• Published 7th Apr 2013
  • 1,389 Views, 49 Comments

Starry Night - ihatethisfreakingwebsite

Fluttershy's been acting a bit differently lately, and Twilight is determined to find out why. But what will she do when strange new feelings begin to arise?

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Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Twilight stared down at the blank piece of torn parchment on her desk, yawning as she twirled her feather quill around in circles. She was determined to write some sort of conclusion on her study of recent events to send to Celestia, but despite her efforts she was unable to come to any sort of logical conclusion.

With a sigh she looked out the window, gazing at the ponies around town. It just doesn’t make sense, she thought, pausing for a moment to think before continuing. None of it makes sense. There’s never been a non-Pinkie related problem I’ve been unable to solve, and suddenly this? It’s just plain baffling.

Her thoughts wandered to the Fluttershy, the mare who had been the root of all of her problems. Problems, she chuckled at herself. As if.Still, Fluttershy had been the central-figure in all of her confusion. It was always a possibility to go to Fluttershy-- diplomacy is the best way to settle problems after all, as she had concluded in one of her previous letters to the princess.

The thought crossed her mind for a brief second before she quickly brushed it away. That’s nonsense! I can’t just go up to her and try and explain this. She’d think I’m crazy or something.

Of course, there was always Pinkie’s strange cupcake analogy, but that hadn’t given her any answers. Pinkie had just been as confusing as ever, dashing off as if there was some sort of shared revelation that had answered all of her questions.

Then again, she hadn’t really expected much of an answer from Pinkie. But Pinkie Pie was the only one of her friends she particularly trusted to confide in-- there was always Rarity, but Fluttershy was one of her closer friends, and she knew very well that Rarity always loved sharing pieces of juicy gossip.

And with Rarity eliminated, there was only Applejack and Rainbow Dash left-- both of whom she knew would be absolutely clueless and of no help at all.

Frustratedly, she tossed her quill down, the ink splattering in tiny dots all over the parchment. She rolled her eyes, but they suddenly stopped in place as she saw what she had drawn on the slightly messy parchment. On the parchment was a picture of Fluttershy, spanning across almost the entire page.

Looking around the room, hoping that Spike wasn’t nearby, she picked it up, examining it more closely. The picture was simple-- after all, she was no artist. Still, it was incredibly confusing. She hadn’t intended to draw a picture of Fluttershy, so clearly somehow the thought had entered her subconscious-- perhaps when Fluttershy had crossed her mind?

The thought was cut off as the door behind her creaked. She quickly balled up the drawing and threw it in the trash right as Spike walked into the room, her telescope and sky-charts in hand.

“Hey Twi! Ready for another night of stargazing?” he asked, bending down to pick up one of the charts he had dropped, suspiciously eyeing the trashcan that she had just thrown the drawing into.

Smiling nervously, she nodded. “Of course! Besides, I hear there’s going to be a meteor shower tonight. Imagine the kind of drawings I can get out of that! I’ll be the envy of the astronomical community! We can even bring along--”

Suddenly, she stopped. While she loved the little dragon, and enjoyed his company, he could get in the way sometimes. She was sure he wouldn’t mind if she went without him for once.

Of course, she wouldn’t tell him that she planned to bring along Fluttershy. She’d appreciate the alone time with the yellow pegasus, but didn’t want him prying into her personal life anymore than needed.

Nodding in agreement with herself, she looked at Spike, whose mouth was slightly agape as he stared at her.

“Spike...? Is something wrong?” she asked puzzledly.

“No.. you just kinda... phased out for a second there,” he said.

“Oh. Well, anyways,” she said, embarrassed, “I’m sure you won’t mind if I go without you tonight, just this once?”

“What? Why?” he protested, looking at Twilight angrily. “Is this because you don’t think I’m getting enough sleep? I’m getting plenty of sleep! I promise!”

“Of course not,” she reassured him. “I just need to be really focused tonight, so I can’t have any distractions. I’ll bring you along next time”

“Oh, okay,” he muttered sadly, looking unconvinced. Setting down her skygazing materials, he trudged out of the room, looking hurt.

She gave him a sympathetic look as she bent down to get her supplies. I’ll find a way to make it up to him, she reassured herself as she placed the telescope in her saddlebags. But right now I’ve got a certain yellow pegasus to fetch and a mystery to solve.

Pinkie dashed out of Sugarcube Corner at rocket speed, heading towards Rarity’s boutique. This was big news, and she knew Rarity would absolutely freak out when she heard it.

Thinking back to Twilight’s description of her feelings, she nodded slowly, smiling as she bounced towards her destination. She may not be an expert, but she knew what this was. Besides, Rarity was an expert, and she’d certainly know one way or the other.

But Pinkie knew she was right anyways-- after all, her left hoof had itched, and her Pinkie Senses had never been wrong. Even Twilight had come to accept that they existed, even though her beloved science couldn’t explain it.

Rarity carefully placed the next gem, delicately balancing it on the center of the dress. She nodded deliberately, taking in the scope of the dress. She smiled, turning around to check another item off of her list. The princess is going to be ecstatic when she sees this dress, she thought to herself and she made some minor adjustments, analyzing every part of the piece of fabric.

It wasn’t everyday that a designer was commissioned by someone famous to create a dress-- especially not the princess of Equestria herself. She had to make this dress perfect, and had most certainly been striving as best she could to meet that goal. After all, she couldn’t remember the last time she had slept.

