• Published 7th Apr 2013
  • 2,349 Views, 71 Comments

Survival of the Fallen Race - Immortan Joe

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Act 1: The Uprising

Survival of the fallen Race

By: Dark Nebula

Assisted by: Pegasus Klondike

Act 1: Battle for Manhattan

Chapter 1: The Uprising

Isaac trudged his way through the snowy plains of what was once New York City’s Central Park. Snow covered the bodies of soldiers, and other various creatures littered the snow, tanks and other vehicles lay unused or are too damaged to be used. looking around the snowy waste, that was once a beautiful park, he could see in the distance an old military tent. Looking up at the dark cloud cover sky larger snowflakes began to make their journy down to Earth. The wind was now beginning to pick up its pace. There's a blizzard coming, He thought Guess I'm going have to stay here for the night. He thought glancing towards the tent.

Flinging the flap open Isaac made his way inside, the wind howling in the night blowing snow all over the interiour of the tent. Turning back and zipping it shut Isaac sighed and sat on the ground, taking off his burlap sack. Isaac began to rifel through his belongings. In the end, he pulled out his most beloved possesion, his old journal. It didn't look like much, except for an old five subject journal that a kid would probably use for school. But to Isaac it was his life, in this here journal was a story. A story that told of his grand adventure through the American waste, looking at the poorly written title on the top of the page above the margin Isaac smiled Survival of the Fallen Race By: Isaac A. Ridgewood. Looking back down at the rest of the page Isaac began to read...

You’re probably wondering who I am or why I’m recording everything that has been happening. My name is Isaac Ridgewood, I’ve been writing everything down in this very here journal, I’ve literally just started doing this. I see no point in this honestly but… Seeing the fact that the world has gone to utter shit, might as well do something to keep my mind occupied…

What to write about?

Well, I guess I can write about the apocalypse, it all started about a decade ago...


I was surrounded by darkness, all around me I heard voices, voices of so many different languages. As if I was listening to everyone on Earth speak all at once... I couldn’t understand them, except for one... I heard her loud and clear, something divine and desperate it said, You were warned, do not fight this and it will not hurt you. Live with peace and harmony and you shall be ignored. with that there was a bright flash of light...

My hand slammed down onto my alarm clock ceasing the annoying ring it was letting off. I groaned and laid up in my bed stretching out my arms, I flung my legs over the side of my bed I began to make my way to my bathroom. Looking into the mirror I ran my hand through my blonde hair which was an utter mess. Turning on my shower I sat back on the toilet waiting for the the shower to heat up.

I stepped into the shower, only to be greeted by a wave of excruciatingly hot water,

“Ah! God dammit!” I lunged for the knob and twisted it all the way to cool. Seconds later my body was being pounded by beats of lukewarm water. I sighed with relief and began my everyday morning routine.

After my shower I made my way to the kitchen where I then began to look for something to eat. Opening my freezer I realized I had no more waffles, disappointed I closed my freezer and walked towards my pantry. Opening it I found out that I’m also out of cereal, “Aw, come on this just ain’t fair.” Slamming the pantry shut I grabbed a loaf of bread and slammed two slices of bread into the toaster. I made my way to the fridge going to grab some jelly I opened the fridge to find that I was also out of jelly. Now angry I slammed the fridge shut, before walking away I found a note on the fridge a note I wrote the day before I went to work.

“Don’t forget to go to the store... God Dammit!” I was furious with myself also I felt like a pure idiot. Behind me the toaster dinged and the toast popped up, “I bet I’m out peanut butter too.” I spoke out loud. Reaching my pantry once again I opened but this time finding I do in fact have peanut butter. “Aw... The treat of the Gods.” I said reaching up to retrieve the peanut butter. Upon grabbing it I noticed something was wrong, it was light, too light. Opening the jar I peeked inside, “Mother Fucker!” I whipped the empty jar of peanut butter at the garbage can, and surprised myself when the empty jar dunked in like an NCAA free throw. I grabbed my bare slices of toast and went to my living room to watch T.V and goof off on my laptop.

“Atmospheric Administration is reporting an odd rise in electromagnetism in the lower atmosphere-” I clicked the next button on the T.V Remote.


“There has been recent thunderstorms along the western coast causing some types of Electromagnetic pulse interfering with smaller electronic devices such as cell-phones-” I clicked again.

