• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 3,753 Views, 26 Comments

The Twilight Wanderer - Tyrael

When Twilight Sparkle fails to expose Mi Amore Cadenza and prevent her from marrying Shining Armor, Twilight soon finds herself on a quest to reclaim the ponies she loves.

  • ...

Act V: Le Princesse Est Mort

Twilight had thought long and hard about where and when she should travel back in time. She eventually decided to go back to where it all started, the wedding rehearsal. It wasn't so much a tactical decision as it was emotional. It was there that the chain of events began, starting with the loss of her brother's love. Star Swirl assured her she could always try again if she failed, which made the decision weigh a little less heavier on her mind.

As Star Swirl prepared his time travel spell, Twilight steeled her nerves by tapping into that darkness inside her. She felt a sense of tranquility as it surged through her body. She knew it was wrong, but it shouldn't matter, all of this would be resolved shortly. It felt good to embrace her darkness, she had been fighting it for so long. She shivered as the sense of calm oozed up to her horn and caused a tingling sensation, she glanced to Star Swirl, hoping he hadn't notice, but his attention was on his spell.

Star Swirl turned towards her, "All set. I will head to Tartarus and make sure the True Hearts are secured, don't want that happening again. Afterwards I shall come see how you are faring, but only as an observer, this is your fight Twilight. Your destiny."

Twilight nodded, "I'm ready. Cadenza picked the wrong pony's brother to mess with."

Star Swirl raised his eyebrow, sensing something different about Twilight, something in her voice, "Hmm. Well, shall we?"

Star Swirl and Twilight simultaneously cast the time travel spell and they appeared in Canterlot Castle. Star Swirl hugged Twilight, "Good luck, my friend. I know you can do it!" The old unicorn vanished as he teleported away and Twilight galloped off to find her past self.

Past Twilight was pacing in her room, fuming and ranting to herself about Shining Armor and Cadenza. Future Twilight threw open the doors with her magic and stormed in. Past Twilight's eyes went wide as she saw herself. "Wow, what happened to me? Was there some cataclysmic event in the future? Did Rarity stop being our friend, why are your clothes so ragged?"

Future Twilight rolled her eyes and put her hoof over Past Twilight's mouth, "Remember last time?" Past Twilight nodded. Future Twilight smirked, "Good. You, or we, were about to go confront Cadence, right?" Past Twilight nodded.

Future Twilight pulled her hoof away, "We are right about Cadence, she is evil. I know how to beat her, but it's hard to explain. Everything you need to know is in here." Future Twilight pulled off her saddle bags and set them down in front of Past Twilight. Future Twilight looked at her past self and felt jealousy, Past Twilight had yet to know the heartbreak of losing her brother, or felt the darkness and nightmare that developed as Future Twilight had wandered the Frozen North.

A single tear fell down Future Twilight's cheek as she watched Past Twilight eagerly rummage through the saddle bags. Future Twilight turned to leave, Past Twilight cried out, 'Wait! Where are you going? What am I supposed to be doing?"

Future Twilight looked back, "I'm going to go get vengeance on Cadenza. Just go through my saddle bags, you will figure it out, I did, and I am you, I guess."

Past Twilight looked at the collections of books and objects she had pulled from the saddle bags then started to ask something, but Future Twilight was already gone.


Future Twilight took a deep breath as she stood in front of the doors to the wedding hall. She relived what had happened the first time in her mind, the sorrow, the despair.... She shook her head and cleared her mind of those thoughts then reached out for the darkness again. She let it embrace her, heard it whispering to her. Dark magic was a quick path to power, but its power was seductive and deadly to its wielder. Future Twilight didn't care about the risk, as long as she beat Cadenza, everything should be back to normal and Past Twilight would be spared the horrors she herself had endured.

Future Twilight pressed her ear against the door, listening. She heard Celestia say, "Shining Armor, you'll get the ring from your Best Mare." Then Shining Armor asked, "Hey... has anypony seen Twilight?"

