• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 679 Views, 7 Comments

The adventures of Dread Wing the Kirin - Vediccio

Dread Wing is an curious creature, being half dragon, half pony, he embarks on an journey to explore the world, but he will soon change his opinion after hearing the stories of an old adventurer...

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Chapter 1; The unexpected Companion

It has gone one day since I left Marelin in a hurry, and I’ve yet to escape Germaney. I don’t know why, but I have this feeling that the mayor of Marelin is hunting me, maybe because I’ve hurt his feelings to much or maybe something else. I’m soon out of Germaney anyway, and then my real adventure can begin, if it hasn’t already.
I stopped in a clearing in the forest, because I’m avoiding the main roads, and I unpacked my bedroll and prepared a fire. When I got the fire started I heard a crack, like something stepped on an branch, and I froze.

“Who’s there!” I asked out loud, still not moving. Fearing for my life, I should shake, but I am a Half-Dragon, and my father would discipline severely me if he ever found out that I trembled like some newborn whelp. “Not” fearing for my life, I entered some sort of combat position that I read about in some book at the university. When something emerged from the bushes I was pretty prepared to leap out on the emerging thing, but instead I lowered my guard, lifted my brows and tried to get a reading of what just happened.

From the bushes a filly emerged, teenage i would guess, bruised and trembling. I could do nothing but act on my instincts, and that was to quickly catch the falling wounded filly and put her by the fire, wrapping a blanket around her.
I was quite inexperienced with treating wounds, but it seemed that these could easily be treated with magic. The filly was sleeping at the moment, and so I cast a simple healing spell. After healing the bruises, and making sure that the filly was being comfortable, I went to sleep with the thought "Where did she come from, and who gave her these bruises?".

It hurts. Well, it did hurt, but not anymore. Now it just feels sour. I think my wing took some damage, but I have no idea of how it all happened. It’s warm now, and not cold like last night. Since it’s so bright I guess that it’s morning. And… why am I wrapped in a blanket? Why is there a campfire in front of me? What happened last night? I hear heavy wing beats above me, and I looked up. My blood froze. What in Celestia’s name is that thing up there? My mind soon became clear. Whatever it that thing was, its intent was simple; it wants to eat me! I mean, c’mon! The campfire? The blanket! It was warming me up so that I wouldn’t be cold when it started feasting on my carcass! Oh no, its coming down. IM GOING TO DIE!

I wonder why that filly is panicking for? Maybe I scared her? Anyhow, I’ve got to calm her down somehow. I wonder if she likes chocolate.

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She’s starting to sweat now, and her eyes are widening. Am I really that frightening? I have to calm her down somehow…


I touched down beside her. “Do you like chocolate?” I said while trying to keep a smile.
She fainted.

What the buck was THAT!? What in the holy name of Celestia was THAT!? I thought that it was going to eat me, and then it politely asked me if I liked chocolate!? Am I dreaming? And if I am, im going to be as angry as I can possibly be! I’m waking up now, and when I do I’m going to lie in my bed at my house and realize that it was all just a horribly made nightmare. It was not. I Screamed.

My ears are hurting. The pain is beginning to become unbearable! Finally putting my hand on her mouth to silence her, my ears are much relieved. “Why did you scream? And most of all, why did you panic?” I asked her as gentle as I could, removing my hoof from her mouth.

“I thought that you were going to eat me!” she answered sobbingly.

“Really?” I asked her, “why in Celestias name did you think that?”

“Because it all made sense at the moment!” she shouted, ”Wrapped in a blanket, put beside a campfire? It all pointed out that you wanted me to be warm when you started eating!”

“That explains why you fainted when I asked if you liked chocolate,” I murmured, “well?”

“Well what?” she asked surprised.

“Do you like chocolate?” I asked her

“Well duh, what pony doesn’t?” she said, as if it was a fact that everypony liked chocolate.

“The ones that’s allergic”, I answered factly.

“Well, that’s sad for them” she answered back.

I brought out the chocolate from my snack bag and gave it to her, and the results were more satisfactory. It looked like she hasn’t had chocolate in a long time. You could say that she had a snackgasm. If you can’t figure out what that means, it means that she liked it. Very, very much.
While she was enjoying the snack, I started packing the stuff into my cart again. I really have to create a pocket dimension where I can stash the cart, so that I don’t have to drive it around all the time. “Note to self; Create pocket dimension” I murmured to myself while attaching the cart onto myself.

“What’s a pocket diemention?” the young filly of whom I have yet to ask the name of asked.

