• Published 25th Apr 2013
  • 3,425 Views, 205 Comments

Mare Do Well: The Series - ShadeJak

Set after my other story MDW: As The Sky Falls. New villains and threats arise, and Rainbow Dash finds herself once again in the role of the superheroine Mare Do Well

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The Final Shot Pt. 1

“You’re right, this should do it!” Twilight Sparkle said with a smile as she watched a mixture funnel into a vial. “Thanks so much for helping me with this, Zecora.”

“No need for thanks, unicorn friend.” The zebra shaman said. “What matters is this grave threat’s end.”

Twilight chuckled. “Even with the danger of everypony being turned into love-struck zombies you find time for rhymes.” She said. “But thankfully, now we have an antidote to prevent that!”

“Hey, Twi! I’m back!” Rainbow’s voice announced from upstairs and soon the costumed pegasus trotted down the stairs. “Hey, Zecora. I guess Twi filled you in on everything?”

“She has told me of the impending plight. It would seem soon you’ll have quite a fight.” Zecora said.

“So, anyway, we got a cure made.” Twilight explained, floating the vial in front of Rainbow’s face as the pegasus slid off her mask. “Big Shot’s drug should be negated in seconds once it comes in contact with it, but we’ll need a way to administer it if he releases the love poison.”

“Awesome, Twi. I knew I could count on you!” The pegasus said with a grin, looking at the vial.

“Zecora was a big help, too. She was able to get me the herbs and ingredients I needed to help make it.” The unicorn explained.

“Thanks, Zecora.” The pegasus said with a nod to the zebra.

“So, check in on Max Diamonds at all?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, Big Shot made a few attempts on him with his lackeys, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Sent ‘em packing every time!” Rainbow replied, grinning. “Weird, though, I kinda expected that black zebra assassin of his to be the one who’d try it.” Zecora suddenly turned at the mention of a black zebra.

“A black zebra, you say? Describe to me, if you may.” Zecora said urgently, causing the pegasus to cock her head a little.

“Uhhh, okay. Her name’s Black Hex. She wears all black, appropriate, I guess. Can’t really see her face that well but it looks like she’s black with white stripes. She’s really tough, seems like she’s Big Shot’s main lackey and has a serious hankering for killing me like I’m some kinda special prize!” Rainbow explained. Zecora frowned and remained silent for a moment, looking to the side as if pondering something.

“Usiku…” She muttered quietly.

“Oo-what-huh?” The pegasus asked.

“Something I am still unsure, young mare. I think, perhaps, your own matters you should prepare.” The zebra said. Giving her and Twilight a nod, the zebra trotted upstairs and left without another word.

“Wonder what that was all about…” Twilight wondered.

“Dunno, but Max is safe… for now anyway. I can keep watch over him on our ‘date’.” The pegasus answered, then her eyes widened suddenly. “Oh! Our date! I gotta get ready!” As she prepared to leave she felt a sudden tug on her cape.

“Rainbow, wait. Before you go, can you give me the costume till you’re ready? I got something I wanted to do with it I think you’ll appreciate.” The unicorn said.

Rainbow gave a look of confusion, but then shrugged it off. “Just don’t blow it up or anything.” The pegasus replied, hastily taking it off.


“As you can see, Zerok, True Love is finally ready and we have enough to release into every major city in Equestria… Starting with Manehattan.” Big Shot explained, accompanied by the changeling while Black Hex followed closely behind. “We need only acquire Max Diamonds to get the necessary means of dispersing it all around the city for the test run we need.”

“And what would that be?” Zerok asked, cocking his head.

“At the top of InfiniGem is an invention a few of his technicians have been working on, a sort of weather-maker. Think a miniaturized version of Cloudsdale’s weather factory. Pitched as a means of allowing for an emergency weather production should a crisis like what nearly happened in Cloudsdale ever actually occur. We combine it with the vaporizer Black Hex acquired at the New Years celebration, we can transform the drug into artificial clouds that will rain it… or in this case… snow it down on the populace.”

The changeling grinned. “I can assure you, you’ll have some very interested and very grateful customers if this works, boss… and what of Mare Do Well?”

