• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 1,438 Views, 10 Comments

The Bonds That Unite Us - Charlie_K

Family can weather a great many difficult times when together. However that resiliency is going to be tested by Rainbow Dash's loyalty.

  • ...

Missing scene 1


"Right now!" Rainbow Dash stated and hovered off the barrel seat, only to be interrupted as her stomach growled again. "uUm...could I get some more of that peanut butter stuff first please?" she asked.

"Anythin' for a friend of our daughter," Apple Brandy chuckled lightly and took the tray to the back room to get Rainbow Dash another helping of food.

"Are you sure you know what you're getting yourself into Rainbow Dash?" Timber Jack asked, "the work up here is really hard, there's no room for goldbricking or layabouts. If everypony doesn't pull their weight the town suffers greatly. New Manexico isn't the place for weaklings," he explained.

"I know that Sir I heard your explanation earlier. Believe me I wouldn't be volunteering for this if I wasn't sure I was up to it," Rainbow Dash replied and nodded her understanding. She knew that the work was going to be hard, she just didn't know how hard just yet. "Managing the weather for Ponyville isn't exactly easy work either. Oh sure clouds look light and fluffy but they're really awkward to move into position, and when they're loaded down with rain they can weigh a lot," she explained, "although it's gotten a little easier since I started helping out at Sweet Apple Acres. Hauling apples really gets the muscles toned," she said and flexed her forelegs.

"I'm sure it does, but I still have my doubts. We'll just have to see how this works out," Timber Jack commented.

"Seconds are up," Apple Brandy stated as she came back out, the try carrying a plateful of peanut butter topped bread. "Best eat up if yer gonna be helpin' Timber Jack clearin' forest, yer gonna need it."

Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide at seeing the platter full of bread and peanut butter, needing no instruction to start eating that rich gooey goodness in front of her. "Oh so good," she sighed inbetween bites, "I'd pass up cider season for this!"

They couldn't help but watch in an amused manner as Rainbow Dash ate, acting like she'd sat down to a full course banquet. There was no doubt that peanut butter was good but the noises coming from her right now were of an almost perverse nature. One by one each piece of bread was readily devoured, a pause inbetween only so she could lick her lips clean before diving into the next one, finally coming to an end at which point she leaned back and let out a content sigh.

"That good huh?" Timber Jack asked.

"You wouldn't believe it if I told ya," Rainbow Dash replied as she eventually sat forward and reached behind her, feeling about for a moment before her eyes went wide. "Horse-apples! Where's my saddlebag!? My bits were in there!" she said as she jumped up and hovered in the air to look about.

"Now just calm down Rainbow Dash. If you had your saddlebag with you when you showed up it's probably still back at the sight where you landed. Your bits are safe, my workers are honest, they'd never steal from a filly," Timber Jack assured her.

"But considerin' yer a friend o' our daughter ah reckon we can le' the matter slide an' all," Apple Brandy added.

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked, before shaking her head at the thought. "Can't do that Ma'am. I'll just...pay when I'm done working for the day if that's alright," she replied and turned to Timber Jack, "can we start now?"

"You really are an eager little thing aren't you?" Timber Jack asked rhetorically, "if you're up to it. Follow me."

The matter of the missing saddlebag and bits had been settled almost immediately after returning to the work sight, much to Rainbow Dash's joy as she really didn't like the idea of skipping out on her meal. But that would have to wait as there was important work to do, and a whole lot of it.

"Colts we have ourselves a new worker, her name's Rainbow Dash," Timber Jack made the announcement. All eyes were suddenly on her, each set belonging to a big, strong looking earth pony stallion, not a single one of them looking very friendly or well receiving of her. She knew this was going to be difficult.

"Surely you're joking," an orange stallion commented, "a little pegasus pony is going to be doing the kind of work that we do?" he asked.

"Hey you!" Rainbow Dash yelled without even thinking, however she was silenced by Timber Jack stepping in.

"Now's not the time for bias, Thunder Kick, we need all the help we can get if we're going to stay on schedule," he stated.

"But boss just look at her, she's so skinny and small. We really don't need a shrub puller on our crew," another stallion stated. Rainbow Dash grit her teeth and growled.

"You think you're so great!? Just point me in the direction of a tree you want brought down and then see!" she stated.

"Now isn't the time to be picking fights, Rainbow Dash," Timber Jack warned before gesturing to the south. "Let's see what you can do with one of those trees over there before we spend too much time arguing."

"Don' worry about me this'll be a snap," Rainbow Dash replied and saluted as she hovered off the ground before taking to the air and flying off.

"Looks like she's all talk and no walk," one of the workers commented.

Timber Jack was starting to wonder if he'd made a mistake in believing Rainbow Dash could handle working with his team, it looked like she was leaving already. He was just about to write her off when suddenly he saw her perform a 180 degree turn and come hurtling back in their direction at incredible speed, flying directly for the tree before flinging her rear legs forward and kicking at the base of the tree, somehow delivering enough force to smash the trunk loose from the stump, not just with the initial tree but the next three that had been along the same trajectory.

There was a stunned silence from everypony present as all four of the trees toppled and fell to the ground with a mighty crack, and Rainbow Dash flying back into their midst.

"How's that for a start?" she asked.

"Not...not bad..." Thunder Kick replied and shook his head to refocus himself, "for a pegasi anyway," he added.

"Pfft, whatever," Rainbow Dash replied and dismissed him with a wave before turning back to Timber Jack. "So do I get the job or what?"

"Oh you get the job alright," Timber Jack replied. He never would've expected to see a pegasus, let alone one who was small enough to still be a filly, to so effortlessly take out four full grown trees just like that. He didn't want to get his hopes up but maybe, just maybe, it would be possible to get ahead of schedule for a change. "Are you ready to actually get started?"

"Just point me in the direction of what you need done, boss," Rainbow Dash stated.

"We've got a full compliment of tasks that need to be taken care of. Trees need to be felled and hauled to the lumber mill to be converted to building material, shrubbery and underbrush needs to be uprooted, boulders need to be cleared from the ground, animals need to be cleared out of the area to keep them from nesting where we work," he said, going over the list of all the tasks they were faced with.

Rainbow Dash said nothing in response, rather she just saluted and took off to get busy, leaving Timber Jack to watch in silence before finally getting back to his own work. Simply because he was the forepony didn't mean he didn't have labor responsibilities of his own.

"One thing is for certain," a blue coated stallion said as he watched, "the next few days will be interesting to experience."

"A good day's work everypony, time to pack it in," Timber Jack announced.

He'd been focused on carrying out his duties in clearing the forest but he'd still seen as things were carried out. Despite it being late in the afternoon at the time of Rainbow Dash's arrival she'd gotten a decent amount of work done in the few hours of daylight she had to work in. There'd been an awful lot of flare to how she did things -such as how she would send a tree toppling to the ground or grab and rip out a pesky piece of underbrush and give it a flying toss- but nevertheless she certainly knew how to actually get her work done.

But regardless of how many trees she managed to topple on her own with a flying kick it did nothing to change the fact that there were only so many hours of daylight available to them, and the sun was just about to set over the horizon and that meant it was time to stop for the day and head back to their respective homes.

Now if he could just get her to listen. His regular workers were already grabbing their stuff and leaving, but Rainbow Dash didn't seem to be paying attention, rather she was trying to drag a toppled tree by herself. Quite a bit of spirit.

"Rainbow Dash!" he called, bringing her attention to him and causing her to let go of the tree and fly over to him, "time to pack it in, the day's over."

"But it's still light out, I can keep going," she protested.

"Yes but regardless of that fact it's almost night, and this is still a part of the Everfree Forest we're clearing. We don't work out here once the sun goes down as it's dangerous to everypony regardless. It's best to pack it in and pick up again tomorrow bright and early. There'll be plenty of time to work tomorrow," he explained.

