• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 2,363 Views, 55 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Hidden Power - Mudkipman98

Over the years of her life, Rainbow Dash has come across all kinds of magic, from the elements of harmony to transdimentional crossings. But now, a new challenge awaits her. Will she awaken a new power within to save her universe, or die trying?

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The commander touched down onto the Canterlot pavement with a small tap. He had sensed the ponies flying at high speeds after him, and he wasn't about to let them slow him down. As a few ponies stopped to stare at the stallion clad in battle armor, the commander pushed off from the pavement and began to fly toward the castle again. The launch resulted in a cracked road which had just recently been repaved, causing a stallion dressed in an official reflective vest to come out of a coffee shop screaming his head off.

'So close,' thought the commander to himself. He could almost see the six ponies faces when they arrived to see their rulers dead before them.

He then broke through the castle wall, landing in the throne room. "Who the buck are you?!" came a voice through the haze.

"Commander," answered the commander. "Just the Commander." With this, the Commander released a burst of energy which not only cleared the smoke but also stunned the three beings on the other side of the veil.

Princess Celestia could only watch in horror as this 'Commander' character flew toward her with a blade of energy surrounding his hoof.


The mane six managed to arrive in Canterlot just after the commander had broken into Canterlot Castle. They could see the debris flying from the hole that the commander had created. "No!" shouted Twilight. "We're too late!"

Pinkie Pie then flew up next to her. "It's okay Twilight. I'm sure we'll make it in time. So what if that super bad pony broke the castle. That doesn't mean he got the princesses or Discord."

"Pinkie Pie is right," chimed Rarity, arriving alongside Twilight as well. "We just have to keep flying so we can catch up, that's all."

"Thanks girls," said Twilight, still shaking from the sound of the impact. "Still, we have to hurry. Just because their okay now doesn't mean he isn't trying to go after them. Why else would he invade the castle?"

"Um, Twilight?" spoke Rainbow Dash. "Discord's aura just weakened drastically! I think he's already there!"

"Come on!" shouted Twilight as she began to fly toward the castle. Everypony followed her as quickly as they could all fly.

It didn't take long to reach the castle or to notice the giant hole in its wall. Everypony flew inside, anxious to see what was happening. The sight caused their hearts to sink. Laying on the floor in all her majesty was Princess Celestia covered in scratches and burns, the jewel on her crown cracked. The limp form of Discord lay not too far away, though he could be seen breathing as his chest heaved up and down. Everypony just stared at the scene before them in shock. Not only had the commander been able to defeat Discord, but he had also beaten Celestia with no trouble at all.

While the group sat gaping at the two limp forms, a scream echoed across the throne room. Everyponys' head whipped up to see Princess Luna, smoking, flying over them. As she was about to hit the floor, a cyan flash could be seen. The flash moved under the princess and caught her, skidding across the floor carried by the princess's momentum. Rainbow Dash carefully set the princess down and stood up, anger burning in her eyes. She looked down at the princess as her eyes closed. As Rainbow checked her aura, it was still there. It had been weakened drastically, but it seemed that the princess was only unconscious. Rainbow whipped her head up to see the commander, standing on his hind legs with his right forearm glowing red hot; proof that he had recently discharged an energy burst from it.

"You BASTARD!" screamed Twilight, charging at the commander with the intent to stab him with her horn, which had been charged with magic creating an energy horn around hers that was three times its normal size. As she closed in for the kill, the commander easily caught her horn in his hoof. He launched an energy burst down the length of Twilight's horn, creating a visible shock of lightning coursing through and around Twilight's body.

As she was being shocked, the commander yelled out in a fake southern accent, "That's 20,000 volts o' lightnin' just struck ya!" While Twilight was being zapped, Applejack and Rarity decided to charge forward with their energy flaring around them. From their elements, energy bursts were fired towards the commander. They were slow moving and, as such, kept pace with those who had shot them. As Applejack and Rarity got closer with their shots spinning around them, the commander threw Twilight into the air, her body still sparking with electricity. As Rarity and Applejack got to the commander's side, planning to let the balls of energy impact him when they peeled away, he stuck out both hooves, catching them by their heads. They began to squirm as he held them tighter and tighter. He quickly lifted them up into the air, launched a pulse of dark energy through them, then threw them into two opposite walls of the thrown room. As Twilight came back down, he caught her again, still charging electricity through her body. When the dust cleared from the two ponys' impacts, they were revealed to both be frozen solid, a thick coating of frost covering their bodies.

Before Fluttershy and Pinkie could run and hide from the commander and his deadly onslaught, he fired two small purple projectiles which looked like spears as they traveled threw the air. It traveled at such a speed that on impact, it went straight through the ponies. A small bit of blood arced from Pinkie and Fluttershy's shoulders as they fell to the ground with shrieks.

Rainbow Dash just sat there, incapable of movement as each of her friends were gunned down right before her eyes. Discharging one final blast of electricity into Twilight, one so powerful the static hung in the air like fog, the commander threw her at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow barely had time to put her hooves up to catch Twilight. The impact sent her back a few meters and she fell on her back. As she picked herself up, she looked at the still form of Twilight laying next to where she'd been. Her body had black patches on it, and though Twilight couldn't move, her eyes were still flicking around the room trying to get a grip on what was going on.

