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Chapter 1

It was another casual day for Sonic, he was having one of his runs, not worried about Eggman considering the last time he saw his mortal enemy, he was launched into outer space after he destroyed his Nega-Wisp Armor robot-mech. Despite enjoying his run, his best friend Tails bumped into him and invited him to go to the park. Unknown to Sonic, Tails and the rest of the gang had prepared a surprise birthday party for him. After arriving at the park, and the party starting upon his arrival, Sonic had gotten a specially made chili dog as his birthday gift, which he loved after taking his first bite into it.

While everyone was enjoying the party, a sudden dark pulse exploded out of nowhere and abruptly ended the party. The force from the blast of air sent all of the party supplies flying in the air, including Sonic's chili dog, surprising the hedgehog after seeing it was no longer in his hand and he frantically looked for the missing chili dog. Unknown to Sonic, a dark creature had come out of a mysterious portal. Its glowing blue sinister face consists of a pair of narrow blue eyes and a mouth with sharp teeth. The creature also appeared to have two make-shift horns on its head, a smog body with a wide chest, and two arms with two five-fingered hands with sharp claws and mysterious clock gears on its back. The arrival of this mysterious creature caused a commotion among the partygoers as they questioned what it was. The creature, later known as Time Eater, opened multiple small portals and started sucking all of Sonic's friends into them one by one, enraging the hedgehog as he charged at the unknown creature without a second thought. In a futile attempt, Sonic tries to attack the dark creature with a homing attack to try and save his friends, but the creature swatted Sonic away like a bug, making him hit the ground hard and knocking him out in the process. As Sonic slips into unconsciousness, the last thing he heard was Tails pleading for him to save him and the rest of their friends as he is the last one to get sucked into the portals.

After regaining consciousness, Sonic found himself in white space, but here, he sees and travels through familiar areas that gave him déjà vu. He ran through the familiar pastures of Green Hill, got past the pink waters of the Chemical Plant, and ran through the sky platforms of Sky Sanctuary. Going through these areas, he rescued Tails, Amy Rose, and Knuckles the Echidna respectively. He bumped into his past self as they were both ready to face off against their arch nemesis Dr. Eggman in the Death Egg, but only he, the younger version of himself, was able to go through the doorway to face off against the Death Egg Robot. After defeating Eggman in a hard-fought battle, Classic Sonic thought he'd help his nemesis out of the remains of the destroyed robot, but like on his run in Green Hill, he saw Time Eater come through a portal and he kidnaps Eggman in a purple sphere of aura. After pleading for Sonic to save him, the two disappeared through another portal, making Classic Sonic realize that this is a potential threat that is a lot bigger than Eggman himself. As he returned to White Space, Classic Sonic and Classic Tails deduced that because they were dealing with the same creature, and its influence, his younger counterpart was also doing the same thing he was doing with rescuing all his friends and restoring these specific areas that Time Eater must have ripped out of time and into this mysterious white void.

They joined forces as they continued this adventure, and three more areas in Sonic's time appeared after the Death Egg Robot’s defeat. The two started running through the chaotic roads of Speed Highway and evaded the deadly G.U.N. Military Truck in City Escape, and the beaches of Seaside Hill. They also rescued Cream the Rabbit, along with her Chao friend Cheese, Rouge the Bat, and Espio the Chameleon going through these areas. The two Sonics realized that not only Eggman was their problem, but they also had to deal with rivals in their past. Classic Sonic dealt with Metal Sonic and easily defeated his robot doppelganger and Sonic also dealt with Shadow the Hedgehog, the dubbed 'Ultimate Lifeform', on the remains of the Eclipse Cannon hovering over the Earth. As soon as Sonic was done with Shadow, he faced off against Perfect Chaos in the ruins of the flooded Station Square, but instead of needing the Chaos Emeralds as he did in the past, Sonic was able to handle the liquid being and takes him down in no time in his base form, showing that he has gotten a lot stronger since their last encounter.

