• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 452 Views, 2 Comments

Equestrian Space - Legendary-Youtube

Sci-fi themed fanfic based on OC characters, we will see two ponies work together in missions and adventure throughout the galaxy named Equestrian Space, as they are sent out to deal with missions that others can´t..

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Dragon Revolution

3,500 years ago there was a revolution brewing on a world scale; a revolution amongst the Dragons. The Dragons of Equestria, as well as around the world, had no sense of leadership; they were group oriented, so where the pack went so did another. This mentality was eventually changed as the individualistic insight they once had was removed and subdued by none other then the dragon named Lerg.

Lerg wanted to unite the dragons and remove their stubborn individualistic insight; to sleep and move about whenever they wished, but to still move in packs when needed. Lerg had a certain distaste towards the inferior creatures that inhabited the world; he saw himself and his kin as the supreme race, who should be the only ones remaining and breathing on this land.

Lerg started off small, attaching himself to dragon packs that had formed, and started to challenge the ones leading them. As one pack was taken, another would soon fall, increasing the pack size that he was in charge of. Many dragons joined him, instead of fighting him for the privilege to lead. Lerg had shown his vigor in combat and left challengers with marks to remember him by; it has shown others not to tempt the hierarchy that has been established.

Many years passed since then, until there were enough dragons under his leadership to set his plan in motion; Reclamation. The first city to burn was Manehattan; that, in itself, was the signal of hostility. Half a decade passed since then, and both sides took their bulk of loses during the harsh times of conflict.

Alliances were made for the sole purpose of being able to keep up with the dragons' ferocity during the war; creating alliances with Changeling's; likewise, with Gryphon's. The two groups were never on the agenda, but it happened. As the wording goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Not long after this, diplomats were sent out to talk and reason with the dragon kind, and more importantly, Lerg himself. Lerg ignored their superstition, although, reaching out to other dragons proved better; some of the other dragons showed an interest with the reasoning behind the logic the diplomats had to pass on to them.

As the message was sent out, informing that if the dragons that followed Lerg until it was time for him to sleep the 'Hundred Years' Sleep', many other dragons would, also, take their Hundred Years' Sleep at the same time, and because dragons would let out noxious smoke when they slept, this would create a smoke filled sky that will, infact, not only cover Equestria, but the entire planet itself. Many acknowledged this, but none did anything about it, even though they knew this would doom them, aswell as the rest of the world, and as one blue dragon put it in question,

"Why would you doom yourself by your own faith? The dragon code says, that the one who carries the burden of leadership, shall be carried steadfast with the rest of his followers, may it be in death, or in life, we will follow; the loyalty between our kin and this code cannot be broken, and shall not be broken"

As time, once again, moved forward, word had gotten out that Lerg would enter his Hundred Years' Sleep in twenty years, and sure enough, it was obvious that something had to be done by that time if they were to live to see another day. Magic could not do much in this aspect; it could only delay and buy time. At the end of things, life as one knows it will become extinct, and as a result, a bold plan was devised for this; one last chance to live after the time has hit its final hour of despair.

Four ships, large enough to contain supplies and population, were devised so that they could be launched into space. The plan was simple, yet it had to be completed within the given time frame. The ships could be finished with enough smaller ones to piggy back the big ones as they jump across space using magic. The ships in themself could not be launched due to the gravity; they were just too big and heavy. The idea was straightforward in how to tackle the situation and came out during a discussion between Luna and Celestia, and interesting enough, Luna was the one who proposed the idea.

Luna proposed that they use the expelling force of the Elements of Harmony, and convert it into a propulsion force that would not only launch them into space, but get them out of the gravitational pull of their planet. The idea was set in motion once all four ships accompanied with the many smaller ones that were completed. Celestia, Luna, and the Mane six, would then propel the ships with the Elements of Harmony into the moon's orbit.

Lerg eventually found out about the construction of these ships. This, however, did not faze him at all, but he let them continue with their project. In his mind, the only thing that went by was the foremost situation in how it can only benefit him and his kin. If the project was to remain unharmed, then the alliance would keep fueling resources into it, making the world much easier to conquer.

At the end, Lerg and his kin went to sleep, judging the planet to its inevitable doom; purring out smoke from their breaths, only enveloping the entire planet's skies, leaving nothing but darkness and despair for all life. All but 3 remaining races survived during the end. In one of the mother ships were the Gryphons. The second one was in use by the Changelings with Chrysalis and her brood. The remaining two were in use by Ponykind split between Celestia and Luna, each harboring their own ship.

After many years of moving through space, the encounter with a Planet that hosted conditions for life to be maintained was inevitable. Some solar systems had planets with benefits; others, not so much. The Galaxy was accompanied with many mysterious traits and resources to be used. At this point the 3 races split up and found their own solar systems to occupy and live at; to start fresh once more, and from that day, the galaxy was named 'The Equestrian Space' in honor of their lost home.

What waits in the future only the time will tell, for time has moved forward three and a half millennia since the day of forced exile.