• Published 15th Apr 2013
  • 5,421 Views, 32 Comments

Genderflip - Darkillusion1

Moonwing volunteered to be a test subject of twilight spell and that went terribly wrong and its changed his gender. In the middle of that madness a colt happens to fall in love with him. What should he do!

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Chapter 3- Colt of the Shadows

Twilight was jumping like a maniac behind Bolt, signaling to Moonbeam to come to her. Moonbeam looked at bolt with a nervous smile and awkwardly asked, “Would you excuse me for a moment?”

Bolt being the nice colt that he is also let go of her and obviously replied with an understanding, “Of course.”

Moonbeam walked casually outside of the shop where Twilight was waiting for her. Twilight started to question and scold her at the same time, Moonbeam wasn’t really quite sure which Twilight was. “Why are you two so close? It seems like you guys like each other, wasn't this just supposed to be a friendly date?” She sounded to Moonbeam like she was both confused and slightly angry.

Moonbeam dug her hoof into the dirt and said in a not so sure way, “No we are not that close, but that weirdo keeps hugging me and I can't do a thing!”

Twilight just looked over at Bolt, then back at Moonbeam and reminded her, “Just remember, you’re not going to stay in this form forever, so please try not to fall in love right now ok?”

Moonbeam swatted the air with her hoof and turned her head away with a look on her face that showed she knew what she was doing, while at the same time looking like she hasn’t got a clue even as to how to breathe, let alone deal with the situation, “Of course! I already have a special somepony I like.”

Twilight gave a suspicious look and slowly said “Alrighty...” with an uncertain sound to her voice.
Moonbeam asked Twilight where Spike went, which Twilight replied with, “I sent him to fetch me a book from the library a while ago...” She trailed off.
“But he didn't come back yet?" Moonbeam said, shrugging it off like it was nothing, then she started walking back inside towards the table where Bolt was, while Twilight headed back to her other table, still unsure as to how Moonbeam was taking all this.

Bolt smiled with a nervous smile, but he was trying to hide this nervousness. The waitress saved his flank as she carefully put the tray of muffins down on the table. Bolt gave a huge sigh of relief, his nervousness was getting the better of him and this meant that he could stare at Moonbeam while she ate, “Welcome back! The muffins are here!” Moonbeam sat down and took the muffin between her two hooves and started to nibble slowly on the baked delicacy. Bolt just stared at her with a creepy smile and asked “How is the muffin?”

Moonbeam with her mouth full replied with an awkward smile, her cheeks turning redder than Big Mac’s coat of fur, “Um... uh... yeah, thanks! Um, i-it’s good" looking back at Twilight, she mouthed to her friend, "Please... help me!" with a sad face which Twilight felt really guilty for. She wouldn’t feel as guilty if only Moonbeam really was who everypony thought she was.

Bolt smiled at her with relief, “I’m Glad you like it!” Bolt looked at Moonbeam with a serious face and asked her, no longer nervous, “Do you believe that humans exist?”

Moonbeam coughed up the muffin and dropped it on her plate and tried to come up with an answer, “I guess... in a way...” she trailed off as she scooted the chair farther away from Bolt. Looking around to try to avoid eye contact, while she looked around, she noticed a sad Derpy mourning over the muffin in which she spit out, but that was the least of Moonbeams problems at the moment.

Bolt started smiling and moved his chair closer to her, passing and completely ignoring the now traumatized Derpy. He came in close to Moonbeam and said in an excited, yet calm voice, “Finally! A pony that believes in humans too! My sister Lyra also believes in humans too!” As he finished this thought, the shops lights sparked, a huge pop was heard and the lights went out. This left the whole shop, customers and such, in total darkness. The wind was blowing strongly into the shop and the floor started squeaking. A dark figured appeared with glowing, red eyes standing over Moonbeam, then, in a FLASH! And a thud, knocked her unconscious, and the dark figure picked her up and held her limp body. Bolt tried to fight back by jumping and aiming a punch at this figure, but was easily knocked away. The blow was so hard that he was lying on the ground barely conscious, trying to yell for Moonbeam, but he couldn’t make a sound as the hit had knocked all the breathe out of him. Twilight also tried fighting back, even though she’s not all for violence, fought back as well, questioning who it was who was doing this. The dark figure didn’t reply, it just hit her harder than Bolt was hit, making Twilight instantaneously pass out.

The next day, Bolt awoke for his realisation of Moonbeams capture to set in, “Oh no, th-they took her...” Bolt looked around the shop and it was all a disaster area, all the windows were broken, the tables too. He stood up and when he started to walk through the debris, he noticed a muffin on the ground. It was Moonbeam’s half eaten muffin that Moonbeam was nibbling on, then Derpy mourning over, Derpy was no longer in sight, but you could certainly hear her underneath some rubble trying to speak. He picked the muffin up and start licking and kissing it with passion, creepy passion, but passion nonetheless.

Then, suddenly he hears Twilight call to him in a shocked voice, “What the hay are you doing?!” She just stood there with a weird look on her face. Bolt, embarrassed from what he was doing hid the muffin behind his back and awkwardly replied with, ”Umm.....I was... checking if this muffin wasn't tampered with.....” he smiled, then under his breathe said “Yeah, heh heh, that’s what I’m doing.”

Twilight, still with a weird look on her face tried to just forget about what she just witnessed, “Ok.... never mind about what you did, the important thing is Moonbeam. She was taken somewhere by somepony in all black and darkness! That pony was really strong too... anyway, we need to find her!”

Bolt suddenly realised how stupid he was, wasting time with that muffin when he could find the real thing to do that to. He ran outside the shop looking back and forth, trying to find tracks of where that pony might have gone. He was in total panic mode at this point, “I should have protected her....but I was too weak...” he started to cry a bit, just like before. He stomped his hooves on the ground like he was ready to go find his dream ‘mare.’

Twilight galloped outside after Bolt, “Are you ok Bolt, why are you crying?” Bolt just looked back at Twilight, wiped his tears and said, trying to conserve his dignity, “No I’m not crying! This is just uh... liquid pride..!”

Twilight giggled at this statement for it reminded her of her brother, “Ok, calm down Stallion...” she put her right hoof on his left shoulder, “We will find her, don't worry about it... Plus, she won't give in without a fight! Ok, I’m gonna to go back to the library to find a tracking spell using this.” she levitated the half eaten muffin with Bolt’s drool all over it. “I saw a spell book somewhere in the library.” the pony started to gallop towards the library followed by Bolt.

They both arrived at the library, Twilight rushed in and the first thing she noticed was Spike on the ground, frozen solid in stone. Twilight rushed toward Spike, crying out, “SPIKE! Spike, oh no... who could have done this to you?* she started to cry when she noticed a white piece of paper gripped firmly in his little paw.

She started to read it, “Twilight and Moonbeam, RUN! Ther-” there were some words after those four, but they were scratched out. Her initial thought was, ”That pony must have turned Spike into stone before he could send that message...” With that, Twilight pondered for a bit...

Author's Note:

Trey Canterlot Traitor:proofreader
Darkillusion1: Writer

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