• Published 11th Aug 2013
  • 647 Views, 8 Comments

Trials of Change - Guardian Steel Heart

As time progresses in Equestria, change will always follow.

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Chp. 2 The Flight of Stargaze

The sound of an opening door creaked across the room, Stargaze’s ear twitched as she stopped polishing her helmet. She listened calmly for her only child to come out of his room. She smiled slightly, and spoke softly “Star Blaze, what are you doing out of bed?”

At first her question was met with silence, but after what seemed like a moment, a familiar but hesitant voice answered her from across the room. “I’m sorry mom, but I was wondering if maybe tomorrow I will be able to see the snow in the morning?”
Stargaze looked over to the door way to which she found her son Star Blaze standing there, out of bed at this late hour. But regardless of this, all she could do was smile, and walk over to him with all the love a mother could ever have.

“Only if you get a full nights rest.” She teased to her Colt, rubbing her nose against his “Besides, you don’t want the headless pony take you away.”

“But moooom, I don’t believe in ghosts.” Star Blaze said while trying to sound brave.

“Hehe, I suppose so. After all, Equestria does have the world’s best mom to keep the ghosts away from her son.” She said while standing up straight, saluting, and holding her head up high with great pride.

“More like the best Equestrian Guard in all of Equestria.” Star Blaze said while prancing the best he could around her hoofs.
Stargaze smiled down at her son, and remembered all the wonderful and insightful adventures they would have together around the Palace at Canterlot. Star Blaze really enjoyed listening to her stories of being a royal guard, and especially the story where she had to calm the Royal Garden’s animals after being terribly frightened by a deranged yellow and pink maned Pegasus. If anypony was to ask her how close she was with her son, she would always answer ‘As close as Honey and Bees’.

But tonight however, she couldn’t afford to be kept up too much longer; she had a flight presentation first thing in the morning with Princess Cadence. This was very important to her, and to all the crystal ponies that will be watching with great awe inspiration. This of course meant that she would need a full nights rest.

“Star Blaze, love of my life” She began to say in a calm and loving voice “I need to finish polishing my armor before I go to bed. I have my big presentation tomorrow, and I cannot afford to be kept up all night.”

She watched as her son stopped prancing around her, and frowned with disapproval at first. But then took a deep breath and sighed, and looked up at her. “Can you take me out to play in the snow when you are done?” he asked.

“Sure” she said as she chuckled happily at her little Colt “I promise, and we can even make a snowpony too!”

“Really!?” He eagerly asked “I’ve never done that before, do you think I can see what it looks like too?”

Before she could answer her son, a loud knocking sound filled the room. Stargaze jumped, startled by the sudden noise intrusion. Why anypony would be knocking at her door this late at night, especially since she was off duty. However many questions there may be, there was of course only one way to find out.

“Yes, what is it?” She said strictly, as she unfolded her right wing, and moved Star Blaze behind her. Immediately a muffled voice came through the door. She rolled her eyes in amusement that some proper protocols gave way to proper manners. She let out a little bemused chuckle, and spoke again in a slightly less strict voice “Enter.”

The door swung open, and a stoutly armored white Earth Pony entered. He did a low bow, and spoke quickly while trying to catch his breath. “Sergeant Stargaze, I bring word that Corporal Dashing Shield was on patrol, and he-he-he came across what he described as an Alicorn. So I was sent to report his findings to you immediately!”

An Alicorn? Why would he be in such a rush if he saw Princess Cadence during one of her midnight walks, perhaps it was Princess Luna helping a young Colt with a nightmare? These ponies nerves are easily excitable. She thought coolly to herself, but then she herself caught herself wondering several things. Such as the last she heard from Cadence and Shining Armor, they didn’t want to be disturbed for anything for the duration of the night.

So that meant she was the de facto leader in case something puzzling came up, so it would be up to her to figure out what was going on; She took a deep sigh, and then spoke in a very decisive manner. “Private, this is a castle. Not a rodeo in the Wild West. Now I want you to answer my questions in a calm and collective voice. Understood?”

