do the best we can with the number of Guards we have.” She blew out an annoyed snort and grunted as she stretched her neck. “I’ll be in my office working on planning if you have anything else you’d like to tell me.”

With that said, Ace turned her back on the Pokemon and started walking towards her office. When she reached it however, she found that she had a guest at her door.

Standing at the office door was a Lucario. However, unlike most Lucario, there were several things different about this one. For starters, his eyes were a deep blue color instead of the usual red. On his chest, he wore a badge denoting him as part of the Equestrian guard, and on his right arm, he wore a silver bracelet, that despite looking a bit old, was very well maintained.

“Another recruit from Canterlot for me to train?” she asked him, getting her office door with a quick flash of her horn. “Or is there another reason you’re waiting outside my office like a statue?”

In response, the Lucario saluted, then walked into the room. “Officer Jonathan Trace, Baltimare Guard, and Canterlot Pokemon Special Division, reporting for duty,” he said, also causing Bit to perk up when he heard the name. But he decided to leave it be for now.

“Hm? I don’t remember the Guard Captain of Baltimare ever saying anything about a transfer,” Ace commented. “So, why are you here?”

“I’m not here for a transfer. I’ve been assigned Fox’s case, and I’m here chasing after her,” Jonathan explained. “I just arrived here today, and from the looks of it, she got here first.”

“Ahh...” she frowned as she walked into the room, gesturing at him to come with her. “So you’re specialize in catching this pompous stage magician, or at least attempting to I’d wager?” she inquired.

“Well, yes. No offense...but from the tone of voice, I get the sinking feeling you’re not taking her seriously,” Jonathan sighed, his memory of Canterlot still VERY fresh.

“Oh no, I’m taking her very seriously,” Ace said pointedly. “I just dislike the blatant disregard she has for the law and those who have to waste their time attempting to stop her.”

“Well, alright then. Just checking. The Guard Captain in Canterlot when I was there didn’t take her seriously and well...everyone knows how that turned out,” Jonathan nodded.

“Yes, remind me why you’re the one standing here instead of there being an actual ‘stallionhunt’ out for this fool,” Ace said, shaking her head. “No offense kid.”

“Because said ‘fool’ isn’t as much of a fool as you might think,” Jonathan said, his eyes narrowing slightly, before he shook his head. “Fox isn’t as good as she is for being impulsive. Most if not all her heists are preceded with plans and schemes she had likely prepared ahead of time. Thinking of her like any other thief just won’t cut it.”

“Well obviously,” Ace said dryly. “Doesn’t change that it’s a waste of my time and resources, but that’s neither here nor there. What are you here for in specific sir?”

“The same reason I’ve been through the last several towns for the last 3 weeks. I’m trying to catch her, but at the moment, all I can do is try and help to coordinate the local Guards to try to catch her. Something that is easier said than done due to the fact that I don’t know if and when she will move on to the next town,” Jonathan sighed, before showing her a map of Equestria he had. One that was notably marked up. “As you can see, she’s been quite a busy thief.”

Ace studied it for a moment before nodding her head. “Yes, and at this rate you’re probably never going to catch her,” the mare observed. “You’re going where she is, not where she’s going, and if she keeps getting things done in a single night and then vanishing...”

“I’m well aware of that. And I HAVE been trying to predict where she will go next...something that is notably easier now that she’s already hit most of the major cities and towns,” Jonathan sighed in annoyance. “Problem is, I can’t be sure until she sends a notice...but that’s neither here nor there. Point is, we know she’s here, and knowing her, I doubt she’s gonna stop with one of her ‘play heists’ like this. Especially in a city like this.”

“Oh? What makes my ‘beautiful’ Las Pegasus such an interesting destination for her?” Ace asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jonathan just leveled a deadpan stare at her.

“Does she enjoy the gambling or is it the sun?” Ace inquires.

“Cute,” he deadpanned. “But seriously, you DO realize that Las Pegasus is also sometimes called the Sin City of Equestria, right? A city like this is probably BRIMMING with potential targets for her.”

“Of course I realize that, which is why it’s extremely annoying that she’s here wasting my time along with the time of every single one of my other guards who have to stop doing their jobs to go and chase her on an ultimately meaningless hunt,” Ace stated flatly.

“Well I can give you some good news on that regard. She’s probably had her fun already, so the next notice she’ll send, will very likely be connected to a crime lord or something. Its the same M.O. she used back on Earth,” Jonathan sighed.

“...” Ace sighed hard. “You know, there are times that I wish this sort of person would just be a private detective instead of a thief.”

“You’re not the only one,” Jonathan sighed. “Honestly, back on Earth I often wondered what she’s doing on that side of the law considering how much good she did at times.”

“From what Bit told me, it’s a family brainwashing kind of thing, or at least a mantle of some kind,” the mare grunted. “Pass it on to the kids telling them it’s the Honest to Celestia proof and they’ll believe it.”

“There are no confirmations that any of the previous Foxes were related at all. Of course, I also thought something along that lines for the likely reason,” Jonathan simply said. “And mantel or not, it sure works. Every last Fox has been known to be very...passionate about what they do. My ancestors can all attest to that.”

“...” Ace looked at him for a long moment before shaking her head. “Son, if your ancestors failed that often they should have found another occupation.”

“...low blow,” Jonathan deadpanned. “I’ll have you know, with the exception of Fox, ALL of my family, myself included, have boasted a 100% catch rate for criminals we’ve pursued. Furthermore, my family are the ONLY officers who have ever gotten even CLOSE to catching Fox. I even managed to catch her once...then she turned the whole thing into an escape artist trick…”

Ace shrugged seeing that that particular conversation wasn’t going anywhere. “So, your advice?”

“For starters, let me tell you what I’ve worked out so far. First of all, as I’m sure you’ve probably figured out by now, Fox is a former human, same as me,” Jonathan started. “Like all former humans, we’ve lost all of our resources from back on Earth. Yet despite that, Fox STILL remains able to move from town to town with ease. That implies that…” he led on.

“That she found Equestrian friends,” Ace finished with a small nod. “Question, how much actual magic have you employed against her, Guard level casters?”

“Whatever the towns had been willing to afford. Security charms don’t do much. Magical traps? Would work, if she didn’t keep fooling some guards to trigger them for her, not to mention the traps SHE sets. Then on top of that is her assistants. The Pokemon that help her with her heists...aside from the Sceptile, all of them were the same ones she had from back on Earth. Heck, the only time so far she’s ‘failed’ is when Princess Twilight switched out the target with a decoy, and from the little message Fox left for her, she was playing,” Jonathan sighed, shaking his head. “Unicorns haven’t been so effective either, since even magical grips don’t do much against her tricks. Makes it impossible for them to concentrate.”

“Has anyone tried throwing fireballs yet, or ice, or electricity?” Ace asked, listing off the three basics.

“Tried that. Especially the fireballs. Her web balls are resistant to all three. Not to mention there’s never a guarantee that the target is real with how she works. The only times there was some NEAR success...was with that Hydreigon and his team I met a while ago, but I don’t recommend it,” Jonathan sighed. “Honestly, who uses area attacks in a building with pillars? They could have brought the house down. Not to mention we’re trying to CATCH her. Not KILL her.”

“Yes, I can see how that would be a problem with a Hydreigon,” Ace said with a nod. “We had one of those trying to do a bit of destruction on the outskirts of town, thankfully we had enough ice specialists over there to drive it off.” She frowned. “That being said, there are a bunch of AOE spells we could use that do non-lethal damage.”

“Then prep them. Our best bet to catch her is to incapacitate her,” Jonathan noded. “Just a warning though, like always, even with AOE attacks, Fox may or may not be in the area of effect. There is a very real possibility that she will try to make us take each other out of the fight.”

“My husband ran into a bit of that last night, yes,” Ace agreed with a small nod of her head.

“Good. Now, moving on. There is the issue of who her host might be. We already know that she’s travelling with someone. Problem is, we don’t know who she’s traveling with,” Jonathan continued.

“No information at all?” she asked with a frown.

“None. Assuming they left Baltimare the day after the first heist, unfortunately they did not take public transportation. And any notable records of people leaving on foot were more or less eclipsed with all the Pokemon related issues at the time,” Jonathan shook his head.

Ace frowned for a moment. “How expensive have her heists been do you think, in terms of how many bits had to be put into them to carry out?” she asked shrewdly.

“Hard to say. Many of her tricks are similar to how she did it on Earth, though some notably less extravagant. Furthermore, with her new powers, she’s more than able to make up for her lack of resources to make her tricks. As for her metal balls...we can’t be sure, since the mechanics seem simple enough,” Jonathan explained.

The unicorn nodded and closed her eyes. Another dead lead. “Maybe I’m asking you the wrong questions,” she mused before opening her eyes and glancing at him. “Tell me everything she’s done since she got here, that you’ve been aware of at any rate.”

“From the records we’ve got, she’s hit several cities, normally sticking to one heist each. However, her actual ‘play heists’ have been few in comparison. Most of her heists have unraveled a criminal element of some kind, which is why I believe she’s not done with Las Pegasus yet,” Jonathan explained. “In terms of targets, they’ve varied, though the only thing in common is that all were valuables...except Tall Tale, in the sense that it wasn’t actually anything tangible.”

“Oh?” Ace inquired, raising an eyebrow at him.

“The mayor was ousted for being in league with several criminal groups. His reputation and good name were completely shattered,” he said simply.

“Right,” Ace mused with another nod. “Bit said that it was something similar to that, at least that she mostly targeted criminals. So... I guess we know where her next real heist will be, the biggest criminal she can find because when you’re a magician, why bother with the small stages.”

“Not always. She is also efficient. Most if not all the criminal groups she ousted….once she was done, they never got back up again,” Jonathan said. “She might also aim for those she can permanently ‘kill’.”

“You know, the more I hear about her, the more I want to give her a lecture about wasted talents...” Ace muttered.

“Get in line,” Jonathan chuckled. “So...now what? We play the waiting game again? Cause at this rate, unless Fox makes a move, it looks like we’re stumped.”

“Personally, I’m going to finish filing the paperwork she created last night that my husband was too busy getting ‘unwebbed’ to do, and then go back to the job of keeping the ponies from starting a streetwar with the Pokemon,” Ace said with a sigh. “No offense, Jonathan was it? But this is really a rather minor blip on the radar, and one that doesn’t seem to have much long term effect in good ponies or Pokemon’s lives.”

“None taken. Fox may have been on the most wanted list, both here and on Earth, but her priority level...really kinda low since comparatively speaking….she’s harmless,” Jonathan nodded.

Ace nodded and frowned faintly. “I can offer you one of our Temp Desks near Bit, a few of the guards if you really need them, and access to a ‘moving library’ of knowledge but that’s about all unless you have something really solid for me,” she said, shaking her head.

“Hm….if only we could narrow the search. Fox wouldn’t appear as anything but a Zoroark. She’s too proud of her title to not be anything other than the symbol of every Fox, but that won’t work. We can’t just go catching random Zoroarks,” he sighed.

“Yeah, a sheriff by the name of Lonestar was employing one as a detective last time I checked a bit out of the city,” Ace said, shaking her head. “I’m not the kind of mare who goes after people based on Race, hence why we have a few griffon guards and such.”

“That’s good. I hate those kinds of people. They don’t do good jobs since they’re too bigoted to see the reality,” Jonathan nodded. “Well, so all we know is that Fox is definitely a Zoroark, is here, and really that’s about it.”

“You know, Bit mentioned something interesting,” Ace commented. “He said with illusions, she may just be a he, disguised as a she.”

“Fox is a she. I have dealt with her enough to know that. If not….” Jonathan suddenly looked a little green when he thought of the implications.

“Actor like that could do a lot of things to your mind,” Ace replied with a soft smirk before frowning. “And how would you know for certain?”

“....for starters, she kept flaunting her...assets at times back when we were on Earth,” Jonathan sighed, before adding, this time moving closer to her, “And between you and me...we kinda locked lips in Canterlot when I had her pinned down. She did it to get away, but I was still caught off guard okay,” he said, blushing slightly at the last part.

“Uhuh,” she said before shrugging. “In the future if that happens again, throat punch her. If nothing else it’ll stagger her.”

“...not a good idea. I’m still not 100% used to my new strength. I’d rather not risk caving in someone’s throat,” Jonathan sighed. “But this has got me thinking...Zoroarks are mostly male, and assuming that Fox wasn’t acting as a girl the whole time, and by the way, please stop pointing that out, I think I’m gonna hurl if I keep having that image in my head, but anyway, that could be a good search criteria…” he mused.

“Yes, yes it could,” Ace said, then frowned. “Would she be ‘mated’ with anyone, or have pups?”

“...as far as I know, she isn’t, and Howl, my Mightyena, never said anything about her being mated. He’d have smelt it,” Jonathan shook his head. Though for some reason the idea wanted to make him growl.

“Well then, you know what the factors to consider in your search are?” Ace asked. “You’re looking for a female, un-mated Zoroark who’s new in town. Start there. If you can think of more then add them to that search.”

“Good idea,” Jonathan nodded, before glancing at the clock. “Wow, time sure flew. I didn’t realize we’ve been here for over an hour already,” Jonathan blinked.

“Keep going at this rate and my paperwork will go bad,” Ace smirked and shook her head. “So, anything else?”

“I dunno. I think that’s about it for now. I’ll see what I can do about that search,” Jonathan nodded, as he was about to leave.

Ace frowned for a moment before speaking up. “You could pay a visit to the Nurems, Vincent can scan the city last time I checked.”

“I’ll consider that,” Jonathan nodded. However, suddenly there was a small disturbance in the office, as the receptionist’s voice was suddenly heard. “Hey! You can’t go in there without permission!” Before the door swung open, revealing an out of breath Zoroark. A FEMALE out of breath Zoroark. The moment she saw the Lucario, she recognized his eyes, and the bracelet he wore. “Jonathan?”

Jonathan stood there, his mouth gaping slightly. Here they were talking about looking for female Zoroarks, and one comes charging into the room. That was when he recognized the voice, and the reading glasses. “A-Alice?”

“It really is you!” she laughed, before promptly tackling him with a hug.

Ace just eyed all of this for a moment before sighing. “Jonathan, I have paperwork to do, can you fraternize with your apparent long lost lover outside of my office please?” she asked.

“Wait, but Ace, Alice and I aren’t like that!” Jonathan panicked, and somehow, Alice didn’t seem to notice. “I’ve known her since we were KIDS for Arceus’ sake!”

Ace shrugged. “You’re still hugging in my office,” she said, though she winked at him. “Besides, you don’t want an ‘old mare’ like me to ruin your reunion, go get her a coffee.”

“R-right,” The Lucario nodded, but very much hesitantly. “Alice, let’s talk outside. This...isn’t really the best place for this….”

“Ah, right. Sorry. I was just so excited when I heard you were here,” Alice smiled, before they both walked out of the office.

“Kids,” Ace said shaking her head before she frowned. “Hrrmmm add a note to have this ‘Alice’ looked into, if nothing else it’ll help us get our search parameters down a bit better.” Then she went back to her paperwork.

The brown pegasus mare was cautiously, optimisticly happy. It had been a long, hard road, calling in all the favors her previous employer had been owed, building up the reputation she’d once had. But it paid off in the end. While barely only half of its former self, her new enterprise in Las Pegasus was profitable. She scheduled a trip for herself, just for a bit of closure, and sat in the chair opposite her once-boss.

“Hello, Mind.”

The unicorn said nothing.

“I just thought you should know, your investments are doing well. Maybe in a little while, they’ll be something everypony knows again.”

The unicorn across the table remained silent.

“You know, there was something I learned from that last day, from your last order. Don’t attack Pokemon. In fact, I’m employing a few score of them myself. Apparently there are a few things they miss from Earth, and would pay through the nose to get them.” The pegasus paused before finishing that statement. “Those that have noses.”

Once more, the unicorn was quiet.

“I just wanted you to know that despite what happened, I’m making my way through the city in your hoofsteps. So thank you for showing me what to do, and what not to do.”

Finally, the unicorn spoke.

“Vincent, no...Vincent...please, no, I’m sorry…”

The pegasus’ eyes widened a touch as she recalled how her former employer had been brought low. “Oh yes, him. Thank you for reminding me. I’ll have to figure out what to do about that...maybe try recruiting him? Might work…”

Mockingly, she leaned forward and lifted one of Mind’s hooves before miming placing a kiss on it. “Well, it was wonderful seeing you again, Mind. Try to pull yourself together.”

Those were the last words Quick Notes, former secretary to the mob boss of PegasusAir, spoke to her broken employer.

She had a business to run, after all. She couldn’t stay here all day, even if that was what she once did when Mind was in charge of her paycheck.

Lala took notice of the new tenant returning after her sudden, rushed departure with nothing more than a nod. Her motion attracted Wobbuffet’s attention, and he too greeted the Zoroark. Presumably. You could never really tell with him. After that, a small stretch of time passed in silence as she read the paper.

With a small flash, Vincent appeared in the lobby and sat himself down in one of the chairs. Lala, having gotten used to this after the third time, didn’t even flinch, but instead passed along her copy of the paper, switching to one of her books as she did. Vincent turned the page to read about the rest of the heist Bit had attempted to stop, tisking as he did. Poor guy. No wonder he seemed so determined to work on his projects today. He’d only gotten a brief overview in the morning edition, whereas this version had all the details, including the return of the Gemstone Roulette.

Lala nodded and turned a page of her book as she sat behind the desk in the lobby. “He does not take failure well, does he?”

Might be literally against his programming, Vincent mused. I’d have to look, but Bit’s head is just...gah. All machine code. And my brain is not made of silicone.

Any further conversation was put on hold, as Rascal came down the stairs. “Hey, uh...Vincent, right?”

The Kadabra nodded and folded the paper, putting it on his lap and clearing his throat before responding. “And if I recall correctly, you are...Rascal. It’s nice to finally be able to meet you.”

“Yeah, nice to meet you too, I guess,” Rascal said a little uncertainty. “Er...look, sorry if we just met and I’m already asking, but do you have anything for headaches. Alice has a real bad one right now, so….”

“Ah, if there’s one thing I have a slight excess of, it’s headache medication from my time as an Abra. Nasty thing, overextending yourself with Psychic powers at such a stage. Hurts like...well, I won’t say.” Vincent closed his eyes and opened one hand, causing a small bottle to appear above it in a flash of blue light. He held it out towards the Weavile while saying the next part. “For her...she could probably get away with two tablets like the instructions say, but I’d watch her if I were you. If this medication makes her the slightest bit loopy, she’ll need someone making sure she doesn’t do anything she shouldn’t until it wears off.”

“...duly noted. Thanks again. I’m sure Alice will be too,” Rascal nodded, before running up the stairs with the pills.

“...And give him about ten seconds to realize what he was talking to a Kadabra about…” Vincent muttered before picking the paper up and reading again. “Oh...well now, that’s amusing.”

It was a good half-hour before Vincent finished the paper and nodded once. “Well, the average state of Las Pegasus appears to be on an even keel as compared to yesterday,” he observed.

Lala quirked an eyebrow before putting a bookmark in her book. “Oh?”

“Yes, despite the theft of last night and a few other minor cases,” here Vincent’s eyes flickered to the basement as he thought of Bit, “there were just as many cases of Pokemon and Ponies reaching out to one another. So, even. Especially when you consider what the long-range effects of Fox appearing in the town are going to be.”

“Fair enough,” the Leavanny agreed, before picking her book back up.

“Nurem!” came Shade’s angry voice as the Liepard ran down the stairs.

“Yes?” he replied with a quirked eyebrow. “What’s the problem? Did the pills not work?”

“Oh, they worked alright. What I want to know is why Alice looks like someone set her to slow motion. Heck, even WALKING takes her much-much longer than it should physically be possible,” the Liepard angrily said, but in the process, made herself a bit unclear.

Vincent blinked a few times before extending his hand again and resummoning the pill bottle from where it had been taken to his hand. He turned the small plastic thing around and paled. “Oh shit,” he said. “I gave her some of my headache medication, not the over-the-counter stuff.”

“Well that’s just perfect. I hope you have a way of fixing this. If not, you’d better pray its only temporary,” she growled.

Vincent glared, a light blue glow coating his form for an instant before he seemingly calmed down and looked at Shade sadly. “I got these for when I was an Abra, training with Luke, so that I could go to sleep without feeling like my head was on fire. They aren’t permanent or habit-forming, but seeing as she shares your Type, I really, really doubt I could do anything to fix this. I swear to you, had I known, I would have never given you this bottle. Her headache will be gone, but I wouldn’t ask her to do anything quickly. There, ah, is a quick cure, but she won’t thank you for it,” he finished, rubbing his moustache and looking away.

“...I’m afraid to ask, but what is it?”

“About three cups of coffee to help her shake off the feeling of moving through molasses,” Vincent replied to the Liepard. “Of course, once the meds and caffeine wear off, she’d wind up feeling worse than when she started unless she drank a pitcher of water as well.”

“...fine. I’ll write a note, then strap her into bed. I just hope she’s patient. If not...I guess knocking out is an option…” Shade groaned.

Before she left to enact her plan, Vincent called her name to get her attention again.

“What?” Shade sighed.

“Please...I am so very, very sorry. Please believe me when I say that. I didn’t mean to do this to her. I never would do this to anyone intentionally.”

“Yeah, I know. Still doesn’t make this any easier…” Shade sighed. “Trust me kid, I may not look it, but I can tell when people have bad intentions. Its all in the eyes. And you? I get the feeling you wouldn’t hurt a fly if you could.”

“Oh, you got me mostly right...right up until my family is hurt.” Vincent folded up the newspaper, unintentionally showing Shade the headline before continuing. “As Bit and I say to one another, you don’t hurt a member of the Nurem family. Once Lucy’s out of her Heat, I intend to find this Johnathan that he told me about and see if we can’t corner this blasted Fox and make her understand that statement.”

“Ah...I see. Well, good luck with that...though personally I think that sounds kinda excessive...especially since nobody has really been seriously hurt or anything during one of her heists. Lasts I read, any and all injuries from Fox related crimes tended to be either superficial, or purely accidental,” the Liepard chuckled nervously.

“Wounds are more than just the flesh, and more than the skin can scar. Bit doesn’t take failing in his duties well...actually, that’s an understatement. He was as close to breaking since the Lab when he came back from helping the Guard.” Vincent clenched one fist shut, blue light dancing before he calmed himself. “Type restrictions be damned. I will not let this stand.”

“Well alright. But word of advice, I know through Alice that Fox isn’t the number one thief in the world for no reason. The moment the heist begins, some say that anyone trying to stop her are really dancing at her fingertips,” Shade said cryptically, before walking up the stairs.

Vincent turned the paper over and glared at the headline. “You’d either better run or hide if you’re still here, Fox. If I find you’re in Las Pegasus still, if I find you...I’ll let Bit take his frustrations out on you until he’s stable again.”

With a sigh, Vincent passed the paper back to Lala and teleported himself up to the living room, setting himself down next to Luke with no small amount of force and grumbling as he did.

My son, you really must be more careful, Luke said to him with a small look of concern. You could have seriously injured them if the dosage had been too high.

You heard that, then? Vincent thought back, already slipping into this mode of communication around Luke reflexively.

Yes, that and the great amount of praise that the Fox is receiving, Luke said, nodding. Though mostly Vincent, this is about you being more careful.

I went for ‘headache medication’ and accidentally got mine. It was first on the list and I wasn’t thinking. I’m...rattled by Bit being so...so damn broken, Vincent said with a sigh.

Luke let out a sigh and put a hand on his son’s shoulder. My son, I know that when others that you care about are in pain or ‘broken’ it can cause you a great deal of stress, but I also know for certain that if you allow that stress to rattle you too greatly you will only end up causing more of the pain. Luke was silent for a moment. Believe me, I know.

The closest he got to this state was the Lab, Vincent replied. I’d...he’s something kith and kin to family. He passed on information that he could, or that wasn’t forbidden. When possible, he didn’t stand in the way of the escapees too badly. He doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve to have his logical mind broken so badly.

Indeed he does not... but I believe this is not the sort of thing that can be solved with logic, Luke said. Or if it is... it is not the kind that he is ‘efficient’ at. He’s a known system and the Fox is good at decoding those. Truly, if you could find a way to bombard her with an ever changing situation you would win; a magician, no matter how good, can only have so many tricks prepared ahead of time.

Yeah, and she’s a Zoroark, Vincent replied with an eye-roll. And the other two known associates of hers, Spinaraks, aren’t things I can actually affect effectively either. Both are immune or resistant to Psychic, and I’m not very good with Charge Beam yet.

Honestly my son, and I know this is going to shock you coming from me but... Luke was quiet for a moment. They are bugs. Squish them.

...And while that is a lovely image you’ve given me, Vincent said with no small amount of sarcasm or shuddering, that still leaves Fox herself. Dark-type. I’d be lucky to detect her, much less affect her.

True, Luke nodded his head. In that case, what I truly suggest is that you simply let this case pass you by. Honestly Vincent, there is nothing good to be found trying to stop the Fox.

Closure for Bit, the younger psychic responded instantly. That’d be worth it. Blackstone gave him an order the other night, and it’s probably a part of his code that he does not fail orders.

Luke closed his eyes. Vincent, as much as I hate to support the ‘divinity’ of the Fox, I will say that there is a reason that the Rangers gave up any pursuit of their line long ago.

...Fine. I’ll let this go for now, and I’ll try to help Bit get over this, but I swear, I run into her ever again, I will punch her in the face for what she’s done. It’s no less than what I’d do for you.

The Gallade smiled and squeezed his shoulder just a little tighter with his hand. Don’t punch her in the face Vincent, punch her in the stomach so that she bends over out of reflex, then punch her in the jaw and break it.

That...is a wonderful plan. The smile on Vincent’s face was just a touch too large to be sane. I like it. Got any others?

Luke just smiled.

Chapter Fifty-Eight - Slacking Off on your training isn't wise

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Lala looked up from her spot behind the desk, folding the paper and nodding at the small party of Pokemon and mare that entered the building. “Hello. Renting, or visiting?” the Leavanny asked.

“Er...visiting. I’m looking for Alice Maximilion,” the Lucario in front said. “Tell her its from Jonathan Trace.”

Bit’s form had appeared at the stairs, but upon hearing that the party of ‘mon and pony were only here to visit, turned around and went to make for the basement again. Meanwhile, Vincent’s ‘voice’ made itself known.

Ah, hello. My apologies that I cannot greet you in person. I am a bit busy at the moment, but I can spare you some concentration for a greeting and directions.

“Ah...that’s fine. I was really just looking for my friend. Is Alice here?” he asked.

There was silence for a moment before Vincent responded again. Yes, but you won’t like what happened. Allow me to apologize in advance before I tell you...yesterday, she had a headache, and one of her partners asked for some headache medication. I accidentally gave her some that I used when I was an Abra, mistaking it for some over-the-counter pills. The effects of said dosage should have worn off by now, but if they haven’t...I apologize again. I would never do that knowingly or willingly.

Hearing that, Jonathan relaxed a bit. “Alright, I’ll believe you that it was an accident. Still, could you call her down?” he said...then face pawed when he realized how stupid the request was. “Right...she’s a Zoroark now. No psychic communications for her. Which floor?”

According to Bit, she and the ponies she came in with are on floor six. I’m...not sure where, they handled the organizing of who got what apartment themselves. But seeing as how there are only four choices, you have a 25% chance of finding her on your first shot.

“...works for me,” Jonathan shrugged as he walked up the stairs.

“So…” Echo started, the little Noibat flittering about, “Should we follow him, or should we give them some privacy?”

“...Let’s leave him be. And Echo, please choose your words carefully. Jonathan would never do that to Alice...at least not yet,” Howl sighed.

“So...what’cha got to do around here?” Heat asked.

This place runs on slash by Pokemon power when applicable. Seeing as how the refit is no longer going on, the only real things of note are James and the rooftop garden of Berries, or Jessie and Meowth helping Bit with his experimental computer in the basement, or the Wobbuffet sneaking up behind you.

“Wobbuffet,” the aforementioned psychic commented suddenly.

“I see…” Howl sweat dropped, as thanks to the warning, they weren’t too startled. “Hm...Jessie, James, and Meowth? Ex-Team Rockets?”

Wobbuffet leveled a glare at the gathered ‘mon in front of him. “Wob-buf-FET,” he stated.

Now now, you know they brought that on themselves. And yes, they are. Emphasis on EX. Once they arrived and settled in, James became our gardener, Jessie, Bit’s assistant, and Meowth was quite valuable for my research. Wobbuffet is of course our resident defensive expert, and I’d rather old grudges don’t resurface here.

The Pokemon just shrugged. “Fair enough. No point in picking at old wounds,” Howl said.

As this was happening, Alice’s team decided to give them some privacy, and thus went down to the lobby. Unsurprisingly, when they got to the lobby, they were greeted by the sight of Jonathan’s team who were conversing with a blue pony and...trying to talk to Wobbuffet with...limited results.

“Yo, looks like you guys are healthy as always,” Rascal started catching their attentions.

“Well now, if it isn’t Alice’s buddies. I was wondering where you guys were. Great to see you all, Rascal, Spinner, Charlotte...” Howl chuckled, but stopped slightly when he got to the end. “Shade…” he finished, before quickly moving away, trying to hide the small blush on his face.

Just then, the form of a Kadabra appeared next to Lala’s desk in a flash of blue light, a mug of coffee in one hand, the other alight with a blue glow. Her recently-finished paper jumped from the desk to said hand, and he began reading it with rapt attention. Though he had made an effort to clean himself thoroughly, anymon with a sensitive enough nose would be able to tell what, and who, he’d been doing ten minutes prior…

“Seriously? At this hour?” Howl groaned as the smell of sex hit his nose. “Can’t you and your mate wait till night at least?”

“You try reasoning with a Lucario in Heat,” Vincent said, holding the paper open with his power as he took a sip. “Tell me how that works out for you when you try denying them their favorite ‘toy’.”

“Yeaaaah...too much info,” Heat deadpanned. “Sorry we asked.”

“Don’t worry, Rascal here asked something like that the first day we were here too,” Shade commented, earning a glare from said Weavile.

“I’d apologize for the scent,” Vincent commented as he speed-read the paper, “But I do my best with what few breaks I can force her to give me, and I only end up coated in more anyways. I get the feeling I’m only going to stop smelling like this once her session is done with. After which, of course, comes the adventure of a pregnant Lucario, which I’m sure will be just so much fun.”

“...Well, at least you don’t have to worry about dying of exhaustion. That’s always a good thing,” Rascal snorted.

“Ah, that was the first day,” Vincent reminisced before returning to the paper. “Now, if we’re done talking about my sex life, is there anything either of your parties needs while they’re here?”

The group thought about it for a moment before shaking their heads. “Nah, I think we’re good for now. Anything interesting going on in this town right now?” Echo asked.

“You mean besides Fox coming here, or the slight uptick in anti-Pokemon stories her appearance has brought out? Not much that I can see at the moment, though I don’t like this...undercurrent in the stories as of late. I think something’s stirring in the town, but I don’t know what or how big it’s going to be,” Vincent said as he finished the paper and set it back on the desk.

“Well that certainly sounds ominous,” Heat snorted. “Somehow I don’t think that Fox is responsible for the anti-Pokemon stories though. Especially considering some of the younger ponies from the other towns we came through actually look forward to seeing her heists,” he snorted. “It’s just like back on Earth. That thief is just so good at entertaining a crowd, just one of her notices can sometimes bring crowds coming.”

“Oh I have my doubts as well,” Vincent replied. “Still, the art of the negative conversation… inferring things based on what is not said, and how it is not said, is something I picked up there. Normally I’d expect such a thing as what she pulled off to incur at least two or three stories about it, filled with anti-mon sentiment.” Vincent idly tapped the paper with one hand as he continued. “But the only thing in the paper is a main-story article, with a continuation on a later page as to how they think she did what she did. Nobody appears to be overly worried about her in general, from the common pony to the criminal ones, which worries me.”

“Welcome to our world. Even back on Earth, Fox was only really wanted officially. To the public? She was basically the next biggest sensation since contest idols. Heck, sometimes some people actually went to sites of her soon to be heists wearing cosplays of her. Not to mention that one time with a fan club...” Echo sighed, though all of them sweat dropped at the last one.

“Well, that’s certainly something. I’d ask Bit, but…” Vincent sighed and shook his head. “He’s...rather fragile right now. Doesn’t take failing well, and he tried to stop her.” He perked up and looked to the roof before sighing again. “Duty calls. Take care.” With that, he vanished in another flash of blue.

“Wobbuffet,” the other Psychic-type in the room commented.

“I still have no idea what you said, but I’ll assume it was appropriate,” Shade idly commented.

Once, there had been a unicorn pony whose talent lay with getting other people to understand what they could tolerate, then subtly manipulate them into going past that. He could have been a good pony, but Tolerance chose to work for the mob families in Las Pegasus, selling his skills to the highest bidder.

Once, he’d had a brother. A pegasus who not only enjoyed, but reveled in violence. His talent even showed that off: it was of a knife, its end coated in blood and dripping.

Once, that pony had been committed to a ward for the criminally insane, locked up beyond all measure. The guards outside his room were rotated on a weekly basis, and any who actually survived watching over him were paid extra.

Once, Mayhem had been imprisoned. But just the other day, the new guy on the shift had taken over, and commented to his superiors as to the ease of his job. That the prisoner hadn’t made a peep all night.

Once, that pony was locked away from prying eyes. Quick Notes really should have left him there.

“You understand what I want?”

The pegasus looked up from the table at the mare across the table, his eerie smile never leaving his face.

“Oh, I understand what...you want,” Mayhem replied. “You want me to find this...this Unity building,” he hissed. “And then you want me to find this family of Pokemon...and squeeze them just a little bit tighter.”

Quick Notes nodded her head. “That’s correct. I’m putting in a few things right now that’ll put pressure on them, and you’re welcome to any ponies or ‘mon of mine you need. I suggest going for Dark or Bug types, supposedly Psychics do terribly against them.”

“Never really cared for bugs,” Mayhem commented, one hoof sliding across the table towards the knife on it. “So...that’s all you want? Me to play with this family?”

“And in exchange, you can play in the city all you want,” Quick finished. “He took out Mind. I want him working for me before I go forward with any major plan. The newspapers listen, but it’s not enough.”

“So…” Mayhem looked back up to Quick Notes. “Where are these...Pokemon you think I should take with me?”

The knocking at the front door got Lala’s attention very quickly. She got up from behind the desk and opened the door, revealing the pony there. “This the Unity Building?” he questioned gruffly.

“Indeed,” Lala said. “May I ask-”

Her sentence was cut off by a thick brown envelope being thrust at her. “You’ve been served,” he commented before turning around and walking off. Perturbed, the Leavanny walked back to her desk and opened the bulging thing with one claw. A mess of legal papers spilled out, and she scanned them all quickly. Each one was some sort of agency or utility department filing charges for violations against either the building itself, or Vincent and the pony landlord.

Sensing her confusion, Vincent appeared in the lobby and noticed the mess of paperwork. “Is...oh this cannot be right,” he said after reading one. His mood only got darker and darker the more papers he went through, and by the time he read them all, he was livid.

“Whoever did this will rue this day,” the Kadabra vowed, a spoon in each hand and glowing slightly.

“Okay, so from what I’ve gathered,” Vincent said as he spread the papers in front of him, all of them aglow, “these charges are all about how we didn’t go through the ‘proper channels’ for our renovation, along with using untested technology for some of it.” The psychic sighed before forcing the papers into a neat pile.

“All of them say I need to go to the courthouse and dispute the charges in person, or rather, in ‘pony,’” he snorted.

“Sounds like a load of Tauros shit to me,” Jonathan commented. “While I can’t say for the ‘untested technology’ part, I know a few basic laws, and you already got the okay from the landlord, who as far as I’m aware, owns this land and building outright,” he said. “Furthermore, I don’t see anything about a defense attorney, or anything that should appear in a normal case in court. I dunno what’s going on, but I smell a rat.”

There was an indignant squeaking from a corner, as a small family of Rattata scurried on their way, though not without glaring at Jonathan.

“I didn’t mean you guys!” he quickly called after them.

“And as for him owning the building outright,” Vincent picked up, “I did pay him, both with Bits and with installing the technology, so we’re co-owners.”

“Still, something’s up,” Sam said, having gotten off of work not too long ago and eyeing the pile of documents. “Why didn’t we get any warnings or inspectors or the like?”

“I dunno, but I’m going to get to the bottom of this,” Vincent growled. “These ponies are going to learn why not to mess with our family.” He set the documents to hover behind him as he went for the front doors, but stopped as he felt a paw on his shoulder.

“Not alone, you’re not. This whole thing reeks of something foul, and I wouldn’t put it past whoever is running this scheme to arrange for you to have a little ‘accident’. I’m coming along, AND I’m reporting this to Ace,” Jonathan said.

Vincent’s expression softened a touch at the Lucario’s words. “Fine,” he muttered. “Come along if you must, but I doubt anyone will get the drop on me.”

“Trust me kid, if its one thing I’ve learned, is that its ALWAYS possible for someone to get the drop on you. Of course, in my case, only Fox has ever done that, but the point still stands,” he said.

As the party of ‘mon made their way out of the building, a pegasus took note and smiled his eerie, never-fading smile.

That mare knew how to bait a good trap. He’d have to kill her last in thanks.

The town was eerily quiet as Vincent, Jonathan, and his partner ‘mon walked down the street towards the courthouse.

“Not to sound like some old movie, but...It’s quiet. Too quiet,” Heat said, his expression dead serious.

“Yeah,” Vincent commented. “But I’m not picking up on anything besides us, so...wait, scratch that, pegasus just came into range.”

“Well, we’d better see what he wants. Heat, if he proves hostile, submission maneuvers. Catch his wings, and if needs be, twist them,” Jonathan ordered, his voice cold as his instincts were warning him to be careful.

Around the corner came more than just a pegasus pony, though. He was accompanied by a Houndoom, a Liepard, a Mightyena, and even a Scrafty. The pony himself was rust-red with a grey mane, and his mark did not inspire confidence that he would be reasonable. His voice just removed any doubt.

“Pardon me, but is one of you Vincent Nurem?” he questioned as a knife was held by his right wing, somehow. That voice sent shivers down the Kadabra’s spine.

“Oh yeah? Who wants to know?” Jonathan growled, stepping in front of Vincent. His instincts were telling him that this guy was trouble, and the vibe he was giving...somehow he doubted Ace would be too upset if this guy came back in a body bag.

“Everyone calls me Mayhem,” the pony responded. “I’m here to give Vincent a little lesson in why you don’t mess with mob families.” The Pokemon next to him nodded in unison as he finished his statement. “So, is that him there?”

“Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn’t matter, you’re not getting him. I’ll see to that. So here’s the deal. either you come quietly, and tell us who put you up to this, or we’ll do this the hard and PAINFUL way. Your choice,” Jonathan said as he and Heat stepped forward, their postures defensive.

“Oh, I love doing things the painful way,” the pony stated. “Others always make such interesting screams. And if you think I’m going back to that cell, well, you must be crazy. I’m getting that kid, one way or another.” The knife moved to a hoof and was pointed at Vincent’s shivering form.

“Get him,” Mayhem commanded of the four who’d accompanied him.

Jonathan didn’t answer, instead, he merely glanced at Heat, their eyes making contact, and Heat just smiled. No holding back. They were dealing with a maniac, and they would not let him get away.

The four Pokemon charged, yet the two Fighting-types simply stood their ground. Seeing an opportunity, the Houndoom and the Liepard lunged for them. However, just as they were about to pounce, the two officers moved.

Taking a quick step forward, both delivered devastating thrusts into their assailant’s abdomens, knocking the wind out of them, before grabbing them, and promptly flipping them like flapjacks, before throwing them at the remaining two Pokemon, leaving them tumbling into a heap. When they stopped rolling, Jonathan simply gave them a ‘come here’ gesture.

“You’re going to regret that,” Mayhem said, flipping his knife back to his wing and deciding to join the fray. “C’mon, get up you four. I need that kid, and you said you could do this.”

“Now!” Jonathan suddenly shouted, as Heat rammed his right claw into the ground, hard with his special Rock Smash, the shock causing rocks to jut out, while also creating a shockwave that threw their opponents off balance. At that moment, Jonathan surged forward in a burst of Extreme Speed, his fist glowing with a Focus Punch, which he delivered right into the guts of the Scrafty and the Mightyena, before nailing the still dazed Liepard and Houndoom with a roundhouse kick, sending all four flying back. To top it off, he landed a haymaker on Mayhem’s side, while grabbing his knife, and wrenching it free. “Had enough?” he challenged, before casually snapping the knife in half, the weak metal worthless before his strength.

The pony got back to his feet and actually glared at Jonathan, his smile finally slipping. “I am not going back empty-hooved,” he hissed.

“Keep this up, and I’m going to have to send you back with BROKEN hooves. So do yourself a favor and come quietly,” Jonathan shot back.

“I don’t do quietly,” Mayhem replied, glancing at the shards of his knife. “And if you think I’m powerless without my knife, I’m going to wonder what you’re on.”

He proved his words by snatching one of the sharp metal shards with his wing and flinging it at high speeds towards Heat.

The Combusken didn’t look impressed, as a single burst of Flamethrower melted the metal shards to puddles.

“Fair enough,” the pony replied. “Still can’t go back without the kid, so your words are meaningless.” With that, he took to the air, hovering and looking behind the two intently.

“Oh no you don’t! Heat, Rocket Uppercut!” Jonathan shouted, as he immediately got down to one knee, his paws joined together in front of him.

“Gotcha!” Heat nodded, before stepping on his paws, and was promptly pushed upward, his claws glowing with a Sky Uppercut that was enhanced by the velocity.

Mayhem took the brunt of the attack on his chin, flipping over several times before landing on his back, more specifically, landing on his wings, which cracked audibly. While he didn’t scream, he did still pass out from the pain.

“Its not over yet,” Jonathan said, eyeing the other Pokemon dangerously. “Anyone else want some?”

The four Dark-types took one look at the scene, and made their choices.

“Screw this!” the Mightyena said. “Nobody said anything about Fighting-types!”

The other three voiced their agreement and bolted with him, vanishing down the road.

“Smart boys,” Heat smirked, before picking up the unconscious pony. “Should I check for consciousness?”

Jonathan simply walked up to the Pony, and promptly landed a sharp blow on a spot on his head that would guarantee that he was unconscious. “No consciousness,” he chuckled, before turning back to Vincent… “Wait...where did Vincent go?”

Heat looked around, and noticed that Vincent wasn’t there at all. “Huh? He was here a minute ago,” Heat said, perplexed.

A cry of pain from one alleyway, a familiar cry, got their attention.

“Found him!” Heat shouted, before they both dashed in the direction of the scream.

“Looks like we must have missed one…” Jonathan growled, before closing his eyes, and pumping his Aura into his legs. Whoever was doing this was gonna be in for a world of hurt.

Unnoticed by Heat or Johnathon, once they had engaged the Dark-types that were rushing blindly at them, there had been one who was slightly smarter than them and approached from the back. The only warning that Vincent got was a slight rustle of wings before a pair of claws strapped around his shoulder blades and pulled him into the air.

“Hey there kid, mind if we take this party somewhere a bit more private eh?” a playfully snarky voice asked from above.

Vincent’s breathing quickened as he was carried off. The panic kept him from thinking rationally or sanely, otherwise he might have simply tried to Teleport out of the claws holding him. At the moment, all he was doing was looking down and hoping whoever had him didn’t decide to just let him drop. The claws dug deeper into his skin and a few trickles of blood ran down from them before Vincent was suddenly falling towards the ground face first.

The first thing to come to mind was Luke’s lessons, thankfully...though probably only out of reflex, as the sensation of falling triggered his levitation skills so painstakingly earned. With a little less grace than normal, the psychic came to rest on the ground below, stumbling a bit as he did, before remembering to turn and face his attacker.

Said attacker flew into view, a large Honchkrow who was grinning from one side of his beak to the other. “Oh good, good, I didn’t want you to get too smoothed just yet, I prefer them silky when I can get them that way,” the Dark type said with a chuckle. “Did you enjoy your ride ‘milord’? Sorry you didn’t get first class seats but I can only do so much.”

Vincent slowly backed up as he recalled the facts about the species. He could almost hear Bit’s voice as the classification ran through his head. ‘Honchkrow. Dark/flying. My psychic powers hold no ground here. I’m...I’m helpless...again...unless he gets close enough for my Charge Beam to hit him, I’m not going to be able to hurt him...’

“What’s the matter milord, here I’ve heard all these amazing things about you,” the Honchkrow asked, tilting its head to the side as it began to fly lazily around him. “Way I heard it you like to go throwing your weight around like you’re some kind of Champion.”

“I do what I must to survive, for my family to survive. Not just that, but thrive,” Vincent said aloud. “Why are you here?”

“Same reason as you really,” the Pokemon replied with a chuckle as his wings suddenly flashed and he was in front of Vincent, slashing his dark glowing claws across the Kadabra’s face before skirting away as blood leaked down. “I’m making a living for my dear chicks milord.”

“Agh!” Vincent cried as he put a hand up to his face, considering using Recover already, but deciding not to tip his hand. “Try that again, I fucking dare yo-

And in a flash of darkness the claws sank into his face, cutting deep into his cheek before the bird flew away again, chuckling mockingly down at him. “Oh milord, not the best time to be making threats I think.”

Vincent screamed again, but this time he knew better than to say anything before reaching for Charge Beam. His arms started to glow a little, but hopefully his natural colors would keep the move hidden from the bird. This time, he kept kneeling and waited for his cue, the sound of his attacker flying close. Flying was still weak to Electric, this should make him consider twice if it worked.

He heard the sound of wings overhead and aimed one hand skyward, already focusing his electricity up towards his foe. Before the beam could discharge however, he felt a powerful impact into his gut, driving the air from his body and launching the beam skywards harmlessly.

“Ahahahaah, a nice attempt milord but I’m afraid you’ll have to do a bit better than that,” the Honchkrow mocked him.

Vincent breathed slowly, deciding that if nothing else, he’d go down fucking swinging. “Recover,” he stated bluntly, picking himself up as his wounds closed over. He glared at the dark-type with all of his not-inconsiderable hatred while they did.

“Oh, oh that’s splendid! You know Recover!” the Honchkrow crowed in amusement before he dived back down and slashed against Vincent’s chest, opening up more flesh wounds before coming around for another pass at the back of Vincent’s head, claws opening up more bloody wounds.

Release, Vincent thought, though he didn’t really need to: the seal was already weak because of the situation. A small glow escaped his form as he teleported two feet to the right, just enough to make the bird miss his latest attempted blow.

The Honchkrow banked in the air and cawed out another laugh. “Come milord, attack me,” he looked at Vincent and closed with him before he could teleport again, slashing deeply across his chest, more blood leaking down him. “If you’re just going to stand there and take it this will only be so fun.”

In response, Vincent reached up and grabbed the bird by the neck, bringing his head down until the two were eye-to-eye. “My name,” he hissed, “Is Vincent Nurem. I have seen shit you would not believe. I have experienced pain you would not understand. If you think this hurts, try again. If not for your Dark-typing, you wouldn’t be so fucking jovial.

“Oh milord misunderstands me, I’m only after a little foul play!” the dark type replied, bringing his claws out hard into Vincent’s chest, hitting him with the same amount of power that Vincent himself normally reserved for others.

The Kadabra staggered back and let go of the bird as he held one hand over his torso, glaring at his avian assaulter. “I’m not going down easy,” he stated simply. “In fact, who said I had to go down at all?” With that, there was a flash as the floor of the alleyway was covered in copies of the Kadabra.

“Oh no, what am I to do?” the Honchkrow asked seemingly helpless. “When confronted by so many handsome lords, oh what am I to do?”

“Shut up and go unconscious!” came Jonathan’s voice. The Honchkrow turned...just in time to see Jonathan’s foot plow into his face, and since said limb was being flooded with Jonathan’s aura...he soon found himself embedded into a wall.

“... bloody rouges...” the Honchkrow muttered before he passed out.

“You okay, kid?” Heat asked, as the Kadabra copies disappeared.

“Yeah, sorry we couldn’t help you sooner. Guess we were too preoccupied with the opponents right in front of us,” Jonathan said.

Vincent’s form glowed as he both channeled another Recover into himself, then sealed his strength back up again. He glared at the bird, before looking at Jon and Heat with only slightly smaller glares. “Which was probably their plan. I’m taking the Vincent Express to the station,” he said, before vanishing in a burst of blue.

“...gee, don’t mind us, not like we won’t mind a ride,” Heat said sarcastically, though there wasn’t much heat behind it considering what Vincent had just gone through.

“Come on, Heat. Walking is healthier anyway. Wouldn’t want to get pudgy now,” Jonathan joked, before the two of them shared a laugh as they hefted both the Honchkrow and the stallion over their shoulders and headed for the Guard Station.

“His name is Mayhem,” Ace said, looking at the newest arrival to her jail. “Or rather, that’s what everypony calls him. If there was anyone that knew his birth name, it would have to have been his parents. Shortly after having Tolerance,” here she snorted, “The colt grew jealous of all the attention they were giving him, and, well, that square is still burned down today. He just stood there and watched the fires burn. Luckily, or not, depending on how you look at it, we saved the foal, but quite a few ponies died in the surrounding buildings. And then he got worse.”

“Translation: He’s a psychopath,” Jonathan deadpanned, having run into his fair share of them back on Earth. “But what’s he doing on the streets? Shouldn’t he be locked up?”

“Mmhmm,” Ace responded. “I put him into a mental institution, and for the past ten years, he’s stayed there. Caught him mid-torture. He’s...unpredictable, save for one thing: he loves to bring others pain, and prefers to use a knife to do it. Likes to draw it out.” She said flatly. “Sometimes the mob families would pay him to do something, and he’d do that job, and do it well. But there was usually collateral. Eventually they stopped paying him, and he killed anyways. His death toll is relatively low, but that’s only because he didn’t like getting new ‘toys’ after the old ones broke.”

“Well...just make sure he STAYS in there this time. I’d recommend straight jackets with chains. Throw in a muzzle if needs be. Can’t be too careful with those types,” Jonathan sighed. “Anyway, he was after the kid. Any info on who sprung him loose?”

“No, and it infuriates me,” Ace growled. “Mayhem won’t sell out his employers, ever. Those other Pokemon you talked about, we can’t find them. And as for that wonderful amount of paperwork you brought me,” here she looked back towards her desk, “The only thing we can find is that as of so far, we can’t find anything. All of them ‘spontaneously’ decided to file charges against the building on the same day. That’s not an uncommon tactic, especially for the now-defunct PegasusAir, for when they want a building or to pressure the owners, but it’s nigh-impossible to trace. The one line we might have is the institution itself from when Mayhem was busted loose, but that’s going to take time to figure out how it happened.”

“Time you need assuming you do this the ‘legal’ way,” came a new voice, a distinctly feminine voice.

Turning to the source of the voice, they were treated to the sight of a certain someone fading into view.

“Fox?! What the hell?!” Jonathan gasped, not expecting to see the thief here.

Ace didn’t so much ask a question so much as launch a trio of small telekinetic ‘bullets’ at the figure’s forehead, all charged for stun.

The bullets hit...the wall, as they went right through the Zoroark.

“A little quick on trigger, are we?” Fox chuckled, as she was now suddenly leaning against the opposite wall.

“Better quick than dead,” Ace replied blandly as she looked over the Fox and then back to Jonathan. “This the girl who’s been eyeing you?”

“What?” Jonathan said flatly. “That’s Fox, not some girl.”

“Johnny boy is cute, especially when he’s flustered, but I just like to tease him,” Fox chuckled in amusement.

“I noticed earlier,” Ace said with the smallest of shrugs. “When he and his friend Alice met up in my office, poor dog got red as a rose.”

“The Maximilion girl? I’ve seen her from time to time. Honestly not surprised, seeing as they seemed close,” Fox simply said. “But enough about that. Before anyone does anything...rash, I’ll have you know I’m on your side right now.”

Ace let out a masculine bark of laughter. “Oh? Give me a single good reason why I shouldn’t slam your head into the table and cuff you myself, aside from the fact that you’re probably not where you appear to be.”

“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. I honestly ought to thank Arceus for this new body. Its only fitting that I become the very Pokemon that inspired the first Fox centuries ago,” she chuckled. “But to answer your question, I’m here to help with your...recent incident, and from the info I’ve got, we stand a MUCH better chance of resolving this if we work together. That and I just knocked out the other officers in the building to get here. I think I can take one on any day.”

“Oh wonderful, there’s more of that senseless violence and problem causing that you seem to be so good at causing,” Ace shot back venomously. “Do you even realize how much chaos that’s going to cause here for us? I mean honestly Fox, the level of stealth that you’ve displayed so far means that you could have been in this office without anyone knowing a thing. Now I’m going to have to have everyone checked for concussions and possibly suspend them from duty.”

“Now don’t get ahead of yourself. I never laid a finger on any of them,” Fox chuckled. “I just didn’t want anyone interrupting. Otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered spreading the Sleep Powder.”

Ace stared at her for a moment before glancing at Jonathan. “Is there any likelihood that she’s actually in this room?”

Jonathan sighed, before walking up to Fox. “Let’s find out I suppose,” he said, before poking the Zoroark on the arm. It was solid. “She’s real,” he reported.

“Aw...just a tap? I wouldn’t mind you doing more that that,” Fox teased, her lips puckered as though she was asking for a kiss. Jonathan blushed at the implication, but backed away with a grumble.

The next thing the Fox knew there were a pair of hooves planted solidly in her stomach and she was thrown into the wall. “That was for my husband, you arrogant bitch,” Ace said calmly. “Now let’s get on with it.”

“Fair enough, fair enough,” Fox said, grimacing slightly, but simply dusted herself off, not looking any worse for wear. “Anyway, let’s just say I know a thing or two about this incident,” she started, baiting them a little.

“Cut the ‘I’m mysterious and playful’ shit and get to the point,” Ace stated blandly.

“Geez, way to kill the mood,” Fox sighed. “Fine, I have no idea about Mayhem, but I got some info that one PegasusAir is starting up again. Looks like you weren’t very thorough in cleaning them up, seeing as one Quick Notes has taken over.”

Ace frowned faintly. “Ah,” she nodded her head. “I suppose I was still a bit busy keeping an all out street war from erupting at the time to focus on everything,” she said before frowning a little more. “Though the name does not ring a bell.”

“Well, according to my informant, she was apparently the secretary of the previous owner...well, former now I suppose,” Fox shrugged.

“Huh,” Ace said befuddled. “I suppose that would make sense, we did take in their higher ranking executives, it’s hard to grab every single pencil pusher.”

“And this is why I like being a thief more,” Fox commented, sticking her tongue out. “No stupid politics and protocols to worry about.”

“Indeed, but you get to waste the guard’s time with your antics along with their money and make them look like imbeciles,” Ace said with a grunt. “Hurray for you.”

“Point. So, what are you gonna do about it NEXT time?” Fox goaded with a slight smirk. “What are you gonna do the next time I, or someone like me comes along?”

“I wouldn’t tell you,” Ace said blandly.

“That’s fine,” Fox chuckled. “Now then, before we get off topic again, here’s the deal. Normally I’d go about my usual way of doing things, but...I decided that an unusual situation requires an unusual approach. My informants got a hand on what they were paying local Pokemon with. Looks like she’s managed to replicate Rare Candies and Pokemon Vitamins, and seems to be paying the Pokemon with them. Buuut...there is a flaw. Like all big operations, there must be documentation....” Fox simply said, leading her on.

“She’s right. If we can get those documents, we’ll have legal proof of their actions, and we can catch them, Pokemon be damned,” Jonathan begrudgingly agreed.

“Not just that. She’s got Pokemon on her side because she has a monopoly on what they want at the moment. If we can get the data on that too, we can publicly manufacture it, and thus break any chances of future monopolies happening,” Fox added.

“I see...” Ace mused before letting out a small sigh. “I wish Abby was here to offer assistance, the most reliable form of Pokemon help we have in this town is Vincent and much as I realize he tries to help, the kid is a few plates short of a suit of armor.”

“...you do realize the kid is in the room, right?” Fox deadpanned.

“Not sure she cares at the moment,” the Kadabra deadpanned right back while glaring at Fox. “What with you being here. Can’t say I blame her either.”

“Doesn’t matter. As long as the job gets done, I really don’t care who I work with. Though Police are ALWAYS preferable,” Fox shrugged.

“When you’re not using them to further your ego,” Ace said flatly. “So, Fox, do you have a plan?”

“...I’m surprised you didn’t ask about the stuff that PegasusAir has been making,” Fox commented.

“It doesn’t really matter in the end,” Ace said with a small shrug. “From Jonathan’s reaction it’s legally damming.”

“And potentially very bad,” Vincent pitched in. “Candies and Vitamins were used often enough at the lab...the Vitamins focus on one particular attribute and provide the nutrients needed to the ‘mon who ingests it. They then assimilate it into their systems and become better at whatever it was meant to help with. Taking hits, dishing them out. Faster, stronger, better. And quickly, too. The Candies...they help a ‘mon grow instantly. From whatever rung they were on to the next.”

Ace blinked. “You know. Your entire old world either annoys me or makes me extremely concerned,” she stated. “Because here candy is made of sugar and vitamins help your body work.”

“If you think that’s weird, hear this. Apparently eating rare candies can temporarily boost a Unicorn’s power...but after it wears off, its like a sugar rush,” Fox added.

“Oh joy, next you’ll tell me it’s impossibly addictive too,” Ace grunted.

“Wouldn’t know,” Vincent said. “Maybe not in small doses, but they’re not supposed to be eaten by non-Pokemon anyways. The only one that did overeat on Candies in the lab...escaped.”

“I fed a few of my Pokemon candies when I could, but they sure didn’t seem to get addicted to them, and I’ve never heard of a human who tried them getting addicted...aside from them wasting a good Rare Candy,” Fox shrugged. “But we’re getting off topic...again. Anyway, point is, PegasusAir is trying to make a comeback, and I KNOW that’s not going to be a good thing. But I’m not so sure going it the way I usually do would be a good idea this time, so I came to you with the information. So are you in on this little scheme of mine?”

“Oh no, please do walk into a lair of artificially enhanced ponies and Pokemon with the intent to steal from them,” Vincent said with more than a hint of snark to Fox. “I’ll warm up the popcorn and fetch Bit to watch the fucking fireworks when you do.

“Maybe you should. Of course, the only fireworks I intend to set off are the ones signalling PegasusAir’s permanent end. So do put aside the animosity for now...or do you want PegasusAir to come back? I hear they’re not too fond of you and your family, and seeing as they might just try to take over the city next…” Fox simply said, seemingly not the least bit worried about Vincent.

“You. Broke. Bit. You may not have laid one finger or claw or whatever on him, but he doesn’t take failing at all well,” Vincent stated. “Were this any other time, I would break you in return.”

“I’ll say it once. I’ll say it a thousand times. I. Am. Sorry. Breaking someone was NOT on the list of things to do on my Heist,” Fox commented with a hint of annoyance, and surprisingly enough, a tinge of guilt in her tone. “It goes against my personal code to do damage like that, and so far, I’ve been able to avoid it back on Earth. I had no intentions of changing that.”

“Huh, it’s almost as if your actions have consequences that you should consider before you commit a crime for fun and drag down other people in the process,” Ace commented lightly. “Maybe you should think about that.”

“I always do. I did the exact same I did back on Earth, and if anything, I thought the police came out stronger for it. Johnny boy and his family being one of the strongest examples. And before you all start ganging up on me, let me put it this way, which would you rather have failed against? Me, or someone who actually wanted to take the items I’ve stolen? I’ll tell you straight. I could have taken any and all the items if I wanted to. But I didn’t. I have my reasons, but at the end of the day, I don’t truly mean anyone harm,” Fox explained.

“Fat lot of good that does to those that simply can’t handle you,” Vincent retorted, glancing at both Mayhem and Fox, before delivering a final barb. “Cause from where I’m standing, the both of you break your fair share of beings on your way. Maybe you should share a cell when all’s said and done.”

With that, he vanished, unable to stand the Fox anymore.

“Hmph. Easy for him to say. Like I said, I never intended to hurt anyone OTHER than the crime lords. Heck, I was only planning for the local Guards to begin with. The Porygon-Z was an unexpected variable. I adapted, he couldn’t. It’s cold, but its a fact of life,” Fox snorted. “But...for all it’s worth, he’s got a point. Maybe tricks that work on Earth aren’t the best for Equus. Speaking of which, with all our arguing, I never got to suggest that he go through Mayhem’s head. Maybe he can find incriminating evidence on PegasusAir,” she sighed, before deciding to ask something. “Actually...can I ask you all something? And be honest about it.”

“I’ll try,” Jonathan shrugged.

Ace just grunted.

“I’d like to think the Porygon was an isolated incident, but seeing as I can’t stick around long after heists anymore...anyone else I accidentally hurt?” she asked.

“Well...you already know the answer for Earth. Aside from our bruised pride, nothing but superficial injuries, be it both human and Pokemon,” Jonathan said, though he glared slightly at her. “As for Equus...none that I can think of...of course, I had to chase after you shortly after too.”

“My husband’s rather angry at you but honestly I’d say the only people who got seriously injured were the two or three mares who were robbed because their officers were busy dealing with you,” Ace said, her features tight. “You know, I’m sure that that’s not actually what you look like... mostly because every once and a while it flickers ever so slightly, so I’m guessing you could get a real job at some point. If you ever do, I’m sure a security company or two could benefit from your knowledge, or you could go into criminal justice.”

“My condolence to the mares. Again, I can only control what happens in the heist itself, and I do try to avoid any unnecessary injuries whenever I can. Also, not bad. You actually noticed. Yes, this is an illusion, but how its an illusion...well, you’ll just have to find out,” Fox chuckled. “As for a job...let’s just say that’s not an issue,” she chuckled. “Either way, I’ll be going now. I’ll come back if I find anymore info. In the meantime, I trust you and Jonathan can cover the rest.” And with that, she was gone, fading away into the darkness.

“Have to admit, that is pretty impressive,” Jonathan commented. “I’ll head over to the Unity Building, and see if I can get Vincent again,” he said, before he walked out of the office.

Ace just let out a small sigh before shaking her head. If the day kept going like it had been then pretty soon she’d be wishing Abby were back even more, at least with Abby she knew what to expect.

Vincent was in the basement, making sure that Bit was all right during his experiment. The Porygon-Z seemed to be stumbling on the same problem in the reconstruction of his makeshift computer, but at least he wasn’t stuttering or talking oddly. Though he definitely was more...irritable than usual. Considering his previous setting had been ‘You’d have to work to piss me off,’ it was cause for concern.

“Bit,” Vincent finally called out, distracting the program. “Why don’t you take a break, maybe read up on magic a touch, see if that helps?”

“I…” The program sighed in response. “Your words have merit, Vincent. Entering sleep mode for one hour.”

He then went rigid and closed his eyes. If Vincent put a little effort behind it, he could hear Bit going over all the manuals and tomes about magic he’d already read in his head, making an effort to try and understand the phenomena.

“He still shaken?” Lucy said from the entryway. Vincent turned to her and raised an eyebrow.

“You’re out of your Heat?”

“Luke let me go when he couldn’t find any trace anymore, cleaned me up, set me free,” she replied with a nod. “So, he still shaken?”

“How did you-”

“You’re not the only one who reads the paper,” Lucy snarked. “So?”

“Yes,” Vincent said with an eye-roll. “He’s still shaken and not taking it well. But hopefully he’ll recover. What about you?”

“I’m...adjusting to the thought of becoming a mother in the near future,” she said, placing one hand on her stomach already. “But as long as you’re there with me, I can handle anything. I know it.”

Unfortunately, the tender moment was cut short when Jonathan walked into the room. “...is this a bad time?” he blinked.

“You’d have to be more specific,” Vincent said. “To what do I owe the pleasure, officer?”

“You kinda left before Fox could finish her suggestion. She was suggesting we have a psychic rummage through Mayhem’s head, maybe get some info that could help us build up a case against Quick Notes and PegasusAir,” he explained.

“They’re back?” Lucy questioned, her ears going back and flat while she unconsciously snarled.

“I assume you’re Lucy. Glad to see you’re back to the right state of mind,” Jonathan said. “I’m Jonathan Trace, Baltimare Guard, and Canterlot Pokemon special division.”

“While I am...loathe to admit it,” Vincent said, his eyes shut and his fists balled. “She has a point. Is she there at the moment? I don’t think I could control myself if she was.”

“Nah, she vanished not long after you left. I think you might have given her some food for thought, since she’s only just realizing that Equus seems to be reacting differently than how it was on Earth in terms of her heists,” Jonathan said. “Just hope this doesn’t throw her off her game. For once, I’d prefer if Fox was at the top of her game.”

“Fine,” Vincent said. “I’ll help, but understand something, mister Trace. The moment, moment, that Quick Notes is down, I’m going after Fox.”

“Sure,” he shrugged. “But I’ll have to ask that you refrain from doing any lasting damage. She may be on the most wanted list, but she doesn’t exactly deserve death row as far as the law system is concerned, and as she said, she never meant any harm,” he sighed. “That’s also assuming she even sticks around. From the way she was talking after you left…”

“Really, I don’t care if she sticks around,” Vincent said. “I just want her as far away from Bit as possible. Fixing him is going to be an effort and a half. He already was broken once. He doesn’t need an encore. Her being around at all is going to hamper his recovery something terrible.” With that, he vanished in a flash of blue, supposedly on his way, leaving Lucy to examine Jonathan.

“This Fox, you’ve been chasing her?”

“All over the world for the last 5 years on Earth, and more or less the whole time I’ve been on Equus. Not easy, since I don’t have many of the tools I had back on Earth but…” he clenched his paw. “I’m making due with this new body. Honestly, if I could choose, I think I LIKE being a Lucario more than being a human.”

“Yeah, same,” Lucy said. “Of course, for me the choice was Riolu or Lucario, so no brainer there. And if mister high-and-mighty is to be believed, this was something you earned. So yeah, welcome to the Lucario family,” she smirked, before walking past him on her way out. “Now if you’ll pardon me, I have a few forms to practice before I join you in this endeavor.”

Vincent stared at the pony across the table. He’d been bound in a straightjacket, muzzled, and there were even chains and padlocks wrapped around his form. A bit excessive, but nobody wanted to take any chances with this one getting loose again.

“Let’s just do this,” Vincent sighed, holding a spoon out and closing his eyes, bridging the gap between their minds in an instant.

It was...different. Alien. The only thing he had to compare to it was when Mewtwo had thrown his past at him, in an effort to subdue him. This pony drew up everything he’d done and coated himself in the blood and violence of years past.

Good luck,” the shambling mound in front of him hissed out of too many orifices. “No pony can break my mental defences.

“Fortunately, I’m not a pony,” Vincent mused, thinking...and then deciding that he would show this pony the thing that had broken Business Mind, but a little more refined.

“Your soul is stained with your darkness and sins, the things you perpetrated against the innocent and less so.” A spoon appeared in one hand as he intoned the next words “Feel their pain as your own.

The thing in front of him howled even as it disintegrated, the layers peeling off as screams echoed around them, revealing the form of Mayhem as a shrunken little colt, still crying, still feeling the pain of his misdeeds.

“I’m...I’m sorry mama...I’m so sorry, dad…”

Vincent was almost moved to care before he walked back along the stallion’s memories, looking for anything he could use against Quick Notes, anything at all. What little there was, the psychic gathered together, copied to his own head, and left.

Mayhem was still crying when he opened his physical eyes again, but Vincent merely turned to look at Ace...and apparently, Jonathan had decided to put in an appearance as well. How long had he been under?

“All she said was that she was putting a few things in the works, and that in exchange for help to ‘pressure’ us, he’d get the city to play with,” Vincent replied. “While she pointed the mad dog at us, she hid any proof that she got us out of the house for him to savage us from that conversation. As well, they kept him blindfolded and chained up until the meeting actually started, and there was nothing in the place they met to indicate that they intended to use it for more than that meeting.”

“Well that wasn’t as helpful as we would have hoped,’ Jonathan sighed. “Hopefully our other source will have better luck.”

Ace just leveled Vincent with a singular stare. “And you wonder why I dislike you,” she said very simply. “The hell did you do to him?”

Vincent smiled a sick smile then. “Made him really feel the things he’d done over the years. Not my fault he was just a little colt when he started down the wrong road.”

“Damn...you are one scary kid. Didn’t think you’d pull a Penance Stare on the guy. Oh well, I guess it was appropriate,” Jonathan shrugged.

“I need to find a mind shield of some kind,” Ace grunted before glancing at Jonathan. “Jon, is that normal for dealing with psychics?”

“Depends on how stable and/or sadistic the psychic is. Though, pulling a copy of a comic book anti-hero’s signature move is new,” he shrugged.

“It is not my fault they make it so easy,” Vincent commented with a huff and crossing his arms. “Seriously, the amount of things they’ve done is like a big red button, begging me to press it.”

“Just be sure to watch your own head, kid. You’re likely not the only powerful psychic in the world, so don’t go doing it too often. You don’t know who you might piss off,” came Fox’s voice as she faded into view again. “I’ve got more info on PegasusAir.”

Vincent clenched his fists and studiously looked away, not giving Fox the courtesy. Only Ace’s right eye twitched a little bit as Fox appeared. “Fine. Out with it. Sooner we get this over with, the sooner things can go back to bucking normal, whatever it is that means these days.”

“There’s gonna be some big shipment coming in from Canterlot. Apparently one of the mob families that owe PegasusAir have finally payed up. Its scheduled to come in tomorrow night,” she said simply.

“Hmm…” Ace said. “While I can’t go poking around the shipping manifests of what few import and export companies remain after the first time without probable cause, you have no such restrictions. If you’re truly as solidly ‘behind’ us as you say I’d request that you and a certain Fighting-Type escort you to make sure you don’t break more laws than absolutely necessary on your jaunt around the city. And no, I don’t care if you’d prefer to go alone.”

Fox just sighed. “Personally, I’d rather go it alone, but I can read between the lines. Alright, Johnny-boy can come with me. Might need that muscle anyway if a fight breaks out,” she shrugged.

“I’m gonna just take that as a yes. Honestly, the only reason I’m willing to do this is because at least I can count on you to not stab me in the back,” Jonathan sighed. “Alright, then, we’ll be ready tomorrow night at 8 PM. We’ll coordinate further from there. Would that be alright with all of you?”

“Fine by me,” Ace said, and Vincent gave a curt nod, not looking at anyone in particular. “Oh, and Miss Fox? Just so you’re aware, I’m fairly certain once this operation of Notes’ is swept up, I’m giving you more than a buck to the stomach”

“Awww, and here I thought we’d be such good friends,” Fox chuckled, before her face became more serious. “Understood. Though all I ask is one thing in return when this is over.”

“I make no promises,” Ace said. “But speak.”

“Five minute head start,” Fox grinned.

“You’d be lucky to have five seconds,” Vincent hissed. “You two can deal with her. I’m off to make sure Bit isn’t stuck in a loop.”

The Kadabra vanished again, leaving the Guard and Jonathan with Fox and a heavily weeping Mayhem.

“Charming kid. I feel sorry for anyone who’s dumb enough to really hurt someone he cares for,” Fox mused. “So then, 8 PM tomorrow. Its a date, hope you’ll show me a good time, Mr. Trace,” Fox chuckled, before her cape wrapped around her before she vanished.

“Oh, and Ace, bring as many able bodied officers you can. I HIGHLY doubt this is going to be as clean as I would prefer it to be,” Fox’s voice rang out, before fading away as well.

“Is your life always so interesting, Mr. Trace?” Ace asked with a dry tone. “Because I much preferred my job of a month ago, when it was routine and boring.”

Jonathan simply stared at her, before saying in a long suffering tone. “Every. Damn. Day. It’s why I’m the only one who they have to deal with Fox. Everyone else who’s ever dealt with her case was smart enough to quit.”

“Let’s check our friend here back in the nuthouse and co-ordinate what we can for tomorrow,” Ace said. “I think the first thing I need once this mess is done with is a damn massage, and I know just the Thestral to give it.”

“...ookay, not gonna ask anymore there. But...got any drinks to go with one of those? I’m technically underaged, but at this point, I’d like to see if it works,” he groaned in response.

“Not while we’re on the job,” Ace commented before pulling out a file of the still-in-business shipping companies. “Now let’s get cracking on who could possibly receive such a shipment.”

“Right, right. An officer’s job is never done,” Jonathan shrugged helplessly.

Vincent sat in the guest bedroom, the one Jeanne and Sam used (Sam had the bed, Jeanne had a small sleeping bag). He was sitting on the bed, his knees brought close to his chest, and he was shaking. His little experience with the Dark-types had left its mark on him, both physically in the sense of the marks the Honchkrow had given him, and...mentally.

Oh sweet Xerneas, but...it was like I was back there again. I couldn’t sense them, I could barely do a thing to them. I...for all my supposed strength, against them I was helpless…

The Kadabra shuddered again in fear at the thought of what could have happened, what might have happened, had John and Heat not been there to help. It could have been so much worse. I might’ve actually…

And suddenly he was being cradled against someone’s chest, a hand rubbing gently against his back, the other pulling him close. Oh my son... Luke said softly in his mind. Do not fear, I am here for you.

Vincent was grateful for the physical comfort, but the memories were still too fresh, his mind still ablaze with the fact that against certain types, he was only as strong as he had once been as a human. They...Heat and John handled the five that came at us, but then that Honchkrow...Oh dad, I don’t fear the dark, but the Dark-types...Any of them could be around, willing to do harm to me, and I wouldn’t know!

Luke nodded his head once and hugged Vincent tighter, something that he was only willing to do to two other people on the earth. Shhh... shhhhh.... Dark-types can be dangerous my son, I know... but you mustn’t live in fear of all of them, he continued as he stroked Vincent’s back. I have seen a great many good ones as well as a great many bad ones... just as it is with all Pokemon.

It’s not just the inability to sense them, but the fact that as a Psychic and with only a minor familiarity with Charge Beam, I can’t deal with them, Vincent said, his shaking slowing as he put a name to his fear. I...I don’t want to be helpless again. Ever again.

Well then... you simply won’t be, Luke said with a small smile as he looked down at his son and pulled away from him. My son, would you like to know what type of move Dark Types hate the most?

Besides being punched, which is something Lucy excels at and I can’t do? Vincent questioned with a small tilt of his head. Or perhaps you mean Sam’s Bug-type moves? Again, something I can’t do naturally.

Luke chuckled and stood up fully. Oh no my son, something that they fear far more... because Bug Types are almost for a rule, weak, and if you’re fast enough you can avoid any punch but... Fairy Moves are a different story.

...Well while that is nice to know, Vincent mused, I don’t know any, I don’t think.

Then isn’t it splendid for you that Abby’s parents were eaten by a Hydreigon? Luke asked with a smile before it dimmed. Alright, that’s a horrible, horrible thing to say, but... it does mean that I know a rather effective Fairy move.

Oh no, by all means. If anyone can get away with making light of tragedy, it’d be us or her, Vincent commented with a slight smile of his own. Still, it’s one thing the know the move. Teaching it might be hard...assuming I can learn it.

Oh, I know you can. I learned it from an Alakazam, Luke said with a chuckle as he kneeled down and placed a hand on Vincent’s forehead. May I come in?

Two seconds, Vincent said, calming himself with no small effort, even with Calm Mind. Eventually, though, he found his peaceful center, then reached out towards Luke again. Ready.

Luke smiled and carefully walked into Vincent’s mind and ‘buried’ the technique Dazzling Gleam within it before withdrawing. Can you grasp it?

It’s...not easy, Vincent commented. Not only did you put it in there a little deeper this time, but it seems really hard to use.

It’s a lesson for you... you must find a way to harness it yourself, Luke said with a smile. Things would not be half as rewarding if I just gave it to you as fast as I could... you would quickly be at your limit.

It might be easier if you showed me how you would do something like this, the Kadabra mused. Then I might be able to make some headway.

True, it is rather hard to try something without an example to draw from, Luke agreed, taking a step back away from Vincent and a sheath of soft light appeared around his body. Do you see how I’m drawing on the light energy around me?

...Okay, now I get why Fairy moves are so effective against Dark-types: they use the light, Vincent said wryly. I might-should’ve picked up on that myself, but at least now that I know...

Try it my son, Luke instructed him with a small smile. That way I may make suggestions.

Vincent closed his eyes and focused his mind on the light in the room. While it was slightly tiring for him to use, a small, soft sheen of light did slowly coat his body as well as the move came into effect.

Good... good, Luke said as he walked closer and put a finger to the center of Vincent’s forehead. Feel how focused the energy is around my single finger?

Yikes! Sheesh, you’ve got a lot of practice with this move! Vincent nearly opened his eyes in shock, but realized that if he did, he’d break his tenuous grasp on the power he’d grabbed ahold of.

Indeed I do, part of my quest when I was younger was to subdue any Dark Types that I ran across... so I perfected this technique, Luke admitted, sighing. Being forced to stare at an Absol’s crotch for most of your childhood will instill a bit of hatred, I’ll admit that.

I sorta figured that might have had something to do with it, Vincent admitted. And whether it was you thinking you should learn this move to punish him, or Abby wanting you to learn it for the dragon, the point is, you learned to overcome your Type-disadvantage and became stronger for it. Which is all the reason I have for wanting to learn this move.

Yes, Luke agreed with a nod. Now... do you feel the energy rising around you, building towards an explosion?

Slowly, but yeah. I assume practice will help with the speed at which that happens, the Kadabra commented.

It just struck me how easily this conversation could be misconstrued, Luke mused in Vincent’s mind. At any rate, when your power reaches its climax, let it explode off of you, and keep your eyes closed.

Not inside, Vincent replied. Another explosion in the building and nobody will be willing to give us any insurance whatsoever.

Luke chuckled and suddenly Vincent was able to feel wind on his face. Release it when ready.

The Kadabra held the explosion in for a moment longer, and then let go of his grip on the stored energy. It burst out of him in a small wave of bright light, softly bringing a brighter glow to the roof.

Good, Luke said, nodding his head as he quietly dispelled his own energy before taking a step back. Now then, we will work with its opposite. Darkness.

Uh? Vincent opened his eyes and turned to face Luke. Um, pretty sure my options for using any Dark-type moves are limited if not null.

Moves perhaps, but in the end it’s all really just energy, Luke said as he drew darkness to his fingers and approached Vincent again. I promise this will not hurt you.

...Only because it’s you, the Kadabra said, taking a breath and going slack.

Luke closed the distance with him and took Vincent’s hand. To Vincent it felt as if his hand had just been submerged in a pool of ice water and Luke held it there.

Numbing, the smaller psychic pointed out. Normal, right? At least for this.

Not so, only at first, Luke said steadily. Focus on the Darkness Vincent, it ebbs and flows like water does it not?

Now that you’ve pointed that out...yeah, I’m picking up on that. It’s...oh dear. It’s like a heartbeat, like a living thing. Vincent shuddered at the implications.

Dark Types as a rule even if they do not understand it are the antipathy of ‘light’, Luke explained as he continued to hold the darkness against Vincent’s hand. Meaning... they are also in some cases holders of the opposite of life. Darkness is that calm, cold thing that takes you when your end has come Vincent but... that is not always bad. Darkness can be a strength to yourself as well as a hinderance.

Something we both know quite well, the smaller of the pair idly pointed out. And something we should both stop using. Accepting the darkness is one thing, but using it...

That implies that death is an inherently evil thing Vincent, Luke said simply. Ask Xerneas if Yveltal is evil.

No, but insanity, for us, would be a worst-case scenario. If we relieved our pasts over and over...rather than just accept they happened, and put them behind us. Vincent said softly. After all, if I’m not allowed to dredge up Total Recall or anything like it, neither should you.

Luke just smiled at this. My dear boy... while my original motivations for learning this power may have been that of revenge, I promise you that it is only energy like any other, he said with a small chuckle. While the Darkness may be ‘living’ it is not truly alive, it is simply energy to be used as any other. And one of its greatest strengths lie in its power to resist the darkness of others.

And what of the darkness we carry with us? Vincent said softly, looking at his own hand. I’m...I’m not quite there yet. But I know I can almost put it behind me. I just have to remind myself that I’m stronger than he ever was or could be. The Kadabra looked up at the Gallade and tilted his head. What about you? When will you truly put your past behind you, father? If ever?

“With my help, hopefully soon,” a certain Mismagius said as she floated over to float behind Luke, wrapping them around his chest and pulling him into a hug. Vincent saw Luke freeze for a half second before he melted into her and pulled the Darkness away from Vincent at last.

Luke smiled and leaned his head back to nuzzle Mage’s face. Indeed my Angel, and I thank you for that, he said quietly before he looked back at Vincent. My son, if you truly wish to never fear the Dark again you must find a way to embrace it.

Hopefully in a less literal fashion than yourself, the Kadabra snarked. I think Mage might take offense to that if I did.

“Yes, yes I would, Luke here is all mine,” she said with a smirk, kissing Luke on the cheek. “And no offense Vincent, but you’re a little young for me.” She winked at him playfully.

None taken, Lucy would get upset if I did, Vincent said. And I don’t want to think about her trying to punch you, despite your ghost-nature.

“Hehe, I’d deserve it, but yeah, she’d go right through me,” Mage agreed with a nod. “But Luke’s right Vincent, I suggest mastering the Darkness too. It’ll make you harder to K.O.”

I can try, the smaller Psychic said with a nod. No promises on me succeeding or not, but I can and most certainly will try.

That’s all I ask, Luke said with a smile. And Vincent... if you’re ever in trouble like that again, call me. His tone was deadly serious.

I’ll...keep that in mind. Though, you might be too far away, Vincent said, tugging at his mustache.

I can hear you from almost anywhere in the city provided you project yourself out, Luke said with a small shrug. But again, if you need me, I will be there for you.

For which, I am grateful, Vincent said. I’ve said that before, right? Thanks for caring?

You may have mentioned it, Luke replied with a slim smile. Now... I suggest you go to spend more time with Lucy. The poor girl only got her mind back recently and I hate to think what she’ll do to me for keeping you apart for so long.

Heh. She wants to hurt you, she’ll have to go through me first, Vincent said with a smirk of his own before homing in on Lucy’s location and vanishing, leaving Luke and Mage alone on the roof.

“You know... he’s a good kid despite it all,” Mage said as she moved around Luke so that he was holding her in one of his arms.

Yes, yes he is, Luke agreed with a happy smile as he walked to the edge of the roof and leaned against it, his angel in his arm.

Vincent stood in the lobby, Sam, Lucy, and Bit before him. Sam appeared to be minorly agitated; he hadn’t bonded as well with Bit as the others, but still considered him a friend. His claws would flex occasionally. Lucy tensed and untensed in agitation as well; this was the first time in a while that she was free to move again, and she was dipping right back into the fray with a fight. Bit…

Bit just hovered there. Even when Vincent scanned him, the usual drone of numbers that he recited in his head was silent.

Bit scared Vincent.

“Okay, so when Jonathan or,” here Vincent had to fight to retain control, “The Fox...find where this shambling corpse of PegasusAir is operating out from, we join their operation with the strictest intention to just distract their goons for as long as possible, make it easier on the others to get in and get what they need. Avoid actual confrontation for as long as possible, keep them guessing as to where we are.”

Sam nodded and snapped his claws shut, and Lucy merely clasped her hands together and gave a short, sharp nod. Bit didn’t even reply.

“Bit, do you understand?”

It took him a minute, but the program eventually voiced his reply.

“Understood, master Vincent.”

Correction, Bit fucking terrified Vincent.

Chapter Fifty-Nine - Your Parting Shot will not go unrepaid

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My son... you realize that I could more than likely attend to this matter better than you could, don’t you? Luke asked Vincent quietly after he’d heard his son’s plan.

You could, true. But this is something I have to do. If only to reign in Bit before he snaps completely.

The Gallade let out a sigh as he placed a hand on Vincent’s shoulder. Well then... just remember what I’ve taught you for the past few days. Dark types will think they have the advantage, let them think that until it’s time to unleash your light, he said before leaning down and giving Vincent a tight hug. And if you need my help, I will be with Ace’s team, a simple mental shout away.

I don’t even know where I’m going to end up, Vincent mused. All I know is, I want a role in helping to stop this damn thing before it gains any more traction.

As do I, Luke agreed with a firm nod. If we do not deal with this now, it will spread, and Abby’s new Union will not be able to deal with what it’s supposed to for some time.

Well then. Let’s just hope that nobody is stupid enough to actually attack either one of us, eh? The Kadabra’s grin was a lopsided thing.

Indeed, Luke said simply, releasing Vincent and straightening so that he was looking down at Vincent. And remember my son, do not kill unless you are forced to... and no Total Recall.

Gotcha loud and clear, dad, Vincent replied with a cheeky salute. Now if you’ll pardon me, I need to make sure the others are ready as well.

With a flash of blue, the Kadabra was gone from the roof.

Luke just smiled and shook his head before teleporting as well, it was time to get ready.

Vincent sat in the lobby, his eyes closed as he meditated. In a similar pose across the room, Lucy was focusing on the moves and forms she had learned from Maylene and her Lucario partner. Sam, thankful for the Float Stone that Seth had left, was practicing moving and battling so that he could get used to feeling only half as weighty as normal. Bit was being his usual creepy self at the moment, which hopefully, none of them would get used to. All of them were waiting for word from either the Fox, or preferably Jonathan, that they’d found where this new PegasusAir was operating out of.

However, the first thing that was heard was the sound of hoofsteps and footsteps coming down the stairs, as Sleight Hoof’s entire party, including Alice and her group, came down the stairs, suitcases packed. Even Scep was with them, followed by Christine, both of them looking rather...dazed.

“If you’re wondering what’s going on, Jonathan told me about what’s happening yesterday, and Sleight Hoof thinks that since our time in the city is up, it would be better if we cleared out,” Alice explained.

“Ah,” Vincent said. “Can’t blame you. How much did we charge you again? I think we can afford a small refund if you’re leaving a day early.”

“Now now, young man. None of that. You’ve been very hospitable to us for the last few days. Besides, my shows have turned over a decent profit, so we can afford to pay you in full. And with what’s going on, I can definitely afford to be a bit more charitable,” Sleight Hoof said, before giving Vincent a bag full of bits.

“We’re really sorry to just run like this, but none of us are really fighters. If we were to be here when everything goes down, we’d just be liabilities to you,” Alice said, bowing in apology.

“Speak for yourself, duddette,” Scep snorted, not looking too happy about leaving so suddenly.

“Ya know, Scep, if you want, you CAN stay behind and fight. Heck, if you want to stay here, be my guest,” Rascal groused.

“Really, you two? Now?” Alice sighed in annoyance, but nodded all the same. “He’s right though. If you want to stay and help them, we’re not stopping you.”

“I’d certainly appreciate more time with you,” Christine purred into his ear. “But, no pressure.”

“I’m sold. I’m not leaving your group, but I’m not leaving my mate hanging like this. I’ll meet you guys down the path in a day. You already showed me the map and path you’re taking,” Scep said, nuzzling Christine.

“Alright then. If that’s everything, I guess we better get going,” Quick Storm said, to which the rest of the ponies, and most of the Pokemon went straight for the door, and quickly exited the building, leaving only Alice behind.

“Good luck. It was brief, but we had fun during our stay,” Alice smiled, before she walked out the door.

“Take care, you guys,” Sam said. “And if Fox gets away from us and shows up on your path, sock ‘er one for us, will ya?”

Vincent nodded his agreement with the statement, while Lucy merely snorted. Bit, however, remained silent. Which was starting to get more than a touch eerie.

“We’ll keep that in mind,” Alice chuckled awkwardly.

Not long afterwards, Vincent tilted his head at the male Lucario in front of him. “You’re sure?”

“Yes. I’m positive. We were able to get some info on the ships that dock in the area. Our best bet is in field 7, where most of the larger ships dock in, perfect for one hauling supplies, or a large number of items,” he said.

Bit finally showed some semblance of emotion then. “If we have a location and a time, then we are ready for this play to end,” he stated, his eyes flickering quite quickly between their normal state and their red one.

“Not that simple. Unfortunately, this mission is gonna need stealth as well as power. We need to keep the guards busy, while some of our guys will slip in. For that reason, while I’m supposed to keep an eye on Fox, I suggested that each of us send at least one person in to infiltrate the ship, and maybe the nearby offices. Captain Blackstone has already volunteered to be the representative of the town guard, and I was hoping you’d be willing to be part of the stealth team, Vincent. And of course, there’s Fox...yeah, this is gonna be REAL fun night,” he said, groaning at the end.

“As we’ve had proven to me, I’m useless when it comes to Dark or Bug types...unless I really exert myself, I don’t think me being on stealth would do you much good. I could probably co-ordinate the thing, run comms for us all, but I can’t have it both ways,” he finished ruefully while keeping his recent lessons with Luke close to the chest. “Either I can go in, or I can sit back and help. Which would you prefer?”

“We’re going in blind anyway, so you may as well be on the front line. Only Dark-types are immune, and we’ve got plenty of Fighting-types on our side, so your level of psychic power would be too valuable to lose at this point,” he mused. “Again though, the plan hitches on one of us getting the documents that should be in the ship, as with that, we can get proof of Pegasus Air’s most recent illegal activities. Once we get that, and if possible, records of all of Pegasus Air’s activities, we can stop them cold for good this time.”

“Fine,” Vincent muttered with an eye roll, “but I don’t know any Fighting moves. Or really anything to help with Dark types. And sad to say,” he said, glancing at the rest of his family, “But Sam isn’t a stealthy ‘mon, Lucy would rather be on the offensive, and Bit...is a bit too unstable right now to trust to a sneaking mission.”

“Understood. As for Fighting moves, I’ll have Heat standby with you in case. As for stealth...as much as I hate to admit it, the fact we’ve got Fox on our side, as long as the distraction works, we’ve got a very high chance of success,” he shrugged.

“That ought to work,” Vincent said slowly. “So, when are we going? Cause some of us don’t do well with waiting too long.” Even as he said that, Bit’s arm’s twitched slightly.

“Then I’m afraid to say, that the shipment is supposed to come in at around 8 PM tonight. Since the shipment will land in an area away from the main nightlife areas, even at that early hour the place will be all but deserted. If you want, meet us at the Guard Station at 7 tonight. In the meantime, I suggest you train a little, prepare yourselves for tonight, and get plenty of rest. We’re gonna need everything we’ve got for this,” the Lucario sighed.

Sam, Lucy, and Vincent nodded, moving to leave, but Bit merely closed his eyes and started to recite something inside his head. It wasn’t something that Vincent was happy to hear at all from his little poke in there.

Calculating best move choices for apprehending Fox with extreme prejudice…

Quick Notes was not a happy mare, despite the circumstances.

Yes, everyone else had paid. Yes, there were Pokemon working for her. Yes, even Canterlot had coughed up what was owed. And yes, she was making a new name for herself.

But Mayhem had gone missing. And that was cause for concern.

The last time she saw this happening, it had been the precursor to Mind being taken down.

She wasn’t about to follow in all her predecessor’s footsteps. She tapped on the desk twice, and the form of her second-in-command, a Gengar, appeared.

“You rang?” he snickered.

“Mayhem is missing. The last time someone was sent after that psychic and failed to return, Mind went down. I don’t want that to happen again.”

The Gengar in front of her sobered up very quickly. “Your orders?”

“Tell the ‘mon and ponies to expect anything tonight, and if something does happen, whoever brings down anyone who intervenes gets double pay.”

The ghost saluted and vanished, leaving behind only his laugh as he did.

The day had crawled by for everyone involved. But at last, the time for the mission came, and everyone was gathered at the Guard Station. Everyone but a certain thief.

“...Why am I not surprised?...” Vincent muttered.

“Oh, she’ll come. She never breaks her promises, so she’ll come. We just have to wait. Knowing her, she’ll want to make a flashy entrance,” Jonathan sighed.

“Does she ever do anything normally?” Lucy questioned.

“She’s a Phantom Thief. Them and normal don’t mix,” Echo deadpanned.

“I think we went beyond abnormal when she went straight to us to offer/ask for help,” Howl commented.

“Though how much is out of a sense of obligation and a sense of guilt are up for grabs,” Sam muttered, rotating his joints and flexing his claws.

“She’s here, isn’t she? Considering she’s been on a thieving spree since she got here and Arceus, nor ANY of the Legendaries even did a thing about it must mean something,” Heat shrugged.

