• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 584 Views, 3 Comments

Tails of a Drifter - Sigil Flare

It's been twelve years since the fall of Princess Celestia. A lot has changed since. With Discord ruling no day goes by with a smile and anarchy reigns. Yet from the dark, hope shines bright. These are the Tails of a Drifter.

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  "You called my master?" said Spitfire kneeling head bowed. Her golden hair flowing over her shoulders, the goggles on her brow keeping it out of her face. They were all she had to remember her old life as Captain of the Wonderbolts. She was in the throne room. The stone floors felt icy through her boots and the entire room was slanted at a 30 degree angle.
  "Did I now?" replied Discord scratching his beard in thought "Surely I must have then if you have come such as you have, correct?" He was obviously referring to the tanned leather armor Spitfire wore. It was fairly standard among soldiers, but Spitfire's was far from ordinary.
  "Correct" answered Spitfire standing up and looking at Discord a fire in her eyes He was wearing the crown of Princess Celestia on his head. The gold clashed with his silvery hair. He had on a custom tailored tan suit and pants and black dress shoes. His eyes were the most striking part of his features. His right eye was green, but his left eye was purple.
  "Oh come now Spitfire" said Discord making a very sad face "Surely you aren't still mad at me for banishing your Princess are you? She was so dreadfully boring" He snapped his fingers and the room changed into a rainforest. "I feel like I've made Equestria more fun since I took power don't you think?"
  "I'm not sure how to answer that" replied Spitfire looking around for the door It seemed to have vanished with the rest of the room "I'm still trying to remember what Equestria was like before you took over" She could hear the faint drizzle of rain from just a few yards away.
  "Ah yes those were dark times indeed. Everything so dreadfully boring. So simple and tedious, life was back then." said Discord flexing the fingers on his hands. "Ponies running everywhere going along with their repetitive lives. I'm sure you are all much more happy as human beings don't you think?"
  "I don't remember being a pony at all, so I couldn't say for sure" answered Spitfire scratching her head in fake confusion "Did you need anything else?" In fact she did remember back to when she was a pony. At times she felt a twang of longing for the wings she once had.
  "Yes I called you here to tell you to track a man down for me" said Discord with a sigh "Seriously how could you have forgotten the reason I called you down here?" She could tell by the look on his face Discord wanted her to try and defend herself.
  "Who is it you want me to track?" asked Spitfire choosing to ignore Discord's jest She decided it would probably be better to stay silent than try and beat his silver tongue.
  "A young wonderer" said Discord a little disappointed. Snapping his fingers he flipped the room upside down. Spitfire was now standing on the ceiling, yet curiously she didn't fall to the floor. "He is causing a disruption in my gloriously wonderful chaos. I want you to find him"
  "I will Master" said Spitfire obediently "What shall I do once I find him?" Never before had she been sent on a tracking mission, with only one target.
  "Oh I don't know?" started Discord stroking his beard "Killing him is an option, but it's no fun if he dies to fast. Torture is a possibility, but it always takes so much time..."
  "Do you want me to decide?" suggested Spitfire interrupting Discord's rambling
  "Why not!" cried Discord laughing "Do with him what you will, just try to have fun will you?"
  "You can count on me" said Spitfire nodding in answer
  "You keep saying that" said Discord with a coy smile He made a square with his hands. The door appeared shimmering into life once more behind Spitfire "I'd hope it means what you think it means"
  Spitfire opened the door stepped through, closing it behind her. She was outside the castle now right side up again. She began to walk towards her home. Canterlot was in ruins. Buildings were floating, upside down, or just left alone and split in half. The roads were all fragmented, some parts moving around or spinning. Spitfire climbed on a floating bridge and sat down waiting for it to float her to her home downtown.
  She flexed her fingers on her right hand getting the ghostly feeling of a hoof once again. To think it had been nearly 12 years since Discord had taken power. Things were much different now. Spitfire wouldn't call it evil exactly though, much more like a bad child's fantasy. Everything was so much more difficult and confusing.
  Of course Discord himself was evil, Spitfire was sure of this. He had banished Princess Celestia when he took power. It made her cringe just thinking about having to serve him, but there was nothing Spitfire could do about it. If she could she would stand against him, but alone she was certain she would lose. Shining Armor had once told her that sometimes you must bide your time, throwing your life away will solve nothing.
  "You must live, to fight another day" he had said "You are Equestria's last hope"
  Shining Armor was the Captain of the Royal Guard, at the time Discord attacked. He had been Spitfire's friend for sometime before that though. When Discord had sent out the spell to erase everyone's memories, Shining Armor had shielded her from the worst of it. She didn't know if Discord knew of his his actions, but soon afterwards he turned all of the royal guard to stone. Now he uses them as statues to lively up the castle grounds.
  Spitfire wondered just what this young traveler could have done to get Discord's attention. Every couple of years some brave soul would stand up and try to oppose him. It always ended up in more bloodshed, but that was usually delt with by the Elements of Disharmony. She began to wonder just what Discord was planning...