• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 712 Views, 11 Comments

The Angels Take Manehattan - Steve Stevenson

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The Weeping Pegasus

"The Weeping Pegasus?" Amy echoed.
"That makes sense!" the Doctor exclaimed, extinguishing the burn marks on the side of the TARDIS.
"Makes what?" She asked.
"That’s what happened to Rory. That’s what The Pegasus do! That’s there preferred form of attack. They zap you back in time, let you live to death." he explained.
"Well, we've got a time machine. We can just go and get him." Amy replied.
"Well, we've tried that if you haven't noticed!! And we are back where we started in 2012!!" he said, aggravated now.
"We didn't start in a graveyard. What are we doing?" she replied, trying to soothe his nerves.
"Don’t know. Probably causally linked somehow. Doesn't matter! Extractor fans on!" he yelled into the TARDIS. The fans started with a loud WHOOSH! And he continued on his work.
"Well, we're going to get there somehow. We’re in the rest of the book." Amy said, adjusting her glasses.
"I'm what?" The Doctor looked around the edge of the TARDIS.
"Page 47, you're going to break something." she replied.
"I'm what?"
"'Why do you have to break mine?' I asked the Doctor. He frowned and said, 'Because Amy read it in a book and now I have no choice." she continued. The Doctor rushed over to her, and ripped the book out of her hooves.
"Stop! No no Stop! You can't... you can't read ahead. You mustn't, and-and you can't do that." He panted.
"But we've already been reading it!" she retorted.
"Just the stuff that’s happening now, in parallel with us. That’s as far as we go." he commanded. She looked back at him in defiance.
"It could help us find Rory."
"And if you read ahead and find that Rory dies?"
"This isn't any old future, Amy. It's ours. Once we know what's coming, it's fixed. I'm going to break something because you told me that I'm going to do it. No choice now."
"Time can be rewritten." Amy tried to argue.
"Not once you've read it." they both stopped arguing and fell silent. The Doctor rushed into the TARDIS, Amy close behind. He jumped unto the council and got straight to work.
"Okay, landing a plane in a tiny-winey blizzard, I could push through. But if I'm out by one nanosecond the engines will phase and I'll shatter the planet." he thought aloud. He looked down at Amy with a Smile on his face. "I need landing lights."
"Landing lights?" she echoed.
"Yes, I need a signal to lock onto. What did she say? Early what dynasty?" he asked. Amy picked the book up and flipped a couple pages back.
"Early Chin." she responded. The Doctor let out a laugh of joy, and hopped down from the council.
"Hold on Pond, I'm about to be brilliant!" he exclaimed, flipping a couple of switches and turning the wibbly lever. The TARDIS roared to life, starting with a jump. With in no time the landed, and Amy and the Doctor rushed out of the TARDIS. They appeared to be in a small pottery shop, which could hold a maximum of seven people. One of the workers stopped and gasped. The Doctor pulled out his psychic paper and held it in front of the stallions face.
"Special permission from the emperor. He wants a custom vase." he stated. The man nodded and walked over to one of the vases in progress and pointed.
"Ah yes, that will do just fine, just make sure to write 'Yowzah' across the bottom." he said, and walked back into the TARDIS.
"Now all we have to do pond, is wait." he explained. And that’s exactly what they did. Wait for the ragittiy Doctors plan come together.