• Published 18th Feb 2013
  • 8,224 Views, 412 Comments

Apple Scratch : A summer at the Farm - Mariacheat-Brony

(Humanized) After their decisive actions during Chrysalis' Invasion of Canterlot, Princess Celestia gives To Vinyl and her 'sister' Applejack an other Mission. One they would have hope it never befalls to them.

  • ...

Equestria's best Applebucker

Granny Smith was walking happily toward her house, her granddaughters in tow, eager to meet the 'special' girls that were living there for a short time. She hadn't realized Applejack and Vinyl had slowed their pace and were whispering nervously at each other, far behind their grandmother.

"What in the hay are we gonna do?" Asked an anxious Applejack. "This ain't how we thought this was gonna happen."

"Keep it together, AJ." Vinyl reassured, while rather stressed herself. "We just have to watch ourselves for a little while."

"Ah know that. But we didn't get time to talk about Granny with the others." Applejack said. "Ah'm scared one of them, like Rainbow or Pinkie, makes a remark about Rarity an' me or Octavia an' Ya, and that it'll make Granny snap."

"I know things are not as well as we hoped they would." Vinyl sighed. "But we were going to tell her about it. And we still can do it our way if we keep our calm."

"Ya're right." AJ slowly admitted. "But still, Ah have the feeling nothing will happen like we hope for."

The girls of the Council and Applebloom were in the living room, waiting for Applejack and Vinyl's returning from the meeting with Mr Rich, hopefully with good news. Applebloom was playing patty cake with Pinkie Pie whose forehead was bandaged from her fall from earlier. Fluttershy was busy scratching gently Winona's belly. Rainbow was sitting silently in the couch with a frown on her face. She was still pretty upset from having been falsely accused of the thunderclap incident. Rarity, Octavia and Twilight were chatting about the Zap Apple Orchard they had visited earlier.

"Have you ever heard about that kind of apple Twilight?" Octavia asked.

"Only from the Princess, when I was little." Twilight explained. "She made me taste a rainbow colored jam. I asked her what were the fruit mixed inside the jam. I didn't believe her when she said it was made with only one sort of apple. The Zap Apple."

"How did it taste?" Pinkie Pie asked, not interrupting her playing.

"From what I remember, it was delicious." Pinkie Pie grinned at that answer. "I wanted to have it more often, but the Princess said it was a really rare product, so I never got a chance to taste it again." Twilight said with a little pained voice.

"From what I understood, it's the only place in the world that produces this kind of apple." Rarity pondered. "Who would have thought this place was so much special?" She added with a small smile.

The front door opened to let an elderly woman enter, followed by Applejack and Vinyl. Winona and Applebloom interrupted what they were doing and ran toward the woman.

"Granny. Ya're back!" The little girl shouted before hugging her grandmother, while Winona was jumping around them, barking her welcome.

"Hello there, Half-pint." Granny Smith said with a smile. "Ya'll did good while Ah was away?"

"She behaved like a real angel, Madam." Rarity said.

"Well that's just fine and dandy." Granny said. "Applejack, Vinyl. Why don't ya'll introduce all these lovely gals to me?"

"Sure thing Granny." Applejack answered.

The introductions went well. This time, Pinkie Pie didn't push Twilight out of the way when she went to shake hands with Granny Smith. Applejack and Vinyl tensed up a little bit when Rarity's and Octavia's turns came, fearing a misplaced word would have kindle suspicion. In the end, they worried over nothing. Or so they thought, because their behavior didn't go unnoticed by their girlfriends.

They both took advantage of Granny being wrapped up in conversations to excuse themselves to prepare some tea. When they came in the relatively quiet kitchen, they both let out the breath they had been holding for a while, and started fetching the tea and something to eat.

"Thankfully, no one spilled the beans." Vinyl said in relief, as she was busy peeling some apples .

"Ah reckon, it went better than Ah thought." Applejack nodded, taking various kettles from the cupboard.

"Spilled the beans about what exactly?" Said slowly and simultaneously two refined feminine voices from behind them.

