
by fluttershyorpinkiepie

First published

This story is about fluttershy and pinkie's mystery

One day fluttershy gets mad about nothing and and try to make her friends feel bad too, so she gets depressed for no reason "and starts to go in for the kill" . But little did Fluttershy know that some pony was onto her and that some pony who notices it is Pinkie Pie !, will pinkie pie try to stop her before it's too late ? Or will it already be too late and will all of her friends start to get there feelings hurt , will pinkie try to figure it out .... or will she get her feelings hurt too? (Read at your own risk ! Im warning u) dont judge me its my first story and its hard to write long chaps. And im way smaller than u guys. Plus im realy sensitive... REVISING IN PROGRESS !!!! Some of the other charachters will come on later in the story :)

The picnic

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Chapter 1: The picnic

Hope you guys enjoy now all charachters are owned by Hasbro and Lauren Fraust
Now go on and read :) please comment and reveiw ! :)

It was a beautiful day in ponyville all the birds were singing , and all the pegasi were relaxing . But one pegasus that was not relaxing was Fluttershy, she was too busy feeding all her animals . When fluttershy was finished feeding all of her animals all of fluttershy's friends came to tell her too come and enjoy a picnic that they were going to have . Fluttershy replied ,"okay". And off they went . They all had a great time at the picnic they laughed and played.

Then , after the picnic almost ended and rarity started to put all the trays away Rarity said " Fluttershy darling you wouldn't mind if I asked that if you could come and model some dresses for me at my boutiqe later this evening?"

Fluttershy thought and then said " okay , I mean if it makes you happy ,but it won't be like the last time with photo finish ...right ? " Fluttershy said remembering all those pony eyes starring at her ,she was so afraid that day that she only had the courage to it for her friend because she said that she must do it for her and for herself but it was all over thanks to them both admitting there secrets .

They were both thinking for a while at that memory but then rarity snapped back to reality and said, "No darling it won't be like that again ,i promise"hope to see you later in my boutique, thank you thank you thank you sooo much you don't know how much this means to me !" Then suddently pinkie pie appeared out of no where and she said with her mouth half full of apples ,"Do you pinkie pie swear !" Before rarity could reply she was gone . Rainbow said "that was random.." . Rarity then said ," yes i pinkie pie swear , cross my heart, hope to fly and stick a cupcake in my eye ". Fluttershy then replied ,"okay...if it means that much for me to come over ... Then i'll be there." Rarity couldn't help but squee loudly and then hugged her flying friend into a bone crushing hug that fluttershy was starting to get purple because she was choking for air then rarity realized what she was doing and stopped hugging her friend but then started to blush a deep shade of red them she said ," I apologize darling i guess i may have gone way too far , it's just that im so exited about this !...you know thats very un lady like thing to do you know? Well thanks anyway,see you later...take care bye"

Fluttershy was too busy thinking too find out what they were talking about . She was thinking about what she would do ...

Plese leave comments !!!!!! until this monday i will write more . Can you guys give me more ideas ?


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Chapter 2: Fluttershy

]Later afternoon fluttershy came to rarity's boutiqe and went to to look for rarity inside and she was there .

"Hello rarity im here" said fluttershy.

"so glad you made it darling now take a seat while i get the dresses , okay ?!" said rarity.

"okay just hurry,"said fluttershy. But she only said that because she was very afraid about being alone, by herself.

Then rarity later returned with a pile of dresses and she said",now go put on those dresses i got for you, and when you finish changing come and tell me so that I can see you wearing them ."

"okay..." fluttershy squeeked

Some minutes later fluttershy came out wearing an exraordanary gown dazzeled with only the finest saphire rubies and dimonds fit for a princess , it also came with glass slippers made for a pony , oviously. It also had a pretty small crafted butterfly clip for her main /hair , the gown was the color of sky blue and it was also very glittery and it sparkled in the light .

"wow fluttershy you look absoluely dazzeling in that gown !" said raity

Fluttershy started to blush a light shade of pink

"now you can take it off so that I can put them away in a box to send to canterlot for my new collection of fancy dresses !" said rarity.

2 hours later fluttershy still had 15 more dresses to wear but rarity didnt let her leave so she modeled all the other dresses and that took for about another 3 and a half hours then the worst part came ...

"fluttershy darling can you also come tomorrow for the canterlot royal desingers too see you in those gowns ?" said rarity . " well rarity i dont know if i can i have to take care of all of my animals and that takes almost a whole day ..." said fluttershy . " to bad fluttershy because this is more importaint than al those animals dont you care about me ?!" said rarity . "but-" " No butts fluttershy tommorow and that is final !!" said raity "okayy..." fluttershy said . Reveiw and leave comments if you like this story please help me ancomment up or down :) !!!!!!! Thank you and see you next time

Fluttercry part 2

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Chapter3: fluttercry part 2

Flutter shy came to raritys “ house” to tell her that she couldent come because her animals needed to be attended to and cared for . So flutter shy told rarity and she got mad and stated to curse at fluttershy insults . And fluttershy ran home and started to cry near the river and looked at herselfs reflection and saw that she was worthless but decides no more being the pushover pony that she was . That time she reflected upon herself she also realized that all of her friends took atvantage of her but no more she was not going to be a pushover or door mat ever again. That same time she saw a fly droning in the river but she couldent catch it and fluttershy saw it drowning just like she was going to drow if she kept on getting bossed around.