“A pocket “Dimension” is an alternate reality that you create to store different things”, I lectured her, “but it’s all just an theory

right now, but it should be possible to create one if given enough focus and enough magical power.”
“Sounds cool to me,” the young filly said, still snacking on the chocolate. “And why do you talk so funny?” she asked me.

“Funny?” I asked, “I don’t talk funny.”

“Yeah, you do!” she claimed, laughing.

“Well, if it keeps you from screaming and fainting, I guess that it’s okay for you to think that I talk funny” I said calmly to her.

“By the way, what’s your name? I refuse to believe that you have forgotten your name” I finally asked her.

“Daisy”, Daisy said, “and yours?”

“Dread Wing,” I answered her, “and what brought you all the way out here, I wonder? And you were pretty beat up.”

“I…” Daisy tried to remember, “I don’t know.”

“Well, that’s a shame, it would be pretty helpful to know of what caused your bruises”, I said, disappointed that he could not
hunt down the ones responsible for hurting a foal, “Do you remember where your family lives?

“Yes, but only vaguely”, Daisy said, trying to get a read of where she was now.

“Would it be easier if we went to the main road?” I asked her.

“I think so” Daisy replied.
With that, we went out of the forest to locate the main road, which sounds easier than it really was. Summarized; We were lost.
Since I’ve avoided the main road for the time I’ve travelled here, I have lost track of where the road is. And Daisy’s awful local sense isn’t making it any better. A Right turn there, a left turn there and a lot of “ehm”s and “um”s at each turn.

“I think that we are lost” I stated when we reached the clearing that we started from.

“No, we’re not” Daisy replied, “we’re just…” she bit her lips. “I ADMIT DEFEAT!” she cried out, “we’re totally lost, and it’s all my fault!” she continued to cry. Lying on the ground crying rivers of tears, I couldn’t resist kneeling down and hugging her and trying to comfort her.

“It’s all my fault” she sobbed, still crying a little.

“It’s not all your fault” I tried to reassure her, “You did what you could, and there is nopony that can blame you for trying.” I
told her, using a rather motherly tone.

She looked up at me, “Really?” she was still crying, but by tartarus, she was so sad that I started crying to.
That moment was the most saddest moment of my immortal life. It wasn’t the only one, but it was one of the saddest, topping the top ten lists of my saddest moments.

“I will help you find your parents, even if it will be the death of me!” I promised her with tears in my eyes.
Sure, we found out of the forest and we found her house, but... it wasn't exactly as we liked.

It took us all day to find the cottage. Through thorns and sneaking past a bears den, which could have gone terribly wrong but didn’t, we then fell down a slope. At the end of that slope we found the cottage at last!
Well, what was left of it anyway.

Both jaw dropping, we watched the burned down cottage. Daisy started crying, and she dashed towards her burned down home. When she reached it, she fell down and started crying even harder than before. Well, her home has been destroyed, so who’s to blame her?

I slowly approached the wreckage, and I entered it in hope of finding something that could calm her down. Something like, finding her parents alive, and that they have been down in some underground shelter. As I looked around I saw something most vile. Two burned carcasses. “Do… Did you have a basement, or something leading underground?” I asked Daisy.

“No…” she had some problems trying to talk, since she’s crying hard.

“Tartarus bucking stinking hellfire hole sad excuse for an armpit” I murmured to myself. I dared not turn around when she asked why i asked if they had a basement. I wished I could, but every nerve in my being told me to not turn around to meet her already tear filled eyes that could melt the cruelest dragon heart. Against my instincts, I turned around, with small tears in my eyes. Not for the dead, but for little Daisy. Small Daisy, who has just lost her parents. How I know? I compared their DNA (don’t argue with me, this is my story, my rules), and they matched.
When I turned around, I tried beyond my powers to not make eye contact with Daisy, but to no avail.
Her eyes, that could melt the heart of the cruelest and greediest of dragons. Hell, even Nightmare Moon would be converted into princess Luna by just staring into those innocent, tear filled-to-the-brink, hurt, sad eyes. Those were the eyes that could make whole armies of minotaurs to cry. Those eyes scarred me for my immortal life, etching themselves into my brain.
I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t think. I could only cry.


My home. My burnt down home. Why? Why? WHY!?

Why did this happen to me!? Why not somepony else? Why me? Who in tartarus did this to me? Where is papa and moma? Are they okay? Mr. Wing just went inside the ruins. He’s asking something. “Do… Did you have a basement, or something leading down?” he asked. I answered no. it was very hard to answer him, since my mouth is trembling from this shock. He murmured something. Have he found them? I’m feeling something deep inside. Is it hope? Hope so. Why isn’t he turning around to share the good news. Wait, is that sobbing? Is he crying? He’s turning around now.

