• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 307 Views, 7 Comments

The Cloud Knight Series Book One: Risen Wings - Redstreak

The heir to the throne of Equestria unfortunately leaves a lot to be desired. It is only through perseverance, diligence, and hope that he will be able to blossom out into his intended destiny.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I lower down into a takeoff position and tense every muscle in my body. There was a soft wind blowing and I held the hope that maybe I could use it as leverage to keep me up in the air.

Looking at the distant horizon, I feel another undercurrent of nausea sweep through the pit of my stomach. I had begun to lose count of the amount of times I’ve pitched myself off ledges with the faith that my name would finally live up to it’s perceived expectations. Skylar, my name was given to me by my parents, Princess Terra and Prince Firma, to symbolize that the eternal, endless expanse of the sky would match the endless opportunities ponies are provided by the fair land of Equestria and that I could one day provide those same opportunities to my people. The blue horizons are like that of an infinite blanket, covering the land in a blanket of bright days and starry nights, giving hope and wonder to those that venture to peer up at that beautiful, cloud-speckled canvas. How ironic that such a name was given to a pony that still can’t even fly. However, one never succeeds unless they continue to try. And who knows, maybe this time it will work...

I take off at a full gallop, gaining speed as I race my towards the end of the runway. My mane flies behind me and my heartbeat quickens as the deciding moment draws closer with each hoof step. Upon reaching the end, I jump and, after pushing myself through a sickening moment of hesitation, spread out into my full wingspan.

I try to dive into the wind current but it’s no use,my wings aren’t strong enough to sustain my weight. I fall and crash straight into the large, carefully maintained hedges that surround the inner courtyard, tumbling and rolling throughout the thicket with no chance to protect myself. I feel the thorns and branches scratch and claw at random places all over my body, surely cutting deep enough in some areas to draw blood. Finally, I come to a stop and try as delicately as I can to make my way out, bracing myself what was expected to come. Already my face was growing hot and a losing battle had begun to unfold between me and the tears threatening to push their way out.

“ Awwwwe, am I starting to hear waterworks, Crylar?” the taunting has begun. The voice belonged to Flynn, a light gray pony with a luminescent silver mane that the term stereotypical jock could fit to a T. He was of good build with beginning to define muscles that every mare simply drooled over. Too bad he had a brain the size of an oat.

For about as long as I can remember he’s always relentlessly harassed me, constantly berating me and telling me I’m the worst possible heir to the throne Equestria could ever have. Well we’ll see how awful I am when I appoint him head jester...

“Yeah Crylar, should we go ahead and call for a pegasus to help us with the coming tear storm?” Swift Wing, one of Flynn’s idiotic cronies calls out while Flare Feet, the other one, guffaws with a sound that reminds one of a dying cow. It’s actually quite nauseating how those two follow him around like parasitic shadows. Then again, over the years I’ve come to realize that they probably can’t survive without each other. It’s not until they are all three together that they add up to one functional brain. Well, maybe a half one.

“And once again the maturity of you three astounds even the wisest of us. Seriously, at this age you would have thought we would have left the petty insulting back in our newborn colt and filly days. Guess I should remind myself who I’m talking to though...” a familiar, more melodic voice chimes in from nowhere.

I look up from where I’m still laying after having dragged myself from the hedges and see the cute and light figure of Ophelia slide in next to those three. She was one of the first ponies I had ever felt a real friendship with. We were born around the same time and naturally spent time together as we were both palace ponies and attended the same regal school as all the others whose parents belonged in Canterlot’s most exclusive inner circle. She had a bright, fiery mane while her fur consisted of different tinges of yellow and orange. On her flank, a cutie mark outlined in the image of the setting sun stood as testament to her infamously passionate and often times too intense personality. Seeing her there defending me gives rise to another wave of oh so noticeable blushing that I’m still desperately trying to learn how to control.

“Guess I should remind myself to watch out or else Crylar’s ‘girlfriend’ is going to come beat me up,” Flynn mocks back with a roll of his eyes.

“First of all I’m not his ‘girlfriend,’ we’re simply friends,” ouch, “and second of all, Flynn, you are not worth even one second of my time beyond the bare minimum conversations you’re lucky to get from me.”

“Oh I’m not worth your time, yet you seem completely pleased with giving all of your attention to that pathetic excuse for a future ruler who at this point can’t even fly,’ Flynn snaps back. “Not even that, the royal brat doesn’t even have a cutie mark yet, and his skills in magic are laughable for someone who is supposed to have come from a regal bloodline. If it were up to me I’d-”

“Enough!” the voice of our teacher, Comet Flash, booms from several yards away. “This dribbling nonsense from all of you will cease at once. I am here to teach what is supposed to be Canterlot’s future brightest and greatest, not the miscreant children of the streets.”