The masked earth pony stallion paused. “Let her try to stop us. In fact, Big Shot would very much like to see her try.” He said. “In the meantime, back to the matter of acquiring Max Diamonds. To my understanding he has a date tonight? Black Hex will be in charge of acquiring him, we require him to access the machine.”

Zerok nodded quietly. “Of course, sir.” He glanced back at the zebra, who nodded to the large earth pony. “Will there be anything else?” the changeling asked with a sneer.

“Not at the moment. If Mare Do Well should happen to arrive, she can be dealt with then, but it’s imperative she witness her failure.”


“Oh, Rainbow, you’re going to look nothing short of fabulous tonight!” Rarity said with a giddy smile and tone as she trotted around the cyan mare floating several sewing tools around her while shaping up her dress. “I trust you’re still well-versed in your Manehatten upper-class etiquette?” She asked.

“But of course, darling.” Rainbow said with an eyeroll as she switched to a prim and proper tone. “Uhhh… Rarity? Don’t go crazy about this, but I gotta get something off my chest here.”

“Whatever would that be, Rainbow?” The white unicorn asked, attaching a few gems around the waist of the gown.

“It’s weird, whenever I’m around Diamonds, I get all woozy. What’s that about?” The pegasus asked.

The shudder was deafening.

“Why Rainbow Dash! You have a crush!” The unicorn said with a grin wide enough to put Pinkie Pie’s to shame. “..On one of the wealthiest, most charming and handsome stallion bachelors in Manehattan!”

Rainbow looked slightly ill. “Me? Crush? No way. I’m too awesome to get a schoolfilly crush on some stallion.” She said, her eyes darting to the side.

“Keep telling yourself that, Rainbow, but you’ll have to be out with it, and admit the truth about yourself when you feel you can trust him with your secrets. It may not be easy, but otherwise, well, you’ll never know, will you?” The unicorn said with a wink. “And for that, I’ll have to make extra sure you’re nothing short of a stunner when you meet him.” She said, earning a snort from the pegasus.

Within an hour, Twilight arrived at the Carousel Boutique. “Rainbow, I’m finished what that thing I was gonna do with the cos-TUUUU-WHAAA…” Twilight’s eyes widened when she saw Rarity’s finished work on her normally tomcoltish friend. That time Rainbow had first put on this upper-class persona was nothing compared to this... she’d turn everypony’s head in Canterlot now. Rainbow was wearing a glittering, fancy gown that was done in shades of red. Rarity had done Rainbow’s eyelashes and put her mane, and tail into a straightened style and tinted them the proper rose color that matched the mare’s eyes.

“Twi. Don’t you dare.” Rainbow said sternly. Try as she might, a snicker still escaped the lavender unicorn. “Alright, you’re going down, Twi!” The pegasus growled, but was held in place by Rarity.

“Now, now, Prisma, that’s no way for a proper lady of your standing to speak.” The white unicorn said with a smirk.

Sighing, Rainbow glared at Twilight. “So, what did you do with my costume, exactly? I gotta find a way to fit it under this dress, you know.”

“Oh, you won’t have to, Rainbow!” Twilight replied with a smile. Her horn glowed and her saddlebag opened, and a heart-cut violet gem floated out. “I used a spell to… so to speak… ‘seal’ the costume in here. When you need it back out, just tap it with your hoof and say ‘Go Mare Do Well!’ and boom! Instant costume all on and everything, and your dress will go into the gem in its place!” She explained as she floated it over to Rarity, who looked rather captivated by it.

“Oh, it’s positively lovely Twilight! I wouldn’t mind keeping it when you’re done with it honestly.” The white unicorn replied.

“Funny you should say that, once this is over it’s yours… kinda the terms Spike gave me for letting me use it. But anyway, think you could make it into a broach or necklace for Rainbow so she can have it with her?” Twilight asked with a sheepish look on her face.

“That should be easy enough. A gem like that I have plenty of selections.” Rarity said with a nod, floating the gem in front of Rainbow and looking it over. “We’ll go with broach. A silver frame around it! That’ll be perfect!” The seamstress said, grinning and earning another eyeroll from the pegasus.


In the upper-class sidewalks of Manehattan, near a street lamp next to the location Max’s letter had specified, there was a flash of light and the disguised Rainbow Dash appeared. Rubbing her head a little from the teleportation, the pegasus looked around, hoping she wouldn’t have to wait long and instinctively taking to the air, hovering a few feet over the ground.

