• Published 7th Mar 2013
  • 387 Views, 0 Comments

Welcome To My Life - PinkiePiedPiper

This story takes place years after the events of "You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You".

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Chapter 3: Tea and Dust

Welcome To My Life

Chapter 3: Tea and Dust

A pleasant breeze wound its way through Ponyville. Not the uncomfortably wilting hot breezes that had been the norm for the last week, but a cool, gentle caressing wind just strong enough to refresh anypony out in the hot June sun. The weather on this particular day is what had prompted Rarity to venture from her air conditioned salon in Canterlot to revisit Carousel Boutique. She wore a wide-brimmed and flower-adorned wicker woven hat of her own creation, mostly as protection from the sun, but also to hide her slightly disheveled mane. It had been a rough week.

Just as she readied the golden key at the lock, a familiar voice with a distinct accent rang out from behind, startling her into dropping it.

“Howdy there, Rarity! Ah didn’t know you were back in town!” Applejack said happily.

“Hello, Rarity! What brings you back to Ponyville?” Fluttershy added.

“Oh, hello Applejack; Fluttershy. “ Not bothering to pick up her fallen key, Rarity turned around with a tired smile. It was quickly replaced by a beaming grin as she saw who else was there.

Both mares were pushing baby carriages; Applejack’s being slightly larger than Fluttershy’s. Rarity jumped between the carriages with lightning speed, losing her hat in the process. She ducked her head into Fluttershy’s first, and was greeted by a giggling two month old foal. It was a boy, and an earth pony like his father. He had a light green coat and a rugged grey mane with a darker grey stripe down the middle. His dark green eyes glinted with delight as the white unicorn spoke half nonsense to him in the universal baby voice. The foal reached out his short hooves to grasp the tantalizingly close bobbing lock of purple hair.

Fluttershy closed her eyes, tilted her head slightly, and smiled warmly with happiness and pride.

“Looks like Bismarck remembers you, Rarity!”

Rarity raised her head from the pram. “Why of course he does! Who could ever forget meeting a glamorous pony such as myself?” she said with a hint of exaggeration.

Her head already up, she used it as an excuse to duck it into the carriage on her other side. Applejack’s carriage was larger, and for good reason. Nestled inside were two young fillies, asleep in each other’s grasp. The one on the right had a coat of burnt orange and sported a small mane of vibrant red colour. The one on the left, slightly smaller than her twin sister, was the colour of shimmering gold; a deep, pure hue that glistened like the sun. If her coat was ever compared to the sun, her mane would be a dead ringer for the sky on a gorgeous summer’s day.

“A’m sure you remember the twins-“

“Apple Brandy and Honeycrisp, correct?” she replied as she looked up, being ever careful not to awaken the adorable pair. “How could I forget that red mane? Or Honeycrisp’s immaculate coat!”

She looked back at the filly. “I’m sure she’ll be quite the heart-throb when she grows up, you mark my words.”

“Aww, shucks, Rares, you’re too kind.” Applejack said appreciatively. “Consider ‘em marked.”

It was only then that Fluttershy took notice of her usually well-groomed friend’s comparatively shabby appearance and hastily coiffed mane. Following her friend’s eyes, Rarity gasped as she felt for her hat, diving for it to cover her shame.

Too late.

“Oh, Rarity! Your mane!” Fluttershy gasped. “What happened?!”

Sensing some deeper problems than just a bad hair day, Applejack bypassed the opportunity to make a snide remark, and instead expressed her concern similarly to Fluttershy.

Rarity retrieved her key and successfully unlocked her store. She took her hat back off and held it against her chest. “Come inside, girls. I’ll make us some tea.”

* * * * *

It was a little dusty in the boutique, but not very much so. Rarity had hired a local cleaning mare to come in once every week or two to keep the place spruced up, but they had obviously not made their way here in at least a month. Luckily, tea in a tin does not get dusty, and even the chairs had gotten a wipe before their current use.

Not always a patient one, Applejack resented Rarity’s insistence on them getting their tea before she would even attempt at her explanation. A few years ago, she may have voiced her displeasure at her friend’s adherence to etiquette, but she had been become tempered since then, greatly so since her twins had been born. One must be patient with foals of any age, but especially the very young. The world adheres to their schedule, and if they do not want to sleep, nopony gets to. Speaking of, Applejack was rather surprised that they were still sleeping. Fluttershy had just managed to lull Bismarck into his own nap.

