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Discord Awakens

The computer screen flashed to life and the purple unicorn’s face was reflected in the screen.

“Diary of Dusk Shine,” the stallion said out loud while typing. “Coltic Academy 8th grade student. October 9th. A couple weeks ago, I was looking for parts to finish my robots. I couldn’t find anything around here, so I went off to explore the abandoned factory near the school.” As he said this, he had a flashback of him climbing up the passage outside the factory. The stallion then galloped into the factory. He came inside, but the stairs were gone and the only way to get to the ground floor was by a rope hanging from the ceiling. Dusk then grabbed the rope and hung on for dear life until he reached the bottom. He then went into the nearby elevator and pressed the switch closing the elevator door and taking him down several floors. “And I wasn’t disappointed,” he continued to say as he was typing. “I found this huge complex complete with a supercomputer and scanners. For the moment, I haven’t told anypony. It’s my little secret.” The elevator then opened in front of the supercomputer room. “That night, even though I was scared stiff, I decided to start up the computer.”

Dusk Shine stood in front of the supercomputer, a huge pillar-like structure that was glowing yellow. The lever for activating it lowered before the unicorn. He then raised his hoof onto the lever. “I hope I’m not going to regret this in a moment.” Then, bracing himself for anything, Dusk Shine pulled the lever with both hooves, then stood back for a moment while the supercomputer powered on. It glowed a bright white and sent a gust of wind in all directions, pushing Dusk Shine back a little. He was off balance for only a moment, but then regained his balance. He then walked back into the elevator.

The elevator slowly (slower than a f***ing snail) opened and Dusk Shine walked into the computer room. He walked over to the chair and sat in it. It then revolved around the large circular structure in the center of the room, stopping in front of a terminal with several monitors and a keyboard. “Now...” said Dusk, typing, “let’s see what you’ve got under the hood.” The screen flashed to life and loaded several windows. After a while, another window opened up, showing a yellow pegasus mare with a long pink mane sleeping. “What’s all this? A video game?”

The mare on the screen woke up with a start, then noticed Dusk Shine. “Wh- who are you?” she asked in a quiet voice. “Where am I?” Dusk was rendered speechless at how beautiful the mare was.

The next day, at the school...

Dozens of ponies entered the already-crowded science room including Dusk Shine and, on the other side of the room, a blue pegasus stallion with a rainbow mane called Rainbow Blitz. Blitz had just sad down when he was approached by an orange earth stallion with an oversized hat. “Excuse me,” the stallion said in a southern accent. Blitz looked up, listening. “Are you Rainbow Blitz?”

“That depends,” replied Blitz, “who wants to know?”

“Caramel Apple,” he answered quickly, sliding into the seat next to Rainbow Blitz, “his new roomate! I’m new here at Coltic, and the principal said I should move in with you.”

There was a short pause, then Blitz spoke up. “Look, you and I don’t exactly go way back, so for now let’s just take things slow.”

“Okay, nice and slow. Got it.”

The two were about finished with their conversation when they were approached by a blue unicorn mare with a very light blue mane. “Hey, Rainbow Blitz,” she said, “I have something very important to tell you.”

“Is it something like ‘I can’t find my makeup’ or ‘My purple cape ran?’”

“Oh, no. It’s nothing as serious as that. It’s about you and me. If you’d like to know more, come by my dorm at 7.” She then trotted off, being eyed by two other unicorns, one blueish with an orange mane and the other dark yellow with a blueish-green mane.

“So Blitzy... ‘sweetheart,’ who’s the good looking mare?” asked Caramel teasingly.

“Trixie, the principal's daughter,” replied Blitz. “Colts flip over her, but she’s only flipped over me.”


“‘Cool?’ She’s totally brain dead, and a leech as well.”

“In that case, it’s pretty lame.”

School courtyard. An hour later.

Rainbow Blitz and Caramel Apple walk outside. Caramel is talking and Rainbow seems very annoyed. “...then the waiter says ‘I don’t have frog’s legs, that’s just how I walk.’ Hahaha, you get it?”

