• Published 29th Mar 2013
  • 1,787 Views, 73 Comments

Friendship is Magic Redux - paiohelohelo

Twilight Sparkle is the most talented physicist in America. Can she become even more than who and what she already is? What will it take? A humanized reinterpretation of the pilot

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Ch. 9- All That Glitters Is Not Golden Delicious

Iron Will sat at his desk, signing papers as usual. A knock issued from his door, and his writing hand froze momentarily. He had not been expecting anyone.

“Enter,” he replied.

The guard opened the door and Applejack walked in. She saluted him as the guard closed the door behind her.

“At ease, soldier,” Iron Will ordered, and she relaxed.

“I’ve been meanin’ to talk ta ya, General, sir,” Applejack stated as she stood before him.

The general put his pen down and leaned on his desk. “And what could this possibly be about, Lieutenant Smith?”

Applejack shifted her feet. “About the assignment I’ve been given, sir.”

Iron Will continued to stare at her. “Yes?”

“I don’t think I’m the best person for the job, sir, and I respectfully request ta be discharged from it… sir,” Applejack explained.

Iron Will, without even taking a breath, resumed his paperwork.


Applejack just continued to stand there.

Iron Will, seeing that she wasn’t in the process of leaving his office, sighed and put down his pen again. “Was there something else, lieutenant?”

“Permission ta speak freely, sir,” Applejack mustered up the courage to ask.

Iron Will looked amused. “Granted.”

“Begging the general’s pardon, but… I was jus’ wonderin’ why I was picked for this assignment in the first place, sir.”

Iron Will smirked. “Is somebody not happy about being given a cushy babysitting gig?”

“It’s not that sir, it’s just… well…” Applejack struggled to find her words.

“Lieutenant, how long have you been in Canterlot?”

“Goin’ on a year, now, sir.”

“And you were at Fort Benning before that, assigned as an instructor at the Sniper School, correct?”

“Yes, sir, I was.”

“Yes, yes,” Iron Will snapped his fingers, “As I recall, you got the best marks on the firing range and during combat exercises that Benning had ever seen in its entire history… is that also correct?”

“Yes, sir, but you already-”

“So, my question is, Lieutentant Smith… what the hell are you even doing on my base, anyway?” Iron Will’s piercing stare met Applejack’s eyes. “I mean, surely the Army’s bonafide best sniper should be able to join up with her brother as he fights America’s terrible enemies in the boonies somewhere, shouldn’t she? I mean, the fact that she’s a woman, aside.”

Applejack’s intestines felt like they were burning with acid. The worst part was that she had already heard most of this before, multiple times.

“With all due respect, general, I’m not askin’ ta join mah brother in Delta Force, I’m jus’ asking ya ta let me outta this here assignment… sir.”

“I would think,” Iron Will laughed, “that most of the military personnel on this base would be happy to be getting such special treatment in exchange for, what is essentially, a mall cop job… following mischievous young people around all day, making sure they’re not getting into all sorts of trouble…”

Applejack looked down at the floor and shuffled her feet.

“Oh, I’m sorry, did you forget about the little deal that we made? The reason you literally begged me for this job when I gave you the chance, lieutenant?”

“N- no, sir… I just… I…”

“Oh, I see,” Iron Will nodded in mock wisdom. “Your conscience starts acting up, and all of a sudden you feel brave enough to renege on our deal.” He leaned forward. “Is that what you really want, Applejack?”

She looked at him, breathing a little hard. “No, sir… I just… I… why did ya even pick me for this assignment in the first place?”

Iron Will laughed again. “Because Twilight Sparkle trusts you, lieutenant. You’re charming, in your own Green Acres, The Waltons, country- bumpkin sort of way. She’s taken a real liking to you. Most importantly, though…” he looked hard at her to emphasize his next point, “you don’t look like a soldier.”

Applejack’s ground her molars in her mouth, but she didn’t say a word.

“Oh, yes, your brother… that reminds me…” Iron Will snapped his fingers again and reached under his desk. “I have something for you…”

Applejack’s eyes became as big as dinner plates when the general pulled a small, nondescript brown package out and placed it on his desk.

“The complete and still classified, I might add, whereabouts of a certain Major Robert Macintosh Smith, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment- Delta… I believe they call your brother ‘Big Mac’… isn’t that right, Applejack?”

Applejack just kept on staring at the package. Her heart raced; she thought to herself, over and over again, he’s alive, he’s alive…

“When did that come in… sir?” she asked him.