They looked at each other and gave a knowing sigh in unison. Although Fluttershy and Big Mac had moved into their new home as soon as the temperatures had risen, they still lived on the same property. Before the marriage, they had been just friends; now they were closer than sisters, experiencing fledgling motherhood together constantly.

Fluttershy’s body still showed evidence of her pregnancy. Nopony really noticed, and because it had been only two months since Bismarck’s birth, nopony would have expected anything more. Despite having twins, however, Applejack was essentially back to her normal body size and weight. She had regained her physique rather quickly, for despite Fancypant’s advice, she had resumed physical labour as soon as she was able. Lying in bed was never her style when work needed to be done.

Rarity came in bearing tea and everything one would expect to come with it: cups, saucers, sugar, and cream. The last item caused four eyes to widen.

Sensing the panic before it could manifest in words, Rarity spoke quickly. “I ran out the back and borrowed some from Trixie’s magic shop next door.”

Sighing in unison once more, the mares received their tea and readied it to their individual likings; cream and sugar for Rarity, two of each for Fluttershy, and, as per usual, Applejack took her tea as is.

To calm her etiquette bound frazzled friend, Applejack employed some of her own. She began with some pleasant small talk, as it was considered improper for a lady to speak about her personal issues first. Fancypants had told her it “warms the conversational waters, as jumping into unheated water leaves everypony in shock.”

She decided to pick up on Rarity’s comment. “So, how is Trixie lately? Ah don’t really get much time off the farm, what with chores and the twins.”

Fluttershy sipped her lukewarm tea, savouring the flavour. Rarity always did make the best tea. Rarity’s remained prepared yet untouched on the coffee table in their midst.

“Oh, she’s doing very well, from what I can gather,” Rarity responded, impressed by Applejack’s knowledge of upper class procedures. “Apparently, she and her husband Card Trick have made rather a good living off of her fireworks and various joke toys. Rainbow Dash keeps me updated when she visits me from Cloudsdale. As you can imagine, Rainbow frequents the store for the latest prank gadget nearly every week!” Rarity shook her head, recalling the many pranks she had encountered over the months which always heralded a visit from the chromatic pegasus. She had grown to expect a prank, but she never knew from whence some rubber something or other would spring into action.

Fluttershy sipped her tea again, essentially saying ‘pass’ and handing the conch back to Applejack.

“Ah thought Ah’d seen her zipping in an’ outta there, but she goes so darn fast, anypony could miss she had ever been there! Ah suppose that’s why she’s one o’ them Wonderbolt Training Camp judges this year. Hoo boy can she show ‘em how flyin’s done!”

“Oh, that is so true!” she replied with a grin. “I believe that she must be the fastest flier in Equestria, just as she has always insisted on informing us. I would be willing to wager that the only pony with a chance of catching her is that husband of hers, Lightning Storm!”

Fluttershy broke her silence, and said rather unexpectedly, “Do you suppose that’s the reason she married him?”

Both sets of eyes turned to her for a moment, before they all shared a giggle together.

Rarity finally began to drink her now somewhat cool tea, subliminally signalling to the other mares that she was comfortable enough to receive questions about herself. Applejack decided to put it off just a bit longer, just to be safe.

“Have y’all had a chance to visit Twilight?” she asked, taking a swig of her own tea before remembering she was supposed to sip.

“I just came from there, actually. She’s doing well, what with that Ponyville University business all set for next semester. I swear that mare is already photocopying assignments for her first class!” Snickering ensued. “But on a serious note, she really is fine. But I wonder about Bastion.”

“He’s not still changing into a dragon whenever Spike touches him, is he?” Fluttershy asked, concernedly.

Applejack sipped to pass, but realized she had drained her cup in that last swig. Not wanting to derail the hostess and make her refill her teacup, she proceeded to sip air.

“Oh, no, Fluttershy, that’s not a problem anymore. Twilight, as resourceful as she is magical, has found a spell in one of her books to keep Spike’s ...Dracomagic to activate Bastion’s...” she paused again, scrunching her face, searching for the unfamiliar terms just introduced to her today. “Bastion’s... dracomorphology? Yes! Dracomorph is the term she used.” She beamed, pleased with herself.

“But why did Spike’s touch make him change in the first place?” Fluttershy asked.

