• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 436 Views, 8 Comments

Bringing humans to Equestria - chaotic serenity

The Doctor and Derpy inadvertantly break the walls between worlds which results in humans coming to Equestria

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Don't push the blue buttons!!

The Doctor had been traveling with Derpy for about 7 months now, and in that time they had defeated Daleks, escaped from cyberponies, saved Equestria from an alien plauge that threatened to wipe out all of ponykind, and even visited Princess Luna during her thousand year banishment. Now they decided it was time for a well deserved break. The Doctor was being extra charitable today by allowing Derpy to choose their next destination.

"Alright Derpy, where to next?" asked the Doctor.

"I don't know Doctor." Derpy replied. "There's so many places I want to see!"

"Well hurry up and choose! We haven't got all day." said the Doctor. "I mean, we do have all day, but...nevermind. Just let me know when you've decided." With that he went up to the main console and began to idly mess with the controls.

Derpy smiled and began to think. She had always wanted to see Ponyville on the day of its founding, maybe they could go there. She had also heard many stories about her great grandmother. According to her mother, not only was Derpy's great grandma a wonderbolt, but the personal guard to Princess Celestia. Then she thought about Trottingham. They had an annual celebration for the return of Princess Luna, and she had missed the last one.

Suddenly her stomach rumbled. Thinking was hard, and it was making her hungry. She suddenly began to think of all the different muffins she wanted to eat. Blueberry, cranberry, and chocolate chip muffins sounded heavenly right now! Heck maybe she'd get some banana muffins, and share them with the Doctor. He loved bananas. That's when it hit her! The Grand Galloping Gala! They always served the best kind of food, including muffins! She could get the Doctor to take her there, get them in with the psychic paper, and then feast on muffins to her hearts content!

"Doctor! I've decided where I want to go!" Derpy called out.

The Doctor appeared from behind the console and looked expectantly at her.

"I want to go to the Grand Galloping Gala!" she said.

The Doctors face fell.

"Oh." he said simply.

"What's wrong?" Derpy asked.

"Oh nothing, it's just I thought you might have wanted to go somewhere a bit more...exciting."

"The Gala is very exciting! It has to be. Only the highest class of ponies get to go."

"Derpy, from my experience high class usually means snore fest. Still if that's where you want to go, then I suppose we should go."

The Doctor began to press the buttons on the console. Derpy didn't like watching him when he was piloting. He pressed them so fast and trying to figure out what buttons did what hurt her head. So she usually just stared off into space and listened to the TARDIS noises until the room stopped shaking, which usually signified that they landed.

"There we go, I've set the controls to take us to the very first Gala." The Doctor said once he had finished.

Derpy was confused. "Why the first one?" she asked.

"Simple," the Doctor explained. "It's the first one ever, which usually means the person throwing the party is trying harder to make it fun in order to get the event to stick. If no one likes their first time, why would they ever come back again?"


"Now stay here. I've got to go get my suit. If we're going to the gala, I've got to become a respectable pony. I might as well look the part. Come along Derpy. We've got to get ready."

"Oh no Doctor. I don't like fancy clothes. I'm just gonna go like I am." Derpy said.

"Suit yourself. Or don't. I'm going to go get ready. While I'm gone done touch those buttons over there!" The Doctor pointed to some vague spot on the console and then wandered off to where ever it was he kept his clothes.

Derpy nodded and then began to daydream about all the different muffins she would soon be eating. Oatmeal muffins, cranberry muffins, maybe even a simple corn muffin! Right now she was craving blueberry in particular. Oh goodness, blueberry muffins! Now that the thought had entered her head, it refused to leave her. Blueberry muffins danced and swam in front of her eyes, teasing her with their delectable flavor. She began to reach in front of her in a futile attempt to catch the imaginary sweets. As her eyes caught something blue on the console, she rushed towards it and crashed into the blue buttons that were on the console.

The impact had mostly snapped her out of her fantasy, but the sudden sirens and violent shaking of the TARDIS had completely snapped her awake. The TARDIS was out of control! If it weren't for the fact that she was a pegasus, she would have been rolling around banging against the various walls and stairs of the room. Just as she was thanking Celestia for being born a pegasus, the not so lucky Doctor came crashing through.

"Derpy!" he yelled. "What happened?! What did you do?"

"I-I don't know," Derpy yelled back, "I think I pressed some blue buttons, but that's it!"

The Doctor managed to grab onto the console and flip a few switches. This cause the TARDIS to stop thrashing about, but the sirens still rang. The Doctor then looked up at Derpy.

"You did WHAT?!" The Doctor yelled after steadying himself. "You pressed the blue buttons?! Didn't I tell you before I left not to press those buttons?! Why don't any of my companions listen to me?!"

"No, you said not to press those buttons and then pointed to some random spot on the console!" Derpy angrily replied. "What do those buttons do anyways?"

The Doctor looked at the scanner and then preceded to press more controls in a panic.

"This is bad. This is very very bad! The TARDIS seems to have momentarily burst through the void and into another dimension! According to the scanner, we're back in Equestria, but something has followed us through!"

Derpy floated back down to the floor and began to look worried.

"Wh-what do you mean 'followed us through'?"

"Whatever it is that followed us, it's outside the TARDIS. We've landed in the middle of the Everfree forest. Well, come along Derpy. Let's go see what it is!"

Derpy knew better than to argue with the Doctor in these types of moments. The Doctor grabbed his sonic screwdriver, and ran for the doors, Derpy following closely behind.

Outside the TARDIS, the Doctor and Derpy found themselves in the middle of a clearing. Birds were chirping and you could hear wildlife going about it's business. It would have been a very serene place, perhaps suitable for a relaxing picnic, were it not for the smoking crater two feet away from them.

The Doctor looked into the clearing and froze. His face started to pale as he stared at the unconcious creature in the hole.

"Oh no," he whispered quietly. "Not them. Not here."

"D-Doctor?" Derpy said. "Wh-what is it? What's wrong?"

The Doctor looked at Derpy quickly before looking back at the creature.

"I've seen them before. There were loads of them back where I came from. I thought I'd never see them again, but it looks like I was wrong."

"What are they?" Derpy asked.

This time the Doctor looked directly into her eyes before answering.