Suddenly, the door burst open as a pink blur whizzed into the room. There was a crash as Pinkie Pie slammed into her dress, pieces of fabric and gems flying all over the room.

A moment passed before Pinkie’s head popped up out of the debris, smiling sheepishly. “Lovely dress you have... well, had, there,” she chirped, working her way out of the mess.

PINKIE PIE!” screamed Rarity, quivering with fury. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD I’VE WORKED ON THIS DRESS?!”
Pinkie’s eyes widened at Rarity’s burst of anger, her cotton-candy mane deflating from its usual flare into a straight style. She looked down at the mess as she shuffled her hooves awkwardly. “I’m sorry...” she muttered.

Rarity sighed as she inspected one of her more prized gems, looking for any imperfections in its glistening surface. “It’s all right, but that was hours of work for nothing...” she mumbled, her earlier anger dissipating as she regained her composure. “Why exactly are you barging in here anyways?”

Pinkie’s hair returned to its usual state in an explosion of pink as she bounced over to Rarity excitedly. “This is super-duper important, Rarity! This... this will decide the fate of Equestria as we know it!”

Rarity rolled her eyes, remembering the last time Pinkie had insisted that the fate of Equestria was at risk when she was actually just panicking about running out of hot pink icing to use on cupcakes.

“Of course,” she murmured scathingly, “I’m sure it’s something oh-so important.”

Pinkie glanced around, suddenly looking unsure of herself. “Well... it’s kinda hard to explain it, but you know Twilight?”

“No, of course I don’t!” Rarity exclaimed sarcastically as she used her magic to lift the debris of the gown into a large ball. “It’s not as if I’m friends with her!”

Pinkie giggled, completely unaware to the fact that Rarity was insulting her with almost every comment. “Silly filly, of course I know that!” She paused, looking inquisitively up at the sky in a moment of apparent seriousness before returning to her usual over-the-top self. “Anywho, what was I saying? Oh yeah! So, Twilight came to Sugarcube Corner earlier today and was talking about this stuff, and I was making some delicious--”

“Get to the important things, dear, not everyone has time for a novel-length monologue.”

Pinkie nodded, continuing, “Well, anyways, she was talking about this feeling she got and told me it was better than cupcakes, which is obviously impossible. Suddenly, I got an itchy left hoof, and I rushed back here!”

“Okay? And what does an itchy left hoof symbolize?”

“Well... it symbolizes love!”

Rarity looked at Pinkie, raising an eyebrow. Out of all of the crazy things Pinkie had concocted, this was by far the craziest.

Pinkie nodded, giggling at Rarity’s response. “I knew you’d freak out!”

“Are you absolutely positive? I mean, I know you have a lot of faith in your Pinkie Senses, but...”

Pinkie suddenly stomped her hooves on the floor, stopping Rarity abruptly. “Do not doubt my Pinkie Senses! They have never been and will never be wrong! Besides, even if you won’t believe in me, you can always look at the fact that she considered her feeling better than cupcakes! What else is better than cupcakes?”

Rarity sighed, taking a seat in an armchair as she finished sorting the debris. While she had her doubts about Pinkie’s methods, it was undeniable that they had never failed before. “Well, who is it? Who’s this secret stallion that Twilight’s in love with?”

Pinkie looked at Rarity, giggling. “That’s the surprise part! It’s a mare!”

Rarity eyes widened slightly, looking over at Pinkie. “Really? I have no problem with such things-- after all, love is love-- although I didn’t particularly expect Twilight to, well, be interested in mares,” she said, stopping to think. “Well, who is it?”
“You’ll never-ever guess who!”
Rarity paused, thinking. “I’ve got no idea,” she conceded with a sigh. “Who?”

Rarity tilted her head slightly, taking in the idea slowly. She nodded, before bursting into a fit of giggles. “That’s charming, Pinkie, but I’m looking for a serious answer here.”

To Rarity’s surprise, Pinkie’s face was actually straight. “No, I’m not being silly! This is one-hundred percent serious!” she insisted.

Rarity stopped laughing, looking at Pinkie in shock. “F-Fluttershy? You mean our Fluttershy? The shy and quiet one?”

Pinkie giggled. “Of course, you silly filly!”

Rarity looked around the boutique in awe. “I never would have... I mean, of course... but... Fluttershy?”

“Yep, yep, yep!”

Rarity leaned back against her armchair, her head pressing into the soft fabric, the ruined dress completely out of her mind. “Fluttershy... I can’t believe this. Do we know if Fluttershy likes her too?”

Pinkie shrugged. “I dunno. Does she like mares too?”

Rarity paused, not sure if she could trust the pink pony. Eventually, she nodded. “Yes, she does. She told me on one of her salon days. I don’t know if she likes Twilight, though...” She paused again, looking at Pinkie in thought. “Well, I’ve got a spa day planned with Fluttershy tomorrow. I’ll see what I can figure out from that, and you can see what you can figure out on Twilights end of the spectrum. Deal?”

“Deal!” called Pinkie, bouncing towards the door excitedly. “First off, I’ll have to get my night-vision goggles...”

Rarity rolled her eyes as her mind returned to her ruined dress. As she paced over towards the debris, she pondered whether sending Pinkie out to investigate was a smart move.

Author's Note:

Here it is! Sorry for the massive delay. I hope to release new chapters at a much faster rate. Also, there may be an slightly edited version posted soon due to the absence of my co-writer. This won't be anything major to the plot and won't require a reread, though.