"But I don't have a lot of time. I only got a week off from my job at the weather bureau and tomorrow I've only got five days left that I can actually be here before I've gotta leave. That's why I've gotta help you get as much done as I can," she explained.

"And your concern is very appreciated, but that doesn't change anything," he told her, "besides look around you. You put in a good day's work in the time you were here. No need to exhaust yourself your first day out. Take the time to rest up and be fresh for the new day."

"Alright, alright," she grumbled and landed, not the least bit happy about it. She was finally starting to get into a routine working around everypony else and having to stop right now really wasn't to her liking. But what exactly could she do about it? Timber Jack was in charge and he was Applejack's father, she had to remind herself that this was all for Applejack's sake, not her own.

"Good. Now come on and follow me," he instructed, "let's see about finding you a place to stay for the night."

"I...I don't really know if I've got enough bits to pay for lodging, I just kinda figured if I needed to stay over I'd just sleep on a cloud," Rainbow Dash explained, but nevertheless followed after him when he indicated to.

"I don't think that'll be necessary," was all he said in response as he lead the way back to town, eager to get inside before the sun had completely set.

The lights were all on in the buildings by the time Timber Jack and Rainbow Dash got back to town and over to the general store, Apple Brandy nowhere in sight.

"Follow me," he said as he lead her behind the counter. "Our home is on the second floor of the general store."

Rainbow Dash followed silently, being lead up the stairway, her nostrils being assaulted by the smell of something very strong...but at the same time very good and making her stomach rumble quite loudly. Peanut butter and bread might be really tasty -really, really tasty- but as hard as she'd worked today it wasn't exactly all that filling. But then she stopped and remember that this was their home and she hadn't exactly been invited to dinner yet. But it still smelt really good all the same...

"We're home," Timber Jack said as he reached the second floor, followed closely by Rainbow Dash who saw Apple Brandy tending to something that looked like stew over by the stove.

"We? Ya got a guest wit' ya?" Apple Brandy asked as she turned from the stew and saw Timber Jack standing there with Rainbow Dash beside him, "well hello again Sugarcube. How'd the day go?"

"Quite well actually," Timber Jack admitted as he approached. "Would you be opposed to putting Rainbow Dash up for the night?" he asked, his ears perking up at the sound of her stomach growling, "and maybe getting her some dinner too? She worked hard today."

"T-that's really not necessary Sir, I don't really belong here and I feel like I'm intruding," Rainbow Dash protested.

"Nonsense Sugarcube. Ya came all the way up here ta help out our daughter, the leas' we can do for ya is show ya some Apple family hospitality," Apple Brandy overruled her and ladled up some of the stew into a bowl and set it down on the kitchen table. "Y'all jus' go ahead an' start eatin' before ya collapse. Ah'll see abou' gettin' ya a spare cot set up."

Rainbow Dash really didn't know what to think. Applejack's parents were...they were really welcoming to somepony they just met today. It all seemed really odd...but she was too hungry to care right now. She didn't need to be told twice before going over to the table and inhaling the scent of the stew.

"This smells really good. What's in it?" she asked.

"Just a mix of plants indigenous to the area and some meat. It makes for a very good meal," Timber Jack explained.

"Meat?" Rainbow Dash asked and looked up at him, "meat as in what you get from animals by...you mean meat?"

"Something wrong?" Timber Jack asked.

"Well no it's nothing wrong it's just...well nopony in Ponyville eats meat, it's just not what we do..."

"I remember that from my time living there. But here in New Manexico things are done a little differently. You're gonna need protein if you're going to be working alongside us the next few days, and that unfortunately means adding meat to your diet," Timber Jack explained.

Rainbow Dash really wasn't expecting to encounter such a predicament. She'd never had to consider the possibility of eating meat; not that there was anything wrong with it, it was just something she'd never really done before. But then again she hadn't come here for herself, she'd come here for Applejack and that was the top priority right now, and if Timber Jack said she needed protein to help out then so be it. She'd do anything for Applejack, even...eating meat. Nodding she lowered her head to eat the dinner that was placed in front of her.

The cot wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing in the world she'd ever slept on, and she'd slept in trees before. Getting comfortable to rest was like an exercise in futility from its construction and the indigestion from last night's dinner hadn't helped any, even if it was really good eating. That all combined with her concern that she might not be able to get enough done in the next five days for the whole trip to be worthwhile made for a rather restless night of tossing and turning. But if it meant making Applejack happy she'd do it all without complaint.

Timber Jack and Apple Brandy had been kind enough to provide her with a cot to sleep on and she was really grateful for the hospitality. And considering how she had such a hard time resting she was glad to sleep on the first floor in the back room of the general store; no sense in keeping everypony up with her inability to properly rest.

Of course not being able to do much more than lay there and try to get comfortable for most of the night meant she heard the hooffalls as Apple Brandy came down the stairs to gently nudge her awake. "Rise an' shine Sugarcube. Gotta get up if yer gonna be goin' with Timber Jack ta help out," she said.

"I'm awake," she replied as she sat up and yawned, "wha' time is it anyway?"

"Just after dawn. Once ya get yerself up an' aroun' come on upstairs an' ah'll rustle ya up some breakfast," Apple Brandy told her.

"Are you sure I'm not putting you out any?" Rainbow Dash asked, "I didn't really come here expecting to be welcomed in like this."

"Aw ya worry too much Sugarcube, it ain' no problem havin' ya around," Apple Brandy reassured her.

"If you say so," Rainbow Dash replied quietly as she was lead back upstairs, wondering both what was for breakfast and how work was going to go today.

"This feels weird," Rainbow Dash commented as she followed Timber Jack to the forest clearing, eager to get going and get more work done, knowing that only such would be able to get the two of them back to Ponyville for Applejack. "Your wife packing me a lunch and all," she said as the package rode in her saddlebag.

"She packs me a lunch everyday before going to open the store or tend to some other pressing matter around town. You get used to it," Timber Jack chuckled, "besides you're going to need it today. Anypony can go full charge for a few hours at a time but we're going to be working 'til near sundown again and this time you're here for the full day. Work like that is when you're thankful for last night's stew."

Rainbow Dash wanted to protest the statement and explain that she was thankful for last night's stew. The indigestion hadn't changed the fact that it was good eating, but then she realized that he hadn't really been insinuating anything, rather it was more of a statement about the quality of work they'd be doing. The rest of the walk was made in silence until they arrived at the forest clearing, seeing the others coming in as well to varying degrees of enthusiasm.

"Mornin' boss," Thunder Kick greeted him as he entered the clearing. "Mornin' squirt," he added as he turned his attention to Rainbow Dash who frowned at the title.

"Morning," she grumbled and shrugged off her saddlebag, hanging it next to where Timber Jack and the others had placed theirs. Under normal circumstances she would've had a few things to Thunder Kick about his comment, and she very nearly did, but she managed to hold her tongue and stay focused on what was important, that being Applejack right now. She'd come up here for her best friend, for her sister, and she'd do whatever was needed to make it happen.

Assignments were passed out and work details formed. Everypony was paired up with somepony else into teams of two for efficiency and cooperation. Everypony had a job to do and they were going to do it...even if it meant getting stuck with Thunder Kick on rock clearing duty. Why couldn't she get tasked with cutting down trees instead, far away that annoying stallion?

But she did the work that was assigned to her and without complaint, assisting in digging out the rocks that littered the forest floor and make travel treacherous, aiding in moving them out of the way and into the awaiting wagons so they could be hauled off and made of use elsewhere. It was tedious and difficult work that left her dirty and her hooves sore, but she wasn't about to complain any as she didn't need any of the grief that could be heaped on her. She'd just keep her head down and work away and hope that whatever she could contribute would be enough.