“Just gotta get this over with… maybe enjoy it a little… wish he could meet the real me again…” The cyan pegasus mused to herself. “Would he even like the real me though?” She suddenly couldn’t help but wonder what she meant by that… did she mean Rainbow Dash or Mare Do Well? She grinned. “What’s not to like about me? I’m way awesome, and how many ponies can brag they’re dating a superhero?” She chuckled to herself, then realizing how she was acting, slapped her forehead with her hoof. “Aw, Tartarus, I’m acting like some stupid schoolfilly! Get it together!”

“Miss Prisma!” A familiar, friendly voice suddenly said from behind her, causing the mare to turn. There stood Max Diamonds, outside his carriage and smiling up at her.

“Ohhh! Mr. Diamonds… I-I mean…” The pegasus stammered.

“As I’ve said before, call me Max.” The businesspony said with a smirk. “I must say, you get more and more lovely every time I see you.”

Landing softly, Rainbow approached. “Why thank you, you’re much too kind!” She said, adopting her upper-class Manehattan accent and blushing heavily as she offered out her hoof, which he took and gave a kiss. “Where may I ask are we off to?” She asked.

“Actually, right here.” He said, gesturing to the building next to them. “I didn’t wish to trouble you with much travel, and I wished to show you something as well about this particular restaurant.”

Following him inside and still blushing, the disguised mare was lead to an elevator that brought them higher and higher. When it came to stop and the doors opened, Rainbow’s eyes widened at the pristine, white marble high-rise diner before her. Above hung a massive, crystal chandelier, an orchestra played nearby on a stage, and many of Manehattan’s elite were seated about, chatting. A host approached them.

“Mr. Diamonds, and Miss Prisma Glimmer?” The host asked.

“Correct. Please if you could, lead me and my lovely companion to our table.” Max replied, and they were lead to a windowed balcony overseeing the square where the festival was held. The lights below were like the stars of the sky, and the pegasus couldn’t help but think it did look pretty awesome.

“This is what I wished to show you.” The businesspony said with a smile as the host left them. “You being a pegasus, at the risk of sounding stereotypical I thought you’d like a high-rise view.” He said with a nervous laugh. A waiter came by, accepting their orders for cider before leaving again.

“Max, flying is something I’ve always enjoyed.” Rainbow said, narrowly avoiding breaking character, and trying to think of how to word things so she wouldn’t. “Every time I’m in the air, just soaring through the clouds, taking in the star-filled sky, it’s just… it’s the most amazing feeling ever!” She explained, wanting to slap herself for the cheesiness as she’d have used far more passionate words if she could.

The businesspony chuckled. “I can see there’s a lot to you. Miss Prisma.”

“Call me Prisma. I’m supposed to call you Max after all.” Rainbow said with a laugh.

“Very well. As I was saying, I can see there’s a lot to you… I can’t quite place it but somehow you’re different then most of the mares I’ve met over the years. I like it. Aside from being incredibly beautiful, you seem almost like you… hold back or something. I’m curious of seeing that side of you sometime. Give me that chance, you may even learn there’s more to me then most ponies know.” Max replied. As he said this, a new song played, a soft melody much like the one at the party they ‘met’ at. Rainbow looked over, then back at Max, who gave a sheepish smile.

“Well, so much for subtlety. Would you grant me the pleasure of another dance? Perhaps this time we can avoid any interruptions from assassins.” He said, smirking at the joke he gave.

Rainbow blushed heavily. She wanted to keep him happy so he’d stick around and she could watch over him, but at the same time, she genuinely wanted to give this a go. “I would be most honored.” She said, giving an alluring look with her eyes.

The young businesspony lead her to the dance floor of the restaurant, where other couples were already starting to slow-dance. Placing her forelegs around him and balancing on her hind legs as he did the same for her, Rainbow fought off urge to do her own steps and just follow his lead, closing her eyes for a moment.

Is this right? She wondered to herself. It felt like being in some kind of fairy tale romance Rarity often went on about; not something she normally would want anything to do with. She had a double life, this would jeopardize that, plus she was an awesome athlete, not some floozy! Yet… she could feel herself growing woozy again as she opened her eyes, looking into his as he brushed back her now rose-tinted mane with his hoof. Instinctively, she felt herself draw closer, and before she knew it, her lips gently met his.

