• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 880 Views, 19 Comments

The Curious Case of the Party at Pie Manor - Diamondburn

Twilight and friends are faced with a classic "whodunnit" while locked inside a party at P

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Chapter 2: A Day Aboard the Elegance Express

Here it is, the long overdue chapter 2! It's not as action packed as I'm hoping coming chapters will be, but there just might be some hints stuffed in there as to who "it" will be, so read carefully... *rubs hands together* Muahahahaha....

Chapter 2: A Day Aboard the Elegance Express

"Hey, Twilight, are we there yet..?"

Spike groaned as he hung his arms and head over the edge of the seat, letting them sway while he looked at the rest of the Ponyville car upside-down. Apple Bloom, too, was getting restless. She pressed her nose and hooves against the window every few seconds, trying to find something entertaining on the other side.

"I don't think so, Spike," Twilight said, not bothering to look up from the adventure novel she was reading. Rainbow Dash was seated next to her, muzzle buried in a similar fashion, quietly but intensely reading the final chapters of Daring-Do and the Island of Forever Night. Twilight found a good stopping place and glanced up at the fancy-looking clock at the opposite side of the car.

"It looks like we've only been traveling for about an hour, Spike," she said, turning back to her book. "I'd imagine we've still got quite a long while to go."

Spike groaned louder, squirming uncomfortably in his seat. "There's nothing to do!"

"That's why I told you to bring a book, Spike," Twilight said before gingerly turning the page. Spike rolled his eyes and sat up, resting his elbows on the table in front of him and his palms on his cheeks, grumpily reading the front cover of Twilight's book over and over again while trying to think of something to do.

The hours wore on, and Apple Bloom and Spike resorted to playing Go Fish with a rugged pack of cards Apple Bloom brought with her. Rainbow Dash and Twilight were still nose deep in their books, though Rainbow had finished Daring-Do and the Island of Forever Night and eagerly moved on to the next book in the series without a hitch. Applejack, after several restless nights of extra apple bucking, was sound asleep, snoring through her cowpony hat loosely draped over her tired eyes. Rarity was asleep as well, insisting that it was to get as much beauty sleep as she could before their arrival, while Fluttershy spent the hours staring out the window, watching the sprawling landscapes whizz by, squeaking in delight every time they happened to pass a rogue fox or flock of birds. Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, had no problem spending the time happily occupied by Gummy's tame antics.

Now, the clock quietly struck 1 o' clock, and in perfect sync, a uniformed waiter slid open the door to the Ponyville car and stepped in, carrying a tall stack of menus against his chest.

"Excuse me," he started, his voice purposeful and full of discipline. "Our kitchen has just begun serving lunch." He stepped around the car, placing a menu in front of all the ponies, even the sleeping ones without bothering to wake them up. "Unfortunately, our dining car, for the moment, is full, but you are free to order and dine in your car. We have a wide variety of choices if you're interested."

The foreign voice startled Rarity awake, and she pulled her pink sleep mask from her eyes and looked at the waiter curiously, still not fully awake. He raised an eyebrow condescendingly and rephrased his question.

"Would you be interested in some lunch, ma'am?"

Rarity's eyes widened, and her previous fatigue was gone in an instant. She scrambled out of the bed and sat beside Fluttershy hurriedly, settling in carefully as though to fool the waiter into thinking that she was there the whole time, before batting her eyelashes at him.

"Um, why yes, I would," she said. "What do you have?" The waiter sighed and looked indicatively at the menu in front of her. Her cheeks turned rosy as she slid the menu off the table and into her hooves, opening it delicately.

"Oh, ehem, yes, of course."

"Oooh, lunch??" Apple Bloom hopped excitedly off the seat and scrambled into Applejack's, nudging her awake accidentally. "I'm starvin'!"

Applejack slid her hat back into its rightful position and blinked repeatedly, letting her eyes adjust to the light before picking up the menu, studying it carefully.

"I could go for a bite ma'self," she said happily. Twilight raised a hoof politely.

"Excuse me, but can I just have a salad..?"

The waiter answered curtly. "Our special salad of the afternoon is an Eastern Meadow grass and celery strip toss with shredded carrots and a spicy olive oil and vinegar dressing."