“Maybe the Legendaries just didn’t want to leave little old me behind. I’m flattered to be the center of your conversation, by the way,” Fox said, before appearing in a flurry of her cape that had suddenly appeared in thin air. “As they say in old Kanto, ‘Kaitou Fox, Sanjou!’” she joked, before giving a stage bow.

Her sudden appearance had the effect of galvanizing the small family of Nurem that had gathered with the Guard in the station. While previously the foursome had been looking around at everything and tapping or fidgeting nervously, none of them took their eyes off of her once she revealed herself. Or rather, none of them took both eyes off of her.

“Looks like the party’s all here,” she mused, ignoring the stares. “So Blackstone, when shall we start? Oh, and before we begin, no hard feelings for last time, okay. Nothing personal.”

“Oh yeah, of course no hard feelings,” he said, giving her a lopsided smile. “See, I’m not a guard captain, I’m actually secretly an Alicorn Prince with a thing for BDSM so what you did was fun for me,” Blackstone deadpanned. “So, thanks to Jonathan and your efforts, we know where the shipment from Canterlot is coming in. Jon?”

“Right. As we know, the shipment seems to be a shipment from Canterlot. It should be scheduled to arrive in field 7 by around 8 PM tonight. We’ll divide into 2 teams, our main force will create a distraction via a head on assault, during which our stealth team consisting of Blackstone, Fox, and myself, will infiltrate the ship, and secure any and all documents and incriminating evidence,” he explained.

“Keep in mind, ponies, ‘mon, and others,” Ace commented from next to her husband, “We don’t know how many ‘mon there are going to be in there, or how powerful they are, considering some of the rumors we’ve heard. If you think you’re outmatched, there is no shame in running and living instead of dying some sort of ‘hero’s death.’ Your purpose is to keep their eyes on you while our small team gets what we need. But if you get the chance, don’t be afraid to knock some upstart down a peg, and remember, if it’s do or die, do whatever you have to not die.”

The roars of approval were deafening, and when they died down, Fox decided to add her last two cents. “Well, you all heard the mare. I hope everyone is ready, cause its showtime,” she smiled from under her hat.

Vincent and Heat had been assigned to a small gate, while the rest of his family had been put with the main assault force. There was nothing really remarkable about this gate, if you didn’t know that the warehouses beyond were in the process of receiving the largest shipment of mob cash.

Or that the main gates and roads into the warehouse were being watched as well, for anyone trying to slip away.

It was only when you realized that this gate was fairly new and intended to be a backdoor for anyone to slip out with nobody the wiser that this gate became anywhere near important.

“They should be starting any minute now,” Vincent muttered.

“So, how you enjoying your first night as thieves?” Fox joked as she, Jonathan, and Blackstone ran along the nearby rooftops, giving them a good view of the field, while also letting them plot potential routes.

“Bizarre,” Jonathan deadpanned.

“While I enjoy the night,” Blackstone said before lightly jumping and gliding to the next roof, Noi flying silently a few yards above him, “This is a side of it I had hoped never to see.”

“Aww...you’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ll be sure to show you the glitz and glamour that is a night in the life of a Phantom Thief,” she chuckled, pulling out a rose from Arceus knew where.

“Why does that not fill me with confidence?” Jonathan deadpanned.

“Because you know her?” their thestral companion filled in.

“Probably,” the Lucario sighed. “Anyway, let’s get ready. The signal should come any minute now.”

With that, they got into position, ready to spring.

Bit watched his timer count down.

The members of the Guard, along with several ‘mon who they’d recruited over the last few weeks to their cause, were assembled on the other side of a tall chain link fence, beyond which they could see the faint outline of an airship and the building it had landed near. Or they could just be random blobs in the darkness. Which is what he was about to fix.

When it got to ten seconds, he turned his head to those behind him and warned them. “Shield your eyes.”

Every pony, ‘mon, and other followed his advice. Once the timer hit five seconds, he floated up to the gate and started to ascend. At zero, he was approximately twenty-five feet in the air. Perfect.

“Flash,” he said, and for a moment, there was a Bit-shaped star hovering in the air, blinding the workers that had been in the process of dragging in the large crates. Everything about the warehouse was thrown into the very stark light emanating from his form, revealing that the main doors had been open, along with the fact that Quick Notes employed ‘mon and ponies that just could not look away.


Naturally, not a one of them followed her orders. Lucy gave the chain and padlock blocking them from entering the yard full of either fleeing or charging mobsters a quick Force Palm, and the Guard surged to meet their foes.

While this was happening, Quick Notes saw the light pouring through her window and ducked to avoid looking at it directly. Once the sound of the guard being there hit her ears, she groaned. “Oh for the love of Luna, but how is this happening again?”

Once the light had dimmed, she walked over to her desk and pulled her saddlebags and briefcase up on top, ready to fill them with all the paperwork she would need to destroy later.

However, in her focus, she never saw the outlines of 3 figures walking in, nearly invisible under the illusion that shielded them. “Nighty night,” came a sly female voice, right before she felt a sharp blow on the back of her head. And consciousness fled.

With that done, the Illusion faded away, revealing the three members of the stealth team.

“Remind me again why you didn’t do that to us at the casino?” Blackstone said as he regained visible form.

“Cause then you wouldn’t have been awake for the show,” Fox simply said. “That, and we kinda need to knock her out BEFORE she managed to destroy any documents.”

“Yes, but you could have waited until she picked out which documents she wanted,” Blackstone said. “Now we’re going to have to go through them all, and if there’s one thing Ace hates more than criminals, it’s paperwork.”

“...whoops,” Fox had the decency to blush at this. “Well...how many could she possibly have? And even if she has a lot, a LOT of it must be incriminating in some way, right?” she tried to reason.

“And now we’re gonna have a hard time sorting through it. Thanks a bunch Fox, for tempting fate,” Jonathan deadpanned. A quick search of the mare’s knocked-out body revealed a small set of keys in her saddlebags, which opened up her desk on the first try.

“Or we could get incredibly lucky with this mare’s attention to detail,” Blackstone muttered as the first drawer revealed a slew of files, but some were tagged with a sticker of a campfire while others weren’t.

“So...should we sort through them while everyone is fighting outside, or should we just grab everything and run?” Fox commented.

“Let’s grab the ones she wants destroyed first,” Blackstone said. “If we have room after, we can take the rest. Let’s use her bags as well, more space the merrier.”

“Now you’re talking,” Fox grinned, as the proceeded to grab all the documents that had the campfire sticker on it, before packing up anything else they could get their hands on.

“Uhhh... what?” Quick Notes groaned as she started to come to...only for Fox to whack her on the head again with one of the large paper weights on the desk.

“What? Last I checked we didn’t want her to wake up while we’re here,” Fox defended when she saw them glaring at her.

“We also want to take her alive, something a little hard to do if you keep hitting her on the head,” Jonathan deadpanned.

“Oh dear me, but this won’t do,” a voice said from everywhere and nowhere. “Someone pilfering boss’s desk? I’m going to have to deal with you…”

“Ghost-type?” Fox guessed.

“Ghost-type,” Jonathan groaned in annoyance. Of all the Pokemon the mare could have had, it HAD to be a Ghost-type, which he was completely useless against.

The briefcase snapped up the files that they’d been pulling out of her desk before clicking and locking shut. A soft ‘kekeke’ echoed around the room afterwards.

“Now that that’s out of the way...why don’t I have some fun with you three?”

“I’ve got a better idea,” Fox smirked, before yelling, “Duck!”

Hearing her, Jonathan and Blackstone immediately hit the ground, just as Fox let out a Dark Pulse from her body, the waves emanating through the room, and hitting the Ghost-type in the room.

The Gengar grunted as he faded into corporeality, sliding down the wall and glaring at Fox. He then drew one hand back, and it started to drip with a purple fluid. “Say goodnight!” he snarled before dashing at her with a Poison Jab.

“Curfews canceled,” Jonathan shot back as he got between Fox and the attack, the attack harmlessly hitting him in the chest, his Steel-type neutralizing the Poison.

“And once more,” Fox grinned, before throwing a Shadow Ball at the Gengar. The attack hit, causing the Gengar to drop the brief case with the files in it.

“Blackstone! Now!” Jonathan shouted, to which Blackstone dove for the briefcase, and snatched it up.

“Go! We’ll handle short and ugly here,” Fox ordered, to which the thestral nodded and flew out the door with the precious documents.

“Bloody Pokemon emasculating me and turning me into a damn paper runner,” he grumbled to himself. He managed to get out of the room, still hearing the sound of battle inside. However, it wasn’t until he heard a faint sound that struck him as just plain...unnatural did he start getting worried. He was about to go check when the room suddenly seemed to explode with energy, just as Jonathan came tumbling out, the unconscious mare in his arms. Nearby, Blackstone got off his flank, having been bowled over by the shockwave, though the documents were safe.

Likewise, even the ones on the battlefield saw that, causing several ‘mon and ponies to finally get in prone positions and allow themselves to be taken in. Bit took the blast in absently, and Lucy took advantage of the distraction to knock a few foes out. Sam blinked a few times and sighed at the thought of Fox being that strong.

Gengar rolled and huffed as he too hit the ground, but picked himself up and glared at Fox. “Oh you are going to regret that!” he spat. However, to his surprise...she was gone.

“...Oh fuck m-” he didn’t get to finish his sentiment, as his earlier attack finally took effect on him, and he fainted.

Back with the battle, Jonathan and Blackstone had rejoined the rest of the group.

“Is everyone alright?” Jonathan asked.

“We’re great,” his Pokemon said.

Sam and Lucy looked around, clearly not seeing someone, and Bit was the one to voice the question.

“Where. Is. She?”

Even the tone was hostile.

Jonathan looked around and noticed that she wasn’t anywhere to be seen. “She must hav-” his statement was cut off when he suddenly fell over. “Damn...Perish Song…” he managed to choke out before passing out.

“Jonathan!” came the worried voices of his Pokemon as they crowded around him. However, they all sighed in relief when they realized he was just knocked out.

(Meanwhile, at some point during the fight itself…)

Vincent and Heat idly waited outside the gate, playing with a deck of cards that Vincent had conjured from...somewhere. “Threes?” the Kadabra asked.

“Go fish,” Heat said. “You know, when we started this mission, I was hoping for a bit more action than this.”

“Well you can’t have every...thing…” Vincent trailed off as several minds suddenly came into range. “Scratch that, company.”

“Well it’s about time,” Heat grinned, the battle-eager Combusken jumping to his feet.

From the darkness, a wagon was being pulled by a pony, and several Pokemon were accompanying him. While the tarp did its best to hide and hold in the contents, a few bottles and candies still spilled off of it.

“Well, there’s our proof. Jump them?” Heat offered.

“Warn them first, offer them surrender, and then jump them,” Vincent clarified. “Hello there, my fine gentlemen!” Vincent loudly said, gaining their attention quite quickly.

“I’m a girl!” one of the ‘mon spoke up.

“And ladies,” Vincent amended. “It would appear you are trying to flee the scene of a raid in progress. We can do this the easy way, in which you simply surrender,” Vincent trailed off and motioned for Heat to finish the sentiment.

“Or, we can do this the hard way where we kick your sorry butts to next week and back,” The Combusken added, fire already dancing from his beak.

“Your choice,” they finished together.

There was silence for a moment, before the Pokemon decided via mob rule to try and both take what they could and get past the two defenders. Each one scooped up what they could carry off the cart and made a mad dash to the gate, pushing each other aside in their quest to get away. The pony elected to simply charge them, wagon and all. However, they were all met with a solid wall of psychic energy.

“Oooh, bad choice,” Heat snickered. “Tell ya what, I’ll be nice. Who would you rather face. Hot blooded me...or Vincent over here?”

“Hint: you really should go for him. I’m not nice at all when I’m angry,” Vincent finished with his spoon aglow. The crowd before them milled about, none wanting to take that first step, but none wanting to lose either.

“Oops, time’s up. Let’s get them!” Heat laughed, before lunging at them with a flurry of kicks and punches, which sent several of them flying.

Vincent caught several in his power, causing them to glow blue while they struggled to escape. “Hey Heat,” he said, gaining the Combusken’s attention before flinging one at him.


“Ho!” Heat laughed, before sending the unfortunate victim into LEO (Lower Equus Orbit) courtesy of a Sky Uppercut.

“I could get used to this!” Vincent laughed, idly tossing the next one. “Pull!”

“Ho!” came the response, and before long, they ran out of targets to send to LEO.

“Well that was fun! We should do that again sometime!” Heat laughed.

“Yup,” the Kadabra said before pulling their last victim closer, the pony who’d been pulling the cart. “So what should we do with this’un?”

“Oh oh! I know! Volley Ball! No, Soccer! No, Rugby! And let’s use the pony for a ball!” Heat cheered.

“Hmm...and what about you,” Vincent questioned the pony. “What do you think we should do with you?”

“...Uh...lemme go?” he answered weakly.

“Bzzt! Wrong answer!” Vincent said, setting the pony to spin like a ball and placing him not too far from Heat. “All yours!”

“Taste my super soccer shot!” Heat laughed, before kicking the unfortunate Pony, sending him over the horizon...and straight into a conveniently placed dumpster...in a jail house. “Score!”

The night world swirled wildly around Noi, her eyes sweeping the battlefield for another opponent. The little dragon-bat had already eliminated several opponents and she was wheeling overhead of the battle for another. Unfortunately, one found her instead.

A simply massive form slammed into hers mid-flight, sending her wheeling until she got her bearings straight again. Once she finally got the ground where it was supposed to be, (under her), she looked around for the one that had interrupted her flight, to see a highly-muscular Pidgeot...well, as muscular as the simple Bird ‘mon could be. It was looking at her with as much of a smirk as its expression could allow.

“Easy prey,” it crowed, revealing that it was a male by the tone of his voice.

Noi narrowed her eyes at him and opened her mouth. Instead of words, a string of Super Sonic clicks launched their way towards him. When flying, the absolute worst thing, aside from being struck by lightning, was being disoriented! That was what her parents had taught her so long ago.

Unfortunately for her, once the Pidgeot felt the disorientation starting, he ducked his head down for a moment, then pulled out a small, familiar form from somewhere around his chest with his beak. Noi barely had time to recognize it as a Persim Berry before it vanished into his gullet. “Nice try, you won’t get another,” he retorted. “Now we can do this fast or slow, your choice.”

He’s going to be stronger than me, and with those wings he can outfly me easily, I need to stay constantly moving or he’s going to kill me, Noi thought to herself before tucking her wings to her chest, the wind whipping at her face as she unexpectedly dived. Though, I am more maneuverable!

The sound of the Pidgeot’s surprise reached Noi’s ears, and not long after, she could hear that he was attempting to follow her. The Noibat turned her head to look over her shoulder and saw that he was right behind her. He’s fast! she thought frantically, her wings beating faster, a Tailwind stirring up behind her and speeding her up just enough to stay out of reach of the massive claws which came within inches of snapping shut around her body.

“Get. Back. Here!” she heard him demand every time he failed to catch her.

“HERE I COME THEN!” Noi shouted at maximum volume, turning and launched herself straight at his chest, latching onto his feathered breast with a powerful Super Fang. Her fangs met feathers and then flood beneath as she dug in deep. The Bird ‘mon cried out in pain as her technique took hold, but she failed to take into account that getting so close would let him return fire quite easily. She sensed, then felt, his beak grabbing hold of one of her ears, before tearing a piece of it free.

A high pitched, ultrasonic scream left her throat as she released her hold on him, blood pouring from her ear as she winged back away from him, wincing in pain. She briefly saw the scrap of flesh that had been attached to her body in his beak before he jerked his head a few times. When it came back up again, his beak was empty, and it wasn’t because his prize had fallen.

“Not a fair trade,” he groused as he felt the wound in his chest. “But I’ll hold you down for the next one,” the Pidgeot vowed. “Maybe even give you a matching set.”

Noi’s vision went red for a moment as the blood dripped down onto her shoulder. “I... I... AIRSLASH!” she launched herself at him, her wings glowing as she charged forwards, her speed still boosted by the powerful Tail Wind, the wing slamming into his neck.

The Pidgeot let out a strangled squawk as he fell for a second. Once he got his breathing, and flying, back under control, the Bird ‘mon winged back up to where he’d last seen the pesky Noibat. She was nowhere to be seen in the inky blackness until suddenly-

“AIRSLASH!” Noi screeched as she dived down at an angle from above, her wing slamming into his back, barely missing a beat as she launched herself away again into the darkness.

Credit where it was due, this time, the Pidgeot did not fall. He did, however, turn his glare all around. With a mental shrug, he went for a move that would give him some breathing room, and hopefully a location. “Twister!” he screamed out, flapping his wings even harder and calling up a miniature cyclone of wind.

A scream in the cyclone alerted him to the Noibat’s location as the winds battered at her tiny form, throwing her about this way and that as she desperately attempted to regain control of herself. With a cry of victory, the Pidgeot raced at where his Twister had been the moment it died down, looking for the pesky Noibat that refused to go down.

He found her, oh he most certainly found her. She was flapping in place, shrouded in golden light. Eyes wide, he realized the reality of the new situation. With a quick flap, he attempted to fly off and save his own feathers rather than fight something as big as him, quicker than him, slightly stronger than him, and with a definite grudge against him.

He didn’t make it very far before twin blasts of pure sonic energy slammed into him, the sounds so loud that he almost fell out of the air from just them alone. The next thing he knew there was a VERY large, VERY angry bat-dragon tearing his chest to feathery bloody ribbons with powerful claws.

“HOW’S THIS FOR A MATCHING SET?!” she shouted at him, her voice loud enough to stun him. “I’D RETURN THE FAVOR FOR MY EAR BUT SEEING AS YOU DON’T HAVE ANY, LET’S IMPROVISE!” One of her claws grabbed onto one of his taloned legs and with a mighty pull, tore it clean off. At that point, the Pidgeot passed out from the pain, which was probably a mercy.

Noi hovered there for a moment before looking down at her heavily bleeding opponent and her eyes widened. “Oh... oh no... oh no oh no no no no!” she exclaimed, still holding onto the Pidgeot in one claw and his detached leg in the other, her eyes scanning for a field medic. She didn’t want to kill him. She desperately didn’t want that.

Vincent and Heat arrived from just across the yard, looking around at the mop-up in effect. He, too, took notice of the lack of a certain Illusionist, and growled. “She escaped?”

“Not. For. Long.” Bit proclaimed before zooming up into the sky to look at the scene from above.

“So...any reason why he thinks he can find Fox now? Knowing her, she might be miles away by now,” Heat commented.

“It’s not exactly him thinking that he can,” Sam started.

“It’s more...he was told to stop her once, so that’s going to stick in his mind until the task is done,” Lucy finished.

“That and well…” Howl started as he pulled Jonathan’s unconscious form over. “They were hit with Perish Song.”

“Good point,” Heat grinned.

However, despite searching, there seemed to be no signs of that thief. Even Vincent’s latest trick of looking for the hole that Dark-types normally left in his psychic vision didn’t work, thanks to the mass of ‘mon there were around them. Far too much interference, and more than one Dark-type had been taken down already.

Don’t think we’ll just let this stand, Vincent thought to himself. Not until Bit has recovered will I forgive you, Fox!

To say that Ace was a happy mare now that she had everything she could ever need to put the final remnants of PegasusAir down for good would be like saying Discord was kooky.

She was ecstatic. Oh yes, Fox got away, again, but at least she did some good, for once, before she did.

Blackstone for his part was in the middle of calming down and petting an incredibly large dragon-bat, THAT had been a surprise for both him and Ace but not one that they could really complain about.

Vincent looked over to Bit’s form, glad that he was back to his normal self, more or less. He still tended to look off into the distance some times, but after a few seconds, he usually got back on track.

Sam and Lucy went back to their normal routines without a bump at all, though each one took to their own training regimes with a new fire to their eyes, a new determination driving them. Vincent did the one thing he could think of doing the day after the whole ordeal was wrapped up.

“I swear,” he said to nobody in particular atop the roof. “You show yourself here, and I swear Bit will get his closure with you, Fox. For them, I do anything.”

“Easier said than done, little dude,” Scep commented as he leaned against the doorway, the Sceptile carrying a small bag full of the few belongings he still had when Sleight Hoof and the others left the city. “Even if Fox were to come back here, you’d still have to catch her first.”

“Yeah, fair enough,” Vincent said with a shrug. “But with my family back in action now that Lucy’s done with her Heat, we’d have another member to try with. And if she keeps escaping, I’ll keep recruiting.”

“We’ll see. We’ll see,” the Sceptile shrugged. “Anyway, I’m going after Alice and the others now, but I’ll definitely come around again. After all, I’ve got a reason now,” he smiled, before walking away. “You take care little dude.”

“You too. If only so Christine doesn’t hunt you down later on down the line,” Vincent warned. “If I were you, I’d write. At least.”

“Yeah...I’ll keep that in mind,” Scep gulped, fully aware of the hell he’d be in for if he didn’t at least do that. Ah, the things he’d do for his mate.

However, as he left, something suddenly fell from the sky, right into Vincent’s face.

“What’s this?” Vincent mused as he pulled it off with a quick burst of his power.

The item turned out to be a letter of some kind, complete with an envelope, but no return address. Of course, it wasn’t necessary, as the black mark that looked like a Zoroark’s head all but confirmed who it was from. “Fox,” Vincent hissed.

Opening the note, he saw what it said. ‘I’ve given some thought to what you said before, and here is my answer. What makes me different from people like Mayhem is simply intent. True, I nearly broke your friend, for which I apologise...again. But at the end of the day, I never intended for it to happen. Monsters like Mayhem on the other hand, do what they do with full intent, and without remorse. While its true my methods will need some...adjustment to this new world, and I thank you all for making me see that, but I’ll say this much. I accept the blame for what nearly happened to Bit, but compare me to a monster like that again, and you’ll regret it. I will not stand for someone stepping on the pride of our legacy’.

Vincent re-read the note, taking the words to heart, before looking at the horizon. “Fine,” he muttered. “We’re not even...but you are one step closer. I still don’t like you, but I’ll give you your damn head-start the next time you run.”

Author's Other Notes:
And now about half of the family goes up to Canterlot for the Contest...joy. More Auscrossing. Someone get my tranquilizer gun, I'm hunting Ausbronies.

Aprils Fools Chapter - Punishment for Pranksters

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Vincent woke up on the morning of April First, not feeling as though today was going to be any different as compared to any other day. He softly brushed the side of Lucy's face, gave her a good-morning kiss, and walked out the door to the rest of the apartment.

When he was immediately showered in some of Lucy's 'toys' from her time in Heat, that should have been his first clue that today was going to be...different. Fortunately, they were all clean, and the bucket they had been held in was made of lightweight plastic, as he found out once it bounced off of his head. Indeed, the most damaging thing about this particular prank had been Sam laughing his metallic behind off.

"Happy April's Fool's day, bro," Sam said, raising his usual cup of coffee in a mock-toast. "Hoopa's favorite holiday."

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," the Kadabra grumbled as he sent the toys back to the closet. Once he'd noticed that the bucket had come from the rooftop garden, that was returned from whence it came as well, and the psychic joined his older brother at the table. With a bit of thought and attention, Vincent began assembling a cup of coffee for himself...no small feat considering he'd just woken up and sorely wanted one.

"Tradition is, you play harmless pranks on your friends or family," Sam rejoined as he drank from his cup. "And now that we actually can, I'm sure I can limit myself to just one or two." Draining the mug of caffeine before him, Sam nodded at Vincent and got up. "Well, you take care, bro."

Had Vincent been looking, he'd have seen a blur for a moment before the Bug/Steel type left the apartment with a slight smile on his face. It would be a few minutes before what had happened would become obvious...

The psychic sat back and sipped at his coffee, thankful for the invigorating effects to help get his mind up and running. He'd been idly thinking on a number of his projects that he had running in the back of his head before his trains of thought were interrupted. Namely by a plate of pancakes being put before him by Jeanne. The Kadabra smiled and pulled his mother into a hug.

"Thanks mom," the Psi 'mon said to the smaller Flower 'mon. In response, Jeanne turned and returned the hug as well, before giving the psychic's chest armor a few pats.

"Anytime, dear. Now eat up, something tells me you're going to need it today."

Vincent nodded and set the Bellossom back on the ground. She returned to the kitchen and began work on a set of pancakes for Lucy as well, just as her son began to dig into his breakfast.

Had she hung around a moment longer, she would have seen his cheeks flush red, his eyes and nose water, and him clenching at his mouth and throat. With a quick and dirty application of power, the Psychic called up a glass of milk and began chugging it, before gasping as the drink vanished entirely down his throat.

"...Spicy..." was all he managed to say, but he had a fair idea as to who had done it and how.

Oh no, this does NOT end here! One, two, three, four...I declare Prank War!

Lucy had been in the middle of her workday, instructing ponies how to properly defend themselves from angry 'mon. More often than not the simple solution was to run or dodge away from their blows, then get a trained guard to deal with the rampaging 'mon. Another portion of her day was helping the ponies to identify Types, and what would or wouldn't work against them. The Lucario had been demonstrating a grapple on a pegasus mare, both for the class and for the mare. The goal was to both show the class what to avoid, along with teaching them how to think outside the box and break free from this fairly standard hold.

"So your wings are pinned," Lucy stated simply. "And I'm holding you in such a fashion that your hooves wouldn't be able to easily impact me. Anything more involved than a quick kick, I would see coming and be able to dodge, even now. What do you do?"

The mare wiggled for a moment, before Lucy found herself suddenly swatted in the nose with a long tail. She couldn't help it; the suddenness of the situation caused the Lucario to sneeze and release her grip. The mare shot out from the Aura 'mon's grip, and Lucy saw her wind up for a punch. One she could have blocked, quite easily. And one she had been moving to block.

But just before she could complete the motion, her ears perked up and caught wind of a most intriguing sound...

Thus distracted, Lucy failed to block the punch of the mare, giving her no other option but to roll with it and hope it wasn't going to sting too badly. Thankfully, the mare had pulled her punch at the last second, turning it from something that might sting to something that might not even hurt in a few minutes.

Lucy wasn't the only one caught off-guard. The mare blinked a few times before pulling her hoof back and looking from both it to where it'd impacted the Lucario's form. "What...just happened?"

"You got lucky," Lucy responded, rotating her joints and firing off a cocky smile. "Let's see if you can do it again."

Funny, though. For some reason, the sound she'd heard was oddly reminiscent of the can opener they kept in the apartment...

Sam had been in the middle of seeing to a table of ponies, thankful for the Float Stone that Seth had left behind, that Bit had also fashioned into a wonderful tie pin. It just made moving around so much easier. He had just filled up an order of drinks from the kitchen when he felt...weird. Heavy again.

The change was so disorienting and sudden, he tripped with the tray of drinks and spilled them all on himself. The liquid got everywhere and caused him to slip and fall flat on his back. Naturally, Mary and Fredrick laughed at the sight for a few seconds.

"What happened, Sam? You were doing so well on your record of 'days without any accidents'," Fredrick asked, wiping the tears of laughter away with one talon.

Sam made to explain what had occurred by looking at his tie, only to see the pin back on it...and feel himself weighing the appropriate amount again. "I guess the pin was just loose," he muttered, before unfastening and refastening the Float Stone, just to be sure.

"Yes, well, now that you've had your fun, see to table four, won't you?" the Shiny Sandslash chef asked as she walked back into the kitchen.

Funny, though. For a moment there, he could have sworn there was a blue flash of light out of the corner of his eyes...

Vincent sat back at the kitchen table that evening, happy with his light revenge that he had exacted throughout the day. Nobody got seriously hurt, and his siblings had taken the jests in good stride. Nobody needed to know of his involvement at all...

That was when Lucy and Sam burst through the front door and threw cream pies into his face. The sudden, unfamiliar situation, combined with the shock and surprise, allowed the pair of pies to hit their mark.

Silence fell in the home of the Nurem family as the tins and the pies they held slowly slid down Vincent's head, before plopping onto the floor. Whipped cream covered his whole head, and he blinked a few times at his brother and sister. "I'm guessing you noticed?" he asked quite simply.

Lucy and Sam nodded once, smirking all the while. "Getting you back for your little pranks," Sam said as he moved to wash himself off.

"Sadly we didn't have time to plan more than this," Lucy sighed, before pulling up a seat at the table and joining Vincent for their mid-afternoon meal. With a small flash of blue, Vincent was mostly clean again, and tilting his head at the Lucario.

"You mean, besides the pranks you two already played on me?"

Lucy blinked in confusion. "We...didn't play any pranks on you, Vincent."

"But if it wasn't you guys..." Vincent said, trailing off as his mind finished the question. Then who was it?

In her own room, just across the way, Christine smirked as her hearing picked up on the family being reunited and thoroughly confused. Vincent thought he'd just finished a closed loop of retribution, and his siblings were busy confirming that he was the one to start it in the first place.

If anyone were to look in her living room, they would see a plastic bucket with a small container of Chili Powder sitting inside it...

Chapter 60 - Conversion Complete

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Bit ticked as he considered the upgrades he had managed to install in the apartment building. Since his computer had been a minor failure, he had salvaged what he could and combined it with some other scrap to create a sizable upgrade in the building's security. Hopefully he would have time to explain its function to Vincent before too long passed, or failing that, Madam Lala. Yes, she would be the better option, as she would be the one using it most of the time.

Just then, the female Leavanny of hour appeared from her ground-floor apartment and greeted him. "Good morning, Bit. Have a productive night?" She had learned that he didn't exactly sleep, so much as work quietly.

"Affirmative," he replied before hovering away from the reception desk. "This unit has installed a security monitor as well as motorized support for the front doors. A simple control panel has been clearly labeled, to prevent accidents."

The Bug-type paused before seating herself behind the desk and looking at the upgrades with barely disguised awe. "My word. Where did you get the parts for something like this?"

"After the failure of my computer, I decided to put the parts from it and some additional scrap to better use than that of sitting around," the Porygon-Z replied. "It would be cheaper to rebuild from the ground up than attempt to re-purpose my old parts."

Lala was stunned again. It took her a moment to reply properly. "Bit, you don't have to do that..."

"It is already done," the Program replied. "I am merely appreciative that my failure can still serve some purpose."

He floated off before there could be a rebuttal delivered. If his calender was functioning correctly, there was an event going on today that Seth had requested his presence for...

Clothes, what few we have?

"Check," Lucy said as she opened a piece of luggage and nodded.

Spending Bits? Vincent was going over his mental checklist for all the things they would need in Canterlot for the contest.

"Check." Here the Lucario merely nudged a piece of luggage with her foot, causing it to shift and clink.

Backup Berries, in case we need some food and there's nothing around we like?

The Aura 'mon opened the last piece of luggage before nodding and closing it. "And check. I think we're good. All that we should need now is Bit and we can head up to Canterlot-"

The young pair were rudely interrupted by Christine the mutated Gabite walking into their apartment. "Vincent, I cannot find the coffee in my place any...where..." The Landshark's original statement trailed off as she looked at the luggage between the Kadabra and the Lucario. "Okay, where are you heading?"

Bit, Lucy, and myself are going to Canterlot to see an old friend and help him out, Vincent replied as he turned to face the more temperamental of the tenants.

"I see," the dragon said with a nod. "I'm going with you."

The blunt nature of the statement caught the other two off-guard for a moment. "I'm sorry?" Lucy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup. Just found you two again. Not letting you run off without me." There was no budging the Landshark from her position, it seemed.

And what of the others here? Vincent tried to persuade Christine by appealing to her logic. An appeal that would fail, sadly.

"Meh, I trust Sam and your mom to be able to handle anything that comes up, if anything comes up. Plus there's that Lala lady. I think they've got it handled." With those words delivered, the Gabite nodded again and moved to shift the luggage around before starting to stack it. The Bits went on the bottom, the Berries went on top of them, and the clothes topped the whole thing off. Fortunately, they had rolling luggage, so with a few moves on Vincent's part, the entire pyramid was mobile.

"When do we go?" the Gabite asked.

...Well, once we get Bit, we can go-

"Already here, Vincent," the Porygon-Z said as he floated in the front door. The Lucario and Kadabra sighed before the psychic merely nodded.

Fine, next stop, the train station. And after that, Canterlot!

With that, the four forms and their luggage were covered in a blue glow before popping out of existence. Ten seconds later, a Bellossom walked into the room, curious as to where everyone she had been about to serve pancakes to had gone.

Vincent sighed as he sat back in the compartment, already more at ease thanks to the presence of Lucy next to him. Bit and Christine had opted to get their own compartment, something he was quite grateful for. It gave the two of them time alone. Time to think about...everything that had happened, in such a short time-span. Lucy took the prolonged silence as a bad thing, though, and verbally prodded her mate. "What're you thinking about?"

What isn't there to think about? We're strangers in a strange land, though we've done much to make it more homely than our old world. The psychic of the pair let out a physical sigh as he looked at Lucy. The real questions, I suppose, are 'will the ponies ever accept us' and 'what can we do to help that happen'?

The Lucario hugged her mate a little tighter before answering his worries. "Screw them."

...I beg your pardon?

"You heard me. If they aren't going to accept us, then screw 'em. We didn't have a choice in this, but we can still make the best of it. And if they don't choose to do so as well, then they can get left behind."

Vincent looked at Lucy with a small smirk on his muzzle. While I might agree with some of what you've said, when did you start taking lessons from Christine in attitude?

"Hey, this is the first time in years we've had anything resembling anything good besides each other, is it so wrong of me to want to hold onto it?"

The Kadabra chuckled before he hugged her back. No, no it is not.

The train chugged on as the pair of 'mon found comfort in each other's presence again.

Chapter 61 - A Celebration is in order

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Vincent and Lucy left the train first, hand-in-hand. Following after them was Bit, and following after him was Christine, the mutated Gabite. They were here to help their friend Seth with the contest he'd arranged. And see it for themselves as well.

A Luxray half-ran over to them, smiling widely as he tapped the torc they only just noticed he was wearing on his chest. “HEY GUYS!” he called out, and put a paw to his mouth, apparently abashed at the volume with which he'd just spoken.

After a moment for everyone on the platform to cover their ears and glare at the Luxray for nearly deafening them, the small portion of the Nurem family walked over to him, with the Kadabra of the quartet chuckling. “Someone missed us,” Vincent observed, before looking at the Porygon nearby. “And it seems you made a new friend.”

“Greetings lower lifeforms~” The Porygon pinged happily. “This unit is designated Dextra. I believe that I am supposed to feel... pleasure? In meeting my extended family?”

Lucy looked from Dextra to Bit, her mind already putting a few pieces of the puzzle together. “Wait...in order for us to be related to you, you would have to be related to Bit, but that would mean…”

“Allow me to exp-” Seth started but Dextra cut him off.

“Daddy Seth, allow me please?” She turned to the group and made a smiley face. “A few days ago, I hatched from an Egg that was generated from Daddy Seth’s Pokedex. An Egg created from leftover coding left behind by Daddy Bit’s last interface with the device.”

At the mention of him being a father, Bit had given the Porygon his undivided attention. Vincent could almost hear all his other trains of thought stopping. “Clarify,” the Porygon-Z stated, his usual, minor twitchy behavior stopping as he held himself still.

“I... am unsure of how the Egg was generated,” Dextra admitted. “My program was not fully self-aware at the time. Traits from your programming and the inherent power in Daddy Seth’s lightning were also contributing factors, but...” Dextra pinged once more as she looked at the Porygon-Z. “I believe that magic was involved somehow.”

Bit whirred a little louder after being told he was not only a father, but that magic, of all things, was involved in the conception of said being. After a moment or two, he stopped making noise at all, and Vincent reached up one hand to touch the program. “Bit? You okay, bud-”

At his touch, Bit stopped hovering, his head and body falling to the station’s floor as he not only locked up, but stopped everything else to work on the conundrum he’d been presented with.

“And he only just got over the Fox thing as well,” Lucy sighed as she picked up Bit’s pieces. “Why does Equestria seem to have it out for him?”

“Just lucky I guess?” Seth shrugged. “I didn’t mean for that to happen...”

“But you did predict it,” Dextra pinged and Seth face pawed.

“Dammit Dexxy...” The Luxray looked at the group and smiled. “So, where are you guys staying while here?”

“Same place as last time, I think,” Vincent said while stroking his mustache. “Lucy and I can still share a room, leaving Christine to her own. Wherever Bit chooses to set up is his business...which reminds me, Christine, if you would?”

“On it,” the Dragon said as she walked down to the luggage car.

“Yeah, I could grab his things and ours from here with Teleport,” the Kadabra said once the landshark had left hearing range. “But she kinda insisted on tagging along and doing things for us, so I figure, why not let her?”

“Fair enough, Rika will be happy to see her again at least,” Seth started to say, until said Sylveon leapt out of the luggage cart and tackle-hugged the unsuspecting dragon…

“Ack!” Christine said, almost moving to slice the attacker, before what was going on registered. “Oh you sneaky Fairy!” she said with a laugh. “Still, I’m doing something at the moment! So, off!”

“Aw~” Rika pouted as she climbed down from the dragon’s head. “I can’t believe that you came! Now I get to show you my performance and you’ll be super astounded and then we’ll go out and have fun and I can show you-Mmmphhh!” The rest of her tirade was muffled as Seth placed a paw over her mouth.

“Okay, that’s quite enough of that,” Seth sighed as he threw the fairy onto his back. “Sorry, I have a ton to do today and I can’t afford much time right now.” The Luxray gave a small bow and looked at Bit. “When he wakes up, can you tell him I require tech support at the Contest hall?”

“Not a problem, he’ll probably only take an hour...maybe two, to reboot. If you need him before then, I can probably hurry the process along,” the Kadabra said as he drew his spoon from thin air.

Dextra hovered over Bit as a small spark generated from her body. “Daddy Bit, stop being foolish and re-boot. Use your defragmentation setting and open in Safe Mode if need be!”

“S’not gonna work,” Lucy said as she shifted her passenger around to make sure he was easy to carry. “Once he’s down, he’ll be that way for a while.”

“I’ll work on fixing him up myself, I have access to a few unfair things regarding his operating systems,” Vincent added as he looked at Christine. “C’mon, we have a room to book.”

“Yeah yeah,” the Gabite replied as she finally gathered up the family’s luggage, thankful that there wasn’t much and that it all had wheels. Christine turned to Rika and actually smiled. “See you later, best hat ever.”

Seth nodded as Dextra just beeped and pouted. “C’mon Dexxy,” Seth said as he pulled the Porygon into a hug. “Bit just has a hard time processing things he... doesn’t quite understand. Especially when magic seems to be involved.”

“Fine...” Dextra pouted. “We have much to do Daddy Seth. We should be going.”

Seth nodded as he turned back to Vincent and the group. “The Contest starts at 11, we’ll be letting spectators in around 10... but if you guys wanna get in early, I’ll let the guards know to let you in.”

“That’d be appreciated,” Vincent said and held up a hand. “You wanna tell me where we should drag him?”

“There’s a large hall in the Theatre District,” Seth mentioned. “There’s posters and stuff everywhere, but Christine should know. She was with me when I first scouted the place out.”

“Darn right,” Christine said with a nod. “Let’s get this stuff put away, then I can show you where to go Vincent.”

“All right,” the Kadabra said with a chuckle, before giving a final bit of advice to Dextra. “Dextra, was it? Take it from me, while meeting Bit probably could have gone better? It could have been so much worse as well.”

Dextra just pinged and nodded, but didn’t say anything. Rika reached up with her ribbons to hug the young Porygon as Seth turned towards the station’s entrance.

“Okay, we’ll see you soon then. Prepare for hugs from the others though…” He paused, before shrugging.

“Noted,” the psychic said as the four of them walked off. Well, three of them walked off. One was carried.

Once they had booked their rooms again, Vincent had Lucy lay Bit out on the floor while he concentrated his not-inconsiderate powers on fixing the broken 'mon. It didn't take much before he managed to get the Porygon-Z back online. The program whirred and began levitating, before fixing Vincent with a look. "What...happened before this unit was forced off-line?" he asked.

"You met Dextra," Vincent supplied. "And thinking too hard about all the implications behind how she came to be locked you up."

Bit ticked a little as he simply nodded. "Then I will think on it in the background. Dedicating too much effort to the problem will only cause me to lock up again."

"Well, let's go see Seth then," Christine said. "He sounded pretty desperate for your help."

"You have fun with that," Lucy commented as she made for the door. "I'm going to go to a pharmacy real fast. I'll catch up with you guys later."

With that, the party of 'mon were out and on the streets, looking for trouble again. Christine led them all to the concert hall in short order, but stayed on the outside as she watched over Bit's things. She...really didn't want to go back in there at this time. Too many eyes on her form might lead to her losing her cool. Vincent opened the main door and walked in, Bit floating behind him. “We’re not late, are we?” the psychic of the pair asked.

“Thank Xerneas!” Seth exclaimed. “Bit, can you please head to the soundbooth up there? We’re having massive problems getting the speakers to link up. And Vincent, we could use some fine control over here with Elesa’s turntable.”

“Acknowledged,” Bit said as he began floating off. Vincent ‘ported himself across the room, an expression of curiosity on his brow as he reappeared next to the turntable.

“Dunno what you think I can do about this, but let’s hear it,” the Kadabra commented. Elesa peered over at him from behind the table, several wires looped around her neck.

“Hey there! Name’s Elesa!” the Ampharos smiled brightly. “And well, do you think you could help plug a few cables in while I check the sound. Can’t do both and Seth’s paws are too big for plugging stuff in and whatnot.”

“Not a problem, though you may wanna step back from the cords,” the psychic warned as one hand started to glow. “Cause I might be good at fine control, but I’d rather not snag you by accident.”

Elesa nodded as she untangled herself and got around to the performing side of the table. “All the cords are colour co-ordinated, so just match ‘em up.” As Vincent plugged a few in, Elesa tried the sound, pressing a button as the powerful thumping bass of hard dubstep rocked out, blowing Seth off of the stage.

“Uh, too loud?” Elesa called out.

“Too... loud...” Seth groaned from the floor.

“I was unaware you knew how to put Hyper Voice into a mechanical device,” Vincent commented with a laugh. “Or that Seth could be so easily knocked out by one move.”

“Hmm, might have to remember that setting,” Elesa mused. “Okay foxboy, try that cord... aaand, that one.”

Bit could hear sounds from the soundbooth before he actually entered. It sounded a little like somebody was having problems with the equipment. And then he heard as female a voice as Porygons ever got speaking up from within.

“If I had a wireless interface, this would not be an issue!” it buzzed.

“Fortunately, this unit does have such a device. It has not seen much use recently, but the interface is there,” Bit said from the doorway. The Porygon turned to look at him, surprise evident on her face.

“Da- I mean, Mr. Bit! Are you feeling better now?” Dextra asked. The Porygon-Z pointed one arm at her and shuddered a bit, making the sound of a simulated deep breath before replying.

“We will...discuss that later,” Bit stated. “At the current moment, it would only serve to be a distraction from the matter at hand, and I cannot afford the processing power it would take to consider that matter and still function optimally. What is the current situation with this equipment, unit Dextra?”

Dextra paused, before motioning towards the soundboard and simulating a sigh. “The speakers won’t connect properly. The ones inside the private boxes are completely offline and there’s some sort of residual feedback.”

“I see,” Bit said as he hovered closer to the soundboard. “Dextra, Sub- Christine the Gabite is outside, and has my things. One of them is a modified solar-powered charger Seth gave me. If you would be so kind as to aid her in setting it up and bringing the cord from it to me, I would not have to worry over the course of the next few hours.”

Dextra nodded and hovered off silently, leaving Bit to his own devices for the time being.

He'd already come to a conclusion. However she came to be, she was his daughter. He would have to treat her as such.

“Are you Christine?” Dextra asked as she hovered closer. All she got in return was a nod as the Gabite looked back at the Thestral mare that had been trying to talk to her for the past few minutes now. She didn't know what this mare wanted, but she was bound and determined to get it.

“Okay, okay. I get it,” Midnight sighed. “I’ll leave you alone.” She trotted off.

“Midnight Song is mostly harmless,” Dextra stated as she floated closer, warily though. “She does partake in conversational matter that is considered... perverse, by other biological units however.”

“Yeah, probably she was,” Christine commented. “However, others showing such interest in me never ended well on Earth, and it’s still a bit of a hurdle to muscle past. Plus, I forgot to ask Vincent for a translation link before we came.”

“I see,” Dextra pinged. “Can you please come inside with me? Dad- I mean, Unit Bit requires his personal effects. Including a solar charger.”

“Can’t see how much use a solar charger would be inside,” the dragon said with a roll of her eyes. “Unless you have an artificial sun-lamp in there.”

“I could ask Uncle Ignis to use Sunny Day,” Dextra hummed. “But the logical choice would be to place the charger on the window closest to the soundroom. The sun angles in this direction from just after noon. So it would be in full light until evening.”

“Not a problem,” the dragon said as she pulled a piece of luggage into rolling position from nearby. “Just tell me where to go.” Dextra beeped and motioned for the dragon to follow. She soon led her to the soundbooth and with her help, fixed the solar panel on the outside of the window. Once it was installed, the dragon was ushered out into the main hall again, bumping into a familiar orange dragon.

“Ignis!” she cheered and actually hugged the Charizard. “Man, are you a sight for sore eyes!”

“And you are quite happy to see me huh?” Ignis laughed as he hugged the little dragon back. “How have you been?”

“Eh, busy,” she shrugged. “These knuckleheads don’t need me to break ‘em out anymore, so when they said they were comin’ back here, I figured I could tag along and make sure nothing happened while they were out.” Looking from one side to the other, the Gabite then whispered to the Charizard. “Not...everyone believed Vincent about Bit…”

“I can imagine,” Ignis replied quietly. “Though, what are the odds of running into another Subject here?” Ignis paused as he facepalmed. “I really should stop doing that...”

“Which is why I’m here,” Christine said with a nod. “I mean, having you guys around for security, pretty nice...but now that I’m here, we should be unstoppable.”

“Hah! Says the dragon who’s never won a fight against us,” Ignis chuckled as he petted her on the head. He placed a claw on her shoulder and sighed. “So... who’s the lucky guy?”

“Sceptile,” She replied honestly as she kept looking at the stage. “Told me the best things and meant them, so I gave him a run for his money. He was just better.” Christine actually sighed as she thought about her absent mate. “Had to go, but he knows better than to not write while he’s abroad.” On the stage, a trio of a Lopunny, Gardevoir and Medicham emerged, all carrying instruments of some kind.

“Anyway, I gotta back up the Guards. You take care and enjoy the show, okay little lady?”

“Can do,” the Gabite replied. “Should be interesting anyways. Never saw one.”

“I keep forgetting you were pretty much a wild Pokemon before all this. Well, Rika and Selena should be down at the stage if you want to say hi.” The dragon petted her on the head and walked off. Christine turned the thought over before deciding to say hello to her friends. She walked up to the stage and started looking around for the Fairy and Dark types.

That was when something soft and pink landed on her head. “Hiya Chrissie!” Rika giggled, nuzzling the dragon.

“Oh goodie, more dragons with anger issues,” Selena smirked. “Like Zinnia wasn’t enough of a pain.”

“Hey, I haven’t blow up at one ‘mon for nearly a week,” Christine said. “Whatever the kid and Luke did worked.”

Seth’s ear flicked when he overheard that.

“Well, that’s good,” Rika nodded. “It means that we can be bestest friends forever now! We’ll eat cake and go shopping and chat about boys…” She gasped and looked at her. “Or girls… if that’s your thing.”

“Given how she eyes my Charizard, I’d say she likes males Rika,” Selena deadpanned.

“You have to admit, he’s a fine looking dragon,” Christine said with a slight murr to her voice as she thought about said dragon.

“Of course he is,” Selena nodded. “He does this thing with his tongue that just—” She suddenly blushed and shut her mouth. “I’m being quiet now.”

“Aww, see, this is why we need to hang out,” Rika nodded. “We could totes share sexy stories… well, first we have to get Chrissie a mon so she has sexy stories to share…”

“So what you’re telling me is, Ignis has a better nose than either of you?” the landshark posed to the pair of female ‘mon.

Rika and Selena paused and looked at her as they sniffed the air.

“Have you been rolling around in the grass or something?” Selena asked.

“She smells like a Grass-type,” Seth helpfully called out from across the other side of the stage.

“Oohhh,” Selena and Rika said.

“Now I know you two can put two and two together,” the Gabite teased.

“You’re dating a Grass-type?” Selena asked and then laughed. “What, did you threaten to set him on fire if he didn’t?”

“I ran, he chased me,” Christine said. “He caught up with me pretty easily. Despite all I did to try and elude him. He more than earned his prize that day~”

“Ooh, did Chrissie do something naughty~” Rika giggled.

“He was so good at taking care of me, we didn’t even care that we were in public,” the dragon murred.

“Wow…” Rika blushed and Selena turned her head to hide her own. “Well, seems we’re all getting romancey and stuff lately. Even Sethy finally—”

“She does not need to know that!!” Seth called out again.

“I shared with you girls,” Christine pointed out. “You can choose not to share back, of course…”

“I totally tamed my kitty~” Rika giggled as Seth groaned and facepawed. “Oh, and Fritter too~ That was a fun night.”

“We heard…” Selena muttered, she wasn’t going to admit what she did that night though. “So, debauchery aside. How have you been Miss Grump Dragon?”

“Honestly? Antsy. Waitin’ for the other shoe to drop on this whole ‘us being transferred’ thing. Can’t shake the idea that something is about to happen. Holdover from the lab, I guess.”

“Well, I’m rather pessimistic about it, so for once, we agree on something,” Selena nodded. “Mind you, if someone tries to mess with this Contest, I will eviscerate them. Wanna help?”

“I sorta have a different target in mind to protect,” Christine said as her eyes flicked up to the soundbooth.

“Hmm?” Selena cast a glance up at the booth as well. “Bit? Why him?”

“Not...everyone believed Vincent that Bit was as much a victim as they were,” Christine said softly. Rika mimicked her saddened expression and hugged her head. The landshark coughed before looking back at Selena. “So, yeah, technically I’m here for security. Just, his security.”

“Fair enough, and of course, we’ll help as well,” Selena nodded and Rika agreed.

“Is the charger ready?” Bit asked as he kept observing the panel, taking note as to which speakers corresponded to which wires.

“Yes,” Dextra pinged. “The solar charger is fully operational and performing within expected parameters.”

“Good,” Bit observed, completing his observation and deciding to handle the problems manually. “Are all the speakers wired into this switchboard?”

“Yes, along with the volume controls for Daddy Seth’s microphone and the three microphone stands on the stage.”

“Excellent,” Bit said...as he then pried the cover off of the device with his arms and beak. Dextra pinged in alarm.

“Dad- Bit. What are you doing?”

“You seem to forget our true nature…” Bit trailed off as he put the cover to one side and gave Dextra a quick wink. “Daughter. We are information. Handling this personally, even for someone like you, should be child’s play.”

Dextra paused as she pinged several times in succession. “Teach me!” she said with honest happiness.

“I need to position myself first,” Bit said as he hovered over the device, considering the problem of positioning. “Attach the cable from the charger to one of my arms. I will use my tail to interface with the switchboard, and you can hold on to the other arm and observe.”

Dextra nodded and she guided the cable to Bit’s arm as she took the other. “Beginning link sequence,” Bit stated, before observing something else aloud. “I believe Psychics would call this some sort of meeting of the minds. Anyway. Initiate the link on your end, observer mode only. If you attempt to handle too much in your current evolutionary state, you will likely overheat and lock up.”

“That has happened once already, I will not make the same mistake,” Dextra replied with a hint of bitterness. “Do not worry... old man, I am not as old a model as you.”

“Nor are your skills as refined as mine...yet,” he replied with another wink. “Ready?”

“Yes, Daddy Bit!” Dextra blipped. “Observer Mode startup. Link Sequence. Engage!”

With that, the two of them entered the sea, no, world of code that made up and was contained by Bit’s form. He guided her to observe what he was doing, and once he was certain she’d stopped gawping at the sheer volume of information he contained, began his work.

“Astounding,” Dextra hummed quietly. “Is the final evolution truly so complex?”

“It depends on how well you handle yourself,” Bit stated as he tested the sound system with a quick pulse. Ah yes, some had simply been manufactured to different standards, or were victims of age...or neglect. He compensated and tried again. “As a Porygon, you must be cautious with what you do, what you learn, and what you choose to specialize in, as you can only store so much. All our kind are good at Special moves, yes, so one such as myself is not entirely uncommon. It is what you choose to pick up afterwards that makes you you.”

It was a lot to take in, but Bit had confidence Dextra would take his words to heart. “So much to learn... not enough memory capacity,” she murmured.

“Not even I have enough memory capacity,” Bit stated. This should work a lot better, and...that one private box was being stubborn. “This is mostly information regarding Earth that I traded for with Lord Genesect and the Regi Trio. The information I have regarding Equus is...lacking. And yet, were I to try and understand this world as well as I have the last, I would run out of memory before I got even a tenth of the way.”

“Equus is quite the complex study, and that’s before you get to magic,” Dextra hummed thoughtfully. “I already have basic designs to produce magical batteries... but, all research has led to them... exploding. Violently. I have yet to produce one for field testing.” The Porygon slumped somewhat as she hovered next to Bit. “And after I made such good progress with the holographic projector.”

“Early human science did tend to revolve around explosions,” Bit observed wryly. “Either on purpose or accidentally. Sometimes they needed something to go boom...sometimes they liked watching things go boom.” Finally, the speakers were all balanced. Now to work on a set of formulas that would keep them that way in all conditions. If he could figure out a good set of ratios for all the speakers… “Still, to expect science and magic to relate so readily? I expect the meshing of the two fields to be akin to mixing thermite. Handle with extreme care.”

“Daddy Seth said something similar,” she replied as she absently completed the coding Bit was working on. “Though it was more of an emotional speech, ‘You will find your own way in life and achieve great things. It will take time, but of this, I have no doubt’.”

“My thanks, daughter,” Bit said as he applied Dextra’s code to his own formulas and simplified them. “And he is wise. All Pokemon are capable of great things. What great things you will be capable of...are up to you to determine.”

“Oh? I did not even... hmm.” She hummed thoughtfully and smiled.

“I would advise for you to spend at least a little time in every state of our line,” Bit said as he stress-tested the calculations and only needed to add a few factors, along with a cutoff switch. “Get used to the feeling of more memory and power before taking on the next. Should you desire, I can create an Up-Grade and Dubious Disk from TM’s.”

“I... I would like that very much,” Dextra grinned, her eyes showing the elated expression. “And it would be interesting to see my combat prowess increase through evolution. I should record the details.” The Porygon bounced a little, beeping happily.

“Yes, I thought you might,” Bit said as he compiled all the work together into a virtual replica of the switchboard...only this one worked. “I believe I am ready.”

Dextra nodded as she adjusted the controls and the band playing suddenly sounded pitch perfect. “Much better,” she hummed happily.

“You could have done something similar...given a day,” Bit observed. “Of this I have no doubt. Simply fixing the issues in the real world was still possible, and you could have done it in time...barely. But why bother working with the problem...when you can work around the problem?”

“I see...” Dextra replied, her own thoughts wandering for a moment. The pair exited the program and re-emerged back in reality. Diantha gave her a wave from the private booth and smiled. Dextra nodded and looked back to her father.

“Thank you very much for your help today. I have learned a great deal and have much to think on.”

“Naturally,” Bit stated as he continued to monitor the levels. “I will stay here and control the sound and lights as needed. Keep in mind: my offer to make you our Evolutionary items is only applicable while I am here in Canterlot.”

“I shall procure the necessary compounds quickly then,” Dextra pinged. “Also... may I ask you something more, personal?”

“You may ask,” Bit said, giving her a bit more attention. “Whether or not I will answer is not guaranteed.”

“Are you and Daddy Seth going to get married?”

Bit locked up for a moment, before smiling at Dextra. “I do not think Apple Fritter or Rika would appreciate the idea, or you asking that question. Porygons are...different, both in formation and how we perceive family.”

“Oh,” Dextra sighed. “Well, I have two families regardless. Mommy Rika says my birthdays will be... crazy,” she said. “I do not know if that is a good thing or not.”

“It is, however, accurate,” Bit observed with a chuckle before motioning for Dextra to draw close with his free arm. Once she did, he gave her a hug. “I can make no promises about the others in the family I reside with...but I at least will show up.”

“Thank you Daddy,” Dextra hummed happily, leaning into the hug.

“Vincent?” Seth asked with an unusually neutral tone. The Kadabra teleported over to stand in front of the Luxray and quirked an eyebrow.

“What’cha need?” the kid-turned-mon asked.

“Well... should my heart be beating a mile a second? And do Luxray’s normally sweat this much...?”

“Hey,” the Kadabra said while putting a hand on the Luxray’s shoulder. “I know what that is. Felt it myself. Nothing much to worry about. Your nerves and ‘what-if’ portions of your brain are going haywire because so much is going on that could go wrong.”

“I believe this is panic attack...” Seth breathed heavily. He suddenly sat down very heavily as he stared at the empty hall. “What if I totally screw this up?”

“Not gonna lie, this could all go sideways,” Vincent agreed. “Anything could happen. But you need to remember something, Seth.”

“And that is?” Seth replied, trying to get his heart rate under control.

“One, you’re not alone. Not only do you have your family, what little of mine came with is here to help as well,” the psychic said. “You are never...really...alone.” His words suddenly reached his own ears and Vincent sighed after saying them.

Seth took several deep breaths and sighed. Calm. No matter what, you can handle this. He opened his eyes again and smiled. “Thanks Vincent... knew there was a reason you’re one of my best friends... and what’s two by chance?”

Vincent perked up and gave a wry grin. “Anything could happen. You’re forgetting about the good stuff as well. Plus, three, no matter what, you’re giving these people a taste of Earth again...along with some of us that never got to see a Contest. No matter what, Seth?” Here the Kadabra gave him a few pats on the shoulder.

“Today will have been a win in my books.”

The Luxray blinked, before smiling and pulling the Kadabra into a crushing furry hug. “Okay! Yeah! I totally have this in the bag.”

“He’s right,” Elesa said. “Since when have you ever backed away from a challenge?”

“True,” Seth nodded. “Oh hey, I guess I never really introduced you two. Elle, this is Vincent Nurem. Former tortured experiment, now one of my best buddies. Vince? This is Elesa, former Nimbasa Gym leader and my former lover.”

“Seth... your intros suck,” Elesa deadpanned.

“Tell me about it,” Vincent said as he ‘ported out of the hug and onto the Luxray’s back instead. “Brutally honest and no secrets hidden? You’d almost think Bit taught him.”

“Regardless of this idiot, it’s still nice to meet you Mr. Nurem,” Elesa smiled. “He pulled the same thing when he introduced me to Diantha. He likes to think he’s funny or something.”

“Just Vincent, please,” the psychic said as he held out his hand. “I’m...becoming uncomfortable with using my last name unless I have to intimidate someone. Which thankfully isn’t often, but you’d know.”

“I imagine that there’s a story there, but we’ll save it for later hmm?” Elesa stopped as a beautiful Thestral mare landed on the stage and trotted over to Seth.

“Seth? The Contestants have arrived. Should they be allowed in?”

“Yeah, that’s no problem Midnight. Thanks for all this by the way. I know it really isn’t in your job description.”

“No problem boss,” Song winked. “Though... if you really wanna thank me...”

“Midnight. The door if you will?” Seth deadpanned.

“Aw, fine,” she smirked as her gaze fell on Vincent. “Ohh, now who’s this handsome creature?”

Vincent ‘ported off of Seth’s back...and somehow picked up his top hat in the transit. “Vincent, Kadabra, which means I’m psychic,” he clarified while tipping his hat at the mare. “Which is probably the reason you can understand me so readily. And yourself, ma’am?”

“Lieutenant Midnight Song,” the mare smiled, her fangs glinting in the light. “I currently work for Seth here as the link between his group and the Princesses. Ponies wouldn’t trust an ‘All Pokemon’ group. I solved that problem.”

“Well, if Seth trusts you, so do I,” Vincent replied as he held out a hand to the mare for her to shake. “Would you be terribly offended if I asked just what you are? The only one I’ve seen like you is Blackstone back at Las Pegasus, and Ace and I...don’t exactly get on.”

“Blackstone~ Now there’s a flank you could bounce a bit off of,” Midnight purred. “Well, my species is called Thestral. Batpony is also acceptable, but I only allow close friends the honour of that title.” She took his hand with a hoof and smiled. “I wonder... would you like to be a close friend~”

“We’ll see,” Vincent replied. “I don’t trust easily, but once you do have my trust, come hell or high water or you stabbing me in the back, I stand by you. Why don’t we open the doors to the competitors and talk on the way?” He motioned to the doors with one hand at the end of his question.

But before they left, Seth cleared his throat. “Midnight?”

“Yes boss?” she giggled, still holding Vincent’s hand.

“He’s taken. By someone that gets quite jealous.”

Midnight blinked as she looked at the Kadabra and sighed as she let go of his hands. “Luna dammit!”

“Did I...miss something?” Vincent asked aloud.

“Not a thing,” Seth chuckled. “Don’t worry Vincent. Just play nice and the little bat won’t gobble you up.”

“Aw, but I’d love to do that~” Midnight giggled as she gave Vincent a half-lidded stare.

“Not exactly scared of her,” Vincent replied. “And why don’t we talk and at least be friendly with one another, Miss Song? Xerneas knows I could use more friends outside the family.”

“Aw, fine,” Midnight frowned, but she still smiled. “Can’t say no to such a handsome face. And such a glorious mustache. Now let’s go let these guys in. This is gonna be one hell of a show!”

“So?” the batpony asked as she trotted alongside Vincent as they headed for the front of the hall. “You and the Boss are friends huh?”

“One of the few that I didn’t have to punch to get, or punch things with to earn his friendship,” Vincent agreed with a nod. “I have him to thank slash blame for my current relationship.”

“Yeah, he like to meddle,” she said. “I haven’t known him for very long. But getting assigned to his division has been an interesting experience... except he’s totally clueless.” She sighed a little when she remembered the first day they’d met, and the day Apple Fritter threatened to punt her across Canterlot.

The scary part was is that she could probably follow up with that threat.

“It did seem like Rika did more of the...pushing and cheering for me and Lucy,” Vincent observed as he sat himself down on a nearby bench, stroking his mustache as he replayed past events in his mind.

“And she was open for it,” Midnight sighed. “Oh well...” She opened the door to reveal hundreds of ponies and pokemon. “Sweet Celestia! That’s quite the crowd.”

“No kidding,” replied a stallion, a Guard in plain clothes. “We’re having a little trouble here. We weren’t expecting this many.”

Midnight smiled as she looked back at the stage. “I can’t wait to see the look on his face! Okay boys, let ‘em in!”

“In one mass?” Vincent asked with an arched eyebrow as he got up and stood next to Midnight. “I have a better idea. Will Seth’s collar work for things besides Seth, do you know?”

“Uh, as long as they’re wearing it, I guess so?” Midnight tilted her head. She had planned to let the crowd in as a steady stream of two-by-two. But Vincent’s plan sounded fun. “Watcha got in mind foxboy?”

“This,” Vincent said, and a pulse of blue saw Vincent’s neck adorned with the familiar collar. It was comically large around his neck, the shoulder pads of his armour were the only things keeping it up. The Kadabra took a small breath and tapped the mark on the collar, before he let it loose in a very loud one. “ORDER!” he demanded of the crowd. And he...almost got it.

“I’ll have pastrami on rye with mustard and swiss!” some joker pitched in, causing a wave of laughter through the crowd. Vincent chuckled and tapped the mark again, before giving the show over to Midnight.

“That’s one way I suppose,” Midnight chuckled. She nodded to the guards and Pokemon running crowd control, as the mob was led inside in an orderly manner. The contestants were already being let in through the rear entrance, and having dressing rooms assigned to them. One door was kept clear, as a golden chariot pulled up and three Alicorns stepped out of it. The crowd murmured, some having rarely or never seen the Princesses before. Luna looked a little taken back by the large crowd, while Celestia wore her usual, ever-regal smile. Twilight just smiled and gave a small, awkward wave. Vincent, realizing that he had technically taken something from one of their agents, made the collar vanish as quickly as it had appeared.

“And now the guests-of-honour have arrived, we can get this party started,” Midnight smiled.

As Celestia passed Vincent, she smiled at him. “That was quick thinking there, though I believe that accessory was a little big for you~”

Vincent whistled innocently for all of a second before shaking his head. “Doubt I’d wear one much myself anyways. Just needed to get them all to calm down before the floodgates opened. It was the tool to hand, so I used it.”

“It seems friend Seth enjoys showing off his little toy,” Luna chuckled. Even Twilight smiled slightly. She offered Midnight a smile as well, as she led the Princesses to their private box.

“See you later foxboy~” she winked, blowing him a kiss. Unfortunately for Vincent, it was at this moment that Lucy walked up and looked between her mate and this latest development.

“Vincent, did I miss something between the hotel and now?” the Lucario asked aloud, with a bit of steel to her voice.

The psychic gulped as he tried to come up with a good answer.

The crowd murmured with conversation, waiting for the event to start. The stage held a DJ’s setup with an Ampharos behind it, wearing large rabbit-ear headphones and a huge plushy coat. She pressed a few buttons and spun the disc, starting up a song as the spotlights shone on the stage in front of her.

A large Luxray stepped onto the stage, his coat shimmered like the night sky and his eyes glistened as he looked out over the crowd. He tapped the mic on his head and smiled.

“Welcome everyone!” he said in a clear voice, though those that knew him could tell he was nervous as hell. “My name is Seth Crescent. And I welcome to the very first Canterlot Contest Spectacular!”

Most of the Pokemon in the crowd cheered, but the equine side still looked unimpressed or confused.

“Some of you may be wondering what a Pokemon Contest is,” Seth continued. “It’s a long-running tradition from our world. A display of Pokemon and partner, in a way that is truly unique. You will be dazzled by their beauty, stunned by how cool they can be, and impressed by their smarts. It is my hope that by the end of this, you will all have witnessed a show like none you have ever seen!”

The spotlight dimmed slightly and took on a cerulean hue. “I will give a demonstration of what is in store for you today. Two of my very own precious partners will give their all for you. I hope you enjoy.” Seth stepped back as Selena and Rika took the stage next to him, bowing to the crowd. There were a few cheers and whistles, from the ones that knew what was coming.

“Now my performances are a little different from the norm,” Seth said. “I pray that none of you will be disappointed.”


The music changed, as Rika and Selena took a breath. Seth’s voice took a lower tone, as he begun to narrate.

“Deep in the mist, two fairies battled endlessly, the fairy of light, and the fairy of darkness.”

Rika’s Misty Terrain covered the stage, obscuring the fact that Selena was also using Blizzard. When the two Pokemon entered everyone’s line of sight, they slid along the ground, the mist hiding the ice and gave the appearance that the Pokemon were gliding.

“For countless days, and countless nights, the two fought for reasons long forgotten.”

Selena and Rika would pass by one another, Rika’s ribbons shone with pink light, only to be batted away by Selena’s darkness-imbued blade. The sparks danced like fireflies with each hit.

“The fairy of light would plead for an end to the fighting, with the fairy of darkness refused. The dark could not live in the light. The light could not shine in the dark.”

The two Pokemon made one more pass, before Selena struck the ground and jagged blades of ice and darkness broke the mist, creating a desolate-looking space. Rika was hidden behind the icy wall, as Selena made a few twirls, her dance was angry and fierce.

“The fairy of light disagreed, and with the last of her power, shone a beautiful light down upon the fairy of darkness.”

A Moonblast shattered the wall, as the pink mist engulfed the stage again. A haunting cry rang throughout the hall, as Selena’s Perish Song resonated.

“To my adversary, my opposite and my friend. It matters not if you live in the darkness. It matters not about the light. When we are together, we are complete!”

From the swirling sphere of mist that engulfed Selena, a brilliant light erupted, and Mega Absol emerged. Her body shone with a pink light from her Play Rough attack, as Rika twirled her ribbons like dancing snakes, Selena gliding around them.

“And together they danced. Not as ageless enemies, but as timeless friends.”

Rika fired small spheres of light into the air, as Selena bounced from each one in almost slow motion. The Pokemon hovered with an ethereal light, the sound of her Play Rough striking the orbs of fairy light sounded like a clear crystal bell.

“And together they dance until this very day!”

Selena landed next to Rika as the orbs shattered, raining down like countless falling stars, lighting up the mist and casting the whole hall with a pure glow. The effects soon vanished, as all three Pokemon stood on the stage, the hall was in a dead silence as the three took a bow.


“Y-you think they liked it?” Selena whispered breathlessly.

“Dunno,” Seth replied in a hushed tone as he looked up, trying to gauge the reactions of the silent crowd. Maybe they hadn’t. Had they tried too hard, were the effects a little too strong? Rika’s eyes wavered, she really wanted this to go well, as had Selena.

It started slow, but soon the sound the three of them heard coming from the crowd was easily identified as hooves stomping in unison. It took a moment more for the Pokemon to catch on that this was the way Ponies did applause, but once they did, it quite quickly turned from the sound of a stampede to a standing ovation as the ‘mon pitched in their efforts as well.

The smiles from Selena and Rika outshone any spotlight, and Seth placed a paw to his chest and took another bow. His heart raced again, this time, from overwhelming happiness.

One the the spotlights turned to highlight the Royal Box, as Dextra hovered next to Celestia with a microphone.

“That was quite the opening act,” she spoke in a voice that barely held back her enthusiasm. “If this Contest has repeated performances like that, then you are quite right Seth. This will be a show for the ages.”

The crowd exploded with cheers and applause once more, as Rika and Selena left the stage. Seth took a deep breath and smiled.

“Thank you for those kind words Your Highness. And thank you everyone, for your generous applause.” He motioned towards the DJ booth, “The one in charge of the music today, is our very own Electric Elesaaaa!”

She took a bow as more cheers came, and Seth motioned to a table on the left side of the stage. “We also have three Judges, who would normally give a score today, but this Contest is just for show. Everyone is a winner today, but our Judges will still provide their insight.” He motioned for them to stand so he could introduce them.

“First is the pony in the know, the mare with eyes for ‘Ze Magicks!’ I give you, Photo Finish!!”

“Sank you,” she said, taking a small bow. “I hope to see many wunderbar performances today!”

“Next,” Seth continued, “Is the Fairy Queen herself, and actress of the highest caliber and a trainer of unparalleled strength. Lady Diantha!”

“Thank you very much,” she said, as several of her fans fainted. “I hope everyone has fun today, doing what they love with their precious partners.”

“And last but not least, from the hospital right here in Canterlot. Please give welcome to Nurse Joy!”

The Audino bowed and waved her paws happily. “It has been a while since I judged a Contest. Please bear with me~”

Seth cleared his throat and prepared his last statement. “I’d also like to thank every pony and Pokemon that has helped this day become a reality. I could never have done it on my own and you all have my heartfelt thanks!”

Seth gave the crowd a chance to cheer once more, before moving on. “Now, I’m sure you’ve had quite enough of me for now. So let’s get this show underway. First to the stage we have Elisia and her Pokemon, Ali and Jasmine.” A Flygon and an Altaria took to the stage at that, along with their trainer.

As the contestants took to the stage, Seth ducked out of sight, sitting backstage and taking deep breaths.

“Ohhh man, that was nerve wracking. I’ve never spoken to a crowd like that before...” He was suddenly tackled to the ground by Selena and Rika, both hugging their trainer tightly.

“Ohhhhmigosh! Did you see their faces!” Selena said excitedly. “That. Was. AMAZING!”

“Wow, I think I’m the calm one here... that’s freaky,” Rika giggled. “But yeah, that was soooo much fun Sethy! Our routine was amazing, you were amazing!”

“So, It was amazing I take it?” Seth questioned, earning him a playful slap from the two of them. “Seriously though, you girls were great.”

“Aw, we love you too Sethy,” Rika cooed, as the two Pokemon nuzzled him. And suddenly, there was a familiar voice.

“Well if you’re so smitten with your trainer, Miss Doom, I’m gonna go tease Ignis,” a nearby cheeky landshark spoke up.

“He’s mine! Get your own!” Selena replied in a happy tone.

“I really couldn’t handle a third,” Seth sighed as his Pokemon got off of him. Though he was enjoying the hugs. “Where is Ignis anyhow?”

“Door duty,” Selena replied. “He offered to give the Guard a hand, but I really hope he got to see that performance.”

“Oh, I saw it alright!” Selena didn’t even have time to yelp as she was scooped up and kissed deeply by the orange dragon. “You are too beautiful my dear dark fairy~”

“....” Selena said nothing, though her red face spoke volumes about what she felt.

Rika giggled, before she was tackled by a certain green-maned mare, who peppered her with small kisses and hugs.

“Aw, now I feel left out,” Seth sighed overdramatically. He looked at Christine and grinned. “Hug?”

“I’d rather not risk my favorite hat turning on me,” Christine deadpanned while looking at Rika.

“Aww,” Seth pouted as he sat down, before being assaulted by his girlfriends anyway. Midnight rounded the corner to see the massive hugfest and pouted.

“Aw, backstage orgy and I wasn’t invited? That’s not fair...”

“It’d be a sucky orgy with the way the males are hogged by some females,” Christine pointed out. “Seth would end up with Fritter and Rika, Selena and Ignis I might be able to worm my way into, but you’d be a fifth wheel wherever you went...whoever you are.”

“Midnight Song. Partner for Seth Crescent and sexiest batpony in Canterlot.” She held out a hoof and smiled seductively. “As for a fifth wheel, well I guess I get to turn everyone on then~”

“Goddammit Midnight,” Seth muttered. “Alright, as awesome as hugging is, we still have a show to run.” The applause from outside signalled that the first act finished and the next needed introduction. “No rest for the wicked I suppose.” He walked back onstage, leaving Fritter and Rika to sigh.

“Well, our jobs are done for now,” Ignis said, still carrying Selena. “Wanna grab a bite to eat?”

“I’m starving!” Selena agreed. “Wanna join us Chrissie?”

“Depends,” the landshark deliberated while tapping her chin with one claw. “Will there be cake?”

Selena blinked, as did Fritter.

“When... did you start likin’ sweets?” the Earth Pony asked.

“When I opened her eyes to the light,” Rika answered as she jumped up onto the dragon’s head. “And I think we can arrange cake. I could really go for some cake... and pie, oh, and some Fritter as well~”

“Not sure your girl...mare? Marefriend would appreciate you putting her on the menu,” Christine snickered after working out the proper local terminology.

“Aw, but I like eating her~” Rika giggled as Fritter turned beet red.

“She’s saying that, cause she might eat me fer real,” Fritter replied. “Can we go and get something that doesn’t involve me please?”

“I wonder what pony actually tastes like?” Ignis wondered aloud.

“Don’t let the Princesses hear you wondering that so loudly,” Christine said with a wide smile. Fritter just groaned, but according to old Griffon books, ponies tasted a little like beef.

“Let’s... let’s just get some food,” she blanched. “Ah made some stuff this mornin’. It’s in Seth’s dressin’ room.”

“Fritter Feast!” Rika cheered and held her ribbons around Christine like a pair of reins. “Hi-ho Chrissie! Away!!”

“...” Christine gave the top of her head the best deadpan look before looking at Selena. “She is aware she’s just lucky I like her, right? Otherwise this landshark would probably take offense to that.”

“If it wasn’t for the fact that she’d give me a lethal dose of diabetes, I’d have eaten her a long time ago,” Selena deadpanned back... right before she stifled a giggle. “Though I could say the same for you...”

It seems that the leftover fairy energy in Rika’s ribbons had triggered Colour Change, turning Christine the loveliest shade of pink.

“...Joy,” Christine said with so much snark ‘mon were liable to slip in it. “I’m not sure which was worse. The makeover or this.”

Rika looked down and grinned sheepishly. She got an idea, and gently nibbled on on the protrusions on the dragon’s head with a weak Bite attack. It had the desired effect, triggering the Ability and turning her an edgy black.

“Oooh, I have a new toy~” she giggled.

“Hey, I kinda like this…” Christine said, admiring her new color, before her stomach growled louder than she usually did. “Guess we should get food, huh?”

The group finally decided to stop screwing around as they left to obtain eats.

Chapter 62 - Return to those that know you

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Of course, there was something that happened between when the crowd was let in and the actual show...

Vincent was currently turned away from the crowd, speaking with Lucy, trying to persuade the Lucario that nothing had happened between him and a retreating pony figure. “I swear to you, nothing happened,” the psychic stressed, earning a sigh and a hug from the Lucario.

A purple form rushed up behind Vincent, and jumped straight up onto his back. “Vincent! I finally found you!”

Vincent blinked a few times as he finally placed that voice before looking at Lucy. “Is that?” he asked.

“Indeed it is,” Lucy agreed with a nod. Vincent sighed and rolled his eyes.

“Valerie, please tell me you have some Pecha berries if you’re going around hugging folks like that,” the psychic asked. “We left ours at home.”

The Poison-Type giggled. “I can do one better! I don’t need them anymore! I’m cured!”

Vincent blinked a few times before turning his head to barely get a glimpse of the Eevolution clinging to his back. “Cured?” he asked as his brain tried to wrap itself around the concept.

She nodded. “Second day here, right after Arceus’s big announcement me and my… friend at that point went and visited him in the Everfree. Mew managed to get a cure together in about a week and a half.” She rubbed her head some on the Kadabras back. “Can you tell how much softer my fur is now?”

“Mm, it is much better,” Vincent agreed. “Would you mind if I returned the hug, Val?”

The Veneon obliged, and climbed down, giving a friendly wave to Lucy as she came around. The psychic then picked her up and gave a her a light squeeze before setting her down again.

“Ah,” Vincent said as he looked at the entourage Valerie had accrued. “Care to introduce us to your friends?”

She nodded, “Sure, this is Tyler, he’s the Ampharos, and Queen. The others should be around soon too. Kenny is having one of his… episodes everyone calls them, and it’s taking the whole crew to calm him down.”

Tyler nodded, “We’d probably still be there, but we we’re hoping to meet Queens dad and my uncle while we’re here. They’re both famous contest stars so this would be the perfect place to find them.”

“Probably,” Vincent agreed with a nod. “We’re just here because we were asked to be by the guy running it. So you’ve been looking out for Val here?”

Tyler mocked shock, “Why of course! Are’st thou accusing me of… um… crap I’m not good at doing the voice. Yes we’re taking care of her. Especially my Umbreon, Shadow,” he winked to Valerie who blushed slightly.

“Ah, well, I’m not one to judge who falls in love with who,” Vincent said as Lucy hugged him from behind and looked over one of his shoulders.

Valerie smirked, “It’s about time too! Lots of us could see the signs for a while before we came here.”

“Give him a little slack,” Lucy said with a grin. “We did see each other as siblings first.”

“True, true. But still, I’m glad for you two. So who else is with you?”

“Well, Sam’s back in Las Pegasus with Mary,” Vincent replied. “Christine came along to help carry our things, and Bit-” Vincent’s eyes bulged as he recalled why he’d come along as well.

Valerie’s expression darkened. “Oh… he’s here. I would’ve thought he’d be left behind.”

Queen stepped forward, “Who’s Bit?”

Vincent sighed and looked directly at Valerie before he answered the Altaria. “Bit was a Porygon...and then like every story I have to share, the Doctor happened. When he was forced into becoming a Porygon2...he was fed both the Up-Grade and Dubious Disk his kind use to Evolve at the same time. It...broke him.”

Valerie continued. “It was his job to… contain us, and he ran a lot of the systems in the lab.” She glared at a wall, “Including the battle simulator. I was probably the most familiar with that room out of all the Pokemon there.”

Sensing the tension, Lucy looked for a change in subject, “So...how long until we meet the rest of your team, do you think?” the Lucario asked.

Tyler considered, “Well… Kenny only got ladies shampoo by mistake from one of the maids back at the mansion, so he’s probably cooling down by now, if he hasn’t broken too much stuff. So they should be around soon.”

Queen clarified, “Kenny is a Delphox with a… rather feminine appearance, and he gets upset when people mistake his gender.”

Valerie mumbled, “Upset is a total understatement. He’s almost like Christine when you talk about her stripe.”

“Duly noted,” Vincent said with a smirk. “Plus I wanna see this ‘friend’ of yours,” the Kadabra teased Valerie.

She huffed, “I don’t see a problem with that, as long as you don’t react like my brother did when he met him, my living brother who wasn’t captured, he decided Shadow wasn’t trustworthy and was almost ready to kill him before we separated them.”

“I would never!” Vincent said, quickly breaking from Lucy’s hug and stooping to give Valerie another one. “Scare him, maybe. But I wouldn’t hurt him,” the psychic whispered.

The Veneon smirked, “That’s the Vincent I know.” She then turned back out to the street where another group of Pokemon was approaching. She waved to them, and Shadow broke from the group to join her. “Shadow, I’d like for you to meet Vincent, I think I’ve already told you who he is.”

The Umbreon nodded, and held out a paw, “You sure did, it’s nice to finally meet you. Before you say anything, yes, I am taking good care of her and I always will.”

Vincent let go of Valerie and made to give Shadow a simple shake...before pulling him into a hug and whispering into his ear. “If I find out you hurt her in any way, typing won’t save you, I will hurt you back.” His threat delivered, Vincent was all smiles as he let go of the Umbreon. “Nice to meet you,” he said for everyone to hear.

Shadow backed up a little and grimaced. Tyler began introducing the others to the Kadabra and Lucario, “We’ve already mentioned Kenny,” he said gesturing to the Delphox who offered a half hearted wave, “The Klefki is BBK, she gets mad if anyone but her explains what it stands for, and the Scrafty is Damian.” He paused for a moment, “Where’s Sarah and Nick?”

BBK replied, “They stopped for some candy, I still can’t get over how cute that little guy is!”

Tyler sighed, “Well just so you know Sarah is a Serperior, and Nick is her son. He’s been getting pretty spoiled lately if you ask me though.”

“Charmed,” Vincent said, calling his top hat to his head and tipping it towards the group. “As you are probably aware, I am Vincent, and the lovely Lucario behind me is Lucy. Valerie and I know one another from...it isn’t important,” Vincent brushed off.

Kenny spoke up, “We get it, you’re both from that hellhole. No need to go dancing around the subject.”

“Yes, well, some of us are more tender about our pasts,” Vincent said, casting a quick look at Valerie to see if she was all right.

Seeing his look Valerie shook her head, “I’m fine. Christine helped give me a thicker skin back in the lab, if only she could do it for herself.”

“Truer words,” Lucy said with a snicker. “And we’ve helped one another get past it one day at a time after our initial...excitement.”

Damian nodded, “Only way to get over grief, like you said, one day at a time.”

BBK just glared at the Dark-Type. “Why can’t you act like some sort of sage all the time you moron?” The Klefki only received a shrug in reply.

“Well, thank you for taking care of Valerie where I couldn’t,” Vincent said, catching their attentions again. “And if you’re here for the show, I think it’ll be starting soon.”

The rest of the group mumbled in agreement and moved inside, Valerie stayed outside for a bit longer. “Hey Vincent, just so you know, we’re staying with a noble named Fancypants, he’s east of the castle, in the Cloud District. It isn’t that hard to find, since his name is engraved on his giant golden gate to the property.”

Just then a Serperior with a Snivy on her back, currently sucking on a lollipop came up. “Hi Miss Valerie!” The little Snivy greeted.

Valerie smiled, “Awww! Hey little guy! I see you have some goodies there. Mind if I have some?”

“Nuh uh!”

“Oh nuts, I guess I’ll just have to go without. Whatever shall I do.” The Poison-Type joked.

Lucy tried to restrain herself. She really did. She failed miserably though, and scooped the little Grass-type up into a hug. “You are too adorable for your own good,” the Lucario informed the Snivy.

“I’ll say” agreed Sarah, “He’s gonna rob me of every last bit with those eyes of his. I can only say no in the most extreme circumstances, like when he wanted a pony as a pet.”

Lucy blinked a few times before looking between the Serperior and the Snivy in her arms. “Is he…?” she started to ask.

“Yes he’s mine, I know I’m a little young. He’s the remnant of a past self, one I don’t plan on revisiting.” She sighed. “If it weren’t for him coming along I’d be in a much worse place.”

“Ah, well…” Lucy held the smaller ‘mon out towards his mother to return him. While on the one paw, it was good practice to cuddle a child, seeing as she was going to have one...she really shouldn’t be snatching other’s kids up.

Sarah took back Nick, and followed Valerie inside to the rest of the group.

Chapter 63 - Personal Growth is quite hard

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Lucy and Vincent stood outside the main gate to Fancypant’s home, suitably impressed by the house’s architecture.

“And to think I was happy about being part-owner of an apartment building,” Vincent chuckled lightly. Lucy snagged the Kadabra with one arm and used her free paw to give the psychic a light noogie.

“Oh just be happy for Valerie,” the Lucario said. Vincent huffed and Teleported free of her grasp before she could rub too much fur free from his head. The pair made their way up the path before looking at the, quite impressive, doors. Seeing as she was the stronger of the pair, Lucy decided to be the one that would knock.

Loudly and forcefully. If someone didn’t know better, they might say she used a Move on the doors, but that would be silly. After a few moments a balding and grey unicorn answered the door, “Ah! You must be Master Vincent, and Mistress Lucy. Please, come inside. We have other company in the back garden currently.”

The pair stepped inside, and were blown away further by the mansion. Marble floors and walls were everywhere, even the carpet looked more expensive than Vincent’s whole building. Loyalty led them through the mansion through the back doors into the garden.

Tyler’s whole group was seated around a large table, and several new Pokemon were there too, probably the family that Tyler had mentioned, a Medicham, a Sableye, an Altaria, a Whimsicott, and a Flygon.

Valerie spotted them and waved them over, as there were two empty seats next to her. “I’m glad you could make it! Tyler and Queen found who they were looking for. The Medicham is Malachai, the Sableye is Gordon, Tyler’s uncle, the Flygon is Jasmine, Queen’s mom, and the normal colored Altaria is Ali, Queen’s dad. Oh and the Whimsicott, I think her name is Lisia.”

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Vincent said as he teleported his top hat onto his head and tipped it at the assembled ‘mon. “I am Vincent, and this is Lucy.”

“Hello,” Lucy said with a wave and a smile.

Gordon greeted them, “It’s nice to meet you two, Valerie told us some about you two, and I’m glad to hear that you’re recovering well from… your experiences.”

“Well, thanks to a series of tutors who knew what they were doing...I’m...mostly over it,” Vincent said as he sent his top hat back to his room. “Still, things like that leave scars.”

The Whimsicott stood up then and struck a pose, “Well Vincent! I say you do the best with what you have and bring out the razzle dazzle!”

Queen sighed, “This is the sort of thing that made me happy to journey with you Tyler.”

The Whimsicott blushed and sat back down, “Heh, sorry, I have trouble breaking out of my contest persona for a few hours after.”

Vincent and Lucy shared a look before Vincent shook his head and Lucy shrugged. “Well, I do hope everything’s been going well for you then?” Vincent asked aloud. “I know this one,” here he gave the Veneon a quick hug with one of his arms, “Can be a handful sometimes.”

Tyler laughed outright at that statement. “Honestly I think she’s way more stable and mature than the majority of my team, she’s been a blessing.”

Damian sipped from a coffee, “Your face is unstable and immature.”

The Ampharos gave an eye roll, “You can see what I’m trying to say here right?”

“Meh,” Vincent said with an eye-roll. “Reminds me of when I was an Abra. Though he at least hasn’t demolished a casino in a temper-tantrum.”

Damian replied coolly, “You’d be surprised what I did on my drunken rampages as a wild Pokemon kid. It wasn’t quite a casino, but the Game Corner in Fallabour closed for a reason.”

“Wouldn’t know about that,” Vincent said with a small smile. “But if we’re done trying to compare who had it worse…” here he turned to Valerie again and gave her a proper hug. “I will admit, you’re one of the few I really missed.”

“You too Vincent. I wish I had gotten to see you when I went to Las Pegasus. By the way, did Mary never mention I stopped by?”

“Never came up,” Vincent said with a rub to the back of his head.

“Then again, we never asked,” Lucy pointed out.

Valerie shrugged, “I guess she was just busy with that restaurant of hers. I must say, I was less surprised she had a restaurant, and more surprised that the owner could put up with her.”

“Agreed,” Vincent and Lucy said at the same time, before laughing. “Little greenie always was such a prickly customer,” Vincent said after a chuckle.

“And only got more so when she Evolved,” Lucy tacked on, causing both of them to laugh again.

Valerie nodded and then grimaced slightly, “So will Christine be coming by?”

“She’s providing security for our things and…” Vincent trailed off, not wanting to mention Bit by name.

“That’s… somewhat a relief and a shame at the same time. Is she doing better with her… anger?”

“Yeah, I helped her tone it down a bit when she tracked us down to Las Pegasus,” Vincent replied, holding up a glowing hand for emphasis.

“Well I guess that would save us in case she and Kenny met.”

“I have her doing something else, and I remembered to set up a translation link with her this time, so she shouldn’t get in any trouble without me,” Vincent said as he lowered his hand. “So, how have you been, Valerie?”

Valerie smiled, “Pretty good, really. We all landed it pretty cushy here. I think the only Pokemon luckier than us are the Ninetails and the Aegislash I hear Celestia has.”

The Kadabra nodded and looked at Tyler and his team. “Well, thanks for looking after her. She deserves to be happy, and I’m glad you’re up to the challenge of giving it to her.”

Tyler nodded, “Honestly, like I said before, my own team is way more of a handful. Valerie has been a great.”

“I’m not that bad.” Kenny and Damian mumbled together.

“You actually are” BBK corrected.

Tyler laughed, “You can be just as bad as them sometimes you know.”

“And be thankful you didn’t meet anyone that was worse,” Lucy said as she scowled at nothing in particular. “Why all of them came through…”

“Lucy, they were victims just as much as we were,” Vincent said as he patted at her arm in an attempt to comfort her.

“Gregory,” Lucy said simply, and Vincent stopped in the calming attempt.

“Point,” he said after a moment.

Valerie shuddered. Vincent held up a hand to the team assembled across from them. “He...was a Gliscor with Poison Heal. And a love of battle. And a lot of time in the Simulator Room. And Earthquake. Do the math, and you’ll know why he was the first to break out.”

“With how much damage he caused I don’t get how he didn’t take someone with him.” Valerie grumbled.

“Probably because he wasn’t thinking straight? He had just gotten his claws around something that made him invincible, after all,” Vincent said. “Still, at least we haven’t run across him yet, and hopefully we never will.”

Valerie’s eyes widened with a realization. “Oh! Vincent, I ran into Wendy about a week in, and she’s doing well I think. She’s with my brother, and a Champion, so she’s pretty safe.”

“Ah, good, at least she’s with someone who won’t abuse her abilities,” Vincent said with a smile. “...She, is with someone who won’t abuse her abilities, right?”

“Of course not! Steven is a champion! They’re some of the most honorable humans on Earth! You remember what Sam told us about them. One of them was at the Contest too I think.”

“Yeah, fine, but you did say she was with your brother, and if he’s enough of a hothead to attack your boyfriend there...” Vincent said with a smirk, waiting for an explanation.

“He did it because he’s overprotective.” She replied, “I’m sure after a while he’ll be just as much of an asshole to people interested in Wendy.”

“That’s good, then,” Lucy said as she sighed and leaned back in her chair. “And now we only have to worry about thirty-odd Subjects we haven’t seen doing things...meh, I think I’ll take a page out of your book, Vinny. If they don’t look for us, I’m not going to worry about them.”

Fancypants exited from the mansion then, “Ah! I see we have… quite a few guests today.”

Tyler gave a nervous smile. “Heh, sorry for not warning you beforehand. We ended up running into a whole slew of old friends at the contest. Those three,” he gestured to Lisia, Ali, and Jasmine, “Are Queens family, and those two,” he pointed to Gordon and Malachi, “Are my uncle and his Medicham, Malachi.”

Valerie spoke up then, “These two,” she swung her tail at Vincent and Lucy, “Are a couple of old friends from the lab.”

Fancypants gave a small bow, “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. Do any of you require more refreshments?”

Vincent shook his head, but Lucy’s expression turned thoughtful. “I...don’t suppose you have any pickles, do you?”

BBK gave a knowing smile, “Ooh! Do we have a baby on board over here?”