She’d never experienced anything like this before, and normally she didn’t want to. She wanted to break off and just fly away! No, I can’t! She thought to herself amidst her confused feelings. The city was at stake here! So long as I stay by him Big Shot has no chance of getting him, and obviously he needed him for something! Was it all so bad? It wasn’t like anypony knew who I really am here, but I can’t keep lying either! Wait, am I still kissing? This feels kind of nice actually… Finally, she just gave her heart into it, and as she did, she felt another fainting spell coming on, causing her to dip backward but Max had caught her.

“Easy, there!” He said with a smile.

“I’m sor—I mean… my apologies.” Rainbow replied, remembering to stay in-character. “Guess I’m just… really not used to this sort of thing.”

“Really, now?” The businesspony replied. “I wouldn’t expect that of you—“ As he spoke, however, the window suddenly shattered behind them when an explosion burst on it and numerous patrons began screaming and fleeing towards the elevator. As the smoke cleared, a figure in black descended down and emerged, revealing none other then Black Hex.

“Mr. Diamonds, Big Shot has need of you.” The zebra assassin explained. Rainbow Dash glared and began to approach, but Max held his hoof out.

“Prisma, I don’t want you hurt. Please, leave now.” Max shouted. Giving a nod, Rainbow galloped away, but turned a corner and towards the restrooms.

Looking at herself in the mirror, a determined look came across Rainbow’s face as she tapped the gem on her dress. “Go Mare Do Well.” She said, and suddenly a flash of light and articles of clothing surrounded her and she was instantly clothed in the Mare Do Well costume, minus the hat which lay at her hooves. Picking it up and placing it atop her head, the costumed pegasus flew straight at the window and smashed through it, circling the building to enter through the hole Black Hex had entered the diner through, finding her having already bound Max in a bola snare. “Stop right there, Hex!” Mare Do Well shouted, her eyes burning with anger behind the mask.

“Sorry, Mare Do Well, as much as I’d appreciate ending your life now, my boss requires this pony as soon as possible.” The zebra replied, swinging her hoof and a burst of smoke exploded from it, obscuring the pegasus’ vision. Mare Do Well felt something move past her and turned, seeing Black Hex glide away with a pair of kite-like wings, Max in tow.

“No you don’t! You’re not getting away!” Mare Do Well yelled, spreading her wings and following after. “Think you can outfly me, you’re way wrong!” Swooping down, she slammed her hoof into Black Hex’s back, causing her to sharply turn and spin slightly in the air. Black Hex struggled to keep herself righted, but in the progress Max fell from her hooves and Mare Do Well immediately flew down and caught him.

“Don’t worry, Ma— …Mr. Diamonds. I’m gonna deal with this once and for all!” She stated, flying towards the festival stage. As she drew closer, however, a bola snare suddenly caught her leg, and its owner gave a sharp tug, causing Mare Do Well to falter and spin uncontrollably. “Oh no! Hold on tight, Mr. Diamonds we’re gonna have a rough landing!” She said, wrapping her hooves protectively around him as she beat her wings several times to slow her fall as much as she could and turned herself so she’d take most of the impact. In seconds, the two ponies landed and tumbled across the stage, startling the many ponies gathered in the square.

As Mare Do Well shook her head, her attention was caught by the sound of hooves landing on the stage several feet away from her. Looking over, she saw Black Hex glaring down at her. The zebra took a whistle from her vest and balanced it with her hoof, holding it to where her mouth was and blew. In seconds, several large pegasi landed beside the bound Max.

“N-no!” Mare Do Well cried out as one swung his hoof in her chest and walked past her, both grabbing Max and taking to the air with him.

“Forget what I said earlier, Mare Do Well. This ends now, in front of everypony here!” The zebra said coldly as Mare Do Well stood herself up and galloped after the pegasus thugs, only to be tackled by Black Hex and sending her back to the ground. Mare Do Well jerked her body and sent Black Hex off before turning to face her. “Fine, you want a fight, Black Hex, let’s do this!” she said, glaring and taking a fighting stance. “Once I’m done with you, I’ll save Diamonds and deal with your boss personally!”

