• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 290 Views, 6 Comments

The Fate Of A Xerux - DiscordantKire

There was a time when Deus only cared for the well being of the world, and wanted nothing more than for all the people in it to prosper. That man is dead. Deus now has but one goal. Escape. Will he find his Utopia? Or nothing but the Chaos within?

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The Fall Of A Xerux

What price must be paid?

Deus thought to himself as he lay in bed, looking at his grey apartment with a peculiar feeling of disdain. It was all so boring really, it was beneath him that he of all people should have to bear this menial existence.. He should be lounging with the gods for how much better he was, for how much more he had to offer. Yet, it was always those foolish Arch-Mages who stepped in the way of true progress. They impeded progress for pitiful causes like, morality, and, humanity. It was all pointless. For all the knowledge he had gained from working among them, he had learned only one real lesson. Progress was a sin. To the Arch-Mages, Progress meant evil. To Deus, it was worth. There might be 'minor' suffering in the moment, but at large, the price far was lesser than the gain. What did one insignificant life mean anyway?. I mean come on! The Arch-Mages are afraid of 'altering the flow' how foolish. And moreover, rather stupid. I don't feel as if there is hardly any reason at all that research cannot be done, that glorious glorious progress cannot continue.

Of course... they just don't understand. Your nothing but a worthless, pitiful, incompetent... Xerux... that's all you are.. all you will ever be.

Stupid Humans...

He thought to himself again as he once again realized just what he was saying. He was a human, like it or not. There was little he could do about that annoying little fact. Imperfect, boring, impractical. It was almost depressing really. But he had to put all of that aside for now. He was coming closer to his goal. So long as no idiots got in his way like they always did. Luckily for him, his friend Vex was on his side, its true he wasnt quite adventurous enough to openly admit to the mages that he sided with a 'foolish Xerux' but he was a good friend, one he could count on. One with whom Deus felt secure in telling the secrets of the gate.

Unfortunately, Vex had no interest in helping. What did it matter anyway, no one believed he could transcend his flesh, i mean, not permanently.

Poly-morphing was simple, but only temporary. He was talking about changing the very natural form of his body itself! And he was damn well close to doing it as well. He just needed a little more time.

A knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts, and his eyes drifted lazily to the door from the couch he had been laying upon.

"Well its about time" Deus said aloud to himself, as he rose to open the door.

Upon reaching said door, he peered through the eyehole, and saw exactly what he was hoping for. A mailman dressed in the traditional blue suit, with a stereotypical stachel upon his form. He was dropping off a small box on the doorstep. Deus opened the door without hesitation, and immediately came out with cheerful expression held, and looking right at the mailman.

"Are you Carter Stones?" The mailman asked impassively.

Deus inwardly twitched. He hated the name given to him by his parents... it was so... boring.

"Yes that is me." Deus replied with a barely hidden sigh. He reached out and took the wooden pad being held out to him awaiting his signature. He signed it quickly, and handed it back hardly batting an eye.

"Thank you very much for this, this is very important."

"Yeah whatever pal, i got more deliveries to make, so hurry it up."

Deus smiled a wry smile at his rudeness, but said nothing of it. He picked up the package and nodded to the mailman as he headed inside, but not before he touched the wall with a minor amount of mana.

The mailman turned around about to head out, when the wind chimes above him crashed down on his head without warning. The mailman bent down while rubbing his head in confusion. He put the wind chimes back up, shaking his head, then tried to head out again, this time the mailbox opened as he was leaving hitting him in the chest, with a surprising amount of force. The mailman stumbled back, and looked to be getting highly annoyed by this point, but deciding enough was enough, grabbed his bag and left before anything further could happen.

Deus inside was laughing on the couch after that little stunt. It was so simple to taunt the stupid humans... They were so... pitiful.

Your one of them Deus... no matter how much you hate... no matter how boring they are.... your the same.

No I am not. I am just a freaking Xerux right? Nothing but a stupid Xerux.

We both know thats not what you really think. But it doesn't matter. Your almost done Deus... your only a step away.


Deus said aloud, once again considering it rather strange he had just conversed with himself... again. That could wait, but this could not. Within that small box laid the item he had spent 6 months searching for.

He wrapped his gloved hands around the box, feeling physically on cloud 9. this was it. This would mark the end of the search. He opened the box. Inside was something small. Something precious. Something that could not be taken, only given.

It was a small vial. No bigger than his index finger in length. It contained a clear liquid, which he knew all to well what that liquid was.

The tear of an angel.

He was not powerful enough to spark the gate himself, but if he used the power within this.. he would have more than enough power. He would have to separate himself temporarily from both mind and body, but that would be the easy part, being in ethereal form was simple, at least for him. The hard part... the hard part was... what was it again?

You have forgotten nothing. There is nothing left. All you need to do is activate it. Its ready Deus. Its ready.

No, there is something i have forgotten, something important... something very important.

NO. It is done. All you need to do, is light the spark.. and be free.

Right... of course.. of course you are right... i mean... we are right...hopefully...