Future Twilight steeled herself and threw open the doors with her magic, boldly striding in. The words came out of her mouth on their own, an echo of the events that had happened last week, "I'm here! I'm not gonna stand next to her. And neither should you!"

Shining Armor nervously looked at Cadenza, "I'm sorry, I don't, I don't know why she's acting like this."

Cadenza rolled her eyes, "Maybe we should just ignore her."

Future Twilight began to laugh. "Ignore this, witch." Future Twilight's horn began to glow and a fireball soared towards Cadenza.

Everypony gasped, Shining Armor blocked the fireball with a forcefield. "Twilight! What the hay are you doing?"

Future Twilight smirked, "You are all being deceived. Now, get out of my way, brother." Shining Armor disappeared as Future Twilight used her magic to teleport him away.

Celestia stepped forwards, "Twilight Sparkle! Stop this at once!"

Future Twilight cackled, "Make me." Future Twilight ripped down some tapestries from the wall and wrapped them around Celestia, then teleported her out of the room.

Future Twilight turned towards her friends, who were looking at her in terror, "Go to the Canterlot Archives and find Twilight. You too, Spike."

Pinkie started to say something, Rarity clapped her hoof over Pinkie's mouth and whispered, "Just go!"

One of the royal guards who had been standing at the door snuck towards Future Twilight and went to attack her. Future Twilight teleported over to Cadenza and looked back at him, "Uh-uh." She focused her magic and he and the other guardsman teleported out of the room. She continued using her magic and a magical forcefield surrounded the area.

Alone, Cadenza and Future Twilight glared at each other and slowly walked in a circle. Future Twilight asked, "Do you know why I am here?"

Cadenza laughed, "Aren't you just a tad possessive of your brother, Twilight? This is ridiculous, even for you."

Future Twilight scowled at her, "You took my brother from me. You took my life from me. Now I am going to take yours."

Cadenza laughed again, "What ever are you talking about, Twilight?"

Future Twilight scoffed, "I know what you are. I know what you did to me."

Cadenza grinned, "I've been a little tart with you, but I certainly didn't do anything to you besides hurt the poor little feelings of you and your dimwit friends."

Future Twilight smirked and cast a quick spell, blasting Cadenza with a powerful orb of energy. She felt the darkness in her grow, and basked in its power.

Cadenza picked herself up and sneered towards Future Twilight, "If you insist..."

Cadenza charged towards Future Twilight and clashed their horns together. Cadenza's eyes went wide as Future Twilight began to overpower her and pushed her back. Future Twilight laughed and teleported behind her, kicking her in the rear as Cadenza stumbled forwards.

Cadenza recovered herself and snarled. She focused her magic and sent a blast of green fire towards Future Twilight. Future Twilight laughed as she teleported away. Cadenza cast more fire bolt spells, growing angrier as Future Twilight teleport dodged each one.

Future Twilight appeared behind her, "My turn." Future Twilight focused her magic and a fissure began to open up in the floor. Spouts of magical flames gushed out of the fissure, Cadenza cursed as she spread her wings and flew out of the way.

Future Twilight smiled, "What goes up, is going down." Future Twilight pointed her hoof towards Cadenza and laughed maniacally as a swarm of arcane crows surged towards Cadenza, chasing her around the room. The crows overwhelmed Cadenza and she fell to the floor in bursts of purple magic as the crows detonated against her.

Cadenza staggered towards the doors out, Future Twilight laughed, "Leaving so soon are we?" Future Twilight grabbed her tail and hauled her away from the doors. "Don't worry, I've only just begun."

Cadenza frowned and began focusing her magic. Green flames sprung up around Future Twilight and engulfed her. Cadenza concentrated and the flames burned brighter and brighter, enclosing around Future Twilight. Cadenza kept her spell going for several minutes, until finally gasping and sitting down as she ran out of energy. Cadenza breathed a sigh of relief, "So long, Twilight Sparkle."

Cadenza's jaw dropped as she saw Future Twilight stand up in the fire on her hind legs, stretching her fore legs out to the sides as she slowly twirled around. Future Twilight looked at her, "Ahh.. I thought the chill of the Frozen North would never leave these bones."