“Don’t be so overconfident, Mare Do Well!” Black Hex said, a blade emerging from a brace around her right hoof as she lunged forward at the pegasus.

Mare Do Well narrowly avoided the sharp blade as Black Hex swung and jabbed it at her, delivering a few strikes of her own with her hooves. Black Hex leaped into the air and over Mare Do Well, and bucked her across the stage. The costumed pegasus rolled across the floor but quickly recovered, spreading her wings to fly at her but was promptly snared by another bola, sending her back to the ground. Charging forward, she swung her hind leg under Black Hex, causing the zebra to stumble a bit, then swung her forehoof up into the assassin’s chin, knocking her off her hooves. The zebra fell backward, and kicked her legs out to jump into the air and land back in a standing position again, swinging her blade and grazing Mare Do Well’s left foreleg.

Gritting her teeth, Mare Do Well did her best to ignore the stinging pain and attempted to strike her again, but felt oddly feverish. “What… the…?” she muttered, feeling increasingly winded.

“Sleeping Death. A personal favorite of the poisons I use,” Black Hex said, easily avoiding her attacks now and circling her. “Right now, you’re feeling weaker and weaker. I imagine that fever’s also giving you quite the headache and that costume can’t be making it any better…” She said, pressing her hoof into the pegasus’ back and raising her bladed one up. “But don’t worry, I’ll be claiming my victory now… I’m sure I’ll find some excuse to give Big Shot afterwards…” She explained softly. Rainbow struggled but the poison was getting to her, her limbs were unresponsive no matter how much effort she put in. Closing her eyes, she waited for the inevitable when she suddenly saw a flash of light and felt Black Hex get knocked off of her, followed by the sound of hooves at her side.

“Rainbow! We came with the antidote for Big Shot’s love poison!” Twilight’s voice said somewhere in Rainbow’s blurring vision.

“She is poisoned I fear! Rainbow Dash, drink this potion I hold near!” Zecora’s voice said and Rainbow felt her mask get slid up and a flask held to her lips. Drinking it down, Rainbow felt herself slowly recover, and she heard Black Hex… laughing?

“Cousin Zecora… it’s been too long!” Black Hex said, standing up.

“Sleeping Death, Usiku! A trick of yours that’s far too old! You tried it on our chief, I've been told!” Zecora said, glaring back at the other zebra.

“That old fool allowed me to be shunned, Zecora! All because of THIS!” Black Hex declared, shedding her mask and revealing her face; a jet-black zebra with white stripes, her mane was short but ragged, and her eyes held a hateful glare to them. “You dare to tell me I was wrong to try to do away with him?” Black Hex asked. “Now stand out of my way, with Mare Do Well recovered I may as well deal with her now.”

Zecora did not move from her spot, though her hoof traced along her back where her staff was strapped.”You sought to slay Mare Do Well, Usiku, but perhaps I’m more desired prey to you?”

The black zebra laughed. “Oh, still with the rhymes even in situations like this, Zecora… such as the duel that lead to my banishment from our tribe!” she said.

“A incident that made me grieve! Why do you think soon after, I chose to leave?” Zecora asked, now taking up her staff.

“How touching, but it won’t change anything. Let’s end this as we should have.” Black Hex replied, swinging her blade forward, only to be parried by Zecora’s staff. The zebra quickly glanced back at Twilight and Mare Do Well.

“Moments are needed for her to once more be strong. But I assure you, this won’t take long!” Zecora said, and returned her attention on Black Hex.

Rainbow grew more and more aware of her surroundings again and looked over at the two zebras fighting, then back at Twilight. “Thanks… both of you.” She said with a smile. “So, you said you got the cure with you?”

“Yes, Rainbow. It’s right here.” Twilight said, her horn glowing and her saddlebag showing the vial.

“We still don’t know where they took him, though!” Rainbow said angrily, feeling her strength slowly return.

“I bet I know who does.” Twilight said, looking over at the zebras again.

Meanwhile, Zecora swung her staff, then turned and spun it, striking Black Hex in the chest, the other zebra grunted and swung her blade again, parrying the next strike from the shaman’s staff. “I won’t lose to you again, cousin!” The black zebra snarled, her strikes growing more and more frantic as Zecora remained focused, blocking every attack now.

