• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 2,962 Views, 6 Comments

The Canterlot Wedding: Alternate Ending - MightyDestroyer9876

Twilight wakes up in the caves beneath canterlot and must try to kill Queen Chrysalis before the wedding. She then has a life and death battle with her.

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The Awakening

"Hello? Where am I? What is this place?" The darkness is then magically lit up with a purple glow from Twilight's horn. She looks around and sees gems, diamonds, and crystals all around her. "Whoa! How did I get down here? The last thing I remember is being surrounded by Cadence's green fire. Wait! Why would she even do that? I knew she was evil, but I never knew she would do something like this." Twilight started looking around still thinking about what really happened. All of a sudden, on some of the crystals showed Princess Cadence's face.

"Don't tell me that you're still alive there Twilight." said Cadence. Twilight gasped. "Cadence! Why have you done this to me?" she asked angrily. "Because if I let you keep fooling around, you would most likely mess up my plans." replied the princess. "What plans?" asked Twilight. "Why, the plans I have for your brother of course." said Cadence. Twilight gasped again. "You better not do anything bad or I will kill you!" Twilight said angrily. She started charging up a deadly spell and shot it at the crystal Cadence was at. It shattered and Twilight gave a sigh of relief.

Then, Cadence appeared on another crystal and said, "You will have to catch me first." Twilight kept on shooting the deathly spell over and over and Cadence kept moving to different places over and over. Finally, when he landed a hit and after a crystal shattered, there was Princess Cadence all ragged. The started smiling but you can't say the same for Twilight. She charged towards the Princess and tackled her. "Twilight! It's me! Cadence!" said the princess. But Twilight was still frowning and charging up a deadly spell. "NO! Don't! It's me! The Cadence you know and love!" she said. Twilight stopped the spell and looked at her still frowning. "O.K. Prove that I know you." said Twilight. Cadence stood up and did something she hasn't done for a long time. She started jumping around and said, "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Twilight smiled and hugged her old foul sitter. But then Twilight was puzzled. "Wait," she said. "It you're you, then who was on the crystals earlier?"

Evil laughter filled the room and evil Cadence showed up on another crystal. "Well that didn't go as I had hoped." she said. Twilight was cross. "Who are you?!" she asked angrily. Just then, on the crystal, there was a bright green flash and a black pony with holes and blue hair stood in her place. "Why, I am Queen Chrysalis; queen of the Changelings." "I don't care what your plan is! I will stop you!" said Twilight. Queen Chrysalis laughed and said, "Try as you might, everypony has long forgotten these caves. No pony will ever find you here. MUHAHAHAHA!" "You know, nopony still laughs like that anymore." said Twilight. "Whatever!" shouted the evil queen. Then she mysteriously disappeared as she came.

Twilight and Cadence started on their way to get out of there and stop her plans. A little ways after they started, they found an old mine cart with some old tracks. "Come in." said Twilight. "I will push the cart and we might find a way out." Cadence flew in and Twilight pushed it down the steep hill. She jumped in as it started going down. They went around in circles slowly escalating down when Twilight and Cadence gasped: there was a large gap with no tracks. 'This would mean the end of both of us,' thought Twilight, but then Cadence had an idea. "Climb on my back." she said. Twilight did just as the gap begun. Twilight started screaming and thinking she was going to die but as she saw Cadence's wings spread out she mumbled to herself, "Lucky alicorns." They flew to the other side of the gap and they saw light.

"FREEDOM!" yelled both of the girls, but then, Lyra Heartstrings, Minuette, and Twinkleshine came out of nowhere and started walking slowly towards them. "Your not going anywhere." said all three of them. Cadence said, "If their eyes are that funny green color then that must mean that they were brainwashed by Chrysalis." Then, Cadence noticed a bushel of flowers nearby. She grabbed them and waved them in front of the bridesmaids. Their eyes followed the flowers until Cadence threw them. The three girls were going crazy for it yelling, "I want it!" "Nice one Cadence!" said Twilight. The two girls were almost there to stop the wedding.

Meanwhile above ground, Derpy and Dr. Hooves were walking to the wedding together. "I am so glad we can go to the wedding together." said Derpy. "I am happy you could make it Ditzy. But remember, once we get inside, no flying. Bad stuff usually happens when you fly." "I know." said Derpy. She spread her wings out wide and said, "I am just going to get my flying out of my system. O.K. Doctor?" "Fine." he replied. "But make it quick. The wedding is about to start." Dr. Hooves walked inside while Derpy flew around. Then she crashed into a statue of Celestia. "OOF!" shouted Derpy. The front half fell off and rolled into and got stuck in a hole. In this hole was a lot of diamonds, gems, and crystals.

Back below ground, Twilight and Cadence were only a few yards away from their exit. Twilight and Cadence hear a loud "OOF!" from a pony and hear some stone break off. Then half of Celestia's statue was stuck in the hole. The girls fell backwards and waited for the dust to clear out. "Are you okay Cadence?" asked Twilight. "I'm fine Twilight." Cadence replied. When the dust settled, there was a statue of Celestia blocking the hole. "Let's just lift it out." said Twilight. They both used a levitation spell, but no matter how hard the tried, it wouldn't budge. They tried to destroy it, but that wouldn't work either. "Now what Twilight?" asked Cadence.

"Well," Twilight started, "if my studies are correct, and they are, there is only one other way out. There is a door somewhere in these caves that will take us straight to Ponyville. I think we can make it from there." "Well then. Let's go!" said Cadence cheerfully. "But," Twilight continued, "it can only be opened with a certain sword found in a pedestal somewhere in these caves." "I'm with you all the way Twilight. Let's do this!" said Cadence.