Cadenza panicked and began casting her fire spells, engulfing the room in flames as Future Twilight slowly walked towards her, ignoring the green fire. Cadenza stared in amazement, "How can this be? You're not that powerful! You're still an apprentice!"

Future Twilight laughed, "I had a great teacher. It was you, Cadence. You set about the events that led to this. Without you, I never would have been able to achieve such power."

Cadenza tried to stall for time, "What do you mean, Twilight?"

Future Twilight smirked, "I know what you plan to do with Equestria, Cadence. I was sent here to stop you. You have no idea of the torment you will end up causing."

Cadenza laughed nervously, "Uh, whatever do you mean Twilight?"

Future Twilight spit, "No more talk." Future Twilight charged up her horn and began firing bolts of energy towards Cadenza.

Cadenza ran and began using the pillars in the room to block Future Twilight's magic. Cadenza peeked out and swore as a magical blast sent shards of stone into her face. Cadenza tried to change her strategy, "Don't you remember me, Twilight? Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" A volley of energy bolts was Future Twilight's response.

The pillar Cadenza was hiding behind began to collapse and she dashed to another one, "Twilight, if you really don't want me marrying Shining Armor, then I won't. You can just stop this nonsense and you won't ever see me again."

Future Twilight snarled, "Oh, don't worry. I won't see you again. Won't be anything left of you to see. Well, besides a pile of ash."

Future Twilight teleported behind Cadenza and kicked her in the rear again, laughing as Cadenza scampered away.

Cadenza was growing desperate, she looked back at her sore flank and her eyes lingered on her cutie mark. Cadenza gulped and steadied her nerves, and thought to herself, "Worth a shot.."

Cadenza jumped out from behind a pillar and focused her magic towards Future Twilight's heart. A beam of green energy shot out and surged into Future Twilight. Future Twilight stumbled backwards and Cadenza advanced towards her, keeping the pressure on as Future Twilight slumped down against the wall.

Cadenza smiled, then screamed as her horn began to feel like it was on fire. Future Twilight stood and looked down at her chest. The Death's Hoof mark had returned, protecting her heart from Cadenza's love magic. Future Twilight felt the darkness fully overwhelming her now, her body ached but her mind felt more alive then ever. Future Twilight laughed, "Your pathetic magic is insignificant next to the powers of my dark sorcery."

Future Twilight stood on her hind legs and reached her fore legs towards the ceiling. The unholy magic of the Death's Hoof began to spread across her body. She had felt something like this before, when she had transformed into her embodiment of wrath while fighting Valdis and a few other times in her life. This time was a little different, as instead of feeling extreme rage, she just had a calm, smug sense of immense satisfaction. Her flesh became a pale, bluish white as her eyes, mane, and tail ignited into unholy blue flames.

Cadenza stared with her eyes popped out and jaw dropped. Future Twilight ran towards her and Cadenza fled. Future Twilight chased her around and around the room, laughing maniacally, her voice seemed to have changed as well, sounding slightly distorted.

Future Twilight paused and tilted her head, she could tell someponies were breaking through her forcefield, "Play time's over."

Future Twilight teleported in front of Cadenza and kicked her in the chest, knocking Cadenza to the ground. Future Twilight stood on her hind legs and reached her hoof towards Cadenza. Cadenza clutched at her throat and began choking as Twilight's magical grip constricted around her.

Future Twilight moved in and watched Cadenza's suffering. As Cadenza fought for her final breath, Future Twilight whispered, "Not yet." She stopped channeling her spell and Cadenza slumped to the ground. Cadenza's polymorph spell faded and revealed a strange, insectoid looking creature. Future Twilight pulled her cloak's hood back over her head then strode over and stared out the window into Canterlot, her own transformation fading until she looked normal once more.

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Star Swirl the Bearded, Shining Armor, and a battalion of lunar and solar royal guards burst into the room as Future Twilight dispelled her forcefield. They stared in amazement at the destruction that had occurred during Future Twilight's and Cadenza's duel, then quickly surrounded both parties.