“No,” replied Rainbow, turning around, “but what I am starting to get is that you’re determined not to give me a break.”

“Don’t worry. By the end of the day, you won’t be able to do without me.”

The two then walked off to their dorm. “Yeah, I hope so.”

The factory.

Dusk Shine got on the computer and powered it on. “Artificial intelligence,” he called to the screen, “can you hear me?”

“Yes,” replied the yellow mare, “but would you mind calling me something else?”

“Okay. How about... Posey?”

“‘Posey?’ I like it. But what I’d really like is for you to tell me what I’m doing here.”

“That won’t be so easy, but I do have a couple of answers. You’re in a virtual environment called ‘Lyoko,’ and you need to get out of there. Try looking for a door, or something.”

In Lyoko, Posey is kneeling in the middle of a platform that looks kind of like some kind of eye. She gets up and walks down the longer end of the platform toward the wall. She puts her hooves on the wall and feels around. “Dusk Shine, I can’t find any- oh!” Suddenly, her hoof goes right through the wall. She pushes a little more and her entire body is phasing through the wall. She exits what appears to be a tower into a strange forest-like environment.

“Posey,” called Dusk Shine, “where are you?”

“I don’t... this is... this is weird, you have to see this.”

“I’d love to. Can you get me a visual?”

“Okay, I’ll try.”

Dusk Shine waited patiently for Posey’s visual until it appeared on his screen. (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQIxYHx8skTlY0si7HO6MgpLSMCT4HFj8olhc5TDqXhR1zAG7f8:img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/8f012dba1eada38440bd25ff441f8ca1/http://i705.photobucket.com/albums/ww58/hEyyy_XxMjF/Lyoko/LyokoForestSector.jpg) Dusk Shine was examining the visual when the circular structure in the center of the room suddenly came to life with a holographic image of a strange small sphere with four groups of what appeared to be islands extending from it. “Posey!” Dusk shouted, “there isn’t just a forest out there, there’s an entire world! I count four sectors. Each one is different.”

Posey continued walking down the path, listening to Dusk Shine, when two strange roach-like creatures appeared and turned to her. Each had an eye simlar to that of the platform in the tower. “Dusk Shine,” she said, “I’m not alone out here. There are some... animals.”

“That’s amazing! It’s an entire virtual ecosystem complete with living creatures. Can you get closer?”

Before Dusk could finish his sentence, the creatures began shooting bolts of energy at Posey. “DUSK SHINE!” she shouted, galloping back to where she came from, “they’re attacking me!”

“Run Posey! Get back to the tower!” Posey was almost at the tower when one energy blast hit her, knocking her down face first in front of the tower. On Dusk Shine’s screen, Posey’s status card began flashing red and an alarm was sounding from the computer. Dusk panickedly put his hooves against the screen and shouted “HURRY! Get out of there!” Posey got up as fast as she could and made one final dash into the tower, narrowly avoiding what could have been a fatal shot. She collapsed on the platform. “Posey? Posey, can you hear me?” On the screen, Posey’s status returned to normal. “You- your life points are regenerating.”

The next day, at the school.

At the soup vending machine, a white unicron mare with a purple mane levetates a cup of soup in front of her and stirs it while trotting off. Caramel Apple and Rainbow Bitz are standing nearby, drinking the soup they already got. Caramel Apple is talking while Blitz watches the unicorn. “So this mare-friend of your’s, Trixie-”

“I told you,” interupted Blitz, “she’s not my mare-friend.”

“Cool!” shouted Caramel, crumbling up his cup and throwing it to the ground in front of him. “So that means she’s available.”

“I told you, she’s lame.”

As the two were talking, Dusk Shine walked over to the vending machine, put in a Bit, and pressed a button. However, the button electricuted him and he colapsed to the ground. “Shine!” shouted Rainbow Blitz, tossing his soup and moving toward Dusk Shine. He picked up Dusk Shine, turned to Caramel Apple, and said “I’ll fly him to the infirmary, you go tell a teacher.” Caramel nodded and galloped off. Blitz hoisted Dusk Shine onto his back and flew off. However, what neither of them saw was how all the buttons on the vending machine began to glow with the same insignia that was on the creatures from Lyoko.