“Hot off the presses, this one, just came in a couple days ago,” Iron Will smiled, wagging the parcel in front of her. “And, as part of the ‘good behavior’ clause in our contract, a certain benevolent general might have even pulled a few strings to allow ‘Big Mac’ to record a virtual postcard to his dear sister… all in one neat, tiny, little package. Modern technology is really just amazing, don’t you think so, lieutenant?”

If Applejack had been able to, right at that moment, crane kick the general in the face and run off with the package, she would have been extremely happy on all accounts. Instead she continued to stand there, mute.

“Of course, if you really, really find the assignment that I’ve so graciously handed to you to be, just, intolerable, well…” Iron Will pulled the package closer to him, away from Applejack, who unconsciously started after it. “…I’m sure that the Pentagon would be reeeaaal happy if Major Smith’s current whereabouts and clandestine activities stayed wrapped up… real tight.”

Applejack looked down at the floor in defeat.

Iron Will smiled. “I didn’t think so, either. Good choice, soldier.”

He tossed the package out on the table, as one would toss food scraps to a stray dog. Burning, Applejack slowly took the package in her hands.

“Now, I want a full report on Twilight Sparkle’s every movement, her every activity in Canterlot, in stunning, poetic, Shakespearean detail by tomorrow morning, 0600 hours. And I want a report every single day after that, until The Good Lord sees fit to finally rid my base of her preening, precocious little ass, or I tell you otherwise. You will weasel your way into whatever pathetic little group she surrounds herself with and ingratiate yourself to her. Do whatever it takes. I want her to truly believe that you’re her bestest, bestest gal pal in the whole entire world. Most importantly,” he leaned forward, his eyes piercing Applejack’s very soul, “I want you to let me know if she becomes a danger to Canterlot, in any way, and if we need to take any… precautionary measures in such an event. Is that understood, soldier?”

Applejack couldn’t look him in the eyes anymore.

“…Yes, sir.”

“Good, good…” Iron Will cocked his head. “You know, if I don’t hear anymore bitching or moaning from you, lieutenant, I might just be so inclined to pull a few more strings… maybe even grant you clearance to return your brother’s correspondence.”

Applejack’s head rose quickly and she stared at him with her mouth agape.

“However, I guess only time will tell… won’t it?” Iron Will gave one last smile before returning to his paperwork. “Dismissed,”

Applejack stood there like a zombie for a few seconds. Iron Will just continued working, as if she had already left. After a while, she coughed and then saluted him briefly before walking back outside again, her precious package still tightly clenched in her hands.

Applejack drove from the barracks to a secluded part of the Canterlot mountainside. Above, the stars were shining brightly, as if they were trying to outdo the city lights. Applejack couldn’t have cared less; when she thought she was secure and alone, she pulled over into the forest on the side of the road, and with a sort of desperation tore open the package to reach the contents inside. She pulled out a small piece of plastic, opaque, white, and very unassuming, and then quickly jammed it onto the surface of her EGO. The device started to glow and beep as it read the data, and when the little chip had turned completely clear, Applejack threw it away and began reading the information that had come from it. Her eyes darted over the map coordinates and satellite read outs, and she sighed a breath of relief. It was ironic, really; he was so very close, on the same continent to be exact, but still worlds and an Alicorn Eye away. Applejack turned towards the western sky and wondered if he was still up, watching the same exact stars that she was.

Carefully, she started to play his recording. Her EGO whirred and a hologram of a young man, not too much older than she was, popped up. He had the same exact eyes and freckles that she possessed, but his messy, red hair had been almost cropped out of existence. He looked tired and muddy, but Applejack’s heart was thumping faster than she ever thought could be possible as she realized that, at least until a couple of days ago, her brother was still alive and in one piece.

Big Mac looked at the camera, smiling but looking a little unsure.

“Sis? I really hope ya get this… I can’t thank ya enough, Applejack, ya don’t know how much it means to me ta be able ta talk to you.”

Applejack’s hand went to her mouth as she gasped with emotion.

“I can’t imagine what ya must’ve pulled ta get this ta happen, but…” Big Mac laughed, “Eeyup, I’ve never really been one fer talkin’, you know that better than anybody. But, I’ll give it a good try…”

Big Mac started to describe his day, but Applejack couldn’t hear him at all as she started sobbing uncontrollably into her arms on the lonely mountainside.