Princess Celestia looked down at the strange pony-like creature, glanced around the room, then stared at Future Twilight. "Cadence? Twilight Sparkle, I want an explanation." Future Twilight just stared out the window.

Star Swirl said, "Princess, allow me to explain. That is not your niece. Whomever she is, if we allowed her to marry Shining Armor, she would have usurped the throne and started a chain of events eventually leading to a disaster of apocalyptic proportions. Twilight Sparkle and myself traveled back from the future in order to prevent this calamity."

Celestia stared in curiosity at Cadenza's body, "Is that so? Well, perhaps we should awaken her and ask her who she is?"

Celestia and Luna picked up Cadenza with their magic and Star Swirl poured an elixir down her throat. Cadenza started coughing then looked wide-eyed at her aunts. "Oh, Aunt Celestia! It was horrible, Twilight Sparkle tried to kill me!"

Celestia looked at her with a grim expression, "Where is my niece, the real Cadence?"

Cadenza looked nervously between the dour faces of Celestia and Luna, "I'm right here, auntie!"

Future Twilight snarled, "Lies!" and teleported in front of Cadenza. Future Twilight stabbed her horn into Cadenza's chest and torrents of pain wracked Cadenza's body. Future Twilight smiled and asked, "Where is the real Cadence?"

Star Swirl looked on in horror, and whispered, "What have I done?"

Tears ran down Cadenza's face, "Why are you doing this to me! I'm right here!"

Future Twilight stabbed her again and smirked. "Tell me where she is!"

Cadenza sobbed and looked up at her aunts through tearful eyes, "Why are you letting her do this! It's me, Cadence!"

Future Twilight laughed and stabbed her again, "I grow weary of asking this, so it shall be the last time. Where is the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?"

The doors to the room burst open and Past Twilight yelled, "Stop!" Past Twilight enveloped Cadenza in a forcefield and pulled her to safety. Past Twilight and her friends walked in, wearing their Elements of Harmony.

Celestia looked at Past Twilight, "Twilight, what are you doing? We need to find my niece!"

Past Twilight rolled her eyes, "This is Cadence! If you ponies would have listened to her instead of torturing her, you'd have seen that yourself."

Celestia and Luna sheepishly looked at each other, Celestia asked, "Would somepony please tell me what is going on?"

Past Twilight winked at Pinkie Pie, "Pinkie, my hat and pipe, please.' Pinkie rolled her eyes and produced a Forelock Hooves hat and bubble pipe for Past Twilight, then pulled on her Doctor Trotson hat.

Past Twilight began to pace, "Princess Celestia, as you can see, that is myself from some time in the future. She came here to me and gave me her saddle bags, from which I learned what this is all about."

Past Twilight held up a book, "This is future me's journal. In it, she recorded her private thoughts over the last week. On these pages she wrote the things she couldn't bring herself to tell her friends in the future, things such as her slow descent into darkness and how far she had really fallen."

The ponies looked towards Future Twilight, who shrugged.

Past Twilight opened the book, "In the future, she, or me, whatever, was sent on a journey to the Frozen North to find Star Swirl's tower, in order to prevent a terrible event in the future, caused by Cadenza marrying Shining Armor. On her first night in that horrible wasteland, she was attacked by horse shades. She initially fell for their deception and they began to feed on her. This created a seed of evil within her, which became fully manifest when a reindeer mystic sacrificed her life for mine, or hers, you know what I mean."

Past Twilight moved the journal over to Celestia and flipped through the pages, "As you can see by her hoofwriting, it was as if two separate personalities were within her, one was normal, and one tinged with evil. She fought off the evil as long as she could, but hid it from her companions. When she was reunited with her, or our, friends, their presence bolstered her and suppressed that darkness." Past Twilight looked at her friends and smiled.

Past Twilight continued, "Before Star Swirl and future me traveled back in time, she wrote one last entry. She wrote a message to me, telling me she was going to fully embrace that festering darkness within her in order to defeat Cadenza so that she could save us all from the terrible future. There was just one problem, future me and Star Swirl were convinced that Cadenza isn't really Cadenza, but she is."

