• Published 22nd Feb 2012
  • 2,151 Views, 49 Comments

The Duchess' Son - Dark Moon

one alicorn can be a handful sometimes. so what to do with him? marry him off to princess Luna?

  • ...

Chapter 4: ...Awkward.

The YAYs have it. here you go also I will add the sentence with the trololo guy back in the previous chapter enjoy!

Chapter 4: …Awkward

Princess Celestia looked at her guards with frustration and let out an exasperated sigh. “Well I suppose that no pony was hurt so I will keep it quiet but I can't have you two sleeping on the job all the time. It makes a bad appearance for Equestria.” she did not in any way look pleased at the fact that any pony could have just waltzed in and caused as much of a commotion as I did.

The guards bowed low and stated with humble hearts “we are sorry your majesty it won't happen again.”

“Good you may return to your stations.” she replied solemnly

As the two guards turned to exit the chambers it looked as though the princess was holding some emotion back. It was subtle; it looked as though she was holding back a smile with all her might.

When the chamber doors closed with a boom another booming could be heard, the booming of Celestia’s laughter. I was completely caught off guard by the sheer enormity of her uncontrolled composer as she was clutching her ribs from the unrelenting torrent of hysterics that escaped her mussel. “Um excuse me princess... but what is this all about?” I asked aghast. This was extremely weird. Usually I was the one laughing uncontrollably not the other way around. This seemed to be really out of character for her. From all the different times I had seen her when I was forced to go to some parties by my mother she always kept a controlled decorum and grace that rose above all the high class ponies.

After she seemed to gain control of herself somewhat she stated while still giggling from her fit “I’m sorry… but I just couldn’t help myself… I heard that you played a lot of such pranks and thought that I would do something of the like… watching you fly around was very entertaining.” She was again caught with grand hysterics as she fell off the throne. Probably from the face I was making. I swear my tongue could taste the kind of polish on the floor.

“Wait... How? I don't get it what did you do?”

“Why a simple sleeping spell. Very few know that when done fast enough it causes the recipient of the spell to fall asleep where they stand as if they were frozen in time. I cast it right when I saw your approach to the castle.” I couldn't believe it. I had been pranked by the sun goddess, Celestia herself. “It was also a chore to keep myself hidden from you... I even had a few close calls until i figured you had had enough and returned to the throne room... You had some impressive moves out there.” Her giggling had no end. I shook my head to clear the initial shock and then something that I never expected to happen, happened. I joined in and laughed at my own expense… Hey why dish it out if you can't take a little, am I right?

“Well princess I hope that you can take what I can dish out as well.”

When she recovered from her giggling she said “Oh I believe we will get along swimmingly. But first I want you to meet some pony.” She said with a smirk and walked toward the chamber doors. I followed and as I caught up to her she started a conversation.

“So what was it that brought you here. Vinara was a little lacking in her letter.”

Well this brought me back to the crappy situation I was in. “Well princess… lets say the press are a little lacking in truth these days.”

She flashed me a puzzled look then she shrugged and said, “Well if you don’t want to tell me I guess that you don’t have to. And please call me Tia I would prefer that we get on a nickname basses with each other; at least in private. Considering that my sister will be… keeping you company in the future.” She flashed a mischievous grin, which I ignored due to a mixture of my shock of her knowing what I had just found out earlier this morning and her casualness to me... in hindsight that was not wise.

“You KNEW?” I said with a huge blush on my face.

I still couldn't believe how unceremonious she was being. Its not like I disliked it far from it but it just kept catching me off guard. She is a princess for buck sake.

“Well of course I did. It was something decided at your birth but was kept from Luna as a surprise.” She giggled

“Wait, Luna doesn’t know?”

“Yes. I thought it would be a fun surprise for her when the both of you found out together. But it seems that my old friend Vinara can't keep her muzzle shut.”

