• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 544 Views, 38 Comments

Friendship Always Wins! - XxLeoxX

The beggining of a journey

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The Danger Rises

It was Sunday Chistmas day, Twilight, has heard rumors that if you make a wish on christmas day at Midnight.

The wish would be true.

I wish all of Equestria Would be safe Twilight said with a fine, light and kind voice.

Just as she sees before her own eyes a wish star became like a comet.

It was the most beatiful sight Twilight had ever seen.

She wanted to tell her friends but they were asleep. As PonyVille knew even heroes have to rest.

January 1st 2013, a fine bright day arises, the birds chirping.

Neighbors greeting each other once more for friendship was A chain of memories that cannot be broken.

Just as Twilight Reads the geometry chart that read:

On January 1st 2013 thee Rainbow of Hopes and Dreams shall cast its beatiful light.

Twilight was happy to see the rainbow that has been on equestria for over 2000 years now.

But just as Twilight looked up she saw a cloud that made her have a bad feeling.

The cloud of sorrows.

Once again trying to turn Everypony to gems for it cared nothing of ponies as fashion.

Twilight tried to tell the major but everypony in ponyville were frozen as gems,Twilight hurried to her's friends.

But just as her eyes were wide open with shame and pain.

All six were frozen to golden crystal its beauty is speechless, but TwiLight cared more about her friends than gems.

The 5 necklaces were on the ground, they knew what would happen.

Twilight has mashed the six elements for they had no effect without their owner.

Days, even months, clouds were red it was all silent not a single voice out of ponyville in time Twilight Taught herself to melt the golden gems in order to free her friends.

At almost a year later, Twilight achieved to melt the gold and free her friends.

Now that they are free, It was hard to achieve this ponies Twilight said in a sorrowed way.

But now! Rainbow dash added in a gloom of adventure We have to find the person responsible for this!

But how? Applejack added in her clever way.

The cloud of sorrow made us gold we are powerless!

Now now Applejack Twilight said Rainbow......... she stopped i her manner of speaking for she had realized that applejack may have been right.

I know this can get us killed but if the work together we can achive it! TwiLight said in a cheerful voice.

If we make it out alive Rarity says in a fine beatiful voice i know it wont be an easy journey.

but together we can accomplish everything together! Twilight said in a really cheerful and very leader like way.

Now come on gang! LETS WORK TOGETHER AS ONE! YAH!! everypony shouted so they set off on an adventure that is very dangerous.

Will they survive? We shall see.

For many days and Nights the six stayed together but tired, hungry,no shelter or food.

They have looked all of equestria to find no sign of the cloud as if the cloud only appears at a certain time

for many generations ponies have been into the cloud's lair but never came out alive.

It took the six brave ponies.

3 years have passed.

They went back to ponyville finally to find that their town was completely destroyed all buidings burst into flames all ponies in the ground for what the six brave ponies have seen could not believe that it was true.

Black smoke out of the flames toxic ash the sky was in doomed Red for the ponyville's residents fate was torture Applejack's sister And the higness Celestia were held hostage in the terrible cloud's lair.

The six ponies are now the only hope that equestria would have but the gang have already searched all over.

But has found no answer the girls were in doom for they knew their fate was next.

The girls have searched again but nothing until they knew the only place where the cluod could possibly be was in the most darkest and pertmanently banned from equestria the shrine of the Queen was a place that not even S rank thieves know not go in there.

For it was dark, and can drive you to insanity but the six ponies had no choice.

With the elements of harmony they were undefeated.

Courageous and they knew they could stop a fate even worse than death.
their target location was the Shrine of the Queen

They started to see nightmares.

Souls that can drive you to a state of fright, just before their eyes was their target the queen's shrine.

The 230,000,000 ft tall mountain called Mt. loss of faith.

It took them months of hard work.

The castle was dark skeletons on the halls used as decorations, to show that that if you dare to enter, fate is at stake.

Soon they have found the cloud of sorrows,who was using a disguise all along she was not a cloud.

She was a dark and evil queen her name was Medusa:

An ancient goddess that says if you look at her in the eyes, her look is so cursed that you turn to stone.

with The Stolen Bow, the Bow of Osiris, Osiris has once defeated medusa but medusa's revenge succeded medusa took the beatiful Bow and disguised herself as the cloud of sorrows.

Medusa Aimed to shoot Twilight's heart but failed, together they have made the beam of friendship against the medusa, striking the medusa, the queen falls down to her doom.

We have saved Equestria Once more! Twilight said in confident voice.

Equestria was saved by the brave ponies it was all back to normal just like 3 years ago.

And everynight when ponyville's residents go to sleep they thank the six most courageous ponies:

Twilight,AppleJack,Rainbow Dash,Pinkie Pie,Rarity, and Fluttershy.

For almost ending their lives for ponies and learn this you are able to rest thanks to the six ponies.

Without them ponyville would never had peace for this town we all thank the six who has saved equestria and being the most courageous of all being able to free the victim and the princess.

To qoute that Friendship always WINS!!

Author's Note:

My name's XxLeoxX but you can call me Leo, it has been an honor to me to bring you my first story.