The infirmary.

Nurse Redheart checked Dusk Shine’s blood pressure to make sure everything was okay. “Nothing serious,” she said, “just a minor electrical shock and some superficial burns. You’ll be fine.”

“You wanted some juice, Shine,” commented Blitz. “Well, looks like you got some.”

“Very funny, Blitz,” replied Dusk Shine.

“Just try not to hurt yourself like that, again. I’ll some check on you tonight after my martial arts class.” Blitz then walked out of the room.

That night, in the gymnasium.

“How are you all?” Big Macintosh shouted to near-empty gymnasium. The only pony in attendance at his martial arts class at the time was Rainbow Blitz. “I am happy to see so many of you here, tonight. (I’m going to misspell these next few words, so I’m apologizing in advance.) Keripayat. Kabosuku. Jutsu. No these are not dishes served at the Golden Dragon Chinese resturaunt. Ha ha ha.” Just then, the white unicorn from before walked in. “Oh, no offense, miss Rarity,” Mac added quickly.

“None taken, dear,” replied Rarity, sitting down next to Blitz.

“Yes, of course. Why would you take offense? Anyway,” Mac continued after clearing his throat, “these are fighting styles that will save your life, just like they saved mine when I was in the marines.”

“Really?” asked Blitz. “What happened?”

“Well, I was quietly sitting by my campfire one night enjoying a waffle when I was suddenly attacked by a vicious beaver. It’s razor-sharp fangs were going for my juggular, but I was able to defend myself with my mastery of the martial arts.” This, however, only caused Blitz and Rarity to laugh uncontrolably. “What?”

“No offense, sir,” Blitz managed to say, “but I think you were better off not talking about it.”

“Yes, well, that’s enough, now. I want everypony to get into groups of two.” Blitz and Rarity got up and trotted over to where Mac was indicating.

The two ponies bowed to each other and began exchanging hoof blows. Rarity managed to knock Blitz off his hooves and onto his back. She then managed to pin Blitz to the ground and the two struggled. Then suddenly, a connection was made that was beyond any magict a unicorn could conjure. “Okay, that’s enough for tonight,” said Mac breaking the two up. “Bow to each other now and go get some beauty sleep.” The two then got up, following Mac’s instructions. Rarity bowed, but Blitz just turned around and walked off.

“Well, nice to meet you too, darling,” said Rarity as Blitz walked out.

Dormitory. Caramel and Blitz’s dorm.

Rainbow Blitz walked into the room to find half the place, his half, trashed. In the middle of it all was an excited dog. “What happened here!?” shouted Blitz. “And what’s that mutt doing here?”

“That’s Winona, my dog,” replied Caramel. “She just had a little fit. The poor thing’s not used to being couped up like this.”

“Her? Look at this place! She trashed everything! My books, my CDs and- GAHH! Did you see what she did in my bed?”

Caramel walked over and noticed the large “gift” Winona left. “Ehhhh. Well, I couldn’t take her out with everypony around. There are no pets allowed on campus.”

“Yeah,” replied Blitz, walking out the door. “I’m sure the principal will be happy to hear about this.” Blitz then closed the door and galloped off.

“It’s okay, Winona,” Caramel said to his dog after she had torn a pillow to shreds. “I won’t let them do anything to you, my good little diggity-dog.”

At the other end of the hall was Dusk Shine’s dorm. He was working on his computer when the screen suddenly faded to black. “What’s going on?” Dusk asked, pressing Shift several times. Then, a strange logo, the same one that was on the monsters from Lyoko, appeared on the screen. “Hey, I’ve seen that logo before.” Suddenly, Dusk’s robots came to life, and in their camera lenses, the same logo appeared. The robots then jumped their creator.