“Yes ma’am!” He said diligently.

“Good, what did Corporal Dashing Shield see exactly?” She asked coolly.

“An Alicorn, ma’am.” He said.

“Was it one of the Princesses?” She asked.

“No ma’am, it was a male Alicorn.” He said in a shaken voice.

Stargaze wasn’t expecting this for an answer at all. There were no male Alicorns that she knew of off the top of her head. But then again, there was always a possible candidate for the rise for a regular pony to become an Alicorn. Twilight Sparkle and Cadence were both current examples of such an occurrence. But again, they all were female, not male.

But then it struck her. There was a male Alicorn noted in history, but there was only one mention she could recall. But was it possible? Well she knew she had to ask. She spoke the words softly, choosing every word wisely “Did he say who he was?”
With a gulp, the stallion nodded.

“Well!” She snapped “What is it?”

“He said his name was General Steel Heart, and that we were to send word to the Princesses.” He said, trying to keep his cool.

Her eyes widened as the words sunk deep into her. It had been so long since Steel Heart had left for his quest. So long ago, it was before her grandmother’s birth. According to her school books when she was a filly, he had gone on a quest to learn more about courage. But he was never heard from again. That is until now. The princesses must know immediately.

“Where is he?” She asked calmly.

“Currently he is being taken to a guest bedroom.” The Pony said in a more relaxed voice.

“Good, I want you to have the guards watch over him. In the mean time, please ask Princess Candence and Shining armor for their forgiveness. I am cancelling my presentation for tomorrow.” She said dutifully as she started putting her armor on.
The voice of her young colt spoke up from behind her “Does that mean we can play in the snow all day mommy?”

She took a deep sigh, placing her helmet on the ground. She turned to face her blind son, and she knelt down. She looked him in the eyes. She smiled at him, and then she felt her smile turn into a serious frown. She lowered her head in sadness, but then looked up again but with a renewed smile.

“My love, my knight in shining armor, I need to go to Canterlot tonight. I am the only one that can currently deliver a highly important message to the Princesses. Can you stay here and make sure everything stays okay?” She said softly to him, with all the care in the world.

“But I really want to go…” The little colt protested sadly.

“I’ll tell you what, if I can, I will see if I can secure you a ride to Canterlot. How does that sound?” She mused to him.

“Woah! Can you read stories to me in the Royal Garden where the crazy pony was?” He asked, with a grand spark of joy.

“Anything for my knight.” She said calmly as she put her helmet on her head. “Now please go to bed, and get some sleep. This FINE ROYAL GUARD here will be your baby sitter. He will let you play in the snow tomorrow.”

“Okay!” Said Star Blaze with an augmentation of excitement, he carefully made his way back to his room. The door creaked quietly behind him.

Stargaze waited a minute before she turned her attention back to the guard; she looked him square in the eye. She spoke with a certain amount of venom in her tone. “If anything bad happens to him, or he learns any bad habits. I am placing the blame fully on you. You cannot run, and you cannot hide from me. Understood?”

“Eeeep, yes ma’am.” He said fearfully.

“Good stallion.” She said faintly “Now walk with me.”

“Ma’am!” The guard said calmly, as he stepped to the side, holding the door open for her.

She hastily trotted up the stairs, and towards the top of the tower. On her ascension up, she gave the guard precise instructions on how to take care of her child while she was gone. Not a single thing was missed, nor would she expect him to forget any of it. Soon after what seemed to be just mere moments, they came to the top of the south wing tower. She took a deep breath, and stretched her wings keenly.

“If there's an emergency call Lullyby, she's his regular sitter and will know what to do. Now with my son’s needs aside, any idea how bad the weather is beyond the borders of the Crystal Empire?” She asked him flatly.

“Simply put, there is a blizzard.” He said rather miffed “Do you have to do this now?”

