• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 387 Views, 2 Comments

Broken - Sinful Pickle

Sometimes you can fix broken ponies. Sometimes you can't.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The three fillies sat under an oak tree in a corner of the schoolyard, chattering and smoking weed.

“Are you seeing these colts from that field trip from Ponyville?” said Vinyl Scratch.

“Ha, yeah. I’m thinking of moving to Ponyville,” Colgate replied.

Lyra rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. You'd only move to Ponyville if Time Turner did, too."

Colgate turned bright red with giggles. “Hahahaha... yeah.”

“It totally is!” Vinyl countered. “You’ve had a crush on him for over a year and he’s the only one that doesn’t know i-Whoa, check him out.”

Colgate and Vinyl watched as a tall red earth pony walked by.

“Daaaaaamn,” Vinyl moaned, “What are those hicks doing that’s making them look like that?”

“I don’t know, but I think the guys here in Canterlot should be doing it because-because-” Colgate was reduced to giggles, leaning against Lyra.

Lyra was struck with what she thought a fantastic idea.

“Guys, let’s move to Ponyville. Just, like, leave everything behind, and just... just go."

Vinyl also thought this was a fantastic idea. "Dude, totally. We can like, start a business selling... selling... cars!"

"What's a car?"

"I... I don't know!"

Now Colgate wasn't the only ball of giggles. The three unicorns leaned back with their hooves clutching their sides.

“Young lady, what are you doing?”

While the fillies had been laughing, Vinyl Scratch’s parents had approached them unnoticed.

“Huh?” Vinyl said. “Oh, uh, hey mom.”

Vinyl quickly put out the joint in the grass, smiling innocently at her parents

Fleur De Lis looked at her daughter and sighed.

“That’s the second time this week I've caught you with marijuana. When we get home, it's straight to your room."

"But mo-om-"

"No buts!"

“Now, honey,” Fancy Pants piped in, “we both smoked more than she does when we were her age, and I don’t recall ever being punished for it.”

The white mare grinned.

“We never got punished because we never got caught.”

“Good point,” he chuckled. “Vinyl, it’s straight to your room when we get home.”

“That’s what I said,” his wife complained, sticking her tongue out.

“Why would you ever use your tongue like that when you can use it for much more useful things?” he said.

“Why don’t you show me?” she replied, flicking her tail at his cheek.

He did just that, earning an “ew, gross” from their daughter, and more giggles from her friends.

“Ugh, can we go before everyone sees your grossness?”

“Fine,” her mother said, coming up for air.

“See ya later!” Vinyl called as she walked away with her parents.

“What a milf,” a voice said, startling Lyra and Colgate. They turned around.
“Oh, hey Pokey Pierce. Hey Time Turner,” Lyra said with distaste. “What do you want?” Twelfth-grade boys were so annoying. Scratch that, all teenage boys were annoying. Idiots. Idiots, all of them.

“H-hey Time Turner!” Colgate managed to get out. She was head over heels; you could practically see the hearts in her eyes.

He nodded at her.

“Hey Colgate, how’s it going?”

Unfortunately for Colgate, simply hearing him say her name was enough to smash her ability to form coherent sentences.

That didn’t stop her from trying, and the string of random syllables that resulted were nothing short of gibberish.

“Um, is she okay?” Time Turner asked.

Lyra rolled her eyes. How could he not know Colgate has a HUGE crush on him? Just look at her, I’m surprised if she can even think, thanks to this jackass.

“She’ll be fine. I can’t believe you can’t notice she li-mmph!”

Lyra was interrupted by the blue hoof in her mouth. She rolled her eyes at Colgate, and used a telepathy spell to send a message: Fine, I won’t tell him, just take your stupid hoof out of my mouth.

Colgate did as instructed, wiping her friend’s spit off on the grass. The two colts looked at each other, then walked off.

Colgate watched them walk away, watched as the colt with her cutie mark left, then collapsed down onto the grass, crying.

“I’m so stupid! What if he ends up with that stupid pegasus chick? He probably thinks I’m the stupid one. Why would he even like that girl, what’s her name again? Bright Eyes or something, I’m not sure. But why would he like her and not me? I’m an idiot! Ugh...”

