• Published 30th Mar 2013
  • 404 Views, 2 Comments

Galloping Grand Prix - Jet Edge

Celestia invited the ponies over to compete in a race in which the winning team gets 1 free wish per member! But will her contestant choices turn out to be a disaster?

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CH 5: Discord's Downfall

Chapter 5: Discord's Downfall
Discord was sitting in a carriage he had found alongside Chrysalis, and Trey. The cart was being pulled by Celestia who had been looking very sad. She had fallen to the ground, still without a single bit of energy.
"C'mon, c'mon Celestia, you aren't out of energy already, are you?" He smiled deviously at Celestia, who looked up at him, barely able to keep her head up.
"You'll never get away with this Discord!" She said weakly.
"Au contrai, I have already destroyed the elements of harmony, do you really think I can be defeated that easily?"
"Yeah, I do!" Yelled Rainbow Dash from the distance.
"Ah Rainbow Dash! Have you forgotten my proposition I gave earlier?" He said, right before he turned her to stone.
"Ooh, I'm so scared!" She gloated, as she stood right behind him.
"How? I turned you to stone!" He turned this Rainbow Dash to stone as well as another two said to him in unision.
"It'll take more than that to stop me!" they mocked, as Discord turned them to stone. Before Discord had time to cool down, he saw in the distance a whole army of Rainbow Dash's coming towards him.
"What!? How!?" He yelled as a bunch of animals had come in a mucked up his concentration.
"Iron Will can control animal's! Iron Will commands you to attack Discord!" Iron Will gloated, as all the action stopped due to the ground shaking very violently.
"Iron Will commands you forces of nature, ATTACK!" Iron Will pointed at Discord as an URSA Major had come out of nowhere to attack Discord.
"You really think that's going to work?" He cast a spell at the URSA Major, but to no avail.
"Iron Will found the secret to your magic! Iron Will coated the animal in Iron Will's own special potion! Iron Will calls it, 'Iron Will's Incense' It resists all magic, made of Cheetah sweat, and Hawk Saliva!"
"I've got this!" Said Chrysalis, changing into an URSA Major to hold off Iron Will's URSA Major.

While that went on, the other ponies went with Trixie to turn Twilight back to normal. They had released her from her stony prison and devised a plan.
"Why don't we just use the elements?" Twilight questioned.
"We can't, Discord destroyed them, but I have been working on a potion, it's supposed to make your body completely obselete towards using magic. But I am not nearly a powerful enough caster for the potion to work. I have all the ingredients, but we need to enchant the potion when it's made, if we do not enchant it right, though, there is a slight chance that it won't work, and one of the ingredients is really rare, so we have only one shot at this." Trixie informed Twilight. Twilight went and she enchanted the potion that Trixie had made, then they informed her of one last requirement.
"Now that we have the potion, it needs to get into the target's bloodstream, and only the one who enchanted the potion can inject it. So, we need to cover your horn with it, then when we get near Discord, you will drink the stopping soda. We couldn't make much of it, so you will only have about 2 minutes to pull it off. When you get to Discord, stab him with your horn, but don't worry, the wound will heal up in about 10 seconds after stabbing him, it's one of the effects of the potion."
Trixie gave Twilight the stopping soda potion, but the URSA Major Chrysalis, and Iron Will's URSA Major had collided with each other, and shook the whole forrest, causing them to drop the soda.
"DARNIT! Ah, ok, new plan, we have a bunch of potions here, let's try to make a plan with them."

Back to Discord and the others, Iron Will's attacks have been going strong, and Rainbow Dash was doing a superb job at annoying them. But Trey had stepped in to help Discord. Trey had started fighting off Iron Will's animals and the tide of battle had turned. Trey had used a spell that would make the URSA Major obey him,
"Hey, NO FAIR!!! Iron Will was still using that!" He shouted, as the monster began to attack him and Rainbow Dash.
"Heh, heh, heh, yes, my plan is working perfectly." Said Discord to himself as Celestia pleaded with him weakly to not hurt them. It was to no use though as a now very weak Rainbow Dash, the original one, had fallen to the ground, all bruised and weak. "Now Rainbow Dash, prepare to say goodbye." He smiled evilly to her as a voice in the distance stopped him.
"Discord!" Yelled Twilight Sparkle.
"Ah, Twilight Sparkle! your just in time to see your friend be turned to stone, before your very eyes!" He turned back to Rainbow Dash, to have Twilight in his face.
"H-how did you do that!?" Commanded Discord.
"Speed potion!" She said zooming to Trey. "Hope your thirsty!" She said as she dumped the Heart's Desire potion down his throaght, then he turned into a peaceful little butterfly.
"What did you do to him?"
"Oh, just turned him into his heart's desires."
"Really? Trey, wanted to be a butterfly? Well no matter!" Discord remarked as Twilight stood there. Discord had floated into the air, and in a fit of rage, the ground started to give way beneath them and Twilight fell with it. Discord had a huge smile on his face, pleased with himself as Twilight flew up with huge wings.
"WHAT!? WINGS!? How did you get WINGS!?!?!?" Discord exclaimed.
"Oh just a couple potions." Disord had started to cast multiple fireballs and other sorts of magic, but every time he was about to hit Twilight, her cutie mark would change to resist what he threw at her. Next he lifted up the ground that had fallen to try to block her, but she had the accuracy of a Wonderbolt. "Speaking of potions, this one helps my flying!" She yelled as she continued to race towards Discord, but right before she had gotten to him, Chrysalis had gotten in front of him to defend Discord. "Oh you can shape shift Chrysalis, well we're evenly matched!" Twilight announced as she morphed into the likeness of Chrysalis.
"HOW IS SHE DOING ALL THIS!?" both Chrysalis and Discord screamed.
"Potions remember? You really shouldn't have left such powerful potions for the race." Twilight said in Chrysalis' voice. Both the ponies had started to fight, and Discord couldn't tell one from the other, that's when Twilight had changed back to her winged self and quickly stabbed Discord with her horn to inject the potion, next she changed her cutie mark to represent rope tying skills and quickly restrained Chrysalis. As Discord had lost his powers, Equestria had returned to normal, and no pony was stone anymore. They had injected the potion into Chrysalis to take her powers away, then they brought Princess Luna over to encase Chrysalis and Discord into stone.
"Wait!" Yelled Twilight Sparkle, her body turning back to normal from the potions wearing off. "We still need to find out from Discord how to turn Celestia back to normal!"
"Ha, ha, ha! You really think I'm gonna disclose that information?" Discord laughed as Iron Will brought the still really weak earth pony Celestia to the group, Iron Will had set Celestia down on the ground, and Celestia very weakly said;
"The... elements... of harmony... Canterlot..." She said, fainting again.
"The Elements? Canterlot? What's that supposed to mean?" Twilight wondered.
"Could there be a way to fix the elements of harmony in Canterlot?" Said Applejack.
"I don't know, but we're going to find out, c'mon girls!" Replied Twilight very seriously.
What could it all mean? Is there a way to fix Celestia?
Find out next time! Same pony place! Same Pony Time!