I didn’t have time to be surprised at her overall informal behavior this time, for just as she finished her sentence we arrived at a door with a large crescent moon design on it. She opened and entered the room. It was obvious that this was Luna’s room and I didn't feel like I was welcome. No pony goes into a mare’s room without an invitation. Unless you want your stallionhood taken from you that is.

After no more than a few seconds of waiting she stuck her head out of the crack giving me a deadpanned look “you coming?” Well I guess that's as good an invitation that I’m going to get. Reluctantly followed with a sigh Assuming that Luna was waiting to meet me and knowing that the meeting would be inevitable and should get it over with. When I walked in I didn’t expect to see what I saw. Luna was still asleep. I immediately panicked and turned around to see the door slam shut and glow with a pink hew. I was trapped. “Hello sister. Good morning.”

“mmmph” was the only reply that came from the bed.

Ho please let her not notice me! I searched frantically for a hiding spot but there were no tables’ drapes or chairs to hide behind and all the furniture was snug against the wall.

“Common Lulu you have company.”

If ever there were a time to hate and curse a sun princess now would be it. I thought to myself as I glared daggers at Celestia. If she noticed she didn't show it.

“Tell them to go away I don’t wish to entertain any pony right now.”

She had gotten much better at speaking normally to people since she came back from the moon. That was new she must have practiced. I only noticed this afterwards though for the only thing going through it at this point was
ho buck oh buck OH BUCK OH BUCK OH BUCK OH BU- you get the picture.

“Well that’s not a very nice thing to say to a pony in your room.” Her head shot up from her pillow to look at me standing as close to the door as possible, her mane in shambles from her tossing in bed during her sleep.

Goodbye future children. You will be greatly missed.

Her whole face went from a vibrant midnight blue to purple in a matter of seconds. Luckily to my utter elation she turned her embarrassment in full force to her sister “WHAT IS THIS STALLION DOING IN MY BEDCHAMBERS… TIA, NOPONYS ALLOWED TO BE HERE EXCEPT YOU!”

Celestia replied in a calm monotone “well I figured that he should be shown his future brides chambers considering he will be staying here. Common sister you need to grow into marehood eventually.”

“WHAT!?” both Luna and I said in unison.

Then her smile reared its ugly head “Surprise Lulu your betrothed. Well i'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do Lulu” and she started to teleport away. Giggling of course.

I ran to grab her “WAIT don’t leave me here!” and she was gone. I face planted into Luna’s carpet. (A/N wow innuendo anyone?)

I got up from the floor and tried to teleport too but the room appeared to be sealed. I looked up to see that Luna had come to that same conclusion. She looked at me with an enormous blush on her face. Welp… situation can't get any worse “Um… you look very nice this morning princess.” Her only response where wide eyes and a deeper blush. Oh yah not any more awkward at all.

* * * *

Firelight started waking from his slumber and moaned. He opened his eyes and immediately regretted it. His dilated pupils had not adjusted to the light yet.

I’m going to kill that doctor.

He waited patiently for his eyes to adjust to the light, which seemed like hours. When he finally regained his sight he looked down to see that he was no longer in a full body cast but still was covered in some bandages. he also noticed on the nightstand to his right where 2 things one was a bell for calling the nurse the other a book for reading. His first reaction was to call the nurse to see when he can get the hay out of there. he picked up the bell with his teeth and gave it a couple of rings, thirty or so seconds later Nurse Derma came through the door with a stern look.

“Umm... did I ring too much or something?”

She gave an exasperated sigh “No! Why did you squirm around in your cast like that? You almost overworked yourself and caused serious wounds to reopen!”

Firelight blushed at his overreaction previous to his blackout. “Sorry he’s my best friend. I’m worried about him.”

“Your best friend beat you to a pulp and brought you to the hospital?” she said as she trotted over and sat on her hunches by his bed crossing her forelegs over her chest. “Some friend.”

Fire let out a frustrated growl “He didn’t do that! I caught him falling and cushioned his fall! He never hit me! He would never hit any pony unless provoked!”