Rarity shook her head. “Twilight isn’t quite sure. The best she can figure is that because Spike is a magically hatched dragon with extra-draconic magical powers, he must have triggered the transformation by accident. But as to why Bastion had this ability in the first place, she can only guess. She thinks it might be due to an error in the extraction process from Party Favour’s scale.”

“Yeah, Ah reckon she’s plum fortunate he turned out as well as he did, given the circumstances.” Applejack agreed.

Fluttershy looked at Rarity expectantly, visually asking her if she had anything further to say on the matter, as she herself was anxious to move on to Rarity’s issue.

Rarity did have something further to add, as it turned out. “But that isn’t even what worries me. It’s just... him. I know he’s just five months old, but sometimes he just quietly stares at you, almost as if he’s understanding far more than you expect. I find it... odd and unnerving, to say the least.”

The others nodded, understanding where she was coming from. Unconsciously, they both darted glances at their own children; running their eyes over their fully ponyform bodies. They were not judging Bastion on his specialties, but secretly they were glad he was not their son. Not that they would ever tell anypony.

Applejack changed the subject immediately, returning to the focus at hand.

“So, how are things with you, Rarity?” she asked carefully.

Rarity, fully aware that the question would come up again sooner or later, gently lowered her half-empty tea cup to the table. Taking in a cleansing deep breath, she let out a sigh.

“I hate to trouble you girls with my problems, but Comet Fire and I are having some... rough times.” Her voice wavered lightly, despite her best efforts to mask the tumultuous emotions roiling within.

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that!” Fluttershy empathised, flapping off of her seat to her friend’s side. Applejack followed suit. She did not bother with her empty sipping charade. Social foibles had died in the dusty room, leaving only three mares who had become fast friends so many years ago through the oddest of circumstances, and ending up as family to one another. Literally, in some cases.

Tears began to moisten the unicorn’s eyes as she spoke. “We’ve hit a bit of a financial pothole on the highway to happily ever after, I suppose. It started about a month ago, when Sapphire Shores... Was stabbed by that... horrible ‘fan’ of hers after a concert!”

Applejack whipped out a box of tissues from a hidden compartment in her baby carriage. She knew how useful an ample stash of them could be when one has a foal, let alone two. She offered them to her friend, who gratefully accepted them.

“”Ah’m so sorry, Rares. Ah know how good o’ friends you were.” She and Fluttershy put their hooves on her, giving her a physical reminder of their emotional support.

“But it’s not only that,” she continued. “Sapphire also represented a large source of income, and without her business... not to mention her bringing in her friends...” she trailed off for a second, using another few tissues. “But even then, I’m sure we could have weathered this, that is, if Comet hadn’t snapped while on guard duty.”

Her friends looked shocked. “Yes, he broke protocol, to put it nicely. Apparently, some kid was pestering him while he stood on guard outside the castle, and he... he hit him! Full-blown hoof to the ribcage of a seven year old colt! Some stallion in shining armor he turned out to be!”

“Needless to say, he was fired on the spot, and with all of the suing for damages and the legal fees... I don’t think we can support ourselves... It’s gotten to the point where Sweetie Belle has been sending money from her tour in Baltimare!”

“That’s why I came back here today,” she confessed. “I came to grab any supplies I can for my boutique in Canterlot. And it’s so dusty in here because I had to cancel the cleaning services...”

Both ponies moved in, enveloping the sobbing unicorn in tight embraces.

Applejack broke the relative silence while maintaining the hug. “Ah could always help y’all out, seein’ as the apple wine and cider businesses have kept on boomin’. We’ve nearly got more income as we know what ta do with!”

“Oh, Applejack! I don’t know if I would be able to pay you back anytime soon, and you know I could never accept charity. Besides, I’m supposed to be the generous one!” She gave a small laugh through her tears.

“Y’all can just call it a gift, from the whole Apple family.”

The three sat there, comforting and being comforted. When they finally did break the hug, it was only because Apple Brandy had begun squawking impatiently over something or other.

It was then that they noticed that the electricity had been shut off. When, exactly, none of them could guess.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I don't get many views. And sure, I have more dislikes than likes.
I write this story, not only for those few of you who may actually enjoy my work,
but I write it for myself, or else I'll never be able to get all of these ideas out of my head.
I will tell you one thing, dear reader; I am merely setting the stage. It will pick up, and it will get more interesting.
The board must be set, the rules explained, and the die cast, before the first turn of the game can be taken.