"Oooh, yum!" Twilight said eagerly, offering him her menu. "I'll have that! Oh, and just some water to drink, please."

The waiter turned his judgmental gaze to Rainbow Dash. "And for you..?" Twilight nudged Rainbow, whose eyes were locked on her book as she grunted and nudged Twilight back, not wanting to be thrust out of the exciting world of Daring-Do. Twilight smiled meekly at the waiter.

"She'll have the same."

Spike waved his hand in the air, as though fighting for the waiter's attention.

"Hey!" he called. "I just want anything with gems!" His mouth began to water as he thought about the meal. "Big, tasty rubies and sapphires..."

The waiter nodded. "Very well."

Applejack looked at the menu warily, passing it over backwards and front, before looking at the waiter.

"Y'all got anything with apples?"

"This afternoon, we're offering an applewood roasted hay and oats platter."

Applejack smiled and passed him her menu. "That should do it!"

Apple Bloom hopped up and down in her seat. "Oooh, oooh, I want the fanciest Apple Pie ya got! And to drink..." She studied the menu carefully before finding something that piqued her interest, smiling brightly. "Some... 'Pinot Noir'! That sounds mighty fancy!" Applejack gasped slightly and yanked the menu from her Apple Bloom, shaking her head.

"No way, little, missy," she said. "Not 'til you're older..." She muttered protectively under her breath. "Maybe not even then..." She turned her attention to the waiter. "Got any... Uh, juice?"

"Juice, ma'am..?" he said hesitantly.


"The closest thing we have to... Ehem, juice, is a sparkling cider made from naturally growing pears from the Fertile Forrest."

"Yeah, two o' those, please," Applejack said, returning Apple Bloom's menu. Apple Bloom just huffed defiantly and slumped back in her seat, pouting.

Rarity smiled coyly at the waiter. "I'll just have a side of celery and some red wine," she said, handing him her menu with her magic. "I'm trying to watch my figure..."

The waiter nodded solemnly, asking nothing further, and turned to Fluttershy.

"I'll, um, have the same..." Fluttershy peeped. "I'm... um... also trying to watch my figure..."

The waiter narrowed his eyes a bit as he nodded solemnly, finding it harder to read the timid pony than it was to read the others.

Rarity eyed Fluttershy suspiciously. "What..? That's not like you, Fluttershy... Is everything alright..?" The other ponies, too, eyed Fluttershy curiously, causing her to shrink into her seat. They could barely hear her as she mumbled her defense.

"Um... maybe it's just that... I'm a bit... n-nervous..." The ponies sighed in relief and eased their gaze.

"Nervous??" Rarity said, perking up a bit. She smiled and shook her head slightly. "Dear, you won't be able to have a good time if you're nervous! And it just so happens that I have the perfect thing for a bit of the pre-party butterflies! You'll be back to yourself in no time!"

Pinkie Pie, apparently acting on Spike's example, waved her hooves desperately in the air. "Hey, waiter!!" she shouted, "me and Gummy want a tray of a hundred cupcakes!!"

The waiter eyed Pinkie Pie curiously. "C-cupcakes..? I don't think we-"


The waiter's eyes widened and he quickly looked away, taking a short but quick step back, as though afraid she was going to lash out at him.

"Uh, y-yes, cupcakes. One hundred. And milk. Very well." He nervously turned to leave, calling behind him. "I'll have your food brought to you as soon as it has been prepared. Good day."

It wasn't long before everyone was happily eating their meals. The Apple sisters talked and giggled over the tall glasses of surprisingly delicious pear cider, while Rarity slowly dragged out eating her small plate of three celery stalks, trying to fool her rumbling stomach into believing that she was eating more than she really was, and moderated herself carefully with the wine. Pinkie Pie had ravenously gobbled down at least twenty of the red velvet and vanilla icing cupcakes in the time that Gummy had eaten half of one, while Spike savored his meal of precious gems, and Twilight ate her salad contently. Fluttershy picked at her celery, clearly dissatisfied with her choice, and sniffed at the wine every now and then, debating on whether or not to dare take even a sip. Rainbow Dash picked at her salad here and there whenever she found a good time to hop back into reality, though she wouldn't stay long before delving into her book again.

