• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 1,174 Views, 19 Comments

The tale of Rainbow Dash and the snake. - Mrchibivampire

My attempt of bringin a new race into the Mlp universe.

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Chapter 1: The crash

It was a beautiful day in the land of Equestria,the birds were singing and the sun was shining.

It was simple a wonderful day, and a certain rainbow maned pegasus was flying through the air doing what she does best.

“Woho! flying is the best thing ever.” dash shouted while performing a triple loop.

She was practicing all of her classic tricks, the cloud buster, the awesome ballerina super spin, the classic barrel roll and she was going to end it all with her trademark sonic rainboom. She flew high into the air and once she was certain she gained enough altitude, she dived down towards the planet’s surface. This time however, she decided to do it upside down with her eyes closed, because she was sure that her awesomeness would make it look even more awesome.

But faith is a curious thing, you never know what tricks it might have in store for you.

Earlier that day, Discord the now reformed embodiment of chaos decided to treat everypony in Canterlot to chocolate milk and cotton candy. Of Course using his chocolate filled cotton candy clouds to do so. It was a treat almost everypony in Canterlot enjoyed, since his chocolate milk was the best you could possible get your hooves on. But Discord always made sure the little fillies and colts got served first. The happy smiles on their pudgy little faces, could even bring Discord to his knees.

But one of his pink cloud had manage to escape him, but what harm could one tiny cloud bring.

Rainbow Dash was descending from the sky in a rapid pace, then it happened she broke the sound barrier and a ring of rainbow colors spread across the sky.

“Ha ha ha ha, I’m too awesome for my own good.” she said happily still flying with her eyes closed.

*SPLAT!* she hit the cotton candy cloud hard, she was completely engulfed by the sugary treat relaxing in the sky. The cloud was so sticky that she was unable to flap her wings to slow her descent. Luckily for her she was above the everfree forest, all the branches between her and the ground would hopefully slow her down a little.

“Oh no, this is bad. Ahhhhhhhh!” The branches ripped fiercely at her coat and she slammed her back into several thick ones. She finally crashed into the everfree forest with a loud boom.

Once the smoke cleared, Rainbow simply laid on the ground unconscious for a short while, but after a few minutes, she carefully stood up on her legs. Her vision was blurry and her entire body was hurting. She could see blood dripping from her head.

“This is bad, I need to get back to Ponyville.”

She jumped in the air and flared her wings, she felt a sharp pain in her back, that was when she realized that she had broken something in the fall. “Oh, please don't be my wing, please don't be my wing.” She carefully looked at her back and realised that one of her wings were missing. Dash started to panic, her heart was beating fast and she started to feel wossy. She fell back to the ground with a hard thud.

“No, this can’t be happening. I need to get back to Ponyville, I can't end like this!”

Dash tried to get back on her hooves, but the pain in her body was too much and the blood loss was not helping. She then heard the familiar noise of leaves rustling and twigs breaking.

The noise was getting closer and closer. Until finally a giant shadow was looming over dash’s broken body. Rainbow’s vision was too blurry to see who or what it was, but whatever it was it was big and it was reaching out for her.

“Somepony, Please help me.” She prayed before she passed out.

The giant creature picked up Dash and cradled her unconscious body in its arms.


Rainbow dash woke up in an unfamiliar bed and inside a dark cave, the cave was being illuminated by blue crystal emerging from the walls. The light was beautiful but not too bright, she had a hard time seeing anything inside the cave. She tried to get out of the bed, but to her surprise she realised that something was pinning her down. Dash continued to struggle, but whatever was keeping her in the bed, would simply not budge.

Then she heard something move inside the cave, she looked all over the place but it was too dark to see anything properly. A giant pair of green slitted eyes were looming over her.

Dash was panicking, the eyes alone were huge, she did not even see who the owner was. Once again she tried to free herself from whatever was holding her down. She felt a sharp pain in her body and realised that even if she could free herself somehow, she would not be able to fly away. Her heart was beating fast and sweat was drizzling down her forehead, she started to hyperventilate.

“You ssssshould not move around ssssso much, your body ssssstill have not healed.” A grim but gentle voice said.

Dash did not say a word, she was too scared to do anything. Whatever this creature was, it had her completely in its grasp. Dash would never admit it, but she cried, tears of a once proud mare who had been reduced to a broken fragment of who she once was. Her tears were slowly rolling down her cheeks and onto the bed.