By the time the lunch break rolled around Rainbow Dash was seeing just what Timber Jack was talking about. She'd been going full steam since showing up and it was beginning to takes its toll on her. Working here was harder than her weather duties and Sweet Apple Acres combined. There was definitely no mystery as to why every stallion present rivaled Big Macintosh in terms of size and strength, they'd all earned it here. To watch one of them fell a tree with a good bucking kick was really something else. However her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the growling of her stomach reminding her that she really needed to eat. Just trying to keep up with everypony wasn't going to be easy, trying to outdo them may very well be an impossibility. She wasn't going to give up though, she just needed to figure out how to best go about contributing.

But for now though she was going to sink her teeth into one of the sandwiches Apple Brandy had been so kind as to fix for her. She'd figure out afterwards what she could do to really help out and get somewhere in a hurry.

Being a physician meant a lot of things to him. Lots of hard work and lots of studying, but also the opportunity to provide help to ponies who really needed it, and that was the reason he'd gone into medicine, why he'd endured all those years of higher education to get a medical degree; it was even the reason for his red cross and stethoscope cutie mark.

But being fresh out of residency had limited him in his employment opportunities as most hospitals wanted more experienced doctors. Not being in the top of his class hadn't help much either. Because of that reason finding this position in New Manexico years ago had been a boon to him. The townsponies needed somepony with medical knowledge when their workers were injured or sickened by something up in these parts and he'd jumped at the chance to practice his profession. And while the work wasn't what he'd spent so many years studying, and he wasn't going to be rich or well known it was at least honest work that tested his skills.

But still there were days when he couldn't help but wish for some new case that would test his medical magic skills.

"Dr. Goodwell! Dr. Goodwell!" came the shout of an excited stallion barreling into his office.

Perhaps today would be interesting afterall.

"What's all the commotion?" Dr. Goodwell asked as he came out of the back room fresh from checking inventory.

"You're needed up at the forest clearing and fast! We've got an injured worker and we don't wanna try and move her!"

Her? He frowned as he grabbed his medical bag and began levitating various instruments and supplies into it. Had some of the mares aided in clearing the forest? Nevermind he'd figure out what happened when he got there, time was of the essence and there was a patient in need of his care.

"Lead the way," Dr. Goodwell replied and snapped his bag shut, following the stallion's lead out the door at top gallop.

The journey to the clearing was long in distance but short in travel time as they ran through the town. But as they got closer the good doctor couldn't help but notice debris littering the area to varying degrees of density. Once they actually got to the clearing he was quite surprised at how different it looked from the last time he'd come up here to tend to an injured worker. Everything to the forest was...gone...like the whole clearing had been expanded and converted into a shallow crater, nothing left but debris and concerned workers standing around in a circle.

"Got the doc boss!" the stallion called as he darted back over to Timber Jack's side.

"About time," Timber Jack grumbled and waved the doctor over. "Come on back up, back up, give the doc some working room," he ordered.

Dr. Goodwell approached to see what the source of interest had been that took them away from whatever work they'd been doing. Once he got to where they were standing he could see just what -or more accurately- who was responsible; laying at the center of a hole in the ground was a cyan pegasus pony, looking cut up, scraped up and crumpled up, unmoving and unconscious yet still aware of just how much pain she was currently in.

"Somepony want to explain the situation so I know exactly what I'm treating?" Dr. Goodwell asked.

"A stubborn little pegasus pony with eyes bigger than her brain," Thunder Kick spoke up. "She tried to take out a huge stump all by herself and she...she..." he paused and looked to Timber Jack, "just what did she do anyway? What'd she call that technique?"

"Atomic barn buster I think. I didn't hear her too well at the time when she was taking off," Timber Jack replied before turning to Dr. Goodwell. "The stump was massive doc, as far across as any of us is tall and unwilling to budge. She flew up way past the cloud line and just dive bombed it, not only obliterating the stump right off the map but doing...this..." he explained and waved about them. It was still hard to believe just how much devastation had occurred.

Rainbow Dash had been eager to help and he could tell that from the very beginning. When she'd been told about the stump and how much trouble it was to try and uproot it she had talked him into letting her give it a try, telling him to get all the workers and their equipment out of the area before taking to the skies and flying to a great altitude. There'd been a lot of doubt about what she could do, or what she was going to do, but Timber Jack had decided to err on the side of caution and evacuated everypony back to the edge of the town much to their disbelief.

All that had initially been seen was a rainbow streak hurtling out of the sky just before the sound of a massive explosion could be heard, a rainbow-colored mushroom cloud rising up far above the treeline and the ensuing shock wave scattering debris in every direction even as far back at the town, and making everypony glad that they'd actually left. When they returned to actually survey the total extent of the damage they were shocked. The whole clearing looked like it'd been flattened, various pieces of debris strewn about radiating from where the stump had been. Had the main building been close by it was safe to say it would've been obliterated with everything else.

It was only after surveying the area that they found Rainbow Dash in her current condition where the stump had originally stood, bringing them to where they were now.

"So one little filly did all this?" Dr. Goodwell asked as he magically sorted through his bag for what he'd need to perform a proper examination.

"Pretty much," one of the stallions nodded, "I wish I could've seen it happen. Sure looked impressive from a distance."

"Is she alright doc?" Timber Jack asked as he stepped closer. Dr. Goodwell said nothing in response as he examined Rainbow Dash's prone form, checking her over carefully and making sure not to jostle her body and risk causing further injury.

"Considering what all you told me I'd say she's very lucky. Countless scrapes, cuts and contusions, quite a bump to the skull but she doesn't appear to have any signs of a concussion. However she's going to be quite sore and I doubt she'll be up to doing any work," Dr. Goodwell explained.

"No good..."

He was a little surprised to see the little pegasus not only stirring but also responding to him as if he'd been talking to her directly. Her eyes were open a little and looking about as she tried to get back up but he kept her from moving too much.

"Easy now little one you've been through a lot," he said as he eased her back down. "I wouldn't recommend trying anything strenuous for the next few days until you recover. Not that there's much more than you can do, from what I've heard you leveled a good part of the forest," he chuckled.

"Not an option I've got too much to do," she protested and tried to get back up again. "Where's Timber Jack?"

"Right here Rainbow Dash," Timber Jack said as he came up besides Dr. Goodwell. "Just listen to the doc he knows what he's talking about."

"But-" she started to protest but never got any further.

"Rainbow Dash, you flattened the forest with that maneuver of yours. We never anticipated anything like that and I don't have any clue where we go from here. Before you go off half cocked at least give us some time to make sense of things," Timber Jack told her.

"Fine...but can I at least stay?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"So long as she doesn't strain herself I don't see it being a problem," Dr. Goodwell explained upon seeing all eyes on him. For better or worse this little pegasi named Rainbow Dash seemed to be the subject of great interest to the workers of Timber Jack's crew. And although it went against what he considered to be sound medical reasoning he didn't believe any party involved was going to be too cooperative if he took a more restrictive approach. He'd have to bite his tongue and let them handle the matter however they saw fit since she wasn't in any danger of long term injury.

Rainbow Dash gave a noncommittal nod and stood back up slowly, grunting at the effort it took to right herself and stay that way. She tried to shake her head but it hurt way too much and instead she simply settled to sit on her haunches while the stallions talked and said whatever they had to say. Right now to her it was all just background noise anyway and she really didn't feel like trying to follow any of it. Instead she just looked around and took in the magnitude of what she'd caused. She'd tried removing the stump like she had the old barn back at Sweet Apple Acres, and while the attempt was a success a lot more was gone with it. But maybe this was a good thing? Maybe without so much forest to focus on clearing they were ahead of schedule?

