• Published 11th Apr 2013
  • 2,300 Views, 43 Comments

Killian's Misadventures in Equestria with Princess Molestia - TwiplotSpankle

Read this story of friendship, love, betrayal, and death as our young hero Killian the human encounters encounters with which he encounters.

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In Your Dreams

Chapter 2

Now since I am Princess Molestia, I suppose we could go right to the cloppy bit: Twilight raped Killian, anally, and he well died. That's it, no more story. its all over, you can go back to your meaningless lives, and I can go back to being a lazy ass god who forces all my problems on Twilight and her friends.
Can't post less than 1,000 words you say? Well screw you FIMFICTION!
Well looks like I can't go back to being a fat ass who eats cake all day, whatever.
Ok, let's try this again.

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria: There's Killian, sleeping like a fat, chubby, 200 pound baby, oh so cute. And what's this? It appears that my sister is doing what she does every night for all the little colts and fillies: Standing creepily in the corner of the room, just staring at the still, overweight form of our lad Kill. Just staring and staring. Still is staring, just standing there, staring. Wow Sister, you really could use a more productive hobby. I mean you could at least make some attempt to sexually assault him, but instead you just stand there. You could do something other than just standing there. You know, like develop the plot more, or something!

"Knock, Knock"

"Sister, is everything all right?"
"Oh Luna, everything is quite fine."

"Oh ok."

"I was being sarcastic sister!"
Anygay, let's go see what weird stuff Killian is dreaming about:

"Oh, now where the fuck am I?!" Killian said, looking around. He was in some dark room. Based on the tables and booths, he assumed he was in a restaurant dining room.
"Oh KILLIAN!" squealed a high pitched voice from somewhere. "I'm gonna rape Yooooou!"
"Oh, fuck my life!" Killian suddenly felt the need to run away, and so he did. As Killian frantically searched for an exit, he found none.
"Kiiiiiiilllllliaaaaan" said the high pitched voice again, this time closer.
All Killian could find was a broom closet. He quickly hurried inside and locked the door. He sat there, quietly waiting, his heart pounding in his chest. Then he heard the clopping.
"Are you fucking serious!?" Killian said all too loudly. The clopping stopped. Eerie silence began to seep in...

"Here's PYTHON!"
And then shit got weird. For the sake of the audience's sanity, we'll just skip this bit. And then we get to the cloppy part:

As Killian woke up in a cold sweat, screaming, he found that his screams were muffled. When he tried to look around, all he could see was utter darkness.

"The fuck?! Oh god, I can't breathe"
Oh look, there's Luna, sitting on Killian's face. How adorable.

"Ahhhhhr, it's in my mouth!"

Killian, fighting for air, quickly pushed Luna off his face.

"Oh, hi." said Luna.
"HI?! You fucking farted on my face!"
"Yes, it is tradition that we fart on all the new colts' and fillies' faces."

"The pissing was because we really had to go, we are terribly sorry."

"Sorry?! Ok, if someone doesn't get me out of here, I'm gonna choke a bitch!"

"Why would you do that to a poor female dog?"
"Shut the fuck up!" Killian quickly replied. Then he proceeded to wipe the piss off his face. Luna just stood there awkwardly, staring, again.

"We are so very sorry for offending you, We will just be leaving now." Luna said as she turned towards the window.
"Yeah, whatever." Kill the ass said.
Luna prepared to take off, when she suddenly went back down, and started walking toward Killian.
"What are you doing?" Killian asked suspiciously. Then Luna took him up in her arms and kissed him... And then Luna exploded. Leaving Killian covered in strange, glow-in-the-dark, white stuff.

"Woah Luna! Honestly didn't think you had it in you!"

"What was that sister?"
"Oh nothing..... Nothing at all...."

"Oh, Ok. We will go back to playing Hitmare: Absolution. Oh, and that Crystal Kingdom thing is back again."
"ugm, hwat was dat Runa, I cand her ru umber the soun of me eatin dis caik."
"Why thank you for the complement sister."
I really should stop typing what I think and say, could be signs of minor schizophrenia, but nothing that a bit of fooling around with the palace guards can't solve.
Tune in next tomorrow for the next chapter in Killian's Adventures in Equestria with Princess Molestia.