The creature moved closer to her. Dash did not move an inch, she was too scared. Was this the end of the fastest flyer in Equestria, the future captain of the Wonderbolts? No it was not, Dash refused to end this way, she was not going down without a fight. She did not care how big or strong this thing was. Dash waited for the creatures face to get closer.

The creature moved closer to her, it reached out with one of its fingers towards her face. That was when she saw her moment, she bit down on the creatures finger with all her might. The creature reared back and the grip on dash’s body lossend. She took this moment and got out of the bed, she then bucked the creature right between its disgusting green eyes.

The creature however did not respond to the her kick. It was almost like Dash never kicked it, she tried again, this time she put all her energy in the buck. But once again the creature did not flinch. Realising that it was useless to try again. Dash sprinted towards a big light source, assuming that it was the exit. Her entire body was hurting, it felt like she was being stabbed by a thousand spears, but she was not going to give up. She pushed on, she could see the moonlight and the night sky, she was so close to freedom. But once she reached the entrance, she started to cough harshly *COUGH COUGH!* She fell to the ground, she tried to rise herself to her hooves. But it was no use, once she was standing on all four. The creature had already made its way to the exit, it was blocking her only escape route.

“MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! OR ELSE I WIL-” *BLARGH! She was puking blood, the adrenaline she felt earlier was gone and she passed out on the cave floor.


A few hours later.

Dash woke up in the same bed as before. She looked all around for the mysterious creature, but the only thing that caught her eyes was a small bonfire fire in the middle of the cave. judging by the rays of light coming from the outside. It should be in the middle of the day. She found it strange, why was there a fire going on at this hour? Unless that thing was planning on roasting her before eating her. Dash gulped, she then tried to get out of the bed. The pain in her body was too great and she ended up falling out of the bed, her face smashed against the ground.

“Ouch! great even more pain.” dash mumbled while rubbing her muzzle.

She felt something wet on her hoof. “Oh great on top of all this I got a nosebleed.” She brought one of her hooves to her nose, it did little good to stop the bleeding.

Dash did however not have time for this. She still had to escape before the creature came back. with great pain she slowly pushed herself onto her hooves. Her legs felt like jelly, and she was breathing heavily. Every step she took was a challenge. Not only did it hurt like crazy, she felt so weak and all the bandages on her body was not making it easier for her.

Dash had barely made it to the fire before she collapsed. The creature was still nowhere to be seen, so she decided to take a short breather to regain her strength. She looked over her broken body and that was when she realised that her a large portion of her body was covered in bandages.

“If that monster wants to eat me, then why would it treat my wounds and why would it put me back in the bed? It makes no sense, what kind of monster would nurse its dinner back to health before eating it?”

Dash was deep in thought and she failed to notice that something had come through the cave’s entrance. Then she heard a loud growling noise. Dash turned her eyes towards the source of the growling. She was expecting the monster from last night, but to her misfortune the creature standing before her was a large timberwolf.

The timberwolf slowly made its way towards her. The wolf was growling and was drooling all over the cave floor. Dash quickly raised to her hooves, only to fall back down again. “BLARGH!” She once again puked blood and her strength faded. The timberwolf licked its lips and walked slowly towards her. It licked one of her legs before biting down on it.

With a loud crunch the beast broked her bone and was brutally ripping of pieces of flesh, the wolfs snout was covered in blood.

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Dash screamed, she had never felt pain like this before. Was this how she was going to die? Tears streamed down her face as the wolf continued to eat. Her vision begun to blur and she was having a hard time staying conscious.

Then suddenly a large shadow loomed over the timberwolf and a loud hiss echoed through the cave. The TImberwolf stopped eating and looked to the source of the hissing. The wolf growled and begun to bark loudly. But its barking came to an abrupt stop as the creature grabbed the wolf by its neck and snapped it. The creature then proceeded to break the wolf into tiny pieces and throw them into the fire. A green puff of smoke escaped the fire.

The creature made its way over to where dash was laying, it looked down on her leg and sighed.

“I Ssssshould have ssssstayed clossssser to the cave.” The creature said while cleaning and bandaging Dash’s mutilated leg. It then carefully carried Dash back to the bed and pulled the blanket over her body.

Who is this creature, why did it save me? Dash thought as she faded away into a deep slumber.

Author's Note:

I removed that silly part with Discord. It really had no place in the story.
Chapter 2 Is on its way.
Thanks for the comments, hopefully the next chapter will be a bit better.