“Not interested, oh look, politics.” I said leaning forward. I never really cared for politics that much, but sometimes I just find some of their political disputes rather amusing. I know it’s weird watching politicians just constantly argue with each other to me though it’s like sitting down and watching a rerun of Friends. To think that some people padded their bank accounts with millions of dollars a year just for shouting their opinion at someone with an opposing opinion always made me a touch envious of the societally useless political analyst.

“Mr.Vangetski just listen to yourself, lower our budget for the military!? That’s just flat out Ludacris, you're practically opening our doors and allowing other countries to come in and attack!” The Politician on the right ranted. The man on the left simple just stared and listened occasionally nodding his head,

“Mr.Bouchie it’s not about weakness, it’s about showing our trust to our enemies showing the we have no need for quarrel or bloodshed. Also if we lower our military budget just think of the economic boost. In just a matter of a few years America can be out of the red and back in the black.”

I chuckled to myself, “I see what you did there you wannabe poet.”

“Well Mr.Vangetski that still doesn’t give you the right to crap all over our 2nd amendment rights! You guys up in congress are going against our very own constitution!” The man sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “They went too far with those gun control laws! That’s just straight tyranny, what if your little “lower the military budget” gets us attacked. None of the American citizens will be able to defend themselves.” I nod my head,

“I see where you're getting at here Mr.Bouchie...” My watch began to frantically beep. Tilting my head slightly downwards to look at my watch it was time for me to get ready for work. Heading to my room I undressed from my casual wear and got into my work attire. Fixing my tie I began heading back to living room, while passing by my employee of the month plaque. I stopped and looked down at it,

“Isaac A. Ridgewood Employee of the month. Heh... I’m still surprised I even got that reward.” While walking out of my apartment I turned off my T.V.


Opening the door to my station wagon, I found my keys were still in the ignition. “So that’s where they friggin went!” With a frustrated growl I stepped into the car. Turning the key, the old Plymouth painstakingly roared to life, and with a few checks of the mirror I backed out of the parking space and began making my way to work.

While waiting at a red light I decided to check my wallet for how much money I had. Pawing through my wallet while keeping one eye on the light was a task that I had managed to master through years of practice, and just like I had done everyday, I hopefully searched through my billfold, hoping the cash fairy had been merciful. But to my disappointment, I didn’t have enough to hit the grocery after work. “Thirty two dollars and sixty three cents... I’m going to need to stop at the bank.” A few minutes passed and I pulled into the parking lot of Apple Bank. To my surprise the place was packed with people, dozens of men and women in formal wear and even just normal lower-middle class peons like myself. All crowded the bank a line that stretched all the way right outside the door. “What the Hell is going on?” Barely fitting the station wagon in between two taxicabs I got out and made my way inside.

“Please, I just need everything in my savings!” said the man up at the teller's desk.

“Yeah me too!” shouted a woman, all around me more people began shout all requesting they get all their money out. I raised an eyebrow gently pushing people out of my way I began heading towards the ATM machine. Pulling out my credit card I slid it into the machine and began getting to work, noticing that everyone else was taking out all their money. I began to worry so I decided to jump on the band wagon and take out the rest of my college funds.

Leaving the bank I looked over to a nearby grassy clearing, in that clearing laid a bunch of people most of them young adults all held hands as they gathered in prayer. “Is this like the beginning of the end of the world or something?” I asked no one in particular.

“The end is near! Brothers, sisters, gather around! Gather around as we make our final prayers to our faithful lord!” preached the preacher who stood in the center of the small crowd of people who gathered in prayer.

“Okay, this is just too weird.” Turning to leave a man who looked to be hobo ran into me. “Whoa! Man chill out-” I turned to leave but the man reached out and grasped me on the wrist. “Hey let go!”

The bum lifted a finger to his lips. “Shh-shhh! Listen to me fella, you seem to be trustworthy, just hear me out. It’s coming tonight!” The man stared at me, his brown eyes were stern and serious. He wore a torn up old green hoody, his jeans bore large holes on his knees, through his thick grey beard I saw he was frowning.

“Get your hands off me you old lunatic!” I tried to pull away, but the man's grasp seemed to only get tighter.

“For in which the second wave,

go down below to find the way,

stay away from the wretched bay,

for deep within the Kraken lays.

But remember to stay within the light,

if not you will fall prey to the dwellers

of the night.”

I stared at the crazed man who just recited one of the worst poems I have ever heard. After a few moments of silence the man released my hand. Right after he let go I cocked my arm back and punched the psycho in the face. The man crumpled to the ground clutching his nose, “You fucking lunatic.” I said, walking back to my station wagon.