The ponies looked towards Cadenza, who was sitting in the forcefield bubble and crying. Luna shook her head, "That can't be sweet little Cadence."

Past Twilight blew on her pipe, "Ah, but Luna, it is. You see, I knew something was wrong with Cadence since I first met her. Why, even just hearing her name, Mi Amore Cadenza," Past Twilight said the name in a mocking voice, "didn't feel right to me. My suspicions grew after I met her, and instead of the kind and caring Cadence I knew in my youth, she was mean and rude Cadenza."

Past Twilight blew more bubbles. "Can anypony tell me why a pony's magic would change color?"

Pinkie Pie offered, "Because they eat a lot of blueberry pies?"

Twilight smiled. "I don't think so. Future me, please pick this up." Past Twilight said as she set a book on the ground.

Future Twilight sighed and grabbed it with her magic. Past Twilight moved the journal next to the other book. "Notice anything different?" Past Twilight's magic was her normal, sparkly purple. Future Twilight's was darker and fiery.

Past Twilight smiled, "Obviously her magic has changed because she is evil."

The ponies gasped and looked nervously at Future Twilight, who shrugged.

Past Twilight grinned. "Future me, please set that down. Now, Cadence, pick up the book."

Cadenza wiped at her tears then concentrated her magic to lift the book.

Past Twilight nodded. "Does anypony else remember Cadence's magic in the past? Because I do, and it sure wasn't green. You may put the book down, Cadence."

Celestia frowned. "What has happened to my niece?"

Past Twilight beamed a smile at her mentor. "Cadence's talent is love. Now, anypony know what emotion green is tied to? That's right, envy! Now, how did a pony as beautiful, caring, and kind as Cadence end up as that?" Past Twilight pointed her hoof towards Cadenza.

Pinkie Pie, continuing her role as 'lowly assistant that asks silly questions,' offered, "Did she eat a lot of green beans?"

Past Twilight laughed. "It's always about food with you isn't it? No, my dear friend, it was..." Past Twilight paused for dramatic effect, "Poison!" The crowd of ponies gasped.

Past Twilight pulled out the History of Hearts and Hooves Day book and showed it around the room. "Exhibit A. Now, what would happen if a pony who's talent is love happened to drink a love poison? Well, we all know the answer, because she's right over there!"

Past Twilight smiled and looked at her friends. "Ready girls?" The Elements of Harmony activated and twin spirals of rainbow magic swept down on Cadenza. Cadenza cried out as the magic surged over her and began to alter her body. As the rainbows dissipated, the ponies gasped in amazement as they saw Cadenza was back to her normal self.

Past Twilight's analysis had been spot on for the most part, although she had missed one major detail that would soon come back to haunt them. As the Elements of Harmony cleansed Cadenza they had purged her of an evil presence. Unnoticed by the ponies, a living shadow around the size of a pony foal had been forcibly expelled from Cadenza and was hurtled across the room, slumping soundlessly to the ground as it impacted into a dark corner.

Two more shadows shimmered into existence by the first one's side - they were demons, supernatural beings that dwelled in the Nether realm, a magical realm that co-exists with the physical world. Demonic activity in the world had been squelched millenia ago by a crusade of powerful unicorns, which sealed any portals to the Nether realm and destroyed every summoning spell they could get their hooves on. Because of this, demons had faded away into the realm of fairy tales told to frighten young foals, but three particularly nasty demons survived the crusades.

These three shadowy demons, known as the Three Sisters, possessed awesome powers over emotions and impulses. The youngest craved destruction and pain, the middle sister embraced hatred and agony, and the eldest, the one that had possessed Cadenza, could instill terror, make you believe and do anything with her lies, and tempt you with any of the seven sins. As the ponies gathered around the newly exorcised Cadenza, the Three Sisters set their sights on another temptable soul - the Future Twilight Sparkle. They shimmered into the shadows near her and lurked, motionless, waiting to strike.

