• Published 17th Mar 2013
  • 739 Views, 23 Comments

Pony Poetry Vol. 1 - GjallarFox

A compilation of shorts written in verse, with a translation to prose to accompany it. Volume 1: Deaths of the Mane 6

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Upside and Down (Pinkie Pie)

Upside and Down

I can say without a doubt,
that I'm more sane than ever before.
I can tell you that
I'm not two ponies anymore.
I killed the other me.
I've regained control.
I've sent Death
away with her soul.
Four of us died
and yet you smile,
grinding my mind like
clipper and file.
So go ahead and wear your damn smile.
I'll watch with a frown.
I'll turn that sick smile of yours
upside and down!
It was early that day. I was quite deflated. My mane wasn't flat, but it had lost its poofiness. Three of my friends were dead. True, I did have hundreds of friends, but this was different. Three of my best friends were dead. No more parties with them... No more epic adventures with them... No more fun at all with them... I had attended too many funerals in the last three years. My fur was starting to become as black as the gown I had worn to Rarity's funeral just four weeks ago...

I shook the thoughts from my head. I was on my way to the spa to uphold Rarity and Fluttershy's tradition. After Rarity passed away, Fluttershy kept going to the spa, every Tuesday. I decided to join her so she wouldn't be alone. But those are memories I didn't want to see.

I had to put on a smile. Maybe she'd see through the fake smile I was steeling myself to wear. Maybe she'd be able to help me find my real smile again.

Five minutes past nine. She was late. I chalked it up to needing just another moment of rest. Ten past nine. I tapped my hoof impatiently as Angel. Twenty past nine. I was beginning to worry. Maybe something was wrong. Perhaps an emergency had come up with one of her animal friends. I decided to investigate.

As I meandered the Ponyville streets, I saw dozens of happy faces, all smiling at the nearly cloudless day. I tried to smile with them, but couldn't. It just felt wrong to smile so soon after Rarity passed... The smiles that usually added to my own, now hurt to look at... They made my stomach churn, and head droop. They made me want to cry...

But I didn't. I finally reached Fluttershy's cottage, which was a great deal quieter than usual. I looked around, barely lifting my head an inch. I saw no animals nearby. Where I'd usually see all manners of different creatures, I saw absolutely nothing.

I knocked timidly at the door. I heard no response. I knocked again, a little louder. Nothing.

I opened the door, carefully poking my head inside. I looked around, seeing nothing out of place. All of the pictures were freshly dusted, the books were organized in a similar manner to how Twilight would, and there were fresh greens in Angel's bowl. Even her mask was dusted, hanging upon the wall majestically.

But that wasn't important at the time. I quickly made my way up the stairs, the silence making me shake. Somehow, I knew what was behind her bedroom door before I opened it. As I reached to open it, I felt tears threatening to burst, and my mane flattening itself further. I had already begun fearing the worst.

And suddenly... Something just... clicked. Twilight was responsible for this. Rainbow died defending her, causing Applejack to make a bold decision that she would never have done if Rainbow were still around at the time. Everything was a domino effect from there. It just started making sense.

It never felt wrong, blaming Twilight. It never felt wrong. It never felt like I was lying to myself. It never felt like I was ever wrong. I wasn't blaming a friend. I wasn't even blaming my best friend. I was seeking justice... I was seeking revenge for her systematic murder of my friends. So I hatched an idea.

Why not turn her smile upside and down? Since she was a princess, and I was supposedly her friend, why not destroy her image? Why not let her know that I hated her? Why not show her how I felt about all of this why not let her feel my pain why not lether experiencethepain thatIwas feelingatthatmomentwhynotwhynotwhynotwhynot...

Why not kill them all? I asked myself. Without a counterargument to offer myself...

That's what I planned.


There were seven ponies stuck to the wall, wrapped in colorful streamers and other party decorations. Solid icing as strong as concrete bound them to the pink wall of Sugar Cube Corner. I smiled with glee as they struggled to escape. I almost dropped my cake-knife, I was smiling so much. It felt great to smile again. I looked upon each of them. I knew their names, but refused to acknowledge that. Ponies that were nearby panicked, running like ants from a sudden drop of water. As I closed in on the furthest left pony, I giggled with pure joy, earning a muffled attempt to scream in terror. I gently ran the knife along the pony's throat, the cutting edge running perpendicular to the way it was supposed to. The muffled screams soon became nothing more than whimpers. I laughed happily, slicing the pony open. As the blood dripped from the new opening, I felt a little bit spray over my face. It felt amazing. With that feeling driving me forward, I sprinted along, holding the knife sideways. It cut each one open systematically at the throat, leaving beautiful red neckties on their bodies.

I turned to look behind me for new friends. I saw a young colt staring at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. I could feel his fear. I could taste it. It was absolutely delicious... Better than any cupcake I'd ever tasted.

I felt a tiny pinch in my flank. I turned to see a Royal Guard with a tranquilizer musket, and fell over. Dreams let me continue where I left off, Twilight watching from above, helpless. I proudly showed my hatred, and with every last ounce of my boundless energy, I began to turn her smile upside and down.

Author's Note:

Note#1: The moment where there are many words unspaced are supposed to be there. It's there representing the jumbled thoughts in her mind.

Note#2: The poem for this one was especially fun for me to write. It really gave me a STORY to write. A story that was challenging. Pinkie HATING a pony? And TWILIGHT no less! That was hard. But SSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO FFFFUUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! I just have to shout out to a few of my supportive stalkers that keep me writing.

Midnight: First, closest, and quietest stalker.
Lokey: A dash of hater for my day. Because everyone needs a stalker that kinda dislikes you, but still finds you worthy of being stalked.
Kaii-Leiko: Somehow my absurdly dark and grotesque humorous comment on his story provoked him to stalk me. He's been giving me some advice on what to do with Night Mare's Knight.

Thanks for being awesome enough to stalk me! :3 I strive to be worthy of your watchful eyes.

<3 DarqFox

Incoming Twilight poem: NEXT!
Stay tuned.