• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 1,387 Views, 43 Comments

Fuel to the Fire - KarlGaks

You basically just get shot into a pool. Then you nearly die. Then you get hid away from the light of day for the rest of your life, have fun!

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Spitfire peacefully swam through the Wonderbolt’s pool, her wings moving in tandem to propel her through the water. The therapeutic feeling of being submerged in water was he preferred way of relaxing after a show. Unfortunately, her idyllic swim was interrupted when a huge sphere of light appeared above the pool and exploded with an ear-splitting bang. A strange figure shot out of the explosion and zoomed straight to the bottom of the pool. In a state of shock, Spitfire began to sink to the bottom of the pool, but she snapped out of it and swam back to the surface.

When she had finished calming down, Spitfire remembered the figure that had landed in the pool. Against her better judgment, she swam to the bottom of the pool to search for the thing. After searching for a few moments, she caught sight of what appeared to be a strange bipedal creature. It looked… well… she didn't know what she could compare it to. It wasn't hairy or bulky enough to be an ape, and it just straight up couldn’t be one even by the farthest stretches of the imagination. It wasn't like a dragon either; the creature had neither scales nor claws. She continued to go over the creature in her head as she swam towards it.

Her curiosity got the better of her, so she decided to save the creature from a watery grave. Besides, she mused, I don’t want a corpse in my pool. Even though it was quite a sizable creature, Spitfire was still able to lift the creature onto her back. She carried it out of the water and dropped it beside the pool.
I don't think that's a healthy angle for its arm to be bent at, she thought. Upon further inspection, she discovered that its left arm was broken.

Spitfire heard hoofbeats, which was to be expected; with how loud the explosion had been, anypony would have dropped what they were doing and investigated. Fleetfoot charged into the room, followed by a large group of other ponies. "Holy shit! What the heck is that?" exclaimed one of the many ponies now crowding the creature. "Spitfire! Explain yourself!" her manager shouted. "W-well, I was swimming in the pool, and then there was this explosion of light and then this... thing, shot out of the explosion and down into the water. I went to go and see what it was, saw that it was alive, and pulled it out of the pool before it drowned.”

"How do you know it's even still alive?" Fleetfoot pointed out. Spitfire looked back at the creature and realized that she wasn't quite sure herself, but only until she saw it breathing. With how shallow its breaths were, she couldn't be sure it would be alive for much longer. "Well, it's breathing. It wouldn't be breathing if it was dead, right? Anyways, somepony needs to go get help. It won't be breathing in a few minutes if we just sit here staring at it!" she exclaimed.

"I'll go call the doctor!" Soarin volunteered. The manager of the team quickly shot him down. "No, don't call the doctor, get the physician to come here and help. We can't have news of this getting outside of the facility; the effect it would have on this team's reputation could be detrimental if the media finds out." Soarin nodded and bolted out of the pool room and down the hall towards the Wonderbolt's physician's office. "Now, somepony write a letter to the princess and deliver it personally! We don't want anypony to intercept this letter… You all know how the ponies on other teams are. They'd do anything to hurt our reputation."

Fleetfoot nodded and went off to write the letter. "Now, everypony go back to your jobs and don't tell a soul about this. Spitfire, you will stay here and wait for the physician. This creature is your responsibility until we figure out what to do with it, understood?" Spitfire nodded as the crowd in the room began to disperse. "Good, now if you’ll excuse me, I have some very important work to do," said the manager as she exited the room, leaving Spitfire alone with the creature.

A couple of minutes later, as the physician was walking into the room, the thing woke up with a start. "Wha- what the hell? What is this witchcraft?" the thing exclaimed, before passing out again. Spitfire and the physician stared at the creature, awestruck. A sentient being landing in my pool... imagine that. Of all the things to happen to me this is definitely one of the more insane occurrences. I wonder what its favorite food is... "A little help here? These casts aren't exactly easy to put on a creature you've never seen before." Spitfire shook her head. "Oh, Sorry Quick Fix. Here, let me get that for you."

The two ponies worked for about half an hour bandaging up the thing. It had a lot more wounds than Spitfire had originally thought; cuts, scrapes, and bruises covered almost all parts of the thing’s body, and it had cracked two of its ribs in addition to breaking its left arm. Additionally, both it and its clothes had been burnt rather badly. Man, this thing can take a serious beating. I can't imagine how any pony could still be alive after all that.

“Alrighty then, that's pretty much all I can do for now. I cast a couple of healing spells on it, so it should be okay in about three or so days. I'll send somepony over to take it to your room, seeing as it is your responsibility." Spitfire nodded and walked back to her room to wait for the mysterious creature to wake up. I really hope this thing is friendly...