Rainbow Blitz was galloping down the hall when he heard Dusk Shine’s scream. Blitz bucked open Dusk’s door and rushed inside to find Dusk being attacked by several small robots. Blitz tried to pull one off, but another one came up and shocked his leg. “Hey! Cut it out!” he shouted kicking at the robot. He managed to finally knock the robot away, causing all the other robots to back off and Dusk’s computer to shut back down. “Your friends are pretty aggressive. You might want to check their settings.”

“I had nothing to do with it,” said Dusk Shine. “They just started attacking me all of a sudden.

“Yeah. You mind explaining?”

“Nevermind. It’s kind of odd.”

“I’m not leaving this room until you tell me what’s going on, Shine.”

Dusk Shine was about to respond, but instead sighed and said “What have I got to lose? I’m already in way over my head.” Dusk then walked over to the door and closed it. “Can you keep a secret?”

The factory. Not long later.

“That tunnel in the gym is a great way to beat curfew,” said Blitz.

“Yeah,” replied Dusk Shine. “and there’s another one on the campus.” The two galloped into the factory. Rainbow Blitz stopped at the fallen stairway. “You’re not scared of heights, are you, Blitzy?”

“Uh! No!” replied Blitz quickly. He then flew down and followed Dusk Shine down to the elevator where the two then went down to the computer room.

“Really?” asked Blitz after Dusk’s explanation of what happened over the past few weeks. “You turned on a supercomputer and it had a virtual world on it? This morning’s shock must have really fried that giant brain of yours.”

“But I’m serious. The evidence is all here,” replied Dusk Shine indicating the terminal.

“No. This is just the control center of the factory.”

Dusk Shine typed in some stuff into the computer, revealing Posey. “And what do you call this? A program for spraypainting doors?”

“Hello Dusk Shine,” said Posey.

“You progrramed her, didn’t you?” asked Blitz, still not believing Dusk’s story.

“No. She’s an artificial intelligence who lives on Lyoko. She has to stay in some kind of tower, or she’ll get attacked by weird monsters.”

“Riiiiiiight. What if this is all just some big video game?”

“Then it’s a very dangerous game. My robots are programed to fetch a ball, and they just tried to kill me, don’t forget.”

“If it’s that dangerous, Shine, I say you just shut it down and call the police.”

“I’d like to, but I want to help Posey understand what she’s doing on Lyoko and mabye even bring her here to Equestria.”

“Yeah, and what makes you think you can do that?”

Scanner room.

Rainbow Blitz followed Dusk Shine around the circular room. “What are these?”

“Scanners,” replied Dusk Shine. “They scan your physical structure, download the data into the supercomputer, then break down your atoms before digitalizing them and transferring them into supercomputer’s mainframe.”

“Yeah, can you say that again in English?”

“You go into the cabin, you come out in the virtual world.”

Rainbow Blitz listened half-heartedly while knocking on one of the scanners. “Dusk Shine, these things don’t exist yet.” He looked back over at Dusk Shine to find him sitting inside one of the cabins.

“I just want to help Posey. How about we test them? That way you can see that what I’m saying is true.”

Blitz listened with interest. “And I think I know just how...”


Trixie was in her room applying a mud mask and picking out a dress. “Oh this one would look perfect!” she said pulling out a red dress. Then, she turned to the mirror and said “Tonight, Rainbow, dear, you’re all mine.”

Meanwhile, in Caramel and Blitz’s dorm, Blitz quietly walks over to Winona. “Hey little doggie,” he said to her. Winona woke up and looked up at Blitz. “I’ve got a surprise for you. You’re gonna get virtualized. How do you like that?” Winona just replied with a breath.

Back in Trixie’s dorm, she sits impatiently on her bed. She looks over at her clock to find that it said 7:05. She then took out her cell phone and called Rainbow Blitz.

Rainbow Blitz had just grabbed Winona when his phone started ringing, waking Caramel Apple up. “Huh? Hey! Come back!” he shouted after Blitz flew out the door with Winona in his hooves. He then got up and galloped after Blitz.