"However," Dr. Goodwell spoke up, drawing Rainbow Dash's disoriented focus back to him, "I can't simply leave those cuts and scrapes unattended out here where they could become contaminated and infected," he explained as he withdrew several items from his bag. "This may sting but you'll need to stay still."

Rainbow Dash nodded again, knowing all too well what that would involve from her time on Sweet Apple Acres; stinging disinfectant, nasty smelling ointments and bandages to keep the wounds clean. It was going to hurt and it was going to be unpleasant, but it was going to be needed.

She was a little surprised to see Timber Jack coming back before sundown. And even more surprised to see him coming through the doors of the general store while carrying an unconscious and bandaged Rainbow Dash on his back.

There were a lot of questions that could be asked concerning the scene but right now only one seemed truly appropriate. "Wha' happened?"

"Did you hear a commotion sometime after lunch?" he asked. She nodded. "That was this little filly flattening a decent-sized chunk of Everfree Forest with some fancy aerial technique."

Even before Apple Brandy could give him the critical look that practically said "explain" he was already in the process of doing just that, relaying the details to her; how Rainbow Dash had been so eager to help she opted to demolish the stump that'd been giving them so much trouble, utilizing the same technique -now confirmed as the atomic barn buster- she'd used several years prior to demolish the old barn back on Sweet Apple Acres for Applejack, how she'd overcompensated for the greater density of the stump and wound up using a lot more force than she'd intended to and resulting in a massive amount of fallout, and the summoning of Dr. Goodwell to check her out.

Apple Brandy had been amazed and stunned all at the same time. To think that one little pegasi could do so much was...really impressive. However she didn't even have a chance to comment before Timber Jack started talking again.

"Once the doc left after bandaging her up she went right back to working, didn't matter what it was as soon as we found some area that needed tending to she was on it right by our side. Regardless of how much she was hurting she didn't let that slow her down any. I've seen dedication to getting the job done but never in one that was so young. If she hadn't passed out on her hooves from exhaustion we'd still be out there," he finished.

"...Wow..." was all Apple Brandy could say in reply, feeling like a filly again at being deprived of her ability to form coherent responses. That little filly had come all the way up here from Ponyville to try and bring them back to see their daughter and had been willing to do anything to help them out, and apparently that anything was literal in nature. All bandaged up like that, laying across Timber Jack's back and unresponsive... "Is she gonna be a'right?" she asked.

"Dr. Goodwell seemed to think so, the bandages are mostly to keep her cuts clean out in the forest. But I have a feeling she's going to be quite sore in the morning if she isn't already," Timber Jack replied. Rainbow Dash muttered something but didn't stir or move from her position. "Help me get her into bed?"

Every muscle in her entire body hurt, making it painful to so much as open her eyes. All she wanted to do was lay in bed and not move or get up or so much as blink. The blanket and pillow were calling to her and she was entirely unmotivated to do anything other than draw the covers up over her and roll over in an attempt to get comfortable...

...And promptly fell to the floor with a thud as she rolled right off the cot, letting out a loud yelp of pain and surprise from the rough landing.

"Owww..." she whimpered, briefly contemplating just laying there on the floor and not moving. But it was hard and cold and pressed uncomfortably against her injuries. And now that she thought about it what was she doing on a floor? Why wasn't she at the forest clearing with Timber Jack, Thunder Kick and all the others? "Where am I?"

"Ya a'right Sugarcube?" Apple Brandy asked as she stepped into the room after hearing all the commotion that'd occurred.

"Apple Brandy?" Rainbow Dash asked as she made an effort to stand, having to bite back a scream of pain from the activity. "What'm I doing here? Where's Timber Jack?"

"Yer restin' up from what all happened yesterday. Ah'd say ya needed it, ya been asleep fer 18 hours," she replied. But after seeing Rainbow Dash's reaction to the news she wished she hadn't said anything. Despite the pain she was obviously in the cyan pegasus jumped to her hooves, her eyes wide with shock.

"18 hours!? I've been asleep for 18 hours!? Oh this is bad, this is really bad! I gotta get back to the clearing!" she stated and made a mad dash for the door. However she didn't get very far as Apple Brandy blocked her way and kept her from leaving.

"Now jus' hold on a minute there Sugarcube, ya don' need ta worry none 'bout gettin' ta the clearin' an' helpin' out, Timber Jack an' the others have got the situation well in hoof," Apple Brandy told her. However it didn't seem that Rainbow Dash was hearing her words as she was now trying to squirm by her and get out. With a sigh she nudged her back with her foreleg, using far more strength than the little pegasus could overcome and forcing her into a sitting position. "Would ya jus' listen fer a minute while ah talk er do ah have ta hogtie ya?"

Rainbow Dash really didn't want to be stuck here just sitting around when there was so much work that needed to be done. But she could see that Apple Brandy was serious about keeping her here for whatever reason. She realized that there was really little she could do other than just comply and listen to whatever she had to say and nod in agreement.

"Tha's better. Now Timber Jack tol' me wha' happened yesterday at the clearing, how ya took out tha' stump and a lot of other trees. He don' hoof out compliments all that often but he said he was mighty impressed by wha' ya done and it woulda taken 'em weeks to clear that much area by themselves. All they're doin' righ' now is tendin' ta some stubborn stumps tha' didn' come outta the ground wit' the rest o' the trees. Now ah know ya wanna help get stuff done 'cause ya want us ta be able to ta go back ta Ponyville an' see Applejack, but the truth o' the matter is ya just don' need ta be exertin' yerself clearin' out ol' stumps; especially when ya ain't eaten since lunch," Apple Brandy explained. Her point was all the more reinforced by a well timed grumbling from Rainbow Dash's stomach.

"But-" Rainbow Dash tried to object but was silenced as a hoof was placed against her lips.

"Ya ain' gonna be no use ta anypony if ya collapse again," Apple Brandy pointed out before continuing, "ah'll fix ya up a nice breakfast so ya got plenty ta run on. Afterwards why don' ya help us mares out tendin' ta the apple orchards north o' town? Another set o' hooves would come in handy since we gotta get ta buckin' 'em. Might even help us get done sooner."

"Alright..." Rainbow Dash finally agreed and nodded, figuring anything was better than just sitting around and wasting time. She only had five -no make that four- days left before she had to return to Ponyville. Sighing she stood up again to stretch and immediately cringed, remembering just how sore she was. "So why'd you let me sleep for so long? Don't ponies here get up around sunrise to go to work?"

"Well ah tried ta wake ya up las' night fer dinner bu' ya were out cold an' wasn't coming 'round. Ah figured ya needed yer rest after all ya did or ya woulda woken up on yer own," Apple Brandy told her and headed up the stairs to get something cooking, leaving Rainbow Dash to her own devices.

And now that she was alone the first order of business was to get rid of all those bandages. She'd had all night to heal up and didn't see any need for them now.


When Apple Brandy had said she'd make a nice breakfast Rainbow Dash had no idea it would be such a big breakfast. Hot oats, juice, scrambled eggs and -much to her surprise and delight- peanut butter topped bread. By the time she was done eating she was totally stuffed and feeling very content, and definitely ready to tackle whatever the day had to bring, even if it was just bucking apple trees.


"Just bucking apple trees" had definitely been an underestimation of what was before her. She'd been so focused on reaching New Manexico she hadn't even thought to survey the surrounding terrain of the town before making her landing approach. She hadn't anticipated the possibility of the apple orchard being so huge! She'd envisions maybe fifty trees max, not a couple hundred like one of the orchards back at Sweet Apple Acres.

"Impressive ain' it?" Apple Brandy asked as she stood next to Rainbow Dash, amused by her reaction at the size of the orchard. "Don' worry none Sugarcube ya can handle settin' out the baskets and leave the buckin' ta the rest o' us," she reassured her, knowing that the cyan pegasus was indeed sore and had trouble moving freely.

