• Published 9th Jun 2013
  • 253 Views, 1 Comments

The Story Of A Prince (PROLOGUE) - Prince GlitCh

Everypony, young and old! Gather round for I have a story for you! The story is about a young prince! But his life isn't bright and happy as a foal's should be. No not at all, for he is brought with hardships by the evil group known as M.I.

  • ...

The Escape


The rest of that month was a blur, but I know I was forced through so many tests.... my injury from v1nl3 is still bleeding though not as badly anymore. Thankfully the blast I released into her chest was enough to make the beam only go past my coat and muscle, not damaging any internal organs. Thanks to my alicorn gene, I healed much faster than most.

When I next awoke I saw flashing red lights and Nova carrying me. I peered over his shoulder noticing v1nl3 charging another one of her beams, and it seemed that she was charging much faster and getting more energy then before.



“JUST DO IT!” shouted Nova as the white mare turned around and went back into the room she emerged from. As the mare entered into the room, a gray mare who looked like 0ct4v came out of the room. He pressed a series of buttons that closed the door right in front of v1nl3 as she released her beam.

“Not to worry Nova, she can't get through that wall,”

“That's good to hear,” Nova sighed in relief as he set me down, taking off his jacket and winding it around my belly to stop the bleeding.

“And who is this cute little foal?” remarked the 0ct4v look-a-like as she picked me up and cradled me in her arms, most likely the creator of 0ct4v.

“That's Glitch, he's badly injured,”

“0ct4v.....” I groggily grasped at her pulling her into a weak hug.

“Damn that Star.. he had me use my robot to get info from this foal.. then he had the audacity to use it to capture this ones true magical power...”

“I feel as bad, mad and angry as you do Alto, even more,” began the white pony.

“Hey, Alto, looks like the foal likes you,” snickered the white one.

“Oh hush Breve, he's rather cute,” She said gently, thus eliciting a blush from me.

“You guys have everything ready?”

“Of course we are Nova! The air chariot is on it's way. And we have all the blue prints and wiped the database clean also. So they have no files on our robots,” scoffed Breve.

“Good, when is it going to get here?”

“Well we should leave now if we're going to make it in time. They're going be sending in the army soon,”

“Are you guys gonna sit there and talk or are we gonna go? I just got the message from the pilot that they've landed and we have very short amount of time before they consider us enemies of the country and hunt us down,” called Alto as he carried me out the door under one arm, brief case in the other.

“Don't forget your brief case Breve!” Alto called again before turning her com on.

“You might want to turn yours on also guys, just in case we get separated.”

“Got it,” Breve and Nova called back in unison.

After a minute or so I open my eyes to see that we are now in a forest clearing. To the right of me is Alto, talking to the pretty lady... What was her name again? Ah I can't remember. As I quickly put that thought away for another day I look up at what I'm currently laying on and was greeted by an azure mare that I quickly recognized as Luna.


“Yes little one? What is it?” She asked softly stroking my mane gently.

“Why are you here? Where's Nova and Breve?”

“Don't worry little one, they're at the castle giving a report to the generals,” Luna calmly informed me.

“That's good,” I sighed in relief, rubbing my stomach. I noticed that it was no longer sore.

“My sister healed you when we met up with the chariot carrying you,”

“Glitch!” I heard somepony yell. Turning to the source, I was unexpectedly pulled into a big hug.

“Alto,” I said returning a hug.

“Am I finally going to be safe from that scary place?”

“Y-yes you are, no need to worry anymore,” she said stroking my mane gently, her voice getting shaky.

“Are you Glitch little one?” inquired the pretty lady, her name was..... Celestia!

“Yes, Celestia, I am Glitch,”

As she leaned down, the tip of her horn glowing slightly as it touched the base of my horn everything went black as I quickly made friends with the floor once more.