• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 1,102 Views, 24 Comments

Spike - Garino

A crazy combination of MLP and Gex, starring Spike as the snarky lizard himself

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4. Grave Danger (1-2), part 1

Cemetery, 1:00 am

As he expected, the world materialized quickly. Unexpectedly, there was nothing standing between Spike and Frankie. A quick flick of the tail, and the enemy was disposed of. It was here that Spike saw something very strange. A stump. But not any old stump. This one would open its mouth and a skull would pop out! It would travel a ways up, then come down, into the maw of the stump, which would close for a moment before restarting the cycle. Curiously, Spike tail-whipped the skull as hard as he could. Instead of de-rezzing as he had expected, he sent it flying. It flew far before finally steering to the ground. There was a smack in the distance.

"I think I got something!" Spike yelled. He jumped over the stump, unaware that its maw was open once again. A skull knocked Spike off-balance in air (yes, it's possible). His body was went spinning before he landed face-up on the ground.

"Oh, you got something, alright," Larry chuckled. He made an "I Love Rock N' Roll" sign with one hand and said in his best surfer boy's voice, "Awesome air-time, dude!"

Spike got up slowly before he answered. "I'm really starting to hate this place. A lot."

"Then you're gonna hate that guy."

Spike turned to see what Larry was talking about, only to duck and narrowly avoid a bad scale-cut from a chainsaw. Without even thinking, he immediately whipped his tail towards his attacker. He heard a loud SMACK then a body hit the floor. Regaining his composure, Spike saw the body: a humanoid creature wearing a red sleeveless shirt, torn blue jeans, brown boots and a white hockey mask. His left hand was replaced by a chainsaw. Probably the same one that nearly hit me. What's it made of? Spike thought to himself. He didn't have time to examine the body further as it de-rezzed.

Spike continued walking while Larry lazily floated beside him, explaining in finer detail about the new enemy. Apparently, its name was Jeff. Something about it would've been Jason, but something crazy called "international copyright laws" prevented it from happening. Spike stepped in an area with tombstones, about to ask what that was, when the ground gave way again. Spike fell through, landing on ground surrounded by more tombstones. Then THAT ground gave way, causing him to fall further onto a set of spikes.

Don't worry, Spike was fine. Aching, cut, and out of breath, but still alive. He crawled away from the spikes into an area that contained, you guessed it, more tombstones. He fell through the ground once again and landed on solid ground finally, not surrounded by spikes or tombstones. He got up very slowly, hoping something could save him. A glint of light from the moon revealed an orange gem. An amber! Spike thought. He ran and devoured it quickly, thankful for a sweet and tasty meal.

In an instant, all of his pain disappeared. The aches were gone, the cuts were sealed, his breath returned, and even the scales that were cut from the earlier attack grew back immediately! That was definitely a gem to remember. But how was he going to get out? Larry floated down and asked, "You ok, Spike? That looked really painful, even for you."

"I'll live. I just ate some amber and it got me back to full condition! Heck, I think it even gave me an energy boost!"

"Enough of a boost to get you out of here?"

Spike looked up and went into deep thought. Three holes, no good walls to dig into, and spikes that could tear through his scales? Just what was everything made out of, anyway? "No, I don't think it gave me that."

"Then allow me to get you out of here," Larry said as he punched the background.

Spike watched in awe as the ghost tore right through time and space, creating a static portal big enough for the dragon to jump through. He then floated up and created another one at the top of the hole, on the side Spike should've been on. When he was given the thumbs up, Spike put a hand through the portal. Looking up, he saw it at the top of the hole! Spike leaned his head through, looked down into the pit, and saw his other half still down there. As he finished crawling through, the portals closed, as if nothing had happened.

"Now that's what I call thinking with portals," Larry chuckled.

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Wait, if you can do that, why don't you just get me to the TV and we can get out of here? Or better yet, why not warp me to Fluttershy and rescue her?"

Larry shook his head. "Believe it or not, that's about as good as I can do. I don't know where Fluttershy or the TV out of here are, so I can't create an exit point for them. And even if I could...well, quick question: do you want to be a hero?"

The question caught him off-guard. Of course Spike wanted to be a hero! Didn't everyone? And what did it have to do with the portal technique Larry knew? "Yeah, I wanna be the hero."

"Then why take the shortcut and get there, no one recognizing you, when you can take the long way and let people know just what you're made of?"

Spike almost said something, but realized Larry was right. Yeah, getting to the end was important, but you don't know the extent of your abilities if you simply take the quick, safe route. Larry derailed the train of thought with, "Also, I don't wanna be a game breaker, it just wouldn't be as fun."

Spike tried to tail-whip the ghost, knowing nothing would happen. Sooner or later, he would get back at him. He hoped for sooner rather than later.
It was almost becoming a routine at this point. Enemy appears, smack it with the tail, watch it de-rez. Jeff may have been faster than Frankie, but he was still too slow for Spike. The dragon also noted that yes, tombstones equal weak areas. He also learned that Larry was in fact bluffing: the reason he couldn't just warp Spike to the exit or his friends was because he couldn't create the static portals. He could, however, detect them, which proved the ghost wasn't just dead weight.

Dropping from the ledge, Spike saw a beautiful ruby sitting in plain sight. He was about to run right to it when something in his mind told him otherwise. Why would a perfectly good gem just be sitting in the middle of nowhere? the rational side thought. With caution, he approached the gem, watching for any supposed traps. When he was satisfied there were none, he took the ruby and ate it. Tasty as always. Except...rubies weren't supposed to be spicy. In fact...it burned his mouth! Spike coughed and looked around, hoping to find water. Then again, the only "water" in this place was that deadly liquid, and he wasn't that desperate.

Another cough, and this time, it felt like something was in his throat. He couldn't take it. He jumped up, ran over to where the pool of liquid was, and just...puked. Sorry, there's no other way to describe it. Funny enough, right over the pool was a Heli, flying around as if nothing was wrong. When Spike's puke hit it, though, it burst into flames. Rotor, the TV itself, antenna, even the button that was burn-proof. All disappeared in glorious fire. Spike blinked. Then a smile broke over the dragon's face. He got his flame back!

Spike jumped across the chasm, grabbing the side of the wall. He crawled up, shot a flame at the two Frankies there, and tail-whipped the camera. A flash of light later, and Spike was ready to take on the world. For once, everything was going his way.