Rainbow Dash said nothing as she was lead into the orchard, introduced to the other mares and some of the physically less developed stallions who weren't able to help out at clearing the forest, before being assigned to basket duty since it seemed like the most logical choice for her; not that she was particularly happy with the division of labor, but if it meant getting things done quicker she'd do it without complaint.

Of course doing something without complaint didn't mean it was something you enjoyed doing. That was very much the case here right now. Helping set out the baskets had been tedious work and overall slow as it had to be done in conjunction with the bucking itself rather than just setting out the baskets and going from there. And without enough baskets to go around there was a lot of loading and dumping going on as the larger wagons were loaded and the baskets set back out again to be loaded up again. It was repetitive work, and it was insulting work since they only let her handle the empty baskets. It was enough to make a pony pull their mane out and finally reached the point where she just couldn'd take it anymore!

"Apple Brandy?" Rainbow Dash finally spoke up, "can I talk to you for a minute?"


"Hey boss?" one of the stallions spoke up, "she's back."

Timber Jack looked up from the stump he was currently trying to pry loose from the ground. She was back? She as in Rainbow Dash, the same pony he had to carry back home yesterday afternoon because she couldn't stay awake to walk? He really hadn't expected her to be back so soon, much less even be awake at this time of day.

But sure enough up in the sky he could see Rainbow Dash circling and coming in for a landing not far from the center of the clearing and devoid of her bandages. Talk about determination.

"Sorry I'm late boss!" she called over to him and waved.

"When I left you back at the house I was sure you'd be helping out Brandy today, not coming back here," he replied as she approached.

"You mean with the orchards? That's already done so I figured I'd come over here and see if I could help out anymore," she replied.

"Already done? Are you trying to suggest the whole apple orchard's been completely bucked?" he asked, not really believing the idea. Usually it took Brandy and the others several days to get all of the apples harvested and stored. Surely she didn't mean that it'd already been taken care of.

"Every last tree. We would've been done sooner but there weren't enough baskets to go around so there were a lot of breaks inbetween bucking the trees while they were emptied," she explained.

He really didn't want to call Rainbow Dash a liar. He wasn't present for the apple bucking and couldn't comment on what had taken place in his absence. But the notion of this scrawny little pegasus helping buck every last apple off the trees just didn't sit right with him. "And how exactly did you do that in the course of the afternoon?"

"You're talking to the fastest flyer in Equestria. I just flew between the trees and bucked 'em. It's not all that different from clearing out bothersome clouds once you get the hang of it," she stated and looked around. "So where do you want me?"

"If you're done boasting about how fast you can buck apple trees why don't you put your weather skills to work. The crops need a good rain if they're going to grow and since we don't have any pegasi here in town we're at the mercy of the weather of the Everfree Forest," one of the stallions spoke up.

Rainbow Dash looked over at Timber Jack who just nodded in agreement.

"No sweat, I got this!" she stated and took off back into the sky to go in search of rain clouds to harvest.

"Ambitious little filly," Thunder Kick muttered and shook his head, before turning back to the stump that was currently in his way.

"And the second worse liar in Ponyville," Timber Jack added under his breath. There was just no way the orchard could actually be harvested that fast, it was a physical impossibility. Surely she'd gotten bored and come looking for something different to do. So why couldn't he shake this nagging feeling he had going on right now? "Hey Thunder Kick, hold down the fort I'm gonna go check on something."

"You got it boss."

As he walked into the orchard from the clearing he knew that there was no way in Equestria that the apple orchards could've been completely harvested in what little time Rainbow Dash would've had to work on them, it was simply an impossibility. Even with all the mares and a good portion of stallions working at it, it was too big a task for them to do in such a short amount of time.

Which is why he was left in stunned silence at the sight of so many barren apple trees in front of him. Barren trees as far as the eye could see, all the apples visible being in baskets getting emptied into carts.

"What...what in the name of Luna happened here?!" he exclaimed when he found his voice, bringing every mare's attention to him.

"Wha' ya doin' here hubby?" Apple Brandy asked as she came up to him.

"Rainbow Dash was at the clearing and said she finished with the orchard. I came here expecting to see a lot of still loaded apple trees. Brandy what happened here?" he asked, completely dumbfounded.

"Ya wouldn't believe it if hadn't seen it. Ah saw it an' ah'm still havin' trouble believin' it," Apple Brandy replied, "that little filly was a blur o' motion goin' back an' forth between the trees, buckin' 'em as fast as she could. Sometime they were fallin' faster than we could catch 'em. With her helpin' we had the whole orchard harvested inside o' five hours. After that she said she was gonna go look fer ya an' just disappeared," Apple Brandy explained.

"Five hours?" he asked, unsure if he'd heard her right. "I guess I owe her an apology. I thought she was being lazy and slacking off."

"Ain' no slack ta that lil' filly," Apple Brandy chuckled and glanced back at the picked trees. "We might actually get ta go home at this rate."

"It's possible, but I don't want to get our hopes up. There's still four more days and anything can happen," Timber Jack pointed out.

"Hey down there!"

The call from above alerted them to look up and see a rather sizable raincloud being moved in, Rainbow Dash behind it and pushing it along. "I've got the rain on the way, where do you want this one while I go back and pick up the next one?" she asked.

Yes indeed. Four more days and anything can happen.


"Deja vu," Apple Brandy commented as she saw Timber Jack coming into the back room, again with Rainbow Dash on his back, the only difference this time being that she wasn't fully asleep but certainly close to it.

"I could've walked, you didn't really have to carry me back here," Rainbow Dash weakly protested from her perch. "...Thanks by the way..."

"You've been running all over from one place to another all day long. No sense in you passing out on the walk back," he replied as he sat down on his haunches and let Rainbow Dash dismount.

She knew Timber Jack had a point. But right now she was too tired and too hungry to say anything one way or another. From the moment she got done with breakfast she'd been on the dead run and barely had a moment to sit down. First it was harvesting the apple orchards at high speed much like she did back at Sweet Apple Acres when time was of the essence. Then it was flying deep into the Everfree Forest and snagging loose rainclouds and bringing them back one by one and positioning them over the crops and fields to get some much needed rainfall. And then after that she'd gone back to the forest clearing to pitch in and lend a hoof with whatever else needed to be done.

And all of that on top of the aches and pains she'd been fighting all day long from the previous work she'd done. It was really no surprise her legs felt like stiff rubber and she had the overwhelming urge to just sit down on her haunches and not move. Right now she wasn't even sure that she could move.

"Anything I can do to help out," she replied and sniffed, noting that whatever Apple Brandy had cooking upstairs right now smelt absolutely delicious. "More stew?" she asked, absentmindedly licking her lips.

"Naw somethin' a little different tonight. Been lettin' a roast cook all day and I'm getting some taters ready fer mashin'," Apple Brandy replied and made her way up the stairs.

"A roast? Is that like more meat?" Rainbow Dash asked and sniffed again. Her stomach was really growling right now and the aroma working its way down the stairs was alluring. "Nevermind I'm too hungry to care."

"It's meat, but it's a good meat," Timber Jack replied. He was about to go up the stairs but noticed that Rainbow Dash was making no effort to get herself up from her original spot on the floor. "Need some help up?"

"No I..." she began to object but then paused. She looked around to her left and her right, almost as if expecting somepony to pop out without warning, before leaning in closer, the act causing Timber Jack to lower his head down to hers. "Yes please," she hesitantly admitted.

"Applejack...gotta help Applejack..." Rainbow Dash mumbled as she laid on the cot, asleep but unable to properly rest. Despite how exhausted her body was her mind simply couldn't shut down as the worries and anxieties of the day were allowed free reign.

And unfortunately her talking in her sleep could be heard all the way upstairs.

"That filly doesn't quit," Timber Jack muttered as he buried his head under his pillow to try and muffle all the commotion.