They both flinched in surprise. Vinyl almost cut her thumb while Applejack nearly let all the kettles fall on the ground. They turned around and faced their respective lover, who both bore serious expressions on their faces.

"We noticed you were quite uncomfortable when we spoke to your grandmother." Octavia simply said.

"Would you mind to explain to us why?" Rarity asked slowly.

Vinyl and Applejack exchange a small glance. They didn't need words, they knew what needed to be done. They both nodded with gravity before facing their lovers, decided on telling the truth.

"We were kinda afraid that you, or any of the others for that matter, would have mentioned our 'thing' with you to Granny." Vinyl slowly said, her eyes looking at every where except Octavia. Applejack was doing the same with Rarity.

Like they thought they would, Octavia and Rarity were taken aback by that statement. They didn't know the Apples' reason, but their offended mind filled that blank quite easily.

"So what, you are ashamed of us?" Rarity said with anger.

"What? Of course not, Sugarcube." Applejack answered trying to grab Rarity's hand. "We were worried about this entire situation, that's all."

"Worried? About what? Your Grandmother finding out?." Octavia snapped with teary eyes.

"Octavia, please calm down." Vinyl said as she came closer to the cellist.

"And you planned on keeping it secret from her?" Octavia panicked. "Or worse, should she find out and ask you to stop this, you would simply obey."

"Of course not." Vinyl and Applejack said in unison

"Really? Because that's the sort of message you're letting out." Rarity snarled. "We can spare you the trouble if that's what it is, you know." She snapped in anger, before realizing what she had just suggested. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.

Applejack's face nearly literally fell on the ground at what Rarity had implied. "W-w-what? Ya can't be serious..." She quivered with a teary voice. Before anyone could stop her, she stormed out of the house by the kitchen's French door.

Rarity watched the door close itself in shock. "What have I done?" She said with a crack in her voice.

"Ask yourself what are you going to do now." Vinyl snapped ferociously. "Even better, just go after her right now!"

That broke Rarity out of her shock, she magicked the door open and ran after Applejack, leaving a pissed off Vinyl with a slightly less panicked Octavia. Vinyl exhaled slowly to cool down her anger.

"Vinyl.." Octavia started softly.

"Octavia, I wasn't planning on keeping what we have a secret." Vinyl explained abruptly. "Nor, I have the intention of leaving you if Granny doesn't approve of our relationship." She grabbed Octavia's hands firmly and looked deep in her eyes. "You mean too much for me to do that."

"Vinyl.." Octavia whisper with small tears and a growing smile. "You mean too much for me as well."

They both leaned in for a quick kiss. Vinyl rubbed Octavia's tears away with her finger.

"Give me four days." Vinyl said with determination. "In four days, right after all the commotion with the Zap Apples is done, AJ and I had planned on telling Granny everything. We might have to play it low during that period." She added with a pinch of disappointment.

"After those four days, we could be together, like 'together' again?" Octavia asked in a whisper.

"No matter what happens, Octavia." Vinyl said firmly. "In the end, we will be together."

Octavia smiled. "That's all I ask."

Rarity had run after Applejack to the farmer's gym. It was evident she would have never caught the farmer on foot, so she was glad that her lover decided to hide in the gym instead of running in the Orchard. Rarity was standing in front of the barn door, she raised her hand and knocked.

"Darling, it's me."

When she heard no answer except the sounds of soft sobbing, she entered the 'gym' with a renewed determination. She found the farmer sitting in one corner of the large main room, her head buried in her knees as she was sitting in a fetal position. Rarity walked slowly before sitting next to her.

"Applejack." She said softly. "I'm sorry for what I said. I-I let my emotions get the best of me."

"Good ta know that when ya let yer emotions free, it turns out ya don't want me around." Applejack sobbed, not lifting her face from her knees.

"Applejack, I didn't mean any word of what I said." Rarity insisted. "It was just anger talking."

"Anger talkin' doesn't mean it ain't honest talkin'."

"Applejack, look at me." She said softly as she grabbed the farmer's head and forced it to turned toward her. Applejack's gaze kept avoiding hers. "Look at me in the eyes." She asked firmly. Applejack's emerald eyes focused on Rarity's sapphire ones.

