• Published 15th May 2013
  • 1,329 Views, 44 Comments

Lewis, We're Going to Save the World - Haybales22

a sequel to `Lewis Something Magical has Occured``

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Simon's eyes fluttered open to a beam of sunlight, his mane glued to his face with sweat. He sat up in the luxurious sleeper car, the feathery bed sinking slightly where his weight was concentrated. Creamy orange hooves rubbed his emerald eyes, and stretched, the dream imprinted in his mind. There had been six figures, and a bright light, then blackness and an ominous presence. Then laughing. Chilling, bone shaking laughing, what could only be described as evil with a hint of madness. Simon wiped his hoof over his side, noticing the thin sheen of sweat dampening his coat. He sighed, then spread his wings and hopped off the bed, gliding to the floor a few feet away. The train ride was so smooth, he didn't even feel like he was moving, even though they were going at hundreds of kilometers an hour. The stallion stepped into the bathroom to take a shower, and to try to forget his nightmare.


Sips had barely slept at all that night, unable to get comfortable, even in the beds which were literally as soft as clouds. He tossed and turned, but his new form made in difficult to sleep. The excitement and stress of the previous day kept him awake as well, and even though he was dead tired, he was ecstatic to start the day. He dragged himself out of his room some time after the sun had risen, and could hear running water. A smile crossed his lips, running water on a train, was there anything magical ponies couldn't achieve? He stepped into a common area and immediately raised his head. He could smell something... was that- coffee? Sips trotted over to the counter as fast as he could, but slipped on the throw rug. He was sent sprawling across the floor, hooves in all directions. He sighed, and looked around him to make sure nobody- he smiled- nopony saw him. Nopony was in sight, and the water was still running. He picked himself up and dusted himself off, then slowly walked to the counter. Atop the granite surface was a beautiful, shining chrome coffee maker, covered in buttons and silver panelling. He looked at it for a moment, then grabbed a cup, placed it under the spout, and pressed a random button.

Unfortunately, due to his large earth pony hooves and the small buttons meant for unicorns, Sips pressed six buttons at once. A spout descended from the coffee-maker, and a dark brown sauce shot into the cup, splatters flying out and staining Sips's white coat. He licked the brown droplet and tasted chocolate sauce. The stream stopped, but started again with a jet of orange-y-brown-y-white sort of liquid, steam rising from the cup as the hot liquid filled it. After a bit, the stream again stopped, and a nozzle descended from the machine. What he assumed was whipped cream emerged from the spout, and topped the beverage with a thick layer of the foam. The nozzle ascended and a new one descended. A thin drizzle of brown sauce poured out, swirling around the whipped topping and creating an intricate spider's web-esque pattern. A light dusting of cinnamon followed after the chocolate, and a wafer straw plopped into the cup. A tray emerged from the machine, carrying the cup and putting it into easy reach of a dumb-founded Sips. This process took all of three seconds. Grasping the saucer and cup in his teeth, he carefully walked to the table nearby, not wanting to upset this accident-of-nature drink. He placed it upon the wooden surface and stared at its intricate topping, the whipped cream slowly melting in the hot coffee.

Sips sat awkwardly on a cushion, and tentatively reached for the wafer straw. A delicate sip, just to test it. He closed his eyes and inhaled slightly, sucking the drink through the tiny vacuum. What he next experienced was absolutely mind boggling. Orange, caramel, chocolate, espresso and spices combined perfectly, creating the perfect beverage. Sips leaned back on his cushion, chocolate and cream stuck to his muzzle. "Oh Sweet Celestia thats good..." the caffiene causing his eyes to go wide and his pupils to dilate. An hour of sleep, one of these, and he felt as though he had just woken up from an eighteen hour nap. He eagerly went back to the drink, trying to suck it through the dissolved straw. He wanted to drink it all on one gulp, but he knew that these circumstances would probably never come again.