Shining Armor ran over to Cadenza and hugged her as Past Twilight smugly puffed on her pipe. Shining Armor looked back at Past Twilight. "Thank you Twily, but who poisoned her?"

Past Twilight looked around the room. "Well, BBBFF, it was..." Twilight began to point her hoof, she stopped on one of the guardsmen Future Twilight had teleported out earlier, "Him!"

The guard glanced around nervously.

Past Twilight fired a ball of magic towards him and his illusion faded, revealing Star Swirl the Bearded. The Future Star Swirl gasped.

Past Twilight smiled. "In that last entry she wrote, future me put it all together. You see, future Star Swirl told her he had been trying himself to stop the catastrophe, but it always failed. He had gathered a bunch of tomes, one of which was about Hearts and Hooves Day. You know how they always say 'magic happens for a reason?' Well I think it did in this case, because future Star Swirl certainly had to have been unaware it was past Star Swirl that caused all of this, so why would he grab that book, which sorta incriminated himself?"

Pinkie Pie sat down, "Present Pinkie is getting confused."

Past Twilight stroked Pinkie's mane, "Past Star Swirl, would you care to explain?"

The Past Star Swirl sighed, "Yes. This was all my fault. I had been trying everything I could think of to avert the future disaster. The one thing that eluded me was Luna. Cadenza took over because of a technicality in Equestria's constitution about her aunts not being married. I had been able to woo Celestia, but Luna forever evaded me. No matter what I tried, she refused, for she is immortal and I was a mere mortal. Because she will live for millenia, she refused to have to suffer the heartbreak of my eventual death."

Luna looked at Celestia. "Well, he's right about that..."

Celestia hugged her sister, "Oh, Luna.."

Past Star Swirl continued, "Nightmare Moon would love me. I've played around with timelines where I let her reign free, but when she was cleansed back to normal, Luna herself wouldn't love me. Luna never would, she couldn't. In desperation, I brewed up the most powerful love potion I could muster. Unfortunately, it was Mi Amore Cadenza that imbibed upon it and not Luna." Past Star Swirl looked over at Cadenza, "I'm so sorry, my dear. It was an accident."

Pinkie Pie smiled at Past Twilight. "Wow!"

Celestia and Luna hugged their niece. Celestia said, "Cadence, we are so sorry for letting the future Twilight torture you."

"Please forgive us, Cadence," Luna said. "In our defense, thou didst look pretty strange."

Cadenza hugged her aunts tightly. "It's okay, aunties. I'd probably have done the same thing if I saw some ugly thing like what I was turned into."

Past Star Swirl looked at Past Twilight. "I am a little curious, how did you find out there were two Star Swirls in the picture?"

Past Twilight smirked. "Well, I couldn't have done it without future me. She was the one that figured out most of it. When she got back to the library in Ponyville on that fateful day, she activated a trick spell a Star Swirl had left for her. What she didn't know until future you gave her his spellbooks at the end, was that that was really a geas spell that forced her to get to the tower! Future you had fully intended on time traveling back to accompany her, so why would he ensorcell her? Because he didn't; you did, after overhearing our conversation."

With every eye in the room focused on the triumphant Past Twilight, the demons made their move. They shifted their forms into shadowy spectres of those of the slain Death of Knights of Westmarech and silently rose in front of Future Twilight.

Future Twilight stared in horror as the middle sister pointed her hoof at her. "You thought you were so clever, Twilight Sparkle. You thought you could destroy us? No. You are ours now."

Future Twilight took a step back and began to quake in fear as the elder sister worked her magic.

The shadows moved closer. One of their ghostly horns began to glow as she pulled open Future Twilight's cloak and exposed the Death's Hoof. The middle sister placed her spectral hoof upon it and Future Twilight shivered at the touch. "You bear our mark and thus are now one of us. You know in your heart that it is true, you need only look at the destruction, the evil that you have caused on this day. You mercilessly tortured an innocent mare!"

Future Twilight slowly shook her head in denial as she whispered. "It's not my fault..."

"We're your friends, Twily," the elder sister lied. "We can help you if you will allow us."