"It's nice how devoted she is ta our daughter...but this is getting ridiculous," Apple Brandy agreed as she crawled out from under the covers. "Ah'm gonna go wake 'er up and see about givin' 'er some warm milk, maybe that'll quiet her down," she paused, "an' if that don' work ah'm gonna tell 'er ta go find a cloud ta sleep on."

Timber Jack didn't offer up any argument from underneath his pillow, the big lummox. Apple Brandy just shook her head and walked down the stairs and saw Rainbow Dash's restless form illuminated by the light of Luna's moon streaming in through the window. It was a shame to wake her up, but her talking in her sleep just couldn't go on all night.

"Wake up Sugarcube, come on wake up," Apple Brandy said as she shrugged her shoulder. Rainbow Dash mumbled and rolled over on her side and went silent. She contemplated simply letting her sleep now that she wasn't making such a racket.

However her contemplation was broken by the sound of sirens blowing in the distance.

"Pony feathers! Timber Jack get up quick!" she yelled up the stairs.

"Wha's goin' on?" Rainbow Dash asked as she suddenly bolted upright and looked around in confusion. Her confusion was only added to as Timber Jack came storming down the stairs with a loud clanging following him with each step. "What's going on?" she asked again as she climbed off the cot.

"That siren means timberwolves have been spotted in the area. When it sounds every able-bodied stallion gathers in the town square in case they need to repel them. Gotta bring your iron horse shoes, timberwolves hate getting bucked with iron," Timber Jack explained quickly.

"Hold up I'll come with you!" Rainbow Dash protested. However before she could even get going she was stopped when she felt Apple Brandy holding her tail firmly to the floor. "Hey lemme go!" she yelled.

"Can' do that Sugarcube, timberwolves are dangerous ta deal wit'. Can' let ya go off an' get yerself hurt while yer stayin', wha' would Applejack say?" Apple Brandy replied, her hoof holding firm.

"But I can help, I've dealt with timberwolves before," Rainbow Dash protested and tried to pull her tail loose again but without much success.

"Ya don' understand that timberwolves go after mares first 'cause its in their predatory nature. If ya go out there yer just gonna put the stallions at risk by forcin' 'em ta watch out fer ya," Apple Brandy explained as calmly as she could. "Ah know ya wanna help but ya gotta set this one out and let 'em handle the matter themselves. Ain't like they haven't done it before."

She didn't like this one bit. Being kept from getting into a heated and physical exchange was something that she was unfortunately accustomed to with her friends, but when danger arose they usually made exceptions and let her do what she did best. Now she was in such a situation all over again but she was still being held back and not allowed to move forward. All she was allowed to do was sit around, and she hated sitting around!

"Alright...fine..." Rainbow Dash grumbled and sat on her haunches. This was going to be a major pain in the flank. She needed to think of something to get out of this one and go help the others. In a situation like this what would Daring Do...do?

"Could I get a drink of water? I'm really not used to eating meat and I've still got indigestion from dinner."

"Ah'm not fallin' fer that one Sugarcube. Lil' Macintosh used ta pull that one on me. Ah can't let ya go out there an' get yerself hurt," Apple Brandy replied and smiled a knowing smile. However that smile soon ended when a yell outside was heard; one that wasn't associated with anything that could be considered victory. "On the other hoof when the stallions need help it's the mares that come ta their rescue."

The second Apple Brandy's hoof was off her tail Rainbow Dash was off like a shot, weaving her way through the front of the general store before busting out the front and into the unpaved street headfirst, looking around anxiously to get her bearings.

When she heard the mention of timberwolves she was expecting a simple pack of three like what was usually encountered back in Ponyville whenever they had to venture into the Everfree Forest. She never actually considered the possibility of one of them staring her down like it'd been expecting her to come barging out into the open.

In her time she'd been uncomfortably close to timberwolves in the past, but never so close as to smell the foul stench of their breath as it more or less bubbled from its throat and assaulted her nostrils, or close enough to notice how they seemed to have an ethereal green glow emanating from their core in the dead of night.

"Oh buck me," was the only thing Rainbow Dash could think to say as the timberwolf growled at her and advanced.

However it never got the chance to get close as a set of hooves seemed to come out of nowhere and buck the hapless predator with enough force to splinter its frame and reduce it to nothing more than kindling, the smokey spirit inhabiting it fleeing into the night.

"Better get yer head on if yer gonna help out Sugarcube," Apple Brandy said from behind, snapping Rainbow Dash out of her stupor. "Ah can't keep an eye on ya an' help everypony else at the same time!"

"Right! Got it!" Rainbow Dash stated and took to the skies to survey the situation properly. Gaining altitude she could get a better look at the town below and count the number of ethereal glows running about in the streets and between the buildings. She'd been expecting a pack of three and no more. Instead she was greeted/cursed with the sight of nearly two dozen running loose down below, either in the act of pursuing others or being pursued themselves.

"Oh Luna this is gonna be a long night," she grumbled to herself before setting her sights on one of the timberwolves below and hurtling towards it. "Hey you!" she shouted as she came within ear shot, alerting the timberwolf to her presence and making it halt its pursuit of the pony in front of it, "buck off!"

The impact of her back hooves crashing into the timberwolf's head was considerable, delivering enough force to easily decapitate the beast and send the rest of its body crumbling into kindling. Two down and who knew how many left to go.


In her haste to act she hadn't even bothered to try and identify the pony that up until a moment ago had been designated as prey. But hearing that term she knew it could mean only one thing; she'd just rescued Thunder Kick.

"Well are you gonna do somethin' besides stand around or do I have ta buck 'em all by myself?" she asked before taking to the skies again to aid in the efforts.

Yep. It was going to be a long, long night...

The long night had stretched well into the early morning of the new day before all was said and done. When the timberwolves finally seemed to understand that the situation was not in their favor the ones that remained had switched from attacking to evading and lead the townsponies on a wild goose chase for the better part of the night.

But in the end every last invading timberwolf had been dispatched and their wooden remains gathered for a sizable bonfire to ensure that when -rather than if, as timberwolves never seemed to stay down- they managed to reform themselves it wouldn't be in the middle of town where everypony would be put at risk.

Thunder Kick had dispatched seven of the timberwolves himself, three of which had been taken at one time when a bucking kick to the first had sent it flying with enough force the impact shattered the two behind it. Rainbow Dash had dealt with four. Apple Brandy and Timber Jack had six between them. The rest had been dispatched by the various townsponies working together to overcome and outsmart their evasive maneuvers.

With everything taken care of it was now time for everypony involved to retire back to their homes and get some much needed rest; not the least of whom being the exhausted Rainbow Dash who was currently stretched out on Apple Brandy's back, completely unresponsive and snoring lightly.

"When we get her back home maybe we should tie her down so she sleeps," Timber Jack suggested as they made their way back home.

"Ah doubt she's even gonna be able ta get up in the mornin'," Apple Brandy replied.

"Wha' time is it?"

She honestly hadn't been expecting Rainbow Dash to stir, and especially not this early in the day. After last night's timberwolf incident everypony had slept in later than usual and was slow to rouse and go off to work. She was convinced the little filly would be asleep until noon and she could get some work done in the general store. But the commotion in the back room told her that wasn't the case as she was in the process of trying to climb up off her cot, her movements stiff along with the rest of her.

Maybe Timber Jack was right when he suggested tying her down.

"Way too early fer ya ta be gettin' outta bed," Apple Brandy replied. "Go back ta sleep, ya earned some rest after last night."

"No good. Got too much work to do," Rainbow Dash said as she stepped away from the cot, wincing at every little movement. "I've got work to get done so you two can go back to Ponyville and see Applejack again."

"Ain' ya somethin' else. Ya can hardly move, yer exhausted on yer hooves, an' all ya care about is helping out our daughter an' yer friend," Apple Brandy commented and shook her head.