Rarity could see the hurt in her farmer's eyes, the insecurity, the fear, the feeling of betrayal, all those negatives thoughts that had always been absent in Applejack's gaze. Rarity blamed herself for having put her usually strong hearted lover in that state. She had to make things right.

"Applejack, I love you, I don't want to lose you." Rarity said softly. "I would never want you away from me. As long as you want me around you, I'll always be there."

Her voice was low, but it was firm. Applejack saw in her eyes that every word she was saying was the truth. A small smile started to appear on the farmer's face.

"What I implied back there was not what I feel toward you. I'll probably blame myself for a very long time for having said that to you. I want us to work, but I would understand if you're not willing to forgive m..."

Applejack interrupted her by firmly pressing her lips on the seamstress's. While a bit surprised at first, Rarity quickly started to return the kiss with a passion equal to the farmer's. After a few minutes, Applejack broke the kiss.

"Ah forgive ya Rarity." She whispered slowly. "Ah'm sorry for running away like that.."

"Don't you dare apologize for that, Darling." Rarity said with conviction.

"Ah know ya'll don't want this to be a secret. Ah don't wan' it too." Applejack said. "But give me time Rare... In a short time, Vinyl and Ah'll take care of everything. We..."

"You don't need to explain further, Dear." Rarity interrupted. "You've always done everything you've ever said you'll do since I met you. You said you'll take care of everything, that's enough for me."

"Thank ya for trustin' me." Applejack said before hugging Rarity. "Love ya, Sugarcube."

"Love you too, Darling." Rarity said softly.

Affluent Rich came by Monday morning to apologize to Vinyl and Granny Smith, under the glower of Applejack and all the other girls. While her apology lacked conviction and sincerity in her eyes, Vinyl accepted it in order to finally forget about her. It was pretty clear that Vinyl wouldn't do delivery to Barnyard Bargain anytime soon. And Applejack had insisted to Granny Smith that as soon as he gets back, Big Mac'll take care of it.

With the trade reopened with Barnyard Bargain, the next days were quite hard for Applejack and Vinyl. Their usual chores, added with the work for Rich's orders, coupled with the additional work in order to prepare the Zap Apple harvest, were taking their toll on the two Apples formidable stamina. They had been working from the crack of dawn to nightfall for the next four days. And the fact that Granny had taken back her room didn't help their sore muscle.

"Are you sure you don't want to bunk with me tonight, Darling?" Rarity asked as she was massaging Applejack's shoulders. Rarity and her didn't have much time together since the Zap Apples were coming, except for little massage sessions like this one. Something Rarity was very eager to give. "That couch can't be good for proper resting."

"Ah appreciate the offer, Sugarcube." Applejack answered slowly, enjoying the massage. "But ah think ah'll rest even less if yer body's so close to mine like that."

"Considering how exhausted you are when you and Vinyl are coming back from work." Rarity chuckled. "I think you're overestimating your strengths Darling."

"And Ah think ya're underestimating how much desire yar amazin' curves can arouse in poor little me." Applejack giggled playfully.

"Sweet talker." Rarity answered, as she started to massage Applejack with a lot more care and vigor then before, causing the farmer to sigh in contentment.

"Beside, tomorrow is harvest day." Applejack slowly said. "After tomorrow, we could slow down the pace."

True to their words of holding themselves as long as they haven't told Granny Smith, the two couple didn't express their feeling as much as before. Rarity and Octavia had warned their fellow Council members about that and make them promise to not letting a thing out to Granny, pretty much like they did with Applebloom. It had been proved a lot more harder than they initially thought because, unlike Applebloom, Granny Smith spent most of her time in the house or watching over her granddaughters's work. And despite what could be thought of her, she was still pretty well aware of what happened around her.

The only displays of affection the couples had shared were nothing more than stolen kiss here and there. But Rarity found a way to spend time with Applejack with her massage sessions, while Octavia took the habit to play Applejack's violin in the part of the Orchard in which Vinyl was working. Vinyl could listen to her lover playing for her and it had given her more energy to spend. She was working twice as fast with Octavia playing for her.

