• Published 11th Apr 2013
  • 354 Views, 2 Comments

Alone (Travels in Equestria) - time_changer

what will happen when the last human takes a leap of faith and lands in a most imposable land were houses talk,unicorns are more the just story's well find out in this story.how will twilight sparkle handle this trouble and the trouble her adopt

  • ...

A new fear

two hours earlier

Spike had gone to bed early the night before happy in the knowledge that twilight was back and that she was safe. Pewee woke him early the next day (He must be hungry) spike thought as he walked down the stairs. He walked right past the Midnight Blue form passed out on the sofa.

As he got Pewee his breakfast. Taking a minute he make’s a cup of cocoa so he can wake up properly. Walking back into the other room his back to the sofa as he pushes the door with his tail the first thing he saw was twilight passed out at her desk. Not that unusual but not what he expected.

“Come on Twi you just got back what could have made you want study so hard.”

He whispered to himself.he walks over to see what she had been reading and stops dead as he sees the nature of the books in the pile.

“Why would Twi be researching monsters.“
“That is a good question.”
“Who’s there!?”
“I’m Artemis, and what is your name?”
By now Spike has spotted the pony that is still passed out on the sofa.
“So are you going to look at me when you talk or are you going to keep pretending to sleep.”
“He’s not the one talking to you, that would be me.” To make sure that he understood artemis made the gauntlet flash a bright light.
“What was that for!” Say spike as he rubs the lights from his eyes.
“Sorry about that I sometimes forget that living things don't like bright lights.”

spike finally understanding that the person he thought that he was talking to is actually a sleep, only takes a moment to get his thoughts together.

“So what are you some kind of disembodied voice?”
“No, I’m Artemis. and the pony that you see before you is my Master.”
“Master you say, then what does that make you? Some kind of pet!?” The thought of this has causes Spike to get very angry.
“what's going on? Spike why are you yelling this early in the morning.” twilight lifts her head and using her magic she knocks lose some papers that were stuck there.
“Twilight do you know how this is?”
“Kind of.”
“And what does that mean?”
“It mean that you need to quiet down before you wake him up, he had a long day”
“That comment confuses me. The day he had was just as long as the one you had was it not?”
“Is this guy serious Twi?”
“I’m afraid so spike, he’s been asking me questions like that scene this friend passed out last night.”
“Is there something wrong with asking questions twilight?”
“Not at all Artemis. It’s just not very often that I run a crossed a mind as inquisitive as mine.”
There comes a knock from the door.
“Now who could that be? Spike could you get the door?”
“Of course twilight.”
Spike walks over to the door and as he opens it a loud voice full of nothing but cheer and happy joy can be heard.
“Oh, spike is twilight up yet the party starts in an hour and, who is that?

Bounding passed Spike, Pinkie Pie was next to the sofa giving the new pony a look of curiosity.and then she began to babble about how long it had been since any new pony had come to ponyville and asking how long he had been staying with twilight.

“And how long did you plan on keeping him a secret from me.”
“Wait what did you say Pinkie?”
“Oh never mind get Nyx and... is it just me or does he not have a cutie mark?”
“What would...“

And that was the moment that twilight saw it was true. The spell had done it’s job and made him a pony but it had not give him a cutie mark. how could she pass him off as a traveler if he had no cutie mark and she could think of a small group of foals that would have alot of questions for him. (How could I have not thought of his.) Twilight was now thinking as fast as a lightning bolt.

“I’ve got it. I need to go see Rarity and don’t you have a party to be setting up?”

“Oh ya, see you at the party Twi. Oh and don't forget to bring Nyx with you.”

And in a cloud of pink dust she was gone.

Twilight then went upstairs to wake up Nyx and get her saddlebags, then with a sleepy Nyx in tow left for the Carousel Boutique.


At the Boutique
(one hour earlier)


“Who is it?”
“It’s me, Twilight and Rarity I need another favor from you.”
“Well come in my dear you look awful, what did you do to your mane.”
“Oh.” and she uses her magic to comb her mane back in to order.
“Much better my dear, now what do you need from me?”
“I need you to make a suit for a friend of mine and before you ask here.” Summoning up an image of him with her magic she says. “And I need it as fast as you can but. I also need it to hide his cutie mark if that is not too much to ask that is.“ Trying to give Rarity a reassuring smile.
“Fine dear but I will need him for a fitting so it will fit right. So why don’t you, Nyx and Spike go get something to eat in town and then bring your ‘friend’ by for his fitting in an hour or two.”
“Thank you Rarity and I owe you one.”
“That’s fine my dear but I must get to work or it won’t be ready in time, so off you go.” and then taking a long hard look at the image that twilight had made started to levitate different bolts of cloth onto the workbench and set to work.
turning around the three set out to get something to eat in town.

the present

“You two pick up those books and put them back, right now and you!”