After defeating Perfect Chaos, three more areas appeared, along with one of the Chaos Emeralds floating above the final area. Time Eater charges from a portal and attempts to steal the emerald, but even in the colorless state that it was in, the Chaos Emerald's power activates and repels the dark being, forcing it to retreat into another portal. Starting this set of areas, one of the cities was a blur to Sonic in the Crisis City. Still, despite the forgotten area, those constant flames in this city were something Sonic could never truly forget, especially after facing off against another rival in Silver the Hedgehog. This one hedgehog was capable of using psychokinesis, something he was able to achieve from the distant future from Sonic’s current timeline. After defeating Silver, Sonic navigates through the many roofs on the Rooftop Run. Finally, rounding out the adventure, Sonic returns to Planet Wisp to save the Wisps that Eggman had recently captured. Along the way, Sonic saves Blaze the Cat, Vector the Crocodile, and Charmy Bee from each of these areas. After restoring Planet Wisp, and rescuing the last of his friends, the Chaos Emerald regains its color, leading both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic to have a fun run to get the emerald, something Modern Sonic was able to win after showing Classic Sonic the Boost and impressing him with this ability that he will learn one day.

With the sixth emerald in his possession, Sonic goes toe to toe with Eggman piloting an upgraded version of the Egg Dragoon from a previous attempt to create Eggmanland. Even with some unique abilities and upgrades this mech possessed, Sonic manages to defeat the doctor again, laughing at the angry egg-shaped man who strongly believed he was supposed to defeat Sonic. Seeing their arch-nemeses before them, Tails questions Classic Sonic as he recalled that he told them that Eggman was captured by Time Eater before but grew more confused as they see Eggman getting captured by Time Eater as it suddenly shows up and disappears in a flash.

It took time, something that they had plenty of in White Space, but Sonic and Classic Sonic rescued all of his friends, went through his past, and successfully restored the areas that the dark creature had torn from reality and they were able to collect all seven of the Chaos Emeralds from each rival and battle they had; and on top of all that, they managed to foil all of Eggman's past plans once again along the way as a bonus. It all led up to the final battle with the dark creature, something that couldn't have been done without collecting the seven Chaos Emeralds.

After using the Chaos Emeralds to restore the destroyed clock gears and opening the gateway, Classic Sonic, Modern Sonic, Classic Tails, and Modern Tails arrive at the Center of Time. What they saw was Time Eater but compared to their last encounter with the dark creature, it had changed its form. It had four arms instead of two, two pairs of makeshift wings with multiple clock gears and its energy, the gears from its back were now part of its arms, giving it some armor along its more defined features, and there were two purple orbs on top of Time Eater's head and a giant-sized orb holding the second set of arms and wings together.

"Okay, whatever you are," Sonic declared to the dark creature. "If you want to avoid an embarrassing beat down, you better give up now!" He concludes with confidence.

The first orb on Time Eater's head opened, revealing a familiar egg-shaped person to everyone. "You're not in a position to demand anything, you nasty little pincushion!" Eggman shouted in annoyance.

"Eggman! But, how?" Tails questioned. Sonic slapped his forehead and shook his head as if to say, "Why am I not surprised?"

The second orb opened, revealing another person. "He had a little help," said the second person.

"Dr. Robotnik!" Classic Tails said and pointed at the lower orb in surprise. Classic Sonic put a hand over his eyes to view the second orb correctly and was shocked to see that it was Robotnik.

"Nobody calls me that anymore," he states. "If you would be so kind as to explain, gentleman genius Dr. Eggman from The Future," the classic Eggman says.

"It will be my pleasure, most excellent and efficacious Dr. Eggman of The Past," says the modern Eggman.

Modern Eggman then starts going down memory lane and explains what has happened from the events of his last failed scheme. "After my most recent setback, I stumbled upon the primordial form of this unique creation. Which I discovered had amazing abilities even I have never been able to master. It could erase time and space! I then had the brilliant idea to use my discovery to undo my previous defeats! In order to perfect it, I needed the help of somebody as smart as I am. The only person that smart… is me!" Modern Eggman concludes and gestures towards Classic Eggman.