While Granny's rules of hospitality forbade her guests to help in the farm work, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Twilight had spend the last few days helping the matriarch and Applebloom in all their funny/weird preparations for the Zap Apple Jam. Rainbow used those moments when Granny wasn't looking to help Applejack and Vinyl. Something they both greatly appreciated. Octavia and Rarity had tried to also spend a part of their time with Granny Smith, in hope to bond with her. Something that seemed to be working.

The day of Zap Apple Harvest had arrived. All the Apple family members and their guest were now waiting at the entrance of the Zap Apples Orchard on top of which was a massive black storm cloud, you could hear the rumble of thunder building up inside the cloud while it was delivery ice cold water rain on the Zap Apple trees. The buckets had already been placed around all the trees earlier this day. When the storm was nearing its zenith, Granny had said it was time to get prepared. Granny Smith, Applebloom and the girls were leaning on the outside of the fence delimiting the Orchard, while Vinyl and Applejack were getting ready inside.

"OOOH. This is so exciting." Said happily Pinkie as she was literally shaking of excitement.

"I must say, the scenery and all, it looks pretty awesome." Rainbow said in a fake casual tone, she was nearly as excited as Pinkie.

" Hummm, isn't it dangerous for them to remain under the tree line with such a storm cloud above them?" Fluttershy quietly asked with concern.

"Don't ya worry Fluttershy." Applebloom said happily. "They all know what they're doin'. They are the best of the best." She said with pride. "So who do ya'll think will win today?"

"Win? How do you win in a harvest?" Twilight asked with a puzzled expression.

"Oh yeah. We didn't explain that ta ya'll." Applebloom said. "See, the time to buck the Zap Apples is very short."

"What do you mean by that dear?" Rarity asked.

"Well Ah don't know why exactly, but once that time limit is reached the unpicked apples simply vanish." The red-haired girl explained. "So ma sisters and ma brother made a game out of it. They separated the orchard in three and at each harvest they 'race' to see who bucked more trees than the others in his part until the limit is up."

"OHHH. This even more exciting." Pinkie shouted. "Go Applejack! No wait. Go Vinyl! Raah. Can't decide. I know I'll make the announcer." She said happily, pulling her megaphone out of...somewhere.

"Well for a competition, I'll say Applejack will win." Rainbow said.

Granny watched the sky, not listening to the talk about who would win Zap Apple Harvest, The rumble was becoming more violent than before. She turned her gaze to her granddaughters and saw that they had heard the rumble as well and were taking positions. "Them young'uns noticed the change in the cloud's noises. Maybe they could manage the next Zap Apple Harvest on their own." She thought with pride.

"Get ya'll ready." Granny shouted. "It will begin soon."

The rumble instantly stopped for a few seconds, before a massive bolt of lightning striked the tree in the center of the Orchard with a huge thunderclap. The girls from the Council of Harmony and Applebloom flinched and yelped in surprise. As soon as the lightning strike has occurred the cloud dissipated itself. Electrical arcs passed from the central tree to the others and while they did, the grey fruits on it started to color themselves in a shiny rainbow pattern.

Once the arcs died down, Granny shouted. "The Zap Apple Harvest has begun. Move yer caboose Girls."

Vinyl and Applejack each lunged at the closest tree and gave it a solid buck. They didn't wait to see all the apples fell in the bucket and moved to the next tree. It quickly looked more like a slalom where you have to kick all the posts instead of dodging them.

"And Applejack is taking the lead, she's ahead by one, no two, wait, four bucked trees of Vinyl's score." Pinkie commented in her megaphone, as the others were cheering loudly.

"Come on Vinyl. You can beat her." Octavia shouted louder than the others.

"Keep going Applejack." Rarity cheered at the same volume as Octavia.

Hearing their lovers cheering for them had boosted the two applebuckers. They both picked up their paces, but Applejack was still taking a small advantage on the score. In the next hour, the gap between them was far from being little.