Lucy blushed a little, and Vincent blushed a lot at the Klefki’s words. Valerie gasped, “Lucy! Is she right?”

“...I took a test before the contest, I am indeed with egg,” the Lucario said softly.

Valerie beamed. “I’m gonna be a big sister and an auntie!” she exclaimed.

Vincent just sat back and waited for the ‘mon or the trainer to put two and two together as to who the dad was.

Kenny sipped from his glass, “So I guess you two are pokephiles or something? I can respect that I guess.”

Lisia jumped up again, “Oh my gosh! How could I not tell you two were together before! You look so perfect together and I was completely blind to it!” She looked to Tyler and Queen, “You two aren’t a thing are you?”

It was now Tyler’s turn to blush, “Wha- What? No! I-I… Uh…”

Queen just giggled at her trainers antics. “No, we aren’t together, and I think you may have just broke my trainer.”

“Just so you know,” Vincent said in an even tone. “I threatened my own mother when she used that word to describe our relationship. Fair warning.”

Lucy nodded as well before adding her two bits. “Love shouldn’t be confined by the laws of the land, because the laws have to make sense. Love never does.”

Kenny just quirked an eyebrow, “I’m using it as the strict denotation, I’m not insulting you or anything. Fact is you’re a former human, she’s a mon’, so that’s what it is technically speaking.”

Tyler just sighed, “Kenny, just because you don’t mean it as an insult doesn’t mean it’s not insulting.”


“I’m certain you have buttons of your own I could push right back, and I could learn about them as well,” Vincent said, his eyes briefly flashing blue. “I’ll make you a promise, though. You watch what you say, and I won’t go digging for things to throw back.”

The Delphox shook his head, “Screw this, I’m out. Can’t have a civil conversation with these people.” He then pushed his chair back, grabbed his staff, and went inside, slamming the door behind him.

Tyler groaned again. “Just… don’t take what he says too seriously. He’s an idiot.”

“I heard that!”

“You were supposed to!”

“Everyone can be a moron at times,” Lucy agreed...before thumping Vincent upside the head.


“Is that what you’re going to teach your kid?” the Lucario asked. “Intimidate others into doing what you want? There’s better, more civil ways, Vincent!”

“And…” the psychic sighed. “And I really need to learn them instead of just reacting.”

“Exactly!” Lucy said with a nod. “I’m certain my offering to go shopping for dresses with him would have offended him worse than your words and gotten my point across. Plus we would still have his company.”

Tyler shivered, “Please don’t ask him that. Fancypants is a big fan of this garden, and Valerie’s Pecha Berries are out here.”

“Is he really that bad?” Vincent queried.

Fancypants nodded, “Yes, we’re still washing the burn marks out of the shower from this morning, and I think the tub is melted slightly.”

“He’s like Christine used to be, but with a different trigger.” Valerie explained.

“...Now there’s an idea,” Vincent mused, before Lucy hit him again.

“No putting the ticking time bombs in the same room!”

“Yes dear,” Vincent grumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

There was an awkward pause, and some of the mon’ around the table nibbled on the assorted snacks, until Valerie broke the silence. “So Vincent, Lucy. How exactly have you two been making a living? I think Vincent’s hat shows well enough you aren’t wild.”

“True enough,” Vincent said as he nibbled on a cookie. “We showed up around Las Pegasus, and you can probably guess what we started off doing.”

“But eventually, we got our heads screwed on right, and Vincent became part-owner of the apartment building we live in. Sam works for Mary now, and I teach in a dojo for self defense.” The Lucario decided not to mention Bit until Valerie was more accepting of the fact that the Program hadn’t...exactly been sane.

The Poison-Type nodded. “That sounds pretty good. We… pretty much just get paid to hang around. It’s honestly more an allowance than a paycheck. I think Fancy just has more money than he knows what to do with and just gives it to us. I don’t even know what to do with my own now.” There was a general mumble of agreement from Tyler and his team on the subject. Everything they needed was provided for them, their bits were basically useless to them.

Tyler spoke up then. “I was actually thinking about saving up mine, maybe invest it well in a few places and buy myself my own house nearby in Canterlot. It’s nice at the mansion but… it’d be nice not to feel like such a mooch.”

“I could pitch in some of my pay too for that.” Damian offered. “This place is too fancy for me to stay in long term.”

“Sounds good to me. I actually saw this fairly big place down the street, only four bedrooms, but I’m sure some of us could share.”

BBK nodded, “I don’t really even need a room. I could just hang myself on a hook or something overnight. You fleshies are so weird with your beds and stuff.”

“You and Bit would get along great,” Vincent deadpanned. “And I can understand where you’re going with that. Yeah, when we were Iron Will’s roommates, it was nice and all...but there’s nothing quite like living in a place that you own.”

The Ampharos nodded, “Yeah. I’ll be seventeen in a few weeks, and that’s practically an adult. I feel like I need to start looking at what I’m gonna do for the rest of my life. I always thought I’d just go back to Evergrand and help my mom with the store or something.”

“There’s an idea for you then,” Vincent said with a nod. “Try to see if there’s a way to make some of the more useful and helpful things from Earth, then sell them. I’m sure the ponies would appreciate the products, and some of the trainers probably relied on a fair few.”

Tyler pondered for a moment. “Yeah… that could work. If I had any idea how to make them. All I really did was work the register, stock shelves, and sweep the floors.” He sighed, “I think the only thing I have any good understanding of in the workplace is running a store like that, but I hated that job so much the last thing I want to do is just work in a different one.”

“We do have Bit, and he knows quite a lot of things now,” Lucy pointed out. “If you’ve got time and a way to record the information, then he might be able to give you schematics or formulas for whatever you’d like. Then it’d just be a matter of finding the right people to help bring them from theory to reality.”

“I guess… but I still would rather not go back into retail. I wanna do something meaningful… you know?”

Fancypants chimed in then. “Actually Tyler. I think that this is an excellent opportunity they’re offering you. You could simply take the information and start a business with it. You have quite the sum of bits saved up currently, enough to jumpstart it. You wouldn’t need to be hooves… er… hands on in the business.”

The Ampharos sighed. “Yeah… I guess you’re right. But I’d still rather not do nothing while I just pay other people to work for me.”

“That as may be, but it does no good sitting in Bit’s head as-is,” Vincent pointed out. “And I will have my hands full when I get back, both with helping to run the building, coming up with improvements to make running the building easier, and…”

“And me,” Lucy finished bluntly.

Tyler gave as authentic a smile as he could. “Thanks. Sounds good. So… would he come by later while you’re still in Canterlot and transcribe them? Or would he write them in… wherever you’re staying and send them in?”

“I can probably ask him to swing by,” Vincent said, eyes quickly looking at Valerie, who appeared to be sulking at the casual talk of the Porygon, before the psychic looked back at Tyler. “Just make sure that he doesn’t meet anyone who doesn’t want to meet him. And what you do with the information is entirely up to you. Use it, sell it, let it sit. I trust you with it, since you took good care of Valerie. Proves you’re a good person, in my eyes.”

Tyler smiled again. “Alright, sounds good. I’ll probably be here all day so whatever time is fine.”

“He just has to get unentangled from running the sound and light show at the contest and pack his things up,” Lucy mused. “So...once he’s informed, he’ll probably take care of it as soon as possible. And speaking of the time,” She said, looking at Vincent.

“Yeah, we should probably check up on the pair of them ourselves, see if they need help, then go get some dinner and sleep,” Vincent said, holding up a hand to forestall Fancy Pants from offering. “I appreciate what you were about to say,” the psychic said, looking at Fancy with a smile. “But we already paid for our room, and this is a chance for us to use our bits to explore the city. We came with more than enough for this trip.”

The unicorn nodded. “That’s fine. I understand. But don’t hesitate to stop by again before you leave,” he looked to Valerie. “I think she very much enjoys your company.” The pony then turned around and went back inside.

“Well, assuming you’re up when I am, I’ll swing around to see you tomorrow morning,” Vincent said as he rubbed Valerie’s head with a hand. “Otherwise, I may be gone soon. Could be tomorrow, could be the day after.”

Valerie smiled. “I hope you can. If not I can stop by at your place in Las Pegasus pretty soon. My parents laid an egg just a few days before the move, and it should be hatching soon. They’re in Las Pegasus as well.”

“Hmm,” Vincent said with a grin before getting up. “I might very well look them up while I’m there. But for now...coming, Lucy?”

The Lucario got to her feet and gave Valerie a playful rub as well. “Take care,” she said before following Vincent out of the garden, and up through the mansion.

Chapter 64 - Pull a U-turn with your attitude

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Bit arrived at the mansion bright and early the next morning, ready to pass on the information he had obtained. Upon scanning the house with his infrared vision, he did not detect an Ampharos in the grounds. He did detect one in the garden behind the house, though, and decided to go around. The gathered 'mon were looking at two that had a Mega Stone and a Keystone, discussing how they would go about activating them.

“If it is not too much trouble,” Bit said from behind the Electric-type, “This unit would like to observe the phenomena as well.”

Tyler spun around in surprise at the voice, only to find a Porygon-Z. “Oh, you must be Bit. Yeah, I guess you could watch if you like. I dunno if it’ll work the first time.”

“I do not possess such information...there was hardly an abundance of mega-stones or keystones where we were detained,” the program replied, still looking at him. “Nor is it likely they would have worked.”

“Yeah, I suppose strong bonds between humans and Pokemon weren’t common outside of Vincent.” Queen sighed.

There was a moment of awkward silence, before Lisia spoke up. “Well what are you waiting for Tyley? Let’s get this show on the road!”

The Ampharos groaned at the nickname, “I thought I told you not to call me that.” He then reached up and tapped the mega stone, which flashed several times, before Queens stone did as well, before they both reverted to their previous state.

“No! no! no!” Lisia exclaimed. “You’re not putting enough emotion into it! You can’t just halfheartedly tap the stone and expect something to happen! Put your heart into it!”

Tyler grumbled slightly, straightened his back, and tried again. The stones glowed even brighter this time, and a faint light began to surrounded Queens body, before once again dissipating.

Lisia rubbed her chin, “Better… try saying some sort of phrase with it to help. I know a lot of people do that.”

“Uhh… like what?”

“I dunno, I never really had to do that. I met this guy from Kalos once, and he said something like ‘Two beings, as one… yadda yadda yadda, MEGA EVOLUTION’!”

“Thanks, that really helps.” Tyler put a hand to his chin and thought for a few moments. “Uh… ok, I think I have an idea.” He reached up for a third time to his tiara, and held his paw there, “Uh… two souls, intertwined, um… combine to create… mega evolution!”

Despite his lack of confidence, the words seemed to do their trick, as both gems lit up, almost blinding the others present, before a purple glow encompassed Queen, energy shifting around her, until it finally flashed brighter one more time, revealing Queen, now taller, and fluffier, with an iridescent shine on her wings and crown.

“Woah,” she mumbled, looking down at herself. “I feel… weird.”

Ali came over and nuzzled his daughter, “Oh my goodness! Honey you’re gorgeous! You remind me so much of your mother, except Flygon can’t mega evolve.”

“Intriguing,” Bit said as he tilted his disconnected head. “An increase of power, a change of typing...I will have to go over the phenomena one day. Much data has been gleaned from watching this.”

Queen tilted her head in confusion, “Uh... you’re welcome I suppose. Don’t I also have a change in ability? I think my Normal-type moves are Fairy-type now.”

“Yup!” Lisia confirmed, “Tyler had you learn Hyper Voice right? Use it on Ali to test it, if he’s ok with that that is,” she looked to her Altaria, who nodded apprehensively.

“Ok,” Queen flapped her wings several times, lifting herself into the air, “All this fluff is throwing off my balance,” she complained, before righting herself, and calling out “Hyper Voice!” The powerful pulses, usually white, were now pink, and blasted around Ali, causing him to stumble backwards several feet. Once the attack ended, Queen landed back down again, and gave her father a concerned look. “Daddy, you alright?”

“Yes, don’t worry hun. I’m just not used to being on that end of that attack.” He shook his head slightly, then smiled proudly. “My baby girl has grown up to be a very powerful ‘mon indeed!”

Queen blushed heavily, then allowed the evolution to revert. “Thanks. I couldn’t have done it without Tyler,” she smiled at her trainer.

“Information recorded,” Bit said with a nod of his head. “I will have to pass it along to Vincent and Lucy when I next get the chance. They have been curious as to how to properly work their own set of stones.”

“Eheh… yeah.” Everyone present blushed slightly at the Porygon’s remark.

Tyler cleared his throat, trying to alleviate the awkward situation, “So, Vincent said you were gonna give me some specs on how to make my own potions?”

“Affirmative, however, this unit has not come equipped with paper or writing implements.”

“Uh, ok. I think Fancy has some up in his office, just follow me.”

The program obediently nodded once and started following the Ampharos into the mansion, and through several hallways until they reached a pair of mahogany doors. Tyler knocked several times, before Fancy invited them in, and gave them the supplies they needed.

Tyler began going up to his room to use his desk, but Bit suddenly stopped behind him.

“Something wrong?” Tyler questioned.

“Is Sub-...Valerie within these premises?” the Program ‘mon asked.

Tyler shook his head, “No, I had Shadow take her out to lunch. They left about an hour ago, he’s supposed to stall her for as long as possible so you two don’t… well… meet.”

“...Very well,” Bit returned before going back to normal. “If you say so, Mister Tyler.”

Tyler sagged slightly, “Well… it was actually Vincent’s idea. If you ask me you two should find some way to make up, but I don’t really know what it was like in there. The most I can relate to Vincent is not having a very good dad, but even then the two are extremely different.”

“An understatement, but I see the logic behind your original point,” the Porygon-Z gave off a simulated sigh. “This unit...would not mind making up with the survivors. But they...did not believe that I was truly insane during our time there. Truly broken. And even now, I still respond to Vincent’s voice, because a part of me still wants to.”

“Yeah… I don’t really know how to help with that, I guess… try making a heartfelt apology. Even lie slightly if you have to. Sometimes to make a proper apology for something not in your control, you have to accept more blame than you’re deserving of to convince them.”

“...I will keep that in mind,” the program nodded. “Shall we continue with our assigned task, then?”


Just then, they saw a purple Eevolution, accompanied by an Umbreon, walk into the room. When the Ampharos spotted Valerie he stumbled, and dropped the stack of paper he was holding under his arm. Valerie turned around at the noise, and spotted Tyler frantically picking up the sheets off the carpet. “Oh, hey Tyler. Who’s this?”

Tyler stuttered a bit, “Uh this is, um, er…”

“Tib, I am Tyler’s newest financial planner,” the program said in a deep, synthetic voice.

Valerie gave the Porygon an odd, and slightly suspicious look at the strange name, “Hi. I’m Valerie. Uh, I guess I’ll just let you two get back to it.”

Tyler finally finished collecting the paper back up, “Yep! We’ll go do just that! Heh…”

“Indeed,” the program replied before following after the Ampharos. “There is much yet to discuss.”

The two quickly exited the room, and only once they were in another one, did Bit sigh in relief. “That was too close for operational comfort. I thought she was being distracted?”

“That’s what Shadow was supposed to be doing. Maybe wherever he took her ended up not working out?” The Ampharos groaned slightly and put a hand to his face. “But, hopefully she’ll go do something else, and we can just get this done before something else happens.” He then set the paper down on the desk, and pulled a pencil from the pre equipped jar. “Wait… can you even hold pencils?”

“Merely open those ink jars,” the program said as he pointed to the ink he’d asked for the electric-type to grab. “My arms and tail can serve as makeshift pens when dipped lightly into them.”

“Ok,” Tyler shrugged, and opened one of the jars, setting it by the paper. “Do you think you could try to explain it in layman's terms? I barely passed chemistry.”

“I can try,” the program replied as he dipped one arm in the ink and began writing at a blazing speed.

“Woah, wish I could do that back when I was in school,” The Ampharos joked.

BIt quickly finished off the first sheet, and handed it to Tyler, “That is for crafting an antidote, something I am sure is one of the more important items you will need.”

“Uh… thanks. Did Vincent tell you she was cured?”

“Yes, but she is still a poison-type. If she were to fight effectively against anyone else, you may need to give this to whoever is on the receiving end of her moves.”

Tyler nodded, “Well in that case make the next one you write down a burn heal, since Kenny has caused several recently.”

“Affirmative. Any other status healing items you desire before I move on to the potions?” The program had already dipped his arm back in the inkpot.

“Yeah, my ability is Static, so Paralyze Heals would be handy.”

The Porygon nodded, and drafted another sheet, this one labeled ‘Burn Heal,’ and handed it to Tyler, before writing out all of the information for Paralyze Heal, and handing it off as well. “What Potions should I provide the information for?”

“Hmm… I guess the basic, super, and hyper. I’m planning on selling these, so new world trainers and Pokemon won’t want waste money on powerful potions for small injuries, or use ten weaker potions for large injuries.”

“That sounds very logical,” the program replied before beginning his latest task. “If anything else comes to mind, do inform this unit. Information is useless if it isn’t shared.”

“I’ll think on it while you write em’ down.” Tyler replied. After a minute or so, Bit had written down specifications for the potions, and looked expectantly to Tyler for any other requests. “One other thing, do you have information on how to craft incense? More specifically Rose Incense.”

“Such information is in my databanks,” the program replied. “I can also provide information on the variants if you desire.”

“No, just Rose is good. I’ve heard it can have calming effects on grass types.”

“Of course. For what purpose, if may this unit inquire,” Bit asked as he began writing down the information.

“It’s Sarah, she’s the Serperior staying with us. She… gets really upset sometimes, like mood swings or panic attacks. She hates them, especially when her son is around. I thought maybe since Rose Incense is supposed to help calm Grass-Types, it could be helpful.”

“Your line of questioning is not irrational,” the program responded before putting ink to paper once more. “I wish you the best of luck in crafting this item.”

“Thanks, she-” Before Tyler could finish the door to his room swung open, and an irate Valerie came in.

“Oh, uh… Hi Valerie.”

“Don’t ‘hi’ me Tyler, I know who this is.”

Bit seemed to be slightly panicked, if his jerky movements could be interpreted as such. “I do not know what you mean,” he said, his deep synthesized voice back. “I am merely-”

“Stop.” The Poison-Type interrupted, “Just… stop. I heard you through the door, and I’m honestly a little humiliated I was fooled by ‘Tib’.”

“...Not my best move,” Bit said as he resumed his normal voice. “I...had rather hoped not to meet you again. Especially not so soon.”

“Finally feeling guilty, huh?”

“I have always felt guilty, Valerie. I… I should have fought harder, it’s my fault-”

“You’re damn right it is! You… you helped him so many times! So many… just… I can’t deal with this. I hope you finish your ‘financial planning’ soon, so you can leave.” She then backed out of the room and padded down the hallway.

A few seconds later, Shadow ran into the room, “Tyler, I’m sorry, I tried but she locked me in a closet!”

“It’s ok Shadow, you tried. I think she needs you now more than ever.” Tyler sighed.

The Umbreon nodded, “I’ll go see if theres anything she needs,” before exiting the room and following after her.

“...I will leave a note for her, I doubt she wants to hear my words at this juncture,” the program replied as he wrote one final thing.

To Sub

To Valerie.

I know this note will be of little comfort to you. But please consider the following words.

We are more alike than you think.

We were both forced into our evolutions.

The doctor forced me to become something that should not be: a Porygon2 with the capabilities of a Porygon-Z, without the control thereof. I was...desperate for some control over my power. Any control.

Even when he began reprogramming me to respond to his voice, and his voice alone, I welcomed it, because it was control. As I began to regain my own, though, I found that I could not fight back. No matter how much I might have wanted to.

You should be thankful nobody can access your mind as easily as he did mine. Some days, all I can hear at night are the screams the screams the screams the scream-

...I apologize. I still have...difficulty thinking about what happened. If it offers you any consolation, though. Yours was one of those situations that I used to motivate myself to fight harder.

Truly sorry,


“One to Ponyville, please,” Bit asked of the colt behind the counter, having brought along a small bag of bits to pay for his own ticket.

“Five bits,” the colt replied as he punched the program’s ticket up. With a clink, the gold was in front of the pony, and the ticket was in his grasp. “Next train is in ten minutes.”

“My thanks,” Bit replied as he made himself as comfortable as he could be, when he was constantly hovering.

He almost fired off a Hyper Beam attack when suddenly, he was tackled from the side. The program looked to his side, and found Valerie tightly gripping his right arm. “Bit! I’m so sorry! I was just looking for someone to blame on this world! You didn’t deserve that! Please! Forgive me!”

“I never blamed you for your anger,” Bit said softly. “I never could. I do deserve their anger and scorn, for not fighting more, trying more, when I could have…”

Valerie squeezed his arm tighter, “No! You don’t! We’ve all had moments of weakness! And what you did… it’s no more fault than my brother was.”

“It is...kind of you to say that,” the Porygon-Z replied. “I am grateful you understand the situation now. I am not certain if I am worthy of your forgiveness, but I am thankful for it.”

There was a moment of silence, neither of them knowing exactly what to say next, before Bit finally spoke up, “I do not recall you being such a ‘hugger’.”

Valerie giggled at the remark, “When you can’t touch anyone without hurting them for five years… you like to touch others as much as possible once you can.”

“Noted,” the program said as the train pulled in. “This is me. If you would kindly release me, I have studies to conduct under the princess of magic.”

The Veneon released him, a sad smile on her muzzle. “I hope I can see you again soon, my parent’s live in Las Pegasus too, and laid another egg, it should be hatching in a few weeks.”

“I wish them the best of luck then,” the program replied as he floated onto the train. “Take care, Valerie. Your story is too precious to be allowed to close now.”

Chapter 65 - Midnight falls in Las Pegasus 1

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Midnight stepped off of the train and stretched her wings as she yawned. She really did dislike travel by rail, but she had too much luggage to carry by air. She suddenly stumbled as somepony brushed past her rudely, causing her to bare her fangs at him as he yelped and ran away.

“Yeah, that’s right,” she smirked as she hefted her bag onto her back. “Okay, now to find this… Something Apartments.” She looked at the sheet of paper and tilted her head. Well, at least it didn’t seem to be too far away.

“Seth… Your map sucks though,” she smiled as she followed the crude drawing. As she passed by a restaraunt, the rich scent of garlic and fresh bread hit her nose and she gave a low hum, followed by a rumble in her stomach.

“Oohh, I know my first stop,” she moaned as she stepped inside, leaving her heavy bag near the door. The thing weighed a ton, so she had no fear of anypony running off with it.

“Hello… I want something yummy in my sexy tummy,” she called out. What answered her call was a griffon, who smiled at her.

“My my, a Thestral in the daytime,” the griffon purred. “Unless I’ve been cooking too long and the vision of the nighttime beauty is actually out when she normally is.”

“Oh no, I’m quite active at night too~” she purred right back, batting her eyes at him. Now that was one sexy Griffon. “So, are you on the menu as well~?”

“In times past, perhaps I would be,” the griffon said. “However, these days I am promised to another. For her sake I refrain from more than flirting.”

“Too bad,” the batpony sighed. “But I can respect that. Do you have a free table, I smell something that demands that I eat it.”

“We do indeed,” the griffon said. “I shall show you to one and give you our latest menu, so that you can make up your mind.” With that, he began leading the mare into the restaurant, where the smells only intensified the closer they got to the kitchen.

“Something smells gooooood~” she moaned, which may have ruffled the feathers of a few males… and some mares present as well. Once she took a seat, she glanced at the menu.

“The heck is a pizza?”

“The latest cuisine, brought over by my newest worker,” the griffon said. “She even had a wonderful breadstick idea.” He tapped it’s name on the menu with one claw, indicating the stuffed breadstick that had the cheese baked into it.

“Ohh, hot and warm,” she purred and smiled. “I can’t wait to put that thick loaf in my mouth~”

“So, one order of breadsticks and a pizza for the temptress,” the griffon chuckled. “And what flavor would you like it in? We have a few these days.”

“Well, I can never say no to a mouthful of meat,” she hummed and flashed her fangs at him. “This ham and pineapple sounds nice and…” She almost dropped the menu. “Is… Is that, a mango smoothie?”

“We have all manner of fruit smoothies,” the griffon agreed with a nod of his head. Midnight gulped hard and pointed at the mango one on the menu, her mouth opening and closing a few times.

“I have your order then,” the griffon chuckled. “Fair warning, though, my chef will not like you for ordering Pineapple on your pizza.” And with that, he was off to the back to drop it off with the Pokemon in the kitchen.

“But… it’s on the menu,” she frowned as she stared at it. “What kinda chef puts it there, then complains…” She suddenly smirked as her eyes dropped to a half-lidded gaze. “Well, guess I could give him a little...incentive~”

It was fully five minutes before the griffon emerged again, this time with a basket of fresh, hot breadsticks and a smoothie glass that just smelled delicious to Midnight on a tray. He drew near the table and managed to get them onto it…

Right before the first stick vanished. All he saw was Midnight licking the remaining crumbs from her lips and… Holy gold that was a long tongue!

It really made him regret the whole being promised thing. Ah well. Life goes on. “She says about ten more minutes for your pizza,” the griffon said. “And I think she might have threatened me with another dismemberment for having it on the menu to begin with.”

“Oh, maybe I could change her mind~” she purred and licked her fangs again. “I can be very… persuasive~”

“I highly doubt it, but if she does actually make a showing, just keep in mind that her claws are definitely for more than show,” the griffon said with a small bow before he left again.

“...Claws?” Midnight blinked as she watched the retreating griffon. Oh damn that flank was niiiiice~

Oh right, delicious food tiem! She turned to the spread of breadsticks and mango smoothie, the bat having to wipe away her drool before she all but slaughtered the food. It stood no chance as the bat devoured it mercilessly.

Still, even after that, it would be a bit of a wait before she would see the oddest thing coming out of the kitchen next.

A small, reddish-tan creature coming out with spikes all along its back and two paws filled with massive claws as it walked on its hindlegs. It had black, beady eyes, and wasn’t any taller than a pony as it pushed a cart over to her table. The smell of ham and pineapple wafted from the top of the cart from under the tray…

Wait, claws? And it seemed to have her pizza… Hmm, now what was this Pokémon again?

“Oh yeah, you’re like Heath. A Sandslash!” she exclaimed out loud.

The Sandslash merely nodded before moving the tray over to sit in front of Midnight’s spot at the table. With a quick flick of the claws, the top was removed, revealing a circular disk of dough, tomato sauce, and melted cheese to the Thestral. There were bits of ham and pineapple topping it and random intervals, and the whole thing just smelled delicious.

“Oooh, so it’s a pancake with topping?” the bat asked as she licked her lips. “Interesting. Ohh, is the puffy rim filled with cheese like the breadsticks?”

The Sandslash blinked at that, before facepawing and muttering to herself. Why hadn’t she thought of that before?

Still, she used her claws to quickly slice the pizza up...and scratch the tray beneath it a little as she did, before demonstrating how to hold a slice and eat it to the mare.

“Oh, I see. Cool.” Midnight smiled again. “So, you’re the chef? The one that threatened that sexy catbird?”

The Sandslash nodded a few times, while muttering under her breath. Something about how fruit didn’t belong on a pizza, if one could understand Pokespeak. Midnight smiled as she rubbed the silver collar around her neck.

“Well, thank you none-the-less. Maybe I could show you a much more… enjoyable way to appreciate fruit~” she murred, looking the shiny Sandslash over.

“Yeah right, like you can understand me,” Mary said. “Besides, it was the bird that was the promiscuous one, not myself. I’m not even looking.”

“Too bad, I know a really cute, but shy Sandslash back home,” she hummed as she sipped her smoothie. Mary blinked a few times before shaking her head.

“You’re hearing things,” she said to herself. “She’s not a pokemon or psychic, she can’t understand you.”

“I have a little collar here, similar to my Boss’s one,” Midnight said as she took a bite of her pizza, her ears wiggling happily. “So I can hear you.” And that accent… “Muchas gracias a mi adorable chef.”

“You’re off a little, but I can understand that,” the Sandslash said with another shake of her head. “I still think fruit belongs on the dessert menu if we’re going to serve it at all,” she said. “But what do I know? I’m just the chef.”

“Dessert huh?” Midnight shrugged as she tore into another slice. “At least I didn’t ask for bugs on it. That tends to weird ponies out a little.”

“And eating meat doesn’t?” the Sandslash returned. “I have orders to get back to and colts to keep in line. Enjoy your pizza.” Midnight watched the Sandslash leave and sighed.

“Prickly on the inside and out. Maybe a few more visits could change that,” she hummed. “Hmm, but then Vinny might get jealous… unless I could convince my bearded foxxy to join in~” Midnight giggled at that mental image as any Changeling nearby might suffer an overload of sensory emotion. She finished her food after a few minutes and gulped down her drink.

“Pwaahhh!” she slammed the cup down on the table and licked her lips. “Yummy~”

“And that, madame,” Fredrick said as he presented her with the check, “Will be seventeen bits.”

She fished out twenty five and placed it on the counter. “A little tip for the cute server and the adorable yet prickly cook,” she giggled. The griffon smiled as he swept it up before bowing to her and clearing away the dishes.

Midnight paused by the door to lift up her bag and left, making a note to return here at some point for more delicious food. Now…

Where were those apartments?

Once she found the place…

She was not expecting the place to be freaking armed. Like, actual, military-grade defenses.

“I know it’s a rough city sometimes, but isn’t this a bit much?” she asked herself as she stood on the sidewalk, wondering how to get inside. Despite the plaque’s comforting words about all being welcome, that did little to assuade her that the turret sticking out of the metal portion of the wall wouldn’t aim at her. Though now the camera was.

The bat frowned and looked at her map, before looking at the building, then back to her map again.

“This is the right place right?” Her frown deepened, “Că criticat Luxray, am să-l musca de acest ….”

The camera seemed to be tracking her...and then the door opened on its own with a beeping noise.

“Well… that’s ominous,” she muttered. Her wings flared and she zipped inside almost as fast as one could blink, panting slightly once she was past the threshold. Maybe she should arm herself… just in case?

“Ah, hello,” the Leavanny behind the desk said as she stopped pushing a button, causing the doors to swing shut behind her. “Welcome to the Unity Building. Do you require a room?”

Midnight looked at her, “Uh, yeah… my boss, Seth Crescent, said that friends of his stayed here…”

“Yes, this is true,” the grass-bug type said as she pulled up a list of open rooms. “Hmm, 304 is open now, and that would put you decently close to the Nurem family…”

“Nurem?” That name clicked in the bat’s mind. “VINNY’S HERE!?!?”

“Yes,” the Leavanny said with a few blinks. “He and his family live here…”

“Where?” she asked, her fanged grin splitting her face.

“In 301-” Lala got out. There was a rustling sound and some abandoned bags on the floor were all that remained, the thestral long gone.

“Something tells me this will not end well,” the Nurturing ‘mon said with a sigh.

In room 301, anyone inside was suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door…

Sam was still out on the town after his shift. Lucy was on the roof meditating. And Jeanne was up there helping to make sure the Berries were growing well.

Meaning Vincent was the only one home, so the door opened with a soft glow of power. Hello? the psychic fox asked.

There… was no-one there…

Odd, the fox said. I could have sworn I heard a knock… With another glow of power, the fox closed the front door from the living room and went back to meditation himself.

“Vinny~” The voice seemed to giggle out from everywhere.

I do not take kindly to being meddled with, the fox said as he looked around.

That was when a brown blur pounced from the ceiling, pinning him to the floor as Midnight stood over her prize. “Oh? But I like meddling with you~” she purred before pressing her lips lightly against his. A gesture that he lightly returned, but the sentiment was there even if he did realize what he was doing a moment later and tried to pull back.

“Aww, well I suppose I should expect cute little Lulu in a few seconds,” Midnight shrugged. Then a wicked thought crossed her mind, one that if the Psychic looked, he would be blushing himself silly. “Wanna give her something to really walk in on~?”

What is with you wanting me? the psychic asked. I already have one mate!

“I know, but you bite so well,” she giggled and hopped off of him, helping him up. “Still, nice of Seth to tell me that you stayed here.”

Of course he did, the psychic sighed. And I’m getting the funny premonition that even if I did set you up anywhere else in this building, you’d find your way back to my bed when night fell.

“Ooh, are you offering?” she mused, setting her smouldering gaze on him.

...You know, if not for the fact that I’m already taken, I might very well take you up on that, the Kadabra said.

“Is. That. So~” The thestral closed the distance and licked her lips. “You know… I might just throw away my ‘No going after taken ponies’ rule with you~” She ran a hoof down his arm and smiled wickedly. “Now… wanna see how a mare plays after dark~?”

...You know, the psychic offered. Lucy’s not psychic, not really, and she usually meditates for a good hour longer, sometimes two.

Midnight bit her lip and then cursed mentally. “I’m not going to make you cheat on her,” she finally sighed. “Maybe I should find a hotel…”

Oh but Midnight, you’re forgetting what I am, he said as he held up a glowing blue hand. We can have all sorts of fun without getting really physical~

“That… sounds like an awfully convenient loophole,” Midnight frowned. “Look Vincent. You get Lucy’s approval, and I’ll show you both how to rock the mattress okay?”

Fair enough, but it’ll take more than me to win her over, the psychic said. Come back after dinner. She’ll be around by then and we can ‘re-introduce’ you to the family.

Midnight nodded and realised she left her bags downstairs… along with the dangerous weapons they contained. She turned and left the room without a word…

“Did… Did I just turn down a willing male?” she asked herself, unable to believe what just happened.

Wait, was Vincent screwing with her? And not in the fun, sheet-tangling way?

“Celestia-Dammit!” she cursed.

Hours later, after the entire Nurem family had assembled once again, and dinner was being prepared…

And again, the door knocked in a cheerful little tune. Sam got up to get it, seeing as how Vincent and Lucy were on the couch cuddling. The Scizor opened the door…

As a pair of chocolate-colored hooves wrapped around his shoulders and he saw large emerald eyes stare into his, filled with a lust that made him slightly uncomfortable.

“You’re not Vincent…” the thestral mare finally said in a flat tone. “But you are cute~ And slightly tasty-looking.”

“Ah...Vincent’s on the couch,” Sam offered, trying to get the pony away from him.

“Thanks,” she chirped and kissed him on the cheek before trotting past him and into the living room.

Then she blurred and pounced on the fox...and the Lucario that was cuddling him as well.

“Vincent, is this?” Lucy asked.

Ah, hello again Midnight, the psychic said. What brings you by?

“Hmm?” she blinked before her eyes twinkled with mischievousness. “Nah much, just thought I’d swing by… and see if you and your sexy puppy wanted to swing as well~”

“Is she offering what I think she’s offering?” Lucy asked with only a slight growl to her voice.

I don’t even know what she’s after, Vincent said. Maybe if she were a bit more clear about what she wanted, we could be a bit more clear in our reply.

“Weeeeeell,” Midnight dragged her voice out and stared at Lucy. “How direct should I be?”

“Extremely,” Lucy replied. “I want to know your intentions before I’ll even think over any possibilities—”

And that was when Midnight pressed her muzzle against hers and took advantage of the Lucario’s stunned state to give her a Thestral kiss, that long tongue of hers wrapping around and caressing her own as Vincent and Sam were treated to the two girls making out.

Well, one of them anyway.

I take it she wants more than just one of us, Vincent observed idly. I will have you know though, you don’t just get involved as a one-off with our family like that. We stand by one another. You do something like that with us, you’re probably going to end up stuck with us…

Midnight pulled back and licked her lips as she continued to straddle Lucy. “Interesting,” she panted slightly. “Not sure if I’m the ‘settling down’ type though.”

Why don’t you give us a try, see if you like it? Vincent proposed to both Midnight and Lucy. You might find that you rather like the idea…

“Oh, I know I like this~” Midnight said as she kissed Lucy again, though it was a brief one this time. “But I am not the marriage type I’m afraid.” She hopped off of the Lucario and onto the floor. She looked at Sam and bowed her head.

“Midnight Song, at your service.”

“On the one hand, I wanna ask if that includes free breaking of my sister whenever possible,” Sam said. “On the other hand, I’m not sure if I should ask.”

“Mmm, Lulu is pretty tasty,” Midnight smiled and licked her lips. That was about when Lucy recovered a bit and turned to Vincent.

“Did that just happen?” she asked aloud. Midnight’s ear twitched and she turned to the Lucario, stalking closer.

“You wanted direct,” she said with a lusty purr to her voice, one that heated up Sam’s chitin nicely. “I can be more direct. You have more than one orifice~”

“Okay, I get it!” Lucy said as she held up a hand. “You want to bed both of us!”

“Well it's only fair, you were together first, and I’ll not come between that… despite Vinny’s earlier insistence,” she smirked. “And if you want me to leave, I’ll do that too. But… I happen to like you guys. I dunno why… I just do.”

Lucy looked at Vincent questioningly, and he held up a hand in response. If she had gone for it, I would have kept it mental only until you showed up and I could explain the situation, he said. I know better, love.

“Ah,” the Lucario said with a nod before returning to Midnight. “Hmm. Well, this is...interesting. I never thought I might actually end up sharing Vincent...how about a small test?” she asked the Thestral.

Said thestral was still annoyed that she’d been okay with dream sex. She totally could have gone for that, instead, she’d just relied on her reliable right hoof in her room.

That was just depressing after the buffet of sexy she’d seen all day.

Wait, was Lulu still talking?

“Uh… test?”

“Yes, something to help prove to us just how much you want the both of us,” Lucy said. “I’ll not be left out, nor will I leave him out, of anything you might be planning. All or nothing.”

Midnight actually giggled. “Aww, you act like I haven’t spiced up a relationship before. Oh the stories I could tell you…”

“But this little family runs on loyalty,” Sam said. “And if I know those two…”

“You get to come up with what you’ll do to earn your way to that prize on your own,” Lucy said. “And the test ends when we say it does.”

“Earn my way…?” Midnight frowned as she looked at the Lucario. This suddenly got a lot more complicated. “Most couples just want a night with a sexy bat to shake things up… or threesomes are just their thing. Some like just having one partner with me while they watch, hell, I’ve pleased myself while they both watched… This…” she pointed at them. “This is new. And coming from me. That’s saying a lot.”

We’re not a love-em’-and-leave-em’ family, Vincent said. If you want to get at us, and I think it’s pretty obvious that you do, you’ll have to do things with us like an actual relationship. Get to know us, let us take you out to dinner, things like that. And maybe you’ll actually get what you’re looking for at the end. That’s the test. Can you stand waiting?

Midnight actually froze. An actual date? Like… dinner and holding hooves. The romantic sappy sort that doesn’t end being bent over a piece of furniture, up against a tree… etcetera. Like how she and Moon…

Aaaaand now she was panicking.

“I…” Midnight found her voice to suddenly be a very difficult thing to use. “I need… to think…” she replied and then hastily left the room, almost knocking over Sam in her rush to vacate to her own room.

I think I just broke her, Vincent said.

“She might come around,” Lucy said. “Depends on if she was serious or not. Are you serious about adding her if she is?”

If she can show loyalty to the family and not hint at what she’s after every five seconds, yes. Are you?

“If she’s willing to be patient...and maybe kiss me again, yes,” Lucy said with a bit of a blush. “That was a good kiss.”

“How good?” Sam could help but ask.

“That tongue was everywhere,” Lucy said. “I really want another right now.”

Imagine if she actually made it and all the uses she could find for it, the fox said before shuddering himself.

“I uh… I think I need a moment,” Sam replied as he briskly walked towards the bathroom.

Midnight was laying on her back on her bed, staring up at the darkened ceiling.

“Oh Moonie… what do I do?” she wondered to herself as she looked at a small photo of a cute bespectacled unicorn. “Am… am I really ready to stop running? ‘Can’ I even stop at this point?” She sighed and held the worn photo close to her chest.

“Maybe… I could at least try,” she said to herself as she rolled over.

A few minutes later, someone was banging on the Nurem’s door again. Once more, the door swung open in a soft glow of power, as Vincent and Lucy still cuddled on the living room couch. Sam was nowhere to be seen.

There was no pounce. No surprise kiss.

Just a demure-looking thestral standing beyond the doorframe, not stepping inside.

Come in, Vincent invited her. She nodded softly and stepped inside as the door closed behind her.

“W-Well…” she said. “I uh… think I’ve come to a decision…”

“Go on,” Lucy said. That stare of hers suddenly made Midnight very nervous for some reason.

The fact that the normally boisterous and outgoing thestral was so quiet and reserved was unnerving the hell out of everyone else.

“Well… I can’t-I can’t promise anything. B-But… if you aren’t doing anything tomorrow night. Do you think… we could go to dinner?”

That sounds wonderful, Vincent said as the pair of them scooted apart from one another, before a hand patted the couch space they’d just vacated. But for now, how about you join us for ours?

“I uh, I should probably go back to my room…” that didn’t sound confident at all.

“Nonsense, dear,” a Bellossom said from behind her, having just finished in the kitchen. “I made enough for everyone when I heard what was going on.”

“Uh, sorry… you are?” Midnight asked, flinching at the sudden appearance of the Pokémon.

“I’m Jeanne, dear,” the grass-type said with a small bow. “Unofficial den mother to this pack of pokemon.”

Midnight had heard that name before… Seth mentioned it once. Now what was…

She groaned and facehooved with a loud ‘smack’. She just bucked up like that in front of Vincent’s mother.

“Celestia smite me now,” she muttered.

I doubt it, Vincent chuckled. Come, the couch is even still warm. I promise we have only the best intentions of having you eat with us.

“I know what else I’d like to eat~” she purred at Lucy, before groaning and facehooving again. “Sorry…”

“Old habits are hard to break,” Jeanne said with a wave of one hand. “But not impossible.”

“Uh… where’s the big red appetiser?” Midnight asked, looking around.

“He had to visit the bathroom after we worked him up,” Lucy snickered. “But you keep dodging around why you won’t join us for snuggles on this couch.”

And here I thought you wanted to get close to us, Vincent mock-lamented.

“Old habits, I might not stop at snuggles…” Midnight replied as her eyes gleamed with mischievousness. “Speaking of old habits… A certain kitty cat told me you had a troublesome brother that was… experienced~”

Sam was raised by a perverted old man, but has no experience himself, Vincent explained. And I’m sure if everyone agrees to help you restrain yourself, we can keep it to just snuggling if we try.

“Alright,” Midnight said as her ears swiveled. Oh, there he was~ “You know, wanna see one of the perks of having me around?”

Lucy merely patted the couch with one paw meaningfully while the other gestured for Midnight to continue.

She walked closer to the bathroom, and once she was close enough?

She cleared her throat and then started.

“AAhhn~ Oh yes, I’m soooo close~” she moaned in a voice that had Vincent reaching for a cushion to place over himself. “P-Please… more, hardeerrrr~ Ohhh yeeeessss~!”

“I probably should be upset,” Jeanne hummed as she looked at the ceiling. “But for some reason I don’t know why.”

There was a yelp from the bathroom and Midnight smiled victoriously before taking her spot on the couch. “Seth told me about the teasing… some comeuppance is only fair~”

You are incorrigible, Vincent said as he draped an arm around Midnight and drew her in for a sideways hug.

“Mom says that should be my middle name,” she smirked and looked at Lucy. “And… sorry about the surprise kiss. I probably made you uncomfortable.”

“You’re forgiven,” Lucy said, pausing for a bit. “If you give me another after dinner.”

Midnight just squeaked and blushed. “What?”

She liked it, Vincent said as he poked the mare in the side. Is that so hard to believe?

“No, I’m me… of course she liked it~” Midnight replied and looked at the cushion. “Oooh, what do we have here~”

Vincent conjured his normal spoon and used it to gently bat the Thestral on the nose. Ap. Down. Not for you to play with.

“Not yet anyway~” she purred into his ear and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Alright, I'll leave you alone as promised. Dinner?”

Dinner, Vincent agreed as he held up his hands and conjured the prepared plates out of the kitchen and into their laps. Though Jeanne’s and Sam’s ended up sitting on the table instead. Jeanne’s because she could just about reach up there to pull it down to her, and Sam’s because he was still in the bathroom…

“I wonder if the buggy’s okay?” Midnight giggled as she ate. Oh glorious sun, this was delicious!

He’s probably fine, Vincent returned as he ate as well.

“Just a little unused to the things we’re bringing out,” Lucy agreed.

“And I’m just getting warmed up too,” Midnight giggled as she demolished her food. It only took a few minutes before she was licking her plate clean.

It wasn’t long before the Scizor emerged from the bathroom again, and if he could, he would be blushing through his metallic chitin. “Not cool,” he muttered before taking a seat and starting on his own dinner.

“Ah, but the idea was to get you very hot~ So cool is not what I was...aiming for~” Sweet gods above, Midnight’s voice alone was just…

“Geh!” Sam said as he turned away. “Is there an off switch for her?” he asked Vincent.

Not that I can tell so far, the psychic said with a chuckle.

“Aww, and here am, yet to give the full Midnight experience~” she purred and giggled. Messing with this Scizor was just too much fun. But still…

“Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll stop now.”

The Bellossom just giggled. “Dear, you’re fine,” she said with a wave of her hand. “As long as you don’t start trying to screw my children in front of me, I’m fairly certain you’ll be capable of getting away with anything.”

“Ah, I didn’t think you’d be the voyeur type anyhow,” Midnight nodded with absolutely no bashfulness whatsoever. “That said, there was this father and son that had me over one night and they—”

Vincent bapped her gently on the nose with his spoon again.

“Gah! Would you quit that!” she pouted, rubbing her snout.

Then she grinned.

“Unless…” she cooed as she drew closer. “You’re the domination type. Ooh… my safe word is Mangoes~”

That was about when Lucy took her aside and began whispering in her ears about all the things Vincent had done to help her quell her Heat…

“U-huh...ohh~ He did that?”

Lucy smirked and whispered something else to the mare. “And he’s only gotten better since then~

“Ohh, I am going to have fun with that…” Her eyes twinkled and Vincent felt a shiver go down his spine. “Especially when you can turn it back on them~”

Remember what we said, Vincent said as he finished off his dinner. You have to get in this for more than just that.

“Yes, I know,” Midnight smiled and leaned against Lucy. “Hmm, but before I go, I believe I promised you something~”

The Lucario raised an eyebrow as she finished off her dinner and put her cleaned plate on the table. “And what was that?” she dared to ask.

That was when her muzzle was promptly invaded by batpony tongue again, now with the added extra of sensual moans from the mare. Lucy actually hugged the mare closer while Sam actually did blush through his chitin, an impressive feat, as he turned away and left his dinner half-finished before returning to the bathroom.

Eventually Vincent spoke up by tapping Midnight on the shoulder. You really should stop playing favorites, he said.

That was all he got to say before the bat switched targets. And now it was Vincent hugging her closer as Lucy recovered from the treatment that she’d just gotten.

And just like that, the Thestral broke the kiss and smiled. “And that’s all you get. Taking it one step at a time remember~?”

“Looking forward to your next step, then,” Lucy said. “You said something about dinner tomorrow?”

“I’ll need to find a classy restaurant… in this city… should be fun…” Midnight’s mood was deflating fast. “Ah well, I was planning to hit up the city anyway.”

Ah well, if all else fails, we can always return to Fredrick’s place, Vincent said. Now that Mary works there, the food is amazing~ Then again, I never had the food before she worked there…

“It’s a nice restaurant, but I was thinking something a little more high-class…” Midnight looked at Lucy. “Do you have any nice dresses?”

“We barely have any clothing to begin with,” Lucy said. “I have a scarf and a nice sunhat, while Vincent has a top hat.”

“Well, guess you’ll be going shopping tomorrow then,” Midnight smiled. “Jeanne right? Think you could help the poor puppy out?”

“I’m certain we could get her a nice dress somewhere,” the Bellossom said with a smile. “James should be able to get by without my help for one day.”

“I”M GOING TO ROAST YOU ALIVE!!” Jessie roared from the hallway as James and Meowth screamed in terror.

“Assuming he survives,” Jeanne said without missing a beat.

“You… have weird friends,” Midnight deadpanned. “Though I’m hardly in a position to talk.”

You’re the one that’s going to try to woo a couple into letting you join, Vincent pointed out. Either that happens often in Equestria and we’re the strange ones for having a monogamous relationship or you’re the strange one for asking to join it.

“It’s pretty common,” Midnight nodded, then her eyes widened in realisation. “Wait, has nopony ever explained herding to you?”

“You can do that tomorrow,” Lucy said as she gave the mare another hug. “Over dinner.”

“I guess so,” Midnight replied and returned the hug. “Okay, I’m gonna go to bed. Have a good night guys.”

You as well, Vincent said, before saying the next bit just to her. And who knows, maybe if you do well tomorrow night, you won’t go to your bed.

“First you want to take it slow, then you say you’ll only wait a day?” Midnight shook her head and chuckled. “Pokémon are strange… though Raikou was so… mmmm~”

Don’t get me wrong, the sort of fun I’m talking about would all be mental, but if you play your cards right you might get some tomorrow. Vincent winked at her. Just not any actual fun. We’ll have to see how well we mesh first.

“Oh, I know how to mesh very well~” she hummed and licked her lips again. Lucy chuckled and gave Midnight another hug before letting her go.

“And if you don’t leave now, I fear we may end up keeping you for the night,” the Lucario said. “Go on and get some actual rest. We’ll see you for dinner tomorrow if not sooner.”

“Okie Doke,” Midnight chuckled and then walked over to the bathroom. “See you later, Big boy~”

The only response she got was another muffled groan from the bathroom.

“Heheheheh~” Midnight chuckled as she left the room, leaving the Pokémon to their own devices.

“Oooh, shopping tomorrow is going to be fun~” Jeanne said while hugging herself.

Something tells me it’ll be anything but that, Vincent sighed.

Midnight went to bed early, and woke up a little before dawn. After her morning exercises, she attached her saddlebags and horseshoes before cracking open the window and taking wing. Everyone would most likely still be asleep and she didn’t want to wake them by using the front door.

And even at this time of morning, Las Pegasus was still a busy city. She stopped by a small hole-in-the-wall cafe and grabbed a coffee and a bagel before starting her search.

First rule of finding a classy place.

Avoid the Strip.

That was for later~

Especially if little Lulu had been telling the truth about the sort of fun they liked to have~

She flew at a low level, just a few hooves above the ponies heads as she flittered about the city before she paused.

She saw two guards walking down the street.

And one was the most yummylicious Thestral stallion she had ever seen. Oh stars! You could bounce a bit off of those flanks. Unfortunately, she also knew the couple and knew that they were married.

Still wouldn’t stop her from saying hello~

She flew across the street and neatly landed on the stallion’s back.

“Hello sexy~” she purred. “Long time no see.”

“Specialist Song,” Ace said while her horn flickered dangerously. “Please remove yourself from my husband before I help you.”

“Well this is interesting, getting mares throwing themselves at me,” the stallion chuckled.

“Ah, heya Captain Ace, still on that thousand year long Pre-Heat rage huh?” She smirked as she hopped off of the stallion. “And don’t worry, I won’t actually act on the thoughts running in my head. I have a date tonight already.”

“I feel sorry for them already,” Ace deadpanned. “So did you come here for another reason besides trying again?”

“Her attempts are always entertaining, you have to give her that,” Blackstone said. “Fruitless, but entertaining.”

“Nah, I still haven’t found a tool big enough to get that tree trunk out of your flank,” Midnight smirked at Ace. “Well, unless Blacky here’s around~”

“She’s got you there,” the stallion told his wife.

“Just...go, before I stun you out of reflex,” the mare said with an exasperated sigh. Midnight giggled and put a hoof around the mare’s neck.

“Actually, I was hoping you could help me. You two are a lovey-dovey couple. Do you know any nice restaurants I could take Vinny and Lulu?”

“Las Pegasus’ latest trouble-magnets?” Ace asked with a raised eyebrow. “You’re courting them? How about I look up which places are paid up on their insurance first, then tell you where you can dine with the least amount of collateral damage?”

“Ouch Captain, that stings you know. I’ve gone a whole month without major property damage… mostly…” She chuckled slightly and hugged her closer. “But I’m serious here. I’m… I wanna really try with these two you know? I want to try giving actual love a chance again.”

“And bravo for you,” the stallion said.

“Though I’m sure the reason you’ve gone so long without destroying anything is simply because our newest inhabitants have beaten you to it,” Ace deadpanned once again.

“Ace,” Blackstone said. “If she’s actually trying again, we should help her.”

“Will it get her to go away any faster?” the unicorn asked.

“You know what, nevermind,” Midnight sighed as she released the mare and started to walk off. “Sorry for bothering the two of you.”

“Fifth and Bridle,” the stallion said before she got out of earshot. “There’s a nice restaurant there, but you may have to hurry if you want a table for tonight.”

Midnight smiled widely as she dropped her hurt act and pumped a hoof before giving the stallion a hug and placing a kiss on Ace’s lips. “Thanks guys! See ya laters!” And with a powerful beat of her wings, she broke several airspeed limits in zooming off.

“I’ll go tell the guard to expect a fire before the night is out,” Ace sighed.

“You just have no faith in her,” Blackstone said.

“I have exactly the right amount of faith in her,” the mare deadpanned. “And putting her in any small space with the damn Nurem family is like putting a match inside a dried-out forest. It can only end in tears.”

“Maybe they’ll cancel each other out?” Blackstone asked hopefully as she nuzzled his wife. She snorted once as they continued their morning walk.

“Yeah, and I’ll grow a pair of wings and become Ace, Princess of the Guard,” she snarked back.

“You’re my Princess,” he mused and kissed her cheek. Several shouts could be heard from the distance, as Midnight had knocked a few ponies out of the air. The Thestral stallion groaned and facehooved.

“Well, I suppose we’ll have to apologize to Chez Apetité once they hear that we referred them there,” Ace sighed. “Especially if that’s any indication.”

“Seems that way,” he smiled. ‘Best of luck Midnight.’

Midnight stared at the interior of the restaurant. Okay… so this place was a little fancy. The fact that most patrons had their noses so far up in the air, they could probably smell the paint on the ceiling was a good indication.

She straightened her mane and flexed her wings before stepping up to the counter and dinging the small bell. A moment later, a stallion stepped up to the pedestal and looked her over, clicking his tongue once.

“Yes?’ he asked, the politeness in his voice was well rehearsed.

“Already having my doubts,” she thought before smiling sweetly. Time for the Canterlot accent. “Hello there. I am currently visiting this fine city, and was told that this was the finest establishment in all of Equestria. Do you perchance have an available table for tonight? Around seven o’clock?”

The stallion preened at the compliment and checked his bookings ledger. “Hmm, just a party of one?”

“Three actually,” Midnight corrected and a thought occured. “You do serve Pokémon here, yes?”

“Provided they are of the civilised sort, and that they meet the dress code,” the stallion remarked and tapped a board next to him. “No shoes, no service.”

“That should be fun, getting shoes for Vincent and Lulu,” Midnight mused. “Excellent. Then may I place the booking? Under the name Captain Midnight Song of the Royal Guard?”

“Captain?” the stallion raised an eyebrow.

“Hmm, well I do work with Seth Crescent, you know, the Pokémon that has the ear of Princess Celestia herself? And I have worked with our Beloved Princess for many years…”

“But of course Captain,” the stallion agreed and wrote it down. “I shall endeavour to make this night the best.”

“I’m sure you will,” she replied with so much underlying snark that Vincent found himself smiling for some reason. “Thank you oh so much.” She bowed her head and stepped outside. Once she was around the corner, she ruffled her mane and sighed loudly. “Ergh, now I need something to drink after that.”

Wait, didn’t Fritter say her sister lived in this city? And her specialty was cider-making?

“Time to find an Apple mare,” she smirked and took to the sky.

Later that afternoon, she flew back into her apartment room and deposited the bottles she bought before going to Vincent’s room.

“Anypony home~?” she called through the door.

She found the pair of ‘mon laying on the couch, a bag on the table before them.

We got back half an hour ago, the psychic said.

“We now have decently fancy clothing, for a given definition. Especially considering ‘mon don’t normally wear clothes,” Lucy said.

“Oh hey,” she nodded as she stepped inside. “I hope you got shoes, or at least something to cover your hooves… er, feet… whatever.”

We did not, the psychic said.

“Should we have?” the Lucario asked. “And where would we even get that?”

“Well, somthing suited to a Diamond Dog would be fine for you Lulu…” Midnight looked at Vincent. “You’re… gonna be difficult. Ah well, we’ll just explain you have custom footwear on order or something.”

Or I could hover, the Kadabra offered.

“Hah! Would that put a look and half on their face,” Midnight giggled. “Oh, and word of warning, I may have pushed Captain Ace’s buttons a little earlier.”

“We’ll live,” Lucy said.

So long as nothing happens tonight beyond us going out to dinner, then we should be fine, the Kadabra said. In the meantime, would you like to take Lucy out to get something for her feet?

“Shopping with the puppy?” Midnight smiled. “Sure, why not.” The Thestral pulled Lucy to her paws and smiled widely. “This is gonna be fun~”

Just remember to return her exactly as you found her, Vincent said with a smile.

“Relax VinVin,” Midnight giggled and winked at him. “Toys are no fun if you break them.”

Au contraire, then you know what model up you need, Vincent returned with an even wider smile.

“Nah, my pretty Lulu is top of the line,” she smiled and gave them both a kiss on the cheek. “Okay, let’s go before we run out of daylight or I just jump you both.”

“Yes, and wouldn’t that be a shame,” Lucy said with a wink. “We’ll try to be back before sunset, Vincent.”

Take care, he said to them with a wave. Lucy didn’t get to reply before the surprisingly strong Thestral dragged her out of the room.

Later that night, Midnight agreed to meet them at the restaurant, and she wanted to get there first and make sure nopony had screwed up her reservation. She’d opted to wear a rather form fitting dress. It shimmered in shades of cobalt and deep purple, and the layered skirt floated gently as she walked. The barbs on the ‘elbow’ of her wings were adorned with a silver ring on each and her platinum-blonde tresses were done up in a bun and tied with a white silk ribbon. She also threat a few small gems into her hair, in inspired look from the Crystal Empire. She wore some light makeup, such as her blue eyeshadow and a light creamy lipstick.

“Damn I look good,” she purred as she admired herself in a mirror on the wall before looking at the colt serving as the door greeter. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

“It’s not my place to say, ma’am…” he said with no small amount of effort. “Though I will say I am rather envious of your date.”

“Mm, good answer,” she purred and smiled, flashing her glistening white fangs.

That was about when Lucy and Vincent showed up. Vincent was sporting his usual black top hat and now had a nice black vest to wear over his armor. It practically shimmered under the moonlight. He was also floating under his own power, no part of him touching the ground.

Lucy was wearing the shoes that she and Midnight had gone out to get, as well as her yellow sunhat and a pale yellow dress to go with it. She looked somewhere between cute and beautiful with the combined effects of the hat and dress.

“Ohh, you guys dress up nicely,” Midnight smiled at them. “And on time as well… though Vincent can teleport, so there’s that.” She raised one forehoof, clad in a silver shoe that had a high back on it, with a short, this chain that wrapped around the front. “Shall we?”

We shall, Vincent said as he floated closer and took her hoof, kissing it gently.

And then they were treated to the delightful sight of Midnight blushing profusely as she shakily looked at her hoof.

“I… ah… a Noble Kiss… wasn’t quite expecting that,” Midnight stammered before whirling around. “O-Okay. Dinner. Yeah. That sounds good right?”

“Sounds delicious,” Lucy said as she looked at the place, humming thoughtfully.

Midnight nodded and returned to the podium as the mare there escorted them to their table. Several ponies gave them looks, some curious, some in disgust that these creatures were even allowed inside.

They quickly looked away when Midnight gave them a fanged grin.

“Ignore them,” she said. “We’re here to have a good time and I won’t let anypony ruin that.”

Looks and words don’t bother me, Vincent said. We’re used to worse.

Not a topic for dinner,” Lucy hissed, causing the Kadabra to fall silent.

‘Hmm, so they’ve got one of those too huh?’ Midnight nodded to herself as she pulled out the chairs for the both of them. Lucy sat in hers while Vincent gently floated into his, and then pulled out Midnight’s with a blue glow of power for her.

“Such a gentlemon,” Midnight giggled and sat down. Once they were all seated, the waitress presented them with their menus and Vincent opened his.

Oh sweet Xerneas! The eentres started at fifty bits…

This place was really going to eat into his savings. Though, he’d noticed the same thing as Lucy, and would see if they could play a card or two to get a slightly lower price.

After all, it was hard to forget a place that showed interest in the Berries you were growing…

“So, order whatever you like guys,” Midnight smiled. “This dinner is on me tonight. I just want you two to enjoy yourselves.”

That caused the two ‘mon to look at one another before staring at Midnight. “You don’t have to do that,” Lucy softly said. “We’d be willing to chip in as much as we could.”

“While I wouldn’t expect this sort of meal regularly, trust me, I can afford it.” She pointed at something on the menu and the waitress nodded. “Just enjoy. Please.”

Midnight, Vincent softly said. Please tell me you aren’t trying to impress us specifically by offering to pay at such a pricey establishment. Or that this is normal behavior for some pony who is trying to court a couple.

“Sort of?” Midnight replied. “I’m not dumb enough to try and buy you guys with expensive gifts or anything like that. But… this is a big step for me, so I wanted to make a good first impression I suppose.”

“You’re on the right track,” Lucy said before gently reaching around the table and prodding the thestral. “Now all you need to do is relax. I can see how tense you are from here.”

“Tense? I’m not tense,” Midnight said without a whole lot of confidence. After seeing the disbelieving stares she got in response. “Okay, okay… maybe a little…”

Vincent chuckled before selecting an item on the menu that sounded good by pointing to it, quickly followed by Lucy doing the same. The waitress nodded again and trotted off, bringing their orders to the kitchen.

So, care to explain where the confident mare who was all but feeding us her tongue yesterday went? The Kadabra asked.

“Scared that she’s gonna screw this up and you’ll hate her forever?” Midnight laughed weakly.

“It’s not in our nature to hate, unless you do something to truly strike us,” Lucy said. “All you’re doing right now is hurting your chances by not acting as yourself. So calm down, take a deep breath, then start to explain that herding thing you were talking about earlier.”

Midnight closed her eyes and took a breath. Why was she freaking out so much anyway? After a moment, she opened them again and looked at the pair. “Well, let’s start with what you two know already.”

Which is practically nothing, Vincent said. We got in a relationship not long ago. So the idea of more than two in one is a little new to us.

“Ah, well… Seth did say your old life was… different. But he wouldn’t give details. Says they weren’t his to give.” She fiddled with a loose lock of her mane. “Okay. So let’s start with basics. Seth explained that polygamy was more or less taboo back on your world. It was rather uncommon. But Equestria is a tad different.” She smiled and looked at Vincent. “Pop quiz. What can you tell me about pony populations? More specifically, the gender ratio.”

I could scan for that information, the Kadabra said with a hand glowing blue. But I’ve been lead to believe that wide-range scanning during dinner is rather rude.

“Just a bit,” Midnight giggled. “Okay, at this current time, it’s around three or so mares for every stallion. And so that's why herding is still used in a lot of places. It's getting better I believe, with spells and potions that can influence the gender of an unborn foal. But Equestria is predominantly run by mares. The Princesses being the biggest contributor to this mindset.”

Interesting, Vincent mused. Though just so you know, ours is a relationship of equals and complementary parts. We help each other. I with her overprotective nature…

“And I with his anger,” Lucy finished. “This is mostly a trial run to see how you’d mesh with our current relationship.”

Midnight loved a good fight and was rather protective of others…

“Well, this should be interesting,” she mused. “Okay. So yeah. While you Pokémon are a new thing to Equestria, it hasn't really affected a whole lot. Seth and that envoy from the Crystal Empire are good examples.”

Oh? How so? the psychic asked just before their entrees arrived.

“Hold that thought,” Lucy said with a chuckle as the delicious food was placed before them.

“Right,” Midnight nodded as she picked up her fork and speared one of the small pieces on her plate. “And I was getting that how Pokémon and ponies can have a working relationship like any other.” She bit into her food and her ears wiggled cutely.

Vincent used his power to manipulate one of the forks to feed him, and he hummed happily at the taste. Hmm. This is quite good, he said. Lucy bit into her own entree and agreed with the sentiment with a hum of her own.

“For the price tag, it ought to be,” Midnight said as the waitress brought out a bottle of wine and poured three glasses. Midnight nodded in thanks and slipped a few bits into her vest before the waitress left them be.

Oh...dear… Vincent said as he looked at the beverage. Well I suppose as long as we take it slow and in moderation…

“Ahh, I should have asked first,” Midnight smacked her head. “Sorry…”

“Just don’t let us make absolute fools of ourselves when we’re drinking this and we’ll call it even,” Lucy said before taking hers and giving it a sip.

“It’s fine, and it has a pretty low alcohol content anyhow,” Midnight replied as she sipped her own. “You two look very nice by the way. Vincent is so dapper, and you Lulu, you look beautiful.”

Lucy blushed a little, while Vincent used his powers to tip his hat at the thestral mare. And you, dear Song, look ravishingly gorgeous yourself, the psychic complemented her.

“Naturally,” Midnight smiled, glad she packed this dress now. “Now… where were we? Ah! Well on the topic of dinner. Yes, it’s common to go all out for a good first impression. Though you have my parents to blame for this one.”

“Oh?” Lucy asked once she got her blush under control.

“Yeah, I have a confession. They’re kinda the ones hoofing the bill for this. I could have afforded it, but they’re so happy I’m dating for real now that they insisted…”

Vincent just chuckled as he thought about Jeanne and how she was happy that Vincent was happy...eventually. I have a confession as well, he said once he stopped laughing. We have more baggage than you’d think. So I wouldn’t hold it against you if you decided against sticking with us for the entire trial run.

“You aren’t the only ones,” Midnight muttered under her breath, something that Lucy’s sharp hearing caught. She shook her head and smiled at Vincent. “Ah, I wouldn’t worry about it. Everypony has a story to tell after all.”

Very well, but don’t let it be said we didn’t warn you, Vincent pointed out. Should we think about the next course now? He and Lucy had quite quickly cleared their plates of the small but delicious appetizers.

“I was thinking the fish,” Midnight hummed as she looked at the menu. “Though all I can think about is that delicious ‘pizza’ thing I had yesterday.”

Cuisine from Earth, Vincent chuckled. Mary’s specialty. Apparently it had gotten to the point where that was something you could order and have delivered to you.

“She delivers?” Midnight asked excitedly.

Not nowadays, but she might again soon, Vincent said. Assuming she can find a way to create her own pizza-place.

“I can’t wait~” Midnight hummed happily, her ears wiggling again. Apparently that was a thing she did when very happy. “So… what else would you guys like to know.”

“How about...why you’re interested in either of us?” Lucy asked as she perused the menu again. Hmm, that looked like a delicious pasta dish.

“That’s…” she blushed slightly. “That’s a little more difficult to explain. I don’t want to quantify it as ‘love at first sight’. That lovey-dovey crap doesn’t exist. I guess... “ Midnight paused, thinking how to best word it. “I feel as though I can trust you guys. Something-something I haven’t done in a long time.”

Our trust is not easily won either, but once earned, it’s something you have for good, Vincent said. And I must say, you’re doing quite well on earning it.

“I try,” Midnight blushed. “You guys decided on a main yet?”

I think I’ll join you with the fish, Vincent said.

“While I’ll have this pasta dish here,” Lucy said, pointing it out.

Midnight signalled for their waitress and she swiftly took down the order before taking it to the kitchens. Midnight sipped her wine again, idly wishing she could have brought some of that cider with her instead.

“Okay, so is there anything you’d like to know about me personally?” the Thestral asked.

Vincent and Lucy hummed at that, thinking it over for a moment.

“Nothing that would be polite conversation, anyways,” the Lucario said with a shake of her head after they thought it over.

“Oh? What do you mean?” Midnight asked, leaning closer a little.

“Well, the only thing that comes to mind would be to ask things along the lines of your activities,” the Lucario said.

“What about them?” Midnight asked. “I have many skills. All honed through practice and training.”

“Something along the lines of how...often you engaged in them,” Lucy said. “Or things like that. You see, we’ve only ever had each other…”

“Ahh…” Midnight at least had the grace to blush slightly. “That’s… well I guess it would depend on my mood at the time. Usually a couple of times a week if I had the time I guess.”

So, something like us, Vincent mused. Only a little more restrained and not with the same partner.

Midnight giggled and bat her eyes. “Aww, you think I’m restrained. That’s cute. It really is. But Lucy told me what you two have done. It’s adorable how tame you still are.”

You’d be surprised what you can get up to in the realm of the mind, he replied with a twinkle in his eye.

“Ooh, now I’m interested,” Midnight smiled wickedly. And then Vincent felt a gilded hoof brush against his thigh under the table, Midnight whistling innocently.

“Let’s just say the impossible becomes possible,” Lucy said with a wink.

The smile that Midnight wore told the two ‘mon that they should not have informed her of that fact.

“Oh reeeaally~” she purred. “How… interesting.”

So we have a bit more freedom at night that you might think, Vincent said.

“Though sometimes I do desire a bit more physical intimacy,” Lucy finished.

“Oh, so do I~” Midnight started before biting her lip. She was trying to hold back, but these two weren’t making it easy. “Okay, next topic!”

Your turn to ask about us, Vincent said with a wave of his hand.

“Okay… well…” Midnight tapped her chin. “Why? Why even give me this chance in the first place. Hell, I wouldn’t give me this chance.”

Because while you made your intentions quite plain at the start, when we outlined our terms, you came back, Vincent said.

“It also helps that you’re not just after my mate anymore, but rather both of us,” Lucy said. “You understand that you can’t just have one of us.”

“Well duh,” Midnight nodded. “I’d never break up a couple, not on purpose anyway…” That one time had been… yeah.

“Good,” Lucy said with a nod.

We’ve gone through quite a bit together, I’d think you’d have your work cut out for you if you were that sort, Vincent said with a jesting tone.

“I’d never…” Midnight said quietly, looking down at the table.

“New topic,” Lucy prompted the thestral.

“Foals?” the bat asked. “You guys ever plan on them?”

“I’m carrying some right now,” Lucy pointed out. “So, yes.”

Midnight blinked, as her eyes drifted towards the Lucario’s stomach. “...what?”

Her first heat was a few weeks ago, and nobody thought to separate us beforehand, Vincent said as he idly sipped on some wine.

“That was…” Midnight paused and blinked. “You’re in the same Egg-whatever?”

“We share one, yes,” Lucy said as she realized she shouldn’t be having any wine and sighed.

“Ah…” Midnight quickly waved over the waitress and whispered something. The mare nodded and took the wine away, and off to find a non-alcoholic replacement. “I’m sorry. When you mentioned your Heat earlier, I should have realised.”

“It’s okay, and it’s not like poisons actually affect me,” Lucy said. “I’m just a bit of a lightweight, still being new to alcohol and all.”

“Ah… well once your babs are born, I’ll get you used to it,” Midnight pointed out. “You only have to wake up once in a strange room with…more than a few ponies to realise you should learn to hold your liquor better.”

At least we woke up together, Vincent mused. The few times we’ve touched alcohol at any rate.

“...Lucky,” Midnight replied as the waitress brought back a bottle of sparkling juice and a pitcher of water. “Thankyou,” Midnight nodded as the mare left them be once more.

And at least I’m practicing fine control and know better than to do some things with my powers while under the influence, Vincent said. Or touch them at all.

“Yeah, I can see that being problematic,” Midnight nodded. “Ah well, I suppose I can drink enough for both of you. I can hear that cider in my fridge calling to me now~”

Still, like you say, this is low alcohol content, Vincent pointed out. I have plenty of time before this will affect me.

“So, another question from you then,” Lucy verbally prodded the mare.

“Another?” Midnight scratched her head and thought about it. “Hmm, well Seth told me a few things already. I know about your species, like Types and moves. Uh, how about… are you enjoying yourselves right now?”

“Immensely,” Lucy said. “It’s far better than what we had before. And plus, now a cute mare is taking us on a date.”

That got the batpony to blush cutely again. “Yeah well… I’m glad you like it. I am really not used to this at all…”

We can tell, Vincent chuckled. Just relax, it’d be hard to make a bad impression on us.

“Urgh, I’m so not being cool or sexy right now,” she winced as the mains arrived. The lemon-scented aroma of the fish cut off any other thoughts besides, ‘I need this in my face. Now’.

“But you are impressing us with this,” Lucy said. “It’s showing your dedication to more than just immediate pleasure.”

“Thanks, but like I said… I’m not trying to impress you guys with money. I just figured you deserved the best after everything that’s happen to you.”

We’d have been impressed with Fredrick’s, Vincent chortled slightly, before what Midnight just said registered. What...do you know?

“Nothing detailed,” she said as she poked at her fish. “But I can tell it wasn’t pleasant.”

That’s like saying the ocean is a little wet, the Kadabra dryly replied before picking up his fork and poking at his own fish.

Also not a topic for dinner,” Lucy observed.

“Yeah, sorry for mentioning it,” Midnight said. “It’s just… your eyes. They remind me of mine,” she said quietly as she ate her fish and moaned. Ohh, it was soooo good.

Let’s just say it’s highly unlikely any of us will ever go to a hospital willingly and leave it at that, Vincent said.

“Bleh, I hate hospitals,” Midnight blanched and washed the taste from her mouth with more delicious fish. There was silence around the table as the three of them ate their food, though Vincent and Lucy didn’t show very much restraint in how quickly they ate.

At least they had the good sense to wipe their mouths with the provided napkins when the situation called for it.

Several ponies looked on in horror at the carnage that was reaped at that table, one actually fainting at the sight.

“Buncha frieakin’ drama queens,” Midnight chuckled. “Ahh, that was tasty though. I can’t wait for dessert.” She set aside her plate as a waiter took them. “So. Wanna know more about this bat? Oh! Aside from not calling me a bat until we’re a little more friendly with one another. And if you so much as mention vamponies, I’m outta here.”

I wasn’t going to, Vincent chuckled. That would require that I know anything about them.

“I think I love you,” Midnight said, her big emerald eyes shimmering.

“Down girl,” Lucy chuckled as she pushed lightly on the mare. “He’s still mine for the time being, though you are making good headway.”

“Okay,” Midnight said as her tail stopped wagging like a puppy. “Aww, and don't worry. I love you too Lulu~”

“I remember,” the Lucario said. “So, did you ever offer this to any other pony?”

Or did they ever offer this to you? Vincent tacked on.

Midnight froze, actually froze. She even forgot to breathe for a second or three.

“Not… not right now,” she said quietly. She hastily got up and bowed her head. “‘Scuse me, bathroom.” And like that, she trotted away.

...Well, that backfired, Vincent sighed.

Lucy got up and nodded, before she decided to follow after the mare. By the time she caught up, Midnight was already in the bathroom, muttering to herself inside one of the stalls.

‘I-It’s fine… they didn’t know, how could they?” she whispered. “I just… oh Moonie… I’m so sorry…”

The Lucario just stood nearby, waiting for the mare to be done before offering a comforting shoulder. After a moment, she exited the stall and looked in the mirror.

“Ergh, gotta wash up before I go back or they’ll just get... worried…” Midnight slowly turned her head and saw Lucy standing there.

The bat promptly shrieked and ran back inside the stall.

“Nope! No bats here. Wrong room!”

Lucy just sat nearby and said two simple words to the bat in the bathroom.

“It’s okay.”

“Like Tartarus it is!” Midnight snapped before putting a hoof to her muzzle. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t… I didn’t mean to yell…”

“It’s okay,” Lucy repeated. She would wait this out as long as it took.

“Argh!” Midnight opened the door to glare at her. “Stop being so nice. It’s hard to wallow when you're being adorable like that.”

“It’s okay,” Lucy repeated with a smile on her muzzle.

“Dammit!” Midnight frowned and sniffed, before her head thumped against the Lucario. “...You have nice abs.”

“Thanks,” Lucy said as she ran a paw through Midnight’s mane. “Feeling a little better?”

“...Yeah,” Midnight sighed and wiped her face. Her makeup had been smeared, so she frowned as she took out a handkerchief and wet it, before washing her face. “Guess I ruined this night pretty thoroughly…”

“Everyone has rough spots,” Lucy said. “What matters more is how we help each other get by them.”

“My rough spots are as big as the Zebrican desert,” Midnight sighed. “Alright, let’s go. I think I owe Vin an apology.”

“I think we owe you one for posing that question,” Lucy said.

“Nah, you didn’t know…” Midnight said as she nudged the door open. She gave herself a once-over and nodded before walking back to her seat. Lucy followed after, and soon the threesome were back in their seats with a dessert menu in front of each of them.

“So uh… sorry about that,” Midnight said to Vincent as she hid behind her dessert menu. “Heh, when you gotta go, you gotta go huh?”

Apparently so, the Kadabra observed. They have quite a few options available, and I think you both might enjoy them.

Midnight froze again when she saw it, but her wiggling ears telegraphed that it wasn’t like before…

Called it, Vincent chuckled.

“M-Mango...parfait?” Midnight gulped and swallowed the lump in her throat. “Middy wants~”

“And this Berry-blended ice-cream looks...delectable,” Lucy purred.

I was thinking of getting that myself, Vincent admitted.

“Berry’s are okay I guess,” Midnight said. “But they’re nothing compared to the utter perfection that is mangoes. I swear, if Princess Celestia herself was a fruit, she’d be a giant mango.”

Aaaaand now she was thinking that Celestia looked delicious… again.

I’m starting to think you have a preferred fruit, Vincent said with a chuckle.

“So?” Midnight blinked. “I like mangoes. I could order chocolate-dipped grasshoppers. Mmm, I miss those~”

“Nevermind,” Lucy said with a wave of her paw. “We can deal with you being obsessed over a fruit.”

“Relax, you aren’t Bug-types, and I wouldn’t eat one anyway…” She suddenly hoped that Hollow Shades was Bug free. That… might cause an international incident or something. She waved the waitress back over and made her order. The waitress whispered into her ear and the bat smiled and nodded, following her out of the room for a moment.

So, do we just?... Vincent asked as he and Lucy waited for either of them to return.

She soon returned, her makeup reapplied as she sat back down. “I do like a mare that comes prepared,” Midnight smiled. “So, where were we?”

“I believe it’s your turn to ask an uncomfortable question about us,” Lucy said. “Fair’s fair.”

Midnight nodded and then smiled. “So Vincent? Is Lucy any good in the sack?”

A nearby stallion suddenly choked on his drink.

Let’s just say we learned a lot of things over her heat. One of which was how much she enjoys letting me take control, Vincent said with a wink.

“Oohh, someone likes being dominated?” Midnight gave the Lucario a predatory smile.

“It’s nice to not have to be the strong one all the time,” Lucy said with her own grin. “You should try it~”

“I only ever let one pony do that,” Midnight admitted. “She was the only one I ever trusted… after she spent three days reading up on the topic first.”

A week solid of actual experience, Vincent said. Along with additional testing done whenever we wanted to try it out again.

“Not bad… somepony has stamina,” she said, now eying up Vincent like a piece of fresh meat. “I can’t wait to… instruct you~”

A solid week, Vincent said with a smirk. Lucy just blushed before nodding to confirm his statement.

Midnight let out a low whistle. She was going to enjoy breaking them in if she got the chance. But they hadn’t seemed all that uncomfortable by that question though. But she wasn’t going to drag up their suspected past either…

Then she smirked.

“So… I take it you had a lot of fun knocking up your sister?” she said to Vincent.

The first day before we got the restraints was...unpleasant, Vincent said with a wince.

“I don’t even remember much of it,” Lucy admitted.

Ahh, there we go. Feel the awkwardness set in~

“And now we’re even,” she giggled and leaned across the table. Her long tongue flicked out and licked Vincent’s nose. “S’all good. She’s cute, so I don’t blame you. It’s not like you’re actually related right? Though… it wouldn’t be a first for me...”

I don’t want to ask, Vincent said with a shake of his head.

“I kinda do,” Lucy said with a tilt of hers.

“Twins,” Midnight continued, enjoying watching Vincent squirm. “Started out when them taking turns with me. Ended with me watching him bend her over the couch~”

“Oooh, she does tricks too~” Lucy purred. “Vinny, can we keep her?”

“Oooh, she’s almost as perverted as me~ Vinny, can I keep her?” the bat echoed.

You two, Vincent sighed, and shook his head. I swear you’re conspiring against me.

“Maybe a little,” both females said together and giggled. Midnight sighed and and smiled. “At least I didn’t go into details~”

Well, what did you have planned for after dinner, Midnight? Vincent asked. Or shall we resort to simply taking in the nightlife?

“Oh? I could show you two some real nightlife action~” Yes. Midnight Song had no off switch. Her designer didn’t even know what that was apparently.

“I’m all for just going home and cuddling first, bonding a little before we get into that,” Lucy spoke up.

“I know, I’m just messing with you,” Midnight said and patted her knee with a hoof. “Besides, we have yet to have dessert.”

As if summoned by her words, the waitress returned with two bowls of a berry-blended ice-cream that the restaurant had made, as well as a mango parfait.

Midnight just barely restrained herself from taking the parfait and the hoof it was attached to. Once it was on the table, she spent a solid minute just admiring it’s beauty.

Meanwhile, Vincent and Lucy had begun the slow demolishing of their ice-cream. Apparently the restaurant knew their stuff about making this and had blended only the finest tasting berries together.

Midnight had also taken a bit of her own dessert and let out a moan that had several stallions hunching over slightly. Yes, there really was no way to stop her.

This is delicious, Vincent spoke up.

“I’d offer some to Midnight, but I think she’d prefer to have sex with her dessert,” Lucy chuckled. Midnight’s cheeks bulged as her eyes shot open and she coughed. She was not expecting that one to come from her like that.

But Midnight was still Midnight.

“Oooooh, I can show you how to have a lot of fun with some whipped cream,” she said as she took another bite, in the form of licking some cream from the top very slowly and sensually, and her eyes did not leave Vincent’s.

Sweet Xerneas, but you just don’t stop, the psychic mock-groused.

“Me thinks the fox doth protest too much,” the bat giggled and started to eat her dessert like a normal pony, much to the relief of every stallion within earshot.

I’m making a list of all the things you’ve alluded to, Vincent said. We’ll see later if you can remember half of it.

Wait until he found out she memorized the Pony Sutra. All the versions~

“Fair enough… if we get that far,” she smiled, reminding them of their own test.

“I think we’ll mostly have a small Q&A session when we get back home, to see how well we get along, before we try a more hands-on approach to solving that question,” Lucy said.

“More questions?’ Midnight sighed with mock-exasperation. “Woe is me, I’m dating a couple of nerds.”

We just like to be certain before we allow others to get that close, Vincent said.

Midnight nodded as she used her tongue to clean out her tall glass, and the two got a show of exactly how that tongue worked…

Which you’re not making easy, the Kadabra said with a shake of his head.

“Huh?” Midnight moved her head up, her tongue snapping back inside as the glass was cleaned perfectly, like it had never been used in the first place. “Say what now?”

“You’re very good at being very tempting,” Lucy pointed out.

“Everyone is Songsexual, some just don’t realise it yet~” Midnight snickered.

Well, let’s see how the rest of our night goes before we make any broad claims like that, the psychic said.

Once the desserts had been finished, their waitress came by with their bill. “I hope you had a wonderful evening,” the mare smiled. “Was the food and drink to your liking?”

It was indeed, Vincent said with a nod. I quite enjoyed the taste of our Berries put to ice-cream. Your chefs did a masterful job in blending the flavors.

“Ah, so it’s you we have to thank for them,” the mare smiled. “I’ll pass that along to the chef.” She handed Midnight the bill, which she looked over.

“Sounds about right,” the Thestral nodded. “Please charge it to this account…” She wrote something down and the waitress nodded and took the bill back.

“I’ll need to verify this,” the mare said before she left to check it. “One moment please.”

Midnight nodded and poured herself a glass of water as they waited. The waitress returned after a few moments and nodded.

“That account checks out. Thank you for dining with us tonight Duchess—” Midnight’s hoof to her lips silenced her and she smiled awkwardly.

“Hahahaaa, okay! I think it’s time we see what else the city has to offer, let’s go guys,” the bat said as she hastily got up.

Vincent and Lucy shared a look, one that said they’d remember that and ask later, but got up as well. Vincent once again took to hovering while Lucy walked over to Midnight and stood next to her.

“So where to?” the Lucario asked.

“Hmm,” Hah! Her diversion tactics were legendary. Score one for the bat! “Well, we can’t go drinking… so we have the option of losing some bits at the casinos… or we could go dancing… but something tells me you guys just wanna go home for the night.”

More like the casinos already know of our names, Vincent started.

“And we’ve never been out dancing,” Lucy added.

“Never? Like… at all?” Midnight shook her head. “Oh you poor, poor children. I must rectify this.”

Well then, lead on, duchess, Vincent said with a smirk.

“GAH!” Midnight waved her hooves at him. “You did not hear that!!” She pouted and stomped off down the street overdramatically. Lucy caught up with her soon enough, while the Kadabra chose to hover a ways behind them.

“You’ll have to forgive Vincent,” Lucy said. “We didn’t have a great need for things like tact before. He’s still learning.”

“He’s still an ass,” Midnight mumbled and poked her tongue out at him. “No kissies or snuggles for an hour.”

That just means I get to watch you two for an hour, which is fine by me, Vincent said with a wave of his hand.

“And he also likes to think he’s the smartest thing in the room, which is not true,” Lucy sighed. “There’s a difference between knowing and processing information.” At that, Vincent actually fell silent.

“Ooh, harsh,” Midnight winced and moved next to Vincent and kissed his cheek. “Don’t worry. I’ll teach you. Just… don’t make a big deal out of me being a Noble alright?”

I won’t, but it does raise a few questions, Vincent said. Like, why us. Surely you have a plethora of options to choose from that are better than two strange creatures that didn’t exist on your world a month ago.

“I’ll answer your question with a question. Do you two think any differently of me, knowing I’m wealthy?”

“Well,” Lucy started, “While we may not be the most well-off ‘mon in the world, we are at least financially secure, so if the worry was we were agreeing to this for your money, something we didn’t know you had a lot of until about ten minutes ago, you can forget that.”

As well, while we do come from...not the most pleasing of backgrounds, we see most beings as equals, no matter their situation, Vincent said. Not a whole room for superiority back there...so no, we don’t see you differently at all.

“Merely wondering why you chose to date us,” Lucy finished. “Surely, like Vincent said, you have options open to you that others might not.”

“Think about your answer,” Midnight said as she walked ahead a little. “And then you’ll know mine.”

It took a moment, but Lucy voiced her conclusion as they continued to walk. “You want someone that treats you like an equal, and those who might share your position don’t?” she asked.

“Sorry, no prizes for the winner,” Midnight smiled weakly. “And yeah… you’re one of the few that doesn’t see me as a prize, a means to an end, or just the slutty batpony to use for a good time…”

Well, I’ll do my best on that last one, but our initial meeting… Vincent said before waving a hand when Midnight turned and frowned at him. I jest. Yes, if you wanted to leave that impression on us, you did that simply by agreeing to this date in the first place.

“Yeah, well… you said to try, and so I did,” Midnight said and it was also around then that something else clicked to the two of them. As lewd as Midnight was tonight, it was only ever directed at them. Not once did she hit on or tease anypony else…

“You really are trying this whole loyalty thing out, aren’t you?” Lucy softly asked. “How do you feel?”

“Alright, I guess… a little worried but nothing to worry about.” Midnight stared up at the sky, wondering if Luna’s stars were up there, past all the light pollution. “I’ve done it once before after all.”

...I would ask, but I get the feeling that’s a topic for another time, Vincent said. Just so you know, I’m quite impressed by your dedication to this and us.

“Well of course you are, I’m very good at what I do,” Midnight smirked and winked. “Now come on, we have some dancing to do and we’re burning moonlight.”

“This promises to be interesting,” Lucy mused.

It was after midnight by the time the trio had returned home, breathless, exhausted and happy.

“Pfft, I can’t believe how much you guys suck at dancing,” Midnight cackled as they stumbled inside. “What was with those martial arts moves Lulu? It was a dance, not a tournament.”

“I work in a dojo, what did you think I was going to do?” Lucy snarked back. “I’ve been trained in moving my body, but all for combat situations. I’ve never just...let go before.”

“Oh? But you’re so willing to let go when I kiss you~” Midnight giggled and planted a wet kiss on her cheek. “And yet, you still danced better than Vincent.”

It’s not my fault hovering doesn’t count, the psychic pouted.

“Well it does, if you could dance like a Pegasus,” Midnight chuckled. “You just sorta flopped around like a Magikarp.”

“There was very little in the form of recreational exercise for us before,” Lucy said. “We might need a teacher.”

“Well, it just so happens that dancing is something else I am very good at,” Midnight smiled and puffed out her chest. That said, her ‘dancing’ had garnered the eyes of more than a few stallions and mares. Ponies that received glares back from the two Pokémon.

Is there anything you aren’t good at? Vincent asked semi-rhetorically.

“What a silly question,” Midnight rubbed his cute bald head. “Of course not. I’m perfect.”

“Well,” Lucy said. “I think it’s nearly time we went to bed…”

Vincent nodded and then made the offer. Midnight, would you like to join us for what we consider the usual nighttime activities?

“I could sleep,” Midnight nodded and yawned. She hadn’t stayed up this late in a while. “You sure… you don’t mind?”

If we minded, we wouldn’t have made the offer, Vincent said. Besides, there’ll be more than just sleeping going on tonight.

Lucy nodded and smiled. “Perhaps you could get that teaching out of the way so that we don’t make as big as fools of ourselves next time.”

Midnight blinked and looked at a clock on the wall. “It’s… two-freaking-a.m? And you wanna practice dancing now?”

You’ll understand when we get to bed, Vincent said as he began to lead them to their bedroom. Come, you two should go first.

Lucy smirked and winked at Midnight, before walking into the room and lying down on the bed. Vincent raised one glowing hand over her head, and she was out like a light. The psychic then turned to the mare and raised one eyebrow.

“O...kay?” Midnight blinked. “Just… no using that glowy thing on me, I am perfectly capable of falling asleep by myself.” She climbed up onto the bed next to Lucy and closed her eyes, one of her wings draping over the Lucario.

Vincent smiled and lay next to them, and in a short while, the three had fallen asleep…

Though that was not the end of their fun that night, as Midnight was quick to discover herself in a club remarkably similar to the one they had just been in, with Vincent and Lucy by her sides and the rest of the clientele absent.

“Well… not bad for a dream,” Midnight looked around. “A noticeable lack of an orgy or an awesome battle… but I’ll take it.”

That was when Lucy swept her into a hug with a passionate kiss behind it, Vincent choosing simply to observe for the time being.

“Mmmm, Dream Lulu is passionate,” Midnight smiled and licked her lips. “Dream Vincent still appears to have all the personality of an apple tree though.”

“What was that you said about no orgies?” Lucy said with a slight growl. “We can change that...but after our dancing lessons, silly mare.”

You do have quite the task ahead of you, making us into something that won’t be as foolish next time, Vincent said. Though if you’d rather just make out with Lucy, that’s fine too.

“Even in my dreams, they ask a lot of questions…” Midnight said. “Come on brain, you give me a lucid dream and this is what I get?”

Aw, thanks for the compliment, Vincent said with a smile. I’ve been practicing, I wasn’t sure I could take three minds at once.

“Wait…” Midnight peered at him and then poked his belly. “Princess Luna?”

Nope, Vincent said with a wider smile. Remember Midnight, I’m Psychic~

It took a moment or three for the bat to fully process that, before she remembered what he’d talked about earlier. “Ooohhhhh! This is that mind-thingy you were talking about?”

“One of the few ways I could actually talk with Vincent during my Heat,” Lucy said with a nod.

No fear, my involvement in this doesn’t go beyond creating the scene, your mind is safe from me beyond that, Vincent said with a raised hand. That being said, this is the realm of the mind. Welcome to the shared dream Midnight, glad you could join us. This way we can do things even in our sleep.

Well, Midnight visibly relaxed, knowing her mind was safe from view. That was something she didn’t want them seeing.

Not yet anyway.

“Sooo, now I have to teach you dancing?” Midnight looked at the fox. “I swear if I wake up exhausted to the point of looking like the living dead…”

Your body is getting the rest it needs while your mind is having fun, Vincent said. Promise. And you don’t have to do anything here. Though we would appreciate knowing how to dance, yes.

