• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 1,118 Views, 12 Comments

Am I a mare, or a monster? - Rarity Belle

Shiva was a unicorn mare with not much on her mind, living in the times before Luna's banishment. Times were dangerous though, threats always lurked around and not even family could be trusted. Her life was about to turn for the worst.

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Chapter 7

A few weeks have passed by as the high priest himself, Recnam Orcen found himself in the forest. He was wondering just why he had come out there on the stormy night. The winds were blowing through the leaves and howling in each corner. Drops of rain made their way down every now and then. Though there were some rustles in the bushes got his attention. But he kept standing there like a rock on the ground. His dark blue, moon encrusted robe blew up and down with the wind. He never took his eye off of the moving bushes.

The stallion knew something was out there. Something that was out to catch him and tear him to pieces like the monster he was. But he had not even the slightest of clue just what it could possibly be. A young lycan who just turned, or the worst tempered timberwolf. No idea and high caution, that was how he stood on the ground with his eyes looking in every direction possible.

And without a single warning there were two lycans jumped out and walked up to him. They growled ever so darkly while their stone cold blue eyes glared back at him while pressing their paws into the ground. Recnam only began to smirk to the sight that was revealed to him as he knew just who was that much of an coward. “Return your pets back to where they came from, Shone, they will not be needed here,” his deep voice echoed through the howling winds.

A second voice began to echo through the wind. “Says the unholy creature himself,” it spoke in the same tone.

“Come on, Shone! I know it's you so what's the point in hiding your ugly face?”

And then he appeared. Out of the bushes where the lycan ponies had rushed out from. A near perfectly white stallion had emerged. One that wore a yellow cloak stitched with the sun as his wings took rest over it. The pegasus stallion walked up to the vampony priest in an angry pace before he stopped not far from him. “What have you done this time!? You have gone too far!” he snarled.

Recnam released a deep sigh through his nostrils before the red eyes rolled in an uninterested way around. “Fine, I’ll bite, what happened this time?” he replied in a totally disinterested tone. The lycans only growled a little at the words but kept their ground.

“The princess of the night has been turned into a hideous, venomous demon! And it can only be the work of a vampony,” replied Shone in a rather cold voice to his counterpart. Neither of them granted one another the pleasure of victory, only the blood of defeat. Two nemeses that just wanted to see the destruction of all. It didn’t matter what damage was done, as long as the other fell.

“Oh please, like I have the power to even do such a thing! You are insane, Shone Light, you always have been and always will be. Your vision of us vamponies being the roots of evil deluded you, you are seeing ghosts! You don’t pray the sun, you use it as an excuse to mindlessly slaughter the ones that are cursed!” Recnam countered in his own defense.

“There you say it correctly, ‘cursed’, I am relieving them from a curse given by you and you alone!” Shone then replied, spitting some saliva as he spoke.

“No you are not! We have adapted ourselves to whatever is thrown at us as we did for hundreds of years already! Now, if this ridiculous accusation of yours is the only reason you brought me out here, I am going back now,” again was it Recman who countered the words.


But just then there was the laughter of a mare which began to take its turn in the wind, something that had more of becoming the wind. Both of the stallions glared at each other. While they were doing that, the lycans only growled again. Suddenly there was a purple mist that had appeared out of the woods. It rushed over to the lycans with a devastating speed. It went directly through their necks and the sounds of blades cleaving flesh were heard in the ears of the priests.

A soft whimper from the both of them, then their heads just dropped clean off of their necks. They fell into the grass below before blood both squirted and gushed out of their open wounds. Both Shone Light and Recnam Orcen looked in surprise and horror at the heads before turning to each other again. “I see what you did here, killing my own guards when you make your departure! Very mature, very mature,” Shone Light replied to the high lunar priest.

“Hey, it wasn't me who did this alright! And may I add you started this war decades ago!?”

“Shut it, foals,” a mysterious female voice echoed through the air. A dark and twisted voice it was, but hinting to deep pleasure at the done deed. “For I killed your pets.”

“S-Show yourself demon!” was all the leader of the celestial church could bring out. He was taking careful steps back. He wanted to survive the encounter more than anything.

From the purple mist itself returned under a rumble of thunder. A mare began to take shape. Its black wings spread themselves as its green eyes scanned the area around her. A true nightmare to look at, a demon on the face of the lands. Puffs of steam left its nostrils with every exhale while the wings got tucked in against her body in a gentle manner. When the two even dared to look at the flank of the beast before them, the scare of their lives got revealed.

This beast shared the same mark as the princess of the night. Both just couldn't believe it that this, thing, shared it. “You may call me, Nightmare Moon,” the beast spoke in a dark tone. After which she locked her eyes on them. Her tongue moved itself passed her lips before a pleasurable ‘aah’ left her mouth. Both stallion looked each other in the eyes and gulped before knowing it was time to set their difference aside. To join together and defeat this beast.

Though before they could make a move, Nightmare was already standing before them with her eyes staring at them. Frozen from the sudden mare in their faces, they couldn't even fight back and thus gave the beast a free game and a free meal.

Her mouth opened itself wide for the two of them. It was wider than any mouth could ever open and they stared right into it. The deep black nothingness of her body. But deep in their own bodies there was something that began to lose grip of it as their very soul were being sucked out by the monster. They tried to fight it off the best they could but it was a losing battle as the pull only got stronger and stronger. In the end left their souls the body and got lost in the void that was the beast.

Their bodies began to decay so quick. Within seconds was all that was left behind, piles of bones as that signature dark laughter did its turn before the wings spread themselves and it took off, disappearing in the night. Appearing to be looking for something and somepony.