Lyra laid a hoof on her friends shoulder.

“Everything will be fine. Honestly, Col, I don’t know what you see in him. You can do so much better.”

“But his cu-”

“Don’t even think about finishing that sentence. Just because you have the same cutie mark does not mean you’re meant to be together. Besides, for all you know, you’ll be the one walking down the aisle with him one day, and that dumb pegasus girl is gonna live alone with forty cats.” She did not tell the much more likely future, where neither Derpy nor Colgate ended up with Time Turner.

“Easy for you to say! You’re not even into colts.”

“That has nothing to do with this. The fact of the matter is that Time Turner is a jerk, and you can’t even talk around him, let alone to him. He’s with someone else, too, so unless you wanna be a homewrecker, you might wanna wait for them to break up.”

“Break up... hmm... Now why would I wait for them to break up when I can make it happen myself?”

“Woah, slow down. What if he found out? He’d never like you if he knew. Think about it. Do you really want a relationship built on lies?”

“I guess you’re right. It’s just that he’s so perfect.”

“No he’s not. You’re never going to get anywhere if you don’t stop putting him on a pedestal.”

“I’m not putting him on a pedestal.”

“Yes you are. You just said that he was perfect.”

Colgate sighed.

“Fine, Ly, I’ll stop putting him on a pedestal. Happy?”

“No. I need you to prove it. Say one bad thing about Time Turner.”

Colgate thought for half a second.

“There’s only one of him?”


“He’s with that pegasus instead of me?”


“He’s... uhh... um...”

“Think, Colgate! You almost passed out when he was here and he still doesn’t realize how you feel about him.”

“I did not almost pass out!”

“No you didn’t. Just like you acted like a perfectly normal pony who isn’t completely lovestruck.”

“Okay, perhaps my vision did get just the teensiest bit fuzzy, and I maybe sorta got just a little tiny bit dizzy.”

“Exactly. And he didn’t even notice.”

“I guess... maybe... he’s a little oblivious... on occasion.”

Lyra sighed. “I guess that’s good enough. Let’s go home.”

“Alright,” Colgate said, “wait a minute. We’ve had this conversation before.”

“Yeah, we have. And what were the bad things you said about Mister Perfect before?”


Colgate tried to think of the things she had said.

“I, uh, can’t remember.”

“You can and you will. Think, filly! What did you say?”

Colgate thought and thought... and remembered.

“He’s oblivious to my obvious crush on him. He’s a jackass. He’s kind of a perv. He’s... he’s... he’s not perfect after all. But nobody’s perfect! Maybe I can fix him! Maybe in the end he’ll leave that pegasus chick for me!”

“Colgate! Look at yourself! What has this colt done to you!”

“Shut up! Why can’t you just accept that I like him?”

“Because he’s terrible!”

“Not all colts are terrible! Not all of them are like-”



Lyra did just that, punching her friend in the face.

“Bring it on.”

In less than a minute, everypony in hearing range had stopped what they were doing. They were far more interested in the fight. Interestingly enough. the two fillies were both fairly good with magic, but in their anger they seemed to forget they were even unicorns. They punched and kicked, dodged and bit, screaming insults that would make a sailor blush the whole time.

It lasted only a few minutes before a teacher came between them.

“Okay, okay break it up you two.”

The fillies tried to get at each other, and succeeded. They went back to the kicking and the punching.

Then the teacher came back with back up. It ended up taking two ponies to pry them off of each other, then keep them apart as they were taken to the school nurse.

"Oh dear, why would you ever hurt each other like this? From what I've been told, you two are best friends."

The nurse was a deep purple unicorn, with midnight blue hair in a messy bun and eyes the exact same shade of green as a grassy lawn right after it rains.

Her words went mostly unnoticed by the fillies. They were both lost in their thoughts.

Of course, those thoughts were radically different.


Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. When Dad finds out...


Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. When Mom finds out...

Okay, so maybe their thoughts weren't all that different after all.