The middle sister rubbed her ghostly horn against Future Twilight's. "All this anguish you have within you can be erased..."

"Wh-what do I need to do?" Future Twilight asked.

"Hmm..." the youngest sister mused. "I believe our good friends in the kingdom of Maneduras have the solution. You must stand upon the highest ramparts of their castle and there you shall recite the spell."

"Which spell?" Future Twilight eagerly asked.

All three of the sisters spoke in unison, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, the ponies in this land are unjust, so let the evil in their hearts combust!"

Future Twilight felt an intense feeling of envy beginning to develop within and she craned her next to look past the ghostly unicorns and at Past Twilight, who was surrounded by ponies that loved her.

"You will have that life back, Twily, the life you deserve," the elder sister lied. "All you need to do is go to Maneduras and cast the spell."

Future Twilight sighed and turned back towards the window. "Then I shall do what you ask."

The elder sister flashed her sisters a smug grin, and the three ghosts dissolved back into shadows, which quickly surged forwards and entered into Future Twilight's body. She could hear their voices whispering to her in her head, began to lose her free will. She knew she had to do whatever it was the voices said, and the demons were pleased. They told her to close her eyes, and after she did so she began to see an image of Mount Greenhoof, the Maneduras capital. She felt a strange, magical sensation as if somepony was rubbing ice on every piece of her flesh as the demons used their powers to teleport her to Castle Greenhoof.

After getting approval from the voices, Future Twilight began to cast the spell they had told her...

Back in Canterlot, Future Twilight's departure had been unnoticed as all the attention was still on Past Twilight, the Star Swirls, and Cadenza. Applejack spoke up. "So is everything gonna be back to normal, Twilight?"

Twilight smiled, "It should be, what do you think, future me?" Twilight looked for the cloaked Twilight but she was gone. "Future me?"

Celestia and Luna fell to their knees and clutched at their foreheads. Twilight ran over, "Princesses! What's wrong?"

Celestia looked at Twilight with tears in her eyes, "I felt a great disturbance, as if thousands of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."

The Star Swirls looked at each other. "Where's the Twilight from the future?"

Celestia was right, of course. Something terrible had happened. The demons' spell Future Twilight had been tricked into casting had burned alive every living being in Maneduras. With the blood of thousands upon her hooves and the voices of three demons guiding her actions, Future Twilight used her time travel spells to flee into another timeline, one where she would rule unhindered...


Many years into the future, Future Twilight strode purposefully through an ancient unicorn castle. Her dark robes and long, black cloak were pulled tight over her, hiding the features of her unholy body. She paused in front of a wall and looked at it curiously. She conjured a ball of fire and annihilated the wall, revealing a secret passage.

Future Twilight walked down the passageway until she had found what she had been seeking. Silver Shock, ravaged by time and her burden, was clutching a crystal in her magic and looked up at the cloaked intruder.

Future Twilight sat down. "So, Silver Shock, at last I've found you."

Silver Shock concentrated on the cloaked figure and in her damaged mind she heard and saw Star Swirl the Bearded. "Star Swirl... Yes... Yes, now I recognize you. I should've known you would travel in disguise. Out there... She's always watching..."

"I've been searching for you for a long time, Silver Shock," Future Twilight said, "I was rather beginning to think you didn't want to be found."

Silver Shock started to cry. "Oh.. Forgive me, Star Swirl.. please... It... it wasn't my fault."

"Not your fault?" Future Twilight asked. "Tell me, Silver Shock, how was it not your fault?"

"The wanderer... Yes! It was the wanderer.... " As Silver Shock spoke, her magic conjured up a crude illusion of the events. "I did as you told me, Star Swirl. I waited at the Tomb of the Unliving King in Westmarech. Sure enough, Twilight Sparkle arrived. But I could tell she was not the mare I had known. She beckoned to me, and once more I found myself following in her hoofsteps, just as before."