Twilight was tired. Dead tired. She shuffled her feet as she made her way down yet another vast hallway situated inside of The Main Castle. With a sigh of relief, she made it to the door of the room where she would be staying. She took out the little key card that was supposed to unlock it, and swiped it on the pad, expecting to be greeted by warm sheets and maybe her own little coffee maker. Instead, the light on the pad glowed an angry red and spat a buzzing sound at her. She tried it again, but it still reacted in a quite pissy manner.

“Shiiiiiiit,” Twilight cursed as she swiped it over and over again, to no avail. Exhausted, she banged her head on the door in frustration, and a few moments later it opened on its own. Twilight fell forwards a little bit, and then looked up to see her mother.

“Card not working? Happens all the time, dear, you should really have duplicates made,” she greeted.

“What in the name of all that is good and holy are you doing in my room, mom?” Twilight groaned.

“I just wanted to see how your meeting with Luna went, honey,” Velvet explained as her daughter trudged into the room and immediately plopped herself on the bed. “Apparently, not very well.”

“You knew what she wanted to ask me, didn’t you?” Twilight was barely audible with her face in the comforter. “I heard you say ‘Development Division’ when we entered Ponyville, mother.”

Velvet sighed and sat down next to her.

“Yes, I did.”

Twilight just lay there, and Velvet half- wondered if she had fallen asleep.

“So… what did you tell her?”

Twilight sat up, facing her mother. “Oh, you know, that I really needed to get two weeks notice from the college first… paperwork, and all…”

“Twilight, what did you say?”

Twilight groaned and fell back onto the bed. “I told her I’d think about it, ok? Being the Head of Development isn’t something you take very lightly, apparently.”

Velvet looked pensive for a minute, and then her face seemed to light up. “Oh! While I was waiting for you, I prepared a little treat!”

Her daughter looked on quizzically as Velvet ran excitedly into the bathroom. As she was in there, a wonderful, exotic Caribbean fragrance began wafting out, and Twilight watched as Velvet reemerged, smiling, with a hot pot of fresh coffee.

“JAMAICA BLUE MOUNTAIN,” Twilight screamed in happiness and wonder as she immediately got to her feet.

Velvet giggled and nodded. “Your father sent me a small bag ages ago, and I found it in my drawer today. I thought it might cheer you up,”

Twilight immediately ran over and tightly hugged her mother who only laughed harder.

“The love of a junkie… eh, I’ll take what I can get,”

“Yesyesyesyesthankyouthankyouthankyou,” Twilight was ecstatic.

Velvet smiled and began pouring out two mugs. She thought of what to say as her daughter drank her coffee, happily making very loud slurping sounds in the process.

“You know, I’m the one who recommended you for the position. I even told Luna that I thought that you were the only person who could do it.”

Twilight lowered her mug. “Do you really think that I’m more talented than you?”

Velvet brushed her daughter’s hair. “Oh, honey, of course I do. I always have, even when you were just an itty- bitty talented baby. My special little Twilight, ready to take on the world.”

Twilight’s face fell. “Mom, I don’t think I can handle this. It’s all too much. I won’t do a good job.”

Velvet clucked her tongue in protest. “Sweetie, of course you can handle it. I know you, you’re my own daughter.”

“No, mom, I’m serious,” Twilight brushed her mother’s hand out of her hair. “This is all getting out of control… I step off the plane, and in less than 24 hours I get blasted by an army general, learn the real, secret history behind all of humanity, and then get blasted again, this time by the President’s little sister. Everybody wants something from me, wants me to do something, and you know what? I don’t wanna do a single damn thing! I just want to lie here, drink my coffee, and forget, just forget, that I’m currently lying smack dab in the middle of The Motherfucking Kingdom of Equestria- excuse the language,”

Velvet looked down at her lap. “Twilight, you have to understand, this is so much bigger than you or I-“

“No, you know what, mother? I don’t have to understand a goddamn thing. I went through years and years of advanced calculus, and look where I am now! Maybe, just maybe,” she pointed at Velvet, “the real key to being really, truly happy? Understanding absolutely nothing at all.”

Velvet sighed. “Another cup, dear?”

“Of course.”

As Velvet poured out another cup, she decided to change her approach.

“You know, if you get up early tomorrow you can come with me, you know, to check out my lab,” She smiled. “Now, wouldn’t that be fun?”

“Where is your lab, exactly?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, outside of Canterlot, in the ruins of an ancient Equestrian temple. It’s the original location where The Elements were discovered, and where they still reside to this day.”

Twilight looked at her mother. “Mom, just what are The Elements of Harmony, anyway? I mean, really? You can give it to me straight, don’t spare any of that sweet, juicy physics mumbo- jumbo.”