Flynn as usual arrogantly mumbles under his breath to obtain what he stupidly feels is his right to have the last word. “If Crylar is considered one of our land’s future brightest and greatest than our kingdom better prepare itself for its inevitable downfall.” Well someone is being demoted from jester to dungeon tester.

“I said that’s enough! Now, I want all of you to return back to your outdoor training activities and if even one slightest mishap or peep comes from any of you...” our teacher pauses before dramatically shaking his head, “well let’s just say they still haven’t found the rest of my last troublesome pupil.”

Several of the students let out exasperated groans, yet nonetheless they began to trudge their way back to their respective areas. From the corner of my eye I see Flynn wait until he’s just behind our teacher’s back before he spits towards the ground in my direction. One day I’m going to make sure he pays for everything he’s done...

Suddenly, I feel a hoof connect one of my front ones and I am slowly helped raised to my feet.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk this will absolutely not do at all,” my teacher mumble to himself as he closely inspects the damage done to my body. I tilt my own head to see just what exactly has happened. Though it’s not too terribly severe, I see numerous scratches and bloodstains that completely cover me all over. The stinging pain from several of the cuts are enough to make my eyes begin to water again, yet this time I’m better at keeping my over sensibilities at bay. I’ve already embarrassed myself enough today, might as well save my teacher from having to deal with my admittedly sensitive tendencies.

As he continues to look over me, he opens his mouth and unexpectedly begins a conversation with me, not that he hasn’t before but it’s just they’re usually rare from him.

“Why exactly do you let others do what’s meant to be your job?” he asks.

“I-I’m not exactly sure what you mean sir,” I reply, already preparing myself for the lecture that is sure to come. In the back of my mind I’m fairly sure I have an inkling of what this is about, but I’d rather avoid it for as long as I can.

“It’s no secret that you’re the target of sometimes quite harsh bullying at the hands of a few certain ponies,” he remarks as if I’m not supposed to know my own tormentors’ names, “And yet it’s never you who takes the charge in standing up for yourself. You rely on others to come to your rescue and frankly, it is quite concerning when it comes from someone who is to one day rule an entire nation. How can one do that when he can’t even take control over his own battles?” A current of shame sweeps through me and I can no longer look him in the eyes. He sighs softly and continues, “I’m not saying any of this to drag you down any further than you already feel, it’s to hopefully spark something within you. I take note of all my pupils, and I can tell that you are destined for something important. However, if you continue to cower down with your tail between your legs, any kind of fate may all just pass you by.”

“It’s just so unfair!” I accidentally blurt out. The anxiety that had been building up inside of my finally starting to trickle out of me like drops of water that eventually builds to a devastating torrent. “They’re right! Every single one of them are completely right about me! Out of everyone here I’m one of the worst in over half of our studies. Sure I’m fairly skilled in my book courses and decent in magic but that can only get you so far. I can’t fly, I don’t have my cutie mark even though the others have had theirs for several years now, and I most likely really am one of the worst examples of a future king to be! I never asked for this kind of life so why must I endure all this heartache and stress?” more tears have begun to flow down my cheek. This is the first time I’ve ever publicly hinted at my dissatisfaction on one day taking the throne. It feels... refreshing.

My mentor stood silent for a moment and let out the breath he had been holding in. “No one ever asks for the life they are given, it just simply happens. We can either take what’s thrown at us and deal with it the best we can, or we can forever bemoan our sad existence and waste what could very well end up being a life full of unknown rewards. Remember that everything happens for a reason, only you can figure out what that reason is.”

I look back up to him and notice that a small smile has taken form during our talk, another rare occurrence for him. I can’t help but give one back and timidly wipe at my tear stained cheeks.

“I suppose you’re right sir, I just hope that when that reason comes I’ll be able to know what to do,” I reply, feeling a little bit more optimistic than when our talk had first begun.

“Just remember that everything takes time and understanding. You’ve got a great head upon your shoulders, don’t let it go to waste,” my teacher concludes with another small smile. He turns and starts to make his way back to the rest of the students in order I’m sure to resume inspecting their training.

“By the way,” he calls to me from over his shoulder, “before I came over here to reprimand you heathens, I had received a message for you from one of the guards. Your father wishes to see you as soon as you can come. He is currently residing in the throne room and due to the wording of the letter I'm sure it's something at least fairly important. Seeing as it's the reigning prince who calls you I suppose I'll give you my permission to leave your lessons early. Now run along, Prince Skylar.”

I nod my hand in understanding and I begin to take off at a nice paced gallop to the courtyard exit, thankful for my chance to leave.