After the leftovers from their meals had been cleaned up, Rarity and Applejack peacefully drifted off back into sleep, this time joined by Rainbow Dash, whose face was still buried in her Daring-Do novel as she snored into the pages, and Pinkie Pie, who had only managed to finish sixty of the cupcakes before passing out onto her seat, snored robustly, with Gummy curled up warmly in her pink mane. Twilight was awake reading a book on etiquette, while Spike and Apple Bloom played another game of Go Fish, before getting bored and playing a game of 52 Card Pickup, much to the annoyance of Twilight. Fluttershy went back to staring placidly out the window, quiet as a mouse.

The sun had finally sunk low in the sky, and everyone in the Ponyville car was fast asleep, no doubt dreaming of the exciting weekend ahead of them. The train gracefully made its way to Pie Manor, and all was quiet...


"Ehem! Excuse me ladies, but our conductor would like me to inform you that we will be arriving at Pie Manor in approximately twenty minutes."

The ponies groggily tossed and turned in their beds and seats. Rainbow Dash sat up and yawned lazily before looking down at her book, growling angrily as she picked it up to examine the dried drool stain on the page making it curl and wrinkle. Twilight stretched her legs, shivering slightly. She noticed a peculiar weight on her back and shoulders, and turned her head slightly to try and see what it was, only to hear Spike snoring in her ear. She rolled her eyes and tried to shake him awake, only succeeding in letting him tumble onto the floor. Applejack and Applebloom yawned and stretched in their seat, while Pinkie Pie rubbed her tired face with her hooves and Fluttershy stretched her wings carefully. Rarity was the last awake, yawning loudly, trying to settle into the covers again before stopping abruptly, yanking off her sleep mask to look at the usher standing at the door.

"I'm sorry," she began in horror, "did you say... T-twenty minutes..?"

"Yes," he began, "we've just finished passing through Pristine Pastures and we're only about-"

The usher was cut off mid sentence as Rarity pressed her hooves against him, trying to shove him out of the car.

"Oh, thank you very much for the notice," she said, feigning a smile. "Now, if you'll excuse us..."

The usher opened his mouth to speak again just before she slammed the door shut, starting to pant nervously.

"What's the big deal Rarity?" Rainbow asked, sitting up, still half-asleep.

"What is the big deal?!" Rarity hurried over to her bed and unzipped her case, opening it up. "The big deal is that we only have twenty minutes to change!! We can't walk into the Biannual Ball just... Stark naked!!" Rarity proceeded to lay out the individual dresses neatly on her bed frantically while the other ponies woke themselves up. Twilight walked over to examine them further.

"Wow, Rarity," she said, smiling. "They look... Incredible..."

"Why thank you, Twilight," Rarity mumbled, exasperated, using her magic to grab a brush before dragging it through her purple mane. "It was just a little something that I threw together, nothing special..."

However, it was clear that the dresses were something special. Even in the pale light of the stars outside and the dim glow of the oil lamps in the corners of the car, the fabric and jewel accents shone brilliantly, glistening as though giving off a light of their own. The other ponies gathered round to appreciate them as well.

"Nothin' short of amazin'," Applejack said, even finding herself spellbound by the garments.

"Oh, it's nothing really," Rarity mumbled, loosening the laces of her own dress with her teeth before slipping it on gingerly, straightening out the fabric with her hoof. "Everything should be there when you're ready," she said before pulling out her makeup kit to carefully re-apply her eyeshadow.

The ponies easily found their own dresses and laid out the accessories neatly so they could tackle them one at a time, but they found it much more difficult than they imagined to put them on.

"Ouch! Fluttershy! Stop poking me with your wing!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash... It's just... Twilight keeps stepping on my hooves... I'm sure it was just an accident though..."

"Well I can't help it if Pinkie Pie keeps hogging up all the room!"

"Hehe! Gummy keeps tickling me, and I get all wiggly when I get tickly!"

"Why in the hay do we gotta change in this tiny little area anyway??"

"Because Rarity's section was the only one with a privacy curtain!"

"Well why do we need the privacy curtain ‘n the first place? I thought we had this discussion before... We don't normally wear clothes."