"And Applejack is now ahead with thirty-five. No wait I almost lose count, FORTY apple trees ahead of Vinyl's score." Pinkie said excitedly in her megaphone. "According to Granny Smith, the time limit is almost up. Looks like that's it for Vinyl, but she maintain her effort and doesn't slow down. What a fantastic spirit."

"Oh yeah. I knew Applejack's gonna win." Rainbow grinned. "We should have bet on the winner."

"Looks like you were right." Octavia sighed. "I don't understand why she didn't use her spell."

"Well probably because the time her applebucking sphere need to 'build up' would have slowed her down even more." Twilight hypothesized.

"I suppose you're right." Octavia said in defeat.

"Don' ya'll worry yer pretty little head, Missy." Granny chimed in with a smile, before looking at the watch she had in her hand. "There's still five minutes left."

"How can she catch up with Applejack in five minutes." Asked Octavia with a puzzled look.

"Hey. Wait a minute. What's that?" Pinkie Pie asked in the megaphone, causing everyone, except Granny Smith and Applebloom to snap their head back toward the Orchard.

In the middle of the trees, at about twenty meters from Vinyl, they could get a glimpse of a flickering blue light. They all narrowed their eyes to focus their visions. They managed to recognize one of Vinyl's applebucking's spell, only a larger version, around two time the size of a regular one. They noticed Vinyl didn't seem to pay attention to it and kept bucking her way along the Orchard. The sphere seemed to grow a little every now and then.

At one moment, right after Pinkie announced that one minute remained until the time was up, Vinyl stopped her bucking spree and turned around to face her glowing magic sphere. In a flash, she conjured a large string of blue magic that she casted toward the sphere. The string flickered so much during her flight that it became white instead of blue. The string came in contact with the sphere which absorbed it before exploding.

The explosion caused a massive flash of blue light, and a sound very similar to the thunderclap from earlier, both in type and in volume. When the light died down, the girls watched in awe Zap Apples fall from at least fifty trees that were caught in the explosion. A few seconds later, a low static noise could be heard as the unbucked apples started to disappear. The girls kept staring in shock, until they heard voices coming from the Orchard.

"Yeah, I won again." Shouted the voice of Vinyl.

"Dang Nabbit." Shouted Applejack, with a mix of anger and playful chuckle in her voice. "Ya just wait next year, Vinyl. Ah'll beat that spell of yars in the next Harvest."

"If ya'll wan' ta know the truth." Granny explained with a chuckle as the girls's jaws were hanging loose. "Vinyl has been winnin' their Harvest competition for the last eight years." She gently grabbed the megaphone from Pinkie's hand before yelling in it. "Girls. Collect the buckets. It's time fer some good ol' Zap Apple Jammin'."

The rest of day had been spent in the kitchen, where everybody watched Granny Smith supervising the jamming of Vinyl, Applejack, Applebloom and Pinkie Pie who had pulled out the incredible feat of convincing Granny Smith to allow her to participate in this particular family tradition.

After this day of Zap Apple Harvest well spent, Vinyl put Applebloom in bed and when she came down she met all their guests coming upstairs with neutral expressions, or at least for most of them. Rarity and Octavia looked worried and Vinyl immediately understood why. Applejack had decided it was time. After a quick nod to the others, and a hug from Octavia, Vinyl came in the living room where she met a rather anxious, yet determined Applejack.

"Where's Granny?" Vinyl slowly asked.

"In the kitchen. Ya'll ready?"

"Yes, I am." Vinyl said with conviction. "Let's do this thing."

They walked side by side to the kitchen, where they found their grandmother filling herself a cup of tea. The Matriarch put the teapot on the countertop before noticing her children. She immediately noticed their serious expression.

"Something's wrong girls?" She asked slowly.

"Granny, would ya please take a seat?" Applejack asked.

"Why?" Granny asked with a puzzled expression and a crooked eyebrow.

"Because we have something important to tell you." Vinyl explained. "And we think it would be best if you take a seat before that.."

Author's Note:

Dun dun duuuuun.

Longer chapter than planned but I got inspired for the Applebucking contest.. by this.
You might have to wait for a day or two for the next chapter(pretty busy schedule at UNI)

I hope you enjoyed,