• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 1,959 Views, 35 Comments

My Little SCP - SolidFerret

A split foundation fights for control of Equistria.

  • ...

How the greatest plans go astray.

The sound of blades chopping at the air had filled several ears as air vehicles flew through the air. Pegasi looked in fear and interest. In one of them had Ricca loading his weapons along with nine other men.

"Ricca, we have five minutes!" Reid called form the pilot seat.

Ricca stood up slightly. The red light only gave the faces of the team he was leading into Ponyville.

"Alright. Listen here. Now I know not all of you have fought in a firefight like this. Or have even fought at all. But if we stick to the plan, we can make it out and hopefully do a number on the MTF's.

"But how? We can't rush blindly into a firefight." Miller pointed out.

"Yeah." Dwayne ,one of Bens friends, said. "We can't rush blindly into a fight like this.

"Thanks for that Dwayne. I was getting there. Each squad leader has their own plan, including me."

"Who put you in charge? You're a fucking guard!"

"Well Paul. I happen to be ex-military. So shut it."

"Now here's how it goes. We move in and try to atleast free somepony. We can easily get in and get out. If we move fast, we won't lose a single man."

"We're so fucked." A rouge said under his breath.

"We're landing soon. HOLD UP! We're taking fire."

The opresy began to shake from bullet fire as the doors opened. Clearly Riccas team was late as several ospreys and helicopters had landed and were unloading men that either ran for it or were shot on sight.

Ricca looked across to see another rouge team leader sitting on the side like him. Noticing him looking at him he gave him a thumbs up as they descended to land. Ricca saw an RPG just barely miss his ride.

"You still confident on that plan sir."

"Yes Griffin. I am."

The osprey landed and the men rushed out in hopes of not being blown up.

Ricca took time to actually realized what he had done. He just dropped his men in thinking he can get away with this. Men were already waiting for their ride back. Some piled back into their rides and waited for the assault to be over.

"Evers, get up." Evers looked up from his spot where he was sitting to have a M4A1 tossed at him. "The rouges are on their way. We gotta fight."

Evers felt a ping of hope in his heart. If he could hopefully convince them to take him with them, he can finally fight along side his team again.

"I'm up." He said as he loaded the rifle and ran out. The sound of gun fire began to fill his ears as helicopters and ospreys landed down. When men poured out, Evers almost raised his rifle when he remembered, he was on their side, whether they knew it or not.

"Evers, we're on watch duty for prisoners." His ally called as he made his way over there.

"Dom! You and Evers keep watch. I know they're here for them."

"Captain, we can't hold them off on our own."

A wheelchair rolled in, the captain sat in it as he turned his head towards Dom and Evers.

"I have a plan."

"What plan?"

The captain gave an evil grin. He got on the radio.

"Cut power to Containment cells. We'll show these rouges what I have in my power."

Eyes. the only visible feature of Evers were enough to show his emotion of what his Captain was doing. They went wide in horror.

"You can't do that!" Evers exclaimed. The captain turned around in his wheelchair.

"When you have my power, then you'll be able to control the SCP's."

Riccas' team moved under the cover of gunfire from what was the army that came to Ponyville. They were the team to rescue what ponies they could.

"So is there a specific pony were looking for?" Roberts asked.

"Not one, but I hope we can find this one pony I met."

"Well point her out to us alright."

"Got it."

Ricca began to get lost in his thoughts. He had remembered how sad Fluttershy was when she thought he was dead. He had hoped to see her smiling face when she saw that he was alive. All of the memories of their time at the facility. Finding her when she got lost, meeting her, petting her after rescuing her SCP-106. He was so caught up that he felt like he could hear SCP-106 emerging from the ground.

He COULD hear SCP-106 emerging.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" Ben screamed as he fired his rifle into the black hole that fomred into the grass near his ground. SCP-106 quickly reached for one of the men on Riccas time.

"MARCO!" Dwayne screamed.

Ricca suddenly remembered Allan. His best friend that was taken by SCP-106 and never seen again. The same fate Marco was about to face.

"No!'' Ricca ran and tackled Marco out of the way just as 106 was about to grab him. *

"Run!" Miller yelled as he fired a few bullets at 106. None phasing it. Miller gave up and ran.

"Oh fuck!" One called before 106 emerged in front of him and grabbed him.

"NO!" He screamed as he thrashed in hope of getting away.

Ricca reached a hand out in despair before lowering it. He felt a tap on the shoulder that made him shoot a bullet off.