"Applejack, the ponies on this train are highly sophisticated and dignified. We cannot simply allow ourselves to be walked in on when we're at our most delicate!"

"Uh, if you can't tell, Rarity, this ain't exactly dignifying."

"Oh, hush. This is coming along quite nicely."

Spike and Apple Bloom sat quietly outside the tiny, closed off area of the Ponyville car, staring off into space while listening to the fussing and grumbling ponies inside. It took all of five minutes for Apple Bloom to put on her dress, which was just a simple, all pink dress, complete with poofy sleeves and a large, golden-silk lined bow. She tapped her pink high-heeled shoes against the wooden floors of the car restlessly. Spike, meanwhile, was dressed in his signature tuxedo top complete with red bow-tie, drumming his claws on the table in boredom. It didn't take long for them to resort to playing I Spy, and after Apple Bloom had successfully guessed "clock," she began looking around the car for something to spy.

"I spy... With my little eye... Somethin'..." Her voice trailed off to make way for a sudden gasp as she clambered toward the window. "Is that it..??" Apple Bloom's eyes were wide with amazement as she peered out the window, her hooves pressed firmly against it. The train was quickly making its way toward what seemed to be a massive castle, complete with a sprawling garden and grand hedge maze, much like the one in Canterlot, but far more lush with color and vibrancy, and a beautiful, marble fountain in front, spewing sapphire blue water into the night air. Everywhere ponies from all over Equestria were chatting over glasses of wine and cider, enjoying the crisp night air, being waited on by tactful, uniformed waiters in the faint glow of firefly lanterns and iron torches. Spike scurried to the window, skeptical at first, but quickly matching her stare of awe.

Applejack flung open the curtain and stepped out. Her long lashes even managed to rival Rarity's, and her bouncy, blonde curls swayed gently on the rocking train as she walked over to the window to take a look for herself.

"Wow, ain't that somethin'," she said, moving in a little closer to get a better look. Twilight stepped out and did the same, her shiny purple high-heels clacking against the floor. She blinked several times as she peered out the window, not used to wearing eyeshadow, before finally catching a good look at the scene.

"Wow..." she said. The brilliant lights from the lanterns and torches bounced off her glossy eyes. "It's even more beautiful than I thought it would be..."

"Are we finally here?!" Pinkie Pie dashed out of the makeshift changing room and pressed her snout against the window, a large smile stretching across her face. Her peppermint spiral earrings and gumdrop-shaped pendants glowed in the calm light as she stared into it. "It's even better than I remember it being!"

Fluttershy stepped gingerly out to join the others. Her pink mane was wound up in a tight, elegant bun, a single, thin blue hair stick poking its way out, perfectly matching her flowing baby-blue dress. She managed to squeeze in to steal a peak at the growing spectacle. "Oh my..."

A growl came from inside the curtain.

"Come on, Rarity, I wanna go see!!"

"Now, now, calm down, Rainbow Dash. I'm almost finished... Just let me fix your bows and we''ll be done... There! All b--" Before Rarity could even finish her sentence Rainbow shot out from behind the curtain, hovering over the other ponies to take a look. Her rainbow mane was adorned with equally colorful bows that seemed to changed their colors every time you looked at them at a different angle, and her weightless dress, black and white with thin strips of the same rainbow fabric twirling around it, swayed gently as she hovered in the air.

"Wow..." she said, clearly getting excited again. "I bet the Wonderbolts are already inside!"

Just then, the train rocked backward suddenly, the screeching sound of the brakes filling the air as it began to slow down, pulling into the large train platform standing beside the mansion, deep within its lush garden. Rarity stepped out gracefully, despite not having an audience, taking particular care as to not step on the her flowing blue and red dress as it trailed behind her, and joined the other ponies. Various rubies and sapphires adorned her dress in perfect symmetry with each other, and she even wore one large, firey ruby on one ear and an equally stunning, deep blue sapphire on the other. She pretended not to be concerned with the view from the window, but couldn't help but steal a peak from the corner of her eye, smiling.

"Why, yes," she began before looking away again. "It does look quite nice, doesn't it?"