“If only so the next time you take us out to a club, we don’t make as big a fool of ourselves,” Lucy said as she hugged the thestral again.

“Well, I suppose I can impart some of my infinite knowledge upon you mere mortals,” Midnight said as proudly as she could, even as the Lucario used her like a teddy bear. “This training will be rigorous. ARE YOU READY MAGGOTS!!”

Lucy winced as her ears folded back due to the sheer noise. Even Vincent’s reacted, not wanting any part of that. Could you be any louder? he mistakenly asked.

Midnight smirked.

“I SAID!” Her Royal Canterlot Voice caused the building to shake. “ARE. YOU. READY!!!”

That was it, she’d actually stunned the pair of ‘mon with her voice alone.

Never letting you learn Hyper Voice, the psychic blearily said from the floor.

Note. Never tell them she had a copy of Seth’s collar…

“Alright, that was fun and I am sorry,” she giggled. She stomped a hoof as some music started to play. It was one of Elesa’s latest mixes.

“Now, let’s teach you lot how to shake those flanks~”

Lucy managed to pick herself up first and went over to retrieve Vincent from the floor, the pair of them now ready for the teacher.

“Okay, so for starters, just try moving however you like. Don’t be embarrassed, it’s only me that’s gonna laugh at you.”

The two of them slowly began to get into the rhythm of the music, simply nodding their heads and tapping their feet, but they felt it all the same. Now that it wasn’t the same club that they’d attended, filled with ponies and ‘mon judging them, it was a little easier to just listen.

“Not bad,” Midnight said as she moved behind Lucy and placed her hooves on her hips. “Mmm, now sway these a little, show off the goods yer mama gave ya.”

The Lucario actually did as such, enjoying the music and starting to lose herself to it, swaying a little and trying to take a few steps.

“There we go,” Midnight smiled and gave her dreadlocks a little pat. She looked at Vincent and shook her head. He was dancing like he belonged in a retirement home.

“Oooh dear, uh… just uh… do the opposite of everything you’re doing there sweetie.”

Vincent sighed and looked over at Midnight. Perhaps you could help me as well? he asked. It’s not as easy as it looks…

“Alright, so let’s start with your dancing looking like you need to pee,” she giggled as she walked over to him. “Mares and stallions dance a little differently. Mares like to show off their curves, and it’s usually much more sexualised. Stallions on the other hoof…” She paused, realising she didn’t have as big a knowledge base to draw from. “Well, for one. Don’t shuffle around like that. You wanna show those moves off. You wanna impress the ladies, but don’t intimidate them by overdoing it.”

Why don’t you show me what you’re looking for? Vincent said. I don’t mind criticism as long as you offer help improving as well.

“Well…” Midnight had to rear up onto her hind legs as she balanced there pretty well. Fun fact, the bat could actually walk like this for a few minutes. She made a few moves, rough due to her frame and the way her limbs bent, but it was enough for Vincent to get the gist of it. The Kadabra tried his best to mimic it…

“Not bad, but you look pretty stiff…” That thought made Midnight giggle. He knew she was thinking something perverted. “Keep trying those steps, and try and time it with the music to let it flow better.” She tapped her hoof and the music changed again.

Vincent let his ears tell him when next to try his attempt at dancing, and flowed from one move to the next a little better now that he was using the music as his guide. He felt her hooves on him from behind, helping his movements some more…

And had the added benefit of copping a feel every now and then~

Any more wisdom you’d like to impart? Vincent asked as he gave her a quick wink.

“Try swaying your tail a little,” she said, placing a hoof on his inner thigh. The long, fluffy appendage swung with the beat a little, before it tickled along her belly quite deliberately. She let out a cute giggle as she dropped back down to all fours.

“Hmm, I wonder… what limitations are set on this dream thingy?” Midnight asked.

If you can think it, you can do it, Vincent said as he continued to practice. He wasn’t quite as bad as before, whereas Lucy had just completely lost herself in the music now that she wasn’t being watched by so many.

“Reeeeaally,” Midnight smiled widely. “Hey Vinny? Did you ever… think about human girls?”

I never saw any back on Earth, Vincent said. I barely know what they look like. And now I have Lucy, so the point is rather moot, as we’ll never find one here.

“I wonder about that,” Midnight said from behind him as a slender pair of arms wrapped around his shoulder. Her fingers locking together as he felt something… two somethings press against his back. “You know… Seth had a lot of interesting pictures on his Pokégear thingie. Very. Interesting~”

Will I like what I see if I turn around? Vincent asked.

“Well, that’s up to you now isn’t it?” she whispered into his ear. She pushed back a bit and Vincent turned.

A human woman in her early twenties stood there. She had lovely, flawless tanned skin. Platinum blonde hair that reached the small of her back and those dazzling emerald eyes.

Curves in all the right places.

And as naked as her pony counterpart.

Well that’s certainly something, Vincent said. Either you neglected to cover up because you didn’t know...or did, that humans more often than not wear something to stay modest. Seeing as we don’t usually have fur.

“Ooh yeah, you humans did that whole, ‘always clothed’ thing huh?” Midnight looked and and nodded. “I think this looks better, don’t you?”

I wouldn’t know, Vincent said. Like I said, I never saw any…

“Well… you’re seeing one now~” she purred as she stepped closer. “You could tell me what you think… Or should I go ask Lulu for her opinion instead?”

I simply don’t have an opinion at this time, Vincent said with a shrug. You’ll have to persuade me if you want one.

“While I would love to do just that, it would also break the little rule you’ve set on taking it slow,” the woman said, slowly trailing a finger down his chest.

This is the realm of the mind, Vincent said. It’s not like anything that happens here happens out there. I’m honestly surprised you’re still so restrained. And I made that rule out there.

“Vincent.” Midnight said seriously for a moment, her break in concentration returned her to normal. “I want you to think very carefully on who you just said that to. You have hit the line of no return. Last chance.”

That’s part of the reason I pulled you in here, not just for normal fun, but for that sort of fun as well, to see how well we’d mix together in that aspect, the psychic said. All you’d have to do is break the news to Lucy about the dancing being over and you can switch out the sort of fun we’re having. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve done this~

Midnight stomped her hoof as the music stopped. “Lulu? Dance time is over. Sexytimes are go!”

“Aww, I was enjoying that,” Lucy pouted.

“And you were very sexy, the Rule you set was stopping me from jumping you… and now your boyfriend here tells me that the Rule is exempt from this place…”

They could feel the lust coming from the bat. “Oooh, I am going to enjoy this~”

Vincent raised his hand, and the scene changed. From the club to the bedroom they were sleeping in, only this one had proportions that just couldn’t exist in the real world. For example, no bed was that big.

“Mm, nice. I just hope you aren’t compensating for something,” Midnight giggled as she bounced on the bed. “Alright, so do you wanna start your way, or mine?”

You’re the guest, Vincent said as the pair of ‘mon crawled up onto the bed. It’s only fair that you go first.

“Hmm, well… entertaining a couple isn’t new to me. So I want you two to start however you’d normally do with each other. I want to get a feel for what you like as a pair, before I join in on the fun.”

Lucy and Vincent looked at one another before sharing a shrug as they started off slow and gently, the pair just hugging each other and kissing for now. Midnight settled down a few feet away and just watched.

Then the hug got a little more...physical. Lucy was the one to start the groping, though Vincent didn’t disappoint either once he realized what turn it’d taken.

Midnight refrained from vocalising anything… yet. She did let out a small moan of appreciation though as she watched the pair get more intimate.

And that was when the pair remembered they had an audience, and stiffened for a moment before looking over at her.

“Aww, don’t stop on my account,” Midnight smiled cheekily. “You were doing so well too.”

We’re...unused to the idea of having a third just yet, Vincent explained. Perhaps if you weren’t just watching…

“But it was such a good show,” Midnight replied. “Besides, you’ve never had a thrid join either right? Are you sure you’d be comfortable with that?” She looked at Lucy in particular. “We’re talking about more than a hug or a few kisses. We’re talking about deep, physical intimacy. I need to know you’re both on board with that before we do anything. Let’s face it, both of you could seriously hurt me… or worse, if jealousy got the better of your emotions.”

“Not only would we never do that,” Lucy said.

But that’s exactly what we’re here for, Vincent added on. To see if we can do something like this at all.

“Well,” Midnight nodded as she scooted closer. “Let’s see then…” She recalled a few of her training lessons from Seth. Particularly about Pokémon weak points. “If I remember correctly…” She reached out with a hoof and started to massage the spot on the back of Lucy’s head, just behind her dreadlocks.

Lucy let out a soft moan and practically melted at the touch, enjoying the sensation. Vincent smiled and nodded at Midnight, before pointing at her feet as well. She tilted her head and nodded, her other hoof moving to rub at her pawpads…

That did it, Lucy flopped down onto the bed senseless as she enjoyed the rubbing. Ooh, Midnight could get used to this. She smiled as she switched up, using her wingtips to tease her head while her hooves worked her feet.

I must admit, you’ve done rather well with her, Vincent said as he maneuvered to behind Midnight. So, how does one work a thestral, hmm?

“I could tell you…” Midnight mused as she ceased her assault on the puppy Pokémon. “Ooor…” She spun and pinned the fox to the bed as her hooves traced lightly around the lines on his belly. “I could have a little fun with you~”

Oh dear, Vincent said with a chuckle. The big bad bat’s got me.

“You sound a little too confident,” Midnight smiled and flashed her fangs. “You see, I know aaaaall about your little kink for being all dominant. And Lulu’s too much of a pushover to turn the tables…” Her grin widened as she straddled him. “See where I’m going with this?”

I do like control, Vincent said. In every scenario…

“And while your psychic powers might work in real life…” A few ribbons bound his hands to the bed. “This isn’t any old situation is it?”

Oh, but dear sweet Midnight...Vincent said, before a voice whispered in her ear.

“You didn’t forget about me, did you?” Lucy said, from right behind her.

“Ah balls…” Midnight frowned. Yes, yes she had just forgotten that they’d probably team up on her.

That was when one hundred and twenty pounds of Lucario pinned Midnight to the bed, before flipping her over for the Aura ‘mon to explore their newest bedmate.

“I ah… appear to be in a difficult position here,” Midnight chuckled. That was when Lucy explored the area where her wings joined her body, giving it a light brush with a paw. Midnight let out a soft “Eeep!” as she blushed slightly. “Ah, you ah, don’t start lightly huh?”

“This is my first time with a pony,” Lucy said, running her other paw along one folded-up wing. “It’ll be fun, figuring out how you tick.”

And while she does that, Vincent said as he began to free himself from the ribbons. I can add in my own attentions to your form~

“Hoo boy. Okay, quick rundown. Be careful of my wings okay? And don’t yank on my tail…”

Lucy nodded and kept paying gentle attention to the wings, wondering if there were any weak spots on this mare at all. Meanwhile, Vincent had almost actually gotten free, and it was anyone’s guess what he’d do once he was…

She sighed softly at the touches on her wings. That aside, it’ll be fun to see if they’re quick learners or not.

Vincent finally broke free of the ribbons, and as he neared, Lucy straddled the mare’s back, being mindful of the wings. In fact, she was paying extra attention to where they joined her main body, rubbing it softly with her paws. While she was doing that, there was a breath of hot air running across Midnight’s nethers, to tell her where the psychic had gotten to…

“Yeeek!” Midnight crossed her legs and pushed him back. “Whoa! What the…?”

Just a little extra attention, Vincent said as he ran one hand across her flank. And oh, what a flank it was~ To show you our...appreciation for all you’ve done tonight.

“Well, it was just a little sudden is all, sorry…” Gods, why the heck was she so embarrassed all of a sudden. Though, them being so bold was something new. “Well then, let’s see what you got then.”

Vincent trailed one hand through her tail and lightly pulled it to one side, to better access his target.

“Haaahhnn~” Midnight let out a loud moan when he pulled on her tail. “W-What… what did I tell you!”

Found your weak spot, Vincent said. Don’t worry, I promise to abuse this information relentlessly in here, but only in here. With that, he wrapped her tail around his right wrist and hand while he all but dove into Midnight’s folds. She let out another moan as she bit into the pillows, unable to really do a whole lot.

Her flavour was… interesting. Very sweet, sugary, but also a hint of spicyness.

That was about when Lucy reminded Midnight of the fact that she was there by rubbing along her spine, trying to give the mare a soothing massage while Vincent serviced her.

“Mmmm, a mare could get used to this sort of treatment,” she sighed. “I could use a couple of good butlers. And Lulu would look soooo sexy in a maid outfit.”

Lucy, for the first time, took control. Though the first part did confuse the others, as she got up off of Midnight to begin with. Fortunately, Vincent still had the mare’s tail wrapped around his hand, preventing her from going anywhere quickly.

“Lulu? Whaaaat are you doing?” the bat asked with just a little concern.

Then Lucy sat down in front of her, scooted a little closer, and smiled at Midnight as her paw stroked the mare’s mane. “Getting what I want,” she said, before she gently gripped Midnight’s head and started guiding it to between her legs.

“Ah, well… I’m never one to turn down a lady’s request,” Midnight smiled and then lunged forward, clamping her mouth around the Lucario’s nethers and giving her another one of her special brand of kisses. The Lucario just lay back and moaned as she felt that tongue get to work, while Vincent did his best to return the attention in kind to the mare’s own mound and lips.

Midnight moaned softly into the Lucario as she bucked her hips slightly. She pressed a little deeper, feeding more of her tongue into the canine as she started to move it around inside her, twirling and writhing, lapping up any juices she could get to.

That was about when Lucy started to hook her legs around her head, to better hold her down…

‘Well, somepony’s eager,’ Midnight projected her voice like Vincent did. Dreamscapes rocked. ‘Now what happens when I do… This!’ She drew her tongue back and then started pistoning it in and out rapidly.

Lucy let out a little shriek as she nearly came on the spot due to her attentions. Meanwhile, seeing as how Vincent wasn’t getting any reaction out of her, he crawled up and began lightly touching Midnight’s wings with his left hand. His right still had a job to do, and he wouldn’t abuse her tail just yet…

“Mmm~” her wings twitched and she wiggled her hips again. She closed her mouth as her lips focused on one particular little nub, suckling hard on it as her tongue twisted around again.

That did it, Lucy moaned, spasmed, and came at last, giving to the bat the purest essence of her as she lay there in ecstasy. Midnight didn’t let up in the slightest as she lapped up her release and hummed at the taste. Once the Lucario had finished, the Thestral pulled back and turned her head to look at Vincent.

“One down~” she said with a husky whisper. “One to go~”

Vincent smiled and moved his right hand just a little bit. The one that still had a grip on her tail. She tensed up as a small moan escaped her lips.

“Oh you little—”

Another, sharp tug as he began stroking where the wings connected to her body. She moaned loudly this time as her body twitched, the panting pony glaring at him.

His right hand twitched again as he stroked her form again. What were you saying? he asked ‘innocently’.

“You’ll...get yours…” she panted, a fierce blush adorning her face.

That was when the Kadabra tugged on her tail sharply, pulling it to one side in an instant.

“Ahhhnn~” Midnight cried out in pleasure as she bit down on her hoof. “Y-you…”

Funny, I was always bad at doing what I was told, Vincent said as he tugged her tail to the other side. She moaned and twitched again. With every action, her revenge would grow. She wasn’t really used to being the submissive one, given her strong personality.

Vincent, don’t override that. Vincent, don’t read that. Vincent, don’t pull on that, he said, before tugging her tail again. Hmm, I wonder… He maneuvered back behind the batpony and slid his left hand up her hind legs before it reached a set of wet lips. She gasped and bit her lower lip, another traitorous moan escaping her lips.

What would happen if I did...this?

That was when he found and rubbed her clit while tugging on her tail.

A sharp moan that time, followed by her body trembling as his hand got a lot wetter, the batpony panting heavily as she came.

Two down, Vincent said as he finally unwound his hand from her tail. And now we know a little more about you. And how to please you.

Midnight lat there. “You… let go of my tail,” she gasped. “Goooood… Your turn!” She then pounced on him, pinning to the bed as she growled, nipping at his ears and neck.

Ack! Lucy, help! Vincent said as he lay under the vengeful batpony. Lucy did no such thing though, simply laying there and taking in the sight while she kept reminding herself that she was trying this ‘sharing’ thing out and that there was no need to go over and separate them.

“Now… while I may not know any specific weak points… yet,” Midnight observed and Vincent observed that she was much stronger than her lithe frame suggested. “Lulu, take note. All males have this particular weakness.” She slid down his body and opened her mouth, showing the depths of it, along with that tongue…

Then he felt her nose against his belly as she took his entire length in a single, fluid motion. He moaned and did his best to not grab onto her head when she did that. It felt amazing.

Ohh, she was far from done. She coiled her tongue around him, getting a feel for his taste and texture. Then she pulled off of him, but her tongue remained so she could show Lucy what she was doing as she started to squeeze him.

“Hot,” the Lucario said with a nod of approval.

So good, Vincent said. How are you even doing that?

‘Skill’ the bat giggled as her mouth dove back over him and she started to suck it like a straw, all the while her tongue continued to pulse around him. Vincent let out a moan as he just lay back and let her do as she would.

Totally going to pay you back for this, he vowed.

Then Midnight got an idea. While normally impossible while doing this, she had a skill she was certain they either didn’t know or had nowhere near mastered.

‘Such a thick, juicy cock,’ she purred in a tone that could be considered the vocal representation of everything erotica. ‘Come on big boy, I know you want to cum in my mouth. Fill me with your hot seed. I want it. Soo...mmm...baaad~’ She started sliding her wrapped tongue up and down, literally jacking him off with it while she sucked on him.

The Kadabra nearly lost it then and there, barely managing to not cum just from her words and actions. He still let out a throaty moan, though, as he didn’t have the spare concentration for anything else.

‘Let it aaaaall out,’ she continued. ‘I know you can keep going. I want it, I neeeed it~’ She gave a loud, vocal moan and those vibrations snaked through him, especially when her tongue squeezed him again. ‘Lucy’s watching you know. Do it, pour your cum down my throat while she watches. Feed this little bat. Fill her up~♥’

That tipped the scales and sent Vincent over the edge, his cum pouring into Midnight’s maw as he cried out in pleasure. Her relentless suckling never stopped, she continued to bob her head as he came into her, and only pulling back once he finally stopped.

Haaaaah...you’re...good at this, Vincent said once she did pull off.

Midnight smiled and it was then that he noticed her mouth was closed as she turned and looked at Lucy with a mischievous glint in her eye.

“What are you up-” Lucy managed to ask before the bat locked lips with her and shared the ‘gift’ she was holding in her mouth. She angled her head just so, so Vincent got the full show of her filling Lucy’s mouth with the cum she held onto, excess running down the sides of her jaw.

I take what Lucy said back, Vincent said as he just lay there. That, is hot.

Midnight eventually broke the kiss and licked her lips with a pleased hum. “Well now, that was a nice warm up, wasn't it?”

“Warm-up?” Lucy asked, her eyes wide.

Warm-up? Vincent echoed as he struggled to prop himself into a sitting position.

Midnight giggled at his tone and nodded. “Well of course. We haven’t gotten to the main event yet~”

Something tells me we’ve bitten off a bit more than we thought by taking the bat to bed, the psychic observed.

“Bite?” Midnight smiled again. This one was a little different and Lucy could feel her fur on her neck stand on end. “Tell me Vincent, what was a Lulu in Heat like?”

Completely insatiable, without reason, wanting one thing, the Kadabra said. Namely, me.

“Wanna return the favour?” she asked, her grin widening.

I don’t think that’s possible, Vincent deadpanned. I’m not female, nor do I go into Heat like that.

“Wanna bet?” she said, inching closer to him as her fangs glinted in the light.

Unless you have some way to circumvent that little barrier that I don’t know about-

“That’s all the permission I need~” she giggled as she bit his neck, her fangs breaking the skin as a particular type of enzyme begun to flood his system. It overloads the portion of the victim’s brain and floods it with endorphins, thus triggering a Heat-like state, regardless of gender or species.

Vincent blinked, swayed a little as the bite began taking effect, and moaned as he was suddenly ready again. He followed his brain’s command of mating with the nearest available female.

Too bad it was Midnight, seeing as she’d just bit him. He pulled her closer and hugged her as something quite stiff made itself known between their forms.

“Well, I appear to have made a small miscalculation,” Midnight chuckled.

Vincent didn’t reply verbally, just shifted around as that protrusion dragged along her stomach, leaving a trail as it headed to one target in particular…

“Aww, you’re getting my fur all messy,” she mock-whined. “That stuff is a pain to wash out you know…”

“I don’t think he cares at this point,” Lucy said as she drew closer to watch. “And really, you have nobody to blame but yourself for this.”

“I’m aware,” Midnight nodded. “I’d beware though, he won’t stop until he thinks we’re suitably bred… and well, you already are and he can’t breed me…”

“So really, I have nothing to worry about,” Lucy said. “I’m pretty sure he’s so far gone he won’t care about ‘can’t’ and is more concerned with ‘why haven’t I done it more’.”

“Mm, pretty much… but he’s gonna fuck you senseless once he’s done here,” Midnight sighed as she wiggled her hips around, making him work for it and not letting him gain access just yet.

“Before or after he does the same to you?” Lucy asked. “Really, all you’ve done is make him the more dominant one.”

“Oh, I know… I haven’t had a good, hard fuck in a while,” she purred as she pulled back from Vincent. She flapped a few paces away and turned around, flicking her tail to one side as she presented for him. “You want this Vinny~”

The Kadabra all but lunged for her, he was so desperate to satisfy his desires. His right hand grabbed onto her flank, while his left found her tail again as he nearly lined himself up. Nearly. His rod rubbed along her lips, brushing her clit as it rubbed along the exterior of her mound.

“Mmmm~ That’s nice,” she purred. “Come on Vinny, hurry up and rut me!”

The psychic let out a verbal growl as he pulled back and managed to plunge into her this time, his cock spearing into Midnight’s folds as his left hand unintentionally tugged on her tail as he sought to get a better grip for said rutting.

“Aaahhhh~” Midnight let out a pleasured shriek and bucked her hips back to meet him, taking him deep within her as she squeezed him. “Thaaaaat’s more like it~”

Vincent’s clouded mind had him set a hard, fast pace for the rutting as he kept going at Midnight, his left hand occasionally trying to get a better grip on her and pulling her tail a little in the process.

“S-Soo, good,” she panted. “M-More… rut me more… harder, yes, Harder!”

Vincent growled a little more as he took hold of her tail with his left hand and pulled it out of the way so that he could access her flank.

“Aaahhhh, ow! Not too hard,” she shouted. “F-Fuuuuck, ahh, L-Lu...lu… he’s so… haaaaah~”

“Maybe you should rethink your choice,” Lucy chuckled. Vincent bent over the mare’s back and used his hands to grab ahold of her barrel, for better leverage as he started hammering into the mare.

“A-Ah, haah, naaaah, this is gooood,” the thestral groaned. “Ah fuck, he’s sooo deep inside.” She panted and turned her head to shoot him a lusty stare that would have made a weaker stallion come just by seeing it. “Breed me you sexy fox, come on… rut me harder!”

Vincent let out another of his little growls before pulling back and flipping Midnight onto her back, before pounding into her again.

“L-Like this!?” It was an unusual position for her to say the least. “Ahhh, gods… Lu… are you, seeing thiiiisss~”

“You’re talking quite a bit for someone who’s getting stuffed,” Lucy observed. “Maybe I should take steps to put that tongue of yours to better use…”

Midnight was already doing so, as she looped her hooves around his neck and drew him in for a deep kiss, her tongue caressing his.

“That works too I suppose,” Lucy said as she watched the fact that Vincent just never stopped trying to rut Midnight through the bed.

Midnight hummed into the kiss, as her hooves moved to caress his sides while he went at her with wild abandon. “Aaahhnn~ Yeeessss….”

Vincent picked her up off the bed, holding her body up against his as he just kept going, now bouncing her a little with every thrust. Lucy tilted her head a little as she watched the shifting, changing positions play out. They sort of looked like...most of the letter K now, she mused.

MIdnight hugged him close as she panted and moaned into his ear. With this new position, she could feel him hitting her core, and it didn’t take long before she gripped him tightly and screeched cutely as she came, her drenched pussy gripping him tightly, trying to milk him for his seed...something he did not disappoint with.

With a grunt and a few harder thrusts, Vincent began filling the mare up with his second load of the night. The mare groaned, putting a hoof to her belly as he filled her up to the point that it was leaking out the sides.

“S-Sooo, full…” she moaned out. The Kadabra eventually put her back on the bed and lay atop her as his anatomy slowly softened to the point where it could withdraw...at least for the moment anyways.

Midnight fell onto her back, panting heavily as her winking sex leaked his release onto the bed in a slowly widening pool between her legs.

“Mmm, and I’m sure he remembers that he’s already bred me once,” Lucy said as she gave the thestral mare a pat on the side. “So enjoy the monster you’ve created here.”

“Don’t be so sure,” Midnight said through her gasps. “If you’re willing… he’ll pounce.”

“I’m already carrying his young,” Lucy giggled. “You, not so much.”

“Celestia-dammit,” the bat groaned. “That’s not fair… Oi, Vincent. Hurry up and rut your girlfriend as well.”

The psychic slowly roused before looking between the two and giving off a sniff. Hmm...the Lucario was already pregnant...this willing female, not so much. And he’d already done her once.

Guess he’d just have to do it until it took. He nuzzled the other female, to let her know what was about to happen again.

“Celestia-dammit,” Midnight swore again. She waited until Vincent locked eyes with her and she smiled as a red hue took over her iris’. “Ajunge.” <That’s enough.>

The psychic slowly stopped his ministrations of Midnight and tilted his head curiously.

“Hmm, seems my hypnosis works rather well on you,” Midnight smiled. “While normally I’d have to wait until it wore off. I learned that I can just hypnotise others into thinking it has.”

Vincent blinked a few more times as he slowly came out of the state Midnight had sunk him into. That...that was something else, he said.

“Mhmm, look at the mess you left behind,” she purred, spreading her legs a little wider.

And I can tell...that you stopped me from making it bigger, the psychic said. Why? Were you not enjoying it?

“Oh, I was… immensely so. But little Lulu is a little left out. Be a dear and show her some love too,” she nodded. She bent over, much like a cat as she started to lick up the mess on the bed, as a means to… spur him on.

Hmm...I rather think I will, Vincent said as the closet suddenly opened. Lucy had time for two words.

“Oh fuck,” she chose to say before the gear started flying out and binding her up.

“I believe that’s what he has in mind,” Midnight chuckled. “Ooh, Vinny, should I share this with her as well? She looks… thirsty~”

That’s going to be a little hard to do, Vincent said as Lucy’s form was revealed. Tied up so her arms were behind her back and her legs were kept spread apart, with a gag in her muzzle to keep her from saying anything. It’s not like she can take anything in with those lips.

“Who said I was going to feed ‘those’ lips,” Midnight purred.

Oh well then by all means, the Kadabra said as he waved one hand at the tied-up form. Midnight stepped closer to the canine as she opened her mouth to show off all the cum she’d collected, before slowly lowering her head towards Lucy’s nethers…

Lucy let off a little whine, really the only thing she could do in her position, as she felt that hot breath wash over her lips. Then she felt Midnights mouth over her, forming a seal around her mound as she started to push the mixed juices inside of her with her tongue. She let off a muffled moan as she felt that, wanting more of that the moment she felt it.

Midnight happily obliged, feeding more of her tongue inside of her as she let the rest of the cum pool in her mouth, washing up against the Lucario’s lips as the bat moaned into her. Lucy bucked a little against her restraints, now needing to feel it all in her.

And at the peak of her wanting just that, Midnight pulled away, leaving a trail of cum connecting their lips for a moment as the glistening liquid coated the ‘mon’s mound.

“Mmm, not bad,” she murred as she licked her lips and swallowed what was left in her mouth.

Yup, you just keep setting new records for hotness, Vincent said as he ran a hand through Midnight’s mane.

“Oh, you liked that huh?” She lowered her head and bobbed it up and down a few times on his shaft to get him nice and wet. “Mm, there we go. All ready for a good rutting.”

Well, I can clearly tell that were we to actually include you in real-life bedtime activities, they’d be entertaining to no end, Vincent chuckled. I’m half tempted to just keep you around, but you’re your own pony. I can’t force you to stay.

“I do have an important job, one that I love,” Midnight said. “But you’re only a train ride away after all…”

And we can’t exactly leave the building, nor would we want to, Vincent sighed. We’ve turned it into something that runs on and with Pokemon and it’s probably one of the safer places in the city. I just wish there was some way we could see each other more often…

“I’ll try and work something out… should you decide to have me… we’re still ‘testing’ I believe?”

I do believe we’ve found that we ‘mesh’ rather well, Vincent teased. Though perhaps we should set aside a day to talk about our pasts together. It’d make our bond stronger.

“...Or tear them apart,” Midnight looked away. “A-Anyway, enough about that. You’re keeping her waiting.”

Ah, so I am, Vincent said as he stroked Midnight’s face before turning back to Lucy. Hmm, time to take the puppy’s temperature~ he teased, before filling her with his shaft. Oh, I dare say she’s rather hot inside.

“Ooh?” Midnight said as she started to tease her pawpads again.

I dare say she might be running very hot, Vincent said. Perhaps an injection will help her cool down?

“I’d say that’s a good idea Dr. Vincent,” Midnight nodded as she appeared in a very sexy nurse’s outfit. “Tell me, with what you could control… say, the volume of the injection?”

Perhaps I could, Vincent mused. It’s certainly feasible.

“Make it so doctor,” Midnight said as she positioned herself behind him, before her tongue teased his balls...which even now began to swell slightly as Vincent focused his efforts on increasing their volume…

“Mmmm, this is going to make for quite the show,” Midnight hummed as her tongue squeezed him gently. Vincent let out a little moan as she did, before he started screwing the bound-up Lucario with more vigor than before. Midnight sat back and just enjoyed the show. This was pretty damned hot, and Lucy was making the most arousing noises…

Wanna know something? Vincent said as he kept up his steady pace.

“What’s that?” Midnight giggled. Casual conversation during sex was another interesting new experience.

All the gear that’s on her? We actually own.

“Oohh~ Then I guess you won’t mind when I test it on you then?” Midnight licked her lips as her hooves massaged his back.

That might be interesting, Vincent said. But I was thinking maybe I could occupy you with this. And with that, another object came out of the closet and zipped around behind Midnight, before prodding at her lips.

Midnight stiffened and shot him a dirty look. “Vincent… what are you doing?”

Giving you something to occupy yourself with, so that you don’t have to just watch, the psychic said. I’m fairly certain this toy is one of Lucy’s favorites~

“I’m happy to watch, but I’ll not say no…” Then Midnight smirked. “Actually… got something along the lines of a wearable toy?”

Sadly not, Vincent said. I get the feeling that if you end up staying around for much longer, though, we might end up with one. Feel free to meddle with the toy, though.

Midnight sighed. Then she smiled, “Ohh yeah~ Dreamspace!”

She settled herself under the Lucario and closed her eyes, concentrating. Since she was doing this, might as well go for authenticity~

The bound ‘mon suddenly felt something hard and wet poking at the hole under her tail...her eyes widened and she tried to shake her head rapidly, trying to show that she did not approve of the idea.

“It’s a real pity she can’t talk right now,” Midnight smirked as she pushed a little harder, the tip pressed firmly against her.

Such a shame, Vincent agreed as he slowed down, waiting for Midnight to finish what she was doing before he continued.

To her credit, Midnight did pause and pulled at the gag in Lucy’s mouth. “Hey now, I'm not going to force anything on you if you really don't want me to.”

The Lucario worked her jaw a few times before she looked over her shoulder. “Just...take it slow,” she said. “I’m not used to...that.”

“Hmm~” Midnight found that toy that Vincent gave her and flittered over to the cupboard, looting it for something.

“You know,” she called out. “If this cupboard is like this in real life. I have sooo many questions about you two…” She tossed a few things over her shoulder and then smiled. “Ahh, here we are~” She flew back over to them as she held a small jar with a clear jelly-like substance.

“Prepare thy anus~” Midnight gave the Lucario a fanged grin.

Isn’t that what that’s for? Vincent asked cheekily. Lucy just let out a small ‘meep’ at the idea.

“True enough,” Midnight smirked as she dipped the toy in the lube and held it up for a moment, before she held the canine’s tail to one side as she slowly eased the toy inside.

Then she saw the switch… with a wider grin, she turned it up all the way. Lucy let out a yip, before she started moaning at the sensations. That was about when Vincent picked up the gag and silenced her again.

I think she’s talked enough for right now, he said. Time to blow her mind~ The Kadabra went back to thrusting in and out of her at a steady, but increased, pace.

“Aww, I was enjoying those cute moans,” Midnight pouted as she worked the toy deeper, now slowly twisting it as well.

Maybe if you were actually using that little ‘addition’ of yours, I’d consider it, Vincent said with a quick glance before smirking at her.

Midnight smirked and yanked the toy out with a small flourish. However, it was soon replaced by the mare herself and she wasted no time in pounding the ‘cario senseless. Lucy let out a muffled moan at being double-stuffed so expertly, something Vincent was quick to let her actually vocalize. She had one word for the pair of them, once she was sensible enough to talk.

More,” she asked of them.

Midnight grinned and looped her hooves around the female’s waist before drawing back and slamming into her. Her new appendage garnered no feeling on her end, but the noises Lucy was making sure were nice. Lucy moaned again as both Midnight and Vincent worked her over, enjoying the feeling too much to want to get free just yet.

Mm, I’d say our patient is enjoying this, Vincent said. And how about you?

“It’s not too bad at all,” Midnight purred. She looked at the Lucario and she tilted her head, her tongue snaking out as it licked at her wherever it could reach, before sliding up against the protrusion in her chest.

Good, Vincent murred. I think it’s just about time I filled her, though…

“Sounds good,” Midnight nodded as she pulled out with a wet ‘pop’ “How about I help her brace for it~?”

And with that, she mounted the Lucario’s head and shoved her new toy past the wolf’s lips. Lucy lapped at it, regardless of where it had just been, as Vincent let out a groan and started filling the Lucario up with his release.

“Mmm, that looks nice~” Midnight purred. “Maybe I’ll be on the end of that sometime?” She pulled back out, desiring something with feeling as she kissed the female with no less than her usual vigor.

You know, Vincent said as he stroked Midnight’s mane. I’m pretty sure I could help you use that thing a little better. I do after all have one myself…

“Eh, I don’t get any feeling out of it,” she replied once she pulled back from the kiss. “How about it Lulu? You getting full yet? Is Vinny stuffing you nicely?”

Lucy let out a groan as Vincent just kept pumping her full.

Then there was a small shock that passed through Midnight’s body, and when it passed entirely, she realized…

She now could feel things with her latest addition.

“Well now…” Midnight mused and smiled. “Isn’t this an interesting little development. As thanks, I’m going to let Vincent decide how I use it~”

The Kadabra smiled as he finally finished pumping Lucy full, letting her enjoy that feeling for a bit before turning to Midnight. Perhaps you should feel what it’s like to be in my place, he mused. Though I’d advise cleaning her up first. He had made quite the mess.

“Hmm…” Midnight rubbed her chin as she looked at the mess pouring from the Lucario’s entrance. “Nah!” And she grabbed the ‘cario’s legs before ramming her toll up to the hilt with a single motion. “Oohhh, so warm and squishy~”

Seeing as how I have one, I figured it’d be a simple matter to let you feel how having one feels, Vincent said as he sat back and watched. How do you like it?

“Like I kinda wish I’d.. hah, been born a stallion,” she mused as she fucked Lucy hard and fast, not bothering to hold back. “Gooooods, this feel sooo good.”

Lucy just let out sharp gasps as she lay there, taking it.

Well, I suppose we can let you pretend in here, Vincent chuckled.

Midnight just nodded as she continued to pound Lucy senseless. “P-Perhaps… we should… rest after thiiiiisss~”

We can do that, the psychic agreed. Heck, I’m just enjoying the show for now.

“MMmmhmm,” Midnight groaned. She wondered if she could actually finish like this. That question was quickly answered as she felt something start to build up…

“Ooh, something feels funny,” Midnight pointed out. “Guess that answers that. Where d-do you want it, little puppy?”

Lucy was far too out of it to actually answer, though.

“W-Well damn, I was hoping for some begging or something,” Midnight grunted. “You… have an idea Vin?”

I think, Vincent said as he smirked again. You should go for the full experience.

“Well then…” Midnight let out a louder groan as she grabbed Lucy’s hips and rammed it home, her member throbbing hard as she unloaded inside her. The Lucario, taking her second load and not being able to move or do anything about it, just lay back in a daze as she climaxed as well, her walls gripping Midnight’s shaft and milking her.

“Hhrrrmmm, this… this feels pretty good,” Midnight moaned, pulling out and giving the Pokémon a nice coating to go along with her filling.

And it looks pretty hot as well, Vincent said as he leaned up against the wall, sitting up as he watched them finishing up.

“I’ll bet it does,” Midnight panted as she fell back. “Phew… ‘m tired…”

Come and cuddle then, Vincent offered as he lay there with his arms open.

Midnight returned to normal and inched over to him. “Not really the cuddling type but… sure…” she shrugged as she settled in. “You’re still gonna get it if I wake up tired tomorrow.”

You shouldn’t, Vincent said as the restraints dissolved off of Lucy’s form and she was brought close, so they could ‘fall asleep’ together. Just rest, and this will all have been a wonderful dream.

“Mmm, one of my better ones,” Midnight hummed as she closed her eyes. “I’d rate it… about a seven.”

I’d ask, but I think I know better than to do that at this point, Vincent chuckled as he stroked the mare’s mane. Midnight nodded and smiled, letting true sleep take her this time…

Chapter 66 - Midnight falls in Las Pegasus 2

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When Vincent awoke the next morning, the Thestral was absent from his bed, and an odd oily smell was coming from the living room…

He gently rolled over and kissed Lucy, before walking over to the door and peeking out, wondering what the smell was.

Midnight sat in the middle of the floor, their coffee table propped up against one wall as various bit of shiny gold metal were scattered around her in an array of organised chaos. She had one piece in her lap as she dabbed a cloth in a small container, the source of the smell, before meticulously rubbing at the armour.

Morning, he greeted her.

She waved a hoof without looking up and then pointed at the dining table. “Morning~ I bought coffee while I was out. Should still be hot.”

Oh good, Vincent said as he sat down at the table. That saves us some time.

“Yeah, I thought you struck me as the coffee type,” Midnight nodded as she set that piece aside and pulled up the next one.

I’m only allowed to have one cup worth, though, Vincent said. Any more and things tend to go a bit loopy.

“Ah, that sounds like it could be fun to watch,” Midnight giggled. “I should be done here soon, the joints in the crinet are always a pain to reach.”

I’d offer to help, but something tells me this is a task you want to do on your own, Vincent said as he pulled the coffee closer to himself, idly reading the labels.

“Yeah… a rule to follow with me, don’t touch my armour or weapons. Especially the latter. I don’t want you to hurt yourself or somepony else.” She thought for a moment and nodded. Maybe he might like to know.

“This is the crinet, it’s the part that covers my neck and shoulders. That there is the chanfron, or helmet for the less educated. The pommel and cantel there is what covers my upper and lower back.” She looked around and pointed to another part. “That’s the peytral, or chest guard. The crupper there is for my flank, along with the tail guard. And the last piece is the flanchard, which is for my belly. Oh, and my greaves for my cute little hoofsies~”

There is a lot more to armor than I thought, Vincent said with a raised eyebrow. What would you call what I’m wearing then?

She looked him over. “Well, I’d say I’d have to use Minotaur armour terminology. The parts on your shoulders are called Pauldrons. While your chest piece is called a… um, oh! A Plackart.”

Interesting, Vincent said with a smile. Nice to know that, I suppose. He picked out a container of coffee and began to sip at it, enjoying the taste.

“Mmm, you can tell me if I’m boring you,” she replied, turning back to her cleaning. “Most do when I start going on about guard stuff…”

Why would I do that? Vincent asked. It’s clearly something you’re passionate about. It’d be rude to not listen when you talk about it.

‘Thanks…” Midnight smiled at him. “You’re one of few at least…” She rubbed her eye, forgetting she had polish on her hooves.

The next minute, she was rolling around on the floor. “OH SWEET CELESTIA THAT BURNS!!!”

Hold still, let’s get you to the sink so we can wash it out! Vincent said. We need to use water if we’re going to have any hope of getting that done!

The paaaaaaainnn!” Midnight groaned as she was led to the sink and her head moved under the tap. “Goddammit… that wasn’t too bright of me was it?”

It could have used a little more foresight, yes, Vincent agreed. Still, let’s make sure you’re okay first.

After a few moments, she pulled back, her face and mane soaked as she blinked her eyes and winced. “Still stings a bit, but hey, I’m not blind.”

Give your eyes time to get all that gunk out of them, and I’m sure you’ll be fine, Vincent said.

“It was just a little bit, and I need to clean up before somepony—” There was a loud clang of metal hitting metal, followed by a string of curses from Sam. “—Trips…”

Good news, everybody else is up, and will likely take care now, Vincent said. Bad news, there’s already been an accident.

Midnight groaned, hoping the Scizor hadn’t dented her armour… Uh, well she was concerned for his safety of course… hehhe…

“Sorry about that,” she said as she stepped around him and helped him up. He grumbled a little before accepting the helping hoof.

“What is it with you ponies?” he said. “I much prefer my armor, thanks.”

Though you did still trip over it when you first got it, Vincent pointed out, causing Sam to sputter and look away. Midnight stifled a giggle as well, moving to pick up all of her armour.

“In hindsight, I should have done this in my own room. But then Vinny might have thought I’d run out on him.”

There’s this wonderful thing called a note, the psychic observed. I’d have understood if you left one, then showed up again after you’d seen to this.

“Eh, again. Hindsight.” Midnight finished collecting all the pieces and moved it all to a corner before setting their coffee table back down. It wasn’t long before the Bellossom and Lucario of the family made themselves known and greeted the rest of the household. Lucy pulled up a chair next to Vincent and pulled a container of coffee closer to herself, while Jeanne set about making breakfast for them all.

“Oh! Can I help make breakfast?” Midnight asked excitedly. “Mom never lets me help out at home.”

“I’ve got it,” Jeanne said with a wave of her hand. “It’s remarkable what you learn camping. Though you can pull down the plates I’ll need if you like.”

“Okay…” Midnight sighed as she hovered up to one of the cupboards. Unfortunately, the gust kicked up by her flapping wings also fanned the flames on the stove…

“Oh dear,” Jeanne said before she turned the dials down. “Let’s avoid having any accidents happen.”

“Huh…” Midnight looked at her wings and shrugged. “Maybe that's why I keep setting kitchens on fire.”

“It certainly doesn’t help,” Jeanne said. “Fire’s one of those things you want to maintain strict control over. I’ll wait until you’re done up there before I continue.”

“Or Vincent could have just floated ‘em down,” Lucy snarked as Midnight set the dishes down on the table. Her comment was followed by a thud and some rather vocal grumbling from another apartment. “Christine’s awake.”

“Well, if Midnight wants to be useful, who am I to deny her the chance to try?” Jeanne riposted. “Your cooking skills are practically nonexistent, so I’ll take what I can get.”

“Vinny can’t cook?” Midnight asked and looked at the fox. “What about Lulu? She strikes me as the cute housewife type. Wearing a cute frilly apron while she cooks her husband a nice dinner…” Okay, so perhaps Midnight’s imagination was running away with her right now.

“Cooking was something we didn’t learn,” Lucy sighed. “Would have been useful.”

“Never too late to learn a skill,” Midnight replied. “I didn’t know I could manipulate a Dreamscape like that til last night. A skill you both seemed to appreciate. Again and again and again~”

“Cooking is a little bit different,” Jeanne said. “You don’t get to go back and do a recipe over if you make a mistake, so it’s best to keep them with simple things until they pick up on some of the basics. Though, if you’re willing to help me, I could use some aid in getting some ingredients…”

“Really!?” Midnight’s eyes sparkled, and for the strangest reason, Vincent felt uneasy. His sixth sense was playing up something fierce.

The thestral hopped over to the counter. “So what do I do first?”

“If you could get out about half a dozen eggs, the milk, and the parmesan cheese from the fridge, that’d be helpful,” Jeanne said as she managed to pull out a large mixing bowl from one of the lower cabinets and started bringing it up to the counter via a stepstool.

Midnight opened the fridge and soon brought the ingredients over, balancing them expertly on her wings. The front door thudded, like someone had just run into it. There was silence for a few moments before it thudded again.

Vincent sighed before he walked over to the front door and opened it with a raised eyebrow. Christine crawled in, inching across the floor.

“Cooffeeeeee…” she groaned. Lucy pulled a container of the stuff off the table and held it above the floor for the silly landshark.

A few seconds later, the Gabite was munching on some coffee beans while a fresh pot boiled away.

“Oh hey, it's the Snark-Shark!” Midnight said. “Sup?”

“Mornings suck,” she deadpanned. “Can’t you ask those Legendaries of yours to do something about that?”

“I tried once…” Midnight admitted as she walked closer to the dragon. “Offering to provide a distraction didn't go down as well as I thought it would.”

“They’ve gotta have some sort of weakness,” Christine muttered. “Some way we can bribe ‘em…”

“We could ask Seth,” Midnight chuckled. “He seems to be quite the mare’s ‘mon~”

It’s quite amusing how casually you’re talking about affecting the natural cycle of day and night on this world, Vincent chuckled.

“Oh don’t you even start,” Christine said as she pointed a claw at him. “You think mornings suck as well.”

I will have you know I am perfectly fine with mornings, Vincent said, putting a hand to his chest.

“Only because I'm here,” Midnight giggled, now standing quite close to Christine. “Oh, Chrissy? I have a message for you as well. From Rika...”

“Mm?” the Landshark said, half-turning to look at her. That was when she got an arm full of batpony hug, as the thestral leapt at her chest, pulling the dragon into a bone crushing embrace.

“Ooof!” the dragon said as she did her best to return the embrace. “Gah...almost afraid to ask if any of the others had any messages…”

“Mhmm, Ignis and Selly said they miss their adorable cuddlebuddy as well.”

“Oh good, they didn’t send anything beyond words,” Christine sighed.

“Aww, was the draggie hoping for kissies?” Midnight cooed as she leaned closer as her gaze turned downright listful. “I'd be happy to oblige~”

“More hoping they didn’t send more hugs,” Christine deadpanned. “This one’s strong enough as it is, thanks.”

“Aww, you're still cute,” Midnight giggled and kissed her nose. “Now… where was I? Oh! Cooking~” She hopped off of the dragon and headed back over to Jeanne. “What’s your next order Ma’am?”

“Help me find the cheese grater,” the Bellossom said as she pulled a drawer open. “I can never find it in this chaos.”

“Hmm…” Midnight looked around and then started rummaging in drawers. “Grater…greater… Where are you little grater~” She started humming as she moved to the bottom drawer, her flank wiggling in the air.

“Not here, not here...I swear I put it away in one of these drawers,” Jeanne muttered.

“Dah, duhduh duh daaaaahhhhh!” Midnight held the tool up. “Found it!”

“Excellent!” Jeanne said as she pulled a bowl out of a cabinet. “Now, grate some of that cheese into this bowl while I crack the eggs and mix them up with some milk.”

“Roger!” Midnight saluted as she started to rub the cheese against the grater.

How the hell did someone actually make that look lewd? No one was sure, and yet, Midnight was doing it. Jeanne just sighed with a smile on her face as she found the wisk and started on the eggs and milk, mixing them together into a nice, even mixture.

“Soooo, what are we making?” Midnight asked as she finished the cheese off and plucked a few strings to eat.

“Could be omelets, could be just scrambled eggs,” Jeanne said. “It depends on if we have any mushrooms and tomatoes in the fridge.”

Midnight checked, but saw none of the above. “Negative Captain. Shall I proceed on a supply run?”

“That’s fine, we’ll just have some scrambled eggs and toast,” Jeanne said. “Give me that cheese and look for the salt and pepper. I like to put a little in for flavor.”

“Will do,” Midnight nodded as she spied the shakers on the table. She reached for them, but her hooves slipped on the linoleum and the pepper spilled over, the bat getting a nose-full of it.

That was when her face did the most adorable scrunchy expression as her eyes watered.

Uh-oh, Vincent said as he drew closer, not sure what he could do to help but wanting to lend his aid anyways.

And that was when he got a facefull of Thestral snot when she let out a powerful sneeze that actually made her stumble back a bit. Vincent blinked a few times, not sure how to react.

Lucy and Christine weren’t so reserved, as they giggled and started to laugh.

Jeanne just sighed. At least she hadn’t gotten any in the food.

“Sowwy,” Midnight sniffled and rubbed her nose. She moved to the sink to wash her face… again. “Blublblble~ Blaaaaah!” She shook herself off and smiled. “All better~”

I think I need a shower, Vincent sighed as he made his way back to the room.

“Sorry again Vinny… Oh! You want me to help? I’ll help you get clean! After we get dirty~”

“Down,” Lucy said, shaking her head. “No need for that just yet.”

“Oh, right… I forgot,” Midnight rubbed her head. “So… friends with dream benefits for now then.” She shook her wings and smiled. “I’ll go and get those things if you want. Be back before you even know it.”

She’d opened a window earlier to air out the smell of her polishing oil and dived out of the small gap, taking wing and disappearing from sight.

Vincent shook his head as he stepped into the shower, already trying to get himself clean. Jeanne tilted her head, but decided that she could wait to see how this played out. Though if that mare actually returned with the stuff for the omelets, she would need more egg mix to make enough. With a sigh, the grass-type stepped down and moved her step-stool over to the fridge, so she could get the eggs and milk she would need for more breakfasts.

Market City, a large building that was essentially a giant version of a local produce market. Ponies and others would come here to peddle their wares and it was almost always packed. Flying was forbidden, as to avoid pegasi dropping dirt or whatever onto the food stalls.

Midnight grumbled slightly as she was squished inside, shuffling forward at a snail’s pace as she headed for the spices section. Wedged between two large earth ponies, she just pouted at the context of the situation before she finally got enough room to move around.

“Gah! Finally,” she sighed as she broke out into a brisk trot, eventually finding a stall run by a zebra mare. Ohh, she was cute~

Midnight shook her head, she was here for spices and vegetables, not some fine tail…

Oh goddess… she was turning into a respectable mare. Noooooooo!

A short while later, she emerged with full saddlebags and a building irritation at large crowds. She almost instantly took to the skies and started to flap back towards the apartment, taking it slower due to her cargo.

“Sometimes I wonder why I set hoof on the ground in the first place,” she sighed to herself. Well, she knew why. Thestrals didn’t have the stamina and wing muscles that Pegasi did, so while they were fast, they couldn’t stay in the air as long. Midnight’s best was maybe a few hours, whereas she’d heard of pegasi flying for a day or more.

She couldn’t fit back through the window with her bags, so she landed on the roof and would head down that way…

She suddenly sniffed and looked around. She knew that smell…

Then her eyes widened. ‘Magost Berries~’ She found her hooves moving of their own accord, the delicious mango-flavoured berries were only a few feet away…

“Ahem,” she heard from behind her. The voice was familiar as well. She turned around, one berry already wrapped in her coiled tongue. What she saw was a Roserade looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

“I do hope you weren’t planning on eating any of those without permission,” he said, tapping one foot.

She slowly put the berry down and smiled sheepishly. “Quality control?” she grinned.

“Something I am very good at,” the grass-type agreed. “Unless you have permission from the ones that own the building, I’m afraid we can’t give out free samples.”

“I had Dream Sex with them, does that count?” she said without hesitation.

James blinked, facepalmed, and shook his head with an exasperated sigh. “One,” he eventually said. “And I better not hear anything about this!”

“Whoo!” Midnight scarfed down a berry and moaned at the sweet flavours. “Oh my goddess, this is as good, if not better than Fritter’s ones~”

“I do pride myself on my ability to grow delicious berries,” James said with a smile. “Now go before you eat all of them,” he said, making small shooing motions with his hands. “We have to keep a good stock.”

“Aww, but…” She withered under his fierce glare. “Fiiiiine…” She turned and walked off, a visible shake in her curvaceous flanks.

“Not losing any more berries if I can afford it,” the plant muttered. “Not to bugs or bats.”

“I heard that!” she called out. “Thestral, not a bat!”

James just sighed and shook his head as he went about his daily rounds again.

Midnight walked back into the apartment and kissed Lucy on the cheek as she walked past, before placing her bags on the countertop.

“I got the tomatoes and mushrooms,” she said. “I also bought more milk and eggs… and some pepper to replace what I spilled.”

“Thank you dear,” Jeanne said. “We’ll focus on the tomatoes and the mushrooms for now. How are you at slicing them?”

Midnight grinned and zoomed out of the room, returning mere moments later with her wingblades equipped and grinning widely. Jeanne smiled, before she pulled out a cutting board and placed it on the counter.

“The tomatoes need to become little chunks,” she told the batpony, “Preferably uniform in size. While the mushrooms should be thinly sliced.”

“Endless Waltz!” Midnight said as she tossed a tomato into the air and slashed out with her wings. Only Lucy had the training to even follow her movements, and even then, she really had to concentrate. A few seconds later, a pile of diced tomato sat on the cutting board.

“Thank you dear,” Jeanne said as she began pouring the mix into the frying pan, so that she could start up the omelets.

Then Midnight brought her blade down to slice the mushroom, only to get it stuck in the board. “Whoops…”

“Just take it easy, don’t force anything,” Jeanne said. “You might break the board if you did. Try gently pulling it backwards…”

Vincent walked in, having finally cleaned his face of all the gunk and sighing in relief. That feels better, he said as he retook his seat.

“Oh, Hi Vinny~” Midnight said as she turned. The morning sun cast a shadow across her face, leaving her eyes to gleam brightly as she held up her wingblade, still stained in the red juice of the tomatoes…

And, that’s one of the creepier things I’ve seen, the Kadabra said. Not quite up there, but pretty close.

“Huh?” Midnight looked at her swords. “Oops, sorry for scaring you like that. It’s just tomatoes…” She turned back around, showing off her Full Moon as she carefully sliced up the mushrooms.

And that’s immediately canceled out by one of the sexier things I’ve ever seen~ Vincent said with a happy hum. Lucy just shook her head as she sipped her coffee. Midnight smirked and flicked her tail to one side, instantly improving that view as she sliced away, also adding a small shake to her rump.

“Hey, I’m not your mate, I don’t need to be seeing that!” Christine barked out. Whereas Sam just blushed and looked away.

“Hrrm, forgot you were there,” Midnight shrugged as her tail covered her up again. “Ah well, a free show never hurt anypony. Otherwise, that’ll be fifty bits.”

Christine rolled her eyes as she looked at Lucy and Vincent. “Do you two have enough badges to train that mare yet?” she asked with more than a touch of snark.

Midnight paused and tilted her head. “Badges? What do they have to do with anything.”

“It’s a joke from Earth,” Christine said with a wave of one hand. “You wouldn’t get it unless I explained it.”

“Fair enough… Oh! You mean those shiny things Seth has? I think Elesa and Skyla had something to do with them.”

“Yeah,” Christine said. “Trainers beat Gym Leaders, acquire their badge, and that’s supposed to impress some ‘mon enough so that they will let the trainers actually train them.” The dragon snorted. “None of them ever did impress me.”

“And yet you like Sethy a bunch,” Midnight smirked. “What’s that I heard about you giving him the honour of Mega-evolving you for the first time?”

“That he’s not a cocky git who only thought of me as a trophy for his team?” Christine replied shamelessly.

“Yeah, he’s good at not being a git,” Midnight giggled. “Denser than dark matter, but he has a good heart.”

“Unlike the small horde of trainers that kept trying to tame the oddball dragon,” Christine agreed.

Cute oddball dragon,” Midnight corrected her. Seeing that Jeanne had the cooking under control, she sat down at the table, in between Sam and Christine. “So bugboy. What’s your story?”

“You don’t want to know,” he said with a shake of his head.

“Trust me, I’ve probably heard worse,” Midnight shrugged. “Tell you what, I’ll answer one of your questions in return.”

“No, really, I’ve heard from everyone I ever told,” Sam said as he raised a claw in his defense. “They didn’t want to know after I told them.”

“Sam? Have a good think about who’s asking you,” Lucy tacked on. “And how much… private time you’ve spent because of her.”

“Fine, but I’ll whisper it,” he said, leaning over to one of the mare’s ears and starting to tell her about the time he’d spent in Celadon City with an old man...who had way too much free time and money, and who wanted to pass his knowledge on to someone…

“Uhuh... “ Midnight nodded slowly. “And yet, my voice alone makes you run for the bathroom. Seems his student still has much to learn,” Midnight smiled and leaned closer, as if she was going to kiss him. “I could teach you~”

“I’mfinethanks,” Sam said as he leaned up and scooted a little ways away, so as to not be any closer to the mare than he had to be. “Plus, I kinda have my eyes on someone…”

“That cute Leavanny downstairs?” Midnight hazarded a guess, then her eyes widened when he remained silent. “Wait! I was right?”

“He’s in love with her,” Lucy said with a sigh. “And she doesn’t want anything to do with a ‘mon that doesn’t know how to mind his manners around a member of the fairer sex.”

“Oohhh, so she’s one of those types?” Midnight gave a small sigh and shook her head. “Let me guess, she wants a romance straight out of a novel or fairy tales?”

I think she’d settle for not getting hit on with really bad lines every time he walks through the lobby, Vincent said with a chuckle.

“Ahh, and yet, he’s so flustered around me,” Midnight smiled. “I’m actually beginning to think you’re talking about a whole other Pokémon.”

“He’s pretty bad with ‘mon and things that aren’t in his Egg Group,” Christine supplied. “It’s only when he’s attracted to the ‘mon in question that he gets any confidence.”

“Misplaced confidence, but confidence all the same,” Lucy chimed in.

“I love how you’re talking about me like I’m not here,” Sam muttered.

“Ah, so it’s because I’m not a buggy?” She smiled and looked at him. “But, I’m so very good at eating them~”

“That has disturbing implications,” the Scizor said as he sipped at his coffee.

“Take it however you like, you’ll likely strike a grain of truth regardless,” Midnight smirked widely. “Just ask your brother and sister~”

“I’m fine without asking, thanks,” Sam replied flatly. “Is there no way to stop you?”

“Nope! Again, ask them,” she giggled and motioned to the couple with a wing. “And speaking of, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“I have teaching in the dojo to do,” Lucy said. “So once the time rolls around, I shall have to depart for that.”

I don’t have much I have to do today, though, Vincent replied. I’ve mostly been training myself in fine control with my strength. I’ll likely remain at home today.

“Hmm, I could help Lulu… but then, she’d probably want her students left in one piece…” It slowly dawned on Midnight that she’d have nothing to do today. Which wouldn’t be a problem normally, just find a pony and spend the day between the sheets.

“You two have ruined me!” she yelled at the ceiling.

How so? Vincent asked.

“I can’t just go out and sleep with a random partner anymore! This trust and loyalty thing has forever ruined me.”

“That hardly sounds like a bad thing,” Lucy pointed out. “You could be involved with worse partners for that than us.”

“Nah, you two are only the second that I’ve done this with,” Midnight said with a wave of her hoof. “Trust me, every few others could fill that role. I even have a list.”

Well if you’re that bored, you and I could do something, Vincent offered. My staying home is by no means mandatory. I just get the feeling Ace appreciates it.

“Yeah, Captain ‘Stick in her Plot’ is kind of a buzzkill. But she did recommend that restaurant last night, so I have to thank her for that.”

I also get the feeling she doesn’t want to see me anytime soon, Vincent said with a sheepish scratch of the back of his head.

“Or any of us,” Lucy pointed out.

“Me especially,” Christine grumped.

“Ahh, you guys are cool, she just stresses out way too easily.” Midnight giggled and blushed lightly. “That handsome husband of hers just needs to sex her up more often.”

The Kadabra raised an eyebrow, a hand, thought better of the comment he was going to make, and lowered both before saying anything at all. Midnight caught that and wondered what he was about to say.

“Well, let’s eat first, I’m starving,” Midnight said as her belly gurgled in response. That was when Jeanne walked through the door and nodded at Vincent.

“They’re done and plated,” she said as she made her way to the couch in the living room. Vincent raised a hand, causing several plates to appear in a blue flash. Each one had a delicious, cheesy, mushroom and tomato omelet on it.

“Ooohhh, sooo cheeeeesy~” Midnight said and wasted no time in digging in, attacking the food with her usual gusto. By diving facefirst and taking big mouthfuls. Vincent just chuckled as he began to eat his with a little more reservation, joined by Lucy who also used silverware. Seeing as how Sam couldn’t hold them very well anyway, the Scizor used his claws to gently pull pieces of the egg and cheese dish off and hold them up to his mouth.

Christine did something similar, where she used her claws to cut up the omelet, and then speared it with said claws and started munching on the deliciousness. Soon, the only ones left eating were the ones that were trying to be polite about it.

Eventually, Midnight had to come up for air, and Vincent was certain she’d gotten more on her muzzle than in her mouth. A problem she quickly rectified by snaking out her long tongue and licking her muzzle clean.

You really have no way to stop, do you? Vincent said with a shake of his head, his breakfast only half-gone.

“Whaaaaat?’ Midnight pouted and folded her forelegs. “What did I do now?”

“Be your usual tempting self, of course,” Lucy said with a smile. “Though it’s not like that’s a bad thing…”

“That kiss I gave you?” Midnight said as she waited for Sam and Vincent to take a mouthful of food. “I can do that to myself~ Very useful on lonely nights.”

Sam was confused, while Vincent coughed and made sure the food went down the right way by thumping his chest a few times. Are you...trying to choke me? he asked once his airway was clear.

“Nah, necrophilia isn’t one of my kinks,” Midnight replied without missing a beat. “That said… some of those Ghost-types are kinda cute…”

Really starting to think my earlier thought was correct, the psychic said.

“You know,” Midnight shrugged as she turned back to her food. “Did it occur to you that you’ve only asked if I could stop, not if I would?”

While I’m pretty sure I already know the answer to that, Vincent said as he smiled, let’s try a different question. Would you at least try to tone it down a little, please?

“I suppose I can do that,” Midnight nodded. “And, I do apologise if I offended anyone.” She looked at Sam and grinned. “And for clarification, it’s like when you saw me kiss Lucy, only it involves a different pair of lips~”

Now Sam was blushing through his chitin again…

Christine just waved one claw dismissively. “Not the worst thing I’ve heard or seen in the wild,” she said. “You’re good in my books.”

Midnight bit her lip, barely holding back the urge to ask for more details. But she did just promise Vincent she’d ease up…

“I can hardly be offended by the one we took to bed last night,” Lucy said. “And if I was, I wouldn’t entrust my mate to your mercies for the day.”

“I won’t touch him,” Midnight held up a hoof and crossed her chest with it. “Besides, I was more referring to the bug and your Mom.”

“You make them happy, dear,” Jeanne spoke up from the living room, where she’d sat on the couch with her breakfast. “I’m willing to forgive you as long as you keep doing that.”

Sam, on the other hand, didn’t speak, still blushing furiously.

“Huh, guess I shouldn’t have put the image of eating myself out in his head,” Midnight poked him with a hoof. “So Sammy, ponies don’t look so bad now huh?”

He just shook his head, still looking away as he finished up his breakfast. He couldn’t bring himself to look at her without blushing again.

And now Midnight felt a little bad. “Uh… you okay?”

“He’ll be fine,” Lucy said. “Give him a minute to process everything and it’ll be back to the usual Sam. Your way of holding nothing back probably overwhelmed him for a moment.”

Midnight made an ‘o’ shape with her mouth and nodded, opting to not speak at all as she resumed her breakfast, now using cutlery like everyone else.

Lucy stood up and took her now-empty plate to the kitchen and walked past Midnight’s seat, before whispering something she knew the silly mare would hear.

By the way, I wouldn’t mind a little touching...as long as you didn’t forget about me when I come home today.

Midnight was now blushing slightly, her fork dangling from her mouth as she blinked slowly. Lucy chuckled and pat Midnight on the shoulder as she left to go teach.

So what are you going to do today, Midnight? Vincent asked innocently.

Midnight fought the blush on her face down and almost replied with ‘You’ automatically. She shook her head. “I dunno, meeting you guys and doing what we did has completely thrown off my vacation plans.” The Thestral tapped her chin and hummed. “I don’t really know. I guess the next thing to pop into my head really.”

Well then, I shall accompany you, as I have nothing better to do. And it’s been a while since I went out anyways, the psychic replied as he neared the end of his breakfast.

“Giving Las Pegasus enough time to get their insurance in order?” Midnight jabbed.

Something like that, Vincent chuckled. The last time I went out around town was a while ago, and only because some mare thought to hurt my family.

“Whhyyyy would anypony think it’s a good idea to anger a Pokémon?” Midnight threw her hooves up in mock-despair. “I mean, you guys are literal forces of nature. I’m a highly trained individual, and yet, even I wouldn’t pick a fight unnecessarily.”

“The best part is,” Sam said, “Her secretary pulled her operation together again after we shut her down and unleashed a madpony to try and preemptively stop us. So, yeah, that’s probably why Ace doesn’t like us.”

“Well, sounds like you’ve had as much fun as Seth,” the thestral chuckled and got up to put her plate in the sink. “Enjoying the peace and quiet? Or moaning at the lack of something to do?”

Oh, definitely enjoying our peace now, Vincent said with a smile. We fought for it, so we might as well bask in it while it lasts.

“And then I showed up,” Midnight mused. “I’ll have you know that Seth’s luck has rubbed off on me, I’d hoped he’d rub something else, but beggars can’t be choosers.” She giggled and shook her head when she realised she was doing it again. “Anyway… something is bound to happen sooner or later, just a little heads up…” Then she looked at Christine and smiled when a story of Seth’s came to mind. “Still, I feel like today is a good day. Nothing’s gonna go wrong.”

Instantly, Sam and Vincent facepawed. Well, in Sam’s case, he just covered his eyes with a claw.

You just had to tempt the universe, Vincent sighed.

“Because that Murphy stuff is a total load,” Midnight scoffed and folded her legs. “You guys are way too superstitious.”

“We’ve had experience in taunting the universe before,” Sam said. “It did not end well.”

“Well I’ll tell you what, if and only if something happens, then I will do whatever you all ask of me,” Midnight laid down her bet.

Vincent just smiled at that thought. Are you certain? Last chance to back out.

“And if I win,” Midnight replied, making that her answer that she was serious. “Hmm, well I’ll think of that later.”

Deal, Vincent said with a wider smile. This is Las Pegasus, I’m sure something will happen sooner or later.

“Bear in mind, it has to be something concerning you or your family. Say… a random bank robbery or something doesn’t count,” Midnight said. “And of course, it can’t be something that you guys knew was going to happen already either.”

I reiterate, this is Las Pegasus, Vincent said as he moved his and Sam’s plates to the sink. I’m sure something will happen sooner or later as we explore the city together.

“We’ll see…” Midnight shrugged as she opened the fridge. “Ooohh~ Magost juice!?”

The bottle was empty a few seconds later…

Something tells me you have a particular flavor of berry you enjoy, the psychic observed with a chuckle.

“Shhooooo goood~” Midnight purred and rubbed her belly. Vincent just shook his head as he got up from the table and stood near the front door.

Whenever you are ready, mi’lady, he said, even going so far as to bow.

“Such a gentlestallion,” Midnight giggled as she put her bags on, along with her golden shoes. “Alright then, since you seem so eager, I’ll let you lead~”

Well then, let us explore the town together, the Kadabra said. I’m certain we’ll find something to do today.

An hour later…

“So… everything seems peaceful huh?” Midnight said and bumped Vincent’s side with her rump. “I’m not gonna say I told you so… yet.”

We do have the rest of the day yet, Vincent said. We’ve barely scratched the surface as to what this town has to offer as well.

“So, can you explain why your photo is on the front desk of every casino I have tried to enter today?” Midnight said. “I mean, seriously?”

Let’s just say psychics aren’t allowed to use their powers in games of gambling, Vincent explained. Something I may have had a small hand in teaching this town when we first arrived.

“You’re terrible,” Midnight chuckled and bumped him again. “Well, since I can’t gamble away my hard-earned bits now. Any suggestions?”

We could check out the theatres or look for a new restaurant, Vincent offered. Fredrick’s is good and all, but sometimes I want a little variety.

“That sounds good,” Midnight nodded. “I heard that there was a new Neighponese place around the Strip somewhere…” Then she paused and sighed. “Dammit, I completely forgot about that.”

What? Vincent asked.

“I have a trip coming up soon. The Princess wants to better relations between us and the Kitsune of Neighpon. So she’s going to be going there, along with a few delegates and some guard. Guess who the lucky bat is that gets to go for the month-long trip…”

Well, I suppose we’ll just have to leave you with good memories to tide you over on your trip, Vincent said without looking at her. So that you have something to look forward and come back to.

“Yeah… and now I can’t be the first Thestral to bag a Kitsune. Thanks for that,” Midnight pouted and giggled at the look on his face. “Don’t worry. I’m not actually upset.” Yup, just keep telling yourself that Middy…

And I’m sure the meeting is going to go over swimmingly when the Kitsune hear about the Vulpix and Ninetails species, Vincent chuckled. Or maybe that’s why they called it in the first place?

“Well, Pokémon are the main reason for the visit, and that they were the only major nation not to attend the Summit. The Kitsune are a very private species. You have to jump through a lot of hoops, just to get in and out of the country. Ponies and other species do live there, but most are descendants from ones that moved there when the borders used to be open a few centuries ago.” The Thestral realised she was rambling again and closed her mouth.

So think of it like this, you’ll be the first thestral in so many years to visit the Kitsune lands. That’s an accomplishment, certainly.

“Yup, and Seth’s going because he apparently speaks their language… somehow…” She just reminded herself to ask him how he spoke a language almost nopony in Equestria did. Aside from the Princesses and for some reason, Pinkie Pie.

Well, don’t forget to enjoy yourself while you’re there, though not too much.

“Maybe I should drag you or Lulu along for the ride,” Midnight chuckled. “Seth plans on bringing Rika and maybe Fritter if he’s allowed.” Midnight hugged him from behind, draping her hooves over his shoulders. “The fox, the wolf and the bat escape to a forgotten continent. Mystery, action, love! This story has it all!”

If you take one of us, you take both of us, and if you take Lucy, you’ll have an interesting surprise in the middle of the trip, Vincent said. She’ll probably lay during it…

“Oh, I’ll lay her alright~” Midnight chuckled lewdly.

As in, the eggs, the Kadabra elaborated.

“I know, I stand by my previous statement,’ Midnight nodded. “Bear in mind, when it’s just us, I won’t hold back either~” She released her hug after giving him a kiss on the cheek. “So, where to? O’mustachioed guide.”

Depends on what you’re in the mood for, Vincent said as he twirled his normal spoon around. If it exists in the city, I can likely find it.

“Well, between your legs is hardly far away,” she whispered into his ear.

Something other than that, he said with a chuckle.

“You are impossible to fluster,” the bat pouted. “Well, I took you on a date last night. Your turn. Pick a place to entertain me.”

Movie and lunch sound like a good choice? the Kadabra asked.

“Sounds good to me,” Midnight nodded. “I’m curious to see what sort of movie you’ll pick.”

Let’s see the local listings, Vincent mused as the spoon faintly glowed. Hmm...We’ve got a Daring Do movie, some sort of romance, and then something about...yeah, no, I can already tell that one is a poor choice.

“Which one?” Midnight asked.

Something to do with vamponies, which I know you’d hate, Vincent replied. Unless you have a preference for one of the others…

“You take me to the vampony one and I will bite something off,” Midnight warned him with a click of her fanged jaws. “Maybe the romance? Might be good for some cliche advice.”

Plus it’d teach me something about what Equestria considers to be a ‘typical’ romance, Vincent agreed. Fine, one romance movie and lunch at that Neighponese place...once I find it.

“I looked it up before coming here, it’s just up the street from a popular club called ‘The Love Shack’.”

Three guesses as to what goes on there, Vincent deadpanned. Well, I’ll figure out where it is and plan a route before we even sit down for the movie, so let’s figure out...there we are. Onwards!

Midnight blinked, having no idea what the heck he was doing, but decided to follow him anyways.

Popcorn? Vincent asked the thestral.

“Nah, it gets stuck between my fangs,” she replied as she sipped her soda. She stared at the screen and groaned. “Is this mare for real? I mean, is she bipolar or something?”

If she is, then a lot of this movie suddenly makes sense, and I’m not ready for that, the Kadabra replied. He munched on some of the buttery snack before offering some chocolate to the mare. Now that, she accepted, also taking his fingers into her mouth as she pulled back and licked her lips.

“And what’s up with that mare? I mean, you can tell she totally digs that guy. If she wants him, then just present already. No stallion worth his love banana is gonna turn down dat ass.”

I love your terminology, Vincent deadpanned. Maybe she wants to win his heart and get him to choose her? Ever think of that?

“Calling it now, she’s gonna wind up with that nerdy mare with that glasses, but not before she makes a horrible mistake with Mr. Clueless,” Midnight said as she ate some more chocolate. She was gonna have to exercise this off later. “And Miss Bipolar will wind up with him instead.”

By now, several other patrons were already shushing them.

Or they could try your way and try and make a herd out of it, Vincent mused. That would be interesting to watch unfold.

“You actually don’t see a lot of that in these sorts of movies,” Midnight said. “Which is weird I guess. But that might work out, provided Mr. Clueless actually gains some personality in the next twenty or so minutes.”

Develop a character? What are you thinking? That would take effort! Vincent scoffed.

“Like, omg, would you two shut up!” one teenager called out. “You’re like, totally ruining this for like, everypony.”

The creators of the film did that for us, we’re just pointing it out, Vincent said.

Midnight turned and with a scarily good rendition of the mare’s speech pattern… “Like totally. This movie is sooo last season, like, y’know.”

I was expecting something informative or at the very least entertaining, the psychic continued.

A few minutes later…

“Well,” Midnight said as she stared up at the sky. “They actually kicked us out… though that beefy security stallion felt up my flank, so not a total loss.”

I tried to resist, but the movie’s terrible nature just called to me, asking me to pick it apart, Vincent said. Who am I to resist such a call?

“That was way more fun than the movie itself.” Midnight giggled. “Let’s bring Lucy next time, we’ll see if we can get kicked out even faster.”

They might put my picture up here too if we do that, the psychic warned.

“Then we’ll just watch films that nopony else is… or splurge for a home projector,” Midnight said and gasped. “Oh no, I’m already planning family fun events. Nooooo! I’m not ready to be tamed!”

Vincent chuckled before making ‘come hither’ motions at Midnight. Come to the tamed side Midnight, we have Magost berries.

“Nnnnoooooooo~” Midnight swooned.

Give in to the temptation and the power gained by being loyal, Vincent intoned dramatically. Let the thoughts of the family consume you, and your journey to the tamed side shall be complete!

“Aaahhhhh~” Midnight spun around, before accidentally bumping into somepony. She turned to apologise, only to come muzzle to muzzle with Las Pegasus’ resident grump guard.

“Oh! Heya Cap!” Midnight chirped, not unlike a small bird.

“Midnight, trouble,” the mare greeted the pair of them. “What in the world are you two doing out here?”

“So suspicious,” Midnight said and frowned. “Come on, we get kicked out of one cinema and they send the guard on us… even though I outrank you~”

“Actually, I was just doing my normal patrol,” Ace said. “What’s this about getting kicked out of a cinema?”

Nothing, Vincent replied as he looked up at the sky.

“Yeah, that and two bits will get you an apple,” Ace deadpanned.

“It will in Canterlot, just ask Fritter,” Midnight smiled. “And Vincent and I were just sharing a deep and intelligent conversation about the movie’s plot… while the movie was still going,” Midnight shrugged.

“That’d do it,” Ace sighed. “Look, can the pair of you not cause trouble wherever you go for once? Please?”

“That’s a really tall order Captain,” Midnight said as she pulled the mare into a hug. “I can only promise to try.”

“Grand,” Ace deadpanned as she pulled herself out of the hug. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I still have a patrol to get back to…”

“Oh! I still have to thank you for the restaurant,” Midnight said and then leaned over, whispering in her ear. To this very day, Vincent would never forget the moment he saw Captain Ace blush.

“Try that out with your Thestral husband, trust me, both of you will love it~”

“Perverted bat,” Ace snorted as she shook her head to get her blush under control before walking off.

Why do I get the feeling I don’t want to know? Vincent asked rhetorically.

“Remember what I did to Lulu?” Midnight just smirked and flickered out her long tongue.

How could I forget? Vincent asked. I take it you’re going to enjoy this whole ‘trying’ to be tamed thing.

“If I get to keep teasing Acey,” Midnight smiled and wolf-whistled at the retreating mare. That just made her trot away faster, though.

Something tells me she’s going to list us all as troublemakers before the week is out, Vincent sighed. Ah well. That Neighponese place?

“Sounds good,” Midnight smiled and nodded, looping a hoof through his arm as they walked down the street.

When they got back to the apartment, a familiar face waited for them.

“Ah, so I take it you found out my little surprise?” Seth smiled at the pair, right before Midnight clipped him upside the head with her wing.

“A little warning would have been nice!” she scolded him. “Fluffy jerk!”

“My mistake,” Seth laughed, rubbing the back of his head. Fluff or not, hooves hurt man. “Still, it’s good you're here, I could use a distraction if this all goes south.”

You have so much faith in us, Vincent deadpanned.

“Of course, you make adequate meat shields,” Seth nodded as they walked inside. “Don’t let anyone take that away from you.”

I’d like to think I’m a little more valuable than just a meatshield, Vincent said as he returned to his usual pose on the couch. I’ve been training myself to be able to use my power without the need for my seal.

“Cool,” Seth nodded. “Oh yeah, you never did tell me what you thought of the Contest either. You liked?”

It was quite impressive, Vincent agreed. Had we had more time and any idea how to do it ourselves, Lucy and I might have tried to come up with a routine.

“Hehe, that’d be something to see,” Midnight giggled, picturing Lulu in a cute and frilly outfit. “So, why are you here Boss’mon? Is it about—?”

“I’m here to meet with Christine actually,” Seth replied with a nod. “I have a massive favor to ask her.”

Good luck, she’s currently in a ‘nesting mother’ phase, Vincent said. She’s just down the hall from us, room 303.

“Mother?” Seth blinked and then facepawed. “I forgot about that. This trip may have been a waste then…” He groaned and got back to his feet. “Thanks, hopefully I’ll be back.” With a final nod, he walked off to find the dragon.

Said dragon was in her room, altering the position of a few pillows on the bed. It wasn’t comfy enough yet.

“Sup Chrissy?” Seth said, leaning against the doorway. “Building a pillow fort?”

“A nest,” she said over her shoulder. “Trying to get it right. Could use my mate to show up again and help, but I knew what I was getting into and can’t really complain.” Then she blinked and turned more fully to look at who she’d just replied to. “Seth? What in the world are you doing here?”

“Nah much, I came to see you actually,” The Luxray said as he stepped inside. “I forgot you were going to lay some Eggs soon. So the favour I came to ask might not happen.”

“Let’s hear it,” Christine said as she adjusted another pillow.

“I have a battle coming up soon. An important and true Pokémon battle,” Seth said. “But the problem is, is that it’s to be a six-on-six battle… and I simply don’t have enough Pokémon partners for that.”

“Hmm,” Christine hummed. “I’m not due for a while, actually. Or at least I don’t think so. So maybe I can join in this little battle of yours. How many are you missing?”

Seth’s grin eerily reminded her of Rika for a moment. “It’s going to be in five days. In the guard’s training field of Canterlot Castle.” The grin faltered somewhat, but she could tell he was excited. “I know… that I have no right to ask this of you. But, I want to battle together with you. I just know it will be amazing!”

“Yeah, sure, why not,” Christine said with a wave of one clawed hand. “I can show up for that. What time? And you didn’t tell me how many you were missing. Just the one, me, or are you going to need someone else?”

“I may need one more actually,” Seth said with a nod. “The last of my Pokémon partners, Drake, has offered to help. But that still leaves me with only five if I include you. I might be able to win with that...”

“So let’s go over what you’ve got,” Christine said as she sat on the edge of her bed. “Might be able to help you figure out another.”

“Well, I have Ignis, Selena and Rika. You know them already,” Seth said as he sat on the floor. “And there’s also Drake, a Golduck and he’s even stronger than Ignis. And also you.”

“Hmm…” Christine hummed. “Maybe some sort of Grass-type to round out your team?”

“Well, my opponent doesn’t have anything weak to Grass… nor do I know any strong enough to help… and I’m not throwing my Mom into a battle.”

“Yeah, alright, fair enough,” the Gabite waved off. “How about Fighting, then?”

“That… would actually be pretty useful, especially against her Aurorus,” Seth nodded. “I still need a suitabally strong Pokémon though. We are battling Diantha after all.”

“Well, we only know one,” Christine said with a smile.

Seth tilted his head. “I know… a few, but none I’d feel comfortable ordering around in battle… given that they used to be human.”

“Not all of them~” the Gabite sang.

“Alright Miss Dragon, what are you hiding?” Seth asked, scooting a bit closer.

“Well I mean you’re already here, and you came all this way for one ‘mon,” she said. “Why not make it two? I’m sure she can take a day off. She might even make a spectacle out of it so that her students get to see just what goes down in a battle.”

Seth paused, before he realised what the dragon was getting at. “Wait, you mean Lucy!?”

“She’s a Fighting type, she’s been in a few scrapes, and she has a decent movepool,” Christine replied. “Plus you can’t deny that a team made out of the right former Subjects would be formidable.”

“But, isn’t she also pregnant?” Seth asked, now sounding quite hesitant. “I don’t want to put either of you at risk. I should just ask Diantha if she could postpone the battle for a month or so. I’m sure she won’t mind-”

Christine cut him off with a gentle booping of his nose with one claw. “Shush,” she said to him. “Pokemon are tougher than you might think. We’ll be able to handle a little fight, even when we’re pregnant.”

Seth didn’t want to seem to back down though. “But I-”

“Came to me to ask about whether or not I’d be able to fight for you,” Christine said. “And the answer is yes, I can. You might have to impress Lucy, though. And really, isn’t it up to me to determine what I can and can’t do?”

“I really should have learned that there’s no arguing with you,” Seth sighed and smiled. “Fine, I’ll ask Lucy if she’d like to help. Provided her husband will let me borrow her.”

“Lucy’s the overprotective one,” Christine pointed out. “I’m not certain you’d have much to do after you got her on your side.”

“Well, I was planning on heading home right after this, but it seems I’ll have to wait now…” He looked at the pile of pillows. “Want some help? Pillow forts were a specialty of mine as a kid.”

“What I really need are more pillows,” the dragon grumped. Seth nodded as his eyes shone gold and he looked around, before he left the room. He returned a few moments later, laden down with a dozen pillows.

“There was a storage cupboard near here. Pillows have been acquired,” he nodded.

“Oh, awesome,” the Gabite said as she carefully took one and added it to her nest. Seth chuckled as he set the pillows down and assisted her construction.

“Well,” Midnight said as she leaned against Vincent on the couch. “It’s… quiet. Think he’s dead?”

I doubt it, the psychic replied. Not only do I have a rule about attacking others in this place - namely, don’t do it - Christine likes him.

“Still, it’d be cool if she says yes,” Midnight said. “Seeing Chrissy battle against someone like Diantha should be interesting.”

She is the one that caused a gas leak with Earthquake, then blew up said leak with Flamethrower, Vincent agreed. I have no idea how she fared in the wild, but I get the sense she’s seen her share of battles and come out stronger for them. I’m surprised she’s not a Garchomp by now if all her stories are true.

“Garchomp?” Midnight pulled out a small pocketbook from her bag and flipped through it. “Ah, here we are… Garchomp, the final evolution for Gible. Aww, little Gibles are sooo cute~”

They’re basically a mouth of sharp teeth with legs at that stage, Vincent chuckled. Though in Christine’s case, she was an angry mouth with legs…

“Still cute though,” Midnight giggled as she put her Pocketdex away. “So, what shall we do while Lulu’s away?”

Typically I just meditate and exercise my fine control, Vincent said. Though I’d welcome any ideas you had.

“Hmm, maybe I could test your concentration,” she mused. “See if you can keep up your meditation through my distractions?”

I can certainly try, the psychic agreed. I get the feeling something like this is a good idea. I might not have the time to call on my powers in every situation and need to do so while being distracted.

“Exactly,” Midnight stood up.

Later, Vincent might regret not giving this some second thought…

“Now… how to start?” she mused. “Well, start meditating while I plot.”

The psychic nodded and leaned back, relaxing as he focused his mind. A faint shimmer of blue coated his form as he started trying to hone his powers a little more…

Then she reached out and tugged his mustache. The fox snorted once, but didn’t open his eyes or anything.

Then she grabbed both and turned them, tickling his nose with the tips of them. He snorted again, but his concentration held. Vincent shook his head to tug the ends of the mustache out of her grip before reclining back on the couch again.

Then he felt something drag along his nose, soft and silky… and it smelled a lot like mangoes. He resisted the temptation to open his eyes and just lay there, still focusing on his mental strength.

“Hmm, so that’s how it is,” she smiled and he felt something familiar, as something warm pressed against his neck and he felt something sharp press against the skin, but not pierce it. Instead, she sucked on his neck, giving the fox a hickey.

Once again, he didn’t react. But this time it was a close thing. He was so tempted to look…

“Someone’s playing hard to get~” she whispered into his ear as she straddled his lap. “I wonder, how long can you hold out~?” This time, she lightly kissed his lips as one of her hooves stroked his thigh…

The Kadabra’s eyelids fluttered for a moment, but he lay himself back after refocusing on his goal.

“What to dooo?” he felt Midnight get off of him and all was silent for a moment. “I wonder how far I can push this, ‘I’m allowed to touch’ rule that Lulu set for me?”

Now Vincent was slightly panicked. Lucy had said that?

“Where. To. Begin~” the bat mused as that hoof returned to his thigh… and started to move higher…

Hey now, let’s not do anything hasty, Vincent said, still trying to focus on both her and what he was doing.

“Hasty, oh no, I’m taking my time… also, you answered, so minus one point,” she tacked on as that hoof drew dangerously close to something sensitive. And then just like that, it pulled away as she took his hand.

“A thought occurs, as I have discovered a loophole in Lulu’s rule~”

Vincent shut up, as apparently that was now required of him, and simply wondered what was going on.

Then he felt his hand press firmly against some soft and round, with a smaller nub in the palm of his hand. “She said nothing about you touching me~”

Vincent’s hand didn’t move, though. As he was supposed to be focusing on his assigned task.

Though he would admit, he was tempted

“Still nothing?” Midnight asked. “If it wasn’t for the fact that you’re squeezing my teat, I’d say you were asleep.”

Like he was supposed to be. Though once again, her words did tempt Vincent.

Still, until she did something to show how far she was willing to take this, he wouldn’t so much as budge an inch.

“A pity, but you seem really set on meditating… guess I’ll let you be then,” she said as she started to pull away.

Then his hand twitched, squeezing her teat a little more, just lightly. If she hadn’t been waiting for it, she might have missed it.

“Ah~” she let out a little moaning gasp and bit her lip. “Mmm, now that’s more like it~” she purred and stepped a bit closer to him, now standing over him as he lay on the couch. “You know, with your powers… I bet you could do whatever you liked to me…”

So am I doing that, or meditating? Vincent asked as he cracked an eye open.

“And you lose~” she giggled and kissed his nose.

I rather think I won something more valuable than practice, Vincent replied as he squeezed her again. She gasped and gave him a cheeky smile.

“Seems you found something you like there,” she smirked. “Having fun?”

I should be asking that of you, and asking how much fun you intend to be having, Vincent replied.

“You know me, I’m always up for some fun,” Midnight smiled. “But, we’re supposed to be taking it slowly yes? And Lucy isn’t here right now to join in.”

And yet if I heard you right, she did tell you you were allowed to touch, Vincent pointed out.

“And yet, she didn’t say what I could touch and how I could touch it…”

Oh dear, that smirk of hers was slightly unnerving.

Well, why don’t I take us to the bedroom and put up a bit of soundproofing, just in case? Vincent offered. It wouldn’t do to have someone walk in in the middle of...whatever we seem to be plotting.

“Aww, but the prospect of getting caught is half the fun right?” Midnight leaned in and kissed his nose.

I’m not one for making my mother or Sam blush, Vincent said with a shake of his head. Plus, easier access to the toys.

“Well now, I wonder how far you’re planning to take this?” Midnight mused as she hopped off of him and sauntered off to the bedroom, that fine furry flank swaying nicely.

I suppose we’ll see, Vincent said as he simply teleported over to the bed and lay there waiting for her.

“Teleporting is cheating,” she said as she stood next to the bed. “So little fox, what would you like to do? You and Lulu are the ones setting the rules remember?”

Why don’t you show me, he said as the door swung shut and a translucent blue barrier glowed at the edges of the room for a moment. Show me how you’d take it slowly, with a side order of ramping it up?

Midnight closed her eyes. “Vincent. What you are suggesting… is very much what happened last night…” She was still at odds with herself over this. Vincent and Lucy were a couple she was intruding in on, and that still weighed on her mind.

Hmm, Vincent hummed as he lay on the bed. Why don’t you tell me exactly what Lucy said to you when she gave you permission?

By the way, I wouldn’t mind a little touching...as long as you didn’t forget about me when I come home today.” Midnight had mimicked Lucy’s voice scarily well...

Well then, that says to me that she’ll be expecting treatment in kind if we do anything without her, Vincent said. Now before I tell you anything, I want to know, Midnight. Do you think you could keep up the behavior you have been so far? Do you think you could be loyal to us?

“I…” Midnight paused. “I won’t lie, I honestly don’t know. For the longest time, it’s been just me and myself. I tried love once and screwed that up so badly… I don’t know if Moonie will ever forgive the stupid mare that broke her heart…”

She didn’t even feel the tears that ran down her cheeks. “You might as well toss me aside now, before I do the same to you.”

Somehow Vincent had floated her up to him and was hugging her close to his chest, one hand stroking her mane. I can tell you regret it, Vincent said quietly. So I’ll just wait for you to cry yourself out...before I ask any more questions.

She just nodded, only trying to pull away for a moment before she just cried into his chest. It wasn’t for about five minutes or so until she stopped.

Vincent just sat there for a moment before he spoke up again. Are you willing to try again? he asked her. Because as long as you were loyal to us...I’m pretty sure we’d let you try with us.

“But… I’ll just screw it up,” she sniffled and hiccupped. “You-you and Lucy are good ponies… pokémon, whatever. I don’t want to hurt you too…”

If you maintain that negative attitude, then you’ll never recover from what happened, Vincent said. I’ve no doubt it was traumatic, but whatever that pain was...you can’t let it continue to weigh you down if you want to go forward. Accept that you messed up, yes...but vow to do better.

Midnight shook, pulling away from his hug. “I-I’m not… I’m not strong enough!!”

None of us are strong enough on our own, the psychic softly replied. It’s why we seek another, to help us stand when we no longer can.

“Then how…?” she said in a tone barely above a whisper. “How do I fix this!?”

By taking the first few steps on your own, Vincent said as he held out his hand. Admit you need help...then accept ours.

Midnight looked at his hand. It was so… wrong, to see the normally confident and boisterous mare look so… afraid. And yet…

She placed her hoof in his hand and nodded. Vincent hugged her close again, just stroking her mane as he held her.

“You sure like petting me huh?” she managed to say with a weak giggle. “Damn I look so uncool right now.”

Something tells me you need someone to hold you more than you need someone to screw you at the moment, the psychic replied.

“Yeah… guess I’m also not really sexy right now either,” Midnight replied, sounding a little more like her old self. “Wait! Just what were you planning mister?”

Oh, maybe something involving a little leash and collar combo that we have floating around here, Vincent said with a chuckle. But the mood kinda died.

“Yeah… well, who said you’ve tamed me enough to collar me?” she said, poking his stomach.

Oh, perish the thought. Half the battle would be getting it on I’m sure, the Kadabra answered. Plus we’d need to be in the mood for it, and I dunno about you, but I’m kinda not.

“Yeah… sorry,” Midnight said, slipping back into her previous mood as her ears flattened against her head. “You were probably looking forward to that.”

Eh, I can deal with just holding a cute mare close if that’s what she needs, the psychic said.