Classic Eggman was flattered by the compliment. "Oh, you are too kind, my dear future self! And I was happy to help!" he finishes happily.

"I captured your friends, flinging them through time to bait my traps," Modern Eggman continues to explain his plan.

"But the more your monster tears through time, the more damage you do to the world!" Tails chimed with the side effects of Eggman's plan. Sonic looked to Tails as he says this and nodded in agreement to what he was saying and glared back at Eggman.

"The world? I'm going to own the world when I'm finished with Sonic! HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO!" Modern Eggman coughed and continued his laughter, while Classic Eggman scratched his head, looking at his future self, and says in disbelief, "Wow. Will I really get that crazy?"

Modern Eggman looked over his ship and talked to his past self, "Hehe! We'll see who's crazy after I destroy both Sonics… forever!"

"You mean after we destroy them," Classic Eggman corrected his older self.

"Less arguing. More destroying," Modern Eggman declared, and pulled himself back from his chair in his ship, focusing his attention back on Sonic and Tails. Sonic retorted with cockiness, "Destroy me? You and what mustache? I beat you all the time by myself, and now there's two of me!" Sonic said while gesturing to his younger self, who did a backflip in excitement.

"Then I'll have twice as much fun defeating you!" Modern Eggman declared and sat down in his ship.

The two orbs closed, and Time Eater started its assault on both Sonics. Both Modern and Classic Sonic sprang into action running towards Time Eater. They came to a halt once Time Eater started firing purple orbs at them. Modern and Classic Sonic split up, avoiding the attack, however, Time Eater continued firing the orbs at them, which they easily avoided thanks to their gifted speed.

"Keep moving!" Modern Sonic shouts to his younger self. Classic Sonic looked over at Modern Sonic and nodded, continuing to avoid each of the purple orbs.

"Move all you want! I'm still going to stomp you into a blue jelly," said Modern Eggman.

Modern Eggman then pressed a button, causing one of Time Eater's arms to go into a time hole. After seeing that Time Eater stopped firing the purple orbs, both Modern and Classic Sonic regrouped and jumped toward Time Eater in an attempt to attack it, upon seeing the two hedgehogs in mid-air, Time Eater swatted them with a swing of its arm, sending them flying backward and skidding on the ground. Both Sonic and Classic Sonic were trying to shake off the pain from the hit and tried to get back on their feet. Modern Eggman laughed to himself in satisfaction, knowing he had them right where he wanted them. The arm sent through the time hole earlier suddenly appears behind them as they got back up. They turned around and saw the arm but didn't have enough time to react to the sudden attack, leaving both Sonics squashed by the hand. Both Modern and Classic Sonic were knocked out after the arm raised itself from the ground and went back into the time portal it came out of.

"That was just to soften you up. Now it's time to meet your doom," Modern Eggman says. Time Eater's arm returned to the body and was ready to continue its attack on both Classic and Modern Sonic when suddenly…

"You can do it Sonic!" shouted Amy

"Come on Sonic. Smack him!" shouted Knuckles.

"Ugh, not you!" Modern Eggman yells in displeasure.

"You've got this Sonic!" Shadow assures.

"You can win Sonic!" Rouge says.

"Who are they?" questioned Classic Eggman.

"They are insignificant!" responded Modern Eggman in annoyance.

"You've got the power Sonic!" yelled Vector.

"Focus your spirit!" calmly says Espio.

"We're with you guys!" yelled Charmy in excitement.

"I believe in you, Sonic!" Cream yelled pleadingly, while her Chao friend, Cheese, nodded in agreement.

"Don't give in, Sonic!" yelled Blaze.

"I know you can do this, Sonic!" says Silver in assurance.

"You can win, Sonic!" yelled Classic Tails.

"You always do!" Modern Tails assures.