"So, are you it?" asked the commander. "You all, right here? Is that the best you have?" When Rainbow Dash just stood there without moving or answering, the commander smiled. "Well then, when you see your friends in hell," he said, charging up a huge ball of energy just like in his simulation, "tell them you failed! The only part I regret about this is that I never told Lance that I was coming here. It's a shame really. He would've loved to kill the blue princess." Then, arcing his wrist, he launched the ball of explosive energy toward Rainbow Dash who he was sure wouldn't be able to move in time.

She couldn't move. Not at all. Every fiber of her being was screaming to get the buck out of the way, yet she couldn't move. She felt the fire of the commander's ball strike her with extreme force. She had just enough energy to keep herself alive by creating a shield. Her element helped a lot, but it couldn't block most of the damage. The recoil knocked Rainbow back a few feet and drove her into the castle's floor. She pulled herself up, charging up several bursts of energy in each hoof. As soon as she stood up, she fired them at the commander with full force.

As the attacks landed, the commander felt them burn him. This pegasis pony's attacks had actually dealt damage when she wasn't pissed off and in a rage. Or at least, she wasn't angry as far as he could tell. He began to dodge them as best he could by strafing to the left and right. He managed to avoid most of them, but the ones that did make contact damaged him badly and did a number on his battle armor.

Regardless of these blows, he returned them at the same rate. Energy surrounding Rainbow Dash flickered with each attack that landed, signifying an energy shield around her. "Oh come on," said the commander. "Just die already. All your friends have already fallen and you're just wasting your energy by resisting. Give up and I promise I'll set your corpse on fire instead of leaving it here to rot." His cocky attitude may have been his downfall. In his distracted state, he let up his energy bursts by just one shot. After the commander began returning fire, each of the ponys' shots had collided with each other. Now that the commander had missed one, Rainbow's shot could get through. It struck the commander in the chest, knocking the air out of him and causing him to stumble. With this fault, a rain of energy shots hit the commander, forcing him back and causing his energy to drain at a faster rate than it already was.

"OK, now your just pissing me off," said the commander. Charging up a small ball of energy, he began to focus on his target who was bombarding him with explosive energy bursts. Finding her in his mind's cross hair, he threw his ball of energy, demolishing Rainbow's weaker quick blasts. The impact of the ball launched Rainbow off her hooves and back into the same hole she had made earlier, this time making it deeper. She still managed to crawl out, ready with a new burst. This time though, the commander had been waiting for her. "Gotcha!" he shouted as he blasted her where she stood with a huge beam of energy.

After he was done, he looked at her body below in the hole she lay in. Her body was charred from the blast and she lay stunned and incapable of anything except breathing. The commander looked at her with a hunger for death in his eyes. Charging up a final blast that would surely dispose of her, he felt a sharp pain in his back. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Standing there staring him straight in the face was the purple unicorn he had shocked to death. While she was still sparking, she had somehow found a way to fight off the damage long enough to stand and attack. Twilight fired another shot, launching him from the edge of the hole Rainbow was stuck in. He went sailing over it, crashing into the wall.

"Rainbow, get up!" shouted Twilight with all the strength she could muster. "Use your element to transfer my magic to you to use." Rainbow Dash, regaining control, pulled herself out of the hole yet again and fired her element at Twilight. Absorbing Twilight's magic, Rainbow Dash turned and ran toward the commander's body as he began to stir. She grabbed him by the head and tossed him into the air. Rainbow then bolted up into the commander, uppercutting him in the back. There was a flash of light, and then-


Twilight awoke in a white expanse. She knew there was ground beneath her hooves, or she wouldn't be standing. Without anything else to do and seeing no apparent exit, she began to walk.

She began to search in the white haze. She didn't know what she was searching for or why, but she felt as if there was something she had to find.

After walking for a few minutes, she found something great. It was Rainbow Dash. She seemed to be okay, all except for the cuts and bruises on her body from the fight. "Rainbow! You're okay! What happened to you? One minute, you and the commander are fighting, then I wake up here."

"Well Twilight, I guess being a book worm paid off," said Rainbow Dash. "I hit a nerve in his back that paralyzes him for a few minutes. It was a lucky shot, but it paid off. Listen Twilight. I've decided to take the commander off planet."

"How the heck will you do that?"

"By using your magic of teleport and my extra energy reserves, I've teleported he and I to some remote planet. I don't know where, but it's all green. There isn't any civilization, but the hills are never ending."

"Wait, you teleported to a whole other planet?! How is that possible?"

"Like I just said, I used your magic and my energy. The only problem is getting back." A touch of sadness appeared in Rainbow's voice. "I have no idea how to. Without our elements linked, I can't draw off your magic for another teleport, and I've already used the last of my energy to get us where we are."

A tear ran down Rainbow Dash's face. "Just make sure that when the girls revive, tell them what happened to me. I can't have them worrying about me for the rest of their lives." Rainbow Dash tried to chuckle while speaking the last sentence, but nothing came. She began to turn away as a still figure a few feet away began to move. "I have to go Twilight. Good luck."

"No Rainbow! Wait!" yelled Twilight. It was too late though. As Twilight's vision began to fade to black, she heard Rainbow Dash speak again.

"Alright you piece of garbage. Let's end this!"

Author's Note:

Yes, I know. 20,000 volts of shock sustained over a few minutes would definitely kill any living thing. While her body is pretty much burned to a crisp and there is severe muscle and cell damage, she used her magic to protect her vital organs. That kept her alive through the shock.