“I’m sorry mister Light but that seems like a farfetched story to me.” She said and shrugged “but some believe it. A doctor here in fact thinks its true and feels sorry for him.”

Fire scowled at her “whether you want to believe it or not its true. Now when can I be released I need to know where he went to.”

”You’re not the only one. Lots of people are wondering that themselves especially the reporters. But to answer your question we did some advanced healing magic on you. Because your reaction you reopened some wounds. None bad enough to kill you quickly thank Celestia, but enough that this was our only option. So you should be out of the hospital within a day or two but your bill is going to skyrocket I hope that your guard health insurance will cover it.”

“Well that’s just bucking perfect!”

the nurse smiled “I’m sure you’ll be fine It will work itself out eventually. Hopefully things will cool down and this whole Lightning Moon thing will blow over along with your bill.” (A/N Jinx!)

She turned and headed out the door to check up on other patients. Well I’m stuck in this bed for two days… I hope that Lightning won't get into too much trouble. Firelight chuckled at the thought

Who am I kidding Lightning ALWAYS gets in some kind of trouble

Firelight then picked up the book on the nightstand. The cover read Daring Do and The Quest For The Sapphire Stone.

He gasped, “I haven’t read this one yet!” he exclaimed with glee as he set to reading.

* * * *

The whole room was sealed off. I couldn’t even open a window. After our initial dose of awkward she told me to turn around. I was more then happy to oblige (I was sitting down making sure nothing was going to get sliced off) and she ran to the bathroom to freshen up and be presentable. During which time I made my discoveries of just how impenetrable this room had become. I even cast a white fireball that exploded on impact and it did nothing to the glass door leading to the balcony. not even scorch marks on... well anything really. what the buck was up with that? When she returned Luna seemed less mad about the whole situation and I wasn’t sure whether I should be relieved or worried.

“So what was my sister talking about and why did she seal us in my room?” she seemed much more at ease now that she was looking her royal best.

“Well… it’s going to be awkward no matter how I say it so I’ll just spit it out. All I ask is that you don’t kill me.” She raised an eyebrow to this.

“I promise you no harm I am sure this is just a prank from my sister and that you have no part in it.”

Wait Celestia pranks her sister? hmm maybe she can- urrrr focus Lightning focus. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. But it did nothing for my blush Okay here it goes “Turns out that when I was born it was arranged that you and I would… b-bare f-foals”

Once again her blush grew in full force and she turned away, now even more embarrassed at her current situation. “And what do you think of the current situation?” she said not being able to face me.

“Well… I think that this could have been done more tactfully. Also I’ll be getting Celestia back ten fold for embarrassing the both of us like this.”

I couldn’t tell but it seemed that she blushed even more after I said ‘us’. “I meant what do you think of… the idea… ohh” I think that all her blood was in her face because I could see that her ears starting to turn more red then purple.

Oh! “…Um you mean how do I feel about the… marriage?” she gave a nod but she showed no sign of changing color or facing me. “Well… to be honest I don’t much like the idea-“

She spun around and got in my face “ARE WE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?” She used her royal Canterlot voice. She looked pissed. And I almost pissed at her reaction.

“NO! No, no, no I just would rather get to know and love the pony that I would be marrying. Being forced into a marriage seems wrong. Princess you are beautiful but if I wanted to get married to you I would want it to be my decision and no one else’s.”

She blushed again “Thou thinkst’ we’re beautiful?”

This was ever more uncomfortable for me because she hadn’t moved from my face. I was saying the truth, Luna was more beautiful then Celestia in my opinion. I honestly thought that if I didn’t have a hart and only thought with a certain appendage that I would be the luckiest stallion in the world. And that part of me did.

So without a second thought I blurted out. “Of course.” She blushed deeper and turned away again in embarrassment.

“Well I must admit your form is not unpleasing to the eyes.”

…Wait did Luna just call me hot? I just got a freaking complement from royalty!

