• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 736 Views, 8 Comments

Phoenix Keeper - DaringDo-Productions

Twilight Sparkle found a Phoenix on her tree one day. The problem was....these Phoenixes had been declared extinct. Of course, anypony with a phoenix had to go through consequences....

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“Tell me a story about the fire-birds, mum,” Tia begged as Queen Galaxia tucked the filly into bed alongside her sister, who was already sleeping soundly.

“You mean the Phoenixes?” Galaxia teased her daughter, with a look of amusement on her face.

The pink maned filly nodded enthusiastically as she leaned in closer in anticipation.

“Well,” the Queen smiled, “Legend has it that Phoenixes come from a place far, far away. Farther than the eye can see, past the Crystal Mountains, and the seas. The fire-phoenixes, or Solar Phoenixes, came from the North, while the silver phoenixes, or Lunar Phoenixes and Ice Phoenixes, come from the South.”

“Lunar? Like Luna!” Tia giggled at the sudden realization.

Queen Galaxia smiled, “Like Luna indeed. The phoenixes will fly to Equestria every 100 years, to perform mating rituals, since magic is needed and Equestria is full of magic. However, sometimes, a special phoenix might find something ever better than a mate.”

Tia’s eyes glimmered in excitement. Having heard this story tonnes of times, she knew what was to come. The interesting part.

“The great wizard Moonshine, an ancestor of Starswirl, believed that on rare occasions, a Phoenix would be able to connect to and bond with a specific pony, as partners and friends. This pony must be of a pure heart and soul, and must be skilled enough in magic. Moonshine believed that this connection was made the moment both pony and phoenix was born, a connection through the ages of time, so mysterious and rare, yet so special.”

“What happens next? What’ll happen?” Tia squealed, her tiny wings flittering in excitement.

“Well, Tia, since phoenixes are known for their loyalty, they’ll be a friend for life. And they can help with any harder spells for the wizards.” Galaxia said, repeating the story she knew by heart.

“However, it is said that only one phoenix can have that special connection. The phoenix can only be partners with a pony with magic so rare and powerful that too much could mean the end of Equestria. The phoenix must therefore help that pony to harness its own magic and control the magic. The pony chosen has to keep the whole of Equestria united and safe. The pony who is chosen by the Phoenix is referred to all as the Phoenix Keeper. The Keeper guards over all in Equestria, as is his or her duty. The Phoenix Keeper maintains harmony in the land, and is the most powerful pony wizard of all.

“Even more powerful than you, mum?” Celestia asked her mother, tilting her head to the side slightly.

“Of course, my dear,” Queen Galaxia said, starting to stand up. “Starswirl the Bearded holds the power of Phoenixes and Ancient magic of Fire and Ice in his hooves.”

The Queen stood up completely, and kissed both her fillies’ foreheads sweetly and affectionately as she started to walk away.

“Mum…? D-do you think I could be a Phoenix Keeper one day?” Tia asked softly.

The Queen turned, and smiled at her daughter. “Maybe, Tia, maybe. You’ve a great heart and soul, and you’re bound to have powerful magic if you continue Magic Practice. You’re destined for greatness. Maybe one day, in the next century, you’ll find a Phoenix. Then, maybe, you’ll have a chance to be a Phoenix Keeper.”

Celestia smiled as she snuggled into her bed contentedly.

Queen Galaxia looked at her daughter with affection and love.

The greatest one Equestria has ever known.” She murmured.
**10 Years Later**

Princess Celestia sighed as she trod along the familiar path in the forest. The Everfree forest, to be more specific. It was the 3rd month since her mother’s death. Queen Galaxia had been killed in battle against leaders of the enemy party. The other party came from farther than Galaxia had thought. ‘From the dark lands of the Beyond, where souls are as dark as coals and hard as stone’, according to what Queen Galaxia told her generals and armies. The enemies came from the Outerlands, where magic practiced was darker than anypony in Equestria knew. The leaders of the army were Discord, Chrysalis and Sombra. All were known practitioners of Dark Magic, which was forbidden in Equestria. Discord wasn’t even a pony; he was what Queen Galaxia called a mutation, made up of various parts of animals and creatures. That was just /weird and creepy/.

The battle between both armies raged on, with Starswirl the Bearded and Celestia as well as Luna taking charge of the armies since Galaxia’s passing. Both parties had already set their territories, and the most important thing now was the City of Canterlot.

Why must there be so much war and fighting?

The Princess traced her steps along the same dirt path she’d walked on for many times, but more cautiously than ever. Who knew what strange creatures or supporters of the Dark laid silently among the dense plants, watching vigilantly, just waiting to attack?

Celestia stopped at a small rock in the shape of a tombstone, with a small swirled pattern carved finely onto it. Even though she was a Queen, and she had power and riches, Queen Galaxia had always believed in keeping things simple, including her burial spot. “In case I do…pass on, I want it simple. I may be called a Queen, but I’m just a normal pony like everypony else,” the Queen had said once. And she did Celestia shuddered, recalling what had happened. She could remember how Lieutenant Sombra had charged, piercing his sharpened and armoured horn into her mother’s side. He had delivered a simple yet effective death blow. Her mother was doomed.

That’s how he was promoted, and became one of the leaders. That rotten pony, with a heart as dark as his mane Celestia thought bitterly, clenching her teeth. She was about to vent her anger on a tree nearby by maybe casting a spell on it when she heard a soft, melodic whistle.

The white mare froze. What was that sound? It was like the soft tinkling of the bells in Starswirl’s hat, but with a melody. With a soft swish, something came gliding down towards Princess Celestia.

It landed squarely on the tombstone, causing the swirl—strangely—to glow a soft white. Celestia looked at the creature in disbelief.

It was a Phoenix.

The phoenix let out another soft whistle, but this time it sounded urgent. Somehow, Princess Celestia understood. She had been chosen. This Phoenix, Philomena, had been chosen herself to have Celestia as her partner to harness the power of Light, against the Dark.

The time had come for a new Phoenix Keeper.

Celestia’s stomach churned and her heart dropped. It meant… Starswirl the Bearded, her mentor and teacher, was dead.

Author's Note:

This is like, a teaser? Can I call it a teaser? Okay. :] Hope you'll enjoy this story. Nothing much yet, but a vote up or comment would be great. :3

(I understand that Starswirl is probably much younger, but meh.)
((Oh, and sorry for the inconsistent spacing. I don't know what's wrong.)