“That remains to be seen.” Zecora said, for once not rhyming and her tone far more firm as she spun in the air and swung her staff downward, then brought it straight up before the assassin could react and struck her hard in the face, sending her flying into the wall of the stage. Black Hex grunted, attempting to stand but suddenly finding Zecora’s staff at her throat.

“Stop this now, my fillyhood friend. This fight must now end.” Zecora ordered.

Black Hex paused for a moment at the term the other zebra called her, but her expression hardened immediately after. “I lost, but I dare not live with this humiliation any longer, cousin!” She said in an icy tone, turning her hoof and shoving her blade into her own chest. The zebra cried out in pain, feeling the poison from it beginning to affect her. “But… don’t feel too bad… this fight… was fair all the same… as consolation…” She said, her breath growing more rapid… “You’ll… find them… at… InfiniGem…” With that last word, Black Hex’s eyes slowly closed and her body fell back lifelessly to the floor. Zecora stood over her fallen foe, her eyes holding nothing but pity for her.

“Go now. I will tend to this. Big Shot’s plan must desist.” Zecora said calmly.

“I know where that is.” Twilight said, causing Mare Do Well to cock her head and stare. “Hello? Librarian, I have maps of every city in Equestria and I memorized them all!” She said with a sheepish smirk. “Hold on tight.” Quietly, Mare Do Well looked back at Zecora and the fallen Black Hex and nodded, then looked back at Twilight, who closed her eyes, her horn glowing, and the two vanished.


“So this is where Max spends his daytime hours…” Mare Do Well mused, staring up at the tall building. “They’re probably on the top floor, so let’s take a shortcut!” She said, wrapping her forehooves around Twilight.

“You sure you’re up for this, Rainbow?” The lavender unicorn asked.

“Of course I am, Twi. I can handle a simple thirty-floor flight!” Mare Do Well said with a grin under her mask, and with that, she flew straight up, as fast as she could. Finally reaching the top, she saw a device of some kind that resembled Cloudsdale’s weather pump, and several pipes feeding downward, into the building. Looking down, she spotted a large glass window wall below and flew straight down, Twilight charged her magic and fired a blast, shattering the window before they flew through. Skidding to a landing, Mare Do Well released Twilight and found a door and several thugs stood between them and the next room. “Ready, Twi?” She asked.

“As always.” The unicorn answered, smirking and charging magic in her horn, firing blasts at several thugs while Mare Do Well flew straight at several more, dispatching them in seconds. With one remaining, Mare Do Well pinned him against the wall.

“Where’s Big Shot and Max Diamonds?!” She demanded.

“Through the door. Down the hall. Double-door on the right. Leads into Max’s office, that’s where they are!” The thug whimpered. “They’re gonna attach a vaporizing machine to the weather maker prototype Diamonds has been investing his gem technology in!”

“Why?!” Mare Do Well yelled, raising her hoof back to strike him.

“It’s how they’re gonna disperse the True Love drug! It’s a weaponized love poison! Manehattan’s a perfect testing ground, you know!” The thug said, grinning nervously before Mare Do Well promptly hoofed him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

“Let’s go.” Mare Do Well said, pushing the door open and Twilight followed her down the hall, and to the doors, the costumed pegasus took a deep breath.

“Wait.” Twilight whispered, placing her hoof on Mare Do Well and closing her eyes, and the two vanished, appearing in the next room.

Max Diamonds’ office was large and plush, with the entire back wall consisting of windows that overlooked Manehattan. Standing at the table was a towering, masked earth pony in a black suit, scars ran down his legs and an image of crossing swords showed prominently on his flanks.

“Big Shot…” Mare Do Well hissed, her voice laced with hatred at the crime boss who had eluded her for so long.

“Mare Do Well… at long last, we meet face to face.” The masked earth pony said with a low chuckle. As Mare Do Well and Twilight both prepared to engage him, Big Shot suddenly turned and bucked the table, sending it rocketing at the two ponies at such speed Mare Do Well barely had time to avoid it. Turning, she saw it had hit Twilight dead-on, slamming her into the wall and knocking her out.