And that was when Midnight pressed her lips against his in a needy kiss. One that he returned as he held her closer, stroking over her form. She deepened it, wanting it, needing it. She felt as long as she was here, she could forget about her pain…

Eventually Vincent just lay back on the bed, still stroking her body and returning her kiss. Mmm, somebody’s eager, he said without a hint of a mocking tone.

Her eyes snapped open and she pulled back to the point that she fell off of the bed. “No… nonono… I was doing it again…”

Vincent sat up and quirked an eyebrow at her. Doing what?

“Using that as a means to run away,” she admitted. She turned and her wings flared. She was about to run…

Then tell me about it, Vincent said. I’m here to help, to lend an ear if you need it. I can’t do that if you won’t talk to me.

Midnight paused. Could… could it be that simple? Just, talk about it?

“I should,” she said. “But not yet. Lulu should hear it as well, and it’s a story I don’t want to repeat…” She closed her wings and climbed back onto the bed. “Please… just, help me forget for now. I know it’s a selfish thing to ask-”

Vincent cut her off with another kiss. He held it for a few seconds, before pulling back and smiling at her. Whatever you need, I can help you with, the psychic said.

“Do whatever you like,” she said as she lay back, her tail and hooves hiding her more private areas from immediate view. The Kadabra merely lay next to her and kissed her again, holding it for a few seconds.

I believe that’s my line, he said once the kiss broke. I don’t want to push you into doing anything you’re uncomfortable with.

“I’m good… unless you plan on proposing,” she smiled, now looking more like her usual self. “But… I wouldn’t mind hearing your voice. You know, not in my head…”

Vincent held a hand to his throat as he cleared it a few times, before speaking up verbally. “Well then, what did the silly mare want to do?” he asked. “I still know where that collar is, I think…”

“Heh, you sound like a smoker,” she giggled and poked him. “And… I dunno, I’m in the mood to be surprised. Think you're up for that?”

“That would depend on what surprises you,” the Kadabra said as his voice gained a bit of strength the more he used it. “I mean, we’ve mostly got things related to bondage hanging around here…”

“True, I’ve done a lot.” Midnight smiled wider and licked her lips. “Hmm, try your best kay~”

“Well then,” Vincent said as the closet opened up and a box slowly creaked open as well. “I think I have an idea…Just lay on your belly in the middle of the bed and we’ll see how this goes.”

Midnight hummed softly and rolled over, adjusting her wings so she was more comfortable. Then she saw several silk-like ropes float out and over to them, before they started to wind around the bedposts…

“Oh my,” Midnight mused. “I wonder what you might be planning with those? I hope you don’t wish something… untoward this cute little pony~?”

Once each one was securely tied around a bedpost, the ropes began to reach for her legs, each one coiling around the closest limb before tying themselves into knots to hold her still.

“Is that comfortable for you?” he asked. “Nothing pinching anything?”

She gave each rope a tug. She could get out of this if she tried, but the ropes held her down pretty well and weren’t pulling on her fur. “Mmm, yup. All good…” A thought entered her head, and she wondered if Vincent had ever roleplayed before.

“Good,” Vincent said as he positioned himself behind the mare. “So let’s see just how long it takes,” he said, before one hand reached out and stroked her tail.

“Mmm, how long what takes?” she asked him.

“How long you take until my touching you has you asking me for something more than touching,” Vincent said as his hand stroked along her thigh now.

“Ahh,” Midnight nodded. “Well, this is pretty tame so far. And it feels nice and relaxing~” The mare closed her eyes. “Hhhmmmm, I could get used to this.”

Then his hand trailed up to between her legs and under her tail…

Midnight flinched and shot him a glance that opted between surprise and lust. Let’s see how he handled this. “Ah~! Y-You… you capture me, and now this!?”

He blinked for a moment before smiling at her. “Mmm, but my Pokedex says this is how you properly train a thestral,” he murred, as his hand stroked over those folds again. “Should I stop?”

“B-But I’m no… ah Ponymon,” she gasped. Then his hand found her clit and tweaked it once. She let out a sharp moan.

“I-I’ll… never talk,” she moaned. Vincent’s other hand started stroking her tail...before it grabbed ahold of it.

“Last chance to be trained nicely,” he said as his right hand twitched a little, tugging her tail just a bit. She gasped loudly and bit her lip.

“Should never have told you about that,” she muttered. “N-Nice try, but I’m a-afraid you don’t have, enough badges.”

“Worth a shot,” he said, before his left hand found where her folds parted and fed a finger into her snatch while his right hand pulled on her tail a little more firmly. She moaned again, her walls gripping his finger as she buried her blushing face in the sheets.

“I...I don’t think… this is the way… to train Ponymon,” she gasped.

“Oh, we’ll get into the next tool in a bit,” Vincent said. “This is just the warm-up.” He started to pull his finger back out, only to push it further into her. She moaned at the touch, seeing how quickly this was escalating. She was fairly certain that this wasn’t what Lucy had in mind.

Then she recalled that the Lucario said that Vincent loved being dominant…

Oh dear...

One of the fingers outside of her tunnel started flicking her clit as he kept finger-fucking her, while his right hand kept lightly pulling on her tail every few seconds or so. She was soon moaning and gasping whenever he pulled her tail.

“M-More,” she sighed. Vincent actually stopped and pulled his finger out of her, before leaning over and whispering into the mare’s ear.

“Ask the right way,” he said. “Or I’ll just keep it at touching you forever. Or give you a toy instead of the real thing.”

“A-Ask?” she panted as it dawned on her. Oh that sneaky little son of a-

“Well, I suppose I can just go back to touching you,” he said as he drew back and lightly drew his fingers over her lips again. He wasn’t even pulling her tail now.

“Noooo…” she moaned in a low tone. “Don’t be so mean…”

“You’re still not asking the right way,” he chided her as he teased her by quickly dipping one finger into her and quickly pulling it out again. “The Pokedex did say thestrals were tricky to train, but it also said they were intelligent as well…”

“Ahh~” She bit her lip to avoid being too loud. “W-Well, I guess they were, ~haah~” She tried to move her hooves and push him back.

Oh right, the ropes were a thing.

“I would have thought you would have figured out what you need to say, call me as, in order to get more,” Vincent said as he stroked along the very lip of her tunnel. “Or do I have to get the collar to make it more obvious?”

Oohhhh~ So that’s where he was going with this.

Okay then foxboy, prepare to have your mind blown~

She turned her head slightly to look at him, giving him her most submissive expression she could muster. “P-Please… master, more… I want more.”

“Was that so hard?” he asked as the collar floated over to in front of her face. “Mmm, I like it when you call me that,” he murred as he resumed treating her like he had before, that finger filling her as he flicked along that sensitive nub of flesh. His right hand tugging on her tail again.

“S-So mean,” she pouted and moaned again. She was getting very wet down there, his finger slid in and out quite easily. That was when the collar unclasped, floated around her neck, and clasped shut again, even as he started slowing down.

“‘So mean,’ what?” he asked her.

“AH!” she had her eyes closed and hadn’t noticed the collar. “You’re mean to your pet… Master~”

“Better,” he said as he resumed normal speed. “Well, I just want my pet to understand how to behave,” he said as he started to massage the spot where her wings joined her body with his powers.

“Nnnrggh~ Thaaaat’s gooood~” she purred with a low growl. “More~”

Vincent slowed down and waited for her to correct her speech on her own…

“Please Master, this little bat wants moooore~”

“Maybe when the bat learns how to ask the right way the first time,” Vincent said as his speed returned to normal on the filling, flicking, pulling, and massaging fronts. She moaned more as she tried to wiggle her body, but the ropes prevented her from moving too much.

Then when he tugged her tail once again, she gasped as she clenched down on his finger and came, burying her face into the sheets to muffle the loud moans.

“Did I tell you you could cum yet?” Vincent asked her.

“I..I’m sorry Master, but, it just felt sooo goood,” she moaned, still twitching slightly.

“Well then,” he said as he got up from behind her and walked over to seat himself in front of the mare, scooting closer so that she’d have an easier time of it in a few minutes. “You have a few minutes to recover, then I’ll expect you to return the favor, pet.”

“W-What did you have in mind Master?” she asked cutely. How could something so sexy also be so Arceus-damned adorable?

“Well I was thinking, once you were up to it, you show me how well you can control your tongue again,” Vincent said as he scooted even closer. “I won’t be so mean as to make you start right now, but you don’t have forever to recover, pet-” That was when Midnight’s tongue snaked out and coiled around his hardening member, squeezing it gently as she moaned softly.

That’s a good pet,” Vincent said as he was finally in range for her to use her mouth as well if she felt like it. Oh she felt like it alright, as she opened her maw and lowered it over him, her moans getting louder as she lapped at him, bobbing her head slowly.

“A very good pet,” the Kadabra murred. Midnight’s motions started to get a little faster as she opened her eyes and stared up at his own, not slowing down at all.

“Good pets get rewarded,” Vincent said as something else floated out of the closet and prodded at Midnight’s lips…

“Mmmph?” Midnight gave him a cute, questioning blink before resuming her task at hand. She had a good idea on what that was…

The dildo slowly eased into her folds, each inch sinking further and further the more she did. She let out a low, muffled moan as he worked the toy into her, her own ministrations increased in speed and effort as a result.

And then once the toy was fully inside her, there was a clicking noise, and it started to vibrate inside her. She gave a muffled squeak as she recalled what this thing could do when she used it on Lucy. Still, tied up as she was, there wasn’t a lot she could do about it…

“Do you like your treat, pet?” Vincent asked as he stroked her mane.

“Mhmm,” she nodded as her tongue coiled around him, sliding up and down as she sucked on him. There was another click from the toy, and it vibrated harder, even warming up a little. She just moaned louder, it was getting harder to concentrate on her job as she just held him in her mouth, moaning around him.

“That’s good to hear,” the Kadabra said with a smile. “It’s nice to know that you enjoy this.”

She recalled that she was supposed to be pleasuring him right now. With renewed vigor, she took his whole length into her mouth, her nose pressed against his belly as she moaned lewdly again, her tongue now teasing his tip. Vincent let out his own moan as he adjusted the speed at which the toy vibrated again. It had five settings in total...and now it was on the third.

Not to be outdone, Midnight increased her own speed as well, with her hooves bound, she couldn’t do much else…

It wasn’t long before she started hearing short gasps coming from Vincent as something salty started splashing across her tongue. She wasn’t expecting that so soon, but like a good little pet, she made a show of gulping it down as her ministrations didn’t slow down in the least. He hadn’t told her to stop after all~

Vincent sighed and slowly drew back. “That’s good for now,” he said. “Take a moment.”

Midnight nodded and drew her head back, her tongue trailing over him for a moment longer before she pulled back and licked her lips. “Hhmmm… not bad,” she mused.

The psychic slowly eased the toy out of her with his powers…

“So that’s it?’ she asked, panting slightly as the cool air washed over her.

“If you want it to be done there,” Vincent said.

“Well, anymore and I’ll have to spend the whole night making it up to Lucy,” Midnight giggled. She tried moving her legs, “Plus, I think I’m getting a cramp…”

Vincent nodded and undid the ropes with his powers, letting the mare free. She groaned and stretched her legs before sighing.

“Better, I am going to have to instruct you on how to tie up a pony properly. We bend a little differently to you after all.” She rolled over onto her back and closed her eyes. “Sorry… for getting all emotional like that. I shouldn’t have dumped all that on you.”

“Everyone has baggage,” Vincent said. “If you really want to be with us, we’ll learn to listen to you when you’re dealing with yours.”

“My baggage is my problem…” Midnight shook her head, she wasn’t going down that road again. “Nevermind. I’m getting hungry anyway…”

“As long as you promise to tell the both of us when Lucy comes home,” Vincent said. “I think she’s nearly due home soon anyways.”

“Yup,” Midnight rolled until she met the end of the bed and landed on her hooves, only to fall straight to the floor. “Whoops, seems my legs have fallen asleep.” She lay there for a moment, until the tingling sensation subsided and she slowly got up. “Ahh, better,” she sighed and opened the bedroom door.

Seth and Christine had finished building a suitable nest, and the dragon had thoroughly enjoyed teasing Seth to the point that red was going to become a permanent colour on his face. An expression that only deepened when Midnight and Vincent reappeared.

Seth coughed a little and looked at them. “Ah… so there you are,” he said, not looking directly at

them. “I take it… you two are getting along then.”

She’s fun, Vincent said, now back to using his psychic powers to commune with others. Can I keep her?

“Well, feeding her and taking her for walks is a big responsibility,” Seth countered before pointing at his chin. “Also… you might wanna look at giving her a bath…”

When Vincent looked, he realised she was still wearing the collar and had some leftover fun on her chin.

Whoops, he said, teleporting the collar off of her as he held up a washcloth to her mouth. The bat had a bemused expression on her face as he cleaned her off, before shooting a sly wink to Seth.

“Yeah, you can keep her. Good luck,” the Luxray deadpanned. And just as Vincent finished, the door swung open as Lucy walked in.

“Jeanne is making dinner,” she said as she gave Vincent a kiss. “What did I miss?”

“Some bonding apparently,” Seth was the first to comment as Midnight shot him a dirty glare.

“So we used a little rope, big deal,” the Thestral replied.

“Oh, so you got that far?” Lucy asked. Midnight stepped forward and whispered to the Lucario exactly what they’d been doing.

“Midnight! I’m right here!” Seth compained, really wishing his hearing wasn’t so damned good. It was bad enough that he had to smell it…

“She do this often?” Christine asked.

“All. The damned. Time,” Seth sighed. “I’m happy for you Vincent. Because she’s your problem now.”

“That’s harsh Boss,” Midnight said as she gave Lucy a kiss on the cheek. “Also, why are you still here? Decided on getting the Snark Shark in on your harem as well?”

“Like he could handle me like that,” Christine said with a wave of a claw.

“I could say the same,” Seth retorted.

“They’re my new OTP,” Midnight giggled.

“Puh-lease,” the Gabite said with a roll of her eyes. “I could run circles around you.”

“Kiiisssss~” Midnight leered at them. The dragon glared at her with a half-lidded gaze.

“I’d ruin her mate for her,” Seth smirked back and Midnight giggled.

“Like you would even get close, and I’m pretty sure he’s bigger than you,” the Gabite said.

“Right, dropping this subje- er, topic,” Seth amended himself. He turned to Lucy and cleared his throat. “The reason I’m still here, is to ask Lucy a favour.”

“Oh?” the Lucario asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I have an opportunity coming up, an important battle, a real Pokémon battle and was hoping to get your assistance.” The Luxray actually looked rather abashed. “I don’t have enough Pokémon to giver her a proper six-on-six battle, and then Christine suggested I ask you for help.”

“I could do with a proper battle,” the Lucario hummed. “It’s been a while since my last one.”

“I’ll warn you now,” Seth said. “It’s against Diantha, the Kalos Champion.”

“It sounds like a proper battle, then,” the Lucario replied with a grin. “I’ve long wondered how I’d measure up in a real one.”


“The wimp’s concerned about our eggs,” Christine scoffed. “Can you please set him straight and tell him to pull up his big girl panties?”

“Do you not still have your Pokedex?” Lucy asked him. “Ask it about the development of eggs.”

“It’s at home,” Seth sighed and shot Christine a glare. “But, if something happens, Vincent can and will melt my brain…”

I wouldn’t be that cruel, the Kadabra said. Just make you think you were a girl.

“And that’s currently different from now… how?” Christine snickered.

“Burn,” Lucy snickered. “But seriously, eggs are durable. Moreso depending on what Type they belong to. You’d have to seriously try to break them.”

“If it helps,” Christine said. “You can inform the ones we’ll be fighting of our state.”

“And knowing Diantha, she’d postpone the battle until you two are in peak condition, or insist that I find someone else,” Seth said. He closed his eyes and sighed. “Look, don’t worry about it. I’ll just tell her I can’t battle right now-”

“Nonsense,” Lucy said. “We’re still early in our pregnancies. And if you offer this and pull it away, there’s no guarantee we’d listen to you next time.”

“So your options are now, where you get a good fight, or later, where you might not,” the Gabite summed up.

“It’s fine Boss,” Midnight agreed. “They don’t look all that fragile to me. And you should see a pregnant Thestral. There’s a reason most homes we have require a cage…”

Remind me to never even try with you later, Vincent said with a sideways glance at her.

“My point,” Midnight chose to ignore him. “Is that if they say it’s okay, then why not? Let’s see some kickass battles!”

Seth groaned and relented. “Fine. I’ll ask properly. Christine, Lucy? Would you do me the honour of allowing me to become your Trainer for a day?”

“I think you’ll need more than one day to familiarize yourself with our movepools,” Lucy hummed. “Make it two and you have a deal.”

“Done,” Seth nodded and smiled. “The battle is scheduled for Wednesday next week, so six days from now. I’m heading back to Canterlot, so come join me whenever you’re both ready.”

“See you soon,” Christine said with a wave. “I don’t think I showed you everything either.”

“Oooh~ You showed him something?” Midnight slipped right back into her previous mood. “Careful that Fritter and Rika don’t get jealous~”

“He only got to see some of my moves,” the Gabite said.

Midnight was going to retort with the obvious, but the looks she was getting from Seth, Lucy and Vincent forced her to bite her tongue. “Fair enough,” she simply replied.

“Right, well I’ve inconvenienced you guys long enough,” Seth said. He paused near the door and looked back. “I’m glad for you Middy. These guys will take care of you, you can trust them.”

“Yeah… I know,” the thestral nodded as the Luxray left. Once he did, she wiped her eye and chuckled. “Heh, I’m being uncool again…”

You know we don’t care, Vincent said as he gave the mare a hug.

“Bleh,” she poked out her tongue and looked at Lucy. “You okay? You ah… haven’t said anything about… well… you know…”

“All I need to know is when you plan to spend some time with me, little bat,” Lucy chuckled. “I did ask for consideration in kind, did I not?”

“Whenever you like,” she replied and smiled. “I’m more than happy to show you a few things~”

But first, dinner and a nice talk, Vincent said. We can have fun later.

“Yay…” Midnight wasn’t looking forward to this talk at all. Food, yes, Talk?

Not so much.

After dinner, the three sat on the bed in their bedroom as Midnight squirmed somewhat.

“So uh…” She honestly didn’t know where to start.

Perhaps we should share first, Vincent said. As we’ve more or less come to terms with the baggage we carry.

“That might help,” Lucy slowly nodded. “Once she sees how screwed up our past is, she’ll probably realize how tame hers is in comparison.”

And so the pair of ‘mon told the thestral their story. The story of the lab and the madman who ran it. The story of the Subjects. The story of the name of Nurem. It took an hour, all told.

Midnight was silent throughout the whole thing, just listening and processing all of that. There was a lot she didn’t understand, like those ‘computer’ things and whatnot. But…

“I can’t believe you lived through all of that,” she whispered. “My problems seem like nothing in comparison.”

At times I almost didn’t, Vincent sighed. There was one that was highly toxic...sometimes I tried to hug her, just to make the pain stop. They stopped me every time.

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t, or I’d have never met you,” Midnight smiled. “So, guess it’s my turn huh?”

“Only if you want to,” Lucy said. “Nobody’s forcing you to share. We just thought you should know the mess you’re getting into.”

“No, you told me yours, so it’s only fair… besides,” she looked at Vincent. “I kinda owe Vinny here an explanation for my little ‘episode’ earlier.”

I’m not forcing you either, Vincent said. You should only share if you really want to.

“No, it's fine.” Midnight took a breath and started to dredge up memories she’d long since suppressed. “It started… well, I suppose it started many years ago. A little before my graduation from Westhoof Academy. It’s where they train the Guard. As a filly, my hoof in marriage was promised to another, a vile snake of a stallion named Shadow-Wing. He’s a Duke from my home country and… well to say I dislike him is a grave understatement.” She cleared her throat and paused for a moment. It had been a long time since she talked about this.

“I didn’t want to get married to him, and my parents didn’t want it either. But the Noble Houses back home were applying pressure and so I decided to take matters into my own hoof…” She blushed and looked away. “I went to a local bar, got blind drunk and found the first stallion willing to ruin me for marriage. Rather grand and romantic for losing my virginity eh?”

“Hardly any better than ours,” Lucy said. “Some friends got us both drunk and left us in the same room.”

“At least you weren’t using as a means to run away, oh, a means that didn’t work by the way. Shadow was still quite adamant about it, but some string pulling by my dad eventually saw him deported back home. Haven’t heard a word from him since.”

And I promise you that as long as you are a member of this family, Vincent said, you will have nothing to fear from him if there is anything I can do about it.

“Thanks,” Midnight said. “But my life gets better.” She leaned back against the headboard of the bed, hugging one of the pillows to her chest. “So for the next few years, I decide that I simply hadn’t put enough effort into it, and thus started the life you all know I lived. I can’t remember even half of the ponies, griffons, zebras, deer, dragons…” She paused and smiled. “Yeah, well… you get the idea.”

“Sounds like you had quite the time,” Lucy chuckled.

“It was fun, if nothing else,” Midnight smiled. “Then, I was escorting Princess Celestia around the School for Gifted Hornheads, and that was when I met her.”

“Uhoh,” Lucy said. “We just entered juicy territory.”

“Her name is Moondancer, a unicorn mare and quite possibly the smartest one aside from Princess Twilight. Apparently the two were friends growing up, but lost touch after a while...” Midnight was getting off track and snorted. “So, I do what I did best and invited her to spend the night. She shot me down faster than a wingless pegasus and said that she wouldn’t give me the time of day.”

Surely it doesn’t end there, Vincent said.

“Not a chance, I saw that as a challenge and pestered her every damned day. She eventually caved to my charms and agreed to a single date.” Okay, so maybe Moondancer had pitied her and agreed to a date just to get rid of her… “Turns out we had a bit in common, well, aside from our pastimes. But she was impressed with a mare that knew magic theory and didn’t have a horn.”

“So one date turned into two, which turned into three,” Lucy elaborated. “How long until you two were doing each other?”

“Wow, way to get to the point,” Midnight deadpanned. “I really am a bad influence on some ponies.” She giggled and hugged the pillow tighter. “The whole time, I never saw anypony else. Just Moonie. And after one particularly lovely evening in the Royal Observatory, we took our relationship a little further.”

But something happened, Vincent said. Otherwise...this would still be a thing, from the sounds of it.

Midnight swallowed and nodded. “Yeah… you could say that,” she said. “I’d finally found somepony I was proud to say I loved, her and only her. And it was great… Until the Changeling invasion some months back.”

“There was an invasion?” Lucy asked, ears perked.

“Yeah, during a royal wedding between Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Captain Shining Armor. Changelings are shape-shifters, they kinda look like insect-like ponies and feed on emotion. Love in particular is a big draw for them.”

A royal wedding would draw lots of emotion to the forefront, Vincent mused. You were there for that?

“I was part of Princess Celestia’s honor guard at the time. So that would be a yes.” Midnight frowned, that had come out a little more condescending than she had meant. “Sorry. But yeah, the Princess assigned me to guard Princess Luna’s room when everything happened. It was all so sudden, and I was the most skilled in the immediate area.”

“Something went wrong, didn’t it,” Lucy softly stated.

“A small group attacked me en route, I was able to defeat most of them…” Midnight paused as her breath hitched. She hadn’t realised that she started to shake. “One of them managed to pin me… and feed from me. It… It tore the love out of me, ripped it from my very being...”

Calm, Vincent said as he gently stroked her mane. You’re not there. There’s nothing that’s going to happen to you just by retelling the events…

“After that, I-I still don’t entirely remember what happened. I know I woke up in a hospital, and was much later told it had been near a week since the wedding. And…” She hiccuped. “When… when Moondancer visited. She was so worried. And… after what had happened. Do-Do you know what I said to her? Do you know what I told the mare I’d been planning to marry?”

The pair of them just shook their heads.

“I told her I didn’t love her. The Changelings had taken that from me, ripped it clean out. I didn’t feel anything. Even now, I know the memories are there of our time together, But then? I’d felt nothing.” She closed her eyes and buried her face in the pillow. “Time and time again, Moondancer came back, but once a mare tells you she doesn't care too many times…” Midnight trembled as her tears started. “She stopped coming back…”

Vincent and Lucy just sat there, waiting for her to cry herself out. If you want to go back to her, or try to recover what you lost, we’ll understand, the psychic eventually said.

“I tried that,” she said. “I recovered, obviously. Took a long time though. When I did, I found that she’d holed herself up in her home. Didn’t talk to anyone aside from the local librarian and bookstore owner. I tried for… I can’t remember how long. I apologized, I begged… but what we had was gone. Even after all that, the love I felt for her just wasn’t the same anymore. Kind of, like a memory that you can’t remember all the details to.” She sniffed loudly and wiped her eyes. “We eventually settled on being friends. Neither of us could probably go without each other. And I hear she’s gotten back in touch with Twilight recently. I’ll totally help the two hook up.”

She looked up finally and gave a forced smile. “And that’s pretty much my crappy story. Like I said, not really that much compared to what you’ve been through.”

“You had something vital to your very being and happiness ripped from you,” Lucy said. “I’d say while it might not be the same, your story is somehow even more tragic.”

Those that say that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all are complete morons, Vincent said. I would rip apart anyone who dared to hurt a member of my family.

“Well… it’s all in the past now,” Midnight said. “And, I guess I have another chance with you two… just, I hope I don’t screw it up again.”

“Please don’t get mad at me for asking,” Lucy said, “But did she...try everything to help you?”

“I was told she spent quite a deal of time trying to find something that could help,” Midnight said, her eye twitching only slightly. “But, we still don’t know a whole lot about changelings, and especially how their feeding ability actually works. We eventually both admitted that the fault lay with both of us. That, maybe our love just wasn’t strong enough…”

Now see, if it were up to me, and one of them had hurt you, Vincent said, I’d find the nearest one and hold it down for answers.

“Celestia wouldn’t let her hunt them down,” Midnight said with a small smile. “Who knows, maybe we could try again. But do you honestly want me to leave?”

I want you to do, what you want to do, the psychic said. Whatever your heart desires.

“Well, then I guess you’re stuck with me,” Midnight said with a smile. “So too bad for you.”

“C’mere,” Lucy said as she opened her arms up for a hug, one the batpony took without hesitation. After a few moments, she frowned and tilted her head back.

“Your chest spike thing is kinda digging into my back…”

“Be grateful it’s so small,” Lucy said. “Feel free to turn over and avoid it if you’d like.”

“I think I’ll do just that,” Midnight smirked as she shifted around as she was chest to chest with the Lucario. And then pulled her in close for a deep kiss. One that surprised the Lucario, but was returned soon enough. One paw stroked along her back, near where her wings met the rest of her…

Midnight moaned slightly, as her hooves moved up to hold Lucy’s head, caressing the spot just above her neck, behind her dreadlocks.

Well, this is getting heavy, Vincent observed.

Midnight broke the kiss and panted as she came up for air. “And now he ruins the moment,” she deadpanned.

“You weren’t honestly thinking of excluding him, were you?” Lucy asked with wiggling eyebrows.

“Mhmm, he already got his turn, so he gets to sit and watch for a bit,” Midnight nodded and smirked at the Kadabra.

I can appreciate a good show like anyone, the psychic replied.

“See,” Midnight smiled and pressed a hoof against Lucy’s chest. “Now, I believe I promised some of what Vincent and I did…” She reached under a pillow and pulled something out, hiding it from Lucy’s sight.

Vincent could clearly see the collar she held though. This promised to be interesting…

“That you did,” Lucy agreed with a nod.

“Well then, I have a little surprise for you,” the thestral smiled. “Close your eyes, and no peeking, not even with that aura sense of yours.”

Lucy obeyed and shut her eyes, wondering what was going to happen next. Midnight hopped off of the bed and trotted over to the cupboard, soon returning with the rope and a few other objects.

“Now Vincent, I’m going to show you a few things,” the bat smiled as she took Lucy’s paws. “Okay Lulu, you trust me?”

“For now,” she said, still not opening her eyes.

“Good enough,” Midnight hummed as she took her paws and put them behind her back. From there, she tied them together with a silk scarf and then moved to her feet and attached what looked like small collars to her ankles, along with the collar around her neck.

“And for the finishing blow,” the bat smiled, chains were attached to the neck and ankle collars, forcing her legs up as she pushed Lucy gently onto her stomach. She’d essentially tied the ‘mon into a presenting pony position.

An interesting pose, the Kadabra said. Perhaps I can try something similar on you one day?

“Not quite, but I can show you something nice another time,” Midnight smiled as she took out one of the other tools she fetched earlier. A large riding crop. She dragged the tip along Lucy’s flank and smiled. “You can open your eyes if you like love, your expressions will be just too cute.”

Lucy slowly opened her eyes to see that she’d indeed been tied up into a most...interesting predicament. “You learned where the restraints for me are already?” she asked.

“Vincent showed me,” she giggled as she prodded her with the riding crop and smiled as she looked at Vincent. “But that’s not how you address me? Is it?” And she brought the crop down, smacking her rump with a loud thwack. “Now pet, do you want to try again?”

Lucy let out a little gasp and moan as she was struck, before she eventually replied. “Sorry, Mistress,” she murred.

“Mmm, that’s more like it, you deserve a treat,” She smacked her rump again, this time on the opposite side, before placing a gentle kiss on the stinging mark. “Do you like my treats pet?”

“Yes Mistress,” Lucy said, easily falling into her submissive role.

“Such a good pet, so well trained~” Midnight cooed and kissed her flank again. She took the crop and spun it before pressed the handle against the female’s lips, grinding it gently against her nub. “Let’s hear you sing pet~”

“Mistress~” Lucy gasped out. “Please...don’t just tease me, Mistress.”

“Mmm, but I like teasing you,” Midnight cooed as she pressed down a little harder. “Well, if you don’t want me to tease…” she pulled the crop away. “Then I just don’t know what you want.”

“O-One of the toys, Mistress, please,” the Lucario begged.

“But there’s so many to choose from,” Midnight tapped her chin and then swatted her flank again. “I know, beg your Master. Maybe he’ll play with you.”

Hey, you told me to sit this one out, so I will, Vincent said defensively.

“Whatever you choose Mistress, just...please. I...need to be filled,” Lucy begged.

“Then,” Midnight gave a fanged grin. “How about I use your new favourite?”

“Anything Mistress, but please...fill your pet,” the Lucario pleaded.

“As my pet wishes, and seeing as how I’m a kind and caring Mistress, I expect you to say as such~” Midnight moved her tail as she pressed her mouth against her folds, her long tongue working its way inside.

“Oh Mistress,” Lucy gasped. “You are far too kind…”

Midnight moaned into her folds, then grabbed the Lucario’s tail with a free hoof and gave it a sharp tug as an experiment. The Lucario let out a sharp yip as she did, before blinking a few times.

“What...was that?” she questioned, momentarily stunned.

Ooh, that worked well. Seems Midnight wasn’t the only one with this particular weakness. She just had to be careful, as her tail had bones in it. She pressed her tongue deeper, now swirling it around, hitting everywhere at once as she gave her tail another tug. Lucy let out a long moan, enjoying this treatment.

“Mistress is so loving, so thoughtful,” Lucy said, not forgetting to sing the bat’s praises.

Oh, you know it. Midnight smiled and then showed the puppy a new trick. She eased her head back a bit, along with some of her tongue, then leaned forward as the excess appendage pressed against her folds and the sensitive nub that lay between as the bat moaned again.

“M-Mistress is so wise...so wonderful,” the Lucario panted as she felt something approach.

And then the thestral pulled away, licking her lips slowly as she stared down at the Lucario’s rump. “Now now, can’t have you cum just yet pet. I haven’t given you permission.”

“Mistress?” Lucy asked, panting slightly. The thestral moved around to her front and looked down at her.

“No, I believe you haven’t worked hard enough yet~” Midnight leaned down and kissed her, letting her taste her own juices on her tongue. The Lucario moaned into the kiss, enjoying it immensely. The thestral soon broke that and smiled. “Okay, time for a little audience participation. Vincent? What would you like to see me do to her?”

Hmm… the Kadabra muttered. I would suggest we put on a show to tease her with, but you said earlier that that basically wasn’t happening…

Midnight straddled him and started kissing him, leaving the Lucario bound and helpless to watch. Vincent was surprised but returned the affection, gently stroking through the mare’s mane and along her back.

“Mmm~” Midnight moaned and deepened the kiss, rubbing herself against him, her lips grinding against his hardening member.

I could get used to having you around if you’re going to be like this, the psychic teased. We can tie up the puppydog together and make out as she watches every night~

‘We could,” Midnight purred. “But that might be a little mean, especially since dominating you is still ever so enticing~”

Then her eyes widened. “Oh pet, what do you say to me acquiring another pet~?”

We only have the one collar, Vincent pointed out.

“I don’t need one to control you dear fox,” Midnight smirked. “Aww, now I want to tease you both and yet there’s only one of me. Ah well…” She shifted her hips and flicked her tail to one side so Lucy got a good view. Then she lowered them, impaling herself on Vincent’s shaft and moaning softly.

Vincent let out a little moan of his own as his hands instinctively found her flanks and squeezed a little. Are you...sure you want to do this? he asked her. This isn’t the dream world…

She responded by starting a steady rhythm of riding him, the wet sounds of his cock sliding in and out of her filled the otherwise silent room.

Well all right then, Vincent said as he used his powers to massage where her wings joined her body. He’d hold off on the tail-pulling...for now. Midnight moaned at the dual sensations and spared a moment to look back at Lucy.

“You like this pet?’ she panted. “Screwing your Master while you watch?”

She’ll like it even more in a moment, Vincent said as one hand started to glow blue…

“Ooh, what are you planning?” Midnight asked, squeezing him down there as she buried him deep inside her.

Just letting her feel what you feel, the psychic said. So that neither of you are left out~

“Interesting,” the mare sighed as she increased her pace a little. Then Lucy let out a gasp and a moan as the technique came into play.

Let’s see how this works~ the psychic teased.

“As you wish,” Midnight nodded and pushed him down onto his back as she placed her hooves on his chest, riding him faster. Lucy let out another gasp as she started to feel that as well. Vincent’s hands found the mare’s flanks again and gave them a squeeze…

Midnight moaned softly as her tail thrashed about, the mare keeping a nice, steady rhythm going as she leaned forward and kissed him again. She used her tail and dragged it near Lucy’s muzzle, letting the Lucario get a good whiff of the scent of their lovemaking.

Then Vincent started using his powers to hit all of the spots he knew about. Which in this case wasn’t many, but he still picked up massaging her wing joints again and was now tugging lightly on her tail, even as he squeezed those very fine flanks. Midnight gasped as her wings flared open, the thestral’s tongue lolling out as she panted.

“S-Somepony’s learning quickly,” she moaned. “That feels… really good~”

Do you have any more spots you want to tell me about, or will I have to go exploring? the Kadabra asked, not letting up in his attentions for a moment. Lucy writhed in her bondage, feeling all of that and enjoying it as well.

“T-The tips of my ears,” she said. “I’ll give you that, the rest you have to find on your own.” Then she felt her eartufts being rubbed gently, the faint glowing blue nimbus of power showing that Vincent had heard her and was paying attention.

Are you sure? he asked. I could very much make it worth your while to tell me~

“Mmmm~” Midnight sighed contently as he rubbed her ears. “Well… what fun is it if I hoof over all my secrets. Gotta have something to keep you wanting more~”

Well then, the psychic said. Guess I know what I’m going to be doing with you in the dream realm tonight~

“Provided I let you,” she smirked. “You see, I have… ideas~” Midnight leaned down and kissed him again before she increased her pace. Lucy moaned and twitched, wanting so badly to cum herself…

Will I like these ideas? Vincent asked as he set his power to start exploring the mare in small ways. Rubbing here, touching there… She twitched slightly and giggled when he brushed under her wing. Interesting, she was ticklish there.

“Mmmaaaybe,” she hummed and lifted herself back up. “You okay over there pet?”

“Sooo...goood…” Lucy moaned. It was only the lack of something filling her that was stopping her from cumming then and there.

“Vincent, be a dear and give her a few smacks with that crop? I feel as though she’s getting a bit too close.”

The crop floated up and smacked Lucy a few times across her cheeks, causing her to yipe in pain. Better? the Kadabra asked cheekily.

“Much,” Midnight giggled and shifted. She pulled off of him and stood up, waving her tail a few times as she walked over to Lucy, lowering herself so she could kiss the Lucario, while shaking her rump at Vincent.

I take it this is just a position change, the psychic said as he got up and ran one hand along those flanks again.

“Make whatever you will of it,” Midnight said before resuming her makeout session with Lucy.

That was about when Vincent sunk into her again with a single thrust. Midnight gasped and moaned at the sudden intrusion. Her hind legs shaking slightly as the emotions she was feeling brought a certain sensation of nostalgia along for the ride.

And now I can do this too, Vincent said with a slight chuckle as one hand grabbed ahold of her tail…

She pulled back from Lucy and shot him a glare. “You wouldn’t dare-”

She was cut off by the Kadabra pulling her tail lightly as he resumed screwing her. The thestral let out a sharp cry as he felt her squeeze him, the pony just groaning, forever regretting and yet, glad she told him about that. She then had an idea and slowly helped Lucy turn around. And once she was in position…

That tongue dove right back inside her, giving her the filling to go along with that shared sensation. Midnight even timed her tongue with Vincent’s thrusting.

Lucy let out a sharp cry as she started cumming around Midnight’s tongue, letting her juices coat that slick organ inside of her. Midnight didn’t even bother scolding her, a quick manipulation of her wings saw most of Lucy’s bonds released as she didn’t let up her tongue work in the slightest. The Lucario let out a sharp gasp as she just lay there, twitching occasionally as she kept cumming and cumming…

“Mmm, so tasty~” Midnight purred as she pulled back and licked her lips. “Much better than the dream. Y-You wanna taste Vinny~?”

Sure, Vincent said as he used a small part of his powers to spin her around so that they were now chest to chest, before kissing her, never once pulling her off of him. Midnight reached behind her and dragged Lucy closer, the Lucario now hanging above her face as she offered her up to Vincent on a platter.

Mm, tempting, but we were sort of in the middle of something, Vincent said as he resumed screwing the mare. It’d be a shame to leave it half-done…

“Aww, don’t worry pet, I still love you,” Midnight gave the Lucario one last lick and set her to the side. “Well then Vincent, what are you going to do to this little batpony? Gonna fill her up, breed her all good and proper are you~?”

Mmm, you are just full of tempting things to say, Vincent chuckled as he placed another kiss on her muzzle. You know, the more rational side of me is saying ‘that’s not possible.’

“You’re fucking a sexy pony into the mattress, and you’re worried about ‘possibility’?” Midnight smiled and gave him a bedroom gaze that made the sun look cold. “Go on Vinny, say it! Say you wanna breed this little pony~”

As I had been about to say, the Kadabra said, before the collar vanished off of Lucy’s form in a blue glow, and a weight around Midnight’s neck told her where it had reappeared. The less rational side of me is saying to keep you here until you are carrying my eggs~

Okay, so maybe the thought of her laying an egg made her laugh harder than it should have. She tried so hard to keep composed as well. “Well then,” she said after her small giggle. “How are you gonna do that mister?”

Well, Vincent said as he resumed screwing her in their new pose. I figure two, three...heck, I’ll just keep trying until it sticks, he said. I’m sure you’ll be happy to help~

“You can try,” she murred. It wouldn’t happen, but it was kinda hot using it like this. “You still haven’t said it though~ What. Do you. Wanna do to me~?”

I, Vincent said as he kept screwing her, am going to screw you six ways till sunday, and find a new one then, and keep going until this pretty little mare is knocked up. As he said this, his hands found her flanks again and squeezed, right over her Cutie Marks.

MIdnight moaned as she squeezed him again. Seems her Cutie Marks were another sweet spot. Or she just really liked having her ass grabbed.

“Mmm, come on then foxxy~ Fill me up already, give me what I want~”

Beg for it, he told her. Tell me what you need. Those hands were now massaging her flanks before squeezing again.

“Please~” she gasped and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Fill me with your seed stud. Rut me like you want it, fill me like you mean it!”

That did it, her dirty talk pushed the psychic over the edge, and he groaned before she started feeling something hot filling her pussy. She moaned loudly as she squeezed him harder, her own climax milking that seed right out of him as she held him there with her hooves, not letting go until he’d finally finished.

Mmm...now that...that was fun, Vincent said before kissing her. Midnight returned the kiss and nodded, a small smile on her face.

“That it was… no, regrets about doing this?”

Never, he replied, hugging her closer. Midnight smiled and closed her eyes.

Yeah… she could get used to this.

Chapter 67 - Sealed with a Sweet Kiss

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Lala was busy with her latest novel, when there was a tap at the door. She pushed the button for the camera, and took notice of how while there were a quantity of 'mon on the front doorstep, it wasn't as though they were forcing their way in, so she buzzed them in. There was the sound of conversation from the front door, so she spoke up to hurry them inside. “If you’d come a little closer, please? The doors only stay open for as long as the button is pushed.”

“Listen to the invisible doormon,” She heard. “They know what they are talking about.” A Seviper slithered inside, followed by the rest.

“Welcome to the Unity Building. Renting, or visiting?” Lala asked as she lifted her claw from the button and took note of how many there were.

“Visiting~” And entered possibly the cutest Gardevoir that ever existed. She smiled and waved. “Hi, I’m Lia,” she pulled a western styled up Lucario with her. “And this is my boyfriend, Lu, and that’s my big brother, Sev.” She nodded to the Seviper. Both males nodded their greetings. “And everyone else is our friends/soldiers.”

Lala’s eyes had a spark of recognition cross them as the names and terms used clicked. “Ah, the PLA, I assume. Well, may I ask who it is you’re here to see?” She blinked and stood up slightly from her chair, taking in the sheer scope of the amount of ‘mon. “And...why you all needed to come see whoever it is you came for?”

“We have come to….” Whatever Sev was about to say was cut off when he was run over by an excited Goodra.

“LALA!” Felicia smiled brightly as she picked up her cohort in a huge, slimy hug. “It’s you! YAY~ I found you.”

Lala couldn’t bring herself to be angry at the large, slimy dragon, but there was only so much of her hugs one could take. “Yes dear, you did. Could you please put me back on the ground?”

“Okay,” Felicia put her friend down, before hopping on the ground. “How’ve you been? Have you seen Weiss? Is he okay? Please tell me he’s okay?”

“Well Vincent met Weiss a few times, according to him, and I believe him. Plus he has a link to Xavier, so if you want to talk to anyone he’s found, it’s only a thought away.” Lala looked back over at Sev, who seemed to be mildly amused at best. “I believe you were about to say something before my fellow chess-piece interrupted you?”

“I’m so glad he’s okay,” another voice piped up, cutting Sev off with it’s sarcasm. Alice, a Vespiquen, walked over. “Lala.”

“Alice,” she responded in no less of a curt tone. “Found someone who can put up with your attitude, I see.”

Alice scowled. “Watch your tongue.”

“Stand down, Alice.” Ag, a rather large Aggron, growled. Alice glared at her, but kept quiet.

“As I was saying,” Sev glared at her, before turning to Lala. “We are here to see the mate of one of my generals.”

Lala hummed. “Do you know the name of who you’re here to see? We have more than a few tenants at the time, pony and Pokemon alike.”

“Oh quit the act,” Alice barked. “You know who we’re here to see. So, bring the dumb Gabite down here so I can get back to my crummy job!”

“That ‘dumb Gabite,’” Lala fired back with more than a glare, “is A) a survivor of the Doctor. B) An escapee of the same Doctor. C) In the possession of more than a few tricks that she picked up surviving looking as she did because of the Doctor’s experiment. D) Was incredibly tempermental, moreso than even you, when she first arrived, and E) now pregnant. So I suggest you either adjust your attitude or your will if you go up to see her, Alice!”

“Pregnant?” Everyone except Alice said in surprise.

“Whoo-wee,” Rio chimed, pulling off his hat with his only remaining arm and waved it around happily. “Lucky fella finally did it. Good on him.” His southern twang held true as the straw in his mouth.

“Look,” Alice scoffed. “I don’t give two shits what happened to her or really anybody. Just bring her down….”

The Vespiquen squawked in surprise when Ag had her by the back of the head and held her firmly in her claws. “Alice, shut up or I’ll let Felicia play with you.”

“Shutting up,” Alice squeaked out.

“Awww,” Felicia pouted. “You never play with me...but I wouldn’t want to play with you for being such a big meanie.”

“Yeah,” Lia glared at her.

“Anyways,” Lala said, regaining their attention. “Christine is in 303, but there are a few things you should know if you want to talk to her. Our insurance only covers so much, after all.”

“I have no idea what this insurance thing is,” Sev rolled his eyes. “But I do not care for it. I shall face whatever is in store and prove triumphant. I am Commander Sev!”

“And I am Bishop Lala, but think of me as someone who knows a bit more about where the big red buttons on the hormonally unbalanced Gabite are if you must,” the Leavanny responded. “Just, really, take my advice. It’d save a few of your scales if things started to go south.”

“Big brother,” Lia pouted. “Please listen. I came all this way to see Lucy and Scep’s mate, but I didn’t come here to see you get hurt….again.”

“Fine,” Sev consented. “But there is no need to worry. I have dealt with pregnant mons all the time.”

“First, the big clue: she’s got Kecleon DNA. If you see her colors start to change, especially if they start shifting to red, that’s your clue that you’re upsetting her. She has control over it most of the time, but when she gets emotional, her skin acts like a mood indicator. Second, try to avoid any mention of doctors or experiments, I’m sure you can tell why. And third, if I were you, I’d let Scep go in first to deal with her.”

“Scep isn’t….” Ag started, before something burst in the door.

Breathing heavily, with a huge sack over his shoulder, was Scep. “I’m…huff….here...Is….She...Alright?”

“SCEP!” Sev smacked him upside the head. “She is unwed and pregnant? PREGNANT?!!!”

“Wait, you guys are here?” Scep looked confused for a moment, before his smile nearly split his face in two. “I’m a dad?...I’M A DAD!”

Lia hugged him. “Congratulations!”

Scep laughed and hugged her back. “Yeah,” he said, before breaking out of the hug. “I gotta see her. Oh, she’ll be so happy with all this stuff I got her.” He gleefully ran into the apartments.

Lala smirked. “She told me he was going to visit, or rather, that he wrote that he was going to visit soon. However, due to her...attitude being a fluctuating thing, I’m back on door duty until she lays, something she isn’t happy about. Give it a minute, I’d say, and then you can go up and knock.”

“Knocking isn’t Scep’s style,” Sev snorted. “I am sure though that all shall go well.”

“...The poor fool,” Ag shook her head sadly.

Upstairs, Scep ran up with a skip in each step. A happy little tune hummed in his throat. He was going to be a dad! He’d never thought he’d be, but here it was and by Arceus he was enjoying the feeling. Forgoing knocking like he usually did, he burst the door open with a kick. “Christine! I’m back, dudette of mine!”

He was greeted with a Flamethrower to the face. If there was one thing you never did, it was startle a former Subject. Doubly so if said Subject was pregnant and full of hormones. After the attack washed over him, he heard a familiar voice. “Scep? Scep, is that...oh Arceus, it is! Oh I am so sorry! Come here!”

However, Scep wasn’t in a position to stand. Being a grass type meant taking a Flamethrower to the face wasn’t exactly something you get back from so easy. Christine saw that, and gathered her mate up, dragging him to the couch and laying him on it. “You should know better, Scep,” she chided her mate. “I mean, surprising me like that? What were you expecting?”

“Not flamethrower,” Scep groaned, trying to make the world stop spinning around him. “Geez dudette, overkill much?”

“There’s a reason the wall opposite my front door is ceramic now,” she responded before heading to the bathroom. “On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain?” she shouted.

“I’ll get back to you when my head stops ringing,” Scep groaned. “I’ll live.”

“Bit made a few things before he left and shared their process with us,” she responded, coming back out with a few jars of what looked like medicinal cream...and what definitely smelled like medicinal cream. “Okay, for a burn, I have plenty of Rawst cream. Should ease the pain. I really doubt you could eat one of the Berries at the moment, but this works nearly as fast.”

“Can’t say I object to you rubbing me down, dudette.” Scep grinned. “Sounds good.”

The Gabite dipped a few claws in the mix and got a generous helping of the foul-smelling stuff before she set the jar down and started to spread it over Scep’s form. “So, you’re back in town,” she commented. “For how long?”

“I was just dropping by for a spell,” Scep grinned. “But then...are you really pregnant?”

One of her claws dropped to her stomach, which had started to swell. “Well it’s either pregnancy, or I’m putting on the weight after a week’s battle with morning sickness a while back,” she snarked. “Seriously, I had you to myself for four days, what did you think was gonna happen?”

“Well,” Scep rubbed the back of his head. “I didn’t know if I could you know….but that doesn’t matter!” Scep laughed and jumped to his feet. Oh that was painful, but he was going to hug his mate if it was the last thing he did. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her nose. “You’re pregnant!”

Christine pushed him back down to the couch and laughed. “Yes, yes I am. Vincent even got me one of those tests to make sure. Now stay down there until I’m done, you still look a little crispy!”

“...I’m gonna be a dad,” Scep grinned. “Can’t believe it happened.”

“And I’m sure being a mother to anything with my ability is going to be an adventure and a half,” Christine said while rolling her eyes. She then narrowed them while looking Scep in his. “Seriously, if you don’t help me raise my kid, I’ll tell it what you look like and set it loose to find you when its old enough.”

“Why would I abandon such a sweet dame like you?” Scep chuckled, though wincing when he did it. “I even got you all this stuff.” He tapped the bag.

Christine blushed, still not used to someone actually thinking she was beautiful or nice and truthful at the same time. “Yeah, I saw. Okay, that should do it,” she said as she surveyed her work. Not a charred inch was visible anymore. “Give the stuff a minute to work, and the burn should be taken care of. In the meantime, I think some Sitrus and Oran Berries are in order next. Need to get you back up to snuff.”

Just then, a certain Seviper slithered on in. “Scep...why am I not surprised you got yourself hurt?”

“Downsides of the job,” Scep replied. Christine had turned quite quickly, looking at the intruder with no small amount of curiosity...and hostility.

“Scep, darling,” she said in a tone that practically oozed sarcasm onto the floor. “Who is this and why is he in my home?”

“He’s the Commander,” Scep said matter of factly. “Pretty much my boss.”

“I am more than your boss,” Sev raised himself up higher. “A Commander is a far superior position than that of a ‘boss’. My power is absolute!”

The Gabite blinked a few times as she took in this snake in her home before responding dryly. “And I’m sure Arceus loves it when you think of him like that. Now if you’ll pardon me, mister Commander, my mate did a stupid thing in startling me, so now I have to fix it.” She walked past him to the kitchen, in search of the Berries that would help Scep regain his strength.

“He does stupid things all the time,” Sev snorted. “He will heal and learn….Let me rephrase that, he will heal.”

“A-men!” Christine shouted. “Though I do have hopes he’ll learn to not startle me like that again. If not, I may have to move to a two-Flamethrower system, to burn the message in. Ah, there you little buggers are. Any preferences, Scep?”

“I thought you already knew my preferences,” Scep smirked in his reply.

“Pretty sure that’ll have to wait until after you eat and heal, serving sex for a snack isn’t exactly advised. Or possible,” was the response he got. “Do you want anything with your Sitrus Berries?”

“Eh,” Scep shrugged. “Raw will do, dudette. We usually eat them like that.”

“Am I interrupting something?” Sev asked. “I get the feeling I am...I don’t really care if I am, but I digress.”

“I gave gecko-boy four days that he won’t soon forget the first time I saw him,” Christine said, walking out with a small bundle of Sitrus Berries and placing them on the table in front of the couch. “And he’s been writing me when he could, with more than a few saucy hints peppered in his reports on where he was and what he was up to, or how much he missed me.”

“I really did,” Scep put in. “Can’t get enough of her, Commander. I mean, see what I said? She’s, like, the sexiest!”

Hearing the honest compliment caused Christine to blush again, turning her head and part of her neck pink before she regained control. “So, I get why you’re here,” she said, leaning in to give Scep a peck on the cheek before turning to the snake in the room, “But I don’t think you told me your actual name...unless Commander is your name. Or why you’re here.”

“I am Sev,” he proclaimed. “Commander of the PLA and head of Zebrica’s forces, only answering to the king himself. I have come here to bless you and and your children, since they are of my general’s stock.”

The Gabite blinked a few times at that before smiling and nodding at the Seviper. “Well, that’s very kind of you, Sev. I’m sure you didn’t have to come here all the way from Zebrica to do so, but thank you for the gesture.” She then turned back to Scep and sighed. “Fine, you were right, apparently they are nice guys after all. I may have had my doubts, but the fact that he came here himself and hasn’t said anything about my weirdness yet puts them in my good books.”

“What weirdness?” Sev blinked in confusion. “You seem pretty normal to me. Oddities are to be expected from being to being….Scep, is there something I should know about your mate?”

In response, Christine lifted an arm and closed her eyes to concentrate. First, she turned just as green as Scep, save for the red line across her middle. Then, she went back to ‘normal’, but had yellow polka-dots scattered across her skin. Once those vanished, she imitated a barber pole for a second or two, went completely invisible save for that unalterable red line, and shimmered back into visibility as her normal self.

“Ta-da,” she said in a slightly drained voice.

“Dudette!” Scep got up quickly. “Are you alright? Stupid question…” He started looking her up and down in worry.

“It’s...not easy...I can do invisible, slight changes...showing off, I’ve got no practice in,” she said, sitting down on the couch and munching on a Sitrus Berry herself. “Plus, that red-and-white one? Yeah, moving colors around like that is real draining if I keep it up for longer than a second.”

“Don’t strain yourself,” Scep scolded. “Dudette, that looked like it took a lot out of you...Oh Arceus, are the kids alright?” He touched her stomach.

“They’ll be fine,” she said, drawing him in for a cuddle session. “I just haven’t had cause to try and really play with my ability for fun before I met you, so...It’s something I don’t have a lot of practice in. It’s like a muscle you don’t exercise, or so Vincent says.”

“Shenanigans aside,” Sev said...which caused Scep and everyone downstairs to start laughing. Sev hissed in anger. “I am here because this oaf forgot to propose...and I wish to formalize your place in the PLA.”

Christine’s look hardened a notch at the mention of the snake asserting his authority over her. “I’d rather you not,” she said. “It wasn’t easy, recovering from my madness or many issues, but I owe Vincent and the ones he’s gathered for giving me a second chance, despite everything I put them through. I’m making a life here for myself and my family-to-be, and I’d like to keep living it here.”

“Why wouldn’t you live here?” Sev blinked in confusion. “Does this place not accept PLA members? I shall have a talk with Vincent immediately.”

“Oh,” Christine said. “I thought you would, I don’t know, drag me back with you when you left if I accepted.”

Sev just looked at her. “....Really? You really thought I would do that?” He glared at Scep, who gulped in fear. “What have you been telling her about me?”

“Nothing,” Scep quickly said.

“Nothing or something,” Sev demanded. “Either which will incur my anger.”

“We did exchange stories to pass the time over those four days,” Christine said. “Some of mine about how life was a living hell for me back on Earth, along with the brighter moments I made happen, and he told me about the things you get up to on a regular basis, which if I have to be honest with you, make you sound about as kooky as the lovechild of the local deity Discord and the Legendary Hoopa.”

“I have no idea who they are, but already they annoy me,” Sev snorted in agitation. “No matter, you, Christine, are hereby made a member of the PLA. You will be given the rank of General, the same as your mate and are allowed to boss around any and all soldiers of Zebrica or outlying PLA forces of lower rank than yourself. You will however, submit to any and all order given by me and by the King of Zebrica. These are the terms of your matedom.”

Christine was breathing deeply, practicing her exercises. Even though it had been a while since the Lab, she still didn’t like anyone asserting their authority over her. Scep was an exception. Slowly, she opened her eyes and gained a mischievous grin. She could work with this. The red slowly faded from her tail that had been lashing about in agitation while Sev had been talking.

“I dunno, I don’t do well with authority, and they don’t deal well with me,” she milked. “I may need to test this new relationship. If I were to tell you to your face that you were being stupid, how well would you take it?”

“I would tell you to do better,” Sev rolled his eyes. “I have been called everything under the sun and moon and from the eternal nothingness of Giratina’s realm. All that and more. Stupid? I can’t even recall a time that the word effected me so.”

“Hmm. If I were to say that I could think of Zubats I respected more than you, I’m pretty sure you’d have something to say,” the Gabite said, examining her claws as though Sev weren’t even there.

Sev glanced at Scep and smirked. “Oh my dear friend, she is perfect for you. I do so hope you learn to handle her fire. She burns with her tongue.”

“Alright, fine, last one then.” She got off the couch and crouched slightly to bring her head to his level. “I have seen a Snorlax who was quicker on the draw than you, and he still launched his trainer a mile away when stepping off of a tree they had both been stuck in, you miserable excuse for an Ekans.” If he didn’t react to this one, she’d be out of ready insults.

“....” Sev frowned. “Ekans?...I have heard that one too many times from miserable Zangoose. I taught them to keep silent. Your words do not make me falter. However, I must know this Snorlax. He sounds mighty.”

“Moreso me for tricking the trainer into the tree in the first place,” Christine said. “I don’t know how he had a Snorlax, or why he used a Snorlax, but he followed his trainer’s command to ‘catch that Gabite’ without even thinking about how he was holding the tree down.” She stood back up and nodded. “Fine. I’ll listen to you, but you’d best listen to me in turn.”

“I listen to everyone,” once again, laughter could be heard to Sev’s words. Sev slashed at the ground in anger. “I appreciate some QUIET!” Immediately, the laughing stopped. “Soldiers these days….Now, when is the wedding? Has he proposed?”

“I don’t need a big fancy wedding,” Christine said. “All I really need is this little tree-lizard here to help raise the offspring he put in my stomach. Especially if they inherit my ability.” She sat back on the couch and grabbed Scep in another hug. “Anything else would just be icing on the cake.”

Sev’s glare bore into Scep. “Never the less, he planted his seed within you. It must be done. That is what mates do. They get married and stay with one another.” He glanced away, looking tired.

“Tell that to Vincent and Lucy. She’s laid her eggs, but they don’t seem to be in a rush to get married themselves,” Christine retorted. “Seriously, just leave this with me,” she said, giving Scep a squeeze, “And I’ll be good.”

“...How good?”

Scep grinned. “Very good.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“Oh you’re not out of the doghouse yet, mister,” Christine said without looking at him. “I still have to...punish you for being away so long.” Her voice had dropped into something akin to a ‘husky’ tone.

Sev’s eyes widened. “You seem busy, I shall leave.” He sped out of the room. Meanwhile, Scep was red as a ripe tomato.

“He doesn’t take the topic well, I take it?” the landshark commented in a tone that almost made Scep think she was trying to use Sand-Attack with her voice.

“He’s a bit miffed is all,” Scep said. “Guy loved this Umbreon once. They split for some reason. He ain’t had a good girl since...Well, maybe that pegasus but I don’t know what to make of it.”

“On the one hand I feel sorry for him,” Christine commented. “On the other, I’ve never had the chance to weaponize a sex life before and am loathe to pass up the chance.”

“Well,” Scep chuckled. “I’m glad to help, dudette.”

“Who said you would be helping?” She asked. “I saved up enough from my job and got Bit to tell me where he went for Lucy’s gear. You’ll be lucky if you can move tonight, mister.”

Scep grumbled. “....Wait, is that ‘cause the attack or something else?”

“You’ve been gone for months,” she purred, “And letters are a poor substitute for your presence. Plus there are times I go to bed and all I can think about is how you’re not there to ‘tuck me in.’ Pick your reason.”

Scep looked downcast. “Sorry. Got caught up in stuff. Thievery can be a bit strenuous.”

“Yes, well, let’s see if you got the key to the cuffs already, or if I have a new toy tonight.”

“No cuffs can hold me,” Scep smirked. “Key or no key. I’ll slip right on out and grab my treasure.” He snuck a grope on her behind, causing her tail to reflexively slap his hand away.

“We’ll just have to see about that. Bedroom, march!” she commanded.

Scep stood up and saluted. “Yes ma’am.” He did so, while letting his tail travel along her sides.

Vincent stood gaurd over the eggs that Lucy had left in his care. Surely, they had to be getting close to hatching soon.

Then there was the sensation of pressure from behind him as somebody teleported into the room. “Hello, Vincent Nurem.” The voice was courteous but ‘wrong’ in every sense of the word.

The Kadabra turned and upon seeing Gard, his eyes widened a fraction, and once his mind processed how the voice sounded, a spoon had appeared in his left hand. “I’ve met scant few of the Ralts line during my time on Equus,” he responded, only a hint of fear in his voice. “So I doubt I know you. Would you care to introduce yourself?”

“How very inconsiderate of myself,” the Gardevoir bowed his head. “I am General Gard of the PLA.”

“Oh, Sev’s back in town?” Vincent relaxed just a touch. “Well I did tell him to come by again...didn’t actually expect him to. I oughta go say hello, we parted on better terms than we started. Might I ask why you are here, though?”

“I would believe it’s about my commander’s last stay here,” Gard’s eyes narrowed. “More specifically, your actions.”

“Ah, yeah, not proud of that,” Vincent said, scratching the back of his head with his right hand. “I mean, at the time it made sense. Sev looked to be the sort that listened to and respected those with power, so I just...let mine loose so he would shut up and listen.” The Kadabra looked askance and sighed before looking back at the Gardevoir before him. “I never intended to use that power against any of them, and sometimes I have nightmares where I did. I regret that things played out that way...but I wouldn’t take them back, either.”

“The act of regret is the admittance to failure,” Gard’s aura flared, before he recalled his anger. He was as cool as ever as he stared down the younger Pokemon. “You admit regret. You admit failure, but the fact still remains. Whether you intended to harm my oldest friend, with his sister and my apprentice in his vicinity, does not matter to me. What matters is your lack of self control. You unleashed a technique so willingly and so soon that how could I not help but take ill upon seeing it, feeling their memories. You performed the action and incurred my ire. That is not something anyone should have.”

“I’ve learned since that day,” Vincent said softly, keeping himself in control around his future children. “I was taught by a Gallade about proper control, proper attacks. He stopped me from making my own up, made sure I knew what rules and tricks to follow. And I’m not certain I like your tone, mister Gard, or the things you’re implying. I’d like to retain a good opinion of the PLA, though, so I’ll let you rephrase it before I act on your words.”

“I do not need to rephrase it,” Gard gestured to the Kadabra. As ever, his voice was impassive. “Your actions speak clearly enough that I know where I stand on this matter. Even now, you cling to it. I can feel your anger, do not hide it, boy. You have not been taught finer control, or you choose to ignore said teachings. Either way, perhaps I should pay this master of yours a visit afterwards. A word or two on proper psychic education is in order.”

“I advise you to stop,” Vincent said, channeling the effects of Calm Mind through himself and temporarily tamping down his emotions. “My past laid a vast foundation, and every tutor I have met has only helped me build the walls stronger. Should my control slip even my crude grasp, as I’m sure you would put it, then you would not like the results. Nobody does. And I’ve even gone up against Mewtwo and walked away, so once more, I advise you to rethink your words.”

“You wish to make me suffer?” Gard raised an eyebrow. “Like you did to Business Mind? Boy, when I shred a person’s psyche, I at least do the honor of ending their suffering. It is far less cruel that way.” He scoffed. “No matter what trivial game you play, I have played better against far more experienced foes.”

“Release,” Vincent whispered, letting his strength out again. “One last time. Recant, retreat, or suffer. And I know how I would do that last one to you.”

“Oh I know,” Gard put a hand to his chest. “A stranger. A mon that simply looked out for his cherished ones. Truly I deserve to suffer.” He glared down the young psychic. “Cease this foolishness. I have suffered much, more than you can comprehend. A child lashing out, that is what this is. Do be a smart mon and retract your threat. Perhaps we begin to converse like civilized beings.”

“The overriding theme about this seems to be you getting retribution for a perceived slight. Wake the hell up. I was the son of a monster and forced to watch everything that happened. It’s that past that made me realize what I didn’t want to be. And you still think I would have attacked them?! Until my family is threatened, I wouldn’t hurt a fly. It was a show of force, not a declaration of intent! But you seem to be just like your commander, only listening to power. And believe me, I know how to best hurt even one like you, thanks to something Xavier once showed me.” Vincent’s other hand now had his Twisted Spoon in it, and both were glowing blue. “You think what I did to Business Mind was cruel? I’ve gotten worse since my last few moments as an Abra.”

“The more you talk, the more I actually feel sorry for you.” Gard shook his head. “You claim to have done so without any intent. I believe you, but your actions speak to me clearly. Had he provoked you, and my friend is so good at that, you would shatter him. Do you know how long it took me to put him back together after that Alakazam tore him apart?”

At the mention of it being an Alakazam that had hurt Sev previously, Vincent actually dropped his spoons and his jaw. “I...how did he even stand me?...” He stared for a moment more before shaking his head and fixing his glare back on Gard. “Yes, I wouldn’t have pushed anyone to the sorts of things I did with Mewtwo or Business Mind, not even then. I saved that sort of attack for those that hurt me personally, that hurt my family personally. Even then, the most I would have done would have been pinning him to a wall and putting a tablecloth over his head.”

“Lia would have overreacted,” Gard clicked his tongue in disapproval. “She loves her big brother dearly. She is strong but so inexperienced in the matters of attack and her defenses themselves need improving.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “That girl spends so much time frolicking and making friends...No matter. She would have attacked the moment you moved against Sev. What do you think would have happened then?”

“I probably would have defended myself then,” Vincent said, expanding on the hypothetical situation. “But like I said, even then, I wouldn’t have done the sorts of things that I’ve been told are pure madness to do. I’d probably have made them float in the room and explain themselves before I put them back on the ground at that point.”

“You still don’t get it,” Gard slightly twitched in agitation. “It was your first actions. You did not try and dissuade the situation. Force was your answer. Force is never the answer unless it is in self defense or you are of the wanting of murder...I doubt you have the heart of the second.”

“The wall was burst in, and an army followed in its wake,” Vincent deadpanned. “If that’s not responding to force with force, I don’t know what is. Did you seriously think I would be reasonable upon seeing someone damage my property to such an extent? This is my fucking home, and there are some things I don’t stand for. Damaging it to such an extreme is one of them!”

Gard snorted in derision. “Did you not screen them? Examine their minds? Poke and prod each and everyone of them? Had you done so, you would have seen how little hostile intent there was deep down. That is the proper way. You examine and pick apart a person and must do so in seconds, if not less. Evaluate their threat and if not, let them talk. Invite them for a spot of tea to placate their anger,” Gard snapped his fingers and a teapot flew in the air. A cup appeared before Vincent and himself, floating in mid-air. He lightly poured himself a serving. “Tea soothes the soul.”

“Oh yes, let’s just assume that the human-turned-Pokemon is going to know everything about being a Psychic within a few weeks of having been turned into one,” Vincent said with an eye roll. “Hey Arceus, while you’re up there on that lofty perch of yours, anything else you’d like to assume as being good enough for everyone else, since it’s good enough for you?”

“I do not very much like that tone,” Gard’s voice went icy. “Psychic evaluation should have been among the first lessons your master should have taught you as well as manners. By now, you should be fully aware of the mind at least. How you faced Mewtwo eludes me, boy.”

“Let me give you a synopsis, then,” Vincent said, brushing the floating cup aside. “I was subject 37, the unofficial last test subject in dad’s first horrific experiment to bring ‘mon and man a step closer through genetic manipulation. I was half-Abra for fifteen years, and slightly psychic even then. I only survived by the grace of Xerneas taking pity on me. However, every time I accidentally poked into someone else’s head, I got a massive headache for my troubles. It’s all I can do to not wince when using my psychic voice, much less when trying to take inventory as to who all is in residence, thanks to those fifteen years of Pavlovian training.”

“With further training,” Gard said. “That will go away. I am well aware of your past, Vincent Nurem. I do not need an ‘update’, as it were. You will get the hang of it.”

“Yeah, that goes away when I let my power out like this,” Vincent said, letting a glow take over his right hand before dismissing it. “Trained with a Metagross in a time-accelerated state of mind up in Manehatten. It’s why I have this much strength at this stage in my line...but there’s more than power sealed behind the seal. All of the things he taught me are as well. Until it goes away naturally, the teachings don’t assimilate, and that’ll only happen when I’ve ‘grown into’ this power.”

“Yes, yes,” Gard said. “You have training, and you have power. What you lack is timing. When I was a Kirlia, I knew each and every way I could use my power to break a human being. I did not, because that would simply be rude of me...unless I truly thought otherwise.”

“Ah,” Vincent said, finally nodding. “So you’re not exactly angry that I used my strength. You’re angry I went for it right off the bat, or close enough, and threatened more than just Sev with it. Because doing such a thing was rude.”

“I am a monster,” Gard said matter of factly, sipping from his tea cup. “I cannot survive without the pain of others. My mother’s teachings….leave my murderous habits wanting. I chose to make sure others are not so. You are not a monster, not yet. A monster goes for the kill, a true psychic is patient. A true psychic does not resort to violence and threats so readily. That is the lair of Fighting types.”

“To be fair, in this situation at least, you did show up and start talking about retribution for what I’d done in front of the very delicate next generation of Nurem,” Vincent said, waving behind him at the eggs on the bed. “And if there’s one thing I do well, it’s protect family or those that I see as such. So tell me, o wise master, put yourself in my shoes when I first saw Sev slither into my first real home since Earth through a hole he had put in the wall. What the hell would you have done?”

“I would have grown agitated,” Gard talked as though he was referring to the weather. “And then I would have killed him and his soldiers to relieve my agitation. I would have bent them, smashed them, burst them. Anything I could think of to relieve my tension.” Gard gave Vincent a pointed look. “My anger must be satisfied...Asking such a question of a monster such as myself does not lend you an answer you seek.”

“No, it doesn’t,” Vincent said dryly, “But it also doesn’t surprise or upset me. Like I said, I watched so many friends pass. You can’t really unnerve me, though you are making me question just how you were brought along for the ride. I suppose asking you to look at it like I should have is also equally pointless?”

“You merely know of a few hundred deaths,” Gard took another sip. “My mother forced thousands of them into my heads, amplifying each and every scream so I could know which hurt them more…..and she did it out of love. Can’t rightfully say I can hate her, even when she would provide live demonstrations. This conversation has a point and I believe you ‘may’ have gotten it somehow.”

“Sure have,” Vincent said, summoning a slightly-steaming cup of coffee to his hand, the brewing having only just finished. He took a sip and hummed slightly before continuing. “I’m not going to apologise for how things turned out that day, but I am sorry that I went for the power right off the bat. Like I said, I never would have seriously hurt them. I’ve seen more than my fair share for one my age. I am also sorry for not being as ‘educated’,” he actually set the mug to hover while he made the air-quotes, “As a Psychic normally is, but that situation is going to be resolved, one way or another.” He snagged the mug again and only lightly blinked at having reflexively set it to hover. He shrugged before finishing his declaration. “In summary, I done fucked up, you’ve made me see it, oh, and one last thing. Don’t threaten me again.” If the tone in which the last words were delivered were any colder, the temperature might have dropped a degree or two.

Gard finally grinned. It looked unsettling and strange on his face. “Boy, I may be a monster, but I am a gentleman among monsters. If I had truly threatened you, well…” Gard let that thought linger. “Point is, you have learned your lesson...for the most part. I do however wish to meet this master of yours at a later point. Some finer points in your training must be amended.”

Vincent took another pull of his coffee before he replied. “In reverse order, I’ll direct you to him when the sun crashes into the moon and not a second sooner. He does not need to meet one such as you. I’ve learned my lessons, yes, it’s just a matter of applying them. And if you had truly threatened me, well, I’ll give you a hint. That thing I accidentally did to Business Mind? I think I’ve perfected it and I’ve been working on mixing it with what I did to Mewtwo. I would have used you to test it out.”

Gard shook his head and tutted. “So aggressive, after I only wished to chat. I do not see the harm in a simple meeting, but that is for the morrow. My mate is perhaps growing curious as to where I am.”

“It’s nothing personal,” Vincent amended. “More of a standing thing; I use those that wound me deeply to test out new attacks. So far, I’ve only got two new ones. I’d really rather not make it three if I don’t have to. But go on if you must, as long as you say hello to that wily snake for me as well.”

“Perhaps you should do it yourself,” Gard seemed to be counting down his fingers.

Lo and behold, on the last finger drop, Sev burst into the room. “Gard, Scep’s mate is…”

“Pregnant, I know.” Gard said.

“Be thankful you don’t have to clean up the morning sickness,” Vincent grumbled before looking at Sev. “Hello, you crazy snake, what have you been up to since you left?”

“This and that,” Sev commented. “Fighting a full scale war is a little different than an underground one, not to mention magic, but we make do.”

Vincent raised an eyebrow at Gard, as if to silently say, ‘didn’t you say you had somewhere else to be?’

Gard nodded his head and vanished. Vincent looked at the bedroom door and swung it shut with a wave of his hand. “Sev, I’d like to show you something.” With that, he hopped off the bed and showed the two eggs he’d been sitting in front of to the commander of the PLA.

“....You’re a babysitter?”

Vincent chuckled, low in his throat. “No, you’re looking at the next generation of Nurem, courtesy of Lucy.”

“Ah,” Sev said in understanding. “Yes, truly wonderful for you. I may not know the joys of watching them hatch, but I know the feeling fatherhood. Rejoice in said times...before they become rebellious.”

“Depending on what they turn out to be, that might be harder than you think. Though we have a pretty good idea already.” Vincent smirked and lit up one hand. “Watch. They already know a trick.”

Vincent lightly coated both eggs with his power, just to let them know he was there and watching over them, before letting it fade. It took them a moment, but each responded in their own way. The right one with a blue burst of Aura, and the left one with a similar eldritch blue of psychic strength. It barely lasted for a second before fading in turn.

“You must be proud,” Sev smiled.

“They do something similar whenever Lucy looks at them with Aura Sight,” Vincent said. “Though...I coulda sworn the Abra was on the right…”

“Children take after their parents,” Sev chuckled.

Vincent stared at nothing in particular while whispering something. He then shook his head and looked back at the snake. “Eh, well, not all kids, or at least, I only take after his good parts. And hopefully so will these tykes. So! You’re here, so I’m assuming a good portion of your army is as well. Anyone in particular also want to say hi to me while they’re here?”

“I have made Christine a part of my army,” Sev declared. “A general and I’m trying to get a wedding planned. For some reason, she doesn’t seem keen on it….Oh, and hitting Scep over the head for not proposing.”

“Eh, she was wild before she was taken, and she did her damndest to stay that way once she escaped,” Vincent replied with a shrug. “She never picked up on most civilized things like marriage. She understood the value of reading and things like that, but societal niceties…” here Vincent mimed something falling off a cliff with his hands while making a whistling noise. “Total failure.”

“I know,” Sev snorted. “We shall be here for a few days...We need to get away from the war for a bit.” Sev was silent as though lost in thought, but then shook his head. “Possibly, we might go to Ponyville or some place like that. Of course, that is after Lia gets to meet up with Lucy...She really REALLY wants to meet up with Lucy.”

“Lucy teaches self-defense to the Ponies,” Vincent replied. “She has afternoon class, showing them how to best defend themselves should Pokemon prove to be unreasonable…” Here Vincent looked over at Sev with a slightly raised brow and a smirk before continuing. “She also teaches them the typing system and how to best recognize a Pokemon’s Type, so that they know what their options are.”

“Lia doesn’t need to know how to fight,” Sev scoffed. “She will stay within MY lines where she is safe. I have soldiers that can defend her. Besides, she just wants to thank Lucy for helping get her….” Sev hissed in anger. “Boyfriend.

“Sev,” Vincent said quite calmly.

“She is still too young for that,” Sev shot at him. “Do not dispute my thoughts.”

“Sev,” the Kadabra repeated.

“Yes,” Sev hissed at him. “I am here. I am talking. I am right.”

“Sev, if you don’t calm down about this topic, I’ll ask Xerneas to get a hold of Cresselia. Y’know, the Legendary Psychic associated with the moon and love? She will probably not take kindly to your meddling.” Vincent idly examined one of his spoons, as though he weren’t talking about Legendary Pokemon.

“I have dealt with a moon goddess enough times to get my bearings,” Sev said. “Luna is a good listener...but I will not back down on this. She is my sister...wait, why are we talking about my sister? She is none of your concern.”

“Because she’s a sweet little girl who cared about her big brother and made sure he had a second chance when said big brother crashed through my wall?” Vincent deadpanned. “I care about her too, y’know. Maybe not as much as a certain overzealous snake, but I care.”

Sev snorted. “I will not lose her….Never again.”

“And that,” Vincent said, “is what I’m talking about. It’s fine to love her, but do you think she’ll thank you from stopping her from doing anything at all? If so, I’m fairly certain I can quite quickly dissuade you of that notion. Yes, she might run and trip and stumble and get cut and hurt if you let her go, but she won’t thank you if you keep her smothered all her life, either. Plus, how is she to find anyone to love if you won’t let her, much less someone that will actually meet up to either of your standards?” Vincent ended his little tirade by bopping Sev on the nose with his spoon. “Think about it,” he stated. “Lucy’s coming back right about now, done with her shift, and I’m going to get to her before Lia does. She deserves at least five seconds of warning.”

Vincent popped out of the room in a flash of blue, leaving Sev alone with the eggs in the bedroom.

“Your father is annoying,” Sev grumbled to the eggs. “....Listen to him. Whatever he does….he cares.” He slithered out of the room. “POST A GUARD AT THE DOOR! WHO KNOWS WHO COULD BE NEAR!”

Lucy walked up to the front door, which buzzed and opened like usual. Upon arriving in the lobby, Vincent’s form appeared and he quickly turned to her. “Love, the PLA is here, including a certain little sis-”

“LUCY!” Suddenly, Lucy was bowled over by a glomping Gardevoir. “I’m so happy to see you.”

“Ack!” Lucy said, attempting to push the huggy Gardevoir off of her. “Lia, is that you?”

“Yep,” Lia beamed. “I grew up!” She teleported off and twirled around. “Look, I’m a pretty Gardevoir, like Miss Belle.”

“Ah, so you met them, did you?” Vincent questioned as he helped Lucy up. The Lucario gave her mate a look as she tilted her head.

“If you’re here, who’s with the eg-”

Vincent paled and vanished as suddenly as he had appeared, causing Lucy to let out a sigh.

“For a Kadabra, he can be pretty stupid sometimes,” Lucy said, looking over at Lia with a smirk.

“Boyfriends can be like that,” Lia said, before giggling. “And guess what I have~”

“Ah, did you finally get that Riolu you talked about when you were here last?” Lucy said with a wider smile. “So where is this boyfriend, then?”

Lia snapped her fingers and a country styled Lucario appeared. Lia hugged him. “Lucy, meet Lu. Lu, meet Lucy.”

“Howdy,” Lu tilted his hat in greeting, blushing at how close Lia was.

“Hmm,” Lucy said, looking the fellow Lucario over in much the same way Maylene and her Lucario partner had back at the quarry.

Lu was a little larger than your usual Lucario with a very muscular build. It was obvious he kept in shape and his uniform was neat and proper, even with his added cowboy hat. However, his posture was relaxed, even if he was blushing and glancing at Lia every few seconds. As an experiment, she fired up her Aura Sight, just to see if he noticed the feeling and reacted to it in any way.

“Now missy,” Lu raised an eyebrow. His own aura flared as though preparing a strike, even though his posture was still relaxed. “Ain’t no reason to be pokin’ me with Aura Sight. Not like I’m an Arbok, prepin’ to strike. Ya must be this Lucy, Lia’s been talkin’ about?”

“Mmhmm, and I was just checking on a few things. We girls have to stick together, and I had to make sure Lia caught a fine example of our kind,” Lucy responded before looking back to Lia. “He passes my examination, but I’m no trained,” here she shuddered for a moment before finishing the sentiment. “No trained doctor, so take that as you will.”

Lia fist pumped. “Yes.” She hugged Lu close. “She likes you.”

“Ap!” Lucy put a paw on Lia’s mouth. “I said no such thing. I said he passes. I reserve further judgement based on how well he treats you. At the moment I’m indifferent concerning him, only that I know he’ll stand up to whatever you put him through...within reason.”

“He puts up with a lot,” Lia said. “He can stand anything I have to give him….Well, except my big brother.” Lu tensed up at that.

Lucy hummed a bit. “Well, seeing as how mine is Psychic and I know a few Ground moves, I’m certain we could keep Sev occupied if we had to, but that doesn’t solve the problem.” She looked over at Lu before looking back to Lia. “Ever thought of teaching him Earthquake?”

“My pa taught me,” Lu spoke up. “He knows pretty much all them moves us Lucario’s can learn. Ya can’t do much better than him and there ain’t a critter alive that can rassle him to the ground.”

“Ah, so the problems you’re having are more standing up to him verbally then,” Lucy said with a nod.

“He is my big brother,” Lia said.

“He is the guy who can tackle a daemon,” Lu added.

Lucy snorted and rolled her eyes. “The only one who has any real ‘right’ to meddle in the affairs of love is Cresselia, and even that’s doubtful. No matter what he does, he has no right. No. Right.” Here Lucy emphasized her words by pushing the Lucario and Gardevoir together a little more. “To come between you two if you love each other.”

“I know,” Lia sighed. “But I want his approval.”

“And ah don’t want his blade in my throat,” Lu deadpanned.

“Then stand up for yourselves and tell him he’s overstepping his boundaries,” Lucy said, “Otherwise he’ll think he should control every aspect of your life, Lia. And as someone who’s been through that, I can tell you that you don’t want it.”

“He’s just looking out for me,” Lia sighed once more. “Maybe a bit much.”

“A bit?” Lu spoke up. “Lia, he does it more than a bit….Ain’t a bad guy, but yeah, more than a bit.”

Lucy hugged Lia then and whispered in her ear. “Yes, it probably hurts to think about, and yes, he probably very much loves you. But if he really, truly loves you like family should, he’ll understand when you ask him to back off and let you live your life without his coils smothering every aspect of it. Which you should do, and soon, otherwise it’ll only get worse.”

“Yeah,” Lia then took Lucy’s paws in her own. “But I didn’t come here to talk about my big brother. I wanted to know about you. How’s Vincent?”

“More stable than he used to be, thanks to Luke’s intercession and his mother turning up,” Lucy replied. “Did you know he went up to Canterlot to give Mewtwo a piece of his mind without a second thought as to ‘hey, this might be a bad idea’?”

Lia blinked in confusion. “...He did what?”

“Sounds like a feller with the right mindset,” Lu smirked. “Might want a tussle with him later.”

“Yeah, he’s not allowed to use that move ever again, or so Luke says, but I’ll tell you it’s name and let you infer what it actually was from there. He called it Total Recall.” Lucy waited for the recognition to dawn on their faces.

Lia’s eyes widened. “He didn’t….”

Lucy just nodded. “Weaponized it, and Luke said never to do it again. Can’t blame ‘im. Even the things I went through are bad enough. I don’t wanna think about his.” She shuddered a bit before perking up. “He calmed down quite a bit afterwards, though. Learned proper moves, perfected his ‘psychic chip’ and, well…” Here Lucy actually blushed and looked away before muttering something inaudible.

“Well what?” Lia innocently asked.

Lucy coughed and looked at both Lu and Lia before drawing out her answer. “Well...I...may, just may, mind you...may have gone into...my first heat a few months back.” She said the last part in a rush that nearly made it an incomprehensible mess. Nearly.

Lu blushed and looked at Lia frantically, miming for Lucy to shut up. Lia just tilted her head in confusion. “Your first heat? Was it cold where you’re originally from?”

Lucy slowly turned to look at Lu and asked with as much deadpan possible, “She’s joking, right?”

“What am I joking about?” Lia asked.

“...She isn’t,” Lu said.

“Oh for the love of Xerneas! Y’know what, I’m this close,” Lucy held her paws about a centimeter apart, if that, “From just letting you look at that week from my point of view so you understand what we’re talking about!”

“What are we talking about?” Lia said in desperation. “I’m lost.”

“She hasn’t had the….’talk’ yet,” Lu rubbed the back of his head nervously.

“What ‘talk’?” Lia glared at her boyfriend.

“Right, time to bring you up to speed, little Lia. I’m gonna start thinking about that week, and I give you permission to look at it as well, if only so that you know what we’re all trying not to say.” Lucy closed her eyes as she concentrated.

Lia was confused at first...and then her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Her face was fully red and she looked at Lu. “...That’s heat?....That’s what mon’s do when they make weird noises behind doors?”

“Sex? Yes.” Lu gulped in fear.

“.......” Lia seemed to have frozen in place.

“Don’t stop, Lia,” Lucy said. “Look at the emotions behind the actions. Look at how I felt doing it with one I loved. And look to about two weeks back as well...look at what happened as a result.”

“....I did,” Lia was beet red and drooling. “I….no one told me about sex...and…..I want to do it.”

Lu’s jaw dropped. “What?”

“Little Lu, what do you know about a Lucario’s first heat?” Lucy questioned. “Because that’s the sort of thing I just showed your girlfriend.”

Lu shivered in fear. “Ah know about heat….My folk get into it all the time….They usually destroy half the base we’re in before they’re done. Kind of stupid, when Loom gives them pills to stop it. They just like breakin’ stuff, is all.”

“Well supposedly,” Lucy said, looking at Lia’s face and grinning. “Supposedly, the first heat of a Lucario is as bad as it ever gets.” She leaned in to her fellow Fighting-type and whispered in his ear for the next bit. “Vincent had to chain me up to make sure he made it out alive. And I just showed it all to your girlfriend, who has just learned about the deed and has more power than he did.”

“So ah’m gonna….” Lu gulped and pointed to Lia. “...And she’s gonna….”

Lucy stood back up straight and walked around to behind Lia before pushing the Gardevoir towards her boyfriend. “Good luck making it out alive,” Lucy said.

Lia giggled at Lu’s fear. “Don’t worry, Lu. I’m not in heat….I don’t think I am, but if I feel funny and want to tie you to my bed, I’ll let you know.” The way she said it made it sound cute, even with the context. Lu looked up to the sky and whimpered in fear.

“So would you two like a room here, or would you prefer to find one elsewhere? I think there’s a few on floor four that are still open,” Lucy said with more than a little mischievousness to her voice.

“But….” Lu started, before Lia started pulling on him.

“Come on,” she giggled. “I want to try some of that stuff I saw.”

“....Oh Arceus, help me.”

In the hall of Legends, a certain deity was busy going over all the prayers made in his name, before a rather odd one jumped out at him. Looking into it further revealed the details that led up to it, causing Arceus to do one thing in response to the male Lucario’s plea to be delivered from his newly-educated and highly-curious girlfriend.

He elected to laugh.

Later in the day, after Scep had been freed from his confines and quickly done with paying his mate back in kind, the both of them had cleaned themselves up and were now reclining on the couch. The Sceptile was holding one ear to her stomach, still not quite believing that her stomach was swelling with his spawn.

It was a new experience, really. Knowing something so precious was yours. Scep still wasn’t sure how to process it. This feeling was so new and so foreign that he didn’t know how to express it. So, he just kept quiet, listening to any sounds from within.

“Bit for your thoughts,” Christine said suddenly.

“...I’m a dad,” Scep said. “Still getting used to it.”

“Mm, we’ll have plenty of time to get used to it together.” Christine replied, running one set of claws gently over his back. “Still, with what I said after the first two times, along with the four days we spent together, did you really think this could not happen?”

“I’m new to this, dudette.” Scep grumbled. “It’s a lot to take in...I know it was going to happen, but...I don’t know if I’ll be a good dad...If the kids will like me.”

“Hey, the only ones that can know the future for sure are the Legends,” Christine said, putting her claw under her mate’s chin and making him look her in the eyes. “Us mortals have to plod along and make the best of the world, one day at a time. So long as you’re here, giving it your best effort, I promise you, you’ll be a good dad. And I’ll thump you when you’re not,” she finished playfully, beeping his nose with her other set of claws at the end.

“How did I ever live without you?”

“Miserably, I’d imagine,” she fired back with no small amount of snark. “So what’s it gonna be, gecko-boy? Y’gonna stay for the rest of this?” Here the Gabite gestured to her swelling belly.

Scep kissed it. “Definetly.”

“That’s all I ask, then. Now, anything else I should know about Sev?”

“He ain’t gonna do much to us,” Scep chuckled. “He’s loud, but he’s a good guy. He’ll want our kids to be given a ‘PLA’ style education and all that though.”

Christine snorted. “Yeah, well, I didn’t see him under me an hour ago, nor do I see him swelling with eggs, so he can stay out of my kid’s life. I’ll take his wants under advisement, but he’d better have damn good cases if he wants my kids raised his way in the slightest.”

“Eh,” Scep shrugged. “He won’t press it...much.”

“He’d better not, if he knows what’s good for him,” she grumbled. “Now, do you think you can stop him from setting up that marriage thing, or am I doomed to walking down an aisle?”

“You don’t have to,” Scep said. “Your choice really...though you’d look good in that wedding outfit. Love to take one off of you.”

“Flatterer,” she muttered while turning pink. “Okay, y’know what? If you can promise me nothing will blow up, I’ll let him and his soldiers organize one...if only so you can prove that statement of yours.”

Scep frowned...and an explosion could be heard. “Yeah…..no promises.”

“How about this,” she said with an eye roll. “If there are less than four smallish explosions, or only one that rivals that gas line I set on fire, I’ll take it. Any more, and you don’t get your reward after.”

Scep panicked. “Let’s not start talking crazy here.”

“Then get them to keep the explosions down,” Christine said, beeping his nose with a claw again. “I’ve not heard about many romantic weddings lately that had an explosion in them, so clearly they don’t play a factor. I’d like to avoid it if possible.”

“I’ll try,” Scep gave her a quick kiss on the lips, rubbing a hand on her belly. “I’ll try.”

“Good, now go tell them the good news, then tell me what I have to do for my part,” she said. “I’ll be waiting and thinking of you while you’re gone,” she added in her husky tone.

Scep perked up and saluted. “Yes ma’am,” he ran out the door….before going back and kissing her on the cheek. “I love you.”

“Love you back,” she muttered, the blush small but noticeable. “Now get, or I’ll start without you while you’re out!”

Scep was out the door in a flash.

Sam looked up from the podium and took note of the hooded pony. “Ah hello, party of one?” he asked, looking at the door to ensure that there was nobody else following this one pony in.

“I apologize,” the mare said. “I’m not here to eat. I’m here to see Fredrick.”

Sam blinked once, slightly taken aback by the unusual request. “May I ask who is calling for him?”

The zebra took her hood off. Her face, while still pretty, was covered in scars and half her right ear was missing as though someone had sliced it clean through. “My name is Elire. I believe I came here a few months before.”

Sam searched his memory before nodding. “Ah, yes, with a party of other zebras I believe.” He then gestured to the restaurant behind him with one claw and a tilted head. “Are you certain I can’t seat you before I go to retrieve my boss?”

“I’m not….” Elire’s stomach gurgled. “Actually yes. I wonder do you serve pickles served in mustard and sprinkles?”

Sam blinked a few times before recalling Lucy’s ‘cravings’ and grinning madly. “I’ll pass the order along to Fredrick when I get him, ma’am. But if you’d care to follow me to a table, I’d be more than happy to get a hold of him.”

“That would be great,” Elire nodded and her stomach gurgled again. “Could you bring them both out...soon?”

Sam nodded and led the mare to a corner table, situating her so that her lower half was obscured. Let’s see how long it takes for him to catch on, the Scizor thought deviously, before going to the kitchen.

“Oh Fredrick, I have a special order for you,” he sing-songed as he stepped foot in what was normally only Mary and the griffon’s domain.

“Oh?” the airborn feline said, turning his head and tilting it.

“Mmhmm. Mare in the corner is looking for pickles coated in mustard, with a sprinkle topping. Goes by the name of Elire.”

Fredrick actually stopped what he was doing before breaking out in as wide a grin as his beak would allow. “She came back,” he whispered. “She came back,” he then repeated in a normal tone of voice. “I...will have that in two minutes. Mary, you’re in charge while I catch up with her!”

“Aren’t I always?” the Shiny Sandslash said with an eye-roll.