What the hell was that all about? Was trying to warn me or something? What did he mean that it was coming tonight? Ah, who cares, probably just some old drunk...

I glanced around at the growing displays of prayer, of people making bank rushes that would almost surely make the markets take a Black Tuesday dive. Maybe they were onto something. Shit, maybe the world was coming to an end.


On my way to work I received a call from my parents, “Hello?” I answered while pulling into the parking garage.

“Hello Isaac.” replied my very cheerful mother, “I’m just calling to make sure you’re still coming down this weekend.” Muffling the phone I cursed, I completely forgot about our get together plans! Taking my hand away from the phone I replied,

“Yeah, I’ll come over this weekend. But could we maybe extend to Sunday instead of Saturday?” I asked, my parents live down over in Bluffton, Ohio. In a small cottage like house by the woods, very nice place especially the small pond full of all kinds of wonderful fish.

“Of course we can, how about your brother Kyle? Is he going to be able come down too?” Finally finding a parking space by the elevator I parked the car. Getting out I answered,

“I don’t know Mom, I’ll stop by his apartment after I finish shopping. But Mom, I’m afraid I’m going to have to go, I just arrived at work and I have a ton of paperwork to catch up on. Maybe we can catch up later or even this weekend.” I pushed the call button on the elevator seconds later it dinged and the two sliding doors parted.

“Well, okay but before you hang up there’s one last important thing I should tell you.” She said her once cheerful voice leaving.

“Eh... What’s that?” I asked.

“You remember Scratchy right?” Scratchy is my childhood dog I grew up with, he’s more like a best friend then a pet.

“Yeah why? Don’t tell me he didn’t pass-”

“No no no Scratchy’s okay... Well I think he is, he’s been acting quite strange lately.” Hitting the sixth floor button on the elevator the doors slid shut and I began my ascend upwards.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked growing uneasy. My Mother sighed

“He’s been growing more aggressive lately, well rebellious is the right term to use. He bit Michael earlier today just because he told him to get off the couch.” Michael was my father’s name. And it hardly surprised me that Scratchy took a snap at him, the old man was never too gentle with my dog.

“What Scratchy would never do that he is the kindest Labrador I’ve ever known!” I said the sliding doors came apart and I proceeded down the hallway. “Well Mom I have to go now, bye!” I hung up the phone and placed it in my back pocket.

“Your Mother making sure you packed your lunch?” My colleague Eric asked sarcastically.

“Stuff it, Eric!” I growled.

“Whoa, just kidding, just kidding.” He raised his hands in defense.

“So how’s your day going?” he asked.

“Well, despite having bland toast, watching politicians scream at each other, being stuck in traffic for almost two hours, having to push through crowds of people, and get scared shitless by a hobo. Life is going pretty good.” I said stopping at the coffee dispenser.

“That's New York for you.” He said raising his freshly poured cup of joe.

“There’s more to it than that.” I said taking a sip.

“Huh? Like what.”

“The hobo who stopped me gave me some sort of warning. He said I seemed trustworthy and it comes tonight.”

“What was the warning?” Eric said adding more sugar to his coffee.

“For in which the second wave,

go down below to find the way,

stay away from the wretched bay,

for deep within the Kraken lays.

But remember to stay within the light,

if not you will fall prey to the dwellers

of the night.”

I recited the poem, even though it sucked it was quite catchy, very hard to get out of your head.

“Wow, really? That shitty poem was a warning?” Eric half laughed. “Probably some old drunk.”

“I also saw a mass group of people in prayer, the preacher was shouting that the end is near.”

Eric sighed, “Ah... Religion. Honestly, I see nothing strange about that at all. Remember Harold Camping, that crazy ass radio show guy who said the world was going to end two years ago? And what about those Heaven’s Gate guys who all killed themselves because they missed their cosmic cab or whatever it was?”

“What about it?” I asked.

Eric shook his head, “Nothing.” Eric was never really a believer, well I shouldn’t really judge at times I had my doubts, but still even to this day I still believe in some type of superior entity.

“Ridgewood, get over here! Tenpenny, you lazy piece of shit, go get to work! I need those papers by Thursday!”

“But Mr Preston, today is Thursday,” Eric pointed out.

“Exactly! Now get to fucking work!”

“Yes sir, Sergeant Preston.” Eric scratched the back of his neck and left. My English boss approached me pinching the bridge of his nose. He growled,

“I can’t wait to fire that no for good piece of garbage.”