“Really, dear?” Velvet smiled at her daughter. “I don’t have a single clue.”

“…But you’re the head of the Harmonics Division.”

“Twilight, sometimes, in life… sometimes you just gotta throw your heart wide open. You gotta realize that there are things out there, way beyond that which we can feel and measure. Only then,” Velvet gazed deep into her daughter’s eyes, “can you even begin to understand The Elements of Harmony.”

“…Okaaaay,” Twilight replied. “Is there, like, some sort of cult in Canterlot that you’ve recently joined? You sure don’t sound like the Velvet Sparkle that I remember,”

Velvet smiled knowingly. “The Elements aren’t just an energy source, honey, or a weapon, or a singularity, or anything that we’ve ever seen or comprehended before. The Elements are a guarantee to all of humanity that, if used wisely, everything can and will turn out all right. We just have to keep our hearts open.”

Twilight thought about her mother’s words before responding.

“Seriously, mother, are you growing a hydroponic pot farm in your lab? Do you hear yourself right now? What happened to the woman who taught me to always check my logic, never rely on feeling alone, and to only trust in what I can calculate and then subsequently recalculate? What happened to her?”

Velvet shrugged her shoulders.

“People change, dear.”

Twilight just shook her head slowly. “Must be some good dope down in Harmonics...”

“Twilight, don’t you think you’re being just a tad bit immature about all of this?”

Twilight snorted. “Oh, I’m immature? I’m the one being immature? Oh, I’m sorry, I’m just a little confused as to when my mother turned into Mother Teresa.”

“Is this because I never told you about The Equestria Initiative before?” Velvet’s eyes registered worry. “Honey, do you not want to take the position because you’re angry with me?”

Twilight laughed. “Oh, that would just make your day, wouldn’t it?”

“Twilight, baby, I don’t know when you’ve come to think that I… hate you so much, but…”

“You wanna know why? ‘Cus maybe if I had a mother who hated me, I could kinda understand why she left me for so long.”

Velvet’s eyes glistened. “Honey…”

“No, I want to get this off my chest mother, it’s about damn time,” Twilight jumped off the bed in a caffeine- fueled rage. “you know why I don’t wanna take this job? You really wanna know why? Yes, it’s because of you, mother. All my life you’ve kept on saying that you loved me, but you’ve never even gave me the time of day. And now I’m supposed to put my entire life on hold, isolate myself from everything and everyone that I could have, just to make you happy? To work with you? Well, that sounds like a pretty shitty deal to me, mom, I’m sorry.”

Velvet started crying, but Twilight pressed on. Sure, she felt completely rotten in doing so, but the words seemed to be just pouring out of her after years of hiding underneath a snarky exterior.

“And I guess you’ve changed, not that I have the sufficient data to prove such a theory, I’m really just extrapolating from what I know,” She pressed on, “but what about us, mom, what about your family? While you were off discovering yourself and getting enlightened, why couldn’t we come with you?” Twilight sniffed, her eyes watery. “Did you even love us?”

“Now, wait just a minute,” Velvet finally spoke up, choking on her tears. “I have never, ever, ever stopped loving you, Shining Armor, or your father. Don’t you ever believe that I could ever stop loving any of you.”

“Sure got a funny way of showing it, don’t you, Velvet Sparkle?” Twilight cruelly mocked. “You know that dad’s never dated another woman in fourteen years? Night Light Sparkle, the Hollywood heart throb, women still crawling all over him in his middle age, and he still pines away for you, every single day of his life. Is that really fair to him, mom? Was he just not smart enough for you?”

What are you doing? Twilight heard a voice in her head, pleading, as she watched her mother shaking in tears before her. Twilight, stahp.

But she couldn’t. She took a deep breath as she prepared herself for the terrible coup de grâce that she had known would inevitably come at the end of this speech:

“You know what, mother?” Twilight’s tears ran freely down her cheeks, and she sniffed again. “If you love Equestria so damn much, maybe you should’ve just stayed here and never came back home. For all our sakes.”

Velvet’s hand covered her mouth as her daughter’s vicious words tore through her like a wrecking ball. She wiped away her tears, sniffed, and got up to leave. Twilight felt like the most horrible collection of single cells to have ever called itself a human being, ever, but the pressure in her chest seemed to have eased somewhat as she sat, breathing in and out very fast on the bed.

Before she left, Velvet turned around and offered one last plaintive look to her daughter.

“I’m sorry… for everything,” Twilight heard her barely whisper, and then she was gone.