"Relax. It's just me." Dwayne said as he turned around.

"Well thats-" A spark emited right by them. They were being shot at.

"Fuck. All units return fire." Ricca easily took down the men with good cover. But more kept up the pressure.

"Hey Dwanye, on my signal we're gonna fall back. Got it?"

"Yeah I-"


Ricca could hear scratching concrete. Dwaynes neck twisted around and his body fell to reveal SCP-173 standing there.

"Fuck." Ricca backed away with remaining eye contact.

"Dwayne and Paul are down. Marco and Jeff, I need help here."

"It's just me right now. I can't find Jeff. We got separated when the bullets were fired." Marco responded on radio.

"Tried the radio?"

"It's a jammer sir. We're short ranged."

"Well tell the others to regroup. We already lost two men."


Fluttershy and other ponies put their heads down and covered their ears. She hated the sound of gunfire ever since the Facility.

Meanwhile, Twilight sickly laid in her cell. A pile of blood forming on the ground like a "drool-pool." She had to have gotten so sick when they arrived. If you looked up "Bad timing" in the dictionary, you'd see the mare dying just as her town is turned into a prison.

She hoped that help was on they way. Cause she knew she wouldn't make it without it.

"Fuck Ricca. We can't find Jeff anywhere." Ben said slightly panicked.

"Keep it together Ben. We're sticking to the plan. Jeff was bound to have followed. Lets move."

The team did as Ricca ordered. Though some would have left by now. But a short investigation lead them to their answer. A bloody corpse with an Ithaca by it.

"JEFF!" Marco yelled at the sight.

"Come on. We need to move."

"No Ricca. We've lost to much men for a ten man team. If we don't pull all of the others out, we're screwed for the next fight." Roberts told him.

Ricca was about to protest before he looked around. All of his team looked like it was enough. The overall fight had been bad with rides being shot down.

Ricca got on his radio. "All teams that are left. We're leaving."

The team quickly ran back. The fight had began to got heavy as the osprey landed.

"Hurry RIcca. We're burning daylight." Reid called.

Ricca hurried his team on before he got on himself. Finn was busy covering them.

"Come on Finn! We're leaving!"

Finn turned and was shot twice. He fell to his knees. Despite his attempts, he couldn't get up.

"No! Finn!" Ben called out. He tried to get off the osprey to help but was blocked by a team mate.

Finn simply waved them off. He knew he wouldn't make it. Why bother costing more lives to save a lost one.

Reid looked at Ricca, who gave a nod. She took off along with the others.

Finn stood on his knees and watched the teams fly off to Canterlot.

An MTF came from behind and knocked him out with the butt of his rifle.

When Ricca got back. Charlie himself was personally waiting for him. He gave Ricca the look. Ricca just waved him off as he walked to the makeshift Command Center. When he got there, Princess Celestia and Luna were talking to Levernz. The look Ricca gave let them both know that the invasion was a failure.

Finn woke up in what looked like a bakery. When he stood up, a voice of a small girl nearly startled him.

"Mister, are you alright?" A small, gray unicorn asked.

"Yeah, i'm fine." Despite grunting in pain form gunshot wounds.

"Glad to see you're awake Finn."

"Captain! Why are you doing this?"

"Why not. Have you ever had the power to keep an entire race under your control? No. I thought so. We're the dominant here. We will be the ones to show them our power."

Finn asked another question. "Where are we?"

"Look in the corner."

Finn looked and gasped. SCP-173 stood facing the wall. The filly screamed and covered her eyes. Finn, in a panic, blinked and SCP-173 moved closer. The filly saw it's arms and creepy face and cried into her hooves. Finn went over and hugged her in his way of protecting her.

"You have a choice here. One of you can die. Finn, if you live, you can go back to Canterlot with your team. If the filly lives, she goes back to her prison life with the guarantee that she doesn't have to look at an SCP again. The choice is yours."

Finn knew his answer. He leaned down and whispered into the fillys' ear.

"You're gonna be okay. You just have to stay close to me."

"But mister, you'll die."

"Rather me then you."

"But you don't know me."

Finn gave a sigh. "But its my job to protect people. Even little ones like you.

The filly then cried and hugged Finn.

And there, crouched over the filly to protect her, Finn knew that the moment he was killed, eye contact would resume from the men outside. Knowing the filly would be safe, he muttered a prayer and closed his eyes.

And they never opened.

* A lot of Resident Evil 6 references.