Lewis awoke, sunlight filtering through the blinds of the windows as they sped along. His vision was blurry, and he felt for his glasses. He heard a cracking sound and the tinkling of glass. He sighed and withdrew his hoof, trying to focus on the broken glasses with his magic. He could see the shards lift into the air encased in a reddish glow, then flew into the black frames. He put the glasses on as the cracks sealed, and blinked a bit. He was in some sort of sleeper car, although he distinctly remembered falling asleep in his seat near the window. He looked beside him and smiled, a tousle of pink mane partially covered in blankets, the white fur of her body smooth, and rising and lowering gently. Lewis leaned over and kissed the unconcious Hannah's ear, and she smiled in her sleep. Getting up from the feathery bed, he crept out of the room as quietly as he could. Closing the door behind him, her walked down the halls. He could hear running water from somewhere on the train, but it abruptly stopped. Somepony must have been taking a shower, he thought to himself. He entered the common area, and was met with a puzzling sight. Sips stood at a coffee maker, full and empty mugs of steaming drinks litterimg the counter before him. The earth pony mashed his hoof against a panel of buttons, and the machine started making a drink. After a moment, the buzzing and whirring stopped, and Sips picked up the cup. Looking inside, he snarled and put it on the counter forcefully. He put in a new cup, and mashed the buttons again. Lewis watched this process repeat two more times before stepping in.

"Sips? What are you doing?" He asked cautiously. Sips turned his head to look at Lewis, who reeled back in shock. Sips's grey eyes were wide open, pupils shrunk to pinpoints, red lines of blood creating a grotesque spider's web in his eyes. Various stains of different colors adorned his muzzle, brown, orange, grey, black, even blue.

"Making coffee..." Sips replied in a hushed voice. He turned back to the machine, and sighed, hanging his head. "I had it before. The perfect cup of coffee. Perfect. And now I can't make it. I've tried to press the same seven buttons twenty-five times, and it won't work..." He sat down abruptly, collapsing to the ground, a forlorn look upon his face.

Lewis smiled. "Sips, which cup was the first one?" One white hoof pointed to a table with a solitary cup on it, the other covering the face of the stallion. Lewis levitated the cup towards him, and studied the inside. He took a small sample from within the cup and placed the drip on a glass pane on the machine. Words flew past across a screen, and several buttons lit up. He grabbed a clean cup and placed it under the spout of the coffee machine. He looked to the panel for a moment, then mashed his hoof against it. A shot of chocolate hit the bottom of the cup at high speeds. Sips's ears perked up. A jet of orange-y-brown-y-white sort of liquid, steam rising from the cup. He removed one hoof from his eyes. A hiss of air as whipped topping was piled atop the drink. The shocked stallion walked to the machine as the chocolate formed a spider's web, and the cinnamon dusting, and the wafer straw. That delicious wafer straw... The tray extended and Sips stared at the cup, an expression of joy, shock, and extreme amazement upon his face.

"How the buck did you do that..." He asked breathlessly, grasping the mug in his hooves Lewis could barely contain his giggles at Sips's shocked expression.

"Press buttons a, four, up, f, six, choc. and whip. Simple!" Lewis stated, although it wasn't simple at all, a smile upon his lips.

Sips looked to the crimson unicorn, a look of pure admiration in his eyes. "T-thank you Lewis..." He whispered, then drank the entire cup in one gulp, wafer and all. He sighed with contentedment, whipped cream and chocolate covering his muzzle, a peaceful look in his eyes... "Thanks pal..." He sighed again.

"Oookay?" Lewis said, not thinking this whole situation was strange at all. "Happy to help..." And with that, Lewis turned and walked to the door. He opened it, and turned back to see Sips pressing all the buttons he had said. Lewis face-hoofed, then walked out, closing the door behind him.

Author's Note:

Just a troll chapter really. I finished writing this and sat back when I realized and said aloud:
"I just wrote three paragraphs about a horse making coffee..."