Trixie closed her phone after Blitz didn’t answer and walked outside into the hall towards his dorm. She was almost there when Blitz flew by, nearly crashing into her. She was about to shout after him when Caramel Apple crashed into her, instead. The two slowly recovered and resumed their chase after Rainbow Blitz.

Rainbow Blitz flew out the dormitory building and towards the gymnasium with Caramel and Trixie chasing after him. Blitz flew into the gymnasium and headed for the tunnel in the boiler room. Trixie and Caramel stopped at the door to the tunnel just in time to see Blitz flying down the tunnel. “Where is he going?” asked Trixie. “I’m sure there’s another mare behind all this.”

“No,” replied Caramel, “see, it’s my dog, Winona.” Trixie misinterpreted this and fainted.

The factory.

Blitz pressed his back against the side of the elevator and breathed a sigh of relief. He then pressed the button and the elevator closed, sending him down to the scanner room. Trixie and Caramel made their way to the elevator, but it had already left by the time they got there.

“Why is he taking Winona down there?” asked Caramel.

“Who knows,” replied Trixie. “Maybe he’ll use her for some horrible science expirement.”

“You watch too many horror movies.”

“You’re right. Maybe it’s for some kind of ritual sacrifice.” This just made Caramel sigh with annoyance.

Down in the scanner room, Rainbow Blitz placed Winona in one of the scanners. “Good doggie,” said Blitz, backing away. “Now don’t move.” Blitz then climbed the ladder up to the computer room where Dusk Shine was waiting for the green light.

Just when Blitz left the room, Caramel and Trixie had dropped down out of the elevator, Caramel with general grace, but Trixie kind of stumbled. The two walked into the room, looking at the strange cabins. “What is all this?” asked Caramel.

“That’s it!” shouted Trixie. “It must be the tomb of some Egyptian pharoah.”

Meanwhile, Blitz came into the computer room. “Okay, Dusk,” he said. “The mutt is in the scanner.”

Caramel continued to look around until he found Winona in one of the scanners. “Winona! There you are!” He stepped into the cabin and picked his dog up, hugging her.

“Okay,” said Dusk Shine, “here we go. Transfer, guinea pig.”

Just then, Winona jumped out of Caramel’s hooves just before the cabin closed. “Oh no!” shouted Trixie. “You’re going to be mummified!” As she says this, Winona is digging at the ground before the scanner as if to tunnel under it.

“Scanner, guinea pig,” continued Dusk Shine. “Hey!” He suddenly shouted when a model of another pony appeared on the screen. “That’s a weird looking dog.”

“That’s no dog!” shouted Rainbow Blitz. “That’s Caramel Apple!”

“I- I don’t know how to stop the prosedure!”

Before Dusk had any time to react, Caramel disappeared from inside the scanner and reappeared in the Lyoko forest. He materialized a few feet in the air, then fell abruptly. “Ouch!” he shouted. “Wh- where am I?” He looked around, dazzed. He then looked at his hooves which had been replaced with giant cat paws. “And why am I dressed like a giant purple cat!?”

Meanwhile, back in the scanner room, Blitz climbed down the ladder to find Trixie standing in front of the closed scanner. “Oh, Rainbow!” exclaimed Trixie.

“Trixie? What are you doing here?”

“Chasing you so I could ask you the same question.”

Meanwhile, Caramel was still looking around his new environment. “Caramel Apple?” called Dusk Shine’s voice from what seemed to be the air.

“Wha- who’s calling me?”

“It’s me, Dusk Shine.”

“Is this come kind of prank?”

“Dusk Shine,” called Blitz from the scanner room.

“Don’t worry, Caramel Apple is safe and sound on Lyoko.”

“Can somepony please tell me what exactly ‘Lyoko’ is?” asked Caramel.

“It’s a virtual universe,” replied Dusk Shine.

“Cool!” exclaimed Caramel. Then, suddenly, he was blasted by an energy blast. “Ouch! Okay, that’s a lot less cool. I’m being attacked by some weird cockroaches. Is that normal?”


“Oh, so nothing to worry about.”