“Yes, of course I do. It is my obligation while Shining Armor and Princess Cadence are doing whatever. Besides, I am the fastest flyer in the North. This will be a piece of cake.” She said confidently, she was after all the top flyer in her class back in the days at flight school. She carefully spread out her white wings, and prepared to jump into the skies. “One more thing”
“Yes ma’am?” He asked with a baffled look on his face.

“Steel Heart is a hero of old, he is to be treated well” She said calmly, looking up into the dark and windy skies above. “But now, I’m off.”

With that said, she lunged up into the skies above, pouring all she can to gain speed. This was surely going to be a very long and bitter night. With every flap of her wings, she rose higher, and gained more momentum. Soon she would be able to bypass the blizzard. But that is of course if the turbulence wasn’t too bad. But she of course knew better. But it was still a good challenge for her.

Well here comes the border, and with it comes the fun part She thought with a grin crossing her face. She was ready; she wasn’t going to let a silly Blizzard catch her off guard.

She felt the winds current push her quite a bit as she crossed over. But it would not slow her down. The cold and bitter gusts of wind froze water vapor under her wings. Her helmet got frost covered in a matter of seconds. Snow began to blow into her eyes. But that wouldn’t stop her.

After what she felt was several hours, she finally broke through. She was nearing Canterlot, but as she got closer, she felt more and more tired from her struggles in the blizzard. But worse yet, the vapor that was under her wings were still frozen, and were weighing her down. Normally she could be there within moments now, but not this time.

She stretched out her wings as far as she could, and attempted to soar. But it was of little good. She was declining closer and closer to the ground. How could this have happened to her? Was it just her eagerness? Perhaps her sense of a challenge? But none of it mattered now, for all she wanted was to complete her mission, and be back home with her son. All she could do now was to close her eyes.

Darkness shrouded around her eyes, and all seemed dark. Exhaustion was about to claim her, and all the news would be delayed. What more could she do though? All she could hope for was a miracle. As she was about to fade, she felt something new come across her outstretched wings. Warmth came to her wings, and a bright light pierced the cracks of her narrowed eyes.

In Celestia’s name, the sun is rising! She exclaimed in to herself, as she opened her eyes wide as she felt the frozen vapors melt and fall away from her wings. This was the chance she needed! She shifted her wings to catch an updraft before she hit the ground. As her wings caught the up draft, it jerked her around just a bit, but it was nothing new to her.

She soon shot above the horizon, just to soar alongside the rising sun with all of its warmth. She soon shifted around until she found a fast current that was going south bound. This would certainly be the key to a speedy arrival.

Soon she spotted Canterlot ahead in the horizon. It was truly a beautiful sight, as it always has been. However she had to shift and prepare for her final descent to the landing platforms for the Pegasus guards. But first she decided to have some quick fun. She shifted her wings so she would start to swirl around and around.

She soon created a golden star struck spiral as she came in closer and closer. She then moved her wings so she could use the currents to accelerate her vertically up. Soon she came to a point where the air was thin, and Canterlot was a mere speck on the earth below. She turned her wings for her last move. She sped faster and faster down towards Canterlot, and began to spiral again, the streaks of her speed followed close behind her as Canterlot grew larger before her. The wind whistled in her ears as it moved around her as her speed made a scream similar to that of a fire work.

Soon she had to slow down her decline, and safely land at the now visible platforms only meters below her. Several guards stood there in awe, while waiting for her to touch down onto the ground. She had to be careful and not let a grin cut across her face. It was after all just ‘routine’ for her to show the young colts that a lady like herself could handle herself well enough to perform for their princesses.

“I bring word from the Crystal Empire” She said casually.

One of the guards stepped forward, and asked firmly “Is everything alright?”
Her hoofs touched the beautiful marble flooring, and once she steadied herself. She answered firmly to the guard’s question

“Yes, everything is fine. Please inform the Princesses that an Alicorn has come forth from the Frozen North.”

“Oh? Do you know who she is?” The guard asked curiously with a touch of doubt dripping from his voice.

“To be a matter of fact, HIS name is General Steel Heart.” She said, strictly to the point.