“Sir, I believe the way you're supposed to say that insult is that no good piece of trash.” I said sarcastically. Preston shook his head.

“Oh just shut up,” he snarled. “ Well anyways I need those car reports by the end of friday.”

“I thought you didn’t need them till next week!” I said almost choking on my coffee.

“Well I changed the fucking due date okay!” he snapped. I wanted to throw something right now. Partially because of the stiff-lipped bastard breathing down my neck every moment of my work day, partially because of my laziness in the office.

“Now I need you to work your hardest today okay. You’re hard workmanship is the reason why I assigned you this task.” Hard Workmanship!? I don’t work hard I just like to get my work done so I can play Tetris on the computer for the rest of the day!

I sighed and placed my coffee cup back on the table, “Fine, I’ll get to work now.” I said. Preston smiled placing a hand on my shoulder he said,

“I knew I could always count on you Ridgewood.”

“Please sir, just call me Isaac.” Preston grinned.

“Alright, Isaac, now get your arse in there and make me a happy man!” God I swear that man treats me as if I’m his son.

“Alright see you later Mr Preston.” I turned and made my way to my cubicle.


I sighed and laid back in my chair, finally after countless hours of work I have finally completed half of the papers that I need to finish by tomorrow. Lifting up my arm I checked to see what time it was, “11:25, I got about about twenty minutes until need to get home. I’ll finish the rest of the pages tomorrow.” Leaning forward I began playing a few rounds of Tetris on the computer, after about a good ten minutes my phone began going berserk playing Carry on my Wayword Son

Grabbing my phone and checking the caller I.D., I smiled. It was my friend Andrew, a man who always had some kind of story to tell about his most recent exploits and conquests. “Hello?” I answered.

“Bro! Get your ass down to the club immediately!” Andrew said while trying to hold back a laugh.

“Sorry man, I’m stuck at work,” I said “Why are you laughing so hard, did I miss something?”

“You know that bitch Angela Reaves right?”

“Yeah, she’s that slut from High School,” I said going back to my Tetris game.

“Well her and a group of her friends came to the club about a minute ago, and they started ragging on Chris and his girlfriend. Well apparently Angela got the bright idea to call Britney a whore, and no one fucks with Britney, at least not after a few minutes ago. Because Britney stood up and took Angela’s drink and dumped right over her head. Dude, you should have seen the look on her face, just straight up humiliation!” Andrew laughed

“Hah! Well the bitch deserved it. No one messes with Chris and his girlfriend,” I replied, taking a slow sip of my coffee.

“See man and that’s the thing. Chris did nothing! He just sat there and took every blow. It was Britney who stood up for him and herself. See man, me and you need to have a talk with Chris, we gotta show that boy that he needs to learn how to stick up for himself. But also not just for himself we need to also teach him how to stand up to-” A loud explosion erupted from the other line. “What the!? What the FUCK IS-” The phone line cut out. Pausing my Tetris game I brought the phone away from my ear and stared at the screen.

Connection Disrupted...

“What the Hell, thats impossible. This place's Wi-Fi shouldn’t be disrupted!” Seconds later a large explosion caught my ears as a wave of green force shattered the building’s windows flinging me out of my chair, all lights and electronics going out all at once. “Jesus Christ!” scrambling to my feet I stared out the shattered windows staring out into the dark city of New York.

No lights, all cars were shut off, and for once the city was actually silent. Behind me my colleagues approached the windows. Every single one of muttering to each other, others began pulling out their cell phones just to find out that none of them work.

“Was it a power surge?” Asked Eric who came up right next to me,

“I don’t think a power surge would cause explosions and a shock wave of that magnitude,” I said turning back into my cubicle and retrieving my jacket.

“Maybe it was a power plant or something exploding.” Says a woman in the back,

“I doubt it.” I said pulling on my jacket; the lights came back on seconds later, Everyone's attention turned the ceiling looks of confusion crossing their faces. “What the Hell? They got the power on that fast, must be world record or something,” I muttered to myself while flipping my phone back on I realized I still couldn’t get a connection. Shoving the phone back into my jacket in frustration I began to make my way to the elevator.

Passing by the break room, I was stopped by the television screen, “We’ve just received reports of domestic household pets going completely berserk after the recent power outage we just had. Also animals in the Bronx Zoo have also gone ballistic; turning on the zookeepers and owners.” I stared at the television screen raising an eyebrow.

“What in God’s name is happening?”