The Chaos Emeralds then appeared, circled both Sonics, and raised their unconscious bodies off the ground. Modern Sonic's hands twitched and clenched into fists, regaining consciousness as the power of the Chaos Emeralds surged through him. Classic Sonic also opened his eyes, feeling the power of the Chaos Emeralds as well. Modern Sonic opened his eyes and pointed at Time Eater.

"Time to scramble some Eggmen, SUPER SONIC STYLE!" Modern Sonic yells, ready to fight.

Classic Sonic punched his right fist into his left hand and in a flash, both Modern and Classic Sonic transformed into their super forms, both hedgehog’s fur changing from blue to gold in that instant, with a golden aura enveloping them. They both flew up in the air and charged toward Time Eater to begin the final battle.

The battle between the two Sonics and the new and improved Time Eater was intense. Each Eggman added more power to Time Eater than the Sonics had thought. The Eggmen had used the Warping Arm Attack to start the fight. The Sonics saw it coming and avoided the attack easily by splitting up, making the arm miss them. Time Eater then used its Homing Shot, firing one after the other. The gang feared what they were seeing with the Homing Shot, hoping both Sonics would be safe. Thanks to the floating debris from the areas that Time Eater tore through, the Homing Shots had hit them instead of the Sonics. After avoiding the Homing Shots, both Sonics charged at the core of the Time Eater. Time Eater tried to squish the Sonics with two of its four hands when they got close, but they dodged the attack and continued their assault on the core. Time Eater groaned in pain after the core was damaged with minor cracks on it, and it got ready for the next attack.

Time Eater used both of its arms for a Warping Arm Attack to try to hit both Sonics, but once again, they were easily avoided. After getting its arms back, Time Eater then shot its purple orbs at the Sonics. The orbs had temporarily slowed the Sonics down as they made contact. Seeing how defenseless they looked, Time Eater fired another round of Homing Shots at the Sonics. Classic Sonic tried to pull himself and Modern Sonic out of the wormhole, but he found that he couldn't. "Just follow my lead," Modern Sonic told his younger self, who obliged. They dodged the Homing Shots with ease and Modern Sonic came up with a plan to strike Time Eater's core again. Modern Sonic used Chaos Control to slow time down and he and Classic Sonic easily charged at the orb again, causing Time Eater more damage. Time Eater loses the bottom pair of wings and set of arms from the damage the core took, making the cracks more visible.

Out of fear, both Modern and Classic Eggman had distanced themselves from both Sonics and fired a barrage of Homing Shots at them. Trying to keep a brave face, both Eggmen yells, “It’ll take more than that, to defeat us!” Out of defense, Classic Sonic pulled himself and Modern Sonic out of the wormhole and avoided the onslaught of Homing Shots. Time Eater charged up a lot of energy and before both Sonics could respond, it unleashed the energy and slowed time down. This caused both Sonics to be stuck outside of the wormhole in slow motion, while Time Eater was unaffected by its attack and it charged up more energy to unleash a powerful laser shot. Once time had been restored, Time Eater also steps out of the wormhole and fired the laser at the Sonics. At the last second, Modern Sonic pulled himself and Classic Sonic back into the wormhole, avoiding the attack altogether. They then charged at Time Eater once it came back into the wormhole and damaged the core even further, causing the trio great frustration as the core now has a giant crack on it, close to its breaking point.

Sonic's friends started cheering in excitement, seeing that both Classic and Modern Sonic are easily handling the threat of the universe and they weren't even breaking a sweat at all. In one final attempt, both Classic and Modern Eggman triggered what they believed to be Time Eater's strongest attack.

"WE'LL END IT! BURN, BURN TO ASHES!" the Eggmen yelled.