“That’s not what I meant. You have to get out of there. Rainbow Blitz, Caramel is in danger and I need time to devirtualize him.”

“He needs backup,” replied Blitz. “Do you think you can send me and Trixie to Lyoko?”

“To where?” asked Trixie, startled.

“To a virtual world where weird monsters want to massacre you. You’ve always wanted to go out with me, so here’s your chance.”

“No thanks,” replied Trixie. “I prefer real worlds. I’m not really into the other kind.”

“Suit yourself... chicken,” said Blitz stepping into the scanner. “Okay, Dusk Shine, I’m ready.”

“Okay, I’m starting the prosedure.,” replied Dusk Shine. He then re-entered the codes for the virtualization process. “Transfer, Rainbow Blitz.” As Dusk was going through the process, some wires in the back of the room began to glow with electricity. “Scanner, Rainbow Blitz. Virtualization.”

Meanwhile on Lyoko, Caramel Apple continued to gallop away from the monsters. He then stopped when he heard Dusk Shine’s voice again. “Caramel, don’t worry. Rainbow Blitz is on his way to lend you a hoof.”

“Oh, good,” replied Caramel. “I was starting to get kind of lonely out here.” Just as Caramel said that, Rainbow Blitz began to materialize in the air before him. Caramel was about to warn him about the fall, but it was too late and the pegasus came crashing down. “That looked like it hurt,” Caramel commented.
Blitz got up and stood on his hind legs, looking around. He was in a yellow and black samurai outfit with a saber attatched to his left hip. He noticed the saber and drew it, admiring the way it moved and how he could grip it in his hooves. “This sword is awesome!” he said still slicing at the air with it.
“Hey! That’s not fair!” shouted Caramel. “How come he gets to be a samurai? I wanna be a samurai, too!”
“I don’t know,” replied Dusk Shine. “Maybe the supercomputer reads into your subconcious desires and projects them onto your digital avatar.”
“But I don’t dream of giant purple cats. I want a weapon like Rainbow’s. Not these giant useless paws.” As Caramel said this, he flicked his wrist (or whatever that joint is called on a horse, don’t judge me) and some kind of dart fired out of his paw, nearly hitting Rainbow Blitz in the face.
“Hey, watch it,” said Blitz, kind of annoyed.
“Hmm... these arrows are pretty cool. I take back what I said, I’m fine with being the giant cat.”
“Okay, now go meet Posey in her tower. I’ll send you the coordinates.”
“And who’s this ‘Posey’ mare?” asked Trixie appearing out of nowhere behind Dusk Shine. “And what’s all this?”
“This? It’s the mainframe of a supercomputer.” As he was saying this, the monotor suddenly shut down and the screen was filled with the same logo as the one on his computer in his room. Meanwhile, Winona was in the corner of the room, barking at the moving wires. Suddenly, the wires exploded out of the ground and came to life as though they were some kind of electricity serphents and attacked Dusk Shine.
Back on Lyoko, Caramel and Blitz are walking down one of the forest trails. “So who’s this ‘Posey?’” asked Caramel.
“A virtual mare who lives here on Lyoko,” replied Blitz.
“Cool, so there are babes here, as well?”
“Yeah, but I get the impression Shine’s flipped horn-over-tail for her.”
“What? Over a virtual chick?”
“Eh, unicorns are weird. Hey, Dusk Shine, are you going to give us those coordinates?” Back at the factory, Dusk Shine is hiding behind his chair to avoid the blasts of electricity from the living wires, once in a while risking being fried to try firing a bolt of magic at them. “Dusk Shine, are you asleep over there?”

“Hey,” said Caramel, indicating a tower in the distance. “That might be Posey’s tower. Let’s go.” The two then galloped over to the tower and stopped at the base. Caramel leaned up against the tower. “Is there a door?” Suddenly, his hoof phased right through the wall and he came inside the tower, only missing the platform and hovering in midair. He reached for the edge of the platform and grabbed it before he could fall. He was about to hoist himself up when Blitz entered the tower and grabbed Caramel’s leg to avoid falling. “You’re too heavy!” shouted Caramel, losing his grip on the platform. “Drop your saber!”