"What can I say? Applejack's my best friend. I can't just stand by and do nothing. It's not who I am," Rainbow Dash replied and moved to take another step, wincing in the process as her full weight was set on her hoof. "It's just like managing the weather back in Ponyville. Just gotta stay determined and keep your eye on the goal."

"Well if that's how ya fall wha' say ya stay here an' help me out aroun' the shop?" Apple Brandy suggested. She knew that there wasn't going to be much chance of keeping Rainbow Dash from rushing off back to the clearing if she had nothing else to do, she'd learned that firsthoof. The best she could do is hope to give her something easy to do so she wouldn't have to move about too much. However her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the cyan pony's stomach growling. "But how about some breakfast first?"

"If it's not too much trouble," Rainbow Dash replied and nodded. "Thanks."

"Not a problem, Sugarcube, not a problem."

"She's late," Thunder Kick commented as he looked to the sky and didn't see any sign of an approaching rainbow. Granted everypony had gotten a late start considering all the excitement last night so it wasn't a big surprise. But still...to not see that annoying little pegasus touching down and looking to help out felt...odd...

"Who is?" Timber Jack asked as he looked up from the stump he was in the process of forcing out of the ground with his back legs.

"The squirt. Punctuality isn't her strong point but I was sure she'd be here before now," Thunder Kick replied.

"Missing her after she saved your flank last night?" one of the other stallions cracked, making Thunder Kick frown in his direction.

"Oh shut up," Thunder Kick grumbled.

Now that Thunder Kick mentioned it, it did seem a little odd that Rainbow Dash wasn't present and trying to further help them out in clearing the forest. The way that little filly kept moving the fact that she wasn't present had him a little...he guessed concerned. Maybe she was too sore to get up and out after going full burn the past few days. Or maybe Apple Brandy had managed to sidetrack her with something so she could keep an eye on her.

Hopefully it was that last one. Right now he really didn't want to consider the possibility that somewhere there was a stranded cyan pegasus laying on the ground with some sort of wing cramp and unable to move. That would be especially bad if last night's timberwolf attack wasn't the end of it.

"Ya alright Sugarcube?" Apple Brandy asked as she saw Rainbow Dash's slouched and panting posture by the doorway.

From the moment they'd started work today Rainbow Dash had been in high gear, which helped greatly when it came to running errands and making deliveries all over New Manexico to take stuff out and bring stuff in. Anytime something was needed either by her of somepony else she was off like a shot. Zooming back and forth and stopping only for instructions. The whole time she didn't think she saw the cyan pegasus sit down even once.

Unfortunately it seemed her on the run style of travel was catching up to her and leaving her exhausted. It was really a miracle she'd made it this long without showing some signs of fatigue, what with everything she'd been doing since getting here.

"I'm fine," Rainbow Dash replied, however her voice lacked the usual enthusiasm she'd displayed since showing up several days ago. "I'm fine," she repeated.

"Ya know," Apple Brandy started as she approached, "ah could handle the store if ya felt like takin' a nap er somethin'."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "No can do, there's still so much work to do that needs to be done and I don't have any time to slouch off. I've only got two days left before I have to go back to Ponyville and if we don't get enough work done then this whole trip will be for nothing. And if that happens that means no happy Apple Family reunion is gonna be had and I can't let Applejack down like that."

"An' how happy do ya think that reunion's gonna be if we gotta tell our daughter that ya dropped dead from exhaustion ta bring us together?" Apple Brandy asked as she sat down next to her. "Ah can understand ya wanna do all ya can an' its admirable. But Sugarcube ya can't just keep goin' full speed like ya been going the past four days. Nopony's got that much stamina ta run on an' if ya don' slow down yer gonna..." she trailed off, leaving the thought unfinished.

"But-" Rainbow Dash tried to say, but was cut short as the older mare wrapped a foreleg over her shoulder.

"Things'll work out one way er another. No sense killin' yerself fer a friend. Jus' try ta take it a little easier fer the duration, a'right?" she asked.

"Alright..." Rainbow Dash finally agreed and nodded, "I'll try..."

By the time Timber Jack came back from the clearing for the day the general store was buzzing with the town's residents making travel difficult. They were all talking at once and making it difficult to understand what was the main topic was about and neither the mares nor the stallions present seemed willing to address him.

"Excuse me...pardon me," he said as he tried to maneuver between the citizenry that just wouldn't seem to move out of the way without a good firm shove. Finally he got through and found Apple Brandy as the center of it all, leaning over a makeshift table looking at a map with several others. "Brandy what's going on exactly? Is this some town meeting I wasn't informed about?" he asked.

"We got ourselves a problem on our hooves Timberjack. Margarine's foal, Buttercup, has been missin' since this mornin' an' we can't find 'er nowhere. We got ponies combin' the Everfree Forest as we speak an' Rainbow Dash took off like a shot ta get a bird's eye view o' the situation an' aid from the sky," Apple Brandy explained as she did her best to stay calm. "Ah'm worried fer the both o' them, but especially fer Rainbow Dash, she could barely keep 'er eyes open when Margarine came in an' tha' was hours ago. Anything coulda happened out there an' we'd never know. Ya know how dangerous the forest is after dark."

Apple Brandy was starting to get hysterical with worry and Timber Jack could see that, doing the best he could to calm his wife down again. His wife was concerned and with good reason. He'd said it before many times and he'd continue to say it, New Manexico was no place for foals.

"It'll be alright, I'll get some of the stallions together and we'll go see if we can see anything," he reassured her.

"Ah'm comin' with ya," she stated firmly.

"Over there!" a voice from the edge of the gathering yelled out as a mare pointed in the distance, causing everypony to look in the specified direction.

Despite the low light from the current position of the sun they could still see in the distance as something approached slowly. Or more accurately somepony judging by the way the light caught that rainbow hued mop of a mane slowly making its way over at a trudging pace.

"Mission accomplished everypony!" Rainbow Dash called once she was in earshot of the large crowd standing out in front of the general store, a pale yellow foal riding contently on her back nestled between her wings as she limped her way over. "This little foal's alright, just really tuckered out from having such a big day. Right now though she's in serious need of a new diaper, and I could really use a bath 'cuz she peed on me on the way back."

That was all Rainbow Dash got out as the next thing she knew the ground came up and smacked her in the face and knocked her out.

"We gotta go ta Ponyville."

Timber Jack looked up from what he was doing as Apple Brandy came through to the front of the store. She'd taken it upon herself to tend to Rainbow Dash, having washed her up and gotten her nice and clean while she was unconscious, and then laying her on the cot in the back so she could rest. Now that it was all over she looked frazzled and tired.

"And we will. In another few days we should-" Timber Jack started but was quickly cut off by Apple Brandy speaking again.

"Days? Jack ya don' understand ah'm afraid ta be stayin' here 'cause ah dunno wha's gonna happen next. That lil' pegasus in the back room has been workin' herself ta the bone tryin' ta help us so we can go back to Ponyville an see our family again, and every day she just keeps goin' an' goin'. She could hardly stand on 'er hooves when Margarine came in but she still got up anyway and went out lookin' and she barely made it back today. Ah'm scared of what might happen tomorrow if she feels she's gotta do somethin' else. If we stay here much longer ah honestly think she's gonna drop dead from exhaustin' herself," she told him.

Timber Jack listened as his wife talked, unloading her concerns for him to hear and all the while remaining silent. She certainly had some serious worries to wrestle with, and as he glanced to the backroom he admitted to himself that she wasn't alone. He'd seen Rainbow Dash in action, heard about how much effort she put into her work. The thought of her exhausting herself to the point of death was something he hadn't ruled out of being a possibility, he'd seen it happen before with other ponies much larger and stronger than she was.