“TWILIGHT!” The pegasus called out, and before she could turn, she was suddenly slammed by Big Shot’s massive hoof, sending her tumbling across the floor. As she stopped herself and turned, she saw the muscular crime boss galloping towards her and jumped into the air, leaping over him and swung her back legs out into a firm buck. Big Shot stumbled a bit, but then turned, growling as Mare Do Well stared wide-eyed. This stallion would make Big Mac look frail! She thought to herself in shock as she was suddenly smacked again, sending her flying towards the window and smashing through it. Barely getting her wings working, she hovered outside, and looking in, she saw Max Diamonds bound on the floor near where the desk was, looking over at her and struggling.

“You know, for somepony who gave me so much trouble, you’re not quite as tough as I imagined…” Big Shot sneered, approaching. “But then again, I guess it’s my fault for overestimating you. Care to continue this, or give up?” He asked.

“Big Shot?” Mare Do Well asked, hovering in place as she glared at him through the mask. “I NEVER give up!” She said, and she flew straight at him, with all her speed and strength, pressing the sides of her belt as she drew closer and letting loose several flash bombs that exploded right in the large stallion’s face, blinding him. Seizing the opportunity, Mare Do Well flew past him and into the wall, rebounding off of it and flying straight at him, her hoof stretched out and with all her might kicked him in the head, sending the crime boss tumbling to the floor unconscious.

Landing softly and taking a few breaths, Rainbow smirked under the Mare Do Well mask and walked past the fallen Big Shot, stomping her hoof on his face for good measure and knocking his mask loose as she approached the bound Max Diamonds. Sliding her mask up, she chewed off the ropes and the young businesspony let out a deep sigh of relief. “You okay, Max?” She asked.

“I’m fine, thanks, but what about your friend?” He asked, looking over at Twilight.

“Ohmygosh! Twi!” Mare Do Well galloped over to the unconscious unicorn and nudged her. “She’s alive, but she got banged up pretty bad. I need to get her to the hospital once we make sure Big Shot’s not going anywhere.” She explained, her attention turned over to the unconscious Big Shot again. “It’s finally over…” She said softly, sliding the loosened mask away. Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the face underneath.

“Grand Cargo! I had a feeling…” She said.

“All this time… he’s been pulling all this.” Max replied. “And wait… you called me Max…”

“Uh….” Mare Do Well looked to the side sheepishly.

“Prisma?!” He asked, smirking.

“Rainbow Dash, actually…” Mare Do Well said, sliding her mask up and revealing her face. “Look, I’m way sorry I had to put on the act, but I had to stop Big Shot… I… really wasn’t expecting I’d get… well, it’s weird to hear from me, trust me… attached.”

As she blushed, she felt an odd queasiness again, and Grand Cargo turned over slightly, his eyes opening… they were glazed over with an odd but all-too-familiar green tint to them.

Rainbow’s heart raced as she knew that symptom in a pony. “How… could he be behind this if he was being controlled by a changeling?” She wondered aloud.

Suddenly, she was blasted into the wall by a bolt of green lightning magic. Staggering as she got up off the floor, she turned and saw Max Diamonds smirking.

“No… it can’t be… y-you’re a….!” She stammered as Max’s eyes flashed an opaque blue.

“Did you ever wonder why you'd feel moments of fatigue around me? I told you there’s more to me then most know…” He said, his voice suddenly gaining a reverberating effect to it as he reared back, magic crackled all around his body, patches of his slate-colored coat shed off of him; revealing ebony-black skin with odd hole-like formations in his now lanky legs, his suitcoat burned away, his mane and tail peeled away revealing long, translucent fins, his neck made a sickening crunching sound as it grew longer as well, his back split apart revealing a carapace and a pair of insectlike wings, a long, curved horn grew from his forehead with another crunching sound and what remained of his face flaked away, revealing a sneering, insectlike being Rainbow Dash knew to be a changeling. “In public, I’m Max Diamonds, a wealthy businesspony I killed and replaced shortly after the battle in Cloudsdale that I’m sure you remember, Rainbow Dash. Under the facade, I’m known as Infiltrator Number 04… also known as Zerok, also known as BIG SHOT!” he declared, his once-smooth voice now a guttural reverberating rasp as he let out a sinister laugh.


Author's Note:


Big Shot(Grand Cargo)