“Police forces and Animal Control have been called in to deal with the animals,” Just outside I could hear the faint sound of howling and what sounded like bestial screams coming from the streets.

“W… Wait second folks.” A man from off camera hands the anchor man a few papers. “I just received even more reports that the Police and Animal Control are having difficulty containing the feral animals.” Without any thought I turned away from the T.V and continued my way to the elevator.

About a good ten minutes later I reached the parking garage, I ran to my station wagon. After flinging open the door I stepped in and began looking for my keys. “Come on where the Hell did I put those damn things!?” I patted down my clothes but no luck I kicked the bottom of the dash boarded. I stopped my frustration at the sound of jingling keys, looking down I realized I still had my keys in the ignition all day long. Thank God though the car was still off from when I arrived today. 'I really need to stop leaving my keys in the car.' I thought turning the keys the engine roared to life.

I swerved my way through the streets of Manhattan. The streets were packed with panicked people and crazed animals. What the Hell is going on! Reaching down I activated my radio,

“We keep receiving news reports on about regular household animals are going insane and attacking owners and everyone in sight. We’ve also received reports of excotic animals breaching their cages and are now running rampant around the southern parts of the Bronx and the upper parts of Manhattan ” The reporter said.

“I already know that! Tell me something I don’t know dammit!” I cursed swerving past another a person this time barely hitting them. I was stopped by a police barricade at the end of the road,

“All civilians please stay indoors! I repeat please stay indoors!” A cop said through the megaphone. Another officer approached my vehicle he tapped on my window requesting me to roll it down.

“Sir I’m afraid that you are going to have to clear the streets.” he stated.

“But officer my house is just a few blocks away.” I said. The cop raised an eyebrow,

“You mean by Central Park?” He asked I nodded my head.

“I’m sorry son but Central Park and the surrounding areas are a battle ground. I’m afraid I’m going to have to tell you to turn around now before…” A large grey wolf tackled the officer to the ground and began to maul at his face. “Get it off me get it off me!!” He cried. The other cops at the barricade turned to see their comrade pinned to the ground while being mauled to death. Quickly they drew out their guns and began popping off shots, above me I heard the sound of compressed metal popping. Looking up I saw the the ceiling of the car was being pushed down by something. Right away fear took over, I brought the car in reverse and began going back down the road. Putting the car back into drive I did a 180 degree turn flinging whatever was on top of the station wagon off.

The wolf flew off my car like a rag doll smacking the ground with a sickening thud. It howled and yelped in pain, "You mother fucker!" I slammed my right foot on the gas pedal as hard as I could speeding my way towards the crazed creature. There was one last yelp of pain as my car bounced upwards while I went over it.

Alright, I can't get to my house, but there is one more place I can go to, to seek refuge. My brother he lives in southern part of Manhattan, but it's the only other place I have in plan.

On my way there I constantly ran into road block after road block, each one getting overrun by animals. As I was driving my phone rang to my surprise I actually jumped not because I wasn't expecting a call. Quickly my hand flung to my jacket I brought it out. The Caller I.D. had my brothers name on it: Kyle. I answered the phone, "Thank God, Kyle I'm on my way to your apartment right now!"

"Isaac! Please get here quickly, I hear something outside, it's trying to get in here-" A loud bang erupted in the background "Son of a -" The phone cut out again.

I parked outside the apartment complex and quickly made my way up the front steps towards the lobby doors. Around me cries of animals filled the sky it sounded like a jungle out here. Except for the fact that this jungle was made of concrete and metal, I kicked open the door to the lobby. Seeing that no one was at the front desk I guess he or she must've left one shit hit the fan. I ran to the elevator hitting the call button I realized it was out of service. I slammed my hand against the door in anger, "They said they would fix this a week ago!" I turned away from the elevator and made my way to the stairs.

I made my way up the steps by two, luckily my brother only lives on the third floor and not the fifth. I ran down the corridor searching for his rom "Come one 123 A, 123 A" I told myself. "Ah HA!" I said at the sight of my brothers apartments torn down door. In the middle of the room laid a Rottweiler with a splintered piece wood lodged in its windpipe. I covered my mouth at the brutal sight "Kyle," I called out. "Kyle, where are you?" a low moan admitted from the bathroom at the other end of the room. A small trail of blood also led towards the bathroom. "Oh no... Kyle!" I hopped over the dead mutt and ran to the bathroom. "Kyle!" I jiggled the door knob. He must've locked it when he went in there, "Kyle! Oh God Oh God! Kyle! Please don't be dead oh God please don't be dead!" Fear began to overwhelm me, I began to ram the door with my shoulder. After three ramms the door gave way and I stumbled into the bathroom. Blood coated the white tiled floor, leaning up against the bathtub laid my older brother. He was obviously passed out, his right hand clutching the upper part of left shoulder. Blood painted his entire hand his once white polo was now crimson.