However he never got the chance to voice his opinion one way or the other as Apple Brandy started talking again.

"An' ah can't keep watchin' 'er working herself inta the ground an' pretend she's just some stranger from outta town. Ah know wha' Ma said in 'er letters but ah just can't keep doin' it," she continued, although in more of a hushed tone than before to keep her voice from traveling just in case Rainbow Dash had woken up again.

He knew that his wife was right on the matter. He just didn't know what to say in response to what she was saying. All he could really do at the moment was nod and sigh.

"The next train that goes through Ponyville is the day after tomorrow, according to the schedules I've been reading. If we can make some arrangements for the others to take over for the time being we should be able to make it. But the journey's long and I don't know if we'll be able to stay in Ponyville for more than a couple of days," he replied.

"A couple days is better than nothin'. We can at least get started on reunitin' wit' our foals," Apple Brandy stated, before glancing back at the backroom. "All our foals..."

The scream was completely unexpected and forced Apple Brandy to leap back in surprise and let out a scream of her own. She'd come in to wake up Rainbow Dash and instead was greeted by her bolting up on the cot with a shriek and a look of terror on her face.

"My wings! My wings!" she screamed as she tried to crane her neck around to look at her back, nearly tipping over in the process as she didn't stabilize herself.

"Easy now Sugarcube," Apple Brandy said as she came over and wrapped her forelegs around her to steady her, "what about yer wings?"

"My wings are gone! They're gone!"

"Naw they ain' they're right where they were when ya went ta sleep," Apple Brandy replied. "Jus' breathe an' calm down, an' quit squirmin' so much yer feathers are ticklin' me!"

It took a minute for Rainbow Dash to finally calm down, the process expedited by Apple Brandy's firm hold and gentle voice. It was only when she seemed relaxed that she was released.

"Now what happened?" Apple Brandy asked.

"Remember when I said Applejack helped defeat Discord?" she asked. Apple Brandy nodded. "Well before that a lot of ponies fell victim to his chaos. Unicorns lost their horns and magic, pegasi lost their wings and ability to fly. I was in the latter of the two groups and ever since then I've been having nightmares about it. And no matter how many times I have it, its always like the very first time and I wake up with that terror all over again," she explained, albeit hesitantly.

"Ah'm sorry Sugarcube," was all Apple Brandy could think to say, unable to fully comprehend just how horrible it must've been for Rainbow Dash to go through that.

"It's alright," Rainbow Dash replied and shrugged. Not that it was but she didn't want to get distracted by talking about herself. "What time is it anyway?"

"Ah'd say time ta be gettin' up an' around. We got lots ta do today before the train gets here," Apple Brandy replied.

"Train? You...you mean you and Timber Jack are actually going back to Ponyville?" Rainbow Dash asked hopefully.

"We think we can spare a few days back at home after all ya did helpin' out around here," Apple Brandy stated. However there was no way she was going to tell her the main reason they were leaving was because they were afraid of her dying up here trying to help them out. She really didn't need to know that right now.

"What can I do to help?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well first ah'm gonna get ya a good breakfast whipped up, and then ah want ya ta rest some more 'cause ya need prob'ly need it right now. After ya found Buttercup an' brought 'er back ya collapsed an' been sleepin' ever since. Ya..." she paused, wondering if she could share more details with Rainbow Dash without causing her to freak out. "Ya slept through all o' yesterday an' didn' even wake up ta eat. Last thing ya had was breakfast two days ago."

At first Rainbow Dash was silent as she tried to make sense of what Apple Brandy was saying. But as soon as it sunk in her eyes went wide and the only thing keeping her from shooting right off the cot was the older mare gently pressing her back down onto it.

"I've been asleep that long!? Oh this is so not good! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sleep that long I just...just..." she rambled, but was silenced with a hoof being placed against her lips.

"It's a'right Sugarcube, don' worry about it. Ya done plenty o' good an ya don' need ta be killin' yerself fer yer friends. Besides we're goin' ta Ponyville ain' we? Mission accomplished. All we gotta do is finish makin' the arrangements so we can go. Well that an' get ya some breakfast. How's that sound?" she asked. She was greeted in response by a well timed grumble from Rainbow Dash's stomach. "Ah'll take that as a yes."

"Can I at least get up?" Rainbow Dash finally asked. Apple Brandy obliged by withdrawing her hoof.

"Jus' don' go rushin' off ta do any hard work," she replied before heading upstairs to see about getting something made.

As they stood on the train station's platform it seemed hard for Rainbow Dash to believe that everything was finally coming together, that she was returning to Ponyville today and Applejack's parents were on their way home to be with their family. She'd worked so hard, sacrificing her naps and her aerial stunts to get down and dirty and work harder than she ever had before in her life, and now finally it was all in the home stretch of playing off.

Now it was all just a matter of waiting until it was time to board the nine o'clock and get the journey underway. And right now the waiting seemed to be more difficult than all the work she'd been doing the past few days. With work she could distract herself by focusing on how to kick down a tree, or how best to go about pulling a stubborn stump out of the ground, or even how to best tear out the shrubbery that always seemed to be underhoof. But now there was nothing to distract her from the 15 minutes that seemed to be passing by so slowly.

"Are you sure you don't want to ride the train back to Ponyville?" Timber Jack asked. Considering how hard it was for Rainbow Dash to move he had serious concerns about her trying to fly back on her own. Ponyville was an awful long way away and anything could happen during her journey, especially in her condition.

But then again he'd learned that Rainbow Dash could be stubborn and determined when she wanted to be. No matter how much concern he had he really doubted he'd be changing her mind anytime soon.

"I'd really like to but no can do. I'm out of bits and I'm not about to freeload my way back. Besides the train's not getting there before tomorrow and I've really gotta get back as quick as possible, and in my case that means flying," Rainbow Dash explained as she hovered off the train station. "Don't worry about me, just start thinking of what you're gonna say when you see Applejack again. I've only got two days left before I have to go back to work so I've gotta hustle."

What they were going to say to their little golden apple. That was a thought they hadn't entertained in a good long while. Maybe they should've had more faith in Rainbow Dash from the beginning and actually given it some thought.

Finally the train whistle sounded to announce the final boarding, and to Rainbow Dash it signaled that the end was in sight and that much closer. She could almost start to relax now.

"We'll be waiting for you at the train station," Rainbow Dash told them. They nodded before finally boarding the train as the doors shut behind them.

Rainbow Dash watched as the train pulled out of the station, just to make sure that they were really off and everything was set into motion. Once she was convinced everything was going according to plan -at least as well as could be expected- she took off herself. Ponyville was a long way off and if she was going to get back home before dark she'd really need to hustle. Of course that was easier said than done as her body still ached and begged for more rest than she'd allowed it. This wasn't going to be easy.

By the time she got back to Ponyville it was already dark and Luna's moon was high in the sky, the stars shining bright and providing a decent amount of illumination for her to see by. It was easy to locate Sweet Apple Acres, but making it there was another story. She was weak, tired, very sore, very dirty, and her goggles providing very little protection on the fly back thanks to their crackled lenses from when she took out that stump back in New Manexico. She'd definitely need to replace them later on. But for right now she had other things on her mind; like meeting up with Applejack who was watching her come in for a landing.

"Hey AJ," Rainbow Dash greeted weakly, unable to even manage a wave as she needed all four legs for proper balance, "miss me?"

Author's Note:

Originally this was going to be included in the main story. But after much thought I reached the conclusion that it simply added unnecessary length and detracted too much from the basic storyline. But rather than junk it I figured I'd add it on to show what happened during the six days Rainbow Dash was away.

At the beginning when I started writing this out it was intended to be something far simpler in nature and scope. But then I started thinking and realized that a determined and highly motivated Rainbow Dash never does anything simple and everything just sort of grew from there.