• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 5,404 Views, 533 Comments

HUMAN By: Twilight Sparkle - Razalon The Lizardman

A unique take on the HiE concept.

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It was currently noon in Ponyville. Usually, it had a quaint and tranquil aura typical for such a small town. Today, however, was quite different, for over half of the town's population was missing from what would typically be lunch rush hour. Said over-half was currently amassed around town hall where Twilight Sparkle, along with Mayor Mare and DJ-PON3 (Vinyl Scratch) stood watch over the enormous crowd of energetic mares, stallions, and foals cheering for two things: 1. The upbeat music Vinyl was playing to get the crowd pumped up. and 2. Twilight Sparkle's presence, who had become akin to a goddess in their eyes.

It had been a full month since Twilight had finished and released the sequel to HUMAN, titled HUMANS. With all the fanfare and excitement that resulted from the first book's publication, it was guaranteed that HUMANS would sell just as much if not more than HUMAN, which it had. Now, Twilight's fans eagerly awaited the final installment in the HUMAN trilogy; her Ponyville friends especially, since Twilight had a big announcement to make at the current rally pertaining to it.

After a few minutes of music, Mayor Mare gave Vinyl Scratch the signal to cease playing, and then held up a sign for the crowd that said ATTENTION PLEASE indicating that it was time for Twilight's big announcement. Once everypony had fully calmed down, Twilight stepped behind the podium and addressed the crowd.

"My fans, I'm extra grateful that you all came here today, and you shall be rewarded. As you all know, the next book in me and my friends' HUMAN series will be the final installment, and for the last month I've been contemplating a central theme for the book. My efforts, however, have been unsuccessful, and I regret to say I'm suffering from burnout. But seeing all your enthusiasm here and now, I can safely conclude the choice I've made is the correct one. For the final HUMAN installment, I've decided to reach out to the massive HUMAN fanbase for help; me and the series' publisher have put together a contest for the fans to partake in, the rules of which will be discussed in greater detail later. In a nutshell, here's how it works: participants will write out a story outline for the book detailing the main theme, characters, plot, etc. Said outline must be submitted to me by the end of this month; just swing by the library and drop it off there for me. After I've chosen 3 finalists, a popular vote among the fans will decide the final winner. The winning outline will then be used to construct the final book in the HUMAN trilogy, with authorship being shared between the winner and myself. And so, with that, I wish everypony the best of luck."

With a curt bow, Twilight concluded her speech. It took the crowd a few moments to let everything she said sink in, but once it did they resumed their hyper-energetic cheering in full force. Twilight had fully expected her announcement to be met in stride, but regardless, the sight of all her beloved fans happy for the chance to help her felt exceptionally heart warming. As soon as the crowd calmed down again, Twilight informed them that the contest's official rules were available for viewing just inside Town Hall and that she'd be at Golden Oaks for the rest of the day, willing to answer any questions anypony may still have. No sooner had she finished speaking that the crowd of hyper-energetic fans came stampeding toward the Town Hall's front door, no doubt wanting to see the contest rules. Twilight and Mayor Mare just barely jumped out of the way before getting trampled.

It was the night following Twilight's big announcement. As expected, the streets of Ponyville were deserted; everypony asleep in their beds or getting ready to do so. Stillness reigned supreme in the small, simple town. It didn't last long, however, as a certain mint green unicorn opened the front door to her house. She had a scroll in her telekinetic grip, and an eager expression adorned her beautiful face as she closed the door and began cantering toward Golden Oaks.

As Lyra approached the library, she began worrying about Twilight's possible opinions on her story entry. While she had put so much hard labor into perfecting her idea, Lyra knew just how obsessive-compulsive the bearer of magic was, and was afraid she'd see it as unworthy for HUMAN's concluding installment. For a moment, Lyra stopped in her tracks having second doubts about her chances of impressing Twilight enough to get her entry into the final three. Out of her peripheral vision, Lyra spied a garbage can standing against a nearby residence waiting for the garbage mare to claim it the next day. She looked down at the scroll still in her telekinetic grip, now seriously considering abandoning it and starting from scratch.

No, she eventually decided, I need to have faith in my work, and in myself.

With her resolve now solidified, Lyra made her way up to the library's front door and knocked moderately, not wanting to wake the sleep-obsessed Spike.

In no more than two seconds, the door opened to reveal a still fully awake Twilight with a smile on her face.

"Hello Lyra," she greeted. "What's up at such a late time?"

"This," Lyra answered as she levitated the scroll in front of Twilight. "It's my entry for the contest."

"You're finished already?" Twilight asked as she took the scroll in her own telekinetic grip.

Lyra shook her head. "This was actually that fan fiction you encouraged me to write, but after your announcement I retooled it a bit so I could use it as my entry." She chuckled. "I guess the early bird gets the worm even by accident."

Twilight chuckled herself. "Yeah, I guess so."

The two mares exchanged their goodbyes and Lyra began walking back home, hoping Twilight would like her entry.