“Well my sweet lady Elire,” a familiar voice said from in front of the zebra seated at the table, causing her to look up abruptly and catch sight of a very familiar griffin with a plate of, yes, pickles coated in mustard and sprinkles. “What brings you back to my humble establishment after so long?”

Elire opened her mouth, but closed it. She looked nervous and her remaining good ear twitched back and forth. “...Some things came up.”

Fredrick placed the odd food item that she had requested in front of her and tilted his head. “Did you come here on a vacation, or is it a more permanent thing, like we originally fantasized about?”

“Permanent,” Elire said, though her eyes were intently on the food. Her mouth watered and she attacked it like a savage. Fredrick raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. He was raised better than to comment about such things.

“So my lady, are you looking for lodgings in the city then? I know of a few places that have empty rooms and are decent, if so.”

Elire licked her lips of any remaining bits of food. “I...am looking for a new home. No, I need a new home. If you know anywhere I can stay that’s safe, please tell me!” She was frantic in her motions.

“My lady!” Fredrick walked over and pulled the zebra into a hug. “If you require a place to stay, then look no further. I would of course house you myself, if you desperately need such a place. While a lesser male would ask what you require safety from, I, on the other claw, will merely tell you that the moon would have to fall from the sky before you would be in danger here.”

“I know….” Elire sniffled. “It’s just...Look at me, Fredrick. Just look at me. I’m a ravaged mare.”

“Wasn’t that my job, the last time we met?” he inquired in a deep voice. “But if you’re talking about your souvenirs you seem to have picked up,” Here Fredrick looked her over with a critical eye, “I’ll let you tell the stories behind them at your own pace. You are no less lovely to me, my lady. That will never change.”

“Why?” Elire sniffled louder. “Why do you have to be so nice? Why? Why couldn’t you just be like all the other griffins, huh? Maybe then I wouldn’t have to run away…” Elire then hugged him back, hard. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”

“My dear, as I told you many times, Equestrian citizen, raised on the ideas of tolerance to all walks of life. Being a gentlegriffin was just a part of that upbringing. Your outer appearance may change as you trade bits of yourselves for stories from battle, but inside, I will always see the mare that tamed my wildcat tendencies.” He softly ran one of his claws through her mane then.

“Thank you,” Elire said softly. “I need someone like you now. My home...Zebrica isn’t the best place to live now with the war going on...brother against brother...sisters and fathers...It’s horrible and...I don’t think I can live like that anymore. Too many dead, my friends, my comrades. I’m sick of it.”

“Ah,” Fredrick said softly. “So you leave them all and come here to me. While I am flattered, I do hope you went through all the proper, or at the very least necessary, channels, before you did. I’d hate to have to explain to any officials why your paperwork wasn’t filled out in triplicate.”

Elire blinked in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“Immigrating to Equestria, while normally easy,” Fredrick explained, “Is also a long process of filling out the right forms. At least, as my mother tells it. They were happy when all the proper paperwork finally cleared. While I imagine it’s easier for a Zebra to become an Equestrian citizen than a pair of Griffins, there’s still probably a form or two to fill out. You...did do that, right?”

“No,” Elire started to hyperventilate. “The king said he fixed it. I’m Equestrian. Don’t send me back, please Fredrick. I didn’t know. I don’t want to die.” She clutched a hoof to her stomach. “Not my baby...Please no.”

Fredrick pulled her close and started to stroke her mane again, in an effort to calm her. “Shush, shush. First thing tomorrow, we’ll go down to the Guard office, see if there’s anything we need to do, get it all sorted ourselves. I promise you, I won’t send you…” The last few words finally clicked, and Fredrick pulled his head back to look her in the eyes. “Wait. You’re pregnant?”

Elire nodded as she cried. “Yes...it’s half griffin. My people hate your kind, you know. If they found out about my baby, they would….They would….” She cried in fear.

Fredrick pulled her close again. “Oh my dear sweet Lady,” he whispered in her good ear. “No fear from me, and I’ll let none harm you for such a thing.” He pulled back and looked at her again. “Well, I imagine there’s very few griffins you’ve been with, besides myself, of course, so do you know the father?”

Elire slapped him. Hard. “The hay do you think it is? This is your fault!”

Fredrick’s head stayed at an awkward angle for a moment as that sentence processed more fully. Once it did, he rotated it slowly back, a blank expression on his face. “Mine?” he questioned in a flat tone.

“Did you get stupid after I left?” Elire seethed. “Of course it’s yours. What do you take me for, a floozy?”

Fredrick shakily pointed one claw at her stomach. “That, growing inside of you, is my child?” He didn’t seem to quite believe what he was hearing.

“Do you want me to punch you?” Elire held back a hoof. Fredrick just hugged her close and repeated the same sentence over and over again.

“I’m gonna be a dad,” he kept saying. “I’m...I’m gonna be a dad…”

“Yes you are,” Elire nuzzled him. He then moved his head from over her neck to against her stomach, listening intently at the swelling belly.

“Any idea how much longer it’ll be?” he questioned. “Or should we also schedule a hospital visit after the guard one?”

“It should be almost ready,” Elire frowned. “But...it’s a hybrid. I don’t know.”

“Hmm. Well, a quick visit to the hospital should clear up any questions or possible complications,” Fredrick declared. “In fact, we should make that our first visit tomorrow instead of the guard, if it’s so close to term.”

“Okay,” Elire gulped. “You’re taking this all well. I’m scarred, my country is in a civil war, and I can’t go home because I’m carrying your child. Yet, you just take it all in stride.”

“Oh I have no doubt I’ll have a few breakdowns later on,” Fredrick said. “At the moment, that last one sort of eclipses all the rest, and I’m focused on making sure my lovely lady delivers a healthy, happy babe that I can help raise. Once that’s dealt with, I’m sure the other issues will take precedence.” He gently picked up one of Elire’s forehooves and gave it a kiss.

“Okay,” Elire blushed, wiping away her tears. “Thank you.”

“Happy to be of service, my lady. Would you like to reclaim your room now, or would you prefer something else to eat?”

“I’d like a place to rest,” Elire nodded. “If that’s not too much trouble.”

“It is never trouble to house you, my dear. The only real question is if you want companionship tonight or not, and if so, what sort.” The way the griffin winked at her clued the zebra in as to what he was referring to.

“I think that will be acceptable,” Elire smirked. “I just hope you don’t tire so easily. I’ve gotten stronger since I’ve last been here.”

“I would hope so,” Fredrick smirked. “Go on and take either bedroom upstairs, my dear. I still have a restaurant to run, but I promise I will be up as soon as possible.”

Elire nodded and stood up from the table. “Later it is then,” she said, before making her way to the bedroom. She had a slight waddle in her step, since her ‘belly’ was rather bloated.

“Fredrick, if you’re done flirting with your girlfriend, I have an order for an apple pie!”

The griffin sighed at the sound of the Sandslash’s voice. “A chef’s work is never done.”

Lucy hugged her mate a little closer as they both looked at the eggs before them. “They’re going to be a handful when they hatch,” she said.

“Like we didn’t already know that,” Vincent responded. “I only hope we prove capable of wrangling the two of them and that they don’t team up on us.”

“Don’t jinx it,” Lucy said in a serious tone.

The door fell down to the ground with a thud, breaking off its hinges. The Aggron on the other side sighed. “Why doesn’t anyone make sturdy doors?”

Vincent turned to look at the entrance, taking note of the Aggron in the place of where the apartment door used to be. “What is it with you guys and doors?” he questioned with a hint of mischievousness in his voice.

“A lot of things,” she rolled her eyes. “A door killed my parents, doors are aliens, whatever other nonsense you want to choose from. I apologize in advance for my lack of horrific ‘door’ related backstory.”

“It’s fine,” Vincent said with a wave of his hand. “Gives me more opportunities to practice my fine control by putting it back together.”

“And maybe this time, it won’t fall apart when you stop holding it together,” Lucy snarked.

“Owch,” Vincent said, holding a hand over his chest and miming being gravely wounded. “My pride. Ah, but where are my manners?” Vincent summoned, then tilted, his top hat towards the Aggron. “I am Vincent, and this charming Lucario is Lucy, my sister figure, girlfriend and mate. Yourself?”

The Aggron stood up at attention and saluted. “General Ag of the PLA, reporting. I am the commander of the Seventh Division.”

“I don’t think she was here last time,” Lucy mused.

Vincent nodded at Ag’s titles. “Well Ag, may we ask why you’re here?”

“I wanted to check up on you,” Ag said, eyeing him intently. “My mate wished to meet with you and he can be...strenuous on others.”

Lucy turned to look at Vincent and crossed her arms. “Well?” she questioned bluntly.

Vincent held his hands up. “Okay, so I may have met with a Gardevoir named Gard, but it didn’t come to blows at all, though it probably came closer than it should have. It ended up with us comparing our lives and having a...relatively pleasant conversation. So I didn’t think it was something you had to worry about.”

In response, Lucy smacked him upside the head. “You tangled with a more powerful Psychic than yourself, of course I want to know, you nimrod!

Ag chuckled. “You shouldn’t hide things from your mate, young one. It’s not healthy, especially us Steel ladies.”

“And now I remember why I have that extra-strength headache medication,” Vincent grumbled as he rubbed the back of his head. “Yes, well, we eventually came to an understanding, and out of curiosity...is he as bad as he made himself out to be?”

“Whatever he told you,” Ag said. “It’s not true...He’s worse, but I still love him anyways. I’m honestly surprised he didn’t rip you to shreds. He wasn’t exactly keen on you when he first read Sev’s and Lia’s memories of their encounter with you.”

“Had he tried,” Vincent said in a cold, very cold, voice, “I would have responded in kind. Two words: Total Recall. Think about how that could have gone, miss Ag. Oh, he may have been powerful, but if he actually tried to attack me, I would have taken him down with me.

“And then I would have dealt with him,” Lucy growled. “Both in helping Vincent get to those that could have put him back together, and helping him against your mate.”

In unison, the two mates said the next line. “You do not mess with our family.”

“And you don’t mess with my family either,” Ag frowned. “But I didn’t come here to threaten you or anything like that. I just came here to make sure he didn’t go too far and that you were alright. Bite my head off, will you.” She snorted in agitation.

“Apologies,” Vincent said after shaking his head. “But Gard wasn’t exactly the most...pleasing ‘mon to deal with. I can count on one hand the ones that I think of as worse than him. How you keep him reigned in at all, I will never know.”

“It’s hard work,” Ag shrugged. “But a mate’s got to do it. Can’t really do much about it, I’m afraid, other than dissuading the act in the first place. He’s rather...unstable, to put it nicely.”

“I hadn’t noticed,” Vincent snarked.

“Tell me about it,” Lucy said, once again cuffing Vincent. “This moron went up to Canterlot to give Mewtwo a talking-to after he broke Luke without even a second thought.”

“I said sorry!” the Kadabra tried to defend himself.

“And if Gard did something similar, I’m sure Ag would be taking my side in this!”

“She’s right,” Ag gestured with a claw to Lucy. “I don’t know how many times I’ve had to knock him upside the head for going out alone.”

“Thank you!” Lucy said before turning back to Vincent. “Is that the sort of thing you’re going to teach our kids? Or are you well and truly tamed, mister ‘I’m going to fight a legendary with nothing more than my few powers’?”

“I’m tamed!” Vincent said. “I am so tamed if it keeps you from hitting me again!”

Ag laughed. “You two make fine mate and I apologize for any actions my own has made against you...or will in the future.” Ag frowned, but then smiled. “Oh, but that’s not important right now. How’re the eggs?”

“They’re doing well,” Vincent replied, right before said eggs flared once in response to being mentioned. “And they’re being cheeky,” he added as the flares died down. “Seriously, if they’re this powerful now, I dread to think of what they’ll be like once they’ve hatched.”

Lucy giggled slightly. “Your fault for being so well trained, love. You had to expect some of that to be passed down to our kids.”

“Powerful or not, they seem quite healthy. I’m glad for the two of you,” Ag smiled. “Me and my own mate aren’t...compatible, so…” She tapped her belly. “It’s nice to know that it works for you.”

Vincent opened his mouth to make a comment, thought better of it, and closed it with a simple shrug. Lucy sighed and looked to Ag. “My apologies that you won’t be able to experience this, then,” she said. “It’s...one of the best things to happen to me, and I wish you could.”

“It’s no big deal,” Ag tried to wave the issue away. Her eyes had a ‘distant’ look within them, even with her smile. “I have Gard. I have my soldiers and my position. I’m good….Oh silly me, I’m sorry for bringing you down. Not my intention.”

“I think she forgot who she’s talking to,” Vincent commented. “It’d take more than that to actually disturb us.”

“True,” Lucy said. “But it’s called ‘courtesy’, love, you could practice it.” With that barb delivered, Lucy walked towards Ag and held one of her hands in both of hers. “Well, we appreciate the visit, Ag, and thank you for the check-up on my idiot brother here.”

“I can hear you,” Vincent complained.

“That’s the idea,” Lucy replied. “Is there anything else you’d like to say or do while you’re here?”

“Oh nothing really,” Ag said. “I just wanted to check up on….wait, brother?” Ag blinked in confusion.

“We saw each other as brother and sister when we were held together, though I was human and she a Riolu at the time,” Vincent began explaining.

“Helped that he could understand Pokemon and treated me like family should,” Lucy picked up.

“Did...none of the others tell you our last name?” Vincent cocked his head to the side.

“Well yes,” Ag frowned. “But I thought she just took it because you were mates...Well, don’t I feel silly.” She smiled. “So, spiritual brother and sister, hmm? Quite the bond.”

“Yes,” Lucy said, “And a hard one to surpass when I wanted to clue him in as to what I saw him as. I eventually got it into his head that I wanted us to be more than brother and sister, though.”

“And just in time for these to happen,” Vincent finished by pointing at the eggs behind him.

“It is hard to get through to psychics,” Ag chuckled. “They may be wise to the world, but to their own heart? They are stupid.”

“Sometimes he doesn’t even have that,” Lucy said.

“Still here,” Vincent deadpanned.

“Sometimes he listens to his heart before thinking things through, but that’s part of why I love him,” Lucy finished, causing Vincent to come up behind her and catch her in a hug.

“I’m happy for you two,” Ag said. “I really am, but I have been imposing on you for too long. Take care and watch those eggs. They can be fragile.”

“Say hi to Sev for me,” Vincent said before she vanished out the door.

“Likewise, but to Lia...when she’s done with Lu,” Lucy chuckled, causing Vincent to raise an eyebrow.

“What did you do?” He asked of his mate.

“Oh...not much...just showed her my first Heat,” the Lucario said deviously.

“Oh Xerneas, no,” Vincent replied by facepalming. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

“Nope, not joking!”

Ag raced back into the room. “You did what?!!”

“Oh come off it,” Lucy replied with an eye-roll. “Somemon had to tell her. I just showed her the whole experience, including what eventually happens,” at this, Lucy pointed at the eggs behind her. “It’s for the best and you know it.”

“Better than how I learned, but still, what were you thinking, Lucy?” Vincent said from behind the hand he hadn’t removed from his face.

“...You do know Lia’s not going to get pregnant, right?” Ag frowned. “Not compatible. She can’t ever have kids with him.”

“Won’t stop her from trying, if the looks she gave him are any indication,” Lucy said with a sultry smirk. “I’ve never seen a Lucario so scared before.”

“He had every reason,” Ag groaned and rubbed her forehead. “The Commander is going to blow his top when he finds out...That will be a headache I don’t want.”

A Lucario started running for his life through the house from an angry Seviper. Most of the PLA wisely stepped aside and kept out of it. Vincent and Lucy looked at one another as the sounds of the chase filtered to their room, one with the expression of ‘I told you so’ on his face, the other with an eye-roll. Lala was unperturbed; she would only step in if moves started to be used and Vincent wasn’t making an appearance. Wobbuffet joined her in reading the paper, and Jessie, James, and Meowth decided to hunker down in their room until the storm passed. Christine stuck her head out of her room as the chase passed and shouted at the two ‘mon.

“Will you two SHUT UP?!” She screamed at them. “Some of us are PREGNANT HERE and trying to take a NAP!”


“Oh come on!” Lu jumped out of the way of a strike to his tail. “Didn’t ya hear the girl? Naptime!”

“I AM THE MASTER OF NAPTIME!” Sev shouted back as he kept slashing at Lu. “I decide when it is said time for the nap, you miserable excuse for a Pokemon.”

“I SWEAR, Sev, if you don’t tone it down, I will drop-kick you to the fucking MOON to get some peace and quiet!” Christine yelled as they actually turned into her room.

“I will not be silenced until I take this mon’s life like he took my sister’s innocence.” Sev countered.

“ I didn’t say SILENT, I said softer than a freakin’ TRAIN, you numbskull,” she muttered as she closed the door and turned back to her bed. “Where in the hell is Scep? I need him to get me some headache medication. It’s too early for this Tauros-shit.”

“I sent him to get a bracelet so he could propose like a proper mon,” Sev snorted. “He will be back….”

Scep crashed through a window, rolled on the floor, and jumped to his feet. “I got it!” He held up an intricate, dark blue bracelet with the symbol of the moon in the middle. “Well, that was easy to find.”

“You’re paying to fix that window,” Christine said as she rummaged in the bathroom. “Argh, why does Vincent not stock anyone’s bathroom but his own with headache pills? Love, could you get me some?”

Scep sighed. “Fine,” he walked back to the door. “I’ll just give you your gift later.”

“Please do,” Christine said as she went to the kitchen for a glass of water. “Preferably when your commander stops chasing that Lucario and causing enough racket for Giratina to hear it in the Distortion Realm.”

“Which reminds me,” Sev said. “GARD!” Said Pokemon appeared. “Open up a portal to the purple realm. I wish for Giratina to deal with this pest.”

Gard rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers. Instantly, one of the nearby mirrors turned purple until a visage of a lounging Giratina appeared.

Giratina blinked in surprise, before gasping. “No...For father’s sake, can’t I just get a little peace and quiet?”

“Get rid of him,” Sev pointed to Lu, ignoring Giratina’s plight like he always did.

“For the last time,” Giratina grumbled. “I don’t take orders from you.”

“But we are friends.”

Giratina was silent for a moment. “.......We are the complete opposite of friends! Every cell of my body cries in fury whenever I gaze upon you, you slithering worm!”

Sev laughed. “Your jokes are amusing, but I do not care for them at the moment. I wish…”

“No,” Giratina growled. “I’m not dealing with this now.” He closed the portal.

“....Jerk,” Sev snorted.

“...Love, did that psychic just open a portal to the Distortion Realm, just so your commander could argue with Giratina?” To say Christine was slightly shaken would be an understatement: she was actually scared, mostly because she had nothing to fall back on if said psychic turned his attention to her except for her ability.

“He does it all the time,” Scep shrugged. “Ain’t nothing unusual….Are you alright?” Scep quickly went to her side.

“Oh I’m just peachy,” she said in a falsely cheerful voice. “Would you two like to continue your chase somewhere far away from me?” she questioned the Lucario and Seviper while glancing at Gard.

“Ah’d…..” Lu raised his hand.

“NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION!” Sev shouted at him with an accusative gesture with his tail.

“Ah care,” Lu’s mother, Cari, growled at Sev. The mother Lucario was straightening out her dress. Her arms were flexed dangerously.

“Look, I don’t care what this is about or where you all argue about this, just leave me and my mate alone, or so help me, the next person who talks is getting a super-effective move shoved up their asses!” the pregnant Gabite growled. “Am I fucking clear?

“She’ll do it,” Scep said.

“Don’t doubt it,” Rio laughed. “Ya should have heard the things Cari said when she was carrying my litters.”

“And ah meant every word,” Cari walked over to Christine. “Now hun, ya shouldn’t be walkin’ out so willy nilly in this state. Ya need rest….and a pair of earmuffs.”

“Agreed, along with some headache medication. But first, you three!” Christine pointed at Gard, Sev, and Lu. “Out! Out out out!”

Gard teleported himself and Sev. “Ah didn’t do anythin’!” Lu said.

Sev teleported back. “You did!” The two disappeared.

“And you!” She pointed at Scep. “Headache pills! I don’t care where, just don’t get me any of Vincent’s personal supply! I made that mistake once, never again. Out!”

Scep yelped and ran out the door.

“...Is it a bad time to mention this?” Cari pulled out a small bottle of pain reliever. “Dealin’ with everyone is kind of tirin’ sometimes. This’ll clear that headache of yers in a jiffy.”

“I’ll stash them for later, let him feel useful,” Christine said, snagging the bottle. “But don’t you and your mate have a boy to be defending?”

“He needs to fight his own battle,” Rio snorted and crossed his only arm over his chest. “That’s the Lucario way.”

“And that’s how I lived my whole life outside the lab. Spoiler alert: it sucked. Even if it’s just for moral support, you should at least find him,” Christine fired back to the male of the pair.

“He needs to fight,” Rio shot back. “That’s how ya grow strong. He’ll pull through, mark my words.”

“Considering the things Scep says Sev’s survived before, I wouldn’t be too sure,” Christine said. “I mean, most ‘mon are squished when Groudon step on them. Like I said, even if it’s just to let him know you care, you should be there. I’d have given anything for involved parents in my life,” she finished softly, a hint of a tear in one eye.

Rio scoffed and walked away.

Cari sighed. “Don’t take it to heart, hun. He’s a stubborn mon. Always has been, especially since he lost his arm.”

“Just…” she wiped the moisture away. “Just find him and be there for him. Please.”

“Wish ah could,” Cari pulled out a handkerchief and wiped away Christine’s tears. “My kin always like to go running off and fightin’ all the time. Ah’m guilty of it too. Don’t you worry. My son’ll be okay and this will all be water under the bridge. How it normally works.”

“I hope you’re right,” she said. “Oh Arceus, I hope you’re right.”

Vincent had just finished the day’s paper and his cup of coffee in the lobby. “Well, things finally seem to be improving in this city,” he commented. “Not a single anti-Pokemon story today for a month straight. I like that trend.”

“It’s a good one to have, but being complacent invites disaster,” Lala commented. “What of the PLA being in town?”

“Surprisingly little news about that,” the psychic said. “Though I get the feeling that our headaches are not over by a long shot.”

Just then, a battered Lu ran into the lobby. He coughed, wiping the dirt off his coat. “Finally made it.”

Vincent blinked a few times. “Did I...miss something?” he asked of the world at large.

“Commander….” Lu huffed as he tried to calm down his breathing. “Sister….Me….Bed….”

Vincent processed the statement and nodded a few times. “Yeah, that’d about do it. Wait, where is he?” The absence of a certain large snake from the lobby had piqued the Kadabra’s curiosity.


Lu’s statement was cut off when Sev smashed into him. Looming over the Lucario, Sev raised his bladed tail as though to strike. His fangs leaked poisons more than able to kill Lu. “Now, shall we talk?”

“Sev, if you so much as move in any direction other than letting this young boy go, I swear to you, you will not like what I do next,” Vincent said calmly from his chair as he sent his mug back to the kitchen for a refill. “Your move. Make it a good one.”

“Do not tell me what to do,” Sev hissed back. “She is my sister, not yours. This is between me and this...mon.”

“And this is my house,” Vincent thundered back. “You will obey my rules, or you will suffer for breaking them.”

“Fine,” Sev wrapped his coils around Lu’s legs. “We shall take this matter outside.”

The doors swung shut and were held that way in a familiar blue glow. “I’d rather you didn’t bring murder to my doorstep,” Vincent said, one hand alight. “Now are you going to talk this out calmly, or am I going to have to get serious?” His mug returned, and his other hand made sure it was well-mixed with his normal spoon as he raised an eyebrow at the two disagreeing ‘mon in the lobby.

“Murder?” Sev laughed. “That is too good for him. No, he will suffer and he will live with it. I gave him an order and he disobeyed it.”

“But she was givin’ me that look and ah…..” Lu blushed.

“....You want me to end you?” Sev shouted in his face.

“I could ask the same, Sev,” Vincent replied, letting a little glow loose. “Control yourself. You’re not the only one to walk away from a Legendary meeting anymore. Now what is the nature of your disagreement?”

“He mated my sister!” Sev shouted, in his anger, he thrashed Lu about.

“Alright, time out, kiddies,” Vincent said, raising his glowing hand higher. In a tugging motion, Lu and Sev were separated from one another and forced to opposite sides of the room. “You two sit in those corners until you agree to behave. Moving from them will not be tolerated.”

“Oh come on!” Lu threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “Why am ah being punished?”

“You want I should let him loose?” Vincent replied without looking at Lu. “Fair and balanced punishment is how I roll: You get loose, so does he.”

“.....Ah’m good,” Lu squeaked out.

“Now Sev, remember what I said about loving your sister a bit too much?” Vincent turned to the snake next.

“I don’t love her too much,” Sev shouted. “My love is grandiose and good natured. There is never enough of it.”

“Then I guess the next question I should be asking is: why don’t you trust her?”

“I am her big brother,” Sev hissed in anger. “I am the only male that should be in her life. None other!”

“So you really don’t trust her to make any decisions on her own?” Vincent questioned with a raised brow. “Or have you taught her nothing about making good choices?”

“I will not lose her again!” Sev thrashed. “Not again, never again.”

“Then don’t you think it’d be a good idea if someone else watched her when you couldn’t?” Vincent said while gesturing at Lu. “Someone she liked, loved even?”

“I allowed him to be her boyfriend, not to mate her.” Sev shot at him. “He hasn’t even proposed.”

“Neither have I or Lucy, despite my mother’s subtle attempts to steer us in that direction,” Vincent riposted. “Yet she’s had my eggs, we’re about to be parents. Nobody said you had to get married for nature to do its thing.”

“I am above nature,” Sev scoffed. “I command the forces of thousands of individuals. I wish something to be so, it is done. I wish for my sister to remain pure, I want it to be followed. You couldn’t keep it in your pants!” He pointed at Lu. “MY SISTER, YOU INGRATE!”

“She was very persuasive,” Lu tried to point out, gulping in fear.

“Sev, calm yourself. Lu, if I ask, will you submit to a slight Hypnosis, so that you cannot answer our questions with anything but the truth?” Vincent tried to mediate the situation with what few techniques he had.

“Just don’t do anythin’ fishy,” Lu said. “Don’t want no stuff like barkin’ at bell tolls or somethin’ like that.”

“Sev, will you believe me when I say such a thing has been done?” Vincent turned to the angry snake in the opposite corner.

“I made Gard do that once,” Sev chuckled. “Hilarious...Wait, what?”

“If I make Lu answer your questions with nothing but the truth, will you believe him?” Vincent clarified.

“...Can I still smack him around regardless?”

“We can work that out later, depending on his answers,” Vincent replied. “If he’s being honest about not being totally at fault, he has nothing to fear.”

“Do it,” Sev said.

Vincent raised his spoon to point at Lu and focused on the results he wanted from the technique first. Once he had it down, he shaped his power and closed his eyes. “Hypnosis,” he whispered, sending the Lucario into a daze from which it would be too much trouble to make up a lie. “Begin your questioning, Sev.”

“......Do you know the Muffin Man?” Sev asked.

“No,” Lu said.

“Drat,” Sev growled. “Finally a straight answer off the bat and it’s no. I WILL FIND YOU MUFFIN MAN! YOU CAN’T HIDE YOUR MUFFINS FROM ME!”

“You’re forgetting the issue at hand,” Vincent said. “Lu, at any point in time, did you tell Lia about the topic of sex?”

“Before or after she tackled me to the bed?” Lu asked.

“Answer it both ways,” the Kadabra said with a slight smirk.

“Not a time before,” Lu said. “And a little after. Not an expert on it myself.”

Vincent looked to see how Sev took the answer Lu had given to the question. Sev’s jaw was clenched and his glare killer.

“Lu, do you know who did tell Lia about the topic?” Vincent hastened to continue the questioning, in hopes that Sev would still listen.

“Lucy,” Lu said. “She showed Lia all her heat memories...Lia wanted to do them afterwards.”

“Ah,” he said with a nod. “Well, I’m sorry if any of it was unpleasant for you, not everyone likes bondage. Now, the final question.” He took a breath and composed it properly before he asked it.

“Had Lia not been told about the topic, would you ever do such acts with her?”

“Hell yeah, ah would.” Lu nodded. “Ah love that girl from the bottom of my heart. Don’t know this ‘bondage’ ya mentioned was though.”

“So mister Sev,” Vincent said, turning to the snake. “You have information. He didn’t ‘ruin’ your sister, and he loves her. Probably more than enough to keep her as safe as possible. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that love doesn’t listen to reason, orders, or the law. Trying to fight this will only make her miserable.”

Sev was silent for a moment, just staring at Lu. Finally, he opened his mouth. “Mask her scent. I do not want to smell her on you ever again….And the same for her. Hide the smell, for if I ever smell her stink of you, I will make you pay.”

“What if ah propose, later on?” Lu questioned the snake. It probably took him a good amount of effort to ask the question instead of answering them.

“If you had stopped and done that before this whole mess, maybe I wouldn’t be so angry.” Sev hissed. “Instead you rushed into this, without my consent. My anger is justified.”

“Sev, play nice,” Vincent warned. “Otherwise I’ll tell Lia on you.” Sev snorted in answer. “Now if you two agree to not even try to kill each other, I suppose I can let you out of your corners now. Lu?”


“Promise to behave and obey your commander’s new rules regarding your new relationship?”

“Promise,” Lu put a paw to his heart.

“Sev?” The Kadabra looked to the snake with an eyebrow quirked.

“Yes,” Sev gave him an annoyed glance.

“Your word, if you please,” Vincent said, waving a spoon about lazily. “Promise to behave and not try to kill Lu here?”

“I will resist the urge.”

“That’s about as good as I’m going to get from you, so fine.” Vincent lowered his glowing hand finally, and the doors swung open. “Oh, and well done on resisting leaving your corner, Sev. Lu, wake up,” the Kadabra more or less commanded the hypnotised Lucario, ending his technique over Lu’s mind.

“GAH!” Lu fell over. “Darn psychic stuff.”

“Yeah, I feel that way too. Only constantly,” Vincent commented. “...Sev, if I hear from Lucy about you threatening her in any way for getting rid of Lia’s innocence, once again, you won’t like what I do. Talk to her, sure. Express your disappointment, fine. But threaten her, and I will not be happy with you.”

Sev nodded through his glare. “Of course...Vincent.”

“I’m so glad we understand one another.” The Kadabra took a swig of his coffee and made a face. “Bleh, too cold.” The psychic looked over his mug at the snake before continuing. “For the record, I do not approve of how she did it, so you have my blessing to talk to her and tell her your disappointment in her. Just keep the murderous rage in check when you do.”

“I will,” Sev slithered off. Vincent looked to Lu with a raised eyebrow, a question clearly behind his expression, though he kept silent for the moment, waiting to see if the Lucario would ask.

“What?” Lu asked.

“His sister?” Vincent deadpanned. “I can’t decide if you have balls to rival the Orbs of Groudon and Kyogre, or a death wish.”

“Lia can be very, very persistent,” Lu shivered. “Can’t much argue with her...and she’s so cute...and sexy and...gotta say a bit of both, but ain’t nothin’ makin’ me regret it.”

“Fair enough,” the psychic replied with a shrug. “I get something similar when I think about Lucy.” Once he recalled how Lia’d lost her innocence, he looked over to Lu with a smirk. “So, she saw all of that week, huh? Boy, if she pulls out any straps and chains, you’d best pray she’s merciful.”

Lu paled. “She ain’t gonna do that.”

“You say that now,” Vincent replied, bolting his coffee down and pulling a face. “But mark my words, she saw more than enough of what it was like to receive...she may just do it to you once she finds the novelty shop in town.”

“Nope,” Lu shook his head. “Nope, nope, just nope.”

His only response was Vincent’s laughter as he vanished in a flash of blue light.

Scep smiled as he strolled through the hallway to his mate’s room, medicine in hand. It felt nice, being helpful. A part of him wanted to burst in, but another part of him said that he should learn from his mistakes and knock….

Too bad he was a bad learner.

Scep quickly opened the door and jumped inside. “I got the medicine!”

“You’re just lucky you’re all the way over there!” Christine replied from her bedroom in a slightly panicked tone. “Otherwise you’d have been fried, again! What did I tell you not to do?!

“Not to surprise you,” Scep pouted.

“Uxie bless, but the boy can learn! So you got me some pills for my headache?”

“Yep,” Scep walked into the bedroom. “All prepped and ready.”

The Gabite reached out with one claw and made a grabby motion while her eyes were closed, attempting to block out any pain-inducing light. The fact that she was on her back gave Scep a lovely view, but he tore his eyes away for the time being.

He quickly put the bottle into her hands. “Here you go, dudette...Is it that bad?”

She rolled over and read the instructions while popping the lid off. “Hmm...okay, just the one then.” She shook one pill free of the bottle and threw it into her mouth, gulping it down and sticking her tongue out. “Bleh, horrible taste.” She then looked to Scep. “It’s pretty bad, yeah...Get me a glass of water to wash that taste out with?”

In no time at all, Scep gave his mate her glass. “Sorry.”

She gulped the water down and sighed. “Oooh, there we go, that’s better.” She then patted the bed next to her, an invitation if there ever was one. Taking heed, Scep crawled into bed, making sure not to bounce so as to not upset her headache anymore.

“So,” Christine said while drawing her mate close. “Was there something you wanted to say before I sent you off for medication?”

“Yeah,” Scep blushed, shaking a bit. “I know we’re already mates and all, but….” Scep held up the bracelet. “Will you marry me?” His voice was as shaky as ever.

“Oh you silly gecko,” the Gabite whispered as she looked at the bracelet. Smiling softly and blushing no small amount, as evidenced by her pink face, she held out her right arm before replying. “Of course I will.”

Scep’s face broke out into a happy go lucky grin and he wrapped her up in a hug. He kissed her deeply. She returned the hug and played with him in the kiss for a bit before she pushed him back and held up her arm again, clearing her throat and looking at the bracelet still in his hands pointedly.

“Right,” Scep wrapped the large bracelet around her arm and kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”

“Thank you, love,” she replied as she examined the jewelry. “Where did you get this? It looks real expensive. Like, royalty expensive.”

“I stole it from that Luna chick,” Scep waved his hand. “No biggee.”

If you listened closely, you could almost hear the sound of Christine’s brain trying to shift from one gear to the next, slipping, and crashing. “You did what,” she stated blankly, as though unwilling to believe it.

“It’s not like Princess Luna doesn’t have any more of that stuff,” Scep rolled his eyes.

“You stole from an immortal moon deity.” She’d finally found traction again. “The only way this could be worse is if you also went after something from Celestia, Twilight, and Cadence.”

Scep was tapping a golden jewel with a quill. “Cadance?”

“...Yes, apparently the one alicorn you haven’t pissed off,” Christine said. “She’s in charge of the Crystal Empire up north and the local deity of love.”

Scep hummed in thought, stroking his chin. “What to do,” he thought aloud.

“Okay, look,” Christine said, holding up the arm with the bracelet. “This...is all very flattering, but the only way...only way, I’m going to let you continue practicing your trade under this roof is if you take every precaution to not anger the local deities. I’d rather not have a mate who’d end up smitten for his insolence.”

“That’s a tall order,” Scep frowned. “It’s not like they would smite me. I’ve stolen from some of the biggest names back in the old world, maybe a deity or two.”

“Yeah, and if the princesses in charge of the sun, moon, or magic itself decide to take offense to what you’ve done, that’ll leave me as a single mom, and we know where that road ends,” Christine said, with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

“You don’t have to be like that, dudette.” Scep whimpered. “I’ll be good.”

“Good,” Christine deflated slightly before looking at the bracelet. “Okay, let’s compromise. You take these things, get near-replicas made, and return one of them to the ones that are probably missing them, so that they don’t burst down the door in the middle of the night and haul you away. And also, don’t tell me which one I have. I’d really rather not know.”

Scep looked away. “Okay,” he sighed and started to get out of the bed, before being pulled into a hug.

“Don’t get me wrong, I am flattered, but society seems to love their laws and lines. Any that end up with you dead or gone if they catch you? Don’t cross. Got it?” She beeped his nose with one claw as she finished.

“Ain’t planning on those, dudette.” Scep smiled. “So, we cool?”

“Tell your teammates that the wedding’s on as long as they keep the explosions down like we discussed, get this job done, and we’re golden. I might even reward you,” she purred.

Scep blushed. “Okay, will do.” He gave her a hasty salute.

“Hurry back, lover,” she stated before letting him go. After carefully getting out of bed, and giving her a quick kiss on the lips, he rushed out of the room.

Lucy was meditating on the roof, practicing her moves in her mind's eye, when she picked up on a familiar aura coming onto the roof with her. She didn't even turn around to greet the 'mon, or open her eyes. “Hello, Sev,” she said.

“I would return said ‘hello’ in other times. Now isn’t one of them,” Sev hissed in anger.

“There is always time to be courteous. Such as taking a bow before a duel,” Lucy replied, moving from the punch she had just given to a kick at some invisible opponent.

“Courtesy is granted to those who deserve it,” Sev narrowed his eyes. “Tell me, for those who destroy the innocence of others, what ‘courtesy’ should I give them?”

“Ah, you are here about my educating Lia in the more base matters of Life,” Lucy said, still not opening her eyes, and giving a backhand to yet another adversary she was battling in her mind.

“Education?” Sev asked. “Is that what you were doing? Your views are misconstrued. My sister was not ready.”

“There were far worse ways she could have been taught, Sev,” Lucy replied softly, miming out an Aura Sphere. “Do you know who and what Vincent’s replacement father figure is?”


“Luke was a Ralts when he was taken to a brothel and forced into being a whore,” Lucy stated bluntly. “He escaped on the day of his Evolution to a Kirlia. That...is one of the worse ways to be taught. Do you know how Vincent learned?”

“Ah yes...that practice,” Sev snarled. “It was one we tried to snuff out. By snuff out, I mean lining them up and ‘tearing’ them down.” He chuckled darkly. “But how did Vincent learn from this?”

“Vincent developed a technique, early in his time here, that he calls Ping. It’s basically him skimming minds in a large radius. It was only later that he learned how to refine it. He unleashed it here, once, in the sin city of Equus, near dusk. Just imagine what he picked up that night.” Lucy ducked under something before punching in Sev’s direction, her paw stopping a hair away from his scales.

Sev didn’t flinch. “I imagine, but that doesn’t have anything to do with my sister.”

“I taught her the best week of my life, what it felt like to do it with the one I love, and I showed her all the consequences, up to me laying. In the previous cases I outlined, the ones being taught were taught with no love, no care. That was not the case for your sister.” Lucy threw another few punches in seemingly random directions before bowing and turning back to Sev, finally opening her eyes.

“You showed her sex,” Sev hissed, narrowing his eyes. “And thus parking a male to take her.”

“I showed her love,” Lucy clarified. “And had I done nothing, when would you have? Because you can’t shut the world out forever. Sooner or later, she would have used her powers to find out anyways. With the resources available to me, I showed her in the best possible way. I could have told her to Ping the city. I could have made it awkward and explained it verbally. I chose to show her love.”

“Without permission,” Sev hissed. “I will be honest. I knew I could not keep the topic away from her. I prayed I could, but I knew otherwise. My family is my life. I have lost my sister twice to outside forces. The risk is great.”

“Which is why I showed her love,” Lucy said. “There was no mention of casual sex, or flings, or anything like that. All I showed her was what one could do with one they loved truly, deeply. And if you love her, you still won’t lose her. At best, you’ll have to share her.”

Sev clenched his jaw. “Difficult... Dangerous actions you play, Lucy. However...I am forgiving. Lia would not like her ‘bestest’ friend of Las Pegasus harmed. I cannot lift my blade against you, but my anger is known.”

“You’ll change your tune should you become an uncle, I’m sure,” Lucy said with a smirk. “Is there anything else I should know about, or has the great and glorious Sev run out of topics?”

“For now,” Sev turned. “...Try not to cross me again.”

“Save the talk on drinking for a later time, got it,” Lucy replied. Sev let out a loud, agitated hiss as he slithered off. “That snake is too uptight,” she muttered. “Next form,” she said as she closed her eyes again.

“So…” another voice, a gruff, battle hardened one with a country twang made itself known, “ya are the one who got my boy laid.”

Lucy flicked her Aura Sight over to the roof, and saw another Lucario there. One older and wiser than her, scarred, but ready to do more fighting. His right arm had a strong presence about it, but only a ghost remained of the left, and she realized he’d lost its physical companion some time ago.

“That would depend on who your boy is,” Lucy replied as she started her next form, fighting off the mental projections of Maylene and her Lucario partner.

“Don’t go playin’ those high an’ mighty ‘sage’ mantra,” Rio snorted. “That just gives us scrappin’ Lucario a bad image.”

“I am anything but,” Lucy said. “This is merely the side effect of being raised by a Porygon-2, who dealt with giving out information...but only exactly the information you asked for. I learned quite quickly to ask the right questions, especially when Vincent picked up the habit as well.”

“My boy Lu,” Rio started. “Ah want to know what ya did. That boy is skittish. Ain’t no way he got her by himself.”

“To be blunt, I know all the ways being educated about sex can go wrong,” Lucy stated while keeping up her practice. “From Sam, to myself, to Luke, to Vincent. Mine is probably the most mild of cases out of the four of them. I took the chance to head off Lia learning in a wrong fashion by showing her my first heat, and what Vincent and I did. From there, it was all her.”

“Youngin’,” Rio snorted. “Don’t ya know what heat does to us? Lia ain’t a fighter, nor does she got the nerve for it. I don’t rightly mind you helpin’ my boy get some. I do mind when ya go do stuff like that.”

“Which would you have preferred, then?” Lucy said while practicing her kicks. “That she learn like Vincent, and have the City of Sin teach her all at once via her skimming their minds with her powers? Or perhaps Sam and myself could teach her second-hand knowledge from the pervert that taught him. I dread to imagine Luke’s scenario playing out with her, so I’ll not even mention it in detail. I showed her how a Kadabra dealt with my heat, how much I love him, and all the consequences and emotions from that time. What she did what that knowledge was her business.”

“Ain’t my place to tell ya’ll youngin’s how to live,” Rio grinned. “It is my place to see how ya fight. So, ya a scrapper?”

“Barely,” Lucy said, finishing her form with a mimed Aura Sphere, bowing, and turning to face Rio and opening her eyes. “The aforementioned Porygon-2 was in charge of a combat simulator and of teaching me and the others Moves when deemed necessary. It is only thanks to Maylene and her Lucario partner that I learned anything about what it means to be a Lucario. I have kept up with my practice ever since, but I don’t get in many fights. I mostly teach self-defence to the ponies, in an effort to help them understand, and thus stop fearing, us.”

“Youngin, is that it?” Rio snorted. “Fightin’ is in our blood. Can’t deny that. Why, when ah was yer age, ah was fightin’ mons left and right.”

“There is more to life than fighting everymon you meet,” Lucy said. “Likewise, there is more to being Psychic than having a brain. Vincent and I balance one another.”

Rio shook his head. “Meanin’ no offense, but ya got to be one of those pansy Lucarios. Ah’m a scrapper and ah think ah’ve outlived ‘em all. So don’t go lecturin’ this ol’ mon any.”

“I did not intend to lecture, merely share my views. It may be true I look at life as a series of balances, but that is not the only way to look at it.” Lucy rotated some of her joints, cracking a few of them and grinning. “And if you think I’m a pansy, well, it has been some time since I last sparred with a member of our kind.”

Rio laughed. “So ya do have some fire in ya. Good, ya'll need it.” Rio cocked himself into a fighting posture. “First things first, thanks for givin’ that boy some aid. Arceus knows that he couldn’t do it himself and the Commander would’ve had my head if I told Lia...that. So, just wanted to say a bit of thanks before ah whooped yer flank, little missy.”

“Underestimating me would be a fatal mistake,” Lucy said, holding a pose herself. “At least, were this more than a spar, anyways. Let’s try and keep the damage to a minimum, otherwise James will not be pleased that we ruined his garden.”

“This won’t last long,” Rio grinned. “So give this ol’ coot a nice fall.” His aura surged around him. “Ladies first.”

“Going for that right off the bat?” Lucy mused. “There are other ways, you know.” A glowing bone materialized in her right paw. “And there is no place for such niceties on the field of battle. You’re just lucky I know better than to surge into attacking an unfamiliar foe.”

“Missy,” Rio laughed. “Ah’m given ya a sportin’ chance. If this was a battle, ah’d already have floored ya and smashed that head of yers. This ain’t, but ya are goin’ to be sore. Still, ya don’t want nice talk? Alright then.” With that said, Rio rushed her with Extreme Speed and at her side in no time with a Power-Up Punch.

The attack did sting, but the only sign that Lucy showed of the pain was twitching as the blow landed. She turned and unleashed a Counter, punching the older Lucario just below the chest spike. “Try again,” she said with a grin.

The second the words left her mouth, Rio kicked out her legs with ‘Low Sweep’ and smashed a ‘Bone Rush’ into her stomach. She gasped as she hit the roof back-first and hissed as the bone impacted her chest. Not good! She needed something...and she grinned as the solution came to her. Bringing her legs into play as well, she used all four limbs and gave the older ‘Cario some ‘Close Combat’.

Rio jumped backwards after the first few hits, giving them some distance. Normally, he could have blocked such a move with his arms, but….Giving his stump a small glance, he scowled. Lucy sprung back to her feet once she’d gotten space again and turned to face Rio, watching for another Low Sweep and preparing a few ideas on how to counter one. Rio just opened his mouth and a turquoise ball appeared before he let a simple breath as the ‘Dragon Pulse’ shot forth at her at break neck speed. With an added bonus, he fired a pulsing ‘Aura Sphere’ to boot.

Lucy crossed her arms in front of her face when the Dragon Pulse came at her, but she failed to take notice of the Aura Sphere until her senses warned her that it was nearly too late. She growled and used Extreme Speed, taking the hit on one of her arms that didn’t quite get out of the way in time, spinning her around like a top before coming to a rest facing Rio once more. “Okay, credit where it’s due, that was clever of you,” she complimented. “Might have to steal that trick of yours.”

“‘Course it was,” Rio grinned. “There’s a reason ah’ve got these white patches of fur, little missy.” He bowed his head. “Pleasure to help. Got to teach ya bouncin’ whipper snappers a thin’ or two. Arceus knows what’ll happen when ah’m gone.”

“Then let me show you a thing or two I’ve learned as well,” she said, before overlapping Extreme Speed with Quick Attack, ready to dodge his next attack. “Our training has been unorthodox, but we keep at it, making or improving our strategies every time to overcome our shortcomings.” She finally reached for the Aura herself, letting her dreadlocks and eyes glow blue as she observed the older ‘mon.

Rio’s body now had a red hue to it, signaling a ‘Strength’ move. With the added strength, his Extreme Speed move was boosted, making his nearly a blue in motion. His hand glowed white as he thrust his fist forward, performing ‘Brick Break’. Lucy merely moved to the right, dodging the move with hairs to spare, recalling how Sam had done similar when Checkmate had trained the both of them. Taking advantage of the close quarters, she swung one of her legs out in a Low Sweep of her own, hoping to catch the elder off-guard.

Rio yelped when the attack his his leg, knocking him off balance. The increased speed and power made him roll along the ground for a bit, before he jumped to his feet. He held his hand outwards and pointed a ‘Aura Sphere’ at her. However, he didn’t fire it. Instead, his eyes glowed blue and his hackles raised. The Aura Sphere held in place...and was quickly joined by seven others as Rio formed them in a circle in seconds. With a grin, and a slight push, the orbs short forward.

The other half of that training suddenly surface in Lucy’s mind, but she wanted anything but to let the spheres hit her! She rewound a bit and recalled what it had felt like to hit the rocks just right to cause them to stop without breaking, smirking as she did. Coating her paws in the Aura, Lucy looked at the incoming attacks and prepared to alter their courses. Each one, she either tapped, punched, or shoved just so so that she wasn’t put in any danger. Of course, there was the first one that she canceled by punching it just a little too hard, hoping equal and opposite forces would cancel out and not hurt...which was proven wrong as it exploded and covered the roof in dust, and her with not a few lances of pain. The rest went well enough, and she considered how best to respond.

The dust cloud lingered for a few moments longer, before Lucy spoke up.

“Not bad. The most I can do is two, so yours is pretty impressive, actually.”

As it cleared, she had one large Aura Sphere hovering over each paw, looking at Rio with a determined expression.

“While that’s another trick I’ll have to steal, I think the one I have is more than enough for right now.”

“Ah, good one,” Rio nodded. “I remember doin’ two, but one is enough.” Holding his own arm out, a light blue ball formed in it. The ‘Focus Blast’ grew to a considerable size. “Draw.”

“You underestimate me,” Lucy said, dismissing the Aura Spheres and crouching. “I don’t lose so easily.” She’d not had cause to use it before, but if Bit had been right, she could still pull up Me First and win this. “However, I’d rather you be able to walk off this roof, so concede and I’ll let you.”

Rio threw his head back in barking laughter. “Ya’ve got guts, kid. Ah like that. Kind of reminds me of Cari, ‘cept not as bitchy.” He launched the attack. In response, Lucy launched herself forwards, grabbed ahold of it, looked taken aback that it was actually working, and then fired it right back at him.

“Me First,” she explained in the split second she had before it hit.

Rio’s eyes widened and his body glowed red. Thrusting his paw forward, a red energy shield formed around him and blocked the attack. Casting the shield away with the attack gone, he smirked. “Won’t win that easy.”

“To be honest, I wasn’t sure that would work. Bit essentially ‘downloaded’ the moveset a Lucario ‘should’ know into my head with Vincent’s help, and I’ve been working on using some of them so that they aren’t so foreign to me. That was the first time I tried that one, though I’m glad it did work.” She hopped back a few feet and resumed her ready pose. “So do try again, I’d love to see what else I ‘can’ do.”

Rio closed his eyes and steadied his breathing. Suddenly, several glowing swords formed around him and circled him about. Finally, they crossed over each other and he glowed red.

“Swords Dance,” Lucy appraised with a nod. “Not a bad choice.” She closed her eyes and focused her mind, using Nasty Plot to figure out a better plan of attack. Rio opened his eyes and fired a pulsing Aura Sphere. Lucy snapped her eyes open upon detecting the incoming attack and fired off her own in response, causing another explosion and dust cloud to cover the roof.

Using the cover, Rio rushed forward with Extreme Speed and knocked her legs out from under her with Low Sweep and fired an Aura Sphere point blank into her back. She groaned from all the pain, but was still smiling. Oh, yes, this hurt. But he’d opened up a strategy.

“Reversal!” she all but shouted, bouncing back up and punching Rio with renewed vigor. “Thanks for making it an effective option!” She turned her pain into strength, giving it back to the male that had given it to her in the first place.

Rio’s eyes glowed blue as he used Detect. He dodged the incoming blows, almost dancing around every swing. “Ya have so much to learn.” He opened his mouth and fired Dragon Pulse.

Lucy grunted as the familiar wave of energy pounded into her. “Yeah, Bit’s the one that breaks convention all the time by keeping quiet. Freaky and scary, considering his moves and power. I prefer to at least warn you when I’m going to punch you in the face. Speaking of which,” she said, keeping the Force Palm a surprise right up until it hit Rio in the chest, “I can do it too, I just normally don’t.”

Rio stumbled back and held his paw to his chest. His whole body winced and shook. A haggard, deathly cough escaped his lips, to which he coughed into his paw. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he grinned. “Good punch….” He coughed a few more times and shook his head to clear it again.

“Glad you think so,” Lucy panted as she took a knee, the pain finally getting to her. “Well, I think I’ve got one more good move in me, then I’ll definately need a healer. You?”

Rio’s coughs still were sickly as ever, but he nodded. “Can’t...keep me down.” He thrust his paw forward and fired a Focus Blast. Lucy, on the other hand, opened her jaw and tried something new. Firing up two Aura Spheres on her paws, she attempted to build up a third in her mouth, which met with some minor success. It wasn’t as large as the other two, but it would serve. She set all three on an intercept course with the attack headed her way and braced for impact in case they weren’t enough.

Rio quickly raised ‘Quick Guard’ again to block the spheres and ran forward with Extreme Speed, a Brick Break at the ready, and smashed it into Lucy. She responded by grunting and falling to the roof, her eyes screwed shut in pain.

Rio quickly stomped her chest with Strength active, pinning her down. An Aura Sphere was aimed at her head as he peered down at the younger mon under his feet. “Nice try.”

She apparently had one last trick up her sleeve. She twisted and threw a Reversal-powered punch up and behind herself...but she probably should have aimed higher, or at all. Rio dodged it, clearing his malehood from danger, and smashed her with his built up Aura Sphere. Finally falling limp, Lucy was forced to admit defeat when she could no longer retain consciousness.

Rio smiled down at the younger mon. “Good game, kid.” Rio coughed into his paw again, pulling back to see it stained with blood. Scowling, he hastily took out a bottle...while his coughing got worse. Pulling the top off with his aura, he swallowed a couple of pills. His breathing somewhat improved. Putting the bottle back, he picked Lucy up and over his shoulder. He hummed a battle tune as he walked inside.

Outside the building, soldiers, both pokemon and zebra, worked on constructing the runway and wedding attire for the upcoming event. Lia and Felicia were the ones in charge, but they were nice and helpful to the soldiers. Alice...was grumbling as Ag watched her work the more trivial jobs. Gard just sat and watched it all with some tea in hand. Everyone else, generals included, worked normally.

“Pardon me,” an elderly female voice said from near the entryway, “But unless I miss my guess, you’re the PLA, right?”

An old Bellossom was at the doorway, taking in everything going on with a faint hint of amusement around her mouth.

Sev turned to meet her. “Yes and I am it’s Commander, the great and powerful Sev! Who might you be?”

The lady did a small curtsy with her grass skirt. “I’m Jeanne, dear. Mother of Vincent. Might I trouble you for a favor?”

“What is it?” Sev raised an eyebrow. “A favor asked of me can be meddlesome for some and deadly to others. Clarify.”

“Well, indulge an old woman in her curiosity, but this looks like you’re preparing to wed someone,” she said, giving a sweeping gesture to the proceedings.

“The only old woman I shall indulge is my mother,” Sev rolled his eyes. “But yes it is. My general is to be wed.”

The Bellossom smiled a little wider. “Oh, wonderful. To that nice Christine girl, if I’m not mistaken. Could I possibly convince you to add a couple to your list?”

“I AM NOT WEDDING MY SISTER OFF, MOTHER!” Sev shouted in rage, before closing his mouth. “Uhhhh….okay, ignore that outburst. Who?”

“Well, despite my meddling, my subtle hints, and my not so subtle hints, Vincent and Lucy seem to think they don’t need to be wed,” Jeanne said with a huff. “While I agree that they don’t need it, it’s quite literally the only thing they haven’t done. It just makes sense to me that they would get wed at this point. So if you could be a dear and do them while you’re here, I would appreciate it.”

“It shall be done,” Sev chuckled. “What can I say, I can’t say no to an elderly female. I blame my mother for that.”

“Thank you dear.” Jeanne said turning to go back in the house. Before she went inside, she spoke up one last time. “Oh, and if he gets angry at you for trying, feel free to blame me. I would love to see the look on his face.”

If reptiles could sweat, Scep would be filling buckets right now. He shakily stood in front of Sev who was acting as the ‘preacher’ and tugged at his suit’s neck. Scep was okay with it. Pretty much all the PLA soldiers had him bless the pair as they said their vows. Sev usually filled his soldiers with confidence...in a manner of speaking. However, he wasn’t so ‘confident’ now. He gulped as he readied himself for whatever came next. Gard tapped his fingers over the piano keys to get his bearing, before playing a wedding tune.

Lia was off in the audience, crying. “I love weddings,” she hugged her boyfriend close. “So emotional.” Lu groaned, rolling his eyes.

Vincent chuckled, and Lucy nudged her fellow Lucario. “The correct response is to hug her back,” she whispered in his ear.

Lu sighed and hugged Lia close...as she used him as a personal handkerchief to blow her nose against. “The things ah do for love.”

Christine was in her gown, waiting for the cue she’d been told about, and trying to ensure that her colors weren’t fluctuating wildly due to her emotions. “I...I can do this,” she whispered. “I can...do this...Oh Arceus, what if-”

She was cut off by the feeling of Jeanne’s hand on her leg, causing her to look down at the plant. Said elder was smiling. “It’s going to be okay, dear,” she said softly, and the Gabite nodded a few times while breathing deeply.

“It’ll be okay,” she whispered, then repeated in a louder tone. “Hey, Jeanne? Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it, dear. Now go get that boy of yours.”

Gard’s playing got louder and more intense. The notes grew more intricate as though he was playing a one mon symphony. Ag growled and smacked him upside the head. “It’s a wedding, not a concert.”

Gard grumbled. “Excuse me for lending a little class to it,” he started playing at a normal speed. He switched it to ‘Here comes the bride’. Upon hearing the iconic notes, Christine nodded again and walked through the doors, becoming visible to all in her gown for the first time. Her gown was form fitting and showed off her body in an appealing light, while not actually showing it lending the owner the modesty. It was sharp and crisp, fitting in a military, but also warm and welcoming. The bride could move well enough in it. The light violet dress complimented her natural color quite well, and she slowly walked down the aisle until she was standing next to Scep in front of Sev. She gave him a quick glance and a smile before looking back at the Commander.

Scep’s jaw was agape and he was redder than ever.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Sev began. “And those who have no gender, because the world has a sick sense of humor. I would like to bring to your attention these mons before you who have decided to place themselves in a holy union. A union that none can dare tear apart. Their love for one another is great and the future may see it grow such heights. Be in awe and maybe a twinge of jealousy.”

The Gabite rolled her eyes and ended looking at her mate across the aisle, the way she held herself asked the question she dare not vocalize, ‘Is he always like this?’

Scep shook himself out of his stupor and nodded. In response, Christine lightly cleared her throat to hopefully re-rail the Commander’s train of thought to the matter at hand.

“Right,” Sev said. “Grand speeches later, wedding now. Scep,” Sev turned to his general. “Do you take Christine to be your mate for life, to handle with care, to never break her heart, to last through sickness and health to the end of your days?”

“I do,” Scep said firmly. Christine lightly blushed as he affirmed what she already knew, turning her face pink.

“Christine,” Sev turned to her. “Do you take Scep to be your mate for life, to handle with care, to never break his heart, to last through sickness and health to the end of your days?”

“You know,” she said, drawing her answer out a little bit, “Any other ‘mon would wonder what I was doing, marrying one of yours,” she winked at the snake to show she didn’t mean it. “But seeing as how he was one of the first ones to be honest with me once I was on the road to recovery and told me that I was beautiful, along with all the things he’s done for me since, not to mention this,” here her claws lightly touched her swelled stomach, “I’m fairly sure the answer was yes a long time ago, but yes, I do.”

“Really?” Sev gestured to Scep. “This guy? Can’t see what you want with him. He is a thieving nuisance.”

“Hey,” Scep glared at him, to which Sev laughed. Scep grumbled at his commander’s teasing.

“Oh I’m well aware,” Christine muttered, showing off the bracelet on her right arm. “But since he stole my heart and my womb, I’m making him responsible for it. Sorry Sev, he’s mine now.”

“Good riddance,” Sev slapped Scep in the back with his tail. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Take this idiot, he’s yours now.” He said the last part to Christine. Her response was to grab Scep and draw him in for a kiss right away, to which the entire chapel cheered.

“SO BEAUTIFUL!” Lia shouted, crying lakes worth of tears as she blew into a handkerchief Lu had brought her. Lu was rubbing her back affectionately, chuckling.

“Well,” Vincent said to Lucy, “I can see why mother keeps talking about pushing us into one, but we don’t really need it, do we?”

“Eh,” Lucy replied. “I’ll take one or leave one, but I’ll stand with you come hell or high water.”

Sev smiled at the kissing pair. “Yes, great times….You can breath now…..Seriously, you can stop….Sweet Arceus, don’t go that far! Get a room!”

Christine eventually came up for air and glared at Sev. “I’d love to see you up here one day and be told to stop,” she hissed at him. “But until that day, butt out.”

Sev rolled his eyes and slithered off. “Yes, well, the past is the past. The future is now.”

Scep pulled Christine in for another kiss, before pulling back and picking her up bridal style.

“Onwards!” she cheered from her new position. “But first,” she said, tapping his arm to get him to stop for a moment. “To the PLA...Thank you for doing this!”

“It was our pleasure,” Sev bowed his head and so did all of his soldiers.

“SO BEAUTIFUL!” Lia cried.

“Now Scep, I do believe you have a promise to keep,” the Dragon prodded her mate verbally.

Scep grinned and rushed off into the building with his mate in his arms. “SEE YA DUDES AND DUDETTES!” He cheered as he sped on.

“I am so glad we got actual effective soundproof insulation installed,” Vincent said with a blank look on his face.

“Wasn’t that shortly after…” Lucy trailed off.

“Shortly after he came around the first time, yes,” Vincent replied. “Let’s hope it stands up to the test.”

“Test?” Loom poked his head up near Vincents. “Did you say test? I do believe I might be able to help with the whole soundproof installation.” He held up a screwdriver...that was glowing.

“Aheh,” Vincent said, a drop of sweat appearing on his forehead. “I may not be a student of the sciences, but generally, if something is glowing like that, isn’t the correct response to run away really fast?”

“Nope,” Loom shook his head. “Whatever those guys say, it’s not true. Glowing objects are quite safe and easy to use. Why, I’ve made my fair share of them.”

“And that’s supposed to inspire confidence?” Lucy said, her eyes half-lidded in irritation.

“Regardless,” Vincent said with a wave of his hand. “If you’d like to examine our current ‘soundproof’ insulation to determine if it’d actually be effective, all I ask is that you choose a vacant apartment and put everything back the way you found it when you’re done.” Better to let the mad scientist run his experiments than try to stop them. That sort of philosophy applied really well to...most of the PLA, really.

“The way I find it?” Loom tapped his chin. “That’s a new one. Maybe I’ll follow it, maybe not. Can’t stop science when it gets flowing.” He chuckled madly.

Sev was interrupted from observing the group around him by an elderly Bellossom standing on a chair, waving at him to get his attention, then pointing at the Kadabra and Lucario couple not too far away. Sev nodded and slithered on over to Vincent and Lucy. “I am glad to see you two here on the most happiest of occasions.”

“Like we’d miss a fellow Subject getting the happiest day of her life,” Lucy replied.

“Mostly, it was to shut my mother up. She said she would either pester us about a wedding, or we could attend this one,” Vincent clarified with a roll of his eyes.

“Well, that doesn’t hurt either,” Lucy admitted with a snicker.

“And why are you so against a holy union such as this?” Sev questioned. “The union of two mons is a time most cherished. Marriage is not just a fancy title, it is bliss.”

“See, normally I wouldn’t have cared one way or the other and might have just gone along with it,” Vincent replied in a softer tone. “But that word. Holy. As in blessed by Arceus, right?”

“Actually, we switched to Luna.” Sev pointed his nose up into the air. “She is best goddess.”

Vincent blinked and calmed himself. “Oh. Okay. It’s just...there’s a reason I swear by Xerneas and not him.”

“Plus,” Lucy stated, drawing the Kadabra close and hugging him from behind, “We don’t need a fancy piece of paper to tell everyone else what’s pretty plain to see. I’m ambivalent, but I think this numbskull is openly hostile to the idea.”

“No,” Sev deadpanned. “He is hostile to Arceus. I would have his head if you had said that to me a year ago. Now, however...I choose to follow a god who actually acknowledges me.” Sev hissed in anger and looked away. “Team Plasma...really?”

“Xerneas held me together for fifteen years,” Vincent said. “When my replacement father figure was broken by one of his Legendaries, the Alpha did nothing. He is no Legend or God of mine.”

“I worshipped the ground he walked on,” Sev said. “Yes, he couldn’t do anything in his prison, but to be openly mocked? To be ‘oh, that guy’ to my god? No, I choose to follow Luna. She came to me in my dreams. She made me feel like I actually mattered. She cares for me and I will follow her to Tartarus if I have to.”

“Yes, well,” Vincent said with a cough. “So long as it’s not in his name...I might consider such a thing,” the Kadabra mused, his eyes dancing as he performed some mental calculations.

“You won’t regret it,” Sev smiled. “While you pick out the date, I shall be tending to the rest of the party goers.” He slithered off, only to be accosted by Jeanne again.

“What was that?” she hissed in an excellent imitation of him.

“What was what?”

“Why are they not up at the altar now?” She waved at said altar. “You’re all here, this is perfect!”

“Fine,” Sev said. “You want to rush it at the last moment? Alright,” he grumbled as he slithered over back to the pair.

“Yes?” Vincent said as he turned back to the commander with a raised eyebrow. “Forget something?”

“Yes,” Sev said. “I just remembered something very naggingly important. If you wish, I could marry you two now. It would be of no trouble. We have everything set up for it.”

Silence fell in the room as the pair of them considered the offer, before slowly, Lucy got up and tugged Vincent to his feet. “Lucy?” he questioned.

“It’ll be fine, Vincent,” she reassured him, before starting to lead him up to the altar. She turned to nod as Sev once the pair of them were mobile.

“Vincent and Lucy,” Sev started...to which he was interrupted by Lia’s wailing. “I am tempted to leave her out of the next wedding.” He grumbled.

“A bad idea if it ends up being hers,” Lucy said with a bit of cheek to her voice.

Sev rolled his eyes with an aggravated hiss. “Do you Lucy take Vincent to be your mate for life, to handle with care, to never break his heart, to last through sickness and health to the end of your days?”

“I do,” she said, giving his hand a squeeze to draw him back to reality.

“Do you Vincent take Lucy to be your mate for life, to handle with care, to never break her heart, to last through sickness and health to the end of your days?” Sev questioned.

“I…” Vincent looked Lucy in the eyes and smiled softly. “I absolutely do.”

“Then I pronounce you husband and wife,” Sev declared. “May Luna watch over you and Xerneas bless you with good health.”

“....Wait, did you just skip my piano?” Gard glared at Sev.

“Just go with it,” Sev said as the rest of the PLA cheered.

“Sudden,” Vincent said, “But I’ll not complain.”

Lucy tilted her head as she observed an elderly plant slip out of the party and giggled softly. “Oh, she’s good,” she whispered. Upon seeing Vincent’s confused face, she drew him close and pecked him on the lips. “Just go with it,” she told her mate and husband.

“...I can do that,” Vincent replied.

Lia teleported over and glomped Lucy. She wailed into her coat. “I’m so happy for you!”

Lu just sighed and gave Vincent a tip of his hat. “Good job, partner.”

“Glad for my skeleton now,” Lucy said, helping Lia turn her bone-crushing, were she a Fighting-Type, hug into a normal one and returning it.

“And this is why the females are in charge of relationships,” Vincent replied to Lu. “Before you know it, you end up married with kids, and it’s all their fault.”

“Yes,” Sev chuckled. “Speak such words in front of females. I’m sure that’s going to win you favors.”

Sev’s words rung true, as Vincent found himself slapped upside the head lightly by Lucy’s one free arm. “Takes two to tango, mister, and I didn’t exactly see you complaining.”

“What about on day one?” Vincent shot back, causing Lucy to blush and turn away.

“Stop being a meanie,” Lia conjured a rolled up newspaper and started swatting Vincent with it.

“Ackpth!” he said, covering his head. “I give, I give!” He turned to Lu and mouthed the words ‘see what I mean?’

“I saw that!” Lia said, and then two more newspapers appeared and helped the first. Lu sweatdropped and shrugged with a chuckle.

Lucy gently poked Lia’s nose with one paw. “Okay, I think he gets it, dear. Please stop assaulting my mate.”

Lia pouted. “But it’s fun~”

Lu paled and looked upwards. “Why me?”

“Because the universe hates you,” Sev glared down at the younger mon. He slithered off with angry grumbles in tail.

“Okay Lia, seriously, stop,” Lucy said. “It’s my job to punish him, not yours.”

“Alright,” Lia relented. She gave Vincent a pointed glare. “But you’ve got to be nicer, mister. This is my bestest friend here you were talking about.”

“Mine as well,” Vincent replied. “That’s why I can get away with saying things like that, we know they’re all in good fun.”

“Okay,” Lia smiled and got out of the hug. “Now that you’re married, what now? Romantic honeymoon?”

“First we have to wait for our eggs to hatch,” Lucy said. “Then, maybe.”

“I swear, those two are going to be nothing but trouble once they do,” Vincent sighed.

“Oh my gosh!” Lia squealed. “Can I see them? Huh, huh, huh?” She was bouncing in place.

“Easy!” Lucy said. “Promise to be calm around them, and sure, we can show them to you two.”

“I promise,” Lia put a hand to her heart and the other upwards. Vincent looked to Lu with a slight tilt of his head, as if asking the same question without saying a word. Lu simply nodded.

“Right,” Vincent said, one hand aglow. “Party of four to our place?”

“Did someone say party?” Felicia spoke up, looming over the group with a smile.

“...This...is gonna be involved, isn’t it?” Vincent asked dryly.

“Yes!” Lia cheered, clapping her hands together gleefully.

Vincent thought for a moment before a devious smirk crossed his face. “Say...Felicia, was it?” Vincent asked, using his power to skim the dragon’s name from her mind. “You know what I don’t see here? A reception party with a nice big cake or snack bar for all these ‘mon. Why don’t you fix that?”

Felicia gasped and sped off faster than a Goodra should have been able to.

“Aaaand with her distracted, shall we?” Vincent smirked as he held up his glowing hand again.

“Do it, do it, do it,” Lia chanted, shaking in anxiety. “Come on, show me the babies!”

Vincent paused for a moment before looking at Lia. “Coming from you, that sounds really wrong.” After that, they vanished and reappeared in his living room, which was thankfully free of obstruction.

“Why?” Lia looked confused.

“Probably because he has a dirty mind, dear,” Lucy said with a snicker. She then walked over to their bedroom and slowly opened the door, sighing and smiling as she did.

Lia turned into the happiest, cutest, most squealing Gardevoir ever when she saw the eggs. “SO CUTE~”

In response, the eggs flared up with their strength, once, twice, and before a third time happened, Lucy clamped a paw over her friend’s mouth. “Shh!” she quietly hushed. “Loud or high pitched noises, they don’t like!”

“Aww,” Lia pouted when Lucy took her paw away. “Okay….Are they due soon? You know, hatching?”

“Well it has been a few weeks since they were laid,” Vincent idly mused, “So while they could hatch any day...now…”

He was interrupted by the sounds of cracking coming from the bed. The eggs shook back and forth as lines crisscrossed their forms.

Apparently, the answer was yes, they were due soon. Like, now levels of soon.

Lia fist-pumped. “Ah yeah, the babies are coming. Ooh, I can’t wait to hold them, and squeeze them, are you naming one George?”

“It depends on what gender they are,” Lucy said, watching the eggs crack and shake even more. “We had a few names picked out for both species and gender, but…”

“What are you doing, talking about names?” Lia rushed over and stood over the eggs. She gestured wildly to them. “The babies are coming!”

Vincent and Lucy nodded and drew close as well, just in time for the last of the egg’s integrity to fall away. Peace reigned in the room as the two baby ‘mon were revealed.

On the right, a little baby Abra, his eyes blinking and taking in everything around him. On the left, a baby Riolu, already attempting to stand up so he could see who else was in the room. The Riolu turned to look at the Abra, and the two of them babbled at one another before hugging each other.

“Awww~” Lia brought her hands to her face. “They like each other already.”

Lucy softly drew close and gathered them both up in her arms, keeping them close to one another. “Hey there,” she said in a tone that was just as gentle. “Hey you two. I’m your mother. Hi.”

“Congratulations,” Lu cheered, slapping Vincent in the back hard enough to floor him. “...Sorry about that.”

Vincent slowly picked himself up to see both of his kids playing with Lucy’s face. “Yes, that’s me,” she said, giggling softly before gently returning them to her arms. “And that over there is your father,” she continued, pointing the two newborns at Vincent. They looked at him with wide eyes, and he crouched down to their level.

“Well hello there,” he said in a tone similar to Lucy’s. “I’m your dad.” He didn’t get much further than that before both of his sons developed a sudden interest in his mustache. They grabbed ahold of one side each and babbled as they tugged on it.

“Why do I get the feeling that my facial hair is going to be their favorite toy?” Vincent sighed.

“‘Cause it’s funny,” Lia put her hands over her mouth as she giggled. Vincent gently took his sons from Lucy’s grasp, if only to lessen the tugging on his mustache, and softly cradled his children.

Lu softly tugged on Lia’s arm. “Ah think it’s time we left. Don’t want to intrude and all.”

“Nonsense,” Lucy said. “You should at least be present for the naming. Vincent and I agreed that we’d name the ones that took after us, so, Vincent?”

The Kadabra nodded and gently moved the Abra to in front of his face. “You, my fine boy...I think I’ll call you Loki.”

Lucy slowly pulled the Riolu away from his father’s mustache, so as not to cause Vincent too much pain. Once the tuft of hair was released, Lucy held her son in front of her face and smiled. “I think...I’ll call you Richard.”

Lia blinked in confusion, before she remembered something. “Oh right, human names and all. Sorry, we kind of give our kids names based around our species. Lu, out of Lucario, and Lia out of Kirlia.”

“Yeah, kinda noticed,” Vincent said. “But at least this time, when I’m naming something, it’ll stick around.”

Lucy put one paw on his shoulder, the other occupied with cradling Richard against her chest. “And now,” she said, “you get to help me take care of two kids. Let’s just hope they behave.”

...Were anyone watching, they would have seen the two newborns look at each other and wink after that statement.

“Sorry, did we miss it?” Vincent said, walking up to the zeppelin that Sev was standing in front of and cradling his son in one arm.

“We didn’t want to Teleport willy-nilly anymore,” Lucy clarified, also carrying her son and walking up.

“They hatched?” Sev smiled. “Oh most wondrous. It is always nice to see new mons born into this world. I can’t wait to see them in action when the time comes.”

The Abra burbled and made reaching motions with his hands towards Sev, and Vincent looked to the Commander with a raised brow. “He apparently wants to see you a little closer. Is that fine with you?”

Sev peered closer to the little mon. “Hello? I am Commander Sev, leader of the PLA, nice to meet you.”

In response, the small Psychic grabbed a hold of his face and giggled. It wasn’t so much as words as concepts and ideas that Sev heard then. Something about a nice silly snake, and it sounded like it was coming from the one now attached to his front.

Sev grinned, even with the Abra grabbing his face. “Aren’t you a clever one.”

In response, the Abra showed Sev a few snippets of last night, of his parents looking around for him...and finding nothing but illusionary Abras. He giggled again and changed his hold so that he was sitting on top of Sev’s head.

“You are not a hat, little mon.” Sev snorted in amusement. “Nor is my head a chair. You are daring, if I was to put a word to it. A perfect quality of a soldier.”

“Yes, well, let’s hope that if he does choose to fight, it’ll be when he understands the concept better,” Vincent said, gently taking a hold of his son again. “Say goodbye to Sev, Loki.”

The named Abra waved at the commander again before returning to playing with his father’s mustache. Lucy turned so that the Riolu she carried could see Sev, and the little Fighting-type looked at the snake with wide eyes.

“And another being of aura appears,” Sev chuckled. “I would say that your kind springs from the ground.”

“Oh no, trust me, I know exactly where they sprang from,” Lucy groused, swearing that it’d be years if ever she and Vincent would have more kids. Laying had not been easy or painless. The Riolu stretched out one paw towards Sev, apparently wanting to touch the snake without leaving his mother’s arms.

Sev gently touched the Riolu’s paw with his snout. He gave the mon a small grin. “Hello.”

The Riolu smiled as well...then lifted his paw as high as he could and brought it back down to smash onto the snake’s snout with not inconsiderable force.

Sev pulled back his snout and rubbed it with his tail. “Oh good...a little Rio.” He grumbled. “He has power, I give him that.”

“That’s just Richard’s way of saying hello,” Lucy sighed. “He did it to Sam...and Jeanne...and even us.” The Riolu nodded and snuggled back into his mother’s chest. “Those that can stand it, he likes.”

Sev grinned. “A fighter, eh?” He looked down at the Riolu. “I’m sure to be seeing you in the future, young one. I need mon like you.”

Richard looked up and reached up again, this time running his paw along the snake’s scales gently and blinking at the different sensation. Apparently, he was fascinated with Sev’s skin.

Sev chuckled. “Yes, snake hide is nice to touch. Probably the best hide of them all, but I’m probably just playing favorites.”

Vincent looked back to the zeppelin and sighed. “I think they’re waiting on you, now,” he stated morosely. “And they only just got to meet their uncle Sev.”

“Nonsense,” Sev said. “I have enough time.”

Just then, a PLA Rhydon came and stood at attention at Sev. Throwing him a salute, he said, “Ready to depart, Commander.”

Sev sighed and saluted back. “Thank you, Captain Rhy. That will be all.”

“Hail Commander!” Captain Rhy said, before marching back inside.

“It seems that you are right,” Sev said. “I shall be back one day. No accursed traitor or daemon is killing me any time soon.”

“They better not,” Vincent joked. “Otherwise I’d let Bit find you, drag your sorry carcass back, and make it explain itself.”

“I’m not sure if that was a joke or not,” Lucy commented. “Do try to make sure he doesn’t make good on that promise?”

“I will,” Sev said, before slithering on inside the zeppelin. “Good bye, until next time.”

Vincent and Lucy turned to see the other Generals of the PLA behind them, having observed the scene with them and Sev.

“Take care now,” Rio tilted his hat and glanced at the little Riolu. “Ah expect ya to be as good a fighter as yer mom. Gotta keep the fightin’ spirit, youngin’.”

In response, Richard babbled and raised a paw to point at the other Lucario, much like he had with Sev.

Rio grinned and touched the Riolu’s paw with his only one. He tickled the little ones aura, causing him to coo at the unfamiliar sensation. However, that didn’t stop him from giving the elder his normal greeting, and Rio found his paw the victim of Richard’s strength.

Rio barked in laughter. “That’s the way to do it.” He patted the little one’s head, before walking away. “Ah expect to see ya in a few years, kid. Bring that kind of attitude.”

Though the elder wouldn’t see it, Richard’s face morphed into one of resolve, which looked very unusual on a child of his age, before he nodded once. After which, he turned back to look at the other Generals.

Cari smiled down at him and cooed. “Ain’t ya cute,” she tickled the little mon under his chin. Thus distracted, the Riolu neglected to give her his usual greeting, too busy giggling. Lucy raised an eyebrow at Cari.

“I’m going to have to remember that,” she commented as she focused on holding her squirming son.

“Ya learn a thin’ or two after pushin’ out fifteen,” Cari gave the younger Lucario a warm smile.

“Fif...teen?” To say that Lucy was shocked that she would have so many was an understatement: she couldn’t comprehend going through the pain of laying the eggs that many times.

“Ah’m hardier than most females,” Cari chuckled. “Takes one to handle Rio. Hurts, but ah don’t regret a single one of my kids. Ah think you might know the feeling a little bit.”

“Two at once was something I have no hurry to experience again,” Lucy said dryly. “Hell, Vincent and I have agreed that we’ll wait for these two to grow up before we even think about any more.”

“And I know better than to think otherwise,” Vincent commented, earning him a slap from Lucy’s free arm. “Yes dear,” he said afterwards.

Cari frowned, but kept petting Richard. She gave him a sad glance. “Just...watch out fer him, okay. Promise me? It...hurts to lose even one of them.”

Vincent and Lucy exchanged a quick, sad glance, before they nodded and looked back to Cari. “We’ll let them be hurt when hell freezes over,” Lucy stated.

“And not a moment sooner,” Vincent added. Richard just grabbed a hold of Cari’s paw and smiled up at her.

Cari smiled, tearing up a little. “Ah know,” she gave Richard a little nuzzle. “Ah gotta go, little guy. Yer Uncle Rio’s probably trashin’ the airship now.”

The Riolu nodded and let go of Cari’s paw, babbling something as he did.

“Take care now,” Cari waved at them, before entering the airship.

Ag smiled and nodded at the two. “I’m just going to keep it brief,” she said. “Sev’s going to get antsy if we keep him waiting too long.”

Vincent nodded and looked over to Gard as well, a slight shiver running down his spine at the sight of the stronger psychic. “I know all too we...Loki, get that illusion off of Ag’s head.”

Ag chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve dealt with plenty of psychic-type kids before. Doesn’t bother me any.”

Vincent sighed and shifted his arms, causing the illusionary Abra on Ag’s head to fade away while the real one reappeared in his arms. “That’s his way of either messing with us, or saying he wants something: he puts an illusion of himself near what he wants.”

Ag smirked and glanced at Gard. “Looks like you have competition,” she chuckled as Gard rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

“So yeah, you two take care,” Vincent said, only quickly glancing at Gard to include him in that statement. “And take care around doors, not all of them are built for you,” he chuckled at the memory of Ag showing up via door-destruction.

Ag laughed and waved as she walked off. Gard simply walked by, before stopping and tilting his head towards Vincent. “Until next time,” he said.

“Take care of yourself,” Vincent said back, before muttering under his breath. “Because Xerneas knows what would happen if you didn’t.

Gard narrowed his eyes. “Indeed,” he glanced at the little Abra in his arms. “A strong child. Do try and teach him properly.”

“No fear,” Vincent said as the older psychic finally boarded. “Too many examples of what not to do, after all,” he said while rolling his eyes before the next general came up.

Loom carried a bag full of large scrolls over his shoulder. “Thanks for the beautiful tech,” he chuckled with a mad glint in his eyes.

“You didn’t break anything, did you?” Lucy asked, a bit of worry in her voice. “Bit would track you down to the ends of the earth if you did.”

“I merely deduced what he did with my designs,” Loom snorted. “Ingenius, I give him that. Still, they were originally mine so I have a right to glance over any future variations. Rest assured, I put everything back where it was….hopefully.” He shrugged.

“Yes, well, if you see an angry Porygon-Z coming at you and firing beams of elemental power, I advise you to run in the other direction,” Vincent said. “An angry Bit is not to be trifled with.”

Loom gulped. “It was nice meeting you,” he sped into the airship.

“And it was nice knowing him,” Lucy commented. “I do hope everything works when Bit comes back.”

Lia, with Lu in tow, walked up. “See you, BFF!” Lia smiled. Richard looked up at Lia and Lu and made his usual grabby motions, clearly eager to say hello to the pair.

Lia made to shake it, when Lu grabbed her hand. “Trust me…”

Lia pouted and took her hand out of his grasp. “Stop being a worrywart. He’s a baby,” she cooed. “A cute baby. Hello, I’m your Auntie Lia.” She touched his paws with her own hands.

Richard looked up to her face and dropped his jaw, apparently stunned by how pretty she was that he forewent his usual greeting.

“See,” Lia turned and smirked at her boyfriend. “He’s harmless. Now you.”

Lu rolled his eyes and touched his own paw against Richards, playfully brushing his aura against the baby. Richard’s entire form flared up briefly in response, causing him to giggle at the feeling. The boy then got a mischievous glint to his eye. Putting one paw under Lu’s, he raised his other and brought it smashing down, sandwiching the older Aura Pokemon’s paw between his.

Lu grit his teeth against the pain. “Yep...Just like me when ah was a kid.”

“We’re going to have to stick a warning label on him at this rate,” Lucy sighed. “Take care you two. Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do if you can avoid it.”

“I probably will~” Lia giggled as she pulled her boyfriend along. The new parents watched the last of the PLA board the zeppelin, which slowly started to raise and take them on to their next destination.

“And he didn’t call me human once,” Vincent mused. “Progress.”

“TILL NEXT TIME, HUMAN!” Sev stuck his head out of one of the windows.

“Never mind,” Vincent said with a sigh and a smile. “Two steps forward, one step back.”

Chapter 68 - He just needed a little Assurance

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Ignis landed in a clearing at the base of Mt. Canterlot. This day had been a long time coming, one the Charizard had been waiting for for a while.

He rolled his neck and rubbed the joint of his wing. It had been aching as of late. Maybe he was getting old?

“You’re late kid,” he muttered to the scenery around him. There was a flash of blue, and a Kadabra joined him in the clearing.

I was merely waiting for you to pick a venue, he said into the Charizard’s mind.

“I scouted this place out a few days ago. Nothing lives here, not even wild Pokemon, so we’re free to really cut loose,” Ignis nodded as the Kadabra warped in. “You ready for this kid? It’s not gonna be easy.”

I have been training myself constantly, and I have a move list all picked out for this, the psychic said. It promises to be quite the show. If nothing else, I’ll go down swinging.

“That’s the spirit,” Ignis laughed, clapping him on the back. “Before we start, tell me, how are the little scamps doing? Making your life a nightmare?”

Loki can already teleport and leave behind illusions of himself, and Richard punches everybody upon first meeting them, Vincent said with a happy sigh. Still, I wouldn’t give them up for the world.

“Heh, you should meet little Kiera. She so much wants to be like her Papa… then there’s Fritter, the pregnancy is giving her weird cravings.”

We should totally have our families meet up again once this is done, Vincent said. I’m sure my kids would love to meet your family. Assuming you can deal with Richard’s form of saying hello, anyways.

“Heh, I welcome the little tyke’s attempts,” Ignis said. “Now, last chance kid. You sure you wanna do this. I’ll test you a bit at first, and if you pass, we’ll have a real battle.”

Just be glad it’s me you’re facing and not Lucy, he said even as he summoned both spoons to his hands. She did a whole lot of meditating and training during the month when we were waiting for the eggs to hatch. I’d say that there aren’t many foes that could best her now. Not even you.

“HAH! We’ll see about that,” Ignis nodded. Now he had a new opponent to face after this. “Alright, let’s start. Show me the power you can muster!”

Vincent didn’t seem to do much, though if Ignis was watching, both spoons glowed before something assailed his senses. The Kadabra nodded and grinned. Your move, then.

Hmm, did he use some sort of trick? Ignis squinted and then wondered why… ah.

“Kinesis, not a bad start,” he nodded. “So let’s see how you handle this!” He gave his wings a powerful flap as he used his Air Slash attack. The Kadabra took the attack like a champ, only wincing slightly at the pain. Then he returned fire with his Twisted Spoon raised, hitting Ignis with a Psybeam.

Ignis stood his ground as the attack struck his chest. He actually stumbled back slightly and grinned widely.

“Not bad, not bad at all kid,” he laughed. “Though I’d gather that’s not the limit of your power?”

Darn, I was hoping the confusion would stick, the Kadabra replied. Ah well. I have other moves to fall back on. Though, he just stood there, waiting for...something.

“Well if you won’t attack,” Ignis said and opened his mouth. “Flamethrower!” the searing blast of flames raced towards Vincent…

Before a wall of light sprung up in front of him, absorbing the attack. Protect, the Kadabra said with a hint of smugness to his voice. A gift Bit helped me unlock. Permit me to return fire, then.

“Bloody Protect,” Ignis muttered. “Alright kid. Hit me with your best shot!”

A wave of visible psychic power erupted from Vincent’s form and washed over the Charizard as he used his Psychic move. The dragon shielded himself with his wings, but the powerful blast still made him stumble back and loose his footing.

“Geh!” he grunted as the attack past, the Charizard’s body glowing with his Roost attack. “That… that was a pretty good shot kid.”

I do try, Vincent said, his own form glowing as the scrapes left on him by Ignis’ Air Slash vanished as he used Recover.

“I’d hope so, I’d be pretty hurt if you weren’t taking this seriously,” Ignis nodded. “Alright, I think you’re pretty good. So, how about it Vincent? Want to be the first human to properly battle me?”

I think I can handle that, the Kadabra said, his spoons already glowing again. As long as I cut you down to size. Something assailed Ignis’ senses again. Apparently the kid took him seriously and used Kinesis liberally.

“Tch!” Ignis jumped back and out of the attacks range, but even now, his vision was blurry. This was going to get annoying. He roared and flames poured from his mouth as he spread them by flapping his wings.

“Heat Wave!”

Oh bugger, Vincent replied, having scant seconds to dodge and choosing to do something incredibly risky. He used his Teleportation to try and dodge the fire...by going behind it as it reached him. The ground itself was warm to step on, making him miss the feeling of wearing shoes.

“Not bad,” Ignis called out as the sun became glaringly bright and hot. “Let’s turn up the heat!”

I couldn’t agree more, Vincent said as he decided to float in the air under his own power. Releasing Psychic Seal!

Yet another burst of power came from the young ‘mon as his full strength was unleashed. Ignis blinked as he felt the power wash over him. This boy had a lot of power to spend.

“Searing Flamethrower!” Ignis roared, the Sunny Day-boosted attack scorched the ground, the white-hot flames tearing towards the Kadabra.

Protect, he said simply, forming a shield around himself with his strength to keep the flames at bay. He was ever so thankful Ignis kept giving him chances to change it up, though. As he understood it, the more he relied on this move in a row, the greater chance it would fail. And once the dragon took a breath… before diving at great speed, his wings shining with a white light.

“Steel Wing!” he called out.

Vincent took aim with his spoons. Psybeam! he responded with, hoping that this time, the confusion would stick. The lance of power leapt from Kadabra to Charizard in a moment. It struck one of Ignis’ wings as he spiralled, narrowly missing as a glowing wingtip trimmed his left mustache by an inch.

My mustache! Vincent said. I liked that mustache! I got up early just to groom and maintain it!

Ignis got up from the ground and roared, his eyes glowing red as he sent a stream of flames flying in errant directions. Several nearby trees were reduced to piles of ash and charcoal.

PSYSHOCK! the Kadabra all but screamed out as his power picked up whatever it could before throwing those things at the Charizard. Ordinarily, with a normal Psychic type, that wouldn’t be too much to worry about. This, however, was Vincent. Anything was fair game. They struck Ignis again and again, the Charizard not even blocking as the confusion continued to assail him.

Though, why was it getting hotter? Vincent finally calmed down and started thinking straight again, before deciding that it was time to pull out...That move. The one that he would have to spend time charging up before letting it loose on the Charizard. He began focusing his efforts on the move he’d only unlocked, never actually used before.

Ignis’s eyes snapped forward and he roared. “BLAST BURN!!” he yelled as he punched the ground, cracks forming as flames spilled forth. This entire area was about to explode!

Vincent did his best to hold two things in mind at once. The move he was charging up, focusing more and more of his power on, and a Protect to keep him safe. He wasn’t sure if the second would hold out under this onslaught. It likely wouldn’t, he’d used it so much already.

The shield was already cracking and it did little to block the intense heat coming from the move. Still, he couldn’t lose hold of this power, this move. He knew...he just somehow knew that if he managed to get it off, this fight would be his.

The attack started to die down as Ignis rested from expending so much power. But even now, he was already starting to Roost, building his energy back up.

Oh no you don’t! Vincent said. Psychic! The move burst from his form once again and assailed his opponent. It would delay him by about a second or three to do this, but if it meant making the dragon more vulnerable to the move he was about to unleash, it would be worth it.

“Dragon Bullet!” the Charizard responded, the lightning fast Dragon Pulse variant tearing through the Psychic and slamming Vincent right in the gut.

Owch, Vincent said, already glowing as well as a Recover restored his health. And with that, I think this move is just about ready. He held up his visibly glowing hands and the spoons they held for emphasis.

“Bring. It. On!” Ignis said, bracing himself for this attack.

Tell me, Ignis, what do you know of time? A ripple can become a wave. A choice now can have ramifications five years from now. And I live with a dark past. So many choices that never lived. So many things that could have been...And that’s just on Earth. Here, I fight to choose what’s right. To create a brighter future, for pony and ‘mon alike, one that so many should have seen...here, let me share it with you. Behold...MY FUTURE SIGHT! With that, Vincent let his attack slam into the mind of the Charizard.

The dragon recoiled as he stumbled back and collapsed, his claws against his head as he roared. He rolled around and slammed the ground with his claws.

“I… will…” He grunted, even as he got to his feet, slowly but surely. “RRRAAARRGGHHHH!!!!” his roar shook the ground. This attack was… he had no idea how to describe it. And if it hadn’t been for that charm that Celestia had cast on them all those months ago, this would have likely done him in. “DRAGON BLAZE!” he yelled as his maw opened and the area was bathed in a swath of azure flames.

The Kadabra teleported to right in front of the Charizard and held up his normal spoon. Psycho Cut, he said simply, and a long sword-like blade grew atop the rounded edge. With no more fanfare, he slashed at Ignis with his construct. The dragon didn’t even try to block as he stumbled back and fell onto his hindquarters.