The ponies interrupted their gawking to look at one another, stopping for the first time to admire each other in their new dresses before huddling together in a group hug, giggling excitedly. Spike pretended to gag himself with a claw and Apple Bloom giggled shyly, causing Spike to blush, tugging at the collar of his tuxedo as he looked away. The door slid open once again to reveal the uniformed usher just as the train had come to a complete stop.

"Excuse me, ladies," he started, his eyes closed while he spoke as he took a dignified stance, his chin high. "We've finally arrived at Pie Manor, and we invite you to make your way to the opening night's festivities. You're more than welcome to mingle with the other guests and enjoy the ground's magnificent gardens, as well as help yourselves to the various platters of samples and hors d'oeuvres our servers will be carrying throughout the night. We do, however, ask that you join us in the main dining hall at precisely eight o' clock this evening for the Biannual Commencement Dinner." He opened his eyes and started to speak again before locking eyes with the beautiful ponies, his gaze bouncing from pony to pony as he searched for his words, resisting the urge to wipe his brow and finding it particularly difficult to take his eyes off of Twilight, though she was more than clueless to it.

"Um... Y-yes," he started again nervously, "like I was saying please make your way onto the platform and out into the party... We will... I-I will personally take your bags to your rooms... The Ponyville suites are located..." Growing more and more flustered, he resorted to consulting his prearranged notecards, speaking plainly as he read them word for word. "... Located on the second floor of the East Wing, rooms 200 through 212. We hope you enjoy your stay at Pie Manor and have found your commute via the Elegance Express delightful and unrivaled in luxury. Th-thank you." Without an ounce of hesitation, the usher left, first forgetting to close the door behind him, before returning, mumbling an awkward apology as he slid it closed.

As soon as she was sure he was out of earshot, Rainbow Dash lost herself into a fit of giggling. "Hahaha, did you see that guy?? What was that about..?"

"I guess we done left him speechless," Applejack said, trying not to sound as proud of the fact as she was.

"If all the other ponies here are like that," Rainbow Dash said deviously, "I bet we could have them eating out of the sole of our hooves by the end of the night!"

"Now, now, Rainbow Dash," Rarity began, trying to look disciplined, "a lady would never do such a thing..." Her facade didn't last long before she squealed in delight. "But yes!! I bet we could!!!"

Rainbow Dash smirked and nudged Twilight teasingly. "He seemed to have a thing for you, though, Twi..."

Twilight looked at Rainbow in shock and confusion. "Wh-what?? Me?? What gave you that idea??"

The other ponies collectively giggled as Twilight's cheeks turned a deep shade of red. Spike had to clasp his claws over his mouth to keep his laughter muffled.

"Oh, leave the girl alone," Rarity piped in, trying to cover up the fact that she, too, was laughing. "That young colt had very good taste. I can't say I blame him."

The sounds of the other passengers onboard bustling about filled the air, and the ponies could see the fancy and elegant guests pour off the train and onto the platform, some making small talk, some stretching tiredly, most hurrying to the expansive garden. Rarity zipped up her now empty case tightly and, using her magic, extended its wheels so that it could roll effortlessly behind her, checking her mane and make-up in her reflection in the window one last time.

"Well, what do you say we go make our grand entrance..?" she said alluringly.

"Yeah!!" Pinkie Pie shouted, causing Gummy to bury himself further into her mane. "It's time to PAR-TAY!!!"

"I don't know about you gals," Applejack said, "but I'm gonna go get my hooves on some grub."

"Me too!" Apple Bloom joined in.

"Oh, and um, I'd love to take a look around the garden..." Fluttershy mumbled. "If that's okay with you all..."

"And I gotta figure out where the Wonderbolts are staying!" Rainbow declared proudly.

"I suppose my legs could use a stretch," said Twilight, still recovering from her bout of embarrassment. "What do you say we go look for that library, Spike?"

"I'm in!" Spike replied, hopping onto her back. "I just hope those waiter guys are going to be serving snacks in there..."

The ponies giggled as they all filed toward the doors, getting ready to leave the train, Rarity proudly standing in front.

"Now, if you ladies will excuse me," she said, gracefully stepping onto the platform. "My people await!!" She could almost feel the searing, judgmental looks of her friends as she turned around, smiling coyly. "I mean, our people, of course!"