Time Eater charged up a giant fireball and fired it at the Sonics. It was so big that they both knew it was unavoidable. Even if they wanted to dodge the attack, they didn't want to chance this attack hitting their friends, so instead, the two hedgehogs charged at the fireball without any concerns for themselves. Seeing this, some of Sonic's friends covered their eyes, not wanting to see what could happen to them, but the ones who didn't close their eyes were hopeful to see them come out on top. As they charged at the fireball, both Sonic and Classic Sonic looked at each other with confidence and grabbed each other's hands. They spun into the fireball with great speed and power, cutting through the attack. The group sees the fireball dissipate from both Sonics ripping right through it and as they tore through the fireball, they saw that they had aimed their sights on the core itself. "NOW GO FOR IT!" Everyone shouted, seeing that the Sonics had the battle wrapped up. With their combined powers, the Sonics sustained no damage from the fireball, and they crashed through the core at full force, shattering it into pieces. Time Eater exploded once the Sonics destroyed the core, and nothing was heard from the Eggmen with the battle reaching its conclusion.

Once the explosion subsided, Sonic found himself back at the park. He saw his chili dog that was blown away earlier, falling from the sky. He caught it in midair and started eating it again.

"Still warm. Heheheh. Time Travel," he said to himself in satisfaction.

Sonic then saw his younger self run up to the picnic table, a little confused about why he was there, but he didn't complain as they both saw all their friends appear in front of them. Everyone cheered for joy, seeing that Sonic once again saved the day. Amy stared dreamily at him with her hands clasped.

"I'll admit, you weren't half bad, Sonic," said Knuckles.

"Half bad? Are you kidding?" Amy shouts and pushes Knuckles into a nearby tree. "He was all great!" Amy concludes and goes back to admiring Sonic after pushing Knuckles into the tree. Knuckles slid to the ground after hitting the tree hard. Classic Sonic looked at his future self in amazement from the scene, seeing that he has someone in the future admiring him. Modern Sonic scratched the left side of his head and looked away with a slight blush. Classic and Modern Sonic turned over to see Classic and Modern Tails talking to each other.

"He collects how many? Wow! Where does somebody put all those gold rings?" questioned Classic Tails.
"You know what? I don't know, I keep forgetting to ask," Modern Tails responded.

Everyone continued celebrating at the party, they enjoyed themselves with short conversations and ate more cake and chili dogs, all except for Classic and Modern Sonic, who were talking with each other.

"It was great teaming up with you. Hope you learned a few tricks that'll help you out in the future," Sonic said with a smile. "I mean the past. You know what I mean!" Sonic concluded in annoyance from the whole "Time Paradox" thing.

Classic Sonic nodded in understanding and pointed his two thumbs at himself, saying "I got this." He then ran and jumped in the air and attempted to do the boost but couldn't get it down right away. He tried to keep himself from falling by trying to grab the air, but he fell and hit head-first on the ground. Modern Sonic then clapped his hands and cheered his younger self up.

"Dude, sweet! And you're only going to get better," said Sonic in excitement, knowing he'll get it down someday.
Classic Sonic scratched the right side of his head with his facial expression reading, "You think so?" Classic and Modern Tails ran up to the Sonics.

"There's our ride," said Classic Tails while pointing at a nearby portal.

The portal that was seen, led to the Green Hill area. Classic Sonic looked at Classic Tails and nodded in agreement silently saying, "Let's move out." Modern Sonic gave his younger self a high five, while Classic Tails gave his older self a double high five. They both went to the portal to leave.

"Hey, Sonic! Enjoy your future. It's going to be great!" yelled Sonic.

Classic Sonic looked back with a grin and gave a thumbs up with his facial expression saying, "You know it!" Both Classic Sonic and Classic Tails went through the portal, and it disappeared before Modern Sonic and the gang. Everyone waved goodbye and Sonic stood there with a smile, knowing his younger self will live a great life leading up to how he is today.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Time Eater had survived the explosion and was slowly regaining its strength. "I'll get you Sonic! I SWEAR IT!"

Chapter End

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, I want to say that this chapter, as well as the next two chapters, will cover the bad guys I chose for this story. I also claim no ownership of ANY character in this story from video games and/or the respected cartoons.

12/7/22 UPDATE

I updated the chapter, and I will be updating the rest of the chapters along the way. Enjoy the changes and be ready for the remaining chapters to be uploaded in good time.