He is crying. Why is he crying? Is it happy tears? It must be happy tears. It have to be. He coming closer now. It doesn’t sound or look like happy tears…

How am I supposed to tell her? *Hey, your parents are dead, and there is absolutely nopony to take care of you now, so I’m just going to continue my adventure. Good luck!*

No, she must know the truth now, or else it will be traumatic later.

“Daisy?” I’m trembling, it’s hard to say it. So bucking hard. I have to, it’s my duty to tell her. She must hear it from me. Those eyes are now gleaming of hope. “I’m so sorry”, and with that, despair burst free from those innocent eyes that was gleaming of hope seconds ago.

As I knelt down to caress the poor filly, she flew into me, hugging me. Even as I tried to calm her down, and all that you tell them to calm them down, she continued to cry. It was all understandable, but the fact that she cursed herself for their deaths was the most horrific. Cursing herself, that if she was a little faster and didn’t get us lost in the forest, she could’ve saved them.

“There was nothing we could have done”, I said, trying to sooth her, “and you weren’t responsible for getting us lost.”

“It’s still my fault!” she screamed, “I should’ve stayed! Not run away from whatever happened that night!”

“If you were running from whatever ki… did this, your parents must have sent you away to save from the same fate they suffered!” I said fatherly to her, “And if it is so, don’t disturb their spirits by cursing yourself!”

“But…” she sobbed, “This was my home! What am I supposed to do now?”

“Have got any relatives nearby?” I asked.

“Nopony that would take me in” she sobbed.
“Whys that?”

“Both my parent’s families were against the marriage, and they swore to never have any contact with ever again” she continued sobbingly.

“That complicates everything…” I murmured.

Something sparked in me. Reminding myself that she didn’t have any relatives to take her in, and nopony that could be trusted to take in an orphaned filly, I took the biggest step in my immortal life up till now.

“I will take care of you”, I whispered in her ear, “I will raise you to become a fine mare, and when you are ready, you will take care of yourself, but until then, I will take care of you!” I shouted into the air.

“Really?” she sobbed, looking at me with those tear filled eyes that were flooding seconds ago, now filled with hope.

“Yes, really”

We hugged each other tightly and hard, like it was our last moments in life. We went to the clearing we first met, and made camp. It was almost midnight. When I lied on my bedroll and she in her blanket, she started talking.

“What happens now?”

“I’ll be taking care of you now, I told you this before”

“No, what I meant was, what happens now? As in what will we do?”

“Well, I’ve still got my journey to go continue. And there seems to be no other way than to take you with me”

“What is this “journey” you always talk ‘bout anyway?

“It’s an adventure I’ve been starting. You could call it a “quest-that-involves-travelling-around-the-world”, and you’ve just been invited young Daisy”

“Wait, let me get this straight… were about to travel the world, unprepared for what lies ahead?”

“Yep” I answered merrily.

“Well, it sounds better than this atleast”

“Yes it does, young Daisy Blank-Flank, it does…”

“Wait, my new name is Blank-Flank? That’s so lame!”

“Well, what epic name would rather have then?”

“Daisy the Daring! Daisy the Brave! Daisy the Spectacular!” she almost shouted out.

“Let’s keep to Daisy for now”, I sighed, “Besides, I’m the spectacular one here!” I pointed out, letting my inner dragon ego take grasp of me.

“You are just some pony that looks like a dragon” she undermined me.

“You just hurt the dragon in me…” I said sobbingly (joke of course)

“You are such a foal!”

“The only foal here is you, Daisy Blank-Flank!” I replied with extra force, “and we should get some rest, we’ve got a long journey in front of us in the morning.”

“Yeah, yeah” replied with mock voice, “G’night Dready”

“Good night young Daisy”

Author's Note:

Well, here is the maybe unexpected chapter 1 of the Adventure of Dread Wing the Kirin. didnt expect that did you? and by the way, i included some sadness, but i think you snapped that one up. hope i didnt get to nasty to Daisy. Awell, as alwasy i want comments an likes, and do comment if there is something you want me to change!

please comment! i need comments! and likes to. THINK ABOUT DAISY!

Besides, other than the comments, i just wanted to remind you that Dread Wing speaks with russian accent. and another reminder... Dread Wing is my OC, and if so dare to copy him without my permission or not mentioning that i created him, i will report you so hard that not even a pinke party will heal you! anyways hope you liked the story and i hope to post another story within the nearby future (which one, i dont know), so comment away and like if you like it.