She realized that she also wanted to get revenge on all of her friend at no whatsever cost it took to get her revenge she would track them down . She /Fluttershy was depressed . She developed the desire to kill . The ones she used to love .

But first she was going to start with rarity because of all the things she said and then rainbow , apple jack And maybe twighlight or pinkie pie if they got in her way too ...

Raritys Nightmare

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Chapter4: Rarity's. Nightmare

Rarity thought * oh i shouldnt have said that to poor fluttershy , but she did deserve it necause she ssid that she would come butt no she had to come tell me no and ruin it all up !* ( end of thoughts). fing the doors bell went but rarity saw no pony in sight then she stated to hear hoof cloppings coming closer and closed... Rarity turned around and saw fluttershys manic face. Rarity said " are you here to apologize !" . " No im here for something called revenge" said fluttershy.

"wh-what are you going to do to me ---- ?!" said a frightened rarity .

" oh i dunno maybe make a dress!, wanna help me with it !" said a phycho fluttershy

"no i refuse !!! You brute !!" said rarity

"Fine you wanna do this the hard way then the hard way it is ! Muahhhhaha!!!!" yelled fluttershy.

Fluttershy got some sewing materials and peirced them into rarity's marshmallow coat skinn. The blood started dripping down Rarities legs then shy got out an peeler and started to peel of rarity's skin abd her raw muscle apeared and rarity started to cry in pain and then fluttershy cut rarity's main off and made it into a wig " AHHHHHHH stop make it stop ill do any thing to make it stop please make it stop !!!!!!!!!!!!" said a scared rarity in pain. "Oh no the fun has just begun ", said fluttershy. Then shy took rarity's cutie mark with a knife . " And if you say some thing about me doing this to you it will go even worse or ill kill you and pop your eyes out , You GOT it!!!!!!" said a crazed fluttershy. " ye-yes flu-fluttersh-shy " said a terrified rarity watching in horror as her cutie mark lay on the ground. " good pony , now apologize for all the bad stuff you said to me you faggot !!" said fluttershy . "okay im soo-sorry flutter-shy" said rarity sobbiing on the floor endlessly . "Okay by rarity see you later and oh i almost forgot i forgive you now bye!" she said in a cheery face as if nothing happened.

Hope you guys comment and give feed back

Pinkie Pie

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Chapter 5: Pinkie Pie

It was a sunny day all the ponies were talking and all obiously working . Especialy Pinkie pie she had to fill in many orders today , it was a very busy day . Pinkie pie came with a fresh batch of cookies and cup cakes thee cup cakes had strawberry frosting on top and the cookies had chocolate chips and marshmallows . They treats smelled great and all the pony's came and gave her bits she was just about to finish her last order "That will be 2 bits please , have a good day !" said pinkie . Then all of a sudden her tail started to twich violently and she started to shake and she had the feeling that some thing was wrong because her pinkie sense told her that there was danger so pinkie tod Mr and Mrs Cake that she had to go very urgently some where and they said yes and pinkie smiled and said," thanks i knew you guys would understand , bye gotta go !" Mrs. Cake said ," be careful pinkie dont be too long ". "Okie dokie lokie !" pinkie said and started to run off to rarity's boutuiqe and see if she eas okay she thought What if some thing bad did happen to rarity ! then she started to panik and ran faster and faster till she was there and went closer and closer she heard some pony sobbing ! Then pinkie said," Oh no i hope nothing bad happened to Rarity!" Then she opened the door and followed the weeping of Rarity and saw her covered in blankets .

Then, pinkie came and took the blanket off rarity and saw something that she didn't expectand did not want to see and pinkie screamed in horror and said"rara-rarity isss tthat youu?!" Then rarity said " Dont look at me i look horrible!!!" . " Who did this to you rarity !" " i cccant tell you " said rarity . Come on pinkie you gotta make rarity spill the beans! ",I pinkie swear i wont tell any pony !" said pinkie pie . "pinkie pie go away .. just leave me alone ... Im sorry but i cant tell you about this , Now go awwwayy !" rarity said . "B-butt i, okay ill leave.. I hope you get better soon ...!" pinkie pie said while trying to leave . After she closed the door rarity started to cry again . The scene was horrifying with lots of blood she wondered what happened to raity . And then she heard rarity screaming and crying and pinkie thought that she had enough of this and that shw would try to finf ouut what happened to rarity no matter what happens . She thought ill find this pony criminal no matter what ill try to stop that pony , pinkie pie style !! . And the more pinkie thought about rarity the more pinkie pie got depressed .

After, pinkies hair went from poofy to straight and depressed . "im going to find out soon ... What a minute since when did i start thinking so much ?" she thought " Oh well , soon enough " pinkie said sadly . She started to walk bery slwly because she was thinking about rarity . When she got home she started to plan something , the next morning she was going to tell allof her friends . She decideded that she was going to get revenge

Aouthors note: i had to write this all over again because i realized that i wrote it in the comments section , i hope that this was a better chapter than the others sorry if this was too short , please comment and reveie :) , :( thank you :)