“Nice try,” replied Blitz, “but forget it.” (This sounds like a good time to say this: Rainbow Blitz can’t fly on Lyoko. He can only use his wings to get a little bit of extra air on his jumps or to increace his galloping speed. Rarity, on the other hoof, will still be able to use her magic for telekinisis) Before Caramel had any time to respond, he lost his grip on the platform and the two stallions fell into the dark abyss below.

To be continued...

(Not really, I’d never do something like that, XD #troll)

Caramel and Blitz exited the new tower into what appeared to be an ice sector. “Where are we?” asked Caramel. “Where did the forest go?”

“How should I know?” replied Blitz. “But do you see that tower over there? Weird how it isn’t the same color as the others.” And Blitz was right. The tower that they had entered in the forest was blue, but the one in the distance glowed red.

“And those monsters,” added Caramel, indicating a trio of cube-like monsters on small spider legs. The three monsters advanced on the two ponies and began firing.

“Uh, might be a good idea to beat it, don’t you think, Caramel?” The two ponies galloped away while the monsters continued to chase them.

Back at the factory, Dusk Shine was being lifted into the air by the wires while Trixie and Winona hid in the elevator. “Go! Sic ‘em! Sic ‘em, I said” Trixie shouted to Winona who was simply barking at the wires from the edge of the elevator.

Things weren’t going so well back on Lyoko, either. Caramel and Blitz were surrounded by the Blocks. They managed to block several of their attacks (no pun intended) but the ponies were unsucessful in actually doing any damage to the monsters. Blitz jumped up on top of one of the Blocks and started striking and slashing at the top. After seeing that this was unsucessful, he was knocked off by the Block. “So how are you supposed to kill these things?” asked Caramel aiming at one of the blocks. But before Blitz had a chance to reply, Caramel got blasted by one of the Blocks and was devirtualized.

Blitz saw this happen and charged straight for the Block that had devirtualized Caramel. He leapt a little off the ground and did an airbourne charge towards the Block with his blade extended. He managed to stab the Block in the small dome that it was firing it’s blasts from. This actually caused the Block to explode. Rainbow Blitz landed with a feeling of triumph. “Yes,” he said with his back turned to the other Blocks. This mistake, however, left him open to a fatal blast from one of the other Blocks. It hit Blitz square in the back, devirtualizing him.

Back at the factory, the scanner opened and Rainbow Blitz fell out of it. “Great,” he said. “At least we’re alive.”

“If you say so,” said Caramel, still laying outside the other scanner, shaking. “I think I’m going to throw up.” Suddenly, the two heard Trixie’s scream from the floor above and galloped to the ladder.

In the floor above, Blitz and Caramel came up to find the wire snakes holding Dusk Shine in the air. Blitz noticed a sheet of metal next to him, picked it up, and struck at the wire with the sharp edge. However, he acted so quickly, he forgot that metal conucted electricity, so he was in for a real shock. Blitz was knocked to the far wall. One of the wire snakes was about to charge right at Blitz to finish him off, but it stopped suddenly, “It works the second time,” he heard Caramel say. He looked over to find that Caramel Apple had picked up the metal sheet he dropped and struck at the wire again. “I told you that by the end of the day you wouldn’t be able to do without me.”

The wires then slowly receded back to where they came from, releasing their grip on Dusk Shine. The computer screen also returned to normal. “Thanks, Caramel,” said Dusk Shine.

“Don’t mention it.”

Dusk Shine got back on the computer and started everything back up. After everything was booted back up, Dusk Shine tried to call back Posey. “Posey, are you there?”

“I’m here,” the pegasus replied. “How are things over on your side?”

“Well, we’re a little shaken up, but we’re okay.”

But everything wasn’t okay. The strange tower in the ice area still glowed red, and the threat remained the same...

Author's Note:

I ran into severe technical difficulties, so the second chapter will be badly delayed. Sorry.