• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 589 Views, 4 Comments

Luna Eats a Moon Pie - Warcow1992

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Luna Awakens

Long ago in the magical land of Equestria, there Lived two regal sisters, Celestia the princess of the day and her little sister, Luna the princess of the night.

On the many days where Celestia was hard at work tending to the affairs of the kingdom, Her little sister could usually be found alone in the park, near Ponyville, sitting under one of her favorite shady trees, and today seemd no different.

As she lay napping in the mid summers breeze, off in the distance she heard the little fillies and colts playing, their parents chatting one another. it was like this most days in Ponyville.

You could tell Princess Luna was at home here, so comfortable, she could afford to spend some Z's, or so she thought.

For today was different! not like those other lazy days. Our Princess, she would soon find this out.

Back in Canterlot, Celestia was occupied, trying to keep her cool, looking over the expense reports, when a castle guard exploded into the royal finance chamber

"My Princess! news from northern Equestria!" he exclaimed, almost out of breath, having ran all the way from the front gates.
"What is it my subject?" The princes questioned.
"They... Have returned" he said before collapsing to the floor of the hall.

"Find my sister Immediately!" she screamed at one of her secretary.

The secretary, frightened, ran off to do as she was told. Celestia hurriedly summoned to herself a scroll and a quill and in her magic grip she began to compose a letter.

"My dearest student Twilight, come immediately to the castle and bring the Elements of Harmony, do not delay" and with that she rolled away the scroll and ignited it with her magical aura, sending it on its way.

Back in the park, Luna was now in a deeper sleep then before. where her mind had drifted in unknown but the look on her face as she lay napping was clear. she was smiling. she seemed to be enjoying this particular dream. But it would not last long. Soon she was awoken by steadily increasing screams of terror. The ponies around her were panicking. They were running around screaming things like "The horror the horror"

As Luna arose from her slumber she went to rubber her eyes with one hoof when the sudden realization hit her, that she was in the middle of a chaotic situation. She instantly became aware, looking around, she could see that Lilly Blossom was the one running around the most panicked, screaming "The horror the horror!"

"Lilly Blossom, whats is the matter" Luna asked
"Its a meteor! Its heading straight for us!" and with that Lilly Blossom continued her screams of horror.

"A meteor?" Luna questions to herself. Walking out from beneath the shade of the tree she looked skyward.
"Oh no! It is a meteor!" Luna gasped before extending her mighty wings.
"I have to stop it!" She Kicked off the ground and flew straight toward the Meteor.

It was flying as fast as she was at this point. The determination in her eyes, you knew she was ready for this. But something was wrong.

"Oh no!" she cried out, as strange wave of magic invaded her mind. and she irked to the left.
"Ugh!" she yelled as the meteor zoomed right passed her singeing the tip of her right wing.

That lapse of concentration may have doom all of Ponyville. Luna was worried and she turned around to see the meteor as it was about to hit the ground.

Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. But nothing happened. She was sure that it would have caused a seriously loud boom.

"No explosion?" She thought.

Luna headed back to the ground and landed behind the growing crowd of ponies that circled around the fallen object.
Luna stepped through the ponies one by one. The ponies were whispering "What is it?" "Where did it come from?" "The horror the horror".

Finally Luna reached the edge of the small creator in the middle of the park. All the ponies around her fell silent as Luna peered closely into the smoke. Something shiny gleamed from the reflection off of her moon pendent.

"Ooh shiny" She said in a low voice, taking another step closer to the object.
The smoke cleared and she could now see a small round object. The surface of the thing was shiny silver and it crinkled when she levitated it in front of her.

"what is it Luna?" One of the ponies asked from the crowd.
Luna did not respond, her eyes were too fixed on this object.
A moment later she said "What is this? And why have I seem this in my dreams?"

Upon the utterance of that sentence Luna's pupils dilated and she was taken aback into her own mind. A flood of memories invaded her eye space. She could see herself in many places doing things with ponies she did not recognise. The last image she could render was that of Night Mare Moon, her glowing white eyes starring through the darkness.

Luna came back to reality as time returned to normal for her. She was now breathing heavily.
Luna turned to face the crowd and walked through them silently, her eyes staring off into a void.
The other ponies tried to ask her questions but Luna didn't hear them.

Levitating in front of her still was the silvery object. A good distance away Luna sat down starring at the object.
"What dose this all mean" She asked.
She began to slowly unfold the wrapping on the object. With each flap that was opened she fell deeper into thought
"Why cant I remember all those faces I saw" Another flap was opened, "Who were those ponies?" Another flap unfolded "I thought those events were just in my dreams" Finally the thing was unwrapped. Luna looked back up to it and paused.

"I know I'v seen you in my dreams before. what are you?" Luna disparately wanted the answer

Beneath the object fell the wrapping. It fell face up. The wording on the object was not in Pony-script. In our language it read "MOON PIE"

Luna hadn't smelled the object until that point. The aroma seemed to take her away. She no longer cared about the answers to the the questions she once asked. Now all she wanted to know is "Why do you smell so good?"

Luna's face crept closer to the Pie with each sniff until by instinct she pushed the whole Pie into the mouth.
she was happy with no care in the world, she was happy.

"NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM" that's all that could be heard from her.

"And that's how Equestria was made!" pinkie pie said.

The End. Or is it?

Comments ( 4 )

I saw about a bazillion grammatical mistakes in it. But otherwise it's an interesting story and I'll fav it.


i know i'm sorry about the mistakes.

English is my second language... sadly it is also my first an third. :{

2226438 You should try getting an editor. Then those little mistakes will be fixed.

"And that's how Equestria was made." pinkie pie said.

Wow... didn't expect that last line... which made the story even funnier...

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