His eyes slowly opened, and Kyle took a belabored breath. "Ike... I'm sorry," is all he said before his eyes fluttered shut and he slipped into unconsciousness.

"No! I'm taking you to a hospital right now!" I gently made my way to Kyle, lifting his right arm I laced it around the back of my neck. Raising him off the ground, he released another groan. His own blood began dripping onto me ruining my jacket. But right then, I could have cared less. "Come on Kyle, you're gonna have to work with me here."

New York was in utter chaos, animals roamed freely ranging from tigers, lions, dogs, I even saw an elephant ram a patrol car, flipping it over and scattering the police that had been using it as a barricade. I sped down the packed streets with my wounded brother by my side. His bleeding was severe, just by visually seeing him you can tell he lost a lot of blood. His skin was a pale white, and getting paler with each passing moment and each drop of lost lifeblood. "Kyle, hang in there buddy we're almost there... Kyle? Come on man answer me." Kyle let out a faint raspy moan. I reached over and grasped my brother on the shoulder, "We're gonna get you all patched up man. Just gotta stay with me... Jesus Christ!" I slammed on the breaks at the sight of a rhinoceros ramming a bus. The rhino turned looking over at us, he let out an angry snort and began pawing his right foreleg on the ground, preparing to charge at us. I placed the car in reverse and began driving backwards blindly. The living tank snorted heavily, thundering down the street towards my pathetic excuse for a getaway. At first we were fine, gaining more and more speed. The old Plymouth may not have had the power of a rhinoceros, but for an older car it still had the speed of a cat. We were gradually getting farther away until I slammed into another parked car. "Oh no, no, no!" I yelled, cursing under my breath. I put the car back into drive but it wouldn't move. "Now is not the time to stall!" I roared at the car. The rhino continued to charge down the desecrated street, batting parked cars out the way with each swing of its mighty head.

"Isaac..." Kyle groaned. "I'm sorry." I looked at him in disbelief.

"No..." I said. I reached over planting both hands on him I pulled him towards me opening my side door I dragged him out of the car. "I'm getting us out of here no matter what!" Despite his moans of pain from his grievous wounds, I pulled Kyle as quickly and as hard as I dared towards any kind of cover that would stop such an unstoppable mountain of rage. “It’s not going to end like this!”

And when I said that, I could only remember the warnings that I had seen throughout the day. The prayer circles, the paranoia, how everyone had been ranting about the end of the world. And with that wave of light, perhaps it had flipped Lucifer’s switch and kickstarted Armageddon. Even if this was just some kind of freak zoo escape, it was the end for me.

I clutched Kyle to my chest, hoping to at least die with my family.

But the thundering mountain of death did not come. I turned to see the rhino stopped in the middle of the street. "What the..." But it wasn't the rhino that had confused me the most. Looking down, I realized something was standing in between us. A small quadruped, no bigger than a child, about four feet in height. It was looking at the rhinoceros, seeming to stare down the lumbering beast without fear. Every now and again it would bob its head, as if it were communicating with it. The small horse-like creature turned to me and my brother, and I could truly see why the rhino had stopped in its charge. It looked like something a young girl would imagine up, with a coat of bright colors, a strange mark on its hip, and a garish mane. But what struck me like a fist was when the creature looked me in the eye.

Those eyes, they were nothing like the eyes of a dumb animal. There shined something in those blue-hued eyes, a certain intellect and understanding. A spark of inner fire that just did not shine in the eyes of wild beasts. When that horse-creature looked me in the eye, I saw a soul.

It stared at us for a moment, then it turned back to the rhinoceros. With a nod of the horse’s brightly colored head, the rhino grunted and slowly turned away from us. Taking one more look back at us, the horse nodded before cantering off with its companion. "What the Hell just happened?" I stammered.

If this was the End of Days, then God must have a fucked up sense of righteous fury.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, thank you for taking your time into reading this. Please if you liked this story by showing your support, also if you did not understand this story please read Pegasus Klondike's War of the Fallen Race. Also I must thank Pegasus for granting me permission to write this. And like always, have a nice day.