As soon as the front door closed, Twilight used her magic to place Lyra's entry among the already enormous pile of submissions for the contest. Twilight had been looking forward to working on her studies with the onset of free time she'd given herself following her announcement. That, however, lasted for no more than fifteen minutes before a couple of mares knocked on her door and presented their submissions, arguing over which one was better the whole time. Twilight had taken them and thanked the mares for entering. No more than five minutes later a stallion came by for the same reason, followed by a group of foals, then another stallion, and so on. Twilight seriously doubted anything these ponies wrote in such a short amount of time was worth considering for the contest, but nevertheless she accepted each and every submission and put them in a pile for later judging.

Twilight received submissions throughout the entire day, always resulting in her studies being interrupted to which she'd get increasingly frustrated. Eventually, she asked Spike to take over the job of accepting entries so she could work in peace. He complied, and easily handled the task for the rest of the day until his bedtime. She didn't think anypony would submit an entry after dark, but thankfully Lyra was an isolated incident, so Twilight wasn't irritated by her interruption of the lavender mare's studies.

Upon her completion of said studies, Twilight began the task of skimming through each and every submission for the contest. As she expected, most of the entries were garbage; written too quick and too sloppily to even consider. Even so, Twilight had to look over and judge every single entry for fairness' sake. It didn't worry her, however, as there was plenty of time for fans from all around Equestria to submit quality ideas. Eventually, Twilight picked up what she recognized as Lyra's submission. Unfurling the scroll, Twilight's attention was immediately drawn to the title.

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," she spoke with a curious tone. She recognized "My Little Pony" as the way in which Princess Celestia would often address her subjects, while the "Friendship is Magic" was self-explanatory to the lavender unicorn. Her interest piqued, Twilight decided to give her full attention to Lyra's entry and began reading it with care and patience.

The decade following the 9/11 attacks was one of depression and sadness. Humans all over the world, and especially those in America, had lost the cheerful and lighthearted vibes that defined the 1990's. No longer could a day go by without grim reminders being firmly implanted in everyone's minds that the terrorists would be brought to justice and that people's basic rights will have to be compromised for it to happen ASAP. Going into the new millennium, people looked to the future with optimism and hope. Now, however, a brighter future seemed like nothing more than a childish dream.

This sense of hopelessness and depression even carried into entertainment; whereas the previous decades' reflected their times' kindred mentality. Movies, games, and books started gravitating towards dark, gory, suggestive themes in contrast to their cartoonish predecessors. People's interests always shift, however, and towards the end of the decade a particular cartoon would arise; one filled with enough lighthearted joy to make up for the previous decades' lack of it. This cartoon was called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Based on the toy line, MLP: FiM was part of the franchise's 4th generation; previous generations faded into obscurity relatively quickly on account of being junk. For the 4th generation cartoon, a young talented artist/cartoonist by the name of Lauren Faust was hired by the franchise's owner, Hasbro, to reinvent the toy line's titular ponies since the rights to past characters had been lost over time. For two years Lauren brainstormed, drew, and conceptualized scenarios, ponies, settings, and plots for the new show. By the end of the decade, the show was set to air.

The show revolves around the adventures of Twilight Sparkle, a studious lavender unicorn who's the personal protege of Princess Celestia, ruler of the country of Equestria. With her five friends Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Spike the assistant dragon, they learn about the magic of friendship and how important it is for maintaining harmony among ponies. The first couple episodes dealt with Twilight's discovery of Nightmare Moon's return and that she and her friends are to be bearers of The Elements of Harmony; mysterious artifacts that activate when the elements of kindness, loyalty, joy, honesty, generosity, and magic are used in tandem.

Unlike previous generations of My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic proved to be popular among an enormous demographic, bringing in lots of money for Hasbro. But while they were happy with financial success, Lauren Faust, as well as all else who worked on the show were happy to bring smiles to the faces of all those who watched it. And those who watched it gradually learned what true friendship entails, and how they could make the world a better place by spreading those teachings to everyone they met. And maybe, just maybe, humanity could craft a brighter future for themselves than what was previously thought possible.

Upon finishing Lyra's entry, Twilight took a moment to let it all sink in. Afterwards, she chuckled to herself.

"I never would've guessed you were one to think so far outside the box, Lyra," she mused out loud. Twilight re-furled the scroll and placed it among all the other entries she'd chosen to move forward in the selection process. "It's certainly something I never would've thought of doing myself."

And with that, she continued reading through submissions. All the while she did, though, Twilight's mind was fixated on Lyra's submission, specifically its premise.

Humans created ponies, but then we created them. Or, would we have both created each other? The multiverse theory suggests everything that's imagined exists, but if one's creation was responsible for the creation of its creator in turn . . . no wait, they'd have to both be each other's creator as well as each other's creation . . . but which came first; creator or creation? No, they're each other's . . .

Twilight snapped from her philosophical musings and breathed deeply to calm her aching mind. Afterwards, she continued reading submissions, though with a lot more focus.

"Props to Lyra for almost making my brain explode, heh heh."

Author's Note:

Bring on the praise . . . because surely you can't possibly hate on this meta feast of awesome.

I'm sure Lyra's idea was pretty obvious for a lot of you. Even so, I hope you still got enjoyment from reading this.