“Not bad…” he said slowly, panting. “Not bad at all kid…”

Vincent stopped his assault and simply teleported a short ways back, waiting for the dragon’s next move. Assuming he had one. He knew better that to assume it would be over so quickly. Ignis picked himself up and rubbed his head. That last move gave him a splitting headache.

“I’m gonna hate to see how much power you’ll have if you ever evolve,” the dragon said as he rubbed his arm. “Hell, I doubt even I could beat you then. Still…” His wings flared and he raced forward. “We’re not done yet!” He drew his fist back and unleashed a Mega Punch on him.

Vincent merely aimed his Twisted Spoon and let loose with another Psybeam, to meet the fist, and more importantly, the dragon, head-on. Ignis opened his claw and used the energy from his attack as a shield as he got in close. His other claw extended and grabbed Vincent’s outstretched arm.

“SEISMIC TOSS!” he lifted the Kadabra and flung him down hard towards the ground. Vincent groaned as he lay there, that really, really hurt. Still, part of battling was mental. He’d lay here for a little bit, and when Ignis got close again…

The Charizard flew up into the sky as the Sunny Day was about to wear off…

“Solar Beam!” The bright lance of energy was unleashed.

Vincent picked himself up in an instant and crossed his spoons in front of himself. PSYBEAM! he shouted back and put his all into, at the very least, deflecting this power from impacting him directly.

The two beams collided and a tug of war began. Ignis’ Solar Beam versus Vincent’s Psybeam. The psychic actually grunted as he pulled on all of his training, all of his lectures, before recalling the one, most important rule.

The only rule here is that there are no rules, he heard Luke say in his head, a memory of his time with the one he now called father.

I refuse, the Kadabra said aloud, to lose!

Ignis couldn’t talk, due to the beam coming out of his mouth. He just kept up his flow of energy, even as the Psybeam slowly crept closer…

All of my pain, all of my sorrow, my joy and happiness...everything I have and am! Vincent said. All of it has done one thing! Make! Me! STRONGER! The Psybeam pulsed with new life as Vincent fed it even more of his energy.

‘The kid’s got some resolve… it’s almost there,’ Ignis mused as he suddenly cancelled and veered to the right as the Psybeam fired harmlessly into the air. He dove towards the ground, this was either going to end it, or see the future that Ignis envisioned.


Vincent had the perfect counter, though. Telekinesis! he called out...and targeted himself, floating in the air. The earth trembled and rippled as the attack passed by under him.

“Dragon Pulse!” Ignis said, firing the draconic energy from his mouth, but then flew forward and became engulfed with it. “Flare Blitz!”

A giant dragon that was on fire!! And it was coming right at him!

It was times like this that Vincent was grateful Luke had taught him so well.

Dazzling Gleam! the psychic called out, glowing a bright white as the Fairy-type move burst out around him. Originally he’d been taught this move so he could deal with Dark-types. But this worked well on Dragons as well. And Dragon-type moves.

The Dragon Pulse was nullified, but Ignis had been counting on that. He really should have just teleported out of the way instead.

Oh well, the dragon roared as the Flare Blitz struck, his fist connecting with Vincent's face. The Kadabra flipped back a few times before landing on his feet, one hand touching the ground below.

Hey Ignis, he said simply. Duck. With that, another Psyshock was let loose, only this time, chunks of the very earth were ripped up as boulders and tossed at the Charizard. The Charizard ducked and weaved, before catching one boulder and tossing it right back at him. Vincent summoned up a Psycho Cut and slashed the boulder in two, letting each chunk land around him.

I think it’s time we finish this, before we do more harm to this place, Vincent commented as his hands started to glow.

“So be it,” Ignis said as his body shimmered, and even from that distance, Vincent could feel the heat coming from him. Vincent recognised this one. It was an attack Seth had told him about. One that made Arceus flinch.

Oh dear, Vincent said, even as he channeled a Calm Mind. If this was going to be his last move, it was going to be a good one. He didn’t even know how he was going to counter this. If it even could be.

“You’ve shown me your resolve Vincent,” Ignis said. “You’ve proved that one can overcome any adversity and draw power from it. You’ve grown strong. All you lack is experience.” He closed his eyes and smiled. “You’ve made me quite proud today. Which is why I won’t hold back anymore. You are an opponent worthy of my absolute best!”

And I’ve given you the best move I can conjure up without breaking any promises I’ve made, Vincent said as he kept channelling a Calm Mind on himself. As soon as one finished, he started another. He needed to be strong for this. But that doesn’t mean I’m out of tricks yet!

“The give it everything!” Ignis roared. “You think I’m so weak that I can’t handle it? I want to see the full extent of your power!” He roared again as his body erupted with a blazing inferno. The ground under him shattered under the force as he begun to spin.

Vincent levitated himself again as he channeled all of his power into one move. He finally decided. He would meet this attack the only way he could. Head on. He kept up the barrage of Calm Minds until he felt that he couldn’t possibly channel any more power, and prepared himself for what was to come.

“My ultimate attack!” Ignis roared. “Tartarus Tornado!” He suddenly tore towards Vincent, a giant drill of crimson flames that seemed to ignite the air around him.

Psybeam! Vincent called out, his normal spoon taking easy aim at the dragon. If he could just slow him down a little-!

The attack tore through the beam like a wrecking ball through glass. There was no stopping this move now. Plan B then. It would probably hurt like all hell, but if he had to stop it when it reached him, so be it. Vincent aimed his spoons again and braced himself.

Psycho Cut! he called out, and took the blades that had been formed and hardened by his will and crossed them in front of him, guarding himself with the constructs of his mind. Ignis struck and the entire field erupted with the sound of an earth shattering explosion…

Vincent gritted his teeth and slid back several inches, bending but not breaking. I….refuse, he said, pushing back as well as he could. Then it occurred to him… Psycho Cut was a physical move… the Calm Minds he had been stacking wouldn’t have boosted its power at all.

To...lose...With that, he unleashed a point-blank Psychic.

Ignis fell back, the recoil from his own move and Vincent’s point blank attack sending him tumbling across the ground until he came to a stop over a dozen feet away and didn’t move. Vincent panted heavily as he slowly uncrossed his arms, his Psycho Cut blades fading out from existence as he stopped focusing on them.

The field had fallen eerily quiet. The entire area was scorched black and Ignis was still on the ground, unmoving. All Vincent could hear was the sound of his own breathing.

“Ignis?” Vincent asked, using his actual voice. “You okay?”

It was another minute, before the dragon groaned and rolled over onto his back, the remnants of a berry that weakened Psychic attacks in his claw.

“I… I lost?” he said.

“I won?” Vincent replied, equally perturbed.

“...Apparently so,” Ignis said as he lay there, too exhausted to even use Roost. “Lucky Seth had the foresight to give me that berry, or we might not be having this conversation.”

“I didn’t know I was that strong,” Vincent said. “Guess I should be thankful for all the training my previous tutors put me through.”

“Indeed, you’ve learned quite well. Perhaps I should not have underestimated you.” Ignis groaned and got to his feet. “I really am getting too old for this.”

Then Vincent’s form began to glow.

“W-What?” Ignis stared. There was… that light was… but, that was impossible. Vincent looked at his hand and actually seemed to panic.

“No...nonono,” he said. “Not this...please not this. I’m...not ready for this.”

“Vincent. You have three seconds. You can stop it if you try, or you can let it happen.” Ignis called out.

“How?” Vincent called out. “How do I stop-”

“Just focus! Will it to stop!” Ignis yelled. “You have the strength!”

Vincent tried, he really did. He focused his mind, but it’d been too drained by the fight to resist what was going on. He’d used up every single dreg of his power to win against Ignis. As a result…

The glow enveloped his form and changed him. Rewriting him. Making him into the ultimate evolution of his line.

“Hooboy,” Ignis said as he watched the evolution take place. “This could get messy.”

Vincent panted as he put one hand to the ground to stabilize himself. The other went up to his head, and the Alakazam’s mental voice rang out. Too...it’s too...it’s far too much. Far too...I can’t…

“Focus Vincent!” Ignis snapped. “You just defeated me! I will not have you lose to your own body! FIGHT IT!”

I...I can hear the minds...all the minds around us, all the little animals. I can hear your mind, all the thoughts racing in it. I can’t stop hearing them, I can’t shut them out. Vincent shakily stood up as a thought hit him. Oh Xerneas. I can’t go back home. I’ll hear EVERYBODY!

“You won’t if you CALM DOWN!” Ignis said as he moved closer and placed a hand where his shoulder was. “Take a breath Vincent. A slow, deep breath.”

The newly-minted Alakazam did so, but his panic didn’t abate at all. I...I can still hear them. I still can’t shut them out…

Ignis didn’t want to think about what the boy was gleaning from his mind. The Charizard couldn’t help but think of his past, back on Earth.

“Do you want me to call for help,” he asked. His thoughts wandering to Diantha. “I know someone…”

I’m...far too strong, the psychic said. I...I need a tutor in how to control my strength...how to stop hearing everything...I don’t know if she would be able to help me.

On response, Diantha and her Gardevoir teleported in.

“I could hear you from Canterlot.” Gardevoir said. “Congratulations on your evolution by the way.”

I never asked for this, Vincent shot back. I would never had chosen this. I would have preferred to have time to get used to life without my seal before this happened to me.

“Well, it’s happened now, so quit crying and man up,” Gardevoir snapped. It was embarrassing to see a final evolution cry like this. “Can you reinstate your seal by yourself?”

It’s...far too much, Vincent replied with a shake of his head. If I tried to seal up that much power, it might be unhealthy for me.

“Unbelievable,” Gardevoir sighed. “Mistress, if you could tend to Ignis, I shall see to this one.” She turned back to Vincent and held out her hands. “Now take my hands. We’re going to your Mindscape.”

Vincent grasped her hands and closed his eyes, breathing deeply and evenly. When he arrived at his mind, it was to find that it was in turmoil.

The sky was awash with clouds, each one rumbling as lightning raced through them, ready and willing to let loose with their power.

“Such disruptiveness,” Gardevoir noted. “And this is definitely a Metagross’ work. Only their kind could be so pretentious. Now, build a wall.”

With barely a flicker of effort, the foundations that had been there before were now an impressive castle out of a storybook, the white stones being pulled from the landscape around them.

“Good, good,” The Gardevoir turned to the raging storm and she raised her hands. She would assist in arranging all these errant thought for him just this once. Given that he was human, she figured something… modern might work. Hundreds or even thousands of screens filled the sky, each one showing a different mind.

“There we go,” she spoke using her tongue. “How have you been taught so far?”

“I knew...how to control the power I had behind my original seal,” the Alakazam said. “I’d even grown comfortable using it, but out of fear that I might hurt somebody near me due to having too much to safely use, I kept it sealed up and only rarely trained with it. This fight with Ignis was the first time in a long time I really used my power. When I was an Abra, I was taught by a Gallade. When I was a Kadabra, I was taught by a Metagross. Both of them, far stronger than average.”

“I see,” Gardevoir nodded. “Metagross have a bad habit of making things seem more complicated than they are. The price of a high level of intelligence. Gallade… well,” she shrugged, not wanting to release her thoughts about them. “Do you know how a dam works Vincent Nurem?”

“A dam holds back water and lets a trickle through at a time,” Vincent replied automatically. “Used for generating power in rivers, and lakes are more often than not a side-effect.”

Gardevoir nodded. “And what did your seal do?”

“Kept it all sealed away,” Vincent replied. “Only letting me use it if I needed it.”

“It backed all that power up, much like a dam, and when your evolution shattered that seal?”

“The dam burst,” Vincent said softly. “So...I brought this on myself?”

“Perhaps, you relied on the seal for far too long,” Gardevoir nodded as she stared at his foundations. “What you need is something only you can create. A place that is yours and yours alone, free of the influence of others.”

“I think I can do that,” Vincent said before looking at the myriad of screens above him. “And I think I need training again. From somebody who can teach me how to control all this power.”

“I know of one, but he might not agree,” Gardevoir said. “Not with the bad blood that flows between yours and his.”

Vincent merely nodded sadly. “He was the one I was thinking of. I’d rather get that meeting over with and apologize before I return home. I...I need to be able to control myself before I return to my kids.”

“I will assist however I can,” Gardevoir nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder. Over his foundations a castle arose, a large fairy tale-like one. At the front lay statues of polished marble. Ones of Lucy and his kids. A little something to remind him why he was doing this. “That is only temporary, something to let you function as normal for the next few days.”

“Hopefully I’ll have my own system in place by then,” Vincent agreed. “...Thank you for your help, but I should...I should definitely see if I can contact him. And somebody should...should tell my family why I can’t go near them just yet.”

“I could, but it might sound better coming from a friend. I’ll let Seth know.”

Vincent nodded and the mindscape faded around them, to reveal the glade again. “I...I know where to go now,” the Alakazam said. “I just hope...he’ll receive me.”

Ignis grunted as Diantha shook her head while tending to his wounds. “Honestly Ignis, you’re so damned stubborn. Why didn’t you tell the boy you were sick.”

“I promised him a battle. And I gave it my all,” Ignis nodded. “No sense in dragging up something as benign as that-OW!”

“Oh quit being such a baby,” she replied as she applied a Hyper Potion. “You’re as bad as Seth.”

“Heheh, we’re brothers after all…” He grunted and got up, before limping over to the frozen Alakazam. He gave his large noggin a poke as Gardevoir brought them both back to the waking world.

“He is stable for now, but he needs much in the way of learning control and focus,” she said aloud.

“And I know exactly where to go to get the training I so desperately need,” the psychic fox said. “I’ll not go back home without it. I’d rather prefer to avoid any incidents that would spring up from a lack of control and this much power.”

“Plus the guard would have your hide for breakfast,” Ignis chuckled. “Well come on brother. Let’s head back to the city.”

“Actually, I already know where I need to go,” Vincent mused as he turned to look in one direction. “I bet I could just Teleport there..”

“Or you could not risk it, in case you teleport a few hundred feet into thin air,” Gardevoir warned him. “That power may be tempting to use, but until you learn control, I’d not risk something like that.”

With that, she waved her hand and the scenery shifted, the group standing outside Canterlot Castle. Vincent groaned and put a hand to his head at the influx of so many thoughts.

Can’t...shut them out...need to shut them all out...need to think properly…

The Alakazam screwed his eyes shut for a moment, before sighing and finally standing up straight. Temporary fix. I...really need that training, soon.

“HEYA!” Rika popped up out of nowhere, a small Eevee on her back. “Oohhh, who’s this Iggy?”

Vincent blinked at how the Sylveon had appeared. Even to him, that hadn’t made sense.

“This is Vincent, all grown up now,” Ignis said. “And go easy on him, he’s having a rough time adjusting to his new body.”

“Okie Dokie!” Rika saluted as the Eevee moved to her head.

“Is this Unca VinVin?” she asked with a cute head-tilt.

Hello little one, Vincent said with a small smile on his face. I am indeed Vincent.

“Oohh, voice in my head,” she giggled.

“Keira, stop bouncing in Mommy’s head,” Rika winced as she snagged the Eevee with her ribbons.

She’s adorable, Vincent said with a nod. If only he could go back...but now, he needed to find and apologize to somebody he’d wronged. And hope that they were in a helpful mood.

“That she is, and so will the foalies when they hatch as well~”

“Ponies don’t lay eggs Rika,” Diantha sighed. “Imagine the look on poor Fritter’s face if she did?”

“Heehee, that’d be funny,” Rika giggled as she snuggled her daughter. “Annnnyway, we’re running late for a playdate! Good luck with Mewtwo Vinny!” She gave his cheek a kiss and bounded off.

...How did she know? the Alakazam asked. It, once again, did not make sense to him.

“We’ve learned not to question her,” Ignis nodded. “Trust me, you’ll only hurt yourself trying to figure it out.”

I likely would, the psychic agreed before turning to the castle and sighing. Well, wish me luck.

“Best of luck Brother,” Ignis nodded. “I don’t think you’ll die… most likely... “ He turned as Diantha ushered him towards the new Pokemon Centre. There was something he’d been meaning to tell the young Psychic… Oh well, probably wasn’t important.

The Alakazam approached the gates and looked at the ponies guarding it. I would like to meet with Mewtwo, he said, with far less venom in his voice than the last time he’d come here to meet the Legendary.

The two guards looked at each other uneasily, and before either of them could react, the air in front of them shimmered and Mewtwo appeared in front of them. Leave us, he commanded, dismissing the guards.

Mewtwo stared at Vincent for a few moments before speaking. Hello Vincent.

I have come to say something, and ask something, the Alakazam said. First. I apologize for the way I reacted to your treatment of Luke. What I did...was wrong. I admit that. I should not have done what I did. And I’m sorry.

Mewtwo sighed. And I... apologize for what I did to Luke... and how I acted afterwards.

Thank you for that, Vincent said. And second...I need help.

With your Evolution, I assume? Mewtwo asked. Vincent closed his eyes and began demonstrating what he needed help with.

Right now, Seth Crescent is getting the news that he will need to break this news to Lucy, and he’s wondering how he’s going to retain all his skeletal integrity. There is a berry juice stand halfway across the city, and the Shuckles there are wondering when they’ll get their next customer. The guards you dismissed are wondering why every time your name comes up, they get tossed aside. And so on and on and on. I...can’t stop hearing them!

Mewtwo nodded. From what I know, this problem often comes up in powerful Psychic types. I had the same issue for several months after I was born. He sighed. At first, I thought it was normal, I ignored it when it was annoying, used it to my advantage when it fit my needs. I didn’t learn I was suppose to seal my mind until I first met Mew, she was the first Psychic type I met whose mind I was unable to penetrate. He shook his head. After we... worked out our differences, she taught me how to close my mind so I’m not constantly invading the minds of others... and I can teach you the same as she taught me.

I would appreciate it, Vincent said. However long it takes. Just so I’m not a danger to my family, because I value them more than anything.

Very well then, we can begin now if you want.

Now works for me, the Alakazam replied.

Mewtwo nodded and placed a hand on Vincent’s shoulder, teleporting the pair of them into a large room with grey stone walls and a small bookshelf next to a cot in the center of a few dozen candles.

This is my room in the Hall of Legends, he explained, floating over to the cot and sitting down cross legged. Sit.

Vincent floated over as well. Normally he would have walked, but he was trying so desperately to burn off his power that he didn’t mind doing things like this. He sat down like Mewtwo, cross-legged, and waited for the next instruction.

Right now, you powers are forming something akin to a funnel, drawing in the thoughts of every being within your limits. He explained. We’re going to plug it, since my room won’t let any stray thought in or out, this is the perfect environment to work on honing your concentration on this matter. Mewtwo took a deep breath. I’m going to simulate a few random voices, they’ll just sound like gibberish to you, and I want you to try to stop them from getting in.

Very well, Vincent said, bracing himself.

Mewtwo projected the random voices out at Vincent but not directly into his mind. Now when you start to hear them, block them.

Vincent did his best to block out the voices, but it didn’t work for him. Everything he tried to do to block the voices from his mind before they even got to the point where he heard them failed. I’m trying to use my power to not hear something, he said. It’s...quite the interesting sensation.

Mewtwo sighed again. Alright, that’s not working... try this instead, I want you to form a bubble around your own mind, imagine the stray thought bouncing off of it and back into the void around you before they even reach your mind.

Vincent nodded, he could do that. It would be like a Protect for his mind. He envisioned the concept and hoped it was working this time. Okay, let’s try it.

Mewtwo nodded and released the voices again. This time, Vincent perceived them as nothing more than impacts on his mental shield. I...think that worked, the Alakazam said softly.

Good, I’m going to add a few more voices, if you feel like it’s breaking add a little more strength to the shield.

Vincent nodded and mentally braced himself again.

This time, Mewtwo released a few dozen random chains of thought and waited to see if Vincent’s shield would hold. The boy strained a little, but while the shield bent a little under the assault, it didn’t break.

I’m worried, Vincent said. If I’m straining to hold out so few voices now...when I go home, it’ll be worse...

Mewtwo nodded. Which is why we need to train, it took me several weeks to learn to block everything aside from what I wanted to hear.

Diantha’s Gardevoir gave me a temporary metaphor, Vincent said, sharing the image with Mewtwo. I was thinking of using something like it.

Hmmm... Mewtwo considered this for a moment. Set aside a large enough portion of your subconscious and you could reroute them there so you don’t have to focus on blocking them as much.

A room just filled with screens, each one attuned to one voice. And the best part is, Vincent said even as he began to work. Televisions come with remotes. And they typically have a MUTE button.

Indeed they do, Mewtwo nodded, testing the idea in the confines of his own mind. Vincent had already constructed a room with two dozen screens, ready to test it on a larger scale himself.

Alright, same amount of voices as last time, Mewtwo said, releasing the voices once again. Each one occupied a screen, and Vincent constructed a remote and pointed it at the wall in front of him before dramatically pushing the MUTE button.

And instantly, there was silence.

Imagery was a powerful weapon in the realm of the mind.

Mewtwo smiled. Wonderful, now, are you ready for the final test?

I can build on this room with time, Vincent said with a nod. What would you have me do?

Just to be sure, Mewtwo began preparing. When people think about you, they can subconciously push their thoughts at you without even meaning to, I found this out the hard way when I attacked a Team Rocket base... he shook his head. I’m going to project a small crowd of voices at you directly.

Two seconds, Vincent said, before looking at his small wall of screens. Then doubling the amount. And then doing it again. He felt a little strain already, but it wasn’t too bad. He could likely handle making even more before he started noticing. It was more...the preparing, that strained him. Keeping the channels open and empty. Likely every voice would force a screen into existence, like they had out in the city, clamoring for his attention. I think I’m ready.

Mewtwo nodded and projected roughly a hundred voices directly at Vincent. There weren’t enough screens, so more did come into existence, and he heard each one shouting his name for roughly a second. Then the Alakazam conjured up a few more remotes and depressed the Mute button on each one. Most of the screens fell silent. A few voices still trickled through, though, and he took care of them one by one.

Mewtwo smiled again. I think we’re done here.

Vincent sighed, sagging in relief. I suppose I can practice hearing one at a time on my own time, now that I have a metaphor that actually works...and getting used to the amount of power I have is going to be...interesting. I’m going to have to be so very gentle picking things up again, aren’t I?

Mewtwo nodded and pulled a book from his shelf, looking over it for a few seconds, he tossed it in Vincent’s direction. Catch.

The Alakazam reacted on instinct, deflecting the book with his power and sending it flying for a second. Then he reacted to his reaction, and stopped it before it hit the wall. Barely. He looked sheepishly at Mewtwo. Eheh...I just came from a battle, sorry. My reactions are still a little high-strung.

It’s fine, just an empty journal, he explained, floating it back to its place on his shelf. You reacted better than I thought you would, I was expecting it to get crushed or shredded.

I’m still feeling the strain from beating Ignis. I need a good night’s rest. Then maybe you’ll get a shredded book, Vincent teased back.

Mewtwo smirked. Just don’t pick anybody up psychically until you’re sure you’re not gonna crush them.

I can do that, the Alakazam said. ...Though, my kids will wonder for a little bit, I’m sure.

It’ll give you a reason to practice, Mewtwo said, teleporting them back to Canterlot castle and startling the guards who’d just retaken their position. Vincent grimaced a bit at the simply huge amount of screens that had come into existence in his subconscious, already working on tuning them out and muting them.

Mewtwo...thank you. Thank you for teaching me how to deal with my new strength, or at the very least, putting me on the right path.

You’re very welcome Vincent, Mewtwo said with a small smile. It was... nice, to be the one teaching someone something.

And I’m glad we could make up from our last meeting, Vincent said. Now if you’ll pardon me, I have a Luxray to go stop before he tells Lucy something that isn’t quite true anymore.

Mewtwo nodded and teleported back inside the castle. Vincent himself vanished as well, homing in on Seth’s mind and willing himself to appear near the Luxray in question.

He could sense his mind… in Las Pegasus?

He worked fast.

Maybe if he chained several teleports together, and kept them all small and followed the rail line...that sounded like a workable plan. That way, he wouldn’t likely end up inside something else or in the air.

Seth knocked on the apartment door belonging to Vincent and Lucy. Hopefully the Lucario was in an amicable mood. He liked his bones in one piece.

The door opened to reveal a Lucario carrying a Riolu and wearing a curious expression. The Riolu was simply elated to meet a new vic- person.

“Heya Lulu,” Seth nodded and smiled. “Long time no see.”

Before Lucy could speak up, the Riolu babbled something and held his hands out towards the Luxray. “Apparently Richard wants to say hello,” she said. “I wouldn’t-”

“Aw, that’s alright,” Seth smiled as he held out a paw. “Heeey there little guy~”

The Riolu grabbed a hold of Seth’s paw with one of his own...and then the other one came slamming down. Seth yelped as his face met the floor and he just blinked.

“What...just happened?”

“Richard said hello,” Lucy said over the smaller Riolu’s giggles.

“H-Hi?” Seth groaned. “I was expecting you to do that, not your kid.”

“That’s just how he says hello,” Lucy said as she gave him a quick adjustment in her arms. “Those that can withstand it, he likes.”

“Good to know,” Seth said as he picked himself up and rubbed his head. “Quite the punch you got there kiddo.”

Richard just giggled at the silly Pokemon, and Lucy looked at Seth curiously. “So, ah...why are you here? I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’re a good friend and all, but...I can’t help but feel there’s a reason behind your sudden visit.”

“There is,” Seth nodded. “Ah, mind if I come in? Unless it’s a bad time…”

“It’s fine,” Lucy said as she stood to one side, to allow the Luxray access. Once inside, he took a spot on the rug and sighed. He’d been on his feet all day, this was the first time he’d gotten to relax in a while.

“So… I should start from the beginning,” the Luxray said. “Were you aware that Ignis and Vincent had a battle today?”

“Vincent did say he wanted to give your Charizard a battle,” Lucy said. “If only so he could see where he stood. He didn’t expect to win, but he did promise me he’d do his best to come back soon. That was a few days ago.”

“Well, suffice to say, Ignis was defeated,” Seth said. “Narrowly, but he conceded to your husband.”

That was about when Seth gained a passenger. A little Abra on his back.

“Ah, your other son?” Seth asked as he glanced back. “Don’t tell me this one’s going to punch me as well.”

The Abra giggled before the image of the Luxray wearing a clown’s nose came into Seth’s head.

“Ah… someone’s learning from their Dad huh?” Seth shook his head and chuckled. “Let’s hope they never meet their Aunt Rika.”

“Loki can teleport and talks in images, while Richard likes punching people to determine if they’re worth his time,” Lucy said. “So, if Vincent won the fight, then where is he?”

Loki echoed the sentiment with the image of a Kadabra in Seth’s head.

“Well, about that,” Seth coughed. “The little one just showed me a Kadabra… let’s just say that’s not entirely accurate anymore…”

“He evolved?” Lucy questioned softly. The feeling of confusion came from Seth’s passenger.

“Right after the battle, he was too exhausted to fight against it apparently,” Seth shifted a little and sighed. “His seal was utterly destroyed, so he’s receiving training from Mewtwo to get his new powers under wraps. He said… he said that he won’t be back until he knows he won’t accidently hurt you or the kids.”

Lucy took a few calming breaths, as Loki just sent the same picture of the Kadabra over and over. He clearly wanted to know where his dad was.

“Daddy will be back real soon, I promise,” Seth said, taking the Abra and rubbing his head. The Abra was not buying it though, and crossed his arms and pouted up at the Luxray.

“Aw come on kid, I’m not lying,” Seth said. “Cross my heart, hope to fly.” He made the motions and wiggled his nose. Loki giggled a little at the wiggling nose bit and beeped it with one of his hands.

“Your optimism is refreshing, but we are talking about a human-turned-mon here, Seth,” Lucy pointed out. “It might take him far longer to get his power under control, as he wasn’t exactly born with it.”

“True, but I have faith in him,” Seth said with a wink. “Trust me, he’ll be back before you know it.”

Just then, a familiar Scizor walked into the room. “I am beat,” he proclaimed. “We had way too many ponies and ‘mon today.” Sam collapsed on the couch before raising a claw in greeting to the Luxray in the room. “‘Sup Seth.”

“Hey Sam,” Seth said. “Rough day huh? I know that feel.” He leaned down and touched noses with Loki, a little static spark jumping between them.

Everybody wanted a pizza, it seemed like,” the Scizor said as he just relaxed into the couch. “And carrying those all day can get heavy.”

Loki giggled and gave Seth a hug, now finally believing that this Luxray meant well. Sam, on the other hand…

“So what’s the occasion? Normally we only see you around for some sorta reason.”

“Why is everyone under that assumption? Can’t a friend just visit?” Seth sighed dramatically. “But yeah, you’re right. Vincent beat Ignis, evolved and is having power issues. So he’ll be out for a little bit is all. So he doesn't hurt anyone accidentally.”

“Huh. Little bro’s all grown up?” Sam said. “Awesome.”

“Can’t you take this seriously?” Lucy said with a sigh.

“I am,” Sam replied. “This is Vincent. I know he’ll pull through.”

Seth suddenly found his arms empty, as Loki teleported over to his Uncle Sam and was sitting on the Scizor’s head.

“Yeah, he’ll be fine,” Seth nodded, placing his paws back on the floor. “So uh... yeah.”

That was about when Richard made it known he wanted to be put down, and Lucy obliged him. The little Riolu walked slowly over to Seth and stared at him for a moment. The Luxray braced himself in case the Riolu decided to sock him one again.

Then the Fighting-type did something he normally didn’t do to anybody that wasn’t his family.

He hugged Seth.

“Uh...okay?” Seth returned the hug as he looked at Lulu. “Friendly tyke isn’t he?”

“He normally doesn’t hug others all that much,” Lucy said. “He must really like you.” The Riolu confirmed this with a nod.

“S’at so?” Seth chuckled. “Heh, you’re still not as bad as Keira, I think this is the longest I’ve gone without her clinging to me.”

Richard just tightened his hug for a moment before backing up and nodding at the Luxray. And with that, he was off to see about playing with his brother. Uncle Sam was a fun playground.

“So, life with kids is interesting huh?” Seth said. “And I still got two more on the way.”

“Yeah, the tykes love playing on me,” Sam said as he just laid there and took it. “Mostly because I can’t really feel it.” Richard climbed up into Sam’s lap and began looking for a way up to Loki. The Abra giggled at his brother’s antics.

“Keira likes sleeping in my fur. Fluffy Dad is fluffy apparently,” Seth chuckled and yawned. “Ah, ‘scuse me. Been working two days straight now without sleep.”

“I gotcha,” Sam said before taking firm hold of Richard and getting up off the couch, ambling over to a nearby armchair and sitting down there. “Couch’s free if you wanna nap, kittycat.”

“Naah, I should be getting home soon… soon as I figure out how…” He smirked and looked at the Scizor. “Besides, Christine is somewhere in this building. If I fall asleep here, she’ll prank me somehow.”

Lucy walked over to the Luxray and gave him just a little shove, to demonstrate how weary lack of sleep had made him. The Luxray stumbled and teetered over.

“Yeah, okay, point made,” he said as he climbed onto the couch. “Tell Chrissie if she pranks me, I’ll eat her.”

“I think you’ll be fine,” the Lucario said with a smile. Still, she was concerned about her husband…

A short while later, Seth awoke and noticed that his fur was unshaven and he seemed to be lacking any other evidence of a Christine prank.

He yawned loudly as a crackle of electricity raced across his body to jolt him awake. “Urrghh, cooffeeeeee…”

Sad to say we don’t have any right now, but give me a minute and I can make some, a familiar voice said in his head.

“Heeeey, Vince,” Seth said sleepily. “Wait… where are you?”

Kitchen, the psychic replied. Making you some coffee as I speak.

Seth grunted as he lowered his front half, stretching and extending his large claws. His back gave a satisfying crack and he shook himself before walking into the kitchen.

“Wasn’t expecting you back so soon… unless, how long have I been asleep?”

A few hours, the Alakazam said. At least. My training in how to shut out the voices with Mewtwo didn’t take so long. Getting back on my own did. I am going to need to rest something fierce after chaining so many Teleports together just to get back.

“You were training with Mewtwo yeah?” Seth asked as he waited for his coffee.

We came up with a suitable metaphor and way for me to shut out all the voices in my head. It didn’t take long, my powers do it subconsciously. The effort I need to extend to stop hearing them is minimal. But yes, that is what I did. Why?

“Well, Gardevoir was able to teleport me here. Why didn’t you just ask her or Mewtwo to send you here?”

The Alakazam paused for a moment before performing a facepalm. Because that would have made sense, he muttered.

“All grown up and you still haven’t changed,” Seth chuckled. “IQ of 5000 my fluffy butt.”

That’s probably something I have to grow into, Vincent replied. Though on the other hand, I probably qualify for a degree in medicine, specifically in genetic manipulation. Because I can tell you right now, that perfect recall thing...it works.

“Well, then I shall endeavour to never do anything foolish around you, Seth chuckled.

Well then, permit me to tell you I already remember quite a few foolish things you did...and I thank you for them, Vincent said with a smile as the coffee maker finally stopped sputtering. I believe your coffee is done now. A glow of psychic manipulation saw it poured into a cup and placed before the Luxray.

“Ahh!” Seth moaned as he sipped at the bitter drink and hummed appreciatively. “Thaaaaat’s better~” He finished half the cup before he spoke again. “I met your little tykes. Friendly kids.”

Loki already has some of his father’s tricks, and Richard has his mother’s strength, Vincent sighed. And were it not for you and your team getting us together back in Canterlot, they likely wouldn’t exist. So really, getting that greeting at the door was entirely your fault.

“Meh, I think I’m used to causing relationships blossom since coming here. Actually, that didn’t seem to happen until after I met you and got you and Lucy together. So I guess you're to blame here.”

We could just keep blaming each other forever, Vincent chuckled. Ah well. It’s the mark of a good friendship when we do that and remain friends nonetheless. Like, I could blame you for how you raised Ignis, which resulted in the battle that lead to my evolution. Or you could blame me for being stupid enough to accept it.

“I’m still impressed you actually beat him,” Seth said as he drained his coffee. “I’ll need to re-train him now. I think he’s been getting lazy lately.”

You and me both, I expected to come out of that battle with a burn at least. The worst thing that happened was he trimmed my mustache a little. Indeed, one end looked...uneven.

“Huh? You’d have thought evolution would have fixed that,” Seth mused. “Ah well, guess it’ll grow back in eventually.”

I can only hope so, Vincent agreed with a nod. So...yes. I’m just a bit better than I was before. I’ll have to train all over again, so I know what the lightest touch will do, and maybe one day I can learn some of the neater tricks a high-level Psychic can do...but thank you for all you’ve done for me, Seth. And tell Ignis I said hello again when you see him next?

“Sure,” Seth nodded. “I wonder how I’m going to get-” with a blue light, Seth vanished into thin air, Vincent could read Gardevoir’s psychic signature.

I’m going to have to learn that one day, the Alakazam wistfully mused. It would make getting around Equestria to see my friends so much easier.

“I’ll teach you sometime,” Gardevoirs voice resonated in his mind.

Chapter 69 - Your Dark Void shall be your undoing

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There may or may not be spoilers within this chapter for ThatOneVolcarona's story A New World, A New Journey. Read at your own risk.

Vincent had been having a normal day. Work with the power he'd accrued. Meditate. And then he heard someone think his name.

Then he took notice of the violence happening in the city. Between the PLA and the rebels that had pursued them.

And he was pissed.

This ends now, he broadcast as he warped in.

“Sev, what’s going on?” the nearby mare asked.

“Help is on the way," the snake replied.

“Sev that does not answer my question!” the pony replied.

Protect, Vincent said as he raised a hand. A blue wall sprung up between the two fighting armies, arrows bouncing harmlessly off of it. I will give you all this warning and this warning alone. Leave and never return, and I will not harm you. He apparently didn’t want to hurt the rebels if it could be avoided…

There were several shouts of anger and frustration in the native zebra tongue from the rebels, before it all went quiet.

Sev poked his head through a window. “It appears they have left. No matter, they will be back. There are always more. Life and videogames have taught me that.”

“I have no idea what the heck is going on.” the mare said to herself, before sighing and looking for the Alakazam, “Hey, so like, we’re not here looking for trouble. These guys ambushed us and all, not our fault. We’re just here for my friend’s wedding, so if you could let us go, that’d be awesome.”

I know, I had a quick peek, Vincent replied. It wasn’t your fault at all. Sev never causes the problems, they just...flock to him like children to sweets. I’d advise waiting for those guys to get a little further away before you leave, though. The barrier fell, though the Alakazam remained, looking up at the snake in the window. Sev, you, ah...have a little...something, there.

“The arrow is not important,” Sev said nonchalantly.

“He’ll be fine.” the pony chuckled, “So, you two know each other, good, fighting those idiots was getting tiring and boring.” Yet before she could say anything else, a fast silver blur passed above them, crashing into the building and destroying half of it as it landed right in front of Pockets, before revealing four large spider-like metallic legs, a golden cross in the middle of his face, and two vibrant yet cold red eyes, a flash cannon charging up as he placed Pockets in a Psychic shield,

“Identify yourself, Alakazam.” He said in a rough, monotone voice.

Sev was eating tacos from a popcorn basket as this went on. “This day is going the way of my liking and I blueberry supreme…..” Sev stopped what he was doing. “The arrow went in a bit wrong…….eh.” He continued eating.

My name is Vincent, the Alakazam said simply. And do you know how pissy Captain Ace is going to be over that property damage you just caused? It’ll be bad enough I was anywhere near this.

“Layton, dude, chill out. He’s with us.” the mare said from behind him, rolling her eyes as this was just getting ridiculous.

Yet Layton on the other hand simply blinked in surprise, “Impossible… you are speaking telepathically with me? Not many are able to simply go through my barriers. How are you able to have such control? Explain yourself, Alakazam.”

Oh, here, maybe this will help you a little. The psychic fox mockingly cleared his throat before reintroducing himself. My name is Vincent Nurem.

Layton remained silent, scanning the Psychic in front of him for any signs of untruth, and found none. “Such a name is nothing to be proud of, Alakazam. Give me one reason why I should not imprison you and deliver you to Arceus.”

Simple, Vincent said with a smile. He only ever called me Subject Thirty-Seven.

Layton’s eyes widened slightly, before releasing Pockets from his grip and lowering his stance, “I see, I had to be careful, not everyday you find a Psychic with power levels like yours. I am Layton, my most sincere apologies, Mister Vincent.”

The Alakazam nodded before walking over to Sev and slowly lifting a hand to hover near the arrow in his head. Sev, I’d like to remove the arrow before it does more damage to whatever is left of your brain. Will you permit me to do this?

Sev glared at the Alakazam. He would not be racist, unless he was and even then he wasn’t. He had plenty Leopards and Alakazam companions…..The second still ticked him off. “Talk with your mouth.” He simply said, a flicker of anger flashing in his eyes.

Vincent nodded and cleared his throat. “Test- oh wow, it’s been a while since I did,” the Alakazam said, his voice sounding scratchy and weak for a moment. “Got real used to using my powers...but yeah, like I said. Can I pull it out? I’d like to think there’s enough there worth saving, Sev.”

“That’s what he said!” the mare's voice came from behind them, as Layton helped her get off the building.

“Pull it,” Sev ordered. Vincent grasped the arrow and yanked on it as hard as he could in an effort to remove the errant projectile from the head of his friend.

“Allow me.” Layton said calmly as he reached the duo, pointing at the arrow with one of his claws, he pushed it away with his magnetic power, causing it to bounce off a silver plate, a wall, a passing by bird, and finally reaching a halt… inside the same spot where it came from, Sev’s head, “It seems like the arrow likes you, Commander.”

“I do not like it,” Sev pulled out the arrow with his own coils. Another soldier quickly went to bandage it up. “I have to do most everything myself, anyways.”

“Sorry, it’s these noodly Alakazam arms of mine,” Vincent said. “I can walk around and hold up my head, but any physical prowess I might have had is gone.”

“The chances of failure in the arrow’s extraction were of 0.0000001%, I guess we were just unlucky.” Layton added as well, before an annoyed voice interrupted them.

“You bastard need to stop flying away like that!” A dry, half-drunk Sylveon said as he clumsily walked towards him, “Steven ordered you to take care of us for Arceus’ sake! Oh hey Pockets, how are ya?” Behind him, a Jolteon with a small Whismur riding on her back catched up as well, seeing the strange trio of Pokémon in front of them.

Yet something sparked in the Whismur’s head, as she quickly jumped off Alexia and slowly walked towards Vincent.

“Wendy! You came as well?” Pockets asked surprised, ready to hug the little Normal type, yet stopping as she saw the strange expression on her face. The Whismur walked up to the Alakazam and twitched her ears…

Before the psychic fox hugged her and rubbed her behind them. “Of course I remember you, Wendy,” he said. “I could never forget you.”

“Wait a minute… Vincent Nurem… Vincent… Vin-vin? You are Vin-vin?” Pockets asked in surprise before chuckling, “We’ve been searching for you like since months ago! Wendy hasn’t stopped telling us about you!”

“Once you understand her, she’s quite a chatterbox,” the psychic agreed. “Or a menace with her marker.”

Wendy’s ears twitched again, and Vincent shook his head. “Oh you know it too. There was the time you did it to Christine...I swear, we lost more rooms that way.”

“Uhm excuse me, I’m totally not sorry for interrupting this sweet meeting and all, but we have a wedding in a week, and we still need to at least find a hotel. Nice meeting y’all yada-yada, Pockets, Layton, get going.” Frederick grunted as he turned around and checked the area to try to spot for any more hotel signs.

“Can you not be a dick for at least a minute?” Alexia sighed before smiling warmly, “Hello, I’m Alexia and this is Frederick, we’re friends of Pockets.”

“You know,” Vincent mused aloud. “If he asked me nicely, then I could find if there are any open rooms in the city…”

“Really? Oh that’d be great!” Alexia chirped.

Yet her mate did not agree, “Oh no, nonononono. I am not being nice to some random stranger, I’m not even nice to my own friends. Forget about it, we’ll find something ourselves.” And with that, he began walking away with a huff. Yet he was stopped by a loud Thunder that landed right in front of him; shivering, he turned around to see the mother of all death glares from Alexia.

“Listen here you son of a gun, we’ve been walking for hours without anyplace to rest at because you couldn’t reserve a hotel beforehand. Now you’ll go ahead and ask this guy if he can help us, nicely, or else no more sex for a year, capiche?”

Frederick’s legs trembled from the glare only, before he gulped and walked towards Vincent with a sigh, “Yeah, ok, help us or whatever.”

“I’ll take what I can get,” the psychic said before putting a hand to his head and listening to the voices in his head. “Hmm…” he hummed. “Not looking promising so far…”

“I knew it wasn’t worth it.” Frederick sighed.

“Oh come on dude, don’t be so darn negative. I’m sure he’ll find something soon enough, right?” Pockets said with a confident grin.

“Eh, it’s not looking like it,” the psychic sighed. “Guess we’re just popular around this time of year.” He then held up a hand. “Fortunately, I have a backup proposal. I’m the manager of one of the local apartment buildings, and the second floor is open at the moment. You can come in and take one of the rooms...as long as your lovely friend here is willing to charge the generator in the basement for the duration of your stay.”

“Ok, listen here bud, making me be slightly nice is one thing, but wanting to use my fian-”

“Sure, I’ll do it.” Alexia said calmly.

“Wh-what, hell no you won’t!” The Sylveon complained, “I won’t let my future wife be used as a battery!”

“He’s offering us a place to stay, without him we’d probably end up sleeping in the streets. So stop being an idiot and just take it!” Alexia growled.


“Great! Then it’s a deal. We’ll take the room.” She said with a soft grin, “And don’t worry, I’ll keep him under control.”

“Three things,” Vincent said as he raised a hand. “It wouldn’t be a constant thing, you keeping the generator charged, just when you felt you could spare the juice. We have a Berry garden. And if my children pick up any of his colorful vocabulary, I am cutting back on whatever his favorite berry happens to be.”

“No problem.” Alexia smiled, “Thank you so much, I’ll do my best, and I know that this little fellow here will as well.”

“He better.” Pockets chuckled, “Because I’m staying with you guys, no offense Sev but I feel more comfortable with them around, and I’d rather keep some of my sanity thank you very much.”

“Sanity is for those who do not wish to see the unlimited potential of everything,” Sev snorted.

“I have some pending business in the city, yet I shall keep an eye on you in case you request my assistance.” Layton nodded, taking off before anyone could ask anything.

“Well then,” Pockets smiled, ignoring Layton’s shenanigans, “Vincent, lead the way!”

“Gather round,” Vincent said as one hand started to glow blue. “I’ll Teleport us all there.”

“Oh! Exciting!” Alexia said as she dragged her fiance towards the group.

“I am already regretting this.” He replied back, before they were all taken away in the blink of an eye.

“Welcome,” Vincent said as their party appeared in front of mostly non-descript apartment building. “To the Unity Building.”

It looked like any other building around...except for the part of the wall that was metallic. And had what could only be a laser cannon sticking out of it.

“Excuse me,” Lala heard as she was reading a book, “Can I get some help over here?”

Lala put a bookmark in her book, looked over at the latest tenant, and nodded once. “What do you need assistance with?”

“Yeah, I’m looking for this guy, an Alakazam. Vincent Nurem? Know where I could find him?” He asked without much interest to his voice.

“The Nurem family lives on the third floor, room 301,” she said. “Is there a problem?” The way she said it implied...all sorts of things. Mostly dangerous ones.

“Yeah…. but it doesn’t matter, I just want to talk with him about a rather… delicate topic.” He said coldly without paying much attention to the Grass type, “Thank you, I’ll be on my way.” He simply walked away from the counter and proceeded to climb up the stairs.

"Curious," the grass-type said, before returning to her book.

Vincent had been meditating when he heard the mind right outside his door.That depends entirely on what you need help with, he sent to the one on the other side.

‘I need to talk to you in private, I’m outside your room, and I’d prefer you not hearing my thoughts, thank you very much.’ He heard in reply.

A place comes to mind, and it’s close by as well...hold on. There was a blue flash, and when his vision cleared, the Sylveon and the Alakazam were in the basement.

“No offense, but you’re fucking creepy, like any good Alakazam.” Frederick grunted as he recovered from the sudden teleport, reminding him why he hated Psychic types so much.

“It could be worse,” the psychic said. “Like it was when I evolved. It could be so very much worse. I’ve been working on being relatively normal.”

“Let me tell you,” The Sylveon chuckled, “You’re not doing much progress with that.” Yet, after some seconds, his expression changed to one of sorrow, he wanted to go straight to the point, but he couldn’t. “You… used to be an experiment, right? From Doctor Nurem’s lab.”

“First and oldest,” the Alakazam said with a nod. “I can recall everything that’s happened to me, which is not something I would burden anyone else with.”

“Do you… perhaps recall a female Eevee, named Valerie?” Frederick continued, as every word he said pained him, “She… used to be one too, ended up as some sort of Poison eeveelution.”

“I do recall her, yes,” the Alakazam said. “And in some of my...darker, moments, I may have...hugged her on purpose, in an effort to put an end to the pain.” He sighed and shook his head. “Once the others realized what I had been trying to do, I was quickly restrained from seeing her when I was like that ever again.”

“She is quite a good hugger…” Frederick chuckled, a tear falling from one of his eyes, “What…. what about the two Eevees that came with her?”

“...That is not a story you want to hear,” Vincent said. “It...does not end well.”

“I do.” Frederick said firmly, “Marc and Eric, what happened to them? I need to know what happened to my brothers.” He said with a broken voice, as more tears began running on his cheeks.

“...Allow me to preface it with this,” the psychic said. “All the surviving test subjects made it to this world.”

“I FUCKING KNOW THEY’RE DEAD!” He growled, “Valerie told me! I just… I just need to know how… why, why them. What did that bastard do to them?”

“He was attempting to discover new Eevolution types,” the psychic said. “Valerie was the first successful one. Marc was taken first, though. And then a Steel Coat was melted down…”

“Steel type… really?” He chuckled in anger, “Was that animal that stupid? Marc was never the strongest one, he… looked up to me, fucking...”

“The test was a failure,” Vincent said with a sigh. “Valerie was next, a Toxic Orb was the item used...and it was thanks to his quick thinking that she survived the process. Of course, they didn’t know just how deadly she was, and she was put back in the same room as Eric…”

“Eric liked hugging Valerie as much as he liked teasing her…” Frederick said with a wicked smile, “They’d be scared, of course they’d cuddle up together…”

“...I begged and pleaded to save him,” Vincent sighed. “To use an antidote, a pecha berry, something, anything. Do you know what he said?” The psychic paused before stating the reply in as dead a voice as he could muster. “‘Even if it was an unplanned experiment, his death could still yield us useful data as to the nature of the poison she wields.’”

“Data?...” Frederick stopped cold, before laughing, laughing like a maniac as his eyes went dead, “His death, data? Fucking data?” He continued laughing, before stretching his ribbons, and placing them around his own neck, “I can’t, believe it. My fucking fault, they’re dead! I HAD TO TAKE CARE OF THEM! I HAD TO BE A RESPONSIBLE OLDER BROTHER! I could have… I could have…” He said, his mind shattering into pieces. “WHY WASN’T IT ME INSTEAD!?”

“You think you have it rough?” Vincent intoned. “Every single one of them. They were my friends. I bonded with them, tried to comfort them and bring them peace. And out of all the subjects there, I was one of those few that didn’t die. I carry more than two deaths around my neck. Though it may not have been by my hands that they died...I will never forget any of them.”

Frederick went silent for a moment. “I haven’t been able to sleep properly for months now. Life took everything away from me, gave me something back, and then took it as well. I grew up alone, I lost all feelings of love or happiness, I became the most hated being of the forest I lived in, became a true asshole, used them all to my advantage, almost killed a child… and I did not care a bit.” He chuckled, before his legs failed him and he fell on the floor, “And I hate myself for it all. If only… I’m sorry. I should have not come here, I knew this was a stupid idea.”

“Then let me give you a simple bit of advice,” Vincent said. “Find a new reason to live, and find someone to live for. Start again. It may seem simple, but it works wonders for those with burdens like ours.”

“Someone…” The Sylveon said coldly, falling silent for a time. Eventually, Frederick sighed, clearing his tears with his ribbons, “Thanks I guess, but please don’t you mention this to anyone, specially Alexia. I’d prefer to keep this ‘I’m-over-it’ facade for a bit longer until it becomes reality.”

“I understand,” Vincent replied. “And no worries, I can keep a secret.”

“Well then. If you mind showing me the way out. I have something I must do.” Frederick said with his normal cold attitude. Vincent merely smiled at him before raising a glowing hand. With a flash of blue, the Sylveon found himself back outside of room 301 again.

Vincent was sitting, cross-legged and a foot off the ground, meditating and getting a feel for the general mood of the city. As well, he was practicing his fine control. Trying to hear a little but not everything. Emotions, not words. Feelings, not images. It was tricky.

Yet his meditation was cut short, when he heard his name being called mentally by someone nearby.

‘Vincent, we must speak immediately. This is an urgent matter.’ A monotone cold voice said.

‘Layton, was it? You remind me of Xavier so much, it’s hard to imagine any other type of ‘mon with your sorts of voices.’ Vincent lowered himself to the ground and stood up, stretching a little as he started to walk out of his room. ‘Where are you anyways?’

‘Rooftop’ He replied, ‘If you are able to meet me here, It would be appreciated.’ And with a quick teleport, Vincent found himself face to face with the hovering shiny Metagross, who greeted him with a nod.

“Okay, so what’s the big deal?” Vincent asked. “I was in the middle of meditating.”

“We have a situation, your friends and family may be in danger, you need to strengthen your defenses and remain inside. There is someone who might be trying to hunt you all.” Layton explained calmly, not showing a slight bit of emotion on his face.

“That is not how I deal with my problems,” Vincent said calmly. “I dissuade, I persuade. And if all else fails, then...did you know, I beat a Charizard that likely could have done very well against the Elite Four to get this form? I’m no pushover.”

“I am afraid this is different. You can not persuade a being that has lost all humanity and sense of what is ‘good’, and I am afraid fighting him without a strategy is not a good idea either.” Layton rebutted, “I do not want to risk him capturing you nor Nurem’s former experiments, so please do listen to my advice.”

“There is a mantra to my family,” Vincent said softly. “I’m going to have it carved into the door to our room. You do not mess with the Nurem family. Whatever is going on, you can forget about persuading me to not strike back.” The Alakazam clenched and unclenched his hands. “I couldn’t fight back for fifteen years. I’m sure as hell not pulling any punches now.”

Layton remained silent, as he detected the determination and will to fight that Vincent had, changing his mind was not an option, “Shadow Crawler, former royal scientist and now a monster made of sheer dark magic. He captures Pokémon and forces them to obey him through the use of a special serum. The resulting ‘servants’ are stronger, faster, more agile than normal, yet they lose all sense of free-will, the only way of breaking the curse being inflicting serious damage to them.” He explained, “We heard rumors of his henchmen roaming the streets, and as far as experience tells us, any rumor about him is most likely true. We can’t risk him having you and your friends in his army.”

“Then let me help you,” Vincent said, before gesturing to the city at large. “Las Pegasus...if I shut down my barriers and listen to it, I can hear it all. I can tell you where they are, how many, what they are. I can hear everything that happens in this city. Will you accept my help?”

Layton thought for a few seconds, analyzing the possibilities, the outcomes, what was most likely to happen. None of them looked good, except for two possible outcomes, both of which involved Vincent. “Very w-” Layton cut himself short, before widening his eyes, “Vincent, I need you to run a check on all of the experiments living in the city, how many there are, and how many there are supposed to be.”

“It’s just five of us here,” Vincent said. “Me, Lucy, Christine, Sam, and Mary.” Yet...Mary was missing. “...They messed with my family,” Vincent said slowly. “They messed. With my. Family.”

“This is not looking good.” Layton hummed as he thought on what to do, “I know what you may be thinking, yet I need you to remain calm. Shadow Crawler is a master of his own game, he probably kidnapped her in order to anger you. I shall see what I can find about his whereabouts, meanwhile, I need you to tell the rest about the current situation, keep yourself protected, we do not need to give him more power.”

“I failed Mary once before,” Vincent growled. “I’m not failing anyone ever again. You can say that all you want, but I’m finding her and rescuing her now.”

“You won’t be able to help her if he catches you.” Layton rebutted, “I was not able to defeat his forces by myself, I doubt that even with all your power, your attempt will be any different. Please, believe in me. I promise you, we will rescue her, I just need more time to do this safely.”

“I am not sitting this one out,” Vincent said with a shake of his head. “I’m going to go, the only real question you have to answer is, am I going with you, or simply on my own.”

Layton remained static. None of those options benefited him. Checking on his superiors, he finally gave a nod to Vincent, “Very well. You shall come with me, yet… you must promise me that what you will see and hear will stay within you, a secret if you will. None can know about this, understood?”

“I can agree to that,” Vincent replied. “If it means helping to rescue my dear friend, then I can agree to those terms.”

“Very well.” Layton nodded, “Griffin’s Horde Casino, third floor underground, they’re waiting for us there. In fact, they’re very eager to meet you.”

“Oh good,” Vincent said as he suspended quite a few of his subconscious routines that helped him burn off his excess power. “So am I.

A flash, and they were gone. Another flash, and they appeared in the middle of a complex, technology-filled room with several creatures of different kinds. Everything was bright and shiny, several noises caught Vincent of guard, before his eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, in front of him, a griffin, a minotaur, and an earth pony in white robes looked at them with sly smiles, as a massive logo behind them, a sword crossed with a feather, read ‘Golden Swords, Justice And Security Over All’

“Welcome, Mister Nurem. We finally meet.” The griffin said with a strong Canterlot accent, “My name is Golden Feather, leader of the Equestrian division of the Golden Swords.”

“Charmed,” Vincent said as he kept himself restrained from lashing out, barely. “Layton, why are we here?”

“Agent Layton told us you wanted to help in finding Shadow Crawler,” The Minotaur said in a strong deep tone, “We’ve been after the bastard for a year now, if anyone can find what he’s up to, it’s us.”

“If he’s in this city, I can find him in a few seconds,” Vincent retorted. “Las Pegasus is my home, and I hear everything unless I’m actively ignoring it.”

“We know of ‘yer abilities, my boy.” The earth pony interrupted, “But I’m ‘fraid he ain’t around, he never is. He works from the shadows ya see, has his own pocket dimension from where he leads his lil army. It’d be impossible for ye to find him.”

“He has my friend,” Vincent growled. “I would tear this city down, brick by brick, if it meant making sure those that have suffered, no longer have to.”

“We know, Mister Nurem. Layton informed us of your little predicament. Hence why we agreed to you coming here.” Golden Sword said as he swiftly took out his sword and pointed at a pony in an upper platform, “File #374, Pegasus Air incident.” The pony nodded and a projector slowly descended from the roof, before showing a picture of the warehouse with Bit’s massive Signal Beam erupting from the roof. “We’ve kept an eye on you and your friends, we know your overall story, we even started listing as many of you as we can find, believe me it’s no easy task.” The projector turned off and ascended once more into its place, “Your powers are admirable, Mister Nurem, yet neither you nor your friends will be able to defeat Crawler by your own. So we have a proposition…”

“I’m listening,” Vincent replied. “As long as we get Mary back, that is.”

“We’ll make sure of getting your friend back to safety, as long… as you share some of the results of Dr. Nurem’s experiments with us.”

“Nothing that would compromise ya of course,” The earth pony explained further, “Just general info that’d help us understand a tiny lil bit more about you Pokemans.”

“Sir, with all due respect.” Layton interrupted, “I do not believe that would be appropriate.”

“I believe it is a fair trade. We have the experience, the equipment, the data. It is only a fair trade.” Golden Sword said calmly as he raised his right claw, “What do you say?”

“Counterproposal,” Vincent said. “I’ll tell you about the ones that could be a danger to themselves or others. Some of them simply aren’t, and I can’t imagine that they want more than to live their lives. But there are a few...that should be looked for, watched.”

Golden Sword chuckled softly as he looked at his companions, “See? I told you this guy was smart!”

“I like your attitude, kid.” The minotaur nodded.

“A win for us all, partner.” The earth pony added.

“Vincent Nurem,” Golden Sword chuckled, “You got yourself a deal!” He said as he once again stretched his claw, “You will not regret this.”

“Very well, as long as you all understand something,” Vincent said as he placed his hand in the griffon’s claw. “I told Layton this, I’m telling you this. Trying to keep me away from the front lines is a futile endeavor. Either I’m going with to help in the retrieval of my friend, or I’ll blaze my own path.”

“Agent Layton’s ways differ from mine, Mister Nurem.” Golden Star smiled, “I very much want you in the front lines, if you somehow manage to beat, or even better, kill Shadow Crawler, you’d be getting a heavy weight out of the world’s shoulders.”

“Sir!” A female pegasus called out, “We have reports of a Partrat being followed by two Machamp near midtown, we identified it as Subject 22, Peter, sir.”

“Time to be a hero, Mister Nurem. I trust you and Agent Layton will do a magnificent work. Rescue him, and leave, the faster the better. Try to not get captured.” Golden Sword smiled as he pointed at a changeling, “Tell our agents there to keep an eye out for Crawler. We can’t afford losing these two. Everyone into positions!”

“Very well, Vincent. Shall we leave?” Layton asked calmly.

“Just keep in mind, Layton. Don’t look into his eyes.” Vincent raised a glowing hand. “Point him out to me and I can take us there.”

“Grand Hotel, midtown. North from here.” A zebra exclaimed, “You should hurry, the Machamps are closing in.”

“Off we go,” Vincent said. “I’ll even split them with you Layton.” The Teleport took them both away before the Metagross could retort.

Sunset Skies was a regular pony going to her regular work at a casino. Her life was fairly normal, and her routine normal as well. So when she saw a small Patrat run between her legs she considered it rather odd. And when she was felt the strong vibrations on the ground and the shouts of fear coming, she panicked. And she together with several other civilians ran for their lives as two large Machamp with darkened skins and dead eyes punched and kicked their way towards the Patrat, who was having a hard time keeping a distance. The small gopher-looking creature squeaked and kept running. He’d tried putting them to sleep when they first cornered him...it didn’t work. So now he was just running. Running, and hoping that somebody would stop them.

Several guards and officers attempted to stop the two titans, yet they were simply shoved away like flies as soon as they got close, and not even a couple of kind Pokémon who tried to help managed to stop their wrath. They were powerful, extremely powerful, even more powerful than a normal Machamp would be.

Yet in a twist of fate, he tripped. Everything was lost, one of the duo of Fighting types stretched his arm and attempted to grab the Patrat, yet suddenly, he found himself hitting nothing but a blue wall. A Protect? But from who?

“Get behind us,” Peter heard, and looked up to see an Alakazam and a Metagross staring the two titans of muscle down.

“I will face the left one.” Layton said calmly, as he charged up a Meteor Mash, “Clean and straight shots, we do not want to stay here more than needed.”

“Agreed,” Vincent said before pulling his spoons to his hands and channeled a Calm Mind on himself. “These two look formidable.”

“Do not trust our type advantage, they are ‘programmed’ to deal with any kind of Pokémon.” Layton nodded, “Please do be careful.” And with that, he shot off towards the ground, reaching Mach 1 in mere seconds before punching one of the Machamp with all his might, causing a strong shock wave which caused nearby glass to crack. Yet the Machamp simply groaned as he regained his senses, crying out in rage before shooting a Power-up Punch at him, failing by mere inches as Layton dodged it just in time.

Vincent, on the other hand, leveled his spoon at the Machamp that was across from him. He let loose with a mighty Psychic, it visibly distorted the air before it made contact with the Fighting-type who roared in pain as he tried to get whatever was in his head, out of there. Yet surprisingly enough, he was still standing, and he was mad. His left fist charged up in flames, before rushing with amazing speeds towards Vincent, a Fire Punch in hand.

Meanwhile, Layton dodged several elemental punches that the mighty beast had thrown at him, before retaliating with another Meteor Mash, which still failed to knock out the Machamp. Furious, he tackled Layton and pinned him to the wall, preparing a Return which he landed, doing a great amount of damage yet still leaving the Metagross as cold and collected as always. Stretching his own limbs, he managed to get a hold of his attacker, which he sent flying with a simple toss, only to smack them back with Zen Headbutt as soon as he was close to landing.

Vincent had, upon seeing the Fire Punch coming his way, Teleported into the air above the Machamp and let loose with a Psybeam, attempting to confuse the mighty ‘mon, and succeeding. With his last breath, the Machamp struggled to stand up and fight back, before his companion crashed into him as a result of the Metagross’ Zen Headbutt, causing both to land unconscious on top of each other.

Getting closer to the now unconscious Machamp, Layton noticed how their skin tone brightened up, becoming its usual bluish gray, instead of mostly gray. “As I feared, this is indeed the work of Shadow Crawler. These Pokémon have been cursed by his serum, dark magic was running through them. They should be fine as soon as they regain consciousness. I shall ask for a cleaning crew.” Layton said calmly before sending a fast mental message to Golden Feather, “Keep your eyes open, we do not want to be ambushed by Shadow Crawler.”

“I would detect him if he were here,” Vincent grumbled. “And while I am grateful that another former Subject did not fall into his grasp, we need to rescue the ones that are, and dissuade him from coming after us ever again.”

“Speaking of which, where is the Patrat?” Layton asked as he scanned the area, as they both turned around to see a simple trashcan, from which the Normal type peeked.

“There he is,” Vincent said as he carefully averted his eyes.

“Greetings,” Layton said as he kept his gaze up, “Are you perhaps hurt?”

“N-No,” the little Patrat said. “You guys...got them before they got me...but...why did you come?”

“It is a long story,” Layton answered, “But we need you to come with us to safety, we do not know who may be lurking.”

“O-Okay,” the little Normal type said as he slowly drew closer. “Where are you gonna take me?”

Layton looked at Vincent as he himself wondered the same. He did not know of any place where the Patrat would be safe, as taking him back to the Golden Swords would be a bad idea.

“He can stay at my place,” Vincent said. “With all the security we’ve got, it would take a psuedo-Legendary or an actual Legendary to break in.”

“Perfect.” Layton said as he prepared to take off, “I trust you will take him to safety. My superiors are requesting to see me, so we must part ways for now. I will keep you informed with any new information we gather, but for now, warn the others.”

“No fear of that,” Vincent said as he carefully drew closer to Peter before laying a hand on him. “Once I’ve got him settled, though, you’d better believe I’m going to start gathering intel on what sort of soldiers he’s got and where Mary is. I’m not leaving her in his grasp for a second longer than I have to.”

“Just be careful.” Layton nodded before taking off and leaving sight.

Vincent carefully escorted Peter into the apartment building, making sure that Lala knew there was a new addition, at least for a little while. Christine would be more than capable of looking out for the little guy, and she at least knew to also never look him in the eyes.

Once that was done, he hovered above the roof and meditated again. This time, though, he decided that it was time he heard everything, or at the very least, scanned for the one that had been taken. He wouldn’t leave Mary in his grasp for any longer than he could avoid.

Vincent’s psychic influence spread out, invisibly, through the town. Every normal mind, he listened to for a moment before discarding that line of thought and going to the next one. It would take him some time to find anyone like this, unless they were actively thinking of him and trying to get his attention.

Still, it was better than nothing. What he really needed was a way to search through the minds…

“Help! Help me!” A panicked voice called from the distance. Vincent focused on that one a bit more. This sounded like the voice of a victim, which is what that creature in pony’s skin was making more of…

“Stay away from its spikes! We don’t want to lose another soldier.” Another voice said from nearby the victim, “Damn freaks!”

Spikes causing trouble? That could be a few, but only Cary came to mind. And freaks? All the Subjects were.

Time to-

No. Time to get backup first. Or at least tell the backup where he was going.

“Ok this is getting ridiculous, if she keeps struggling like that I’m killing her no questions asked.” The same voice as before grunted. Vincent growled before firing off a quick message to Layton.

I found them, I’m going to stop them before they kill one of the Subjects,” he said to the Metagross. “I’m going to...here. Come as soon as you can. I might need help.” With that, Vincent Teleported himself as quick as he could to the side of the one that had called for help.

“Kill? That does not sound right… Vincent! Stop in this instant! It’s a tr-”

“Well… well… well. We finally meet, Vincent Nurem.” A sly, reverberating voice chuckled, as around him there was nothing but darkness, no one nor nothing in sight.

“Help! Help me!” The voice of Cary called, before the Cacnea slowly walked towards him from within the shadows… yet she was different. Her colors were dull, her expression cold and emotionless, and her eyes, her eyes were completely dead, “Help me!” She repeated again.

“You sick little,” Vincent growled. “I would ask how many you have, but by the time I’m through with your army, they’ll all be free, if only to fucking spite you.” Already his spoons had been pulled through space to be grasped in his hands, both the normal one, and the Twisted one.

“So scary!” The voice chuckled, before a spotlight shone behind Vincent, revealing a tall, slim pony figure, except it was not like any other pony he had ever seen before. His coat was completely black, his face missing all its components but its white shining smile, with a flash, the Cacnea appeared in front of him, levitating and working as a living shield, “We don’t want to hurt our little friend, now do we?”

“Actually, I’ve been told that the only way to free them is to hurt them,” Vincent said with a vicious smile of his own. “And the pain I would inflict would be temporary, and nothing compared to what she’s already lived through. Nice try though. Would have definitely worked in other circumstances...if not for the fact that I’m getting far better with fine control every day. So maybe not.”

Shadow Crawler laughed at this response, before dropping the Cacturne on the ground and letting out a devilish smile, “Then go ahead. Hit me with your all and free your precious little friends. Show me your power.” And with a twisted smile, he blasted the Cacturne with his magic into unconsciousness, “Kill me, I dare you.”

“I’d rather render you powerless and alone, before torturing you with the memories of everything that’s ever happened to me and the ones I was imprisoned with,” Vincent said. “Y’see, when you fight me, you have to take into account one simple thing.” Vincent’s spoons started glowing bright blue. “Trauma forges the sharpest swords. My mind is a fortress, my heart is its weapon.” With that, he began channeling a Calm Mind onto himself so that he could more accurately take in the situation and not overreact. “If you think you can best me, I think I only have one thing to say to you. Come at me.

“Very well.” Crawler smiled, before the entire room filled with light, showing a massive storage room filled to the brim with shadow Pokémon, surrounding him, “I can already feel your power, Vincent Nurem! Oh you’ll be such a gem in my army.” A black platform formed beneath the unicorn’s hooves, as it raised him far up in the sky, above them all, “And once I catch you, I’ll go after all your little friends, then after Layton, Sev, Rayquaza, Arceus… My power shall find no limits!” And with a flash of his horn and a maniacal laughter, the several Pokémon roared and began their assault.

“Aren’t you getting ahead of yourself? After all, if there’s one thing I’ve learned the darkness fears…” Vincent raised one glowing hand before finishing the statement with an overcharged Dazzling Gleam. “IT IS THE LIGHT!” The move filled the room, blinding everyone with the pure and blinding light Vincent had called forward. Giving him more than enough time to maneuver out of the middle of their attack as they reacted to being so suddenly blinded.

“Yet when the light dies, darkness reigns.” Crawler grunted as he sent a powerful blast of dark magic straight at the dodging Vincent, failing once, twice, until the third one managed to scratch him, yet still didn’t make it, “And when I’m over with you, there will be no light left inside you!”

“You think there’s light inside of me?” Vincent said with a hollow laugh. “I have more dark memories, more terrible knowledge about how Pokemon work than anyone should. I lived with a madman for fifteen years as his lab-rat! I have seen things that cannot be unseen, I know things I can never forget!” With that, he let off a powerful Psychic at a few of his attackers, trying his best to winnow out the number of Pokemon attacking him. Not only so it’d be easier to dodge the unicorn, but as he’d said…

He was doing this out of spite, now.

“Then you’ll have no problem when I start messing with your genetic build to find more about the wonderful work of Doctor Nurem.” Shadow Crawler grinned, as a Charizard and a Chandelure launched two consecutive Heat Waves to close Vincent off, “I’ve been studying some of your friends, your father was truly a genius!”

“A mad one, but yes, he did have several degrees. Which is why I know exactly how to hit some of your soldiers,” Vincent said as he Protected himself from their Heat Waves. That couldn’t last forever, though, and once it wore off, he fired off a Psybeam at the Charizard. “There’s one thing you should know about an Alakazam. We can’t forget anything we’ve seen, from when we were first born. So I know more about Pokemon physiology than you’ll likely ever learn. For example. Your Charizard friend is now highly confused.”

“Wonderful!” Crawler laughed, “You are perfect! You shall be my new advisor, with you under my command, I will finally create the perfect army!” And as he said this, several black tentacles rose from beneath Vincent, attempting to grab him as they wiggled in apparently random patterns.

Vincent replied by firing off another Dazzling Gleam, before self-levitating up into the air under his own power. “Seriously, I just did that to dispel your shadow tricks before. I know you don’t have my memory, but try to keep up,” Vincent teased.

“Oh, don’t worry. You see, I never do things without a plan.” Crawler smirked before creating a portal in the middle of the room, inches away from Vincent. From within, a jaguar-like creature jumped at him and pinned him down, as the rest of the Pokémon closed in to keep their attacks coming. Even with its slim figure and rather lightweight, it easily managed to not let Vincent go, his own corporal mass and physical strength not doing him any favors.

The Alakazam grunted before pointing one hand at the thing atop him. “Psycho Cut,” he said, before a large, violet blade of pure mental energy slammed into the creature on him. Yet it did nothing.

“Nice try, Vincent. But you see, your father was not the only one that could alter genetics. These creatures, inhabitants from my Shadow dimension, they have all been injected with special mixtures I’ve made. This one in particular, shares the same type advantages as a Dark type Pokémon.” And with a smile, he shot a barrage of beams at Vincent, with the sole purpose of knocking him down.

Except, Vincent didn’t go down. He’d known pain for most of his life. This was hardly anything in comparison to some of the tests his father had run on him. “You forget, the Darkness has a weakness, one I’ve illustrated a few times now,” the psychic grunted before his entire body shone with the third Dazzling Gleam that fight. “Suck on my Fairy moves, you bastard!”

The creature roared in pain and was set back, freeing Vincent. Yet not before an Aegislash and a Lopunny closed in to strike him with a Night Slash and a Low Kick respectively, soon joined by a slash from the creature.

“Keep throwing as many attacks as you want, Nurem, my army can take it all, I force them to take the pain and embrace it, even if it ends up killing them, like if I cared about them.” Crawler said calmly, continuing his assault from above.

Vincent grunted as he took the pain, before firing up another move of his. One that was...different compared to others using it.

When normal Psychic-types used Psyshock, they were limited to things like rocks being used to assault their foes.

Vincent picked up the Pokemon assaulting him and used them to assault the dark creature, causing both parties great physical pain.

“Impressive! This is the first time I’ve seen someone use Psyshock like that, and I see many things on a regular basis.” Crawler giggled, “Now I can sort of understand why Nurem was so interested in you. Do you know how I learned your name, Vincent? She screamed it, she called for your help while I was testing her.” He said with a grin as more Pokémon approached Vincent, including a Hydreigon who charged up a Dark Pulse, and an Aggron that prepared to wall the Dark type from any fairy moves.

“Then let me tell you how I got my name, you little shit,” Vincent said. “I was born with it. That fucker you so idolize? He experimented on his own Xerneas-loved son. You think you can match my will to survive, my will to cause pain? I was born human, and I will show you why we were the dominate species on Earth!” With a flick of his wrist, the Aggron was sent flying into the Hydreigon.

This is exactly what Crawler wanted, for him to show his full potential, his anger which increased his power, which broke his moral limits. He wanted Vincent to show him all his power, he wanted to see first-handed the true power of Nurem’s most successful experiment. “Want to know what I did to her? The Sandslash?” He smiled as a Volcarona and a Flygon closed in, the first one shooting a Bug Buzz while the second one attempted to Dragon Claw him. “Injected her with several serums, make her screech in pain as I tested her endurance…” A Lucario closed in with a Close Combat, a Scizor with an X-Scissor aiming for his head, “And then I began taking samples, forcing the claws out of her paws without any sort of anesthesia or pain killer, all that blood.”

PSYCHIC!” Vincent bellowed, firing off one that was far stronger than even he thought he could do. The mental scream of hate and rage tore into the minds of those near him, even as he followed it up with another Dazzling Gleam, to make sure the Flygon didn’t get any ideas. “I swear, when I get my hands on you, there won’t be enough for an urn, much less a body bag!

“Then come at me!” Shadow Crawler laughed as he ordered his forces to retreat, letting a free space between him and Vincent, “Or I will tear apart every molecule from her body while she cries out for help, for your name.”

Vincent breathed deeply before he focused another Calm Mind on himself. He needed to think this through. If he just went charging in, he would likely end up beaten. To that end, he appeared to do nothing. If he was going to end this, he was going to do it right.

Such a shame his best move required so much charging time, but there was nothing he could do about it.

“What? Do you care so little about her?” Crawler smiled, “Will you just stand there and do nothing to stop me? While I hunt your family down and cut them open for the sake of my research?”

“I’m not giving you the satisfaction,” Vincent said simply. “I could very well blast this pony in front of me...and it wouldn’t be you. Because only now that I stop to listen, do I hear their cries for freedom. You know, I could have ended all my fights with one simple move? The first move my real father taught me?” The Alakazam opened his eyes and smiled, before raising one hand and saying the name. “Hypnosis.” The wave of psychic suggestion crossed the distance and slammed into the pony, telling it to go to sleep.

‘Shadow Crawler’ began feeling drowsy, chuckling as his plans had been foiled, “So close, yet so far. Imagine the burden you’d have to deal with, killing an innocent civilian from pure rage. The monster is inside you, Vincent, and I’ll pull it out and make him mine. Just wait and see.” And with that, his spell vanished, leaving a female earth pony sleeping unconscious on the ground. Around him, all the shadow Pokémon disappeared in the blink of an eye, being taken away by Shadow Crawler’s portals, the only Pokémon not going with them being the unconscious Cacturne, “You’ve earned your reward, Vincent, yet I still have the main prize with me. Perhaps next time you’ll be able to claim her.”

“You think I won’t track you down to the ends of the world to save her from you?” Vincent fumed. “Just leave a portal open, fucker. I’d gladly hop in to get her back.”

A devilish laugh was the only thing he got in return.

And just at that moment, Layton broke through the roof, Shadow Crawler’s magic no longer interfering with his sensors, “Vincent! What happened, are you ok?” He said as he ran several scans on him, not finding any trace of dark magic.

“He used another subject to bait me into coming. Then he had the gall to think I was easily taken down, and to use a proxy to make this all possible.” To say the Alakazam was fuming would be severely understating it. “I want him fucking found, Layton. I want to rescue Mary from him, I want to tear that asshole limb from limb with my own powers!

“Patience, Vincent. I have suffered a lot thanks to him as well. Fear and anger, those are his tools. We have tracks of his magic, and there’s an expert from Canterlot traveling here as we speak to see if we can at least know where he’ll appear next.” Layton replied calmly as he levitated both the pony and the Cacturne and got them closer to him, “You should not have done that, it was a huge risk. Next time, try to be more careful with your actions, you will not be able to save your friend if you yourself are in a lab tube next to her.”

“I did find something out that you might want to know, though,” Vincent said. “Hypnosis will stop any fight easily. Knocking them out breaks the control. Next time I’m packing a load of Leppa berries and just knocking all of his army out with one move if at all possible. Only if needed will I actually fight.”

“Hypnosis…” Layton hummed, “He might be prepared for it next time, yet there is no harm in trying. I shall inform my superiors about this discovery, yet for now, we must return you home and heal your wounds. I’d like to accompany you if you do not mind, some rest might do me some good.”

“Only if you promise that once you find him, you will tell me,” Vincent told the Metagross. “I’m not sitting any mission out that revolves around him. I’ll even fucking spy on Golden Feather and his friends if I have to get information. I want in on this.”

“You are already involved, as of now you know as much as I do about Crawler’s operations in Las Pegasus. Our agents are working on keeping an eye all over the city, if they see anything suspicious, you and I will be between the firsts to be informed.”

“That’ll...do for now,” Vincent sighed. “...She had a life, a trainer. Once she escaped, all she wanted was to get back to cooking with him. There’s a restaurant that’s missing their Pokemon chef now. A griffon that is missing a partner. A city that is just a little bit poorer for her loss. She deserves to live her own life, after everything that was already done to her.”

“We will make sure to get her back, Vincent.” Layton said softly, “But for now, we must be prepared for Crawler’s next move. We’ll require the help of everyone if we want to defeat him, and there is no doubt now that he will try to storm Unity Tower. We must go there and make sure everything’s fine.”

“Between the laser, the door-mon, the inhabitants, and our semi-close relationship with the Guard, I’d have to say there’s very few sane beings that would mess with us, especially when I return home,” Vincent said. “But if you insist…”

“He destroyed a castle built by Starswirl the Bearded, protected by one of his apprentices and her pet dragon, in one blast.” Layton replied, “Do not underestimate him, Vincent.”

“He shouldn’t underestimate me,” Vincent retorted. “I didn’t even use my strongest move on him, and believe me, when I find him, I will. It’ll likely be breaking a promise I made, but he fucking qualifies.” With that, the Alakazam picked up the Cacnea in his power and teleported them all back to his home.

Ace was having a bad night. Four casinos had told her that there was a cheating 'mon in them, and for once, it wasn't Vincent. She had just hit the fifth one when she saw what looked like a match for the description. “Hey you, stop!” she cried. Doing as it was told, the officers to reached the mon in question, who dropped his bags of chips as he raised his feelers in the air.

“What seems to be the problem officers?” He asked calmly, a smile on his face, the smell of alcohol filling their nostrils.

“Oh, only that five separate casinos seem to think that you’ve been cheating,” Ace said as she walked up between them. “There are rules here for a reason, and while you may not be a Psychic, I’m willing to bet they’re right over you.”

“Me?” Frederick gasped in a faked indignant tone, “But officer, I’m just a regular guy tired with life, trying to make a profit from a bunch of losers who are just not… good enough.” He chuckled, “So please let this honest winner change his money and go back home with his fiancee.”

“Oh, I got a good, long look at the ‘honest winner’ doing his best to win the game just now,” Ace said. “Caught all of your tricks too. The way I see it, you can just hand over your winnings right now, or I can charge you and let the casinos decide your fate.”

“Tempting… but I think I shall pass.” Frederick chuckled, as his feelers began shining a strong white glow, “Get out of my way gorgeous, and I promise it won’t hurt… too much.”

“So now I have you on resisting arrest and attempted assault of an officer of the law,” Ace said. “That’s more than enough for a night in jail in my books.” With that, her horn shone. “Last chance. Either hand them over, or you can enjoy my hospitality.”

“If by hospitality you mean anything that isn't a night of hot loving, then I’ll pass.” The Sylveon giggled coldly, before filling the room with a light brighter than the entire casino, blinding them temporarily as he made his way to the exit, grabbing someone else’s bag of chips as he did. “Nice try suckers!”

Ace’s response was to blanket the room in stun bolts, trusting that at least one of them would hit the mark and stop the cheating Sylveon before he escaped. Yet luck was not on her side, as one of the bolts managed to hit her target, yet it only did a massive hole on the bag of chips he was carrying, causing him to grunt in annoyance as he dropped them and turned around quickly to shoot another Shadow Ball.

“You imbecile made me lose my loot!” He grunted, before tackling some guards that tried to stop him and making his way into the streets.

“Don’t let him get away!” Ace cried as she blinked away the blindness and fired even more bolts after him. She didn’t really care if she hit one of her own, they were paid for this sort of thing. Plus she had good aim when she could see.

Frederick managed to see the incoming projectiles, and called for a Protect before dashing to the side, mixing himself with the crowds as he pushed civilians away, he didn’t want to get caught days prior his wedding, Alexia would kill him. He then saw his opportunity, he knew the cops would catch up if kept going trough the streets, so what better way to lose some officers of the law than entering a shady looking bar? He knew Ace could probably see him, yet that made the idea just far more appealing to him. And so, he jumped to the left and went inside a small establishment that simply read “Bar” on top.

The guard burst in not a moment later, looking through the crowd for the Fairy-type. “Search the crowd,” Ace ordered them. “He can’t have gone too far just yet.”

“Is there a problem, officer?” The bartender asked as a bunch of tanky, scar-filled individuals looked at them, “I believe you’re running a search on my establishment without any type of documents.”

“We’re chasing someone that was ripping off the casinos,” Ace replied, before a devious idea occurred to her. “She ducked in here, so we’re looking for her.”

“Excuse me!?” A voice exclaimed from the crowd, “That’s both low and racist!”

“Racism?” A really deep voice said from nearby.

“Is that officer being racist?” A sly voice asked.

“We do not take racism lightly here.” Another one added.

And with that, they all stood up and grunted at the officer, taking out several weapons and clenching their fists.

A massive minotaur, barely fitting in the small bar, took a stepped forwards and looked at Ace eye-to-eye, “We no like racist pony, we smash racist pony if pony doesn’t leave.” He lisped, as he raised his axe.

“I was just trying to draw him out,” Ace said. “Now that I’ve confirmed that he is here, you all can either be charged with obstruction of justice and assaulting an officer and spend the next month or two in jail, or you can get out of my bucking way.” Ace’s voice dropped as her horn glowed, ready to stun the entire bar if she had to.

“It’s fine, gentlemen.” Frederick sighed as he stepped forwards, “I do not want to risk your safety. My kind has always been treated this way, as feminine scoundrels, as nothing but a joke, as even worse than garbage. And all of this, because we’re cursed with this pink color in our fur. So is life’s way, I shall accompany this racist officer so she and her companions can keep bullying me for my color. There is no other way.” He said dramatically before turning to Ace and letting out a devilish smirk.

“RACIST PONY NO TAKE CUTE PINK GUY!” The Minotaur raged, “WE KILL RACIST PONY FIRST!” And with that, he and the rest of the customers launched forwards with their weapons, surrounding them.

Ace responded the only way she knew how: stun bolts. Stun bolts everywhere. One for everyone that would assault her or her guards.

And now, on the floor, several bodies lay unconsciously, including the bar’s mob, and the other officers. Yet one had managed to dodge every single bolt. A chuckling Sylveon looked at her with an annoying smirk, as he clapped his ribbons in a mocking manner.

“Good job, officer of the year. You came out as racist, stunned several civilians AND officers, and still failed at catching the suspect.” He said calmly, taking a sip from a cup of whiskey he found laying around.

“Except now there’s nothing stopping me from getting you,” she said, charging her horn once more.

“Oh really?” He smirked, “ I am a wanted criminal in several cities of Kalos, I’ve robbed both the government and the mafia. I honestly have no idea how I managed to get here. So yeah hon, I want to see you try.” He turned around, burped, and raised his tail before flashing his butt to the officer, wiggling it tauntingly, “Come and get this, bitch.”

Ace responded the only way she could have in that moment.

She fired a stun bolt at Frederick’s butt.

The Sylveon disappeared in a cloud of smoke, before revealing a small dark green doll which fell on the floor. Ace could feel how something jumped from a hole in the ceiling, bounced on her head, and made its way to the exit.

“Too predictable!” He shouted as he grabbed one of the unconscious officer’s hats and placed it on his head, “Don’t get left behind beauty, the fun’s just starting!”

“Get back here!” Ace growled as she gave chase. If this went on too much longer, she’d have to call her husband in, and he’d be completely insufferable about it.

The chase went back to the streets, yet without the help of the other officers Ace knew this was going to be far harder. Then the chase went to one place she really hoped it wouldn't.

‘The Gentlecolt’s Club’

Ace carefully entered the establishment as she scanned the crowd, looking for any hint of pink among the patrons there. She wasn’t going to let him get away any longer. This chase ended now.

Yet luck was once again not by her side, as a large sign in neon lights read ‘Pink day’. And true to the sign, every single exotic dancer was wearing pink lingerie, the lights were pink, the floor was pink, even the guards wore pink jackets and pink-tinted sunglasses .

One of the waitress walked towards her with swinging hips, “Hey there officer, what may I help you with? We have both male dancers and females that swing both ways, if that’s more of your liking.” She said in a seductive tone.

“Not interested,” the officer said. “I’m just looking for someone. Seen a Sylveon come by?”

The dancer giggled as she took a small paper from a nearby shelf, “Of course! In the true spirit of Pink Day, we have a new show. The Sylveon Siblings are a fan-favorite, the show will start soon enough, so just sit down and enjoy~” And with that, she turned around and left to ‘please’ another costumer.

“Just my bucking luck,” Ace grumbled. “I know he’s here, though…” With that, she decided to walk through the crowd, searching for him the old-fashioned way.

“Mares and gentlecolts. The Gentlecolt’s Club welcomes you all to our special presentation of the night. Straight from Kalos, Earth. The wonders in pink, the pixie charmers, the marvelous… Sylveon Siblings!”

The crowd cheered as they all gathered around the main stage, the room turning dark as the spotlights pointed at the closed curtain. Sensual jazz music began playing in the background, before revealing five Sylveon in different types of lingerie doing a reverence.

They started their show, as the crowd cheered for them to come closer and tease them, yet there was one that seemed to be going for a more free-styled show, earning some glares from the other performers, a Sylveon that was not meant to be there. While Ace had been loathe to look at the show…

Now she knew where her suspect was, and smiled deviously before making to stand near the stage access. She whispered to the one guarding it and told him that the one that was standing out was a criminal that had been eluding her all night, and she’d stun him and charge him with obstruction if he didn’t let her back there once the ‘show’ was over.

Frederick chuckled as he saw this, and got closer to the main dancer, who nodded in understandment and decided to help his brethren. Taking the microphone, he called for the attention of the audience and the spotlight shone on him.

“I am sorry for interrupting our little show, yet we couldn’t help but notice that there is one member of the audience who is not joining in on the fun.” He said in an extremely snesual voice that sent shivers down several female’s spines.

The crowd booed at this, as several others immediately pushed Ace into the crowd, placing her right in front of Frederick who simply smirked. The music changed to an even slower tune, as he simply leaned closer to her and chuckled.

“Well hello there, gorgeous. Come here often?” He whispered with a smirk.

“I’ll have you in a cell for years,” she replied with gritted teeth.

“Oh my, so aggressive~” He chuckled, running a feeler down her cheek before walking back and dancing with the iron pole next to him, “Then why don’t you stop the show? You’ve gotten in too much trouble already, one more can’t hurt, right?”

“I could do,” the mare said. “But I try to use force as a last resort. Except when somebody agitates an entire room against me.” She glared at the Sylveon. “You could still come quietly, you know. Put an end to this chase.”

“But I’m having so much fun!” He said as he purred in a random griffin’s face, caressing her feathers with his feelers before returning to Ace, “You’re way too tense, you should take some time and relax, enjoy life.” He whispered as he booped her nose tauntingly, keeping the show going. For being the first time doing this, he was actually pretty darn good.

“If you don’t stop, then I’m stunning you,” Ace said. “I’ll interrupt this night to catch you. I don’t care what they do.”

“You remind me so much of a certain old friend of mine…” Frederick chuckled, as he wiggled his tush in front of Ace before turning around with a smirk, “You have me here right in front of you, enjoying life without a care in the world. You can literally end this right here, right now. So why don’t you just shoot?”

“I still have a slight image to maintain,” she grumbled. “Though I might just take you up on that offer...in fact, screw it.” With a light of her horn, she announced, “GUARD BUSINESS!” and shot a stunning bolt at Frederick.

Frederick thanked his drunkenness for his increased ability to dance. With a swift movement of his body, the blast barely scratched his fur, before bouncing off the metal pole and into a guard who fell on the ground with a thud. “Predictable.” He chuckled, before jumping to the main stage, the audience panicking and fleeing the scene as the guards ran towards them to help Ace out. Yet she was not the only one getting some help, as the other four Sylveons sensually made their way towards Frederick. “This is getting rather interesting don’t you think?” He smirked as he shot a Moonblast at Ace.

“It’s time for this to end,” Ace growled as her horn lit up, only no spell came out. Her body nimbly dodged to one side as she focused on the message she was sending. She didn’t want to have to do this, but she would, just to catch this bloody annoying fairy!

The club’s guards meanwhile faced off against the Sylveon, yet it was obvious who had the advantage. If they didn’t end up falling in love with them due to their Cute Charm ability, they ended up knocked out by their rather powerful attacks. Frederick smiled in curiosity as he noted Ace’s strange attitude, “What do you think you’re doing?” He asked as he kept his distance, “Come on, let’s fight it out hon, let’s make this night exciting!”

That was about when something large impacted the club with a dull thudding noise. The entire building vibrated a little.

“I am,” Ace smirked.

The Sylveon Siblings backed off, leaving a confused Frederick behind as they ran away from danger. “What the heck did you do lady?” He asked confused, preparing a Shadow Ball to try to take down whatever she had called.

A thestral came in the front door and smirked. “Hey honey, miss me? I got your call, and I brought backup,” he said.

Then a Noivern followed after, barely squeezing into the room before glaring at the Fairy-type.

“Honey?” Frederick blinked, “Damn and here I thought Pockets had a bad taste.” He chuckled, before glaring at the Noivern with a defiant glare, “And a dragon? Oh boy! This is getting way more interesting all of the sudden.” And with a smirk, he canceled his Shadow Ball and went for the Double Team instead, several copies of himself surrounding the duo as he chuckled.

The Noivern was unimpressed and flapped her wings a few times, before they glinted in the light and shone with a metallic edge. “I know how to take out troublemakers like you!” she shouted.

“Oh wow, feisty.” The copies chuckled, as they all charged up a Moonblast attack, “You’re all tense and boring, here, let me help you relax!” And with a groan he shot the Moonblast, pointing the real one at the Noivern in hopes of at least crippling her.

She folded her metal-edged wings over her chest and took the blast full on, before unfurling them with a murderous glare. “Would you just go down already?” she yelled at him before firing off her Steel Wing attack at the Sylveon and all his copies.

Frederick grunted with a smile as he took the hit, his copies vanishing in the air. “I’ve taken worse hits from my girlfriend. I’m drunk and dead inside, do you think that’ll take me down?” He smiled before breathing deeply and releasing a loud cry that filled the room. His Pixelate Hyper Voice struck the trio, as he was hoping they’d end up too deaf to keep going after him.