I felt very proud of myself despite the small redness burning my cheeks.

Once her blush subsided she turned back to face me but leaving a little bit of breathing room this time.

“What would you like to do? There aren’t many things to do in my bed chambers-“ the blush came back to her in full force “but I’m sure we can find something to do.” I hoped that that was an unintended innuendo otherwise what I say next might get me raped.

“Actually I hadn’t slept all night and I was wondering… if you don’t mind…”

MAN this is awkward.

I had just realized that I was DEAD tired. I hadn’t slept in over twenty four hours not to mention healing Firelight, getting him to the hospital, flying home, flying here, flying loops around the castle thirty some odd times, and trying to escape my bedroom prison. It’s safe to say that I was ready to pass out right then and there.

“Oh, no problem you can use my bed. I will make sure no one disturbs you.”

“Thanks.” At that kind of invitation I didn’t care if I was getting raped or not. I needed SLEEEEEP.

I meandered over to the bed and flopped over to the side on top of it. I was out before I could even hit the bed.

* * * *

The book was just getting good when Firelight heard a knocking at the door to his room. When he looked up to see whom it was that drew him away from his action novel he saw the door open to reveal Sand Shield. He trotted over to Firelight’s bed

“Hay Firelight. How’s the hospital treating you?”

Fire rolled his eyes and replied “Well the nurse told me the worse news I could hear about Lightning and I freaked out making my wounds to reopen, causing them to stick me with a needle and a much larger hospital bill. Other then that I’m fine like a good looking mare.”

“Ah I see, well let's see if I can put your mind at ease.” he said as he sat down by his bed.

“You know where Lightning is? Where did he go? How is he? Is he in trouble? Scratch that is he in BIG trouble?”

“Woe there, hold your hunches. He’s doing fine.”

Sand looked around and walked to the door and looked outside before returning to the bed. This killed Firelight because he was being kept from important information as to where Lighting was and how he was doing.

“Okay believe it or not I’m not here to give you a hello and get better card from the guards… well I am but that’s not the point. I’m here to tell you your duties for the Duchess.”

“oh.” Firelight was not happy to hear his assignment had changed from guarding his best friend.

Sand smirked at Firelight “you’ve been transferred to Canterlot to guard the Princesses guest.”

“And who is it that I’m to be guarding?” Firelight was genuinely curious this kind of thing doesn’t happen everyday.

Sand looked around again and leaned in to Firelights ear to whisper “Lightning


“shhhhh you dumbflank this is top secret noponys supposed to know. You are supposed to go straight there after you are well enough to go. All your expenses will be paid for including the large bill.”

“Wow that’s a relief.” Fire punctuated the sentence with a sigh “but why, I’m nopony special?”

“well apparently the duchess thinks so. The orders come straight from her.”

“Oh… ok I guess.” Then he thought of Lightning in Canterlot and the implications. “Wow things have gotten that bad?”

“Apparently so…” Sand looked around again and whispered in his ear again. “Don’t yell this time. Did you know that Lightning was to be wed to Luna?”

Firelight gave a confused look “umm… no. Are you sure? Where did you learn that?”

It was a full-blown lie. Ever since Firelight was assigned as Lightning’s personal bodyguard he was told of Lightning’s arranged marriage with the moon princess but was sworn to secrecy. He wanted to tell Lightning so many times but his vow kept him from doing so.

“Well I over heard the Duchess speaking with Lightning about the whole thing.”

That must have gone over well thought Fire.

“Did you tell any pony other than me?”

“No I figured that this was personal and I thought you should know, you know, being so close with him and all.”

“Good, don’t tell any pony else. It’s probably really important that it doesn’t escape to the public.”

Riiiiiight. Don’t worry I won't tell any pony.”

They continued on with idle chitchat about different guard duties and how the other guards were doing. But if they had been paying attention to the door they would have noticed that it never fully closed until the end of that last sentence.

Thanks again to Moon_Fire for taking a look for me