She turns her attention to me and I forget that the two now picking up book, were ever in my mind a threat. As her eyes slowly cool the anger fading, and being replaced by kindness and the affection that you see in the eyes of someone who has just decided to help a lost animal.

“And you can come with me I have a surprise for you a little gift from one ‘friend’ to another.”
“That’s not necessary you've done so much to help me and I barely know you and I could not ask any more of you.”
“Yes, but you are going to stay for a little bit longer aren't you? I mean how often do you talk to anypony and before you answer remember you told me yourself that you haven't talked to anypony in year’s.”
“Well I-I, (Sigh) you win I’ll stay until you think it is safe for me to be on my own.”
She was happy enough to do a dance but she didn’t. Instead she was interrupted by a small cough from Nyx.
“So is he going to stay with us then?”
“Yes Nyx I think it is a good idea that he stays here for a bit.”
“That’s fine but where will he sleep, or was he going to stay on the sofa?”
“Good point Nyx.”
“Do you have a basement?” I asked.
“Yes, but I'm certain we can come up with something more comfortable.”
“That’s fine, I’m certain that it will do. I can do some work to make it more like where I came from in no time at all.”
“OK, but we had better go or Rarity may get upset”
“Oh I forgot that you don’t know Rarity do you?”
“I know you mentioned her when when we talked last night, but I can’t say we’ve met yet”
“Well then we best not keep her waiting. And you two feel free to leave when you are done.”
And with that she turns and starts to lead the way only to stop turn back to me and ask if I had any way to disguise myself.
“Yes the gauntlet has an active camouflage but why is that important?”
“Well, just humor me.”
“Fine but I don’t see the point.”

Turning on the active camouflage my form blurs and then all that is left to show that i'm still there is fore hoof sized indents in the grass as we walk away. the walk is pleasant enough. We passed so many pony's, I'm glad that they can’t see me or how bad I’m shaking. As we walk farther into town we pass a small shop that seems to be hosting a party that is too big to be contained in one building let alone the small shop it’s in. while we are passing through the square I stopped to look at the fountain and would wish I hadn't in a moment. sprinting to catch up to my guild I heard someone yell.

“In coming watch out!”

Twilight dove to the ground and a rainbow colored blur shot right over her and slammed into my side, sending me and the colorful one into the bush. not only did pulling myself out hurt as the bush scratched me without mercy. But the gauntlet was damaged and now everypony could see me, not that they were worried about me, those that stopped at all were helping the Pegasus get untangled. Once she was untangled she came over.

“Sorry bout that I didn't see you there. are you o.k?”

“I'm fine but you should be more careful most pony’s might not have been so lucky.”

“Ya whatever. I've got to get going anyway,”

“Rainbow Dash!”

The Pegasus whips her head around and sees Twilight. Who walks over and walks a slow circle around me. then stops and looks at her and in a tone that borders on mild annoyance and slight anger starts to speak.

“Rainbow Dash how many times have I told you you need to be more careful or one of these days someone is going to get hurt.”

“Twilight you are overreacting look he’s fine, I’m fine no harm no foul right.”

Turning her head to face me Twilight speaks.

“Come on let’s go or Rarity will get mad that we are late.”

“Wait, why is this guy going to the Boutique.”

“Why don’t you come with us and find out.”

With that we set off down the road again but now with Rainbow Dash along for the ride. As we neared our destination I got the feeling I had forgotten something and when I tried to ask Artemis all I got was a message that said “A.I. unavailable”

...that one small line filled my heart with dread.

Author's Note:

Yes it's a cliffhanger.
yeah I know no one like's them.

Comments ( 2 )

Poor artimes.
The A.I. Broke

it was just brought to my attention that there are a few errors.:facehoof: if you find any pleas comment on where you see it and ill try to get it fixed.:raritywink:

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