• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 485 Views, 7 Comments

Doctor Song M.D.: Pony Surgeon - Doctor Song MD

Doctor Song must save the residents of Ponyville from a mysterious stallion!

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Chapter 6: Who?

Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie are gathered in Pinkie's bedroom at Sugarcube Corner to discuss the investigation. Poor Pinkie Pie, who has the attention span of a squirrel, has to sit through this discussion whether she likes it or not. Originally, she wanted to help with the investigation because she thought it was going to be fun. Now, she just wants to protect everypony from the criminal.

"Pinkie Pie, what is your opinion on this matter?" asks Twilight.

Pinkie Pie is spacing out thinking about her next party. Twilight pokes her in the flank. She snaps to attention. "Oh, sorry. What were you saying?"

Twilight shakes her head in disappointment. "As I said, what do you think about us three going to the scene of the crime to look for evidence? I was thinking that Spike and I could go to the hospital, while you could check the scene where Rarity was found."

Pinkie does not hesitate to answer, "Okey dokey lokey, artichokey!"

Spike whispers into Twilight's ear, "Can we really trust her to do it by herself?"

Twilight simply nods. She is sure that Pinkie can do this by herself. She is very enthusiastic about it, after all.

"Can I go right now, please?!" Pinkie is hopping up to the ceiling at this point.

"Sure, Pinkie. Spike and I are going to eat a snack first, and then head out shortly." Twilight notices Pinkie leaving already, so she quickly adds, "Don't forget to collect samples!" Hopefully Pinkie heard that.

Doctor Song walks into the hospital, and right behind her is Twilight and Spike. Twilight asks Song, "Oh, are you the new doctor?"

"Yes, I am. Did you need something?"

"Yeah, I hope we aren't bothering you, but could you show us where the murder took place? We are looking for clues pointing to the killer."

Song tilts her head, looking confused. "You heard about that? I thought that information was only released to the employees here."

"Really? Well, I only know because my friend, Fluttershy, told me. I think one the animals in the forest might have told her.

Having the feeling that she's being watched by woodland critters, Song looks around nervously. Since she attended medical school, she has been wary of other living organisms, especially fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Honestly, all she has to fear is fear itself, because ponies have great immune systems. It's ironic how Song doesn't mind blood at all, but is terrified of germs.

"Sure, I'll show you to the crime scene, Miss ..."

"Twilight Sparkle."

"Yes, right this way, Miss Sparkle."

Spike and Twilight follow Song to the conference room, which seems to be emitting an evil aura. Or maybe it was just the smell of the blood dried into the carpet. Either way, it's downright creepy. Song leaves Twilight and Spike alone so she can get back to work, not that she had actually started yet today.

The first thing Twilight notices about the room is the stain on the carpet. Spike walks over to the stain and sniffs it.

"Yep, definitely smells like blood to me. Well, actually more like dirt, since most of the blood was cleaned out of the carpet," he says.

"Since you are closer to the floor, Spike, how about looking for some clues, or DNA samples? I have some hoofprinting materials at home, but I will need some samples from suspects too. I guess we can rule out some suspects later, though."

Twilight and Spike search the room from floor to ceiling, yet there is not a clue to be found. Not a single hair, or skin cell, or anything found in the room looked even slight suspicious. If only they had come here a bit earlier, maybe something would have been left. Pinkie will probably have more luck than us thinks Twilight.

"Spike, let's go find Pinkie," says Twilight unenthusiastically.

"Hm, this pegasus feather looks suspicious," mumbles Spike.

"Uh, Spike. I'm leaving." Twilight begins to slowly back out of the room, waiting for Spike to say something. "Bye," she whispers. He'll notice I'm gone in a few minutes she thinks.

Exiting the room, Twilight bumps into somepony. Startled, Twilight says "Excuse me! Oh, it's you, Doctor Song."

Song says "That's okay. Have you found anything yet?"

Twilight looks away. "No, we searched the entire room, and we didn't find anything."

"Don't be discouraged. I'm sure you two will find something eventually."

Twilight looks Song in the eye. "Thanks, but we won't find anything here."

"I should be thanking you, Twilight. Nopony else has bothered with the investigation."

Twilight thinks about that. Does nopony really care about a murderer on the loose?

Spike finally realizes Twilight is not in the conference room, and goes out to see Twilight and Song standing there. Spike doesn't seem too happy to see the doctor again. This may be related to the fact that Spike hates dentists.

Twilight realizes that the murderer may be on record in the hospital. "Song, can I look at the patients files?" she asks.

"If it will help you with your investigation. But make it quick, or I might get in trouble for releasing confidential information." Then Song remembers a particular patient file. "Actually, I think I might know just what you're looking for. Come with me into my office."

In the office, Song hangs Twilight a file. Twilight notices an odd aura emanating from the file. "What is this?" ask Twilight.

Song says, "A file that seemed a little off to me."

"Okay then." Twilight opens the file, and reads the name Swift at the top. "Doesn't this pony have a last name?"

"That's the thing. The patient file seems to be incomplete. Not suspicious at all, right?"

Twilight giggles. "Yeah, sure." She gets an idea. "Hey, Spike. Do you think this file could be under a spell of some kind?"

Spike blinks. "Maybe? I don't know too many unicorns around that are good at casting concealment spells."

"But it's only a partial concealment spell, Spike. I have a hunch that the murderer paid somepony to put a concealment spell on this information."

Spikes eyes widen. "Oh, I get it! He must have done this so he wouldn't be ratted out."

"Exactly. If we could just find the perpetrator's henchpony, or henchponies depending on whether he has more, we could get a good lead on to where to look next!" Twilight looks quite satisfied with her theory. "Good bye, Doctor Song, Spike and I have a criminal to catch!"

The two then promptly leave the hospital to go tell Pinkie there findings, and to see whether or not she has found anything.

As they quickly approach Pinkie Pie, she yells out, "I got another one!"

Twilight and Spike stop in front of her, breathing heavily. Spike waits to catch his breath, then asks, "Another one of what?"

The corners of Pinkie's mouth turn upward into a goofy grin. "A piece of evidence, silly filly!"

Twilight and Spike's eyes both widen in astonishment. Twilight exclaims, "Really? We could hardly find anything!" She looks at the ground in front of Pinkie front hooves. "So, what evidence are you talking about?"

"Doesn't this rock look suspicious? It's a perfect isosceles triangle!" Pinkie shrieks.

Twilight raises a confused eyebrow and says, "It's a rock, Pinkie. It's just a triangular rock. What does that prove, exactly?"

"I don't know," says the still grinning Pinkie, "but it looks awfully suspicious to me!"

Twilight and Spike sigh. Spike tells Twilight in a hushed tone, "Well, that's Pinkie logic for you."