Unfortunately for the Sylveon, Blackstone’s thestral ears could more than take the punishment, and the first thing he did once the attack passed was attempt to tackle the fairy so that Ace could stun him and cuff him.

Yet Frederick was one sneaky fellow, and as soon as Blackstone tried to pin him down, he jumped and bounced on his head, shooting a Shadow Ball to rocket-jump his way above them and Flash to blind them temporarily. “I’m outta here suckas!” He chuckled as he made his way to the exit.

Only to run into the Noivern. While she couldn’t see him, she could still hear him. Her hearing had recovered and she’d made to block the exit once she heard where he was going. Her wings glinted with a metallic edge as she listened for the Sylveon. One more step and she’d know where to slice…

Slash. Drops of blood fell to the ground as the Sylveon had managed to stop just in time. He now wore a cut on his forehead, yet felt nothing as the alcohol levels in his body did their best to keep him away from feeling any sort of pain. “Oh boy, well I’m in trouble now aren’t I?” He chuckled as he charged up two Moonblast orbs, checking both sides as they had surrounded him, “What shall I do now! Oh how cruel is fate.” He chuckled.

“Give up now, and we won’t take it too hard on you when charging you,” Blackstone said as they still got ready to pounce.

“Listen chaps, it has been fun and all… but I’m not quite ready to go to jail, you see?” Frederick sighed as he took a random cup he found on a nearby table, taking in whatever was in there. His ribbons glowed as he took the new shot, before letting out a loud Yawn while looking at the Noivern, “I’m getting rather tired, in fact.” And he smiled. With the Noivern out cold sleeping, he could easily escape.

Of course, the moment he moved, it was to the feeling of one of Ace’s stun bolts landing right next to his paw. “Take one more step, I bucking dare you,” Ace hissed. “I’m not letting you leave.”

“Oh, but I don’t have to.” Frederick smiled, before both Ace and Blackstone felt the gentle touch of a ribbon on their back, two soft yawns soothing their ears. The three fell drowsy, their eyes closing in as the Sylveon Siblings giggled.

“Good night officers, it’s been a blast.” Frederick smirked.

“I’ll...get you…” Ace muttered as she took one step forward. “Nobody...escapes Ace…”

Las Pegasus was usually the place to relax, to throw decency out the window and just enjoy yourself.

Yet this was not the case for the ones at Unity Tower. Report of several Shadow Pokemon roaming the streets, of strange events surrounding disappearing Pokémon, the sightings of the zebra rebels in the area surrounding them. They knew Shadow Crawler was up to something, they knew they had to be careful. He had one objective, one task, and he would not rest until he captured every single Pokémon living there. And they knew he’d do everything in his power to do so.

Layton knew they’d need help, and so, he called the one person who he knew could lead them to victory.

And so, in the middle of the afternoon, the sight of a shiny Scizor riding a tall slim Skarmory brought him some relief. He had managed to send a messenger to Tall Tale to ask for his assistance, and for him to bring some special items that could quite possibly turn the tides of the incoming battle.

If anyone knew how to defeat Shadow Crawler, it was Steven Stone.

“I am glad you could make it, Steven.” Layton greeted as soon as the former champion and his Skarmory entered the lobby.

“You should have told me sooner, bud. Had I known before that Shadow Crawler was here, I’d have brought the entire team to battle. Yet here I am, glad to see you are all still in one piece.” He joked, before saluting at the ones present with a reverence, “Greetings everyone, my name is Steven Stone, Layton told me they could use some help.”

“That we could,” Vincent said. “I would much rather this unicorn not get his hands on my family. I have sons, after all. They could do without experiencing the things I have.”

“I’ll try my b-” Steven stopped as his eye twitched at the sight of a very familiar Seviper, “C-commander Sev. Did not… expect to see you here.”

“My brothers and sisters here in this land are in danger,” Sev scoffed. “As the great and powerful Commander Sev, it is my duty to destroy this menace. Not only does he threaten Equestria, but my family.” His smile turned wicked. “I’ve always wanted to kill a shadow. Do they bleed or just disappear?”

Steven sighed, he did not like dealing with the Commander, his bare existence went against logic, but he was happy they at least were on the same side. “Very well. I’ll go to the point. I can’t promise you we’ll stop Shadow Crawler for good, even if he dares to show his true self, he’s far too sneaky and powerful. Many times have I come close to stop him, just for him to vanish into the darkness only to reappear several days afterwards. Yet that does not mean we can’t foil his plans.” He signaled his Skarmory, Tania, as she tossed him a bag. With a smile, he lifted three small spheres in the air, crystalline gemstones with a strange pattern they all recognized, Mega Stones, “Layton told me you could use this.”

“Likely we could,” Vincent said. “There’s more than a few of us here who could Mega Evolve if we had the right stone, but currently we only have a Lucarionite. We could use...At least three more, for the rest of the family. And that’s not even counting the amount of Keystones we would need to activate them all.”

“I have it under control.” Steven said calmly, as he tossed Vincent one of the stones, “That’s an Alakazite,” He said, before tossing him another one, “Garchompite,” And then he tossed the third one, “And my own personal Scizorite. I believe that should cover your family. And as for Keystones:” He grabbed a large green orb with his pincer and showed it to everyone, “This is a gift from Lord Rayquaza, the Jade Orb holds raw Mega Energy, energy belonging to the first Keystone, we just need to plant this on the tallest part of the building, and it should cover our Mega Stones.” He finished before looking at Sev who was about to say something, “No, Commander, we have not found such a thing as a Seviperite.”

“The universe is just not ready to handle such a Sev that would be if that is so,” Sev growled, but then smirked. “Thankfully I am all that and more already. Perhaps one day it shall be so, until then I shall be the best of the best who has bestest the record of bestness.” He struck a pose. “Bask in such best and you shall be victorious!”

Pockets chuckled while Steven just facepalmed. Clearing his throat, he decided to finish off, “Any questions before we start our preparations?”

“None whatsoever,” Lucy said.

“If you’d like,” Vincent offered, “I’ll put that up on the roof. You can go over strategy or what’s likely to happen while I do.” He tapped the side of his head. “I’ll likely still hear it.”

He walked towards Vincent and gave him the Jade Orb, yet stopped as he was about to grab it, “I don’t know if it’s worth something at this point in time… but I’d like to apologize. As a former member of the Pokemon League, and regional champion, it was my duty to keep Pokémon as yourself away from the hands of people like Dr. Nurem. So I apologize for not succeeding.” He whispered to him, with a rather saddened tone.

“I burned out all my anger regarding that on the Rangers,” Vincent said. “And it’s not the past that defines us. It’s how we go forward that matters more.” With that, he smiled softly at the champion. “I’ve made my peace.”

Steven smiled as he nodded in respect, “I am glad to hear that. I am sure my girlfriend would have loved to meet you. She too, suffered in the hands of Nurem. Perhaps one day will you two meet, she’d love to meet others like her.”

“Perhaps,” Vincent said, still waiting for the orb.

Steven nodded and let go of the orb, before turning around and signaling to Tania, who took off to do some reconnaissance, as Vincent too disappeared to perform his own task. “Very well. I’m going to need to learn everything about your abilities in combat. Crawler will not be afraid of using everything, so expect to see demons, monsters, megas, everything. So let’s get to work.” He said as he stretched his wings. He couldn’t let Shadow Crawler get a hold of Nurem’s former experiments, specially Vincent. This was a battle he could just not lose, even if it meant destroying half of Las Pegasus in the process, it was either that or the world.

The sky was calm, the stars were shining, the wind was blowing, it was rather silent for a night in Las Pegasus. They had warned the authorities to keep a watch over civilians, many had left the area while others stayed at home. Steven had enough experience to know that Crawler was going to attack that same night.

The four Pokémon waited patiently on the rooftop of Unity Tower, Vincent, Sev, and Steven with Layton right behind him simply waited. And they did not have to wait long.

From below, in the middle of the street, a small black portal opened, the bridge, as a black unicorn walked into the main dimension. Looking back, a Gardevoir followed behind him, with an unconscious, damaged Sandslash in her arms. He knew they were waiting for him, and he did not care.

“So he brought his little slave,” Steven hummed, before noticing the unconscious Ground type, “I’m going to take a wild guess and say that the Sandslash is your friend, Mary.” Steven asked Vincent.

“Yeah,” Vincent said in a strangled voice. “That’s little greenie, alright.” Even though the spines were a bright red. “I’ll kill him, Steven. I swear to Xerneas I will.”

“Stay calm, Vincent. He’s luring you into a trap. At least we know she’s here, but that also means he’ll use her to his advantage.” Steven replied, “At this point, I don’t mind if we capture him dead or alive, yet I still need you to stay calm and collected, follow the plan.”

“Yes, the plan.” Sev nodded. “The plan that has been planned…..That was planned without me.” He glared at Steven. “Tell me the plan that has been planned.”

“Summarized? Don’t get captured, rescue the Sandslash. Each group has their specific tasks, if they all succeed, we might have a chance.” Steven sighed, before signaling at Layton, who nodded.

“I have control over the Jade Orb. As soon as the time demands it, our Mega Stones shall react and transform us. Remember that your personality and actions may change during this state, even though during training the change seemed to be minimal, we do not know how you will react during battle. Remember, we must not lose our judgement.” Layton explained before tucking his legs in, as the Jade Orb above them began glowing softly in preparation.

Meanwhile, on the ground level, Shadow Crawler had enough with the waiting. So as any good bad guy, he decided to take the lead with the introductions. “Greetings, Unity Tower!” He exclaimed with a voice-amplifier spell, “I am Shadow Crawler, the one who shall bring you all into slavery. Yet because I’m feeling rather kind, I have a proposition to make. Deliver Vincent Nurem to me, and this little Sandslash in my possession shall not die, and I will stop my invasion even before it starts.” And to demonstrate, he levitated the ground type in front of him, before creating a large blade of dark magic that pointed at her head. “A once in a lifetime opportunity indeed.”

“I was tortured for fifteen years,” Vincent shot back at him. “By one who should have protected me from himself. And now I can’t forget a single moment of it. If you think you can handle my pain, come and get some!

“One of my best friends is a mad doctor who tortures mon for fun and is a dark type supremacist,” Sev tapped his chin. “Or were we frenemies? It’s hard to remember sometimes, but we fought regularly and he was badass. You don’t have that badass attitude.”

“That’s a no then.” Crawler chuckled, “ Glad to see you have joined us, Commander Sev. Same to you, Layton, even though it should have been expected, you always manage to be there to foolishly try to stop me.” He sighed, before smiling wickedly, “Three powerful beings in one place at the same time. Once I have you all under my control, not even that idiot Rayquaza should be able to stop me.” And with a soft laugh, his horn shone a strong dark purple glow, as several portals spawned around him, from which a variety of Pokémon walked from, marching in unison as they prepared for the attack. They were easily hundreds, an entire army ready to take on Unity Tower. “I’ve been busy, as you can see. Kidnapping Pokémon from all over the world is no easy task. But here it is, the entirety of my army.”

“Just as I thought, this won’t be easy.” Steven said calmly, as he simply hoped for the best.

“If only we had a dart cannon,” Sev turned his head to Vincent. “Do you have a dart cannon?”

“I have the next best thing,” Vincent said, before sending a signal down to Lala, who had been in the lobby waiting for it. With a whirr, the building’s automatic laser cannon turned on and began targeting the attackers. “Have I ever thanked you for this, Sev? I really think I haven’t done it enough.”

“You need to do it more,” Sev chuckled. “For my genius cannot be thanked enough. You are very much welcome for it.”

“Good luck everyone. May Arceus be with us.” Steven sighed, before nodding at Layton. The Jade Orb’s glow intensified, beams of light covering the entire building as energy flowed through their bodies. Their each respective Mega Stone reacted to the energy within the orb, and their bodies began morphing, their bodies and mind strengthening as their power levels reached a new high. A flash of light, and a the symbol of Mega Evolution flashed over the tower. Steven smiled as he felt his power increase, extending his wings and brewing a Tailwind as he prepared for battle, “How does it feel, Vincent?”

“I can feel it,” Vincent whispered as he looked to the heavens. “I can hear the cosmos.” He’d gained a massive beard and three new spoons out of nowhere, while his armor had turned purple. A red gem now glowed in the center of his head.

Steven chuckled at that, he knew how good it felt, to have such ancient power to your disposal, “Try to not kill us all with your power, please.” He joked, as he tested his enhanced senses, “Are you guys ready for battle?”

“Oh yes,” Vincent said. “I should say so. This will be...I think the word I’m looking for is fun.”

“Indeed it will be.” Layton chuckled as he tested his fists, his new personality taking over, “Ready to kick some butts, Commander?”

“I cannot kick,” Sev flicked his tail. “I simply strike.”

“Are you guys done?” Crawler chuckled in amusement, “I can wait all night for you to finish your chit-chat, but it doesn’t matter if you’re regular or mega, either way you’re going down.” And with a smile, and a glow from his horn, his army started to march towards Unity Tower, Fighting and Normal types taking the lead, ranged attackers from behind, and the healers in the back, “Now die.”

And with another flash, several Thunders, Hyper Beams, Dragon Pulses, and other attacks were shot at Unity Tower, aiming for different parts of the building. Vincent merely held out a hand and took ahold of his Twisted Spoon, and a blue wall sprung up in front of the building. It cracked at some of the attacks, but held out for long enough for most of the damage to be prevented.

“Oh I love my new state,” the Mega Alakazam said giddily.

“And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.” Layton chuckled before launching himself down, a fist ready as he prepared to collide with the floor. Punching the ground just as he landed, he called for an Earthquake, causing the streets to crack and several spikes to erupt from beneath the pavement, striking several of the Pokémon away.

“Fire!” Sev shouted to his soldiers, before firing a Dark Pulse in between a group, blasting them apart. The resounding blasts accompanying him, while not as large given the size of the group, was still the usual bit of effectiveness in his army. Left and right, pokemon of Crawler’s were blown off their feet, or whatever they had.

“I’ll protect the Jade Orb. Even in my Mega Form I’m nothing compared to you powerwise. Focus in finding your friend, making a way through the crowds should prove easy enough for you.” Steven said to Vincent with a calm expression, “Just be careful.”

“You’re forgetting about the rest of my family already?” Vincent asked as Lucy and Sam, in their Mega forms as well, burst out of the front door and prepared to bust some faces themselves.

“Snip snip,” Sam said as he flexed his now massive pincers. “This’ll be a snap.”

Whereas Lucy had her eyes closed. “The aura howls,” she said simply. “It is out of balance here.” She charged up an Aura Sphere on both paws. “I shall bring it back by any means necessary.

“The battle is down there, go ahead and have fun.” Steven smiled, suddenly, he felt far more confident.

Vincent nodded and looked to see where Mary had ended up. There she was, levitating right next to Shadow Crawler who simply stood in the middle of his advancing army, a Tyranitar, an Aggron, a Rhyperior and a Pangoro surrounding them and acting as defenses. Recalling how he’d ended the last fight, the Alakazam unleashed a wave of psychic suggestion at them all. It wouldn’t affect half of them, but if he could send any of them to sleep and take them out of the fight, then he’d bloody take it.

Several of the front liners fell for the Hypnosis, yet somehow some others remained unmoved, drowsy, yet still unaffected.

“He can’t be that stupid to fall for that,” Sev commented as he battered a Golbat aside casually. “A mind jacker is never stupid.” His gaze turned dark. “To navigate the mind, you have to navigate your own. So they are clever in of themselves, but less so outside.”

“I sense traces of Chesto berries,” Layton explained through the mental link that was previously set up, analyzing an unconscious body he grabbed from the ground, “Most likely injected, Hypnosis will not work on most of them.”

“It was worth a shot,” Vincent said with a shrug, before giving Lucy a mental picture of a route to follow that would lead her to Mary. The Mega Lucario nodded and began blasting her way through the lines. She, out of all of them, would be the best suited to dealing with the protectors.

“They are incoming, and fast.” Crawler’s Gardevoir commented, to what he just chuckled.

“Let them come. Let them feel like they’re powerful enough to beat me. They fail to notice that we’re barely attacking, that our lines of defenses are being too frail.” He hummed as he checked the battlefield, “You have a very special job to do, dear. Keep Vincent Nurem busy, take the hostage with you if you want. It doesn’t matter if you fail, because you most likely will, but if you manage to hold them back long enough, I won’t punish you.”

“But I don’t fight… I- I can’t possibly face them.” She stuttered, before being silenced by Crawler.

“Exactly, and that’s precisely why I am making you face Nurem himself. I trust the powers I gave you will be useful to hold him back… but please, try to not lead him to suicide like last time.”

The Gardevoir simply remained shut, wanting to cry, yet she knew that’d be bad. She could simply obey. “Yes… Shadow Crawler.”

The unicorn chuckled, and prepared to teleported away. He had to fulfil his role, the chessmaster, the one moving all the pieces to his advantage. “And don’t you dare give away my position, or betray me. Just remember what happened last time you did.”

And he was gone, dropping the unconscious Sandslash on the ground. The Fairy picked her up, and held her in her soft white arms, “I am so sorry, little one…”

Meanwhile, the other technician saw with distrust from the roof how well his side was doing. Usually, there’d be giant beast roaming the skies, an all-out attack with everything on their firepower, attempts to infiltrate Unity Tower and take them all out from the inside. But there was none of it. Steven had a bad feeling about this.

“Alexia, come in. How’s the generator doing?” He checked, through the previously set up mental link, on the Electric type.

“I still have energy to keep this thing going, but please try to not take too long.” She replied calmly.

“Layton, report.”

“No shadow is going through me. The entrance is safe.” He replied.

Things were going smoothly, too smoothly. Checking on other groups, the PLA members who tried their best to attack from afar while keeping the inside secure, Titania who was giving him a constant image from the skies, the police force who did their best to contain the battle to a small area, and the other Pokémon that had agreed to help as well, and were either battling or helping out. There was one last group to check.

“Vincent, come in. What’s your status?” He asked, hoping that nothing bad had happened... yet.

Nothing’s happened to make my family sweat just yet...well, except for Christine. Then again, she’s holding her own. You never mess with a nesting mother…

“Good. Remember to keep yourself alert. Oh, and if you see a Gardevoir who’s not a shadow, avoid her at all costs. She’s extremely dangerous, especially to Psychic types. She may seem sweet and innocent, but don’t risk it, she’s Crawler’s best weapon so far.” He said with a tone of disdain, hating what the pony had turned her into.

Yet just as he said this, right in front of them, on a tall platform of dark magic, stood a lone Gardevoir with an unconscious Sandslash in her arms, looking at her with a saddened expression.

I have yet begun to fight,” Vincent replied before vanishing and reappearing right in front of her. “Give her over,” the Mega Alakazam said. “And you can walk away.”

“She must be your friend.” She hummed as she simply cradled the Ground type in her arms, “She’s cute when she’s asleep.”

“I said,” Vincent intoned. “Give. Her. Over.

“YOU COULD SAY PLEASE!” Sev called over. “That works eighty-five percent of the time, surprisingly enough. I once even said please and the cops let me go. It could have had something to do with Gard, but I chalk it down to my powerful magnetism.”

Both ignored the Seviper as a Golem rolled over him and took him away (just to be used as a bowling ball which sent several Pokémon flying, bowling sound effects and everything). The Gardevoir remained silent, scratching the Sandslash’ nose playfully. Smiling, she raised her head and looked at Vincent with a saddened expression.

“I wish I could. She has gone through so much, both in the past and… by my own hands. I’m sorry...” A small tear left her left eye, as she levitated the Sandslash behind her, before preparing a Moonblast, “Please… be gentle.” And using the power of the moon which shone above them, she shot a powerful beam of pink energy at Vincent.

The Mega Alakazam took the brunt of the attack without a word of complaint, now actually listening to her mind. “I can hear it,” he said to her. “I can hear...your pain. Your sorrow. My senses are so magnified now, I would have to be deaf to ignore your hurt. You never wanted any of this, did you?”

The Gardevoir’s eyes widened, before shaking her head, “Please, no. Just finish this and let me rest until the next time I’m summoned. Take your friend with you and leave.” She said softly as she shot a Shadow Ball at him. Vincent responded with a weak Dazzling Gleam, dispelling the attack without hurting her.

“I will not hurt you,” he said simply. “My father, my real father, the first one who cared, was a Gallade. He taught me so much. He was so kind. And I will return that kindness to you.” He extended a hand to her. “I won’t say it’ll be painless, no path is. But it’d be a better one than the one you’re on.”

Kindness…” She said mentally. That word, she hadn’t heard that word in so long. She wanted to stretch her hand, take the Alakazam’s hand and simply leave Crawler behind. But she couldn’t. The image of Crawler, his devious smile, his power overtaking her. She remembered, the reason why she stood with him, “No… no. Please just… I can’t. I will hurt you, I don’t belong with anyone but him. I am nothing but a tool, you… I will hurt you.”

Vincent stepped forward with a small frown on his face. “Has he really broken you that badly? Can you no longer imagine anything but being by his side, at his feet? Because believe me...I kept my heart intact for fifteen years. I kept hope. I would hope that you could believe in me for five minutes.”

“What’s this now?” Sev patted a small bandage on a cut on the side of his head. “She’s still on it? Hmm,” he tapped his chin and then smiled. “One good laugh ought to do it. That always loosens up a person’s fears and dread.” He threw a cream pie into Vincent’s face.

She covered her mouth in shock and… giggled. When was the time she had giggled? Why did she feel so… amused. Her expression changed again, to a face of confusion, “No… this is not right. He did not break me… he fixed me. My powers.. he found me and told me he could help me control my powers. He gives me hope, he says if I follow him he’ll fix me for good!” She shouted, before covering her mouth as more tears fell from her eyes, “H-he. He’s in my head, fixing it, telling me what to do… to be fixed.”

“I became what I am for love,” Vincent said. “I became what I am to help guard my family. To help protect the next generation. To see to it they will never experience the horrors we have. Can he claim such noble goals? He only wants you for what you are. He only cares about power. If you come with me, I can help you. I will help you. I promise...all are welcome.”

She whimpered, as she dubiously stretched her arm to grab his hand. and touched it. And everything went downhill from there. Her eyes went black, and her powers were released.

Vincent felt pain, extreme pain as his mental barriers were assaulted with screams and groans of sorrow. He saw his life pass by him, his worst memories flash in front of him, the Gardevoir unintentionally was trying to make him feel as much pain as she felt, she wanted him to be broken once again, just like she was.

“You think you can break me?” Vincent said. “I haven’t forgotten anything! I have so much pain stored up! You think I’ve been fighting at all? I’ve been holding back!” Vincent pushed back against the tide with his own power, looking for the ‘mon underneath, trying to see if she was still in there. He wanted to save the ‘mon. Everyone that could be, deserved to be saved.

He’d seen enough of death already.

NO!” A demonic voice replied, as the intensity of the attack increased. He could feel his barriers shattering, this was not the power of a Psychic anymore, this was far more than that, this was dark magic in its purest form. “YOU CAN’T SAVE YOURSELF, THINK YOU CAN SAVE HER!? YOU C.A.N.T.”

The darkness shall always give way to the light,” Vincent said as he started to glow with the soft light of a Dazzling Gleam. “Fear shall always give way to understanding. Hatred shall bow before kindness. Cooler heads shall prevail over anger, and one thing shall always remain true, so long as one being is willing to fight for it. LOVE. SHALL CONQUER. ALL!

She screeched, her mind screeched. She began chanting in some unknown language to both of them, as her mind was set back by Vincent’s power, the darkness inside her retreating back to where it came from.

And everything was silent.

Vincent found himself in the middle of nowhere, the room was dark, and the only thing there besides him was a small Ralts, crying. Flashes of the terrifying face of an eyeless Gardevoir came and went, as the Ralts kept crying, sobbing. He then realized where he was, the deepest part of her mind, her subconscious. He slowly walked over to her and knelt down next to her, waiting for her to say something first.

The poor thing must have been so...twisted and broken when he took her in. He’d...forced this on her. Vincent wasn’t even aware that that could be done outside of the lab.

“Who… am I?” The small Ralts whimpered. “I woke up, he.. was there. Promised me… happiness.” Although it was for just a second, Vincent saw something strange… as if, the Ralts had been replaced by a human child, and then back to a Ralts. His eyes couldn’t fool him. “Come… closer please.” She said as she stopped sobbing, her head still down.

Vincent sat a little closer and then, gently and slowly, reached out to hug her.

Yet when she turned her head, the horrifying sight of an eyeless, no, soulless Ralts welcomed him with a wicked toothless smile, a high-pitched laugh filling the room. “So you’ve made it. You survived her attack. I’m impressed, Vincent Nurem, I really am.”

“I’ve done more than that,” Vincent said. “I’m more than fucking willing to clean you out from her mind and put her back together again. Hell, I think she’d welcome the pain at this point.” Vincent’s form glowed blue as he began to channel all his power into this final move of his.

“Oh, go ahead. Try. She’s far beyond the saving point by now. She’s my most successful experiment yet, fusing Pokemon and Dark Magic together… it’s wonderful. And all it took, was to erase her memories, and make her think she was born with this curse. But…” He hummed, “Fine, go ahead and keep her. I’ll be fun to see how she betrays you, how she stabs you in the back even against her will. You can’t stop darkness, she’s evil by nature, she’ll destroy you and your little family… PIECE BY PIECE.”

“So you think,” Vincent said. “All it takes is a little...reminder, to what’s left of her. A calling out to the human she used to be. All I have to do...is give her spirit a reason to fight, and she will. That’s the most wonderful thing about humans, you know. Put a wall in their way...they’ll break right through it. You wanted to know how strong I was? Then behold my strongest move, you fucker. Behold...my Future Sight.”

And with that, the Gardevoir’s mind was flooded with images of worlds that could be. Lives that could have been lived. Pokemon and ponies living together, over and over and over again. A million, billion, nigh-infinite amount of scenes of goodness and purity and hope, hoof in hand. It went on, and on, and on.

It did nothing against Shadow Crawler who was pure evil and saw those images as nothing but an annoyance, yet… to the Gardevoir he was controlling, it meant the world. Focusing, she screamed in agony, as she tried to do what she had never done before, shove the darkness away, believe, hope, dream. She had enough of her ‘master’. “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” She screamed with all her passion, fueled by the images she had just seen, fueled by what could be, what could happen. She wanted to be happy, she wanted to stop suffering. She wanted it.

And then, she opened her eyes. Panting and coughing, she found herself on her knees as her head suffered the greatest of headaches, yet… she was alive, and had awoken. She felt different, like if a burden had been taken away from her… yet she could still feel it, the darkness in her head was still there… yet it was not hurting her.

“Hello there,” Vincent said to her. “I’m glad you came back out of that. I will admit, I had my doubts that there was enough left of you to save. I’m happy you proved me wrong though.”

“You..” She panted, “He’s gone. Crawler’s voice is gone. How… how did you do that?”

You did that,” the Alakazam replied. “I just provided you the fuel. You’re strong enough on your own to do anything you want to. You just have to be reminded of it.”

“I… I did?” She said bewildered. “You…” Tears began forming in her eyes again, yet these ones were different. There was no sorrow or pain in them, only relief and joy, emotions she had never felt before. Launching herself forwards, she hugged Vincent with loud sobs, her pain, it was gone, at least for now. “Thank you, so much…”

“You’re welcome,” Vincent said, before looking up. “Could you bring my friend back down, though? I’d like to make sure you’re both safe.”

She giggled softly, and looked behind her, blinking and letting the Sandslash gracefully fall on the ground. “I’m sorry for what I did to her… he… forced me to get in her head, get as much information as I could… I’m so sorry.” She whispered as she lowered her gaze.

“What happened is in the past,” Vincent said. “As long as you regret your actions, then there is a place for you as a fellow Subject. I will admit, I wasn’t expecting there to be more of them once we shifted to Equus...but I would be cruel to deny you a place to stay.”

“I… that would be nice. My earliest memory is being on Crawler’s lair… I have no place to go, no family really.” She said shyly, “Are you sure I won’t be a bother?”

“We still have room,” Vincent replied as he went to gather Mary. Yet as he got closer, a devilish laugh called his attention, as tentacles spawned from around the Sandslash, preparing to grab her and drag her down into the portal that had just appeared.

“Oh no you don’t,” Vincent said as he let loose another Dazzling Gleam, in an effort to dispel the darkness once again. Yet what he did not expect, was a black giant elephant-like hoof stepping on Mary, swallowing her in its darkness, and taking the Dazzling Gleam like if it was nothing.

“Watch out!” The Gardevoir exclaimed as she tackled Vincent out of the beast’s way, the laugh of Crawler showing how amusing this was to him. Looking up, Vincent saw a creature that was not meant to exist, a being of pure darkness. It was gigantic, easily as tall as a skyscraper, with long sharp horns on its maw and forehead, and sharp black fangs.

“The party has just started! We’re taking down that tower even if it’s the last thing we do!” Crawler laughed, as he rode the beast into battle. He looked at Vincent with a smile, as tentacles appeared from the ground beneath him, holding an upside-down Mary next to him.

“Attention everyone! Clear the path, let the cannon deal with the beast!” Steven ordered, this was exactly what he was expecting. The battle was far from over.

A building away, a Garchomp was doing her best to keep the back door clear of any intruders. Doing her best, and barely succeeding. She was thankful now for the myriad of moves she knew, they let her deal with most situations…

She was assigned to protect the backdoor in order to keep anyone from sneaking in, yet she was doing that task alone, and with the number of Pokémon trying to go by her, it was just ridiculous. And while she had received a Garchompite from the strange Metagross, it seemed to her that it was more of a joke than an aid, seeing as how it hadn’t even activated yet.

Yet she kept trying. Until now, nothing too powerful had tried to storm the back entrance… yet that would not be the case for long. Strange giggles could be heard, as shadows dashed from side to side, blurs she could not make out.

“Flamethrower!” the Garchomp cried out before spewing the fire everywhere, a tactic that had served her well before.

The Pokemon were forced back with several groans, yet the giggles continued. They could be heard everywhere, left, right, ahead, above. She had to be attentive.

And then, a screech from the left, something was rushing to strike her, and fast.

“Dragon Claw!” she replied, drawing both of her claws across to counter whatever this thing was. It screeched in pain and fainted on the spot, letting her have a better look at whatever that was. It was small, strange, and really ugly. Two pointy ears and long noodle-arms which ended in sharp claws, black skin helped it disguise in the shadows. If any creature came close to it in looks, it’d be a goblin.

More giggles irritated her, as several other goblins rushed to her, accompanied by a Hitmonchan, a Metang, and a Wigglytuff. The dragon growled before channeling another Flamethrower and drawing a semicircle around herself, making sure the goblins wouldn’t be able to get close without being revealed. Plus it’d irritate the metal-skinned one and the marshmellow.

The goblins chanted a happy demonic-sounding tune, as they giggled and bounced around the fire, their terrifying smiles. More giggles came, as bright yellow eyes blinked in the windows of nearby buildings, all while more Pokémon went her way lead by their master. She was not liking the looks of things. And so, they all launched towards her, trying to take the lone Dragon down.

“Screw this noise,” she said, before slamming the ground with her feet. “EARTHQUAKE!” The ground rumbled and shook under the feet of her attackers. “And now for a bit of good old FLAMETHROWER!” The fires erupted from her mouth and were focused on each of her attackers in turn, burning them horribly.

And with so, they were down. Every single one of them unconscious, not able to keep going. But it was still not over yet, the final battle had yet to begin.

One single giggle, a deep, demonic giggle, came from the shadows, as a massive goblin covered in armor, holding a shield in one hand and a bloody butcher knife in the other one, simply stepped on the fire like if it was nothing. He looked at his fallen brothers, and simply smiled. He was going to enjoy cutting that dragon to pieces.

“Oh screw this noise!” Christine said as her form started to glow. “You think I’m afraid of you? You’re just another damn target to me! I’m not letting anything into this building! I will fight each and every last one of you fuckers until there’s no more breath in my body...and then I’ll fucking get up and fight you again!

By the time she’d finished her speech, her form had stopped glowing, and she let out a mighty, powerful roar as a Mega-Garchomp was standing in her place. She let out another Flamethrower at him, though as she did, her skin turned a bright red. The attack seemed somehow...more intense than before.

The goblin raised his shield and tried to protect himself, yet he could still feel the heat of the flames that surrounded him. This was no normal attack, this was far too powerful to be a normal attack. As the attack ended, the goblin decided to cut the battle short, rushing towards her and swinging his butcher knife.

Her eyes glinted before she caught the knife with one of her newly-evolved blade-fins. She glared at him, the Mega-Garchomp not amused in the slightest. “This is the part where you run away,” she said to him as a glow filled the back of her mouth, another Flamethrower already being prepared.

Goblins could not fear. If they did, they were deemed weak. The fact that an Alpha Goblin’s legs began shaking, that was the point where he realized that no matter what Crawler had offered them, the goblins were better off not participating in this fight. Dropping its weapons in fear, the goblin kneed down and asked for forgiveness in his own tongue, not wanting to die young.

“If you value your life and lives of your little friends here, you’ll clear the fuck out while I deal with the others,” Christine growled at him. “Better yet, hamper them wherever you damn well can. Then I might not kill you when all is said and done for threatening my eggs.

“Y-yes.” The goblin stuttered, rapidly rushing around her to pick his fallen brothers, and nodding in fear, before rushing away, hopefully he’d find a swamp where they could live in, far, far away from any sort of Dragon.

Christine growled before banging her blade-fins against one another and howling at the assembled ‘mon. “Come get some!” she bellowed. And not being able to feel fear, they simply obliged with groans and cries, rushing towards her. Suddenly, her job had become far easier. She simply raised a foot as her form flashed brown, before she unleashed a boosted Earthquake around her.

“Let’s shake it up, boys!” she shouted as the earth rumbled around her.

Sev drove his Poison Blade into the side of a Raticate, knocking it out a window. “Foolish imbéciles think they can defeat me?” He whacked a Quagsire away with his tail that was charging towards one of his zebra soldiers. “I laugh at Shadow’s feeble attempts.” He laughed, headbutting a Sunflora and knocking it out.

He was about to slash another incoming Pokémon, yet he stopped when he realized said Pokémon was wearing a really messed up PLA uniform, several scars and bruises all over the Sneasel’s body.

“Commander Sev, I’m so sorry but I can’t keep going. They are too many!” The dark type huffed as she shivered in pain. “I need to go back and patch myself up.”

“Then get inside already,” Sev hissed, before stopping and staring at her. “Say the password first.”

The Sneasel’s eyes widened up as she stuttered, “Uhm… Sev Rocks?” She said dubiously.

“Isn’t that cute,” Sev chuckled. “BUT IT’S WRONG!” He bonked her on the head, knocking her out. He gently brought her inside to one of the zebra shamans. “Get the taint out of her and grab some of your anti-dark energy potions.” The zebra shaman nodded and went to work.

A couple minutes later, came a severely injured Zebra soldier, panting, and dragging his own body to the still fighting Sev, “Sir, I need some rest. I can’t keep going any longer! They are far too many!”

“Such talk shall not be permitted here,” Sev snorted. “Neither will I take any chances with a dark mage about. Password.”

“Well, that’s.. erhm easy. The password is,” The zebra gulped, “One, two, three, four, five” He said.

Sev bonked him unconscious. “That’s my lunch box number.” He passed him inside. “I feel like this is going to be a trend.”

“Sir!” A Whimsicott with a PLA uniform huffed, “Commander Sev, I must go inside and search for supplies for the injured soldiers. Please allow me to pass and fetch them.” She requested as she gasped for air.

“A password I ask of thee,” Sev intoned. “Then ye shall pass onwards, free as a bee.”

“The password…” She hummed, “Taco Tuesday.” She smiled innocently.

Sev nodded behind him. “Get in and be quick. You are very lucky you added Taco to that answer. In a few moments, I would have changed it.”

“Thanks Commander!” She said chirpily, before advancing into Unity Tower. Yet, unseen to the Seviper, the Grass type let out a devilish smile, about to burst out in laughter. Yet she found herself face to the ground, an unconscious pidgeotto had been tossed to her by a battling Sev, and had cut her evil laughter off. She grumbled and kept going, passing by Layton who was too busy fighting off enemies, and the two guards who opened the doors to her.

“Finally… time to end this joke.”

Sadly for her, there was still a guard on duty in the lobby, and the Leavanny was not so easily fooled. There was a blur of motion from the desk, and the next thing the corrupted Whimsicott knew, a bit of her fluff was falling in front of her face. “I saw that,” Lala said. “The next one is going to be far more lethal.”

“Of course, it was far too simple for my liking.” The Grass type grunted, before letting out a wicked smile, “Yet this body has served its purpose. I’m inside, and now, there’s nothing from stopping me.” Darkness began filling the room, as portals began appearing behind the Whimsicott, as several Shadow Pokemon dashed from it with loud battle cries.

Breach,” the Leavanny thought across the previously established link before crossing her arm-blades in front of her. “My kind are known as the Nurturing Pokemon,” she informed the enemy. “I became a member of Checkmate for anything but my motherly skills.” With that, she unleashed several Leaf Blades in rapid succession, cutting at every ‘mon that dared to enter a place she was protecting.

“Pockets, we need you in the lobby!” Steven called calmly, hoping the Leavanny could hold on long enough, yet not wanting to take a risk.

Got it! On my way,” she replied, happy she could finally get some action.

How the heck did they get a breach? Both entrances were protected, and the only way to be allowed in was by… “Sev! Why is there a breach? You’re the one in charge of who goes in and who goes out!”

“She said ‘Taco Tuesday’,” Sev called over. “That was the password at the moment. If she had come a moment later, it would have been different! We had a password system for a reason. I just wanted to knock everyone on the head, since all my soldiers are inside, but no! We had to have a password system.”

“You set your password to ‘Taco Tuesday’!?” Steven facepalmed, “Even I would have guessed it with enough time! Ahg, doesn’t matter. We need reinforcements in the lobby, either send some of your soldiers or you go help out. We can’t lose the building from the inside!”

“Defend this spot!” Sev ordered his soldiers, receiving a salute and ‘Yes, sir’. He raced into the lobby, blasting a few away with a powerful Dark Pulse.

Lala had moved on to using X-Scissor on those that would dare think this building an easy target, each one feeling the powerful sting of her blades as she dashed around the room. Once the fight had begun, she’d used Agility, both hoping she wouldn’t need to be any faster, and preparing in case she did.

A Raichu dashed to her with a Volt Switch, which Lala responded to with yet another Leaf Blade, right across the face. She took the brief moment of nothing attacking her to use a Swords Dance and improve her attack even more. And in came a Pidgeot with an Aerial Ace directed right at her, faster than the previous Electric Type, which she was forced to rely on a normal Slash to counter. Clearly, she needed to be even faster, so she channeled another Agility on herself and wondered when the backup would get here.

And with each two Pokemon she took out, four more came, slowly filling the room with attacks before they were too many for her to keep up to, including a Talonflame who was about to Brave Bird her from behind. Only to be sent back by a wave of air, followed by a blast of magic which stunned two other incoming Pokémon, and ending it up with a magical blade which cut through four of them.

At around the same time, a Grovyle went at her from the front with an X-Scissor. Sev caught him by wrapping his tail around his ankle and smashing him into the floor. He did so twice more, before using the Grovyle as a bat to swat aside three other mon.

And with a stylish backflip from both sides, both Sev and Pockets stood next to the Levanny in their battle stances, prepared for the next wave.

“Sorry for the delay, traffic was heavy.” The unicorn smiled as she slashed and then blasted a Houndoom away. “So, what’s the plan?”

“Best them in a show of skill so great that they all become blinded by it’s combined awesomeness,” Sev commented. “Or we can aim for the mon spewing the portal. That could work, but it’s the more boring option.”

“I think I’ll ask the both of you to duck,” Lala said. “I’m about to clear the room.”

Both Sev and Pockets did as said, leaving the Leavanny free to unleash her Leaf Storm in the room. The area filled with grass and leaves as she dashed around and slashed each one personally. It was always fun unleashing this move when needed, but also sad when it was over and she was left feeling weaker for it. Yet it had done the trick, all Pokemon were cleared out, yet they knew that wouldn’t last too long, as the portals were still open.

“Ok, I can’t believe I’m saying this but we’re going with Sev’s idea.” Pockets said as she took deep breaths, “Try to not let them get too far, while I attempt to close them with my own magic… somehow.”

Lala nodded and took up a defensive stance in front of the unicorn, before looking over at Sev. “Very well,” Sev smirked. “This shan’t be a challenge.” He fired a Flamethrower straight into a Bellossom’s chest, sending her flying into another group and back through the portal. He ducked underneath a Sudowoodo’s swing and knocked his feet from under him and fired a Dark Pulse into a Granbull’s head, knocking it out.

Lala meanwhile was using Leaf Blade to its fullest potential, slashing and knocking back every attacker that came close. A Quagsire learned the hard way why not to mess with a member of Checkmate. As did a Stantler and an Ursaring. She took a brief moment of respite to boost her attack again with another Swords Dance, before taking up the fight anew with X-Scissor and Slash.

The portals began flashing, the flow of Pokemon slowing down as Pockets’ magic tried to close them down, focusing her good thoughts and memories on the darkness. Yet she still wasn’t able to close them down, not quite yet at least. “Someone stop Crawler’s avatar!” She grunted. And just as she said this, Crawler chuckled, finding the pony’s attempt rather amusing. He had remained static, calmly watching his army storm them and give them no breaks. It was amusing indeed.

Well it was amusing till his avatar took a frying pan to the face, knocking the being out swiftly. “I grow tired of you,” Sev huffed. “This shadow thing of yours is one note.” He smacked a Nuzleaf that was charging behind him up and into the ceiling without even looking at her.

And with one final mental push, Pockets managed to close the portals, as Lala and Sev took care of the remaining Shadow Pokemon inside. Huffing and taking deep breaths, she chuckled, and raised her head to look at her two teammates, “We did it!”

And just as she said this a massive portal opened right in front of them, showing a giant arm which tried to grab whatever it could, earning an “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?” Shout from the unicorn, before Sev fired a Venoshock, knocking the arm away from Pockets. He ducked under a swing and brought himself before her, slashing at the fingers and stabbing with Poison Jab. Lala pitched in with several Leaf Blades, slashing at the massive thing wherever and however she could, before switching it up for an X-Scissor attack. If these shadows were anything like the Dark type, they’d be weak to Bug attacks more than Grass ones. A loud screech came from the arm, before Pockets, mainly in annoyance, shot several beams of magic at it, causing it to retreat before she was able to close the portal. “Geez, that was close. Steven, the breach is sealed, nothing’s getting through here.

Steven sighed as he took a look at the battlefield. Things were looking rather good for them. Their forces although far inferior in numbers, had managed to push back the attackers, and slow down the invasion. Yet he knew he couldn’t call this a win quite yet, the beast was still there, advancing and ready to destroy the building as soon as it reached it, commanded by Crawler who Steven knew was looking at him.

The automated laser cannon was doing its work, dealing massive blows to the creature, yet not managing to end it up for good as Crawler continuously healed its wounds. Yet he noticed something… odd.

Was Crawler upset? What was that expression on its almost blank face. It seemed like disdain, annoyance, worry. He just had to use that to his advantage.

Attention. Layton, Vincent, Sev. You are the strongest ones here, I need you to travel up to Crawler inmediatly. The cannon is providing enough cover fire for you to reach that point without much trouble. Understood? We need to finish this now before its too late!” He called out, wanting so much to go to the battle himself, yet he knew better, he had a role to follow, and if he dared not to, the whole fight could become a mess.

“Understood!” Layton nodded, before sending a barrage of different punches at incoming Pokémon, leaving at least 15 unconscious on the ground, “Good enough.” He shrugged, before taking off like a bullet towards the beast’s head.

“Well this Shadow is certainly pushing his luck,” Sev snickered. “Let’s push it over the edge for him.” With that, he took off like lightning, knocking aside mon with twirls, flicks of his tail, or a well placed Dark Pulses/Flamethrowers.

Vincent appeared on the roof with a familiar Gardevoir in tow, offering no explanation or reason before he also looked at the creature. “This ends now,” he said. “Forgive me father, for I must break my promise.”

“Vincent, wait!” The Gardevoir held her hand in front of him to stop him, “You can’t do this, you literally can’t kill Crawler, if you defeat him, he’ll come back again.”

“You misunderstand,” Vincent said. “I have no intention of killing him. I’ll just make him wish he was dead.

The Gardevoir blinked in surprise, before lowering her hand and nodding in understanding, “Just… be careful. This is the real Shadow Crawler, don’t underestimate him.” She said softly, lowering her gaze, “Please be careful.”

“I promise the first thing I’ll do if things go sideways is get myself and Sev out of there,” the Mega Alakazam told her. “Not gonna leave anyone to him if I can avoid it.”

“Before you go… here.” She whispered as she formed a circle with her hands and focused, before causing a small amulet to appear, which she gave to him, “It only has one use left… yet perhaps it will help. If he tries to take over your mind, this will protect you.”

Vincent nodded and slipped it over his head, letting it rest around his neck. “I am still very new to this whole psychic thing, I appreciate any help you have to give,” he said. “Stay here, stay safe. We don’t need him getting you again.”

She nodded, and stepped back, “Good luck, Vincent Nurem.” And with this, he teleported away.

Crawler was mad, really mad. Plan after plan had been foiled, he was supposed to just sit back and enjoy the show, yet he couldn’t, his army was still far too incompetent, too imperfect. And now? He had to ask for the aid of one of the ten demonic beasts to take down the tower. “As soon as I get my hooves on them… I swear I’ll-”

One frying pan to the face later, Sev yawned. “I didn’t get much sleep on the trip here and you chose now of all times to be a jerk? This is unbelievable.” He whacked Crawler on top of the head as he tried to stand, really not looking at him. “Is this the luck the universe gives the great and powerful Commander Sev? If it is, I shall send it back to you in a combustible form, perhaps in lemon flavor as well.”

“Oh Sev, really, we should let him talk a little,” Vincent said as he warped in. “It’d be interesting to hear if he can think of something that hasn’t already been done to me, at least.”

“I doubt that would be possible, he is not that creative from what my experience tells.” Layton chuckled as he landed next to them, “But sure. Let’s hear it.”

If Crawler had had any eyes, they would be twitching. This was humiliating, just straight up sad, he just wanted to cast a spell and kill them on the spot, yet he didn’t, he now wanted to prove them wrong, “As I was saying, as soon as I get my hooves on you, I’ll extract your brain, chop it down in small little squares, and feed it to Sev to see if he becomes smarter!” He said rather proudly.

“One hundred and twenty,” Vincent replied. “Try again, corpse disposal was sometimes our duty as well. Which is why I stopped eating the paste provided to us.”

“That was one of my father’s pastimes,” Sev deadpanned. “My childhood wasn’t pleasant either. At least yours didn’t try and take over the world, which I have done so but in a better way that does not make me worse.”

“In other words, nice try, except not really.” The Mega Metagross chuckled.

“Then I’ll rip you apart limb by limb and mix your parts together to arm my ultimate monster!” Crawler growled, not wanting to be defeated that easily.

“Seventy-six,” Vincent replied, idly examining one of his spoons.

“I tried that once,” Sev intoned. “Lessons were learned that day… Lessons were learned.”

“Our limbs are actually connected through magnetism,” Layton hummed, “It is fairly common for an injured Metang or Metagross to utilize dead body’s parts to fix themselves.”

Crawler roared in anger as he stomped the ground with force, causing the floor beneath them to shake, before clenching his teeth, “THEN I’LL JUST KILL YOU!” He shouted as he shot several tentacles from beneath him, which homed on them and prepared to drown them in darkness.

“Oooh!” Vincent said. “Twelve.”

“Making the tentacles out of darkness is new,” Sev pointed out. “Wait, you did that last time.”

“As I said, not really that creative.” The Steel type smiled before Meteor Mashing the tentacles into nothingness, “Well then comrades, should we keep mocking this poor excuse of a bad guy, or end this as soon as we can?”

“If we keep mocking him, he’ll probably die of a heart attack,” Vincent said. “That’d be novel for my collection of death threats. Death by mocking.”

“It is a fun way of ending an opponent,” Sev nodded.

ENOUGH” Crawler exclaimed as his voice changed to a deeper, darker more demonic one, “You dare mock me!? I am the future ruler of this world, a GOD. And you dare to mock ME!?”

“Why yes, indeed that’s what we are doing.” Layton said calmly.

“I… WILL. CRUSH YOU.” Crawler grunted before a dome of darkness surrounded them, the trio being trapped atop the beast. With a wicked laughter, several tentacles began surrounding him, fusing together before forming a bipedal black creature with sharp fangs and red eyes, covering Crawler entirely as some sort of mech-suit, and with a snap of the beast’s fingers, Mary, who had been hanging upside down next to him, was sunk into the goo of darkness below them, “Want to get her back, Nurem? You’ll have to defeat me first!”

“I can already guess what duty I’m going to be on,” Vincent said as he held up one hand, causing it to glow brightly as he channeled a Dazzling Gleam. “Better hurry up, I don’t know how much longer I can do this,” he said to the others, before firing his light at the monster Crawler had become.

“Sev, left flank. I’ll attack right, understood?” Layton nodded as he charged up four Meteor Mashes, one in each fist, “Let’s end this.”

“Gladly,” Sev cackled before slithering like a lightning bolt to the beast’s left. He narrowly avoided a strike and fired a Flamethrower into the beast’s right ear.

Layton rushed towards him and began his assault, punching and dashing, repeating the process as the beast roared in anger. Yet if his experience with these creatures had taught him something, it was that these were durable.

“Fools!” Crawler roared as he sent a wave of dark magic at them, pushing Layton back and stopping the attacks, “You’ll need far more than that to defeat ME.” And with a flash of light, several pillars spawned from the ground, before turning around like giant worms and aiming at them. Layton dashed to the side, yet the pillar followed him, another dodge, and yet another, yet it was restless. Angered, he charged up Bullet Punch and proceeded to repeatedly strike the pillar down, yet to no avail, they would slow down, yet there was no sign of them getting destroyed.

“Gah,” Sev narrowly slipped around one column and jumped back from another. “This level is getting annoying.” Sev twirled around another and chuckled. “Though you give me an excellent idea.” He dodged once more, before chasing towards another. The columns behind him kept on his tail, to which he wanted them to. At the last second, he dodged to the right as they crashed into each other. “Typical column behavior.”

Layton on his side was getting annoyed, so he simply stood still and waited for the columns to get to him. They surrounded his limbs, and began climbing towards his body, just what he expected. With a flash of his X, his claws began glowing silver, before shooting four beams of Flash Cannon at the four columns that tried to take him over, destroying them completely, “Fragile from the inside and not that smart. Good attempt, Crawler, yet not good enough.”

Vincent had a simpler answer. With a flash of Dazzling Gleam to cover his Teleport, the Alakazam hovered in the middle of all the columns and waited. It wasn’t long before they all lunged for him at once, at which point he teleported again and let them destroy one another. “Seriously, it’s like you made these things to be bested.”

“Ahg!” Crawler grunted, as long claws formed in his suit’s paws, “Fine! You want a real challenge, then that is what you will get!” And with a roar, he lunged forwards at a speed faster than what the eye could see. When Layton felt him coming, it was too late, a slash from his claws pushed him away and dealt great damage upon his body, the same happening to Sev and Vincent, none of them expected this speed, “Try to keep up with that, you inferior species!”

Layton grunted as he shifted to a more defensive stance. He knew Crawler would not waste time, and so, when the shadow dashed towards him to strike again, he simply held one of his claws in the direction from where he came from, and blocked the attack. Crawler dashed and striked again, being blocked by the sharp Metagross who analyzed his movements, his patterns. Crawler roared in anger, annoyed by how easily Layton managed to block his attack, and in rage he swinged both of his paws, and damaged the Metagross’ left side, causing him to hold in the pain, only to be retaliated by a powerful Meteor Mash that forced him to back down.

With another roar, he rushed towards his next target, Sev. As Crawler raced towards him, Sev met his charge with his own. As Crawler advanced and threw a punch, Sev somersaulted forwards and slashed the beast’s wrist with a Poison Blade. Of course it couldn’t kill the magic based monstrosity, but it pulled back. However, the beast swung its foot and smashed it into Sev. Sev acted quickly even through the pain and latched his tail around a toe, so once it brought its foot down, he jumped off and slashed again. He gave himself a bit of distance when Crawler stepped back and wheezed as he collected himself from the kick.

He then decided to go for the most fragile of the trio, and with a roar, he dashed back before assaulting Vincent, two claws ready to slash and eyes full of blood lust. The Alakazam sighed before Teleporting again, before unleashing a powerful Psybeam at the creature, who screeched in pain before turning around swiftly and slashing once more, only to be blocked by a suddenly appearing blue wall.

“Oh just pack it in already,” Vincent griped before firing off a more powerful Psychic attack. “We’re so not impressed!”

“Do you think I do this to impress anyone?” Crawler chuckled, “I just wanted to capture you and turn you into my slaves… but now? I’d rather turn you into the first test subjects of my next project, corpse reanimation!” And with yet another ear-shattering screech, he shot several beams of magic at the trio, which Layton simply blocked with his body, barely hurt by them.

“You can not win, Crawler, not with the three of us here facing you.” Layton said calmly.

“You are right… in fact, you just gave me an idea.” He chuckled, before dismissing his already damaged battle suit, “It does not matter what I throw at you, I can’t possibly defeat you in an unfair 3 vs. 1 battle, so let’s make it fair, shall we?” And with a glow of his horn, a scary-looking face of green smoke formed above him, it looked at the three Pokemon in front of him, and made his choice. With some ancient forbidden chanting, it launched forwards and surrounded Sev, filling his nostrils with smoke and putting him in a trance. In a matter of seconds, he found himself alone in a large dark room in the middle of nowhere, and everything at the same time.

“Shadow!” Sev shouted. “What have you done? Have you finally admitted your poor eyesight, or just don’t want to show your face anymore?”

Yet the only reply he got was a soft laughter, before he was punched back by a four-armed bodiless creature that came out of the blue, sending him back before saying something in Crawler’s arcane prohibited language.

“Bleeding coward,” Sev hissed in anger before shooting a Venoshock into the beast’s face, yet it seemed to do almost nothing, as it just shrugged it off before rushing to deliver several more punches at him.Yet he was immediately stopped as a powerful wave of darkness sent them both flying away, as yet another terrifying creature came into place. It seemed to be floating, with two long wavy arms and several daggers floating around it, a creepy eye (bigger than his two other regular ones) in his forehead blinking and watching the duo, before sending a wave of dark energy at Sev.

Sev fired a Dark Pulse into the wave, causing the two attacks to negate one another and blow apart. “Your illusionary tricks won’t work on me, Shadow.”

“I would not be so sure about that.” Came a soft yet dark voice from nowhere, “Let’s see how long you survive against two of the greatest monsters that have ever lived.”

Vincent stood guard as he awaited for the two monsters in front of him to attack. The floating, four-armed floating chunk of darkness and the long five-eyed venomous cobra-like creature had proved to be extremely powerful, he had to take them out.

He would have to get inside their heads, hear what they were planning, so that he could dodge it and strike without being hit. He took the brief moment of respite to hone himself with another Calm Mind as he sat back and listened once again.

Besides, this could just be a trick of Crawler’s. Listening undid them in the past. He could hear something, what seemed to be rational words hidden between static-like sounds and demonic chanting, yet he had no time to focus further as the four-armed beast decided to strike him once again, rushing at him with a raised fist.

Vincent raised another Protect, catching the fist on a blue wall of power that barely held, before returning fire with a Psybeam. Dammit all, he was supposed to be an Alakazam! A Mega-Alakazam! I.Q. of 5000, one of the stronger minds on this planet!

He should be able to focus through a little dark magic! He closed his eyes and tried once again. To listen, to hear.

Layton kept his eyes open as he struck the three eyed beast, stopped by a wall of dark magic which he was not able to break. He looked back at the cobra who held his distance, he found this extremely strange, yet he could not take any risk to stop and think on what was happening. He had to break free from the spell.

“I need to find a way out of this. Perhaps if I defeat these creatures before they defeat me.” He thought, charging up a Meteor Mash to strike the floating creature down as soon as his defenses were out, they couldn’t last forever now could they?

Sev slammed his tail into the beast’s side, making it stumble as he fired a Flamethrower to push it further. “Your tricks against the one are futile, for I am an army unto myself.” He glared at the being. “There is no denying your defeat.”

“We will see about that.” Crawler simply replied, enjoying this little duel.

Layton grunted in pain as the blast of energy hit him, turning around, he slammed the cobra away, panting as he felt pain taking over, yet he would not give up, he still had a long way to go, “I will not fall so easily, Crawler. These beasts may be strong, yet I am no weakling, you will be defeated.”

“We will see about that.” The pony replied with a giggle.

Vincent had gathered every spare scrap of power for one purpose.

This couldn’t be real. So he was going to do something about this darkness around him. He even had a little rhyme for the occasion.

I call upon existence

And all that is truly real

Help me break free of

this nightmarish seal.

It would probably do nothing but be dramatic, but he had a small thing for being dramatic these days. He focused his mind on two other minds. The ones he had just been with.

He would not be denied in this. He would talk to Sev and Layton, wherever they were.

Come in Corporal Cobra and Four-Arms. Where the hell are you?!


“Sev? Vincent?” Layton said in surprise, “That explains the power and the shapes. Are you two alright?”

None the worse for wear...and now we have to work on shattering this seeming.

“I shall contact Loom,” Sev shouted. “He’ll know.” The snake-mon held up a small, mobile device. “These things are getting smaller by the day,” he muttered as he started to type in the code. “Ah-ha!”

Loom’s image appeared on it. “Commander,” he saluted. “What can I do you for?”

“I have much, but for now, I have but one.” Sev intoned.

“From intelectual to intelectual, be honest with me.” Mega Layton chuckled, as he looked at Vincent while Loom and Sev talked it out, “Have you figured out how Sev works yet?”

“If I figured that out, one of the great mysteries of the universe would be solved,” Vincent said. “Hmm. This was constructed so we would fight one another. I have no idea how it is sustained, but perhaps when he sees we aren’t, he’ll drop it?”

“Or he will sustain it for an eternity and keep us out of his way.” Layton hummed, “This is a high level spell it seems, meaning not even our minds could break it, as they are two completely different types of energy. I am trying to analyze all possible options, yet I do not have enough information to come up with a plan, I’m afraid… unless, we somehow manage to strike Crawler from the outside, to force him to break the spell. But how could we do that?”

“I think I can create a sonic pitch that can disrupt the spell,” Loom spoke as he scrounged about his laboratory. An explosion or two could be heard.

“And how long will this-” An explosion came out of the screen and enveloped his head. Sev’s head was covered in smoke and coughed. “It appears our chaotic, chess playing violins didn’t work out then.”

“Oh no,” Loom shook his head as he screwed around with his side of the phone. “Far too destructive. I’ll work on them later. Just give me a sec with this.”

“This ‘sec’ better be quick,” Sev snorted.

“Meanwhile, maybe we can work together to weaken it from within,” Vincent said to Layton.

“How do you suggest we do that?” Layton asked calmly as he cleared some dust from his goatee.

“I heard something besides you when I was just listening,” Vincent said. “If I open my mind up again, maybe I’ll hear something worthwhile.” He closed his eyes and began to do just that.

Layton closed his own eyes and began meditating as well, although his mind was not as powerful as Vincent’s, it didn’t hurt to try and search with him.

Both of them focused, most was darkness, static, chanting, nothing noticeable, nothing different. Taking deep breaths, they focused further, the chanting became louder, yet the static began disappearing. And this was when Vincent managed to find a spot of light in the middle of the shadows.

Focusing on that spot, he saw something which could be described as odd, and slightly terrifying. A skinny, dark gray unicorn was held captive by four chains, each of them holding a respective limb, symbols printed in blood shining in the invisible wall behind him.

“Power… must. Protect.” The unicorn whispered, repeating the same line over and over as he kept his gaze down.

I found something,” Vincent said as he guided Layton to look in the same direction he was. And in the matter of seconds, Layton’s mind wandered next to Vincent’s own, as they both looked at the scene in front of them with curiosity and wonder.

“I wonder if…” Layton hummed, before focusing his mind and attempting to speak with the imprisoned unicorn, “Database.”

The unicorn stopped whispering, and raised his gaze. His tired eyes, his wicked smile, his messy hair, it all simply shouted ‘crazy’. “Name, yes. My name. Data.”

“This is...sad,” Vincent said. “Would I have found something similar had I had these powers back on Earth and looked into my father’s mind?”

“I do not know, yet it is possible.” Layton nodded, “This is how a former noble colt looks after being consumed by greed. Wanting to shine and become a hero, he let the darkness take over him. Thanks to you, we have reached Crawler’s subconscious, and found who he used to be.”

“Hero… Celestia. I help, power.” The unicorn chuckled creepily.

“Then I have but one course of action,” Vincent said. “I’ve already done this once today. What’s twice, in the long run?” He closed his eyes and focused his mind, before intoning again. “You who lust after power, I shall show you humility. You who are greedy for more, I shall show you generosity. You who are lost, let you be found.” He opened his eyes and brought a shining hand up. “You who cower in the darkness. Let there be light.” With that, the second Future Sight attack of that day had been called for and let loose upon the deepest parts of a person.

Yet once the images stopped flashing in front of him, the pony simply giggled, chuckled, laughed and shouted in amusement, “YES! MORE! HERO, I WANT THAT! I MUST GATHER POWER AND BE A HERO! CELESTIA AND THE WORLD WILL PRAISE ME!”

The chanting picked up in intensity and speed, as several shadows rose from around them and started spinning in circles, as Database simply laughed, and laughed, and laughed, until he was engulfed by the darkness, resulting in a dark good sprouting from his mouth and eyes, landing in the floor beneath him before forming into the dark mage unicorn whose wicked smile was even more terrifying that before..

“This is too rich, oh how amusing you are!” Shadow Crawler chuckled as the shadows disappeared, breaking the chains and walking towards them, “Do you think you can just free me with some good warm feelings like you did with her? Please. Database is not doing this against his will, he wants this. His objective is noble, to protect Equestria, and you just fueled his wish.” He chuckled as he felt how his powers became stronger, “I shall help him in his task, by taking over the world, and making him their saviour, their hero, their god.”

“It was worth a shot,” Vincent said. “Father, forgive me,” he whispered. “Time to show the soul within you the cost of progress. I call upon the dead, I call upon the living. I call upon my life. Feel my pain, Database, as I felt it. Total Recall.” With that, the worst attack in the Alakazam’s arsenal was brought to bear on the demon before them. Crawler’s mind filled up with pain and misery, images, memories that did not belong, pain that was not his own. Streams of tears ran on his cheeks, as his legs became weaker, his head spun, and he… giggled.

“You… just don’t get it don’t you?” He smiled, “I AM THE DARKNESS YOU IDIOT. What did that do to me? It made me happy. Happy to see how messed up your world was...and now I feel angered, because this world can’t be like that. But that’s nothing that can’t be fixed.” He stood up and the tears transformed into dark goo, which entered back through his eyes as his laughter intensified, as the duo felt how something tried to pull them away. “I ALLOWED YOU IN HERE, AND I CAN TAKE YOU OUT.

“I am not done yet.” Layton grunted, as he pinned his legs into the ground and charged up a Flash Cannon, before firing it at Crawler, missing by inches.

“Fool! You can’t even aim properly!”

“I was not aiming at you.” Was the only thing that Layton said, before a loud screech hurt their ears, as Database who was hiding behind him, had just been hit by a powerful Steel type attack. Crawler began sealing his own mind, and pushing them away from it, cursing in every known language as a powerful headache kept him from focusing.

So when Layton and Vincent came back to Sev, they managed to see the walls that kept them sealed, cracked.

“Sev, what’s the plan you and Loom came up with?” Mega Layton asked as he tried to communicate even with the screeches in the background.

“In short,” Sev held up his phone, having put on a pair of earmuffs. “This,” to which a high pitched sonic noise screeched out of the device. The already shattered walls did not break even further into pieces, no, it had completely turned into nothing but black dust as the high-pitched noise broke it all, revealing the night sky of Las Pegasus and the blast from the laser cannon hitting the beast they were riding on the stomach.

As soon as they came back to reality, they were greeted by a powerful blast of black magic that covered the trio, dealing great damage to both Sev and Layton while Vincent had barely managed to Protect himself, he knew he wasn’t as resistant as the other two.

You have no idea what you’re dealing with.” The unicorn hissed, “I am older than your GODS, smarter than your LEGENDARIES, and more powerful than ANY OF YOU multiplied by a thousand. I am the darkness itself! And once I take over this place and am fred of this mortal prison of flesh and bones, I will kill you all, revive you, and kill you again

“Discord trapped you in a bottle, Starswirl turned you into a book and burned you to ashes, Celestia sealed you away and prohibited the sheer mention of your name, and the elements of Harmony broke your control over Luna” Layton replied calmly, “You and your kin, the shadows, the forces of evil, are far from unbeatable. And now, we shall demonstrate this, ending you, for good.”

The Metagross glared at both Sev and Vincent, he didn’t need to read their minds to know that they were all thinking the same. It was time to end this once and for all.

“Hyper Beam.” Layton called out calmly, as an orb of energy formed in front of him, charging up and growing in size.

“Future Sight,” Vincent called out, channeling a normal one instead of his tweaked version.

“Flamethrower,” Sev called out, flames licking at his lips.

Crawler gritted his teeth, this was not looking good. “If you think this will stop me for good, you’re so wrong. I will be back, stronger, smarter, and I’ll finish what I started!”

Layton chuckled as he looked at the other two, “Who wants to do the honors? Or shall we say it together?”

“Prepare for the moment of utter defeat, Shadow.” Sev cackled. “For you shall bear the brunt of Commander Sev’s doubly aided flame attack, or Hypersight Flame!”

Crawler casted a protective shield upon him, then another, and then a third one to be sure. Yet it did not matter at all. The Flames heated up the first shield and melted it into nothingness, the Hyper Beam blasting through the next one and shattering it into pieces, while the Future Sight sent waves after waves of mental energy which caused the final shield to blow up, giving them an opening for the trio of attacks, which fused together into a massive beam of energy, one Crawler could not survive, not him nor the beast he was riding, which after receiving several beams of energy, finally began trembling, not healing the wounds caused by the explosions that resulted from Unity Tower’s cannon.

And then, the beast exploded, sending dark goo all over the city, which soon began to evaporate into smoke. The shadow Pokemon, freed from their curse, fainted on the spot, too exhausted and confused to keep going, the demons poofed into the air, and everything was calm once again.

Layton, Vincent and Sev found themselves gracefully falling on the ground, victory was theirs.

“You did it...” The Gardevoir greeted them, “You actually defeated him…”

“Not for long. This is the third time he has died. As long as Database and the shadow are one, they will keep respawning.” Layton nodded, “But indeed, we did it.”

“And hopefully, we taught him what not to do,” Vincent said. “Such as, attempt to attack me, mine, or my friends ever again.”

“Yes,” Sev snorted. “Not to attack you, but my soldiers are fair game.” He hissed in agitation. “Layton, I would have thought you would have dealt with this Shadow by now. He’s stronger than last time we met.”

“I’m afraid I’m having a hard time beating him up, he’s almost immortal after all.” Layton chuckled, “But today he suffered a great loss, it should be a while until he tries to attack again.”

“And Shadow Crawler is a proud stallion, he would not dare to attack neither the PLA nor Unity Tower again. So you should all be safe from him.” The Gardevoir said with a soft grin, “But even if he did, he’d still find himself in trouble.”

“We’ll make sure of that.” Steven’s voice came from behind her, followed by the several Pokémon that aided in the battle in one way or another, “This is over, and the damage to the city is rather minimal. Against all odds, we succeeded.”

“One minor thing,” Vincent said as he raised a hand. “Where’s Mary? She’s sort of the reason I got into this.”

Layton ran a scan all over the fallen demon’s corpse, and sent a weakened Flash Cannon which cleared some debri away, revealing the unconscious body of the Ground type, “There she is. I sense vital signs, she’s ok.”

“Thank Xerneas,” Vincent sighed as he reflexively Teleported over to her and gathered her up with his power. “I’ll just make sure myself. Wouldn’t want to take chances.”

“Of course.” Layton nodded, before turning to Steven, “We must clean this place up, and try to return the fallen Pokémon that were under Crawler’s control back to their respective home.”

“Indeed. Let’s go everyone.” Steven nodded as he signaled Tania to go back down.

Yet they would not need to do any cleaning. A loud demonic screech called their attention as they all got into a defensive stance, before portals all over the place began appearing, seemingly sucking the fallen Pokémon towards them.

“HELP! NO, PLEASE, DON’T LET HIM TAKE ME!” Came the voice of the Gardevoir who was not far from them, as a giant four-fingered hand grasped her and tried to drag her down.

“Oh no you fucking don’t,” Vincent said. “Hold onto your lunches! TELEPORT!”

Each and every fallen ‘mon that Vincent could grab a hold of, was teleported from where they lay to somewhere, anywhere that those portals weren’t. He wasn’t going to let Crawler get his army back, and he was still Mega, And so, thanks to him, more than half of the fallen Pokemon made it somewhere safe, yet even with his power, they were still far too many to save them all.

Yet for some reason, the Gardevoir was still being dragged down, the teleport did not work on her as unlike the rest, this Pokémon was far too special for Crawler to simply let go.

“This is getting ridiculous.” Layton grunted as his four claws began shining a strong silver color, “I suggest everyone to back off, and to you Miss, you better teleport as soon as I make contact.”

“Just free me.. please. Don’t let me go back.” She whimpered as half her body was already in the portal. The others did as Layton requested, and then, they simply saw a blur and then a wave of power which pushed them back slightly. The Gardevoir managed to break free and teleport away immediately as soon as the hand let her go due to the pain, and it went back through the hole it came from.

“Th-thank you.” The Fairy gasped for air.

Sev patted her on the back. “You are very welcome. Do not worry about the psychological torment you received. It will always be there in the back of your mind, but it’s a great motivator for being better than you are now. It’s a running theme in my army.” He held out a badge and gave her a sincere smile. “If you need someplace to go, the PLA is always open, or you can mooch off Vincent.”

“Hey, I would help her find something productive to do,” Vincent riposted. “She wouldn’t have to mooch forever. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t afford it anyways.”

The Gardevoir giggled softly before doing a reverence to Sev, “Thank you kindly, but I already made my decision to stay with Mister Nurem. But you will forever be in my mind as the first one who made me feel amused, so once again, thank you.”

“I’m pretty sure that if someone can help you, it’s Vincent.” Steven chuckled, as Titania descended next to him with the Jade Orb in her claws, “Well, I’m sure you’ve enjoyed yourself and your Mega forms, yet this Orb has limited power, and I may need it again. So Layton, if you may.”

The Metagross nodded and focused on the orb, as his energy began leaving his body and disappearing into nothingness, the same with Vincent and the other Megas in the area, who all turned once again into their normal selves. “Completed.”

Vincent winced and held a hand up to his head, focusing his power for a moment before sighing. “Okay, that’s...jarring. I went from running free and clear on more power than I’d had in a while to having to actively block out the voices again. And for a moment...yeesh.”

“You heard it all again?” Lucy asked as she walked up next to him.

“Basically, yeah,” the Alakazam agreed.

“Aww, my claws were awesome,” Sam whined. “Ah well. I suppose you’ll be wanting this back?” He held up the Scizorite as if to pass it back to Steven.

Steven thought for a few seconds before taking the stone and taking a good look at it, “I will most likely need this one in the future… yet... “ He tossed it to Titania, who grabbed it with her beak, “You can keep the other two. It seems like you enjoyed being Mega.”

“Fuck yes I did!” Christine cheered as she showed off the fact that she’d mega-evolved during the fight. “My ability is awesome now!”

“It seems like my prediction was right. Now you see why I requested for a Garchompite, Steven?” Layton said coldly, earning a chuckle from the Scizor, “Congratulations, Miss.”

Sev’s tongue flickered out. “Christine, where is that fool Scep? And where are the soldiers I posted to guard you and him?”

“I sent ‘em to guard you,” the Landshark shrugged. “You’re a bit more important than me. And it’s not like I need ‘em anymore anyways. Look!” With that, she fired off a small Flamethrower at the street, her skin flashing red as she did. Then she pulled off a Dragon Claw, which caused her body to flash purple. “Boo-fucking-ya! My useless ability has become seven kinds of kickass now!”

“Incredible…” Steven said in awe, “Is that Protean… on a Garchomp?”

“I can feel Terra’s jealousy from here,” Titania giggled as she recalled Cynthia’s Garchomp.

“And you can all see why I made her a general,” Sev grinned with pride. “We shall have much success with you in our fold and I see great things for them in the future. Truly, you are a mother to be feared. Well, any mother is to be feared, but that’s something else entirely.”

“Well,” Vincent said. “This is certainly an...interesting development.”

“Terrifying is more like it,” Sam said. “Especially if her kids are anything like her.”

“Oh, just be happy for her,” Lucy said as she walked up and gave Christine a hug. “I know I am.”

“And I’m back with the groceries,” Scep cheerfully called out as he pushed a large cart that had a few jewels jingling out of the bags. “And I swear, most of it was obtained legally this time dudette...Oh hey Commander Sev,” he gave him a lazy salute. “What are you guys doing out here? Seems like you’ve had quite the party without me.” He pouted.

Christine just waited for him to notice…

“Oh you went Mega,” Scep stared at her for a moment, before his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. “Should I quiver in fear or kiss you?”

“Tell me after you see this,” the Garchomp said as she showed off for Scep, firing a small Flamethrower at the ground as her skin changed color at the same time.

Pockets got closer to him and simply whispered, “I think a mixture of love and fear is appropriate, don’t make her mad, champ.”

“That’s basically the name of the game,” Scep shrugged. “I’ve survived this long, haven’t I? What’s one sexy evolution going to change…..except make her sexier?”

The Landshark blushed before hooking one fin around her mate and drawing him in for a kiss. Scep grinned and pulled her closer. Of course, he also unashamedly dropped one hand to her bottom...which was a bit bigger than before mind you.

“Mmm,” she murred once the kiss broke. “Somebody’s angling for some fun in the bed.”

“Well then. It looks like we all got a happy ending after all.” Pockets chuckled before a loud scream hurt her ears, “Or not..”

“YOU DID WHAT!?” Came the Jolteon’s voice from afar. One broken window later, and the sounds of thunders followed behind Frederick, who with a face of sheer panic bounced on everyone’s heads as he tried to get as far away as possible from his angry girlfriend, before being caught in a magical grip by Pockets.

“What did you do?” She sighed with a raised eyebrow.

“May or may not have gotten way too drunk, scammed several casinos, fled the police, and… fucked four different Sylveon at the same time…” Was the answer.

“I don’t know how you’re not single yet…” The unicorn sighed, “Vincent, mind teleporting him back to his lovely girlfriend so they can have some… talking?”

“Not a problem,” Vincent said as one hand glowed blue...before nothing happened. “Whoops. Guess I used up a lot of my Teleport power a few minutes ago…”

“Well then… guess I’m gonna have to escort him there before the Jolteon destroys the entire building we’ve spent the whole day protecting. C’ya guys later.” The unicorn grumbled.

“And I must return to check on some business back in Tall Tale before coming back here for the wedding… unless it postpones, time will tell.” Steven sighed as well, “It has been an honor, Vincent Nurem. You’re a formidable and respectable ‘mon”

“As are you,” the Alakazam replied with a bow. “Take care on your journey.”

Tania did a reverence and grabbed Steven in her claws, “Next stop, Tall Tale.”

“I shall speak with the authorities in regard to Fredericks’ actions. See you at a later time, Vincent Nurem.” Layton nodded before taking off.

“And thus our story comes to a close,” Sev nodded, before glaring at Scep. “Scep, you missed out on the action! Why must your timing be bad?”

“I was getting groceries,” Scep said, pulling out a golden necklace. “Like this one. I thought Christine would look good in this, but...she’s kind of a bit too big for it. Not that I’m complaining. More to love and all that. ‘Sides, ain’t no one hurting our kids with her around.”

“You can get me a better one tomorrow,” the Landshark said before pulling him into a hug. “Besides, I just Mega-Evolved. Do you know what that means?”

“That I need to steal bigger clothes?” Scep sincerely asked. Christine bent down to whisper something in his ear. He turned bright red and stuttered, “O-oh yeah,” he gulped.

“Come on, hurry up,” Christine said. “The sooner you get those things upstairs and put away, the sooner you can help me~” And with that, she had all but disappeared, dashing inside the tower.

Like a bolt, he took off into the building and threw the cart into its place. “You guys get it, see you later, bye!” He dashed upstairs.

“Ah love,” Sev chuckled. “I remember when I was young and lively, taking Umbra whenever I want and now I have the sads.” He frowned. “I shall have to destroy them later, possibly with mushy sitcoms or teleporting to Umbra.”

Christine landed on the bed, bouncing a few times before she finally stopped, waiting to see how long her mate would take to join her. Of course, it didn’t take long for Scep to get there as well. The Sceptile panted as he leaned on the door. “Why are there so many stairs?”

“I practically flew up them,” the Garchomp said. “Oooh, that’s another thing I’m going to have to learn from a fellow ‘chomp. But I rather think I would enjoy a more...personal lesson from my mate first.”

“And I’m not tired anymore,” Scep straightened up, his tail doing so with a cartoonish ‘poing’. “Though I don’t think we’ll have a bed after this, really….or a room. The whole ‘final’ evolution thing gets a bit crazy for a while, trust me.”

“Then you better do your best to restrain me,” the Garchomp said. “Make sure that we still have a room to sleep in afterwards. I’m pretty sure you’d have to do a lot of stealing to afford rebuilding an entire room. I can deal with not having a bed, we’ll just put the mattress on the floor.”

“I don’t care,” Scep growled. “I’ll get another one.” With that, he pounced on top of her. She drew him in close with her arm-fins and kissed him, just holding him there for a moment. Scep hooked his arms around her waist, which wasn’t as easy as before but still pretty doable. Not that he was complaining, since her waist felt just as amazing. His tongue teased its way into her own. For a time, the two just lay there, basking in each other’s warmth. Eventually, the kiss broke, and Christine said two very simple words.

“Do it.”

Scep grinned and nuzzled her snout. “Don’t have to tell me twice,” he unhooked his arms, moving them lower to grasp her waist. He kneaded them for a while, savoring the feel of her bigger bottom. “I’m never going to get tired of this.”

“Hopefully not,” the Garchomp said. “After we raise these two, if you do a good enough job, I might just let you make some more.”

“I was talking more of the big bottom, but that’s good to know.” Scep chuckled. Letting himself relax, he maneuvered the tip of his tail to tease her opening, parting it and gently playing with the folds. She moaned a little, before looking up at him and growling.

“Quit teasing already,” she said. “I wanna feel it.”

Scep rolled his eyes. “Sheesh, and mon call me hasty.” He gave her a kiss as his member quickly unsheathed itself. He couldn’t help but feel anxious with her new form, but also so exhilarated. He held it in position and his member gently rubbed her own sex, before he started to delve into her.

Christine loved how it fit perfectly now, rather than how it had before, where she nearly couldn’t take it. Her fins instinctively reached up to grab around his hips and she tried to force him to push into her faster.

Scep yelped as he felt her strength. He couldn’t exactly tease her like before now when he had a ‘level’ advantage of sorts, but he didn’t mind. He gripped her waist tighter and with one thrust, buried himself deep into her.

The Garchomp moaned and held him there for a moment, before she realized what she was doing and slowly unhooked her fins from around him. If he was on top, then he was supposed to be in control. She’d let him set the pace for now...but if he didn’t do her hard enough, she’d go back to pulling him in.

Scep wanted to keep going at that moment. He wanted to pound her so badly, but he needed a second. She wasn’t as constricting as before. He always had to hold himself back a bit in case he hurt her, but that wasn’t the case anymore. She fit him like a glove and it felt oh so good. He wanted to savor this for a moment, but then again, he knew she’d get impatient. So he pulled back and struck home again.

Christine moaned, loving the way he filled her now. “Yesss…” she hissed out. “That feels so good now…” She was having to fight her instincts on turning the tables on him. Round two, she promised herself.

Scep wasted no time. He definitely was going to savor this night, whether he went slowly or not. So he started with timed great thrusts and slow drawbacks. He honestly found it hard to leave her. Those walls caressed him so finely that it was like a little bit of heaven. Still, he gave it back as hard as he could.

Eventually, though, Christine couldn’t help herself, and moaned out a few words. “Harder, faster,” she said between pants. “More. I need it.”

Scep leaned closer to her. “You asked for it,” and so he doubled the speed, pounding her a bit faster each few intervals. She let out a deep, throaty moan and fell back into just enjoying the moment. It was so good, getting fucked like this.

He felt free now that he didn’t have to hold back for her. A thief wasn’t all that great a person when it came to giving, but he wanted to change that. He gave her his all, going faster and harder as he could without using his special abilities. He gave, but he was going to also plunder these depths like no tomorrow.

Christine let out another moan as she tried to hook her legs around his waist, so that she had something to hold onto. He helped her, moving his hands along her slender legs. Getting a firmer grip and lifting her a tad, he started to thrust deeper into her snatch, massaging her walls.

The Garchomp could do nothing but hold on for the ride at this point, and she liked it this way. If he kept it up, then it felt like in the next few minutes...or maybe even moments

Scep’s breath grew more rapid as he kept at the pace. The way she clutched around his shaft felt so alien, yet familiar was driving him wild. He wanted more and he kept trying to go deeper and faster into her. He didn’t want to leave her perfect hole, so he kept trying to enter her as quickly as he could.

And that was about when he felt those walls clamp down around him and start trying to milk him of his seed, as Christine came with a loud roar. Scep hissed in pleasure as he felt her cum, squeezing him with all her might. He could feel himself on the edge and he thought of pulling out. Her legs hooked around him weren’t going to let him though and he didn’t care. So he kissed her, touching his chest to hers as he tumbled over the edge and came harder than he had ever before.

“Fuuuuuck,” Christine said as she felt him fill her. “You...are just lucky I’m not in season right now...I’m barely dealing with the thought of two little hatchlings to raise. I don’t think I could handle the idea of more.”

Scep huffed. “Tell that to your bone-crushing legs. I couldn’t pull out if I wanted to, dudette. Remember, you’re stronger than you were a few hours ago.”

“Mmm, bigger and fuller too,” she said as one claw patted her abdomen. “So why don’t we rest for a minute before we keep getting me...acquainted with my new body’s strength?”

Scep chuckled and nuzzled her lovingly. “Whatever you say, dudette. Whatever you say.”

Frederick woke up with a groan as the light of the sun covered him lovingly, a sign that this was going to be a bad day for him. He looked to his left and noticed that his mate was not there, this was definitely going to be a bad day. He then looked around and… found no one.

“Did they abandon me here or something? What the heck!?”

He bounced off the bed and shook his body, washed his face without much effort and proceeded to simply think on what to do. Why did they leave him like that? Where could they possibly be? He went towards his bags to try and find his favorite ball to play with, there was no one there so none could watch him, he was free to have some fun. He opened the bag and found the small white ball, with a note sticked to it.

“I’ll be getting ready all day long. Don’t forget to pick up your suit and be at the casino at least an hour before the event. If you dare to leave me hanging I’m cutting your balls off and leaving you forever… well she’s mad. What does she even mean with this? Why do I need a su-” Frederick remained silent, before facepawing and rushing to the door, how could he forget?

This was the day he’d get married.

The day, as he predicted, went horribly. There were far too many ponies in the streets for his liking, the suit was not ready in time for some reason (so he had to force them to finish them and leave the other customers hanging), and he still had to check on the hotel to see that they had everything ready for the reception.

So when he rushed into the hotel with a messy suit, a bunch of boxes, and a sweaty forehead, he was so relieved to find Pockets talking with the manager, a list in hand, who noticed the Fairy as he came in.

“Dude, where the heck have you been? You were supposed to be here like an hour ago!” The unicorn rolled her eyes.

“Shush, tell me everything’s ready.”

Pockets nodded, and the Sylveon took off, disappearing once again into the crowds. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

And so, he kept doing wedding stuff, stuff he should have done days ago, stuff he somehow managed to pull off, fix, and force others to fix. So when he went back to Unity Tower as a complete mess, he simply landed on the lobby’s floor defeated.

Lucy had been sitting there, meditating, and looked up at the Fairy type all but collapsing. As was a reflex by now, she simply unleashed a Heal Pulse. Questions could come later.

“Whoever did that just now, I could kiss you.” He grunted without lifting his face from the floor, “Please do it again, I think my brain is still molten.”

“Of course,” Lucy replied as she let loose with another one. “Feeling better now?”

“Yeah…” He answered as he got back up, shaking his body before sitting on his butt and closing his eyes to sigh, “Do you know of any place where I could safely hide from an angry bride for like, an eternity or so?”

“You could simply try here, but I believe Vincent would turn you over the moment she came looking for you,” the Lucario said.

“Damn snitches…” He chuckled, before groaning as he remembered the situation he was in, “Question, you are about to get married, and you have two options. A, run away into the desert and change your name to Federico Garcia, or B, accept it and be locked into one ‘mon for the rest of your life, what do you do?”

That was about when a small Abra teleported onto Lucy’s head, before a Riolu came running down the stairs and jumping into her arms. As the children hugged their mother, Lucy looked at Frederick and stated, quite simply, “You are asking the wrong question. The correct question is, is this worth the risk? To which I would reply, yes, a thousand times over.”

Frederick would have just ignored her by giving her a generic answer, like he did with any other wise ‘mon trying to advise him. Yet… he didn’t. He was genuinely interested in what the Lucario had to say, “But who’s to say things won’t just go downhill? I mean, I’m a huge idiot, and quite possibly the worse ‘mon in existence. Who’s to say I won’t… mess it up?” He said as he changed those last words in order to keep the children away from his ‘colorful’ vocabulary.

“Vincent asks himself that question every day, as do I,” Lucy said. “The answer is, the only thing stopping your life from turning out horrible, is you actively doing something about it. If you lay about and let terrible things happen, then yes, your life will go terribly. But if you try hard enough, then you will find that there are things in life worth fighting for. And then you will actually fight for them. And I know you are not a terrible ‘mon. After all, you’re here. That’s proof enough.”

Frederick remained silent for a few seconds, as he realized that she was right. He loved Alexia, and she loved him as well, even with all his imperfections, she did. And this would be the proof of that, of their unbreakable bond, of what they had become. “Were you always this wise? Or is that a thing you get when you become a mom? Do us males get one too when we have children or is it gender exclusive?” He chuckled as he cleaned the dust off from his suit.

“It’s partially what I learned when I went to train in what makes a Lucario a Lucario, and mostly my own musings when I meditate,” the female said. “I’m sure if you had time to think deeply about the things that matter to you, truly matter to you, you would come up with something just as wise.”

“Yeah… you don’t know me well enough.” He smirked, “Well then, gotta get going. I’m getting married in about two hours and I look like a hobo who spent all his life losing at a casino. Thanks for the talk stranger Lucario mom, see ya around.”

“Take care,” Lucy said. “And remember that bad times, are just times that are bad.”

The room was bursting with chats as they all got ready for the main event. Friends and family of both Alexia and Frederick awaited for the main event, while Frederick simply tapped the ground in anxiety.

“Do I still look good? Tell me I still look good. No, be honest, if I look like shit tell me.” He asked his best man, or well, the closest thing to a friend he could find in an afternoon.

Layton turned to him with his somehow perfectly fitting suit, and nodded. He had no idea why he agreed to this, but he did.

“Where the heck is she? If she doesn’t come here soon I’ll vomit the drinks from a couple of days ago.” The fairy grunted as he checked on the clock. Yet his question was answered, when the crowd went silent and the Tentacruel began playing the piano, announcing the arrival of the Jolteon.

Frederick’s jaw dropped.

She was wearing a long white dress with no head piece, yet the dress alone was simply stunning. It was the perfect mix between gorgeous and sexy, with a shape that defined her curves, and details that simply showed the dedication whoever made the dress put into it. A soft yellow aura was left behind as she slowly walked to the altar, reaching it in a matter of minutes. And so, with a wide grin, both eeveelutions looked at their priest… or rather the one guy they could find in an hour who could marry them, due to the fact that the priest had a serious case of the flu.

“We are gathered here today to ponder one of the greatest questions of our lifetime,” Sev started. “For we have here, two souls bound by an invisible lifeline. A woman with a sound mind and that asshole character you always want to punch in the face. How this came about I don’t know and I don’t care. In fact, I’m trying to give a damn at this very moment, but Alexia reminds me a bit of my own daughter, so I know she’ll make something work.”

“Just go to the point.” Frederick deadpanned.

“Please?” Alexia smiled, “We’d appreciate it.”

“The magic word always wins me over,” Sev chuckled. “Very well, Alexia. Do you take this being who I hesitate to call a mon, your husband?”

“Yes, as much as the sane part of my brain tells me not to, my heart tells me that I do.” She smiled at the Fairy.

“Do you take this woman who is far and beyond your league?” Sev eyed Frederick with a harsh glare. “To have and to hold and to never cheat or hurt her?”

And at that point, Frederick wanted to run away. Simply leave everything behind and live for his own sake like he alway did. Escape responsibility, be the free ‘mon he was so used to be, do anything, anywhere, with anyone. He knew Sev was right, she was out of his league, she deserved so much better, yet still she chose him...

“I do.” He simply said. Just as the Lucario said, it would be worth it, “This little piece of shit does.”

“Then you are now mates for life,” Sev said. “You may now kiss.”

Some said that on that day, that the Sylveon’s small heart grew three sizes. The truth is, that is dumb, he’d be dead if that was true. But what did happen, was that the Sylveon grabbed Alexia in his ribbons and pulled her in for a deep, passionate kiss, as the spectators clapped and cheered for the couple. Both Alexia and Frederick’s eyes watered, and they nuzzled each other lovingly, before turning to the crowd and raising their paws together. “Question, when did Sev get the right to marry ‘mons?”

“Don’t question it, just smile and wave.” Alexia chuckled, “If you behave well enough, tonight you’ll get a small little treat.”

“You just rented a saint.” He immediately replied. Perhaps that day was not going to be as bad as he thought it would.

And all night long, they all celebrated. Surprisingly enough, the party was not that crazy, with just a couple of expected shenanigans occurring between Frederick and his uncle, between other things.

And that night, both were thankful that Vincent managed to get them a soundproof room. Now they were married, meaning they could get into the more kinky stuff without worries. And that is how Frederick found happiness, even if he did not want to admit it. He had found something, or rather someone to live for, to keep going. But he still would keep being an asshole, at this point, it was just fun.

The End.

The calmness of the night was interrupted by grunting and struggling, and it was not coming from the recently married couple’s room, but rather from the room of the newcomer to Unity Tower.

“No… get away. Stop it!”

The Gardevoir kicked the air, and whimpered, as she found herself running away from the disfigured figure of Shadow Crawler. She tried to attack, but failed, she tried to run, but he was catching up. It was just a matter of time, before he reached her. Darkness surrounded her as the smoke entered her eyes and mouth, causing her mind to shiver and her consciousness to fade away.

“Help… Vincent…”

Then there was light, pure and blinding as the Alakazam stood between her and the darkness. “You are not welcome here,” he said simply.

Revenge…” The shadow whispered, before launching itself towards Vincent, trying to devour him with his fanged mouth. Vincent merely held up a hand and a glowing blue wall separated him from the creature.

“Go back to the shadows from whence you came,” the psychic said. “So long as I guard her mind, you shall not have her.

The shadows hissed, before disappearing into nothingness. And with that, the Gardevoir woke up, panting for air and rapidly standing up to clear her mind. “Thank you.. Vincent.”

You’re welcome,” she heard. “Tomorrow, join me for meditation practice. I shall instruct you like my mentors instructed me. With time and effort, you shall be able to hold the darkness at bay on your own.

“Understood…” She replied, before sitting on her bed, and closing her eyes, using a Calm Mind just like she had seen Vincent do before, to relax, and regain sleep.

Yet when she lay on the bed, she spotted a small drip of dark goo in her hand, terrified, she teleported it away, not wanting to see that thing ever again.

It was getting worse, the dark magic inside her was materializing. She only hoped that Vincent would be able to help her… because otherwise, she would find a lot of blood in her hands, and the Nurem family just seemed too nice…

“No, no dark thoughts. I must be strong, be like them, strong.” She said to herself softly yet full of confidence, before closing her eyes.