"My companion drew in the dank, cold air of the tomb. It seemed to... strengthen her. I stood in the doorway between light and dark. What was left of my sanity implored me not to enter... But that voice.. was just a whisper now. As we worked our way down, deeper and deeper into the crypt, I began to see a change in my companion. She seemed to be gaining strength. I could hardly see in the gloom, but my companion seemed to know the way. We came at last to a great hall. As the wanderer and I surveyed the hall, she let loose a terrible scream and her eyes, mane, and tail began to burn with unholy blue flames. Her flesh became pale..."

"It was then I realized my companion hadn't been gaining strength. She had been losing what was left of her ponyanity. The wanderer moved towards the king's sarcophagus with unholy speed, and then you appeared."

Silver Shock's illusion showed Twilight reaching for the sarcophagus and Star Swirl pulling her back with his magic. "Stop! The beast contained herein shall not be set free, not even by you!" Star Swirl declared as he charged at Twilight, wielding the Sword of Heaven which blazed with arcane energy.

The illusionary Twilight and Star Swirl began to battle each other as Silver Shock looked on in terror, in both the illusion and reality. "I heard a voice calling to me, the Unliving King. 'Look what they've done to me!' he cried, 'Release me! Help me!'" The illusion showed the corpse of the king with a crystal impaled in his forehead.

Silver Shock sobbed. "Once more, I found myself compelled to action, I fought my body but I was no longer in control... His voice called to me, 'Hurry! Please hurry!'" In the illusion, Silver Shock walked over to the sarcophagus. Star Swirl glanced over and yelled, "No! Don't!" Silver Shock pulled the crystal out with her magic and the spirit of the Unliving King flew into Twilight, who glowed with unholy power. Star Swirl channeled his time stop spell and teleported in front of Silver Shock.

Star Swirl glared at Silver Shock. "Foal! You have just ensured the doom of this world! You can not even begin to imagine what you have set in motion this day! You must travel to the Temple of the Sun and Moon in Equestria! There you will find the Gates to Tartarus opened before you. You must find the courage to step through those gates, Silver Shock! Take the crystal you hold to the Sunforge, where it will be destroyed! Now, run! Take the crystal and run!" Star Swirl's spell ended and Twilight began to pummel him with her empowered unholy spells.

Silver Shock wiped at her tears. "What choice did I have? I ran." The illusion changed to Silver Shock entering the Temple of the Sun and Moon. "I did as you told me, Star Swirl. I found the Temple, and in its deepest recesses I found the Gates to Tartarus itself. I heard a voice then... like a thousand needles in my heart. I looked into that portal and what I saw there was not meant for mortal eyes..." The illusion showed Silver Shock looking with terror into the Gates of Tartarus as screams of the imprisoned evils rebounded across the room.

Silver Shock began to sob uncontrollably. "Oh.. Oh.. I failed, Star Swirl... I couldn't do as you asked... I couldn't enter those gates... Forgive me, Star Swirl... Forgive me..."

Future Twilight walked over and ran her hoof through Silver Shock's mane. "Silver Shock, give me the crystal and all is forgiven."

Silver Shock stared at the crystal. Future Twilight held out her hoof. "Give it to me, Silver Shock."

Silver Shock looked at the crystal and spun it in the air. "Take it! Take it! I'm glad this is finally over, Star Swirl! Look what the crystal has done to me!" Silver Shock began to cry as she set the crystal onto Future Twilight's hoof.

Future Twilight gently patted Silver Shock's head. "You haven't failed, old mare. You've done exactly as you were meant to do. However, I am not the wizard Star Swirl." Future Twilight held the crystal up to her face, its arcane glow revealing her unholy features.

Silver Shock shook her head in disbelief. "Twilight Sparkle? No... no, no, no, no, no, no, no...."

Future Twilight laughed. "You have done well, Silver Shock. Now I think you should have your reward."

Silver Shock moaned, "Oh, what've I done to deserve this..." as Future Twilight thrust her ensorcelled hoof into Silver's chest.

Blue flames from Future Twilight's unholy magic engulfed the castle as she walked out, her undead thrall following in her wake. Once more, Silver Shock was following Twilight, except this time, she truly did have no control of herself, mindlessly obeying the wanderer's dark commands.